#I may have lost my childhood but these kids haven’t!
cloveroctobers · 7 months
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A/N: Juice was always my man when it came to SOA and I’ll forever be traumatized and bitter over his storyline + how he was treated. That’s probably one of the reasons why I’ll never do a rewatch tbfh. In my mind he’s thriving and I’ve always wanted happiness for him and that’s what he’s gonna get here! Also my first time ever writing for this man so go easy on me although this is more HC (my version) form. Have a happy love day whether it’s with a significant other, family, friends, or just yourself! know that you’re always worthy and capable of receiving and giving love and not just on this one day of the year 🩷🫡
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE + I’m using: 19. "can i see your hand?" / "sure, why?" / "so i can see how well it fits with mine." + 35. "let's take a stupid walk for our stupid mental health!"
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When you got word from your mother that Juan was back in town for good, you had to see so for yourself.
January’s always been gloomy but when you came face to face with the man you haven’t seen in years at the front door of his mother’s, you wanted to collapse but managed to keep your composure.
Juan’s sad but somewhat still warm eyes are unsure at first, taking in your facial expression but you clear his concerns as you’re yanking him tightly to your body in a tender embrace.
And he feels like he might just break down himself in your arms.
You were just what he needed.
The both of you had to make up for lost time and Juan had to keep convincing you that he wasn’t going anywhere.
Things didn’t work out in his favor in California (little did you know, he barely made it out alive) and Juan never wanted you to visit, although your older brother and his girlfriend, Saskia lived out there—which means you took trips but in a sense you learned to accept that was Juan’s way of protecting you from the demons that latched onto his soul.
You couldn’t take it personally since Ms. Hilda, his mother never visited either but spoke to him every couple of months—which may have been hard or if not harder for her.
Although the both of your mother’s were good friends that didn’t mean the both of you didn’t have your share of childhood trauma’s (because of them) that bled into your adulthood.
Nonetheless the both of you spent a month reconnecting, taking each day by day as it took to rebuild a friendship.
It felt right having Juan back in your life and he can honestly say the same.
“I never knew how much I missed you until I saw your face again,” he said to you over the phone one night.
Juan’s always been a sweetheart and never had an issue expressing his love for you to the point many kids back in school questioned if you were dating.
It never happened but that didn’t mean Juan didn’t want it to yet you found yourself in a few relationships here and there. Which was brought up by your mother during a birthday dinner for your brother (who was visiting) that February.
“I find it hard to believe that you’re still single. I mean hell, when is anybody going to give me a grandchild?” Your mother chatted over a glass of Cabernet playfully glaring at your brother who cleared his throat before setting her eyes back on you, “You know I saw Marlon just the other day?”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes at this. You’ve only been at the table for ten minutes, supposedly going over the menu and yet here your mother was worrying about children and your love life.
And she just had to bring your college ex into it.
“Really,” you gave faux interest as you viewed the entrees.
“Mhm. He’s been divorced for a few years now and he’s single. I even showed him a picture of you to see if he remembered you. He laughed about it and said he thought you were with Juan now.”
Your brother is coughing now on his own drink and his girlfriend of four years is patting him on the back.
Glancing to your right you stare at Juan rubbing at his face in thought, who mentally seemed to be having a tough day today. He stayed at your house last night and apologized over breakfast about how he got into these dark moods.
You assured him that he didn’t have to apologize for his feelings. Asking if he wanted to be your plus one tonight, only if it was up for it.
He’d push through it for you because he was devoted to being near you as much as possible since he didn’t want to lose anymore time with his best friend.
How would Marlon assume this? You’re turning back to your mother now, furrowed brows while you reply, “why did he think that?”
“He said he saw the both of you running around the park together. He wanted to say hi but you and Juan seemed to be racing and he didn’t want to interrupt.” Your mother informs, staring at you two underneath her eyelashes with her lips moving back to the rim of her glass.
This didn’t make you feel any sort of way because you also haven’t seen Marlon in years either. You weren’t really checking for him but—the breakup didnt turn sour—it was mutual! however it was interesting to see different perspectives on how people viewed you and Juan.
Juan was gone from New York by the time you both reached your early twenties and by then you were still with Marlon. Juan would visit up at school and hung out with you two a couple of times! even when Marlon tried to put him onto some college girls…there was a part of Juan that felt like he was guilty of something.
Even when he engaged in activities—sure it may have felt great in the moment but he always ended up feeling like shit since he wanted it to be you.
So yes you were part of the reason why he got out of New York and to find a better sense of direction for himself.
You’re shrugging your shoulders redirecting the conversation, “well..I’m sorry things didn’t work out with his wife.”
“Are you?”
“Mom! Chill.” Your brother stepped in which you were somewhat thankful for. Why were you always getting shit on when you knew it was on the tip of your mother’s tongue that your brother “should” be thinking about marriage since she hinted at you once before during your girl’s day.
Although you and your dad both were aware that your brother didn’t want to get married.
“I’m just saying you should think about it or what about that guy from high school? The funny looking one.”
“They were both goofy to me. Especially Stu.” Your brother snorted while you shielded your middle finger from your mother to direct at your sibling.
Your first boyfriend was senior year and he cheated on you with a redhead because he got dumped prior to asking you out. It made sense to him but definitely not to you.
Yeah that’s highschool stupidity for you!
Juan shuddered at the mention of your first boyfriend, “man that guy? He was ridiculously obnoxious in and outside of class and hung out with that other guy…the one who gave me serious serial killer vibes.”
“You did always say that,” you laughed to yourself and couldn’t deny it. You never wanted to be alone with Stu’s best friend at the time, the way his dark eyes bored into yours always made you feel uneasy.
“He’s harmless!” Stu would persuade you before always leaving you with him for at least a minute or two.
Your mother pried, “Well where is he now?”
“Hell if I know? Probably married to another redhead with three or four kids? Still possibly cheating? What is this, a walk down memory lane?”
Juan could sense you were getting agitated about this and placed his hand right above your knee which made you exhale.
Your mother is raising her hands, “I’m just looking out for you and your brother’s happiness. That’s all.”
“I am happy. Go dig in his business then, it’s his birthday anyway.” You suggested while your mother just scoffed.
Raising your brows, your mother continued knowing that you were always ready to challenge her, “I will but when’s the last time you’ve been in a serious relationship?”
“Are you the expert when it comes to relationships now? You waited six months after the divorce from dad to get married to someone else. You settled for dad’s bullshit for years and now suddenly you want to micromanage what goes on in mine? Are you keeping this same energy with your step kids?”
Your brother is calling your name as a warning now but you couldn’t lie and say you weren’t triggered.
growing up having your mother constantly in your ear saying to you, “you’ll never get a bf because of xyz.” Simply from little stupid things you would do as a pre-teen to teenage years was damaging because you were just an insecure kid not worrying about romantic relationships in the slightest. Although you had a mother who seemed to be more concerned about the male gaze for you.
So what if your room got messy? So what if there were days where you didn’t want to be bothered with your hair? Or was too much in grown folks business when your mother would gossip on the phone about inappropriate subjects right in front of you! while also bringing up all of your business to her friends or family members like some sort of humiliation tactic and then never taking your emotions into account when you voiced your discomfort?
Don’t get it wrong, of course you had love for your mother but you couldn’t erase what was said and done. A list of things that still stuck with you and things that you should perhaps just “let go of,” yet she still felt comfortable to talk about your love life like you were some low self-esteem kid.
You never had that relationship where you felt safe to share anything with your mother because of her critiques.
“Hold on now, I’m just trying to make conversation—
“You don’t need to. Not when it comes with an opinion i never asked for to match.”
Then comes the tears and Saskia is tending to her, whisking your mother away to the bathroom with her crying to Sas about how she, “tries to be a good mother and these are the things she gets.”
“Did you have to do this on my day?” Your brother sighs while your eyes are in slits.
“You and dad are the exact same, always expecting me to just take it. I don’t give a damn if it was Easter, if she’s coming at me then I’m going to let her know. I know she’ll always be mom but she refuses to ever see my side on anything.”
“Why does it have to be about sides? We’re family at the end of the day.”
The famous excuse for it all so it seems!
“And we must always be on some we are the world bullshit too, no matter what huh?”
Juan covers his snort at this, which earns him a look from your brother, leaving Juan to mumble out an apology.
It’s quiet for a moment as your brother tries to figure out how to make this okay but you don’t want to stick around to continue this dinner. In your eyes it felt ruined already.
Only seconds pass when you decide it’s best if you go. You’re on your feet, slipping back into your outerwear before wrapping an arm across your brother’s shoulders squeezing him as you peck his temple.
“Love you, mean it. I’ll take you out myself at another time.” You say as all your older brother can do is nod his head, briefly resting his hand on top of yours before you let go.
You’re peering at Juan who’s still seated and say, “want to take a walk with me?”
“Sure, whatever you want, yeah!” He sits up before grabbing his beanie and jacket, “I don’t care.”
You quickly begin to walk off before your sas and your mom come back, sending a silent message to your old friend that you’ll be outside.
Your brother tells Juan, “look after my sister, okay?”
“You got it,” Juan says, wishing the older man another birthday wish before making his way out to you.
The both of you are now walking side by side, enjoying the city’s lights and each other’s company.
“Thanks for coming with me. The longer I sat there getting into it with my mom the faster my brain was telling me to get the fuck out. I figured: let's take a stupid walk for our stupid mental health!"
Juan chuckles at this, “I know what you mean. I also had a disagreement with my sister too before I crashed at yours.”
That revealed just a dash about what led to Juan’s mood last night.
“Yeah?” Your eyes peep to the left of you at the beanie-wearing man, “You want to talk about it?”
It wasn’t much different with what went down with you and yours. Except Juan’s mother was the one to break it up and scold him for defending himself against his sister.
She still felt like he didn’t have himself together (despite the fact that he was now working at a mechanic shop and had a side tech gig at an outlet mall—paid under the table now! If you’re talking about his mental then that was a different story!) either and was the main one who told him not to go out to California. She begged him to stay and that began their estrangement.
His sister blamed him for his own unhappiness and if he would have stayed here maybe he wouldn’t have dealt with that darkness charming brought him.
Which hurt to hear.
He walks even closer to you now as he said, “nah, not really if that’s okay?”
“What?” You lightly bumped his shoulder, “Course it is, just know you can when you want to.”
He gives you a lopsided smile, “Thanks.”
You loop an arm around Juan’s waist, resting your head against his shoulder, as you blended into the city together.
Juan’s dreamed of times like these except you were miles apart but hearts still in sync.
The silence between you two lets you know that you’re both holding onto something so heavy but find that it doesn’t weigh as much when you’re both near each other.
By the time you’re making your way back to your side of town, one subway ride later and more miles to walk back to your place—the night feels like any normal routine.
Eventually the both of you fall into chatter and soft smiles as you continue your rest on the subway, head tucked underneath juice’s chin that his facial hair still pricks your thick hair but you don’t mind.
You’re both laughing about old times when you reach your 1975 raised ranch, half standing on the steps and you’re wiping the tears from the corner of your eyes, “you coming in?”
The last thing Juan wanted to do was head back to his ma’s side of town so a dip of his head was all that you needed, sending him a smile and a nudge of your head to welcome him back inside.
“We gotta eat something although you’re really not supposed to eat after seven…”Juan says to you after kicking off his shoes and heading straight from the main entrance pass the living room right to the kitchen.
“I forgot how much of a health freak you are.” You tease, hanging up your coats in the near by closet.
Juan’s mumbling to himself as he moves around the cut off kitchen, “And you need more fruits and veggies in here. What’s the point of having a juicer and having nothing to use it?”
“My common law sister in law? If you believe in that sort of thing! got it for me. It works as decoration,” You argued, “I can just go buy me a fruit or veggie juice.”
“And be wasteful of this beautiful gift?”
“If you want it, I’ll regift it to you for a belated Christmas gift then.” You sass, going to lean in the archway.
Juan shakes his head while he’s eyeing all the ingredients he’s laid out on the counter, “no point in doing that if I’m just going to be over here majority of the time anyway.”
“Oh is that right?”
“I mean…yeah…if you’re comfortable with that.”
You roll your eyes, “I’ll take you for as long as I can have you, Juanie and you know that.”
He casts a smile over his shoulder at you before waving his hand along formally towards the dining room, “have a seat. This won’t be anything extravagant since your selection of food kinda sucks…we’ll talk about that later but I need my work space clear.”
You saluted, “heard chef,” before you walked into the next room over.
Which leaves you to send off a text to your brother letting him know you both made it safe before choosing to browse social media.
The words of your mother did get into your head as you’re sitting here searching up your two exes and you laugh to yourself at how foolish you were being. You haven’t though about either of those two in a long time, not in the same way you thought about Juan nearly every day.
Yet here you were letting your mother get into your head again: about two men that didn’t hold meaning to your life now.
“Bon appetite.” Juan tells you after awhile, placing the plates down on the table and picking the seat right next to you.
“And what do we call this meal?”
“P.O. In 10. Which stands for: party’s over in ten minutes.”
You both stare at each other and let out a laugh, “how clever.”
A struggle meal of: ground turkey on ranch Doritos topped with cheese and left over black olives with a side of strawberry moscato was your dinner for that night and you didn’t dare complain.
Juan’s gone into one of his rapid conversations of one of his old friends, a guy named chibs that he would have loved for you to meet and of course you find it sweet that he still found someone to speak highly of when he’s vaguely told you that all was not well in charming.
“can i see your hand?" You suddenly ask the man who’s grown out his hair and sported facial hair that made him appear older.
Juan’s finishing off the last of his homemade nacho’s, stuffing his face but doesn’t hesistate as he places his smooth veiny but much larger one into yours, “sure, why?"
You’re tracing the lines of his palm and recall the time the both of you went to a palm reader on senior skip day for shits and giggles although Juan seemed to believe every word the lady said.
He said he had a great tía from Puerto Rico that he met once or twice who was very spiritual but different from a palm reader. His mother got pissed off when she brought her work to the house that one time when she was supposed to be looking after him and his sister.
That soon became Juan’s job.
You wondered about how these hands had to scrap their way through just to survive.
Then you explain, “so i can see how well it fits with mine." Before interlacing your right with his and Juan can’t help but to grin at you.
And there’s that boyish smile that spreads to the corners of his eyes that you can’t resist while he speaks with you, “You’re so cute, you’re corny. If you wanted to makeout, all you had to do was just say so.”
You don’t think about it, “alright, maybe I do.”
“What?! Don’t joke like that.” Juan’s eyes are wide now, ready to slip his hand right from yours.
“I’m not.” You lift your shoulders as Juan sits back in the chair with a sigh.
Juan’s staring at you with a curiosity that makes you want to look away but you can’t.
“What if all we needed was to just be honest with ourselves and look at what’s directly in front of us.”
“…I don’t follow.”
“Us, Juan! I always felt like i was waiting for something, even with the others after Stu and Marlon. There was always this pull and maybe that was you…and if this is all in my head just say that. You can tell me.”
Juan rubs at his face in thought. He already knew how he felt about you and how it never went away.
“No…it’s not all in your head. I don’t know if you know this but…you’ve always been it for me and I—learned to be okay with just being your best friend since that’s what you always wanted from me. I thought moving across the country was the answer but that only hurt us more.”
“Part of me felt like you didn’t care who I was with. You just took it for what it was.”
“You’re so wrong,” Juan scoffed out some laughter, “I just wanted you be happy and not be selfish about wishing it was me that got to do everything with you all the time. They took my space.”
You instantly reply, “Never could.”
“No, blockhead.” You lightly grip and shake his shoulders.
“Now we’re down to the insults I see.”
You shrug with a smirk, “Let me kiss you…just to see.”
“See what?” Juan felt his heart hammering in his chest now, “That we’re completely in love with each other? A kiss won’t tell me what I don’t already know, babe.”
A scrunch of your nose is present, “Not you sounding like you don’t want to kiss me—
Sighing you got up from the chair and plopped right down in Juan’s lap, wrapping your arms across his shoulders and staring into his eyes that softened as they settled on your close proximity.
“You smell nice,” he awkwardly says, carefully placing his hands right down on your hip.
You laugh as you move your hands to cup his face, lightly caressing your thumbs over his facial hair, looking at his lips and then back to his eyes before you lean forward to place your lips right on his.
His hands tighten around you but his shoulders seem to relax. Juan can’t hold back the moan in the back of his throat that escapes his parted lips but that doesn’t stop him from kissing you back.
There’s tongue in there somewhere in the mix and the hold the both of you have on each other is enough to erase the miles that were once placed between you.
His hooked nose brushes against yours as you pull back, eyes closed and trying to catch your breath. His forehead rests against yours and Juan has to clear his throat and blink several times in hopes of getting rid of the static that sits in the center of his bottom lip.
“Wow,” he exhales with a grin while you’re playing with the strand of curls at the back of his head.
A satisfied smile is on your face, “What was that shit you were talking?”
“I wasn’t talking shit,” Juan frowns, “I was just saying that my heart already knows what it wants without putting my lips on yours. I loved you the moment your mom forced you to be my friend.”
You shake your head with a smile, “that didn’t take much force, Ortiz. I always thought you could be the one.”
“And…you never said anything why? That would have saved us a lot of time!”
You shrug, “I think our love story is meant to start now.”
“Nope it’s been a W.I.P. but now the progress is actually progressing…”
You squint, “With both of us tasting like Doritos and strawberry wine?”
“If it makes sense to mother universe then who am I to argue with her?”
“At least one of us gets it then.” You kiss his cheek and go to move off his lap but he yanks you right back, burying his face into the crook of your neck.
“Yeah, that maybe love’s always got our back in the end.”
“So…that’s what’s poking me right now?”
Juan feels his face burn, “Sorry—I—couldn’t help it.”
“I could—
“No. Nope. Not yet, let me just hold you and get used to the fact that I get to kiss you from now on. If…we get to labeling each other that is.”
“You want to be mine, Ortiz?”
“Don’t tell me you can’t tell.” He groans pressing his forehead into your shoulder leaving you laughing.
“Only if I get to be yours.”
“Fuck yeah!”
You nuzzle your face against his profile as you hum, “I’ll love you even more for the rest of my life Juan Carlos Ortiz…sounds like a plan?”
And he feels his heart swell at that, knowing that he didn’t have to be alone anymore the longer he had you in his arms.
“Sounds like the best plan, yet. And I love you too, so much.” He gently says into your ear before you turn to him again, capturing his lips once more.
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February fluff anthology series continues here.
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You’re so easy to read (Bang Chan x Fem!AFAB!reader)
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Pairing: Bangchan x fem!AFAB!reader 
Trope/Genre: Childhood friends to lovers, smut, slight fluff
Warnings: MINORS DNI, Protected sex (because these bitches are being safe today), cookies are NOT more important than safety! Be safe! Some awkwardness in the smut
Bangchan is not an idol in this fic. Reader and Bangchan are in University. 
1,589 words (Idrk I'm bad at math)
Summary: Chan, who was your childhood best friend, moved away when he was 15. Plot twist! You two are accidental neighbors and he turns up to say hi. You talk for a bit. Stuff happens. 
One sunny day, about 14 years ago, you were swinging on some playground swings. Another kid who looked 5 years old came up to you, holding out an ice-block. “Here!” He said, smiling brightly. “I have an extra and I’m not very hungry.” You took it and unwrapped the desert. “Thank you!” You smiled at him and asked, “What’s your name?”.  
The two of you were an inseparable duo. You would do everything together. The teachers would sigh every year because you would end up in the same class, causing some extreme form of chaos. When you were in year 7, you two nearly burnt down the entire school because you pushed him a little too hard and he knocked over a bunsen burner. You both got suspended. 
The only class that you would relax in was music. Something that both of you enjoyed and participated enthusiastically in. He was way better at it than you, but you never cared. 
When you reached the age of 14, you developed a crush on him. You never acted on it out of fear of ruining your friendship. The year after that, Chan had to break the news to you that he was moving. It was to a city that was a whole flight away. After sharing a tearful goodbye and living four more years of your life, you never forgot about him. You may have lost his contact information after a year of not seeing him, but you never lost the memories, the laughter, and the feelings.
You had gone to a University far from home because you wanted to get away from some bad relationships that you had with people who lived close to your old home. You saved up money to get a dorm on campus with no roommates. It took a lot of hard work, but it paid off. You had just finished unloading all of your belongings when you heard a knock at the door. 
You peeped through the keyhole and saw that it was a man holding cookies. Cookies are always more important than safety so you opened the door. “Uh, hi! My name is Chan and I live next door. I was wondering if you wanted some cookies?” 
You looked at the familiar man. “Do I know you?” His eyes widened slightly. “Do I know you? Wait, what’s your name?” “Y/N. Nice to see you again Christopher.” You knew it annoyed him when you called him his full English name, but currently, he didn’t care. “Oh my gosh, I haven’t seen you in so long! How is everything going?” You suddenly remembered that he was standing in the hallway with a plate of cookies in his hand. “Do you want to come in?” “Sure!” He put the cookies down on your coffee table and hugged you before you both sat on the couch. 
“So,” You shifted awkwardly in your seat trying to think of something to say. “Do you remember when we almost poisoned your Mum?” He laughed. “Oh my god! Yeah!” When you were both 10 years old, Chan’s mum asked you to bake a cake. She had poured all of the ingredients into measuring cups, and you two didn’t realise that she had poured the milk into a measuring cup as well. As you two searched high and low for milk, Chan found a bottle of bleach that he poured into the mixing bowl. Just before you were about to take a bite, Chan’s mum found the measuring cup that was still full of milk sitting on the kitchen bench. She asked where the milk was that you used and Chan pointed to the bleach. 
“That wasn’t even the worst thing that we did!” He said. “We were such gremlins.” You stated. “That's for sure. I remember that when we were 14, you started acting really weird around me. I was so confused.” You felt your face heat up as you recalled the feelings for him that developed around that time. “Yeah, I can't even remember why.” You picked up a cookie and started eating it. “You look like you know.” “What do you mean by that?” “Well,” He leaned over to look closer at your face. “You’re blushing, and you don’t do that very often. You’re also avoiding eye contact, which you only do with people that you don't know, or when you’re lying.” Your face was burning at this point. You didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “I think you do. You’re so easy to read. It’s cute.” The tips of his ears slowly turned red. “Now, can you please tell me why you were so awkward around me?” Butterflies began to flutter around your stomach. “I want to, but I also don’t.” You joked. “Come on, please” He wined. “I won't bite.” You sighed and spoke. 
“I had a crush on you. A huge one.” He laughed. You cringed at what you had said, thinking that he thought it was stupid. “Oh, that! I already knew!” Your eyes widened. “What?” “Like I said before, you’re so easy to read.” “What are you? A psych major?” “No, a music major, pun not intended” “Your still jokes suck, they always have.” “And you’re still too scared to share your feelings.” There was silence. No one knew what to say. Chan spoke up.
“I bet I can guess what you’re thinking.” “Try me.” “Hmm… I think that you’re thinking about how embarrassing this all is, and how I'm making it worse by being a little shit.” “At least you’re self-aware.” “I can also tell that you still like me.” Your face turned crimson. “What do you mean?” You gave him an unconvincing innocent look. “Stop.” “Okay fine. Yes, I still like you.” “Good.” “Good?” “That means I can do this.”
He pressed his lips against yours. His lips were soft and his kisses were gentle. He wrapped his arms around you. The smell of his cologne was dizzying. His lips moved down to your neck as he trailed his way down to your collar. “Is this fine?” He asked, hesitating before taking off his shirt. You nodded as he lifted his shirt off, revealing his toned abs. The sight made chills run down your spine. “I thought you were blushing a lot before, but now…” He trailed off as your eyes met his. 
He continued kissing you, but he was rougher this time. Your lips parted slightly, giving him room to slide his tongue in. You took off your shirt and he unclipped your bra and placed it on the floor. As you undid the fly of your jeans, he pulled out a condom from his pocket and placed it beside you. “You’re so beautiful.” He said while taking off his pants. “I’ve always thought that about you.” “So have I. You’re absolutely breathtaking.” His face turned bright red. “Okay I wasn't expecting compliments today, just give me a moment.” “How can you not expect compliments when you look like this?!” He was completely naked, standing in front of you. He hid his face in his hands. “Can we please get this over with before I die of embarrassment?” “Aw, you’re so cute.”
He kissed you again as his hand trailed down to your thighs. “Are you sure this is okay? Because I’m so hard, I seriously need to fuck you right now.” “It’s okay.” You squeezed his hand before his tongue rolled over your clit. You let out a sharp moan. He started stroking his dick while his tongue was deep inside of you. “Hey, Chan?” He looked up at you with wide eyes. He looked so pretty, the sight made your stomach do backflips. 
“Could you maybe, uh, replace your tongue with your dick.” He laughed. “What the fuck was that delivery!?” “How was I meant to say it?” “I don’t know, maybe something a little more poetic.” He unwrapped the condom and rolled it down his cock. “Bang Chan sire, may you please place thine penis into my vagina?” He cackled. “I don’t even care anymore I just wanna be inside you.”
He thrusts into you with a grunt as you moan in pleasure. Your hips bucked as his pace slowly built, his dick was hitting your g-spot perfectly. He placed kisses around your breasts and stomach and moved up to suck on your neck. A singular soft kiss on your lips sent you over the edge. You let out a whine as you climaxed. Your walls clenched around Chan which caused him to whimper loudly and cum. You and Chan were both gasping for breath as he carefully pulled out of you.
“You are so pretty,” He continued, collapsing next to you. “And cute, and stunning, and perfect.” “And you are beautiful, and also all of those other words that you said.” He sat up. “Where are your cups? I’ll go get you some water.” “They’re on the top shelf in the kitchen, I can also show you where the towels are so you can shower.”
After you had both showered and cleaned up, you sat cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. “When I imagined meeting you again,” You began. “I never thought it would be like this.” He nodded. “I honestly hoped it would be like this.” “You’re such a simp.” “I’m your simp.” You rolled your eyes and tried hiding your smile underneath your hand.
“I can tell you’re smiling.” “What do you mean?” “You’re so easy to read.”
Author note: This is the first smut that I've ever written, so like always, constructive criticism is wanted! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3
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stay-tiny-ville · 9 months
Han Jisung
Summary ~ Delulu thoughts of baby gurl Han Jisung and why the hell can’t men like this exist where I am (Or just my head going wild with dating head cannons of Han Jisung)
A.N. - I have heard your pleas for more Stray Kids before I move on to Ateez and I come to deliver DONT WORRY BABIES I HAVE 14 DRAFTS
A.N. 2 - I haven’t really checked word counts my brain just kinda goes on and on so if ones are longer than others I deeply apologize 🧎🏻‍♀️
A.N. 3 - also I’m genuinely confused if I can actually consider them head cannons if these are kind of mainly blurbs in each (if you can’t tell idk how to classify these)
Dawg, dude, sweetheart, baby, babe, angel are names he’d call you
Def the best friend boyfriend
That’s probably how you got together was from being best friends because he’d probably be too anxious to get with someone he had feelings for that he didn’t know on a deep level
You two are on top of each other at all times
Like laying on top of each other when one is already laying down
Full weight where the other can’t breathe
Or laying full body weight on them while they are doing stuff out and about
One only gets out of bed/off the couch if the other carries them
You’ve seen the nonexistent legendary baby photos
If you like to wear baggy or big clothes he would wear your clothes and you would wear his and all of a sudden you both have one giant closet with double the clothes
Would def watch marathons of movies with you when they should be watched
Like nightmare before before Christmas, horror movies, and Charlie Brown Halloween movies around fall
Star Wars runs in May
And def the classic Christmas movies such as Harry Potter, the Santa Claus movies, and even the original and classic stop motion movies
Year without a Santa Claus is the best
I imagine on one of your rare coinciding days off you don’t go out, no matter how long it had been since you had, instead this was the superior alternative
Maybe it was even a special occasion like an anniversary or birthday or even just an accomplishment but you spend the day on the couch
The beginning of the day consisted of the classics you had to get out of the way like the Studio Ghibli movies I know everyone agrees on him loving so much or just things that recently released you had been dying to getting around to watching
After a collection of movies was watched you would break for food
Most of it consisted of not the healthiest stuff a man in his field should be consuming in such quantities
Like pop tarts in the morning, hot pockets for lunch, macaroni for dinner
Just a lot of processed things but man were you two adorable and just having a fun day so who can be mad at you
As the day slowly got darker, Hannie built a nest of blankets he nestled around him, but there wasn’t a blanket on top of him
But that’s where you come in
You lay between his legs, head on his stomach, turned to wach intently the movie that played
one of his hands holding yours while the other ran along your head
As the movie pulled to a close you turned to rest your chin on his stomach, his own dark, large, quokka eyes bore into your own
His hand falls from your head to your cheek and he held it gently
His gaze softening as much as humanly possible as his eyes closed the more he smiled at you his gorgeous smile
You felt your heartbeat quicken
No matter how many years you had known this man, through childhood or not, no matter how old you were, you were just a teenager madly in love
You were lost in your adoration for this beautiful creature and you think he could tell since he giggled before he untangled from you and stood, pulling you up by your hands
He mumbled “come on” with a smile as he pulled you to the kitchen for snacks
You knew the drill at this point in the night
He got the bowl ready while you had put the bag into the microwave/started heating it on the stove
Obviously he got the quicker job and by the time you sat back and waited he was already waiting and leaning against the kitchen island behind you
You turned around and barely took a step before his gentle hands grabbed ahold of your forearm and coaxed you into his arms
His arms securely wrapped around your shoulders and thus pressed your head into his shoulder and neck
Your own arms wrapping around his tiny waist
The only noise was the hum of the microwave/hiss of the popcorn on the stove as you relaxed into who you called your home
After making your way back to the couch for what would be the last movie of the night with the snacks, you once again found yourself attached at the hip to your boy
This time you were tucked into his side, head on his shoulder while you two laid
you lasted all but 40 minutes of the two hour film before your eyes fluttered
It didn’t help that his hand was on your waist and was softly brushing at the open skin and made you feel safe
He watched you as you lost the fight to your eyes and brushed strands of hair from your face
(If you’re a heavy sleeper) he gathers you into his arms and heads to the bedroom, leaving behind the snacks and blankets to be cleaned up tomorrow
(If you aren’t a heavy sleeper) he moves all items off of you (phones, popcorn bowl) and falls asleep to the sight of you in his arms
Han deserves so much love and I love love baby girl Hannie
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aliteral-ghost · 1 month
This is a fic I wrote for the 100 minutes challenge! This one was themed around adventure, and I took inspiration from the prompts childhood and treasure! You can find it on ao3 here!
Ren and False reminisce about their first failed expedition after failing to find treasure.
They were not successful in their attempt to find the buried treasure. After looking for several hours, nearly digging up the entire beach, Ren and False decide to take a break before heading back to the ship, sitting on the knotted roots of a nearby mangrove tree. 
“We haven’t had an expedition this bad since we were kids, have we?” Ren muses, pulling at a loose twig and starting to snap it into tiny bits.
“No,” False says. She likes things to go right, and is pouting a bit because of it. The map said it was going to be at this spot, and it lied. She doesn’t like that. She doesn’t like uncertainty. 
“That time… it sure went badly, didn’t it?” Ren asks, laughing. “Didn’t we manage to get lost in a mineshaft and completely waste time and energy before we ran out of time and had to go home?”
False laughs as well, remembering the amount of dirt and cobwebs they were covered in. “And you-didn’t you nearly fall into a cave or something, and I had to pull you out?”
“The first of many, many times you’ve saved my ass.”
This is true. False and Ren are inseparable from each other, but they’re also inseparable from trouble. In their many years of exploring and collecting treasures, they’ve met challenges that would kill explorers with less conviction and experience. A massive kraken, hordes of other pirates, they’ve seen it all. But their first exploration didn’t go quite as well.
“We…” False pauses, trying to remember what had happened. “We heard about it from Bdubs, right? He was bragging about this treasure he had hidden one day and said that no one would ever be able to find it.”
Ren huffs a laugh. “You were so convinced we could find it, because we’re so much better than Bdubs, and I just wanted to do anything that you were doing.”
“You were like a sad puppy, always following me around,” False stares off into the horizon, where their ship is waiting, bobbing on the waves. “It was kind of cute, honestly.”
“You thought I was cute?” 
She looks over at him and sees that Ren’s eyes are the largest puppy dog eyes she’s ever seen. “You were so small!” False exclaims. “And you kept tripping all over yourself to keep up with me!”
“I was, wasn’t I?” Ren laughs. “It came in use in that adventure, though, we would have never gotten out if I hadn’t managed to squeeze through those fallen beams.”
“Sure. That’s the only reason.” It might have been, if she’s honest with herself, but False would never tell Ren about that. She’ll never give him a win like that. “We never found that treasure, though, did we? I can never remember.”
“Nope!” Ren claps his hands. “And we never told Bdubs that we even tried to, because we knew that he would hold it over us for the rest of our lives. We’re not gonna tell anyone that we haven’t found this one either, are we?”
“Absolutely not.”
Ren laughs. “That’s what I thought. Come on, the rest of the crew is gonna start worrying if we take much longer.”
They hop down from the tree roots, headed for the beached dinghy nearby. They may be older, but it feels like they’re kids again. As they’re walking, nearly at the waterline, Ren trips over something. It’s the edge of a gilded box, poking out of the wet sand. 
“No way. It was right here?” False throws her hands up in exasperation. The shovel she’s been holding goes flying, and nearly hits Ren in the head where he tripped and fell. Better the shovel than her sword. 
Ren stands up and pulls her away from the buried treasure. “Not a word of this to the crew,” he insists. “They cannot know about what an utter failure this has been.”
The crew knows full well that Ren has a proclivity for being clumsy, even though they won’t say it, but False just nods and laughs. “Of course, captain. Anything to protect your ego.”
They return to the ship, Ren complaining the whole way, and don’t say anything about it to the rest of the crew when they arrive. There are some adventures that don’t need to be shared.
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poledancingdinos · 9 months
Hostile Territory - Chapter 18
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Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Leah Coleman)
Word count: 3.1K
Warnings: grief, past loss
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist: @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @persephonepraxidikechthonios @enchantedbytomandhenry @narnianaos   @geralts-yenn @peaches1958 @avengersfan25 @sillyrabbit81 @summersong69 @identity2212 @liecastillo @lena-banena @mrsevans90 @confessionbrain-writings @eclecticfashionbookszipper @happydistraction @hannah9921 @valacircareads @toooldforobsessions
Day 202
Leah’s first stop after getting off the plane was her childhood home. Her second stop was the cemetery.
She walked along the path she had come to know by heart. The land was not very big and was surrounded by a line of trees to shield it from the nearby road. She came to a stop in front of the fourth headstone of the thirteenth row on the left.
“Hey Dad.” Leah set her bag down on the grass, kneeling beside it. “I’m sorry it’s been so long since my last visit. I’ve been moving around for the better part of the last three years and I haven’t had many opportunities to come home.”
Leah pulled a packet of wipes out of her backpack and began cleaning her father’s headstone. The lawn around it was well maintained by Caleb but the recent weather had left splatterings of mud on the smooth surface. Once she finished her task, she sat down facing the inscription, lifting her knees to her chest.
Gage ColemanDearly Loved,Sadly Missed,Forever In Our Hearts
She and Caleb had agonized over what to write. The man at the funeral home had shown them a bunch of examples for “loving father” and “taken too soon” but none of them had felt right.
A dozen men whose lives he had saved overseas had shown up to his funeral. There were two dozen more from the VA, the dog shelter, his work and Caleb’s year in school.
Leah and Caleb may have been his only living relatives, but they hadn’t been his only family.
“I’ve been so lost since you’ve been gone, Dad. It’s been so hard finding my place.” Leah buried her face in her hands, choking on a sob. “All I ever wanted when I was younger was to be like you. It hurt so much knowing you never wanted this life for me.”
Leah took a moment to brush her tears away with the sleeve of her hoodie, fixing her gaze on her father’s name.
“But I think I get it now—why you didn’t want me to follow in your footsteps. It’s not easy. Actually, it’s been really fucking hard, but I just know that this is what I’m supposed to be. I hope you’re not too mad.”
Leah didn’t want to spend her entire visit with her father in a blubbering mess so she blew her nose on a tissue from her bag and took a few calming breaths.
“I, uh… I met this guy. He’s more than just some guy, really, he’s my captain. I know, I know, it’s a recipe for disaster. I think if you met him he’d change your mind though.” Smiling to herself, Leah remembered how Sy had said he and her father would probably get along. She was sure her father would agree.
“I mean, Aika—she’s a german shepherd we rescued—Aika loves him and you always said dogs were the best at judging character. I think I might be in love with him and I… I’m so scared, Dad. I’m scared of what might happen if I do this but I’m also scared that if I don’t take this chance, I’ll regret it forever.”
After a few terrible attempts at dating after high school, Leah had somewhat given up on the idea of finding someone to share her life with. She was so independent and bullheaded that she didn’t think she would ever manage to make a relationship work. Then there was the whole fear that a guy would never be satisfied with her and would always inevitably cheat on her as had happened before.
“Were you happy, Dad? After mom left and you were all alone with us, were you happy? Maybe I was just a clueless kid and you were this big ladiesʼ man but based on the lack of female presence at your funeral, I don’t think that was the case. Sometimes I wonder if you were lonely without a girlfriend. I hope you didn’t feel like that was a sacrifice you had to make for us but if it was then… Thank you. Thank you for always putting us first. Thank you for being such an amazing dad.”
An alarm on Leah’s phone informed her that it was time to head back to the house. Caleb was going to be home for dinner and she wanted to have food ready and waiting on the table so that they didn’t have to worry about anything but catching up and enjoying their time together.
Leah stood, packing up her trash and getting the dirt and grass on her jeans.
“I love you, Dad.”
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Sy’s welcome dinner with his family was as uneventful as ever. He hadn’t expected some big shindig but he had pictured a tad more enthusiasm. Never had he felt so much like a stranger in his own home as he did at that moment.
His nieces and nephews were barely old enough to remember him since the last time he’d visited. It was also a school night so his sisters had taken the kids home right after dessert. His brothers had stayed a while longer but once the youngsters had fallen asleep, they and their wives had also gone home to put them down in their own beds.
After helping them carry the kids to the car, Sy spent another few minutes talking to the twins before retreating to the porch. His brothers had only been twelve when he left and now they were both fathers. He’d spent more than half their lives away from them.
The screen door slamming alerted Sy to his mother’s presence, drawing him out of his thoughts. She dropped down by his side on the porch swing, not saying a word for a long time.
“I’m so sorry, honey.”
Sy was taken aback, turning to face his mother.
“For what?”
Sy racked his brain, looking for a reason as to why his mother would want to apologize but he came up blank. When she looked up, her eyes were red and brimmed with tears. A million different thoughts slammed into him, filling him with dread but none of them had prepared him for what she eventually said.
“For not helpin’ ya more when you were young.”
He knew instantly what she was referring to but he’d never expected her to mention his childhood, much less apologize for any of it. In fact, he didn’t think his mother had anything to apologize for but by the looks of things, the guilt had been eating away at her for quite some time.
“Mama, ya had two other boys who needed ya more than I did.”
She shook her head, wrapping her shawl tighter around her shoulders.
“No,” she said adamantly. “Ya needed me just as much as they did but I didn’t see it because ya always acted so strong. I wasn’t the mother ya needed me to be. I wasn’t there for you.” The sobs she’d been trying to suppress finally broke free, prompting her to lift a hand to her mouth. Sy watched, feeling utterly powerless as the women who’d raised him fell to pieces right in front of his eyes. “I didn’t see it and maybe if I had and I’d been a better mother then then ya would never have enlisted. You would be safe here with your family instead of out there, riskin’ your life and worryin’ me sick every second of every day.”
Hearing those words, Sy pulled his mother into his arms, her tears soaking his shirt as he held her. He hated hearing that she blamed herself for his shortcomings. Knowing that his parents had their reservations about his career and hearing that his choices actively caused them pain were two very different things.
“None of this is your fault, Mama. Ya can’t know that things woulda been any different.”
“Yes, I can.” She pulled away enough to hold his face with both hands. “You are so smart, baby. Ya coulda done anythin’ ya wanted, ya just needed a little more help in school than the others. Maybe if we’d caught on while you were still young we coulda found a way to make things work and ya wouldn’t have fallen so far behind.”
Sy closed his eyes, leaning his forehead against his mother’s.
“Mama, I never regretted joinin’ up. I love you and I know me being away is hard for ya—it’s hard for me too.” He pulled back to lock eyes with his mama’s. “But I never regretted it.”
“But maybe ya wouldn’t have felt like the army was your only choice. Maybe ya coulda gone to college right after high school, met a nice girl and been around long enough to give me a few grandbabies.”
Sy couldn’t help but huff at that last comment. Even when she was breaking down she was your typical southern mother—so full of love that she wanted as many grandkids as possible to share it with.
“Ya already have six grandbabies, Ma,” he admonished.
“That’s true, but I wouldn’t mind havin’ a mini you runnin’ around.” She pulled him down to kiss his cheek then wrapped both hands around his biceps to rest her head on his shoulder.
Sy kissed the top of her head in return, smelling the familiar fruity scent of her shampoo. She’d been using the same brand for as long as he could remember. In fact, when he was a teenager he’d asked his father to buy a different kind because he didn’t want to smell like a girl.
It was strange to think there was a time where his biggest concern was what he smelled like. Or that there was a time where his hair was long enough to warrant using shampoo instead of bar soap. He’d given up almost everything that tied him to a life outside the army but maybe it was time to make a few exceptions.
“I uh… I don’t know that babies will be involved, but there is this one girl that caught my eye.”
His mother immediately perked up, as he knew she would. 
“Oh?” she wiped her cheeks. “And what’s her story?”
“Her name is Leah and she… Well she’s one of my soldiers. She was assigned to my unit a few months ago.”
“Wow. She must be a real tough girl to make it into the special forces.”
Sy nodded. “But she’s got a good heart too. She’s an artist, she loves dogs and she’s real close with her brother ‘cause they’re each other’s only family.”
“Ya sound real smitten,” she teased, nudging his side.
“I guess I am.” Sy managed a half smile as he turned his gaze downward. “I just wish I’d had more time with her before she got on her flight to Denver but maybe it was better this way. If we got together while she’s still my subordinate and someone on base found out it could ruin both of our careers.”
“If she’s the one for you, ya can’t let her go. Who knows when you’ll have another chance like this. I think you should go after her.”
Looking out over the yard of his childhood home, Sy considered his mother’s suggestion. It had always been a little wild and unkept when he was young. His little brothers’ toys had always been strewn about, his own bike laying amongst them more often than not.
Now, however, the lawn was neatly trimmed. His mother had planted lush flower beds that were in full bloom and pruned daily. Even the house itself was unrecognizable after a few necessary renovations. At least the ceiling in his old bedroom no longer leaked when it rained.
He wanted that for himself. A place to call his own. Somewhere to return to. A house that would change over time and age with his family. He wanted a home. Hopefully one with Leah in it.
He shook himself out of his reverie. “Mama, I haven’t been home in almost two years. I can’t run off after less than twenty-four hours.”
“Nathan, sweetie, if you feel this strongly then there’s nowhere else I want you to be than with her. I want to see you happy.”
She stood from the porch swing, tapping him twice on the knee.
“Take the night and sleep on it, but I have a feeling your heart already knows what it wants.”
Sy nodded in acceptance, standing to kiss his mother on the cheek and pull her into another embrace.
“I want you to know, baby, that I am proud of the man ya grew up to be. It scares me to death that I might lose ya but that don’t mean I’m not as proud as can be that you’re my son.”
With that, she said goodnight before heading inside.
His mother was right, Sy didn’t need to think another second whether or not he wanted to go after Leah. He wanted to jump in his truck and head out on the road but he also had no idea where to go.
Sy pulled his cell out of his pocket, tapping the screen and bringing the device to life. It was late, nearly midnight, but with any luck the man he needed to reach would see his message somewhere between when he stumbled out of the bar and when climbed into bed with whatever man or woman would be warming his bed that night.
To Sy’s surprise, his phone lit up with an incoming call as soon as the message had been delivered.
There was noise in the background as he answered, some classic rock song Sy couldn’t quite hear clearly enough to recognize it.
“Why do you need Coleman’s info at this time of night?” BJ was shouting over the music but soon the sound faded, letting Sy know that he had walked out of the bar to take the call.
“Whatever business I have with Coleman is between us. Do you have her address or not?”
“Really? You ask me for a favor and you’re gonna give me that bullshit?”
Sy knew it wasn’t fair of him. Especially since BJ had trusted him enough to confess his own biggest secret. He was the only person that knew BJ was bi. They’d lost a man a few years back and it had sent BJ into a spiral. That was when he’d confessed that the two of them had grown to be more than teammates.
If anyone was going to understand how he felt about Leah, it was BJ.
“I need to see her. I need to see if she feels the same about me as I feel about her.”
“And how exactly do you feel about her?”
The Captain sighed, sinking down into the porch swing. “You really gonna make me say it?”
“Damn straight I am.”
He scrubbed a hand over his beard which was overdue for a good trim.
“I need to know if… If she’s willin' to give us a shot. If she can’t stop thinkin’ about me the same way I can’t stop thinkin' about her.”
Sy held his breath as he waited for a response. A moment passed. Then another.
“I’ll text you her info when I get home. It’s on a scrap of paper in my pack.”
With a relieved exhale, Sy said a silent prayer to whatever god was listening.
“That’s it? No follow up questions? No snarky comments?”
“Na, I’m just glad you finally got your head outta your ass. Your moping around was getting real fucking old.”
“I really owe you for this BJ.”
“Make me the best man at your wedding and we’ll call it even.”
An image of Leah in a white gown walking down the aisle towards Sy suddenly flashed through his mind and he groaned inwardly. Fuck. He really liked that image.
“She can make you her maid of honor. I’m sure you’d look great in a fluffy pink dress.”
“Don’t think I won’t do it, Sy. I fucking love that girl, I’d do it if she asked.”
A door slammed closed somewhere on the other end of the line, a muffled male voice following shortly after. “Babe, why’d you disappear on me? I turned around and you were gone.”
“Sorry, it’s my captain. Give me a sec. Sy, I gotta—”
“All good man. Thank you.”
“Keep me posted on how it goes.”
With a brief goodbye, they hung up and Sy made his way back upstairs. He quickly used the washroom and slid between the sheets of the queen bed his parents had purchased specifically for him.
The other two bedrooms had been turned into a craft room and a proper guestroom. His, however, had been saved for these rare moments when he made it home. He’d been the only one to have his own room growing up. The girls had shared one and the twins shared the other. It must have been the only blessing of being the middle child.
They’d changed it, of course, clearing out any clutter and moving it to the attic in case Sy ever wanted to go through it all. His first time back home following his enlistment, he’d had to squeeze his newly acquired muscle into his old twin bed. His parents had taken pity on him, investing in a bigger bed despite knowing it would barely get used. They’d also elected not to remove the posters of half naked women he’d put up when he was fourteen.
Sarah Michelle Gellar had been his number one crush at the time. It seemed his tastes hadn’t changed much—strong, sassy, independent.
His phone buzzed on the nightstand and he was happy to see an address from BJ. Sy immediately booked a flight to Denver for the next morning. He was able to find a last minute car rental as well but decided to wait before booking a hotel.
Maybe it was presumptuous of him but he hoped he’d be able to stay with Leah even if it was on her couch. He still checked availability at a few local motels then set an alarm early enough to give him time to pack some clothes and get his duffle ready. He was not going to risk missing his flight on the off chance that his body managed to sleep past sunrise the next morning. That was, if his impatient ass managed to sleep at all.
Chapter 19
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💗Granny May
💗The Narrator
💗Charlie and Meatloaf
Oh sweet Jesus Christ /hj
You’ve opened a whole can of worms with that one, ESPECIALLY for the Narrator
Granny May
I don’t have a lot to say about her because I don’t care that much about her overall, so I don’t have that much to say about her backstory-
She’s been in the villain business for a long long time and was more respected in her younger years. Her husband was also a criminal, but before him she dated Hal Hardbargain, who made her the mech suit she uses. They’re now bitter exes, and constantly fight because they’re cranky old people. Unfortunately, Granny May’s husband passed away, but she Carrie’s on her villain career because it fulfills her.
Granny’s mom is not a villain, and didn’t exactly approve of Granny’s career, but still loves her a lot.
Eugene and Granny don’t really talk anymore after the shorts. Granny is disappointed he gave up on his villain career so early, but otherwise doesn’t focus much on him.
Uhhhh yeah that’s all I got for her, I haven’t really given her much thought lol-
The Narrator
Ok so- in my AU headcanon thing (Idfk at this point), there’s three different levels of reality. There’s the irl world (aka us, yes you person reading this), the middle ground, and any fictional world. Narrator’s live in the middle ground, aware they’re fictional but also living out there own lives in some strange form of free will. This means that it’s possible that any narrator from any media could interact, though it’s typically separated between film/tv show narrators, and game narrators.
Also, most of them without canon names just go with whatever name their VA has, so the Narrator would be named Chris.
Chris is happily married to the Powerpuff Girls Narrator (aka Tom)
Time works differently in the fictional reality (aka the whole show of Wordgirl) then it does in the Middle Ground. Time skips that are shown in the show aren’t actual time skips to the Narrators. Chris will literally just walk off and do something else until whatever time is being skipped to. While he can just stick around after an episode, there’s no real reason to, but he sometimes does so anyway because he actually likes his protagonists.
Tom is a whole separate thing so if y’all want me to talk more about these two please let me know. I love ‘em :))
Idk what else to mention, I just like the silly voice guy
MY GIRRLLL. I have so much to say about her
In my au, Leslie and Victoria Best have a strange mentor and student relationship.
This is because that Leslie had a very similar childhood to Victoria. The reason she seems to be so multitalented is because as a kid, her parents put her through so many tournaments and extra curricular activities. Kids viewed her as either weird or mean because she was working all the time. Unlike Victoria, Leslie didn’t constantly boast about being the best, but she did have a silent air of superiority.
Until around 8th grade, when a teacher called CPS on her parents. They lost custody of her (because of the horrible shit they would do to her), and she started living with her grandma.
No longer having the constant force telling her to be perfect, Leslie’s mental health and self confidence tanked. It why as an adult she gets stage fright easily.
She went to a really prestigious high school filled with several people with rich families (including some other characters). One of said characters was Claire McCallister, who she quickly befriended (they also dated briefly, but it didn’t really work out, with them leaving on good terms)
Eventually, her high school and another high school participated in an event where they competed with each other, and that’s where Leslie met Lady Redundant Woman, Ms Question, and Mr Big (pre-transition). She specifically hung out and befriended Shelly, and helped him realize he was trans, so for a while they were absolute best buds.
After school, Leslie started working in economics, but was pretty bored with her life, until she heard of a job opportunity as a secretary for an up and coming company. To her surprise, she ends up reuniting with Mr Big.
Mr Big didn’t originally have Mind Control is his company statement, he suddenly got the idea from a random joke Leslie made that he took way to seriously.
Over time, Leslie started to lose her energy for the job and her self esteem started to sink again. The lack of credit and the overworking she received do nothing to help her.
Charlie and Meatloaf
These guys are so silly :]
Meatloaf’s actual name is Joe
These two were roommates in college and were best buds ever since. They both got a job at a construction company together, and they began to befriend a certain Dr Boxleitner who kept calling for their help because he kept blowing up his lab.
Post the accident, Two Brains ‘hired’ them to come work for him, since they were the only people who he knew and who were willing to help.
They’re also in an asexual relationship with each other
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 3 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 14 🕺🏼
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🤓 annoyingperson follow
I never understood the thing with Isadora Starfighter. She just went to visit different planets every book, stayed there, left. It got so boring after it happened for a fourth time.
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
Someone has not read book 6 and it shows
🤓 annoyingperson follow
No? Of course I haven’t read book 6. I lost interest at book 4. Didn’t even know there was 6 books.
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
Here is a synopsis of what happened in book 6. If you dare to call that boring then I will hunt you down and throw acid at you.
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
It’s so funny that every time I say I have a dream, people get so intrigued. Maybe because my dreams have tended to either predict the future, give me clues of what to do next when I’m in doubt, or given insight into my early childhood.
🎤singing-is-who-i-am follow
I mean my dreams rarely go into the past but the FUTURE, oh boy…
I’ve also had tendencies to share dreams with people. Daydreams, even.
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🌼 punk-not-dead follow
I got to know that my first word was ”fuck”.
My life is complete
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
Ok, I hear you, you wanna hear about my life.
So I was at daycare, age 1. I was awfully quiet, which the teachers deemed suspicious. They went up to check on me. I was just playing with blocks, not harming anyone.
As I finished my block tower, I smiled mischieviously and yelled ”FUCK!” as I kicked the tower down.
The daycare teachers contemplaited if they should call my parents or not, and eventually decided not to, but wrote about the incident in my daycare reports card (which is how I know of this information). I also know it’s one of my first words because they wrote, and I quote, ”She’s only been communicating in grunts and babbles and this was the first clear word.”
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
Ok, so you may wonder how I learned this word. Many people guess I’ve heard adults swear. But the thing is, my parents NEVER swear. I also got to hear that the only things I got to see on TV as a 1 year old was VHS tapes of kids shows my parents had recorded beforehand that they deemed suitable (they were way stricter back when they only had me. The second the twins were born they did a 180 switch to hippie parenting).
So my theory for how I learned the word? From my previous life.
You see, I have this theory that the reason we do not remember anything in our first years on the planet is because our spirit from a previous life is guiding us on how to live. They feed us ideas and tips on how to navigate life. And when they deem us to be ready, they leave our body, and that’s when we have our first memory. That’s why when you have your first memory you don’t remember anything beforehand. You’re kind of just thrown in and you’re familiar with everything but you don’t know why you are.
Anyway, I think the spirit from my previous life cursed a lot, so I was probably influenced. And thus, my first word was fuck, even though no one around me had ever uttered those words.
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector follow
This took a direction I was not prepared with but ok
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💍 queenoftherink follow
Last night I dreamt that I had two daughters named Lilith and Angelica.
Don’t know if this is a prediction for the future or not
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
Omg like the Sims 2 twins? (I think one of them is named Angela in the og game but she’s still named Angelica in some translations)
💍 queenoftherink follow
Like the Sims 2 twins!!
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🌟 supernova-number-one follow
Describing all Isadora Starfighter books in one sentence
Isadora Starfighter: Cute kids story about a girl with a magical space wand she uses to travel to other galaxies <3
Isadora Starfighter and the wand malfunction: Oh no magical space wand is broken what to do now
Isadora Starfighter and Princess Supernova: GAY GAY LESBIAN GAY
Isadora Starfighter The galaxy prom: The reason all of us in the fandom are obsessed with cosplay
Isadora Starfighter goes missing: Our girl somehow ends up on the loneliest and coldest dwarf planet because she took one wrong turn
Isadora Starfighter and the candy machine: IF YOU DIDN’T HAVE TRAUMA BEFORE YOU’RE GONNA GET IT NOW
Isadora Starfighter Homecoming: The title is literal, because she literally comes home to her home planet, idk what else homecoming means I’m not american
Isadora Starfighter escapes: A reminder that this book series is no longer for kids it’s a fucking dystopian sci fi war now
Isadora Starfighter against the galaxy: When you’re a hormonal teenager and also everyone in a galaxy is literally against you because of a spell, but you can’t figure it out because you’re so hormonal
Isadora Starfighter in a meteor shower: She finally fights a literal star only took 10 books
Isadora Starfighter Reunion: RETURN OF GIRLFRIEND PRINCESS SUPERNOVA (oh yeah and some others I guess)
Isadora Starfighter Powerup: Space puberty did her good she gets some cool ass powers
Isadora Starfighter The final journey: Princess Supernova’s talk with her mom made me bawl I don’t care about anything else
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
You have now convinced me to read these books. Good job!
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
Nooo!!!! Don’t read them!
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
You’re always talking about how the fandom is small and you wish more people knew about it? Plus, I may finally understand the context to some things in your 140 chapter fanfic.
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
You read my 140 chapter fanfiction despite not even knowing the fandom?
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
You have a way with words 😘
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
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🎤singing-is-who-i-am follow
Happy pride month! 💜 Post a picture of your flag/s
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🧢 everythingscominguponmaxi follow
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🎧 pixiemix follow
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🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector follow
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💍 queenoftherink follow
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🎸 beanie-guitarist follow
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(Hahaha the bi pride reblog chain)
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
Sorry I’m gonna ruin the chain cause I’m not bi 🤣
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I am the literal ”all or nothing”
✌🏼 arodarmivida follow
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😎 rapmiro follow
Idk where you guys are from but I’m from Chile 🤨
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#Jim I thought you were spanish #is that a region of spain or what
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📸 felicityfornow follow
So… hi.
I’ve never really talked about this, or really… thought about it, to be honest, until recently.
A lot of my friends are LGBTQ+. Like, a lot. I think… all of them. And I’ve always supported them, and I’ve been known as the ”token ally” of the group. I’ve considered myself straight, because from what I know, I’ve only liked boys. The thing though is, I’ve only really had a crush on one boy. No one else before, no one else after.
I think that I’ve also just been really heteronormative in general. Always assumed my female friends had crushes on boys, I never saw hints or signs… when consuming media, I never really noticed any subtext either. I was very often ”if this female character is shown to like this boy, I will assume that she only likes boys” and I never really got it when people shipped two characters of the same gender if they weren’t dating in canon. ”But they’re only good friends? And they dated boys in canon?” I can also add that, I for the most part consumed media that focused on straight couples. Never, or just rarely, were there even a gay character there, and if there was then it was just a side character. I had barely seen or read any queer media. I hadn’t seeked it out, either. I was just in my little bubble of books, shows and films I liked. And I mean, so is a lot of people!
However, movie nights with my friends have made me get so many new perspectives on things. Our movie nights are essentially a ”show the others something you like”, so everyone picks a movie or some episodes from a show they like, and show everyone else. A great way to get cultured in stuff you’re not usually into, and to get to show your friends something you’re personally into. And I think in the past year, I’ve seen more quer films and shows than what I’ve had in all of my life. And even when we don’t watch explicitly queer media, my friends have managed to put in those perspectives and made me notice things I wouldn’t otherwise. And it’s made me look at movies I’ve seen several times in a sudden new light.
One night, I was the one to comment about something I found queer coded in one of the movies we saw, and one of my friends commented ”You notice so much queer stuff for a straight person!”
We all laughed about it, but at that moment I realized… for some reason it didn’t feel good to hear that I was straight. I mean, I was… that’s what I always assumed about myself. So… why did it feel off when another person said I was?
Everyone around me was queer. I couldn’t ask anyone ”how do you know you’re straight?” because… no one was.
So I wondered… what if I’m… NOT straight? But how do I know I’m not?
I’ve never had a crush on a girl, I don’t THINK. But the thing is, maybe I have, and I didn’t realize it at the time. I haven’t had a lot of experience in romance in general, and due to thinking pretty ”straight”, I might have not considered it.
I know it’s not a requirement to feel attraction to the same gender to be not straight. You don’t even need to feel attraction to anyone at all, because it’s more than romance and sexual feelings. I’ve learned so much just hanging out with my everyday peers.
My mom’s partner, a woman (my mom is a lesbian, too), told me that people out of society’s norms often manage to find each other even before they know why. She told me her closest group of friends, when they got to know each other all of them were thought to be straight and cis. Now, all of them have come out, either as gay, or bi, and even the ones who still are straight turned out to be trans. And maybe it’s true, that eventually everyone in the group turns out to be queer in some way.
The thing is, I don’t know how to label myself. It does not feel good calling myself straight. It doesn’t feel like that’s what I am.
Recently I told my friends this. I don’t know why I was nervous about telling them… maybe it was like I killed the perception they had of me. But I should have never been nervous. They immediately showered me with support and told me, it’s perfectly fine to not have a specific label to you (no matter how much you want to be organized and put people into boxes and categories, like I can be sometimes). Sexuality is fluid, and it can always change. Whatever feels right in the moment may change as you grow, and learn more about yourself.
So… I have a lot to figure out, but I wanna tell you all that I am fairly certain that I am not straight.
Happy pride month to everyone, especially those who have not had it all figured out just yet. Here’s to us.
🎥 rollertrack follow
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 !!!!!
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
HERE’S TO YOU!!!!!! 🩷💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
🧍🏼‍♀️ jamandrollerbackgroundcharacter follow
Tbh I’ve suspected this since you posted that kinda sapphic post about how Yam should win the vidia competition
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
HELP I forgot about that-
Anyway NINA!!!!!!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
✌🏼arodarmivida follow
We’re so proud of you girl!!! 🥹
💅🏼 ja-jazmin follow
Please let me interview you I need it!!! Omg!!
🎸 beanie-guitarist follow
Happy pride month to you Nina 😍🏳️‍🌈 You’re so brave and cool
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clockworkbee · 1 month
Love how Holly Black takes the most obvious and typical plots from fairytales and then twists them in her books, only to then end them at some absolutely cliché scene 🤌🏼
I am sorry, which ones? I cant see them in Holly Black books
Hmm. Okay.
I’ll start by clarifying (for you, anon, and anyone else who comes across this post) that when I say fairy tale, I don’t just mean the Beauty and the Beast category, I also mean those children books like Goldilocks and Pinnochio etc. as well as the many stories I've never read but heard from my dad or grandmother in my childhood (in urdu—not that they’re relevant in this post) and I’ll tell you why I thought so/saw (see) it as quoted in your ask, but just because I did doesn’t mean everyone would—and this isn’t to convince you either (but it low-key is, lol)
SPOILER WARNING: the books mentioned in this post may or may not contain minor/major spoilers about the plot but do include more information than the synopsis so if you haven’t read Holly Black’s books and would prefer knowing as little as possible before going in, I think it’s best you save this post for later <3
The Folk of the Air: My first books by the author were tfota, and the world, plot, and characters were quite refreshing to read, but then on my first read, when I read about the prophecy and the curse within the series, it hit me that within this ‘faerie’ story was an aspect of the ‘fairy’ ones, kinda like ‘beauty and the beast,’ ‘a cursed prince turned into a frog,’ or another that's mentioned in the 3rd book, but then, the way to break the curse was not so typical in my opinion, and I loved that. And of course there’s the famous parallels between Jude and Alice from Alice in the Wonderland; a human girl in a fantasy land where she doesn’t belong. (If you’re interested, you might like how it’s shown here by @rosiethorns88 and the third and second last paragraphs written here by @sensenoi unless you’re interested in reading the whole post, that is) As for the cliché ending here, I think those cheesy, happy dialogues in tqon are exactly that.
The Darkest Part of the Forest: in this standalone (which I wished so hard that I’d read before tfota), there’s a prince who’s banished and (I think, can’t remember, sorry) also cursed to sleep. So again, this was like Aurora sleeping after pricking her finger or Snow White after biting the apple, however, the way to wake up that prince wasn’t his true love’s kiss and he doesn’t love the person who finally breaks him free either, so I kinda liked that twist; the boy getting the prince instead of the girl. (You know, like a change of perspective in a fairytale retelling such as Maleficent’s pov showing love instead of hate for Aurora, I guess)
The Modern Faerie Tales (Tithe + Ironside): the story of a faerie raised as a human finding herself lucky enough to earn power over a royal faerie. For this ship, there was this storyline of ‘win your love by completing a quest’ and that’s what felt fairytale-like to me. Only, it was a bit twisted because faeries can’t lie, and that made the quest tricky.
The Modern Faerie Tales (Valiant): In this one, the ship and the insta-love were kinda it (fairytale-like), but then there was this scene where the girl almost lost the one she loved and the way she tried to delay that happening and then saved him was what actually hit like a Faerie fairytale to me.
The Stolen Heir (duology): sooo, I loved how the story started with a girl wishing for more in her life, wishing for magic, and then in a way, having that wish come true, only it’s a Holly Black story so of course magic only mostly brings horrors instead of sparkles, leaving one of the most common messages/warnings from fairy tales, ‘be careful what you wish for.’ I also loved that our fmc was made of sticks and snow, which again, is something I’d heard before in a fairy tale as a kid (I think it’s also mentioned in a grishaverse short story, the witch one? I don't actually remember, but yeah.) The twist added here was that, unlike those stories I heard where a girl who was made this way could be unmade by other people just as easily ‘if someone did this or that,’ (or maybe it’s still a part of the books, I can’t recall), Holly made Suren extremely powerful and almost invincible, and I loved that a lot. (Also, I didn’t see the Snow White story stuff here until I read this post by @of-the-way-and-wildflowers , but after reading it, I definitely do see it, and absolutely love it!) The cliché ending here, I suppose, is the way Suren came back?
I hope you got from this the answer you were looking for, anon. I don’t think I ever made a post on how I see fairy tales in these books before, so thanks a lot for this ask!
—bee 💗
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liauditore · 3 months
hello, "Secret Life" anon here. sadly me and my mom haven’t found a dvd. also Sabrina’s Secret Life isn’t it and although i thought my childhood memories were scrapped and maybe i was remembering things incorrectly, my mom told me a logo had a heart on it or something so it isn’t it. BUTTTTTT. reading article from the post i asked my mom all about it and apparently my uncle remembers something. it wasn’t bankruptcy of a company (mom and uncle know nothing about AWM) but it was what some episodes had flashing images which led to epilepsy attacks what may caused company’s downfall. also uncle said what he and my mom had different editions of "Secret Life" or something so i have a theory what these dvds were sold with different editions for special experience for any viewer. i don’t know. it also just from memory and nor uncle nor my mom have any proofs so i don’t know what to believe. but i’m so glad i have a chance to participate in this lost media hunt.
Hi there!! Sorry it took me awhile to get to this. I've been talking to some other people on here regarding "Secret Life" and after consulting them I don't think you're mistaken. This post mentions it too as part of the same series and even though it doesn't match up one to one to your experience I'm more willing to believe this did exist now (unless this is all a very elaborate prank lol)
But that last part about epilepsy attacks makes sense. I've mentioned remembering the last two episodes of third life being buggy to the point of creeping out kid-me before and I've seen other people say similar things.
Thankyou for sharing! This rabbit hole just seems to get deeper :'D
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seamsshark · 3 months
Just had the realization that in season two between episodes 5 and 6 we go from Blitzø’s sister who escaped the fire physically unharmed but lost their mom with “haven’t you ruined my life enough?!” To Fizz who was almost killed in the fire with “You didn’t ruin my life.”
I’d be willing to bet that there’s some serious guilt there she isn’t confronting about her brother being hurt but still trying to help people while she may have had the opportunity (not that she knew it at the time) to save their mom and didn’t try (because she was a scared child doing what kids are explicitly told to do in a fire and getting out safely- the thing I’m certain their mom would have wanted!) and the way she’s coping with it is absolving herself of any perceived responsibility by saying to herself “well I wouldn’t have needed to help mom if Blitzø hadn’t started the damn fire in the first place!”
Whereas Fizz being a near death experience survivor has been surpassing expectation after expectation since the fire: He lived! He can walk! He can perform! He found the love of his life! He’s beaten the odds again and again, and gotten to a place that’s better than he started from to boot! All those little personal victories feel fantastic! And the best parts of his life now are because of the accident! Meeting Ozzie, learning a new way to perform that he wouldn’t be physically capable of without his prosthetics, achieving his childhood dream of working with his idol because his performing skills are exceptional and unique!
It’s like he says “It hurt, and it’s been challenging, but it’s not like I’m broken.”
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abybweisse · 11 months
Everything I know about Ciel is against my will. You see, I hadn’t read the manga all the way yet and any knowledge I do have of future events come from blogs I follow (I know about the twins and Agni’s death, that sort of stuff). Against my better judgement, I decided to read further ahead because I wanted some context (I’m currently on the circus arc) and I am truly devastated upon reading ch 135. It made me so upset and I know what I came here for, Kuro is not exactly a bright and upbeat story, but having the kinds of things done to him spelled out instead of being inferred or implied is heartbreaking. I tried to continue reading where I was at in the story but couldn’t stop looking at Ciel and being sad for him. I’m kind of avoiding continuing reading because of that and although I’m 6 years late to the “ch.135 is sad” party, I needed to get my feelings out. Sorry if it’s not the place but no one I know is into Kuro and would be able to understand.
That being said, is it possible that what happened to him within the cult effected the way he interacts with/ sees/ treats any adults regardless of who they are or whether they’re “safe” or not? I always saw him as someone who is trying to escape from his childhood while at the same time attempting to reclaim it. I haven’t read all the way through so I may be missing more information. It’s a question I had swimming in my mind after being totally crushed.
Post traumatic stress
Since you are currently in the circus arc, it's hard for me to say too much without spoiling things even more.
Everything about our earl's (our Ciel's) position as Earl Phantomhive, the queen's watchdog, must be a near constant struggle for him. He suffered greatly before he had ever returned to the manor, and yet he chooses to fill this role. Every time he has to deal with some creep -- even Vanel within the first few chapters -- he must feel repulsed by what they say, let alone anything they might do. Sebastian sometimes reinforces those feelings of disgust, even when he's not necessarily trying to do so.
This kid definitely sees adults differently now than before the attack and even more differently now than before the cult got hold of him and his older twin. Before the attack, the worst he had to deal with were bouts of asthma, feelings of inferiority, and wondering what he would do to make a living when he got older. Those are hard enough. After the initial incident, he's lost not just his family but his entire world, small as it was. After the cult, he's lost most of his innocence and temporarily lost his dignity. He's even lost the brother he'd been reunited with for about a month.
Since returning to the manor, people have sometimes been inappropriate with him, in words and/or in deeds. Vanel says he'd sell the kid off and thinks it's considerate to say he'd drug him enough that he wouldn't know or care what was happening to him -- not having a clue this kid's already been through that and worse. Druitt tries to auction him off while thinking he's a girl; oddly, though, that means Druitt didn't personally examine the kid. Doll places his hands on her chest to show she's a girl and offers to let him see what's further down. In a later arc, Sieglinde does and says several highly inappropriate things.
There's been a big delay in typing up the rest of my response, so I have no idea how far along you are now, if you are still reading the series. Perhaps you've hit the green witch arc and know what Sieglinde does and says....
It seems to me that Sebastian enjoys watching his young master suffer from reminders of what he'd experienced from the cultists. You can see some of that when he saves the kid from Vanel. A little bit in getting ready for Druitt's party and the escape from it. And even more when he doesn't kill the circus doctor until his master can finally get the words out to order him to do so. I'm assuming you've finished the circus arc by now, at least. He lets the kid suffer a bit more than necessary later on, in other scenarios, and sometimes just plain makes the kid feel uncomfortable. Though, oddly, he doesn't say anything about how he got information out of Beast; he could have told the kid just to see the revulsion on his face, but he doesn't. But there are other times where he "shields" the kid from viewing mature content, but I think that has more to do with being a proper butler to a child, when the other servants are around. Like it's an act for their benefit, not his master's benefit.
For the most part, our earl doesn't automatically treat adults (or other minors) like they might harm him, but whenever anyone talks about anything sexual or exposes parts that would be considered inappropriate for the era -- or even touches him in an unexpected manner -- you can tell he's a bit on edge, sometimes plain grossed out by it.
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fourstarsoutofnine · 1 year
(Sorry i haven’t been active or updating a lot I know that’s a bad impression since I just got here but there is so much going on rn in my life😭 here’s this small thing for compensation)
Chain as Taylor Swift songs/albums(ft. Ravio and Malon)
Once again being self indulgent. More content that caters to myself bc apparently the creative juices only work for a small amount of time and only what provides serotonin to me currently. I’m out to break hearts so a ton of these will be sad. You’ve been warned.
。・:*˚. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚✧˖*°࿐ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ ˚➶
All of the chain:I think they all can identify with Innocent from Speak Now. I didn’t wanna keep adding it to each of theirs so here’s just an overarching statement that they’re all Innocent.
Time: never grow up. Like most, if not all, of the links, he had to grow up far too early and be what Hylia chose him to be—and I can hear him telling this to his future children:don’t grow up too fast. He had to and he never wants that for his baby. He wished he never had to grow up so fast, even if he had to save the world. Just because he had to doesn’t mean doesn’t mourn for his lost normal childhood. As for an album I think he’d be the fearless album.
Twilight:as an album he’s so evermore. I almost said debut but no no no. He’s evermore. Uhh as far as a song tho, idk I may be swayed by the fact it has the word cowboy in it, but I associate cowboy like me with twilight so heavily. Another song could be right where you left me if you squint and are delusional for MidLink.
Sky:HE IS SO LOVER! Both the song and the album! Omg! /shaking you by the shoulders/ this boy is so Lover ugh oh my gosh. Bright and beautiful and loving, accepting, kind while still having those notes of sadness, longing, and serious thoughts. The album Lover feels like a hug from a friend, and that’s what sky embodies.
Wind:can I interest you in The Best Day? Also You’re On Your Own, Kid. Also A Place In This World. He’s very much the younger taylor albums, like fearless. A good many of them read fearless to me and I couldn’t tell you why. For wind it’s because it seems like shiny and new and ready for what the world throws, but still a sense of hesitance.
Wild:Epiphany, This Is Me Trying, or Peace. He’s so folklore coded to me. The depictions of death and inability to save lives in epiphany, the heartbrokenness of this is me trying, one who’s making desperate attempts to be who they need them to be, and the sadness of Peace—cannot console and bring peace over the heart of someone who’s broken, but by Hylia if he isn’t gonna be there the entire time for the person.
Warriors:I think Change from Fearless. I also see him as Mirrorball, specifically because I feel like he puts up such a front and feels like he always has to stand tall and strong because of who he was as captain of the guard—but also since there’s so many young and impressionable men in the chain he feels like he has to be a good role model, especially for wind, and keep his head up about everything and make them smile and feel reassured when times are tough. As an album, probably Midnights. It feels like a start of something new and I think Wars embodies fresh beginnings—he just gives that vibe to me idk why. It might be because he left the scene of planning for wars to being out on his own adventure aside from what the army gives him.
Four:this one was hard. Four was really hard to pick for. Uhh—I think Seven maybe but I’m not sure. As for an album I feel like he’d be pretty Folklore as well. Could be just me projecting tho as if this whole thing isn’t. Four is so complex to me that it’s really hard to pin down. I chose Seven because it feels like a conversation between best friends. I’ve also seen that it’s meant to be listened to as someone speaking to their inner child to tell them everything is gonna be okay and that they’ll be together in the future and things are good now, and that interpretation gripped me by the throat and forced me to put this song for Four, so.
Hyrule:my dear sweet Hyrule and his imposter syndrome get anti-hero bc that’s the imposter syndrome anthem. He doesn’t feel like he’s a big hero, or even deserving of that title, so he feels a bit like a lost cause and that song is the perfect depiction of that. As an album, idk why but he’s reading very debut to me ?? I couldn’t tell you why, it’s just a vibe I get.
Legend:ohhhhhhhh my gosh. Okay. Get ready for this—I have So. Many. For him. Can you tell who’s been giving me brainrot recently? Anyway, first I’ll say his albums would be folklore and evermore. They’re so tragic to me and what is Legend if not a tragic, guarded little man(said with so much love, he’s my comfort character). As for songs, we’re Starting off strong with Labyrinth, then wildest dreams(cough) Then sad beautiful tragic, Cornelia street, anti-hero, i could go on. I won’t. We’d be here all day😭
Ravio:my tears ricochet. Idk I just thought of the idea that he gets stuck in Hyrule if dink is defeated and he can’t get back to Lorule so the part that goes “I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just not home” hurts :)
Malon:WHOOH! Okay a happy one: Christmas tree farm and Fearless! And Malon is also such a fearless album girlie to me idk. Another song would be Superman. She loves her sweet hero husband and will always be there for him when he gets back <3
I hope you guys like this as much as I do😭 sorry if you don’t, I’ll get back to our regularly scheduled programming soon, it’s just been hard recently to do larger things. Sorry for everyone waiting on requests to be completed, I promise I haven’t forgotten you.
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oc-aita · 1 year
AITA for accidentally dooming my childhood friends?
A, E and I were really close friends as kids, we were inseparable despite all our differences. But now I’m worried because things have changed so much as we grew up.
It started at a sleepover at A’s (we were all 14). E and I decided to go exploring while A slept and found A’s book that detailed how to enter other worlds. We followed it, and actually found a gateway to another realm! And of course I entered it. It wasn’t a secret to my friends that I enjoyed the occult, but E still stopped me (I didn’t listen to him, he had a habit of worrying too much about our safety)
As a result, A and E lost their memories of me. I knew about this, I wanted to disappear and be forgotten. Nobody else knew I felt this way, but I didn’t expect my friends would actually care enough to try and remember me after I disappeared. They’ve foolishly gone into this other realm spending the last 10 years looking for a friend they can’t seem to remember.
A(24MtF) is in a coma and in place of a real life job she is managing a hotel in this other realm, albeit terribly. She’s refusing to wake up until she remembers me. E(24FtM) fell into depression for four years before he entered the other realm to abandon his physical body. He’s apparently now an eldritch horror throwing people into the void for fun.
I haven’t seen any of this for myself, just heard of it from a third party, Y(??F). I could ask Y to take me to them, but 10 years in a liminal hellscape changes you irreversibly. I doubt they would be happy to see me. And A might be tempted to permanently stay if she remembers me, and she needs to wake up eventually.
Disappearing without telling them they’d lose their memories may not have been nice of me, even though I don’t regret it. but I’m not sure if I should blame myself for what happened to them, since it was their decision to abandon their lives, and I told E not to follow me. AITA for wanting to disappear into another realm?
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taillow-suift · 2 years
I think it was about time this happened. 25 years of the anime. 25 years of my life. 
Hell, I somehow managed to marry the girl I met and fell in love with through this fandom, specifically the Pokeshipping fandom. So I think I got the most of what I could out of this anime. 
But sometimes you get greedy.
Over time, I do feel that some certain other ship had ended up eclipsing my preferred ship in the anime. It came out of nowhere and through a series of contrived and manufactured moments, earned a large fanbase of mostly male 20-30 somethings. 
Let’s admit it, the anime had made a decision at around the time of XY to cater to them. That audience has been the hegemonic segment of this specific fandom. Despite the attrition that the audience of the anime has went through, those guys stayed loyal. They had been through the crucible and are the filtered result of all the arbitrary decisions, the capricious narratives, the misplaced priorities, and the fulfillment of laborious mandates directed by TPC, that were made by the creative directors. So I don’t blame the executive staff for keeping them happy.
But there’s at some point you can’t just look at the fans you currently have. You have to look at the people that you lost along with them. The lapsed audience, all those kids who watched the anime from the very beginning but ended up lapsing because they either disagreed the direction the anime went in or they grew up and had to reprioritize what was important in life. When the 11-episode special airs, I hope those segment of people don’t get punished with alienation and emotional heartbreak when they watch just so that the anime could please the current preponderant segment of the fandom. 
That wildly unbased speculation that the next main character of the anime is a offspring of Ash is pretty dumb. So dumb that I shouldn’t have to even address it even is possible. I mean, I do have faith that the directors and executive producers of the anime would not to be so undisciplined to pursue something so contrived. But then again, the end of XY was such an tonal whiplash that I felt I needed to at least verbalize my hope that they don’t put the wants of that audience over everyone else, especially since that audience had started liking their certain ship likely at an age when they were almost a decade older than the characters in question. 
(LOL @ the person who wrote the linked article, you were so naive)
The anime is ending, the news has been spread, people who haven’t been paying attention are now paying attention. The anime now has a captive audience that is returning. Please speak to them, those are the people that need a satisfying ending. They especially need a chance to properly say goodbye to something that formulated their childhoods, a chance to love something that they may not anymore but are eager to love again and want a chance to do so. It needs to be a chance to say goodbye, not on a sour note, but a happy note. 
So please, please speak to the kids who were the same age as Ash and Misty when those two were just starting out.
The kids who grew up with Pokemon when the anime itself was no older than a toddler are going to be weirded out if that other ship happens because majority of those grown up kids are prob Pokeshippers. 
That would be a weird message to send if you want to properly have closure for your oldest fans. 
I mean, it probably won’t happen but who the fuck knows, maybe there’s some weird ass executive producer or director out there lurking about in the studio there who saw what happened to Nar*to and went “Yeah, let’s do that, I fucking love painful lacerations on my dick so I’ll probably love this too”
TTLDR: finish with pokeshipping you cowards.
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web-of-weave · 2 years
Incorrect Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
Thomas: Nothing in life is free. Y/N: Love is free! Luda Mae: Adventure is free. Monty: Knowledge is free. Hoyt: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
Thomas: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life Y/N: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years! Luda Mae: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this! Monty: I knew I lost that potential somewhere! Hoyt: My moral code, is that you? Thomas: Thomas: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Thomas: You kidnapped Y/N? That’s illegal! Luda Mae: But Thomas, what’s more illegal? Briefly inconveniencing Y/N, or destroying our dreams? Thomas: Kidnapping Y/N, Luda Mae!!! Monty: Thomas, listen, whatever I may think of you right now- these guys are counting on you to inspire them! Thomas: What, to kidnap people?!?! Monty: To work together! Thomas: TO KIDNAP PEOPLE?!?!?!?! Hoyt: Thomas, we all agreed a celebrity is a not a people.
Thomas: Good morning. Y/N: Good morning. Luda Mae: Good morning. Monty: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit. Hoyt: MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS
Thomas: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do? Y/N: Have everyone stand. Luda Mae: Bring three more chairs! Monty: The most important ones can sit down. Hoyt: Kill three.
Thomas: Where's Y/N, Luda Mae, and Monty? Hoyt: They're playing hide and seek. Thomas: Where? Hoyt: I don't think you get how this game works.
Thomas: You're a loose cannon, Y/N. Y/N: No, I'm not. I'm a cannon maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me? Luda Mae: I think you play by your own rules. Monty: No way, they think rules were made to be broken. Thomas: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon. Y/N: No, I'm just a reckless renegade. Hoyt is a loose cannon. Hoyt: *smashes a chair*
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alyjojo · 10 months
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Twin Flame 🔥 Journey - November 2023 - Capricorn
Your Energy:
The Hanged Man - Judgement - Ace of Wands
Main Energy: Knight of Pentacles
I think you two are back in contact already, or that’s your plan, you’re in planning mode where this person is concerned. You’re conflicted on how bringing this person back into your life is going to affect your stability and what you’ve built for yourself, 4th House can indicate family, childhood, your home dynamic. Saturn Leo 4th here is about disciplining the needs of the ego with the needs of the whole, if you or they have kids that would explain why you’re moving very slow. You don’t want conflict in anyone’s home, family, messing up someone’s stable life they’ve created during this separation, not trying to fk up their kids or yours, both of yours shared even, or have any craziness anywhere, that’s mirrored energy between you, they feel the same way. Some may just be conflicted inside over being single. Those that haven’t separated yet, you’re probably the one that’s feeling the spiritual pull to run, and the planning would be leaving.
Whether you’ve already left or plan to, you’re not rushing this decision. Knight of Pentacles takes a long time to come to a conclusion, he covers all of the bases and is focused on details. The Hanged Man is in a paused state, waiting to see all sides of a situation, gaining all perspectives before you make the move to separate from this person. It could be you were slowly backing away and your person brought the whole house down unexpectedly with The Tower. Judgement is a revival for some, slow moving regardless. It could be this has gone through more than once cycle already, you’ve left, there’s been a reunion of sorts, they’ve left, and you could be near the end of the whole Twin journey. Several different stories for this sign, at all stages of this difficult karmic journey.
If they found out your plans to leave, they probably lost their shit over it, very upset at you, how could you do this to them, who can just up & leave? If they’ve left, you’re considering what would happen if you tried coming back around, would they slam the door in your face? Ace of Wands shows you motivated & inspired to take the next step in this connection, it’s been a long time coming either way, whatever the next step is for you. Ascending is a fortunate oracle, you’ve learned a lot of lessons already, if you’re not almost done entirely. Some of you are ready for the connection to end and are planning other things moving forward. Some are more than ready for this cycle to be over, so you can reunite, maybe apologize, and get them back in your life again. You’re willing to make the first move no matter which story it is. Well…you think about it.
Their Energy:
The Tower - King of Pentacles - Temperance
Main Energy: 2 Swords
I get good energy from this person too, they were the chasers initially, so they’ve done the spiritual work and some of you have gone through the same thing, being more equally yoked on a level…enough to reconcile anyway, if you both choose. For those leaving currently, they feel the same pull as you do, that’s why they’re trying to hang on tightly. It’s unconscious to them, but they just know, they can sense you pulling away & feel you changing. Ascending 🎈 They feel like their heavy emotions were ignored and dismissed by you in the past, or currently. They could’ve acted in a way that was devastated, desperate even, for nothing, you turned a blind eye to how they feel, like you never cared and the history between you - 6 Cups - meant nothing. That was what you were supposed to do, but 4 Pentacles - they hold that tightly to them, it’s a grudge they carry against you, because 2 Cups here, they loved you.
The Tower is a shock to their entire world, home, routine, perception of the entire relationship as they knew it to be, nothing is the same when a Tower falls. The Moon & 4 Cups, a song started playing in my head when I pulled these and it continues to interrupt me so I’ll post it at the end. In their mind, they had no idea you didn’t care, didn’t want them, weren’t happy, weren’t satisfied with how things were. Their perception was King of Pentacles, and 2 Cups. This is the King closest to an Emperor just by themselves, he has it all together, business, family, the home, he is the head of it all and makes solid practical decisions, very reliable, he is the King that builds 10 Pentacles. Which I don’t see, just the 9 twice. You may not have gotten as far as 10, but that’s what they saw with you - 2 Cups is mutual love, a deep soul connection, this was it.
If you’ve messaged them and they ignored you, it’s because they’re heavily focused on the past and the grudges they still carry. Even if they’ve released it, they’re not going to forget it, that’s not possible. If this is current, just know that the rug has been ripped out from under them, or will be. If you attempt to reconcile, it will shock the heck out of them and possibly send them into this energy. They try to keep their eyes closed with you, try to ignore how they feel or felt, they pretend this doesn’t exist or that you don’t feel the way you do. Or they genuinely don’t know. They could be unable to make any decision where you’re concerned, because it’s out of their hands. Basically they put it all on you, and with your willingness to lead, you can probably sense that.
Mutual Energy/What is Mirrored:
9 Swords - 9 Pentacles - 4 Pentacles
Main Energy: Death
There’s no reconciliation this month for sure. You’re moving extremely slow and this person is in denial about their feelings as a whole, trying to push them down or away because they probably did all of their inner work already, I keep seeing time. Or if current, they sense you pulling away but deny it’s real, they don’t see proof of it they just feel it. Time has passed, they got over what they went through, or still need to, and depending on whether this just happened or it’s been years, it’s either too soon or extremely awkward to dig up again. It won’t happen quickly if it happens at all, this connection is a slow burner, and this person will deal with a very hurt heart, they may never reconcile. I don’t foresee a time they won’t be in 4 Pentacles energy, closed off, resistant, protective & guarded, not trusting. You’re both worried about even communicating, and again how this would affect your finances & independence for those considering sending a message in the first place. You have debt on your side, that could play a role in this, or at least why money is included in the concerns. If you’re in debt, this person wants no part of it, or switch it. Both of you have spent a long time building whatever it is you have now, so the thought of a reconciliation with the past (or leaving) puts the present in jeopardy, which neither of you want. The guardedness is mutual, the fears are mutual, and the slow moving energy is too. What they worry about, so do you. I do see deep feelings, there is love here. I’m not sure on whose side, probably both, but it’s here.
Karmic Cards:
- Be realistic about leadership as you did in the last.
- Be concerned about the creativeness of your home base or your family.
- You must wait before you can do what you want to, and do what makes you feel secure.
- You’re still the one 🧡
- DEBT 💸
- Yearns for your love.
- I used to love you, but now I’m not sure,
- You confuse me.
Love Oracle:
- Learning & Expansion
- Transcending
- Preparing for Union
- New Phase
Them: TALKING 🗣️
- Interested
- Awaiting Messages, Texts, Calls and Emails.
- Talking More
Possible Signs:
All signs here/possible. Heavy Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio, Leo, Cancer & Gemini
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