#I love how my boy runs and I wouldn't trade it.
faragonreblogs · 7 months
I have a feeling I'm the only human being on this entire planet who unironically loves the male Au Ra running animation. I hate when people say the devs should change it cause I legitimately don't want them to.
Like, I dunno mang, with every other race I feel like I'm doing a light lil baby jog through the park, but with my au ra I'm RUNNIN!! I'M GOIN PLACES!! I'M ON A MISSION!!! HELP IS ON THA WAY DEAR!!!
Anyways this corner is lonely but idfc I like how my boy runs. rant over.
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illubean · 9 months
Hi hellooo <3 I love your blog and since I have a thing for this bug-eyed boi, I wanted to ask you to please write a headcanon or a small one-shot (whatever you are comfortable) about teenage!illumi SOMEHOWWWWW having a secret friendship and he meets reader in the forest etc :)
Assassins Don't Have Friends
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Characters: Teenager!Illumi Zoldyck Type: Fluff, oneshot, Teenager!Gn!reader
this turned out kinda long >.< idk how to feel about it tbh
Warnings: mention of human trafficking kind of?
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Illumi Zoldyck was a perfect assassin and a perfect son. He never showed fear, vulnerability, was excellent at his job and followed all the rules to a t. Or so everyone thought.
It wasn't long ago that Illumi had went on the job that would unknowingly change his life, maybe about three months give or take. He was assigned to take out a member of the mafia known for trading illegal goods. Apparently he had owed the man who hired Illumi money and had no means of paying it. He was to dispose of the target swiftly and silently.
After the job had been done the young Zoldyck somehow failed to notice the figure in the corner, who had been watching him with surprised and tired eyes. Upon realizing he was not alone, the boy was quick to pin the figure down, ready to take their life at any given moment. Now that he was up close to this person, he realized it was another kid around his age, wearing tattered and dirty clothes. The part that intrigued him most is that they didn't seem afraid of him.
The mysterious person only smiled at him, eyes softening with admiration as they spoke.
"Thank you for saving me."
The young assassin stared blankly in confusion. Saving them? All he did was his job and you just happened to be there, he didn't really try benefiting you on purpose. Illumi lowered the needle he had pointed at the persons neck, eyes narrowing before he responded.
"What are you talking about?"
"That man you killed. I was just auctioned off to him and needless to say he was a horrible man, so thank you. I'm Y/n by the way."
Illumi got off of Y/n, turning around to leave before speaking up once more.
"I didn't kill him for you, I was doing my job. I should kill you too for being a witness, but I'll let you go this once."
The Zoldyck boy began to embark on his journey back home before he heard footsteps running to catch up to him.
"I never caught your name? Who are you anyway?"
He continued to walk, not once turning to face Y/n.
"Quit following me."
"But I have nowhere to go-"
"I don't care where you go, just get away from me."
It was silent for a few moments as the teens continued to walk. Y/n ignored Illumi's demands as they neared a path that stretched through a vast forest. At the end of the trail there was a large mountain. Illumi knows he shouldn't have led this stranger so close to his home, but something inside him wouldn't let him push them away.
"You still haven't told me your name. Are you like a secret spy or something? Geez we've been walking for so long- don't tell me we have to walk all the way up that mountain!"
The young assassin stopped when they got to the base of the mountain, causing Y/n to run into his back with a small 'oof'.
In front of them was a large stone wall with metal doors in the center.
"This is as far as I can allow you to get. I shouldn't have let you follow me for so long but frankly you don't pose any threat."
"Aww, I think you just let me follow you so far because you like me! Noowwww can I finally know the name of my new friend?"
Y/n smiled at the stoic male in front of them, blinking and awaiting a response.
"Assassins don't have friends, now leave."
Illumi approached the seven large doors of his home and began to push them open before pausing.
"It's Illumi."
He entered through those doors while Y/n stood confused for a few moments before realizing.
That was his name.
While the doors were closing he heard a voice yell from the opposite side.
"Okay Mr assassin! I'll come back here here every day to see you!"
{Pov switch? kinda?}
And that's exactly what you did. Every day for about a week you showed up at the foot of the mountain, sometimes convincing Zebro to call the butlers quarters.
After Illumi found out about this, he finally went down to meet them. This time you looked much cleaner, holding a small basket with a cloth over it.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I told you I would visit every day, didn't I? Oh, and this is for you. I managed to make a little money by fighting so consider this as a "thank you'. Y'know, for killing that guy?"
You held out the basket, gesturing for the boy in front of you to take it. He lifted the cloth to reveal some baked goods underneath. Illumi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"You can't keep trying to call the house. I told you assassins don't have friends."
"Welllll can't you make an acception for little ole me?" you asked, batting your eyelashes at him. "It could be our little secret!"
Without a word, Illumi grabbed one of your wrists and began walking into the forest surrounding his home. He stopped as the both of you came to a clearing, sitting down against the trunk of a tree.
"You're annoyingly stubborn."
You only smiled before sitting down next to him, reaching into your basket and pulling out two custard buns.
"Well it seems to work," you started, offering him one of the buns. "We're friends now, after all."
Illymi accepted the sweet treat with a sigh and ended up sitting there with you for hours. At some point you had both agreed to meet there once a week.
After these visits Illumi began developing a soft spot for you. He anticipated the days you would show up and the time you got to spend together.
Maybe he wasn't a perfect son.
He had secretly been seeing you without his family knowing and you were beginning to break down those walls of his.
Maybe he wasn't the perfect assassin.
Because after all, assassins don't have friends.
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
how about a little lando blurb with your birthday? Like, you still gave a regular job and work like you did today but then come home to him and it's all fluffy 🥹
Note: this is very self indulgent I have to admit, but very dreamy 🫶✨️💛
You parked the car and got all your stuff from the boot, putting your backpack on and grabbing the cake box to take upstairs along with your bag, climbing the steps as quickly as you could.
Managing to get the key into the keyhole, you got yourself into the apartment, setting your stuff down and looking for Lando, "Lan? Are you home?".
"In the kitchen, baby!", he called as you heard some pots clinking and a wooden spoon hit the pan, "there's my birthday girl", he cooed as you stepped inside the kitchen.
"Hey, baby", you smiled, approaching him and kissing his lips, smiling when you felt his hands squeeze your waist under your shirt.
"Happy birthday, my love", he whispered when he pulled his lips from yours, "did you have a good day?".
"I did", you smiled, letting him hold your hand while he stirred some chicken on the stove with his other hand, "the girls sang me happy birthday and they really liked the cake, and some of the kids remembered it was my birthday and they were very cute", you beamed.
"Did you have that little boy today?", he asked.
"Thomas? Yes, I did - he made sure I got two kisses on my cheeks and a hug", you teased him.
A couple of months ago, your boyfriend picked you up from work, and you were running a little late as your last appointment required you to talk to the little boy's parents to update them on his therapeutic progress and they were late too. What Lando witnessed in that waiting room was such a delight, even if it made him a little jealous of the little ones: Thomas, the cutest six year old boy, was happily sat down with you in the sofa, telling you all about the cartoons playing on the TV while holding your hand in his. The way he seemed so comfortable and happy to talk with you made Lando melt as he watched the whole thing unravel, only being interrupted when he heard the door click open from who he assumed were Thomas' parents. While you updated them, the little boy watched Lando curiously, even showing him the 'well done!' sticker he got from you because he completed all the activities you asked him to.
"I swear he loves you, like, I have some serious competition there!", Lando mused, "he's obviously cute, and he's very kind too, I wouldn't be surprised if you traded up", he winked.
"He is cute indeed, but I much prefer you", you smiled, hugging his waist and taking in the meal he was making.
"Are you sure? He always gets a sticker after all his appointments because he is such a good boy", Lando raised his eyebrows, "I don't get stickers after every race".
"Maybe it's something they could implement, I'll let them know for the nest season", you mused, kissing his cheek.
By the time you had dinner and ate the cake, Lando made sure you didn't lift a finger, keeping you close to him on the sofa once he tidied the kitchen, kissing you and hugging you while watching your favourite show.
"Thank you for this evening", you pecked his lips again, "today was the best day and this was the perfect end for it".
"Anything for my birthday girl", Lando smiled, leaving a few more kisses from your cheek to your shoulder.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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All I Wanted - Part 2
summary: when you are kidnapped discovered by TF141 they can't help but fall in love.
pairing: 141 x fem!teen!reader (platonic)
warnings: mentions of child abuse, drugs, canon typical violence, kidnapping
Part 1 Part 3
AN: Here it is! The Long awaited part two !!
Hope you enjoy this just as much as part one !!
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Price POV
This was not what they needed right now. When 141 first heard of a potential weapons trade for El Sin Nombre going down in Amsterdam, they couldn't wait to get on the field.
The suspense was killing them as they waited for the right moment. They knew at this point that trying to stop the deal would be more hassle than worth. So the plan of waiting for their food to come to them was a better solution.
Price stalled however when he saw her step out. No way this was who they were after. No one in a cartel would go about wearing over-pink clothes. It was stupid. Even more so when she started shooting back, with a pistol as well.
"Ghost, move in," the static of the radio crackled before a grumbled copy sounded back. Price watched as Ghost snuck up behind her, his feet silent as he kicked her knees in and knocked her out.
"Well done Ghosty," The Scotsman, Soap, cheered over the comms, making his way down to the evac truck they scheduled.
She sat in-between him and Ghost. "No way she's with Nombre," Gaz announced after a few minutes of silence, "She's a child!" A hum left Soap's throat. 
"That's why we integrate her, Nombre or not, we can still use her to our advantage," Price concluded, sending the group back into quiet before she awoke.
Gaz was right. She was a child, barely reaching 16. Guilt hung heavy in his heart as he thought back to her crying. Cheeks red with tears and eyes puffy. 
He dragged a hand down his face, muttering a 'Jesus Christ' under his breath at the discovery. Eyes flicked across the room, every single soldier in that room seemed to suffocate in the amount of tension.
With a heavy sigh, Price spoke again. "How about we make a deal?" her head shot up at the words, a mix of emotions slathered across her features. From here he could tell she was picking apart his words.
"You, stay with us and get a place to stay," Price's eyes drifted to his team behind her.
"But - you have to help us catch our guy," The words cemented in her brain, slowly nodding along to them. It couldn't be worse to what she was used to, can it? Worse case scenario, she runs away again.
"Okay," it was final, "But I need to get my gear first."
The drive was quiet. The radio played some random pop song that she muttered the lyrics too, fingers drumming on her thighs. 
The boys seemed glad she accepted the deal. Although it may be the fact she was a minor and by the sounds of it, partaking in crime activity. Of course, this wouldn't be as different but at least all expenses were paid for by the government.
The car lulled to a stop, pulling up in front of the hotel. The door slammed shut before Price even registered her unclicking her seat belt leaving him to race after her.
A smile graced her lips as she greeted the lady at the front desk, who then proceeded to side eye Price. He would too if he saw a teenager going up to a hotel room with a 40-something-year-old man.
The pair continued to be silent in each other's presence, even when her fingers slipped together pressing and pulling on each one as a sort of fidget. The lift dinged at the second floor, Price hot on her heels to the hotel room. She muttered the number continuously under her breath, 105. 
Number splayed in gold, she struggles to get the keycard from wherever she managed to store the thing, like seriously, where did she put things? 
The door pushed open to the room. The white linen sheets still a mess from when she woke up this morning. What caught his eye was the absurdly bright duffle bag that sat on the middle of the hardwood floors, from where he stood he could make out the top of a pink sniper. 
'Jesus the girl knew how to stick to a theme, that's for sure..'
Diligently she picked up the weapons she managed to slide into nooks and crannies. Picking up stray plushies along the way. Price tried to help, but whenever he tried to pick up a cuddly brown bear he'd get holes burnt unto his head. So he eventually dropped it, opting to stand near the door.
Before long she came up to him, bag over her shoulder and a determined look in her eyes. The trip back to reception was awkward. The same tense atmosphere seemed to follow like a shadow. The lift dinged again, the robotic voice announcing their arrival.
She marched over to the receptionist, explaining she was checking out early (even though there was still two weeks left) and saying if anyone needed it to let them have the room for free. The soft spoken words melted the workers heart, promising to do as told.
Your POV
Price was awkward. Maybe the commanding aura around him clashed with yours of innocence. But - you both knew yours was fake. To some extent at least.
"Why did you make a deal? - with me?" It was a genuine question. The want of appreciation and validation flooding through your veins.
His eyes flicked down to you, noticing you already looking him in the face. He huffed a laugh at it. Soft, warm. "Well - I'm not just going to toss a kid out on the street, am I?" It was the truth. Voice of honey and liquid gold washing over you. Clouding your brain.
"Thank you, Price."
"Doll, wake up for me yeah?" a hum fell past your lips as you stirred awake, rubbing your eyes.
"Are we back already?" voice hoarse and scratchy, a yawn coming from you mid sentence.
Price chuckled at you. 'Glad someone finds this amusing.' 
"C'mon love - I'll show you to your new room and you can have a kip in there, kay?" His voice was soft, almost like the words would make you shatter and crumble like glass. Though it worked, pushing you out of the passenger seat of the car and onto the (now) familiar gravel plaza. Pink mary janes dragged behind you, sleep seeping into your bones.
That was soon rushed out of you when Mohawk appeared in front of you and Price. "Hi lassie, names Sargent John Mactavish but Soap is fine!" He beamed, pearly whites flashing down as you appeared wide eyed at him, stunned at the sudden (and quite frankly, loud) appearance. He threw a hand over his shoulder, pointing at the other figure you completely missed, "And that's Gaz." It was the shorty of the group, giving you a sheepish wave and a sympathetic smile at the loud Scot.
Price placed a hand on your shoulder, a slight apology maybe? You found yourself staring up at him before speaking, "Uhm.. thank- thank you Soap-?" cursing yourself for stumbling over your words. The nicknames getting caught on your tongue at its strangeness. "What kind of name is 'Soap' anyways?" He laughed at that, full belly laughed. Sort of high like a bell, although pleasant.
"M' Afraid I can't tell ya that, confidential," It was spoken with a wicked grin plastered across his face. The smile contagious and making the pink bands of your braces show. "Why don't Gaz and I show you to your new room?" A glance to Price and his nudge of the head allowed you to accept the offer, Soap instantly grabbing the bag from off your shoulder and pulling you along, going on to ramble about his hometown in Scotland.
taglist: @urfavsunkissedleo @greenkiki @daryldixonh0e @elijahssuit @theunknownartistsworld @rafaelacallinybbay @cycy-nicole @romanticizedillness @thedeluded @blueoorchid @guiltyconfessions @r3dc4ndy @unnoticed-human @crazyfandomist @jaymum @chb-7 @chromslover @connierk690 @lilpothoscuttings @darkfaethedestroyer @cptg00s3 @elvyshiarieko @8-29pm @howlerwolfmax @minkyungseokie @tapioca-marzipan @cinnamoroll-things @kittythebloodykiller @thicc-plum @phoenixmistycal @marytvirgin @eddiesbitch83 @dwkfan
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mrs-kodzuken · 8 months
K.K.T.K on my wrist ♡
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Pairing: Kōtarō Bokuto x Keiji Akaashi x fem!reader x Tetsurō Kuroo x Kenma Kozume
WC: 1.9k
Genre: soulmate au, fluff, slice of life
CW: fem!reader, four soulmates, poly relationship, fluff, very soft and sweet
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When I was a little girl, I thought about how a prince would show up outside my bedroom window. He'd take me away to his castle and marry me, treating me with kindness.
Then we'd live happily ever after, just like in the movies.
However, the hardships that came with being a princess made me think that I could handle them. As it turns out, that's not how life is at all.
Not at all.
Plenty of hardships are thrown at you left and right. and it's all about how well you deal with it.
As I got older, my fantasies became more realistic. I wanted to live a small, easy life with the person I so dearly loved.
A small child or kitten running around, giving us entertainment.
Living out our lives to the fullest and being content with simplicity. We didn't need anything more or anything less.
That's how I've always imagined it.
As it turns out, life does throw things at you, but this one was one of the best hardships I'll ever came to love.
And it all begins at the young age of sixteen. A fresh high school student, worried about what people thought about them.
Their hair, clothes, grades, and sometimes even a boyfriend or girlfriend.
However, most of those thoughts got quickly brushed away. On a person's sixteenth birthday, initials will appear on their dominant wrist.
The absolute heart racing feeling full of wonder of who your special significance other could be.
Maybe it was someone who lives halfway across the world. Maybe someone who goes to the same school as you. Maybe someone you grew up with.
Or maybe someone you just happen to know from the internet.
Whatever it may be, they will be bound to meet. Some people say it's fate. Some say even destiny.
However, I just thought it was a clear misconception for me.
I had my dreams significantly crushed by four initials on my wrist. Oh, how I used to despise them—the hate that fueled through me when I looked at my wrist.
Looking back, it was harsh and childish. Life is unexpected; things happen. However, this one was one that's stuck in my favorites, even if it was the opposite of everything I always wanted.
I wouldn't trade it for the world.
The bedroom window was open a bit as the rain fell from the sky. Small devices lit up here and there around the room.
It was an easy night for all of us. Even Kōtarō was quiet, which sparked an interest in me. I was keeping myself busy by reading a book I had been wanting to catch up on.
While also laying on Keiji, who had been next to me reading some other kind of book.
Our beloved Kenma was in the next room over, streaming. The door was slightly ajar, leaving space for the blue rays of light to show on the wall.
I could hear small splashes of water coming from the bathroom. A small, unnoticeable smile gracing my strawberry-colored lips.
No matter how many times I knew water calmed that beautiful boy down, I couldn't get over it.
I had run the bath myself, even adding a few bathroom toys and bubbles, despite it being the late hours of the night. And despite that he was a grown man, we don't in this house.
If I had listened hard enough, I could hear Tetsu downstairs. The soft noise of most likely midnight snacks being made.
It seemed as if we were all content in the house we called home. A shiver ran down my back as I felt the soft breeze come from the window.
The skies were pitch black; if it were a normal night, I'd be on the roof with Tetsu and Keiji. We'd point out the constellations and watch the stars.
It was one of my favorite things to do with them.
If it were later in the afternoon and the sun was slightly straying from the clouds and the rain was soft, Kōtarō would be dancing in the rain with me.
We'd sing our hearts out, then get scolded by our lovely boyfriend, Keiji, who quite possibly seemed like the only sane one in the house.
Besides Kenma half of the time.
The days that it was sunny, and I wished silently that it would rain. Kenma would softly take my hand and lead me to the kitchen.
Even though we both shared the hatred of sunny days, we'd bake something.
Whether it be healthy or not, burnt or just right, muffins or cupcakes. So, our house constantly smells like a bakery. When we wouldn't feel up to baking, a movie was our next best thing.
On hard days when I felt like I really needed something to just get my mind off for a little while, Kuroo was my go-to person.
We'd run to the park and back, putting the stress into exercising. Sometimes, just sitting down with him on a park bench and watching everyone pass by was enough.
However, Keiji was by far the one who comforted me in a strange but loving way. He's the only one I'd talk to. I'd spill all my thoughts to, read a book with, cry to, and observe with.
Being very compatible with each and every one of them made life exciting and, oddly, calming.
"Are you cold? We can shut the window if you'd like." Keiji turned his head toward me, pausing his reading.
"I'll put on a hoodie," I said, shaking my head and loving the smell of rain. However, he knew that that would be my answer.
I'd always wrap up in multiple clothing layers instead of shutting the window.
It was a habit.
I crawled away from him as I watched Keiji place my bookmark in the place I was reading.
Slipping on my pink slippers, I walked out of the room, heading towards the clothing room.
Who knew that living with four other people would bless you with an enormously large house? However, the income we all made could quite possibly also be a reason.
As I walked past Kenma's gaming room, I peered in. My eyes were watching him a bit, I could tell even from when he was turned around that his eyes were glued to the screen.
Knowing Kenma, I knew he wasn't wearing his glasses that protected his eyes. He needed them now more than ever, since it's the late hours of the night.
Backing out, I quickly but quietly moved downstairs. His glasses were on the living room coffee table, if I remembered correctly.
When I was on the first floor, I moved to the living room, where his glasses were. Picking them up, I felt the coldness from how long they've been left alone.
The kitchen light on, curiosity peering through me. I peeked in at the sight of Tetsu sitting on the counter, scrolling on his phone.
He was most likely trying to figure out what we'd be feeling up for to eat after rummaging through our cabinets. God, he could be doing nothing and still look so handsome.
I smiled a little and headed back upstairs. Opening Kenma's door more, I could hear soft grunting from him.
Probably because of a level he was having trouble with.
Setting the glasses close to his keyboard, I leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on the temple. He nodded, his cheekbones glowing with a rouge pink shade.
That small peck meant, 'Please don't forget to wear them.' I could always express myself with small things without actually saying them to Kenma and Keiji.
Usually, I'd have to express my thoughts in a verbal way when it came down to Kō and Tetsu. However, I knew not everyone would be an introvert or just a mind reader.
When I left the room, leaving it cracked like before, I saw his game pause and him slip on the clear glasses.
I made my way back to the room, forgetting about the hoodie I needed to get. When I entered, I saw Kōtarō curled up against Keiji.
His hair was slightly dripping wet, making me cringe a bit.
I spotted his towel, which he had brought back with him instead of hanging up in the bathroom. I softly grabbed it and made my way to him.
He perked up; his yellow eyes seemed to shine a bit brighter in the dark.
"The water will make the bed wet, hon" I softly said, lightly ruffling his hair with the towel.
His arms wrapped around my waist as I continued to get the water out. Wetness and comfortable covers do not mix in my book or even on my book.
I could hear him sigh happily as I played with his hair, trying to get out all the water.
Glancing over to Keiji, his glasses were off, and our books had been set elsewhere. It's movie time.
Kenma would come from his gaming in around fifteen to twenty minutes from now. We'd all cuddle on the bed and watch a cartoon movie.
I walked to the bathroom, setting Kōtarō's towel on his hook. In a house of five people, organization was the best key.
After I cut the lights off, I walked back to see a movie picked up and Kuroo coming upstairs with our midnight snacks.
When I made sure everyone was comfortable in bed, I went to get Kenma. I could basically feel the exhaustion radiating off him. Knowing that he wouldn't get off the game unless someone actually got him.
As I got closer, I gently put my arms around his back. I did it every single time I wanted him to get off the game. I could tell he was fighting himself, wanting to go another round but agreeing.
Soon his system was off and his left hand locked in my right one, walking into our bedroom. We climbed into bed; the rotation was different this weekend.
Each day or week, we'd switch the rotation of who gets to spoon who. It wasn't my idea since I couldn't care less if I was spooning or getting spooned.
However, being the only girl it was kinda nice with everyone being bigger than me, it was kind of hot some nights too.
This time around, Tetsu was spooning me, and I happened to be spooning Kōtarō. After we finished the snacks, I couldn't resist the sleep, which called my name.
Since there were five of us, we couldn't possibly fit in a bed. So we decided to just get one of the biggest; even if we did spoon, I'm sure at least one of us would end up kicking another off the bed.
This has always been how our stay-up nights have been and I wouldn't change it for the world.
When I was a little girl, I thought about how a prince would show up outside my bedroom window. He'd take me away to his castle and marry me.
Well, now that I'm older, it's safe to say that I've got four princes who I was fated with. They agreed to live together with me, and the need to marry wasn't in our minds.
We all knew the reassurance of each other never leaving the other. But if one of us did happen to want to marry? I guess we could.
But this is the end of our weekend night and there was nothing out there that would make me give it up.
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a/n: this is from my book “Haikyuu x Reader One Shots” on Wattpad. I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you have any requests!
the header is made by me, please like/reblog if used <3
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greythemed · 1 year
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𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ bloodhounds . kim gun-woo
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˚ TITLE 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ how is like to date kim gun-woo. ˚ WORD COUNT 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ 1775.
dating gun-woo was like listening to my love by justin timberlake but the difference is that he wouldn't ask you to be his love bcuz he's a shy boy and would act exactly like only by lee hi
holds the door for you EVERYTIME like it's not even funny how gentleman-ly this man is
first time meeting your family? gun-woo is bringing every dish his lovely mother is capable of preparing in one day because he wants to impress your parents so bad (especially if you come from money while he doesn't) like he is so scared he'll mess something up
LISTENS TO YOU! i think gun-woo would be a good therapy friend but an AMAZING healing-era boyfriend. like family issues? imma suffocate you so hard with my love that you won't need anyone else anymore babygirl.
late-night therapy sessions where you both trade one secret for one kiss because it's cute and vulnerable while laying upside down on your bed and w pinkies intertwined. and if something about the relationship (or smth the other did on the day) is bothering one of you, late-night calls are a MUST - no matter where you are or which time it is.
his only source of relationship advice are guilty kdramas he has watched during the pandemic (when he wasn't punching random henchmen lol) and woo-jin so expect A LOT of misunderstandings from this guy
like one time he thought it'd be cute to surprise you with flowers at your work because he saw it in one kdrama and wanted to do the same but completely forgot you worked at a morgue as a young autopsy so you were horrified for a whole week💀
buys you sweet snacks every time he goes out like it doesn't matter if he's BROKE, he'll bring something for you, and don't bother stressing he'll keep doing the same till eternity no matter what
miss here has a late-night craving? gun-woo is running to the closest store at the darkest crack of dawn to buy you your wish, even if you try to stop him "don't worry, love, i'll be quick" and proceeds to kiss your head while putting his green puffy jacket on and rushing.
honestly let’s talk about that. IT HAS TO GO AWAY. definitely going to be your first gift for him: A NEW JACKET. like give her a break gunwoo-ya, she's not goin' nowhere bestie ✊😔
your 'dynamic trio' is a little stressful at the start. i truly believe woo-jin would test the SHIT out of gun-woo's partner, no matter how much the boxer tries to prove to him you're no threat. like mister mayweather fan won't let you breathe the first time you guys meet, making direct questions like "what are your intentions with my babyboy right here? 🤨" or "if you're planning to leave him someday and brake his heart, i WILL find you"
super-protective woo-jin boyfriend mode is off the instant he finds out you're striving to be a doctor one day and help the world to be a better place and stars are starting to accumulate in your eyes while you talk. (he still threatens you sometimes tho).
after that the DOUBLE DATES' SEASON starts (because woo-jin also has his partner after all) and suddenly your group of friends consists of your boyfriend, your boyfriend's boyfriend, and another unfortunate third wheel caught in their bromance.
he's such a shy baby and you're such a social butterfly girlie so we might have some contradictions about where to go on date nights. like one week is staying in movie nights where you’re all cozy and gun-woo is sleeping at the first five minutes of the movie (“i swear it wasn’t on purpose babe🥺”) and the other is freaking museum rides and “i heard this new place at the mall is SO good we have to try it!!!!”.
but when it comes to physical activities? you’re SO done. like NO GUNWOO I DON’T WANT TO WAKE UP 5 IN THE FUCKING MORNING TO RUN AT THE BEACH WITH YOU😡😡😡. (he dreams of the day you’ll say yes).
watching? maybe. he gets all sweaty and sexy for you, i can imagine his partner just staying there in the corner wrapped in a cozy blanket and eating some snacks while he’s working the fuck out in the garage. like i got you bae don't worry! from right here🧍🏻‍♀️ . and he loves it. 
absolutely adores praising, especially regarding his physic or gym evolution and gets all shy when you do it because “really? have you been payin’ attention to me?🥺”.
really values traditional corny-ass attitudes like protecting your head every time you get out of the car, walking on the side closer to the street, holds hands so he literally doesn’t lose you (it happened one time, you saw a rainbow-y burrito trailer and went for it without even thinking), ladies first always, pays for food when you get out or buys you flowers.
after he and woo-jin took their part of the money, the first thing gun-woo did was open his mom’s café and buy them a house just like mister choi said. he started working out more and working on his physic to maybe try and win one more tournament but he ends up meeting you and your father and meeting so many new people that wanted to take him under their wing 😊.
he literally had to pick which sponsor he’d choose to run for the belt. he got quite famous for jumping two categories in one year and from then on gun-woo made a few winning his pro fights.
he did what he loved so you supported him, biting your nails every time he’d take more than one round to knock his opponent out and cheering with his mom beside you in her new apartment every time the fight ended.
you’re so his passenger princess. this man will be moving mountains to do what you want and he’s so good at it.
on days when he’s more clingy and vulnerable expect this tall man to be glued to you. sometimes when you can’t be reached he will just call you to hear your voice on your break from work and straight hit the gym to soothe his anxiety.
in death’s anniversaries, he’d be the same. would stay silent the whole day if you don’t talk to him because it’s so painful to remember what happened to them all in one day. so you need to be careful and engage him in soothing activities or just distract him respectfully. 
nsfw under 🤗
gun-woo is such a giving person and he wouldn't be different in his relationship. sexually speaking? this man doesn't know where to start. you guys end up having a real conversation about this because gun-woo doesn't know how to enjoy things where he's the benefitted one and only wants to give, give, give. its sick.
it doesn't help the man is fixated on eating you out too. like, honestly he'll die a happy man if it is between your legs. at first, you had to teach him a lot of things (you were basically his first everything, after all) and the boxer took that as a fucking challenge. picture that every night he'd be knocking at your door not even saying hello and going straight to business because "i want to do it right this time, angel. is this okay? am i making you feel good?".
*dies while writing this*
there is a gun-woo before ep.6 and another one after ep.6 and we all know it. but the thing he didn't change was his heart, right? so the boy that watched netflix kdramas with his mom after gym sessions during the pandemic while eating ramyeon is the same man that takes you to bed after a romantic date and not only DOESN'T rush you to do anything but also asks if you want him to sleep on the floor because maybe he'll make you uncomfortable?🥺 and he doesn't want that. (even though you've been dating for ages by now lol)
so when you glance at him asking “bae, what are you doing?” he is stuttering like “sleeping on t-the… floor?” “get your ASS back here mister kim imma teach you how to be a man😾”
honestly, he finds you SO funny that even during sexy time he’ll laugh at your jokes. like genuinely laugh and you’d consequently laugh at his reaction too and then sexy time is gone for the next 10 whole minutes till he shuts you up and goes back to business.
big boy up and down we've all been through that already, right? right.
sometimes it pisses you off that he takes everything so serious and it takes the sparkle away for you. but it’s because everything is so new to him that he feels like he has to be amazing on his first try and it infuriates you.
“you good?” he raises his head and looks into your eyes in confusion. “you’re doing it again, can’t you please just feel instead of thinking for once?” you question and his big round eyes make an appearance. “oh… i’m sorry”. and starts doing it right because in his head, that was also a challenge.🙄
gun-woo is a shy man. while i do not agree when i see people calling him a bottom, he’s not approaching you first babe get over it. gun-woo is the type of man that needs a little “it’s okay i want sexy time now pls” so his key is finally turned and the beast is unleashed. not saying he’s a freak because he’s probably a super traditional guy but you know what i mean.
that drabble i wrote? he needs your okay first to iniciate anything. my man could be busting his pants, fully hard n leaking and won’t even utter a word.
stamina>>> he's an athlete like c'mon
don't expect any replies from this man if you send him nudes in the middle of the day someday. boy will be BLUSHING the rest of his chores forever. and he won't have the heart to stare at you for a whole week if you don't approach him first.
you'd be all "lol you're blushing baby 🤭😆" and he'd be like "why did you do this to me?🥺🥺🥺 now i want you more for the rest of my life and forever".
you cannot say that this man doesn't feel like some of justin bieber's songs (specially company like ok i might have to make a playlist just about him)
i'm going to end this here and let y'all starve.
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making a playlist about him after this for safety purposes. i could make this for hours and hours no joke, mom come pick me up pls i'm scared.
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divinelolita · 3 months
hii could you do bill x ftm!reader?? like reader is really dysphoric and he needs lots of reassurance 😭😭 there's literally no th ftm fics and I'm feinding
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a/n: ive been waiting to post a fic like this! as someone who's trans myself ive literally found like 2 fics...like what? 🙁 tysm for requesting and always remember you're loved xx!
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"What's wrong, baby?"
Bill asks as he flops down on the couch next to you, his messy black hair sprawled out on the cushions as he looks up at you. You're visibly upset, but he can't quite put his finger on why.
"...Nothing," You had murmured back, shrugging softly as your fingertips roamed over the remote control, trying to find a show you might enjoy. "...just things." You finished, letting out a small sigh.
Bill raised his arched eyebrow high at that. He adjusted himself a little on his elbows, propping himself up to see your face better. "Things?" He parroted, giving a small tilt of his head.
You just gave a small nod. It was a little very hard for you to be able to open up about your gender dysphoria, you always had fears of your insecurities being turned against you. Bill had known you were trans, you broke the news a few days into dating.
He didn't see you any differently. You were his boyfriend. His boy.
When Bill narrowed his eyes a bit and bit his inner cheek, you knew he definitely wasn't satisfied with your answer. He was very keen on wanting to talk things out, which was great for most things. But this was...different. Hard.
"...I guess, it's just, uhm..." You began slowly, trying to find the right words to describe how you felt. Your tongue felt tied as Bill's head tilted, gesturing for you to continue.
"I feel...different." You finally manage to mumble out. You felt hot tears prick your eyes and you tried desperately to blink them back, biting your bottom lip nervously.
"I mean...I...I know I'm different. But it hurts, y'know? I just want to be normal, feel normal." You whisper, your voice cracking as your body shakes. You feel a hot tear run down your cheek and your heart races. You quickly go to wipe it, before you feel Bill's soft, gentle thumb brush beneath your eyes.
When you bring yourself to meet his gaze, his hazel eyes are soft, soothing almost. "You are normal, honey." He whispered, speaking in a calming voice as if he was speaking to a wounded animal. "You're perfect the way you are, I wouldn't trade you in for anybody." He murmured as his black manicured fingers softly stroked your cheek in soothing circles.
You felt tears well in your eyes as twice the speed, but not from sadness or worry this time. You felt comforted, more calm than you've felt in what seems like forever. "You mean everything to me, babe. I mean...look at you. You're perfect." He says softly, his own voice cracking slightly as he looked over your features.
"I promise, no matter what, you'll always be my boy."
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mong---mong · 5 months
Baby Girl Pt 2
When SKZ is expecting a boy as there first born but they get a boy.
2000's line
Hwang Hyunjin -x-x-x- Every Birthday wish that Hyunjin had as a little kid, was to have a younger brother. So when you were pregnant, he was sure he was finally going to get the younger version of him in his life.
So holding his little baby girl was a shock for him, a happy shock of course. Some say he even cried, but he tells no one of that. He didn't know that all he needed was daughter.
He enjoyed every moment with her, every dance, every tea party, every dress up game. He loved his little girl that had the exact amount of sass that he did.
While he did have a son and another daughter, he always remembers the satisfaction of having his daughter.
Han Jisung -x-x-x-
Jisung looked wide eye at his daughter when she was born, he was for sure, that he was going to have a son.
It may have been the chubby cheeks, the resembled himself, or her sparkling brown eyes, that made him fall in love. Or when she would run towards him with her arms opened wide.
It also coulod be that she was his only kid, but he loved his daughter so much. Next to his wife, she was his world, he never ever let anyone hurt her.
Lee Felix -x-x-x-
Felix grew up with his two sister, and just wanted a son, so the two could relate. But he couldn't deny when his freckled baby girl was put in his arms for the first time, he wouldn't trade her for the world.
Felix and his sisters always gave his little girl such princess treatment, she was spoiled, and when he had 2 more daughters he was beyond grateful.
"I don't why I thought, I was made to have a son, being raised around Rachel and Olivia, was preparing me, for my daughters"
"So you don't want a son?"
"Do you want another baby.."
"It's not fair they all look like you Felix, maybe if we have a son, he'll look like me!"
Kim Seungmin -x-x-x-
It wasn't Seungmin's fault that he was expecting a son, after all that is what the doctor told him. So the doctors asked him what they wanted to name their baby girl, he was confused.
But his love for his daughter didn't change at all, infact, it just grew, his daughter, became savage like him, and also was smart and cute like him.
Seungmin was glad his duaghter had turned out to be a girl, he was just so happy to have a little girl by his side.
The length of the story is not bias, just off how much detail and inspiration I have for each one
Have a wonderful day
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cosmic-crybaby · 11 months
Break My Heart Again- Tommy Shelby x Reader
Part 1
Summary: After being childhood friends, you and Thomas made a promise one day to get married, but when he returned from France, he came back a completely different man.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, tommy before the war (Lowkey OOC) 
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She's known Tommy almost all her life. They met one day at the cut when he was ten, trading cigarettes with the other kids, and she was eight, tagging along with her older cousin. It was merely a passing glance, maybe an introduction of names, but she hadn't seen him until years later. At the ripe age of twelve and fourteen, when he defended her when the older boys pulled at her hair and pushed her around. She was forever grateful to him after witnessing him take in three in a fight, punching the daylights out of one, shoving another's head into the mud, and threatening the third. 'If you ever come near her again, I'll fuckin' take your eyes!'. That was enough to scare them off. The two were almost inseparable ever since. Years of growing up together the two would often get into mischief together and cause trouble in the smoky streets of Small Heath. As [name] got a little older, the more she started to fall for the future gangster, and the more time passed, the more she started to change.
And of course, Thomas began to notice.
By the time they were seventeen and fifteen, the two delinquent teenagers seemed to be more than friends. The way Thomas would hold her hand as they run up the grassy hills, the way [name] would stare into his eyes as they lay on the grass under the shaded tree.
"I don't know what I would do without you, Tommy Shelby..." She spoke softly, her voice was like heaven to him. "I can't picture myself beside anyone else," She admitted. Thomas just stared into her eyes, his soft hands rising to brush his knuckles against her cheek, tucking away the pieces of hair that came undone from her clip.
"You don't have to...because I'm going to make a promise to you [name]," He suddenly sat up, causing her to sit up as well and gaze at him in confusion.
"What kind of promise?" She asked, curiously. He opens his mouth to speak then quickly closes it before thinking for a moment. Collecting his words carefully. Clearing his throat so his voice wouldn't crack, because he knew he wouldn't hear the end of it from her if that happened.
"That one day, when I have me own money and me own house, we will get married," He finished confidently. She sat there, her lips slightly agape.
"Stop joking around!" She laughed, swatting at his arm, causing him to laugh as well and to catch her hand before she should hit him again. This time both of his hands enveloped hers as he stared at her with a content smile.
"I'm being serious, trust me when I say I want to marry you one day [Name] [Lastname]!" He said, laughter hidden within his words. She thought for a moment then nodded once, reaching for his hand. She kissed the back of his hand, her soft lips were warm upon his skin.
"Okay, promise," She smiled lovingly as he returned the kiss on her hand before bringing her close to kiss her forehead.
In the years that followed that day, she was by his side, even when he was starting to work at the betting shop with his family. At first, she was just there for moral support, but right when she finished high school Polly saw her potential and how educated she was, and on the spot, she was hired. Checking the maths and records in each book, making sure everything was in its place.
It was a dream being with Tommy at nearly every waking hour. Of course nothing would go beyond holding hands, gently touches, and friendly affection . But even when those were at a minimum, she was falling in love with him.
Her love for him only grew since they first met. It was unconditional love and ever since he made that promise to her, she only fell harder. It almost felt like she was already married to him. With the way he kissed her forehead or cheek, the way he was so kind to her and checked in on her work whenever he needed an escape, and how he would tell her he loved her. Every night after work when he walked her home. He would kiss her knuckles, her cheek, and her lips before saying.
"Goodnight [name], I'll pick you up in the morning, I love you,"
It wasn’t until she began to notice his slow distance from her. At first, she thought nothing of it as he wouldn’t give her as much affection as he normally did. Her hands grew cold as they were empty from his. His touch was slowly detaching from her own. The emotional distance was noticed quickly, but the physical distance made her heart cold. He went from seeing her every day to nearly every other day, now...she was lucky to even catch him at the betting shop.  As much as she wanted to convince herself that it was nothing, she couldn’t help the emptiness she suddenly felt. She had wondered what he was so busy with and deep down she had hoped he hadn’t gotten in any more trouble than he already was getting himself into.
The weeks and months went by, her resentment for Tommy only grew. On the days he went to the shop, she tried to make her presence known, nothing but a simple "Hi [name],"would be his response. Sometimes not even making eye contact with her.
One day, in 1914, he approached her in her office. She was too busy organizing files and writing down and calculating the records to make sure they were accurate. She didn't even notice his presence at first. He stood in the doorway, hands in his pockets as he stared at her, waiting for her to pay him any mind. 
“I’m busy,” She simply mumbled, seeing him in the peripheral vision of her eyes. He scoffs before stepping in further and closing the door behind him. 
“So that’s how you treat me now, eh?” He asked, sitting across from her in a chair. He was met with silence as she kept her eyes glued to the page. “[Name]” He called. 
Again, silence. 
Tommy suddenly slammed the book shut and grabbed the pen that was in her hand.
“Hey! I'm trying to work, you just made me lose my spot!” She shouts, quickly standing up as the chair behind her scrapped against the wood floor loudly.
Tommy just smirks. She stomp towards him to retrieve the pen back, but the older boy just held it above her head as he extended his arm up, barely just out of her reach. 
“Thomas, this isn’t funny!” She pleads. He just laughs. 
“There you are, finally acknowledging me,”  
She sighed in defeat and set herself back on her feet, holding his gaze with a glare.
“What do you want now? Go on with it, Polly needs these by the end of the day and she’ll have my neck if I don’t have em ready,” She crossed her arms over her chest. Tommy let his arm down, setting the pen on the desk. 
“What makes you think I want something?” He asked. Her eyes widened slightly. 
“I don’t see you for months and you barely even talk to me let alone look at me whenever you’re here, so this sudden change in behavior is quite a shocking one,” She explained, her tone still stern. She was met with his eyes, a guilty look on his face. 
“I know...I know and I do apologize-” 
“You were supposed to be my closest friend, Thomas...” She interrupted him. Her voice was calm, almost meek. 
“I am your closest friend, never forget that [name],” He held her slumping shoulders. She takes an exhale through her nose. 
“Listen to me...I’m sorry, I had some prior engagements that needed my attention,” He said quietly as he tried to get her to look into his eyes. 
“I know but I just wished you had just talked to me...I felt so alone,” 
Thomas held his breath and clenched his jaw. He couldn’t tell her now...Not yet at least. 
“When you’re with me, you’ll never really be alone,” He told her, holding her close. She knew there was some truth to his words but pushed herself away from him. 
“I have to get back to work,” She said. He rolls his eyes at her sudden coldness.
“I’m not leaving until I get a smile out of you...and maybe an ‘I love you’,” He smirked, still holding her, his hands on her shoulder blades. She scoffs, giving him a small, ingenuine smile. 
“Happy?” She asked. He shook his head. His hands slowly crept to her sides, going unnoticed by her. 
“Tommy...” He gave her that look. That look of mischief. “Don’t you dare-” But her warning came too late. His fingers began digging into her sides, it didn’t take long before she began giggling profusely. 
“Tommy stop! I can’t- I can’t breath!” She squealed in between fits of laughter as she tried to push his hands away. He was too strong. 
“Tell me you love me [name]!” He laughed. 
“N-No! Never!” She laughed, the tears in her eyes started to seep down her cheeks. 
“Say it [name] and I’ll stop!,” 
“Fine! I love you Thomas Shelby!” She gave in. The tickling had stopped, yet she barely caught her breath when Tommy pulled her close and picked her up from the ground and kissed her cheeks. 
“I love you too, [name] [lastname],” He said quietly. Looking into his eyes made her even forget why she was upset with him. He looked at her with perfect love in his eyes and a small smile on his lips as he quickly kissed her hand before leaving her to continue your work. 
 A week later, Tommy had told her the secret he had been keeping from her. Finally letting it out. 
“No...Tell me it’s a lie...” She was in denial. Shaking her head as the tears welled up her eyes. 
“[Name] please...listen to me,” He approached. 
“Please don’t do this you don’t have to do this!” She cried. 
“We have to go, [name]...it’s the only choice,” He calmly stated. 
“To put your lives on the line? To leave your family behind to leave me behind?” 
The silence was daunting. She sniffled and turned away from him. 
“I understand the sacrifice you’re making, but I can’t bare the thought of my life without you...Arthur, John, you...You three have been in me life every day since I was a child, if you were to never come back I don’t know what I would do without you,” She shook her head as she choked up once again. 
“Don’t think of it that way, love...We will come back once it’s over...and when it’s over I will come back to you,” 
“Tommy...” She felt his hands on her shoulders as he stood behind her.
“You will be the one I am living for...who I am looking forward to come home to...” He steps in front of her, grabbing her cheeks in the palm of his hands as they locks eyes.
“I don’t want to lose you,” She whispered. He pressed his forehead to hers. Closing her eyes tightly to stop the tears.
“You won’t...I promise,” 
She has always known for Tommy to keep his promises. But deep own she wasn't sure if this was within his control. And it scared her. Shattered her heart and soul to know he was leaving in just a few weeks. Every day after that he spent every moment with her as if it were his last, even though it felt like it to her. 
The day the three Shelby brothers left, Polly, Ada, and Martha were in shambles. [Name] tried to stay strong but the second she approached the train station she began to tear up. 
She had said your goodbyes to John and Arthur first as she held off her departure from Tommy. She stood in front of him, he seemed to put on a brave face for his family and for her but she could read right through him. He was just as scared as she was. She embraced him tightly. 
“I will write to you every day...and pray for you three while you’re gone,” [name] told him. He nods quietly, he reaches into his pocket to pull out a small, simple, ring to held it to her.  
“Remember that promise we made when we were kids?” He asked. 
“That we’d get married one day?” She nods.  
“I am giving this to you, so that when I do return we will get married...That way I will come home with a purpose...to marry you,” He said. She gasped a bit as he slipped the golden band on her ring finger. 
“Just promise me you’ll never take it off, for as long as I live and love you,” 
“I promise,” She smiled at him. He gave [name] a quick kiss. The train whistle blows. 
“Come home to us soon...please,” She begs. He nods again before Arthur and John pulled him away to board the train. 
Watching the men wave off their families as the train took off was heartbreaking. The four women of Small Heath held onto each other, comforting each other when they watched the three men in their lives leave on a train. [Name] rested her head on Polly’s shoulder as she rubbed the young girls back, quietly sobbing beside her.
[Name] went home that day, sitting alone as she twirled the ring on her finger, counting the days until his first letter came. 
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
I've decided the perfect Stobin au is a psych au/fusion. I don't know if I'll ever clear my plate enough to write it so let me share some world building highlights I dreamt of last night:
Steve, with his people reading skills and his ADHD brain that holds on to strange bits of information forever, accidentally convinces the Hawkins police force that he's psychic.
Robin plays his (thematic) straight man. Trading off antics and helping to fill in the gaps in Steve's knowledge base/memory
This only even happens because the temp agency placed Robin at a separate job from Steve, tragic, and he had too much time on his hands to get a crush on the local dinner guy
The local dinner guy who gets framed for a crime he didn't commit, and when Steve goes in just to provide a character witness he gets accused of being an accomplice. Somehow between this point and being released Steve convinces them he's psychic -- it's important to note even Steve is unclear on how this happens
When Robin finds out Steve has already decided they can solve this. And self employment is pretty much the only way to make sure they can work together forever and no one can separate them
Through the power of gossip, audacity, and actually doing some investigative work. Stobin do of course solve the crime
More general lore thoughts: this is an aged up au so that Steve wouldn't have to have a strained tough love relationship with his dad ala actual psych sure you could use Hopper in place of Henry but I think it's more fun to shove a newly graduated Dustin into just some kind of generic science lab. Who needs a dad for advice when you have six kids?
Every eligible lady in Hawkins is obsessed with Robin and her private eye drip, can an au that doesn't exist have a running gag?
Most crucially, regardless of any boy or girl crushes, this is an au about stobin getting into antics. Steve tapping in to his inner theater kid while Robin nods sagely in the back. Robin asking the most uncomfortable question a person has ever asked another human while Steve smiles and gaslights them into believing its acceptable. Steve and Robin paying themselves to hang out all day and yeah maybe along the way they solve a murder if they're up to it, who knows they've got a lot planned
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writercole · 1 month
on the note of scott wanting kids, how many would he realistically want/how much of a dealbreaker would it be for him if his partner didn’t want any/not as many? also that man would go CRAZY as a secret girl dad. like he would pretend to hate it but he would absolutely cave if she wanted him to do one of those stupid daddy daughter tik tok trends but do it with absolutely zero outward enthusiasm (he likes to feel needed so he’ll do it even if he never admits it). he’s so wrapped around her finger so his most said words now are “don’t tell your mother i let you do this.”
Realistically, he's got the picket fence dream - One boy, one girl. But he knows his life and his career are tough sells so no amount is a "deal breaker."
In the quartet, he's got all boys. But Scott as a girl dad? WATCH. OUT.
He shows up to work with neon pink fingernails and gives interns the death stare if they say anything.
Javi has 'blackmail' photos of him in tiaras and tutus at tea parties.
His heart breaks a little when she starts dating. She's no longer "Daddy's little girl" and he knows the eventuality of it. Two weeks later, she's crying in his arms because the boy broke up with her and he's silently vowing that he'll murder the kid.
Wifey talks him down, of course.
But that starts a post-breakup ritual. They go on a late night snack run for ice cream, chocolate, and stupid amounts of junk food. He listens to her rant and rave and cry. The next day, they go have a daddy-daughter day. Shopping, movies, facials, manicures, and, of course, dinner. He's the happiest he's ever been. His face remains stoney.
Then comes the tiktok phase. People learned from the nail polish not to mention it. Except Javi, who ribs him for being such a grinch about it and stealing the joy from the video. He accepts it, knowing that these moments with his daughter are special and he wouldn't trade them for anything. Especially when she begs him to do another because it got so much interaction.
The day he learns of her engagement, he is torn. His little girl is no longer a little girl. She doesn't need him anymore, not that she ever needed him to begin with. He won't know of her problems and he won't be given the opportunity to fix them.
But she's so happy, she's in love with this person, and there are no red flags that he can see.
Nothing changes between them. She still calls when she fights with her spouse. He still takes her out the next day. And while she's got someone to be there for her, she still needs her Dad when everything feels like it's falling apart. He can fix it. He always has.
Tagging my favorite Dad!Scott hoes again: @ryebecca @hederasgarden @a-reader-and-a-writer
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ember-owlet · 3 months
If it’s not any trouble, could I please pretty request headcanons or a lil drabble of regressor Heisenberg and Ethan with a mama caregiver (in a poly relationship setting)? They’re my liddol guys and I wish to spoil them rotten 🥺
a/n : its no trouble at all sweetheart!! heisenberg and ethan need a supportive mama in their lives desperately!! thank you for waiting,, i hope i can do your little guys justice with these headcanons ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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art credit : @/bullfrogsan 🧵
dynamic: mama! cg! reader x regressor! karl heisenberg x regressor! ethan winters
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first of all, to me neither of them have had positive past experiences with their biological mothers. so the boys having a positive mother-figure in their life would be so incredibly healing, outside of regression or not.
they!!! are!! such!!! mama's boys!!!
in your dynamic if only one of the boys were to regress and be doted on by the other two they would be, for the most part, well behaved and good mannered.
however, karl and ethana when regressing together would be like two feral cats (/lh) you'd never know whether they'd be in a cuddly mood with one another or immediately fighting over who gets to play with which toy first.
there are a few times where they'd need their mama's firm intervention, mostly if it were to turn into a physical altercation.
you'd have to bring the two together to apologize, and they would begrudgingly turn to the side and huff, with a mental agreement they're "only doing it for your happiness".
in reality they do care for one another, very deeply in fact. there is no better kiddo in the world that could handle karl's rather rough playtime than ethan and no one else could make ethan feel safer than being protected by karl and his mama.
the main thing that the two of them can agree on is just how much they adore their mama, planning the best way to surprise you with handmade drawings or gifts, followed by both of them running into your arms.
as time goes on i could absolutely see the dynamic of karl being the adventerous daredevil while ethan would either disagree and inform his mama of his behavior or follow silently behind to be sure that he doesn't get himself hurt.
it would be a common misunderstanding with those who'd meet your dynamic that karl is the "punk" while ethan is the harmless angel, but you would know your little guy enough to understand just because ethan is quieter doesn't mean he doesn't have his own way of finding trouble. (think bluey and bingo from the mini bluey episode).
ethan could be rather stubborn if given the chance, as regressing would enhance his need to make his own decisions after a lifetime of others speaking for/over him.
karl on the other hand would want to encourage ethan's rebellious tendencies, telling him that sometimes its alright to push all of his feelings out.
their mama would be able to balance the dynamic as the voice of reason, handing both of them a healthy outlet and tools for their bigger feelings.
i love the idea that after finding a healthier outlet from his mama and ethan, heisenberg is able to find moments of calm, at first taking some time after a tantrum to breathe to being at the cusp of cursing someone out and instead breathing and thinking of what's the root of his feelings.
and in fact you do spoil your little guys rotten, their rooms would be filled to the brim with their choice of toys, stuffies, gear, and books to keep them entertained for hours. and, even if karl has a harder time verbalizing it, they would much rather prefer the company of their mama together.
there's no greater feeling to their lighter and vulnerable headspace than being wrapped up in your arms for a story time. to feel the humming of your chest against their ear or the gentle strokes of your fingers through their hair while they sleep would be a feeling they wouldn't trade for the world.
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luvistqrzzz · 1 year
our 17 17
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s: what does it take to be 17 and crazy in love? p: sunghoon x f.reader g: f2??, fluff, hurt/comfort, highschool au wc: 0.3K ib: that scene from ep2 of 2521 <3
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'c'mon we'll do something fun!' 'i don't want to, y/n.' 'and i don't want to see my friend sad.'
the water tap bursted into life like a fountain. you let out a small giggle as the stray droplets fell on you. you didn't mind it. you had done it a thousand of times. it was almost freeing now.
'don't you think it's fun, sunghoon?' you turned to look at the boy standing behind you, an amused smile on his face. he looked at his best friend laughing at the small wonder, his cheeks turning a shade darker at her sight.
a sudden idea came to his mind, he replied, 'no. but i think this is.' he went forward to where the four other closed taps lined in order. one by one sunghoon twisted them and turned them on. 'no way', you clapped your hands in excitement.
it didn't matter then that you both were wasting water. what mattered was the way it sprung to life, almost like rain, almost like the youth that painted you both in streaming colors. like a melody of emotions.
you shrieked as you felt sunghoon push from behind getting drenched by the mini fountain. 'i'll get you, hoon!' you laughed before angling the water at him. he grinned, the earlier gloominess slowly forgotten.
how could sunghoon not when all he really could think about was you? the way your laugh rang in the air, the way your eyes crinkled attacking him with water or the way you were you. and he wouldn't have traded it for anything.
'hey! who's there?!' a loud voice came from the distance. you both looked at each other in alarm before proceeding to hastily close the taps.
'we've got to run!' sunghoon shouted, taking hold of your wrist and pulling you with him. there was this rush of adrenalin you felt as you looked at his hand in yours and the brightly lit sky above.
it was a kind of radiance you only have at 17. the night felt big enough to fit your dreams, hopeful enough that sunghoon for once wasn't worried about the future.
the kind of night he thought would last forever.
'see it's not the end of the world, hoon. you're so strong but you put yourself through too much. i just want you to be happy.' but you are my happiness thought sunghoon.
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an: this is so bad and makes me go 🤢🤢 but i still posted it cuz i got no shame 😍😍 neways hope yall like it my pookies 😾😻
nets: @en-web @hyfenet @enhanet @k-films permanent taglist open- send an ask- @rikizm @str0l0gy @yenqa @heetoldme @crxzs @s00buwu
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raindailies · 8 months
HIHIIII<33 i really loved ur shu fic,, ur such a talented writer 🥹🥹 (tumblr yaminions are currently in drought) and i remembered you wrote this!! if ur reqs are closed rn,, pls ignore this 🩷🩷
could i req a gn!reader fluff, as mornings with shu? 🥹🩷
thank u sm!! have a nice day ml <33
xoxo, saku 🤍
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info: pure teeth rotting fluff of my favorite boy shu yamino himself. What are mornings with Shu like?
warnings: none <3
So we know that Shu barely sleeps
This guy I swear he's really stubborn when it comes to such stuff
BUT-! He has a soft spot for you, and specifically you and you only
If someone else were to tell him to go to sleep he would kindly refuse, but you? How exactly can he even say no to you?
But if you're like him, and stay up late - he won't condone that, duh
He'll force you to sleep with him, and he'll sleep just so you get your sleep
Moving on to the mornings - I imagine Shu to be very goddamn tired in the morning
Shu seems like the type of person who would softly snore in their sleep tbh
Every morning, you usually wake up with Shu snuggling onto you right by your side, both of you warm under the bedsheets
Since Shu usually stays up late, he would sleep in whenever he gets the chance to - but if you or him have something to do he is very very on time
You woke up, drowsy with Shu hugging your arm while he nestles his face onto your neck
He looks so peaceful just sleeping there, without any worries whatsoever
Once you try to get up, he'd slowly blink awake, drowsy and tired - HIS MORNING VOICE LOWKEY MAKES YOU FOLD
"(name)..?" his raspy voice would speak, holding your arm so you wouldn't move
"there's still time.. c'mere" he refuses to let you go and instead pulls your body closer to him, and spooning you - but it's not like you mind
The day would start with him cuddling and snuggling you until you force him to get up to eat
Your eyes flicker open as you drowsily look to your side, met with an extremely cute purple haired man snuggling against your side, sleeping happily.
You smile a bit, gazing in his features. How did you even get him? The sun from outside the window hits against his hair perfectly, giving him the perfect lightning - you were mesmerized.
Slowly, you turned your body to grab your phone, the time read 9:32. God you slept in late, you took a glance and Shu. He has been working hard, and he deserves his rest. So you try to peer your arm away from his grasp, but accidentally woke him up.
"mmghm..(name)..?" He said, drowsily, his voice low and raspy as his eyes starts to flicker open.
"ah - sorry Shu, keep sleeping, I'll make breakfast" You smiled and press a kiss against his forehead, making your way out of bed before Shu pulled your body close to his.
"there's still time, I wanna cuddle.." Shu whispered, his blush evident as he holds your body.
you blink a few times, then smiled softly before snuggling in with him.
"just for you.."
Now if Shu were to get up before you - that's a different story
Shu is very responsible, he never misses an alarm clock except for ONE singular time, he doesn't want to talk about it too much
He woke up before you, drowsily waking up and looked to you beside him.
He smiles, so hard, he smiles widely like a highschool girl giggling
He looks like those girls giggling over their crush
Shu feels so SO lucky that he got to meet you, he would trade anything in the world for you
Shu would then place a VERY quick kiss on your cheeks or forehead then run out of the room in embarrassment
Why is it that you always make him feel like this
Shu tiredly opens his eyes, as his alarm clock rang but he shut it off almost immediately so it won't wake you up. He looks to the side and there you are - sleeping peacefully right beside him, your body pressed against his.
He smiles, and quietly giggles to himself looking at you. He's so in love, and he won't get out - ever. He thinks of doing something a little risky.. he looks at you, then back at the door, then you again.
He lunges forward (but quietly) and places a kiss on your forehead, with a huge blush on his face, he dashes (but quietly duh) out of your shared bedroom.
If someone was there they'd see him kneeled down before the bedroom door and giggling to himself.
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© 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 - all rights reserved. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or share my work on other platforms in any way, shape, or form without my permission. if found, you WILL be blocked.
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❝𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐢'𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧❞
A/N: thank you so much for requesting saku - sorry it's a lil late hehe
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mvrtaiswriting · 1 year
Hello! I have a request. It's a reader X Ace from One Piece story. It shows the aftermath of Ace defeating Blackbeard and the reader caring for him as he recovers from his injuries. Ace didn't fight alone. The reader was at his side, and it changed history. The reader has the Crew Crew fruit, which has similarities with Bolo Betty's Kobu Kobu no Mi. They're empowered by, and empower others, by the depth and quality of their bonds. The connection they had with Ace pushed them both through to victory. The reader truly believes Ace can become pirate king, and is thankful to have the opportunity to save him, as he saved them in the past. Here's the song.
The Great War x Portgas D. Ace ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :
First of all, I just want to thank you for requesting this and trusting me with this beautiful idea. I apologise if it took a while - I literally got so lost in it. This was such a wonderful idea, so kudos to you! I hope this meets your expectations - I loved writing it and I love the idea of Ace being alive and well, loved and surrounded by people who cherish him. This felt like therapy, this boy deserves the world and I love him so very dearly. Enjoy!
1.6k words | gender neutral | usual one piece violence | mention of IVs and hospital stuff.
feel free to reblog, like, and leave a comment. i would very much appreciate it. if you enjoy my works, click here to read more or buy me a coffee.
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Running your fingers through his raven locks, you watched as Ace rested by your side. If it wasn't for all the patches and bandages covering his body, it almost seemed like one of his usual peaceful naps. Yet, in the cold of Marco's hospital room, Ace continued his battle and this time, the only help you could give him was sleeping next to him in an uncomfortable chair waiting for him to wake up.
The battle with Blackbeard was one of the most atrocious battles the world had ever witnessed: for Ace, it meant everything. He would have either avenged his dear Pops or died trying - and no one could convince him otherwise. Blackbeard was the living representation of his failures - if only he had been a better son, a better commander, a stronger pirate.. things would have been different. Defeating him meant more than simple revenge: it was Ace's way to honour Whitebeard's legacy, it was Ace's way to remember all the friends and comrades who lost their lives to protect his. For this exact reason, Ace wanted to it alone; he didn't want to lose anyone else - not Marco, not you.
"This is not your fight."
He muttered in response when you and Marco explained your plan to him - you had meticulously studied Blackbeard's devil's fruit and history, you had traced his past routes and the most likely route his ship would have taken to reach the next poneglyph. But Ace didn't want to listen, he didn't want to put your lives at risk - he couldn't tolerate the mere idea of losing you, he didn't want you anywhere near the battlefield regardless of how strong you were.
The months that preceded the battle were intense. Ace trained relentlessly under Rayleigh's careful supervision, pushing his body to its limits and doing his best to awaken his devil fruit's power. When he wasn't training and his body ached from the strain it had to endure, Ace wanted nothing else that spending time with you. His rest days were his excuse to kidnap you from the rest of the crew - he wanted you all for himself, savouring every second he got to spend with you. Despite his confidence and training, he knew his enemy wouldn't be an easy one to face - Blackbeard had the blood of many on his hands, and Ace feared his could only add up to the list. When he wasn't training, blinded by rage and determination, a small part of Ace couldn't help but be afraid.
What if this fight was the big fiasco of his life? What if he wasn't able to defeat Blackbeard, wasting the life his loved ones have protected and traded with theirs? These questions pounded Ace's head constantly, they haunted his sleep and hammered his mind during the day. Ace could only feel peace when he was around you. With you around, Ace felt as if he could conquer the world. The first time he felt like this, you were drunkenly opening your hearts to one another.
"You'll be the king of pirates one day, Fire Fist. And I'll be there, first row."
You slurred, raising your beer to cheer it against his hat, as if it was his crown. That night, the blood in your veins was probably being replaced by the booze you and Ace had chucked down - yet, he knew your words were sincere. He knew you meant every word because as you pronounced them, it felt as if they were being directly engraved onto his heart. This was partly the reason why he decided to get Blackbeard's head - seeing the way you believed in him, the rush of adrenaline he felt every time you reminded him of the immense potential he had.
Drunken talks became slow afternoons in which you just enjoyed each others' company, casually lying in each other's arms and falling asleep in a bed that was way too small to hold two people. Waking up to you peacefully resting on his chest, sharing kisses behind the closed door of his room - these were all things Ace wasn't willing to risk.
"If I make it out alive, I swear I'll marry you."
He whispered in your ear as you softly snored the morning away, lying against his warm body.
Despite Ace's reprimands, you and Marco trained just as much as he did. Your help could have been decisive in battle, and regardless of Ace's approval, you would have done everything in your power to fight by his side - after all, your help could have been decisive. Up until then, you always believed that your devil fruit was useless - it didn't give you any special powers nor any type of supernatural strength. It was hard to really grasp the utility of a devil fruit that strengthened others and not its main user. Your devil fruit wasn't one you could really rely on - you had noticed how its effects were not linear or equal, the boost you were able to give was always spread unevenly among your fellow comrades.
As with any other devil fruit, you had to learn by doing - uncovering any underlying functionality of your peculiar power and eventually awaken the devil fruit. So when the day of the battle finally arrived, you weren't exactly ready - of course, your skills on the battle ground were impeccable, but you weren't sure that would be enough.
"We'll have your back, whether you like it or not." Marco said to Ace, shrugging his shoulders. Before Ace could argue against it, you and Marco had already jumped off the ship, making your way into the island.
The horrors witnessed during the battle between Ace and Blackbeard were for the history books - their fight was intense, infinite, and had immense repercussion on everything and everyone around them. No type of training could have prepared Ace's body to the pain and strain he had to endure, punch after punch, every low sweep and unfair move after the other. The fate of the battle seemed to be decided when Ace's fire became weaker and weaker, the powers of his dear devil fruit slipping out of his control and not responding to him anymore - allowing every blow to land exactly where it was meant to, slowing his movements and nullifying his attacks.
Something shifted inside him when he finally heard your voice, screaming his name at the top of your lungs. Ace's back was now against the floor, his throat giving up under Blackbeard's heavy boot pressing against his neck.
"ACE! PLEASE!" You screamed again, your voice breaking as you watched him helplessly laying on the floor, air leaving his lungs as Blackbeard pressed his whole weight against his airways. A shiver run down your spine as your felt your devil fruit powers rushing through you - a shot of adrenaline running all over your body. Marco quickly glared at you in amusement, immediately regaining his strengths and jumping into the battle once again - even his phoenix looked brighter.
What happened afterwards felt like a blur - Ace's flames responding to him once again, flickering and roaring against Blackbeard. In moments that felt like an eternity, a new age of piracy began.
Winning didn't come without a price, and after the sudden rush of adrenaline and strength that allowed Ace to defeat Blackbeard, he fell to his knees, letting his body crash against the cold soil underneath him. The state of his wounds was more critical than imagined, so when you and Marco finally reached him, you feared there wouldn't be nothing you could do to save him. Despite the temporary recovery of powers, even Marco was now feeling dreaded, exhausted from the battle - and his healing abilities were simply not enough.
"That was you." Marco finally spoke, lifting Ace's body and carrying it on his shoulders.
"Don't tell Ace, but this is your win."
Marco giggled, making his way towards the ship.
"That sudden rush of energy.. I've never seen Ace fight like that - a man in his state could never bounce back the way he did. Even I regained a lot of energy, and that scream wasn't definitely for me.. sounds like something your devil fruit could do."
Marco continued, noticing the confused look on his face.
Ace's recovery was slow - he had been asleep for more than a week now, always under the careful eyes of his trusted doctor and friend. His entire body was wrapped in bandages, IVs and all sorts of tubes coming out of his arms to keep him stable - and he was. Marco kept repeating that his vitals looked fine, but Ace just didn't wake up. So you stayed by his side, spending each day next to his hospital bed, waiting for him to come back to you.
"Hey.." Ace whispered, his words quickly being interrupted by a cough. Hearing Ace's voice almost made you jump from your seat, the biggest smile forming on your lips as your eyes quickly scanned over his face.
Was all you managed to say, trying to fight back the tears that were already clouding your vision. Taking his hands into yours, you left a soft kiss on his knuckles.
"How's my pirate king doing?"
You teased, causing Ace to giggle in response. Freeing his hand from yours, he quickly reached for your face, leaving a gentle caress on your cheek. A shiver ran down your spine as you leaned into Ace's touch, melting against the palm of his hand.
"I gotta ask you something." Ace smirked, the slyest of smiles painted on his lips as flashback of that morning ran just before his eyes. Proposing on an hospital bed wasn't ideal nor romantic, but to Ace, it felt right. He vowed he would always be yours if he survived the war against Blackbeard - and now that he did, there was only one thing left to do.
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welcome-to-sparkys · 10 months
[My] Fanon Ness
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I must stress that this was helped made possible by @raglansragdoll Please give them love too!!! Also I know I have requests I'm working on them ^^;;
Full Name: Ness Wilhelm Scott
Age: 23 years old
Birthday: June 26, 1977
Gender: Genderqueer gay man (very closeted and internalized transphobia beginning of story | also period accuracy he wouldn't really state it this way, modern times he'd def have neos and such but that be an au)
Pronouns: He/Him
World building under the cut!
Ness is an absolute nerd. He's currently in college getting his master's degree in business, minor in theatre. He's been working at Sparky's since his freshman year of college to help pay student loans and such. He lives in a quaint, cramped apartment downtown near his college. He likes his coworkers, the gossipy waitresses, and his manager. He's never met the owner, though (🐇).
He loves to be in-the-know. He eavesdrops constantly at work, and it's honestly the best place to gather bits and bobs about the local townsfolk, cryptids, and other oddities. With his flamboyant nature and such a small town, he's also well-known and trusted. The grannies who come every Sunday after church services, crochet, and tip well trade tea for knowing about his personal life. Got a girlfriend yet? How's that degree going? How's your parents?
Though he's stuck his nose where it isn't supposed to be, plenty of times. Back when he was 19, him and a few buddies broke into their school's boiler room because rumor was it's haunted and had a skull of a pilgrim girl. Needless to say, that wasn't true, just a theory even, and he spent the night in the county jail. He's gotten more discreet since then, now preferring to work alone.
He heard about Freddy's soon after and became obsessed. He asked anyone and everyone who would listen about the place. Who owned it? Why did it shut down? After a few months, he started putting some details together. Five children missing so close to the place shutting down, their bodies never found? He could smell a theory brewing.
He's the reason William had to start frequently hiring security guards. Vanessa was usually enough to ensure his prized possession didn't get vandalized or broken into. Well... Until Ness got involved. At first, the gate wasn't even locked. It was just some simple chain. Then he learned how to lockpick. Once the padlock was put in place he "borrowed" the note with instructions from a late security guard.
He always wanted to snag something from the pizzeria. He brought his camera he bought through saving tips and snapped photos of literally everything. He once left with a shard of glass from a pinball machine, but he then got weird feelings about the animatronics. He took notes. After a few months he had several notebooks full of his scribbles, photos, and bits of rubble or memorabilia. His little pencil topper he actually stole from the prize counter inside the pizzeria and is his favorite find.
It got a lot more difficult once Mike got involved. Mike caught him the first night, interrogated him, and threw him out. It didn't deter Ness, and in fact it relit the spark that had started to fizzle out. He grew more determined to get to the bottom of the mystery. He started a blog, documenting his theories and thoughts online. It didn't gain much steam, but he had a few fans from around the country.
Boy was it awkward when Mike came into the diner the first time. Ness hid, for the first time ever, in the back. It worried his coworkers because he wasn't one to avoid meeting someone new. Quite the opposite. Ness did peek, once, only to be met by Mike's ragged, sleep-deprived glare.
They didn't talk the first few times, but Abby was fascinated by Ness. Her "friends" were too, telling her that they recognized the waiter. She demanded and begged Mike to take her to the run down diner again and again, and eventually he obliged.
Eventually, the two warmed up to each other.
Ness went with Mike during the Climax of the film. Vanessa still makes an appearance and gets stabbed, but she's more a background character. Ness, Mike, and Abby get out of the crumbling building by the skin of their noses.
Mike and Abby become regulars, even having "their" table. Ness knows their order by heart, and always has something new to share with Abby.
And then securitywaiter :3
My AO3 | Masterlist
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