#I love him but oh my god my heart is going to implode
septic-salad · 10 months
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vampireloverz · 10 months
thought abt god of war again and almost burst into tears
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writingsbyzuzu · 7 days
ok you asked for requests and I have a really boring one
but being roommates with Schlatt or Ted, where you’ve always been kinda flirty. And one day it just implodes??? hope that makes sense
oh you were cooking with that one sweet anon, it’s a classic
and I of course, had to use my favorite tropes for my favorite trope
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You had had enough of the chasing game.
Ever since you answered Schlatt’s ad for a roommate last year, you had been practically love struck. He was charming, at moments sweet, and had a hilarious wit that left you bent over with laughter constantly. Who could blame you for all but falling for the man, especially when it seems he was reciprocating some feelings.
Subtle touches to your waist, praises to how your new haircut looked or your makeup that day, leaning in to murmur in your ear at parties. Hell, he’d even brag about how he was special because you lived with him. Maybe it was delusion, but you really thought he felt something back.
Until two nights ago. The two of you were watching a movie, and the main romantic lead kissed the damsel, when something slipped out of your mouth.
“God I wish that were me.”
Schlatt looked at you curiously from the corner of his eyes, taking a sip of his beer. “What? Getting kissed by that actor or getting kissed?”
“Either. It’s been a long time since I’ve been kissed,” you chuckle, turning to look at him. He grabs the remote and pauses it, before shifting himself to face you. “I find this very difficult to believe,” he says, snorting and taking another sip of beer.
“No really. I think the last time was my ex, and that was like, five or six months ago. I’m not exactly in high demand.”
Schlatt shifts forward, putting down his beer on the coffee table. His amused expression shifts to one of softness. “I wouldn’t know about that.” He looks intently into your eyes, before his gaze shifts to your mouth, then back to your mouth. “Oh?” you whisper. He leans in, and you do too.
But your lips don’t meet- Schlatt stops himself.
“I’m sorry,” he says, shifting back. “We shouldn’t,” he mumbles. The disappointment settles in your heart and in your stomach, giving you a queasy feeling. “Oh,” you repeat, but the emotion has shifted. You stand up, brush your palms on your jeans. “Understood,” you whisper, heading to your room.
It had been a week, and you had avoided him since. He tried to talk to you, but you had honestly felt embarrassed. Clearly you mistook his intentions, a symptom of being chronically single for these past few months. Your friend had offered graciously to set you up on a blind date after you had regaled her your romantic roommate woes.
You had put on your hottest little black dress, done your hair just right, and you couldn’t lie, you looked damn sexy. This is just what you needed. You grab your bag and throw your keys in, exiting your room and shuffle to the front door, putting on your shoes.
As you approach the front door, you hear a low whistle. “Damn doll, where you planning to go in that?”
You turn around to see Schlatt leaning against the living room wall. “I’ve been hoping to see you all week, and I have to admit, it was worth the wait,” he smirks.
“I’m going on a date. You were right, turns out, I am in high demand,” you plaster the fakest smile at him before turning back around to open the door. Before you can, his hand is above your head, shutting it. “Toots, when I said that, I was talking about me.”
You laugh sarcastically, turning back around for a third time. “Oh please. You sure as shit didn’t seem interested last week when you wouldn’t kiss me.”
He falters for a moment, and you take the opportunity to reach for the doorknob, but Schlatt moves faster than that. He puts his hand on top of yours. “It wasn’t like that.” You roll your eyes. “Oh please, save it. I’m going to go out with a guy who wouldn’t be scared or embarrassed to kiss me.”
Schlatt raises a brow. “No. Fucking forget that guy, toots. It wasn’t fucking like that.”
“Oh, really?” You squint up at him, and he groans, before moving both his hands to your face and kisses you.
You lean into it, surprised but happy. He pulls away. “I wanted to kiss you, but I was worried you were just kissing me because you just wanted to be kissed. I mean. I didn’t want to make it awkward.”
“I do want to be kissed. By you, idiot.”
Schlatt grins. “Good, because I wanted to kiss you.”
“Then kiss me again, fucker.”
Schlatt doesn’t hesitate again.
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bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
Happy Monday wonderful fandom :) This episode. It doesn’t need much of an intro. I remember just being so excited I couldn’t stand it ha (how I'll be in 36 days for the premiere) I had to wait an extra day cause I have Hulu and not live cable. This one is just amazing from start to finish. Once again did my best to get everything in within the limits of tumblr. 30 is just never enough especially in this season ha Off we go.
5x10 The List
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Our babies get the cold open as they should this is basically their episode. They deserve the open and what a cold open it is. I can’t get over how much I love them both emptying out their closets. I wanna break this down with Tim first then Lucy. Our boy is SO SO nervous it’s so cute I cannot stand it. He wants to look good for Lucy and I wanna squee so hard at that. He’s trying so hard for her and my heart is gonna implode.
My fav for him personally was the black shirt cause god damn he looked delectable in it. But they’re all fine af on him. Man is a delicious treat we all get to enjoy with our eyes. The way he stretches out his arms each time trying to calm his nerves. It’s so cute. Loved them showing how very nervous they both were. Be still my heart.
Let’s move to Lucy. She of course is just as nervous as Tim. It’s precious. I also adore the nod to previous moments for them as she looks at her dresses. The ones from wonderful moments such as 4x12 and 4x18. Lucy looking at them and rolling her eyes. Having just as much of a struggle as Tim. Saw a good parallel between this and Bailey with her first date with John. Wanting to look hot but not too hot. Ha She nails that BTW When she finally lands on her final choice.
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Tim is nervous and uncertain so what does he do? He calls Lucy. Because he doesn’t know what to wear to this. What does one wear when they’re in love with their best friend and going on their first date? So he defaults to calling his best friend about his problem. It just so happens he’s also going to be on a date with said best friend. hehe I love them so much I might die haha
Lucy sees Tim calling and immediately picks up. Makes me happy how open and honest they are right off the bat. Tim knows she isn’t ready because he isn’t ready. Just knows her so damn well. Lucy asking if he’s ready? The cute panic in his voice when he says ‘No!’ Oh my lord I cannot. Eric crushed that line. His panic continuing through asking her if this place has a dress code?
Lucy deciding messing with him is more fun than helping him. Saying he could wear cargo shorts if he wanted….Tim believing her for a moment. Then realizing what she’s doing. Calling her out for it. He is all smiles when he does though. My goodness this man is happy. So very nice to see. I love his Lucy smile it does things to me. Lucy rolls her eyes but is beaming just as much at his reply. This scene is them being love struck idiots and I’m here for it.
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He couldn’t be cuter asking her what she’s wearing? Trying his best to match up. Lucy tells him she has a lot of outfits she knows she isn’t going to wear. LOL Tim reminding her about traffic is the most married thing. Doesn’t want her to be late. To their first date. Which is beyond adorable in itself. They’re both so excited I’m feeling their excitement as they get ready.
Lucy says it’s silly she knows. She just needs to make a decision. Then decides to go with the iconic green dress from 3x14. Tim knows exactly what dress that is when she mentions it. The man is legit beaming when she says that's her pick. Have we ever seen this man this happy? The answer is no LOL
He is so damn excited they’re doing this. Her picking the dress means it’s really happening. Lucy tells him it’s decided then looks in the mirror and says ‘No…’ I was rolling so hard. Melissa and Eric CRUSHED this scene. Hell this entire episode really. Cracks me up she changed her mind last minute but it’s a damn good change up as we will see below.
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The awkwardness that is them begins at the restaurant. Talking about bread and the assortment being good. LMFAO What are you guys doing? It’s so funny to see Tim being so incredibly not smooth. He could not be more obvious in checking her out above. Man likes what he see’s and isn’t being subtle about it at all. Elevator gaze and no shame in the game as he does.
Lucy’s little shimmy. I’m dying. She’s very glad she decided to change from the green dress. As she should my god what a bombshell she is in that outfit. Holy hell. She nailed it. Shows off her body, plunging neckline, with the perfect necklace, and just enough cleavage she got Tim checking her out shamelessly.
Lucy came to play with this dress. She knew exactly what she was doing when she picked that whole outfit out. I think she’s very excited he’s checking her out. There’s a look of pride on her face above. Lucy knew she was driving him wild and was feeling pretty damn powerful in this moment. She has Tim Bradford panting after her. So she should be feeling as such. Well done my friend haha
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Let's not over look Tim looking fine af too. I see you Tim. Mighty delicious. You know him looking hot as hell is part of Lucy's nerves as well. He dressed that way for her. So you know that's making her feel some things. They try and do some small talk and it’s quite painful tbh lmao. No one does awkward better than Eric and Melissa though. Talking about what they ordered for dinner. It's so awkward but I love it so much at the same time. Why you ask?
Because this means so much to the both of them. Neither of them want to mess it up or say the wrong thing. So they’re radiating nervous jitters. Which is adorable. Lucy answers his question that she ordered the sea bass. Tim continuing the small talk train replying he almost ordered the sea-bass.... Lucy’s reply ‘Oh, cool…’ Is it though? LOL I’m rolling at how stilted this whole conversation is. Not like them at all.
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Lucy points out the awkwardness between them because she can’t not. Asking him why this is so weird? Poor Tim the panic and gulping he does when she says this. We see his eyes bulge a little too. He’s so worried she’s going to want to bail on this now. That she is regretting doing this at all. He wants this to work so badly. He’s afraid he’s messed this up already. My poor love. He is so nervous that it spills into his next comment. Awkward Tim is hilariously adorable.
He instantly regrets saying ‘Naked time.’ the minute it leaves his beautiful lips. You can see it written all over his face. Being as smooth as crunchy peanut butter my love... He has sex on the brain because of that outfit. Hence his comment. She looks so beautiful his brain is actually melting LOL Lucy is smiling so hard at his nervousness though. She loves her goober so much. Lucy knows how he is feeling what she is. So she doesn’t give him too much crap for the comment but her face and reply say it all for her haha
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Lucy decides this is the time for them to have convo about expectations. I commend her for sharing this right away. It was good for her to set this boundary early on. These two are one massive boiling cauldron of UST ready to overflow. It was an important tone for her set for them. Lucy is just wanting them to date first. See what it is like to be a couple before entering into the physical part of this all. This really was a smart move on her part IMO.
We all love the sexy times and we get lots of it this season. But it was important they took their time like they did. Just like I was glad they didn’t get together in 5x01. I was glad they didn't rush this either. Delayed gratification is a beautiful thing. I LOVE how Tim is staring so lovingly at her as she says all this. That man would’ve done ANYTHING she wanted in this moment. Absolutely anything. He could not be more in love with her if he tried. Look at that man above as she speaks.
Looking like she hung the moon and stars. He would do whatever it is she wanted. Because he’s so gone for her. Lucy could’ve asked for the world and he would've delivered just simply because she asked. There is no hesitation or regret on his face. He is truly listening and wanting to do whatever she is comfortable with. Eric just crushing it out here with his facial expressions. He would give her whatever she wants whenever she wants it. That’s what his face is screaming to me In this moment. She has him hook, line and sinker.
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Tim hears the back door open and looks up. Lucy sees the panic on his face and gives him crap for it. Asking if he’s worried someone from station will see them? Tim shrugs it off and says 'What are the chances? ' A fight breaks out in the kitchen and Lucy seems worried about it. Tim tries to play it off not wanting it to interrupt their date.
He just wants this date to go well so badly. Doesn’t want whatever this is to get in the way. Sadly it doesn’t go their way and the employees end up fighting and knife is drawn. Unfortunately the cops are called and their dinner is ruined. Lucy making the comment ‘What are the chances someone from the station walks in now?’ HA
They both look so sad and exasperated their date was ruined like this. All they wanted was to enjoy a meal together. Figure this whole thing out while they did so. AMAZING cold open for them though holy hell. Excellent way to open up this episode for them. Lots of goodness in it. I knew we were in for quite a ride from getting all that in the open alone.
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The next morning they could not be more suspicious or obvious if they tried. Trying to figure out how to explain their presence in the police report. This whole scene is hilarious. It’s like they don’t know the entire station doesn’t suspect something to begin with…Trying so hard not to stand super close to each other while they figure this out. They’re so bad at hiding this it’s insane. So good at their jobs so very bad at this. I love Lucy just wanting to be open and honest about them. Chris had to drag every single moment out of her for months. Was like pulling teeth. Half a date with Tim she’s ready to shout it from the rooftops.
*sigh* I love this sfm. Tim warns her the dangers of them doing that this early on. He’s not wrong about Smitty LMFAO. It’s so true. Lucy’s brain kicks into gear saying could’ve been doing a UC OP. Tim getting excited by her brain. They start flirting while figuring this out. Their chemistry just coming off them in waves. The back and forth banter as they work out the details. The irony of them being all smiles and flirty while trying to hide their date. I cannot with these two dorks. Tim is beaming with love and pride by the time they’re done plotting.
Once again so bad at hiding your feelings and or relationship you two so bad…I saw a funny post saying this scene was a 'How to on not being good at hiding your secret relationship. ' LMAO YEP. John arriving and Lucy just going off about their OP without him even asking. I’m dying so much it’s hilarious. Tim going into protect Lucy mode when John is confused is everything. Telling Nolan decisively 'Nothing.' When he questions what they're talking about? Mmm tell him babe. Doesn’t want Nolan on their trail whatsoever. Good thing it was John though cause dude didn’t notice at all. He is a space cadet so they dodge a bullet.
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They get called into Grey’s office for a heart attack basically. The way he starts off you think he is talking about them. The absolute panic on both of their faces. Especially Tim’s oh my lord. I love how Tim goes to reach out to comfort Lucy and has to stop himself. Now does Grey know at this point? I mean yeah probably.
I know lots of people think Grey was being a troll in this moment. Poking at them and knowing for sure when he had this talk with them. To gauge their reactions. I mean they are showing their cards like crazy in this scene. Their reactions alone are enough to solidify what I’m sure Grey suspects.
Luckily he says he’s just talking about Celia and Aaron. We watch them both relax and deflate their anxiety a bit. So happy Grey isn’t talking about them in this moment. He asks them if they’ll go and talk about this with them? Doesn’t want Celina to get off track in her rookie year. That Aaron is just out of long sleeves. They’re both so relieved they just say yes LMAO They would've agreed to anything to get out of his office at that point.
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Tim holding the door for her my damn heart. Chivalry isn't dead with that man and I love it. There was a BTS post on how Eric wanted Tim to do that for her. Because well Tim Bradford and all that. It's just who he is. Of course he would hold the door for his girl. This next scene is pure married energy. Tim dreading having to have this conversation with Aaron. The last thing he wants to be doing but doesn't have a choice now that he's agreed HA
Lucy feeling it’s hypocritical if she tells Celina not to. Then realizes she can use Nolan to her advantage LMAO Smart woman being smart. Tim calls her out for cheating haha Or is she just being strategic Timothy? Lucy leaves him in the dust before he can pout any further with her. Tim being the exasperated husband as she walks away from him with her plan in place. Her 'Mmhmm.' as she leaves lol
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We rejoin our beautiful couple on the sidelines of a hostage situation. One of the guys from Nyla’s bank robber situation has taken one. They’re all in a standoff waiting to see what they should do. Lucy commenting on the severity of the situation. Trying to make a light joke. Saying 'Remember when dating in secret was their biggest problem?' Love her using ‘Our’ it’s the little things.
Lucy asking him how his talk with Aaron went? Tim bringing up all the things that make their situation ‘problematic.’ To say the least. Yeah it sucks they have to face this stuff. But nothing worth having is ever easy. I love them forging forward despite this. Because as they decided in 5x08. They are worth the risk.
They needed time to figure this out despite the possible complications. So yeah there were potential problems but they were worth the risk of all those. They both knew it. It's why they didn’t bail at the first sign of possible issues. I just love it. It’s what makes 5x12 and the decision Tim makes so prominent and special.
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They end up saving the woman who was taken hostage earlier. Unfortunately there is still two more on the run. Tim and Aaron get wind of them and end up in a parking structure. They make it to the top and don’t see them waiting for them. They push them to the very edge and leave them hanging. Literally. This is where Aaron becomes a damn icon. LOL
When Tim tells him to get out of the shop Aaron’s reply is the actual best. We all knew he suspected but this line of his confirms it. Also he’s not wrong…Lucy would kill him for letting Tim die. Kills me Aaron always telling it like it is to Tim. I love him so very much. He’s just saying what everyone is thinking. Being the mouth piece for the fandom once again. Tim doesn’t deny it but tells him to get out of the shop. LMFAO
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They make it back to the station and Lucy is of course with Tim. Like a moth to a flame. Telling him she’s glad he didn’t die. Since he owes her for a re-do on their date. Tim being as sassy as can be in his reply. First off could they be any closer in this shot? Second the smirks and flirting are telling everyone in that bullpen what you’re trying so hard to hide you two lol my god. Tim is eating it up her wanting another date and it shows.
She is once again affectionately violent in her reply with Tim. He is all smiles when she says this too. The man is an open book of love for her. He couldn’t be happier with this banter going into their ‘second’ date. Anyone watching them can see something has changed but they're too lost in their own banter to notice that. Damn I love these two goobers so very much I might implode haha
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Ahhhhh the Treats of Vietnam scene. I can’t get over how damn close these two are. It’s why that far away shot of them is my avatar. They are as close as two people can be in public sitting across from each other. She is basically sitting between his legs and I’m losing my mind about it everyone. Bouncing her leg against his. Legs for days and I'm ship drunk off this alone tbh. Also want to comment on how much I love the lighting in this scene.
The lights above them set this beautiful relaxed tone I adore so much. Tim making a slight joke thinking it's funny this where they ended up. Going from a super fancy romantic restaurant to a food truck. Saying he guesses this is their official first date. Lucy coming in hot with a curveball of an answer. Blowing his damn mind like only she can. Saying last night was for sure. Better story for the grandkids.
I love her face after she says this. Just gauging his reaction. No regrets whatsoever in saying this. This is the same Lucy Chen who couldn’t handle calling Chris her his GF. Legit panicked about it and fought him on it. Was one giant commitment issue with that boy. Half a date with Tim she’s thinking about grandkids with him. Lucy said she wanted to take it slow in the bedroom. She didn’t say anything about their life plans LOL *squee* She is so all in and this line screams that. Makes my shipper heart so damn happy.
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Tim isn’t at all upset about her reply. This man was in a relationship with a woman who didn’t want any of that. Didn’t want any of his dreams. Now here comes Lucy Chen. Talking about grandkids on their second date. His face is pure joy. His dreams coming true with this woman next to him. He is beside himself with happiness. It’s written all over his face. Tim is giddy really. Lucy’s cute giggle afterwards I cannot. Her man making her laugh *heart clutch*
These two are gonna kill me with their cuteness. Give me diabetes from how sweet they are. Lord. Tim having cop eyes can’t help but see the idiot trying to break into a car. Says his frustration out loud. The last thing he wants is another interruption with his girl. Lucy is so lost in her date with Tim she doesn’t even see this guy. Which I love. She is so wrapped up in him her cop eyes are off. Not seeing this guy on her radar at all.
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Tim doesn’t even get up from their spot. Just yells at the moron and shows his badge. Not wanting to do more than that. Lucy pointing out he’s just going to steal a car in another neighborhood. Which Tim could care less about tbh. The only thing that matters to him in this moment is her. It’s why this next line is so god damn romantic. We truly see how far Tim has come in this moment.
Why is this growth you ask? Because Tim ‘rules matters’ Bradford is picking his girl in this moment. She is more important than chasing some punk for breaking into a car. To touch back on an OTP line from S2. ‘Some things matter more.’ Lucy matters more in this moment to him. More than anything else and he’s letting her know that. Telling her in his own way she matters more to him.
I’m losing my ever loving mind at how romantic this is. I adore him declaring this and being the one to initiate their first real kiss. Lucy looks so in shock. Wondering if this is real life? Did Tim Bradford just pick her over arresting someone? Over the rules? He sure did and he would do it again. Nothing is going to stand in his way of being with her tonight.
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Gah it’s the way he softly touches her hair and gently cups her face with his hand. Looking at her like she is the most precious thing in the world to him. Because she is. Let’s be honest she is. Lucy brought this man back to life in so many ways. There is nothing more important to him especially in this moment than her. Never be over her face when he touches her hair. Like she can't believe Tim is looking at her the way he is.
I adore Lucy smiling into this kiss. I’m sure she can’t believe her own luck right now. The man she loves, loves her right back and chose her in this moment. Over everything else he wanted to stay present in this moment with her. His hand on her face while the other is on her THIGH. Her thigh everyone. His love for her thighs continues on in this first real kiss. It was bouncing earlier against his. I'm sure he put it there partly to ground her during this kiss. Also because we all know he has a penchant for them hehe
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I’ll never be over how tender and soft this kiss is. The complete opposite of the two they’ve shared before. Those were hot don’t get me wrong so very hot. But this one has a lovely tenderness to it that makes me giddy. The wind soft picking up her hair as they melt into one another. It’s the perfect first kiss. His hand in her hair, his other on her thigh, Lucy smiling dreamily into their kiss. I am a puddle.
It just shows it was never about the right restaurant or outfit. It was just about being together. This scene showing how at ease these two are with each other. That’s beautiful base of friendship they built over the years coming in clutch here. They just look at home with each other this entire scene. *dreamy sigh* Makes my soul happy.
If you didn't watch this scene million and one times when it premiered you're lying haha Hell I did it this time around. I remember losing my damn mind with this scene. Never be over how easily they went from friends to this. Every moment leading up to this is utter perfection. Beautiful start to something more.
Side notes -Non Chenford
Nolan’s conversation with Celina was so painfully awkward and hilarious I loved her reply to him asking about Aaron she crushed it.
Also Tim is sexy af figuring out how to get that woman out from her car like he did. Mmm love watching that man in the field. Delicious to say the least to watch him in action.
Aaron and Celina playing D & D 😂😂😂 made me laugh so hard. Aaron is SO embarrassed.
I forgot to thank you all last episode. Apologies thank you all who continue to support these reviews. I adore you all more than you will ever know. Your likes, comments and reblog are everything to me. Especially as I tackle these seminal moments in s5. I shall see you all in 5x11 :)
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makingmeagirlwithluv · 11 months
Author disclaimer: This is just for fun! I'm sure all the boys are lovely in their personal relationships. I just want to feel angsty!
Warnings: Angst, swearing, PG, but my blog is 18 plus so MINORS DNI.
Kim Namjoon:
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"I'm bein' a cool girl, I'm keepin' it so tight"
"I need him like water, he thinks that I'm alright
I'm not feelin' human, I think he's a good guy"
Complex by Katie Gregson-MacLeod
Not sure if yall were ever dating officially :(
He's brilliant and wonderful but he can't make time for you in his head or his heart.
Thinks you're lovely and sweet and enjoys spending time with you but would not claim you.
You try harder to get his attention than you do caring for yourself. It's just not gone work I'm so sorry
Park Jimin:
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"I know heaven's a thing
I go there when you touch me
Honey hell is when I fight with you"
False God by Taylor Swift
Absolutely devastating arguments lead to the breakup.
Jimin isn't a yeller but he can be so cruel when he's heated. And he doesn't take back anything he says even if he knows it hurts your feelings.
Will not talk to you for days on end if you don't apologize first.
Ultimately the anxiety you felt every time you disagreed on something was not worth it in the end. You break up and speak when you run into each other but don't date again.
Kim Seokjin
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"'Cause I know we said we'd just be friends
I can't lie and I can't pretend
Boy, I've tried and bottom line is
I still love you and I hate this"
I hate this- Tenille Arts
He broke up with you cause he liked you more as a friend and wanted to do his own thing.
You are not handling it well.
You keep making up reasons to talk to him seeking some form of closure an he's so gentle he keeps talking it through with you because he does care about you.
Sadly as much as you love him and think he's your forever he does not feel that way about you.
Jeong Jung Kook
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"Cause you're so pretty
When you smile, it kills me,
You're the only person left, so hold me
Don't leave me"
Ur So Pretty- Wasia Project
Anxious attachment style on both ends oh my gosh!
You were both so nervous about fucking things up and losing each other yall wouldn't let each other breathe like.
Lots of jealousy on both ends.
Relationship kind of imploded on itself.
Maybe some therapy would have helped but then again maybe not.
You two have an on and off thing for like a year before agreeing you're better off as friends.
Min Yoongi:
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"And it's true
I tend to follow in his stride
Instead of side by side
I take his cue"
A part of that- The last five years
You just kind of lost yourself in him?
It's easy to fall into the world of min yoongi but your sense of individuality slowly fell away.
You looked up one day and your world was only him and it wasn't his fault but you had to find you again.
The breakup was amicable and you're still friends to an extent. You don't date again for a few years after him as you spend that time rediscovering yourself.
Jung Hoseok
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"But when you walked out that door
A piece of me died
I told you I wanted more
But that's not what I had in mind
I just want it like before
We were dancin' all night"
Blue Jeans- Lana del Rey
Hobis ambition is not something you or anyone can get in the way of.
He loves you but he loves success a little more.
Long nights at the studio missed anniversaries long stints of no communicatom became the norm. You tried desperately to act like being second place in his life didn't bother you
But it did. And one day you walked out of his life and never looked back. One week without communication became 3 became months became a year.
It sucks that it fizzled out but you learned to date only people who had time for you.
Kim Taehyung
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"I miss your tanned skin, your sweet smile
Sorry to say that you pushed this sweet guy away,friend.
So good to me, so right...But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't"
Back to December- Taylor swift
You had a lot of shit going on and you liked Tay but he always felt in the way even when he was just trying to love you.
You dumped him pretty abruptly, and he was pretty hurt and even asked you to reconsider a few times, but he eventually moved on.
After healing the parts of yourself that was not ready for a man like him you decide you'd love to try again.
He's already moved on though. Sometimes timing and life is funny like that.
You learn to be happy for him after being miserable for a while and eventually you love again.
And that's it! Let me know if you liked these and if you want more boys as song lyrics or head canons. Make sure to follow me for bts fan fic/ head cannons
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garrus-appreciation · 2 years
I compiled some of Garrus from the Citadel DLC content this has all been posted somewhere by someone but idc i wanted to post my own shepard now listen to me ramble:
(I did both the quiet and energetic party)
-Garrus fawning over Shepard’s dress constantly (the way he says “damn!” is just... so perfect)
-Archangel and Commander Shepard on the red carpet omg what a power couple
-Garrus’s idea of fun shore leave is making sure she’s safe because he knows if another thing goes wrong Shepard is going to implode from stress 
-or shamelessly flirting with her
-The cute pet names he uses in the quiet party oh my godddd
-The way they call each other “honey”
-there’s a reason i’ve used #every time i hear garrus use a pet name it adds years to my life  multiple times
-Garrus making fun of Shepard’s dancing despite the fact that he is dancing in an entirely similar way
-Don’t get me started on “I HEART GARRUS”
god i just love him.. so much...
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akioukun · 1 year
hi aki!! i felt very much inspired by your seasons au for harringrove earlier today so i wrote this little piece and i'd love for you to have it! i hope you like it!! thank you for always creating the most beautiful artwork, you continue to take my breath away!!
The new summer arrives with a burning promise for Steve.
Golden skin laced with molten sunlight, eyes as blue as the ocean, a voice reminiscent of waves crashing on a shore. This summer isn’t to be like the last, Steve knows.
They come together for the first time and produce the dew of an early morning, with damp grass and misty rain. Steve brings gentle song birds and Billy’s slow to wake, lulled to an easy slumber by their songs, not eager to rouse the heat of the day.
They work well enough but there’s something else hidden under the surface, hidden from sight, kept away.
It comes as no surprise that Billy’s hotter than a wildfire; just as unpredictable and uncontrollable. A temper that is unmatched, burning so brightly it’s no wonder Icarus fell from the sky if it were Billy’s heat that melted those wings.
Steve feels like that around Billy — like he’s in a free fall. Nothing to steady him, nothing to catch. No earth to dig his fingers into, no use in begging for help.
But, he likes it that way. Prefers it. Because Billy burns brighter than the sun but he warms Steve, makes him grow, makes flowers bloom in his chest where they shouldn’t. And he tends to them in secret, pretends that it isn’t Billy’s kisses that waters them and it’s not his smile that makes Steve’s world greener.
Because it’s forbidden. It’s not wise. They know better, they do. They shouldn’t get attached because seasons are fickle. They will leave whenever they want without warning.
But, a new summer loves the earth. And Steve’s willing to try.
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Um. Oh my god? I have no words? Actually I do FIRSTLY you are an absolute sweetheart and I am melting into a puddle at your kind words, I have so much love for the people that enjoy what I do because that by extension means my love for what I do is hopefully coming through. A big feedback loop of love is what it is and it means sososososooooo much to me that you put time and your energy into WRITING THIS INCREDIBLE MASTERPIECE???
I am. So in love with the way you use words and language, like I am actually going to implode that you wrote this. This is so poetic, so EXACT in its tone about how these two collide and and and that bit about flowers blooming in Steves chest where there is usually sleep and the slow slip into decay is SO BEAUTIFUL AND WHEN I READ IT I NEARLY THREW MY PHONE D O W N THE STAIRS. I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO KEEP AND USE IT IN THIS AU. I had tiny bits of like, more moss growing on Steve from Billys proximity in one of my attempts to write, but this…this is something else entirely more impactful and I am just, basically howling at the fact you would write this
My heart is so full, I adore you and your writing so much, thank you thank you THANK YOU for creating such a gorgeous piece I’m treasuring it forever 🖤🖤🖤
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sunjakes · 2 years
cuddling with enha ♡
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pairing: enhypen x gn!reader genre: established relationships, pure unadulterated fluff warnings: intended lowercase, mentions of food, jake is majorly whipped, not proofread so bare with me if there's any errors word count: 2k a/n: i haven't written proper fanfiction in forever so i am so sorry if this is bad LMAO i’ll get better i promise
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↪︎ lee heeseung 이희승
peak boyfriend material, we already knew.
heeseung loves holding you so much :(
he swears he could die a happy man the second his arms meet your waist
and he makes sure you’re aware of that
you’re in the kitchen making ramen for the both of you?
heeseung has you in a back hug, pressing soft kisses to your hair
“hee, go sit down, it’s almost ready-” “why don’t we just stay in here?~”
so you did .
you both split the ramen and ate with him leaning against the countertop, still holding you as close to him as he could while still being able to eat
even when he’s playing games with another member
heeseung insists on having you in his lap, his chin resting on your shoulder as he plays
he covers your face in kisses whenever he wins a round
“y/n look, you’re like my lucky charm~”
he only laughs at your flustered reaction when he hears the other boy in the room fake gagging at his pda
and on the days where he’s just exhausted from work, he likes to be the little spoon
you thought it was impossible to love him more than you already did, but you seem to fall for him harder every time he asks you to hold him
he rests his head on your chest and you hold him just like he holds you every other day
and he feels like the luckiest guy in the world.
he 100% ends up falling asleep to the pace of your heartbeat sometimes
you can’t help but run your fingers through his hair and you probably pass out too
you keep him sane and grounded, so he makes sure to give you all the love in the world in return :)
↪︎ park jongseong 박종성
jay is such a romantic oh my god
whenever you’re in his vicinity, he has to have an arm around your waist
it’s completely subconscious for him too
he’ll just be having a conversation with jake in the living room
and as soon as you sit next to him on the couch, his arm snakes around you that same second
he’d be the kind of boyfriend to keep his hand in your back pocket while you’re walking in public
he doesn’t even mean it in a sexual or intimate way
it’s almost like he wants to be sure that you’re there next to him
if you two have a movie night at the dorms, he has an arm draped over your shoulders and holds your hand
he likes to play with your fingers too
he absolutely loves holding you close to him while you’re laying in bed
his hands gently run along your sides or your back and he ghosts little patterns along your shirt with his fingers
he’s always pressing the softest kisses to your temple or forehead and uses them to wordlessly get your attention
and when you look up at him he’s literally looking at you with the epitome of heart eyes
he is so deeply in love with you and doesn’t understand how he managed to have someone like you in his life
so all he can think to do is cup your face and pull you into the longest yet softest kiss to try and convey those thoughts to you
he pulls away with the softest “i love you~” and you swear your heart is about to implode
↪︎ sim jaeyun 심재윤
everyone and their mother knows that jake sim is the ultimate cuddle bug !!
i swear that boy wants to be next to you literally 24/7
he’s the type to send clingy texts with pouty selfies
“i miss you, love :(“ or “i can’t wait to see my baby again” when he has practices or schedules brb crying .
but when both of y’all are free …
oh boy he will immediately call to invite you over .
and as soon as he hears the door start to open, he is right there in front of you
he’s smiling at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen
which to him, you absolutely are
in a matter of seconds you’re in his arms
and he’s definitely the type to pick up/spin his partner when he’s feeling extra clingy :(
instantly heads towards the couch or his bed if he’s super tired
covers you both with a blanket and wraps his arms around you, holding you as close to him as he can without suffocating you
this includes him burying his face into the crook of your neck and refusing to move even an inch
he loves to press the softest kisses to your shoulder and neck
you hear soft mumbles of “i missed you so much, angel” and “i love you” and he always means it
and if you respond with “i love you too, jakey~” or any pet name/variation on his name
he just becomes a puddle of love (and you can hear his little giggles coming from the crook of your neck)
he somehow manages to pull you even closer to him
↪︎ park sunghoon 박성훈
i swear everyone seems to picture hoon as this super shy “too scared to do anything around anyone” type of boyfriend
and i mean
do i think its cute?
yes, absolutely .
like yeah i know sunghoon’s an introvert
but i don’t think he’s that reserved when it comes to pda with his s/o
i can picture you in his lap as y’all watch movies in the dorms
one of his hands is in yours, gently rubbing and drawing patterns on your skin with his thumb
the other’s gently running through your hair as you rest your head on his shoulder
or he’s like heeseung and rests his chin on your shoulder while he wraps his arms around your waist
and like jay, he loves to press soft kisses to your temple or your shoulder
when you guys are alone though?
this boy lets out all his affection
i'm talking kisses all over your face
if he's in a super good mood, he'll just pick you up and head straight to go cuddle in bed
he more than likely pokes any spots where you're ticklish on the way to his bedroom
when you whine at him for tickling you he tries to hide his laugh by cupping your face and pressing more kisses to your nose and cheeks
after a while he stops and whispers a soft "sorry, baby~" and pulls you close to his chest as he lays down
you just roll your eyes and bury your face in his chest and his hand instantly moves to stroke your hair
he hears you mutter "you're lucky you're cute, park..." but he can tell by the way that you lean into his touch that you're not genuinely upset with him
sunghoon just smiles and presses a kiss to the top of your head, his arms tightening around you
"i love you too~"
↪︎ kim sunoo 김선우
sunoo is just a big ball of love and sunshine
he gives you the tightest hugs whenever you visit him at the dorms
"wah, angel, you're here!!" he's absolutely beaming as you walk through the door, a similar smile easily making it's way to your face
very similar to jake and instantly pulls you to go cuddle
as soon as you both are laid down, he kisses your cheek before asking you every question under the sun about how your day was
he wants to know every single detail
and when you start to tell him, his only focus is on the words leaving your lips
makes direct eye contact with you, nodding and letting out quiet hums to let you know that he's genuinely listening
cups your cheek after you finish and presses a gentle kiss to your lips
depending on how your day went, it either is a short peck before he starts to relay details about his own day
or it lasts a little bit longer before he pulls away with a small pout, offering to give you advice for any gripes you may have had
you rest your head on his chest, quickly finding comfort in his heartbeat and the vibrations of his voice in his chest
he smiles as he hugs you closer, clearly realizing you were a few minutes from falling asleep
you hum as he starts to run his fingers through your hair, and the last thing you hear before falling into a content sleep is "nap well, my pretty baby~"
↪︎ yang jungwon 양정원
jungwon tries to stay chill and collected whenever you stop by the dorms when the members are still around
he knows how those boys will take any chance they get to poke fun at their beloved leader
so when he sees you walk through the door, he decides to give you a tight hug, pressing a discreet kiss to your forehead
typically the most pda he does around the other members is holding your hand, rubbing soft circles against your skin with his thumb
but if they had to record and he was the first one back to the dorms, you better believe he's inviting you over to watch movies and cuddle
as you both sit on the couch with popcorn and sweets, he instantly pulls you into his arms
he smiles as he presses a soft kiss to your lips, resting his head on your shoulder before starting the movie
"you're so cute, won~" you laugh quietly and press a quick kiss to his cheek, cuddling closer to him as he tightens his hold on you
he chuckles before covering you both with a blanket
"what, am i not allowed to enjoy some peace and quiet with my partner whom i love so dearly?~" he asks, praying that you both will have time to finish the movie before any other members return home
you roll your eyes and rest your head against his chest, fighting the urge to laugh as you catch a glimpse of niki opening the door in the reflection of the tv screen
jungwon just sighs loudly and buries his face in the crook of your neck, making you laugh uncontrollably as he hugs you closer to him
"i really thought we were safe this time..." your laughter starts to die down as you run your fingers through his hair, feeling him smile slightly against your neck
"it'll never be safe, mr. leader~" he laughs at your response, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead as the two of you go back to your movie
↪︎ nishimura riki 西村力
i feel like niki would either be similarly clingy to jake, or he wouldn't initiate a single thing
and once he sees you all pouty, he instantly hops on the opportunity to poke fun
"aww, is my y/nnie all clingy?~" he coos, cupping your cheeks and squishing them forward
you just huff and playfully glare at him, freeing yourself from his hold on your cheeks as you bury your face in his chest
"shut up and hug me, nishimura..." you mutter and he laughs, instantly wrapping his arms around your figure
"your wish is my command, needy~" he continues to tease you as he leads the two of you towards the couch
pulling you into his lap as he sits down, he smiles as he pets your hair, hearing you let out a content hum
you cuddle as close to him as you possibly can, his free arm wrapping itself around your waist
but when niki's the one feeling clingy, his personality completely swaps
you'd be sitting at your desk, working on schoolwork
and suddenly from across the room
"y/nnnnnnnn i wanna cuddleeeeeeeeeee" niki huffs, the pout evident in his tone
you bite back a quiet laugh, refusing to turn to look at him so you wont fall into his trap
"give me just a few minutes, riki, i'm almost done~" you respond
but that clearly wasn't what he wanted to hear
within thirty seconds, you feel niki rest his head on your shoulder
"y/n come onnnnnnn you've been working foreverrrr~"
you start to giggle as niki practically drags you away from your desk, crashing onto your bed and pulling you on top of him
"i missed you..." he mumbles, burying his face in your neck
you run your fingers through his hair, playfully rolling your eyes
"look who's the needy one now... i started my work ten minutes ago..."
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dalamjisung · 1 year
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It’s only when you’re halfway there, passing by the semi-empty library while carfully higging the bag of snack as close as you can without crushing them, that you realize how scary it is walking the campus alone at night. Usually, you’d have your loyal guardian next to you, Jeongin’s presence making it seem like the place is much livelier than it actually is– and if not him, he’d send one of the other boys to walk you. You always insist that it’s fine and you can walk by yourself, but they are glad to help you around, making sure you’re safe home before going wherever they need to go. Arguably, you should feel safer walking around with Sweets, the professional fighter known as the school’s pride; or even Firecracker, scaring everyone with her deadpan expression. But there is something about how Jeongin’s hand find yours, keeping you close and warm, while his laughter booms through the empty space as if opening the way for you to walk, that just makes you feel safe.
Sighing, you take another paranoid look around and walk faster, feeling an odd sense of relief once you see the crowd of drunk people swarming the front of the frathouse. Innie’s here, you think, pulling your phone to text Dino, and, for a second there, you’re glad you changed out of your sweats. “Y/N!” Miraculously hearing your name over the music, you turn to your right to see Jisung and his bright smile, waving at you like a dad in an airport.
“Jisung!” You call back, smiling as bright. You loved all of Jeongin’s hyungs, you really did, but Han Jisung holds a special place in your heart. He is a part of the youngest ones, and you think that maybe it’s how aloof and worry free he seems to be that puts you at ease instantly. Being around him is comfortable and you appreciate him even more because of that. “Hey! What are you doing here?”
“I should be the one asking that, young lady!” He jokes, hugging you close before looking around. “You came with Jeongin? Did he finally stopped gatekeeping you? We always told him to bring you along, but he’d just say no again and again.”
A feeling of uneasiness wrecks through you like goosebumps, and you wonder just why people feel the need to remind you that your best friend wanted to keep you hidden and away. “Oh, no, I uh… came here alone.”
It like the words cause Jisung to malfunction, and he stares at you blankly, blinking as if you had said something so unrealistic that he needed a minute to gather his thoughts. “You… came to a party, at the frathouse, by yourself?” Rolling your eyes, you nod. “Don’t you hate parties?” He asks, squiting in confusion, and though you know he has all the best intentions in mind, you can’t shake the accusatory feeling that bubbles withing.
“Oh my god, why does everyone keep saying this?” You groan, and it might have come out louder than normal, because next thing you know, Jisung is taking a step back with wide eyes. “Sure, I am more of a homebody and I definitely enjoy staying in, but I’m not going to die if I come to a party, you know?” Now that the you’re talking about it, there’s no way to stop. You even try biting your tongue, holding back for a second or two, but the frustration is too strong to keep it contained. “Who the fuck knows, I might just love this! I haven’t been to a fucking party in a fucking long time because apparently everyone thinks I’m going to implode if they invite me, so I just… Jeongin made a fucking massive deal out of nothing, this is ridiculous. Fucking excuses to keep me away, that’s what the fuck they are, fuck that.”
In all fairness, Jisung had never seen you like that. Usually you were much more… demure. You laughed with them and talked, of course, but you were softer and gentler. You never cursed. Like, ever, and it came from the fact that everytime Jeongin’s cursed, Bang Chan would give him a look that has you shaking in your boots. So it makes sense that now the poor man looks at you as if you had grown a second head, your loud voice cutting through the noise like a sharp knife. “And I’m fucking tired of this, okay? So if he think he can cancel on me last minute to come do fucking better things with better people and then practically rub in my face that I don’t have any other plans, as if I have no fucking life beyond the great Yang Jeongin, then he can fuck off! This is ridiculous!”
“Y/N, are you okay?” Jisung asks softly, after a beat or two to make sure he wouldn’t interrupt you. His soft hands pull you closer for a hug, patting your head with a worried sigh. “That stupid, stupid kid. I understand your frustration, I really do, but don’t you think that maybe this would be worth talking to him about?” The mere idea of confronting Jeongin or telling him just how upset you really are makes you anxiously shake your head as you tried your best to keep the tears from falling. The outburst in itself had been embarrassing enough, the last think Jisung needs is you crying in the middle of the party, ruining his night of fun. “I really think you two need to talk…”
“He said something to you, didn’t he?” There is pain in your voice, and you can’t help but feeling like you’re slowly losing your best friend, feeling that hand that was always laced with yours slowly let go as he pushes you away. “It’s just a bump. It’s okay, we’ll be fine, I’ll just let it pass.”
“That can’t be healthy,” Jisung mumbled, pulling away to look at you with worry in his eyes. “Do you want me to walk you back home? Or are you okay to stay? We can go find something to drink, if you want, but it has to be non-alcoholic, or else Chan hyung would murder me for giving his favorite kid alcohol.”
Chuckling weakly, you open your mouth to answer, but then you see him. Jeongin looks good, way too good for you to not feel even pettier. His dark hair falls over his eyes, the same ones that looked at you full of fondness and adoration, and there’s an edge to him that you’ve never seen before. Or maybe one that you have seen, but never fully cared for– it’s in the way his jaw looks sharper, or the way his smirk is not so innocent nor caring. It’s in how he lean over Yuna, a girl you only know from pretty photos on social media and not so pretty rumours on campus, and how his lips brush over hers, making you whimper with an oddly familiar kind of… shattering inside of you. And that’s when you remember something you’ve been begging Jeongin to forget, something that takes you back to the youthful days of high school, to when you saw your high school crush kiss another girl. It was stupid, now that you think about it, just how upset you had gotten over that. It was like you never even knew you liked him that much until you saw it happening.
Innie found you crying in the bathroom, in that spring schoolday, and then proceeded to beat the shit out of the guy– someone so insignificant to you at this day and age that you barely remember his name. He had gotten suspended for that, of course, and his parents grounded him for a month, but everytime you two talked about it he simply shruged and said worth it. For you, however, it had not been worth it. Nothing about it had been worth it, not liking the boy, not seeing Jeongin all bloody and bruised, not getting your best friend in trouble, not the fucking heartbreak that felt like everything in you was shattering into tiny little shards. Absolutely nothing.
“Y/N!” The shouting of your name awakens you from the trance you seemed to have fallen into, and before you can hide, Jeongin’s moving, turning to look at you with wide eyes and… guilt? Quickly turning around, you see Dino, and as soon as he processes your expresion, his smile slips. “Jisung, I’m gonna go,” You mumbled, ignoring the knowing look your friend is giving you, ignoring his disapproving frown. “Enjoy the rest of your night!”
“Y/N, wait–”
You interrupt him immediately. “I need to go,” You whisper, eyes begging for him to let you go before Jeongin got to you. “This… I can’t do this. Innie was right, I fucking hate parties.”
And just like that, you turned your back to your best friend, walkting to Dino with a fake smile plastered on your lips and tears falling down your cheeks.
This was bad.
Being in love with your best friend was bad.
matching set // six : Mandatory Movie Marathon™️
pairing: popular!jeongin x introvert!reader
genre: college!au, fluff
description: You two grew up together. As in, together-together. It’s an old tale, one where your mothers are best friends and so, much like best friends do, they went through every mile stone together– dating, marriage, and babies. Safe to say, you two learned from the best, so no one was really surprised when college came around and you two ended up in the same place. The only problem was, you’re not sure if you can stay the same when everything else has changed.
chapter five // chapter seven
taglist: @banqtlattae @dream-toaster @strxwberrifields @cryoskz @p2q3r4 @lochness-butmakeitsexy @necromancersupreme @pokyloky @minmindreaming @junseokiss @rindomo @tanjiroar @meowtella @wewuuu @teddibug @hugsforjunseo @born5sos @the7thcrow @unloyaljisung @skzooo @jeonstresour @anxiousbobatea @mstarlight @dayawantstosleep @likexaxdaydream  @mstarlight @multiwendi @itsyaapollochild @90s-belladonna @seungcheoluwu @hopefulpursepeanutdeputy @nikyc00 @eastleighsblog @maeleelee @baby-bread-in @minhoesss @imasimplol @starrmage @baby-bread-in @leeati​ @starrmage @hello-2-u-from-me
[I am passing on the taglist to this series :) if you’d like to be added/removed, please let me know!]
The drama has begun!!! Y/N and Innie are not ready for this >.< What do you guys think so far? Let me know, I love chatting with you bbs <3 as always, thank you so much for your support, it means so much to me to know that we have this beautiful community here!
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lighthouseas · 2 years
the beating of our hearts is the only sound
Mike is going to a wedding. His favorite part isn't the food, or the actual wedding part. Oh no. His favorite part is the dancing. Why? Because Will is there, of course. And he is going to ask Will to dance perfectly normally in a very romantic and cute way. Hopefully. Probably.
TW/CW: swearing
Words: 2.7k
ahaha byler at a jopper wedding and mike being awkward enjoy
the beginning was inspired by a tumblr post by @imyoursgiogio !!
Alright, you can do this.
Mike straightened his tie, which, weirdly, was starting to feel like it was strangling him.  He stared straight ahead with a look that was…seductive? But also cute. And inviting.  And wow, was he already completely failing at this.
“Hey,” Mike offered a half smirk, “wanna…” he paused, motioning around his room, eyebrows quirking up, “y’know?”
Oh my god.
Internally, Mike slapped himself in the face.  He scanned his appearance again, in the mirror, and immediately felt as though he looked like he’d just rolled out of bed.  His stomach was in knots.  Okay, again.
Mike cleared his throat, offering his mirror finger guns and making an odd clicking noise with his mouth. “Hey,” he whispered, “wanna dance- oh god, that’s even worse.”
“Hey, I was just wondering, y’know, there’s music, and stuff, and we both don’t have dancing partners, and like, it’s a wedding, you kind of need to dance- goddamnit.”
“Dance with me? Like, now?”
“I love you and I want you to put your arms around me and-”
“Mike? Who’re you talking to?”
And just like that, Mike saw his entire life flash before his eyes.  He turned around, trying not to implode.  Holly tilted her head curiously back at him.  Mike could’ve sworn he saw the hint of a smirk flash across her face, but he hoped that maybe he just imagined it.
“I- uh- no one.”
“I heard you talking.  You were trying to ask someone to dance.”
“For what?”
“Nothing,” Mike sighed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.  Sometimes he forgot he had a little sister who was more than happy to barge in on him anytime she pleased. “Why are you in here, anyways?”
“Mom says it’s time to go.  The wedding is starting soon and you’re taking forever.”
“Right.  Fuck.  Sorry.  Shit, shit, shit…” Mike straightened his tie absentmindedly before bolting out of his bedroom, leaving Holly in the dust.  His stomach was in knots, and he was so nervous that he neglected to think of the fact that he just accidentally taught Holly two new swear words. He’d definitely be hearing that from his mom later.
The ride to the venue was, in Mike’s mind, terrifying.  Holly was staring into his soul and he was fidgeting in his seat and if he could’ve jumped out of the car and ran there himself he would have.  He didn’t have a plan.  
“Mike, are you okay, sweetie? You look…pale,” Karen commented, looking nervously into the passenger seat where Mike sat.
Mike snapped out of his nervous daze, whipping his head around to look at his mother.  “Fine! Just excited!” His voice was about three octaves too high, and Karen definitely noticed.  She removed a hand from the steering wheel, using it to place a hand on Mike’s shoulder.
“Hey, it’s okay if you’re a little nervous.  It’s been a hard year… years, for all of us.”  Karen looked at both Mike and Holly, offering them a soft smile. “But I want both of you to have fun today, alright?  It’s a big day for Joyce and Jim.  And Will, and Jonathan…”
Mike’s mother kept talking, but he neglected to actually hear what she was saying.  His stomach was currently doing backflips.  
How is everyone else so calm about this?
Oh right.  That’s why.
As the Wheelers stepped out of the car, Mike took notice of the Party standing on top of the hill.  Everyone was there.
Ranger, Mage, Bard, Zoomer…
“Hey, Mike.”
Mike coughed awkwardly, trying his best to look Will in the eye. “Hey.”
Without realizing he was doing it, Mike looked Will up and down, taking in his full appearance.  He was wearing a suit and tie that fit him really well, and his usual bowlcut was styled in such a way that made Mike’s heart nearly stop beating.  It was tousled, and clearly had some sort of hairspray in it (Mike half wondered if Steve had helped Will out) and wow, Will looked about a thousand times better than he did.
“C’mon.  Everyone’s waiting for you.  Nancy was getting worried.”
Will began walking up the hill towards the Party; Karen was busy talking to Lucas’s mother; and Mike was frozen in place.
“Mike.  Are you just gonna stand there?”
Mike flinched, looking down at his little sister, standing, forgotten, by his side.  
“What- oh- yeah.”
Holly smirked, giving her brother a playful shove. “I hope you get to dance tonight.  Wouldn’t want all that practice to go to waste.”
Mike seriously wanted to die.
So far, the night was going smoothly.  
So far.
It’d only been about an hour.  The procession had started, and Mike was sitting amongst the Party minus Will and El due to the fact that they wanted to sit up front to see Joyce and Hopper.  Everyone looked beautiful, and Mike knew he was supposed to be staring at the bride and groom and the pretty dresses and Erica who was scurrying down the aisle and throwing flowers on everyone (mostly Lucas- she’d used up half her basket of petals dumping them on his head) but he couldn’t manage to tear his eyes away from the brown haired, hazel eyed, absolutely stunning creature that was Will Byers (nearly Hopper-Byers) sitting up front.
His heart wouldn’t stop pounding.
He must’ve stared off into oblivion because the next thing he knew he heard “you may kiss the bride!” and a lot of clapping and cheering.  And some crying (he could’ve sworn it was coming from Max but she was sure to wipe the tears away before she thought anyone would notice).  Mike shook himself, clapping and cheering along with everyone else.  He was happy for Joyce, and Hopper, and El, and Jonathan, and…
Will turned around.  For a moment, everything around Mike seemed to slow as hazel eyes met brown.  Will was smiling, and it seemed as though all of the sunlight that had bathed the wedding was coming from him.  His eyes glistened as he looked at Mike, and he felt so close.  So close that Mike could reach out, pull him in, and wrap him in a tight embrace that lasted for an eternity.
Then, just like that, the moment was over.  
Will sat down again, and Mike’s heart stopped racing.  He swallowed hard, sitting back down.  He felt very hot, even though it was a rather cool evening.
But, despite this- he felt better.  Stronger.
Just a few more hours.
Mike was beginning to regret where he had decided to sit for dinner.
He figured it wasn’t that big of a deal.  It wasn’t a super big wedding dinner like rich people always had.  Just a buffet with various foods to choose from and then some tables to sit at.  Easy.  Plus, Mike was hungry.  
Nancy had decided to go sit with Jonathan, Steve, and Robin.  Max and El were in a corner, giggling about something while El bit into a waffle that she had gotten from who-knows-where, Lucas, Dustin, and Erica were having an intense conversation about DnD in another corner of the room, his mother was off fawning over Joyce, and Will…
Well, he was standing.  Alone.  And Mike was sitting by himself, playing with his food and unable to focus.  He inhaled sharply through his nose, glancing over in Will’s direction.  His gaze met Will’s, and oh my god this lighting makes him look so pretty, wait, stop, shut up, and without thinking, Mike motioned him over to the table.  Will gladly complied, plopping down in the seat across from Mike- far enough across that it wasn’t, for lack of a better term, weird.
“So, uh,” Mike mumbled, poking his chicken with his fork, “how does it feel?”
Will raised an eyebrow. “How does what feel?”
“I dunno.  Your mom marrying Hopper.  How does it feel?”  Mike was normally very good at making conversation but now he was failing miserably, and he wanted to choke on his food so he had an excuse to leave the room.
“Normal, I guess.  It’s not much different from before, when they were just dating.  I just thought the whole wedding scene was…I guess…a little boring?” Will chuckled at the last part.
“Oh, yeah.  I get that.  I totally zoned out for most of the ceremony.” Mike instantly regretted saying that, as he had conveniently left out the part explaining why he’d zoned out.
Will laughed at that.  “Shouldn’t have expected anything less.”
“Ha.  Yeah.”
There was an awkward silence between the two of them, and Mike fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat.  He needed to find something to talk about.  Now.
“So…uhm…when does the dancing start?”
Will gave him a questioning look. “After dinner?”
“Great.  Cool…that’s, like, my favorite part. Of this- stuff.  Like, the music, and the lights, and…and…dancing…stuff...” with every word, Mike had the increasing urge to launch himself off the top of a building.
“Right,” Will replied, suddenly having gone a rather deep shade of red.
The rest of dinner was spent in uncomfortable silence, with Mike occasionally breaking it to talk about the “great food” and Will simply nodding along.  Mike felt like slapping himself.  
This was so much easier with El.  
He supposed years of repressed, and then, eventually, open pining could do that to a person. Make them suddenly awkward and about as smooth as a jagged rock.  If Will was picking up on Mike’s poor attempt at flirting, he was definitely not showing it, and Mike didn’t blame him.  Or maybe he just wasn’t picking up on it.  Maybe Mike was stupid to think he should make tonight all about him and Will. He felt like Will was suddenly judging him and he couldn’t handle it.
“I’ve gotta go to the bathroom.” Mike had barely taken any bites of his food, but he didn’t really care.  He just needed to hide.  Immediately.
As soon as he was in the bathroom, he was met with the mirror hanging over the sink.  Mike was sweating.  And shaking.  His tie was crooked.  He’d tied his hair back in a low, messy bun, because hey, he thought it might look cool, but now it looked lopsided.
He was going to be in here for a while.
Might as well get some more practice in.
Mike gulped, adjusting his hair and tie before extending a hand towards the mirror.
Oh god.
Mike had been joking when he said dancing was his favorite part of weddings.  Actually, this was the first wedding he’d ever been to so he couldn’t possibly have known that.  He’d only really said it in order to impress Will.
But now, he was starting to think that dancing would be his favorite part.  
The lighting in the venue room was absolutely stunning.  It was a mix of yellows and blues and all of the colors that brought joy to Mike’s world, to everyone’s world.  He watched as Joyce and Hopper stepped onto the dance floor to have their first dance.  They were soon joined by several other couples that Mike didn’t know, and then Nancy and Jonathan, and then Lucas and Max, and El.  Everyone was having fun.  Even Dustin and Steve were having fun, making up odd dances that Erica was making faces at.
Mike searched the dance floor, looking for a particular face, but in the sea of people, he was left dumbfounded.
“Over there.”
Mike nearly jumped out of his skin.  Holly smiled up at him, pointing a finger towards the other side of the dance floor.  There, Will sat, slouched and looking rather crestfallen.  Mike’s heart dropped.
“I know you like him.  Go dance with him!” With that, Holly skipped away towards Karen, leaving Mike to stand, shaking, staring mindlessly at Will.
Over the speakers around the dance floor, Mike heard the opening sound of “I Think We’re Alone Now” begin to play.  It was a fairly new song; he remembered both him and Will liking it.  For some reason, it was making his heart beat even faster.  
Will had finally noticed his staring, and the two locked eyes for the second time that night.  At that moment, the blue and yellow lights met to make green, and Mike was filled with newfound courage.  Without a second thought, he marched across the dance floor.  In the midst of his determination, however, he managed to crash into about five different people and just as he reached Will, he stumbled…
And fell on his face.
“Shit, Mike, are you alright?” Will quickly offered a hand to help Mike up, and Mike took it without thinking.
The two were face to face, now, and Mike was feeling very woozy.  Maybe he’d hit his head on the way down.  Will’s hair was suddenly looking a lot softer and fluffier and his eyes were sparkling and before he could stop himself, Mike was speaking.  His initial rehearsed piece he was going to recite to Will that he’d made up in the men’s bathroom was thrown out the window.  Okay, it was probably for the better, but still.
“We should dance.”
Will’s eyes widened and maybe it was the lighting, but Mike could’ve sworn he turned red.
“Like, together.”
“The beating of our hearts is the only sound…”
A silence befell between them, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Will smiled softly. “Okay.  Lead the way, Michael.”
The way Will said “Michael” sent Mike’s heart aflame.  Mike was still gripping Will’s hand that had helped him up from the floor, and everything felt like it was a dream.  Soon, they were in the middle of the dance floor, and even though people were surrounding them on every side, it felt as though they were the only ones in the room.  Mike thought he’d be more nervous about this, but all he felt was calm.
“Running just as fast as we can…”
Gently, ever so gently, Mike guided his hands to Will’s waist as Will wrapped his arms around Mike’s neck.  
“Holding onto one another’s hand…”
The room was dark, but Will lit it up.
“Trying to get away into the night…”
They swayed to the music, and Mike pulled Will closer to him.  This felt so natural.
“And then you put your arms around me…”
Will smirked, gripping Mike’s tie and pulling him down to his height.  Mike only had about two inches on Will, but now it felt like several feet.
“And we tumble to the ground and then you say…”
“Your hair,” Will remarked, “it looks good tied back.”
Mike couldn’t stop himself. “You just look really good.  Right now.”
“I think we’re alone now…”
Now Mike could properly see.  As Will was briefly bathed in yellow light, Mike could clearly see the blush staining his cheeks.  They were so close.  Yet, still, it felt like an eternity.  Everyone else had melted into one, turning into the background noise that neither Will or Mike seemed to acknowledge.
“There doesn’t seem to be anyone around…”
“I’ve always wanted to do this- to dance- with you.  I was trying to be cool about asking you and…sorry I kind of failed.” Mike murmured, embarrassed.
“It’s okay.  We’re dancing now….and…”
“I think we’re alone now…”
Will looked at him, the glimmer that Mike had been seeing all night filling his eyes.  Mike’s heart would not stop hammering against his ribcage, but for once, he didn’t mind.  
They were at a crowded wedding, in the middle of a dance floor, but they were alone.  Their love was for them alone.  And Mike was leaning in, and so was Will, and the music stopped, time stopped, everything froze as green light was casted upon them and their lips met.
It was clumsy, and only lasted about five seconds, but it was enough.
“The beating of our hearts is the only sound…”
Brown eyes met hazel, and for the first time that night, Mike was okay.  As he swayed to the music, as he felt Will’s arms around him, he knew it was okay.  The practicing in the mirror, the butterflies, the awkwardness…
It was all worth it.  Because now, they were here, together, and suddenly, it didn’t matter anymore.
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futureplayboibunnie · 2 years
Okay babe i got a request/idea for a new ficccc
it’s like a hurt/comfort/smut idea 🤗
what if the reader is an avenger and they lost someone they were very close to (as if said character passed away) so she didn’t want to go to anybody but stephen to talk abt it because they’ve always been ‘best’ friends and she feels a connection with him that she doesn’t have with anyone else because they’re actually meant for eachother and it ends in someone or both of them confessing their feelings n smut 😏😏
Dr Strange x fem!readee
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. i love writing angsty smutty fics AAAAAH i love <3 18+ (as always cuz im a whore and only write smut)
The day was impossibly grey, a bleak horizon followed you wherever you went- it followed just about everyone. The gaping loss of Tony and Natasha was eating away at everyones blackened hearts.
For you and Stephen, however, it was different. Stephen felt he was solely responsible for Tony's sacrifice and your heart was tearing apart and angered by the way Natasha had to be so goddamn stubborn and good. Two ultimate sacrifices that would change the course of fate.
It was easy trying to disappear in the humdrum of things, everything was intensely chaotic and isolating yourself felt like the only sane option-if not you were sure you would implode or burst into tears. However, it was increasingly difficult when Stephen was right there- waiting for you to come to him, waiting for you to cry on his sleeve until your body was heaving with nothing left to offer. When you went quiet, you turned posionous and verbally tounge lash anyone who came your way and Stephen wanted to avoid that at all costs. That's why it surprised him when you finally let him come to you, teary eyed and breathless-peripheral bleared by the soaked salt.
It was about a few weeks after the loss and Stephen thought that it was best for you to approach him in your own time, he wanted to be there when you inevitably crack. You had called him, sniffling and voice quivering.
‘’Y/N? You okay?’’Stephen answered adamently, afraid that he would cross a line so fresh.
‘’Can you come.. here?’’ You heaved. ‘’Can you be with me?’’ You finally whispered out. Stephen was already conjuring a portal to your apartment, he didn't need to be told twice.
Stephen stumbled his way through and he found you, wild and disoriented- pacing around your living room as you picked at your nails and let out small intakes of breath. It seemed that you were about to go to sleep, but your thoughts were keeping you awake- all the words left unsaid.
When you saw him, it felt like your whole world came tumbling down. You were stuck and you couldn't move; all you wanted to do was run up to him and hug him but all you could do was freeze. As your eyes met his, a hot tear fell and rolled down your cheek. You buried your face in your hands and weeped into them, catching stray tears in the process.
‘’Oh, come here.’’ Stephen sighed in sympathy and endearment, he made his way over to you and embraced you in his arms.
You fell into him, face meeting his broad shoulder as you began crying into him. Stephen could smell the scent of your shampoo, he wrapped his large arms around you and you found catharsis in such human connection.
‘’I just- I'm sorry. I feel like I can't be alone right now.’’ You admitted through soft sobs as Stephen stroked your hair. He carefully extracted your face away from his shoulder and cradled your face so you could look up at him through teary eyes.
‘’You wanna tell me what you're feeling?’’ Stephen asked, coaxing you out. To his surprise you nodded and sat down on your couch and he sat next to you.
You were silent for a while, breathing in and out as your elbows dug into your knees as you held your face- attempting to form the words to vocalise how you were feeling. The gaping hole within you becoming wider and wider, only exasterbated by your voluntary isolation.
The hole only Stephen could heal; he watched you through discerning eyes. Stephen stared at your face, urging you to continue.
‘’I just feel...resentment. It's like poison, Stephen.’’ You whispered.
Stephen just listened in response.
‘’We could've done more. I could've done more and now I'm supposed to accept the fact that we're never going to see them again?’’ You felt like you were about to burst into hysterics, your mind pacing and your arms flailing slightly as you carded your fingers in your hair.
All Stephen could do was stay silent.
‘’I'm useless, Stephen. All the times I never listened to Tony or all the times I undermined and underestimated Natasha, I swear all of this is just recompence for my stubborness and it'll rain down hell before I’ll stop feeling this soul eating guilt.’’ You spluttered absentmindedly, you were rambling now and Stephen's eyes wilted with every word you breathed- the fact you felt this much in such little time was slowly breaking his heart.
‘It just won't stop.’
The words were left in the air for a while. Stephen clasped both of your hands in his and raised them to his lips. Your breath halted for a moment as the tears ceased, stinging your already read eyes.
‘’You're wrong.’’ He stated simply as his eyes flitted to yours. ‘’Look at me, you're not useless. You are not any of those things, what I'm looking at right now is someone who is going through the hell that is grief. The love you have for them only tells me your empathy knows no bounds.’’
You had honestly clocked out and phased his words out before he grabbed you by the face and looked you dead in the eye.
‘’You're not indestructable, you are impossibly human with a heart bigger than your mouth.’’ You huffed out a shy chuckle at his brashness.
‘’You are not your mistakes, your guilt is merely a collection of the love you still harbour for them.’’
Your lip quivered at how soft he was being with you, he was treating you so delicately.
‘’You're light. You're my light, I-‘’ Stephen cut himself off as his mind and tongue were running rampant simultaneously. The manifestations of his desires were in abundance and ripe for the taking.
You gawked into the vast blue of his eyes, the event horizon dragging you in oncre more and you felt like you were drowning in him. Your fingers travelled to his hair as you pleaded with him to continue- to tell you what you needed to hear.
‘’Listen to me- you matter. None of this falls on your shoulders. You matter...so much.’’He finally spat out as he reaffirmed his blossiming feelings for you, but he pondered if he should say it more blatantly in a way that wouldn't go over your head.
‘’You matter so much to me.’’Stephen mumbled as he stared at your lips a lot longer than he should've. You began shuffling under his hold and nodding your head vehemently as streaks of salt fell from your eyes.
‘’Is that true, or another lie to just make me feel better?’’ You muttered, holding onto his hair tighter than before.
‘’Never been more honest. Believe me.’’
You just had to run your mouth.
‘’That means nothing if you can't prove it, Stephen.’’ Your voice sounded defeated, you moved your head to the side to pull away from him but to your surprise he held your face back to look into his bare eyes once more.
Stephen was contemplating two decisions he knew he would ultimately regret. Kiss you to show you he was telling the truth or let you go and play it safe. You knew in your heart that this was an impossible ask fora Stephen, to finally let out into the open feelings that best be left uncrossed. Being so close to him had its downsides, you finally got to understand that he wasn't very good at confronting his feelings let alone get it out in the open.
But for you Stephen was willing to risk everything.
Stephen pressed his lips to yours delicately. Coaxing out the waters of your troubled mind and help you ease back to the shore. Once he had it in himself to peel away from you, your eyes brought him back from his trance like state. They were wild and aglow. You finally found it in yourself to speak.
‘’Is there something you want to tell me?’’ You breathed.
‘’Is there something you want to tell me?’’ He repeated way too happily, urging you to go first even though you didn't want to.
‘’Admit to you how much I want you or admit to how long I've waited for you to do that?’’ Stephen brushed his thumb on your bottom lip as you told him your innermost thoughts.
‘’I just can't stop thinking about you. I haven’t been here for you and it’s eating me up inside." He confessed in shame and it would be true in saying that it was one of the most difficult things he's ever had to do but it was for you. You needed to hear that from him.
‘’Can you stay with me?’’ You whispered. ‘’Stay with me. Please.’’ You spluttered and how could Stephen refuse.
You kissed him this time. A spiritual kind of healing you've been yearning for. It was all so needed, and when you found yourself on his lap it only amplified the fact. He grasped onto your waist tightly, his hands wandering up and down the smooth span of your back with every kiss your holy presence giften him. You are the light outrunning the darkness.
‘’Can I feel you?’’Stephen pleaded as his lips fell to your neck. ‘’Can I undress you?’’ Your skin was abuzz in anticipation and you nodded your head intensely.
‘’Use your words baby.’’ Stephen ordered softly as he lifted a finger to loosen the strap of your vest. Although what he really wanted was to rip your clothes off and fuck you beyond comprehension but tonight he wanted to go soft: reaffirming and gentle. It's what you needed: intimate and almost painstakingly slow.
‘’Yes. Please.’’Your voice was thinly veiled with quiet yet unmissable desperation- and he was more than willing to oblige.
‘’Are you sure?’’
‘’Just- go slow. For me.’’ You requested with a sigh.
His hands played with the hem of your shirt, teasing you slightly with the unforgettable touch of his deft fingers. Stephen aided you in getting your tank off and he revelled in the true feeling of your skin on his. He was like a moth to a flame the way your tits fell free. It was all for him to play with and you had all the time in the world. He kissed your collarbone and the skin surrounding it, your hands ruffled his hair and he knew you were barely clinging onto the sensation and he wanted to give you more. His kisses turned into bites and your collarbone turned into your nipples. You gasped and his mouth travelled to your lips to swallow your moan, your hands clamped against his face and pushed him back to just stare at his face and revel in the fact that this is actually happening.
You grasped his hand and remarked at it flirtatiously as if you were planning your next move. The smirk on your face said far too much.
‘’Now what do these fingers do?’’ You chuckled lowly, the pearly white of your teeth peaking through as you did so.
Stephen didn't respond, his only reaction was a venomous smile. One full of mischief.
His fingers found hospice on your heart and slowly and tortorously traced down between your ribs in a straight line. The way he was dragging this out was impossibly electric but anything less than gratifying.
Stephen's fingers dragged over your stomach and down to the spot that made you see fireworks. His gaze was venomous as his hands were in your shorts- feeling you up. Stephen's fingers were long and thick and he was impressed with how wet he had gotten you already. When he looked up at you, he saw you filled with bliss and yearning- a potent and heady combination. Stephen started moving his fingers in an out of you at a pace you deemed..interesting.
‘’Is this slow enough for you?’’ You didn't know if Stephen was mocking you or not. You grabbed his face and kissed the smirk off of his lips and if anything his lips curled into an even bigger smile.
He took this as incentive to lay you down on the couch, you didn't think vou could make it to the bedroom at the rate he was going.
Hovering over you, he looked deep into your eyes- searching for answers. Answers to what he wasn't sure but the way your pupils dialated and were black with hunger made him lose his mind- and with that you clawed his shirt off.
‘’I want you.' you stated. Although you were quite literally under him, the statement still took him by surprise due to how certain you sounded. More certain than anything, ever. He kissed you vehemently and began peeling your shorts and underwear off painfully slow.
‘’So beautiful.’’ Stephen remarked, the comment making you blush slightly.
He bent his head down and kissed at your lower stomach and you opened your legs allowing him to nestle between. He kissed at you everywhere, your favourite being your inner thigh- so close to where you wanted him, home. You couldn't handle it any longer.
‘’Come here.’’ You begged and brought his face up to your mouth where he could swallow your whines.
It all just felt like a well needed catharsis, as Stephen tugged his pants off your fingernails dug into his shoulder blades- the sting was inticing.
As he lowered himself into you, the stifled gasp and the knitted eyebrows did it in for him. The intense eye contact is what is dragging him in and he needed more. Stephen fawned over you and held himself up as he began to rut inside you- deeply. So fucking deep.
'Mhm…’’ You stifled.
You moaned in response.
It was all deep strokes and intense eye contact, a magical soul binding thing. Missionary always seemed boring to you but this- this was soul astounding. Extraordinary. So renewing and sexy. Stephen cradled your face to continue staring into your beguiling eyes.
You needed healing and Stephen was the antidote.
You were lost in the pleasure- time was warped. It seemed like Stephen could go on forever, the Adonis of a man could last for days teasing you, edging you beyond comprehension; the fact that you were yearning for this for so long hindered your cognitive ability and your body was about to explode. Stephen was enjoying dragging it all out, you did ask him to go slow and he was extremely pleased he got you in such a state.
‘’So messy.’’ He reprimanded with a knowing crooked smile.
Your mouth slotted against his as a means to shut him up and with that you found your self to come undone, as he bit at your lower lip you lost control. Your gasp set Stephen's body alight, he swallowed it hungrily as his mouth devoured yours. He watched down and saw your mouth was agape and your face was tight, you were inhumanly stunning. Hair wild and untamed and eyes impossibly picturesque, you were made for him.
After the gruelling weeks, you needed this type of closure and healing. You gushed onto him and the sensation made him lose his mind too- he emptied himself out and he wished he could relive every second. The delightsome sighs that escaped both of your mouths was all your ears could register as clammy sweat coated foreheads met.
‘’That was…..intense and-‘’
‘’Helpful?’’ Stephen cut you off.
‘’Yeah.’’ You sighed bashfully like a smitten teenager.
‘’It's not your fault, it'll never be your fault, okay? I'll protect you, no matter the cost of it.’’ He reaffirmed and you swore you were going red the way your cheeks were blushing.
‘’No. Listen. I'll protect the both of us.’’ You counter offered.
‘’Don't make any promises you won't be able to keep.’’
‘’I'm not. I just can't lose you, I can't lose anyone else. Okay?’’ You gave him a soft chaste kiss to soothe his fraying nerves and static mind.
‘’Okay.’’ Stephen gave in finally.
‘’Can you stay for the night?’’
He didn't need to be asked.
‘’Of course. Tea?’’
You laughed. It's been a while since you laughed and Stephen pulled you from the teetering edge once again. You weren't sure if it was fate or destiny to be brought together like this- he was your best friend and now the possibilites with him are boundless.
Boundless like his love for you.
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baconcolacan · 1 year
What would happen if when Tord came back during The End and learned that Tom got married?(Both AUs)
Conference Table ask compilation, little more fluff after the Regimen ones, sob sob. > Regimen: Kill the spouse probably. Stay AU: Well...he'd be heartbroken, but Tom's the love of his life and he well and truly does love him, and sometimes loving someone just means letting them go, since loving someone means you want them to be happy, if Tom is happy with his spouse then Tord has no right to intrude on that. I don't think he can be friends with Tom again, not yet at least, so he'll leave until comes the time his heart is healed enough, maybe one day he can be friends with him again, be able to smile at him again without it hurting. For now, he just needs time.
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HAHFSH YEAH I KEEP SAYING RTORD IS A WEEB BASTARD, CURB STOMP HIM IF YOU WISH ANON. And to answer your ask, they'll stay in each others' body for maybe a week or so, as is the trend with the swaps so far, and they would realize that they aren't in their universe at some point though STom is more likely of the two to come to that conclusion first as, Stay AU's world is a bit more fantastical than Regimen is (by eddsworld standards at least lol). RTom would probably think he's having a dying delusion. AK will notice that something is off about his papa, but he's just a kid so he'll just think Tom is sick in some way. I doubt Tord will tell his son anything after he confirms the swap with Bing and Larry, as he wouldn't want AK to worry so much. He'd probably ask RTom to pretend to be his husband for the sake of his son, much to the reluctance and awkward acquiescence of RTom. "I...don't have to kiss you right??" "No! No! No you don't h-have to! But, uh, you see....my husband and I are very amorous-" "Dude TMI." "Agh! Not in that way! For Guds skyld! I just mean that we're very openly affectionate! So- uh- I may have to kiss you on the cheek sometimes at least??" "Eh...fine...." "And...hold your hand....?? A lot??" RTom about to combust from embarrassment: "Only when the kid is looking. No funny business." "Of course!"
Cue RTom just internally imploding and being red in the face a lot when STord tries to be casually affectionate when AK is around.
And DW Anon! You elaborated just fine ^^
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^^^^ See above but: Shocked of course, and a bit disgusted, but those feelings fade as he starts noticing the differences between this Tord and his Tord. Of course, he can't be openly hostile with him when AK is around since his body (not really his body) instinctually compels him to be protective of AK, and that includes protecting his emotional state. Eventually, he starts noticing he's also very compelled to be near STord once he's calmer, and the more animalistic part of this body says that he's his mate which OH GOD SHIT he really hopes this isn't going to be a thing, but it gets MUCH worse when he has to pretend to be this alternate version of himself in front of the kid. And DAMN THIS BODY for it! Because he gets all fluttery and flustered when Larsin smiles at him or gives him shy little pecks on the cheek. THIS SUCKS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
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what-even-is-sleep · 6 months
REACTIONS to the latest PJO TV episode (5. A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers)!!
First half is positive/hype reactions, second half is negative/critiques.
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨spoilers!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
I liked that they showed the irl reactions of media/first responders to the arch.
Love love loved the aunties/Fates. Perfect characterization
hype continued under readmore
Percy jumping over the railing felt like hardcore parallels to how I imagined the dock scenes in HOO
Loved the physical comedy of the trio being behind that concrete highway block lmao.
The physical comedy with the trio popping up behind the concrete highway divider!!!!
Ares starting flame wars/fights on twitter lmfaoooo. Such a good addition to his character
Gabe was so pathetic. I don’t love the comedic turn of his characterization, but the pathetic wormy-ness was good to see
The amusement park was interesting! Not how I imagined it, but v cool effects.
Ok falling more in love with the amusement park designs
Percy’s reaction to Ares/Aphrodite affair lmfao yes boy drag those fools
The way the “What is Love” section ended was great lol. Very Harry Potter rollercoastery vibes
The fact that Ares just blatantly says that he hates kids and his own kids OUGH! Makes Clarisse’s storyline hit so much harder.
Their whole convo fr 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I can’t even analyze all the stuff in this convo, in this scene, in that exchange yet bc I’m IMPLODING!!!!!! 🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️
Stunning, magnificent, no notes
“Percy stand up I mean it!” “I’m ok, I’m ok, I’m-”
AOUGH. I cannot keep reacting in all caps this is unsustainable. But like. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Annabeth immediately going to reverse the chair mechanisms <333333333
The way the ladder goes up is so cool fr :0
HEPHAESTUS!!! One of my fav gods ngl <3. Bro is more dramatic than I thought with the whole “baby don’t hurt me, no more” 💀 😅
Maybe it’s just bc I’m a music nerd but OUGH I just adore how music is mechanical and a key for Hephaestus n everything. Idk just, very cool.
OUGH the way Percy comes out of the chair. So dramatic <3
Annabeth holding the shield and the way she drops it in front of Ares is badass asf and I fucking love it.
Lin Manuel Miranda jumpscare at the end there again lmao. Looking forward to the next episode 👀
The negatives/media-critical:
🚨🚨🚨🚨warning: I’m v critical. 🚨🚨🚨🚨
“Short version, we need to go to Santa Monica.” Okok im pretty sure that’s almost exactly what he says in the books, but it felt poorly set up in the show. Part of the pacing issues perhaps, but grahh it pulled me out of the story.
Where’s Percy’s backpack? Doesn’t he have one before Ares gives him one? Honest question bc I don’t remember for sure lol. Not assuming it’d stay with him thru the arch-falling shenanigans but like,,, what abt everyone else’s stuff? They aren’t walking around with NO water n stuff, right?????
Where is Annabeth’s necklace half the time? They keep forgetting it T-T. Sometimes it seems plausible that it’s under her shirt, but most of the time it’s very clearly not. + when they showed her dads ring on it last ep, that thing was Chunky-the outline of the ring would be showing under any shirt collar!!
The conversation behind the concrete highway thing felt kinda stilted. 1) when annabeth mentioned only one of the Fate’s names and 2) partially bc there was no background music the whole time…. Whenever the background instrumentals come in the quality of the show jumps so much!!!
Some of the Ares expressions/first convo/delivery felt hellla cheesy at points. In general when the gods characters say stuff like “young one” at the end of their sentences it feels kinda like a throwaway. Like the actors are embarrassed abt the line or smth… idk. Just doesn’t feel in-character enough the way those lines are delivered.
Ares says he’ll help them, then says they’re going to fail, then says he’d kill them so he can eat in peace when he offered them food in the first place…. makes them help him, then helps them anyways… idk the motivation portrayal in the show felt way more wishy washy and weak than in the books
The trap was really cool but it didnt read well until Annabeth went thru.
Different food on the table with Ares when they cut back to him and Grover at night. Super understandable that they could go thru multiple meals, but there’s no visuals of either character eating or calling the waitress over to get more food or like ANY storytelling cue to have the changing food make sense/have a reason to change. It just becomes another thing that kinda takes me out of the story.
Why is the Tunnel of Love where the shield “must” be?? There’s no indication that Percy and Annabeth have a demigod intuition towards the place, or that they’ve looked elsewhere. It’s stated like a fact that the audience is just supposed to accept and go along with. Where’s the reasoning???
Didn’t love the sound design when “What is Love” came in. Is it supposed to be playing in a tunnel loudly or not? The song kept getting louder and softer at diff points in a way that really took me out of the ‘realism’ of the moment.
What in the H2O water powers hard-to-read special effects was that 😭😂
The scene cuts between the Percy/Annabeth to Grover/Ares feels so choppy… :(
Hwhat is the reasoning behind automatically assuming that the chair and shield are connected. 😭😭😭. Ik the books have way more context and internal dialogue. Pls show, just have them try and reach the shield or pull it down or say SOME sort of reasoning for why they’re connected instead of just spouting another fact that we’re supposed to go along with.
Ok I love Hephaestus’s character in the books and in mythology. For some reason this actor didn’t conjure him for me. My Hephaestus is hunched, buff, more noticeably physically disabled, more dramatic and eccentric and kind and gruff. Idk this actor just fell flat for me.
Just small things with the scene cuts. Like how the camera stays on someone’s face for a second or two too long… all the fckn time. Small, consistently annoying thing for me. ¯\_(:/)_/¯
“Thank you for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers.” … what? Isn’t the whole point that Grover was buttering him up? What is the point of the emotional abuse comment to Ares’s face if Grover was playing him up the whole time. It feels like something that was written for kitschy woke-ism points instead of a genuine callout/dialogue that fits more smoothly with what’s happening before, during and after that moment. Cause then Grover asks for paper towels immediately after… 😅 bruh what.
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taylorkellyreporting · 10 months
i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: hsmtmts 2x01-2x12
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gina saying ‘i’m gonna make my mark’ while walking through nini and ricky, causing them to break their handhold…yeah.
poor gina, she likes ricky so much
that was harsh, ricky didn’t deserve that.
oh my God, nini’s ‘team kourt’ pullover is so cute
blondie has a great voice but she’s a shit person, i have to say
kourt, ash and gina did so good but i kinda wish ashs voice wasn’t at the forefront
i officially hate blondie, how dare her laugh at big red falling???
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ashlyn as belle my beloved <3
the hearts on nini’s face, aw
lmfaoooo he’s in denver
‘…i’m taking it in stride’ ‘you’re dressed in all black’ pls
big red saying valentine’s day is centered around the color red so he should have it on lock and pointing to his hair was hilarious i love him
ricky definitely has some buried feelings for gina cause there’s no other reason why their scenes are now slightly awkward in that cute way it is when characters have mutual feelings for each other and don’t know how to act esp when one half is in a relationship 🤭
‘there are just some things i tell you that i don’t tell anybody else’ ‘i think we do that for each other’ who else is doing it like them? definitely not rini lmao
not ricky shushing gina cause nini’s calling??? now why would he do that if he didn’t feel slightly guilty for hanging out with her? emotionally cheating ricky we love you🫂
big red and ashlyn are so adorable together
the way ricky immediately sent that text to gina, he’s so fucking obvious 😭
‘love you, mom!’ seb is so cute
kourt as lead when??
ricky’s fucking face when he sees nini’s voicemail and gina’s text 😭
reds song was saurrr cute
ricky’s down so bad, gina didn’t even say anything funny and he immediately lost it
‘what, do i need to send you a random box of chocolates to prove it? 😏’ gina is literally the only one so far who brings out ricky’s flirty side
‘i go big, gina. you know that.’ GOD
kinda wanna throw hands with mr mazzara for being there for ej but not willing to be there for ricky earlier
need someone to notice something’s wrong with gina and hug her
is gina leaving again? kinda getting that vibe
gina’s performance was AMAZING
WOW i think that’s genuinely the best cover of ‘the climb’ i’ve ever heard
‘i’ve never been accused of being speechless’ 🫂
oh wow, they stole their beauty and the beast idea
‘i’m ready to come home’
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‘what would you ask your future self?’ ‘trick question, gaston’s dead!’ he’s not wrong 😭
ricky’s allergic to change and it’s definitely his parents fault
‘i wouldn’t quit on us, if i wasn’t moving away’
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‘nini’s back and…he’s so happy now’ SHE DESERVES TO BE HAPPY, TOO!!!!
espionage 😭😭
gina finally got a hug 🥹
ricky saying he’d ask if the beast and belle were still together in the future + nini writing that song…yeah, they were built to fall apart
‘oh my God, is your phone hungry?!’ lmfaoooo
‘do you really think they’d steal from us?’ ‘i would :D’ pls?? gina’s so funny 😭
‘if you leave me unsupervised with their costumes i cannot promise i won’t go all gina 1.0 in there’ lmfao i love her
the way i gasped in sync with everyone else when that kid called the costume fugly 😭
ricky and nini is the worst relationship on the show
okay, i did NOT see howie being the beast coming
‘miss jen, we didn’t break anything’ ‘would you like me to be the first?’ miss jen said her hands are rated E for everyone
‘keep our heads down and our chins up’ ‘i don’t think that’s physically possible’ ‘it’s an expression, sebastian!’ she’s so done with him 😭
rini needs to end, they aren’t good together at all
i already hate ej’s dad, he sounds so full of himself and he’s only said a few words lmao
kourt’s mom is the best parent on the show i fear
damn, all the relationships are imploding this ep
i would’ve preferred gina and ej just being friends tbh
i feel bad for nini and ricky of course, but their relationship was not it
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okayyyy an andi mack reunion!! i’m here for it!
i love the song and video they made, i just wish ricky was there, too
gina is so damn shippable cause why am i here thinking her and jack would be cute together
ricky’s song is so good
ej showing up at the airport…ricky should’ve ran into gina there on his way home and they should’ve taken an uber together or something
‘i think i may have played troy at one point’ pls 😭
lily’s incredibly annoying
seblos 🥹
oh fuck, ricky fell 😭
the musical is really good
lily stole the harness, didn’t she?
‘i’ve always seen your name in lights’ oh my God, they’re so cute!!!
why can’t gina ever just be happy?!?
Gina and nini’s friendship (i use that word loosely lmao) is cute
nini being more upset about her and gina than ricky and gina…she doesn’t give a fuck about him dkgjfjs
oh wow, gina’s definitely gonna introduce nini to her brother
‘are you happy?’ miss jen is already better than both of ricky’s parents just by asking that simple question
i’m so glad they dropped out
oh brother
the cast performing you are the music in me 🫶🏻🥹
aww, olivia crying 🥺
that’s a wrap on s2 and if you made it to the end of this lb, pat yourself on the back lmfao
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bengiyo · 2 years
About Youth Eps 3 & 4 Stray Thoughts
I do like the way the characters in Taiwan dramas wear their clothes. It's a relief from Thailand's current love affair with oversized clothing.
Love that the band seems to know about Xu's crush on Ye.
Ye Guang has so little personal time that going to that show made him late for practice.
Also, these are currently the prettiest boys. Goddamn.
I am glad that most modern BL incorporates social media into interactions. Its ubiquity for young people sometimes makes it stand out to me when they don't use modern communication tools.
Ye Guang is very tall. Even his hands are huge.
I was enjoying the cute text messages until the parents arrived. Throwing out his soup was uncalled for. Then to berate him as you come through the door? When this kid implodes, these parents are definitely not going to accept their role in it.
Xu Qizhang's mother is the opposite. Love the encouragement she gives her son. Nothing horrible better happen to her.
I am enamored with the way Ye Guang moves around. I can't help but follow all of the movements.
Qizhang did a great job catching Ye Guang's head when the uncle shoved him.
Ah, wound tending, my beloved trope.
Mutual wound tending?? Be still, my heart.
It's been a while since I had first aid training, but I remember being told NOT to be creams on burns.
Whoa, that breathing from Jyun was impressive. Totally captures the arousal and embarrassment for Yu Qizhang.
Love that the dad is singing a song we're associating with the show.
Ye Guang falling asleep because he feels safe with Yu Qizhang and Qizhang proving that trust by not going through his phone and just admiring him fondly is something that can be so personal.
On to episode 4! Hopefully we see Ray.
Love that the umbrella has the name of the show.
I don't like the uncle.
I do like the tenderness of this show.
Yes! Ray looks so good. Let's pour sugar in his gas tank! Let's demolish his bike!
It is better for Ray to choose not to be cruel as well, but damn did I want it.
Oh, this impromptu date is cute.
Ye Guang is sleeping HARD. He must be exhausted.
Love when BLs use an instrumental version of the soundtrack to reinforce care and intimacy.
NOW KISS!! Oh well. I suppose it's still too early.
I don't like Chen Junwei. I wonder what they'll do with him.
I love the way Ray teases Ye Guang. Their rapport feels lived in.
Oh my god the band is adorable. Love them rooting for Qizhang.
KFC is sponsoring BL in Taiwan, too? It is inescapable.
Oh it's already halfway over? This show is going to be an easy rewatch, I think.
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eastwoof · 1 year
Joisey Boisey: Local Homestead Edition
Hi again everyone. Mod Spit here. Uhhhh, guess who has two thumbs and ended up seeing Jersey Boys again? This guy! So, in honor of the complete and utter bullshit I did last time as a means of filler, here’s my ramblings on a local production of Jersey Boys.
Friendly disclaimer like last time: Please know all these silly comments are said with as much love as humanly possible. I respect all these actors and the hard work they put into performing this show each night. Any seemingly negative opinions/commentary are in no way meant to bash the actors as they do not reflect their actual talents and abilities. So without further ado…
I dressed up for this event. Why did I do this.
And by that, I mean I walked in with a red blazer and tie because I wanted to be immersed. IMMERSED, I tell you.
Also wow, they’re gonna perform on a stage that I did community theater on. That’s crazy.
Oh my god the set is so cool. (I wonder how they’re gonna do the lamppost.)
Edit: There was no lamppost :(
Why do people bring their little children to this show they’re going to start calling you an asshole
Act I:
For a local theater, the set is really, really good!! For example, there’s no giant screen agressively telling me the season (nor a gregariously big lamppost), but wow. Top tier professional production.
Tommy is the most stereotypical Italian man I have ever seen. I want him to spit on me and murder me with a spoon. Please.
He’s also the tallest out of the four of them?? Which is something I didn’t expect to enjoy as much as I do.
Frankie is so bubbly and animated!! He’s so cute. AND he’s tiny!! I love him.
But oh my god please,, stay still,, a bit sir. You’re sweating so much. Sir. You must be so tired. SIR. CALM DOWN--
It also seems to be causing a bit of strain on his voice. I hope he’s okay :(
On the bright side his guy liner is 😩👌
Also his tone? So smooth. I wish my skin was that smooth. “Cry for Me” was so hot. When I pray, that’s the voice I wish I had.
His comedic timing? Magnificent. Do I pity him? No. Do I want him to step on me? Absolutely. Does he beat Mark Edwards though? I’m sorry, but no. (The day someone changes my mind about Mr. Edwards, I’ll make a whole separate post, and the world will probably implode. Despite that, I prefer this Nick a million times more than Blonde British Massi™️.)
“I Go Ape” was so awkwardly funny for absolutely no reason. I love it. Hank went, “..HAHA YEAH!” as he handed everyone the suit jackets.
Gyp’s mic tape came off during “My Mother’s Eyes,” and I loved watching it dangle from his face during his aggressive sobbing.
Loraine’s actress is very cute. I’ll update y’all.
Act II:
They all did their own special pose during the beginning of “Big Man…” and tbh I thought I was watching an anime opening.
HIS MONOLOGUE. It gave me secondhand embarrassment in the best way possible. Everyone’s trying to talk about the IMPORTANT MATTER, and he’s over here WHINING about Tommy being a little BITCH.
His monologue just gets increasingly louder until he shouts “TEN YEARS.” then he pauses and delicately plops into his chair to sit all politely. He looks like the cat meme. It’s so goofy.
Also, Nick being on the brink of tears when he mentions how he can’t see hotel soap.
The audience loudly groaned once Tommy said “half a mil,” and it made my heart happy.
Bob was the only one with a toilet during the jail scene, so seeing everyone dramatically draped over their chairs while he’s all scrunched up on the can was hilarious.
Okay, so Frankie being a hyperactive beyblade was definitely necessary here. He needs a place to put all that energy. HE RAN WITH IT.
“Beggin’” had sexy spins. “C’mon Marianne”? Exquisite. But then he starts doing whole ballet turns during “Working My Way…”??? Like, okay, Nutcracker and Swan Lake. I see you.
Bob’s smirk when he says, “What makes you think they liked you before?” 🥴✨💕
LORAINE. SHE IS SO CUTE. AND INCREDIBLE. I usually don’t pay as much attention as I should to her character, but this time my eyes were practically GLUED to her. Her leaving Frankie broke my heart into pieces. She deserves the world.
Oh, and sickness is cured. They all enunciate so hard, that they’re constantly spitting like camels. I love theater.
And now, the cast:
Frankie Valli: Ben Bogen
Tommy DeVito: Alec Michael Ryan
Nick Massi: Matthew Amira
Bob Gaudio: Michael Notardonato
Joe Pesci: Gianni Palmarini
Barry Belson: David Lamarr
Gyp DeCarlo: Peter McClung
Lorraine: Madeline Canfield
Mary Delgado: Abigail Sparrow
Francine: Hannah Jane
Norm Waxman: Rhys Williams
Bob Crewe: Aidan Cole
Hank Majewski: Jack Baylis
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