#I feel like everyone hopped on that comparison cause one person said it and then everyone just went with that.
faragonreblogs · 7 months
I have a feeling I'm the only human being on this entire planet who unironically loves the male Au Ra running animation. I hate when people say the devs should change it cause I legitimately don't want them to.
Like, I dunno mang, with every other race I feel like I'm doing a light lil baby jog through the park, but with my au ra I'm RUNNIN!! I'M GOIN PLACES!! I'M ON A MISSION!!! HELP IS ON THA WAY DEAR!!!
Anyways this corner is lonely but idfc I like how my boy runs. rant over.
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recycledchicken · 2 years
A Historic Moment in Gaming
Part 1 (You are here!) / Part 2 / Part 3 
Summary: The museum is restless and the exhibits have gone stir crazy. Larry Daley can only think of one solution; buy a Wii.
“I’m not sure I can take this anymore.”
 ”Larry, I’m a Pharaoh, not a therapist.”
“I-I know that.” Larry looked up. The floor in ‘The Tomb of Ahkmenrah’ exhibit was cold and hard, but that didn’t stop Larry from sitting on it. He was glued to the corner of the room, like some misbehaving child who had been put in time-out.  
The nightguard had been sulking in the room nearly all night. It was a miracle the Anubis guards hadn't have driven him out by now for pestering their king. But, in all honesty, they didn't have the heart too. Well, they didn't have hearts anyway due to them being statues and all. But I digress.  
Larry looked like a husk of a man, a pathetic excuse of a nightguard. His hand clutched his chin so tightly that you would have thought he was trying to cling onto his sanity.  His face was so tense that the amount of stress lines was multiplying by the minute- soon he’d look like a drawing with sketchy hatch shading.  
In contrast, Ahkmenrah was perched on top of his sarcophagus. His chin was pointed upwards in that typical ‘Upper-class person conversing with the Lower-class’ look. He looked as though he was trying to balance something on his nose. His legs were joined together, his hand clasped on top of his thigh.  
He was the epitome of a graceful royal with his rich garments shining under the overhead lights. Or perhaps his grandiose appearance was amplified because the only other person he had for comparison at that moment was a sad little nightguard.  
Larry’s eyebrows knitted together, as if they would combine into a pair of wings and fly off his face.  
"Can't a guy just, I don't know, share his thoughts and feelings to another guy? Have a little heart to heart?"  
"I am certainly not opposed to any of that." Ahkmenrah stated calmly. “It's just that,” His gaze softened, and his shoulders slumped a little. “I can’t provide any satisfying solution to your problem.”  
Larry's chin sank further into his hand. "I know, buddy, I'm sorry. It's just," His eyes closed in exasperation, "I can't deal with the noise, the arguments, the straight up chaos!"  
“I suppose having so many time-periods making contact with one another, it can seem quite chaotic.” Ahkmenrah commented thoughtfully.  
“No,” Larry waggled a dismissive finger. “No, you don’t get it. It’s more than that. It’s not just chaotic. No-o. Its chaos. Literal chaos.”  
He began to preform various mocking voices and incomprehensible hand gestures. "'Oh, lets ride our RC car over multiple sacred artefacts.' 'Let's try and copy that wrestling video Nicky showed us!' 'No! Let's nit-pick everyone else's actions and then start an argument and then run around and then-!!'"  
The night guard turned his head. During his ramblings, Ahkmenrah had hopped off his coffin and sat himself on the floor beside him.  
Larry sighed.  
“Perhaps,” Ahkmenrah paused for a moment. “They are bored.”  
Larry considered this. This was a reasonable suggestion. But he lost the definition of 'reasonable' when Teddy Roosevelt and peeing monkeys had taken over his life.  
Ahkmenrah continued. “And this boredom may have caused this unruly behaviour.”  
Larry shook his head in disbelief. "Bored? How can any of the exhibits be bored? They live next to-" He waved his hand. "Um, lions and stuff! They can- they can go from Egypt and then into a jungle in like, the span of two seconds!"  
He sighed in frustration as well as defeat. "How can they be bored?" he said in a croaky, tired tone.  
“Fifty-five years.”  
Larry scrunched his face. “I’m not old.”  
The Pharaoh smiled softly. "No, but that is the amount of time this museum has been blessed with life."  
He shimmied closer to Larry. "This museum may be big, yes. But fifty-five years confined to the same space... one would tire of the same old thing, would they not?"  
Larry looked away before reluctantly nodding. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He fell quiet.  
Looking pleased with himself, Ahkmenrah shuffled along the floor until he was nearly touching shoulders with Larry. He aimed to be a comforting presence, their shoulder contact reminding the nightguard that someone was there for him.  
The overhead lights continued to glow. Ahkmenrah pretended that it was actually the sun lighting the room. He closed his eyes and prepared himself for a content period of silence. . .  
Ahkmenrah nearly jumped out of his skin. Not that it would have mattered, though. He was used to not having much skin during the day.  
"Look at yourself, Ahk!" Larry continued. Not wanting to disappoint, Ahkmenrah looked at the ancient drawing of himself on his exhibit sign.  
"You were here all that time and look; you turned out fine!"  
“I was caged in my sarcophagus for the majority of it.”  
Now, after this comment, there was a good healthy dose of prolonged eye contact.  
Ahkmenrah blinked.  
Larry winced. Embarrassed, he scratched the bridge of his nose.  
When he first released Ahkmenrah from his grave situation, the Pharaoh had appeared so calm, so regal. But when it came for him to go back in, the mask fell. Un-royal like tears, short breaths and shouting-  
He had gotten a lot better, or that's what Larry wanted to believe.  
Larry attempted to apologise. "Sorry, Ahk, I-"  
"There are endless possibilities, Larry.” A sudden chill filled the air. “But our minds are limited. We can only think of so many." The pharaoh stared into the far distance. He was drawing into himself.  
"Then those possibilities slowly whittle down until you're only left with one option."  
Larry furrowed his eyebrows in a concerned manner.  "And that would be?"  
Ahkmenrah looked him dead in eyes.  
" Scream. "  
Larry abruptly stood up. "Oka-ay," He offered a hand to Ahkmenrah. He hesitantly took it.  
"We need to get out mind off all this bad stuff." Staggering to his feet, the pharaoh nodded in agreement.  
Larry pattered Ahkmenrah’s shoulder in comfort. "Something that will get the others to calm down, divert their tiny little attention spans to something else."  
Mouth open, he pondered. Ahkmenrah brushed down his cape absentmindedly.  
“Like, uh, a group activity. Finger painting?” Larry looked at Ahkmenrah for a reaction. Ahkmenrah, however, was still yet to come to.  
“Okay, scratch that. There would probably be paint everywhere. You remember when Nicky brought his art homework over?”  
Ahkmenrah pursed his lips and shivered. “’The Glitter Incident’.”  
“Yep.” Larry shivered as well. “Let's not think about that too much.” he said ominously. He then tapped his chin.  
"We need... need a... we need... we-" Larry snapped his fingers. "We need a Wii!"  
A few moments of silence went by. This seemed to be a recurring theme. Every time Larry wanted peace and quiet, he got noise. But on the rare occasion he actually wanted noise, he got silence.  
The world was a cruel place.    
“Do we...?” Ahkmenrah questioned slowly.  
“Yes, we do! It will solve-” he emphasised the next word in an excited whisper. “Everything.”  
Ahkmenrah scrunched up his nose in disgust. Is this why his father had warned him not to engage with the common people? Because they have ideas like this?  
"I don't think relieving ourselves would help anyone." Ahkmenrah commented. Although he reapplied his dignified person in record time, he could not hide his bemusement. He tried his best though. This may be some modern-day ritual he had yet to come across.  
Larry paused. Why did he feel like a crazy person?  
Realisation hit him like a woolly mammoth accidently falling down the stairs. (He was very familiar with this feeling.)  
He broke out in a grin and chuckled awkwardly.  
"No, no. Not like that. Like that game console, the Wii. You know the Wii?" he explained. The pharaoh squinted his eyes in confusion.    
"You know, made by those guys who made Mario and stuff? Oh, come on, surely you know about jumping on mushrooms and saving princesses?"  
Ahkmenrah pursed his lip. “I don't think you need a therapist anymore.”  
Now it was Larry's turn to look confused. Ahkmenrah continued.  
"I think you need a doctor. You have gone quite mad."    
(Thank you for reading!!!! I recently watched Secret Of The Tomb and have gotten back into the series! I really like comedy writing so I hope you enjoy this. I also don’t really understand how Tumblr works still so if I have done something wrong please tell me/ give me advice!)
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dennou-translations · 3 years
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Violet Evergarden: Booklet 3
Please feel free to message me about possible corrections. If you can, consider supporting the creators by purchasing the official releases. If anyone is feeling generous: Ko-fi | PayPal. ( ╹◡╹)っ’・*
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At that moment, I found myself thinking, “Aah, maybe if I disappeared, if I vanished right now, nobody would notice.”
Once I thought this, I could no longer think of anything else.
Before I realized, my hands and feet had moved. I slowly moved my whole body and left that place behind.
Nobody called for. Nobody tried to stop me.
Which was why I was now hiding. I was in a corner of a maze of roses in the royal palace of this forest kingdom.
I looked up at the sky. It was overcast. The air was a little heavy, so there was a chance of rain.
Was anyone looking for me by now? No, they might not have noticed. I could bet a hundred of Drossel’s white camellias that they hadn’t. “That wouldn’t be a bet,” someone said from within my mind.
——What will happen to me if I just stay here like this?
I tried to think calmly. Firstly, I would get hungry. My body would get bitten by insects. The sky was looking shady, so rain might come pouring down on me. I would get a fever from the cold, and then... and then... and then...
The power of my imagination was scarce, so the scenario ended there.
Stretching out my dress’s sleeves and removing my long gloves, I plucked the grass with a bare hand. Picking up some rose petals that had fallen to the ground, I threw them into the air even though they would not fly too far. I looked almost like a child trying to contain her bad mood. Most likely, if anyone saw me, they would wonder what on earth the queen of Fluegel was doing.
Why had I grown up to be like this? All I ever did was think big of small matters and be in a state of chaos. It was such a weak mindset, which people most likely wouldn’t expect to come from someone born in a family that was meant to rule a country.
“Members of the royal family are actually not supposed to expose their original selves. Under no circumstance should you forget that you must act with dignity and be a role model to your subjects.”
Even though I had already become a wife, I behaved like a little girl.
I had experienced a romance like the ones that young girls dream with.
“...from my long time working in the court...”
I fell in love and won my beloved lord over.
“...these have been the most memorable Public Love Letters. Yes... in a good sense.”
After running and running, I was now living the aftermath of that.
My name is Charlotte Abelfreya Fluegel. Already a year had passed ever since I married off to Fluegel.
   Charlotte Abelfreya Fluegel and the Forest Kingdom
   Drossel and Fluegel – no matter what could happen to these two nations in the future, they had me as their intermediary princess. If I happened to die in this rose labyrinth without anybody ever finding me, I wanted someone to remember that.
As to why things had turned out like this, I’d have to rewind my life a little to explain. I had to mix up the cauldron of time that made the hours pass.
How far back was I supposed to go?
That beautiful golden-haired girl. My favorite. The ghostwriter who had become a mediator for my romance.
Rewinding to the times of Violet Evergarden’s Public Love Letters would be going back too far. It should be a bit later. Perhaps the appropriate would be around the time when I, who was once the third princess of Drossel – that beautiful country where white camellias bloomed in copious amounts –, went away and changed my surname. Yes, right, that was adequate enough.
Fluegel was a neighboring country of prosperous forestry. I was married to the man who had the priority rights to succeeding its throne. Letting go of everything that I had cherished until then, I married off.
I had transformed from a girl into an adult. Although my appearance hadn’t changed much, that was my status.
My husband was Damian Baldur Fluegel. He was the person who possessed the rights of succession as the next monarch at the beginning of our marriage, but a few days ago, he had inherited the throne from his father and become a king both in name and reality. In other words, I had become the queen as well.
Probably the worst queen in history. After all, I had run away.
   Let me try to trace the rewound time with exact precision.
Fluegel’s capital was a city of fresh greenery, which had a castle erected in the depths of a forest. Said royal palace couldn’t be considered sturdy or showy, but it was in perfect harmony with the nature, endowed with a calculated beauty. Unlike Drossel, a country that maintained itself through the tourism industry, Fluegel had much of its national interest shouldered by its forestry. Drossel’s national flower was the white camellia, while Fluegel’s was the red rose.
The two countries were separated by a large river, but one would be tempted to wonder how they could be so different.
Differences were by no means a bad thing. After all, Lord Damian and I had met because we had been raised in such different cultures. That was exactly why I became attracted to Lord Damian’s… albeit artless, uninhibited personality, which was so unlike that of the royals from Drossel and other nations...
Yes, “differences” were not bad. But the so-called “differences”... how should I put it? When they weren’t tolerated, instead viewed as an absence of profits and effort, they would turn into a really bad thing.
Most likely, that was what made me the way I was now.
Was this an excuse? It might be. But that was how it was. That was it.
At first, my life in Fluegel didn’t go well.
Becoming used to even small differences in habit was extremely difficult for me, which caused the chamberlain to sigh often. He was someone who deserved respect for having taken care of Lord Damian’s personal matters for quite a long time.
There was no mistaking that I was in a position higher than his, but I soon understood that he looked down on me. One could tell as much by things such as the movements of the other’s eyes and their attitude.
The chamberlain would tell me: “That is not the way we do it in Fluegel”, “This is for your protection. You will be criticized otherwise. Now, fix yourself up”, “I have said this several times, but...”
I didn’t think I was some idiot. I believed myself to be the kind of girl who could do well if I put my mind into it. But I had to admit that I was a very unstable crybaby.
The differences such as the ones that the chamberlain talked about were, for example, the order in which people were seated at meals, how to lift my dress when hopping into a carriage, and other minute details like that. If I were told such things back in Drossel, I was positive that I could internalize it in the first try. After that, I definitely wouldn’t repeat the mistake. But the moment I tried to do it in this foreign country that I wasn’t familiar with, being watched by the monitoring eyes of someone that didn’t have me in his favor, I ended up failing. It was almost as if I were inducing the failure on my own. What was this phenomenon?
The chamberlain most likely knew this as well. He knew it, and even then he would sigh and speak in a detached manner while watching me go pale. There was nothing good in it for either of us, yet we would find ourselves repeating this vicious cycle.
To be honest, we were so incapable of getting along that the desire to jump off from one of the Fluegel castle’s windows as retaliation surged from within me. However, I had no choice but to keep going. Because I was a newcomer and that person was an elder.
If I didn’t get used to this, it would be the end of me.
Right, and there was also the tea party. The flow of the Cauldron of Time had finally returned to the present.
It all had begun… from the chamberlain suggesting that if I, who had become the queen, held a tea party, I would certainly make myself known as someone who shines like the stars in the night sky. He gave a long speech about my authority as a queen being this and that. That detestable chamberlain.
I did like tea parties, but even after being in Fluegel for a year, I wasn’t able to find myself anyone that I could consider close to me, so I frankly didn’t like the idea. I hadn’t gotten myself anyone to be on friendly terms with, so rather than a display of my power, wouldn’t this be deemed as more of a public execution for me?
Ever since I had arrived here, I was in the position of a foreign princess who had a political marriage with Lord Damian, so both the royal family that I had joined and the people who took care of me were somewhat distant… To make things worse, I was the very person who had tainted the traditional event of the Public Love Letters. People were wary of me as an unprecedented princess.
I had seen that Fluegel had a liberal aspect to it and wasn’t too bound by formalities in comparison to Drossel, but when it came to the royal family, that was a different story.
Whenever I passed the corridors of the royal palace, I could hear one name being whispered. Everyone would have faint smiles on their faces. “Baby Princess” was what they called me.
The one who came up with it was Lord Damian’s younger sister or something. Indeed, I had childish facial features and I was the girl who had married for love, so there was no helping that I would be mocked like this.
Receiving a nickname and having it made into a title meant that it was ingrained in people. Once a knight earned himself an alias, others would expect him to have a conduct that was worthy of it. In that same manner, no matter what I, Charlotte Abelfreya Fluegel, might say… I lived in Fluegel as the princess whom everyone would giggle at.
Whenever I made a mistake, “it’s because she’s a child”. If I happened to rush towards Lord Damian, “it’s because she’s a child”. Whenever I said anything, “it’s because she’s a child”.
If there was some magic spell that could turn me into a twenty-year-old right now, I would have taken it. It’d be great if I could instantly grab ahold of my dignity in a way that nobody would complain. But that was something that people had to be awarded to through the years, along with their efforts...
I might have been the Baby Princess today as well – the day of the tea party.
The chamberlain was in awfully high spirits, which one way or another was an omen for misfortune. I was watching from my bedroom as the elderly man briskly instructed the people around him.
From the room where I stayed with Lord Damian, I could see the castle’s garden, the rose maze that started from the garden’s entrance veering to the side, and the castle town. Back when we had just married, we used to often gaze outside the window together, but now we couldn’t even talk for more than five minutes.
Ever since succeeding the throne, Lord Damian was truly busy. He would be working while I waited for him in our room; by the time that I woke up, he would be by my side without me having realized it; as I stretched the creases that formed between his eyebrows while he was dreaming, he would wake up all of a sudden and then head off to the royal office again.
I was depressed since morning, because why did I have to hold a tea party while my husband was working so indiscriminately? But, well, this was also part of my duties. It was important for me to mingle with other women from a social status similar to mine. The trust earned from them would help not just me but also Lord Damian.
Those who controlled factions also had control of politics. Yes, yes, I knew that much. I had to do this exactly because things weren’t going well. In order to level up my speech skills, I had to start from taking up a stance. As my position was becoming worse, if I could get around here well, I would increase my authority in the royal territory without having to recreate myself.
I understood the reasoning behind this. What the chamberlain said was correct. He was implicitly telling me to do right, and I was the one at fault for not managing it...
The tea party was held in the garden outside at the arranged time.
There were people that I hadn’t seen ever since my wedding ceremony, whom I greeted while turning my head around at an incredible speed. Whenever someone sprinkled the subject of political affairs here and there, I’d throw it back at them with a smile, literally tearing apart and flinging away whatever came at me on repeat. Although the scene actually looked like a peaceful conversation, under the surface, I, the queen, was being evaluated, so this was a battle.
I thought I had done a really strenuous effort up until the middle of it. Instilling the impression that “My, so maybe the Baby Princess isn’t a bad person and is surprisingly smart when she talks?” was quite a success. The signs that I could make them deem me as worthy of standing by Lord Damian’s side were becoming visible. However, the very moment that Her Highness, the King’s young her sister, appeared in the tea party, everything I had set up crumbled down at once.
She was pretty late from the scheduled time – rather, she suddenly showed up when it was already ending.
Although she was close to me in age, she had a very adult appearance and was an awfully beautiful person. Renowned as one of Fluegel’s talented women, she was also involved with the National Assembly, and told us that she had rushed over because the meeting had ended just now. I had not yet been allowed to attend the meetings even though I was the queen, so I was terribly jealous... and a little miserable.
Of course, whatever had been discussed there became the topic, which Her Highness told the women present, explaining in a simplified manner. What a wonderful person she was.
Regardless, it felt like this was going to end as Her Highness’s tea party, even though it was mine. Well, that was okay too. Rather, it might be easier if there was someone to take the initiative to talk like this. I had a bug where I couldn’t speak very well to people whom I wasn’t close to, so I decided to leave it to her.
Despite this being a tea party, I hadn’t eaten anything, so I had the feeling that I would get hungry in the evening. I wondered what we would have for dinner.
Just like that, half of my soul disappeared somewhere else, so I didn’t notice that the subject had changed from state affairs to the next successor to the throne.
“Queen, are you listening? If things continue the way they are, there will be no helping it if a concubine is appointed.”
Since I hadn’t noticed it, I couldn’t react right away, even as I took the tremendous brutality of those words to the face. This had happened just a moment ago, so I didn’t remember very well what kind of reaction I’d had. I had the feeling that I had responded with a somewhat sluggish reply such as “aah” or “eeh”... much like the way that living creatures cried for the first time upon being born.
I could immediately tell that Her Highness wasn’t satisfied with my answer.
“It is because you are so laidback like this that the King has to fight the national affairs alone. You still intend to be here as a guest, not doing what you have to do, so everyone has to hold back and nobody can speak up their opinions. Talk more. Be more useful to the country. Most important of all, it has already been a year, yet nothing has been reported to us. Are you seriously discussing the succession with the King? If this goes on, someone will suggest a concubine for him.”
With such words thrown at me in sequence, I—I had... I had a thought. That perhaps she was trying to make me lose heart. Wasn’t I being attacked right now?
I looked around. Nobody attempted to open their mouths in order to defend me. There was no one. I had no one.
All of them were waiting for my reaction.
I knew this situation. I knew it very well. I wasn’t being treated as a person at the moment. My personality was being denied as well. The dignity that should be granted to the human being named Charlotte wasn’t being taken into account.
However, I didn’t break. Why?
Because I was used to being neglected.
“Yes, I am truly doing a poor job. I believe it is as you say.”
I was smiling.
“However, it has not yet been decided what will be my part of the work and what will be the King’s, as we are in the process of deciding on it as a couple.”
I was smiling mockingly.
“Now that I have talked to all of you like this, I have concluded I should propose my thoughts to the parliament slowly, little by little.”
I was... smiling.
“I was the princess of my country. But now, I am the queen of Fluegel. I did not intend to be here in the position of guest, but it is true that I was restraining myself. But is that not the same for all of you? I am aware. Everyone has been... well, surrounding me from a distance and looking after me. I was fretting, as it would have been better for you to tell me more directly if there was anything wrong... By all means, I would like to have a frank exchange of opinions with you in the future... and I hope that we can help each other... as fellow women.”
This was laughable.
Her Highness was appalled. So was everyone else. She must have spoken so conflictingly due to thinking that it was sure to make me start crying.
I wanted her to stop saying such stupid things. I was the former third princess of Drossel. Did she know what kind of country that was? It was a country where it was okay for women to become political tools. We were by no means granted the position to act freely like she did. As the shadows so-called “women”, we had no choice but earnestly do whatever we could.
I was born in a country were women were consumed and worn down. To top it off, I had been raised mostly by courtiers, away from my biological parents. I hadn’t seen my mother in forever.
Exhausted as a result of her marriage of convenience, Mother had Father build her a palace and secluded herself in it all day long every day. She did show up at the wedding ceremony, but she hadn’t even sent me a single letter after I had married off. She had probably already forgotten that she had given birth to me.
But that was the country I had been born in. I had been raised by one of this country’s strong women – a carefully selected, tough woman. This person patiently educated me, even though my aptitude wasn’t good. She explained things to me over and over again. She scolded me a lot. She taught me so that I would be able to marry anyone and live anywhere. She had also predicted that a situation like this might happen. So she told me how to act during a quarrel with other women.
That was why I smiled at times like these.
My looks weren’t bad. I was no idiot. I knew what effects I would bring about if I smiled. There was little that I could do, but I was going to be the one firing the best shot here.
I was a crybaby. I was a weakling. I was lonely.
However, I had been taught well. No matter what, I couldn’t lose in times like these. I knew that much.
I had been protected through the erasure of my personality.
   That day’s tea party was over right then, and thanks to the chamberlain saying that it would soon be time to bring it to a close, it ended well.
At a later date, my feud or whatever with Her Highness would become a rumor around the royal palace, but that was a story of the future. In any case, it was over for now. Therefore, I was extremely relieved.
The chamberlain let me return to my room unusually early and consoled me with a “you must be tired”. “You were excellent today,” he told me. Enveloping my shaky palms in his hands, which had wrinkles just like Alberta’s, he warmed them up. “No matter what happens, do not forget that you have one ally,” he said.
From that, I understood a little something. That he, indeed, worried about me in his own way. I wasn’t fond of his way of doing things, but he had struggled as much as he could in order to do something to improve my position.
He had seen what I had gone through today, so he was commending my brave fight. I had been subjected to violence today. I had been told such terrible things. Even though I—I...
I was in love with Lord Damian.
Both Drossel and Fluegel were aware of this. The citizens of both kingdoms knew it. And yet, aah, how embarrassing. But everyone knew.
I was in love with that person. I was in love.
“You have not sired a child after a year, so there might be need for a concubine. Therefore, if such a woman appears, you should accept it,” she said, despite knowing how much it would hurt me.
I was told off. I was told off by the younger sister of the object of my affections. That was what she said to me.
“Thank you, but please, let me be alone.”
I still managed to keep my smile up, but as soon as I drove the chamberlain out of the room, the tears overflowed torrentially and I couldn’t stop them.
There should be things more painful than that out there in the world. I looked like a fool for crying because of something like this. But right now, I was feeling like the most pitiful person in the world. I wanted to return to Drossel. I wanted to go home to Drossel.
No, that wasn’t it. No, that wasn’t it. No, that wasn’t it.
I wanted to go back to the person who would always allowed me to cry, no matter how much I did so. The person who would stay by my side.
I wanted to go back to Alberta.
I knew it was stupid of me. But when I thought that a day might come when Lord Damian, my husband – the object of my affections –, would take another woman aside from me, it was so painful. My chest hurt – it hurt so much that it was hard to breathe. So I couldn’t contain my cries.
I wondered what had gone wrong.
Was it because I had started clamming up, since the chamberlain would always hammer me down by saying, “That kind of unheard-of behavior is not allowed here”, so I couldn’t speak the way I wanted to? Or was it because I was late to find out that not assertively addressing the royal family was bad manners, since I was in a position where I had to wait for people to talk to me first back in Drossel?
Perhaps it was everything.
Apparently, Fluegel hadn’t taken in a princess from abroad in the last sixty years, so maybe it was already difficult for them to accept a foreign object like me in the first place. Things would probably have been different if I were a great woman – yes, a woman like Her Highness –, yet I had nothing but tears. Still, was I such a horrible person that I had to be told such things?
Aah, nothing – just nothing. Nothing was working out. It might be that nothing would go well from now on too.
This thought swiftly made its way into my heart.
All of a sudden, I was able to clearly hear the sounds around me. The noises of someone walking, the whistling of the wind outside, my own breathing. The way that the tears fell down as they dripped from my eyelashes, the way that I was suddenly looking at myself in a holistic manner.
Yes, perhaps things would never work out from now onward. If so, then...
Then, shouldn’t I run away?
Several questions – such as to where, with whom and to do what – came to me, but I ignored them. I had probably broken down at that point.
I dropped my own heart, which I had been cherishing as much as possible in order for it not to break, onto my feet. I had the feeling that I heard a clank when doing so.
——Maybe nothing would ever go well in the future.
If so, then no matter how much I exerted myself, it would be useless.
——Maybe nothing would ever go well in the future.
I had to run off to somewhere.
——Maybe nothing would ever go well in the future.
Nobody was going to protect me.
——Maybe nothing would ever go well in the future.
After all, this was a foreign country and Alberta wasn’t here. The only one who could protect me was...
——Maybe nothing would ever go well in the future.
The only one who could protect me was myself.
——Maybe nothing would ever go well in the future.
I had to run away.
——Maybe nothing would ever go well in the future.
I had to run.
——Maybe nothing would ever go well in the future.
If I stayed here like this, I... I might seriously jump off the window.
Once I thought this, I somehow felt like I couldn’t breathe anymore. When I came to my senses, I had left the room.
The courtiers were busy cleaning up the tea party in the garden. The chamberlain had also gone outside in order to instruct them. If I came out of the room without making any sounds, nobody would chase after me right away. When I went into the corridor, there was a soldier, but he was only meant to see whoever entered and exited the place and wouldn’t follow me since he wasn’t my bodyguard.
If it was now, perhaps no one would notice if I disappeared – if I happened to vanish. Once I thought this, I could no longer think of anything else.
Before I realized, my hands and feet had moved. I slowly moved my whole body and left that place behind.
I continued down the stairs and trotted through a passage that relatively few people used. Even then, I did pass by some people, but they didn’t seem to pay any mind to me. To begin with, they might not even have the conceptualization that the queen was running through the halls alone.
It wasn’t like I wanted someone to call for me. However, no one did. No one tried to stop me.
Which was why I was now hiding. I was in a corner of a maze of roses in the royal palace of this forest kingdom.
I looked up at the sky. It was overcast. The air was a little heavy, so there was a chance of rain.
Was anyone looking for me by now? No, they might not have noticed. I could bet a hundred of Drossel’s white camellias that they hadn’t. “That wouldn’t be a bet,” someone said from within my mind.
——What will happen to me if I just stay here like this?
I tried to think calmly. Firstly, I would get hungry. My body would get bitten by insects. The sky was looking shady, so rain might come pouring down on me. I would get a fever from the cold, and then... and then... and then...
The power of my imagination was scarce, so the scenario ended there.
Stretching out my dress’s sleeves and removing my long gloves, I plucked the grass with a bare hand. Picking up some rose petals that had fallen to the ground, I threw them into the air even though they would not fly too far. I looked almost like a child trying to contain her bad mood. Most likely, if anyone saw me, they would wonder what on earth the queen of Fluegel was doing.
Why had I grown up to be like this? All I ever did was think big of small matters and be in a state of chaos.
This wasn’t the married life I had envisioned. I did think there would be hardships, but – how should I put it? – I thought they would be rather different. I thought they would be something easier to grasp.
I honestly didn’t know what I was fighting against. Her Highness probably hated my guts, but if I were asked whether she was my enemy, I would say she wasn’t, and I wasn’t mistaken about that. I did think she was cruel, though.
What was I fighting against? What was I scared of? I kept on being intimidated by vague things that I didn’t understand very well and shutting off my typical behavior, and while I was so frightened, my evaluation from the people around me declined, thus I had come to the point of fleeing.
What was I fighting against? Why was I fighting? Why was I...
Why was I all by myself right now?
   After that, I cried myself to exhaustion and fell asleep. Perhaps it was an extremely deep sleep, as I didn’t wake up even when night fell. Nobody realized that I was gone, so there was no ruckus over it.
Therefore, I was able to stay asleep forever.
While sleeping, I had a dream. I dreamed with the people of Drossel. Also, Violet – she appeared in it too. My favorite girl.
She looked at me as I cried and said, just like before, “You are such a crybaby.” She also said, “I would like to cease your tears, but I do not have a handkerchief with me.”
I told her that I didn’t need one and hugged her, asking her to stay by my side instead.
I realized that, while I was crying on Violet’s chest, she had turned into Alberta. When I thought, “It’s Alberta”, the tears overflowed even harder.
I appealed to Alberta. No matter what I said, no one listened to it seriously. No matter what I said, people would make faces, as if poking fun at me. No matter what I said, my situation never improved. No matter who I looked at, nobody would help me. No matter who I looked at, nobody was my ally. No matter where I searched, you wouldn’t be there. No matter where I searched, you wouldn’t be there. No matter where I searched, you... you... you...
“It’s because you’re not here, Alberta, that I’m so very weak.”
Even a crybaby like me would be able to act high and mighty if you were there. I would’ve been able to maintain my dignity as a princess. But now I was everyone’s bootlicker. This wasn’t me.
That was why my heart broke and, yes, I dropped it on the floor.
“Alberta, did you not see my heart somewhere around here? I need it... I need it...”
If I didn’t have it with me, Lord Damian would—
   “Were you waiting for me to search for you?” a husky voice whispered.
That was when I woke up.
Just like that one time, the Full Moon was looming over the night sky. The stars and moon were so beautiful in the blooming season of roses.
In a dreamy state of mind, I blinked. The tears spilled again. When my husband saw me weeping, he embraced me as if to hide me from the night sky.
“I will report to the soldiers that she has been found.”
“I don’t want any fuss. Leave us for a while.”
When I heard the voice of the chamberlain as well, my consciousness finally returned to reality. He had said “soldiers”. This might have turned into a big deal. But right now, I didn’t think it would be too scary even if my heart were destroyed. “Is that so,” was all I thought.
This marriage might really be done for now.
Once Lord Damian shooed him, he put his coat over me and crouched down. He gripped my hand, guiding me and carrying me in bridal style.
“This makes me look like a child.”
“No. You’re my wife, aren’t you? And a princess.”
There wasn’t anything else I wanted to do, so I just nodded and did as I was told.
The two of us went through the maze of roses. There was probably someone watching over us. The light of a lantern swayed in the distance as a guide.
“Do you want to divorce from me?” Lord Damian muttered out of the blue with a quivering voice, leaving me in shock. I didn’t understand very well what he was saying.
“Lord Damian, if you want to do so...”
“That’s not it, Charlotte. I don’t want to break up with you... but I was wondering... if you might be thinking of doing that, right now...”
I wasn’t sure what he was talking about.
“Ralph, the chamberlain... has been telling me all this time. That if I were to take the hand of a princess from another country for the first time in sixty years, there would definitely be criticism. He told me to make sure to protect you when the time came.”
What was he saying?
“At first, I thought I was nailing it. I stayed by your side, so that no one could even try to say anything inappropriate to you...”
What was he... saying?
“But then I had to succeed the throne... there were tons of responsibilities stacked up in front of me, and I started looking only at those stacks... I didn’t even realize that you were in such a painful spot. It’s not your fault. I’m the one who isn’t ruling the country right, and for some reason, that’s being taken out on you. Stupid, isn’t it? It’s ridiculous. Everyone thinks it’s okay to do this to you just because you’re an outsider.”
——You’re not the one to blame. I’m aware of my own defects too.
“I also heard about what happened today. It seems you acted dauntless, even though my sister said something truly foolish to you...”
——You’re not the one to blame. Lord Damian. I know it. I know that you look sour every night when you sleep. You’re doing your very best. You’re doing your best every day – every single day. I know that. You may be ten years older than me, but you’re also...
“I’m... I’m pathetic. It’s fine if you complain. Yet you haven’t uttered a single grumble to me until now. Not to Ralph, either. We basked in the fact that you were holding back and nobody took notice of it. And so, we cornered you. Until you ran away, just like that.”
——You’re also still so young.
“I’m... pathetic... I cornered my own wife...”
——So lost, so scared.
“...to the point that she ran away... barefoot.”
——And shaking.
“Charlotte, have you come to hate me already?”
——Aah, Lord Damian. So you cry too, huh. For some reason, I used to think that you didn’t shed tears. I wonder why. You were a moonlit prince for me, so I thought you didn’t cry. But I see. That’s right, even you...
“I like you. I want to stop your tears.”
——Even you have a crybaby side.
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After Lord Damian had said so, I realized for the first time that I was barefoot. I had the feeling that I was wearing shoes when I left the room – I wondered what had happened. He told me that someone had looked for and retrieved them. For how long had they been searching for me? If it was enough to make this man cry, then they must have searched everywhere.
Needless to say, I was such a handful of a woman. However, my heart, which had broken apart and scattered away, began setting itself in motion little by little. I could feel it regaining its warmth.
The reason might be that, for the first time ever since I had married him, we had now finally become a couple.
He asked me if I had anything that I wanted to do or that I wanted him to do. I told him that I wanted to see Alberta. He told me that he understood. He then asked if there was anything else, and so, I told him something that everyone had laughed at. We were had gone through a lot to be married, so I wanted to do something for both of our countries. I proposed that we build an orphanage near the national borders. Lord Damian didn’t laugh. He told me it would be great.
“Let’s think things out together. I regret not talking about this before because I thought it might be a burden to you. From now on, let’s have proper talks, the two of us. About happy things, sad things, painful things. I want you to talk to me. And I also want you to listen to me,” he said. He then kept on asking if there was anything else...
Lastly, I asked him to lock me up in the palace if he ever found himself a concubine. He got angry, saying he would never have one. We couldn’t be sure. It seemed we had no knack for child making. A concubine might be necessary. Lord Damian said that even then, he didn’t want one.
And then... And then... And then... What was it again?
I buried my face into Lord Damian’s neck. It had his scent, which always made my heart race whenever I sensed it.
“Hey, maybe I want to kiss you right now. My face is a mess because I cried a lot, though. Would you do it even with a wife like this?” I asked.
Lord Damian laughed while crying. “Even if you cry, you’re my lovely wife. Of course I’d do it.”
Overjoyed at these words, I shed warm tears.
When we kissed, as expected, it was a bit salty. My heart throbbed.
“I’m still in love with you, but what about you?” I asked, making sure to sound as if any answer would be fine.
Unsurprisingly, Lord Damian continued making a tearful face. “I actually only fell for you after we got married. So my heart’s beating really fast right now.”
“I see. So our feelings are mutual. That’s amazing,” I said, impressed.
“Then, what did you think it was until now?” he asked.
“A one-sided love,” I answered sincerely.
“Don’t you hear when I tell you that I love you every morning before I leave our room?”
“I do, but I thought it was some sort of flattery...”
“I’m not such a pro at that. When I like something, all I can say is that I like it. I’m very honest. You found that out on your tenth birthday, right?”
“How nostalgic... I’ve been in love with you all this time since then.”
I was living the aftermath of that story. I didn’t know whether it was a happy or sad one. But I would live, live and live. And this would probably go on forever. I was on my own in this royal palace.
But I wasn’t all alone.
“Damian, do you love me?”
“I do, Charlotte.”
I was living here, in this forest kingdom.
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guqin-and-flute · 3 years
nieyao or 3zun + prompt 64 with cat!baxia
64. “I think your cat wants to kill me.” [This got way away from me WHOOPS]
“So. This date is going fantastically. Do I make top 10?”
Meng Yao huffed a short, polite laugh through his nose at Mingjue’s rueful question. “Being nursed back to health by a handsome man is certainly adding back points lost in the cat attack,” he replied, and some of the frustrated dread bled from the ball in Mingjue’s chest. “I really could do this myself, you know,” he added.  
Mingjue sighed. “Yeah, well, since it was my cat attack, I feel like I need to make reparations. I’ve also taken First Aid more times than I can count and cat scratches can get really nasty.” 
If this were a one of the sappy romcoms Huaisang loved so much, standing at the sink together as he tended to the 2 gashes scoring down Meng Yao’s forearm with several antiseptic soaked cotton balls had the potential to be romantic. Except Mingjue had never liked those movies and he just felt like a fucking asshole who owned an unruly animal.
He had met Meng Yao at the grocery store. Mingjue had looked up from his phone at the sound of a sharp voice--a middle aged business man was snapping at a young man in front of him in line; "Fucking Christ, you're going to hold up everyone."
"You can go ahead of me if you'd like--"
"There's a whole line of people here! We all have places to go!"
The man being yelled at--(the very attractive man with round, dark eyes, he noted)--had grimaced placatingly, as the cashier was saying, "We can hold his groceries while he goes out, sir, you won't have to wait."
A the business man threw his hands into the air in disgust, Mingjue had slid his phone into his back pocket and interrupted in his 'is this guy bothering you' voice; "What's the problem?"
3 pairs of eyes had darted to him immediately and gone wide. The very good looking man had tensed completely, eyes darting to the door in a way that looked involuntary--and well, Mingjue had been struck by the completely overwhelming urge to tuck him back behind him and make this asshole between them shit his pants in fear. And anyone else that made him look that scared, for that matter. "I'm sorry," the scared, attractive, adorable, fragile-looking, harassed young man had said a tight smile, "I forgot my wallet in my car, we can just--"
"Here," Mingjue slid out his credit card handed it--pointedly--over Mr. Business-Asshole's head to the cashier. "I'll cover it. You know what," he had added, fixing the quickly wilting dickhead with his best 'I-can-bench-press-you-and-then-feed-you-your-own-esophagus-no-problem' stare, "Why don't you get the nice lady behind me, too. Once this guy is done running for the biggest jackass award. I'll wait."
And, you know, weirdly enough, Mr. Asshole had actually left the line, red faced and without his shitty little protein shakes. As the cashier bit back a grin and rung up the card, the harassed young man--who was even prettier up close, holy hell, it made his lower back sweat--had tried to insist that it wasn't necessary, that really, he had the money, he could just go get it, he appreciated it but didn't need Mingjue to put himself out. Mingjue had just shrugged and held out his hand. "It's the principle of the thing. Nie Mingjue."
The man had opened his mouth, looked down at his hand; then, he had smiled and holy goddamn fucking shitballs he had dimples. Shaking it firmly in a hand that was soft and cool and slim, he had said, "Then...thank you. Meng Yao. I'll have to pay you back. Do you have a cash app?"
"Don't bother."
"I insist."
"You can buy me dinner sometime, then," Mingjue's mouth had decided to say without permission, but luckily he agreed with the idea and so had been quite pleased to see Meng Yao's ears go pink.
"...That sounds fair," he replied, finally, those lovely dimples returning.
The cashier had cleared their throat, brightly. "Do you by chance have our loyalty card?"
They agreed on a first date in a public restaurant where they could verify that the other wasn’t some sort of serial killer. It had even been a nice one that Meng Yao had insisted on where they had also shared a bottle of wine and interesting conversation. Meng Yao was exceedingly smart and easy to talk to--the perfect conversational partner with a knack for solving many of the problems that Mingjue hadn't even realized he complained about. In return, he had made his attraction quite clear and Meng Yao had ducked his head.
"I'll have you know that I don't go home with anyone on the first date," he had said carefully, eyes on his fingertip as he ran it around the rim of his wineglass. "It's a personal rule of mine. I wouldn't want you to get the wrong impression."
"That's fine with me," Mingjue shrugged. "If you're up for it, I'll wait for as many dates outlasts your rule, 'cause I grill a mean steak."
Those dimples came back and he had sat back in his chair, voice light as he asked, "Oh? Won't you get bored?"
Mingjue had snorted and finished off his glass. "Just because I'd like to sleep with you doesn't mean I don't also want to get to know you, you know."
Mingjue was just getting to know the guy, so he couldn't be sure, but that answer seemed to please him.
The night of the cat disaster was the 4th on their run of dates--Mingjue had shooed Huaisang over to Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng’s house for the night and invited Meng Yao over via text for dinner and a movie and also the option of sex, if he wanted. 
Apparently, the bluntness had made Meng Yao laugh. Mingjue had texted back that he preferred honesty in all things and could handle a ‘no, thanks’ with plenty maturity. Meng Yao had replied, ‘I’m sure you can,’ which, he had very keenly noticed, was not a ‘no, thanks.’
Dinner had gone great--homemade meals always seemed to impress--and they had been preparing to split a chocolate lava cake in front of a shitty action movie they had both agreed on with the understanding that neither of them minded missing anything if they decided fooling around was more interesting.
But now, there was blood everywhere--on the dishes in the sink, on the towel they had hastily staunched it with, on the countertop and the mood was ruined because his giant, grumpy ass cat had decided to savage his date as they were cleaning up the table. Baxia had sniffed his leg suspiciously when he first came in, flinching away as he knelt down to offer his fingers. Then, she had fixed him with a glare, hissed, and turned around and stalked away, fluffy gray tail held high--which, for her, was practically a warm welcome. She had her boys--Huaisang and Mingjue--and hated pretty much everyone else (except for Wei Wuxian's older sister Jiang Yanli when she had dropped him off to hang out with Huaisang when his license got suspended. Which had happened a few times, now).
Everything had been fine with her while they ate--she had even spent it under the table, rubbing up against Mingjue's legs, staring up at Meng Yao without making so much as a peep. It was when they had risen that disaster struck. She had hopped up onto Meng Yao's chair and decided to take personal offense to his existence with absolutely no warning at all when he passed by with his hands full of silverware.
Now, Meng Yao’s long fingers curled into a fist as the cotton passed over a particularly deep part of the slice, though his face remained calm, so Mingjue winced for him. "Sorry. I swear, she's never done this before, I don't know what the hell her problem is."
Meng Yao shook his head, smile pressed and polite as he said, "Really, it's fine." He shifted on his feet to lean his hip against the cupboards and, immediately, Mingjue seized his elbows. 
“Are you dizzy?”
The other man had stiffened at the sudden movement, staring up at him. Then, he blinked and smiled, shaking his head. “No, I'm alright.”
Mingjue eyed him suspiciously. “You’re sure?”
He laughed. “I’m not going into shock, if that’s what you’re worried about. I’ve had much worse, trust me. I’m not going to pass out.”
Mingjue remained unconvinced. Instead of arguing further, he simply lifted him by the waist to sit on the island across from the sink for lack of a chair. Meng Yao let out the beginning of a squeak, hands automatically flashing up to bunch in the front of his shirt for balance. He blinked down at Mingjue, then the ground, then back at him, eyes wide and nostrils flared. Mingjue couldn't tell if it was annoyance, horniness, or a combination of both--and that was all well and good except that he was still bleeding and he knew from experience what a bitch blood was to get out of clothing. So he just pulled Meng Yao's arm out again and went back to work, asking, "So what was the 'much worse'?"
"You said you knew you're not going to pass out because you've had 'much worse'. What's the story there?"
"Ah. No story. I broke my arm. Compound fracture. I stayed awake the whole time, so a cat scratch is fairly minor, in comparison."
Mingjue hissed in through his teeth reflexively in sympathy and scanned him. Either he healed fantastically or the scar was higher up on his arms, under the soft cream sweater sleeves that were rolled up to his elbows--luckily, they had been rolled up before the attack and had escaped blood thus far. "Fuck. How'd that happen?"
"Fell down some stairs."
Mingjue raised an eyebrow at the stark explanation. "Well, maybe you shouldn't fall down stairs. Ever thought of that?"
Meng Yao smiled thinly down at him, dark eyes glinting in the fluorescent lights. "Mm. I'll have to keep that in mind." The dimples he searched for avidly were there, faintly, and Mingjue found himself wanting to nibble on them.
They hadn't done much else besides a kiss goodnight in the shadows near the entrance to the parking garages of their dates, because Mingjue was being good and keeping his hands above the belt. And he should probably figure out whether or not this date was going to have the eject button pressed, first. There was blood everywhere, still.
"Why all the First Aid classes?" Meng Yao asked suddenly, keeping his arm extended out even as Mingjue released him to rummage for the antibacterial spray. "Was it because your demon cat kept attacking people?"
Mingjue barked out a laugh and sprayed down his arm--Meng Yao didn't flinch. "At first, it was for lifeguarding, every summer since I was 16 until I graduated college. Now, I take refresher courses because I run a martial arts studio and shit can get real real fast, especially with newbies who try to fuck around." Tearing open the packet of sterilized gauze with his teeth so he could still hold his arm, he situated it and held it with a gentle thumb. "Tape or gauze wrap?"
Meng Yao shrugged. "I have no preference. Surprise me."
Gauze wrap it was. It would hurt less than pulling tape off his arm later. Meng Yao watched him finish up quietly, ankles linked, posture straight and proper even sitting on a kitchen counter. On impulse, Mingjue lifted his now bandaged arm and kissed the skin of his wrist, just below where the gauze stopped and got a slight shiver for his trouble. He looked up at him, then, an angle he was not used to but was definitely enjoying. "This has been a piss poor date. I really am sorry."
"The dinner was lovely before it ended in bloodshed, I promise," Meng Yao assured him, smiling. Then, it grew a little sly and he leaned in, slowly, stretching his arms out over Mingjue's shoulders to link behind his neck. "Although, you could always kiss it better."
Well, there was no possible way to misinterpret that particular invitation and he heartily took it, snugging Meng Yao up against him with hands on his hips and devouring him just as indulgently as he would the forgotten lava cake cooling on the stove top. He hummed in appreciation as Meng Yao's arms wrapped tighter, his thighs squeezing around his hips as he kissed back with just as much enthusiasm. He tasted like the dry wine they had finished the meal with.
All at once, though, Meng Yao froze, hands stilling in his hair. Before Mingjue had time to be confused, he whispered against his mouth, "I think your cat wants to kill me," eyes fixed on something over Mingjue's shoulder.
Mingjue craned his neck around to find Baxia perched on the counter next to the sink, tail swishing, gaze locked with Meng Yao, ears flicked out to the sides. She let out a low, quiet growl.
"Oh, for fucks sake," Mingjue growled back. "That's it. You're going in Huaisang's room for the night."
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irvin-mybeloved · 2 years
The Age of Dragons
Chapter 7: The Golden Dragon
Theo and co. finally catch up to this new dragon who has Siluca in its claws, but the meeting doesn’t end as bloody as he expected.
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“C’mon Zaphrael!” Theo urged, not even caring that he practically was ordering the dragon around. However, Zaphrael didn’t seem to care at that point either. The black dragon just seemed determined to catch that golden one.
For once, Theo felt like he and the dragon were a team.
“So, what’s exactly the plan if we catch this guy?” Lassic asked over the wind. Zaphrael was a fast flyer, and heads were nearly spinning as he zoomed through the sky. 
Moreno threw up once.
“Um...I’m not sure!” Theo called back, holding onto Zaphrael’s back to keep from falling. He’s never had to actually fight a dragon before, so he had no idea what to expect. It seems that normal attacks won’t work when it comes to attacking a dragon; powerful magic might be an exception. However, while he didn’t have a plan, Zaphrael seemed to.
With newfound strength, the black dragon seemed to fly faster than the wind itself. It was a miracle that everyone stayed on.
Theo wanted to ask Zaphrael if he even knew where he was going, but the dragon flew in such a fashion that Theo knew the answer. Soon, the dark dragon reached solid ground. Everyone heaved and caught their breath as Theo slid off, seemingly okay.
Like he was born to ride a dragon.
“What is this place?” Lassic asked, being the next one to slide of the dragon. The twins and Aishela easily hopped off while Moreno basically fell off, still woozy from all the speed and spinning. Theo didn’t answer as he glanced around, the salty sea breeze blowing his green hair.
The place that Zaphrael had taken them looked like a seaside cave. It was a long stretch of cliff that hugged the ocean, causing waves to crash against it. Some pine trees were scattered here and there, but what stood out the most was a large dark opening that went deep into the mountain side that rose up from the cliffs.
“Must be a den?” Theo said, asking it as a question as he looked over at Zaphrael. The dragon, now back to his human-looking self, eyed the cave warily.
“Yes. That’s where he is. I can sense the power.” Zaphrael said with closed eyes, taking in a deep breath. He almost seemed...afraid. Theo eyed him carefully, the word ‘he’ catches his attention. Theo was about to say something, but Aishela beat him to it.
“Okay, what do you know about this dragon? It has MY SISTER, you bastard! You need to tell us what you know!” She shouted at him, getting in his face. Zaphrael seemed unfazed by that, but then Theo spoke up.
“Please Zaphrael, we deserve to know.” He said softly, causing the dragon to loosen his tension a bit. His green eyes darted here and there before he glanced up to see everyone staring at him. Soon, he took a deep breath before giving in.
“The golden dragon’s name is Kulvera...he’s extremely powerful, capable of all the magic that has been manipulated by Chaos. In comparison, I’m only capable of two or three types of magic...why he’s here...I don’t know. He’s very...unpredictable.” Zaphrael explained, causing everyone to adorn looks of either concern or fear.
Even Aishela looked a bit shaken.
“So...we need to be careful.” Theo took charge. Even if this Kulvera was the most dangerous creature in existence, he still had Siluca. And there was no way that Theo was going to allow anyone, not even a dragon, to take her away from him.
“Indeed. Please, let me deal with him.” Zaphrael asked, feeling like the situation was personal. Plus, he was the only one capable of dealing any damage to him, even if he was scared to face him.
Still, he kept a stoic look on his face.
“Gladly.” Moreno said, folding his arms. With that, Zaphrael led the way into the cave with Theo beside him. Everyone trailed behind, quietly. As they trekked deeper into the cave, the sounds of the wind and ocean grew fainter as did the light. There was no distinction of anything living here, but Theo noticed how the hair on the back of Zaphrael’s neck started to stand up.
And he saw his weapons for the first time.
They were small knives, like Irvin’s, and he unsheathed them from a holster on his chest. Theo also noticed how he had similar holsters on his boots and waist. They also flickered with purple light once and a while, as if they were electrified.
Theo knew it wouldn’t help much, but he got his sword out. Everyone else got their weapons ready as well; Lassic with his sword, Moreno with his wand, Aishela with her weapon of choice, and the twins in their half-forms.
Everyone was ready to give their all.
“He’s close. I can feel it. Are you sure you want to join me?” Zaphrael asked, green eyes flickering to his marked one. Theo hesitated for a second, wondering if he meant it or not, but then he saw the look Zaphrael was giving him.
It was one of sincerity.
“I appreciate it...but I need to save Siluca.” Theo told him, everyone nodding in reassurance. Zaphrael softened a bit.
“I admire your loyalty towards your female.” He said back, smiling a bit for the first time since Theo’s met him. The young lord smiled a bit back before the sound of voices caught everyone’s attention.
“Let’s get this done.” Lassic whispered, and everyone nodded. Then, with a dragon leading the charge, everyone stopped the sneaking and rushed towards the voices. 
As they moved towards the sound, a light could be seen. Theo was thankful that there wasn’t any roaring or sounds of damage, but he still didn’t know what this dragon could’ve done to Siluca. She could be being tortured or eaten or-
“Lord Theo!”
...or having tea?
Theo and co. stopped in their tracks when they witnessed a candlelit table with two chairs. Siluca was seated there with a cup of tea, looking unharmed. Another man was standing beside her with a teapot, a soft smile on his face. He had ginger windswept hair, old golden eyes, a young face, and his outfit was golden studded with tan pants. There was a golden ruby studded necklace laying on his collarbone, golden earrings, and many a ring on his fingers. 
“Hello, Theo.” He said with a smirk, eyeing him fondly before moving to pull out another chair. Then, he blinked warmly and held up the teapot.
“Would you care to join us?”
Coming up...
Chapter 7.5: Kulvera and Siluca
A look into what went down between Kulvera and Siluca after he snatched her away from Theo.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
A Smattering of Ideas for a Neji Time-Travel Fic
[EDIT: okay so viewing the post on dash or sidebar blog completely ruins the bullet nesting for some reason. Please open it in a new tab.]
Okay so I actually wrote the first chapter or two of this like... almost a decade ago probably, but the concept was:
Neji, upon dying, gets sent back, and he's perfectly healthy again, pretty much exactly as he was just before getting mokuton-stabbed... except the seal damage wasn't reversed, so he's blind.
I think he ended up like riiiiiight before the Hyuuga Incident, so about of age with Kakashi & co.
But yeah like imagine telling Hiashi about it.
We have a new Jounin! It's a blind Hyuuga.
His seal is gone! He's technically your nephew.
He needs to be retrained for blindness! He needs to be protected for the information he carries.
He's a time-traveler!
Have fun.
The Hyuuga clan has like a million things going on but future Neji is just finding his younger self and Hinata to cuddle them.
He can't see shit but he Needs To Hug Baby Hinata
She's so small? She needs to be protected?
"Sir, you're blind now." "If Lee can be a ninja without chakra, I can be a ninja without eyes." "Sir. Sir that's--that's not the same thing, you can't--SIR." "I'll ask Hatake for advice." "He's still got half of his--SIR!"
Neji is a genius, if there's anyone who can pivot their entire fighting style from "I can see everything" to "I don't need to see anything" it's someone like him. Especially with the "I need to protect all these smols and be strong enough to force people to take my advice seriously if necessary" motivation
BUT But But for the first few days, it's just like. Sir. I understand you want to protect this small child, but you walked into three walls in the past hour. Please st--sir.
Fun option is "Neji spills all the beans... to Hiashi, not the Hokage."
Hiashi: Okay so like. Give me a few days to come up with a cover story for your existence. Neji: That's fair. Hiashi: Do. Do you want me to send in Hizashi or...? Neji: I'll tell him the truth if you do. Hiashi: That's, uh... that's fine. Neji: Then yes. Please. Hiashi, thoroughly unnerved for a variety of reasons: Right. I'll go do that.
Relevant: "Stop trying to convince me to put the Caged Bird Seal on a man who is already blind."
Since that's the ostensible reasoning of the seal, and like. You can't make that argument about keeping the eyes safe when the eyes don't... work.
Courtesy of @firebirdeternal​, along with a bunch of other stuff but especially this:
ooooh feels moment: Neji starts his retraining to become Strong Enough without his eyesight, guess who sees him working his ass off to overcome a disadvantage and thinks "Oh, there's a person I should Be Friends With!"
Part of me just went "Gai gets injured on a mission and, while waiting out his medical leave, gets assigned to Neji as a guide/sparring partner"
Or, well, not assigned. He's just doing one-armed pushups in the training yard with a cast on half his limbs after breaking out of the hospital and zeros in on Neji like "Ah yes, medically inadvisable training, a Bonding Activity!"
Neji goes from "I can see everything" to "I can't see shit but if you're within arms reach you're fucked"
A lot of it comes down to Neji building up non-Byakugan sensing abilities, I think?
It won't help him read, but it'll sure help him avoid getting punched.
I think that's really the crux of his New Style, however he works it out, instead of having this Massive Range of perfect perception he just trains his other senses until he still has that perfect perception effectively, just in like a two foot radius around his person
and then he goes full Rock Lee and trains speed and reaction time until that two feet is enough
I want Daredevil-style bitchiness at some point, in the "Okay, I'm sure the contract is lovely, but do you have it in braille, perhaps?" sense
And Toph-style stuff
Genma, in the Jounin lounge: "Hey guys I think I've got a design finished for the new tattoo I'm gonna get, what do ya'll think?" 'holds up scroll' Kakashi: "Why would you get a tattoo of an ugly couch?" Genma: "It's not an ugly couch it's the Hokage Monument!" Neji: "It looks perfect to me" Genma: "Thank you! I worked really hard on-..... why do you feel the need to do these things."
Also I want Neji to have the same approach as Matt to a cane. He can make do without it, but it sure does make his life easier when he's off-duty.
Like, yes if he focuses his entire, highly trained person, on perceiving his surroundings, he can sense his way around. But that is very tiring
Like that is a lot of work to be doing, when you are just trying to get to the coffee shop for a bagel
Neji learns Sage Mode solely because he wants to be able to tree-hop again
Neji visits Kakashi like "I can't ask the Inuzuka for this because their dogs are clan-specific, but do you know where I can find a guide dog that can double as a ninken in the field?"
Neji asking Gai to help him pick out a feminine yukata because if ANYONE is going to not judge...
Listen I'm just really invested in what Naruto SD told us about how often Neji cross-dresses
Someone asked me which summons Neji learns Sage Mode from, and 
I mean, Hashirama supposedly just. Learned it? Without summons?
So maybe Neji does that and just learns from Jiraiya or something
Though it's not... particularly safe.
Birdie had the best response
learning it Without a Summon is very much in the vein of Neji's past attitudes towards Special Secret Techniques, given that he learned the Kaiten with no help even though it was a Secret Technique of the Hyuuga.
"I know it's possible to do, so the hard part is already over, the rest is just figuring it out and doing it"
Neji: I'm here, I'm queer, I'm blind as fuck.
Neji hanging out with Gai and Kakashi is, admittedly, not that different from hanging out with Lee and TenTen
Kakashi is a bit more likely to join in on the shenanigans than Tenten was, but he's still just as available for "We're judging you" sessions
Neji, sipping tea as Gai yells: this is my comfort zone.
Neji with a white cane: This is my whacking stick. Hiashi: Don't you mean walking stick? Neji: No.
Because... what ninja wouldn't ensure that any normal part of their daily life was fit for battle.
Like if Karin can hide lockpicks in a photo and a knife in her glasses, Neji can ensure his white cane is suitable for battle.
(Going off the earlier Daredevil comparisons, I’d say this is similar to Matt turning his cane into billy clubs sometimes.)
Neji, assuming the role of Chief Babysitter for SmolNeji and Hinata, senses Lee and Tenten at the park. Nudges SmolNeji: "Go, be friends with them"
SmolNeji, watching Lee faceplant into the dirt while trying to jump off the swing while Tenten chases two boys around with a weird frog she found: ".... why"
Neji: "Just trust me"
Also consider older Neji giving baby Hinata shoulder rides
Baby Hinata is delighted by this whole affair.
More time with big brother, and a new even bigger brother? Best times.
Bigger brother needs help reading sometimes and Hinata is so excited to help. Hiashi even approves because helping older Neji read things like menus and the like is helping Hinata learn how to read, so it benefits everyone.
Consider also: Neji encouraging the smols to play with bby Naruto, a Hyuuga elder (or possibly Hiashi, but I want him to be a confused accomplice) complains exactly once and Neji exudes such a powerful "Do not test me" energy that he just kind of. Drops it.
Neji's attitude towards baby Naruto is somewhere between "They're good dogs Brent" and "I died for him once already, do you think I'd hesitate to kill?" and it depends entirely on how seriously he thinks you're talking shit about him
Neji plays with the smols, including smol Naruto, by just being the Perfect Straight Man. Just taking every nonsense thing Naruto says Completely Seriously and using deadpan reactions to chaos to make them giggle. This drifts into Feels for Naruto when he's the first adult who takes his "I'm gonna be the Hokage" completely seriously
"Of course, chibi-Hokage-sama"
Hiashi: "What.... are you.... doing?" Neji: "Ah, Hiashi-sama. Please exercise caution, the floor has mysteriously transformed into molten rock. I suspect enemy action, but have no further intelligence at this time" SmolNeji, Hinata, and Naruto: 'wild giggling as they dangle from rafters/stand balanced precariously on chairs'
Hiashi takes one step into the room and all the kids start screaming so loud he steps back out in shock
Neji out in Konoha just Causing Shit with plausible deniability
Listen. Neji is PETTY.
Someone describes Naruto as "the annoying blonde child with the whiskers, you know, the skin brat" and Neji says "I'm a sensor and have encountered no demonic chakra"
"okay just avoid the blonde kid with the whiskers"
"I don't know how to tell you this..." 
"Sir, I know you're new in town, but that kid isn't really good news--" "A child can't be news unless they're recently born." "No, I mean, didn't anyone tell you to avoid the blonde kid with the whiskers?" "Naruto's blonde?"
Possibly "Hinata's blonde?"
He just, aggressively misunderstands that any insinuation about Naruto is about the Hyuuga heir instead
Birdie said they like the idea that he uses the aggressive deliberate misunderstanding to force people to either be embarrassed by how they're acting by having to spell it out or give up in quieter shame
Sometimes Neji gets tired of being obtuse and just lets Gai do it for him
Gai babysits on occasion, SmolNeji is aghast, Hinata mostly just confused, Naruto is delighted
Naruto is just Stars In Eyes about Gai
Kakashi: this is not the excuse I expected to have for visiting Naruto but I'm taking it
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TITLE: Out of the Grave - Chapter 4: The Rest of All Time (Chapter 1 here, Chapter 2 here, Chapter 3 here)
A/N: Final chapter. I’d love to know what you think of this happy little fic! :D
Ichabod slowly came awake, his mind taking its time to acquaint itself with reality. He stretched languidly, feeling pleasantly rested for the first time in days. And then he remembered last night. His eyes flew open to find the space beside him empty, and his heart plummeted into his stomach. Had it all been a dream? An alcohol-induced fantasy? But no...the pillow beside him still held the faint dip of having been slept on and the bedroom door stood wide open. The deep scent of coffee and the tantalizing smell of bacon reached him, and he knew he hadn't imagined Abbie's return. With eager purpose, he hopped out of bed, making a pit stop before padding a tad anxiously down the hall to the kitchen. The Lieutenant stood at the island, flipping pancakes on the hot griddle in front of her. Her eyes darted up as he moved into the room. "G'morning, sleepyhead," she greeted with a smile. "Good morning, Lieutenant." He stood watching her, her ease in the kitchen (so unlike him), her small hands deftly pouring batter and flipping hot cakes. "I wanted to run to the bakery and get you some donut holes, surprise you, but I didn't want you to wake up while I was gone and think..." She fluttered the spatula in the air, glancing up at him. He nodded in appreciation. "Thank you," he murmured. "So instead," she moved on brightly, "I'm making some of my blueberry chocolate chip pancakes. And maybe a little candied bacon...?" "Ohh, you do know how to spoil me, Lieutenant," he stated eagerly. "I shall prepare our coffee." "Sounds good 'cause everything's just about done." Ichabod poured two cups of coffee, making them perfectly to their preferences, and set them at the breakfast bar. He retrieved plates and utensils, butter and syrup, as Abbie finished cooking. She set a plate piled high with pancakes and another full of candied bacon on the bar, and together they sat down to eat. "How'd you sleep, Lieutenant?" he asked after praising her for blessing him with such delectable sweets. "Well," she acknowledged with a nod. "You? You seem rested..." "Yes. My sleep was most peaceful." He filled his mouth with another bite of pancakes before he let it spill that she was the reason for his respite. Though he suspected she knew that after exhibiting how vulnerable he'd felt last night. They passed into comfortable silence, and Ichabod reveled in this simplest of pleasures, one he thought he'd never experience again. Abbie made his world, this world, come alive in a way he desperately feared losing. And while he'd never alter the way they fought monsters and demons and solved crimes and queries together, he'd take these moments—sitting in the early morning quiet, enjoying good food and better company, watching the morning sunlight play off her flawless skin, knowing he could just be when he was with her—over all the adventures in the world.
Abbie pushed her plate away as he took his last bite, and they both sat nursing their coffee. "What time are we expecting Miss Jenny this morning?" he asked after a few more moments of bliss. "Mm, I had a text from her when I woke up. She'll be here in a few hours. Seems she got to bed late." She turned her head slightly to look at him. "And I suspect she wanted to give us some time to catch up." "Mmm," he hummed, his face resolute as he nodded in agreement. He saw her waiting for him to speak, but he didn't know where to begin. He'd spilled enough last evening to quell the overflowing tide of emotion he'd been drowning in for days, but so much more remained. Not to mention he longed, if apprehensively, to hear her thoughts on all he'd conveyed. His expression must've revealed his pensiveness because the Lieutenant leaned forward slightly to catch his eye. "Crane?" He looked at her and nodded to let her know his willingness to talk. "I shall just refill my cuppa. Would you like more as well?" She gave him a look that told him she believed he was stalling—and maybe he was—but she replied anyway. "Water for me, thanks." Abbie set their plates and silverware in the sink and put everything else away as he prepared their drinks, and when they were done, he followed her into the living room. She sat at one end of the couch, and he chose a spot near her, leaving a bit of space between them. He glanced at her, and their arrangement struck a memory from not long ago, after she'd revealed her connection to the then-unknown emblem of Thura by nearly letting him expire. As much as that had frightened him, it paled in comparison to losing her, to watching her vanish before his eyes. "Crane...tell me what happened after I... disappeared into the box." She asked gently, softly, and though it still made his heart ache—even as she sat next to him—he couldn't refuse her. He took a brave breath and spoke. "I was so sure we'd defeat them. I thought it was an inevitability; we've faced so many things before. But I looked up, and you were just...gone. I'd never felt as empty as I did in that moment." He paused, trying to think past the second she'd dissolved into that mythical box, but the visual played in his cursed eidetic mind once more. He felt Abbie grip his hand, and he squeezed hers once in gratitude for the tether to the present, even as he relived the past. "You are not an easy person to lose, Lieutenant." He swallowed hard. "With the Hidden One weakened, Miss Jenny shot him. And Pandora, endowed with her husband's power and longing to rule in his stead, betrayed us. She and her box disappeared. Miss Jenny and I devised a plan and, using the map, tracked her to the cemetery above the tunnels. I...called forth the headless horseman to fight against her." He paused to gauge her expression, but she still listened intently without judgement, eyes wide. "When his broadax stuck in a tree and she began pulling him into her box, I knew she would defeat him without assistance. So I retrieved his ax and threw it to him just as he reached her. He cut her down where she stood." Abbie nodded slowly, taking it in, and he could see she regretted not being there to help him finish their job. "She was defeated," he assured her. "They both were in the end. I demanded she release you before she expired, and it was then she confirmed your...demise. When she breathed her last, the box began to glow, so I grabbed it and ran for the tunnels. I secured it in the Masonic cell, and as I started to retreat, it blew up. The force pushed me through the tunnels, and it knocked me out. You came to me then. At least I thought it was you." He looked at her questioningly. "Did you come to me? From wherever you were?" She shook her head, sadness and empathy written on her face. He nodded, then turned back to stare straight ahead, into the recent past. "I dreamed of you then. Just like it happened the first time we met when I was imprisoned in that infernal cell and you came to me. This time you told me I had to say goodbye. Then, in the way that dreams do, we were suddenly in the Archives....you told me your job was done...your soul was free. You took me by the hand and...led me home. We sat on the porch and you...you consoled me while I...." "While you what, Crane?" Her whispered voice came to him, floated through him as he remembered his words to her. "What is there for me in a world without you?" he repeated the sentiment that’d haunted him since she’d disappeared into that box. His eyes met hers. "It's what I said to you. What I should've said." He shook his head, closing his eyes momentarily in frustration. "What I'm saying now. Because I should've said it before." He saw her expression soften, her expectant look filling him with hope. "These last few days, all I could think of was how I told you...the dream you...that I'd miss you. How I kissed your hand and bowed low and when I looked up, you were just...gone again. How I didn't tell you while you were here all the ways you've changed my life. I couldn't have found a better guide through this modern world if I'd stumbled upon the Pope himself. You mean everything to me, and everyone saw it but I didn't say anything." He balled his hand into a fist as he bit off the last few words. One of her hands covered his fist, the other coming up and cupping his jaw, her eyes filled with unshed tears. "You're saying it now. And I hear every word." Her thumb traced over his lips, and he closed his eyes, the frustration evaporating, his heart floating into his throat. He kissed her thumb, captivated by her closeness, her sweet acceptance of all that he'd said. And still...he longed to know her thoughts. He grasped her hand and brought it to his lips for another kiss, and this time when he opened his eyes she still sat before him. "There are some things I need you to hear, too," she admitted quietly, her expression tentative and vulnerable. "Things I haven't told you." He nodded once and took a deep breath, mind racing at what she might reveal, heart thundering with worry that she would reject him gently but definitively and he'd be destroyed all over again. "When we were in that boat crossing the Delaware and I told you how rare it is for someone to have the kind of unwavering faith that you do, I meant it. Your kind of devotion is nearly unheard of, but what makes it more...intense is that that faith is in me. And I've been...afraid for a long time." He didn't follow her logic just yet, and he knew confusion had crept onto his face, but he waited for her to speak her mind. "Afraid I'm some kind of curse, that the people I care about always leave or die because of me. My father, my mother, then Jenny. Corbin, Frank, and now Joe." She veiled her expression in that way she did when things hurt too much but she had to press on. Ichabod longed to comfort her but made himself stay frozen in place to hear the rest of what she'd say. "I hate what happened to all of them, fates that I couldn't prevent, and I never wanted you to be on that list. Despite that concern, you're my closest friend. My fellow Witness. And that makes the threats against you that much more dangerous and palpable." He saw her steel herself. "But that's not the only thing I've been afraid of." "What is it, Abbie?" he wondered with a whisper when she didn't continue, brows drawn in concentration. "I've been afraid..." She sucked in a deep breath. "That all the things I've been feeling for so long now were unrequited. There've been others in both of our lives that've made me... question, but regardless of who's come and gone, my feelings for you haven't changed. Have only continued to grow, no matter how hard I tried to deny them. I've been afraid of them because...I didn't want you to leave too. You did, and when you came back, I wasn't sure how you felt about me. Then we were in that boat, about to head straight into the catacombs, and with that same rare, unwavering faith, you told me that when it came to you and me, you had no greater certainty." He nodded, affirming his sentiment once again as he stared intently at her. His chest felt tight, as though someone had his cinched it in a vice, and he waited anxiously for her next words. "In that moment, I saw it in your eyes. Felt it in my soul, like a puzzle piece locking into place. And when I heard what Betsy said to you, I didn't want to pretend what I felt wasn't real anymore." "You heard what Betsy said?" he queried a bit shyly. She nodded. "I heard how you didn't deny it, and I knew I wanted to tell you too. I just didn't get the chance until now." Her eyes held his, soft and open, looking at him as if she could see right into his soul. "I've wanted to tell you since I came back from the catacombs, but everything felt so raw and abrasive when I returned. Now...now everything feels fresh and new." Her body turned to face him more fully. "And I need you to know now...I love you. Your friendship, our partnership, is and has been the most important thing in my life, and I couldn't have faced the evils of this world without you. I never want to. I always want to be with you." Ichabod felt a flush race over his skin, his mind reeling from her admission, his pulse racing. He cupped her face with one hand, staring blissfully into her eyes. His thumb brushed over her cheekbone as he marveled at this most perfect of dreams coming true. "Abbie," he murmured in wonder, half statement, half question. "Shhh," she whispered softly, staring at him dreamily, her gaze darting to his mouth and back to his eyes. "Enough talk for now. Let's just...be." He moved to kiss her then, soft, languid, lingering kisses that deliciously teased and tortured him with their sweetness, her perfect lips responding to his better than every fantasy he'd ever conjured. He trailed kisses to her cheek, her cheekbone, her eyelid, before finally easing away from her. Abbie's eyes slowly fluttered open, and a pleased smile teased her lips as he drew his arm around her and she settled into his side. They sat in silence for some time, his fingers trailing up and down her arm. He'd never thought it possible to find himself here: content, fulfilled, free to hold Abbie in his arms, to kiss her. To hear her readily admit she loved him. To unabashedly speak of his love for her. God's wounds, only yesterday she'd been forever lost to him. Someday, when the biblical prophecy came true and he and Abbie met their demise, he'd spend an eternity thanking God for his Lieutenant, his better half, and the rest of all time loving her all over again. But for now, he held her in his arms.
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sadman-morgan · 4 years
rainy night muse
Tumblr media
pairing: arthur morgan x neutral!reader
summary:  Heavy rain slammed against the tent’s folds as thunder roared throughout camp. This night felt longer than any other. You were exhausted. You just wanted to get some sleep.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: none, other than extreme fluff with one cowboy. 
You and Arthur had spent the day hunting, gathering supplies and various items requested by fellow camp members, all while committing petty crimes along the way. Hunting always made you incredibly sore to the point where other members had taken notice. Ms. Grimshaw always assured there were other ways for you to earn your keep, but you brushed the offers off. Despite the aching, hunting was always your favorite pastime to share with Arthur. 
After rounding up your hunts, you and Arthur decided to head back to camp. When you both approached your horse, Arthur saddled up first, then reached out his arm for you to hop on. On the way back, nightfall slowly began to creep into The Heartlands. Arthur had spent any free-breathing second scribbling away in his journal, which soon became the quickly discussed topic on the ride back. 
“What’d ya draw today?” you questioned. 
Despite not seeing his face, you could feel tints of red smearing across his face, and the heat coming off of it. 
“Uhh.. scenery? Not real sure, jus’ random things I saw beauty in, I suppose,” he laughed nervously. 
You were both usually quiet after strenuous days like today. Occasionally, you mumble-sang random songs together or pointed out breathtaking views. There was always something about talking to you that made Arthur’s heart skip beats, and his palms drown in his own sweat. Speaking his true mind was always a difficult task. 
Once you arrived at camp, the day turned into a deep pitch black, only to be combated by the bright illumination of the campfire. Arthur hopped off first to hitch the horse, then came back around to help you off. 
You both went around saying your hellos to those still awake, and gave your hunted animals over to Pearson.
After handing over the hunted animals, you and Arthur went back to your tent to drop a couple of things off, and to turn in for the night.
You sat down on your shared cot and quietly watched Arthur rustle through his satchel before finally placing it down on the table. 
Before coming over to sit down, Arthur mumbled, “Shit -- I’ll be right back, just forgot to do somethin’.” 
“Y’alright?” you questioned him. 
“Yeah. Just forgot to.. to give everyone their things. I hope they’re still awake. Shouldn’t be too much trouble, I’ll be back in a minute,” Arthur said as he shuffled through his satchel, picking out the few items that camp members had requested. 
After Arthur left, you dug through his satchel, took out his journal, and began to flip through his beautiful paragraphs and illustrations.
Arthur knew you read his paragraphs and looked at his drawings. It was mostly because of how you spoke about different things, and how you would try to compliment him on his art, which was never received well. He was self-conscious about his art and writing being seen by anybody else; it initially was for his eyes only. As time went on, he grew less worried about your reading, as long as it was only you seeing his work. He never believed you when you tried to compliment him on his art, and would sometimes grow defensive if he thought you were kidding. You would never do such a thing, but he suspected otherwise. 
Flipping through the pages, you finally found his writing and drawings from that day. On one side of the page, he wrote a small blurb about enjoying hunting with you, and how beautiful the scenery was. You laughed a little bit, before flipping the page to see his daily drawing. 
Tears immediately filled your eyes and trickled down your face. You glided your fingers across the page. His daily drawing was a beautiful portrait of you, "Muse" scrawled hastily underneath. You closed the journal and slipped it back into his satchel. 
You sat down on your cot and continued to happily cry with the cheesiest smile smeared across your face. You meant the world to Arthur, but he always struggled to outright say so. You raised your head to Arthur’s return, still teary-eyed.  
“I’m back, y’alright?” he questioned. He seemed mildly puzzled. 
“Yeah~ I’m alright. Nothin’ to worry about,” you responded.
But Arthur knew exactly what to worry about.
Arthur felt his heart begin to race out of embarrassment. He felt loved, but he also felt his usual sense of guilt. He didn’t believe that he deserved to be loved by such a beautiful person like you. After Mary had left, he grew afraid of history repeating itself. 
Arthur didn’t know what to say or do other than nod his head, and mumble, “Thanks.” 
You couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes, so you gazed off into the void behind him.
“Don’t mention it, Morgan.”
Once you stood up, Arthur pulled you tightly into his arms. While nearly suffocating, you were welcomed by the soft aromas of pine and whiskey, mixed in with sweat. You felt at home. 
Arthur loosened his hold on you with one arm and used the other to gently ruffle your hair. 
“I care about you, Darlin’... so, so much,” Arthur mumbled into your ear.
Arthur could feel you smiling deep into his chest. He pulled you away so he could gaze into your gorgeous eyes.
“You’re my world, Y/N,” Arthur said as he carefully dragged his thumb across your face, wiping away the remainder of your tears. “You’ve turned me into a goddamned fool”. 
You pulled him back in and kissed his cheek, his stubble scraping against your skin. You felt a sudden temperature change in his face. 
You carefully pulled away while tracing his jawline, only to have him tug you back in and give you a quick smooch on the lips. 
“You’re so handsome,” you said. 
He gave you a puzzled look and chuckled. “Maybe it’s time to visit the eye doctor then?” 
You playfully shook your head. “Don’t think so, cowboy”. 
Your mutual flirtations were interrupted by bellowing thunder and heavy rain, and nearly every camp member rising to their feet. 
“Sonuvabitch,” Arthur sighed. “Let’s go help out.”
Everyone rushed to get their belongings out of the rain and load them back into the proper wagons. Thank God there wasn’t much to move around. You and Arthur were both completely drenched in no time, but kept on loading the wagons. 
“Everyone alright?” Arthur called out. 
“Yes, Mr. Morgan," "Yes, Arthur,” various voices across camp responded. 
“Alright, Just a bit of thunder and rain, nothin’ to worry about. Let’s try to get some rest.” 
As everyone went back to sleep, you and Arthur headed back to your wagon and tent. 
You looked and felt like shit, and so did Arthur. You were both overworked, exhausted, and soaking wet from the rain -- not to mention the deep aching pain throughout your neck, back, and shoulders. 
Arthur walked over to the small area where you both kept your pajamas and took them out. 
“Here ya go,” he said in a deep, exhausted tone. 
“Thanks,” you responded.
As you took your pajamas from Arthur, you gave him a small head notion for him to put his eyes elsewhere, or to turn around. 
“Alright,” he said as he turned around and covered his eyes. “I won’t look at ya.”
“Thanks,” you said as you finished getting dressed, pulling your shirt over your head. “‘Free to turn around now.” 
After you returned the favor, you both crawled into your shared cot. The rain continued to pour hard against your tent. 
You snuggled close into Arthur and carefully sprawled your hand across his chest, before putting your head down. 
His soft breathing and heartbeat were more comforting and relaxing than he could ever understand. Arthur raised his hand and gently played with your hair, which always sent tingles down your spine. 
You could’ve passed out immediately on his chest, but the harsh rain had decided otherwise. You hated it when it poured. Arthur never understood your hatred for the rain, as it always immediately lulled him to sleep. On stormy nights, he would battle the pull of gravity on his eyelids so he could lull you to sleep first. It seemed like this night would be the same. 
“Y’did good today, I’m so… so proud of you.” Arthur mumbled into your ear. 
His voice had dropped a ton in comparison to when he last spoke. His voice was naturally deep and raspy, but when that man grew tired, his voice sure could tell. He spoke so much slower, deeper, and raspier the more exhausted he was, and God did you find it to be one of the sexiest things about him. 
You gently kissed his neck before rolling off his chest and onto your back. 
You tried so hard to stay still and quiet, but you mindlessly tossed and turned. Sometimes you would move so much, you would accidentally kick Arthur. 
What felt like two hours passed, and you were still wide awake, kept conscious by the relentless aches in your muscles. 
 Arthur hadn’t slept. Your constant movement, kicking, and whimpers had kept him awake. 
“Wh… What’chu whimpering for? Is something wrong, Darlin'?” Arthur slowly said, barely conscious. 
“My back and shoulders… they… they hurt so badly, Arthur,” you whined. 
You sounded like you were about to cry. You just wanted to get some goddamn sleep.
Arthur laid still for a moment. “I… I have an idea, can you roll over on your stomach for me?” He muttered as he carefully nudged you onto your side, and then onto your stomach. 
Arthur motioned behind you and grazed his hand across your shoulder, “I’m gonna rub your shoulders and back for you, is that alright?” he asked. Once you nodded, he applied a bit more pressure, which caused you to wince. 
“God damn.... knotted up to high heaven,” he murmured as he began to gently massage your back and shoulders. You whimpered and groaned when Arthur found a sore or sensitive spot, but he could feel you begin to relax underneath him, telling him that his hard work was greatly appreciated. Arthur gradually slowed down for a minute to admire you. He smiled softly as he watched the rise and fall of your shoulders as you began to nod off. 
Only ten minutes after he started, you had fallen completely asleep. 
“Goodnight, Muse,” he mumbled as he ran his hand across your shoulders. 
After a job well done, Arthur slid off of your back, rolled onto his, and quickly dozed off. 
He loved to sleep to the ear-pleasing harmonies of the pouring rain, but only if you were taken care of first.
an: first fic for this fandom, I hope you guys like it! I’m always open to writing suggestions, feel free to leave some in my inbox. 
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kyidyl · 4 years
Kyidyl Explains Bones - Part 3
Well, I had this halfway done and then TUMBLR ATE IT, so let me start again.  UGH.  
(These posts are collected under the KyidylBones tag. Do with that information what you will, lol.) 
So what are we getting into today? Sex determination! 
Ethical Note: I’m adding this bc not everyone who sees this post saw my post yesterday and this is important info, especially on Tumblr.  Anthropologists of all stripes are well aware that sex and gender are extremely complicated.  Trust me, we know.  But we still do sex determination for a few reasons.  First, because missing persons databases are arranged on a male/female binary, and if we’re comparing a set of remains to that database to identify the remains then we need that info.  Second, demographic info for populations that have disappeared is important, even if those populations are historical.  This might shock you (<--sarcasm), but written records are usually either lacking or inaccurate.  Third, if we know the sex of the skeleton we can compare that to the grave goods and learn some interesting cultural things, including possibly being trans, because none of the signs of being trans survive physically in the skeleton.  So I am going to be using male/female binary language, but it isn’t to exclude the wide variety of sexes and genders that don’t exist on that binary, it’s because it’s what I’ve got to work with.  And if you have questions about this, feel free to ask, but please be respectful.  
Alright, so there are some vocab words for today’s post and I had them all nicely written out in an easy to read paragraph, but it got eaten, so I’m just gonna present them in list fashion this time: 
Characteristic - All physical markers of human variation exist on a spectrum because humans are varied and we invented the categories to begin with.  If something is characteristic of, say, a male? It means that it is very, very distinctly male.  It matches the stereotypical expectation of what you’d see in a male.  It’s a standard for an obvious example of a given thing.  
Landmark - A landmark on your bones is a feature of the bones that is always in the same place.  We use this to help us identify a bone and to help us know what side it is on.  IE, your lesser trochanter is a bump on your femur (thigh bone) that is on the inside towards the back.  It’s always in that spot, so we know which direction it should face and ergo which side it would be on.  Landmarks are unique to the bone in question.  
Foramen - A hole on a bone.  The big one in your skull that your spinal cord goes through is the foramen magnum and it literally means big hole.  But there are a lot of little ones all over your skeleton so your nerves and blood vessels can do to your skeleton what the weirwood did to Bryden Rivers.  I said what I said. ;) 
Bilateral - Both sides.  Humans have bilateral symmetry and so one side is symmetrical (externally and WRT your skeleton, but not always your organs.) to the other.  You can split us down the middle and the two sides are basically the same.  
Ok, so there’s another set of terms that you need to know, but I’m going to be copying and pasting this into every post going forward so I’m making it separate.  Anyone who works with any kind of anatomy uses these terms to be very specific about the location of something on the body.  They are: 
Anterior/Posterior - Front and back respectively.  I remember them because my mom used to say posterior when she didn’t want to say butt, and because A comes before P the way front comes before back.  Sometimes people say dorsal and ventral, and I remember that because a dorsal fin is on a whale’s back.  
Proximal/Distal - Near and far vertically in relationship to the center of your body.  I remember it because one end of the bone is in close proximity to me and the other one is distant.  
Medial/Lateral - Near and far horizontally in relationship to the center of your body.  I remember it because medial is closer to the middle of my body, and lateral isn’t medial.  Also, if you are reading left to right L comes before M and you’d get to a lateral body part before a medial one.  
So, where to begin? How do we know what sex people were assigned at birth from just their skeleton? Let’s start with what everyone is most familiar with: 
The Pelvis
The pelvis of an adult human is a really common thing for an archaeologist to find.  And by the time we find it, it’s usually in three pieces (excluding your tailbone aka last vertebra).  Your left and right hip bones, called the innominates, and your sacrum.  Mind you, the pelvis is made up of a number of bones, but they all fuse in adulthood except these three (fun fact: I’m so used to using the individual names for them that I had to *google* the word innominate.), so this is what we usually find.  If it’s a kid, they still survive well because they’re thick, heavy bones, but they aren’t fused.  Another fun fact, the bumps of bone that you feel under your ass are called your ischium and I’m only telling you that because I think it’s a fun word to say.  Your hop bones, like the actual entirety of the flat bladed part at the top, that’s called the Illium.  I like that word too.  Aaanyway, here’s a human pelvis: 
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These are actual bone specimens in the top down view, both are women, but they are of different ethnic origin.  
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This is a cast (IE, plastic), front view of a male pelvis.  
You can see those 3 pieces I’m talking about.  The only joint there that remains unfused is the sacroiliac joint, IE, where the two halves of the pelvis join the sacrum.  However! You sacrum is technically a series of fused vertebrae and your spinal cord runs almost all the way to the very tip.  There are some conditions which cause these not to fuse, or to not fuse properly, or to not properly encase the spinal cord and it causes all KINDS of issues.  But anyway, yeah, your sacrum is a really tough hunk of bone because it carries a lot of weight.  The bit in the front is called the pubic symphysis and, despite what certain tumblr posts would have you believe, having children does NOT leave a notch on the inner side of it from the muscle tearing away tiny chunks of the bone.  In fact, it is hotly debated whether or not pregnancy leaves behind any skeletal evidence at all.  
Alright, so basically speaking, females make da babies and males don’t, so the different equipment is differently shaped......
.....wait, no, that’s not right.  Let’s back up.  Male and female humans are differently proportioned and their center of gravity is, on average, different.  This is the whole thing about men having upper body strength and women having thighs that can crush watermelons.  This is on *average* (I will be saying a lot about averages in these posts.) true.  And so the physics of the forces exerted on your bones is different.  Males are top-heavy, and so their pelvis is shaped in response to their gate and muscle structure because the pelvis supports and distributes the weight of your entire body.  And bipedalism means that the shape of the pelvis is very, very different depending on the weight distribution.  These changes to the pelvis are really obvious, which is why we can tell from just a few bones whether or not a hominin was bipedal.  It changes the *entire* body.  
It is true though that the pelvis of a female is different than a male, because a female pelvis has to be able to support the weight of a developing child while still allowing the individual to walk.  So the interaction of average size, a uterus, and the bipedal gate means that male and female pelvises are a different shape.  
Here is a comparison: 
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So firstly, that angle is called the sub-public angle, and because a females pelvis is wider and flatter than a male’s (when viewed from the front) it’s wider in the front.  This also gives any babies more room.  Secondly, you can see the difference in the tilt of the sacrum - in the female you can’t see the tailbone.  This, again, is due to the confluence of weight distribution and the necessity of passing a baby’s head through that space.  It would be a lot harder to push it out if you had a tailbone in the way.  Lastly, you can see that the shape of the circle when you look top down and bottom up are different - wider on the woman because of the same reasons I’ve already mentioned.  There is one more major difference between the male and female pelvis, and that’s the sciatic notch: 
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Characteristic of male on the left, intermediate in the middle, and female on the right (and dang, she was young, too.).  Thinner is male, wider is female.  Usually you can fit your thumb in a female’s notch but barely or not at all in a male.  I personally find the subpubic arch and the sciatic notch the easiest to use because, fun fact #2, those 3 sections are a bitch to hold together with your hands and that makes it hard to see the other shapes.  The amount of sacrums and pelvic bones I’ve accidentally dropped while trying to determine sex....it’s a lot, ok? It’s a lot.  I only have two hands and pelvises are big.  
There are also several less obvious ways of determining sex from a skeleton, so you guys should definitely visit the source for the above image because they go into it deeper and there are several excellent images of public bones.  
So how else do we determine sex? The next easiest way is from the skull, because the features are distinct and skulls survive well.  
The Skull
In my opinion the easiest landmark to use on a skull for sex determination is the jaw.  There are several features of the jaw that can be used here - and, mind you, when determining sex we measure every small and large sex-linked feature according to a scale and then average it all out.  We never look at any single thing (although sometimes the individual has something so characteristic that you can’t help it.  The individual in my position has a brow like a neanderthal, so it was pretty obvious.).  Anyway, there are several features here but the easiest is to look at the shape of the lateral distal posterior portion of the jaw.  It’s called the masseteric tuberosity.  Basically, it’s a little bit of bone that sticks out of the back of your jaw.  It’s one of the attachment points of the masseter aka chewing muscles attach.  Because males have stronger muscles pulling on that part of the jaw and exerting more force, it flares out further for them when you look at it from the front, like this: 
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It’s that sticky-outy thing thing that I circled in red.  Here is an example of the same thing on females: 
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Female jaws are rounder, and so that bit is less defined, flares out less, and is not as sharp as it is on males.  And this is a reminder that these measures aren’t absolutes - humans have a lot of variance in them.  The female asian and the male on the right both have somewhat atypical structures, while the female european and the two other males have a very characteristic structure.  
The two other easiest to identify are the shape of the brown line and the shape of the chin (the mental protuberance).  Here is an image of the comparison: 
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(Source: Pinterest, but this images are from the Human Bone Manual text that I use and I used this image so I wouldn’t have to make my own. :P) 
You can see in the profile that the female skull has a higher, more vertical forehead with less pronounced brow ridges.  If you look, you can also see that her chin protrudes less in profile, and is softer and less pronounced in the frontal view.  The angle under her teeth is less severe.  
So these three things, the chin, the brow, and the jaw, are the easiest to identify the most likely to be characteristic of the sex of the individual.  But, if you compare the images I’ve used here you’ll also notice that there are other differences in the skull.  Females have more of a slope to the bottom of their jaw, the bump on the back of their heads (the occipital protuberance) tends to be far less pronounced; and this is the case for all muscle attachments generally speaking.  On average, males are more easily able to build muscle mass and are larger, and so their muscles pull harder on their skeletons and create larger muscle attachments.  The round, blunt thing to the right of the back of the jaw that sticks out from the skull (the mastoid process), is also at a different angle and is larger in males.  This is another case of the muscles being bigger and stronger - the mastoid process is where several of your jaw and neck muscles attach.  
There you have it, then.  The easiest ways to tell the sex of a skeleton.  :) 
This post has been approved by Gage the science doggo: 
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epicspheal · 4 years
How many times do you think Hop was compared to Leon and expected to be "as good as his brother" I mean he has to right? Said everyone. How many people either in Wedgehest and other places tried to befriend Hop because of he is Leon's brother? Cause you know that would happen. Maybe the reason he is such friends with the SWSH PC because they barely cared about that and saw Hop as his own person to be friends with? Bonus question would Leon have been aware of this? And how would he feel about it?
Great Question! 
I mentioned this in a previous post but Hop was definitely the favorite to win, even with him losing at the Circhester gym. Between that and his normal league card stating that he was seen as potential force to be reckoned with, people were definitely expecting Hop to have similar abilities to Leon. So to answer your first question he definitely had expectations of him. 
The key here is no one (except for Bede in that one moment) ever really made the comparison out in a negative manner. And honestly even Bede’s comment is less “why aren’t you as good as your brother” and more “you’re going to give your brother a bad reputation for endorsing you”. Even with his loss at Circhester and then in the Challenger’s cup, none of the NPCs besides Bede ever say anything derogatory about Hop not being exactly like Leon. Even Opal states no one expects that given how talented and skilled Leon is.
Compare that to say Peony (who is a very interesting foil to Hop) who we know based on his rare league card was explicitly compared to Rose relentlessly as a child. To the point that he ran off and became delinquent before becoming the steel type gym leader then champion. Even throughout the Crown Tundra we see multiple blatant comparisons between Peony and Rose through other NPCs often in a negative manner. This isn’t what we see with Hop.
The issue for Hop is being overshadowed. Everyone is so enamored by Leon’s success that Hop at times can be forgotten. This is especially true in Postwick and Wedgehurst where all of the NPCs talk about Leon but not about Hop. In fact the only time Hop gets get brought up is in Postwicke but that’s only to talk about how much of a hero he sees Leon as. So for Hop his problem is that until he gets out of the bubble that is Wedgehurst/Postwick he’s just kind of invisible unless Leon is around. This is explains his behavior at the beginning of the game and why he can come off as annoying to many players. He’s trying to make a name for himself in that bubble. 
To answer your question about whether or not some NPCs may have tried to befriend Hop because of Leon. That I can absolutely see. In fact that’s the basis of my SwSh Retelling, where Hop doesn’t have any friends outside of my protag because no one cared about him, only his brother. They’d try to be sweet and friendly to him whenever he talked about his brother coming back to visit, but ignore him any other time.
And this leads into your thought about the PC and their relationship to Hop. Something my good friend @bettabythesea pointed out, when you look at the Town Map in Wedgehurst, you noticed the player refers to the other house in Postwick as Hop’s house. Now that might not seem so significant as in previous games the rival’s house is always named for the rival. But in the context of everyone only seeing Leon and not Hop, this becomes far more significant. We know the PC is a fan of Leon, but they still are able to see Hop. So this explains the friendship between PC and Hop
Now onto your last question about whether or not Leon saw this. I think he did. In another post I did, I mentioned that Leon probably wanted to give the protagonist a starter too because he wanted to thank them for being a genuine friend to Hop, rather than someone who was just using Hop for an autograph. I feel like Leon would be upset at how Hop was treated and was grateful for the existence of the protagonist being there for Hop. But also I think this is why during the gym challenge Leon isn’t constantly hovering over Hop. He knows how much attention he gets and he wanted Hop to shine without him. And for the most part that wouldn’t be possible if Leon was constantly around him. 
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maddrmatt · 3 years
A Beautiful Future: A Premonition or a Punishment?
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Greetings, readers and fellow SoKai fans!
Time to bring this story to an end and finally learn the truth behind the dream!
I’m so glad I was able to complete it in time.  Next year, I’ll try to have my story done before the week even gets here because the pressure was immense!
This one also contains a few more headcanons and speculations.
Epilogue: Rehearsal
Destiny Islands
As he watched the sunset from his usual spot on the paopu tree, a smile of contentment came to Sora’s face.  ‘It’s been two weeks since I came home and yet it feels like nothing’s changed.’
But after glancing to his right at his now official girlfriend, he knew that thought couldn’t be further from the truth.  And as Kairi gave him a smile, he knew he wouldn’t have it any other way.
‘I still can’t believe how beautiful she is in the setting sun’s light.  Why am I not taking her into my arms and holding her close right now?’
“Just can’t keep your eyes off each other, can you?” asked a male voice from Sora’s right snapping him out of his thoughts.
‘Oh.  That’s why,’ Sora realized as Kairi started to giggle.
As tempting as it was, the two of them tended to keep their closer moments for times when they weren’t in the company of others.  Although they weren’t too shy about showing their love for each other and no one ever really had any problems with it, it just meant more to them that way.  
But it was sometimes easier said than done.  As hard as they tried, there were moments when, even in the midst of their friends, their boundless affections just kept slipping out because it had just become such a natural state for them.
“Riku, was that really necessary?” asked a female voice from Kairi’s right.
“Someone’s got to keep these two on their toes, Naminè, and that job usually falls to me,” said Riku.
“He does have a point, Naminè.  If it weren’t for Riku, Sora would never get any work done at all,” said Kairi causing Sora to fold his arms and pout.
“Oh, you’re one to talk, Kairi.  There were times when you were just as lazy as he was,” said Riku.
“He’s got you there, Kai,” said Sora with a laugh.
Kairi pouted.  But it wasn’t long before her smile returned.
Now that the mirthful moment had passed, the four friends now resumed watching the sunset.  In an effort to avoid further ribbing from Riku, Sora tried to focus on other aspects no matter how hard it was to avoid his heart’s favorite view.
He looked past Kairi to Naminè, who was sitting next to her.  Though it wasn’t the first time she had joined them for the sunset, he knew that she enjoyed it every time because she was finally a true part of their circle of friends.
‘The memories may have been fake at first. But I’m glad we were able to make them a reality.  Naminè deserves it.  She deserves to have friends.’
Sora then looked to his right where his oldest friend was in his usual position of leaning against the tree instead of sitting on it.  He remembered how, in the past, Riku would have an air of boredom and resentment when watching the sunset.  Now there was no trace of that at all.
‘He wanted to escape the Islands so much and see the worlds.  Glad to see he’s grown to appreciate our home.’
Kairi let out a contented sigh.  “Another good day come and gone.”
“You’ve said that everyday, Kairi,” observed Naminè.
“Can’t help it.  Every day that we’re finally all together is definitely a good one. Right, boys?” asked Kairi to which Sora and Riku nodded in agreement.
“Well, we’re certainly lucky to have these good days now.  Especially after everything that went down in Quadratum.  That world is something else entirely,” said Riku.
Sora nodded.  “Tell me about it.  And I still have a hard time believing that the first time I saw that world and Yozora was in a video game in the toys’ world.  And it’s got me wondering.”
“About what, Sora?” asked Kairi.
“Well, think about it.  If Yozora and Quadratum are fictional in our reality, then maybe we could be fictional in some other reality.  Like we could be video game characters ourselves,” said Sora.
Naminè tapped her chin in thought.  “It might be possible, Sora.  All those worlds out there with their various stories and characters could exist in books or even films somewhere else.”
Kairi chuckled.  “Mickey, Donald and Goofy would make great cartoon characters.”
“You know, if we were having this conversation long ago before our adventures started, I would’ve thought that idea was absolutely crazy.  But stranger things have happened,” said Riku.
“As odd as it was knowing it was real in another reality, that video game was pretty useful for learning all we could about Quadratum,” said Naminè.
“Yes.  When Fairy Godmother and I went back to the Final World to talk to that girl, she told us about Yozora.  And when we told everyone else, Donald and Goofy remembered the game.  That’s when they headed to the Toy Box and acquired it along with everything related to it that they could find.  So, when we weren’t training with our Keyblades, we were playing through the game for research,” said Kairi.
“I never would have thought that preparation for a rescue mission would involve playing video games,” said Riku.
“Like you said, Riku, stranger things have happened,” said Sora.
Naminè sighed.  “But that game certainly wasn’t easy to play.  Even with the game guides we had, there were enemies and bosses that we struggled to get past. Donald and Axel nearly smashed or burned the controllers in frustration.”
“And the thought that the two of you might have been facing them for real was very worrying to me.  It really made me wish that you thought twice about running off alone to a realm that you knew nothing about,” Kairi said to Riku.
Riku gave a little chuckle.  “What can I say?  Sora’s been a bit of a bad influence on me when it comes to leaping before looking.”
“Hey!” exclaimed Sora.
Riku sighed.  “But you are right, Kairi.  It really wasn’t my best call and I’m grateful to you and the others for coming after us. It’s just that after the three of us not being together for so long and seeing everyone else reunited, I was just so desperate to put our group back together.”
“I know, Riku and I can’t blame you for feeling that way,” said Kairi.  ‘That year I was asleep, and Sora was gone must’ve been so tough for him.’
Riku then looked at both Sora and Kairi with a smile. “Besides, you two had something special that was long overdue for a proper beginning,” he said causing both Sora and Kairi to turn red.
“Riku!” Naminè admonished the Keyblade Master as he laughed.
But despite Riku’s teasing, Sora and Kairi couldn’t help but smile.  Ever since their relationship truly started, Riku had been nothing but the most supportive friend either of them could ask for.
‘As amusing as it was watching them compete over my attention back then, I was dreading what the three of us would lose if I ever did choose one of them.  Especially since, contrary to what everyone believed, Sora already won my heart even if I didn’t know it at the time.  It feels so good to see that I was worried for nothing and the fact that Sora and I are a couple hasn’t affected our friendship with Riku one bit.’
“Still, Sora, I’d say you were pretty lucky to have survived in Quadratum long enough for us to find you.  The enemies we saw in the video game made the Heartless, Nobodies, and Unversed look like pushovers by comparison,” said Kairi.
“I hear you.  It was quite a fight nearly every moment.  But I managed to hold on.  All I had to do was keep focusing on my home and everyone who I was trying to get back to,” said Sora as he gazed at Kairi lovingly.  ‘Though I will admit, there was someone I was trying to get back to more than anyone else.’
“Having that dream helped a lot too,” said Sora more to himself than the others.
“A dream?  What about?” asked Naminè.
Sora’s eyes widened.  “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”
Riku chuckled.  “Yes, you did.  And now you have to tell us.  So, out with it.”
Sora’s cheeks flushed red.  “Well, I er, I really don’t know if I should.  It’s kind of personal.’
“Oh, come on, Sora.  You can’t just leave us hanging like that.  Tell us what it was about.  Please,” said Kairi pleadingly.
Sora sighed.  ‘Kairi, I love you.  But I can never tell just how much you know about the power you have over me because I just can’t say no to you.’
“Okay.  I will. But, please guys.  Don’t tease me after you hear it,” said Sora to which his friends nodded although he didn’t fully believe that they weren’t going to.
“All right.  The dream was about…a wedding,” said Sora a little reluctantly causing his friends’ eyes to open wide in surprise.
“Sora, was it…?” Kairi asked.
“Yes.  It was our wedding.  And it was absolutely incredible,” said Sora with a look of elation on his face.
Riku chuckled.  “Your future wedding.  Man, Sora, you’ve really got it bad for her if that’s what you’re dreaming about.”
“You said you weren’t going to tease me about it, Riku,” said Sora.
Riku held up his hands in defense.  “Easy, Sora.  I wasn’t teasing.  In fact, I think it’s really great.  If there was anything to help keep you going until we found you, I can’t think of anything better.”
As the boys continued to converse among themselves, Kairi and Naminè were exchanging surprised looks.  Clearly, the same notion was running through their minds.
“Kairi, do you think it was…?” Naminè asked quietly so the boys wouldn’t hear.
“Maybe it was.  But I won’t know for sure unless I can get more details from Sora,” Kairi whispered back.
“Then allow me to get you both some privacy so you can do that,” said Naminè as she hopped off the tree and stretched her arms.  “Well, guys, I think it’s time for me to go. Riku, would you care to accompany me home?”
“Huh?  Oh. Uh, sure, Naminè,” said Riku who was a little surprised by Naminè’s strange request.
“You two don’t have to leave yet,” said Sora.
“Actually, we do, Sora.  Let’s go, Riku,” said Naminè as she walked around the tree and headed for the bridge.
Riku was still confused.  He immediately ran around the tree and caught up to Kairi’s former Nobody just when she was at the midpoint of the bridge.
“Naminè, why is it so important we leave right now?” he asked her in a hushed tone.
“Because there’s something that Sora and Kairi need to talk about and it’s best that they do it alone,” she responded before giving a smile.  “Especially considering what’s likely going to happen after they talk.”
Riku blinked in confusion.  But then a look of realization came to his face, and he smiled.
“Oh, I get it.  Good call, Naminè.  But just one thing before we go,” said Riku as he turned back toward the paopu tree. “Sora?”
Sora turned around.  “Yes, Riku?”
“I have one question about that wedding dream.”
“Oh.  And that is?”
“I was the best man, right?” asked Riku.
Sora gave a look of surprise before giving a smile to his oldest friend.  “Yes. Yes, you were.”
“Good.  Because if it had been anybody else, I would have considered siding with the darkness again,” Riku said with a dash of teasing in his tone.
Sora’s eyes widened.  “Now don’t you think that’s a little petty, Riku?  Besides, it was just a dream.  I have no control over the details.”
Riku shook his head.  “Doesn’t matter.  I don’t know if I could ever forgive you if you snubbed me out of my rightful place in your wedding party,” he said causing Kairi and Naminè to giggle.
“Oh, come on, Riku.  You know that if I was getting married for real, I wouldn’t have chosen anyone else for that position.”
“Yes.  I do know that.  Don’t get so bent out of shape about it, Sora.  I never really had any doubt about it,” said Riku with a chuckle as he turned around and began to leave.
Naminè shook her head in amusement as she walked away while calling back to the couple, “See you both later.”
“Bye,” said Kairi before turning her attention to her boyfriend who had his arms crossed and was huffing in annoyance.
“He always does this.  He always knows how to get to me like that,” Sora grumbled.
Kairi giggled.  “Well, can you blame him?  You do make it so easy.  And you two are practically brothers and good-natured teasing is what brothers do,” she pointed out.
Sora’s smile returned.  “That’s true.  He’s my brother in all but blood.  And that’s why he would be the best man at our wedding.”
He then turned to his girlfriend.  “So, why do you think Naminè felt like she and Riku had to leave so suddenly?”
Kairi smiled.  “Because there’s something I want you to tell me, Sora.
“Of course, Kai.  What is it?”
Kairi took Sora’s hands into her own.  “I’d like you tell me more about that dream.  Please.  I want to hear all you can remember about it.”
“Well, like I said, it was incredible.  It was in this gigantic chapel that I think was in Radiant Garden.  And seeing how many guests there were, it’s no surprise we needed such a big space.  Everyone was there: our families, our friends and pretty much everyone I ever met from around the worlds.  There was even a bunch I hadn’t even met yet,” said Sora excitedly.
Kairi chuckled.  “Now that’s certainly goes against the World Order.”
Sora laughed himself.  “Yeah.  Donald would probably go quackers about it if he saw such a blatant violation!”
“Now, besides Riku as best man, who else was in our wedding party?” Kairi asked.
“Well, Donald, Goofy, Roxas and Ven were my groomsmen and Naminè, Aqua, Xion and Olette were your bridesmaids.  Selphie was the maid of honor,” answered Sora.
“She’ll be glad to hear that.  We did promise each other long ago that we would be the other’s maid of honor at our respective weddings,” said Kairi.
“Other than that, Mickey presided over the ceremony.  Pluto and Jiminy brought the rings, the paopu fruits, and a pair of flower crowns that apparently were a wedding tradition from Radiant Garden,” said Sora.
“Well, even though it’s been a long time since I considered Radiant Garden my home, I certainly would have liked to honor my heritage like that,” stated Kairi.
“I’m sure your birth parents and grandmother would love to hear that. Finally, Chirithy was our Flower Spirit,” said Sora.
Kairi giggled.  “I wonder if that’s the kind of role all the Chirithy played when Keyblade wielders got married in the Age of Fairy Tales.
“It’s a possibility.  We’ll have to ask about it,” said Sora before gazing into Kairi’s eyes lovingly.
“And, Kai, you looked absolutely beautiful in your wedding dress.  It was white with all these golden designs stitched into it like a heart shape on the chest. And you were also wearing this tiara with seven heart shaped jewels which probably represented the Seven Pure Lights.  I wonder if Fairy Godmother or the Three Good Fairies had a hand in making the dress and tiara because you definitely looked like a real princess about to get married,” he said causing his girlfriend to blush and giggle.
“And you certainly never looked more princely and handsome in that white and gold suit,” said Kairi.
“Yes.  I guess I did,” said Sora absently before he realized what Kairi had just told him.  “Wait!  Kairi, how did you…?”
“Know that?  Sora, it just so happens that I had the very same dream!”
Sora’s jaw dropped.  “You did?!”
Kairi nodded.  “Yes.  Everything you just told me happened in my dream too!”
Sora was completely shocked.  “I-I can’t believe it!  I mean, having the very same dream.  It shouldn’t even be possible.”
Kairi shrugged.  “Wouldn’t be the first time we’ve pulled off something impossible, Sora.  Like me keeping you alive when the Demon Tide wiped us out or you protecting me from that memory of Xehanort even though we were a reality apart.”
“Guess sharing that paopu fruit unlocked all sorts of amazing things for us, didn’t it, Kairi?” asked Sora.
Kairi tapped her finger against her chin.  “You know, Sora, I have been thinking about this for a while and well, maybe it wasn’t the paopu fruit at all.  After all, I was able to change you back when you turned into a Heartless and we hadn’t shared it then.  What if all these miraculous things that you and I were able to do were just…us?”
“But that can’t be true, Kairi.  You’re one of the Seven Pure Lights.  My heart’s nothing special,” said Sora.
Kairi frowned.  “Watch it, Sora.  I don’t tolerate anybody speaking ill of the boy I love especially if it is said boy. Don’t tell me your heart’s not special. After all, you had just been born and you ended up saving Ven.  So, don’t ever think that about yourself.  My heart may carry one of seven of the purest lights.  But you have the biggest heart in all the worlds.”
Sora looked thoughtful.  “Yeah.  Maybe I do.”
Sora then put his arm around his girlfriend.  Kairi leaned into him to rest her head underneath his chin.  They interlaced their hands and sighed contently.
“It was such a beautiful dream,” said Kairi.
“Yes, it was.  Do you think it may have been a vision of our future?” Sora asked.
“Who knows?  There were a lot of elements in it that made it seem like one.  But it was a little strange to dream about our wedding when we hadn’t even kissed yet,” said Kairi.
Sora chuckled.  “You got that right.  There was that and a few more other things that need to happen in our relationship before a wedding.”
“And in all honesty, as beautiful as the dream was, I actually kind of hope our real wedding doesn’t happen exactly like it,” said Kairi.
“Why is that?” asked Sora.
“Well, it does sort of spoil things knowing how exactly one of the most important days of your life plays out before it even happens. When we get married for real one day, I wish for it to be a mix of what we saw in the dream and some good surprises.”
“I’d like that too,” said Sora before he frowned.  
“Kairi, I have a bit of a confession to make.  I actually ended up thinking the dream may have been sent to me as a punishment.  You know, for breaking all those nature taboos I had no idea existed,” Sora said with a hint of shame.
Kairi sighed.  “Well, you’re not alone in thinking that way, Sora.  I thought it was punishing me for all the times I wasn’t strong enough in the fight against Xehanort.”
Then the Princess of Heart turned Sora’s head, so they were face-to-face.  “But we can’t keep beating ourselves up about what we did or didn’t do in the past, Sora.”
“I know.  And as I mentioned earlier, the dream inspired me to keep on going and fighting on while I was stuck in Quadratum.  That’s how I chose to use it,” said Sora.
“Guess great minds think alike, Sora, because I chose to use it to drive myself to get stronger and become the best Keyblade wielder I could be.  And I think my training with Aqua really improved after that,” said Kairi.
“I guess, in the end, it really doesn’t matter what the dream’s actual purpose was.  What matters is how we used it to push ourselves toward our inevitable reunion,” said Sora.
“And now that we are together again, we can use for a different purpose now.  We can use that dream as a reminder of the kind of future we both wish to have.  Because, unfortunately, our adventures and fights are still not finished,” said Kairi grimly.
Sora nodded.  “Yes.  He’s still out there.  The Master of Masters.  I still can’t get the last thing he said to us out of my mind before he left Quadratum. About how all he wanted us to do was to keep doing what we do best because the next phase was about to begin. It gives me the chills.”
“And it’s maddening not knowing exactly what his game is. At least with Xehanort, we knew it was trouble.  But with the Master?  I can’t really tell,” said Kairi.
“At least we have a new ally in Yozora.  We may have gotten off on the wrong foot.  But once he learned how the Master had tricked him into trying to ‘save’ me, he was all too willing to help us fight him,” said Sora.
“And we also promised to help that girl for him. She’s probably as important to him as I am to you.  Not to mention that we never would’ve have gotten you back without her help,” said Kairi.
“We’ll help them.  And then maybe we can invite them to our real wedding someday,” said Sora.
Kairi laughed.  “Of course, we will.”
“We will get there one day, Kairi.  We’ll deal with the Master and other enemy that comes our way, help anyone else who needs it and someday, we’ll live happily ever after just like in the dream,” said Sora.
“I couldn’t agree more, my future groom,” said Kairi.
Sora smiled.  ‘Future groom.  I definitely like the sound of that.’
The two of them watched the sunset in silence for a few minutes.  Then Sora piped up again.
“There is one more thing I do need to say about the dream though,” he said.
“What’s that, Sora?”
“There was actually one thing I didn’t like about it.”
Kairi looked confused.  “Really?  What was it?”
“The fact that I woke up at what would’ve been the best part of the wedding.”
Kairi gave her boyfriend a smile.  “Would that happen to be our first kiss as a married couple?”
Sora’s eyes widened in surprise.  “Yes.  How did you…wait a minute.  Did you miss that part as well?” he asked Kairi who gave a nod.
Sora became even more flabbergasted.  “Wow!  Sharing a dream is amazing enough.  But waking up at the exact same moment?  I…I can’t even find a word for it.”
“Me neither.  Although, I guess we can count ourselves lucky because there are so many worse ways for a dream to end,” said Kairi.
“Like maybe the wedding getting crashed by one of our old enemies.  That would have been a really bad note to end it on,” said Sora.
“Yes, it would.  But given how many heroes who were there, any villains who would dare to crash that wedding would have to be really dumb,” said Kairi.
“So, Pete maybe?” asked Sora with a laugh.
“Yeah.  He probably would,” said Kairi as she joined her boyfriend in his laughter.
Once their laughter died down, the two young lovers sighed in contentment as they held each other closer.  The evening certainly had been plentiful of pleasant revelations.
Sora sighed.  “Still, I really wish we both could’ve seen that kiss.”
“Look at it this way, Sora.  It’ll be something to look forward to when it happens for real someday,” said Kairi.
“Yeah.  I know,” said Sora who still had a little disappointment in his voice.
Fortunately, Kairi knew how to cure that as she turned to him with her signature cheeky smile.  “But, you know, even if it is a long way away, we could do a little rehearsal right now if don’t mind.”
A brief look of surprise came to Sora’s face before he caught on with a smile.  “Not at all.”
“Well, in that case, you may kiss your future bride,” said Kairi as the two of them leaned in.
Against the backdrop of the setting sun on their favorite tree, the happy couple’s lips found their destined target.  As the Hero of the Keyblade and the Princess of Heart savored every second of this precious moment, the two of them reflected on their wedding dream.
They still had no idea if it had truly a premonition of definite future events.  But if it’s real purpose was meant to torment them for breaking the taboos of nature or for shortcomings as a Keyblade wielder, then it had epically failed.
Instead, the dream had only increased their desire to come back to each other.  And now that they had been reunited, it would now serve a new purpose.
No matter what kind of darkness they would face in the future, the dream would serve as a guiding light that they would always fight to reach together.
Traverse Town, The Realm of Sleep
Elsewhere, in the sleeping version of Traverse Town, Meow Wow scampered along the streets.  Nearby, Komory Bat fluttered alongside it.  The two Spirit Dream Eaters were currently patrolling the town for any Nightmares.
As if on cue, as they crossed into the First District, a pack of Nightmares materialized.  It was a tough bunch composed of four Kooma Pandas, two Thunderaffes and one Zolephant.
But in spite of being outnumbered and outsized, Meow Wow and Komory Bat were not afraid.  They leapt right into the fray with the Nightmares.
It may have seemed foolish.  But with the way they and their fellow Spirits had succeeded in so many ways recently, they felt like they could take on the toughest Nightmares.  Not even really powerful ones like the Hockomonkey or the Spellican could bring them down with the morale they had right now.
When Sora had vanished, Meow Wow and the other Spirits had sensed his disappearance and were very saddened.  Having grown very attached to the young Keyblade wielder during his journey through the Realm of Sleep, they had launched their own attempt to find some clue to his whereabouts.
During the year he was missing, the various Spirits had combed the near infinite reaches of the Realm of Sleep searching for any sign of Sora’s dreams. If they could find them and any of them happened to contain a hint to his location, they could send it to the honorary member of their pack, Riku, who hopefully would know what to do next.
Much to their joy, they did indeed locate a multitude of undreamt dreams that belonged to their friend.  Due to how many there were to search through, it was clear that the place he currently was allowed little time for sleeping much less dreaming.
Fortunately, they managed to find a dream they thought would help the most.  Once they had sent it to Riku, it set off a chain of events that would hopefully lead to Sora being found.
But after Riku had left for that mysterious city known as Quadratum, the Spirits were faced with another problem: Kairi.
All the Spirits from the proud Necho Cat to the mischievous Jestabocky to the noble Pegaslick to the fierce Tyranto Rex knew how much the Princess of Heart meant to Sora given how she was a recurring element in his happiest dreams.  They also knew how disappointed she felt for having to stay behind from the mission to rescue him and how much she blamed herself for his disappearance.
Their next mission was clear: keep Kairi’s hopes alive and her spirits raised.  Sora would have definitely wanted them to help one so precious to him. So, in order to do that, they would need to find a very special dream to bestow upon her.
Dreams had many origins all tied to the heart.  Some were created from the heart’s precious memories while others formed from its greatest wishes.  And on occasion, due to the heart’s ability to traverse time, dreams could often show someone’s potential future.
After an exhaustive search through Kairi’s dreams, they ended up finding one that depicted a wonderful future for both her and Sora.  Though it was only a possible future for them, the dream would serve the Spirits’ purpose well.
Their plan was a success.  Although they were surprised and confused that Kairi thought their gift had been sent to torment her at first, they were pleased when it ended up inspiring her to get better with her Keyblade.
But, to their surprise, after Sora had been rescued, the Spirits learned that something had happened that they had not anticipated.
It seemed that when they gave the dream to Kairi, Sora had been able to experience it as well.  Through the connection between their hearts, the Spirits’ gift ended up being shared between them.  And Sora was given the drive he needed to keep going until he had been found by his friends.
Even if the Spirits’ gift of the dream was only of a potential future for Sora and Kairi, it was one that reflected a great wish that they both shared.  Often, that was exactly what a dream was: a wish made by the heart.
Notes from the Mad Doctor:
So, it wasn’t a punishment at all.  But it also wasn’t a true premonition either.  What it was, was a push!  And as push for Sora and Kairi, it succeeded beautifully.
Hope you all enjoyed this story.  
I hope that little Secret Ending about the Spirit Dream Eaters didn’t turn you off.  I just loved the idea of them playing a part in bringing Sora home and also being SoKai shippers.
I did take a few creative liberties when describing the nature of dreams.  I love the games but trying to explain anything from Dream Drop Distance is next to impossible and can give one big headache.
Hope many of you got that little Disney nod in the final lines!
Now for some words of thanks.
I give my thanks to whoever reads this chapter.
I also give my special thanks to @fandomchanger​ and @renatogpadilla​  for their likes on the previous chapters, @sokaiweek​, @sokaieternal​, and @phoenix-downer, for reblogging the previous chapters as well as @flynn-science for their like, replies and reblogs of the previous chapters.
I also give a big thank you to the artists and writers whose work I had the pleasure of witnessing this year.  You all did a great job and I really enjoyed your work.
And an especially big thank you to the moderators of the SoKai Week Tumblr for enabling us to be part of a great collection.
Happy SoKai Week and stay tuned for more from the Mad Doctor in the future!
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 31: Free Day - Something Like A Bird Chap.4: The Feathered And The Fanged
Danny says ‘not today Satan’ as a wild Vlad appears to bear witness to Danny’s winged ass.
To say Danny had been a bit tired after his parents giving him a full check over would be an understatement. They literally wanted to see every single little way his wings could move and how each and every muscle reacted to said movement. If he had any reflexes; which hint, he totally did. Hitting the bends of his wings in the right spots would cause them to kick out just like a knee. And he had a spot on his back that would make his feathers fluff out. After all that he just didn’t want his wings messed with anymore, oh and to sleep, thank you very much. Which his folks were perfectly content to let him do on the couch. Which promptly led to the personal discovery that wings were freaking awesome blankets.
Which all also led to this wonderful situation of walking up to one Vlad Masters looking down on him with a quirked eyebrow. Danny elects to not even dignify the man with a response instead he sits up, yawns exaggeratedly, stretches out his arms, and angles himself in just the right way to punt Vlad out the door via a nice big wing stretch. Multitasking, it truly is a wonderful skill. Truly.
Vlad is, of course, grumbling and scowling as he comes back in. “Must you act so ill-behaved, Daniel”.
Danny smirks, “do I look like I care what Satan thinks?”, and only smirks more at Vlad’s sigh and head shake.
Danny only vaguely pretends to be paying attention to Vlad as he gets himself some coffee. Vlad sounding almost genuinely curious, not that vampire-ass was ever genuinely genuine about anything, “I see your parents’ aren’t up yet”.
Danny tosses a cup full at Vlad, evil he may be but everyone needs a ‘wake me the fuck up and allow me to suffer through this bullshit’ coffee. “Everyone was up late, had some limby business to get up to. Far more legal than what qualifies as business to you”.
“Yes because the government wouldn’t find your developments questionable at best”. Danny actually chuckles at that, because truth. The government would love to go all creepy morally questionable evil scientist on his feathered ass. Sure they’d probably have to go through some whacky legal hoops to do it, like classifying him as not human or some shit, but he wouldn’t put it past them to try.
Danny laughs, “like you’re any better vampy”.
Vlad shakes his head, looking Danny over as he turns around, “I’m far less unnatural. Do you not even have the decency to put on a shirt? You have a guest you know”.
Danny smirks, “but it’s you?”. Shrugging, very content with having filled up his ‘annoy the heck out of Vlad’ quota so early in the day. Today must really like him. “My shirt’s somewhere on the floor”.
Danny grins like an idiot when Vlad lifts up the offending tank top with as few fingers as physically possible, “you mean this thing?”, huffing, “unacceptable, you can hardly be running around in a probable biohazard”.
“Hey”. Vlad predictably ignores him and incarnates his shirt. Like an asshole. “I liked that shirt you know”.
“Then buy a new one that isn’t covered in questionable stains that even I can’t identify”. Danny’s pretty sure that Vlad’s desired response wasn’t for him to feel proud. But that’s sure as shit what he’s feeling.
Danny grins at him a bit meanly, sounding painfully sarcastic while his ears twitch a little picking up on at least his dad getting up, “now what is this? Is the Vladimir Masters offering to take me shopping? And entirely on his dime? Oh now how could I possibly say no?”. That smile only getting more mean and smug when his dad sticks his head down the stairs and half-shouts, “that’s a great idea, Vladdie!”, bounding all the way down the stairs and moving to clap Danny on the shoulder under the wing, “no way Danny-boy can wear any of his t-shirts, sweaters, or hoodies with the wings!”.
Vlad quirks an eyebrow, speaking with very obvious venom to his voice; well obvious to anyone other than Jack, “certainly not. I’m truly surprised you haven’t blown them off him yet”.
Jack actually looks shocked by that, “what!?! Oh of course not! I’m sure heaven wouldn’t like that very much! Or Danny-boy!”, tilting his head and chuckling, “if heaven is where angels come from”.
Danny grins wide enough to hurt when Vlad chokes a little and spits out a mouthful of coffee, going wide-eyed all the while. Checkmate Vlad, whatcha gonna do now? “Excuse me?”. Danny’s almost impressed Vlad doesn’t sound nearly as baffled as he definitely has to be.
Everyone looking to Maddie as she comes down, scowling at Vlad for only a second before smiling at Danny, speaking as she ruffles Danny’s hair up, “it’s really all that makes sense. He just finally developed enough holy energy to form his wings and halo”. His dad excitedly flicking the clouds to make them spin around, “and! It explains his ecto-contamination! Angels are purifying after all! So he’s just purifying the town!”, Jack nods to himself and puts his hands on his hips, “the town certainly needs it!”.
Danny sighs, still grinning a bit, “dad, I’m not a walking filter”. Vlad just looks to him, a clear expression of ‘how in the name of all the Ancients did you pull this off?’ and ‘do they seriously believe that line of bullshit?’.
Jack laughs, “a walking, or flying, dehumidifier but for ectoplasm would be a better comparison!”, which Danny rolls his eyes at a bit fondly.
Maddie smiles and nods a little before speaking somewhat seriously at Danny, “though you really do need a new wardrobe. I doubt you have many tank tops”.
Danny grumbles with fake annoyance, “well I have one less that’s for sure”. Which Vlad smirks slightly over. While Maddie looks to Vlad, “and while I don’t know why you would offer to take Danny shopping, we certainly haven’t budgeted for it”, sighing like this is almost painful for her, “so we’ll accept the offer”.
Vlad grins immediately and Danny is mentally smacking himself for being a serious dumbass. Of course shit like this would backfire on him. That is exactly his kind of luck. Hopefully, this won’t go horribly. Maybe. Probably though. This is Vlad he’s talking -thinking- about here. “Why Maddie dear, it brings me nothing but joy to help young Daniel out in times of need”.
Danny gives the most pained and sarcastic, “yay”, he can muster. Which earns him one incredibly smug smile from Vlad. However, Danny is the one grinning meanly when his dad announced that they will, in fact, be taking the GAV and that he’s driving. Since Vlad immediately looked like what’s left of his life just flashed before his eyes.
Vlad, in an almost painfully obvious attempt to stall, holds up a finger, “well, I think Daniel here should acquire suitable-”, he glares at the ash on the floor as an obvious attempt at emphasis, Danny just rolls his eyes, “-attire. Now luckily, I just so happened to plan for such a predicament”.
His mom gives an impressively dry, “really”, as her only response to that. Which Vlad, of course, completely ignores, instead simply nodding curtly and promptly disappearing out the front door he had not too long ago been tossed out of via Danny’s well-aimed wing. Danny’s going to cherish having successfully done that.
Vlad returns almost suspiciously fast, telling Danny that the man had very explicitly planned for this. Which means the son of a corpse probably would have ruined his -still one hundred percent wearable, fuck you- shirt anyway. Danny eyes the purple velvet? fucking Ancients, vest draped over Vlad’s arm. Which he absolutely knows he can’t put on his damn self with his folks here and his dad would absolutely make him wear the ‘gift’ from dear old godfather Vladdie. Curse his luck. His dad as it is looks excitedly... excited.
“Smart thinking V-man! And it has buttons too!”, looking to Danny, “which would certainly be easier to get on. If you got that tank top on, then you’ll definitely have no trouble with this”.
Vlad, surprising no one but his dad, waves him off, “nonsense. Vests of quality are best shown how to be worn by experienced hands”. Making Danny mutter a very quiet, “fuck you and your anterior motives”, at him. Which very obviously just makes Vlad smirk.
Danny just sighs and swallows what little of his pride he actually actively has and turns around to let the fucking prick ahem he means Vlad slide it over his wings. But he does snap his wings open to full length rather aggressively and nearly knocks Vlad over. He would have, if the man’s reflexes weren’t on point.
Vlad blinks and shakes his head, “there are times where I do believe you are more dramatic than even I. Which is no small feat, Daniel, I would know”. Danny will absolutely take that compliment. Regardless Vlad does slip the vest over his wings, Danny rolling his eyes over definitely being able to feel that the prick is examining them as he goes. Danny eventually having to put his arms back after way longer that this should have taken to get the vest over his arms, Vlad was clearly drawing this shit out. Why did he let him do this again? And why didn’t he make sure the local vampire stayed out after he punted him out.
If Danny wasn’t in front of his folks he absolutely would be smacking Vlad’s hands off him or commenting very heavily on the major creep factor of this being perfectly fitted. And Vlad clearly knows this, based on the stupid smirk anyway, as he did up the buttons with precision. Though Vlad smoothing the vest out afterwards was seriously pushing it, and absolutely earned the surprise fingernail-sized ecto-beam straight to the knee. Take that you vampiric twat. Vlad scowls at him without missing a beat.
By the time they get to the mall, Vlad is just barely managing to not look frazzled. With the man, of course, smoothing out his suit as they hop out to cover up his slightly rattled nerves. He does make a point to mutter just loud enough for Danny to hear, “I know I have said this before, but your father drives like he is seeking death. Which I must say, there are far easier was to achieve”.
Danny snorts, whisper-snarking back, “what? Like offering his corpse up to you willingly? Maybe on a nice cheese platter?”.
Which Vlad actually has the audacity to give a confident, “yes”, in response to. Pompous ass.
Danny decidedly ignoring -and honestly barely noticing. It was hard to notice these kinds of things when you were the entire town’s certified freak and resident weirdass- all the staring and even pointing he’s getting, which is mostly over the wings. Not entirely, just mostly. Which is weird, freaking wings deserve way more attention and finger-pointing than the fact that he, Danny Fenton, was in a fucking velvet vest and with the freaking mayor; who also just so happens to be bloody stinking rich. This town has issues. So many issues. Probably every issue. Expect gangs. Wait, has there ever been gangs in Amity? Tilting his head, “I wonder, do you think Amity has ever had gangs?”.
Vlad rolls his eyes and gives an oddly bitter, “of course, every town has one or two, Daniel”.
Jack grins, “actually no!”. Both halfas looking at him disbelievingly. Which gets Maddie to explain, “we may have mistaken a few trouble makers for ghosts and covered them in goop”.
Danny can’t help laughing at that, “you know?!? That surprisingly makes sense as a crime deterrent!”, and laughs a little more. Vlad just looks at his folks like they were both slightly nuts. Everyone’s attention gets grabbed by who Danny’s sure is one of the middle school girls running up and holding out a book. Which Danny has some serious ominous feelings over where, exactly, this was going. So he’s honestly not surprised when she blurts out, “could you sign my bible”. Vlad turns to the side and actually looks to be trying not to wheeze in disbelief.
Danny just blinks down at her, “you’re asking me that like I know god personally”.
She gives the single most innocent, “you don’t?”, he thinks is possible.
Danny lowkey doesn’t want to crush her tiny little spirts but come the fuck on, dear Ancients. “... no. No I do not. Sorry?”.
She only pouts for a second before shoving the bible at him slightly more. Cheeks puffed out, “still. Angel’s an angel”.
Danny tries to make his sigh not seem too pained, it is truly very pained though. What’s next? Were priests going to ask him to speak at services? Or was a church going to start up around him? Oh! Maybe he’d wind up with someone ‘reinterpreting’ the bible to find references to him. That of course would totally escalate into him being on prayer beads and crucifixes. Which was a little on the nose considering his rather self-sacrificial ‘job’. Which also made it kind of funny. Was he gonna wind up an important part of what was basically the most dominating religion ever with a ridiculously sketch history? Eh, he’s probably totally jinxing himself here. “Aright kid”, at least being asked for autographs wasn’t actually uncommon for him, “where you want it?”, looking to his family... and Vlad, “anyone got a pen?”.
Vlad smirks at him, “there's one in your pocket, I do believe”, meaning Vlad put one there.
Danny squints at him for a solid minute, “go back to Hell, Satan. No one loves you except Baphomew”.
“That is hardly my cat's name, Daniel”.
Danny just rolls his eyes as he fishes out the pen that absolutely is in his pocket. Though snickering a bit when he noticed the look that borders on bloody murder that the girl is throwing Vlad’s way. Like she was taking Danny’s petty insult genuinely. Speaking while taking the bible, “he’s not literally the Devil, he’s just cold-hearted enough to seem at least closely related”, promptly signing the inside cover and having to make a damn point to not put down ‘Phantom’. And making the ‘y’ all fancy like by putting little doodle wings coming off the curved end. At least she seems happy with it, giggling after looking at it and running off while waving back at him. Danny chuckles over her still throwing Vlad a dirty look.
Danny looks to Vlad, “wow, it’s like she thinks you murdered Christ. Wonder why that is”. Vlad gives him a definitely unamused look.
Danny gets yoinked out of his mild pissing match with his archenemy by his dad grabbing his arm and pointing at their go-to fashion stop. Which no. Danny is not wearing spandex. Especially considering getting a loose tank top on and off was already difficult without intangibility. “No happening, dad. In fact, never happening”, which yes was him actively crushing his dad’s dreams just a little more. But seriously. Nope. He has some shame and pride. It is still intact, it’s honestly a miracle.
Jack sags, “awww”, but that poutiness barely lasts a second before he’s perked right back up, pointing and heading off to the local ‘teen’ hip/popular fashion store. Which yeah, he usually bought jeans from there. Shirts? Ha, no. He didn’t feel like going broke for some name brand shirt that’s no different than what he can get from the discount store. At one time he preferred the local used store, but most people’s clothing never lasted long enough to make it to there in one piece; unless it was truly hideous. Had tons of shoes though, which saved his wallet more than he liked to admit. He was stupid hard on shoes.
Danny shakes his head at Vlad holding up a DC tank top, “that’s ugly. I’m not wearing something just because it’s got some brand name bullshit on it”.
Vlad rolls his eyes, “brand names say a lot about your worth and self, Daniel. Though I hardly expect you to know that. Mind you, if you try for Ed Hardy, we will be having words”.
Danny scrunches up his face, “do you think I’m fucking blind?”. Even in a pinch, Sam wouldn’t stoop to that. She’d show up in garbage bags saying something about dressing sustainably and recycling first.
“Sometimes I wonder”. Danny throws a t-shirt directly at his face. Though fine, his fashion style could suitably be called dumpster-chic most days.
Hovering to wander off to where his dad is also grabbing up a really awful fashion disaster, some two-toned plaid thing that’s probably marketed as ‘vintage western’ or something. “Dad no. I’m not the fashionista version of a lumberjack. Or queer enough to have an ingrained love of plaid. And even if I was, I still wouldn’t pick that”. His dad doesn’t even look offended at that, which means he likely agrees.
Danny watches him then pick up a ‘it’s not gay if he’s dead’ shirt with his dad looking almost in shock, making Danny actually have to float to sit down because he’s laughing so hard. Vlad glancing over and quirking an eyebrow, “now I feel rather reminded why I don’t shop at these sorts of stores”.
“Whatever boomer!”.
“I am not a boomer, you know this Daniel”.
“Sure thing, boomer”. Vlad smartly keeps his mouth shut this time, obviously looking to avoid more of Danny’s bullshit.
Maddie smiles at Danny but shakes her head at the shirt, “I will never understand teens love of that spook”.
Danny snickers while standing up, “well some sure think he’s got the personality and behaviour of a real angel. And the fly by the cuff ways of his are ‘manly’ or whatever to the jocks”. Vlad snorts at that from halfway across the store in the more ‘business casual’ section. Ha. That’s not happening either. Vampire-ass would have to literally kiss his ass to get him into that. Danny would take high-class professional professional over ‘business casual’ any day.
Though the patchwork button down with the elbows and shoulders fashionably cut out isn’t horrible, Danny’s still not wearing that on principle alone. So Danny shouts, “NOT TODAY SATAN!”, loud enough to make the guy jerk and get the entire store's attention. Vlad physically sighs and turns to glare at him. Danny raises a wing over his face in a bastardised version of ‘talk to the hand’ before Vlad can say jack shit.
His mom finally gives him a little light in the darkness of ‘preppy but trying to seem edgy’ fashion, holding up a little ‘evil nasa’ tank top with the bottom all shredded, “okay yes, we’re finally getting somewhere here. Nice”.
Vlad sighs exasperatedly as he rejoins them, “I see no point in that, if you wanted to look like you got attacked you could simply go out and get attacked. Shred it yourself”,
Danny looks to him, “you know what else I could shred”, and looks him up and down like that was a threat to every single piece of clothing he owned.
“I would like to see you try”.
“Is that a challenge”.
Danny turns to his mom, “hey mom, you got a bazooka handy?”. She grins maliciously, “why yes I think I do”. Vlad looks like he has just been gravely wounded. The sales lady looks over to them, “for my sanity, please don’t. I’ve been awake for forty-nine hours”.
Danny chuckles, grabbing up the few tank tops that seemed suitable, the lady leading the four of them over to the dressing rooms, “personal record?”.
“I wish”.
Danny chuckles, “I feel ya. I’d offer a Death-spresso, but I think I’m the only one allowed to drink those and that’s only because I proved that shit wouldn’t kill me”.
“I welcome death”.
Danny actually wheezes at that as he loads up the dressing room, “mood”, then struggles into the probably too small dressing room. Having to cram his wings around, which holy shit thank everything he could use intangibility because he seriously could not pull literally anything over his arms or wings right now. Hell getting his wings remotely unfolded was straight-up not happening.
Stepping out to pose, “it’s decided, dressing rooms are the devil”. His dad laughs loudly at that.
Thankfully they wind up walking out with all of the tops -excluding an orange one that he’s positive his dad grabbed purely because it was orange- and with nothing getting blown up! Though Danny sighs when Vlad beelines for the ‘fancy rich asshole’ store that Sam’s parents’ bragged about shopping at. Mostly her mom. Knowing his luck he’ll run into her. In fact, that is emphatically what is going to happen.
Aaaaaannnnnnnd that’s exactlaly what happened. Yay. Spotting her as he’s standing in the dress-shirt section while wondering how the heck Vlad thinks they’re going to find anything he can wear here. Lovely. Her, of course, noticing him. Because how the Zone wouldn’t she? He had wings. And immediately making a beeline for him. Eh, this might as well happen.
She stops next to him and folds her hands over her waist, “excuse my interruption, I just wanted to apologise for certain past behaviours”.
Danny blinks at the lady with oversized earnings and a bubblegum pink sundress, “what?”.
She shifts almost like this is physically painful for her to do, telling Danny she so totally doesn’t actually want to apologise but thinks she has to. “Me and my husband's treatment of you has likely interrupted your duties. So I am apologising. I realise things work in mysterious ways and that maybe Samatha was a test, with you to supervise”.
Danny groans and mutters to himself, “oh god fuck”, and shakes his head because he is so not dealing with this from ‘I’ll put a restraining order on you’ Mrs. Manson. “Sam’s not some test for you to struggle through. If anything, she had to struggle through you”.
She never gets a chance to respond to that beyond looking overly offended as Vlad is just suddenly there, “I find I must agree. You are quite insufferable”, glancing at Danny, “both of you”.
Danny smirks, “I thought the point of the Devils fall was to suffer. To never know love or affection and never grasp what he seeks”. Vlad blinks, “I’m almost impressed by how mean that was”, looking to Mrs. Manson, “you're still here?”.
Mrs. Manson blinks at him and looks entirely offended before obviously cluing in who, exactly, this was, “oh Mayor Masters!”, glancing between him and Danny, “you two... know each other”.
Danny snickers while Vlad rolls his eyes like this should be supremely obvious, “of course. I am the boy’s godfather after all”, and grumbles almost too quiet for Danny to hear, meaning he probably didn’t actually mean for Danny to hear, “though I’d be better as his actual father”.
Danny walks past him whispering, “in your dreams only, frootloop”, and leaves Vlad to deal with the rich obnoxious lady. Easily catching her fake cheery, “oh I didn’t know that! Well then this is certainly the best place to bring the young angel shopping”. Sometimes Danny forgot Sam’s family were religious.
Danny finally, finally, finds a section with more wing-suitable clothing. Never thought he’d shop with that in mind. He’s honestly not too surprised that his folks didn’t follow them in, probably went to get food instead, since he’s pretty sure they’re banned from this store. He has no clue if that’s Vlad’s fault or his dad’s. This is also the exact time that one of the tailors, or whatever they’re called is fancy ass stores, decides to actually dignify him with some attention. Guy probably thought Danny, being well himself, wasn’t actually going to buy any of this crap. Which yeah, normally would be the case but fuck vests were actually a genuinely good idea. Probably the only piece of layering he could wear now. Unless he goes around cutting big ass holes in all his hoodies. Which, yeah he’s probably gonna do.
The guy nods at him as he’s looking at the backs of some of the tops. And speaks sounding oddly commanding, “straighten up”. Danny quirks an eyebrow but does as he’s told. He’ll play along, see where this goes.
The guy promptly starts manhandling the base of his wings, like a full blown feel up. Squishing the feathers together, figuring out the width of the bone and muscle, space between his wings, even pokes at his back muscle. This feels excessive. “Oddly, I feel like making another I feel like a hooker joke”. The guy just makes a tsk sound at him before running off, or sauntering, whatever, he walks like he’s rich. Like Vlad, but with less hidden villainous energy.
The guy comes back not seconds later with a few different vests, “I’m sure a racer back of this style-”, holding up the first from the pile he brought, “-would give you more comfort and range of motion. Definitely more than what you’re currently wearing”.
Vlad, once again, appears out of nowhere, “indeed. I couldn’t exactly know the precise width between his wings”, looking to Danny, “I am not psychic, Daniel. But I made an educated guess”.
All three jerk a little from Jack shouting from outside the store, “that’s our Vladdie! Always a thinker!”.
Vlad scowls, “your faith in me is truly endearing”. The way he said that making it clear he found it nothing close to endearing. The tailor guy also scowls and makes hand motions to shoo the man off. Ah okay, it was totally his dad’s fault. Which makes Danny snicker a little.
The guy immediately gets back to business, laying out a few other styles. Pointing at one that didn’t even technically have arm holes just kinda looked like it went around the neck, down the back, and over his stomach. And another that went around the neck, over the chest, and around the waist. “Now these ones are a bit more on the feminine side but you’re muscular enough to pull them off”, gesturing to Vlad with a thumb, “he’s not”. Vlad looks suitably offended for a second and Danny snickers some more, he officially likes this tailor guy. Then pointing to the last he brought over that was basically just the same as the one that went over hsi front but with sleeves attached, “now this one will give the illusion of wearing a more traditional vest and is usually what we recommend for men who have to wear bulky upper back braces. But I’m sure it’ll work for our purposes today”. With that Danny promptly gets effectively pushed to the fitting rooms. Not changing rooms because this place fits things to size. Aka it’s expensive as fuck. And knowing Vlad, he’s going to wind up with at least one of every style and the man will be tickled green by the end of this.
The sad thing is the vests were stupid easy to get on, minus the racer back but that one was more comfortable than his current shit. And fine, he looks good in it. And yes, Vlad’s grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
“Now as for colour, obvisouly you’ll need at least one in black, I’d recommend the most traditional one, the racer back. The rest are more on the eccentric side, especially without a jacket over top. For those I’d recommend green and magenta. Those are your colours after all”.
Danny blinks, “heh?”. Vlad muttering, “eloquent”, though also looking slightly confused.
“Those are the colours typically associated with you, Daniel, as the principal guardian archangel”, tilting his head, “though I take it you don’t remember about that”.
Alright, Danny thinks the angel thing is one hundred percent going too far now and being taken way too seriously. “Uh, well I’m not a pink kinda guy. And no”.
“Ah well, you were said to be in charge of the gates to ascension and one of the highest ranked angels in the universe. So I’d take the compliment”.
Danny blinks as he guy rushes off, looking to Vlad, “are you having an aneurysm, because I’m having an aneurysm”. Vlad actually sputters, while Danny pulls out his phone to wiki some shit. Blinking down at the screen, “oh you’ve got to be shitting me”. Because yup, apparently there’s an angel called Daniel. His half-life is some serious bullshit, he’s still absolutely positive he’s not actually an angel though. Because come on.
Vlad swallows, “well, one afterlife certainly exists. Another isn’t unreasonable”.
“I will smite you, devil”.
Vlad huffs a laugh, “oh I hardly believe this, boy. Don’t take me for a fool. We both know why this happened”, Danny crosses his legs up in the air purely to emphasise that fact, which Vlad hums at, “precisely. Though the angel argument has some merit to those unaware”.
Danny rolls his eyes and plants the soles of his shoes back on the ground as the guy comes back. Black, green, and one purple vests in hand.
Danny honestly isn’t surprised they leave with enough clothing that someone without super-strength would have a hard time carrying it. And thankfully his folks want to go home now, meaning Vlad has to suffer through his dad’s driving just that little bit more. Not that Danny cares or knows why the prick doesn’t just go his own way at this point.
He gets his answer though when his parents run off to a suspiciously well timed ghost alert from city hall -Danny can tell there is not a ghost there- and he feels himself promptly getting tasered in the side.
Jumping sideways after regaining his balance from very suddenly being back in touch with gravity and scowling at Vlad, who's pocketing the Plasmius Maximus with a smirk, “Vlad seriously?!?”.
Vlad doesn’t dignify him with a response immediately, instead transforming and making a swipe at him. Danny flapping to use the air to get him out of the way quicker. Surprisingly, it works. Vlad floating up into the air, “you need to be able to defend yourself regardless of form or power, boy!”.
Danny rolling his eyes and sidestepping a pink ecto-beam, “you’re still not my mentor, you nut-case. Besides, aren’t we taught to ignore the teachings of the devil”.
Vlad forms two duplicates and sends them lunging around the sides at him, the main Vlad shooting another ecto-beam at him. Considering how Danny’s back is practically against a wall, the whacko is clearly trying to get him up in the air. “You don’t have much of a choice right now, do you Daniel”.
Danny just scowls, mentally says ‘fuck it’ and jumps up to avoid the beam while smashing his wing wrists into the two duplicates as hard and fast as he can. The air force that blows at the ground forcing him up into the air, but he uses it to plant his feet on the side of the wall giving the illusion of defying gravity. While the two duplicates pop out of existence. Danny smirks to himself over the flash of surprise on Vlad’s face. That’s what a fucker gets for underestimating him. Haha.
Vlad gets much more aggressive about the ecto-beams and blasts after that. Which fine, effectively forces him off the ground and into the sky. He’s mentally thanking Mrs. Testlaff for forcing him to effectively practice flying, his folks too. Though as he twists to dip sideways he knows Vlad can tell this isn’t easy for him. This kind of flight was just so freaking different and he wasn’t used to it yet.
“I swear you just want to satisfy your urges to assault minors!”, and goes low to the ground again, actually getting a chance to land; without crashing! Which then gives him something of a wicked idea that might cause some property damage, because if the weak-ish not aimed at the ground thing he did earlier launched him into the air a little then what would happen if he gave one big-ass flap directly over the hard surface of the road. Spreading his wings out as far as he can, crouching down and aimed slightly towards Vlad, who’s looking slightly cautious.
Needless to say Danny goes off like a freaking missile, leaves a crater in the ground from the sheer air pressure, and the shock wave pummels Vlad for only seconds before Danny gut punches him as he zips past. Sending Vlad flying.
Danny just glides up high in the air for bit, hidden by the clouds and trying to locate Vlad again. The wind up here felt really really cool though. It was actually really nice. Comforting even. With floating it really didn’t matter how high up or low down you were, it all felt the same. But like this he can feel the air pressure, the thinness of the air, how wet or dry it was. He feels like he could just be carried off by the wind and relax. He snaps his attention to refocus though when he spots Vlad, who’s looking around cautiously but also like his victory is assured.
Ha. Not a chance.
The really stupid annoying thing is, as he positions himself to dive bomb the guy, Vlad had a point. Him being attacked in human form happens and he can’t always run off to transform. He can’t let his wings be a hinderance more than their size technically already was. Tucking his wings and flicking a bit for a sideways spin, which will look freaking sick if it actually works, and diving down; gravity doing most of the work. He’s high enough up to get some serious velocity. Hey maybe sciences wasn’t totally useless for him.
The only problem with this, Danny thinks as he rapidly smashes into Vlad who doesn’t even get the chance to turn intagible before both of them slam into the concrete, is that he can’t see for shit due to the world spinning around rapidly. He does hear Vlad transform back, so success, though.
Both of them groaning from inside the crater. “Daniel, if you ever do that, to a human, you will kill them. Ancients”, groaning again, “though fair play to you”.
Danny does a weird hybrid of a chuckle, wheeze, and groan, “pleasure doing business, with ya, frootloop. Least I didn’t, break anything”.
“The road might, disagree”.
“That’s, your problem. Mr. Mayor”.
“It’s ghost-related. Governments problem”.
“Ha. Point”.
“Are you going to, get off me”.
“You’re the one, with intangibility right now”.
“Surprisingly, I find I don’t, really feel like it”.
“Then you can lay there and, eat my feathers”, Danny flops a wing on the guys face, groaning slightly from the movement though. Oh he is so going to be feeling this tomorrow.
Eventually the two do indeed get up. Vlad straightening his jacket and trying to act like he doesn’t have a serious forming bruise on his stomach. While Danny is shaking off debris from his wings. It really does feel like he used them to punch an entire road. Just as his folks get back. Maddie bursting out of the GAV, “what happened to you two?!?”. Jack sticking his head out, “was it a ghost!?!l”.
Danny chuckles awkwardly though sending a slightly mean chuckle Vlad’s way before answering his folks, “turns out my wings make for pretty good ghost shields”, changing to a rather mocking tone and side-eyeing Vlad, “saved dear Vladdie’s suit from even a single little singe”. Vlad just huffs and gives his suit a tug that feels very final.
Jack laughs and claps Danny on the back while Maddie shakes her head and ushers everyone inside.
Everyone sitting around the table and enjoying comfort drinks, yes even Vlad, when Danny snorts hot chocolate out his nose at someone shouting, “WHY ARE THERE GODDAMN CRATERS IN THE ROAD EVERY DAMN TIME I VISIT THIS FUCKING TOWN!!!”. Danny puts his head down on the table and laughs.
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Alright, so this is a bit later than I intended, but real life is a pain sometimes. And for those who missed the last post, that’s mostly on me for posting it at midnight, so you might want to go back and check for that - it covers the whole convo between Toshinori and Izuku on the rooftop!
But yeah, this is the final stretch, all the rest of chapter 1, so let’s hop right into it because it’s gonna be a ride.
[No. 1 - Midoriya Izuku: Origin]
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Lookit that firebreath (I know it’s not shh). Also, again with the weird lack of crowds / people around in what should have at least a few stragglers. I get that drawing crowds / background masses is annoying, but in a wideview scene like this it’s unnerving. Japan is a high-population-density country, so… uh...
Izuku stares forlornly at his notebook, thinking about all the things people have told him over the past half chapter I mean day about being realistic and thinking seriously about his future. Izuku turns the book so the title faces away from him and starts tearing up, rubbing them away while he chastises himself for crying when he already knew he was being unrealistic, and that his knowing was what had driven him so hard to not see reality.
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Overhead sign: 田 (den/ta) 等 (tou) 院 (in) 商店 (shouten) [business] 街 (machi) [boulevard, street]
Store sign: (コ)ネストアー (konesutoaa) [cornerstore]
Well, there’s the crowds, though still not able to account for all that empty street. We also see that Izuku has managed to wander his way to another hero fight despite not even really paying attention, and even though he tells himself he’s going to make himself feel bad for watching, he still heads over to join the crowds. 
He snaps out of his funk when he sees the villain, asking himself how they got away, then realizes he must have made All Might drop it, which means it’s his fault (which kid, honestly, considering he just left those bottles in open flap pockets instead of holding them firmly in his hands, you are not the one to blame.) Also, he utters the ‘this is my fault’ out loud, but the people in front of him obviously don’t hear, distracted as they are with the reason the heroes are just standing around - which is the middle schooler the villain has.
Izuku has a brief flashback to when he was being violated by the villain, and is horrified that someone else is going through the same pain. We get a brief panover of the crowd:
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Izuku and Toshinori are like, only fifteen feet apart here, and have the same reaction to the crowd’s commentary. Incredible. We zoom back in to Izuku, who is blaming himself for All Might not being able to do anything. He mentally echoes the same words as the heroes, that someone with the right quirk needs to show up to help catch the guy. He internally tells the captured person to hang in and apologies, saying someone will save him soon.
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God I love this spread. This is everything about Izuku right here. You can actually see where Izuku shoved himself through the crowd in order to sprint forward, and you can also see the genuine fear in Katsuki’s eyes in that moment where he and Izuku locked gazes. Also I checked, he sprinted right past three pro heroes, with none of them reacting in time. Incredible.
Toshinori and said heroes all freak out, and Izuku’s panicking right along with them but is still rushing forward despite that. Death Arms and the bird-helmet hero both yell at Izuku to get back, but don’t actually go after him. The sludge villain and Katsuki both react as well, recognizing Izuku.
Izuku’s notebook hits the ground spine first, and we flash over to Izuku wondering what the hell he’s doing. The sludge villain moves to try and hit Izuku when he gets close enough, while Izuku pulls off his backpack and continues to panic-think over what to do… with the book just so happening to open to the page he ends up thinking about, on Kamui Wood’s signature attack from the beginning of the chapter. 
He throws his backpack right at the sludge, all the stuff in it flying out as extra ammunition for the villain’s face to dodge, and while distracted, Izuku ducks underneath the strike and calls for Kacchan. Fortunately, the sludge has been forced to pull away from Katsuki’s mouth, allowing him to take a breath before demanding “You? Why?!” 
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Remember this for (checks watch) 284 chapters from now. Also fuck, I just realized, remember this?
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'a pro should always be ready to risk his life'
'the reason I smile is to stave off the overwhelming pressure and fear I feel'
'a symbol of peace who saves people with a smile must never be daunted by evil'
Izuku took those words to heart as well, and is already reflecting them only moments after his dreams were crushed. And you can tell in the next panel that Toshinori heard those words and was slammed right to the core because of it, because he knows that kind of drive, that sort of spirit.
We see the villain going back to suffocating Katsuki, while telling Izuku to stop it. Toshinori calls himself pathetic again while powering up, and the villain tells Izuku to stop getting in his way, that it’s only a bit longer, and moves to smash Izuku out of the way. Inside the sludge, we can see Katsuki close to passing out. The other heroes finally dash forward to try to get him out of there in time, only for someone else to latch onto the arms of both kids instead.
That someone, of course, being All Might, still steaming from going into his hero form. He tells Izuku that he (All Might) should ‘practice what he preaches’ and reiterates that a pro should always be ready to risk his life (while blood seeps from his teeth). 
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I’m blown away by Horikoshi’s art in this, and this is where he started. God, just thinking of current manga events and the art there… this man needs to be stopped, he’s too powerful, I am going to cry doing comparisons and I don’t even have a clue about any fancy art terminology or the like, all I can do is stand back and be awed.
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Izuku has had a rough day.
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And here we see the force of the blow, which somehow didn’t blow away the crowds or damage the windows of all the buildings of the surrounding blocks. Jesus fucking christ. And then the remnants of the blow head upward, causing it to start raining because of the rising air current from that one punch. 
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How was all that shit not blown away????? A mystery to everyone. Also, Katsuki and Izuku are both passed out on the ground while the crowd and media go fucking wild over what All Might just did. All Might turns to keep an eye on the two while also wobbling slightly, the pressure of holding this form past his limits.
After that, we go back to narration from Izuku, talking and showing the cleanup efforts and the villain in two garbage bags (as he deserves). The heroes chastise Izuku for putting himself in danger (I want to note that this has nothing to do with his quirklessness as far as the scene portrays), while Katsuki gets praised for being tough and having a good quirk, and gets an offer to sidekick. Katsuki isn’t listening or just plain doesn’t care, too busy glaring… or not really? At Izuku.
We get a short scenery panel, I guess to suggest the passage of time, and then we see Izuku putting his backpack back on, thinking moodily about wanting to apologize to All Might but not being able to, so he’s planning on leaving a message on the hero’s website. Katsuki calls Izuku out, and takes a shaky moment before snapping at him, saying he didn’t need Izuku to save him, that he could have handled it himself, that he doesn’t want a quirkless kid’s pity, and that he’s not gonna get won over just with this and to stop mocking him. He then spins on his heels and stomps off with a last ‘stupid nerd’, while Izuku thinks Katuski’s a tough guy. He still agrees with Katsuki, though - he didn’t do anything, he didn’t change anything, but he’s still happy, and now he can focus on a realistic future.
And then All Might zooms into view, scaring the hell out of Izuku. Izuku asks why he’s there when he was surrounded by reporters, and All Might says it wasn’t hard to shake them off, considering who he is- before he hacks up blood and deflates into Toshinori. Toshinori continues on more calmly, saying he’s there to thank Izuku and revise his earlier statement, as well as offer a proposal. 
He starts off on how, without Izuku’s story, he would have been nothing but ‘fake muscles and insincerity’, and thanks Izuku. (Izuku quietly muttering ‘fake muscles?’ here makes me cackle, because honestly, same.) Izuku tries to refute it, saying it was his fault from the beginning, getting in All Might’s way and daring to ask if he could be a hero despite his quirklessness- only for Toshinori to cut in and say that that was exactly it - out of everyone there, it was only the timid, quirkless kid who acted, and in so spurred him to action.
He goes on to talk about how the top heroes show signs of greatness as children, how many of them claim that their bodies moved before they could think. Izuku is shaking and clutching at his heart, hunching over and tearing up as he recalls his mother’s words, her apology to him. Toshinori continues, asking if that was what happened to Izuku, who replies with a yes while crying. He thinks about what he’d wanted his mom to say back then, and so we cut to the end of the chapter:
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God, what a fucking great first chapter. I can’t think of another series I’ve read that hooks me in so well right from the start like this. 
Also wait, holy shit, the anime LIED to us.
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‘The story of how I became a great hero’, not ‘how I became the greatest hero’. There’s a massive distinction in there between the two, and Izuku’s character leans WAY more towards the manga phrasing over the anime phasing. He’d never consider himself the greatest, those would always go to All Might and likely Katsuki first, and then probably his other classmates and friends as well. He’d be happy to be among the greats, but he’d never consider himself on top of them all. 
...huh, that’s the end, besides the one character panel that I’m gonna throw in a separate post. I fucking love this project so much, and I really wanna see what else the manga has to offer that the anime has lied to me about. This section went by a bit faster than expected, but I suppose that’s what comes from almost all of it being action, so. Thanks for sticking around so far, and let’s see what’s to come in chapter 2 together! :D
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ibijau · 4 years
Jin Rusong Lives / On AO3
A surprise visitor comes to the Unclean Realm to see Jin Rusong
Slowly and carefully, Jin Rusong walked to the next cage, inspecting the bird inside. The mynah returned the stare with equal curiosity, always the smartest one among Nie Huaisang’s little friends, and hopped toward the door, knowing there was always the chance of a treat or even of getting out for a bit.
“I wish it would speak to me,” Jin Rusong sighed, sounding like he was the most miserable boy in the world. “Uncle Nie, you swear it speaks?”
“I wouldn’t lie to you,” Nie Huaisang replied, cutting up a slice of apple and handing it to the child. “Here, give it a little treat. This one really doesn’t trust people easily. There’s only one person aside from me who’s heard it speak, you know. But you’ve been so good and so patient, I’m sure it’ll get comfortable with you, given a little more time.”
Jin Rusong nodded, and slid the slice of apple through the bars, which the mynah quickly snatched. Already they’d done great progress with this bird. When Jin Rusong had arrived, it wouldn’t even eat any food the little boy tried to give him.
“Who’s the other?” Jin Rusong asked, still curiously peering at the bird.
“What other?”
“Uncle Nie said his bird speaks also to another person. Who is it?”
The question, however innocent, felt like a slap.
“It doesn’t matter,” Nie Huaisang muttered as he cut another slice of apple. “He’ll never be here again.”
Something in his tone must have been too sombre, alerting the little boy that something wasn’t quite right. Tearing his eyes from the bird, Jin Rusong looked up at his uncle, worry written all over his little face.
"Uncle Nie is sad again," Jin Rusong noted, tilting his head and pulling on his sleeve so he could put his hand on the hand holding the apple. "Is it because of me?" 
Nie Huaisang nearly grimaced. This too was innocent, but sometimes Jin Rusong sounded too much the way his father had when trying to use other's pity to his advantage. 
Well, not just any others. There was only one man whose pity he had really prayed on, and Nie Huaisang had seen so much of it happen. Present but forgotten, little more than a pretty decoration while Jin Guangyao manipulated Lan Xichen, Nie Huaisang powerless to stop it for fear that… 
"Uncle Nie?" 
Nie Huaisang shook his head and blinked at Jin Rusong, the child now so worried it wouldn't have taken much to make him cry. Only a child, who had no twisted intentions, just a big heart and a bigger fear to lose again the person taking care of him. 
"SongSong is the best thing in my life," Nie Huaisang said as he knelt down. He carefully put his knife and apple on the floor before pulling his ward into a tight hug. "Uncle Nie has his own reasons to be sad. I was thinking of a friend I miss a lot, that's all." 
He felt the child nod against his shoulder, tightening his grasp on Nie Huaisang’s robes. Of course Jin Rusong understood loss better than a child his age should have. And although he felt guilty for a number of reasons, Nie Huaisang couldn't help being glad to have that quiet moment of comfort. 
They remained like this, unmoving among the singing birds, until two sets of footsteps approached behind them. Judging by the changes in the songs around them, one set had to belong to Nie Funyu, whom the canaries had taken a shine too. 
"Sect Leader, you have a visitor," his first disciple announced, confirming Nie Huaisang’s suspicions. "As per your instructions, I brought him to you right away." 
Nie Huaisang shuddered and jumped to his feet, hoping against all hope… but when he turned around it was Jin Rulan standing next to Nie Funyu. Of course that was one of the other visitors about whom Nie Huaisang had given special instructions. And he had been expecting a surprise visit for a while now, and… Nie Huaisang refused to feel disappointed, because it would have been foolish to hope for anyone else. 
"Nie zongzhu, I've come to see my cousin," Jin Rulan announced. 
Nie Huaisang nodded, but before he could find something polite to reply Jin Rusong cried out in fright and hid behind him, hugging his legs tightly. 
"I don't want to go back! I'm staying with uncle Nie!" 
At this Nie Funyu had to fight a smile, while Jin Rulan's eyes narrowed. Nie Huaisang winced, but put on as cheerful a smile as he could. 
"SongSong, don't be like that! Your cousin came all this way to see you, and you greet him like this? Isn't that a little rude? He'll think you haven't missed him." 
"Uncle Nie…" 
"Come say hi at least," Nie Huaisang insisted. "Show your cousin what a polite young man you are." 
It felt like a dirty trick to say that, but Jin Rusong had told him a few times that his cousin used to be scolded for his rudeness, partly due to the influence of his uncle Jiang no doubt. Nie Huaisang had guessed that his ward probably liked being the polite one by comparison, especially when it was a quality everyone also praised Jin Guangyao for. 
It worked, which made Nie Huaisang half proud and half awful for having guessed right. Jin Rusong hesitated a second, then came out of hiding so he could bow before his cousin with an elegance and restraint that was adorable in such a young child. 
"I'm sorry, LingLing. I'm happy to see you, even if you are big now." Jin Rusong paused, and looked up at Nie Huaisang. "Do I have to call him Jin zongzhu now, like people do for daddy?" 
"You can call me LingLing," Jin Rulan quickly intervened before Nie Huaisang could answer. "It's fine, I don't mind." 
Jin Rusong nodded, clearly relieved to hear that he wouldn’t need to be so formal with his cousin. More than anything else, the fact that Jin Rulan was now nearly an adult really bothered the child a lot, as it was the most visible effect of his long sleep. All the rest he could either process or ignore, but this was hard on him.
“LingLing, are you here to take me back?” Jin Rusong asked.
Rather than to answer, Jin Rulan threw a glance at Nie Huaisang who remained perfectly impassive. The young sect leader sighed, and came to kneel down next to his cousin so they could be at the same level.
“Do you want to come home, A-Song?”
Immediately, the child shook his head.
“I like it here,” he explained. “I get to play with a lot of people, and the other day I fell in the mud and Uncle Nie said it was fine, and there are birds also. Did you see the birds, LingLing?” he asked, pointing excitedly at the caged around them. “I like them, they’re pretty and I can be near them, not at all like the peacocks at home that pinched us. You remember? Daddy was so cross because we had to run to escape from them, and then I was feeling bad again. But I can run now, Wen gongzi says it’s okay, and it’s easier to play like that. It’s really fun here. And if I go, then Uncle Nie will be sad, you know.”
As he said this, Jin Rusong returned to Nie Huaisang’s side, grasping his robes tightly.
“LingLing, Uncle Nie is trying very hard to be good,” he announced, which caused a mortified Nie Huaisang to hurriedly open his fan and hide. “He cries a lot and he is sad a lot, but he is nice and he lets me do anything I want.”
“Not anything!” Nie Huaisang protested, glaring at Nie Funyu who was barely restraining his laughter. “Jin zongzhu, I promise you that I’m not letting your cousin be spoiled or endangered, I know how to enforce boundaries… when it’s important.”
Jin Rulan threw him an unimpressed look before turning his attention back to Jin Rusong.
“Does he make sure you eat your vegetables?”
“Yes. I like how they’re cooked here!” Jin Rusong added. “But Uncle Nie doesn’t always eat his, and then Nie Funyu and Nie Zhilan have to scold him. Nie Zhilan says I have to also scold him if he doesn’t eat well. She’s the doctor here and she says Uncle Nie is not serious, but that’s not true. He works a lot and he really does his best, and…”
“I think maybe we should continue that conversation inside!” Nie Huaisang intervened. “Funyu, could you see to have tea and biscuits brought to my private quarters? And have guest quarters prepared for Jin zonghu. How long does Jin zongzhu plan on staying with us?”
Rising up again, Jin Rulan took a moment to consider the question, his eyes darting a few times between Jin Rusong and Nie Huaisang.
“I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning,” he said. “I just came by to check how A-Song was settling in, I sadly can’t stay very long.”
“Oh, but then you won’t meet my friends!” Jin Rusong lamented, throwing himself at his cousin and clinging to his robes. “Do you really have to leave? I’m sure they would like you so much! Please, please stay a little, LingLing!”
Jin Rulan blinked a few times. Nie Huaisang, used to the teenager’s volatile temper, steeled himself, unsure what to expect. He let out a long exhale when Jin Rulan smiled and picked his cousin up as if he weighed nothing.
“Maybe I can try to stay until I’ve met them,” he conceded, much to Jin Rusong’s delight. “And at worse, I’ll come visit again anyway. Maybe next time I’ll be less busy and I can stay longer.”
Hiding a grimace behind his fan, Nie Huaisang noted that the other sect leader wasn’t even pretending to ask for his permission. Of course it had been one of Jiang Wanyin’s conditions that Jin Rulan would be able to visit freely at any time of his choosing, but Nie Huaisang would have appreciated it if an effort was made to respect his authority, such as it was. But Jin Rulan probably felt he didn’t owe him even that, after some of the choices he’d made, and Nie Huaisang was in no position to complain, not with his current guardianship of Jin Rusong on the line.
So he simply waved his fan at Nie Funyu who went to make the necessary arrangement and, after quickly tidying what had been moved in the aviary, Nie Huaisang led the Jin cousins toward his quarters. Jin Rusong took it upon himself to describe to his cousin what each building they passed by was, continually going on tangents about whatever idea crossed his mind along the way. Nie Huaisang distractedly listened, mostly out of worry that the child might say something that would be interpreted the wrong way by Jin Rulan. It did not happen, though. By the time they reached their destination, Jin Rulan seemed as satisfied with the situation as someone half raised by Jiang Cheng could be.
Tea had already been served when they came in, and they only had to sit down to enjoy it. As was proper, Jin Rulan and Nie Huaisang sat on opposite sides of the table, which caused a dilemma for Jin Rusong. Usually he would have come to sit on Nie Huaisang’s lap, because his uncle Nie did perhaps like to spoil him a bit, but with his cousin present, he hesitated to take his usual spot.
That there was room for hesitation at all made Nie Huaisang’s heart feel too big for his chest.
“Go sit with your cousin,” he ordered gently. “You haven’t seen him in a long while, and he’s only here for a little bit, you should enjoy his company as much as you can!”
Jin Rusong nodded so seriously that it made Nie Huaisang want to pinch his cheeks, and he forced his way onto Jin Rulan’s lap. The teenager appeared a little startled by it, as if he hadn’t expected that his cousin would want to sit quite so close, but he allowed it easily, reminding Nie Huaisang of the way Jiang Cheng had been when his nephew was younger and cuddlier.
While they had tea, Jin Rusong was still the one to carry most of the conversation, clearly determined to prove that he was very happy in the Unclean Realm and ought to stay there. Here and there Jin Rulan asked questions or demanded details, which always made Nie Huaisang tense. It went well though. The only moment Jin Rulan frowned was when his young cousin explained that, no, he wasn’t working on cultivation at all, but even that wasn’t cause enough for him to get angry.
After tea, Jin Rusong insisted on showing his bedroom to his cousin, clearly very proud that he had his own room within Nie Huaisang’s quarters even though he had never spent an entire night there. Even if Nie Huaisang managed to convince him to go to his own bed sometimes, by morning he always woke up with a guest curled up against him. He didn’t mind. He’d done the same with his brother, after their father’s death.
That night, after dinner, Jin Rusong was the one to proudly announce that he’d be going to sleep in his own room. It made Nie Huaisang want to laugh, and it made him ache. Jin Rusong had always looked up to his cousin, no matter how unruly Jin Rulan had been as a child, and apparently that hadn’t changed. In a few months, a year or two at most, when things had settled down, when Jin Rusong had had time to get used to the changes in the world around him, there was no doubt he would ask to return to Carp Tower to be with his beloved cousin.
It would be fine.
It would be right.
Jin Rusong belonged with his family, not his father’s murderer.
And as for Nie Huaisang…
“Nie zongzhu, could we go talk somewhere?” Jin Rulan asked.
Nie Huaisang blinked a few times, his hand still on the door to Jin Rusong’s bedroom. It was embarrassing enough to space out this way around his ward or Nie Funyu, but to do it around another sect leader…
Maybe Nie Zhilan was right and he needed to sleep more.
He wished he’d manage to sleep more.
“Would Jin zongzhu like to go for a walk in the gardens?” Nie Huaisang offered. “It is nowhere near as beautiful as the ones in Carp Tower, the land here simply doesn’t allow it, but I’m quite proud of what we’ve managed to do.”
Jin Rulan had no objections, so they went that way. Nie Huaisang only paused a moment to make sure that the disciple in charge of patrolling around his house knew to keep an eye and ear out for Jin Rusong, in case he woke up before they returned and became scared when he realised he was alone.
Once they reached the garden, Nie Huaisang started chatting about the choice of plants, as he would have done with any guest. It was part habit and part nervousness. Without surprise, Jin Rulan did not put up with it very long before he lost patience and asked about what he really wanted to talk about.
“You took off his cinnabar dot,” Jin Rulan noted, not nearly as angry about it as Nie Huaisang had prepared himself for. “For safety, I imagine? Do your people even know who he is?”
“My people know I am very attached to him in spite of what his father did, and they wouldn’t dare lay a finger on him,” Nie Huaisang haughtily retorted, opening his fan to hide his affront. “But I know better than most how quick rumours can spread, and how they get started. I thought it would be safer to make his presence less obvious.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t just change his name,” Jin Rulan scoffed.
“I considered it, but he’s still very young, and he would let it slip anyway. It’s safer not to make him lie. Children are rarely any good at it.”
Besides, with such a father and grandfather, Nie Huaisang just did not want Jin Rusong to learn how to lie well. It made him feel guilty that he would even have such a fear, but he could not help it. He did not want that little boy to walk the same path Jin Guangyao had.
“And you’ve been keeping him away from cultivation classes?” Jin Rulan asked, a little more upset about that than about his sect’s mark.
“He is a Jin, it would not do for him to cultivate along the methods of another sect. I know you’ll want him back when things are calmer in Carp Tower,” Nie Huaisang sighed. “And you are his legal guardian, along with Jiang Wanyin. I would not dare to intervene in his learning of cultivation.” 
He hesitated. He had been thinking about sending a letter on that topic actually, only stopping himself time and time again because he worried about being accused of scheming.
“He shows promise though,” Nie Huaisang said at last. “If you sent a trusted teacher here… I think he inherited his father’s talent, and considering how skilled Jin Guangyao was in spite of his late start, I can’t imagine how great of a cultivator Jin Rusong might become. It would be a shame to let that go to waste.”
Jin Rulan startled. “Nie zongzhu, you’re the last person I’d have expected to praise my uncle.”
Nie Huaisang lowered his fan to give him a wry smile.
“I believe in justice, Jin zongzhu. Where people fail or act wrongly, it should not be ignored. Likewise, there’s nothing to be earned in pretending even those who do wrong have their own qualities. And your uncle was… all the choices he made were his own. But he should not have been put in front of some of those choices. Whatever grudge I still hold against Jin Guangyao, it is nothing compared to the hatred I have for your grandfather. It is on his order that I lost my brother, as well as one of my dearest friends.”
Jin Rulan stared at him, a deep frown on his face, and Nie Huaisang quickly raised his fan again.
“I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. My point is simply that the wrong your uncle did doesn’t erase the better sides of him. He might have been a murderer, but he was also a very clever man, and a skilled cultivator who only suffered from getting such a late start in learning. Your cousin shows every sign of being equally brilliant if given the chance, and I hope the necessary steps can be taken to let him make the best of his innate talent.”
“Uncle Jiang was right, you’re a complete weirdo,” Jin Rulan retorted.
Nie Huaisang laughed, shocked and delighted to be insulted like this. Most people only said that sort of things in his back, so it was really refreshing to hear such an honest opinion of himself.
“Here’s a secret for you, Jin zongzhu: everyone is weird.”
“I’m not!” Jin Rulan protested, with all the outrage only a teenager could muster at being called weird. “I’m perfectly normal, unlike the rest of you!”
Nie Huaisang only laughed harder, until he became so breathless he had to lean against a tree. He was almost sure he’d had a similar conversation with Jiang Wanyin once, back when they were young and happy in Gusu.
“Ah, Jin zongzhu, I hope life doesn’t change you too much,” he said when he had calmed down a bit. “Normal or not, I think you are exactly the sort of person we need at the head of Lanling Jin. A little honesty will do us all a world of good.”
Jin Rulan glared at him, clearly thinking there had to be some hidden insult in there, but there truly was none. Not that Nie Huaisang tried to protest his innocence. 
Even on the rare occasion he had done no wrong, he knew nobody believed anymore these days. 
A few weeks after his visit, Jin Rulan wrote to Nie Huaisang to announce he had found a trustworthy teacher for Jin Rusong, a woman who Jiang Wanyin approved of. Jin Rulan had some other business to take care of more urgently, but as soon as he was back in Carp Tower he would accompany Jin Yixin to the Unclean Realm so they could finish organising this together. 
As soon as he had received the letter, Nie Huaisang had taken the necessary steps to welcome Jin Yixin as an honoured guest while also ensuring she would have absolute privacy to teach Jin techniques to his ward. Nie Funyu and him spent the day looking for the perfect building to use as a classroom until they had a few options to present. 
After such a busy day, Nie Huaisang felt suitably tired after dinner and would have gladly gone to bed. Sadly for him, this happened to be the night for one of Wen Ning's visits. It was short, as usual, and did nothing but confirm once more that Jin Rusong was recovering perfectly well. In spite of the good news, when Wen Ning left, Nie Huaisang found he was now too restless to sleep, unnerved as always by the company of the fierce corpse. 
It would have been a loss of time to go to bed in that state. After Jin Rusong was comfortably tucked under his blanket (in his own room, as was more and more frequent) Nie Huaisang returned to the main room of his quarters and decided to wait for tiredness by reading. It could never hurt to brush on the proper etiquette to adopt when dealing with a guest teacher, he figured out. 
By the time his second candle threatened to burn out, Nie Huaisang still was no closer to sleepiness. He was starting to consider laying in bed anyway, just for the sake of trying, when he heard a commotion outside, pots falling and wind chimes ringing. His disciples knew how to avoid the careful mess around his house, so only a stranger could have made so much noise. And as to why a stranger who be there in the middle of the night… 
Without hesitation, Nie Huaisang reached for his sabre, glancing toward the door to Jin Rusong's room to make sure it was closed.
Before Nie Huaisang could decide what to do next, the main door opened. 
Nie Huaisang dropped his sabre and gaped at the sight before him. 
Lan Xichen was staring back at him. 
Lan Xichen, exactly like in his memories, and yet changed beyond words.
He looked thinner than Nie Huaisang had ever seen him, with dark bags under his eyes and dishevelled hair, his ribbon somewhat askew. He seemed exhausted, breathless as if he'd been running, or perhaps as if he had been foolish enough to make the flight from Gusu without break, his hands trembling so badly it was a wonder he had managed to open the door. 
Lan Xichen took a step forward. 
Nie Huaisang took a step back, causing the other man to frown at him. Lan Xichen, an almost feverish look in his eyes, opened his mouth as if to say something, then closed it again. 
They stared at each other for a lifetime, or perhaps just for a few instants. Then Lan Xichen, at last, managed to speak. 
"I want to see him." 
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amedetoiles · 4 years
give me a character meme! wwx please!!
[All gifs made by me. No stealing or reposting, thank you. ♥︎]
★ How I feel about this character
I love wwx so much and he deserves so much!!! My feelings for him can be summed up by my first ever meta in this fandom, this half-crack half-shitpost, and the many many meta tears scattered across all the tags on my page that various people have yelled at me for. I love him. I love him, I love him, I love him. No character has wrecked me as much as this stupid chaotic ass, who is so inherently good and selfishly selfless it fucking hurts. Yet, for all the love and care he gives freely to everyone else, he can’t for the life of him compute any that others have given to him. He tries so hard to be good, to make the right choices even in impossible, horrendous circumstances, and it’s excruciatingly painful watching him realize again and again that even good choices paved with good intentions can cause destruction. He suffers so much because of it. He suffers before we even really meet him. @cangse-sanren​ wrote “Your parents were bright smears of color and laughter to you, but little more” in this beautiful fic, and I still weep about it daily.
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I love how immensely protective he is of both his siblings. He just tries so goddamn hard to be what everyone needs. I could and have and will continue to cry about him every day. How his pathological tendency to repress all things that hurt him, to cover up his pain in humor and obnoxiousness and bravado, and his internalized belief that he is worth much less than everyone else, all converged into the most awful way possible. How despite losing his sect, his siblings, his friends, he was still trying up until the very end. God, what a fantastically complex fucking character. To watch him bloom again after that deluge of rage and grief and insanity 13/16 years later was the most satisfying journey anyone could possibly depict. To know that he has the chance to heal, to recover, to grow with all the different parts of his family he once thought lost forever now back in his reach (yes! even our angry grape!!). Truly amazing.
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★ All the people I ship romantically with this character
WangXian!!!! These kids who came out of endless tragedy and trauma to find a love, a trust in each other–theirs is a love story that truly extends across space and time. It warms my heart to watch them rebuild their lives together into something warmer, and brighter, and happier than either of them ever grew up knowing. To watch them shed the psychological trauma on what it means to love and be loved given to them by their terrible parental figures and say, “No. We’re going to be better than that.” I love how they complement one another. How loudly and quietly they love each other. How in the warm security of each other’s embrace, they are each able to work through their own internalized traumas without judgement. Lan Wangji’s uncompromising devotion. Wei Wuxian’s fierce protectiveness. It’s hard to say who else could fit together so perfectly. What a joy it is to watch Wei Wuxian realize that he is no longer alone, that Lan Wangji is and will always be standing beside him. What a joy it is to watch Lan Wangji realize that this is not the dream he’s spent years suffering through, that Wei Ying has returned to him against all odds. What a fucking joy it is to watch them both learn to trust happiness, to trust love, to trust each other. GOD. *wails*
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★ My non-romantic OTP for this character
YUNMENG SHUANGJIE. YUNMENG SIBS. YILING SIBS. A-YUAN AND HIS TWO DADS. All the different found families that permeated the story was just breathtakingly beautiful. They all fucking gutted me. It all at once makes Wei Wuxian’s story that much more beautiful and that much more tragic. For a child who lost his parents before he even had time to remember them, who then had to rebuild his family again and again, only to lose them each time in increasingly horrifying ways–it truly fucked me up. Wei Wuxian stood on that cliff in Nightless City, and it was visibly clear that he wanted nothing more than to join all the families he loved and watched die (because of him).
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The beauty of his story of course is that for all the tragedy that he is subsumed by, for all the ways that he is wronged and has wronged, there are equal, if not more, number of ways that he is lifted, is healed, is shone a light through all the darkness. In the end, his families return to him. Wen Ning, who lived despite it all, carrying the memory of his sister, the best doctor in the world. His shijie shining through his bratty nephew’s heart of gold. His very own A-Yuan, kept safe and protected all these years by his soulmate, his zhiji. His angry grape of a little brother who can’t say I forgive you but tosses him Chenqing that he’s kept safe all these years and says I trust you. They’re all a little broken, a little worse for wear, but there’s something extraordinarily beautiful about these families who find each other again through the bridges they rebuild towards something better.
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★ My unpopular opinion about this character
Oh man, I’ve seen a lot of debate about wwx that I try not to get into (I type this of course as I ready myself to do exactly that). Probably the most unpopular opinion (possibly?) I have is that I don’t personally feel like the addition of a second flautist and expanding Jin Guangyao’s villain-ry in CQL detracted or reduced Wei Wuxian’s complex morality–one of my favorite and best parts to his character. I still think he is very gray. His tragedy is still contingent on his naive idealism and his willful blindness that a person only needs to be righteous and honorable regardless of reputation and politics. This clearly isn’t the case. Not just for him, but for all the characters. You can do everything right and still be punished. You can do everything right and still cause others pain. You can be the most hypocritical, loudmouthed piece of judgmental shit and still remain unpunished and available to share your stupid ass ignorant opinions on matters that have nothing to do with you. (Whoops that got away from me.) Wei Wuxian learns this repeatedly. It’s excellent and heartbreaking.
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The thing about Wei Wuxian is that for all that he has imposter syndrome, for all that he is unable to see that he is a person worthy of the love he receives, he is still not only extremely confident in his own abilities and in his beliefs of what is right and what is wrong, but also that he is the person who can decide that line between justice and evil. An arrogant assumption, and one that causes not only him but the people he strives to protect a significant amount of pain. This wasn’t lost in CQL. While the plot technically does absolve him of all of his crimes on a surface level, it’s clearly not as simple for Wei Wuxian himself. In the Ancestral Hall, Wei Wuxian stares at the names of Jiang Fengmian, Madam Yu, and Jiang Yanli, whose lives are heavily felt on his shoulders, and he tells Lan Wangji, “After all, the Stygian Tiger Seal was created by me. Whether Jin Guangyao was there or not, that fact can’t be changed.” The show despite its censorship still asks the audience to evaluate his actions and the role he played, both willing and unwillingly, in the deaths of so many people.
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It is also shown clearly that the cultivation world only stops trying to kill him because there was now another target, another scapegoat to blame. This is something that Wei Wuxian knows and expresses on multiple occasions on the show. For all that the show may have change things, I don’t think it’s necessarily correct or fair to say that it completely washed away the nuance that was present in the novel. The overarching conflicts and questions are still there. What is moral and what isn’t, what is justified and what isn’t, who is at fault for unforeseen consequences and who isn’t, and the role of external factors and circumstances in all of this. As someone who watched the drama first, I didn’t feel that the complexity of all the characters and their decisions was lost at all in comparison to the novel I later read. The show was honestly superb and still the best version for me overall. (Please don’t send pitchforks.) I have so much more to say about this, and Jin Guangyao still being a great nuanced character foil, but alas, this is already too long.
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Other things: Wei Wuxian is a good brother actually, and he knows Jiang Cheng very well. He tried his best under the worst possible circumstances, and it was a great big shit show. I hate discussions where people try to hold one brother more responsible than the other. They both very nobly (and very recklessly) sacrificed a great deal for each other, and they both, frankly, fucked up. They’re Twin Idiots, and I’ll love and drag them both equally dammit! With that in mind, Wei Wuxian’s happy ending isn’t just him joining GusuLan sect, novel be fucking damned (yes, I said it!). His home can be in Gusu and Yunmeng. *SLAMS FISTS* Let 👏 Wei 👏 Wuxian 👏 go 👏 home 👏. (Talking to you, my grape guy. Jin Ling is going to show up in Lotus Pier one day with his da-jiu, and you’re just going to have to deal with it.)
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★ One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
WEI WUXIAN PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HUG YOUR DIDI. Jiang Cheng has been waiting 16+ years for your hug, and he damn well deserves one, especially since he gave you such a great octopus hug, all limbs and burrowed scrunchy faces. Like, I know, I know, you were distraught, and traumatized, half-beaten to death after three days of intense surgery, then reaped by ten thousand undead souls calling for revenge, but guess who told your favorite (only) angry grape little brother that in the next life, let’s be brothers again okay? GUESS WHO IS LIVING HIS NEXT LIFE??????? Bruh. Chop chop. Hop fucking to it.
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yandere-sins · 4 years
Requesting Lemons - PSA
Hey guys! Another PSA from yours truly, request writer for four years, going strong onto my fifth year.
After all these years, I’ve learned a lot - about writing and myself alike. Personally, I like lemon-y stuff. I always held it in high regards since it’s demanding and challenging to find the right words and fun ways to describe it, so to me, it was always a special treat. What I am trying to say, I have my experience, and I am not against lemon as a concept. In my time writing, I found out what I am comfortable with and what not, found some pet peeves and things that make me tired of being a request writer. About such a thing, I want to talk today. 
It’s the requesting of explicit content. [Please note, due to Tumblr regulation, I’ll refer to it as ‘Lemon’]
After changing fandoms for the first time, it got clear really fast that my supportive first fandom was barely grazing the horniness and - bluntly said - lack of originality in many requests. I am not pointing fingers now, there are always requests that simply inspire you, no matter if they have a big story or idea behind them. It happens, it’s a spurt of imagination. So even the worst request sometimes can suddenly become the best, even if it is considered dull in comparison to others.
But what’s not okay is insisting on lemon elements in a request.
See, I don’t think that [Character] needs to fuck their significant other after, e.g., a breakdown/having dropped an apple at the market/lost someone significant to them/got hurt/and so many more.
You will think I am crazy right now, but no, those are all requests I have gotten in the past. Multiple times.
As a request writer, I feel like my requester thinks that writing lemon equals comfort. Which yes, in some cases, it does. Comfort fucking is a thing, and it’s not bad to write either. But it doesn’t replace a good hug, some advice, and a character really comforting his s/o. Personally, I think all it does is make a perfectly fine, valid request - that could have been fluffy, heartfelt, maybe funny, and comforting - unnecessarily horny.
Again, adding “Lemon please” to a request, does not make it better, is not helpful if the request has otherwise nothing to do with the lemon, and yes, many request writers don’t see a request, only an ask that will block their creativity.
So what do you do? Let me make it clear that requesting explicit content is NOT WRONG. If the writer is okay with it, nothing is stopping you, but remember one thing:
If you want to request a lemon, request a lemon. Don’t make a request and then, in the end, decide that your perfectly fine request should be lemon.
DO: “Can I request a lemon about [Character] and s/o celebrating their anniversary by doing some bed-hopping? Please, and thank you!” -> You went right to the point as to why they are fucking, gave the writer some plot to go off on. The writer now proceeds to write you an explicit story about how good their relationship feels even after a year of being together, how they still love each other so much, how [Character] can still make their s/o’s core tingle, etc.
DON’T: “Can I have a scenario of s/o breaking their leg. They are in pain, so how would [Character] help them, comfort them in this situation? Oh, lemon, please!!” -> This has nothing to do with the lemon. Why would this scenario be turning into a lemon, and how? The writer proceeds to panic, starring daggers into this request while they try to figure out what to do.
I hope this example made it more apparent as to why it sometimes is misplaced to ask for lemon. Not only that, but the request itself was good, the lemon addition is actually absolutely useless. It makes no sense, it has no core points, and simply, now the writer feels obligated to write it without the necessity or any idea how to do it.
I am almost done with this PSA, hoping it got a little bit more understandable why it is so hard to receive requests with the addition of “Lemon, please!”. But before I end it, let me explain what it also causes, aside from being unnecessary and taxing on writers.
There is no such thing as a constant income of requests. Request writers ALWAYS think twice about deleting requests, because they don’t know if they will have enough requests to keep the blog running on some point. They’d rather keep the requests, they don’t feel like they can do, in their ask box or drafts, until eventually, they can bring themselves to write them, or have to delete them with a heavy heart. No request writer WANTS to delete requests, that is not the idea, and we fear not having any because they are what a request blog is for. If we don’t get requests, it’s like a death sentence for the blog. But those requests that make us wonder how to write and what to do, are clogging not only the space they are in, but also our creativity as we want to please the requester by writing them, but just cannot find the inspiration to do it. And in the end of keeping them for months at some times, we delete them after all and are none requester wiser.
By writing a lot of lemon stuff, we are flooding fandoms. Fandoms that most of the time are 16+ and child-friendly. We can tag what we want, the possibility that someone who isn’t supposed to see them will click the ‘read more’ anyway and come into contact with it is not preventable. And we are not flooding them with the good stuff, we feed them with awkwardly written requests that didn’t have a reason to be lemon. We are telling these people that if they, e.g., break a leg, the only way to comfort them is fucking. This wouldn’t be a big thing if there were some posts, some explicit little stories. But because everyone is putting lemon on EVERYTHING, it’s EVERYWHERE. The possibility of seeing something explicit when searching for fluff is higher than finding actual fluff.
There is much more to say, but those are the most critical points that come to mind. There will always be exceptions, and I know not everyone agrees with me. But this is my experience, and more importantly, experiences from other request writers and even readers that came to me saying it isn’t really their thing to see how that interesting topic was turned into mindless fucking. Writing is not a porno, quite the opposite even. So repeat after me,
Always remember that your request is okay as it is, and if it doesn’t need the fucking, then don’t ask for it. Alternatively, go to a blog specifically for lemon stuff, change up your request, request multiple things until you have everything you want. Support your writer and leave them some nice reviews on it, reblog their content to help spread awareness about their doings.
I am sorry it got so long, but it’s a complicated topic, and I tried to be as understandable as possible. As always, thank you for reading this PSA, please reblog and share, and feel free to add your own thoughts to it below!
[Feel free to read my other PSA, on how to better request, here]
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