#I know for a fact that some people followed me when I was posting a lot of wwdits and iasip and then suddenly boom! two British gays
ghostlywhiskey · 1 day
pen pal simon - original post
every day after work, you found yourself sat at your desk attempting to write back a response to the soldier who referred to himself as ‘ghost’. crumpled up stationary surrounded your desk space, along with different types of pens as you obsessed over your handwriting. if one letter of your penmanship looked wrong, the paper would become another ball added to the collection of half written letters that contained slightly different, if not the same, wording in response to the thank you letter from ghost.
the simple questions he asked to get to know you suddenly felt like the hardest questions to answer, as if you were being graded on the facts about yourself. was he going to find your hobbies boring? maybe your hobbies were boring the more you read your response. the easiest question to answer was regarding how long you had been doing the care packages - a few years since one of your friends had a significant other that joined the military. stories often mixed with people who received packages and cards from family members frequently, but the ones where some received little to none are the ones that made you upset. so, you had decided to explain that to ghost and it was probably the easiest response of them all to write out. not single moment did the pen leave the paper for you to collect your thoughts or how to word your answer.
but then, you continued to answer the questions he asked you, and in return you asked him similar or different ones. again, you weren’t positive he would reply this time around, but you figured you’d still return the gesture of asking him questions as well. and when you finished writing it all, reading through it god only knows how many times for errors, you finally slipped it into an envelope. this time, no ‘treats’ were included, instead you had opted to ask him if he had any favorites, that way if he did end up writing you back then you could buy him what he preferred.
and after you mailed out the letter, you pushed the thought of it to the side to try and forget about it. but, you couldn’t deny every time you arrived home and checked the mail you were secretly hoping there was a response. but then a few weeks went by and there really was no response waiting mixed in with your other mail.
then after almost two months, after a shit day at work, you didn’t even think twice as you grabbed the mail and walked into your home. going through the motions of your routine - showering, cooking dinner and anything else you had to take care of, you finally sat at the counter towards the end of the night to sort through the mail. a small card was tucked between a bunch of other trash mail, your eyes immediately recognizing the handwriting. quickly, you opened up the envelope and sure enough, that same notebook paper was tucked into it, this time three pieces of paper unfolded in your hands. 
..it’s been quite hectic over where i’m currently at, so sorry for the lack of my responding…
...i’m a bit upset of the lack of treats, it definitely beats what we have to eat sometimes.
the reason you do the packages is quite sweet. is your friends’ partner still alive? you use the past tense when you speak of them. sorry if that is rude to ask.
you read every word of the letter, not once, but twice. and he didn’t just read your response to his, he took notice of the small details. you didn’t even realize you had used the past tense, but he wasn’t wrong in his assumption either when he thought they might have passed. it was like reading a full blown conversation he had to himself in his head; the way before or after some sentences, he would write out interjections. some sentences were followed by parentheses where he made his own little comment as well about what he had just written.
again, i hope you forgive my delayed response. hope it doesn’t stop you from writing back. don’t always have the time, but promise i’ll get back to you. maybe in your next letter you can send me a picture of yourself, i think it would be nice to put a face to the name that signs off on these. i can’t do the same, but i’ll find a way to make up for that. ‘til the next letter, ghost.
and while you didn’t get started writing your response that night, you did make your way to your room with a smile on your face. excitement was already brewing about what you would say in your response and the next anticipated response he would give back, even if he did take a bit to respond.
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genderkoolaid · 3 days
Hi. You always post a lot of info so I'm wondering if you might be able to help me. Is there a difference between radfems and TERFs? Are they both bad? If so, why are they bad? Are there any dog whistles to look out for when it comes to these groups? Please ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable. I've seen a lot of people pointing out that they're bad, but never really saying why. I want to make sure I follow intersectional feminism and not those groups.
Radical feminism is the name of a branch of feminism. It originally got its name because it advocated for extreme changes to society to address female oppression, but developed into a specific worldview which I (off the top of my head) would define by certain traits:
Oppositional sexism. Men and women (or "males" and "females") are fundamentally opposed. Oftentimes this is bioessentialist, arguing that this opposite comes from biology, but it may also be framed as a political necessity; a radfem might argue that gender and sex are fake BUT we need male vs female as political identities in order to identify our "allies" and "enemies". Regardless, males and females are physically distinct and political enemies. You can tell a man from a woman, either from their body or their behavior, the two categories cannot overlap, and no other gender/sex-labels are relevant.
Fatalistic perspectives on patriarchy. Not only are males and females opposed, but this cannot be changed. This may be bioessentialist (the opposition comes from something in our nature, which cannot change) or gender-essentialist (the opposition comes from socialization which occurs as a child due to outside pressure and/or internal gender identity, and cannot change.) Focus is not placed on an ideal future where men and women are equals and social partners. Instead, there is a sense that there is no way to truly have a society with men and women where males do not oppress females, or try to. Sometimes this is more implicit and other times you have people who explicitly believe in creating & enforcing female-only societies.
Misogyny as the source of all oppression, or at least the most important & the one people should identity themselves as before anything else. Those who call themselves intersectional generally only really care about other issues to the extent that they affect women in some way. Part of the downfall of the original radical feminists was the fact that the dominant groups were upper-class white women, who ignored racism and classism and silenced poor women & women of color, insisting that anti-racist and anti-classist action distracted from The Movement & that calling out other women's bigotry was anti-feminist.
A general suspicion of sexual desire and sex, often expressing itself as whorephobia (anti-sex work) and anti-kink attitudes, specifically under the argument that they are inherently misogynistic and abusive. Sex is associated with men and maleness, which again, are inherently the enemy. Sex WITH men, or with a person or object that could be construed as male, is especially bad.
The impetus to make your personal life As Feminist As Possible– "The personal is political." That isn't a bad slogan on its own (it's true), but with radical feminists it expresses itself as a high standard of Radfemmaxing. You should be celibate if you are attracted to men, or become a political lesbian, you shouldn't be masculine OR feminine (anti-butch & femme sentiment), you should reject makeup and shaving, you should cut off male relatives and even abort male fetuses– and you must identify with womanhood and femaleness, while rejecting any identity related to manhood and maleness. It's not just that you should examine your desires and choices and question why you feel the way you feel (again, this is a good thing). Radfems have the belief that they already know the correct answer to that Introspection, and if you come to any other conclusion than theirs (I like wearing makeup because it's fun, I want to be a man because it fits me), then it's taken as proof you are still brainwashed.
TERFS are trans-exclusive radfems. They believe that being trans is not real, or at least not healthy or an acceptable feminist stance. TERFs tend to use the language of "sex" and "males vs females." Many use the term "gender critical," meaning they see gender as fake and damaging, while sex is real and the proper platform for feminist analysis. I once saw a TERF define her stance as "it's not degrading because its feminine, its feminine because its degrading." They believe in things like autogynophilia and rapid onset gender dysphoria, and attribute transgender identity with sexual trauma, internalized homophobia and internalized misogyny.
TIRFs are trans inclusive. They believe that transgender feelings are natural and should be listened to and followed, and that feminism should take gender identity into account. However, they still have a "male vs female" worldview. They may argue that transgender men's internal gender feelings led them to internalize male socialization, while trans women internalized female socialization, meaning that all trans people's experiences with gender and misogyny align most with cis people who share their gender identity.
In both cases, anti-nonbinary exorsexism and intersexism are unavoidable. TERFs will label intersex people as "males/females with a disorder" and attribute nonbinary identity either to internalized misogyny (FTX) or to avoid being held accountable for male privilege (MTX). TIRFs similarly fail to acknowledge how someone's socialization can be affected by intersexism. MTX people are either trans women in denial or flamboyant cis men; FTX people are either trans men avoiding their privilege, or cis women avoiding their privilege*.
Not everyone who uses radical feminist arguments or shares the general perspective openly identified as radfem. There are many "cryptos" who purposefully obscure their political identity to spread radfem ideas in queer & feminist spaces. Other people adopt the general ideas of radical feminism without consciously identifying as one, because of cryptos and how pop feminism often adopts their flashier ideas. So it's important to understand these qualities as on a scale, with some versions being more subtle while others are explicit.
Radical feminism always reduces trans experiences (& experiences in general) to a simple, uncrossable binary, based either in gender or sex. Nuance and cros- or non-binary gender experiences are seen as anti-feminist and aligned with the patriarchy, if not part of a targeted plan to hurt feminist movements.
*the idea of "AFAB privilege" is. a thing in some people's analysis of transmisogyny.
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wenellyb · 2 days
How I feel about Buddie...
You guys have been warned, this is a long post.
I've always liked 911 and was a casual viewer but never got involved in the fandom or anything. Of course I knew about Buddie, but I personally never saw it. Buck and Eddie have always acted like best friends and do stuff best friends do. I have never seen any scene that could be interpreted as romantic, except maybe for the "you want to go for the title" scene. But to me it wasn't enough to ship them, especially since it was the only scenes in their hundreds of scenes together that could be seen as romantic.
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That being said, I've always thought the ship was cute, and I understand it because who doesn't like a good friends to lovers storyline?
I just never got involved in the fandom because their behavior reminded me of the Stucky and Destiel fandom, which were chaotic experiences for me. Some people just don't know how to handle non canon ships and act entitled, complain to the showrunners and harrass the cast. I've always tried to avoid fandoms like that, but wasn't against the idea of Buddie as a ship.
The 911 Lone Star crossover episode for me was the confirmation that Buck was into men. To me, it was obvious they confirmed he was into men but hadn't set up a storyline yet. So naturally I thought... if they set up a storyline it will be with Eddie. There was no doubt it my mind.
So fast forward, a few years, I wasn't really watching season 7 and then I see all the fuss from Buddie shippers I follow, and it makes me watch the sneak peek video from 7x04 and I'm like....For sure Buck is being jealous right? (it was the scene where Eddie interrupted Tommy giving Buck a tour)
So I decided to watch the episode convinced this was going to be the episode where they confirmed Buddie, but I was also very cautious because Buddie shippers had cried wolf too many times before.
So I was careful, but I was also convinced that this was it: "Buck was going to get jealous of Eddie hanging out with Tommy and then confess his feelings or the other way around".
And that's actually what was happening until the end of the episode, we saw Buck get jealous, and most of us assumed he was being jealous about Eddie.
We didn't figure out until the end of the episode that it was all about Tommy.
And that's the beauty of that episode because you think you're watching something when in fact you're watching something else and when you rewatch some scenes you understand it, and that plot twist was written so beautifully.
So we have Buck and Tommy have a heart to heart in Buck's kitchen and they kiss. And what a kiss... the kiss itself was Nice but the look Buck gave Tommy after the kiss was breathtaking.
From that moment on, I was rooting for them.
But I still had Buddie at the back of my mind because I was thinking, what if this is all temporary and they're planning to break them up to set up a buddie storyline? So I shipped it but didn't want to get my hopes up.
This feeling got bigger when I started watching 7x05 and I saw the way their first date ended. I thought... this is it, we might not see Tommy again, what a shame. But then Buck talked to Maddie about his date and confessed it was with Tommy. And Maddie asked: "so tell me about the hot pilot", and I thought this isn't how they'd talk about a character we never see again. But I didn't know for sure.
Maybe they were setting up a Buck x Eddie storyline....
I changed my mind when I saw Buck's coming out scene to Eddie, the scene was beautiful and at that point I still was thinking Buddie was a possibility. But one line made me think that Buddie wasn't happening: "I can't stop thinking about him".
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No writer would put a line like that and have Oliver say it like that with that look, if they were thinking Buck and Eddie would have a romantic scene in the future. And if you do write that, you would get a jealous reaction from the other character, not a "You should call Tommy".
And then I was conforted in my feelings when the writers doubled down and had Buck invite Tommy to Maddie's wedding. Buck could have just apologized and asked Tommy on antoher date, but no, he invited him to his sister's wedding.
There has been absolutely no hint of a romantic relationship between Buck and Eddie throughout the season. There has never been a sign of jealousy from Buck or Eddie's side when they were dating Tommy, Marisol. If they had been setting up that storyline, the writers would put some hints here and there. Instead, they shared meaningful scenes like best friends do.
I never had anything againdt Buddie as a ship, I was even open to it, but all the times I thought Buddie was going to happen, it was because of the fandom, not because of something I saw in the saw...To me Buddie is and will stay a fanon ship.
TL:DR: I don't hate the ship, I find it cute but the behavior of some shippers has made me want to stay away from the fandom. And when I thought Buddie might be happening, the writers showed us they had long term plans for Bucktommy.
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faerytreealtars · 1 day
What are your greatest gifts, and how can you use them to your best ability? - A timeless Pick-a-card ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🍃✧˚.💚⋆
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Hello everyone!! Welcome to yet another reading that I hope will help you all in some form or another! ♡ If you're struggling to pick an image (though do know in the case of this reading you can always pick two or even all three!!) then I would suggest for you to close your eyes take three slow deep breaths and allow yourself to slowly open your eyes letting your eyes to be guided to what image draws your attention first. Then Hopefully you have picked your reading! Before we get into that I wish to thank all of you for the love and support you offered me in the last reading I posted! It trully meant a lot to me and it really does give me the courage to keep going and trying to do my best in what I love when I know it is helping others out too!! So Thank you!! ♡♡
[ Image Credits goes to the flower fairies ]
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Pile One ~ [ Cards: Seven of Pentacles, Four of Wands & Death. Chariot - TOD ]
Your Greatest Gifts: In this lifetime you have been blessed with the gift of patience and understanding, how are these gifts I feel some saying aloud or in their heads well while the rest of the world may rush and panic thus acting recklessly you are able to fully savour and value each moment which in fact makes you more grateful for all you have and memories you keep are more joyous for it. I also feel through your patient and calm demeanour you actually find yourself reaching goals and triumphs faster than the so-called hares of the world, so I hear "Keep being the tortoise and enjoy the journey instead of worrying about when you'll reach the finish line"
[ Cards: Five of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, Page of Swords. Nine of Pentacles - TOD ]
How best to use them: I think the majority of you reading this pile already use your gifts for their greatest purpose and spirit/your higher self is proud of you but some further advice I am hearing is perhaps your calm, understanding and patient manner can be used better in situations of conflict and disagreement like a mediator, not at the sake of your own safety though I must warn but, I am definitely seeing you stepping into a role of leadership, whatever kind first entered your mind when reading that is what you are being suggested to follow next in life. Otherwise, I can see you need to share your thoughts and opinions more without fear because what you have to say does indeed matter in fact with the action of taking more of a forward confident role in your life I can see much abundance heading your way. I wish you luck Pile One and I thank you for taking the time to read this!! - Love, Fae.
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Pile Two ~
[ Cards: Queen of Wands, Knight of swords, The Fool. The Empress - TOD ]
Your Greatest Gifts: I am strongly getting a divine feminine energy from this group, so if that resonates (and remember energy does not mean physical gender!!) then this is most certainly your pile. Without further ado, I see you have been blessed with a quick mind, courage and creativity. You, are able to, think wildly outside the box, coming up with ideas as fast as lighting a match you may love to put these ideas into writing or drawn form. I see you have worked hard to continue to share these ideas with courage in yourself even when others do not "vibe" with it. You know your creations and words aren't for everyone but you continue creating and knowing the right people will resonate and that is admirable!
[ Cards: Page of Cups, Five of Cups, Justice. Two of Cups - TOD ]
How Best to use them: Alright the cards took a long while to come out so I take that as a message that many of you already do use your gifts in the best way you can at the moment but for further advice for those who are struggling I can see that you needn't fear putting your emotion into your crafts that's what brings it to true life and thus it can really resonate with those who it is meant too. Never feel ashamed of your emotions, whether you class it a bad or a good emotion they all carry an important message in your body. I also see that perhaps you need to be more comfortable with letting go of ideas that are no longer working, don't be afraid of letting things go and moving on to the next but on the flip-side of that (and this message is for a lower majority) I see some of you struggle focusing on one idea at a time, the negative of having a very busy mind is that you can sometimes have more creative ideas than you can realistically handle be more particular on what ideas you choose to work on and bring into the world, you can write all the ideas you have down and settle on which ones sound like they would work best. That way you can have more success when you focus your energy more determinedly rather than feeling like it is constantly being scattered. Hope this reading is helpful to you all, my dear pile 2! I wish you luck and thank you, as well as your Guides/Guardians for letting me channel for you! - Love, Fae.
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Pile Three ~ [ Cards: Two of wands, The high priestess, three of wands. The Sun - TOD ]
Your Greatest Gifts: We have a very mixed pile here so please only take what resonates, firstly I see you have a very strong connection to your intuition and/or psychic gifts. You are keenly aware of the spiritual and thus open to knowing what is in your best interest. I, of course, love that energy you have!! Otherwise, I also see you may have a more open mind than others can envision a world/life further away from what others deem as "safe" or "normal". What I mean by this as you are quick to overcome fears and stagnant energy that would usually trap others in a lower vibrational state and go forth into unknown places, both physical and mental which in turn further help you grow into a more wiser person. You can act and think in a way that is outside of the box and the norm. While this can make you the black sheep in most groups it is indeed a strength and please don't forget it!
[ Cards: The fool, queen of cups, knight of swords. Temperance - TOD ]
How best to use them: My advice for you in helping to use these gifts in a way that is best for you and others is easily said bur perhaps harder done still, you are capable. Please believe that! The advice is to stop fearing other's opinions and judgements just because they can not see as you do, In fact worrying over their lower opinions if I can be frank is a waste of time! Be more courageous in voicing your mind and the intuiton you hear, you are bestowed with this gift for a reason because you are worthy with a good heart. I would also ask that you please stop ignoring your emotions and acting like other people's emotions are more valid, stand up for yourself and your belief's. I would also advise you to stop letting others make you feel lesser for being a kinder and more compassionate soul, it can be hard in a world with many who only act in self-interest but your loving soul will help you find the right good people to share your life with. Focus on building a routine which allows you time to explore more spiritual activities and don't feel embarrassed or ashamed of this side of you, you are allowed to be interested and love what you do even if no one in your community can understand it. They don't stop liking the stuff they do even if you or others disagree with it so just be true to yourself. I've gone (and still sometimes do) through this energy and shift myself so I wish you luck pile 3 but I know your souls are strong and you can accomplish it brilliantly! - Love, Fae.
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My Youtube - FaeryTreeAltars
My other Readings
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At this point all the information you're posting is incorrect.
Here is what I had actually posted when this information was brought to my attention since there seems to be no interest in actually reading what I post and going off on misinformation.
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At no point did I state that I would no longer posting on CurseForge or removing my content from there. What I did say is I understand and respect those that don't want to use it and that I will be providing sfs from here on forward. If you would of also taken the time to look at my page you would of seen that I had changed all my links to cf and sfs as an alternative.
The reblog you got your information from was not from myself and I had reached out to that person thanking them for speaking out for me but also clarifying that that is not what I meant by my post. The ask with the direct message to puppy is something I had also addressed in the replies and had posted on my page explaining why I resumed using CF.
I geniuenly wanted to be part of this conversation because I understand how important the topic is regardless if I don't know much about it. That's why I took action in the first place. But now it's just backfiring and being used to tarnish my name as a creator with misinformation when it would just be easy to check if it was something I had actually said or had updated on.
I didn't want to ignore it because it's something important but now I understand why other creators just turn a blind eye. I should of just did things in my own time and left it as that because you don't even seem to bother actually doing research on what has been said.
I ask you not to tag me in future posts unless the information is actually true and comes from me.
Hi, I did not intentionally ignore your post, it is not visible to me at all on your page. I have been checking your blog frequently, but this post does not show up for me in your feed at all. I could have asked for a screenshot from followers, yes, I agree. But I don't know if this was deleted or is just not showing up because tumblr is censoring it. (If the assumption is that I should be able to see it as of today) I started this blog on June 12th, and have scrolled back to June 2nd and I do not see this post at all, I'm sorry.
You were removed from the list a while ago because I was unsure of what you said and was waiting for some clarification. As well as being crossed out on the post. I do wish we could have just messaged for clarification but you don't have asks or messages on.
I do appreciate you adding alt downloads, but this blog in general is about leaving curseforge as a whole and what creators are on curseforge for people to be aware of. The list is just stating the facts of who is currently there. I'm not trying to tarnish your name, it is just the fact that your one of the creators still on curseforge.
I understand you have your own first-hand focus right now, but this is the small part I'm trying to play on what I am focusing on. And I still disagree with being on curseforge and participating directly in the Israeli economy. Even with alternative downloads, there are people who don't know and still download from curseforge anyways. I do think it is important to being open to learning more and change. Sorry, but I do not understand still using it if you can provide other means of download. And I don't agree that being off social media is a reason to not learn more. I don't know enough about the current affairs of Angola, but I should and want to learn more even if I don't see posts about it on social media.
I don't think it is okay to turn a blind eye because the conversation is uncomfortable or it feels bad to be tagged. I wish that creators would care more about what is going on rather than how they personally feel about me or this blog.
I really do promise that tagging you or anyone are not personal attacks. I try my best to word anything I say coming from a place of starting a conversation. I think your content is amazing and me tagging you was a request and an invitation, not a demand. I updated my reblog BECAUSE it was NOT true that you had left curseforge and I needed to correct it since I said differently. I want to answer this ask privately, but I don't think this information is visible on your page currently and you can say your piece here.
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batsplat · 3 days
Oh im obses whit your blog like you are such a great historian on vale and love the way you analys stuff admire the way of writing all of your toughs in such a corent way 🩷🩷🐹
this is so nice, thank you!! okay so this ask was initially sent in response to this post about how marc knew what a dick valentino was to his rivals and appreciated/wished to emulate that side of him, in particular in the context of copying the jerez pass. and... well, there is one more follow-up post to that I did want to make. it didn't really work within that post because it's pretty speculative, but I think it's fun! here goes
so you know argentina 2018, right, big drama, reconciliation over, bla bla (I promise this is going in a more fun direction, stick with me here). there's a bit of marc's post-race media scrum that I am a wee bit obsessed with. or well, two specific lines, one in english (0:00) and one in spanish (1:02) - I've included the full responses for context, but in this post I'm really only interested in those two lines
in english:
But he was in the past also 25 years old, and will remember, everybody.
and in spanish:
He has also been 25 years old and, well, I hope that people also remember.
... 25 years old, did you say?
okay, look, fair warning. the rest of this post is going to be reading too much into what was probably an off-handed comment - even if, I'd just like to point out, it is something he felt the need to say twice. but let's just have some fun here, and read too much into it. as a treat
so obviously the most generic way to read this is him saying 'well valentino used to be really aggressive on-track too, so people shouldn't be criticising me more than they did him'. thing is, I wouldn't say there was that much of a noticeable decline in how aggressive valentino was being, and 2017 did still feature some major scraps where valentino very much got his elbows out (cf assen and phillip island, I included a bit more detail on this in the marc race rec post). sure, valentino did increasingly have his reservations about some of the behaviour of younger riders, so maybe he was less aggressive now relative to the field... but I just don't feel like that's quite what this line is implying. it's also not about valentino making 'mistakes' in general, because there would have been no reason to refer back to past-valentino in that regard... the 25 year old version of valentino was considerably more error-free than the 39 year old
so then, my theory is that it's about valentino's controversies! that's what people "will remember", right - it's not the general style of riding, not just innocent mistakes, it's the times when valentino caused a bit of a stir on and off the race track. now, again, you could go the generic route here and say 'ah well maybe marc is just thinking of all the mess valentino got himself involved in when he was younger, from getting into a fist fight with max biaggi at age 22 to pissing off casey stoner through his aggressive riding at laguna at age 29'. but let's say for a moment that marc was thinking a bit more specifically than that... after all, if we're just talking about valentino controversies in general, surely marc should be able to think of a rather more recent example where valentino, like marc at argentina 2018, caused another rider to crash and was subsequently penalised for his riding? of course, marc probably didn't want to bring up that particular controversy - but it's still interesting he feels the need to refer back to a younger version of valentino at all, the fact that this crossed his mind in the first place to make him bring it up unprompted while making his case. so maybe when marc, who is after all a known valentino rossi fan, refers twice to what valentino was like at "25 years old"... he is in fact thinking of what valentino was like when he was 25 years old. and in what year would that be? well, here's the thing. it would be 2004
readers of the sete post can probably guess where I'm going with this, but let's just take a moment to review what specific on-track incidents marc could be thinking of here. let's give him a little bit of extra leeway in terms of the age, even though I trust marc to be more on top of the exact age gap than valentino was in times past. let's throw in one year either way, so 2003 to 2005, and draw up a list of any particularly controversial races valentino was involved in. here's what I've got:
assen 2004 - valentino executed a hard overtake for the win on the last lap on sete gibernau. he's not in complete control and almost loses the front at the next corner, which would have taken them both out
qatar 2004 - after his team rubber up his grid slot the night before, valentino gets slapped with a back-of-the-grid penalty. he ends up crashing out of the race and burns his relationship with sete in the aftermath
jerez 2005 - at a time when their relationship is already very chilly, valentino and sete engage in another duel. valentino executes a block pass with contact at the final corner and is booed by the crowd
motegi 2005 - the first chance to seal that year's title, and one valentino would very much have liked to take to spite honda. an unwise overtaking attempt on melandri leaves both on the ground
so, my guess is that neither assen nor motegi were really big enough controversies to fit the bill, though maybe they stuck in marc's mind as instances of 'reckless riding' that he includes in a more generic internal understanding of young valentino rossi. we do of course know for a fact that marc was more than aware of what happened at jerez 2005, not least because he, you know, directly copied that move twelve years later (again, link to the relevant post). like marc in argentina 2018, valentino barged into a rival in rather controversial fashion, and obviously it also made the relationship between him and said rival deteriorate still further. sure, you can't really argue the move was 'as bad' as argentina 2018, but as far as I'm concerned it has the same general vibe
you know what else has the same general vibe? here's a race description for you:
a 25 year old rider is sent to the back of the grid for a reason they consider unfair
they proceed to deliver a phenomenal performance even by their lofty standards, quickly working their way up to a position that seemed unattainable to them
they barge a rival out of the way in their impatience, reaching back to apologise for the move
the race ends poorly for them and they fail to score any points
afterwards, their relationship with a rival is ruined as a result of the events of the race, and the whole thing remains a lingering controversy for years to come
one race that fits this description is, of course, argentina 2018. the other is qatar 2004. there's obviously plenty of details that are significantly different - valentino's move on barros is less egregious and far less controversial, and his race ends in the gravel rather than with a post-race time penalty. still, that start of valentino's? the impatience? the post-race fury? the repercussions this race had? come on, look at the race footage I included in the qatar post and tell me there's not a little bit of a shadow of that qatar fury to the argentina recklessness
this is a point I snuck into the marc race recs post, where I included this excerpt from a post-argentina 2018 write-up:
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phillip island 2003, hm? as it happens, in the qatar post, I did include a bit of the autobiography that compares those two specific races:
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so, phillip island 2003: a performance that made everyone wonder just how much valentino had left in reserve to draw on whenever he needed it. what valentino is saying here is that this performance wasn't a result of him holding back in all the other races that year - this was speed that was accessible to him only in that moment because he was so angry. so yes, maybe it's a valid question to wonder what would have happened at phillip island 2003 if it hadn't just been the ghost of his bike that had to pick its way through the stragglers. then again, valentino says it's not just rage that does the trick for him - it's controlled rage... which is all well and good, except when you lose control
and see also:
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that's what argentina 2018 is all about, isn't it? it's a performance that's rooted in impatience, in restlessness, in frustration - where marc tuns his "rage into pure speed", as valentino would put it, in a hubristic dismissal of the rest of the field. ideally, the two of them channel those emotions to spur themselves on to special, signature performances... but sometimes, it gets the better of them. it got the better of marc that day in argentina and cost him the tentative peace with valentino. at qatar, it could have cost valentino the title
(also shades of this in jerez 2020 - an error sets the stage for some extraordinary pace before it all goes wrong) (catalunya 2003 is a fun more compact nephew to that race without the unhappy ending)
now, look, am I saying that marc was really referring back to qatar 2004 specifically, a race that had happened fourteen years earlier, when making an off-hand remark in a post-race media scrum as he tried to do some damage control in the wake of one of the most controversial races of his career? well, no. he could have been! but it's unlikely. maybe he's shit at maths and was actually thinking about laguna 2008 after all. still, I would like to once again point out that he felt the need to mention valentino's behaviour at age twenty five not once but twice. he's telling us that he wants people to remember what valentino was like at that age, and in the most literal sense I am doing what he's asking for. surely it's worth at least noting that there just happens to be a race where valentino was at that exact age and his temper overcame his rationality, leading to him making a costly error... surely it's worth acknowledging this...
even if marc wasn't actually obliquely referring back to that race or indeed any of the races I mentioned above, of course the parallels between valentino's foibles and marc's are in any case interesting. it speaks to how they get those special performances out of themselves, the similarities in how they operate in that regard... but of course also in how they both sometimes stray rather close to the limit, how they repeatedly flirt with crossing the line. a stubbornness and a hubris and a rage that can sometimes lead to disaster for the both of them. and another thing - who knows if marc was thinking about qatar 2004, but he must have been thinking about something. that's the point of that jerez post, right... marc is valentino's successor in so many ways, he has fashioned himself in valentino's image - and he keenly grasps and remains aware of all the different aspects of that legacy. he's the most accomplished of valentino's students and he felt strongly that what he did in that race in argentina was in some way comparable to what valentino himself had been doing at his age, part of the same tradition even. yes, to some extent marc is obviously accusing valentino of hypocrisy here: how can you judge me when you were once young and foolish too? his tone isn't exactly filled with remorse either, is it, he's pretty feisty in that media scrum! still, there's something more to it... something almost poetic to the whole thing, wouldn't you say? valentino had just accused marc of ruining the sport - and in response marc wants people to remember that they are just the same
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❗❗❗❗hey hey hey hey hey hey ❗❗❗❗
Simblr do not get distracted by the Zionist cc Creators do not waste your time over them do not let thier voices take over the voices of palestnians and the activists who stand with Palestine
We do not need them or their voices we do not need thier phoney declaration of support to thier 3k followers we do not need that because if we ignore them and all of us focus together and stand together we all together will be more than all the followers they can dream of.
Im noticing they cooked up a template response together to rile you up and come out looking like the Kind melovelent bigger person
Any variation of "i know this is not the response you wanted to hear and thats okay we all have different opinions please make peace with that and please dont force political issues/real world issues/ your opnion/ your point of view on me on my tumblr this is my safe space/fun place/ escape/job/ Reputation/livelyhood and i'd like to keep it that way strictly about the sims and the community" just know if you see this it automatically translates to: that they have chosen to be okay with the many genocides happning as long as it doesn't affect them, these people have made up thier mind and nothing you say or do will make them change thier mind as long as they get to sleep on thier soft pillow at night they wont see you or hear you, so when you see shit like this DO NOT GET RILED UP DO NOT WRITE A RESPONSE make peace instantly with the fact that that person is a horrid genocider and block them and turn to the palastnian voices that need you.
I promise you no amount of arguing you do will change them if them being mentioned on a post that explains to them gently how they are complicit in a genocide wont get them to say somthing nothing will BECAUSE ITS INTENTIONAL.
They will go on with thier lives and thier over consumption and over indulgence to drown out the voices around them and they cry over the fake child death in house of the dragon but be stone faced when they see an actual palastnian child torn to shreds (not an exsagration). They will sympathize with 2 fake mothers mourning and crying over thier assassinated child in house of the dragon but feel disgusted when they see a Palestinian mother hold her very real assassinated newborn just so they can prove they have empathy.
Sigh anyways
The lists are good because they do 2 things 1) alert the creators and as we saw some of them didnt know and once they know they take good action
2) alert YOU to the ones that revealed themselves to be garbage and urge you to block them
That is all do not make it more than it is to the point it overshadows the real problem.
take care of your selves and thanks for listening :/ free Palestine
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thevioletcaptain · 1 day
To the countless strangers who keep sending me asks with links to fundraisers:
I will always gladly boost any fundraisers that have been vetted by those who possess the knowledge and skill to do so, or which have been shared with me directly by someone I know and trust, but I cannot in good conscience share links that have been sent to me via unsolicited messages from complete strangers.
I've been getting such a huge number of these lately. I've only been able to verify one of them was legitimate.
All of these messages come from people I don't follow, who don't follow me, and who've had their blog for a month at most. All of them asking for donations or signal boosts for their fundraisers. Some of them spell their own names three different ways between the asks they send and the posts on their blogs, which, when combined with the fact that the messages and blogs are largely indistinguishable from that tumblr scam with the sick cat and the expensive vet bill, makes me extremely doubtful of the source.
I wish I could give you the benefit of the doubt, but I just can't anymore.
Basically, if I don't personally know you and cannot easily confirm that your fundraiser is legitimate, I will not post your ask. Your ask will be deleted.
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My Work on Archive Of Our Own
Please ignore if me gushing about the reception of my fics is irritating. I understand there are some people who genuinely hate when fanfic writers do this, so I'm putting it under the cut so you don't have to see it!
(And fair warning; if this irritates you and you still decide to click 'keep reading' and you then decide that I am obviously up myself so I deserve a hate anon or several, I need to preemptively remind you that I gave you the choice not to engage. You will be blocked and I shall call you a silly little guy if you do this.)
I also would like to make this an invitation to anyone who wants to share their proudest stats, or a nice comment they got, or even just something they are really really happy about in having written their fic. (No need to click read more, just go for it and use this as your excuse to show some pride.) On any platform!
Gonna tag the following: @lya-dustin @ewanmitchellcrumbs @the-common-cowgirl @the-wonderland-madnesss @marthawrites
@vampire-exgirlfriend @exitpursuedbyavulcan @emilykaldwen @ripdragonbeans @aegonx
Feel free to turn this into a pass-on game, if you like! We should celebrate the things that make us happy, too. ❤️
I've not ever really posted about this because, IDK, I worry about being considered a conceited asshole. I figure, though, that this is my blog and my safe space and if I want to celebrate something I'm proud of then I should be able to do so. Nor am I implying that I believe this is any sort of metric of popularity or superiority, OR that I write for the sole purpose of validation through clicks and numbers. I have very little interest in engaging with any of that rhetoric. NO. It's just a convenient bonus, kinda like how I love my job and the fact I get paid is awesome but not my primary reason for doing it.
Okay, I think I've got the disclaimers out the way? (Can never be too sure with fandom.)
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads my stuff. Not only on here, but on Archive Of Our Own, which is more or less a place I consider the Ultimate Fanfiction Site (TM). It used to be fanfiction.net for me, but then their ads got annoying and their content ban gross, so AO3 it is! I've read fanfiction on AO3 since I was like 13, and I still find it crazy beyond belief that my work is not only on there, but that it gets any sort of traction at all.
As a little acknowledgement of something I'm proud of, I wanted to document my stats on my big series, terms of endearment, as of June 2024. It is by and large the biggest project I have ever done, and I've poured countless hours of researching, writing and editing into it.
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darilaros (princess)
Words: 48,843 Comments: 254 Kudos: 801 Bookmarks: 111 Hits: 21,971
gevivys (beauty)
Words: 52,147  Comments: 578  Kudos: 2,965  Bookmarks: 490  Hits: 106,019
dōnus riñus (sweet girl)
Words: 58,775 Comments: 660 Kudos: 3,414 Bookmarks: 635 Hits: 141,339
ilībītsos (little slut)
Words: 62,725 Comments: 556 Kudos: 1,880 Bookmarks: 289 Hits: 99,939
ñuhus prūmȳs (my heart)
Words: 104,063 Comments: 1,188 Kudos: 2,274 Bookmarks: 368 Hits: 110,356
jorrāeliarzus (beloved) (ongoing)
Words: 38,451 Comments: 234 Kudos: 454 Bookmarks: 86 Hits: 16,208
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That makes for a total of 365,004 words; 3,470 comments; 11,788 kudos; 1979 bookmarks; and 495,832 hits. Jesus Christ.
To everyone who kudos'ed, commented, bookmarked, subscribed or even just clicked on the link to the fic, thank you very much. This series has grown and grown, not just in my head but also in audience. It's given me so much encouragement and support in my writing, and a feeling like maybe I am decent at this? I don't know. I used to write when I was a kid, but I stopped during high school. Rediscovering the joy of it hasn't just been rewarding in terms of having fun with it, but also in discovering that there are people who genuinely want to read what I'm putting out. I've spent a lot of my life feeling powerless and silenced, so this really means so much to me.
I am going to keep on writing for as long as I possibly can, because I genuinely haven't found a hobby as long-lived and fulfilling as this.
Thank you. I'm so very lucky. I'm so grateful. I love you all!
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bryhoney · 2 days
Recognisance Pt.6
Hello!! I hope you enjoy! Just wanted to say thank you for all the support this fanfic has received so far :) I'm also sorry in advance :((((
<-Previous Next->
I've got an interview coming up for potentially a dream job offer so I'm prepping for that all the time at the moment - hence the slight delay in posting updates! But fingers crossed that all works out and it should be regular again!!
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You’re seated opposite Gabriel and you note that he’s irritated at the commotion around you. No doubt he wanted to seat you in some private room to interrogate you but with the aftermath of the Ghost’s infiltration of the base - there isn’t anywhere to go. 
You’re in an office that hasn’t been soundproofed, people are frantically ferrying their wounded colleagues or scrambling to gather information from each other. 
Gabriel will be called away soon, he will have to answer to someone or orchestrate the next steps the Federation will take. He’d likely take the brunt of the blame for this mishap. 
“Now, I’m only going to ask you nicely, once. You let them out, didn’t you?” He’s smoking, which you find unnerving. He’s doing everything he can to appear calm, but you’re sure he’s shaken by the breach and furious with your actions. 
You don’t answer immediately, you’re not sure what the best approach here is. Despite everything, he’s still the only constant you have in your life. 
“You didn’t tell me,” you’re oddly proud at how stable your voice is, you feel numb to everything other than the man opposite you, and you’re not even sure he’s an ally anymore. 
He sighs, moving to stand. You can tell he’s wrestling with himself to maintain his composure. He looks out the window at the flurry of soldiers outside the office. 
“I thought it’d be better this way, I’ll explain it all when this is over,” he sounds sincere, gesturing to the hallway to indicate that ‘this’ is the catastrophic impact of the ghosts.
“You killed my father,” you whisper, hating everything about this situation. You hate that your heart aches for a man you don’t know. You wished, more than anything, to remember the man whose voice you’d heard consoling you, who sounded like he loved you. 
He turns back to you, “He wasn’t your father in the end, he was a liar - a traitor,” his voice is cold and hard and the look he gives you is lethal. 
You’d also betrayed Rorke.
A soldier bursts into the room, “Sir,” his attempt to portray a calm indifference is admirable despite the heavy breathing that gives him away. 
“I’ll be back soon, I expect you to be in your room until we can secure the site again,” Rorke says calmly before turning his back to you. He strides out of the room, following the younger man towards the main control centre. 
It takes you a second to stand, hesitant to walk through the soldiers. Did they know who you were? Would they kill a relative of a Ghost? A Walker? 
You hold your head up high and turn towards the living quarters, trying not to look at the extent of the damage that just a handful of men wrought onto a base full of highly trained operatives. 
Time moves very slowly as you sit and wait in your room for Gabriel. 
You’re sure that outside your room, the base is still in chaos but it’s completely silent in here. You’ve shut out every thought and memory that tries to resurface as you quietly try to piece together what you know. 
Firstly, You’re a Walker. Your brothers are Hesh and Logan Walker. 
From what you can recall, your childhood had been a happy one with the Walkers. This fact is less concrete, just moments of a normal, if somewhat eccentric family. 
Secondly, you were tortured by them. The memories of your time in the room are hazy and interwoven with snippets of pain. But it was them - you’re not sure what drove them to do that to you. What had you done to turn them so far against you? 
Rorke had told you that you’d been tortured to get to him. Who were you to Rorke? You had more ties to the Ghosts in Blood alone. You can’t recall being field-trained or dangerous enough to pose a substantial threat to them. 
But Rorke insisted that they wanted to recapture you.
But you were out in the field, and you had tried to kill someone. 
You had been raised by the leader of the Ghosts. Was it so unlikely to think you hadn’t also been taught some basic self-defence? 
Your brothers were ghosts. 
“Keegan,” that was your voice, it was breathy and- 
Oh God. 
Oh God. 
What the ever-loving fuck was happening. You knew next to nothing and Rorke had kept you in the dark. You had no idea who to trust. 
Why didn’t he tell you? 
Your memories would come back. They had to, you couldn’t stand this awful limbo of not knowing who you were and what had happened. 
The door clicked open, and Rorke stepped into the room before locking it behind him. You felt small, entirely defenceless with him in this space. 
“How you holding up, sweetheart?” his tone calm, reassuring as though nothing had happened. You furrowed your eyebrows. You’d allowed his enemies to escape and now he was calling you pet names? 
“I’m alright,” your voice is small and your knees are now tucked up towards you. 
He sits at the foot of your bed, looking towards you in the darkness, “Today was- it wasn’t what we expected,” he’s being honest, so you hope to keep him calm and keep him talking. 
“No kidding,” you try smiling through the darkness at him. You’re, entirely preoccupied with self-preservation - it’s as though you’ve cornered a wild animal. 
He smiles back towards you, “I suppose it’s high time you knew the truth.” You're taken aback, this was not the route you thought this military strategist would take. You had convinced yourself he would try something more calculated than the truth. But, that is assuming this was the truth. 
You bring your arms up to hold yourself, “maybe," you’re being soft, giving him no reason to see any threat in you. 
“You’re not a Walker,” he says it as though it’s obvious and it earns a physical, knee-jerk response from you,
“I am! I am a-”  You’re furious, he’s going to lie to you again.
“Let me finish,” his tone is violent, final. He softens as you flinch from him, never once has he yelled at you like this. He’s volatile, you’ve always known that and yet-
“You were a Walker,” he adds, he sighs and meets your gaze again, and you don’t expect it. You’re silent so he’ll continue. 
“You were a Walker, God knows what you were before the Walkers took you in.” He tries a smile at you, clears his throat and reaches towards his pockets, “You’ve been a Rorke for just under three years now,” his hand extends towards you, he’s holding a ring. 
You’re blinking rapidly, you feel yourself pale as your stomach drops through the floor. 
“What?” you whisper, heart in your throat.
“It’s yours,” he says, and you take the ring gingerly, inspecting it as though it might trigger some long-buried memory of your time with Rorke, your husband. 
This isn’t right. 
“I don’t- I don’t remember any of this?” your voice is level and calm, but internally you’re trying to stitch together even more fragments of your life. 
He laughs, “It was rushed, and they hate me all the more for it.” He places a hand atop your knee and you don’t shrug him off. 
“This doesn’t make sense, I wouldn’t have joined the Federation if I were a Walker, we’d have been enemies? How did we even-?” your train of thought is derailed by the constant theorisations forming and collapsing in your head. 
“It’s a long story, kid, but, I was a Ghost once, before-” he pauses, clearing his throat,  “I was close with Elias,” he replies, and God- it sounds honest. You don’t have any timeline to place this all on to verify anything he’s saying. 
He looks at you, sighing as he continues, “I don’t expect you to wear it, they tried to destroy every part of me from your memory when they took you. I was foolish, I didn’t think they’d hurt you because they were.” He stands, and you track his movements. You feel stupid, even less certain. But he was so much older, how did you even meet - and yet- 
You believe him. 
“Gabriel, I-” You’re not even sure what you were going to say but you felt the need to continue. It makes sense, why the Ghosts would want you alive, why’d they want to hurt you. 
But they’re home. They were home once. 
“I’m sorry," he says, “I should have told you from the start, I didn’t want to overwhelm you.” He moves towards you and kisses the top of your head. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” Is all he says before he leaves. 
And you almost hate him for it, he has ripped away the idea that you had a family that loved you. Of course, you didn’t have a family, you only had Gabriel. 
But he was so much older, how did you even meet - how?
The man who has been nothing but respectful and kind. Your husband. 
It explains why the Ghosts want you. It explains why a highly capable, violent man remained calm with you despite freeing his sworn enemies. You hate how much it makes sense. 
“He’s dangerous, and he knows exactly how to kill us,” It’s your father, a briefing before a mission. 
Likely against Rorke. Your husband. 
You don’t remember any of this. 
The Ghosts had taken so much from you. 
You had so many questions. Despite the answers Rorke had given you, you felt more in the dark than ever. 
“You’re infuriating, you shouldn’t even be in that room, anything could-” You cut the man with the deep voice off by kissing him. He doesn’t hesitate - his hands reach for you. One hand on your waist pulls you towards him, the other holding the back of your head fingers in your hair as he devours you. He kisses you with such intensity your knees feel like they’re about to give out from beneath you. You whisper, “Shut up, Keegan,” against him as you lose yourselves in each other, he’s pushing you backwards until your back hits the wall. You gasp at the impact, and he raises one of your legs to his waist before he pushes his hips against yours, you moan into his mouth-
No. No. 
How could a Ghost, Keegan, do those things to you in your memory and then so easily carve a knife into your skin? 
You’re sobbing. Utterly frustrated at your inability to remember anything that could help you put your life back together. 
You weren’t a Walker after all.
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charmac · 3 days
hey so just curious, i'm asking this as someone who pretty strongly believes that dennis is gay, but wants to understand other perspectives. so it seems like the common consensus of a lot of sunnyblr is that dennis is bisexual but dee is a lesbian. so i was just wondering about those headcanons, since it seems like lesbian dee and gay dennis have sort of similar trains of logic behind them (heterosexuality = societal power). just need to let you know that i love your blog and i didn't mean for this to come across as confrontational, but i just wanted to explore ideas which are different from my own. thank you xoxo
For sure, and this doesn't come across as controversial at all lol I love discussing this stuff and that you're interested in hearing my perspective means a lot tbh
(Just to preface, I wrote most of this while high and watching baseball, but that's when my brain works best so not to worry)
So as for the common consensus of "Bi Dennis, Lesbian Dee" in the wider Fandom, I think a lot of that is rooted in the idea that the Gang are the "letters" of LGBT, so to speak. Not to say that's a bad thing, but just that a lot of people kinda like that "headcanon" as, for as far as canon is concerned, both of their sexualities are currently still ambiguous and this works and makes sense, so I think a lot of the fan-art and text posts/tweets/whatever veer that way.
Past that idea, I'm not actually sure what the majority of the Fandom thinks of Dee's canon sexuality? While right now I assume lesbian Dee would win, I am actually kinda surprised how few people voted gay Dennis (so far) in his canon sexuality poll, so I think a Dee version of that poll might be a good follow up to answer this...
Though the difference in what we see in Dee and Dennis' portrayals of their sex lives is what I think leans people more toward Bi Dennis and Lesbian Dee:
On Dennis: There's a point we're at with him where he.. has a system for men. He's not in denial about fucking guys, he's probably currently having sex with men (well clearly he's having (e)sex with one), he might have been sleeping with men the entire goddamn time, but he's still been pursuing women and drooling over breasts. He finds women (their bodies, really) sexually attractive. And for as much as the idea of inherently having power over women drives him, it's well established that the use of his Systems is what really gets him off, and he has one to manipulate and control men (and he's had it for awhile)... I think if Dennis wasn't sexually attracted to women, he would have just stopped—because he's clearly had no romantic interest in a woman ever in his life (briefly mistaking Maureen for something along those lines and realising he doesn't want it). I think there's a complete absence of romance in his sex life, full stop, and his life almost completely... with the exception of the fact that he has a life partner (whom he goes on dates with, financially supports, apparently now shares a bed with, etc)... But he's still gets off to and/or with women (at least that's what RCG write every now and then).
(And on the topic of writing, I think maybe in some ways for me, Bi Dennis over gay Dennis theory is due to the coding just being more obvious?... If an Italian man wants to eat a sandwich... to the paralleled Systems being the reverse of each other, giving prostate orgasms to Mac one episode and then desperate to see huge fake tits the next...)
On Dee: Season 6 made it pretty clear she's duping men into sex, and her relationship with Bill Ponderosa speaks volumes. But while she was sleeping with men just to give them low ratings in Group Dates, she was only spurred to that point because she was rejected by a guy she thought she was seeing. Then Goes to Hell reestablishes Dee is pressuring men into sex using insinuations, clearly devoid of romance. PTSDee is interesting, because Dee is acting on scorn, but it's not that the guy she slept with didn't want to see her again, but that he insulted her game. Then, Time's Up says a lot more, because it's quite literally telling you Dee slept with her (arguably best) friend, this guy she does love as a friend, and still ended up doing what she does to all the men she sleeps with (and destroying their relationship), using them. By Season 16, she hasn't had a care for a boyfriend in years, but she's sleeping with men if there's date-rape drugs in the picture. I think it's made clear she has no romantic interest in men, this is pure (fucked up) sexual pleasure.
The difference with Dee in canon (which I think is pretty clear) is that she doesn't have the "other sex option" that Dennis canonically explores. There's nothing to show us that she's even entertaining the idea of sleeping with women, so it's easily interpreted that she's a repressed lesbian experiencing comphet. Once she has sex with a woman for the first time, men will be completely gone from the picture. As an interpretation and hope for Dee's character, I would be inclined to agree, but honestly I don't believe RCG have been/are writing Dee's sexuality as a lesbian, but as Dennis' parallel. So if they're going to keep giving her plots and writing that she's interested in men the way Dennis is interested in women, I'm personally inclined to believe she's canonically sexually interested in men (as objects? lol).
I 100% agree with your idea that their heterosexuality comes from this place of "sex with (control over) the opposite sex gives me power," but I don't necessarily see it devoid of sexual attraction (as they love to hammer that stuff in), just romance (for as surface level as "empathy" would be)
For me, the intention of the writing holds a lot of weight (and maybe I should loosen up a little lol), which is why I'm parked where I am, but if the majority of people in the Fandom do see Dee as a lesbian while still believing Dennis is sexually interested in women in some way, I think it's because, while Dennis and Dee are shown to experience sexual attraction (and hetero sex) in similar ways, they don't exhibit homosexual attraction the same way, and the interpretation of that in their plots and characterisation leads to more people seeing Dennis as bi and Dee as a lesbian.
But honestly I'm just speaking on my own thoughts, idk how many people would agree, will def run a poll on Dee's sexuality tomorrow.
Let me know your thoughts. I'm really interested in hearing back on this!
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senseifupa · 3 days
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Kento Nanami, His Royal Highness, has found himself curious about you. He refuses to call it infatuation because that's for people with no self control, something he has loads of. But social media is becoming increasingly less effective. He wants to experience you in the flesh and the perfect opportunity to meet you has landed in his lap. Now if you could always stay this close to him.
ModernRoyal!Nanami x PlusSize!Reader (black/woc coded but all can read and enjoy obvs 😗)
a/n: Congrats on 3k and Thank you @ayyy-pee for letting me participate the jujutsu journal event! I got carried away sksksksks. But I was inspired by this song . Idk what it was but it felt right. Anywho, I hope you enjoy!
WC: 3.4K
c/w: partial smau, jealousy, sexual/provocative thoughts, stalker behavior, unhealthy infatuation and obsession, sexual acts, mentions of sex, italics aboose, internal dialogue, smut (vaginal fingering)
      He'd seen you in more and more of Gojos' IG posts over the last year, untagged. Assuming you were just a Gojo girl who wanted to be around for the perks of a wealthy socialite, He never asked to be introduced. But he did ask your name.
  A simple "Her face looks familiar" was all it took for Gojo to share not only your name and social media but also your profession, the university you were attending to get your degree, marital status, the name of your cat, and the fact that you lived in the US. Satoru loved to talk, thank goodness.
'Is that a Zenin? Tch'. A picture of you sitting in Naoya's lap, hand gripping your under thigh, sat on his dimmed screen. Maybe you had a reason for being seen with scumlike Naoya, but it wasn't a reason Kento wanted to know about. The following post was a brunch photo. A group of ladies with Gojo in the center. 'Keeping better friends. Smart girl.'. You were an enigma that brought him closer to the brink every time he saw your million-dollar smile.
His thoughts always started so pure before he thought about you in his bed, the strapless dress you wore in a photo captioned "Shawty got that dress on so the block is hot again" on his floor while at the same time, giving you the meanest strokes for teasing him this way. Thank heavens for the photos. Kento decided a throwaway Instagram account to like the posts and to look at your story would be brighter. Admiring more stealthily, he can at least fantasize about a life with you now that 'RateUp7_3' exists.
So put together. Every story or post included a bright smile or smolder in clothing that made him envy how they hugged your shape. Hair is always in its perfect, coiled natural state while you sit between Gojo and Geto or sit in their lap like some trophy. Satoru hugged you differently. Well. You were the only woman he seemed to hug in these photos. "Interesting," Nanami noted, something he should reanalyze when he has more time.
He pocketed his phone, realizing he had made it to his destination.
A small welcoming committee stood with broad smiles as they greeted HRH Crown Prince Kento. Bowing his head, taking the little book that was handed to him and began to look over the itinerary. "Busy week ahead! Your grandfather is waiting for you in Minato City." With that, his courtier, Ino, began to give him details for the coming week.
      Thanks to Gojo's extraordinary +1 privileges, you found yourself amid a private Gala he was obligated to attend. The champagne-colored satin gown, a cascade of elegance, draped your figure, accentuating the rich hues of your skin. A sight that could only be described as divine.
He broke off after briefly greeting Gojo, Geto, and others you weren't familiar with. He made his way to you near the bar, Easily making it seem like he was making his rounds to guests.
  "Good evening"
"Hello! You're Satoru and Suguru's' friend, right?" you inquired.
"I wouldn't say friend to Gojo. He's more like a gift with a purchase. But yes, I'm Ken."
  Giggles turned into a laugh once you both looked back over at Gojo, eating mini cupcakes, and Geto looking at him with concern.
Your laugh. It was the sounds of the heavens welcoming him to the golden throne. You snorted, and the resolve Kento had was officially withering.
"He's an interesting guy. I met him at a show I walked in a little over a year ago. Before that, he slid into my DMs and even sent me a pie to get my attention."
Kento didn’t think he could be jealous. That's for people who weren't self-assured. And he was very, very sure. Yeah, he's a man, but he's very strong-willed. No no. Not jealous. But this whole pie thing-
"Did it work?" Abruptly speaking. "The pie, I mean."
"Well, I'm talking to you right now. So what do you think?"
Kento exhaled a laugh, pushing back a strand of hair before looking over to you.
"He is a friend. A very good one. Always reliable"
"I've seen him in his element. He is indeed." sipping your cocktail, looking at him as you do.
"You mentioned walking in a show. Are you a model?" if you wanted to lie, it would've been a shame. He's already gone to see that your latest Savage Fenty ambassador collab dropped two days before you arrived in Japan. You looked ravishing in that fervently floral number.
"I am. I primarily work with small houses and on-the-rise designers. But that's how Satoru and I met. He was a guest model for FroviàGalón last season. It was a big hit. We've been working most shows together ever since."
This man could have any woman he wanted; He was Nanami family royalty. Handsome, smooth without even trying. He could buy a country with the proper connection if it mattered. But Gojo sending you a pie and practically being your purse dog makes him feel something. He was feeling jealous over a stupid pie and that white-haired imbecile. The slow unraveling because you snorted and the image of you spreading to show your glistening, plump, wet-
"The boy just loves to be in people's faces. He's one of the girls when we're out, so it's always a good time". Jealousy piques his nerves, and he notices your eyes trailing back to Gojo and Geto.
"He does enjoy good times."
"Speaking of, you plan on going to his after-party?" Innocence in your tone.
"After party? Of course, he finds that fitting for after a Gala."
His gaze lingered on your mouth, licking the remnants of the salted rim as you held the glass close to your body. The perfect honey-hued gloss with a hint of a shimmer. ’Her lips trailing down my chest, tongue lightly leaving a wet trail before swirling over my nip-‘
"You should come! I don't do parties, but since I'm on holiday, why not enjoy it?" the silky pep in your voice was going to be the death of him.
"I will consider it."
Get it together, Nanami.
Before he could offer to get you a drink, an older gentleman who looked very similar to Kento waved in his direction.
"I have to get going, unfortunately. But it was a pleasure meeting you. I.. don't know your name."
You tell him, smiling and holding your hand out.
"It was a pleasure to meet you as well, Ken. Hope to see you later tonight." He kissed your hand before walking off.
"Oh! And Bavarian cream."
"I'm sorry?" Confused, Kento turned back to you slightly.
"For the pie. I like Bavarian cream pie."
He smiled, turning away. "Fucks sake." He huffed, and his waistband was doing more work than anticipated tonight.
You made your way to the elevators, Gojo and Geto catching up as Geto wrapped his arm around your waist, pecking your cheek.
Kento watched you intently as he stood with his family. Saying goodbye to other guests was the least of his concerns when the swaying of your body had his mind completely occupied. Getos arm causing a severe problem for him as it sat right at your ass.
5… 4… 3… breathe Kento
He continued to make small talk with the guest, smiling as you three got into the elevator, doors closing, and his heart racing.
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  It was like Gojo needed to learn how to have a small party. His penthouse, one of many, was now an entire club. A spacious dance floor, an open bar, and a dessert bar because that man wasn't touching a drop of alcohol. But a slice of Black Forest cake? Different story.
With an area roped off, you headed through the crowded floor in that direction.
  "There's my girl!" Shoko stood first, taking the cigarette out of her mouth before hugging you tightly. "How are you, doll face?"
"Better now that I've seen you, babe."
“I'm glad you decided to show up over an hour late." Gojo chimed in, an overdramatized look of annoyance on his face while pulling you to sit beside him.
"Toru. You know me. I'm not wearing the same fit to an after-party, bookie. Your girl had to get cute and comfortable."
"And a pair of Versace platforms is comfortable?" Geto questioned, sass embedded in his tone with a smirk.
"Exactly. I knew you'd get it, SuguPoo." the group laughed.
"Suguru, she's a Versace and Moschino model now. Those platforms are nothing", Satoru closed in, a cheeky smile spreading across his face as he handed you a drink.
Your cheeks got warmer as he mentioned your latest gig. You had officially made your mark. You were now standing as one of the few black curve models to walk one of the major fashion houses, getting the gig with pure talent. "Oh, baby. The way I wasn't expecting to hear back after my little rant about fashion house politics. But who could say no to this body?" You ran your hands down your hips and lightly smacked your rear, pulling playful howls from Shoko and Gojo while Geto laughed, shaking his head at your antics.
"Come on, let's give our faves show. I've missed you!" Gojo grabbed your hand, leading you to the dance floor. Shoko and Geto sat back to watch with their drinks in hand.
Kento watched and waited until you left the area, hands finally relieved of the clammy feeling they had for the last hour. Trying to restrain the hard-on you gave him once he saw the tight dress you changed into, he slipped into the bathroom to wait you out.
Nanami joined them the moment you left the section.
"Where've you been?" Shoko questioned harmlessly.
"Was just talking with some old acquaintances. I was trying to get back to you guys."
"Your detail giving you some breathing room tonight?" Geto pointed with his chin to the security guard he was used to seeing with Nanami, in far less inconspicuous attire than usual.
"You could say that. Didn't want to kill the mood."
    It was as if the music slowed when Kento's gaze approached you. The dance floor was packed, but he knew where you were—dancing with Satoru, who he wished to flick away so you could be all over him instead.
The way your body was swaying, generous ass moving against Gojo to a very poor mix of Pour It Up by Rihanna. You made it worth sitting through an awful set if it meant seeing how you grind on literally anything. The short, amber-colored dress showed the ample flesh he felt so desperate to grip onto. ' If you could just sit in my lap so I could hold you up as I give you every fucking inch of me.’
"I'm gonna step out for some air." Kento stood up, grabbing his gin and tonic, not looking back to see if Geto or Shoko heard him.
  Outside, he leaned against the railing. The late-night weather was welcoming. The faint almond scent from the trees wafted past his nostrils pleasantly. Closing his eyes, he sighed deeply, leaning into the comfortable breeze against his skin.
Every bit of contact he'd had with you that day felt like a tiny gesture of sweet love. How your supple skin felt under his lips when he kissed your hand. Your laughter was a healing potion. He left the comfort of his estate to see a woman who made him weak just by snorting. You were the beautiful, intelligent woman who was friends with Gojo and Geto. Under 6 hours of finally experiencing your perfection in person without a barrier and he couldn't fucking breathe without his constricted dick throbbing. So many people had access to you and he wanted to know you better than they did. He wanted to be to only one with that access. You were a need. Needing you beside him, on top of him, under him, “I want to hear you same my name while I sing yours like a praise to the heavens. My angel. My everything”
    He brings the glass to his mouth, finishing the watered-down gin drink.
The sound of heels approaching brought him back to earth. "Having fun?" His angel came into view as he opened his eyes.
"More or less. It seems like you're having a blast." The shimmer of your lip gloss kept his eyes on your lips longer than he intended.
"For sure. Satoru is always my dance partner when we're out together."
"That happens often?"
"Eh. When I'm visiting here, only when Suguru doesn't feel like it. So very often."
Kento offered the space next to him as you both snickered. Standing by him, he finally saw your beauty under the moonlight. Everything about you was like an awakening. Flawless, gentle, soft.
A few moments of silence passed before you spoke. "You know, you should do a better job of staring from across the room if you were trying to be lowkey."
Your words stun him, a nervous laugh leaving his mouth as he stands up straight.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by any means."
"I'm not uncomfortable. I wouldn't have come out here if I was."
Relief shows as the wrinkles in his forehead relax. "Was it really that obvious?"
"Maybe I'm delusional, but your eyes followed me most of the night."
"Not delusional. But, to be clear. I find you incredibly attractive."
Your cheeks were now warming as his brown eyes looked for yours. "I'm flattered.”
"Can I buy you a drink? Preferably at a quieter locale?"
"Are you asking me out, Ken?"
"I wouldn't subject you to a drink as a first date."
Your smile glowed a bit more as he placed his hand on your lower back, making your way to the closest exit with him.
"We can discuss a proper date during the drinks. I am a gentleman, after all."
"Show me the way then, Ken."
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"So hotel stays are your usual choice when you're here?"
Trying to keep your balance, you wrapped yourself around Kento's arm while you walked down the corridor from the bar.
“50/50. I grab a hotel if I get in too late or stay at one of Toru's places if I tell him in time. I'll be doing that in the morning once I check out."
'Toru? We will have to talk about these nicknames.'
"Well, I hope I was pleasant enough company this evening."
"You're fun, Ken," your voice echoed as you approached the elevators. "You are quite the man, and I had a great time getting to know you."
"It's been my pleasure. You are captivating and have my attention." The energy was refreshing for you both. He wasn't another menace from your DMs. A philanthropist finance guy was rare—a gentleman with a gentle disposition.
You stopped, going to balance against the wall, bending over to take off your heels.
"Here, let me."
"It's alright, I got it." you persisted, with no progress.
"Darling, you're missing the strap of the heel. I insist." You giggled and watched as he bent down on one knee to unfasten the dainty strap, removing the heels from your feet as you held onto his shoulders for support. A heat rushed to your ears as you felt how delicate he was being with you.
"Ken, you are indeed a godsend."
Nanami carried your shoes as he led you into the elevator, holding it open. "Which floor are you on?"
He hit the floor number and went to lean against the back wall. You stood in front of him, eyes on his exposed collarbone.
Noticing your unsteadiness, he stepped forward and carefully placed his hands above your waist.
"Easy. You okay?"
With your heart racing at 1000 miles an hour, you could only nod.
* Floor 4*
You leaned forward, placing your hand on his chest to steady yourself. Cedarwood and alcohol on his breath. Your eyes met his with a shared feverish desire as you peered up. You were buzzing now from the proximity.
*Floor 9*
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You don't know how your hand went from his chest to gripping his neck, nails running through his undercut, but it happened before you got to floor 20, where he stopped the elevator.
"Ken.. please,"
His large hands gripped your thighs, lifting one of your legs to wrap around him. Your dress was already short, now hiking up as he pressed his thick bulge into your inner thighs.
"Please.. please say my name again." He grinds himself into you, pang of desire in his voice, breath tickling your ear as you wriggle your hand between you both to unbutton his shirt from the top.
"Ken. Nngh, shit. Ken.. I need you."
Lips finding purchase on your neck, nipping at any skin he could sink his teeth into. The pads of his fingers run down your panty-covered slit. A shiver went through you as he circled at your throbbing bundle of nerves.
"Fuck! Please, Ken."
"Please, what, darling? Use your words for me." His voice grew gruff as he felt you trying to grind against him.
"Please make me cum for you,"
“You want to make a mess for me. You want to be a slut in this elevator?” The patronizing voice made you whimper as the sound of Kento ripping your thin panties jilted you, his middle finger sinking into you deeply. A deep moan was all you could muster as his thick digit pumped into you, nails leaving crescents on his shoulders as he kept you pressed against the elevator wall. "Keeennnn. Fuck”
"All that for me, princess? Your cunt this wet all for me?" He curled his thick finger inside, finding that soft, sweet spot that made your knees buckle. "Looking at my hands while I drove. Playing innocently with them while you sat beside me in the booth." Talking through his teeth, he brought his weight against you, keeping you up as he aimed to make you beg before the elevator automatically began to move again. "beautiful, plump cunt was begging to have my fingers fill you. Is this it? Hm? Is this what my princess needed?"
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, yes! P-please don’t stop." You were desperate for release. The sloppy noises of your wet cunt filled the elevator as he relished in the slippery sensation. Brushing his lips to yours, Kento languidly slid his tongue inside your mouth, rolling them his tongue over yours while his grunts grew louder—a string of saliva connected you, a shared fervid look as the elevator dinged.
His hand was soaked, but he couldn't let this be where he gave you an orgasm for the first time. Letting your leg down, he brought his hand to your mouth, running his fingers covered in your essence on your lips.
"When we get to your room, you are mine. All of you." The hungry determination in his eye didn’t leave room for question; you were to be devoured.
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The sun was like a death ray as the bright rays and the constant buzzing nearby awakened you.
"Ken," you rolled over to see him lying on his back, bite marks and glitter across his chest.
"Mm," his groggy tone, letting you know he was only halfway listening.
"Ken. Please get your phone. That shit is going nonstop."
"Sorry, angel"
He groaned as he moved, kissing your shoulder gently. You kissed his lips as he reached over you to the bedside table. The vibrations didn't seem to have an end in sight.
"No one should need me this early. I should have an open schedule."
Opening the first text in his sights, he begins to read, stomach sinking as he clicks the link Gojo sent.
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"Ken, you okay? "
Nanami sat his phone down, trying to keep his composure. He knew he had to prepare you for the whirlwind of a nightmare that was to come. For you, at least. He didn't have to take the drastic measures he originally planned to have you, at least.
This may be good. No more admiring outside of your photo shoots. No more trips with just Satoru and Suguru to islands. He would be your comfort; you'd be by his side only. This incident could be the beginning of a whirlwind romance. That is different from how he would've done things. But he could soothe this over eventually.
"Before I say anything, just know I will do everything possible to keep you comfortable. Okay?" the sincerity in his eyes had you. You nodded as you looked down at his phone, eyes widening as you read the now-trending story.
“Kento? What the fuck is this? Prince!?”
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thanks to the lovely @/saradika for the dividers <3
banner featuring art from @/narutoss_ramen! please go check them out!
Thank you for reading! <3
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t0esniffer69 · 3 days
this post is about what has been going on recently with the managers and stuff. ill be repeating my original claims with evidence and also be adding some new claims.
first off, i would like to say that my original post wasn’t supposed to be hateful. no matter what people tell you, i am not a bad person, spreading rumors or misinformation, or anything like that. i also made the post to try to help the gaehive, not to harm anyone. i knew posting about this would ruin my reputation among some people, so i’d like you to know that while i may have made some choices that weren’t the best out of anger, i also struggle with understanding tone and writing in a specific tone.
with brook, i accused brook of not updating thumbnail ids and being biased towards people that they like. i still agree with both of those things. brook has not been updating or has been writing insufficient thumbnail ids. i absolutely understand the struggle with having adhd and not being able to do something that you don’t want to. but there are so many better solutions than just not updating the id. you could ask someone else to do it for you, you could not update the thumbnail until you have the motivation to, if you have access to medicine you could use medicine that helps with that, you could write thumbnail ids and save them when you first make them, there���s so many better ways to do this than just not doing it. and about the bias, for example, my friend carbon was asked to not return to the gaehive for ban evasion, when brook and some of the other managers have ban evaded in the past. that’s just one example, unfortunately i can’t remember any more currently but i know there are more.
here are some examples of brook not updating thumbnail ids for proof:
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about chaos: chaos is a proshipper, which is defined as someone who supports all ships, including ones like child x adult ships. this part cannot and should not be denied, it is a fact. chaos literally says it themself. this is pretty creepy especially considering that the gaehive is a studio full of kids, who shouldn’t be looking at stuff like that. it’s not that chaos’s content like that is hard for gaehivians to find, its tumblr which links to some of the fanfiction theyve made and proship content is reblogged and liked on, has been shared on the gaehive and the account has posted in the gaehive and hiveblr tags. + it follows a lot of gaehivians. i don’t want people to debate me on if proshippers are bad or not in the replies, i have already had several debates about this, im fine with asking simple questions just no arguments.
anyways, here is some proof that chaos is a proshipper:
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you can also see more proof in chaos’s likes here although to find some of the worse stuff youll have to scroll a little (edit: archive.org was being a bitch and archived chaos’s tumblr itself and not the likes page, i don’t know how to fix this. for now ive made an ibb album with more images for proof but they dont have chaos’s tumblr in the frame so if likes are made private the proof will be gone)
i may make a post about jord too if the people involved agree
anyways, no arguing in the comments please. you can debate me on discord if you want an actual serious debate
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Drama. Drama everywhere.
Hello Loves, hope you are all doing okay and having a good life.
Quite honestly i was not going to talk about this because i was trying to stay drama-free for the longest time as i've been busy with uni but also wanted a bit of a break from all the bullshit while i continue to support, appreciate and wait for our boys peacefully.
My reactions for this situation were :
This shit is funny af because here we go again making a scene out of basically nothing.
As much as the situation is funny it is also unfunny when we're looking at the whole scene from different angles.
So to begin we all know why this shit is funny, same story, different day. People will continuously feel pressed about Jimin or Junkook or Jimin AND Jungkook, people always have this obsession of bringing down their bond because for some reason people can't even accept them as two bandmates, it HAS to be two strangers or nothing to them.
The whole "we do not support content that has shipping material" argument is silly to me because darling, if you see member X with member Z doing something totally normal that anyone can do and can still call it "shipping material" that's a you problem, you must be having serious untreated problems and should seek help from a therapist ASAP.
To think that "Tteokbokki by JK" caused so much fire and for what? We've all been knew that the members have been eating together many times before and it wouldn't be the first time that a member would've cooked something that was appreciated by other members. We were even able to see through the moments the boys decided to share with us that Jungkook did in fact cook for Jimin and if anything to me whether it was Jimin who said it or any other member, picking the Tteokbokki by JK as his favourite dish, that to me at least is a really good praise for JK because this could only mean his Tteokbokki is a banger!!
Now moving on to why it is also unfunny and i'm not even going to get into the details that we talk about every single time about how both Jimin and JK get unnecessary hate but i'm going to talk more about the fans.
We should all keep in mind that stan accounts are run by actual people not bots, so this whole thing about making a big deal out of a very small thing and making up lies to justify this hate is absolutely mental. People are receiving death threats through their dms, they're being lied about, they're being doxxed and basically their lives could be in danger and over what? Childish behaviors that are not assumed.
What irks me is those with big platforms who can't bother to do things correctly, and i'm not saying they should not do any mistakes, we're human we do make mistakes and it's okay but what's not okay is knowing damn well we are wrong and not apologizing for it, being able to fix it and not even try but instead proceeding to block the people they were wrong about.
I don't want anyone to tell me that those people behind those big accounts are not responsible, when you have a certain amount of followers you become responsible of the behavior they show after they followed YOUR advise. Like any influencer on the internet, they are responsible for their audience, as the word itself is "influence" which means that the behavior, decisions, actions, etc.. of the audience can be diverted by this person.
Seeing how these big accounts caused a lot of damage to many people over false information that they did not bother to fact check before but even worse didn't even think about making a follow up post apologizing not only for the misinformation but also to the people who have been impacted by it, this says a lot about what kind of people they are and the type of values they grew up with. Because those accounts are owned by real people too, which means that the posts are also influenced by their personality and values, knowing damn well that because of YOU people are being sent death threats and not even a simple "Sorry"?
It is quite sad actually because we're seeing fewer and fewer big accounts in this fandom being completely honest and unproblematic. Ship whoever you want, stan whoever you want, heck if you want to be a solo go ahead no one is stopping you as long as there is no disrespect out there, as long as there are limits, literally no one gives a fuck what you chose to do or believe in.
A this point i feel like i used up all of my energy in writing this post and if i go any longer it would no longer make sense so i'm stopping here. Please, let's do better for our boys, i know there's like a whole year for us to wait for all of them to be together again but i swear a year is not as long as you think it is, so in the meantime please let's work hard for them, if we can't be present on social media as in actively posting and all that's fine but at least let's be supportive and let them know that we did NOT forget them and we are still here for them, we still love them and we will continue to do so.
With that being said, take care of yourselves and have a very nice day.
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angelasscribbles · 3 days
Mortal Ascension Chapter 2: First Meetings
Series: Mortal Ascension
Fandom: Heaven’s Secret (Romance Club)
Word Count: 2,306
Rating: MA for general purposes
Warnings: None
A/N: Ya'll, I don't even remember how long ago I posted chapter 1. Here's the second installment. Be aware, this will not follow canon. MC's origin story is very different and I've changed up some of the relationships. You'll see.
A/N2: Nephilim=human/angel hybrid. Cambion=human/demon hybrid.
Romance Club fanfiction master list.
All of the things: Master List.
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They materialized in a courtyard. Stone buildings, wrought iron fencing, and climbing roses adorned the landscape.
The courtyard itself had an immaculately manicured lawn with lush, green grass soft under her feet. Before she had even reoriented herself to her new location, a familiar voice called her name. “Eden!”
She turned toward the sound and broke into a full run. “Andy!”
She threw herself into his arms and he spun her around with a joyous laugh. He hugged her tightly as he sat her back on her feet. The cerulean blue eyes that matched her own stared back at her as he became serious. “I’m sorry. Dying sucks.”
She nodded hesitantly. “I…don’t remember it.”
He nodded. “That’s normal when it’s a sudden, unexpected, or violent death. The amnesia is the result of the shock of having your essence forcibly separated from your mortal body.”
That made sense. People who died of old age or long illness were prepared and their souls separated gradually over many days or weeks. “Mom never told me that part.”
“Maybe she didn’t know. How is she? And dad?”
“As well as can be expected. They miss you of course.”
“And now you as well.”
That was a sobering thought. Their parents had now lost both children. “Damn.”
“Yeah, well, at least they know for a fact that life doesn’t end when you shuffle off the mortal coil. That should make it easier.”
“This is very touching, but we need to get going. You two can have your sibling reunion after you’re assigned your mentors.”
“Mentors?” She blinked, looking back and forth between Fencio and her brother.
Andy rolled his eyes. “Chaperones is more like it.” He leaned toward her and whispered, “They don’t trust us because of our mixed heritage.”
“You were raised in the mortal world.” Fencio reminded him. “There’s much you don’t know and your mixed heritage, as you call it, complicates things. So you need others to help you adjust to this life.”
Eden studied the angel’s body language as he spoke. There was something about her and Andy that made him uncomfortable. Was it really just because their parents were half-human? Or was there more to it?
“Speaking of mentors…” Fencio’s eyes narrowed, “…where are yours?”
Andy gestured broadly behind him. “They’re waiting for me right now, but they understood I would want to greet my sister when she arrived.”
“Humph.” Fencio shook his head. “Human sentimentality. Come, girl. Let’s go.” He turned sharply and strode away, expecting to be followed.
She shot a glance back at Andy, who nodded at her with a sympathetic smile. “Go on. I’ll see you later. Promise.”
She returned his smile gratefully before scurrying after the angelic version of a headmaster. She had to walk double time to keep up with his long, quick strides, which was saying a lot as she was a fast walker herself.
They exited the courtyard and wound through stone hewn verandahs, twisting and turning until she knew she would never be able to find her way back on her own. They finally entered a building through a small, unassuming door, climbed three sets of stairs, and resumed winding their way through meandering corridors, indoor ones this time.  
Her head swiveled this way and that as she tried to take in her surroundings. Marble walls glistened and glowed faintly, giving plenty of ambient light. Ceilings arched upwards of fifty feet overhead, and gleaming chandeliers of gold and crystal sparkled above them. The ceilings were adorned with intricate murals that she would love to study, but they were traveling too fast for her to make out details.
Finally, he stopped in front of a massive double door and pushed it inward. He gestured toward a small couch in the corner of the room without looking back as he headed for the massive oaken desk that graced the center of the room. “Sit.”
She obediently took a seat and discreetly checked out what was clearly his office. What would an archangel have in such a room?
Towering bookshelves of dark wood were filled with books that looked to be arranged according to the size and color of the cover. His desk was immaculate. A row of massive windows stretched across the wall behind the desk, casting a warm glow across the room. Despite that, it was still significantly darker than it had been in the hallway.
The floors, the walls, the furniture, everything was in dark, muted shades, giving the whole room an overall dreary feel.
The door burst open as a demon exploded into the room, fury sparking from his eyes. At least she assumed he was a demon. His hair was black as night, his eyes like ink, crimson wings raised in the air behind him, sprouting from a well muscled back and supported by a pair of the broadest shoulders she’d ever seen.
He never even glanced in her direction as he barreled down on Fencio. “What the hell, angel? My father sent me to the Lyceum to learn about history, warfare, and prophecy. Not to be a glorified babysitter!”
Her eyes were drawn back to the door when she detected a slight movement from the corner of her eye. A second immortal had entered the room right behind the demon. She presumed he was an angel. His wings were folded neatly behind him, the gleaming whiteness of them almost blinding. Powerful arms were crossed over a solid chest as he studied her. Glossy golden hair cascaded past his shoulders. Sparkling blue eyes as clear as the sky on a summer day bore into her with interest.
When their gazes met, his mouth turned up in a welcoming smile that sent warmth and electricity sparking through her. Her eyes widened and her lips parted as she drew in a shaky breath and tried to calm her suddenly erratic heartbeat. The angel’s smile broadened as if he could read her reaction.
She returned her attention quickly back to the showdown going on in the middle of the room.
“Stop being so dramatic, Lucifer.” Fencio wasn’t remotely ruffled by the demon’s outburst. “You and your father agreed to the terms of enrollment when he sent you here. All immortals, from either realm, agree to abide by and adhere to all of the high council’s committee of neutrality’s rules, policies, and expectations while in attendance at the Lyceum or while in residence in the city of Concordia.”
“I know that! But—”
“Chapter twelve, section eight, subsection C, paragraph fourteen grants the serving preceptor the right and the responsibility to assign duties as needed to ensure the continued safe and efficient running of the institute at Concordia.”
Lucifer’s wings dipped a little as he accepted defeat. “Why me? Can’t you get someone else to do it?”
Fencio smirked. “That’s what you said last time, and I did. This time, no. There is no other demon currently in attendance that matches your power. That makes her,” he gestured toward the corner, “your problem.”
Lucifer finally turned to glare at the newcomer. His eyes flicked up and down her, sizing her up and dismissing her in an instant. Turning back to Fencio he spit, “Fine. But she better not cause me any issues, or I will rip her immortal essence from her human soul and send the mortal part to hell!”
Eden shrank back on the couch, her eyes jumping from Lucifer to Fencio to the angel by the door, trying to discern if that was an actual possibility.
Fencio laughed as he leveled his gaze at her. “Hear that, hybrid? You’d better be on your best behavior!” Turning back to Lucifer, he barked, “I’ve assigned Mimi as her roommate. Now get her out of my sight. I have actual work to attend to!”
Lucifer spun on his heel and commanded, “Well, come on!”
She rose from her seat to follow the demon and found the angel waiting for her by the door. He gestured for her to precede him, then followed behind.
The moment they were all three in the hallway and the door to Fencio’s office was shut, Lucifer shook his head. Continuing to ignore her, he directed his remarks to the angel. “You take her to Mimi’s room. Call me if she gives you any trouble. Otherwise, don’t call me.” With that, he was gone.
The angel turned a sympathetic gaze to her. When he spoke, his voice was soft, like silk whispering across her skin. “Sorry about him.”
Chills cascaded down her spine as she lifted her eyes to his. “It’s okay. He can’t really do what he threatened to do, can he?”
His expression grew serious. “Not easily or without consequence. I’m Dino, by the way.”
“Eden.” She extended her hand in greeting.
“Eden.” He repeated as he returned the gesture.
His hand covered hers and goosebumps erupted across her body. They stood that way for a moment longer than strictly necessary: hands clasped, staring into each other’s eyes.
Dino moved first, releasing her hand and stepping back. “We should…go.”
Was that a faint flush on his cheeks?
In a move that was completely uncharacteristic of the woman who had been referred to as “brash”, “confident”, and “a force of nature” during her mortal life, Eden dropped her eyes to the floor as uncertainty pinged through her. There was no way an immortal was interested in her.
“Lead the way,” she mumbled as she silently berated herself for her foolishness. She was dead for the love of all that was holy. She had far more pressing things to worry about than if this being found her attractive.
Angels and demons felt sexual attraction, just as humans did. Her very existence was proof enough of that.
“Housing for the neophytes is this way.” He gestured before turning and leading her through a warren of hallways and up and down a few staircases.
She studied him surreptitiously as they walked. She already knew he had the clearest blue eyes she had ever seen. Crystalline with a hue that was almost imperceptible, like the faintest touch of morning frost on a windowpane.
Her gaze swept down his face, taking in the Grecian nose, the high cheekbones, and the square jaw, finally landing on his mouth. His bottom lip was full and inviting. Kissable.
She forced her eyes away from his lips, but that was a mistake. He moved with a graceful agility that was both distracting and mesmerizing. He was broad at the shoulders and narrow at the hips. In any other setting, she would be interested.
He kept up a running commentary as they went, remarking on the history of the building, and the architecture and pointing out landmarks so she could find her way around.
She heard none of it.
They rounded a corner and the corridor ended as they entered a huge common room. The walls and ceilings gleamed with gold accents. Multiple hallways on all four sides intersected the room. Angels and demons both lounged on decadent couches and sat on ornate chairs. All the chattering and laughter stopped abruptly as they skirted around the edge of the room. Every eye was trained on her as Dino led her down the right side of the common area. Stopping in front of the third hallway, he turned toward the room. “Don’t you all have something better to do?” His voice carried across the open area with authority.  
Immortals stood, grabbing books and personal belongings as they scattered down the other hallways.
Concern laced his voice as he turned back to her. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” She waved her hand dismissively in the air. “It’s going to take more than a few stares to rattle me. Are they like this with every new arrival?”
“No.” He turned and led her down the hallway. “But you aren’t exactly a typical arrival.”
“Right.” She blew out a frustrated breath. “Why is everyone acting like I’m some sort of freak? Hybrids are uncommon but not unheard of.”
She nearly ran into him when he stopped in front of a highly polished wooden door. He studied her face with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. “That’s true, but you aren’t exactly a typical hybrid, are you?”
She grunted in consternation and then blew a stray strand of hair out of her eyes as she looked up at him in disquietude. “Maybe not, but surely there have been other—”
“There haven’t. Your brother was the first.”
She stared at him in stunned disbelief. “Wait. Are you telling me there has never been a human/demon/angel hybrid before?”
He shook his head. “Human and angel or human and demon hybrids are looked down upon, but angel-demon hybrids are strictly prohibited.”
Anger flared up inside her. “Well, I guess it’s different on Earth. The hybrids have been all but abandoned by heaven and hell, so we do what we want.”
“Your parents certainly did.” He stated it as a fact. There was no judgment in his tone, but it still rankled inside her.
“My parents can’t possibly be the only hybrids to ever reproduce!”
“Of course not. But as far as I know, your mother is the only Nephilim to ever have a child with a Cambion.”
She opened her mouth to retort but was interrupted as the door swung open. The most gorgeous woman she had ever laid eyes on stood in the doorway wearing skintight black leather, her raven hair falling freely across her shoulders. Black lipstick painted luscious lips and a pair of onyx eyes sparkled with mischief as they ran up and down Eden, openly checking her out. “Are you two just going to stand in the hallway arguing, or are you going to tell me why you’re at my door and who this delectable creature is?”
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givethispromptatry · 6 months
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