#I mean c'mon
newtonsapfel · 1 month
So, is it just me, or did Robbie make a point of the fact that Dorian does not like to be touched, and locks up when touched by someone? And, correct me if I'm wrong here, but have we ever seen that with the Hells, especially with Orym? I mean...
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rubbish-and-whatnot · 2 months
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A warm up sketch. I've never found a way to draw Toby that I'm happy with but damn if he aint fyne every time. 
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hyperactivewhore · 6 months
Rip Elijah Mikaelson. You would have loved life without your abusive brother around to dictate yours.
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seleneprince · 6 months
Unpopular opinion:
Remus Lupin was as capable of cruelty and arrogance as the rest of the Marauders. There are plenty of hints of this in canon. The only reason we don't see this side of him as often is because of his heavy reluctante to be considered a "bad guy".
And he low-key enjoyed going against Snape just as much, he just had some conscience aftewards.
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honmyoseagull · 6 months
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Snikt boop to all.
(W. Tom Taylor / Art by Juann Cabal)
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theforgottengreatpoem · 10 months
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(Boss Bitch plays in the background)
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deadendtracks · 4 months
ok one more thing i know i go on
but they have to *make up* things about tommy and grace's relationship being this perfect fairytale romance with amazing communication etc at the same time as they're making up all this negative stuff about tommy and lizzie's relationship. both of these things are tells! if you can't be honest about how your OTP had issues in canon -- some of the same issues as your rival OTP! just on a smaller scale, because she died before they could get worse/complicated! -- then maybe that's a sign.
honestly the messiness of Tommy and Grace's relationship as it exists in canon is one of my favorite things, and it's so boring that it gets flattened and erased in order to hold up as some kind of perfection in comparison to Tommy and Lizzie's messiness (which I also love).
Tommy and Lizzie's relationship is messy enough without having to make up things about it that are obviously, factually not true.
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robinsfilm · 6 days
i wanna cook up some demisexual!jason drabbles. because i think it fits him and we need more rep!!
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lahfable · 13 days
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Felt this while scrolling through the Sandrock Reddit, it's largely a great place but his fanon mischaracterization is jaunting 😩 Is there some evil shadow Arvio everyone else experienced? Where's the yandere stalking I was promised?? My game must be broke cause all I got is an anxious and weird pretty boy with attachment issues and adhd
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lilithian-exists · 1 year
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happy birthday, little carrot prince
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alcida-auka · 6 months
The Bad Batch season 3 already had puberty/menarche/period symbolism in episode 3 but as the saying goes, y'all are not ready for that conversation.
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sbg-loving-pierog · 5 months
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green5quirrel · 7 months
Just watched Grimm: "Map of the Seven Knights" and I continue to be impressed with just how much this show let Monroe be emotional.
I don't know if people appreciate just how incredibly important it is to see a male identified character emote. It is so necessary to show not only a dude be demonstratively upset with grief and sadness but that Grimm gives absolutely no judgement from any of the other characters toward Monroe for expressing those feelings.
Even when Monroe apologizes, the other characters in the scene are quick to express that it's fine. Because it IS fine. It's absolutely and incredibly fine to sob when seeing your beloved family member murdered in front of you. It's fine to have an emotional reaction to your ex girlfriend giving her life for yours. It's fine to have an emotional reaction to your friend being killed in your house while you were distracted by impulsivity. It's fine to have an emotional reaction to being kidnapped and tortured and threatened with violent death for simply loving your partner. And it's fine to get choked up when trying to express gratitude for being saved from said experience. AND it's fine to have the same reaction to having a flashback that your partner talks you back from.
I hold true that Monroe was and is such an important character for people who society identifies as guys to see. The expectation of being stoic or emotionally constipated or angry over sad is such a powerful thread in the fabric of how a lot of culture views masculinity. Having permission to express emotions is so important. And seeing a character that is incredibly strong and intelligent be validated to express emotions is super heckin' important.
And, as always, Silas delivered those performances in truth and realness. Nothing seemed forced or posed. I truly miss seeing acting like that and wish I could see more of it in genre shows. Or perhaps I'm just currently enamored by my fixation too much to notice it in other media.
At any rate, dudes deserve fuller representation.
Ladies deserve that too but for completely different reasons that I'd need a whole other entry to delve into.
And us nonbinary people? Well, we're getting along with what we've got. Like...3 people. But, you know what, I'll take it.
Bottom line, showing guys that are allowed to have a full range of emotions on screen and in media allows guys in the real world to (hopefully) feel permission to express those emotions in a healthier way. We need healthy emotions to be healthy and safe people. And we need validation and to feel safe expressing them.
So, there.
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sophiesophsofia · 6 months
Okay, get 3 characters from some your favaurite shows that in your opinion would make iconic trio !
Let me go first :
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Tagging my mutarals : @em10-nimonafan2009, @samuell-art, @notaverysmallbirb, @xxlunadrawsstuffxx, @cokolwiek00, @ryahisbored, @zipzaptoastainthebath, @goingtohellwithyou, @aquaaquila
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takingasterix · 3 months
I keep seeing this sound on Instagram and thought it worked really well with the Knights of the Round Table... so here you go !! Very short and very static because I was using Procreate and wanted to have as few frames as possible.
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unholyhuntress · 6 months
Rewatched the leverage pilot for the I can’t even remembernth time and honestly it is actual criminal how we never see Eliot with highlights again… he doesn’t even have them for the whole episode. It’s genuinely heartbreaking 💔
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