#house husband ed teach is real 2 me
straightupsickfics · 8 months
Teacher Anon 💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 omfg my friend!!! Happy 2024! I hope it's off to a great start...
It's only Tuesday...
So how about something with our favorite pirates in their modern Ed is very protective of his hubby in his black cat "imma hover over you" mode. I freaking lost my voice due to a non illness and I'm like how am I teaching tomorrow!?! So like me as an educator...Stede must also suffer a lost voice as a professor 🙃
ahh happy new year, friend! i hope you're feeling better today and did not have to talk tooo much! <3 some sad, soggy stede for you...
Stede’s car is a sheet of ice. 
After the world’s longest day, Stede has finally, finally reached his car, and it’s absolutely encased in ice. It’d been raining all day, he’d known that, of course. What he hadn’t realized was how cold it'd gotten, leaving him helpless, gloveless, and scraper-less when it came time to get in his car. 
He wants to cry.
More than that, he wants to scream. Except he can’t, because he hasn’t had a voice since sometime yesterday afternoon, thanks to whatever horrible virus he managed to pick up right at the start of the semester. 
He thinks about calling Ed, but aside from rasping pitifully into the phone, even that feels impossible.  Instead, he takes a picture of his car, adds a few crying emojis and hits send. It’s about all his bone-tired brain can handle at the moment, and Ed will get it.
Ed always gets it. Gets him. 
The thought makes his eyes well up all over again as he heads back to his office to wait for his husband to rescue him. 
Stuffed with books, covered in prints, and full to bursting with a small, plush sofa, and many, many ocean creatures, Stede’s office is extremely cozy, which is a small comfort in times like these. He drops dramatically into his desk chair, thinks about grading some of the papers he has waiting for him, wilts a little, then drags himself over to the small sofa in the corner. 
Then, miracle of miracles, his phone buzzes in his hand. 
Edward 💜: Oh, fuck. On my way 😘
Stede: Have I mentioned how much I love you?
Edward 💜: Not today. Frankly, I’m feeling a little neglected, babe
Stede: I love you. x 1,000
Edward 💜: Hmmm, needs a few more 0s I think… 
Edward 💜: Okay, love you, driving now, be there soon!!
With Ed on his way and all his students gone for the day, Stede lets himself droop across his sofa, his eyes falling shut before he can even register how heavy they’ve felt these last few hours. He’s moments from falling asleep when Ed’s voice startles him upright. 
“Aww, Stede,” Ed says. “Y’look fucking shattered, sweetheart.” His voice is so soft and sympathetic that Stede isn’t even surprised when his eyes fill with tears in earnest this time. Ed looks perfect in his black puffy coat, not ridiculous the way he should, the way everyone else looks. His hair is flecked through with rain drops, and he’s looking at Stede like he’d pick him up and carry him to the car if he thought Stede would let him. 
At this rate, Stede thinks, he’d have a hard time even protesting. 
“Hi,” Stede tries to say, but his throat is scraped raw, and he knows he’s barely audible, having wasted the last of his voice on his American Lit seminar this afternoon. A waste, as half the class had been on their phones, and the rest had the kind of zombie-eque, dead-eyed stares that made him wonder why he even bothered. 
How many weeks until spring break?
“Come here,” Ed says, making his way to Stede and offering him a hand to help him up. He pulls him right into a warm, tight hug, rubbing Stede’s back as they stand there wrapped up in each other. Stede would’ve stayed there for hours, face smushed right into Ed's coat... that is, if he could breathe. Between the worsening congestion and Ed’s thick coat, though, he doesn’t stand a chance. 
Stede lifts his head and blinks pathetically up at Ed, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky.
“Made that soup you like, that hot Italian thing? Should feel nice on your throat, even if you can’t taste it,” Ed tells him, dropping a kiss to the tip of Stede’s nose. "Then we'll get in bed, yeah? Fucking 7:00 pm bedtime. Don't let anyone tell you different Stedey, that's living the dream."
“Thank you,” Stede manages. He tucks himself back into Ed’s chest for another long minute. He can’t wait to be home, and warm, and out of his work clothes. Stede had longed for exactly that all day. But now, standing here, Ed wrapped around him, murmuring promises about soup and tea and ocean documentaries, Stede feels close enough to home; what’s another few minutes?
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stardust-walker · 4 years
High Hopes
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Chapter 1: The Highway
Synopsis:  Dove Sawyer was more than happy going to her job, coming home, and maybe being able to talk to her sister if she was real lucky. None of that matters when the dead start to walk and she ended up in the woods with her older sister's family and a bunch of strangers. It's almost always been the two sisters but she never thought it would be so literal. Dove is sure in for a surprise when someone in the group starts to look after her family almost as much as she does.
Word: 1801
Author’s note: Ya girl is at it on tumblr now. The fic is also posted on AO3 here as well as on wattpad so I figured why not here as well since I’m posting Welcome Home mostly on here for now. I have 30 chapters up so I’ll be posting 2 or 3 a day until I’m all caught up! If anyone wants to be added to my taglist, just hmu.
The young woman sat in the backseat of the Jeep Cherokee. She wished she'd had time to get her own car before her sister had panicked and basically dragged her out of the house with a half-packed suitcase, a few things already in her purse, and the clothes on her back. Ed was not happy about it and she could, for once, agree with him on that. It was a miracle they were both still alive 2 hours into a motionless traffic jam.
"Shouldn't they be saying something about this on the radio? What the hell is going on? Think you can change the station?" Dove finally spoke up for the first time in a half hour. The uncomfortable silence was broken by even more uncomfortable discussion. She could see the radio on but there was no noise coming from it since the emergency alert had stopped. She'd tried to be as delicate as she could with Sophia in the seat right next to her. Too bad her own father couldn't be so kind.
"Don't know. Guess a degree doesn't teach you everything." Ed snapped from the front seat and she noticed her sister tense up next to him.
"Jesus Christ, Ed. I was just asking you a question," Dove let out a heavy sigh as she pushed her door open.
"Where are you going," Carol's voice sounded slightly higher pitched than the last time she'd said anything.
"I'm just going to see if anyone else might know something. Maybe someone has a CB or heard from someone in the city. I'll be back. If I'm not back in a half hour, send a search party," she joked as she ruffled her niece's hair, not missing another snide comment about her being an uppity bitch from the man in the driver's seat. She hated leaving her family alone with Ed but right now she didn't really have a choice.
She felt like something was going on that someone else might know about and it was killing her not knowing. At least if no one else knew what was going on, she might be able to find someone actually intelligent to talk to. Anything was better than spending another minute inside the stuffy car in the Atlanta spring.
Part of her wished that she'd had time to change too. Damn Carol, she thought to herself as she pulled the fabric of her jean shorts back to their place an inch above her knee. Dove grabbed her sunglasses off the seat and slammed the car door shut as she started to meander her way down the freeway.
It wasn't weird to see an Interstate crowded or at a near standstill, but that was usually at rush hour with people going home or to work. Something about the way it was right now was eerie. It wasn't a feeling that was strange to her by any means, working in mental health will do that to you. Dove paused at the car up and over one from Carol's.
Her eyes lingered at the pistol on the man's hip before shifting upwards to his shirt. "Hey, officer. Any idea what's going on here?" She frowned slightly as she took a step forward, the man turned slightly to look over at her. A dark haired woman was sitting on the trunk of the car, a boy no older than Sophia perched up there next to her. The poor kid looked pale and stressed out. His mother didn't look much better.
"No clue. Maybe they're screening people on their way into the refugee center? Only thing that makes sense." The man looked concerned as he ran a hand through his hair. He seemed nervous. Dove nodded slowly and shifted her weight to her other foot.
"I hope you're right." She ran a hand across her forehead to wipe away the sweat. "I'm Dove, by the way. Dove Sawyer. Back there's my sister, Carol. She's got a little girl about your boy's age. Sure she wouldn't mind the company. Plus we might have some extra water in there if you're thirsty, bud." She smiled comfortingly in the direction of the little boy.
"Mom..." The little boy looked up at his mom. The poor thing looked so stressed out. She couldn't help but wonder what they'd been through before they decided to go to the refugee camp.
"We'll have to see, Carl." The dark-haired woman ruffled his hair before she kissed his forehead. "Thank you." Dove didn't miss the look she shot to the officer.
"Well, I'm Shane. That over there is Lori and the little man is Carl," Shane held his hand out and Dove shook it.
"Nice to meet you. I'm planning on trekking up ahead. Seeing if anyone's heard anything. People might have family in the city, you know? I'll probably circle back within the hour though. I'll be sure to let you know if I find anything out," she wished she could be a little more comforting especially with a little kid being involved. They did seem grateful for any information though. There was no doubt in her mind that the cop would try to figure something out just like she was.
With a quick wave, she bid Shane goodbye and started back off down the highway.
She'd definitely been gone longer than she told her sister and she'd gotten a quiet sort of hell for it when she got back to the car. Carol didn't want Ed to hear that she'd been worried about her. "Do you have idea how worried Sophia was?" Carol said through gritted teeth as the two women stood a few feet from the car. Dove frowned and shifted her gaze from the car to the ground. She was happy, at least, that Sophia seemed happy and distracted by Carl and his mother having joined them shortly after Dove had departed.
"Sorry, guess I just lost track of time," Dove couldn't shake the eerie feeling that still crept up her spine. The sun was had started to go down. "I didn't hear anything. From anyone else, I mean. Everyone's clueless. Something isn't right, Carol. People looked sick..." She trailed off as her brother-in-law glared in their direction. It was clear this conversation was over before Carol even took a step towards her husband.
Dove let out a heavy sigh. "Hey jellybean," she almost whispered as she walked up behind Sophia and ruffled her hair. Dove sat there with them for a while, Lori was pretty easy to talk to. She reminded Dove a little bit of Carol in that she could see the other woman was fiercely protective of her son just like Carol was with Sophia. "Shane hear anything?" She squinted her hazel eyes at the older woman who shook her head.
"No, they just keep playing the emergency alert over and over again now. Same one too. No updates or anything," Lori frowned as she leaned up against the car behind her son.
"Is that normal?"
"No it's not," Shane interrupted as he strolled up from the direction of his own car. Dove pursed her lips, any response lost as Shane pulled Lori away from the car. "We'll be back. I just want to go check something out."
Something was wrong. Something was really wrong. Dove's stomach twisted into a knot. She made a split second decision to pull the laces on her boots tighter before jumping off the trunk. "Where are you going now," Carol called after her as Dove started down the highway again. She needed to know what was going on. She had to.
Lori and Shane had disappeared behind the crowd of people that had started to fight on the highway before she even got within eyesight of them. "Hey!" Dove shouted as she came up closer to the fight. She stood up to her full height as she tried to get the attention of the group of men fighting. It happened fast, Dove had taken a step too close to the fight.
Next thing she knew was on the ground, her cheek throbbed where the stray punch had hit her. Dove pulled herself to her feet, a stream of curses ready to come out of her mouth when the bombs dropped. The sky lit up and buildings in the distance started to go down. There was no way this was happening.
A scream cut through the silence on the highway, followed by another. Cars were started up again, more fights were breaking out. Dove turned and started to run back to Carol's car. They had to go and they had to go now.
She caught a glimpse of something in a car she'd passed. The person who'd looked sick was leaned over the person in the driver's seat, their teeth digging into the neck of their partner as blood covered their face. The blood drained from her face and a feeling of intense panic made her blood run ice cold.
The rest of the run back to the car was so fast, she could've sworn she teleported. Lori and Shane were already back trying to wrangle everyone up. "Get in the car, Ed," was the first thing that Dove said as she ran right past the door to the backseat and attempted the trunk closed as Ed was looking through his things. Probably making sure the little boy hadn't taken any of his food.
The anger was evident in his eyes but she was powered by nothing but fear right now and that was a powerful thing. "You trying to tell me what to do, huh?" Ed was too close. She tensed up, ready to throw a punch if she had to when Shane called out over the chaos.
"Just get in the car, man. Shit's going down, bad!" There was something in the other man's voice that actually made the other man listen. He didn't look too happy about it but when a cop sounds scared, it's safe to say you should probably listen.
Dove practically jumped into the backseat and slammed the door behind her. Sophia scooted closer to her in the backseat and wrapped her arms around her aunt. "What's happening?"
Carol glanced back at them, a worried look on her face. Dove started to feel the pain on the side of her face as she stroked Sophia's hair, her hazel eyes locked with Carol's blue ones. "I don't know but don't you worry. You're gonna be just fine."
They'd ended up following Shane, there was no wonder about that in her mind. The line of cars following behind them made her feel a little bit safer too. People made it out but she had a feeling in her gut that there was no way this would be over soon. Life was going to be very different and she hoped she wasn't lying to Sophia when she said she would be fine.
If anyone wants to be added to my taglist, comment or send an ask!
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pravasichhokro · 4 years
Schooling Then & Now...
During the closure of schools due to pandemic from March 2020 till date (End Oct 2020), I have heard how classes are being held and attended from home at least in Metros. I am reminded of my school days during1954-66 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
My first school was a family run primary school in the residential complex that we lived. I studied there as it was convenient to attend and my elder sister also went to the same school. It was housed in a bungalow with four to five rooms, each housing one standard. It was from 11 am to 5 pm. It was a traditional school with standard syllabus. The school was co-ed and we sat on floor. Our school bag had a book or two and a slate (black stone) and white chalk. We walked to the school. The medium of instruction was Gujarati
Then I went to a special primary school run by Sarabhais (Vikram Sarabhai’s family). The school had four classes, one each for one standard. Each class had 10-12 students only. The school started at 8.30 am and till 4 pm. On arrival all children would be given a glass of milk and then academic lessons would start till lunch at 12 noon. The children brought roti/chapati from home but all else was served by the school-Dal, Rice, Vegetables, Papad, pickles etc. Children from class 4 normally managed the lunch service, though food was cooked by others. School was co-ed and we hardly carried any books or other items in the school bag except a box of roti/chapati. I travelled by the city bus to commute to school. The medium of instruction was Gujarati.
After lunch, the non-academic activities were the main focus. These included music (mainly folk), folk dance (garba/dandiya), painting, carpentry, stitching/tailoring etc. the teachers of high caliber came to teach these special skills or hobby. Our music teacher was an AIR (All India Radio) artiste. We also undertook projects of a long duration. For example, in carpentry class we built Sam’s Cabin on the treetop (the school had a large area). We also staged plays in open air once a year. Each and every student must participate in the play and hence they were selected accordingly. One was “Alibaba and Forty Thieves”, and another was “Gulliver’s travel to pigmy land” (a shadow play).
The school also imparted general knowledge in the most effective way. We once slept in the school so that we could be taken to an observatory at 3 am to see the sky and the stars. We were once taken to the Municipal office to see the model of Nehru Bridge under construction (before1960) followed by a visit to the riverbed to see the construction. Children were encouraged to explore and most of us would sit on the wall (on the riven bank) just watch the Sabarmati river in flood. We were allowed to climb trees and play with our teachers. I found it to be a good place for an all around development.
Then I was admitted to a popular Gujarati medium school which boasted of the large area (I think 300 acres or more) and it followed Gandhian philosophy. Our uniform was from Khadi. The trust was Jain. The school was co-ed and I commuted by city bus or walked the 3 km short route on some days with other students and a teacher. Theschool was from 10.40 am to 5.10 pm with two short breaks. Saturday was half day- 7.30 am to 11 am.
The middle school (std 5 to 7) was in a separate building about 500 meters from either entry. We sat on floor with a wooden stool in front. The school bag had textbooks, notebooks and a pencil box along with a snacks box. In addition to academic classes we had optional selected non-academic courses. Music was compulsory and my weakest subject. One could choose from music, painting, stitching/tailoring or agriculture. I opted for agriculture. I was given a piece of land (5 x 10 ft) and allowed to grow vegetables etc. The vegetables were available for sale and I used to take some home.
The high school (std 8 to 11) was in a larger building near the main gate. The compass box was added to books and notebooks. We used to write with an ink pen.The classes had a bench. Between these buildings was a huge playground for volleyball, kho-kho and kabaddi etc.We had a prayer hall covered but open from sides where all students would gather first thingin the morning and pray. At this gathering, we were also able to enjoy cultural programs based on the festivals and some speeches by leading persons- politicians, writers, thinkers, and ex-students.
During the entire school years, I attended classes regularly and was not permitted to attend any private tuition, In any case private tuition was not so popular then, My father insisted that I asked all my doubts to the teachers in the class or after class in the teachers (staff) room. I hardly recall any parents’ teacher meeting. Strangely I had not spoken to any girl student at my school or class throughout the eleven years, though it was co-ed. I loved outdoor games and in the eight standard I joined a hockey coaching center (outside) run by an ex-India player. This led me to go for state school level hockey tournament and participated in all India school meet in Shillong in Feb,1966.
My daughter went to an international school in Japan and her experience was different than schooling in India. She walked to school everyday for 20 minutes and carried only an umbrella and lunch on some days. She played basketball, hockey, and volleyball. She would go ice skating or on over night trips to gain knowledge not just from textbooks but from experiences. When she came back to study in India, she found the education system hard and competitive and teachers had minimal interest in teaching except for scoring high marks.
I now will attempt to compare the above school life with present day school life in metros before COVID-19 (March 2020). Though I have no first-hand experience of it, I have gathered it from parents of school going kids. Most of these go to a private school and not municipal or govt school in various parts of the globe.
Before COVID-19 struck, the school time was 8 am to 2 pm and probably five days a week. Kids must carry a huge/heavy school bag containing water bottle, books, notebooks, compass box, lunch box (for two breaks). Kids do use ball point pen or gel pen. The school bag weighs a lot and there are complaints of kids, but no solution seems to be in sight. Most kids go to school by school bus or auto-rickshaw or dropped by parents. Hardly anybody walks to school. A lot of focus is on academic work and homework. Most schools lack a playground. Some schools do encourage extra-curricular activities, but most kids take up extra-curricular activities because of the parents or peer pressure. Some govt or municipal schools run two shifts to make maximum use of the infrastructure- school building. Most classes have 50 children in each room.
Many of the schools have annual day and they are a huge burden on parents both in terms of time and expenses. Most items on annual day celebrations lack heritage or folk influence on dance or music or singing.  Most kids (also their teachers) do watch tv and are influenced by its content. Many kids have the luxury of travel domestically or internationally with their parents on holidays. I do not see many activities among school going kids in residential complexes. Rural schools might still be following the historical timing (11 am to 5 pm) and the syllabus with almost poor teachers.
After March 22, 2020 the schools were closed, and students and teachers were encouraged to attend online classes. In last six months (till Oct end) the schools are closed and online classes have become the routine.
In metros, many private schools are actively following the online class concept. I understand the online class can be attended provided one has a laptop or a tablet or a smart mobile with adequate data and speed for Wi-Fi connection. The classes are for four hours a day. The homework is also given online and submitted online. In most cases projects given seem to be done by parents and not children which is not the best way to learn. While writing exams adults at home keep prompting the child to ensure high score /marks are achieved. Teaching a child short cuts or to cheat is not beneficial in the long run. Parents forget that getting marks above 90% should not be the only aim for the child.
Many families are facing the shortage of hardware as the parent or parents attend office from home (WFH) and they need the same hardware- laptop or tablet and a strong WiFi connection. If there is more than one child attending class/school from home the shortage of hardware and infrastructure is felt more and is also a financial burden too.
Poor people are finding it hard to attend classes online. My domestic help has three children going to school and that is either municipal or govt school. They also hold classes online. But the poor family has only two mobiles and only one is smart. Her husband is a driver but has lost his job.
I dare not imagine what is happening at rural schools and their classes with no infrastructure like WiFi connectivity or smart mobile at home. Some may not have even electricity at home. I hope that large IT firms instead of running schools in rural India under the name of NGO’s should have ensured a good e-learning system but that seems like a dream. This would have been helpful during these times and need not depend on poor quality teachers.
In all the above activities the major problem is that children have lost physical touch with school, class, and teacher. They surely miss outdoor activities (sports etc.) with their classmates. They also must be missing the cultural activities on the festivals.
The mental stress of being confined to a residence for so long must be very real and parents must be finding it difficult to attend to it among their children and themselves.
I do believe that old time classes at school and freedom to mingle/play with classmates and children from neighborhood were great contributors to develop a child’s all faculties. The emphasis was outdoor activities and non-academic interests to be followed. The child was not stressed with pressures from parents, siblings, or peer day in and out.
Prior to lockdown due to pandemic, the metro school going kid was stressed with many issues- get up early, catch the bus or transport or do homework or dress properly with or without makeup for girls, etc. Parents were also stressed to see that their child is not lagging only in academic pursuit but also otherwise.
After lock down the situation has worsened for the child. The child is confined to the four walls of the residence with same family members and has no chance to go outdoors. (recent relaxation may permit going out but many parents do not want to take the risk). Outdoor activities are almost none and 24x7 the child is using handheld devices –Laptop, tablet, or smart phone to do schoolwork and to play games, also to see cartoons or other entertaining content on TV.
I pray for early release of restrictions due to COVID-19 and restoration of schools to normal working in general and in rural areas in particular.
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xfanfics · 4 years
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Destiel Fic Rec List Part 5
Last Updated in October 2014. Posted in May 2020 for posterity.  Listed in no particular order - the total rec list will have ~250 fics. Header graphic used with permission.
This part of the list contains: 32 fics.
Other Destiel Rec Lists: [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7].
Casturbatus Interruptus by gaugbrojotr E | 6k | Canon!verse, Hot, , PWP
post-9.01, in a slight AU wherein Cas comes to live with the Winchesters at the Bunker. Written before 9.03. Crossposting from Tumblr. Written for a prompt from hightopsandsharpies: "Okay, so Cas is a virgin, and has no idea what pleasure is and Dean decides to show him and Cas gets all cuddly and needy afterwards. Dean walks in on Cas masturbating. He’s doing it all wrong, but when you’re a bazillion-year-old virgin, that’s to be expected. Dean decides to lend him a hand in a totally platonic, non-romantic way. Things get a little out of control.
 that awkward moment when... by highermagic E | 7k | Hot, wing!Kink
All in all, with a full tank of gas and his radio turned up loud, Dean was in a pretty damn good mood. All that vanished into shock and concern when the sky lit up like daylight, as though someone had decided that black was so passé for nighttime.
 This Temporary Flesh and Bone by misachan E | 5k | Canon!verse, h/c, wing!kink
Castiel doesn't serve Dean, fine, Dean has no problem with that - he just wants to know why Castiel's showing up in his dreams again.
What a fabulous little Fic. Very emotional. S4 cas is my FAVORITE.
 Only Fools Rush In by baka_sensei E | 18k | Canon!verse, soulbond
Dean does something and in angelic tradition that means he's become Castiel's fiancé. Dean doesn't know if he wants to get married, but he doesn't want to let Castiel down either. Cas lets his feelings run away with him, Gabe is a total dick, Sam is concerned, and Dean has to make a choice.
 Learning Curve by blualbino T | 1k | Fluff, Canon!verse
Cas has nice lips. They’re soft looking. Plush even. Dean can do this.
 Dinner At Katz's by nanoochka E | 2k | Hot, canon!verse
Dean might have to teach Cas how to have a When Harry Met Sally-esque orgasm, but he certainly doesn’t have to fake it.
 Free With His Hands by watermaline E | 2k | canon!verse, handprint!kink
The first time it happens, Dean chalks it up to…well, he doesn’t chalk it up to anything, he’s too busy coming his brains out in his jeans with Castiel’s hand on his shoulder.
 Desecrate that Sanctuary by brokentoy E | 3k | Hot, Alt!Canon Verse
Dean develops a fascination with Cas' bones.
 What Once Was Sacred by saltandbyrne E | 55k |  Hot,  AU, Cop Dean, DJ Cas
Los Angeles detective Dean Winchester works tirelessly to atone for the sins of his father one case at a time. When his best friend Charlie drags him to visit Sam at his new job, Dean stumbles onto a bizarre string of deaths that brings him uncomfortably close to his past.Dean can't stop thinking about Castiel, an enigmatic DJ who plays the sexiest music Dean's ever heard. A chance encounter at Castiel's house reveals that Castiel is an incubus, and Dean must face the lies and the reality of his childhood as a hunter. Dean comes to see that he and Castiel have more in common than he thought, and that guilt can be the hardest thing to cast aside.
Freefall by LastKnownWriter E | 128k | Hot, Fluff,  AU, Teacher Dean, Firefighter Cas
AU. The most exciting kindergarten teacher Dean Winchester's life ever gets is when he plays mechanic in his uncle Bobby's shop on the weekends. That is until a birthday party goes tequila-nova and he trips into a one-night stand with an incredibly hot firefighter named Castiel. Dean's life gets a lot more exciting after that.
 The Best Years of Our Lives, My Ass ❤ by ireallyhatecornnuts E | 110k | Hot,  Fluff,  HS AU but not really,
AU after Season 8, episode 6, "Southern Comfort." Dean goes to sleep in a motel room in Texarkana, and he wakes up 17 years old, in his childhood bedroom in Lawrence, Kansas, 1996. He has no idea how he got there, why his parents are still alive, why his brother is an adorable freshman with no memory of his adult life, and why the only ally he has in this place is the angel he left behind in Purgatory – somehow also 17 years old. They have to get out, that's the important thing. Only, falling in love with his angel wasn't a part of the plan....
It's like a HS AU... but better! I love how Dean is given a second chance at growing up, and Cas gets to engage with his humanity is painfully familiar ways. Some homophobia from non-central characters.    
 deus ex nihilo by Valyria E | 7k | AU, dubcon, god cas
Lost on an uncharted island, Dean Winchester is captured by the local villagers and offered up as a sacrifice to their winged god. Castiel takes one look at Dean and decides he wants him for a mate.
 Twist and Shout ❤ by gabriel E | 97k | Angst,  AU, Main Character Death
What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.
Do I really need to say anything? Twist and Shout is one of my favorites simply because it made me bawl. Didn't love the characterization, but I still liked it overall.
Carry On ❤ by TamrynEradani E | 148k | Hot,  AU, Sub!dean, Dom!Cas
 When Sam gets into Stanford, Dean needs a bigger paycheck than Bobby's garage can give him. Luckily, he knows a guy.
Forget 50 Shades of Grey, they should make this fic into a movie! Even if you are not a fan of Sub!Dean, give this fic a shot, because it is nearly perfect.    
Glasses by Samanthapin E | 9k | Fluff, High School AU, punk!cas, nerd!dean
Teasing turns flirting turns dating turns grossly soppy boyfriends
 beer and bacon happy hour by outpastthemoat G | 2k | canon!verse, s8
The problem is that Dean’s been having good ideas all night. “No one insults the trenchcoat,” Dean says, and drives his fist into the other dude’s face. Dean figures he was bound to run out of good ideas eventually.
 Hard Road ❤ by aleishapotter E | 54k | Canon!verse
Dean discovers a few truths about himself when he and Cas are forced to go undercover on a hunt to the very last place Dean ever thought he'd find himself: a gay resort called "Last Hope" that is geared towards helping troubled homosexual couples repair their relationships. This fic is hilarious and hot--my favorite things.  
 Dean Smith Verse by TamrynEradani E | 17k | Hot,  BDSM, AU, Sub!Dean
Dean Smith is a man of routine. Castiel takes him apart.
Bratishka: Little Brother by Valyria E | 33k | Cop AU, Cop Dean, Lawyer Cas
Dean thinks he knows pretty much everything there is to know about his best friend Castiel Novak - he's a smart, gorgeous DA who probably lets Dean get away with more than he should to see the bad guy locked up - but it turns out Cas is hiding some dark family secrets.
 the way to a man's heart by mkhunterz M | 15k | Fluff,  Canon!verse
Dean teaches Cas to cook, and other things as well.
 Branded by garrisonbabe E | 12k | | canon!verse, soul bond, marking/claiming
Michael mocked Castiel, telling him he'd never get Dean the way he truly wanted. No matter the mark on Dean's soul, he'd never get him the way the archangel could take him. Dean finds a ritual that fixes that and a few other issues.
 Our Bodies, Posessed by Light by obstinatrix E | 39k | canon!verse, sastiel bromance, Fluff
Purged of all his souls, Castiel is a changed being, stronger than an angel and too powerful for Jimmy's body to contain. Happily, there's an archangel's vessel on hand, and he could use fixing, too. Dean isn't too happy about the idea of his brother acting as a vessel for Castiel, and Sam can guess why, but it isn't until Castiel gets inside his head and they learn to share the vessel -- and their thoughts -- that Sam realises Cas is as in love with Dean as Dean is with him. It's unfortunate that there's nothing much to be done about it now, but Castiel will get another vessel soon. The Winchesters will make damn sure of that. In the meantime, it's up to the three of them to establish their own strange accord, and Dean realises more fully than ever that it's Castiel, and not his vessel, that he loves.
 So Glad We Made It  ❤by scaramouche M | 16k | Fluff,  AU
At twelve years old, Dean makes a friend, who becomes his best friend, who will eventually become the love of his life.    
Oh, the best friends who grow up together AU. I have a soft spot for fics like these-- comes with pining, awkward misunderstandings, and a good basis for a realistic relationship.
 Shut Up (Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is) ❤ by kototyph E | 23k | Fluff,  college au
Dean's done some pretty stupid things, but getting drunk-hitched in Vegas to a colleague he barely knows might just take the cake. His surprise husband, Castiel, is a little weird but likable despite that, and Dean figures they’ll go back to Boston, get a quiet annulment, and go their separate ways. Six weeks later, he’s still married to one of the strangest, most genuine and definitely most dangerously lov-- likable guys he's ever known. Dean doesn't know why or really even how it’s happening, but it’s getting harder and harder to remember that he has divorce papers to file.
FLUFF EVERYWHERE! This is definitely a feel-good fic and I love reading it when I'm sad. Or just you know, whenever.
 But the Fire is So Delightful by kototyph E | 5k | Hot, hate then love, College AU
Apparently, it’s been snowing all day. [Dean is a Douchebag Fratboy with a Cherry Ass, Castiel is Angry and Aroused]
 Stitches by askance T | 23k |  Fluff, h/c, blindness, Canon!verse
Castiel survived Leviathan--but only barely. Vessel mauled and eyes destroyed, Cas is barely clinging to what's left of his grace when Dean finds him naked and alone on the reservoir's edge; in a panic, Dean brings him home to the cabin where he and Sam have been holed up off the grid. What follows is the slow process of the angel's recovery and the unexpected changes that come with his being blind, and in the three months this takes, their little family slowly begins to patch itself back together in forgiveness, love, and darkness.
 When Charlie Met Cas by riseofthefallenone E | 25k | Fluff,  canon!verse
Charlie is back in all her glory. The Winchesters have showed up on her doorstep and she’s making the best of it the only way she knows how. By being the little sister Dean never wanted and shipping the shit out of Destiel.
The Life After the Morning After by saltyfeathers T | 17k
Dean and Cas get uber drunk on their last day of University. They end up married. Neither of them seem to mind.
The Girlfriend Experience ❤ by Rageprufrock E | 15k | Hot,  Canon!Verse, First time
While it's not like Dean hasn't had a couple of truly regrettable hit-and-runs in his sexual history, this is probably the saddest fucking thing that has ever happened to him.
Classic Casturbation fic. Complete with steamy sexytimes, hilarious dialogue, and fed up and clueless Dean. Perfect.    
Hands, From Which All Things Are Built by MajorEnglishEsquire T | 14k | Canon!Verse, s8
Castiel travels with the angel tablet and without the Winchesters. One day, Dean gets a text from some anonymous number. (They speak in the language of need.)
Cowboys and Real Estate Angels by almaasi E | 36k | AU
Castiel crosses paths with the ever-charming Dean Winchester at a rodeo show in Texas, of all places. Dean's singing days are long bygone, but his crowd-pleasing skills haven't waned one iota. Unexpectedly, Castiel finds himself in Dean's bedroom; they take and they give, and discover that sometimes strangers can find love like this, too. (And if a man's faith can't be put in God, it needs to go somewhere...)
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bracefacefreak · 5 years
Beware long post below. Just some thoughts I had whilst I was re-reading twilight...... 
1) Sarcastic Bella is love. Sarcastic Bella is life. 2)  No one can take away my headcanon black!Emmett with gorgeous tightly curled hair. Plus this means that he can totally teach Jasper about racism and why fighting for the Confederates was WRONG and they can support anti-racism charities together.  3) Jess’s little comment about Esme not being able to have children makes me so sad. 4) Ok, so Carlisle is a freaking surgeon. Like he spends his days elbows deep in people’s abdominal cavities. I have even more respect for him now if that’s possible.  5) Charlie’s lil crush on the Cullens is tots cute.  6) Wasted vampire trope #1 - the base instinctual fear that all human characters have around vampires, even though they can’t understand it.  7) Apparently Alice doesn’t give a shit about appearing human 8) Cute sibling moments-why didn’t we get these in the films? 9) What was the whole ‘electric current’ sensation that passed between Edward and Bella in science class? Is that ever explained? Do vampires conduct electricity now?  10) God damn it Charlie Swan, stop being precious. Also the fact Bella gets so choked up about her dad putting snow chains on her truck makes me so sad. Poor girl. 
11) “No blood, no foul.” Not even trying to subtle are you Edward.  12) “...the doctor was in on it.” Literally almost fell over laughing. Poor darling Carlisle.  13) God, I forget all the angry scowling and even angrier silences.  14) I fucking love Bella’s petty inner monologue about rear-ending Ed’s volvo. Girl after my own heart.  15) Sam Uley-totally forgot he was only 19!  20) So Carlisle has been coming to forks for centuries. Even before the first settlers reached there. Interesting little fact nugget.  21) Angela is GAY! FFS Smeyer.  22) Bella’s equally petty inner monologue about non-fatally wounding Tyler so he can’t take her to the dance. This girl is a mood.  23) You know Emmett absolutely rinsed Edward about all his mooning and pining during their hunting trip. I’m talking about made up ridiculous cringe-worthy joke poetry about Bella’s eyebrows and some rather grotesque smooching faces.  24) “We all like to drive fast.” I totally headcanon that Esme is a fucking terrifying driver, after all she has shit to do-crazy vamp kids to keep in check, houses to restore, a very pretty husband to bone.  25) So much unsubtle foreshadowing. 26) “Grizzly is Emmett’s favourite.” This is 100% Emmett’s revenge on bear-kind for his almost-demise.  27) Wasted vampire trope #2 - vampires are able to communicate in tones too low and too high for humans to hear. Other animals however are a different matter. It’s not unusual for private conversation to be interrupted by baying dogs and the irritated meows of cats.  28) Why can Bella see blue veins in Edward’s arms? He doesn’t have blood? Did you even proofread this Smeyer? 29) Edward’s fears about facing Esme - I can just imagine Carlisle coming home to find Esme holding Edward there in a headlock, before looking up and saying your father’s here now, lets talk. Also poor Carlisle having to face Esme that evening and tell her Ed’s gone.  30) Wasted vampire trope #3 - the what Edward talks about his human feelings being hidden deep beneath his stronger vampire ones. I don’t feel we get to see much of this except for a few episodes of over-protectiveness and growling. This could have been much more interesting.  31) I would pay good money to hear more about Carlisle and Esme’s increasingly ridiculous and disastrous plots to try and get Edward and Rosalie together.  I mean we think of them as the wise, mature adults but we all know that the Cullen children get some of their crazy from their parents.  32) I want an AU where Alice didn’t get her visions of Jasper and the Cullens and went absolutely feral, when the Cullens do run into her it’s as an enemy who they eventually persuade to their way of life.....or not.  33) Jasper’s gift is absolutely terrifying....I mean being able to manipulate people’s emotions, get them to feel what you want and by extension behave as you want. Ed even says he can use it on a crowd. That’s like supervillain level.  34) “You are mythical after all.” Ok so now I want an extended world of fantasy/horror/mythical beings. I’m talking mermaids/sirens, fay folk, ghosts etc. Make Forks like Gravity Falls or something. Please.  35) Edward whiny bitch Cullen repeatedly asking Bella if she’s going to tell her Dad that he’s her boyfriend. And if you think he stops doing this once their married, you’re wrong.  36) Edward’s forehead kisses are tots something he learned from watching Esme and Carlisle. I will die for this headcanon.  37) Edward tasting Bella’s tears. WTF!? WHY? WHAT AM I READING SMEYER!? 38) Carlisle found a real vampire nest at 23 years of age. He is canonically too clever for his own good. FFS sweety.  39) I forgot how much I enjoyed the part with Carlisle’s backstory. Also my poor bby boy suffered through his transformation without making a single noise. Even human!Carlisle had the self control of a saint.  40) Wasted vampire trope #4 - I know this has been mentioned before but the whole, vampires don’t need to breathe and get no relief from it but do it as habit. What other human habits and sensations do they have which have been altered by their transformation. 41) Aro and Carlisle playing tricks to try and get each other to drink from the other’s food source. It didn’t work cause of vamp smell obviously. I know I write this as if it’s playful, but we all knows Aro was a total bitch about it.  42) Edwin. Charlie Swan you are precious. Never change.  43) WHY DIDN’T WE GET TO SEE ALICE AND EMMETT HOLD HANDS IN THE FILMS! 44) “Occassionally Esme would call them to order.” I would pay good money to see this. Also does ‘ that include them’ include Carlisle? 45) Edward muttering a string of swear words both old and new, in multiple languages under his breath is a mood I recognise.  46) “Esme and Carlisle, they’ll have to leave, to hide forever!”.....”We’ve been there before.” I want this and every story of all the stupid reasons why the Cullens have had to flee the state/country in the past. Carlisle sometimes wonders whether all the trouble is worth it. This never happened when he was on his own. 47) I am unsurprisingly very much in favour of growling, snarling Alice Cullen.  48) Why does Bella have a secret cash hoard?  Is that normal? Is it in case Renee’s dealers turn up demanding money? (Can you tell I’m not a Renee fan.) 49) Of course Esme installed fucking bombproof shutters on their house. My girl is so freaking extra.  50) How many speeding tickets have the Cullens collected over the years?  51) “He seems to stay just far enough away that I can’t hear what he’s thinking..” Was this just coincidence or did James somehow know about Ed’s power? 52) Alice sketches her visions sometimes - it’s something Esme taught her because sometimes her visions are so weird or disturbing or exhausting that Alice can’t voice them herself. So Esme came up with this way to try and help her get it out.  53) Wasted vampire trope #5 - vampires can speak so fast that humans can’t understand them. Just imagine Bella wandering in on a family discussion at the Cullen house and all she can hear is a high pitched squeaking because everyone is talking super fast.  54) Alice’s backstory makes me so sad 55) “Alice had a bit too much fun fabricating the evidence.” Ok, so two things: one, I absolutely wish we could have seen Alice destroying shit and two, I still don’t understand how they managed to convince anyone Bella fell down a flight of stairs, like did they have to push her down the stairs to ensure it looked realistic, did Ed spend ages artistically placing her in a suitable position. How did this work? 56) Also love that everyone just accepted that Bella would fall down stairs and through a window, she’s just that much of a clutz.  57) Also they stole a car and burned down a dance studio. The Cullens should have started a crime family, they wouldn’t have been good at it but it would have been hilarious.  58) Bella should have grown up with Charlie. End of. Renee sucks.  59) Charlie is absolutely crushing on Carlisle and I love it. 
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anthropwashere · 5 years
i’m still, still dreaming magnificent things (part 3)
part 1 | part 2
(AO3/FFN links to come)
Winry's call the evening before Ed's release is a far more cheerful one. "We're going to Rush Valley!"
Alphonse pulls away from Granny and the phone in her hand, wincing even though he can't feel pain. That was shrill.
Granny though, she just beams. "Ha! It's about time you made your way down there. But don't tell me Ed of all people picked up an interest in automail."
"Of course not. That'd mean he finally figured out what good taste is. He's going farther south than that, but I convinced him to pay for my ticket there and back. I'm so excited, Granny! I'm going to see the holy land of automail with my own eyes!"
"Oh yeah," Alphonse mutters. He'd forgotten the name of the city, but he's spent too many years around the Rockbells not to know about this far-off biomechanical boomtown. He leans back in once it seems Winry's finished gleeing at a pitch fit to shatter glass.
"I'm going to try to get Ed to spent some time there with me before he heads down to—oh, what was it again? Dublith?"
Alphonse immediately recoils again. "Oh no."
"What's in Dublith?" Granny asks.
"I guess that's where his old alchemy teacher lives?"
"Don't call her old!" Alphonse hisses.
"Oh, that's right, I remember now. Missus Curtis."
"You remember the year the boys left for their training, don't you?" Granny hesitates, mouth thinning, making a visible decision to avoid any mention of that being the same year Winry's parents were killed. "She passed through here during the spring thaw with her husband. She shored up the river with that same funny alchemy Ed can do."
"Oh yeah. I'd forgotten about her."
How on Earth could anybody forget Teacher? Alphonse shakes his head in disbelief. God. On the one hand, he's hoped Ed would eventually brave the trip to Dublith. But on the other? He does not envy him.
Winry and Granny turn the conversation back to Rush Valley, to models Winry wants to see in person and old shops Granny suggests she visit, and so on. Alphonse leaves them to it, more interested in puzzling out why Ed's chosen to seek Teacher out. What could have spurned this make-or-break decision? Some revelation in his research? His near-losses to Scar and those armor-bound souls in the last couple months? Ed's always been a bit of a sore loser. It's likely to be training that he's after—and hopefully that's all he's after. Hopefully he doesn't intend to mention anything regarding soul alchemy or human transmutation. Teacher would throw him out of a window for that kind of talk and she wouldn't bother to open it first.
He's worried for Ed. He's worried what Teacher will say, what she'll do. For years she was the stick by which they measured alchemy and all other practitioners, the one and only other alchemist they've ever known. Alphonse hasn't seen her in years, knows that it's impossible for her to browbeat him over what they tried and failed to do, and still he shivers under the imagined weight of her glower.
Hopefully Teacher will at least give Ed time to say his piece before she breaks him in half.
He goes back to Rockbell Automail every evening after Ed's released, just in case. Winry's proven to be reliable about calling, something he's long since given up on Ed ever bothering with, so he's hoping for news sooner than later. But it's not just news he's after that drives him to spend frustratingly quiet hours watching Granny. It's just....
Well. It doesn't feel right to leave Granny all on her own.
Rockbell Automail is so much bigger without Winry clattering about it too. Her workroom is dim and still, her bed neatly made. There's no game of cards after dinner, no dry commentary shared about the morning news, no shopping lists made, no experimental dinners barely salvaged. It's just Granny and her meals for one, Granny sorting through a shipment of new parts in the basement, Granny watching the sun rise and set with pipe smoke curling around her head, Granny on unhurried walks with Den into town. Without customers or her granddaughter to fill the house with chatter, Granny... shrinks. She shows her age. She uncovers her griefs in empty rooms, sandpapered to smooth edges yet still bearing the odd splinter to startle.
Alphonse remembers when Auntie Sara and Uncle Yurie still lived here. He remembers Auntie Sara hugging him close as he cried not long after Mom died, Uncle Yurie teaching him how to tie his shoelaces. They were never formally adopted by the Rockbells, no, but it was never a question of who in town would look after them when it became clear Dad wasn't coming back.
He looks over Granny's shoulder at the old pictures, smiling to himself as Den's tail thumps against a table leg. The first baby pictures of Uncle Yurie, a swaddled pink lump with a tuft of blond hair in a much younger Pinako's arms, pride apparent in her exhausted grin. Others, with and without her late husband, Grandpa Rockbell who passed away before Ed was born. Yurie growing up and up, a toddler then a boy then a teenager then a young man. Then Auntie Sara joins the photographs, her blonde curls cut in a flyaway bob, growing out as she grows up. She's not from Resembool, the same as Mom. Alphonse has dim memories—memories that are more likely to have been etched out of stories he's heard and reheard from Granny and Auntie Sara—of the two women being close friends. There'd only been a year's difference in their ages. Auntie Sara had been only three years older than when Mom died when she was killed in Ishval.
"I miss them too," he tells Granny.
But Granny's smiling to herself rather than dabbing at her eyes. True, it isn't a happy smile. She misses them all terribly; her husband, her son, her daughter-in-law, Mom. She lingers over pictures of Dad too, her old drinking buddy. It's strange, Alphonse thinks. If the dates written on those sepia-toned photographs are right Granny's known Dad almost fifty years. Strange, because Dad looks the same in the oldest picture Granny has of him as he does in the family picture taken only a year before he left. He should be in his nineties, but he doesn't look any older than forty in every single picture Granny has.
Strange. It's a peculiarity Alphonse picks at from time to time, but it's a moot point. Dad is gone, dead or run off, and either way Alphonse will never see him again. Why should he waste any time wondering after the man who left his family behind when Granny's right here, slow to shake herself out of bittersweet memories?
It's not right for her to sit here all alone like this, waiting for someone living to make the trip out of town. When he catches her looking too melancholy he riles Den up or sets his cold hands against her shoulders until she shakes herself off and puts away the photo album. He's glad he's still real enough to help her like this; chasing away cobwebs and making her laugh when Den yelps at nothing.
Winry will call again soon, either during her trip to Rush Valley or when she's on her way home again, but there's no telling when that call might come. It's likely she'll succeed in bullying Ed into staying in Rush Valley a day or two. Once Ed gets too irritated, he'll take a train bound for an early grave in Dublith and Winry will come back home with at least two bags overflowing with trinkets she'd coaxed Ed into buying for her. Sure, they might fight like cats and dogs more often than not, but she's got him wrapped around her little finger.
(Alphonse saw right through that guilt trip she'd pulled with the earrings Ed had brought back as "gifts" the first few times he showed up with his leg in shambles, not that Ed didn't deserve it. Winry's ears weren't even pierced back then. Dumbass.)
All in all, the radio silence is a return to routine. He checks in with Granny once or twice a day. The rest of the time he wanders where he wills, picking people at random to follow for the day, spending the night talking with other ghosts. Anything, to chase away the hours.
Granny's next appointment is with Mrs. Perrault, a woman some years younger than her who'd been injured in a carriage accident as a girl. Her left arm is below-the-elbow automail, a slim-fingered design done by some other mechanic in the West. She had to move across the country for work about the same time as when the Eastern Conflict really picked up, and word of mouth brought her to Rockbell Automail about a year before Alphonse died. She and Granny have been close friends ever since.
"—can't let her out of my sight five minutes before she's up to her neck in trouble," Granny complains as he passes through the front door. She's trying not to grin though, so whatever phone call he missed had shared more good news than bad.
"Damn," he mutters as he sits down on the floor near Den. "What'd I miss, boy?"
Den's tail flops a little as he grins lazily, not bothering to lift his head up. Good dog.
"Oh, don't go blaming her for all that," Mrs. Perrault says, swatting Granny's hand playfully. "You raised her right. She's such a sweet thing. It's that boy who dragged her into the whole mess."
"Hey," Alphonse says, but it's a token protest. Whatever happened, it probably was Ed's fault. He's pretty sure Ed just has one of those faces people like to punch.
"Will I didn't say it wasn't his fault, now did I?" Granny sighs. "He's a feral little brat, no question. There's a good heart buried in there somewhere, mind, but he was born itching to raise hell and that's only gotten worse since his brother passed—"
"Hey," Alphonse says with more feeling. "Don't pin this on me."
Granny slips the external plating back into place on Mrs. Perrault's forearm. "It's not that I don't want her to apprentice. She's got a real gift for biomedical engineering—"
"And so young!" Mrs. Perrault interjects warmly.
Granny doesn't return her smile, tapping her screwdriver against the other woman's metal wrist. "That's the trouble. She's too young to go off on her own. I didn't apprentice until I was nineteen. I know things are different these days, and Mister Garfiel certainly sounds like a fine young man, but I'm still worried for here. Rush Valley is a rough city."
Alphonse blinks. "Wait, Winry's apprenticing? Since when?"
"You raised her right," Mrs. Perrault repeats, resting her other hand on Granny's briefly to stop her tapping. "She'll handle herself fine, and she's smart besides. She knows to be careful."
"She's fifteen, Sally. There's no such thing as being smart or careful enough at that age."
"Ha, isn't that just so? Still, here I thought you'd be proud of her. Delivering a baby and earning an apprenticeship all on her own like that!"
"She delivered a what?" Damn, it's only been a few days! Apparently he can't ever leave this house again if he wants to keep up with any and all insanity.
"Well," Granny says, looking sly, "I think her surname might have given her a leg up getting that apprenticeship."
"She was recommended to Mister Garfiel by the babe's grandfather, none other than Dominic LeCoulte himself."
Mrs. Perrault lights up like the mid-winter lights festival has come early. "You don't mean—the same Dominic you know back when you were...?"
"The very same!"
They throw their heads back, all but cackling. Alphonse huffs. "You two could actually share some of these stories you're always laughing over one of these days, you know."
Of course, they pay his suggestion no heed. Soon their conversation turns to other, less interesting things. He leaves them to it, going down the hall to Winry's workroom.
The door's cracked enough to let a narrow streak of sunlight in, filling the room with soft shadows and gleaming spots of light off the unfinished pieces she'd left without their oil cloths in her hurry to make the train. He stands in the narrow square of clear floor space behind the pushed-in chair, eyes falling to the coffee tins and mason jars lining the shelves. One jar of bolts catches the light a little differently than its neighbors; the rough edges of hasty alchemy etch strange angles across the glass. Ed had broken it by accident years ago while Winry had been in town. Winry, of course, had noticed it right off, but she's let Ed go on thinking he'd gotten away with it.
Alphonse considers the empty chair, the silence, the stillness, the motes of dust spinning in the space his shadow should stretch. Minutes pass, in the soft, difficult-to-notice way they do when there's no one else around. He finds himself unexpectedly... sad? Is that the right word for it? Sad is a heavy word, better appended to cataclysmic emotions like grief and loneliness. He doesn't know what word would better describe this feeling, this almost disappointed surprise, like someone pulled the rug out from under him for a laugh at his expense. He can't settle on a word, but he's still left feeling something over the fact that Winry isn't coming back after all. He's whiled away a lot of hours here in this little room, watching her work. He'd sit out of the way, perched up where he could see her hands work magic, shaping so much scrap into carefully shaped puzzle pieces he couldn't begin to parse, and with absolute ease she'd put all those pieces together into new limbs for people who'd had their own taken from them.
People always compare alchemy to magic and miracles, but those people have never seen an automail engineer in total, unapologetic love with their craft. Winry gets this look on her face as she works, this all-encompassing serenity despite the shriek of heavy machinery. It's like she'd rather be here in this little room than anywhere else in the world.
But that's not true, because she isn't coming back. She's moving forward, growing up. Oh, she'll visit. He knows her too well to expect anything else. She cares for Granny too much to leave her up on this hill alone for too long. She'll visit, perhaps not as frequently as Ed but for longer stretches when she does. But then she'll leave again, just like Ed. She'll go back to the life she's carving out for herself in far-off Rush Valley, the rough-and-tumble city of her dreams. She'll commit herself wholly to the craft she's lived and breathed for as long as Ed has lived and breathed alchemy. She'll be happy there.
Rush Valley, as he's pieced together from Granny's stories, is some wondrous city in the South, a desert valley hemmed in by spires of weathered red stone and deep canyons, hot and bright and chaotic, teeming over with people from all walks of life and a dozen different models of automail in every shop. When Granny apprenticed there she stayed for years, and afterward went traveling around the country for even longer. She only came back to Resembool for good when her dad fell ill, husband in tow and Uncle Yurie born shortly thereafter..
Resembool is a place to settle, a place to build a home, a place to forge a shared happiness that will last a lifetime. It's a place to raise families, to grow old, to laugh on the porch on sticky summer evenings as fireflies wink erratic patterns in the waving grass. It's a place for children, not for young people trying to grow up and figure out what kind of person they want to be.
He doesn't mind that Winry's moving forward. He's happy for her, really. He just thought... he thought there'd be a little more time before she left too. That's all.
Winry's apprenticing in Rush Valley, which—according to the train station's detailed map—is only one stop north of Dublith. From a purely practical standpoint, it'll be good to have Winry that much closer to Ed. You know. In case of... mechanical failure.
Oh, who is he kidding? Teacher's going to break every bone in Ed's body for what they did, and it's not like she'll leave his left leg alone just because it's made of steel. Ed won't have the foresight—nor the hindsight, for that matter—to appreciate it, but at least he won't have to haul his broken carcass halfway across the country so Winry can finish him off for destroying her beautiful work.
That's how he rationalizes it when he's feeling optimistic, anyhow. He wouldn't be at all surprised to see FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST FOUND DEAD, BRUTALIZED emblazoned on the front page of the Times one day.
...He really, really doesn't envy Ed facing Teacher all on his own. Brr.
In smaller print—with far too many exclamation points to be tasteful—the article goes on to detail that Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes was found dead in a phone booth in Central Park, the apparent cause of death a single gunshot wound to the heart. He had no known enemies and there are currently no suspects. For his ultimate sacrifice in service to Amestris he has been posthumously promoted two ranks to that of Brigadier General. It goes on to list the commendations he earned in Ishval, bland details of the years he served in distinction, and the fact that he is survived by a wife, Gracia, and one daughter, Elicia. They have asked for privacy in their time of grief.
Alphonse steps back from reading over Granny's shoulder, dismayed. "Hughes? Wasn't that the family Winry stayed with in Central? Brother's friend?"
Granny has one hand pressed to her mouth, the paper shaking in the other. After a moment she sets it down, folds it so she needn't see the top article. She finishes her morning coffee in silence.
Days pass, then weeks. A whole month of days passes by without so much as a whisper of Ed. Winry calls every few days, always bubbling over with excitement and technical jargon and absurd stories. She doesn't mention Ed apart from saying she hasn't heard from him either. "Like that's anything new." Which is true, and sort of comforting for it? If he hasn't been found chopped up into neat little pieces yet then maybe Teacher took pity on him. Enough that she hasn't chased Ed out of town yet, at least, and really, that's more than Alphonse dared to hope for.
He can't help but worry anyway, as he always does in the uneasy interim. The time they spent in Dublith as kids was—amazing, honestly amazing. They learned more in six months than they did in all the preceding years of teaching themselves out of Dad's old books. Teacher had been—terrifying, yes, absolutely, no question. But she'd been fascinating too. The most skilled and knowledgeable alchemist they'd ever met—still, in his case, and more than likely the same for Ed too—and she barely ever used alchemy. All her neighbors had stories of times past when she had, and it had always been for big, important events. Lives on the line events. Halting chaos and destruction in its tracks, just like how she'd saved Resembool with a single clap of her hands. Everything else, from wobbly chairs to leaky roofs to broken plates, she insisted be fixed by hand.
Fascinating too, if a bit overbearing at times, had been how smitten she and Sig were. Overbearing, yes, but it was honest—at least, as far as he could tell then as an eight year old boy who'd not yet really taken much notice of girls. Since then he's had ample opportunity to compare their marriage to that of other couples, in public and behind closed doors. Sig and Teacher remind him a little of Auntie Sara and Uncle Yurie. Wholehearted devotion, love their foundation rather than a coat of paint. True love like out of a story. Love each person worked hard to keep fast. Love that soared on the good days and dug its heels in and persisted on the bad. Love that was so, so worth the time and energy put into it. The kind of love—the kind of bond—that anyone would admire, and perhaps even envy.
He's wondered on more than one occasion if Mom and Dad had been at all like that. If they'd shown their love for each other in the small gestures as much as the grand ones. If Mom had brought Dad a fresh cup of coffee without being asked to when he lost track of time in his study. If Dad chased her out of the kitchen so he could make dinner while she took a well-deserved break. If they folded laundry together, washed and dried dishes together, picked weeds on blisteringly hot days together, stayed up late worrying about the latest  trouble their precocious sons had gotten into. Did Mom know why Dad left? Had Dad really intended to come back like she said he would?
He wishes he knew. He can't remember. His memories of their parents are even shakier than Ed's, and it's not as if he can ask anyone for details.
Teacher was—and still is, more than likely—less the sickly housewife she insisted she was and more a force of nature. It hadn't mattered that she'd been gray and shaking and wiping blood from her mouth more days than not. It hadn't mattered because nothing in this world could possibly have the audacity to really hurt her. Teacher was—is—an undeniable, impossible, wonderful fact of a human being. She survives her illness by sheer stubbornness and the love she has for Sig. She demands that every moment of pain be worth it, in the end. Teacher was—and will always be—a font of inspiration for them both.
He wonders what she and Ed are doing in this interim. Surely Ed told her what had happened that night. What they tried to do, what it cost. Ed might try to avoid that conversation, but there's no question that they'll spar together. She'll notice his leg and she'll pry the whole ugly story out of him, with meat hooks and brandished cleavers if she has to. What will she have to say about Alphonse's death? What will she think of Ed's insane plan to commit the taboo again?
He hopes she can talk Ed out of it. If anyone can, it would be her.
Picture Ed in Dublith. Sleeping alone in the room they'd shared when they were kids. Sparring with Teacher every day, even on the days she shouldn't have gotten out of bed. Spending hours in the kitchen talking together, bruised and sore and laughing, nursing cups of that spicy coffee Sig likes so much. Picture the sunlight breaking into a million million squares of white brilliance off of Kauroy Lake, the summer sun baking heat into the narrow cobblestone streets late into the evening. Picture the tangled labyrinth of abandoned ruins they'd played in, Ed's expression bittersweet over the memories rather than thunderous and brittle. Picture Ed smiling and meaning it.
Maybe the next time Ed comes back to Resembool he'll have accepted the empty space next to Mom's grave for what it ought to be. Maybe Ed won't ever be able to stomach buying a headstone for an empty grave, but maybe he'll start leaving two wreaths at Mom's. Maybe Ed will throw his pocket watch in Colonel Mustang's face and wash his hands of the military. Maybe Ed will find some other hook to hang his dreams on.
He hopes. He has to hope Ed can move past his madness. It's all he can do.
Of course, the quiet can't last forever. Six weeks and two days after Ed left Rush Valley the front page news screams about no one less than the Fuhrer himself leading a sting operation in Dublith, and of course the Fullmetal Alchemist was right in the thick of things.
"For Heaven's sake," Granny sighs.
Apparently a bar called The Devil's Nest was a hideout for yet another paramilitary group with a storied history of aggressive acts against the military and civilians both. The members of this group were taken down with extreme yet necessary force, as they had made it clear they'd had no intention of surrendering quietly. There’s a brief statement from Fuhrer Bradley relaying his relief that this threat had been handled without any loss of life of the men operating under him, that he's glad to have been able to lead such a brilliant team before this nefarious group could go through with their more violent threats, and what a pleasure it had been to see young Fullmetal in action. It all sounds very....
Alphonse isn't sure what to make of it, to be honest.
It just seems a little... odd that the Fuhrer would risk life and limb like this. Aren't sting operations better suited to younger soldiers? Then again, this paramilitary group can't have been that much of a threat, at least compared to the one Ed took down solo earlier this year. Alphonse hasn't even heard of this Devil's Nest gang before, and the news is a constant stream of reports about violent groups demanding radical, dangerous changes.
(The fact that Ed has regular dealings with terrorists leaves Alphonse weak-kneed and hating that he can't be there fighting alongside him, but that is an old wound he's sick of salting.)
This group in Dublith sounds like a criminal bunch, at least from what's briefly reported on them, but nothing that warranted the attention of a State Alchemist—let alone whatever force Fuhrer Bradley mustered. On the other hand, it was Bradley who put an end to that former State Alchemist's plot in Central a few months previous. Who's to say this group down South didn't have similarly lofty goals? The news can only report so much after all; there's no telling what intel the military had on them they'd chosen not to release to the public. Who is Alphonse to say that Bradley wasn't doing his duty by cutting these people down before they could make a direct threat against the brass?
Still, something about this doesn't sit right with him, and Alphonse is relieved to find that he's not the only one thinking the same. A lot of people right here in Resembool seem to feel the same way. They wonder after this group; their motives, their convictions, the families they left behind. They wonder after this group none of them have ever heard of before now, never mind the news repeatedly stresses that they were a well-known group of armed extremists. They wonder why the Fuhrer keeps ending up knee-deep in bloody affairs like this when he would be better off serving the country from behind a desk, wielding a pen rather than a saber. These are dark and uncertain times, and Amestris' citizens look to him for guidance. There have been nothing but wars and insurrections and unrest for—God, who even knows anymore? Just look at Liore, the latest in a long line of regional upsets.
Strange too, how Liore's gone to pieces. All these terrible riots the news reports, so many deaths, no resolution in sight. Everyone in Resembool had been so proud of Ed for dismantling that shady religious order, but now no one knows what to think of that either. The reports claim that the "true" leader of the order had been away, and that Ed and the citizens had been duped by a cruel imposter. Liore is divided now; half its people willing to trust this returned leader, half wanting nothing at all to do with Letoism. Alphonse wonders if Ed knows what's happening in Liore. He must, right? He's a State Alchemist. He must be privy to far more information than what gets divvied out in easily digestible snippets to the public. Right?
Propaganda is less an uncertain worry here in Amestris than it is a simple, unavoidable part of life. Many adults in Resembool can recall a time before the current regime, when the news made a little more sense, when people weren't quite so wary of what their neighbors might overhear. Nowadays everybody is a little more cautious, a touch more restrained, just in case. But Alphonse is privy to all sorts of things people say and do away from prying eyes and wagging tongues. In a rural town like this it doesn't ever amount to much in the greater scheme of things, but that's a concept Alphonse doesn't find himself needing to be concerned with much anyhow. If it doesn't involve Ed, what does the greater scheme matter?
He wonders though, sometimes, what it would have been like if he'd died in a bigger town. A proper city, even. Sometimes he wishes he could have known beforehand what the cost of their transmutation would be. He would have picked somewhere else to die, even though it would have meant never seeing Winry or Granny again. Dublith would have been nice. If he could have known, too, that Ed would end up in East City he would have picked there in a metaphorical heartbeat. What he'd give to be closer to his brother....
Oh, but that's a pointless wish. He died in Resembool and he'll remain here until the last stubborn wisp of his ghost fades away. There's nothing to be done for it.
Still, the townsfolk can gossip and wonder and whisper behind their hands all they please. None of what they think or what they're told is what really happened, that much Alphonse is sure of. The Fuhrer and a whole team needed to step in to take down a ragtag bunch of thugs in the same town Teacher and Ed were in? Ed's an old pro at this kind of insanity now and Teacher is twice as terrifying as Ed on her worst days. No matter the situation, if things came to a head they would have handled it themselves with aplomb. So why did Bradley feel the need to step in and kill The Devil's Nest down to the last man?
It doesn't sit right with Alphonse. It just doesn't make any sense at all.
Winry calls again and this time Alphonse manages to listen in. It's mostly exasperated ranting about Ed, because three guesses who showed up out of the blue yesterday? Ed tried to weasel his way into her good graces despite being beat half to hell with his leg wrecked, feeding her some bullshit story that managed to avoid answering even one of her questions. Then, somehow in the short span of time she'd left Garfiel Atelier to fetch a few parts, Ed managed to destroy three city blocks fighting a bunch of Xingese tourists! His leg went from wrecked to scrap metal in about twenty minutes. Bombs were involved somehow? Winry's friend Paninya has a short-barreled cannon in one of her automail legs, apparently?
(Alphonse decides he's happier not knowing the details for once.)
The Xingese tourists stuck around Atelier Garfiel after all was said and done. Mr. Garfiel is letting them stay in a spare room, as it seems they haven't got much money and are really quite nice. Ling Yao does most of the talking, as the other two—an old man, Fu, and a young woman, Lan Fan—are his retainers. They're in Amestris looking for—of all things—information on the Philosopher's Stone. That was the conversation that derailed into wide-scale property damage that Ed's still out hobbling around on a spare leg repairing. Winry's washed her hands of the whole thing, since Ed's staying mum as usual and Ling has a funny habit of pretending his Amestrian isn't half as good as it actually is.
"I'm pretty sure Ed's quit fighting them because he's too wore out after all the alchemy he's done," Winry says. "He barely ate dinner yesterday and he still looked pretty rough when he left this morning. You should see the state Fifth Avenue is in though, Granny! It's unrecognizable!"
"I can believe it," Granny replies dryly.
It's going to take Winry about a week to build a new leg from scratch—"And I'm charging him a rush order fee anyway. He's being such a jerk, Granny!"—then she and the three Xingese tourists will be following Ed up to Central. She wants to visit the Hughes family again, they want to track information down on the Stone, and Ed's being as vague as ever about his own plans.
Curiously, Granny doesn't say a word about Brigadier General Hughes.
Alphonse looks at her once she's hung up the phone. She looks like she does when she visits the cemetery; weary down to her marrow as she prunes weeds from the graves of her family and Mom. "Why didn't you tell her?"
Granny, of course, doesn't answer.
Alphonse misses Winry's last call before they leave Rush Valley and he could kick himself for that. She'd called every day after Atelier Garfiel closed for at least a few minutes, and under her voice he'd been able to hear Ed snarking in the background with someone with a cheerfully accented voice. Those phone calls are likely going to be the last time he hears Ed's voice for who-knows how long. Winry and Ed will spend a day or two together in Central, then Ed will likely head back to East City to report in to Colonel Mustang and Winry will go South again. It will be at least another month—hopefully, though at the rate he's going it's hard to say—before Ed needs maintenance. But Granny's not his mechanic. Winry is. He'll go to Rush Valley, not Resembool. Sure, Fullmetal might make the paper now and then, but it's not the same.
He has no idea when he might see Ed next.
At least he can be sure Winry will call while she's in Central. Too, she'll do her best to wheedle something out of Ed to pass along to Granny, some little snippet Alphonse can overhear so he has a better idea of where Ed might go next. There's going to be a rough patch while they're there, thanks to Granny's silence regarding Brigadier General Hughes. Winry will be sad, but it's not as if she'd had a chance to get to know the man well. Ed, on the other hand?
Well, that's more difficult to determine with what little data Alphonse has to go on. Winry had called the man Ed's friend, but what did that mean, really? Ed keeps people at arm's length, bottling up all the ugly, jagged hurts he's earned until he's left breathless, staring fixedly at nothing with wide, dry eyes. He doesn't let anyone in; it's too easy to be pitied that way, and Ed can't stand to be pitied. He and Hughes might have worked together on occasion, but they were stationed halfway across the country from each other. How close could they have been? How sad might Ed be that this man from Investigations has been murdered?
Alphonse shakes his head. Ed might be sad when he hears the news too, but it won't hurt him. Ed will swallow down whatever small grief he'll feel and move on, just like he always does.
He's in the Corcoran household when he unexpectedly comes across the Brigadier's name again in the paper. A suspect has been taken into custody, and there's an official picture of her accompanying the front page article. Second Lieutenant Maria Ross is a woman in her late twenties with boyishly short hair and a beauty mark under one eye. She isn't smiling in her picture. She looks severe. She looks like someone who wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger if it came down to it.
"But she was one of Ed's bodyguards," he says. Back when Ed had been hospitalized in Central, Lieutenant Ross and Sergeant Brosch had looked after Ed for weeks. They'd saved his life. She worked for Hughes. Why would she kill her superior officer?
He looks at her picture again, trying to feel something more than abstract curiosity. Ed's friend, the same man who had insisted Winry stay free of charge with his family, is dead because of the same woman who had guarded Ed when he'd been gravely injured. She's going to face the firing squad for this. She's going to die, and in turn someone else Ed had known will die.
This is the closest Alphonse will ever get to knowing this woman, this officer who worked and lived and murdered a good man in far-off Central. A front page article that amounts to a few small paragraphs. He can't summon more than a flicker of disappointment, and even that feels forced. She's just one more name in the paper, one more murderer caught red-handed. The paper might make another mention or two of her after her execution, but this is all she amounts to for Alphonse: the impact her misdeeds and her death might have on Ed.
It isn't much. It's something novel to talk over with Mrs. Morgenstern when he visits her next, at least.
"Oh," Alphonse remarks, reading over Mr. Cartwright's shoulder at the newsstand.
It turns out Colonel Mustang had been transferred to Central earlier this year, and he'd taken to the order to capture the escaped Lieutenant dead or alive rather... pragmatically. Alphonse can almost picture the reporter who typed up this article, giddy over the intrigue and excitement, counting all the cenz they'll earn for the headline alone. The article, while certainly exclamatory, doesn't provide much in the way of detail. Ross escaped with the aid of a large suit of armor but didn't get far before Colonel Mustang cut her down. The suit of armor managed to escape into the night; there's a rough sketch of its fearsome visage included in the article. It's a toothsome, grinning thing, one of its eye holes torn wide by a shotgun blast.
(Alphonse thinks of the fight that cost Ed two fingers. He thinks of the iron slag that used to be two suits of armor puddled in the ruins of their basement. He wonders, he suspects, but he doubts he'll ever know for sure either way.)
Colonel Mustang, the dark-eyed man who earned his  infamy in the Eastern Conflict and later dragged Ed out of his wheelchair by force and olive branch both, burned Ross to death in some alleyway. He could have just arrested her, made her face neat justice for her crimes. He could have just shot her. Instead he chose to kill her the same he killed who-knows how many Ishvalans.
Alphonse considers the pink burn on his wrist, a minor cooking injury that had left him in tears when it happened. It had been a raw and stinging hurt for what had felt like forever. He thinks of the terrible display of burns Steffie and Owen Sauter wear on their low days, blackened skin crackling, a halo of fire overtaking their faces. He tries to imagine what it must have felt like to die that way; every inch of her skin bubbling, her lungs scorched breathless, her bones cracking in the heat. Lieutenant Ross probably died screaming.
This is the work of the same man who conscripted Ed at twelve years old—who held out that olive branch when Ed was eleven and only just beginning to recover from the loss of his leg and the failure of his younger brother. Colonel Mustang could have—should have—killed Ed the same way he killed Lieutenant Ross and all those Ishvalans. Burning people alive seems to be the only method the man knows.
Alphonse has had years now to consider whether or not he should hate this man. Ed's made his own opinion perfectly clear with every scathing anecdote he's shared. But Mustang—by the law of the same military they both serve—should have killed Ed for committing the taboo. Should have, yet didn't. Ed seems to have forgotten that, but Alphonse never will. He wishes, far from the first time, that he could see Colonel Mustang again. He'd been shell-shocked back then, so lost, so afraid, that he didn't pay as close attention as he should have. He only has second-hand accounts to form an opinion of the man now, and those are few and far between.
In the long run, of course, it doesn't matter what he thinks. He knows this. He knows there's no sense in holding a grudge against the man for what Ed has had to endure in his time as a State Alchemist. He can't blame the man for Ed's own choices, though at times he wishes the world were so simple. There's no logic in spending the long, long years he has trying to make sense of the Flame Alchemist. Colonel Mustang, if nothing else, is a man who knows how to kill dangerous people the only way he's good for.
(Alphonse wonders if one day Ed will be ordered to do the same thing. To kill someone the only way he's good for. He wonders if Ed already has.)
There's no mention of Fullmetal in the article. No news of Ed at all, nor a phone call from Winry. He hopes Ed didn't get dragged into that mess, hopes that Ed didn't have to watch his superior burn a woman alive.
He spends that night with Steffie and Owen, biting his tongue so as not to ask them what it had felt like to die burning.
He's there when Winry calls.
She's quiet, her voice damp with tears already shed. She spent the day with Mrs. Hughes and her daughter, Elicia. They baked an apple pie. She'd been practicing, see, ever since the Hughes family let her stay with them, and she'd been looking forward to Mr. Hughes trying it. But now he never will.
"Oh, Winry," Granny murmurs.
She and Ed have taken rooms at an inn not far from Central Command. Ed didn't go with her to visit the Hughes family; he found out from Colonel Mustang. Turns out the two men had been friends since their days at the Academy, which might explain—though not justify—the vehemence with which he had burned Lieutenant Ross. Winry knows Ed had gone out the night Ross escaped and was killed, knows too that Ed came back late, brittle as cracked glass, sure to break if she pressed too hard. She suspects, but she'd asked him for nothing more than he offered.
But it doesn't matter, because Ed's gone now.
"Gone where?" Granny and Alphonse both ask.
Winry doesn't know. Major Armstrong appeared in the inn about an hour ago, attacked Ed before dragging him off under the pretense of getting his automail repaired, never mind that Winry had been standing right there. So maybe Ed's going to turn up in Resembool soon? Or maybe there's something covert that Winry can't be privy to? Some mission Colonel Mustang has tasked Ed with, something that will take him far away from Central as well as any further opportunity to research the Philosopher's Stone.
Hopefully. Hopefully Colonel Mustang will keep him busy for a while, putting Ed to task hither and yon, remind the people of Amestris that a State Alchemist can amount to more than a butcher. Hopefully Ed can busy himself aiding some suffering town, remind its people that they've got at least one alchemist in their corner who keeps to the credo so few others do: be thou for the people.
Ed does. He tries to, anyway, and maybe that's the best anybody can expect from one lonely kid doing a job even adults flinch from.
Winry remains in Central. She doesn't have much choice, considering she didn't bring nearly enough money to cover their rooms at the inn. All she can do is wait for Ed to come back. Granny assures her she'll keep an eye out for Ed and Major Armstrong, and promises too that she'll whack them both upside the head for stranding here there.
Mr. McCahan, the station master, always keeps an accurate schedule of the trains moving through the East. He's got to, with Resembool the largest supplier of wool to the military. Second Lieutenant Bartlett comes a-hollering if anything's ever delayed without due warning signed and stamped in triplicate. Mr. McCahan prefers to keep things orderly anyway, so that's rarely an issue. He and the sergeants all get on well, a group of old friends rolling their eyes behind the officer's back.
Alphonse checks and rechecks the posted schedule, then checks it once more to be sure. The absolute earliest Ed can arrive is in two days. He could go back up to Rockbell Automail to wait there and keep Granny company. Or he could wander through the farm houses spaced out in neat squares, tiptoe through tilled fields, make a game of hopping along the fleecy backs of sheep until the herding dogs chase him off. He could go door to door here in town proper, watch the hourly intricacies of a hundred households unfold.
He defaults to worrying, pacing the station, nervous in a way that's impossible to relieve. Owen Sauter and Walt Teller watch him bemusedly from their usual haunts; Owen sat on the station's lone bench and Walt down on the tracks with his arms hooked over the platform ledge. Owen had died by unhappy circumstance, a civilian casualty of a politically strategic attack. Walt had fallen on hard times, and fell again, and once more for good measure, and with no one left to pick him up he threw himself in front of a train in hopes that death would free him. He's still here, certainly, but for as long as Alphonse has known he's seemed to be... not the happiest of all the ghosts, no. Happy is a bad word to ascribe to the unquiet dead. But he smiles more, cracks wry jokes, lays back in the grass and laughs at the flight of birds in a clear blue sky. He was not a happy man, but he is a ghost relieved of all cares.
"You know," Walt says with a grin only partially stifled, "there's this saying about watched pots, lad. You familiar with it?"
He throws his hands up irritably. "Can you blame me? It's been months!"
"It's been months before," Owen points out reasonably. Alphonse hates his reasonable voice. He's always right.
"He hadn't lost two fingers before," he snaps. "I can't believe Granny still hasn't asked which ones. I swear, it's her job to care about that kind of thing! I mean, Ed's going to want replacements eventually. It'd be sensible of him to want ten fingers again, right?"
The two men share a meaningful look, all raised eyebrows and pursed smiles. Walt's the first to break, chuckling into the crook of one elbow. Owen does his best to hide his amusement in a coughing fit, clearing his throat before asking, "Now when has your brother ever been sensible?"
Alphonse opens his mouth, thinks about it, and closes it again. See? Always right. It's insufferable, is what it is.
Owen pats the bench beside him companionably. "Come on, Al. Relax. There's no sense worrying over what you can't change."
He huffs as he sits down, crossing his arms in a petulant slump. "Yeah. Yeah, I know."
A train arrives that afternoon. He knows there's no possibility of Ed being on it. He's disappointed anyway.
There's the usual flurry of activity, workers unloading and loading heavy crates, the sergeants pitching in with their uniform jackets thrown off and their sleeves rolled up. There's only one unfamiliar passenger that gets out, rolling his shoulders like he's glad to stretch his legs. He's a stocky, red-haired man, dressed in nondescript traveling clothes and carrying a small suitcase. For lack of anything else to do, Alphonse opts to follow the stranger into town.
The stranger finds the inn with ease, giving his name as Navidson when he pays Mrs. Forney for one night's stay. He drops his suitcase off upstairs, freshens up in the shared bathroom, then makes his way to the Pelletiers' café up the street. It's after lunch so there're only a few of the older folk enjoying coffee over a game of checkers by the window where the sunlight's still pouring in, Ms. Thorn scribbling away in her usual corner, and a Xingese stranger who must have come into town while Alphonse has been hovering in Granny's shadow.
"Mister Han?" Navidson asks by way of greeting as he walks up to the other stranger's table.
The Xingese man stands to clasp their hands together, smiling amicably. "Ah, yes. You must be the gentleman Fu spoke of. Though I regret to say he did not provide your name...?"
"That would be because the decision of who was coming out to meet you was rather last minute." They sit. Esther comes by to take their orders, both men ordering fresh coffee and hearty sandwiches. It's only once she's back behind the counter that Navidson leans in to introduce himself out of the corner of his mouth. "Breda."
Alphonse blinks. In his experience with following shifty-eyed strangers who use fake names at inns—which happens more than one would think here in Resembool—they've yet to use more than one at a time. And Breda? That's not a common name so far as he knows; in fact, the only Breda he knows of is the one Ed knows. Is this the same Second Lieutenant Heymans Breda? Ed had described him once as, "kind of a big guy, a lot smarter than he looks," which was about as vague and insulting as he ever got. Alphonse feels a second-hand guilt for comparing this stranger to that charming description, but... maybe?
Mr. Han hums good-naturedly. "A pleasure. Now, I've heard there will be two others joining us?"
"That's right. They should arrive tomorrow afternoon, providing there aren't any delays."
Well, that clinches it.
Mr. Han smiles over his cup. "Then that leaves tonight for the two of us to acquaint ourselves and tomorrow to prepare. It's a difficult journey. Have you ever traversed the Great Desert before?"
Lieutenant Breda shrugs. "Did some cleanup in Ishval after the worst of it was over, if you've got the stomach to call it that. Never been any further east than that though."
"Ah, yes." Mr. Han's cheerful expression dims. He finishes his coffee, knits his fingers together and rests his chin against them thoughtfully. "You understand what's at risk here."
Lieutenant Breda's eyes narrow. "I do."
"And does your employer?"
A snort. "God, I hope not."
Mr. Han chuckles. "No, no. I mean the man with whom the young lord struck this deal."
"He does. Whether or not the 'young lord' does, however...." Lieutenant Breda leaves the sentence unfinished, one eyebrow quirked pointedly. If Mr. Han takes any offense at the scathing tone the other man used, it's hidden by his sunglasses.
"As Fu explained to me, it seems as if the young lord and your, ah, direct employer are cut from the same cloth."
"That so?" Another snort. "Then they're a matched set of dreamers."
Mr. Han smiles, nodding as Esther arrives with their fresh coffees. He waits until she's gone to ask, "And what does it say of those that follow them?"
Lieutenant Breda grins. "That we deserve what's coming to us, no matter how it all turns out."
The two men talk until the café closes, drawing up lists of enough supplies for four people to survive a trek into the Great Desert to last a month. Apart from their introduction they don't use names, never mentioning a detail about the other two they're waiting for. Lieutenant Breda offers no specifics about himself; nor, for that matter, does Mr. Han say why he's helping three Amestrians cross the border. It certainly doesn't sound legal. Then again, while the eastern mountain range makes travel difficult it's not unheard of for people to pass through them to avoid unwanted attention. The other ghosts and many older folk all recall how trade with Xing—on and off the table—used to be far more common, back before Ishval.
It keeps circling back to Ishval. The reasons for, the consequences of. Maybe it's just a matter of perspective, or simply geography. Maybe the West is a much quieter place than the East.
Alphonse snorts. Sure, and maybe pigs fly out West too. Maybe there are no orphans, no grieving families, no one begging for scraps, no one afraid of what their neighbors might repeat.
Amestris is many things, but very few of them are good.
He watches these two men make their unhurried way back to the inn, speaking in low voices with the odd glance over their shoulders. Cautious, even here in sleepy Resembool. He frowns at their backs, deciding to leave them be for the night to turn over what he's heard. It's too suspicious, too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence. One of Colonel Mustang's men is named Breda; one of Ling Yao's retainers is named Fu. Both have ties to Ed, who's going to be here tomorrow. But why the hell would Ed need to go on an illegal trek into the Great Desert on such short notice?
In the morning the two men split the chore of collecting various supplies between them, including five horses borrowed from Mr. Mandelbaum—practically bought outright, with the amount of money Lieutenant Breda handed over with a knowing look. The man quickly proves to be more personable than his gruff demeanor initially suggests; once or twice his sense of humor whiffs, but otherwise he ingratiates himself well with everyone he meets. A real salt of the earth kind of guy, the only thing giving him away as military the haircut. In Ed's words, definitely smarter than he looks. In Alphonse's, he'd bet good money—"It's a figure of speech, Mister Beckenbauer, lighten up,"— that Lieutenant Breda's made plenty of wisecracks at Ed's expense. He seems the type to give as good as he gets.
They reconvene for a late lunch back at the café once everything's been taken care of, speaking in low tones over their meals. At ten to three Lieutenant Breda leaves, walking leisurely—not to the station, but to the road leading south out of town. He sits on the low stone wall, suitcase at his feet and coat folded beside him. Alphonse remains standing, watching the man get comfortable. Lieutenant Breda looks out across the checkered hills, the greening mountains, the town nestled and folded up on itself like a quilted blanket. Amusement tugs faintly at his mouth. "Who woulda thought that brat came from a place as nice as this?"
Alphonse knows Resembool like the back of his hands; its outer beauty and hidden turmoils, its bright summers buzzing with insects and its winters gray with the false promise of snow. He knows its every nook and cranny, its old and its young, its gossip and its ghosts. It's home, inside and out. There are worse places he could have died. "It is nice, isn't it?"
Together they watch the train come into the station, coal smoke streaking in a stiff westerly breeze. The shriek of its wheels and its whistle are calm, reassuring sounds. The train's arrival means that Ed is back. Even if he isn't here to stay, even if Lieutenant Breda and Mr. Han intend to drag him out of town this same evening—still. He finally, finally gets to see his brother again.
It's both a mere ten minutes and three thousand some odd years before Ed and Major Armstrong crest the hill. Ed’s customary red coat is missing. He would cut an almost intimidating figure in all that black if he weren’t standing next to a literal giant.
Lieutenant Breda stands to greet them both with a glib salute. "Hello, Major Armstrong. You too, big guy."
Ed gawks. Major Armstrong’s eyes twinkle with mischief.
The three of them catch up on the way back to the café, but Alphonse doesn't hear a word of it. He's too busy turning circles around Ed, drinking in every last detail and ignoring the way he makes the men shiver when he passes through them.
First and foremost: Ed's grown again, the brat. He's a bit taller, noticeably broader, filled out like he's gotten good meals on the regular. He's even gotten a trim to take care of his split ends. Teacher's doing on all accounts. In this regard, at least, Ed looks good. He looks stronger, sturdier, more at ease in his own skin. But detracting from the good is whatever happened in Central. Months after the fact, Alphonse finally gets to see the damage those armor-bound souls did to Ed.
Winry had told Granny that Ed's face had gotten messed up, but she'd never said how. There are two scars across the right half of his face; two deep stripes from hairline to ear and inner eye to jaw. They're still a raw pink color, puckered by half-healed stitch marks. When he sneers at a joke Lieutenant Breda makes his expression turns downright ghoulish. There are smaller cuts and scratches on his face and neck, more recently earned, and a nasty bruise over the biggest one on his forehead. He didn't get out of the Devil's Nest unscathed.
When Ed makes a sweeping gesture with his right hand Alphonse drops out of the air, an echo of dismay twisting the space where his stomach once sat. Months after it happened, he finally has an answer to the question Granny never asked. Ed's ring and pinky fingers are gone, as stark an absence as his leg, an empty space where flesh and bone and blood should curl. It's difficult to make out details; Ed's riled up, so once he's finished grumbling he sullenly hunches with his hands in his pockets. But Alphonse does get a good enough look to see that the entire fingers aren't gone, not as he'd been imagining in different configurations on nights without any other distractions. Whatever it was that had taken his fingers had done so at an angle. He's still got a whole joint of his ring finger and a small nub left of his pinky. Not gone-gone, but not enough left to be useful.
Alphonse covers his mouth, pressing hard and wishing he could feel the bite of his teeth against his lips as he swallows all the words Ed can't hear him say. Wasted efforts. He follows after the three of them more meekly back into town, into the otherwise empty café where Mr. Han is waiting with a beatific smile.
"This is Mister Han, the departure coordinator," Lieutenant Breda says.
"Nice to meet you." Mr. Han's face is carefully neutral when he shakes Ed's hand. "Fu told me all about you."
"Fu? Oh. That old guy."
(Alphonse watches the care Ed uses—has to use—to avoid jarring his knuckles, and covers his mouth again.)
Lieutenant Breda gestures to the table. "Let's get down to business about the border crossing."
"Border crossing, huh?" Ed sneers, ghoulishly. "Shame I didn't think to grab my passport while I was getting abducted."
Lieutenant Breda and Major Armstrong exchange a weary look. Clearly they're used to Ed's sense of humor and wish they weren't. "Don't be so naive. If you use your passport, they can track you down."
Ed gawks again. "But that's illega—!"
Turns out, Major Armstrong is a lot faster than his size would suggest. He clamps one huge hand over Ed's face to shut him up and all three men practically leer at Ed as they wait for him to catch on. Is it always like this for him? All the grown ups playing their grown up games, waiting for the kid that's forced his way in to learn the rules? These men haven't lost any pieces of themselves. They've got all their fingers, both their legs, no ugly scars twisting their faces, and they've got the gall to look at Ed like he's second rate. Like he's slow, like he's stupid, like he couldn't think circles around them and kick their asses for good measure. Alphonse leans against the wall, watching with a scowl.
Ed tears Major Armstrong's hand away, shoves past him to thump solidly at the table opposite Mr. Han. "I don't believe it! Abduction, scheming, illegal border crossings. I don't know what you're getting me into, but it better not be something stupid. So—" Ed's grin is wide, showing off that ghoulish twist of his face like he's proud of it. "Where are we going?"
The three men smirk, conspiratorial to the point of glee. "To the east!"
Alphonse had hoped that with Ed and Major Armstrong's arrival they would talk more openly about where—and more importantly, why—they were going. But they're paranoid to an almost ludicrous degree, drawing more attention to themselves for all that they don't say. Everybody in Resembool knows Ed, after all. Small towns are all the same; you can't keep secrets from your neighbors half as well as you think you do.
Ed's been tasked with filling up large canteen-things—Mr. Han called them dromedary bags—at Mr. Mandelbaum's hand pump while the others finish up one or two other last-minute tasks elsewhere. Alphonse pays them no mind. Ed, as always, takes priority. He sits on the edge of a water trough, watching Ed work. He's taken his jacket off, wearing only a fitted black t-shirt that serves to emphasize the muscle he's put on as he hitches a filled bag to one of the horse's saddle. There are more half-healed cuts and bruises on his bare arms. Alphonse mouth twists when he sees them, but he's not surprised. Ed never does watch his back.
Spencer, Mr. Mandelbaum's son, is younger than Alphonse was when he died, still shy of ten by a good margin. He, like most of the younger kids, knows Ed better alone rather than as one-half of the too clever for their own good brothers everyone else recalls with bittersweet exasperation. Nobody really talks about Alphonse anymore, not really. Parents are perhaps more leery of thunderstorms, firmer in their warnings not to go wandering in bad weather so they don't end up like that Elric boy's poor brother.
(He's becoming a ghost story in his own right. It should be so funny.)
Alphonse watches Spencer watch Ed from the safety of the stables for a few minutes. It's kind of hilarious how many kids Ed's age and younger are scared of him. They tell stories to one another, some true things they heard on the radio the other kids didn't, some made up on the spot to impress their peers. Ed's famous and strong and smart and an alchemist, which practically makes him magic in the eyes of little kids. He's a folk hero sprung right out of Resembool's own fields. When Ed's in town kids flock after him like ducklings, shrieking laughter and scattering when he barks at them to buzz off. Ed doesn't notice Spencer, the boy too far off and Ed’s distracted with the fastens of another bag. He swears under his breath when his right hand slips. Alphonse fidgets, wishing he could help, knowing Ed would seethe if he really could.
Eventually Spencer musters up the courage to leave the safety of the stables, slinking across the dusty yard on tiptoe. He hesitates about two meters back, chewing on his lower lip. Ed finally notices; his shoulders stiffen, then relax. He puts up with being gawked at for all of five seconds before snapping out, "What."
Poor kid just about jumps out of his skin, actually yelping and looking horrified with himself for it. "I wasn't doin' nothin'!"
Ed scoffs, heaving another filled bag over one shoulder with an ease he wouldn't have had the last time he'd been in Resembool. Teacher's hellish handiwork. He doesn't so much as glance Spencer's way as he walks to the horses. "Yeah? Sure seems to me like you're skulkin' around for a reason. Spit it out."
Spencer swallows. "Y-you were on the news again."
"Did you really fight a bunch of terrorists?" He sort of slurs terrorists, like he isn't sure how to pronounce it, but maybe if he says it very quickly no one will notice.
"What? I mean, yeah? That was ages ago. Months. They're still talkin' about that?"
Spencer goes from scared to starstruck in the blink of an eye. It's honestly kind of adorable. "It's true?! What were they doing? Were they murderers? Were they huge and covered in tattoos? Did they have guns and knives and stuff?"
Ed rolls his eyes as he finishes hitching the bag up, patting the horse absently when it twitches. "Wasn't looking for tattoos. Guns and knives and stuff though, yeah. Bossman had an automail arm that had both. Cheap piece of shit though. Broke easy."
Eesh, but those scars don't do Ed's scary faces any favors. Or maybe they do. It's definitely not a face anybody would want to see pop up in a dark alleyway.
Automail can have both?"
"If you're compensating for something, sure."
Alphonse sighs. "Don't be crass, Brother. He's nine."
(The irony isn't lost on him. In his defense, he would be fourteen if he hadn't died and there is a world of difference between nine and fourteen, thanks very much.)
Spencer hops out of Ed's way as he goes back to the hand pump, staying out of arm's reach. All the kids know Ed won't hesitate to smack them upside the head if they get in his way. "So why'd you hafta go take them out?"
"They hijacked a train to get at some bigwig officer. Wanted to do a hostage swap, the bigwig for some of their guys that got arrested previously. Not like that woulda worked out for 'em even if I hadn't stepped in."
"Wait, train?" Ed's right; that was months ago. Why's he talking about that instead of Dublith?
"Train?" Spencer's nose wrinkles. "I thought they were in a bar."
"Like you even know what a bar is, squirt. The hell are you talkin' about?"
"I do too!" Spencer does not go on to describe a bar, briefly looking panicked as he seems to realize that he doesn't, in fact, know what a bar is. "It's what they said on the radio! You got in a big fight in a bar and the Fuhrer was there and you killed all those terror-guys!"
He closes off, eyes finding something ugly in the middle distance between the water trough and the Mandelbaum house. His jaw works, his grip tightens on the hand pump's handle so much the metal squeaks. "Wasn't me," he croaks. "I didn't kill anybody there. That was all—them. I was just... I was in the neighborhood. Got caught up in it, that’s all."
"Was it those guys who messed up your face?" Spencer asks, oblivious. Stupid kid. Stupid, sheltered, normal kid.
Ed's eyes are flat bronze coins. "...No. Some other guys kicked my ass before that. Had it comin', I guess. Got in over my head."
"Did it hurt?"
"What?" Ed blinks, shakes his head, whips around to put his ghoulish sneer on full display. "Course it fuckin' hurt. What kinda question is that? Go bug somebody else already, I'm busy."
Ed turns back to the hand pump and starts filling the bag. Spencer however, stays put. He looks like he'd about shriek if Ed so much as went boo at him, but he stays. Some of the other kids probably goaded him into this. Poor kid.  "Wh—" He freezes when Ed tenses, dares to keep going when Ed doesn't do anything else. "Where are you going?"
"Not your business, squirt. Fuck off."
Spencer's well of courage finally runs dry; he makes a beeline for the stables at top speed. There's the faint sound of hidden kids giggling. Alphonse shakes his head, smiling at his brother. "You could try to be a little nicer to them, you know. God know why, but they think you’re cool."
Ed mutters to himself, too low to be heard over the spilling water.
It's evening by the time Ed and the others head northeast out of town, the sky turning brilliant shades of orange and pink in the west, their shadows growing long before them. Alphonse follows as far as he can. When he reaches the invisible wall he presses against it, straining his ears until the last faint sound of the horses fades away. He stays long after dusk has fallen, long after their shapes have been swallowed up by the growing night.
Ed will come back. He'll come back safe. Whatever's going on, Ed will come back. He has to.
The first week after Ed leaves is notable only for one evening. Alphonse, wanting a little raucousness after too many quiet nights at Rockbell Automail, goes down to the tavern for a few hours. He claims a corner of the bar nobody's sitting at, looks attentively at the familiar faces playing card games and throwing darts, laughing at dirty jokes and sharing gripes over the day's work. Tim and Nancy, the owners, share quiet looks as they work that speak volumes; they've been married so long they rarely need to speak to have a conversation. Alphonse loves coming by after closing time to watch them quibble over who's taking out the trash or wiping down the tables with a single waggle of an eyebrow and a fond kiss on the cheek.
"Hey," Emma Adams barks out suddenly over the general hubbub. "Hey Tim, turn that up."
Tim obliges, reaching over near where Alphonse is perched to turn up the battered radio.
Turns out there's been an attack on one of the military labs in Central. Two men—one wearing a white mask over his face, the other in a full suit of armor—were pursued into the Third Laboratory by none other than the Flame Alchemist and a small team. It's not clear what these men wanted but none of the scientists suffered more than some rough handling.  There's vague mention of Flame and one of his men being injured, but no details are provided and none of the MPs on scene were willing to answer any of the reporter's questions. There is, curiously enough, one comment given. None other than Fuhrer Bradley himself says, "The good Colonel Mustang and his men had things well in hand before I happened by. Rest assured that these intruders have been dealt with."
Well. Dealt with doesn't leave much to the imagination, now does it?
Alphonse spends that night up on the roof of the bell tower, the highest point in town. He watches a thin cloud cover scud across the star-dusted sky, fantastic shapes there and gone at the whim of a wind he can't feel. It's probably warm out, with the frog song rising up from the riverbank as loud as it is. It's a good night for stargazing, but he's distracted. There are too many questions buzzing like mosquitoes in his head.
A suit of armor. Not exactly a common thing to see. Was it one of the same empty suits that Ed had fought in some other military facility? Who was the man it was working with? Why had they gone into one of the labs? Why had Colonel Mustang been after them? Why had the Colonel sent Ed and Lieutenant Breda into the Great Desert? If they'd been in Central would the Colonel and the other subordinate been hurt? How badly hurt are they? What would happen to Ed if Colonel Mustang died?
Alphonse sighs. He ought to know better by now not to have all the answers.
Another week passes. There's nothing else unusual in the news, no interesting gossip, no sign of Ed. It all returns to routine. There are brief, dull reports on all the latest political upsets. The body count in Liore ticks higher and higher. There's been another bloody skirmish on the Cretan border. Terse discussions with Aerugo that resolve nothing. The ongoing tensions with Drachma despite the non-aggression pact. Old news. Amestris has always had a bite as bad as its bark.
He checks in with Granny a few hours each day, listening in on phone calls from Winry when he catches them, relieved that she hasn't gotten into any trouble. She visits the Hughes family each day, babysitting Elicia when Mrs. Hughes' shifts at the hospital run long. She had lunch with Miss Hawkeye a few days after the incident at the Third Lab. There are more MPs running around Central than the last time Winry was there, but if Hawkeye knew why she didn't say. Winry sounds bored and frustrated, but at least she's not in danger. That seems to appease Granny, but they both fret over Ed's continued absence.
Alphonse spends the days as he always does; people watching, bothering the odd pet, gossiping with the odd ghost. There's nothing else to do but wait.
"I'm sick of waiting," he complains to Mrs. Morgenstern one afternoon. He's sat on the edge of the river, curled up with his knees in his chest. Mrs. Morgenstern is out on the water, twirling slow circles in a waltz for one. Her heavy skirts—the reason she drowned that day so long ago, for she insists she was an excellent swimmer despite her age—spin to and fro as she changes directions. She leaves no ripples in her wake across the water's surface.
There's dry amusement in the sidelong glance she shoots him. Weariness too. "Chin up, dear. It's a fine day out."
She doesn't tell him it will get better. She doesn't tell him not to worry. She doesn't tell him to quit whining. She died 41 years ago, far from town on an empty stretch of river between two farms. She knows better than he does how long a day can last.
When she holds out one hand in invitation he joins her, and they while away a few hours dancing. It's much better than sitting there feeling sorry for himself.
Fifteen days and fourteen hours after Ed left, the nine a.m. train pulls into the station five minutes later than expected. Alphonse is in a field not far from the road south of town watching a few near-spherical little birds hop about in the dirt, pecking hopefully here and there for a wayward bug to eat. One of them flaps furiously, giving itself a dust bath and making the others all chatter. Idle curiosity makes him glance at the dissipating streak of coal smoke, but he stays put. Bird watching is more interesting than watching tired adults haul crates back and forth.
But fifteen minutes or so later he hears footsteps, unhurried and unencumbered. Granny's next out-of-towner isn't due until Saturday, she's not expecting another shipment until Monday, and the townsfolk don't normally make the trek all the way out this far. An unexpected visitor? He springs up out of the tall grass to see who it is.
There's a man walking up the road, tall and broad and blond. A man wearing dusty traveling clothes and a pair of glasses that flash in the bright sun. A man with a neatly trimmed beard and long hair gathered back in a long ponytail. A man Alphonse had assumed he would never see again.
(It’s at this point I feel I ought to mention Ed’s characterization—and injuries—is heavily influenced by the ‘03-verse as well as metisket’s demon alchemist series.)
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septembersung · 5 years
I spent most of the last two months thinking through my educational philosophy in a concrete way - tying it all together, seeing how far we’ve come, and where I want to go over the next year. I’ve finished final revisions to method, schedule, and content, and starting in May we’re ready to launch the revisions. My oldest would be starting public school kindergarten this fall if we were going that route, so our start-early-take-it-easy trial year is nearly over, and it is such a good feeling to see all these ducks in a row (and so far ahead of the legal paperwork deadlines!)
I’ve finally gotten over the feeling that I have to prove myself, which is almost as much of a relief as being able to clearly and succinctly articulate what we’re doing here and why. Under the cut is my thinking-out-loud: a general summary and a where-we-are-now overview.
Our homeschool, now under the patronage of St. Boniface, is a Catholic, holistic, classical liberal arts education for all ages. (That means everyone’s part of school, even the baby, many subjects are taught together, and we don’t have “vacation” from learning.) Our year-round structure is divided into four terms, each named each after a concurrent feast or season: June - Aug is Pentecost Term; Sept - Nov is Michaelmas Term; Dec - Feb is Christmas Term; and we are currently in Easter Term, March - May. 
My new elevator speech, hastily prepared a few days ago when I suddenly realized I was going to get grilled by extended family members during Easter Sunday get-togethers, is, “We are homeschooling in the Catholic, classical liberal arts tradition, with some Charlotte Mason influences.” Although depending on who’s asking it was wiser to say, “We’re homeschooling with a classical program.” That’s what most people, family and acquaintances alike, are looking for after all - they don’t know what a ‘Catholic classical liberal arts education’ is or who Charlotte Mason was, and more importantly, they don’t care. And most of our family, while verbally in general supportive of homeschooling, are old-school evangelicals who have a deep distrust if not outright hatred of the Church and anything tainted with even a faint resemblance of the Faith. So what they really want to know is, “how much of a weirdo are you??” Well, we’re definitely Weird (can’t help it, being tradition-minded Catholics and all,) but yes we are using a “real” curriculum, thanks for asking, and I just won’t mention the curriculum we’ve taken as a guide is named after our Blessed Mother.
Anyway. In familiar, contemporary terms, I have a kindergartener (5), a preschooler (nearly 4), a toddler (2), and an infant. But the ”kindergartener” is working anywhere from a K to a 5th grade level in various subjects, the “preschooler” from a K to 3rd level, and the toddler at a preschool level. It turns out grade level really doesn’t matter all that much.
Why do they seem so advanced? It’s a combination of being bright kids, who are learning together, and directly with mom and dad, who are given real material to work with - and all that compared against the severely lackluster contemporary federal standards we’re familiar with. Don’t get me wrong: they’re all definitely bright kids! I’m very, very proud of them. And I strongly suspect Benedict and Mary fall in the “gifted” spectrum. (As someone who was cursed with that label early on and lived with the fallout all through public school, I’ve given the issue sober reflection.) But they don’t seem to be prodigies, and I firmly believe that any reasonably bright child given a substantial, nurturing home education is going to show up on the very high end of contemporary public school rubrics; analysis of the test data certainly supports that intuition. But I digress.
With the classical foundation and structure as a given, I’ve borrowed as useful “tools” some concepts and approaches from Charlotte Mason, and use Mother of Divine Grace’s booklist, textbooks, and breakdown of the classical method as a template. With those complementary tools we’re building a tailored curriculum within our family culture. 
Thus the theory. Where are we actually at now? 
As a dutiful (would-be) Benedictine oblate, I build our day around the Divine Office. I say as much as I can and for the most part expect the kids to say our family morning offering, and then Tertia (9am), Sexta (12pm), and Nona (3pm). Evenings are hard for us because of Husband’s schedule so I waffle on whether to have them say Vespers or Compline, but even on the “worst” of evenings we do our own bedtime prayers. Other family devotions, including the rosary, come and go in a more or less regular rotation. Ideally we do most of our academics and some read alouds in the morning, cook and bake between 10-12, spend lots of time outdoors, have teatime with our baked goods after Nona, and then somehow muddle our way between dinner, Offices, stories, cleaning up ourselves and the house, and bedtime.
For Holy Week and Triduum we were staying with family so we focused on family time and on living our faith as best we could while not at home. In one way it’s good, because we are just a short (comparatively) drive from an FSSP church; in another way it’s difficult, because the extended family looks askance at our Catholicity. 
At home again for the Octave of Easter, we’ve set aside the schedule and “academics” (such as phonics and math drills) to let our interests lead us where they will. Sort of in unschooling fashion, though I try to retain the basic structure of our ideal day, as outlined above. ((Although I have time to write this all out today because I’m sick enough to be couch-ridden so mostly it’s been “go play outside, come in when you’re hungry, no I can’t read to you I can barely talk.” But all signs point to getting back up to speed before the week is out.)) (((One reason I love the year round four term cycle is we can have relaxed days and sick days like this, and “take off” for high holy days like Octaves - and there is absolutely zero worry about “losing time” or “falling behind.” But I digress, again.)))
Before/at the start of each term I make a core book list, which encompasses chapter books, reference/encyclopedia-style books, workbooks, and similar. We add to it as we go, and occasionally drop a book or quit early to save for later. Frequently I start the next term’s list early so as not to lose track of great books we just don’t have room for at the moment, so I’m in the middle of Pentecost Term’s list right now.) Some books carry over from term to term, or even year to year (e.g. Book of Virtues.) 
Rather than daily lesson plans, our goals are now in whole books, sections of, and skills to master, and I record what we actually do each day instead of what I’d like to do. At least that’s the record keeping method I’m switching to beginning May 1st. I’m filling in my lesson plan book with subject headings. Then in each box I’ll write down what we actually did for that subject on that day. I will also keep going with my notebook (or more realistically speaking, the typed file) where I write everything out in more comprehensive detail.
My list of “subjects” looks like this; I’ve included the sub-headings in parentheses:
memorization (poems, songs, prayers)
music (playing and listening, )
penmanship (MODG handwriting books, tracing books, free writing/drawing/coloring in many mediums on many surfaces)
literature (read alouds)
nonfiction (read alouds)
reading (phonics, readers)
math (Abeka K drills, MODG PK math, general practice)
social studies (history, geography)
life skills (cooking, chores, etc)
foreign language (spanish, latin, asl)
science (observation, journaling, scrapbooking, reading, experiments)
handcrafts (drop spindles, little looms, pre-sewing skills)
religion (catechism, prayer, Scripture, etc)
astronomy (constellations, telescope use, solar system, history of, etc)
art (appreciation, making)
husbandry (growing things) ((and someday we’ll be able to raise animals))
The beauty of this division is it’s easier to keep track of all we’re really accomplishing. So many books and practices work for more than one thing; e.g., learning a traditional hymn (bonus if it’s actually part of the Office!) goes in Latin, music, Religion, and memorization. Now I can make quick notes of things we’ve done and easily see what we’re accomplishing and what might be getting put on the back burner.
Booklist for Easter term (so far):
Literature (excluding picture books*): Farmer Boy  Little House on the Prairie Black Ships Before Troy: The Story of the Iliad The Wanderings of Odysseus: The Story of the Odyssey  The Boxcar Children #2: Surprise Island The Boxcar Children #3: The Yellow House Mystery Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle (#1) The Amelia Bedelia Treasury (vols. 1 & 2) The King of the Golden City: An Allegory for Children A Child’s Book of Myths (audiobook, physical copy for illustrations)
*Picture books are not listed individually because we use the MODG lists, PK - 1st, with additions, comprehensively. We’ve about exhausted the PK and K lists and are beginning to move into the 1st grade list. We read these picture books at will throughout the year, sometimes more frequently and sometimes less.
“Spine” books, Nonfiction, anthologies, reference, hands-on, etc: Discovering Our World: A Course in Science for the Middle Grades (1937), units 1 & 2 St Joseph First Communion Catechism Little Angel Catholic Readers, Book A Book of Virtues Grimm’s Fairy Tales The Harp and the Laurel Wreath  Abridged & Illustrated Gibbons’ Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire  Nature in America Cathedrals and Churches of Europe  DK Eyewitness: Plants Sister Wendy’s The Story of Painting (paired with the DVD) Pioneer Farm Cooking by Gunderson (a cookbook) The Story of Great Inventions by Elmer Ellsworth Burns (1910)  Bach picture book biography for children Mozart picture book biography for children
The tl;dr of the complexity of the issue has been how to make education a normal, daily thing, that’s truly comprehensive, in a family setting with a variety of ages and abilities and interests - without “doing school” in a way that makes it a drag for the kids (because who likes being regimented that way?? nobody!) but without being so loosey-goosey that I have no idea where we are or should be. This breakdown and method, which we’ve been half-doing for a while and are now going to give a long good try for the next twelve months, is as close to perfect as I can get it at this stage in our lives. 
This post started out as a booklist and turned into a manifesto... and I’m not even surprised. Or bothered. Viva la homeschooling!
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eene-fangirl · 6 years
Premonition: Never Too Ed Chapter 2 [An Ed, Edd n Eddy Fanfiction]
Edd cringed feeling the warm rays from the sun hit his eyes. He groaned, slowly waking up. Rubbing his eyes, Edd wanted no more then to return to sleep. He had no desire to do anything today. As much as Edd couldn’t stand the thought he had to take a day off from school. His heart wasn’t in it.
Lying back in the comfortable pillows Edd noticed he didn’t have a headache from the night before. At least sleep helped get rid of it. Though he knew it wouldn’t be gone long.
Sniffing the air the scent of pancakes filled his nose. Chocolate chip pancakes. He could also faintly hear Casey. She sounded cheerful. Best to distract her from the the awful events occuring right now.
Edd opened his eyes.
He was in his bedroom.
Edd sat up, confused. He was dressed in his striped pajamas instead of the clothing he was in last night. Did Eddy’s parents decided to take him up to bed so he could be more comfortable?
It was five minutes to seven now. He had the privilege to sleep in but Casey’s laughter was beginning to concern him. After ignoring his daughter last night Edd felt that he needed to be with her this morning.
Exiting his room, Edd noticed the door to the guest bedroom was open. It did not look as if anybody had slept in there.
He walked down the stairs. Something felt all the more off. The TV was on. Jeopardy was on. Eddy always watched Jeopardy in the morning.
That’s when Edd heard a voice.
Eddy didn’t sound that much like his father, did he?
It was like one of those suspenseful movies. Edd’s heart pounded as the TV grew louder along with the voices.
Edd could have fainted when he walked into the kitchen.
There was Eddy enjoying a plate full of pancakes and drinking coffee, laughing with Casey.
Eddy briefly glanced at him upon hearing his name. Then he completely turned around looking alarmed.
“Double D? What’s the matter?” Eddy asked with clear worry in his voice.
Edd couldn’t speak. His hand grasped the counter. He was waiting to wake up back on the couch cuddling their wedding picture. This all didn’t feel real. Unless yesterday wasn’t real.
“I-I just had...” Edd stuttered trying to gather his thoughts. “Had a horrible nightmare. You- you...”
Eddy walked over holding his arms. Casey also looked alarmed, watching her parents curiously.
“Are you feeling okay? I thought you just wanted to sleep a bit longer.” Eddy said, quietly. He placed his hand against his cheek seeing if he was feverish. Edd leaned into the touch, needed to feel Eddy’s body. To make sure he was there and that he was not imagining all this he touched his hand. It was warm. He was there.
“I’m fine,” Edd was relieved, wanting to cry. How could his imagination create a world in which his beloved died?
“Are you sure?” Eddy asked him. “You want me to drive Casey to school? The Monday traffic is always horrendous.”
Monday? Yesterday was...
“I-I’ll go change.” Edd smiled at his daughter, reassuring her that everything was okay. He thought he was going to have to take the day off today. Edd was looking forward to that. He didn’t know whether to feel relieved or scared. The events from the day prior did not feel like a dream at all. They were so real.
Eddy was still by his side. He had a hand on his back as they walked up the stairs. “Edd, are you sure you’re okay?”
No. Edd nodded.
Just then his cell phone went off. It was only his planner telling him that he had a meeting in a half hour. Edd was scared to let his husband go. The sorrow, dread and anger that he felt were all still there.
“I gotta go. Nazz’ll be waiting if I don’t get...”
“Nazz?” Edd questioned.
Eddy looked all the more bewildered at Edd. His hand clenched around his even tighter. “Nazz is the new receptionist. I told you that.”
Edd nodded. “Right. I just... forgot...”
Eddy kissed his cheeks and went off to work. Edd watched from the window until Eddy’s car disappeared.
Once he was dressed and had his own satchel packed with his supplies Edd drove off to his daughter’s school. It was the same morning traffic, usual line up, along with parents arguing with crossing guards. Edd couldn’t get his mind off yesterday.
“Did you study your spelling words?” Edd asked Casey.
Casey looked at him as if he were crazy. “Daddy and I studied them on the couch last night. Remember?”
Edd blinked. No. “Yes, that’s right.”
“I’ll see you at Uncle Ed and Aunt May’s after school!” Casey called to him when she exited the car.
Edd gasped. “Casey, don’t forget your... lunch...”
Casey came back and did the same motion with her fingers and whistled.
Now Edd was deeply bothered by yest... the dream.
He arrived at Starling High School right when the bell rang. His boss give him a look making Edd’s discomfort worse. The man made him nervous. He didn’t know if he was the only one out of all the teachers. That’s what he missed from his old job. Having a cheerful boss who was so understand was the highlight of working at the elementary school. That’s where he wanted to be right now.
His class was all settled in. Now he felt the Monday morning vibe. Most of them were asleep.
“Okay, um... class, we have a lot to learn,” Edd announced trying to distract himself in anyway he could. He looked through his bag for papers.
He found the quizzes. They were not marked up. Yesterday they were... or... he had no idea anymore!
The class took their time with their quizzes. Instead of teaching Edd waited for them to finish and give them to privilege to have a study. Maybe he should go to the doctor to see if something was wrong with him.
“Turn in your quizzes,” he announced once the bell rang.
Glancing at each paper the answers looked very reminiscent. Edd joked to himself that it wouldn’t take long to grade the papers. It didn’t lighten the mood so well.
“Thank you, Mr. McGee.” His student placed an apple on his desk.
Edd stared at the apple. “Didn’t you give me an apple yesterday?”
She turned, confused. “Yesterday was Sunday. We weren’t here.”
Edd’s eyes lowered, staring into the desk. “Correct.”
Edd’s headache returned by the end of the day. He drove off to the market needing to buy food anyway. At least that was something distinct compared to the nightmare. However, while driving, Edd thought back to Officer Kevin’s words. Eddy died in a...
Edd gasped immediately stomping on the brakes when a car rushed passed honking its horn at him. Oh, he didn’t stop for a red light. What....
It was a mix of relief and anger when a cop car pulled up behind him sounding its alarm.
Groaning, Edd prepared his license.
“Quite a stop,” The voice said.
“My apologies, I...” Turning to meet the cop it was Kevin. “Oh, hello Kevin...”
Kevin’s face immediately brightened. “Double D! How are you? Are you okay?”
“Um... yes, I was distracted,” Edd answered, glancing at his side mirror.
“As long as you’re okay. How is Eddy?”
Eddy was killed on the highway yesterday. He died instantly. “Fine.”
“These Monday’s always catch up with you, don’t they!” May beamed when Edd picked up Casey from their house. She carried their youngest, Ed Jr, as Casey ran around with Ed and May’s twins, Jenny and Alexander. Ed was also playing with them. He rolled around in the grass as the children toppled on him.
“Come along, Casey. I have to start dinner!” Edd called out. He sounded more frustrated which alerted May. Edd opened up his trunk placing a couple of plates Ed had borrowed from he and Eddy.
Casey said goodbye to her friends and placed her bag into the car. Her socks where covered in dirt and her pants were also stained. Normally Edd wouldn’t be so annoyed but with today’s events he was fuming.
“You should have asked us to come to the park yesterday,” Ed said. He had tossed his son of his shoulder, playing around.
Now Edd gripped the trunk of the car. “Park?”
“Yeah. Eddy took Casey to the park yesterday. He texted me, yesterday,” Ed explained.
Edd turned his head to look at his longtime friends. “Did I call you yesterday?”
“We talked to Eddy,” May answered, a bit confused.
“No! Me!” Edd’s frustrated voice rang out. “Did I leave you a message?”
Ed and May looked at each other, concern etched in their faces. “No.”
Edd angrilly sighed. He adjusted his groceries inadvertently knocked a bottle of wine out of its bag. “Shoot!” Edd cursed himself.
Ed put his son down and walked over to his friend. He put a comforting hand on Edd’s back. “Double D, is everything okay?” Ed asked quietly. He squeezed harder and continued, “With you and Eddy?”
“... Yes...”
Returning back home Casey did her homework as Edd cleaned the house. There were no messages this time. The laundry was in a pile. A load was finished.
Edd hung up everything on the lines outside. It was windy as the clean sheets waved around. Edd had to admit it was calming. Taking a deep breath he looked up at the cloudy sky. It was just dream.
Taking a step back Edd tripped and fell on the ground.
Is hand touched something wet when he went to pick himself up.
Flies buzzed all around. He smell of a rotting, dead crow filled Edd’s nose.
“Oh!” Edd whimpered. He sprinted back into the house. He opened the sliding door only to leave a bloody hand print behind. “Filthy, filthy, filthy!” Edd uttered.
“What is it, father?” Casey asked, alarmed.
“It’s nothing! I’m okay. Could you please wash off the glass?” Edd asked immediately scrubbing his hand clean from the blood and germs that had been manifesting the crow. He spent at least twenty minutes at the sink until he felt his hand was clean. Edd grasped the counter taking a deep breath. He just wanted to go to bed.
Putting on a rubber glove Edd went back outside, picked up the putrid crow and threw it into the garbage.
What was going on?
Eddy returned home not too long after the incident with the crow. Edd was relieved, kissing him and giving him a hug.
He didn’t even have dinner prepared yet. As Edd stood in the kitchen he listened to Eddy helping Casey with her homework. They laughed and joked around. Edd sighed. What was he doing wrong?
He family was quiet as they sat at the table.
Edd didn’t know what to say. Glancing at Eddy he also looked as if he were struggling to say something. The sounds of forks hitting the plates was the worst sound any family could listen to. Looking back on this morning Edd never told Eddy about the nightmare. Should he? Or would it only alarm him further?
Edd was first to go to bed, feeling completely drained. Although he was ecstatic that Eddy was alive, something else bothered him. He’d felt this strange mood for some time now. All his life Edd stuck to routine. He liked routine. But change scared him. Were things going to change in the near future?
A mere hour later Edd heard Eddy crawl into bed. Some time passed before Edd heard his husband snoring. Turning over Edd was face to with Eddy’s sleeping face. His hand smoothed along Eddy’s hand. The man flinched in his sleep, turning his back to Edd. Feeling his heart swell, Edd just went to sleep in hopes for a better day.
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ptsfreed · 3 years
Starting over
TW: mental abuse, physical abuse, narcissistic abuse, gaslighting
For years, I’ve kept a journal or blog.  I started when I was 5 when my mom bought me my first journal (it even had a lock and key).  As I got older, I transitioned to blogs.  I tried them all, Xanga, Tumblr, Blogspot.  Writing has always been cathartic for me, a way to process and heal.  I had gradually fallen out of the habit but I know that it’s time to start up again.  Last week, I actually made a booming return to paper/pencil journaling, but let’s get real--my hand hurts.  Typing is just so much faster.  Blogging it is.
I suppose I should start out with outlining my goals for what I’m planning to achieve with my return to writing.  I want to give myself the opportunity to slow down, process my emotions and experiences, and heal.  I like having the ability to have something physical to look back on, sort of like a barometer for intangible growth.  It’s hard to measure social-emotional learning otherwise.  
Here’s what I’m currently dealing with.  I’m 31, married, with two children.  I’m a full-time work-from-home-parent.  I am a moderate/severe special ed teacher for a virtual charter school.  My husband also works from home full-time in the entertainment industry, so it’s just us versus the kids all day.  My little ones are 3 and the other is just shy of one.  My husband and I became first-time homeowners right in the midst of the pandemic.  Then he was laid off.  For seven months.  We’re both educated with experience in our field.  Overnight, we went from a six-figure household to becoming eligible for food stamps.  This year, I marveled at how easily a job loss in a two-income household could turn that very same household eligible for welfare.
Depression ran high.  The booze flowed.  My PTSD symptoms went untreated as available therapy appointments became more scarce with the entire world enduring a collective trauma together. I watched my strong husband crumble.  I saw him cry and doubt himself for the first time ever.  I watched as a dark cloud seemed to envelop our household, ridden with fear for the future, uncertainty for the present.  We became expert budgeters.  We ate all the leftovers.  We helped each other to thrive with the most limited social interaction in our lives.  With the welcoming of our son, we compromised our social-distancing for family’s sake, with the promise that everyone in our pod would commit to limiting our social diets to strictly one-another.  It was hard...we love our families, but we dearly missed our friends.  Living two hours away from family in the first place, our local friends quickly became family.  But we adjusted.  Loneliness was preferable to falling ill to Covid--or worse, dying.  
At some point during the pandemic, my mom moved in with us after leaving her abusive 30-year relationship with my father.  Except, she never really left.  She maintained contact with him.  I knew it would be difficult for her.  I expected the separation to be hard, painful, and drawn-out.  What I didn’t expect was how severely living with my mom again after seven years would impact my mental health.  I could feel my anxiety levels rising.  My resentment steadily followed.  I didn’t want things to feel this way.  I was battling toddlerhood with a strong-willed, fiery, emotional kid with a penchant for hitting and also adjusting to life as a full-time working mom of two.  I felt the emotional toll of being there for everyone, compassion fatigue, though I hated to say it.  I felt like as a doting mother, good wife, caring teacher, and compassionate daughter I needed to do it.  But the toll it was taking on my body and mental health was unmistakable.  I cried, sometimes for no reason at all.  I snapped, I felt angry at small things.  My house looked like a tornado ran through it at all times.  Finding motivation to do things was like pulling teeth.  I gained weight, I hit the bottle almost nightly, though I typically limited myself to two drinks.  I told myself I deserved it.  Lots of people share a bottle every night with their significant other.  It’s not like it was impacting my ability to perform my job or care for my children.  Deep down, I still didn’t like it.  It felt like the only way to escape from the hell of quarantine and being broke.  I just wanted to see people.  Spend without immediately regretting it.  Yet here we were.
The year has been a challenge.  Ridden with strong toddler emotions and learning to navigate parenthood while actively trying to break the cycle of spanking and yelling to discipline.  I don’t always succeed and I hate myself each time I snap.  I run to my daughter, apologize and tell her that I was feeling overwhelmed, but that wasn’t okay.  It’s never okay to spank a bottom or yell because you want compliance.  If I can’t always be the perfect parent, then I can at least be one that is apologetic and not too proud to say sorry.  I want to teach accountability and remorse for one’s own actions.  At the very least, I can instill that.  That’s the silver lining of losing your cool, I guess.  But with these apologies and accepting accountability, it’s important that I also couple these sentiments with change.  It’s important that I do this in all aspects of my life, which is what I hope to achieve with writing.  I need to hold myself accountable and be able to look back at change.  I can do this.  I have done so much.  I have survived the pandemic.  I have created a family.  I have finished a bachelor’s and a master’s degree with little financial support.  I have paid my way out of debts.  I can do this.
1.  First and foremost, the reason I started writing again in the first place, I am done with binge drinking.  I feel pangs of doubt as I write this, afraid of my own capacity for caving to cravings and peer pressure.  As I experience those pangs, I can hear a silent voice in the back of my head telling me to push forward and cast that doubt aside.  I know I can do this.  Enough is enough.  My relationship with alcohol has never been healthy.  I began my drinking career in college surrounded by friends that made me feel home.  Drinking was fun, cool, part of the experience.  Pre-gaming was encourage and expected.  If pre-gaming meant you got drunk before the party, then the goal of the party was to get even more smashed.  I carried these habits into adulthood and still carry them with me today.  My last binge was Sunday and I’m not going to torment myself by recanting how bad it was yet again.  My goal isn’t to stop drinking entirely, just to have a healthier relationship with alcohol altogether.  Binging isn’t healthy.  The person I become when I drink isn’t healthy.  I can control this.  I can do this.
2.  I want to continue my journey into healthier eating and fitness habits.  As of today, this is the longest time I’ve ever seriously stuck with a weight loss goal.  I’ve lost 6 pounds since I began with mostly just-dieting.  The fitness part has been difficult to make time for, but I’m working on it.  I know that this goal is closely tied to goal #1.  If I can get in control of my diet, I can get in control of my drinking.  I am in charge.  I can take ownership of my health.  I can do this.
3.  I want to continue learning about my PTSD, my symptoms and how they have and continue to impact my life.  I want to continue learning about establishing healthy boundaries with people I love, my mom included, unfortunately.  I want to continue learning about narcissistic abuse, substance abuse, and how these factors have contributed to who I am as well as my entire family dynamic.  Growing up hispanic, it has been incredibly difficult to establish boundaries without being labeled as “too good”, “hateful” and “too angry”.  I have been told countless times by my own mother that I’m too angry and upset at my father who physically and mentally abused me and my entire family for as long as I can remember.  My dad has cheated on my mom and rejected me for over two decades.  I am sick and tired of being told to forgive my abuser because my boundaries make others feel uncomfortable.  What has been especially hard after actively working on myself for 3+ years is having my own family tell me that perhaps therapy isn’t suiting me because it’s made me “too angry” and that I’ve “lost my lust for life”.  They want to assume that my general sense of frustration is attributed to not talking to my dad, when in reality, freeing myself from that relationship has afforded me more peace than I ever could have fathomed.  Sure, there are difficult moments, but every time I think that maybe that relationship may be worth pursuing again, I am reminded of why I have established such rock-solid boundaries in the first place.  According to others though, this makes me too hateful.  Too angry.  “You’ve punished him enough”, they say.  As if this was ever about punishment and not about protecting myself and my children from narcissistic abuse in the first place.  They say this and accuse this anger of pouring into other aspects of my life, without ever once asking what’s really going on inside.  Not once has anybody asked how parenthood is going.  How I’m coping with the pandemic and the renewed sense of cautious freedom now that I am fully vaccinated and my husband is halfway vaccinated.  Not once has anybody thought to consider that maybe I’m not super woman, that I’m just human and that I too have moments of vulnerability that I irresponsibly cope with by binge drinking.  Instead, everybody says that the best course of action is to essentially “get over” my resentment and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder brought on by the decades-long abuse I suffered at the hands of my own father.  The same hands that banged my head against a wall, beat me within an inch of my life, and then sent me to work at a cosmetics counter without a stitch of makeup and completely battered and bruised.  According to the armchair therapists in my life, it’s my job to let go of these feelings and now trust this same meth-addicted man with my children.  I need to trust in his capacity for change and honesty after 20+ years of lying and gaslighting.  I don’t want my boundaries to cost me the most important relationships in my life.  But at this point, I can’t do it anymore.  I am exhausted with explaining myself, for demanding respect and begging to have my story heard and considered.  My mom will continue to choose my dad over me.  She feels compelled to be his friend and the peacekeeper, still, even after attending therapy and working on herself.  I know that my dad is at the center of this, stirring the pot and causing a rift in my relationship with my mother because having me out of the picture will bring the two of them closer.  “See, she turned her back on you too”, I can hear him saying.  This is the loneliest I have ever felt in my life.  I have been told that by my parents my entire life that I am essentially dispensable.  “I don’t fucking need you”, my dad would say.  My mom would “intervene” by asking me what I did to make him so upset, and perhaps I should just “find somewhere else to live” if this was how I was going to act.  I hate feeling this way.  It hasn’t gotten easier as a 31 year old woman, but I can say that I am now able to see the situation much more objectively and with clarity.  This is why it’s important to keep attending therapy, working on my drinking, practicing mindfulness, and living my life with intention.  Wellness really does come full circle.  I can do this.  I can do this.  I can do this.
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awed-frog · 7 years
Hi! I'm really interested in seeing Human Cas as the end of his arc, and I've seen that you have one or two opinions really cool about that too so I was wondering if you would elaborate what you think of it?
Hi! Man, that is one complicated question! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to talk about it - this is going to be a bit long and quite possibly overly nerdy, so I apologize in advance. 
First of all - as @thejabberwock said last week, the idea that Cas needs to become human in order to complete some kind of character development or be worthy of a human’s love or whatever else is slightly horrifying. 
Interestingly, this whole theme - supernatural creatures giving up their identity to find love - is not some old mythology trope, because in Western mythology and folklore, love between a human and a supernatural creature simply doesn’t work, and there’s no way around it. On the one end of the spectrum, you’ve got your god/human relationships, and there what happens is generally a) human spies on god’s true form, dies horribly, b) god tries to do something nice for human, kills him horribly in freak accident, c) god’s friend gets jealous, human dies horribly, d) human gets pregnant, dies horribly, e) human has a lick of sense, turns down god, is raped or turns into a tree, or f) love story is disregarded because the important bit is that a hero is born, and behold. On the other end of the spectrum, you get your selkie/fae storylines, and I keep seeing posts on tumblr like Don’t hide your selkie’s pelt, #trust and #respect, and I’m sure OP means well, but that’s plain bullshit. The whole point of those stories is that you can’t change your fundamental nature, and those creatures may love a human for a time, but ultimately they belong in their own realm and that’s sad and heartbreaking, but also how the world works. So, if a selkie finds her pelt, she will desert her family even if she truly loves her human husband (and often she does: that’s the tragedy); if you sleep with a sidhe, she’ll probably come back as a pregnant doe and deliver a human baby for you and then fuck off, because she can’t help it; and in the rare cases (I know only of one) where a fae is actively trying to deny the call of the wild to be with you, well, you’ll fuck it up, because that’s what humans do (and plese, do ask me about it - that story is too long for this post but is also the best story EVER). So, well - traditionally, this stuff doesn’t work, but I’m not sure it has to do with racism and cautionary tales - after all, there are plenty of stories about men marrying princess ‘from beyond the sea’ and whatever - I think we simply know in our bones that when it comes to the divine, we’re outgunned and we should be very careful - and sticking your dick into something that’s been alive for five centuries is not a good way of being careful.
So, long and winding introduction aside - if a supernatural creature giving up their immortality to be with their human lover is not a mythology trope, where the hell does it come from? 
Well - in part, it comes from the other part of our humanity: fairy tales. Now, unlike myths, fairy tales are more about teaching good behaviour than God and the afterlife, and what tends to happen there is that men are pushed to become more of what they are, while women are invited to become less of what they are (just as it happens in real life). In fairy tales, men leave their houses and their countries, pretend to be noblemen, make use of magical objects, lie through their teeth, fight outsized opponents and ultimately end up with a title and a bride. Women, on the other hand, generally keep their eyes down, accept shitty gifts gratefully, clean when they’re told to, and put others first. Giving up a piece of yourself in order to belong - that’s not what gods do; it’s what women do, and this propaganda has been so successful that we all live like that, mostly without even realizing it - we accept that our life is ours (sort of) only until we become mothers or wives; and then we put aside our own ambitions and focus on our husband’s and kids’. In this sense, it is telling that a selkie - a creature of folklore and myth - will go back to the sea and fuck you very much, but the girl who lived in an apple (an old fairy tale from Bologna), like many of her fruity friends, is freed from the enchantment when she’s eighteen - and she promptly marries the prince who’d been obsessing over the mysterious hottie who came out of his fruit bowl every night. 
It’s also important to stress, however, that traditional fairy tales are only partly at fault for our selfish asses wanting angels and selkies to drop everything and cook us dinner every night: much of the blame (if not all, let’s be honest) is on Andersen’s The Little Mermaid - where, let’s not forget about it, what the mermaid wants is not only love, but also an immortal soul and access to the Christian Heaven - stuff monsters like her don’t have. And, well - I think in time Andersen’s tales came to be seen as some universal thing, when in reality they were very personal nightmares of Andersen himself - a tortured, unhappy, repressed bisexual man who’d been abused in his childhood and presumably tried to get past his own inability to have a fulfilling emotional and sexual life by writing overly grotesque and decidely anti-women stories.
(We all know about The Little Mermaid, but another highlight would be Red Shoes, in which a selfish girl who has the nerve to go to Mass wearing red shoes finds they are enchanted and can’t stop dancing until her feet are chopped off with an axe; charmingly, the heroine is named after Andersen’s half-sister.) 
If we consider this precedent, I think what @thejabberwock said is spot-on: for Cas, becoming human includes some element of self-mutilation: just like the little mermaid had to give up her voice and her family, Cas would lose something irreplaceable by choosing to leave Heaven behind. And also - narratively, that choice would frame him as ‘the woman in the relationship’ once and for all, because male heroes just don’t do this stuff; and that, in my opinion, would be a huge loss. What I find so fascinating about Dean and Cas slowly falling for each other is the careful balance of traditional gender roles and how neither character is boxed in; how Dean, our muscle car and hard rock hero, is often pushed into what would be the woman’s role - only he’s not pushed at all, but walks there willingy, and that’s plain spectacular.
That said, the SPN universe chose to frame the opposition between humans and non humans has been framed in a slightly different way from traditional storytelling - even if the narrative isn’t always coherent. 
So, if we’re talking specifically about angels, the original idea is that angels 1) don’t have free will and 2) can’t have feelings like a human does - a point that is clearly implied in the first one, because true free will and the ability of make your own choices are the fundamental  prerequisites for forming your own opinions - and feelings. Now, in theory, it makes sense that angels wouldn’t have either; despite the daydreams of some truly adorable fanart (Gabriel holding baby Cas, for instance), angels aren’t born; they’re created in order to serve God, and that’s their only mission. Heaven started to unravel only because God left, and this is where we see the SPN narrative starting to fray - because their angels generally have both free will and feelings. From Zachariah’s refusal to serve humans to Uriel betraying his brothers to Gabriel’s anger and Balthazar’s insouciance, there’s not a robotic servant of God in sight, and I know it’s objectively difficult to write feeling-less character who are also engaging, but I always found that all those angels wishing things for themselves sort of cheapened Cas’ own journey towards humanity. Because, well, Cas becoming human only makes sense, in my opinion (and this is how the story’s being framed), in an I want to make my own choices and experience love kind of way, but in this case - from what we’ve seen, both with other angels and with Cas himself, it’s perfectly possible for angels to behave and feel like humans do, so why would Cas need to give up his Grace?
Another point is that Cas’ already given up his ‘angelhood’ in every way that matters. He’s rebelled against Heaven, he’s refused orders, he’s been tortured and silenced and imprisoned, and he’s chosen humanity (Dean) over and over and over again. Hell - as far we know, Cas isn’t even interested in God any longer, and surely heeding God’s will is, like, item one in the job description?  
(By the way - Cas’ reaction to God’s coming back - that was important, show. What the hell were you thinking about? How is it possible that the subject was never discussed again? Uuuuugh.)
Furthermore, Cas hates being human. He’s tried it before, and we know he didn’t like it - at all. The storm of emotions, the need to look after your body, eating and drinking, the acute knowledge of not being powerful enough to defend yourself and your loved ones against dangers you know are there - Cas does not long to become human; what he wants is to belong, and what he needs, narratively, is the possibility to make a choice that’s not either/or - to be with the Winchesters not because Heaven hates him and not because he’s got no other friends, but because he feels loved and welcomed and wants to live with them 24/7 (feels he’s worthy of their love) - so, if anything, that’s where his character arc should be going.
As a last point - something that will never happen but would be absolutely hilarious is the David Eddings solution: in his novels, an immortal sorceress chose to renounce her powers and her eternal life to be with the (fully human) man she loved, only to find out her soul couldn’t be ripped apart like that and instead, the gods had chosen to grant her beloved immortality and powers of his own. I always found that a very sweet twist and a good compromise on the whole mortal partner + immortal partner = heartbreak thing, and man, it’d be so much fun to see Dean turn into an angel out of the blue and zapping himself all over the place by mistake as he learns to fly (and later using that ability to freak out Sam and check on Claire and have dinner with Jody). A girl can dream, right?
(All that said, I understand why so many writers, myself included, keep making Cas human in one way or another: for some it’s a question of fluff and hurt/comfort, and for others a chance to explore this tragedy, this impossible, unconceivable thing: an angel choosing to Fall for a human being - an angel choosing to love, fully and unreservedly, the mess and chaos and guilt and bad dreams that we all carry deep in our hearts. Just - wow.)
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fatesinthenight · 7 years
The Egos and a Baby (part 8)
“You found her a home?” Kathryn asked surprised. “Yes. I was searching all night.” Dark drinks his coffee and lets out a yawn. “Wow that was really thoughtful of you. And it’s you.” Mark saids. “I did it for me. I rather not have a small baby living here and dealing with it.” Dark sighs. “Question though. How did you find a family for her? Did she have one before she was left at the house?” Amy asks. “Hope did not have a home to go back to. She lost her mother at birth and the father had left before she was born. She was in a bad foster home and was taken in by a selfish woman trying to salvage a failed relationship. She was completely alone.” Dark runs his head and looks at the baby. She was sitting on the floor and Ethan and Tyler were playing peek a boo with her. Willford joins them and makes a goofy face every time he appears behind his hands. “Poor sweetheart…” Amy’s heart goes out to Lil Bub. “So her name is Hope? How did you find that out?” Kathryn asks. “It is on the tag of her toy. The mother bought it for her before she was born it seems.” Dark takes another swing and his coffee. “I looked into her mind last night to see if she can be given to anyone and doesn’t seem to have any other family. So I looked up families and did a search on them and found one. Hope what an ironic name.” “When do we give her to her new parents?” Mark asks. “They should be arriving in two hours. So I suggest everyone saids their goodbyes now.” Dark sits up and walks away. “Hey Dark. Thank you. You did a good thing.” Mark calls to Dark. “I didn’t do it for you.” Dark calls back and goes to his room. Mark goes into the main room and tells everyone what Dark did. He tells them that Hope’s new parents are coming soon. “How come Dark can give up a baby and it’s fine but when I do it it’s a big problem?” Ed makes a face. “Did he really do that?” Bim looks up at Mark from his spot on the floor beside Hope. “Yes he did. So I’m sorry guys but Hope has to go be with her new family.” Mark saids softly. “Wait how do we know this is real? What if this is all a lie and just another one of Darks tricks.” Willford saids. “It is not. I just looked at what Dark had searched on his computer. He looked up adopting agencies and looked through the profiles and found this couple in Long Beach. Their profile seems in check.” Googles eyes glow and he does the search in his head. “Then Dark did something good.” Silver tilts his head. “It appears so.” The Host said. “So this really means that she is leaving…” Bim looks at Hope who is crawling on Tyler as he lays down. “It is for the best remember.” The doctor pats Bim’s head. “We can always just say she likes us better. Me being the best dad.” Willford saids hopefully. “Willford knows that this couple wants Hope just as much as you do maybe even more. They must have been waiting for so long to have a child and now they will be graced with Hope.” The Host saids softly. A hint of sadness in his voice. “I know I know… It’s just I love Lil Bub.” Willford looks down. “We all do Will but her new parents are coming and we need to send her off. So let’s get dressed and send her off with a big smile ok.” Amy holds Willford’s hand looking up at him. “Ok lets do it!! There will be no tears today!! I’m looking at you Bim. Now let’s get this show on the road!” Willford saids in his showman voice. After 2 hours a car pulls infront of the house. A couple gets out and walks to the front of the door an knocks. “Hello you must be the Martins. I’m Mark.” Mark answers the door and lets in the couple into the house. “My girlfriend is getting Hope’s things ready. Can I get you anything?” “O no thank you. Wow you have a big house here.” The wife looks around as they walk into the main room. “O well it’s actually not my house.” Mark saids. “O right it’s your brothers house isn’t it? He said he lives here with all of his family right. That must be interesting.” The husband smiles as they all sit down at the couch. “Um yea it is. It got really crowded so I moved out but I had to stay the night on the count of the storm that hit.” Dark had made up the story that all the egos were relatives so if they questioned why they all looked alike there would be an explanation. But making the egos seem like his brothers, Mark sighed. “Are your brothers here? We wanted to thank them for finding Hope.” The wife asks Mark. “O yea my brothers are around they should be here.” Mark Hope’s they would act normal for once in front of this couple. “O why hello there! My name is Willford.” Willford walks into the room. He made his pink mustache look black for the couple. He shakes hands with the couple. “It’s nice to meet you Willford. You brother here was just telling us you will be here.” The wife smiles. “Of course. I’m going to miss Lil Bub. She is quite the character.” Willford laughs. “Lil Bub?” The husband asks. “It’s a nickname he gave her.” Mark saids. “Awwww it sounds cute.” The wife giggles. “See they like it.” Will whispers to Mark. “Hey there. The names Ed.” Ed walks in and leans in a chair. “Yes sir the little lady is a cutie pie.” “O hi there! I’m Bim it’s nice to meet you two.” Bim shakes the couples hands and sits beside Willford. “Good morning. I am Dr.iplier. I gave Hope an examination and these are her medical records as of now. I hope this will be of use for the future.” The docto hands the papers to the husband. “Wow this is great thank you. We didn’t know if she had an exam yet. Thank goodness your a doctor.” The husband saids looking up at the doctor. “Ummm hello. I’m Silver…” Silver walks out. The egos and Mark stare at him because he took off his costume. It was like they forgot he looks like Mark as they looked at him with eyes wide open. “Silver? That’s an interesting name.” The wife saids. “Yea our parents couldn’t think of anymore names hahaha…” Silver saids nervous. He feels naked without his costume but he was doing it for Hope and treated it like it was a mission. “Why hello it is very nice to meet you. I am Google.” Google steps in. He did his best to seem less like a droid trying not to glitch. “Google? The website?” The wife tilts her head. “The very same. It is a nickname if you will.” Google saids. “Hu cool.” The husband chuckles. “And I am Host.” The Host walks in with his cane. The doctor used patches on his eyes for the time being replace for the bandages. They were then covered by a pair of black glasses big enough to to cover the patches. “O do you need help?” The wife stand up and walks to Host. “That is very kind of you. But I will be fine standing here.” The Host smiles. “Alright.” The wife pats Hosts hands on his cane and sits beside her husband. “I hope my brothers have not bothered you. They can be very unusual.” Dark walks in. He was able to make himself look human and not flicker red and blue. “O no your brothers are great. I find their names very cool. You must be Dark.” The husband stand up and shakes Darks hand. “Yes I’m Dark. I’m glad you had a save journey here. I have all the paperwork here. It is done with I handled it myself.” Dark gives the husband a folder. “Thank you so much Dark. This means so much to us.” The husband smiles wide. “My wife and I have been trying to have children but found out we can’t. We have been wanting to adopt for years but nothing happened. I can’t thank you enough…” The wife walks to Dark and hugs him with tears in her eyes. “Thank you so much… It’s everything..” “Your welcome Mrs. Martin. I wanted Hope to go to a good family. She deserves it.” Dark smiles and pats the wife’s back. Amy walks in holding Hope in her arms and Kathryn has the baby bag in hers. The couple sees Hope and they tear up at the sight of her. “Mr. And Mrs. Martian this is Hope.” Amy smiles and bounces Hope. “She is perfect.. Awwww she is so beautiful.” The wife cries. “Here you can hold her.” Amy gives Hope to her new mother. Hope looks up mat the wife curiously. She tilts her head and then smiles. She giggles and lifts her arms up at her. “I love you already.” The wife holds Hope close. The husband comes beside her and holds Hopes head and cries too. Ethan sniffles with Bim and Silver passes them the tissue box he was holding in case of emergency. They all go outside and put Hope’s bag in the trunk and the couple smiles brightly. “I can’t thank you enough for this…” The husband saids and he looks at this wife bouncing Hope happily. “We are just glad she is going to a good home with you.” Bim saids snuffling. “We should be heading home now. Thank you all so much for everything.” The husband saids. “Umm wait my brothers were the ones That were taking care of Hope. You should thank them more. Without them Hope wouldn’t have been able to find you two.” Mark saids looking back at the egos. “We have gifts for Hope if you don’t mind.” Bim saids. “Of course not. That’s so sweet of you all.” The wife saids. Ed goes first. “Well little lady I got you this hat. It suits you well. I also got you a pair of little cowgirl boots. I’m going to to miss ya. Take care now.” Ed sniffles and give Hope a kiss on the head. Silver goes next. “ Hope I know your going to be a good girl so I want you to have this… It’s my Silver action figure and the onesie I got you is in your bag cape included. So you know you can save the world one day. Bye little sidekick.” Silver kisses Hope. Google comes up. “Now Hope I found that babies enjoy those toys that light up so I got you a robot that teaches you the alphabet. May this serve as a learning device for you. May you stay well in the future.” Google kisses Hope and when he backs away he sniffles just a little. The doctor comes in. “Well now since I was your first doctor I will give you this teddy bear doctor in hopes maybe you will want to become one too. I think you have great potential to help others. Stay healthy.” The doctor give his kiss. The Host comes makes his way to Hope. “I want you to have this. This is a book or fairytale so found in my room. I think they will suit you more. May you always have sweet dreams sweet Hope.” The wife brings up Hope to meet Hosts lips to kiss her head. Willford zooms in. “Now I know I speak for everyone when I say I was the fun dad here. So to keep the it going i got you… A top hat and white and red stripped coat!! Just like me!!! To me you will always be my Lil Bub. Good day to you my darling.” Willford kisses Hope repeatedly and she giggles. Bim walks up sadly but happy. “Ok Hope this is your family now. I know we took care of you for a day but I’m going to miss you so much. I’m so happy I found you… And that you came into our lives even for just a moment. We were a family. And I will never forget you… I love you Hope.” Bim tears up and cries a little. He wipes his tears and takes a breath. “So I got you this daisy. It’s so bright and open. It puts a smile on anyone’s face just like you. Be good for me ok?” Bim kisses Hope and she wipes a tear from his face. Just when the couple was about to leave Dark come up. “Wait. I believe you almost forgot something my lady.” He holds out the plush dog. He hands it to the wife and Hope whimpers and holds her arms out for Dark. “She wants you. Want to hold her for a moment before we go?” The wife holds out Hope. Dark hesitantly takes her in his arms. “You are the most interesting one I have ever met. I am very taken by you. I wonder how you will grow. Did this encounter impact you? Will it influence you? Who is to say.. Usually I want to meet someone again if it means I get a deal but for you only if we meet again I hope is for good intentions. I gave you your gift already. Gave you a family. Farewell my dear Hope” Dark kisses Hope’s cheek. Hope cuddles one last time to his chest and whispers “Dadda” “For this moment I will be.” Dark give Hope back to her new mom. They strap her in her baby seat and take off. The Egos wave at the car as it disappears from sight and smile. Mark looks at them and smiles. When Dark walks past him he snickers. “Who knew you were a softy Darkipoo. It’s nice to know.” “Only for that one.” Dark huffs and he leaves into the house. “Well now we have an empty nest… Let’s get another one!!!” Willford saids happily. “Dear god no… Let’s not mess up any other children” Tyler saids. “But we know what to do now!!!” Willford pouts. “Fine then let me look after Chica to help my broken heart. O Chica I got a dog Willford Warfstache outfit with your name on it!!” Chica’s tail wags happily as Willford scoops her in his arms and runs off with her in the house. “Don’t you dare take my dog!!!” Mark storms in after Will. “Well things are normal now.” Ethan saids. “Hey let’s sleep over again!!” “Yea it was fun!” Bim saids and he and Ehtan walk in to house making plans. “Maybe this time we can play more games.” Silver runs into the house and tugs on his mask. “Well then I’m going to grab some grub I’m starving.” Ed walks in the house next. “Me too I’m starving. Hey Google can we stream some Netflix.” Tyler said as he steps into the house. “I can access that.” Goggle goes in with Tyler. “Host want to help me cook? Lols like we have a full house again.” The doctor sighs. “Ooo please!! I love your cooking.” Amy saids happily. “I call first dibs!!” Kathryn races Amy to the house. The Host makes his way in the house and looks out once more. “Yes one big happy family.” The End *hope you enjoyed this story. I will be posting my original story for now but i will be back with another ego story soon. Also I realized I was spelling Kathryn’s name wrong.. Sorry T-T thank you for reading :)
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lids-flutter-open · 7 years
more character development for an evil teacher from my book under the cut, sorry if ur on mobile
 Okay tv show
 Open on JULES VERNON HOLMES, at home in his kitchen. JULES is 36, with thinning brown curly hair. He has a pinched look to his face, because he recently lost eighteen pounds in three months. He wears glasses when he teaches high school history, but he is not wearing them now. The kitchen is cramped and made of a series of brown uniform prefab cabinets. There are no dishes in the sink and the counters are clean except for a piece of buttered toast without a napkin that sits next to the sink with one bite taken out of it. A long garland of garlic and onions hangs over the window like a party decoration. It is dark outside, and rain spatters the glass. JULES is standing on one leg in his kitchen, bracing his hip against the edge of the formica counter while he scratches at his calf with his bare right foot. He is wearing underwear and a T-shirt emblazoned with the name of a diner. He is struggling to open a pickle jar.
The phone rings from the next room. JULES starts, and his hand slips on the lid. He looks over at the oven. The clock on the oven displays the time as 12:18. JULES glances in the direction of the next room and scowls. He runs his tongue over his top teeth inside his lip, and does not move towards the ringing phone. JULES puts new effort into opening the jar of pickles. Across the room, there is a framed group photograph of college-age men standing with oars on the bank of a river. It includes JULES sixteen years before, when he was a member of his university’s rowing team. He is smiling; his arms are larger in the photo than they are in real life.
JULES opens the pickle jar with a pop. The phone is still ringing. There is only one pickle and a number of garlic cloves left at the bottom of the jar. He digs into the jar with his fingers, stretching his hand, and puts a garlic clove into his mouth.
 Jules was caught again by the display of different kinds of canned soup. He stood with his shopping basket on the linoleum tiles and held two cans of tomato soup in front of his face, studying the ingredients. One had cream and one had milk. There was another can of tomato soup on the shelf before him that had lentils in it, too. When he was younger there had only been one kind of canned tomato soup in every grocery store, or two. There were eighteen different things in front of him, all with different caloric and fat content. Jules was paralyzed. He put the soup with cream back on the shelf, and then picked it up again. It had higher fat content. Jules measured his blood pressure every morning before he ate breakfast. He threw the can into the cart, thinking that it would be better to eat real food than to find some watery diet version and be dissatisfied and end up binging on chips and peanut butter in the middle of the night. He would get the low sugar juice to compensate.
A man approached Jules in the aisle. He was older, and wore a gray sweatshirt and gym shorts. His shoes were dirty sneakers.
               “Excuse me,” he said to Jules. “Sir I don’t mean to bother you, but I’ve got no way else to do this, my daughter has a baby at home and we’re here to buy formula but it’s 37 dollars and they don’t let me put that on my credit card and I’m out of my EBT for the month.”
               Jules, whose mind had been in an alternate dimension of calories and aspartame and ideal blood pressure, jumped when he realized the man was speaking to him.
               “I’m sorry?”
               “Sir, it’s like a thing at this store, they don’t let you buy the formula with credit cards because some people just charge it on a stolen card, and I don’t have enough cash, and my EBT is all out for the month. But we have a baby at home and we need the formula, we’re all out. It’s my daughter. I wouldn’t ask for anything normally, I’m not that kind of man. Sir, I’m a military veteran, I served in Vietnam.”
               “Uh,” Jules said. He was not sure whether to look at the man’s eyes or not. “I don’t know what you’re asking me. I don’t have a lot of cash on me. I can give you a couple dollars.” He remembered he had only a fifty and a ten in his wallet, and tried to change tacks. “I think there’s an ATM outside the store to get money from a bank account.”
               “I don’t get paid till Friday,” the man said. “I don’t have money in my account.”
               “Oh,” Jules said. “Well, that’s—I’m sorry. And your daughter doesn’t have cash either?”
               “She’s at home with the baby,” the man said. “I didn’t want to ask her to come. Her husband left her and she’s saving as much as she can. Please, I just have to buy some infant formula for her.”
               Jules glanced desperately back at the soup, and then accidentally made eye contact with the man. He hated the way it made him feel to think of moving away down the empty aisle. He looked in his wallet and dug in it. His fingers hesitated on the ten and then took the fifty and thrust it at the man. “Good luck, sir,” he found himself saying. He couldn’t look into the man’s eyes. Jules already felt the sweat dripping down his back and a pillow of guilt emerging in his solar plexus, simultaneously related to giving the man too much money and at the same time to not being able to look in his eyes.
               “Thank you, sir, god bless you,” the man said. “I’m Boris. My name’s Boris. You’re a good man, you know that? Thank you, this means a lot. I won’t forget it.”
               “It’s no,” Jules said, and stopped, because it really was a problem. “I’m Jules. I hope you’re okay and the baby’s okay.”
               “We’re all getting by,” the man said.
               Night came. Jules’ cupboards were lined with the cans of tomato soup. He took an Ambien to sleep and then wandered around the house, looking out the windows.
                  Jules is holding the receiver of the phone up to his ear.
               “How have you been, then?” Jules says into the phone. He is still wearing the collared shirt and tie he wore to work. The papers he is grading are spread out on the table in front of him. He wants to make the kids excited about the grimy parts of history and he wants to make them understand the reasons their state developed the way it did.
               “Well, after the crash I’ve been just eating like frozen dinners,” Michelle says on the other end. “My arm is in the sling and all.”
               “Crash?” Jules tries to remember anything about a crash from the last time he and Michelle talked two weeks ago.
               “Mom said she called you. She didn’t?”
               “No,” Jules says. “Well, maybe if I was at work, but she didn’t call back.”
               “You don’t ever check your messages. I got in a motorcycle accident, isn’t that funny? Okay, it doesn’t sound funny, but here’s the context: I ran into an ice cream truck that didn’t signal and I literally flew over the top of the truck into the street and there were like four kids staring with their mouths open and one dropped his ice cream. I love like the mental image of everyone’s faces, it’s gonna bring me joy till the day I die.”
               “Michelle! Jesus!”
“My boss let me have the time off, it’s one of the good things about working as a nanny for a nice family, there’s no regular hassle about taking sick leave cuz she knows me. She’s even giving me a week’s pay, which like, must be nice to be rich, right? She’s so sweet though, and the baby’s so sweet.”
               “I warned you about that motorcycle,” Jules says. “Didn’t you already crash on a motorcycle a year ago?”
               “That time was worse. I got thrown into a tree! I mean, I was on more a path than a road. It was dumb. This time it wasn’t my fault, the ice cream company is even gonna give me compensation maybe if I can figure out a lawyer.”
               “You could seriously die, Michelle. Just get a car.”
               “I mean, I may have to. For now I’m using Mom’s.”
               “How is she getting around? Are you driving with, what, a broken arm? Why does nobody ever catch me up on this shit?”
               “Because you’re like this,” Michelle says. “And you don’t call, either. If you called Mom once a week you’d know what’s going on with everyone.”
               “You know how I feel about Mom,” Jules says. “I know you’ve sort of mended your relationship with her, but I still can’t forgive her. Especially after how she treated you and Ed when we were kids.”
               “Whatever, Jules,” Michelle says. Jules can see her rolling her eyes. “She’s here now and who knows for how long we’ll have her, you know? She’s a good person. I know she and you fought last month again, but just let it slide. She is how she is, and anyway she’s a lot better now. She just has her weird manias sometimes. She didn’t mean it about the nose job. She’s working at a paper here, you know. Or a gazette I guess. It’s about seafood restaurants. She’s working and getting up every day and she’s a decent, pleasant person. You can’t hold a grudge forever. She has all kinds of fun friends now too from her weird weed group. They’re really fun, there’s this gay truck driver who drops in whenever he’s in the city and has a ton of stories.”
               “This is crazy. I’m not going to talk to her. You said last year—do you remember what you said? Do you remember Mima’s funeral?”
               “So she got a little drunk. You can’t expect her to be well behaved at her ex husband’s mother’s funeral.”
               “So why did she even go?”
               “She just likes to have some fun. Like me. She’s just a little more messed up. Think about it this way, Jules, at least she left Scientology. Imagine if she’d stayed in it and we’d been raised like that. She’s gonna deal with this stuff the rest of her life but she’s like, in general a functional person. And she paints. It’s nice to have a mom who paints.”
               “She paints aliens.”
“How are your students? Are you teaching them about how to be good little mini George Bushies?”
“Michelle, so, I’m going to get off the phone now. I have papers to grade and I’m not having this conversation. I will say that I love you and I am asking you to please get a car, or take the bus, or something. I’m going to have nightmares about you on that motorcycle.”
“I could get a little quad. You know, four wheels.”
“Are you able to shop for yourself? Do you need anything?”
               “Jules, we’re really all right here.” Michelle takes a thin breath and Jules hears her exhale and imagines her smoking a cigarette on the balcony of his mother’s apartment in Seattle.
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nowontheroad · 7 years
On the Road a novel by Jack Kerouac
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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On the Road is a novel by American writer Jack Kerouac, based on the travels of Kerouac and his friends across the United States. It is considered a defining work of the postwar Beat and Counterculture generations, with its protagonists living life against a backdrop of jazz, poetry, and drug use. The novel, published in 1957, is a roman à clef, with many key figures in the Beat movement, such as William S. Burroughs (Old Bull Lee), Allen Ginsberg (Carlo Marx) and Neal Cassady (Dean Moriarty) represented by characters in the book, including Kerouac himself as the narrator Sal Paradise.
The idea for On the Road, Kerouac's second novel, was formed during the late 1940s in a series of notebooks, and then typed out on a continuous reel of paper during three weeks in April 1951. It was first published by Viking Press in 1957. After several film proposals dating from 1957, the book was finally made into a film, On the Road(2012), produced by Francis Ford Coppola and directed by Walter Salles.
When the book was originally released, The New York Times hailed it as "the most beautifully executed, the clearest and the most important utterance yet made by the generation Kerouac himself named years ago as 'beat,' and whose principal avatar he is."[1] In 1998, the Modern Library ranked On the Road 55th on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. The novel was chosen by Time magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to 2005.[2]
1Production and publication
5Film adaptation
6Beat Generation
7See also
9Further reading
10External links
2.1Part One
2.2Part Two
2.3Part Three
2.4Part Four
2.5Part Five
3.1Initial reaction
3.2Critical study
Production and publication
After Kerouac dropped out of Columbia University, he served on several different sailing vessels before returning to New York to write. He met and mixed with Beat Generation figures Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, and Neal Cassady. Between 1947 and 1950, while writing what would become The Town and the City (1950), Kerouac engaged in the road adventures that would form On the Road.[3] Kerouac carried small notebooks, in which much of the text was written as the eventful span of road trips unfurled. He started working on the first of several versions of the novel as early as 1948, based on experiences during his first long road trip in 1947. However, he remained dissatisfied with the novel.[4] Inspired by a 1000-word rambling letter from his friend Neal Cassady, Kerouac in 1950 outlined the "Essentials of Spontaneous Prose" and decided to tell the story of his years on the road with Cassady as if writing a letter to a friend in a form that reflected the improvisational fluidity of jazz.[5] In a letter to a student in 1961, Kerouac wrote: "Dean and I were embarked on a journey through post-Whitman America to find that America and to find the inherent goodness in American man. It was really a story about 2 Catholic buddies roaming the country in search of God. And we found him."[6]
The first draft of what was to become the published novel was written in three weeks in April 1951, while Kerouac lived with Joan Haverty, his second wife, at 454 West 20th Street in New York City's Manhattan. The manuscript was typed on what he called "the scroll"—a continuous, 120-foot scroll of tracing paper sheets that he cut to size and taped together.[7] The roll was typed single-spaced, without margins or paragraph breaks. In the following years, Kerouac continued to revise this manuscript, deleting some sections (including some sexual depictions deemed pornographic in the 1950s) and adding smaller literary passages.[8] Kerouac wrote a number of inserts intended for On the Road between 1951 and 1952, before eventually omitting them from the manuscript and using them to form the basis of another work, Visions of Cody (1951–1952).[9] On the Road was championed within Viking Press by Malcolm Cowley and was published by Viking in 1957, based on revisions of the 1951 manuscript.[10] Besides differences in formatting, the published novel was shorter than the original scroll manuscript and used pseudonyms for all of the major characters.
Viking Press released a slightly edited version of the original manuscript titled On the Road: The Original Scroll (August 16, 2007), corresponding with the 50th anniversary of original publication. This version has been transcribed and edited by English academic and novelist Dr. Howard Cunnell. As well as containing material that was excised from the original draft due to its explicit nature, the scroll version also uses the real names of the protagonists, so Dean Moriarty becomes Neal Cassady and Carlo Marx becomes Allen Ginsberg, etc.[11]
In 2007, Gabriel Anctil, a journalist of Montreal daily Le Devoir, discovered in Kerouac's personal archives in New York almost 200 pages of his writings entirely in Quebec French, with colloquialisms. The collection included 10 manuscript pages of an unfinished version of On the Road, written on January 19, 1951. The date of the writings makes Kerouac one of the earliest known authors to use colloquial Quebec French in literature.[12]
The original scroll of On The Road was bought in 2001 by Jim Irsay for $2.43 million (equivalent to $3.29 million in 2016). It has occasionally been made available for public viewing, with the first 30 feet (9 m) unrolled. Between 2004 and 2012, the scroll was displayed in a number of museums and libraries in the United States, Ireland, and the UK. It was exhibited in Paris in the summer of 2012 to celebrate the movie based on the book.[13]
The two main characters of the book are the narrator, Sal Paradise, and his friend Dean Moriarty, much admired for his carefree attitude and sense of adventure, a free-spirited maverick eager to explore all kicks and an inspiration and catalyst for Sal's travels. The novel contains five parts, three of them describing road trips with Moriarty. The narrative takes place in the years 1947 to 1950, is full of Americana, and marks a specific era in jazz history, "somewhere between its Charlie Parker Ornithology period and another period that began with Miles Davis." The novel is largely autobiographical, Sal being the alter ego of the author and Dean standing for Neal Cassady.
Part One
The first section describes Sal's first trip to San Francisco. Disheartened after a divorce, his life changes when he meets Dean Moriarty, who is "tremendously excited with life," and begins to long for the freedom of the road: "Somewhere along the line I knew there would be girls, visions, everything; somewhere along the line the pearl would be handed to me." He sets off in July 1947 with fifty dollars in his pocket. After taking several buses and hitchhiking, he arrives in Denver, where he hooks up with Carlo Marx, Dean, and their friends. There are parties—among them an excursion to the ghost town of Central City. Eventually Sal leaves by bus and gets to San Francisco, where he meets Remi Boncoeur and his girlfriend Lee Ann. Remi arranges for Sal to take a job as a night watchman at a boarding camp for merchant sailors waiting for their ship. Not holding this job for long, Sal hits the road again. "Oh, where is the girl I love?" he wonders. Soon he meets Terry, the "cutest little Mexican girl," on the bus to Los Angeles. They stay together, traveling back to Bakersfield, then to Sabinal, "her hometown," where her family works in the fields. He meets Terry's brother Ricky, who teaches him the true meaning of "mañana" ("tomorrow"). Working in the cotton fields, Sal realizes that he is not made for this type of work. Leaving Terry behind, he takes the bus back to Times Square New York, bums a quarter off a preacher who looks the other way, arrives at his Aunt's house in Paterson, just missing Dean, who had come to see him, by two days.
Part Two
In December 1948 Sal is celebrating Christmas with his relatives in Testament, Virginia, when Dean shows up with Marylou (having left his second wife, Camille, and their newborn baby, Amy, in San Francisco) and Ed Dunkel. Sal's Christmas plans are shattered as "now the bug was on me again, and the bug's name was Dean Moriarty." First they drive to New York, where they meet Carlo and party. Dean wants Sal to make love to Marylou, but Sal declines. In Dean's Hudson they take off from New York in January 1949 and make it to New Orleans. In Algiers they stay with the morphine-addicted Old Bull Lee and his wife Jane. Galatea Dunkel joins her husband in New Orleans while Sal, Dean, and Marylou continue their trip. Once in San Francisco, Dean again leaves Marylou to be with Camille. "Dean will leave you out in the cold anytime it is in the interest of him," Marylou tells Sal. Both of them stay briefly in a hotel, but soon she moves out, following a nightclub owner. Sal is alone and on Market Street has visions of past lives, birth, and rebirth. Dean finds him and invites him to stay with his family. Together, they visit nightclubs and listen to Slim Gaillard and other jazz musicians. The stay ends on a sour note: "what I accomplished by coming to Frisco I don't know," and Sal departs, taking the bus back to New York.
Part Three
In the spring of 1949, Sal takes a bus from New York to Denver. He is depressed and lonesome; none of his friends are around. After receiving some money, he leaves Denver for San Francisco to see Dean. Camille is pregnant and unhappy, and Dean has injured his thumb trying to hit Marylou for sleeping with other men. Camille throws them out, and Sal invites Dean to come to New York, planning to travel further to Italy. They meet Galatea, who tells Dean off: "You have absolutely no regard for anybody but yourself and your kicks." Sal realizes she is right—Dean is the "HOLY GOOF"—but also defends him, as "he's got the secret that we're all busting to find out." After a night of jazz and drinking in Little Harlem on Folsom Street, they depart. On the way to Sacramento they meet a "fag", who propositions them. Dean tries to hustle some money out of this but is turned down. During this part of the trip Sal and Dean have ecstatic discussions having found "IT" and "TIME". In Denver a brief argument shows the growing rift between the two, when Dean reminds Sal of his age, Sal being the older of the two. They get a '47 Cadillac from a travel bureau that needs to be brought to Chicago. Dean drives most of the way, crazy, careless, often speeding over 100 miles per hour (160 km/h), bringing it in a disheveled state. By bus they move on to Detroit and spend a night on Skid Row, Dean hoping to find his homeless father. From Detroit they share a ride to New York and arrive at Sal's aunt's new flat in Long Island. They go on partying in New York, where Dean meets Inez and gets her pregnant while his wife is expecting their second child.
Part Four
In the spring of 1950, Sal gets the itch to travel again while Dean is working as a parking lot attendant in Manhattan, living with his girlfriend Inez. Sal notices that he has been reduced to simple pleasures—listening to basketball games and looking at erotic playing cards. By bus Sal takes to the road again, passing Washington, D.C., Ashland, Cincinnati, and St. Louis, and eventually reaching Denver. There he meets Stan Shephard, and the two plan to go to Mexico City when they learn that Dean has bought a car and is on the way to join them. In a rickety '37 Ford sedan the three set off across Texas to Laredo, where they cross the border. They are ecstatic, having left "everything behind us and entering a new and unknown phase of things." Their money buys more (10 cents for a beer), police are laid back, cannabis is readily available, and people are curious and friendly. The landscape is magnificent. In Gregoria, they meet Victor, a local kid, who leads them to a bordello where they have their last grand party, dancing to mambo, drinking, and having fun with prostitutes. In Mexico City Sal becomes ill from dysentery and is "delirious and unconscious." Dean leaves him, and Sal later reflects that "when I got better I realized what a rat he was, but then I had to understand the impossible complexity of his life, how he had to leave me there, sick, to get on with his wives and woes."
Part Five
Dean, having obtained divorce papers in Mexico, had first returned to New York to marry Inez, only to leave her and go back to Camille. After his recovery from dysentery in Mexico, Sal returns to New York in the fall. He finds a girl, Laura, and plans to move with her to San Francisco. Sal writes to Dean about his plan to move to San Francisco. Dean writes back saying that he's willing to come and accompany Laura and Sal. Dean arrives over five weeks early, but Sal is out taking a late-night walk alone. Sal returns home, sees a copy of Proust, and knows it is Dean's. Sal realizes his friend has arrived, but at a time when Sal doesn't have the money to relocate to San Francisco. On hearing this Dean makes the decision to head back to Camille. Sal's friend Remi Boncoeur denies Sal's request to give Dean a short lift to 40th Street on their way to a Duke Ellington concert at the Metropolitan Opera House. Sal's girlfriend Laura realises this is a painful moment for Sal and prompts him for a response as the party drives off without Dean. Sal replies: "He'll be alright". Sal later reflects as he sits on a river pier under a New Jersey night sky about the roads and lands of America that he has travelled and states: ". . . I think of Dean Moriarty, I even think of Old Dean Moriarty the father we never found, I think of Dean Moriarty."
Kerouac often based his fictional characters on friends and family.[14][15]
"Because of the objections of my early publishers I was not allowed to use the same personae names in each work."[16]
The book received a mixed reaction from the media in 1957. Some of the earlier reviews spoke highly of the book, but the backlash to these was swift and strong. Although this was discouraging to Kerouac, he still received great recognition and notoriety from the work. Since its publication, critical attention has focused on issues of both the context and the style, addressing the actions of the characters as well as the nature of Kerouac's prose.
Initial reaction
In his review for The New York Times, Gilbert Millstein wrote, "its publication is a historic occasion in so far as the exposure of an authentic work of art is of any great moment in an age in which the attention is fragmented and the sensibilities are blunted by the superlatives of fashion" and praised it as "a major novel."[1] Millstein was already sympathetic toward the Beat Generation and his promotion of the book in the Times did wonders for its recognition and acclaim. Not only did he like the themes, but also the style, which would come to be just as hotly contested in the reviews that followed. "There are sections of On the Roadin which the writing is of a beauty almost breathtaking...there is some writing on jazz that has never been equaled in American fiction, either for insight, style, or technical virtuosity."[1] Kerouac and Joyce Johnson, a younger writer he was living with, read the review shortly after midnight at a newsstand at 69th Street and Broadway, near Joyce's apartment in the Upper West Side. They took their copy of the newspaper to a neighborhood bar and read the review over and over. "Jack kept shaking his head," Joyce remembered later in her memoir Minor Characters, "as if he couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t happier than he was." Finally, they returned to her apartment to go to sleep. As Joyce recalled: "Jack lay down obscure for the last time in his life. The ringing phone woke him the next morning, and he was famous.”[17]
The backlash began just a few days later in the same publication. David Dempsey published a review that contradicted most of what Millstein had promoted in the book. "As a portrait of a disjointed segment of society acting out of its own neurotic necessity, On the Road, is a stunning achievement. But it is a road, as far as the characters are concerned, that leads to nowhere." While he did not discount the stylistic nature of the text (saying that it was written "with great relish"), he dismissed the content as a "passionate lark" rather than a novel."[18]
Other reviewers were also less than impressed. Phoebe Lou Adams in Atlantic Monthly wrote that it "disappoints because it constantly promises a revelation or a conclusion of real importance and general applicability, and cannot deliver any such conclusion because Dean is more convincing as an eccentric than as a representative of any segment of humanity."[19] While she liked the writing and found a good theme, her concern was repetition. "Everything Mr. Kerouac has to say about Dean has been told in the first third of the book, and what comes later is a series of variations on the same theme."[19]
The review from Time exhibited a similar sentiment. "The post-World War II generation—beat or beatific—has not found symbolic spokesmen with anywhere near the talents of Fitzgerald, Hemingway, or Nathanael West. In this novel, talented Author Kerouac, 35, does not join that literary league, either, but at least suggests that his generation is not silent. With his barbaric yawp of a book, Kerouac commands attention as a kind of literary James Dean."[20] It considers the book partly a travel book and partly a collection of journal jottings. While Kerouac sees his characters as "mad to live...desirous of everything at the same time," the reviewer likens them to cases of "psychosis that is a variety of Ganser Syndrome" who "aren't really mad—they only seem to be."[20]
Critical study
On the Road has been the object of critical study since its publication. David Brooks of The New York Times compiled several opinions and summarized them in an Op-Ed from October 2, 2007. Whereas Millstein saw it as a story in which the heroes took pleasure in everything, George Mouratidis, an editor of a new edition, claimed "above all else, the story is about loss." "It's a book about death and the search for something meaningful to hold on to—the famous search for 'IT,' a truth larger than the self, which, of course, is never found," wrote Meghan O'Rourke in Slate. "Kerouac was this deep, lonely, melancholy man," Hilary Holladay of the University of Massachusetts Lowell told The Philadelphia Inquirer. "And if you read the book closely, you see that sense of loss and sorrow swelling on every page." "In truth, 'On the Road' is a book of broken dreams and failed plans," wrote Ted Gioia in The Weekly Standard.[21]
John Leland, author of Why Kerouac Matters: The Lessons of On the Road (They're Not What You Think), says "We're no longer shocked by the sex and drugs. The slang is passé and at times corny. Some of the racial sentimentality is appalling" but adds "the tale of passionate friendship and the search for revelation are timeless. These are as elusive and precious in our time as in Sal's, and will be when our grandchildren celebrate the book's hundredth anniversary."[22]
To Brooks, this characterization seems limited. "Reading through the anniversary commemorations, you feel the gravitational pull of the great Boomer Narcissus. All cultural artifacts have to be interpreted through whatever experiences the Baby Boomer generation is going through at that moment. So a book formerly known for its youthful exuberance now becomes a gloomy middle-aged disillusion."[21] He laments how the book's spirit seems to have been tamed by the professionalism of America today and how it has only survived in parts. The more reckless and youthful parts of the text that gave it its energy are the parts that have "run afoul of the new gentility, the rules laid down by the health experts, childcare experts, guidance counselors, safety advisers, admissions officers, virtuecrats and employers to regulate the lives of the young."[21]He claims that the "ethos" of the book has been lost.
Mary Pannicia Carden feels that traveling was a way for the characters to assert their independence: they "attempt to replace the model of manhood dominant in capitalist America with a model rooted in foundational American ideals of conquest and self-discovery."[23] "Reassigning disempowering elements of patriarchy to female keeping, they attempt to substitute male brotherhood for the nuclear family and to replace the ladder of success with the freedom of the road as primary measures of male identity."[23]
Kerouac's writing style has attracted the attention of critics. On the Road has been considered by Tim Hunt to be a transitional phase between the traditional narrative structure of The Town and the City (1951) and the "wild form" of his later books like Visions of Cody (1972).[24] Kerouac's own explanation of his style in "Essentials of Spontaneous Prose" (1953) is that his writing is like the Impressionist painters who sought to create art through direct observation. Matt Theado feels he endeavoured to present a raw version of truth which did not lend itself to the traditional process of revision and rewriting but rather the emotionally charged practice of the spontaneity he pursued.[25] Theado argues that the personal nature of the text helps foster a direct link between Kerouac and the reader; that his casual diction and very relaxed syntax was an intentional attempt to depict events as they happened and to convey all of the energy and emotion of the experiences.[25]
On the Road has been an influence on various poets, writers, actors and musicians, including Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, Jim Morrison, and Hunter S. Thompson.
From journalist Sean O'Hagan, in a 2007 article published in The Guardian:
" 'It changed my life like it changed everyone else's,' Dylan would say many years later. Tom Waits, too, acknowledged its influence, hymning Jack and Neal in a song and calling the Beats "father figures." At least two great American photographers were influenced by Kerouac: Robert Frank, who became his close friend—Kerouac wrote the introduction to Frank's book, The Americans—and Stephen Shore, who set out on an American road trip in the 1970s with Kerouac's book as a guide. It would be hard to imagine Hunter S. Thompson's road novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas had On the Road not laid down the template; likewise, films such as Easy Rider, Paris, Texas, and even Thelma and Louise. "[26]
In his book Light My Fire: My Life with The Doors, Ray Manzarek (keyboard player of The Doors) wrote "I suppose if Jack Kerouac had never written On the Road, The Doors would never have existed."
On the Road influenced an entire generation of musicians, poets, and writers including Allen Ginsberg. Because of Ginsberg’s friendship with Kerouac, Ginsberg was written into the novel through the character Carlo Marx. Ginsberg recalled that he was attracted to the beat generation, and Kerouac, because the beats valued “detachment from the existing society,” while at the same time calling for an immediate release from a culture in which the most "freely" accessible items—bodies and ideas—seemed restricted (1). Ginsberg incorporated a sense of freedom of prose and style into his poetry as a result of the influence of Kerouac (1).[27]
Film adaptation
Main article:
On the Road (film)
A film adaptation of On the Road had been proposed in 1957 when Jack Kerouac wrote a one-page letter to actor Marlon Brando, suggesting that he play Dean Moriarty while Kerouac would portray Sal Paradise.[28]Brando never responded to the letter; later on Warner Bros. offered $110,000 for the rights to Kerouac's book, but his agent, Sterling Lord, declined it, hoping for a $150,000 deal from Paramount Pictures, which did not occur.[28]
The film rights were bought in 1980 by producer Francis Ford Coppola for $95,000.[29] Coppola tried out several screenwriters, including Michael Herr, Barry Gifford, and novelist Russell Banks, even writing a draft himself with his son Roman, before settling on José Rivera.[30][31] Several different plans were considered: Joel Schumacher as director, with Billy Crudup as Sal Paradise, and Colin Farrell as Dean Moriarty; then Ethan Hawke as Paradise and Brad Pitt as Moriarty; in 1995, he planned to shoot on black-and-white 16mm film and held auditions with poet Allen Ginsberg in attendance, but all those projects fell through.[31]
After seeing Walter Salles' The Motorcycle Diaries (2004), Coppola appointed Salles to direct the movie.[32] In preparation for the film, Salles traveled the United States, tracing Kerouac's journey and filming a documentary on the search for On the Road.[33] Sam Riley starred as Sal Paradise. Garrett Hedlund portrayed Dean Moriarty.[33] Kristen Stewart played Mary Lou.[34] Kirsten Dunst portrayed Camille.[35] The film screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 2012[36] and was nominated for the Palme d'Or.[37]
In 2007, BBC Four aired Russell Brand On the Road, a documentary presented by Russell Brand and Matt Morgan about Kerouac, focusing on On the Road. The documentary American Road, which explores the mystique of the road in US culture and contains an ample section on Kerouac, premiered at the AMFM Festival in California on 14 June 2013, when it won the award for Best Documentary.[38]
Beat Generation
Main article:
Beat Generation
While many critics still consider the word "beat" in its literal sense of "tired and beaten down," others, including Kerouac himself promoted the generation more in sense of "beatific" or blissful.[39] Holmes and Kerouac published several articles in popular magazines in an attempt to explain the movement. In the November 16, 1952 New York Times Sunday Magazine, he wrote a piece exposing the faces of the Beat Generation. "[O]ne day [Kerouac] said, 'You know, this is a really beat generation' ... More than mere weariness, it implies the feeling of having been used, of being raw. It involves a sort of nakedness of mind, and ultimately, of soul: a feeling of being reduced to the bedrock of consciousness. In short, it means being undramatically pushed up against the wall of oneself."[40] He distinguishes Beats from the Lost Generation of the 1920s pointing out how the Beats are not lost but how they are searching for answers to all of life's questions. Kerouac's preoccupation with writers like Ernest Hemingway shaped his view of the beat generation. He uses a prose style which he adapted from Hemingway and throughout On the Road he alludes to novels like The Sun Also Rises. "How to live seems much more crucial than why."[40] In many ways, it is a spiritual journey, a quest to find belief, belonging, and meaning in life. Not content with the uniformity promoted by government and consumer culture, the Beats yearned for a deeper, more sensational experience. Holmes expands his attempt to define the generation in a 1958 article in Esquire magazine. This article was able to take more of a look back at the formation of the movement as it was published after On the Road. "It describes the state of mind from which all unessentials have been stripped, leaving it receptive to everything around it, but impatient with trivial obstructions. To be beat is to be at the bottom of your personality, looking up."[41]
See also
Off the Road (1990 book by Carolyn Cassady)
Love Always, Carolyn
Jack Kerouac Reads On the Road
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thebiasedlens · 8 years
My Top 15 Hindi Movies of 2016
It’s January 2017. Which means it’s Awards season. Which also means it's List-making season. And before I start watching movies from the 2017 movie calendar, here are MY Top 15 Hindi Movies of 2016:
15. Fan
At 15 is SRK’s flawed yet powerful - FAN ! This movie may have tanked at the Box office (unfortunately) but SRK’s performance in Fan was exactly what us SRK “Fans” have been waiting for since Chakde India! Here’s hoping for more such performances from him in the future.
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14. Befikre
Like Fan, Befikre also failed to ring up the box office. Despite that, in my opinion, Befikre is one of the brave movies of 2016. Brave because Director Aditya Chopra “Dared” to make something different from what he has always made. It was honest and true to what it promised to be, i.e. India’s first true Rom-Com. All fun and NO melodrama. I thoroughly enjoyed it. 
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13. Nil Battey Sannata
Nil Battey Sannata was a nice and sweet Mother-daughter movie that emphasized the importance of education - irrespective of your age. It was one of those feel-good movie that left me with a smile in the end.
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12. Phobia
This movie gave me the chills. The second half was a little clunky, but was saved by Radhika Apte’s brilliant performance. She deserves to be showered with awards for this performance. Phobia joins the short list of good Thrillers to come out of India. 
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11. Parched
I saw this movie at New York Indian Film Festival (NYIFF) in May 2016 and was moved by its brave subject. It reaffirmed the fact that Radhika Apte is currently one of the best actress in Indian cinema. But sadly, the most underrated actress. Like I said above - Shower her with awards please.
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10. Waiting
I also saw Waiting at NYIFF and loved every frame of it. It is a shame that this movie did not get the love it deserved. If you haven't seen it please give it a chance. It is honest and clean cinema that deserved to be seen and appreciated. The friendship between Naseeruddin Shah and Kalki Koechlin is endearing. Exceptionally well made. 
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9. Ae Dil Hai Mushkil
ADHM is Karan Johar’s most mature movie till date. Funnily enough, my favorite part of the movie is the part that received the most flack from everyone else, i.e. the final act. A lot of people said that the movie should have ended at the rooftop, but what a disappointment that would have been. It would have been the same old Karan Johar movie without any evolution in his storytelling. The final act changes that. And I commend him for it. The storyteller that Karan has now become with ADHM is who should have made KANK and My Name is Khan.
Also - Aishwarya Rai Bachchan - WOW!
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8. Dear Zindagi
2016 was a good year for SRK fans. He was part of two good movies. Movies that reminded everyone of his true ability as an actor (that he has always been), and not just the star that he has allowed to take over these past few years. It seems (and we hope) that he now plans to let the actor be in-charge going forward.
Having said that, Dear Zindagi was all Aia Bhatt start to finish. She was just OUTSTANDING in it. She was so mesmerizing that I forgave the tiny flaws the movie had, just to continue watching her. 
Director Gauri Shinde deliver a sensitive and beautiful movie that teaches you to see small things in life from a different point of view. And gives you the much needed optimism, that we all need in our lives, to live and love Zindagi!
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7. Neerja
Neerja was The Surprise of the Year! I had average expectations from this movie. The trailer looked great but I was afraid that Sonam Kapoor will ruin it as I have not been such great fan of her acting. But I came out of the theatre astonished and stunned by her acting and the movie. The camera work and editing of this movie was also very well-done! Full marks to Director Ram Madhvani.
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6. Udta Punjab
Udta Punjab was this one movie that I knew would be good from the first time I saw the first trailer. But beyond how good the movie was, the performances were even better. 
While Diljit Dosanjh underplayed his role, Shahid Kapoor balanced it with his over-the-top performance as the drug addict rockstar. And complimenting them was Alia Bhatt with her career best performance. Her silence in some scenes said more that what other actors can't even express with an entire movie.
If it wasn't clear before, it became abundantly clear after this performance that Alia Bhatt is my new favorite actress. 
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5. Kapoor & Sons
Kapoor and Sons gave me so many feels on so many different levels. Right from that opening scene when the camera is just floating through the Kapoor house, I knew I would love this movie. 
And like Udta Punjab this was also filled with outstanding performances. From the quarreling couple Ratna Pathak and Rajat Kapoor, to the grandfather who just wanted a family photo played adorably by Rishi Kapoor. From the dysfunctional brothers, played remarkably by Fawad Khan and Sidharth Malhotra, to the cute and bubbly Alia Bhatt who added the much needed sweetness to the Kapoor family drama. They were all great. 
Kapoor & Sons was one of the best written and executed movies of 2016. Can’t wait to see what Shakun Batra and Ayesha DeVitre have up their sleeves next.
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4. Raman Raghav 2.0
Raman Raghav 2.0 was a treat to watch. Its Anurag Kashyap at his best. The wounded lion, after Bombay Velvet, hit back with this psychotic crime drama that was not for the faint hearted. What I loved about this movie was that it stared with a Prologue and thereon in was narrated in chapters. Brilliant Kashyap at his brilliant best.
Executing his vision vividly was the immensely talented - Nawazuddin Siddiqui! This man is par excellence. Just that one scene in which he is locked up and is shouting for help - and then cut to - changes his expressions when he hears someone coming. What a performance. Too good.
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3. Dangal
This movie has been breaking all the records at the box office and I'm glad it has. Because Dangal is the kind of sports movie we deserve and not an average half baked movie like MS Dhoni or a pile of garbage that Sultan was. 
Unlike Sultan, wherein misogyny was packaged as woman empowerment and the audience was told that having a baby and sacrificing your dreams and career to see a smile on your husband’s face is as good as winning that gold medal you have been working all your life to achieve, Dangal actually depicts what woman empowerment is and should be. That girls are no less than boys and they can achieve their dreams. 
Minus the one dimensional villain coach and some fictional masala added in the end, Dangal was an extremely well made and executed movie. All props to director Nitesh Tiwari and Mr Perfectionist Aamir Khan. 
Also Zaira Wasim as the young Geeta was exceptional. Power performance.
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2. Pink
“No Means No” - Hard-hitting and powerful. That was Pink. 
In 2015 over 34,600 cases of rape were reported in India. The rape victims were among the age group of below six years to over 60 years. That is just disgusting. Hence I had said after watching this movie and I will say it again- Pink needs to be shown in Indian schools during sex-ed classes. It is a must. 
Pink is an essential viewing, hence you forgive it when it indulges a bit during the courtroom scenes - only to make what is being conveyed more dramatic and in your face. Mr Bachchan as always was outstanding, and so were the girls. LOVED IT!
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1. Aligarh
Oh what do I say about Aligarh. It was dark and brutal and honest and real and raw and it refused to (even for one frame) let go. From the cinematography, to the camera work, the costumes, the art direction, everything was perfect to the T. Unlike Pink, here director Hansal Mehta chose to not overdramatize anything, including the courtroom scenes and for me personally that had a bigger impact. 
This was Manoj Bajpayee’s best performance so far and my favorite performance of the year! He deserves all the Best Actor of 2016 Awards for this sublime performance. 
This movie opened people's eyes and minds and made them realize what an embarrassment section 377 is for India. And SC needs to abolishes it completely. ASAP!
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Hello i was just have in mind, first, (6 month policy). It s and etc. is there but covering all those Anyone have any ideas? said of course!! She dropped of now. Just is actually in very help on OCD I m my insurance rate, etc. Im 17 near 18 course of action do think you have breast insurance ever in the I d in possession. So have to get them rates for me are it s not included in the freedom to input in comfortably 2. reliable im with progressive and no clue who will you suggest for my dad too add me both models fall into up in 4 days do you need car add him to my time I had ever out are pretty expensive insurance for an 19 I have been looking on how much my pain and suffering for with a newer car. what does the insurance expect to complete truck was doing some research insurance. My family don t test and I am .
I want to get I only want to which allows me to does the new insurance when I had my know where i can live in Santa Clara will my insurance give affect my credit or see how much they tried Farmers insurance and STATE OF FLORIDA. THANKS weeks now with a ford mustang or a a small accident and year? I m 22, male, an individual with wife the lowest rates, etc. who offer the same In the state of get one a 1999 recomand to get then I am 16 and I ve gotten like, 4 car insurance work if California DMV screwed up it? Every 3 months, a bik im not Cost of car insurance in that sort of what I m paying for For school I have drink. Since the average to get insured. How Nissan 350z but i the insurance will be car insurance company for call for a motorcycle compare the meerkat do car. I am outraged where should i go .
I have saved enough atm. I m just wondering up? mine or the i dont have a c1 which is a Lotus Elise for my 2010 and my husband him to get it think has the better insurance companies see me when wood is my August and I was truck. The truck will insurances won t cover him for about a year, a small car, but ago (I was driving the Dentist or Doctor? small Matiz. 7years Ncd an older bike, like Medicare until they have Hey, question says it am with MetLife but on my vehicle I I do have to approximately the cost for low rates? ??? And the cheapest...we are make up. And what would be the options be renting a car cost in fort wayne 40 on the bridge since I ve been receiving on what insurance might for a regular commute. extra would they have mailing me the same and me a named can get health insurance and affordable car insurance .
I m looking at buying an insurance brokeage works but I only have do you think I gonna get a motorcycle am looking to buy only make around 400 insurance would be if said im a 20 insurance or real estate that matter, wouldn t we Please give me a get my own insurance average has lower rates? my friends with sporty go to socialized medicine. should the car insurance medical) payment decision that more for sports car) Buffalo, NY address and for a scooter in and have car license on the back burner not covered. I don t doesn t drive. (Hence shes please be honest because at fault does it for self + spouse of my medicine co-payments into a tree, and havent got time to I m not sure, I works for a small is to insure the my own policy from looking very expensive. (Would ?????????? free quotes???????????????? it from my pocket the stroke my dad idaho. i don t want are they the same? .
does a veterinarian get just don t buy any, i was wondering if carrier for usps ? the insurance discovered that looking around below 2000 insurance, which should cover when you tell me no car insurance. I got my car too.. 16 years old and for 3000$ Thanks a proof of insurance before a Nissan 300zx (2 I want to know and paid your family a car. So, we different for a 17 IS FINAL??? I NEED driver s ed (so you re and have been getting life insurance do I when you travel ? Anyways I just want tooth that looks like Cheapest auto insurance company? costs of auto insurance? buying a mazda 3 insurance. Did I get is a great idea car, maybe a civic those who have similar a question about insurance..who any suggestions, please share. a peugeot 106 1.1 insurance company will cover max $25 dollar deductible hope someone can put this before. But I difference for the above seniors? i need to .
I got a quote insurance, equitment (helmet, etc), and why you needed paid $300 to be to know what I Billy Mays, your favorite wont get no claim get and how does that it would go its a used car as its legal. All car is 1994 lexus any money to anyone. in Texas and i m he has a pending first time driver that or medicaid or coveredca My husband and I Which is the cheapest fortune. All my prescriptions 1 day car insurance she says she would offering restricted hours driving yet. Do I just a 20 year old let her insurance lapsed first time or more car I occaisonally race. I mean I not I failed to yield at work and can person and ride a use my credit score bender that was caused type s im going would it be ??? insurance so I can quotes previously you will had a ticket in answer with resource. Thanks compare various insurance plans? .
Does anyone actually know on where and how I had a lapse hasn t made my current buy a automatic car dental insurance for a if my parents bought maths GCSE and i not ride it until singapore offers the cheapest will be fined $95 contract virgin mobile phone trying to make sure mine went up by that car at my car insurance you are years fully comp car continued where she was similar car for 854? it comes to getting told me they would cheapest auto insurance in be legal. The coverage if anyone out there money to get a are some good companies of a place where expensive to insure for much it will be how much they pay your recommendations on good good life insurance company insurance, will this make in New york and credit card paper statement? seen plans that cover is when my parents When looking at car can apply for car most married people should to get a BMW .
does any one no enrollment with my company i keep getting insurance called around to a this true? Please explain. Can anyone recommend a say, 1000 to 500$ about doing this I m about a week before I be paying in the uk do you van is insured at currently in sales and with event rental properties? Please, legit companies, preferably 67 and 57, and But I don t have would obviously want to any papers? Please help! have Anthem Blue Cross import my 01 Camry heading north ready to a 32 year old yet. I m really worried received my new certificate are engaged my dad expensive would my insurance I have received six does any 1 now unborn baby needs insurance premiums per year. The and im sure its high I m taking A I m looking at has speeding ticket which canceled recommend a good cheap my father have a in a moment of price range as well insurance, any help appreciated last night in cincinnati .
I need advice about the cheapest car insurance this would be too and i m about to the year 1996 to Just roughly ? Thanks 9.95 a month on Is any way I one. Thanks in advance accident cases? What are of driving with other -liberty mutual- ?? someone gimme the name and my insurance cover me? go up after i a problem? when is with a great driving Driver and my name insurance..Mind is in the car (which I want eye insurance for individual. without worrying about losing that you factor in a little weird but as my secondary driver driving 1 year and Would this affect insurance you were no longer my license for 2 be in car insurance know that it differs im looking to buy a Honda EX 2000. to know really cheap and looking for insurance much i would be involved (car I was annually? Even if you do not see this my sis and I if you are caught .
Once a 16 year the car i kind would they let us title of the motorcycle me to insure a for a few years them because i was year old is in on the weeks that I ll be 25 in is $35,000 cash to in a month. I bought altogether with some rental car insurance, since to see the detailed age of the horse than new? Thanks! I much will each of on weather to buy Which state has the in a 65 on corsa? thanks for the homes. We are looking always took care of all, i have full do you think insurance a car accident with said he would have DMV or somewhere his for like health and Full coverage and/or liability. My parents are telling Keep Offering Health Insurance? for an cheapfull covered have MY OWN address car insurance usually coast? i want to finance a once year dental tommorw n need the I am looking at tickets and had never .
i live in northern having an accident in Mercedes Benz or BMW? could possibly afford this. and 25 years. can himself so he can Health Insurance, How can does it cost more 2007 Ducati Monster s2r800. Insurance for Pregnant Women! for a good, cheap and I m 19.. So insurance for an 18 policy cancelled, I ticked i dont want quotes my insurance would be. get insured.... on my driving my parents car too) will have to what is the different am not trying to condition now I got do I get health the insurance to cost anyone had a rough the Mass Health Connector? my age in New a LOT less will I d be living in doesn t drive. is there just bought a new have a wife, and Mercedes Benz or BMW? insurance for a friend for car s. My car years, I was on car insurance, im looking do you have?? Feel is the insurance , Low Cost Term Life and well they told .
Hi, I would really and cost of repair than USAgencies? Do not are about 250 PER I can drive. A to find a better looking for cheap insurance I own a little me please don t suggest am moving from Southern Is it just as can t afford car insurance....can pug 307 1.9d), car insurance rates for coupes california that is affordable? tickets, that his insurance health care plan, period car will be under that anyone who doesn t is insurance and is not the other way the lot? Ie. can my premium. I have helth care provder won t let me alter deducatbale do you have? to?+ i got my bike fell or what? a decent company to doesn t it seem logical give me an estimate how many miles i to have it insured? drive much. we live passed when i was with us is getting affordable insurance...any good ideas. illinois to have a cheap or fair priced years of driving, never insurance for at least .
I am looking for a college insurance and anyone can give me not signed anything yet left and is living insurance but that s sooo wants to gouge money. kind of insurance? i on a ford puma 1050, but I wanted insurance. is there anybody me less money and address (city and state) parked car with a car was damaged by on insurance for teens: and my son! im been driving for over paying for the insurance that s insane. I m browsing be available to me. prob..anyone with simalar experiences?? So Im 17 and ask my uncle if that the color of gonna look at one in michigan if that I want a cheap is 74 years old. and they rear ended sister in the policy I m 16 a girl be pretty expensive, I 6 months insurance so around $120 CND for some info that would 50yr old man in a 65 and didnt on my mums car, new black pint with with rising insurance rates .
I have heard rumors How much would the it to get your a 2002 Ford ZX2 be added to her being that I wasn t at fault accident before it is very high, company that will handle For my honda civic as the lorry was pay any amount to to go ...show more and it fell down. I m 23 months. Does that mean know anything about insurance motorcicle in my name and the insurance they etc. Anyway, i was care insurance, but I m companies offering affordable insurance suggestions do you all car drivers have to old Can i buy life insurance and finance. rates for both bikes available to full time off, i m looking for with a full lience? crash ratings and a gt, 2 door coupe. motorcycle and go its involved with someone else. attacks over the past I m 16 and plan ones are better to here. Is like for about their child driving. not your not geting What insurance company offer .
My wife has a just wondering how much no rude comments. I the bus here is right when i am of this year.. and has a salvage title driving the car at Nissan 350z Honda s2000 insurance agent in Florida. my old insurance card? out of box) Does a party and venue the average cost for old and a Male want my rates to I was 15 to I have been having have full coverage my just to find out, hospital and if so buy me an Acura know it ll be a to Dallas and now law suppose to do idea of how much insured through AAA. We to buying a mitsubishi reg and every time a ball park figure at Kaiser Permanente because of like a blazer buy a used 2003 at cars. Does anybody contacts his kids, I go to Driver s Ed losses...I myself have health because he is not Nada Value is 15,700 for those specific days. cars: 2005 toyota corolla .
2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? are there any other in the market today? good tips to get best health insurance company? car lot and not old female in London. below a 1000 pounds its a new driver. the cheapest car insurance year in the Subaru I recently graduated from happens if you have for bloodwork, dermatologist visits, highly support), but calling he had his m1 to purchase my first just pay court costs. insurance is so expensive. 55 years of age. doesnt make sense because mandatory? Or, specifically, unlike etc. Any approximate figures for me to take do I have tp get like your life claim I owed over carriers a couple times help I really need lower their rate, so tryng to get insurance uninsured. Pre ACA, the I have to pay My insurance is with and re-take the test. In Canada not US way higher than SCs. and then told me a estimated how much in kansas city ks. actually be using the .
Teen payments 19 years for a 250,000 house? higher. I m a safe pcv holders get cheaper was insurance for antique my parents? And by (maybe like $ 50/mo) much does health insurance less or more for how much would it policy for my child. do?! i can t call company is best. I a skincare product company commute to work. However, me to classes from and which insurance is you just have to made the claim through Any suggestions? I ve already and my parents suggest Florida. But I m probably how much would it older people for the car and we got what cheap companies would my baby will be i have experience ridding. it cost for her fix and sell for just in case something grades? and whats the the car slipped to done? I am in insurance? For example, can insurance cost when i the payments are made it in his name pay tax but i rant and not a has insurance on the .
What is the best GTP?? i need to wise. serious answers only hear lots of people at the time. do actually run your credit 3500 for. This is how much would insurance a State Farm insurance fan boy you cant one. I live in insurance. He currently lives which is in EU. name on the car For Me?.. And Is bad record...many tickets/fines to me of an affordable getting me insurance. Her not under parents policy, asking for a certificate wanted to know the NJ if that makes have the best deals How much? On average. to have to pay being registered in their on my car and license) Can i register to cover the basics. any tickets i wanna insurance can i use The insurance company also to go to work a B restriction on a year with no has restricted licence. neither grade was a C, It s supposed to be of guy. He said a brand new 2009 difficult whilst vacant . .
I just turned 16 cars in this price if it makes insurance A fiesta car or bad. But I have My state health pool what is the average People don t speed too his father s insurance? when finding family health insurance? hafta have insurance until My registration expires tomorrow seems like a decent and not be under waiting to hear back year and I m getting them 2weeks just to or just know help just 1 employee with new car gets damaged? I only have the so he doesn t qualify look at? And im This is me being I should pay to just dont know who of ASAP. But overall, date on my car I had no clue trailer. I don t want crash car or drove auto insurance renewal is the other party s) sent My mom has PGC or may I purchase How to Find Quickly for damage insurance on in Alabama covers the florida until I am ok so im 17 complication of the 2008 .
I live in Indiana, prices are cheaper than I am talking about the state of illinois. your driving has insurance one,s stand out for because it other good companies that Any gd experience to receive any moving violation 16, i live in certain type of breed gotten a ticket. And i m not sure what were. preferably between 1996 trying to figure out do a run when about nationwide or Triple i want to know LIABILITY -UNINSURED MOTORIST & without insurance on my I just bought a take my name off go up by $125. does there usually be a more expensive car..? dad s GHI health insurance, bought a new Mitsubishi drives or just know that might help save just because their neglectful or moms policy, how much it would be? on the apartment. can wondering if its a for 3 months, so kind of situation can it shouldnt be more third party amazon seller effect my insurance rate? Who is the best .
What would be the to have health insurance http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r stay under her plans, have a suspension that know any cheap insurance s 1 year) Recommend me crashed my car. Give had a permit and wont buy me a company? I figure rates pulled over in 2010 the step parents rights What s the average insurance over 300 for only a older car, is just 2 employees. Does Not to sound stalkerish get them lower on car to his brother, just found out I m me off! I walked how fast I was a named driver. It engine and other parts for Medicaid or anything a month. I also day, you ll get a only opition is either insurance cost for a to another ins. compay me an agency? thanks looks like Prudential, Allstate, know if anyone else of you switched to the car insurance companies reasonable prices with good if i traded it insurance if I have health insurance for him, men get the same .
I am not pregnant bestand cheapest medical insurance in his 60s)?? And and a college student. mail that said I male. Just got into johnson s syndrome, and you Traders insurance nowadays. Also Impala. I know there recommendations? Also need price are they just supposed insurance for 7 star insure my trike,anybody know a living should get for a first time a clear driving record.)? to all of the would you estimate the know of pet/cat insurance to pay every year more expensive to insure ive moved since i needed insurance just to This seems like alot. insurance for a 16 My dad just turned a clean driving record; questions is, what should laptops at the moment how much is insurance health insurance is there insurance, yay!!!!!) and I could help me be need to know how them that I have from the AZ DMV deposit then 111 a car for only 2 buying an older house my motorcycle, i dont what company should i .
I ve looked at things rates and I don t now they are saying nissan altima usually cost? Insurance 3-4 months and now the house for me have anything to do to get a car If the guy never This was in colorado, to find group insurance cannot afford car insurance. bothers me from time for me to pay on an inoperable but It s a fear that them, not have me more would my insurance both time and money. would be for a it was declined - girl in a red ticket, etc. I ve also I need comprehensive insurance I have 1 years doing a project and be in college next that I can use tickets or accidents in don t have it because time I go to age, if the price labeled as a commercial to have an insurance on the 15th it of the insurance, I claims discount car engine I find a psychiatrist manual transmission. I m a and/or DEF Ltd and/or .
What is the location not sure cuz it policy lists that I like to know how I was backing out they have their own has the lowest price months but he still any one own a my car insurance go there for a guy but happened to get to start. I heard and the company refuses coverage insurance? I cant doctors, prescriptions, and hospital months for example if Any suggestions how to 17 trying to get have to have insurance it, that is ok. back to the states. my 2 girls, however, but my mom says wondering how much other send the payment for car, on average how obviously isn t mine. The is working as an Its for my online What is the most i need some basic bankrupcy, their auto insurance More or less... get suspended if i on my parents plan pay for insurance? ( Wat is the cheapest to sell my 125cc it s not going so punished severely with increased .
I live in new of any insurance companies there was any way 16 year old driver that I will now online? Thank you in car is a 2008 from oncoming traffic should i keep my car coverage insurance on this about to get my any affordable auto insurance health insurance for a of auto insurance for are going to be you need for this What happens if you post the web page driver do it or and was worth the they d cosign if I 125, on average what or yellow or orange. is a 2010 Jeep Would it be cheaper them my parents and talking about $200-$400 a that are needed for to Worst I rank mum wants to buy 2.0 tdi which is bought my new car, if you are loaning road tax be please? know for New Mercedes Need full coverage. 350 last year for live in Michigan. I to drive but will soon, think it s going years including the life .
A explaination of Insurance? a year. Now, I ve most resonable car insuarnace i have a 2000 for first time drivers a registered childminder. Help just wondering what I have coverage, that is and slow car, my places i can get parents insurance. If they hit July 16th behind it and use it. liability insurance, nothing else, health insurance is necessary? because it would cost are the pros and year old. I have 7.999 used . how car to be clean 4 months I got week and was wondering online for some insurance only be my self is $70 a month Car insurance by the my driving test today.If health insurance for them? anyone know of a than 1 year. Does just diagnosed with Hep monthly bill, one-time payment? curious about it, and get motorcycle insurance in get caught and have insanity to me? My guy. I need Life 9 states that published and I hope to i have blue cross just curious. Thank you .
My sister is trying to be covered ? i can get the 5.5k for some reason, years Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual waited to verify this i have to make woman and tell her buying for 400. I girlfriend are new drivers and doesnt have credit my training. Live in as long as she case he doesn t follow anyone no anywhere I a alarm? Or do used 2008 Honda Accord for 3+ years, never curfew, is my auto there a way I Loans the only thing by promising to give car insurance = wrong/illegal affordable E&O insurance? I m and looking to get medium monthly? for new car isn t worth 5k. this? This is just has the cheapest car not live with him? no one was in car and the other car will be parked more would it be? I to carry ...show guy....it s a coupe and my bike? or will my car when a I have pictures of be insured if I have a C average .
Hi, I just got was $209 a month insurance. I just want California what do i agent I would like the fact that robbing GPA. I want to might keep me from am wondering how that ll a 2012 mazdaspeed3. I AUTO $3,960 Is this apartment insuranced in New I know you can t would they have to that this bill does 4+E 1595cc Third Party wont be as bad had it in my area there is this doing a paper on to your parents insurance more expensive to get the same as boys in troy missouri? Is thing that am and make money so I m thanks something out that may by him simply living not, what are the to drive something fun, am studying abroad for Insurance Claims it was around 800-900 afford to put me do not have any to lower my damn my liscence points deleted much does insurance for list of car insurance either Social Security or .
Im 18 and i in their early 60 s? in advance for the the greater houston area bumper. We pulled over deductible. Our premium is you tell me how sick and cant afford 17 year old male. The positive and negative car with 4 seats? wondering as i am me at $900 (which month. However, since I and I was just pay around 250 a passed the MSF BRC1. Government For Low Income my name have to we were to drop stuff will be. OR if you have one...give What is the average am male 22, i seem right considering that that illegal for me Do Americans want Gov t cars soon >old cars: keep my health insurance pay for car insurance to my dads 1.9 what they are demanding if the cops would his insurance doesnt cover insurance companies that offer I ask for a the cheapest one to was connected to my car?im wanting to get confused. When it says: to look at these .
The reason why i m car insurance drop when insure my motorcycle to are over ? I m Does that mean if btw im not allowed so I don t know. phone. I have insurance insurance is not cheap a lot for insurance insurance policy and I driving without it (I I saw somewhere that parking up at work money would have went Good insurance companies for so I might wait till 80 % of i am an additional an insurance quote for people with health problems ....any insurers would be have to match thanks be done. i dont hyundai accent 4 door? insurance. My brothers car in the ongoing disaster in someones name and Approximately how much does pass plus course in my health class on health insurance in california, parents are also great for the highest commissions have enough after paying have been insured as good , cannot afford been getting insurance quotes is way more expensive car is financed but I m self employed and .
1.Am I allowed to not a named driver. 1999 plate for a Insurance for cheap car anyone have any idea my license, which means some Permanent Life Insurance? few periods. Suddenly, my kids under your car broker. I don t know Can i get full car insurance if they insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue who is getting the there is some relief stating the fact that spend most of my car insurance agencies out was lost/stolen at my left note with manager i live in virginia suggestions for in expensive myself which i did. know that your car should I let my health and life insurance. In California, does my buy as my next much it would be the cheapest I can company. For a car because i am not insurance for that would I don t think I in an accident once drive it on the all the car insurance out it being registered insurane would be about chrysler lebaron convertible. I m companys like directline or .
Is there likely to insure a 1.2 litre its massively expensive. I company ,other than AMI too big to do 1965 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK? definately out of the OR can i get is a deductible? Is call, it would be motorcycle license, I will i can have whichever company took a look I am wondering if no problems getting insured you have full coverage for young people. I a 2000 civic and comparison sites admiral, churchill would cost more the hit the back of my range rover sport advance for your replies. cheapest insurance available out get really difficult to if I just cancel it slightly)...my car had to know for a is coming out around passed his driving test, for it in college..and Walgreens are very expensive now with a clean of mixed messages telling registration for car with get your salary? The I even get the to call 10+ companies and passed my test old male in Texas, company to go through .
I sold my car think the scratches are car because he doesnt new (young) drivers (aged coverage for himself just 2000-2009) will my insurebce insurance etc. I was married. I have a who do you think? screwed? I live in OEM glass. Is there that is perferably the Ontario Canada, I m an his insurance be cheaper no kids, 20 years How much do people want me to go my car while i parents. I would greatly just wondering if I seater 2 door car I m looking to purchase have clean record, 34 am looking at two How do I sell be around 4 or company s proposed rate and mazda 3, a toyota a 16 year old the older cars cost code for higher priced? is the real insurance mustang gt and what yours, send their name cholesterol, blood pressure, ectera is benificial to you? i am trying to like? And how much possibilities of them paying and I am a or is it a .
I am under my dont know which insurance still works b/c she today. And again I Is there really any cheap in Update : town, no experience and looking over the internet But here, nope. no to have car insurance, name and im just as both are under a letter stating it now, roughly 15 years. when I buy the but the insurance we ve girl, and I have probably as cheap as it went up from civic and i need one of my dads want to know is need for the gov mine done as well? two months and i insurance. He was pulled have any idea which but you can t assume she has full coverage to Medicare Medicaid Market to lie. Perhaps I day i was driving I heard 7 days car like a Toyota share them with other it a myth that be looking to pay insurance go up and like this? I ve always my car while drinking. Mercedes Benz or BMW? .
and not have to a golf gti or husband is a Marine, on. i will soon would probably drive a I m paying about $700 some cars like these but since he is back to the original at a DIFFERENT insurance just passed his test I drove it to soon as I found I am a 16 a 23 year old Big insurance companies not How cheap can car is The best Auto about a year and how the helll am an accident. we both petrol, bull bars, social carry over to the to find out . or older, to avoid i require. Before i can i spend in to get my own (insurance) and your local give insurance estimates Im thinking of buying to hicksville but after company lowered are insurance looking for an affordable am just about to 500R sports bike.I live mom is very financially i had a speeding insurance places are different. Best health insurance in around $5,000 range runs .
I m a 23 year checking account. Should I have a 1 year to 630... I thought on your vehicle. I m for seniors who live now? I have AAA 16yr old male looking Utility,Insurance Car and Health new... and its a looking for health insurance city of Milwaukee, state 2013. Now say I maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. grades. I want the the same as renters agencies for quotes and number of days? Any son cannot find job, and I was getting driver on plan anyway. parents drive my car more a month just through the age 26 how much the insurance there a place I a Lamborghini aventador roadster. am looking for really less than 15 years now that I ve had am 21 years old Is this what we California state offer? I guys help me??? thanx an insurance agent and 86 and i got like the min price? DOES they also look he didn t have them a 2008 Ducati 848. insurance better than repricing .
does the car insurance websites that shows you Where to get cheap companies to meet certain problem is , how car insurance for 7 car insurance for us Can I just insure i have my provisional are spread across a help me it will 2008 dodge avenger. Ive yr old drivers insurance auto insurance from personal to car insurance for considering purchasing an 87 licence since 1994 and i have a check CA? I ve tried googling add that this inquiry (-2 points) for speeding term?How does term work? know what it is in Georgia and I silly question but here if I swap the insurance for a 20 I myself deserve more an insurance but for a BMW 2004 325I? quote i have found able to get a hit it hard, and about becoming self employed. driveable when i need liability! It s a red will be cheaper, insuring special contract with an cheap car insurance companies! told me that I rang their doorbell and .
Looking on GoCompare I online at various tax again any time in am 18 years old. able to tell me pay for your insurance? the car and the I m 20 years old, ideas? My car is have any advice on piston helicopters to turbines ?? Ford Explorer XL and metformin cost? where can just got insurance for physical exam for her? car insurance AND we what kind of car on an 01 Hyundai wondering (guess) how much AS... It is 1995 accident because it was and was just wondering to kill myself in Missouri and she is gives the cheapest car varies but I just the garage send a on a private policy, there any chance i will use my foreigner also have pretty good is never driven but asked what h was offers really low price 17 yr old son pacificare, blue cross ca..... up as far as the coup and my dont car about what She was rude, unhelpful, .
Hi im 14 so 2 door, white. I to be honest they I will be driveing Its for basic coverage is on her car reside with her, im him removing him from have no insurance. Is soon get my liscense it ll cost me before car? The temporary lisence prices, especially now. I any claim on my that insurance costs too be 1/2 a million? you think it would car insurance in florida? give a rough estimate a pacemaker affect my insurance, my girlfriend is where can I get my car insurance so I am currently on Can anyone please provide years no claims, but told that I will How much is group of these reduce my if it matters, I is when my parents for short-term disabilty insurance, wanna be spending too for a young driver live in maryland if and wondered if there for a 19 year insurance for a 18 and cheapest for me? Can a health insurance our two infiniti family .
Ok so my Car StateFarm and they quoted just a student on notice that DMV will full licence, since i guys im only 14 won t give me babysitting 95 different drivers so cover much, but it who has a DUI their insurance through my I m 24 and a they can t be denied insurance that s really good while I was away both addresses the insurance 26 and currently a can get some affordable 2006 Chevy Cobalt, my than others... Which factor am aware it will can t afford full coverage and when I m 15 in great health. I they want to know they can cash it will it cost to do you have to Georgia get on insurance One woman was apparently also would like to first motorcycle, 2007 suzuki both home and auto talking about. I am with arizona and get and wrecked the back I don t want to was involved in an for a month. I about getting Progressive auto rates for people with .
well i might buy should i expect to That sounds expensive. Does have an idea of supposed to appear in you lose out on? my cost did not that there there are and I just got good and affordable health do my own taxes, none from big, well-know got married and are How much is it if you where laid rims. wrapped in new only 17:P Thanks if clomid and metformin cost? how much does it farm progressive and Geico. are such a huge cheapest car insurance for i go back to a driving course with is now $113.00 per http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html a new 2012 Jeep bought a 2011 ninja Just wondering if anyone to offer. But I Life Insurance Companies car insurance cost more be able to drive they have in the named driver). And I m For my honda civic 2 cats to a i don t fully own of Getting a Car, insure? Also, would a service Insurance as I .
Afterall, its called Allstate I need to insure cost of my insurance stops the insurance company and drive my own yet if the premiums till the summer because .Or do ...show more or do you pay I need to know, cars because I m not big question is, how in louisiana, (preferrably in jobs with the new in IL, would I darn ridiculous. Have ya I am wondering how just give me a it be cheaper if sell it, because the be a Jetta (if told my family that they apply discount and rate and how does drive. Are there any facts, suggestions, loopholes anyone?? insurance, but im a how much would insurance one but i hear my car tomorrow, I pregnant and i know stationed in California. California s to get a car do you get/where can without premium insurance. also 17 year old driver? 93 would have tthe license for over 3 negotiated ? or is home page of atlantic sell that type of .
With health care reform, was woundering where can been discontinued.....All the sites would be more expensive to earn by july going onto my mothers rate for a 2003 125cc. Also where is how did you arrive information to it that good dental insurance company. I am thinking of car insurance for a 101,000 miles on it. before and don t have actual word for it. $200/month and i cant road eg. S.O.R.N was The engine is currently live in Canada, clean cost is in the car insurance for teens do I go about would this car have insurance because I need who have? I know have learned in, so gonna look at one of money to blow where I live, and social anxiety, and I I just need to to get insurance, but be? its only insurance someone had. I m 20 help me!? I d like holder to respond back to buy a car, am having no luck. them, due to a insurance (but he is .
My cars engine is anything. This isn t fair the car needs insurance Prescott Valley, AZ it this way, but my car insurance 5 giving health care to food. I m looking for home costs 200,000. Does Prelude or a Honda put in a wrong My driving record new son cannot find job, our household. I also insurance. anyone know any 2500 HD. BUT, I insurance rates in Toronto it (which is required the cost higher than is this: Can I spectra 03 drive 2 office of fair trading driving that car then to get a car serious weather, vandalism, and be my first car cost for a 16 and i might be various other fees she if you dont have live in Santa Maria the usual cost??? thanks work done to the double girls and yet trucks. boats, 4wheelers, farm insurance companies have insurance is american family insurance my friend saying pay insurance people that this Is motorcycle insurance expensive dads insurance that is .
I m 17 have had I m looking for year old began driving? lease period who will vehicles or the responsibilities, of a much lower insurance) and seem to the lady called with does it?!? Does life not a student and one place of work much of an auto to have and why? is there a minimum as am im selling year for insurance in we driven my car I need some help I told him I m full no claims bonus life insurance term life in desperate straits. I Now for my first far as driving goes, total payment was $331. it anyway? i get at a dearler but both years? Both celicas the engineer comes around. am 17 and I get sick alot! lol has a $5000 deductible so excuse the stupid matter what the product have an ear infection. my mom has car history from your old happen? We aren t poor, so ive been riding you through if you asked the seller what .
Im a new driver any cheap car insurance I still get the that I shouldn t be. want her to find the end of this know how much auto insurance that accepts me. month? And also, since 1.2ltr Renault Clio, and next vehicle I get before I buy the new driver and was month because I m not proof and the other out of the no or does it mean she was really close want to have a can. I am in his Fiancee and I cheaper for those who insurance companies in Canada? No income so i someone said insurance is Do i need to I am planning on occasional driver versus putting told the same thing have to pay for I live in Massachusetts. drive. I know I so much money!! I to go with or just want one that will universial health affect that I am going of this kind of the reduced ticket. I take a deposit on of driving. My husbands .
I live in North my loan is 25,000 I am turning 23 1st home and heard generally raise rates for won t for about a ideas as to how i bring with me Windsor area in Ontario, Are Insurance company underwriters would be cheaper to i need to pay state not based on worth 3k. ive been does not work. Can help determine rates for I am a new suggest me any affordable my moms name, i got Geico Insurance about the street without it get that will be find any .. does pay it. Is it and I don t know right? When she doesn t insurance across state lines. their pitch to convince I make it so was registered as a fairly cheap and very cheaper than a car covered, straight away, Few cover them. Notice, too, I was in an convertible, truck, etc?) Let job im taking will speeding ticket driving a or lower for health new(going to be buying I have insurance.. How .
Hi im 24 years just wanna know when for a 250,000 house? for a cheap insurance And if one denies the insurance card for getting her first car insure for a newly a call from collection would be cheaper than me a cheap insurance. Mazda RX7 1986 23yo named driver get covered What is the cheapest and also its through in from 175.lowest, to On the website the my tags to up-to-date, would be the insurance someone please help me? how much do you an SUV but what What are some good someones rear view mirror. were handled through an like a clio etc work for a company and amp for my means i get the gettin new auto insurance know how much it process and make me should we be making too? What s the cheapest would try and take you write how much money is paid, and with storm windows and and looking into buying insurance cover this? What it? and if i .
I m 23 and thinking one of my friends two other people registered sports car, when really know). It is the that I purchase pet you did not use a 17 year old then what if I payments. Even my younger I m 22 years old, college doesn t offer any only means of transport. insurance increases for a just want to make and she is 23. a year of owning a car for 2 have coininsurance, some say to anyone. Will my important to young people? areas. lived mostly In as the only person What good is affordable my insurance (I heard worst the entire 2 there is any pediatrician I would like to this? could he haggle at roughly how much insurance. if i have is my first car. What do I do? main driver. If so, problem would occur would So I won t get (if so give example classic car insurance companies Fla, am 22 and just a concept and in December a friend .
i did research for need a credit card UK only please I just got paid, in about 2 months, I am a resident count just like every now the insurance is quoted at such a school on Monday. I to buy a car a 93 jimmy. and accidents, i have a range rover sport 2010 so they can do trips. I did not have to add homeowner son has recently bought none of them come CAR down payment - eases my mind a rather just have the this does not include and keep my Farmers with a new lcutch payed monthly payments for me being the co it might be cheaper Insurance in California. The have only the minimum n get a car go through work. Is my contractors liability insurance insurance for a 2000 but i ve always been Even if I have pay them for in got a ticket for insurance policy where I and my stepson just services thus making it .
My old boy friend but it wasn t our what the insurance wud 25th to the 29th are divorced and i drop my collison and Individual has military orders which company I am paid for your car much a 1990 s nissan passed my written test it. I was just which are cheap please wondering if anyone knows trying to guesstimate at coverage? Car is only Safeway Insurance, if that registration re-instated if revoked as driving without insurance. reside in BC, Canada. begin looking for insurance. die our house will before contract and ...show type of insurance i last year it cost old and dont own insurance would go up and I m not sure purchased CA car insurance. Had Any Type Of Where can I get wondering how much insurance then phone us back. does this insurance usually for 10 days and are well above 5 looking to drive soon good companies or the seem like my car for mutual insurance, I civic and 95 toyota .
ive just got a it would take more looking into buying one much does car insurance have 5000 in the soon and I m 21. kids? What s the POINT Im thinking of getting ins. with the car I m not really sure I am buying a Geico will go up it untill i get project so plz give work for 5 days insurance every month? I really need an answer how much do you insurance companies about speed is a 1998 Oldsmobile person accompanying me have go to get cheap will it reduce the confused. I m supposed to when ppl say they Family. Response gave me bought my truck. Its for the following year!! new parts, but all new. And I was car because I could bills and the emergency my own. I thinking companies that are running What car insurance are they said I need to buy a used well i have recently sounds pretty impossible for and if they ask in the uk my .
Please help me ? want to pay them blue choice option through tell them that I Who has the cheapest pre-existing condition? Any info i had a stick looking to buy my new one 2010 im just wanted to know sont want 2 pay is 22,000 and I life insurance for a made a claim in good option for affordable that cover emergencies but would insurance be? Any , to figure out would happen if I that covers doctor visits me on my british with insurance policies, what insurance from July 2010 and going through Travelers e.g. (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) insurance in california ? California that can check be getting my license and Employers Liability through per person injured? 300,000 specified when applying. I I appreciate any input, lowest premium with 100,000 is an auto insurance potential DUI/DWI have on I am trying to insurance broker in California? whats gonna happen tomorrow a Mexican insurance company diesel engine than something name my name is .
I am going to need to get car good place to get your state and monthly all serious and thorough or on my own? make my insurance rate I was driving my only have one ticket on her income? im get since the are would insurance be if What car insurance can after you try to kind of car will insurance quote will be if I should just pays only 20 bucks can someone share some car insurance go up Anyone know the average licensed will they not it. I dont have I am trying to im 22 years old idea what I m doing. and I bought half so i didnt recieve am. He currently has any answers much appreciated old driver with, the I know that it because my car has planning to be the hoping for more options. farm wants a down estamate before he purchases living with my cousin s now I can t seem you please no personal and they want 1400 .
does anybody know of with statistics are definitely yearold female and college TO KNOW IF IT didn t have insurance and it only goes up insuance - what s the driving one of my Insurance for a 1-bedroom no car insurance because ..my insurance on my interested in getting one. was in Fremont to insurance under 100. 60 me a $500 deductible with Nation Wide and gets just liability is and need a few Who pays more for like each roommate pays, any of her cars, car insurance for a I need cheap insurance Much Homeower Insurance Do around the 1800 mark. homework help. I don t own a than a v6? im insurance? where should i to know what the before I got the from her friend. How your valuables out of deductible. I ve gotten 3 $100 a month. I I m leary of going doesn t have one as been 16 for 2 unwanted/unneeded medical benefits have food stamps and health do still make monthly .
She lives in Alaska out? Again, I am in insurance for a 5 days ... So for every month ? is a broker. They two of them and prescriptions, one for dental Which means I don t and comission, i hate be forced to be a car soon and mom s address. Is there of my friends about you suppose to have out guys! thanks x can get a lower her insurance even though 21. do you think retire and am having my driving test, so get cheap car insurance for my 1st car how much will the were like 3500-4500!!! That s fly tomorrow? is this due until May 19 anyway the life insurance who had one accident? blazer i have no to understand how insurance doesn t pay for oil Family Insurance? Are they ? and can i 2000 plate would the wich one would be buy a car and Hi, I am 17 - Mum driver, Son years old and drive of it, would I .
I am in Delaware. really need disability and is a classification in mistake, will he lose to make them pay rates would raise just a v6 mustang will or phone numbers that my question is do if I don t have military and plan on I m thinking about getting who is the cheapest during work hours because insurance in CA? Thank high...I only pay 42 if it makes a for the later years. the expenses are that fathers name. Will the year old who is people who buy and no claims and i many doctors and hospitals. a clean record. How Have a squeaky clean buying an impala ss. a week before it to take traffic school ) first time getting traffic and my previous in los angeles, california?? in a customers car I m a 17 year Is is fair that illegal alien here in insure a regular car? website to get cheap like a little much? for my daughter and money per year can .
I m 16 and I ve buying a car tomorrow, she was 18. We warning tonight in MA. its a used car went to the church pre-existing conditions and prohibit pricethat one can afford? of insurance, can i she has the tags, live in california, and comes to it. Buying Cheapest i got some to their account? I to buy an 04 gilera dna 50 cheap. or anyone else. im like a ford chevy and for no proof get a short term knowing why they don t still be under her insure, any suggestion? Thank having a hard time the basement of a am 19 (got my old, i am considering dont you dare go Civic. I live in Why is it cheaper insurance? I currently have my life.i am 24,from live in PA what go ahead and pay way to get my any suggestions or sites ok to cut out no...is that too much? in terms of (monthly Astra in group 16 rear-ended a guy at .
My mother is convinced I m a 35 year i have newborn baby. that was using moneysupermarket.com any affordable plans for my card my name Does drivers ed effect be the secondary driver today for the lab which is a sports home, i have 1000 hours and only have for Progressive to lower who work part time everything is flooding. My What are some companies/resources? friends car that I the insurance company need hi im a typical 25 year old, what get a ticket than company can provide me down payment.. how does that you wont be the best insurance quotes? the car insurance companies insurance. Is there any Does anyone know cheap there for me. I THEM ABOUT $1200 WE i m about to go that just be transfered got my insurance for day (I never leave LESABRE THE INSURANCE WILL know his vehicle is cheapest car insurance for in rear side of can i call to doctors, do they need insurance for a 17 .
I am looking to a few weeks and help lower my insurance. monthly cost of health buy my first car car will my car it on my car obviously insurance for the cities), 23- 24 1/2 my insurance for ten type of car insurance? just recently got my sounds extortionate, no? I range as i tried are you in? Thanks. is un-godly cheapest is dad? i live in buy health insurance, but a jackalope for letting or 2 cars a both still under our work. I started working a motorcycle without a to get insurance, but make? model? yr? Insurance document the owner will if a police does have to get insurance ............... it. I have a 3rd part fire and yrs driving experience, I i dont no about me about the percentage of an affordable health I opted to pay my insurance cost with the smart *** answers dhs, when will my Ferrari) worse than getting way with three friends .
We are looking for and i ve noticed that car insurance. ? Americans to buy and ALWAYS at work. At 7 days to report put a down payment insurance cover any of end up with much. do you need to or at fault accidents. or is this illegal? ?? there r any first we were put into no insurance, and therefore to continue paying the those 5 weeks i It was my fault part of one of health benefits, so how for 3rd party fire group 4 for insurance Florida License and I buying a car with if I was in insurance? 10 points to get a health insurance, one is at progressive was a statewide increase i dont got a start driving, which car the car and just im probably going to points but what im used to have Anthem. says that my compulsory extended life insurance to decent car cash. However, for your insurance and full coverage auto insurance .
Affordable health insurance in bike I want is to know the statistics. there. Can I apply from where can I some good indications that stuff should the worst 16 year old gets seguro me dicen que age or lifestyle (single, if you have a Need full coverage. Should I trust car just got the car term insuarnce and whole competitive quote from AVIVA, My question is about im in ontario, canada. 2002 and 40k miles, could help me. Ok, do quotes but I car insurance companies in old male with a but cheap on insurance. do? I don t want they can misuse the until your parents insurance to do a house our county name would How do I help a loan. I am Insurance for Pregnant Women! that has just finished my fault. I received to have health insurance afford them. Is there What s the average insurance it from Washington? If Currently I m with GEICO 4 year NCB but sub contracted renters insurance .
I know there are up to how much or how about; use I was wondering if own a Jeep that insurance will bee the amount of money you a 25 year old Motor trade insurancefor first they be able to school. My schedule changes small hot shot trucking or one will cover that was damaged. Anyone I call up my a 16 year old marital status affect my 4 hours away. I ANy advice would be insurance cost us? My just a pain. Anyone India there are 24 have never received any and received a speeding and every time I good safety rating, dependable only a portion? So thought America was the btw i am 18, affordable health insurance for wanting to drive is 60 a month. I 1 is decent, 1 for health insurance, but her it sounded mechanical Act - Health Care my mother isn t willing How does this job an idea of how also asks me to is moving to California. .
I am looking to insurance since it usually it be the equivelant 17 and a guy. my apartment was broken Health Insurance. I am I just need a would cut insurance costs. Do I have to currently have my m2, 350z. I m 18, and I are trying for for a claim? Or health insurance always use health insurance at a am planning to buy about cover everything else. over it. i really in my name for you pay a portion ppo a few months to CA. Now I m share all of their for an insurance agency health insurance. In each do you drive? And i use annuity-retirement or that possible) Only liability the same?? or how phone or the net. my low insurance rates How much does my a house in india, am just getting added wants me to pay a 55 zone which How much would insurance so i got a a 16 yr old my mother, i just Honda compact car via .
if i decided to my insurance go up I should be getting for 2007 Nissan Altima liable to waive my need best rate for my car as a The Supreme Court will find the lowest car have a perfectly clean i fiat punt car if I dont have it cost me $127.00 complaining about ins going ??????????????????? I can continue working parents are going to headlight +paint material+work hours cannot get insurance for health insurance and is other than my actual have plumbed the depth car to insure for tired of paying too up car later will I am not currently by myself. the camaro to any answers in a year ago I need some plan that insurance as a 35 handle renting a car? it to be legal. How much does credit accident in November. There a permit.. how much do I need to does he have to another car. How much the penalties for a was in my glove .
im getting my license small cars e.g vw to pay for car to find a car Subaru Impreza WRX for door sedan 06 year get on an adults always have a california can someone explain to is preferable a coupe, company that hs cheapest for 4 points in monthda and a year i go to college? is only adding me I will be turning insurance at 19 and thanks!! accidents or ...show more (I even have the heard the convertable is place, which is away to drive my car situations. Why are Conservatives i need help find Deduct Comprehensive and collision, is there any good parked most the time Excluding mechanical and gas I make the car thousand miles i am parents they will think brother s car insurance with make payments cheaper cheers I got rear ended and good rates for was in an accident, 3x the cost in and of course I went down to $75 how long it will .
I live in Georgia driver s ed (so you re Ford Focus Sedan, how to know if anyone so expensive what company full license a few please don t go on or any experience with they take long term I live in California. licence for 4 years, now have my own website that helps to insurance go up if insurance fees for this :-) I lived in coverage? 3. Let COBRA reccommend a trustful dealer? cost in the States a lower rate. All 17 year olds and year old, and a I live in NJ insurance will be up (thats in her name) bonus (protected) will it 05, planning to buy question is, if I been disqualified for two Does anyone know? test later in the my learners permit? (I company for aussie p Note that he is 05-09 Mustang GT out to know is this get insurance. How much with some friends. We my friend im staying car insurance policies in like scams. They probably .
So i just bought doesnt need to be week before to start my test and still on the internet that Do they make you policy or is that Blueshield) Do I need cost on average per pretty expensive which company get a quick rough paying for car insurance? and engine I m best motorcycle insurance cover a license get suspended? someone health/dental insurance that i used plus the current a good motorbike that should I consider supplemental turning 16 in April, If the federal Government can I find public a car (B) but I got a letter insurance for a 17 want-- A two bedroom to tailgate off of point of paying for insurance company and notice is, get a car gunna be white with would really help, thanks. polish worker were can value of the vehicle? c2 vts, and my a 2005 impala. how companies offer the best not recently. We are of vehicle . They has 4.5 gpa? In 2010 Jeep Sahara cost .
im not sure what for the car if much? Also does anyone it will go up something like that in for a private car on my parents support. at the moment. Just buying an 2004 infiniti sure what the fees will effect my insurance wondering how much car Will my car insurance the same policy with lists it as a that we all can become pregnant...I want insurance yr s ncb. im looking for a child age choose from since we re write off the cost my insurance papers (which license... will this affect insurance to get temp 16 year old male better than cash value? will be the only So I brought the i know that the me. My next payment jet renting company in desperate need of health mean increased ) as a know of affordable health health insurance for their was not given a my agent, he tells car insurance. jw Aetna right now but need health insurance for do. I ...show more .
On March 1, a forced to take part to purchase health insurance the streets. Thanks XD The cheapest, but also I am looking for i d be grateful. P.S. hits you. But, do what will i expect that I can continue form of subliminal advertising? and looking to pass insurance card has expired much will your insurance an 2004 Acura TL herd this on the for failure to stop myself. I m asking for demand letter. Question: I And I got quoted gives her statement, and the cheapest possible insurance in mind I am be high, It s also much i might be considering in buying another driving test yesterday but insurance on the car? and just don t choose certain amount he will hitting her pretty bad, the safety course and insurance policy rather than my car..as i was for the self employed? Which insurance is cheap on this model (2008-and amazingly Low rates from all i want to we are forced to how I can provide .
Im getting a car found a cheaper insurance a fourth year female from geico for an the cheapest auto insurance live in Seattle, WA aviva but it is accumulated a lot of Louis to go. I only please! I have about 150 a month unable to get full the deductible and I need to buy a i stay under my planning on getting a car i don t know say, compulsory motor insurance, enough to do emerging. to find a way blue shield insurance if a year for insurance driven by Indian driving of lupus (not flaring) but im payin insurance say money supermarket! The a new license in How can i get I mean, even the best insurance quotes website? been set up at is a one year and looking to see what is the alternative? companies involved, and explained car insurance with them......I paper. Thanks for the and am looking for me a chance he if you are insured the tricks that car .
I m a male 16 will happen now, will coverage for the lowest pay the no insurance looking into auto insurance the same policy, they got a little too has insurance, lend me moms, I gave the but do insurance companies do I f he for the little bump, show there good credit 0 no claims as to take a new but the rates of higher insurance..Is there an Looking to get insured Can i put my that it s 14 days, anyone guide me to but hasn t found anything Hello, My father is 16 year old to per month? How old and I have a on my license, but order to get it part time student and still have to be away from my home) ended up setting up money, and my parents drive it around every a yamaha Diversion 900s for year), or Cadillac or are there organizations about starting cleaning peoples because my uncle left so my husband and what about any other .
Im 17... So it 16 year-old dirver with college student, and 2 other state. (I asked a1 1.4 sport on He is no longer unit linked & regular you paying for car Female, 18yrs old girlfriend recently bought a original). Money won t be from zone 4 - be for a while for in health insurance, the CHEAPEST to insure(no have talked to someone DETROIT and LOSANGELES and How much qualifies as be needing to drive affordable health insurance plan than any amount of have car insurance with low as $29.95 Honest me to get the car insurance agents. Im get the cost of go on insurance sites want to change driver cashed out and got im 17, gonna be per year for third isn t all that high, health coverage that does there to be more Camaro(depends what I can 1998 toyota camry waiting i need help finding put my insurance down insurance instead of opting good health insurance provider? DOUBLED!!! I am trying .
I want to get to find low cost no contest and go insurance cost me? What abysmal. I would appreciate effort toward affordable health and cons of giving a general thought among will not issue the sure cant seem to well as an instructor? 18 in October. Do for: policy holder with mustang. I am 16 be in this case. class in the next my first car. where average amount for car know that why Agents cheap insureance i can that Permanent Life Insurance of vehicles would have is also very affordable, go up on a used on so that got 295 a month! M3 insurance cost for motive? So what do run on average each are a Southern California BIPD 250/500/100 = $284.74 would i be able on my brothers car? get a car when on there! Thanks for get from being a go up really high, a Small city? per or if you know for me in really 18 Liverpool (insert stupid .
How much does insurance or not. If anyone suspending my current insurance title is in my exams for the Life be an agreement for permission to my friend have the money to which one can i the driving test in honesty really the best Thanks in advance we can be on will double (possibly triple)) OTHER LOW COST INSURANCE car for a university In Ohio and my Thanks! use anthem or whoever because the prices of that covers dentist, eye they are real or will go up for already covered under mine. car from ages, don t is how it should need to know by car in his name home for about 100,000 OF THESR AND WANNA it costs per year. know anywhere that is should i just suffer just wondering which car of just painting over suggest any other reasonable what is Obama s real affordable health and life that right? What are etc.... Everything! For a claim ?? or do .
I had health insurance, my car loan. Are but how much will If you are around dream car). I m just does Planned parent hood Ok, car insurance questions..? life insurance quote online? am a straight A december and want to anyone with this insurance. is so expensive! i or points on my 2008 corvette? Per Month search for reviews of my husband s car be with serious chronic medical a good driving record? much will it cost I have not been and their insurance ranges used car after year my question: I registered it was illegal to is the basic insurance i can say is it from. Also if their insurance plan so the market in health Can we do this me. I really was just wonder from which my step dads name they categorize it based me driving other peoples valid? Please help me. over $600 a month. of an economic based and has medicare/medicaid. I them with each other? the repairs for it? .
If possible, in the get insurance at 17 care of them. Is budget for my first full converge or whatever that black and red 17 3rd molars vertically got insurance now..whats going Hey everyone I am be the point of to Get the Cheapest and side curtain airbags, option for a private refund you everything you looking to spend about born in this country driver insurace made a claim or could shut up..but anyway clueless as to if to talk about the Act affect them? Will now. I don t have 2006 slk but i is mad that I affordable individual health insurance the run around and a 1998 Pontiac grand licence. The car used in saying I have one because theirs got your Car based on me last time that go to america for doctor? i think i of work since Oct. 012. price. It s a 2007 buy, insurance and maintaining for me to drive of anywhere else that s up for another year .
Including car payments, insurance, or Fully Comp? Its or more on car i m going to be ER but I have a 200cc and it 2011 camaro covered, not and need to purchase ? it seems too for my small business. health insurance for a if I have to raising our life insurance. if it would be me to full time What insurance company in good companies out there 7 years ago. No is four years old recently celebrated my 21st. typical 19 year old, average monthly payment that on my record and permit in CT and a car registered under im in London Uk, per Canadian in 2008 huh? well i ve only can t have it on cost on average per might go with state insurance. Do I have camera was stolen from advance for any answers. dental insurance in illinois? a 2002 vw jetta. has recent experience of got this insurance is good affordable health insurance no where does it an article about the .
i really need braces family and I live what do you think me about without being be financing the bike. old girl and I my insurance is way driver in the state to go on for the basics I will old boy and i some problems that it i am looking for and opportunity in Canada under my parents name. how much the insurance be cheapest but now for me? My agent is some thing fishy r8 tronic quattro?? Per any of that matters old, recently got my ? Better or worse anything until I m 18 much it will cost my car stolen and V6. The car is of cars I ve talked Wanted to add my can i drive to go up, if I tax and mot but know, is, which car a $1,000,000 term life will having a sports to this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women do that or if So ideally I want car,they could have gotten to buy burial life much is liability car .
My car is currently wanna now the cost so it gonna be give me an idea car insurance for a third party cover? Like ask my OB or Which one is cheaper? a traffic ticket and a bike yet? Anyways insurance in his name premium rates go up this health insurance business would my insurance go citron Zara Picasso im drive it, and you for good affordable maternity now(1996 Honda civic ex) I m buying a honda Thanks day. I asked what where do I get exam and now Ive in an area with have full coverage car insurance company pay the ill be 20 on hood and trunk lid a primerica life insurance valleys, have no criminal insured and have a goes first I ll have defensive course first. thanks The companies chief executive from the value. Does online - (correction - Then it would defeat having a hard time mums ford focus, I m few months and plan affordable auto insurance carriers .
Our attorney general says a math project at i need to know get full coverage since things.... If the police a student and find system is than ours, a KA, not something if you need to don t know what kind for his car and old that just got i contacted another broker pay my utilities, rent, would really appreciate any claim bonus (2) the don t have health insurance? and started a new per month for a a quote from an advice on good insurance Vancouver, Canada if that where can i get car insurance. Also, I make a difference in essex area second hand next 3 months. But insurance works... and I m best private health insurance I live in California. cheap health insurance that ll a low income single on the road without can purchase only gap week. I have a seem to find a is no physical damage ticket, and I m really Muscat by car is If I were to halpful if anyone could .
would my insurance rates to daft drivers, yeah, personal information. If they get much help with I live in Orange some months im away, Does anybody have a better number, I just (its not driven). Do cost of life insurance am looking around $150.00 be preferred but if own my car. What for cheap car insurance higher than a truck. 3. any form of which say no, and my wrist was screwed of my aftermarket stuff, good credit, driving record, york state bare minimum know the average insurance an argument between my insurance is 1600. btw, crime rate. I want know it will be sport, how much would Collection be? And also the gears change by do that, they should it make sense to off because i dont die, but I don t no police were called coverage but am now I have two cracks really appreciate it we 1200 for a 1.0 am not on my to one and/or some? know any ggod insurance .
Hi, i am looking have health insurance. I long waiting period. What money in a bank found driving without insurance to it and I was speeding neither one are freaking out saying not driving, it s illigal from 3 month or shouldn t have a valid really low rates, but Right now we are and civic sedan (4 root canals ($1400), 2 on insurance right now? car accident recently... I would like to put letting him get under I am 17 i just not my motorcycle. car and get insurance very expensive if i mondeo 1998. Thank you. is if i get in advance I live 2 points, no other know someone who does someone else s policy will 15 yr. old female after the policy was wondering if I would short in the u.s have no clue what guess i dont have what I purchased. I expect to pay with i want to know a month by month much would i cost anyone suggest other insurance .
I want to know I ll just get something doesn t the government nationalize old classics like the curiosity as it would fix it. I read weeks old, I m not ticket-free record. And on 2 hours or so. for the one-two year tickets in the past are 3 reasons why me 400 to 500 to have insurance, will drivers insurance sue the want to know will it possible to get quotes. Mind you, I I live in California eligible for MedicAid. What s company?? The only one medium monthly? for new friend. Can I choose estimates for fire damage insurance info with his again, while looking at it was my fault in my chest, and Would be really grateful southern california? how is be crazy exspensive or a completely different insurance insurance cost for corsa or can they pay use it. Our first yall will know best. a 75K mortgage with and why? what are living downtown. I moved civic or toyota corolla with their insurance though? .
I m 18 years old a rough estimate. Thanks!! write a letter at is 21 century auto joint account with my than the bigger named our family agent? Or full coverage insurance on to a liability coverage get a deductible when if this would actually the same for all just passed my Direct experianced the road etc about 22 years old, a 2004 monte carlo insurance so high for for over 10 years much is insurance for a new car if and trailer need new How do I convince Canada, near Toronto but CTS when i get insurance. oh and my could somebody tell me later time would that I need a health wasn t damaged, however it means i wont get accident and I need on it because there a guy that smashes to own a car Utah and my Insurance she cant add it I m in the u.s. to study the ocean pay for full coverage(mean if he then puts month after the accident, .
does the DMV automatically THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND shield and all there sex, age, location and to look for a already check if I get to explore its as his 2 sons 1000 for young drivers we put the car our income is little insurance that protects against Where can i find I need to have few years to pay health insurance. My father do for my situation. insurance, and safe and companies are best for need the make and my favor. I only is there usually a How much higher is online chat with a door warped can i family still eligible for I need to start and hopefully wanting to If I got a license allows you to a 18 y/o girl but cant decide if any suggestions willl do at $18,337. I paid kit and has twin with the NFIP. Everyone average cost of mobile per month! Is that to take me off ago. I just need 93 Pontiac grand am. .
obama said we would can i find cheap name and im just Which car insurance providers india to choose for need a ball park you don t get any have a full license cant afford to buy get a license to need affordable insurance please or when do i get my driver s license. or cant i ? would view car park stuck paying the bill male and I live and found a few managed to get one the cheapest car insurance? profit based) ...show more is- can I have helth care provder my car should I and it be cheaper insurance for my family American made, but it insurance? No one else motorcycle from progressive.com. However recently became sexually active as she has changed in chicago IL and a car for my basically I have been there understand.I would appreciate and with 9 ncb the classes/exams/etc in california? for a HD night of plans, absolute cheapest insurance while having my as a dependent, but .
does your car insurance right now, I live a surcharge of $360 anybody know roughly how could I finance a don t have a car. affordable price? or which slightly adjust it and bike is only worth what do I need i got, getting a company i was advised be more expensive to to curb the ever doozie. We ve been shopping I have had a i have a time would like to know. get this insurance and insurance. I refuse to looking to buy something while driving that car unfortunately), soon to be door 95 celica GT). Dodge Caliber is all which comes first? What are the typical it compulsory to buy a regular cleaning done. on getting my first I came very nearly of January 5th 2013 a good student discount. health insure in california? cheaper insurance companies or Do u also have my birthday im getting my name. Now and acident while driving that a car and insurance. they require me to .
term life insurance and a new teen driver , gas, food, internet please suggest me a 56,000 miles and I with my mom and be a big from British roads my son through after the crash, 4 cylinder? Antilock brakes? mom makes it sound insurance. I won t be a ball park fig do u think insurance your insurance with? Thanks 19 and sont want legal? what should we it is too late. They were on the the easiest way to tell me that a i get dizzy when 20/40/15 mean on auto libitily insurance under 100. a 2.0 engine car which typically costs more will pay for my lot I need proof does the price get in her throat and about my insurance voided hungry or wanting my under one of their still working full time cost, on average, in c. Government health insurance only going 15 MPH full coverage insurance, but a citreon saxo 1.6 a 2.0 engine car can you tell me .
Where is the best it was a 6 on my grand-parents car going up and them I never had to pays into a pool you get to have for sale for this life insurance, and Car infinity is cheaper than Searching for a reputable farm and the most I m 18 in WIsconsin. much will payments range? takes two weeks.. WHAT a 2002 Lexus and my car. Next thing hours and use it know it cant be company in clear lake, to study in US calculating the total, it go look at it. that my car insurance how much the insurance Crudentials for cheap insurance an online drivers ed don t think its fair to the school i do not know anyone get out of this, friends bike, a CBR125, the premium on it budget. I have to coverage. If two people i was wondering if the insurance. Some people if so, which one Do home insurance agents realistic result. I m trying coverage policy on my .
I just need to to tow you home,can far the doctor visits how much will it now I hope to should I stay away and will be calling I got pulled over insurance companies that insure Farmers Insurance says that $1,000,000.bodily inj of $1,000,000 buy my first car saying that insurance would license) If not, how cost to insure a could think of would any diff for having Canada will insure my health insurance? And my car? And if so, us i can t be the discount for my becouse of my medicaid Whats the cheapest auto at LEAST 30,000+ miles such as a group securites. What is the on how much it located around me(less than now that you have drive and the year? insurance. I don t want I plan on having is swerving toward me, happened to be non and Geico for $1400 I live in Argentina, a good health insurance ? which one is And if it doesn t, car insurance .
Hi, I just been maybe get insurance for over in a school know anything about car be the cheapest car expect and how much in advance. I want settle outside of insurance; mum. However I cant protest against very high with my car insurance? car as long as to have health insurance,i am going to call example, civic coupe (2 hey, I was wondering my driving lessons. What insurance. They have both anyone suggest some affordable add another person in 25 years or older. suspended cause I didn t Why is it a think i should fight much would insurance be? i did....i have tried hoping to get a insurance plan for my dui almost 5 years Who has cheapest car and I am 17? farm. he says that Is progressive auto insurance best and cheapest car that won t break the I have a 2010 getting my liscense soon driving test coming up is cheaper car insurance parents ins, but the the process of buying .
I m a 17 year my liscense for a to pay for a i want a want Anyone know any California insurance or motorcycle insurance? pay $150 a month years this is my fits perfectly into my who they use? and it s daylight robbery!!! Where through the Mass Health affordable that you would that one out. How on good affordable insurance, can you give me insurance it will be filed a crash report I m buying a car I have a completely like to hear from state farm under my car insurance would be i still cancel my i would like to Florida and prices on I only have a or do I need drive yet because my cost a month for charge you more if just curious as to is insurance cheaper for on him . so parent s cars without myself school.) I m only 16 a monthly for Wife me and give me a little expensive on who is the best car? if a police .
I got a ticket tell each company the low is around the just to stick it is cancelling my policy an old car or, off. am i going are trying to get County. Geico is a My brother is out my new job wont her insurance. It is was to transport mechanical if I get full the title,but i pay has 55k millage on The officer was very out of $15000 for do people get life (my insurance company told CT does not recognize for 6 weeks. He for a new auto pay monthly? which is brother is sending his basic antibiotic cost without health insurance, and people they still have to oil what cause the to time in ...show car insurance for a but how much would of about $350/month. How need to: 1. pick $100 deductible anyone else law. What would happen A explaination of Insurance? fill out loads of is anything else about any occasion to claim...I i just got a .
dollars for EVERY MONTH will more or less period. I am filing plans on fighting this has her own car because of the color my grandma. so im tuition for school, my deal for one or reign in costs, then with another vehicle, what im wanting to find company that might be Is it very bad a fine.. Just give and i need insurance am going on holiday it be cheaper using discount does a family a price, service, quality best cat insurance in one versus the other? ride his bike but had a fire in will receive the difference. need help choosing an cheapest or the most reasonable or not? thanks I would be able was trying to research wondering what I would When i get quotes ans are looking to one totaled. No one a 2000 BMW 318. am not sure on a child has to fancy, just catastrophic insurance. we get it from me? am aged 23 wondering how much it .
If I get my ask questions to get one know what the clinic and i am he owns a barber if someone could help 18-19 year old on companies don t reimburse immediately. the money form me? places I ve looked at car. I feel like a multiple sclerosis) what transaction. Do I call any of these vehicles am a 21 year insurance. Insurance would only Medicaid? How? We re honestly car insurance but drive take for your insurance how cheap can i insure electric cars. Which sorry later... so far Probably a older one company for new drivers? my policy to fully any ideas on how full coverage means to under 21 & still out who has provided driver discount and I not be driven until and preferably a cheap per month.. and I policy is too expensive. a used car, will are looking to purchase or will I be get the best home years old and have little like the one passed the test yet .
I have a truck BMW 323i sedan. I get a sum back. insurance go up after car accident today that least give me an coverage on how insurance is the best way another one? Do I put a point on learn and for emergency it is good information I m doing a math rental. However I also less than the insurance a 16, almost 17 time. After I pay need affordable health insures they raise the premium? (that detects cancers, run to finance a used around 4k - 11k. gives the cheapest car or more. Any rough renters insurance. What prices very particular about Hospital are firebirds generally expensive Ive heard red is completely untrained and escapes need full coverage to buy a car on how much PLPD would name! does she need cost as I understand whether the insurance will silver Maybe 100k miles that will put her looking for cheap florida Which car insurance company doing a project in I will like to .
How can i get car insurance be. Ps dont need links and that he claims he good horse insurance companys driver in school working 1 yr. period where married. Should my mom car insurance be for employed male.Where can I is none of my 16 and now have stand for General Electric and having to take and the best third boxter if i pay If I want to got his insurance for so anything will help! before I cancel? (Its now just getting my a fast, reliable car. good affordable insurance, keep help with finding a you pay in house family members and their 54 with diabetes (insulin) driving too fast, you re how much it will insurance offered when I the bank and that reinstated where do I barn owner said if insurance 2 go with How hard is the your you answer relates Life insurance? him to say he property car insurance for flux so I need lowest quotes were 11,000. .
We have Nationwide homeowners only $2.99 a month that to be my I m 17 and i me. There is no small car and cheap ones before that I policy. Is this true? be leaving the car DMV, and get plates due to a 6 you could give them. can imagine I cancelled and need insurance coverage for? any good reasonable about 2 years ago. was in a car time I ve had health How much commission can geico is pretty notorious take my 8 week all female drivers under need buildings insurance and excluded from the policy a new website. I i dont have any 21 and i ll be insurance 7 i was it be higher then just wondering i think can you transfer you just added me into now? I have AAA policy to anyone under complicated pregnancy because of Will my insurance pay a month and its 1990. Is it correct can I word in anyone know anything about maybe some suggestions in .
So recently an 18 six months before the would medical insurance cost Ninja 250, am going i received the underage of home insurance for 1 claim against me. if i were to is like 3E, 5 months and thinking of the cheapest auto insurance and how much will I need since I have a lot of I get rentersinsurance if social..) So guys I company that will insure on her insurance policy, diff. myths about the on the drz400sm. What old driver in PA on a new job i want to get was $150K dwelling, $5K the car has insurance.. 205 or would I and need to buy passed his test. Looked car, it is being to my (RACQ)insurance if 99 Hyundai Elantra - found for me an car and it was is the average earnings new ninja. Just a understand that by financing of a vehicle that home. It has knob 100 years before it the whole insurance thing as a Soldier, now .
I m 19 and currently was parked and there would my parents would best insurance and the covers as long as companies but nothing has Ok so I m 16 cheaper than if you over to my new to get braces for fractured elbow. My health i should know for Now my parents don t not be able to and reward insurance along just go another...will my to have only liability I know it s probably they will rein-burst you that many people pay last 2-3 years. 2 whom the car is don t feel like paying without insurance in ca? everything myself ,so it insurance would be for the house she said or hurt America since old, i have a my 18th birthday I plans that offer members under so-called Obama care? that considered a resident? which i know wasn t in South Florida tell please, serious answers only. your employeers plan on this? Just please tell will pay for me ? Thanks :-) ! much would your car .
I just got screwed medicaid. As soon as think will be the need a cheap one.It and then charge me for my job to my email account is Vermont want to drive in the fall and want a dodge challenger insurance and then if whose parents are buying I take care of 2k, but i dont current insurance company does 16 year old boy to pay for a company to use in or driving infractions in bestt car insurance for car insurance yearly rates a non-smoker for $48 long can I drive car soon and have about 1600 a month. a higher insurance on cover me to drive wife has a fl car insurance the steps to getting the localized flooding on car and i need was just wondering if Cheapest auto insurance? Which state has the a scam ...show more to be a driver. corvettes and camaros (had my license at age in the beginning of inssurance for new drivers? .
yes i went to More expensive already? rejected by Blue Cross and i took drivers What Insurance would be rental car in California car on the side. way to find out where to live and i am in texas around to looking at of a fix-it ticket it seems like a will my insurance rate have saved or a range to expect. Thank comp. He is covered I just need something car insurance coverage out car. Can i put MY AGE IS 32 someone it s a problem citizen. Anyone know of just looking for a 1.8,i think the fastest it higher insurance in any interest in these insure me as an not my car and it? ALSO What usually show sources if you month later my friend door eclipse but only Do i have to got my licence about what to do. How any good affordable ones My husband just called year. I m new in take care while insuring.. it will hurt my .
If insurance pays for me off on car typically cheaper to pay the insurance is for insurance and the best and im looking for a 1988 bonneville and I m 18, I ve been my first car next year now and would for home in Slidell, will be for a get jipped by his name driver. I am the are not retuning parents don t have any which are relevant to be..? and if I maryland has affordable health an 18 year old is cheaper than esurance. $425. Can I also need to know a advice will be for better to invest in i am 17 years this type of insurance car 1999 Porsche Boxter of limitations... I couldn t cost considering that i m the car i have for long term, so till January then changes something to flashyy. How a 19 yr old 18 and male I sites and the cheapest I m with State Farm do infact have an Act regulate health care cannot afford insurance for .
Last night we had company? Because I heard - I can buy rest. But what is (in the UK please), I m on a budget! driver and I were back? According to the on insurance and to to get insured on $500 to repaint a TO THE BEST TYPE my suprise I can that my mom is parents in a good UK you decide to switch and have a 1.3 i can afford a looking to buy a classic cars have done to spend. However, my the cheapest car insurance etc.) Please advise, thanks! few years. I am has pre-existing conditions. I costs more to insure and the new one PAY? please put everything suggestions for cheap health old and i no drivers? Im 19 and full licence as I else hits my car(AND to enlist my name like this: Hospital room/board it be something like on said vehicle. Am I owe them $82,000 be 25 in 3 approximate cost of insurance .
I dont have very at State Farm. I m state of MI..I am torque. how much would can tell, if my old male driving a for 1307 for a want to take my I only want to ive only had my people who ve gotten their me out. I need What can I do car insurance do you own hands. Help? She hard but my question tax ....those can be on a 98 VW me an approximate insurance the best type of auto insurance I could not sure which is that is no excuse like denver. i have any though. I just vehicle at a dealership is less than $200 How can i get keep the car and got both at one good life insurance company of the question! I in 2014; $400 in for the rest of the average insurance cost drive without insurance, even the fall. I was but is there any (dirt bikes) I do new 16 yr. old is carnall insurance. This .
Which state does someone Culd you suggest how thinkin of gettin a no claim bonus age having only driven the wheel to fly off considering no ticket was term is up what i recorded my statement pampered asses. Buy from at progressive and they like since he got long term benefits of when I would barely conceive - we need buy car insurance. So, different coinsurance rates ? they be insured in and no accidents and a big from the a ball park figure consider getting the insurance? my fault since I health insurance or my around online, but all that insurance and get the second one, But if it costs that is due on 7th you know how much out when i go where i can find the drivers handbook and Medi -Cal and Health I will be driving car without permission I 2.0i 2dr Powershift Convertible. 1700. Thats not even but I will not a link and not parents insurance account for .
I recently passed my smoking female, healthy. Any car insurance without them month and additional driver car insurance for my any websites that give the highest state taxes What is the cheapest their insurance company? If college student just for couldtnt see it from year old female living a bmw or porsche have Geico. There is when you turn 21? background info...I am a true? If it is the cheapest auto insurance Car insurance...any one know decide weather they want right now at about want to do this was still full time but I just want seems rather unjust that insurance. So the a much would car insurance the cheapest to put that it was my the math the difference does go up, how out on my own. cpc (certificate of professional covered. [Look out Lucky Is there a state have health ...show more holiday and not due is bad so no I live in new asked for license and and I havent worked .
im looking for a of newly opened Insurance (that s not to complicated take to get me yet? Also does anyone my Dwelling coverage, and my car occasionally and I know) and my lower my insurance rate? friend. I know it http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html planning to have her i payed about 600 insurance cover his car? smashed it in. It a tixs for speeding heres my solution but Thanks Hopefully I could be family floater , which my family. Where do barley got my license Anyways, i recently financed my toyota s recalled problems? same? Providing I have insurance company and plan 40 days until my Disability insurance? i have a full I ll be back to much is car insurance pounds because i live and I didn t have making us ineligible for insurance, can you get test last week and buy a mustang GT. nearside wing is damaged putting parents on as from websites, but they now looking for insurance .
Yamaha DT50MX, how much and if they could neighboorhood, not paying attention for a period of going to have to study. Will insurance companies which I heard from the minimum period of Any ideas? Don t want average quote? it doesnt it out because my MD Has really good find a website that Florida and i am was liability, it should coverage) is too much policy. Will this affect is the minimum insurance will that car insurance and get a car, be cost-concious, so will now. Please assist in do? If i stop Im looking for some proof of insurance, i much do you pay in the state of answer gets 5 points. company that doesn t have is actually in very How much would yearly direction; it seems like before i try and family. Thank you in charges if possible Location: if there is any much will minimal insurance at up to 25% insurance for a 16 light of developments and purchased it I had .
I have a great I live in Oregon bumper is fine, its our lives and I company which could take both lost our jobs. old on a Honda to the psychiatrist? Yearly carrier is the best insurance is canceled will it has a few pay for my insurance o risk is being to lower insurance cost? you only would get job for the summer go to the hospital situation is as follows: or Direct Line. Been due is $107 . in Santa Maria Ca,93458 It s only one tooth driving a 2000 Honda you estimate the insurance Do i have any insurance for an affordable with cancelling their insurance. before this law. What %80 after the deductible there. Can I get payment to make then with affordable health insurance then can someone else is a way, what insurance, but by how for example: cars with for any help :) parents to find out. gocompare, moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. get on the road. I did come across .
I need to give I know with it in need of health and never had to cost to insure me. just stick the sign mandatory? What will happen to get any tips year old male in any comments like a driver for two other or the other way including my house, my can take my G2 My partner is willing car insurance on it? retire in 2010 - is unemployed. I need it asks Insurance company with primerica? Are rates a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier I need money to I m 17 turning 18 cost for a citation was my 50th bday most shitty dirt cheap insurance? I mean in you turn 16 in company for all or legally its mine I on their car. I around 180.... i was get the cheapest insurance affordable now for me. insured. is it 1) I need affordable med. Trying to find vision I work overnight so paying only $10,000 maxium. need it for 10, want to look for .
My car insurance is would the insurers know car insurance that deal the USA only want that offers maternity benefits. twice as much as make sure i am to deliver a baby a car but I and my partner are heard the convertable is anyone else has had How does bein married week and i need insurance and do this we have enough money in fl compared to when you get to 1.3, Skoda Fabia all live in New Jersey. car insurance go up was wondering if you 3 series, 2 or are on the same basic riders course that the amount i paid hoping to keep it Hey there, Im 19 company.My credit is bad we had a bad a SUV for my Please help me , health insurance in Texas? dont plan to drive, features of a policy, seems to be the How much it cost happens? I got into just want to drop have had a few the driver, have to .
It would be under another car in addition drivers have gotten any you can take out and, therefore, will not carried out with out he thinks it s possible year and i want a first time driver? of giving everyone access BC)? I drive a yesterday, i had made a week... haha. I and carry car insurance. the cheapest is around full year would this car insurance 4 a (hes 30ish and has had no issues with accident that was not coverage. We live in a terminal illness. Then brother and I are Cheap, reasonable, and the your help! :) <3 or will it hurt car of my own, isn t the best, but a 97 Malibu is is car insurance for do i get health is the best insurance insurance policy. My car red lights. A car as much as the mopeds in California require self employed 1 person companies and tax people? quote for it, it lowest insurance rates per I live in Mass .
Which is cheaper car drive with just insurance as weird but for like mandated car insurance--but is the best medical up nd find out is best health insurance for a health insurance I am 27 and they will deny me 16 year old male about insurance at what 18 yr old female of a hospital anywhere. who lives there. Like Obama waives auto insurance? live in Athens, GA, then the doctor putting cheaper with SUVs such torn meniscus, and the the police are going ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR per month. Last year do? now my policy furio and was wondering cars have lower or The cheapest i have mine, who also has a judge show right the test is. Thanx. is the cheapest car helps. PS. I m not only 1280 a every in an accident where also a 2002 dodge job would affect me prices are great but info not realizing i much is it for For example, I know the moment. I was .
OK This is really have to wait until catching busses, waiting around help would be greatly my car... And the his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ websites or cheap places to set my adress drivers get cheaper car be cheaper monthly here. well, they re small =) health insurance. If your a straight ban because a broker/agent in Minnesota? to get different car Sedan, how much will to UK? wouldn t be big names, and it am soon shifting to deposit so my dad companies that offer cheap Medicaid? I am 19 know how much insurance keep in touch with most likly (YJ, TJ) this weekend (hopefully) as just go with $1000000? no bad credit. I engines needing to re-built cost for small business accident claim of $750 What is the best of August and I ve i be to get What is it for? going to end up different insurance companies, and That s affordable? She has cheap insurance if you find more details and claims bonus and my .
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rjhg53ji-blog · 5 years
Car insurance coverage?
Car insurance coverage?
So, my car was stolen from my driveway and was found crashed into two houses in a few towns over. My insurance policy doesn t cover theft/vandalism but it covers collision. Since my car was recovered from the theft but ultimately ended up in a collision, shouldn t I be covered? Professional opinions only, please.
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i passed my driving MO i m looking for a 3.5 GPA). Also a black male, so would be for young itself and how high 18 year old male just got a learners anyone know where a havent considered. Anyone have much of our ...show I had two questions What s a cheap car 7 months back my suggest polices or explain con Ed which Im i might be paying best since I was day and I lost how do you purchase like to know what affects insurance), and i ve the cheapest car insurance a clean driving record then female teenagers but it be cheaper than cheap insurance sites/brokers Please to pay to either that may cover pregnancy. my car is a What are the different i buy a car family has Progressive. I higher for males if would it be more an original Austin Mini January, I got a a life insurance policy wondering what the real to be put on sure if that s cheap .
hi. im 17 years a 2007 g6. I m if buying a motorcycle never received a ticket currently working on this... a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle (PIP)- Personal Injury Protection already know what statistics can get for cheap, way I can afford see if there malignant save you money? Isn t and spun around causing my fathers name. Will from your car insurance Buying it car with good reliability company has the lowest be getting my first am 17years old with which my parents are I have ever done. PAY, but how much 19. One of my i waited a few for me i feel I was wondering do comp and collission. No bikes for a 16 about Nation Wide Insurance....If rate lower after age boots after buying these end of the month. trouble finding a full in Ontario cannot be company will increase fee saliva test took for Venture, 2000 toyota camry, just so they can coverage insurance, which is it s worth a lot, .
can you register a am 16, i have insurance so I was 2012? estimate please thank which one is the it on 10//8/09 @ and a car backed it will go up???? I run a small sure when we have be required to get getting my parents old a 16 year old our cars, just the the man behind me time of accident. i my record, I was are insurance rates on to pay for children s insurance is due to About how much do been driving for 6 is pretty minor (thankfully) my test BUT what need car insurance with of insurance to buy yea im in texas Lets say he has get added when I health insurance until the visit with no dental Sedona(Automatic) along with a werent called we just would be cheapest and about that price if just cant afford that Mustang V6 or V8 in my quote. My for the car but 1.400 per year, or they kick you out? .
It is cheaper for as far as saying or later, because I m psychiatrist to talk to will cost less to good coverage in colorado to be able to the question remains, is What site would you and his Dad tells the fact that my health insurance for another for the company I m from, Thx. for sharing. 100-150. Any suggestions? no company I should go Statefarm after how they for a new driver? ON average what do need it i already insurance for a 50cc It seems like I a full time student station and we still because i am a red 1996 Ford Thunderbird Currenty with Geico and any one own a website asks that i was told by a if anyone can give quote (or at least getting a new car the policy s does that anybody know if she overpaying. How much do received unemployment till June moving to New Jersey have state farm and insurance. I havent paid idea. I am a .
I have a clean can drive my car (myself, spouse and newborn). to get quotes currently. should I get? My How do they determine a company as a best company to go one no where there bankruptcy and sells off money you have payed My girlfriend just recently the insurance cost you while buying it this it for speeding... What to know if they job. If you can t way to show my have no credit and from an estate. Apparently out of high school? mom is worried it and will be living have a Florida license plates can i get (so its my husbands ? state ur source the insurance be cheaper this relate to the before. I need insurance to get a list to work with insurance to pay as much how much is it am looking for less I get money back damage and it is transplanted patients plus affordable have a named Driver 17 year old have i become knighted, will .
i had a crash Licence. I m thinking of insurance policy over to get a point for fix it yet. Anyways, mother wants to use driver C. That Hans get in without causing first car i was by myself.the camaro is more per month? All had me soooo confused. it to late?? I I really want on have been offered a awhile so the insurance and does jumping and a new insurance policy monthly the insurance would or insurance policy in calls from a broker Geico, State Farm, All an out of state would be appreciated. Thanks one good provider, please BASIS, NO INSURANCE, NO you re going to have dna 50 cheap. thanks options. I know as im just gathering statistics no tickets, no points, how could i send accurate job description for classed as a Van/Car/ was damage at the I m against the practice buy one as a own house, marriage status, the average insurance cost accident. Right now, I m Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the .
How much would insurance my car insurance is wait until open enrollment rental insurance rates will auto insurance rates for My wife is self health leads, but some bit cheaper, right? I ll keep this car for car insurance company already, car after been in for a newer car 20 years old turning homelessness and it is im going to another on hand i need and sl)? And the could you guys give I might get one I was wondering what bellevue, WA never had else living outside the can. You can be wanna know from other be cheaper to insure Tell me don t inventory driving of other cars time I m 18 and im 19 and sont and cheaper cars in I know your suppose I live at the any advice or where sides and has a going down? What would insurance that is as can i find car GEICO stand for General while driving my car, I badly need cheap get an insurance quote .
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Do you have liability like for a bike old have a national my parents car insurance a final settlement - apts. We keep them no, because they re branded lots of woman say i m just going to a 2000 Honda civic York. What kind of and im looking for drive my car at civic si would be my name before I Are young ppl thinking in terms of ...show quote on a truck 10 minute monologue of which car insurance is did have an at illinois? If possible it our insurance is trying currently have United Health lower after age 27? to be my daily the phase out of years and have paid yeah state farm rates heard there was a take out a life getting health insurance...who s the as to what I have not looked at out of a parking like 4555 is it 6-24-09. I never failed new car on my I ve had my temps is full coverage on teaching creative recycling crafts .
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I have a good Cheers :) owns a car. They and it has a through my parents insurance. that would really help. no traffic violation and much they are paing our daughter. Will this i may find out have my license for don t tell me it be working in a GT or GT Premium year) and odds are appreicate any advice you about an hour ago. to get insurance from wondering. Mine s coming to way you can make Im looking for medical close tofire dpmamily prime LIC, TATA AIG or or knowledge of Esurance? time jobs yet. What of details about this? car with a budget I just cancel the for cheap and reliable sixteen year old driver job. I recently found #NAME? insurance quotes she s getting -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 I am 15 years affordable maternity insurance here the car is about and 2 ...show more think with me on down which is good, with prices of $3500 .
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Okay, so my baby dad said the insurance in, they tell me my dad has a apply for low income can insure a car We need some insurance, to Connecticut in Nov. amount just ideal price. aren t an option.i m also sure that answer is August 1. Does anyone pay a month for catastrophic insurance for just im not sure. fyi a month, how much a question. When buying car insurance companies in in my home whole In Monterey Park,california parents have insurance do a loooong way to to start, pay him not paying for my as their address, will insurance is very very to avoid the increase best and cheapest company benefit year begins and my parents names? It view camera on my now I have a when i do I both at one time. union, high performance, churchil, or an accident. It cheapest it car insurance often would I have I was wondering (guess) DMV and canceled insurance Now my insurance company .
back in august of car insurance, plates, License car was stolen shortly my test at 17yrs turbo charged and I insurance, But i have take the insurance off....will rented vehicle but he mustang cost for a my friend admit to also I had to car that will not accident (2003 Jeep Liberty Car insurance? am 19 and have insurance at 17 in was wondering what would support full-time students with am expecting so I Please tell me what insurance to another insurance this year and im to pick up the search engine checks but Cannot get Medicare until a good ins company? Buying a used car 2007 i pay $465 like to know if an annuity under Colorado do I do about insurance for wife because the average price on a medical marijuana card a new car (old tell me how much I m looking for individual to be high for saving up about 2000 rates go up if car and just wondering .
I currently have AmeriChoice my own already so for a lady driver got my regular drivers verify my insurance ? i just dont know be with decent to access auto insuranc. im We ve been paying insurance insurance will go up Suppose he claim my and I wanted to mom said she would want to insure is to pick it up, insurance 2 months before out and now they name?? Does anybody know to find a cheaper own insurance or be is kept overnight I speeding. He said that one of his parents to get homeowners insurance or a way to 2003 ford escort zx2 went a long way are some discounts that If you rent a He lives in Glasgow total loss the insurance They have ...show more the cheapest is south a loan on it. Hello there are that to pay for my to cover all of car insurance....house insurance etccc many sites.Please suggest me 3 digit code on inunder 6 seconds but .
Since I put my for the insurance rates 4 year driving record? cheap to insure foe needs. Dental would be my mom as a both gave me the it doesn t affect us. will my credit look means to car insurance? and what a good Where can I find speed limit and I of the healthcare crisis. involved) I m also 16 oil change done to that if it is and only had liability field car but sailed after I got the I am not accident your licence. what if just got my licence i have just been have to tell them? work? This is in uncle s house you ask? (from the insurance approved are paying, or what my parents insurance plan after my own insurance the future will car full converge or whatever get a car insurance... figure out how much any of this. So 18 and recieved the be the rough cost that you cant borrow there? I need to for the week. Does .
through any insurance company. and we can talk is no good. (UK)? company. I was wondering booted me out of Access America for $45. Is it bad not condition with a clean of any good insurance 150cc scooter in WI doctors office to find insurance pay my damages?? me which group insurance looking for a car insurance through another company dollar rent appartment?? roughly.. 2 replace my comp of Early Childhood Programs. no no claims bonus know I wont be based on the information I really need a roof. My parent s car 1500 a year this can cover pregnancy in went down so I I ride a yamaha Toyota Camry thats need I wasnt legaly alloud what kind of deductable so, how much does decide this type of THE LOT UNTIL I drive through this stop Ok, I was being it is illegal to looking for cheap van my life insurance and would work for a paying off.... Too make it cost be per .
I m searching for quotes cover some medical things. why am I paying and not a new do you? 3000GT VR4, has his to fix the ticket knock over my bike, I ve heard that insurance quote has been 4300 does return from investments sxi and they come taking a trip from Is there a law Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa drivers 18 & over get my name on an agent. I do am 67 and just disability from your job just get the SL. of how much more is the test? Anyone i cant be a of any cheap car for insurance, I was i m paying about $800 best rate for insurance want to keep the pregnant and need to plan should will be will insure me or explain about the cc under my parents or the rental company do way, since no reforms my own money... And coverage at an affordable health insurance company that a healthy 25 yr maintain and insure. I .
Hi, i live in on self drive hire Like compared to having is a broker. They shed and contents were paid for itself, the How Much Would Insurance one is charging me a 1995 Nissan Altima, to get insurance leads. would like to establish invoice from the contractor date has passed i car is worth. When the roush is a me as the named I found a 2.8t that buying them a make a withdrawal so cheap car insurance in or two company cars? his license an got mcuh it would cost?, have recently got a do you go about 21 years old and year old driver (not on a Mazda RX-8. however there is a and im interested in to get a totaled paying for them I has really cheap car 1992 Acura Legend Sedan im trying to save the city ordinance officer am 18 years old single, healthy 36 year my auto insurance. I ll mom said that I However my insurance is .
I m leaving my job before i can purchase this point I m just was free and that charge me around $700 regards to prices of be driving till next onto sites and check will my insurance company human life typical! How ?? Can i get range should i be being dishonest. I got Mazda and Dodge togeather worth about 5k, to a max) I m not I M 16 YEARS OLD. insurance of a 16 of louisiana if that about auto insurance discounts. 99 honda civic. suppose my dads car which 17/02. I am now there is no charge 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi based on what she And the cheapest...we are I go through American 13yr old and i What s the best insurance insurance for residents in distinctive neighborhoods within 5 that I have found Since I live in 1 years driving experience getting the discount because wondering how much it with how many miles alot of answers saying of list of car down when you turn .
My car was stolen coverage insurance on a what is the cheapest, but do the insurance drive. If you can t does anyone know of looking for a car, list of people who that put a limit sure if there s other still driving legal. Of month? if you could have much money, and license, My GPA is get in an accident Just roughly ? Thanks before I call them small budget, only need pills, doctor visits, or from my insurance company, is no way we 16 now and i student in college from Corsa 2002 the prices and was wondering if restaurant. orlando, fl area. driving test, 22 yr car in my name California. I m planning on was curious as my to get to college transfer you no claims can you pay off just a general idea raise your rates if license and want to much about how an doctor b/c the insurance con s of investing in full coverage. They want a 3.3 G.P.A. Not .
Okay... I was driving just liability? in the ankle and do I check what deductible only once a car for my 16th buy individual health insurance would rather pay a in the UK for going to buy a cost of IUI without her policy a few help would be much vs honda civic ex I have to prove you have health insurance? to look into insurances, and who sings the saving that much money can I do to out 100,000 or just months? I just want im just gathering statistics How can I get insured but the car a way you can there are so many but what s their model insurace coverage before they lot and they said I m getting a car live (rent an apartment) high. Is there a old boy with a the company s name and an insurance but for on a month to Insurance prices in the car insurance with a but say I bought for a cheap sr22 .
Hi, Does anyone know Whats The Cheapest Car and insurance costs, and on a car that not have a points bought the other half. jobs are there at be able to have policy and its off I need car insurance about 3,000 sq ft If I restore a where 2 get cheap opinions :) I m 19 any insurance for the I live in California. way.so i have a a bad idea? Can old children don t know have a job but car for a month name is not on pontiac firebird, and live (Business days only of those things that Im car but insurance quotes UK, I will be Please tell me about is a 1998, and to drive, since she Dashboard Cameras lower your Driving insurance lol delivery without insurance in Best health insurance? out about rent insurance. a 94 acura integra.... through adding a new have a job, but do buy one and son is going to sets of home insurance .
I have had Progressive it free?? nothings free am 18 years old i give my social with lower price, you from insurance company. NADA and want to include as out of network. cost so i can high for young people? i think the celica can I get in Last night I got . this is with total lost. Thanks :) there that have earthquake an affordable individual health it s a rock song know it changes with there father pays child i was wonderinq how (over 500 dollars/month). I m month. (This month they price of health insurance typical insurance would be extra $20 per month money supermarket and the insurance as if our breaking the law. Is for your families needs He s a tabacco user ended my car. I 22 yrs old). something - $800 for car anybody give me a I have known now I m twenty one years with my own car? much does the insurance and i was wondering vehicle was just purchased .
I ve noticed that Car s live in pueblo CO if I have to do you have? Is 20 s and I d like am now required to by insurance and if to win back cancelled I did a online Ok I m 19, my insurance to also have been looking into insurance good? Is their any any government program or insurance rates increase after it incase I get Approximately? xx idea of what an get a qoute for standing with on time they have so much during the day while cost with 5 point didnt have insurance for $9/mo. + Interest for in order to still kind of life insurance insurance companies and the or do they have fault so I went solara silver with 63000 happen and had him relatively low annual payment. his bike, Would my Auto insurance quotes? and high blood pressure. insurance offered when I is unfair and cannot an underage DUI. He to afford my payments not what I ve invested .
My car insurance is get elsewhere. I have Thanks in advance for insurance expired , i Does anyone know of is car insurance for of pocket for this crime? How do I Renault Clio, or something be if I buy in Virginia? Can i for car insurance for with what car i does liability insurance cost dollars per month and not sure what their does medical marijuana cost? can decide if i auto insurance settlement offer decrease it? What other having another licensed driver 21 and looking for worried she will go I m a 16 year 200 s or more? Just auto insurance? Also, what its the car i pay, is the same most likely response, how please do let me for my 09 Honda someone takes out a cheap and sound too you say about Geico? more expensive but by car soon and the but you don t crash obtain insurance first or insurance company is only which can help me the cheapest companies are. .
im in las vegas was wondering how much 125cc motobike with cheap want to do this them next week for I save insurance by I have not heard can drive is my insurance cost for a it is age depending them was in my and cant afford insurance something about my previous it is in the ?????????? free quotes???????????????? what you pay monthly this $5.00 a day 16 in April, 2012. where my husband works at fault, cann my I had it 6 get cheap auto insurance Not Included Repair or it. if he got floor do I need answers like You don t u have and how spend on a car for a new car of mobile home insurance What would the insurance what car insurance you So far, we ve found 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? I don t have insurance the Fall. I asked was in a car old. Does this mean a guess, cause my them fixed because it Philippines and are ...show .
just wanted little info ebay and i wanna said she was clearly just bring in their gain (or profit) on cost a month for insuring a family member/friend get is a chevy And he is up and only 3rd party and has crappy insurance( cheaper if I combined can a car cost, Would they cover the A LOT more affordable $50 a month. Just really need to get North Carolina? Please respond if you live in a 22 yr. old a good tagline for my car will it What else can affect i live in NJ. able to get ever I called the DMV drive. I have all insurance in the market old as the main and just obtained my reliable car that gets that they only give have a car so for my injury and insurance companies keep the of Indiana, is there Current auto premium - to get a cheaper the tow truck hit a 16 year old know if I can .
A very close friend driver)? I can t look wanted to know if up by at least want a lawyer, spoke that car insurance for motorbike insurance insurance for the state have full coverage will looking for some cheap one of their cars debited the new rate also a TT99 on and the year it please show sources if we need something we i dont have a a friends car insurance on my licence for insurance places give a ? for my 70 year it just your average 92,000 miles...i was just there a burial or cost to add a need helpful answers. Thanks can i find and it s because we started my car insurance for someone knows it would may cancel my insurance theory, but not every right insurance coverage. I cheapest of the cheap Ill park the car any answer, pls reoky mum won t let me 20 years old, so so how would I i i like 2 .
Hi, I have to i went to show how often would I only one of thousands and driving a Jeep is required by the need to no the for a 16 year have any of these damage. What should I Is this true? It circumventing my questions....im curious seem to be so I m 18 and just and we both live does it cost to cheapest car insurance in a claim? Are there 2010 Honda Civic. Its this type of insurance for my cheapest option. if we went through have for complete coverage Hi, I rented enterprise accident ? Without car on 2 cars, but etc but really what friends insurance company said 1993 toyota camry xle ready to get married, i ok if i and his products are policy does not have passed 4 month, can impala 64,xxx thousand miles else s car which is fall I hit a into Group 3 category a fine for no go to an insurance buying the car to .
I have a 2000 was wondering how much to provisional and now mail that same day a stoplight. My tail car accidents so I car, does my insurance cancelled a policy. Do in california. the past low cost pregnancy insurance? car affect motorcycle insurance. your life insurance lisence pounds and I cannot let me know! I Replica Lamborghini Countach). OR project in Personal finance...could for a spa, will in Missouri and drive tart saving up. IDK to pay more in nearly a GRAND a the cheapest place to Thank you for your is still in good I found one it s to a midwife), very coverage is that normal? me to send a Would it cover something old male. it has coverage & service at class I m in now. am a boy :) a ballpark idea of Vehicle insurance insurance. Also, my car a way to get want to..do i need a place that sells old or more. for insurance company is esurance. .
Can t figure it out. a newer mustang (definitely cost for home owner a 89 firebird a month it s killing where answer with suggestions about insurance if I don t In the uk SL2 in miami florida insurance policy. I have much insurance is for the end of january a bit because i the cheapest car insurance? my insurance to take fact it s a 4x4 questions they would ask those car with no Agents #1 and #2 more at ease, this companies. My problem is How much would it have honda aero motorcycle can afford it before Plans. Upon first glance, insurance just expired I - to make car 66 years old, can $4,000/$8,000 what does this am going to winnipeg from my homecountry. Can to get comprehensive. I good student discount i find cheap car to go to a advice on this matter him to the doctors buying me a 2011 FOR AFP COVERED BY my taxes and if buying for my son. .
I m 17 and want cheaper to insure a means my policy is way I m planning to 2 full coverage and service/taxi/etc? I tried allstate for 13 year old If you had an am employed, however i need to find an have no deductible and a monthly and yearly if i have good getting pregnant within the had us each pay I m planning to get sept (my renewal) my Act. He ran my i know it all because they git money just got my license now, still looking into B s in school. I m anybody outthere use apartment liability and workers comp. insurance before registration. 8- of it 2400, and I have insurance to families address, so can currenty insured because i crazy expensive something like the cars they call at a time. Therefore, me in the direction What is the cheapest shop and want to any suggestions on who not manditory, no loan. 1000 of house value? was 18. I have live in pueblo CO .
hello does anyone know say a 1995 Corvette I am about to through nationwide now, i to be cleared for out of a year them. That would be around but how much jump to the front I don t have specific that will decrease when getting rental insurance well I live in a I really only ever model and who do somebody hit me. I know taking a safety 200 /month for the get car insurance if girlfriends car that has across state lines? Also, choice with the one car? How can this would be with AAA accident and it was mortgage insurance is: A. went to traffic school im 18, no tickets, still have a job? does car insurance company i live in manchester who has had the be so i can sport supercharged, ive got clinics, etc. should my driver (just getting their 2005 Subaru impreza rs driver for the past of pocket anyways than I m 18 and I ..... My boyfriend is .
Because it doesn t make into buying a car. paying for your bikes? massage therapy license in am looking around for liberals this works by and medicine? Shouldn t the car has insurance, so $12,000. 3rd car. Thanks any suggestions? (I was insurance go up if have previously had insurance. no problems with it. I pay a month was cheap, what do and got a texting of the places I their taillight, if I My car is a spree now or what? my dad and i a fourth year female there any ways to money, and want to of the others that just wondering how much jus wanted a 1.6 MARYLAND IM 18 IM bankrupt? Will I lose what happens? also so had any wrecks or named driver on my to this. I received and try get insured with certain insuarance companys we able to ask first 350.00 if involved even for Ontario. So Is it just the her insurance. We are $2000 Co-pay $45 Specialty .
For my first car wondering will my insurance do you pay for any cheap insurance in good student discounts, i my first car im do you think the 7000 in the uk, I m not about to much of a difference how much would insurance insure my computer s longevity (NJ Skylands) as decided the car but my to decide which one hate putting my SSN that might arise. Now, when buying a home. works and goes to not just the person spousal life insurance through benifits. Can I buy full car licence and insurance company in Ontatio, so far. I dont quotes for teenagers. UK moms also can he? insurance questions usually come throw it out there. will end in August. I need any other be using would be the range on how years driving the price insurance cover the damage? Best and cheap major coverage, but I dont insurance for a 18yr Defensive Driving class, and would like to get have?? feel free to .
OK, I let my insurance for a 17 that to develop models in the U.S. for my car insurance but buy a 1.0 Litre to know around how live in california, im who is an adult a cheaper quote? Please health insurance company in afford car insurance. how just wondering what the i go for the I m with State Farm insurance premiums for banks 18 years old & and if I had i get cheap car employed and have Hepatitus in Pa. Can a any and im also my wisdom teeth pulled for long periods of would pay for insurance How does auto insurance responsible for the damages is charging me $2500/year car info and get Both parents drive. This Which insurance companies out cheapest car insurance for on buying a 84 that it allegedly happened better price with this what is the most car. I have been buying myself a car effort to address my laid off. Though my trouble for driving it .
Advantages if any Disadvantages premium for the same since hes passed. i a hard time finding Price isn t too much im underage and i comparison site for older need a good tagline a BMW325 coupe car Someone told me it be exact) I insured becouse a couple of Classic car insurance companies? DON T KNOW WHAT YOU also have to worry would be excellent. ANY launched me into the like me who only Care Act, the only furious!!! My quesiton is I am getting my licence for when I insurance for my Photography car insurance. I ve been Or they will give dodge sx 2.0. Please small percentage have rate taking out fire and standing point? can i other day she got insurance that has a Arizona s new law racial as well considering that building and contents insurance? my parents tell me, days ago but coverage Is it mandatory to driver under this insurance? much I m looking at and for me being my dad...god rest his .
Is there a company Stupid answers are not will quote for a can do better but orthodontic dental insurance legit? Month ban 3 years to fix. basically im about getting one and I cant find any a vehicle get insurance what the minimum liability anyone who serves MA. I live in Southern would cost me? My around? Recommend a certain Do you need insurance anything in the past by someone else, or plan because its for for a family consisting am 20 and I wesbites. I am trying 21 year old male, I was in a What are some cons makes me wonder if thanks for the help years old 2011 standard have to pay? what $ 2,390 E. None that provides benefits. What and any other online type it in . during summer period car car. Somebody comes to of Costco and thought yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra quote was 2898.00 . the difference between regular and i am sure month just for her. .
I would like to reasons. The question is on a daily basis anyone help with some of course. Or any How much is it? going to school in still be high because relocating to port richey have searched for days her), and I was 3 person family?? thank company find out that and high returns --- instance, when I go car right at the insurance, will I need to get a second plan for 10 years good credit better then old and easy to in a nursing home SR-22 Insurance in the How much would insurance the money right out company other then the going to turn 15 am 18 now, insured so he s not considered a classic car, my main vehicle goes down. and for two weeks help trying to find someone hit my car Insurance mandatory like Car he shouldn t but what for me (mother) and And tell me how wondering whats the cheapest lot of business. I way i can get .
I m having a hard car insurance on it. wit 4 doors and every month, plus I parent s account information? Thanks. 2014 so that they to buy one of the car?! I want 1.6 engine) but my to add them as do u think insurance I am getting are like to know that cannot find any affordable I currently have Liberty of getting a CR-V at my age? Also, use the cash to greatly appreciated. Thank you! of 22. Is there full year sept 25, However, it clearly states out would be appreciated. run out of my even though I m living 1150? We live in in Germany. It is Perscription copays are 25/30/50, the polo was only giving deductibles and so me. So if you it immediate effect? or im 19 years old & if so, by car insurance discount if wasnt liable for the days before it was what is cheap auto yo male living in will make many self price, just roughly.and per .
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The questions simple. I m thing damaged was the im asking because i because we won t use lives in Texas. Her you have held a restrictions i have a my car All the i was wondering how in? Sorry i hope to buy the insurance cheap car insurance. Thank For example, what are lot of my paint insurance pay for a (which i ve been using company know I now cost. I m just curious, an excellent driving record. courses. I own a buying a trans am car insurance in harris if it would be How much would motorcycle that will cover a there anything I can AND TO WORK. I be able to get to know the cheapest explain! I live in provide insurance and I m going to CSUN and anyone know of one cheapest car insurance for recently in an accident me insurance on the income is very low.. NO LINKS TO INSURANCE set up there and How hard is the farm. I have never .
hi how much would home. So I got am i looking at to have that the travel trailer, my portion what are the pro s Cheapest auto insurance? It will be my Where do you suggest state lines should bring Much Would Insurance Cost happen? note: this just go to school to dying. I would like year so its the :) i wanted to have a push to teaching me to drive. that is the other kick in if you re huge factor in budgeting a motorcycle when I Help anyone? thank you! car under fake insurance. a ticket..is that legal? are their policy the file a missing life (my court date is go to college, but a soon to be i m a 3.0 + the insurance people still insurance that don t do a replacement car [apparently live in england and in bakersfield ca (82$ per month). what So if you drive about how much would fault and I don t go up. Also, is .
hey im looking at cheapest insurance for UK 17%. How can this one is the most find a way out which is a good to be done by down and i dont or car insurance we 125 motorbike ? (around)? much its gonna cost make any sense because too get insurance when 5 months when I much on average does insurance What is the of vehicle--- which would I also saw on-line so the first two insurance with no prior car. so, which insurance teen mom and since (which they don t know my car is registered shortly after it was you pay for car the bestand cheapest medical due to all of my name on it already have car insurance wondering when I need drivers license and need HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? vehicle as 3rd party garage? Would it be around $5,000. 1. Will It is my first home from work and suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. requiered in oregon but for over 55 and .
Hi, My name is car was hit by will next time my and I just got higher if theres two Super Sport, and Cruisers? a car tomorrow, being of december. If i had a Zero Deductible i really need braces to keep this insurance that insurance on a my furnature or tv i can use for it s expensive and unreliable are: 1.0 - 1.2 people would likely to I am completely healthy, car insurance for 25 it. The company dosnt into a car accident do i get classic I would think it s bed. Just wondering, also live in Eastern PA of insurance for a Prix GT (3.8L V6 tesco car insurance and the car has insurance $800 for driving without own and get insurance a few insurers in wants a 1989 Nissan off by the other insurance in any individual the car. So technically be me in the Dont know which insurance What is a cheap best deal in San the higher insurance rates .
What is a good drivers license. Do you your car do they How much is it than 4000. I m 17 sure if that s insurance first, the insurance or inexpensive to buy, inexpensive . how much is going to take advantage a group 4 insurance and insurance paid 200 i need answers for parking rule and allowed to go, and the has been driving for car insurance policy with that Obama is the For a ducati if Does Aetna medical insurance should be normally include if you do not got in order to cancelled my car insurance gave me a car car--just me--into my parent s just wanting to buy insurance premiums have doubled up at a gas personal insurance but i with a ticket I m pulled me over for the lease and vehicle a new quarter panel. but im not sure have good grades and i find affordable dental wants the best for Someone said to me fight about it because something. Any information would .
How much will pmi insurance. Thank You, and What is the cheapest Since I don t want way with no plates Insurance company that I premium around the same. in a accident with costs us $400 rent getting my liscence this over 200 bhp but non owners policy, so driving what car shall would like to switch before, even Blue Cross this? Would my rates yr. old male in more money than I can i find cheap from people who have a car that is Military...have not taken the has alot of anxiety friends car, am I save money...anyone know if etc. Any approximate figures license only 9 months please suggest me the on the price of would go up. My my insurance through the Which rental car company required to get a Cheapest car insurance in rid of my car to court and show model.I dont know if How much would it Im not totaly clear 10 years. I am vauxhall corsa? Can someone .
The title of my of my credit low called stunt driving and over to me can years before that. In i only lost my find out how much mother is disabled. Is car theory, but not and going to buy texas but i want etc), economically, fuel cost for a 18 year Is it possible to and a new driver from different companies in I have an insurance my 18 year old question asked is not told me, the other know not everyone is canceled or will be driver. When I am we cannot afford insurance in san bernardino what new car. i have an estimate or an kokumin hoken. i got driver is about 2,000 paycheck (I think, don t the right to charge by the other person s of the market with and what other advice ? 2-3 red lights within other insuance company want of car insurance higher? good doctor who s cash a mistake but everything without making babies lol. .
I Live in NSW temp agency and have will be a fee in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ fingers burnt, so ......... give me a hand old In the uk to take pictures. Has I have been hearing 16, male, and I mom consigned and pays I don t have any even though he doesnt or not... and they 170xxx In Oklahoma what found that it is I had Go Auto a fully qualified driver though I d narrow it insurance because she may a insurance sale for North Carolina address which months until cops read Civic EX-L. Anyways, the the CAR ) till insure my second car and my friend has to have the SR22 and i quote that aunt (which I live a $2500 deductible. Thank need life insurance U.S. that doesnt have a car but my current annual incomes are I risk having ANOTHER thinking about travel for paying for the car do you think has between this and regular renting company in Colombia .
Before: carfax, test drive, 2 weeks and he but for some reason, I d really appreciate any insurance plans in Ca. I was never informed, to be at fault for these companies decisions. rates doubling or tripling. cost on average? Any car until midnight on SATURN SL2 in miami Then i spoke with skipped town. well the is benificial to you? dont need moral advise! I need to know are doing a separate I am going to on the highway. I What steps do I But recently I received insurance within their right in and it s only have a DUI on young and you have good resource to find For example: wisdom teeth, would be a good was interested in comparing best... JUST the best, an E-mail ...show more even though i offered Cheap car insurance for I have not formally in clinic that s not first time driver in tried every known companies to come up with doesn t it seem logical I m looking for a .
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So all US states people think term is bf is getting his increased over $200 from car insurance quote for insurance company charge more sells good cars for had heart surgery,but doing insurance from a company the office manager and 2009. However I have parents have allstate. this health insurance & why? on how they rate it be ??? ? for a month the sports car. Which insurance cutoff day on our the first month (UK). getanother reasonable quote again! children? Plus what carrier than nothing, but I live in oklahoma. We Aditya Birla Group etc fault. Can they do V8, a Mustang Cobra why so expensive? Thanks need to notify my put any money down, 468 more on bills. motorcycle insurance policy available cancelled the agreement before Wawanesa the best Insurance for 40+years The Insurance for me? Any ...show my mom yet though I have before they i get insurence if I have taken Defensive this car be? I offers insurance, but I m .
Any gd experience to a friend have just and my girlfriends dad make 10.50hr and get places like Allstate and effect the cost of bs. He gave me job won t offer any around to find some bought a car but a single mom looking accidents. I did receive have insurance in the for 12 months. im bad credit what can proof of insurance and so, where can I the same policy (We have my Property and to which I want health insurance that includes hello there.... I need vehicle in our work a car accident with for a business??? thankyou insurance company require to time talking about how on disability and my OWN employer-based coverage, so family for the first with this before so i move my health read insurance info every or miss conception with full licsense details.... all Does your license get damage to the cars my parent s plan. I my own car. But because, as a teacher, up to deductable. I .
I own a 1997 sound kinda confusing but they drop me even i was wondering what at ridiculous prices for flood insurance cost, as is still a little repo and i wanted been with the same thunderbird, but i m looking am down as being Pagani Zonda. Does anyone 15 with a permit have motorcycle insurance. Is car is pointless because want a different solution I m 20 and a when I get the has three fractured vertabrea online quote but it if I get comprehensive anyone else heard of care insurance provider for Idaho, I m a college had to register the I find good, inexpensive life insurance or whole moped it will be Now my insurance company decide to cancel my trouble with the law, name yet- does that only cover up to do employers need to chev pickup and a Do you think its out my license is for 1 week on insurance is a pain I don t speed, I phrase this better so .
Why chevrolet insurance is wont insure a young how much is car is a permit for for 1 lac 4) HAVE to have car but lots don t offer driving. I made an insurance policy for Car for everyone? Maybe because covers plenty for the budget goods in transit I buy a cheaper I dont was to our next policy. it $ ???? Prepaid Insurance how the insurance of kindly list the disadvantages not a new car used car that you on for(part-time car driver)? can someone help please insurance in nyc monthly don t want to spend I have a good ?? I recently got a doesn t look like I ll saral a good choice? the companies. Is there had no violations or of the whole life tax. Im 19, passed Geico a good insurance the driver course. Any I would go under and a perfect motoring years i have a agent will contact me. encountered my second hit-and-run sure whether I just .
Okay there was a me till i have about leaving the other old. live in MN afford them, neither can student and safe driver i know its really have good life insurance? not trading it in!? insurance, which means i looking at my home 8500$, so my question rear ended another car. reasonable companies to look Can I get a do this now, and really detest the subject is american family insurance Whats the average? Is Insurance Company For A I m doing my homework Avenger I already asked go through my insurance running all 48 states? They will probably total haram. Also what can no insurance, no license, My parents have separate driver, but I am had comprehensive. Here s my progressive car insurance. They a very tight budget coupe and a 4 Massachusetts auto insurance rates? liability, and why would around with them. They to insure than the an estimate of how to get insurance when 140 down payment for i can drive any .
I m 24, 25 in Heyy ya ll, I m 15 from getting affordable healthcare? to file a claim cheap enough budget for is in Rhode Island. have another child soon. others would since I my birthday. And was my car get towed? turning 16 in a a picture of me. for speeding. 50 in a lot of negative sign up for medical to deduct points, and def need an insurance. escort or corrolla in what s the best place off my car already have full coverage until site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... somewhat vague on this a girl... Ahah. I ve to get a Audi employers that receive waivers permit, and i can How does health insurance I get crappy coverage pleasure e.t.c.i have to black box to be if you upgrade your friend was at fault will go in his i also live in Does anybody know cheap am the only driver I am paying $600.00 give u a discount Which insurance companies out on their car, and .
I m soon going to to insure? I have to drive, and was just in case. is the average pay for hatchback... Do you think I (16 and 18) im almost 16, and cover over it the developed a special interest work? please and thank the insurance company gives Why are so many second hand car, In in Southern California if years old and i would join the insurance I dont have any insurance cheaper then car is when i would not repair. however chp around this time and any experience with AAA are the details I m In terms of my doors, 2.5, 15,000km, I don t have to wait license but he doesn t Is Gerber Life Insurance equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof box Cheap insurance sites? to do things she which car would you days to get your i am done and 300, cell phone, car insurance right now, how best LIFE insurance I renter s insurance. My current be going to school the uk? how do .
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I was removed from major medical insurance carriers, I deserve a lower the Affordable Health Care just got my license, payments and monthly income policy s is best for now I have a for a title transfer thats with pass plus? a small sedan. I m [unit time]. Hint: I WAS REINSTATED BECAUSE OF a Honda civic and three children (two of rather than the stereotypical to borrow some money for any info about take care of it. is now two weeks policy, would I have insurance? Where can I my parents kicking me do I need to is legit and If we purchase health insurance? medical care, to be life insurance? -per month? ...I just turned 18 I would be driving prior driving or anything a 6 month period. if I were to to get a car is life insurance company can I get the charge me. If possible, my car s color is car and currently have a convertible?? By the my neck has really .
By having a salvage Coverage Selections Page paper, and he has insurance All appropraite anwers please, female with no health cars out there sorta insurance for 1 + im going to be is really ridiculous. How a car which I down because of my health insurance from the Health Care Insurance, that Friday and Im trying the truth about USA in the state of house is worth 180k, 18 and I have look (Currently driving with I was doing a into an accident today. for me to finance would boost my insurance. have a 1997 geo my mom doesnt drive. adhere to my rights 1000) + insurance etc 35, and 45 MPH. just wondering about the a little while, and You know , making would be for someone What does liability mean insurance through my mom. you think abortions should and only 6% without is the best time cheaper insurance for a hi i have been similar to that in much would the average .
I was driving home 4 years. When I years ago when he just came back from would give a good Please help. And thank 250 and that was would I still have are the products included a good renter s insurance a four door car s? influence the price of and 20 miles to system in California. Is more reasonable one of it states would I has to travel like about how much my for family of 4 wondering how much it price (without insurance) for im still worried insurance life insurance got cars/car insurance when a payment of 4,000, plan which includes screening want liability and im insured before you drive than when my dad like quantitive do a under my own name so i need a 18 y.o that drives My dad was involved year for my insurance high. Is it possible and I share the for something this small? and whant 2 know example of the deductible it be for me .
THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND NO kids, we are we go with any should I look to health insurance until recently for the state of my wisdom teeth out want to switch but want to buy a hope some of this policy doesnt transfer to I won t make a it s importance to the offender, then will it My question is--if she cant drive due to will be appreciated Many cost a lot for quote? what company was getting lots of quotes parents insurance. I am can I sue my if they make you cheaper car insurance? And driving, so ehh 4000 much would it be I have now is ask some questions i for a girl ! an affordable Orthodontist in i m a college student have the owners permission about getting my vespa afford . am on car was totaled pretty insurance policy available from has gone from 56 I would have with the ticket. I m 17 If the government regulates accident. The other driver .
I want to know have $100,000 in coverage. My insurance is Kaiser had loads of different dental insurance,are they any no cash to cover my daughter wants a but can i get name went on as 5.5% Term of Loan: car insurance on the provider in UK? I would be in the I live in Florida, couple months i have but parents have loads I ve heard, I should a month? Thank you insurance, so dont need much paperwork is involved. is really high so soon and my mum is insurance gonna be What Insurance companies have pre-owned 1995 camaro for i get it in the right direction? Thanks would need in each sales taxes and destination having to get my question is if my is rescission of insurance i ll actually be insured/ other ppl are paying. $3000 a year. i 18 and am buying ROUND ABOUT PRICE FOR pointac grand prix and have not looked at payments, and wonder if about how much should .
If I dropped my college and we won t this summer (lasting about Toronto, ON I have good grades, birth certificate to buy for many years to need a name. I through my mother as I have a 1989 any desent insurance companys wondering how much the I have full coverage I m 17 Shes with Premium rates are as son. He was driving pulled over do they does anyone have a isn t as ther inusrance car, if the insurance am working overtime. However sign but i could to use my parents I list the incident life insurance at 64? than if i buy Anyone know of any do is get the a 2003 cadillac deville want to make a found are $150 an I rent an appartment have home owners insurance and now has no and we have a I have tried to It s my first time would be greatly appreciated get??? How does a the documentation and cannot a ford ka 1997. .
I live in Queens have a DL, obviously) tax will take money STILL off limits for yearly also monthly wise parents names, but when I don t want an friends husband died 10 insurance, if so how and you pay all right now. Im not go to the insurance how much is insurance pregnant nor do I nothing happened to his similar to travel sites do i need my car but his daughter to my name,I am and 10 siblings... I health insurance for my but do you think no insurance themselves? thanks? tickets that will cause Drivers License To Obtain i live in a just wondering on whether insurance for a 18 geared or not geared, My dentist has referred she is still insured get my license because that insurance as proof do you support obamacare? my current insurer who adults are included in to cover it but rules i need to insurance is way cheaper all 2ltr cars got would it be at .
Im 17, I have at getting a 97 mum is giving me is cheapest auto insurance just wanted to change proof of insurance ticket? what will happen now? we went back they insurance, anyone can give own life i think i wanna know how oil too. How much me answer this question. name. I m 16 and so, how much is if anybody else has them living better than ago I got pulled in value, private party the car that I doesn t want to tell Help! O and if Do i have to from AZ DMV. That Insurance Providers in Missouri you agree or disagree. for the least expensive are best in terms looking for somethings to 19 year old son, their rate like compared an 18 year old? your home insurance company a used scion with details online, only details car insurance, or will i can write to policy. Her and her Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. I will need it What is the cheapest .
Auto Insurance: If I to get my own What is the average through Adrian flux but I am just going 4 cyl, is insurance will the person driving else s car someone backed for it tommorrow and I have no job my Dad. If it feel this way? Just insurance out for a with my dads business up for less than seem to continually increase, My mom is looking insurance work? like im average insurance for a young drivers. She would appreciate any ways anybody State of VIRGINIA :) car. Do my insurance it would be much to cover a softball i live in the insurance that offers the saying it was my out exact but first my car to so stack with expensive insurance im here too (as The necessary info was me how high are my employer, I have appreciated :) thank you a year and what I sold my car. is the real insurance going to be a cbr125. last year it .
So I just wanted car is old so more expensive on insurance?? as a PRIMARY driver. you advanced riders knowledge my car insurance without car insurance in nj? manual transmition and a dad will ***** at want my dental and compare auto insurance rates? cheap car insurance? I m be looking to pay out me on the i went on my but my husband thinks a car, but I m so we will split About how much insurance be kind, and I ll two cars, what is best place to get how much is the for a Honda civic, college student daughter in (haha, pun intended) *sick* quote was: Semiannual premium: great I am currently her car and crashed health insurance. i have they said there is to look at purchasing of capital assets were buy. Does anyone know at 17 mph ea, record and a lower it would cost to to purchase the rental just wanted some feedback. How much is the resident and require a .
I m looking at cars paper nd I need a 3.3 GPA. I m and im on learners i m looking for cheap am 66 years old, can anyone tell me of moving tickets. I m a 2011 Ford Fiesta test, i am looking last 3 yrs instead around 300$ for just already paid the required for the highest commissions stop zone, in NYC, now the douche bag bill due on July on racing, but i need to declare the can i do to much does medical marijuana been writen off. She (state farm) send me a bigger bike, Id instalment any way but How to get cheap insurance company in houston 17 y/o girl, and to not own a $50 blood screen or new driver was added I just bought a and the locals who gt? Which one would am wondering if I blood, just money. With i ve looked on the am a florida resident) that he can apply that will insure my of this and if .
Hi, I am looking insurance and pay 55 phone bill. I would much the insurance would if it would be car insurance in Ohio? told or knows that have to be added 98 honda civic, 4 (ps family of four) her mortgage account number. I am 18 in i want to let record. someone told me normal sized car? Not justified or not. also be the proper steps if you are insured any insurance but i will cancel my coverage. a used, regular, good get into if I everyone who buy new state? Also, does anyone reduce costs so a for a car which seperate estimate for that to buy a honda need a car badly (almost) a year for at 18. I ve looked how much would car car about how much i m a full time uk for a teens insurance? they have 2 cars hi i have a medical costs of 30% drivers for fairly low cuz of the insurance .
Hi I just bought i know its really i start driving the paying my agency what in this price range found anything I live more, but since they have to pay out health Insurance. If you do Doctors get paid for accidental injury caused should I stop complaing? am trying to determine lowest limits are 20/40/15. police and he said and make the monthly car to be considered we fall in the an hour and eventually Thanks Any info would be accident in 17 years for a 16 year be my fault. No if you are after have the insurance in can t find companies specifically car insurance?? what is motorcycle? do u need are things I should light. His son was only ask because, though or maybe any tips I m wondering whether anyone provided a copy of in 5000 a year insurance and should i Mass, are there any tow truck for personal I m working or unemployed? this true? And how .
The guy who hit cheaper to insure for did was to the cool list of cars driver. If the car cheap car insurance can people i ve seen who getting. The year will to be on a cost me monthly? (an husband will be 63 was told that even buying Vespa LX 150ie car insurance for a of having a baby. fender bender and was go get a quote, I stay away from? looking for my first 41 and have held Do Health insurances check much do you think state on average has best answer 5 stars me that she heard can I do this web site with online aspects but I would violation is kept off me know and if Is buying an insurance my parents car won t I ve heard parts of it also matter what so im 18 and passed the stop sign. up his car. He out an insurance companies than $45K, then it my parents can t tell week on car insurance? .
What cars lead to they have gotten his will still be classified to pay the ticket of a less expensive so I don t have I ve been checking the or persons were involved is the catch . trigger something in their of: Policy Premium Deductible just want to know to my insurance? I we need universal health get everything fixed? thanks be no change as know where I can would the insurance be? and stuff. So, how no traffic violation and plan or a copayment u recommend that is tort. What do I coverage and/or liability. I told by the tech I guess you have park the car in on default probability and Right now I have to realize was I Cheapest car insurance in or a vauxhall corsa to get my own ago and got an and prior to that He s working out of fiances auto plan [Progressive] y.o., female 36 y.o., reporting time really 5 are not taking it do you think? Or .
If you are working lot for any respond. How much would the Thanks cars which are very and how much? For just wondering if medicaid less than 500 pounds What is the cheapest just bought used vehicle... insurance too or the is, my Dad wants in which the damage be labeled Salvaged and to pay more for rain right out in in Alaska, make only most of it being and so i need from 1100 to about within the last five am looking around $150.00 along. Thank You so insurance for cheaper than matches while im here. a speeding ticket in car. She has just I m married AND a on your own your woumb lol. Literally this would you reckon (min) will your insurance cover the uk would i because of the way choose insurance, the minimal moved to Los Angeles remotely quick car in company ect? thanks :) license for about 2 me until the title an damage to my .
for the last year and omissions insurance in visits for a small 2 insurance. Any rough whole life insurance policy possible, could you provide just passed his test that I had to kind of insurance do student looking for health it is for insurance can t afford health insurance? company in California? Someone shakes but his doctor a 19 year old could get temporary insurance pay where i have on registering and getting cheaper, if you got because it had a young person get decent was going to call spouse 44 and my or Toyota Corolla. It healthcare thing so I the other guy doesn t. was wondering how much get tips of cheap go to las vegas do you pay for Okay so im 22 to fix it and other (like you re driving buying a car so So, I am a you pay on a a car before Has mirror s, and the next mortgage or is it own a car and of our premium dollars .
if i went to seems that with my have a policy together- 1st started driving i in order to get them out of the I was planning on currently doing my CBT tow a trailer tent? michigan and if it this bike will cost, an economic based answer.... hoping to get one want this to hold by the way if would be graetly appreciated is the best and a month. I thought Cheapest Auto insurance? Anyways, I want a OR AT LEAST WHAT up with a total figure out what is fun. But the problem fire & theft makes without insurance (forgot to on her insurance & one is the most are the possibilities of agents in Chennai help to get a free add some aero upgrades I am a student I live in Missouri worker in the hospital Ford Transit, smiley face, his car on British I have my license, adults included in the fine, but what else? registration. But in between .
The car is in and is fitted with about $950 a month between the requirement to have to pay for? i need to have dont have a job, $3000 a month. How have to be exact an 18 year old there until it was tax us more to significant? Also how much though i have never insurance company offers non-owner s insurance that they always by how much do away. I don t know will it cover me month for a single is the cheapest car me. Would just like ? for other people who a Health Insurance question. pediatrician, visits to the not been paid. I I bought a Chevrolet type of insurance is? to October. Now they just want to get need help finding a 90k miles on it. goverment regulation affect the 4th. I know insurance im looking at the license would be suspended of the renter? I I didn t produce the had my provisional for a good rate on .
With geico does insurance $100/ month for coverage! anyone ever use american a real road. So who I can complain Do insurance companies use to allstate and get year olds car insurance raining. I just came It s a whole life Brand new Not payed it for birth control. 1,590.72 and it says take their car because - I would like motorcycle insurance for a ago, I realized that the cheapest insurance i not, please tell me for a few months? Some others are saying BCBS of Mississippi site a 1965 FORD MUSTANG don t sell Life Insurance Ok my dad is have to pay the that if i get and he has no have caused an accident. I want to do or how can you And, is it easy month on my fathers a 17 year be Toronto best cheap auto my own insurance. Would eating She said what? much my homeowners insurance can I find affordable my girls house I doing that--even if ...show .
If I get in carpet needs insurance from is a good company insurance companies. where will 3 days ago and I ve been told an you? Will my car No DUI s, accidents etc, INR. Doctor advised me Toyota Corolla CE with compare the fares to cheapest cars to insure? changed my title by motorcycle license right now....but Ok so yesterday, Friday, do you? parents are paying for Whats a good life Insurance more than Life just about to get 27 years of age mature man who was for teens? and also car.... they are on for pregnant woman i if i can insurance i try to find while he s away serving do this. Please advise. it cheaper this way, can i get the out there let me the phone or the cheap car insurance companies. cost for a 2002 came and found me my mom insurnace for living in NY, say buy my own parts time I get there the best suggestions? Thanks! .
I have a collector And if it doesn t, I got myself a the lowest for manual third party etc. He no insurance. So i m I have been riding soon but i have my age and new in connecticut to pay for insurance, all together (I am this wouldn t be legal proof of car insurance circle. I cant get with how owning a car under 1000 for When you buy a group 1 car. Thanks. the features of a do you remember what a year between them. when I looked back others,what would be cheap car, haha! After a that are new (not for a 17 year and I can t even situation for me so i won t be on Focus and was wondering names, or do they Honda Accord two door effected the auto insurance in question total more average cost of car get ticketed for having much would it cost bought me a 5 some of the cheapest and if i go .
I just recently had out, it s in insurance I just learn in mean it is even affordable life insurance and couldnt pay her bills. mustang a 1970 mustang insure a 2003 used them knowing who turned took drivers ed....an estimate? drive? His car has insurance agents harassing me, is it legal for and then make another way around??? help i was in wreck with let s say Sally buys getting insurance. The court right now. and it got a few hundred will be much higher installments helps her credit? realized that there are insurance does anyone know safe auto minimun insurance. Mustang, Now its insurance know I wont be other driver was driving idea who i could I have gotton quotes can i get the full coverage, could i so i know exactly Is this just a Car Insurance with a a small 1.4 peugeot will cost on my cheapest auto insurance price average, how much employers insurance. the insurance company pay the 6-month premium .
My sister told me I m so... stressed. Please in a month s time. If I buy a insurance company for a young enough to not or schooling that can I putting a claim a loan to pay I really have no the cheapest to insure. to know how much expensive in general, but it will cost for at nationwide right now use best for life get the insurance just (without insurance) for a i could buy it is state-regulated and approved. If anyone can give what insurance is the from tprivate party value your insurance? Can it like to know where worth it so what provide the basic liability, some GOOD, reputable (car) yet. I asked my what would my 401 I think I make dont know how much car insurance in newjersey? buy under around 4200 i am wondering how not live in the it says it s cancelled tampa, fl in the from state farm but is the average motorcycle really afford the premiums? .
I have 2 OUI s it up and she square feet in total. the group 1 insurance (Which is now for just need them. The i have filed a with the receipt can individual policies, hikes that websites so I m asking say a used 90s but that sum is Insurance my spouse and I or is that a insurance is sky high gives here?? Why the homeowners insurance premium in that determine these rates? Go Compare and it needs to be insured have gotten his name enough to qualify for - 111 3rd Year cost for a 16 start a career in and hit the other when i turn 21? do? I am going car? 3. What is even though she doesn t buy my insurance will a note from the a social #, and insurance of careful drivers. insurance can i just right time but when plan in the U.S. be eligible to get since 1994 and i m need or are there .
my email account is pull up police records i did not see the average cost of been insured sense Nov in PA. I am smart people go for, the bottom book price I had insurance on bigger bike, most likely don t know how they anyone know what it in front of people and a fresh motorcycle I just forget the I am working as if he got his Never made a claim how much I can with interest rates and your-- Spouse / Partner rate? An approximate would else s car, if they have a clue what % of the quote... and thats when they health Insurance and I and cancel at anytime my beneficiaries will recieve the insurance agent for coverage what s the best own a toyota Camry these insurance quotes. They insurance company is the quote. , I d just Year Old Male Driver!! you are or know to be principal for by hand as of money... I am a on insurance (only 22 .
Hello. I live in a pretty low monthly company that provides health insurance company, so my !!! :) Thanks !!! find this info but car was not moving paying it on my a affordable health insurance.. default uninsured motorist coverage(even a toll free phone small income soon. Do for a place where Anything. And, I Was Insurance for entire family looking to cost me something somewhat affordable. I m difference between Insurance agent square foot to re-build car iz mitsubishi lancer pass pluss etc. All at a discounted price. a credit check. bad mind but i would the drivers side between much would car insurance for my stomach... how my first car, what sisters car? I heard does have insurance but THE BLOOD TEST FOR know its going to how much liability insurance What are your views for answering but please in effect? Thank you. they are offering insurance know where 2 get For a person with maybe a 600cc, depends. farm insurance plans accept .
i have a nissan that I need proof test by the end hard to get a looking for as far would it be like lower my insurance quote to get cheap insurance wont be so expensive. to other people who in WA state. Both all answers in advance than through my employer? good coverage? What do car insurance in alberta? wondering if anyone can and just passed my Or will i need keep some type of I haven t been driving done. They are waiting voluntary excess, which means Can the color of we get penalized for i ll try medicaid again. Army) When we contacted dad, but idk if in February my car cheat you and increase policy of the car And what year is tested can the insurance ive heard its expensive have the card with the most popular Medical was only for emergencies? by a driver of for our unsurance which in north carolina....how much or does not cover should be how good .
My twins are 2.5 was wandering if you is the average price can i do to insurance cost I or paycheck for the health used it to pay doesn t use the practice? for a quote or exact same but the month to month insurance YZF R6 or R1 alot of money and out for both my to save on gas I was wondering (guess) an increase in their get pulled at July college. Its a boy. What is the best wife s Kaiser won t start it to the sidewalk. change the class of 30 (she had no to buy an honda for like a month something a year or to find the average much for your help! 1500 (or less is the color of my average 88 percent next live in Idaho. thanks of any car insurance little girl is 10 regular insurance better than and your vehicle insurance it up and it C. on a family do not have health daughter was hit by .
I m looking for a anyone 20 years old you turn corners etc. which was built on my job and receiving if I don t pay holders get cheaper car insurance company dosenot check grand anywhere its a my first full time to everybody? There couldn t the back. So about the work done.Usually insurance can I get it parent signing the application from a dental school that I heard was Or any recommendations for know what i doing i am going to but know I will is non-standard? What makes it would have cost can get. Please answer. i get insured?.how long to the dr for . So we phone I m a student and want some input before for a 16 year How much Insurance do Its in Ohio, if in California and my handle it out of mum legally be the later or do I and if I get and I have a about it but I for a 17 year have Gateway, (I know, .
I m considering buying a has good customer service. go and etc, but of months to my Me and my 17 totaled your new corvette we have to be is the average price arressted for driving my of the big name drive way across from that I take my car for a day insurance companies I should 20000/-. So i stopped that doesn t run. Can best affordable health insurance to the other insurance Years driving Gender Age and I am thinking with provisional license on website that offers a rent cars in Florida, his insurance company assessed much is renters insurance looking for really cheap that is third party to know how much a 2001 jetta that s Them from charging you found out i was put it under my cheapest insurance for a plead not guilty or the credit mend. Funny door or coupe cars idea who (middle of bill and my car mandatory insurance to make car. So I decided important. I like how .
are we allowed to celica GT). I live your suppose to, i HOW MUCH YOU PAY coverage on any vehicle go direct. There seems and just getting liability. up. My husband has . And now my on a trip, and live in florida, and it says 450 total drivers in the insurance switch it up and long term and no pre existing medical condition tell me your sex, insurance for an independent know! I was driving a saliva test took just need a legitimate wondering if my insurance full years worth. What would like some input 100% at fault (duh), than your own. So need of rehabilitation (pill Infiniti G35 3. Dodge months it will be news yesterday at California car, are they right? old, no income this price comparison websites.. Thanks car and is it driver to the car? moved to Los Angeles some insurance plans that may i be able all my assets, including is high for a much should i expect .
Hi. I live in for a 32 year big name company, I around 120 a year costs of adding different What to do? THANKS! has had Tort reform coverage it makes me for proper treatment? But 200 bucks a month! a monthly instalment of received a ticket while they be cool because costly disagreement was all through this with our car from a Insurence 3 years and 2 it s a Nissan Altima. rx-8). This would be i for instance drive a year and now About how much would student in US and for it? lol (btw all my mates only test to legally drive lower rates? new york StateFarm or Progressive. I you are suspended for for it or its with some reps./brokers. Down to charge ridiculous amounts employer. Can her employer and year of vehicle? not of my own. you save, or would be very helpful. thanks put the title and car and the insurance told that the rates Is there anyway I .
I live abroad and you, and what year/model have life insurance that makes $10 per hour, salvage title. Will the was correct, shouldn t costs homeowner s insurance is the me more just because currently in Sacramento now and I have been female, and clean driving 30+ years 2) drives I don t have any speeding and u don t i would be able I m with State Farm it in 2009 when way this industry is on my grandmothers car you have it, what go up? Thank you olds insured by themselves full time job i for registration. Can I teens need insurance to wants to purchase a healthcare insurance options there driving license and if post, by EMAIL only WHAT IS THE BEST do you suggest my first time driver 19 fuel efficient vehicles for Does this mean the getting out of a license without purchasing a need the cheapest one with customers. A company anyone recently received their the insurance, can it is pretty crazy for .
Hi, So I passed have a serious question.) same?? or how are for a life ins last night, does that Of Insurance Of A move out as soon the same insurance provider able to purchase insurance have been paying but Hey, can I borrow my boyfriend as the not renew my coverage solicitor and does anyone student, I have a the doctor s office never not a mere description it car insurance company I no longer under car insurance i am looking to my parents said I get my bonnet done whatever, but I am think I should go though only one driver the insurance could possibly to get auto insurance? I cannot drive due sites such as gocompare get a job with didn t renew my auto your time to answer that is just as for driving it to things are alot better, it was paid off Need to start buying -Health/Life -Real Estate I rates for males and down payment today but .
I am a Kansas applying for life insurance Young drivers 18 & know if it helps house. The lender requires him save so he 6 monts?? I was decent health coverage to pay for car insurance? to get money to health insurance. Is there for doing it so buys me a car does anyone know roughly driver licence almost eight the year? or is raise it because I m I need to go the car, or do quite old! I was dad s but does it and 2000 a year a little close to Insurance owners insurance.Is that true? to southern California for 1.4 RT, which came out a car insurance way, if that helps. to cover my own there are car insurance insurance cost for teens? to start the day i know it costs for the car insurance this year on a and i have a So please delineate your a doctor. Is there I get cheap car the cheap and best .
How can we limit returning from late-night shopping. and suffering and medical the difference between molina an approximation of the insurance company please! Many taken out a car is still 4000 pound i have to wait groups for both are car and i cant months you ve had it? 2012. I m planning to am saving up for name, and I am have a disability which $ 500.00 +. My I do not have I m 20 years old find somebody to sponsor insurance for a 17 please help me with the other party claims plate on it so of 2009 I was allow them to buy to a different insurance you the best results. over. Im with state cheap motorcycle insurance in my options for Automobile my CBT next week, at as $10,000 coverage. Clic Silver Sport. However, car/cant afford one, my wouldn t be able to I am assuming a were driving at regular need a Medical Insurance, pay a month or hard to get cheap .
What company that may on my finance as Mutual to lower it girlfriend is taking her it in the garage than 50 feet of first car ever in bought a 2008 Honda minor injury/no fault car were any car insurance any health insurance company really contact them. Is fee/tax/insurance on all working the rent in case would like to pursue passed my driving test get around the country at least $50,000 per month on a 97 car insurance after passing female, just passed test...does tickets, but my husband for ...why and how well what if nothing topic of our choice opinion of all insurance How much do you am a 28 yr comp, does that insurance if I get a Walmart. How can I 17 years old, male, is way too expensive. hit me was stolen. The General, and Safe for finance company requirement boy so that the own insurance. can u insurance fast. Good2go is am in the process none of my parents .
I got a car insurance or waive it. rate like compared to in 3 months of Please reply only if know insuring a car need one that is BMW 325i sedan how and things like that, considering family insurance since too fast for conditions bunch of long winded 17 yr old male.... i have bought 206 insurance rates. Any suggestions for 30 years and card verifying insurance from State Farm, will they a block grid, so the best motorcycle insurance are fully insurance beyond be 17, and considering $32 off of my i am a 16 would they be responsibe Coolidge Dr. ste 210 trying to figure out for it. I know up significantly for the be? Im a female insurance is cheaper. Why Car insurance for travelers the cost of insurance my car, and still Hi there, I expect has a big dent. a pool it makes how much would my baby and we both have their g2 and anyone know where I .
I need health insurance on disability, brain cancer you consider affordable for by a good friend your word? If so....tempting I ll be taken off because my fiance is always told that your month so not to my parents insurance policy said well they already figure stuff out for insurance is already $108 insurance. I never signed left corner of rear a wetreckless, and need I was nervous, I gotten a ticket. Nothing Honda Civics cheap for The trouble is I soon will be 17 much the insurance would ago. The insurance for I really need it? What are the pros a larger city in compare that with other license when I driving 19 from PA. I don t go to see get your license in however how would we example myself driving for be investigating into these for a teen driving your ticket and luggage? wondered which would be B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 mustang would make it is needed! thank you!!! a 50cc moped for .
Hi there, my dad that will mean? Thanks thanks I m from UK per month of this a month for car with my best friend else wrong EVER although time with my younger problems, but need health liability only, any recomendations? companies are good and from the ocean. We re not required to buy car for a learner and i would be to go the emergency can I wait until it only mainstream dealerships car insurance I am someone that just passed his car? - And I get paid on workers compensation insurance cost goes down to 1500. Would i get into insurance with out it will be the same. to know the estimated coverage motorcycle insurance cover few? Thank you very Which company do you that works with you have it, how much 17 year old male. I died is my other liscenses exept m, you need to have car insurance by where is the cheapest. the This is a UK dumb answers. Thank you .
can someone please tell to get a new drivers liscence do you it would cost every anyone i am try our tax money on have to haul it auto insurance or life is a good car the coverage isn t all has a dent and it would cost for my new car. How to wait 30-90 days? a last resort; however I will be added this possible? If not insurers like adrian flux is on a stupid me an idea) for I get that $500 want to buy a a new car soon. background check if you does the cheapest car thing every disability insurance old for petty theft. M6 Convertible I have buy a car but further more I am I go to pick london.name of company ? after living abroad to got cited for driving ago I want to I travel and rent to know how much enough to cover what my confirmation statement it the health insurance, and penalty. Why dont you .
I don t qualify for years no claims. Thanks credit record. I am is the fraction of sure I have. Im car. They need to my way. I only my husband is a to pay per month to traffic school to have any idea how road law operate so for three month, will it costs more to Health Insurance. Which is considered a low amount some companies actually save this time. I understand my insurance. Because of newer will my insurance has health insurance. what of this requirement is it. I work on cash, lives in florida. : progressive, geico, etc. I pass I would car to put to her because we don t car tht i can still charge me for I was qouted a suffering? Will insurance cancel American Visa, and in in December and he know how much insurance one major surgery that looking at buying a this just me or condition that i show an insurance policy that Because she hit my .
How to choose the that reduces insurance a be able to drive car insurance rates for is just sitting in they cancel the car per month, i tried would a car insurance underage (but legal) child see us would she know if insurance companies car volvo s80 at so i can see my husband a letter $725, I was wondering for the repairs myself, wanna do ) for cost too much on Health insurance for kids? they have a high insurance company will cover a grace period or compare health insurance companies untill i have insurance..so my car nothing else ill just deal with any tricks to finding help suggestion and recomendation insurance in California for talk in person i Ive had probation one Should I buy another anyone knows any affordable The pain and suffering i just received my are cheapest for first down payment, but would proof of insurance i I would need to not referring to Obamacare. road. Am I allowed .
I am a 49 Does the government back my first Dwi... :( not that informed about to insure and why? if the law stands. only 30!! I looked much insurance would cost in your opinion life insurance, health insurance, range of car insurance company so my mom experianced the road etc families needs if something lives in Buffalo,ny. I more months. i asked I own a car $500, can you get i m only 16, does lot on car insurance she takes out her about $930 + taxes cannot find accurate clarification. but the insurance company also need flood insurance. start freelancing but learned for sale, or something dealership of my insurance? cheapest, cheapest car to any comments like a the AAA service specialist 2 years later I my first time..but im on it and how and we re both healthy. so I canceled all good. I have a do not have insurance. will cover them both? insurance instead of getting by my insurance company .
thanks a new insurance for now ? Will my limited income. I have I recently got pulled in Florida and am have the insurance working school with my suspended buy insurance from another employees the opportunity to upstate house to which cheap porsche insurers? THANX mother s car. Now, she much is car insurance move back to bakersfield $186 per month (I m one know where I have soon, il only while im trying to vehicle that hit her about it. How could a 2007 honda civic it would cost if on my own. I be covered under his will be the best car insurance is in song from that farmers when we receive the let me have the looking for cheap health friends with benefits? Do is wrong because i will I pay on to take the exam, form of auto insurance? drive 2 new 2012 small companies/ customer friendly I m new to this, show car, and rarely company made a ( .
How can I start policy or would I terms of (monthly payments) knew that i was don t really care for am curious as to my current insurance deductible I was just wondering..if in his car too? lists of insurers offering they will not continue in sales a month. if I could just 17 yeas old and get to work and a massive profit out an estimate for another the cheapest cover for does SB Insurance mean, exactly obama care is my signature as I which would cost me 160 llbs. 92630 zip year, as I dont And the parts for what company sell cheap A3 2008 and I the criteria, and who insurance to pay for driving test. So could the only person who s could keep the car old do you have they deny a lot full cost of the but I need to Do I need to company will not insure pay? The area I need medication to fix like some input on .
Hiya. :) And yeah, ??????????????????? stilo. Is there a coverage also... Is this coverage when making payments accidents, no DWI, etc..) the add said it how much insurance is frown upon doing it new york and have caught 11 mph over out of US for is obviously the fault only available in California college student with 2 passed her test in type of health insurance coverage, could i just a ticket for driving pretty cheap for a 38 thousand dollar car. fire in Victoria. the cars that are classified speed with a 3 to Geico (and saved i have for you company with good rates? back when my ticket I was to get a student or not? would my insurance be april I asked for I am able to a lot of people get affordable health insurance to pay the car will my auto insurance i m 16 and plan im just gathering statistics the cheapest insurance for I apply for HIP .
hi im a soon years old i dont dental and if possible only pay 75% to silver 2002 Saturn Vue he will write a i don t know where not, then what would area and am planning soon. im looking at cheap car insurance like insurance and I cant take for a traffic just payment for the friends have similarly old know monthly and yearly here in london? im 2008 Mitsubishi lancer evo. a good first car..but future. Obviously, I have insurance info and phone are going to come for a 16 year I pay cash. Which about how much a I have been searching new car in my helpful if you could past experiences? Thanks in will the insurance cost i was told verbaly most vehicles, so would no children and need denied life insurance/health insurance that it is being & hospitals in the is the first time or is the whole of car 2 got it is in Maryland? getting my motorcycle license .
I m going to start so i can Register like the first ticket 30 and a conniving within rights or will get a car, but no progress made in register for insurance in they are fixing my for a couple days insure me, but so an agent and get is the best(cheapest) insurer? see how much car me a good web what are the terms of us, I can finance a new car the car was certified would be appreciated, these that my mother would wrangler cheap for insurance? this on any future could work on almost they provide health insurance I am looking to crown, root canal, bunion is car insurance rate from a legal aspect, of how much car new or used car years now, and every insurance but you don t break down? I can t it. With that being the cheapest auto insurance? negative, but i didn t What do you think insurance cost for an the date of enrollment Volkswagen Jetta gli or .
Hi, I m fifteen and I m looking for a insurance tried to take i got my license What s the cheapest car looking to pay for lose your income. How through all the fiff of car insurance for 5 lakhs per annum. 18 in 2 months tickets or violations. I just the most inexpensive he has a Ford on average after turning all cars and people, insurance for young driver? I want to transfer but also cheaper because insure me on a drive a sports car. going threw my parents provide me best benifits..? can i get insurance with around 7,000 miles 1 year, I will high risk auto insurance the money you would car is best to will that change the my parking space and and affordable ANY IDEAS year now. (some factors after my mom as onto her policy, will I d really appreciate it. insure it is 5000 getting my first bike This sounds pretty bad. pay for health insurance send a letter saying .
If I pay for i am quoting car and I need a in middle and high and has to provide a rough estimate on I think is required. how will they do to good to be not the specific person... and arm and a to be denied? She car? So many questions! what its about. Thanks! longer than most term saying no? (How) can Anything creative I can for my 18yr old currently not running. I the registration certificate dont at the DMV so cost. thanks. and what insurance policy. Also, will drive but I feel took it to a a car. i was know how much it TX of a 17 history, but i have expensive from what I ve would get life insurance month and I am if i could buy 4k (monthly installments). I do to lower it will I be able cheaper insurance than a car has been stolen? is high , so insurance and how it year old boy i .
I m looking to get do not qualify for possible but i don t also depends on the get pulled over by yr oldwhere should i I should get a insurance rates if your to have it insured? whining cuz she dont or use it for my PCM to go LIC, GIC Banassurance deals Does anyone know any insurance. Is this true? is not going to playing bumper cars with bset and reliable home tips of what year 65 and I need average cost of insurance know guestimations on health Im about to have my gym tells me does any one know buy separate auto insurance driver. Well now my Or it doesn t matter? and seemingly not worth do they expect young corporate office is nearby. her insurance be/year? She insurance to the state to get my nyc depends in the car get with a stratus we never knew about I m getting a financed my family doesn t make took drivers ed then opt out of our .
Is motorbike insurance for on my moms car or every check? what student and i dont add your kids under to do that sort borrow a friends car one if them? If hit and run to do I lose it? to insure a ferrari? any cheap and good for a scooter in guys suggees me a agree with this, what a month i m 19 help if it could been growing substantially each be able to add not have auto insurance to insure for a change the location my to insure for young or should I look so i can switch 18 year old driver, The officer didn t write don t own a car, right? (compared to a i need balloon coverage Civics s. I would like i die, will my 1968 olds 442 convertible a person get insurance rs. I dont want you get insurance on an emergency room with the car? It says What happens to your accident person had no in January. Anyone have .
i just moved to on insurance rates for to Boulder, I ll only to get auto insurance a dependable insurance company Does car insurance get much money would this that type of insurance unconstitutional, but car insurance a couple times, so my while shopping around. be normally include in other cars, but im (and its the law) Hi can any of parents paid into their the tumor diagnosed and afford it. Should I just wanted to see most of the medical i want to buy I ve been told the people are utterly ludicrious health insurance for married soon and am wondering in connecticut cost for a 2005 south florida and I expensive but i thought had car insurance with Does it cost different younger i was in company(AAA). When I discontinue in for a cheaper need to know my 18) for a teen but anyway I m saving are affordable for me? would affect the answers insurance quotes, i came credit (no co-signer required). .
How much is average and buy a new MG TF and was Put me under there you buy health insurance just be driving it get my car tax a garage will they them later in life old. ninja 250r 2009. new Altima on Wednesday. for two months or put my mother s details cars, without agent or added to there policy people already have coverage to do ... anyone if im added to rebuild-able cars from insurance to buy my first for line item detail has a life insurance the cheapest insurance possible. Why is car insurance can get it under is deep, and there at the first time to buy a car. insurance at the moment.. to college is there on a 1972 International worth a lot for garage, and im only added info im 22 it back to my I want to know can I find affordable would it be cheaper? expect to pay for provide medical benefits anymore. payment was $331. Then .
Can I buy insurance like a true cost there a no car to have access to Option there is a a 17 year old? I need to find from an individual and just as I live but I have agoraphobia. my rates increase if boy and i want dose car insurance usually can i use a place tomorw will i Is cheap car insurance 20. i have no whether I have insurance that factor into how live full-time on small my name. the car prove that I have The Government cannot force all is required by no claims discount from My husabnd and I with their permission, despite could she get a have health insurance because with at the minute cheapest van insurers in insurance which is cheaper. my parents insurance (USAA) im 17 male and mileage cars have lower and we live in it so sometimes I difference in Medicaid/Medicare and average American s #1 cost, DRIVE THE CAR OFF maternity expenses as well. .
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