#I learned his actor is also Canadian
gunsoffire · 8 months
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sleepymccoy · 7 months
Please choose your favourite of my (imo) niche star trek headcanons
Now that I'm writing these, I wonder if any of them are straight up canon that I've forgotten lol
I'm gonna further defend my headcanons under a readmore, but it's up to you if you want to read that or just vote on the summary 😘
Scotty's actor is Canadian. Also he's so Scottish? Like, he's called Scotty, he drinks scotch, he is Scottish, so on. Too much. I think he has Scottish heritage, maybe his mum is Scottish, so he knows the phrases and his accent work is comedic but solid. But he himself was born in like Quebec
I have a whole post on McCoy's ex wife being Vulcan, it rules, give it a read here
The way America crumbles in trek history I think opens them up to invasion. I don't think Russia is still in charge, I think they've moved on from that and country borders are less political more cultural in TOS times. But I think briefly Russia had everything and Chekhov is joking about that when he says shit like that saying is Russian. We know, Chekhov, everything was Russian once, get over it. His joke is less about things being Russian and more like someone making the same joke about how everything was Roman once
TOS writers had a little cheat sheet of characterisation rules I saw here once and one said that Sulu has many varying interests, so if you need an info dump that's not one of the other main guys things, use him. So I've taken that and gone with he isn't actually into plants, it was just a six month project to better learn how to take care of them. He spent a lot of time complaining about them to Chekhov. Basically a hyper fixation and once he figured it out he lost interest, but retained all the knowledge
Cos Rand has that trick of heating up the coffee with a phaser on low. That's resourceful with ship technology that uses batteries, not mainframe power. I think she knows what matters when a ship breaks, and food and comfort need prioritising cos she grew up on a ship that was always broken. Broken ships are easier to tolerate if the coffee is served hot
I think Chapel's fiance kinda sucks in that ep, even if it was just a robot copy, and I think she loves being in space. I think she feels both relieved and guilty about it all, it's bad
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marshallpupfan · 8 months
A New Character for PAW Patrol Movie 3?
Recently, a user on the PAW Patrol Wiki found a link to a website about casting new actors for the upcoming third PAW Patrol movie. In it, they gave some details about a new character; "Dexter".
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As you can see here, Dexter is described as a golden retriever, wheelchair bound, expert on large jungle animals, good at inventing things with the resources around him, and is prone to make mistakes and treats each one as a new learning experience. He also has a rhino as a "best friend", and the Audition Package included mentions two other characters; "Martin" and... "Watermelon"?
It's important to note that PAW Patrol: The Movie 3 is still very early in its development. All or most of this can, and likely will, change at some point. Then again, some or even all of this might get scrapped at some point, so take all of this with a grain of salt. There's no guarantee any of this will make it to the final product, but if anything, at least it gives us a very brief glimpse of one aspect of the upcoming sequel.
However, there's still no info on which of the main six PAW Patrol pups it'll focus on... or if it'll be one of them? The website's trying to find a voice actor for this Dexter, but it's also trying to find one for Ryder, too. Maybe that's a clue to who they picked after all? Or maybe it means nothing. Who knows, and those that do aren't talking.
Fan reaction to this has been, from what I've noticed, mixed. Chances are, you noticed right away that Dexter sounds like a combination of many characters in PAW Patrol already, such as Rex and Tracker. There's also some aspects of Marshall and Rocky in there, which makes me wonder if that'll affect either of their chances to be the focus of film #3. Plus, while fans have praised the inclusion of more disability representation, some of us (myself, included) are disappointed that they went with one we've already seen. Given the large range of disabilities out there, such as autism, aspergers, deaf, etc., it's a shame they picked one that's already been represented. Given Brunker's penchant for plucking things from the TV series to repurpose them for his movie, I suppose I can't say I'm surprised.
With all this said, the film's still in its early development cycle, so things may change from now until its planned release date. The only other thing to mention is that the page sometimes refers to the movie as "PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie 3", which some have taken to mean it might be about superpowers again. Chances are, this is just a placeholder, thus it'll absolutely change down the line. At least, I hope so... I'm not too keen on them focusing on superpowers once more, though maybe others might feel differently.
That's all for now. And if anyone wants to check the site out for themselves, here's a link.
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motziedapul · 4 months
Re: Dooley and his accent (Hi Nay Podcast)
I've been asked at least once before if it makes sense for a man who's lived in Toronto pretty much all his life to have a heavy Yorkshire accent, but in my experience it's not that unusual. Toronto is a city of immigrants, Canada is a country of immigrants, now more than ever. A lot of the time you meet people who don't have an accent when you talk to them but when you hear them talk to family or their community, it comes out strong.
Also it's a British commonwealth. Lots of Brits here.
I imagine that Dooley, the character with the strong Yorkshire accent, learned it from his family. I imagine that when he was at work he didn't allow it to come out, but over time realized that the shame just wasn't working and he got more used to speaking like that in all aspects of his life, or in the very least around the people he's close to and considers family. He considers Donner family, after all.
I know this is a roundabout way to justify the fact that Alasdair presented me with multiple options for Dooley's voice and accent and said nobody ever chose his Yorkshire accent and I was like actually I love it, but the reason I didn't think it would be a big deal is because it's highly plausible in a city as densely packed with such diverse backgrounds as Toronto. It's certainly not a common phenomenon, but it's a distinct possibility. I've even noticed this happening to second generation Filipino immigrants who've only ever grown up here, but still have their parents' accent.
Shoutout to another one of our voice actors, Calel (named after Superman), who had a fully Canadian/North American accent when I met him, but was actually hiding his natural, very strong Australian accent.
And to myself, as a Filipina immigrant, speaking very differently in Toronto day to day than I do around other Tagalog speaking Filipinos. How I sound on the podcast is not at all how I sound back in Quezon City.
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kochomqwz · 2 months
Benjamin Johnson is a Canadian actor, better known for his role as Eric Harris in the 2004 ZERO HOUR TV show.
Benjamin Johnson was born in Toronto, Canada on March 22, 1979. It is known that for 5 years Ben lived with his father in Truro, Nova Scotia, and then moved with his mother to Ontario, Canada.
He attended a school in Guelph, Canada.
It is also known that in 1997 he took a course of study at the National Theatre School of Canada (a higher educational institution in Montreal).
In 2009, Ben lives in Tokyo, Japan, and after that we see photos from the town of Hakone on his Facebook page.
While in Japan, he works as a screenwriter, we learn about this not only from photographs, but also thanks to an article he wrote for Praxis theatre.
The year is 2004.
📼 "Columbine High School Massacre." Season 1, episode 3 of the TV show "Zero Hour", consisting of documentaries.
Ben played Eric Harris in this movie.
📼 "One from all of America." Season 2, episode 2 of the TV show "Zero Hour".
Role: Timothy McVeigh.
📼 "Jekyll and Hyde: The True Story."
Role: writer Robert Stevenson.
The year is 2007.
Ben is starring in the movie "True Bond".
I haven't found the film yet, but the IMDb website indicates that he took part in the shooting.
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bisheepart · 1 year
Various Incorrect Quotes
Because I'm having too much fun with these
Gregory: I'm the kind of person who likes to think things through.
Cassie: Since when? I once saw you eat a marshmallow that was still on fire.
Michael: Why do you two look so mad?
Simon (Freddy Mask Bully): Sit down and we'll tell you.
Michael: *sits down*
James (Chica Mask Bully): This bench is freshly painted.
*Cassidy, Evan, Gregory and Cassie being friends*
Evan: I should probably get home.
Cassidy: Nope, we've already got plans to get Canadians to kidnap you so we can adopt you as our brother.
Evan:... Canadians?
Gregory: It worked with Cassie!
Cassie, deadpan: Run, it's how I got stuck with these two.
*Context: Inside Joke between me, my boyfriend, and his family about Canadian Kidnappers*
Gregory: Freddy took the wheels out of my heelies because they were "unsafe." Now I have to walk down the halls like a common wench, and I am livid!
Charlie/Puppet, to Cassidy and Evan/Golden Duo.: You know what true strength is? Forgiving a person who isn't even sorry.
Golden Duo: We'd rather be springlocked.
Evan: Just once, I'd like to get out of bed without going through the seven stages of grief.
Sammy: What are the extra two?
Evan: Denial 2 and astral projection.
Cassidy, to the MC: Alright, listen up you idiots.
Cassidy, to Evan: Not you Evan. You're an angel and we're glad you're here.
Cassie: So, you're my first real friend?
Gregory: It would seem so.
Cassie: Wow....
Cassie:... I've never been so afraid of a friend before.
Gregory:... What are you doing?
Cassie, putting blue glitter eyeshadow from a children's Cinderella makeup kit on Vanessa's eyelids while she sleeps:... Makeup practice.
Gregory:... Can I help?
Cassie: Yes
Jeremy: Good responses for getting stabbed with a knife?
Gabriel: Rude
Fritz: That's fair
Susie; Not again
Cassidy: Are you going to want this back or can I have it?
*Alive AU*
Teen Elizabeth, to Evan: Do you think dad is going to notice I dyed my hair?
Teen Evan, looking at the bathroom completely covered in hair dye:... Probably.
Evan: People ask me how I got Cassidy to be friends with me. I didn't, they just picked me up like a kitten and I've been stuck with them ever since. Not that I mind.
*Alive AU*
Charlie: What's an understudy?
Jessica: It's like a backup actor. So if you get sick or something, they take your place in the play.
Elizabeth: Yeah, or if you go missing, or get hit by a bus!
Mark (Bonnie Mask): Did you know that you could use a crayon as a candle? In an emergency, one will burn for thirty minutes.
Simon (Freddy mask): How long does it burn if it isn't an emergency?
Michael: What does a crayon even consider an emergency?
James (Chica Mask): I think being on fire is what a crayon would consider an emergency.
Michael: Everyone considers that an emergency!
Susie: The floor is lava!
Cassidy:*helps Evan onto the counter*
Fritz:*kicks Jeremy off the sofa*
Charlie:*laying face down on the floor*
Gabriel:... Are you okay?
Charlie: No.
Fritz: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
Susie: No
Jeremy: I did not.
Cassidy: I may have forgotten one.
Gabriel: Also no.
Fritz: Oh good, neither did I!
Charlie: *long suffering sigh*
Cassie: Bye Roxy! Bye Gregory! Bye Freddy! Bye Vanessa! Bye Roxy!
Gregory: You said "Bye Roxy" twice.
Cassie: I like Roxy.
Gregory: Arson? Oh, you mean Crime Brulee.
Cassie: no, no we mean arson.
Michael, possessing Glam Freddy: Crime Brulee.
Elizabeth: We have fun! Right Evan?
Evan: I've never been more stressed out in my entire life.
William: One day, we're going to look back on this and laugh!
Henry: I promise, every time I think of this moment, I'm going to come to your house and punch you in the face.
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consanguinitatum · 1 year
David Tennant audios: Tuesdays & Sundays is an audio gem
As you all know by now, surely, I'm a David Tennant theatre buff, but right now I want to explore my other major passion with regards to his work: his audios. He's done a bewildering amount of audio work and a lot of it is really, really good. With that in mind, I'm going to concentrate on one of my absolute favorite David Tennant audio works: a 2003 audio entitled Tuesdays & Sundays.
Based on a true story of an 1887 series of events between a young woman named Mary Tuplin and her lover William Millman in Margate on Canada’s Prince Edward Island, Tuesdays & Sundays begins with the young couple's spirits as they "awaken into a void. As they question where they are, they recall and begin to relive the story which got them there: their giddy courtship and the overwhelming passions of first love, the pangs of a six-month absence, an unplanned pregnancy, and a guilty and shameful young man amidst a community in which respectability is of utmost importance. As they try to cope, to keep love amongst the fear and confusions of youth, these two spirits ultimately stumble upon their own tragic ending."
Sounds intriguing, yes?
Tuesdays & Sundays was originally a 45-minute play written by Canadians Daniel Arnold and Medina Hahn. It was first performed in June 2000 in Edmonton, Canada, with the authors as the two principal characters William and Mary. Arnold and Hahn took the play on tours throughout Canada, Europe and the US and won many awards, including the Sterling Haynes Award for Outstanding Fringe Performance.
In 2003, Arnold and Hahn were asked to adapt the play for radio; one for Canada's CBC Radio (which starred themselves) and once for the BBC. I spoke to Arnold about how the play got adapted, and he told me, “CBC Radio was the first to approach us about a radio version, and we performed it on CBC Radio with minimal adaptation. The Edinburgh Festival is where Sara Benaim of the BBC saw it, and asked about a radio adaptation for BBC Radio 4. We adapted the play accordingly, and…re-set it to [Tusket in] Nova Scotia, where there was much more Scottish settlement. Margate on Prince Edward Island was much more English. We made…the characters both immigrants from Scotland, which actually worked quite well.”
The BBC adaptation was broadcast on 16 June 2003 as the BBC Radio 4 Afternoon play and starred David as William and Claire Yuille (who later appeared in the first episode of 2010’s Single Father, credited only as a “Doting Mum") as Mary. And on top of all that, David and Claire also voiced all of the play's other minor characters!
Of David’s turn as the young William Millman, Arnold told me, “We were quite taken with his performance in it.” He added, “We were thrilled when we learned David Tennant would play (my role) William…and when we heard the recording on the BBC, it sounded fantastic.”
And it DOES! In my opinion, there are so many reasons why this play is stupendous. David and Claire are top-drawer. The dialogue is back and forth, breathless and imbued with teenaged giddiness, bullet-paced and conversational - both with each other and in asides to themselves - and it must've taken some doing for the two actors to get this pace down just right without running over the top of each other and blurring it into chaos. But instead, it creates a perfect tension-filled atmosphere that draws an audience in and makes this play a must-hear.
By this time I imagine you're wondering where you can hear or read this play. Well, here's a partial script. Here's the original Canadian radio broadcast at the Internet Archive (which is a great listen in and of itself) but, sadly, hearing David's version had become a bit more difficult. The Internet Archive had a copy once but it's been removed, and Arnold and Hahn's DualMinds website has almost 5 minutes of the play, but as it's based in Flash Player good luck getting it to work. But I won't tell if you won't tell - so go get it here while it's still available. ;)
Here's a cute little David in advertising for the play - and below, some other historical information about the events the play is based on. If you don't want to know anything about the play before listening to it (spoilers!) then don't look beyond this photo!
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The real Mary Pickering Tuplin was 17 years old when she was murdered, and her lover William Millman was convicted of the crime. Tuplin’s body was pulled from the Southwest River on July 4, 1887, just a short distance from where she lived with her parents in Margate. She had been shot twice in the head. Her body was weighed down with a heavy stone, and it was discovered she had been six months pregnant. Authorities separated her head from her body for forensic examination, and - bizarrely - it was never reunited with her body. It remained in the coroner's office, which eventually became a pharmacy. And there it remained until 2016, when it was finally reburied with the rest of her remains.
If true crime is your thing, you can access the entire report of the Tuplin-Millman murder trial, right here!
William Millman was convicted of Mary Tuplin's murder and was sentenced to hang. Despite the jury’s recommendation for mercy, he was hanged on 10 April 1888.
Many believe him innocent of the crime. Was he? It's highly unlikely we will never know.
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destinyc1020 · 7 months
You know what's funny? Before Tom was cast as Spidey he had a classic indie actor resumé: starting in a Spanish movie with Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor, voicing a Studio Ghibli beloved animation, voicing the son of Tom Hardy in an experimental movie (Locke), starring in a dystopian movie with Saoirse Ronan, doing a tragic movie set in a desolate Canadian winter landscape (Edge of Winter), starring in an acclaimed BBC historical miniseries opposite Mark Rylance (Wolf Hall), starring in a movie where he speaks ancient Gaelic (Pilgrimage). Then he was cast as the most popular s superhero globally (based on merchandise sold) and did 6 movies as that character, 5 of which made more than $1B and the other more than $800M. And because of that he started to be viewed as an actor that was not serious about his craft. Tom has talked about that pre-Spidey period as one full of uncertainty, fearful that offers would dry up, so much so that his parents sent him to learn carpentry apprenticeship. Spidey allowed him to finally achieve financial security. I think that some of the choices he made in this period were not the best, but people have to experience life and learn to deal with the consequences. I think that in this period his best performance has been in TDATT because he worked with a director that gets great dramatic performances from his actors. That's why I'm so excited with R+J because he will be working with a great minimalist director that really focuses on truthful emotion and not decoration. And I hope that he gets to work with Paul King because he's creatively amazing but also a really great person. Everybody has to follow their own path. There's no cookie cutter approach towards success
You know what, this is all a very good point Anon! 👍🏾
Tom really was an Indie King himself before he got the Spiderman role. He and Timmy actually had somewhat similar starts in their career. Timmy just stayed doing indie films a little longer before branching out to do more commercial, big films. But they BOTH have an indie background!
I wouldn't say that for Tom the offers weren't coming in, I just think Nikki didn't want him to have NOTHING to fall back on. The work of an actor can be VERY hit or miss. You're only as good as your last job. It's kind of like being a freelancer or contractor almost? Once the contract is up, and the job is done, that's it! 🤷🏾‍♀️
It can be kinda scary for sure, especially if you're trying to make a living. And MOST actors never even make it to the top 2% that we see on the red carpet in Hollywood. Most are struggling to make ends meet, or to book roles, and even when booking roles, they might not make as much as they need.
You REALLY have to enjoy acting, and it really has to be your PASSION if you're going to stick with it under those circumstances.
I'm excited to see Tom working with Paul King and to see him in R&J as well Anon! 😁👏🏾🥰 I can't wait!
We're fortunate that Tom is in a financial situation where he CAN afford to take risks and take long breaks, etc. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Tom HAS been going back to his indie roots actually. It's just that some haven't really liked his choices.... or, they feel like the projects he's chosen aren't well-written, or widely accepted by the critics etc.
But Tom has actually been going back to his roots for a while now.
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hauntnowpod · 8 months
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Casting Announcement Round 1
With 51 VAs this season, we've got quite a few ghosts (and humans, too), to introduce!
Without further ado, let me present:
Alana Rader, joining us this season as Maggie & Kate Fox.
Alana is a Brooklyn-based actor/writer/director & proud rescue Pekingese dog mom. You can hear her as Sweetie on the podcast “The Chronicles of Rolling Hills: Dog Psychiatrist & Zombie Lawyer” as well as Obedience in the new podcast “If We Really Were Witches.” alanarader.com 
Ali Hylton, returning as one of the voices of The Apartment!
Ali is a Texas-based synesthetic artist with a love for storytelling and turning life experiences into art. She is the producer of the audio dramas Dining in the Void, Human Error, and is working on several upcoming shows such as Written in Stardust and Fallen Memories. They are a composer for shows such as Dining in the Void, Someone Dies in this Elevator, SHIFTS (Season Two) and HUBRIS. Ali has also written for the show HUBRIS and is a producer for the networks Zebulon Podcasts and The Shadow Network. You can find them on twitter @MissAliHylton or visit their website alihylton.carrd.co for more!
Alex Bui, joining this season as The Drivers.
Alex Bui is a Vietnamese-American voice actor with a remote studio in San Antonio, TX. He has always had a passion for acting and was only recently able to pursue his dreams. He has been in various indie projects such as Doomsday Paradise, Nightshade Academy, ThatLovePodcast, and more! Alex is always eager to work and learn from those around him and always puts his best foot forward to give the life to his work that it deserves. alexbuivo.com
Archer Devon, joining the cast this season as Poltergeist 2!
Archer is a 21 year old disabled queer voice actor who has always loved performing, and has been on the voice acting scene as early as 2019. When ze's not behind the mic, ze can usually be found playing video games with friends or snuggling with zir cat, Nessarose. Right now, you can also hear him as the voice of Celeste in the upcoming visual novel Celestial Crowns! You can find him on Twitter at @ArcherDevonVA.
Ariane Marchese, returning in a new role!
Last season Ariane was the voice of a Death's Cookery contestant. This season, she's back as TV Voices! Find Ariane online at arianem.com
Aubrey Akers, joining us this season as Professor 2!
Aubrey Akers is a Columbus based voice artist appearing in multiple audio dramas and commercial work. Find Aubrey online at voices.com/profile/aubreyakers
Becca Marcus, returning as Lota--who has some important unfinished business to figure out this season.
Becca Marcus is a disabled voice actor from the UK. She has been drawn to performing from a young age, growing up in local theatre and dreaming of acting as an adult. Lota is very dear to her heart and she's thrilled to be back haunting for this season! You can also hear her as Elio in Moonbase Theta, Out, as well as in podcasts such as Sidequesting, Someone Dies in This Elevator, and A Ninth World Journal. You can find her on Twitter @beccamarcus_, and at https://beccamarcus.carrd.co/
Ben Akira Spencer, joining us this season as Bill's Assistant and McMansion.
Ben Akira Spencer is a Canadian voice actor who has featured in video games, animation, and podcasts. He is set to appear in several international releases this year. Find him on Twitter @HeyHowdyVA
Brad Colbroock, returning as Cas, the leader of the ghost hunting gang, You Haint Seen Nothin' Yet. (We're also thrilled Brad's doing the sound design, it will be delectably haunting!!!)
Brad Colbroock is a sound designer specializing in scripted audio fiction. You can hear their recent horror work on BloodyFM’s Skin Crawl, Mayfair Watchers Society, and some less visceral content on Magnesium Film’s Celeritas. Hear all of Brad’s work at bradcolbroock.com/#sound
Bree Frankel, joining this season as FF House Ghost 2 and FF House. YES the FF stands for something, NO I will not tell you. Spoilers, darling!
Bree Frankel is an Australian LGBTQ+ voice actress based in Melbourne. Bree embarked on their voiceover journey in May 2022 and has given their voice to animation, video games and audio dramas, with the vocal range and acting ability to bring a wide variety of characters to life. breefrankelvo.carrd.co/ 
Candace McAfee, joining us this season as Netta. Their contribution to this season is truly magnificent.
Candace McAfee, also known as Candace the Magnificent, is a Black queer NB voice actor, TTRPG performer, writer and musician. When they’re not working, Candace enjoys collecting books, spending time with their two cats, and making beautiful things. Learn more about them here: https://linktr.ee/candacethemagnificent. 
Carl G Brooks, joining the haunting this season as Theodore and FF House.
Carl G Brooks (He/Him) is an actor and writer living and working in Dallas/Fort Worth, Tx. Here Carl writes screenplays and provides voice over. Apart from business Carl enjoys practicing drum set, hiking, visual art and crafting. www.carlgbrooks.com
And me, Courtney Floyd, returning as Eulalie!
Please share our crowdfunding campaign widely and contribute if you can! igg.me/at/hauntresponsibly
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heartlandians · 1 year
Amber Marshall on Her ‘Heartland’ Family, Overcoming Loss & Amy Finding Love Again
Viewers of the beloved drama Heartland have grown up with Amber Marshall. The actress, 35, has portrayed Amy Fleming for more than 15 years, over 250 episodes and counting with season 17 now in production. The series, based on the bestselling books, follows the Bartlett-Fleming family and is set in the picturesque backdrop along the rolling foothills of the Rockies in the fictional town of Hudson, Alberta.
Amy enjoys the ranch life surrounded by horses she has cared for and open space. Though the rural setting has been anything but easy living. Much like Amy, Marshall and the rest of the cast have dealt with their own share of loss. One of the show’s stars, Robert Cormier, who played her love interest in Finn Cotter, died last September after a fall.
Despite being the longest-running television drama in Canadian TV history, the show continues to build on its existing audience beyond the Great White North. Among the Top 5 Most Streamed Shows in the U.S., the series recently premiered season 16 stateside exclusively on UP Faith & Family. Marshall took a break from filming season 17 to reflect on Heartland’s longevity and generational connection, as well as tease what’s to come.
What’s the vibe on set for season 17?
Amber Marshall: We really have become quite the family because we have been together for so many years. I think back to that whole idea when you are in high school and your peers become your family. That has happened on set over the years. The funny connection between it is we are actually playing a family on TV. We genuinely care about each other. I just absolutely love the longevity of the show because it makes the character have so much more realism and history with other characters.
How do you look at Amy’s evolution?
It’s a rare opportunity that an actor gets to play a character for this long. To be able to grow as a person simultaneously with my character’s growth has been cool. It’s interesting to see how the writers look at what is going on in my own life and then will mirror a lot of the stories because I’m going through a lot of the same things at the same time as my character is. I remember when our showrunner at the time Heather Conkie was at my own personal wedding taking notes. I said, “Oh, we’re bound to see this on the screen in a year or so.” Sure enough, very similar stories took place. That’s also the best way I can prepare for my role because I am going through these things in my own life. When it comes on screen I can say, “Wow, I’ve been there and experienced this. I know exactly how I handled it emotionally and can bring that into my character.
Amy’s daughter Lyndy (played by Ruby and Emmanuella Spencer) is really starting to come into her own this season. You’re definitely seeing a lot of the traits and horse-whisperer abilities in her as Mom.
There are two twin girls who play the role of Lyndy, and they were cast on the show when they were six months old. They have literally grown up on the show, and now they are going to be seven this summer. I really do feel they are my family. I’ve spent so much time with these girls. I’ve watched every stage they’ve had and watched them learn and develop. That to me has been really rewarding. Not just as an actor, but as a mother figure to these kids. I think again that brings so much realism into the show. They bring such realism to the show.
The show was dealt a devastating blow with Robert’s passing. Your character was so intertwined with his character Finn as seen in season 16. Fans wanted to see these two end up together long-term. You talk about being family on set. How has it been moving forward?
To add to all of that, fans were so excited to see Amy start to fall in love again. To live those moments onscreen and have such a connection with Robert and his character Finn. We spent multiple days having all kinds of different story arc talks. We thought, “Okay, this is going to take us through the rest of the season and beyond.” He and I would talk about it all the time. He was such a great guy and so open and very honest to work with. The conversations were easy. It is so fun to be around him.
When we found out the news, it was devastating. It was one of those moments that served as a reminder that you never know when you’re going to lose someone around you. We all took a step back and used it as a moment to look at our lives and who we love and care about and make sure they know that. You never know. There is no certainty in life. That was kind of an eye-opener for everyone on set. In a way, I do believe it did bring us all closer together because you can’t take anything for granted.
Season 16 is currently airing here in the U.S. via Up Faith & Family. What do you like most about Amy’s journey?
I believe that season 16 allowed Amy the opportunity to move forward with her life. After the death of her husband Ty [Borden] (Graham Wardle), there were a few seasons we wanted to spend honoring his legacy and their relationship and connection. Fans who have been long-time viewers of the show know how strong that connection was and how important the relationship was for the Heartland series. I think it’s respectful to the characters and the fans to show the grieving process and go through the stories of now a single mom who had to put her daughter before everyone else. But in a way those times were really taxing because for myself playing a grieving widow was hard on me. Every day you’re coming in upset and trying to get into very dark places. Season 16 was finally where it became, no, Amy is allowed to move forward. She is allowed to be happy. She was given that time for her to grieve and for fans to grieve with her. Now it’s about her moving forward and opening up her heart again
There are theories that Sam [Langstone] (Shawn Roberts) is the new love interest. What can you tease about the future for him and Amy?
I think it’s always important when you have a female character who has been through love and loss to have characters that are always kind of there. When there is always that potential of asking, “Is there going to be something that happens?” You never know. That’s what keeps stories interesting when you don’t know the exact path the character is going to take. Sometimes there are certain things, even our own lives that we are just neighbors or friends or whatever we might see them as. Then a life situation might turn the corner where might actually view them differently. One of my friends. She is a widow and lost her husband. She always joked about her neighbor. Four years later she ended up married her neighbor. You never know what is going to happen.
How much longer do you see yourself playing Amy?
I love this character. Not even the character, but this lifestyle. Heartland has one of the nicest environments that I have been in when it comes to a film set. We primarily film outdoors in beautiful locations. Every day I show up to work it’s breathtaking. Yes, there are bad days when it’s snowing and minus 30 and we have to forget about that. Today it’s a hot, beautiful summer day, and we get to hang out with a great group of people and a bunch of horses all day. We’re at the ranch today. I don’t know if I could ever find a better job than this. It fits my life so perfectly. I live in Alberta. I love Alberta. I don’t want to be anywhere else. I will ride this horse as long as it’s here.
What do you attribute the show’s success and longevity to?
I think fans are really looking for a nice, wholesome, family show that they can sit down together and watch and not be worried about the content. Not have to explain things to their kids. That’s one of the biggest things I hear as far as feedback that people. That Heartland has actually brought their family closer together. The more I hear about it and hear kids will watch the show and call their grandparents to talk about it. That is their common thread. It’s something we can all enjoy and sit and talk about. In such a fast-paced world, where so many people are separated by devices and technology. Everybody is very disconnected, but they can still get together to sit and watch our show together.
Heartland, Season 16 is now streaming exclusively on UP Faith & Family
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Hot Rod: Remembering ‘ Rowdy ’ Roddy Piper
Today is the nine year anniversary of the death of WWE Hall of Famer and Wrestling Legend , ‘ Rowdy ’ Roddy Piper. I have mentioned Piper in my article about Scottish wrestlers that I did in June, if you haven’t , please go check that out . I’m doing this article as a tribute to Hot Rod by celebrating his life and career as a wrestler and an actor.
Roddy Piper was born Roderick George Toombs on April 17, 1954 in Saskatoon , Canada . He was of Scottish descent due to his mother, Eileen , being of Scottish- Canadian descent. His father , Stanley , was of Anglo-Canadian descent. He spent his childhood being raised in the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, where he attended school. He was expelled from school due to having a switchblade knife when he was in middle school. He also left home after having a dispute with his father and decided to stay in a local hostel. For income during this time , Toombs was hired by local professional wrestlers to run errands all while he worked at a few gyms. He also learned to play the bagpipes , however , he has claimed that he didn’t know where he started with them. Thus , he also had a lifelong best friend , Cam Connor , a retired National Hockey League Player ( NHL ).
Toombs was a black belt in the sport of Judo and an amateur wrestler before deciding to train for professional wrestling. He was trained by Gene LeBell , a former Judo instructor, professional wrestler, and stuntman. Therefore , under the guidance of wrestling promoter , Al Tomko , he had his first match in front of an audience with ‘ Midget Wrestlers ’. Therefore , he was earning money to survive by wrestling all while going back to school.
Toombs’ first match in a well known wrestling promotion was against Larry Henning , the father of ‘ Mr. Perfect ’ Curt Henning , and the grandfather of former WWE Superstar, Curtis Axel. The match took place in the American Wrestling Association ( AWA). For his entrance, he had friends play bagpipes for him as he handed out Dandelions to the AWA audience. The announcer of the promotion only knew that his name was Roddy, thus , he came up with the name ‘ Roddy Piper ’. Therefore, Toombs would be known as Roddy Piper. He was an enhancement talent in the same promotion from 1973-1975. This meant that he was paid to wrestle and lose matches against the top wrestlers in the AWA. He did the same for the NWA Central States territory. This territory consisted of Missouri , Iowa, and Nebraska. He also was an enhancement talent in the Maritimes for the Eastern Sports Association. He also was booked in the NWA Houston Wrestling Promotion under Paul Boesch and Big Time Rasslin under Fritz Von Erich. Both promotions were located in Texas.
In late 1975 and going into 1976 , Piper was the top Heel for the NWA Hollywood Wrestling Promotion, which was owned by Gene and Mike LeBell. A Heel is a wrestler who is considered the ‘ villain ’ and hated by wrestling fans. Piper was also booked to work at NWA San Francisco, which was owned by Roy Shire , in 1977 and 1978. He was feuding with Gory Guerrero and Chaco Guerrero Sr, the father and brother of Eddie Guerrero. Their feud included Piper losing his hair in a match and a few loser leaves town matches . This meant that whoever lost , had to leave the wrestling territory. Piper also appeared as The Mask Canadian in the territory as well. He was soon unmasked by Hector Guerrero. Piper also worked in the Pacific Northwest , Georgia, and Mid-Atlantic territories. He made his return to Jim Crockett Promotions in 1983 after wrestling in Puerto Rico. When he returned to Georgia , he became a fan favorite and feuded with top stars such as Ric Flair, Sgt Slaughter , and Greg ‘ The Hammer ’ Valentine.
In 1983, at the first Starrcade show , Piper and Valentine had a Dog Collar match. This type of match is when two wrestlers are strapped together by two dog collars and chains. During the match , Piper suffered from a broken eardrum in his left ear due to Valentine hitting him with the collar of the chain. He lost 50%-75% of his ability to hear due to this . He also made a few early appearances in the WWF in 1979 under Vince McMahon Sr. His first match in the promotion was against an Enhancement Talent named Frankie Williams. Thus, wrestling manager , ‘ Classy ’ Freddie Blassie , decided to place toilet paper in Piper’s bagpipes , therefore , the crowd wouldn’t be able to hear them as he made his way to the ring.
Piper returned to the WWF in 1984 under Vince McMahon Jr., after being advised to finish out his contract with Jim Crockett promotions in 1983. He was in a managerial role when he returned when he was partnered with ‘ Mr. Wonderful ’ Paul Orndorff, and ‘ Dr. D ’ David Schultz. This role ended and he soon became an in ring competitor full time . Nevertheless, with his strong microphone skills, he was given his own little segment called , ‘ Piper’s Pit ’ . The segment took place for three years , ending in 1987. He insulted talent such as Bruno Sammartino, which their storyline ended with Piper losing in a Steel Cage match in 1986. He also insulted Jimmy ‘ Superfly ’ Snuka, which left him being hit in the head with a coconut. His most well known storyline is with Hulk Hogan , Mr. T, and Pop Star , Cyndi Lauper. Hogan and Piper faced off for the WWF on an episode of MTV’s ‘ The War To Settle The Score ’ in 1985. Nevertheless, this storyline and event went on to help set up the first Wrestlemania.
Piper returned as a Babyface in 1986 on ‘ Championship Wrestling ’ for a match against AJ Petrucci. A Babyface is a wrestler who is the hero and is loved by the fans. During the storyline , Piper became upset after finding the ‘ Piper’s Pit ’ segment was now ‘ The Flower Shop ’ , an interview segmented hosted by fellow talent, Adrian Adonis. Adonis also decided to hire ‘ Cowboy ’ Bob Orton , the father of WWE Superstar, Randy Orton , and former bodyguard of Piper, as his own bodyguard. Piper soon destroyed the set with a baseball bat, leaving the two to have a match at Wrestlemania lll, before he retired from wrestling to start an acting career. He returned in 1989 and interviewed Brother Love ( Bruce Pritchard ). He also became a co-host alongside Gorilla Monsoon for the show , ‘ Prime Time Wrestling ’ the same year. He had feuds with major stars such as Bobby Heenan and Rick Rude. Piper would return to the show in 1991.
Piper went on to star in the iconic 1988 sci-fi film , ‘ They Live ’ , which was directed by John Carpenter. Piper’s signature line from the movie was , “ I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubble gum. ” . This movie made him a ‘ Cult Icon ’ according to Entertainment Weekly magazine.
In 1994, he returned to the WWF again as the guest referee for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship match with Bret hart and Yokozuna at Wrestlemania 10. He soon started a feud with Jerry ‘ The King ’ Lawler. He also began hosting a segment called ‘ The Bottom Line ’ on ‘ All American Wrestling’ . He took a break in 1995 before coming back in 1996 , taking on the role of Interim WWF President. He reinstated The Ultimate Warrior and participated in a “ Hollywood Backlot Brawl ” match against Goldust at Wrestlemania 12. He soon went to WCW and feuded with Hollywood Hogan and the nWo.
On the November 18 episode of ‘ Monday Nitro ’ , Piper revealed that Eric Bischoff was the newest member of the nWo. Thus , this led the faction to attack Piper after doing so. Ric Flair and the 4 Horseman offered to help Piper against Hogan , thus , on the December 9 edition of ‘ Monday Nitro ’, he declined and went on to defeat his long time rival on his own as he declared he would at Starrcade in 1996. In 1997 , Piper joined forces with Flair and the Horseman to battle the nWo. Piper took a hiatus from the promotion , only to return in 1998 as the new Commissioner of WCW. His last WCW appearance was in 2000.
Piper made a few more appearances in WWE and went on to make an appearance in TNA. He continued wrestling on the independent wrestling circuit until his retirement in 2011. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2005 by Ric Flair. Piper died at the age of 61 from a Heart Attack on July 31 , 2015 in Hollywood , California. Piper is considered to be the Greatest Heel of All Time. Wrestlers such as Drew McIntyre, MJF, and Ronda Rousey were all fans of Piper. He gifted Rousey his nickname ‘ Rowdy ’ and his jacket. She’s wore it to the ring .
My Final Thoughts:
Roddy Piper is my favorite Heel of all time. I love how he didn’t care what you thought about him . He was also pretty cool as well. I wish I could’ve seen him in his prime and met him. Have you met Rowdy Roddy Piper? What is your favorite Roddy Piper match or moment? Let me know!
Love You All,
- Kay
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gutsfics · 2 months
ok so ive Posted my boy Harvy GUNK a few times, but ive never actually talked about him For Reals before. and thats a crime
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Harvy is/was my Lovelink mc, but mostly ive kinda divorced him from it bc. i dont really like lovelink that much anymore lol
he's canadian/chinese, born and raised by a single mom in Vancouver, Canada. i think i even know what specific street he grew up on but i forgot what it is lol i think it was Hastings iirc?
he's thirty-something, trans, and bisexual/demiromantic. he was raised an only child but he has a sister about 16 years younger than him
his mom was a sex worker & for a few years she didn't know who his dad was, but when she learned who it was she & his dad got closer and eventually ended up getting married as he was a very sweet and caring, if lonely, man. shortly after the wedding, his dad's job wanted him to go back to china, but Harvy was 16 years old, fairly independant, & didnt want to finish his last few years of high school in a country he couldnt speak the language of, so after a conversation w his parents they decided that he should be emancipated so he could finish high school at the school he was already enrolled in. he does his best to keep in touch w his parents, both then and now, but sometimes life gets in the way. also theyre good people but not necessarily the best at being parents, his mom especially. she loves and supports him, she just tends to be a bit absent and assumes hes fine w it because he never tells her otherwise (the emancipation was his idea though). on the flip side, he's always assumed his mom would have had a better life without him, and that things are better for her now that she's settled down with her husband and theyre new baby. theyre both just kinda...... bad at communicating with each other
since then, hes just kind of wandered all over canada and the united states, doing whatever he feels like and temping or working part time. he never really stays in one place for more than a few years. he typically does sex work-adjacent type jobs, like working at sex shops. he thinks its fun and prefers it to other types of retail work
his long list of lovers includes but is not limited to a kpop star, a convict, the convict's brother who framed said convict (plot twist it was the cops who framed both of them), one doctor Tobias Carrick, the ranch hand at a ranch a semi-estranged aunt left for him in her will, several tattoo artists, famous pop star Lisa Valentine, the son of a mafia don who was just using him as bait for the don of a rival crime family who he thought was Harvy's father, said don of the rival crime family (theres no relation- Harvy was friends w his actual son, who died when they were young, & has a very similar name to the kid), famed hollywood director/actor husbands duo Thomas Hunt and Avalon, and a centaur. yes most of these are lovelink characters and Yes i am putting my own headcanons into it bc i dislike how actual canon went. also some choices characters bc Of Course <3
im willing to elaborate on any of this, just comment or send an ask <3
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klessard · 1 year
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The Culkin Brothers: Macaulay Culkin became a sensation in the 1990's for his portrayal of Kevin McCallister in the Home Alone movies. His brothers Kieran and Rory are also actors, and they feature in some of my favourite productions from that era.
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Home Alone, directed by Chris Columbus, 1990
A movie I love to watch every Christmas vacation and never get tired of. With Macaulay Culkin as the lead, but also Kieran Culkin as Kevin's bed-wetting cousin Fuller. Also starring beloved Canadian comedians Catherine O'Hara and the late John Candy. Wonderful soundtrack by John Williams.
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The Mighty, directed by Peter Chelsom, 1998 Based on the novel Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick, this underrated gem is funny, uplifting and heart-breaking all at once. Kieran Culkin plays a gifted teenage boy living with Morquio syndrome. He befriends a strong yet learning disabled boy who becomes his legs while he becomes his brain. Another movie I love to watch around Christmas since an important part of the story is set at that time of year. Hilarious performance by Gillian Anderson as "the Queen of Saxony". Set in Cincinnati but filmed in Toronto. Amazing Celtic-tinged score by Trevor Jones.
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Signs, directed by M. Night Shyamalan, 2002 I include this film even though it was released in 2002. It is close enough to the 90's and the story was conceived in a pre-9/11 context. The technologies used by the characters are still those of the 90's (VHS tapes, cathodic televisions, baby monitors) and the fashion as well (Rory Culkin's character rocks the denim overalls and plaid shirts like a pro). This movie is dear to me because of its raw depiction of a man's faith struggle and its effects on his family. But it also offers a wonderful message about God's sovereignty.
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Geeking out over the cast for The Scarlet Pimpernel (1917) and The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel (1928)! The films are lost to cinematic history, I'm guessing, but I bought two programmes (in Danish because why not) to fire my imagination.
The 1917 film starred Dustin Farnum, an American actor later known for westerns, and English actress Winifred Kingston as Sir Percy and Marguerite, with honourable mention going to Bertram Grassby as Sir Andrew (hel-lo). There's also a plot summary in the programme with an intriguing detail: 'Then [Marguerite] learns that her husband's unkindness is due to jealousy: he wrongly suspects her of being in contact with a Frenchman named Chauvelin, who occupies a prominent position within the secret police of the revolution. In reality, she hates and loathes this Chauvelin, who has stormed her with declarations of love in the past - but fate now gives him an uncanny power over her.' (Thank you, Google Translate.) Perhaps the 1982 film wasn't the first to write in a love triangle after all!
The 1928 sequel, The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel, follows the book with Theresia, Tallien and Rateau, and stars Canadian Matheson Lang and his real life wife Marjorie Hume.
The actors seem to resemble Fred Terry and Juliet Neilson from the original screenplay, and I would love to find even a clip from either film but the programmes are fun finds.
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unhingedhearties · 7 months
Sometimes A Photo Is Just A Photo
Erin and Ben are apparently back in Canada and were hanging out with Chris and his girlfriend/ fellow Hallmark actress.
Let's see how the infants handle it.
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The "I'm Done With The Show" brigade is still stalking WCTH related posts.
"Damage Control". Boy, I hope a certain group of Hearties don't latch onto that phrase and repeat it over and over on this post like they tend to do when they can't come up with an independent thought.
This feels like it should be common sense, but don't ever "love" someone you've never met with "all your heart".
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Oh look who it is. foxyinspiration right on cue to prove she doesn't have a thought in her head. Sadly I've already referenced the movie Screamers on this blog so I've got nothing besides hoping she ends up like Private Ross.
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God forbid a woman do anything, right? Seriously, you're going to look at a photo where Ben's making a face like that but focus on Erin laughing "too hard".
Also, there are still people who don't believe Erin and Ben are a couple. Amazing.
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37 freaking responses. Ugh… let's break these down. Without cheating, guess how many times they claim "damage control".
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Private people are never allowed to go out with friends or show up in pictures on someone else's social media site. Are Chris and Julie actually private people or has the unhinged section of the Hearties fandom driven them to be more reserved and distant on social media? Just my opinion-thanks for your feedback though.
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Some sanity prevails.
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I try really hard to not make comments about people's grammar. I come from a large family of people who's first language isn't English. I learned English at a young age but it's still my second language. I get it. Having said that, what the hell are you trying to say? Also, judging by your profile picture, you're a middle aged woman. You are way too old to be speaking in hashtags. Grow up.
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I don't know, maybe one of these two couples are new parents and have a small child at home that limits where/when/how they're able to go out? Maybe one of these two couples live in another country and only meet up when they have a movie that's filming near the other couple? Maybe… wait a minute. Hasn't Chris been in group pictures with Erin and the other actors? I don't obsess over the actor's personal lives so I don't know when he started dating Julie, but maybe they weren't together at the time so that's why she's not in those pictures. No that makes too much sense. Surely the reason Chris and Julie haven't been in a lot of photos with Erin and Ben is because… something to do with their character arcs from the last five seasons… but those seasons had different show runners… Look, none of this makes sense right now but I'll figure out a way to make it work. I'll start with my own conclusion and work backwards to justify it.
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Stop making sense, you're upsetting the zoo animals!
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Damn, I might be clairvoyant. markrymill said almost the same thing I said. Aaaaaaand of course she ignores all those points to accuse Erin of hiding comments. If Erin was actually wasting her time hiding comments, why are yours and all the other mindless parrots comments still visible? Maybe they got reported for being spam or harassment.
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Say the line, Bart!
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"a Governor's position that doesn't even exist in Canda!" Oh no! A historical inaccuracy in When Calls The Heart!? Wait, are we in favor of that or against it? Fans keep changing their opinion on that point. And like any of the people watching WCTH care about Canadian history. "Supposedly given a hero's arc yet he doesn't get the girl?" Women are just trophies for men to collect. Lucas is set up to maybe have an actual exciting storyline where his character does something for the greater good of society, but who cares. He didn't get the pretty decoration. It's amazing that these people will complain about the quality of the stories and writing but then say dumb stuff like this. Chris might have the chance to do something really good with his character besides look over a balcony and sip tea from a dainty cup but his own fans want to stop that.
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Listen up Team Smooth-Brain. I want you to follow along so grab a safety pencil and a circle of paper: For this to have been set-up, Erin would have had to fly out to Canada, taking Ben with her. She would have then had to call up Chris and Julie, hope that neither of them were working that day, convince them to not only go out to lunch, but tell them to get a baby-sitter for their however many months old baby. Instead of picking a restaurant with decent lightning she picked this florescent nightmare for her staged photo. She then told everyone to smile, took the photo, and posted it to her Instagram page to… what exactly? What was her plan to control people's reactions? Because the people who are fine with WCTH were going to write the same generic "lol so cute to see you guys be friends" comments they were always going to write and the people who stomp their feet like toddlers who didn't get the toy they wanted were going to write the same "this is all fake damage control trying to control the narrative Chris is being forced at metaphorical gun point to smile in these photos" CSI bullshit they post on every one of her photos.
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I hear Chris was offered a roll on a new show called Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies. He should quit WCTH and devote all of his time to that instead.
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"they are trying to manipulate us again. Not gonna happen 😢" I didn't know Hallmark had MKUltra agents on their marketing team.
I hope When Calls The Heart gets another show runner and I hope they break Elizabeth and Nathan up and pair Elizabeth with a woman. Any woman*. I hope this show keeps going for however many seasons it takes to get a lesbian relationship with a major character.
*Except Fiona or Faith because those two are destined to be together and you can't convince me otherwise.
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"Erin you're posting too many Kevin photos. It's rubbing salt in the wounds of heart broken Lucabeth fans who have PTSD just like those people currently in warzones and it's totally not tone-deaf of us to say that." "Erin you're posting all these photos of Chris to try and manipulate us into watching the next season. It's very cruel and sadistic of you." "Erin you're not fooling anyone by posting both Chris and Kevin photos. We're not falling for your damage control."
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Movie Review | The Octagon (Karson, 1980)
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This isn't very good, but maybe worth seeing for the cast. First and foremost, you get Art Hindle, who just a year earlier played the most divorced man in Canada and in this one treats his girlfriend abominably, which makes you wonder if he was more at fault for his marriage falling apart than the other movie let on. (Whaddya mean he wasn't playing the same character...) You get Lee Van Cleef, who is gruff and steely but with a twinkle in his eye as always, but given that his character doesn't meaningfully contribute much to the plot, you wonder if he owed somebody some shooting days. You get Tadashi Yamashita AKA Bronson Lee, who I suspect was brought over on Chuck Norris' insistence, given his background in Japanese karate films, but mostly makes you appreciate Sho Kosugi's star vehicles all the more given how little he has to do despite playing the main villain. You get a few recognizable faces in smaller roles, like Tracy Walter, Brian Tochi, Ernie Hudson, who's really jacked in this and is really jacked now and was probably more jacked in Ghostbusters than anybody realized, and Richard Norton, looking like the porn parody version of Norris with an even worse moustache and mop haircut.
As for Norris, who falls flat as always when playing heroic and is not at all helped by the echoing narration that probably sounded in the theatre like he was sitting behind you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. But he has good chemistry with his co-stars, and one wonders if he'd be better respected as an actor if he'd instead made a career out of good ol' boy supporting roles, stepping in for a few minutes to back up the boys and mack on some honeys while opening a can of whoopass on the bad guys. I'm thinking like Bo Hopkins in The Killer Elite. Certainly he would have proved more engagingly threatening to the ninja villains in that movie than Burt Young, whose easy elimination of countless ninjas in the climax provides an embarrassing low point in Sam Peckinpah's filmography.
Anyway, the plot involves a ninja training camp in which an international assortment of terrorists, mercenaries and other nogoodniks attend to learn the ninja ways. This thankfully avoids most of the racism of other movies of this era in its depiction of this lot, although the diversity of the villains means that this probably reflects Norris' views on DEI. Norris and Hindle also bitch about their government being unable to stand up to said international threat, so there's probably some stuff to unpack if you're looking for it, although it's less blunt than his movies for Cannon. (Also, given that some of the characters include Canadian terrorists and it takes three ninjas to take down Art Hindle, this is the most fearsome Canada has ever been onscreen.) This is also firmly a product of the Carter era, in that it has that extremely brown look and a generally low energy level. I guess the Crisis of Confidence extended to ninja movies. There isn't very much action until the last twenty minutes, and while those come up short against pretty much any of the Cannon ninja movies, they're an oasis in the ninjitsu desert of the rest of the movie. That being said, given that Carol Bagdasarian's character spent a good amount of time in this ninja training camp, it's a little lame that she spends the climax shooting people with an assault rifle. That is not the ninja way.
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