#I like bts for providing a lot of funny pictures
deadbeatadmirer · 6 months
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They look like parents who listening about their kid misbehavings. And while LXC goes "oh, no" JGY thinking "fuckin legend"
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avianyuh · 4 months
BTS as your older brother?
kind of short, but this is how i view them as brothers:
(PSA: I'm an only child, so sibling stuff is not my strong point lmao)
I see Jin as the type of brother to constantly be cracking jokes with you. If you have a bad day he'd try to make you laugh or at the very least, make you smile. I see him being very private with his sibling. (he's very private with his family) So, he might be a bit protective as your older brother.
Yoongi would be a softy as a big bro. I see him as the type to constantly take pictures of you, post them. Definitely see him as the type to be very proud. Any accomplishment, big or small, he is bragging about you to anyone who will listen. I would see him as the type to be protective only when he feels like he has to stand up for you.
Though we know that Hobi is a younger brother, I still see him treating his younger sibling just like his older sister. Very open, proud, and involved. Hobi is always with his family, so I could see him as the type to constantly check up on you, help you in any way he could. He always struck me as the type of person to give good advice, so he'd want you to go to him if something was on your mind.
Also has a sister, and is very, very, very, private. So he'd try to shield you from the public. Like Hobi, he's pretty wise, so you'd always want his input on everything. I see Joonie as the type to call you at the same time, on the same day, like a consistent schedule. Idk why, but he seems like the type of person to set up a system of communication.
Jimin is an older brother, and I see him already as a softie, so that's what I'll emphasize on here. He'd be pretty much like what we see, sweet, considerate and funny. Would help you with anything, and would do anything for you. Gives me protective vibes. If someone messed with you, he'd be very upset.
Would want to provide and take care of you. He seems to be very family oriented and I think being a sibling of his would guarantee that Taehyung would always be there for you. I also see him as overprotective.
Would be a personal hype man. Would encourage you to do all the stuff everyone else tells you that you SHOULDN'T do. Would be like Namjoon and would call you A LOT. Just want to talk, hear about your day or week. Might be a bit more open to letting the fans know and interact with you.
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ohcanadashop · 1 year
5 Top Hoodie Patterns For Customized Hoodies In 2023 || OhCanadaShop
Custom hoodies are sweatshirts featuring one-of-a-kind prints that are frequently produced by a graphic designer, photographer, or artist. Custom hoodies are simple to sell if you know what you're doing, so if you're trying to spread your work to the globe or start a new business, this is a great option. Start by setting up an online store on a platform like Etsy or Shopify, then partner with a print-on-demand (POD) vendor to handle order fulfillment while you concentrate on making the magic.
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Because they are adaptable, comfortable to wear while relaxing and out and about, and accepted as fashionable in almost every nation on the planet, hoodies are a common article of apparel. Customers may express themselves while wearing your hoodies because of the softness and comfort they provide.
Your designs should be imaginative, of the highest caliber, and distinctive, whether you're making Comfy Canadian Hoodies For Sale, unisex hoodies, men's hoodies, women's hoodies, or hoodies for children and babies. To find out what to think about when designing a successful hoodie, continue reading.
1. sports-related patterns
It's crucial to remember that, in order to avoid any legal repercussions, you shouldn't use official logos or pictures while making sports-themed designs. When looking for ideas for sports designs, use your imagination and keep in mind that sports enthusiasts enjoy wearing distinctive fan gear to events like games, tailgates, and viewing parties. Think about each team's location, colours, mascot, notable players, and local culture as you come up with design ideas.
2. designs inspired by bands or artists
Even if it's their favourite band, not everyone wants to (or can afford to) spend more than $100 on a concert hoodie. Fans might be inspired by album art, their favourite song lyrics, or even hand-drawn or painted portraits of their favourite musicians on the best hoodies. Use a group photo of BTS, a silhouette of the Beatles, or your own original interpretations of Taylor Swift's most well-known album covers.
3. designs with motivational quotes
Use inspirational quotes from historical and contemporary individuals to evoke feelings in your audience. Walt Disney's famous quote "If you can dream it, you can do it" and Annette Funicello's "Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful" are two examples.
Knowing that your audience may draw inspiration from activists, writers, politicians, performers, or scientists will help you create quotation designs that evoke strong emotions in them.
4. Stylish pop culture
Targeting the wardrobe of your millennial and Gen Z audience by drawing inspiration from popular culture is a brilliant strategy. Pop culture provides an unending stream of inspiration as you design sweatshirts, from playful digs at the Kardashians to sarcastic comments from The Office, thoughts from Yellowstone, or Ben Affleck's "I give up" grimace. You undoubtedly have a lot of ideas because your target demographic is likely to be heavily influenced by pop culture references. Start by writing down all the cheekiest references you can think of.
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5. designs for college or university hoodies
Designing hoodies with a college or university theme can appeal to students all over the world since nearly every college student dons one before heading to class in the winter. Design funny and inspirational hoodies that celebrate the chaos and struggle of staying up all night studying, having a social life, and having a social life. Include specific majors and fields of study, such as pre-med, law, journalism, or developing artists. Finish it off by making mention of the school's logo, motto, or mascot.
Find out what each chapter's insignia, colors, slogans, and meanings signify if you want to market to Greek life members. You'll discover a lot of motivation and understanding of why Kappa Delta represents the white rose or why Chi Omega represents an owl. These assumptions aid in the development of aesthetically pleasing visual components and details.
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minshookie · 3 years
Petting Zoo.
Pairing | Stalker!Jungkook x reader
Genre | yandere,angst
Summary | “your secret admirer turned close friend wants to be more than just that, and he always gets his way.”
!warnings! | 18+ mature language, stalking , mentioned sexual acts, violence, sick pets, pet death...
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
Requested [closed for request] words: 2k.
A/N: another request done! I love taking a finishing request I just get so nervous in the end. Also trying something new. Any type of interaction is greatly appreciated! Edited, but please excuse errors. {should petting zoo be my first series?}
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He knew you’d love it, you’ve always had a tender heart. The bunny coo’ed as he gently placed her into the plush box. He knew you were lonely, your roommate recently left you for her boyfriend, he knew fully that you were struggling. He’d push his ear against the wall to hear you two bicker in the deep hours of the night. He didn’t mind, he’d save you...but only if you let him.
Knowing your financial struggles, Jungkook went all out to make sure your bunny had the best even providing a months supply of food. He fully planned on this being the light of your month, you’d never stop thinking of him. He secured the new pet under one arm and the equipment under the other, he pushed his door open checking if the hall was clear. Of course, nice and clear just how he needed it, he slipped through the door with stealth leaving the gift in front of your door. With care he pulled the note card from his pocket perching it on top of the punctured box. Heavily he knocked before slipping inside his rightful apartment.
Leaning against the wall he listened for you to open your door. Finally when you did, it felt like his heart was attempting escape. Expertly he creeped to his door looking through it cracked ajar, he heard you read.
“I’m hopping mad for you, take me in as a friend, from your lover.” Fearfully you opened the whining box. In awe you gladly took in his gift, without a second thought. His heart fluttered he felt like floating in love, like in the cartoons hearts in his doe eyes.
Shutting the door he skipped to bed, exhausted his mind finally at ease, he finally has a shot with you! His heart was racing. He rolls onto his bead, head full of sweet thoughts of you, the plans he had for you. Closing his eyes he knew, this is only the beginning.
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Overtime you’d grown fond of your new furry friend, inviting people over to meet your mysterious new fur ball of joy. With this new happiness and motivation, you started leaving your apartment more often. As a result Jungkook started seeing you a lot more and he loved it. He loved it so much that for some reason his schedule now aligned with yours almost perfectly.
You have a class? Oh so does he....would you like a ride? Time to head to work? How funny,him as well.....hop in!
Jungkook planned to be just what you needed, in a foreign place like this all you really needed was a honest friend. And he planned to be that and more. It isn’t hard to notice Jungkook loves it when you depend on him, you need him, your life would be in shambles without him. He knows it deep inside he believes it, but he knows you don’t. No worries for him though, you’ll see the truth soon...
Like any other day, like clockwork, Jungkook waited for you in front of your door like a royal guard. Today though he had plans for you, for days Jungkook perfected today’s schedule...big plans to tell you his feelings. Plans to pour his heart out to you, and to get yours poured to him, but something wasn’t sitting right.
you didn’t come on time, checking his watch like a mad man he paced in front of your door in anticipation. Your prolonged time inside threw off the agenda severely. Beside the settle irritation, he was worried something happened to you he was going insane. What if you left him? What if you died...what if someone kidnapped you?
Two seconds from ramming his fist against your door...Finally, while on the edge of his sanity your door creaked open. “Hey, running late today huh?” He looked your figure up and down. You weren’t dressed for the day, pajamas and Nikes weren’t your usual fashion choices.
“Oh, Kook it’s Bella she’s sick.” The whining animal sat curled into a ball inside of the pink carrier. Your voice floated to his ears, soft and worrisome. He crouched, looking into the dark cage. “Sick? Sick how?” He prodded his limber finger inside rubbing the frail animals head. “I-I don’t know she hasn’t been eating,her breathing is strange.” He could hear you on the verge of tears as he got up, slightly annoyed though he tried to hide it. “We’re late to class y/n maybe you should just leave her, she’ll be better later.” The way you batted your lashes told Jungkook he’d said something wrong. You griped the carrier locking your apartment door before begging to leave towards the elevator. “Wait Y/n where are you going?” You Kept walking carful not to rock the poor bunny too hard. “Kook, Bella is half dead and you want me to leave her? I’m taking her to the vet.”
He groaned coming closer as you waited for the aged elevator to reach you. “Yeah? Okay well wait for me I’ll take you.” The elevator stoped with a horrifying screech, you stepped in Jungkook was kicking your last nerve this morning. “I already had it planned for today.” He got closer barley missing the door, “Jin offered to take me.” The door closes quickly and you descend.
Jin? Did you say Jin? Like a angered child he almost stomped back to his apartment door. he threw his bag against it, crouching to search for his key inside. “If I knew she was going to bitch over the thing-” he cut himself off opening the door,kicking his bag inside. “ I bought the fucking bunny, who is he to take care of our bunny.”
He threw himself down onto his couch, unmotivated to go to class now, or do anything for that matter he decided to miss today, and maybe even tomorrow. He mentally facepalmed, of course Jungkook noticed you and the new older man downstairs getting closer. He didn’t think anything of it, until he saw him walking into your job when he came to pick you up. Handing you his cheap flowers and gifts whenever he’d see you around the building. Jungkook thought you were smarter than that, it made him fiery with anger thinking about him manipulating you. The only person that loved you was Him. How could you blow him off for some guy downstairs, some guy you didn’t even need.
He let his mind jump from one angering topic to another. Oh! And that fucking rabbit. Bella had been getting a lot of love from you recently, he didn’t mind he saw that pet as a connection between you two. But to suddenly you kick him to the side because the rodent refused to eat? From Bella to Jin, his head spun. He could feel his face heat up at the thought of Jin getting close to you in the car, touching you, playing with your hair. It made him sick, he could almost feel the bile in his throat. If it wasn’t for that walking ball of fur, you’d be in his car, getting touched and loved by him.
He sat up with a groan. “I’ll wait until she gets home.” He stood going to the kitchen grabbing a drink. “And I’ll talk to her, I’m sure she can explain, she’ll tell me the whole story.”
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It seemed like decades before your laughter was heard coming into the hall. He’d been sitting facing his door, waiting for you, his hair disheveled his mind distraught. “Thanks Jin, talk to you later.” Your voice so sweet to him he felt himself physically react, oh how he missed you today. He heard the creak and slam of your door. What am I to say? Maybe I should ask about Bella? He got up fixing his appearance before leaving and turning to your door.
He cleared his throat before letting his knuckles beat against the hardwood. “Coming hold on!” He took a step back painfully waiting. Thankfully you arrived quicker than expected. “Hey Kookie.” You answer in hushed tones. “Hey, going to work today?” You shook your head “no, I called out on emergency.” He nodded hands in his pockets. “How’s Bella?” You looked behind yourself quickly, “Uhm, she’s a bit better just weak would you like to come see her actually?”
He nodded enthusiastically following you in, “sit down if you’d like.” You left him to go retrieve the sickly pet. He stood admiring the room, everything from the pictures to the decorative items resembled you, not only did it look like you but it smelt like you. Jungkook could swim in this scent all day.
“Here she is, a sleepy little one.” The soft hum coming from her sleeping figure earned endearment from you. Jungkook came closer rubbing her back softly. “So, why didn’t you ask me to take you this morning ?” You looked up from Bella. “I thought that you were gonna to be in class.” Your head tilted adorably. “Mm no, I’ll always wait for you.” He took Bella from your motherly arms. “Oh how sweet of you.”
“Hm So, since when have you been taking to Jin?” He looked at you inquisitively. “Jin? Eh Jin is... We’re...complicated, I’ve known him since I moved here he’s helped me quite a bit.” You answered keeping a loving gaze on Bella.
Jungkook felt himself grip the rabbit tighter he looked at you with furrowed brows. “Huh?” “I met him in a bar with my ex roommate, we’ve been talking since then.” You explained lightly trying to not hurt his feelings, of course you knew how Jungkook felt, and it wasn’t mutual.
You plopped onto the couch patting the cushions inviting him to sit. “He moved downstairs to be closer, he’s making a good effort but I’m not sure how I feel right now.” Sighing you toyed with your fingers, unaware of the grimace on Jungkook’s features.
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he felt that he’d been lied to and he didn’t a appreciate that. “What do you think Koo, what should I do?” You asked, getting anxious at his sudden silence. He was upset and he was doing his best to hide it, with a sigh he sat next to you. “Don’t let him fuck up your mind y/n.” Confused you looked up to him, “we both know what you want.” You crossed your arms, curious. “What’s that?” Already being aggravated, he sighed deeply,letting the now awake rabbit escape onto the floor. “Me.” You were visibly taken aback by his unusual boldness.
“Uhm Jungkook.” Anxiously you rubbed the nape of your neck. “Y/n don’t pretend for Jin’s sake, I can hear you through the walls talking to friends about me.” Without noticing he started leaning towards you. “I’ve heard you in here being lewd with yourself, who was on your mind.” He could read the fear in your eyes, you grew uncomfortable at the personal information he was throwing at you. “Jungkook please wait-” “who was it?” You pushed a firm palm into his chest in attempts to get him away from you, the sweet dorky neighbor you’d befriended now lurking over you like a beast. “Who do you love y/n, c’mon?” “Kook-” “before you answer, know that I’ve always loved you it’ll never be complicated with me y/n you want better I can give you much be-” you pushed his muscular chest roughly to shut him up, your back now touching the arm of the couch. “I’m with Jin, Jungkook please leave I’m afraid.” A statement you thought would save you, turned to bite you right in the ass.
You could visibly see the anger play along his features, grimly he chuckled. “I’m not going any-fucking-where until you come to your senses.” He gripped the hand you had up against him. “Jungkook that hurts please I’m scared!” “You should be, how dare you use me, fucking whore I loved you!” He ran a finger over his lips, his emotions clashing harshly with each other. “I love you...but you probably let Jin fuck you silly, disgusting...but don’t worry you’ll learn.”
He proclaims pushing you to the floor, he rushes to slam and lock your apartment door. He turned and saw you clutching the coffee brown rabbit,sobbing. “Y-you fucking stepped on her Kook!” the whining of the pained animal began to creep onto his nerves. If that rodent wasn’t here you would’ve been going out with Jungkook today, and Jin wouldn’t stand a chance. He bent down pulling Bella from your clutch, with little to no struggle.
“You get what you want, and you run with it, you get what you want and you go snuggling under some other asshole huh?” He held the injured animal in a primal grip. Uncontrollable he’d held in his anger, his love,and his thoughts for far too long. “Kookie please...please...please no, l- I love you!” You desperately pleaded for your pets fragile life. “Never have I met a bitch that lies as much as you.” Coldly he responded, not appreciating your falsehood, he gripped Bella’s neck harshly putting the disturbed animal to death. “Jungkook!” You let out a shrill scream. “I bought her I can kick her to fucking curb if I want, go ask Jin for one, or did he lie and say he bought her.”
Silently all you could do is whimper and sob, the thud of Bella’s body made your throat constrict. His heavy steps near your quivering figure sending chills through you. “Say it like you mean it.” With no mental strength to look up, you collected yourself enough to speak. “I lo-ve you j-Jungkook.” He groaned. “Suck it up it was a fifty dollar animal, you’re pissing me off.” You’ve never heard him in this tone. “I love you so much, Kookie.” He gripped your chin forcing you to look at him. He pulled up his other hand slowly touching your face causing you to flinch. “Ah Ah don’t run.” He cleaned your glistening face.
“Now, tell me who we hate.” He looked into your eyes darkly. “J-Jin.” His once adorable smile, now made you want to vomit. “Good, and I’ll snap his puny neck if he gets in our way.” He brushed more tears from your features. Giving into his temptation he gripped the back of your neck, bringing his lips to yours before pulling back to whisper. “Now tell me, who were you thinking about during those lonely nights?” You shook swallowing thickly “and you better not lie.” Closing your eyes in defeat, warm tears spilled from you like a fountain. “You Jungkook.” Pleased he kissed you warmly, while you resisted the urge to react. “Keep being such a good girl, and I’ll get you a whole petting zoo of bunnies baby...would you like that?”
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Not my image
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bts-weverse-trans · 4 years
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201123 Weverse Magazine 'BE' Comeback Interview - Jimin
Jimin: “I’m the kind of person who likes to be loved” BTS BE comeback interview 2020.11.23
When he’s talking, Jimin often starts his sentence with phrases like, “I just,” “it just,” “they just …” But then he immediately goes on to open up about his feelings, always providing a sincere response.
On one V-LIVE session back in October, you wore the clothes that you had planned to wear at the airport if you were to go on tour. Jimin: I hadn’t really noticed, but I think I’ve finally come to terms with the reality of our present situation.
By “situation,” you mean how it’s difficult to meet your fans in person? Jimin: Yes. If we had to go on stage in this situation, or if we had to perform our songs, I’m not sure how we would go about accomplishing that. At the same time, It felt like something that was closed up and blocked was opened up again. There isn’t the kind of excitement we got from tour season, though, so it’s easy to feel worn out. But, just like when we’re making new songs, I try to do whatever I can.
BE feels like it’s all about taking care of your feelings and the process of moving forward. Jimin: I had the role of listening to what the members wanted to include in the album, but it’s more a record of the present than it is about our individual feelings. We talked openly about how we’re having a hard time and how we’re trying our best to get over things, and that became the album.
As the project manager for BE, how did you go about gathering and organizing all the members’ ideas? Jimin: I became the project manager because Yoongi recommended I do it, but I didn’t think I had to lead anything along, more just make sure the other members could do their work quickly and easily. Usually that meant asking about their opinions, or passing opinions back and forth with our company. So I would collect ideas, organize them, say, “These are some of the ideas we got back. What do you think?”—ask them again, if they said okay, pass it on to the company, and if they made a song, I sent that over, too.
How did you prod along the members who were taking too long with their ideas? (laughs) Jimin: I would mention them by name in our group chat, and that got them to reply. (laughs) Any time I said someone or other didn’t submit their idea yet, all the others would chime in with, “Hurry up, guys!” and then they’d give it to me.
Sounds like it’s great for one of the members to be project manager. (laughs) How did you accommodate all the different ideas? Jimin: When we first started, we sat down for about an hour and said: If you feel downtrodden, just make a song about feeling desperate; if you want to give others hope, go ahead and write a hopeful song. Let’s find the topic and work from there. And since there’s seven of us, and the album’s going to be about current events, let’s put in one skit to make seven songs; and let’s not put in any solo songs. Let’s make something that we can all work on together.
That approach must have been different from the way you worked on your other recent albums. Jimin: We never said anything like, somebody will make this song and someone else will make that song. We would just take a song and say, Who wants to do this? Who wants to do that? I became more ambitious, and wanted the other members to recognize the work I was doing. And because it was so fun working together, any time I made something, I wanted to play it for them right away. I also loved when they gave me compliments, so that added to the fun. When the songs are eventually finished, we hoped the fans would be able to pick up on all those emotions exactly as we felt them, although there are some songs that didn’t make the cut. (laughs) It was really fun.
You could say that, while it’s important to deliver songs to the fans, the process of creation itself is also important. Jimin: A little while ago, I learned something new about myself: I’m the kind of person who likes to be loved. Looking back, I realized I do what I do not just for the work itself, but to be loved by my friends, family, the group, and fans. It’s been really hard to hold onto those connections, but I felt a fullness once I was sure of that love and kept those relationships close. It was like getting something of my own.
Rather than simply being loved, is it actually a satisfaction arising from the effort involved and the deep sense of trust it builds? Jimin: I used to think more frequently about what I was getting from them than what I was doing for everyone else. Even if I don’t strictly owe our fans or group members anything in return, I feel a deep and sincere appreciation for all the things they do for me. I also saw some people for who they really are, some people who don’t really care about me. Rather than pushing those people away, I learned how to react less emotionally to them. Likewise, I was able to be more emotionally honest with people who are very considerate toward me.
It’s become difficult to express those kinds of feelings to fans these days. The only choice, really, is to talk to them through your songs. What is your message this time? Jimin: There’s a message in every album and music video we make; but you don’t have to understand the message, I just hope you enjoy listening and watching. That’s the first thing. I hope you really like the songs and videos I created while working to not become complacent, so I took great care and practiced a lot to present something perfect to you.
On that note, I think your singing and dancing are changing quite a bit. Your performances in “Black Swan” and “Dynamite” are completely different, but perhaps because of your changed body silhouette, the feel of your dance has become more consistent. As a dancer, what is it you want to express? Jimin: I just hope my emotions come across. I just want the emotions I put into my dancing, actions, and singing to be felt. So I got a lot of feedback, asked around, did some research and found that for each emotion you might express on stage, there’s a body most appropriate for the job. We all have different body types. In order to get the body that can best express my emotions at my age, I went on a strict diet, but I don’t stick to it nearly as intensely as I used to. (laughs)
If you watch your dance in “Dynamite,” your body, especially when you turn away, looks different from before. You look lighter. What effect did your new body have on your dance moves? Jimin: I look how I want to look when I’m around 58 kg, so I went on a diet and lost 5 kg. That’s when I found the look I wanted to present to everyone. I can’t be objective about myself, but there was a certain vibe that I wanted. In the past I tried really hard to be no-frills, and by focusing less on trying something new and more on avoiding mistakes, I prevented myself from advancing any further. But in “Dynamite,” I tried out expressions I’d never tried before. I wanted people to be able to tell that I was really concentrating on this when they watched the video, so for this song, I tried to be sentimental and—how should I put this—I even tried to look suave (laughs) and funny, too . I ended up focusing on painting a single picture rather than on each of the individual elements.
And what is it you wanted to show off? Jimin: We haven’t been able to put on a real show during COVID-19. I wanted to show that we didn’t waste all that time but rather have kept going through it all, that we keep working hard. But portraying “working hard” through dance would look really tiring, so I smiled and danced throughout filming “Dynamite.”
How was that possible? It couldn’t have been easy to keep the whole team motivated. Jimin: With the spread of COVID-19, it took us a while to really believe our rise to the top of the Billboard Hot 100. When we checked our phones and it said we got first place we were amazed, but it was hard to believe, although we were all crying. (laughs) But when COVID-19 first hit, we said, “Ah, it’ll pass quickly and we’ll be right back on tour.” The reason was that we had said, even if it gets tough, let’s give it our all for the next year. Give it our all and collapse.. That was the plan, but we were really disappointed. What was worse was, when I heard it would be hard to have any performances this year, my head … it sort of went blank. My mind was empty. We couldn’t just take a break either. Other people had it really hard but we could keep working. I didn’t know whether we should be happy or sad about it. There were no answers for anything. It was really tough.
How did you get over that? Jimin: If an interviewer or anyone else asked me what my goal was, I told them my goal is to perform with the members for a long time, and that is probably my biggest goal; but I was really saying that to the group: I want to be with you guys for a really long time. I think we conveyed that feeling well to one another. I seriously worried a lot that the group would get exhausted. But they’d be laughing with one another, cheering each other up. We had a lot more time to chat together, so whatever was going on, we could always talk about it over a drink at our home and work it out.
What makes you take your work so seriously? Jimin: I really want to love this job inside and out. If we just look at work as work, all we’ll be after is money, but I never once thought that our group’s dynamic, or the relationship we have with our fans, was based on that. But I think if you’re exhausted mentally and physically, the work becomes a chore, and then your relationships will inevitably suffer. That’s what I was afraid of.
The song “Dis-ease” is about how each member feels about working. How do you feel about your work? Jimin: I don’t consider my main profession, performing and singing, “going to work.”. But when I’m doing something else with the camera right in front of me,that feels like “work.” Singing and performing for our fans isn’t work—it’s something I really, really want to do.
You helped write “Dis-ease,” correct? Jimin: The bridge. I was recording with Pdogg and there was one part that didn’t have a melody, so—should I call it improv?—I was just singing something without thinking about it, and then he asked me to sing that again. So I asked if he was sure, and then he asked me to write the melody, so I ended up writing it.
Some of the other songs on BE have something like that too, but “Dis-ease” somehow feels particularly like old school Korean hip hop. Jimin: I thought so too. I thought of 20 years ago when I sang it. The majority of the song was written by j-hope, so that might just be my thinking (laughs) but I sang it when there was a question mark on who would sing the vocals. I was really doing whatever I wanted, so I sort of had to be restrained (laughs) but it was fun.
Was there any place the vocals changed while recording? There are a lot of parts on BE where you use almost a normal speaking voice. Jimin: I usually already have the big picture set in my mind when I sing, but this time it wasn’t like that. “Life Goes On,” especially—that song’s not about me, but I couldn’t help but empathize with it, so right from the beginning I performed it without having to think about how my voice should sound. I wasn’t thinking about some particular emotion of mine I wanted to express to you. I just recorded exactly the feelings I had as I sang.
There’s a song titled, “Telepathy.” When you streamed yourselves in production on YouTube, the group mentioned the idea of telepathy which made me think you were sending the song directly to your fans. If you could talk to them through telepathy, what would you say? Jimin: People have kind hearts, and I just hope they don’t let that go. You asked about telepathy, but I think we really do have a telepathic connection with our fans. It’s not crystal clear or anything, but I think if we’re sincere then they can feel it somehow. I think that’s why our fans support us and are always by our side.
And what about the other way around? What would you like to hear from your fans? Jimin: One thing I’m always curious about, about our fans, is what’s the hardest thing in their lives. What each of them is struggling with, what’s making them happy—I’m really curious to know. We face our own difficulties as well, so I always wonder if there’s someone in each of our fans’ lives to ask them if they’re doing okay. I hope things get better soon, that people can keep holding on, and that the adults will follow all the rules. Kids don’t have a lot of options right now to do the things they want to do. I imagine a lot of kids see this as something that’s being forced upon them by adults, so I hope the grown-ups will properly explain the situation to the kids so they can help each other too, to end the pandemic.
The news is saying that they’ve made a COVID-19 vaccine, so you might be able to meet your fans sooner than later. What are you going to say to them when you finally see them again? Jimin: I don’t think we’ll say anything. I think we’ll just look at each other for a very long time. And if I’m able to say anything, I’ll probably say, “You made it. Now let’s get back to having a good time.”
Trans © Weverse
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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DISCLAIMER: I wouldn't take this particular post seriously. I mean it's something, but nothing at the same time. I just do these kinds of 'analysis' for fun and for my own personal amusement.
Do you see it? Or do you need me to connect the dots for you? Thought you'd never ask! Lol
I have always been fascinated by BTS's incorporation of fine art, poetry, metaphors, imageries, philosophical and psychological theories etc into their craft.
They are brilliant at expressing themselves and conveying their emotions through art and music. I have always found that challenging and mentally stimulating.
Take for example this whole Dear Army moments they shared with us on Weverse this week. Yes, it's a marketing strategy, the objective of which is to build an intimate connection with Army but most importantly hear feedback from Army on the struggles we are each facing in light of Covid 19 and also to provide feedback on why we love and stan BTS through their recommended hashtags.
Suga had already explained they were going to do this in that March YouTube live and so it's no brainer. The fun part for me, which of course is subjective, is the embedded meaning behind this whole Dear Army concept.
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The progression from day to night, the use of contrast etc is all very reminiscent of the message of Bulletproof eternal- we are not seven with you. Especially with Suga and Hobi's postcard being taken directly from the BTS bonfire moment in Bonvoyage which made a cameo in Bulletproof eternal and the allusion to winter in both artworks.
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The overall message of Dear Army is very simple: we had nothing but dreams, open our eyes to a foggy morning, so much pain too much crying; after seven winters and spring- we are all in this together, BTS and Army forever.
I also found the exploration of the cycle of life, the ambiguity of morning and night that blurs the line between evening and daybreak quite interesting. Its always been a recurring theme in their songs and arts. It's just them reassuring and connecting with us through their ingenuity as usual.
But of course this is just my opinion and my interpretation of their use of symbolism and allusions. And as much as I enjoy deconstructing BTS's musical genius, I'm just going to focus on Jikook's message- well not message, message but their artistic expressions in Dear Army.
Now I already talked about the body text of Jimin's post and so I'm not going over that again. Jk's text is equally very much straightforward and is just a restatement of the message he shared in his recent YouTube live about rediscovering his purpose in life. So I won't focus on that either.
It's the artwork they chose that I am interested in and fascinated by. I was trying to ascertain whether the art work for the postcards where chosen randomly by staff or whether it was something the members themselves chose as at first glance it looked pretty generic- I wasn't able to confirm so...
Now from what Suga said about incorporating letters into their upcoming album, I'm just going to assume BTS themselves chose these images and the creative directors added their finishing touches to it- based on the tone and mood BTS had described.
Let's start with Jimin's. I clocked immediately I saw his postcard where the concept of that artwork or background image was from. I'll circle back to this hold on.
I value and pay alot of attention to the unique ways that each member of BTS expresses themselves. Those unadulterated, authentic expressions of self provides a better sense of who they are as Individuals rather than the perfectly curated, highly edited and performative versions of themselves we see screens. In my opinion.
Take Tae and JK for example. These two men are the kinds who'd write a song about their feelings and emotions when they are hurt. Lol. They deep for no reason. Bless them.
Jimin talks a lot. He is a verbal communicator. But hardly does he reveal any relevant details about himself that gives insight into his psyche and persona through his words. Again, in my opinion.
I keep saying his persona is very elusive to me. He tends to give us so much he ends up not giving us anything at all. Unlike Tae or even JK who write songs, recommend songs, or even GCF(JK) that gives us insight into their personal feelings, Jimin doesn't do covers as much and the songs he recommendes aren't as insightful into his deepest thoughts and feelings. He is very elusive that way.
That doesn't mean he doesn't express himself. He does, just not through his music like the others. In my opinion. Mostly he expresses his wants, his desires through his music but his sensuality through his dance.
It seems also that he explores his identity and expresses the exploration of that identity through the body arts he inks himself with temporarily or permanently.
Jk I find is the opposite. He doesn't explore his identity through his body art. Nor his sensuality through dance. Rather he expresses his values and the things he cherishes through his body art; his thoughts and feelings through his music and art.
And so while Jimin would be inking temptress, seductress, bigender on his body, JK would be inking- rather cool than dead and other symbols that represents his beliefs and values on his body.
I'm going off on a tangent, am I not? Sigh
Back to the post card. When I saw JM's postcard, it immediately reminded me of JK's GCF in Helsinki. [Couldn't attach image due to Tumblr but check it yourself]
It reminded me of JK's Frozen sunset theme, his use of warm and cold contrasting colors throughout that GCF and also the ending parts of GCF Helsinki where the sun is setting over the clouds just as in this post card- Frozen Sunset.
Jk also made an allusion to that frozen sunset in his song Still with you. I am particular about his use of the words Sky, clouds, sunset etc when they appear in his music, paintings or tattoos because he once said it's something he loves taking pictures of- that and of course Jimin.
I pay much attention to the things he says he loves and so I look for them in his self expressions to try and understand why he loves it and what it means to him.
Honestly, I didn't think much of JM's postcard art when I saw that use of the frozen sunset for his postcard. I thought, well staff could have picked it out randomly so I was waiting to see JK's postcard and the overall concept for Dear Army to see if this was something JM had done intentionally.
Part of me also felt those themes they presented in the post card art work were metaphors for the kind of songs they would be creating in the new Album just as Suga had said.
But JK's postcard art made me suspicious of JM's post card. JK's postcard art is the odd one out of all the artworks for the postcards. Sope had a similar complimentary art taken from the bonfire moment of Bulletproof Eternal as I mentioned earlier. The rest all had elements pertaining to nature- sky, parks etc except JK's.
Also the theme and symbolism of Jk's art convinces me he chose his artwork himself for that post- I mean I could be wrong but...
Remember when I talked about GCF Helsinki, Still with you and Never Not etc and I said they all had a similar theme- something about roads and paths, being mismatched, not being on the same page, not having the same goals etc?
GCF Helsinki- I'll take the desert, you take the coast to each his own.( moving in different paths)
Still with you: Though our steps may not go along together, I still want to walk this path with you.(again, mismatched paths repeated)
I was intrigued by that recurring theme of roads and paths leading in different directions in JK's music and art in this timeline especially as it contrasts heavily with the themes of his past timelines.
And I even speculated that I felt it was in reference to him and JM not meeting minds on the direction they wanted to take their relationship.
I have been waiting eagerly for him to release yet another cover or art since still with to see what that whole mismatched, separate roads thingy was all about but he didn't do his birthday cover this year- among other things.
It's thus funny to be that in this post card thingy he chose train tracks- intersecting train tracks to represent his feelings and coupled with the message of him rediscovering his passion- It doesn't feel like a coincidence to me or something staff would chose for him.
It certainly doesn't help my delusional brain cells, that JM flashed that Mickey Mouse during his VLive which again I felt was an allusion to their GCF in Tokyo.
First he is making allusions to GCF Tokyo, now GCF Helsinki, signing his name to JK's posts at Pop-ups...
Remember when I said that if JM was the one who had stopped JK from posting on his birthday, that he would come swinging hard on his Jikook agenda? Remember that?
If JK posting on his birthday was important to JM, chilee nothing would have stopped JM from logging into Twitter, posting and signing JK's damn name to his post- if saving face is what was important to him. It's not like he's not done that before. He could have done that and we wouldn't even know it wasn't from JK. Lol
He really is the one that stopped JK from posting on his birthday for whatever reason- wink. You know. Lol
Park Jimin is not the 'victim' in this birthday drama. He is guilty party your honor. Guilty per the books. Lol
Stay supporting Jikook, your life will be easier that way. Bless you.
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haechanhues · 3 years
My Analysis Of Enhypen (From I-Land mostly) and I was going to do it straight out of watching it, but it was like 2am and the next day I was sick so today it is :) (Edit : It took a couple of days to even write it) and I also watched some Enhypen videos so.... yup but I’ll try my best to keep it to my observations with I-Land and like the behind videos 
- My expectation of him : I thought he’d be the loud one like San/Wooyoung  is in ATEEZ from the get go but he was so shy at first. Watching him open up and spread who he is as a person was one of my favourite parts of the show. He also became more confident in himself and his abilities. You may think differently but if you take the first episode and last episode as examples, you’ll be able to see his level of comfort in showing his qualities as a person.
- In saying that, his expressions, especially in brighter concepts astound me. Like in those concepts, he just has the spotlight. For real, for real. He can also do intense concepts too. Amazing. He also has a voice that surprises me, like you’d expect his voice to be slightly higher but it’s among the lower tones (I don’t know the tonal scale)
- He doesn’t really take too harshly to teasing or when the other people poke fun at him. He takes it in good stride (Though nobody should go overboard) He just accepts it as it is with a smile or maybe a little sigh or even just teasing back. He knows it’s all with a good heart. I find that really admirable - it’s not an easy trait to have. Also the fact he can joke with the others as well.
- I love the way he monitors others, especially his members, and like he can make a person feel good. Like the way he without any hesitancy will help style another person’s hair if they asked or whatever. He just wants to do well, together. He wants to share his happiness with other people and I think that’s such a reason to love him. He also is the first to emphasise the beauty in every person. He brings attention to it in such a beautiful, caring way. He also can see the bigger picture so easily and so thoughtfully. Always looking for others.
- In saying all this, I have a theory that he was chosen as the producer’s pick because he has this ability to him. Like a moodmaker is someone that keeps the team’s spirits up and provide the stress relief and I feel he’s more than that? He has absolute faith in other people and can bring out hidden components of a person they didn’t really know they had e.g Sunghoon during Chamber 5/ The Heeseung Aegyo fiasco. Like he has this flamboyancy and shamelessness to him that you can help but join in or that it’s alright to join in.
- My expectation of him : I thought he’d be a refined person, with a real likeness to someone with a status of a prince. Regality to a tee. But he’s got such a dorky tender heart. He’s so incredibly handsome. I know this is a really shallow and obvious observation. Anyone with two working eyes can see the boy is incredibly gorgeous. But he just leaves you in awe. He’s arguably the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen. I also love how shy and bashful he can get. 
- The way he cherishes the people around him. I feel from the very first episode, he’s not necessarily a social person, but you can tell he wants to get along with everyone.  He’s so comfortable to be around and you want to try anything in your power to make him smile and laugh and be your friend or whatever. During I-Land, you can see it from the way he talks about his sister and his friendship with Jake and the other I-Landers. 
- He’s a massive dork. Like he doesn’t know how cute he is. And because he’s got that Prince look to him and that title attached to him, when you see him being dorky and screeching you can’t help but like that paradox. I think Episode 10 was his episode and that one VR segment too. Like he’s so funny and just he’s a soft spot for me I think. The ‘Pork Slice’ part I want ingrained into what made my life a life worth living. 
- As a leader, it was so interesting to see him work. He helped K a lot with his leadership when Sunghoon left the team. He takes a couple of steps backwards for other people, and at times it scared me, but it ended up so right for him in the end anyway and I’m thankful. It helped people see what kind of a person he is and I’m glad he had other people looking after him. He also is careful and accepts suggestions and sincerely works with each of them. He makes observations on his own too. 
- This can be interrelated but I think a large massive part of why he’s in Enhypen is how hard he works. He works diligently and wholeheartedly. He’s a quiet powerhouse in that respect. He does his work without the need for attention but solely to improve his skills as a performer and for his future. He doesn’t care if his hands get dirty. As long as one person, even if it’s himself has faith in him, he’ll do it. 
- My expectation of him : I thought he’d be known as The Ace and hardworking and etc. It wasn’t a wrong assumption but I think we can go into more detail. He’s a really talented person and I mean that with every fibre of my being. From the very first episode, he’s labelled as the ‘Ace’ and it continues throughout the programme so when he does debut, it isn’t too much of a surprise, if at all. 
- Too be honest, I’m not really sure if this counts but I’m going to add it anyway. His relationship with his brother (so hilarious) is such a heartwarming moment. In I-Land he was one of the older ones (I think) and someone with a leadership role and so a lot of people relied on him. But it was great to see he had a good support system who he loves and adores with all his heart. The way his older brother is a source of energy for him really made my heart go into overdrive. So fucking cute. 
- As a leader, I feel a bit like stupid for mentioning it cause it’s so obvious, but he’s got leadership skills. (Duh) But like as a leader, he works on the synergy of the team. He’s patient, stern and is usually almost on the right path. He’s someone very reliable and his objective is clear. He wants to fit the concept as well as he can and makes sure that everyone is on the same page without anyone falling behind. 
- He also has the ability to let loose and have fun. He makes jokes and tries things out because it looks fun. He’s under a shit ton of pressure, especially on I-Land as the ‘Ace’ and I’m grateful he’s able to enjoy his time with the other contestants. He actually plays around quite a bit and his smile is so wide and bright, it’s so nice to see. 
- Even though he’s not the leader in Enhypen now, he has a role of being a caretaker. He helps out when he’s needed (e.g Helped out Taki for the BTS performance) He’s a really thoughtful and understanding person. He’s always the first one to state problems and then come up with solutions. When someone feels bad for getting criticisms, he takes it as his own as well. He doesn’t want to succeed solely. 
- My expectation of him : No joke it’s just Aussie, at first. He was the first Enhypen member/I-Land contestant who I ever learnt about. I also think he’s a little like Eric from The Boyz. Slightly. Just, not as crazy. Like it’s weird just seeing a not-loud Eric and/or a crazy Jake. Also, he’s really attractive. I don’t know exactly why he’s so attractive but there’s something about him you just can’t describe in words. 
- His debut astounds me the most. Not because I didn’t think he could do it. But because he had such a short training period and even as a trainee he had to exceed hundreds of others (500 others/499 others?) to be let into the company. He’s just got this natural luck to him as well. Imagine that. He’s also quite an adaptable and fast learner. He always seems to improve with every little thing he learns and it always has such an impact. 
- He’s got a charming way of performing. He may not be as rich in skill training as the other contestants or members and often gets criticism for it. But every time he had a performance where you forget about it. He’s got this irresistible charm on stage. You want to learn more about him, watch him more and he plays his role really well. 
- His eyes are so sparkly and they just lure you in. He’s currently one of the only boys I’ll accept lip bites from (I usually find them cringe). But he makes it look natural. He gets so excited with new possibilities - new opportunities of fun, to get to know other people and know the people he knows more. He always engages with every situation with eagerness and acceptance. 
- As I mentioned before, he’s the icon of growth. Yes, everyone knows it. But you don’t look at him and see his inexperience nor the lack of skills in comparison. You want him to debut immediately and grow with him. Out of all of them, I feel like you look at him and apply yourself in his shoes. You want him to succeed and to learn and to grow and you want to hold his hand during the whole process. You want to watch and do the same with yourself. 
- My expectation of him : I thought he was going to be a mood maker of the team cause I saw a lot of compilations of him being groovy and weird. It’s a weird thing to say but he reminded me of seaweed in the game of Seaweed (I don’t know how to explain this game to anyone, it’s kind of like tag I guess except when you get tagged you have to act like seaweed in the ocean) or like those inflatable balloon people at car autos or something. Weird analogy but- He’s actually quite chic. 
- From the very first episode and all to the very end, he’s a very skillfull dancer. He picks up the dances quickly and he’s such a small person but he has this way of performing large gestures that astound you. He was a really meticulous teacher too. A stickler for details. He’s very satisfying to watch dance. When he’s in the zone of dancing, it’s really beautiful and you just want him to perform more and he could do the same dance again and again and it’d still have the same impact it did the first time. 
- In I-Land, in the earlier episodes he struggled with the team aspect. He was amazing individually and could lead the team well during dancing. But wanted to show the best version of himself and forget about the rest of the team. BUT, if you look at him now, he knows the importance of his teammates and strives for the best. He also allowed himself to open up emotionally and cried more and adored more. (I noticed this moment especially with Hanbin, Sunoo, Taki and those who were eliminated) 
- During the show, it didn’t really show Niki enough being playful. I think we got to see cheery Niki when he received the hanbok from Jungkook. But you can see it better in the behind I-Land videos with the sheep costume that Jungwon wears and during Enhypen’s debut. But my favourite moment is when Jungwon wants to sneeze and he looks at him and he’s like ‘Jungwon hyung ANDWAEEE’ and his voice and everything is going to be stamped into my head. 
- He’s practically made to be an idol. His dancing is one thing but when he takes pictures and has to fit concepts that his hyungs find awkward, he just does it with such a chic way of doing things. He knows where to angle his head and he’s gotten so good at expressions. Off stage, he’s chic yet playful and extremely loving with his hyungs. 
My expectation of him : First of all, the whole reason I’m into Enhypen is because of him. He’s the reason I watched the show. He’s almost always my avatar on Rhythm Hive. I expected him to be confident and good at everything. He’s also really good looking. Like, the type of guy I’d have a crush on if he lived in my country type of crush. 
- He’s a great speaker. His ability to give feedback and constructive criticism is an amazing feat. He points out problems carefully and constructs a solution. He does so in a way that he creates a feeling of trust and faith. I’m terrible with criticism, like I can accept it but I don’t know how to reply to it. But with Jay, I actually want him to provide feedback. 
- He’s a really intense performer. He’s just constantly burning and his gaze is like a promise. He uses emotion to perform harder and to outdo himself and to prove to others that they’d regret making their decision. He is very emotional and it shows when he performs. A really determined person to do well in everything he does. He’s got this wild and untamed look in his eye but his body is very controlled and confident. It’s seriously a good look on him. It’s really attractive. 
- His leadership qualities are amazing. He knows how to utilise everyone’s talents to make the team standout more. He has an in depth understanding of everyones personalities and talents enough to put them in the right position. (That sounds like a report card). He’s also not as hardheaded as I had expected him to be, he’s flexible and is able to listen to everyones opinions and communicate on an equal level. He helps out without taking complete control over the situation. 
- He’s the moodmaker! Yes, he’s responsible for about 95% of the memes and quotes in I-Land. I don’t think I have to quote them. In saying that he’s pretty much the victim of Enhypen and I-Land pretty much. 
- I think the way he is so emotionally driven is what makes him stand out. He is the epitome of a fiery personality. He’s so unapologetically him and also open about what he’s feeling and what he’s aiming for, which is considerably quite new considering how boys are kind of taught to suppress their emotions. He also doesn’t let his emotions dictate how he treats a person. He treats them fairly, even when he’s disappointed or angry at someone. Watching him succeed and sometimes fail and promise to come back, genuinely felt like he was destined for it and wasn’t waiting for Lady Luck to shine on him. He goes and does shit done himself. He invokes so many emotions and empathies in other people. 
- My expectation of him : When I was watching KCON:TACT 3 I was really attracted to his voice and they way he talked and danced. Though I didn’t expect to end up biasing him to the point of no return. Never in my life have I loved a boy quite like this. I don’t know it feels different. It felt different with both Haechan, Kyungsoo and Sunwoo but this is all so different this feeling right here. Warning : This is going to be extremely biased. Like no joke. I’m sorry, this boy is just going to have longer lines but I’ll still keep to the same bullet points. 
- He’s so lovely. So so lovely. He has this ability to smile and have fun and tease and make little comments. His eyes are like hypnosis. You’re able to look at him, see the uplifting of his smile and every one of his facial features are uplifted so it makes his expressions brighter, more welcoming and more trusting.  He’s got broad shoulders and like someone you want to cuddle and watch with stars in your eyes. Like that chick is so right, ‘you’re someone I can’t live without now.’ The way he reacts to such comments, bashful smile and the whole hand over his mouth. He’s so pretty. I don’t want him to be sad or whatever. 
- He’s so accepting of other forms of life and doesn’t care for status, wealth, age or whatever. For him, if they’re part of the team, they’re part of the team and he’ll look after them as a team member. He puts his importance on things that actually matter and looks to create an atmosphere where he can be relied on and that others feel comforted. He has fun and talks with others with softness and makes others feel engaged. He’s so fucking attentive. Like he understands other people well and has high observation skills. Like if one is upset, he’ll just quietly go to comfort them and give attention in a soothing matter. He’s also got a soothing voice. I love hearing him talk. 
- The hidden ACE. He made an impact during the competition at significant times. I think the reason why many contestants and him, himself went down the ranks was because they were previously in the higher ranks and were believed to be safe. But as a vocalist, he has such a clear and stable voice. You can recognise his voice immediately, even when I wasn’t a Enhypen stan, I could recognise his voice even without knowing who he was. But as a dancer, he’s so amazing at it. Like, his popping and his ability to do intense choreographies. As a performer he understands nuances, meanings and the concepts of a song and understands his role in the performance. Him getting praises was my favourite thing ever. I think he was a favourite among the producers. Though when he did have stumbles, I was so worried for him. Like no, I refuse. 
- He’s got an optimistic way of thinking, without being overcompensating. Basically when things don’t necessarily go the way it was set out to or when others suggest another way of doing things, he takes his time to think about it and decides. He basically uses it as a tool to grow and adapt in order to produce the best results. Now that I’m thinking about it, rather than being optimistic, I would say he’s an opportunist(?) in a sense. He’ll accept the suggestions and has this greed to live up to and exceed the expectations. This is easily seen when Jungwon isn’t doing too well doing part 5 and ends up swapping with Heeseung. And he also has this greed. It’s a greed I’ve never seen before. The goals are the same but in a way that’s different?; He doesn’t  want his grandmother to be devastated if he is eliminated, he wants to be an artist that does music he loves, ‘it’ll be even more impressive if we can go beyond their expectation’. He uses the current happenings as a way to exceed them and to go beyond capacity. In short he’s a realist without being stuck, he’s an idealist without being too high up in the clouds, he’s optimistic but not unrealistic. It’s inspiring, he’s inspiring. They all are but Jungwon has my heart at the moment. 
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youarejesting · 5 years
Femme: 17 (TXT Special)
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Summary: The year is now 3019. Women’s population was plummeting. Femme Industries providing cryogenically frozen females. Masc Industries providing the chance for male pregnancy. A group of Five young men are told their compatible group is too small to be eligible for a Femme. They are however eligible for the new Femme Bot. Funny she looks just like a real human.
Pairing: BTS x Reader, 
Starring: TXT, Bigbang, GOT7, BlackPink, NCT127 and Twice are going to be introduced and explored fully in later chapters. Rating: Fluff so far
Warnings: none 
Length: 1.5k words
Soobin was wrestling Beomgyu for the remote when there was a knock, running to the door they all piled around as it opened to see their mysterious visitor. It was a very handsome Hyung. He was tall with broad shoulders, a perfectly symmetrical face and a great smile. The boys were all speechless waiting for one of the others to introduce them, but no one seemed to recognize him all equally shocked by his angelic presence.
Each of the boys shuffled trying to straighten up their clothing and patting down their ruffled hair, feeling rather under dressed. Just as Yeonjun was about to tell this god like young man that he had obviously gone to the wrong house, he dipped his head in greeting. "Hello, we had some left overs and were wondering if you boys would like them? I'm Kim Seokjin, from next door"
They all bowed and greeted him, when another tall figure came over. Another Hyung he was so cool looking, the boys eyes were practically sparkling. Each dreaming to be just as cool, manly and handsome as these two were. "Hello, I'm Kim Namjoon, we have so many left overs and side dishes, you should grab some containers and come over. We made a lot of Kimchi so it would really help us if you could take some"
The boys grinned, grabbing a small container and Jin laughed, telling them to grab a couple each and as big as they could. Grabbing some more containers each boy filed out, on after the other. They met the rest of the seven and blushed bowing in greeting introducing themselves. Each Hyung was very attractive and made the young five from next door feel welcome. They helped put the food away in containers.
"Here take this" the shortest of the Hyung's said, he was elegant and acted like they were related to him. They liked him he was very talkative and caring.  “I made it at my bakery, it is a sweet bread, you can call me Jimin or hyung if you would like"
"You boys are in school still?" Namjoon asked packing Kimchi with his gloves and apron crinkling every time he moved around. "If you need anything we can help with your studies"
"Yes we are in our final years of high school" Taehyun who was scooping Gamja Jorim into a dish. The five young boys idolized their neighboring Hyung's greatly, they always came home to little bags hanging on their door hand with snacks and medicine and things when they needed it. Whilst studying for their English exam with Namjoon they spotted a pamphlet on the desk.
"Are you getting a Femme, Hyung?" Kai asked tapping playing with the strings of his green hoodie. Namjoon looked up shocked and then saw the pamphlet and laughed lifting it, handing it over to the curious boys. Who huddled around and read the information carefully looking at the pictures and the dot pointed information.
"We just called and visited the facility last week, it was a little nerve racking they gave us a little information package to take home. We had to fill out these questionnaires about our interests and preferences and they will put them all together and find a girl that will suit us all" Namjoon sighed "I am worried about whether we are too many, we matched as compatible males for the Femme project around the same age range but seven for one person to love it seems like a lot to ask. It won't be easy"
"She will love you Hyung's, you are all so handsome and cool and nice" There was a knock on the door and they heard yelling from inside the apartment, the door opened to reveal Hoseok. Told them all to head to the Lounge room and the younger boys took the floor as the put the chip into the computer. “What’s going on?”
"The company got back to us we got a video of our Femme" Taehyung grinned pressing play on the remote and everyone fell silent. The video was talking about all the procedures and such. When the writing on the screen depicted a Femme number. They had found a match and this was her video. It was a room with an interviewer sitting in a chair looking through a stack of files and a spare chair across from him.
That's when she came on screen Kai blushed she was so cute, the interviewer stood up and shook her hand dwarfing hers in comparison. He sat and gestured to the stool across the desk. She walked over and struggled to climb onto the stool it was quiet tall. She giggled and sat her little legs swinging triumphantly "good morning, Y/N is it?"
"Cute" Hoseok called from behind the young boys on the floor. They watched as she began talking about her life telling stories things she liked. She was asked what her ideal partner would be, she replied with a large range of traits that seemed to cover each of the boy’s personalities rather well. The interviewer asked her to send a message out to a potential partner who might be watching and she looked into the camera her eyes big and bright.
"Hello, I look forward to meeting all of you and don't leave me on ice too long I am cold, let’s make some memories together" Yeonjun turned to see the hyung's all had stars in their eyes watching her speak, he giggled and tapped the other who quickly glanced at the boys with a quiet snicker. The next video was an example day of her life, they grinned and saw her wake up and turn to the camera.
"Good morning, to my future partner, what shall we do today" she spoke to the camera tired, and went about the lab getting tests, she visited her family and was working out in the gym at the Femme center. She was driving the camera on her face on the dashboard so her hands were free, "I have to pick up my new glasses, and I think they are going to look cute.”
"Do I look cute?" She spun around and made cute poses and wiggles. They all giggled and she blushed realizing she was dancing and talking to a camera in public "I love sweets so much, but I can't have it, because I am going to be frozen this week I have been drinking protein shakes, I'm a little nervous, my biggest concern is what if he doesn't like me, well they could identify differently so I will use they, wait what if I have more than one partner, that's exciting"
She traveled home and it was her lying in bed, it was dark but she was whispering "In a few days I will be put to sleep waiting to meet whoever I am destined to be with, but hopefully it will feel like mere seconds, Goodnight"
"We should head home" Yeonjun said as the video stopped Kai yawned his head on Yeonjun’s broad shoulder. They all scrambled to their feet slowly and grabbed their homework bags and left with a friendly wave. "Sorry for bothering you Hyung's"
"No it's okay we are just so excited she is cute, they said it will take a week to transport her over here" Namjoon read the letter that came with the video. Jungkook walked them to the door patting them all on the back as the past. A week later the boys all dressed in nice button ups and pants walked to the elevator, the young boys peaked their heads out, their apartment door and wished them good luck.
They sat around wondering what it would be like when they got their Femme. What would her name be? What would she be like? How will she react to them?" The day past slowly and the boys heard their Hyung's return along with an unfamiliar voice speaking softly as they passed their door. The five got dressed brushing their hair and teeth, making sure they looked good yet casual for a first impression.
"I have to give Namjoon back his text book" Beomgyu said and they grinned a perfect excuse to visit. Finding the text book they, rounded each other up at the front door. Walking quietly down the hallway they each pushed each other forward until Beomgyu was pushed into the door he arched his back and pulled his arms back so he didn’t touch the door. He turned to move to the back and they stopped him, telling him he borrowed the book.
The door opened after a weak knock. Hoseok looked at the boys and they gave their excuse. Hoseok let them in. "you wanted to see her, didn’t you?" Jungkook and Taehyung grinned wrestling the boys messing up their neat hair.
Stressing that they were there to return a textbook to Namjoon, Beomgyu held the book in the air. Jin from the other side of the room behind the kitchen counter started to sing the Lion King theme song. Namjoon smiled gently taking the textbook from them and they seemed to relax a little. "I will see if she is okay with visitors" Namjoon passed Yoongi in the hallway.
Femme Media 17
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krreader · 5 years
partners in crime.
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pairing: kim taehyung x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; thieves!au ; language genre: crime ; crack ; hints of smut
summary: you had planned this perfectly, down to every detail.. the only thing you hadn’t expected was to find him there.
a/n: so I didn’t go full-on smut, but I still hope you like it angel ♥
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You used to go to museums for fun as a kid. With family members, with friends and then sometimes with your class – even though school trips weren't nearly as nice as going there privately.
You remembered looking at these relics from the past with awe and also a bit of fear that you might ruin something.
Funny how things changed, you thought as you looked at the painting you desired. Well, not you, but your buyer did. And you wanted the money he was willing to give you if you stole it for him.
Sometimes it was almost sad how things had changed for you. You were sure becoming a thief wasn't what your parents had hoped for you.
But honestly, you were good at it and it paid off in the end. You were living in a nice penthouse apartment, could buy whatever the hell you wanted to buy and didn't need to worry about a thing because you knew you were too good to get caught.
You always hid your traces, you never messed up.
That's why this buyer had chosen you.
And that meant a lot, because he was one of the big ones in the world of illegal trade, if not the biggest. For him to approach you out of all the people to steal this for him meant a lot, because it showed you that your hard work finally paid off. You were now considered one of the best in the business and you had sacrificed a lot for that.
As always before a heist like the one you had planned tonight, you were standing in front of the desired painting and made sure to memorize every small detail.
How big the picture was, how heavy it probably was, where the security cameras were, which way the guards were walking, which exit would be the best to take, how to steal the picture without alerting anyone..-
It was a lot.
However you didn't suddenly stop noticing your surroundings. You'd be a bad thief if you did.
So when the guy to your right did not avert his eyes and kept staring at you, you finally turned your head to look at him.
He was undoubtedly beautiful, so much that you immediately smiled.
His hair was blonde, his eyes dark, so dark, that you could drown in them if you stared into them for long.
But you were too good to let something as mundane as sexual attraction distract you from why you were here, so even though he smiled as well and seemed as interested in you as you were in him, you turned your head back around.
Deep down in a part of you that you would love to destroy forever, you wished he would approach you and talk to you, maybe even ask you out. But that naive part never won.
And because it didn't, you weren't disappointed when you turned your head to look at him again a few minutes later and found him gone.
..you hadn't even realized he left.
Which was weird, because you always noticed.. everything.
Maybe you were more attracted to him than you had thought.
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You had chosen the perfect day for stealing that painting.
They had to shut down the security system for an hour to reboot it and one hour was more than enough to get that painting out of that museum.
You were waiting on the roof, ready to slip through a window that you had opened with your tools beforehand.
According to your research the security guard of this area would pass through in fifteen seconds. Then you'd have approximately eight minutes before the next one would come.
You checked the rope that was secured at your hip one last time and took a deep breath when you could see the nightwatchman pass the hallway.
“Nice and easy, (Y/N),” you told yourself to calm your nerves, “As always.”
And as soon as the guy was gone, you let yourself down, careful and slowly.
You weren't in any of the halls with artifacts, simply a hallway, but you had carefully studied the halls of this museum long enough to know the fastest route to where you needed to go.
And as soon as your feet touched the ground you unhooked the rope and watched it snatch back up to the window you came out of, then you ran through one, then the next hallway, pressing yourself against a wall when a security guard passed by, before you continued on.
Your plan was perfect.
Down to every detail.
You knew that you would be able to steal the painting without any major issues, you had planned it all out to the smallest possible inconvenience.
But just when you had arrived in the right hall and wanted to run and get the picture, you noticed someone else standing in front of it.
Your heartbeat immediately picked up, you wanted to panic, but then you noticed the clothes.
No security guard and not someone who cleaned here. Because disguising yourself as one of these had been one of your other plans.
No, this person was dressed a lot like you, only that he wore a hood except for a cap.
You licked your lips and contemplated what to do next, but before you could decide the next step of action, the other person took that decision out of your hands.
“You smell just as good as you have earlier,” the voice said.
You furrowed your eyebrows and straightened up a little.
“Is that so?” your voices weren't loud enough to be heard, but you had to be careful about the echo, so you approached him. Just enough so that you could talk without screaming.
He didn't turn around, he only took off the hood and even in the dim light that only the moonlight provided you could see blonde hair.
And there was only one person with blonde hair who had been close enough to smell your perfume today.
“You've got to be fucking kidding me.”
The man turned around and indeed, it was the same guy as before. However this time he wasn't smiling at you. He almost looked.. angry.
“I assume we're here to steal the same painting then?”
“Listen honey,-”
“Taehyung,” he interrupted.
“Taehyung,” you repeated and finally took the last four steps to be right in front of him, “I don't know who hired you to steal this painting, but my boss offered me the sum of my life, so I won't go without it.”
“Same here. And you don't return empty handed to Hans Stevenson. Everyone knows that.”
You had looked at the painting beforehand, but the second the name fell from his lips you turned your head to look at him with slightly parted lips.
“Hans Stevenson? Swedish, but operating in Korea?”
“That's how I know him. How do you?” Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows.
This son of a bitch had ordered two thieves to steal the same fucking painting for him. Was he afraid that one would fail? Did he really have that little faith in you? And what about the fucking money?! And what if Taehyung had come here before you and you would have had to return – like he said – empty handed? That guy would have killed you for sure!
“Looks like we were ordered to steal the same painting.”
Taehyung was quiet for a moment, but before he could even open his mouth to respond the lights went back on and you could both see that the security cameras were beginning to turn themselves on again.
“Shit! They weren't supposed to be finished with that reboot..-”
“For another thirty minutes, I know,” Taehyung finished the sentence and immediately walked up to the painting, “Help me with this. We don't have much time.”
On one hand you were so fucking pissed that you just wanted to leave and tell Stevenson to suck his own dick. But you knew that failing him would be a horrible mistake.
“Fine,” you sighed angrily and did what he asked you to do.
To your own surprise you worked together rather well.
So well that you didn't even have to talk to the other person, you just kind of both knew what to do and when to do it and while you were usually very fast on your own, you were twice as fast with him helping you.
And well, if he hadn't been here, you would have been fucked.
But with his help you two managed to get out of this museum before the cameras got turned on again and without anyone spotting you.
He was.. good.
Better than you would have expected.
It was only when you were far enough away from the museum that you talked again, the painting in his hand, “You never told me your name.”
“(Y/N),” you pointed at the painting, “How do you want to handle that?”
“Honestly? I would like to burn it in front of Stevenson to say fuck you, but I doubt that would end good for us. So.. let's just hand it over together.”
“And where's the catch?” you furrowed your eyebrows, “When are you going to stab me in the back to get all the money for yourself?”
That was the first time that Taehyung smiled again. And it took your breath away just like the last time, “I would never do that to your pretty.. back,” his eyes darted to your hips, so you knew he meant your ass.
You just snorted and shook your head, but began smiling as well.
“Fine. Let's hand it over together.”
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“Ah, there are my best thieves,” Stevenson got up from his huge ass office chair and clapped once, a huge smile on his face, “I see you met each other.”
“Why did you order two to steal that painting? One would have been enough!” Taehyung argued.
“He's right. This was unnecessary.”
“I don't know why you're complaining, angel,” when Stevenson wanted to touch your cheek you immediately slapped his hand away and shoved the painting against his chest, “You'll thank me for this one day.”
“I doubt that.”
Especially because that stupid piece of shit let you two split the original amount that you had agreed on, so you only got half, Taehyung the other.
However, later that night you and Taehyung were sitting on the hood of his car at the Han river, both of you with a bottle of Soju in your hands and staring at the water.
“We were a good team,” you whispered, “I never worked with anyone before but.. you helped a lot.”
Taehyung took a sip from the bottle and then nodded with a small smile, before looking at you, “I agree.”
“Maybe we should do it more often..”
“Is that a proposal?” he pushed himself off the car and put the bottle down on the ground.
You watched his every move with hawk eyes and smirked a little when you realized what he wanted to do. But you didn't push him away when he suddenly stood between your legs with that seductive look in his eyes that he had the first time you and him met in that museum.
“It could be..”
“Hm, I think you need to convince me,” he looked down to your legs and let his fingertips run over your thighs with a grin, “You think you'll manage that?”
You licked your lips and looked down as well, only that you were staring at his crotch area. You wrapped your arms and legs around him and pulled him closer with a grin, leaning to his ear to whisper: “I think I already have, honey.”
But just to be one hundred percent clear, you and him did it in the back of his car anyways.
And then it was like a contract.
And even though you hated that Stevenson guy with all your heart.. you couldn't help but thank him like he had said.
Because without him you never would have found your partner in crime and later, life.
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bangtanbetchfics · 5 years
Eros (m) | kim taehyung capsule
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genre: fluff rating: mature pairing: artist!taehyung x female reader word count: 1.6k suggested listening: sweet luv - lovelyz | bloom (true light) - gwsn | 20cm - txt | playlist warnings: nudity summary: taehyung encounters an issue in pursuit of his art degree, and you're able to be of assistance. notes: i had so much fun writing for artist!tae. have at it! :) *** collaboration info: come join us as we explore europe with BTS through fanfiction. our members chose an european location and a bts member/combo to adventure with, inspired by the group’s most recent extended time off. our fics range from fluff to smut, exploring our fantasies and ideations of what it would be like to travel with the boys. we invite you to go on this journey with us! fellow collaborators: smuttymess | som-siren | chaosbulldog navigation: jinkook on vacation (aperitivo) | masterlist
“Are you ready for this, Taehyungie?”
Taehyung lets you comb your fingers through his warm brown locks. He gives you a smile as you put his newsboy cap back on. You lean on his shoulder, looking out the small window of the airplane at the clouds that float by.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” He sighs out. “I’m so nervous if I’m being honest.”
“Why? You’re brilliant, Tae,” You pick up your head to look up at him, and he’s looking down through his long lashes at his tangled fingers. “And no one can take that away from you.”
“The best artists in Rome got into the same Master’s program as I did.” You shrug, and you take one of his hands in yours. 
“That means you’re the best then, right? You’re all the way from Korea.” He lets out a little chuckle and squeezes your hand in relief. 
“I’m so glad you’re here. If only for a few days to see me off.” He rests his head on yours and focuses his attention out of the window as well.
You weren’t a couple, but the two of you were always like this. 
Close, but not too close. Love for each other, but not too much. Hugs and cuddles here and there, but not too many. 
Your friendship always toed the line --- and you couldn’t help but wonder if Taehyung knew about your true feelings for him --- but you didn’t want to mess up the long friendship between the two of you.
As you reach baggage claim, Taehyung spots a woman with a puppy and heads over to her —- pulling you right behind him.
The woman smiles as he pets the dog and moves its paws in the air. You cover your mouth and laugh.
“She seems to like your boyfriend a lot.” The woman looks at you, and you shake your head. 
“Excuse me? Oh! He’s not my boyfriend.” A surge of heat rises to your cheeks as the woman raises her eyebrows. She seems to think otherwise.
Taehyung was a beautiful human when he was like this: carefree and unrestrained. His eyes always lit up at anything smaller than him, and you always relished in seeing him smile. Taehyung endeared everyone in his path — even you — a lonely university student before you met him. He brought you into his eclectic circle of friends, and your life was never the same after that.
“Tae, we have to go — our bags are here.” You whisper as you tug at Taehyung’s wool coat to get away from the woman, before she insinuates anything else. 
Taehyung pays you no mind until you tug again. His eyes widen like saucers and then a pout takes over his face, but it makes you giggle.
“What? What’s so funny?” Taehyung asks, tagging along after you.
“Nothing.” You laugh as you pull him along.
“I’m so screwed.”
As you look up from your book, you pull your glasses off and look at Taehyung as he hangs his coat.
“What’s up Tae?” Taehyung lets out a deep sigh. He throws his backpack to the floor and sinks his head in his hands as he sits down next to you. He smooths his hands from his eyes to his chin.
“My professor wants me to deliver sketches and studies of the female form. By tomorrow.”
“Okay, so? What’s the big deal?” He turns his head to look at you. “It’s the study of the female form, so the model has to be nude when I draw them. This is college , so of course they’re not providing the model to students.”
“That’s it?” You ask as you laugh, closing your book.
“What Italian babe wouldn’t want to get naked for you?”
“Am I supposed to say: hey —- wanna get naked and model for me, random stranger?” You bowl over in laughter and Taehyung’s face gets dark. His meanest faces were still cute, and you laugh again at his expression.
Despite Taehyung’s modelesque looks, he had absolutely no game. Women and men were always throwing themselves at Taehyung, but he never had any idea on how to respond to the attention.
“You think that’s funny? It’s literally due tomorrow.” A hand comes up over your mouth as you stop mid-laugh, and Taehyung crosses his arms. He takes the pencil from his ear and drums it on his temple.
The room is silent for a few moments as the two of you think long and hard about a solution.
“I’m a woman, right? I can do it.” Taehyung shakes his head quickly. “Absolutely not. Hell no.”
“Am I not worthy to be your muse, Taehyungie?” Tae looks down at the floor and kicks an imaginary piece of dust around. 
“That’s not it at all.” You look at him, taking his hand. 
“Then what is it?” Taehyung looks back at you, and then quickly back to the ground.
“Uh, N-Nothing.” Your hand warms on his and he pulls away to rub his hands together.
“Then let me help you.” You move your body closer to Taehyung’s and he gets up. He paces around the room for a few moments before he puts his elbows over his forehead.
“I don’t think I have a choice, do I?” He sighs, looking over to you. 
“I guess you’re my model now.” Taehyung leans over the couch and hangs his head.
“Just say thank you next time.” You deliver a punch to his arm and he rubs the spot, smiling to himself.
“Are you ready, Tae?” You yell through the bathroom door. 
Your hair is freshly done, and a cream silk robe drapes over your naked body underneath. You twist up a stick of red lipstick and then apply it, as you look in the mirror one more time before you let out a deep breath.
You step out into the main room, and Taehyung motions for you to sit in a pearly white chaise lounge in the middle of the room. 
He doesn’t look at you at first, but as you sit down, his eyes grow wide and he stares at you for a moment. 
You swallow your nerves and tuck your hair behind your ear. 
You don’t think Taehyung’s ever seen you this done up, as he can’t seem to take his eyes from you. 
“Is there something I should be doing?” You say as you gain the strength to clear your throat. You then drum up the courage to meet your eyes with his. 
Taehyung visibly gulps before he speaks.
“Pose however you’d like, and then slip the robe off a little bit,” You nod and drape yourself over the chaise, your head hanging back over the arm of the chair. You pull the robe down to your shoulders, exposing your breasts --- but just covering your legs. 
It was always on your mind at how it would be the first time Taehyung saw you naked, but you never would've pictured this scenario. 
“How’s that?”
“Here let me help you.” Taehyung clutches the arms of his chair and then stands up to wipe his palms on his trousers. He moves over to you, and untucks your hair from your ear -- his fingers trembling.
“More like this.” His deep voice reverberates in your ear as he leans over you, and it causes your heart to race. 
That voice of his always did something to you, but today it was especially poignant. 
“You have to look in my direction.” He looks into your eyes to adjust your head for a second before he releases your chin. 
The two of you look at each other, but you lower your eyes from his intense gaze. 
It’s in that moment you realize Taehyung absolutely does have feelings for you. 
Your eyes follow his walk as he heads back to his seat.
Taehyung pulls his sketchbook and charcoal from the table, and the sound of the pencil scratching the paper starts to fill the room. You watch Taehyung’s eyes flick up and down to you as he works.
“Beautiful.” Taehyung whispers to himself as he sketches the curves of your form.
The electric exchange between your eyes continues on, and you can feel each of Taehyung’s gazes growing more intense. 
It almost seems as if they’re pooling with desire, but you look down quickly to shake your head.
Can’t be.
“You’re not supposed to move.” Taehyung chuckles. “Let’s take a break.” 
Taehyung moves to sit near you on the chaise, and shows you the page he’s been working on.
“Oh my god, Tae!” Taehyung looks at you with concern in his eyes. “Is it terrible?”
“No, it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” You take the book from him and trace your fingers over the drawing in the air. Your eyes pool with tears a bit as you look down at yourself on the page.
Your fingers clutch the edges of the sketchbook, and you take a firm breath out.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you, Tae.” 
Taehyung takes your chin in his soft fingers, and turns your face to face his. 
“I told you that you have to look at me.” Your breath hitches in your throat as you look into his eyes.
Taehyung tilts his head and places a velvety kiss on your lips.
“I know .” He pulls back to look at you. You gasp out and look at him, and he gives you a warm smile.
“You’re my muse. Always have been. I love you.” Taehyung pushes the hair out of your face, and brushes his thumbs over your cheeks. 
You look up at his glossy, vulnerable eyes and he presses his lips into yours again. 
“Love you too, Tae.” 
After a moment, you kiss him back and wrap your arms around his neck.
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notes: hope you enjoyed this pure fluff! :) fellow collaborators: smuttymess | som-siren | chaosbulldog navigation: jinkook on vacation (aperitivo) | masterlist
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aerialflight · 5 years
BTS fic recs (or: a continuation with less magic!aus but there still is some on this list)
It’s been around six months and I’m again sucked into the BTS fandom, mostly because of the BTS World album and game. Seriously, how they manage to spit out so many songs so fast is amazing. And you can thank my dad for getting me back into the fandom cause he is just as obsessed as I am about BTS, which I find hilarious and my mom long-suffering XD.
Anyway, so I’m recommending yet another list that has cumulated over the months, some recommended to me by @onceabluemoonwrites (thank you for the recs and continuing to spur my obsession) and those I stumbled upon and ended up loving. Hope you all enjoy and I apologize that there aren’t as many magic!aus in advance, but there still is some since it wouldn’t complete without it!
girls just want to have fun by fitzgarbage
Ship: Suga/J-Hope
“Namjoon told me you’d probably be haunting a corner. I didn’t know what he meant, but I think I get it now.” He’s breathing hard. “I knew you right away. You look really good, by the way.”
(suga is transgender, he's a she in this fic. suga is amazing and the background ships had me invested and oh man, this is one of those fics that steal your heart if you let it.)
Stars Lost in the Sea by smiles
Ship: Jin/Suga
2018 In a desperate attempt to overcome his writer's block, Kim Seokjin rents a cottage by the sea on a remote island in the southern part of Korea for the summer, intent on successfully completing a story.
1933 Min Yoongi spends his nights tending the lighthouse, providing a light on the horizon for lost sailors to navigate safely, all the while feeling lost by himself, a lightkeeper without a guiding light.
There are some people who are meant to cross paths, even if it means time itself must bend to accommodate them.
(editor!Jimin is high strung and gungho and this alone made me fall for this fic for giving me this. this story is the definition of ‘star-crossed lovers’, i was rooting for them so hard. bless.)
rumour has it (but maybe it'd be better to just ask me) by Curionenene 
Ship: Jimin/RM
"Tae! I think Kim Namjoon asked me out on a date?”
That, makes Taehyung look away from his phone for once. “The Kim Namjoon? Sex on walking stilts, Kim Namjoon?”
“No, Kim Namjoon who’s my cousin third removed. Of course, the Kim Namjoon, you walnut.”
“Walnuts are actually really good for brain development.” Taehyung says distractedly before he frowns. “Wait, Kim Namjoon is your cousin?”
(Or: Namjoon and Jimin like each other, Taehyung and Hoseok are great friends, Seokjin and Jungkook aren't as great, and Yoongi is paid far too little for this.
Oh, and there are rumours. Supposedly, Namjoon is a sex god. Everyone is saying it, so it must be true.
Spoilers: it's not.)
(you know those fics that has gloriously disasterous characters that makes you feel like you’re less of a mess than they are? this is it. this is your pick up fic. so pick it up please.)
jack i'm flying! by ameliabedelias  
(honestly though, this author has written some of the funniest bts fics i’ve ever read, definitely recommend)
Ship: Jin/Jimin
“Are they okay?” A concerned booze cruise attendant walks by. “They’re not gonna jump, are they?”
“Please, just ignore them,” Hoseok sighs, flopping into one of the deck lounge chairs as Seokjin and Jimin get into position. “They’ve been doing this for three years now. It's kind of their thing.”
Or, five times Seokjin and Jimin do the Titanic Pose™.
(this fic is proof that this is the most chaotic pairing i’ve ever seen the sheer chaos man i’m not kidding. this is gold. solid gold.)
you are so gorgeous it makes me so mad by ameliabedelias  
Ship: Jimin/RM
Park Jimin is Instagram famous. Or he was, until Kim Namjoon walked into one of his pictures and stole the spotlight. 
(same author as previously, i just had to people this fic is incredible. jimin is characterized so beautifully here. the title alone should make you want to read it.)
light at the end by fruitily
(you don’t know what you were missing in life until you read their fics)
Ship: Jin/Jungkook
death follows jungkook. death is crashing at his place and not paying rent. death is eating all of his cinnamon toast crunch.
(seokjin is not death. he’s just the guy who’s nice enough to take you to the last stop.)
(i cried tears of laughter enough to fill a lake. jin is a grim reaper. yes. you heard me right. and jungkook has to deal with it. its amazing.)
in all dishonesty by fruitily
Ship: Suga/V
while taehyung is trying to figure out whether or not min yoongi wants to stab him with a fountain pen, they find out they make an excellent team when it comes to board games.
(this gave me so many flashbacks to when i was a kid. they are perfect for each other and my brother laughed so much when i read him a few lines. because he is a cheating cheater who lies and is very impressed by this pair. you'll see what i mean.)
can't get it up without you by Curionenene
(i love their fics. LOVE)
Ship: Jin/Suga
“Actually,” Seokjin speaks up then, because it looks like Yoongi's friends are having a hard time believing him. “I think the most dramatic one was when we literally tried to migrate to escape each other, but our planes went down, and we both drifted to the same deserted island.”
Now even Taehyung looks incredulous. “You're kidding.”
“No. We ended up fucking just so we could hasten the process and go onto the next life. Because the mosquitos there? Worse than death.”
“Wait…” Jimin says slowly. “You mean you actually die?”
(Or: Yoongi and Seokjin are soulmates. They hate each other.)
(the summary should be enough incentive to be honest, but yeah, if you want to die laughing, please read this. p l e a s e.)
So Collapse, Fall. by Curionenene
Ship: Jungkook/V
“Mmm… but what was it that made you decide to come back?” Seokjin rephrases.
Taehyung glances at Jungkook, and deliberately, his lips twitch up into a smirk, eyes darkening just a little bit. “I’m a human after all. Foolish. Figuring out my intentions shouldn’t be rocket science.”
For a moment, the other three in the room just stare at him. Taehyung doesn’t let the stares unnerve him, only deciding to cock his head to one side, eyebrow raised as the silence drags on. And then finally it breaks when Jimin shakes his head before letting out a true blue giggle, “well. He’s interesting at least.”
(or: Jungkook is a god, Taehyung just wants to be his friend. They both end up as something more.)
(i actually usually don't get into this pairing (surprising since this pairing is actually the most popular on ao3), but the worldbuilding and magic pulled me in.)(laugh and point at me for finding another magic fantasy fic. i won't blame you.)(i love v's characterization in this. he's delightfully complicated and straightforward and manipulative in a good way? i know it sounds weird, but you'll know what i mean when you read it.)
you say witch like it's a bad thing by Curionenene
Ship: Suga/Jin
“It's still a lot of work, even if you have magic on your side.” Yoongi glances over at a jug filled with what looks like pieces of pineapple. And then, as both cat and witch stare at the jug, the pieces are suddenly no more, instead replaced entirely by liquid. “Heck. Magic is draining. I’m going to need a nap later.”
“Why do you think I start at 5 am and only open at 11?” Seokjin grumbles, before he sighs, “yeah, okay. I get your point. No tea then. But we gotta think of something to make with avocados.”
“Why the fuck are we doing avocados?” “Because I ordered avocados.”
“Oh. Ok. Let me rephrase that: why the fuck are we doing avocados?”
(Or: Seokjin is a witch, Yoongi is his familiar. 99% of their life is bickering like this. The other 1%? Well, you'll have to read and see won't you?)
(blue recommended this to me and i read the whole damn thing. and let me tell you, it wasn’t the magic (well, not just the magic since the worldbuilding makes me want to swoon) that made me stay. it was jin. and his goddamn puns. puns galore. puns everywhere. every shade of pun imaginable, it’s all here. suffer with me along with yoongi. it is glorious.)
something tells me we'll be alright by czar (cmajorchords)
Ship: RM/V
“You’re absolutely right. This is a childish, petty feud, and I’m sure Kim Namjoon is an upstanding citizen and exceptional researcher. I’m sure he is a thousand times more of a professional than I am, and isn’t late to work all the time, and probably doesn’t occasionally sneak into the lab after hours so he can touch the pretty little vases with bare hands instead of using gloves –”
“Doesn’t what?”
“- it’s just that I don’t think I can work him. On, like, a moral level. Like an ethical one. An emotional one? Maybe even metaphysically?”
His supervisor sighs loudly. “So what’s the problem exactly?”
Taehyung scrambles for the first thing that comes to his mind. “Once, when we were at a mixer, he ate the last cranberry-chocolate chip muffin and didn’t even offer to split it.”
Six weeks in the desert at an archaeology dig sounds like everything Taehyung had ever dreamed of. Too bad Kim Namjoon's coming, too.
(this is a really cute fic and just, namjoon is this rambling mess and v is so humanely insecure and all of it is just, ugh. ugh i couldn't stop grinning.)
Fixing Christmas by jeoncrocs
Ship: Jungkook/RM
Namjoon is having the Worst Christmas Eve ever, and it's chiefly his own fault. A kind stranger turns it around.
Hold Still by Oh_Hey_Tae
(i’ve recommended a fic from them before and there’s a reason for it. all their fics are just, yes.)
Ship: J-Hope/Jungkook
Jungkook’s going to say that he wasn’t scared, but he literally screamed and was about to throw down with a pan so he says instead, “How’d you get in, anyway?”
“Door was unlocked. Didn’t think anyone was home. Be glad I’m not an actual creep.”
And then this amazing thing happens.
It’s small and simple, quick as can be, but it leaves Jungkook stupefied, mind melting, like he’s lost on a wave.
Jung Hoseok winks at him.
Oh, no.
(Or: Jungkook falls in love easily, Hoseok doesn't open up easily, and somehow they manage to meet in the middle.)
(jungkook is precious here. precious. i want to wrap him up and hug him tight. and i really like how they portrayed hoseok here. and also, theres some representation and i connected to this. a lot.)
Words of Power by rkatz
Ship: Suga/J-Hope
All words have power. Some more than others. And none more than a name.
(behold, a magic!au soulmate fic with stellar worldbuilding. seriously, i am crying over how creative this is, i want to pick at this author’s mind and ask how they came up with this. thank you blue for recommending this!)
Law of the Jungle by MmeIrene
Ship: Jin/RM
“You’re an actor,” said Namjoon after a moment, and Seokjin nodded, looking pleased with their progress.
This was decidedly different, Namjoon thought, staring at Kim Seokjin’s bemused expression, than how it went in movies. Which, all things considered, was terribly ironic considering that Namjoon was being told he couldn’t study in his own library so that the aforementioned Kim Seokjin could film there with his movie crew.
Or, Namjoon is a frazzled grad student who just wants to finish his thesis, but somehow ends up getting cast as an extra in a movie instead.
(you know this is good when a character is accidentally in a movie. any student who wrote or is writing a thesis will understand namjoon’s dilemma on a spiritual level. he stole my heart in this fic, he really did. i don’t blame you one bit jin for falling for this boy.)
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namjuicyy · 5 years
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Masterlist | Requests are open.
Genre: Smut.
Summary: Your boyfriend discovered a habit of yours that he hadn't tried, and he was desperate to try it with you.
Warnings: recreational drug use, heightened senses, dry humping (if you squint), nipple play, cursing, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, sir kink (again squint real hard it’s there somewhere), oral sex (f receiving).
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Los Angeles. You were in the city a lot for business anyway, so it ame as no surprise to you when it was announced BTS' tour dates in the city would coincide with your time there. When your partner, Hoseok, called you to tell you, he sounded nervous - like he was afraid he was going to miss you. He sighed the biggest sigh of relief when you reassured him that you actually wasn't going to be anywhere else for the foreseeable. "Oh thank God!" He breathed. You could practically see him place his beautiful hand to his firm chest.
Hobi wasn't usually one for long distance relationships. Despite his "Jay" persona, he was very soft, very loving and relatively romantic. Out of the two of you, he found this situation harder than you did. You missed him, of course you did. But you were too busy with your work to dwell on the fact that your partner was half the world away. And, to be fair, he was too. But he often found himself thinking about you at times when you were too busy to think about him.
"We're going to be there for two whole weeks, too!" He told you excitedly. The tone of his voice was contagious, and you could feel the butterflies start to flutter in your tummy.
"I don't suppose you'll be spending much time in the hotel after concerts then." You stated.
He laughed. "Only if you're there with me."
This was a perfectly innocent exchange between the two of you, yet the tension was beginning to build. That was one thing that you loved about your relationship; it didn't matter where in the world you both were, you knew exactly how to make each other feel good. A lot of the time, when you two would Skype, it would often end up with him cumming on camera at the sight of your fingers or a toy slipping in and out of you. There was one time, Hobi had told you, where he had your sounds coming through his computer speakers at such a volume, Yoongi had smacked on his hotel room door telling him to "get a pair of fucking headphones, you pervert!" You were slightly embarrassed that your boyfriend's hyung had heard you moaning, but because you knew it was something Hobi found hot, it somehow worked for you too.
"Hey, I have a question." Hobi's voice was curious, his satoori drolled with each syllable as it did when he was feeling particularly quizzical.
"I saw a picture of you online the other day. You were wearing a shirt with a logo on it. I was just really curious about the logo so I Googled it."
You were wondering where he was going with this. "Go on?"
"You do realise that Higgs is a drug company, right?"
Ah. That old chestnut. Hobi was right, Higgs was a manufacturer of pre-rolled joints. A company that had your loyalty through and through whenever you were in California. Because weed wasn't particularly... well, legal in Korea, you didn't ever smoke it around your boyfriend, or even mention it to him. You didn't think he'd a) approve, and b) like you smoking drugs. But in Los Angeles, however, where it was legal and somewhat Hobi-less, you thought it was okay to do. "I know." You replied simply. "I have a lot of their cigarettes."
Hobi remained quiet for a while, processing this. He was, no doubt, shocked at this new revelation. He didn't have you pegged as a drug taker, even if the drug in question wasn't dangerous in the slightest. You were usually a good girl.
You spoke for him. "Is this okay?"
"I mean... your body, your life. I don't know enough about it to comment. How... how often do you smoke?"
"Um, I don't know. Once or twice a week... whenever I'm particularly stressed."
"And it helps?"
"When I come over, can I try one?"
This wasn't what you expected. Hobi wasn't innocent, far from it. In fact, he was no stranger to tying you up on a Saturday night and covering you in so many bruises and bite marks that your friends were concerned for your wellbeing. So this, his innocence when it came to drugs, his adorable question and tone of voice made you temporarily question everything you knew about him. "Of course."
He'd been in LA a week before you actually had the opportunity to sit down and have a night all to yourselves. A night where you could relax and take things slowly, that is. Of course, your apartment was the first place he came to after he landed, and knew he wasn't needed. And of course, the first thing he did was fuck you in the hallway in front of the door because he couldn't wait just that little bit longer to get balls deep in you in the comfort of your bed. But tonight was different. He had no commitments that day, and none the following day. It was pure bliss.
You spent the night curled up on the sofa in front of the TV, junk food in front of you and a blanket providing you both with the right amount of snuggle. You'd not forgotten the promise you'd made to Hobi, however. So you leant forward into the drawer of your coffee table and pulled out your cigarettes and lighter, offering one to Hobi first. He took it tentatively, suddenly very conscious and aware of what he was doing. Mostly because it was in front of you. He was afraid to make himself look like a serious fool in front of you, and he was also afraid of doing something wrong and you judging him. Of course, you wouldn't, but that fear was there.
Hobi copied everything you did, from lighting the joint to breathing the smoke in. The first time, he started choking and spluttering. You tried not to laugh, but he was so cute. "Fuck off." He told you playfully.
"You're adorable."
"I'm not feeling anything."
"Give it a minute, Jesus!"
"I thought it was instant."
You continued with your night, the room becoming progressively smokier as you slowly worked you way through a cigarette or two. You didn't go overboard and you made sure Hobi didn't either. You'd managed it well enough to know when you'd both be at the perfect state of high. And you could tell Hobi was. You'd never seen him more relaxed and smiley. He was still pretty much the same guy, just a little happier. And it was nice to see. Except for the fact that you couldn't stop giggling. "What?" He asked, a little confused.
"Your eyes are so red." He laughed along with you, his hands finding their way to your shoulder and grabbing hold of it as he usually did when he found something funny. "How are you doing?"
You laughed again. It tool a little while for the laughter to die down between the two of you, but in the wake of it you were starting to feel something. You couldn't tell what it was - it could have been the intimacy between the two of you, the amount of time you'd both spent looking into each other's eyes, or if it was just the effect of the weed, but you needed him. A lot more than usual.
He didn't have time or chance to process anything, or react accordingly. Before he knew it, you were on his lap, your lips attacking his with such ferocity, your teeth smacked together. He started laughing again, his lips not leaving yours as his hands made their way to your arse and groped. "Fuck... calm down." He comments.
You start grinding down on his cock, getting him hard as you do. You can feel him losing his resolve, and his mood changing to match yours. Both of you losing your breath, panting and sighing into the kiss as you practically dry hump him, making him grunt at the sensation. Everything was amplified. Even the way his tongue felt in your mouth felt different. It felt more electric.
Your hands moved to Hobi's pyjama top and pulled downwards, ripping the buttons off and pulling the shirt open. He pulled his lips away to look at what you'd done. His favourite silk pyjamas were now ripped and beyond wearing. "Jagiya!" He complained.
"Oh, shut up. I'll get you a new pair." You replied unsympathetically. Your hands moved to his nipples and nimble fingers rubbed over them.
"Oh shit." He could feel everything ten times more than usual. His hops bucked into yours as you rolled his sensitive nipple around your fingers. His eyes closed, his mouth opened and his head fell back and hit the living room wall with a thud. "Oh shit!"
His tone changed a little as he comically moved his hand to the back of his head and looked at you.
"Are you okay?" You asked through laughter.
"That fucking hurt." He said it, but he was laughing too. He pulled you closer to his body and twisted, pushing your back down onto the sofa and making sure he was hovering above you. His hardness was rubbing against your clothed centre, adding another level of pleasure you didn't realise you could feel. He discarded his shirt, and pulled your shorts and panties down, exposing you to him. You could feel the cold air on your heat, becoming painfully aware of just how wet you were. Hobi could see it glistening off your pussy, and couldn't resist. He put his middle and ring finger inside you immediately, tapping up and hitting your sweet spot. You didn't just moan, you accidentally screamed.
"Fuck!" You yelled. Your hands moved to his wrists and gripped with such a vice lock. Your nails were dug into his skin as he fingered you, giggling at your reaction to his fingers.
"You like it that much, baby?"
You wanted to reply. You wanted to scream "yes" at him. But you couldn't. You couldn't do anything, just think about how he felt inside of you. How he was hitting the right spot, even with just his fingers.
"Touch yourself for me."
His free hand went to yours and pulled your wrist so your hand was level with your cunt. It was if you hit autopilot, and did as you were told, swirling your middle finger around your clit as Hobi made you feel amazing from the inside. As soon as your finger touched your clit, and you gasped in pleasure, you head a growl come from your boyfriend's mouth. Sweat had begun to form on his face, and his eyes were blown out. Your hips moved involuntarily, bucking into both your hands and his.
He was too preoccupied watching you play with yourself, you felt him stop hitting your spot. "Hobi! What the fuck?"
He shook his head. "Sorry. Um... fuck."
You sat up and pulled his neck so his head was lowering, wrapping him up in your arms and giving him a deep and passionate kiss. You pushed his waistband down, exposing his length, giving him the access to you that he needed. The initial stretch was nothing like you felt before.
The initial stretch was always your favourite part of sex with Hobi. He was big enough to make you open a significant amount, and the burn was always the best feeling. However, this was amplified by the quantity of weed you'd smoked. There was no easy way to describe it. Your stomach dropped, giving you the kind of exhilarating feeling you get when you're on a rollercoaster and you're about to hit the big drop. Yours and Hobi's eyes rolled into the backs of your heads and Hobi damn near collapsed on you.
His head fell to your clothed breasts as he pushed further and further into you. His voice was was somewhere between a strangled growl and a cry, and you practically sang. Yet there you remained, not moving, not feeling anything except for the burning slowly fading away. "Baby," you said, "what are you doing?"
"I can't move. I'll cum if I move. G-give me a sec."
When he'd regained a modicum of composure, he pulled out and slammed back into you, the two of you screaming loudly at the sensation. That was all Hobi needed to get going, his regular dominating side coming out and slamming into you rhythmically. Your nails were digging into his shoulders and scratching down his back, another sensation that got him reacting in the best way. Things got fast and violent. The sofa was scraping against the floor and banging against the wall. Hobi was starting to lose his resolve again. His foot kept slipping off the side of the sofa, and you could see he was getting angry with it.
"Fuck it." He mumbled. He grabbed hold of your waist, and launched his back onto the floor, pulling you on top of him with a playful scream.
"What are you doing?" You laughed.
"I wasn't comfortable." He replied, smirking. He looked playfully innocent. "Shut up and fuck me, baby girl." Without warning, his hand collided with your bare arse causing you to shriek.
"Yes, sir."
"Oh, fuck you."
You slid back onto him and bounced on his cock, isolating your hips and using his firm chest as leverage. He pulled your t-shirt off you, and his eyes honed in on your breasts bouncing as you took his entire length into your tight little cunt. His hands returned to your arse, kneading and groping the skin, occasionally spanking it. He was close, you could tell by the pitch of the moans escaping his mouth, and the total and utter bullshit he was spouting. His mind was racing, he couldn't concentrate properly. He could barely breathe. All he could feel was you bouncing on his cock, on the floor of your living room, and your eyes red from the haze that was still present. One of your hands moved to your clit, and began to stroke it, eliciting a filthy moan from you that made Hobi shoot his hips up into you.
"Jagiya you feel so fucking good, oh my God." You leant back and gave him even more of a show. "Oh fuck. I'm gonna cum. Baby, I'm gon-" That sentence was never finished as his thick seed spurted into you. The veins in his neck became prominent and his grip on your arse became so hard, you knew you'd have bruises there tomorrow. You stopped playing with yourself to allow him to calm down, his chest was so erratic because of his breathing, you honestly couldn't tell if he was okay or not. He remained silent for a while after he came.
"Are you alright?"
He just nodded. You saw a small tear falling from the corner of his eye. You'd never made him cry before. "D-did you cum?"
He tapped his lips with his finger, incredibly dazed. "Come sit on my face, baby. Let me take c-care of you. Fuck."
You crawled up his body and lowered your cunt onto his face, feeling him begin to play with your clit. his tongue swirled around your incredibly sensitive bud, alternating between licking and sucking. He was always so good with his tongue, and right now was no exception. As you felt him suck your soul away, you came, falling back onto his body as he ate you like you were his last meal, your legs shaking and your brain turning to mush.
You lay there on top of him, gathering your thoughts. You couldn't bring yourself to move, you were too fucked out.
"You okay, baby?" He asked, sitting up and watching you use his leg as a pillow, sliding you down his body so he could get comfortable on the floor.
"I'm fine. You okay?"
"Over the fucking moon."
You laughed and, with his help, sat up so your noses were together. "How was your first experience being high."
"We're doing this again." He told you through the biggest grin. You'd never seen his face so flushed, and you fucking loved it.
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btsandvmin · 6 years
Vmin - Dead or alive?
It’s almost getting funny… But it keeps happening year after year, and I think I am starting to see a pattern. How when BTS aren’t having many activities people suddenly start to worry about vmin not being close anymore. Expressions like “vmin is dead” pop up everywhere and suddenly even their own fans worry that they might have fallen apart.
What happens next?
A tour starts, or a new show begins, and suddenly there are plenty of Vmin “moments”; Vmin is once again “alive”, only to “die” again as soon as we don’t get daily content. It can literally change from one day of ISAC like moments until the next where they don’t talk during an interview or don’t interact much for a concert.
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I’m a bit tired of this happening year after year, and even more often recently. So I made a really big post about it.
I am not lying when I say that a lot, if not most, Vmin moments happens in the background or when fans can observe them directly and we get fancams or photos. But even if we don’t get a lot of those moments, the ones we do get should be enough to know that they still care for and love each other.
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There are also the rather impressive amount of backstage stories or talk about Vmin privately doing things together that reach us ARMY.
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BTS are together pretty much every day, and Vmin is no exception. But just because they aren’t posting on twitter about it, that doesn’t mean that they don’t hang out or don’t care about each other.
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Vmin is much more private than people seem to realize. So I am going to stuff you all with examples of how Vmin are together, and when we can usually except “moments” from them. Please remember these, or remind people of these things, the next “slow period” which I am sure will come.
First, whenever BTS are “let loose”, as in times when they are out in public for fans to observe them, we usually get a lot of Vmin interactions. It happens in the now, and isn’t edited. We can see how in such occasions Vmin are more or less gravitating towards each other, and how they tend to keep track of where the other is, often ending up in their own little world.
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I will give a few examples of such occasions.
Concerts – The boys tend to become a little wild during concerts, and Vmin is no exception. We usually get a lot of Vmin interactions, some big and some small, and sometimes they aren’t even caught on camera properly.
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I mean, even this Vmin kiss is such an underrated moment.
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Fan meetings – You know what happens when Vmin are sitting next to each other during fan meetings? Their focus on each other is ridiculous at times, even when they have fans right in front of them. I’ve seen at least three videos where fans have pushed away Jimin or Taehyung from the other because they got too distracted.
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Award Shows – Award season is usually very heavy with Vmin moments, and they more or less make sure to end up together. Vmin wants to sit together, and usually ends up paying each other more attention than the actual show going on.
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TV-performances - In “just sit or stand wherever you want” types of situations, like when shows end or when they monitor, it’s definitely not unusual to see Vmin being almost clingy. Or at the very least keeping track of each other.
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There is also behind the scenes, which we also don’t see as much of as people might think, and quite often it happens in the background. In fact, in some cases for behind the scenes footage, or vlives (that are actually live and can’t be edited), we sometimes see Jimin trying to “get rid of Taehyung” or them stopping “a moment” when they notice a camera.
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We know how much they care about each other. I don’t know how people can forget.
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They also constantly monitor each other. Just a few examples: Proud Jimin looking over nervous Taehyung being the MC.  Their “You were distracted by my butt.” conversation for Dope MV making. Taehyung watching Jimin’s Lie performance in the BG while they are in the dressing room fro KBS Song Festival. Taehyung saying “Whoa, so handsome” while looking at Jimin through the camera while filming Gayo. Jimin staying to watch Taehyung act or visiting him on set etc.
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Not to mention how often you can see them lock eyes or look at each other during performances. They seek each other out a lot.
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Also, need I remind you that behind the scene moments like these happens:
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Other examples are the stories they talk about, the heard but never seen moments, and they are plenty.
Vmin stargazing every night in Hawaii. Vmin being together at a café on the last day of Chuseok. Vmin going to the snow festival together in Sapporo and playing in the snow. Vmin going on a museum date, which was filmed for Burn the stage, but never shown. Vmin walking along the harbor late at night. Vmin running out to play at night, going to a internet café, getting caught and getting the whole group grounded. Vmin riding bikes along Han river and eating Ramen. Vmin going Gucci-shopping together in New York. Vmin fighting in the park close to their dorm. Vmin going to visit Yeontan together. Vmin going to get henna tattoos together. Vmin going out to eat and walk in the park alone in Bergen. And so on, I think you all get my point.
They also seem to watch each other’s vlives, especially considering how they often mention what the other did in a vlive. RM’s comment seems to make it almost expected.
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And we know for a fact that Vmin take plenty of pictures and videos of each other, but we don’t get to see most of them. But just by the amount of times they are caught taking pictures together, you can be sure that it’s happening way more often, which we don’t get to see at all.
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You even have people around them calling them soulmates, or RM talking about how others comment on how Vmin seems to be close and so on. There is absolutely no need to make things like that up. There really is no denying how close Vmin are. And frankly, using “dead“ or “alive“ to describe any relationship in BTS is plain stupid.
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Jimin and Taehyung’s relationship is honest and private. We don’t get exposed to most of it, but rather hear it in the mentions as they bring up small comments about time spent together. They don’t show much of it by posting on twitter but why does that mean they “are dead”? Not to mention when they do get together we usually get really great content. They don’t owe it to their fans to provide us with moments. It’s theirs, and the time they spend together is obviously something precious to them. Shouldn’t that tell you enough?
So, at least for me, I don’t mind not getting “fed” constantly, because I can still tell by the small things we do see how much Taehyung and Jimin mean to each other. 
Let Vmin be private without calling their relationship dead.
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btskismet · 5 years
Kismet (Chapter 15): A BTS Jin imagines fanfic
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First ever fanfic. Contains fluff and smut. Please read sequentially as it is a long story arc. Please provide feedback! My IG is btskismet.
She went straight to the bathroom when they got back to the hotel. She closed the door and washed her face. She then stared at herself in the mirror. She knew this would be hard - with just hours left, she would be saying goodbye to him. The time they spent together was so precious and short. It was a surprise but not as well that she fell in love with him. Him falling in love with her was nothing short of a miracle.
If he were an ordinary man, we'd plan to stay together, she thought. But he's not. I have to be prepared to accept that I might never see him again.
She heard a rap on the door. "Jagiya..", Seokjin said. "Are you ok? Can I come in?"
She said yes and he opened the door. He was slightly pink because he was still tipsy but he had a sad expression when he came inside the bathroom.
As soon as their eyes met, she started to cry. Seokjin reached out to pull her close and hugged her tightly.
"I'm sorry", she said in between sobs. "I can't help it. I knew this day would come but..."
"Shhhh, shhhh...", Seokjin whispered. He was sniffing and trying to hold back his tears. "I'm sorry to make you feel this sad. I know I could've just said hi and had a photo with you that day but I couldn't help myself aa well. I just know I had to speak with you..."
She started to hug him tighter. Seokjin told her that his mind was racing that first day they met. He knew it would be harder to stay away from her once he spoke to her but he couldn't stop. He wanted to get to know her and have her close to him.
"What do we do now? Is this the end? This is all we have?", she asked sadly.
Seokjin let go of her and looked at her when he said No. "We will find a way. I know it'll be hard for us but we will find ways. I want to spend time with you again like this. Trust me that I need and want you with me. Please?"
She nodded as she was crying. "Ok, I trust you."
They stepped out of the bathroom and went to the couch. He made her some jasmine tea and had a cup as well as they sat facing the window. The snow was falling lightly and slowly. It was a beautiful night with half of the moon seen through the night sky.
"Did Taehyung talk to you?", Seokjin asked.
She nodded as she sipped her tea.
After she sang Final Distance, she asked to step out to go to the bathroom. Seokjin gave her a peck on her cheek before she left and she slowly walked to the bathroom. She composed herself in there as she didn't want him and the guys see her cry.
She went out of the karaoke joint to get a warm coffee in the vending machine. She was a little tipsy and she knew that if she drank more, she might end up crying. So, she wanted some coffee to get her head straight.
As she was cupping a warm Suntory Boss latte, she heard someone call her name. She turned to see Taehyung standing at the entrance of the karaoke bar.
"Can we talk?", he asked her. She realized after a few seconds that he said it in Korean but she understood. He had the other earpiece and the fact he borrowed it from Seokjin meant he had a lot to say.
"Sure.", she said and walked back inside with him. At the lobby, he asked the attendant if there was an area there they could go to to talk, like a pantry. The attendant brought them to a waiting area in the back entrance which was small but quiet.
She sat down across Taehyung and felt nervous. As beautiful as he was, he had a serious expression that she only saw once - it was the same expression he had when he was fighting with Seokjin in the YouTube Red episode of Burn The Stage. He cried in that episode but he was quite frustrated with Seokjin at that time. Seeing his expression like that made her worry about what he was going to say to her.
"I'm sorry about yesterday.", he said. "I was upset and not myself and I should've been more accommodating to you. I was upset about... something and I should've been friendlier."
"I understand. I know why you were upset. If I were in your position, I'd feel the same way. Maybe even worse.", she said in response.
Taehyung's mouth was wide open when she looked at him. "You know?", he asked pointedly and she nodded in response.
He swayed his head and had a bit of a chuckle. "Ah, Seokjin didn't even keep a secret from you..."
She noticed he didn't use any honorifics when he said Seokjin's name. It made her wonder about the extent of their relationship.
"If he didn't keep it from you, then what he feels for you is true.", Taehyung said. He nodded his head and he looked like he was about to cry.
They sat across each other in silence. She wasn't sure what to say and didn't know where this conversation would lead. She saw Taehyung lost in thought, rubbing his palms together.
"Listen... Seokjin loves you and I lost. I love him but I want him to be happy. If you are able to make him happier than I can, then he should be with you. What he has... had... with me is... complicated.", Taehyung describes with difficulty, his voice breaking as he said the last sentence.
"What he has with me is also complicated. After tonight, who knows when I will see him again?", she said sadly, focusing on her hands that were on her knees.
Taehyung looked at her and smiled a sad smile. "I know that will break his heart... Not seeing you again."
She nodded and she laughed softly. "It's hard to love someone so wonderful and yet can be untouchable. The fame you all have makes it so."
Taehyung nodded and laughed softly as well. "Harder to love someone close to you but wants to be with someone who is far away."
They sat in silence, contemplating their situation. She knew this was difficult for him and he knew it was difficult for her too. Funny how they would both be in a situation that they would have a likeness of emotions. Kindred spirits.
"Please take care of him.", she said. "He says he will make it work but at the rate you guys are going, I'll never have a chance like this to be with him again. With you around him, I'm sure he will be fine."
"Fine but not happy. He will find a way. This is Kim Seokjin we are talking about. He's always determined.", Taehyung expressed.
She smiled. She said thank you to Taehyung and he told her they had to go back. As soon they stood up, JHope saw them and walked back with them to the karaoke room.
"He's right, you know.", Seokjin said. "I am very determined and I will find a way."
She reached out to him and he hugged her. "I will go back to you and I will meet with you wherever you are. When our tour is over, we will be together again."
She nodded silently but thoughts ran through her head as she tried to remember how long their tour was still going to be. Taiwan, Brazil, US and Canada. 4 more countries so almost 3 more months. She swallowed and pushed herself to accept the circumstances.
"I will call and message you every single day.", he promised.
"Seokjin, please don't make this any harder than it already is.", she said softly.
He stopped hugging her and looked at her. "What do you mean?"
"I am blessed to have been with you this way. This whole week was a blessing. Once you leave, I will accept the fact that this is where it stops. I have to or I might go insane."
Seokjin's face was a little angry with what she said. She could see his furrowed brow and his expression of disbelief to what she was saying.
"Jagiya, do you believe that I need you in my life?", he asked her point blank.
She nodded yes. "Then I promise to find a way to be with you. It does not stop here.", he confidently replied. She could see his eyes were very serious and that determination is shinning through.
He then kissed her passionately, as if to prove his point with it. She felt a surge of emotion and felt tears falling down as she kissed him back. He then carried her quickly to the bed which surprised her and made her feel warm at the same time.
She knew that this would be the last time they would have sex but it didn't feel rushed. He took his time with her, making her cum before he took her by doing everything that would arouse her. He kissed each part of her body and she knew he was savoring her. It was not sex but love in each time he kissed her, he touched her and thrusted into her until he came.
Seokjin sent her the picture they had that morning. He was wearing a pink hat and hoodie. He was very handsome in the photo and she thought she looked like crap. But he told her that she was beautiful, whether she just woke up or when she was out and even when she's asleep. "I'll count the days until I sleep beside you again.", he whispered.
Remembering what he said made her cry more. She was crying in the hotel room, looking at the photo and all of their photos in Japan.
She couldn't bear to see him off at the lobby and he wanted her to stay in the hotel until it was time for her to check out. His manager advised that they leave as soon as possible since their plane was only staying in the runway for a few minutes. BigHit sent their personal plane over since there were three members flying out of Sapporo so they left as early as they could.
He gave her a long kiss before he stepped out of the room. "I love you so much, Jagiya.", he said to her in English. "I will message you. Everyday. You see.", he said.
He hugged her one more time and shut the door.
2190. Her plane took off and it was a smooth takeoff from the tarmac. As soon as they reached the expected height, she turned on her phone and texted him that she was up in the air.
He texted her when he got on the jet and when he got back to SoKor. He constantly messaged her each hour to know where she was and this comforted her. He said he would video call her once she messages him that she's back home.
The rain was heavily pouring down on them. He knew that the amount of rain wouldn't even wash away the blood that was on the ground. He was not keen on the need to kill too many of the villagers. Sure, they were not going to give up their land so easily but they needed it to have more tarmac for their base. Those coffee fields were perfect to build it on. But the locals were persistent, just like the ones at the capital. So, the fact they killed so many was supposed to be a lesson for the others.
There was another group of locals near the Commander. He was telling them in broken English that they had to give up the plantation and the farmers should clear it out so they can build the tarmac.
An old man was reasoning out that they were protected from this because their Mayor spoke to the General that their land would be safe. Their crops were all they had.
A young woman was pushing her way through the crowd of locals and went up to the commander. She started to plead to the Commander not to hurt the people and their land.
He couldn't understand everything she was saying because she was speaking in English but she didn't seem like the other men and women. She sounded like she went to school and came from a higher standing than the others. She looked familiar to him but he couldn't quite place where.
The Commander started laughing at her rudely. He knew he was not believing what she was saying.
He mentioned the sentence "kill them all" in Korean to the rest of the troops and they started firing at the people around her. She screamed and asked them to stop.
Each person fell beside her. The soldiers didn't discriminate between men, women and children and just killed them all. He saw her crying and screaming, her hands in her face.
A man from afar started running and calling out her name. She saw him going to her and she told him to stop. But he reached her to pull her away when suddenly he was struck by a sword. The Commander thrusted his sword into the man's chest.
The man fell to the ground like the rest of the other people. She was the only one left alive. She dropped to the ground and clutched the dying man in her arms, screaming his name as the rain fell hard on them. She looked at all of the soldiers in front of her and her eyes locked on his for a few seconds. He felt bad for her as she was hysterically crying, distraught and horrified by the death around her. He felt an immense amount of pity because he knew she was trying to save the others. The man tried to save her too and it got him killed.
The Commander came close to her and raised his sword, ready to strike her down. He was about to scream no to the Commander but the General shouted at the Commander to stop.
"Aniiiiiii!!!", Seokjin screamed and woke up violently from his sleep. It was dark and he couldn't see a thing.
Light came from an open door and Jimin peeked through. "Jinhyung? Gwenchana?", he asked worriedly.
Seokjin was shaking his head, wondering where he was and it didn't take long for him to realize that he was back home.
Jimin and then Yoongi came inside his room. They turned on the lights and saw that Seokjin was drenched in sweat and he was panting. He was staring out into space as if he was trying to figure out something.
They asked him what happened and if he had a nightmare. Seokjin then started sharing it to them, trying his best to recall every part of it and he kept talking so he wouldn't forget.
"I saw it clearer now. It's her. She's the woman in my dream. She was the one around all those dead people.", Seokjin said to them.
Yoongi was looking at him, perplexed by the story. Jimin gave Seokjin a towel so he could wipe his sweat.
"And this is the recurring dream you've had? The one you keep having but can't remember in its totality? How can you remember all of it now?", Yoongi interrogated him. He had a look of disbelief on his face.
"I don't know...", Seokjin murmured.
"Jinhyung, this is the first time you've given us all the details of this nightmare you've always had. Maybe this is a new one that's why you remember everything?"
Seokjin looked at Jimin point blank. "No, Jimin. This is the same one.", he said hastily.
They were silent for a minute, thinking about the situation. Seokjin got his phone and scanned it to look at her picture.
"What if I lived this life before and I met her then? Wouldn't I remember more of the past, now that we've met?"
--- to be continued ---
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jungcupid-archive · 6 years
little things
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pairing: jimin x jungkook
summary: it's the little things, obviously, because jungkook doesn't want to OBVIOUS now does he? but of course, he's jeon jungkook, and his life is built on being painfully obvious.
It starts out innocent, and much to the disappointment of the members, it stays that way for a long time. It’s not obvious, just little things. Jungkook starts inching closer to Jimin throughout interviews (“He looked lonely!”), not close enough to be suspicious, but this is the hyungs they’re talking about. Jungkook’s been living with these people for almost 7 years of his life, performing with them for 5. Of course they were going to notice. Jungkook denies everything.
It’s in the way he sometimes stares at Jimin for too long, eyes travelling over the older’s lashes, his perfect nose, his plump lips. It’s exactly there, Jimin’s lips, where he remembers to stop himself. Where he has to take a minute to breathe and remember that they’re bandmates, closer than brothers. So why doesn’t he feel that way?
Jungkook can pinpoint every point in his life where he felt he’d finally found in a sibling in each of the members. Except Jimin.
With Seokjin, it wasn’t anything special. He’d made him lunch on the first day back to school and driven him there. Although he didn’t have to, he’d gotten out of the car and hugged Jungkook briefly, reminding him in a firm but gentle voice to eat his lunch and be kind to the other students. Jungkook had stood there, teenage cheeks flaming as Seokjin babied him for the nth time that day. He’d watched almost awkwardly as Seokjin had gotten into his car and driven away.
The first thing he’d done that day was change Seokjin’s contact in his phone from “BTS Jin” to “Seokjinnie Hyung”. Heart emojis and all.
With Yoongi, it was exactly how you’d expect it to go. A small action that held a lot of weight. They’d gone out on their day off, walking to the Han River and relaxing there, buying cheap ice-cream and watching the water flow past. It was a full moon and Jungkook had tried taking pictures on his phone in vain. Yoongi had walked over to him with his professional camera, amusement evident in his eyes as he slowly put the strap around Jungkook’s neck.
“Try this,” he’d said. Simply. Gently. As if he hadn’t yelled at Taehyung the last time he’d tried to secretly use Yoongi’s camera. As if he didn’t talk about how precious it was to him, how it was the first thing he’d bought with his own money. Jungkook had breathed out a thank you and had listened for the next hour or so as Yoongi taught him how to make adjustments so that the lighting would be perfect to capture the moon at night.
Jungkook had already reached his room by the time he realized the camera was still hanging around his neck. He’d placed it gently on the side table and fallen asleep smiling to himself.
Namjoon had been a scarier experience. His own brother was a very good one, he always looked out for Jungkook, but he’d never gotten too mad at him. Jungkook was very much spoiled at home, being the baby of the family. As much as he liked holding that title, he’d always wanted to see his brother get mad at him. For his brother to show him that he really cared. Namjoon did that for him. They’d all been irritated after sitting through countless meetings and signing countless forms, after all, they’d just started their paths towards becoming idols. They’d only just met, and Jungkook hadn’t yet tried to get close to any of the members. In fact, he hadn’t even referred to them by their names yet. It had always been a hesitant tap on the shoulder or a shy look indicating he wanted to speak.
That night, they’d all crashed on the couch and were relaxing as Namjoon stormed in, looking straight at Jungkook. “You need to start doing your chores, Jungkook! Every time I go into our room, it’s like a swamp or something. Did we not agree on a clean up schedule?” Jungkook barely nodded, sitting up straight as his eyes widened in slight fear.
“This,” Namjoon had made vague hand gestures between the two of them, frustration colouring his tone, “is never going to work if you don’t own up to your part of responsibility. Do you understand?”
Jungkook had gotten up right away, choking out a quiet okay, hyung as he speed walked to their shared quarters without looking up once. Namjoon didn’t even have the time to register that Jungkook had just addressed him properly for the first time since they’d met. By the time Namjoon had come back into their room, it was late and the floor was spotless, a figure was lumped on Jungkook’s bed.
Namjoon had approached him, sitting on the edge of the bed as he caressed Jungkook’s hair, “You’re a good kid, Kook.”
The fingers hadn’t stopped running through his hair for a long time. Jungkook had fallen asleep knowing he was loved.
For Hoseok, it had been through dance. Of course it had. Jungkook was still so, so young, and there was so much pressure on him. His dance break with the hat had really taken a lot out of him, hours on hours spent in the practice room, perfecting every move, every look he threw at the mirror. Hoseok was the one who’d been there, sitting on the side providing assistance when needed. He’d tried prying the younger away from the practice room at first, but hell if Jungkook moved. So instead, Hoseok had gently stated things like Jungkookie your elbow or Kook, pay attention to the beat in between takes.
One night, it had been late. Almost 3 AM. Jungkook was half dead, panting from the exertion and he threw the hat to the ground, bending over at the knees and resting his hands on his thighs as he panted in frustration, anger, and exhaustion. Hoseok brought a water bottle to him, only to find drops of water already falling from behind the younger’s bangs. He’d immediately straightened Jungkook up to find tears running down his cheeks, his eyebrows pulled together pitifully.
“Hyung,” he’d choked out, “I’m never-”
Hoseok had pulled Jungkook into a hug the moment his voice broke, letting the other boy cry into his shirt, fingers slowly caressing his back but face drawn into confusion and sympathy.
“I’m never…going to be..g-good enough,” Jungkook had managed to choke out, releasing a new burst of tears as soon as he finished his sentence. And yeah, Hoseok was shocked. Because this was Jungkook, the golden maknae, their strong baby that took on several roles in the group, that worked tirelessly to perfect what he couldn’t learn at first, and better what he already could. But that’s where Hoseok had realized that Jungkook was just a kid, and he was being put under a lot more pressure than he’d say any of them were.
So at 3 AM in their small practice room, Hoseok had held Jungkook, whispering compliments in his ears and telling him to please tell us when it’s too much, Jungkookie until they were both on the floor, Hoseok’s hand still running up and down the other’s back. And that’s how they’d stayed until morning, both asleep, Jungkook’s face buried in Hoseok’s lap, cheeks streaked from crying. It hadn’t been easy, but Hoseok had helped lessen the load, and Jungkook had never been so grateful.
Taehyung didn’t really count as a hyung, they had the same mental age anyways, or so Jungkook had thought. They’d been playing some sort of game on Seokjin’s phone when suddenly Taehyung had shifted so that his head was resting on Jungkook’s shoulder, back against the side of his arm. Jungkook had stopped the game, poking Taehyung’s cheek in question.
“Ever think about our debut?” And there had been a sort of fear evident in the way he said it, the question hung in the air for a second before Jungkook nodded slowly, “Of course. Why?”
“Do you think they’ll like me?"Jungkook had been confused, why wouldn’t they like Taehyung? He was just as impressive as any of them. He was attractive, and funny, and when he spoke he used out of the ordinary phrases that somehow, pieced together, turned out more beautiful than what was usually said. Taehyung’s eyes were closed, but a small tear slipped out and landed on the edge of Jungkook’s elbow.
"Hyung, you’re really cool. I don’t think there’s going to be one person out there who doesn’t like you,” Jungkook had said softly, eyes flitting to the drop of water sliding down his elbow. And yeah, in that moment, Jungkook had felt like a hyung. But he’d also realized that Taehyung had these worries too, he’d always thought of the two of them as carefree kids who were just going with the flow. Clearly, he’d been wrong.
He had a hard time understanding but he sat there in silence as Taehyung’s thoughts moved through the room, finally, when he seemed to collect himself, he popped back up and turned on Seokjin’s phone, eyes lidded but still excited. And Jungkook had known, it would be okay.
But Jimin. Well, there’d never been a “moment” with Jimin. He’d never passed over from JiminandJungkook: really good friends to JiminandJungkook: brothers. And he didn’t know how to feel about that.
The first thing Jungkook notices when he’s out of his room on a Saturday morning is that he’s going to be sitting beside Jimin for breakfast. They’re all eating, saying something to each other in hushed morning tones occasionally, and Jungkook doesn’t know why his eyes drop to the empty seat. It’s not weird, he’s literally just sitting beside Jimin.
So he runs a hand through his bangs and takes a seat, immediately regretting his decision when Jimin scooches closer to him, thighs pressed together as Jimin sighs at the warmth. Seokjin is sitting right across from him, and he holds in an outright laugh at Jungkook’s frozen expression, his face going red from the effort. Jungkook looks him right in the eyes, daring him to make a scene.
Jungkook should really stop daring people to do things, because suddenly Jimin is leaning over him to grab something on the table, one hand firmly secured on Jungkook’s thigh, he sits back down properly and gives a little squeeze before removing his hand. Jungkook’s this close to bolting out of there, ears clearly turning red. Taehyung is situated to his right, he turns to say something to Jungkook before he notices his wide eyes and ears that are reddening by the second. He glances quizzically at Seokjin who simply looks at Jimin once, lips still pulled together in a tight smile that just screams I NEED TO LAUGH BUT I CAN’T PLEASE ALERT THE OTHERS OF THIS TRAVESTY as he looks back to Taehyung.
The second youngest nods, lips pulling up into an evil grin as he nonchalantly clears his throat, “Jimin, could you lean over for a second, you have something on your face,” and Jungkook loses it, shooting Taehyung a deadly yet desperate look, eyes getting impossibly wide.
It’s too early to be tortured like this you piece of shit, Jungkook tries saying with his eyes.
I love you Taehyung, you’re the best, Taehyung reads.
Jimin is leaning over, and as Jungkook turns his head back around his lips barely brush Jimin’s cheeks. He’s all too aware of their proximity.
Taehyung pretends to fuss about something on Jimin’s cheek before he let’s him go back to eating. Namjoon is beside Seokjin, smiling down at his food knowingly at Taehyung’s antics. Jungkook thanks the lords that Yoongi and Hoseok aren’t awake, not only would Hoseok be the biggest (and loudest) giveaway, but he doesn’t think he’d ever be able to live it down if Yoongi saw him losing his shit like that over Park Jimin. He doesn’t even know why he’s been feeling this way lately, but he goes with it, and in the meantime, he tries not to murder all his hyungs.
Breakfast comes to an end and everyone except Yoongi (who went straight to the studio after grabbing a plate and stacking it with pancakes) and Hoseok (who’s still sleeping somehow) decide to go watch a movie on their day off.
Jungkook doesn’t feel like dealing with fans so early in the morning, (“Jungkook, it’s literally 3 PM.”) and he wanders off to his room. Jimin wants to stay home with Jungkook, of course, and so it’s decided.
They curl up lazily on the couch, Jungkook a little more comfortable since he’s sleepy and doesn’t really register Jimin cuddled up into his side. They watch anime, occasionally getting up to check on Hoseok (who apparently is majorly hungover because Yoongi had been slightly delirious from exhaustion the previous night and had challenged him to a drinking battle) and grabbing snacks.
It happens out of nowhere, Jungkook’s just trying to watch Naruto kick Neji’s ass as Jimin starts sliding his hand up Jungkook’s torso.
“Uh, hyung?” His voice is shaky, he looks down to see a very drowsy Jimin feeling up his front. It’s not weird, they do this all the time. Touching is a normal thing to do, Jungkook’s just really high strung for no apparent reason.
“So tough, Kook,” Jimin whispers, eyes drooping dangerously, “Why aren’t you soft?” Jimin’s bottom lip juts out a little and Jungkook physically feels his lungs collapsing in his chest. He’s overheating and he doesn’t think he can stay so close to Jimin given the circumstances, and so he gets up slowly, trying not to startle Jimin into a state of alertness as he lays his head down gently on the couch. Jungkook sits there for a while, wondering when Jimin started making his heart jump out of his chest.
He knew why, just like how the hyungs knew, he knew. But it felt good to stay oblivious rather than acknowledge that it’d never work out anyways. So he sits there on the floor, legs tucked under himself as he watches Jimin’s sleeping face in wonder. He moves closer, stares at Jimin’s nose, his lips, the way his chest rises as he breathes.
Jungkook’s eyes land on Jimin’s eyelashes and he’s almost shocked, because there’s no stardust there like he imagined, which is weird because Jimin is so ethereal. He’s close, he can feel Jimin’s breath on his face, he doesn’t make a move. Just sits there, drinking in Jimin’s beauty.
It’s nice, until their front door flies open and slams against the wall, Taehyung is saying something loudly until he sees the frantic look on Jungkook’s face that screams SHUT UP! but it’s too late, Jimin is already rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as Seokjin and Namjoon appear from behind Taehyung.
Jungkook sighs.
Taehyung’s eyes go big in realization and he starts, “Sorry, uh, I didn’t meant to interrupt.. anything..” and Jungkook almost cries because no, that’s not why I was worried you moron.
Jimin squints in confusion, only half awake, Jungkook speaks up quickly, “Nothing was going on, hyung.”
Taehyung wiggles his eyebrows a little, “Really? Because you were really close to-” before Taehyung can finish Jungkook is up, a firm hand placed over the elder’s big mouth, he’s laughing nervously but there’s a murderous intent to his gaze.
“Ha ha, what? What was that? I’m sorry I don’t-” Jungkook grunts as Taehyung tries finishing his sentence through muffled sounds, the other boy licks the younger’s palm as a last resort and Jungkook is grossed out, but not enough to loosen his hold, “I don’t know what you’re saying, hyung. Let’s talk in my room, yeah?”
The duo fights their way to Jungkook’s room and Taehyung isn’t even mad when he’s thrown onto the bed, he smirks, wiggling his eyebrows in such a trademark Taehyung manner that Jungkook almost cracks a smile.
“Just remember the talk we had about safe sex,” he says with a grin before booking it. Jungkook groans, rolling his eyes as he plops onto his mattress.
Why are his hyungs so weird?
It's been a few days since Jungkook (and Taehyung) had almost slipped up, they've been busy. Interviews about their upcoming album, perfecting the songs, starting to slip back into the routines of dancing and vocal lessons. It was crazy, so yeah, sue Jungkook if he needed a little comfort.
It was a little thing, it wasn't some big, obvious gesture. Jungkook had come to terms with how he felt, but he refused to tell his hyungs (even though they were FULLY aware - he just didn't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing) or say anything to Jimin. That didn't mean he couldn't ask Jimin to sleep with him at night, or shuffle into his room sometimes. That didn't mean he wasn't given a sly look from one of the members every night as he knocked on Jimin's door. He was tired, and he always slept best with Jimin around, that was it.
One night, he walks into his room to find Jimin already there, a book in hand. He looks up as Jungkook walks in, smiling, "Thought I'd save you some time." He nods at Jungkook to go shower and goes back to his book, and the whole thing is so domestic that Jungkook's heart is melting. He feels himself losing all self-control as he quickly changes into a different shirt instead of showering and crawls into bed with Jimin, wrapping his arms around his waist, head pressed into the crook of his neck. He nuzzles slightly, taking in Jimin's scent. He doesn't know why he does it. He's supposed to keep everything in, never slip up. He's been doing it for so long, to ensure the security of the team.
But it's different tonight. Something in him has finally gotten really tired, and something else has really been in love. So he grabs Jimin's book and places it on the side table, pulling Jimin down into bed, curling up to him so that one hand rested on the small of his back. They face each other and Jimin is only a little surprised, he gives Jungkook a small smile out of languor and relaxes against the pillow, eyes closing. Jungkook can't do this. He really can't. He silently apologizes to his hyungs, to Jimin, before he pulls in Jimin closer until they're completely flush together.
Jimin is definitely not sleepy now, his eyes snap open and his hand rests on Jungkook's chest, cheeks tinted a little bit with colour.
But when he speaks, his voice is firm, steady, "Jungkook? Do you need something?"
That's a dangerous question, Jungkook can't help but picture all the things he needs and he feels his restlessness growing.
"No," he lets out weakly, hoping and praying that this is as far as he'll go, that his body won't betray him. But of course, this is Jungkook, and his life is sucky and stupid and nothing ever goes right. So his brain tells him to kiss Jimin on the forehead lightly, and he's fucked anyways so he high-fives his brain and goes for it.
Jimin's skin is soft, and Jungkook's lips feel out of place on something so tender. It's only a light kiss, but when he pulls back Jimin is staring at him, eyes wide. He doesn't pull away though, and that's what pushes Jungkook's to really go for it. He puts a little bit of pressure on the small of Jimin's back, and steels his nerves. He doesn't even know that he's placed a gentle kiss on Jimin's nose until he pulls back to see Jimin's cheeks an endearing shade of pink. Jungkook suddenly thinks about what he's done and his brain yells at him, Jungkook silently yells back. because you told me to do this you absolute fuck up!
He schemes about how he can brush off his actions in the morning as him just being really tired and he coughs a little, pretending to let his eyelids grow heavy, "Your skin is really soft," he murmurs stupidly before letting his eyelids shut completely. He's hoping and praying that Jimin doesn't call him out for being a big, fat liar. Of course, this is exactly what happens.
"Wait a min-," Jimin's soft voice is louder now, his eyebrows furrow together as he sits up, slapping Jungkook on the arm so that he opens one eye in fear, clearly not drowsy. "Wait a fucking minute Jeon Jungkook, care to explain what the hell that was?"
Jungkook is hoping the tiny man next to him won't murder him as he winces, sitting up. He's rubbing his arm and he leans against the backboard, not sure what to say. "What was what?" He tries weakly.
Inner Jungkook almost punches himself.
"What was- are you kidding me? You just kissed me on the forehead and I was like, oh, okay, this is a thing now. But then you straight up kissed me on my nose and then you said I have nice skin-"
"Soft skin."
"-and then you just..what? Pretend to go sleep? Without finishing up?"
"Hyung, I'm sorry, I'm just tired and.. wait, what did you just say?" Jungkook is confused, looking at Jimin's lips pull up into a soft, shy smile.
"You didn't finish. Everyone knows kisses come in sets of 3." Jimin shuffles closer, he leans in until they're almost nose to nose.
"Forehead," and Jungkook almost sighs because Jimin's lips are ON HIM and they feel so, so soft. He's wondering what the hell is even going on when Jimin's face moves down until they're eye to eye.
"Nose," he moves slowly, pecking Jungkook's nose and smiling to himself afterwards. Jimin's eyes crinkle up when he sees Jungkook's furious blush, he's trying to avoid all eye contact and Jimin couldn't be more endeared.
Jungkook looks in surprise as Jimin's fingers curl up towards his chin and rest on his cheek, thumb gently rubbing against his skin, "Mouth," he says gently before moving in to connect their lips.
Jungkook doesn't really know what to do, his brain logged out as soon as Jimin moved in to kiss his forehead and now he's just there, mouth not moving, hands awkwardly raised half way up in the air.
Jimin pulls away when Jungkook doesn't respond, an embarrassed look on his face, "Sorry, Jungkookie, is that not... sorry I just thought.., " and then Jimin is rubbing the back of his neck and awkwardly leaning away before Jungkook realizes he's messed up.
So Jungkook quickly pulls Jimin back in and this time, they kiss for real.
Their lips are melting together and Jungkook doesn't think he's ever felt something so soft, and sure he's fantasized about it before but damn Park Jimin can kiss. Jungkook almost chokes when Jimin pulls himself up into Jungkook's lap, both arms going around his neck as he deepens the kiss. He can feel Jimin smiling as their teeth accidentally clash. When they finally pull away to breathe, they're both flushed and Jungkook's hair is messy from Jimin's insistent tugging. Jungkook doesn't think it's real, so he goes in to pinch Jimin's arm, a soft woah slipping out of his mouth when Jimin makes a noise of pain.
"This is... for real." Jungkook's mouth is already dry despite exchanging saliva with Jimin just a couple seconds ago, "We're," Jungkook looks straight at Jimin, deciding not to waste his words, "Hyung I've wanted this for so long, I don't think you understand."
Jimin visibly brightens, a smile lighting up his face, "I think I do, Jungkook, how long do you think I've been waiting for you to just say something already?" He lets out a quiet laugh and situates himself back in Jungkook's lap, peppering his face with kisses.
"You're so stupid," Jimin gives him one last kiss on the corner of his mouth before snuggling into Jungkook's neck, "I'm just glad I finally got to make a move, I needed to be sure you felt the same way."
Jungkook smiles cutely to himself, nose scrunching up in delight at the thought of his hyung waiting for him to give him a sign. He wraps his arms tighter around Jimin's waist and pulls them both down into a sleeping position of sorts.
"The hyungs have been teasing me," Jungkook pouts, "You better make it up to me, I was tortured for months."
Jimin giggles into Jungkook's chest, eyes already closed. "I will, baby, don't you worry."
And so with that, Jungkook gives his hyung's head a quick kiss and falls asleep with his heart full.
The next morning, Jungkook finds himself alone in bed, he goes out after brushing his teeth to find everyone sitting at the table already. A seat is available right next to Jimin and he doesn't hesitate to plop down, Jimin gives him a smile, barely getting out a good morning before he inhales the rest of his food. Jungkook almost falls off his chair from how cute his hyung is.
Yoongi is giving him a look that clearly says you're so whipped it's embarrassing. Seokjin is elbowing Namjoon as they try to stifle their laughter and Taehyung is very clearly ready to create chaos once again. Before any of that happens, Jungkook smirks at all of them (expect Hoseok who's very engrossed in his cereal is clueless to what's happening around him). He turns to Jimin, who has just put down his glass of milk. Suddenly, everyone at the table has their mouths wide open because Jungkook is pouting. Jimin looks at him in question and Jungkook just pouts even more, Seokjin chokes on his Froot Loops. Yoongi looks vaguely disgusted.
"What, no good morning kiss?"
And everyone at the table LOSES IT BECAUSE JUNGKOOK YOU FOOL WHAT ARE YOU DOING???? Of course, all hell breaks loose when Jimin rolls his eyes fondly and gives him a kiss, one hand gently cradling his face. "There you go, baby, now eat."
Hoseok is looking up in shock, milk dribbling past his lips, "I sleep for one day and I miss EVERYTHING."
The room is in chaos, everyone is screaming and demanding answers and Yoongi is just smiling to himself but Jungkook and Jimin don't really care. Somehow, Jungkook's hand finds Jimin's under the table, and they give each other big grins.
It's the little things.
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hobslobster · 5 years
aka, the day the world was blessed with maru ( @dionysusynoid ) - the coolest cat around. happy birthday you wonderful human being! today you turn 22, which is special because the next time you’ll be a double digit age where both the numbers are the same is 33 - a whole ass 10 years away - so savour this coming year! i know that things are shitty and messed up right now (i don’t know what other way i could possibly put it) but i’m hoping for the nth time that you know you don’t have to feel shitty and messed up alone. i’m here for you just like you’re always here for me. your whole world might be shaking really hard and fast, but i can keep you grounded (or at least provide relief if you want to vent). in light of your 22nd birthday, i’ve decided to name 22 things i love about you, so here goes! 
you say you aren’t beautiful and it’s all camera angles, but even when you send me meme-y pictures of you, you still manage to look refreshingly beautiful. it’s a gift, being able to take someone’s breath away THAT fast, so use it wisely queen. 
i like how no matter what the problem is or whose it is, you delve deep and help them thoroughly, it says a lot about your character and is one of the reasons i look up to you. 
you’re a pARTY person and i’m absolutely Not so when you tell me you go out and drink and have fun and shit it makes me happy by association and it’s just really nice knowing you’re happy. 
i love saori. completely unrelated but i do. 
there’s maturity in the way you carry yourself (can’t relate lmao).
you’re really smart??? bitch what??? you’re telling me you’re a science whiz AND a math whiz AND you can help me out with my french work from time to time AND you’re informed of political issues AND who KNOWS what else like does ur back hurt from carrying the intellectual community??
you got opinions and you’re not afraid to state them. plus you can actually support them so!! we love an outspoken queen!!
you consider things from everyone’s point of view, like - you’re open-minded? but that’s not rEALLY what i’m trying to say. although you are open-minded. just, you don’t seem like you’d jump to support one side of the story because you’re the type to hear everyone out and decide?
you genuinely, truly love bts - not a surprise considering what they’ve done for you. but it’s just nice to see u loving them with all ur heart and making gifs and other content. it’s real and it’s you. 
you’re fucking FUNNY. go do some STAND UP COMEDY WHY ARE U ON TUMBLR. when we first started talking it felt like i was dying of laughter every single time u said Anything, like you’re really that perfect blend of smart and millennial humour!
you love hard and you love deep.
i mean i’m pretty sure ur taste in music is gr8.
three words: unapologetic attention hoe. me too bitch, me too. 
you’re insanely talented!! you can sINg like an angel?? your voice is smooth and sweet and it’s lovely to listen to!! also, i think you told me once that you can dance? can’t confirm it but if so, you’re really out here keeping all this talent to yourself huh. 
you have a wide range of interests! kpop isn’t your personality slkdjfldsakj. i feel like being a stan kind of strips you of any other aspects of your identity because you get so invested and hyperfixated on the band(s) you like but you manage to have a lot of different interests and i appreciate that!
it’s selfish to put something about Us in what is supposed to be a little letter for You but i genuinely love and appreciate the fact that you haven’t let our relationship kind of fall flat. there was a time when i didn’t really wanna reach out to anyone a few months ago. i wanted to cut all my ties and just like stop. socializing. idk why but then we talked and i was kind of reminded of why i keep my friends around. we don’t talk often, but when we do it’s never as if we drifted apart or anything. and i feel like i have u to thank for that.
you’re SMALL. lkdsjflkjads being petite is an adorable trait i wouldn’t associate with someone with as big of a personality as yours. it’s cute tho, if we ever meet you’ll make a good arm rest. 
your wheeze laugh. only heard it like twice but it changed my life. it sounds like when i get something stuck in my throat and i’m trying to breathe BUT imagine it 10x cuter and that’s how it be. 
when you’re feeling yourself and are super confident and post selfies!! the mari fandom wants more!! give us the content we deserve. that glow on ur cheeks isn’t highlighter it’s happiness and we’re living!!!
you like me and i like validation so there we are.
you’re a phoenix. things get really fucking bad sometimes, but i’ve seen you get back on your feet every. single. time. it may not be for long, or with much strength, but you find a way to pull yourself out of your own head and i think that’s really, truly worthy of respect. 
you’re just a good person with a warm heart and i love you to the edge of the infinitely expanding universe and back - which, if you think about it, means i love you more and more with every round trip!
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