#I love that Campfire Song Song is on Patton's.
“So, I am to understand,” Logan began, speaking slowly as Thomas just grinned at him expectantly, “That you desire us to craft playlists of songs that we find...compelling?”
“Not playlists, Logan! Side Tracks!” Roman swept a hand through the air as if Side Tracks would appear in glittering letters above him. As he was not in the Mind Palace, it didn’t.
“Side tracks?” Virgil echoed, raising an incredulous eyebrow at the creative side.
Roman nodded excitedly, “Yes! Our fans will become sidetracked when they lend an ear to the dulcet tracks compiled by each side. Side Tracks!”
Virgil lifted his eyes to the ceiling and mumbled something inaudible.
“Oh, sounds fun!” Patton clapped his hands together, bouncing excitedly.
“I knew you’d love it, Patton!” Thomas gave the moral side a thumbs up, “I know you’ve got some good songs to share.”
“Oh, definitely!” Patton’s chuckle slowly died off as he stared happily into the distance, nodding to himself.
Roman considered a moment, then gave a loud sigh, “Oh, don’t tell me you’re going to add the Spongebob song!”
“Of course I am! That song is fire...even though it’s sung in the ocean!”
“Wait, which Spongebob song?” Logan interrupted, “There are a multitude, all of which have been stuck in Thomas’s head at one point or another.”
Patton placed his hands on his hips, leaning forward in a suspiciously mischeivous manner, “Well, I could tell you which one...Or...”
Logan blinked in confusion, “Or what?”
“Don’t encourage him!” Roman cautioned.
Patton spread his arms out wide, “I could sing you which one!”
“Oh, n-no,” Logan’s eyes widened and he made a placating gesture with his hands “That is not...you don’t have to-”
Patton took a deep breath, “LLLeeeet’s-”
“Okay, Pat, okay.” Thomas said hurriedly, “We don’t need to hear a full rendition right now. We’ve still got to explain some things.”
“Okay, Thomas,” Patton said, his cheer not dampening in the slightest, “I guess it only helps if you sing along, anyway.”
“Oh, brother.” Roman murmured.
“Anyway,” Thomas turned his attention back to the original question, “Yes, Logan, you’ll each pick some songs that you can relate to and I’ll put it on Spotify on individual playlists.”
“Side Tracks!”
“How many songs?” Logan asked, ignoring Roman’s outburst.
Thomas shrugged, “I dunno. Roman and I were thinking about 15 to 20-ish.”
“What?” Virgil seemed more alert.
Roman rolled his eyes, “Oh, what, you don’t have 15 to 20-ish emo songs in your repertoire, Parabore?”
Virgil shot a swift glare at the creative side before lowering his gaze, “It just seems a bit...much, don’t you think?”
“Well, how many were you thinking, kiddo?” Patton asked.
Virgil adjusted his hoodie where it lay on his shoulders, “I don’t know, like...five?”
“Five?” Roman scoffed, “How is anyone to become sidetracked with five songs?”
The anxious side looked uncomfortable, “I mean, you want 20 songs we can relate to...seems kind of personal...”
“Well, yeah, Virge,” Thomas said before Roman could respond, “The goal is so the fans can understand you all better.”
“I would think the fans understand us well enough considering all of the dilemmas they have watched us guide you through, not to mention the...feelings you all express on occasion.” Logan said with a slight look of disgust.
“I know, but…” Thomas sought the right words, “I just think the fans would be interested to see what kind of songs you like. Maybe your music choices will inspire them.”
“And inspiration is the greatest gift of all!” Roman declared.
“I thought the greatest gift was the announcement of a Percy Jackson show on Disney+.” Patton said.
“Well, yes, but that was yesterday, Patton. Today, it is inspiration!”
“So far I’m not feeling particularly inspired.” Virgil remarked.
“Oh, just slap some Panic! At The Disco and some MCR together, Harry Pouter!” Roman waved a distracted hand in Virgil’s direction, “That’s all you listen to on those headphones of yours!”
“Now, Roman,” Patton said in his classic dad voice, “If Virgil doesn’t want to make a playlist-”
“Side Track!
“-for himself, we shouldn’t pressure him into doing it.”
“Oh, is this optional?” Logan inquired.
“No!” Roman exclaimed.
“Well, I mean,” Thomas spoke up sheepishly, “I’m not going to force any of you to do it if you don’t want to.”
“What?” Roman rounded on Thomas, “But we spent all night talking about this, brainstorming songs, even calling Joan to talk it over with them! I- You were so excited!”
“I am!” Thomas hastened to say, “But we’ve all agreed to respect each other’s boundaries, remember?”
He turned to his anxious and logical sides, “If you guys don’t want to do it, that’s okay.”
Virgil and Logan shared a glance. Virgil let out a long exhale, “Ah, what the heck? I’ll do it. Roman’s right: I can slap together some emo songs.”
“Yes, and I too will compile a list of songs I can ‘relate to’.” Logan added.
Roman looked surprised for a few seconds, expecting more of a backlash. He smiled.
“Uh, thank you! That’s more like it!”
“Wow, that’s the fastest we’ve solved an issue in a long time!” Patton remarked.
“To be fair, it wasn’t an intense issue.” Logan noted.
Patton waved the sentiment aside, “Regardless, I’m proud of you all!”
“Well...thank you, Patton.” Logan nodded to the moral side.
“I say, in celebration, that we gather around…”
Logan seemed confused, “We are gathered.”
“...the campfire…”
“Oh, uh, wait, no-”
“And sing our campfire song!”
“Oh no.”
“I told you not to encourage him!”
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romantichopelessly · 3 years
I want to get back into writing but I don’t think that I will be writing Sanders Sides content ever again, so to clear out my google docs, I’m making this post just… a list of plot ideas that I had that are now up for adoption for the Sanders Sides fandom. This will likely be my last ever post on this series.
"Dark Sides Pining Club" - can be any combination of dark/light ships, I was thinking Analogical/Roceit/Intruality. Janus, Remus and Virgil have a standing (monthly?) meeting where they get together to talk about their crushes. Over the years it has stayed the one sacred thing between them, even after Virgil left.
"Stars that Welcome with Open Arms" - 5 times that Virgil came to cry to Deceit and one time the tables were turned - ending in Virgil leaving.
"Firefly Lights and Campfire Nights" - Intrumoxiety summer camp AU. Virgil, Patton and Remus are camp counselors. V and Pat have been best friends forever. Patton starts falling for Remus at camp and Virgil is conflicted over pining for his longtime crush, Patton, and falling for Remus too.
Analogical college AU with French Virgil. Logan gets a boyfriend while studying abroad in France and his friends do not believe that this boyfriend is real.
Remus can see ghosts--Roman is a ghost that he sees.
Roman knows that Virgil has a crush on Patton, so starts leaving Patton love letters under Virgil’s name, but Patton recognizes the handwriting and starts falling for Roman, who is already crushing on Logan but may be catching feelings for Patton now as well. Basically circular pining LAMP.
Everyone on earth is born with a curse/gift. For Logan, it’s as if he’s allergic to love. But at least his heart is forever protected. For Roman, all he sings comes true. Virgil has just about the worst luck anyone has ever seen. It’s like his every worry comes true. But at least he’s always prepared. No one knows the cause of these “gifts”. But some say they can reverse themselves. If you find your true love, that is. LAMP.
Nico/Thomas AU where the sides are Thomas’s younger brothers.
A set of Heathers: The Musical inspired oneshots. NOT A HEATHERS AU. Canon AU that just explores each side's angst using a Heathers song. “Me Inside of Me” Roman angst // "Lifeboat” Patton angst // ”Never Shutting Up Again” Logan angst // ”I Say No” Virgil angst // ”Kindergarten Boyfriend” Janus angst // ”Freeze Your Brain” Remus angst
Analogical au with slight influence from Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist. Logan doesn’t really like music, but suddenly can hear people’s thoughts in song. He hears Virgil singing him love songs.
Celestial Kid AU - Virgil raising half demon/half angel Patton. This was a whole AU I made that may still appear if you search it on my blog. I don't mind if anyone takes it anymore.
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yourmypenguin · 3 years
what sorta music taste would the reversed sides have?
lets see lets see
Patton - i think he'd enjoy those funky 80s classics and sometimes, if you beg, he'd whip out his guitar and play some campfire songs (but the content is always questionable)
Logan - anything that sounds so off key and terrible, "my music taste is weird, you won't get it" but unironically
Roman - epic movie scores and the classicest of classic musicals
Remus - electronic, punk, showtunes, also shares a love for the absurd things with Logan
Janus - ska-pop, swing, jazz, classy bitch
Virgil - 2000s emo and Japanese rock (anime openings are greatly appreciated)
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galactic-magick · 4 years
Road Trip: dad!Patton x Reader
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Request: You’re dad!patton stuff killed me last time with how cute it was. Maybe more dad!patton and uncle!sides fluff?
Summary: You and your dad Patton go on a road trip along with the sides.
Words: 1200+                                            
Warnings: none I think
Author’s Notes: This is honestly more humorous than fluffy but I hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @luluwinchester​ @nerve-ous-love​ @zarieslayer​
“Alright! Everybody in the car!” your dad Patton calls, loading the last suitcase in the trunk. He invited all the other sides to come with you on a little road trip to a nice place with lots of forests and mountains. You’re all going to have to squeeze into the minivan for a few hours and hope you don’t drive each other insane.
Logan gets in the driver’s seat because he doesn’t trust anyone else to navigate and Patton takes shotgun. You sit between Virgil and Roman and Remus and Janus take the back.
“Can I have the aux cord?” Roman asks.
“Absolutely not,” Virgil grumbles.
“Why not? You’re just going to have your headphones on the whole time anyway,”
“Well yeah but you’re also going to be singing really loud-“
“Not to worry everyone!” Patton pulls out a pack of CDs, “I brought my best collection of road trip music that I’m sure all of you will like!”
“Great job, Roman, now we’re stuck with dad music,”
“Hey! My dad has decent taste in music!” you say.
“Of course he does, Y/N,” Janus chuckles.
 You’ve been on the road for a while now and everyone’s mostly settled down. Virgil’s looking out the window and hasn’t spoken much more. Roman’s chatting with your dad and occasionally Logan will add something in. Janus has been fairly quiet as well but tries to keep Remus entertained enough to not want to jump out of the car.
“Hey Lo could we make a pit stop?” Patton asks.
“No. We’ll get there faster if stay on the road,”
Virgil slips off his headphones, “Come on man, really? We won’t even take that long,”
“Alright, fine,” everyone cheers and Logan pulls into the next gas station.
Remus climbs over everyone and starts shrieking and running around the parking lot, “Hey guys, you ever wonder what would happen if you drank gasoline?”
You and Patton go in the store to grab some snacks while the others have stretching and bathroom breaks. You pick out everyone’s favorite candy and chips and put it in the basket. Logan’s patiently waiting outside the car for all of you to come back.
 A couple more hours pass, and it’s starting to get dark. You’re beginning to get suspicious about what’s going on because it wasn’t supposed to take this long.
“How are we not there yet?” you ask.
“I promise you, I have followed every direction exactly. We will be there soon,” Logan replies.
“But Google maps said it was only going to take three hours…and it’s been five,”
“Nonsense. Maybe it wouldn’t feel like five hours if we hadn’t stopped,”
“Dude, it was only fifteen minutes,” Virgil points out. “Maybe they’re right. The GPS could’ve glitched or something,”
Roman bursts out laughing, “Ha! I can’t believe you got outwitted by a map!”
“I did not!” Logan pulls over so he can investigate. The GPS appears to be working fine, the battery is charged and it’s connected to the correct satellites. Why’s there an issue?
Janus coughs, “Would this be a good time to tell you that I switched the location at the gas station?”
“You did what?!”
“You are so stupid!” he cackles. “The town I switched it to has the same name but it’s in a completely different state! And you fell for it!”
“But Janus…” Patton looks at him disapprovingly. “I thought we agreed we were going to have a good ol’ family vacation,”
“Come on, it’s funny,”
“I’ll say!” Remus laughs. “We’re in the middle of nowhere! Let’s get naked and run into the forest!”
“NO,” Everyone scolds in unison.
You open the window and look around, “What are we gonna do, dad?”
“I don’t know honey,”
“Do you realize how far we are from civilization? Do you expect me to sleep out here?” Roman yells at Janus. “I refuse to get my beauty rest on mud!”
“Suit yourself, mud beds sound great!” Remus grins.
“Alright, enough,” Logan turns off the car and opens the door. “The situation is far from ideal, but we can figure it out. It’s pointless to drive to the nearest hotel, so I suggest we camp out here tonight and drive to our real destination tomorrow morning,”
“Camp out?! But we didn’t even bring tents!” Roman objects.
“No, but we can make them. We have blankets and can find some large sticks,”
Virgil’s eyes widen, “You’re kidding right?”
“I’m completely serious. I have read quite a lot about basic survival in the wilderness. I’ll take care of building a shelter and how about the rest of you work on making a fire,”
“Um…I don’t think any of us know how to do that,” you mumble.
“Simple. Find some rocks and a variety of sizes of sticks and logs and we’ll light a match to it,”
“Where are we going to get big logs from?”
“I brought an axe,”
“Excuse me?”
“I like to always be prepared,”
You and Patton set off to get the wood, since surprisingly he knows how to chop things. You find a small tree and he starts cutting it down and you gather some other sticks.
“I’m so sorry this happened honey, I know you were looking forward to this vacation,” he sighs.
“Dad, it’s okay,” you smile. “I’m still having fun and we’ll still be able to go to the cabin tomorrow, right?”
“I hope so, kiddo,”
When you go to meet everyone else, Logan and Roman have created an extravagant campsite. Roman insisted on making it look amazing even though Logan was only concerned about the essentials, but it certainly paid off. There’s a few mini tents set up and the start of a small fire.
You and Patton lay down the logs you cut on top of the kindling and help the others finish setting everything up. Remus refused to help make a tent since he wants to sleep straight on the dirt, Janus is starting to look a bit uncomfortable, and Virgil looks very uneasy.
“Hope you’re happy, Janus. We could literally die out here,” Virgil sneers.
“I’m actually…not,”
Janus winces, “I didn’t mean to ruin everyone’s vacation. I just thought it would be a little funny…”
You walk over to him and sit next to him, giving him a smile, “It was funny. But I’m glad you’re apologizing, I know you don’t do that much,”
“Who said I was apologizing? I’m just sick of seeing everybody upset,”
“Alright everybody!” Patton shouts, getting everyone’s attention. “We’re all set up and got our fire! You know what that means!”
Virgil shakes his head vigorously, “Oh no, please, no-“
“CAMPFIRE SONG!!” Patton grins. “Let's gather 'round the campfire, and sing our campfire song! Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song!”
“You’re going to wake up bears of something!”
“And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong! But it'll help if you just sing along!”
Roman and Remus join in, “C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song! C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song! And if you don’t think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong! But it'll help if you just sing along!”
You nudge Logan and Janus, “You gonna join?”
“Of course,” Janus rolls his eyes.
“You know I don’t sing, especially not ridiculous songs like this,” Logan reminds you.
“Come on, please?”
All of you stare at him, “Fine. Just this once,”
Everyone joins in this time, the night completely quiet except for your voices, “C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song! C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song! And if you don’t think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong! But it'll help if you just sing along!”
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pixelatedrose · 5 years
Can you do 39 with prinxiety? Sorry if I'm being a burden - 🌯
Prompt 39 Prinxiety
“Listen it’s not really my fault i fell in love with him!! HE WAS SHIRTLESS!!”
Word Count: 3,799 (I got a bit carried away with this one)
Warnings: uncensored swearing, mention of a dead animal (Skip from “It wasn’t that he had never wanted to go before,” to “The memory left a pretty solidly foul taste in his mouth and made him shudder.”)
  It was early August and Roman’s friends had finally convinced him to tag along with them to go camping.
  “But there are bugs!!” Roman complained.
  “So? Bugs are cool.” Virgil said, looking up briefly from his phone.
  “Oh yeah?” Roman continued to whine. “Well I hardly took you as one who enjoyed camping in the middle of nowhere with zero cell service, Dr. Gloom!” Roman antagonized the emo boy.
  Virgil stuck out his tongue at the sassy drama queen. “You’re just pouty cause we never asked you to come before because we thought you hated the outdoors.”
  “I do not hate the outdoors!!” Roman scoffed. “I just don’t really find the idea of bugs and sap and burnt food and bugs very appealing.”
  “Aw, Roman! Is this your first time camping?” Patton asked, calling from where he was placing an overfilled bag into the bed of Logan’s truck.
  Roman flushed and turned away haughtily. “Well it’s not my fault my moms never wanted to go and sleep on the ground!!”
  Patton clapped his tall friend on the back, smiling from ear to ear. “Oh, you’re going to have so much FUN!!”
  Soon the truck was packed, with Logan helping Roman make sure that he had everything necessary. (“No, Roman, you won’t be needing your fantasy elf cloak.” “BUT WHAT IF THE DWARVES COME FOR ME?!”)
  The car ride was long, Roman and Virgil sitting in the back with Patton sitting up front and Logan driving. Roman ended up falling asleep, his head resting against a drowsy Virgil’s shoulder. Patton, thinking this was the cutest thing ever, snapped a picture with the camera he brought along.
  “Logan, look!!”
  “Patton, dear, I am incapable of looking at whatever you wish to show me if I am to drive safely on this road.”
  “Oh, right, sorry! Virgil and Roman fell asleep on top of each other, that’s all!”
  “Oh. How lovely.”
  “Logan why are you pulling over?”
  Roman and Virgil woke up in different positions, Roman’s face pressed up against the window and Virgil having adjusted to leaning against his seatbelt. They also awoke to marker coating their faces.
  “That’s for the cookies you two baked me last week.” Logan said when they had started freaking out.
  “But it was funny!!” Virgil protested, rubbing at the marker hearts doodled on his cheeks.
  “Cookies should not contain any- especially that much- pepper in it!! Consider us even, Ruiners of Sweets.” Logan seethed dramatically.
  The ride from then on was filled with karaoke, Disney, and laughter.
  When they arrived at the campsite, they tried to divide the work up. However, it became very clear that Roman had no idea what he was doing when he mistakenly snapped one of the tent poles clean in half.
  Virgil sighed. “Great! At least I know how to fix it once I get home. I guess I’m sleeping under the stars tonight…”
  Patton shook his head. “Nonsense!! There’s plenty of room in Roman’s tent for you to sleep in there!”
  Roman nearly choked. “What?!”
  Virgil just shrugged. “'Ight. But I’m setting up tents from now on. Roman can make the fire.”
  “I do not trust that Roman will know an adequate way of starting a fire. Perhaps he can prepare food instead? It is probably something he should have been doing from the start seeing as I am not the best in the culinary arts.” Logan offered.
  Roman nodded, trying to keep his head up. It was just his first time camping after all. He was a little upset by the fact that he was going to be sharing a tent with Virgil. Why? He wasn’t 100% sure. But it made his chest flare up and his face burn. The fact of the matter was that he was incredibly nervous about sleeping in very tight quarters with his very attractive friend of whom he’d subconsciously had a crush on since they’d met in high school. But he would never admit such a thing. Especially when it was still so subtle.
  Dinner was finished, Roman figuring out how to cook over the fire after a few attempts, and with that, Patton took out his guitar and played songs that Roman hadn’t heard before, but the others seemed to know by heart. Stories were told and laughs were exchanged as well as shrieks in terror followed by evil giggles of delight. The sun was long put to rest by the time the fire simmered out.
  The friends parted to their separate tents and the lanterns were put out.
  Virgil unzipped the tent’s door, holding it open as if he were any semblance of a gentleman. “Just don’t you go falling for me because of this, Princey.” Virgil smirked, pushing Roman into the tent face first.
  Roman fell and from the ground mumbled sarcastically. “Trust me, not a problem.”
  Roman pulled a loose tank top over his head and turned to Virgil, expecting something similar. Except he found the pale boy, completely bare chested, reading a book in a position that had no right looking as attractive as it did.
  “Finally done getting ready, Princey?” He asked, sparing a glance up at the now red faced boy.
  Roman prayed that his colored face was hidden by the god-awful lighting in the now much too small tent. “Y-yep!!” Roman faked a nonchalant tone, trying not to stare so openly.
  “Great.” Virgil said, his casual tone was only what Roman dreamed he had sounded like. “I’m going to finish this chapter and then I’ll turn lights out. Don’t wait for me.”
  Roman tucked himself into his sleeping bag and turned away from Virgil, trying desperately to get the image of his friend’s surprisingly toned chest out of his mind. Did Virgil work out? He always looked so thin and stringy under his hoodie…
  “Night, Vee.” Roman wrestled the words from his throat, his voice cracking, making him want to die a little bit more.
  Virgil didn’t say anything and Roman, for the next twenty minutes, listened to the sound of quietly turning pages, all the while panicking at their closeness and, for the millionth time, trying not to think about Virgil’s lack of a shirt.
  Finally, Vrigil put his book down and stretched. He panicked even more when Virgil seemed to lean over to Roman and he shut his eyes, years of practice in pretending to be asleep finally paying off.
  Virgil leaned back and if Roman had his eyes open and had been facing the pale boy, he would have seen Virgil smile ever so fondly and sweetly, a light pink adorning his pale cheeks. “…Cute…” Virgil whispered quietly, not aware that Roman could hear him quite clearly in the silence of the night. Virgil flicked off the lights and, in a single line, probably made Roman fall irreversibly deep into the boiling pool of love. “Goodnight, my prince. I’ll love you tomorrow…”
  In the dead of the night, Roman heard Virgil’s breath even out next to him.
  Roman, red faced, turned to try and look at his sleeping friend, just to make sure, only to be met with a cute face not six inches away from his own. Even in the dark, Roman began to take notice of things he’d seemingly never seen before. Like how his dark hair faded perfectly into purple at the tips, making it look like purple flames. It made Roman want to reach out and fluff it about. Or the way his pale cheeks were impossibly cute and round, devoid of their usual makeup and beautiful. It made Roman want to hold his perfect face in his own imperfect hands. Or the way his lips curved so exquisitely, a soft beautiful thing. It made Roman want to lean forward and capture such flawless lips with his own.
  “We have a big fucking problem.” Roman whispered to himself.
  The next morning Roman woke up to the sound of pots banging.
  “WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY, WE’RE GOING TO THE LAKE TODAY!!!” Virgil’s voice had momentarily made Roman forget everything last night as it was, at the moment, the most annoying thing on the goddamn planet.
  Virgil threw the tent door open, somehow letting more light into the small area. Roman tossed the edge of his sleeping bag up over his face in dismay. “Nooo….What time is it even…?”
  Virgil stopped banging his pots for a half second. “About 8:45. When you’re camping, the sun’s your alarm, Princey!!” He trilled out in a sing-song voice.
  “Why,” Roman complained, poking his head out of his cocoon. “Is the one time you’re cheery the one time I wish you weren’t?”
  Roman opened his eyes and was met face to face with a sinisterly smirking Virgil, his figure framed in splashing golden light as he leaned in to get a view of Roman. “Because I live to be the bane of your existence, Princey!” He smiled all too brightly, and Roman was reminded of his ever growing problem as he felt his face heat up.
  Patton poked his head in through the doorway, ruining the picture perfect scene Roman had before him. It wasn’t that he minded, though. No of course not. He wasn’t upset at all that the picture of Virgil with perfect golden light shining around him in a perfect, sunny corona was thrown off by a smiling Patton. He would never be upset.
  “C’mon, Ro! It’s time to wake up!! Logan and me made campfire pancakes!!” Patton smiled. Virgil’s eyes lit up like Roman had never seen them light up before. A childish sparkle, like when a kid gets told they’re allowed to have two cookies instead of one.
  Logan’s voice called from outside the tent. “It’s ’Logan and I’ Patton.”
  ”Yeah, yeah, whatever, Honey. I’m just excited for campfire pancakes!!”
  ”We all are, Pat! Campfire pancakes are the only thing Logan can make edible, and of all the things I’ve eaten, it would be the one that should be considered fucking gourmet!!”
  Roman listened to his friends chatter as he got ready, suddenly upset he’d declined Patton’s offers for so long. It wasn’t that he had never wanted to go before, but he’d never been in the woods alone since his brother had forced him into the woods near their old house as children to show him a dead and rotting fox corpse. The memory left a pretty solidly foul taste in his mouth and made him shudder.
  He’d complain about bugs and charred food for as long as he needed to. He wasn’t about to let slip that he’d been scared to go back into a place that reminded him so vividly of something so distasteful.
  ”And he rises!!” Virgil said theatrically when Roman emerged from the tent. Now that he could see better, Roman looked Virgil over. His hair was slightly tousled from sleep and he was wearing a plain, dark t-shirt. His pale face bore practically no makeup, save for the remnants of his eyeshadow that seemed to never go away. His smile was bright and happy, excited in a way Roman had never seen before now. It was at this time that Roman realized this was one of a very select few times that he’d seen Virgil without a hoodie or jacket on. He was pretty. Honestly, Roman thought he should have noticed how charming the tall man was before now.
  Roman smiled coolly. ”Now where are those campfire pancakes I keep hear you guys yapping about?”
  The pancakes were amazing. And after hiking to a lake, Roman was starting to think camping really wasn’t all too bad. The trail had ended, coming out to the view of a crisp lake with a sandy bank, driftwood strewn about the shore. A wooden dock with a rope swing attached to the end adorned the right side of the picture and a picnic bench decorated a small grassy patch a short distance away from the shore, save from potentially splashing children.
  However the picturesque lake was absent of any and all people, leaving the entire lake to themselves.
  ”Wow…” Roman breathed out as the lake came into view.
  Virgil smiled fondly at the starry-eyed man next to him, not that Roman had noticed. ”Yeah. It’s pretty sweet, isn’t it?” Virgil said, walking with Roman to towards the shore as Patton gleefully ran ahead to the dock and Logan crossed over to the picnic table to place the bag containing their lunches. ”This place was actually pretty abandoned when me and Lo first found it.”
  Roman glanced at Virgil, who was smiling wistfully out at the clear water. ”Really?”
  Virgil nodded, sitting down on a large piece of driftwood. ”Yeah. Our families would go camping together all the time when we were kids. One day we came to this old, near abandoned campsite and found this lake after hiking an all but completely overgrown trail. It was my mom that convinced my dad to buy up the site. It was fairly cheap, but my parents made it their passion project. I was about 15 years old when they finally finished it all.” Virgil looked over to Roman, his eyes filled with a gentle excitement. “It’s been our own little retreat ever since then! I can’t count how many times me and Logan came here to help work or even after it was done. This place means a lot to me.” He clapped Roman on the back, smiling delightfully. “I’m glad you came, Princey!” Virgil then pushed him over into the warm sand. “That’s enough cheese for today I think!! Race ya to the rope swing, theater dork!!” Virgil took off toward the dock and Roman, for once, was glad he had pushed him over and ran away. 
  Roman’s face and chest was ablaze. The way that Virgil seemed to treasure this place, wanting to share it with Roman, it made him unbelievably happy. The way the pale boy’s eyes sparkled and the way his usually lazy smile was bright and bold, it sent his heart aflutter.
  “You fiend!!” Roman accused, scrambling up to his feet. “That’s not fair!!” He charged after Virgil’s dark hair, hoping to leave his dangerously growing adoration behind in the sand.
  They took turns swinging off the rope swing and shoving one another into the water, splashing about in it’s cool waves a welcome sensation against the heat of the sun. Lunch finally came and they chatted and joked and told swapped stories until Logan declared that it was time they all headed back.
  “Actually, Logan? Can I talk to you for a bit?” Virgil asked as they were packing up.
  Logan raised an eyebrow, but nodded. “Of course. Patton, Roman, you two can go on ahead of us. We will catch up to you later.”
  “Sure thing, honey!!” Patton said cheerily, wrapping his arm around Roman’s shoulders, though because of the height difference, mistakenly pulled Roman down a bit in the process.
  They chatted a bit until the subject of Virgil managed to come up.
  “Virgil?” Roman asked, the thought of the green eyed man making him flush. When had that started happening? “I mean he’s great of course…I mean more than great honestly. Have you ever noticed how perfect his hair always looks, Pat? Or like how pretty he is just…everywhere? It’s infuriating!!” Roman looked over to his short friend. “Right, Pat….? Uhh…”
  Patton wore a shiteating grin on his face as he smirked smugly at Roman. “I knew it!” Patton declared. “I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!”
  Roman’s face flared and his heart started to beat. “Knew w-what?! What did you know?!”
  Patton jabbed a finger at Roman’s chest. “You’re in love with Virgil!!” He announced, his grin growing more and more excited and mischievous by the second, his golden eyes sparkling more and more from under his wide, round frames. “Aren’t you?!”
  Had Roman been a balloon, he would have burst. His face was undoubtedly the color of a rose and his heart was beating far too loud for Patton not to hear it, he thought. Roman finally caved, giving a sigh. “Listen, it’s not really my fault I fell in love with him!! HE WAS SHIRTLESS!!”
  Patton danced around the path way, spinning and chanting, “YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH VIRGIL!! YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH VIRGIL!!”
  “Okay okay!! I’m in love with Virgil!! Now will you quiet down! What if they’re about to catch up?!” Roman said, mild panic pricking his heart.
  “So what if they hear us?!” Patton stopped his dancing, facing Roman. “I mean Virgil’s already been in love with you for years now!!” Patton said excitedly, waving his hand as if it was common knowledge.
  Roman’s life could have ended then and there. “He what-?”
  Patton’s smiling face didn’t falter as extreme panic set his eyes ablaze. “Shit!!” He said in the most cheery tone a person has ever used to say shit. In fact, Roman could only count on two other times he’d even heard Patton curse. “You were not supposed to know that!!” Patton continued with his cheery voice.
  Roman grabbed Patton by the shoulders, emotions swirling violently within him. “Virgil’s been in love with me for years?!” He asked, ecstatic panic dripping from his voice and flooding his eyes.
  Patton’s smile did falter this time as he looked away, bashful at what he’d let slip. “Well, yeah…He never-”
  Roman picked up the small boy and spun him around, laughing splendidly. “Patton!! You’re an angel from heaven!!” He bubbled. He set Patton down and hugged him tightly. A thought struck him and he separated from the small boy, not even having heard the blonde’s shouts announcing he couldn’t breath. “Oh god! I have to tell Virgil! I have to go find him!!” 
  Roman started to run away, but Patton grabbed his sleeve. “But what should I do?! We were supposed to get the fire going and dinner started! It’s beginning to get dark!”
  Roman looked at Patton with desperate eyes. “I just realized how I feel about Virgil. I don’t want this to turn into a pining competition! I have to find him right now!”
  Something in Roman’s voice must have convinced Patton because he let go. “Alright.” He lightly tapped his fist against his taller friend’s shoulder. “Go sweep him off his feet, Ro!”
  And with that, Roman was off sprinting back down the trail.
  He caught sight of Virgil and Logan walking down the path as the trail was beginning to darken with purple under the canopy of trees in the soon to be dying sunlight. Roman smiled and waved to them down the trail.
  “Roman?” Virgil asked, a concerned and mildly frightened look glazing his eyes over. “Is everything okay? Did something happen? Where’s Patton? Is he alright? Is-”
  Roman swooped Virgil into a spinning hug, not letting the boy finish his anxious rambling. “Oh, everything is more than just alright, my dark and stormy knight!” Roam laughed, holding on to his heart from around his waist, grasping him close.
  Virgil’s face lit up with splashes of red and pink. “Uhm…?”
  Logan looked between the two and smiled. “I’ll go on ahead and make sure Patton has some company.” He said, picking up Virgil’s discarded bag and turning to walk down the darkening trail.
  Roman stopped spinning Virgil and let the green eyed man down, only just loosening his hold on him.
  But to Roman’s utter dismay, as soon as Logan was out of sight, Virgil pushed out from Roman’s grasp. “What the hell, Ro? What was that?” He snapped, turning away from the taller boy.
  Roman’s hopes sunk. Had Patton lied to him? No…Patton said he wasn’t even supposed to tell. It had to be true.
  But Roman had to be sure. “Virgil, do you love me?” Fireflies were starting to swirl around them, lighting up like stray stars.
  “What…?” Virgil stopped, looking back at Roman.
  Roman stepped closer, beginning to realize how desperately he wanted Virgil to love him. “Are you in love with me, Virgil?”
  Virgil looked away, crossing his arms over themselves.
  The sounds of the forest settled between them.
  Finally Virgil spoke, his voice shaky and choked. “S-so what if I am? I mean- I didn’t mean to- I don’t-” Virgil turned back to face Roman, his hands embedded in his head of thick, messy hair, his eyes shimmering with tears. “I assume Patton spilled…And I just didn’t want to tell you cause I didn’t want to lose you as a friend! I know you don’t feel the same way, so I was trying to be a good friend…I’m sorry if-”
  “Goodnight my prince. I’ll love you tomorrow.” Roman quoted.
  “Last night. That’s what you said before you went to sleep. Can I ask why?” Roman stepped closer, the sun beginning to descend beyond view.
  Virgil was caught between paling and flushing harder. He rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s the stupidest thing ever…” He started, though smiling. “Anytime we ever had a sleepover, or you fell asleep studying at my place or during a movie night, I’d say that. It was supposed to be this stupid ‘I can’t love you now, so I’ll love you tomorrow’ thing…Hella cheesy, I know…”
  Roman stepped closer again and brushed Virgil’s hand, though the pale boy flinched it back. “Well remember when you said not to fall for you and I said it wouldn’t be a problem?” he stepped closer still, bringing his hand up to Virgil’s chin.
  “Yeah…?” Virgil didn’t pull away this time, though his eyes remained glued to Roman’s chest.
  Roman tilted his chin upward, looking into the gorgeous green eyes Roman never knew he’d fallen for. “Well I think I have a problem…” He leaned in even closer, and he swear he could almost hear Virgil’s heart. 
  Before Roman could try and capture his lips with his own, Virgil leaned forward and closed the distance himself.
  Roman melted into the kiss and could have sworn he tasted raspberries on Virgil’s breath. Virgil’s arms found themselves draped over Roman’s shoulders and his fingers played in his hair as Roman drew Virgil closer still, never wanting to let go of the person he’d loved so dearly for years, blind to it as denial had taken hold of him.
  And it was all over much too quickly as Virgil pulled apart just enough to speak. “I think it’s finally tomorrow…” He said, breathlessly, his eyes traveling from Roman’s chest up to his golden brown eyes.
  Roman smiled and rested his forehead against Virgil’s. “I think I like tomorrow…!” He caught Virgil up in another kiss and the two blissfully fell into one another.
  And Roman decided he quite liked camping, after all.
To my anon, you are never ever ever a burden!! I love writing! And as you can see, got a little carried away with this one! I really hope it’s something you like!!
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Side Track Opinions Part 4: Patton
(Only three boys left! I think Patton may be the side who I’ve seen the least analysis about with regards to his playlist, so I’m excited to look a bit deeper)
1) Campfire Song Song: I don’t think the lyrics are very deep with this one 😂 You’ll find that a lot of Pattons songs talk about growing up, so I just find it fitting that a childhood song that probably brought Thomas a lot of joy is Patton’s first song.
2) Turnaround: Both Patton and Logan have songs from The Little Prince on their playlists, so my mind instantly goes to Logan. The song feels like Patton trying to get Logan out of his own head (““Straight (Straight), how can you be so straight? Life is everything but straight (Straight)” “Now, why don't you sing out loud? The tune you keep inside?”) He loves Logan a lot and thinks that sometimes he takes life too seriously and doesnt have enough fun (“Turnaround, and put your pen down”). Patton wishes Logan would relax and just enjoy life sometimes because he worries that taking everything so serious can be harmful (“How can you be so shy?” “Don't say hello, say hi”).
3) I Got a Name: Patton has trouble with Thomas growing up, we know this from the most recent episode. He worries that life is moving too fast and that he doesn’t know how to handle the change (“Movin' ahead so life won't pass me by”). Despite this, he has so many memories of Thomas’ childhood and he holds them very close to his heart (“I've got a song, I've got a song, And I carry it with me and I sing it loud. If it gets me nowhere, I'll go there proud”). Even though he cherishes these memories, he still thinks hes foolish to dwell on them and doubts he will ever be able to get over those memories (“Like the fool I am and I'll always be” “They can change their minds but they can't change me”).
4) Oranges: This song bothers me... Not in the fact that it’s a bad song or that its hard to understand, but it goes against everything we canonically know about Patton. While on first glance its a silly song about the words oranges and chocolates not rhyming with anything, its deeper meaning is actually more so about hiding away ideas and being afraid to make use of them (“How we take our ideas and put them in storage, But peel back the rind, who knows what you'll find”). If the song is supposed to be conveying Patton’s emotions, then I’m just confused. This song makes me feel like he wants to try out all of Thomas’ ideas and love every part of him, but we’ve seen his distaste for Remus is very obvious (“If you don't open a chocolate, who knows what you get”). I’m still on the train that Patton is the reason creativity split in the first place, so him saying things like these just make absolutely no sense...
5) I Don’t Wanna Pray: Although Patton takes religion very seriously and bases a lot of his morals on his faith, he has some doubts about whether religion can be the answer to everything (“Help me to the sun, hey I'm looking everywhere” “And now I don't wanna pray, no I say I don't wanna pray, no”). Patton has also begun to realize that God has created everything in the world, not just good and love, but also hate and pain (“I love my god, god made love. I love my god, god made good. I love my god, god made hate. I love my god, god made bad”). Perhaps this is shows his willingness to start accepting the darker parts of Thomas.
6) New Soul: Oh this is such a Patton song... Of course theres the obvious: Patton is Thomas’ inner child and encompases a lot of those feelings from Thomas’ youth. He hasn’t quite figured out how to function in Thomas’ more serious, adult life (“See I'm a young soul in this very strange world”). Then there’s lines like “Hoping I could learn a bit 'bout how to give and take” and “Finding myself making every possible mistake” that just feel so Pattony. He’s so lost and confused anymore when it comes to guiding Thomas in the right direction, but he tries his best. We can see that in the newest episode with him trying his less ‘assertive’ guidance. Despite this, he knows that he messes up all of the time and he feels awful for it. Everytime I listen to this song I just think of the “I’m sorry.... Again!...” line from POF.
7) Better Together: Oof... This is a tough one because its so loving and sweet. I find it hard imagining Patton singing to only one person, so I just like imagining him singing to Thomas, Roman, Virgil, and Logan. Patton, as we know, cherishes all of the memories that Thomas has created and that all of them have created together (“Our dreams, and they are made out of real things. Like a shoe box of photographs” “And all of these moments Just might find their way into my dreams tonight” “I believe in memories”). I also though it was super interesting that the song mentions “sepia-toned loving” because Patton’s room has a sepia affect when we see it in Moving On and I think this Patton’s nostalgia and this song go together very well.
8) Vienna: This song is so sad, but so sweet... To me, it’s pretty clear that Patton is singing to Roman (and obviously Thomas as well). He worries that Roman dreams too big and works way too hard in an attempt to acheive those dreams (“Slow down, you crazy child. You're so ambitious for a juvenile” “You've got your passion, you've got your pride, But don't you know that only fools are satisfied?” “Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true”). Patton wishes that Roman would be able to relax and just enjoy what he already has because he knows that Roman will only burn himself out in his attempt to accomplish everything he wants to (“Where's the fire, what's the hurry about? You'd better cool it off before you burn it out” “You're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need”). Basically, Patton loves Roman, but worries that some of his dreams are impossible to reach and that is hurting Thomas.
9) It’s You I Like: This song is for sure about Virgil or Thomas. I’m leaning more towards Virgil because the next song is also about Virgil. Really all I have to say is that the title says it all. Patton is ready to accept Virgil for who he is, problems and all.
10) Little Shadow: THIS SONG IS IMPORTANT! Patton is the one who brought Virgil out from the dark sides, or at least convinced him to leave for good (“Little shadow, to the night, will you follow me?”). I think this could be a big reason why Janus and Virgil have a lot of bad blood. Janus used to be Virgil’s source of comfort and protection, but one day Patton just decided to fill in that role and do it arguably better? I’d be pretty butt-hurt if I was Janus too. That explains why Janus was honestly such a jerk to Patton up until the end of the most recent episode when Patton accepted him. I think Janus realized just what Virgil must have felt like way back when Patton accepted him. Janus realized that he wasn’t good for Virgil like Patton is and that had to have stung... I guess we’ll see what happens between those two in the future...
11) Sad: What do yah know? Another Virgil song! This one was actually confirmed by Thomas to be about Virgil so that makes it easier to analyze for me 😂. Patton wants to help Virgil get over his pain and history with the dark sides, but he doubt if anything he does is helping (“You're just too good at being sad. I'm just a Band-Aid on a broken heart. Yeah, I'm the best at making you laugh for a breath, and you're back in your head, you're so sad” “Don't know if I'm hurting or helping” “All I wanna do is take the sad from you, But I can't and you wouldn't let me anyways”). It’s sad, its sweet, its very Patton.
12) Oh Heart: Thomas has a crush! Basically this whole song is Thomas singing about being in love with someone and him begging Patton, or his heart, not to make a fool out of him. I imagine Patton get’s really confused and jumbled up whenever Thomas is in love because love can do that to a person! It’s really cute and I honestly overlooked this song on my first couple of listens through the playlist. Here’s just some cute lines I liked: “Who am I kidding? You're the one” “Oh heart, Oh Heart, stop making a fool of me” “You should look at me. Look at me!” “I'm going to make you laugh again”. With this song and Jumpstarted from Roman’s playlist, I’m starting to see just how hard to handle Roman and Patton may be whenever Thomas has a crush 😂
13) The Flame: This one seems really deep, but for the life of me I cannot crack it. To me it just feels like Patton telling Thomas that no matter how dark things get, he can always look to his heart for the answer (“But hold on for your heart to beat inside To be your guide”). I honestly get really creepy vibes from this song. Like Patton is trying to get Thomas to ignore all of the dark parts of him and instead just keep listening to him and him alone (“There will be times that grow darker with the dusk, But light will still remain in us”). This song is just interesting to me because it feels like one of the first instances where Patton believes he has all of the answers and doesn’t need the others help. But truly, I’m not sure what this song is about.
14) Landslide: Did someone say time to cry? Cause it’s time to cry! This is a PERFECT song for the ending of POF where Patton admits to being afraid of growing up and changing. I think this song is Patton singing to Thomas about these exact fears (“Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?” “Well, I've been 'fraid of changin' 'Cause I've built my life around you, But time makes you bolder, Even children get older, And I'm gettin' older, too”). It’s honestly like this song was just written for Patton and it makes me wanna cry every time I hear it.
15) Float On: One word... REPRESSION! Not much to say other than Patton ignores all the bad things that happen to Thomas and just tries to act like everything is okay. Not a very good thing to do, but very on brand for Patton.
16) With a Little Help From my Friends: Another song that I hate to take at face value, but I don’t really have any other ideas for what it means. Whenever Patton is feeling down or in a slump, he looks to the others for comfort and support. Think, Logan giving Patton the cat hoodie at the end of Moving On. Those are the kinds of vibes I get from this song.
17) What Makes the World: (edited because I was looking at the wrong lyrics) Basically Patton thinks that love is the answer to everything (“Love makes the world go 'round”). No matter what, no matter how dangerous or serious a situation is, you should always trust your heart (“Oh, I heard to turn away a neighbour, Is living without danger, But that ain’t so”). All in all, Patton has a very unrealistic view of society. He tends to always see the good in people which can be a bad thing sometimes.
18) Somewhere Over the Rainbow: You thought the last song was foolishly optimistic... well youre in for a shocker with this one! Patton basically just goes on and on about how great the world is. I’m honestly starting to wonder if Patton is even capable of criticizing the world and the people in it. It seems like the only thing he can criticize is Thomas. Also, like I said in the last song, I think this creates an interesting dynamic between Patton and Janus: One loves the world world and only ever sees the good in everyone while the other despises it and sees the bad in everything.
19) Golden Slumbers: I feel like this one is way too short to get a huge idea on what it’s about. It seems to me like Patton is just comforting Thomas and reasuring him that things will be okay, despite the changes that are happening in his life.
20) So Long: AHHHH THIS SONG IS SO CUTE! It’s very fitting as Patton’s last song as well, based on the events of the last episode. If you can come up with an argument that convinces me that this song isn’t about Janus, be my guest, but it’ll be hard to do. In the song Patton basically sings about how Janus can be a pain in the butt and really get to him, but they work well as a team and he wants them to stay together as a team (“I won't get too sappy, I had no epiphany, I just enjoy your company” “You test my nerves, It makes me stronger. So can you bother me a little bit longer?” “Because it's been so long since I made a friend like you” “I could dot the I's and you could cross the T's, Cause letters alone are lonely”). Basically I love them, they are great, they are best friends now, and that after credit scene still has me shook over how quickly they just became friends. We stan our divorced dads 💙💛
(Sorry this took so long guys! I’ve been procrastinating! Let me know what you think 💙)
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middlingthebest · 4 years
For fic prompts-The other sides(or one, or just a few) trying to entertain /some/ of Remus’ less-extreme ideas to make him feel heard?
Hi! Thank you so much for sending this. I just focused in on mainly Patton trying to bond with Remus with a little bit of Logan if that’s ok? Purely because it already got so long xxx
Warnings: mentions of skinning someone and cannibalism, nothing bad actually happened
No Pairings, W/C: 1230
“With Janus busy has anyone else spoken to Remus recently?”
It was a simple question from Logan that had hit much harder than Patton knew how to process. The answer had been a definitive “no.” An incredulous, bored, and guilty no that didn’t go on to be addressed. As Virgil and Roman devolved into arguing, Patton was thinking. Thinking about the things he’d said about Remus, thinking about how little of it was positive, and how long the silences had been between the few stilted conversations they had had. He was thinking… how on earth he could even start to fix something he hadn’t thought of as a problem.
The next day, Patton caught Logan returning from the dark sides’ own common area, the ends of his hair singed and lightly smoking. He returned Logan’s casual nod with a confused one of his own and made his decision. As soon as Logan was out of sight he began making his way to the foreign commons and had knocked on the door before he even knew what he would do if it opened. He had never been inside before, not even as he and Janus slowly grew closer. It had never explicitly been to avoid Remus but it was a hard excuse to deny point blank.
The door opened and Patton was met first by smiling, gnashing teeth set in a mouth that swiftly shrunk down to a normal size, allowing him to focus on the face behind it. Remus was still grinning but there was no humour in his eyes as he took in the spooked side in front of him.
“Janus is busy, so unless you want to lose your entire outer layer of skin I’d not bother him and just come back later. I’d offer it myself but I’m busy too.”
Remus knew he was something of a fiasco amongst the light sides. He loved reactions. He loved that moment when an idea got caught in someone’s chest like a fish hook and pulled in every conceivable direction before they decided how they felt about it. And Remus was far from stupid, he knew that invoking those reactions didn’t make him particularly appealing to any of the sides. They thought some of his suggestions should stay where they were meant to be, unvoiced and unheard with him. Knowing it didn’t make it easier though. As such, he had no qualms about slamming the door shut.
Patton’s arm didn’t seem to agree. Jammed in the doorway, both sides stared at the invading limb, Remus watching it spasm from the inside and Patton despairing as it disappeared on the outside. The door bounced quietly open as Patton spoke.
“Wait! Ow, oh-m-geemanie.” He cradled his arm to his chest, rubbing where the door had hit, Remus stunned to silence just long enough for Patton to recover. “Sorry, you’ve said you’re busy and I’ll go if you want me to, I just wanted to ask-” And that was the start to a very good question. What on earth was he going to ask?
“I didn’t think you’d be interested in being skinned but I can arrange it if you like.” Remus thankfully interrupted though he didn’t look too excited about the prospect. If anything, Patton got the feeling he was trying to get rid of him and he tried really hard to not let it work.
“N-no, no thank you. I wanted… to ask…” Oh he was very not good at this and Remus looked ready to close the door again and he really didn’t think his arm would stop him this time. “If I can help?” He eventually asked, peeking up at Remus to gauge his reaction.
“Help with what, daddy stork?” He was justifiably confused but now that he’d said it, Patton wasn’t turning around. He dug his heels in with conviction and straightened up with a happier smile.
“With whatever you’re busy with.” He offered, thinking of Logan’s smoky hair and again trying not to let it put him off.
“Dooo you know what I’m busy with?” For such a testing question, Patton couldn’t help but think that maybe Remus was getting curious, that maybe he would let him in.
“I will when you tell me.”
Remus looked him over carefully, his head and body frozen in place as his eyes raked over the person in front of him. Two visits in the one day. He’d feel special if he wasn’t feeling so obviously placated. Still, at least it was Patton, who was fun to tease even when he had that ridiculously sincere smile on his face. He was very aware that he had two obvious choices here: traumatise the kid-friendly father figure or let him play for the day. One sounded vastly more entertaining than the other.
“Janus is busy.” He mused aloud, watching Patton’s brow furrow in confusion. If Patton was telling the truth, fine. He could stay. But if he was just trying to get in his good books… “I suppose I could use a test subject.”
“How about a partner, partner?” Patton squeaked back, joy and trepidation sing-songing around the campfire in his chest.
…he was succeeding. “Sounds wonderful!” With a grandiose scoop of his arm, Remus had Patton by the elbow and frogmarched him through the commons and into his own room, face sharp with a carnivorous grin. “I’m writing a story about kid who wants to eat his father.”
When Patton left pale-faced and trembling, he didn’t expect him back and he wasn’t surprised when he didn’t show again the next day.
He was surprised, however, the day after when Patton came back, still pale but armed with one of Logan’s notebooks. Stickers dotted every spare inch of it, hugging close to alarming and gruesome anecdotes from their brainstorming session the day before. Glittery ink spilled across sheets of ideas, of facts and fictions ran past Logan’s critical and graphic checks, and he presented it to Remus.
“I think the kid should have a backstory.”
Remus looked down at the notebook then back to Patton. “I’m writing a different story.” He told him and Patton faltered for a second, defeated and almost heartbroken before he pulled on a smile.
“Can I help?”
Staring at each other through the doorway, each side hopeful in such conflicting ways, it was a relief to both when Remus stepped back and Patton stepped through. Remus turned and bounced his way back to his room, rambling loudly as he filled Patton in on his newest creation and Patton nodded along, following close after as he chimed in with his own ideas.
He took his notebook home at the end of the day, opening it to write down a few of the ideas he had which were ridiculously tame compared to Remus’s but, in the duke’s own words, gave “a fun jumping point for the characters to suffer from!” Opening the book, he found his first few pages missing, torn messily from the seam but with not a sticker or splash of glitter left behind. He grinned and started writing, decorating as he went.
He never mentioned it but by the time he had to ask Logan for a new notebook, there wasn’t a page left in his old one. He kept the cover though, and let it mark a brand new pile in his room simply labelled “Remus.”
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years
amanda’s sanders sides binge reactions, episodes ten-sixteen
losing my motivation — making some changes
Tumblr media
home maintenance is not a joke
i don’t know, LOGIC
the game is on
all business
no you can’t play with us
i’ve been waiting for this day to wear it
he found a dollar
touching up some eyeshadow
what are these grounds
are they coffee grounds
you’re not welcome
elementary my dear daddy
how do the sides borrow money from each other i’m confused
sir sing-a-lot
i am a knight thank you very much
oh no how could you do it i trusted you
what’s going on? something good
feelings. the bane of my existence
weird mushy vision you mean my entire catalog of fanfic writing
well who should have done that *cue intense music*
am i in a paradoxical loop
calm down time
that was dark even for me
yes go to the library
logan’s name reveal
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Q+A time
laughy cry-y emoji
pouty mcspecs
i really need to up my roman giving nicknames game
his anxiety is heightened VIRGIL IS TALLEST SIDE CONFIRMED
so does roman have a fairy godmother
bippity boppity boo yah
i’m not okay
i promise
but also i am the walrus
wait that needs to be on my patton playlist brb
virgil likes tumblr hence he likes us
i need four cookies
and i will sit on a surface that is not meant to be sat on
patton doesn’t always screw stuff up
i also like podcasts
virgil’s compliments are great what are you talking about
who is texting logan (my guess is orange)
who is texting roman (my guess is remus)
winnie the pooh~
logan tries singing to all star
and virgil just goes “yeahhhh”
i know big words
relevant with yesterday’s skirt photo
what is a ship?
virgil definitely knows because he’s on tumblr
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thomas has a rat in his hair confirmed (it’s remus)
virgil is the first in this one too
sometimes i just gotta be me-an
hide under the covers until the sun goes away
chemically imbalanced romance
we’re donezo
never fear your creativity is here
thomas’ happiness is roman’s mission
you shackle your creativity
remus says something very similar
brainstorming extravaganza
patton why were you not wearing your pants
is this why princey spit yogurt at me yesterday
i’m always serious. clearly. i wear a necktie.
roman wears the pants-
they are a family btw
lol time limits
do those exist in current episodes
aggressive bouts of beat poetry
nb royalty aka me
*nods like virgil*
capita? like the cogitating cap?
patton would love untitled goat game
you tried you failed let’s go to sleep
logan you can’t just call virgil a defeatist
virgil’s face
and he just sinks out without saying anything
am so soft for the boy
roman name reveal!
hey roman
you’re my hero
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time for my favorite debate, much better than any political debates
analogical time
this could have been a logan centric video if virgil didn’t pop up
we get it, you don’t want me here, but i’m here
i want you here
virgil please be in the video tomorrow
i too call upon very specific facts to feel secure
how bruised is roman
cardigan-clad clod aka me
same, cream based broths upset my tummy unless i take lactaid
wait logan can’t be objective?
haagen daaz dispersion
bad imaginary
vocab word!
a debate *snap*
i wanna be the supreme dark overlord of negative commerce
please help me *screams in agony*
me me big boy
too much pressure, nooo
do they groan in disgust about the butterflies in his tummy because they feel that way about each other or-
this is better than any political debate
TBD = totally believable dude
when did they vote on logan’s proficiency plan i wanna see this
of course it’s not a straight answer no one in this video is straight-
the first FALSEHOOD
did he just hiss at me
i’m right, you’re wrong, shut up
that’s a try guys reference
this is stupid he’s stupid i’m out
your mom misses you
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visual puns are great
no virgil you’re not alone
same patton, i’m always confused
surly temple is one of my favorite nicknames
word association games return
don’t you dare turn breakfast food into a negative metaphor
was this really a necessary visual
voltron shirt *hits joan*
me watching sanders sides late into the night
great odin’s eyepatch!
well then it’s just 5am and you need to go to bed
keep it up so we get to see virgil more thanks
i’ve dreamed of this moment
anatomically, thomas is fine
what is the gosh-darn-ding-dang point
so mean to patton
darude sanderstorm
i want to bounce in a bouncy castle
i want to join a book club with joan and thomas
*gasp* not the necktie
you are the man. you look like the man. i fight the man. i want to fight you now.
janus also fights the man so-
you stole my look
is no one going to acknowledge that he just dabbed
logan asks for patton’s help when they can’t figure out what’s wrong
danny devito reference
mind palace!
star thingies
poor virgil and his eyes
for reference eeyore has always been my favorite disney character
and virgil is my fave
see any connections there
patton name reveal!
growing older is scary but being a kid was also scary because i didn’t know what was going on with my identity
patton understands virgil so well. cries. maybe the asides will fix their relationship
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listen buddy don’t blame us just because your mind is so empty
that was definitely roman
i didn’t know you made jokes like that
why don’t we talk more?
uh oh, feelings
more sentimental than on avalanche
it is flippin sweet man
with you i’m always home-
additional affirmation
whaddup anxiety
if virgil is upset when thomas isn’t near his friends then isolation really has to be messing with him
joan!logan is amazing
terrence!patton though
he/him pronouns all around~
another danny devito reference
okay but talyn!virgil is the best
breaking the fourth wall? 
single column?
aw patton loves thomas
hehe butt
“we are not actually your friends”
i love libraries
a man of many talyn’s
also i didn’t make as many comments on this one because it’s 11pm and i’m starting to get a bit sleepy
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tumble4rpdr · 4 years
I was tagged by @theartificialdane 😘
Name: Emily...I don’t think I’ve ever said my real name on here before☺️
Nickname: I don’t really have one but my family and some of coworkers sometimes call me Em and I’ve gotten Ems occasionally
Zodiac Sign: Libra sun, Pisces moon, Scorpio rising (I usually just say Libra but I now know the other ones since I looked them up for @barbiehytes to read me)
Nationality: American
Languages Spoken: English and the smallest bit of Spanish so I can just barely get some info from my Spanish speaking patients (though I most end up having to use a translator)
What Time Is It: 10:36 PM
Celebrity Crush: I love Brooke for so many reasons (is anyone surprised by that?) but then there are famous people that I love for their personalities/work/beliefs like Hozier (though he’s definitely attractive too), Patton Oswalt, Russell Brand, Saul Williams, and Puppyteeth
Favorite Fictional Character(s): V, Hedwig, Rorschach (from the graphic novel), Dr. Frank-N-Furter, Dean Pelton, Daria Morgendorffer, Jane Lane, George Lass, Jaye Tyler, Bianca Rodriguez, Pray Tell, Elektra Abundance (honestly almost anyone on Pose), Moira Rose, Stevie Budd
Favorite Musician: I’ll have songs that I’ll get obsessed with and not necessarily love the artist but I do love The Civil Wars (and now Joy Williams as a solo artist), Hozier, Evanescence (no matter how old I get), Against Me!, Run The Jewels
Favorite Sports Team: I don’t have an answer to this since I know nothing about sports
Favorite Season: Definitely Fall since I love the weather and the leaves and getting to wear boots and jackets (and my birthday tends to land on the first day of Fall)
Favorite Flower: I’m not a big fan of flowers but if I had to pick I’d say I love daisies
Favorite Scent: I have a candle that’s in the shape of a bowl of Froot Loops (complete with a glass bowl and metal spoon and all the colors) and it smells just like them and I’m obsessed with it😍I also have a bunch of weird perfumes that I love (like one smells like movie theater popcorn and another smells like a campfire and s’mores) and even though I don’t smoke I love the smell of cigarettes and fireplaces
Favorite Animal(s): Of course I love dogs and cats but then I love sloths and squirrels and pigeons and honestly anything cute and fuzzy, and I also kind of love iguanas
Favorite Food: I’m a vegetarian but that doesn’t stop me from eating and loving junk food. I’m by no means a foodie but I really like food so I’ll stop here before I start a never ending list🙈
Dream Car: I’m not a big fan of driving but I do love cars from the 1950s
Dream Trip: I haven’t traveled much yet in my life but my brother and sister-in-law go on so many trips and they think that I would love Japan so one day I’d like to visit. I’d also maybe like to go to France and also Canada and California
Instruments: I played the cello from elementary school to early high school but I completely forgot everything I learned. I’d also one day like to learn to play the piano and I also love instruments like a theremin or a musical saw (not that I can play them)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Definitely coffee since I live in caffeine but I also drink tea pretty often too
Dog or Cat Person: Dog (maybe because I loved my childhood dog and she was the only pet I ever had) but I love cats too
Following: 142
Followers: 1,238
Other Blogs: This is my one and only
Blog Established: I can’t find the exact date but I’m almost certain it was June 2019 (since it was after the reunion)
Do You Have a Tumblr Crush: While I love this fandom, I don’t have any crushes (unless friend crushes count)
Do You Get Asks: I do every now and then and they’re usually about my fics (which I love since I love knowing people care about my writing) so I definitely welcome more asks
What Are You Wearing Right Now: A Dragula shirt and red plaid pajama pants
Drink(s) of Choice: Diet Coke (preferably from a fountain), coffee, sparkling wine or champagne
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: Only one (and sometimes even that’s too much)
Average Sleep Hours: When I’m working it’s around 4-5 hours and when I’m off it’s 7-10 hours (depending how tired I am)
Random Fact: I’m very quiet and shy in public (there’s probably some social anxiety in there) but in private when I’m comfortable (like around my friends and family) or doing something I enjoy, I’m very loud and enthusiastic and passionate
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My thoughts on the Sanders Sides Spotify playlists- Patton Edition!
Note: this is Purely me saying whether or not I like the songs, not theorising about any deeper meanings. I’ve done them all, so just click on the names to see my reactions to the others: Virgil, Roman, Logan, Janus
Impressions from looking through the playlist: I think I recognise more of these titles upfront (but not necessarily bands), which isn’t that surprising given that it’s Patton, so I was expecting there’d be some more overlap with my/my mums music taste than there would be with Virgil’s. We shall see if that holds up.
1: ‘Campfire Song Song’, by (from??) Spongebob Squarepants. I knew this one (unsurprisingly) and it was Also on my list of ‘songs I expect to hear in their playlists’ after rewatching the q&a. I’m pretty sure ‘I Am the Walrus’ isn’t on here which is sad because that joke was iconic, but also completely valid. This song did not make it onto my 32 hour playlist, as spongebob does not have enough Nostalgia™ for me that I could put up with listening to it on even just a semi regular basis.
2: ‘Turnaround’, by Hans Zimmer, Camille. This was a bop! It’s on my 32 hour playlist now, and gave me happy vibes as expected from a Patton themed playlist. Made me sway/chair dance while I was listening so that was fun. I feel like it’s gonna be stuck in my head at some stage in the future. Only reason it’s not in the ten hour playlist is because it’s from a movie, but this might end up being one of my Exceptions to that rule for the playlist. We shall have to see.
3: ‘I Got a Name- Stereo Version’, Jim Croce. I liked this, but only in a ‘I wouldn’t skip it’ way not in a ‘Imma add it to the 32 hour playlist’ way. I didn’t vibe with the singing style enough. Still fairly boppy tho.
4: ‘Oranges’, by Lawrence. I haven’t heard this song in ages, and I kinda like it! It made it onto the 32 hour playlist, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to specifically play it again.
5: ‘I Don’t Wanna Pray’, by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros. This gave me very old timey-feels, and felt very Patton, but I didn’t love it. Probably wouldn’t skip it if it came up in a future playlist, it just wasn’t the style of music I tend to enjoy. Had a good beat though, I could imagine doing tap dance to it!
6: ‘New Soul’, by Yael Naim. This song made me wanna whistle/hum along to the lalas, and I’m not quite sure what that means in terms of level of enjoyment, but vibed with it! It’s on the 32 hour playlist now.
7: ‘Better Together’, by Jack Johnson. I wasn’t sure I’d like this when it first started, but the singing drew me in and I added it to the 32 hour playlist. I didn’t love it enough for the ten hour one though, but given my initial thoughts it being on the 32 hour one is a Surprising Comeback
8: ‘Vienna’, by Billy Joel. I couldn’t tell u when I last listened to a Billy Joel song (actually thats a lie, it was in a twitch sings stream) but, well. It’s Billy Joel. I was always gonna be reminded I like this song enough to add it to the 32 hour playlist.
9: ‘It’s You I Like’, by Ellie Schmidly. This song??? Made me s o f t. It’s in the 32 hour playlist. I’ll probably listen to it if I get insecure at any point in the future. I’ll also send it to my best friend if she gets insecure at any point in the future. It’s that soft.
10: ‘Little Shadow’, by Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Those of you who have read my reaction to Virgil’s playlist will remember that I really liked the acoustic version of soft shock, and in fact went to yeah yeah yeahs album to find the original only to realise my sister used to listen to them. At that point I skipped through a bunch of their songs to see if I thought I liked them from the snippets I heard. This is one that I was mostly eh on initially, b u t after listening to the entire song I like it more! Not anywhere near as much as I liked soft shock though, so it’s only on the 32 hour playlist, and I probably won’t specifically seek it out in the future.
11: ‘Sad’, by Alexander 23. The title of this one made me wanna hug Patton (and the lyrics even more when I realised what it was about), but it fit really well into my music taste by being a Sad Bop™. I really like Sad Bops™. My favourite singer (MIKA) sings a lot of Sad Bops™. This also hit close to home, lyric wise, which is why it’s not on the shorter playlist despite my love of Sad Bops™
12: ‘Oh Heart’, by Tank and The Bangas. I love the artists name, and when it started I immediately was Intrigued. I added it to my 32 hour playlist, but deemed it to be Too Unusual to fit the 10 hour playlist. Otherwise I’d be considering putting it on there, but I didn’t love it enough for it to be an exception.
13: ‘The Flame’, by Andrew Huang. I’ve actually watched a few of Andrews youtube vids, and I’m pretty sure I’m subbed to him, so my enjoyment of this song was not a massive shock. I actually decided,,,, I liked it enough to add it to the 10 hour playlist!! I know!! A song that I really liked that actually fit my additional criteria for that one!! I’d make a third playlist of ‘songs I really like that don’t fit that criteria’ but it’d be almost all of the 32 hour playlist so it’s not worth the effort sjfjdk. There’s a reason that criteria exists.
14: ‘Landslide’, by Fleetwood Mac. This is another I haven’t heard in ages, but wasn’t that surprised I enjoyed enough for it to make it onto the 32 hour playlist.
15: ‘Float On’, by Ben Lee. I didn’t mind this, and immediately realising he was Aussie was cool and also reassured me that I can recognise my own accent (as sometimes I Doubt or worry that they’re actually kiwi), but I didn’t love it. Whether or not I skip it in the future will be entirely determined by what mood I’m in
16: ‘With A Little Help From My Friends’, by The Beatles. Let’s be real. Who doesn’t love The Beatles. They’re The Beatles. This immediately got added to the 32 hour playlist. It’s also very fitting for Patton, even if I’m still slightly disappointed there’s no ‘I Am the Walrus’.
17: ‘What Makes The World’, by The New Respects. I really liked this!! I actually added it to the ten hour playlist as well!!! I know!!! It’s almost like Pattons music taste is slightly more ‘conventional’ and also similar to mine than Virgil’s and therefore fits my ‘normal people music’ criteria as well as my ‘must really like’ one!!
18: ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow_What A Wonderful World’, by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. I liked this, but not as much as the originals. It still made it to the 32 hour playlist though!!! I’d add the originals as well but I don’t like the songs enough to be bothered right now. I like how he did the mixing of the songs though, I didn’t even fully realise it was happening at first! Also I really hope I didn’t misspell his last name.
19: ‘So Long’, by Zooey Deschanel, M Ward. I was very glad to see Winnie the Pooh music on here as Patton did say it was his favourite Disney film, and also Nostalgia™. It made its way onto my 32 hour playlist but I wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to it unless I wanna indulge in said Nostalgia™ for a while.
Final thoughts: Surprisingly, despite my initial impressions, I think I actually knew less of this playlist going in than Virgil’s, if only because I recognised less of the bands and didn’t have any ‘Surprise, this song is one u heard a lot as a tiny child’ moments. I think I liked it overall more than Virgil’s, but the specific songs I liked I liked less than my favourites from Virgils. Favourite song would be Turnaround, (which I eventually decided was good enough to go against my Rules™, as I did with Be Calm from Virgils playlist), followed by What Makes The World, then either Oh Heart or The Flame. 15/19 got added to the 32 hour playlist and 3 to the 10 hour one!
Note: I just realised that one of the songs, ‘Golden Slumbers’ by Ben Folds, isn’t available for me, probably because of my region, which is why it’s missing from this list in my reactions. I had found it odd that there were only 19 songs, but I think my computer automatically hides songs I can’t play unlike my phone. I found it on YouTube and I do like it, but probably wouldn’t have added it to my 32 hour playlist if I’d had the chance. I just wouldn’t skip it in the future
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remusownsmyuwus · 5 years
Perfectly Real Chapter 4
Read Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 5
Genre: Angst, Slow Burn romance
Summary: Hamlet need to get his stuff together, and so does Patton.
Beta-ed by the ever-amazing and wonderful @aleiimm
Warnings: Alcoholism, depression, banter, non-romantic kissing, slight body horror, Deceit, Logicality (non-rommantic), crying, light swearing, tell me if there’s any more.
Words: 847 (I know it’s short aaaa)
Hamlet sat in the Dark Commons, the communal gathering space for the Dark Sides, and swirled his glass slowly, his eyes glazing over. "Get up, Hamlet," Deceit said, leaning on the counter of Thomas' dream-kitchen. 
Hamlet turned his head slightly, not facing Deceit, but closer to it. "No, I don't want to."
"Hamlet." Deceit hissed, straightening his back. "You're drinking again. What bottle iss that? Your third? Your ssixth? Your tenth? Jusst becausse you can't die from alcohol poissoning doessn't mean you can jusst keep yoursself drunk all the time."
Hamlet laughed dryly. "You must be really worried about me or you wouldn't have that lisp popping up, Deceit."
"Sso what if I'm worried about you? You're on my sside now. Sso you can't go about being… sself disstructive. That helpss me jusst ass much ass it helpss you."
"Aw, you care about me."
"Sshut up."
"I thought… being Apathy would mean I didn't feel anymore. But I feel… more. When I helped Thomas, that emotion… from the others, from him, it- it didn't disappear. It just went to me. And so, for two days," Hamlet's knuckles turn white around the wine glass- "I was crying, and hurting, and sniveling in my room. I'm pathetic."
Deceit looked down at his hands, walking around the counter to where Hamlet was sitting at the table. "You're not pathetic, you're jusst not ussed to your new job. Ssay, are you sstill doing the dutiess of Logic ass well ass Apathy?"
"No. I made something to do the work of Logic for me." Hamlet took a sip from his wine glass, rolling the wine around under his tongue.
"Hamlet. Sstop drinking the wine. It makess you boring to talk to." Deceit snatched the wine glass, disappearing it into thin air. Hamlet whined, high in his throat.
"It hurts, Deceit. It hurts too much to bear. The wine helps. It keeps me sane."
"It doess quite the oppossite, Dear. It keepss you drunk."
Patton was tidying his room, humming along to the Campfire Song song from SpongeBob, which was playing in the background. I feel fine, he told himself. His room was messy, like always, but he was moving new things into their places. Piles of treasured memories filling up the space in his floor, heaping around his bed, which was neatly made. I miss Logan, he thought, and he forced it down, along with the sob rising in his throat. 
"Stop trying to do my job, Patton, really. I'm starving for work here."
Hamlet. And he knew. He knew how Patton was feeling and knew that he was hiding it. "Hamlet. Hello."
"Hello Patton! So glad to know you're still trying to do my job for me!" Hamlet said with mock enthusiasm.
"I don't know what you mean." 
"Oh, don't do Deceit's job for him either, he'll be in quite a tizzy. And I should know."
Patton pushed his glasses up, pressing the heels of his hand into his eyes. "Hamlet, leave me alone."
"But I'm here to help you, Patton. You know, Logan liked you. He thought you were so beautiful. He would try to impress you, all the time… And you hated me- him."
Patton took his hands away from his eyes. "I never hated you! I never did! Stop saying that! I loved you. I loved you more than anything, and you left me! You left," Patton hissed, tears threatening to fall across his face. 
"Don't cry," Hamlet said coldly, patting the spot on Patton's bed next to him. "Come. Sit. Indulge in nothingness."
Patton picked his way to the bed, because he just wanted to feel Logan's arms, just wanted to know he was still there, even if he was different.
Hamlet watched him lay down, Patton resting his head on Hamlet's legs. "Love, don't cry. Crying is so messy."
Patton sniffed, a tear trailing down his cheek. "Love?"
"Don't read into it. I can take the pain away, Love, it would be so easy for you…" Hamlet ran a hand through Patton's hair.
"For me? Why… what would happen to you?" Patton asked, his eyes opening.
"I'd feel it. Everything you felt. Oh, it hurts. But, I can finally be useful, even at the expense of my sanity." Hamlet had a far-away look on his face, his white eyes wide.
"I don't want to hurt you! I'd never want to hurt you." Patton reached a hand up to pet Hamlet's shoulder.
"Funny to hear that from you."
"Because…" Hamlet seemed to choose his words carefully. "Unimportant. Patton, kiss me."
"What!?" Patton sat up quickly, blinking the black spots from his eyes. Hamlet just looked at him, his mouth hanging open slightly.
"Kiss me."
Patton hid his face in his hands, his cheeks on fire. He swallowed. "You sure?" When Hamlet nodded, he leaned in. Hamlet's lips were cold, emotionless. But Patton felt the passion in his own lips fade, and suddenly Hamlet's had the passion his lacked, and Patton broke the kiss, his mind empty. "That happened." But Hamlet was already gone.
Perfectly Real Taglist:
:) please reblog/like/comment! People liking my work makes me happy. :)
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beauty-and-passion · 4 years
You know, before you posted the first part of Patton's playlist, I could never figure out why I was so attached to him. Some things seem obvious- father figure, optimistic attitude, kind and friendly gestures. But when I read your analysis, you so elegantly put why I relate and care about him so much. His ideals and dreams that he wants for Thomas are so honest yet unachievable. He wants to learn and he knows he has to make mistakes but it doesn't stop them from hurting him. Yet these things doesn't stop him from believing that are goods things in the world, in Thomas. I think why Patton receives so much hate because he allows himself to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes even if he loses some things in the process. Patton has such dimension to them that most people don't really think about because of his ruses like campfire song. Reading your analysis make me realize that the hunch that I had that there's so much more to Patton is probably one of the best feelings I had in a while. Thank you for committing so much time and detail to his playlist and I can't wait for the second part. Best Regards- 🐰
Awww, that’s one of the reasons why I love doing these analyses so, so much. When my posts makes people this happy, when they make people think deeply into stuff and come into realizations... this is all a beautiful victory. I feel incredibly honoured and happy beyond measure. So... thank you. Seriously.
I’m also very happy to meet a Patton stan! I know, the poor boy doesn’t have a lot of fans and that’s such a shame - but I can also understand why, in a way.
Patton is a big optimist and he has always been good. Villains are more interesting, they have more struggles, more angst, more drama. They change their minds, they propose a more cynical, crude, realistic vision of the world. Patton, on the other hand, has always had a mentality based on love and affection. He looks more like an idealistic, following the idea that the world is beautiful and people are good - an idea too unrealistic, because we all know the world isn’t like that.
But Patton has something I noticed in these songs that a simple "good character” lacks: awareness. Patton knows the world isn’t perfect, he knows people aren’t always good. And he chose to keep pouring love into the world. This awareness is what changes everything: he’s not just good “because yes”, he’s good because he chose to be. Because he knows how the world is and decided to keep trusting and loving others.
And that’s an extremely powerful choice. Heck, I would never be this trusting of others. But he decided to do that and I respect him for having the strength to make a similar choice.
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virgilantejustice · 5 years
My masterpost
So, i decided that I’ve probably posted enough fics to post a masterpost, so, here you go! Hope you enjoy!
Confliction and cookies: Useless moxiety gays.
Another hero: (My first ever fanfic!) Shedloads of deceit angst. and a special guest appearance of the dragonwitch.
Torn apart: (My second ever fic.) Roman was an idiot last night.
Something’s happened: Virgil indulged in one too many guilty pleasures.
Fading away: Roman is far too important to be so reckless.
Pencil: Logan isn’t great with feelings’n stuff.
The english speaking exam: Virgil isn’t great with public speaking.
Some memories wont fade: Patton just cant let go of some things.
Your death is now inevitable: Logan really cares about his friends, and really hates injustice.
Stargazing: Logan loves looking at the stars.
The eurovision song contest: Logan just wants to be listened to.
If the world ended: It’s the last day ever, and Patton has one last thing on his bucket list.
Hidden talents (part one, part two, part three, part four): Maybe they don’t know everything about eachother.
The infection (part one, part two, part three, sea of stars, on the church steps, heartbreak): When family is literally all you’ve got, you cant help but stick together.
Facility for the unexplainable patient files: Fear of the unknown does terrible things.
Now and forever: Virgil has a secret. It’s a long story (like, 700 years long)
Now and forever (unboxing some feelings): Moving can always bring on the feels.
The seasons: Logan still isn’t great with feelings, so he finds a way to espress it without using the word
It’ll be okay: Sometimes lies are referable to the truth
This ‘campfire’ business: Marshmallows are bonding fuel
Balancing a coin: Sometimes you have to see the other side
Entrapment: Right and wrong, good or bad, nothing in between but iron bars
Together (chapter one, chapter two, chapter three): Narrators narrated!!
Sides: < That’s a pun....
And so the show goes on: All the world’s a stage, and the play is a tragedy
My Muse: Virgil has no self esteem but Roman is gonna fix that!
Curtain: Sibling rivalry
Strange People: There are some things you just cant make sense of
Macarons: Patton takes baking very seriously
As more and more stuff is being confirmed in canon, i just want to add a little note: All of these made sense in the context at the time at which they were written!
(I’ll try to keep this updated.)
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buginabog · 6 years
With You
Summary: Its just Virgil and Patton being cute outside of a dance.
Pairing: moxiety
Virgil smiled awkwardly at the apologetic girl who was stepping on his toes. "Sorry, sorry"
"Its ok"
The song drew to a close and the girl flashed a smile at Virgil, "thank you so much, I think my parents were getting suspicious."
Virgil ruffled her hair a little, "its ok"
She ran off.
Patton walked up to him, "soo, who was the kiddo?"
"Closeted girl needing help with her parents," he turned to his boyfriend, "now, what do you say we go...hang, out"
Patton giggled, and Virgil melted, "lost steam at the end there darling?"
Virgil shrugged, "just little bit."
Patton placed his hand in Virgils, "I say I'd love that."
Virgil sat with his back against the gym and his arm around Patton. He buried his face into Pattons fluffy red hair.
"What're you doing love?" Virgil mumbled something into Pattons hair, "I cant hear you."
Virgil raised his head a little, "you smell good ok?"
Patton smiled, and side-hugged him, "I do, huh?"
Virgil nodded, "like cookies and flowers and chocolate." He sighed, "like Patton"
Patton smiled, "well I smell campfire and pine trees and...is that pizza?"
"I live off the stuff babe, I'm gonna smell like it."
"That's not healthy."
Virgil pulled back and raised and eyebrow, "and surviving off nothing but ramen isnt?"
Patton gave Virgil a light shove, "I was six!"
Virgil burst out laughing, and Patton joined in.
Virgil was looking into the night sky and let out a small laugh.
"What's funny?"
Virgil turned to Patton, "just...we're two baby gays, outside a school dance, and the only thing that would make this more fanfic would be a sunset."
"Or a shooting star."
Virgil smiled and rested his cheek on Pattons head, "you just saw one didnt you?"
"Yep! And I made a wish"
"I have one too, but I guess I'll have to find my own shooting star, huh?"
Patton nestled into Virgil's side, "I think I made the same one as you."
Virgil kissed Pattons head, "I think so too."
They could hear the music through the gym wall, and when one song came on Patton jumped up, "oh, I love this one!" and held out his hands to Virgil. "C'mon! Dance with me!" Virgil smiled and grabbed his grinning boyfriends hands.
The song was a fast one, and there was a lot of bouncing and spinning, Pattons skirt flying out in all directions, and Virgil and Patton were both out of breath when it finished. Then a slow song came on, and Virgil looked at Patton, backed away a few steps, and bowed and held out his hand, "shall we?"
Patton giggled, "yes."
They danced the whole song through, and when the final flourish came, Virgil dipped Patton, Patton giggling madly. Patton put his arms around Virgils neck and pulled himself towards him, kissing him gently.
Virgil pulled Patton up into a standing position, and laughed a little, "well, that was quite a dance."
Patton laughed, hugging Virgil around the waist, "it certainly was," he stood on tiptoe to kiss Virgil again, when a loud dramatic voice rang out.
"Damn it!"
Logans voice was smug, "told you they weren't making out."
Roman groaned, "but I dont HAVE fifty dollars on me nerd!"
"Why would you bet money you don't possess? That is quite inefficient."
Virgil and Patton rolled their eyes at their two friends. Virgil cupped his hands to his mouth and yelled, "JUST KISS ALREADY YOU FUCKING DORKS!"
Patton stifled his laughter, "language dear."
Roman was bright red and stammering, and Logan just smiled and yelled back, "GLADLY" and kissed roman.
He broke away, looking smug, and walked off. Roman stood there for a moment, flustered, and then ran after the other.
Virgil shook his head, "finally."
Patton laughed, "and Logan made the move!"
Virgil smiled, "I know! Guess Roman's all talk and no action."
"Welllll" Patton said, gesturing in the direction Roman had went.
Virgil shrugged, "fair enough."
Patton looked in that direction, "should we go over there or....?"
Virgil looked in the direction Roman and Logan had gone, "we...might wanna wait a couple hours, and cover our eyes."
Patton shrugged, "fair enough." He kissed Virgil
Virgil smiled, "you wanna go back in?"
Patton smiled up at him, "with you? I'd go anywhere."
Virgil blushed, then lightly shoved Patton, "stop being so cute."
"I cant, its illegal."
Virgil kissed him again, "well we cant have you breaking the law, now can we?"
Patton giggled, "no we cant."
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angelpringle · 5 years
Summer Camp AU
Okay so I'm really excited I'm starting my first fan fic! If you would like to be on the taglist send me an ask and I'll put you on! I will be posting the first chapter on Monday.
Here are the characters:
Logan Croft
Leads the Nature walks
Thomas Sanders
Camp fire songs with ukulele
Attended camp since he was 14, been a counselor for 10 years
Patton Mathers
Basically loves every activity
Arts and Crafts is his favorite
Made friendship bracelets for everyone
Roman is his best friend at camp
Second year at camp
Virgil Avery
Not to fond of nature
Loves star gazing
Ghost stories
First year of camp
Roman Christiansen
Insists on being the role in a skit
Always singing campfire songs
Best friends with Patton and eventually Virgil
Hikes are adventures
Second year at camp
Remus Christiansen
Roman's twin
Loves skits too
Games like Mafia (Murder in the Dark), Truth or Dare, Two truths and a Lie, etc.
Pals with Damien
Always burns his marshmallows when roasting them
Because he likes it that way
Wants to be like Remy
Second year at camp
Remy Syracruze
Seriously most famous pranker in camp history
Popular ofc
Pretends like he doesn't care about any of the activities
Secretly loves Arts and Crafts
Third year at camp
Damien Daniels (Deceit)
Best friends with Remy
Also Remus
Pulls pranks with Remy
Likes water activities
Also hiking
Tells good Ghost stories not as good as Virgil's though
Third year of camp
Emile Picani
Loves cartoons
Can't give minutes withdrawing some kind of cartoon reference
Uses free time to draw cartoons
Meal times are his favorite activity
First year of camp
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sandersgrey · 6 years
Not a Tragedy
Part two of my Hadestown AU! Part one is here, and tells the story of how Patton (Persephone) and Logan (Hades) met and fell in love. This part tells the story of how Roman (Orpheus) and Virgil (Eurydice) did the same.
Part one. Part two is here. Part three. Part four. Part five. Part six. Part seven. Part eight. Part nine. Bonus. Part ten. Part eleven.
Once more, shot out for my lovely @thewritingasexual for helping me out with the beginning!! 
@hellomusicalnerdhere asked to be tagged. 
Word count: 1,251
Ao3 link: here.
This is not a tragedy.
In another world, this is a sad story and the Fates sang a tale of tragedy and heartbreak. In this one, it is not. This is a story about heartbreaks, but it’s also a story about healed hearts. Everything must break once. It doesn’t mean that what’s broken can’t be fixed someday. This is a story about how hearts were healed just as much as it is about how they were shattered to the ground.
The second part of this tale started like this: Roman fell in love.
(He wasn’t a god trying to create life from sterile ground, or a god with a heart made of iron and steel that for the first time melted. He was as human as it gets. Gifted, sure, but human, with blood in his veins and air in his lungs and a song in his lips and the need of praise. They say it was his music that made him different from the other mortals. I say his music was born from his humanity, at first.)
It was easy, as love stories tend to begin. Love at first sight is a much rarer thing than they would like you to believe. But it was easy. 
Virgil was around the campfire in the meeting place people were preparing for when the god of spring arrived. He would be considered average by anyone else in that night. The man wasn’t more beautiful than most, with his body that was thinnier than it could be considered healthy and the way he was always slouching, as if he wanted people to not have a reason to look at him. But there was something in his eyes that Roman saw— the kind of strenght you only get by enduring. The singer had seen that strenght in so many people before, that resilience that felt like steel and stone, but in Virgil it seemed to shine. His eyes were diamonds in the dim light the fire provided. 
And Roman– Roman fell.
“Roman, my boy! Won’t you sing us a song?”, laughed one of the men around the fire. “It’s too damn cold and this fire ain’t helping, at least warm our hearts.”
Roman smiled easier than he breathed, and sometimes he thought he sang easier than he smiled. With a last glance to the isolated boy that was closer to the trees than he was from the fire, the singer got up and walked to the workers.
 “Of course! What kind of song do you guys want, if I can ask?”
“Just sing whatever’s in your heart, boy”, the worker grinned, apparently not knowing he had just said the most dreaded words a singer could hear before a presentation. 
Roman had just the right song in mind this time, though, so he didn’t protest as he sat with them.
Virgil had been alone for a long time. 
He wasn’t sure how long. Didn’t really remember the last time he actually stopped at some place for more than a few days a time, or if someone had ever offered to travel with him. No matter what he tried, Virgil always ended up in the road again — it was difficult to keep a job and he had to eat somehow. Keeping himself in the road and getting temporary jobs was the only way to survive. Sometimes Virgil thought he wouldn’t know what to do with someone by his side. Other times, he thought he’d like to find out.
It was kind of overwhelming to be near so many people at a time, but the winter had been even harder on him than it usually was. He needed food, shelter, and safety, and he needed that quickly. There was safety in numbers, he knew, and there was rumours that wherever Patton went, there would be enough for everyone. Virgil could only hope they were true. 
It was cold where he sat, and the man couldn’t quite feel his fingers, but it was better than the overwhelming crowd. Virgil blew on his hands to keep them warm. 
And then he didn’t need to.
It was a song. Logically, Virgil knew that was all it was, lyrics and beat, a human voice. There was no god among them yet. But the sweetness and the warmth in that voice reminded him of things he never had, hands in his during cold days, a warm embrace to protect against the freezing wind. It felt like a warm cup of tea. Virgil didn’t realize he was crying until the tears fell on his hand. 
He looked up to the man who was singing. Roman, wasn’t that his name?, had a smile in his face as he sang, eyes squeezed tight and a hand dramatically in the air, despite the soft notes that dripped from his lips like honey. Virgil thought vaguely to himself that that was the face of a man that very much liked his work. He was also beautiful— beautiful as the fire that burned in the middle of the small crowd. Warm brown hair carefully brushed, broad shoulders and a sort of elegance to his moviments that was only achieved with that kind of confidence Virgil had never even tried to fake. He suddenly felt a urge to wrap his arms around the singer and find out how much warmer his body was compared to his song. Virgil blushed, grateful for the protection of the dark.
The song was the first, but not the last Roman sang that night. Everytime the singer would try to sit, someone else would incentive him to sing only one more, maybe two or three? And Roman would grin with the attention and soak it up like it was his last day in Earth, singing his heart out every time. Eventually, though, even the most stubborn workers had to admit that the man deserved a break, and Roman made his way to the man who had not stopped watching him since he started to sing.
It was a very dark night. Roman hadn’t noticed it before, close to the fire and the praise, but he could barely see his feet now. Maybe that’s why he tripped. Or maybe even now the Fates like to play. 
Virgil stood up in less than a second, safely wrapping his arms around Roman’s waist to make sure he wouldn’t get hurt. The man was just as warm as he imagined. The skin of his arms felt like it was burning from inside out, but Virgil didn’t really mind it when he saw Roman’s embarassed smile. It was way better than the cold.
“Don’t go falling for me”, Virgil said as a joke, hoping that the darkness wouldn’t let the singer notice his blush.
“Too late”, Roman smiled. There was not a suggestion of shame in his face, and Virgil’s eyes widened, his face burning. “May I know your name, beauty?”
“It’s- Virgil, I’m Virgil”, he stuttered, not used to the kind of attention Roman was giving him. Was he really interested? Was it all just a joke? “You’re- your name is Roman, right? I heard you singing…”
Roman grinned, pulling away from Virgil’s arms (who, the man noticed embarassed, were still around the singer’s waist before). Virgil didn’t have time to fell disappointed before Roman rested his hands on his shoulders and gently pulled him closer. “That’s my name”, he agreeded, smiling. “Aren’t you cold here, though, so far from the fire?”
Virgil looked at him and smiled. “Not anymore.”
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