#I love he and his shapeshifting ways X3
confuzzeledpanda · 1 year
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Do you want the masculine or feminine side?
I can do both
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shycroissanti · 2 months
Kishin could have both Human/demon future. What if whatever turns him into a human? instead of giving him a way to shapeshift into a human. He already can shift into a bean and teach other demons. So this progression of shapeshifting skill could seamlessly turn him human -mainly just his appearance-. He can already walk in the sunlight. this form could let him eat basic human food again. and not scare normal humans. when he's in this form even demons might mistake him for one. But he could shift back into his demon appearance. the demon that tried to attack him the upper moon 2 or Irina would regret it. He would be slightly weaker in this Human form but strong enough to punch a weaker demon out. ( I love Kishin alternative future AU Upper Moon 2 and if you do make it the canonical future. I would love it. but if you want a form of "Human" Kishin this is my idea.)
I'M LOVING THESE IDEAS!!! ((o(^∇^)o))✨️💖
So, I don't know if this makes much sense with the KNY universe, because initially the idea was for Kishin to return to being fully human after the final battle🤔
But like this, Takahiro no longer makes any sense in the anime's canon story, so I'm already considering these ideas for my original story xD
In the future:
Kishin has become the upper 2, Takahiro, Yudi and Zenshin who are the biggest threats (because they are the strongest demons) are now more friendly with others and don't cause as many problems as before.
Now everything is more peaceful (of course there are still several threats and dangers in the world, but the main characters had some time to rest/train). Kishin spent some time training and meditating to improve his abilities, until he reached a point where he can kind of transform into a human again.
(This is also likely because Kishin has a completely clear conscience, as he has never attacked any human)
Now a small drawing that I made imagining his design:
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(I did it digitally so it would be easier to color X3)
The marks on his body remain, so he only hides the upper moon mark.
His hair changes color with each transformation.
His eyes return to white in his human form.
So, just one additional piece of information: Takahiro can very well disguise himself as a human with ease, but in his case it is by pure luck, since he barely has any demonic appearance (like horns or claws) the only thing he is able to do is change the color of his eyes✨️
And since this is in a slightly more distant future, Irina is already in her black hole phase, so Kishin and Irina changed almost simultaneously :3
Now Kishin can change form whenever it is more convenient, I imagine this can make him a bit tired at first, that's why he spends most of his time in his new human form and transforms into a demon again when he needs to fight.
Le tags💖
@c00kietin @larz-barz @knyinfinity @demonslayerdoodles @night-mince10001 @scaredyfurry2 @pinkwisteria @giyubabe @pulim-v @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @tor-the-tortilla @zenitsustherapist @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @sunbrokenswords
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skylerfurmaniac · 3 months
is your chance to rant about anything you like :3
use it now or save it if you wish!
Okay so we all know how much I like starlo, spamton and kinito they are just viruses in my head LMAOOOO I love them with all my heart :333
I could go OVER and OVER how my relationship with them and their friends could work and everything I have different CHARACTERS just to go with them and I-
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Like how Skyler and north star kinda hate each other first cus Skyler is a bandit and starlo finds that SO annoying but after a while they both start to have more and more fun with each other, and soon the steal stuff from peoples houses and north star chasing Skyler starting to feel more like a game then an actual chase (anyways when Skyler steals something, it's nothing big, it's just more like so random stuff so they can just play along with the show) and soon it gets real fucking close ( >:3) and yeah soon the chase just turn into a game of teasing and throwing rude comments at each other while Skyler just kinda plays around with starlo (OKAY THAT SOUNDS SEXUAL I PROMISE IT'S NOT IT'S MORE LIKE A GAME OF CAT AND MOUSE BUT LIKE, FRUITY LMAO) and yeah XD
And with kinito it's goes the same way as the game, but kinito is actually surprised that Stella (skyler in kintopet universe lol) wants to stay with him, and when they find out they are stuck with him forever in the computer, they actually don't mind and are actually enjoying themselves, and so he isn't as strict with them as much as he is with other people, so Stella just kinda roams around the computer, kinda becoming like another addition/character to Kintiopet's game, though they do try to warn the other people that kinito tries to lead in, because they know they don't want it, but anyways, they get more and more used to kinito, and get closer to him then friends and you know how it goes from there x3
Wait I forget if I have ever posted my ref of Stella uuuh this is them :3
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Spamton has a whole fucking NOVEL when it comes to him and Skyler
My man you gotta understand when it comes to Skyler and Spamton, it's like a whole ass story like SRSLY the lore on them my goooodd
Spamton first met Skyler when they....."𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘭" into the dark world, during his addispam age. He found them in a dumpster, trying to get used to this world, kinda badly damaged. Skyler wasn't used to they're new form
(They didn't always looked like this)
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Silly fuggin gooberr
ANYWAYS yeah so they were kinda struggling, trying to find out what the fuck was going on. So spamton and the Addison's took them in. Help them get back on their feet and taught them their way of living. Anyways when Skyler finally started to sell stuff, everything was going well. Fun fact, Skyler can shapeshift lmaooo so they turned into their own version of an Addison to be able to blend in more. Sure, teal isn't exactly common as a color for Addison's, but it worked! Anyways over time, Skyler and spamton slowly and slowly got closer to each other, and slowly starting to develop a crush on each other we hehe hehehe hehehe >:3
Then the phone called spamton
Obviously that change a lot of stuff. Changed how spamton acted and everything, becoming a bit more of an asshole and stuff. But, Skyler stayed with him anyways. They know. :) Their relationship became more of a fake dating type of relationship, but still some what close, but everyone knew they like each other Lmaooo.
Anyways after losing spamton, they were devastated. Took 3 months to get them out of he room afterwards, but honestly the only reason they were able to come out and not actually kill themselves (wooooo tramaaaa) is because they knew that spamton was alive. And yeah he was they found him again after 9 years or so of not seeing him :3333 but of course it took a while for him to actually stay near them and not run off :P
Anyways that's all for now don't feel like typing anymore but thanksssssss augh
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diminuel · 2 years
Here are some unstructured reactions and observations about episode 1x02 of The Winchesters. Under the cut!
I love what Barry’s saying about being trapped inside our parents, who are trapped in theirs. We only know three (and a half if you count Emma, Ben or Dean II) generations of Winchesters, but the issues are being passed down. But while Dean and Sam are the way they are, wrapped into this web of trauma and secrecy made partially by their parents, the interesting part for me is that Sam and Dean were the goal. The moments the lights went on, the angels knew it was going to end with Sam and Dean, right? So you could argue that even though Sam and Dean are a product of Mary and John (and Samuel and Deanna, and Henry and Millie), Mary and John are also a “product” of Dean and Sam. (The fact that many viewers are experiencing The Winchesters after SPN adds to that feeling of a slightly mixed up genealogy.) They had to be shaped and manipulated a certain way to “produce” the tools necessary for the Apocalypse. (I’m sick and this is not elegantly phrased but maybe you understand what narrative corners my brain is sniffing out.)
Zombies? Are they just calling those creatures zombies or are they actually “zombies” (whatever they might be in the SPN universe. We’ve had some zombie variations like Revenants, the ones that Death brought back, Croats...)
Samuel’s way of “contacting” Mary is as vague and unhelpful as John leaving a trail for his sons in S1. >w< Carlos’ assessment that Samuel’s just trying to get them off his trail might be true, but considering the ending sequence it might as well be connected to some bigger plot (possibly the Akrida).
The box is not working? I didn’t exactly expect them to bring the box on cases, but they did say it should work on all kinds of monsters. Maybe zombies aren’t the kind of monsters this box can focus on?
So, ingesting zombie blood is not going to turn John.
Latika’s wide pants being soaked through is giving me flashbacks to the early 2000s when I wore pants like that. Dreadful business walking around the rain.
John and Mary are flirting~~ I ship it.
So, who’s Betty? Not sure if Latika’s guess that she’s an ex is right. And I guess John knows how to fix cars? When Dean meets him he IS a mechanic.
Hehehe, Winchesters and their aliases. The whole “more punchy, less talky” thing sounded like Dean, however, Dean’s very good at being “undercover”.
Mary giving John the thumbs up was so cute. Fave scene in the episode I think!
70s motels, back when they were - technically - still relatively shiny and new!
The song moment was cute!
Okay, so we find out that Henry planted the jasmin vine at the garage, which implies that they were living there. So, why were they living in Normal, IL when Henry disappeared? Is that just a continuity issue or am I just not getting some very basic explanation?
I like that they expand on shapeshifter lore :D
*lol* Carlos, dissing copper weapons. Today copper is pretty expensive and sought after as far as I know, I guess it wasn’t back in the day?
Mary stubbornly wanting to stick to one monster without looking at alternatives sounds like a dangerous thing to do for a hunter. Also, John is going straight for the motel vandalism. X3
I’m still not sure I trust Ada. She just knows a whole lot of things that are kind of odd for her to know - like the secret parts of the clubhouse. Would Henry just have revealed it all to her? (she did say Henry was secretive and made mistakes, so who knows. But Henry wasn’t fully initiated so he probably wasn’t her only source.
? The telephone in the secret part of the clubhouse looks way too modern. The clubhouse would have been abandoned 15 years ago, in 58. Shouldn’t it have a rotary dial instead of a key pad?
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Why does Latika wish Ada good luck? Did she know about Ada trying to tap into the knowledge of the demon?
On the document on the left (that reads essential document as the only terms I can decipher) is a sigil that looks a lot like the one Cas used to open the door to Purgatory.
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I made some comments last week wondering if John could drive, but he’s driving so clearly yes X3
When Mary said she doesn’t like Cabaret, does she mean the Broadway musical, he movie or the entertainment form in general?
Nicht die Mama :3
John’s commentary when he struggles to fight X3
If John keeps getting stuff into his face/ mouth he’ll turn into some kind of creature before the first season is over >w<
Millie’s rule to say “I love you” after a fight is sweet ;w; And it’s sad that she has to live with her regret that she didn’t get to say it a last time on the day he disappeared ;w; I wonder if John can keep this tradition up, I doubt it thought. We do know that he didn’t say it to his kids and we knew Mary and John fought.
Mysterious robed figure with rings who is apparently accompanied by an army of weird monsters (similar to what attacked Samuel in the crypt?) It could be someone we know (Rowena, Meg, Ruby, ...) or someone new. Hard to say so early!
However, I find it interesting that she is pulling some “essence” out of the scene where they defeated the plant lady. My brain somehow jumped to “ah, maybe they orchestrated this, using some magic to make it happen and now cleaning up after themselves!”. So, using magic as a tool to make a narrative event happen? I’m probably reaching *lol*
Anyway, good episode! I think they’re managing an extended cast of main characters well :3
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novthewolf · 3 years
Camilo Madrigal x Insecure!Reader
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(Regardez moi cette bouille X3 Sorry, my french slipt out ^^”)
- Do you see ? Do you see that adorable face ?
- Well that’s Camilo face when he sees you !
- Honey, he would find you attractive with any body type.
- He shapeshift and he’s pansexual (personal hc)
- But since you two are just friend, he can’t exactly tell you how beautiful/handsome he thinks you looks.
- Howerver I think he wouldn’t take your form. Camilo don’t want to feel like he’s making fun of you.
- If you criticize your body while he is there, he will intervene immediately and tell you exactly the opposite.
- But, Camilo will be too scared to confess to you if he brags too much about your beauty.
- His cousin Isabela assures him that it would bring up your confidence and help you, and he knows that it’s just...
- He’s way too flustered. 
- But oops, one day the information just escapes his heart.
- “Y/N you are beautiful ! How can you think otherwise ? Oh and don’t tell me that no one will ever want you, because I’m not “no one”, thank you very much !”
- You give the young man a surprised look and he doesn’t get it.
- Just wait...
- Oh, and there you go : a blushing and stuttering mess !
- Proud Isabela and Felix noises in the background.
- Congratulations, now you’re dating ! I know, what a surprised.
- Camilo will make his duty of reminding you how beautiful he thinks you are.*
- He’s gonna kiss your insecurities away even !
- He’s gonna take time to talk with you about what you think is unattractive.
- Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles...
- If your insecurity is about your weight, Camilo is going to make sure you eat well (in case you decide to eat less).
- Don’t forget that he loves you, and that’s he’s not the only one.
- “Come on, smile preciosa(o)”
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grotesquegabby · 4 years
How have all of the clowns been? :3
also going to tag @post-itpenny cause they asked me the same question after you did uwu
alrighty lets get started lets start off with
Pierre: not so good, he is still unable to talk and no one is sure what he is up too uwu still under Dovevs hold
Honey: gotten real good at shapeshifting and wants to work on her illusions next. Shes been getting into some gaming with her sister and her food blog is very active. Shes been getting lots of comments from people who went to visit the places she did for the food she posted and its been giving those places more business too. uwu
Brie: Has been super into her animal crossing game. She loves to dress up and talk to all her villagers every single day. she feels bad if shes gone too long cause they notice. Her favorite is Stitches the bear hes so cute and cuddly, Honey even was able to find a plushie of him for her so she has that now uwu Shes also been feeling better in doing things for herself so shes learning and growing
Amaranthus: amazeballs. Shes a big sister now, WHAT! amazing. Plus shes got a new friend that she hasnt told anyone about but will most likely tell Ula and Atlas about cause hes so cool and tall. and Tove is growing thats exciting, he got little wings now! Plus Henry is able to visit more which is so good uwu
Billy: discussed business with his aunt. Has two wonderful children and a wonderful wife uwu He feels blessed and is so happy. He will always say it whenever anyone asks he never imagined his life would end up this way but hes so happy it did. He has been trying to get Maggie to get out more though she needs a break every once in a while. But he also understands she is feeling very protective.
Lennie: Gods hes...just so amazing. (- uwu-) He will say he is the luckiest clown to ever live. Hes got an amazing wife, and three amazing kids, amazing family and just ....life is good. Lennie is happy uwu
Henry: Hes going through the processes but hes met a man named Eugene who wants to adopt him. He seems very nice and friendly, definitely dad material. So good things are coming his way uwu
Tilde: Lives comfortably in her log cabin in the woods surrounded by wild flowers. Shes thinking of putting in a vegetable garden. Thinks itd be a nice idea, and growing herbs in the kitchen. uwu She still wants to run a zoo too shes been discussing it with Billy. He still is a bit weary around her and she doesnt blame him. She is patient uvu
Cecilio: Hes found himself a friend in Velvet and hes so happy. He loves making friends. Hes hoping they can spend some more time together, perhaps she could come to his house/car to visit x3 which sounds so odd but they are clowns so itll make sense. They could make some more traditional italian dishes together uwu
Calliope:  (- uwu-)~<3 She rather enjoys living at Cuckoos circus, its a vast change from her usual which is dark foreboding castles. Plus shes got her two babies who bring a lot of excitement and change too which is always good.  But her life is bliss, she feels safe and happy and knows that if Orfeo comes around that Cuckoo will NOT hesitate to smack a bitch own and neither will Zeta x3
Belinda: her family just keeps growing and she doesnt mind one bit uwu Pepper is such a good dad and always so considerate. She gives him lots of hugs and kisses, and cuddles. and even Benjamin seeing little Greta wants to help with the baby and hes still not done being baby himself. they grow up too fast shed say with tears in her eyes. Jeff and Bubbles she loves those two so much. I imagine she has a stash no one knows about that she will occassionally take form just the give the two of them something sweet to eat. shes aware everyone stashes sweets in the house but it feels nice giving sweets to people too uwu
Alex:  This guy had to deal with his dad recently. But hes in a much better mood and less tired. Fanny is happy that hes back and basically his old self again. Not really anything new with Alex. Except for the fact a certain very tall hatted being wants to speak with them. They havent spoken in a very long time.
I didint write for the little little ones for this ask cause wasnt sure if you wanted more updates for them as well cause I dont think too much has changed for them, But if you do I can always edit and add it in uwu
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Hey!! So I just read ur last post about the new opening and how it’s from Ruby’s point of view and I got me thinking. I don’t know if ur a Dragon Ball fan but in the battle of gods movie there’s this moment where Goku has to summon a hale marry of power. The first person he thinks of is his wife and then every one else. And ur post made me think that it would be so cool if Ruby did something similar and the first person she thought of was Oscar!!!!
Hey there Dark. While I do know of Dragon BallZ, I wouldn’t consider myself a fan of itsince I haven’t watched much of the series. However I do love the scenario youdescribed there, fam. Look, what this squiggle meister mostly would love to see out ofV7…y’know apart from actual Oscar-worthyonscreen development; is just more progression with theRosegarden friendship, possibly even hinting at a potential future romancebetween them. Your idea is making me think back to an old musing I shared onceupon a time where I described Oscar asbeing a fuel to Ruby’s spark. 
I alsoonce described a theory scenario where there was this really powerful Grimm---likean Alpha version of the Apathy---a Hecatonchire Grimm that swallowed every andeverything caught in its void of blackness. It got to a point where only Rubyand Oscar are the ones left standing while everyone else had disappeared. Oscaris on the verge of being consumed too, much to the horror of Ruby. Ruby istrying her best to summon forth her Silver Eyes but no matter how hard shetries she keeps failing. It isn’t until Oscar gives Ruby words of meaningful encouragementdid Ruby finally gain the motivation she needed to summon her light.
It’s only just an idea but it wouldbeen something cool to see done if turn canon, y’know what I mean? I would loveto see an idea like yours come true where Ruby thinks of all the people wholove her and Oscar is either the first person she thinks of or he’s the mostsignificant in some way.
I also have this headcanon where since both Ruby and Oscar share the light ofthe God of Light within them, Oscar’s light can actually amplify the effects ofRuby’s eyes in some way.
I’m not sure if you’re an ole schoolfan of Sakura Cardcaptors like this squigglemeister but in one of the later episodes, whenSakura needed to summon enough magic to transform the last two Clow Cards intoSakura Cards, she didn’t have enough power. So in the end Syaoran lent some ofhis power to Sakura in order for her to do it.
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So imagine something like that where Ruby has to take down a really, really powerfulGrimm but her light isn’t enough so Oscar gives some of his power to Ruby in orderto make her stronger. I mean the show has highlighted that the Wizards are ableto gift some of their magic to other beings as in the case of Isaac the Hermit who originally createdthe First Maidens from giving them his magic and later, we had Ozpin grant theBranwen Twins the ability to shapeshift into birds.
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Imagine if…at some point, when he’s become more experienced with using hismagic, Oscar gives some of hismagic---his light to Ruby which surprisinglystrengthens the effects of her eyes to miraculous degrees.
And the scene is represented by Oscarholding Ruby’s hand as his light flows into her, making hers stronger. 
Rosegardeners have been waiting for a Rosegarden handholding moment that’sromantically driven. Maybe that could be it as a possible concept. Who knows?X3
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that-shamrock-vibe · 5 years
Movie Review: Dark Phoenix (Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: I am posting this review the weekend after the movie is released worldwide, so if you haven’t yet seen the movie do not read on until you have or check out my non-spoiler review for a general overview.
Retelling Mistakes:
Alright so this is a Simon Kinberg movie first and an X-Men movie second, by which I mean I don’t think it should be judged as an X-Men movie before being judged as the brainchild of Simon Kinberg who is writer, producer and director of the movie.
Kinberg famously also wrote the script for X-Men: The Last Stand in 2006 which was the first cinematic attempt for him to tell the Dark Phoenix story. I want oit also to be noteworthy that The Last Stand is definitely a poorer movie in terms of story flow by trying to combine the Phoenix story with the Mutant Cure story and also for practically zero character development and an ending that felt as if the original trilogy fizzled.
However, despite Dark Phoenix being a slightly better movie overall than The Last Stand, it is almost as if Kinberg simply rehashed the same script but modified it to fit with the current group of characters who are somewhat different to those from the original trilogy.
Much like Mary Poppins Returns, Dark Phoenix has almost exactly the same scenes just told in a different way.
Starting with Jean in the mansion’s medical lab, just as she was after being found by Wolverine and Storm in X3. The only differences are Jean is there of her own accord after returning from seemingly absorbing a solar flare, Xavier and Logan aren’t examining her instead Hank is and the scene doesn’t end with a steamy romp on the table and instead Jean says she feels great and is dismissed.
Then there’s Jean’s home battle death in the first act. During X3 this is the scene almost immediately after the medical lab scene where Jean returns to her old home in a very fragile state. Xavier, Storm and Wolverine arrive to help Jean while Magneto and his new Brotherhood arrive to acquire her. It results in a couple of separate fights ending in Phoenix destroying Xavier.
In this movie though, Jean returns home and is hit with a bombshell about her past, leading the Phoenix to take over and be the sole combatant against the X-Men who arrive to help her. However, Mystique is the one who dies at the telekinetic hands of Phoenix via impalement rather than disintegration.
The ending scenes of the movie begin with shots of the X-Mansion before going on to Magneto playing chess. Here the shots are of the newly named Jean Grey School which go on to Xavier and Magneto playing chess in France while in X3 the shots of the mansion are of Storm welcoming new students and Magneto is later shown playing chess in the park.
It’s annoying when movies rehash the same scenes from popular movies but X3 is critically hated and mostly mocked by fans as potentially the worst X-Men movie aside from X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Also these scenes did not contribute to the original Dark Phoenix story and even to die-hard X-Men fans who remember these scenes from the animated series, you can’t help but compare to X3.
Alright so now my big grumble with the movie is over, I am going to be talking about these characters in order of importance for the movie and in part my favourites the franchise as a whole.
Jean Grey:
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Sophie Turner does a brilliant job here and is definitely the star of the movie, it could be argued Jean Grey has become the first X-Men character aside from Wolverine to get her own solo movie as “Dark Phoenix” is centric to her character.
But it is a fact that Sophie Turner did a fantastic job at brilliantly portraying the inner struggle that Jean had in this movie both physically and mentally. My favourite scene from her is probably when she is sat in the rain trying to scrub Mystique’s blood off while questioning her inner demon otherwise known as Phoenix as to why it made her do it. It was a short scene and if yo have seen it in the trailers you’ve pretty much seen it, but something about it in context works really well in the movie.
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Also Jean as a child was also rather well portrayed, again we have a scene with Jean as a child opening X3 but while that scene is rather played down and strictly about Jean demonstrating the extent of her powers at that age, this one shows that her powers were in fact instrumental in her childhood trauma as she supposedly was responsible for killing her parents while her powers protected her from the debris.
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This was of course proven later to only be partly true as her father somehow survived the accident while her mother didn’t, but then her father effectively disowned her and gave her to Xavier.
Either way Summer Fontana does an okay job at portraying young Jean as an almost three-dimensional child dealing with what she has dealt with and feeling she is broken despite Xavier claiming she isn’t.
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I really enjoyed seeing a better, more diverse, use of the Phoenix powers. Not only in the explanation that Jessica Chastain’s Vuk gave to the extent of the Phoenix power which felt very Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 with Ego’s demonstration of his powers, but also in the way that Jean took control of Xavier’s body and made him walk up the stairs.
It wasn’t just simply a case of Phoenix being able to make things disintegrate and float as opposed to how it was in X3. I also really loved the pink energy that Jean had when using the Phoenix powers. I know in the comics this is Jean’s standard colour for using her powers like Scarlet Witch is red and Polaris is green but they never established Jean’s powers using pink energy before and the almost pink fire that accompanied the Phoenix powers made for a rather nice effect.
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Jean’s relationship with Scott never felt as forced as I thought it would. It was pretty much the same set up as the Bruce/Natasha relationship in the MCU. I didn’t hate it there and I didn’t hate it here, I simply didn’t focus too much on it.
Although I will agree that in those early scenes at the mansion and that party that the way Jean was acting when with Scott was very Bella Swan from the hair to the almost socially awkward posture and movement.
However, I did love that the first official intimate moment between the two was after Jean was enhanced by the Phoenix which heightened all of her emotions, so you could say it was a three-way relationship at that point.
I did think the added development of her father being alive and Jean discovering that he had effectively disowned her added to her further decline to succumb to the Phoenix power.
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Also seeing a fully-powered Jean explored here was fun to watch. From seeing her fly to using her telekinesis to operate a helicopter and even when she was Phoenix and dismantled Magneto’s Helmet, all of it was an impressive display of power.
We all know the timeline is slightly screwed in this universe but we are supposed to believe that in 1975 Jean Grey is 8 years old and with the present day events here being set in 1992 that would make the character 25 years old...there is little to no age difference between Jean here and in Apocalypse maybe aside from hair and fashion and that was set in the 80s.
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I thought Jean’s sacrifice at the end was both obvious and poignant. Obvious because Jean is meant to die at the end of the Dark Phoenix story but poignant because it was quite an emotional sacrifice more so than in The Last Stand.
I loved the inferno of pink fire that surrounded Phoenix and later Vuk as Jean kills them both essentially, it made for a more interesting climax than just Jean standing there disintegrating everything.
Overall Sophie Turner was definitely the best thing about the movie, I do think she maybe could have been a little bit more diverse in her acting as mostly she delivered lines on the same monotonic level but other than that I have no complaints...except maybe wanting to see her in the Dark Phoenix costume.
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I will continue to say this, people do not give Nicholas Hoult enough credit as Hank McCoy/Beast.
Considering how he, McAvoy, Fassbender and J-Law are the only ones left from First Class, I think Hoult has played an under the radar performance but still one of notoriety.
I will say my only negative for this version of the character is I feel the way the fan-favourite character is portrayed is affected in the same way as Mystique has been portrayed in that the actors (Hoult and Lawrence) do not want to be in the blue make-up all the time and want to be able to be themselves for parts of the movie.
Now whereas Mystique can easily shapeshift and that is how they get away with that, to my knowledge once Beast’s mutation accelerated and turned McCoy into Beast, it was not irreversible in the comics but because of Hank’s serum he was able to shift between the two during Days of Future Past and Apocalypse.
Here though there didn’t really seem to be any explanation as to why he was able to shift so easily and rather than it being a case of a serum injection, it seemed to be more Hulk-like. I’m not complaining at seeing Nicholas Hoult in all his glory, but Beast being my favourite X-Man I want him to be treated with the respect he deserves.
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In the positives, I really liked seeing a darker side of Beast. But it wasn’t a straightforward Dark Beast as everyone believed it would be and simply Hank deciding that Xavier was not the answer in this situation and that Magneto was. I was fully on Beast’s side in this movie because not only did Jean accidentally murder his lover, but Xavier had such an incompetent attitude to the whole thing for fear of ruining their recent claim to fame that he had set aside the original morals he intended for the X-Men.
It is a testament to Hank’s morals though that after Xavier made his half-arsed apology that Beast decided to protect Jean because that is what Mystique would have done.
I am unsure how I feel about Beast now being the headmaster of the school, now called the Jean Grey School. I am all for the fact that Xavier decided to retire after the complete hash he made of “protecting his students” and I get that Hank is now the longest-serving member of the X-Men...but I do wish we had another movie to see him as a teacher/headteacher for me to decide fully.
I would like to see Beast in the MCU at some point either as Nicholas Hoult or Kelsey Grammar, but overall I just want Beast to return at some point as he is my favourite and I feel he needs more of a chance to shine.
Professor X:
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I am thrilled with this movie for showing the darker side of Xavier, the only problem is rather than hinting at his darker side as they did in The Last Stand, they went down a hubris egotistical route before even starting to hint at his darker side which made what he did to Jean seem more like it was feeding into his hubris than actually doing the wrong thing for what he believed to be the right reason.
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Also, as I said with Beast, Xavier simply came across as incompetent a lot in this movie and most of it seemed to be because he thought he was above reproach. When he agreed to send the X-Men into space to save those astronauts he was called out on his reason why by Mystique and yet played it off as him keeping the peace between humans and mutants so that they don’t go back to being hated.
When the team try and detain Jean, he is fine letting everyone put their lives at risk to try and stop her but when Beast has a taser ready to shoot, Xavier stops him and the cops in order for Mystique to talk her down which leads to her death...why not just let Beast taser her and then let Mystique talk to her back at the mansion?
Then when Hank and Xavier are having that talk, Xavier simply talks about how Mystique was in First Class rather than taking responsibility or apologising for not letting Beast take the shot, and even tries to turn it around on him for making him feel bad after burying his foster sister...bullshit!
I don’t know why or how the X-Men are suddenly public superheroes because Xavier was the one during First Class who stated that anonymity was their first line of defence and now the President has an X-Phone, it just seems like something the Avengers or Justice League would be but not the X-Men.
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Also I loved it when he got talked down by Storm and Nightcrawler, it was simply the last straw that he had lost the respect of his students and team.
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Don’t get me wrong, James McAvoy did a great job in the role as always, he like Hoult is one of those actors I will watch a film for regardless, but there was just something that didn’t feel as organic as the Xavier he had built up for the past 8 years.
I know McAvoy was filming Glass around the same time as this and you can tell because of the weight that he put on for the Beast role in that, but while McAvoy got the look of Xavier down with his fashion it was just something about the character’s motives that seemed really off.
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This was a straightforward character assassination for a great X-Men villain, particularly with what Rebecca Romijn did with the character in the original trilogy to have it being so desecrated in the 30-45 minutes that she is in here is such a shame.
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For one thing, she is never called Mystique once in this movie. Secondly, the make-up has gone from lizard-like to fancy dress. Third, as much as I liked Jennifer Lawrence’s delivery in this movie I detest the fact she died a hero, and that she was eulogised as “doing what she did best, dying trying to protect her friends”...
Mystique is a villain, she has moments of anti-heroism and her soft spots are often shown for her kids, but other than that she is manipulating, cold and calculated. She would definitely not die and be eulogised as “being the spirit of the X-Men”.
Also I say in the comics she has a soft-spot for her children, that’s great but in seven movies they have not established any familial connections between her, Rogue or Nightcrawler...despite many opportunities.
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I do have positives though, as I said I did like Jennifer Lawrence’s delivery. I thought her line about how it usually being the women saving the men and changing the team name to X-Women was a good line, even though Mystique, Storm and Jean are really the only female members of the team they’ve shown in the First Class trilogy but they are still the more interesting ones, aside from Quicksilver and Beast.
I also liked it when she suggested to Hank that they leave the X-Men and run away together. I understand why Hank said no but I do agree that if they had done so it would have saved both of them.
Her duration in this movie simply felt like J-Law waiting to be released from her contract, you could tell that from her opening delivery to Nightcrawler as she exasperatingly says “Yes Kurt, we’re going into space” and the scene when the other rocket explodes and Mystique looks like she’s waiting for the inferno to take her.
Overall I am saddened that this is how Mystique ends in the movie universe, but at least there is still some good takeaway from her in the movie.
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Could Magneto just pick a side and stick with it?! For one thing Genosha just seemed like a wilderness estate rather than a Mutant safe-haven. But while he was trying to be the peacekeeper here as soon as he hears of Mystique’s death he is right back into being a bad guy, but then a pep talk from Xavier and he is back being a good guy again.
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I wouldn’t mind but he berates Xavier by saying “you’re always sorry and there’s always a speech but it never matters”, yet after Xavier gives a speech in the train he is somehow won over.
I really enjoyed the display of his powers in the movie, as always. The fact he and Jean battled to control a helicopter and both actors didn’t oversell it or make it look memeable is a testament to them both.
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But I loved it in that street battle when he pulled up that underground train from the subway and managed to use it as a barricade between the building and the outside. Then later he equipped the SWAT agents’ guns in a full-on firing brigade against Vuk...yes it didn’t work but it was awesome.
I’m not too happy with where his story ended in this movie, the fact that he is now being Xavier’s saving grace seems a little bit against type for the character and also the fact he would either abandon Genosha or welcome his ethical enemy to Genosha just doesn’t sit right.
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I still enjoyed this version of Scott Summers than James Marsden’s performance, but I do agree that Cyclops’ visor really prohibits the actor wearing it from getting across much emotion in the scenes.
To be fair, Tye Sheridan does try and succeeds a lot here, but I still didn’t feel bad or empathetic for him most of the way through this movie.
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I think his optic blast power is one of the best the X-Men has both visually and from a power stand point, and I loved how the Blackbird has apparently become equipped with a blaster pod for Cyclops’ optic blast. I did want to see more of that but really Cyclops is the only member with that kind of power. Storm can easily carry out her powers regardless and the rest need to be within a certain distance.
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I felt myself very confused by Nightcrawler towards the end of this movie. When he tried saving that one SWAT agent whose son was a fan of his but was too late and so got angry, it just seemed very out of character to me.
Yes Nightcrawler has been involved in conflict in the comics but in the original trilogy he was very much the religious pacifist type of character. Going full demon could have been an interesting pathway for the character considering his father is Azazel, but literally slotting it in for five minutes of the final film does seem a bit like a throwaway plot point.
Also, despite it still being Kodi Smit-McPhee, I felt a lot of the freshness he brought to the character in Apocalypse was gone here, maybe because they didn’t show him as much but a lot of the humour from the last movie he had was gone here.
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Everyone is simply calling her Jessica Chastain and to be fair it makes no difference what you call her because she’s barely developed as is.
Firstly this massive mystery role of hers is revealed to be the leader of a D’Bari army who seek the Phoenix power that destroyed their homeworld to help them remake Earth into their new homeworld. That’s great, and the D’Bari were in the original Dark Phoenix saga story, but nothing else is done to make Vuk menacing or threatening or even interesting.
I don’t understand the stomach twisting power they seemed to have, because it seemed like the biggest threat these aliens offer is to give their victims the worst stomach cramps imaginable, but the most laughable trait of theirs was literally charging at Jean as the Phoenix during the end of the film...even Vuk did.
I’m not saying they were bad as villains, they certainly filled that role, but they didn’t offer anything new or threatening and they certainly didn’t exceed what Apocalypse did.
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Quicksilver was shelved in this movie. Not only was he in the movie all together for probably 3 minutes less than Mystique, but also they cut everything about him that made him such a likeable character in the previous two movies.
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The humour was barely there, there was no brilliant slow motion speed scene, they still didn’t establish the relationship between him and Magneto despite Apocalypse seemingly teasing it would be explored. I know he got injured during the confrontation between the X-Men and Jean but to not even be mentioned for the rest of the movie except for a 5 second appearance right at the end?
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I will give Storm credit for being the only character in this movie to be called by their moniker, but Storm is only called by her moniker. Mystique calls Cyclops, Nightcrawler and Quicksilver Scott, Kurt and Peter on mission but also calls Storm Storm. Why not Ororo?
Also her powerset, particularly with Alexandra Shipp, seem very limited. The younger version of Storm only really seems to produce lightning and electrical attacks with the occasional heavy breeze. Here though she seems to also produce ice cubes for parties...because that’s a good use for one of the strongest X-Men?
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I am unsure about the future of the X-Men now, while I cannot wait to see what the MCU does with them, Feige has stated that it won’t happen for a while at least.
I am hoping they start drip-feeding them in soon, say with Storm in Black Panther II and maybe Professor X in Doctor Strange II if they introduce the Illuminati.
I have loved these past 19 years of X-Men movies, yes there have been bumps in the road but it is a great comfort to watch and I don’t ever feel like they’re a guilty pleasure.
Overall I rate this movie a 7/10, it’s not an offensive movie like X-Men Origins or The Last Stand but it isn’t as strong as X2, First Class or Days of Future Past. I would still love to see a faithful Dark Phoenix saga movie maybe over the course of a couple of movies rather than just rammed into the one but I cannot really mark it down too much because it gave me the nostalgia I have whenever I watch an X-Men movie.
So that’s my review of Dark Phoenix, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Marvel Movie Reviews as well as other movie reviews and posts.
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Here is my very late brief next Gen IT/PT kids. I’ll make a more in-depth one on a later date. I also don’t have any names quite yet cause I suck at names
Yu x Rise? They are not actually together but if asked they like to say it's complicated. They are however living together. Their son ends up being a very outgoing and sarcastic little shit.  He love’s to cause trouble and will use his shifting abilities to do so. 
Yosuke’s Daughter  He found her living off on her own after her family was murdered. He felt bad for her and took her in. He also may have taken her in cause she reminded him a lot of his old partner. She was also a shapeshifter and didn’t really show much emotion at first but as she warmed up to him. She revealed to be very caring and passionate about the things she loved.
Chie X Yukiko They have an adoptive daughter who is even elegant and girly. But she is not afraid to kick someone's ass if she has to. One of her famous lines to say is “I may be wearing a dress but that doesn’t mean I won’t still kick your ass.”
Kanji x Naoto  They have a very shy but very smart son. He is very socially awkward but also isn’t afraid to put someone in their place if he has too. He also has a love for more feminine outfits. His sarcasm/comments/jokes can be a bit on the murderous side at times. Though it’s unsure if he is aware of this or not.
Morgana x Ann They have a very outgoing and self-confident daughter. She ends up getting herself into a lot of trouble due to not really wanting to admit when she's wrong. Despite this she is actually very kind-hearted and always tries to fight for another person than herself. 
Akira/Ren X Mishima  They adopt a homeless boy and the cat he was trying to protect from bullies. His parents had been killed in a car crash at a very young age but not wanting to be taken in by strangers he ran away. (He ran away from them four times before he finally accepted them as his parents.) He very headstrong and is not afraid to play dirty to get what he wants. He still has a strong sense of justice and knows exactly what he’s fighting for and why.    
Ruyji and Yusuke (even though @foxinasmock plays this Yusuke's AU from time to time I decided to put this up still ^^; Hopefully they don’t mind) They end up adopting a little girl who ends up being very strong-willed and stubborn. She is very passionate about everything she does and doesn’t take well to being told no. She has been trying to change her behavior to be more accepting of her own faults.
Makoto X Haru  They adopt a very kind and loving son. He is very sweet and very charming. He, however, doesn’t like to use his charms to trick or deceive people as he sees it as an evil thing to do. Despite his charms, he is very nieve about a lot of romantic things 
Mattie X Fang  They have twin boys. They both are practically identical to each other. They only way to tell them apart is by personality. One of them is very outgoing and hotheaded while the other twin his very shy and is selectively mute with everyone but his twin.
Tags this two @garudynekunai and @inabaslasthope as they had liked my post about wanting to join in on the fun so I figured you guys would wanna see this x3
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feynites · 7 years
(1/2) omg I have to tell you that I just came across your tumblr post about "Evil Chancellor Traytor" & it made me laugh so hard and reminded me so much of my own childhood in which me & my sister had all kinds of elaborate characters for our society of toys (including one of my mom's old Barbies from the 60's whose hands had been chewed by mice in my grandmother's attic) & my little brother also used to follow our stories-anyway the point is! What you wrote was hilarious & I would totally...
(2/2) ... read more tales from your society of childhood toys! It was hilarious and awesome! Also you seem really cool! Ok that is all! :)
Thank you!! X3
Having siblings you get along with seems to be a real boon on this front, it seems - lots of energy to bounce off of, and someone to consistently share and re-tell all the stories with. 
We played a ton of games, although probably none as easily summarized in an entertaining short story as Evil Chancellor Traytor. But. Lemme see... uhm... oh! Okay, we can try the story of the king who was friends with him. King Bazooka.
To begin, we’ll need context. One of the major sources of toys when my siblings and I were a bit younger was the local convenience store (which my dad ran... into the ground). But, while it was around, it had a selection of cheap plastic action figures. Which we could acquire at-cost, and so, we had plenty of them ourselves. This is where we got our cheap Power Rangers knock-off toys (one of which would eventually become the king mentioned in Traytor’s story).
For reference, they looked like this:
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There were a few basic models, all of them very ripped, in a variety of colours ranging from the above yellow and red, to blue and pink and white and black and so on and so forth. Their limbs could move and their knees could bend, and their feet and hands could also be rearranged to some extent (I think, maybe not the hands) but they weren’t exactly durable, so their limbs popped off pretty regularly.
Anyway, we had a veritable army of these toys, but also something of a problem with them at first. See, my sister and I were both girls, but none of the models for these toys came with the usual, y’know, curvy boob-and-hips figure that would typically denote them as women. There were pink ones, and of course we were well familiar with the concept that pink = girl, but the pink Ranger Warriors were also savagely ripped. But we didn’t want to have an army of all boys, how would we apply our usual range of soap opera cliches? Who would get unexpectedly pregnant or engaged? In space?
The solution came by way of a library book about female body building, that I had semi-recently discovered and quickly recollected. I, in all my worldly older sister glory, asserted that these toys were totally capable of being women, they were just really muscular women. Skepticism was expressed by my younger brother and sister. The Book was called for. A magazine was acquired instead. Images were found of ripped lady body builders, and scrutinized for accuracy.
Skepticism was retracted. It was agreed that this solution worked, and that, in the tradition set before us by the Power Rangers television show, all pink and yellow versions of the toys (and any others we considered suitably effeminate for some reason or another, but definitely those ones) were The Girl Ones. Dilemma resolved, we immediately set about playing with them, of course, and constructing stories around them and incorporating them into our existing populace of toys. We discovered some neat stuff about these action figures. One was that their hands could hold onto stuff pretty well, and were quite suited to dangling them off of lines and chords and the attachments for blinds and tying them to strings and whipping them around like helicopters. ‘Space exploration’ required a lot of this. Of course, this also meant that our most intrepid heroes tended to be the ones who suffered injuries like ‘lost thumb’, and ‘severed limb’, and ‘complete dismemberment’. 
Most of the time, though, when something broke, it could be popped back into place. Thumbs, torsos, and heads were the general exception to this, I seem to recall. But every so often the ball that locked into the socket for a limb’s joint would also break, rather than just popping loose, and then the only hope was glue (which would reattach the limb, but also result in ‘mobility issues’ where it couldn’t move around at all).
So... in essence, we had an army of space-faring disabled gender non-conforming lady bodybuilders, and their brothers/husbands/boyfriends/etc, protecting the universe. We developed ridiculously deep attachments to some of these toys, with all their wonky limbs and wobbly knees and scratched paint, and we’d do our best to keep them away from the dog (but the dog didn’t go for them too often, because the plastic was too hard), and also any adults who might throw them away.
Eventually, though, the convenience store closed, and we no longer had easy access to new Ranger Warriors, or even the option of replacing ones who got too damaged to keep playing with. So my sister and I determined that it was time for our space adventurers to retire. No more whipping them down staircases or tying them to fan blades. They became Space Veterans, who would walk among the populace of other toys, and recount gruesome war stories and endure PTSD flashbacks and sometimes sit outside the tavern, drinking and looking up at the stars. Wistful, but by and large also resigned to the fact that their space exploration days were done, and they had other things to do. Quieter lives to get on with.
All but one.
See, each Ranger Warrior was named after some kind of weapon. Names ranged from the creatively-dubbed ‘Gun’, to stuff like ‘Scythe’ or ‘Artillery’. The last Ranger Warrior we got before the store went under was a red and silver one, and by then most of the standard names were taken, so we dubbed him ‘Bazooka’. With a name like that, it was possibly inevitable that he was kind of an over-dramatic hothead.
But Bazooka had no battle scars, no lost or broken limbs. He had barely gotten a chance to fight in the Space Wars before his unit was recalled, and the peace treaties were signed. His older sister had a medal of Highest Honours, and had lost mobility in both of her arms, and could tell tall tales about the days when her unit would wade through alien wilds on daring missions. Bazooka was still pretty fresh. Signing up was supposed to be his chance for glory, his chance to prove himself! But instead, he had been washed out with all the old-timers, too.
Even though our space heroes might have retired, though, not all of their enemies did. One of the treaties signed granted an embassy to the Happy Meal Barbies. Twin sisters, forever rooted in place against plastic stands, with eerily off-model eyes. One of them had a bicycle prop, but neither of them could actually move off of their stands, because they were actually alien shapeshifters who had... misunderstood some images of humans, before they ‘locked in’ their final forms and found themselves stuck with them. So one just had this bike, fused to her, that she never rode, and that was technically part of her body. The other I don’t recollect as vividly.
Anyway, they were evil, like genuinely to the bone evil, but also sometimes sympathetic because one of them was part bike. And so of course when the dog claimed the old king, they hatched a scheme to become the Queens of Action Figure Dystopia.
The details of that particular adventure are lost to the sands of time. What is known, though, is that it involved a lot of hexes, and a giant purple marble called The Esper, and when all was said and done the twins only managed to be queens for a short period of time before they were overthrown. In a scene ripped straight from The Transformers Movie (the old cartoon one, not the Michael Bay stuff that was nowhere to be seen yet), Bazooka touched The Esper and ended up becoming the next king by way of ancient whatsits and magical such-and-such, regardless of his appalling lack of actual qualifications. All hail the new king!
He sucked at it. For a long time. The theme of ‘Bazooka has no goddamn idea what he’s doing’ was a pretty substantial one, in my memory, but it probably only lasted for a few days before he started getting his shit in gear and tried to solve problems with methods that did not require explosives. And he earned the friendship of his Evil Chancellor, who he would come to trust above all others and would not stand to hear besmirched (of course, to most other people’s eyes, this just looked like a resilient strain of his incompetence, and general opinion was that Bazooka was well-meaning-but-dim, and Evil Chancellor Traytor was... well... evil).
By the time Traytor died, Bazooka was among the last of the remaining Ranger Warriors. Many had been thrown out by then, culled in an effort to curtail our childish messes because, of course, nearly all of them were visibly broken in some way. Others had been misplaced or destroyed in any number of ways. Bazooka’s sister was long gone, and so were my two favourites, and pretty much it was just down to the king, who had grown weary even if his parts still moved and his armour was unscratched. The deaths of so many of his friends and loved ones weighed upon him. In his way, he had always been separate from them, always straddled a divide as someone not quite a veteran, not quite a hero, not quite a politician. He never really achieved any of the greatness he sought. Only the wisdom to realize that this greatness had probably never existed in the first place.
When he buried himself in Traytor’s name, it was, in many respects, the final chapter of the space heroes’ saga. In the end, few of them met happy fates. But while they were around, they witnessed the cosmos from the edge of spinning fan blades, and got possessed by alien brain worms who made them try to drown their best friends in the kitchen sink, and found out that they were secretly half snake alien and had mental breakdowns over it, and maintained orbital facilities in obscure parts of space where the only company they had for months at a time was the voice on the other side of a quantum transmission, and even became royalty (a few times).
So, as a toy’s existence might go, none of them did too badly, either.
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dj-veteran-child · 7 years
(Imma cheat and send two, but) Rayen and Balzedoc
Thank you! x3 I already did one for Balzedoch, so I’ll Rayen’s!
Full Name: Rayen ChromlatuerGender and Sexuality: Male (cis), pansexualPronouns: He/HimEthnicity/Species: Ethinian, East EzaiyenBirthplace and Birthdate: Birthplace is unknown. Birthdate is undetermined... can you tell I don’t find it very important? You just need to know he’s old as fuck, since he’s well, immortal.Guilty Pleasures: Knitting cute things for Zandel. Actually, no, he doesn’t feel guilt for that at all. Phobias: Being forgottenWhat They Would Be Famous For: Rayen’s done a lot of amazing things, such as cured deadly diseases, invented new spells, created a whole new race of sentient creatures, fused a god with a mortal soul... but I guess he’d be most (in)famous for accidentally causing the end of the universeWhat They Would Get Arrested For: Releasing all the penguins from the zooOC You Ship Them With: Zandel. It’s a constant on and off thing. OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Zandel. Though he refuses to. Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Rayen is a sucker for a good mystery story that he can’t predict what will happen... that’s a rare thing to come across, however.Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Can’t think of one, honestly. Rayen can find amusement in just about anything.Talents and/or Powers: Rayen is a very powerful mage, only made more so by the fact that he’s immortal and has plenty of time to hone his power and get stronger. He’s adept at one of the most dangerous areas of magic, which is shapeshifting. Other than magic, he has picked up many other skills over his long lifetime, mostly because he loves to learn and is terrified of letting his mind stagnate. He’s learned many different languages and some bizarre skills over the years. Why Someone Might Love Them: Rayen is extremely devoted to those he loves, to the point he will neglect himself if he feels they deserve his undivided attention. But even to common people he randomly meets, he will often at least try to help them. He believe he knows what is best for everyone and won’t hesitate to let others know what he thinks. Why Someone Might Hate Them: Because Rayen is so open about enforcing his views, he can definitely be seen as condescending. He’s extremely stubborn as well, never taking no for an answer and constantly pushing what he thinks is the correct way to go about things. And if he ends up not deeming you worth his time, he will easily disregard you and let you know perfectly well he has more important things to do. How They Change: Rayen starts as idealistic and wanting to better the universe, however he changes for the worse when he strays from that path and becomes envious of the Gods for having stolen Zandel’s attention. From then on most things he does are simply to get Zandel to notice him again, even if the things he does are really pretty awful and destructive...Why You Love Them: Honestly, I love the two-sidedness of Rayen’s nature. He loves and he cares so deeply but it’s to a fault, where he tries to control everything in his power to make sure things go exactly how he wants, but even as powerful as he is most things are outside of his control. He would never want anyone to see how passionate he is, yet everything he does is pretty much fueled by it. I just think he’s really fun and interesting to work on.
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sarkysart · 7 years
Hey there! I'm kinda new to your blog, but I feel in love with it lmao. And, I was interested- What are Pip's abilities? It's always intrigued me X3 Also, hope you're having a great day :D
Hehe thank you so much!! ;w; Unfortunately I can’t say I’m having a great day, got ill with a stomach bug but other than that I’m alright :’3
Well so, where to begin... 
Pip has fast regenerative powers. Although being able to survive any deadly injury, pain is not excluded from this trait. Of all the possible ways he’s “died”, drowning is his least favourite. “It’s very traumatic.” he says.  It’s not much of actual death, it’s more like a dormant state until his body “reboots” itself.
Most demons have basic shapeshifting abilities, the most notable ones being the ability to turn human, turn into a feral form, or change their size. Pip has a more advanced level of shapeshifting, being able to turn into different animals or different people, this includes voice changing as well. Although very convincing, there is always something about his disguises that may seem suspicious; his eyes and his sharp teeth don’t change a lot.
Like most demons, Pip possesses superhuman strength.
Another little ability he has mostly used for stealth and swift entrances/escapes, he’s able to dash through in the form of smoke and embers giving him temporal invisibility.
Oh yeah, his tail works as a spear. Just think of the Xenomorphs from the Alien series.
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grotesquegabby · 6 years
🏰 Belinda
Apparently my computer decided to refresh the page without my say so...so I lost everything I wrote originally x3 but I can start over you got line 95~ uwu this may be a little sad but I hope you enjoy it none the less.
Vespers and Maggie were invited over to Belinda’s. She hadn’t seen either of them in quite a while. 
“ooh your hair is so long Maggie dear, may I braid it please?” Belinda was sitting as she looked up at Maggie with a smile. Maggie blushed a little and nodded, taking a seat, “Sure.” Belinda got straight to work. Vespers took a seat and poured himself some coffee. Belinda had everything set up at the little table. Tea, coffee, cakes and sandwiches. “I heard a lot has happened. But I’m glad to see you two are alright. I don’t know if I can say the same for others though..” She sighed a bit sadly. 
“I assume you heard about the whole Ryder thing?” asked Maggie. Belinda made a noise of acknowledgement and sighed, “Yes and he sounds just awful. I don’t want him near anyone at all. Pepper has been doing his best to keep me out of that situation.” To get the subject onto something lighter it was switched over to baby talk. Vespers was on his third cup of coffee, “Thought of any names?” Belinda nodded with a smile, “Oh yes, I really like Paprika. I know it’s a spice but I thought it would be cute for a little girl since I’m sure the little ones are going to have their fathers hair. And well...it’s just really cute. Or maybe Benjamin if it’s a boy. hmmm...” Maggie felt Belinda was finished with her hair and looked at it, “Woah! I didn’t know you could braid like this, it’s so pretty thank you Belinda!” “You are welcome Maggie.” Belinda sipped some tea. “Something on your mind Belinda?” asked Vespers. “I just wonder what the baby will look like when they are born. I’ll love them no matter what. I just hope they love themselves as much as I’ll love them.” Maggie frowned, “What do you mean? I’m sure they will, is there some reason they won’t.” Belinda pursed her lips in thought, “Well.....I wasn’t...still I’m not very fond of my true form. So I worry that somehow my children may be born with that same dislike for themselves. I know it’s silly to think about.” She set her cup down, “You know, when...I was a kid. I would have given anything to be exactly like everybody else. I longed to be human, I hate being...and looking like a monster. thank goodness for shapeshifting.” She laughed a little sadly, “I apologize for getting into that. I’m such a downer.” Maggie frowned and pulled her in for a hug, “No you’re not. You are the happiest person I know, it’s alright to feel that way Belinda.” “Is it really though?” asked Belinda. With a sigh she stood up, “You know what we need more of....” She looked down, “Coffee, goodness. Vespers you really like Coffee.” Vespers shrugged with a smile, “Yeah keeps me going.” “well I’ll go make some more.” 
When she came back they changed the subject again to a much happier one. What is she hoping to do once the baby is born. 
Apparently do dance classes again~.
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