#I love how the sailor outfit looks XD
tahlucena · 10 months
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𓇼 A lovely sight on Port Fest 𓇼
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yu-huuuu · 9 days
Omg! I just read your Uchiha boyfriends and how they deal with their SO's period and I loved it! Sasuke's is hilarious!
Have you seen the video of a guy's gf teaching him and walking him through tampons via a tampon and a glass of water? That's ALL I was imagining during Sasuke's...XD
So, since that would be hilarious, could I ask for headcanons with the Uchiha bfs with that in mind? Or if that's too little context, maybe the period cramp simulators with how far they go before dropping to the floor in pain/how they treat their SO after that? I love your writing, binging all you have on Tumblr rn❤️👏🏻💙💜
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[ 🌸 ] Lmaaao nonnie thanks and love u for asking this 😂😂
characters: itachi uchiha, obito uchiha, madara uchiha, sasuke uchiha, shisui uchiha
genre: fluffy with a touch of comedy
warnings: none, mentions of intimate moments, mention of tampons, menstrual cups, vaginas you know things from month to month, menstrual simulators, pranks, adult men somewhat traumatized by their girlfriends
Also add menstrual cups to the mix because I'm in love with them :>
oh, i think this video is the one nonnie is talking about! (It was also the first one that appeared to me 😂) ⭐️
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Itachi Uchiha
— Several things will happen at the same time.
— His mind will go blank as his face turns slightly pale.
— And his eyes will open a bit as he watches the cotton transform Sailor Moon-style.
— Except there are no sparkles and cute outfits.
— No.
— Not at all.
— There is an abominable thing the size of his entire hand floating in the water.
— Itachi won't look at you the same way, especially when you're in the bedroom during one of those intimate moments.
— Even though you already told him it was just a joke, the poor man will be worried.
— He'll look at your hole wondering if it's okay inside (I promise it's okay, Itachi 💀).
— For your own good and for his... don't show him menstrual cups.
— He now knows that the tampon doesn't deform when it's inside you.
— But you have to fold a cup to put it into your tight hole and when it's inside it just... puff returns to its original shape and... are you okay…?
— No, bad idea.
— Just no.
— Don't show it to him.
— As for the menstrual cramp simulators...
— Haha
— You like to see him suffer, don't you?
— Look, pretty woman.
— There's something called being human.
— Itachi, despite being a shinobi, is human (a very cute one, by the way).
— And Itachi, like any other human, feels every sensation he experiences throughout the day. Sometimes he feels more than you, he just doesn't show it due to his perfect control over his emotions.
— But all that control goes out the window when you turn up the power on the cramp simulator.
— He stays like this: "😨," but it's so subtle you don't know if you're imagining it. Meanwhile, the poor man feels his stomach contracting with pain until his breath catches a bit.
— Itachi is a shinobi, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel pain.
— He's used to a different kind of pain, not this one, you know?
— Poor thing.
— He won't look at you the same way after this... probably not at any woman.
— He'll drink his "respect for women" before starting or ending the day.
— He also now has some fear of touching you; sometimes you won't feel his touch completely when you're on those days (you tried to touch him to see if he was okay and all because you saw he was a bit pale, and he looked like he wasn't breathing when the simulator was at its maximum power. Don't worry, the poor guy was just too sensitive from the pain and now he thinks you get like that too, haha).
— In general, he won't change much. Well, now he brings you more sweets whenever he can and also makes bigger portions of food.
— He's also grateful to you because you've now given him a new experience and opened his eyes to topics or situations that, as a man, he never would have thought about, haha.
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Obito Uchiha
—If your vagina is a muscle and it stretches with a tampon, does that mean you're exercising internally? (I don't think that happens, but good shower thought, Obito!)
—Pretty boy
—At first, he's very excited when you told him you wanted to show him something.
—He's like a little kid when you want to show him something.
—Except now it looks like you just told him Santa isn't real while taking away his Christmas present.
—He'll say something like: “Wait, that thing gets like that when it's inside you 😦?” while looking at the glass in horror.
—Congratulations, girl, you traumatized an innocent man, lmao.
—No, but seriously.
—Obito will now be distrustful of tampons.
—He might calm down, but then he'll get alarmed when he watches videos or reads about “how to insert a tampon in ten easy steps without pain.”
—And he'll be traumatized again when he sees how far you have to insert the tampon.
—What do you mean the string hangs out..?
—And then you have to pull it out?! Doesn't that hurt?
—Oh, don't get me started on menstrual cups.
—Just no.
—Never show your man the cups.
—Please, no.
—Just don't.
—At least he was excited when you showed him the period cramps simulator.
—The guy smiled until you turned on the device and he was just like.
—He asked you what level it was on, and when you told him it was on eight, he just said: “What do you mean eight? How many levels does it have?”
—You swear he's going to start crying thinking about all the times he had to run an errand or was called by the Hokage and had to leave you.
—He'll apologize almost crying as you increase the level.
—You can ask him what he means, but I advise you not to.
—You'll make him cry like a baby while he clings to you and apologizes for leaving you alone so many times, making you suffer all this pain *dramatic music starts playing*.
—Obito will feel proud of you for facing this kind of thing every month.
—He might now say something like: “That's it, babe, fight those cramps!” while you're curled up in bed trying not to cry from the pain.
—It's not out of bad intentions, he's just trying to cheer you up the best he can, haha.
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Madara Uchiha
—He will stare at the glass intently and then at you.
—Please do not interrupt his thoughts.
—He is imagining how the whole process happens.
—“Are you telling me that piece of cotton…”, and he can no longer continue while looking at the floating cotton.
—Just like Itachi, he won’t look at your little hole the same way.
—He will stay thoughtful, wondering if it returns to its normal form every time.
—It might kill the moment.
—He might also offer his help to put a tampon in you.
—Just tell him yes.
—You will make him feel like he’s doing something important.
—With menstrual cups… mmm.
—He will congratulate you… for some reason.
—It’s not a big achievement, Madara, but we appreciate your words.
—He will look at you a little worried and at the same time proud while you fold the cup to insert it in yourself and he just…
—“That’s my woman, you can do anything, darling.”
—Uhh… yes, well,
—We’re talking about a man who grew up in a time of war, and don’t get me wrong, it’s not like he doesn’t know where the clitoris is.
—He simply doesn’t know and has no idea that the vagina is elastic, xd.
—Please explain it to him before he brags to someone about how you can handle everything.
—As for the menstrual cramps simulator:
—He is a strong man.
—Who said it would hurt him?
—Clearly, they’re out of their minds, he is Madara Uchiha.
—At least that’s what he thinks before you turn on the device.
—And he’s simply like: “What do you mean this is how you feel every month?”
—Madara is not dumb or forgetful.
—He has seen your naked body when you’re on those days.
—And suddenly it makes sense why your belly looks slightly more swollen when you’re menstruating.
—For Madara, it hurts slightly or at least that’s what he wants to imply.
—Maybe he will never tell you it hurt, but that’s okay.
—At least he took this experience as a lesson to know what else to do and how to act during those days of the month.
—“Madara, darling… why are there many more pillows on the bed?” “They’re for you to be more comfortable.”
—Poor man.
—At least he’s trying!
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Sasuke Uchiha
—His worst enemy has returned.
—The tampons *dramatic music plays*.
—Ok, no.
—You're so cruel, girl.
—He swears he'll burn all the tampons in the world while looking at the abominable thing floating in the water.
—He's like...
—Do you put that thing inside and it enlarge…?
—On the outside, his face will remain moderately calm (I'm joking, he already looks disturbed), but on the inside, his face is like: “💀”.
—Even if you tell him it's a joke, he won't shake that image from his head.
—For a whole week, he thought your vagina was filled with tiny cotton residues for some reason.
—Until you explained that was impossible.
—(He still thinks that to this day). Anyway!
—Ehh, cups...! They're fun and comfortable things!
—Until you see them from a man's perspective and things change.
—No, please, no.
—He can't imagine a CUP inside you.
—Out of curiosity, he looked up menstrual cups on the internet and now swears he'd burn menstrual cups too if he could (cups can't hurt you, Sasuke).
—As for the simulators...
—He might refuse at first until he starts thinking about how he could benefit from this (you know, new knowledge, more power).
—So he decides to put himself in his girl's shoes to see the whole picture.
—He began to regret it when you raised the intensity to seven.
—His face might turn pale when you explain that some menstrual cramps feel like labor pains.
—He'll stare at the highest intensity level wondering if he's ready for that.
—Spoiler: he wasn't.
—At least now he buys you more ice cream and makes you hot chocolate with marshmallows on top, even though he hates the smell of chocolate.
—He'll also start reading more about the female body, looking for ways and methods to make it hurt less.
—So it's likely he'll now regulate the amount of black foods and drinks you consume (you know: chocolate, coffee, cola, etc.), all because he read in a study that black-colored beverages and foods are a key factor in intensifying cramps during the period.
—Good luck with your boyfriend being more protective than ever ;)
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Shisui Uchiha:
—"Do you want to show me something...? Sure! What is it?" he'll ask with the most innocent and soft voice, that you'll wonder if it's too cruel to play this prank on him.
—Poor guy.
—You do it anyway.
—Lmao, I think there's no emoji that describes the face he made in those moments.
—When he composes himself, he'll be torn between looking at you and the glass container.
—Because gosh.
—Does that thING really react like that when it's inside you?
—Before, he was fine with seeing you use them.
—He knows it's much more comfortable for you, but now that he sees it in the container...
—He doesn't know what to think.
—The guy is still terrified.
—Poor thing, his soul left his body and greeted God before returning to you.
—He might laugh a little when you tell him it's a joke while trying to act normal.
—But eventually his imagination will fly and he'll start thinking: "What if it gets stuck?" "What if the string breaks?" (It's impossible for that to happen, Shisui).
—Of course, he's a smart guy.
—He'll practically run to investigate more about tampons until his mind is at ease.
—But accidentally he saw menstrual cups and...
—"What do you mean cups are also inserted?" he half yelled into nothing.
—You'll have to explain.
—"Cups are friends, not enemies, Shisui..." "But what if it gets stuck?"
—You swear he's about to cry.
—He'll get over it in a few days (it lasted a week and another while he tried to recap what happened, and the new information).
—The cramp simulator is great.
—It can last quite a while, you know, smiling and looking handsome as always, until you raise it to maximum power.
—You think you broke something when suddenly it falls and you think you killed it.
—Don't worry!
—He's just suffering and recapping how all of this happened, also about all the pain you go through month after month and... Oh, is that an angel...? (No, Shisui, it's your girlfriend trying to motivate you to get up).
—At the end of the day he thinks the same as Itachi; you've shown him the other side of the coin and he's grateful for that.
—He'll also be much gentler with you during these days of the month.
—And for some reason, if he finds out that Sasuke is not in favor of tampons and cups, they may secretly start a group against those things or something similar, it's also possible that they'll drag Itachi by force.
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lmao, guess who search and watch videos about how to put tampons in her for the first time... and it didn't work 😭
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ironbloodaika · 7 months
Happy Halloween 2023!
This is something long overdue. Even though I stopped posting my commissions on here that doesn't mean I've stopped getting them!
I've especially enjoyed getting Halloween commissions because those are really fun to conceive, order, and see made into reality. I've especially enjoyed getting them from Aeolus06 and he's never disappointed. Sadly due to me being between jobs I couldn't get any this year. :( That said I've decided to use this as an opportunity to show what I've got over the last few years and hopefully you'll love them as much as I do! :)
These first four are unique in that these were all from the same year (2020 to be exact). Since Aeo has a cool down period between commissions, I actually got these all done over a period of a few months. XD Took a lot of luck and prayer, but I got all the ideas I wanted done!
First one was probably the most complex, but was worth it because of how well it fit. Star, Marco, and Hekapoo from Star vs The Forces of Evil as AndrAIa, Matrix, and Older!AndrAIa from Reboot! Much like Matrix, Marco had a bit of age jumping that fit naturally (especially body types and eye scars). Plus Star and Hekapoo are shipped pretty hard with him so it was natural they dress as the different versions of Matrix's lady love.
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Also, Fun Fact: Marco's scar/prosthetic eye is on the wrong side compared to his costume, but I felt it was better to ignore it than have Aeo flip the entire costume. XD
Next up we had some classic hotties from Canada, Lindsay and Courtney. Everyone with a pulse will know I'm a Courtney fan, so I'm always eager to give her some love. And while I'm not AS big on Lindsay, she's a fun character and I have some friends who love her too so I didn't mind them sharing the spotlight.
Obviously the theme/inspiration behind this pics conception is the fact Lindsay and Courtney pack the biggest T and A on the island respectively, so they needed some costumes to illustrate that. Thus we got Courtney as everyone's fave lady wrestler Rainbow Mika from Street Fighter and Lindsay as the boxing cheerleader Tiffany Lords from Rival Schools. Both ladies who kick ass and look good doing it! Give these ladies some love folks!
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Another Fun Fact: This one took faster to do than I expected, mostly cause I didn't realize my refs were thigh high. In the end I feel it still looked good and didn't bother bringing it up. XD
Here's another cute couple and one I think deserves more love. Eclipsa Butterfly and Globgor are also from SVTFOE and honestly very sweet and adorable. While they're regarded as evil by less tolerant folk, they're honestly some of the sweetest characters you'll see on the show. I feel this is a nice contrast to their costumes, Sindel and Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat. I went with the MK9 versions of their outfits since they were both modern and simple. Didn't wanna be THAT guy who commissions SUPER complicated outfits. I'm not a sadist! While later games would retcon Sindel into being just as evil as Shao (something thankfully corrected in MK1) I still feel this outfit and character works for Eclipsa, even if she and her hubby are as far from evil as you can get. XD
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Final pic of this year is another couples pic with Danny Fenton and Paulina Sanchez. I ship these two and take no shame in it. This was originally gonna just be Paulina as Phantom Girl from Legion of Superheroes since the name and colors matched Danny perfectly. But then I figured just having Paulina in costume wouldn't be fair, so I had him dress up as Timberwolf, since I recall them having a few moments in the cartoon. A cartoon, much like this pairing, is very underrated. XD
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Now to 2021! This was a fun crossover and and me deciding to avoid "themes" and combining two character pin-ups in one! Once again we have Hekapoo and this year she's dressed up as Otedamako. Who's that? Only my fave Monster of the Day from Sailor Moon! :3 To her side with have a humanoid Rarity showing off her darkside as Martha from Helluva Boss! This one came from the animated opening in G5 that had Rarity showing off some spiky teeth and a crazy look in her eyes. IMMEDIATELY brought Martha too mind. All and all, very happy with how these two came out!
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And now to the prior year of 2022. By this point Aeo started coloring the stream commissions and honestly, it was worth the price increase. Dude is a machine! If this one has a theme it's basically me taking the waifus of my close friends (Chill, Terrible, and Raccoon) and dressing them as other sexy waifus. From left to right we have Himiko Toga from My Hero Academia dressed as Harlequin, the Harley Quinn of the Gods and Monsters film. A very hot/underrated design for a VERY twisted take on the character. Toga makes it work! Front and center we have Wilhamena Mettle from OK K.O.! as Starfire, specifically the comic book version for obvious reasons. XD Finally we have Juri Han from Street Fighter dressed in the tight leathers of Penelope Spectra from Danny Phantom, specifically her second form. Lot of specifics in this piece. XD
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Final Fun Fact: Was tempted to have Wilhamena as Star Canary, the fusion of Starfire and Black Canary from the Batman/Superman comic. Very hot design. XD
And a bit of a bonus! I ended up really helping out a new friend on deviantART back in 2020 and got to get a bit of art as a thank you. Courtesy of XJKenny we have Meteora Butterfly, daughter of Eclipsa and Globgor as Mileena. Also her MK9 design, this not only works for Meteora herself given her story, but also matches up with her parents' costumes as well!
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Well that's everything I wanted to share this year! This has been a rough year for me personally and for the world as a whole. But I'm hoping we can turn things around a bit with what bit of the year we have left.
Happy Halloween everyone! Stay scared and stay safe! 👻 🎃
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flaim-ita · 1 year
2, 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 23, 25, 27, and 29 for Keiwa XD
2 - When I think I truly started to like them
When Keiwa passed out at Ace’s feet growling that he won’t fall for Ace’s tricks anymore. He failed but like. It was around there when I started realizing how fun of a deconstruction of the traditional heroic Rider he really was.
7 - A quote of them that you remember
“Ace is Ace” literally shattered my soul. So simple but it kills me. That tiny smile Ace gave him, and the following weeks of…
Keiwa promised Ace something, in that moment. But because of the truths revealed, he had to break it.
“The goddess must atone for the sins she committed”
…And that’s why this arc is so heartbreaking.
8 - Your favorite outfit of them
His upcoming ninja look is very cute
12 - Sexuality hc!
Bisexual nonbinary man! He has had like 2 girlfriends and one boyfriend ever, tho
16 - A childhood headcanon
Keiwa learned to cook and clean because Sara went numb, that first year after their parents died. She went to school, got a part time job, and paid bills with their inheritance. One day she realized how much her little brother took on and she swore to never let him know anything but happiness. She smiled for the first time in months and Keiwa had never been so happy.
20 - A weird headcannon
Keiwa is a Sailor Moon fan and somehow ends up at the same screening of Cosmos as both Ace and Neon, none of whom planned it. The DR is put on hold, and they watch it together.
23 - Future headcanon
Even thought his parents and sister are alive now, Keiwa feels alien in his own home. Sara barely even looks at him, her desire to protect him still gone forever. His parents seem surprised at how well he maintains their house — and it is a house, not his and Sara’s nice sized apartment.
He has to leave. He never realized the cost of memory. It kills him inside.
This is his family but he is not the son they got to watch grow up.
25 - When do you think they acted the most ooc
Keiwa victim blaming arc 💚
With the information he has, he is not wrong! The goddess does seem to be involved in ritual sacrifice, after all.I
And to undo it, they can’t exactly let the woman run off.
27 - If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
I want him to meet Kagami. They’re both such good deconstructions of the protagonist and I feel like Keiwa could offer some useful advice for dealing with OP asshole Mains (who have gone singleminded crazy over a loved one in danger.)
29 - How do you think they would be as a parent?
Keiwa is an amazing parent. Bad at figuring out the issue at first, but when he learns his kids better, he easily helps out. He might end up as a stay at home dad, and he definitely makes the kids’ bentos, when they reach school age.
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My thoughts on Dr. Stone’s S03E05 (“Science Vessel Perseus”)
(Safe to read for anime-only folks.)
My thoughts after watching Season Three, Episode Five:
01. Poor Kaseki… with all the rain that's made contact with that wood, it's probably expanded in ways that are detrimental to building the ship… :(
02. I don't want a miniature yacht! I want everybody (or almost everybody) to go! :O
03. Whatever Ryusui wants, Ryusui gets! If he wants to turn one million yen a month into an even larger fortune, then that's what he'll do! :D
04. It's interesting how Francois' outfit has more serious colors in the past - like it's a reflection of the difference in vibrancy and life between Francois' past employers and present employer :)
05. Working hard is a great look on Ryusui! :D And Francois gazed at him so admiringly XD I'm guessing the reason he didn't volunteer to build a model ship before was because they were already constructing a ship before Ryusui was depetrified! :)
06. Ryusui used Senku's word - exhilarating! :D
07. Suika has a lot of faith in Senku and Ryusui! :) Hmm, I didn't know before this that Senku's outfit had layers… I learned something new about him today! :O
08. Oh, we're still at paper, then? XD But anyway, this episode's title is "Science Vessel Perseus!" :D
09. Minami's creating the Kingdom of Science Photo Diary! :)
10. A casino… Ryusui sure has his priorities! XD
11. A pantograph… :O Aww, Suika drew a small Senku and the thingy drew a large Senku! :)
12. A 50-kilogram pen for the jumbo-sized version… They really did need power! :O Nazka Lines? Those are in… South America, right? Aww, Taiju drew a medium, more detailed Senku and the thingy drew a humongous, also detailed Senku! :D
13. …I didn't even remember this ship building roadmap until they showed it to us again XD
14. They need time… the most important resource of all :O
15. Kohaku loves winter sports! (Although they make her look blurry XD) Senku's making chocolate! Ukyo taught Suika and the other kids how to read! Nikki has cute writing, and Senku has… less cute text he wants to include with the photos XD
16. Hmm, Senku looked a little older after that lathe conversation… or is it just me? :O
17. How long would it take to find and utilize wild silk moths? But however long it took, they did, it and Ruri and Kohaku like the results… especially Kohaku, who looks all blurry in the photos again! :D And Suika was hiding with the other watermelons! :)
18. One year to build the ship… and a Season Two callback about how long a year can be! :D
19. Minami knows everybody, and will miss everybody… and may even feel a sense of responsibility towards those she chose to be revived… It's a tough position to be in… :(
20. Francois really thinks of everything in advance, even photo timers! :O
21. On September 10, 5741, the kingdom of science completed the Perseus sailing ship! :D
22. Senku and Suika are next to each other on the platform as the Perseus is being launched into the sea! And Kaseki's so happy about the grandest project of his life being completed! :)
23. I wish they had explained more about Perseus and Medusa, and why it's the perfect name for the ship! Maybe in the next episode? Although Chrome seems to get the reference, so maybe the story was told before this moment :D
24. Oooh, this is a new, epic-sounding song! :O And we have the world exploration team, and the humanity development team! :O
25. Senku has a great point! Imagine putting EVERYBODY on the ship… only for it to sink and doom the future of humanity XD
26. Ryusui's a very thoughtful, caring captain to think of what harm an unwilling sailor can do to a ship's entire crew! :)
27. Oooh, the boarding of the ship has begun… cue the opening song! :D Senku, Chrome, Kaseki, Yuzuriha, Ukro, Francois, the power team (which includes Kohaku! :D)… Kinro, who only boarded when called because rules are rules! :) And… Ginro… XD Senku's very considerate to point out that the humanity development team will be doing important work as well! :D
28. That's Kohaku, taking other people's safety very seriously! :) Strange how she didn't know about Hyoga and Homura being on the ship already, though… who got them on there? Taiju and Nikki? Oh, interesting that Kohaku used the word "Japan!" The modern era folks must have explained more about the world to the Ishigami Village folks! :D
29. It's a huge risk, but a very smart move at the same time. This way the most powerful warriors will be watching over the most powerful enemies… :O
30. Hahaha, Gen was trying to speed things up before his name got called XD And Kohaku comes to a realization about Gen's way of saving face :)
31. And they've set sail! The humanity development team looks like they're really going to miss the world exploration team! :O
32. Kohaku's pretty understanding of Ginro's point-of-view! :O And speaking of Ginro… What an incredibly underhanded by clever plan! XD He even used his knowledge as a person of the water to do it right! But, since Senku and Ginro collaborated on his entry into the Grand Bout, he knows how Ginro's mind works… :D
33. So, was Kinro about to thank Senku because he had the tiniest of hopes that Ginro would do exactly this? In any case, Ginro's "decision" to chase after them is a huge morale booster for the world exploration team! They're even dancing in a circle around him! :D Although… poor Ginro… because of Senku and science, Ginro's underhanded, clever plan completely backfired… XD
34. Senku's eyes were shining as he talked about where they would go next - to the island where his father and the others started the new age of humanity, and where the Hundred Tales were born! :O
35. And that's Episode Five! :) I think I liked it more than Episode Four, because this one had more interpersonal interactions, whereas the previous episode was more technical. I know what's coming up in the next episode - whose title is "Treasure Box - and it's going to be a lot of fun to watch! :D
https :// fireflyhwufanficwriter . tumblr . com / MyDrStoneEpisodeMangaThoughts
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gracemyheart · 3 years
Okay, so I watched act 1 of the new Sailor Moon Musical "Kaguya Hime no Koibito" and spoiler: it felt like wasted time. Even NewMyu is more exciting to watch and I say that as an official NewMyu-hater-disliker...
You can watch the musical full for free on vk.
I included screenshots to make my little notes a bit more exciting. Disclaimer again: I am and will forever be honest with my opinions. If I think something sucks, I'll say that it sucks. (Spoiler: This was even too boring to suck lmao). Tbh. I have no idea how the manga handeled this story so I will make references from the S-movie.
- The musical starts with the song "You are my universe" and I have to say, it reminds me strongly of Tsukiiro no Chainon. That is not particularly a good thing because those random J-Pop songs these days have a bad thing in common: There is not really a melody in them? Like it feels too mechanical and not like music anymore. I couldn't really follow the melody because it was actually not existing. A good thing is that every Senshi has some solo lines in the song but that doesn't make it better. I am for example not sure if I could sing it with that lack of melody and rhythm.
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- Next thing is the costumes. Was there really not enough money to make them look not THAT cheap? Also, Chibimoon's costume looks so baggy? And her wig looks, I quote @vampiru-chan "like a burst sofa cushion" xD.
- What annoys me too is that we got those no-name background-dancer demons again. SO boring like wtf finally get something interesting like in Banitimes again!
- However, the choreography wasn't as bad as it usually is in NewMyu and with that I mean they were not swinging their arms like crazy while running and walking from on end to the other end of the stage. So I grant a bonus point for the choreography.
- Yuuka-Saturn NAILED her solo-line. Good girl.
- I am still annoyed, that we got that all-female cast again! It might be rare, but I am still a straight girl in this fandom and I need real men again xD And I think all the lovely gay fanboys in the fandom agree xP.
- After the dance-fight-song-scene we see how Kakeru finds Snow Princess Kaguya's ice crystal as he does in the movie and then we get to know that it is winter and the Senshi will celebrate Mako's, Mina's and Setsuna's birthdays all together. And I have to say, she doesn't do ANYTHING, she is only a side character and simply...well there - BUT I LOVE Shinjyu-Haruka so much, omg. Finally a good Uranus! Her face reminds me of Asako but she is stronger and her male-like acting does not feel that forced. Too bad she was in a musical that was not about the Senshi at all :(
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- Again I have to say, WHO, WHO thought it was a good idea to cast a Sailor Moon with that kind of face? Like, literally wtf. Tbh I would sue the surgeon who is responsible for this.
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- Okay, now we found out why the costumes are so cheap: The whole budget was spent on the civilian outfits. They are so sweet and so pretty, omg. I want to have them all!
- But because all the money was spent on the outfits, there was no budget left for Artemis >:( He is only mentioned.
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- Then lemme ask why our Usagi-chan is so bitchy here? She pushed Minako to the side in a very-not-Usagi-like style??
- Okay, birthday goes on and we get a birthday song and then some kind of idol-song by Mina and Mako. And the songs are not memorable at all :(
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- What I liked was this little scene between Rei and Usagi. Looks like a reference to the anime where both quarrel a lot and it feld refreshing.
- And I have to say, that the lovely voice of Kisara-Mako/Jupiter reminds me SO MUCH of my friend's voice @missemperor you gotta cover her, nobody would notice the difference lol.
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- Okay, now Himeko sings a song of how Kakeru developed as a professor or something and it makes no sense because Himeko is just so unimportant. Oh, yes and I never liked her in the movie because she was such a fkn bitch to Luna? I mean, I don't like Luna either but stop bullying the cat, bitch.
- as I mentioned in my last post about KaguMyu - we do not have a real setting again :/ But they tried to compensate that with heavy projections even from thought bubbles. I'd liked it better if there had actually been a setting but okay, we live in the century of technology and not of proper requisites.
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- I also wonder why Michiru always has such a cute voice in Nelke productions? Ever watched the anime? She has a normal adult voice which sounds very elegant but not cute. But besides being a side character, Ayana plays a decent Neptune/Michiru.
- The rest of the musical is basically Luna and Kakeru doing stuff? But it feels like nothing happens T_T. Btw. the actress of Kakeru reminds me STRONGLY of a Zuka actress too. Apropos Takarazuka: Riku Sorahana is a cool Mamoru. Maybe a bit too cool for Mamoru but I like her.
- Another thing I noticed: The birthday scene, in the beginning, was just to show that this musical actually has the Senshi in it. Because after that scene... they are gone. There is that one scene with Usagi and Luna à la how does a kiss taste and then Chibiusa sings (very badly, omg. Why not casting a child that can sing?) a very annoying song, of how Luna is in love.
- It was so boring. Literally, nothing happened. It felt like wasted time and yes, I know that the story is mainly about Luna but....geez no. I had a bit of hope that this musical might be better than the last ones but I have to say out of the new musicals - NogiMyu stays the best.
- Those songs were really not good and not memorable at all. They feel like the typical mass-production these days. Maybe BaniMyu was so good because back then it was a rare thing for anime/manga to turn into stage plays? I mean, today almost every anime/manga which is a bit popular gets a musical. Plus BaniMyu had Akiko Kosaka for the songs (and Queen Ado for the choreo <3).
- Funny thing: Usually in the new musicals it is that the first act is rather good or at least ok while the second one is boring af - but in this case, I doubt that this can get even more boring - maybe act 2 will be good then? Ewwww, we'll see but I do not have big hopes, tbh.
- If I had to rate it with points while 10 points would be super good and 0 points super bad, I'd give it so far 2 points. (LR, PE and UNV would even get 3 to 4 points, wtf it's really so bad xD. Okay, no they'd get at least 3 but still xD).
Today I'll watch the second act but I doubt it will get any better... :(
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moudschegiebchn · 2 years
Before I start a little disclaimer: I don't put too much energy into this. I'll explore as I go along however long that may be. Don't take anything I write too seriously. This is all just meant for fun.
Now that we have that out of the way here's our Sim who'll explore Isla Paradiso for us:
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Say hello to Silvie Rogue. She's pretty much a preset face but idc she's cute. Traits: absent-minded, loves outdoors, sailor, clumsy, family-oriented Lifetime wish: Great Explorer
many ramblings + a few more pics form my first evening playing under the cut
i'll probably always prefer the cartoon-y look from ts2 & ts4 but i don't hate ts3's style anymore xD
the very prominent eye shine creeps me out though
i did manage to find some default replacements i actually like!
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there's a weird thing in CAS going on with the camera but that's probably on me? or due to the fact that i'm playing in borderless window mode on a 34" monitor
you can't create mermaids from CAS?? that's disappointing
i miss the option to have more than one outfit per category (later i realised that this is possible but only through a dresser? ugh)
after only checking CAS for young adult females lemme tell ya: ts3 doesn't has such an obsession with them as ts4 lol
Isla Paradiso is huge there are so many lots my starter sim could choose from and it's just beautiful
there are two cemeteries. two! it was a kinda happy-sad thing realising that cemeteries used to be a thing with the sims. per default not because of a mod.
already found the option to disable all the store advertising, hooray! i will never get over this whole store thing
her work hours are 8am - 2pm. she's gonna have a job and be able to do other things easily! it feels like ts4 work hours are generally pretty long and i find it hard to get them out and do stuff
there are different ringtones for the phone omg! it's like five or six and it's making me genuinely a little bit excited lol especially that we can set it to sound like a home phone in ts2 *nostalgia intensifies*
the little sound it makes whenever a pie menu opens ;_; <3 i've missed this!!
can't use SRWE because of the way the ui reacts to it (not at all thus making it look very weird) sad
hitting fast speed 2 actually feels so much faster!! getting a bit too excited over this but it is one of the biggest smallest things that bug me about ts4. speed 2 doesn't feel that different and don't get me started on speed 3. but this…!! it's a whole new world
the bed is messy! i repeat: the bed is messy!!
my sim made waffles three times and burnt every one of them
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her TV broke and she was so upset about it lmao
despite having the sailor trait Silvie is not immune to getting seasick. can you imagine the same thing in ts4? me neither
it's only Thursday and so far everything that could be dirty or broke was dirty and/or broke, some things even multiple times. i love it.
while repairing the TV she got electrocuted and didn't loose the spiky hair just by going into the ocean hehehe
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there are wishes and they matter!! *happy cry*
still think only being able to lock four is not enough but eh. it's better than three meaningless whims. and i like having so much more control than in ts2 with the random rolls after completing one
still miss fears though
stuff in the reward store is expensive and it takes time to get enough points. it actually feels like i have to work for it and it's great
the actual ts3 camera feels a lot different from the ts4 version of it and i don't like it
tab mode is absolut torture WHAT IS THIS?!
so far the game crashed once and another time it didn't close properly and I had to force a restart
the ui isn't all over the place like in ts4 and i find it much less stressing + overwhelming
we only have one shortcut key for inventory?? how did we ever live like this?!! such peasantry
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cassies-closet · 4 years
Style Q&As from the old SkinsLife website
Hi guys! In my search to find the striped hoodie Cassie wears at the end of her series 1 episode, I found the old SkinsLife website, where Edward Gibbon (the costume designer) did his Q&As before they moved over to the e4 website.  Unfortunately, not all of it has been archived, but there’s a lot of good stuff about where the series 2 costumes come from, and a ton of questions about Cassie’s clothes.
Here’s what I could find.  I’ll put all of the Cassie questions at the top and then all of the other ones under a cut:
Hellie Cory: Can you please tell me where they got Cassie's skirt?? I absolutely love it and I've been searching for ages with no luck : (
Edward: Cassie's skirt is from a small Japanese designer in Camden (and well spotted Olivia xx the fabric is from Ikea.)
TanitaAlethia: Im so happy about this. I have always wanted a nice, not sexy (like in costumes shops, there gross) little sailor outfit. When Cassi had one on, i almost fell of my chair, i love love LOVE it. So i was wondering, where an earth did you fined it? Thankyou =] Tanita-Alethia
Edward: Cassie's sailor top was from New York, but you can always try an Army Surplus store or maybe Camden if you're anywhere near London. Let me know how you get on!
------------------------------- evil_daisys: hey, i wasnt sure where to put this,, but were did you find the dress cassie wore in episode 1 of season one at the party? and episode 2 of season one she wore at michelles? i love the way she dresses its so cute and girly and still slightly different =)
Edward: Both of Cassies dresses were vintage pieces from the 60s and 50s respectively - keep your eye out wherever you are and never turn down an invite to a jumble sale ! -------------------------------
AmyyB: hi edward, can you please tell me where cassies pink chiffon top and grey socks that she wears in chris' episode? thanks sweetheart keep up the good work x
Edward: cassies' chiffon top was from Top Shop and the socks are from H&M.; --------------------------------------
maxine: heya, i was just wondering where cassie's bow t-shirt is from, from the latest advert? ♥x
Edward: cassie's bow t-shirt was from TopShop ------------------------------------------------
Franchesca Allen: Hi im really into weird and unusual style and i love cassie's. I was wondering if you could tell me where you get most of her clothes. And i was wondering in series 2 effy's episode whats she wearing with the leopard skin tights, what top is it? Please reply i've wrote before and got no reply :) Thanks and keep up the amazing brainstorms with the costumes xx
Edward: Cassies clothes are from all over the place ! Her style is a mixture of amazing vintage pieces, charity shop finds, vintage designer stuff and high street sale stuff (normally the things no one else wants ! ) The top you are talking about was a vintage nylon 'teddy'(an all in one , shorts and top underwear item ). This year she has been wearing a lot of underwear as outerwear so keep your eyes peeled in charity shops and don't be afraid to rummage through dead peoples' clothes! ------------------------------------------------
rachey_babey: hi can you please tell me where cassies gold high hees are from that she's wearing when she spills the milk and could you please tell me where the dress / nightdress cassie wore when she was sitting on the couch with chris and watching telly is from? i think it was white with a green or blue rim. ta.
Edward: Cassie's gold shoes are character shoes from a dance shop , customised with gold leaf and cassie's nightdress was a plain cream dress from H&M; which we customised with green lace ------------------------------- sarinda: hello, i really love cassie's style, i love going to jumble sales and charity shops looking for vintage finds so its really great that there is someone like that on tv. i was wondering where you got cassie's red skirt and gold shoes when she is at her exam? and also where her bra if from when she is getting dressed before that. thank you xx =]
Edward: Thanks, Sarinda. Cassie's skirt was Prada, shoes from Bertie and bra from M&S...;
Lauren Jones: Hey I was hoping you could please tell me where Casie's night dress with the skeleton on it is from?? I have been looking everywhere and cant even find something similar! I would love to know where I could get one from please x
Edward: Cassie's skeleton dress was from TopShop Unique. It's probably not available any more, I'm afraid, but keep looking - you never know! ------------------------------------------------ Leelee: Helloo! My question is regarding the reaons behind Cassie's rapid change in clothing style in episode 9 when she arrives in NYC. At first I simply assumed it was to make her seem more vagrant looking, as though she was wearing simply what she grabbed in the dash. But then in the last scene of the episode, she is running down the street and is in another compltely out of character outfit, and wondered that would she really have all these clothes that she just never wears? Was there any specific reason as to this change? Thanks!
Edward: By the time we see Cassie in NYC she has been on the road for a while and grabbed clothes wherever she finds them , if they don't seem quite like what she normally wears that's because of what she has been through and the clothes she goes running in are Adams - see clothes tell a story as well ! ------------------------------------------------ asdfghjklxx: hii i was just wondering if you could tell me where cassies boots and jeans were from that she was wearing in the last episode when she arrives in new york, also where is the red and white candy striped skirt that she wears with the bow tshirt in her exam from? thanksss xxx
Edward: The jeans are from Uniqlo and then distressed, the boots from a Charity shop and the skirt by Prada
meli_x: In the latest episode where was cassies t shirt with the bow on from and the socks she was wearing with that outfit (when she was in the exam). also her hairclip with two robins in (i think) and the necklace with the trophy on and her stripy dress from when she met chris' mom thanks :) x
Edward: the t-shirt was from TopShop, socks from Noa Noa and the birds were christmas decorations from a craft shop... ------------------------------------------------
Sara: Hey Edward, any chance you could tell me where Cassie's necklace (the cup/trophy) that she wears throughout ep. 9 is from? Thank you very much, loving your work!
Edward: Cassie's necklace was made from a piece of ribbon and an old badge from a Vintage Fair. It said 'victory' on it, if that helps. ------------------------------------------------
Danni: hey, i was wandering where cassies big blue jacket/coat was from, the one where she first arrives in new york? thankyou :)
Edward: Cassie's jacket was a vintage American College jacket - which was worn by Chris in the last series on the school trip to Russia, adding a nice bit of continuity ! ------------------------------------------------
rachael tallentire: hey 2 thngs i want to know where is cassies skeleton dress/nightie she wears in the last episode and also where is her top she wears for her exam from?
Edward:- both are from TopShop Unique range...
And a few Effy questions as well:
Munchkin: Where is the dress Effy wore to the rave in episode 1 series 2 from? i absolutely love her style, you dress her amazingly, it matches her personality exactly. please show us more of effie she is immense!!
Edward: Effy's rave dress was made by customising 2 dresses: one from Oasis and the other a vintage one from a charity shop...
Michelle123: I hope this doesn't sound pervy but where is Effy's underwear from when she is in her room with Sid? x
Edward: Effy's underwear was from Primark and M&S; !
larry the lady: Must, must, must know where Effy's jeans or leggins or what ever are from. i could die happy if i could get a pair. I'm on about the large striped black and white ones. XD oh and where would effy's character typically shop for her rave clothing. Love love love xxx P.s the black and white striped jean things, remember, we want them!! lol
Edward: Effy's jeans were from phunky phish/ Effy loves shopping in unexpected places - other peoples houses / old ladies wardrobes / her gran's charity bag and then she customises with scissors and a blowtorch !
Other costume questions:
Pascha Rix: I really loved the gorgeous white shorts that Michele was wearing once in a club scene when she was dancing up against two other guys. The shorts were tiny, white and with pink sequins on them and they were absolutely gorgeous! Where do you also tend to look for other clothes she wears? Are there particular shops you goto?
Edward: The skirt's from Top shop but you can make your own if you like: hack off a pair of old jeans as high as you dare and then cover randomly with sequins...
Kris Jones: I'd just like to know whether ALL the actors' clothes are chosen by stylists, or do some of them get to wear their own stuff? Do you even choose their pants?
Edward: Pretty much everything they wear is chosen by me - especially their pants and socks; they play an important part in defining their characters.....
Savethesoundsystem: I wanna know where sid's yellow/orange nikes and the headphones t-shirt are from in episode 3! Oh and chris' flags of the world jacket!
Edward: Mike's trainers are retro Waffle by Nike, the headphone t- shirt is by 77 and the Flag Jacket was a rare vintage find.
Ben Smith: Hi, the trainers maxxie's wearing in ep2 when hes taking off his superman costume.. where are they from? And the luminous yellow stripey tshirt in ep 3? Cheers.
Edward: Ben Smith - Maxxies' trainers are Nike Air Force hi-tops and his T- shirt was from Top Man.
Stephan: I was just thinking.. i want all of Maxxie's clothing, shoes. lol. I watched a clip from episode 4! And i would like to know where did you get the stuff (shoes, shirt, jacket, everything...) he was wearing when he came to sit on the grass with Anwar and Michelles stepsister?? I got a pic, but isn't clear...
Edward: Hi Stephan, The jacket's Nike, The T-shirt's Etnies and the hat's from River Island.
Emul 8: Where's Chris' shirt from that says "I love (heart) hate" from the episode 4 series 2 preview from?
Edward: The 'I love Hate' T-shirt is by 77 and Maxxie's orange shoes are from Polo.
hsto1234: hi! i would really like to know where Chris' t shirt in episode 1 series 2 is from? its white with 'pretty vacant' written on it. thanx
Edward: The 'Pretty Vacant' T-shirt is by by Japanese label KTZ and it's available from Concrete or Koko To Zai.
James Davidson: i Love the clothes tony wears, where's the best places to look? thanks james :)
Edward: Tony's favourite labels are Farah, Junk De Luxe, Buckler, Penguin and Nike...
Gloria Good Chris wears a yellow type jacket a lot of the time. He was wearing it on the last episode (Series 2:Episode 3). Really want to know where it is from !
Edward: Chris' yellow jacket is from American Apparel . --------------------------------------------------
Thomas Judes Kaplan: heya, i'd be pleased to know where you guys found chris white tee shirt with wasted brit youth tagged on it with yellow pink and orange, the one we can see in episode 5 thanx and if you need fucked up french fashion tips (maybe for a series 3 french character), i'd be honored to help you :)
Edward: thomas and everyone else - Chris' wasted British Youth is by Unconditional (available from Concrete and Selfridges ) and would love to see some fucked up French Style! put some up in your profile so we can see... ------------------------------------------------
Rhiannon Irving: Hi! Where are Jal's necklace and green dress from Episode 5 from? Many thanks :-) xx
Edward: Jal's dress is by The Prisoners of St. Petersbourg (from Kokon To Zai ) and necklace is by Chateau Roux ------------------------------------------------
ryan keys: Edward i love the top that chris is wearing, the one that looks like a shirt and bow tie. where did you get it?
Edward: Chris shirt and bow tie t-shirt is by Unconditional ------------------------------------------------
charlie lewis: Do you know where i can find tonys burgandy cardigan featured in the first episode of series 2 where can i find this hoody josh is wearing in series 1? Thankx alot
Edward: Tony's cardigan is from Zara and Josh's hoody is a customised cheap white hoody from primark ------------------------------------------------
Jman: Hi, I'd really like to know where Maxxie's necklace from Series 2 Episode 1 is from - the bronze one with the dice. Thanks & great website BTW!
Edward: Maxxie's dice necklace was from River Island ------------------------------------------------
legoac: can you tell me where the following are from?: -maxxie's t-shirt, trousers, and shoes from ep. 1's rooftop dance scene -chris's grey and white long sleeve shirt in careers officer scene -anwar's long sleeve striped yellow and white shirt in club scene (the one under the polo) -chris's green belt in scene where cassie shows him the notice thanks!
Edward: Maxxies t-shirt was from All Saints, trousers from Jungle or your local Army Surplus. The shoes are Lacoste. Chris' grey and white shirt was by Buckler, Anwar's yellow stripe t- shirt by H & M and Chris' belt from Honor Lulu ( a great 50s shop in Bristol).... ------------------------------------------------
Lewis Jones: can u tell me where maxxies checkered shirt from episode 4 series 2 is from please.
Edward: Maxxie's check shirt is by Junk de Luxe ------------------------------------------------
Evans17: In episode 5. just after swimming, tony was wearin a cardigan an a shirt where are they from??
Edward: Tony's cardigan is by Zara and shirt and tie are by Junk de Luxe. ------------------------------------------------
Pixies: Jal's big gold necklace in episode five. She wears it at the beginning when she is sitting on the bench with chris (where they stick paper on each others foreheads) and at the party when she gets up on stage. its impossible to make out what it says and i NEEEEED it. thanks a bunch :) xx
Edward: Jal's necklace is by Chateau Roux and says Chateau. Hope that helps! ------------------------------------------------
Bex Crawley: Heya, i was just wondering in episode 5, where is Jal's dinosaur jacket from? It is so cool! thanks xx
Edward: Jal's jacket has got chickens on and is from SkunkFunk ------------------------------------------------
And finally, for red polka dot - Chris' red cardigan is from a charity shop and Anwars jacket is by 55DSL
chook: Hey there, just wanting to know where anwars hoodie jumper is from...he wore it in the last episode. thanks
Edward: Hi chook - Anwar's hoody is by Artful Dodger... ------------------------------------------------
zander: hey edward i was wondering where the pink cardigan maxxie wears in the the adverts to promote skins two, the t-shirt under it and his trousers are from?likein the style thanks!
Edward: Maxxie's cardigan was from Zara, t-shirt from Etnes and trousers from Cos ------------------------------------------------
pinkdreamz: from season one. the dress michelle wears in episode one, the black and white one, where is it from? this might be rude, but what do u guys do with the clothes after the show? Edward: Michelles's grey/black dress was from Oasis. At the end of filming we have a costume sale for cast and crew and anything not sold we hang onto or donate to charity - don;t worry, not a rude question at all!
Joe Wood: wer did tony get his bed sheets and wear did u get sids hat =) and wear did he get that top which makes sounds in series 1? cheers fella
Edward: Tony's duvet cover was specially made for the show , Sid has many different beanies from H&M; primarily and Mega Dog was a one off creation ! ------------------------------------------------
dannymilhouse: wat r sids favourite makes/designer????? and wat shops cud i get them makes from????????????
Edward: Sid loves Plain Lazy , Nike, jumble sales and skips ! ------------------------------------------------
Foxy: Where would one find the tan belt that tony is adorning his suit with in Episode 6? It looks similiar to paul smith.. i may be wrong.. AlSO the waistcoat toby is wearing? Cheerss
Edward: Tony's yellow belt was a ladies' belt from Gap ! and Toby's waistcoat is a period early 20th. century piece from an antique clothing market (try Blind Lemon's website for similar fairs ) ------------------------------------------------ Bapo: Hi Edward, I am wondering where you found Sid's military jacket that he wears in the Secret Party special episode... Much love from France to all the Skins family!
Edward: Sid's military jacket is an original from a costume hire shop in Bristol - try vintage army surplus clothes stores or markets ------------------------------------------------
Louis: Hey Edward, I absolutely adoore your taste, especially tony's clothes and i was wondering where you got his black polo with white stripes that he wears in episode 6 please...?
Edward: Tony's black/white stripe polo is by Farah , pink/black by Topman ------------------------------------------------
Jowellzz: hey edward, I know this isn't series 2 related but, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Maxxies brown coat and blue-checked hat in Season 1 Episode 6 where they go to Russia. could you tell where they're from? xx
Edward: Maxxie's coat was from H&M; and hat by Etnies ------------------------------------------------ JimBuns: Hi Edward, i hope u guys can help out, do you know where i can i find that grey cardigan with pink and blue circles on it, that chris wears in the club , series 2 on episode 5, ive been lookin for it every where, any help is much appreciated
Edward: Chris' cardigan was from Behave on Lexington Street in London ------------------------------------------------
Pixies: Hey edward thanks for responding! I have my Chateux necklace ordered jal style :D could you please tell me where michelle's flowery necklace is from in last nights episode? thanks x
Edward: Michelle's necklace is vintage plastic 60s from a market -------------------------------------- Rubyred: Hey, would you be able to tell me where the outfit that that girl Tony meets in the club is wearing there is from and also what she's wearing at the university?
Edward: Beth's dress in the club is from Kate Moss for Top Shop , shoes vintage Dolce and Gabbana at the University her vests are from Miss Selfridge and Gap, jeans by Cheap Monday, belt from Urban Outfitters and shoes from Gap. ------------------------------------------------
Abby Fletcher: jal's green shirt and yellow top when she finds out shes pregnant NOW! o.. i mean... it really would be nice of you... :)?
Edward: Jal's green shirt from H&M; , yellow top by People's Market.
Kim Matthews: hi edward, could you tell me where michelle got her cow print pyjamas from in series 2 episode 7? also where did you get the blue top she was wearing when she went round to chris's looking for jal in the last episode? thanksxx
Edward: Michelle's pjs were from La Senza and her blue top was from Oasis ------------------------------------------------ red polka dots: thanks loads for telling where anwars jcket was from, its great. but could u plz tell me where to get maxxies jeans in this pic. they are so amazing!!!!!! thank u
Edward: Maxxie's jeans were by Replay ------------------------------------------------ tommy the 2nd: hey edward could you please tell me where to get maxxies great hat from episode 1 series 1. its soooo great!!!
Edward: Maxxie's hat was from H&M; ------------------------------------------------ Maciej: Hello Edward. I have trouble with shoes. I was just wondering if you could give me some advice. I like Maxxie's style, but I still don't know what should I pick. The clothes I mostly wear are from American Eagle (ae.com), no ripped jeans though. I don't think ripped jeans look nice. I also don't wear baggy jeans. I'm 6'2" and kind of skinny (pant size: 30x34 or 31x34). My shoe size is 12.5. So I'm big, skinny guy with big feet. I have no sense in how a shoe should match. I was just wondering if you could tell me what would look best on my feet from a brand like Nike, Puma, or one I could easily get in Chicago area. Btw. love watching Skins :-) Thanks.
Edward: the best look for fairly big feet is the plainest styles of trainers - good old Converse are a safe choice, mess it up with some of the great colours they do . Old school trainers like Nike Tennis shoes or their retro Waffle style / addidas gazelle or stan Smiths . Swear is a British label that does great very flat plain trainers with a twist - they have a brilliant new collection in collaboration with Hummel . So basically the plainer and flatter the better, avoid anything with chunky soles and too much detailing . ------------------------------------------------ HaydenWing: hi Edward, could you please tell me where can i get Maxxie's bag in Ep. 8 when he comes into the classroom with James. Thankies!
Edward: Maxxie's bag is by Freitag , who make great bags from recycled materials like tyres ,seat belts and inner tubes ------------------------------------------------ Chris Murray: Hey Edward, cheers for looking :) Could you tell me where Chris' tiger skin pink and black top is from, the one he's wearing in Episode 2? Its the coolest thing I've seen him wear!!
Edward: Chris's tiger t-shirt is from Behave on Lexington Street ------------------------------------------------ windinthewire: please can you say where jal got her giraffe earings from, i love them and reaaaally want a pair!
Edward: Jal's earings were from TopShop ------------------------------------------------ AlexGabriel: Hiya. I'd like to know where Maxxie's grey trousers are from, the ones he wears when he comes into the classroom with James.
Edward: Maxxie's trousers were from Cos ------------------------------------------------ trainstobrasil: could you please tell me what Jal's book bag is in episode 8 this season? the lovely yellow one with the design that she carries around throughout the episode. I loved it! thanks :)
Edward: Jal's bag is by Eastpak ------------------------------------------------
Abby Fletcher: hey, just wondered where jal's yellow dress with the black shirt underneath came from, and the earrings she has in in the audition! thanks much! xx
Edward: Jal's yellow dress was from Monsoon and the brown shirt underneath was Calvin Klein Jeans ------------------------------------------------ Jerry: Hi, I was just wondering what bag Tony wears in season 1, it looks like a Gucci bag but I never get a good look at it. The name of it would be swell!
Edward: Tony's bag was an unbranded one from Camden Market ------------------------------------------------ verity: hey, wondering where michelle's silver vest in tonights episode came from. and her vests in general :) then i just need to wait for some warmer weather..! thanks
Edward: Michelle's silver vest was from Kate Moss for Top Shop - her vests are from all over , American Apparel is great for brilliant coloured basics made in ethical factories ( much better for your conscience and the world than Primark !)
Episode 7
moppet: Hey Edward, I just want to say I think the overall look of the characters in the show is amazing so whatever you are doing with the wardrobe you are doing it extremely well! I hate to be the 1,000,000,000th person to ask you this but...in Michelle's episode (Series 2, Episode 4) she wears a pair of skirt dungarees or a skirt with braces made of denimn. I would love it if you could tell me where you found it? Or where I could find a similar item? I know several people have already asked you on this about it. I would really appreciate it if you could get back to us about it. It would actually mean a lot! much love, moppet xx
Edward: Really sorry but can't actually remember what label Michelle's dungaree skirt was - it was a TKMaxx find - but try Lees new stuff designed by Jane Birkin for something silmilair ------------------------------------------------ HarrietBABESS: Hi, i was wondering if you could please tell me where michelle's necklace is from in her lost weeks diary, the black bow one, and effy's dress she wears to the club in series 2 episode 7? I would really love to know where to get them. Thanks
Edward: Michelles necklace was from Warehouse and Effy's dress was created from a vintage beaded dress , customised over another dress from Oasis - so sharpen those scissors and start creating ! ------------------------------------------------ geodude: hi i was just wondering if you could tell me wer you get the majority of chris' vest tops from i just think there so good that i have to have one especially this one!! thanks XD
Edward: a lot of Chris' vests are 70s deadstock - original stuff that was never sold - from markets and vintage shops - try some of the retro stalls in Camden or local car boot sales ------------------------------------------------ christian20: Hey I was just wondering if you could tell me where Maxxie's jacket is from that he wore at the skins secret party??? thanx
Edward: Maxxies' rowing blazer was hired from a Bristol Costume Shop and is probably about 100 years old - still looks good doesn't it , just goes to show great style never goes out of fashion . ------------------------------------------------
alex: hi edward, i've been spending my internet millions on some new clothes recently. can i tell everyone about them? (Note: Alex, despite his yuppy question, is not the sugar daddy he claims to be. You've been warned, girls...Ed.)
Alex - we need photos of you modelling your new looks maybe with some of your Skins' co-workers ! ------------------------------------------------ AnnaBanana: Hi Edward! First of all, well done on your supreme costume choosing, its impeccible! I was wonder where Chris' fluffy hat from the Skins 2 opening credits is from? Its pretty much the best hat i have ever witnessed :0 Thanks
Edward: Chris' fluffy hat was from the brilliant hip/hop stall in St. Nicholas's Market in Bristol ------------------------------------------------ Bridget Burton: hi i was just wondering if you could tell me where you got Jal's Shirt, shorts and (i think they were Nike) Trainers rom episode 1 series 2, where she and chris go to pick up Tony from Maxxie's. That would be very helpful.x
Edward: Jal's shirt was from H&M;, shorts were from Uniqlo and her trainers were indeed Nike . ------------------------------------------------
mindemo: hey edward...i was wondering where maxxie got that purple and silver nylon jacket in his unseen episode on his myspace...cheers mate...haz...XO
Edward: maxxie's jacket is from Nike ------------------------------------------------ SamR: Could you tell me where the outfit Tony wore to the university came from please? Thanks
Edward: Tony's shirt from Junk de Luxe , tie by American Apparel , jacket by Parkes , trousers from Cos , belt by Gap shoes by Converse ------------------------------------------------ Grantlock: Please could u tell me if theres a peoples market shop in bristol or wher i could get the clothes from fank you!!!:D x
Edward: Not sure if People's Market sell in Bristol - it's available in Number 22 on Carnaby Street and TopMan at Oxford Circus ------------------------------------------------
Kaz: Hi Edward, I didn't get my question answered last time and I really need those socks lol. Was just wondering if you could tell me where they were from? Michelles socks in episode 1 when shes in the club and outside with Sid
Edward: Michelle's socks were from American Apparel ------------------------------------------------
charlie lewis: hi. Do you know where i can find the tank top chris is wearing at the end of the latest episode, the one with horses or something on it. cheers.
Edward: chris' vest was 70s deadstock from Camden Market ------------------------------------------------
john Rainey: hi jakes yellow/orange cardigan from the start of the effy episode? can you tell me where it's from?
Edward: jake's cardigan was an old ladie's from a jumble sale
Episode 9
Dave Gee: Hi, can you tell me where Tony got his pink underwear and t-shirt from, please? It was the episode where Effy's mad mate came over.
Edward: Pay attention, Dave! Tony's underwear was pink due to Effy's inefficiency in the washing department! ------------------------------------------------
Christina_Marie: Hi, i was just wondering where Michelles green dress comes from in the calander cover photo below theres a photo. And also were do Jal's pink star earing come from which she too wore in the same photo? Thanks xx
Edward: Michelle's dress was by Lux from Urban Outfitters and Jal's earings were from H & M.
Branwen: Hi edward can somebody PLEASE tell me where jal got her white dress top she wears in episode 8 series 2 when shes at her music audition, ive asked like 8 times lol! Thanks a lot xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Edward: Jal's audition dress was from Oasis - well asked!
snoogins: This may sound like a stupid question, but i thought you should be the one to ask. I have a big problem buying trousers for myself. I dunno if it's just my frame (I'm 6 foot and pretty thin). But anything outside of blue jeans look awkward on me. I was wondering if you had any tips when look for mens trousers. Oh and everyone always asks where certain characters shop. I was wanting to know whats your own favourite brands of clothing?
Edward: Hi snoogins. Blue jeans are a pretty good basic for any look - take advantage of your height by maybe wearing trousers a bit shorter than you normally would - Farah have a great range of trousers that suit all shapes, so check them out. My favourite labels are Margaret Howell, Vivienne Westwood, Thom Browne and thanks for asking... ------------------------------------------------
skinsfreak: hey edward, was just wondering where Chris's Monkey Man t shirt was from?
Edward: Chris' Monkey Man was specially designed by me.
beth babe: hi edward:) could you please tell me where michelles gold-like jeans are from that she wears with the silver vest in episode 8? also where is the blue vest top and the orange bra from that she wears? i cant remember which episode she wore them in sorry, thanks so much! the skins style owns:) x
Edward: Michelle's gold jeans were from Morgan , blue vest from Oasis and orange bra from La Senza. ------------------------------------------------
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shespeaksinsongs · 3 years
May I have a ship 🍄 for HP of golden trio era? Preferably male, thank you 💞
I'm 19, Southeast Asian with Spanish descent, Libra, ENFJ-A/ENFJ-T, Neutral Good, Ravenclaw, and a Bi Pan Genderfluid girl using the pronouns She/Her or He/Him. A friend of mine told me that I (kinda) look like Marinette from 𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘂𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝗱𝘆𝗯𝘂𝗴, Musa from 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝘅 𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯, and Alexandra Trese from 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲 (a Netflix animated series), but the exception is I'm short (5'1.2") plus sized Southeast Asian woman with Spanish descent that has messy/wavy brunette medium hair, chocolate brown eyes, oriental skin and a small beauty mark on the forehead. My sense of fashion is in between emo and boyish plus korean glam.
Distant, quiet, and shy at first cause' I dunno how to initiate a conversation, but a total opposite if I open up---friendly, ambivert, witty, laughing loudly on a daily basis, talkative, eats a lot, awkward, daydreamer (I got embarrassed from knocking at the door even I'm inside the classroom 😂), EXTREMELY CLUMSY (mostly tends to get bruises from bumping and being careless to my belongings), secretly likes affection, easily overwhelmed, prone to melt over wholesomeness, flusters on compliments, lightly blushes on cheesy banters, eager to share what I know (especially about Catholic Church---my past teacher joked that I'll become a saint because of it 🤣), oftenly speaks full of sarcasm with a lowkey crackhead energy citing meme references, and talented girl who can be your no.1 supporter and unashamed to be true to myself. In terms of leadership, I only educate and guide than being a prefect (I might take the role seriously), will lift my group when there's lacking/incompleteness. About doing projects in school, I become too extra and prepared for efforts, but I'll forget the process in the end.
People thought I'm a demure self-effacing woman that looks "immaculate" or "one of a kind," (due to my protective parents, a reason why I've never been in a relationship) but the truth is, I'm eloquent, warm-hearted, willig to help, kind, intelligent, supportive, nice, creative, enthusiastic, laid-back, determined, tough, competitive, and feisty outside, but a real softie that can be childish and dramatic that cries so easily (but will enlightened real quick by smallest things that makes me smile) filled with doubts, frustrations, and insecurities with fear of failure that pushes off the limits to to please everyone because they might get dissappointed from expectations, yet I still managed to be stronger than ever, even it's a slow burn process. I can be intimidating, sassy, and a douchebag if I receive ends. Immature, headstrong, perfectionist, demanding, hesitant, jumpy, very indecisive, overthinker, quick-tempered, sensitive, and anxious (no joke, my nervousness makes me think worse scenario will arrive). Though can be procrastinator and arrogant, I raised as a religious 𝖺𝗇𝖽 diplomatic person, willing to fight what I believe (including my dreams and what's important to me) and what is right. In addition, I have a habit of staying up late and doing sign of the cross to ease nervousness.
Blunt but the loudest idiotic feeling-brokenhearted and bitter friend in the group who fangirl a lot, swears like sailor, will call out on people that we loathe, will crack up over your stupid antics before helping, vent out everything I despise (having a bad day, toxicity, poorly written soap operas, how am unlucky when it comes to love life) and bring gossips, but a hopeless romantic who tends to banter with sarcasms or pick up lines as an endearment (but gets grumpy if I received sappy or offensive one), Still generous and concerned person in a subtle way.
My hobbies are singing, drawing, roleplaying, listening to music, chatting/browsing on social media, conceptualizing, writing, and reading some stuffs. I'll include making corniest jokes/puns, sleeping, and dancing when nobody's around or walking like a model if I feel so bold (even I'm terrible at both xD). I also used to learn Italian language a bit. Lastly, my best assets are smile, eyes, personality, singing voice, artistic skills, writings, intelligence, and oratorical skills...so I can consider myself as a singer, artist, orator, and a top student who's a former campus ministry member (choir member, psalm singer, and reader) and in coming college freshman. Currently learning how to cook and have so many interests, to the point I don't know what I'm into because of my dreams to become a popular Filipino YouTuber, a novelist, and being part of a successful chorale...I also consider joining pageants too once the pandemic ends, but maybe.
okay. this was a tough one, but i finally settled on fred and george. i think you'd be best with fred weasley by a CLOSE SECOND to george.
you mentioned that you're into banter and pick-up lines as endearment - and i think that is so fred weasley. george strikes me as the softer, sweeter, twin, who is more likely to be dominated, but i think you and fred having an equally dominant personality would make for an interesting relationship! additionally, the secretly likes affection thing would go smoothly with fred. i think fred is a more "quality time" and "acts of service" kind of guy, but affection is never rejected for him, and he quite enjoys it! the hobbies you mentioned seem like things he might love to do, or encourage you to do! it even gave me a good idea for a fic, which i think i will be releasing tomorrow if i can. will tag you, of course. head-strong, sassy, and being quick-tempered would keep fred on his toes, and i think that's one of his favorite things about you. he'd love that he's always on the edge with you. he doesn't know where he's going, but he doesn't mind. i think fred really likes someone who's not afraid to let themselves get out there, and you pursuing your dreams so fearlessly, along with your passions, makes for a pretty good match to me. besides that, i think fred would definitely try to dig beneath the surface, or the "demure" demeanor you give off. based on your description of yourself, i think he would find somebody worth being with.
he would definitely see you in the hallways and pretend not to know you sometimes, hitting on you as if you weren't already together. i think he most definitely thinks it's both cute and scary when you're angry, seeing as your height and personality clash (in a good way, dw). teases you for being clumsy, but he thinks it's cute. aside from the normal nicknames, he probably calls you "my pretty witch", or "my smart baby ravenclaw". he likes head pats, and uses you as an elbow rest to annoy you sometimes. i think he would also think you're stunning. like he would almost worship you and your entire body. gives you kisses on the beauty mark on your forehead a lot, especially if you're cuddling. he almost can't resist. loves your style and tries to copy it, but decides that it's reserved for you in his mind, so he goes back to his normal style, admiring all your different outfits. stays up late with you on nights you can't sleep or don't want to. starts cursing a lot after he met you. he gets into the habit, and every conversation with you is a swearing mess. gives you kisses on the cheeks randomly to see how off-guard he can catch you and see how flustered you get. LOVES when you blush. it's his favorite thing about you.
<3 thank you so much for your submission.
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onedivinemisfit · 3 years
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Obiyuki Witcher!AU “chara sheet”, this time Shirayuki. My favourite little Bruxa <3 Accompanies this one; Obi
Posted mainly bc I’m busy with the backlog that is coloring all the outfits I made for her XD
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
- Shirayuki’s mom was a bruxae, and her father human. Mukaze was initially lured in to be food for her mother’s vampire coven, but she fell in love with him. Refusing the matriarch’s orders, her mother escaped to the coast of Cidaris, where Shirayuki was later born. She’s never met her father, but she knew he had to be a sailor of some sort, for her mother would always gaze wistfully out towards the sea.
- Shirayuki was raised on the outskirts of human society, to avoid attracting too much attention. Her mother taught her to prey on wild animals rather than humanoids, or cattle, to avoid causing a stir. Shirayuki’s favourite food is deer blood pudding. She finds “solid” foods very exciting.
- Although not raised in a bruxa coven like her mother, Shirayuki was still taught some of their customs and history, if only to fill the cold winter evenings when sitting in front of the fireplace while her momma mended sleeves and darned socks, and blood soup was beginning to boil, wafting deliciously coppery in their little hut.
- Her mother was killed when Shirayuki was young, and she had to make do on her own, having to master such skills as hunting for food, patching her clothes, pickpocket when desperate, and gauge the smallfolk’s opinion of her - so she would know when to bolt. She picked up herbalism while on the road, and has lived many places across the north, though always sticking to the coast. Old habits...
- As a young teen, she crashes into an islander girl named Torou - who turns out to be her half-sister. Basically they felt instant kinship and when comparing notes, found that Torou’s father had been to the mainland and spoken of this beautiful woman he met there. Torou would have taken Shirayuki back with her if she could, but Shirayuki is... not people-minded, always terrified by her otherness, and her mind fresh with what humans can do to monsters if they find them. They keep their sisterhood secret, Torou teaching Shirayuki to read and write, Shirayuki helping Torou spar (to this day, her elder sister is envious of her bruxae speed) and keep in touch by letter.
- Being bruxae means Shirayuki can communicate with birds, entrance humanoids with song, and despite looking like a normal woman, packs a punch few can match. She’s not volatile by nature, but can be spurred to action for a number of reasons, at which point she lets loose her claws, her fangs and her invisibility. Her slight build and short stature *always* ensures her enemies will underestimate her attack power. Only witchers can really match her...
- Yes, she has murdered. Killed in self-defense, mostly, but once or twice outright murdered people. Her fluctuating misanthropy means she’s sometimes sorry, sometimes absolutely not.
- During her travels, Shirayuki finds Ryuu, the “wolf pup”, as she nicknamed him at first. A werewolf cub abandoned by his natural mother, and raised by a leshy in the woods that was now dead, she adopts him as her own. She teaches him language, both Common and Vampiric, to ensure she can communicate him without anyone understanding what she’s saying; she feeds and clothes him, telling curious villagers how he is her step-son by her “late hunter husband” (who of course never existed) and of course lets him roam the woods at night, true to his nature.
- Shirayuki and Ryuu settle in the woods of Velen, Temeria, a couple years before the Third War, of course affecting your typical displaced commoners looking for a new home. She moves them into an abandoned hunter’s hut, and sets up as a forager-herbalist. The smallfolk come to her for cures, trading mostly in foodstuffs or utilities, but they are generally distrustful of her. Shirayuki is simply too other, even when affecting human-ness; living alone deep in the woods, unafraid of anything; hunting, which is obviously not womanly, even if her hides supply the village with leather; her son, who never speaks and is almost never seen, and never plays with the other children; and her unnerving beauty, which draws people in whether they want to or not. Rumors abound of her, her character, her tastes, people adding to the rumours with fear and lust.
- The arrival of a witcher in the village makes Shirayuki nervous. Humans she can fool, but a witcher senses that which others do not, and he’s soon on her tail. Shirayuki pretends to the best of her ability to not be what he suspects her to be, but it comes to blows. Obi, thankfully, sees sense, realizing neither Shirayuki nor Ryuu actually eat humans for funsies, but the damage is done, so he offers to escort them across the Northern Realms while they look for a new place to live. Easier said than done considering the continent is aflame with war and famine, but they’ll try anyway.
- Bruxae though she is, Shirayuki only uses her inborn skill for suggestion and seduction when needs must, but as time goes on and Obi pisses her off, flatters her, flirts then retreat, and generally treats her like no other human... ish... has ever done, she wishes she could turn the tables om him. It would be easy, too, were she not... truly beginning to care for him...
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(Hey Mun, what do you think would've happened if Loboto's parents were decent people and accepted their son was psychic?)
(So just a note, I had way too much fun with this haha xDD  It’s a super long post so I’ll probably put a “keep reading” halfway through)  But this is 100% headcanon/fanfic/AU land from this point on!! *cracks knuckles to type*
So if Loboto's parents were actually nice and understanding people..... He would’ve grown up in a loving household, and be encouraged to keep using his powers.
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Because I have a feeling his parent's are the type to brag, they probably would've flaunted the fact he had powers to everyone.  Whether their world hates psychics or not, they would've been proud of him and have him show off any chance he got (like helping the neighbors maybe, or just having fun lifting people off the ground to “fly”, etc.)
Eventually, he'd be known by his whole little seaside town as a psychic xDD  In highschool, word of him would've reached the government/Psychonauts and they'd try to recruit him on (I was thinking maybe he would’ve been sent to Whispering Rock, but maybe it wasn’t established yet, so they probably recruited psychics back then like the army?)
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Since Loboto's parents were cool, they would’ve encouraged him to follow what ever dream he wanted, and that would still be a sailor xDD  I like to think he probably wouldn’t have gone to college after high school or join the Psychonauts.  He’d sign onto the first boat that would hire him and set to sea like he always dreamed.
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The fisherman didn't really know what a psychic could do on a boat, until they saw Cal pull in his first catch.... and everything in it's radius xDD  He probably would've become a super successful fisherman!  Pulling tons of stuff out of the water and making alot of money for it ^w^  And he would’ve lived happily ever after as a sailor/fisherman...............  But then.... I really like the idea that he might have joined the Psychonauts later on xDD  So if he DID join them.... how? And then I thought xD (story continues under the cut)
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Ever since his psychic powers started showing up, he started having dreams of a "sea witch".  When he was young, he thought nothing of it, just a cool dream.  But when he was out at sea, the dreams would became more vivid and violent.  Everytime, the figure would be calling his name.  He didn't know what those dreams meant until... one day returning from sea, his parents didn't pick him up like usual.
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When he returned home, he'd find his house destroyed and his parents... well... (either dead or missing ^^;;;)  He'd find out later, from a Psychonaut agent investigating the case, that other psychics had done it.  He recognizes the organization that had approached him years earlier from the agent.  Sad and angry at what happened, and wanting to know why and who had done this to his family, he joins the Psychonauts.
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Then I had more fun trying to fit him into the current timeline xD  I like to think Sasha and Morry were already there and already halfway through there agent training (Sasha maybe being alittle more ahead of Morry).  But they would act as teachers from time to time to help train new recruits.  
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They would take Cal and eventually Milla under there wing.  Because Cal was alittle older, he'd probably have alittle more difficulty learning other abilities.  But telekinesis would still be the one thing he was crazy good at.  Like maybe lifting multiple super heavy things all at the same time is difficult to do for other psychics (like they can only lift one thing at a time with there minds while Cal can lift and move a bunch of stuff, lol I dunno, just trying to think how he could differ from the others).  I also like to think him and Milla would have been learning buddies xD (also maybe Morry still had his hair in the 70′s/80′s? hehe)
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Morry and Sasha would "graduate" first and eventually go onto try and do missions together.... but that wound up failing miserably because their personalities clashed too much.  So when Cal and Milla passed, Sasha would take on Milla as a partner (he was helping her recover from her trauma anyway, so they thought it would be a good fit) and Morry would have Cal.  
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I like to think if/when these 2 were on missions together, they'd be completely off the walls reckless xDD
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They'd get their missions done, but not without costing the Psychonauts branch a TON of money (due to destroying... EVERYTHING on missions).  Cal would love being a Psychonaut just for the adventure xD  So what about those strange dreams?
Well, eventually he’d find the name of the psychics suspected in harming his family, the Galochio’s.  And one day, he'd meet one of them during a dangerous mission Ford was called to and asked for backup from his most powerful agents (Sasha, Milla, Morry, and Cal).  They wouldn't be able to reach Ford though, one of the psychics they’d run into would be way too powerful for them.  But Cal would get a good clue from something they said.
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(I’m kind of going off that one dream I had about Maligula talking with Loboto) After that big mission, and knowing Ford was injured during the battle, Cal decided missions would be too dangerous for the time being (after hearing the Galochios knew his name and that apparently they wanted him dead xDD).  He instead decided to stick with researching and inventing for the Psychonauts, while Morry would go onto establishing Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp xDD  Cal’s lab is located under the motherlobe, with big open windows looking out into the depths of the lake that surrounds the building.
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He spends all his time down there creating and building new tools and weapons for agents, as well as gathering information about enemies.  As of Psychonauts 2 (in this AU hehe ^^;;;), he’d still be trying to piece together his family's history with the Galochio's, as well as the Aquatos.  Here’s his outfit too ^w^ (his little necklace is the patch he had on his shirt as a boy)
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Sorry this was such a long post, my thoughts just went EVERYWHERE haha xDD  But I like to think this is what might have happened to him if his parents were good people ;w;
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shadow--writer · 3 years
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HI SHE’S BACK AND I ACTUALLY REMEMBERED HER FRECKLES THIS TIME THEY’RE KINDA IMPORTANT LMFAO. Raised her bangs up a little bit too, I love her expression so much. I tried (attempted and failed lol) the arcana style and I know it doesn’t look like it but I’m still proud lol XD. (also note everything about this is AFTER defeating the devil so none of that is mentioned lol. And I will probably come in and edit/add some stuff as time goes on.)
Check more about her in my #maeve tag!
Maeve O’Connor
Age unknown (but she’s older than 22 younger than 30)
Female (she/her)
Yes she is shipable!
Birthday is October 31st (Scorpio, forgot to put that in the bio but hush lol)
Familiar is an Egyptian Fruit bat called Tehi (TEY-hi) looks like this
She’s 5′3. 
Arcana representations are Strength and the Knight of Swords
Her occupation(s) is a doctor for the South End. Generally likes to help the kids that get into trouble down there. She also helps with South End schooling on the weekends. You can catch her trying to wrangle the kids (...and some adults)
Very sweet, bubbly and fun loving but has a stubborn streak to her. She’s very blunt and brazen and enjoys a good night out. Though she does always a love peaceful day in with a good book. Loves helping people out any way she can.
Likes: reading, dancing, singing, sewing, embroidery, keeping busy, aerial silks, a good brawl, baking (never cookies. Never.), sleeping, teaching, stargazing, adventuring, a strong drink (alcohol in general, she loves the buzz but hates getting wasted), lemons. She loves lemons. 
Dislikes: cooking, Lucio, unusually cruel people, being overwhelmed, fire, feeling scared, being useless, arguing with people, crying, her ex, feeling too warm, losing control, not being in control, wastefulness, being drunk, being taken advantage of. 
As always, more under the cut! I’m trying to be detailed in this bio lol. 
Fun facts:
She eats lemons like apples
Very superstitious. Her country raises most inhabitants with a healthy respect for ghosts and the supernatural along with their deities
She has a huge family! All of them hate pirates after one cousin was killed by a pirate raid on his ship (he was exporting goods)
Her dad calls her his Little Panther for her love of climbing trees
She has a large scar on her left shoulder blade from where Rhiannon (older sister) hit her with a battle axe when they were early teens
She has the highest alcohol tolerance in her family, it takes a bit to get her drunk
Always carries strawberries around (for Tehi but she also snacks on them) and if you kiss her she tastes like strawberries 
Smells like lemon and lavender 
Has a silver streak in her hair. Considered a blessing from her culture’s Gods
Has two sisters (she is the middle child)
Really good with kids. They enjoy hearing her stories, sometimes she sings to them
Has a small clinic in the South End (on the weekend she likes to help out with the kids schooling. She adores teaching them how to read and write. When kids ask about where she’s from she gets all starry eyed and bubbly)
Very flirty regularly, how you can tell she’s for realsies flirting is when she turns a bit more pink and her voice gets softer 
Yes she has abs
Her favourite colours are yellow (like soft yellows and the yellow of lemons) and green (like deep greens and soft light greens)
She makes her own clothes and loves making things for other people! 
Hates spending a lot of money, makes her feel itchy when she does or when someone else does
Has relationship trauma so if she flinches from your touch don’t be offended she doesn’t mean it it’s just...hard
Hates fire and the fact she’s so connected to it. When she loses control her magic lashes out and she never wants to hurt anyone
Loves dancing. She loves losing herself to the music, same with singing. She loses herself and she seems to glow brighter 
When she’s turned on her freckles glow brighter (like instead of soft starlight it’s full moonlight). And when she’s upset they dim
Yes she is covered in celtic warpaint tattoos. They stop at her elbows and knees but her back and front are covered in swirls and stuff
She has the mouth of sailor and will swear like one
Voice claim: Meg (Hercules)
Singing claim: Singing lullabies , Regular (and another bc omg Linda Eder is talented)
Outfits: 1, 2, 3
Love interests:
Main game: Julian, Muriel and Portia
Apprentices: OKAY I THINK IT’S SAFE TO SAY: Lucas @dela-png
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Five Otome/Romance Game Men I Adore
Hai hai many thanks for thinking of me for this tag game @justine-the-guillotine !!
 I always feel pressure to do these things perfectly, even though it’s just talking about things I like :’) so please bear with me in my, probably, screaming appreciation. I’ve been thinking of a list a characters for a whole day and honestly I’m suddenly blanking,,, who do I adore? lol who knows,,, Well actually you are about to know cause I am going to tell you LOL. OkAY. Enough of this blabbering, onto the list of many mens.
Please know I am excluding Lucien (MLQC) because it is obvious that I adore him to a fucking fault. If you want to see me do a whole appreciation about those him just hmu in my asks or message me and I will go on for days bby
This list is in no way order of most to least adored, I physically could not make that kind of decision jkdfjksdfh. ALSO PLS KNOW I DO SWEAR LIKE A FUCKING SAILOR AND I TALK OF SMUSHING LOVELIES OFTEN. IT”S JUST MY PERSONALITY SO SHHHHH IF YOU DON”T LIKE IT DON”T READ IT BOO, THAT SIMPLE!
Takeda Shingen (Ikemen Sengoku) - Okay, I will be honest, I was very skeptical of sengoku period romance games because I had played some in the past,,, but holy shit, Shingen blew me away. He quickly rose up the ranks of otome men in my heart, and I think about him at least once a day now. I related so much with his MC because it was so hard not to lust and swoon over that man. I have no idea how or when I fell hard for him but it happened and I am not mad at all. I self insert so much with my games,,, and it’s easy for me to slip my real feelings into my fantasies. And honestly I really wish I could have Shingen IRL, ~~though I’m sure I would absolutely freak out and hide under a rock if he ever paid me any attention. He represents the perfect man, lover, and husband to me; he’s on a god level kind of man. Shingen is compassionate, knows boundaries and has never restricted MC from doing anything she loved (without good reason), he’s reliable and strong in a way that makes my heart melt. AND  LET’S NOT FORGET HOW FUCKING BRILLIANT THIS MAN IS, HE IS SO FUCKING SMART AND I WISH CYBIRD LET US SEE HIS EXTREME INTELLIGENCE MUCH MORE,,,, He’s just so damn perfect it is near infuriating how good of a man he is. He fits my normal type so well; me saying “Tall, Handsome, Flirtatious, Sexy as Fuck and Infuriating” might of as well have been about Mr Takeda “I’ll marry you and give you everything for one smile” Shingen. I also really like characters that are loyal to their loved ones (yes in contrast to my bastard villain type kink, I also love those who show loyalty and devotion to the people they love) Shingen does more than enough of all of and I really do look up to him as a person and model for character,,,,, oh gods, and the way I imagine he would make sweet baby making love to ---*cough cough* ALRIGHT LETS STOP HERE BEFORE THIS BECOMES A WHOLE ASS SHINGEN APPRECIATION POST!!!
Sirius Oswald (Ikemen Revolution) - I’m really tempted to just insert a daddy kink meme and leave it at that,,,, He is my absolute top otome man, or rather,,, one of my top “I wish you were real and we were married” men. As much as I whore around and claim to love a new man the most (besides Lucien because they’re on the same level now) every week,,, I will always come back to Mr. Flower Daddy. He holds such a precious spot in my heart, I can only try to explain the things that he makes me feel. Like a giddy school girl in love for the first time, but in this story they end up together. High school sweetheart kind of love that lasts till they’re old and wrinkled with time. Gods, thinking about Sirius makes me sob and my wallet sob harder . I must have a thing for men who keep denying their affections for MC (aka me self insert) because of things like responsibility, friendship, being labelled an old geezer,,etc. I have played his route about eight times over (probably) by now, it’s a little upsetting that his route wasn’t as spicy as his side content. Please Cybird, let Mr. Flower Daddy be the sexy and dramatic man he can be. I love the way he cares for others, how hard he works to achieve the bonds and peace he has now for not only everyone he loves, but for the country they all live in as well. His many layers intrigue me, seeing his reactions as well ughhhh I love this man so fucking much, how do people irl deal with love like this? I’m sitting here dreaming over Sirius Oswald,,, and his,,, big hands,,, Never have I held such large and terrifyingly real emotions and lust for an otome character. The man just screams let daddy take care of you baby but also let daddy wreck your pretty whore mouth, little lady or maybe that’s just me projecting my kinks onto this pure (lol) man. Not only is his body, heart, and morals absolutely stunning, HE IS ANOTHER INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT BEING AND I CANNOT STRESSSSS HOW MUCH I FIND SMART PEOPLE INCREDIBLY SEXY AND THE WAY HE USES HIS TALENTS TO SUBTLY AID HIS LOVED ONES UGHHHHHH I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE. GODS PLEASE LET ME BREAK INTO THE SIXTH DIMENSION AND MARRY THIS MAN!!!! 
Kent (Amnesia Memories) - OKAY LET ME JUST SAYYYY HE IS THE BIGGEST BABY AND BIGGEST MAN AT THE SAME TIME AND YOU CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS IDC BUT HIS OUTFIT IS THE SHIT!!! FUCK YOU BELT HATERS!!! His outfit and his love slaps like the wholesome man he is. Absolutely I would love to h*ld his h@nds and give him the best smooches I can give. Because that is what he deserves. I really loved this game, growing to love Kent was easy despite his big brain fucker throwing math questions at me from time to time. I’m not sure what makes me like Kent so damn much, but I do and that’s what matters skjdfdskjfh. He is so damn precious,,, you all know those  “you so fucking precious when you smile” song video thingies? That is exactly how I feel about Kent. He’s so damn precious I want him to be happy always. And I will fight anyone who bullies him hnnn. 
Myeong Hwi aka Theodore Wilson + Lee Gun Wook aka William Harris (Mystic Code) - Mystic Code used to be one of my favs, till they did the whole updating and redoing the story thing, with no full voiced lines etc (I really hope they bring that back). But two stood out to me the most was Captain Wilson and Lieutenant Harris. Both have very strong personalities and care for the greater good, and thick as fuck lets be real with that dom energy . I adore men with strong and noble (?? is this the right word??) personalities and also possess a compassionate heart. As Theo is with the MIU team members and Will is with MC. 
Theodorus Van Gogh (Ikemen Vampire) - whoallowedthismantobethisfuckingattractiveandlegal??????  *insert his magic mike CG* I have played Theo’s route in JP a few times, once to completion but knowing him in the EN version I am already absolutely in love with this man. How this came to be? Maybe it’s his bittersweet personality, the way he cares for MC in the same way Sirius does, but he’s a bit more brash about it than Sirius. I absolutely adored his character growth in his route and as you get to know him better he opens up more and more, ahh the tsundere is quite the cute trait XD. He is strong willed and passionate, he is caring of his loved ones, he is loyal to his family, blood or found, and he is an absolutely attentive loving person. Why ask for more when you can just love Theodorus Van Gogh? He is the absolute softy packed into a large brooding and brash package with a shiny 8-pack abs that I wish to slather maple syrup on and lap up for the love of----  for someone who loves pancakes so much. And I very much admire his drive to do what he wants and needs to do to the absolute best of his ability. His will to thrive for the best he can get has me swooning. He truly is a breath taking man,,, whether that be because he is being a complete sweetheart all of the sudden or he’s whipping you some nasty insult that is itching for a rebut.
Alright, that’s it! I cheated a little lololll but there aren’t any rules so >;3c I can do as I wish. 
I uhhhhhhh don’t interact with many other otome blogs T^T (but maybe you can change that hwehwe) so I won’t be tagging anyone. However, if you do see this and want to join in and tag your friends pls do!!! Share the love, pass it on, scream about more 2D mans.
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drummergirl231-2 · 4 years
Daisy or Donald please)
How about both? :D
Ladies first!
My otp for them: DONSY!!! My brotp for them: DELLA!!!Any other ships: NOTheir best friend: Donald and Della!My favorite nickname for them: To be determinedMy favorite AU of them: There’s a Celiac AU that dances about my brain sometimes because I’m super gluten intolerant and projection is a trap easily fallen into. lol But like, imagine Daisy the health nut who can cook amazing allergen-free alternatives to popular meals that even the kids like. And guys, imagine Donald giving up gluten so he doesn’t make her sick. SO ROMANTIC!!! (Having severe food allergies/intolerances and/or an autoimmune disease really redefines what’s romantic XD).My favorite outfit they wear: So far we’ve only seen her pink coat in this version. It’s quite cute, though! And I love her shoes!
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My otp for them: DONSY!!! My brotp for them: DELLA!!!Any other ships: NOTheir best friend: Della, and Daisy, and Panchito, and José, and StorkulesMy favorite nickname for them: Does “Uncle Donald” count? :3My favorite AU of them: Hm... dunno if I have one specifically about him.My favorite outfit they wear: 
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Defining color: Dark blue? I know his two sailor shirts are light blue and black, but I just think of his color being dark blue.Would I date them: HE BELONGS WITH DAISY AND I COULD NEVER DATE A MAN I KNOW BELONGS WITH SOMEONE ELSE (also he’s a duck).First impression: lol Yup, that’s Donald, alright. XD I’m gonna love him.Current impression: He. Is. The CUTEST little dad and it’s so sweet he took care of his sister’s babies and always tries his best for them and it’s so inspiring he never gives up no matter how much he’s struggling and he deserves happiness and I’m so happy we’re gonna see him fall in love!!!Hogwarts House: Frank said it’s Gryffindor.Which Pokemon starter they’d be: As fiery as he is, he’s also a sailor, so I think a water type like squirtle would be good. Shoot, but if I want him and Daisy to have babies maybe he should also be a torchic? But now I feel like I’m making everyone a torchic just because they’re all such fiery birds. XD
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xgardensinspace · 4 years
Cosplay! Harringrove for Australia
Hello! I’m participating in harringrove for Australia! That means I’ll be offering cosplay and art in exchange for donations to an organisation providing aid to support those affected by the bush fires.
I’m asking that you donate money in exchange for me posting my work.
Follow these steps if you’re interested!
Reblog this post with a  donation amount offer (or DM me the info if you’re too shy) and your request for a cosplay or drawing, following the suggestions below
Send me a DM too, so I can acknowledge that I’ve seen your donation and will start working on it
I will be accepting donations  until my cap is reached or until midnight est of 12:00AM EST 1/27/20
Wait until I reply to your message, then you need to make your donation to one of these organisations supplying aid: Any organisation from this post: https://gothyringwald.tumblr.com/post/190091494330/harringrove-for-australia-where-to-donate-to OR: https://www.redcross.org.au/campaigns/disaster-relief-and-recovery-donate https://donate.vinnies.org.au/appeals-nsw/vinnies-nsw-bushfire-appeal-nsw
Donate!! Screencap your receipt – you need to send me this to show you’ve donated so we can all track how much we’ve raised as a group.
Block out any private contact  details you don’t want me to see!
Once I’ve seen your receipt I’ll start work on your project. It will be posted from Feb 10th-16th for harringrove week of love prompts and for all other contributions by 12:00AM EST 3/14/20
What I have to offer: Steve Cosplay for donations! Like my buddy cosplaying Billy @stardate85 , I’m also jumping into the bandwagon and allowing you to choose what you want for the cosplay! Be it pose, place, preferred outfit from the TWO that I only have, as well as even asking for some Steve in unconventional clothing. Most of my closet is black though xD Very goth and punk vibes. In agreement with Star, I can also pose for scenes from fics you like or have written, from fanart, the show itself, even random shenanigans you can think of! I too will have some limitations, but DM me your ideas and let’s just have fun with this! We’re doing it for a cause :) Same goes for art! Talk to meeeee. I do feel a little uncomfortable drawing full on nudies tho...mostly because I’m not experienced. But I am HERE for suggestive drawings, and some slight kinky things ;) So just offer your idears.
What I have available: I only have two outfits. The sailor uniform (handmade by me! And with a nametag handmade by a fellow artist friend!) and the look from season 2 when Steve makes friends with Dustin. I’m also VERY bendy and already had in mind posing as Steve in gymnastic-style poses if you’re interested xD I can do nice backbends/bridge, splits just barely touching the ground (lol), intermediate straddles, ok-ish Scorpions...just...just talk to me if you’re interested in the bendy poses! xD For art, I’m a traditional artist because I do not own a drawing tablet xD But I do almost any medium. My speciality is realistic portraits and coloured pencils. I have my own style but...the anatomy is questionable sometimes xD
Accepting prompts? Absolutely! For both, cosplay and art. Just keep this VERY IMPORTANT THING IN MIND: I’m getting a mohawk haircut on Monday, January 13 :0 So if you’d like to have a photo of Steve with his hair (as close as I can get it) like the one on the show, THEN YOU HAVE TO INPUT YOUR REQUESTS BEFORE Sunday, January 12 in the afternoon (USA Central time?) at the latest. I’m sorry about that :/ I am doing a shoot with a cousin (who will be Max!) and a buddie (Dustin) on Sunday, so if you want any interactions with the kiddos, you really do need to tell me before then as well. And if you’re into Steve with a mohawk, or you’re seeing this post too late...I AM HERE FOR YOU IN FULL SUPPORT OF STEVE WITH A MOHAWK! <3 Because I also want to see that & have plans to cosplay mohawk Steve again LATER w/a Robin...once I build her uniform xD
Additional Info:  I honestly don’t know when to cap the cosplays xD And I’m pessimistic as to if I’ll get requests anyways so...just keep those coming! I love dressing up anyways, haha. Capping art at 5 probably...because I’m a slow artist ;-; But I’m thinking of participating in Harringrove of Love this year, so your art ideas can help me contribute to that!
Suggested Donation Amount: $25 per cosplay photo! I’m not good at pricing art, but let’s do bust or waist up, single character at $5 in b&w, and $10 in colour? Medium of your choice. Bust/Waist both characters $15 for b&w and $20 in colour? Full body single character b&w or in colour $30, and $40 in colour? lol. Honestly though, please donate whatever is fair to you! If you donate an insane amount I will do my bestest to compensate you with an awesome drawing xD
Some examples of unedited photos (including a backbend with Max!) and a non-Harringrove art tag because I haven’t created any YET:
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Another tag by my beautiful friend @tiffany-of-wales which I am glad to do finally :D
Flower tag:
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed? 
Unicorns. And I also believe that what we call mythical creatures once did exist and somewhere still do.
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls? 
May I say CDs instead? I always like to have a CD booklet and like own the CD, putting it in my cupboard and say “ Look, I own this.” – not only on an online platform.
 primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read? 
Hmmm. Everyone? I do not think every book if for everyone but I recommend classics from Goethe, Schiller, Lessing and Shakespeare.
 lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets? 
I share some clothes with my mom. But if I had a boyfriend rn I would love to cuddle in his hoodies at times I think^^”
 bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month? 
That I finished my bachelor’s thesis. I learned so much and I hope the work was worth it so that I pass it and get a good mark!
 gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself? 
That I will try to get things done now that I have time during Corona.
 lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests? 
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again? 
Definitely not Ö.ö
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits? 
 apricot drift; how do you feel right now?
Bored. I don’t like the current situation.
 everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having? 
Omg this night I dreamed sm shit, I swear. I was horse riding at night in the forests (no sane soul would do that lol) and found a deserted planetarium.
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now? 
Getting a good mark on my bachelor’s thesis xD Oh, and I hope that I will be able to visit Rome this year – we had to cancel the Rome trip that was planned in a week for obvious reasons..
 lavender dream; turn ons/offs? 
Dangerous vibes/ being clingy and/or wimpy.
 water lilly; when was the last time you cried? 
Last week I think. Maybe the one before that.
 lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize?
 winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream? 
Depends, actually I do both.
 honey perfume; favorite movie ever? 
Hände weg von Mississippi (2007), Die Wilden Hühner (2006), most Studio Ghibli movies.
 desert rose; do you like yourself? 
Yes, I do.
 snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity? 
Yes, I did.
 night owl; how many countries have you visited? 
Only 5.
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle?
Many, many times. I love visiting castles and monasteries.
 creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done? 
Riding nearly every day into the woods with my high speed thoroughbred? xD Does that count? My girl is FAST.
 lantana; what’s on your mind right now? 
My horse Poly <3
 pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?
I’m a Capricorn.
 tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.
1. Even though I may look like it, I am no party girl at all.
2. Since childhood I had to deal with envy towards me which is why I never had many friends.
3. My best friend and I broke up several times – we’re both stubborn but we love each other a lot.
4. My love for history started with a documentary I watched when I was about 14. It was about vampirism in the balkan states. And it manifested with watching “The Tudors”, since then I knew that I wanted to study history – and now I do.
5. Without my friend Sandy I would have never settled down in church history during the Renaissance.
 daphne; do you believe in karma?
 queen of the meadow; ever been in love?
Never with a person from this time period, no. I hope I will in near future tough.
 wisteria; whom do you admire and why?
People who don’t spend their time with overthinking what other people might think of them.
 angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
The tales my father invented for me.
 remember me; did you make someone laugh today?
My dog when I offered him a bit of my banana.
 iris; do you believe in ghosts?
 lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?
That is hard. Renaissance Italy sure is fascinating but 17th century Europe comes to my mind more often, it’s weird.
 caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not? 
Maybe not living forever, But I would not mind at all staying young and beautiful as long as I live xD
 primula; what makes you sad?
What mankind does to the world, to the earth to it’s creatures: plants and animals. I think we deserve to suffer and die out.
 rain lily; was today typical? why/why not?
No, since everything is upside down thanks to Corona.
 queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most?
 Lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today?
Toast with Nutella and fennel tea. <3.
 forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life?
I wished I had done more social things during my teens. I was always studying and reading with my head in the clouds. I wonder how things would be different now when I had been in relationships earlier etc.
 lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?
Torn between LOTR and Harry Potter.
 violet; favorite tv show?
Borgia, now and always.
 sunflower; share a favorite quote.
Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it.
 snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like?
Getting up early, go seeing my horse and take a long ride into the woods. The weather would be cold but sunny. After having a nice lunch with my mom I would relax in the afternoon and then go visiting my best friend, for dinner we would have sushi and watch a nice movie together like best friends do. When I got home I would watch an episode of Borgia to relax and then go to bed <3.
 tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?
Reading, writing, history, horse riding, dreaming…..
 peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you.
In Neil Gaiman’s Coraline when Coraline is about to find the last child’s soul and the other crazy old man says: “You’re too clever and too quiet for them to understand. They don’t even get your name right.” I feel that sm.
 tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?
Partying maybe? I am a very shy person and would feel uncomfortable but I am afraid I miss something always staying at home at night.
 honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger?
Mostly about my age, but I like the guys to be older than me tbh.
 sweet pea; who means the world to you?
My horse Poly.
 love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read?
Actually I really enjoy Ludwig von Pastor’s History of the Popes. It may have it’s flaws but I it is really good researched and I appreciate all the notes and footnotes. Even though it’s academic literature it is still enjoyable to read.
 foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?
Sailor Moon! If that counts as a cartoon.
 magnolia; coffee or tea?
Tea, I have one right now.
 crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?
Can’t I have both?
 snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person?
I love both but probably more a dog person.
 bell flower; what is your biggest addiction?
 cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
Yes, we are so small, aren’t we? And yet mankind pretends to be so special and to know everything. How pitiful.
 moonflower; what’s your favorite color?
Fir Green.
 freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not?
I think so, yes.
 sundrop; are you a morning or a night person?
A morning person.
 poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness?
Yes, but I try to lock it inside.
 clover; how would your friends describe you?
Calm but clever.
 dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert?
 lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?
In romance novels I am always waiting for the s*x passages lol xD Probably because this kind of thing is missing in my life atm xD
 anemone; describe yourself in 3 words.
Astute, spiritual, special.
 lotus; best memory as a child?
The holidays in Bavaria. Nothing was more beautiful.
 angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?
Smokey grey, blonde.
 dahlia; do you like crystals?
 buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
Let everything bad for the environment disappear.
 baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house?
 calendula; biggest pet peeve?
 blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet?
If you read everything till now you will now – stay home with my pet and watch a movie/read a book. xD
 blazing star; share a secret.
Why would I?
 carnation; would you rather live longer or happier?
 petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why?
I stopped looking for rolemodels but try to live and be the best I can.
 bluebell; do you wear glasses?
And I tag everyone who wants to do this :D
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