#I like to think that Jack had a buyer before he ran off and that's why Snyder is so determined to get him back
lilshocker8 · 1 year
Yes. Gib Snyder backstory
C/W: child trafficking
For context, the guy playing Snyder either works or used to work with nonprofits and is very familiar with the worst parts of how orphanages work, so he's drawing from people he really knew...
ALRIGHT. So Snyder started life as the only child of a very poor couple, but around 9 or 10 they both died very abruptly. Young Snyder was sent to live with his uncle, who ran an orphanage known as The Refuge.
Snyder's uncle had no family of his own, so he immediately started training his nephew to take over The Refuge, something Snyder had absolutely no interest in, but he also had little desire to try anything else. Running the orphanage was at least a guaranteed job, and when he learned as a teenager that the government paid for every child kept in The Refuge he became a lot more interested.
Snyder honestly saw himself as no different from the orphans - after all, he was one too. But instead of this fostering empathy he instead looked down on them. If he had managed to become successful, then the fact they were just wasting space was a sign of their own worthlessness, and he was quick to dehumanize them all in his mind. At the end of the day, Snyder looks out for himself, and all he cares about is making money so he never has to be like his parents or uncle.
Under his leadership The Refuge expanded exponentially, increasing the number of children they accepted and thus increasing the amount of money he was getting from the government for their upkeep. As Jack notes, none of that money went into The Refuge - it all went straight into Snyder's lavish lifestyle. And yet he wasn't satisfied.
Men like Snyder have a way of finding each other, and the man soon secured connections that allowed him to open a little side business out the back of the orphanage. People would pay good money for kids that no one would miss, and Snyder had his pick of children that fit the description perfectly.
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zacc-attacc · 4 years
Firstly - I really love good puns, so your username made my day xD
Then, for your request thing - would you maybe write a Sprace OneShot that plays in the canon era? Maybe some sort of friends-to-lovers thing?
Thanks :)
First of all, thank you for the request! And for the compliment, of course.
Sweet-Talker- A Historical Sprace Fic
Word Count: 2k
I wasn’t supposed to fall in love. Period. Especially with a boy. I was Spot Conlon, the King of Brooklyn. Not some blithering idiot who brings flowers to some idiot boy halfway across New York. I had made a pledge, not only to myself but to the others. I was responsible for them. 
So why was I falling for a stupid blond Manhattan boy with an addiction to soggy cigars?
I still remember the first time I saw him-- on a pape I was selling to a regular buyer. It was just a black and white picture, which hardly did any justice to how handsome he was in color. But even among 20 or so other newsboys, I felt a flutter in my stomach when I looked into his eyes. 
Disgusting, I thought as I sold the paper. Is this what the boys were talking about? Sparks flying and all that sappy shit?
If I had been smart, I would’ve sold all my papes and kept my distance from the strike. From Cigar Boy. 
Brooklyn don’t get caught up in things that ain’t our deal, I reminded myself. 
But Race, as I learned later, tends to bring out the worst in me. So I did the dumb thing. I sold all but one of my papes (I couldn’t bring myself to just… Give him away like that. For what? A penny?) and ran to Manhattan. 
Where it was a full-blown war. Pulitzer had called in dozens of goons (but, of course, couldn’t be bothered to show up himself), an army of policemen, and the only cop the newsboys truly feared-- Snyder. The only man who had succeeded in locking up the two most resilient Newsies of New York- Jack Kelly, and yours truly. 
I watched in horror as bottles were thrown, teenage boys were hit by adults, even a smaller boy who needed a crutch to walk was beaten with his own crutch. And I knew I couldn’t do the smart thing, the Brooklyn thing ever again. Not for this.
I ran to join my brethren, letting myself give in to the adrenaline of a battle. Luckily for me, most people were too lost in the chaos to notice me. 
All except for one. 
As cops ran, chasing boys as if they were prey that they would likely never catch, who other than Cigar Boy walked over to me, spitting blood out of his mouth and extending his hand for a handshake. 
“Well, well, well, to whats do we owe the pleasure of Spot Conlon of Brooklyn?” He said, giving me a tired grin. He didn’t have a cigar between his lips, but he did have one sticking out of his pocket. I shook his hand, noticing that even after he had literally been beaten up for an hour plus, his handshake was firm. 
“Okay there, Sluggo, we’ll talk when you ain’t bleeding from the head,” I said gruffly, turning and starting to walk back towards Brooklyn. If I could convince the boys, we could come back later and tell Manhattan we were joining the strike. 
“The lodge is this was,” the boy pointed to the opposite direction of where I was heading. I gave a light laugh. 
“No, no. I’s best get goin’ so you’s can patch up.” 
“There ain’t no way I’s letting you walk halfway across New York after getting beaten up,” the boy protested, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the lodge. 
“I’ve been through worse,” I protested, attempting to dislodge my arm from his grasp. 
“Well, ya’int goin’ through that again. Now c’mon. We has some bandages back at the lodge for that cut of yours,” he said, gesturing to the deep cut in my upper arm. I sighed in defeat and started walking. 
“Just so you know… This is just to make sure yous don’t pass out in the streets on the way there,” I clarified. The boy just rolled his eyes and chuckled. 
“For New York’s most feared Newsie, you sure is worried about someone you just met today.”
“I’m feared, but I an’t heartless, sweet-talker. I don’t want another life on my conscience.” Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. What kind of monster did he think I was? Race stopped walking. I looked up and saw a complex setup of fire escapes, rails, and a rooftop where a newsboy who could only be Jack Kelly was pacing.
“Fair enough. Well, we’s here… So I’s just gonna swing up, grab my stuff, I can meet you down here,” the boy said, grabbing onto some rungs of a fire escape and climbing up with surprising nimbleness. It was as if the battle had barely affected him. That, or he was still riding the adrenaline rush. 
“No, no. Take care of your boys. I won’t die,” I said, hearing the panic in my tone. If Jack saw me with no reinforcements, he’d start to think we were fully on board. And if Brooklyn wasn’t, and word got around that I had already fought… It wouldn’t be good. They would accuse me of being a traitor. I couldn’t risk that.
“Ey, no, that wasn’t part of our agreement!” he yelled as I walked away. I could hear the smile in his voice.
“Next time, have me shake on it, sweet-talker!” I shouted back, turning around to see his impish grin. My muscles were screaming in protest from overuse, but I had to get home before dark. 
“The name’s Racetrack Higgins!” was the last I heard before breaking into a sprint. 
And here we are now. Strike over, prices back, nobody dead, everyone happy.
Except for me. 
Because I wasn’t supposed to fall in love, but here it came. Striding down the hill with a cigar in its mouth.
I could feel the unease in the boys beside me. We weren’t used to soloing Newsboys in our area, barely after selling hours, no less. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll handle it,” I muttered to them, walking towards Race. 
“What. Are. You. Doing. Here,” I hissed, grabbing his shoulders and fake-shoving him to look like I was giving him a serious talking-to. He couldn’t know we knew each other. It had to look like we were fighting.
“Well, Conlon, I thought we’d had a moment there,” Race whisper-shouted back, shoving me as well. I lowered my voice to an even quieter tone. 
“Meet me in your alleyway after sundown.”
He looked at me, confusion on his face, but nodded numbly and ran away. 
I heaved a sigh and turned to go spin some fake tale about why he was there.
That boy is going to be the death of me.
“Why’d you chase me out like that, Conlon?” Race asked, leaning against the brick wall of the Newsboy lodge. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. 
I hated it. 
“Because, Higgins, the boys don’t like strange Manhattan Newsies on our turf,” I half-spat. How stupid could he get? Didn’t he understand what was at stake here?
“You’re mad at me,” he said, his eyes flashing with realization. 
“Yeah, no shit,” I muttered, starting to pace. This was a bad idea. Why did I keep letting myself come back to him? Why was I constantly subjecting myself to the one thing I couldn’t have?
“Why? I just wanted to see you again,” he protested, walking towards me. I turned around to face him, my nose practically touching his chin.
“‘Cause we ain’t supposed to be friends. The boys see you hangin’ around Brooklyn, they’ll think yous tryin’ to prove something. And you know what they do to boys that ain’t ours? They beat ‘em up. Then, they bring them to me. And I decide if they’s gets a real pounding. But do I have a choice? No! Once they’s decides yous getting beat, my say hardly matters. If I randomly tell them to let someone go, I’m considered soft. Then we both get beat. Do you see what they’ve done to some boys? I ain’t letting that happen to you, Race! I’m not patching up your wounds because I couldn’t control-”
“Spot.,” Race cut me off. I froze. It was the first time he had used my full name. 
“What?” I asked bitterly. I noticed my eyes were burning. Why were they burning? What was this hellish sensation?
I felt something warm trickle down my face. 
Oh. My. God. I was crying. Crying! I hadn’t cried in four years! All about some idiot boy who had lovely eyes and blond hair and was empathetic and made me genuinely laugh and feel safe for the first time in years-
Race stepped forward, crushing the distance between us in one stride (damn tall people), and then… Hugged me. 
I hadn’t been really hugged in seven years, since I had made it to Brooklyn. Well, I had received bro hugs. Light ‘ey, whaddup’ hugs. But this… This was the type of hug that I hadn’t received since my parents had died. The type of hug that shields you from the outside world, that makes you feel like an atomic bomb could go off and they could protect you from it. 
It was so strange, so human. I hadn’t been treated like a real person for so long.
“It’s really like that, huh,” Race whispered, stroking my back. I felt goosebumps appear on my skin. How much feeling had I forced myself to miss out on? 
“It’s just… A lot. I mean… I’ve always known I would give my life for those boys, they’re my everything. But… I don’t know if they would for me. I don’t even know how much they truly respect me. I can’t even say if they’d respect this new rule I’ve been thinking of putting in place,” I said, not moving from my place in Race’s grasp. 
“And what would that be?” Race muttered, rocking back and forth. It was… nice. 
“No beating up on Racetrack Higgins ‘cause he deserves the world,” I said, my voice still muffled in his shirt. He chuckled. 
“I hardly deserve the world… But… Could I have you?” there was this caution in his voice, so different from the constant suave tone he took on while talking with me. But, then again, I of all people was sobbing into a boy’s chest, so this night turned out to be the night of all the unthinkable. 
“I don’t know if that’s what you really want, but… You can have me, sweet-talker,” I said, tipping up my head and meeting his lips in a kiss. 
It wasn’t sudden, or brash like most would’ve thought our first kiss would be like. No, it was slow and sweet. Because even if our relationship was loud and chaotic, we could take pieces of it as slow as we wanted. 
And now, I can say that my sweet-talkers lips are just as sweet as his words.
A/N: Thank y’all so much for reading! if you have any sort of prompts, pop on over to my asks! Love y’all! <3 
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Too young too dumb to know things like love
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Summary: I fell from a rift of reality. No memory of what my life was before. The only thing I seem to remember was my name. Now I live with the Winchester, Jack and Castiel. Along with training both Jack and I to become hunter I help Jack control his powers.
I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes. “Y/n come on time to wake up.” Sam said from the other side of my door. “Okay I’m awake.” I said as I got up from bed and went to go change then I could hear Sam’s footsteps walking away from my door. I put on jeans, a tank top and a flannel. I put on my boots and walked out of my room. Then I left my room to go find Sam and Dean. I found just Sam sitting at the table was near the entrance of the bunker on his laptop. Sam gave me a small smile when I walked up and sat down next to him. “Hey y/n did you sleep okay?” Sam asked. “I slept okay. Where’s dean at?” I asked. “He went out to get a few things. He should be back soon.” Sam said. “Any news on Jack?” I asked. “No not yet but we’re still looking.” Sam said. I forced a smile and nodded. “Don’t worry we’re going to find him.” Sam said. I heard a door closed and footsteps as they got closer to where Sam and I were. “Patience hey. This is uh Dean Winchester. Listen I know that I  uh told you to avoid this life but uh me and my brother we’re- we’re looking for someone and we put and APB out with every hunter we know and nothing. We really could use a psychic’s help on this. So if you could call me back. Thanks. Any word from Cass?” Dean said as he sat the bag down on the table taking the seat next to me and hung up the phone. “Yeah. Uh he says he’s still looking for Jack working a lead in Tucson.” Sam said and at the same time Dean cell phone rings. Dean show Sam who was calling and I saw the name Jody. “Hi Jody.” Dean said as he answered his phone and put it on speaker. “Hey Jody. What’s going on?” Sam asked as he closed his laptop. “Hey boys. I got something for ya. A friend of mine from Bismarck PD called with a lead.  He said that a local artist was found dead with his eyes burned out.” Jody said. I immediately look over at Sam. “Sounds angel-y.” Dean said. “Yeah that’s what I thought except for that there was a witness the victim’s girlfriend. She pegged someone at the scene. She gave the police a description. I think it’s your boy.” Jody said. “Thanks Jody.” Dean said. “You’re welcome boys good luck.” Jody said. “Thank Jody.” Dean said as he hung up his phone. “Well looks like we should get going.” Sam said as he got up. I got up to and turn to head back to my room to pack. “Wait kiddo I think you should stay here.” Dean said making me stop in my track. “What why?” I asked as I turned around to look at Dean. “Listen I know that you’re happy that we finally got a lead but he killed someone. I don’t want you to get hurt. You’re safer if you stay here.” Dean said. “And I wasn’t safe when it came to Ketch or Bart and don’t say that was different.” I said. “Come on kiddo.” Dean said. “I get that you’re just trying to protect me Dean but I’m coming.” I said. Dean let out sigh then nodded. “But you do as I say okay.” Dean said. “Of course.” I said. “Go get ready kiddo.” Dean said. I gave Dean a small smile then went to my room and got my backpack ready for us to go. I packed some regular clothes, some clothes to sleep in, and some clothes to go question the witness. I was putting my toiletries bag into my back when Sam stopped in my door way. “You ready to go y/n?” Sam asked. I nodded and zipped up my bag throwing it on to my shoulder and followed Sam to go meet up with Dean. We walked into the garage where I saw Dean putting things into the trunk of the impala. Sam gently put a hand on my back as lead me over to the impala. I took my backpack off and I put into the back seat as I got in. It wasn’t long after I got in I heard the trunk close shut. Sam and Dean both got in then the journey to Bismarck began. 
It took about a day to get to Bismarck and when we got there Dean gave me a cellphone with numbers of hunters and people they knew if case I got into any trouble without him or Sam around I would have someone to call to come and help me. Once we got there we got checked into a motel. Sam and Dean got a room and they got me a room. We got some rest and something to eat before we went to go talk to the victim girlfriend. After we got something to eat we went back to the hotel to change then headed to go talk with the victims girlfriend. I put on a black, white and purple plaid skirt, a black shirt with black and white shoes. I left my hotel room and went to wait by the impala for the boys. I was leaning against the front the impala with my arms crossed in front of my chest and my right ankle crossed my left ankle.  As I waited this guy walked by the impala and looked at me as he did. I just happened to glance up at him. He had black hair and what I’m guessing what was a birth mark above one of his eyes. He had some visible tattoos. I could hear a door close which made me look away from the guy then I could see Sam and Dean walking towards me and the impala. “You ready to go kiddo.” Dean asked. I nodded and walked over getting in the back seat. Then we made our way to where the victim lived.
Dean knocked on the door and we waited on the girlfriend to answer. A woman with blonde hair opened the door. “Can I help you?” She asked. “Hi I’m Agent Hamill. This is Agent Ford and that’s Agent Fisher. We would like to ask a few questions about the person who killed your boyfriend. Do you mind if we come in?” Sam said. The woman nodded and stepped away from the door and allowed us to walked in. “Does this look like the guy who killed your boyfriend.” Sam asked handed her a picture of Jack as we walked more into the apartment. “That’s him. He said his name was Jack that he was a buyer.” She said. “Um a buyer?” Sam asked as we walked into the main room of the apartment to see a few paints. “Some freaky stuff here. Derek had quite the imagination.” Dean said as he looked around at the painting. “He hated that word.” She said as her voice broke. “What? Freaky?” Sam asked. “Imagination. He liked to think of his art more as reportage.” She said. “Reportage? Reportage from where?” Sam asked. “From the places he’d visit. Derek was a dream walker.” She said. “Sam.” Dean said. I looked back to where Dean was to see a painting of a strange looking place. But I noticed the looks that Sam and Dean were giving each other. “Thank you. We are sorry for your loss. Agent Ford Agent Fisher we should get going.” Sam said. We all left.
We got back into the impala. Dean drove to an empty parking lot and went to go get coffee for him and Sam and hot chocolate for me. Sam and I stayed in the impala. Sam started to look up more what a dream walker was and I just looked out of the window. Dean came back about five minutes later and got back in the impala. He handed me my hot first. “Thanks dean.” I said as I took the cup from him. “You’re welcome kiddo.” Dean said as he handed Sam his cup. “Thanks.” Sam said as he took the cup. “Yeah.” Dean said as he closed his door. “So the lore on dream walking is pretty inconsistent. Uh there are stories about it across numerous Native Amer.” Sam said before Dean interrupted him. “Sam we gonna talk about it?” Dean asked. “What?” Sam asked. “You saw that painting.” Dean said. “Yeah.” Sam said. “And? Well it look like Jack gave up on us. And he’s looking for Daddy.” Dean asked.  “Dean we don’t know that.” Sam said. “Don’t we? A guy is dead. Look I hate this too but we’ve gotta be prepared.” Dean said. “To kill him.” Sam said. “Look this isn’t an I told you so. Okay? I mean. I actually like the kid. I do. But I mean we’re in a worst case scenario land here.” Dean said. “But Dean we need more information. I mean we gotta figure out what Jack wanted how-how dream walking even works.” Sam said. “Okay well then let’s go to a reservation. Let’s talk to a-a chief or a tribal leader.” Dean said. “Or we talk to a dream walker. I hacked into Derek’s e-mail. He’s been corresponding with another dream walker for months a girl named Kaia Nieves. He had been trying to coach her to teach her to control her power.” Sam said. “Alright where is she?” Dean asked.
It turned out that Kaia was in a rehab center after a overdoes. Once we got to the Rehab center we asked one of the workers were we could find Kaia and we were told that she was seen not too longer before we got there with a boy. We were rushing to where they said they last saw Kaia. We passed a few body as we were heading to the exit. We stop and Sam checked to see they if they were alive. They were just knocked out. We walked out of the exit to see Jack with Kaia. She tried to get away but Jack grabbed her arm. “Jack!” Sam said as we walked out of the now broken door. “Sam?” Jack asked as he turned back to look at us. Kaia kneed Jack in the crotch and punched him in the face then ran away. We rushed over to Jack. “She hit me.” Jack said as he got up from the ground. “Yeah good.” Dena said. “No she’s getting away. I.” Jack said as stepped forward to go after her. “No, no, no,no.no.” Dean said. “She can’t. “Jack said. “Hey we’re not letting you near her until you tell us what’s going on.” Dean said. “No I need her.” Jack said. “You need her like you needed Derek?” Sam asked. “Yes. You.. You don’t.. I’m- I’m doing this for you.” Jack said. “Oh you killed Derek for us?” Dean asked as he pointed to himself. “Derek’s dead?” Jack asked. “You didn’t know.” I asked softly as Jack gave me a sad look. “Wait hold on a second. Jack tell us what happened. Everything.” Sam said. “I left I try to get a grip on my powers. I wanted to prove to you that I’m good to do one good thing. So I did the thing you wanted the most. I experimented opening doors to other worlds. I could almost do it. I could get right to the edge. But I couldn’t see. I could only fell around in the dark. I needed eyes. A seer.” Jack said. “A dream walker.” Sam said. “Yeah. So I researched like you taught me. That’s how I found Derek. I didn’t know if it would work but it did. He dream walked and I joined him..in apocalypse world. I could see what he saw. And I saw. And I saw her.” Jack said. “Her?” Sam asked. “Your mother.” Jack said. “She’s alive.” Jack said. “What?” Dean asked. “But she’s in danger.” Jack said. “W-what does the mean? What-what kind of danger?” Sam asked. “It’s easier if I show you.” Jack said as he held out his hands. “Wh.” Dean said moving back. “Dean.” Sam said as he stepped forward and Dean did the Sam. Jack put two finger on each of their foreheads and I watched as their eyes started to glow an orange color. Then jack pulled away and their eyes went back to normal. “Mom.” Dean said. “I was so close to her I could’ve touched her. But Derek wasn’t strong enough to hold the connection.” Jack said. “Wait so you didn’t burn him out?” Sam asked. “No. I stopped.” Jack said. I looked over to Dean who seemed to be lost in his own world. I walked over to him and stood in front of him. “Dean you okay?” I asked. But he didn’t answer me. “Dean.” I said. “Uh.” Dean said snapping out of it. “Dean are you okay?” I asked. “I’m fine.” Dean said as he walked passed me. “I’ll go talk to him.” Sam said as he went and followed Dean. I walked over and gave Jack a hug. Jack wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me back tightly. “I missed you.” I said. “I missed you too Y/n.” Jack said. I pulled away from the hug and I saw Jack look at my arm. “What happened?” Jack asked gently grabbing my arm that was bruised from Ketch. “Oh just someone from Sam and Dean past. He roughed me up a bit.” I said. Jack face went from concerned to anger. “Where is here?” Jack asked. “He got away and they haven’t found anything on him yet.” I said. Jack put his hand on where the bruise was and a saw I light come for his hand. The light lasted a few seconds and then took his hand off. Jack gave a small smile as I looked to see that the bruise was now gone. It made me wonder if the one on my waist was gone now too. I lifted my shirt just enough to see it that bruise was gone. It was. “Thanks Jack.” I said as I looked back at him. “You’re welcome y/n.” Jack said.
Supernatural Taglist: @darkqueennox​
Overall Taglist: @the-broken-halo-writer​
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Mysterious Fathoms Below
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 9: A New Life
The years passed quickly, as David excelled in his job of a bail bondsman, alongside Cleo Fox. She had been in the business a long time and was immediately amazed at his uncanny ability for finding people. Unfortunately, without much to go on, they had yet to find the young boy he was really looking for. And as the years passed, he knew that young boy was probably nearing adulthood by now, as was his own daughter.
For the most part, they had settled nicely into the Land Without Magic for a second time. They settled into a small coastal town in Maine, with a house on the water and fairly secluded a few miles from the nearest town. It allowed them plenty of time in the water, while maintaining their lives on the mainland.
David was successfully running Cleo's east coast operation, while she ran the west coast operation out of Portland, Oregon. He traveled some to assist her with difficult cases, but was home most of the time, much to Snow's and his children's liking.
Since they settled down almost six years ago, the kids had settled as well. They were a normal family to everyone in town, traditional and tight knit and no one was any the wiser about their magical secret. The kids loved their school and had lots of friends. Snow loved working at the local daycare with small children, caring for them and teaching the preschoolers, while David worked in Cleo's office she kept there as the hub for the eastern seaboard. Their reputation was good enough that those from bigger cities often sought them out to find people instead of the firms in the cities.
That afternoon, he arrived home to find his family playing in the water on a warm, sunny summer day. It brought a smile to his face, as he watched their older children play in the water. Emma was almost eighteen now and he could hardly believe it. Ben was fourteen and the twins, Hunter and Rose were twelve. Perhaps the most incredible vision though was his wife, as she sat in the surf, her brilliant white mermaid tail splashing in the water and her long raven hair cascading down her back. He watched the way her beautiful face lit up, as their youngest ones swam around in the shallow water with her. Their cherub faces made his heart soar as much as hers did, as their three-year-old daughter, Astrid, swam around her mother and their baby son, Jackson, clung to Snow while splashing in the water. A lot of people thought they were crazy for having seven kids, but neither of them would change it for the world. A large family is what they both had always wanted and it was all the joy they could have imagined and more.
"Daddy!" Astrid called, as she flipped her lilac colored tail and swam toward the surf.
"Look Jack...Daddy's home," Snow cooed, as their son called out to him too. He smiled and looked around. When he saw that no one was around, per usual on their small property, he shed his shirt and walked into the water, before removing the pendant around his neck. His red tail appeared and he put his arms around Snow, as their lips met in a passionate kiss.
They were unaware though of the photos being snapped of them from afar…
"Okay...yeah, this sounds like a big job though. I'm going to need to call in my partner to help. The fees will be significant," Cleo said, from her office in Portland.
"This one has skipped bail twice and has stashed some really pricey watches from Phoenix in Portland. Your fees will be covered and you'll be well compensated," the man assured.
"Okay...I'll be in touch," she replied, as he ended the call and then made a call to David.
"Well...there's my favorite family," a woman said, as they entered the town diner that evening. Her name was Betty and since they had come to town, they had been her favorite customers. She loved children, so naturally, she got excited every time they came to the diner. She always made sure the large circular booth was available for them to sit in and promptly fetched the highchair for little Jack.
"Thanks Betty," Margaret, as she was known to the town, said, as she put the baby in the highchair.
"I see you lot when swimming again today. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were all half fish," she mentioned. Snow and David shared a secret smile, while the kids giggled.
"We do love the water…" David agreed, as they failed to notice the two men spying them from another table.
"I'll get your orders in right away," she said.
"Are you sure?" one man said, as they observed the attractive couple and their brood of equally attractive children.
"I'm telling you...I know what I saw. The kids...they walked into the water and then they had tails. The parents...they removed something from around their necks once they were in the water and then they had fish tails too," the other man said.
"You sound crazy," the first man accused.
"I know...but I snapped some photos and they're developing right now back in my darkroom," he said.
"Fine...let's go. If you are right...then we are looking at a fortune to the right buyer," he replied, as he looked at the family.
"A family of mermaids...we'll be swimming in money," he said deviously.
Their food was delivered promptly and they enjoyed their meal together as a family. As they were finishing, David's phone rang and he answered.
"Hey Cleo…" he answered.
"Portland, Oregon?" he asked, as he listened to her.
"Okay…we'll see you there," he replied, as he hung up the phone.
"You have a case?" Snow asked.
"Yeah, this time all the way in Oregon. It's a big payday," David replied.
"That's so far away," she mentioned. He smiled.
"I know, that's why she suggested that we make a family trip out of it. We can drive across the country and then you and the kids can have fun in Portland while I'm working," he replied. She smiled.
"Oh, that sounds perfect!" Snow gushed.
"Do they have an ocean in Portland?" Hunter asked.
"They sure do. It's a different ocean and a bit further from the city, but we'll find it," he promised, as the kids all got excited at the prospect of a family trip together.
Neal watched the cops at the corner and cursed inwardly. He had really done it this time. The watches he stole for a quick profit had backfired. He thought that skipping town in Phoenix was enough to take the heat off, but it had caught up to him in Portland. And now he was trapped. He was going to need some serious help escaping to Canada without being caught and right now, he had no means to do so. That meant laying low for a while and hoping they didn't find him.
Since escaping Neverland and landing in this new place, things had not been good. He avoided the system, not wanting anything to do with any foster families and had been living mostly on the streets for the last few years. He stole to get by and hated it, but it was the only way to stay alive. Sometimes, even Neverland and dodging Pan was better than this land. He went the other way and hoped that found a way to escape soon or he would be going to prison for a very long time.
He had been convinced by the photos and now he and his new partner watched the family pack their van for a family trip.
"Did you get a hold of your boss?" the portly man asked.
"Yes...and the Madam was very interested in the photos you took. She wants them," the thin man replied.
"Then we're going to have to follow them. Looks like a family trip," the portly one said.
"Don't worry, the Madam is wiring me the funds for anything needed. She wants us to bring them to Seattle once we have them," the thin one replied.
"Well…I heard they're headed for Oregon. That won't be far to go once we get them," the portly one said.
"Then this will be the beginning of a beautiful partnership, Jasper," he said, addressing his new partner.
"Indeed it will, Horace,"
"Well...we're all packed and ready," Snow said, as she came out of the house with the baby in her arms.
"Okay...and I've got the route all mapped out," he said, as they shared a kiss. He smiled at her, as she put the baby in his car seat and buckled him in, before they both got into the front seat.
"Wow...you plotted out all the beaches along the way," Snow gushed, as she looked over their route.
"Of course...we may have to drive there, but I made sure there will be plenty of water time for this family," he replied, as they kissed again, before he put the van in gear and they began their journey…
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fluffymcu · 5 years
Interrogation (Clint x reader x Nat)
Request: Clint and Nat find out that their enemy is ticklish during an interrogation. @theambracer88
Warning: none
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You were running as fast as your legs could take you. If you disappointed your boss, that would be the end of you, so you had to make sure you extracted the diamonds and delivered them to Ben, the buyer. With that money, Jack, your boss, would be able to pay all of his debt to a hydra agent.
The only problem was that you were being chased by spies who apparently had a little bit more training than you, so they were got on your heels.
You knew they had to be avengers; you were only 17 years old! You loved super people, but you didn't like it when they messed with your plans.
You felt a tight, thin, wire-like rope wrap around your legs and you tripped to the floor with a grunt. You tried your fastest to get free but the two were on you in an instant.
Black widow was staring at you like you were an alien and Hawkeye looked resentful.
"She's a kid." You heard one of them say. You couldn't tell who because it was so soft, barely a whisper.
They picked you up, and put you in a black car and drove for a while. Once you arrived, you knew where they took you. The avengers lair.
You were taken out of the car and you immediately kicked Hawkeye in the nuts and punched black widow in the throat and ran, but you didn't get far. You were picked up by two strong arms and you had a pretty good idea who it was.
"Take her to the tower." Captain America said. You were pulled back in Hawkeye's grip and taken to an interrogation room.
You've been interrogated before, but it's always been in dark rooms with dimly lit lights. This place was different. It was like an unfinished living room. It had dark hardwood floors, and black and grey zig zag wallpaper but the room itself was bright with lights and had a window.
You were placed in a chair and you let them tie your legs and handcuff your arms behind the chair.
"Who's your buyer?" You heard black widow say as she took a seat on a chair. 'Straight to business, I see.' You thought. You stayed silent though.
"She's not gonna talk." Hawkeye already concluded. "We need to get it out of her." You gulped at his words. You've been beat up many times in other interrogations but you were still nervous.
"Shall we turn back to the old ways of the government?" Black widow turned and mumbled to her partner but you still heard their conversation.
"How do we know it'll work on her?"
"We don't."
"Mm. I don't know."
"She's a kid. Most kids are that way."
"Yeah but she's different. She's a criminal. You don't think they would've gotten her out of that?"
"You can't get out of that, Clint."
Clint, now shrugged and sat down in front of you while Nat went to search data up at the computer.
"So you won't talk." Clint stared at you blankly for a few seconds before giving one poke you your side. You flinched and looked at him weirdly. He grinned mischeviously and sat back. "Hmmm. Interesting. Nat you find anything?" He asked Nat.
"No, not yet, but I'm getting close." Clint moved back to you.
"Where is your buyer?" He asked again. You stared at him threateningly but it did nothing to him. You would never talk.
You looked away at the window to show disrespect but soon felt a squeeze at you waist and you jumped and looked at him with wide eyes.
"Come on, you know we'll get it out of you sooner or later. Let's make the process easier.
"Beat me up, cut me, do whatever you want. I'll never talk." You spat. Clint let out a chortle and leaned in close to you.
"You're a kid. We're can't beat you up. Otherwise, it'd be considered child abuse even though you're a criminal. So we have to extract information in a different way." You audibly gasped as you felt his fingers ghosting up your sides and you bit your lip and squirmed.
"Mm." You squeaked. You couldn't move an inch, since your arms were tied around your back.
Clint chuckled at the house you made. "I know; tickles, doesn't it? Almost makes you wanna spill the beans, huh?" You shook your head.
"I'll... n-never ta-alk!" You were able to say. Clint only shrugged.
"Whatever you say." He then dug into your sides and wiggled his fingers up and all the way down to your hips to dig his thumb into your hip bones. You threw your head back and screamed of laughter. "AHAHAHAHAHA!" He was not taking it easy. "I'LL KIHIHIHILL YOHOHOU! I'LL SHOOT YOHOHOU!" You screamed.
Clint chuckled and shook his head. "I don't think you will. I don't even think you have a gun on you." He crawled his way up, just under your armpits.
"DOHOHONT DOHOHOHO IHIT!" Clint smirked and raised his eyebrows.
"I'm doin' it!" Then he went straight for your underarms and you screeched.
"AHHH! I CAHAHANT I CAHAHANT I CAHAHAHANT! OKAHAHAY! OKAY! I'LL TEHELL YOU!" You finally gave in. You couldn't take it anymore. Clint finally slowed to a stop and looked at you expectantly.
"So much for "never talking", huh?" He teased and you gave him a deadly glare which he returned with a poke in your ribs. "Talk."
You sighed. "Jack Mendez is my boss. We were supposed to extract some really expensive pink diamonds and deliver them to our buyer, Ben. Ben is a former hydra agent but Jack owes Ben lots of money so that's why he sent me to give him the diamonds." You looked down sadly and you had a knot in your stomach.
"What's wrong?" He asked you. Your head hung low and you mumbled something he could barely hear while Nat was typing away all the info you gave.
"Jack is gonna kill me. I didn't deliver and I spilled information." You let out a tear. You may have been depressed, and had suicidal thoughts, but at the same time, you didn't wanna die yet. Not yet.
"No one's gonna kill you. I promise." Clint patted your shoulder comfortingly. "Not if you stick with us."
You were taken aback by his words and knitted your brows in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"Come on, you're just a kid. You aren't supposed to be out there making deals for people and being under the control of a criminal. You gotta go to school, have a family, normal life you know? Is we wouldn't mind you staying with us. Maybe you can do some good here. Nat found some information about you saying you're an orphan. So you should have no problem coming with us." He rubbed your back affectionately. "We'll protect you, y/n."
A chance to live a better life? To get away from Jack? To go to school? To have a family? HELL YEAH!
"HELL YEAH!" Nat chuckled and took off your cuffs and gave you a quick hug.
"Welcome to the family."
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davidcampiti · 6 years
This is the first month of my life without Stan Lee alive in it.
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I think it’s appropriate to post this essay today, on Stan Lee’s birthday, the first one without him actually here to celebrate it. I couldn’t bring myself to write about Stan the day he died, just shy of 96 years old, and the week and month that followed were no better. Today I can put down some thoughts.
I am a child of Stan Lee. His work with Jack Kirby and John Romita appeared in the first comic book I remember reading – the Marvel-produced America’s Best TV Comics, a 25-cent comicbook that promoted the ABC Saturday morning cartoons.   It's one of the first powerful memories of childhood that have stayed with me for all this time.
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Across my formative years, Stan Lee's words encouraged me to learn, to read more of everything -- not just comics. I spent much of my early years in the library and ordering Scholastic books every month through school. I read everything -- fiction, biographies, histories, science books.
Yet I grew up loving the comics that blazed brightly with his public persona and, while my parents toiled at just earning a living and staying alive, I learned much from "The Man." Stan taught me a lot about being a decent human being. It wasn't all, "With great power there must also come...great responsibility," though that was there, as well.
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In recent years we corresponded a bit about the morals and messages of his words in his scripts, his Stan's Soapbox, and his many lectures and interviews. I told him we should assemble a book, Everything I Know, I learned From Stan Lee.
He wrote back -- "The paperback you suggested, 'Everything I Know I Learned from Stan Lee,' sounds like it could be funny. Especially if it consists of only one page with only one thing learned -- how to spell 'Excelsior!' Keep the faith, David. You're one of the good guys! Excelsior! Stan"
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We discussed it a bit more but, soon after, Stan's eyesight worsened and he stopped answering his own mail; whoever took over had no idea what we'd been talking about. I let the idea drop.
Back when I was 12, I decided my career goal was to work with Stan Lee. Eventually, I achieved that goal but not by submitting stories in my teens and 20s but much later in my life, as an agent and book author. By the time I was 14, he'd gone from editor-in-chief to Publisher -- which meant he'd need more writers, right?
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The first time I met Stan Lee and got to take a photo with him, I looked up at him and said, “Smile, and look as much like my Uncle as you can.” He laughed and gave my artist friend Scott Rockwell and me a good half-hour of his time, looking at art and answering questions. That was in 1978 – fully 40 years ago – and I remember it all as if it were yesterday. Stan was a memorable guy who could make you feel like the most important person in the room. I only wish I still had that photo; maybe Scott has it buried somewhere.
Four years later, I sold my first professional comics scripts to Pacific Comics and two years after that was writing a Superman assignment for DC with Kevin Juaire. Instead of ending up at Marvel as I’d hoped – which would’ve required moving to New York and being involved in daily office politics – I became a comics packager, then a publisher, then an agent. That’s how Stan knew me professionally, as a writer and an artist’s agent.
In early 1989, at a Capital City Distribution trade show, my Innovation Publishing was set up promoting the books we would be releasing into comics shops in a few weeks.  Stan was walking by, and I suggested to my assistant Paul Curtis that we should invite Stan to dinner.  He ran over, asked, and Stan said yes!  He not only brought along Carol Kalish and regaled us with two hours of stories about life at Marvel, Stan insisted that Marvel pay for the meal!  Nobody thought to bring a camera, but the memories stayed with us.  As I recall, Steve Sullivan, Paul Curtis and his girlfriend Amy, and I were the happy Innovation team at that dinner.  Kevin VanHook came on the trip but was elsewhere at that time.  He made up for it later at a party by chatting on a couch with Stan and later dancing with Carol.
In the '90s, Stan and I would chat at every opportunity at conventions.
When Marvel released a limited edition hardcover reprint of his 1947 book Secrets of the Comics, I decided to give in to my fannish impulses and use its endpapers as my autograph book.
Stan, of course, was the first to sign it in 1996, and a batch of Silver Age stalwarts followed.
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By then we made it a point to get photos together every year across two decades. It was a clear timeline of the both of us getting older.
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As the internet blossomed, I helped Stan a little when he first joined AOL. He asked me how AOL Instant Messenger worked, how to turn it on when he wanted to communicate and off when he didn’t want to be bombarded with Messages, and so on. Another time, an article he wanted to read was behind a login/password, and he asked me help get him through that. It tickled me to help Stan “The Man” with such basic web-things.
From the mid-'90s through the early 2000s, Stan would call the Glass House offices about once a month to ask for my perspective on what was going on in the comics biz, since we dealt not only with all the Marvel editors but everyone else as well. Real conversations, not the "'Nuff said, Pilgrim!" stuff. He'd graciously take an extra few minutes to chat with my assistant Graeme, who loved talking to his childhood icon.
Around 1997, Marvel's savvy publisher asked Glass House to create two dozen project proposals for a line of second-tier titles that my company would package. We ended up over-achieving and submitted 28 of them -- one of them for the first-tier Fantastic Four that I understood we had little chance of getting, but I had to try. The art was Joe Bennett's doing a Kirbyesque style.
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Stan was kind enough to read over my FF proposal/outline and fine-tune my dialogue for the pages, before I submitted.
Likely worried about how an outside packager controlling so many titles would affect his own position, the editor-in-chief buried all 28 projects until, two years later, he assigned an editor to reject every proposal outright; that editor told me my FF dialogue didn't capture the essence of the characters -- not realizing the words were Stan's.
(Sidebar:  It was so ridiculous, that editor even rejected a proposal that another Marvel editor already saw, bought, and published!)
When Meryl and I got married in 2001, Stan sent us a gift -- a lemon cake and a note saying he wished he could've made it to the wedding. We still have the note; we ate the cake.
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In 2006, Stan's POW! Entertainment launched Who Wants to be a Super-Hero? on The Sci-Fi Channel, and my Glass House Graphics contributed all the cover artwork for both seasons of the TV show. We even drew the comicbooks that starred both winners -- Matthew Atherton and Jarrett Crippen, both of whom became our friends.
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When my friend, then-GHG artist Will Conrad, worked with him on the Dark Horse Feedback comic book, Stan took the time personally to choose Will out of our roster of artists, and to phone him in Brazil for a long talk before sending him the plot. (And yes, it was a full page-by-page plot.) They spoke several times during Will's month working on the book, each time helpful and upbeat.
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The second book, with The Defuser, was more problematic. The network and producers weren't honoring their commitments to the winner, so I reached out to Stan who said, "I don't see any compelling reason to bother doing it, since we weren't renewed for a third season." I replied, "Because you said you would? Because you have the power to do it, and with great power there must also come great responsibility?" He made it happen, and Glass House Graphics's Kajo Baldissimo did the art.
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We also drew the box art and insert comic books for multiple DVD animation projects that POW! released, with art by GHG's fabulous Fabio Laguna.
Stan always made time to meet privately with my artists, and my family, for which I was always grateful.
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Of course when Comics Buyer’s Guide published a big feature issue for Stan’s 75th Birthday, I contributed an essay and hired the great Marie Severin to do a caricature cover for it and sent Stan a giant print of the art.
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Around the time of Stan's 90th birthday celebration, I had Tina Francisco create a new birthday cover for Comics Buyer's Guide, and I penned a long article about him, too.
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Of course, we sent to Stan a poster of the color art, and he sent back this card -- as always, written in his own handwriting.
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singingwordwright · 6 years
The #ShadowhuntersLegacy Theory--aka our Hail Mary throw #SaveShadowhunters
UPDATED as of 8/24/18 (see bottom of post)
I wasn’t sure if I had shared this theory on Tumblr or not, because sometimes I speculate on Twitter and then don’t remember to make a post over here. It turns out, I sort of did, a really long time ago, but the theory has evolved in light of a number of events in the past couple weeks, and most of the tinfoil-hat elements have been stripped out. Now it’s just sort of a Theory, as opposed to a Wacky Conspiracy Theory.
Before I begin, let me just say outright that this is not to give anyone false hope. Let’s be quite honest and admit that our chances don’t really look that great. But as I said in my post last night, there are reasons why I can’t bring myself to call a Time of Death on this whole thing yet. And this theory is a big part of it.
Let me also add a disclaimer that none of us knows what is happening behind the scenes. We don’t know the legal ins and outs that make up the Freeform/Constantin/Netflix Ménage à Torture so this is all just guesswork based on the pieces we have and a metric fuckton lot of supposition.
This could all totally be self-serving delusion. I’m not going to lie about that. But it’s already been put out there, so I’m going to stand by it until we see how this all shakes down in the end, if for no other reason than, on the off chance that some variation of this does end up happening, I have documented proof that I predicted it might.
Everyone okay with that? Then let’s go!
Where We Stand
Okay, look, we’ve been told, straight-up with no equivocation, that “it's not possible for this version of SHADOWHUNTERS to continue.” (Source: Constantin Press Release August 10) We have to accept that at face value. There is almost certainly not going to be a season 4. Something is in the way of that happening.
I don’t believe it’s lack of interest from potential buyers. I think it’s an unwillingness to reach a compromise on the part of the parties already involved so that someone else can pick up the show.
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Chances are good that the obstacle is @freeform/Disney. The show was developed specifically for Freeform as part of ABC Family Channel rebranding itself. Netflix got involved later to snag the international distribution deal, yes, but it’s possible that the show goes nowhere unless Freeform/Disney is willing to relinquish their distribution deal on it, which they may not be willing to do.
Why? Well, there’s always my DisFlix theory, which is a little out of date in light of recent developments but not yet dead in the water.
But @netflix could also be to blame. I’ve heard rumblings, and I have no idea where they originated or if they’re true or not, that Netflix’s international distribution deal gives them rights to the show for seven years. They may not be willing to give that up, and picking the show up for season 4 without being able to stream/rerun seasons 1-3 is really not going to appeal to any potential takers.
It’s also possible that @constantinfilm isn’t willing to lower the license fee on the show enough to make someone else willing to pick it up, but I honestly don’t believe that’s the case. 100% of nothing is nothing, so keeping the price jacked up beyond what anyone is willing to pay makes Constantin no profit. I see no motive for them to prove intractable in that regard, especially if they thought they could bundle a pickup of Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments with development of a series based on The Infernal Devices and make even more money.
But, really, that is all sort of outside the scope of this post. Ultimately all we know is that something is standing in the way of the show being picked up by anyone who may be interested for season 4.
Which isn’t the same thing as saying all hope is lost. It’s just lost for “this version of SHADOWHUNTERS.”
Yeah, uh, What Other Version Is There?
We’re presently campaigning for Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments. But The Mortal Instruments is ending. And by that, I mean the six-book well of source material the plot has been borrowing its vague overall direction from is coming to an end. The 2-hour movie (which originally should have been the entire fourth season, but oh well, we can’t really dwell on that) is supposed to cover the final book, and after that it would be entirely original plots.
In other words, after season 4, we wouldn’t have had Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments ANYWAY. It would have effectively been a spin-off featuring the same characters, even if the title of the show had remained the same.
And I think most of us were perfectly okay with that, or would have been had we stopped to think about What Comes Next after the book-based material ended. @janoda has been talking for months about wanting a spin-off centered around the Downworld. I’ve thought all along that the tense relations that the Downworld and the New York Institute have with the Clave in Alicante would provide a wealth of plot material once book-based material ran out. @janoda and I have been calling this hypothetical spin-off “Downworld: Revolution” but whatever you call it, it’s not “this version of SHADOWHUNTERS.” It’s a new version, featuring many/most of the same characters.
But That Was Just Talk Right?
Well, yes. Sort of. At first I thought (in my original Conspiracy Theory post) that what we might be seeing with this cancellation is a slightly more contentious scenario originating with Freeform’s recent strategy of ending shows after 3-4 seasons or so, and then spinning them off before they lose their audience through attrition, to keep them fresh and shiny. (see also: PLL and The Fosters.)
Then, once it seemed like it might be Freeform’s claim to Shadowhunters distribution rights that was preventing anyone else from picking the show up, I started side-eyeing the notion of a spin-off as a way of working AROUND Freeform. Because Constantin still owns the adaptation rights. Even if Constantin can’t continue making Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments, they CAN make a new show, even one featuring the Shadowhunters characters and even with those characters played by the same actors. They just can’t continue making THIS VERSION of the show.
Which, again, is okay, because effectively this version of the show was going to come to an end anyway, and a new show was going to begin.
But I sort of pushed this notion of a spin-off to the back of my mind once all the talk about Constantin developing The Infernal Devices began. Because honestly I didn’t want to muddy the waters with the words “spin off” when we were trying to send such a definite, iron-clad message that The Infernal Devices was not an acceptable substitute for Shadowhunters. I did start trying to word my emails with terms like “our characters” and “our actors” while leaving those concepts open to the possibility of those characters and actors being in a new show.
(Now, however, in light of Constantin’s statement that hope is lost for “this version” of Shadowhunters, we have nothing to lose.)
And then, two weeks ago, something happened.
Starting the night before the Last Day on Set (August 2nd), the cast introduced a new hashtag--#ShadowhuntersLegacy. It never really caught on or trended, but Kat and Emeraude in particular were pretty aggressive about using it. Most of the main cast, with the exception of Isaiah, Matt, and I think Alisha, used it at least once, and I know Jade, Nicola, and some of the other supporting cast members did as well.
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It struck me as a little strange. And, yes, it may very well be just a nice way to thank the fans by reassuring us that the ways in which we’ve touched their lives won’t be forgotten. But what was pinging me about it was the way it was adopted among the cast had clearly been coordinated. This wasn’t just happenstance that they all began using it at once.
And the word “legacy” implies continuation. A legacy is sort of the opposite of something ending. It’s something that carries on.
I bit my tongue about this for a few hours, and then when I was talking about it in DMs on Twitter to avoid tweeting publicly about it, @saadiestuff pointed out something I had known in the back of my head but hadn’t actually connected.
The Originals is getting a spin-off called Legacies.
(A spin-off that--I believe--will be bringing back a lot of the original characters even going back to The Vampire Diaries.)
So those messages and a bunch of tweets using the hashtag were trickling in from Thursday night onward. Then, on Saturday morning, Kat posted this:
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I mean...look at those last few lines? “The story doesn’t end here” and that parting shot, complete with a picture of her with her hand on a door?
But the cast doesn’t know anything about negotiations, right? Usually that’s true. However...
IF a hypothetical spin-off were being discussed, obviously the cast wouldn’t be part of the negotiations. But one of the first things those discussions would entail is inquiring (probably through their agents) about the casts’ interest and availability to return for the new series.
So the usual wisdom about the cast not knowing anything until shortly before we do doesn’t apply here. They would almost certainly know this was at least being discussed as a possibility, even if they didn’t know whether or not it would end up being a done deal.
There is also the live that Jade did a day or two before filming wrapped. I didn’t get to watch the whole thing because I lost my place when I was about 20 minutes in, so all I knew was that people got upset by some of the things he said which they felt indicated he didn’t feel there was any hope. @TheJessy34 on Twitter found it for me, and starting about 29:45, Jade talks about how the show in “this form” is over and how things can happen, yes, but he didn’t think if it continued it would continue in the way it has. (BEWARE OF POTENTIAL BOOK-BASED SPOILERS AT AROUND 33:00)
I’m tempted to include this tweet of Harry’s (the Monday after filming wrapped) for consideration as evidence of this possibility. Because Harry is the guy who likes to dole out clues for us to piece together (see also, 2x12 and the season 3 renewal livechat.)
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However it would be dishonest of me to do so without also including the fact that he denied this tweet had anything to do with anything:
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That said, boy, Kat sure was all over it, both on Instagram and Twitter:
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And it should be noted that Kat is STILL occasionally using the #ShadowhuntersLegacy hashtag. As is Jade, I believe.
I’m also tempted to offer into evidence this article from TVLine earlier this week:
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However, I think the evidence supporting that is sketchy at best. All the medical puns point to a medical drama, and the cast is obviously not reassembling yet (though that verbiage could be figurative, as in “they’re signing the contracts” rather than literal, as in “they’re gathering to begin filming.) Public opinion seems to hold that the show in question is likely CBS’s Code Black and I have no concrete reason to assert otherwise.
I will say that in the event of a hypothetical spin-off, there would be some new cast involved (which could explain the “returning and new cast” line.) The book the 2-hour movie is based on, City of Heavenly Fire, has a fairly high body count. Chances are good that at least some of our fave supporting characters won’t be returning.
So. The TVLine article could be about us, but I’m not holding my breath.
UPDATED 8/24/18: 
So it looks like the TVLine blind item may not be about Code Black after all.
Others, not me, did some sleuthing.
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This tweet from Seitzman is dated 8/22/18. The TVLine blind item was posted 8/13/18. I would say (and others have said) this could mean that whatever deal TVLine was referring was Code Black but then it fell through, except that tonight, TVLine assured us that once the show in question is revealed, the initial article would be marked as UPDATED.
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That has not happened with the TVLine article. If it had been about Code Black and the deal fell through, TVLine would have updated. Therefore, it’s looking fairly sure that TVLine isn’t referring to Code Black. 
Which still doesn’t mean it’s referring to us. Let’s be very clear about that. There have been a lot of shows cancelled in the last six months. One other show that has been rumored to be on the verge of rescue is Designated Survivor, I believe (back in May or so, there was talk that Netflix might pick it up.)
All this means is that we’re a little more solidly in the running with regards to our chances that TVLine was, in fact, referring to us. That’s it. It’s not much, but it’s something.
I have reached out to TVLine to request that if it ISN’T us, they let us know. Because I really want us to be as realistic about our chances here as possible. As I said at the beginning of this post, this is a Hail Mary throw. Our chances are microscopically slim. But they do still exist.
(End UPDATED portion)
Which brings me to Isaiah’s post on Instagram yesterday:
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Again, right now we are looking at the one situation where the cast probably really would have an early clue of what is going on. Before any deal is inked, someone would have to go around and ask the cast (again, probably through their agents) “this is a possibility, if we can make it happen, are you in?” And if it was a done deal, the cast would DEFINITELY know, even if they weren’t at liberty to say anything yet. They would have already signed their contracts.
Isaiah doesn’t believe hope is lost. I have to believe he has a reason for thinking that. But we know “this version” of the show isn’t coming back. Where does that leave us?
A new version of the show, featuring most or all of our characters and cast.
So What Now?
Now, we wait. We maintain our presence. We hope. I meant what I said last night, at this stage there is nothing we can do to influence the outcome that we haven’t already done. We keep the hashtag alive. We keep emailing and sending postcards and letters and maybe the occasional gift, just to remind them we’re here.
But mostly we wait. And we find our joy in the show again. Because in the words of a certain warlock we all know and love, “if you don’t take time for the things you care about, you’ll forget why you’re even fighting at all.”
But Do We Know Who Will Be Carrying This Hypothetical Spin-Off So We Can Let Them Know We’re Interested?
Nope. Not a clue. Sorry. Unfortunately this means we should probably treat everyone as though we’re courting them. Even *gack* Freeform.
When Do You Think They’ll Announce It, If It’s Happening?
Well, *if* the TVLine blind article is about us (and again, I cannot emphasize strongly enough that I really have no reason to believe it is) it says filming could begin as early as this fall. Which means we’d have to have an announcement by then because no way is our cast--with so many social media junkies in their ranks--is going to keep that under wraps for long. So we’d know by then.
And maybe I’m being whimsical, but let’s look at Isaiah’s post from yesterday again:
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See where they are?
That’s the Jade Wolf mock-up that was featured at New York ComicCon last year.
Why would Isaiah use that picture, of any of the cast that he could have used, to send us the message “don’t give up”?
I think if this thing is going to happen, we may hear it announced at NYCC.
EDIT: 8/24/18
There has been some interesting activity that has sort of slipped under the radar this week, but I’ve been watching and noting. I haven’t been making a big deal about it, because I don’t want to give people false hope, but I’ve already shared this theory so it really can’t hurt to keep it up to date. Just remember that all of this is really the stretchiest reaching of all stretchy reaching. It’s flimsy and probably entirely in my imagination. 
On August 13, after the Teen Choice Awards victory, Bryan Q. Miller tweeted this:
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I didn’t notice it until about a week later, when I noticed that Todd Slavkin had liked it. When queried, Bryan confirmed that the reference was exactly what I thought it was:
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So...something about the TCA victory triggered thoughts of the lyric, “I can feel it coming in the air tonight.” It had him feeling either anticipation (or possibly foreboding, and possibly of someone who had done something wrong getting a come-uppance.)
Then there’s this: 
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On Monday, August 20, Matt Hastings used the tag #ShadowhuntersLives.
On Thursday the 23rd, he was unusually active and pretty much ALL about the show, except for one tweet: 
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Why spend the morning making Shadowhunters tweets, drop in a single mention of The Originals, then go back to making more SH tweets?
Obviously Paul Wesley has a Shadowhunters connection (didn’t he direct an episode ;-P ?) but if he was just wanting to share memories of Paul Wesley and Shadowhunters, there was plenty of material to choose from.
Again, I have to reiterate that this is flimsy, because Matt doesn’t really need a reason to delve into nostalgia for ALL the shows he’s been involved with. It may not go any deeper than that.
But he wasn’t being nostalgic about ALL his shows. He was being nostalgic about THIS one.
So it immediately made me think of the connection @saadiestuff made when I was talking about the #ShadowhuntersLegacy tag, which is that it could be that Shadowhunters is getting a spin-off featuring the same characters, the way The Originals is getting the Legacies spin-off.
Because, as @malecficlibrary just said to me, #ShadowhuntersLives is a REALLY strange hashtag to use for for a cancelled show that has no hope. Like...?
Maybe Matt Hastings didn’t know about the #ShadowhuntersLegacy hashtag on Monday, so he used #ShadowhuntersLives. Then someone clued him in, so he dropped a The Originals/Legacies hint. 
Like I said, flimsy, but I’m putting it out there anyway. Because why not?
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sarimaposthumous · 6 years
The High Priestess Chapter 2
The High Priestess Chapter 2
TITLE: The High Priestess CHAPTER NUMBER: 2/? AUTHOR: SarimaPosthumous GENRE: Supernatural FIC SUMMARY: Jenny is an OC set in the Supernatural universe. She has owned a bar called the High Priestess for nine years and has managed to carve out her own niche in the hunting world. Everything changes when the two notorious hunters show up in her life after she’s managed to avoid them. RATING: M (Violence) WARNINGS: Slight Season 14 Spoilers AUTHORS NOTES:  Flashbacks take place around Season 5, however, it mostly takes place in the present. There is collaboration between @spnjediavenger in our fics as our Original Characters cross paths from time to time. Please provide feedback!
Chapter 1
“Elliana!” I exclaimed as she ran passed Sam and Dean Winchester to give me a hug. “You’ve certainly changed,” I gently grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the back. She looked behind her and shook her head so Sam and Dean wouldn’t follow us. I pulled her into my office as they settled at the bar. “Look Elliana, I am glad you’re here, but I had asked you not to bring the Winchesters.”
Ellie closed her eyes and let out a sigh before responding. "I know, I’m sorry. But with everything that’s been happening the past couple years, they weren’t exactly taking 'no' for an answer!” she said with exasperation tracing her features. "I really do love them, but their protectiveness really gets annoying sometimes," she continued.
I too let out a sigh and motioned for her to sit down as I sat down next to her. “It’s okay, I’m not upset with you. They were bound to find out about this place one way or another.” I paused, “So what brings you guys here? Is it the whole Michael situation?”
A small smile tugged at her lips. "Yeah the Winchesters are a bit hard to avoid these days," she laughed lightly. "But yes. It seems like everything we do and everything we try, we come up with nothing. And we know you have a big hunter network."
I ran my fingers through my long hair. “Well, I haven’t heard anything about him through grapevine...at least not since he left Dean. All I know is that there are monsters gathering and waiting for him to return.” I paused to look at Elianna. I could tell that the mere mention of Michael and Dean had made her uneasy. It was evident that it was a rough time for her.
It had been around 9 years since I had last seen her, and she’s certainly matured since then. She was only 13 and had already been on a few hunts when we first officially met. A year prior to this she came across the High Priestess scrawny as ever before Shane had passed, but Shane could not convince her to stay. She only returned when she thought the Winchesters abandoned her. So, she set out and continued hunting until she came across the High Priestess where I informed her that Sam and Dean were looking for her. Elliana stayed for a few days to decide whether or not she would try to find them. I tried convincing her otherwise considering they had just gotten Ellen and Jo killed while hunting Lucifer, but she was stubborn and went to find them anyway.
Looking at her now, her tall figure became a bit more muscular from nearly a decade of hunting. She was anxiously fidgeting with the keychain she keeps hooked to her belt loop. I vaguely recalled her seeing her with it when we first met. Bags had formed under her eyes from the current struggles she and the Winchesters were dealing with, but her dark brown eyes still had that small spark in them. This made me hopeful that she was keeping the bright side in mind and hope that things will turn around. She still kept her dark brown hair cut short to frame her face. 
“Frankly, I’m surprised you’re still alive and made it this far with them,” I joked knowing full well she more than capable of taking care of herself.
Ellie smiled at this comment. “The Winchesters may get caught in some pretty crazy shit – I’ll give you that. But it’s only because they try to do what’s right,” she replied, glancing fondly towards the door. “But I don’t think I’d be alive if I didn’t go with them. I’m sure Shane must have told you I had some marks on my head too…” her last sentence hung in the air for a bit as she remembered the circumstances that had brought her into hunting all those years ago. She lowered her eyes for a moment before snapping her attention back to me. “They sure attract trouble sometimes, but damn do I love them. They, Cas, and Jack are my family,” she continued with a loving smile.
I nodded. “That’s a fair point, I’m just glad you’re still alive. Let’s go see what they’re up to.” I followed Elliana out of the office and we found the Winchesters playing pool. “Sam and Dean Winchester. I see you’ve finally found this place.” I signaled to Elise to bring two more beers for myself and Elliana.
Sam looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed quizzically. “I just don’t understand how we haven’t heard of this place yet.”
Raising a brow, I retorted “perhaps you’re not as smart as you think you are.” I had to keep myself from laughing at Dean’s incredulous expression. Waving my hand, I smiled. “I’m kidding! Honestly, I’ve gone out of my way to ensure this place stays off your radar.”
“What did we do to you?” Dean asked, slightly offended.
“Well, it’s because the Winchesters have a tendency to get any hunter who works with them killed. Hell, my predecessor Shane lived solely because he didn’t go on that hunting trip with your father and Bill Harvelle. So, I’ve asked any hunters or patrons in general to avoid talking about this place if they run into you.” Elise arrived with the beers and I handed one to Ellianna. “How much have you told them about this place, Ellianna?” I asked before taking a sip.
She politely refused the beer, so Dean took it from Elise. Ellie looked at me and said, “Thanks, but I don’t drink.”
“I still don’t know how we get along,” Dean joked, smirking at her and nudging her elbow causing her to roll my eyes and turned back to me. “Honestly, I haven’t told them too much. I knew you and Shane wanted to keep it under wraps so I was just vague up till now. When I mentioned how I came into the life, I didsay I got some help from the owner of a bar, but I didn’t specify anything else,” she shrugged.
“Wait,” Sam interjected. “That was thisplace?”
Ellie nodded, “Shane and Jenny helped me a lot in the beginning. Even though I didn’t stick around for long.”
“I know you don’t exactly have a high opinion of us,” Sam said as he turned to me. “But thank you for being there for Ellie. I’m grateful she had someone to trust in the beginning,” he finished, throwing a loving, brotherly smile towards Elliana.
I nodded at Sam and raised my beer before taking another sip.
“So, Jenny, how did you and Shane get into the hunting business?” Dean asked. “Same as anyone else,” I shrugged my shoulders. The trio looked at me expectantly. “...Tragedy.” They continued to stare. Sighing, I signaled for them to follow me to a table in the back corner. As we settled in, Elise brought Ellie some water.
Clearing my throat I explained how some demons targeted my family and Shane saved me, but one of them escaped. Then that same demon came and killed Shane. He left the business to me and I revamped it by turning the entire bar into a safe room. “Don’t let the rustic, wooden panels fool you, underneath it all is solid iron and salt. It’s also completely warded so that any supernatural creature that comes in here is powerless save for their physical strength.”
Dean whistled, and Sam looked impressed. “How did you afford all of this?” Dean asked. “I also trade and procure priceless artifacts...as long as no one gets hurt other than the buyer who knows and accepts all of the risks,” I said. “And of course, Bobby helped me plan this,” I mentioned.
This surprised Sam and Dean. “I’m still surprised we haven’t run into you or heard of you,” Sam said. I looked over at Ellie and she remained quiet. She and I both knew it wasn’t our place to discuss Shane’s misfortunes, so I changed the subject. “As for why you’re here, “I continued, “I haven’t heard anything new about Michael. Just that his monsters are waiting for him to return.” This unsettled the Winchesters. “Is that the only reason you’re in town or is there something else?”
"That was most of it," Ellie spoke up. "We were picking up a couple cases with Jack since we haven’t been able to do anything about Michael. But now we're gonna hang around Cleveland for a few days because I finally convinced everyone to take a break for once – especially Jack. He works too hard trying to prove himself. It’s about time he had some fun.”
Sam and Dean smirked at Ellie’s mention of Jack eliciting an annoyed huff from her before she continued. “Seriously, I swear you guys are 5 years old!” She replied exasperated as she rolled her eyes before taking a drink of the water that was set in front of her.
I laughed at Ellie’s increasingly red cheeks as she stared at her water. It was getting later in the night, and the patrons were dwindling. “Well if you’re going to stay in town you are welcome to stay here if not, you’re welcome anytime.”
“No, we should be getting back to the motel, I’m sure Jack misses Ellie. God forbid they stay apart too long,” Dean smirked. I couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
“Thank you for your hospitality,” Sam said as I exchanged numbers with the three of them.
“Also, let me know if you need help with a hunt. Either I can pitch in or I can send someone else,” I conceded.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Dean winked at me as I rolled my eyes at his impish grin.
The trio headed out the door, but Sam paused before exiting. “Actually, as I’m sure you’ve heard, we’re missing Nick. You haven’t heard from him at all have you?” I paused before shaking my head. “Well if you hear from him can you give us a holler?” I nodded in response and watched them leave the bar.
Letting out a sigh, I walked back to my office as Padma yelled out the last call. The truth was I had seen Nick and knew what he was doing as I had been helping him. But he was adamant that I not disclose his whereabouts to the Winchesters, so I respected his wishes. Little did I know, he was on his way.
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bamby0304 · 6 years
The Hart II: Highway
Summary: Off on her own, without the Winchesters, Bobby, Ellen or Jo, Lizzie tries to get back to what she does best… hunting. But time is running out, Dean’s soul is on the line, and now everyone knows Lizzie is psychic like Sam. Can the brothers and Lizzie work through their problems? Or will they lose everything?
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Bamby’s Masterlist
The Hart Masterlist
The Hart II: Highway Masterlist
Part Twenty-Nine: An Eye for an Eye
Warnings: Angst. Violence. Medical stuff. Implied death.
Sitting in Rufus' office, the bottle now three quarters empty, I looked down at the glass in my hand, admiring the dark liquid. It really was good stuff.
"Bottoms up." I lifted my glass just as he did, clicking them together.
After we both took a drink, Rufus lowered his glass and looked to me. "You know, I don't even bother drinking unless it's this stuff. Nectar of the Gods, I'm telling you."
"Yeah, it's a nice change, you know." I grinned. "Most of my whiskey comes from a plastic jug." We both laughed. "So, Bela was here because...?"
"She wanted to buy a couple of things, which is gonna take me some time to round up."
"Where is she now?"
He watched me closely. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure." I shrugged. Anything to get the answers I needed.
"You got three weeks left. Why are you wasting your time chasing after that skinny, stuck-up English girl?"
The fact he knew about my situation, had me suspicious. "How do you know about that?"
Leaning forward, he gave a cocky smirk. "Because I know things. I know a lot of things about a lot of people."
"Is that so?"
"I know ain't no peashooter gonna save you."
"What makes you so sure?"
"Cause that's the job, kid. Even if you manage to scrape out of this one, there's just gonna be something else down the road. Folks like us... there ain't no happy ending. We all got it coming."
"Well, ain't you a bucket of sunshine?"
"I'm what you've got to look forward to if you survive." Smirking once more, he raised his glass again. "But you won't."
Not liking where the conversation had turned, I steered it back on track. "So, Bela..."
He didn't even hesitate before giving me what I wanted. "Hotel Canaan. Room 39. But watch your back."
"I think I can handle Bela."
"Oh, don't be so sure about that. There are things that you don't know about her."
"Oh, and you do? Right. Because you know things."
"And let me guess... you lift her fingerprint?"
"And that got you jack."
"Yep. She burnt them off. Probably years ago."
"Yeah, so you're right where we are."
"Nope." I waited a moment before he went on. "You do her ear?"
"Sorry?" Surely, I hadn't heard that right...
"You do her ear?"
Apparently, I did hear him right... "Hey, man, I'll try anything once, but I don't know. That sounds uncomfortable."
"Ears are as unique to humans as fingerprints."
"No kidding." I'm calling bull. Though Liz and Sam would probably know if he was full of shit.
"Of course, that don't fly in the courts over here, but in England, they're all over it. A friend of a friend... of a friend faxed me ten pages of confidential files within a day. All I had to send him was one clean shot off the security camera."
"Right. One clean shot of her ear." I nodded, downing the rest of my drink. This guy was nuts. I was wasting my time. He gave me Bela's address, I should just leave.
Reaching over to a nearby desk, Rufus grabbed a folder and handed it over to me. "The so-called Bela Talbot."
Torch in hand, both Lizzie and I entered the dark and abandoned cabin. We began looking around for anything that might let us know we were in the right place. Looking at the books on the shelves- where I found and pocketed a journal- and searching every space where there could be something that might help us.
Starting down some stairs, we headed into the cellar.
The body of a man was lying on an operating table just a few feet in front of us. A sheet had been thrown over him, but Lizzie and I both knew what would be underneath the cover. Looking around a little more, we spotted another body through some ragged curtains. Inching closer, we weren't sure what we would find on the other side...
It was a woman, strapped down to another operating table. Her arm was stretched out beside her and covered in maggots where she was missing a large amount of skin.
As I reached forward to check her pulse, she gasped and her eyes shot open the moment I touched her.
"Shh! Shh! Shh!" I lifted my finger to my mouth, gesturing for her to be quiet. "It's okay. We're here to help you. We're here to help you. We're gonna help you."
"Here." Lizzie moved to grab a cloth and handed it to me.
Still shushing the woman, I grabbed her wounded arm and wrapped the blanket around it as gently and carefully as possible. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay-"
The sound of a door opening upstairs had us all freeze.
Unable to help herself, the woman started crying. I reached over to cover her mouth, needing her to be quiet. But it was too late, the footsteps were already headed our way.
Lizzie grabbed my arm and gestured to a window.
We knew we couldn't break it without drawing more attention to our whereabouts... but, turns out, we had a way to get around that.
As I lifted the woman into my arms, Lizzie stepped up to the window and carefully used her mind to pry the glass open, with minimal noise. She climbed up and out before reaching for the woman. The two of us worked on getting her out safely. Once she was set on the grass outside, I climbed out as fast as I could, before I grabbed the woman and dashed off, knowing Lizzie was right by my side.
Carrying the woman bridal style, Sam was just a step behind me as we ran for the car.
I pulled out the keys and unlocked the car seconds before we reached it. Opening the back door for them, I then got in the front and started the engine as Sam and the woman slide into the back.
"Lizzie, lets-" Sam was cut off as the glass of my window was smashed.
A hand reached in, grabbing and pulling on my hair as Benton tried to pry me out of the vehicle. As I struggled against him, he shoved me forward, hitting my head on the steering wheel with a surprising force.
As Benton continued his assault, I managed to grab the gear stick and slam my foot on the accelerator, jolting the car into reverse suddenly.
The woman was screaming as Benton changed his grip so he was holding the car before the force made him spin around until he was on the hood. But he didn't stay there for long, his hold faultering, sending him to the dirt road.
With the headlights shinning on the monster, I got a good look at him. He glared at me for a single moment before I put the car into gear and floored it, driving straight over Benton. I didn't even look back as I got us the hell out of there.
The moment Bela walked into her room and closed the door, I was on her, turning her around and shoving her against the wall. Laying an arm over her chest and aiming my gun at her face, I got straight to it.
"Where's the Colt?"
"Dean." She was as calm as ever.
"No extra words."
"It's long gone, across the world by now."
"You're lying." I grabbed her bag from her hand and began to look through it.
"I'll call the buyer. Speak Farsi?"
Finding nothing in her bag, I dropped it and grabbed her instead. My arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her against me.
"What the hell are you-"
As I quickly frisked her, I found a gun which I then held out in front of her. "Don't flatter yourself." Using the point of my gun, I reached over to flick on the room's lights before aiming it at her again. "Don't move." With that warning, I began to search the room.
"I told you I don't have it," she insisted.
"Oh, yeah, I'm definitely gonna take your word for it." Turning my back on her, I started for some other drawers.
The room had fallen too silent. Turning around, I spotted her reaching for the door.
Raising my gun, I pulled the trigger, missing her- on purpose- by mere inches. "Don't move," I warned again before I continued searching.
"It's gone. Get on a plane if you must. Track down the buyer. You might catch up to him eventually."
Having searched the whole place, I moved back to her, pointing my gun at her head, wanting nothing more than to pull the trigger again. Only this time, I wouldn't miss.
"Are you going to kill me?"
"Oh, yeah." My smirk was one of anger and frustration.
"You're not the cold-blooded type."
"You mean like you? That's true. See, I couldn't imagine killing my parents."
She was shocked, but tried to play it cool. "I don't know what you're talking-"
I cut her off, "Yes, you do. You were, what, fourteen? Folks died in some shady car accident. Police suspected a slashed brake line, but it was all too crispy to tell. Cut to little Bela... oh, I'm sorry… Abby, inheriting millions."
"How did you even-"
"Doesn't matter."
"They were lovely people. And I killed them. And I got rich. I can't be bothered to give a damn. Just like I don't care what happens to you."
Her words pushed me over the line. I pushed her against the door roughly, pressing my arm against her throat. "You make me sick."
Taking a step back, I aimed the gun at her again, smirking as I got ready to shoot. She stared back for a moment before closing her eyes. That's when I spotted something I hadn't before. Looking up at the top frame of the door, I noticed some herbs hanging over the ledge. But not just any herbs. Devil's shoestring.
As she opened her eyes again, I lowered my gun, shaking my head at her. "You're not worth it." Grabbing her shoulder, I dragged her away from the door before leaving.
I sat at the desk in our hotel room, picking up my phone as it rang. "Dean."
"Did you get the Colt?"
"What do you think?" He was clearly pissed.
Which was why I wasn't going to tell him that not only had Lizzie used her abilities tonight, but also had a cut on her head from the amount of times Benton hit her head against the steering wheel. It had been hurting when we got back, so she'd taken some pain killers and crashed on Dean's bed, and hadn't moved since.
I sighed, "So, does that mean Bela is-"
"No, no, she deserves to die a dozen times over, but I couldn't do it."
"I'm really screwed, Sammy."
"No, you're just-"
"But you were right. Bela was a goose chase. The Colt's gone, and this time I'm really screwed, Sam."
"Maybe not. Look, Dean, we found Benton's cabin."
"You two okay? Was he there?"
"Did you kill him?"
"What do you mean, 'no'?"
"Dean, please just listen for a second. I found his lab book, and it has the formula."
"What, the live-forever formula?"
"Great, let me guess. I got to drink blood out of a baby's skull?"
"No, that's the thing." I flicked through said book as I explained it to him. "It's not black magic. There's no blood sacrifice or anything. It's just science, Dean. Very, very extremely weird science, but-"
He cut me off again, "Wait, wait, wait. What are...what are you saying? You think..."
"Dean, I think it might be doable. I mean, I know we've hit a lot of walls, but I... I think this formula, I think it might be it. This could save you."
"Okay, so, this formula..."
"Well, I mean, look, look, we're not in the clear yet. There are still things that I don't get-"
An arm reached around from behind me, shoving a cloth over my mouth. I dropped the phone and struggled as best as I could, but the hold was strong, and before I knew it I was out cold.
I was tied to a chair in Benton's basement, facing an operating table where Lizzie was bound, her eyes taped open.
Benton stepped up to her, speaking in a calm voice. "You can relax. It's all gonna be okay. Ain't nothing gonna happen here that you got to worry about. Your chances of coming out of this procedure alive? Very, very high." He nodded as she whimpered.
I struggled against my binds. "Don't touch her."
"Don't worry, Sammy. She should be fine," Benton insisted.
"How do you know my name?" I asked, struggling against my tight binds.
"Oh... I know. You think I'm some kind of monster, don't you? Well, I got to tell you, I have never done one thing that I did not have to do. This whole eternal-life thing is very high-maintenance. If something goes bad, like my eyes here, you got to replace them. And sometimes things get damaged, like when your father cut out my heart. Now, that... that was very inconvenient."
He moved over to one of the benches, grabbing dad's journal. "So, I'm sure that you can understand all the joy I felt when I read all about myself here in his journal." Shutting the journal, he then grabbed some kind of tool that looked like a melon baller... "Kind of makes this whole thing just feel like some kind of family reunion, don't it? Well, I guess it's about time that we get this thing started."
I had to watch as he moved, reaching down to scoop Lizzie's eye out.
Three shots rang out, stopping Benton as he looked down at the three wounds in his chest before turning to see Dean standing behind the tattered curtain.
"Shoot all you want." He started for Dean.
Dean let more bullets loose as he backed away from the doctor as much as he could. That was until Benton reached him, and threw him across the room. Walking over to my brother, Benton then leaned down over him, so confident in his actions. Even when Dean stabbed him in the chest with a knife.
Benton laughed. "A knife? What part of immortality do you not understand?" He stood, pulling the knife out. "Pity about the heart, though. It was a brand-new one."
"Good. It should be pumping nice and strong." Dean held up a bottle of chloroform. "Sending this stuff throughout your whole body. See, I picked up your little bottle upstairs and dipped the knife in it."
Benton only had a few more seconds of consciousness before he collapsed on the ground, knocked out cold.
I stood next to Dean as he held his arm around me, the two of us and Sam looking down at Benton where we'd tied him on the table I'd been tied to.
"Oh, hiya, Doc. Wakey, wakey, eggs and bac-y."
At the sound of Dean's voice, Benton began to wake. "Please."
Dean shook his head. "Please what? You've been killing poor bastards for over a hundred and fifty years and now you got a request? Shut up."
"No, you don't understand. I can help you," Benton insisted. "I know what you need."
Dean ignored the doctor, looking over at Sam on the other side of the table. "We might have to cut him up into little bits. You know, this immortality thing is a bitch."
"I can read the formula for you," Benton offered. "You know, immortality. Forever young, never die."
Sam stepped forward. "Dean…"
Dean sighed, looking up at his brother again. "Sam."
The look on both of their faces told me what each of them were thinking. Sam wanted to save Dean. But Dean wanted to save everyone else.
Seeing as the only way to decide what we were going to do was to talk, I grabbed Dean's hand and nodded for the brothers to follow me. We walked to the other side of the curtain and then came to a stop, speaking in hushed tones.
"What?" Dean looked to Sam expectantly.
"I mean, we're talking hell in three weeks. Or needing a new pancreas in like half a century."
"Yeah, well, you can't exactly get those at a Kwik-E-Mart," Dean noted.
But Sam was determined to do this. "It's not perfect, but it buys us more time to think of something better. We just need time, Dean. I mean, please, just... just think about it."
I shook my head. "No."
Sam turned to me, surprised. "I thought-"
"So did I," I admitted, knowing where he was going. "I was getting so desperate, and so willing to do whatever it takes, that I'd actually been thinking about making my own deal so the two of you could stay together. But it's not our choice Sam. If Dean wants to live, it has to be his choice."
"He does want to live."
"Not like this." Dean gestured to Benton. "What he is isn't living. Look, this is simple-"
"Simple?" Sam clearly didn't agree.
"To me it is, okay." Dean went on, "Black or white. Human, not human." He grabbed my hand and walked us back to the room with Benton. "See, what the Doc is... he's a freakin' monster. I can't do it. I would rather go to hell." He let go of my hand and grabbed the bottle of chloroform.
"You don't understand. I can help you!" Benton insisted.
Dean ignored him again, pressing the chloroform rag over the doctor's mouth as he looked up at his brother. "Now, we're gonna take care of him." He gestured to me and himself. "You can either help us or not. It's up to you."
Standing over the open grave, I watched as Benton tried to push the door of the fridge open. The fridge he was in, which we'd chained closed and put in the grave, along with his journal.
"No! No! Don't! Stop it! I can help you! No!"
"Enjoy forever in there, Doc." Dean nodded as he grabbed one of the shovels off the ground and began to shovel dirt into the hole.
Sam and I grabbed a shovel each as well, helping him as Benton continued to yell and scream.
"Let me out! I can save you! No. Don't."
Driving along the road, phone to my ear, I waited until the person on the other end answered. The moment they did, I spoke.
"Hiya, Bela. Here's a fun fact you may not know. I felt your hand in my pocket, when you swiped that motel receipt."
"You don't understand."
"Oh, I'm pretty sure I understand perfectly. See, I noticed something interesting in your hotel room. Something tucked above the door. An herb. Devil's shoestring? There's only one use for that. Holding hellhounds at bay. So, you know what I did, I went back and I took another look at your folks' obit. Turns out they died ten years ago today. You didn't kill them. A demon did your dirty work. You made a deal, didn't you, Bela. And it's come due. Is that why you stole the Colt, huh? Try to wiggle out of your deal, our gun for your soul?"
"But stealing the Colt wasn't quite enough, I'm guessing."
"They changed the deal. They wanted me to kill Sam."
"Really! Wow, demons untrustworthy. Shocker. That's, uh, kind of a tight deadline too. What time is it?" I asked just as Sam showed me the time on his phone from where he sat next to me. "Well, look at that, almost midnight."
"Dean, listen, I need help," Bela cried.
"Sweetheart, we are weeks past help."
"I know I don't deserve it."
"You know what, you're right, you don't. But you know what the bitch of the bunch is? If you would have just come to us sooner and asked for help we probably could have taken the Colt and saved you."
"I know, and saved yourself. I know about your deal, Dean."
"And who told you that?"
"The Demon that holds it. She holds mine too. She said she holds every deal."
"Her name's Lilith."
I paused, looking over at Sam for a moment. "Lilith?" That got both his and Liz's attention. "Why should I believe you?"
"You shouldn't but it's the truth."
"This can't help you, Bela, not now. Why you telling me this?"
"Because just maybe you can kill the bitch."
Tensing my jaw, I sighed. "I'll see you in hell." With that, I hung up seconds before the clocked struck twelve.
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one-night-story · 6 years
Good Guys They Make Rules for Fools (Neal gd Caffery)
Jack once again found himself rocking on his feet in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Except this time, his knife was at his hip and had almost easy access to more weapons should he need them. He looked at the room and noticed the usual security guards on their second shift of the morning, tourist, school groups, hipster teens, and the bad guys.
“Bingpot.” Jack muttered with a smirk. He kept himself subtle as he followed their movement. Both of them left the room and Jack made an effort to follow them. They were on a mission clearly, nearly mowing down tourists along the way. Jack focused his path and kept going. That’s when he noticed the plain clothes.
The FBI.
Jack knew in the corners of his mind that he should step off and that a weird vibe off one guy shouldn’t be enough to possibly go to jail for interfering in an investigation or an arrest. But Jack was a demigod, and mortals were going to get hurt if he didn’t step in. So what choice did he have? He watched as they wandered into part of the museum that was closed off due to “construction.” Really? Could bad guys get more predictable? Jack unsheathed his knife and flipped it up so it laid against his forearm. Moments like this made him wish he carried a shield, but all they did was slow him down. So he took a deep breath and wandered into the space when he was sure no one was looking. Jack crouched behind a sculpture as he listen to angry voices and growls.
“Yeah well now the FBI’s after us.” Said one voice.
“How were we to know they would have a demigod in their midst?” A giant asked. Jack held back a groan. They either meant him when he was brought into questioning or Neal. Gods, don’t let it be Neal. Because if he was a sibling Jack might just start crying.
“This demigod, who is he?” The first guy asked. Dammit now they were all possibly monsters.
“Jack Levy, son of Hermes and a pain in the ass.” Another voice said. Thank gods they had been talking about him. “His brother served us well during the war.” The voice added. Jack glared at his shoes. They were talking about Luke, he wasn’t a fan of monsters talking about Luke. He tapped the ground once and muttered the magic words, the wings on his sneakers fluttering to life.
“Is the buyer here yet?” The first guy asked.
“Just arrived sir.” The second voice said.
“Well bring him in!” The first guy said.
“I do not think this is wise...” the third voice said.
“Shut up. I didn’t ask for your opinion.” There were feet walking into the space. Jack heard dress shoes. Lots of them.
“Thank you for coming Mr. Rydall.” The first man said.
“Thank you for allowing me to see it. Can I see it?” Mr. Rydall asked. Except, it wasn’t Mr. Rydall. It was Neal. Dammit more mortals. Jack crept towards another statue to get a better look. Practice had allowed him to not make a sound as he took a position where he could see everyone in the room. The first man was dressed professionally as one could be. The second man was most definitely the poorly disguised giant Jack had seen yesterday. The third man Jack had only heard about by description from Percy. He was a man by the name of Doctor Thorne. And he was a monster. A manticore to be percise. Jack carefully knocked on a pillar. They weren’t hollow so that was a good sign, bad if the giants could get them, but good news for everyone else in this opperation. Unfortunately for him, he forgot about the manticore’s crazy good hearing. He watched Dr. Thorne poke his head in attention.
“Sir,” Dr Thorne started to say.
“Quiet Thorne.” The first guy said. The giant sniffed the air.
“Boss I smell demigod.” The giant said. The first guy aimed a gun at Neal.
“Hey, I’m no demi-whatever. Trust me.” Neal said with a slight smirk. Jack would’ve been putty if this were a better time.
“Find him!” The boss said. Jack immediately stood up and crouched jogged backwards. With a tap of his feet he was airborne. He quickly found a place in the ceiling to hide. Jack looked down to find Neal not at all worried about a gun being pointed at him.
“Come out, come out little demigod...” the giant muttered as he followed his nose. Jack wanted to guarentee Neal’s safety before doing anything stupid. Neal looked up at the ceiling and looked Jack dead in the eye. Pro: He knew he was there. Con: alerting the giant and manticore who wanted to eat him where he was. “There you are...” the giant said with a sneer. Jack braced himself against the wall like a kick off board in a pool.
“C’mon Ahmek don’t fail me now.” He said. Jack launched himself off the wall and down at the giant who was then quickly kicked in the face. Jack restablized himself in the air and readied his knife. That’s when he remembered the poison thorns from the manticore. “Whoa!” He yelled as he barreled out of the way. “Watch it, I’m trying to take you out here.” Jack said. He once again dived for the giant, taking his knife and slicing diagonal across his form. This, like every monster reduced him to dust. Jack landed with a roll, as to avoid ground shock, but was quickly back on his feet. Neal raised his eyebrows, both at the guy who just turned to dust, but also at the efficency of Jack’s fighting. He seemingly had one goal: survive. Jack adjusted his grip on his knife and ran for the manticore, unfortunately the manticore also dived for him. Jack’s ADHD kicked in, thankfully in a way that was useful to him and didn’t make him want to steal every wallet in a 50 meter radius. He jumped up and end up on the manticore’s back, fighting his tail while scratching at his hide. Jack sliced at the tail and let his left hand drop into the air where he pulled out a poison.
“Drink up kitty.” He said as he shoved the bottle down the manticore’s throat. Once he was certain he had swallowed. Jack dove for the ground and watched another dust pile form. Jack then stood up and held his knife. “Did you know what they were?” He asked. The man, who had sinced slightly lowered his gun but still had it aimed at Neal looked at Jack. “DID YOU!?” Jack demanded. The man shook his head. “Bullshit.” Jack said. The FBI came through the doors before Jack could push harder. Jack was quick to sheath his knife, even though he knew they couldn’t see it. Neal looked at him and then at the knife with intense focus, like he couldn’t tell if he was actually seeing it.
“Caffery!” Peter yelled. Neal turned to his handler, but watched Jack out of the corner of his eye. Neal was certain that who or whatever Jack was, he would disappear. That’s what he would do. “What the hell happened?” Peter asked. Neal looked around and found bodies of the henchmen. Though if he shook his gaze, they returned to being dustpiles.
“They were-“ Neal started to say, but couldn’t bring himself to say it, no that was too insane. Even for him.
“They were what?” Peter demanded. Neal looked to Jack. Jack who then after leaning on a solid pillar picking at his nails, looked up and realized Neal’s intense blue eye gaze and nearly fell off the pillar.
“They were monsters Agent Burke.” Jack said.
“Monsters?” Peter asked.
“A giant and a manticore to be specific. Don’t worry, they’re dead.” Jack said.
“Right... monsters.” Peter muttered.
“Peter I know it sounds crazy,” Neal started to say.
“Sounds? Neal! The tapes look like he,” Peter pointed to Jack, “killed two men with a hunting knife.”
“I know how to fix this problem.” Jack said. Neal looked at Jack, slightly hopeful. He desperately wanted to make sense of what he was seeing. “Mr. Caffery,” Jack started to say.
“Neal.” Neal quickly corrected. Jack’s cheeks had a “blink and you’ll miss it” tinge of pink to them as he eased into his usual spiel.
“Alright Neal, what can you see?” He asked. Neal looked around.
“Bodies, but also dust piles. And the knife on your hip but sometimes it’s not there.” Neal said.
“Ah, partially clear sighted mortal. Don’t worry it happens. And Agent Burke I’m assuming you see two dead bodies and a lump in my pocket that signifies me having a pocket knife.”
“Yes, now get to the point, tell me why I shouldn’t just arrest you here for murder?” Peter asked. Jack rolled his eyes and looked at Neal with a look of “the nerve of this guys.” It got a smirk out of Neal which was good enough validation for Jack.
“I can’t make a mortal see through the Mist, but I do know somone who can. Not in my wheelhouse. My dad’s the god of many things, magic is not one of them.” Jack said.
“What is your father’s wheelhouse?” Neal asked. Jack tried not to beam.
“Thieves, liars, treaties, trade, communication, travel, animal husbandry, and astrology. Let’s just say I don’t read my horoscope anymore.” Jack said, counting on his fingers as he listed them off. Neal had a passing knowledge of mythology and knee he was talking about Hermes. Jack started to head for the door and was nearly there when Peter yelled out.
“Hang on, where do you think you’re going?” He yelled. Jack stopped midstride and turned around on the ball of his foot. He strode back over and with barely a flinch, lifted a pen and a business card.
“Well, I’m headed back to my apartment. Jane gets grumpy when I invite people over without warning her.” Jack said. He started scrawling his address on the back of the card.
“Jane, that’s the girl from the message.” Neal said. Jack looked up with an ease to him.
“That’s the one. She can fix your whole only able to see a little,” he said gesturing to Neal, “and your ability to not see anything at all.” Jack added. He stuck the pen back in Peter’s breast pocket and passed the business card to Neal. “Meet me there in half an hour if you want answers.” Jack said. Once again he strode out the door and this time no one stopped him.
“Peter,” Neal started to say.
“Neal, don’t.” Peter quickly replied. “Jones!” Clinton quickly perked his head up from his conversation. “Get me everything we have on a Jack Levy.”
Jack nearly barreled into his apartment at the speed he was running. As he crashed through the door, Jane poked her head out of her room.
“What’s on your tail, and did you lead it here?” She asked. Jack shook his head.
“Jane I need you to prep a mist bestowing ceremony.” Jack replied. Jane came out of her room entirely.
“This better not be about Neal Caffery.” She said. Jack suddenly looked timid. “Di immortales, JACK!”
“It’s not my fault the bad guy hired monsters and I have to clear my name of murder. They’ll be here in,” Jack looked at his watch (stolen from someone who kicked a homeless guy) “twenty minutes, wow I ran fast.”
“You’re the son of the god of travelers of course you got here fast. And you can’t have them over in 20 minutes.” Jane stated.
“Why not?”
“Because! I have to get approval from Chiron. I’m not exactly supposed to lift the veil for mortals willy nilly.” Jane replied.
“Even if I’ll end up in jail otherwise?” Jack asked.
“Levy...” uh-oh, a last name pull. “What did you do?” Jane said eerily calm. Jack was dead where he stood but he had to get her to agree to his hairbrain plan.
“I killed some monsters working for a bad guy in front of some FBI agents who aren’t clear sighted so...”
“So all they see are two guys you killed with,”
“A hunting knife. But! Neal’s sort of clear sighted. And his partner, Burke, trusts him enough to consider that my crazy story about monsters is true.” Jack said. Jane looked at the son of Hermes. She desperately wondered how he found himself in these sorts of these situations. But this late in their friendship, she was afraid to ask.
“Alright fine, I’ll do it. But you’re paying for dinner!” Jane said as she walked back into her room to get her supplies.
“Jane you’re a gift!” Jack exclaimed as he set to work as well. He the proceeded to clean, pace, stress, hum a Panic at the Disco song he had stuck in his head, and the pace some more. By the time he was certain he had put a dent in the floor, there was a knock at the door.
“Stall! I’m almost done.” Jane yelled. Jack rolled his eyes and wanted scream. This was a bad decision, but it was this or jail. He went for the door and opened it both from the chain locks and the three specialty locks he and Jane had put on. He took a deep breath and opened the door to find Peter Burke and Neal Caffery standing on his doorstep.
“Welcome, glad to see you took me up on my proposal.” Jack said with a grin that usually eased anyone. It didn’t ease Peter, it just reminded him of Neal. Neal eased his shoulder tension slightly, but that’s because Jane walked in. Jack ushered the two men into the room as Jane came out with a mortar basin and two shot glasses.
“And I’m done!” She said. She placed the basin and the shot glasses on the table and looked over at Neal and Peter. Jack wasn’t lying: Neal was handsome. But not her type. “You two must be Neal and Agent Burke. Welcome to our humble abode. I’m Jane Harper.” She said offering her hand. Peter shook it with a slight uneasiness, but Neal seemed to take it in stride.
“Can we get this over with?” Peter asked. Jane looked at Jack and recieved a shrug in response.
“Yes, please have a seat.” Jane replied. Both men sat on the couch. “Please close your eyes.” Jane said. Neal and Peter looked at each other before doing what they were told. Jane took the paste in the mortar basin and put it on their eyelids and the sides of their eyes. She then quietly summoned the magic needed and channeled it into the paste. “Alright one more step, I’m gonna hand you a shot glass, down the contents and open your eyes.” Jane said. Jack wanted to remark how calm her voice was and how creepy this would seem out of context. But for fear of ruining what was going on he simply passed Jane the shotglasses. She then placed them into the men’s outstreatched hands and they downed the contents. The two demigods watched as the men open their eyes. Jack took note of how Neal’s eyes seemed bluer and that almost made him smile. Damn Neal Caffery. Peter looked around and at first didn’t notice anything different, until he noticed the three inch knife strapped to Jack’s hip, that and the strange glow that was radiating of Jane’s fingers and that there had been no known father for Jackson Maxwell Levy listed anywhere.
“Do you believe me now?” Jack asked.
“Reluctantly.” Peter said.
“Great! I’ll order pizza and Travis can probably grab alcohol right?” Jane said.
“If you text him in time.” Jack replied.
“Thanks, but I have to get back to my wife.” Peter said. Jack nodded once in understanding.
“Wait!” Jack said. He ran into his room and grabbed one of his trunks and passed it to Peter. “Put this either at the office or in your home. Give it a password, doesn’t matter what, just make sure it has one.” He said. Peter looked at Jack like he was crazy. “If you’re gonna take down monsters, you’re gonna need something better than a gun.” Jack added with a shrug.
“Right, those exist now...” Peter muttered.
“They’ve always existed, you can just see them now.” Jane said. Neal looked between the three of them and a hairbrain scheme popped into his head.
“Jack,” he started to say. Jack turned to him and Neal could’ve sworn he saw pink tinge his cheeks. “I’m assuming what you did in the museum today wasn’t just a days worth of training right?” He asked. Jack shook his head.
“A combo of my ADHD funtioning as battle instincts and 3 years of training. Plus flying shoes.” Jack said.
“I’m sorry flying shoes?” Peter asked. Jack rotated his foot and showed the sloppy stitching circling the “Chuck Taylor All Star Converse” logo.
“Maia.” Jack stated and Peter watched as the sloppy stitching turned into wings. “I’d fly but I don’t have enough floor space to get enough momentum.” He then shook his foot and the wings disappeared. Somehow that wasn’t the strangest thing Peter had seen today.
“What’s your point Neal?” Peter asked. Neal stepped forward to throw his arm around Jack which got a stiffled laugh out of Jane.
“My point is that if we’re gonna fight monsters, we should have someone to train us. Why not Jack?” Neal said. Jack stiffened under Neal’s grip. He could barely handle an hour in Neal’s presence, how could he handle spending multiple hours in a work setting teaching him how to fight? Gods, he couldn’t believe he was mentally saying this but: Peter say no. Peter looked at the two of them.
“These monsters, how bad are we dealing with?” Peter asked.
“If given the oppertunity they will eat you alive. They’re not picky.” Jack said. Peter looked between the demigod and the thief. This was a bad idea, but it was the only way to ensure the team’s safety.
“Then Levy you report tomorrow to the Bureau.” Peter said. “Thanks for the trunk.” He said and walked out.
Jack wanted to dive out his apartment window.
Neal relased Jack from his grip and walked backward.
“See ya tomorrow Levy.”
“Ditto Caffery.” Jack said. Neal shut the door behind Peter and as soon as the two demigods heard the door click, Jane started laughing. No, laughing was putting it too lightly, cackling fit better.
“You couldn’t have talked into a funnier situation.” Jane said through her gasps for air.
“I’m going to die.” Jack said.
“Oh yeah.” Jane replied.
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teenwolimagines · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Part One 
Part Two
‘Derek?’ Scott asked as he stood in the doorway.
'Scott.’ Derek replied from where he stood on the porch.
'Oh dude come in, sit down. If I had known you were in town I would have called the pack.’ the alpha said as he let Derek in.
'I actually wanted to talk to you alone.’ Derek said as sat down.
'Oh yeah sure, anything.’ Scott said casually as he sat in the arm chair.
It was pissing Derek off.
'First, how is everyone?’ Derek asked.
If he didn’t like Scott’s answer then Scott wouldn’t like the rest of this conversation.
'Oh everyone is fine.’
'Really?’ Derek pressed.
'Yeah Lydia has gotten four acceptance letters, Liam and Hayden are still going strong so are Mason and Corey.’ Scott answered.
Derek didn’t like that answer.
'Really, so everyone is ok? Everyone.’ Derek was giving him one last chance.
Scott lowered his head, and sadness bit into his scent.
For a second Derek had expected that Scott had felt shame for cutting Stiles out of his life.
'Kira had to leave, couldn’t control the fox. I might never see her again.’ Scott mumbled.
Derek had to bite his lip to keep from roaring in anger.
'What about Stiles?’ Derek glared.
'Stiles. Your best friend, pale skin human covered in moles smart mouth, has put his life on the line for you more times than I can count? Ringing any bells?’ Derek spat.
Scott looked away in shame.
'He is fine.’ Scott said quietly.
'Really? Because I just saw him and he is covered with injuries that he got while he was hunting dangerous creatures by himself!’ Derek yelled as he stood up.
'Creatures you wouldn’t have the balls to get near, because you wouldn’t have the brains to kill them.’ Derek fired.
'We aren’t supposed to kill.’ Scott said as he stood as well.
'So Stiles was supposed to just let some guy kill him?!’ Derek shouted.
Scott’s jaw clenched at that.
'Yeah he told me, you got mad at him for defending his life!’
'I got mad at him for killing!’
Derek let out his roar and charged at Scott, too fast and sudden for even the alpha to expect it.
He held his claws a centimeter from Scott’s throat.
'Now imagine you didn’t have the claws and strength to fight me off. Imagine I was dead set on killing you right now and no reasoning would stop me.’ Derek growled in Scott’s face.
Derek backed away and helped Scott up.
'What would you do then? Try to have a heart to heart and get yourself killed, be the guy that walks away alive?’ Derek asked before he left.
Scott glared at the beta’s back as he left.
Once Derek had gotten back in his car and drove off Scott sat down and rubbed his neck where Derek had aimed his claws.
What we he have done?
His first thought is that he would find a way, like he always had.
He would have trapped Donovan.
Stiles couldn’t do that.
He would have ran.
Stiles was only human, he couldn’t out run a chimera.
Scott grabbed his bike keys and ran out, he needed to find Stiles.
As he drove he thought back to when he had seen Donovan charge at Stiles at the police station, the look in his eyes. Scott had seen that look in rabid dogs that Deaton had to put down, because they were too dangerous...too far gone to be helped.
Scott hadn’t spoken to Stiles in so long that he had all but completely forgotten his scent, hopefully his dad knew where Stiles was.
Scott pulled into the Stilinski driveway and knocked on the door.
The sheriff opened the door in his sweats, with a bottle of Jack in hand.
‘You are not welcome here, not after what you did to my son.’ the sheriff said before he went to close the door.
‘Wait, please I know I was wrong, and I want to apologize. Please just let me see him.’ Scott begged.
‘You see I would, but because you kicked him out of your life my son is never here. And when he is he is too busy trying to cover up dislocated bones and pain killers to talk to me.’
Scott looked down and felt so much shame it almost took the air from his lungs, he hadn’t meant for this.
‘I’ll give you this though, without my son to keep an eye on me my self control has improved greatly, one drink a week...on my off day.’ Sheriff Stilinski said.
‘Do you know where I can find him?’ Scott asked.
‘Maybe I would...if he talked to me again.’ the man said before he slammed the door in Scott’s face.
Scott groaned in frustration, this was all his fault. Stiles wasn’t talking to anyone, not even his dad, and he was hunting.
Wait, he was hunting!
Scott fumbled his phone out of his pocket and called the one hunter he knew.
‘Argent! Have you been talking to Stiles?’ Scott asked.
‘Uh yeah, I honestly think if I charged him for all the guns he asks for he would be my top buyer.’ Argent joked.
‘Guns, you have been giving him guns?’ Scott asked.
‘Unless you know another way to kill a troll, or a werecat, or almost any other savage monster, then yes I gave him guns Scott.’ Argent replied.
‘None of those things have even been in town, I would know.’ Scott argued.
‘You wouldn’t know since Stiles has made sure nothing makes it off the preserve. Kid is a natural.’ Argent said.
All this time Scott things had just been good, when it was all just Stiles. Looking out for him and everyone else even when everyone had turned on him.
‘Where have you two been meeting up, I need to find him.’
‘It was the motel downtown but two months ago we started meeting at Derek’s old loft.’ Argent informed.
‘Thank you.’ Scott said before he hung up and hopped back onto his bike.
Of course he was at the loft, that’s how Derek had seen him.
He parked his bike and flew up the stairs, he threw the loft door open so fast he almost took it off its hinges.
‘Ah!’ Scott grunted as he fell clutching his left leg.
He had been shot.
‘Don’t move.’ Stiles came down the spiral stair case, gun in hand.
‘Stiles.’ Scott said, feeling his leg heal.
‘Stand up and I’ll shoot the other leg, you damn revenant.’ the human spat.
‘Reva-what?’ Scott asked.
‘Change your damn face, wearing Scott wont save you so change. Stiles ordered.
‘Stiles it’s me Scott.’
Stiles had pistol whipped him so fast that Scott didn’t even know he had been hit until he tasted the blood in his mouth.
‘I said change!’ Stiles yelled.
They both look up and see Derek walk in.
‘It’s him.’ Derek assured as he took the gun out of Stiles’ hand.
Stiles looked at Derek then back at Scott, who was standing up.
‘It’s me Stiles. Stiles I am so sorry for all of it. For not listening to you about Theo, for not understanding why you did what you did about Donovan...for ignoring you.’ Scott apologized looking into Stiles eyes.
Scott barely recognized the guy in front of him, he was nothing like the Stiles he remembered.
There was no plaid or graphic t-shirts, no random twitches of his mouth or hands. The guy he saw was still, had full control over his limbs, wore dark colors.
His hair hadn’t been cut or styled, his facial hair was nuts and he was no longer lanky either, he had bulked up.
‘Please forgive me Stiles, I never meant for all of this to happen.’
‘What the hell did you think would happen? That you’d just stop talking to me and I would just stop existing? I’m lucky it turned out like this, because the worse case scenario ends with a suicide note.’ Stiles said as he turned away and walked over to the couches.
‘That first week I had thought about it, I figured I would after my first hunt, but then I just kept hunting. Sure I get pretty beat up doing it, but it gives me a reason to wake up.’ Stiles finished.
‘Stiles you don’t have to do this anymore, not alone.’ Scott offered.
‘Don’t I? Are you ready to kill anything? Because almost everything I have found I’ve had to kill.’ Stiles deadpanned.
Scott went quiet.
‘Scott you’re my brother always will be, it’s why I started hunting, so you wouldn’t have to kill. But I don’t think I can be in your pack anymore, and you certainly can’t hunt with me.’ Stiles sighed.
‘Stiles what are you saying?’ Scott asked as his heart filled with dread.
‘We will always be friends Scott, but I can’t work with you, and I think a part of me will never forgive you for what you did to me.’
‘Please Stiles-’
‘Leave Scott, go and live your life with your pack, I’ll make sure nothing bothers you guys.’ Stiles said.
‘We will make sure nothing bothers you.’ Derek corrected.
‘You’ll hunt with Derek and not me?’ Scott accused.
‘I trust Derek, more than I trust you right now.’ Stiles said.
‘Stiles you can always trust me.’
‘No I can’t, because you didn’t trust me. How do I know that you won’t see me kill something and shut me off again?’
‘That won’t happen.’ Scott swore.
‘Scott I am asking you to leave.’ Stiles repeated.
Scott looked down and sighed, he smelled the despair rolling off Stiles and the tension on Derek.
‘I’ll leave, but I will gain your trust again Stiles.’ the alpha said before he left the loft.
‘I swear I will.’
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pen-masta · 8 years
Girlfriend Guru Part 7 [End]
1   2   3  4   5   6   7[End]
“Alright everything is all put away,” Jack says as he hangs up his yellow uniform jacket. “You heading out?”
“No I think I’ll stay for a little while longer,” Joy says leaning against the wall around the ice rink. “Can you leave the music on?”
He smiles and nods, “Sure can. If I leave the keys will lock up?”
“Can do, cockatoo.” Joy smiles and shoots finger guns at her coworker.
He laughs and tosses the keys on the counter, “Have a good night Joy.”
“You too Jack,” she smiles and skates around on the ice as I Want You Back by Cher Lloyd plays through the speakers.
She skates around the rink a few times with her hands in her yellow uniform jacket. She sighs trying to shake off the hurt and sadness that fills her heart, Castel had just up and left all day…and she has no idea why! He could have at least said something, maybe it’s because of something she did? What if he’s hurt? Or in trouble? He would call or text her if he was wouldn’t he? Maybe not after the way she’s been acting around him…he wasn’t answering his phone either. Maybe he noticed how she was acting, and maybe he knows it’s him! What if he knows that she’s in love with him and now he feels so uncomfortable!? Wait…did she just say in love with?
She stops in the center of the rink staring down at her skates. Yeah…that is how I feel about him isn’t it. Why fight with myself? That’s just how I feel. She huffs and hugs her body, it doesn’t much matter now though who knows where Captain Disappear went. She chews her bottom lip before deciding to stay out on the ice for a little while longer–she’s gotta skate this out.
Castel is panting, sweating, and red faced by the time he reaches the ice rink. Just about all the lights are off inside and he prays it’s unlocked as he puts his hand on the handle. It opens! He runs in breathing so heavily he’s sure at this point it could be categorized as hyperventilating. He leans against the door to catch his breath, he ran 9 miles in an hour and his body is hating him right now. But it’s worth it if she’s still here, he can fix this…he hopes. A smile brightens his face when he hears music blasting from the arena and he follows the melody out to the ice rink.
The only lights left on are the ones directly over the ice as the music fills the room. And there she is. Skating in circles and dancing along to the music in the dimly light room on the ice, ripped jeans, tight fit cat t-shirt, and her bright yellow jacket that has STAFF written in black on the back. His smile softens as he lovingly watches her circle around alone on the ice. She had only started working here a few months ago and she’s already incredible on the ice. She looks so beautiful out there. His heart jumps into a racing speed as he remembers why he ran all the way here. Okay, you can do this. He tells himself, Just act cool, calm, and collected…so basically everything you’re not.
He inhales deeply before walking over to the open gate leading onto the ice. He smiles and watches her for a few minutes as he leans against the outer wall of the rink, with his hands in his pockets. She skates out into the center of the ice and stops, running her hand through her hair. Now, speak now!
“You’re getting really good,” he says loud enough to be heard over the music.
Joy physically jerks and almost falls. After steadying herself on her skates she turns to see him standing at the gate. A smile springs to her face for a brief moment, happy to see he’s alright and safe and unharmed. But anger floods her body at the fact that he just vanished for their whole weekend of Friend Fun. She scrunches her eyebrows together, crosses her arms, and scowls at him.
And there’s her irritated face, he thinks to himself but manages to hold his smile. Man I really messed up today. It’s ok, fix this first and then…possibly ruin our friendship forever or…get everything I’ve ever wanted.
“Oh so nice of you to drop by Castel,” she snips sarcastically. He cringes at the use of his name, Yeah a major donk up on my part. “Didn’t think I’d see you again for a while considering it’s the end of the weekend and you have to go back to work and I have class. Oh wait! No it’s only Saturday!” She hisses the hurt constricting her heart.
He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, “I’m sorry Jo-jo–”
“No don’t call me that,” she snaps. “Only my best friend gets to call me that. You know the guy that I’ve shared my whole life with, and who I dedicate special weekends to spend time with. Not just some cheeseball of a guy who just disappears without a single word for the whole day that we were supposed spend together.” She smiles mockingly, “If you see him around tell him I’d like to speak with him.”
He bites the inside of his cheek hearing the hurt in her voice that she tries to mask with anger.
“Joy please I just–”
“No,” she cuts him off. “If you have anything to say to me, you have to come out here and say it.”
He blinks and stares at her in shock, “Joy…you know I can’t skate.”
She shrugs, “Then I guess we have nothing to say to each other.” She says before starting to skate around the rink again.
“Joy,” he whines. “Please can’t you just come here and talk?”
“No can do bub,” she says skating passed him. “I’m not stopping my fun just cause you have some halfhearted apology and some excuse for running out on me today.”
Wow she’s really mad, he thinks to himself, I can’t remember the last time she was this mad at me. He looks down at his sneakers.
“I can’t come out there Joy. I don’t have any skates.” He says thinking he’s found a loophole.
She screeches to a halt at the other end of the rink, kicking up ink shavings as she stops. Her fiery glare cuts through him.
“Look knucklehead, if you really want to talk that badly maybe you could actually use that big dumb brain of yours and figure out you can swap your sneaks for skates.”
He juts out his bottom lip and pouts trying to appeal to her sweeter nature, but she’s not having it. Not this time.
She crosses her arms and leans against the back wall, “Lace up or shut up.”
He sighs and looks at the counter where the skate rentals happen. It’s the only way he’ll get a chance to talk to her. After hopping over the counter and grabbing a pair of skate that are his size, he kicks off his sneakers and ties his laces tight. Wobbling and shaking like mad he stands at the gate of the rink, he stares at her on the opposite side of the football field length sheet of ice. She purses her lips and raises a brow at him as the song tune shifts to Here’s To Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne. He sighs and steps out onto the ice.
He’s upright for all of five seconds, before his feet slide out from under him and he grabs the wall of the rink. Steadying himself up again he looks back at her, hoping maybe if she sees how much he’s struggling she’ll just come over to him. But she’s fuming, she’s going to let him struggle on his own. He huffs and decides the only way he’s going to get over to her without falling is if he uses the wall as his guide–so he does.
Barely moving his feet he pulls himself along the wall, slowly but surely he makes his way around the rink. He’s trembling by the time he reaches her and she stands there next to him watching him with eyes that burn with some much intensity he’s sure he’s actually going to lit on fire. Panting a little he steadies himself next to her and smiles weakly.
“Ok I’m out on the ice,” he says his voice shaking along with his body.
“So it seems,” she says and looks away from him.
He bites his bottom lip, “Can we talk now? Please Joy?”
“Sure, what should we talk about what Castel?” She snips and looks at him with narrowed eyes. “Maybe we could talk about how you asked to spend this weekend with me. Remember that? You asked for this weekend. And then today you just vanished without a single word. We could talk about that.”
His heart tightens at the pain in her angry voice, “Joy I–”
“Or we could talk about how you didn’t text or call me.” She smiles sarcastically, “Or how about that you wouldn’t answer my calls or texts. We could talk about that.”
She is really laying it on, he thinks as he tries to hold himself steady against the wall. Definitely can’t remember the last time she was this mad.
“Joy listen I just–”
“Had to leave yeah I know.” She huffs and looks away again, “You could have at least called or something.” She looks back at him tears pricking her eyes as she tries to keep her voice from shaking, “Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? You big dummy!” She snaps and hits his arm angrily.
He nods, “I’m sorry Joy, you’re right I should have called you. I’m sorry.”
“You should be,” she snaps and wipes her nose on her sleeve. When had tears filled her eyes?
He frowns seeing how upset she is, “Joy I really am sorry. I shouldn’t have just disappeared but I had to–”
“Think about stuff I know,” she snaps again and glares at him. “What exactly did you have to think about Castel?”
“I had to think–”
“Think about Cubs Industry?” She asks her voice filled with sarcasm.
He blinks and stares at her, “No Joy I had to–”
“Think about a new product to make?” She huffs angrily.
Frustration starts to rise inside him and he grits his teeth, “If you’d just let me–”
“Or maybe there’s a chance for a new buyer that Amy let you know about.” She says crossing her arms, “Or something else that’s more important than your best friend.”
“Nothing is more important to me than you!” He yells silencing her.
She stares at him in shock as he breaths heavily–from frustration and trying to keep himself upright. As he hears the music shift again to 1,2,3,4 by the Plain White T’s. He feels his anger dissipating as he stands there.
He grits his teeth, “Joy I know you’re mad at me and you have every right to be. That was not the right way to handle this, but I didn’t know what else to do. But please let me speak, stop with the accusation and just hear me out please.” His expression softens, “And if you still want to be mad at me after I say what I need to say…that’s fine.” He sighs, “Now will you please just listen?”
She pauses a moment still staring at him. She is really mad at him, but it’s not fair to just keep cutting him off and never giving him a chance to explain himself. She doesn’t really want to hear his excuses or anything he has to say but it’s only fair to give him a chance.
She sighs and nods, “Fine but you should know going in this isn’t going to change anything. I’m still going to be mad at you Castel Cubs.”
He nods, “Understood.” His feet start to slip out from under him and he grasps the wall tightly pulling himself up again. He looks at her and even though her flaming eyes are boring right through him, the sight of her still make his heart rate change to beat at an irregular tempo.
Come on dude you can do this you have to! He tells himself as he takes a deep breath.
“First of all Joy I am really sorry I just ran off without a word or anything. I know I upset you and hurt you and it was just wrong.” He looks at her, “But I needed to be away from you because I needed to be alone, I had to think about something really really important.”
She rolls her eyes, “Yeah so important that you couldn’t talk to me about it.” She says her words filled with venom and hurt.
He nods, “Yes actual.”
She scoffs and looks down at the ice, “And what was so important?”
He pauses before finding his courage, “You.”
She blinks and looks up at him, “What?”
He swallows hard, “I had to think about you Joy. There is only one thing I can’t talk to you about…and it has to do with you. That’s why I needed to be alone for a while.”
Her heart leaps in her chest as she stares at him, “W-what about me?” She asks quietly.
His heart is pounding in his ears, “Joy…there is nothing in this entire world that is more important to me than you. You’re my best friend Jo-jo, you mean everything to me. I don’t think I could even survive without you in my life,” he smiles a little. “And I pray I never have to experience a world without.”
She listens intently to every word he says, butterflies going crazy-wild in her belly, she hugs her body to hide how violently her arms are trembling.
He takes a deep breath again, beads of sweat pepper his forehead as his body begins to tremble more from fear of how this is going to end. But he can’t stop now, he has to keep going and…he’ll deal with the outcome. He bites his lip, come on man up! Tell her! Say it! Say it!
“What did you have to think about Cassie?” She gently pressures, urging him to continue with his thought.
He swallows again, “I had to think about…how much you mean to me.” He says slowly, “How much we’ve been through together, how much of my life you’ve apart of.” He closes his eyes, not being able to say it while looking at her, “And how much…I love you.”
She blinks feeling her heart running as fast as a rabbit, “I love you too Cassie.”
“No,” he shakes his head squeezing his eyes shut. “No I don’t mean…just as…friends.” His breathing picks up in pace as he starts to panic about how she’s going to react. She’ll probably yell, or maybe hit him, or both. But he can’t stop he has to say it all. “I love you as a friend yes, but I have love you more than that for a while now and frankly I don’t just love you Jo-jo…I’m in love with you.”
She swears her heart has stopped. She can’t hear the music anymore, she can’t stop shaking, she can barley stay standing up. She’s not here at the ice rink, time has frozen and she can’t believe he just said…he’s in love with her. He’s in love with her! A smile breaks onto her face as she feels a blush rise in her face, she bites her bottom lip staring at him with tear filled eyes. She can’t seem to think of what to say back to him, but she doesn’t have to he continues talking.
With his eyes still closed tight he says, “I know it’s wrong and weird for me to say that about you…but I can’t take it anymore Joy. I’ve been in love with you for years and I never could say anything before because…” he shakes his head feeling tears welling up behind his closed lids as he imagines her expression of shock. He can’t bring himself to open his eyes for fear he’ll really see that disgusted appalled expression, but his heart breaks in his chest.
“Look you don’t have to feel the same way or anything I know it’s just weird and,” he starts to choke on his words, “I understand if you’re uncomfortable and you don’t ever want to see me again, or or speak to me again.” His voice is trembling at thought of losing her forever, he’d never be able to handle it but she’d more important to him than his own needs and wants. “Then that’s fine, I understand.” His voice cracks on the second syllable of the word in a way it hasn’t since he was twelve.
He pauses giving her a chance to absorb what he’s said. He waits with his eyes closed for her to yell, for her to make a comment, for her to hit him, for her to do…something! She’s not responding at all! His heart shatters further at the fact that maybe this was just even more weird for her than he has imagined, she doesn’t know what to say because she’s just disgusted that he’s ever hoped or wanted or thought about more than just his friend. Now he’s tainted what they have! Why did he do this!? He could have just swallowed his feelings again like he has for years, he could have never brought this up ever. And now that he has he’s sure he’ll never hear from her ever again. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
He wants to open his eyes and look at her, but his fear grips him and he can’t. He takes a shaky breath telling himself to man up, he can be strong with this he has to be for her. He doesn’t want pity or sympathy or anything, he just wants this to be over–fully regretting his decision to open up and tell her.
He shakes his head again, “Joy I’m sorry.” He says his words coming out fast and hurried, “I just couldn’t take it anymore. I had to say something, I know it’s a lot and I’m sure you don’t feel the same and that’s ok. I’m sorry I just–”
His rambling is cut off when two soft lips are pressed firmly against his, silencing him. He blinks his eyes open to see Joy pressed close against him, her lips thrust against his. Her arms slide up to wrap around his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. His eyes flutter closed again resting his hands on her hips, savoring her cupcake flavored lip gloss. His heart is pounding so hard in his ears it drowns out the soft lyrics of the music–he’s almost unsure if this is happening, is he imagining this?
But he’s sure this is really happen when he feels his feet slide out from under him. A very distressed sound bursts form his throat into the kiss as he falls back onto the hard, cold ice–pulling her along with him. He lands on his back with a groan of pain, breaking their kiss to grit his teeth as the electric shocks sprint up his spine. Joy lies onto of him wincing a little from the pain of where her arm landed hard on the ice. After the moment of pain passes they look at each other.
She smiles lovingly at him and shakes her head, “You really can’t skate.” She says through a giggle.
He stares at her for a moment still not believing that just happened.
“Wait so…you’re not….you’re not…” he stutters.
“Not at all dork-asourus-rex,” she giggles again and sniffles a little. “You really think you’re alone in this whole weird mess of feelings? Since when do we do anything alone?”
He smiles a little, “Well it is pretty weird even for us.”
She shrugs, “Yeah but you know me,” she smiles more. “I love weird.”
He finds himself laughing before he pulls her in for another kiss. She hums into the kiss as colors explode in her mind–this is really happening!! Wait…why is this happening? She breaks their kiss again and he whines at the loss of her lips. She giggles a little and runs her hand through his curls.
“I’m sorry I have to ask you something though.”
“Why?” He asks and kisses her neck pulling her closer to him.
She smiles a little, “What made all of this come out?”
He stops and looks up at her. He blushes and looks off to the side feeling a little embarrassed.
“Well um…Maggie kind of had to do this experiment for her phycology class and–”
“She asked you to think of your ideal girl?” Joy asks her eyes widening in realization.
He scrunches his eyebrows in confusion, “Yeah…how did you know?”
Joy stares at him for a moment before she burst into laughter. He watches her laugh not understanding what’s so funny, but when she calms down she smiles at him.
“She did the same thing to me!” She laughs, “She gave me that same spiel about her phycology class and told me to think of my ideal guy!”
He blushes a little more afraid to ask, “Really? Well then um…what name did you say?”
She smiles so warmly at him a chill sprints up his spine…or maybe it’s from the ice. But she gives him a chaste kiss and looks at him with so much love and adoration it causes his stomach to swirl.
“Do I really have to answer that brainy-ack?” She purrs and he smiles.
“No just wanted to make sure,” he hums.
“And I’m guessing I don’t have to ask you what name you said either?” She asks kisses his neck.
He smiles more and kisses her cheek, “Not at all Jo-jo.”
Maggie smiles from her spot at the coffee shop. The crisp autumn breeze dances across The Green causing the remaining leaves to shake and sway. It’s not cold out today so she decided to sit outside to drink her coffee and do her work, and apparently she’s not the only one who thought it was a nice day out. From where she sits she can see down onto The Green and at the far end of the courtyard under one of the big sycamore trees that line the grass, sits Joy and Castel.
Castel had been reading a book about Plato with Joy laying with her head in his lap as she drew in her sketchbook, but with a single playful grin from Joy that all changed. Now they are locking lips under the tree happy as can be, unashamed and not caring about the looks they got from people passing–looks of jealousy, looks of happiness, or looks of disgust they don’t care. All that is in their world is each other. Maggie smiles back at James who sits across from her.
“You really got them together?” He asks looking at Castel and Joy down on The Green.
“Yup,” Maggie smiles proudly. “Told ya I’d have them together before the end of the semester didn’t I?”
James chuckles a little and looks at her, “And you’re sure you can help me out with Tammy?”
Maggie nods and sips her coffee, “The Girlfriend Guru is at your service my friend.”
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awellboiledicicle · 8 years
buzzlam replied to your post “buzzlam replied to your post “me: [enjoying puppy bowl] [a vegan...”
Just saying that if it is economically and medically viable, a vegan/plant based diet can reduce animal suffering, the effects of climate change and in some scenarios can aid human health. Being angered about an inappropriate diet for a dog would be hypocritical if not angered by the inadequacy of a primarily grain diet for many 'farmed' animals; it's something to look into if you care about animals- and if you are able to obviously aha ✌️��
ok because im in this kinda mood.
Veganism, in terms of white people tapdancing around doing it, is not good for jack and shit. 
People in southern american are starving to death because white people are going “QUINOA NOW” and I know damn well how immegrant and migrant workers are treated in this and other countries to grow your organic veggies.
Animals being raised for slaughter are treated really fucking well because poorly treated animals do not grow well. Starved animals don’t grow, not milked cows are usually in pain after a day or so, uncared for animals that have been domesticated don’t do too fucking well on their own. Beaten or neglected animals don’t sell well because their meat and product reflects it. I know because my family raised beef cows, we ran a carving & meat smoking shop, and there’s enough dairy farmers up here that I am personal friends with one that took me on a fucking tour.  Dairy farms and others often have working dogs-- which they feed kibble with meat in it. The difference between feeding their dogs and their other animals? Their other animals are made, via their fucking biological makeup, to eat grain as part of their diet. Because grain is a grass. That’s all it is, just the seeds of it. No one is feeding their damn herds only grain, or only one grain and walking away. That would be like pissing in their wallet. They have formulated feeds to make sure their animals get a good nutritional meal, sometimes its grain and meal mix, sometimes it’s hay, sometimes there’s a mix along with grazing time. 
You know who’s a fucking hypocrite in this lil informal info to info pissing match you’ve jumped into? You, buddy my pal. Because i’m suspecting just a lil touch of “i don’t care about the animals i just want to point out i’m better than you because I don’t eat meat” here. Just a smidge. Just like Mt. Everest is a pebble, like that. Because let me tell you--- Being pissed that some woman is looking at her love of animals and thinking her dietary/moral bent should apply to a dog, and knowing it’s stupid and knowing she probably has no real fucking clue because sometimes Foster people have the basic knowledge enough to get a pass and the shelters are packed, along with hoping to high heaven someone explains it to her, all that? That can exist along with knowing damn well what is humane treatment of livestock and inhumane treatment. I am 100% against inhumane keeping of livestock, because i’ve seen it and i’ve gone toe to toe with someone over treatment of horses and cattle and physically blocked a woman from shooting my then 7 year old little brother because he was petting a donkey we were trying to rescue. Because the woman thought he was going to steal the donkey, even though we then rescued him and then shelled out money for the next 11 years because she’d broken his legs over and over again and his feet still aren’t right. I’ve raised rescued baby donkeys that fuckers have starved till they looked spindly and ‘cute’ and we had to get them off the side the road because their buyers realized they were sick. I’ve sat in the animal shelter spoon feeding animals because abusive owners kicked their faces in and this is the only way they can eat and drink. 
So I fucking dare you to say i don’t care about animals and easing their suffering.  Farm animals have a whole list of problems, i’ll grant that-- illness because not a fucking buyer in this country wants them vaccinated against preventable diseases, every time an antibiotic comes out that could make them safer or healthier the whole fucking world loses their minds no matter how safe the thing is, things like that. 
I care about animals. I care about animals more than I care about a lot of my own fucking family, if i’m being 100% honest, and not a fucking person on this goddamn earth will tell me that because I don’t live on vegan shit-- or for that matter, people who i know damn well care their fucking heart out about humans and animals-- don’t care. Because i’ll be damned before you can look me in the eyes and tell me that the people who slave away making sure white people running around playing the morality olympics are less important than animals we’re already working on ensuring the welfare of.
if y’all don’t want to work through this long ass post, i will sum up.
Vegans don’t own the monopoly on caring for animals, in fact the giant pull by white vegans increases the suffering economically and personally on thousands of people worldwide, and also playing That Vegan Recruiter is never a welcome thing and just makes you sound annoying.  Good day.
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goldeagleprice · 5 years
Viewpoint: Ten Years of FUN
By Glen McClary
This is my tenth year in attending the FUN show. After so many years you might think it has become more of a routine visit, but NO, it is still a fascinating experience.
Usually, I attend on Friday each year. I always felt that was a good day to miss the opening crowds and yet not be squeezed by the weekend attendees. This year I went on Thursday and I think I will be doing that in the future. I parked just outside the convention center and zipped to the registration area. As usual, there were great volunteers waiting to give you your name tag and bag of collectibles, including a reminder card for 2021, an elongated cent with Liberty embossed, a 2020 also with Liberty and the dates 1955-2020, and your all-important show guide. 
Each of these are collectibles in and of themselves and I share them with my northern club members when I return home in the summer.
As I entered the bourse I took in the initial sense of what was to come. The activity level seemed high and indicated a great day ahead. My first stop was the BEP exhibit area where I had a nice chat with a BEP employee about inks, engraving, and the old press that was in use there. It was from the 1880s and still cranked out various card stock including Purple Heart and Congressional Medal of Honor items. They were exquisite! I also took several pictures including the Billion Dollar Showcase presentation of high denomination bills.
Moving along I passed and said hi to Ben Franklin and Abe Lincoln re-enactors who were just setting up. I also dropped by the gold panning exhibit, a staple for those who want to try their luck in hitting the big one. I then moved to the exhibit area. In two of the last three, my Central Brevard Coin club has had an exhibit and I wanted to see the final product. It was a space theme with various memorabilia from our members who worked at the Cape over the years. The display included a variety of related coinage from early NASA to the present. Well done club members! 
I moved to other great exhibits of coins, paper money, and souvenir cards to name a few. I had an animated chat with the Souvenir Card Club rep about the fine cards enabling a collector to have inexpensive ownership of currency that would otherwise be unattainable. These cards used the exact ink and the card stock was high quality. I might join the club in the near future with its modest membership fee.
I drifted around the bourse and found my Western New York friends and dealers, Doc and Carol. We compared notes on the early start to the show and after exchanging pleasantries, I was off again. I got about five tables away and heard my name called and it was a friend, Brian, who was in my WNY club for years but had moved to S.C. a few years ago and was running a coin shop in Charlotte, N.C. close to his home. We had a long talk, caught up and parted with smiles and a handshake promising to keep in contact as always.
Now I was ready for my yearly modest purchases for my Morgan dollar Collection. I have sought Jack Copeland of Royalty Coins (located in San Antonio, Texas) over the years as they have boxes and boxes of slabbed coins for quite reasonable prices. Before I started my search we had a friendly chat as I was early and the chairs hadn’t filled in yet.  I made several purchases and was given a great multi-coin discount. You can count on them to make me want to come back year after year. All of my purchases were MS 61-63. 
Another friend from up north, Jesse, asked me to check around for French Indochina piastres. I could only locate two and they were not in the grade he was looking for. Several vendors were kind enough to give me their cards for Jesse and each vendor was great and helpful.
I went off to the bargain area looking for error cents with dates. Strangely I had no luck for years I didn’t have but it was fun to browse the tables and talk errors with each seller.
Time flew by and I ran to a presentation on Chinese fakes given by Tom Walker. For me, it was a wonderful introduction to what many of us worry about in coin collecting. He had great photos of a “fake factory,” and comparisons between bad fakes, good fakes, excellent fakes, and the Real Deal. He stressed the bottom line of educating yourself and to be a wise buyer: If it seems too good to be true, it is! Buyer Beware!
After the presentation, I drifted to several Heritage Auction rooms. Paper money was the item of the hour. It was fascinating to watch the speed of each item mimicking the speed of the Mecum Auction in nearby Kissimmee I had attended several days earlier. Money was no object and items “flew off the shelf” so to speak. Phone and Internet bidding seemed to dominate. High bid values were in evidence also.
I drifted back to the bourse and checked out some high-value coins. The vendors were very conversational and willing to show the coins to me even though they knew I couldn’t afford them. I just wanted to feel what a $10,000 coin was like in my palm. Kudos to all the people that I talked to as I strolled the aisles.
As I left for the day I stopped by the reservation area and thanked the workers for their efforts. The entire staff who put on this show should be praised for their unlimited energy and a high degree of quality for vendors, attendees, and sponsors. I had a great day and will return next year to start a new decade of FUN. Thursday will be my day.
As I walked to my car for the drive back to the Space Coast I again marveled at what you can experience for free at the FUN show. It doesn’t get any better than this. See you in Orlando early in January 2021.
This “Viewpoint” was written by Glen McClary from Indian Harbour Beach, Fla. To have your opinion considered for Viewpoint, write to Editor, Numismatic News, 5225 Joerns Drive, Stevens Point WI, 54481. Email submissions can be sent to [email protected].
To see other Viewpoints, click here. 
The post Viewpoint: Ten Years of FUN appeared first on Numismatic News.
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payment-providers · 5 years
New Post has been published on Payment-Providers.com
New Post has been published on https://payment-providers.com/building-an-ecommerce-business-part-18-selling-the-company/
Building an Ecommerce Business, Part 18: Selling the Company
Launching and then growing an ecommerce business can be both exciting and stressful. The reward for many entrepreneurs is to sell their companies someday.
I’m the founder of Beardbrand, an ecommerce business in Austin, Texas, that focuses on beard care and men’s grooming. This is episode 18 in my series on building an ecommerce business from the ground up. The previous installments are:
“Part 1: Choosing Partners,”
“Part 2: Selecting Platforms,”
“Part 3: Early Days,”
“Part 4: Copywriting Matters,”
“Part 5: Paid Acquisition,”
“Part 6: Hiring Employees,”
“Part 7: Shipping and Fulfillment,”
“Part 8: Customer Service,”
“Part 9: YouTube Strategy,”
“Part 10: Apparel Sales, Manufacturing.”
“Part 11: Selling on Amazon.”
“Part 12: Acquiring Companies.”
“Part 13: Raising Money.”
“Part 14: Using Kickstarter.”
“Part 15: Content Essentials.”
“Part 16: Custom Manufacturing“
“Part 17: Growing a Community.”
For this installment, I spoke with Michael Jackness. He is the owner of Terran, a multi-brand ecommerce company. He is also the host of EcomCrew, a popular podcast. Jackness has sold several ecommerce businesses. In this conversation, we discuss the most recent sale, which occurred earlier this year.
What follows is our entire audio conversation and a transcript, edited for length and clarity.
Eric Bandholz: You own and operate multiple ecommerce businesses. You’re also the host of EcomCrew, an amazing ecommerce podcast. Tell us a little bit about your background.
Michael Jackness: I left my day job in 2004. I got into ecommerce as a domain investor and an affiliate marketer. I then purchased Treadmill.com, which was my first ecommerce site. I ran that for a couple of years. I sold a few million dollars in fitness equipment and realized the perils of drop shipping.
In January 2015, we started Terran, which consisted of four ecommerce brands: Ice Wraps (hot and cold therapy packs); ColorIt, which I just sold (coloring supplies and products for adults); Wild Baby (baby clothing and toys); Tac Niner (survival gear).
The one we just sold, ColorIt, was about 80 percent Amazon and 20 percent on Colorit.com using Shopify. If we had turned off Amazon, it could have been 50-50. But many people come to ColorIt and then search on Amazon, find the products there, and receive free Prime shipping.
Bandholz: You started ColorIt in 2015?
Jackness: The concept started in 2015. We got serious about the business in 2016. Then we sold it this year.
Bandholz: It’s coloring books for adults?
Jackness: Yes. It was a huge trend in 2014 or 2015. We launched as just a coloring book company. And then we launched colored pencils. We realized that the accessories were more lucrative than the books. But over the last year, the books have caught up. We have enough titles now and we rank well on Amazon. They’re also defensible because we handle all the designs. They’re all copyrighted.
We’ve differentiated ourselves in the manufacturing process. You need $50,000 to $100,000 to get started printing at the level that we do. And we also have the original art component.
Bandholz: Do you own your businesses?
Jackness: I had a partner with ColorIt. The others I own wholly.
Bandholz: ColorIt sounds like a perfect business. Why sell it?
Jackness: I’m also looking to sell another one next year. Everyone has a different risk profile. For us, we started this brand conglomerate in 2015 called Terran with the goal of $10 million in overall annual sales.
Since then, we accumulated $1.3 million in inventory — inventory sitting in warehouses across four brands. I was losing sleep because as we continued to grow, we needed more and more cash, more and more inventory. I wasn’t in control of my destiny as a lot of my business was on Amazon. It was time to take some risk off the table.
Bandholz: So you and your partner decided to sell ColorIt. What were the steps from there?
Jackness: You can have two modes of business. You’re either focused on growth or profit. It’s hard to do both. When the time comes to focus on profit, it’s easier to switch that lever than the high-growth lever.
When we stopped the high growth for ColorIt, we decided to sell it. That decision happened relatively quickly. We had doubled our bottom line. The timing was right to put it up for sale.
So that’s what we did. We put it up for sale in January of this year. Within three weeks we had multiple offers. We had a good broker, Joe Valley from Quiet Light Brokerage.
Bandholz: How big was your company at the time?
Jackness: We had 15 total employees for the business, across all four brands. Revenue for all four brands was high seven figures.
Bandholz: Was the valuation for ColorIt based on net profit?
Jackness: Yes, more or less. Most ecommerce businesses go for a multiple of EBITDA — earnings before taxes, interest, depreciation, and amortization — plus add backs. A seller can add his salary back to that number as well as his company car, his personal cell phone, that sort of thing. You can also add back one-time expenses.
You end up with 12 months of adjusted, trailing earnings and then multiply that by whatever multiple you get. In our case, it was 3.1. Then you add inventory on top of that. That’s the final sales price.
Bandholz: Do larger businesses receive higher valuations?
Jackness: Yes. There’s a magic line, typically $1 million per year in EBITDA, where the multiples increase.
Other things that can help include channel diversification, intellectual property (having a trademark), and business longevity.
Bandholz: Did the buyer write a check and you turned over the business?
Jackness: Yes. Every deal is different, however. For our transaction, 90 percent of the purchase price was paid at closing; 10 percent was held in escrow for 90 days to ensure a smooth transition and to make sure that all the things that I promised were true.
For the inventory, we took a 12-month note — 12 equal payments at 5 percent interest. Normally I would never agree to that. But I thought that it was the right thing to do because of the amount of inventory that we had for this business. If we were operating at peak efficiency, we would have had about $300,000 in inventory, but we had $450,000. It’s not fair to a buyer to pay for our mistake.
Overall, I’m happy with the deal.
Bandholz: Final question. What lessons have you learned over the years in terms of buying and selling businesses?
Jackness: Let’s start with selling. I’ve never regretted selling a business. I’ve sold several now. I’m good at compartmentalizing. I always keep in mind the moment that I’m at when deciding to sell. You can’t look back. It’s similar to the stock market. Why did I sell my Apple stock at $100 per share when it’s now $200? It was the right decision at the time.
As far as recommendations on the selling side, I don’t want to get paid with my money. I don’t want earnouts. Write me the check. This is the price of my business. I realize it’s a lot of money. But I want to be paid up front so I can deploy that money elsewhere.
On the buy side, I have several suggestions. First, make sure to conduct due diligence. Don’t take the seller’s word. There’s a lot of morally questionable people in the world. Either do the review yourself or hire a company.
The company that purchased ColorIt hired Centurica, a professional due diligence company that specializes in ecommerce. It took five or six weeks for Centurica to comb through seemingly every detail of my business. They found a bunch of mistakes, which upset me as I strive to be thorough. But they were excellent. They found a bunch of little things that I didn’t even know about. So due diligence is important.
And you have to be willing to walk away. It’s easy to get emotionally attached or feel like you’ve put so much time into something and you get excited about it. But think a year or two down the road. What if it doesn’t work out and the excitement has worn off?
There is always another business. I’ve reviewed a lot of them. Many people I know look at 100 businesses before they buy one.
See the next installment, “Part 19: Just Do It.”
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Where to get car insurance quote?
Where to get car insurance quote?
How to get car insurance for a reasonable price at 17/18?
Please, please please, do not say oooh you're a hazard, you're not going to get cheap car insurance GTFO! I am asking people who have managed to get reasonably cheap car insurance. How did you get it? What car (size engine)? What Company? I think if I get my insurance down to 1700 I will consider buying a car but I want to know how feasible this price is. Oh, by the way, I am 17 (but I will buy the car when i'm 18), I have been riding a moped for 2 years with no accidents (I'm not sure if this helps) and i won't use the car a lot, I just want a little run around. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers guys!""
Good used sports car that won't jack up my insurance?
I am 17 and getting my license in november and I want to buy sports car (ex:mustang) that won't jack up my insurance, and won't break down all the time, my budget is about 12,000. Any recommendations?""
How does the car insurance differ between this vehicles?
I'm about to be 18 and am in the market for a used car. I currently drive an '05 Chevy Colorado and am paying maybe a little less than $80 per month. I'm looking at the BMW 3 series ('06-'08), Acura TL ('07-'08), Honda Accord Coupe ('08-'10), and the Acura TSX ('08-'09). Just wondering how much this would bump my insurance rate up and which would be the most practical as far as insurance goes. I have no wrecks or tickets on my record.""
Who offers the best and affordable auto insurance ?
First time buyer, just got drivers license""
Motorcycle insurance in GTA?!?
Hey, I am 21 and has had motorcycle insurance now for the past 3 years and have been insured for a 2009 kawasaki ninja 250r. I am currently paying $1700 a year for insurance with td and have a perfect driving record. I want to switch my bike to a 2012 harley davidson iron 883 and just got a quote from them for $5500 a year!! I think that is ridiculous! Does anyone know of any good motorcycle insurance for harleys or are similar in age and paying less? I really want this bike but $5500 a year is nuts. I can buy a brand new ninja every year lmao.""
How much would my car insurance cost?
i am a 17 year old girl with a car in insurance group one was wondering how much it is going to cost to insure???
How old must you be to have classic car insurance?
is their any age you have to be for classic car insurance as i have been looking to buy a ford xr3i and i am 17
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old.?
Nissan 350z in florida. I heard that if you take drivers ed in school it lowers your insurance, is this true? To SLACKER286 (answers all of my car questions lol): how old are you and how much is your insurance each month for your 350z, thanks""
Auto Body Shop gives me an estimate higher than insurance settlement bus says they'll work it out?
Before I got word back from my insurance company on a settlement for a cehicle accident, I already got two estimates from two body shops. The estimates were at $5,000 .... but now ...show more""
What is the best health insurance company to go through for maternity insurance.?
What is the best maternity health insurance company to go to in Tennessee. Me and my hubby want to start having a family and need to get some insurance.
Willthe insurance cover me ?
If someone hit my car and it was their fault but i dont have insurance will my cars damage be covered?
Insurance for Braces?
Does anyone have insurance for braces that they have used and can tell me about it? I really need braces but my regular insurance won't pay. :( Any help is appreciated! :)
Car Insurance?
Im Thinkin bout buyin a Toyota Starlet 1.3 GT Turbo, but im worried about the cost of my insurance, im 17, no penalty points, no previous convictions, Cud someone gimme a rough idea, at how much it wud be? thanks""
What should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I am 18. I got my permit in March 2011 when I was 16 and I got my license this month. I will be taking a defensive driving course, the 5 hour course and I might also take a course with a driving school to reduce insurance cost. (I live in New York) I have enough money saved up to lease the car I want but the insurance seems like it will be very steep. The cars I'm looking at are a: 2012-2013 Mercedes Benz C300 4MATIC 2010-2013 BMW 3 series or 5 series What can I expect to pay on insurance based on this information and do you think I'd be able to get a quote for $400 or less? Also, what type of car do you have and how much do you pay for your car insurance?""
How much would insurance for a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc?
I'm only a 16 year old, 5'3 115 pound girl... I've got my g1, my driving course and I'm more than willing to take the motorcycle course. I'm looking at buying a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. I'm wondering ON AVERAGE what I'll be paying for insurance? Thanks in advance!""
Shouldn't I try to claim all I can on car insurance?
Someone didn't quit stop on time and hit me a little in the rear. This guy was in his early 20's and when I asked for insurance he said he doesn't have it with him and that he is driving his grandmothers car. I asked him for his phone number in case there is a problem. My car just has a few marks from this but bodywork is expensive and it wouldn't surprise me if it wouldn't cost $300.Since my car is 12 years old I may not get the work done.Usually insurance companies tell you to get an estimate and mail a check to you. The driver that hit me said he is sorry but I think he hopes he doesn't owe me anything for this. Shouldn't people try to claim any amount of damage through insurance even if it is minor?
Can you borrow or withdraw from your life insurance policy?
This is an absolute last resort & all other options have been weighed. This person is on the brink of homelessness and it is against everything she believed in to borrow this money. Unemployment ran out, health is bad and disability will takes months after she applies. In the meantime bills, rent, car insurance etc still must be paid. Utilities have been shut off. It's a living nightmare. Like I said this was the very last resort. If she can borrow this money how long before she receives a check?""
Do I need to have insurance before registrating a car in California?
Do I need to have insurance before registrating a car in California?
""Car Insurance / Mother or Father as First Driver, me as Second?""
I'm trying to sort out car insurance, but the problem is, is that it is very high, Ive never done this before as Im a first time driver, but a lot of people have told me to put my parents as primary drivers and me as secondary, how do I do this? I really have no idea, thank you I'm using gocompare.com but how do I enter my parents in and then as secondary, thank you very much""
How much would car insurance cost per month for a 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution?
How much would car insurance cost per month for a 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution?
Should I buy Supplemental Life Insurance?
My company already provides me with Basic Life insurance and AD&D insurance. Should I still buy life insurance for me and my family?
When is the best time to cancel car insurance?
Car insurance is coming up to renewal. Found a cheaper company to go with for the next year. When is the best time to cancel, before the renewal date or just after? I want to keep my NCB I have built up with them and move it over to new company for the next year, also if I cancel before the renewal date would this affect my NCB that I have built up with them?""
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
How much would insurance oN MY CAR BE?
i am thinking about getting an 02 jeep cherokee, i am 17 and had no violations or anything, how much do u think that insurance would be alone for me and not under my parents name. (insurance per month)""
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homeowner insurance quotes missouri
Wats a great car to buy for a new driver?
sporty fast car low on insurance small engine affordable
Can I get car insurance for my work place way from home?
can I get car insurance for my work place way from home
Car insurance question?
My car was in an accident (not my fault, I wasn't in it and the time) when someone plowed into the back. All signs are indicating it's totaled. She and I have no-fault insurance. Here is my questions. 1. Do I talk to the police and insurance company? 2. Do I get any money/compensation from the accident? 3. Do I go after her insurance and Do I get anything from that? 4. Or do I reach a compromise with both parties? If anybody has anymore suggestion feel free. Thanks!!!""
Car insurance help in NC?
If your insurance is canceled will I have to pay to get the tag legal again,if so how much.Thanks in advance :)""
So where do I get health insurance?
My job doesn't give me health insurance and I'm usually broke and mommy and daddy can't get it for me. Where do I go to get health insurance?
I dont have car insurance and someone hit my car and im not at fault does it matter if i hav insurane or not?
I dont have car insurance and someone hit my car and im not at fault does it matter if i hav insurane or not?
Is it worth it to take a life insurance?
Is it worth it to take a life insurance?
Do I need a non-owner's insurance policy?
I am going to sell my vehicle soon. I will no longer need car insurance. Do I need to purchase a non-owners policy? I know that when I eventually do buy another car + insurance, they ask how long you have been continually insured, and if I dump coverage altogether, I'll have to indicate that there was a period that I had no insurance (even though I had no car), which will probably increase my rates.""
""Car accident person at fault has no insurance, what now?""
had a car accident a week ago, minor injury to wrist havent gone to doctor, other persons fault, person B failed to yield while turning left and drove right in front of me. I have full coverage on my part, however fault being hers i made a claim to insurance she provided to police report. the thing is that the owner of vehicles insurance policy does not have person b listed on that policy but person b has same home address as policy holder so technically theyre insurance will not cover me. they have restricted non standard policy, and i do not have uninsured motorist coverage on my policy nor car rental coverage. their insurance is investigating this in he meanwhile so they say. i am not sure whether i should get my insurance to handle this, if i do i would have expect higher premium, pay deductible, rental car and medical fees out of pocket. I am wondering if i should have patience or start looking for a lawyer and forget my own insurance.""
""My parents are in the process of putting my name on the car insurance, can i drive it in the meantime?""
My parents are sending the paper work out tomorrow, it'll take a few days for the insurance compant to get it, does this mean I can't drive the car until they get the papers or can I drive it now?""
Why are older motorcycles cheaper to maintain and cheaper on insurance?
looking to buy a 1987 Suzuki Intruder
Car insurance for a financed Audi A4?
What is the least expensive car insurance agency?
Has anyone else sought to find out how much health care insurance is for an 18 year old?
I did an on line search. Using a male 18 nonsmoker, working non-student living in New Jersey. I got back 21 policies prices starting at $169 per month. I compared that to an unlimited minutes calling plan with messaging from Verizon and that is $149 per month. I did a third for car insurance on a financed 2006 Toyota Corolla and that started at $700 per month. It does not look to me like there is a health insurance crisis for young people, but rather a car insurance crisis for young people. Why scrap the current health care insurance system that can deliver an EPO plan with $30 office deductible for pretty much the same price as a common cell phone plan? Esurance used to search.""
If i get a cheap car will my insurance be cheaper or more expensive?
i have a car that i can have given to me it is about 5 years old but cant aford the first years car insurance out right if i sell it and gt a cheaper car will the insurance be cheaper or more expensive because it is an older car? i say this because if so i can sell the car i have and use the money left over to pay for the first ears car insurance. p.s i am a teenage driver which is why im trying to save as much money as i can!
How much will my insurance go up after an accident?
Ballpark estimate. My rates right now are about 2000 a year... I just totaled a car. My fault, speeding wasn't a factor... just bad luck/inexperience. I'm 18 and have no prior accidents or points on my liscence.""
Health Insurance for Children?
Does anyone know of a good health insurance program for children in the state of NJ? My husb currently has family coverage with his local union and they pay for NOTHING !!!! We keep getting bill after bill even for doctors that are part of the network and no one seems to want to help us. We want to cancel the coverage but we need something for our children.
How does getting a new state license affect your car insurance?
I have a TN driver license. I have a couple of violations on it. I just moved to SC, and I am going to get a SC driver license. I am going to be buying car insurance soon. When they look up my record off of my new SC driver license, will the violation/accident from my TN driver license show?""
What do car insurance companies base their quotes?
i know insurance for each car is different but what do they take into consideration, before giving a quote?""
Motorcycle insurance?
about how much should it cost?
How much does school bus insurance cost?
my friends and i are pitching in to buy a school bus. it seat 22 people, and we are just wondering how much insurance for this might cost. what do busses usually insure for?""
""What is your opinion of this article: how some people who can't afford insurance, can afford things like?""
Excerpts: The following items were commonly seen on patients or carried by their dependent children, who were also covered by subsidized programs: * Cell phones and ...show more""
What happens if you get into an accident without car insurance in MA?
My friend drove and without car insurance in MA. And she ended up going through a stop sign, and totaled another car, what will happen?""
Do you have to pay for insurance when you start a driving job?
A staffing agency is requiring me to pay a $150 refundable deductible before I start the job, does this sound legit?""
Average motorcycle insurance cost for 18 yr old with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1?
Average motorcycle insurance cost for 18 yr old with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1?
Car insurance for 300 to 500 dollars a month?
Are there any insurance plans for cars that cost 300 to 500 dollars. I have a bugeting packet for my twenty first lit class and I wanted to know what insurances would have car insurance at that cost. Thanks!
homeowner insurance quotes missouri
homeowner insurance quotes missouri
Car insurance for Civic and Lancer?
How much would you guys think car insurace would cost per year for a 16 year old for a 95-00 Honda Civic EX or SI and a 02-05 Mitsubishi Lancer ES??? thanks
""How much will insurance be on a bmw 5 series 3 litre 17 year old, SECOND DRIVER!?""
im looking on how much it would be for my father to make me his second driver so I could also drive his car, it is a bmw 5 series 3 litre, im 17 year olds I have only just passed my test, please no stupid remarks/commentx""
Car Insurance parked hit and run question?
I have USAA as my auto insurance. Here's the back story. I was parallel parked alongside a street here in Atlanta and a car (more than likely) was trying to get out of his/her space and hit the left driver side bumper pretty hard (ruining the paint and loosening up the bumper pretty good...and cracking the tail light). This person did not leave a note. I have my 500 deductible. I also have uninsured motorists coverage. Right now USAA is saying that I will have to pay the $500 ded. Why couldn't they put it under the uninsured motorists coverage I have instead so I wouldn't have to pay a dime? Is it within reason to call them and ask for this issue to be adjusted? If so, what points can I make to insure I get the deductible taken care of under the uninsured motorists coverage? Thank you for your help!""
How can i get cheap insurance on my moms car because I'm only 17 and she has a 2l?
well I've just past my test and I had a look on gocompair just lookin how much it would be for me on my oun 1l and it comes up as like 3500 and thats silly money because i would have to buy a car then that will be like a grand :/ so i had a look on for me to go on my moms car and that comes out as 4000 and she has a 2l is there any way i can get t cheaper? thanks
How can I fight to get more money out of my car insurance company?
We bought a 2011 Lancer on Dec 8th 2010. On Dec 27th 2010, we slid off the road in a blizzard, but the car was not damaged AT ALL. The car was parked and only had our pets and christmas gifts from the holidays. An idiot speeding in a snow storm made a b-line into our car. Both ours and their insurance determined the car totaled and the other driver was found at fault by his insurance company. We did have GAP coverage (which will NEVER happen again). The car was 19 days owned and we believe we should get MSRP for our car. Does anyone know if this is reasonable? I think we pay so much every month and therefore are entitled to be in the same position financially as we were before the accident. (Also, we had stuff : a rifle, our pets, their crate that got damaged. We were wondering if that and the out-of-pocket rental car expenses should be covered... seeing that it was in direct relation to the car accident, that was his fault.)""
How will universial health affect the insurance industry?
How will universial health affect the insurance industry?
Car insurance question....?
Is it possible to see how much the isurance will be before I get the insurance??? I am 18, had my license since december 07 and never had a ticket or accidents... How much average is a teen insurance from a coupe to a minivan... I know its not in the high $800, but maybe $120+. I might get a mustang or something... plus is there an insurance gap between forigen and domestic cars???""
Fog lights Car insurance?
Hi I have got a mazda 2 I was just wondering how much extra on my insurance it would cost to put some fog lights on my car
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope?
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope will put them back into the White House?
Insurance company policy?
I was hit in a wreck. They're insurance company quoted me $400 and wrote me a check for it which I did not accept. All they did was look at the external damages. Then I took it to a dealer collision center and they quoted me $1100 and they guessed more damage was done but couldn't say unless they took apart my bumper. I'm not wanting to get it fixed in a shop since my father can fix it for me, but $400 is not going to cover the cost of fixing it. so my question is... Does their insurance company have to give me the money quoted by other body shops or is my only option having it fixed in a shop?""
Home insurance for high risk person?
A few months ago my dad had a fire at his house. In the middle of restorations, his insurance company dropped him. I'm not sure why they did, but I know my dad has really bad credit and was probably not very nice to whoever was handling his claim. He said that he is trying to get insurance, but can't find any. I'm wondering if it is because he is a high risk candidate and I am wondering where he can go to get insurance. I will probably be helping him with it from here on out, so I will need to know what kinds of things to say/look for. He is a reitred teacher and doesn't have a ton of money or assets, so I want to make sure he gets good coverage that he can afford. I'm not sure if this helps, but his dad was a veteran who died in a VA hospital when my dad was young. I keep seein things about insurance for family of veterans, but I know very little about it.""
How i can get cheap insurance for my children?
How i can get cheap insurance for my children?
""What is the best insurance company that will give me a good rate, and good coverage for a 16 yr old teen?
Good driving record with no incidents and and good grades with excellent attendance. Doesn't matter if it's an online insurance company.
Will I be able to buy car insurance?Thanks?
Im 19 and I was on my dads Metropolitan insurance company. I had 2004 Honda Civic but my dad had the car title in his name. I crashed my car and I was at fault so now we're waiting for the case to settle. My dad wants to wait for the case to settle before I buy another car. The case might take another year or more before its settled. I would like to buy my own insurance and my own car. How will the insurance work out or whats the cheapest insurance? Thanks
would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car.
Does getting stopped by the police affect your car insurance?
i got stopped by the police a couple days. i had my car insurance and everything. He took my license plate number. . will getting stopped affect my car insurance in any way?
How much does health insurance usually cost someone in their 20's?
How much does health insurance usually cost someone in their 20's?
Health Insurance and Hospital?
I'm not quite sure how to say this w/o getting too deep into it,but there seems to be a Communication problem between Mount Sinai Hospital in Miami Beach and my Insurance company united american. They(the hospital) tell me they never get paid by my insurance Company and i have been back and forth between the two of them. Once Mount Sinai's business office sent me a correspondence saying my insurance company told them that i should pay the bill. I think the hospital is lying...anyone have any problems with this hospital when it comes to business etiquette and what came of it..what did you do about it. They don't have their heads screwed on right""
Individual eye insurance?
I am needing eye insurance for individual. Do you know any?
Selling a car but keeping insurance?
my question is, i have a car at the moment with 2 years no claims bonus.. (i should have 3 years in july) but i am selling my car this week to a mate. they said if i cancel my insurance policy i will only have 2 years no claims can i still sell the car to someone else and just keep the insurance running for it without saying so i'l have 3 years by july or do u have to cancel it once sold, the guy im selling it hasnt actually passed his tes so prob wont even be insuring it for a while and when he does he said hes gonna put the car on his girlfriends insurance""
Can I claim health insurance costs?
If i am retired, 55 and have to pay my own health insurance, can I deduct them on my income taxes. Lets say the monthly premium is $500 and my anual income is $24,000""
Motorcycle Insurance?
I got into a car accident almost 2 years ago and I was wondering if it will effect me when I get insurance for my motorcycle?
What is a good price for motorbike insurance for 125cc (im 18)?
how much is a good price for an 18 year old motorbike insurance for an 125cc. Also where is best to get it? cheers
Can an insurance company buy off and tow my car?
some construction company hit my car. the estimate repair is 2400.00 my car in kellybluebook is 1600.00, they said they could either write me a check of 1000.00 or their insurance if going to tow my car and give me what they think is worth. can an insure really do that? can't they just repair my car and give me a rental until i get it repaired? what should i do the accident happened 6/26/13""
I live in PA...I never had car insurance but I'm buying my first car. I can't get a car insurance quote so...
how can I drive the car off the lot if I don't have insurance? I'm lost...can somebody help me solve this problem? Thank you.
homeowner insurance quotes missouri
homeowner insurance quotes missouri
What's average price for moped insurance?
thinking of a getting a 125cc cobra, i'm 18 and recently passed my CBT. Can anyone please tell me how much i'd be looking at paying?""
How does one go about getting insurance?
ok I know there is some different insurance types out there like health car etc etc but i want to know how do you go about getting it! see I'm 15 years old I know i shouldn't worry about this now but it just seems like a good idea to ask the question now this one lil question has plenty of other questions with it how many different insurances do you need to have? what should you look for in Insurance? how much is insurance? what is an insurance rate? and the title of this question how does one go about getting it? on that last one I really need a detailed answer because I am 15 I just got back in school so my brain is a bit mushy and not so quick XD and way like I said I'd really like a detailed answer on that last one heck if ya role play it out with your self for me then that would even make it easier so the more questions you answer in this (with a good answer mind you) the more likely I am to choose you as the best answer!
What are friends with benefits? Do they provide health insurance coverage?
What are friends with benefits? Do they provide health insurance coverage?
I hit my sisters car in the drive way. will my insurance go up?
When i was backing out she was really close and i hit here side with mine. i put a palm size dent in the car and i broke here mustangs lubber. will my insurance go up because of this? i herd that something like that it wont. it happened in my drive way. and my insurance comp is the General
List the 5 conditions that must be met by populations to insure stability (no evolution).?
List the 5 conditions that must be met by populations to insure stability (no evolution).?
Will my insurance be cheaper if my dad keeps my car in his name?
So my dad is giving me a car, he got a few insurance quotes but they are as high as $600. If my dad keeps the car in his name and just adds me as a driver will my insurance be cheaper? Please help!!!""
Question about car insurance...?
Me and my partner are looking to buy a car. He is the only one who drives and so the insurance would be for him. We have noticed that all insurance policies ask whether you have any children under the age of 16. If the answer to this question is 'yes' it significantly increases the insurance quote. I am currently 15 weeks pregnant and so at the time we take out the policy we will not have any children. Would it be ok for us say no to the question about children as technically we wont have any? Thanks
Home insurance comparison?
Considering switching home insurance carriers. The North Carolina Rate Bureau (NCRB) rate and premium for a policy period from May 18, 2013 to May 18, 2014 is $770. The insurance company's proposed rate and premium is $984. This represents a 28% increase over the NCRB rate and premium. Our assessed home value is $525,000. We hold other policies with USAA (auto, life), but have not gone with them for home because the feedback we've received insofar as home has not been favorable. I welcome your home insurance insights, thank you.""
Affordable dental insurance in Michigan?
I live in Saginaw Michigan and I am looking for affordable dental insurance. Any good leads?
Where can a person find affordable health insurance...?
...in Illinois if they are single, childless, and with low income?""
Car insurance how much am I going to pay for this?>?
Im wanting to buy a jeep, 200 jeep grand Cherokee its 4X4 and $3999. Its Black with leather seats. Very nice jeep. Id like to get it. Ive had my jeep in my boyfriends, stepdads Garage for almost a Year. They keep putting me off and I just Want to get my own thing. Im tired of borrowing there cars. The jeep I had thats in there shop is an old 1990 cherokee. and its was under my boyfreinds insurance All state. He says its expensive to get my own. I see quotes all over the place. Ive never been in a wreck nor have ever got a speeding ticket. Im responisbile have my own job. Im 23. Every time I bring up the fact that I want to just go to the dealership to get a car. He says Ill pay Alot becuase its a jeep and since its not all paid off I will be paying Alot. Im thinking about getting a loan. Ive got 700 in the bank right now. I dont have any lines of credit. I really need to know how much insurance for Good insurance will it be. I have no clue what anything is with insurance policys or what. Just clue me in. PLease. thanks""
What is the average cost of farm liability insurance?
I can't find any quotes online, but I have to provide an estimate for the insurance costs for a U-PICK 4 acre blueberry operation. Any ideas of the price range?""
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm 18 and I drive a 2008 dodge caliber. I've been paying 200+ a month on insurance and I'm sick of it. I will be 19 in the summer and have had my license going on 3 years. I have a clean record accident free and incident free. Will my payment ever go down? It's bad enough I'm already a poor college student lol.
2003 Hummer H2 insurance cost? For 16 year old? 10 points!?
How much will the insurance cost for this car? This car is FREE for me because it's my dad's and he wants me to have it as my first car. It only has 60,000 miles on it for a almost 10 year old car. It is practically new with a tv inside and nice rims. How much will insurance be?""
Is it compulsory to have comprehensive insurance for car or 3rd party ins is sufficient?
any diff for having insurance for new/old/second hand car?
How much is insurance on a motorcycle for a 16 year old caucasion male in Texas??
i have never had a car or anythin. i am wanting to buy a kawasaki 599cc. i havnt had any accidents or anything. i just need an estimant on how much it would be monthly. now plz dont say call your insurance company or give me a site to go to just plz gestimate what you think it would be.
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Can a woman add a man to her health insurance?
Im about to graduate college and hope to become a teacher in August...my fiance wants to open a tattoo shop and therefore will not have insurance coverage... so my question is: Once we're officially married, and i am employed as a full time teacher...will I be able to add him (and my 2 kids) to my insurance? The reason im asking is bc im unsure (embarassingly) if a woman can add her husband to the insurance..bc i know men add there wives and stuff all the time? Does my teacher insurance cover all of us, including my husband and 2 kids?""
""Free medical care-for adults-in Tampa,Florida?
can people with health problems who has no insurance get free medical care.
Car insurance confusion: Honda Jazz & Ford Fiesta... help please?
Hi there guys, I am sorry if this is a boring run of the mill question with an obvious answer, but I am seriously confused! I have two prospect cars to chose between, one is a Honda Jazz, and one is a Ford Fiesta, now to my knowledge the Jazz's insurance group should be around 11-14, (new 1-50 ranking) and the Fiesta should be around 8. A number of sites have confirmed this to be true. But trying to get actual insurance quotes, the Jazz is coming out cheaper, by at least 300. (This is with my details and the rest of the policy identical) I thought insurance group was the only factor of the car that changed the insurance, or is there another factor? I am a newly passed driver if that changes anything?""
What is an average rate of insurance for a 2004 Saab 9-3 Arc convertible?
I heard that insurance is expensive for a convertible. I was just wondering if someone could tell me an average price to insure this car?!?!?!
Insurance for a jeep wrangler?
I really wanna buy a two door hard top keep wrangler. I was just wondering roughly what would my insurance be like. I have never gotten in an accident or in trouble with the law, I have good grades, took a drivers Ed course and I'm a girl. Anyone know how much the would be? Roughly""
How can I get affordable Medical Insurance for my family?
My wife and I are hoping to have another child soon. Were getting alot of our debt paid off since I am working overtime. However our current Insurance doesn't offer maternity ...show more
Proof of insurance.?
I feel like an idiot asking this question but what do i bring to prove proof of insurance? is it possible to send the latest copy of my health insurance bill? or is there a specific piece of paper?
Where can I get cheap auto insurance?
I am paying too much on auto insurance and I need a cheap option.
homeowner insurance quotes missouri
homeowner insurance quotes missouri
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