#I love and hate male avi
lilypixels · 1 year
Back on some sl smh
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melanielocke · 1 year
Book recommendations - Morally complicated/unhinged protagonists
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I usually tend to gravitate towards characters who are good. Most of my own written characters will fall firmly on the good side of an alignment chart even if they are complicated, have trauma etc. But every once in a while I do enjoy some characters who are kind of unhinged or morally complicated. Here are some of my favorites.
I'm going to start with the book I just finished reading and am currently obsessed with: Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
In this book, earth has been destroyed, and Kyr has trained all her life to avenge earth. She was raised on an isolated space station with what she believes are the last humans, taught to hate the Majoda, the aliens who destroyed earth. Kyr has never questioned anything she's taught and worked hard to be a model soldier, but then her brother is assigned to a suicide mission while Kyr herself is relegated to the Nursery to bear children.
Kyr decides to take her fate into her own hands and rescue her brother from what she believes is pointless and leaves the space station together with her brother's brilliant but kind of unhinged friend Avi and a lonely Majo captive Yiso. But when Kyr enters the wider universe she must confront that not everything she's been taught is true and that the universe is a lot more complicated than she believes.
Essentially, this is a story of someone indoctrinated by a cult slowly breaking free. Kyr starts out not very likeable. She wants nothing more than to be the perfect soldier, is mean to everyone and is pretty clueless. But slowly she learns through the book and I loved watching her journey.
My favorite in this book has to be Avi though. He's unhinged. He's a genius, way too smart for his own good. He's gay and has a very complicated relationship with Kyr's twin brother Mags. I can't say too much without spoiling the book.
Mind the content warnings for this one, and keep in mind that Kyr is heavily indoctrinated by what is pretty much a fascist cult and as such she shows some queerphobic views (such as refusing to use they/them pronouns for a genderless Majo at first), though it also seems relatively watered down compared to how bad it probably was in the cult. It's also pretty obvious to a reader that Kyr is wrong about most things at this point.
The copy pictured is my Illumicrate edition, which has the UK cover (and very pretty edges)
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao is up next
Iron Widow is a YA sci fi with characters inspired by people from Chinese history. The main character, Zetian, is inspired by the only female emperor in Chinese history Wu Zetian.
Huaxia is under attack by hunduns, a type of mechanic aliens, and to combat them they fight in chrysalises, machines taking the shape of creatures of Chinese mythology piloted by a boy/girl pair using spirit presence. Unfortunately, the girls often die due to the mental strain.
Zetian's sister was murdered by one of the pilots outside of battle, and she enlists as a concubine pilot to kill the man responsible. She gets her wish in an unexpected way, when said pilot takes her with him to battle, she kills him through the mental link.
Labeled an Iron Widow, Zetian is paired with the most powerful male pilot, a convicted murderer who is only kept alive because of his exceptional spirit presence. But Zetian has had her taste of revenge and is not going to go down quietly.
I love how unhinged Zetian is in this book, and the author is very good at making us root for her. They could probably have Zetian blow up an orphanage and still have us cheer for her. Zetian's anger is understandable, she's a girl fed up with the patriarchy and girls dying as pilots. This book also has a poly main couple, with all three being bi and into each other.
The book is the first in a duology and book 2 will be out April 2024 (it was delayed)
The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir is already pretty well known but it fit this category well and I only started it recently
There's three books out, but book 3 only comes out in paperback this September which is why I don't have it yet (nor have I read it)
The first two books focus on Gideon and Harrow, who are both from the ninth house. Harrow is a necromancer and heir to the ninth house, whereas Gideon is a warrior who would much rather leave the ninth house altogether. But when Gideon tries to escape, again, Harrow makes her an offer, become her cavalier when she answers the summons of the emperor, who called the heirs of all nine houses and their cavaliers to become lyctors.
The first two books are already very different in tone. Gideon in book 1 is funny, the language is very modern and Gideon is often not paying attention because she's describing all the attractive female characters in full detail, but otherwise she's relatively reliable as a narrator. Then comes Harrow the Ninth, which is one of the most confusing books I have ever read. It pays off in the end, everything will make sense (mostly).
What I found very funny in book 1 was just how childish and petty Gideon and Harrow could be towards each other. They hate each other but in a very childish way. Harrow calls Gideon "Griddle". Gideon considers that Harrow would never leave her alone in their rooms on purpose because then Gideon would mess up the buttons of Harrow's clothes.
Book 2 in comparison has a much more serious tone, which much written in 2nd perspective as well as some flashbacks to previous events that do not add up to what we saw in book 1. I have yet to read book 3 but I've heard it's amazing. After Nona there will be one more book which comes out 2024.
Last up is Black Sun and Fevered Star by Rebecca Roanhorse
This book is not so much unhinged, but very morally complicated. The world is based on pre Columbian americas and it shows a complicated conflict between different cultural group through the POV's of a couple different characters. The main character Xiala is a Teek who was banished from her own home. The Teek are very recluse and not super involved with the main conflict.
She is given the task of sailing Serapio to city of Tova, where much of the conflict takes place. Serapio's mother made him to be the reincarnation of their god, the Carrion Crow, and avenge their people.
We also follow Naranpa, who is the Sun Priest in Tova but grew up in a poor section with a group of culture who were excluded from the clans that make up the city.
And then there's Okoa, the brother of the leader of the Carrion Crow clan within the city, who only wants to protect his clan but doesn't really know what is the best way to do this, meaning he often changes his mind and alliances.
The first book builds towards the Black Sun, a rare solar eclipse that will change the world.
There are currently two books out and the third and last is scheduled for 2024.
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @astriefer @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @aliandtommy @ikissedsmithparker
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pillowfriends · 4 months
Lord of Chaos new reader thoughts: Chapters 11-15
Chapter 11: Lessons and Teachers
I messed up and accidentally shared some of my thoughts about this in the last post. I love Verin so much (although getting a POV from her didn't make it any clearer what her goals are).
I also love Taim - he's getting shit done and I admire that. (Side note - I had a dream about him and I don't usually picture characters while reading, but I now have such a clear image of him from my dream.)
Chapter 12: Questions and Answers
The girls might leave Salidar soon. I don't want them to - I like Salidar and I NEED Nynaeve to make some channeling progress. Not that that couldn't happen elsewhere, but she doesn't seem to be making any progress on her own especially when she can just channel through Moggy.
I like Theodrin. She better not be Black Ajah but I'm suspicious of literally everyone at this point. If we haven't gotten a POV from them, they could absolutely be BA!! And she's so kind that it would be a curveball.
Chapter 13: Under the Dust
I'm not getting bored of the girls' plotline in Salidar but it's not exactly progressing. I like it but... what's the point. Where are we heading here. If the answer is nowhere, we're just meandering and hearing about their day-to-day lives, I'm fine with that, but I was expecting more. That being said, I'm here for everything that's going on. Nynaeve's terrible day, Elayne ranting about all the annoyances in her life stacking up... absolute mood.
The whole angreal thing feels a little contrived - how did they know to look for it? - but maybe I just missed something.
Chapter 14: Dreams and Nightmares
Egwene POV! As usual she's being too curious for her own good and not listening to the Wise Ones at all. Oh god I just remembered this is the Gawyn sex dream chapter. I was a happier person before I read this chapter.
Listen. OBJECTIVELY Gawyn is just being a 20 year old romantic boy and his dreams are kind of cute. HOWEVER, I HATE HIM. And I don't want Egwene to be distracted by... all of that. Girl you have more important things to do than simp over this man.
Nicola has Foretelling! I'm shit at predictions but here's what I've got. Lion sword, dedicated spear, she who sees beyond = Elayne, Avi, and Min. "Three on the boat"... I'm not sure. Nynaeve, Elayne and Moggy going to Ebou Dar? Something about the Sea Folk ship? "He who is dead yet lives" is maybe about Osangar from the prologue. I thought "Land divided by the return" was obviously about the Aiel, but it could also possibly be the Seanchan. It seems a bit late for that though, since they came in book 2.
"Guardians balance the servants" - I wonder if that's Rand's goal of his male channelers being strong enough to match the Aes Sedai, "Servants of all." Not totally sure what they would be "guarding," but I feel weirdly sure of this one.
The bubbles of evil are a bit silly, which I feel bad saying because people very much died. Also when are we going to see linking at a big important moment? It's so cool and I totally thought it was going to matter last book.
Chapter 15: A Pile of Sand
I think most of Egwene's dreams are pretty straightforward and I have no prediction energy left. I love the Wise Ones! They're so fun.
Birgitte Wardering Elayne and making her go to bed is so sweet. The fact that Moggy spent the entire fight hiding under the bed is 10/10, no notes.
Show spoilers/future book spoilers beneath the cut.
< last
Based on the show, I feel very confident saying that Sheriam is BA, and I assume that she is in the books as well. The conversation at the end of chapter 15 basically confirms, then, that Carlinya and Morvrin are as well. I'll be watching all three of them closely.
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ambelle · 2 years
Hey! I was listening to your podcast and when you were talking about fighting with the DickKory twitter fans who kept tagging on Kory and Anna’s hair that reminded me of something! At one point some Bamon fans started making jokes about Bonnie’s wig and dragging her and all the black fans were like nope! What we aren’t gonna do is sit here dragging a bw hair. They apologized and didn’t try it again. Now why the FUCK was you saying picking at Anna’s hair a problem?
I remember that! All the BW were like look there’s a long nasty history when it comes to our hair and the last thing Kat needs to see is her own fans saying “btw we agree with the racists you don’t look good enough for the male leads”. That would have done nothing for her to see more people keekee-ing at her insecurities.
I can say with confidence Bonnie fans gave a damn about not having things in common with racists which is why those Bonnie fans were like “oh that’s true my bad” and never did it again.
Sadly I think most Dickkory fans on Twitter at least couldn’t care less if Anna sees them reposting TikTok’s that mock her looks. Or if she sees them droning on and on about lack of edges, the color, the volume, the this the that. The racists all agree and that’s who they are in cahoots with everytime they do it.
Anna gets no benefit from seeing her own fans say “love you but still don’t like how you look this season 💜”.
My conclusion is they don’t care how she may feel. They want retweets and to cackle over her wig with self hating bw and male fans that have women avi’s. One of the worst offenders of targeting her appearance as a “fan” is a black man. Because of course it is.
Anyway shout out to Bamon fans. We were anti racist and we meant that shit! And we link up to stream Kat’s movies to this day. The support was genuine and not just about liking the aesthetic of her with a WM.
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rockybloo · 2 years
A very good chunk of my OCs don't have past relationship experience. I could basically count on my hands how many have had past relationships and off the top of my head those would be:
Nova: Her ex that she hates with all her heart who never told her he was already in a relationship when they were dating...which meant she was the side chick for a good chunk of time without her knowledge.
Honey: Bee had to come from somewhere and unfortunately, Honey's ex bailed out the second he found out he'd be a father. And while it's understandable he'd be stress about being a dad, especially in high school when they were still teens, it's another to just leave and cut off all connections.
Loligo: He was and still is pretty promiscuous. He does have a crush on Avis and mainly messes around with others to try and take his mind off and snap himself out of his feelings but that don't work and he always winds up coming back to his birdie.
Argenti: He's a monster hunter but also a monster fucker. He's been around the world and knows his way around. Has many an adventure to share with curious ears.
Ruth: She had her own stock "love interest" character that was basically just her but male. Things didn't work out, he winded up getting erased, and she may or may not have just stolen his clothes and been behind his death. JUST WACKY CARTOON SHENANIGANS AHAHAHAHAH
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bitchassbucky · 3 years
Word Count: 2.4k
Warning/s: stalkers, bucky being a creepo, reader being a creepo. dark!IT!bucky x dark!reader :-) female & male masturbation, voyeurism (i think), cyber crimes being committed.
A/N: this is my birthday gift to @babyboibucky <3 to my boo, I love you and you have a special place in my heart. this is gonna be a multi-part thing, it's too long to be considered as a one-shot, oops.
please enjoy! :D
follow the CTRL series:
i - .exe
ii - .avi
iii - .raw
iv - .png
v - .zip
CTRL playlist
CTRL moodboard
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4:49 PM
Just 11 more minutes until he can pack his bags up for the weekend.
One new ticket - URGENT
Goddamn it.
Bucky pulled his earphones out in annoyance, just another office idiot who doesn’t know how to print A4 sheets. If the office were to be held hostage and printing out was the only thing that can save them, half of the floor would be dead.
The new name caught his eye, Y/N Y/L. A new hire, it seems like.
Subject: One new ticket - URGENT
Hi, this is Y/N, employee number 0008675309. I’m new here and was told to send a ticket for the equipment request.
Thank you and have a great weekend!
Oh, Bucky’s gonna have a great weekend indeed. Out of pure curiosity, he’s already pulled up your employee file. A cute smile to a cute name. His annoyance dispersing already, just by thinking of ways how he can spend time with you.
Hey, Y/N! Bucky types into the text field, Welcome to the company. I’m Bucky and I got assigned to help you get settled. Do you prefer having a desktop or a laptop? I’ve attached a form in this thread, send it to me once you’re done.
Have an awesome weekend too!
As much as he hates sending out chirpy emails, he can’t help but to smile when you immediately send a reply back.
Thanks, Bucky! So sorry for sending in the request super late. Got caught up with the onboarding. Is it okay if I use my laptop until we can get a unit to my place? PC or laptop is fine with me.
Bucky fights off another smile, rubbing his hand over his stubbled cheek as he carefully types out a reply. Unlike other days, he doesn’t mind staying beyond 5 PM today. It’s not like he has other plans for his Friday night.
No worries, Y/N. He’s already loving your name. Happy to help!
Do you have your laptop with you? I can set it up before you go home for the weekend. I can probably send in the ticket to the guys so you can have your work equipment next week.
His deft fingers are dancing over his mechanical keyboard, clacking away while the clock ticks closer to the weekend.
A ping, another reply from you. You’re new, you’re still excited to make friends in the office. If you only knew how stupid they are, though.
Yeah! I have it on me right now. I actually work on the same floor, I can drop it off there right now.
Bucky glances around his office, looking for any reflective surface he can check himself on. He runs his hand through his hair, taming any stubborn locks that fell out of his low bun. His shirt hangs just right against his huge frame, his pants hugging his figure, accentuating his silhouette even more.
Just as the clock ticks 5:00, a soft knock raps against his door, “come in!”
You are cuter, prettier in person. Your perfume hits his nose and he’s floored—metaphorically.
“Mr. Barnes,” you say, your demeanor somewhat meek and shy. Well, of course, you are. Your frame is nothing against the hunk of the man who just stood up to greet you.
“Bucky.” He prompts, smiling. You reciprocated the smile, but you really weren’t sure what to expect. Maybe a scrawny little dude mousing away on a keyboard?
“Bucky, thank you so much for doing this. I know you’d rather get off of work since it’s Friday and all.”
He hums, taking your laptop in his hands. You notice the rings adorning his fingers—complementing his tanned skin tone and—it’s not appropriate to stare at a stranger’s hand.
Heat creeps up your face as he turns to look at the stickers stuck to your laptop, “you know, I like this band.” Bucky says, pointing to an old sticker, he carefully sets down your laptop on his workstation.
“They’re great,” you muse, taking a seat on a plastic chair by the door.
You take a gander around his small office. There was nothing out of the ordinary but the big black server blinking at the back, so why do you feel trapped?
“Sorry about the temp, we have to keep the room cold for the server in the back,” Bucky explains, noticing how your arms are crossed over your chest. The skirt you’re wearing isn’t doing you any better too.
You stammer out an it’s okay with a small smile.
Bucky worked on your computer quietly, using a USB stick to load all the applications you need to set up a temporary work account on your laptop. After a few minutes, he beckoned you to come here. You scoot over to his desk, rolling the chair forward and beside him. Not too close though.
“So, this note has all your generated passwords. Type those into the app when you first log in, then you can change it if you want to.” Bucky explains, the cursor idles on the screen. He tries not to get too close to you, to give you personal space. It’s a professional workplace after all.
“This app,” he drags a window, pulling up an application, “tracks your hours and your keystrokes. It’s company-mandated because managers want to micro-manage their people, I guess.” Bucky shrugs, his disdain showing through his voice. His tone shifting lower than what you’d expected.
“Sorry, I just hate their new protocol,” his face and voice softening as he looks at you, “it’s a total privacy breach if you ask me.”
You’d normally disagree but something tells you that maybe he’s got a point. Your breath hitched in your throat as he leans closer as if to whisper something, “this note right here? It’s a nifty thing, a little script so your computer doesn’t go to sleep when you’re away. It enables and disables your numlock pad so it counts as a keystroke.”
A smirk finds its place on your face, “well, that’s…something, isn’t it?”
Never in your life would you find yourself flirting with a co-worker but there’s something about Bucky that made you excited. Interested. Intrigued.
Bucky nods, rolling his chair away to fetch a pad of sticky notes. “Another thing from your friendly neighborhood IT guy,” he peels off a leaf and sticks it on your laptop’s built-in camera, “keep your cam covered.”
You give him a chuckle and a playful salute, “yes, sir.”
Bucky’s a modern man. He sees a pretty girl and he gets giddy. He talks to a pretty girl and he gets flustered. But you—you make him feel more than giddy and flustered. There was something familiar about you, and your eyes. Has he seen you before? Met you, even? No, that’s impossible—if he had met you before, he’d surely remember you.
It was 5:34 PM when he gave you your laptop back and sent in an urgent request for your equipment. While taking down the elevator to the lobby, Bucky gave you a few tips on how to ‘survive’ working in the office. According to him, as far as you go in on time and kept your head above the rumors, you’d do fine.
He asked about your first week and he told you about this joint near the building that serves the best burgers and fries.
You’ve got a good feeling that you just made your first friend.
The sun was already setting down when you pulled into your apartment’s parking lot. At the very last minute, you turned into a drive-through and got some food on the go. The side trip took out 10 minutes of your time but at least you dodged the awful traffic that was building up by the highway.
Along with your laptop bag and your food, you trudge up to your third-floor apartment. It wasn’t what you wanted—the windows faced the street, the screen door doesn’t lock all the way—but it’s the one you got. As long as it’s got four walls and a roof, right?
You slip out of your work clothes and into some comfy jammies after a rewarding shower; the sooner you can get your food heat up, the sooner you can eat, and drink and then go to sleep.
So while waiting for the microwave to beep, you pry open your laptop. You told Bucky not to shut it down after he worked on it as to not lose your work on another profile, which he understood.
The work account he set up greeted you, along with the bright pink sticky note he stuck to your webcam. That wasn’t real, was it? All those cautionary tales of hackers using webcams to peep on you. Maybe he’s just trying to scare you, like some kind of initiation. Without a second thought, you took off the sticky note. It was kinda annoying anyway.
Clicking the Log Out Work button, your personal account popped into the frame. Your opened apps and documents displaying themselves for you to use. You pulled up Spotify and clicked on the first playlist you saw—which happened to be your intimate playlist.
Sure, the Pavlov reaction is real because halfway through the first song, you already found yourself getting all hot and bothered. This one’s your favorite song too.
You groan in annoyance, your food’s no longer a priority.
Picking up the laptop from the table, you walk to your bedroom, not bothering to shut the door. You live alone, it’s fine. You put the laptop on its loudest setting, setting it on your desk and you plopped down on your bed, the pillows and the comforter pooling on one side.
Your room is illuminated by a streak of light from the street. Your curtains flowing softly with the breeze that just came in.
Glancing at your laptop, you remembered Bucky. How his office smelled when you first walked in. How he stood tall when he greeted you. How he smiled. Those goddamn rings of his.
Before you caught yourself thinking rationally, your fingers are already splayed even over your thighs, caressing the soft flesh of your legs.
Bucky’s smirk and his cologne finding purchase in your fogged brain. Thoughts of him pulling you aside into his office to fool around—voices above hushed whispers as your skin erupts in goosebumps, the chilled air of his office finding its way up to your spine.
Oh, fuck it.
You undress fast, flinging your shirt over your head, dropping it somewhere below the bed. The air in your room making your nipples hard and erect as you pinch them. You breathe out a sigh, the heat of the moment creeping up your torso.
The material of your panties dampening as you imagine yourself bent over his desk, your skirt bunched over your hips as he laps your sopping cunt. Bucky’s tongue exploring your folds up and over until your pussy’s a quivering mess of drool and spit.
Your fingers slip past the band of your underwear. Even you surprised yourself by how wet you are.
God, you met him once and he’s already inching his way into your mind.
But who could blame you? You’ve been all over his Facebook profile when you learned his name via the office’s organizational chart. The first time you saw him, walking around the office with a laptop in his hands, you already knew you wanted to at least formally meet him. A scroll on his page, you found a band that you could tolerate listening to. (They’re okay, just not your taste in music.)
A plan came to mind when your department head told the team that you can work from home from time to time—only if you agreed to use a work laptop, a company-owned one. Your manager advised you to put in the request as soon as you can, for you to secure a unit before the on-hand supplies dwindle.
Deliberately sending in the request late—way, way later—than what your manager told you just so you could pull up the ‘new hire’ card and act dumb.
And it looked like he bought it too.
The image of him fucking you quiet while he grabs you from behind played inside your mind like a memory—a vision. Of how his thick cock would fill you up until your pussy is clenching around him. Would he pinch your throbbing clit, making you squirm and cream around him?
Your fingers are compared nothing to his, that’s for sure. But it does the work for now.
A breathy moan comes out of your mouth as you play with your clit, your cunt dripping down wetness as you continue to fondle your tits.
His hands would make a great addition to your chokers.
Your toes curl and your breath quickens, the coil in the pit of your stomach tightening—white-hot heat creeping up your limbs.
Oh, fuck, Bucky!
His ears perked up as he heard you moaning his name.
Bucky was busy watching you enjoy yourself when he got caught in the moment and decided to enjoy himself too.
He was barely keeping himself behaved when you first walked into the floor wearing a button-up and slacks that accentuated your backside. Bucky wished he was the one who gave you the tour and know your name for the first time, but that was impossible—he was in the IT department.
So when he got the news that new hires will be given the chance to work from home, he hoped that he gets to be the one to help you set up.
He was losing hope by the time he got your request, he thought that you opt not to work at home but then there you were, sending him an apologetic email on a late Friday afternoon.
Of course, he happily obliged. He even set up himself a little virtual camp in the background of your computer just so he can continue spending time with you.
Just thinking about you is already making him hard again. Bucky already came in hot spurts of white as he watched you desperately undress earlier. What can he say—he was waiting for you to show your tits already. As such, he correctly guessed that you’d be annoyed with the glaringly bright sticky note he used to ‘cover’ your webcam with.
But seeing you fingerfuck yourself all alone just wasn’t enough for him, he has to have you all by yourself.
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deidrefromthenorth · 3 years
Please write a Part two, of this one, with this Picture Here 🙏🙏, i fucking Love the Story!
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Remember me? (part 2)
Fanfic : Avi x Female Reader
You were walking quickly down the street because it had started to rain. Again. You held the hood of your raincoat so it wouldn't fall back and get your head wet. You never used an umbrella. You hated them since you were a child and your mother always asked you to carry one. "Carry an umbrella!" she always yelled at you before leaving the house, even though there was only a single harmless cloud in the sky. "If it rains, I prefer to get wet" you told her before she had time to scold you. In any case, an umbrella would have been useless in the wind that had begun to blow very strongly.
You were waiting to getting home soon, changing your clothes and making yourself a nice hot cup of tea. Your day had been hard and you felt like the time to leave work would never come. When you turned the corner of the street, the wind began to blow stronger and the rain was heavier. You felt like your shoes were starting to fill with water. That day you didn't feel like wearing your high boots and you chose some nice blue leather shoes with laces. That decision would not go down in history as the best you ever had. You sheltered from the downpour under the awning of a local with more people and waited. You didn't want to get sick just because you got home five minutes early. Anyway, anybody wasn't waiting for you. That thought made you a little sad.
A few days ago you had met Avi. He had been such a pleasant and unexpected surprise. Loneliness never bothered you, it had been quite some time since you had ended your previous relationship, but you were in no hurry to meet someone new. Fate brought Avi to your door, literally, and something inside you had awakened. You really liked him when you met him and he seemed to show an interest in you too. You had talked about meeting up to go out together sometime, but days had passed and he had never called or seen you again even though he was right at the house across the street from you. You could have called him, but you were shy about it. You were deep in thought, upset that more people were starting to gather there and there wasn't enough room for everyone. You feel overwhelmed when other people invade your personal space, especially if they are strangers. That makes you feel very upset and uncomfortable. Someone steps on your foot and you complain loudly, someone else shoves you and your bag almost falls to the ground. "Oh please, if it's just rain, what's wrong with these people?" you thought. At that moment, you feel that someone speaks behind you. "Heyyy" says a male voice, very deep. You were angry and you didn't feel like being bothered by any guy. You bowed your head and hoped he wouldn't speak to you again. You just wanted to get home. The guy insisted and you wanted to turn around and tell him to leave you alone. You were about to, but you heard him call your name and gently touch your elbow. "Avi?" You looked at him surprised. He was was walking out the door and addressing you with the most beautiful smile. You looked around trying to understand what he was doing coming out of a Hairdresser Salon for ladies. He laughed when he saw the expression on your face and explained that he had gone to accompany his grandmother to do her hair. He points inside the place. He tells you that they just arrived. He asks if you want to join him for coffee because he's going to have to wait at least two hours for his grandmother to be ready. "Then I'll take you home" he said "I drove my grandmother's car here." You smiled and accepted. He went back inside to get his coat and tells to his grandmother, then came out to meet you. It was still raining a lot, but he had an umbrella. "Good idea" you told him amused showing him your empty hands. He laughed and told you that he had brought it because his grandmother had asked him to so that her hair would not be ruined by the rain. "I never use an umbrella," he said. “Yeah, me neither” you said. "I prefer to get wet" you both spoke at the same time and you started laughing. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders bringing you closer to him so the rain wouldn't wet you. It was a small natural gesture, but you felt your heart warm a little. You walked leisurely towards a small cafeteria.
It was a quiet place and good music was playing. You sat at a table by the window and the waitress attended to you right away. She was a very pretty young girl who gave Avi a flirtatious smile. It seemed that he hadn't noticed her, or he was pretending hadn't noticed her. She soon brought you two hot lattes and you thanked her, but she just smiled back at Avi and you thought she had surreptitiously winked at him. You didn't say anything and neither did he. As soon as the girl left, you were silent for a moment and you couldn't help but fix your eyes on him. You liked to notice that his appearance seemed more rested. He looked down and smiled. His smile seemed broader and more relaxed as well. You noticed that he wore lighter colors and gray suited him very well. After a while, the girl returned with a small tray of cookies. “A present from me” she said with her charming smile on her lips “They are gingerbread cookies that I make myself”. We both thanked her and she ignored me again. I cleared my throat and tried not to let that bother me, but I thought she was being pretty rude. You was upset, but it bothered you more to feel like you was being jealous. Avi wasn't your boyfriend, but why was that girl trying to seduce him in front of you? As soon as she was gone again, Avi grabbed a cookie and took a bite. "They're good" he said and he brought the tray to you so you could try them too. “No thanks” you replied. “I'm not hungry” Actually you was, but you just didn't want anything from that girl. Avi smiled and took another. "I'm always hungry," he said shyly, and the words tangled a bit on his tongue. You smiled and told him that you had already noticed. That made him laugh heartily and you relaxed a little more.
You talked a lot. He told you that he had been very busy those days and that he was looking forward to nice weather so that the two of them could go for a walk in the woods. "Don't think I've forgotten," he said. You told him that during the week you was quite busy too, but on weekends you had free time. Right away you started to organize a small bike tour. You had thought it would be nice to take the path through the woods to the lake. He was excited when you proposed it to him because he had very fond memories of when he was a child.
Time went by so fast and you were both having a great time. If it wasn't for the waitress's behavior at the beginning, this might have been your favorite cafeteria. You were excitedly talking about leaving early on Sunday and having a picnic by the lake, when a song started playing and you noticed Avi was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. He looked at his watch and shifted in his chair. You continued talking, but he interrupted you to tell you that he was going to the restroom. You was surprised by the change in his attitude and you wondered what had happened to him. You watched him as he walked towards the back door. The waitress said something to him and he waved at her. When he came out, he walked over to the bar and talked to the waitress. You saw him take his wallet out of his pocket, but the waitress wouldn't let him pay for the coffees. You frowned as she handed him a piece of paper and he wrote something down and slid it across the counter to the girl who read it with eyes sparkling with delight. When he returned to you, he suggested that you leave because his grandmother would be ready. You nodded and tried to smile, but you couldn't. You put on our coats and went outside. It was still raining, but very little. He opened his umbrella and you felt the warmth of his body as he walked up to me. “Nice place” he said looking at you. “Yeah” you mumbled “good music” He blushed and laughed. "Wow… I thought you hadn't noticed" You looked at him, but didn't say anything. You really didn't know what he was talking about. “When my song came on,” he continued, explaining with a laugh, “the girl put it on because she's a fan. She has invited us so I have signed an autograph for her ” You was surprised and felt a bit silly. "She has also told me that my wife is very pretty," he said. You froze thinking he was married, you did not think to whom the girl had referred, but suddenly, at that moment you realized and blushed. He put his arm around your shoulders again, although it wasn't necessary because it had stopped raining and you were the only ones walking under an umbrella on the street.
The End.
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titsuya · 3 years
hiii, i hope it’s okay for me to hop in on this event 🥺
my name is avi, my pronouns are she/her, and my gender preference is male! i am an enfj 3w2, and am a gemini sun, gemini moon, and cancer rising. i also am 19, so i am not a minor! :)
my love language is words of affirmation, but i personally tend to show it in ways of gift giving. i can be super affectionate, but i am not into a lot of PDA. i am usually pretty outgoing and am kind, but i can be a bit of a bword if i need to. i’m very protective over my loved ones and friends, and often get called the mom friend despite also being childish. communication is v important to me!! some of my hobbies are art, crocheting, watching anime, and playing video games! my favorite color is light pink and white, and it’s essentially the color of everything i own. though, i also love to play volleyball and rollerblade if i am feeling energetic. i used to be a huge athlete as well, seeing as i’ve done: gymnastics, cheer, tumbling, volleyball, karate, swimming, track, dance, etc. i also did a lot of electives and had a lot of leadership positions like yearbook editor and being the president of many clubs. in terms of physical appearance, i am short. i am 5’, but i can and will kick someone’s ass. i have absolutely terrible vision, so i’m always wearing my glasses, and i believe the only talent i have is being able to bust out a huge essay right before it is due and still being able to make a good grade. example: i wrote 28 paged research paper in 7 hours. i am not sure how.
i hope this is good enough!! tysmm 😊
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hi babe ! of course it is :D i hope u enjoy ur matchup and like who i paired you with :D
I MATCH YOU WITH (drumroll pls)
you and daichi seem like the type of couple that everyone saw before you two did. you’re right for each other and bring out the best in each other so the choice was very clear. also you have so much in common, so it’s easy for you two to get along… you know, after your rivalry :p
YOUR TROPE: rivals to lovers
classic trope for you two. you guys hated each other in high school. super competitive over everything. school, clubs even volleyball (even though you were on different teams.) there was also so much cute teasing involved. everyone noticed, and they all knew you’d end up together because the chemistry was UNREAL. you both obviously did end up together right after graduation :D something like he pissed you off and said, “you know… you’re kinda cute when you’re angry,” and “shut up, i hate you,” you replied with a soft blush appearing on your face, hiding a smile. you’ve never been the same since. :D
YOUR SONG: pink + white — frank ocean
i know,,, they’re your favorite color but i feel like this is a really good song for you guys as lovers <3 plus it’s really pretty <3
moodboard!!!! i hope u like it i know the color is kinda wack !!
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fiction-in-my-blood · 4 years
Unexpected, To Say The Least (ObeyMe Fic)
Okaaayyyy so... this turned out differently than I wanted it to, but these types of things happen when you leave a wip in your drafts for months (╬▔皿▔)╯ but it’s still good. This is a part 1, so stay tuned.... depending on how long it takes me haha.. ha. 
Scribbling in a notebook, a red night light from the window right next her defining the flyaway strands of hair on the top of her head, Aviyah was blissfully unaware of the stares from her classmates. Resting her chin on her closed fist, one leg crossed over the other, black boots bobbing up and down to the tune she had stuck in her head. She was so calm, so much calmer than she had been in weeks.
Aviyah, a human in a world of demons and angels, had arrived in Devildom two months ago. At first, she was unnerved by the close attention she gained from all the demons, angels and the other human she met. Lord Diavolo, who had also taken a liking to her, ensured that it was just because she was a different species to them. She was weak, a helpless being compared to the Avatars of sin she was living with and angels of heaven she had some classes with. Demons fed off souls, and it was an angel’s job to protect those bright balls of light in each human, so it was only right that they kept a close eye on her. Especially when the future king himself had ordered the seven strongest brothers in all of Devildom to keep her safe for the duration of the exchange programme.
But it wasn’t that. Aviyah was sure of it. She had gained unworldly attention for her entire life. Boys seemed to bow at her feet, begging her to let them serve her each and every whim. Girls clung to her, wanting to be friends with such a kind-hearted, beautiful, smart person- and also wanting to meet her every demand. Aviyah, having been raised by good-willed parents, didn’t take advantage of this strange power she seemed to hold over everyone she met, although she did accept the odd gift from colleagues and classmates on that one special day a year, mainly because she didn’t want to be rude. She hardly asked for anything in public because it would cause quite a stir, everyone in the room darting around to take care of the task she had so graciously offered them. All she wanted was an item from the top shelf, but now she had twenty boxes of cereal that she really didn’t need. 
She expected, being in a world of magic, spells, and potions that could kill or force someone to love you, that she would be safe from all the unneeded, and frankly unwanted, attention. Yet, lo and behold, the first day she arrived here, in a much colder climate than she was used to, both the Avatar of Greed and the Avatar of Envy threw their coats at her, only for her to get consumed by the jacket of the largest man she had ever seen, the Avatar of Gluttony. And she hadn’t even made a pact with them yet!
“I’m telling you, there’s something up with her.” A muttering came from the other side of the otherwise bustling classroom. It was just before their lesson would start, everyone was getting themselves ready to learn about different species of man, except for one group of, shockingly, demons and angels.
“Mammon, won’t you admit your true feelings?” The dark-toned angel smiled softly at the second-born brother. Truly, he felt an unfamiliar feeling in the pit of his stomach too, something he couldn’t even begin to describe, but would never admit it himself. He was sure it was something sinful, something against his very being, and would only confess when the time came. 
“What feelings! I-I ain’t got no feelings.” A horrendously red blush appeared immediately on Mammon’s entire face, noticed by all those involved in this small huddle over a desk.
“You don’t even deserve her. You already get to spend so much time with her! It’s so unfair!” The purple-haired otaku tried to bite his lip, he really did, but the jealousy for his brother grew too high, bubbling over into the trait he most represented. Envy.
“That was only because Lucifer made me! I didn’t even wanna babysit that human!” Mammon barked back, not meaning the words but needing a distracted from the embarrassment he could still feel colouring his cheeks. The two butted heads often, but this time it was literal, immediately starting to throw punches to defend the one they held so dear. Several people tried to get between them, the male human even getting his own strike to the jaw, and all hell brought loose in- well- hell.
“Guys! Stop!” A higher-toned, feminine cry, although thick with command and low with anger, echoed over the room, every single one of the occupants freezing in an instance, even those that weren’t involved in this little scuffle- or under the young girl’s pact.
Crouching beside her male counterpart, who had been thrown to the ground by the force of being hit, was Aviyah, the one they had been fighting over. With one hand on Solomon’s back and the other holding his hand to keep him upright, she glared at the two that had been previously brawling in what was meant to be a safe place. 
Aviyah rarely used her unknown power to command people. Or was it the pact? She couldn’t tell any more, but at least it worked. 
“Are you alright, Solomon?” Disappointment turning to anxiousness etched in her expression, Aviyah let go of the sorcerer’s hand and back- once she could tell he could hold himself up-, only to move her’s close to his face, cocking her head to get a better look at the cut bleeding through his white-haired fringe. Being in such close proximity to the woman, and earning so much of her undivided attention, brought many hateful gazes to the man, but he didn’t care. He was thriving off it, in fact. 
“What? Are you worried about me?” No better was the time to tease her, to see that eye roll she did so well and hear that exasperated sigh as she dropped her hands, all previous nurturing gone from her posture as she stood up. 
“You just got punched in the face by a demon and still have the wherewithal to joke?” She muttered, wondering to herself if he was the one with supernatural abilities. Well, he did, he could use magic, but she wondered if he had his own special ability since birth. Could that have been the reason they were the two, out of the entire human race, to be chosen for this life-altering program?
Once she got to her feet, she turned to see Mammon and Leviathan, both with their heads lowered in shame. They had angered their... Goddess? Master? Friend? They didn’t know what to call her, having been the first two to make pacts with her, but there was this force, this unspoken voice that drew them to her and made them bow at her feet. Or want to, anyway.
Before Aviyah could even start to berate them for losing control like that, they had even transformed into the demon-forms, a stern voice cut through the entire scene. Students pinned themselves to the wall, trying to get as far from the fighting as possible, so they seemed to surround them like hawks, eagerly watching, waiting for the two to be punished by such a soft-spoken, angelic figure. 
Now in the doorway, however, was a man. With black hair as dark as the most inner depths of Devildom, red eyes as angry as the fire that sprouted from them, and an expression that has killed in the past, the man glared at the two, not even wanting to look in the direction of the girl in case she too saw his wrath.
“You two. With me. Now.” The words were curt and entirely ineloquent, nothing like that eldest would usually speak, showing how deeply enraged he was. The two quickly scurried after him, for once keeping their mouths shut.
Biting her lip, Aviyah couldn’t take her eyes off that door, now empty after Lucifer had guided his younger brothers away. 
“It was me, wasn’t it?” She spoke loud enough for the people closest to her to hear, but a whisper full of regret did not go unnoticed. 
“What do you mean, Avi?” Simeon stepped up to try and ease the look of worry that they all saw on her face, but she stepped away, afraid for anyone to even touch her. What if he, Simeon, the nicest, most modest person she had ever met, went into a jealous rage too?
“They were fighting over me, weren’t they?”  Aviyah’s voice cracked as she clutched her fists at her sides, avoiding looking at anyone directly, scared it’ll put them under the curse she seemed to have. She didn’t want this. She didn’t want to pull families apart. She just wanted to have no one know who she was. 
“Avi,” Simeon uttered again, but it was too late. Aviyah had already made up her mind, collecting all her resolve in one solid sniff and running out of the room, hoping she could catch the brothers before something too bad happened. 
“What do you think you’re doing, having a fight like that in the middle of class? Do you think it will make you seem strong? Seem manly? Because it won’t! It only makes you seem needy.” Lucifer’s booming voice shook the paintings on the walls, giving Aviyah some clue as to where he had taken the two. She followed the shouts of pain and anger, running as more and more tears grew in her eyes. She didn’t want to do what she was about to do, but she needed to. She didn’t want anyone else to get hurt. To get jealous. Not when it was all the people she actually cared about.
Finally, in an empty classroom where the shouts seemed the loudest, Aviyah found the door still open ajar, standing just out of sight so she could listen in, waiting for the right moment before anything too serious happened. If that hadn’t happened already, that is. 
“You made a fool out of me! The student council! Not only that, but you made Aviyah look so defeated! I won’t let you argue like this anymore!” Lucifer raged on with a temper that rivalled Satan’s. “I may just have to claim her myself.” 
The comment, although almost a whisper, shot everyone in hearing distance into full-blown madness, both Levi and Mammon charging at him, demanding how he thought he had the right to even suggest the idea. Before they could make contact with each other, Aviyah cried out, desperately begging them to just wait.
All attention on her now, as usual, the men’s eyes went wide. She was crying, tears streaming down her cheeks at the sight of the brothers, who were always so comfortable with each other, usually so familiar, fighting like this? Over her? It broke her like it broke their relationship. 
“I can’t do this anymore. I want to go home! I’m not happy and I never was! Please! Let me go home!” She lied, straight through her teeth. She had never been happier than living here, in Devildom, with all their brothers. She enjoyed her time listening to them bicker playfully, not like they were now. She enjoyed watching Levi play his games. She enjoyed eating with Beelzebub. She enjoyed reading books with Satan. Being dressed up by Asmo. Listening to Mammon’s wild get-rich-quick-schemes. Napping with Belphie. Even with Simeon and Solomon, who she didn’t get to see as often as the others. Luke was fun to cook with- even though he seemed a little apprehensive of her. She enjoyed all her time here but right now, in times like these, when it felt like everything was her fault.
“Avi, what’re you saying?” Mammon’s voice broke, between all the yelling and the way his heart broke at her tone and words, and his brows knitted together tightly. Levi froze up, not knowing what to say in response to her sudden outcry, and Lucifer felt like he could steal her away right here and now. Never before had he felt so out of control.
“I’m sorry, It’s all my fault. I need to leave, go home. I need to get out of your lives because- because I’ll ruin them.” She hiccupped, choking on the tears that clogged her throat, and she tried to hide how sad she was by holding her face in her hands. Her knees shook, her body- just as frail as they had always suspected. It took so much energy for her to say these words and not completely breakdown.
“N-No, it’s not your fault. W-We shouldn’t have be-been fighting.” Levi made a move to step closer, to wrap his arm around her, to help her feel better, but both Mammon and Lucifer shot him a glare so deadly it made the room cold. 
“This is exactly what I’m talking about.” Aviyah continued to stutter through her words, her tears interrupting her usually melodic, smooth voice, as she felt the indignation in their eyes. 
“This always happens. It was a mistake to choose me. I... I’m going to go to Diavolo now and tell him this was wrong.” She tried to steel herself, to seem strong enough to walk through these halls alone and leave Devildom for good, but it was no use. They could all see how distraught she was.
“Always happens?” Lucifer muttered, confusion written all over his features. 
“There’s something inside me, there always has been. It makes people so hateful for one another and I can’t do that to you all. You’re a family, I won’t tear it apart. I-I need to...” Aviyah led off, not knowing what else to say. Memories of her past, all the friendships she had unknowingly, unwittingly, torn apart because of what? Because she was desirable? Because she was pretty and smart and kind? No amount of adoration was worth this. None of it.
The room was silent, deathly so, no one knew what to say. Have Levi and Mammon just ruined their chances to know such a wonderful person? And not just a person, but a human. Someone they were never meant to befriend. Someone that should fear them and hate them for who they were, for what they represented. But no, she showed them care and love and compassion, what they believed only a human could give. 
So, with no one left to tell her no, to not go and stay with them because they needed her so badly it hurt, she started to turn back to the door.
“Wait, Aviyah. Just... Just wait.” Shockingly at a lost for words, Lucifer turned to his desk, where his D.D.D laid, and picked it up. Aviyah started to refuse him, to say this was the right thing to do, this was the only way they could live calm, happy lives, but he continued to use the communication device, calling together a meeting that would change everything.
“Tell them what you told me,” Lucifer instructed in Lord Diavolo’s conference room, having called a meeting of the student council together. Everyone looked at him with suspicious gazes, having no real information on why they were here, Levi and Mammon stressing out like they were about to take the most important, most difficult tests in their lives.
“Lucifer, this isn’t going to cha-.”
“Just say it.” The words were demanding, but the tone was soft, very shocking for Lucifer- until it was for Aviyah. He always seemed to have a soft spot for her. Like Mammon. Although for different reasons. 
Aviyah lowered her head, eyes still damp from her earlier confession, thinking about what she was about to say. After a brief but deep sigh, she lifted her gaze again, but only as far as the edge of the table she sat at.
“Since before I can remember, everyone I’ve met has... wanted me.” She bit her lip, not knowing how else to say it. It always felt like someone was trying to win her over, to win her as a price to show everyone else that they were the one she chose.
“No matter who it is, they say they love me or they’d do anything for me. And no matter how much I tell them to stop, they just get more outrageous. They give me elaborate gifts or take me places I wouldn’t normally go. They shower me in a love that I never asked for until they can’t anymore.” Aviyah’s voice cracked again, tears rolling down her cheeks again as she remembered the people that bankrupted themselves to win her over and the others that have lost their health, their friends, the ones who loved them, all to impress her in one way or another. 
“No matter how many times I say I don’t need it, they’ll keep doing it. It’s not until I say I don’t want them or the things they give me that they stop. I thought it’d be different when I came here, but when you guys started fighting...” Aviyah finally worked up the courage to look up, gesturing in the direction of Levi and Mammon, who blushed when she made eye contact with the both of them. 
“This is why we’re here? Because those two were acting childishly again?” Satan sighed to himself, upset that his reading time had been cut short. He wouldn’t even address the panicked feeling that arose in him when he heard the solemness of Aviyah’s tone.
“You’re almost as seductive as me, Avi! Aren’t you lucky to have so much in common with me? Someday you too might be able to bring down a country with your looks.” Asmo leaned into her, ignoring how saddened she seemed by the statment. The next move she made shocked everyone.
“I don’t want to do that! I want it to stop! I hate it and I hate myself for it!” She yelled after pushing Asmodeus so strongly off her he fell right out of his seat. Every time she brushed him off she had never actually been physical. Who was she, a human, to push off a demon? Better yet, how did she have the strength?
“Hey, did you see that?” A whispering demon mentioned to his brother, noticing the flicker of light that sparked in her eyes in her yelling. Even though her words broke their hearts, it was hard not to bring it up.
The outcry caused the prince, stern-faced compared to his usual jovial smirk, to peer at her closer. “I see. Lucifer, do you think she’s..?”
“Yes, I do. It would explain everyone’s... erratic behaviours around her.” Lucifer, not wanting the entire picture drawn out for her and his brothers, interrupted the prince. The information would be hard to hear, for Aviyah most of all, and an off-handed comment was not how he wanted to break the news to her.
“But where are her features? She’s an open-book, we would have seen something by now.” Satan, catching on, eyed her as suspiciously as he had Lucifer in the past, watching the tears roll down her cheeks as she tries to calm herself down. She never yelled like that and felt awful for what she did, but was too scared to even speak to anyone else, let alone touch or apologise to Asmo for her supposed violence. 
“Would someone tell us what’s going on? I-I mean, Levi might be confused, is all.” Not wanting to seem idiotic for asking, Mammon jumped up before shying away again, not being able to cope with the girl’s silent crying.
“Avi, it’s okay. You didn’t hurt me.” Asmo, along with Beel, tried to be some sort of caring figure in the room of inquisitive stares. 
When Beel tried to put a hand on her shoulder, she jumped away. “P-Please! Do-Don’t. I... I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“It’s possible she hasn’t been... awoken yet.” Diavolo couldn’t help but chuckle at the idea. It would be just like the innocent human, if that’s what she truly was, to not have the necessary experiences she needed in life to prove their theory correct. Lucifer couldn’t help but blush.
“Awoken?” Aviyah’s voice, now somewhat tamed but hoarse from her crying, looked up at the prince. Had he an idea? Could he cure her? Could he take away this curse, gift, whatever it was? Could he end all this?
“Well, depending on your immediate ancestry, it’s possible your power needs to be... unlocked, in a way. It’s clear you’re no mere human. You even seduced dear Barbatos, and he never even blushes at my comments.” Diavolo laughed again, gesturing with his gaze to the corner of the room where his butler was clearly fitting the urge to comfort the girl. She quickly looked right back at the prince the moment she noticed this. 
“If I’m not human, then what am I?” 
“Well, my best guess would be a succubus, but seeing as you have more human features, you could be a cambion, a hybrid. We’d have to ask your mother.” Diavolo, as usual, was much too nonchalant with the subject of Aviyah’s supposed species, a topic that would and will change her life forever.
Silence filled the air for one.
“WHAT?” Four. They made it to four seconds of silence before Mammon stood up again, shrieking, along with the female in question. Succubi and the topic of hybrids had yet to be discussed in her classes, ironically that was today’s class, but she had a clue what they were from just hearsay.
“You think I’m a demon? But I grew up in the human world! I have human par- well the people that raised me were human... But I never felt the urge to have anything in excess or trick anyone into stealing their money- sorry Mammon- but how could I be a demon?” The tears were gone, replaced with a look of pure confusion that turned to utter disbelief with a hint of ‘what if’. What if he was right?
“The people that raised you? Don’t tell me you were...”
“Adopted. I have two dads who found me on their doorstep. I have no clue who my biological parents are.” The uneasy feeling that meant Diavolo could be right started to rise as Aviyah admitted a part of her past she had never told anyone. It seemed like everything was out in the air now.
“This is a problem. Succubi and Incubi have a duty to bring all demons back to Devildom in case they go rogue in the human world. This parent of yours will have some answering to do.” Lucifer, recovered from his bashfulness in an effort to act like the vice-president he was, got furious about someone disrespecting the laws Diavolo had put in place to protect the humans he seemed to so dearly care for. “Dumping you on some couples doorstep will require some serious consequences.”
The whole room shuddered at the idea of what punishments Lucifer was thinking up at this moment, but luckily someone thought to turn the conversation away from that.
“You say she needs to be awoken? I know one way of doing that, but I don’t know… prepared for that she will be.” Satan smirked a side-eyed look Aviyah’s way as she tried to process all this information. She was a demon, or half of one anyway. To think, all those crazy white mom’s at her elementary school were right. 
“I’d be more than happy to volunteer in any way I can.” Asmo started to cosy up to Aviyah once again, making it very clear what the one way of awakening a demon seemed to be.
“No! No, that’s fine, Asmo! B-Besides, I’m not a virgin, so we’ll have to find some other way to awaken this power if you think that’s what I have.” Beetred and edging off her chair to make some distance between the flirt and herself, she almost didn’t hear the snickering from some of the other demons in the room. 
“Oh, deary me.” Asmo tittered to himself, Satan covering his mouth to try and suppress the chuckle that threatened to leave his lips. He didn’t want to make the girl more embarrassed. Mammon joined in, although much louder, just to not feel left out, and Levi blushed furiously, but he knew exactly what everyone else seemed so excited about. As usual, Beel was too distracted by the food laid out by Barbatos to care what was going on now that Aviyah was no longer crying. 
“Aviyah, I’m afraid to say it’s not the act of sex that awakens a demon… It’s the, uh.” Lucifer tried to inform her, he really did, but the stutter that threatened his usually composed manner halted him from doing so. 
“You didn’t cum, did you, Avi?” Diavolo’s brows frowned sincerely, but the wavering of his lips told her he too was trying not to laugh. Aviyah’s cheeks blossomed darker, the embarrassment from her first time flashing through her mind once again and her face screwed up in embarrassment. For her, this situation couldn’t possibly get any worse. 
“Your Highness, if you wouldn’t tease her so much, there is another way to awaken her demon form.” Barbatos, unexpectedly, intervened, shocking everyone in the room but Aviyah. He had always had a sweet spot for the huma- well, hybrid. 
“Yes, yes, Barbatos, you are right. My most sincere apologies, Avi. Lucifer, we’ll come to the House of Lamentation tonight. Prepare the Grimoire.” And with that, Diavolo stood to leave.
“And why not now? Wouldn’t it be best to do this sooner than later so she can learn to control it better?” Satan scowled, earning his own from Lucifer for being so upfront. The prince only chuckled.
“I need to do some… investigating first. You, Satan, of all people, should know what is needed for the ritual.” Satan’s brows frowned suspiciously at the prince as he made his final departure. 
“What does he mean, Satan?” Aviyah leaned into the demon’s side in order to get a clear answer for the first time today and Satan’s gaze finally left the door. 
“He needs your progenitor. He’s going to find your mother or father.”
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weirdcanucks · 4 years
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Today let’s talk about Hockey Twitter. Trigger warning for slurs and harrasment. I tried to circle back to what happened with Canucks Twitter this week. It’s a pretty long post, so thank you for bearing with me. 
Avi Goldberg’s Hockey Twitter: At times toxic, misogynistic, and cruel, how can we make it better? was published in 2015. And yet, it was still painfully relevant in 2020.
In the article, he features Robyn Flynn, producer/broadcaster at CJAD800. Flynn “describes how even well-known and respected younger media personalities can express harmful ideas without even realizing they’re doing it.”
"I’m a huge Puck Daddy fan, I read it religiously," Flynn said. "But, Greg Wyshynski, a while back, said he wouldn’t be able to listen to a hockey game if it was called by a woman. He couldn’t grasp how that was a sexist thing to say. What, you can discount every single woman because the voice is a little more high pitched? He legitimately saw no issue with this statement."
In a recent twitter thread, Flynn recalled constant harassment she received from male hockey fans on Twitter.
I’ve never received more rape threats or death threats than when I worked in sports radio. Basically, if you decide to work in sports media as a woman, you will be hated. You will be harassed. You will be threatened. You will be called a slut, a whore, a cunt, a dyke. Every name in the book.
I just love sports, man. I wanted to cover hockey and talk about it on the radio. My childhood dream was to be a play-by-play announcer for the Habs. But people only cared if I was hot, or whether I’d seen any of the players naked.
I don’t blame women for not wanting to get into sports media. The odds are NOT in our favour. But there are still PLENTY of talented & qualified women out there, getting passed over for loud mouthed dude bros. It’s a damn shame.
So how can we make it better? 
Goldberg talks about the importance of speaking up, featuring hockey blogger Toni McIntyre’s story. 
McIntyre explains how publicly expressing her concerns, even if it's not resulting in immediate change, is motivated by the desire to make hockey Twitter a more inclusive space. 
“I’d like to see hockey a more welcoming place. That’s the goal of speaking up, I want to dismantle the system that tells people like Mooney and Lepore they can do what they want and get away with it. It shouldn’t be ok. I prefer speaking up. If it helps someone not feel so alone in the hockey community, that’s part of the goal met.”
That’s why we are so lucky to have @broadscastpod. They truly carved out a safe space for women’s voices in the Vancouver market.
I hate to see the movement of improving inclusion falls only onto the shoulders of the marginalized. In my opinion, the male-dominated sports media is part of the problem.
There’s a phrase called “the medium is the message” describes the media’s ability to subtly alter how people act and interact. When you had Don Cherry spewing anti-gay and misogynist remarks for decades, when Mike Milbury so casually saying “Not even any women here to disrupt…your concentration” on air, when the podcast hosts refer to women as “kills” (oh they stopped saying kills now but they’ll say whatever the fuck they want)... Imagine people absorbing those content growing up, the sexualization and marginalization of women have been so deeply ingrained into the culture that it became socially acceptable. 
You ask me why we feel disappointed when NHL stars frequent a podcast like Spittin’ Chiclets? Those people have the star power, the “must-listen” effect. I can imagine how many people don’t support Spittin’ Chiclets, but secretly thinking “but I’m *really* curious about what he has to say about drunk wrestling in the hotel.” 
So, we shoudn’t listen to Spittin’ Chiclets at all? Well, if everyone can consume it critically, no problem. People can even write a paper out of it to examine its impact on the hockey culture. The sad truth is those loud mouthed dude bros haven’t developed that mindset yet. They defend misogynic remark as satire and humor, or even not realizing it’s hurtful for women. They celebrate the content, keep it popular, and harass people who expressed concerns. The cycle is vicious. 
Just my two cents about the shitshow on Canucks Twitter this week: The Broadscast took a ton of heat when the co-host Dani expressed her strong reaction for EP’s appearance on Spittin’ Chiclets. I hope today’s piece can inspire people to think about what’s the problem and what exactly we can do to make “Hockey is for everyone.” 
🔗 The archive: [x]
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glitterandstarshine · 4 years
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Once, he spent his days in the woods, surrounded by nature. Caretaker, stable-master, he found his peace in the midst of nature’s embrace. Once, he was free. But he loved too fiercely, too freely, and now is lost in the darkness of his king’s hatred, suffering alone in the cold. He could never hate, but this man comes close. His heart longs for many things, but what he wants most is to hold his daughter close. He cannot blame her for all his pain, cannot turn his love to hate. Cannot stop missing the wilds.
TAGLIST (ask to be added or removed!):
@gutblood @ofbloodandflowers @the-starlight-writer @avi-burton-writing @pseudonym-lux @andiwriteunderthemoon @charlottedotexe @zambayo @hell-yeah-fantasy
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iamapoopmuffin · 4 years
For anyone who cares, I made some base info files for my Nanbaka OCs after joining the fan Discord because they were very encouraging over there when it came to OCs. It’s really just the most basic things about them, plus additional info where there is any (the blank additional infos may be added to eventually, depending on OC discussions I get into with friends). This one is guards only. I might not get the inmates or civilians done tbh (I included criminal charges for the inmates and I only have like 4 of them decided) but for my very nice friends, here you go!
Friedrich ‘Freddy’ Albtraum
Theme: Horror Movies
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Nationality: German
Height: 6′2
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Occupation: Guard
Building: 6
Additional Info: Facial scars. Freddy is specifically inspired physically by Freddy Kruger and The Phantom of the Opera.
Inyoka Atherisi
Theme: Bush Viper
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Nationality: Angolan
Height: 6′0
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Pink, purple and yellow
Eye Colour: Emerald Green
Occupation: Guard
Building: 3
Additional Info: Born into crimelord family, disowned and disinherited when it was discovered he planned to betray them to the authorities, he was left on the run and struggling to survive for several years. Became a guard with minimal prior education. Has two elder siblings (Nakahi and Maciji) and two younger (Ular and Noha). All their names mean snake. Currently lives in Japan under the status of a long-term resident following an asylum claim at age 17.
Torney Barnes
Theme: Owl
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Nationality: English
Height: 5′11
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Brown and white
Eye Colour: Brown
Occupation: Guard
Building: 4
Additional Info: Engaged to be married, expecting a child. Child will be named Sova.
Midrab Chauve-Souris
Theme: Livingstone Fruit Bat
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Nationality: Comoran
Height: 5′7
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Red and orange
Occupation: Guard
Building: 12
Additional Info: Raised in a society that looked down on his family situation and physical appearance. Was bullied at school and was one of the victims abducted by a serial killer, but was one of the victims still alive when the killer was caught and arrested. Lived in a small and angry village, a good hour by bike from his school.
Giuliette Cirilli
Theme: Steel
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Nationality: Italian
Height: 5′8
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Blue
Occupation: Guard
Building: 5
Additional Info: May have feelings for a canon character.
George Ctesias
Theme: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Nationality: Scottish
Height: 6′3
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: White
Eye Colour: Silver
Occupation: Guard, former deputy supervisor
Building: 1, formerly 3
 Additional Info: His wife (Wambui) and children (Andrew and Doris) were killed by members of the Atherisi crime family when Wambui’s meddling made her a potential threat. He strongly dislikes Inyoka.
Adelie DeVito
Theme: Penguin
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Nationality: American
Height: 4′10
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Black and orance
Eye Colour: Blue
Occupation: Deputy Supervisor
Building: 7
Additional Info: Adelie’s left leg is prosthetic. Adelie is married with children. His wife’s name is Anastasia, and his children are Audrina, Apollo (twins) and Avis. From Alaska.
Kodiak Dodici
Theme: Kodiak Bear
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Nationality: American
Height: 6′4
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Occupation: Deputy Supervisor
Building: 12
Additional Info: From Alaska.
Octavius ‘Tavvi’ Galerella
Theme: Mongoose
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Nationality: American
Height: 5′9
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Dirty blond
Eye Colour: Golden-yellow
Occupation: Guard
Building: 8
Additional Info: Tavvi has grown up fighting and competing for attention and approval. His parents put pressure on him and his brothers to be the best of the best in their fields of work. Tavvi has seven elder brothers (Penrose, Neil, Maximilian, Bogart, Lewis, Grayson and Phoebus), all of whom are considered to be greatly talented, or at least compared to him, according to his parents. From Hawaii. Gets on poorly with all the snake guards.
K. Kachi Gigseol
Theme: Magpie
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Nationality: Korean
Height: 5′10
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Black and white
Eye Colour: Purple
Occupation: Educational officer
Building: 3
Additional Info: An orphan. Helps look after his sick and disabled brother, Magwi, when he’s home. His income from Nanba is the only income the family has, so he cannot afford to find a job closer to home. Has feelings for Dan-Su.
Kujito Hachimori
Theme: Peacock
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 6′0
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Blue and green
Eye Colour: Green
Occupation: Deputy Supervisor
Building: 8
Additional Info: Later arrested for sexual assault and interned in the underground cells.
Hachiko Haibu
Theme: Bee
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 5′6
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Black and yellow
Eye Colour: Brown
Occupation: Guard
Building: 8
Additional Info:
Ruth Handley
Theme: None
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Nationality: American
Height: 6′4
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Red
Eye Colour: Yellow
Occupation: Supervisor
Building: 5
Additional Info: Attracted to one of the guards at the men’s prison. Ruth is my only USA guard whose home state is unknown.
Rob Homaru
Theme: Lobster
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 6′4
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Red
Eye Colour: Blue
Occupation: Guard
Building: 10
Additional Info: Burns easily in the sun.
Meigui Huaban
Theme: Nature, flowers
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Nationality: Chinese
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Pink and spring green
Eye Colour: Blue
Occupation: Guard
Building: 5
Additional Info: Has the feelings for a canon character.
Kijanka Jedenlilia
Theme: Tadpole
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Nationality: Polish
Height: 5′7
Blood Type: AB
Hair Colour: Grey-blue
Eye Colour: Grey
Occupation: Guard
Building: 1
Additional Info: Has an older brother, Zada. Recently married to Simone, who he met during their time as guards or trainees. Developed phobia of crossing over water during their honeymoon.
Simone Jedenlilia
Theme: Salmon
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Nationality: English
Height:  5′8
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Pink and orange
Eye Colour: Blue
Occupation: Supervisor
Building: 1
Additional Info: Recently married to Kijanka, who she met during their time as guards or trainees. Maiden name is Ghoti.
Zada Jedenlilia
Theme: Frog
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Nationality: Polish
Height: 5′8
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Green, lime-yellow, light brown
Eye Colour: Grey
Occupation: Guard
Building: 10
Additional Info: Kijanka’s elder brother. Zada has a birthmark on his forehead, to the left, and at the bottom of his mouth. He used to take part in jumping and sprinting events for his country for the Olympics. He earned at least one medal, but never gold. Also he likes chocolate.
Bruce Kang
Theme: Kangaroo
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Nationality: Australian
Height: 6′3
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Pink
Occupation: Guard
Building: 5
Additional Info:
Kamita Kazechi
Theme: Weasel, Kamaitachi
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 5′6
Blood Type: AB
Hair Colour: Orange
Eye Colour: Blue
Occupation: Deputy Supervisor
Building: 9
Additional Info: Uses a chain scythe as a weapon, can create wind blasts with the movement.
Silence Le Blanc
Theme: Mouse
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Nationality: French
Height: 5′6
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: White, brown
Eye Colour: Red
Occupation: Guard
Building: 1
Additional Info: Best friends with Leon.
Lei Liao
Theme: Mysticism, crystals
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Nationality: Chinese
Height: 5′7
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Purple, blue
Eye Colour: Grey
Occupation: Guard
Building: 6
Additional Info:
Shetland MacNiuma
Theme: Shetland Pony
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Nationality: Scottish
Height: 5′3
Blood Type: AB
Hair Colour: Platinum blond
Eye Colour: Pink
Occupation: Guard
Building: 2
Additional Info: Shetland has vitiligo. He is able to play the bagpipes. His favourite song is Toxic by Britney Spears.
Tanuki Matsuyama
Theme: Tanuki, raccoon
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 5′8
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Blonde, brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Occupation: Supervisor
Building: 9
Additional Info: Also probably has the feelings for a canon dude because I have no self control.
Kurage Nomura
Theme: Jellyfish
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 6′0
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Purple, blue, pink
Eye Colour: Blue
Occupation: Guard
Building: 9
Additional Info: Loves gardening, gives names to his plants. Carries a taser. Hates everyone, very anti-social.
Roheline Palveta
Theme: Praying Mantis
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Nationality: Croatian
Height: 5′4
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Green
Eye Colour: Hazel
Occupation: Guard
Building: 8
Additional Info: Pregnant widow. Likes to hug. Brother in law killed her husband, Lusk. Baby shall be named Branimira. Often found on the ceiling. Likes to hug. Trust me, that’s important enough to mention twice.
Kameron Parson
Theme: Chameleon
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Nationality: Malagasy
Height: 5′10
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Blue, green, orange
Eye Colour: Green
Occupation: Guard
Building: 7
Additional Info: One of those people who accidentally scares the shit out of people because they don’t notice him.
Leon Prideaux
Theme: Lion
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Nationality: French
Height: 5′4
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Gold
Eye Colour: Brown
Occupation: Guard
Building: 2
Additional Info: Best friends with Silence.
Ares Provato
Theme: Lamb
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Nationality: Greek
Height: 5′11
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: White
Eye Colour: Pink
Occupation: Guard
Building: 9
Additional Info: Tends to bully his colleague, Sam. Considers Kurage his best friend.
Dan-Su Qiangda
Theme: Panda
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Nationality: Chinese
Height: 4′0
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Black and white
Eye Colour: Bamboo green
Occupation: Supervisor
Building: 13
Additional Info: Can kick the ass of any of my male guards no problem. (I love the trope of tiny but powerful I’m sorry). Always has at least one black eye. Has feelings for Kachi.
Florentino Rosewater
Theme: Flamingo
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Nationality: Italian
Height: 5′7
Blood Type: AB
Hair Colour: Pink
Eye Colour: Blue
Occupation: Guard
Building: 3
Additional Info: Falls for any and every scam.
Gerry Rothschild
Theme: Giraffe
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Nationality: Chadian
Height: 7′3
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Yellow and brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Occupation: Guard
Building: 11
Additional Info:
Merlin Scarlet
Theme: Parrot
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Nationality: Australian
Height: 6′1
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Red, green, blue, black
Eye Colour: Orange
Occupation: Guard
Building: 11
Additional Info:
Hesper Seltii
Theme: Tarantula
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Nationality: Brazilian
Height: 6′0
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Red
Occupation: Deputy Supervisor
Building: 8
Additional Info:
Sam Serket
Theme: Scorpion
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Nationality: German-Egyptian
Height: 5′5
Blood Type: AB
Hair Colour: Red
Eye Colour: Sand-brown
Occupation: Rookie guard, later medical officer
Building: 9, later central
Additional Info: Single father to a 1-year old named Lazuli. His parents look after her while Sam is working since as far as he knows, there’s no staff creche at Nanba.
Shu Shisan
Theme: Rat
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Nationality: Chinese
Height: 5′9
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Red
Occupation: Rookie Guard
Building: 13
Additional Info: Gets easily flustered around attractive people. May have feelings for Seitarou, but if anyone who hates OC/Canon couples asks, he has feelings for Silence.
Kakashi Sutenoya
Theme: Scarecrow
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 5′4
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Straw yellow
Eye Colour: Purple
Occupation: Guard
Building: 6
Additional Info:
Mateo Torojo
Theme: Bull
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Nationality: Spanish
Height: 6′3
Blood Type: AB
Hair Colour: Brown and gold
Eye Colour: Gold
Occupation: Guard
Building: 4
Additional Info: Very shy.
Keikilani Umikumakahi
Theme: Nature, greenery
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Nationality: American
Height: 5′5
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Pink
Occupation: Supervisor
Building: 11
Additional Info: From Hawaii. Also has feels for a canon character from the men’s prison oops.
Marus van der Zee
Theme: Walrus
Gender: Male
Age: 58
Nationality: Dutch
Height: 6′10
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Grey
Eye Colour: Unknown
Occupation: Guard
Building: 13
Additional Info: Has a loving husband, Ivan, and a daughter, Annika. Happy family. (Ivan and Annika both belong to other people.) Would usually be drawn with his eyes closed, hence the unknown for the colour.
Violine Vixamar
Theme: None
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Nationality: Haitian
Height: 5′3
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Black and gold
Eye Colour: Gold
Occupation: Deputy Supervisor
Building: 5
Additional Info: May have feelings for one of the men’s prison guards.
Zecora Zweilous
Theme: Zebra
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Nationality: German
Height: 5′9
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: White and Black
Eye Colour: Silver
Occupation: Supervisor
Building: 2
Additional Info:
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is the Sly Cooper series misogynistic?
is it though?? throughout the series, we only have six major female characters (seven if we count Jing King): Carmelita, Mz Ruby, Neyla, the Contessa, Penelope and Henriette. that’s it, we’re not given anything else to work with. maybe i’m being a bit harsh by asking if it’s ‘misogynistic’ but you know what i’m getting at. there’s not enough female representation, that’s for sure. but from the few female characters we get, are we satisfied?
let’s talk about Carmelita. she’s a fucking powerhouse who also accepts help when needed. she’s not a flawless female, but she’s not a mean old witch either. she’s a well-written female character unfortunately stuck in a Romeo and Juliet type of plot. but it works. her constant interference in the story is at times the only female thing about the series, and we all love her (if you don’t love her unfollow me and block me). i’ve mentioned before that Sly and Carmelita are one of the few straight couples that don’t seem cheesy, forced, etc. we’re actually rooting for them to get together because, (a) Sly isn’t the stereotypical dude even though his flirty lines are extremely that dude-ish, and (b) he wants what’s best for Carmelita, and doesn’t undercut her as a female. he wants her because she’s a strong woman, because of the adrenaline rush she gives him when she chases after him. he doesn’t want her because she’s beautiful, hot, a woman; he wants her for what she is and for what she stands for, for what successful career she has and for what she means to him.
and then i thought about how Sly’s relationship with Carmelita might seem misogynist in that she becomes his subordinate... here’s the thing: we never actually see them together as a couple. Sly 3 ends there and the rest is left up to our imagination. Sly is kind of a jackass for letting her believe he has amnesia, but ignorance is bliss...? either way, in order for Carmelita to become his subordinate, she would have to be his superior in the first place, and i don’t think that’s the case. i think they are equals, on opposite sides of the law. they are both honourable and morally good, but they are fighting for different causes (when not uniting for the greater good) and have different aims and purposes. as the story progresses throughout all three games, Carmelita becomes more and more of an independent woman and character, escaping the confines of ‘romantic interest’. in Sly 1 she starts off as that annoying cop which Sly blatantly gets rid of in very questionable ways (sending her flying on a huge balloon, demolishing the huge dragon she’s standing on), but by the end of the trilogy she’s the one who smashes Clockwerk’s hate chip and she’s the one who comes to Sly’s rescue when trapped by Dr M. even if they get together, she’s still his equal. she doesn’t change for Sly, she’s still the feisty. hot-headed cop-lady, but she also has every right to fall for her target. she’s not undermined in any way.
let’s move on to a wider scope. i know that ‘women in professions’ is so 80s conservative US, but it shouldn’t be overlooked that almost all the women in the series are absolute pros at what they do. Carmelita is a top Interpol inspector, Neyla gets promoted to captain whilst being a criminal mastermind, the Contessa is a respected prison warden and “psychiatrist”, Penelope is a tech genius, and Henriette is a master thief (Mz Ruby... she’s doing her own thing). but at the same time, they’re not polished idolatry characters. when not chasing after the raccoon, Carmelita likes to read, listen to music and visit art galleries: things that ground and humanise her. Penelope is also presented in such a light, by having her be as much a nerd as Bentley, uploading a fake avi online, etc. having the two heroines interact with other characters also helps them break out of the ‘romantic interest’ mould. i’m thinking of the Penelope x Murray x Panda King dynamic, or when Carmelita abducts Murray. on the other side, we have female villains that outsmart everyone. the Contessa pretends to work for Interpol, when in reality she’s a member of the Klaww Gang, whereas Neyla manages to scam the Cooper Gang, Interpol and the Klaww Gang.
Sly 3 really set out to change some things. two new female characters were introduced (both bearing story arcs that had to do with sexuality), whilst Carmelita became a playable character. let’s analyse: first off, Carmelita as a playable character. although her gameplay was scarce, SP managed to leave an impression by making her a total force to be reckoned with. the shock pistol would burn the guards to a crisp with just a few hits, and the super jump was everything Sly never was, never could be. the missions were also memorable and very fun (the Muggshot bossfight, Turf War! and A Battery of Peril). and then we were introduced to Penelope, the first female gang member. sure, she added necessary diversity to the Cooper gang, but the focal point here is her storyline. dressing up as a male because no one would take her seriously otherwise? hmm... seems as if SP did some self-reflecting when writing the plot for Sly 3. dawning the persona of the Black Baron not only made her a tragic character, but it also helped push the game’s thematic depth (?) even further. lastly, Jing King might not have been a major character (we never even saw her face ffs), but her story arc was extremely impactful. subtle reminder: forced marriage. making her faceless might have made her seem like less of a victim and made Tsao seem like more of a monster, but the forced marriage was still there. then there’s also the innuendo of him being a huge cock, so... anyway, the Cooper gang rescuing Jing King and preventing the wedding, but also Carmelita being the one who puts an end to Tsao’s misogynistic she’s a woman! she doesn’t know up from down bullshit, is all SP needed to do. verdict: Sly 3 added the female diversity and empowerment the series was in desperate need of.
i don’t think the series is misogynistic btw. i just think it lacks diversity. i think it has well-written female characters and what really saves it from coming off as misogynistic is the variety. there’s a variety of women here, each one standing for something different. i mean... what else do y’all want?
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Jabber’s Writings
Blossoms of the Heart
All right, ladies and gents and nonbinary friends! As it stands, I am currently beginning work on a novel series called Blossoms of the Heart. I don’t know how many books will be in the series. I don’t know how many of you will be interested. I don’t even know how this series will end! But guess what. That’s where you guys come in.
Blossoms of the Heart is planned to be a series of novels surrounding the female lead. Princess Alyria of Belanor. She is nineteen years old, and her father King Aldric has sent her to live at the secluded family estate, far away from the castle. Now, you may be wondering why he would send his daughter away. Is there a threat? Did she anger him in some way? Perhaps he’s ashamed of her behavior? None of these, my friends. The plot here is something far more interesting and exciting.
King Aldric has sent Princess Alyria to live in the family estate, alongside fifty young men all vying for her hand in marriage. Yes, that’s right. King Aldric has sent his daughter to live with her suitors, for as long as it takes for her to finally choose a husband. Now, this may seem like unfair treatment, to leave his daughter alone with fifty young men all competing for her. It even seems like it could be dangerous. So many possibilities for what may happen if these gentlemen are left unchecked, with only the princess.
Well, that’s just it. Alyria has insisted to her father that she would rather marry for love, than just for politics or because she’s told to do so. So, he is letting her make her own choices, and get to know these young men on her own, so that she may possibly fall in love with one of them, and finally take a husband. To protect their family line, and so that he no longer has to worry about what will happen to their kingdom when he is no longer there.
Oh, and don’t worry. She isn’t left alone with just her suitors. She has all of her most trusted attendants and staff right alongside her as well. All of these individuals are present for her protection, her support, and to ensure she is well taken care of while she is away from the castle. All of them as well, are people her father trusts most with his daughter’s well-being. And they are as follows:
Harrison, her direct attendant and confidant, as of the last seven years. He is elusive, and hardly shows his true feelings, but he is the most capable individual of all the staff present. In a test years ago to earn a place attending to royalty, as is Belanorian custom, there was no one who could compete with this man.
Devon, her favorite cook who has a mysterious way of knowing all that goes on around him, despite rarely leaving the kitchens. He’s a riddle, inside a puzzle, wrapped in a mystery and bound in an enigma. He tends to keep to himself and not cause much trouble, but there are others who seem to want to cause trouble with him.
Elias, the groundskeeper she adores dearly and who manages the horses, though for some unknown reason he doesn’t dare enter the estate unless absolutely necessary, and it could be due to what seems like a secret feud between him and Harrison.
Haru, the secondary captain of her father’s guard who she has known since they both were children, and who so often is like an older brother to her, especially in the way he teases her and even perhaps bullies her a little.
Crosjando, the weaponsmaster who has taught her self-defense and genuinely cares for her safety, and who also manages the excess energy of the suitors by keeping them busy in the training yard.
Gintoki, the king’s advisor who has been lent to Alyria in case she may need his input on these matters (don’t worry, he has another he can rely on back at the castle), and while he may be a bit of grump, he is calmed by his cat and does genuinely care about the princess despite his gruff attitude. Though, he too may have a bit of a feud, and his is less than secret.
Rowain, the king’s most loyal soldier who has also been lent to Alyria for her time at the estate. He is bound by an oath of honor and a life debt to serve King Aldric in whatever his wishes may be, and he is genuinely loyal to the man, and to Alyria. He is her greatest asset alongside Harrison and Gintoki.
Vasha, the djinn that was once given to King Aldric as a gift but instead bonded to Alyria and so now follows her everywhere. He’s mischievous and clever, and more than a little prideful, but truth be told, what djinn isn’t? He doesn’t always obey Alyria, and instead prefers to tease her, but she trusts him with everything. More so than anyone else.
And of course, Alyria has a few maids and housekeeping staff around the estate as well. Which is of course beneficial, since her male attendant Harrison cannot accompany her for certain tasks regarding her privacy. It would be far too indecent to have a man assisting the young lady in bathing or changing her clothes. And that is why the female staff are present for such things. Still, they all report to Harrison, as he is head of staff.
Now, that brings us to the suitors. Fifty young men of all sizes and species, and varying ages, and they are all vying for Alyria’s attention. Some are more polite than others, some are crude, some are lords in their own right, others are of the more common people. The king left it all up to Alyria to decide, and so did not discriminate based on class or species, especially considering that Alyria herself is half-fae. That being said, let us discuss these young men. They are as follows:
Adam, the quiet and loner-ish half-Minotaur from Kalein. He is 21 years of age, and due to his Minotaurian heritage, he has been largely discriminated against. Even King Aldric was hesitant to allow him as a suitor, but gave in with only one condition. If Adam could defeat the strongest castle guards in fair combat, then he would be requested to protect Alyria and stay by her side even if he doesn’t win her affections. Adam agreed, and defeated the guards with barely any harm done. Only minor scrapes, and nothing at all that painful. He treated the men with kindness in battle, and intentionally did not hurt them. He only subdued them, and so has been allowed as one of Alyria’s suitors.
Aden, the charitable half-elf from Kalein. 19 years of age, he is genuinely kind-hearted if perhaps just a little reckless at times. But what he lacks in impulse control, he makes up for in generosity and.. perhaps a little too much honesty. It may be a benefit that he’s as straightforward and direct as he is, even when admitting to his feelings, or it may be off-putting and drag him down instead. Aside from that though, Aden is always willing to lend a hand, to anyone who needs it.
Aladi, the enthusiastic Ha’adani tailor with stories to tell. Also 19 years of age, Aladi has an abundance of energy and good cheer, even if there is a hidden darkness behind it. He has his secrets that he’s hiding behind that smile, and it isn’t just that he used to be a thief. Still, he’s kind and always there to help cheer someone up. The problem is that he has fast hands and a fast tongue. So, by the time Alyria or anyone else may have caught up with the conversation, he’s already taken measurements and mentally chosen fabrics.
Alekai, the younger of a pair of half-demon brothers from Tesak. 19 years of age, Alekai can be considered the more mild-mannered and sweet-natured of the two brothers. He’s often the one apologizing for his brother Eivan’s temper, and is more adaptable and not quite so stubborn. Still, he blames himself for the injuries his older brother sustained on his behalf, and if he could turn back time and fix it all, he would. He loves his brother, but he worries that the elder of the two hates him and blames him for all that happened.
Archer, the gluttonous demon monkey from Belanor. Like quite a few of Alyria’s suitors, he is 19 years of age and full of life. He’s stubborn and a bit of a hot-head, and honestly, he thinks more with his stomach than with his head. He’s an honest sort, even if he is a little slow on the uptake from time to time. He loves to eat, and will happily do so all day, but don’t think he can’t defend himself. Oh, and don’t ask why he’s a monkey without a tail, he doesn’t like to talk about that particular incident.
Arten, the chivalrous knight of the Belanorian guard. 23 years of age, and one of the older suitors at the estate, Arten has actually known Alyria, or Lia as he calls her, for a good portion of her life. Orphaned at a young age when his parents were killed by undead, Arten trained to become stronger and specifically, to fight the undead. When he was sixteen, he offered his services to King Aldric, who.. at first didn’t take him seriously. But when a roaming skeleton attacked the king while out on a hunt, and the creature was quickly dispatched by Arten, King Aldric gave the young man a high honor, and of course made him a member of the guard.
Avis, the ever-praised phoenix of Ha’adan. 21 years of age, and raised as a god. Avis knows he isn’t truly a god, but all he has ever known was growing up in a shrine in Ha’adan, and told he was their god. He has no knowledge of where he really came from, but he knows he isn’t of Ha’adani heritage. Recently, he left the shrine to venture out on a sort of pilgrimage to hopefully find answers, though he is a bit shy when meeting new people. However, while roaming Belanor, he took one look at Aurelia and was infatuated.
Balthazar, the gentleman dragon of Belanor’s seaside. 19 years of age, Balthazar comes from a long line of dragon chieftains, but he was separated at a young age from his clan and instead found himself washed up on the shore of an abandoned shipyard. He has tried over the years to find his clan again, only to learn in recent years that they had all been slaughtered. So he is the last in his line, and it is up to him to carry on their heritage. Upon discovering he was the only one left, Balthazar at first attempted to throw himself into the sea in a fit of despair, but he was rescued by an avian Beast named Marius. The two have been friends ever since, though Marius may deny it. Still, Balthazar knows. They are definitely friends.
Bartleby, the feral but friendly Beast of Belanor. 21 years of age, Bartleby used to be a pirate plundering ships on the high seas. It was a good life for him, but it wasn’t meant to last. A wild storm, coupled by an attack from a serpentine sea beast, and Bartleby washed up near-dead on the shores near the shipyard that had by then become a permanent home to Balthazar and Marius. And with Balthazar’s soft spot for broken things and people, the bear-like Beast was nursed back to health. But no sooner had he recovered and gotten back on his feet, when he was abruptly arrested and thrown in prison for his crimes against the Belanor Empire. He was set for the gallows, soon to be hanged until dead, when Balthazar once again came to his rescue. To this day, he still doesn’t know how the dragon pulled it off, but now he is utterly devoted and loyal, and where Balthazar goes, Bartleby goes.
Blaine, the not-so-angelic angel from Oslana. 18 years of age, and with a bad attitude for the record books. Blaine is far from being the most angelic of angels, and his black wings have nothing to do with it. For one thing, he actually can’t fly. His wings were badly broken when he was a child, and never quite healed the same. But the fisherman who raised him has always done his best. However, now that there’s a dire shortage in Oslana, Blaine has reluctantly come to Belanor to ask for aid. Though, he has yet to actually ask for it. Instead, he set himself as one of Alyria’s suitors, perhaps to gain her assistance first before discussing the problem with her father.
Caine, the blinded serpentine blacksmith of Ha’adani heritage. 20 years of age, Caine has only live in Belanor for the last five years. Before that, he spent much of his life in slavery in the deserts of Ha’adan. He was born to a slave mother, and so has never known freedom until he escaped while in transit to a new master. Surviving on his own has always been difficult, after he was blinded at the age of two, but for a naga at the size he is now, it’s gotten even harder. Still, he made his way to Belanor, and found work for himself as a blacksmith. But when he heard of the call for suitors, well.. he figured why not give it a try.
Cale, the young lord from Oslana. 19 years of age, Cale does his best to be a kind and forgiving person, but he does have a bit of a stubborn streak. So while he is always willing to help out, he may have his own opinions about how things should be done. And he will stick to them. Now, of course his father sent him to court the princess of Belanor, simply for the money and political power that could be gained from the union. Cale, however, has his own reasons for courting Princess Alyria, and his are genuine and honest, and only for the sake of love.
Dantalion, a demonic prince of Belanor with a darkened past. 22 years of age, Dantalion is polite and charismatic, but his life hasn’t really been quite as charmed as a prince’s should be. But of course, demonic politics are those of a separate realm, and so may not always be acknowledged by those living across the veil. Summoned by a warlock and bound to the man, forced to call him ‘master’, Dantalion has been wretchedly abused for years. Only recently was he finally able to escape, and he ran straight to the king, setting himself as a suitor to the princess, citing his own nobility as the prince he truly is, and if all goes well, the warlock who he is still bound to will be dealt with, and he can truly be free again.
Dezimir, a flirtatious Pennari from Roveska. 19 years of age, and very confident in himself. Not many know what a Pennari is, as they are only found in Roveska and some small islands off the coast of Kalein. They are unusual to say the least, and could even be mistaken for elves. Except.. for the tail. And the fact that they tend to be a little broader and even more lanky than elves. The species runs to tallness, and has one very particular trait that is genetic to the breed. Addiction. But not quite in the way anyone might think. Pennari are often more likely to be addicted to an activity, rather than substance. And Dezimir is no exception. His addiction is somewhat more lewd than he probably should ever admit in front of the king, but at least it boosts his confidence. And his flirtatious charisma. But everyone should be careful if he is forced to go too long without tending to that addiction.. Because he can, and will, turn dangerously feral and could cause serious harm, only by pure instinct and a genetic code in his very existence.
Eivan, the elder brother of the pair from Tesak. 21 years of age, Eivan is stubborn and has a very short temper. Also, it probably doesn’t help that he’s actually shorter than his younger brother. And the fact they’re both half-demons certainly doesn’t do him any favors either. Still, he would do everything in his power to protect his brother from any harm that may come to him. And the proof is in the prosthetic arm and leg he has, from an incident in which he defended his brother from being attacked by a monstrous beast. And now, in recent years, he and Alekai have been forced to flee their home, and they settled in Belanor, trying to start their lives over again. And now, hearing the call for suitors, they’ve realized there may be something they can do, for all those like them.
Elliot, the Doomwood mage of Belanor. Everyone knows Doomwood Forest is a place of nightmares, but the people who live there either had no choice, or they settled there to protect the rest of the kingdom. To keep the monsters at bay in the forest and prevent them from spreading across the rest of the kingdom. Elliot is one of those people. Training as a mage, he does what he can to keep the spectres and ghasts and undead, and all manner of monsters from leaving Doomwood. But he’s still training, only 18 years of age, and all he could do for now was to cast a barrier spell over his hometown, hoping that it’ll defend them, and keeping the monsters interested long enough that he can get help, and better training in the capital city. However, his plan was somewhat derailed as he developed a crush on the princess, and so now is among her suitors trying to win her affections.
Ferrin, the half-fae swordsman of Oslana. 19 years of age, Ferrin is not quite all he seems to be. At the surface, he is stubborn, blunt, and confident, even occasionally a bit too confident. But he does know when to back down and when to shut his mouth. He’s not the idiot he occasionally pretends to be, and he is loyal to those who earn it. He appears as a wandering swordsman, roaming the land with no ties to anyone. But that is far from his real story. Truth be told, Ferrin is actually a prince among Fae, but being that he was only half-blood, he was deemed unfit to ever inherit the throne, and was cast out, his memory of his heritage erased. He feels drawn to Princess Alyria, though, like she might have the answers to fill in the blanks he can’t remember.
Ferris, the boisterous Kaleini pirate of the high seas. 20 years of age, and already captain. Ferris started out as a cabin boy, and worked his way up the ranks faster than anyone had ever seen. And when the previous captain was lost to a sea monster attack, the crew was left without a leader. And they chose Ferris. Even men older than him who may have deserved the position in their own right, chose the wild and adventurous young man to lead them to glory. Which worked out for the better, seeing as he lost a leg in that same attack, now living with a prosthetic in its place. He’s been captain for four years now, and now he’s suitor to the princess, alongside two other members of his crew.
Garrick, the second-sighted scaredy-cat from Doomwood Forest. 20 years of age, Garrick has a gentle and kind heart and he’s even perhaps protective of those who need him to be, but he’s also so easily frightened that he may even burst into tears if he’s scared badly enough. Like Elliot and Arten, Garrick comes from Doomwood Forest, born in one of the two known towns in the woods. But he wasn’t born like the others. They can see the physical monsters, and perhaps they know of the rest. But Garrick can see it all. Spectres, ghasts, spirits and all other creatures otherwise unseen. As a young child, he watched his family get carried off by spectres and dragged deep into the woods, never to be heard from again, except for the occasional lingering screams. He has recently come to King Aldric for help, but was distracted as he found himself infatuated with the princess, and just seeing her made him forget his fear, if only for a while.
Geilver, the second son of a Belanorian lord. He was not the one who was intended to be suitor to the princess. His elder brother was the one their father would rather have sent, but as the elder of the two happened to be away on an overseas journey, Geilver was instead the one sent to court Princess Alyria. He is 21 years of age, and is actually rather overconfident, even perhaps to the point of mild narcissism. And he likes to talk, especially about himself. Still, underneath all of that bravado, is an uncertain young man who is deeply loyal to his brother and would like to see him home safely. His father sent him as a suitor for the politics of the affair, but Geilver just isn’t interested in that side of it.
Ifari, the mysterious fae of Ha’adan. His age is a mystery, and really all that is known is his species and his gender. Very few have even seen more than his eyes, his face usually covered by a cloth mask. He is actually the advisor to Prince Rukh, and followed him to this whole affair if only to keep the poor-tempered prince in check. But.. now he too has made his own decision to court the princess. And no one knows what reason he may have for it.
Karval, the foul-mouthed troll from Teris. 16 years of age and the youngest of all the suitors, Karval fled his home country and didn’t stop running until he collapsed in Belanor. His breed of troll is unique only to Teris, and they are hunted for sport, like they are no more than animals. Karval lost his parents to hunters at a young age, and was forced to survive on his own, dodging all manner of dangerous people and animals. He has had a few close calls though, and even he feels it’s a miracle he’s even alive today. Nursed back to health by a kind Belanorian duchess, she has more or less adopted him as her unofficial son, so to speak, and it was she who sent him to court the princess, telling him that if he can gain influence with the royal family, he may be able to use it to change the way things are for his people.
Kin, the devilishly clever kitsune mercenary from Koshima. 21 years of age, Kin is a mercenary who was hired by a lord in Belanor to guard his home and possessions. However, the lord thought little of him, and refused to pay Kin what the job was truly worth, instead only offering the barest of bare minimums. Offended by the man’s rudeness, a state no one should ever want a kitsune to be, Kin simply left the man to fend for himself, instead roaming the kingdom looking for work that would actually pay. When he heard of the call for suitors to the princess, he joined among them. For even if he isn’t chosen, he may still offer his services to protect the royal family.
Lowell, Belanor’s free-spirited bookkeeper. 19 years of age, and.. only technically a bookkeeper. Truthfully, he’s the old man’s apprentice, and he’s easily distracted from his real work. It’s that that led him to become a suitor to the princess, believing in his own charms to help win her over. However, his teacher almost didn’t allow him to do so, reminding him that their work was far more important. But, after some persuasion, they came to an agreement. If Lowell does not succeed in this endeavor, then he will return to his duties with renewed diligence and will never stray again.
Lyric, the patient and watchful nymph from Umai. 18 years of age, Lyric is a lotus nymph who grew up in the lotus ponds and the shade of their trees, in a monks’ temple in Umai. While he isn’t actually a monk, he enjoys their companionship and finds comfort in following their teachings, and joining them in meditation and prayer. They are his family, and he is their beloved lotus child. It was they who sent him on his worldly journey when he was of age, as all monks must do, and that was how he discovered the princess and her father’s call for suitors. But he has to be careful. As a nymph, he can’t venture too far from his source without risking his life, and so to travel, he carries a piece of home with him. A lotus seed, tucked carefully in his pocket. But he may die if that seed gets lost, so he needs to watch his possessions wisely.
Marius, the wild and aggressive avian Beast of Belanor’s shores. 21 years of age, Marius has a foul temper and an even fouler attitude. He’s not fond of most people, and usually minds his own business, acting as lookout around the shipyard and guarding Balthazar from harm. Together, the two of them fixed up the yard and made it livable, even perhaps functional as a proper cargo dock too. Except Marius’ attitude does tend to scare away potential customers. However, he has his reasons for being aggressive, though he won’t speak about it to anyone.
He was once a brawler in the arenas, enslaved in the underbelly of Belanor’s darker districts. He was forced to fight for his life, and was the reigning champion for quite a while before he was finally defeated, and tossed to the streets, left to die from his wounds. However, he was found by an old man called Magnus, who returned him back to proper health, and taught him how to work in the shipyard. But when Magnus was killed in an attack from raiders, the loss shattered Marius. He became foul-tempered and bitter, and he returned to the arenas with a renewed vengeance. But he wasn’t a slave this time. He was free to come and go. And he did leave after a while, only to return to the shipyard on a whim, and that is when he saw Balthazar, and made his own private oath to always protect him no matter what. So now he’s followed him all the way to become a suitor to the princess. Go figure.
Mikhael, Oslana’s feline farm boy. 22 years of age, Mikhael is generally friendly, though he can occasionally come across as rather forceful and aggressive, being rather loud on occasion and bearing a pretty bad temper. Sometimes that temper causes him to storm off in a fit of rage, especially if he has repeatedly failed at a task. He can be kind, however, and also has a great sense of humor. Which, actually helps considering his start in the world. Abandoned as an infant one stormy night, he spent the entire night in the rain, shivering and hungry, only to be found the next morning by a farmer and his wife. They quickly adopted the young feline Beast, and raised him as if he were their own. Now he’s a grown adult, and he does well in keeping pests out of the barn, and works hard to help his father tending the fields. But.. Well, he isn’t entirely sure how he ended up as a suitor to the princess of Belanor, but that isn’t to say he entirely minds.
Montague, the cursed son of a Belanorian lord. 17 years of age, Montague was probably not his father’s first choice to send as suitor to the princess. But, similar to Geilver’s situation, his older brother was not available as an option. So, the lord sent his unfortunately cursed son. Montague was cursed as a young child, after he managed to offend a witch living in the woods. Now, when he gets too excited or angry, or is incapacited and weak, Montague transforms into a river otter, and he has no control over doing so. Only time will tell how this will work out. But at least he’s a friendly sort.
Nathan, the feline member of Kalein’s pirate crew. 20 years of age, clever and quick on his feet, Nathan is never short of something to say, and he certainly puts on a show of confidence. Of course.. That confidence is mostly fake. He has been on the pirate ship he calls home since he was two years old, and has actually never set foot on land. This is uncharted territory now, and he has no idea what he’s doing. He just followed his captain, and may or may not have taken interest in the princess himself as well. But.. hopefully at least Ferris knows what he’s doing.
Niklaus, Roveska’s best kept secret. His age is a mystery at this point, even to him. But he is more than certainly a gentleman, polite and mostly keeping to himself, except to restlessly roam the halls at night. However, to those he does encounter in the night, and in the moments around dawn and dusk, he is charming and dignified. He became Princess Alyria’s choice of his own accord, and perhaps simply out of curiosity, but truth be told.. He hasn’t done this sort of thing in 200 years. Niklaus is a vampire, and one of the oldest still existing in Roveska. After a storm of raids on vampire castles, the slaughter of many by overconfident vampire hunters, Niklaus and a few others are now kept secret under the protection of the Roveski government. But.. Niklaus apparently no longer wants to stay in hiding.
Nora, the dragon bookworm from Teris. 18 years of age, and with quite a story to tell, Nora is one of only a few on the outside now that is privy to one of Teris’ darker secrets. While things may seem rather pleasant on the surface, at least if you aren’t a Terisian troll, underneath all that charm and political majesty, there are prison camps in Teris, where the Crowned Prince or.. someone who may simply look eerily like him, has been throwing all those who he disagrees with or simply dislikes. Until a few months ago, Nora was trapped in one of those camps, until he and three others managed to escape. The rest have gone into hiding, but Nora is looking for help. Setting himself as suitor to Belanor’s princess, this may be the most strategic opportunity to gain aid from Belanor.
Orson, the wild and untamed bear warrior of Belanor’s forests. 22 years of age, and barely more than a feral animal, Orson comes across unfortunately rather aggressive, pushing and generally being a rather physical individual, he is actually rather sweet and loving, but.. Well, he comes by it honestly. He was abandoned in the woods as an infant and expected to be eaten. However, instead of devouring the human child, a mother bear who had recently had her own cubs simply adopted him and raised him like her own. So Orson was raised in the woods by a bear, and as such is the case, he’s unfortunately rather disconnected with civilized society and is easily confused. No one is sure how he got the approval of the king, but having recently ventured into town, Orson has become suitor to the princess, largely due to an interest in learning human courtship, and curiosity about her as well.
Pallum, the winged loudmouth of Kalein’s plundering pirates. 18 years of age, Pallum generally comes across as a very angry bird. He has a quick temper, and he’s very loud and aggressive when he’s upset, but he can be calmed as easily as he’s angered. This little harpy has a lot to compensate for though, considering he’s a runt. As such is the case, many adult harpies in his clan tried to simply kill him, seeing him as useless because he was so small. However, Pallum survived every attempt on his life, until he was simply exiled instead. And that was how he made himself at home in the crow’s nest of a pirate ship, and quickly earned his place as the barrelman. And now that his captain and another member of the crew decided to court the princess of Belanor, that’s what he’s going to do too.
Pteryn, the littlest angel in Belanor. 17 years of age, and largely considered a runt among angels, he’s determined to prove all those who doubt him wrong. He’s stubborn, and a little bit naive, but he has a kind heart and is always willing to help. He is just as trained in combat as any other angel his age, even if they might have tried to stop him from training at all. And now he has pledged his life to King Aldric, in addition to becoming a suitor to the princess. All to prove himself just as strong as any other.
Rai, Oslana’s wandering warrior of the demon sword. He is 19 years of age, and he was human once.. But he has since become a demon of rage and hate. He comes across as cold and unfeeling at first, but he is actually surprisingly agreeable, and even friendly. Perhaps a little forceful with his friendliness, but it is only because most of his emotions have been suppressed by his sword. He gets easily frustrated, or angered. Most of what he can feel is anger in some form or another. Still, he is usually understanding if what aggravated him was an accident. But beware if he is intentionally crossed, for he will be on a very dangerous warpath.
He has been an orphan as long as he can remember, alongside his younger sister, and together the two of them struggled to survive on the streets. At least, until they were called before the Prime Minister. They hoped that perhaps they would be saved, and something would be done for the starving children in the streets. But they should not have hoped at all. His sister died only a few weeks later, and Rai barely made it out with his life, only to find his way to an old and long-forgotten battlefield.. Where he found the Azel Sword. He took hold of the weapon, and his life was forever changed as he was twisted and warped into something no longer human. He is out for blood now, vengeance for all wrongs that had been done to him. And yet.. Maybe Princess Alyria can soften this tormented soul.
Reiss, Kalein’s most stubborn half-fae. If anyone of these suitors could really be considered a wild child, it’s this 17-year-old. He comes across as rude and even inconsiderate, but truth be told, he doesn’t actually know much of human culture, as much as his family may have tried to teach him. He was orphaned at a young age, and was instead raised by the mountain trolls near Roswater. They tried their best to teach how humans live, and even about fae. But there wasn’t much they really knew either, so it was difficult for him to learn. Instead, he lives as the trolls do, hunting and foraging alongside them, even joining in the occasional playful wrestling match.
Recently though, he has set out from home to venture into the world and learn what he can. Or.. rather what he has interest in, which unfortunately isn’t much that would actually help him in the societies outside his home. But, due to a growing interest in Princess Alyria, perhaps there is some hope for him yet.
Rukh, the winged prince of Ha’adan. While his age is unknown, he has lived much of his life praised and practically worshipped. He is a very rare being himself, named for exactly what he is. A rukh. It is due to his existence being seen as a blessing, that he has known nothing but praise, and so he has turned out rather spoiled, and rude. No one has ever told him ‘no’, and so he has a bit of a foul temper whenever someone tries. Only one person has ever been able to get away with it, and that is his advisor, Ifari. And now, at the suggestion of Ifari, Rukh has left his home in order to learn more of the world, and in doing so, he has insistently set himself as one of Princess Alyria’s suitors.
Sadir, the silent warrior of the Ha’adani deserts. There isn’t much known about Sadir, not even his age. All that is known is that he is a half-demon, and he is a rather reclusive and elusive individual, even with all his curiosity. He typically keeps to himself and very rarely speaks, even when spoken to. He often comes across as somewhat gloomy or melancholy, but if asked, he won’t say much more than that those who come near him will only get hurt. Still, for whatever reason that is known only to him, he has come to play suitor to the princess.
Sindar, the charming Ha’adani sailor of the high seas. 23 years of age, and practically swimming in his own charisma, Sindar is the type of individual many young men dream they could be. He is a man of courage, of charm, and of independence. A free spirit living his life upon the seas, a new adventure has been brought to his attention, by a very particular tailor in the bazaars of Ha’adan. Now, he is a suitor to the princess and ready to sail those uncharted waters.
Sun, Umai’s most mischievous monkey. 19 years of age and ready to face the world, Sun is an energetic young monkey Beast with what he considers a great sense of humor, even if others may disagree. However, beneath his carefree attitude and his penchant for mischief is an anxious and stressed young monkey who would do anything to keep those he cares about safe. Though.. that may be on the more difficult side.
Sun was one of eight children and his life started out happy. Until their town was raided and he and his family were sold into slavery. He put up with years of abuse before he was given a chance to escape. He broke loose, but turned back to save his family too. However, his mother shooed him away, telling him to just run and not to worry about them. If one of them was free, that was all that mattered. So he ran. He ran as far as he could, only stopping to rest when he couldn’t bring himself to go any further. He became a brawler in a few underground arenas to train himself so that he may one day save his family. Now, he’s become a suitor to Princess Alyria, with the hope that she and her father may give him the help he needs.
Taeval, the last of Kalein’s oldest breed of dragons. 20 years of age, and the last of his kind, no one is quite sure where Taeval came from. He is a gentle soul, however, calm and respectful. He is always there to support those who need him, traveling only to learn what he needs to and to help where he is needed, before disappearing again to return somewhere else. However, now something has drawn him to become a suitor to Belanor’s princess, and no one is exactly sure what that might be.
Takhal, the prideful and spoiled Oracle from Ha’adan. 18 years of age, and somewhat of a spoiled brat, Takhal has been praised from his early years and onward, which has led him to be rather arrogant and even childish. He boasts about his accomplishments, and how powerful of an Oracle he is. But.. little does he know, he was kidnapped in infancy as part of a far greater plot. And underneath his bravado as well, is a scared and lonely child. But he saw Princess Alyria in a vision, and now has come to understand why.
Titian, a fierce Norland warrior with a dangerous curse. 21 years of age, and he is already as foul-tempered and bitter as an old man with too many bad memories. But there is a reason for the aggressive way he behaves. Titian is under a curse, and so is possessed by a spirit of anger, turning him into a Berseker. The only emotion he is allowed to feel much of is anger, and so he comes across fairly aggressive and rude.
But the truth is that he’s looking for someone. The man who raised him in place of the parents who bore him. After an attack on their hometown, by soldiers who claimed to be from Belanor, the only father Titian has ever known has disappeared. So now he has come to Belanor, both to seek out his father, and to get vengeance for the attack on his home.
Toris, the sweetheart of Oslana with a dark secret. 21 years of age, and generally rather shy and gentle, Toris seems utterly harmless, and for the most part he is. Except for one tiny detail. He has in fact killed a man. But of course, as with all good murder mysteries, there is more to the story. Toris was a slave for many years, shuffled from one lord to another and to another, and he had even just simply grown used to it. Or at least.. he thought he had. As his last master was dealing out punishment yet again, something inside Toris snapped, and he murdered the man in a fit of rage. Now he has fled to Belanor, and perhaps the princess can find a way to help him.
Vince, Princess Alyria’s oldest friend. 19 years of age, and another one who comes across somewhat aggressive, the truth is that Vince is lonely, and he has a lot of trouble expressing it. But it’s no wonder he is the way he is. His birth was an accident, and his aristocrat mother immediately decided she wanted nothing to do with the half-troll monstrosity she had given birth to. She ordered her servants to get rid of the infant, and they would have.. if they hadn’t fallen in love with him themselves. Still, they knew they couldn’t keep him, and so took him into the forest, giving him to a troll woman who was out foraging for berries.
She gladly took him and raised him as her own in the troll village that was her home. But, despite all the love she offered him, Vince knew he didn’t fit in there. He remained lonely and misplaced, even venturing to the edge of the forest to look upon the estate that belonged to the woman who had given birth to him. Several times when doing so, however, the woman caught sight of him and sent her hounds to chase him off, not even knowing that he was her son.
At some point while he was young, Vince happened to encounter Princess Alyria and her father, and the two have been friends ever since, ultimately growing up with each other. And now that he’s heard King Aldric calling for suitors for Alyria, Vince is determined to win the heart of the only one who ever made him feel like he truly belonged.
Warren, the changeling child that replaced a Belanorian lord’s son. 19 years of age, and a bit pushy and snappish, Warren is a tough nut to crack on occasion. He comes across as rude and self-centered, and is generally fairly difficult to get along with most of the time. But the truth is that he is deeply insecure and very sensitive to insults. While he was raised as the son of a Belanorian lord, the truth is that the real son of the lord was stolen as an infant, and replaced with the changeling child that is Warren.
However, Warren genuinely believes he is the lord’s son. He knows nothing about changelings, and the lord as well is unaware of what Warren is. As such is the case, when Warren’s form shifts even a little, it makes him panic and he believes it’s some strange disease that flares up from time to time. So, he mostly tries to ignore it, and now, of course, he has been sent to court the princess for the sake of politics.
Yukito, the lone warrior from Koshima. He is 21 years of age, and he generally comes across fairly moody and lonerish, even perhaps a little cold and unfriendly. But underneath it, he does actually genuinely care about others and would give his life to protect everyone around him. He is diligent and hard-working, and very loyal despite his grumpy attitude. Whatever drew him to court the princess of Belanor, though, is something only he knows.
Yuri, the Belanorian noble that grew up on the streets. 18 years of age, and fairly confident in himself and even a bit flirtatious, but.. could that be just a front he puts up? Nah, couldn’t be. Or.. could it? Yes, it is. The youngest in a family of ten kids, Yuri was mostly ignored as a child, and so developed a bit of a habit of showing off just for the attention. However, when he was about ten years old, his home was raided and his family scattered. He has no idea where any of them are now, and since then, he grew up mostly on the streets, learning to cheat, gamble, and steal to survive.
He’s been arrested several times for his thefts, somehow managing to talk his way out of most of his possible punishments. Still, he’s stolen a few too many things by now, and was set for execution. Except.. he was recently pardoned by the king, who saw that the young man still had some good in him, and had hope he could be rehabilitated. Now, Yuri has set himself as a suitor to the princess, hoping maybe she’s that rehabilitation the king wants from him.
Zoroaster, the mercenary from Teris. 20 years of age and highly trained with a sword, Zoroaster spent most of his life at sea. He hardly knew his own parents, and was instead raised by a crew of naval warriors from Norland. However, his ship was recently sunk by pirates, killing most of the men on board, and so he has lived ashore in Oslana for the past year. Training himself further in swordsmanship, he is now nearly unrivaled with a blade, and he has come to Belanor now, as suitor to the princess, and to offer his services in her protection.
Zuri, the naive Beast of Ha’adan. 21 years of age, and a member of a rare clan of Beasts known as Bengalit, Zuri is.. Well, he isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, to put it lightly. He’s easily trusting of most people, despite what his best friend Sindar may tell him. He can of course defend himself if things turn out wrong, but he likes to look for the good in everyone, really. He trusts Sindar with his life as well, and will follow him to the ends of the earth, which.. is of course how he became a suitor to Princess Alyria as well.
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casualantiheroism · 6 years
There's no fucking excuse to fling vitriol directly at a creator no matter how much you hate what they're doing.
Most published writers are used to it because in order to have any degree of success you have to have a sort of masochistic desire to have people tell you you suck.
I'm telling you this tho as a person who has been that fan, (look at grant ward in my avi and then remember he pushed fitzsimmons out a fucking plane before you @ me with 'I did nothing wrong Don Cates is a monsterous assbag babyman and YOU'RE a monster for liking Ward. - just marinate in the hypocrasy)
Here's some truths that are hard pills but true for you venom fans, marvel fans, dc fans.
People mourned when sherlock holmes died. Like full on victorian mourning with black armbands and holding wakes. People stormed sailors coming from the UK when Dickens wrote the old curiosity shop asking about little nell- his protagonist's friend. They waited months to read installments of the story.
Those two dudes shaped literature and when Doyle died his last words were about his wife and Dickens was asking to be made comfortable. No one, not doyle, dickens, alcott or stan the man lee thought about the fans on their deathbed. Why are you willingly pissing people off hoping they'll remember you? They won't. You're not the first 'fan' and you won't be the last. When you take critique directly to the writer that amounts to 'your mother is a llama and she should have aborted you' you have more in common with the fans of the bible who were SO WILLING to pursue THEIR version of the truth that they started a series of wars over it called the crusades.
Donny Cates is being an overbearing manchild who is seeking attention by actively responding to every troll when he should just keep on keeping on. The man is extremely talented- even if you haven't read his other work his other work is actually pretty damn original AND breaks out of the patriarchal standards for dudes.
That said, responding to every fucking troll has the air of 'my mommy and daddy said I'm special fuck you'.
It's obvious also that a lot of blog sites are confused by VENOM. Everybody could be worrying over nothing but Cates is blowing it our of proportion because he is a comic wunderkind apparently who shits sprinkles and talent. Next fucking Alan Moore? What??
See I'm not telling this to the man's face and fuck anybody who does. The whole point of opinions is that I can have mine and he can have his and despite responding to every troll which is starting to look like a plea for attention the guy is young and he'll learn.
You know that phrase opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one? What are assholes for? Shitting. It feels GREAT to take a shit we all know this. Would you really do it in public tho? In front of someone? This is my private toilet (I'll shit as I please) but every time you dump a critique or opinion or a fucking threat in front of a creator why take a dump in public? Trust me
Writers are masochistic enough even if you want to make a point or bitch I can promise you they'll see it. The 'yes daddy tell me how much I suck' attitude is as old as the first caveman who told the first story. Why embarrass yourself and shit in public?
Writers may get the privilege of not acknowledging the fans as they die, and live, and function, and make money off fans. They pay for that privilege fully aware that there will ALWAYS be people out there who despise every thing they do. Respect that. Shit in your own toilet.
This one pisses me off the most because as much as the internet wants to pretend otherwise venom was NEVER fucking gay and gay people deserve better.
I say this as a big bisexual queer agender person thinking of transitioning. We deserve better then an alien and a guy who started off with a shared quest for revenge who spent most of the 90s crawling around in a sewer. We deserve people cheering. We deserve villains and heroes. We deserve wiccan and teddy from young avengers getting married and adopting a baby and teaching the new young avengers
We deserve eddie coming out as bi and maybe finding this sudden!!lady!!!ex??? (Wtf Cates??) But idk maybe fucking patrick? Or the lady? Or both??
Gay people deserve better then venom and people who ship it y'all should acknowledge that you want to see better mainstream gay rep cause it was eyeopening a.f. for me. I'm AFAB and masc. Agender. Most marvel gay representation is super femme and marvel stuck iceman back in the closet.
I deserve better and I'd rather ask Marvel for that then yell at one writer. And I know it sucks when you realize the yawning casm of pain that opens but everything worth having is worth working for.
So listen you hate venom? Hate Cates's run? Want your gay slime back? - @ marvel on social and ask where the gay male folx are. Go to cons and politely ask. Take whatever anger you feel about something that doesn't exist and put it into working so people who come after will be better.
It always kinda was?? Most relationships in comics kinda are because there is nothing normal about a man who puts on tights and goes out to fight crime? Also its made by a bunch of people who have a masochistic need to be yelled at?? Also a bunch of people yell at them if they fuck up??
Comics for all the fun they are are also really fucked up period and its really fucked up that its the only outlet so many of us have and honestly I've got nothing I was a grant ward stan some days in my heart of hearts I still pray for a meteor to kill me.
Already there are fan comics and really fucking talented fan artists basically setting out to 'fix' this run and NOT @'ing Cates with 'kill yourself sucky garbage man' and whatever the man might personally think, as an artist I like to believe the dude might offer a small nod of respect since he sees our tumblrs I guess (lol hi??)
Sometimes all you can do is make something.
Instead of writing this tho maybe can you write out nice things? Like original work about two guys falling in love and maybe one of them has superpowers and there's some drama but then they keep falling in love and there's lots of cuddling and cute and some drama but its the healthy relationship y'all claim to want and partner A can actually hold partner B who has autonomy?
I need that. As a trans person I need that. I need it to not be weird and fucked up I need us to face our shit as a community and make something better.
That's all I've got stop sending death threats.
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awesome-bamon · 6 years
I didn't know Nina Stan were so rude toward Kat Graham. I love Kat and Nina. Nina isn't nice with her fan bc a lot of them are Nian shipper or team DE. Julie Plec said Bonnie could be in Legacies but it seems Kat said no so what is true ? Can you link the interview in which Kat talks about her issue with TVD ? Julie is sexist and racist, and she's a woman but she is the worst with her female characters.
Here she speaks about being pushed to the background and being sidelined for most of her career. Which obviously includes the 8 years she has been on TVD.   This means that Julie Plec, Caroline Dries, and the writers of TVD pushed her and Bonnie to the background to focus on and give all of the attention/effort/devotion to the white characters.  And Elena/Caroline.
On her social media account after she got casted and booked in another project she said Fuck tokenism, and how she always wanted to do the kind of movie she just got booked in.  Here is the link showing that.
Here she speaks on how she had a bad experience with a male  director who worked on TVD at the time.  And how it drove her to prove him wrong after he insulted her acting talents.
Nina/Delena Stans are without a doubt the biggest ones and the ones you see most often or most commonly attack,harass,bully Kat in the TVD fandom. 90% of the time if you see a tweet that insults, belittles, harasses, or bullies Kat then it is from someone with a Nina Dobrev icon/Avi/header, a Delena icon/Avi/header.  Or a Nina,Dobrev,Delena or even Nian twitter handle.  Even tho others have joined in on the hate towards her at times.
So both the fandom, Julie Plec, Caroline Dries, and whoever that director was are accountable for 8 years of treating Kat like shit and disrespecting her.
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