#I love my richmond himbos
ckerouac · 1 year
Things Ted Lasso got wrong in the finale:
Not showing us team karaoke after the win. Let my himbos sing.
Sure they sung So Long, Farewell but they didn’t do it in Sound of Music costumes. Big swing and a miss.
At least dress Dani up as Gretel, c’mon.
Sassy should’ve gotten to stab Rupert. As a treat.
Did I mention the disturbing lack of team karaoke?
Trent Crimm… you and your hair are perfect baby, no notes
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thetarttfuldickhead · 5 months
Top 5 Background AFC Richmond Players
+ some random and unfounded assumptions about them. Listed for no other reason than that I wanted to.
5. Tom O’Brien
Tom, your kink is not my kink, but you’re unembarrassed about being a freak and I respect that. Also, seems you took being replaced by Zoreaux/Van Damme/Zorro as goalkeeper in your stride. Nothing about you make sense to me, and I dig that. 
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4. Robbie Roberts.
All right, this is shallow as fuck (then again, they’re background characters, not like I have a whole lot of deep stuff to go on), but I just think he looks really hot at the City game in 3x11.
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Look at his face! This man wants it. This man is ready. This man can pull off bright pink in a way Jamie would kill for (if he had the brains to understand that he doesn’t wear it as well as Robbie does). Good thing our favourite Tartt is substituted after scoring that goal, because my boy Robbie deserves to play more. (Yes, I could have edited the pic to leave Jamie out. I stand by my choices.)
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Also, look at him tapping Jamie’s shoulder as he runs past to take his place! Never noticed before, LOVE it. (Jamie, it seems, does not love it, but he’s a cranky baby who hurt his ankle, so we must forgive him.)
3. Declan Cockburn
Questionable opinions regarding leaked nudes aside, this man is a gentle giant to me. He’s not very bright, perhaps (but this is Richmond AFC, a team of himbos, so who is), and doesn’t always catch the nuances but is happy enough to go along with most of whatever. A quietly caring friend. Good in a brawl. Hums while he cooks. Looks nifty sporting an earring. Probably has a wife and several small children.
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(I resent the accusation that my favourite players are mostly players who are nice to Jamie. Even though that accusation is one hundred percent true.)
2. Jeff Goodman
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Listen. Listen. Jeff is probably a bit of an asshole (man’s just got that look, you know; also see my next point), BUT just like me he is genuinely fond of Jamie even when Jamie is a prick, so yeah. We’re two peas in a pod, Jeff and I. The lack of Jeff in fic is criminal (and I count myself amongst the guilty ones: we need to step it the hell up, fam). What is this silly Jamie fanboy up to in his spare time? Does his girlfriend get tired of him talking about his fucking colleague all the time? Is he bitter about Jamie hanging out so much with Sam and Dani these days? Does he have a favourite colour? A dish he likes to cook? What’s going on in that head of yours, Jeff? Inquiring minds want to know.
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1. Sasha Kukoč
My darling. My baby. My man of the glorious, glorious hair and interesting looks! Yeah, I don’t know. Just. He’s so dainty and seems really cool and level-headed in a way that goes way beyond his years and. I am inexplicably very, very fond of Sasha, all right? Whenever I see him chilling in the background my heart does a little dance. Best background Richmond AFC player because of reasons unknown. I have spoken.
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Damn right, he’s prettier than you. He could teach you, but he’d have to charge.
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justsomefunshit · 1 year
I’m really curious to see how the show will deal with Roy’s aggression (and aggression in general). Like, just two episodes ago we saw Jamie flinch and recoil away from him, because he slapped a fork out of Jamie’s hand.
Last episode he (and beard) encouraged the rage inside the himbos against the west ham players. I know intention is more important than causation, but you cannot tell be that if Roy was still a player he would have head butted every single one of those west ham players (who did nothing wrong).
This episode he was just so fucking psychopathic that Trent dropped his mug and even beard looked freaked out. He’s scaring grown men in they’re workplace. That’s just fucking harassment. Trent doesn’t know him. They’re not close.
It’s been really disconcerting to me how much more aggressive this season is. How haven’t we seen the aftermath of the last game? What the fuck did ted say to the himbos? What will be the breaking point? WHAT happens to make it inexcusable anymore?
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alphabetatoes · 1 year
what’s yalls favorite himbo moment from season 3 so far?
mines a 3-way tie between “WHY WOULD ZAVA BE WRITING A BOOK ABOUT TRENT CRIMM?”, colin hitting the trash cans, and “I made him a friendship bracelet ☺️”
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locklylemybeloved · 1 year
im just gonna say it, the entirety of richmond watching one of my all time favorite and first fav romcoms all together and all enjoying it was such a cathartic moment for me
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darththrog · 1 year
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This fucking show istg making me cry huh
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poemega · 1 year
Blorbo-ifying all of afc Richmond is a hobby thanks you very much
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wlntrsldler · 5 months
crush | sam obisanya
based on crush by tessa violet
description: you started getting origami hearts from a secret admirer. you secretly hoped it was a certain richmond player.
warnings: language-- it's ted lasso, what did ya expect?; kissing! a looootttt of smiling from sam, richmond himbos, sam and jamie bffs
pairing: sam obisanya x f! reader (she/her)
word count: 2.8K
ted lasso requests are open! | main masterlist
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It started on a random Tuesday. 
You walked into the coaches’ office where your temporary desk was located– Beard nearly begged you to take Trent’s old desk because the office without Ted or Trent just felt too empty– and you saw it sitting on top of your work laptop. 
It was a red, origami heart. 
You looked around, puzzled, trying to figure out who left it, or at the very least, if everyone else had one on their desks too. You tried to catch someone’s eye, perhaps they’d reveal who left it on your desk, but all the coaches were in the locker room talking strategy with the entire team. 
Maybe the coaches did get one and they just put it away before you got here. After all, you got to work an hour after everyone else did. You picked up the heart and turned it over to find something scribbled on the back. 
“If I were loved, as I desire to be” - Lord Alfred Tennyson
You furrowed your eyebrows, holding the origami heart gently as you ransacked your small bookshelf beside your desk. Your fingers traced the spines of the books you had laying around, stopping on your copy of Tennyson’s Poetical Works. A bookmark was peeking from the top of the book and you knew exactly what poem it was. 
The small smile on your lips threatened to get bigger as you read the poem over and over again. You were sure you read the poem about fifty times before you shut the book. By the time you got yourself situated, and placed the origami heart with the rest of the trinkets on your desk, it was time to join the coaches in the locker room. 
As you walked in, your eyes met Sam’s. He offered a small wave which you returned happily. Sam was the first friend you made at Nelson Road. When you were hired by KJPR to manage Richmond’s social media and newsletters, your time was split between the KJPR HQ and the facility. It wasn’t because Keeley needed you at KJPR, but more so because you were too nervous to work at a football club every day. 
Turns out, there was no reason to be nervous. About two weeks into your job, you found yourself itching to work onsite at Nelson Road. You loved the community they built there, their camaraderie, and their mutual trust, respect, and love for each other were more than admirable.
And sure, it also helped that Sam Obisanya was here, but that was neither here nor there. 
When Keeley and Rebecca first found out about your crush on Sam, which they had to force out of you– in your defense, you knew about Rebecca and Sam’s history and you didn’t want to step on any toes– they lost it. Rebecca, of course, reassured you that it was alright with her, especially since she was with her Dutchman now. The two women would make googly eyes at you whenever they saw you talking to Sam. 
“Y/N! Why else would he come into your office so often? He fancies you!” 
“He’s just borrowing a book, Keels,” you frowned, “Jan Maas and Bumbercatch do the same thing.” 
Rebecca rolled her eyes, “But they don’t do it as often.” 
You shrugged, “Maybe Sam just reads fast.” 
“Hopeless.” The two women said in sync, laughing as you threw a pen in their direction. 
Stuck in your little daydream, it was Roy’s booming voice that snapped you out of your thoughts. You blinked a few times, surprised to find Sam’s eyes still on yours. You blushed under his intense stare and decided to be the one to break the connection. You walked out behind Nate, pretending to scribble on your notepad. 
“Y/N!” Colin called, running to catch up with you. He threw an arm around you, “How’s my favorite social media and branding manager?” 
You eyed him wearily but played along. You’d need a few more seconds to figure out what he wants, “I’m alright. How about you, Hughes?” 
“I’m doing fine, as well. Say, did you do something new to your hair? It looks absolutely lovel-”
“Give it up, mate,” Sam chimed in, removing Colin’s arm from around you, “She is not taking down your promo pictures from the grid.” 
You feigned a look of hurt, “And here I thought you were just being kind to me!”
Colin let out a long groan, sounding like a toddler throwing a tantrum, “The pictures aren’t flattering, Y/N! I look hideous.” 
You shook your head, leaning up to squish Colin’s cheeks together, “Impossible. You’re proper fit. All of you are.” 
While your (failed attempt) pep talk didn’t lift Colin’s spirits– he then went to Isaac and complained even more as he was stretching– Sam’s ears perked up at your words. Did you think he was fit? No, no, you couldn’t have. You were just saying it to make a point to Colin, right? You said the whole team was fit, not just him. 
You waved goodbye to Sam, smiling at him once again, and he swears he felt his knees buckle from under him. How he managed to make it the rest of the way to the pitch and how he managed to remember how to play football after that was truly beyond him.
“Lord help me,” Sam muttered, leaning down to touch his toes. 
“Yeah, lad,” Jamie grimaced next to him, though his tone was teasing. He watched the entire situation unfold. He knew about Sam’s pining and has been on the receiving end of many of Sam’s “Y/N is so lovely. Y/N is so smart. Isn’t she great?” ramblings. “You need some divine intervention because you’re pathetic.” 
Sam just shoved Jamie, but he knew he was right. He was a goner. 
You figured that the origami heart was a one-time thing, but to your surprise, you found another one on your desk the following day. This time it was blue. Excited to find out what lies behind the paper, you picked it up hurriedly, already smiling ear to ear before you even read it. 
“In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.” - Virginia Woolf
“What do you have there?” 
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” You jumped at the sound of Keeley’s voice. She was leaning against the doorframe, smirking at your caught reaction. You held the heart between your pointer finger and thumb. You walked over to her, “This is the second one I’ve gotten.” 
Keeley’s eyes widened as she read the words on the back. She squealed, rushing to you to shake you by your shoulders, “Babe, you’ve got a secret admirer! Oh my gosh, this is so cute!” 
Keeley, bless her, was never one to be discreet when it came to all things romantic. Everyone in the locker room turned to look at you and Keeley in the coaches’ office, most with a confused expression on their face. You awkwardly waved before reaching over to pull Keeley into the covered part of the office. Sure, it wasn’t soundproof, but at least they didn’t get to see your embarrassment. 
“Hush,” you tutted, taking the heart back from her. You placed it beside the red one, smiling at how it made your desk look more colorful. “I do not have a secret admirer. Whoever is doing this obviously just has an affinity for good literature and wants to share it with me since I’m a reader.” 
“Right well I have an affinity for good champagne, but you don’t see me popping bottles with you every chance I get,” Keeley rolled her eyes, sitting on your desk. She picked up the origami heart from yesterday, groaning in disbelief, “Seriously, Y/N! How much more obvious can they get? They literally confessed their love for you in this one!” 
“I do not have a secret admirer.” 
“Who has a secret admirer?” 
You, once again, jumped at the sound of Rebecca’s voice. Her eyebrows were raised as she walked into your office, munching on some cookies. They weren’t better than Ted’s but she’d gotten used to having cookies for breakfast that she had to make do. 
“Y/N has a secret admirer, look!” Keeley ran to Rebecca, holding the two origami hearts in her hand. “Look at how cute these are.” 
Rebecca studied them closely, a large smirk on her face when she locked eyes with you, “This is Sam.” 
You blushed at the mention of his name, “It is not Sam because I don’t have a secret admirer. Now if you excuse me, I have work to do.” 
You tried your best to steady yourself as you walked out to the locker room. The coaches had finished their talk and the team was just doing some final things before they headed out to the pitch for training. 
Sam walked over to you, head tilted in question. “What was that about?” 
“Nothing,” you shook your head. “Keeley and Rebecca are just being silly.” 
He nodded, “Hey, I’m almost finished with the most recent book you loaned me.” 
“Are you?” You grinned at him. He mirrored you. “I love that book.” 
“I know,” Sam’s eyes drifted briefly to your lips. Oh, what he would give to feel your lips on his, even just for a second. He couldn’t help but keep staring at you as you went on about your favorite parts. Sam could picture the hundreds of outlined quotes you had in the copy he borrowed, different colored sticky notes and highlighters for different things. He noticed that as you spoke you stayed within the confines of the first part of the book. Sam realized later that it was because you didn’t want to risk spoiling anything for him. His heart warmed at the thought. 
By the time you finished recounting the book, you were red and out of breath. You placed a hand on Sam’s bicep, not missing the way he tensed under your palm. You could feel the outline of his hard muscles under his kit, which made you suck in a breath. “I’ll see you around, Sam. Come find me when you finish the book and I’ll let you talk my ear off about it. Only fair since I just did it to you.” 
He chuckled, watching you disappear into the hallway where Higgins' office was, the opposite way of the pitch where he was headed. His eyes followed your figure until you fully disappeared, which meant that he was not paying attention to where he was going. Right before his body crashed into a pole, Jamie grabbed Sam’s arm and pulled him toward the walkway. Sam, who seemed to awaken from his trance, shyly looked at Jamie. 
Jamie chuckled quietly at Sam. He whipped Sam playfully with a rolled-up towel. He jogged lightly and called out to him with his Mancunian accent, “Come on, lover boy. We got trainin’ to do.” 
After the fifth day of receiving origami hearts, you decided to take it upon yourself to investigate. Without telling anyone of your plans, not even Keeley or Rebecca who were still convinced it was Sam, you arrived at Nelson Road ten minutes after the call time for the team and coaches. 
You entered from the back of the facility, knowing that you had closed your blinds before you left work yesterday. If there was someone in your office, they wouldn’t see you coming in. As you approached the coaches’ office, the outline of someone leaning across your desk caught your eye. 
Your heart swelled when you realized who it was. You cleared your throat, “Sam?” 
Sam turned around quickly, staring at you like a deer in headlights. He rubbed the back of his neck, “Oh hey, Y/N! You’re here early.” 
“Yeah, I have a few things to get done today,” you lied, walking over to your desk. “What are you doing here?” 
“Oh, right, um,” he held out the book you let him borrow from behind him, “Just wanted to return this. I was just gonna leave it on your desk, but since you’re already here, here you go.” 
“Oh,” you tried to mask your disappointment as you reached over to grab the book from him. Your fingers grazed his, sending shocks throughout your entire body. You looked down on your desk and found an origami heart on your laptop once more. This time it looked like a different type of paper. It was lightly colored and patterned instead of the usual solid color.  You looked at Sam, “Did you see who left this here?” 
Sam, who was already halfway out the door, shrugged, reaching up to rub the back of his neck again, “Nope. It was there when I got here.” 
Sure, you always denied that the secret admirer was Sam whenever Keeley and Rebecca teased you for it, but you would be a liar if you said you didn’t also secretly hope that it was him. You really liked Sam. Ever since you started working for AFC Richmond, Sam has shown you nothing but kindness. He asks you how you’re doing, and genuinely cares about your response. He pops in every week or so to borrow a book from your personal library. Then, he sits in your office after training when he finishes a book to talk about it with you. That was your favorite part of your job. 
The entire day, you felt dejected and defeated. You’re never going to figure out who was leaving you these little hearts. You didn’t join the team on the pitch or leave your office. At the end of the day, you found yourself staring at a blank Word document. A knock on your wall pulled you from your thoughts. You looked up and found Sam, standing in your doorway with two bags of takeaway in his hands. 
“Ready to talk Normal People?” Sam asked, walking in to take his usual spot across your desk. “I brought yummy food.” 
He nodded, unwrapping the boxes of food to lay out on your desk. “Of course.” 
“Yes!” You cheered, reaching for your hand sanitizer. You offered some to Sam, which he gladly accepted. You pumped some into the palm of his hand and watched in concern as he hissed in pain when he rubbed it into his skin. “You okay?” 
He shook his hands to air dry them, a grimace still on his features. “Yeah, just forgot that I had paper cuts.” 
The admission almost flew over your head. Almost. It wasn’t until Sam muttered the word “Shit,” under his breath did you realize what he said. Sam rarely ever cussed, and when he did, it was because of something big. When you looked at him, he was staring at you with a nervous look on his face. 
“Sam…” you trailed off. 
Sam, taking your tone as a rejection, balled up his fist and bit his knuckles in anticipation. When you couldn’t find the right words, Sam interjected, “Okay, Y/N, before you get mad, hear me out please.”
You continued to stare at him in disbelief, unable to accept that it was him. He pushed his chair back, giving himself more space as he began his explanation. “Alright, so… Yes, it’s me. I have been leaving these little hearts on your desk. I’m sorry I lied to you this morning, but I panicked! I didn’t know you were coming in early. Also, I promise that I was going to tell you eventually. I was just nervous because I don’t want to ruin what we have now.” 
“I like being friends with you,” he started to say, then cringed at his own words, “Okay, let me rephrase that–  I enjoy being your friend, but I do want something more. I really like you, Y/N. I have never really been good at expressing my romantic feelings to people so I figured the greats could do it for me so I started making these little origami hearts with my favorite works and quotes on the back. I was getting quite good at it until I switched the paper I was using. Thus, the paper cuts.” 
“Sam, I-”
“Also, I just want to add, you are absolutely under no obligation to go out with me or anything like that. Unless, of course, you want to. Then, that would be great! I would love to go out with you.” He looked at you, like truly looked at you, for the first time since he began his little ramble. He groaned,  “Christ, you didn’t even ask. Wait– I didn’t even ask you to go out yet.” 
“Sam, please,” You laughed, getting up from your chair to stand in front of him. “I was hoping it was you who was leaving these origami hearts.” 
“Really?” he asked, breathless. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much. “You are not disappointed that it was me?” 
You backed off a bit as he stood from his seat, walking over to you. You shook your head no, “I was absolutely devastated when you said it wasn’t you who put it on my desk this morning.” 
Before you could say anything else, Sam placed his lips on yours. His hands found the side of your face, holding you at an angle that made it easier for your lips to glide against each other. Your hands lay flat against his chest, feeling the rumbling of his heart easily. As you slipped your tongue into his mouth, a deep groan escaped him, which fueled your actions. After a few moments, you pulled away from him but kept him close. 
Your arms were wrapped around his neck as you looked up at him. “So what do you think? The paper cuts worth it?” 
“Oh, 100%,” Sam easily replied, laughing as he squeezed your hips. He leaned down once again, unable to keep his lips away from yours any longer. 
Needless to say, you didn’t get to talk about Normal People, but neither of you cared.
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puppypeter · 8 months
I very rarely think about storylines for royjamie after richmond (because it breaks my heart a little to think of anyone of the team leaving) but like it's possible that jamie would choose to stay with richmond his whole career, it's also possible that the people at richmond itself would push for him to play for *insert the name of whatever other european football team is considered the best* and he becomes a proper super star, being invited for fancy events and shit.
(In a made up world where Ted stayed in London) Roy and Jamie got together while at richmond and now Roy travels with him everywhere as his own personal coach / PA / secret boyfriend / man behind the camera of every instagram post / personal grumpy cat / number one fan / emotional support teddy bear / personal chef etc He loves being with him 24/7 and finds it fulfilling to still be involved with football and helping someone be the best they can be but without the added pressure of having to constantly step outside his comfort zone that he'd have experienced being a manager to a whole team (he's doing good with being vulnerable with Jamie, he can do it with one person that he loves and he is still going to therapy for himself to work through his own trauma/CEN/grief and is focusing on learning to be in his skin as a human being and not this fucked up idea of masculinity he's got in his head) And Roy has a private instagram account under a random username where he follows and is followed only by the richmond team/coaches/Rebecca/Higgins + Keely + Georgie & Simon + his sister and he only uses it to post pictures of food, nature, weird shit he finds in the cities they visit, and his fit boyfriend. Since it's friends only he does use captions ("the muppet had a late night last night" with a picture of Jamie asleep on the floor) and all the himbos love to comment, especially Dani's "Sexy muchachos #JOY" under every single picture.
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"night out post Milan fashion week with the muppet and some lovely faces i have missed"
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"one handsome dressed-up muppet in Paris"
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"Elopement fit check #MyMuppet" (which sends everyone in a melt down) Here's some pics of Roy that Jamie posts instead (in his photo dumps to be sneaky but there's really a lot of roy on his profile - also they 100% got a puppy!!). Also think the proper first post containing only Roy that Jamie would post would be after they elope and it would melt down the internet (the in-universe royjamie rpf-ers especially)
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(the last one is such a slutty roy pic *cough cough*)
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"Roy Kent always remains 💙🪢" (somebody feel free to make an actual ig posts edit of this with better pics/captions if you fancy I will do nothing but cry and thank you forever because I have no skills but I cannot stop thinking about these muppets getting married!!)
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s4turns-st4rs · 7 months
𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
🎧 ﹐ ♡﹒𝘢 𝘫𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘢 𝘢𝘶﹒ ᶻ ᶻ
𝐚/𝐧: whoop it’s a social media au. there is literally no plot it’s just fluffy shit. enjoy lovelies xx
𝐟𝐜: king princess (all photos used are from pinterest!)
𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠: (𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘵) 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴 - 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘴
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liked by roykent, jamiebloodytartt, tedlasso, and 199,927 others
y/n_y/l/n and the season begins !! so lucky to be the social media manager for the lovely afc richmond, good luck to my boys xxx
tedlasso so lucky to have you on board !!
jamiebloodytartt ready to destroy the competition this season
╰─▸ y/n_y/l/n that is what you said last season, and the season before that…
╰─▸ jamiebloodytartt piss off you bloody pessimist
username sam and colin are so bbg
vandamme we are not their boys
╰─▸ jamiebloodytartt we are their boys
╰─▸ samobisanya we are their boys
╰─▸ hughes we are their boys
╰─▸ isaacmcadoo we are their boys
╰─▸ danirojas we are their boys
╰─▸ and 15 others
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liked by y/n_y/l/n, tedlasso, hughes and 528,825 others
jamiebloodytartt games night with the team !! ready for the next season
isaacmcadoo cheater
╰─▸ jamiebloodytartt man please forgive me i swear on my life i didn’t cheat
╰─▸ isaacmcadoo likely story (i don’t forgive you)
username the hand holding hello???
╰─▸ username2 it’s y/n 100% they’re definitely into him
╰─▸ jamiebloodytartt i don’t blame them i’m hot as
╰─▸ y/n_y/l/n and humble too 🤨
╰─▸ jamiebloodytartt just telling it like it is, baby
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liked by jamiebloodytartt, tedlasso, msrebeccawelton and 528,926 others
y/n_y/l/n richmond 1, west ham 0 (fuck you, rupert, we’re ready to celebrate)
username11 the amount of jamie photos… they can’t be just friends
╰─▸ y/n_y/l/n hey man, what happens on the team bus stays on the team bus
╰─▸ roykent i swear to high christ if you two fucked in the bus i’m kicking you both off the team
╰─▸ y/n_y/l/n IT STAYS ON THE BUS MAN.
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liked by y/n_y/l/n, tedlasso, msrebeccawelton, hughes and 982,278 others
jamiebloodytartt wishing the happiest of birthdays to my lovely tech nerd smartass gf !! love you more than you could ever know y/n❤️
y/n_y/l/n love you too my stupid athlete himbo bf
username9 this is my roman empire
msrebeccawelton cuties ❤️❤️
username17 if my relationship isn’t like theirs i don’t want it
username14 me and who????
username19 who’s gon be the stupid athlete himbo bf to my lovely tech nerd smartass gf?
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asteria-argo · 8 months
You mentioned is one of your WIP posts about how the Richmond coaches share repairability of the players, I would love to hear your thoughts on who belongs to who?
Not only do I have thoughts, I have a whole chart.
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The way this works in my mind is that it's a combination of how helpful the coach actually is when the player has a problem, how likely to player is to go to the coach for help and how well they get along just as people.
We'll start with Roy. Roy's only got a couple of players that are really his problem, for a couple reasons. One, Roy is scary and unapproachable but also two, Roy became a coach after most of the players had already cemented themselves as either Ted or Beards problems. That leaves Roy with Isaac and Jamie.
Jamie as Roy's problem is self explanatory. Ted fumbles the bag with Jamie every time he tries, and Beard kind of freaks Jamie out, so he doesn't usually go to him for help. We all agree Jamie is Roy's problem.
Isaac is also Roy's problem. This has canon basis, I can cite my sources but for convenience sake I'll paraphrase my reasoning and that is that Roy was a lot more instrumental to Isaacs development than any of the other coaches. Roy is the one who chose Isaac as the next captain, it was Roy who helped Isaac through his slump in season two before Roy had even come back to be a coach, and it was Roy who spoke to Isaac after he went after that fan in the stands. Isaac is Roy's problem.
Next we'll talk about Beard. Beard in canon doesn't have a lot of one on one interaction with any of the players, so I'm going mostly on vibes for the players that are his problem.
That's why Bumbercatch is mainly Beards problem. I think their weird girl energies line up pretty well, and when Bumbercatch is doing weird things Ted doesn't know how to handle, Beard is usually able to step in. Jan Maas is also mostly Beards problem, because Jan Maas appreciates Beards direct but minimal approach to coaching.
Colin is also a good balance of Ted's problem and Beard's problem with a slight lean towards being Beards problem. Not because Colin actually goes to Beard for help that often, more because Beard decided Colin was his problem and keeps an eye on him when he can. I was actually tempted to make a little circle that included Trent and put Colin there, because that is who Colin actually goes too for help more often than not, but in terms of The Coaches, Colin is usually Beards problem.
Zoreaux and Richard were tricky for me, because they don't do a lot in canon so I think they both fall under the general umbrella of being Ted's problem because he's the manager more often than not, but I think Beard is pretty involved with the goal keepers so Zoreaux is his problem sometimes.
As for Ted, he will usually take point in issues regarding Dani or Sam. As the manager, everyone on the team is under the blanket umbrella of being his problem, but Sam and Dani will usually seek Ted specifically out for help with things on the occasions they need it and Ted is always be happy to help them to the best of his ability.
As for all the background himbos, they fall solidly in the center thanks to the fact that because they have at best vague personalities and I don't even know most of their names, so they're usually the problem of whoever is closest to them at the time.
I hope you enjoyed this because I spend So Much Time thinking about it.
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ckerouac · 1 year
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
keeley wanting to take a blood oath with her coworkers on ayahuasca is so funny like these writers really understand girl culture 😌
dani is the unsung hero of this episode because his lines have such an innocence to them even as he’s telling trent to fuck off which honestly takes talent to portray with such naïveté so kudos to cristo for that!
THE TEAM BEING UPSET EVEN BY THE RUMOUR OF ROY AND KEELEY BREAKING UP hands down the funniest and most amazing scene of the episode like they all know roykeeley are precious and the king and queen must be protected at all costs i love those himbos 🥰
trent is doing his best and honestly we love him for it. I mean look at that face, what’s not to love?
I do think his book will cause some ground to rumble at richmond though. rebecca and keeley and higgins were right in nodding vigorously at ted because it will not be good if it blows up
also rebecca saying yes while seeing a bunch of no gestures just after ted did the same thint mhm yeah soulmates I do believe
roy is being his usual self this episode and you can so clearly see how his mindset with his career last season set the tone for his mindset in his relationship with keeley which led him to break up with her. he’s being stupid because hello, she’s keeley fucking jones, he needs to get over the insecurity, but I also get how his it’s valid as he’s felt it in so many aspects of his life before. him holding onto the news clipping is proof of that. the whole “some people would rather quit than get fired” thing just is so layered with him dumping her out of fear that he would end up dumped one day and have his insecurities about not being good enough for her confirmed. this also means he’s growing and will get over it though, trust in endgame everyone !!
zava is more of a diva then jamie was in season 1 and it is going to be a BLAST watching jamie perhaps revert back to his old self just a *little* bit out of jealousy and watch these two have one big ol’ diva-off (in my head it plays out like a “lip sync battle for your life” on rupaul’s drag race kind of moment but that’s just me)
jamie trying to hug roy and roy shoving him away cause he was freaked out was absolutely hilarious like it’s giving fleabag when claire tried to hug her (if anyone hasn’t seen fleabag pls go watch it on amazon prime)
Rupert Mannion is a slimy turd and I hope Rebecca murders him in a violent and unspeakable manner and then gets away with it
also Rebeca yelling at Zava in the bathrooms paralleling when she told Keeley that men give each other jobs in bathrooms all the time!!! Haha!
give me a ten hour episode of Jason Sudeikis as Ted Lasso batting his eyelashes and making comments about Hallmark Christmas movies and I will be a happy woman
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instantcaramel · 10 months
A month ago I went to Amsterdam and visited all the filming locations for Ted Lasso‘s „Sunflowers“, so I figured I‘ll finally put something together here.
First of all, basically all the scenes involving the majority of the Richmond himbos were not shot on location - their epic discussion followed by pillow fight was filmed in an abandoned hotel in London. (Info per David Elsendoorn). The same would go for Ted & Beard‘s room. Scenes on the bus or outside it were also filmed in Richmond.
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The only Greyhound who doesn‘t have his own larger plotline in the episode who was actually in Amsterdam was David Elsendoorn, because they did film the first scenes at Johan Cruijff (you know how to pronounce it now!) ArenA, the home of Ajax Amsterdam (which is also the one place I didn‘t have time to visit). They could have easily filmed that in London in a different stadium but I guess they didn‘t want to pass up the opportunity - and give David something to do on his home turf.
Edit: I visited 3 months later, so here‘s some pics from the ArenA, I couldn‘t find out which hallway they used/dressed up for the press interviews, but here‘s some shots from the stadium and the VIP lounge we see at the beginning.
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So, first up is Roy & Jamie‘s adventure: Jamie takes him sightseeing against his will, and the first place they stop on is Magere Brug (Skinny Bridge). (They run up the street to that before.)
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Edit thanks to @warriorhoneybee: Roy grabs Jamie’s wrist at Diamond Factory on Rokin and then tells him he can‘t ride a bike outside Lyppens Jeweler at Langebruugsteg.
They go around the corner to Oude Turfmarkt (which is what I took a picture of) for Jamie to teach him how. For Grandad!!!
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The fucking windmill they see before they lovingly gaze into each other’s eyes is De Riekermolen at the Southern end of Amstelpark, where they also cycle. (It‘s actually realistic for them to do that, it would be about half an hour between those locations by bike).
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Rebecca doesn‘t see the obvious bike lane (that doesn‘t actually exist there) and falls into the gracht at Raamgracht. Boaty McBoatface‘s houseboat is still there, they just had it dressed up a bit with plants and such when they filmed. (Unclear if anyone currently lives there). The interiors were shot in a studio.
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Trent follows Colin to Prik night club (which was absolutely buzzing when I was there, I really want to go back).
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And then they sit at the Homomonument, the Pink Triangle memorial at Westerkerk, having that tearjerker of a conversation, before returning to party. (It walked that distance at night, it‘s a beautiful stroll and less than 10 minutes). When I visited someone had left sunflowers. 🌻
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Leslie & Will first go to Hotel Prins Hendrik in the Red Light district (and steps away from Amsterdam main station) where Chet Baker died. They then make their way to Jazz Café Alto, which is just down the road from where Boom Chicago used to be on Leidseplein. (It‘s about 30 mins on foot between those two locations so they could have walked or just taken the tram for a few stops. The interiors were done at a studio though).
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Ted of course visits the studio-filmed fictional themed restaurant where he has a BBQ sauce induced, Corey Burton-narrated epiphany about triangles, but first he sees Vincent‘s „Sunflowers“ at Van Gogh Museum during Museumnacht (which btw would mean the episode is set first weekend of November). As you can tell they moved some things around, so at least currently the painting isn‘t hung on that beautiful blue wall anymore.
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As a bonus, here is a picture of where Boom Chicago used to be when Jason Sudeikis, Brendan Hunt and Joe Kelly performed there - Brendan also used to live above the McDonald‘s on Leidseplein just steps away for a while. And the other picture is the current Boom Chicago on Rozengracht, definitely go enjoy a show there if you can.
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Anyway thus concludeth my trip around Ted Lasso‘s Amsterdam. I visited for the Boom Chicago Comedy Festival and fell in love with the city, it was … magical / gezellig. I will never forget it, but then again, some people get Alzheimer’s.
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My thoughts about the Ted Lasso finale (no particular order)
The end montage was obviously Ted’s dream for the future and not even subtly so jot that down
Actually just gonna add that this is the show’s way of telling us the potential these characters have and what Ted wishes for them but without his presence it’s up to them now
Roy mouthing alone to Goodbye, Farewell broke me because he’s clearly the one who put together the choreography
Also Dani singing? My most beloved
Jaime and Roy clashing one last time might have pissed some people off but this was always a rock in their shoe that they needed to address and we see that their relationship can and will survive it
I like Rebecca’s romcom ending even if I wanted her to end with Ted.
Ted going back to his son was necessary and the whole point. He always blamed his father for abandoning them. When he came to Richmond he was all but running away from his family in hopes things would magically fix themselves. Instead, he put in the work and healed. But his biggest triggers were always connected to him missing his son’s life. In the end, Ted’s growth was the point so he could go back to them and be the best version of himself for them and for himself.
Ted not talking while Rebecca rambles was actually perfect. Old bitter Rebecca would’ve never opened up like that. But old Ted would’ve also rushed to reassure her or try to make a joke or cheer her up. This time, Ted lets her speak and then sticks to his guns, even if the truth is uncomfortable for others. He allows himself to do this for himself and not to please others.
Beard staying for Jane was foreseeable given the toxic codependent nature of their relationship. Happy perfect endings don’t exist. His story is still developing.
Furthermore, the real growth came from Beard letting himself choose something regardless of what Ted is doing and breaking himself free from a cycle of guilt and feeling in debt.
I know it was in the dream but god I hope Roy gets therapy. We did see the roots of him wanting to change and be better and accept the help he needs so he’s in the right path.
Keeley/Roy/Jamie is still endgame in my heart. Eventually. Once all three are in the right place.
The himbos singing made me cry. A lot.
Even if it was in the dream, if Jamie actually chose to reconnect to his dad somehow I think it wouldn’t be the end of the world. He would get to do it on his terms and only because he chose to have him in his life to some degree. Which might simply be being civil and talking from time to time, so long as his father keeps putting in the work to better himself and takes steps to make amends and apologize and acknowledge all his wrongs. Who knows. It’s an open ending.
Loved everything about the match.
Glad Van Damme got closure from Rani Dojas and that Dani acknowledged his part in what happened and tried to make amends.
CANT believe they made me feel sorry for George.
The cold open was a tease but I loved to see what could’ve been (and who says Ted and Rebecca didn’t find each other while running away from all that noise and one thing less t another…)
I wish we’d seen Sam’s restaurant and his cute chef one last time.
Actually wish we’d had a little bit of all the other himbos.
And finally
I… don’t think it was the series’s finale. I don’t know. I might be wrong but lately all interviews from the cast suggest deep down they hope something else will come and maybe they’ll be like “you know what, this story isn’t over” or something.
That last scene and the musical cue with Ted’s final shot felt so dissonant to me. Like there’s something still unfinished there.
I, like Roy Kent, have all my fingers crossed.
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countessklair · 1 year
things i desperately want from Ted Lasso s3:
ted stays in Richmond (i know, i know, his son and i get that, but i just HATE it when the found family is split up at the end of the story, this is fiction please let me live with the fantasy idea of all of them living in close proximity until the end of time)
roy and keeley back together (for good) because come ON they are in LOVE and they belong together, let them do their growing on their own, sure, but PLEASE let my parents get back together by the end!!
zava OUT. i'm so sick of this dude, i would like for my himbos to stop worshipping him like a god, please and thank you. zava is selfish and the longer he's here the more likely it is he'll break Dani's heart and i'm not about that.
colin and michael to stay together, PLEASE. idk much about their relationship, no one does at this point to be fair, but i like the vibes i'm seeing so far!!!
within that realm, please don't have a 'you need to come out for me or i will dump you' plot line, that's so gross and i hate it every time it happens. obvs trent won't out colin, but writers LOVE the outing ultimatum from the romantic partner, even if i LOATHE it
more Nora and Phoebe. and Sam's family and Roy's sister and any other family tidbits, ESPECIALLY the Higginses
jamie and ted father son bonding time please!!!! ESPECIALLY with jamie finally being told ted wasn't the one who sent him away
isaac not being traded??? like dude please don't get rid of my haircutting, shoe fanatic boyfriend i love him
and finally-
PEOPLE TO APOLOGIZE FOR CALLING JAMIE'S VERY WELL DESERVED SIDEYE BEHAVIOR AT ZAVA 'acting like a little bitch' LIKE DUDE. Jamie's been so supportive of the team and in the group shots he celebrates their goals and wins (even with Zava showboating and stuff), but it's JAMIE who notices Zava stealing all the credit, Zava effectively shutting out the other players from the crowds so all the crowds see are ZAVA, and, hello, acting like a CULT LEADER with the team!!! Jamie isn't being a 'little bitch' he's grossed out by this very weird, fanatical meglomaniac who's taken up residence on the team that, before this, never would have tolerated this kind of behavior. for gods sakes he still thinks they GOT RID OF JAMIE for doing similar shit, which even if it isn't true, no ones even HINTED to him that it's not true, not even Ted.
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