#I love seeing your stuff on my Dash and peeking at your blogs
phoenix-flamed · 11 months
asdjkfdslkf Thank you guys so much for your feedback!! I appreciate it a lot! ; A ; I do have one more question, if that's okay!
Do you guys have any advice for how to go about, or at least get started, making super dynamic graphics? I'm forever heart-eyes at you all and your work, and I'd love to do something flashier for my blog theme and promo, as well as make some shinies for my partner's blog too!
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familyvideostevie · 2 months
okay. hello! i'm back. :)
maybe you noticed, maybe not, but i have been away for a while.
i wish i could say i've been out living my life, so caught up in happiness and joy and loving each day that i've just not had time for tumblr. but....that is not true. i have been having a tough time! being away has been good, as i've had time to do other things that i like and to put energy into my own well-being, but it hasn't been the best time, I'll tell you that.
i peeked on the dash every now and then to keep my queue full and reblogged soothing things to my main blog and tried my best not to feel guilty about it all (i was also booping on April 1 lol). i just...I really needed a break. i've really enjoyed being here the last six or so months as i've changed my blog and entered the pedro/tlou space but i've also felt so, so alone.
and i know that it doesn't really matter!! like, we should all take breaks and go outside and all that stuff. and I know plenty of people are not very active, but this blog has been such a vital part of my life and happiness since I started it almost two years ago, so any lapse in activity feels like a loss. I've met lifelong friends and flexed my writing muscles and learned a hell of a lot. the fact that I have started to feel isolated and alone on here is a sort of personal betrayal, and there is no one to blame but myself.
So, I’m pulling back.
it means a few things — i don’t know how much writing I’ll be doing from now on. For Joel, especially — it’s been wonderful to meet folks in that community but it has also been really detrimental to my passion for both the game and writing. I’d like to return to some other characters on my masterlist, but we’ll see. I’ve got endless personal projects away from tumblr that I want to pour love and time into (my non-reader fics, my newsletter, a romance novel, a sci-fi novel, poetry, etc). I need to fall in love with my own work again.
it's a me problem, I want to stress that. i'm working on it! irl stuff has been kicking my ass. I've had a really, really hard winter and my mental health has suffered probably more than ever before. i let things I love -- like this blog -- fester and become negative and no longer being me joy. writing became stressful and difficult and I was focused on notes and interaction and looking around me and seeing success and then looking at myself and only seeing lack.
but that's why I took a break! i am getting help and support irl, i am putting in the time and effort to feel better about being alive and to be a better friend and person all around. And I want to tell you all about it because I am so grateful for your time and attention and support, even if we’re just strangers on the internet. i know this probably seems silly -- who cares about a fanfic blog? well, i care! i care a lot! it matters to me and therefore it matters!
anyway. on to the important stuff. here I am! and here's what's going to happen on this blog:
I am working on replying to asks and reblogs and comments I missed. Thank you for being patient with me! I don't know if I'll get to them all but know I see them and I am honored every single time.
I made a totally separate ao3 account with this blog url. I'm working on uploading everything I've posted here onto there and hopefully will continue to crosspost. It is going to take a long, long time, so please be patient! (you can follow my other ao3 here for my non x-reader fanfic).
I posted this fic! Jackson!Joel pulled me back into his world. It’s the first thing I’ve written in ages, so let me know what you think. as of now it's the last planned fic for that series, but who knows!
I hit a milestone while i was away that I am absolutely blown away by. I'm planning a celebration around it sometime this spring (hopefully) and I’d love to see you participate :)
lastly, thank you so much to my friends for letting me complain, whine, winge, etc. I am so sorry for missing all of your work, your celebrations, your bright energies, and all the rest. i am so sorry if it seemed like i was ignoring you. you are my guiding lights, my silver linings, my touchstones. you make me want to be here. i will try to make it up to you!
I want to be online less but make sure I’m connecting more in the moments that i am here. I want to pressure myself to write less and not feel bad that I’m not engaged all the time. I want this blog to once again feel like a place that nourishes me and not sucks me dry. i want to stop feeling like shit about all of it!!!!
so. come hang out in my inbox, my dms, let me know what you've been up to. I am really sorry for missing so much. thank you for sticking around. <3
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marypsue · 10 months
Hhhhhn I’m glad you put your pinned post back bc i missed a few sneak peeks!! First of all, I love the ominous suit baddies and a new introduction for Erica Sinclair bc she honestly would be a child detective and rabble rouser! Also I love that Erica has heard enough about Lucas’s connection that lets him sneak into the movies that she goes to Steve when she feels unsafe! Tbh I feel like it’s a crime that we never got a scene of Lucas braving about his cool older friend who lets him go to movies for free and drives only for Erica to call Steve a loser but clearly note down that he’s a trusted adult ( let thé Sinclair siblings bond!! Let them be children and shit talk but also care for each other deeply! )Also truly such a joy seeing your impeccable sense of dramatic tension bc that scene sucked me right back in and left me excited about stranger things again . The blend of character work and plot has really gotten so good and it’s fun seeing how your style changed since the first installment!! Also belatedly, the age swap fic (another beloved marypsue AU that is always rotissering in my brain alongside body swap) with Nancy detectiving and a fun twist on the classic Hopper finding the government conspiracy beats of ST1.
Hello hello! Thank you so much! I'm thrilled to hear that the tension is good, and that the plot and character work seem to be working together well. That's all I ever want.
I love Erica and I want her to have all of the screentime! All of the sibling relationships on Stranger Things are so interestingly set up and I just want more of all of them. All the time. Forever.
I feel like the setup in this AU allows for a little more cross-generational interaction in general than the show itself implies. That was one of the things I really liked about s3, the way it put together the Scoops Troop instead of just splitting everybody up into three groups based on age again. It worked really well in s1 because, obviously, they were riffing on three different genres aimed at the three different age categories, and also because none of the characters knew anything, including that the others were involved. The more everybody knows, though, the more you either have to come up with external obstacles to separate them out and not have them share what they know with the others, or you gotta play with and shake up that structure a little. (I'm having some fun with it with former heroes right now, and I hope you'll like how it turns out!)
It's funny that you should mention the change in style, because it's something I've been thinking about recently. Part of it is definitely that the first installment in this AU is canon divergent after all the canon setup and everything, so I was able to lean a lot more heavily on what I could assume the audience already knows. I liked that a lot, and I'd like to try to pull that stylised, storytelling-style voice back into it more. But the changes in the s1 and s2 fics have enough knock-on effects, and I'm also changing enough things in the plot, that I can't lean so much on what people already know about s3. (Although I'm definitely having fun using some of those expectations!) I want to make sure everything's set up well, clear, and makes sense, and I'd like to do a little more of that highly stylised stuff again. Hoping I can strike a balance there.
Also, just so you know, for when and if I change the pinned post again (which will happen when I have a new fic to post), there are a few ways to see only the samples on my blog, other than the pinned post. I am from the Ancient Times, before tumblr decided blogs should automatically open in the dash, and my pinned post is actually just a roundup of the links in the header that you can see if you go to my public-facing blog page! (This page also has the added benefit that you don't have to be logged in to tumblr to see it. Technically, every blog has a URL like this, but I believe that if you use the default tumblr theme, it forces you to go to the blog-in-the-dashboard version automatically. I'm not sure, though, I haven't changed my blog theme in something like a decade.)
I also tag for organisation, and I find it's easier to find tagged posts in the [blog].tumblr.com view than the blog-in-dashboard view. On marypsue.tumblr.com, if you click on a tag, it will show you every post tagged with that tag, in chronological order. It won't catch posts that use the same phrase in the body text, only posts that have been tagged. But it will bring up every post with that tag, and it won't show you duplicates of the same posts (which I find the search often does for no apparent reason).
All my fic samples and fic posts are tagged with the wildly imaginative this is mary's fic tag. All my original writing is tagged with mary writes. I've also tried to start tagging by WIP name. So if you're, say, in the mary writes tag, and you read and enjoy a sample from Fearleading Squad, you can click on the fearleading squad tag on the post and it will show you more samples from that WIP. Or if you're looking for samples from the upcoming final installment of the Hawkins, Indiana psychic baby boom, there's a tag for that too.
(If you already knew all of this and just found the pinned post more convenient, I hope you'll forgive me. I just realised as I was reading your ask that tumblr goes out of its way to direct you to the blog-in-dashboard view, and I don't know how common knowledge it is anymore that there's another option.)
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sketch-mer-6195 · 2 years
Hey y'all,
Many of you know me as the goofball kind of person who has one too many fandoms and likes to reblog all sorts of stuff (currently TMNT, I'm sowwy). And some of you are a big part of my life and my Tumblr family since I started here. So, I heard through the grapevine that one of my friends was told to remove a post of a cute puppy because her content and her blog stated that it was NSFW.
Look, I can respect those ask or who post on their blog or on their pinned post such as "minors dni" or "will not allow hate speech." I totally respect it. But I would think, and I could be wrong, if someone reblogged your post and/or left a comment on it. You would probably thank them or just smile at the notification and go about your day.
So, I was able to see who it was and their pinned post already told me what kind of a person they were.
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Listen, I have many people who have followed me, a couple I have peeked into the blogs and some have completely different likes and interests. Some that I'm like "whoa." But I don't insta block them. If they want to follow me, great! If not, that's okay too. I'm not here for popularity. I'm here to post my written work, make friends, and actually be around those who have the same interests as me.
Now, what really bothered me was... they looked through my friend's blog after the reblog and a comment. And that's what gave them the okay to ask my friend to delete the reblog. Because my friend does NSFW literature for fictional characters.... Well... my protective side kicked in because to me, I feel that it's denying someone who thinks your reblog is cool and punishing them.
So, I sent an Ask.
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For those who have known me for a long while here on tumblr, this is what I am when someone messes with my good friends. You are my second family I wish I could all meet and give you hugs and gifts and everything you deserve. Sadly money is tight right now...
I waited for a response and my prayers were answered. But not in the way I was expecting...
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Now.... this person pinned a post where he was stating about how he runs this blog. But with my ask, it's too large. He wanted to send this to me privately. In my mind, and to my friends that informed me about what had happened to them... this person is one to really talk. I would have loved to have seen this on my dash and not in a private message. It shows that you got the gonads to defend yourself and show everyone who you are.
But no, they sent it to me privately.
*inhales slowly*
I am not one to cause drama. I'm pretty drama free here on tumblr because I get enough of it at work and sometimes home. But to be like this... it really irks me to high heaven that we have people who want to be "I accept all people" then have a huge list of who you don't want.
To me, that's being a bit of a big+got (trying to work around this) and a narcissist.
To top it off, the same person posted about my ask and another ask that they received today and what really, really got me ticking was that this arsehat called me fake. I know many of you, we don't talk to one another and some that I do talk to, it's not always a lot because of time zones, work, life basically. But I am honest, I may not always be on or remember to reply (I'm sorry). But I am straight forward, honest and do my best each and everyday to be better because I am an effed up person and I am no perfect saint. But if I hear anyone messing with my actual family or my tumblr family, I fight to keep them happy and safe.
Here is the last comments that I found that my friend sent me.
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All I can say is, to those who do know me. I'm drama free unless it's in my fiction. But this... Yeah I needed to bring it up. And know that if anyone messes with you, I got your back and will stand up to the jerks who mess with you.
That's all for now.
Love y'all.
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peachiimilquetea · 3 years
i’m back!
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hi everyone!! hiatus is officially over!!
so a few new housekeeping notes!
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i changed my name!
i mostly did this in accordance with my side blog (which i’ll be talking about more in a little bit) but i also hated the name for a while and i think this suits me just a little bit more! all my links have already been changed so if anything on my masterlist is broken/leads to nowhere please let me know!!
i also changed my tags! so anyone who has my old nsfw tag blocked might want to update that, altho it might not be an issue later on down the line, as you can see by my next heading
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i’m highly considering stopping making nsfw content
i think this is the biggest change that might be coming to this blog tbh. i’ve been thinking about it A LOT and the discourse is super conflicting on what is right and what’s not right
as much as i love to write smut, and nobody has directly come after me for writing smut, i keep seeing opinions and takes that are starting to make me want to quit it altogether. like apparently as a minor there are legal implications for me writing smut? which??? idk how true that is but it’s enough to make me more wary
the discourse around aging people up is also conflicting and confusing and the last thing i want to do it be on the wrong side of how to interact and behave in fandom spaces, especially being so new
furthermore, people don’t really go feral on my blog? like people don’t interact with my nsfw content all that often so i feel like it’s just there idk. maybe i’ll split the content into two blogs, maybe i’ll just private all of it and become purely sfw, idk im still thinking about it but i’ll let you know when i come to that decision
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i will not be as active as i previously was
i hate to be so frank but the tumblr writing community is dying. nobody gets the interaction or hype that they deserve and it’s a huge blow to a writer’s morale to write something and barely get recognition
it’s not selfish for writers to feel this way and for this reason i won’t be posting as often or as regularly as i did previously. when i finish all requests and i open them up again, you probably won’t be getting it as quickly as you’ve seen in the past.
school is also starting up for me and it’s a very important one (senior szn or whatever) so i’m gonna be super busy with college stuff and AP classes and all the fun stuff that comes with being on the verge of adulthood
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requests are actively being finished
this isn’t really a new thing, but i know there are at least two event requests that are in progress rn and one request for an orginal piece i wrote at the very beginning of my blog
i’ll tentatively open my requests up again really soon (probably with slots tbh) and we can move from there
i promise they’ll be done (one is already fully finished and formatted in my drafts), ive just been burnt out and really not feeling writing (hence the hiatus)
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i’m making a sideblog!
yayyyy smth a little bit more lighthearted! i made a side blog! its callled @peachiimilquecoffee (see what i did there) and it’ll be a little bit more laid back, more behind the scenes, and maybe i’ll post more WIPs and sneak peeks there as well as the stuff that interests me so i don’t clog up your dash with random pointless stuff
i’m also probably gonna talk more about my original content, and post about my other interests. if you’re into that kinda thing just check my navi and it’ll be up sometime soon! i just finished setting up camp and getting my tags situated there and whatnot so come hang out!
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when i started this blog, i didn’t think i would get this far or even meet so many other people that i enjoy interacting with and seeing! i do want to stay here for as long as the site will let me, and as long as i feel welcome.
like i said previously, the writing community on tumblr feels like it’s dying, and it’s hard to make fan content unless you have a shit ton of followers that interact with you every day (and honestly some big blogs are struggling with a lack of boundaries as well).
all this to say, it often feels like there’s no winning. this is a tentative comeback, and i really hope something will change soon and making writing as fun as it was in the beginning for me. the hiatus was good for me to reset and be more inclined to get back in the groove.
thank you sm for your follows and your support! i really appreciate every single one of you and im looking forward to writing more stuff!
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missfluffywriter · 4 years
Purple Irises  I Mafia Park Jimin x Reader
Authors note: Hello everyone! I know I’m supposed to be working on something else, but I couldn’t help myself. I read this amazing fic by @taetaewonderland Its called “The Bird Cage” and Oh My god it is so amazing. That is where I got the inspiration from, so please check out their blog. This isn’t my first BTS fic but it is my first mafia au fic. I had so much fun writing this I did this in like two day. And I was so inxplicably motivated. But yeah. And the fic does contain some medical stuff, and I tried doing my research but I could be wrong, and if you know something is wrong please tell me. :’) But there isn’t a lot of stuff. Just some here and there. If you think see any grammatical mistakes or mistakes in general, please let me know. Okay, that it for me. Happy readings!
Word count: About 7.6k 
Genre: Mafia AU, no angst yet :)
Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader 
Summary: You were supposed to be delivering flowers, how did you end up in an operation room digging out a bullet from a mafia boss’ shoulder? 
Purple Irises: Royalty and wisdom 
Warnings: Blood, guns, language, violence 
Next chapter I Masterlist
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Gentle rays of light peered in through the store windows, the sun barely peeking over the mountains. A soft zephyr breezing through the streets. You admired the quaint peacefulness of the early mornings one more time, before starting your work in the flower shop. Relishing the freshness brought by the morning, you got up and grabbed your apron sitting on the reception desk, with a gentle smile you made your way to the back of the shop.
You made a mental to-do list as you collected the modified bucket. All the watering of the plants was done by hand. And this bucket was large enough to hold the amount of water needed to water all the flowers and plants in one trip. Only the problem was, when full the bucket was impossible to lift. So as a simple solution you suggested adding wheels to the bucket. Which had been working pretty well since installment. You wheeled the big bucket to the hose, and started the water as you waited for your boss to arrive. Sang Soomin, she was the owner of this lovely shop, and a good friend of yours. You were at a low point when she offered you this job, and helped you get back on your feet, and you were grateful for that.
“Good morning (Y/n)!” Speak of the devil, “Working as hard as always I see, We’re gonna need that kind of concentration today. There's a huge order that needed to be delivered later this afternoon” She smiled, putting away her bag under the reception desk. She rolled up her shirt sleeves before throwing her apron on.
“Yeah, they asked for daisies, marigolds, white lilies, asters. And they ordered enough to decorate a mansion, I’m guessing a party.” She said, gliding over to where you stood. Ah, another party. The flower shop may have been small but it was in a rich neighborhood, a filthy rich neighbourhood. That was also why you were able to survive on only one job. You were snapped from your thoughts when you heard the splashes of water falling to the ground.
“Ah Darn it,” Soomin let out a soft giggle at your dismay. You hurried to close the faucet and sighed at the mess. Though not much had spilled over, you still had to clean up what had. You turned to grab some paper towels when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“ I got it.” She threw some paper towels on the ground, she used her foot to move around the paper towels to soak up the spilled water. “Actually, leave all the watering to me. There's still some roses that need de-thorning. Can you get on that please? Seeing as you happen to be better at it,” 
“Got it,” You smiled, turning to the smaller flower room where most of the flower arranging happened.
“Okay, and that's the last one,” You heaved, hands tired from clipping thorns from roses for the past, what? Two hours? You pulled out your phone to check the time, 11:23 PM, okay maybe it was more than just two hours, then quickly pocketing your phone. Didn’t Soomin say the delivery was supposed to be made in the afternoon? It was about that time. You stretched before making your way to the main store. There were a few customers roaming the small shop, probably choosing flowers for a custom bouquet. 
“ Hey (Y/n) can you make the delivery? Hyun is out today. The address is with the daisies” Soomin asked, reading over what you assumed was the inventory list.
“Sure thing,” You quickly replied before leaving to load the van with the flowers. “Kay, I'm heading out” You called to her, grabbing the delivery clipboard and heading.  
“Be safe,” She waved at you. And you smiled in return.
‘Wow’ you thought as you looked at the mansion, which seemed more like a castel. They had an extensive front lawn, well manicured, neat hedges and bushes. And was probably bigger than a football field. Sure, you had seen your fair share of rich people houses. But this was just on another level. The front gates were large iron bars that bent to make beautiful floral designs, and two large pillars that supported the gates.
The house was beautiful, four large columns supported roman style columns supported a roof. Wide carrara marble steps that lead to large sierra double doors. You hesitantly climbed up the steps, reaching for the small doorbell. You rung the doorbell, somewhat nervous, the exquisite mansion making you feel smaller than any human being ever had. This whole place, basically calling you poor.
Tapping your foot on the ground, you impatiently waiting for someone anyone to pick up the flowers. You had rung the doorbell twice now and there was still no answer. They had to have known you were coming as the front gates were left open...right? And just as you let out another sigh, you heard a loud scream and glass breaking from inside the house.
‘Gunshots!?’ Ducking on instinct, you covered your ears as loud bang’s echo throughout the property, only now there were more than a few guns firing. Loud cries and curses came from beyond the sierra doors. 
Finally gathering your barings, you beelined to the van, hurrying to get out of there, when the doors burst open and a man groaning and grasping at his bleeding shoulder fell to the ground, and you saw what was going on inside. People in black suits, crouching behind large objects and holding up guns.  
“Who the fuck are you?!” The man who came barreling out the door yelled. At his loud cries, a man from within turned to your direction.
“Shit, she saw. Kill her!” He yelled before a bullet narrowly missed his head. Eyes widening at his words as you tried again to rush to the van, when a grip on your right ankle nearly tripped you. “You’re not going anywhere, god damn it!”  
You tried using your other foot to kick yourself free from his grasp, but he roughly pulled at your ankle making you fall. You tried to stay as calm as possible you scrambled to get up on your feet, until you felt a hand on the base of your neck pull you towards the door.
You frantically tried to free yourself from his grasp, clawing at his hand, trying to kick your foot. But the man was on you left, and your legs wouldn’t reach so far left. As he dragged you inside, you took one more breath before grabbing the arm that was holding you with you left hand, then turning sharply, reaching with your right for the back of his neck and kneeing him in the stomach until he let you go.
As he fell to his knees clutching at his stomach, you axe kicked him, his head crushed onto the beautiful marble floor, knocking him out. A gunshot behind you brought you back to reality.
You turned and saw a man aiming his gun at you. You tried to move but your brain was processing faster than your body. Closing your eyes expecting you doom, but instead to be tackled onto the ground. You gasped and tried to push whoever it was that tackeled you off and scramble away from them, but hands grabbed at your waist and pulled you behind the bar counter. He had chocolate brown hair, and hazel eyes. His wore a black suit that had been bloodied and drenched in sweat.
“Who hell are you?!” He asked breathless, “What’re you doing here?!”
“Flowers!” you gasped, “I’m here to deliver flowers!”
His eyes widened in remembrance. Right they were supposed to have flowers delivered today.
“Stay here, and don’t move! Understand?!” You nodded, breath ragged as you eyed the young male. He tried peering from the above the hiding spot, then cursed dashing out from the behind the counter.
You brought your knees to your chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible. It was strange, you were terrified but calm. Anyone would be in tears by now in your situation. But now wasn’t the time for that, right now you needed to focus on not getting shot.
Moments passed and the number of guns being fired were dwindling. Until a man stepped beside you, his focus was at the people shooting at him. But he wasn’t alone, he had someone at gunpoint, it was the same guy who told you to stay here, and the two slowly backed away.
“Let him go Haewon, you’re done” A voice came from behind you, behind the counter. So this guy was the last of them. Out of nowhere you felt a brashness you had never felt before. Adrenaline bubbling.
 You grabbed hold of the tall vase that was in front of you, clutching it to your chest, you could feel your heartbeat in your hand, you took a deep breath.
Standing as fast as you could, you smash the vase into the man's head. The man lets go of his hostage and crashes onto the floor, unconscious. You put the surprisingly unbroken vase on the counter, then breathe in deeply, trying to get your erratic breath under control.  
One of your hands was on your hip as you hunched, taking a final deep breath, before looking up. To be greeted to the sight of men with stunned expressions, pointing their guns at you.
“Who the hell are you?!” one yelled. Oh this was getting old, you breath out, your head slightly hanging.  
“Hyung, the flowers. Remember the flowers we ordered.” The brunette that saved you life breathed.
“Guk step away from her,” A tallest of them, with syrup brown hair exclaimed, still holding the gun at you. You slowly raised your hand so as to not make any sudden movements, and to show you did not have weapons, and that at the moment you could in no way, do them any harm.
“It’s like he said, I was here to deliver daisies, roses, white lillies, and asters from the Kabloom flower shop,” You said in a steady voice. Heart hammering in your ribcage.
“And we should believe you because?” A man with silver platinum hair asked, voice strained. His hand gingerly holding his shoulder, leaning against one of the sofas.
“Is the van standing outside proof enough?” You answered with a question, sighing you continued, “You can call the shop and ask them.”
The short one with silver platinum blonde hair fell to his knees. 
You lurched forward on instinct, naturally making a mental list of supplies you would need. So his name was Jimin. ‘This isn’t a time for names, we can worry about that later,’ you chide yourself, shaking your head back into focus.
But just as you stepped forward,you were stopped where you stood.
“Stop right there! And don’t move!” One of them said, threateningly pointing his gun at you. All the men around rushing to Jimin. But you were intently focused on the one on his knees. How long had he been bleeding for? This wasn’t good, at this rate he would bleed to death.
 Two men, the one that saved you and another red headed one supported Jimin by the arms. ‘No don’t do that, you have to stop the bleeding, gauze, alcohol, tape, tweezer’ that was the bare minimum you would need, you bit your lip as you thoughts raced.
“How long has he been bleeding?” You asked, stepping towards the huddle of people.
“ Stay right where you are!” Nostriles flaring as you breath through your nose. Anger gradually bubbling within as you were being kept from helping a patient.
“Okay! Listen here, it takes less than ten minutes for an average human being to bleed to death after a gunshot wound. So unless you want your friend to bleed to death, Let me help him?!” You said, tone expasrated but still firm, getting a little louder as you spoke. The men nervously looked at each other.
“And you would know because”
“Let. me. help” You said worriedly, stressing each syllable,  looking at the man on the floor further pailing, as he tried to brush off the other. Probably telling them he was fine.
“And what exactly makes you think we would trust you,” A shorter male with light brown hair, and wore a navy blue suit exclaimed. You understood they didn’t trust you but that guy was bleeding to death.     
“Look, I am trying to help! Your friend is bleeding out as we speak一” But you were cut off as said injured male collapses. The men around him worriedly call his name, panic in their eyes. Nervouseness hitting gull swing,  if they would just一
“Can you really help him?” The tallest one of them asks.
“Yes,” You replied, fidgeting as you thought of just in case alternatives you could use for some of the supplies, if they didn’t have them. 
“Then please help him’’ You exhaled loudly and stepped forward, but stopped when he spoke up again, his voice threatening,“BUT, we’re gonna be watching. You make one fishy move and we shoot you on the spot.”
“Fine,” You gulped, quickly making your way to the platinum blonde on the ground.
“Gauze, alcohol, surgical thread, sterile needle, tweezers, um...um lidocaine, and tape,” You recited your mental list as you pressed your hands onto Jimin’s shoulder, trying to slow the bleeding.  
“Well help him!” Guk? Stange name, cried, throwing his arms in the air.
“I can’t just do that here. We aren’t in some movie where you just rub some alcohol on and wrap the wound up and you’re done. We’re gonna need an operation room, and surgical thread, his bones don’t seem broken, but we still need a lot of stuff,” You replied to them as cooly as possible.
“Alright then let's take him to an operation room. We should have everything you just said, there. Jeongguk, carry him,” The tallest one commanded, his eyes moving throughout the room. His mind seemed to be running a mile a minute. And Jeongguk, effortlessly hoisted Jimin into a bridal carry. And walked to the winding staircase that was along the wall facing the door.
“You have an operation room?” You asked, amazed, rushing after them up the staircase.
“Which door?” Jeongguk asked.
“The doctor's room, Guk,” The tallest of the bunch answered. And you felt yourself relax a little hearing the childish yet adorable name for the sterile room.
You were surprised to say the least when you saw the room. Eyes wide as you take in the room that was almost identical to an OR, only this place had cupboards along the right wall. The lights and monitors and everything. You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Jimin being placed onto the table. There were too many people in the room.
“There were too many people in this room, you can’t all stay here.” You ran your eyes through the cupboards, searching for things you needed.
“Like hell we’re leaving him with you一” One of the men at the back exclaimed.
“Please” You pleaded, placing the alcohol you had found on one of the tables.
“Yoongi, Jeongguk, and Seokjin stay in the room, everyone else go clean things up,” It was the one who had let you work on Jimin again.
“But, Namjoon一”
“Hoseok please,”
“Fine, alright you lot get out,”
“Thank you,” Namjoon gratefully said to the men as they turned to step out.
They were having their moment, but you were focused on finding what you needed to listen in. And astonishingly, they not only had surgical thread but also, dissolving thread. Anesthesia was out of the question, you didn’t have enough knowledge about it and you doubted any of them were anesthesiologists. And they didn’t have lidocaine injection, which numbed the wound and was a much safer option. But you weren’t too surprised, though that also meant you had to do this with Jimin still conscious, or could come to consciousness mid procedure.
Okay, you didn’t have a lot of time. You needed to do this and you needed to do this fast.
“Wait, some of you might have to stay after all,” You said before all of them could leave.
“Why? Nevermind, how many should stay?” Namjoon looked at you, alerting further at your words.
“Four maybe five, depending on how strong he is. There’s no anesthetic so we need to hold him down in case he moves mid procedure” You answered both questions as you washed your hands as furiously and as fast as you could. You were running out of time, you didn’t have time for proper protocol. You put on clean gloves then hurry back to the table. When you returned there were five men standing around the table.
“Okay hold down his legs, arms and torso,” You instructed them as you put on the surgical mask you had found.
“This is gonna hurt a lot. So he’ll thrash around, if he moves too much I may end up hurting more than helping. So hold him down tight.” You looked at each man with calm eyes, and began removal.
Jimin did wake up mid procedure and he did thrash around quite a bit, but Namjoon managed to somehow talk to him. After that he was as still as he could be with you digging around his shoulder. Eventually he passed out again from the pain. You didn’t have time to hook him up to the monitors, so you had Namjoon constantly keeping track of Jimin’s pulse. You told him to inform you immediately if he felt any changes. You found the bullet rather quickly, and neatly sutured the wound. Once all sutures were in place, you cleaned the new neatly stitched wound and bandaged his shoulder. After bandages were in place you took his pulse one last time to make sure everything was fine. You still needed to look for a stethoscope but after all that you just didn’t have the energy for that right then.
Heaving a relieved sigh you eased away from the table and towards the sink to wash off all the blood. You peered behind your shoulder to see what the others were doing, and their expressions were still twisted with worry. You smiled as you saw how worried they were for him. They weren’t bad people, just worried for their friend. If anything they looked kind as they watched their friend rest. But you still feared the future to come as you thought back to the prior events. The shoot out, the guns, those people, you had an idea of what was going on. And an idea how they afforded to live in such a lavish mansion. You wiped your hands with paper towels as you explained Jimin’s situation.
“He’s out of the woods for now but we’ll have to monitor him twenty-four-seven for the next few days. His wound will have to be cleaned and his bandages will have to be changed twice a day. We can move him to a more comfortable room but you’ll have to be super gentle. We should get him pain medication too, lucky no bones were broken, but He’ll still be in a lot of pain. He’s also lost a lot of blood, and foods such as lean red meat, poultry, fish, leafy green vegetables, brown rice, lentils and beans can all boost haemoglobin. Vitamin C helps with iron absorption, so to get the most from the food you eat, so make sure he drinks a glass of vitamin C-rich fruit juice with his meals. I recommend pomegranate just the fruit or juice, whichever he prefers”  
All five men seem to release a breath of relief as they heard you talk. Their shoulders slumping, finally relaxing. You watched with a smile before your eyes widened as you realized. You had been so focused on Jimin that you forgot about everyone else that had been injured. You jumped at the realization. The abrupt movement startled the men, and all jumped into an alert.
“Is anyone else injured, bleeding, hurt?  No wound is too small,” You said, looking at each man as they sighed and relaxed their shoulders. The men looked at each other before looking back at you.
“We’re fine but some of the men outside maybe,” Namjoon said, pointing towards the door.A questioning brow rose on his face as he saw your eyes narrow.
“Is that right? So the red stain on your shoulder is part of the outfit then,” You hummed. To which no answer came. “Thought so,” You coasted towards him, picking up the alcohol and left over gauze from the table along the way. You firmly instructed Namjoon to take off his blazer and shirt, which he refused...at first. As he continued to deny your help you stared him straight in the eyes and repeated your instruction.
He caved the second time around, removing his blazer and shirt. The other four attempting and failing to hide their grins and giggles. You dressed his wounds in record time before asking once more, “Is anyone else hurt?” They all shook their heads no. You sighed, the hard way it is.
“Jeongguk can I see your foot?” you asked, scuffled to the cupboards to get the arnica cream you had seen earlier. You returned quickly, sitting on the floor before looking at Jeongguk expectantly. He wore an uncomfortable expression, good. He was gonna cave.
He hesitantly gave you his left foot, “Your other foot,”
“It’s nothing really, there's nothing there,” He stammered out.
“Well then let me see your foot,” You said passively. He caved after thirty seconds of continuous eye contact. You smiled softly and applied the arnica cream on the deep purple bruise above his ankle.    
“Arnica, it's a cream that helps with bruising. Looks pretty deep, you might feel tender tomorrow. Take it easy and apply this cream three times a day, and the bruise should get better faster,” Words thoughtlessly escaped your lips as you finished applying his cream.
“Ahem一” Namjoon coughed to get your attention, “一So thank you for you help. And I apologize for what happened earlier, we were all just worried. But I’m afraid we can’t let you leave.”
You smiled, sighing, “I figured as much. After all I’ve seen, I have a pretty good understanding of what your...job. Don’t worry I won’t try to run away or anything, I know it will only make my situation worse,” Getting up you headed to the drawers, collecting bandages and tape, then returning to the table for the alcohol bottle, and struggling as you did, there being too much to carry. “And if you want to apologize, help me dress everyone’s wounds.”
“You’re awfully calm for someone in your situation, you have Stockholm syndrome or something?” Seokjin laughed, kicking himself off the wall he was leaning on and taking the alcohol bottle from your hands.
“Well, will me panicking and screaming about the situation make it any better?” You chuckled softly, making your way to the door.
“Touche” He laughed softly.
“But一” Yoongi interrupted, asking the question that was on everyone's mind, “Tell me something why are you doing this? Why are you treating our wounds?”
“Well, there’s a simple explanation really,” You tilted your head. Which the men couldn’t help but compare to a puppy.
“And what explanation would that be?” Yoongi raises an eyebrow.
“I was just hoping that if I made myself useful, you don’t kill me, and preferebly feed me too,” You answered simply.
“That's it?”
“I’d say that’s a pretty reasonable reason.” You lips stretched into a smile.
Yoongie looked incredusely at your answer, which seemed to be a common reaction to your words so far. That was honestly your thought process, you thought if you could make use of your skills, they would hold off on killing you, or decide to keep you alive all together. You knew the minute you saw what you did you couldn’t escape this. And the only escape you would find would probably be death.
But there was a strange feeling resonating deep within you. And you knew what it was. It was a feeling you should not be feeling in the situation you were in, it was thrill. You were excited to be where you were. It was terrifying but you liked the adrenealine rush that had felt. Was it wrong of you to feel that? A tinge of excitement when most people would feel dread. These men, judging by their demeanor were most likely forced into this life. 
And you felt guilty for feeling this excitement when you shouldn’t be, these men must have suffered much in their lifetime. And would probably give an arm and a leg to get out of this life, and here you were excited for what would happen next.
Your chain of thought was broken when you saw movement in front of you. Jeongguk carrying Jimin in his arms. Ah they were moving him, and it seems like everyone was going together. You stepped aside to let them pass, and followed them. Out the door, down the corridor, they banked left and down another tall, long corridor.
“I’m assuming we’re headed to his room?” You asked, walking next to Seokjin, still holding the bandages.
“You assumed correctly,” He answered, “His room is in the east wing, right down the hall actually.”
You walked down the hall in silence, aside from slight groans of pain some of the men. Which you registered for later, but perhaps it would be best not to push you luck with them. If you bothered them too much they might just kill you because you were annoying them. Eyes on the floor, you let your thoughts drift.
But your mind didn’t get to wander long as everyone stopped, you raised your head, taking in your surroundings. The door were large white double doors, they were doors you would see in a palace or castle. There was a large window at the end of the hallway and flowers in vases every few doors. There was clearly a color scheme, blues, whites, and beiges, and seemed like marble was a common occurrence throughout the house, well mansion.
Wait, flowers, flowers! You were here to deliver flowers! What time was it? Soomin must be worried. Your hands were full you couldn’t couldn’t pull out your phone, no clocks in sight. And you didn’t really feel like asking anyone right now. You thought of ways you would apologize to Soomin as the men opened the doors and walked in.
The room  was huge, probably bigger than your apartment, then again your apartment was more of a studio with a bathroom, but a very cozy studio. And the ceiling was high and the color scheme seemed to bleed into this room. There was a large rectangular rug on the floor. It looked so soft, and so expensive. There was a window of the far left wall. And a window bench underneath it, fluffy pillows decorating it. There was a painting on the wall, a medaow. The room was neat, aside from some papers lying around the floor. The room was well lit from the natural light coming in through those ginormous windows. But getting a good look at the room it was  simplistic. And said a lot about Jimin as a person.
Lots of soft colors and soft, fluffy things, he must be a gentle person...well maybe. Then your eyes landed on the cabinet along the wall that connected to the bathroom. A built-in liquor shelf, so he drank, no...a conisure? From what they eye could see, none of the bottles were empty. No ash trays, did he not smoke? Or was it just put away.
A small bookshelf next the liquor shelf. An armchair and a small, hickory brown table by the books. Which was surrounded by white sofa set, with beige pillows.  
Your eyes roamed the beautiful room, you couldn’t help it. You’d never seen a room this luxurious, except in movies and films. ‘I think I finally understand what writers were try to describe.’ You thought as you let your eyes return to the people whom you entered the room with.
Jeongguk gently placed Jimin in the large king size bed. Lined with white and baby blue sheets. Namjoon pulles the blanket onto Jimin tucking him in, a dimpled smile stretching across his face. The sight was endearing, they took care of each other as though they were brothers...were they brothers? Jimin now laying on his bed still wore an expression of pain. It was a bullet sound of course it hurt.
You placed the bandages in your arms on the table that was right next to the door. And quickly pulled out your phone, it read ‘4:30 PM’. You had left around 11:30 AM and now it was 4:30 PM, you had been gone for nearly five hours. The van! You needed to return the van!
“Hey you guys一” The men looked to you, “一I need to return the van, and check in my boss.”
“I’m sorry but we can’t let you leave,” Namjoon shook his head.
“Okay, easy solution, can someone else drop it off at the store?” You asked with urgency in your voice. Hyejin had done so much for you, you didn’t want to make her worry, plus it was her van.
“Well, I guess we could do that,” Namjoon shifted his weight to his other leg, “What’s the address?”
“Just go down the rich people avenue, you’ll find Kabloom flower shop along it,” Jeongguk snorted at you directions, his hands on his lips as he stifled a laugh. An amused smile played at Yoongi’s lips and a simple smile stretched across Namjoon’s face.
“Or… the address is on the van,” You chuckled with them.
“Rich people avenue? Really?” Yoongi chortled.
“What? Its true.” You said, stretching the what into something more of a whine. All of them looked much more relaxed now, Even Yoongi, who was the most suspicious of you, laughed at that.  
“But一” Jeongguk piped in, “一we looked over something kind of important,” Important? What had you missed? Your forehead scrunched, head tilting in question. Jeongguk gave a short laugh when he saw your confused expression.
“Your name. We don’t know your name?” He asked, light-heartedly. Ah, looks like the finer details were missed.
“Ah right, My name is (L/n) (Y/n), but please call me (Y/n),” You smiled, making sure not to forget that the van still needed to get to the store.
“Well (Y/n), tell me something, who are you exactly?” Seokjin questioned, his tone wasn’t threatening, but the way he worded the question had you on alert. “I mean, with all that stuff about vitamin-C and hemoglobin, and I saw how you worked on his wound, and you knew what you were doing, one would think you were a doctor or something,”
“That’s cuz I am a doctor, well I never finished my residency, so I’m not an official doctor but I do have a PhD,” You shrugged, you didn’t mean to hide it, besides it wasn’t like it was a secret.
“That’s not possible, you’re too young to be a doctor,” Yoongi commented in disbelief. You didn’t look old enough to be a qualified doctor, you looked no older than twenty-four, twenty-six at most.
“I was in an accelerated program, so I graduated high school early, plus I never finished my residency, so again, I’m not an official doctor,” You played with the edges of bandages.
“Wait, wait how old are you?” Yoongi asked, still perplexed.
“Twenty-four,” You looked up, only to be met with five confused men.  
A still confused Seokjin asks, “Then why is someone with a PhD delivering flowers? Is it like a side job? Or did you just not like being a doctor?”
“I… have my reasons…” You trailed off, and they saw your expression somber, and understood not to push the subject.
“Alright (Y/n), we’ll have the van sent back to your store,” Namjoon smiled at you, he appeared to be much more relaxed like he trusted you… to some degree. You were grateful they were doing this for you. But there was something you needed to get from your house, for one, if you were going to be staying here then you would have liked to get some clothes, and more than that you needed to get someone from your apartment. As you thought the cluster had broken off into two and three person groups.
Namjoon and Seokjin were talking amongst themselves, wearing serious expressions,  probably talking about all that had happened today. Yoongi, Jeongguk and Hoseok were chatting with each other. They held lighter air to them.
“I just had one more thing,” attention reverted to you, “I need to get something from my apartment, and I need to go get it,”
“We’ll just bring it to yo一” You cut Namjoon off.
“I’m sorry but I have to go, you guys can come with me but, I have to go” You declared firmly. It wasn’t something you could just grab and go.
“Why?” Namjoon frowned, confused as to why you had to be there.
“I have to go because what I need to get isn’t a something it's a someone, I need to get my dog, and you can’t go alone because my dog is special,” You exasperated, your shoulders slightly slumping.  
“And how is your dog special?” Yoongi inquired.
“Well my dog isn’t just a dog, she’s a wolf dog, and she’s more wolf than dog, and I don't think she'll appreciate strangers in her home trying to grab at her. And More than that I’m afraid she might end up attacking you, and you guys end up shooting her,” You sighed. 
Namjoon nodded, understanding the situation. “Alright but it will have to wait till?”
“Yes,” You replied, knowing this must be just as stressful to them as it was for you. And your pupper would be fine without you for one night, she should be tied down for tonight with the whole chicken you left her.
“Okay一” Namjoon sighed, “一 so (Y/n), you said we had to monitor him, right?” You nodded. “You and Jeongguk stay with Jimin, while we’ll deal with the mess outside,” You bobbed your head in understanding, as the rest of them poured out of the room. And seeing as Seokjin grabbed the bandages on the table, you assumed he would take care of the injured.
“Well, I guess it’s just us now,” You smiled at Jeongguk. To which he returned one of his own. His face scrunched as he did, he had a bunny smile. ‘How cute’ You thought, taking a seat on the floor, next to Jimin. But there was a rug underneath, that honestly felt more like a cushion.
“So you have a dog?” He inquired intrigued. 
“Yeah, her name’s Shelty,” Jeongguk nooded as you thought about your adorable puppy. 
“And she’s a wolf dog?” 
“Yeah, a german shepard, wolf hybrid. But I’m not sure what kind of wolf,” You said, thoughtfully. 
“You know I had a pet fish once,” He began. 
By the time you had realized how much time had passed, the sun had set. When had you turned the lights on? The day seemed to have melted away talking to Jeongguk. You found out a lot of things about this group. He was one of the seven founding members. And that one of them was out right now. That he was the youngest of the seven, about how they would sometimes eat so much someone threw up, and that they weren’t actually blood related but were as close as brothers. 
And you listened and imputed comments when you thought necessary. But there was a common theme in his topics, it was his hyungs. He somehow always returned to his elder brothers, you couldn’t help the smile that made its way on your face . He was a good kid, sweet and caring. And judging by how his eyes softened and that gentle smile that you saw on his face. You could tell how much he loved his brothers. You couldn’t help but wonder, how had he ended up as a mafioso.
“Gebus, it’s late, where did the time go?” You stretched your arms, then got up and stretched your legs.
“Thank you (Y/n), for listening to me,” He says, looking at his lap, then up to you, “With my kinda job you don’t really talk much about anything besides business...so this was nice. So thank you,”He smiled. Oh it was his bunny smile again, you were going to melt. Too late, you melted.
“I liked talking to you too, Jeongguk,” You eyes softened and you grinned, as you ruffle his hair. He let out a noise of protest before the door opened behind you.
“We brought food!” Hoseok entered, beaming. White plastic bags in hands. He was followed by Namjoon and Seokjin, and Yoongi entered a little later, clutching: wine, whiskey, and soda.
“I get fed,” You cheered, as you laughed with the five men.
“Yes, yes you do (Y/n),” Namjoon chuckled, placing the bags of food he held on the coffee table. Hoseok, doing the same, opening the chinese take out boxes and throwing the bag somewhere in the room.
“I for one think I’d be pretty rude to not feed the person that saved our boss,” Seokjin concludes with a smile. “Well then, come on, eat!” He waves his hand to invite you to sit with them. You playfully roll your eyes and scuffle to an open seat.
“I’m surprised you’re letting me sit here and eat, not to mention with you guys,” You thanked Seokjin as he handed you a plate of food.
“Well, you cooperating and not screaming at us helped your case, though I would understand why you would,” Namjoon said, reaching for a plate. You hummed at his answer as you ate your stir fried noodles.
“(Y/n) what drink do you want?” Jeongguk asked, pulling out lowball whiskey glasses from the built-in cupboard, beside the liquor shelf.
“Hmm just coke please,” He nodded and poured coke into a lowball glass, then handed it to you, as you thanked him.
“No alcohol? Why cuz it’s bad for you?” Yoongi laughed, softly throwing his back.
“I for one recall being on montering duty, and I can’t exactly do that drunk now can I?” You laughed.
“True, true,” Yoongi said, sipping his whiskey.
Dinner went by just as fast, you made small talk with Seokjin. Favourite food, favourite animal, surface level question. During that small talk you learned some interesting things. Turns out Seokjin or Jin as he went by, was the only one with any skills in the kitchen. He told you stories of mishaps that occurred in the kitchen, complaining about the guy’s culinary skills, or their lack of said skills. Jeongguk protested, refuting Jin's claims, only to be silenced with tales of the tin foil in the microwave incident.
You helped Jin and Hoseok clean up the area, gathering all the empty boxes in a plastic bag and handing them to Hoseok, who volunteered to take out the trash. All five men had decided to stay in Jimin’s room tonight. You chuckled because you thought it was because they didn’t trust you. But thinking more about it, it was probably for you than for Jimin. Considering he didn’t know about you. And you doubted he remembered anything from the surgery. 
Jin turned off the lights, to your surprise, a lot could happen in the darkness. He waved you off simply saying it was so Jimin wouldn’t wake up. But you knew the actual reason for the lights being out. Everyone was tired, and the yawn Namjoon let out, proved that point. Jin must’ve wanted everyone to get some rest, it was probably going to be a hectic day tomorrow. You gave an understanding nod, before going back to your original stop on the floor beside Jimin. This time however, Jin sat next to you instead of Jeongguk, who sat at the sofa with Hoseok and Yoongi.
And sure enough, one by one most of the men had dozed off, lulled to sleep by the quiet darkness. Even Jin had nodded off, you smiled at them. You wondered if there were any extra blankets around, you looked about the room, not you could see anything. But knew better than to just get up and search for blankets. So you sighed and nudged Jin. Who gasped awake, hand reaching for his concelead gun.
“Hey, it's just me,” You whispered.
“(Y/n) what? What happened?” He asked, still dazed from sleep. 
“Blankets, are there any extra blankets? Looks like nearly everyone’s asleep” You said softly, as to not wake anyone.
“No, I’m not,” Jeongguk’s mischievous piped.
“Well, almost everyone,” You rolled your eyes in a playful manner.
Jin smiled at your words, not that you could see in the darkness. He got up yawning and stretched. Then left the room to fetch the blankets.
Sensing the question from the youngest mafioso, you answered before he could ask, “I just wanted everyone to be comfortable, we all need blankets at night no matter what you say. Besides I wasn’t gonna risk searching around for blankets in the dead of night only for you guys to shoot me for snooping around,” Jeongguk gave a short laugh 
Jin was having trouble carrying multiple blankets. You let him in and placed one of the blankets on Yoongi and gave one to Jeongguk, who accepted it happily. As he placed one on Namjoon and Hoseok. You had returned to your spot when Jin handed you a blanket as well. Turned out he got one for you too, which you took gratefully.
Minutes passed and the moon had completely risen, the moonlight pouring through the tall windows, you had much better vision now. You took Jimin’s wrist and took his pulse just in case. Pulse was steady and everything seemed normal. You placed his wrist on the bed and sighed, at this point Jin had dozed off again, but weren’t too sure of Jeongguk.
You sighed, your head resting on your palms as you continued your monitoring. You blinked as you took in Jimin’s features. He was pretty, well, handsome. Flawless skin, plump, soft lips. And he had a peaceful expression as he slept. His silver locks seemed to have this strange luster in the moonlight. He really was beautiful, like an angel.  
Before you knew what you were doing, your hand had moved to brush his hair off his face. When your fingertips made contact with his forehead, you felt his skin, and he was burning up. Your stomach twisting, you fully placed your hands on his forehead. He had a fever, now that you were looking properly he wore an expression of discomfort. It wasn’t unusual for people to get fevers after surgery, but you had to get it under control. How had you not noticed this? 
“Jeongguk, you up?” you questioned quietly, trying not to disturbe everyone, you stood. Your sudden movements seemed to have Jin awake again.
“Yeah, why? What happened noona?” He replied quickly sitting up.
“Wha? What's going on?” Jin asked, still half asleep.
“Jimin has a fever, I need a thermometer, a cold compress, and a fever medication, tylenol, Advil either will do,” You said, a hand on your hip, turning on the lights.
Jeongguk sprung into action, dashing out the door with an ‘I’ll get it”. Which seemed to have woken everyone else up. All of them with sleepy confusion written on their face.
“Will he be okay?” Concern lacing Jin’s voice.
“Fever after surgery isn’t unusual, his body has been through a lot, we’ll give him some medication and a cold compress. Then we’ll watch his fever. Okay?” You give a reassuring smile. Jin nods. 
“Here! (Y/n) I got everything you asked.” Jeongguk burst into the room, materials in hand. You quickly thanked him, placing the cool ice pack on Jimin’s forehead. His features, relaxed at the feeling of the cool ice pack. You gently opened Jimin’s mouth and placed the thermometer under his tongue. Letting him rest for a while, as you waited for the thermometer to beep. But now that you were thinking about it, he was going to have to eat something before taking any kind of medicine. You bit your lip, not really wanting to have to wake him up.
The thermometer beeped, and you gently pulled it out. 101 degrees, okay a low-grade fever. So it wasn’t too serious. You decided it would be best to wait a few minutes, if the fever went down great, if not he needed the medecine. And the cold compress seemed to have been enough.
You took Jimin’s temperature again, and smiled at the result, 99 degrees fahrenheit. Good the fever went down. You sighed in relief, “The fever broke, we’re all clear, we won’t even need the medicine”
Everyone heaved a relieved breath, Jeongguk coming to sit on the rug next to where you sat on the bed. Namjoon and Yoongi relaxed where they sat, and Hoseok had a hand over his face. Jin sat down behind Jeongguk. And the lights turned back off.
You took your seat back on the rug, next to Jimin. You reached for Jimin’s wrist one more time, this time not to take his pulse. You just played with his fingers, tracing small scars you felt on his hand, you didn’t know why, but you felt this inexplicable need to be in some sort of physical contact. You rested your head on the bed, and the fatigue of the day hitting you like a truck. ‘No I can’t fall asleep,’ were your last thoughts as everything fell to darkness.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
I love your jealous Sonic and I think the most canon one is boom, so may I ask for Boom!Sonamy with jealous Sonic? If you need a more specific idea maybe Amy gets a pet like a puppy that takes up all her attention so Sonic feels left out and in competition and feels the dog doesn't like him and doesn't want to share Amy.
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You can find me talking about this prompt at 21:16 on the Pajama Blogs!
Hehe, jealous Sonic, it would be more canon in Boom, you’re right. I agree and share your opinions lolol but I think this would be cute and I hope I do it justice!
PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN! Sorry, you missed the grand opening and will have to wait till next time :( You can still ask questions though! But they need to be in accordance to the blog rules~<3
Comedy Chimp was in a hysteria of panic, the news had just announced the most popular celebrity pet: Tinkle Dipples, to be housed in Hedgehog Village while preparing to shoot a cameo in the famous Tommy Thunder movies.
Eggman and Amy compete in a tournament/competition to win the right to take care of Tinkle Dipples for the shooting, since his manager is going fangirl over Tommy Thunder, she doesn’t want to care for him and instead, has Amy--the winner of the tournament--sign some legal documents and take off to pursue her hero.
Sympathizing a bit with the manager but more excited about the cute, idol puppy, Amy takes her job very seriously as Eggman whines and complains about his loss and plans to do something about it..!
“I knew I should have played Dynamite Dalmatian but she had Rover Clover on the field, you can’t EXPLODE ROLL WITH MAXIUM LUCK ON YOUR OPPONENTS TEAM!” he wept and tossed his arms about as they wacked against his bed.
Orbot and Cubot just looked to each other, unsure how to comfort him. “Sir, perhaps scheming against Sonic and his friends while one of their prominent members is distracted could prove useful and make you feel better?” Orbot stated, as the two held up a pen and some graph paper, “Scheming always puts you in a better mood for evil...” He encouraged again.
Collecting himself and rubbing his massive hands under his glasses, he sniffled as he took the paper and started sketching. “Ohh...hoo... hoo...oh-ho? Oh ho! Oh-ho-ho-ho-wha-hahaha!!!” with soft cries that suddenly turned manic with evil, he scribbled more furiously and immediately cranked his back and threw his arms to an angle in his signature laughter.
Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles were playing beachball when Sticks poked her head out of the local garage dump, “Heeeey, wait a minute!” she threw a banana peel off her head a second, “Volleyball and Beachball are the same things! Why are they called differently!? Do they respond to the same name!?”
“Guess you could call it Beach Volleyball.” Tails shrugged, “Though, technically, beachball is the thing you use to play volleyball...” As he continued, Knuckles spiked and knocked him down while he was contemplating it.
“Haha! Snooze you loose!” Knuckles mocked, throwing his arms down to point at Tails.
“Grr... Knuckles! We’re on the same team!” He spat out sand and dusted himself off.
“Oh.” Knuckles then gestured to himself, “Well, then I was awake and quaked!”
Tails shook his head, “Sonic, do you have to play on your own team?”
“What? I’m fast enough for two!” Showing off his amazing speed, Sonic zipped around the court to where it looked like Sonic was literally playing by himself, “I could even play all teams!” He snatched the ball from the ground and pushed--or lightly placed--Knuckles and Tails out of the field to then play the game by himself.
“Still seems a bit unfair, though.” Tails pouted, folding his arms.
“No, no. Shh!!! I wanna see which team wins!” Knuckles became excited, “Woo! Go, Left field Sonic! Ah! No! Watch out, Right field Sonic! Nooo..!!! Oh, phew... Wait-Sonic!” Knuckles went through typical spectators reactions, gripping his head, tugging on his hair, before cheering yet again, “Yeeeahhh! Good forward arm there, Left field Sonic! Rooted for your along! ... Hey, which one’s Sonic again?” he looked to Tails.
“At least you got the fields right.” Tails side-commented before stepping back up to Sonic. “Is this because Amy wouldn’t come down to the beach today?”
“Yeah, we can’t help it if I’m too good for the two of ya.” He twirled the ball on his finger, “Besides, Amy can’t--and won’t--part with that Tinkle... Dinkle... Winkle... whatever his name is!” Sonic fanned a hand out, masking his own opinions on it. “Amy’s obsessed with that thing...”
“Huh, I always thought Amy was obsessed with y-” Tails seemed to panic and jumped up to cover Knuckles’s mouth.
“Knuckles-!” he cried out, then lowered his voice to whisper down to him, clinging to his head and shoulder. “We’re supposed to pretend we don’t know anything about that...”
“Anything about what now?” Sonic was still doing tricks with the volleyball.
“N-nothing!” Tails waved his hands out and flew a moment in the air. “An-anyway, I don’t think I’m really in the mood to keep playing. I’ve got uh... some... some engineering stuff to work on! Bye, Sonic!” He waved and took off.
“Engine-erring!?” Sticks spat out a flat tire that had been thrown away that she was gnawing on to find the trapped gerbil that she believed made the car’s wheels turn and free it from it’s imprisonment at last. “Oh no, you don’t!” she jumped out and rushed after him, barking as he flew up and in a bit of surprised fright, tried to dodge her but she jumped and grabbed his foot. “You aren’t making nothing to torture these gerbils anymore!”
“W-wha-what are you talking about!? Le-let goooo!!!” The two flew off and seemed to crash somewhere.
“I-uh... better check on that.” Knuckles saw Sonic offering to share the ball with him but decided to check on his friends first. “Sticks! Wait! I’m sure that nice village of Gogobas are still safely in their pity parties!”
Sonic sighed, “Oooh...” And let the ball go to kick it, letting it roll as a Eggman spybot was hit out of a bush and flew up.
“Guess I’ll check on Amy then...” Sonic took off towards her house.
“Hehehe-huhuhu...” Eggman rubbed his hands together, sitting happily in front of his screen in his evil lair. “There we go... I’ll snatch Mr. Tinkle Dipples the second Amy’s distracted by Sonic!” He roared confidently in laughter. “My machine is almost complete! Orbot! Cubot!”
“Yes, Doctor?!” Cubot nervously saluted as Eggman turned around to face the two in his spinning chair.
“Make sure my robot pooch is fully operational!”
“Yes, doctor!” The two took off...
Sonic raced to the door, but before knocking, looked himself over in the reflection of a window and adjusted his quills, then tightened his bandana. He choked, loosening the bandana again and grumbling to himself something but the only audible line one could hear was--”Never learned to tie a tie...” before rushing back to door and knocking this time.
“Busy!” Amy cried from within.
His entire confident air deflated, and he drooped forward with his arms hanging down, “Oooh... Uh, it’s me! Sonic! ... Sonic The Hedgehog!” He puffed himself up just a little bit more, calling and leaning more towards the door. “Hero extraordinary! ... So much better than a puppy...” He folded his arms and mumbled the last bit to himself.
“Oh-oh... C-coming!” Amy seemed to scramble but Sonic could hear multiple layers of locks, chairs, wooden-door stoppers and more start being cleared away like a construction site. She peeked open the door, “Come in!” she chimed, “Quickly, quickly, quickly..!” She then rushed him in and put one single lock back on the door. “Eh, I’ll take of that later.”
“Woah, what’s with the, uh... high-end security arrangement, Ames?” Sonic thumbed-back to the door but Amy rushed over to a stool with a soft pillow on it, making the little puppy look like royalty as his tongue hung out and he drooled.
His eyes grew intensely large like in anime and shined, trying to such Sonic into his cuteness as Sonic felt the pull but leaned away.
It shone with heavenly aura as it’s eyes kept growing bigger but Sonic about-faced and turned to Amy, “Uhh... How’s the pooch-sitting coming along-” he was surprised to see she was completely captivated by the puppy and already squatting by the stool, gawking and taking pictures as her own eyes looked bigger than normal.
“Aww, cute puppy! Sweet boy! Look over hereee~” she cooed and coddled as it continued to pant, it’s eyes normal to Sonic now. “Who’s the cutest, wutest, sweetest, squishiest cheek boy ever?~” she then scrunched up his cheeks and played with them as they jiggled and wobbled to her touch, spraying drool everywhere...
“Oh.” He realized he was being ignored. “Alright, no worries, just the most dashing man of the hour in your house... No need to over-celebrate.” He frowned and pushed his arms straight down again. “Dumb dog.” he muttered under his breath.
“WHAT DID YOU SAY!?” Amy’s big, sparkling eyes went right into his face, as though a brainwashed-slave to this puppy as he shook his head in intimidation at her creepy smile.
“N-no-nothing! Just how cute the puppy iswh! Is-!” he almost mimicked Amy’s baby-talk on accident. “Ehem, Amy, I normally would never do this under typical and honorable circumstances but in this case-” He shoved her hands to his cheeks, “I think you see my point.” he beamed.
“...Uh, I guess?” Amy took her hands off his cheeks, “You hungry or something?”
He deflated yet again, his eyes just saucers of white. “N... No.”
She raised an eyebrow.
“...Yes.” He shrugged down, and as she went to the kitchen, he glared and clenched his jaw at the puppy. He zipped over to it, “Listen you, I don’t know what fame has done to your head or anything, but I’m not here to stand for your pompous treatment of my friend!”
The dog continued to drool, one eye blinking.
“But I’ll have you know that I’m the big shot in these parts! And Amy just happens to be madly in love with me!” He pointed to himself and then picked up the constantly panting dog. “Not you. So you can wag your little tail and stick out your tongue somewhere else!” He dashed to one of Amy’s bird cages and shoved the dog in, causing a minor yelp from it but it wasn’t hurt, just surprised as Sonic tarped it and headed back to Amy.
Sitting at the counter, he then crossed his legs, “So-ho-ho~ Amy~ Have I told you about the one time I-”
“Yep.” Amy continued to work on the food.
“I-I didn’t even say it.” Sonic squinted his eyes in suspicion at her.
“...Are you even listening to me?”
“All done!” she poured something into a bowl.
“Awesome! You’re cooking, might I say, is way better than Meh Burger when it comes to the ol’Sonic engine!” he rubbed his stomach and licked his chops before Amy swiped the bowl away from him as he went to bite down. “H-huh..? What just happened...” he spoke with his mouth open, mid-bite again, before he saw the puppy had mysteriously wound-up on the pillow stool again, Amy bringing the deluxe dog food over to him.
“Here you go, Mr. Tinkle Dinkles~ Yes, who’s hungry? Who’s the biggest star in Hedgehog Village and the world? And the whole wide wittle world? You are~ You are, you good boy~” she petted him as he leaned his head back, thumped his leg at her praise and loving scratches, and then flopped over her lap to gorge himself in her home-prepared dog food.
Sonic leaned against the couch, narrowing his eyes at the sight as he muttered more curses for the dog under his breath...
He had a thought bubble that then showed a chibi-version of Amy and the pooch, her scratching his belly and loving on him but the dog faded and a Chibi-Sonic replaced it. Snickering and cackling as Chibi-Amy continued her smothering but the Dog was now whining with it’s tail between it’s legs, trapped in a Meh Burger costume with a sign that read: ‘Will pee for attention’.
Sonic continued to snicker to himself before the doorbell rang again.
“Oh?” Amy lightly placed the dog back on his stool and used a finely made napkin with ‘Fuzzy Puppy Buddies’ logo on it to clean up his mouth before heading to the door. “Who could that be?”
While Amy was distracted, Sonic sped over to the dog, grabbed it, pulled back the window and tossed the dog with a under-handed swing out the window. It hung in the air a moment before going, “Oof?” like a little woof and fell straight down...
Into Eggman’s hands...
“Hehehe, hohoho..!” Eggman placed a mechanical dog down, doing the exact animations as the dumb little creature in the first place. “Now you’re coming with daddy sweetie~ Who’s a big, bright, beautiful star? You are~ You are Mr. Tinkle Dipples~ Uncle Eggy has a nice place set up just for you~” he wiggled his finger to the puppy and continued to adore it secretly while sneaking away.
“I’m gonna miss Metal Pooch.” Cubot wiped an imaginary tear from his eye. “Such beautiful destruction he caused...”
“Yeah... The steel heart mends, Cubot. Give it time to rust.” Orbot patted Cubot and helped turn him away from the sight.
When Amy closed the door again, she turned around with a shriek, panicking and tearing her house up looking for the dog. Sonic tried everything to get her to turn her attention to him, even momentarily throwing away his pride and setting up a floor-lounge with candle-lit setting with a rose in and across his mouth,... but she was too busy searching to see.
He spat out the rose and it hit her on the back of her head, “Ah! Sonic! We don’t have time for-...” Her eyes shrunk at the scene, and it might have been enough as their eyes met and romantic music started playing as he lifted up his foot and clicked a radio with his heel.
“Who’s a good boy..?” he flirted, but suddenly...
“Oh my stars!” Amy raced to the window, “Mr. Tinkle Dipples!? What are you doing out here?” she had big, anime eyes again... as though love was blinding her from seeing the fakeness of the dog.
She cradled it in her arms after reaching down the window to get it.
“BARK. BARK. I AM THE GOODEST OF BOYS.” It’s robot voice was a dead giveaway, but Sonic was amazed to see that Amy kept caring for it, spoon-feeding it as it took the food but lifted its tail to dispel it out the other end.
“Ohh~ Did Tinkle Dipples make a wittle present-mess-le?” Amy put her hands to her hips as Sonic couldn’t take it anymore.
“HE’S A ROBOT!” He spindashed the Eggman robot as it powered down.
“Ohh... Goodest of b-b-boys...” and shut down.
“NNNOOOO!!!” Amy freaked out, crying and holding him in her lowered arms.
“Amy! Snap out of it! It’s a decoy!” Sonic put his hands on her shoulders and shook her, and her eyes returned to normal. “H-huh? Sonic? When did you get here?”
He lowered his eyes in agitation, but then the news came on.
“This just came in, T.W Barker is suing Amy Rose for a violation of her contract, that’s right, MR. TINKLE DIPPLES IS MISSING! AHH!! THAT POOR, INNOCENT BOY! AHH! AHH, THE AGONY! Amy’s reputation is ruined by the way and the world will never forgive her awful crime of LOSING THE MOST ADORABLE PUPPY IN THE WOR-RL-RLD!!!” The eagle was losing himself in his grief, as Amy’s eyes twitched and she brought out her hammer, looking ready to murder Sonic.
“Wait!” He dodged, “Amy, listen to me! YIKES!” he had to dodge Amy all the way to Eggman’s, where they defeated him to get the puppy back, who was still as still and in a loop-animation as ever, but wagged its tail and licked Sonic’s face when successfully brought to the manager.
Amy’s reputation was spared and Cubot and Orbot got Tails to fix Metal Pooch, leaving him to a happy life with Mombot.
Metal Pooch continued the animation cycle, “I AM. I AM GOODEST BOY OF YOUR TWO EVIL SONS. BARK. BARK.”
Eggman frowned, watching from a window, “Ohh... Wait, how’d he end up there!?”
Cubot still visits to give him screws as a treat.
Amy looked to her friends, “Huh, I guess the moral here is to not let celebrities take over your lives and make you forget about your real friends...” She opened her arms up to everyone but instead, T.W Barker popped up, shocking everyone.
“And always keep your contractual obligations~” he winked to the camera with a sly grin. 
he muttered under his breath as though the legalities at the end of a radio or t.v commercials.
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mitskimutual · 3 years
♣️ owo -gothbug
You’re my: best friend!! ilysm dude :]
How I met you: we were moots and i wanted 2 dm u bc u seemed cool :] it was back when u were p much a cottagecore blog, like around 2018
Why I follow you: ur my bestie!! :D and i love seeing ur posts and stuff on my dash :) like peeking into ur house thru ur curtains n waving
Your blog is: POGGERS. so many good takes all the time. not an unfunny joke in sight <3 /dram
Your URL is: AWESOME i luv ur url so much. u havent had a bad one imo like all ur urls r genuinely like. great. still cant believe u got gampy AND akitchen
Your icon is: GENDER. holy crap i gender envy the person in ur icon
A random fact I know about you: u wanted 2 dye ur hair kokichi purple 4 a while!! i dont have the hair dye i bought 4 u anymore but i still have the green stuff!
General opinion: AWESOME BESTIE tysm for being in my life :)
A random thought I have: i should make u a kandi rosary
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Hey so, real quick?  Now that I’m 18 I just wanted to like, make an apology that’s honestly a long time coming.
I’m like, genuinely sorry for the many times I’ve been annoying as fuck and bitched about NSFW shit and all the guilt tripping about “Blah Blah Tag your NSFW Posts Rah!!!!”
Gonna be honest, I didn’t care not one single bit about seeing NSFW stuff, like I was honestly completely fine with it and the only reason I bitched was because... I love to write, roleplay, make characters, and most of all interact with all these other people who like that exact same thing. Some of y’all are lit as fuck and I vibe with y’all so much and y’all make me feel so comfortable honestly.
And, I was so fucking paranoid about my Mom checking or seeing my PC or Phone one day without warning or something, and her seeing something NSFW and just, take it all away.  She does that, there was one time I followed a blog I thought was all harmless sfw jokes but one time I left my PC on and my Mom peeked at my Dash and that blog posted an NSFW Joke and she flipped the fuck out. Almost lost Tumblr AND my Computer even that day.
And I was just, so fucking scared of losing it all. This is the one thing I have that’s completely secret and completely mine and I love it so much and my whole world would fucking shatter if I lost it all because I wouldn’t be losing just my blog and the ability to write. I’d be losing all the friends I have on here and on Discord as well.
I tagged as many nsfw tags y’all used as I possibly could and I just got so scared whenever I saw one that wasn’t blocked by my tag blocker or one that wasn’t tagged.
But that was my personal shit, and I shouldn’t have took it out on y’all and tried to tell y’all what you could and couldn’t write. That’s a fucking asshole-ish thing to do and none of my explanation above excuses ANY of my behavior.
Lately I’ve been hella feeling like I wasn’t wanted in the PokeRPC anymore and I’ve been so nervous about approaching my Poke Mutuals about interacting and I’ve even noticed I’ve been blocked by a few peeps I used to follow. And honestly? I don’t blame any of them for having done so. Nor do I blame any of my Poke Mutuals for not wanting to interact or talk with me if they had those feelings at all.
Like, I fully understand and I’m so sorry I let myself give into fear so much like this and I’m so sorry that I made myself blockable even. I never wanted to hurt or push away anyone. I just want to make up for it all.
And before you ask, no, I’m not making this apology just because I was put on a callout post or blocklist or something. There’s no callouts on me nor am I on any new blocklists or anything. I made this because I’m just....I’m just sorry.
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izukyu · 4 years
hi hello 👀 I came to say that I love your blog really much and,,, I just saw something about mistletoes nfiekfnakfnsn- so m may I ask a scenario about Mirio and his crush being under a tree *with* a mistletoe, so he just gives her a peck and confesses, then it somehow intensifies 👀👀👀
thank you so much dear! I really liked writing this one, and I hope it is similar to what you expected.
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Patrol itself hadn’t been particularly eventful, it almost seemed as if the villains had taken time off of their heinous schedules to celebrate the holidays too.
Nevertheless, heroes took it upon themselves to maintain that peace, especially with Christmas just around the corner. As cheesy as it could possibly sound, it was your sworn duty to watch over the busy, snowy streets to ensure everyone could enjoy time with their families.
And of course, doing so by your best friend’s side was an added bonus.
Mirio had been your friend for as long as you can remember, and it even surprised you how he seemed to still have the same charisma and beautiful smile of his even as he grew older.
Not that you’d ever tell him that though.
“Tell me again, how long until we can go back to the agency?” you asked, smile still present on your face as you waved to a group of kids who recognized you. In reality, you were exhausted.
“I’m pretty sure we can make our way back by now, Deku-kun agreed to take over patrol for the evening.” Mirio replied, his voice holding an unbearable amount of energy even though you two had been walking for hours on end by now.
He couldn’t it help it, whenever he was by your side everything seemed brighter. Mirio was infatuated with you, and he would never get tired from saying it, not to you, of course. 
Although his heart and mind ached to hold you in his arms in a way friends wouldn’t, there was something lurking in the back of his mind that prevented him from spilling those precious words to finally be yours. 
After a pep talk from both Tamaki and Nejire, Mirio concluded he was ready to voice his feelings for you.
“Well, Lemillion? Get a move on.” And just like that, you were off, already running towards the agency.
“Wait for me!”
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You could tell something was off from the very first step you took inside the building.
Everything was… silent. Peace was rare to find in the agency, especially with Bubble Girl always fussing about something, or Nighteye using his laughing machine on some poor soul.
With a shrug, you dismissed the anomaly, after all, Mirio had invited you over to his dorm for a movie night after you two got back from your internship, and you wanted nothing more than to cuddle up to him right now.
“I’m gonna change out of my costume, I’ll meet you outside, yeah?”
“Actually, can I talk to you for a second first-”
You chuckled, “I’m sure you can tell me about it on our way back, these shoes are killing me.”
“(Y/N)-” Mirio reached out to grab your hand before you closed the door for the locker room, consequently making you stumble and knock something off the doorway.
A small mistletoe branch adorned with bright red berries fell to the ground slowly, and your previous friendly squabble came to a halt.
You didn’t dare move a muscle, surely Mirio would laugh it off soon. Hopefully, any time now, Mirio would giggle about dumb Christmas traditions… right?
But said blonde hadn’t moved an inch either, his eyes glued on the small decoration laying on the floor.
The timing just seemed too perfect.
“Hey, Mirio- you know, we don’t have to do it-” you started, letting out a nervous chuckle as he finally turned to you. His cheeks were slightly flushed, but he still held that sweet smile of his you loved with all of your heart. “I know technically we have to- which we don’t, by the way, it’s a silly thing after all-”
“Can I kiss you?”
Silence took over the room again.
Mirio seemed nervous just like you, but there was a certain trace of determination behind his smile that made the offer dangerously tempting.
And just like that, Mirio cradled your face in his hands before crashing his lips against yours, albeit rather carelessly.
Years of unresolved tension crashed down on both of your hearts. Your hands moved to get a grip on his hair, really just anything to keep you grounded, while one of his hands travelled across your body, settling down on your waist before softly squeezing it. No words were exchanged as he broke the kiss before diving in for the next one.
Mirio moved both of his hands to hold your thighs, using the wall for support as he hoisted you up, doing his best to avoid breaking the kiss while doing so.
“I got you love.”
Soon enough your hands undid his cape—you’d always tease him about it, claiming that heroes shouldn’t wear capes. However it was hard to think of such wholesome things as his warm lips trailed down your neck, pressing sweet kisses to your skin while also sucking every few seconds.
You two kissed as if the rest of the world didn’t exist, too entranced in your newfound ardour.
Until someone else rounded the corner.
“Togata-san? (Y/N)-san? Are you two back alread-” The poor freckled hero had no idea that by peeking around the corner he’d come face to face to his two mentors making out with the fervor of two passionate young lovers.
As honorable as he prided himself in being, Mirio groaned quietly as you pushed him away, trying to regain your breath to apologize to the younger student. Nonetheless, it was to no avail, Midoriya dashed out of the room before you could even get a word out.
“… I thought we were alone.” You breathed heavily, a blush soon tinting your cheeks; partly out of embarrassment of getting caught making out during work hours, although it was mostly due to the fact you could see a dark bruise forming on your neck.
Courtesy of the newly self-proclaimed vampire, Mirio.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go talk to him.” Mirio laughed nervously, you could see Midoriya’s accidental intrusion had left him abashed as well.
Eye contact was made before he left to chase after the green-haired boy, and it left a lovesick smile on both of your faces.
His eyes held a burning adoration for you—they were filled with infatuation and tenderness.
It went unspoken, but it was clear both of you didn’t want whatever had bloomed in that moment to end any time soon.
“I’ll wait for you outside, and don’t take long! Movie night is still on.” You dismissed him with a wink, turning around to make your way into the changing room as you had originally planned. “Maybe we can resume our session once we’re finally alone.”
Much like his younger friend, Mirio took off, and you could hear his celebratory laughter as he hurried away.
Yeah, you loved the guy.
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you can find part 2 here!  and no, it’s not smut lol.
★ - send me a request!
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jaspers-levis · 4 years
The New Boy
Happy Pride month! I completely forgot to post this back when I finished, but better late than never, right? Please be kind in regards to my portrayal of the trans experience. I identify as my birth gender, so it was a different experience for me to write as a trans boy. I hope that I got somewhat close to what that experience may be!
Also, no matter who you are, you are deserving of love, respect, safety and happiness. This blog, although twilight themed, is always a safe space. If any of you need someone to talk to, my inbox is always open. Just because I may not know the full experience of what you are going through does not mean I cannot sympathize and offer comfort. We are all human beings on this planet together <3
Reader request by @eatmoarveggies
A new trans boy joins Forks High
“Can’t believe mom’s stupid job landed us in this stupid tiny town,” you muttered to yourself at the stoplight (the only one) on Main Street. Rain lashed at your windshield in an unrelenting stream, perfectly reflecting your mood. Not two weeks ago you’d been laughing it up at a cafe table in the sun on the California coast with your friends, planning a weekend getaway trip the last weekend before school started. Now you were driving as slowly as a snail through the pools of water covering the roadway in your crappy silver toyota, for once glad your mom hadn’t let you get a convertible. 
You glanced at the clock, realizing that if you continued at this pace you would be pushing the bell when you arrived at school for your first day, and inched the gas pedal down a notch. Stupid dumb rain. Sighing, you finally made the turn into the Fork’s High school parking lot and pulled into one of the last spots available. You reluctantly shut off the engine and checked your backpack for your school welcome packet. Unfortunately they’d written your birth name on each form, rather than the name you’d chosen for yourself two years ago when you realized you were a boy. Even after all this time, the deliberate refusal to call you by your correct name still rankled.
Annoyed, you ripped your school map out of the packet and slammed the folder shut before hopping out of your car and dashing for the main building. The offensive welcome packet served as a good shield against the downpour and you managed to get to the office with your carefully styled hair still in place. “Hi there, honey,” a generically pretty middle-aged receptionist greeted you. “How can I help you?”
“I’m supposed to register for classes? I’m Y/N, from California,” you told her, setting your stuff down on the counter. 
“Hmm…” she clicked industriously at her computer for a few moments. “I’m sorry hon, I recognize the last name but not the first.”
Sighing internally you muttered that it might be under your birth name, not your actual name and she instantly brightened. “Oh! Of course, here we are. Such an interesting name for a young girl. Is it a nickname?”
“No, I actually identify as a male,” you stiffened, resigned to an entire day of misgendering if the rest of the staff and students here at Forks High were as thick as this lady. “Thank you for your help.” You grabbed your schedule out of her hands and made a beeline for the door before she could say anything that was clearly already on the tip of her tongue.
On your way out, you opened the door right into a slim, dark haired girl who immediately dropped all her books and tripped over her own untied shoelace on her way to pick them up. “I’m so sorry!” you apologized, kneeling to help gather her books.
“Hey don’t worry about it!” she said cheerfully with a wry smile, shoving up the sleeves of her plaid shirt. “My mom always says I’m a walking disaster. Edward, my boyfriend, says if there is even the slightest change in elevation I’d fall.”
“I had a friend like that back home,” you return her good natured smile and help her stand. “My name’s Y/N.”
“Cool, I’m Bella,” she shook your hand, not missing a beat. She did eye you curiously but didn’t say another word on it, besides wishing you luck on her way to her first class. Hm. Maybe Forks wouldn’t be as bad as you’d thought…
And you were deeply wrong. Every single teacher called you by your birth name and when you corrected them whispers circulated amongst the class for the better part of the period. At least one person made a pointed remark about your physical appearance within hearing range each class, and one girl openly asked you what you had “down there” in between classes. Things only got worse when you asked if there was a private changing room you could use before gym. The instructor laughed before realizing you were serious and begrudgingly offered you a cluttered storage room next to his office. “I don’t like offering special treatment,” he groused as he unlocked the door. “Don’t mess anything up in here.”
You sighed and changed quickly, emerging to find a group of teenage boys, seniors and juniors mostly, waiting for you. Gritting your teeth at the sharp jump in your pulse, you tried to push through them. One of them caught you and shoved you, hard. “So what are you, really?” their leader asked, scowling. “You can’t seriously be calling yourself a boy, you look like a fucking girl. Or are you one of those gays too?”
“That’s none of your business,” you mutter, trying to get past them again. This time you were thrust against the wall so hard your head knocked against the cinderblocks painfully. 
“Like hell it isn’t!” the leader growled in your face, pinning you against the wall. “You just want to get in the boy’s locker room for a sneak peek, is that it? We’ll give you a sneak peek right here!”
You spat in his face in retaliation and he threw you to the floor in anger, where the rest of the boys surrounded you in an instant, ready to beat the shit out of you. Curling into a ball, you sent up a prayer to whatever god was listening that it would be over soon. 
After a moment, you uncurled yourself when not a single kick landed. You looked up to see the largest senior boy you’d ever seen standing before you looking scarier than hell as he stood off against your tormentors. A statuesque blonde girl stood next to him, shaking with fury and shooting daggers at the boys. “Don’t ever fucking come near him again,” she spat, taking a step forward. 
“What are you gonna do?” the leader sneered, crossing his arms.
“You don’t even want to know, bro,” the enormous boy said, laying a restraining hand on the girl. “Get the fuck out of here before she loses her temper.”
The boys turned and ran at the look on the girl’s face.
“Hey man, you okay?” the large boy turned and reached out a hand to help you up. His skin was shockingly cold for such a large dude… “My name’s Emmett, and this is Rosalie. We heard the commotion and came to see what was going on.”
“I’m Y/N,” you stammer as Rosalie turns her fearsome gaze at you. 
“If those boys, or anyone else even so much as LOOK at you funny, you come find me or one of our family. We’ll take care of it,” she said fiercely, her golden eyes frighteningly intense.
Emmet gave Rose a look and sighed. “Y/N… you’re new, right? You met our brother’s girlfriend Bella earlier this morning. Nice to meet you!”
“Nice to meet you too…” you said haltingly, uncertain.
“Ignore Rose; she won’t bite...well, you at least,” Emmett joked, patting you on the shoulder and leading the two of you back to the gymnasium. “But seriously, if anyone is nasty to you again, we’ll help you out. No one should be treated like that!”
“Why are you helping me?” you asked, apprehensive of these beautiful strangers and their generous offer of aid.
“Those guys are all assholes,” Rosalie growled, sending a terrifying glare in their direction across the gym floor that sent them scattering like cockroaches under a light. “I hate them.”
“Well, that, and we don’t like bullies,” Emmett shrugged. “What you have in your pants, who you are or what you look like are your business, not anyone else’s. Who the fuck cares anyways?”
“Way too many people at this school,” you mutter as the gym teacher approached, explaining the activity for the class. You didn’t get a chance to talk more with Rosalie and Emmett during class, but afterwards they invited you to sit at lunch with you and their family. Maybe things really wouldn’t be that bad if you had a couple of supportive friends like the Cullens...
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enigmatic-elegance · 5 years
Mas’ Must Follow MASterpost
[In no particular order]
@risrielthron One of the best. You will feel as if you are talking with your lifelong friend. Sweet, friendly, and generous. A true example of who we should all try to be more like.
@theodorebennas Daddy Beans. Chill dude. Knows he can be a bit of a meme and owns it. Actually extremely smart and has a ton of good sense. Crusade!
@tanzrielle Super chill in the most not chill way. Will talk your ear off about their awesome characters and want to hear all about your own too. Great person to know and bounce ideas off of.
@thebattlesheep @a-sheep-does-art Sweet thing. Loves to meet new people. Does not RP much but when they do they kill it.
@possum Loser. (Seriously such a humorous, sweet, and all around amazing person.)
@wiedaashcroft Really great character, and the person who plays them is extremely laid back and chill.
@the-petalpaw-family They don’t RP as much right now, but their stories and characters are next level. No lie, they take things like plot and character lineage to places you rarely see. Amazing places.
@kat-hawke ICly very interesting and intense character. OOCly a more grounded individual. Blunt, but never cruel.
@darthscharactervault Someone who does not give themselves nearly enough credit for how creative they are with their ideas and characters.
@gwenya Often NSFW but she’s a gem of a person. Amazing, chill, down for whatever. She’s the raunchy friend you never knew you wanted.
@the-real-arcanist-val Smart person, fantastic writer, extremely sensible and rational. All around someone you want to know.
@vaard Never personally interacted with him, but he’s an iconic figure among the community. Everyone should follow. (Does not take commissions but is an amazing artist, too.)
@harvee-sarah-zena One of my closest RP partners. Might not post as much as they SHOULD but if you can catch them their RP is some amazing work. And their characters are all so unique.
@thegreatnyehehe Likely not returning to WoW any time soon, but still one of the best characters ever. To this day, worth reading through their posts.
@kinzorscarstorm Chill dude with a cool character. Have not interacted much IC, but respect them OOC for their char and methods.
@open-world-azeroth Not really a ‘person’ but a great resource for some fantastic RP spots.
@mediocre-bladeleaf Very cool aesthetic, and from what I see of their writings they have some awesome characters.
@draenei-tales Shout out to a fellow active and really cool looking Draenei RPer. All I see from them is extremely interesting.
@leora-strauss Don’t know much about the character but their aesthetic is so amazingly cool.
@serelia-evensong Active and interesting RPer. Will fill your dash up with fun to read posts of all kinds.
@susan-gampre Hoe. But she knows it. And she’s good at it. The character and RPer both are sassy and take no shit, and I love them for it.
@storykeeper-wra Spooky character. But not tired and boring spooky. The sort that’s very interesting. Like a good book. Makes sense they are the storykeeper, because their story is very appealing.
@halforc-mercenary Have always wanted to interact with their character but never much got the chance. Still adore their writings on my dash, and they often impress me with their plots and quality.
@rhysgoodwin Cute char, updates often, fantastic writer.
@priestess-nightfury Elf RP/Aesthetic at some of its very best.
@stonestridernerd They will love you and make you feel like the best person ever just be hurling likes at you and complimenting your work. They are just a gem of a person. So, so sweet.
@theshadowborn Shame I’[ve not interacted with their character much, but they are a clearly talented writer.
@durotan-ofthe-frostwolf Lot of OOC silly stuff, but genuinely a cool person and always a pleasure to see on your dash.
@ranekvilmas Just a very talented writer and all around chipper guy. One of those people who always has something interesting on their blog to read.
@penvenomstarkstar A good head on this one’s shoulders. ICly their character is extremely well written with so, so much depth. Endless things to discover here.
@ravenpriest DAMN awesome aesthetic. Really nails the gothica vibe.
@longveil Such a cool aesthetic. I’d follow for that alone, and there is so much more there too.
@kyuusei-shadowleaf Another blog worth the follow for aesthetic alone. So cool to see across your dash.
@k-sunrael Followed for a long time. Their blog can sometimes be a bit NSFW but the content is quality.
@monster-of-master In the vibe of ‘dark’ aesthetic without being overtly in your face. The sort of subtle horror we all secretly crave. Very much enjoy their content.
@summysparklesprocket Such an amazing, kind, and funny person. And the character is next level because they are a Gnome taken seriously. Love them.
@quai-mason @andrew-mason Extremely talented writer and one of the few who posts so, so frequently. You’ll eagerly await their next post, trust me.
@unabashedrebel ICly they are a very cool character with awesome stories. OOCly they are a smart and conscience driven individual with a good moral sense. More than once they’ve shown they are not afraid to stick up for what matters. Lot of respect.
@safrona-shadowsun Killer character aesthetic, great reblogs, and does not ruin their theme with bullshit. Fantastic follow, this one.
@helryder666 All over the place with their posts, but its never unwelcome or uninteresting. They always seem to know what you wanna see, even if you don’t know.
@thewardancer Some of the best troll aesthetic I’ve seen, honestly.
@brandstonethings Just a big bear of a man. I love him, and you will too. He’s so well written he feels alive.
@archmage--khadgar I hesitate with people who RP lore characters. This one managed to be one of my few exceptions. They actually do a really great job with it.
@forhonorandglory Only followed for a short time, but still worth it in my books. Sharp wit, great character.
@covexalexanderkingsley Don’t know if they still RP as much these days but they remain a very fantastic and creative individual.
@eilitheduskbringer Very talented writers. One of the best I’ve seen. And they host to an amazing community I’ve come to respect.
@thepalewolfhowls Great artist too, but I mainly know them for their awesome character and fantastic sense of story and plot.
@the-royal-courier A fantastic source of events and stories. While they don’t host many writings of their own, they still reblog community events. Absolutely advise a follow.
@stormwinduniv Been around about as long as my old arse. Very talented group of writers who put on so many community events and intellectually focused debates.
@the-silver-circle A group of extremely talented writers focused entirely on Kaldorei writing and storylines. Very high levels of respect from me.
@moment-in-time-wra Less a ‘guild’ but still a great service for in game photography. They make your events look fantastic! Run by Risri.
@atc-wra A very talented small group of RPers who know how to make stories pop. You just want to be a part of them, or read what happens next.
@deadsunharbor Very fantastic crew who are open to all manner of amazing RP opportunities. They do criminal/dark correctly and with finesse rarely seen.
@oathswornvanguard Lawful good guild done proper. They have stood the test of time not only with their quality but their kindness and openness to the community.
@wraconnect A great source of WoW events and blogs to follow.
@wowrpevents Another fantastic source of WoW events and blogs to follow.
@wracentral ANOTHER fantastic source of WoW events and blogs to follow.
@whimsicallyart @elaianna Talented, intelligent, observant, and all around a gem of a person. Worth knowing.
@littleliongod One of the best I have worked with. Talented, priced very fair, extremely punctual, very communicative. Can not possibly recommend enough for any commission work.
@artofaokori Worked with them before and would absolutely do so again. Their style is very unique and you’ll recognize it anywhere in a good way.
@vintrove @vinsketchbook Extremely talented. Some next level stuff. Commissioned them twice and both times they blew me away with the end product.
@catbatart @cat-bat Such a shame I’ve only worked with them one time. One day, I must commission them again because they are the sort of artist who will go that extra mile and bring your piece to life.
@ferachidoesart They are Ferachi. They do art. Really well. Great style, super unique, and their commission prices are way more reasonable than you’d expect for their amazing quality.
@auggusst-art @auggusst Really such a kind and talented soul. One of those hidden gems of tumblr. They deserve more notice, so go give it to them!
@blackdogmelancholyooc @blackdogmelancholy Nerd. But actually a really cool dude with a ton of raw talent. They are great to work with.
@anzka Have not posted here in a while, but you should take a peek. Why? Because no one. Draws. Gnomes. Better.
@planktonheretic You like thick ladies? What about buff ones? Then my friend, have I got a treat for you. That treat is Plank. Check out their Twitter too for even more fantastic work!
@kellydidathing Amazing artist. Very busy person, but worth the investment because the art is top notch.
@izzarra Talk about raw talent refined into a craft. This artist is going places, seriously. Amazing stuff.
@thestringking @jane-fitzgerald @ahn-qiraj Extremely talented young lad who I know will go on to kill it in the art industry. Already one of the best out there, no lie.
Self Plug
My blog should be easy to find, right at the top of this post here, or the bottom. If you want to see all my character blogs, please check out RIGHT HERE (under repairs atm so a few of the characters might not work or link improperly) for a complete list. Each character page here contains a link just under their summary that will take you to their individual blog. Check out the ones that interest you!
Also want to plug my own guild, @coldwall-collective, for still being some of the best writers and content creators I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Go check us out!
Not Here?
Don’t be sad! Many reasons could be the cause. Maybe we’ve just not interacted enough. Or maybe I’ve not seen many of your posts. Maybe I overlooked you because I’m silly. Any of these could be a reason. If you don’t see yourself here, it does not mean I don’t appreciate you. I do. You’re a part of what makes this community great and I have all the respect for you.
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imaginationlane · 4 years
Major Changes, And The Future of The Blog...
If some of you have been watching, you’ll notice I’ve been quietly working on some changes to the blog and overall -- on my stories. There’s a purpose to this, because this blog has been long overdue for a major overhaul to reorganize everything. 
I’ll go ahead and put this under a “Keep Reading” link, as to not spam your dashes, because these changes are actually quite extensive.
Okay, let’s just jump into it: 
As of now, The Assistant has an editor. The editor is actually a very good move for me, because while I can edit other people’s works all day long (with an intense accuracy) -- doing my own, is turning out to be a different story lol. Admittedly, I’ve never done too badly on editing my own work, but I’d rather have an extra pair of eyes helping me catch the minor stuff I’ve missed -- so that I can be assured that I’m putting out great materials overall. I’ve recently added the brand new, slightly revised, and edited first chapter (both on here, and on Wattpad).  Go check it out here, in order to see it for yourself. And please, feel free to tell me what you think of the newly revised Chapter One! 
[[Side Note: As for AO3, I haven’t decided if I’ll add the new and revised versions of all of my Assistant chapters yet. To be honest, I rarely get interaction on there. So I’m trying to decide if I want to stay with it, or leave it behind and concentrate solely on Tumblr and Wattpad instead, since these two platforms is where the vast majority of my interaction comes from. Feel free to make suggestions if you want!]]
The rest of the revised/edited Assistant chapters, will start appearing on this blog within the next couple of weeks. It legitimately takes me about three days to get the edits back, and re-write/revise each chapter (literally, I’m rewriting word for word). So it’ll be approximately a couple of weeks to knock out these first seven chapters I have done. Currently, my editor is working on Chapters 3-7 at the moment, and I should have that document back soon. 
The Assistant will not be the only story getting major edits, re-writes, and revisions...
Another thing to announce: A Night In... has officially been privatized, and pulled down from this blog and Wattpad, temporarily. The reason for this, is because I really need to get the inspiration back to finish it. And once I do, I plan to have my editor and I go through my first three chapters. She’ll make edits, I’ll be making revisions, and from there -- we’ll hopefully get this story back online. At this time though, I don’t know when that will be. For now, I just want to concentrate on finishing my other stories first.
Which brings me to my next point...
My one-shots will not be privatized, but they too will be undergoing edits, revisions, and so on. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. So expect that to happen in the future. 
Now, you may have noticed I’m also expanding fandoms...
My first and foremost priority is to finish my works I started in Bill’s fandom, but I am going to branch off to start writing for other characters, celebrities, etc. I want to continue to be inspired and not feel tied down to one specific celebrity -- which is exactly what I did to myself three years ago. I’ve realized with how fast I wore myself out within the first year after starting this blog, that I was truly exhausting and entrapping my own creativity by not allowing myself the chance to expand. In return, you guys ultimately suffered as the readers because I just was burnt out. So you can expect to see me expanding off, very soon in order to keep my creativity alive and well. In fact, I’ve already posted one sneak peek of me dabbling into the MCU for a Loki fic. Which, btw, the editor is stoked to get her hands on that one and can’t wait to read it. 
[[Final Side Note: To clarify, this does not mean I’m going to “stop” writing Bill fanfics. He’s a great muse, wonderful face claim for male characters I come up with, etc. so I will continue to add onto that library I’ve already started with him. I’m just saying, that I plan to expand my boundaries to include others which encourages more readers to stop by. After all, I want you all to feel like this blog is a place where you can go to read quality fanfics, reader inserts, and even original pieces -- and feel safe, free, and most importantly, comfortably at home in a judgement free zone.]]
Alright lovelies, I think this about covers it for now. However, I do expect to have more news coming in the future. 
Until next time... Take care and stay safe out there. And if no one has told you today: You’re beautiful, and I care about you. Treat yourself wonderfully. xoxo
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soulstied-a · 4 years
↳  ����𝐧𝐮 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞
   @negotiiator -   I can’t even remember how long ago I followed you, I think you used to follow my old Hank blog? But we definitely started RPing the most when I decided to write Elijah. You have a better memory for my old threads than I do I completely forgot Allen and Connor interfaced before until it was brought up. I also find it funny how like outside Elijah and Connor’s current relationship, like that Arranged Marriage AU, they clash so much but the chemistry in their normal verse is so on point. And yet, they don’t act differently outside their beginning relationship was just as rocky but they sailed over it and I don’t remember what that turning point was.    Okay the actual positivity. Andrew, Connor-mun, is really sweet person which anyone will notice if they spend a few minutes talking to them in the tags. The few times we’ve conversed too they were really kind and I cannot get enough of their Connor. The chemistry between our muses is so incredible and the depth that Connor feels for just everything is in all the little details of their replies. You can truly feel the emotions of the muse and that is the type of stuff I live for. You’re very dedicated to your muse and I can tell you’re passionate about Connor. I do think we should talk more about Hank and Connor’s relationship because they don’t seem to be seeing eye to eye currently and it makes me sad. 
   @phckinglife / @deconstructlife -   So adding you on discord was the best thing I’ve probably ever done lately. It’s a big stress relief to talk to you so much about Gavin and Henry, I really want to talk more about Cayden and Allen too I think there is something there if they get a chance to work stuff out. But, when I get to peek at our messages while I’m at work and reply I get really happy and it’s just a few seconds between all the chaos I’m currently experiencing that really helps my stress and I can’t thank you enough for just reaching out and being so patient with me. I know I’m erratic with activity and the replies. I owe you so much and instead of getting to it I send you more asks LMAO. I’m glad that doesn’t bother you too!    I haven’t interacted with many Gavin’s, which I do find odd since the fandom says there is a lot I can only list a few off the top of my head, but from what I remember in the game and I’ve watched a lot of people play it since my run, you do appear to have him spot on. The temper and yet the self-hatred at that temper seems really accurate. My Grandfather used to be a lot like Gavin, he had that unrelenting anger and when he tried to apologize he’d still hurt you in the process of doing it and struggle with finding a way to make up for it without actually saying “I’m sorry”. It’s definitely a struggle that I think Gavin can overcome and the way you write him working on that really is easy to read how much of a struggle that alone is for him.    As for Cayden I don’t think I completely understand his personality which isn’t a bad thing! I think it works well for his character. We only get .2 seconds of him in the game and he stands there all creepy and stone like. There is no wrong way to do his character in my opinion and I think I like that I don’t completely get  a read on him. It definitely makes it more interesting to explore threads with him and try to understand him. It also makes Allen’s fear of him stronger. 
   @deviatiions -   I worry for your Connor’s sense of judgement as he clearly has a problem with thinking things through, and Allen backs this up with increased worry as Connor decides it’s fine to take the non-combat unit on calls. We’ve only started really writing recently and talking about Henry calling Connor at 3 am for sex talks about Gavin, and though most of our talks seem about the most stupid of shit I’ve had a lot of fun with the plots we’ve thrown around so far. You’re a really bubbly person and completely fuel all the other shit that goes on with Gavin. I just imagine you and Connor sitting there pointing at the two fucking idiots going “Should we tell him he’s a moron?”.    I really want his and Allen’s relationship to go further, I think as friends they have a lot of potential and I really want Connor to have more friends. Imagining them going shopping and Connor trying to tell Allen he can wear something other than his DPD Uniform and picking out button up shirts together is completely a wish of mine and Elijah just sitting in the back texting his work computer while sneaking pictures of Connor--it’s fantastic I have an entire vision let me have it YOU HAVE MY DISCORD.
   @jericholeader -    You are the only Markus I write with currently and the only one I actively see on my dash, so when I make those headcanons for Elijah and Markus I completely have your blog in mind. You write Markus so well that it’s actually pretty impressive. Like sometimes I feel like I really nail down Hank and Elijah but you write Markus so well that it’s as if you’re constantly watching the game through just to make sure you do. From his personality to his choice of words I can really feel the character you do an incredibly job I can’t say it enough. I hope you stick around in the fandom because you really are a gem to interact with and I want to explore Elijah and Markus’ relationship. Allen too that one thread that questions Markus’ commitment to the Androids, the depth of which he’d go and believe them, I think it can really open some character development for the both of them.    It’s interesting to see Markus doubt himself, doubt his over belief in his own people. Not to mention the outfall of all of that, when the other Androids realize that another was killing their kind and Markus helped arrest them? I think it’ll give him a deeper insight into what Connor feels and the emotion turnaround it will cause on him. How you play that I really want to see. All your threads are interesting and I like fucking with Markus’ head since you have such an understanding of his character.
   @trustinginthelight -   I know I’ve only interacted with Carl and I’ve already gushed about him but I’m gonna do it again. Carl is a very underappreciated character in the game much like Elijah and I hate that DC left out so much of their relationship and 90% of it is simply hinted at and left up to interpretation. From what we do know of Carl though and especially of his relationship with Elijah I believe you have such a grasp on his character that it’s impressive and beautiful. That headcanon you write on him before everything I can honestly see actually happening in the game. Not to mention that bullheaded and bit temperamental personality he is is exactly the type of person that could put up with Elijah and fight through to keep that friendship.    You write him so incredibly and so wonderfully that I am so thankful you picked the character up. Not everyone would write Carl, because he’s not young and capable of being shipped with others so the fact you do and you write him so well honestly, it makes me so happy. Because I get to explore that wonderful relationship that Elijah gets to have with his one friend. If you write the rest of your muses as well as you do Carl I wouldn’t be surprised, I really love your writing! 
   @rcprobate -   I OWE YOU SO MANY MESSAGES. Your one of those people that I look at what you send me, get squirmy over the fanart of Hank and Connor and THEN FORGET TO REPLY. But you’re so patient with me and I appreciate that and I really do love plotting with you when we get the chance to do it. Thank you so much for putting up with me and role playing with me, I really love everything that we have going on and the fact you ship one of those very rare ships and feel it just as much as I do with me. Your Connor is a real joy to write with, and you yourself are such a pleasure to talk with over what we write.    Also, I think Pigeon Android is by far one of the must random and interesting characters to pick up from the game that anyone can choose. It’s really shows what a unique person you are in a good way to take something so small and seemingly inconsequential from the game and turn it into a full blown person. I really admire the creativity that goes into doing that because you have to look though that one small part of the game so thoroughly to find all the little ques and put it together like a puzzle. I love it and I love the detail that goes into him. 
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thelargefrye · 4 years
heyyyyyyyy ♧ :DD
you’re my : precious mutual that i adore
how i met you : i remember reading your stuff and really enjoying it so i followed you but we didn’t start to interact until i tagged you in one of those ‘ship your mutuals with ateez’ things (if i remember correctly that’s how it went) and then it just came naturally for me at least to want to interact and talk with you.
why i follow you : because you post great stuff and i love seeing your moodboards on my dash
your blog is : perfect! aesthetically pleasing! well organized!
your url : iconic
your icon is : adorable. love how it looks like he’s peeking up to look at you
a random fact i know about : your pinterest is extremely well organized by genre/theme more than colors
general opinion : you’re so creative and funny and you always bring up my spirits when i’m down
a random thought i have : you fuel my san agenda
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snarkandsarcasmftw · 4 years
green, teal, cinnamon, blush, fuchsia, razzmatazz, saffron, plum, burgundy (and extra green 💚💚💚💚 cos I know you gonna argue the point)
GREEN = I think you’re cute.
STOPPIT NOW IM NOT!! But honestly, you’re the cute one tho. I’m just small and grumpy and strange. I am gonna argue this point, til we’re all blue in the face but.. I’m also blushing and all warm and fuzzy inside and shit rn, so there. I’ll take it.
TEAL = We have a lot in common.
We do and honestly, sometimes, it’s spooky. But in a good way. The best way.
CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar.
BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better.
Honestly, fucking same. I think I smile a little bit every time you give the world a sneak peek into whatever knitting or sewing project you’re working on. And I really like all the character headcanons you come up with and I see them and just nod, agreeing.
FUCHSIA = Your blog content is gold
Shh, I’m not crying rn. It’s just the onions in my chili. Seriously, this is so fucking sweet like... Ahhhh. But I have to say that your blog content is also gold. I enjoy it very much.
RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you
Ahhhh omg, yes. Thank you. I would definitely share my favorite food with you too. Ahhhh, I feel so warm inside. 
SAFFRON = I love your ideas
Again I ask... Why? They’re literally dumb and random. But this means so much to me that I’m smiling and all happy and stuff rn, so thank you. I love your ideas too, they’ve lead t some really interesting discussions that I’ve definitely enjoyed and I truly hope continue! ( P.S, thank you so so so much for putting up with me coming to shout at you about them at random and bizarre times. It means a lot to me. Also know that I love hearing yours, so never worry about that.)
PLUM = I’d like to chat with you
DAWWWW. I’d love to chat with you too. I enjoy talking to you, it’s fun. So much fun. Thank you, you don’t know how much all of these mean to me, you really do NOT.
BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you
TRULY. I FEEL THE LOVE IN THIS CHILIS TONIGHT. AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH IT MEANS TO ME OR HOW MUCH BETTER IT’S MADE MY NIGHT. In all seriousness though, I get excited whenever you pop up in my notifications as having posted something, I’m always like “Ohh, what pretty thing are they making today, I wonder?” 
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