#I know a surprisingly few number of sagittarius
saturnsoups · 1 year
Divinity of Gojo Satoru
a vedic astrology perspective
keep in mind that every system of knowledge serves some purpose so lets be respectful towards different schools of astrology. keep in mind I'm using
Vedic depictions ( with Hindu deities of nakshatras (constellations) with Vimshottri planetary rulers for each )
Sidereal measurements for planetary placements in the sky
Whole house system
let's begin
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time and time again me and my astrology friends have noted that Gojo Satoru is "the stereotypical Sagittarius" according to the tropical astrology - you know the larger than life personality, the "teacher" and the classic funny guy who is known to not commit to women (still not expressively seen in the mangas or anime itself). Moreover his technique is very jupiturian in it's own way - expansive and divine, note the word divine because he has actually quoted few religious and spiritual references during major rebirths of his ( gojo vs toji arc ) and if you don't know what that is I suggest you to read the mangas or maybe wait for the season 2 of the anime. but today i'll be discussing on the sidereal astrological significations of Gojo, the strongest and show you how he embodies this nakshatras and their archetypes surprisingly well.
Gojo satoru is born on the 7th of December 1989 and because i was unaware of any specified birth place i searched up the location of the actual Gojo Shrine which is in Tokyo. Gojo is known to be a kuge family descendant of the sugawara clan, which dominated the imperial courts in kyoto during the heian period.
Sun in Jyeshtha nakshatra
the vedic astrology system uses the current planetary placements in the cosmos thus it is 24 degrees late than the tropical zodiac as vedic astrology uses sidereal calculations.
Gojo is a sagittarius sun in tropical astrology but a scorpio sun in sidereal but don't worry we are on to the same person ( or character ) here.
His sun falls in the nakshatra of Jyestha meaning the eldest and it's nakshatra lord is mercury. An extremely hot nakshatra which is jyestha makes the native be very fire like in nature. Now all of this doesn't go together with satoru right? Well guess who is the presiding deity of this nakshatra - Indra the king of the gods.
jyestha natives are known to be extremely skilled with mercury as their nakshatra lord and mars as their zodiac lord - scorpio - giving them extreme powers to excel in activities like politics and fighting and indra grants the native extreme wealth and its symbol talisman manifests as the native having power and authority. Indra manifests his power on the material plain making the natives have an authoritative position given he was mythologically a warlord aswell.
This highly powerful placements makes the natives the best at their fields, high achievers. and aces very often due to their make it or break it nature along with their often found entitled nature Indra indulges in theatrical pleasures like watching dances and entertaining courtly rituals and also indulges in a sweet drink called soma. Unlike modern myths Indra is one of the most crucial gods behind the 6000 year old hindu texts of wisdom from which we derive this knowledge from thus making it's native wise and clever. Jyestha is the last nakshatra of the second phase of nakshatras, the phase of gaining and nurturing personal power and self identity and vigor and thus is this is where the natives showcase a lot of their prowess.
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Connecting that to Satoru we see quite a few themes repeating itself a number of times namely him being the eldest in his friend circle - Geto and Shoko are both a year younger than him, making him the eldest. Gojo is said to come from an rich and esteemed clan giving him the bag in that aspects - riches are at his footstep. Not only that he is the head of this esteemed clan - an imperial clan in real life out of the anime but still - the authority - the king. Not only is he the head of his clan but an important figure in the entire jujutsu society so much so that his birth alone shifted the balance of the jujutsu world. He is the best - the strongest - the only honored one through the heavens and earth. He is the strongest fighter, the strongest sorcerer - sidereal scorpio's ruling planet mars' raw strength matching with the nakshatra lord mercury in magic and sorcery as mercury is between the air and earth realms - between the heaven and the earth. He is the teacher now teaching the basics and essentials of the jujutsu society. he is the head, the King and is supposed to know better than other because no one is above the God King.
Satoru is known to eat sweets, he has a sweet tooth just like how Indra indulges in Soma rasha before wars because it fuels him adds vigor - Gojo consuming sweets to stimulate his brain but ultimately getting a sweet tooth - which unsurprisingly Indra is known to be a very regular customer of Soma aswell.
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It's surprising how the nakshatras manifest through characters. More info in future. I don't think i'll be considering the moon sign and the rest of the chart yet as we know very little of gojo satoru even though the significant events of his past does strongly show his moon nakshatra purva bhadrapada where one has no limitations and is free but needs to reign themselves in to pass through the spiritual tests and attain self mastery. i think i'll be making another post on that later on.
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davetheshady · 2 months
Get Rec'd - Astreiant
Do you like immersive worldbuilding? Are you into astrology? Would you prefer urban fantasy if it was more gay and also the urban environment in question was 17th-century Amsterdam? Then boy have I got the books for you!
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According to my research, this series is a Sagittarius. The Onion is a reliable source for horoscopes, right?
Astreiant is a series by Melissa Scott and Lisa A. Barnett, set in a Frenchy/Low Countries-ish/Europeanesque world where magic is real and women are the favored gender, like if Barbie World was in the late Renaissance. (This is obviously a refreshing change, but the authors don’t ignore the fact that any unequal system is, you know, unequal.) The books focus almost exclusively on the experiences of the middle and lower classes in the titular city (also a refreshing change) and they’re packed full of the less-glamorous but still-interesting historical details that often get left out of fantasy series drawing on European cultures. I really enjoyed the authors’ approach to exposition, i.e. use your context clues because there is none. There is only a whole bunch of astrology, contemplating the expense of purchasing clothes before mass-production, and thinking about where to get dinner. 
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Our heroes:
Nico Rathe, pointsman (aka proto-cop), doing his best to find justice in a very imperfect system. This is additionally hampered by the fact that he is one of the few people who doesn’t accept extra money for solving crimes, because even in fantasy Europe tipping and service fees are out of control. Nico dresses like Columbo, has strong opinions on the theater, and gets along surprisingly well with Astreiant’s criminal underworld because apparently they appreciate being treated honestly while saving money on bribes.
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Philip Eslingen, immigrant mercenary looking for a new gig, which is annoying because his most recent commission ups his social class and thus means he is too qualified for entry-level commoner positions. His job search puts him in the path of Nico, and the two team up to fight crime and eventually, date. Philip dresses like an influencer, has strong opinions on using the theater as a place to hook up, and gets along surprisingly well with Nico considering the number of times Nico gets him fired and/or arrested. 
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Nico and Philip are very competent and frequently nope out of potential melodrama in favor of the actual, far more bizarre drama going on in the plot. Their romance is soothingly low-key, by which I mean it typically focuses on resolving relatable issues like “Is it too early in our relationship to move in together?” or “How should we discuss boundaries about my boyfriend’s flirty co-worker?” while they try to figure out who’s murdering people in the big holiday pageant or whether or not an ancient cult is trying to reinstitute human sacrifice. I personally find this both adorable and hilarious. 
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At their heart, though, these books are mainly procedurals: procedurals with a PhD in history, dealing with all sorts of magical crimes involving but not limited to astrological child trafficking, pirate murder, Tulip Mania, loose change, and really big fish.
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The first book is Point of Hopes, which was conveniently just re-released in the US. The rest might be harder to find, but under no circumstances should you skip Point of Dreams and not just because it’s my favorite. Ghosts! A lack of ghosts! The language of flowers! Death by theatrical OSHA violations! 
In conclusion, read them.
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hesloaded · 3 years
roleplay/fake. krp oc. n/sfw. tw: dark and mature themes. all profile information remains undisclosed unless plotted otherwise. faceclaim: ㅋㅏㅇㅣ written by rae.
code name: BULLET. birth name: 김 지 원 / kim jiwon. birthdate: 1994.12.21. birth place: seoul, south korea. korean age: 28. zodiac: sagittarius sun.
occupation: independent hitman, sniper. skillset: tactical shooting & combat (experienced with carbines, shot/handguns, sniper/rifles, machines under extreme circumstances. & hand-to-hand), boxing, krav maga, filipino stick/knife fighting. first aid.
weight: 76kg. height: 182cm. physique: fit. lean overall. languages: fluent korean, english. conversational japanese, mandarin, russian. religion: none. hails from a christian background. tattoos: example > arm sleeves, chest, back, and on his left hip to thigh. description of some pieces below;
nunc illas promite vires (now put forth that strength, in latin), in thick font, a vertical line on the left of his side, stops above the hipbone.
Buddha on the inner bicep of his left arm sleeve.
a gun on his right hip.
a large dagger on his left upper-wrist, the tip of it’s blade reaching for his middle finger.
‘i deeply belong to myself’, horizontally arcing down his left hipbone.
other mods: pierced ears, all basic holes and hooped silver rings. main earring holes are both gauged at 3mm, though he doesn’t wear them often anymore as he currently prefers earrings. sexual orientation: n/a.
Jiwon had been born with a well polished silver spoon in his mouth, which had remained wedged there until the day he’d personally witnessed his father’s murder. Their wealth had been abundant, but abundance did not always equal lawful, and Jiwon so happened to learn that the hard way. His father had been dabbling with the underworld for many years, and thus put him and his family’s life on the line since the very first contract he’d ever signed with the dons, the chiefs and the clans. After crossing certain boundaries of such dangerous people, as consequence, the father’s life had been taken away from him right in front of his only son, and the son had since been left in abandon while growing up with that gruesome memory, which never seemed to leave room for other nightmares in the night.
Quickly, the silver spoon grew rusted. Their family name had plummeted below the surface of the social class, and Jiwon had been forced into the other end of the spectrum without much time to grieve, or to adjust to his reality. They were suddenly dirt poor, as everything they once had was taken away from them upon the findings of his father’s illegal dwellings, and there was nothing they could say, or do about it. Jiwon, 15, and his younger sister, 7, getting by alongside their sickly mother on scraps and pity. Before they knew it, the hospital bills began to pile up in the drawers, court debt left behind by the father too much to handle, as well as basic expenses like food, education and rent.
At 17, Jiwon had voluntarily dropped out of school and decided he’d simply leave home, never to return again until he’d found a job that allowed him stable income. Enough cash to at least sustain his mother, and his younger sister. But there was also something else carried in the back of his mind, something poisonous that lead him astray along the way. He’d started with simple jobs in convenience stores, food delivery, the odd job here and there that could add at least an extra won for the month. But the greedier he got, the odder did the jobs as well. As if this was a sort of calling in his blood, he'd ended up at the edge of an industry where his late father had once been before. Maybe out of grief, and surely for revenge.
He knew he could never go back to the day after he had come across a certain individual he knows nothing of in present, who’d introduced him to a variety of "temp" jobs; mostly hands off at first, to prove he were trusty enough, before he’d graduated into the hands on part of the lifestyle where he’d learn how to fight, throw a knife, and shoot a gun. Professionally groomed by a veteran towards serious temporary positions and better money, by sparring until he were caked in bruises and blood, and shooting empty beer cans by the beach waves (trained in Jeju). And sooner than he'd thought, beer cans became human beings.
His initial aim was never to fall too deeply into dangerous affairs that had gotten his father killed in the first place, but there was something about it that was much too seductive to ignore, much too thrilling to escape- and so by the age of 19, Jiwon was engrossed. And he was really good.
He began working with the man who’d basically recruited him after seeing the talent and hunger for something dark in his eyes, and through him discovered some parts to the puzzle of what had lead his father to such a cruel fate some years ago. Then after reaching a certain point in his investigation and a number of paychecks (which he often sent home to his family rather than keeping all to himself), and with the (forced) help of a mysterious woman he’d met named Kim Yuna, Jiwon had disappeared. Gone to lay low (and train more/hone other skills) in Auckland, New Zealand, and had come back shortly after turning 22, to put his research and skillset into practice.
This is when he had come to surpass his father’s footsteps; solidified his place in the underworld, established as an independent hitman after finally reaching and murdering his father’s killer. Spilling the rage and thirst for blood that had slowly welled up inside him over the years. Known as Bullet, and despite his young age, wanted and feared simultaneously.
location: established in seoul, south korea; works worldwide. direct address: undisclosed. license: LvL 1, general korean license. drives a harley davidson motorcycle, his car a revamped vintage ford mustang. pets: none. takes care of stray cats in his neighborhood. relationship status: n/a. family: mother (alive), younger sister (alive), father (deceased). had severed ties with them and doesn’t talk about them.
hobbies: cooking. reading. sports (lifting, boxing). watching movies. gaming. optimist or pessimist?: neutral. introvert or extrovert?: introverted extrovert. "describe yourself": well-rounded. intelligent. versatile. worthy. surprising. creative. best-shot. "describe jiwon": precise. observant. intimidating. unpredictable. humorous. aggressive. cross. dreams/goals: learn how to properly wield a japanese sword, going drifting with his car in tokyo, sandboarding in the desert dunes, visiting the stray cats in italy.
— being an independent assassin would mean that his business exists sans any form of contract to whatever company or illegal organization at all. a lot of these do exist both in South Korea and overseas, but Jiwon is strict about steering very clear from all attempts of recruitment made his way. signing his life away with blood is something he never plans to do, unlike his father had.
— the underworld's presence also lingers within certain hotels, bars, offices and theatres; as well as underground establishments like boxing ranges and clubs of all natures. simply because people like him are everywhere, though only few of them could ever compete.
— his associates range broadly from Triad bosses to ballerinas, and everything else in between. police chiefs, escorts, seasoned veterans, boxers, racers, butchers, hotel managers. all associates of his, and the below surface's, of course.
— he values taking care of himself very highly, as it contributes to his work at times it matters. when he'd first gotten into working within the industry as a rookie, he could be often found doing small missions like escorting, as he'd been recognized to be visually appealing, and taught to wield it as though he were holding a sharp blade.
— he'd lived and trained in a secluded countryside farm in Jeju island for nearly four years, before packings his bags and disappearing to Auckland in the midst of night.
— owns too many pairs of sneakers, belts, button ups and turtlenecks. he's an expressive dresser; usually loves wearing pieces that stand out or glitter. his closets consist mainly of blacks, reds and whites, some greys, blues, purples, and plaid. when it comes to accessories, he will try it all but prefers simple rings and thick necklaces. finally, his cologne selection ranges broadly of fresh, pine and woody scents.
— surprisingly loves babies and kids. might or might not suffer from perpetual baby fever.
— believes in consequential punishment, global warming, ghosts or spirits, and aliens. the usual.
— not very keen on haircuts. enjoys dyeing his hair. sometimes find his many tattoos burdensome as he regularly has to cover up for the casual public (though he doesn’t try much anymore, really).
— he absolutely despises being lied to, have his skills doubted, being suspected, accused unjustly and seeing entitled pride in other people. it might sound obvious, but it’s all particular triggers for anger and hostility in him.
— can’t keep promises. a bit lackluster when it comes to romance. prefers relationships without titles, and sometimes emotions. but when he does fall, he falls hard enough to break bones.
— he wants to look into going to live in japan for a while in the future, to study kenjutsu, and acquiring a japanese katana of his own.
— he has a habit of getting new tattoos whenever he’s out of the country. or when he’s stressed—he refuses to destress with smoking.
— despite his job and the occasional requirement to travel overseas to rigorous tasks and obscure locations, or stay in Seoul apartments; living off scrap for months in both predicaments, he’s still a homebody. Appreciates when he can return home and sleep with a corn-chip in his mouth.
— his home is prepared for any kind of assault at any hour of the day, carrying hidden weapons hiding in plain sight.
— collects silencers/suppressors simply because he enjoys using them on his firearms.
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vettelcore · 4 years
tagged by @spin-in-the-hairpin a few days ago thank you!! <3
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
1. Name/nickname: never had one because i dont think you can even make a nickname with my name?? if it counts my grandma always called me Wednesday Addams lol
2. Gender: female
3. Star sign: sagittarius
4. Height: 1,57cm or 5.2 for the heathens that don't use metric
5. Time : 23:09
6. Birthday: December 21st
7. Favorite bands/groups: it changes so often I don't have a fave group, but uuuh... I'll just say mcr because that's the only band I've been listening to lately
8. Favorite solo artist: Darkher !! i love her music
9. Song stuck in your head: surprisingly none lol
10. Last movie: idek remember... grave encounters i think? it was shit
11. Last show: peaky blinders
12. When did I create this blog: this one specifically 2013 i think
13. What do I post: started by being my f1 "side" blog later turned into "main" for various stuff
14. Last thing I googled: "movie about ghost hunters in mental asylum" because i couldn't remember what grave encounters was called fienehds
15. Other blogs: @ratviskonecny for hockey and @koshmat for the edgy esther
16. Do I get asks: like once a month if i don't say anything controversial kdkdke
17. Why I chose my url: Sebastian Vettel but make it into a cult
18. Following: cant check im on mobile but somewhere around 200? idk
19. Follower: again can't check but something around 1200 or 1100 idk
20. Average hours of sleep: when i have a clear schedule around 8-9 hours, on holidays its around the same, but all spaced out throughout the day :/
21. Lucky number: i dont have one but i like 21
22. Instrument: i played the recorder in school :)
23. What am I wearing: sweatpants, an old ptv shirt (dont...) and a cozy sweater
24. Dream job: sports photographer hired by my fave teams :)
25. Dream trip: japan cause im a weeb, Switzerland because pretty mountains
26. Favorite food: an absolute hate crime against italians aka pizza with vegan mozzarella, pineapple and black olives :)
27. Nationality: on paper spanish but mentally nationationless bc fuck this country
28. Favorite song: Moths by Darkher but I've had Dronning Ellisiv by Myrkur on repeat for... a while...
29. Last book I read: you think i read? uzumaki by junji ito if you consider manga a book
30. Top three fictional worlds: lord of the rings, narnia........ the hobbit because i can't say lotr again can i lol
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bare1ythere · 4 years
tagged by @waitineedaname!! Thanks for tagging me :D
zodiac sign: sagittarius! I don’t know at all what this means though haha height: 5′3 Unfortunately.. got hit with the short genes last movie I saw: Onward! It was surprisingly really nice and cute! I really enjoyed it and especially loved Barley last thing I googled: “shaved side with cool pattern hair” what can I say... me and a friend were Talking about cool hairstyles song stuck in my head: I had the chorus to Pump Shanty by the Mechanisms stuck in my head All Day today and I’m honestly not upset about it hgdsjkfhds  other blogs: @bare1yart is my art blog and @wildrose-wildcats is my warrior cats side blog! i don’t normally have side blogs but that interest comes up enough that I made a whole new blog for it haha following: 335! followers: 824!!  do I get asks: I’ve been getting more asks lately which I love!! Not a Lot but a few times a week at this point! amount of sleep I get: Not... not enough haha. Usually 12am or 1am to 7am because i physically can’t get myself to go to sleep earlier, and Ive tried lucky number(s): 19!  what i’m wearing: Considering I just hopped out of bed, my pijamas haha. Just some blue star-pattern sweatpants and an oversized shirt for a club I was a part of a few years ago.  dream job: I want to be a doctor!! Or at least something in medicine! A part of me wants to go to art school too, but I think I would enjoy keeping art mainly as a hobby more than as a job. dream trip: Oh man I would love to go to the New York or London or Amsterdam!! I almost went on an academic trip to London this summer but it got cancelled :,) I would love to go on vacation somewhere by myself so that I could go through museums and cities and stuff at my own pace favourite food: Probably milanesas! Though also just classic hamburgers and fries are good too instruments: I am the most musically illiterate person alive so unfortunately None languages: English but im also pretty good at spanish! I’m really good at listening and writing, but speaking is hard. I can understand some french favorite songs: ughh this changes all the time!! I don’t really have favourite songs but more songs I obsess over for a while before moving on to other songs. Right now I’m loving Doe, Jane by Shakey Graves and also almost all songs by Will Wood and the Tapeworms!
I tag @shootlngstxr but if you see this and want to do it consider yourself tagged!! :D
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lazuliblur · 5 years
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There were Saints, like Marin, who did not believe in the prophecy saying that Athena would bring doom to the world. They outright rejected the notion that their goddess could intentionally seek to harm humanity. Some mistake had to have been made. Perhaps the Pope had misinterpreted the stars.
And then there were those few, like Mu, who suspected that something much graver was taking place in Sanctuary. A deeper conspiracy was afoot. He had no concrete evidence to present, could do nothing but fear how far it might extend.
“Found them, Master Mu! Here they are!!”
Kiki’s shout draws Mu’s attention away from the body of the Black Saint in front of him. With a short burst of cosmo, he sends the small piece of armour that he had broken off from the dead man’s breastplate back home, to his workshop on Jamir. It is clearly man-made, but something about it is very reminiscent of a traditional cloth and Mu intends to find out why that is.
“Step back, Kiki,” Mu tells his young apprentice as he approaches. “They’ll be disoriented from fighting the Phoenix Saint.”
“I don’t think they’re awake. They look pretty rough. Are they gonna make it?”
Kiki’s assessment is short but accurate. The Cygnus and Dragon Saints are pinned under massive rocks, their cloths the only thing keeping their bodies whole. Behind them the Andromeda Saint seems to have been knocked out by a hit on the head. She is bleeding. And next to her lies the Pegasus Saint, who is not even wearing his armour. Cygnus and Dragon probably tried to protect the two of them and took the brunt of the volcano’s fury as it collapsed on top of their heads.
If Mu had not arrived when he did and used his telekinetic powers to hold up the mountain, they would have all been dead now.
“They’ll be fine, I’m sure, Kiki,” Mu says. “But the Sagittarius Cloth must be close. Do you remember our lessons?”
The little boy’s grin is bright and happy, even as he scratches his head. Mu can’t help but to smile back. He can guess what’s coming.
“Uhhh... what lesson was that again, Master Mu?”
A gold pendant materialises in Mu’s hand, bearing the mark of the ram. He hands it over to his little apprentice.
“Cloths are living things,” Mu explains. “They resonate in each other’s presence, especially Gold Cloths. If you know what to look for, you can use those vibrations to sense their presence. Now go and find the Sagittarius Cloth, Kiki. Take it home with you, just like we practiced. We must keep it safe.”
Kiki returns the pendant to his Master and scampers off with an excited leap. For the next few minutes, while Mu treats the four fallen Bronze Saints with basic first aid, he can hear the boy working, shifting large boulders nearby.
"I got it, Master Mu!!” Kiki cries triumphantly. “I’m going now!”
Mu looks up from bandaging the Dragon Saint’s arm -- not broken, thankfully -- to inspect his apprentice’s technique. Kiki has enough experience teleporting for Mu not to worry about his safety, but the stakes this time are high enough that he feels better knowing that nothing goes unexpectedly wrong.
His apprentice vanishes in a flash of golden light, taking the Sagittarius Cloth with him.
Mu ties off the bandage he had been working on and stands to search the rest of the cave.
He finds three other Black Saints, dead, no doubt, at the hands of the unconscious Bronzes. Their armours are similar in design to that of the first body that Mu had found, so he continues his search. There is still one other living presence that he can sense, and it is racked in pain.
The agony acts as a beacon. It leads Mu straight to its owner’s location. Surprisingly, he is already awake and digging himself free from the collapsed cave wall.
“Phoenix Nero?” Mu asks, while kneeling and gently using his cosmo to probe the condition of the other’s body. He makes no move to come any closer or offer any assistance.
Nero pushes a heavy rock from atop his chest. Breathing is a struggle. He lies defeated and vulnerable and his glare makes it obvious that dealing with an unknown quantity such as Mu is the last thing he wants to do.
“Who are you?” Nero grunts.
“Your heart seems lighter now than it was before. You can call me a friend, if you like.”
Beaten and in pain as he is, Nero’s cosmo is sluggish to respond, but for Mu it is hard to miss the way that it intensifies. Nero’s body just has no way to keep up with the rising hostility.
“Relax,” Mu says. “I can help you, take you some place safe, where your wounds can heal. But there are a few things that I need to know first.”
His words fall on deaf ears. Nero only becomes more restless. Mu closes his eyes for a moment and accepts that there is nothing he can do to make the Phoenix Saint trust him.
“You worked for Vander Guraad?” Mu asks.
Nero grits his teeth.
“Who the hell are you?” It’s not an answer but it’s not a denial either, which is what any other Saint who was loyal to Athena would want to establish first and foremost.
“Did Guraad ever mentioned having contacts inside Sanctuary?”
“I’m not telling you shit!” The outburst takes more out of Nero’s reserves than he realised. Immediately after, he is curling up on his side, trying to keep the spasms of pain under control.
Mu takes pity on him and decides to leave the questions for later. He touches a finger to Nero’s forehead, sharing a drop of his healing cosmo with the boy. The results are instant. Nero’s body relaxes and his skin darkens to a healthier colour. The creases around his eyes fade as his heated glare shifts to one of simple confusion.
“Like I said, I will take you somewhere you can rest peacefully,” Mu says. “It would be appreciated if in return you might share some pieces of your story but, if not, that will also be fine. You can go your own way once your strength returns. You will not be held prisoner.”
“You might not see yourself as a Saint of Athena right now but your heart has not fallen as far as you would have others believe. You are not evil, Phoenix Nero, and so I have no reason to oppose you.”
Nero nods. Perhaps something inside him recognises the quality of Mu’s cosmo, knows that it would be pointless to resist against a Gold Saint. Whatever it is that has Nero cast aside his hostility and accept the offer, Mu does not particularly care.
“Then I will send you there now, Phoenix Nero. My apprentice is there. He will provide you with whatever you need to recover.”
“Wait!” Nero pushes himself up on his elbows to look around the cave. “My sister--”
“Your sister is fine,” Mu interrupts. He directs Nero’s gaze towards the corner where the Bronze Saints are still lying unconscious. “They seem to have been trapped on their way out of the volcano, but I got here in time. With a little rest, they will be fine.”
“Will you bring them too?”
The question gives Mu pause. He had considered it. It would be a good opportunity to bring the Bronze Saints into the fold, make contact with Athena and let them know about what the situation is like at Sanctuary. Inform them of all the changes that the Pope had enforced, of how trainees went missing under suspicious circumstances, of how the training had only grown more brutal, and how the Saints were being sent out on fewer and fewer missions, while chaos spread across the world. He could let them know about the number of Saints who chose to remain outside Sanctuary because they had lost faith in their Pope’s leadership.
“No,” Mu said. “They are needed elsewhere, at Athena’s side. They must grow stronger first or the knowledge of the battles that lie ahead will overwhelm them. Don’t worry, Phoenix Nero. You’ll see your sister again.”
Nero nods. In a moment, he vanishes just like Kiki had, in a flare of golden cosmo.
And just in time, too. Mu can sense other cosmos approaching the volcano, one of which he recognises easily.
“Has the Pope sent you here, Marin?” Mu thinks. “To hunt down your own apprentice? How cruel...”
Four golden shooting stars cross the sky, followed by four more as Mu releases his telekinetic hold on the mountain and teleports the Bronze Saints and the Black Saints outside before it crumbles.
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How would the Kyurangers handle a Nonary Game situation?
.im gonna establish a few more details for this because otherwise it’d be full of if/thens and it’d take forever to write
this is a 999-style nonary game–numbered bracelets, digital roots, numbered doors, and a time limit. however…it would simply be too cruel (or too nice?) to leave anyone out, so some bracelet numbers will have to be doubled.
same universe, characters all know each other, and this is just one more trial during their struggle against jark matter; as such, they’d be working as a team, and unlikely to start murdering each other.
they have full access to the kyutamas–yeah, i know that’d go counter to the usual nonary game MO of confiscating everyone’s possessions, but it’s more fun this way!
and actually, the “bracelets” are an annoying mod added onto the seiza blasters, adding a watch face and making the devices themselves unremovable.
xiaolong bao: bracelet #1. the obligatory amnesiac. he does not remember kyurangers or jark matter. he does not remember who anyone is. he does not remember his own name. he even gets a nasty shock on seeing himself in a mirror, because he’s forgotten that he’s a dragon. he’s kind of off in la-la land, but still tries to be helpful and solve puzzles along with the others.   
tsurugi: another #1 bracelet. “i was already shirtless when i woke up.”   
snake: naga: #2 bracelet. thinks out loud on more than one occasion about the awful possibilities of what will happen if they don’t manage to escape (which hammie promptly shushes him for). punning about the puzzles in the rooms is 1.5x funnier in his monotone voice. 
stinger: another #2 bracelet. playing detective along with champ and kotaro. as a spy, he’s used to watching others for suspicious behavior; that said, he sincerely hopes that it wasn’t one of the kyurangers who brought them all here.   
spada: bracelet #3. the stutter in his voice as he goes “m-m-m-mama mia!” makes it evident he’s scared. solves most of the kitchen puzzle. yeah, there’s a kitchen. 
hammie: bracelet #4. trying to get everyone to Calm The Fuck Down. uses invisibility to sneak around a bit, but doesn’t get any closer to finding zero’s identity.
lucky: bracelet #5. actually handling this really well, all things considered, and as such he is quite the mood maker. determined to keep moving despite the dangerous situation. will go into full on YOSHA LUCKY!! mode when he sees somebody solve a puzzle. finds surprisingly silly ways to utilize the kyutamas, and the crazy thing is, they work! who knew you could beat that stupid darts puzzle the easy way just by attacking it with the sagittarius kyutama?
garu: bracelet #6. can only act confident when lucky’s around; if they go through different numbered doors, he is one nervous puppy. however, his hearing comes in quite handy against some of the puzzles. he’s unfortunate enough to encounter a facial-recognition device later in the game that only accepts female faces, and as such, must use the virgo kyutama again since neither hammie nor raptor is in the room…not too happy about that.
champ: bracelet #7. determined to find out who the shady character is who kidnapped them all and made them play this messed up game…and when that happens…he intends to enact JUSTICE! MOOOOOOOO
balance: bracelet #8. the hacker. actually having the time of his life fucking around stealing shit, sticking his cables into every device they’ll fit inside of, and looking for creative ways to break the game. only acts serious when trying to comfort naga.
raptor: another #8. the best at calculating digital roots and planning out which combinations of kyurangers are best for attacking a set of doors. spends as much time as she can keeping an eye on xiao to make sure he doesn’t do anything too stupid.  
kotaro: #9 bracelet. the best at puzzles, and the first to point out that the nonary game itself appears to be automated.
so, why were the kyurangers brought to this facility and forced to solve puzzles with their lives at stake? who would do such a thing? just what were they trying to accomplish? the truth is…
it was all xiao’s extremely questionable attempt at a team building exercise. 
xiao’s amnesia, however, was real–at least, it was at first. he tripped over his own feet rather spectacularly and bonked his head several minutes before the effects of the aries kyutama were expected to wear off of the other players. in the last few hours of the game, his memories returned, but he acted as if they hadn’t until after they’d made their escape.   
raptor had been playing the role of zero’s right hand, and on top of that did a damn good job of playing her part. she’d been firmly against xiao’s idea of making them all play a nonary game, but supported him regardless.
it was naga who called out xiaolong bao on being zero. for one, he’d had the sense that xiao wasn’t telling the truth for quite a while. for another, balance’s datamining had turned up the schematics for the bracelets, which proved that they didn’t contain triggers for bombs--that, and the computers in the facility had shown no sign of jark matter involvement. (this is why balance was so unaffected about the game itself--and while he was content to keep zero’s secrets for the most part, he did clue naga in on the truth.)
...the commander spent the next few months in charge of menial tasks aboard the ship to make up for scaring a good couple years off of his crew’s lives.
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iminamanu · 5 years
Rules of the game: Answer these questions and tag 10 blogs you’d like to know better!
Tagged by: @vodkertonic​ (Do I know you irl? If not, How did you find me? I forget that people can also see me on tumblr. You gaze into the abyss, and then someone beyond the abyss tags you in an ask-post...)
Nickname(s): Imi, Aelix, Zucchini
Zodiac: Sagittarius 
Height: 5′5″
Time: 2AM
Favourite band/artist: That’s like asking which is my favourite kernel of corn, how could you?
Song stuck in my head: “New Religion” by Jason Forrest
Last movie I saw: Twilight...It was surprisingly much better than it seemed when it originally came out. 11/10 ridiculous accuracy portraying the absolute awkwardness of teenage years.
Last thing I googled: The artist Bwusagi’s Lewis, a dude with his arms and legs reversed. Other blogs: A few that I never use. I have one meant for art, one where I tried to start an ask blog for “Hammibal��, one where I used to stash reblogs of porn before the ban, one where I explored my spirituality for a bit, and “your-mother-would-not-have” for the pun of reblogging from someone from it.
Do I get asks?: Nope. Nobody interacts with me in the traditional tumblr sense. 
Why this username?: My aunt was very prim-and-proper who thought I wasn’t being feminine enough, so I amped up my obnoxiousness by saying “iminamanu” as a weird sound. It stuck and has been my usename for many places.
Following: 693
Average amount of sleep: Usually, 8. This past month? 9 :D  Lucky number: 6 and 12
What I’m wearing: Nothing. It’s 2am and I had been awoken by hunger so I arose and quenched said hunger with pickles I’ve been making. 
Dream job: something where I make stuff I want to make and people give me money for it. 
Dream trips: Ireland would be nice. Perhaps a few-weeks stay somewhere baltic or slavic. 
Favourite food: That’s not a valid question. Next. Instruments I play: Piano, french horn, myself (an ass) Eye colour: Black like when you leave the waffles in the toaster for three minutes by accident. Ya can’t see my pupils unless you shine a bright light directly in. 
Hair colour: Pointy Aesthetic: Somewhere between gremlin and uncle-friend. Also I picked up some tTbetan fashion senses from my mom even though neither of us are that.
Languages I speak: English and Chinese.
Most iconic song: “Enormous Penis” - Da Vinci’s Notebook
Random fact: Two months ago I was trending #14 on China’s big social media site. I hope nobody who knows about that reads this. I’m going punch sleep again now, so mayhaps I’ll tag others later.
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rules: answer twenty-one questions and tag twenty-one people. LEL i am Not tagging that many but I’ll tag a few just because these are Fun, apologies if you have already been tagged or don’t like these things feel free to do nothing about it whatsoever. @aporeticelenchus, @bobcatmoran, @aroacevaljean, @laughingmistress, @badlesmisimagines
tagged by: @kasielartist and @lenezdansleruisseau
nicknames: none really
zodiac: Sagittarius
height: 5′4″/1.6 m
hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
last thing i googled: the plot of the novel “Tom Jones”
fave musicians: Enya, Blackmore’s Night, Peter Paul & Mary, tbh I cycle through favorites a lot but these ones never really go out of style with me
song stuck in your head: "Ye Jacobites By Name” which is an extremely catchy late 17th or early 18th century Scottish Jacobite protest song about the Glorious Revolution of 1688
following: this is my dedicated Les Mis fan blog, so, people who blog about Les Mis
followers: surprisingly tolerant 
do you get asks: occasionally
amount of sleep: uuhhh depends on the day really
lucky number: I don’t believe in the concept of lucky numbers tbh
what are you wearing: black leggings and black long sleeve shirt under a blue sundress
dream job: History professor, there is nothing that sounds more delightful than getting paid to constantly inflict historical facts on people, I already do this for free anyway much to the chagrin of many of my acquaintances
instruments: Piano, though lack of a decent keyboard in recent years has somewhat rusted my skill
languages: English obviously, and I’ve had a year of college French and am attempting to improve it. I can read French better than I speak it but that isn’t saying a whole lot
favorite songs: Turn Turn Turn by the Byrds
random fact: quite a lot of the Scots were Very Upset about union when the 1707 Act was passed and this contributed to the active support the 1715 Jacobite uprising received, I wrote a paper about this recently and have been bothering everyone I know about it so you guys get to hear it too
aesthetic: man who even knows, I guess a spectrum between More Or Less Classically Feminine to Sort Of Androgynous depending on the day and whether or not I have done laundry recently?
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katiakjar · 5 years
Tumblr media
s t a t s:
Name: Katia Kjar. (KAT-YA KEY-ARE) Fae name: Fianait. Nickname: Tia, Fia, Katia-Bean. Age: Thirty-five / One hundred and eight. Birthday: December 19th, 1911. Zodiac: Sagittarius. Gender: Female. Language(s): Fae language, Swedish, Spanish, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, French, English, and Sign Language. Orientation: Pansexual. Species: Werewolf (triggered). Nationality: Mexican and European. Religion: Kindness, lol. Health Disabilities: Depression, PTSD. Distinguishing Marks: Multiple tattoos, a few beauty marks all over her body. Drugs: Hasn’t touched drugs since the seventies and/or early eighties. Alcohol: Socially. Smoke: When incredibly stressed. Traits:           Curious, Perseverant, Conniving, Challening, Impaitent, Affectionate,           Congenial, Ethereal, Whimsical, Tactless, Stubborn, Complicated, Creative.
p h y s i c a l i t y:
Height: 5 ft 2" or 152 cm. Build: Slim. Eye colour: Bright, clear blue. Hair color: Dark brown, on the verge of being black. Posture: Chin is (normally) lifted, shoulders pulled back, straight back - but not in anyway where she demands respect. Just a few posture habits that her mother instilled into her at a young age. Willow did demand respect. Right / Left Handed: Ambidextrous. Typical gestures: Katia uses a lot of hand gestures to get her point across. She also makes a number of facial expression during a conversation (if she isn’t, she’s probably thinking about something else). Typical body language: Gentle features, regardless of the scenario. Normally very open and calm, always rotates her body or head towards whoever is talking to make sure they know she’s listening. Cross her legs when she sits, if there’s a wall to lean against or even another person, she will, lmao - her spatial awareness is good, but she likes physical contact. Typical tone: Gentle, friendly, curious & genuine. Hobbies: Exploring wilderness, painting, dancing, driving down abandoned roads at night at top speed.
f a v o u r i t e:
Color(s): Maroon, navy blue, orange, blush pink, earthy tones. Song(s): Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac, Kiss by Prince, I Was Here by Beyonce, Somebody To Love by Queen (And honestly everything by Queen), Charmer by Kings of Leon. Book(s): The Girl Who Knew Too Much by Vikrant Khanna, Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone by J.K Rowling, Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Quote(s): “Metaphors are beautiful ways of speaking about truths. So are facts. Both tell us that time – and light, and darkness – moves in cycles. We move through them, too, often as passengers, but if our eyes are open, there is much to be learned along the way. A traveler learns more than a passenger. When darkness comes, a traveler learns to be brave, for they know the light will return. Anyone who’s spent a night alone in the woods learns this. When a dark age comes, hold the light inside. That’s where it lives anyway.” Season: All of them, to be honest. Location(s): The mountains, the hospital, local cafe, Yuri’s couch/kitchen counter. Flora: Jasmine, hostas, foamflower. Fauna: Rabbits, lambs, grizzly bears.
m e n t a l i t y:
Education: Bachelor’s degree, Doctor of Medicine in Emergency Medicine at the University of Cambridge. Katia is also always going to conferences and training classes to make sure she’s up to date. Occupation: Cheif Doctor. Talents & Skills: Emotionally intelligent, not bad at singing, painting, surprisingly good a lying when she needs to be and in such, has learned to be persuasive. Passion: Learning about others and where they’ve come from. Hogwart’s House: Hufflepuff-Gryffindor hybrid.  MBTI: ENFJ. Enneatype: Type 2 - The Helper. Alignment: Neutral Good/Lawful Good. Four Temperaments: Sanguine with a hint of Phlegmatic.
f a m i l y:
Mother: Willow. Relationship: Somewhat close. Father: N/A. Relationship: N/A. Siblings: N/A. Children: N/A. Pets: N/A. Spouse: N/A Hometown: Fae realm. If mortals were to ask, she would Mexico.
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imcreepingdeath · 6 years
@flyinghetfield and @theshrewdone tagged me to do this a while back (thanks guys!) and I’m only now getting around to it, but better late than never, so...
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
1. Nickname: Eva, I guess, but that’s not really a nickname, it’s a shorter version of my name.
2. Zodiac: Sagittarius.
3. Height: 183 cm or 6 feet (or so google told me).
4. Last movie I saw: If you mean like sat down and paid my full, undivided  attention to, then it’ll probably be Bad Times At El Royale (give it a watch, it’s great), but if something I passively half-watched while scrolling through my phone just cause it was on tv counts, then the last Hunger Games movie. I think it was the last, Jennifer Lawrence had kids at the end.
5. Last thing I googled: Egalitarian. Didn’t know what it means.
6. Favourite musician: Freddie Mercury. He was, is and, I think, always will be the best singer/songwriter to me.
7. Song stuck in my head: The Misty Mountains Cold from the first Hobbit movie.
8. Other blogs: Nothing noteworthy.
9. Do I get asks: No, not really. When it does happen every once in a blue moon, I’m really awkward about answering them.
10. Following: 968 blogs. I know, shut up. Like 2/3 of them are probably inactive anyway, cause I don’t have an insane amount of activity on my dash.
11. Amount of sleep: Around 7 hours currently, we’ll see how long this lasts.
12. Lucky number: Don’t have one, nor do I believe in such stuff.
13. What I’m wearing: A Star Wars shirt that’s seen better times, jeans and socks that don’t match even if you squint.
14. Dream job: A tattoo artist, I suppose, I’m working towards that. I also always loved the idea of working as a concept artist for movies and stuff.
15. Dream trip: New Zealand, for sure, to see Hobbiton and just that beautiful country in general. Also, a road-trip across the United States.
16. Favorite food: Pizza of most kinds, except for anything that involves pineapple or olives.
17. Play any instruments: Acoustic guitar, currently. Would like to make the jump to electric or bass sometime in the future, not sure which.
18. Languages: Lithuanian (my native one), English, Russian on a conversational level and a bit of Polish. Like, a tiiiny bit.
19. Favorite songs: I’ve recently liked Nobody Really Cares If You Don’t Go To The Party by Courtney Barnett, God Res Ye Merry Gentlemen by Dio and Fight Dirty by Mischief Brew & Guignol (the best Gogol Bordello song that Gogol Bordello never wrote).
20. Random fact: I have double-jointed thumbs, they bend backwards at the joint with my palm. Makes it surprisingly comfy to hold a guitar.
21. Describe yourself as aesthetic things: An empty bag of chips, a landfill full of cheap Star Wars merchandise, one of those useless, thin sticks they give you for stirring drinks at bars, which are entirely ineffective, an unfinished sketchbook, a half-assedly sewed on band patch and that episode of The Simpsons where Homer starts working from home and becomes incredibly fat and lazy. Am I doing this right?
No way am I bothering 21 people with this, so here’s a few who hopefully won’t mind: @steambreather, @gilaqueen, @dashakar, @hardwired-to-self-destruct, @that-gay-metalhead, @label-mentally-deranged. 
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furornocturna · 5 years
Don’t Know What I’m Doing but I was Tagged
Height: 5’7-5’8
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw or Slytherin
Last Thing I Google: Ensorcelled definition
Favorite Songs:
Songs Stuck in My Head: “Don’t Pull Your Love” Rob Paulsen cover and “Let the Music Guide You” by Alexander Rybak
Hours of Sleep: Varies
Do you get asks: I’ve gotten a handful, surprisingly enough. All the more embarrassing when I forget that I do the few times I do receive any 😅
Lucky Number: 12, but magic numbers 42 and 666 are as well.
What you’re wearing: Black. Lots of black. And nothing spiffy about it either, just a very trashy look right now like me as a person. Also covered in cat hair that never comes out.
Language: English only, unfortunately. Took a few years of Latin, but I’d be lying if I said I was perfectly fluent.
Dream Trip: A pocket dimension that will bring to life all your wishes and desires in a getaway vacation. Ideal temperatures to your comfort, any landscape variety you wish to see, all the souvenirs without the outrageous prices–
Wait…did you mean within the grounds of reality?
Favorite Song: One does not simply have only one. And there are too many to list.
Aesthetic: The abstract and the infinite creative expanse of the imagination. This personally for me manifests in multicolored iridescent shapes and construct, much like the nacre of a pearl or the color spectrums captured on photos of nebulas and galaxies. Subcategories include steampunk, the occult and arcane, the macabre, the weird, the fantastical, tooth-rotting fluff, and also cats.
Tagged by @moonybeasty
I tag @stupidlytiredstudent and @thefearisoneself
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rla1994 · 6 years
Chapter 7
And here is number 7
again: I don’t own anything
Enough time had passed since the first day of training, enough that Kanon deemed it acceptable to not supervise them anymore. Isaac had noticed that ever since they had all been approved as full-fledged fighters, the sea dragon had been less and less present. He once had spent days in the human world, keeping an eye on the Heavens. The only you could be sure he would be in Atlantis was when Rhadamanthys came. The reason why Hades had switched Aiacos with Rhadamanthys was unknown to all of them. The god of the underworld had just said that the blonde demon was more adequate. As for why Kanon was always there when the judge came by, there were two reasons: one, he was the general of the army, he had to be there to great such an important guest. And two, everyone could see the attraction that had developed between the two from the moment they first officially met. It was frustrating. It had been going on for months! Even Poseidon was trying to get them to be together, but no, even that had not worked! It’s like they were dealing with two monkeys! Two really, really big, stupid monkeys!
Isaac groaned. Just thinking about it irritated him. Who would have thought that two expert strategists could be so dumb when it came to feelings. Come to think of it, Kanon had again left for the human world. While it was nice to not have him on their backs every single second of the day. The fallen had grown more and more distant over time, almost as if he didn’t want to get to attached to them. But why? The angel groaned again and sat down in one of his sofas.
Meanwhile Kanon was sitting at a table outside of a small bakery that also offered coffee. He was enjoying a cup of coffee, black, and a pastry. He looked at the clear blue sky, activating his celestial vision which allows him to see the Heavens and the angels that were flying around under the cover of their energy. It made them invisible to the human eye. Any other demon, nephilim or angel that did not know exactly how the Heavens worked would not have noticed the changes. But Kanon did and it worried him. His plan was not ready. If Saga decided to act now, he would win. Or at least as much as he could, seeing as nobody had found Athena yet. Poseidon and Hades had a few ideas, sure, but they still hesitated about which one of the three girls they had found was Athena. First was a small village girl called Sasha, the second one was a rich heiress named Saori and the last one was another rich heiress called Angelika. Kanon had been sent to watch over Saori and get to know her more to determine if she was Athena or not. And that’s what he was doing right now. He was waiting for the girl to come for their weekly shopping date. It had been surprisingly easy to befriend her once he had changed his usual appearance for that a normal height brunette. 
He remembered when he had explained to Isaac and Thetis that they could use their energy not only to change appearances like the nephilims could, but also their genders which the half-blooded could not. Isaac had blushed while Thetis had smiled mischievously. Kano had decided then and there that he really liked their resident mermaid. Isaac’s reaction, on the other hand, he could understand. Camus and Milo had probably once or twice used that ability to spice up their nights and had not pay any attention to the redhead’s trainees, probably thinking they would be asleep. Amusement aside, he had taken quite a while to teach them how to do it. 
“Klara!” A young purple haired woman called out to the angel sitting at the table.  “I hope I didn’t make you wait to long.” She said to her companion. Klara smiled at her. “Of course not. And besides, you know I don’t mind waiting here: the coffee is just delicious.” Saori liked how honest her friend was with her. It was refreshing to have someone who was not her friend just for her money. She sat down in front of her and ordered a latte and a small strawberry cake. While enjoying their pastries, both girls talked about their day before leaving the bakery to go shopping for the rest of the day.
Rhadamanthys was apparently not enjoying his day as was the object of his affection. He had been tasked with keeping an eye on the third girl, Angelika. She could not be Athena. She was haughty and had deemed him unworthy of her presence when they had been introduced. Like every demon he had a human ‘family’ which provided alibis for when they had to interact with humans. He had used that connection which turned out to be really useful. The girl came from a rich family as did he. The only reason he was still there was because his family was more important than hers and the fact that he had been the only man to ever be interested in her. But with her attitude, he could understand. He could not wait for the mission to finish. 
He sighed quietly to himself as he walked beside the girl. “Are you alright, Mr. Walden? If you are unwell, perhaps you should consider returning back to your home to rest.” While her tone was considered, her eyes held the hope that he would leave her parents’ domain, and her consequently. “I was just thinking about how of a disappointment the weather was, Miss Hienstein.” Her disappointment was a clear on her face as was the chaperon following them and making sure they did not do anything not befitting of their status. Although he was not doing a good job at watching them, the demon supposed it was because of the lack of interest towards the family’s heir. He had changed his appearance to befit someone her age, but he could have also gone in his normal form and look about ten years older and the family would not have had a problem. The judge looked in front of him again. She was obviously not Athena, but she had an aura of an immortal. Perhaps she was a demigoddess? He did not know. He Had made par of his observation to his god and Hades had told him to keep a watch on her until everything was ready to proceed with the plan. He just hoped he could get out of here soon.
The third and last girl, Sasha, had been watched over by Rune, one of Minos’s men. He had, after only a few days watch, said that she could not be Athena and left. 
Which only left Saori as possible Athena reincarnation. They all knew it and they had all decided to wait until they were ready to go to war, to tell her. No matter how frustrated Kanon and Rhadamanthys grew. 
The days went by and turned into weeks and weeks turned into months while neither Poseidon nor Hades made a move. Kanon could not hold it anymore. He did not want to wait any longer and decided to act on his own. First, he needed a way inside the Heavens. He couldn’t ask Milo. Camus wouldn’t let him. And Isaac was, like him, not prevented anymore. He may have left willingly but he still left. He just had remained an angel compared to Kanon. That only left one possible option. He had hoped not to have to do it. Kanon concentrated. Eyes closed, breathing steady, he searched the four known worlds for one specific energy. It took him a couple of hours and a lot of energy to find who he wanted to find. He immediately teleported to him. The him in question was a tall brunette with dark blue eyes. He was in the human world for a mission. That man was his brother’s best friend, and possibly lover he had never been able to find out, the guardian angel of the Sagittarius, Aioros. 
Kanon appeared behind him. The angel was busy watching over a couple, one of them being his affected human. He sighed when he felt the other’s presence. He didn’t turn around but Kanon knew he was paying attention. “I need passage into the Heavens.” The fallen immediately went straight to business. “You’re going to stop Saga, aren’t you?” The sadness in the angel’s voice was almost too much to bear for Kanon. He knew how close Aioros was to his brother. That’s why he only wanted it to go to him as last resort. Because it would hurt him. So, he just nodded knowing the other was watching his every move even if he didn’t look like it. Aioros took a deep breath before finally turning around and extended a hand to his lover’s brother. The energy the angel send towards was calm and peaceful. It wrapped around Kanon’s right arm. It went onto his skin to form a tattoo. It looked like a leather band with feathers hanging from it.
“Thanks.” Kanon was about to leave when the older one stopped him. The look in his eyes said everything. Kanon nodded. He would not have it any other way. “Hey, I know I’m probably asking to much, but could you watch over someone for me?” At Aioros’s raised eyebrow, Kanon developed. “We think she might be, more like is, Athena’s reincarnation.” His companion opened his eyes wide and agreed immediately. The fallen felt a bit bad for using the angel’s undying loyalty to his goddess like that. Kanon soon left the other alone to go look for the next item on his list. 
Back in the Underworld, Rhadamanthys had finally, finally, been allowed to leave the girl’s side and return to what had been his home for the last hundreds of milenas. He was working in the Hall of Judgement with Minos, Aiacos having been on sick-leave ever since his return from Atlantis. Nobody had yet figured out what had happened. The only thing they knew was that his memories had been stolen and replaced with false ones, but none of the gods the garuda had seen had been able to give even the slightest hint towards the identity of the culprit. It was a mystery. In his stead was Kagaho, a relatively new addition to their army, he had soon proved his valor by being the one to last the longest against one of the judges. He had consequently been affected to Aiacos’s division as his right-hand man. If only his temper was as good as his fighting abilities. Indeed, the youngster had some serious anger issues. He had more than once caused serious injuries to other demons because of some little misunderstanding. Hades was the only one who could calm him down. But recently, the bennu had been seen listening to Aiacos. The judge had even managed to calm him down once which could be seen as some kind of miracle.
He was calmly working alongside his co-workers then, when he felt it. This sudden unpleasant feeling took over his body and soul, leaving him unbearably cold. He stopped working and concentrated trying to find where this feeling was coming from. He could feel it deep inside himself but at one point it somehow left his body, as if it actually belonged to someone else. He stood up urgently, ordered a nearby demon to get Valentine, his right-hand man. He summoned his armor and left the Underworld, leaving everyone confused as to why the stoic judge had left in such a hurry.
1) Okay, so I know Kanon is a man, but seeing as he has taken the appearance of a girl, I will refer to him as she/her as to not confuse, not only myself, but also you, readers. When I will switch back to He/him, it will mean he is back to his male form.
2) yes, Klara with a K exists. And it’s Kanon’s female name in case you hadn’t understood.
3) I don’t know if it’s Aiolos or Aioros?
Done! I think I’m going to do 15 chapters. I don’t know if I’m going to make sequel or not.
Below ao3 link: 
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haberdashing · 6 years
Elsewhere Zodiac
A series of Elsewhere University ficlets loosely inspired by each of the zodiac signs.
on AO3
Leo: You become friends with benefits with a member of the Spring Court- truth be told, even you don’t entirely know how it happened- and find yourself missing him over summer break.
Driving back to campus solely to see him was probably a mistake.
Driving back on the morning of the summer solstice definitely was.
Virgo: You start drawing a map of campus without quite realizing what you were getting yourself into. By the time you graduate, you’ve hiked up steep mountains, swam across vast pools of water, stumbled through seemingly-endless deserts... and you still don’t know where that one third-floor staircase goes.
(You know better than to enter it, though. You consider using a drone, but really, who has that kind of money?)
Libra: “This human-” The being with skin as blue as the sky and eyes just as cloudy spits out the word as though it were the worst possible insult. “-thought it could cheat me!”
“I had no choice!” Your roommate’s voice comes off a bit too loud in the small space before you. “It was that or death, what was I supposed to do?”
You sigh and rub the bridge of your nose.
Of all the times they could have had this dispute, why did they choose seven in the morning on a Saturday?
Scorpio: You gain a number of nicknames as your time at Elsewhere grows. Some call you The Knife, others The One Who Struggles, yet others The Protector...
Frankly, you’re just glad they’ve stopped calling you Neko-chan; that weeaboo phase of yours was really rather embarrassing.
Sagittarius: You get more drunk than was probably wise, strike a bet with someone you didn’t realize was a changeling, pull off a downright impressive round of beer pong, and end up with one of Them owing you a favor.
As it happens, the only thing your drunk self could think to use this favor on was free beer for life.
But hey, you’ll always be popular at parties now!
Capricorn: You open the door which should lead to your Biology 101 class.
You notice an odd number of eyes staring at you. Everyone in the room looks slightly... off, and the closer you look, the more unusual they seem. The chalkboard holds a diagram of what looks to be a dissected animal of some sort, yet resembles no animal you have ever seen. You’re pretty sure not all the whispers you’re hearing are in English- or in any human language, for that matter.
You close the door which should lead to your Biology 101 class.
Looks like you’ll have to get notes from a classmate tonight.
Aquarius: You hear about moss graffiti and know instantly that you have to give it a try. You start by painting a simple sigil of protection onto the wall of an abandoned building in a little-used section of campus.
When you come back a week later, spray bottle in hand, what greets you is not the sigil you had painted on, but another, significantly more complex sigil, whose meaning you cannot decipher at a glance.
When you come back a week after that, there is no sign that moss had ever grown on that wall, and so it stays.
It’s a good thing you jotted down that new sigil, though- it’ll come in handy sooner than you’d think.
Pisces: The river, or something in it, calls out to you in the dead of night. The river practically begs you to step inside, to explore its depths, to seek out its hidden treasures.
You weigh your options, make a quick trip to Walmart, and return to the riverbanks with scuba gear and a waterproof flashlight in tow.
The river spits you out, after a time, but you emerge with a smile on your face. (And you emerge, period, which is perhaps more important.)
Aries: You decide, during your sophomore year at Elsewhere, that you want to start a secret society.
You find it surprisingly easy to gather a few recruits, to draft a mission statement, to find a hidden-away spot on campus where meetings can be held in secrecy.
The real problem is the other secret society on campus that also dubbed itself “The All-Seeing Eye”.
But you’ll win them over soon enough, you’re sure of it.
Taurus: There is a cow in the middle of campus with spots that spell out your safename.
The cow stands, still as a statue, atop a perfect circle of shimmering flowers, and you can smell their intoxicatingly sweet scent even from a distance.
You feel dozens of eyes on you as you gingerly approach the cow, which shows no sign that it’s so much as noticed your presence; you stop just before the edge of the flower field to contemplate your next move.
This is clearly somebody’s idea of a romantic gesture.
The problem is, you have no idea whose.
Gemini: The first time someone you could swear you’ve never met greets you as though greeting an old friend, you laugh it off.
The second time it happens, you begin to wonder.
Half a dozen times later, you stop wondering and start worrying.
You’re not sure who (or what) all these people have gotten to know so well, but it certainly isn’t you.
Cancer: You line the walls of your dorm room with salt once, twice, a third time. You gather up all the iron you possess and position it carefully near every possible entrance. You slather yourself in lotion that stinks of rowan and hazel and dab on some vervain-laced perfume. You google protection sigils and write out every one you can find, trying desperately to keep shaking hands steady as you put pen to paper.
It’s not enough.
It will never be enough.
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a-beast-of-prey · 6 years
RULES: tag 10 followers you want to get to know better!
TAGGED BY: @zappsta Thank yooou~!!
TAGGING: Just pinch it and tag me, idgaf
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NAME: Jazmin 
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius 
HEIGHT: 168cm, roughly 
WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? Ebony D’Arkness Dementia Ravenway
Fortitudo ~In Labours and Dangers~ (Bayonetta OST)
Apex Beat (Transistor OST)
Fine Shrine (Purity Ring)
Joker [KoFXIV ver] (King of Fighters OST) because of course a KoF song’d show up here lmfao
I grabbed Razorhurst first, but there were only 13 lines on that page so I grabbed Battle Royale which. I still haven’t even read yet oops.
Even though Mitsuko had the gorgeous looks of a pop idol, she always wore a strange, listless expression on her face.
No, but my former best friend used me as inspiration in quite a number of his shippy fanfics because of his crush - no, it turned out to be an infatuation - on me. I don’t ever think I’ll look at his works, let alone Sonic fic in general, ever again.
Idk uh... a week or so ago maybe? But it was brief. I tend to slap my hands against my thighs or the steering wheel if I’m jamming along to any kind of beat.
*vague shrug* Don’t really have one I don’t think?
Hate: People chewing messily and loudly with their mouths open.
Love: Rain on a corrugated roof. It’s a very home sound, to me.
Fanatically as a kid, but nowadays I’m like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Also a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Idk, I don’t disprove of either thing, but I’m also not holding my breath over their existence.
Yes’m. I’m working towards moving up from red P plates to green. I... could probably do that soon, if not now, actually... hmst.
No, but I’ve dinged and scraped my car, and my younger sister’s that I used to drive around before I got my own. I also scraped the side of a van while trying to reverse out of a narrow parking lot at the train station while their door was open. There wasn’t any visible damage on either car, surprisingly, and they didn’t press charges. (Thank fuck, because at the time I was a dead broke TAFE student; I had no job and literally no money, there was no way I could’ve paid that couple back.)
I’ve been terrible with reading books for the past few years. I have two piles of them that I’ve bought but haven’t touched in as long;;; But the last one I have with a bookmark in it is Goldenhand. 
I slipped in a big puddle of it while refilling my car last month and the smell clung to me even after I bought and swapped clothes. And it took a couple of days and washes for that pair of jeans and hoodie to stop smelling like it. So uh. Big no.
Uhhhhhh. I feel like it was one of the Star Wars’ in cinemas, but it’s been a while since I’ve watched any movies and my memory sucks.
Um... probably falling off my bike down a craggy outback path as a kid and getting a shitton of road rash? Honourable mention goes to the time I was half asleep and had my bed right next to my desk, woke up groggy, and bashed my brow against the corner while I was lifting my head. It was sharp enough to draw blood. There’s a scar in my right eyebrow if you part it, and there’s still stains on my mattress and on the pillow case I’d had on at the time. And ohhhhh my god was there a lot of blood.
KoF, for sure. Battleborn’s been on the backburner lately thanks to that long period of time where I didn’t have any PS+ membership and thusly couldn’t play it, but now that that’s no longer an issue, I’ve been itching to boot it back up again. I’ve been getting my passion for Borderlands reignited on and off a lot too. I’m still working on a Gaige runthrough in 2, and a Claptrap one in Presequel. My little sis and I also have a Presequel runthrough together - her as Tim, me as Nisha - that I’ve been meaning to ask to continue... I’m developing an interest in Skullgirls and Street Fighter, too. The last of which is thanks to a bunch of friends. :’)
Not for the most part, no. Stewing on that negativity all the time is too tiring for me, so I generally let shit go and move on as best I can.
Nah. Even before falling out with the aforementioned best friend/former crush, I haven’t felt up for dating. So i’m just very platonically Gay with this weenie rn.
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j-hellnah · 6 years
I was tagged by @itsmyyseoul thanks hunnnn
Rules: Answer all the questions and tag 10 people you want to get to know better. 
A- Age: 20
B- Birthplace: New York :)
C- Current Time: It’s 11pm
D- Drink you last had: Water
E- Easiest person to talk to: My mom but I also have a few close friends I talk to.
F- Favorite song: Uhhhh as of right now? Never Enough from the Greatest Showman is constantly in my head lmao so it might just be the one.
G- Grossest Memory: Ehhhhhh let’s not talk about gross things skskjcksnd
H- Horror yes or Horror no?: Like my blog name-- Nah
I- In love?: Nope!
J- Jealous of other people: Surprisingly no. I don't like to feel jealous. Yeah it might suck that someone has something i don't or gets to do something I can’t but i’m more happy for that person than anything. I like seeing others happy.
L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: Ima walk by again. and then again
M- Middle Name: Anele (Ah-Nelly)
N- Number of siblings: 4
O- One wish: I just want to be happy and content. And have good memories to look back on when i get older
P- Person you called last: My dad!
Q- Question you are always asked: The same thing @itsmyyseoul put lmao: “Are you okay?”
R- Reason to smile: Seeing my friends or family
S- Song you sang last: Sweet Architect by Emeli Sande
T- Time you woke up: I went to bed at like 6AM so I woke up at 11:30AM
U- Underwear color: Basic ass white underwear lol
V- Vacation Destination: Honestly anywhere is cool with me as long as I’m with people i know and its a good time.
W- Worst habit: being too loud, it’s never on purpose but my voice projects
X- X-rays: I don't understand this but I mean I’ve had x-rays done a few times?
Y- Your favorite food: Meat is good!
Z- Zodiac sign: I’m a sagittarius~
Uh OK! I’m not going to tag too many people but: @namspaghetti @taekwoonsvixxen @girl-meets-disrespect @itskimtaehyung @sugamonsta @agustear of course you don’t have to do it though~
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