#I know my hubby is tired of raine
blessyourhondahurley · 8 months
Suptober day 14 - I Call This One “The Tarantino”
Dean cares for his sicky-poo hubby.
Suptober prompt: Fever Flufftober prompt: "I hate it" - "No, you don't" Fictober prompt: "If you don’t stop now —"
(Read on AO3)
On his way into the room he gives a little tap on the door frame.
“Knock knock, babe, you feelin' any better?” he calls softly.
In the dim glow of their nightlight, Cas is nothing but a mounded shape on the bed. The shape doesn't move, but a muffled, guttural groan issues forth.
“Okay, I'll take that as a no,” Dean chuckles.
“Fuck you,” his husband replies hoarsely.
“Awwww, grumpy pants.”
Peeling the blankets down a bit, he touches the back of his hand to the patient's forehead. “Mmm, nope, that fever's still cookin'. Sit up a little, I'll give you another dose.”
With much grumbling and an impressively multilingual array of swear words, Cas allows himself to be muscled into a sitting position. Dean administers a couple of pills and a tall glass of water, which he refuses to take back until its contents have been drained. “I know it hurts to swallow, bud, but you gotta stay hydrated.”
Cas cracks open a bleary eye and glares at him resentfully. “Why won't you just let me die?” he rasps.
“Well,” Dean explains as he helps his husband reposition himself back down in the bed. “I'm kind of fond of you, for one thing.” He drops a kiss on Cas's messy hair. “For another thing, I hate to break it to you, but this is not a fatal illness. You will feel like shit for another couple days, and you will be denied the sweet release of death about it. Sorry, but very much not sorry for that.”
As another rasping growl erupts from his patient, Dean sighs.
“Yeah, sweetheart, I know. Bein' sick is the worst. You want me to rub your back?”
“No,” comes the mournful reply. “My skin hurts.”
“Okay, well, how about this?”
Moving down to the bottom of their bed, he throws the blankets back to uncover Cas's feet, and runs a tickling finger up one sole.
Cas flails and almost kicks him in the face. “Dammit, Dean, if you don't stop now–”
“Okay, okay, sorry. I couldn't resist. But here, let me just...”
Taking one foot in each of his hands, he digs his thumbs into the meat of his husband's arches and pushes in a rolling circle.
Cas groans again, but it sounds less sepulchral this time.
“Good, huh?” Dean says with a grin.
“...I hate it,” comes the faint reply.
“No, you don't.” He shifts his grip and starts stroking from Cas's heels up towards his toes.
“Mmmm no, I don't. Keep going.”
“As you wish.”
Dean busts out all his best moves, massaging from his husband's ankles all the way up to the tips of his toes. Cas moans and sighs, desperate to soak in some pleasant sensation after feeling full-body lousy for the past few days.
“How are you so good at that,” he asks dazedly after Dean finishes and tucks the blankets back in around his poor patient's tootsies.
“Hey, you think I spent my twenties picking up waitresses all across this great nation of ours and I didn't level my foot rub game up to immaculate? The American service industry runs on aching feet and tired legs. Those moves got me laid more times than I can count.”
Cas hums. “Well, I'm afraid I can't pay you back in the manner to which you are accustomed.” His voice fades as he starts drifting off for another fever nap.
Dean gets up to leave again so his husband can rest, but he pauses on his way out the door. “It's okay, baby,” he says with a soft smile. “I take rain checks.”
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straightupsickfics · 5 months
Teacher Anon 💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 omfg my friend!!! Happy 2024! I hope it's off to a great start...
It's only Tuesday...
So how about something with our favorite pirates in their modern Ed is very protective of his hubby in his black cat "imma hover over you" mode. I freaking lost my voice due to a non illness and I'm like how am I teaching tomorrow!?! So like me as an educator...Stede must also suffer a lost voice as a professor 🙃
ahh happy new year, friend! i hope you're feeling better today and did not have to talk tooo much! <3 some sad, soggy stede for you...
Stede’s car is a sheet of ice. 
After the world’s longest day, Stede has finally, finally reached his car, and it’s absolutely encased in ice. It’d been raining all day, he’d known that, of course. What he hadn’t realized was how cold it'd gotten, leaving him helpless, gloveless, and scraper-less when it came time to get in his car. 
He wants to cry.
More than that, he wants to scream. Except he can’t, because he hasn’t had a voice since sometime yesterday afternoon, thanks to whatever horrible virus he managed to pick up right at the start of the semester. 
He thinks about calling Ed, but aside from rasping pitifully into the phone, even that feels impossible.  Instead, he takes a picture of his car, adds a few crying emojis and hits send. It’s about all his bone-tired brain can handle at the moment, and Ed will get it.
Ed always gets it. Gets him. 
The thought makes his eyes well up all over again as he heads back to his office to wait for his husband to rescue him. 
Stuffed with books, covered in prints, and full to bursting with a small, plush sofa, and many, many ocean creatures, Stede’s office is extremely cozy, which is a small comfort in times like these. He drops dramatically into his desk chair, thinks about grading some of the papers he has waiting for him, wilts a little, then drags himself over to the small sofa in the corner. 
Then, miracle of miracles, his phone buzzes in his hand. 
Edward 💜: Oh, fuck. On my way 😘
Stede: Have I mentioned how much I love you?
Edward 💜: Not today. Frankly, I’m feeling a little neglected, babe
Stede: I love you. x 1,000
Edward 💜: Hmmm, needs a few more 0s I think… 
Edward 💜: Okay, love you, driving now, be there soon!!
With Ed on his way and all his students gone for the day, Stede lets himself droop across his sofa, his eyes falling shut before he can even register how heavy they’ve felt these last few hours. He’s moments from falling asleep when Ed’s voice startles him upright. 
“Aww, Stede,” Ed says. “Y’look fucking shattered, sweetheart.” His voice is so soft and sympathetic that Stede isn’t even surprised when his eyes fill with tears in earnest this time. Ed looks perfect in his black puffy coat, not ridiculous the way he should, the way everyone else looks. His hair is flecked through with rain drops, and he’s looking at Stede like he’d pick him up and carry him to the car if he thought Stede would let him. 
At this rate, Stede thinks, he’d have a hard time even protesting. 
“Hi,” Stede tries to say, but his throat is scraped raw, and he knows he’s barely audible, having wasted the last of his voice on his American Lit seminar this afternoon. A waste, as half the class had been on their phones, and the rest had the kind of zombie-eque, dead-eyed stares that made him wonder why he even bothered. 
How many weeks until spring break?
“Come here,” Ed says, making his way to Stede and offering him a hand to help him up. He pulls him right into a warm, tight hug, rubbing Stede’s back as they stand there wrapped up in each other. Stede would’ve stayed there for hours, face smushed right into Ed's coat... that is, if he could breathe. Between the worsening congestion and Ed’s thick coat, though, he doesn’t stand a chance. 
Stede lifts his head and blinks pathetically up at Ed, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky.
“Made that soup you like, that hot Italian thing? Should feel nice on your throat, even if you can’t taste it,” Ed tells him, dropping a kiss to the tip of Stede’s nose. "Then we'll get in bed, yeah? Fucking 7:00 pm bedtime. Don't let anyone tell you different Stedey, that's living the dream."
“Thank you,” Stede manages. He tucks himself back into Ed’s chest for another long minute. He can’t wait to be home, and warm, and out of his work clothes. Stede had longed for exactly that all day. But now, standing here, Ed wrapped around him, murmuring promises about soup and tea and ocean documentaries, Stede feels close enough to home; what’s another few minutes?
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Not to bombard you but the event looks fun so
1|Tokyo revengers, Draken (My Tokyo revengers hubby) |Hurt/Comfort please!
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i don’t know why it took me so long to write this, it went down smoothly in one go when i finally put my fingers to the keys jsjsh
it's on the shorter side but i hope you can enjoy it nonetheless ♡
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Lean On Me゚☾.࿐
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trope: acts of service [space nr. 17]
pairing: post-time skip!draken x gn!reader
genre: hurt/comfort
warnings: stressed and tired reader, signs of burnout? kind of implied that reader is shorter than draken if you squint
tokyo revengers masterlist
second constellation event masterlist
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This was not your day. Hell, it wasn’t even your week.
First your car broke down while you were rushing to work after having overslept because you worked deep into the night to finish a project your boss had pushed on you last-minute. 
Then, when you finally arrived at the office, soaked from walking through the rain without an umbrella on hand, your approach to the question posed was dismissed within the first minute of presenting it, leaving you tired and stressed with nothing to show for it.
Throughout the morning, your douchebag of a coworker obviously could not keep his mouth shut for even a second, poking ‘harmless’ fun at you near constantly. To make matters worse, when lunch break rolled around, you realised you had forgotten your lunch at home and your favourite restaurant was on vacation.
Needless to say, by the time you stepped off the bus that evening, you were ready to tear your hair out.
Now, your boyfriend Draken was a lot of things but dense wasn’t one of them, so he had a pretty good grasp of how your day had been going. Naturally, you had called him first thing about your car. He had also noticed how your lunch box was still on the counter by the time he left for work. And most obviously of all, he was well aware of your lack of sleep, seeing how he was roused from his slumber by you climbing into bed at an ungodly hour of the night.
When he was home before you, Draken took the liberty to run you a hot bath, adding some of your favourite essential oils to  help you relax as he waited for you to come home. The tub was just full when he heard the front door unlock, followed by a heavy sigh. 
“Hi, baby.” Draken spoke softly as he made his way over to you as you kicked your shoes off. “I’d ask how your day was but I can already imagine.”
“Well, I can’t say you're wrong there, Ken,” you snorted unamused. “I hope your day was better than mine?”
“You really think it could’ve been worse?” His chest fluttered with warmth when he managed to extract a small smile from you with that before scooping you up in his arms and pressing a lingering kiss to your temple. Carefully carrying you to the bathroom, he prided himself in the way your shoulders already seemed to lose some of the tension weighing them down as you melted into him more. “I thought a bath might help you relax, is that okay with you, love?”
“More than okay actually. Thank you, Kenny.” You pressed a sincere kiss to his cheek as he set you down again and left you to undress and slip into the bathtub. Immediately, the warmth of the water washed a part of the stress from your skin as you relaxed further into the scent of the oils.
The silence was broken for a second as the door opened again and Draken brought a fresh change of clothes for you to wear. You didn’t fail to spot one of his hoodies in the pile. 
“Is everything to your liking?” When you nodded and exhaled a blissful sigh, he pressed another kiss above your eyebrow before standing again. “Take your time, alright? I’ll be back in about 20 minutes.”
You merely hummed in agreement, growing drowsier as steam curled around you both. 
With no idea of how much time had passed, you decided to get out of the bath when your fingers turned pruney and the water felt too cool to be comfortable anymore. The clothes Draken had picked though felt heavenly when you pulled them on, especially his pillowy soft sweater that still held faint traces of his cologne.
Padding into the living room area, you were coaxed into the kitchen by a familiar smell. On the counter sat two boxes with what could only be your favourite take out.  Turning around with two plates in hand, Draken shot you a tender grin.“You’re right on time, baby. I was just about to come get you.”
Before you could stop them, tears welled up along your water line and you furiously dabbed at them with the sleeve of his sweater. In no time, your boyfriend was by your side, big hands gently grasping your shoulders and cooing at you to tell him what was wrong.
“I don’t know, it’s just– You’re being so good to me and– How do I deserve you?” Wrapping your arms around his torso, you buried your head in his broad chest as sobs hiccuped through you. Holding you close and running a comforting hand down your back, Draken rested his chin on your head.
“Hey now. Of course you deserve someone who treats you right. Honestly, I wish I could do more for you; if I could’ve made sure none of this happened to you, you better believe I would’ve tried my hardest. There’s nothing that makes me happier than knowing you feel comfortable enough to lean on me because I know that you always have my back too.” Cupping the back of your head in his palm, he placed another loving kiss to the top as he circled his thumb in a soothing motion. When you looked up, you saw nothing but pure affection in his eyes. “Come, let’s eat. We don’t want the food to go cold, right?”
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tag list: @silentmoths
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hellurdur · 2 years
140 questions😋
Pick a question and I'll answer🤗
Then I'll pick and you'll answer
#till we're tired#😋
4.someone you would die for?
5. someone you hate?
6.someone you can tell anything to?
7. have you ever smoked?
8. have you ever drunk alcohol?
9. have you ever done 'bad' drugs?
10. last time you cried?
12.favourite colour?
13. lucky number?
14. birthday?
15. bi/straight/gay?
16. eye colour?
17. hair colour?
18. best body part?
19. obsession?
20. if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
21. male or female?
22. kiss or hug?
23. nicknames people call you?
24. favourite song?
25. favourite thing?
26. worst thing that ever happened too you?
27. best thing that ever happened too you?
28. something you would change about yourself?
29. full name?
30. worst mistake?
31. something your proud of?
32. your dream?
33. watch the movie or read the book?
34. ever tried to kill yourself?
35. favourite TV show?
36. ever self harmed?
37. ever caught a virus, disease or sickness?
38. special talents?
39. do you ever wish you could start over?
40. ever been abused?
41. abused anyone?
42. ever had a near death experience?
43. someone you can't tell anything too?
44. Virgin?
45. Any tattoos?
46. Are u single or taken?
47. someone who knows all your secrets?
48. someone who's secrets you know?
49.single or taken?
50.middle name?
51.last kiss?
52girl bestfriend?
53boy bestfriend?
54favourite song?
55 ever cheated on ur bae /boo b4
56 u wish to fuck me someday?
57 first kiss?
58 play any sports?
59 one secret?
60 who do you hate?
61 longest relationship?
62 who do you like?
63 what do you like in a boy?
64 what do you like in a girl ?
65 what's favourite number/colour?
66 what area do you live?
67 age?
68 Hobbies?
69 one thing you can't live without?
70 ever had sex?
71 Are you naughty?
72 Ever exchanged nudes?
73 Favorite body part of your opposite gender?
74 ever maked out?
75 Wanna explore me?
76 Wanna kiss me?
77 Wanna date me?.
78 your bra size
79 do u wear bra
80 can u let me touch u
81 hug me
82 favorite sex position
83 have a guy have kissed u
84 hav some1 evr seen ur boobs or dick
85 favorite cloth
86 ever feel like hvn sex
87 will u like to sex me
88 best hubby
89 can u let me suck u
90 favorite annual
91 What do you wish to do now if I were there?
92 What are u wearing now?
93. What's ur plan for the day?
94. When last did you play naughty with a guy in real life and flirt?
95 What do u think of when u masturbate OR touche urself sexually?
96 Show me outline of ur boobs/dick thru ur cloth
97 What do u like doing during romance?
98 Dine annal before?
99 see us together in nearest future or whiling away time?
100 When last did you have sex
101 what do you love the most on ur body
102 Glad we are friends or feel like punching mt face most times?
103 What you enjoy most during sex
104 How many are you in your family?
105 What comes to ur mind when you think of me or hear my name mentioned?
106 What's the colour of ur pantie and bra Now, and what type are u wearing?
107 Do you believe in God?
108 Like ur natch shaven or hairy?
109 How u like your man/woman to dress
110 What you like and love most abt me?
111 Would you go to swimming with me?
112 Your worst regret about me?
113 Your most erotic and naughty thoughts about us, in the past or now.
114 Would you love a massage by my own hands?
115 Can you suck me?
116 What's your biggest fear about me?
117 Who do you love most in your life?
118 Will you like to be mine if given the opportunity?
119 What's your best meal?
120 What would you do if we are cuddled at night and I am getting aroused, and rain is falling?
121 Do you love me?
121 what your best fruit?
122 Any great plan for the future?
123 Your best ally in decision taking
124 Your first kiss, where and with whom?
125 What am I to you?
126 Who am I to you?
127 What type of movie do u like watching?
128 Who made you smile most today?
129 What lead to your break up in your last relationship, and do you have any person in mind under consideration?
130 When last did you pray?
131. Who is your worst enemy in life?
132 What do you hate most about me?
133. Who am I to you?
134. What's the colour of ur pantie/boxershorts now?
135. Can you kiss me if I were with u alone now?
136 . What's ur plan in life?
137. Can you marry me if I am ready now?
138. When last did u speak with your mother or father?
139. Do u have a serious relationship or lover?
140. Do you love me? 🤗😘😍💯
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cythoughtsnmemories · 5 months
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Observed an intense meeting, and felt a little sad to know higher up colleagues is a little not so nice. Pray that I don't have to be targeted to be in such situation.
Yay~ my yankee candle essential oils is here~ can make my own candle liao. Request hubby to make it tgt cos it's easy n simple activity. Can't wait for my bed to deliver and shall lit d candle and enjoy our bed.
Intro hubby salted egg bitter gourd at a fishhead tze char place...Hahaha and hubby insisted to order the fishhead else he felt its silly. Okay lo~ 😆
Was looking forward to wkend...just felt tired working. Thank God I can wfh. Went gym w hubby and I didn't realise I was using 15kg bar instead of 12.5kg until I saw hubby helped to put it back. Thats how hubby train me lol. We had tteobokki for dinner which i cook while waitingfor hubby to returnfrom work...not bad~
Stomach was aching badly ard 6+ that it woke me up. Had diarrhea 4 times within 2 hrs...so when to see doc. Believe it could be germs (dirt) or over strained my abs that it caused cramps. Took meds and thankfully I felt better during d concert.
Was really happy that it wasn't raining, knew quite a lot of song during d concert and there was closed up moments. Woohoo~ hope hubby enjoyed this experience. Tsk tsk, but hubby asked y nvr buy standing pit tickets. When I earn more okay...and u know how to sing that singer de song. 😏
Jialat...drank ginger milk tea during dinner...now I'm wake awake. Plus, I took nap late morning.
Meal prep for tmr dinner shall be my PB banana oats smoothie~
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I just wanna say something
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I’m just thinking of a headcannon where Jacob’s wife is pregnant and gets ridiculous food cravings, so she tells Mr Frye to go find it for her.
No matter what time of day it is either. 😂
He of course goes to every grocer in London looking for whatever it is she craves, running over rooftops to get place to place for her.
“Lad I know it’s late but…I really need pickled herring if I don’t get it my lady will have my bullocks”
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Hi there, @b3k1720 ! Forgive me for this late reply, but between my constant presence in Purgatory (aka IRL Job, ugh) and finding time for the hubby and the little one, I got asked piled up in my inbox! But, this is freaking hilarious and I can see this happening so much! Jacob is a considerate husband and would truly do his best to satisfy his wife's craving and whatever the little one growing in her belly might need, truly going above and beyond to make sure that both wife and child are at absolute comfort. ------------------ "Love, I'm home!" Jacob said, taking off his boots the moment he had passed the house's threshold. He took particular care in not leaving muddy footprints around: during winter it was inevitable, with the rain rendering the streets a whole mess, but his wife's belly had grown so much that she had a difficult time even breathing when she slept: no way he would have her bend and clean up after his mess, if he can avoid it. "Love?" he called again, when he heard no response coming from within the rooms. Furrowing his brows, he couldn't help but feel his heart racing in his chest, as he strided inside the house looking for her. He tried with all his might not to let his mind fly directly to the worse thoughts. There surely was a reason for her not to answer him directly. Maybe she is napping?, he reasoned with himself. It wasn't that late that she might be sleeping already, but he hoped that to be the reason for her lack of response to his greeting. Jacob Frye, who would have ever thought you to become a mother hen?,he remembered her giggling, after he had instructed some of his Rooks to accompany her to the market. Maybe it was true. Maybe, after discovering that his sweet love was carrying his child, he had verged into overprotective territories. After she pointed that out, he had tried as much as he could to rein it in. But still. Caution was never enough. Not with the lifestyle he lived, not when his wife's and child's lives were at stake. "Love?" he called a third time, as he crossed into the parlour.
"I'm here, Jacob" he heard her quiet, calm voice the moment he saw her sitting on the armchair, her feet up from the floor resting on a footrest. Waves of relief washed upon him, as a smile as bright as a sunny day opened on his face. "Why didn't you answer me, love?" he asked, kneeling at her side, his hands immediately on her belly to feel their child within. "I am sorry, Jacob," she said, with an apologectic smile. "I was so immersed in knitting that I was an entire world away," He chuckled, kissing her forehead with gentleness. "How is this rascal behaving?" "A rascal indeed. He couldn't find a moment of rest until five minutest ago. He has taken my bladder for his ballroom floor!" Chuckling, Jacob nuzzled the soft bump, giving it a kiss as delicate as a butterfly's wing.
"How is the situation in the borough?" he heard her asking, taking his top hat and planting it on her own head. He chuckeld again. "Much better than it was this morning. And now that you're the Rooks Leader," he joked pointing at the hat, "much safer," "Oh? So I got a promotion, eh?" "To be fair, we're both about to get one," he rested his face against his wife's hand when she caressed his cheek and chuckling, he kissed the bump once more. "How are you feeling?" "Tired," she admitted, and he could see it in her face. Jacob leaned over to give her a gentle peck on her lips. He had never been that good with words, but he hoped that through that kiss, she might feel all the gratitude he felt for everything she was doing for their child. "Have you eaten anything?" He asked, pressing another kiss to the tips of her fingertips.
"Not yet...to be honest, I was waiting for you to come home," she said, quietly.
He knitted his eyebrows, confused: he wasn't the best cook; no way she was missing his cooking. Granted, he had gladly fixed her some sandwiches in the days she couldn't leave their bed, but still, that was all that was in his range of doing.
He looked up to her face, and saw her lips stretched in a bashful smile. Uh-oh. He knew all too well what it meant. "Well, m'lady: what's your pleasure, today? Or rather, what's your craving?" he chuckled, kissing her hand and standing up. "Cherries," he heard her murmuring timidly. His smile almost dropped. Cherries? In January?
Then he recovered his smile. He would find them somewhere, if he had to comb London street by street. He always managed, in the end. "I'll do my best to find what you need, love," he murmured. He leaned once more to kiss her sweet lips, cradling her face in his hands. He didn't want to go out again, and the cold weather had nothing to do with it. He wanted to be by her side, resting in her lap while feeling their child move and kick and nudge against the soft belly. "I'm sorry," he heard her saying, with a sad voice. "Nonsense, love." he chuckled against her lips. "You know I'd do anything for you and that little gangster you carry in your belly," "What would we do without you?" she smiled, grateful. "Remaining cherry-less," he joked, knowing he sounded absolutely corny. But her laughter at his joke was the most delightful sound. "Thank you, Jacob," he heard her murmur, wrapping her arms around his shoulder. "No, love....," he whispered back. "Thank you. For the family you are giving me."
BUT HOPEFULLY IT'S OK. (gods I feel rusty as hell)
Thank you for the ask, my friend! This was fun!
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eternally-writing · 3 years
helping hands | jjk
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genre: fluff and angst
rating: G (no swearing or sexual content)
pairing: Jungkook x reader
theme: parent!au, idol!au, husband!au, one-shot
word count: 3k
warnings: none
synopsis: Parenting in general? Hard. Parenting while your husband Jungkook is away on tour? Extra hard.
special thank you to @justasparkwritings for beta reading this and @moccahobi for helping me with the title!
banner by me!
It had been 2 weeks since Jungkook had left on tour. You would think that after being in the industry for 10 years he would have a little more leniency with his schedule, but even after the birth of your little girl, Jungkook couldn’t seem to get out of a 3 week tour around Japan and Korea.
It seemed like the Earth was weeping with you today as the rain battered against your window while you made what seemed like your 15th cup of coffee for the day. Your daughter Gidae was for once not crying - and you were eternally grateful since it gave you time to change out of your puke-covered shirt and close your eyes for 5 seconds... as if that was any replacement for the lack of sleep you’ve encountered.
All your friends whose husbands were busy idols or businessmen gave you the advice that ��everything falls into place over time when you’re parenting on your own”. That it just magically happened. You’re not sure what memo you missed, or if there’s some book you forgot to read, or if worst of all, you lacked some parental intuition that everyone else possessed. Jungkook had left 13 days ago, and nothing had fallen into place.
Between Gidae being up all night every night, the pile of puke covered laundry sitting in a pile in the corner of your room, the dirty dishes in the sink that had accumulated to the point that you were eating your microwave meals with plastic cutlery, you definitely felt like a failure.
And probably the worst part of it all was that Jungkook wasn’t here to help you. This wasn’t the first time Jungkook left on tour while you two have been together, but it was the first time he had left you since Gidae had been born. The first time he had left you, a first time mother, alone with your child for an extended period of time. The first time you needed help and couldn’t ask him for it.
As if on command, while you were bracing yourself on the counter in exhaustion, your phone began to ring.
Incoming call: hubby kook ♡
As you pressed “accept call”, you could immediately heard the hustle and bustle of the backstage crowd. Too tired to be the first to say hello, you waited to see how long it would take for him to realize you were on the other line.
“Hey Y/N, just checking in before the show! How are things?” cheered Jungkook.
You could imagine what Jungkook looked like as he talked to you: already dressed in his first stage outfit, a makeup artist blotting away at the nervous sweat on his forehead, him grinning ear to ear with his hyungs and bursting with excitement for performing.
On a normal day, if you had maybe actually gotten some sleep or eaten at least one meal that didn’t come out of your freezer in the past week, you probably could have mustered a convincing “good! How’s the show going?” But you were on your last straw, and it was already giving way.
“Bad Jungkook. It’s bad. I haven’t slept at all for as long as I can remember. I have no clean clothes or clean dishes, I haven’t showered since you left so I smell like a pungent mixture of puke, sweat, and god knows what else, and Gidae misses you and won’t stop crying.So yes, it’s horrible without you here.”
You knew that wasn’t what Jungkook expected to hear,the sharp intake of breath on his side serving as a telltale sign you had caught him off guard.
“Baby I-, I’m sorry, I had no idea.”
You couldn’t stop your voice from cracking as you continued. Your chest was tightening, feelings bubbling over.
“It’s -“ you paused to take a breath. “It’s really hard without you Jungkook. Really really hard.”
Jungkook tried his best to piece together the words over the phone, but you could already hear the speakers in the background calling for Jungkook to head to his position for the start of the show.
“Y/N I-“
“You have to go Jungkook, I know. Bye.”
You didn’t give him a second to recuperate as you ended the call.
No parenting book ever provided you with advice on this. The loneliness, helplessness, and frustration you were feeling right now. Crumpling down to the kitchen floor, you felt like the world was collapsing around you as you sobbed.
As if on cue, Gidae’s cries joined yours from the other room.
You woke up slouched in a rocking chair in the nursery, with your hand reaching down to touch your daughter’s in her crib. She seemed to show you some leniency by sleeping more than 2 hours at a time, but unsure of how much free time she’d give you, you figured you might as well get a head start of the day since you felt like you were miserably falling behind already.
While mixing some formula in your kitchen, you heard a knock on your front door. The only people who ever came over were the boys and a couple of your friends, and you definitely weren’t expecting any visitors at 8am.
Frying pan clutched in your hand (safety first, right?), you creaked open your door to see a small woman standing in front of you.
With a cheery smile painting her face, the lady began to speak.
“Mrs. Jeon, I’m Seokjin-ssi’s nanny. I’ve been sent here today to take care of Gidae. Here’s a note from Mr. Jeon.”
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You couldn’t help the smile that decorated your face after reading it. After so many years together, Jungkook still managed to surprise you. Taking in that there was now a woman in your house who was basically Supernanny here to help you, you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.
When Jungkook said that you were going to be pampered today, he sure meant it. By a “car” being outside, he actually meant a glorious Porsche with a driver and all your favorite snacks tucked in the backseat. He had booked an entire spa day just for you to get whatever treatments you needed without having to deal with the hustle and bustle of anyone else being around. Simply being in an environment that didn’t always sound like crying and children’s TV shows felt like heaven. A schedule had been waiting when you arrived, including a built in “nap” (multiple hours is just sleep, right?) in one of their private suits and lunch with none other than your best friend. It was the best surprise, and the girl talk you shared was exactly what you needed. Of course the mom guilt crept in, but whenever it did you reminded yourself of Jungkook’s words - you needed this, and only once you take care of yourself will you really be able to take care of your daughter.
You weren’t sure if it was because of the hydrating face mask or the 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep that you were able to get, but you walked into your house with a new pep in your step thanks to the relaxing day that Jungkook planned for you.
Welcomed by Ms. Yeong wearing an apron and bustling around your kitchen, you smelled freshly baked cookies (chocolate chip, your favorite too) and were thrilled at the sight of a clean house in front of you.
Wiping her hands on her apron, she began to speak with that signature smile.
“I’ve cooked dinner for you tonight and also have meals for the next 3 days in the fridge. The dishes are all done and your laundry should all be folded in your drawers. Gidae just had some milk and is now watching some Cocomelon.She woke up from her nap around 3 hours ago.”
In your excitement you couldn’t help giving her the biggest hug, squeezing her tightly. Slowly, Ms.Yeong began to pat your back, unclear about whether this hug was really for you or for her.
“I’m just doing my job Mrs. Jeon.”
You pulled away to look sincerely into her eyes.
“You are seriously a lifesaver Ms.Yeong, I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
After patting your back again, it was her turn to be sincere.
“You’re a good mother, Mrs. Jeon. I know it may not feel like it sometimes, but you really are. Gidae is lucky to have you as a mom.”
Tears began to prick at your eyes, but unlike yesterday, these were happy tears. With all the failures that you had felt in the past two weeks, it meant everything to hear those words from someone, to get some confirmation that you weren’t completely messing things up.
Unable to make any words come out of your mouth, all you could do was nod in appreciation at what she was able to do for you today. Your eyes glimmering with unshed tears said all the words that Ms.Yeong needed to hear.
As she walked out the door, you made a mental note to message Seokjin and thank him for finding the angel on Earth who saved you today.
Picking up your daughter from her crib, you cooed and brought her to you. Settling into your rocking chair, you cradled her gently in her arms.
“Mommy missed you today, babygirl, and I know you miss daddy.”
At the mention of the word “daddy” you could see your daughter perk up, looking around and trying to find said male.
All you could do is kiss her forehead. “I miss your daddy too. He’s really amazing, yknow.”
“Amazing, really? I may have said handsome, or sexy, or...”
Your head whipped around to the source of the sound.
And there he was, in the flesh. Jeon Jungkook, the man you had been waiting to see for days on end, was standing right at the door.
“Hi my love,” he said with his silly grin.
Your heart felt like it was bursting as you saw him there, and you couldn’t help but start sobbing your heart out (and I mean ugly sobbing). You felt a waterfall of emotions seeing Jungkook so close.
“Hey hey hey, what’s with this crying? I came home because I didn’t want you to be crying anymore baby.”
Walking over to you, he crouched in front of your chair and started to wipe your tears. Cupping your face in his hands, he pressed his forehead against you.
“I missed you Y/N. I missed you so much.”
You were still reeling from Jungkook’s presence.
“You have no idea how much I’ve dreamed about this Kook. I feel like I’m dreaming.”
Jungkook pressed a short kiss on your lips.
“Well believe it, I’m here for real babe,” he said sentimentally as he peppered your face with kisses.
Picking your daughter out of your grasp, Jungkook lifted Gidae into his hold, lifting her slightly into the air first to make her giggle. Putting on his best stern dad voice, he began his lecture.
“And you little miss, what is this I hear about you causing trouble for your mom?” Questioned Jungkook.
You smiled through your tears as you watched Jungkook go into “dad mode”.
“Before I left you promised you’d be a good girl, but I think good girls don’t cry all through the night and they definitely don’t make a mess with their toys or throw up all over their mommy.”
As Jungkook raised an eyebrow, your daughter looked at him, slightly apologetic, eyes shifting down to the floor, as if she could understand a word of what he said.
“But most of all Gidae, I missed you a whole lot. Your daddy missed you a whole lot.”
You felt like your heart could burst at the way Jungkook looked at your daughter. Even though he might be miles away when he works, you know that he doesn’t love you or your daughter any less.
“I’ll let you put her back to bed, daddy. It is my day off after all, right?” You joked with a chuckle.
Picking up your hand and kissing your palm, Jungkook grinned in agreement.
“Of course my love, go wash up and I’ll see you in bed.”
After reading A Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Princess & the Pea, and Rainbow Fish, Gidae was beginning to yawn in Jungkook’s arms. It seemed that it wasn’t just Jungkook who was reluctant to let their father-daughter time come to an end, as Gidae was still fighting to keep her eyes open, and always kept one tiny fist clutched onto the middle of Jungkook’s shirt, as if she was worried he could disappear at any moment.
Wondering what was taking them so long, you peeked your head back in the doorway to watch Jungkook look at your daughter like she was the one who put the stars in the sky. Not wanting to interrupt, you stayed as silent as possible as you watched them together.
“Now I’m gonna say something very important Gidae, and you need to listen very very carefully to me.”
Bringing her up to eye level, Jungkook looked at your daughter sincerely as he continued.
“Sometimes daddy isn’t here and it’s just you and mommy, but I want you to know that daddy loves you and mommy so much, and you’re always gonna be daddy’s little girl, even if I’m not here with you. And I miss you always, so so much. Daddy loves you.”
You could see the tears start to stream down Jungkook’s face, and as much as you wanted to run to him and wipe his tears, just as he did hours earlier, you knew that this moment wasn’t for you. This was for Jungkook and Gidae, and you were sure that he was going to remember this forever.
“You know what would make me so happy Gidae? If you could say the word daddy. Come on - “da” “da”. You can do it!”
He started to bounce her on his lap, exaggerating his mouth movements so much that you were worried that he would accidentally pop his jaw out. His ministrations continued on fruitlessly, with Gidae still staring at him with big doe eyes (a trait she inherited from Jungkook, of course).
Unable to hide your presence any longer, you had to help Jungkook out. “You were only gone for 2 weeks, Kook. She’s still only 6 months old, it’s going to be a little while before she says any words.”
Jungkook shook his head in disbelief. It seemed that Gidae had finally succumbed to sleep in his arms, and he stared down at her again.
“Look at how big she is Y/N, she’s grown so much just in the little while I’ve been gone.”
He looked at you with tears shimmering in his doe eyes yet again.
“Seriously, next time I leave on a tour and come back she’s going to be walking and talking or something.” joked Jungkook as he lightly wiped his tears.
You hugged Jungkook from behind, pressing a kiss to his shoulder before resting your head on it.
“Wherever you are though babe, I’m gonna take photos and videos of all of it so you won’t miss a second of it.”
Jungkook stayed silent as he simply enjoyed having his small family together again.
“You were right earlier you know, on the phone.”
“Hmm?” You hummed in response, unsure of what he was getting at.
“This isn’t working - me leaving isn’t working. I’m not 15 years old anymore, when I could just drop everything and travel the world; I have the two most precious girls in the world with me now, and I need to take care of them.”
Putting his hand in yours, you sincerely looked him in the eye.
“We’re always going to be proud of you Koo, and you know I love watching you do what you love. This may be the hard part, once she gets a little older we could start travelling with you or you could fly back too. Whatever comes our way, we’ll handle it together.”
Jungkook kissed you passionately, hoping his lips could convey what he couldn’t seem to put into words. He repeated your words back to you.
“Whatever comes our way, we’ll handle it together.”
As if Mother Nature was on your side, the rain stopped, leaving the smell of new beginnings wafting in through your window.
If you liked what you read please interact/follow! Thank you for reading♡ - Emily
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
A/N: This one was @lunnybunny12 ‘s request which they wanted Sirius to be little spoon. At first i was planning to write about young! Sirius but then i came across with Gary Oldman photos and i have a soft spot for old!Sirius so that happened🙄 hopefully you will like it dear💖
Characters: Sirius Black x reader
Theme: pure fluff
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You were curled up on your sofa, reading a book while listening to the heavy rain outside in your dim lighted living room when you heard the pop sound of an apparation; there he was, your soaking wet husband. Sirius has called for an urgent mission from the ministry an hour ago and he had to leave his warm house for it since he was the head auror.
“Something smells like a wet dog here.” You joked to cheer him up while walking up to him.
Sirius rolled his eyes at you, rain drops were dripping every part of his body and you could tell he was not amused. You removed some of his curly locks out of his face and put a single kiss on his cold cheek.
“I will draw you a hot bath and meantime you can have a cup of hot tea, i freshly brewed it.”
Sirius just nodded and headed to the kitchen like a zombie, he was exhausted.
You prepared a bubble bath for him, burned a relaxing incense and put a slow music on your record player which you carried from your bedroom. You called out for him when you made sure everything was ready. Sirius showed up at the bathroom’s door after a while, he took a look at the ambience with a surprised expression.
“A simple bath would be more than enough, Y/N.”
“I want to pamper my lovely hubby, looks like he needs it very much.”
You smiled softly when you helped him to remove his wet clothes. Sirius made his way to the bath tub and sat, feeling of the warm water on his skin immediately relaxed him. He closed his eyes when you started to wash his hair, you were gently massaging his scalp while doing it so. A soft moan escaped from his lips which made you smile proudly, knowing that you are doing a good job on him. After rinsing his hair, you helped him to wash his body and rubbed his shoulders to relax him even more. He became a putty in your soft hands.
“Feeling better?”
“Yes... I am so lucky to have you as my wife Y/N.” He held your hand which was rested on his shoulder. You smiled at him happily and kissed his lips in response.
“Your eyes are hardly staying open, love.” You chuckled. “Let’s take you to the bed.”
You handed him his bath robe and while he was brushing his teeth, you cleaned the bathtub then you both headed to your bedroom hand in hand. You and Sirius both changed into your pajamas and slipped under the sheets. Sirius curled up which he always does when he was extremely tired and you knew what to do in these situations. You moved closer and hugged him from the behind kissing his shoulder softly. Sirius smiled to himself sleepily, he loved when you held him protectively against your small body. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed it.
“I love you darling.” Sirius mumbled while the sleep was taking over him.
“I love you too, lovey. Sweet dreams.” You kissed his back and closed your eyes, you both fell asleep in each other’s embrace while the rain softly hit your bedroom’s window like a music.
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littlefreya · 4 years
Good Girl
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gif credit amancanfly
Synopsis: Henry is at the gym testing the new Glute Drive while his longing wife drops by to visit and decides to play a little wicked game of teasing. 
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC
Word count: 4.2K
Warnings: Explicit, this is basically ALL smut. Slight SubMale / DomFem then a lot of DomMale / SubFem, dry humping, cock teasing, dangerous driving, fingering, dirty talk, daddy kink, slight size kink (I am all the kinks today), unprotected sex and bodily fluids!
A/N: Okay so this fic was born out of the UNHOLY union between this thread and the video of Henry going “good boy” at Kal. Many thanks to my darling @agniavateira​ for helping me proofread this!
Title: Good Girl
There he is, my bear of a man. His sculpted, wide body plastered to some medieval-looking torture device. Strong, large arms hang onto the handles, muscles flexing. Slick with sweet sweat, he thrusts his hips up and down while grunting with effort.
Who the hell came up with this air-fucking machine?
I walk through the deserted mirrored room, my black painted nails scratching the glass as I draw closer toward Henry. Gyms tend to be freezing, and I’m not properly dressed for a workout session with my mini plaid skirt and a dark grey t-shirt. But his arduous gasps fill the chilled space enough to make things a little warmer. 
“What are you doing here, little one?” Henry finally asks, pausing his thrusts for a moment as he spots my cattish moves toward him.
I observe silently as I inch closer. he has his waist strapped to a bench, heavy weights of 80kg are on each side of his body while he lifts upward and presses his behind back down. A sheer layer of sweat covers him entirely, his skin glistening in the fluorescent’s light. His favourite blue top is soaked.
“I came home from the studio and my hubby wasn’t there.” I pout, standing right at the edge of the bench where his feet are pressed for support.
He pouts back at me, genuine care on his face. My darling bear might have the endurance of a large predator, but his heart is all strawberry marshmallow when it comes to his lady. He hates to spend time apart. Whenever our schedules collide it’s all about Face-timing and sending nudes. 
Honestly? I care less than he does about this shit ever getting leaked. I even keep some steamy under-the-cover selfies so I’ll have something to work with when either of us is away.
But what I hate the most, is having him here yet he’s absent. The Pre-production shenanigans have him preparing for his next role, which usually means working himself at the gym to the point of collapsing, just so he could look like some demi-god. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind him having a little body fat. That’s why I bake him pizza every weekend. What his gym coach doesn’t know, can’t hurt him.  
“I’ll be done in 10 minutes, darling.” he answers and continues to slowly push down and up again, releasing a pained grunt and clenching his teeth. “Just…  two… more… sets.”
“I don’t want to wait.” I alert him, circling the machine carefully to not get in his way. I appreciate the hard work and stamina, but I am quite tired of having the downside of the deal. Every day for the last 2 weeks I received an exhausted Cavill with aching, strained muscles. The most action I got was massaging his muscles in the bathtub which might sound romantic if not for him snoring 3 minutes in.   
“Ten minutes,” he mentions again. He’s out of breath as he ascends and then lowers once more, the weights pressuring his body down while the bands create a resistance. 
No way in hell someone came up with this device and didn’t think this is a sex thing. I see my bear thrusting his hips upward like this and only one thing goes through my mind. 
Oh, how I need to be on top of this mountain of a man.
I cannot help myself, nor can I hide the malicious grin forming on my mouth. I lift my leg carefully, hovering it in the air above him. I cage him between my straddled legs whilst giving him my best dominatrix glare. Henry raises his eyes to meet mine, looking dumbfounded. 
“What are you doing, darling? You’ll hurt yourself.”
Oh, sweet summer child. 
I sway my hips in a slow dance, with the thrust of his body and his heavy breaths as the music I’m dancing to. The arousal in his eyes is evident within seconds. His lips part away slowly, his beautiful blue eyes begin to cloud, and his adam’s apple slides upward in his throat as he swallows.
“At home.”
“Here.” I ignore his request lowering myself slowly and carefully to squat over his groin. He’s not hard, yet.
Henry releases a deep loud grunt. Usually, I am weightless for him, but right now I’m adding to already 160kg of weights. Well, he is the type of guy who likes to push his limits and I am the type of girl who likes to test boundaries. 
“Don’t,” Henry protests, another grunt escaping his lips. I stretch myself, my ass pressing back, my groin rubbing against the tender muscle that begins hardening between my legs. I can feel the rush of blood, making him throb and grow vast between my legs.
“Don’t do what?” I press my teeth against the lushness of my lower lip viciously, beginning to grind against the hardness in slow circular motions. “Don’t you have two more sets?”
He clenches his teeth, his hands tightening around the handles so harshly his knuckles whiten. With great effort he lifts up, succumbing to my wickedness. His erected cock is concealed underneath his clothes, yet I press and dance onto it, making blissful moans as the friction has me singing that sweet familiar tune.
When he pulls down I dive with him, feeling the exhale of his body and the dancing twitch of muscles. I greatly anticipate the next push upward, my hands reaching to squeeze my breasts together. My panties are now soaked with moisture as I press and rub, bringing myself closer.
When he lifts again, his thrust is a wee bit faster. He’s either getting used to my weight on his groin, or the adrenaline of the beast that I’ve been teasing allows him to push higher. He angles his hips into mine, serving my need, and gives me the friction I demand. His eyes meet mine and pure darkness devours me within them. 
I am in so much fucking trouble, but it’s so worth it. 
“Oh Henry, you’re making me so wet.” 
I moan his name, rubbing myself on his cock at a demanding speed while he lifts up and down. My clit tingles, swollen against his enormous bulge as that familiar wave begins to spread. He’s so hard, so painfully swollen, and so incapable of getting any release while I ride him into a powerful orgasm.
I clutch his thighs, desperate gasps spiralling out my mouth as the pleasure continues to hit my core. My nails dig deep into the hardened flesh but I can’t be bothered.
“Oh god…” I throw my head backwards, trying to adjust my breath while my legs are shaking around his wide waist. There’s still a throbbing hardness against my burning core, the angry drumming of blood pulsating against my opening. 
I’m tempted to take my phone and capture his looks in my camera. But I’m in too much trouble as it is. Henry is drenched in sweat, upset in ways I’ve never seen in my life. He's done with his workout for today,  no doubt about that.
“Are you done?” he asks me with a frown. 
I lick my lips and lift myself up, knees nearly giving up as my legs are still numb from the intensity of pleasure. I let out a provoking giggle, putting my finger between my teeth, knowing he likes that gesture. This is my favourite battle, control. He enjoys superiority with his physical power, but every now and then I sweep the rug beneath his feet. And though he loves it when I am his good girl, sprawling and letting him take what he wants, when I am bad, the beast is willing to split my ass in half.
Guess I won this round. 
Henry unbuckles the harness from his waist as I step back. He takes the towel from the bench and wipes his face. My eyes fixate on the still hard swelling in his nether area. I could offer to take care of it for him, but I am not feeling this generous right now. Better keep his stamina for home, so I can actually get me a proper shag in a nice, clean bed with a nice, clean husband that doesn’t smell like an entire rugby team.
“Go wait in the reception.” he demands, his tone anything but sweet right now. 
“Don’t take too long.” I demand in return as I turn around, flipping back my hair and letting it slide down my ass. I can hear his frustrated groan behind me, just before I leave the room. It makes me lose myself in a burst of chuckles. 
Henry meets me downstairs, a serious expression on his face. His gaze doesn’t meet mine, letting me know that unlike myself, he is vastly unamused. He takes my wrist in his big hand and leads me outside while smiling to bid bored receptionist goodbye. 
I am forced to follow his large strides. Being a tall man, every step of his is equal to three small ones of mine. Even though it seems like his “problem” subsided, he’s not exactly interested in waiting.
He’d always be tender in his behaviour towards me, a respectful gentleman who knows how to treat women. Sure, he can rearrange a guy’s skull, but he never raised his voice at me. He’d take a walk outside the house and then return to so we can have a talk like adults. 
But this is not a fight. This is but our favourite little war. Ongoing from the day we met.
I notice that we are not going to the car. Instead, he leads me to a narrow, dark space between two buildings. I can smell the damp sidewalk, the scent of earlier rain filling my nose. This spot is anything but romantic or erotic, with street cats screeching at the back and the sounds of trash cans being hit as they bounce on top of the lids.
Finally, he towers above me. His hand lets go of mine and hold it open in front of me with a demanding look in his eyes.
“Take off your panties.” 
I let out a bemused laugh, dry and short as I am uncertain of his odd demand. But he holds out his hand at the stern request, motioning for me to do as I’m told. 
“Here?!” I ask, looking around to see if there is anyone who might be a voyeur on our little engagement. The last thing I need is our agents scolding us again for photos of us being inappropriate in public places. Gretchen swears we make these mess on purpose. We kinda do, because we can’t keep away from one another.
“You want another one of your fancy pairs turned into rubbish?” he threatens.
I comply, breathing out like a brat and leaning down to take off my underwear for him. I place it in his hand and move back against the wall, anticipating his next move. I guess “Cavill and wife caught doing cardio after the gym!” could be a funny headline, better than the one at the hotel at the Academy Awards.
Henry folds the small material in his hand, holding it in his fist as if it’s something he can actually squeeze, before shoving it into his pocket. He grabs something else in exchange. I hear the chink of his car keys, dangling between his fingers as he offers them to me.
“You drive.”
There are no explanations, nor can I make anything of his behaviour. My man is willed with the control of his emotions. To outburst is to be weak, I am keen on that, my own terrible flaw. It only pisses me off more to see him keeping himself so relaxed while I am always the one who sees fire. 
I follow his order, walking after him silently as he leads me to where he parked the car. Having no underwear beneath my short skirt is anything but convenient right now, especially when I have to enter the vehicle and crouch down. 
I try fixing my skirt to cover myself, feeling the leather of the seat beneath my ass and other regions while Henry begins messing with the music player. I can see the small smirk at the corner of his lip, it’s evident that he’s having himself a good time knowing how uncomfortable I am at this very moment.
I roll my eyes at him and try closing my knees together as much as I can while stepping my foot on the gas.
He puts on Queens of the Stone Age and takes the passenger seat back, remembering he needs more legroom than I usually require. His head turns to face me, his lips sucked into his mouth in a cunning gesture.
“Had yourself a good time?” 
His hand reaches toward my knee, grazing at the bone with featherlike movements. It tickles, I am forced to move my knee from him involuntarily, but he keeps it in place, resting his entire large hand on my kneecap.
“I’m driving…” I warn him, keeping my hands on the wheel and my eyes on the road.  
I can tell he is smirking wickedly, his eyes staring at the road ahead of us carefully and then back at me. His fingers make their way up my thigh, snakelike on my bare skin. His palm is large and warm, pressing onto my inner thigh while his thumb draws invisible circles on my skin.
“Henry…” I warn again, feeling cool air blowing against my lips as he forces my legs to part wider for him. “You’ll get us killed!”
“Then focus on the road.” he commands, licking his lips. His fingers meet my wetness in a touch so tender it’s almost a phantasm, yet still there, undoubtedly making me swallow a sigh and squirm slightly in my seat. It’s as if he is testing the water first, a slight brush before plunging in and damn if he doesn’t push into me with his fingers, pressing three of his large digits to massage my heat. 
I am fighting to keep my eyes open, my hands clutching at the steering wheel while my left foot kicks at the floor. 
“Maybe we should stop.” I suggest, nearly pleading. 
“Keep driving, we’re almost home.” he answers, sounding relaxed. The amused grin has vanished from his face, replaced with the severeness of pride and triumph.
He strokes my cunt between his fingers in a tight grip, his fingers running up and down, playing with my wetness, smearing it across his hand before plunging two of his knuckles inside me as we stop at a red light. I am very much aware that other drivers might see us, so does he, but he seems to care very little if anyone spots him pleasing his wife. 
“Aww…” he mocks me, hearing the helpless cry that pushes out of my throat. “You shouldn’t have been such a bad little girl.” he teases some more, his fingers now plunging in and out with excitement. I allow myself to grind at the surface of his palm to achieve more friction at the base of my clit so maybe we can finish this quickly before the light is green.
But he’s the one in charge of my satisfaction now. He holds his hand further, so I will have none of it and keeps the stimulation only at the rim of my cunt, his fingers circling my entrance. 
“Too bad you had to tease me like that.” he murmurs in his low voice, his fingers slowly withdrawing and only his thumb grants my clit with a small tender brush.
 “Now you’ll have to wait, and be a good girl for daddy.”     
I let out another cry, arching toward the wheel and biting on my lips. It's not out of pleasure, but out of torturous frustration as he withdraws completely. I give him a quick, infuriated stare, seeing how he sucks his fingers victoriously, enjoying every single drop of his sweet win.
Feeling slick between my thighs, I press slightly harder on the gas pedal, trying to get us home faster. Henry pumps the volume of the music player higher.
Watch you come from above
I'm so needy for love, I'm desperate,
Greedy in slavery I sneak around from behind I got a one track mind We got a skin on skin thing baby I want to lick you too much I hear you comin ooh aaaah baby 
The moment we enter the house I lock the door and try to make my move but he has his hand on my throat in less than a second, squeezing not too tight, but tight enough to make a point. His blue eyes scan my face, his soft tongue slithering across the freckle of his lower lip with arousal. 
“Get on your knees, little one. You’re not off the hook yet.” 
I gasp at his fierceness, weak against his charisma and beauty. I stroke his face, still sticky with sweat from earlier, my fingers are gently smoothing against the stubbles on his high cheekbones and at the dimple of his chin. 
“Please, daddy, just fuck me already,” I bargain. 
“I’m wet and ready for you.”
“On your knees.” he repeats himself, his lips twitching to a small grin as he sees my defeat. His hand slightly releases my neck, his fingers pet my chin and jaw and finally entangle in my hair as I fall to my knees slowly, levelling myself at the height of his groin. His hand strokes my head lovingly, pressing my chin against his growing arousal as I look up to him with fake innocence.  
“Are you gonna be good now?” he asks, his fingers twirling around my long hair lovingly. 
“Yes, daddy.” I nod, waiting to have his cock in me, in any part of me. I want to touch myself so badly, my pussy throbs with desperate eagerness to be stuffed by his huge cock. . 
“I want to see you crawl on fours and wait for me in the living room, babygirl.” he growls at me while discarding his blue top on the wooden floor, exposing his thick hairy chest. 
“I want to look at your cunt as you move for me before I’ll destroy it. You’ve been such a nasty girl today.” 
I shiver at his words, a shrill of air kicks out of my lungs at once. My toughness is down to non-existing. I let him have it, I let him have it all. I crawl on my knees and palms like a cat in heat, my ass exposed for him. My cunt drips with primal desire to be conquered by this menacing alpha. I stop for a moment and then look behind me. I see him kicking off his shoes, his sweats slipping down his thick thighs along with his briefs before he continues to follow me, holding his erection in his hand, massaging the base of his cock while looking at me to open wide for him.
I reach the furry white IKEA carpet in our living room and wait for him, still on all fours. His heavy footsteps make the wood creak beneath his weight which alerts me that he’s close. The heat of his body is near. I feel the aura of his body as he falls down to his knees carefully behind me. 
His hands smooth against the curve of my ass, appreciating my shape to the point of worshipping my flesh. He takes the time to study again what he knows better than I do, trailing up to lift my skirt until it’s hiked around my belly. He then pushes my shirt, prompting me to take it off. Not an easy task to perform on all four limbs.
For one lingering moment, his hands roam across my body, massaging my muscles, pinching my nipples between his fingers. I moan beneath his large hands as he coaxes me into being his little plaything, succumbing to his will. Possessive fingers grip my shoulder and in a sudden movement, I’m pressed with my back down while Henry pushes my legs apart with his knees. 
“I just love to look at your face when I fuck you, babygirl.” he explains, his hands pulling my legs violently against his hips to position me as he desires. That way, we can both enjoy the show of his cock slipping in and out of my slit.
I squirm beneath him, my hands reaching for his chest to stroke at the thick dark hair and hardened pecs. “Please, fuck me.” I beg to the point of whining as I look at his sturdy cock, admiring every vein and ridge that decorates his impressive size. Henry takes himself and begins to tease my entrance, making teasing groaning voices while I plea so weakly. 
But that’s only to prepare me for his brutal invasion. He lets out a loud husky shout as he pushes in, penetrating me with such vulgarness, it takes the air out of my lungs. I am split in half, feeling how my body stretches immediately to bind itself to him. 
My narrow slit tries to remain resilient while Henry keeps himself nested between my lush folds, a groan of pure pleasure vibrates through his glorious chest before he takes my jaw in his great hand and makes me look at him to see the sin in his eyes.
“Good girl…”  he calls out in his deep low voice, pulling himself out slowly and then slamming back inside me in with a slippery wet slap. I gasp, my entire body shuddering in his veiny arms. 
“Good girl.” He speaks again, letting the words roll and linger on his tongue.
His rhythm is somewhere between torturous to divine. When he pulls away he does it ever so slowly, watching with perverse fascination his own cock as it slides out my narrow entrance just before he slams back in. Henry promised that he will destroy me; he never breaks a promise. I already feel how my muscles are thrown into a paradox, trying to resist him yet have him deeper and deeper with each one of his amazing thrusts.  
“Look at how you take me,” he calls in a guttural voice, urging me to look at our union. “You have such a tight succulent cunt, baby.” 
It feels almost too sinful to stare, my entire existence shivers at the sight. His big beautiful cock enters me, slick with my juices as he increases the pace. I’m petite but with him inside I’m forced to expand, my body stealing his shape, embracing him with devotion, wanting him to be like this forever.
His wide thighs are placed right beneath my legs, his right hand silks its way down my hip and grips me roughly as he pounds me in increasing speed. With one hand still on my jaw, he presses his fingers to my mouth where I suck and bite at him. He always wants me to look at him, loves it when I’m hopeless beneath him when my mouth cries for him while he stuffs me with his cock, over and over again. 
I squirm to meet his pelvis. He fucks me so raw that no actual words come out of my mouth but the mewls of a small, helpless animal instead. Being hunted for sport rather than eating. I grind my clit against his pubic bone to elicit more delightful friction, getting me closer and closer. But I’m stealing control and he’ll have none of that right now. 
He shoves us down, pinning my hands against each side of my head while his groin is holding me down to the surface in complete captivity. I am hurting for a mere moment as he shoves too forcefully. His apology is a deep passionate kiss which he is forced to break as we both gasp for air with every merciless push of his loins into mine. 
“Fuck babygirl!” He leans his forehead against mine, a feral gaze in his eyes. I lock my legs around his waist, my body losing every grip it ever had on control as the warmth begins to throb at the base of my cunt, spreading from my womb towards every nerve until I feel nothing but love flowing through my body.
I pant in awe, my voice adding to his deep growls and husky gasps which only become louder as his orgasm looms closer with the tightness of my cunt around his swelling cock. It sucks him harder, demanding his release, milking him of his offering until he shudders through me and yells out my name. 
The gush of warmth that spills inside me is my second favorite thing in the world. I moan with sweet delight as his cream coats me inside.
“I love you so much.” he whispers, holding me in his protective embrace as if to apologize for fucking me so hard.
I’d imagine that after such a long time together he’d already figure it out that I’m the one provoking it.
“What’s the name of that device again?.. the one I was…”
“Glute drive.”
“Glute drive, yeah, we’ll do that again soon…” I suggest, nibbling at his ear playfully while he remains on top of me.
Song lyrics are by Queens of the Stone Age - Skin on Skin
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
As I am currently lying in my own bed not well 😷😷 with my Hedwig Hot Water bottle curtesy of my hubby to be I got inspired to ask this about my fave couple 🥰
We’ve seen Kate and Anthony being the patient and the “doctor”
And in AOFAG obvs Soph takes care of a Ben when he gets sick... do you have any of Benophie taking care of one another when bed bound sick or hurt?
First of all: I Hope you’re feeling better! I was off work last week with a cold and now I feel like I’m getting another one. There’s been a lot of rain recently in Queensland and because I’ve been constantly in and out of the rain and the air conditioning, I think I keep catching a chill like the heroine of a regency novel. Very tiring because I have to get a covid test every time
Now I’ve had another prompt very similar here so I’m answering them together! 
Anon asked: i binged b&s in one day !!!! it's soooooo good 🤍 and i love the mini fics you post here 🤍 do you have any head canons for when benophie when sophie gets sick for the first time since they got together? Hello! You binged it all in a day? Oh God, I’m so sorry, that’s a lot of my writing in one day. But I’m glad you enjoyed it, and welcome to this little black hole that I call a blog. 
Okay, I feel like we all know that Sophie Beckett is one nurturing son of a gun, so Benedict is welllllll taken care of when he gets sick. But I think it would be difficult for Sophie, who has had no who would take care of her to let him do it? 
Anywayyyyy Let’s see
Sophie Beckett prided herself on rarely being sick and even when she was, she never took a sick day. She showed up to work rain, hail, or shine, hopped up on Day Nurse and a throat lozenge and she didn’t complain. Not that she didn’t wish she could crawl into bed and quietly die, but it wasn’t an option. When she’d worked at Penwood House she hadn’t really had any sick leave, and she couldn’t have afforded to not work. But it was fine, she wasn’t really the kind of person that got sick regularly anyway, maybe twice a year she’d have a cold for a few days and that was easy enough to manage. And then four months into their relationship Benedict had woken up with a cold.
The sound of his sneeze had woken Sophie up first, and she’d sat up a little startled and turned to find Ben with a box of tissues on his chest, his eyes red, sniffling. His voice sounded stuffy when he said Sorry, you should go, I don’t want to get you sick. Sophie had tutted disapprovingly before she could stop herself and stood from the bed with a Ridiculous man before going into the bathroom, rummaging through his cabinet and returning with some paracetamol and a glass of water. Take these and go back to sleep, I’ll have to go and get some things but I’ll be back. He’d looked up at her, a little startled, but clearly thought the expression on her face left no room for arguments as he settled back against his pillows. She spent the rest of the day with his head cushioned against her chest her fingers running through his hair as he slept soundly against her with a muffled Love you, Soph. And her heart had stuttered away brimming with happiness despite the situation, content in that moment to have made him happy. 
2 days later Sophie woke up in her own bed and her head was pounding, her sinuses were congested and she couldn’t help but groan as she looked in the mirror at her bloodshot eyes and quietly cursed as she took her medication and went about getting ready for the day. She had been at work for approximately 30 minutes when the head chef sighed and said Sophie go home. Sophie had tried to argue but the chef laughed and said At this point I’m honestly worried you’ll give the customers the plague. You have some sick days they’re there for you to use. And she’d said it with such kindness that Sophie had honestly wanted to cry as she’d left, desperately looking forward to sinking back between the bedsheets. 
Benedict hadn’t really thought much of it. He’d been finishing a shoot, and sent Sophie a text, asking if she wanted to go to his brother’s later, Greg had a new something or other he was excited about playing medieval farm building game maybe?, not expecting a response straight away. He was fairly used to Sophie replying intermittently throughout the day, not being able to have her phone on her at all times. But she’d responded almost immediately Not tonight, Have fun though and he’d frowned a little at the blunt response, no explanation given. Deciding to lighten the mood he said Shouldn’t you be at work? Hiding in the bathroom again? 😏 And the response had come back again almost immediately No, got sent home sick. And Benedict had frozen, on his way out the door, camera bag swinging stupidly at his side as he considered the fact that Sophie had woken up unwell this morning, so unwell she’d had to go home and she hadn’t even thought to tell him. And his chest ached when he thought it likely wasn’t due to the fact that she was shutting him out, but because she was so used to not having anyone take care of her, she hadn’t even thought that he would want to.
Sophie was woken from a nap by a sharp knock on the door of her flat. And she couldn’t help but groan, wondering if they would just go away if she ignored them. When the knocking repeated itself she dragged herself out of bed, her head pounding with every step and her heart stopped when she opened the door, to find Ben absolutely ladened down with pharmacy bags. Sorry it took me so long, I didn’t know what you had so I just got some of everything. He said, smiling happily as she shimmied past her frozen in the doorway. setting about putting his bags down, unpacking them, confusion welling in her chest until finally she stuttered out Ben What are you doing here? His head shot up, his eyebrows raised, Taking Care of you? Don’t worry, I’m not about to force my cooking on you, I stopped by my mum’s, she said She hopes you feel better soon. And tears had welled in her eyes as he wrapped his arms tightly around her, warmth and security seeping into her bones. And as he lay next to her in bed for the rest of the afternoon, his voice softly reading Little Women Sophie could barely choke back the words I want to spend the rest of my life with you.      
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fairyrosepetals · 3 years
Due to quarantine, I’ve been feeling pretty touch starved due to to the lack of hugs my friends and I would usually give each other.
Covid is a curse for naturally affectionate people like me :/
So enjoy some headcanons I wrote for some of our boys who had finally achieved the role of boyfriend!
Sweet home as types of boyfriends (M)
Hyun Cha
Hyun as a boyfriend gives me very chill/tired boyfriend vibes.
As in, he’s the kind of boyfriend who loves you softly. Someone who appreciates you in their own discreet way. Whether it be soft forehead kisses, or just very tight hugs.
Very relaxed dates. These dates would include laying on the couch cuddling, with rain pouring in the background.
Another date Idea would be just watching your favorite movies together in bed, eating your favorite snacks and candies.
His nicknames would include
Babe, babygirl/boy, love of my life, My light, Angel
His kisses are very hesitant and gentle, almost as if you’ll break or you’ll run away from him. Once you kiss him, and he knows you’re not going anywhere, his kisses become desperate, like you’ll disappear. Soon though, his kisses show how much he truly feels with you around :)
PDA doesn’t include a whole lot, mainly because he feels self conscious when he’s around someone as amazing as you. He feels like you deserve someone a lot better. Most likely just hand holding in public. However, in closed doors you bet you can get as many hugs and kisses as you want, whenever you want, 25/8
Now, at 18, you OBVIOUSLY don’t have a lot of money unless you’re rich. When it comes to gifts, I think he’d pay attention to your favorite foods, or maybe your current obsession, and base his gifts off that.
He LOVES to rant to you about Maria In The Sky!! Or just his hyperfixations in general when it isn’t Maria. Which isn’t likely. He gets this certain spark in his eyes when he talks about the things he’s interested in, which brings a certain life to him.
Now, depression DOES take a toll on people. This can leave a strain on relationships especially. If you’re willing to put in the extra effort, he would greatly appreciate it. He makes sure to show you his appreciation by making sure he ate a little extra more that day, made sure to change out into a new set of clothes, and overall just ways to show that he’s taking care of himself.
Overall, he loves you dearly, and greatly appreciates the love and support you give him. Trust me, he’s not letting you go any time soon.
Hyuk Lee
Hyuk as a boyfriend gives me very CHAOTIC vibes!!
He’s the kind of boyfriend to show his love by joking A LOT with you, with lots of teasing, playful name calling, and overall just rough housing.
There was definitely a moment where yall took roughhousing too far and you got bopped in the nose. Hyuk couldn’t bare to look you in the face after the many times you said you were fine.
Hyuk’s nicknames would include
Lemon cardboard Homie, Baby, Babe, Big head, DEFINITELY Megatron just to fuck with you
Hyuk’s kisses would be goofy and just kind of smiley, and maybe even a little sloppy. As in, he would be gently holding your face in his hands, but would be smiling or laughing as he tries to kiss you because he is just so unbelievably happy. This causes the kisses to definitely not be perfect, but they’re just filled with so much happiness that you can’t help but smile or laugh with him.
Just like Hyun, there isn’t a lot of PDA. Not because he’s self-conscious, mainly because he feels like you know how much he actually loves you without having to be too touchy in front of everyone. If you just so happen to want a kiss or maybe just hold hands, he’s all up for it. Just make sure to ask otherwise he will have no clue what you want.
Dates would include going to the arcade!! DEFINITELY would drag you over to that dancing game just to have an excuse to be closer to you!
Another date idea would just be 1 am trips to 7/11 and grabbing a slushee and your favorite snack, and maybe going to a remote area and laying on the hood of your car and go stargazing.
When it comes to dating Hyuk, you also gotta care for his sister. They are a PACKAGE DEAL. He understands that it’s a big responsibility to dump onto someone, but he’s responsible for her well-being. So if you don’t like her, that’s the ultimate deal breaker for Hyuk. If that’s not the case, he’ll be happy to see you two getting along.
Being a surrogate father for someone who was so young really puts a damper on your mentality. So just show your support for him, whether it be big or small. If you are quick to befriend Eun, his heart will warm at the sight of the two people he loves most enjoying each other’s company.
Ihyun Jo
Ihyun gives me very flirty/romantic boyfriend vibes. I say this due to his two personalities, which include his chaotic and more gentler side. I can see him being very flirty with an SO, that showers them in pick up lines that could make your face go red while also being sincerely romantic, enough to make you swoon from how sweet he’s being.
He’s the kind of boyfriend to hold your face in his hands, and gently cover your face in kisses or just stare lovingly into your eyes. This would also include whispering flirtatious comments in your ear, just to see you embarrassed from his words and make you blush.
With his flirty side, I can definitely see him as bit possessive, which can include possessive touches such as putting his hand on your waist or gently grabbing your chin to look at him when you look away.
Ihyun’s nicknames would include
Baby, hot stuff, princess/prince, Angel, wifey/hubby
Ihyun’s kisses can go two different ways depending on his current mood. The 1st way is sweet and sincere, where his kisses are soft and filled with such warmth and love. This creates such a loving feeling, where he carefully holds your face in his hands and treats you with gentleness. The 2nd way is his kisses feeling lustful, and a little rough. Though, this only means his kisses are firey and more passionate, holding you close by your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck.
DEFINITELY PDA. He is VERY touchy. Not in a way to make others around you uncomfortable, but more like he always has to be touching you in some way to ground himself. This includes hand holding, putting a hand on your waist or around your neck. When it’s just you two, it’s almost like he’s a second shadow, always carding a hand through your hair or just hugging you and resting his chin atop your head.
In more normal settings, I can definitely see him taking you out on the classic amusement park date. I’m talking rollercoasters, obviously rigged carnival games, cotton candy, and of course, the classic Ferris wheel ride.
Of course, I gotta throw in a classic beach date too. He is DEFINITELY the type of boyfriend to throw you into the sea, ONLY IF YOU ARE OKAY WITH IT AND CAN SWIM THO. If not, he is totally cool with just annoying you by splashing, or just overall being a general nuisance. Definitely has a soft spot for building sand castles with you :)
He may have the occasional sarcastic comment to share or just be annoying just to bug you, but he really does love you. He knows having MPD makes things harder in a relationship, but he appreciates you helping him when it comes to medication, episodes, and other ailments that occur. If there are types when he feels sad, he would love nothing more than to just lay on the couch, and rest his head in your lap as you run your hand through his hair.
When I say soft, I mean he just absolutely SHOWERS you in love. You NEVER go a day without at least one hug or kiss, because he wants you to know how much he truly loves you. He’s the kind of boyfriend to do classic, gentlemanly things such as open doors for you, sit you down and scoot your chair in for you, and overall just be a sweetheart.
His dates would most likely be more domestic. I could definitely see him as doing the classic at home dinner date, being in the kitchen and cooking your favorite food, or if you like going out to eat more, definitely a restaurant on the nicer side. Being a teacher can leave him a bit busy sometimes, so he’s not opposed to just ordering take out, putting on a movie, and just enjoying your company as you lean against him. :)
Jayhun’s nicknames include
Sweetheart, honey, darling, love, angel
Jayhun’s kisses are the epitome of sweet and warm. Of course, he would only kiss you if he asked and made sure you were okay with it. If you said yes, he would make sure to hold you close, whether it be gently holding your face in his hands, or just placing his hands on your hips, he makes sure to put all his love into each kiss.
When it comes to PDA, he definitely strikes me as old fashioned. You know those elderly couples that have been married for 50+ years and STILL act like they’re in their honeymoon phase? That’s you and Jayhun. Kisses on the cheek, hand holding, brushing hair out of your face, and just staring at you with so much love that catching him can make you feel how strong his love is for you.
There are times when he’s forgotten to take lunch, so being the greatest SO ever, you make sure to bring it to him at school. His students LOVE YOU. They can’t believe their teacher bagged someone as great as you, and constantly bug Jayhun about you and when you’ll come visit again. They have a bet on how long it will take to get him to propose.
A bouquet of your favorite flowers, your favorite candies, and even just writing little sticky notes in places you see them before he goes to work, he just wants you to know he will always love and appreciate you no matter what.
I want to say that because of his religion, he kinda hopes you share the same beliefs as him. However, he is not opposed if you don’t, he still loves you all the same. In fact, if you follow a totally different religion, I feel like he would be interested in learning what your practices are, and how he could make you feel more welcomed during your relationship. 💕
Wook Pyeon
“My boyfriend can kick your ass” HELLA vibes from this man.
When I say this, I mean he’s very protective of you, and is even afraid to be in your presence half the time due to his height and build. He’s the kind of boyfriend to benchpress you for a work out, but also the kind of boyfriend to get flustered when you kiss his forehead.
There’s no fuckin way you could reach his height unless you’re THAT TALL, but if you do, he’s more likely to be less careful around you, and be more willing to hold you close to him and not be afraid of accidentally hurting you. If you’re a SHORTY?? Like me then this poor man is on pins and needles. Even if you’re tough, this man is afraid of hurting you and will never forgive himself if his elbow whacked you in the forehead.
Shorty protector
Dates with Wook Pyeon consist of constantly patching him up when he’s injured. Seriously, does this man never have a bruise on his body? If he’s not injured, he’s definitely stressed or very tense, and would not be opposed to taking a warm bath with you. Not even to have sex, but more just to make your hair into a giant spike with soap, or have bubble beards that leave you holding your stomachs from laughter. Just wholesome goofing off. :)
Wook’s nicknames would include
Honey, baby, babe, sweetheart, *shorter rendition of your name*, little shit (If you’re a menace to him constantly)
I feel like this man’s kisses can vary. Though the one thing they have in common, is that he makes sure that you know that he loves you. They can range from quick “Gotta go to work” kisses, to kisses that make you melt from the amount of love you feel from them. Even if maybe that moment you two have fought and he suddenly has to go, and if you’ll let him of course, he’ll make sure to give you the sweetest kiss he can muster. Dealing with criminals can be dangerous, and he would never want to go to work and have something happen, knowing you both left angry at one another.
PDA for him is hesitant. It’s not that he doesn’t like it, but he gets very shy and flustered about it. If you hold his hand while he’s talking to someone, his brain will start to malfunction and his face will slowly turn a shade of pink. This includes kisses anywhere on his face, or just a small kiss to his knuckles while holding his hand. In other words, for a big guy like himself, he is quite timid when it comes to initiating PDA.
He may be a little rough around the edges, but he tries his best to be romantic. Though, he tends to do it in more smaller ways. Working in the police force has unreasonable hours, so lots of little sticky notes around the house with cute love notes, little heart doodles, and just overall tiny reminders are his love language, or just making you a quick breakfast and storing it for later before leaving to work.
When he gets laid off, please do your best not to be angry with him. If it turns out he was the only one to be bringing money on the table for your own reasons, he would be so disappointed in himself for not being able to support you. If it turns out he now has to rely on you and your job, he would feel as if he’s a leech while you work harder until he can find a new source of income, so please reassure him that everything will be alright.
He of course, will do his own fair share of chores around the house in order to relieve the work load off of you.
When it comes to smoking, that is definitely a problem. Even if you don’t mind it, secondhand smoking can greatly affect your health as well. If you are an asthmatic, he definitely will try to quit for you. Even if you aren’t, it eventually dawns on him that his smoking is slowly hurting you, and doesn’t want you to be breathing that gunk in. It will be a hard journey, but just support him and keep him in check for the transition, and he’ll do his best to keep you happy and out of harm’s way.
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cythoughtsnmemories · 8 months
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Thank God last Thu & Fri I was on course at SMU. So glad course mates jio me lunch tgt. Had bagel on 2nd day lunch. Went back office to exercise n dinner w colleague. Met up w friend for dinner on Fri after course.
Sat hubby n I went to my SSC gathering at Clara's hse. We had lunch at her hse n chat for hrs. Claragave us some souvenirs from TW, while I gave out d foodiefrom Jap...soon its dinner time and we had dinner tgt too lol~ Seorea bbq at Nex. Their service is bad. A staff spilled d sauce on the table, then she ask my friend to clean it up w tissue. Wts?! We both looked at each other cos we shock by the staff response. I asked d staff to clean it up w wet cloth, while my friend asked for more tissue. The staff still said there's tissue on d table. Erm...then I clean up then the tissue will used up also right. Not like it's a lot.
Sunday~ I went home to meal prep for Mon and ate the leftover for lunch w sis. While sis cooked korean cold noodles to share. Home is still best. At least, I can be comfortable and do things freely.
This wk was hectic but I'm glad I survived!
Went office everyday except Tue and Thu. No fam dinner w sis cos she's coming over on Mon n I've got gym. Anw, MIL also don't mind I can't join. Tue, my only day wfh at hubby's hse. Lunch was ard 1+ and I gave up waiting for MIL to return from market w helper. They went out ard 11am and not sure where they went to get cheap fish. Isn't usual lunchtime at 12 or 1? Was thinking 1 they not home then I'll cook my own lunch. Pfft! Why no fixed lunchtime? When they are back, MIL ask if I still want steam fish. Of cos! There's no meat leh. Luckily work wasn't busy, just long meeting.
Thu, I just brought some clothes and laptop home to wfh. Tabao lunch for my mum and took d train. So glad to be home. And yay~ mum has cleared covid too. Managed to meet hubby to have dinner date at suntec. Food was cheap but not nice.
Fri, I went office but went hubby's hse for dinner. I reached home, I quickly showered and do my laundry. As usual hubby want to collect d laundry water. Whatever~ it's 7.30 and dinner still not ready. Haizzz...finally 7.40 ready for dinner. MIL asked hubby to eat w me first. They join us not long after. I asked why there isn't any meat. MIL said oh I just cook whatever is in d fridge. Erm, but u have to plan n know what u r cooking and should realise there isn't meat right? I'm fine w eating vegetarian. Just regret I had oats for breakfast and vegetarian for lunch. Didn't expect dinner to be meatless lol. Oh, and period is here.
Sat, I woke up and get ready. Then I stood outside waiting for hubby. Dk y MIL suddenly so random and ask if i'm taking pills. I was confused. I tot she saying I crazy...nvr take meds lol. Then she ask again...contraceptive pills. Wah 🙄 how rude is this. I'm on my period leh. Okay she dk but y she thinks I'll do that and y can't I take those pills. Hubby was praying so he didn't say anything. I told hubby I'm going downstairs to wait for him and didn't reply my mil silly qn.
Went bukit timah for hike w colleagues and I asked hubby to tag along. We went to d summit and d yellow trail (difficult). It's Pris 1st time and she can't take another round. Heng ah~ as we were almost down at the base, it started pouring heavily. Pris drove us for a good soba which SFDJ intro. We then went separate way home. I wanted to try the mochi ice cream at 313, so hubby n I bought 1 each before heading home.
So tired...I just want to rest. I showered and went to keep my laundry. MIL took my pillow, bolster and blanket to put outside the window area. Omg!!! It's just 1 more day before I can go back home, y she wanna touch my stuff. 😭 I qn MIL, she still told me, it will smell good (from d sun). Erm, I know sun can kill germs but d area she place it is so dirty leh...birds can land there, rain, dust, lizard also can brush thru d area. Then she just said next time won't touch. In d first place u should ask first what. Why do I feel like mil always want to trigger me.
Maybe I'm tired, I went to pack my stuff for tmr going back home. MIL came in and ask why I'm packing. Hubby helped to say that I only have few set of clothes, so need bring back. Lol thanks babe! Lucky, I just kept quiet. Have lot of clothes also kena nag waste money. 🙄 I'm a sinner in this hse.
Saw a plastic bag, I took it to hubby to ask if I can throw cos it's already collected a layer of dust...thick de hor! Kena nag, not to touch his stuff. Just dk y hubby cannot spent some time to clear his room. Throwing stuff away seems like a sin in his hse...even though they don't use it anymore. Its so cluttered, dusty and messy. K lo, ur hse. I don't care.
No mood at all. Can't wait to go home tmr!! 😭
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Erik and his girl have a threesome with OC.
Soooooo, I have gotten A LOT of threesome requests. I figured I could incorporate all of them into one fic because they are all generally the same thing except for a few things here and there. One request is it’s Erik’s birthday and him and OC have a threesome and he feels left out and another one is Eirk’s girl/wife feels left out, also a threesome where they share cum. It’s nasty y’all lol hardcore I added my own twist on it. It’s going to have to be two parts because I have so many ideas for this and I didn’t want it to be long and drawn out in one section.
Warnings: HARDCORE SMUT. GRAPHIC. Sharing fluids, nasty talk, multiple sex scenes, Daddy kink, Strippers, threesome.
Enjoy! Xoxo.
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Amoya and her husband Erik decided to kick off his birthday a week before he actually turned 33. She figured her man would love to go to a strip club so they hit up Ace of Diamonds in West Hollywood, California. They pulled up with racks of money and already buzzed from all the D’usse cognac that they drank in his Mercedes AMG-G63 with Rolls Royce Starlights installed on the roof of the inside of the car. Amoya has a VIP section for the party of people she invited out with them. She wanted her man to have fun and let loose. Erik figures this is just gonna be another fun and wild night of getting twerked on by some fine ass strippers and having asses clap in his face. He didn’t know what Amoya really had in mind. 
This was going to be a recruitment night to find the best stripper for a threesome Amoya wanted to plan for Erik’s birthday the following week. She wanted to find the best girl for the job that they could both have fun with the entire weekend at their LA mansion in the hills. A young vibrant thang to use for sex and sex only. This would be their first time doing this after Amoya gave it much thought. Sex is a huge factor in her and Erik’s relationship. As they both entered the strip club and found their VIP section, Amoya instantly scans the crowd of ass, titties, and pussy, to find the perfect chick. All the women there were beautiful but not exactly what Amoya had in mind just yet. She wanted to sit back and see how her man reacted before she made her decision. 
“Dayum,” Erik held his bottle of D’usse with one hand while his arm wrapped around his wife’s shoulder, “Baby, it’s too live in here tonight. Ace got a good selection.” 
Amoya looked up at her beautiful husband. She still couldn’t believe that he asked for her hand in marriage. It’s been three years of happiness with him. Erik is the man of her dreams. 6’3, russet skin, short dreads, a charming smile with dimples in his cheeks, full lips, onyx eyes, smart, ambitious, the list goes on and on and on with the many things she loved about her man. 
“I knew you would love it, baby. Ohhhhhh look at that one right there,” Amoya pointed a long stiletto nail painted metallic purple at a tall stripper chick with A cup breasts but a huge wagon of an ass. She had on black cross pasties over her small areolas and a leather black thong with black stripper heels that had silver mesh. The caramel beauty had a collar around her neck and hair pulled up into a sleek bun. She was so sexy. The girl must have known Amoya wanted her attention so she looked over at her. Once their eyes connected the tall chick who could be mistaken for a model came over to their section with her eyes on their money. One of Erik’s homeboys helped her inside while staring at her large backside as she stepped over to stand in front of Amoya. The chick got down in a squat, blinking her hazel eyes at her before smiling, showing off a gap between her teeth and a gold bottom grill.
“How can I help you pretty lady,” she spoke with a southern accent, “They call me Sparkle.” 
“Hi, miss Sparkle,” Amoya reaches around to slap Sparkles ass with the stack of bills she had, “Your skin is extra sparkly, I like that.”
Sparkle glances over at Erik who gave her an intense and rather intimidating look before looking back at Amoya “Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and I love glitter against my brown skin.”
“Ooooo, both are my favorite.” Amoya likes her. She just hoped her man was really feeling her. She could tell what her man liked and didn’t like. So far, Erik was giving Sparkle a look over but it wasn’t blazing like he looked at Amoya. Maybe if Sparkle danced on him that would help determine if she was the one.
“This is my husband, call him Kill.” 
“Hi, Kill.” Sparkle spoke in a honeyed tone.
“Sup’ mama.” Erik licked his lips before giving her a sexy half smirk.
“Are you gonna give my Hubby some of that thick ass? It’s almost his birthday.”
That made Sparkle smile wide, revealing more of her gap, “Birthday huh?! How old are you turning?!”
“You don’t look like it,” Sparkle giggles, “after this I can get some of my other girls to come over and show some love. We got you, Mr. Kill.”
Erik was loving the idea of that. Amoya pulled out two stacks of money handing one over to Erik so he could make it rain on Sparkle. She got into a squat in front of him before turning around to pop her ass. Left cheek, right cheek. It danced like the shit was made of jello. Sparkle stood in her heels, arched over in front of Erik’s face, and shook her ass to the banger trap beat. Erik made it rain over her ass before taking a few bills to place in her thong. Sparkle was cool, she got the job done, but her man wasn’t rock hard or reaching out to pop her big ass butt like she wanted him to. 
“You like that birthday boy?” Sparkle spoke while dragging her tongue over her gap, “This the kind of cake you want for your birthday?”
“That’s a lot of cake to be serving up, ma.” Erik watched Sparkle stand, making her ass clap with a shake of her thighs, her fingers popping the waistband of her thong. Sparkle then lifts one long leg up in the air to shake her ass. The girl had skills. Erik stood to throw money on Sparkle before smacking her ass with it and rubbing the bills on her skin. Amoya gave Sparkle some love too by slipping the girl some money in her thong. Sparkle was seeing dollar signs as she picked up that money to stuff inside the crotch of her thong. 
“Hey, bring that ass over here, Miss Sparkle with that glitter booty on you,” Amoya’s drunk brother, Amari, motioned with some bills in one hand and a blunt in the other. Her brother and Erik grew up together in Oakland. Amari is tall and slim with short waves in his hair and a tattoo of a black rose on his neck. They gave him the nickname Pretty Boi Mari because that’s exactly what he was. Light skin, grey eyes, dimples. There isn’t one friend of Amoya’s that Amari didn’t have. She lost a lot of friends because of her brother. A few of them had kids by him. 
“Dassit’ you a thick bitch ain’t you? Haha,” Amari slaps the hell out of Sparkles ass, “Where your friends at? Bring your stripper friends up here so we can have some fun.”
All the other guys in the section agreed with Amari while Erik being Erik sat back, drunk off the D’usse with his arm draped over Amoya’s shoulder. Sparkle took the money Amari gave her and quickly left the section to round up the best girls for them to have. When Sparkle left to grab her girls, everyone danced and drank while watching the shows on stage. So many different tricks. Split lock, power hold, pole split, the eye opener that gave you a view of the pussy, spinning chopper, all different advanced moves. These women were so skilled and they put on the best show. 
“Sup’ Sparkle,” Novia, a 25 year old girl who has been stripping at Ace of Diamonds for a month now said high to Sparkle with a wide smile and twinkling eyes. Cinnamon skin, well-developed voluptuous and sinuous body, curly hair with honey blonde highlights in it pulled back into a sleek bun with baby hairs, and eyes that reminded you of the perfect espresso on a Monday morning. Her voice was the perfect mixture of rasp and seduction. Novia was working the floor with her right hand, Bubbles, a Cuban girl with long brunette hair in two pigtails, pouty lips, and striking dark green eyes. She was more on the athletic side and spoke with a very light voice that some would say is annoying but she couldn’t help that it was the way she talked. 
“Y’all tired of working the floor? I got a spot that would really bring in some money.”
“Where?!” Bubbles spoke up with her tweety bird voice, “Cuz I am TIRED of the floor I need VIP MONEY.”
“Right over there,” Bubbles and Novia followed where Sparkle pointed. Right there in front of the stage in the most expensive VIP section in the club was a group of men who looked like they were big ballin’ a few chicks there as well. All Bubbles and Novia could see was bags filled with money. More money than the men on the floor have. Novia never worked VIP but she would break out of her shell tonight if it meant she could be going home with 5,000 that night, maybe even more. She only had about 800 so far since her shift started an hour ago. Novia still has a long way to go before she becomes a known stripper in Ace of Diamonds. 
“It’s some fine ass niggas birthday. He’s turning 33 and his wife wants us to show him a good time. Y’all down?”
“I'M DOWN,” Bubbles spoke up first, “Birthday boy doesn't know what he has in store for him! What about you Novia?”
“Yeah, I can go up. More money for me,” Novia glanced back over at the section to see who the birthday man is. She spotted a guy she hoped was. He was chilling with his legs wide and a cup in his hand half empty. He had his arm perched around a woman’s shoulder. They looked like a King and Queen watching from their throne.
“Oh, and his wife said to call him Kill.”
“I’ll call him whatever I need to as long as I get my money,” Bubbles and Candy shared a laugh. 
“Kill huh? Sounds like he’s nothing to play with,” Novia mentions while her eyes watched the section. 
“Let’s get some more girls,” Sparkle lead the way to round up more of their girls before they went back. They were at a group of eight now and that was the perfect amount. Sparkle made Novia hold up two party Ciroc VS bottles with sparks in it lighting the way. 
His smile is what she noticed first.
Bright and wide with deep dimples in his cheeks and moist full lips. Teeth lined with gold and then his wet pink tongue poking out to lick his upper lip. Very handsome indeed. Novia is about her money but she also took great joy in putting on a show for an attractive man. Novia arched over to put the bottles on the table before putting out the sparks. 7 inch heels with a 2 3/4 inch platform with cutout, rhinestone detailing, an adjustable ankle strap, and colored royal blue like the micro slingshot monokini she wore that barely covered her round breasts and the rest of her body. Her skin glittered and glistened and the stretch marks on her healthy ass were like light brown tiger stripes. Novia looked over at his wife and she wished she hadn’t. That woman was breathtaking. She favored Rihanna to her. Especially with the way she dressed. She kept her hair short and sleek, almond shaped green eyes looking her up and down before giving her an approving smile. She is tall and slim with long stiletto nails that reminded her of claws. They were perfect together. Definitely a king and queen. 
“This is krystal,” Krystal was a 5 '2 petite girl with a lot of breasts. She was mocha skinned with long faux locs in her hair and a hot pink thong with matching top on and clear 7 inch heels on her feet. 
“Rose, KiKi, Daniella,” All three of these girls were topless with different colored pasties over their nipples and thongs to match. Rose wore her hair close cut and colored red, KiKi has a teal green lace front that made her look like a mermaid, and Daniella wore her loose wavy hair up in a messy bun with rhinestones on her face that would remind you of a sugar skull. 
“Vixen, Babydoll, Tatiana, and Chloe,” Babydoll and Chloe were biracial fraternal twins with long pink curly hair and an obvious Brazilian butt lift but it looked good on them both. Vixen was covered in tattoos and piercings with crotchless panties on and a bikini top that was too small to fit over her areolas, and Tatiana has black tassel nipple covers with a dark purple slingshot monokini. Her hair was bleach blonde and wet, piercings in her cheeks like Black Chyna. 
“And this is Bubbles, and Novia.”
Bubbles has a ditzy way about her but she was adorable with her big green eyes and youthful face. She had to be the youngest out of all the girls. Novia’s espresso eyes were dangerous. They appeared very calm but the more you held her gaze she would trap you. Novia swiped her tongue over her upper lip, showing off her tongue ring and how long her tongue was. It was like a tiny pink snake. The curves on this woman were dangerous. That slingshot monokini over her oily skin left nothing to the imagination. All of the women were sexy, but Novia…
“Hi Kill, Happy birthday,” Bubbles spoke in an angelic sing-song voice. 
“Happy Birthday,” Novia spoke with a smooth yet sexy voice that could make a grown man’s knees buckle. She was so captivating. 
“Damn, Sparkle, you brought the best of the best didn’t you?” Amari spoke up while palming both Babydoll and Chloe’s asses. The girls didn’t waste anytime twerking, hitting splits, and giving lap dances to anyone who was available. Currently, Novia was on her own, grabbing onto the railing that encircled the VIP section, popping her ass in Erik’s line of vision. The way her glistening cheeks clapped and her hips swayed with that deep arch in her back had him forgetting about KiKi with the teal green wig currently giving him a lap dance while holding a bottle of Ciroc VS to his lips for him to drink. Amoya tilted his head back to allow KiKi to pour some of the liquor in his mouth. She was heavy-handed with it too but Erik swallowed every drop. Amoya grabs the back of his neck, bringing his lips to hers so they could kiss. They’re tongues thrashed and swirled over each other’s. You could suffocate with how much ass surrounded that VIP section. Everyone else in Ace of Diamonds looked over at them with envious eyes. It was popping off. 
Amoya brought her lips to Erik’s ear, “I need some head right now, Daddy. I just wanna push your head between my legs and make you eat it,” Amoya licks Erik’s ear with her wet tongue, “Fuck, my pussy is so wet looking at all these fine bitches popping pussy in our face. How about you, Daddy? You like all this phat ass popping and all this phat pussy? Fuckkkkk, babeeee.”
“Damn, girl. Talking all that shit like that in Daddy’s ear,” Erik whispered back with smoldering eyes. Erik’s skin felt like he was boiling. His dick was definitely as hard as cast iron but it wasn’t because of KiKi. It was because of Novia. Erik’s eyes kept sweeping over towards her like she was the prized jewel out of all the other women there. That’s what Amoya wanted to see. She watched Novia too. Novia was on the floor of the VIP section, legs spread and ass popping to the beat. The tattoo on her lower back of a pair of cat eyes looked like it was winking the way she moved. Novia started grinding into the floor, her back rolling and her ass bouncing and jiggling like she had no control over it. Novia looked like she was riding dick the way she moved. Stacks of money showered her body, some of the bills sticking to her cinnamon skin. The second she arched her back, And gave Erik a glimpse of her phat pussy in that little slingshot monokini he was up on his feet with his hand reaching down to whack her ass good. Amoya sat stunned with lust at the sight. Novia looked back at him with her round eyes and thick natural eyelashes blinking. 
 “That bitch on the floor getting it! Don’t hog her birthday boy we want some of that too!” One of Erik’s friends called out while Vixen accepted his cash in her crotchless panties. Amoya gasps while grabbing a few stacks to make it rain on Novia when she got into a handstand and started gyrating her hips and thighs. Erik stood there with a clear eye view of Novia’s Brazilian waxed mound spread wide in that slingshot monokini. If he just took one finger to slide it over her pussy lips would spill out. Erik slaps some money on her pussy and outstretched thighs before the entire section erupted with shouts and hollers when Novia hit a split. She bounced her ass on that floor with those legs wide and limber, oily body bending and arching like she was an acrobatic Queen. Erik was in amazed by this Pole Dancer. So was Amoya. She made her mind up for sure. This was the girl she wanted to have a threesome with for Erik’s birthday. Novia got up from that floor like she didn’t just step on the other girls necks, smiling at Erik before accepting her money from both Amoya and Erik. A ton of it. More than Sparkle and the others. Of course the other girls had envious eyes. Especially Bubbles. 
“Can you do all that on the pole ma?” Erik asks with a husky voice, “show me how you do it on that stage. Give me a real birthday treat, yeah?” 
“Anything for the birthday boy-“
“Oh, I ain’t no boy.” Erik spoke with a rough tone while flaring his gold canines.
Novia looked Erik up and down like his wife wasn’t standing next to him. She liked that rough edge in his voice. He definitely wasn’t a boy. Nothing like the other men there. 
“Mmmm, I gotta come correct, huh?” Novia pushes Erik down on the couch, “Want me to give you a lap dance, Birthday Daddy?”
Amoya’s breathing was shallow. She loved the way Novia called Erik Daddy. Now she couldn’t get it out of her head. Now she wanted to force Novia’s head down towards her pussy to lick up with that gold jewel on her tongue. Better yet, Amoya wanted to see how she tasted. She’s never been this turned on by a woman in her life. 
“Gon’ girl, dassit’ FUCK.”
Novia was reverse cowgirl on Erik’s crotch making her ass twerk back on him. Erik’s money bag was nearly empty because he spent it all on Novia. Novia’s espresso eyes landed on Amoya, giving her a sly smirk. She was definitely nothing to play with. 
“You like how I shake this big ass on your Hubby? Think he might bust a nut?”
Amoya found herself reaching out to jiggle Novia’s ass cheeks in her hand, “He’s loving you alright, Miss Novia. I’m loving it too.” 
“Is that right?” Novia got up slowly from Erik, walked up to Amoya, widened her legs while staring into her eyes and dropped down on Amoya’s lap at a gentle pace that could make a grown man cry. She started grinding on Amoya, lifting the straps on her monokini to show off her round breasts that were pierced just like her tongue. The nipple rings read fuck me in gold. Erik looked over at Novia with a slight crease in his brow as if he were annoyed by her lifting from his dick like that. He clearly didn’t want to give his money away to the other girls. It’s supposed to be his birthday week not Amoya’s. Amoya was in a trance, her greedy hands making Novia’s ass shake over her. Both women shared a look of equal desire and teasing smiles. Amoya snakes her hands up Novia’s spine delicately before Novia smashed her breasts in Amoya’s face. This girl was bold but Amoya loved it. 
“DAYUM AMOYA!” Amari yelled out loud while watching his sister. Her face was smothered with Novia’s breasts. Novia finally gave her room to breathe, Amoya’s lipstick smeared on Novia’s chest. Amoya looked like she wanted to toss Novia down on the VIP red velvet couch and tongue fuck her wet folds. Novia finally gets up, Amoya slapping her ass gently before slipping her some more cash. Novia walked out of VIP while everyone watched her leave. She slowly strolled towards the stage, dropping all her money in a bucket. Nothing but 20’s and 100 dollar bills. The DJ introduced Novia and played her intro music. Megan Thee Stallion- Best You Ever Had. 
You ain't never been with a chick this bad
I ain't worried 'bout them other girls that you had
If I catch 'em lookin' at my baby, I'ma laugh
He gon' keep it real, I ain't worried 'bout that
You ain't never been with a chick this bad
I ain't worried 'bout them other girls that you had
If I catch 'em lookin' at my baby, I'ma laugh
He gon' keep it real, I ain't worried 'bout that
 I be actin' up right before he come to see me
He be like, "Why you always tripping for no reason?"
Told him, "'Cause you put it on me better when you're mad"
Hand around my neck, hit it hard from the back, yeah
I'ma cook a meal for him and play the game with him
When somebody ask, yeah, I'm with the same nigga
Pussy keep him knocked out like a painkiller
And if a nigga bag me, you know he a winner, ah
Novia hit a shoulder mount inversion into an extended butterfly. A Knee hold move was next, causing her to twirl around that pole with the neon blue lights on her beautiful body. You could tell that she practiced these moves fluently. So much style and grace like a ballerina. She had everyone’s attention, more money being thrown at her. Novia twerked her ass in the air before dropping down into a full split. The money exploded around her and all Amoya kept staring at was the wicked and delicious way her lips looked stretched into a smile. She knew she was bad. She knew she was the hottest thing in Ace of Diamonds. Erik was in awe of her. All his money practically gone and in Novia’s bucket. She played the game well. Amoya applauded Novia before three other chicks joined her on stage to perform together. 
Erik’s Birthday: 
Amoya hopped out of her convertible Rolls Royce with red leather seats, Louis Vuitton bag in hand and dressed in an all white catsuit. It was around 78 degrees so it wasn’t too hot or too warm for her. INFINITY Dance Studio has a bright purple neon sign on the outside within that parking lot. Large ceiling to floor windows showed about three levels to the large studio. Amoya’s Saint Laurent heels echoed across the concrete ground of the lot before finally making her way towards the double doors leading her to the inside of the dance studio. It was nicely decorated. A receptionist sat behind a polished desk; young girl with a blunt cut wig on and a nose piercing. She wore a white top with an Infinity symbol and the name of the studio in cursive embroidery. She blinked her false lashes up at Amoya before smiling with a mouth full of braces.
“Welcome to INFINITY Dance Studio. My name is Kimberly. How can I help you today?”
Amoya removed her Fendi shades, “Uh, I’m here looking for a miss, Novia?” 
“Novia? I’m not sure who that-ohhhhhhhh, you mean Jordyn?”
“I’m not following,” Amoya was confused.
“Novia? Works at Ace of Diamonds? Her real name is Jordyn.”
“Oh!” Amoya laughs, “I didn’t think about that, I should have.” 
“It’s cool. It’s her middle name. I’m her sister.” 
Now that Amoya was looking at Kimberly, they did look alike. Same beautiful cinnamon skin and light brown eyes that reminded you of coffee with extra cream. Lips full and kissable. A mole on the side of her nose just like her sister and dimples on the sides of her mouth whenever she smiled. Beautiful girls. 
“Jordyn has a class at the moment but you can go up there and wait for her. She’s teaching a heels class.”
“Sure,” Amoya pointed to the elevators, “Which level?”
“Second level. As soon as you get off, make a right and keep straight down the hall. The studio is going to be on your left at the very end of the hall.” Kimberly instructed. 
Amoya gave her thanks before making her way towards the elevators. She needed to ask Novia now that she had free time to do so. She wanted to do this during the early afternoon since Erik was out with his friends for Cigars and brunch on a Yacht. He wouldn’t be back until a couple of hours from now. This gave Amoya enough time to put her plan into works. She did as she was told, turning right and then keeping straight. It wasn’t hard to find since the music helped her out. They were jamming. Amoya walked down the hall humming to Jhené Aiko- Pussy Fairy (OTW). Finally there, Amoya stood in the doorway, watching Novia seductively hit a split before a high kick on the floor, front and center, with her students standing in a half circle with concentration etched on their faces. 
Novia clearly was an all around dancer and not just on the pole. This girl moved with so much ease and grace. Amoya leaned against the doorway, admiring Novia’s attire. Black leotard with fishnet stockings and five inch ankle boots on her feet in black leather. Voluptuous, full-bosomed, plump backside, body serpentine as she moved across the floor. Watching her was sex itself. 
“Alright, ladies, let's do this one more time before we’re done for the day.” 
All the women got into position. There was enough room in the studio to spread out and watch her. Mirrored walls surrounded all of them so they could stare at themselves. All women in all different shapes and sizes watched Novia go through the routine one more time, their eyes intense and unblinking so they could catch her every move. Bodies sweating, they gave it their all, even through advanced moves, Novia finishing out with a side to side split before standing up and applauding her class.
“Ladies! Good job! We’ve gotten better! India, I see you’ve been practicing!” Novia wipes sweat from under her chin, “Good job! I’ll see all of you beautiful ladies next Thursday, alright?”
They all said their goodbyes, some of them hugging Novia and having small talk, others grabbing their things to dash out of the studio while yelling goodbye over their shoulders. Amoya made room for them to exit before stepping further into the studio. Once everyone cleared out, Novia’s eyes landed on hers. She pauses for a split second before a small, recognizable smile spread across her gorgeous face. She walked with a strut that made her hips sway to pause her music. All you could hear was her heels click clack across the polished dance floor towards Amoya. She looked shocked to see her. 
“Wifey from Ace of Diamonds last Saturday?” Novia held out her hand to shake Amoya’s, “How did you find me, sweetie?”
“Sparkle,” Amoya gave Novia a kind smile, “She told me you would be here at the dance studio today. Your sister, Kimberly, told me you had a heels class. Is it okay if I call you Jordyn or do you prefer Novia?”
Novia wipes sweat from the back of her neck, “You can call me whatever you like, sweetie.” 
Amoya bit her bottom lip with a smile, “Novia rolls off the tongue better.”
“Yeah, it does. Especially when someone’s moaning it.”
If she agreed to having a threesome with Erik and Amoya she would enjoy it even more. Amoya was loving Novia more and more each time she talked. She knew the effect she has on people.
“So, you’re a choreographer too?”
Novia grins showing off the dimples on the sides of her full lips, “Yes, I teach different classes here. I’m trying to open my own studio but we’ll see.”
“I’m sure you can make that happen...I mean...WOW. You can move on the pole and off the pole.”
“I can teach you sometime if you like,” Novia made her voice lower and alluring. Amoya couldn’t fight the urge to blush and smile. 
“I’ll look into that...uh, there is one thing I’d like to talk to you about though.” Amoya became nervous.
“What’s wrong?” Novia’s pretty face became wary.
“No no! Nothing bad...just...gosh, I don’t even know how to ask this.” Amoya chewed on her bottom lip. 
“It’s okay...like you said, nothing bad, yeah?”
“Yes.” Amoya avoided Novia’s espresso eyes, “Okay, so today is Erik’s birthday.”
“Who is Erik?” Novia asked while raising a single thick brow.
“Shit-yeah, it’s Kill,” Amoya giggles, “Kill is his nickname but his real name is Erik.”
“Hmm, okay,” Novia licks her glossy lips, “I’m sorry you can keep talking.” 
Amoya smoothed a hand down the back of her neck over a tattoo of a heart, “So, today is his birthday and right now he’s out with his friends but later we’ll both be home. Uh, so, I had something in mind and I was wondering if you could help me out with that?”
Novia had a perplexed look on her face and Amoya knew she was beating around the bush but she couldn’t get it out without being so shy about it. She shook her head before closing her eyes, gaining enough courage to ask Novia up front. She would only get a yes or no answer. 
“Novia. I want you to have a threesome with me and my husband for his birthday.” 
Novia parted her lips to speak but no words came out. Her eyes blinked a few times before she gave Amoya a half smirk, “You’re serious?”
“Yes.” Amoya answered slowly. Novia rolled her glossy lips together while staring at Amoya like she was trying to catch her in a lie. When she realized she was serious Novia let’s put a deep sigh before smoothing her dark brown hair with honey blonde highlights from her sweaty shoulders.
Hands on her hourglass shaped waist, she looked up at Amoya through her long curled lashes, “...Okay.” Novia answered with a bright smile, “I’d like to. So when are we doing this?”
Amoya fingered some of her hair from her eyes before smiling just as bright, “it’s gonna happen tonight if that’s okay?”
“Oh, I’m free tonight.” Novia answered quickly.
“It’s for the entire weekend though,” Amoya added with a chuckle. Novia gawked at her before laughing herself.
“The ENTIRE weekend? Jesus. You want to fuck me for theee days straight? Damn, I like you Wifey.” 
“Just call me Amoya.” 
The energy between them both shifted. Now, Everytime Novia looked at Amoya it was as if she were imagining her naked and in every position possible. Amoya looked at Novia’s lips while licking her own. This girl was intoxicating.
“And it’s a surprise, right?”
“Yes, babe, it is,” Amoya responded, “It’ll be at our home, I can have one of our drivers pick you up around…8 PM?”
“8 PM sounds good, Amoya. I’m packing a bag?”
“Yes. We have a pool and jacuzzi so you can bring swimwear too.” 
“Cool, I can’t wait,” Novia blinked her long curled lashes, while biting her lower lip excitedly, “If it’s with you and Kill I definitely can’t wait.” Now her tone of voice was honeyed and silky smooth. It almost lulled Amoya to sleep. 
“Let’s exchange numbers, okay?” Amoya says with a shaky breath. 
“Sure, beautiful.”
They both exchanged numbers. After that, Novia hugged Amoya then placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, leaving a glossy lip print behind. Amoya looked down at Novia’s lips. Novia kept her eyes on Amoya, pressing her breasts into Amoya’s. She brought her right hand up to cradle the back of her head before leisurely leaning in to lightly kiss her lips. Their lips made a soft smacking noise. Since they were both wearing gloss, their lips sort of stuck together like syrup as Novia drew her lips away gently. The hairs on Amoya’s arms stood up. 
“Might as well get acquainted properly, yeah?” Novia kisses her again, “I’ll see you tonight.”
Erik looked down at his new yellow gold Cuban link chain lined with Diamonds. He picked it up out of the jewelry box, placing it around his neck to admire. The dim light of their walk-in closet above his head reflected off of his chest causing the Diamonds to twinkle, everything else around him dark. Erik’s fingers felt over the Diamonds. He really liked this birthday gift from his Wife, Amoya. On his third cup of D’usse, Erik took a sip before walking away from the mirror to grab a pair of trunks to go settle in the jacuzzi. 
Supposedly Amoya has another surprise for him. He wasn’t really one for surprises but this was his girl so he accepted it. Trunks low on his hips and feet bare, Erik walks out of their walk-in closet, entering the master bedroom, and then out into the hallway. Serani- No Games grew louder over the whole home audio installation. Outside now, Erik decides to take a dip in the pool first. He downs the rear of his D’usse before diving into the cool water. Erik swam to the edge of the pool, whipping his wet dreads back so they wouldn’t drip in his face. Erik wondered where Amoya disappeared to because she was sitting by the pool on a lounge chair. Her glass of Hypnotiq was still resting on a small side table by the pool. 
As if she heard his thoughts, Amoya walked out of the house like a model dressed in a black monokini with her pixie cut jet black hair wet and pressed against her scalp. Trailing behind her was another woman Erik immediately recognized. How could he forget such a fine bitch like her. Novia from Ace of Diamonds. Thick ass Novia. She was dressed in a short black silk slip dress with the back so low and revealing that you could see the crack of her ass and that cute cat eye tattoo above her back dimples. Patent leather black So Kate pumps on her feet. Two beautiful women. He squints his whiskey colored eyes and tilted his head at Amoya, wondering if this has anything to do with her surprise. Erik swam over to them, resting his arms on the edge of the pool while staring up at them both. He was greeted with legs to heaven. 
“Hey, Baby, you remember Novia from Ace of Diamonds?”
Erik dragged his eyes over at Novia, “How could I forget with the way she had me spending my money,” Erik greeted Novia with a head nod and a sexy half smirk showing off his gold canines, “Wassup, Ma.”
“Hi, Kill,” Novia waves flirtatiously before smoothing her hands down the front of her slip dress, “Happy birthday.”
“Thank you,” Erik pointed a dripping wet finger between both women, “Now, what is this about, huh?”
“Well,” Amoya linked arms with Novia, “It’s your special day and my man deserves to have the very best time,” Amoya places her arm that was linked with Novia’s and brought it around to rest against Novia’s left hip, “So Miss Novia here agreed to have a threesome with us. For your birthday, Daddy.”
Erik’s jaw clenched as he closed his eyes. He shook his head slightly before parting his lips to swipe his tongue across his full bottom lip, “Baby...you did this for me?” He opened his eyes, “Aww, baby, baby…”
Novia looked over at Amoya and smiled. The glow of the pool reflecting off of Erik’s russet skin mixed with the intense and erotic way he looked at Amoya made Novia’s heart skip a beat and her breath quicken. She watched Erik reach out for Amoya’s legs to rub her calves with a big smile on his face. He looked so damn excited about this. 
“Damn, baby, this how we doin’ it up for my birthday? Damn,” Erik gave the sexiest laugh Novia ever heard, “Shit, you knew Daddy liked Miss Novia, huh?”
“Mhm, I picked her just for you,” Amoya pulled Novia closer, “She’s so damn fine isn’t she?”
“You fucking right she is,” Erik looked Novia directly in her eyes, “Do a spin for me, I wanna see the back of that dress.” 
Amoya held up one of Novia’s arms, helping her turn slowly in her pumps to give Erik a 360 of her frame in that dress. 
“Mm, mm, mm.”
Novia had chills with the way he hummed.
“You came to play with us, Novia?”
Novia smoothed some of her curly hair behind her ear, “Uh-huh.”
“All weekend too,” Amoya added with excitement.
“Oh? All weekend?” Erik creased his brows with his lips poked out in a sexy pout. Novia bit the corner of her lower lip when he made that face. 
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Erik smoothed his hands down his face, “All weekend. Mm.” Erik shakes his head, “mm, mmm, mmm.” 
He couldn’t even say much but grunt and hum. Now, Erik’s hands were reaching out to touch Novia’s legs. She gasps as his wet hands smother up and down her calves. The water from his fingers rolled down her legs and over her feet in her pumps. 
“Since you came to play, why don’t you get comfortable and take this dress off.”
Novia looked from Erik, to Amoya before stepping out of her pumps. She stepped back from the pool a little to remove her slip dress. Novia wasn’t scared but the way both of them looked at her made her eyes look away. Both of her hands pulled the dress up and over her head, revealing nothing underneath. No panties. Skin smooth, hairless, and lovely to behold. Amoya and Erik wanted to lick her from her head down to her toes. Novia looked up at both of them before bringing her hands up to twirl her pierced nipples. She then dragged her hands through her curly hair, making it messy. She turned around, looking back at them both over her shoulder with her hair in her face while cupping the bottom of her amply-endowed ass lined with stretch marks. She then moved her hands away to sway her hips back and forth, her ass still moving even when she stopped. 
“Mmm, fuck,” Amoya moaned with a whisper, her eyes low and the tip of her tongue dragging over her upper teeth. 
“Damn, lil mama,” Erik let out a deep grunt that vibrated his chest, “C’mere.” His voice spoke huskily. 
Novia walked towards the edge of the pool. Amoya went down to sit on the edge of the pool, her hands dragging through Erik’s wet dreads. She stared down at Novia’s pretty feet with her toes painted black. Looking up at her body from that angle was like admiring art. Appreciating the time God put in to create her. Amoya was so zoned out staring at Novia that she didn’t realize what Erik instructed her to do next. 
“Turn around and grab your ankles. I wanna see that pussy I’m playing in for three fucking days.” 
Amoya clenched her thighs at that request.
“Okay,” Novia turns, arching her back unhurried while bringing her hands down her thighs, calves, then her ankles. Her ass pointed straight in the air and her ass cheeks parted revealing her wet folds from behind. Just as beautiful in the middle. Amoya’s taste buds salivated tremendously at the sight of Novia’s juicy pussy. She had her clit pierced. A tiny Garnet stone with a sterling silver hoop that dangled from the hood of her clit. Amoya wanted to suck that jewel into her mouth. Lick Novia’s essence from it. That pool water felt hot where she stood.
“You have a very pretty pussy Novia,” Amoya compliments, “So pink and smooth.” 
“I’m gonna suck on that pussy all weekend long,” Erik places his hand over his dick. It bobbed up and down in the water from how solid it was, “Starting now actually. Bring that pussy to me, ma. A nigga hungry.” 
Novia stood straight, turning around to look down at Erik in that pool, “‘mm-mm,” she shook her head no, “You gotta come get it, Daddy. Come get your present.” 
Novia smirked mischievously before walking away butt naked and into the house. Erik shot up out of the water, turning to lift Amoya out. Husband and wife stripped naked themselves, following Novia’s path towards the house and spotting her with the D’usse in hand drinking straight from the bottle. She was swaying her hips on their expensive coffee table to TK Kravitz- Ocean. It was as if they were back at the strip club again, Amoya and Erik in a trance as they watched her move her hips. Novia got down from the table, walking over to the couch, kneeling down on the black leather and arching her back. She moves her hips seductively, popping her pussy and running her hands over her wetness. She would spread her pussy lips to give them a nice peek at all that sweet pink. Now, she was fingering herself while moving her hips. 
Erik and Amoya walked over, Erik kneeling down behind Amoya to grab her ass cheeks night and tight. Amoya arched her tall slender body over the couch, perky ass in the air. Amoya grabs Novia’s chin with force, sticking her tongue out to flick it with hers. Amoya sucked on Novia’s tongue, a trail of spit landing on the tip of Novia’s tongue. Erik pulled Novia’s fingers from her pussy, leaning down to suck on them. His lips wrapped around her slender fingers. The minute her fluids spread over his tongue, Erik bucked his hips causing his dick to bounce and tap Novia’s pussy. Her back arched more when she felt that. 
Novia and Amoya were in a deep kissing session. Both of their eyes closed, lips smacking and sucking on each other’s, and whimpers escaping their mouths. Erik got down on his knees behind Novia, the muscles in his back that he worked so hard to get in the gym flexing as he spread her cheeks more to press his face into Novia’s pussy. His lips gave her open mouthed kisses on her phat pussy lips and inward. Any part of her his lips would wrap around and lightly suck. Novia broke her and Amoya’s kiss to moan softly while looking over her shoulder at Erik. Amoya reaches back to spread Novia’s cheeks for Erik. She bounced her big ass while catching a glimpse of Erik’s tongue flicking Novia’s labia back and forth. She was so puffy and aroused. Candied folds dripping with her syrupy goodness. 
“Yes, Daddy, eat that phat pussy, yes, baby,” Amoya encourages Erik to go harder. Erik scrunched his brows, nose wrinkled and eyes closed as he licked her slit in long strokes. Deep pressured strokes. He had Novia’s pussy wide open while giving her everything she deserved. Novia started rocking her hips back on Erik’s tongue, moving her hips in tune with his licks. 
“Fuck, Daddy, that shit looks so good,” Amoya licked her upper lip, “Let me get a taste.” 
Erik ignored her. He could not stop eating the fuck out of Novia’s sugared walls. He slurped on her as if she was covered in chocolate syrup or caramel filling. Novia was a moaning mess. She could only moan and whimper. Erik was attacking her hungrily. Amoya pouted when she locked eyes with Novia. The defeated look on her face and the way her arms shook from weakness made Amoya envy Erik’s current position.
“Daddy, please share,” Amoya begged. When Erik started tongue-fucking Novia, Amoya couldn’t take it, she laid back on the couch, spreading her thighs wide, sticking two fingers in her mouth to coat it with spit before reaching down to rub her clit. Novia’s eyes dropped shut and her mouth hung wide open. She gasps over and over. Reaching her hand back to hold one of her ass cheeks open while grinding back on Erik’s tongue. Erik popped her ass sharply, prompting Novia to whimper and cry. She could feel her release coming. The closer it got the more Erik sucked on her pussy. Erik gently tugged on her clit ring with his lips before sucking it into his mouth like he was slurping oysters out a shell. Novia’s eyes rolled and her hands reached back to grab onto Erik. He gave her his arms to hold. Novia let out the most angelic moan with her face smashed into the couch. Amoya rubber her slick all over her clit, her hips jerking at that sight. Novia came all over Erik’s tongue. He mumbled something into her pussy while slapping her phat ass. Erik lifted his face from between her pussy lips, licking his lips while his dark eyes connected with Novia’s. 
“Good fucking pussy on you, girl. I had you making a big ol’ mess on me.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Novia spoke weakly. Novia reaches over to touch Amoya’s pussy. Amoya moves her hand away, sucking on her fingers while allowing Novia to rub and finger her pussy. Erik crawled in between Amoya’s legs, pulling them back wide. While Novia rubbed her clit, Erik tilted his head down to suck on her labia and outer lips. Amoya bites down on her bottom lip, her hips bucking. Novia watched Amoya’s face while rubbing her clit, both women caught in an intense staring match. Novia leans forward, kissing Amoya nice and slow. Novia wrapped her hand around Amoya’s neck, taking control of the kiss while her slender fingers danced over her clit. Amoya could feel herself leaking. 
“You like the way I rub that juicy clit?” Novia whispered to her, “You want me to suck on that clit, baby? I’ll do whatever you want. I just want that pussy in my mouth.” 
Amoya moaned in response, Novia creeping kisses down Amoya’s chest before sucking on her nipples. Amoya has B cup breasts with large chocolate nipples. Novia sucked on them like they were a delicious piece of milk chocolate. Amoya was extremely overstimulated. Novia rubbed her clit and sucked her nipples while Erik currently tongue-fucked her while rubbing her labia with his thumb. He knew that drove her crazy and made her squirt. Amoya’s hips were practically off the couch but Erik held her up. He was getting that thing. Novia spit on Amoya’s nipples before slurping them into her mouth. That tight suction made Amoya’s eyes cross. She was going to cum good and fucking hard. 
“Mmmmmm!!! Umph, yes! Fuck that shit feels so good,” She spoke through clenched teeth, “Fuck! Make me cum!” 
Amoya’s throat grew tight as her cries and moans were stuck there. She couldn’t make a sound as she came in Erik’s mouth. Amoya looked down at them both with disbelief before falling back on the couch. 
“Damn, baby!” Erik licks his lips watching Amoya squirt. He flicked his tongue on her pussy to taste her fluids, “Cum in Daddy’s mouth. Cum all in my fucking mouth.”
“Shit, she squirts so fucking much,” Novia got down in Erik’s place, “I want some now. Can I have some Wifey? You gonna share with me?”
Erik watched Novia eat his wife’s pussy. She did it with her eyes studying Amoya’s face. Both women locked eyes. Amoya reaches down to stroke Novia’s hair from her face, holding her curls for her with one hand while the other pulled the hood of her clit back so she could receive direct stimulation to that area. Novia flicked her bean with a rhythm Amoya could vibe too because her hips were rolling. Erik worked out his arm by fisting his dick, his precum oozing down his fingers. His other hand palmed his balls. He would look down at his hard dick then back over at Novia sucking his wifes clit. The way Amoya and Novia connected made his dick painfully hard and ready to fuck. He needed to thrust his dick to the hilt in their pussy. 
“Yes, get it, baby, get it, girl,” Amoya’s head eased back against the couch, “‘mmm, suck on that clit, baby, that’s right, Umph, yes, shit, damn, girl, mmm.”
“She eating you real good baby, got that puss soaking,” Erik spoke with a deep gruff tone that made Novia’s pussy jump, “You better cum in her mouth too she’s working so hard to taste that nut.” 
“Mmm, Fuck! Yes! Girl, this how you eat pussy, huh?” Amoya was amazed. Her hips rolled in a circle while Novia’s lips stayed wrapped around her labia and clit, sucking it up and refusing to let go. Amoya’s thighs shook and almost squeezed Novia’s head but Erik held her legs open. His dick was pressed into Novia’s side. 
“Keep going, Novia, take that cum, girl, your doing so good, ma, so fucking good. Make her pussy cum, make that pussy bust,” Erik encourages, “oooo, look at that pussy quiver, Hmph, dassit’, it’s just like tasting your favorite candy, eat it like it should be eaten you nasty bitch.”
“Damn, Daddy, this bitch is something! Ummm!” Amoya yanks Novia’s hair, moving her head to make her suck on her clit like she was sucking on the head of a phat dick. Her lips dragged up and down her clit. Amoya’s wrist shook and the moment she pulled Novia’s head back, she was squirting. Amoya shouted while Novia drank her up. 
All the blood in Erik’s body must have rushed to his dick with the amount of pressure he was feeling around his balls and the tip of his dick. His dick was standing straight out and stabbing Novia in her hip. His dick was so phat and massive. A whopping ten inches rigid and unyielding. Novia climbed on top of Amoya, sharing her tongue with her so she could taste herself. Amoya strokes Novia’s back before cupping both her ass cheeks. 
“Mhm, I wanna eat your wet pussy just like that too. Lemme eat you too. Mmm, sit on my face,” Amoya made Novia suck on her fingers, “Yes, mmm, let me taste you.”
“Anything for you, sweetie,” Novia whispered. Amoya put her fingers deep inside of Novia’s pussy. Novia rode her fingers, her pussy making loud squelching noises. Erik couldn’t even fist his dick because it was so sensitive. Just wrapping his hand around it would make him bust. He needed it sucked and slurped on right now and Amoya and Novia were having fun without him. He really wanted Novia to suck all over his ten inch steely pipe. Both women got down on the couch, Novia sitting her puss on Amoya’s lips. Amoya instantly licked Novia up like she was starving. Novia fingered Amoya’s pussy nice and slow, Amoya creaming on her fingers. Erik had enough of this. He needed attention too. It is his birthday after all.
“Here,” Erik stood in front of Novia over the arm of the couch, “Suck Daddy’s dick.”
Novia wraps her hand around Erik causing him to throw his head back. Novia kisses the tip of his dick repeatedly while looking into his eyes. Erik watched her with weak eyes and a pout of his lips. Novia jerked his dick while letting out soft moans because Amoya was tonguing that clit just right. Rolling that clit ring around the tip of her sharp tongue. Erik forcefully grabs her hair, smacking her lips with his dick.
“Didn’t I tell you to suck this Daddy dick? You better take getting that phat puss ate while sucking me.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
Novia engulfs Erik’s dick, swallowing him whole. She twirled her tongue around the tip of his dick before bobbing her head over his length. Erik watched her pretty espresso eyes open and close while she whimpered and gurgled on his meat. Her jaws were so tight on him. She didn’t want that dick out her mouth at all. Erik grabs Novia’s hair into a ponytail while lowering her head over his length. Her lips strained to fit around him since Erik is so damn girthy. Amoya flicks Novia’s jeweled clit from side to side, Novia’s toes curling and her belly clenching. She couldn’t scream, she could only whimper with a mouth full of dick. That chocolate stick going in and out of her little mouth. She was about to cum all over Amoya’s face. 
Novia popped her mouth off of Erik’s sloppy dick, “Daddy, I’m about to cum!”
“Suck my fucking dick, Novia-“
“But Daddy! Ummmmmmm, Daddy it’s coming, it’s coming-“
“You want Daddy to fuck your throat? I will make you choke in here you better give me what I need. You gon’ do what I say?”
“UMPH!!! Oh! Yes! Yes! Right there baby! I’ve been wanting this all day! Yes! Gawd! You love my pussy so muchhhhh! Ah!!!” Novia completely ignored Erik with the way Amoya was eating her pussy. 
She was losing her voice. Amoya drained Novia dry. Erik glared at Novia, pulling her hair again. Novia whimpers in slight pain while Erik smashes her face into his crotch. He wanted that dick sucked now. He was tired of being left out. Amoya lifts from under Novia, getting down on her knees to join her in sucking her mans dick. Erik noticed her coming with a wet face so he pulled his dick out of Novia’s mouth to smack Amoya in the face with it. Amoya could feel the spit from his dick on her cheek. He was very very hard and very very mad. 
“Daddy needs his dick sucked and you kept distracting Novia. Why don’t you suck on this sack since you like actin’ up. It’s Daddy’s special day today. Both of y’all better suck my dick and make me bust a big nut. Think I’m playing.”
Novia sucks Erik’s dick with so much passion. She stroked it with her mouth and no hands. All of him could fit in her mouth and it drove him crazy. Then Amoya’s constant sucking on his nuts had the tip of his dick dripping with pre cum in Novia’s mouth. All that slurping and gurgling Novia was doing is exactly what Erik wanted to hear. 
“Such a pretty dick sucker. You like being a slut for me? You like sucking this dick when I’m married? You like swallowing all this pipe that fucks my wife? Huh?”
His words made Novia feel even more horny and wet. 
“Did I answer your wish, baby girl? You wished you could suck my fat dick? Mmm, good bitch, please Daddy’s dick.” 
Amoya came up while biting her lower lip with pleading eyes. She wanted some dick too. Erik pulled Novia’s mouth off his dick so that Amoya could have some. Novia sucked on Amoya’s nipples while Amoya sucked his dick. She stroked his shaft while sucking the tip of his dick, spit oozing down the sides of her mouth. Novia reaches out to stroke Erik’s wet balls while tonguing Amoya’s nipples. 
“Damn, you have a big fat dick,” Novia said while watching Amoya suck Erik’s dick, “I would love to eat that up. It’s so big. Just so BIG.” 
Amoya popped her mouth off, licking the side of Erik’s shaft. Novia sucked the tip of Erik’s dick, moaning with it in her mouth while her pretty espresso eyes blinked up at him innocently. 
Novia popped her mouth off to lick the tip of his dick, “I could do this for hours and forget the time,” She spoke in an alluring tone.
“Mmm, is that right? You like being a mouth to fuck, huh?”
“Yes, please, Daddy. My mouth is your to fuck,” Novia stares almost cross-eyed at Erik’s dick, “Wow, thats a big, black, juicy, meaty, dick.” Her lips found the tip of his dick again. Erik’s mouth hung open and his eyes were slits. The feeling of Amoya’s tongue on his shaft while Novia sucked his phat tip made his balls jump. 
“My pussy is so wet,” Amoya rubbed her clit. She could hear her wetness glide over her erect clit that was in desperate need to be sucked on. “Fuck, look at all that dick in her mouth. Look, Daddy.”
Erik could hardly look. Novia was aiming to milk him. 
“She’s a very very good girl,” Amoya whispered while grabbing Erik’s balls, “mmm, she’s taking all that yummy dick, Daddy. Bust in her mouth please.” 
Erik was grunting and moaning with a defeated expression on his face. Amoya’s words and the way she was working his balls threw Erik over the deep end. He was being controlled by a good dick sucking bitch with a sugary pussy and a big ol’ ass. 
“Her mouth is full of Daddy’s dick. She loves sucking on your big black dick, she knows it’s my husbands dick that’s why she enjoys it so much. She’s a nasty slut, Daddy. Just use her mouth for your cum, Daddy.”
Erik held the back of Novia’s head as his cum shot off in her mouth. Amoya crawled over, sticking her tongue out with Novia’s to catch his nut. Erik rapidly jerked his dick, spurts of cum spilling on their face and tongue. His abs were so sweaty and so was his neck. Both women licked the rest of his dick to get all of his cum. Two tongues on his dick made him cum a little more. Novia and Amoya gave the tip of his dick open-mouthed kisses. 
“GODDAYM.” Erik finally found his voice to speak, “nasty bitches, Hmph!”
“It’s so thick,” Novia closed her eyes while licking her upper lip with the tip of her tongue, “I’m gonna enjoy choking on this monster dick.” 
“I’m gonna fuck your pussy up. Keep talking like that and watch how I give you this big dick.” Erik barked out, “Lil’ nasty bitch. You like giving that puss up I know you do.”
“Mmm, is it all for me, Daddy?”
“Thats fucking right girl-“
“I need to be smacked in the face with this amazing huge dick. Smack me around with that dick a good bit, I love it so much.” 
Amoya dragged her tongue up Novia’s neck. Novia slowly closed her eyes, extending her neck for more. 
“Shit, we taking this to the bed, fuck that.” Erik reached down for both women. Amoya and Novia walked in front of him, leading the way to the bedroom so they could finish what they started. Climbing the stairs was a struggle for Erik because he couldn’t help reaching out to smack both of their asses. Finally, Amoya pulled Novia’s arm as they walked into the large master bedroom with a platform bed like royalty. The room was surrounded with ceiling to floor windows that showed the valley at night time and a view of the pool and jacuzzi. Amoya couldn’t keep her hands, lips, and tongue off of Novia. She pushed Novia down on the bed, climbing on top of her to kiss her. Novia rubbed her hands over Amoya’s bubble booty before dragging her nails up her spine. Erik sat on the bed, leaning forward to suck on Novia’s right nipple. Amoya’s hand came down between Novia’s legs to rub her pierced clit in a slow circle. Novia’s hips bucked.
Erik could not stop watching them kiss. They did it so gently. Novia would suck on Amoya’s bottom lip, Amoya would drag her pink tongue across Novia’s lips, then they would equally suck each others tongues and lips while staring each other in the eyes. Erik wanted to taste Novia’s lips too. He grabs Novia’s chin, and stuck  his tongue deep in her mouth. Novia wraps a hand around his neck to kiss him back just as hard. Erik’s brows creased when he felt her small hand rest over his Adam’s apple. She could hardly fit her hand around him. She kept up with him though which turned him on heavily. Novia broke the kiss to moan sharply, resulting in Erik’s lips placing an open mouthed kiss on her jaw instead. 
“You like this big black dick you better take all of me in that phat pussy like a good little bitch.” Erik whispered to her. Novia’s mouth was unhinged and her curls we’re tangled and all over her face. Amoya was dragging her tongue from her entrance where all that honey spilled all the way up to her jeweled clit. She did it at a lagging pace while studying Novia’s face. Novia sat up on her elbows, moving her hips to follow the unhurried pace of Amoya’s tongue. Her clit and inner folds were so erect and rushing with blood. She was ready to explode. 
“Huuuuuh” She gasps, breathing in deeply. Novia sighed, sounds barely audible, and stuck in her throat. Erik’s dick was pointed to the ceiling. He bites his bottom lip while glaring down at Amoya enjoying Novia’s pierced clit. She was being very stingy. Erik wanted to bust Novia’s pussy wide open with all of his dick. 
“Ooooooooooo, uh-uh-uhhhhh,” Novia’s eyes rolled shut as she came in Amoya’s mouth for a second time that night. Even though Erik wanted a piece of Novia for himself, watching Amoya make Novia’s pussy cum with just her tongue turned Erik on. Amoya kisses Novia’s inner thighs, leading up her body. Before she could kiss Novia, Erik grabs Amoya’s neck to make her kiss him instead. He wanted to taste Novia’s pussy too. He was an addict for that sugar that Novia produced. Now he wanted it to coat his dick.
“Tryna be stingy? Daddy needs some of her pussy too, baby. You gotta share.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Amoya said with a pout of her lips. 
“You’re gonna let Novia have some pussy while I fuck her pussy up with this Big Daddy Dick?”
“Uh-huh, yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl,” Erik let go of his wife’s neck, watching her crawl to the top of the bed to lay down. Novia turned around to arch her back, all that big ass in the air with the deepest arch. Erik didn’t even need to tell her, she knows how to point that ass straight up and bend her back. All that thick dick was going to fit inside of Novia’s tight pussy. He couldn’t wait.
“Mmmm, look at this lil’ sexy pussy,” Erik smacked his dick on Novia’s clit, “Ready for me to make them cheeks clap?”
“Yes,” Novia spoke into Amoya’s pussy. Amoya held her hair out of the way while Novia finger-fucked her pussy and licking her clit at the same time.
Erik wasted no time sinking his dick in her deep, tight hole. He held her cheeks apart so he could watch how his vast and long dick stretching her walls out. Novia popped her lips off Amoya’s clit to look back at Erik with a single thick brow elevated and her mouth hanging open. Her pussy was pulling on his dick. Erik was almost all the way in, only about an inch left. He stayed still with his eyes on her face. She could not believe that much dick was in her pussy. Amoya is a lucky woman. Dick so massive in her little pussy. Erik pulls all the way out to the tip causing Novia’s head to fall forward while her fingers still stroked Amoya’s pussy. Erik then sank back inside but faster this time, making Novia pop her ass and arch her back more. She could not stop looking back at Erik. 
“Mmmm,” Erik hummed with pleasure, “make you take it right here on this bed.”
“Umph, Fuck-“ Novia hissed.
“I’m gonna beat this thang up. Just you wait.” 
“Yeah? Teach me how to take this fat dick? Show me what it feels like?” Show me how this ass clap, Daddy?”
Erik stood still, “Fuck this fat dick. Make it bust. Work this dick and take care of both of us, bitch.” 
Amoya wanted to cum so bad. She pulled Novia’s head down to her pussy, Novia’s lips wrapped around her clit. Erik grunted angrily, slamming his dick inside to remind Novia of her task. Novia moaned sharply, popping her lips off of Amoya’s pussy again. Amoya lets out deep, shuddering breaths. Her pussy quivered with need. Novia was sucking it so damn good. She needed Amoya to herself. Erik did too. They couldn’t share her.
“Make me bust a nut right now!” Erik’s deep voice barked out. Novia widened her legs, grabbed a handful of the sheets, and started throwing her pussy back on Erik’s dick. Her pussy made creamy noises then it started queefing, “I hear that pussy making all that damn noise. It’s okay, baby, Daddy like all that noise. Daddy like it cuz I know it’s my dick that for you doing that.”
Novia’s ass clapped off of Erik fast and hard. Her pussy was hot and moist around him. Novia moaned in little gasps while her hips thrust back in a desperate rhythm. 
“Nice back it up motion with that lil’ sexy pussy,” Erik strikes Novia’s ass, “Gon’ head and fuck this Daddy dick. Love a phatty throwing it back.”
Amoya crawled towards the end of the bed, opening her legs wide while rubbing her clit. Amoya grabs Erik’s free hand, bringing his fingers to her entrance.
“Daddy, please, stuff me,” Amoya begged. 
“I got you, Wifey, don’t worry,” Erik used three fingers, “Damn, thats stuffed enough for you? Your shit is so wet.”
“Mmm, yes, Big Daddy,” Amoya pulled on her nipples while watching Erik fuck her, “Damn, daddy, she throwing that juicy pussy on you. Fuck that dick bitch. Mmm, Daddy, she’s really enjoying it.”
“Nice way to give that pussy up,” Erik thumped her ass before grabbing the side of her ass with his fingers to hold her still while he delivered strokes. With his other hand stroking Amoya’s puss, Erik practically dragged Novia onto his dick with his other hand. 
“Poor lil’ puss,” Erik knew he was beating her pussy up, “Such a brave lil’ bitch taking all this thick pipe in your guts, girl.” 
Amoya squeezed Erik’s fingers while creaming and squirting. Erik kept going in her pussy, making her cum again. Amoya’s thighs shook as she let out a forced breath from her lungs. Erik pulled his fingers out, placing them in Amoya’s mouth for her to suck on. Novia was in heaven with the way Erik fucked her. Erik’s fingers slipped out of Amoya’s mouth to grab onto Novia’s hips. She looked back at Erik while her curls bounced around her head because of how hard and rushed he fucked her. Novia looked over at Amoya with an open mouth and her eyes fluttering shut. When they finally closed, Amoya grabs Novia’s chin, sharing the cum from her pussy with her. They flicked tongues before Novia bites her bottom lip, face creased like she was about to cry. 
“Back up on Daddy’s dick, come on Novia, give Daddy that pussy,” Amoya whispered in her ear while watching her husband pound Novia. 
“D-daddy has my pussy c-cumming already, fuckkkkk,” Novia’s cream filling coated Erik’s dick heavily. He pulled out, watching Amoya suck Novia’s cum off. She became dick hungry and sucked him some more after he was clean on his dick.
“Don’t forget Daddy’s nuts,” Erik made Amoya lick Novia’s cum from his sack, “Give Novia a taste, don’t be stingy. It’s always polite to share.”
Novia and Amoya tongue kissed. The sweet tang of her cum made Amoya’s pussy leak some more. Erik reaches over to flick Amoya’s clit. He lined himself up with her pussy, pulling her legs all the way back and then bam! He was right inside her smothering walls. Amoya fought for more oxygen when Erik thrust into her. Still, after three years it felt like the first time fucking him. Her emerging gasps fueled Erik to pump into her like he was doing push ups. Erik forced Amoya’s legs over his shoulders while drilling her. She looked down at his thick dick and couldn’t watch anymore. Novia rubbed her clit while staring into Erik’s eyes. She pouted when she saw his cream coated dick go to town in Amoya so forcefully. Novia’s breath rushed in and out quickly with need. 
“Damn, Daddy! FUCK!” Amoya slapped her own ass, “FUCK, DADDY! Make me cum with that big ass dick!”
“Yes, make that pussy cum with that fat ass dick,” Novia motivated Erik, “oooooo, Daddy, you’re tearing her pussy up!” 
“Taking every inch of me like the good little girl you are,” Erik held his dick deep, Amoya’s breath halted, “Cum on this dick. Make you cum, right? Make you cum? Make you cum, baby?” Amoya rapidly nods her head, “Then give Daddy that puss so I can make this good puss cum all over this motherfucking bed-“
“Uhhhhh! Uhhhhhh!-“
“Mhm, making all that damn noise-“
“Uhhhhhhhhhhh, Dadddyyyyyyyyyy!”
Amoya was about to squirt. Novia got down between her legs, her tongue out and touching her chin from how long it was. She was ready to sip off that pussy. Amoya’s cum came flowing and while Erik still stroked, Novia arched forward to lick up as much as she could off Erik’s dick and her pussy. Amoya gave a shivering inhale when more of her squirt splashed out. Erik pulls his dick out, face between Amoya’s legs with Novia, licking her pussy to clean it up.
“Fuck,” Amoya’s toes curled. Erik pulled Novia’s hair to make her turn to him, Erik putting his tongue in her mouth so they can share her juices. Erik’s dick hit Novia in her stomach. Novia grabs it, stroking it nice and slow. It was heavy in her hand. Amoya finally got up, kissing Novia’s neck and whispering nasty things in her ear. Novia broke the kiss with Erik to kiss Amoya. Her hand left Erik’s dick and now she was back on Amoya. Novia pushes Amoya down onto the bed. Novia got on top of her, lining her clit up with Amoya’s clit. They both began tribbing. Their wet sticky pussies easily moved against each other’s. Unsteady moans filled the room. Erik watched the way Novia’s phat ass would bounce with need when she forced her hips to move with Amoya’s. Amoya lifted her hips from the bed to grind up into Novia’s pussy. Erik crawled on the bed on his knees, jerking his dick behind Novia’s plump ass. Erik smacked his dick on her cheeks one by one, before dragging down to sink inside of her pussy from the back again. 
“Umph! Umph!” Novia sucked in a sharp breath as she pushed Erik back. His dick was too deep and big in her sensitive pussy. 
Erik kisses his teeth, taking his hand to crack Novia’s ass angrily for pushing away from his dick. She was cumming on Amoya’s pussy. Then seconds later, Amoya cums. Erik watched with a clenched jaw as all her cream spilled out and rolled down her clit and onto Amoya’s pussy. All that cum. 
“I’m fucking tired of this,” Erik picked Novia up, wrapping her legs around his waist and holding her firmly with his tight arms encircling her waist. He put his dick right back where it belonged, his hand reaching out to cradle Novia’s neck to make her look at him. He didn’t give her time to adjust, his dick was so deep in her. Novia clawed his shoulders while Erik bounced her. She felt every vein, all his girth, and his length. Nothing was held back.
“I’m taking this puss. Make your ass remember what this dick feel like. Have you feeling this dick even when I’m not in it, bitch. You like being Daddy’s little slut for this dick?”
“Uhhhh, yes! Dig my pussy out, Daddy!”
Amoya got down on her knees to lick Erik’s balls. She could see right up into Novia’s puss while she was taking all of Erik’s dick. That puss is being rawed hard. 
“Umph, get in that pussy, fuck that pussy,” Amoya spoke between licks, “Ohhhh, she’s loving that-“
“Yeah, she loves this dick,” Erik hooked his arms under her legs, bringing them up. Novia was nice and bendy since she was so flexible. Now she had nowhere to run while Erik fucked her. 
“Ooooo,” Novia couldn’t keep her eyes on Erik. 
“What?” Erik said with a cocky grin.
“I love having your dick in me it feels so good,” Novia whispered shallowly from her lungs.
“GIMMIE this sexy lil’ pussy. You taking all of me, girl-“
“I love taking dick, a lot of dick, Daddy.”
Amoya was mesmerized by the view of Novia’s clit stretching over Erik’s dick and that pretty jewel coated with her cum. Amoya just knew that her clit could feel the thickness of Erik’s dick tug on it over and over. She imagined fucking Novia with her dildos. She couldn’t wait for this weekend to really kick off. 
“He about to bust, girl,” Erik was referring to his fat dick, “Damn, shit, Hmph, give this pussy up and make me cum bitch-FUCKKKKKKKK, BRUH!” 
Erik slips Novia off his dick, a hand wrapped around the base to jerk his cum load out. Both Novia and Amoya were down on their knees, ready and waiting. Sticking their tongues out, Erik shot off his first load, the cum landing on Amoya’s lips. More and more came and soon their faces were covered in it. Erik couldn’t believe he came that much. His cum just wouldn’t stop. Their tongues flicking the tip of his dick made it worse. He watched as his dick jumped and spilled with cum while they attacked that meaty pole. He pulled both of their hair and backed away. 
Novia and Amoya stood with their facials, Erik grabbing both of their necks and pulling them in for a kiss. All three of their tongues thrashed and Erik could taste his cum mixed with theirs while he kissed them. It was so erotic. His dick would not go down. Erik pulled Novia back so he could stare at her. That breathtaking bitch was responsible for making him nut so damn much. This was only the beginning. Amoya pulled Novia towards her, licking Erik’s cum from her face. They looked like they wanted to play some more. It was going to be a long night. Erik walked away to grab some water for them, leaving Novia and Amoya alone to explore some more until Big Daddy came back to get his. 
@tgigoldie @soufcakmistress @chefjessypooh @chaneajoyyy @pananegra @theblulife @becincere @blaqwidow91 @fish-outta-watah @eyeknowmywrites @crowngold @njadakillthiscookie @blktinkerbell @luvanxi @sheisexcellent1 @chocolatedippedinhoney @brandithecrystalgem @dababydababydababydababy @soulfulbeauty19 @btitannaaa @sunkissedebony97 @youngblackndgifted @harleycativy @rbhp @thee-germanpeach @thadelightfulone @palmstreesallday @skylahb @bakaris-shorty @nizzle-mo @truglori @queenflaws @ljstraightnochaser @theegoldenchild @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @nickidub718 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark​ @rent-emspoons​ @abluesforlyssa​ @abeautifulmindexposed​ @fd-writes​ @chasingsunlight​ @sickaddiktions​ @munteanhore​ @xo-goldengirl​ @tiava143​ @33kiara​ @honeytoffee​ @asiasblackworld727​ @momobaby227​ @informalmelancholy​ @soulshinechronicles​ @hearteyes-for-killmonger​ @goddessofthundathighs​
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quiver-full-of-sims · 4 years
Just wanted to give a update on the STATE of our family! Having 2 children, 3 toddlers, a baby AND another PRECIOUS blessing on the way does have it’s challenges, but we SOLDIER through for the LORD.
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Lately Asher and Imogen have been acting VERY defiant and haven’t had joyful COUNTENANCES.
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So we’ve had to have a lot of “TRAINING moments”
That is the life of a FAITHFUL follower of the LORD! But I always make sure to KEEP SWEET because I know that the Lord has given me these blessings for a REASON!
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Also, we went to the CUTEST flea market last week! There were some women with IMMODEST dress, so I tasked Izzie with making sure her brother and father weren’t DEFRAUDED (that’s our term for when a woman dresses for HERSELF and not the Lord/her husband, and ANOTHER man sees it)
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It did start to rain but that did NOT dampen our joyful spirits!
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We bought a small table lamp but then got cold and hungry so we took the kids out for a special treat: a meal at Righteous Chicken! (made by @fundie-sims​!)
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We’re so GRATEFUL that we can eat a NOURISHING meal and support a company focused on BIBLCIAL values! No defrauding waitresses or supporting EVIL ABORTIONS when you go to Righteous Chicken!
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I didn’t eat very much as my morning sickness has been especially bad this pregnancy. Of course I wouldn’t give it up for the WORLD! I just LOVE being pregnant and bringing PRECIOUS MIRACLES into the world. It’s such a joy to fill my hubby’s quiver for the LORD!
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The kids loved playing on the play area and we had SUCH a wonderful time! [AN: They did, but I definitely didn’t. Why won’t they STAY in the damn highchairs? I need to lie down.]
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I have to DASH, but stay tuned for the next post! There’s a few birthdays and a new blessing coming VERY soon! 
[AN: Yes, Kaylie had a mini maternity shoot in a Christian fast food restaurant in the middle of the night (restaurants take FOREVER, ugh!) while ignoring her screaming, dirty, tired children. No, I am not joking. I think this outing cost me my sanity.]
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stormtodoroki · 4 years
Appreciation Much Needed
Word count: 3.2k
Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Covid-19, Fluff, brief swearing here and there, slight mentions of partial nudity, soft boy Aizawa
~~~~~Tags and Authors Note below
Ever since the news of a virus outbreak had been let loose, the tensions had been high everywhere we looked. People were panic buying items resulting in outages,it only increased when the schools had all closed down and non-essential businesses were temporarily shut down. This meant that my loving husband Aizawa Shouta had been lounging around half dressed, the only times he was well kept and proper were during video calls with the other UA staff or with his students as he talked to them about their assignments and his expectations from them while they were at home. Not that I was complaining, in fact it was probably one of the best things to ever set my eyes upon every morning before work and every evening when I got home. Shouta had decided that since he’d be working from home that he would start doing more chores around the house, especially since no one was going outside some of the Pro Heroes got more time to relax and stay home.  No matter how many times I told Shouta not to worry about the chores and I could do them when I got home he’d flick my forehead and call me an idiot for thinking he was gonna let me do more work after being at work all day. Over the weeks he had me either on the couch and giving me massages or he would make me bubble baths to relax in while he finished the chores, insisting I leave it to him.
I stood in the doorway, my work uniform sticking to me as it had started to rain on my walk home from work so I had gotten a bit wet, but I was finally home and ready to relax with my hubby. A small smile  appeared on my face, I had just gotten home from work and heard Aizawa talking to someone, it sounded like one of his coworkers.
“I’m not telling you again Yamada, it needs to be something grand… I need it to show just how much she's appreciated…”
I heard him sigh deeply and could just see him pinch his nose in irritation, I had to stifle the laugh that had threatened to escape my lips.
“Hizashi...Stop… you’re giving me a headache. Look, she’s going to be home soon and I can't let her hear me talk about this… Just wait for my call tomorrow okay? Bye.”
I decided to walk in more and make my presence known, I cleared my throat and stepped into the living room. Shouta had frantically looked to me becoming a stuttering mess, which was even more adorable seeing as he had his hair up messily and wore a pair of sweatpants.
“H-ow long were you standing there, kitten? What did you hear?”
I gave him a shrug and tossed my bag on the couch and removed my wet sweater before placing a chaste kiss to his cheek.
“I literally just walked in and you were saying bye to someone. Was it Toshinori? I haven't had a chance to talk to him since this whole pandemic had started. I hope he is doing well, the poor dude has a lot on his plate already.”
Shouta seemed to buy my answer and nodded, he disappeared for a moment before returning with my robe and a towel, stopping in front of me he helped me remove my wet clothes before he slid my robe on. He then pulled me into his lap as he sat on the couch and dried my hair while placing tender kisses along my neck.
“How was work today Kitten, tell me all about it while I take care of you.”
I gave Shouta  a soft smile and closed my eyes for a moment before leaning back into his touch, a sigh escaped my lips.
“Well,as you know I’m in just about every room on an average day, and it's not really that different now, just the classes have so few kids we’ve been laying off more coworkers, we’ve closed a few more centers. So now we’re at a skeleton crew, which means it’s a bit harder to call in if you get sick, which hopefully no one does because we can't really afford to be short staffed.”
I let another sigh pass my lips and looked up to Shouta before letting out a yawn.
“I’ve been chasing kids who tried running away while outside on the playground, I've had to stop a one year old from hitting a five month old, the kid throws tantrums about it too, so if I upset this kid my hair gets pulled, or they hit me.”
I pause for a moment and shake my head.
“It's worth it though, I'd rather have me get hit by the one year old instead of the infant. But its been getting hard to get the kids to listen because now we have to wear masks, which I understand since we cant practice social distancing with kids since their dependent on us, but I’m basically yelling to be heard, it muffles my voice so much…”
Shouta nodded and began to massage my shoulders.
“You're very tense love, work has been straining you and giving you so much stress. You've been having trouble sleeping too, I'm worried working during this pandemic is going to cause you to burn out. I’m also worried that you're going to catch something, mask or not you're still putting yourself at risk.”
I peered up at his face and smiled softly.     “Well, we are taking everyone’s temperatures before they can enter the building, also cleaning every single touch surface every thirty to sixty minutes throughout the day, though it's more frequent during the pick up and drop off process. So at least you know the shits gonna be clean when you touch it, we also have like three or so containers of hand sanitizer at the entrance so you have clean hands when entering.”
Shouta stopped massaging me, stood up from the couch with me in his arms and placed me onto my stomach, he then began to massage my back and legs, urging me to continue about everything that's been happening.
“Well, as you know I occasionally use a ride-share to get to work, but since this started it takes longer to find a driver because there's no one. I've had to wait over twenty minutes for a car for a five minute drive. That's not even the worst part about that, since it's such a short drive and a low fare sometimes I'll get a close driver and they'll cancel on me and I'll have to wait even longer for them to find me a new driver. By the time I could have just walked in and been at work.”
I let out a sigh and felt my body relax quite a bit, whether it was from the massage Shouta was giving me or it was from telling Shouta my troubles it sure was helping.
“Though I am quite grateful I get to see their amazing faces, these kids are my life...apart from you of course. I wouldn't trade these kids for anything, I love them as if they were my own. The good outweighs the bad, always does, and these kids definitely have a lot of good moments. Plus they all have such understanding parents, the support from them is amazing, I'm always getting praise from them and it makes me feel amazing, it makes me want to do more.”
After a few moments of silence and Shouta giving me a massage he picked me up and carried me to the kitchen.
“Sho...you do know I can walk right? You don’t have to carry me around.”
He mumbled an ‘I know, but I want to’ and placed me onto the counter before he moved a lock of hair out of my face, placing a kiss where it used to be. He then turned away and opened the fridge and pulled out a vanilla cupcake with what looked like a galaxy frosting, but he wasn't done as he pulled out another vanilla cupcake which had a blackish grey colored frosting that had two red dots on it. 
“I know you hated having to celebrate your birthday at home, that it just felt like any other day and even though you and I had a great night It just wasn't exactly how one would want to celebrate their birthday, so I had a friend make these for us. Specialty cupcakes that represent us, they're both vanilla because I know you'd want to try mine and vanilla is your favorite flavour.”
I blinked in surprise, was it really that obvious? Yeah I spent my birthday stuck in doors and I wished that I could have gone out with friends to celebrate, but I didn't think Shouta would have noticed. I felt tears well up in my eyes and pulled Shouta in for a kiss after placing the cupcakes down,and cried silently in his embrace.
“Shouta...You didn't have to do that...I know it kinda sucked but I had your company which is all I will ever need to be happy. You truly are amazing and I don't deserve this from you…”
His laugh boomed in my ears and he cupped my face to look at me with his tired but loving eyes.
“Kitten, you deserve everything and more.You are doing so much for other front line workers during this pandemic...you're more than deserving and I want you to feel loved and appreciated throughout it all. You may not be a nurse, a doctor, or any kind of first responder, but you’re taking care of other essential workers' kids so they can keep everything running smoothly. Especially when some of these kids' parents are those first responders or hospital workers.”
The blush on my face grew and I hugged Shouta tightly, more tears were threatening to spill. He pried himself off me and excused himself for a moment, I watched him leave the kitchen and grabbed my cupcake before taking a bite, I practically screamed in delight. This cupcake is beyond amazing, it was so delicious that I couldn't form any words to describe it, it was the first time a dessert had ever had me at a loss for words. After a few minutes of being gone Shouta returned with a box and placed it on the counter, he mumbled a wait there before disappearing again, this time he came back faster and had only his laptop and a box of tissues.
“Shouta..what is all this? What are you doing?”
He sent me a small smile and turned on the computer, he turned it to face me and pushed the tissue box across the counter over to me.
“You're gonna need that, also no more questions. You're just going to have to wait and see. I promise you're going to love it.”
After making sure he had everything set up he walked over behind me and turned off the lights before pressing a file and full-screening it before pressing play.
Soon, the  black screen filled with color the UA logo appearing on the screen with soft music playing in the background, I looked at Shouta confused, you just pointed to the screen whispering to watch, I turned back to the screen and my eyes widened in surprise. I saw pictures from class 1A, thanking me for continuing my work, I could feel the tears already welling up soon a rather cute bubbly girl filled the screen.
“Hello Aizawa Sensei's wife, my name is Uraraka, Ochako, and we here at class 1A appreciate all you and Aizawa sensei do for us, so, in honor of teacher appreciation week, we have decided to make you guys something, I hope you like it it's really cute!” 
 Once again, the screen turned black pictures and videos from each class 1A student, some of them making multiples, had flashed on the screen, words of encouragement, praise, and adoration fell upon our ears. His students expressed gravely how much they appreciate Shouta for hounding them into shape to become future pro heroes. Also praised me for having to deal with him and also, even though they haven't had me as a teacher or some sort of mentor aspect in their lives, they still sent words of praise for me, due to working in childcare and helping these little kids grow up with good strong morals. 
"Sh-... Di-...I-i… Y-you…"
As hard as I tried, I just couldn't muster up any words to describe how I was feeling I couldn't even ask Shouta if he had planned this, I was a mess. With tears streaming down my face, I couldn't believe the class 1A had made such a beautiful posters and spoke such beautiful words about my Shouta, and then even included me in them, I felt so much love and appreciation coming from those students, I honestly couldn't think of any other way to spend the rest of my evening, then in Shouta's arms watching as his students showered at the both of us with praise. 
“Just enjoy the video before I turn it off...Idiot.”
He gave me a noogie and then kissed me again, before getting up and walking to the kitchen and grabbing two glasses, with his back turned blocking me I couldn't see what he was doing until he handed me one of the glasses, seeing the liquid I sent him a curious look.
“Is this what I think it is? Sho...did you make me one of the drinks I made last summer?”
He nodded and mumbled an ‘I tried too at least..’ before he closed the laptop which had finished playing the videos, he finished his drink and waited for me to finish mine before carrying me to our bed. With the lights all turned off and Shouta snuggling  me and playing with my hair I soon drifted off into a deep and peaceful slumber, a small smile stuck on my face.
I woke up to the sun shining onto my face through the blinds, the absence of Shouta’s warmth was immediately noticed, I sat up groggily and rubbed my eyes. Before I even had the chance to look around the door opened and a tray  of breakfast was placed onto my lap and the bed dipped next to me as Shouta began to comb through my hair.
“Good morning my beautiful kitten. How did you sleep? By the look on your face I assume it was good?”
I merely nodded and ate my breakfast,every so often closing my eyes just to enjoy Shouta's careful way of combing my hair, if I could have gone back to sleep I probably would have. I looked back up to Shouta after a few minutes of our blissful silence when there was a knock at the door, he told me to continue eating and he'd go check it out.
“Sho? You've been gone awhile… Is everything okay?”
I put the empty tray to the side and stretched a bit before hopping out of bed, deciding to put on something fresh. I quickly went into the closet and threw on a black tank with some ripped jean shorts. I carefully walked down the hall, cautious as to not make any sounds to alert anyone that I was coming. My pace quickened as I heard muffled talking, I couldn't place the voices as they were hushed and seemed to be coming from far within the house. As I got closer I could tell one was Shouta but the other one was still a bit too hard to make out, as I neared our study I stubbed my toe on the coffee table, I let out a whimper and fell to the floor clutching my toe. In my state of pain I didn’t notice the talking stop or the running into the room to see what had happened. Within seconds Shouta had me in his arms asking me what happened and Yamada stood a few feet away, a silly mask on his face, which was hiding his stupid grin he always made while trying to hold back laughter as I explained what happened.
“Well, I guess I can show you now instead of later… After all you did hurt yourself being worried about me.”
I looked between the two before Shouta helped me up and then blinded me with his scarf, he led the way to the study, he let small murmurs about how I'm going to love it but he doesn’t want me to cry like his student Izuku always does. I had to bite the inside of my lip to stop myself from laughing out loud and stayed silent as Shouta whispered over to Yamada, there was a bit of shuffling around the room before he finally removed the scarf.
“Happy Teacher Appreciation Week my love. I’m sorry I couldn’t do much more for you today but I know either way you’ll like this.”
I looked around the room and gasped. The room was adorned in pictures of me in my uniform taking care of different kids of the center, there were also pictures of my kids holding heart shaped cards and other pieces of paper. Some of them showing love and affection, also  few expressing how much they miss being at the center and seeing me. I was practically bawling and hugged Shouta tightly, spewing off a handful of thank yous and I love yous.
“That's only the beginning Kitty. Go look in the box on the table.”
I nodded and went over to the box, opening it I saw numerous gifts strewn about, I pulled a few out and read the tags before I squealed in delight, there were gifts from my kids and there were some from kids who were staying home and that I haven't seen since this all started.
“H-How..Shouta? How’d you pull this off?”
He simply smiled before walking over and hugging me close, he fixed my hair and placed a chaste kiss to my forehead.
“You left your laptop open one day when leaving for work, so I used it to email each parent from your classes and asked if they'd be willing to make something for you for Teacher Appreciation Week and either send it to our P.O. box, send photos  or videos, or they could meet me somewhere to give the gifts. They definitely loved the idea, a lot of these parents respect you and they love how you interact with their kids. They wished they could have given them to you in person but decided that this way is easier and more adorable.”
I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face after hearing his explanation, he continued to rub my back and whispered about how I was lucky he was able to deal with all my crying, otherwise he’d be agitated.
“This was the best Teacher Appreciation Week ever. Thank you Shouta, this means the world to me, I seriously can not thank you enough for this.”
Tags: @onyxiana-is-obsessed @sweetlikepeppermints @pocket-is-obsessed
A.N: Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all the teachers of Tumblr! To the Daycare/Childcare providers still working during this time you are appreciated and loved. Stay awesome, stay strong, keep healthy and we love you!
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