#I love Pizza Head being a mix of: I can draw him as this goofy villain that is just so funky and fun and a villain that is generally scary-
whereismyhat5678 · 1 year
I have a song stuck in my head (I’m currently listening to it and I wanna hop off my bed and dance and jump and just move my body it’s that good-)
I also currently can’t stop think about HIM. So I obviously had to make some doodle sheets-
Tw: The first one contains blood
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I don’t know which one to like more 🤷‍♀️
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japes-the-clown · 3 years
Hi hello hey it’s me Jericho Jay “Japes” Marshall out here with a pretentious love letter to the filmmaking on display in nickelodeons The Spongebob Movie. Yes, I know it’s a kids movie. Yes, I know it’s not that deep. But I’m majoring in english, and deeply depressed, so I need to get this OUT and onto a PAGE.
I have watched this film many times over my lifetime, a few when i was just a kid, then in my early teens, even when i turned eighteen, and now, a month before i turn 20. Every time, I grow a new appreciation for the nuances that this movie brings to the table, and on my most recent watch my own deliverance from childhood makes me relate to the core themes the hardest I ever have. The Spongebob Movie isn’t just a movie about childhood, but a movie about adulthood.
Today, I’m going to make clear exactly how The Spongebob Squarepants Movie criticizes our understanding of adulthood and how society treats the neurodivergent, while effectively turning the “Coming of Age” genre on its head, within its 87 minute runtime.
One thing a lot of films (ESPECIALLY kids films) fail to nail is consistently showing aspects of a character throughout the runtime, enough that changes to a character feel impactful and justified instead of rushed and stifled. The best examples of movies that fail to do this are often the marvel movies that people tend to not remember- the first two thor movies, the avengers age of ultron, etc. In these movies, characters certainly have traits, but their personalities and motives can be very weak and make dramatic changes feel A LOT less dramatic. This can be seen in age of ultron, when quicksilver gave his own life to save someone else, which felt like nothing because he wasn't well developed. He wasn't particularly endearing, nor did him sacrificing his life contradict a part of his character. It felt very much like the writers trying to say "Look, this character which was once opposing the avengers, is now dying for one. Please cry." No hate to the writers of Age of Ultron, but it proves itself often to be an unmemorable part of the catalogue.
In the Spongebob Movie, the characterization is ON. POINT. After the introduction, with the pirates rushing in to watch spongebob, we get so much information regarding spongebob as a character.
Pictured: Spongebob holding a piece of cheese like an operator
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The first scene of the plot is a dream sequence a large crowded scene at the Krusty Krab, with a customer not receiving cheese on his patty, and it being positioned in the same way as a bomb being located. In the dream, everyone is panicked, and Mr. Krabs is visibly distressed, almost like a damsel. Spongebob comes in, announcing his position as manager, much to the relief of Krabs. He goes in, and puts cheese on the burger (again, very akin to a bomb defusal scene), bringing the perturbed customer out safe and sound. Everyone lifts spongebob up as a hero, which is interrupted by his boat alarm.
This scene is JAM PACKED with stuff that both introduces the character to new watchers and introduces the crux of his arc to everyone else. Spongebob of course is very fond of the Krusty Krab, and wants to be the manager- he wants people to see him as cool, and as a responsible adult. He wants to be the sort of person that can be trusted with big responsibilities. And we also see, most importantly, that he is extremely childish through his faximile of what it meant to be adult. Everything is scaled up; it's a very silly situation, which well suits both the joke and his character as an inexperienced kid. This is one of the most direct ways to convey someone's character, because a dream can be interpreted as a direct port into a character's desires. This being the first introduction to the character in the movie sets the tone for EVERY following situation.
In the next few scenes you see Spongebob's real life, which involves his lengthy morning routine; his life is sort of whimsical, and so too is his routine. He showers by shoving a hose into himself till he bursts with water, he uses toothpaste to clean his eyes but not his teeth, and he puts on pants which he must fold to make. Again, all pretty solid jokes, but also very telling about his outlook. He is funny, weird, and childish, which is juxtaposed by the scene where he's- he's uh- showering with squidward. Squidward is an example of the "adult" that spongebob isn't. This has always been the case, but here his normal routine makes it very clear that other people in this world aren't like spongebob. They shower normally, they brush their teeth, they put their clothes on like normal. Spongebob's world is one of wonder and without responsibility, which makes it questionable as to whether he could handle one.
Pictured: Spongebob's room, adorned with childhood imagery
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Pictured: Spongebob celebrating his position as a manager, despite Krabs saying that it was squidward who got it
Even his room in this scene screams "kid". He has toys strewn about, glow in the dark stars, and pictures of superheroes on the wall. He even says "Sorry about this calendar" as he rips a page, personifying inanimate objects as a kid would. The movie is telling you, "THIS CHARACTER IS A KID", but in a way that's masked because it's also just a set up for jokes. It's done so well, in my opinion, that it would go over your head because from your perspective you would be laughing along as spongebob did his wacky antics.
On top of that, his excitement for his assured managerial position at the Krusty Krab 2 continues to be bolstered. He marked it off with a cute drawing on his calendar, for those familiar he changes his normal "I'm ready" chant to "I'm ready- promotion-", and he's even already set up a party to celebrate at his favorite chain, Goofy Goobers, a child's entertainment restaurant similar to chucky cheese, albeit replacing pizza for ice cream. He hasn't just gotten excited, but has this childish anticipation for something which isn't even assured.
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Spongebob arrives at the opening of the Krusty Krab 2, where he is so excited he can't contain his glee. He breaks the silence and makes members of the crowd uncomfortable, reinforcing again that spongebob is a standout in a world of adults, and a kid who doesn't understand certain social norms, which society looks down upon. When Krabs reveals that Squidward got the managerial position, Spongebob hyped himself so much that he starts celebrating, not even noticing that he wasn't picked. He gets on stage, and begins to give a speech, to which Krabs interrupts.
The next part I think best illustrates Spongebob's clear ignorance to society: Krabs attempts to subtly tell spongebob that he isn't getting the job, but spongebob repeats everything he says into the microphone. Again, fantastic joke, grade A, but the amount this shows how invested spongebob was. He already saw himself as an adult, someone who everyone would look up to as a manager- he could take the responsibility, and isn't aware of everyone likely cringing in the audience. This is the natural step for him in his mind, especially because of his exemplary work which had been previously celebrated through employee of the month awards. This was not an option for him. There wasn't a world in his mind where he would be outclassed by squidward.
Krabs has to break to him that he lacks responsibility, and that his childishness makes it difficult for Krabs to give him such a job. This might seem harsh, but I think the intro again shows how Spongebob saw the job; he didn't understand what it would be like, fantasizing another level in the menial work structure to be an amazing adventure of a job. People in the crowd reaffirm that in the eyes of society, spongebob is just a kid, a goofball. In my eyes, this is a story not just of childhood, but of neurodivergence. Spongebob isn't normal, and is blocked by society for his ignorance of social norms and sunny disposition. He finds things fun that other people can not, and he places values in completely different things. So he is blocked from the meaningful recognition he desired, despite the obvious evidence of his commitment.
I think this is a mighty interesting dichotomy!!! Simultaneously, spongebob's understanding of the world truly is warped, often resulting in a lack of consideration for others as well as harm for himself when things don't go his way, AND he is a good worker which puts in MANY hours of work without so much of a complaint. This is COMPLEX. You have to ask yourself, as a viewer, "would I give spongebob the job?" The answer can be different and can be REASONED.
And that's JUST spongebob! There are other characters with characterization that mixes into the themes of the movie very well, but I'm going to bring up any related points in future sections.
Okay, Okay. So now you're saying "WOW OKAY GREAT so why does any of this matter?" I'm so glad you asked. VERY glad.
THIS is the point of the movie. The obstacle in this movie truly isn't adulthood, but instead self doubt. Spongebob's whole world is turned upside down by Krab's rejection of his basic personality. Spongebob asks himself: is it REALLY okay to be who I am? Am I an adult? Is the world fair? One of the most shocking scenes in the movie is blended so well in tone with the rest that you don't really notice; spongebob eating ice cream to cope with his disappointment, akin to that of adults drinking alcohol, and appearing to be visually "drunk" and washed up. This is BRILLIANT, and a recurring theme, where the true line between adult and childhood becomes blurry and impossible to see. Spongebob, the representation of a kid, gets hungover, spiteful, and angry about the injustice of his situation. This is often how adults act in the fact of adversity, but what's funny is that this too is how a kid would act; getting angry and overindulging, feeling entitled and acting socially immature when he didn't get what he wanted. He walks in to the Krusty Krab literally just to shit talk Krabs. And it doesn't stop there.
Pictured: Plankton finding "Plan Z" and looking at it like a centerfold in a playboy magazine
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Almost every character in this movie juxtaposes another, again smearing the line of what it means to be an adult. For example, Spongebob and Plankton are polar opposites; plankton is cold and vengeful, angry at the world around him, and spongebob is a happy person who tends not to take things personally, a friend to all. In planktons first appearances in the movie, he is portrayed with clear adult themes, mocking spongebob, making pinup jokes about plan z, and living in a fairly dark and grey space. But, as the story moves along, we see many similarities; both spongebob and plankton are fairly one track minded, and when spongebob's perception is broken he himself gets a little vengeful. When eugene is put in danger over this, though, we do see that he places the lives of others over his own wants. And, even at the end of the movie, we see their similarities. Plankton reuses the "Sorry Calendar" joke that spongebob used at the start of the movie, drawing another line of what it means to be an adult. Is it childish of plankton to say that? Is the inherent irony he has impactful here? His want for something that isn't his, and his disregard for others in pursuing it feels just like how a younger child may steal the toy of another, without understanding what it means to share.
Pictured: Neptune flipping his shit at his lost crown
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Then, there's the character of Neptune. Neptune is a big man baby. He rules the entire land, commands the most respect, and is considered the most powerful person under the sea, and yet, we see that he gets overprotective of his property, prepared to execute anyone who even annoys him. Throughout the film, he's obsessed with chasing an image of youth, as he is bald, and ignores the suffering of the people on bikini bottom to make sure no one sees his bald head. He throws what's equivalent to a tantrum when he finds his crown is missing, and believes a very crude note written by plankton saying that it was eugene who stole it. His character is an "acceptable" child because he's in a position of power, where spongebob is an "unacceptable" child as he is just a working class member of society. And the funniest part is, that he mocks spongebob for wanting to go for the crown, when even he, the strongest person in bikini bottom, refuses to go out of fear.
We see that these "bastions" of adulthood, plankton and neptune, are the ones who are responsible for missteps of society; we're ALL children in the long run, but the strict enforcement of a perceived true adulthood creates a space where they can act immaturely yet those under them/around them cannot. Dennis makes this case even more, as the only thing he does in this movie is hurt others. There's only one thing that seems to truly denote adulthood, and it's cruelty.
Even squidward, the adult that is supposed to be more responsible that spongebob, refuses to go on the quest to retrieve the crown, as he acts mostly in self interest, even later claiming to only care that plankton was stealing the secret formula as it was hurting his own paycheck.
Spongebob is the only one willing to go, willing to defend the man who wronged him, willing to value life over his own interests. He is both child and adult, just as the adults are too children.
As he moves through the plot of this film, he becomes less confident in his disposition, with his naivete causing moments like him and patrick crossing the state line and immediately getting carjacked, or them being put into an uncomfortable situation by all the bubbles they blew when they tried to get their car back. His bright personality is questioned constantly: Only five days to shell city? BY CAR. This is man's country. But weren't we the double bubble blowing babies?
Pictured: Spongebob caught trying to take back the key to the patty wagon when patrick fails to distract everyone
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This is made more obvious to him as patrick remains oblivious throughout; patrick is a mirror for him, that acts as a childhood constant, that makes it clearer for him every day the draws of his childishness. There's the moment in the club where patrick's distraction was poorly thought out, and only because he said he wanted to do it adamantly, there's the moment where patrick challenged neptune on how many days they would have to do it, which served no purpose but for his own fun, there's the moment patrick points out the free ice cream trap- he is the unemployed uncritical lens that spongebob is afraid he is.
So everything's fucked, and anyone who is childish is bad i guess!!!
But that isn't so,
3: The illusion of manhood
So we've talked about spongebob's characterization as a naive child, how this is impactful in his transformation into someone who is anxious about that aspect of his personality, and how the society around him is hypocritical in it's own immaturity. But where does this all come together?
Pictured: Planktons dystopian world, which Mindy shows Spongebob and Patrick
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It's at spongebob and patricks "conversion to manhood". At his lowest point, spongebob becomes a squidward- he becomes critical of his AND patricks interests, and regards them as childish, deciding that this means that they can't make it to shell city, as it requires them to be adults. When mindy shows them the dire situation back home, she hopes that spongebob's sunny personality and care for others would shine through, but instead he turns to what society has been telling him; it's impossible. He can't do it, he's just a little kid, and there is no point to any of this as he'll fail regardless.
Thinking about it like this, it truly is one of the darkest points in the entire series; spongebob just openly admitted that there was nothing he could do, that all of his friends were goners because he was effectively useless.
Mindy comes up with an idea; she'll trick spongebob and patrick into believing they're men; she convinces them of mermaid magic (their innocence allowing them to believe) and uses kelp to make them think they've matured into adults. Notice that physical modifiers being the only key to this "fake adulthood". With this, they jump off a cliff because they believe that with adulthood, they are invincible.
This is really telling about how the society they're in thinks of being an adult, and relays that to children. There's another level, a distinct separation between spongebob and adulthood, which seemed like the difference between a squire and a knight- being an adult means that you aren't weak anymore (as though he was weak in the first place), and thus you can do things you never thought before. Is it truly healthy that this is how a society tells kids that adulthood is like, for them to enter the world and feel a truly awful financial and literal hellscape waiting for them? uh, you can, you can decide that for yourself i think.
Nonetheless, they survive the fall, and conclude that they really are invincible, able to power through a ravine with their happy go lucky attitude, eventually befriending the monsters which were once trying to kill them. They weren't acting like adults, but the labels themselves made it possible for them to soldier on with the childlike disposition they had. I find that to be powerful. If we were able to be more hopeful as adults, and power through the worst things brightly, could we do great things? Idk but these depression meds sure do taste good nom nom
After crossing the ravine, spongebob and patrick meet dennis, and have their worldview crushed as it's revealed that they are actually still kids. Dennis being the "alpha male" that he is, is characterized by violence and a lack of morality. The pair are saved by a giant boot, which is the first of two humans in this movie. Spongebob and patrick are both taken by the man in the diver suit, as we fade to black, marking the end of their illusion of adulthood.
4: Back from the Edge (of death)
Spongebob and Patrick awaken in an antique shop, realizing that they were surrounded by fish that had been killed specifically for sale as tacky antiques. They are lifted out of their fishbowl, and put under a heatlamp, as their fate is sealed to become a member among those dead fish. In spongebob's final moments, he mourns his inability to be an adult, as well as to reach shell city; but before they both die, patrick points out that they truly did reach shell city, as the crown was within their reach.
This. This is a phenomenal scene. Why? Because of what it means for spongebob's arc.
Pictured: Spongebob and Patrick on their deathbeds, finding happiness
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He sees the crown, and realizes that, unequivocally, that even if he didn't bring the crown back, he made it to shell city. Every person he met told him that he couldn't even do that. and he did it. He is a kid, yes, but he's a kid who went where not even NEPTUNE dared go. Everything people said about him, about how him being a kid stopped him from success, was suddenly shattered. He has been asking himself if it's okay that he is a kid, and he saw, unambiguously, that it is. He is allowed to be happy. He can enjoy things that other people don't. He can be naive. He can be himself, no matter what anyone says. And so can you. Great things can be done by people who are "childish", who are "naive", who are kind without expecting a return, all of it. YOU are okay. Your stims are okay, your comfort series are okay, your interest in tropes are okay, YOU'RE OKAY!!!!
with that, spongebob and patrick are dehydrated on the table, and ostensibly die, the kids that they are, shedding one final tear each, forming a heart beneath them.
Miraculously, the tear electrocutes that lamp at it's socket, causing smoke to rise and set off the sprinklers, rehydrating the pair, and bringing them back to life. The "Man in the Suit" attempts to capture them, seeing them about to lift Neptune's crown, but the rest of the dehydrated fish come back to life- squirting him with his own glue and beating him to the ground, as spongebob and patrick run out with the crown. David Hasselhoff offers them a ride back to Bikini Bottom, and the pair begin their ride back.
5: The confrontation of Adulthood and Childhood
Pictured: Dennis looking all lame and shit
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As spongebob and patrick are being swam back to bikini bottom, the boot under which dennis was crushed rockets to Hasselhoff, spitting him back out to finish the job. The appearance of Dennis, IN MY OPINION, makes him look rather goofy, with his broken glasses making him look more like a office worker than a badass assassin as he attempts to kill spongebob and patrick. Spongebob, in trying to reason with him, is able to ruin his eyes with bubbles, and then survives as dennis gets hit by a raised platform which spongebob and patrick are too low to be hit by.
Having defeated one representation of adulthood, spongebob and patrick are shot down by HasselHoffs MASSIVE MAN TITS with the crown in order to prevent Krab's fate, blocking Neptune's lazer just in time as they crash in.
All seems to be well, but plankton uses one of his mind control helmets (which we'll be getting into later) to enslave even Neptune, putting mindy, spongebob, patrick, and Krabs against the wall.
In another stark moment of characterization, Spongebob tells patrick that "Plankton Cheated", which prompts plankton to tell spongebob that the situation wasn't a kiddy game, and that it was the real world. This sort of distinctions in their ethos tell you how spongebob interacts with justice; he believes in "playing fair", while plankton is bitter and believes in getting what he wants.
Finally, the apex to our plot, is a musical number. Spongebob begins to make a long-winded speech, where he takes ownership of every label he was called as he stood on the stage at the beginning, the similarity between the two events being clear (holding a microphone at an inappropriate time, making a speech as he blocks out input from an adult trying to talk him down). Spongebob then busts out into the film's rendition of Twisted Sister's "I Wanna Rock", "I'm a Goofy Goober". This results in spongebob reversing plankton's whole plot with "the power of rock and roll". Plankton is made powerless, and thrown into a little padded cell.
The final scene in the movie has Mr. Krabs freed from his imprisonment in ice, and spongebob is offered squidwards position as manager of the second Krusty Krab. He seems hesitant, and squidward offers an insightful analysis of what spongebob might be feeling (the typical analysis of a coming of age movie, where the protagonist finds out that what they wanted all along is not what they wanted, but it was what was inside all along). Spongebob refutes that squidwards fly was just down, and GLADLY accepts the job.
A coming of age story tends to be one which is focus on the growth of a character from childhood to adulthood, asking questions about what it means to be an adult. A character reaches for their perceived adulthood, and realizes what it means to ACTUALLY be an adult, typically juxtaposing what people think (drugs, parties, sex) versus what the movie postures as the correct adulthood (responsibility). In this, I think that the spongebob movie directly criticizes the position of what "an adult" is, in the sense of how someone acts.
Like we discussed in part 2, every adult character in this movie tends to be very childish in themselves, unable to see through simple ruses, and often very possessive of personal property. I don't think we actually see a child in this movie as a speaker at any point, only really as background characters (in goofy goobers to solidify spongebob as childish, and I believe in the chum bucket as they're lead to an unsafe place by their parents, who are supposed to be responsible). Thus, what is mostly examined is how adulthood and childhood is a very thin line. Squidward, for example, going directly to plankton to accuse him of stealing the formula, instead of taking it to the top immediately, which would have ended this whole thing fairly quickly; that was rather silly, and was the fruit of his need to assert himself as an adult.
Spongebob goes through this movie FIRST not caring much about whether or not he was an adult, and it is only after the social pressure from adults does he start to chase it. He then chases his perceived image of an adult, going on an adventure, and is crushed by the fact that he isn't an adult. Instead of finding what an adult is, he instead becomes comfortable with his existence as a child, finding himself at the end of the movie able to comfortably chase after an ideal again, where in a normal movie he would humbly reject the job he was offered.
This is, truly, what we should all take from this film. Spongebob realizes that people who aren't necessarily socially adjusted or acceptable can do great things, regardless of what the people around them say, especially because the people around them are liable to throw tantrums and be actively harmful to society. He is allowed to find comfort in childish things, and to be naive, because the world needs more people willing to help others. It's a scathing criticism on the imposed adulthood that exists in a lot of coming of age films, which begs us to drop fun in the interest of doing the right thing, as though those two ideas are contradictory.
The goofy goober song became really good storytelling, at first marking childishness, then marking a level of discomfort and judgement in the club, then marking spongebob recognizing that his happiness came from what he liked and not some vague idea of adulthood, and finally marking his full acceptance of his childishness, taking the form of rock, the music of rebellion. It's not as subtle as leitmotifs, but it works really well in how the same song can give very different feelings throughout, and inform how we interact with a story.
There are a lot more examples of adults being pressured into childishness, with the connected twins who liked goofy goober at the club, who were beaten senseless for absolutely no reason, which highlights the way that the society hurts people that, by all means, are just as much adults as anyone else. There's of course Plankton's helmets which created a society of people who simply slaved away with nothing to say, taking life as it came and listening to authority.
On top of that, this movie is PRETTY ANTICAPITALIST AND ANTIMONARCHY, despite those things being allowed to continue to exist at the end- monarchy is seen misusing power constantly and often for unfounded reasons, and Spongebob's diligence at work is rejected by a penny pinching Krabs, who cares only about money. Like, THE KRUSTY KRABS ARE RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER? THAT IS SOME MONTY PYTHON ASS SHIT. This year is the first year i laughed at that joke, because it's really some "capitalists are fucking dumb as shit" humor that slipped over my head when i was a kid. The villain literally being defeated by Rock and Roll, which was sung with a message against the oppression of differences in people? Yeah, I think the spongebob movie hated rich mother fuckers.
So yeah. The movie is good I think. There's a lot more i could go into, but I've been writing this post for hours and at this point i haven't even read it so...
I recommend going back and giving this film a rewatch!!! Pay attention to all the moments where adults act like children/kids act like adults, because it'll make ur brain pop like a zit. Anyways that's me, I'm Jericho Jay "Japes" Marshall, and I HATE facism.
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Johnny “Coco” Cruz x Reader
Anon 1 asked: okay, so i just read “family” and it’s a freaking masterlist❤️❤️🥰 could you write a fluffy family time imagine with coco , reader and letti, like a movie night or something
Anon 2 asked: may I request coco x reader public flashing, like their in a store or clubhouse and when no one around she just randomly showed him the goods
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: NSFW, smut
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Spend your free night at home, now that you feel you have one, is the best idea Coco could had have. By morning, Leti and you went to the supermarket to buy a lot of junk food. Pizza, nachos, guacamole, popcorns, candies, chocolate… Definitely, tomorrow you will not be able to move unless you roll. And beer. Too much beer actually. You also had to threaten your boyfriend to not forget the family night all week long.
But he's late. He's always late.
“Yo! 'Am home!”
Coco's voice finally interrupts the silence in the living room, whilst Leti and you are putting everything on point in the kitchen. The younger goes out to greet him with a soft hug and a palm on his chest, listening how she says “you're gonna clean it all”. Yes, that's the punishment for being late. The mexican chuckles, crossing the hallway and wrapping your waist with the tattooed arms, as your back meet his chest. Raising a hand to his mouth, you offer him one of the piece of jam you're using to make the big pizza. He takes it with the incisors, eating it before kissing your neck so gently holding you closer.
“I love you”. He whispers on your left ear so dearly your legs shake for a second. “Is gonna be the secon' best nai' of ma' life”.
“What was the first, ah?”
“The one I met ya'”. Using the same low voice, he rest his forehead on your shoulder having a deep breathe of your scent. “Tha' was the best nai' of ma' life, mami”.
He doesn't need some words like his back, he's pretty good and satisfied with the goofy smile your lips are drawing on. How couldn't you love him? That's impossible. Turning under his grip, you place your hands on both sides of his neck, standing on your tiptoe enough to reach his lips kissing them peacefully, taking your time and enjoying the taste of tequila on the other tongue. Seems like he has forgotten that Leti is around, setting up the table, when he cups your ass with his hands, squeezing it. And that's the sparkle that lights the wick. Your hands touring his abdomen under the shirt he's wearing, dragging your nails over his skin giving him some chills.
Leti's scream scared the shit out of you jumping for a second, aa your heart does, whilst she's breaking in laughs.
“It was her fault, givin' me that… jam so sensual. You're the devil, mami”. He chuckles kissing your forehead.
“I didn' know you were into meat, I thought you were more into fish”. His daughter jokes on him, making you laugh covering your mouth with a hand before continuing making dinner.
“I didn' know I was livin' with a clown”. Your boyfriend palm her forehead, walking away to your room.
“All ready?” Leti ask then to you, looking around in case she's missing something else.
“All ready. The pizza will be in five”. You nod putting it inside the oven, turning after to her. “Beer is cold, and the rest is on the table. Netflix on point?”
“Netflix on point”. She replies imitating you.
“Cool”. You say highing five with her.
Of course, you two chose the movie. One of those that mix comedy with action. The night passes by, eating the whole pizza even if Leti said maybe it was too much, and all the junk' you bought as the empty beers were piled up along the table. The younger was lying down on the couch, while you were on Coco's top on the sofa. Your hands touring his chest under the shirt with smooth caresses, with his tangled in your hair. In a moment like that, you're already thinking about what happened before in the kitchen, trying to get somewhat comfy over his body. You're not gonna kick out Leti. You're pretty happy of spending some family time without nobody bothering you. But you has to recognize that you missed your boyfriend a lot today, waking up by morning with him already gone.
Saved by the bell.
Leti's phone rings on the table with Gabri's name blinking on the screen. She practically jumps off of the couch hanging the call and getting somewhat nervous.
“I'm sorry. It was amazing, but Gabri had a date with EZ an—”.
“Just leave, mija”. Coco chuckles moving his hand, no needing an explanation.
You wait impatiently for her to leave the house, feeling guilty for needing him so much that you're happy Leti is going out with her friend. When the door gets closed and you can hear her steps walking downstairs, you attack Coco's lips so hungry you can't handle it. His hands squeezing again your ass, pressing it down to make you notice the lump under the sweatpants he's wearing. And it's pretty delirious. You moan against his tongue, mixing your saliva and tasting the beer on them. Your hips moving looking for more friction with your panties getting somewhat wetted because of him. And you two are so focused on pleasing each other, that you don't hear the door.
“FUCK OFF, LETICIA!” Coco shouts, making her laugh.
“I'm stealing you fifty bucks fo' the new trauma. Bye!”
Licking your lips as you see how she disappears again crossing the door, your boyfriend bites your neck raising up a little his waist looking for more moves of yours, knowing he's too much needy.
“C'mon, mami… You've been provoken' me since I came hom'”. He almost sobs wit a scratchy voice, sucking your skin.
One of his hands pulls off your shirt, throwing it to the floor before catching one of your nipples with his lips. A soft gasp escapes from yours, touring your left hand to his hardness. You stroke him tightly above the pants, drowning his wailing and some curses against your breast.
“You wan'me to ride you, papi?”
“Fuck, stop playing!” He claims pulling down by your legs the panties you are on somewhat angry.
You love to tease him and seeing how fast he gets furious. Sitting up a little on top of your man, you throw away the only clothe you were wearing, before grabbing the waistband of his doing freeing himself. Licking your lips as soon as you rub your clit over Coco's sensible skin, he nails a hand on your ass and guiding his dick pushing it inside you without no more wait. You can't help but screaming out his name, needing a simple touch from him after being the whole day away.
Bouncing on top of him, spreading your legs and supporting one feet on the floor, you go deeper. Your nails dragging his chest as your moans flood the living room. You know how much he loves watching you riding his hard cock and your breasts jumping as if they were dancing. With his hands nailed on your hips, he forces you to dig his waist harder against your legs. And it's feel amazing.
“Fuck, mami… You drive me crazy…” His voice is hoarse and full of pleasure, closing the eyes and showing you his parted lips.
Leaning back your head a little, arching your back and placing both hands on his thighs, you move your body front to back. Fast. So fast. And you don't care if it's going to be quick, you're desperate and he's totally anxious for cum inside you, feeling the heat that emanates from your body. Coco is totally in love with you, since the first moment. And took him a little to recognize his feelings for you, but even if it's not all about sex, he wish he had done it before just to have seen you more times like this.
You lie down over his chest as he tangles a hand on your hair to push you closer. The mexican bites, sucks and licks your lips, sliding his tongue into your mouth to finds the other to take a pulse in a filthy and dirty kiss. Coco slaps your ass twice, making you growl because of the pleasure, squeezing it as his waist dance with yours needing to go faster thrusting you heavy. Your whole anatomy stirring under his hard grip, giving you shivers up your spine. And without expecting, he turns you above the sofa, putting your back on it without pulling away his cock. He pounds you harder, crashing his abdomen against your body making you move at time. Coco wraps you with an arm, placing the other on your throat.
“Who is your papi, ah?” He spit to your lips, almost touching them with his.
“You!” Screaming because of the thrust, you feel how he's pushing you to the limit.
“Who owns this wetty and delicious pussy, ah?”
“It's yours, daddy!” You almost sob arching your back because of an another hard pound. “Please… make me cum… I beg you, daddy… Please”.
Drawing a petty smile on his lips, he squeezes a little bit your throat under his fingers. Sinking his lips on your neck, pulling away his thumb enough inches to bite it and suck it, leaving a reddened bruise there. That's the magical move that makes you crash down into a delirious orgasm, with your shaky legs surrounding his body, pushing him deeper inside you with loud groans stuck in your mouth. He fills you with his seed, howling because of the pleasure above your skin, bristling it.
Some tired kisses trails up your jaw to your lips, drinking your air as he tries to recover himself.
“Fuck, mami… You're a fuckin' blessing”. He whispers with trembling breath and his heart racing, making you laugh low. “Wha'? It's true! I fuckin' love ya'”.
“I love you too, Coquito”. You mutter back, licking his salty lips with the tip of your tongue. “Mi papi…”
“Solo tuyo, mami”. He nods lightly caressing your cheek and pulling away some bristles of sweaty hair.
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✩ Roleplaying History ✩
(Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have role-played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Please repost instead of reblog!)
(Tagged by: @ducktales-wco-oo and @phooeyonyou​)
(Tagging: Seems like you’re up next!)
Currently playing:
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Duckworth - DuckTales 1987/2017/Other AU Versions
Dewey Duck - DuckTales 2017/Other AU Versions
Fenton Crackshell/-Cabrera/Gizmoduck - 2017/1987/ Other AU Versions
Negaduck/Drake Mallard - Darkwing Duck - Show/Comics/Dangerous Currency/Other AU Versions
Skunky Skunk - Bonkers Show/Other AU Versions
Huckleberry Hound - Classic Hanna-Barbera/Trio of Triumph/Other AU Versions
Ludwig Von Drake - House of Mouse/DuckTales 1987/2017/Other AU Versions (@thegenludwigvondrake)
Claire Redfield - Resident Evil
Trish - Devil May Cry
Quick Draw McGraw - Classic Hanna-Barbera/Trio of Triumph/Other AU Versions (I seriously need to update his icons and stuff. The ones I have I feel would not do him justice as of currently.) @quick-draw-mcgraw-rp
Want to play: (I’d share some of the new ones coming with updates, but surprises are surprises! They will be test muses of course, and I may alter or even archive some muses.)
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Dynomutt - Hanna-Barbera (With a clumsy but chill and courageous cybernetic pooch like this guy, I just haven’t done much to promote him. He’s a good pal to have and is pretty friendly!)
Hawkgirl/Shayera Hol - DC Comics (Tougher than nails, but good company to keep once you get past her initial meeting phase! DCAU can be pretty weird to mesh in with other folks, but I should still try a little more?)
Howard the Duck - Marvel Comics (Yeah, yeah, he’s still on here, but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been trying to push him out there like some of the ones I currently play. He’s a guy with issues that many people can probably relate to, and is fun to irritate.)
Hokey Wolf - Hanna-Barbera (As my favorite HB character of all time, well, it’s not that out of the ball park that I’d like to rp as him on here. There aren’t that many that I think would know of Hokey though. Suave, calm, and sassy is his thing, and he’ll con you a new one better than Yogi Bear ever will!)
Roxas - Kingdom Hearts (”But he’s on here and I have done a thread or two with him!” Yeah, that’s true, but just recently have I kinda noticed some things about how I’d play Roxas might not mix well with other muns, mainly because of the constant preaching of “friends over family” that KH has, it kinda leads me away from thinking Roxas would consider anyone older than him like a parent and just friend zone them instantly. I might be overthinking it, but it’s just something I don’t see happening, and until I can find my confidence and hopefully a better method of playing Roxas, he’ll be in semi-hiatus for the time being.)
Sylvester Pussycat/Daffy Duck - Looney Tunes (I have done very little with either, though I can do something with Sylvester as of now, just Daffy needs some tweaking and icons for other verses. But when I have a good grip on both situations, they’ll be put out into the open for all to interact with for the other verses!)
Dracula Duck - DuckTales (As I have not been working on his icons like I should have, with very good reason for so too, I still have so many great ideas and AUs for him that I’ll share when I can get him completed.)
Gideon McDuck - Duckverse/Disney Comics (”But you play him too!” Ohhhhkay, Gid is a tough topic to deal with as even the mere mention of his name can serve up controversy in times when it is not need, like any time, but he is still a favorite of mine and technically still a good or possible character in DuckTales 2017. He can or doesn’t have to be related, I mean, look at Huge McDuck and what he did and he’s not even a real relative. What I want to do is continue giving the chief editor a chance to shine and be noticed for all of his straight-forward but considerate mannerisms, search for truth and justice, and all of that from the news side of the world.) @gideon-mcduck
John D. Rockerduck/Roller Dollar - Duckverse/Disney Comics (”Also him as well!” Look, John is more known and very well received to be the third richest duck in the world, and as he aims for first place in besting Scrooge, he’s also not that bad of a guy. Sure, he may have a devious, mischievous, and even cheating side to him, but get to know the guy well and he’ll treat you like family. Not his of course as there’s a lot of turmoil in his but better than any average person for sure. Not only that, but he has gone through some radical adventures, giving him versatility, and even has a supervillian persona, one akin to Magneto. Polaris [Marvel], Doctor Polaris [DC], and Cosmic Boy in some terms of powers. When he hits the stage, he makes sure his appearance is known! Until he’s forced to munch on another one of his bowler hats.) @john-d-rockerduck
Underdog/Shoeshine Boy - Terry Toons? (Being a big fan of some superheroes, and knowing that Underdog has become a rarity in that of the super hero fandom, I decided it might be nice to try and help bring him back! As overpowered as he is, of course he can get the good old nerfing rod, or not, however you want it! Mainly what seems to be cool would be the situations in which he saves the day that don’t always involve Polly Purebred, or just his daily life as a shoeshine boy?) @underhcro
Have played:
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Ralph Runner - Loonatics Unleashed (Boy, is this 50′s-60′s esque father of a roadrunner something! He’ll probably have you smacking your head in frustration from the very fast speak he talks. Ralph can slow down though, so that’s not much of a problem! Keeping up with him physically though is another thing, like for some reason, he still has a potbelly but can move at super sonic speeds? I guess not every speedster has a hyper fast metabolism? Either way, if you’re in the future sometime, you might find him at his business or somewhere in Acmetropolis, if it’s in the same time and universe!)
Snagglepuss - Hanna-Barbera (Ooooh, this guy. I have SO many ideas with him that they pale in comparison to Huck and Hokey, when just using my ideas and not the combined efforts of mine with others. A moment that explains how he went from being an antagonist and rival to being a good friend along with his fur change? Got it! An explanation for how he loses some of his daring and adventurous backbone? Already thought of! And the list goes on for this mountain lion! I may not have played him on Tumblr, but I have played him before, and I have hear I am really good from others.)
Bathound/Ace Wayne - DC Comics (A detective that likes to do his work more than anything, and does it best when alone? Oh yeah, that is a vigilante I can get behind! I still have yet to promote him more and such, but he is a good guy to antagonize since he does hate silliness and such when it comes to the mission. Though not as devoted to the mission as Bruce/Batman is, he can be at times and that is one of his best traits/worst flaws.)
José Carioca - Disney (As he is literally my most favorite Caballero, sorry Don and Pan, he does get a lot of love from me. With his questionable past of having what can be debated to be regular magic or black magic, coy and sly demeanor when on his con work, or just being the cool and levelheaded member until a party arises. Maybe it is because he reminds me too much of myself in some cases, but I do not know. He is still available for whoever wants for me to make a starter with him! I also have to continue the thread that has him in it.)
Morrigan Aensland - DarkStalkers (I question on how I should approach making her icons as she is well, look at her. Though she is a succubus and gets away with that because it goes back into the lore of succubi, I feel like some people would be uncomfortable with her around, which is normal. She is kinda one of those..... characters that I don’t want to type the acronym of. However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to play her. She’s a good character that has an intriguing personality!)
Igor - Count Duckula (Ah yes, my first rp blog that I had when I decided to rp on Tumblr. It’s still up, and I’m still working on it! But for all that do not know, here’s a little thing about my writing; If it wasn’t for me rping as Igor, and also having knowledge of Alfred Pennyworth, I might not have been thinking about playing Duckworth as early as I did. I do love Duckworth still to about the same amount as Igor, which is a LOT, but they kinda are two sides of the same coin. Heck, they even wear almost similar attire except for their appearance and tastes in some things.) @butlerofthecount
Dante - Devil May Cry (I definitely need to work on this blog again, as DMC5 sparked my thrist for some good demon slaying threads. Hopefully the pizza hasn’t gotten cold or moldy by now, but if it has, one can always order a new one!) @merciless-style
Goofy Goof - Disney (It’s no joke! I may not have him on here, but then again, not all of my muses are on here. Some are exclusive to here, and others are exclusive to other places. While I’d love to present my take on the cherry and clumsy goof, I prefer to see everyone else’s interpretation on here! Goof Paradise is Nice, but I’m too impure for that life. XD)
Tidus - Final Fantasy X (I swear, I’m still making icons for him in the PS2 original Final Fantasy X because I’m sorry, that’s the only way I like Tidus’ face in the first and second games, Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia series are okay, but not the HD Remasters [in my opinion].) @caladbolgdreamknight
Gemerl/Emerl - Sonic The Hedgehog (I definitely wouldn’t mind giving this copy bot a chance to get some light again!)
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pnk-wasteland · 7 years
Happy Birthday
BBrae / Teen titans 
“So, you’re finally eighteen.”
“Yeah, finally! It sucks being the youngest. I guess we can't really call ourselves the Teen Titans anymore, 'cuz we're all adults now.” Beastboy chucked to himself.
Raven refrained from rolling her eyes, but just barely. “I wouldn't exactly call us adults yet. But I guess being legally an adult has its benefits. You can vote now.”
She watched Beastboy turn his head to throw her an accusing look. “Oh yeah Rae, that's what I've been looking forward to for eighteen years. Fucking voting rights.”
He had taken to swearing as of late, only a few four letter words sprinkled here and there, when the mood struck him. But he wasn't dumb enough to let the words slip around Robin. He knew from an unfortunate experience what his straight- laced leader would do of he caught a Titan member using profanity. Beastboy would be subjected to an furious lecture about ‘setting an example’ and being a ‘cornerstone in the community’, and he was better off avoiding that all together.
“Well what were you looking forward to then? It's not like we can do much, being Titans and all. And don't you dare say a strip club!”
He laughed a bit at Raven’s expense before answering. “Please, thanks to our job and the sleezeballs that live in this city I’ve seen enough of that kind of nightlife. Plus why would I want to go bump shoulders with a bunch of sticky, lonely men. There’s this thing called porn, Rae, much easier.”
Raven faked a gagging noise. “I could have died happy never hearing that.”
Beastboy laughed again, this time gripping the edge of the roof and swinging his feet up in the air. “But seriously, I don’t know what I was expecting. I just always envisioned eighteen as being something special. Like a right of passage or whatever. Aren’t I supposed to be getting drunk in the woods or some park right now? Buying lottery tickets or even a cigar that I’ll definitely puke up and throw away after one puff?” He sighed. “I feel like nothing’s changed.”
She snorted, “Welcome to adulthood my friend. Disappointing, isn’t it?”
He chucked dryly “Yeah, I guess. But I feel like we’re always doing the boring parts of being adults, ya know? I just thought that maybe once I turned eighteen, I could enjoy the fun parts too.”
The sadness wasn’t on his face, but Raven could feel it in the air, it rolled off him like rain in a downpour.
“I bought a dirty magazine when I turned eighteen.” She wasn’t sure why she had blurt this out to him, it was embarrassing. But she wanted to replace his sadness with something else, even if it made him laugh at her a bit, it was worth it to see that goofy smile of his again.
His eyes went wide, “You- No way! What for? Just because you could? Raven I knew you liked to read and all but I didn’t know you were into that kinda stuff! How was it?”
“I’m not into it!” She defended herself, but the look on his face told he didn’t believe her. “I just wanted to do something I’d never done before. It’s like you said, I bought it because I could.”
“Soooo~ How was it?”
Now it was her turn to look shocked.
“Aw, come on Rae. You can tell me.”
She ignored him.
“I bet you still have it tucked under your bed.”
Raven turned to punch him, but he grabbed her fist before she could, laughing at her indignant attitude.
“For your information,” she began, “I only skimmed it a bit then threw it away before I even got back to Titans tower.”
“Couldn’t risk bird boy finding it, huh?”
“Or Starfire, I’m not sure who would have been worse.”
He laughed, “Probably Star. At least Rob would have been too embarrassed to confront you about it.”
“Oh Azar, could you imagine?” She shuddered.
“Yes, actually I can. And it’s horrific.” Beastboy turned back to the fading sunset they had been watching. “How’d you even get that without getting spotted?”
“Holo Ring.”
“Cyborg didn’t notice?”
She shrugged. “If he did, he didn’t say anything. I assume he probably did something similar when he turned eighteen.”
“Wow, I never even thought about the holo ring. Cyborg always yells about how they’re not for personal use and whatever. That’s genius Rae, I didn’t know you had it in you to break the rules.”
The corner of her mouth turned upward, “There’s plenty you don’t know about me, Beastboy.”
He turned back toward her, a playful smile dancing on his lips. She felt the mischievous rush that often emitted from Beastboy, mixed with something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on.
He hummed in agreement, “Yeah, you’re right.”
This conversation seemed to have taken a turn, and Raven was unsure just when that had happened. Being an empath, she was a master of reading people and situations, so this awkward moment hung in the air untouched by her, simply because she didn’t quite know what to do with it.
“Well, should we do it?”
Her jaw fell open, and she stuttered over her words before she could force her brain to string a thought together. “W-What?
“The holo rings. Should we take them? We don’t need to go get dirty magazines or anything, to be honest I’d just love a night off.”
Raven’s mind seemed to be catching up slowly. Maybe she had just read the conversation wrong, but since when has that ever happened? She’d never felt something that wasn’t there, and just now it felt like there was definitely something there, just behind Beastboy’s cool demeanor.
“Yeah, that sounds fun actually. We’ll just have to be careful when we’re out not to draw too much attention. Even disguised, we tend to stick out more when we’re together.”
“Because we’re such a captivating couple?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her teasingly.
“More like because we’re teenaged recluses who only interact with other jaded heroes.”
He laughed, “Hey, I wouldn’t call you jaded. At least, not to your face.”
She threw another playful punch at him, which he caught again but this time didn’t let go, and instead held on to her fist, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.
And suddenly, it was all too much. The way he was looking at her was too intense, the fingers touching her skin was too overwhelming, his heartbeat pounding in his ribs was too loud. She didn’t like whatever this was, it made her feel unsure, nervous. Raven liked being in control, and right now it felt as if she had relinquished hers to whatever this feeling was that was flowing from him and flooding her mind.
“What are you doing?”
He didn’t skip a beat. “What’s it look like I’m doing Rae, I’m holding your hand.”
“Because I thought it would be nice. And it is.” He paused, cocking his head to the side, “Do you hate it?”
She considered this for a moment, glancing down at his clawed fingers around her balled up fist. She was a bit alarmed and taken aback, but no, she didn’t hate it.
“No, it’s not that terrible.”
He snorted “I guess that’s the best answer I could hope for, really.”
The was an uncomfortable silence between them before Raven could no longer ignore the tense feeling in her stomach. “Should we go? Cyborg is probably distracted and busy in the garage right now.”
One last rub before he released her hand. He gave her his best grin, “Yeah, let’s do this thing!”
She got up, careful not to accidentally brush against him as she rose to her feet.
"Hey Rae?”
Her hand was on the door handle, she had paused before he had even spoke, sensing he wanted to ask her something. Now she turned to face him.
He looked a little sheepish, but another part of him, a bigger part of him pushed that emotion aside and went on, determined, “Is it okay, if I hold your hand while we’re out?” He rushed on, “No one will even know it’s us! And it would probably make us blend in more, right?”
She knew his excuses were just fluff, and she ignored them.
“Yeah, I think that’d be okay.”
And later on; after they had scratched off every single losing lottery ticket they had bought and eaten far too much late-night diner pizza; when he did eventually bump her shoulder and take her hand, she squeezed back and leaned toward him to whisper in his ear, “Happy birthday, Beastboy.”
A/N: this ship will never die. I take request and suggestions! Prompt me!
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The Point Of View
cowritten by Mars and myself.
Walking up the steps to his house was more difficult than Rosalind anticipated. Knocking on the front door – something she hadn’t done in months, since he had placed the key to his house in her hands with a goofy grin on his face – was even harder. The thought of having to face him was nearing unbearable. Her hands shook as she shoved them hurriedly into her pockets, trying and hoping to hide exactly where they had been no more then twelve hours ago – and it was only nine in the morning.
The door opened and she was greeted by a sleepy face and the strong smell of coffee. Hunter’s blue eyes were tired, his hair was a mess still, and he was still only in his pajamas, but a smile spread across his face when he saw her, setting his cup of coffee down to pull her inside without even saying a word. He kissed her cheek, humming a soft hello before grabbing his coffee cup and shuffling toward the kitchen.
“G-Good morning,” she said, hating herself for stuttering.
“Morning,” he yawned, “What brings you here so early, Rosalind? I didn’t expect you until lunch.”
She followed him, her eyes lingering around the house that used to feel so much like her own home, but now just felt strange, almost like it was the first time she had crossed its floors. She cleared her throat as it tightened, knowing her voice would come out strangled no matter how hard she fought it. “Hunter, we need to talk. It’s important.”
He faced her when she entered the kitchen, an eyebrow raised at her in a teasing way, like he was taking what she said as a joke, rather than the plea that it was. “Talk? I just sipped my first cup of coffee. Talking only happens after the first sip of the third cup.” He chuckled, seemingly amused by his own little joke, but she knew something was off about him; she just couldn’t put her finger on what.
“Hunter, please,” she took a step toward him.
Pain crossed his face for a brief moment, but it was there and gone so quickly, she thought she imagined it. “I was thinking, since you’re here early, and I have today off, we could maybe spend it together? You know, we could do whatever you want. We could binge watch that series you told me about.”
Tears filled Rosalind’s eyes and she forced a small smile as she blinked them away. Hunter’s time had been the one thing she wanted for weeks now, and at the moment, being next to him sent a stab of pain through her that was undeniable and so strong, she felt her legs begin to buckle, but she forced them to hold her up. “I-I don’t want to do that.”
He pouted teasingly, “Even if I promise to start reading the book you gave me last year?”
She rubbed her face with her hands, “H-Hunter, I-I-I’m begging you, please-”
“W-We could order some pizza as soon as the place we like opens,” he leaned against the counter, sipping his coffee. “Or even go to the store to buy absurd amounts of candy-”
“Hunter!” She cried. “Please, stop!”
He squeezed his eyes shut, his lips pressing together into a fine line. He turned so his back was to her, and he put his coffee cup down. He gripped the edge of the counter, and took several deep breaths before he spoke, his voice coming out so quietly, and so broken, she instantly regretted yelling at him. “Why are you here, Rosalind?”
“I need to talk to you,” she whispered. “I … I went out last night.”
“And why do I need to know that?” He croaked out, suddenly making his way out of the kitchen. “I don’t think you spend all your time waiting for me to get a day off. I’m not delusional.” He brushed past her, but not before she caught the sight of a tear falling down his cheek.
“Hunter,” she followed him, huffing a little as he avoided looking at her. He seemed determined to not look at her at all, walking around almost the entire house, making her trail behind him as she talked. “I went out last night, and I was sad. I-I missed you-”
“I don’t remember getting your call telling me that you missed me,” he muttered, walking through the living room, folding a blanket that was draped over the back of a chair with his back to her. “I had my phone on me all night. I kept checking it. Did I miss your text somehow?”
“No!” She snapped. “Stop interrupting me! I went out last night and I was sad! I-I hadn’t seen you in over two weeks, and I’d barely talked to you in that time! You didn’t answer, you didn’t respond, so I went out to get my mind off of it!”
“Y-You can stop yelling at me,” he whispered. “You knew I was busy. I can’t always get to my phone.”
“I was heartbroken! When we started this sad excuse for a relationship, we saw a whole lot more of each other, even when you were busy! What changed, Hunt? Am I not worth it to you, anymore?” She was letting the tears fall down her face now, and she pulled on her hair, trying to wrap her mind around how she was losing her temper so quickly. “Do you not love me anymore? Is that it?”
“You know I love you,” he said, setting the blanket down and holding onto the back of the chair for support. “You know I do, so don’t act like I don’t.”
“We used to talk every single day, no matter how busy you were. You made time for me, you made me feel special, you took me into the studio and the shows, and now I’m lucky if I get to see you once every few weeks!” She threw her hands up in the air in frustration. “And even then, you’re distant and you’re more in your head than you are with me! Don’t you see how much that hurts me, or is everything else more important than I am?!”
“Just tell me what you did, Rosalind! Out with it!” He faced her now, his own face tear stained and looking so broken she almost backed away in pity. “What happened?!”
“I cheated on you!” She matched his volume; “I was with someone else because I’m never with you!”
The truth hit him harder than she thought it would. The devastation on his face was evident, and something about the look on his face let her know that this had been his worst fear, and now it was staring him in the face. “Y-You …”
“I met him at the bar,” she said, her voice shaking. “He gave me everything I was looking for when I walked in there. Everything you refused to give me.”
“Refused.” He sniffed, repeating her word sadly.
“He was there and you weren’t and he was so much…” Rosalind trailed off. Her voice becoming as quiet and soft-spoken as Hunter’s. “He reminded me of you.” She said weakly.
“Oh yeah. That helps.” He rolled his eyes and sat down on the chair, knocking the blanket that he’d folded onto the floor. “My girlfriend cheats on me with a stranger but at least he was a lot like me. Were you drunk? Did you think he was me?”
“I…” She opened her mouth to answer but closed it again when she realized the answer would hurt him more than she already was. She folded her arms across her chest, drawing into herself, feeling as small as she ever has.
He swallowed and pulled his phone out of his pocket and wiped at the tears hanging off his jawline with the back of his wrist. “You weren’t drunk.” He wasn’t asking. He knew he was right. Rosalind nodded, her eyes on the floor, her hair falling in front of her eyes. She slipped it behind her ear. Her head stayed bowed.  “Do you know how many times I defended you?” He scrolled through his social media. He looked up at her with a mix of fire and grief. “For as long as I’ve been with you, people have suggested that you weren’t faithful-” He held his phone up to her.
She stepped forward in a rush, her arms falling out of their fold, her eyes flicking between his.  “I have been. I have! I never cheated on you! I love you. I spend my time away from you, thinking of you.” She dropped to her knees beside of his chair. “All I’ve ever wanted was to be near you. I have been faithful.” She asserted.
He tightened his mouth into a line. “Except last night.” His voice was pinched but still strong in spite of it all, fueled by something she couldn’t put to words. Anger? Hatred? Disgust? She sat back on her heels as she waited for him to continue.
“I never thought they could be right.” He whispered. “I never once believed them. I never showed you all the direct messages I got of people insisting you were cheating. I even responded to a few of them. I knew you wouldn’t do that. I knew it.” He swallowed. “And then I got this one.” He tilted his phone to show her the screen. “Some random person who happened to be in the same bar.” It was a slightly blurry photograph of Rosalind and the guy. His hand was nowhere it was supposed to be and she was smiling, more than okay with it. He shook his head and clicked off the phone as he sat it on his leg, facedown. “He doesn’t seem a lot like me.”
“Hunter, you have to believe me. I didn’t do this to hurt you. I didn’t do this to hurt us! It was just one night of weakness.” She tried. “You can’t tell me that in all the time we’ve been together, all the time we’ve had to spend apart, you’ve never been lonely? Not once?”
“Of course I have. I stay lonely.” He sighed. “Because even when I finally begin to trust someone and finally begin to heal that part of me, this happens.” He gestured to the air before bringing his hand back down to wipe at the newest tears on his jaw.
“Hunter.” She tried again. “I didn’t do this to hurt you. I didn’t mean to. I swear. I was just weak. I was just lonely.”
“You were reckless.”
“Can’t you just understand?!” She squeaked and took hold of his hand.
He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. Another tear dripped from both of their eyes. He sniffed. “I can understand.” He brought her knuckles up to his mouth, placing a delicate kiss to them. He sighed and dropped her hand. “I can understand that you were lonely. I can understand how badly it hurts when all you want is to be with someone and you can’t be. I understand how easy it would be to fill the void another way. I understand it perfectly, Rosalind.” He stood up and started walking to the kitchen. She followed him slowly. He picked up his coffee cup. It was cold. He dumped the liquid down the sink. He turned off the coffee maker. He didn’t want another cup.
“I understand it because I’ve been there. My whole life. I’ve been there.” He walked out of the kitchen, Rosalind trailing behind. “That pain is what I feel almost constantly. The only reprieve I get is the few moments in between being away that I do get to spend time with you.” He stopped suddenly and turned around to face her. He reached out and swept her hair from her eyes. “I spend those moments with you and it makes the hurt worth it.” He licked his lips. “Made.”
Her eyes widened and her face flushed. “Hunter?”
“I understand perfectly.” He shook his hand and opened the door behind him, pointing into the air outside of his house.
a/n (well. one of the authors’ note at least:P) This was remarkably fun and if I hadn’t been so intent on getting this up as quick as possible- there are so many avenues I would explore! I could have done so much with this! It was genuinely fun and I’m glad to have collaborated for once. I definitely see this happening more often. I hope you liked this! We both do. We’re both grateful that you read it. If you wanna try and figure out who wrote what parts- you should definitely send me your thoughts because I think that could be amusing. Send us both your feedback if you want. or just send it through one or the other. We’ll both see it :P kaythanksmateloveyoutoobye
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galacticblast-blog1 · 7 years
Fursona meme
Stole this from Taliruq over on FA. • What is the name of your fursona?  Spade/Remy • Where did the name of your Fursona come from?  Spade’s name actually came from Spade Slick, a homestuck character that I had been into at the time, it just stuck after that.  Remy’s name is harder to pinpoint? It’s actually Remmington, because I guess I wanted a ‘fancy’ name. I’ve honestly forgotten the origins of his name other than that. • What species is your fursona and why did you choose that species?  Spade has actually gone through a few changes and has two different forms. BUT I’ll tell you the easiest one today. I picked a bat for her species because when I was little, I went to Carlsbad Cavern and got to see the bats swarm out when night fell. It was super cool to younger me and left an impression that has lasted to this day.  Remy was more dry cut. My wife has a ram character so I picked a ram character. But as time went he had changes, always coming back to a ram though. Currently he is a ram/coyote mix, looking heavily more ram than canine.  
• What color is your fursona and why? Hair/fur/eye/ect  Spade is a dark grey with brown wing membrane and inner ears, her eyes being black and blue. I stuck with a very simple palette because if my sonas are too hard to draw, I end up not liking them.  Remy is....just black? His face is around the same color as my own skin. Again this was to keep him simple and easy to draw. • What is your fursona's personality and how does this compare to your RL personality?  Spade is very bubbly, sarcastic, loving, goofy, and all around just a happier version of me?  Remy can be cynical, sarcastic, protective, short tempered, quiet, and is more stoic than Spade. He is closer to me in personality I feel. • What is one item your fursona owns that is significant to you in RL?  Spade has a 3DS, this was the first handheld game system I actually owned that was 100% mine.  Remy has my Hail Pizza shirt, because why not. But legit, they probably own almost everything I do? Or things I wish I could. • What is one thing you think you would say to your fursona if you could meet?  You guys are sooooo soft! Lol I honestly don’t know. • What is one thing your fursona would say to you if you could meet?  Spade: What’s up butt head?  Remy: ....the fuck • How has your fursona changed over the years?  Spade went from being a dog, an alien dog, to a scientist bat.
 Remy was a blue ram, blue ram/kelpie, kelpie, unicorn pegasus????, jaguar, black ram, black ram/coyote. • How long have you had this fursona?  Spade- Since.... 2009ish? Almost 10 years???  Remy- 2009-2010??? Almost as long? • Would you like to be more like your fursona?  I already am, they’re parts of me that I felt should be ‘alive’ Thanks for reading my little ramble ahaha~
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