#I laugh like an animatronic hyena
daydadahlias · 6 months
literally can’t describe anything meaner than telling someone you don’t like their laugh. Like imagine hearing someone express joy in its purest form and going “you’re doing it wrong”
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jesterchan · 11 months
A Moon X Male Reader Story!
Requested by: taki-is-an-artist from Tumblr!
Content Warning: Blood, Language, Drug Use, Gore, And Hanahaki Disease!
If you are sensitive to any contents listed below. Then please go to another chapter or click off this Chapter!
Y/N’s POV:
I’m nineteen years old…
I am deeply charmed and fascinated by an animatronic… His name is Moon…
I have a disease… Which causes me to retch flowers out of my body… Frequently, I would wear a face mask out of humiliation.
I wanted to confess my feelings to him but… I’m discouraged by many people because they say that a robot would never love a sick person like me.
I scrambled into the bathroom stall for the fifth time and threw up some blood-stained white petals into the toilet… After finishing, I washed my mouth and hands with water and exited the bathroom.
I returned to the daycare and saw my friend Moon handling a somnolent child. I approached him and adjusted my face mask.
“How bad was it?” he asks, patting the child’s back.
“It wasn’t that bad… It’s just something that I ate…” I lied as I patted his back.
“That’s good…” He went to the naptime corner and tucked the child to slumber.
My quiet muffled giggles were loud enough for him to hear. He laughed along as well. He invited me to stay with him in the naptime corner.
After a while, I began feeling chest pain. It felt like multiple needles repeatedly piercing through my heart. I ignored it because I didn’t want Moon to know my secret.
After the daycare closes, I wanted to stay… but I can’t due to the fear of my disease acting up in front of him. While walking home I spotted a group of my friends from high school vaping in an alley.
One teenage boy offered me an E-cigarette but I politely turned it down.
“You are missing out kid. Is it because of that damn disease?” he taunted while others laughed.
I ignored them but before I walked away…
“That creepy ass robot will never like a wimp like you!” His insult pierced my heart like a bullet as his friends cracked up like wild hyenas.
Here I am, walking home with tears streaming down my eyes…
When I arrived home, my family members stared at me as if I didn’t belong there... I sprinted to my room and my eyes rained in sorrow. I threw myself in bed and wept there until tomorrow…
*Time Skip!*
I woke up, cleaned myself in the bathroom, and ate up (Insert Favorite Breakfast!). I exited my home and walked my way to Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. I knocked on the large gates of the daycare only to be greeted by a jolly sun-themed jester animatronic, Sun.
I peeked inside the daycare to find Moon soaring around the playground on a hook. He noticed me and waved his enormous hand. I waved in return and entered.
I quickly put on my reusable face mask and sat down on a small chair. A small child approached me and asked, “Why do you have a face mask on? Are you sick?”
I let out a soft giggle and replied “No silly... It's Because I’m insecure…”
I grabbed a crayon and drew a Moonflower. It’s not perfect but I wanted to stray my mind away from the stress I had last night… The flower reminds me of Moon… For some reason…
I then had abrupt pain in my stomach and chest and felt something climbing up my throat. I had no choice but to exit the daycare and dash to the nearest restroom. My blood starts to overflow and slightly stain my face mask.
I kicked down a stall and purged the white blood-stained petals and sprouts out of my body… I put my fingers inside my mouth and violently ripped out the remaining contents stuck in my esophagus, causing major blood loss. I retched out major amounts of blood into the toilet however, some of the blood-stained the tiled floor.
I quickly pulled out lots of toilet paper, cleaning up my stained mess…
Moon’s POV:
It's been nearly fifteen minutes and Y/N has not returned… I wonder what is going on with him…
I told Sun that I’d check on Y/N to see if he was doing all right… While walking, I spotted a blood-stained face mask that he would always wear… What is going on?
I then began spotting a trail of blood drops and a few stained white petals… This is now getting extremely suspicious… I pursued the bloody trail that led to the restroom…
I get more nervous with each step that I take in the restroom. The whole restroom smelled of copper blood and vomit. The smell was incredibly strong and I saw blood underneath one of the stalls in the corner.
I slightly opened the door, to be met with a frantic Y/N cleaning up the blood on the floor. He screamed as he caught me, I jumped and looked at him in shock. There were a lot of blood-stained flower petals and sprouts in the toilet.
“Y/N… What happened?” was all I could say…
“MOON WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” he yelled as he shrunk in embarrassment.
“Y/N I was-” I was cut off.
“GET OUT!!!” He cried and covered his face as his secret was now revealed… tears streamed down his face.
I silently exited the bathroom, trying to process what I just witnessed…
(“No wonder he would exit the daycare so often… but the question is… why are there flower petals?”) I wondered as I returned to the daycare…
Y/N returned, covering his mouth using his hand. Sun looked at him with concern. He motioned him to get an extra face mask.
I honestly regret invading his privacy…
*~Time Skip To Naptime~*
Its Naptime… What happened earlier won’t stop playing in my memory drive… The only things that concern me majorly are the blood and flowers… 
(“Where do the flowers come from?”) I pondered.
I calmly approached him however, he ignored me like I never existed in the first place…
He packed up his things and exited the daycare… I can’t believe he would leave so early…
Y/N’s POV:
I want this fucking disease… OUT OF MY BODY!!!!
I’m tired of going out with a face mask! I’m tired of being discouraged! And I’m tired of retching out moonflowers!
I want this torture to fucking end! I searched online and made an appointment for a procedure… A procedure that will rid my disease!
I prepared myself for work for the final time! I walked to the Pizzaplex and entered the daycare. I Ignored Moon for most of the day…
Overtime… I’ve been getting drawings of me and Moon holding hands together. I start to smile each time…
The daycare closed and the children left…
“Hey Y/N!” a lively voice called me.
I turned around to see Sun approaching me…
“What’s going on? You and Moon would usually hang out… Are you two no longer friends?” his tone sounds somewhat… Gloomy…
I looked at Moon who was curled up in sorrow. I began to… feel bad for him… I then instantly felt something clog up my throat. 
I gasped in labor and searched for a trash can. Sun looked at me in pure shock and panicked. Moon noticed my condition and ran towards me.
I fell to my knees, coughing out moonflowers and blood. I tried to pull the stems out of my throat but it was futile… Moon knelt and carried my body to the infirmary…
My eyes felt incredibly heavy for me to keep open. I have no choice but to pass out. Over time, I hear Moon’s calm and raspy voice, singing my favorite melody…
I slowly fluttered my eyes to see Moon sitting next to me… I sat up and smiled at him… he chuckled and approached me…
I tried to speak but he shushed me by placing his index finger on my lips. I tilted my head in confusion…
“Don’t worry Y/N, You are in good hands now… I thought I would keep you company…”
I looked around the infirmary and then my body only to see that my crimson-stained clothes were replaced with a temporary uniform. I looked back at Moon who brought me a plush version of him.
“Here… I hope you like it.” he provided me the plush and I smiled as I examined it. I then hugged the plushie and sobbed “Thank you…”
We talked for a moment until the ambulance came and took me away from him… I was put into a hospital and was given a procedure to rid of my disease for good… I was discharged and went home…
*Time Skip…*
I woke up… prepared myself for work and walked to the Pizzaplex… I made my way to the daycare through the slide.
I plunged into the ball pit and was snatched up by Moon…
I looked at him but… something didn’t feel right… My heart no longer skips a beat whenever I am with him…
Moon looked at me with concern and slight sorrow…
“Y/N, I wanted to say that… I love you… Do you love me back?”
I gazed at him in silence and began to walk away…
He ran right in front of me and repeated the question…
“Do you love me back?”
Tears well up in my E/C eyes, my heart wrenching with regret and pain. I felt nothing but emptiness. No sign of love ever crossed my mind…
The love I used to have for him has now… Perished… I can’t believe this… Why can’t I love him in return?
I felt my heart break into trillions of pieces… tears of regret bled out of my eyes… My breaths felt almost laborious… I should’ve stayed sick…
“I’m sorry Moon… but… I can’t…” My voice breaks as I begin to walk away…
Moon’s POV:
I can’t believe he said that to me… Oiled tears of pain streamed down my cheeks. I started to wonder… Why did he suddenly stop being my companion…
I honestly wanted to be more than just friends… But that opportunity to do so is gone. I don’t know what to do…
I’ll have to let him go… Forever… 
I coughed unexpectedly only to let out a Moonflower…
🥀🖤The End…🖤🥀
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omnybus · 2 years
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Halloween Wolves
A colored version of a dream sketch I posted on Tumblr a while back. I dreamed I was shopping at a Spirit Halloween Store, trying to buy a plastic chain to use for a costume (I forgot exactly what- I think I was going to use it as a whip or something?). As I made my purchase, the guy behind the register said “oh, by the way, our Haunted House is finally open again if you’re interested” and gestured towards a nearby wall where a massive decorated archway stood, all lit up like a circus tent with the words “HAUNTED HOUSE!” in big orange and black letters.
From behind a striped curtain came the sound of calliope music, along with several animatronic werewolf heads on long, flexible necks of segmented black rubber that stretched out from behind the curtain. All of them had glowing orange eyes and mouths sharp teeth and flapping, drooling tongues. The central head wore an orange-and-black-striped top hat. The werewolves all growled and snapped and laughed like hyenas, before looking right at me with manic grins. In snarling, semi-sing-song voices, they all spoke in unison: “The greatest show you’ve ever seen! Come on inside! IT’S HALLOWEEN!”
All the heads then ducked behind the curtain, and I followed them in. I ended up in a tiny, dark room just barely lit by the light shining through the curtains behind me, the music falling silent before being replaced by more of the werewolves’ cackling in the shadows. Out from the darkness, four of the werewolf heads sprung out and grabbed hold of my wrists and ankles with their sharp teeth, and immediately pulled off all my limbs at once, leaving my limbless torso to flop down onto the floor spraying blood and confetti from my stumps (yeah I was filled with confetti for some reason).
The last thing I remember is the “lead” werewolf head laughing maniacally as the other heads played tug-of-war with my arms and legs, before he dove straight at my stomach and began messily feasting on my guts. I woke up as he was halfway through pulling my intestines out.
Oddly enough, even though I had been horrifically disemboweled and literally torn limb from limb, all I felt was mild disappointment that the haunted house had ended so soon.
To see art like this a month in advance, consider joining My Patreon (PG-R Rated) and get free art and discounted commissions!
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Twisted truth pt 20, 21, & 22, by @magmacartoons
Warnings: Blood, fighting and foul language
Meanwhile, back at the pizzeria, Afton was still working on the machine
“Where the hell is Vanny and the other guards? They should have wiped T Freddy’s memory by now.” He wondered
“Try contacting her again.”
“Mrs. Vanessa, please come in.” Victor said into the walkie-talkie, but all it was was just static
“Mrs. Vanessa, are you there? Can anyone hear me?” He continued
“Argh! Give me that. Vanny, come in. This is Mr. Dave. Where are you?” He asked, but unfortunately it was still the same
“Vanny, come in!” He demanded
“Something must’ve gone wrong sir.” Victor said
Afton refused to believe that, and decided to have his own animatronics to help him.
He wanted them to bring T Freddy dead.
After the whole thing was going on, Y/n just stayed quiet hoping the horror animatronics wouldn’t notice or recognize her
“Well well well, what do we have here?” The animatronics said. He looked a little bit like a hyena or something
“Wait a minute. I know you. Yeah you’re that bear I helped rescue all those years ago. How have you been? You look a little more pale than I remember. You could probably use some sun. But then again, who am I to judge?” Deathtrap said and he laughed about it
“I’m sorry. I think you’ve got me confused for someone else-” T Freddy said, but he was cut off
“Oh come on now! I know a familiar face when I see one and I never mistake it. Hey, Lumi, Sari, look who it is. It’s our old pal, Freddy Fazbear.” He said
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” Lumi said
“Yes he is. How’ve you been, Fazbear? Hope we didn’t scare you too badly. It’s our thing after all.” Sari said
“Quick side note, I might have gotten lonely enjoying freedom all by myself, so I rebuilt them and erased their memories of me killing them. But let’s just keep that to ourselves, Eh old pal?” Deathtrap
“I don't know what you’re talking about, but that sounds really messed up.” T Freddy muttered
“Well, since we’re all friends here, you should probably excuse me, I’m in a big hurry.” He told them
But he was stopped, they seemed pretty eager to catch up with him
“Hang on there friend. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you. We have a lot of catching up to do.” Lumi insisted
“Yeah, we have so many questions.” Sari said. Like, what’s this?”
“Hey! Give that back!” T Freddy shouted
“Now, what do we have here? What’s this?” Deathtrap asked
“It’s the plan for William Afton’s machine, he’s trying to make himself immortal and he needs 6 souls of the children he murdered in order to collect their remnant.” T Freddy explained
“Wait? So that purple bastard isn’t already immortal?”
“Well, he was at one point, but not anymore.” T Freddy said
“This is fantastic! Now we actually have a shot at killing Afton and being free for good.” Deathtrap exclaimed
“Wait. So you guys have been after William Afton too?” He asked
“Em. Not necessarily. We’ve been living here all this time, peacefully. But then Afton came back and rebuilt the sister location and we were sent out of our new home and forced into hiding!” Sari said
“We wanted nothing to Afton. But that monster still finds a way to make life hard for us. So in order to get our home back, we have no choice but to find him and kill him.” Lumi suggested
They all wanted to get their revenge on him, but none of them knew that a certain someone was watching and listening to them as they talked about it while she was hiding in a closet
“All this time, I’ve been saying, “forget about Afton. Let’s just go and enjoy our freedom since we’ve been held captive for so long.” But I was wrong. He is a cancer that continues to torment us until he finally ends us.” Deathtrap said. “The only way we can truly be free, is by killing Afton once and for all. Just like Sliver wanted.”
“Rest his soul.” Lumi said
“Indeed.” Sari said
“I’m so sorry you’ve all had to suffer.” T Freddy said, sympathetically. “I guess I know what that’s like. My whole life has turned out to be a lie. I thought I was made to entertain children. But in reality, I was just used as a cover up for what Afton was really doing. Torturing those poor, innocent souls. So many people have suffered from that. But I know how to stop him. I just don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I’m strong enough.”
Y/n felt really bad about that
“I feel your pain. But if you know how you can stop Afton, then we’re just going to have to help you do it.” Deathtrap said
“What? Really?” T Freddy asked
“Of course. With 3 extra killing machines by your side, Afton will be dead before sunrise. Assuming we find him before sunrise, of course.” He chuckled
“Oh! I know where he is. He’s at the new Freddy Fazbear’s pizzeria in the shopping mall area.” T Freddy mentioned
“Heh. Shocker.” Lumi muttered
“He has a lab there where he spends most of his time. It’s also where his machine is located. If we make it back, I can destroy the machine, and you 3 can take out all the guards and kill Afton. This could actually work. We can actually stop him.”
“Then we’re all in agreement. Afton dies tonight.” Deathtrap said
And then they heard what sounded like a sneeze.
“Oh geez. Sari, have you been sneezing again?” Deathtrap asked
“I know what you’re thinking, but that wasn’t me this time.” Sari said
Then they heard what sounded like a a muffled noise coming from the closest
“It’s coming from in there.” T Freddy said, and Lumi was the first to check it out. He opened it and found the girl
“Hey guys. Check this out.” He said and he grabbed her by the prosthetic arm
“Woah!” Y/n exclaimed as she was pulled out
“What the?” Sari said
“Oh damn it.” Y/n said sarcastically
“Hey, guys, maybe we should put her down.” T Freddy suggested
“Maybe not until we get answers.” Deathtrap said. Who are you and why are you spying on us?”
She was probably thinking about lying, but she had to tell the truth
“I’m…. Y/n…. William Afton’s daughter.” She admitted
“What?!” Lumi said, as she fell to the floor, with her arm still in his hand, but he threw it on the ground
“What?!” Sari asked
“Who?” Deathtrap asked
They were all shocked, except for T Freddy who already knew her
“I know what you’re all thinking, but she’s not like her dad.” T Freddy defended her
“You’re the daughter of William Afton?!” Sari asked, shockingly
“Well, yeah.” She said
“Was this before or after he became a serial killer?” Lumi asked
“You’re the daughter of a serial killer?” Deathtrap asked
“ay dios mío. (Oh my god). Why are you all asking like that’s a big deal?” Y/n asked
“Hello? We didn’t know he had a daughter.” Sari said
“We just didn’t know what happened. It wasn’t until we heard rumor’s and news about how you survived that car accident and made… well… a sort of recovery.” Deathtrap said, as he noticed her missing arm
“So… you guys already knew about me?”
“Yep.” Lumi said
“Still, you probably might need to explain a few things.” T Freddy said
“What on earth are you talking about?” Y/n asked, not knowing what he was saying
“Maybe the fact that you weren’t back at the pizzeria! And you’ve been hiding around in the sister location for a few days after I was captured. I think you owe us an explanation.” T Freddy argued
“You were hiding in the sister location?” Deathtrap asked
Y/n couldn’t hide it anymore
“Alright, alright. If it’ll get you guys off my back, the truth is… I ran away.” She admitted
“You ran away? When?” T Freddy asked
“About hours later after you were captured. “She started with a sigh. “I took the stupid old prosthetic off, because it was just a reminder of all the lies and the schemes I’ve been manipulated into. I knew about the sister location already, so I just decided to stay there. That’s when new friends of mine found me. And they told me everything that happened in the past and the plan. After that, I wanted to stop his doings.”
They all looked at you, just confused and shocked
“But, you didn’t know about the plan? He never told you who he really was?” Sari asked
“If he did, what do think would’ve happened? Would he have ever told me? Or would he just try to kill me when he had the chance?” Y/n asked as she walked past them
“Y/n…” T Freddy muttered, worried about her
And she put her new arm back on and looked back at them.
“I know you don’t probably trust me right now. Believe you me, I wouldn’t want to either. But right now, we need to focus. We need your help so we can save the souls and destroy the machine. If we can, we might actually stand a chance.”
“And… how do we know you’ll keep your word for it?” Deathtrap asked
“Hmmm. Good point.” She agreed. And she had an idea. Well, more of a promise.
“How about… we make a deal?” Y/n suggested
“Oh c’mon. You think we’re that stupid? Making a deal with someone like you?” Lumi asked and T Freddy elbowed him
“Hey!” T Freddy said
“It’s fine. And it’s not anything dangerous or weird or whatever. It’s just a simple deal. I help you do this. And after he’s gone, in return, I’ll be willing to give you freedom. There’s plenty of places you can go and hideout for a new home. Just try staying out of sight from other humans.” Y/n explained
“That’s a pretty big deal.” T Freddy muttered
They thought about it for a while but they wanted to see how it plays out
“You won’t go double crossing us or go back on your word?” Deathtrap asked, suspiciously
“When I promise something, I never break it.” She said carefully
Deathtrap looked back at them and he went into agreement.
“Do we have a deal?” Y/n asked
And he looked back at her. Raising his arm
“We have a deal.” Deathtrap agreed
And they both shook hands
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“Alright. It’s settled then. William Afton dies tonight.” Y/n said
“If only Sliver were here to see his dream becoming a reality.” Sari started with a sigh
And right as she said that, everyone backed up.
It was Silver, but he wasn’t himself
“Oh boy, that is one big bad wolf.” Y/n said, standing beside T Freddy
“Speak of the devil.” Deathtrap smirked
“Silver?” Sari asked
“That’s silver?!” Y/n asked
“He’s alive?!” Sari asked, shocked
“But you told us he was dead, Deathtrap!” Lumi mentioned
“I…uh…well…Silver, my old friend. How’ve you been old buddy…” Deathtrap tried to hug him, but he got slapped
“Yeah. I guess I deserve that.” He muttered
“I have no clue what you did, but whatever it was, you must’ve really pissed him off.” Y/n said
And then more of them came.
“Oh no. Not these guys.” Y/n said
“What are those things?” T Freddy asked
“Twisted animatronics. Monster versions of us. And they might want to hurt us. Afton told me about how he made those and they were dangerous.”
“Uh… judging by how their looking, I’d say their here to kill Fazbear only.” Sari mentioned
“Oh fan freakin tastic.” T Freddy said sarcastically
“Oh calm your pale bologna looking ass, Fazbear.” Deathtrap said. “We’re not going to let them lay a finger on you.”
“Are you kidding me?! We don’t stand a chance. It’s basically 4 savage monsters against you 3.” T Freddy said. He wasn’t being wrong about that
“Then it’s gonna be a fun fight.” Lumi said. And that’s when they started fighting
T Freddy was hiding underneath a table but he was found by the twisted version of him
And then an arrow was shot into the animatronic.
“Afton!” Y/n called out. “Afton, we need to speak!” She demanded
The twisted animatronic came close to her and then the eyes glowed as the words came out
“Y/n?” Afton replied “Is that you? Oh! I’m so relieved to hear from you. Where are you? And you are in so much tr-” he ranted but she cut him off. The others were looking at them as the confrontation went on
“Shut the hell up and let me speak!”
Everyone was shocked as she said that. T Freddy was too. He knew she was upset, but he didn’t know that her situation was this bad
“I know what you did during your days as a serial killer!” She shouted and everything just went quiet. “Did I mumble, Dad?” She said, angrily. “Why should I even call you that?”
Afton was terrified. He didn’t know how she found out but she was very furious with him
“Everything I did. I did it all for you.” He said, getting angry. “I’ve spent my entire life raising you. And this is the thanks I get?!”
She looked back at her friends who just stared at her.
“I can’t believe you. All this time you’ve been hiding this from me. And what else comes out of all this?” She said as she walked around. “You put me through a car accident, you kept lying to my face, your talking to me in a stupid excuse of a hideout house!” She ranted
“And now… she said and grabbed a bow and arrows. “I’m gonna have to help them finish this.” Y/n said
“Try it. Daughter.” Afton said, and the twisted animatronic fought her, but she fought surprisingly well
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And then the fighting continued. While all that was going on, Freddy ran into the woods and Silver followed him. Deathtrap and Y/n looked at each other and nodded.
“Hey Lumi, you wanna fight 2 animatronics?” Deathtrap asked
“Not really.” Lumi said as he punched on of them
“Too bad. Here you go! Have fun.” He said as he grabbed Y/n by the hand and ran off
“Deathtrap! You son of a-” He tried to say, but the other one pounced on him
“Was that really necessary?” Y/n asked
“They’ll thank me later. Now come on!” He said
T Freddy continued to keep running until he found him and pinned him to the ground.
He was going to hurt him. Until Y/n and Deathtrap came in.
“Hi ho, freakin sliver.” He smirked
“Guys?” T Freddy said
“What, Fazbear? You didn’t think we’d let you have all the fun, did you?” He asked and Sliver started shaking them around
“Woah! Woah! Deathtrap, can’t you do something?!” Y/n shouted
“Oh calm down! Alright, let’s see if I can fix this. A little bit of this and that. And voila!” He messed with the switches and wires causing Silver to shut down and they both jumped off
“Whoops. It looks like I accidentally killed him again.” He smirked
“Dude? What did you do?” Y/n asked, feeling confused
“Well, I was trying to rewire him to see if I could turn him back to normal, but I might have short circuited him by accident. Oh well, might be for the best. Now let’s go kill Afton once and for-” he was interrupted because he was rebooting himself and then he was back to normal
“What? Where am I?” He wondered. “Ugh, my head.”
“Deathtrap? What’s going on? How did we get here?” He said and looked at the other people
“Who’s the kid and the white bear?” He asked
“You.. uh… don’t remember?” Deathtrap asked
“Remember? Remember what? The last thing I remember was we were in Hurricane park, when you.. ” and then he remembered something “Stabbed me in the back.” He said angrily
“Oh.” Deathtrap muttered
And then he grabbed him and held him against a tree.
“Now hold on a minute, Sliver. I’ll explain everything later. But I think your gonna want to hear this. We know exactly where William Afton is hiding.” He said
“You do? Where? Where is he?” Silver demanded
“Our polar bear friend and newest member in the group know exactly where he is. And they have a plan to kill him for good.” He said
“Do you have a plan?” Silver asked
“Yes, we do.” T Freddy said
“And it would be a great idea if you helped us, old friend.” Deathtrap said
“Of course, anything to finally put that purple swearing bastard in the ground. Now tell me, what is this plan you two have.” Silver asked
“Alright listen closely.”
Afton found out about the spirit and T Freddy and the others were talking about the plan. And then the shadows came and helped them. But Silver and Deathtrap went back for Lumi and Sari
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virtual-insanity28 · 3 years
Hey!! Oh my god, I came across one of ur posts and your headcanon writings are SO CUTE 💖 I was wondering if you could write platonic/queerplatonic headcanons for Montgomery with a gn Hyena animatronic who’s a super extroverted comedian!!
Montgomery Gator x GN!Hyena Animatronic Reader HCs
apologies that these are kinda short! i wrote them right after i woke up . _.
In the eyes of a rather…tempered being, you are quite the experience to handle for this poor gator.
He is an ambivert—loving to spend time with children at Monty‘s Gator Golf and performing for them, but also enjoying the solitude of destruction in his room or elsewhere that’s private—who doesn’t necessarily take too well to jokes.
We already know Monty is categorized as the ‘actions speak louder than words’ type of guy, so he tends not to think before he acts up.
Upon meeting you, an oddity of the animatronics, Monty is immediately going to assume you’re mocking him no matter what joke you say.
His head raises up, and his plastic nostrils flare while he is blind to your friendly attempt of enjoyment. “What did you say!?” He growls, getting up in your face to intimidate you.
It’s usually the others that have to calm down this seething alligator-of-a-bomb whenever you manage to tick him off.
Although, if nobody else is around, don’t say this, but…he actually laughs to your jokes.
Sometimes, after being good enough friends, he’d give out a little chuckle in public, but growls once people give him looks. He’s able to express himself and he will, yet people thinking that it’s weird to see him like that ticks him off.
As a Glamrock, he is a true natural with people. Ranging from toddlers to seniors, he can keep up a conversation about anything(especially music), so he‘s genuinely glad you’re also like that.
The both of you could keep up a chat for the entire week and never get bored because of how much you guys talk already.
Monty may love a good talk, yet nobody gets him like you do, so it was hard before you arrived to admit his feelings or whatever got to him.
Overall, once you become his friend, prepare for a lot of venting and temperaments.
“See ya later, Alligator~!” You wave at him as you make your way out of the stage room, winking at him in the process. The green robot stands there for a moment to think over what you say, and then shifts quickly into an offended position, offending by your words. It doesn’t take him long before he jumps off the stage and chases after your dead ass.
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grimsmuses · 3 years
@rockingroxy​ || xxx.
watching the jester just stand there and cackle like a deranged hyena was terrifying enough without being hurtled towards said deranged hyena at high speeds. he doesn’t even know how to drive, and he’s about to have his first head on collision. 
roxy’s telling him to go, but the thing looks relatively innocent; it’s just laughing, after all (even if it sounds like nightmare fuel). and greg was supposed to just plow into it? what if it got hurt?
they’re seconds away from impact now, and greggory has to make a choice. roxy’s telling him to floor it but everything in him screams to stop--
so he stops.
he slams his foot onto the brake and the car spins out tail first with the abrupt stop and imbalance; it swings to a stop right at sunny’s feet.
“well hello-hello-hello!” getting caught on the word like a scratched record player, the animatronic repeats it in a glitched, cheery autotune like tune before continuing. “roxanne, you’ve delivered me a little boy! how exci-exciting!”
this thing was creepy.
greggory’s looking at roxy with wide eyes, even though he knows it was his choice to stop the car, and, maybe the wrong choice. he looks back at sunny, who is now standing on the hood of the race car with his arms splayed in a grand gesture. “why don’t we all go play in sunny’s playset? the lights are on bright-bright in there!”
that’s the opposite of what they need: light, stripped of the cover of shadows. and speaking of what they need--
“can you please be quiet?” greggory breathes, whispering aggressively loudly; the sort of child whisper where you can’t say they aren’t whispering, but it’s practically the same as regular talking volume, so what exactly is the point? “we’re being chased--”
“by who?” the animatronic leans down close to greggory’s face, and the boy flattens himself against roxanne with wide eyes. “i don’t see a chaser!” he leans forward again, pressing a hand to his forehead like someone looking into the horizon. “what’s got you in a twist, kiddo? you got a guard dog-dog-dog and everything!” he gives a wink to roxanne. “this isn’t your show, is it, wags? you must be real lost! i don’t envy you!” another wild cackle. greggory wants to cry again just from how creepy this all is.
sunny isn’t helping anything, and now greggory is afraid to start the car, and they’re being arguably louder than they ever have been. vanny’s gotta have a pinpoint on their location. monty might at this rate too--and freddy. they might as well have a neon sign that’s flashing and says “GREGGORY IS HERE!!!” at this rate. that might be more discreet than this.
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freyanistics · 6 years
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The King His majestic head swivel towards the direction of his subjects as his muzzle dripped with fresh blood. His eyes bore into the crowd of nightmarish animatronics as his teeth was bared in victory over the successful kill. Pointing a clawed finger into the crowd his voice boomed through the woods. “YOU!” Nightmares quickly scrambled out of the King’s point as some of them pushed something in front of him. A small humanoid nightmare wearing a hat with a little propeller got up, trembling violently as he looked up. Leaning forward his dark gray snout almost pressed against the smaller nightmare the large hyena’s mouth cracked into a wicked smile. “What are we?” He snarled his voice in a quiet whisper that some of the creatures couldn’t hear him. “W-what y-your ma-“ “WHAT ARE WE?” The king’s voice yelled out making the crowd to back up away. Almost pissing himself the little nightmare gulp before answering. “W-we are nightmares your majesty!” He covered his face with his long fingers. Lifting his head up towards the crowd once more the king narrowed his eyes. “And what do nightmares do?” He asked not taking his eyes off. “W-we torture, haunt, k-kill, and feast off the humans sir.” The nightmare answered. “Yes, that is exactly what we do, we do not act cute, act less than an outsider, nor mingle with outsiders. We do not act less dignified! I have been watching you all for the past weeks, and all I see is you all acting just like that. After being kicked out of our homes we have been acting like a bunch of fools, daymares are probably watching and laughing their asses off,do you want that?” He asked. The crowd was silent as they looked between each other their heads low and cowering as they had no answer. “DO YOU?” He shouted into the night. Quickly, the nightmare animatronics shook their heads falling to their knees in fear. Letting out a low growl the large nightmare king turned back to his kill grabbing the head of the once burly man before twisting his jaw cracking the neck even more. “Get out of my sight, and if I ever catch a nightmare acting less of themselves you will be just like this human.” (Being it’s hyena day apparently wanted to show off my fnaf au character Killfun, the king of the nightmares. Enjoy! Artist of the picture is by grey Neon Art.)
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Remember: Pt 2
Rating: Explicit (Gore, future NSFW themes, death) Contains: Graphic descriptions of gore, future sexual themes, death of multiple characters, Tyme, and angst.
Jerome just wanted to be done with this job. He could tell things were going south very, very fast.
He pulled out his phone to check the time. 1:32am blinked, almost tauntingly, at him from the middle of the lockscreen. He put his phone back into sleep mode.
And his blood ran cold when a pale person was reflected over his shoulder from the dark screen.
Acting upon impulse, he swung around, clocking the person straight in the jaw. 
“What the fuck, man?!”
A teenager, roughly seventeen, was holding the side of his face with a pissed expression. His dark ginger hair was curly, and tousled messily, as if he hadn’t brushed it. He had an average skintone and was covered in freckles. His dark brown eyes shot up towards Jerome’s face, and his blood ran cold once again. 
This time from the realization that he had just clocked his work partner in the jaw. 
“Shit, I’m sorry! You startled me.”
The young man rolled his neck and popped his jaw, forcing a half-grin through the obvious pain. Jerome noticed that a dark bruise was starting to form along his jaw and cheek already.
The kid raised his hand to Jerome, trying to prompt a handshake. “It’s fine, I’ve been through worse. My name’s Matthew, by the way. Call me Matt.”
Jerome took his hand, giving it one firm shake. “I’m Jerome.”
Matt hummed in acknowledgement. “Now that we’re acquainted, uh... What have you done so far?” Matt looked around, picking up a mop that he had dropped at some point. Probably when he had been punched.
“I’ve cleaned both of the party rooms and the hallways. There’s just the stage and kitchen left.”
Matt furrowed his brows, presumably in concentration. “Well, I’ll clean the last two then. Would you mind staying anyways, so I can show you how to clean the animatronics?”
Jerome scoffed, grimacing slightly. “I was never told-”
Matt interrupted him immediately. “Abigail doesn’t tell you everything.”
Jerome sighed, running his hand through his hair. “Yeah, sure. I need to learn at some point, right?”
Matt laughed slightly, waving him over in a “follow me” gesture. He walked over to the stage nonchalantly, not even bothering to try and stay quiet. Their footsteps echoed ominously, and Jerome almost felt like he was being watched. 
Matt hoisted himself up onto the stage, vanishing behind the dark curtains for a moment before they creaked, almost screeching in a metallic way, pulling back to reveal the horrors hidden behind.
Three animatronics stood on the stage, frozen in time- dead, but, in a way, alive.
One, at the very front, dwarfed Jerome in height. It stood tall, with a cheetah-like build, a partially discoloured tail, and faded green eyes. The animatronic was completely discoloured, and the jaw hung open at an odd angle that revealed sharp teeth and dented, stained metal workings underneath. The eyes somehow held life- more so than they should have. It gripped a microphone in one hand, and the knuckles on both hands were completely split open, and wires and metal pieces hung out openly.
The animatronic next to it was a blueish, female-model of a fox. This animatronic was obviously much newer, but oil stains around the ankles and jaw showed that it was still very cheaply made. The palms of the hands, the elbows, and the collarbone of the animatronic were stained darker than the rest of it. Jerome could've sworn that the ears and tail twitched occasionally. The sea-green eyes seemed tired.
The animatronic at the back startled Jerome the most. It was around his height, and looked like a Siamese cat with a short tail. It was sat behind a drumset, and the ears were flattened back. The feet had been bolted to the floor, but judging by the damage to the plastic, it.... got free anyways. The body was shrouded in shadows, but it was obviously stained as well. The pale blue, glowing eyes followed him as he climbed up onto the stage and skirted around behind the cheetah.
Matt’s voice startled him out of his trance. “Alright, this is Chet. He’s the main mascot, and the oldest. Don’t bother trying to clean him all the way, he’s pretty grimy to begin with. Avoid the wires and metal, and you should be fine.” Matt pulled a rag out of one of his pants pockets, and used the backstage sink to dampen it before quickly wiping down the animatronic. It didn’t seem to make a difference. It would never shine again.
However, when Matt pulled the rag away, Jerome made a noise of disgust. It was blackened with grease, food, and what looked like blood. Matt laughed at him slightly, but it was a hollow noise.
He rinsed the rag, then rung it out, and moved onto the blue fox. “This is Ashina. She’s a newer model, so wires shouldn’t be a problem, but she’s got thinner plastic and more gaps, so try not to drip water into the casing...” Matt took more time with this one, cleaning the teeth individually, and even wiping the eyes. The rag, when pulled away, was not even nearly as gross, and the animatronic reflected light from outside. The eyes especially.
Matt cleared his throat and moved onto the last animatronic. “Uh... Alright. This is Tom. He’s pretty easy to clean, since not much grease and food reaches back here...” Matt moved quickly, wiping down the animatronic and the top of the drumset.
Matt turned around, taking long strides to leave the darkness. He grinned almost nervously. “Got it?”
Jerome nodded, only half paying attention the entire time. 
Throughout the rest of the night, Jerome hardly paid attention to what was going on. Him and Matt finished mopping the stage and cleaned the kitchen, and were about to leave and head home for the night.
Jerome got fed up with mulling over his thoughts, and grabbed Matt by the shoulder, preventing him from leaving.
“Alright, I gotta ask something. What happened here?”
Jerome looked him dead in the eyes, and a harshly serious expression crossed his face. He had a deep frown, and his eyebrows were furrowed.
Matt gulped, and Jerome could feel him start to sweat underneath his hand. He refused to make eye contact, and tried to pull away. “L-Listen, man, I dunno what you mean-”
Jerome tightened his grip, grabbing his other shoulder with his other hand. “How long have you worked here?”
Matt answered without hesitation. “A year.”
Jerome nodded. “Then you MUST know about this place’s past, right?”
“Man, I told you. I dunno what you’re referring to.”
Jerome started to grow frustrated. “You know DAMN WELL what I mean. The constant feeling of being watched, the strangely stained animatronics, the smell of rot, the broken-YET BOLTED- feet on Tom, the locked storage room. Something fucking happened. None of this is normal for a family fun center!”
Matt waved his hands, motioning to Jerome to keep quiet. “Fuck, fine! You noticed a lot more than I thought you would... But listen, we gotta keep our voices down. The manager may be  listening- and I shouldn’t even be telling you this.”
Jerome quirked an eyebrow and reluctantly let go of his shoulders. 
“Roughly fourteen years ago, three of these animatronics where part of a carnival. But... Two started to malfunction. So they were shut down and moved to a shed. Rumors spread, and a couple of idiot kids dared one of their friends to stay the night  in the shed... He was never found again. One more kid, a young boy, also went missing. Fingers started to be pointed towards the owner of the carnival, and he committed suicide to avoid charges. The carnival burned down mysteriously, just days later.”
Matt’s voice started to shake.
“A few people moved the rubble so the plot could be reused, and discovered that the animatronics could still be used. So, they set up a tiny food place. They cleaned the robots the best they could, and bought new ones. A hyena and his parrot, a massive serpent, a fox, and a tom cat. But... Kids still went missing. Three more, to be exact. The serpent was deemed too scary for children, and was “retired”. The old mountain lion was so damaged from the fire that he couldn’t function. He’d shut off suddenly and collapse, and smelled of rot. Then there was the raccoon- oddly untouched by the fire, but his stare made children uncomfortable. Both of them were also “retired”.
The place ended up nearly being shut down because of charges from parents, but one day, the just.... Stopped. Then, business started going wild. The franchise expanded and grew, and eventually became the Chet’s Family Fun Center that we know today..... But, in the past couple of years, three different employees have been unexplainably attacked. One nearly died. The other went missing. My br- Er, the previous nightguard, was hospitalized so many times that he should have been dead from scar tissue alone. But he’s.... He’s gone, too.”
Mat’s voice broke towards the end of his story, and he was sniffling- er, scratch that, he’s actually crying.
Jerome opened and closed his mouth a few times. The story was darker than he thought it would be. But he started to get a plan already.
“What if we prove what happened? Shut this place down for good. Help the families that lost people.”
Matt belted out loud, bitter laughter. “Really? THAT’S your plan? You’re crazy.” 
“Maybe I am, Matt. And I’m not asking you to help me- but I’m going to do this. The story’s out there. The evidence is here- right here. We can do this.”
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