#I mean something like R*BY or that Ladybug show
ladychandraofthemoone · 4 months
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In my au Stanley (narrow gauge) has a special interest in insects (I hc him as being into animals, they don’t judge you for your “jinx” and he’s got a soft spot for critters that are seen as “bad luck”) and tends to blurt out the most detailed information, he often info-dumps with and to Nia who encourages it cause it makes him happy once he’s freed from his “jinx” and she know every single insect name alphabetically along with their scientific names and nicknames Here we have Duke immediately regretting asking them if they can name every single species and ends up sleeping when they’re engrossed in their conversation before leaving when they were in the mid section of the e category (Nia gave him “the disappointment older sister look” awhile back so the poor guy can trapped there and wondered how did he got ever himself into this situation)
Basically it’s just Stanley to Duke in alphabetical order: Alderflies Angel Insects Anoplura (Sucking lice) Ants Antlions Aphids Archeognatha (Bristletails) Barklice Bees Beetles Bird lice Biting lice Blattodea (Cockroaches) Booklice Bristletails Bugs Butterflies Caddisflies Chewing lice Cicadas Cockroaches Coleoptera (Beetles) Collembola (Springtails) Crickets Damselflies Diplura Diptera (Flies) Dobsonflies Dragonflies-
Nia joining in cause she was mad at Duke: ah yes the alderfly which are megalopteran insects of the family Sialidae. They are closely related to the dobsonflies and fishflies as well as to the prehistoric Euchauliodidae. All living alderflies – about 66 species all together are part of the subfamily Sialinae, which contains nine extant genera. Sialinae have a body length of less than 25 mm (1 inch), long filamentous antennae, and four large dark wings of which the anterior pair is slightly longer than the posterior. They lack ocelli and their fourth tarsal segment is dilated and deeply bilobed. Dead alderfly larvae are used as bait in fishing-
duke:shooketh (Nia’s is basically the train version of a encyclopedia also her design is based off of MrTerrier673 on Twitter)
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astro-b-o-y-d · 2 years
I wholeheartedly believe a fandom and the creator of its media should be separate things, but also if I were a media creator and came across one of those ‘media that had so much potential but ended up being completely awful in execution’ posts and saw people tagging the post with my creation on a mass scale, I might just quit my job and go live in a cave
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armythings-love · 8 months
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I’m gonna cry… I had an entire analysis for this typed out but my wifi is shit so it refused to post😭😭 anyways, this is based off of the @ladybugout-au permanent superhero team. I decided against doing Luka’s Cadmeancio suit because I 1. Didn’t want to draw him in orange and 2. I was already pushing it with making a purple/red Neurofoxin. Only reason I made her purple is because natural coloring obviously doesn’t mean shit to the character designers if Juleka gets to be a purple red tiger. Anyways, here’s my take on their suits!
Hecattack: I wanted to diverge from the furry/bdsm influences Chat’s suit got, so I gave him looser fit pants, a hood and combat boots. His suit was lowkey inspired by Red Hood’s design because, dammit, DC may be super dark, but they know how to design characters well (something MLB could stand to learn from ಠ_ಠ) anyways, along with the hood and paneled top+cargo pants+combat boots, I gave him cat-shaped knee pads, similar to Ivan’s turtle shell knee pads. You will also notice a trend with a lot of my hero suit designs, which is fingerless gloves. Yes, this’ll take away from the cat claw thing Chat had going on, but I’m ok with that. To go with his punk/rock band aesthetic, he got combat boots with the signature cat paw steel toes. His tail is pretty much the same along with the ears. His mask is also different, covering the bottom half of his face. This also takes away from the cat sclera thing the original Chat had, but Luka isn’t a furry so… also, the mask covering his mouth alludes to his calm nature and quiet personality, not feeling the need to play around, especially during a battle,which was where the original Chat erred most often. Luka also has very expressive eyes, so I wanted to push that, like, even if he doesn’t talk much, he’s still a good communicator. Plus, when cats are hunting, they’re quiet! Which the original Chat cannot relate to!
Ladybug: ok, so her suit is still pretty basic, since I wanted to stick with he AU’s canon description of her suit. The main bodice/legs are similar to the season 4 suit after she calls on the lucky charm, but the sleeves are slightly different. I also got rid of the “reverse” polka dots cuz they just look ugly imo. Her gloves are also fingerless, since I feel like that would 1. Lend better to doing yo-yo tricks and 2. They just look better (u_u) anyways, her hair is still the same, as well as her mask. It’s pretty basic but eh…
Neurofoxin: her design is also super simple, but I also wanted to veer away from the gaudy orange normally associated with the fox miraculous. If she can make her tiger suit purple and red, I can make her fox costume reddish purple!! She’s goth, she’s not gonna walk around in *o r a n g e*. And I stand by that. Anyways, like I said her suit is relatively simple, the panels of the suit modeled after Volpina’s actually, because despite how I hate Lila and her stupid sausage link hair, her volpina suit was pretty cute. Instead of giving her a jacket w/coattails or a belt/sash to be her tail, I decided to make it her hair, cuz even in civilian form it’s pretty long. I also decided that instead of a dark grey/black to purple, I’d make the tips the same cream as her “underbelly” panel, as I wanted to incorporate the cream in more than just that singular spot. I also pulled her bang back because even if she’s goth, she still needs to be able to see properly as a superhero. Plus, I like Juleka’s eyes, and I feel like Trixx would like her to show off more. Anyways, besides the morph suit and her hair being a bit longer than normal+a different color, she has a cropped leather jacket,same color as her suit. There’s also paneling on the side/back of her thighs/back that’s a darker red/purple color. Again, to go with her rockstar/alt aesthetic, I gave her combat boots as well, though hers are knee high, plus I forgot to draw the laces, but eh. Fun fact: I headcanon the Couffaine twins as being super tall for their age, but Juleka is taller than her twin for now+her boots are heeled.
Fukiya: for Kagami’s suit, I pulled inspo from someone else’s LBO AU fanart, although I can’t remember who’s it was. Originally, I was gonna go for a suit similar to Kagami’s fencing gear, but decided to go w the suit she has now so it’d be more reminiscent of a bee. I gave her a sleeveless, cropped kimono, the bottom of which has a honeycomb pattern and an ombré going from dark yellow to black. Her obi has two layers, the bottom layer being a bright yellow and the outside layer being black. Her sleeves are similar to Queen Bee’s, but with an added black line. Her legs are completely black with the exception of her knee pads, which are a bright yellow and octogon shaped. I wanted her to look more bee-esque than Queen Bee or Vesperia (her character design is 🤢) so I gave her the yellow torso with black limbs, than made the kimono collar thick to look like a neck ruff or smth. I honestly struggled with her design a bit but it looks ok in the end so I’m happy with it :) also, Kagami is the shortest because I said so!
Heavy Matal: oh, Ivan, you absolute teddy bear of a guy. I adore the Iván of this AU, he’s so sweet, a gentle giant, so I wanted to focus on making him look slightly softer than the rest of the heroes, despite being the turtle holder. I gave him his signature cargoes, although they’re pants instead of shorts when he’s transformed, a sleeveless hoodie, and “turtle”-neck compression-esque undershirt, the sleeves long enough to be, you guessed it, fingerless gloves! The only reason Kagami is the only one with full gloves is because I wanted to giver a more serious/conservative look. Mari’s been ladybug so long she deserves to have cute, fingerless gloves! Anyways, back to Ivan! His hoodie is two toned, like a turtle’s shell, with the front being a light green. It’s patterned to look like a turtle shell underbelly, with a nice big pocket to hold whatever. He wears elbow- and knee-pads, which are shaped like little turtle shells. He wears regular Vans-style tennies, and his mask is similar to Carapace’s, except it cover the majority of the front of his face (think Kid Flash), and is colored/patterned similarly to a box turtle, with red accents along his cheekbones and his little tuft of hair is his usual blond with an ombré to that same red. (Ignore the ear I forgot to color in plz, I don’t feel like editing anymore T-T)
Ok, so that’s it for today’s character designs! I’m working on redesigning pretty much everyone’s civilian and hero costumes. I haven’t mentioned on this blog, but on pretty much every Gabe!Salt fic I’ve read, I will tell you, whoever the hell designed most of the characters in MLB, you deserve to be fired and then arrested. I’m so sorry, but there’s no way ur gonna convince me Fashion Designer™️ Marinette Dupain-Cheng walks out of her house every day, wearing ugly ass ballet flats+”denim” jeggings in that shade of pink. No way. And don’t even get me started on Gabriel’s candy-cane, red pants and duck hair headass, because omg… that man is supposed to be a world renowned Fashion Designer™️, one of the best in Paris. IN. PARIS!! No fucking way. No way. I get, you want ur characters to be simple and easily recognizable, but that doesn’t mean they have to be ugly!! And I get it, Adrien’s supposed to have a model-off-duty look, but wth are those shoes? Plus, why does he never change for his photo shoots? He’s a MODEL! I get it, you can’t even spend money to change the transformation animation to whatever the characters are actually wearing but wtf??? If you were gonna have any kid’s show where we get to see a lot of different clothes/outfits, this would be the show!! Two of the main characters are fashion designers, one of the minor antagonists is the daughter of a fashion magazine owner and your other main character is a model. IN PARIS!! A city known for its fashion and “romance”. And ur telling me you can’t add a few more outfits to the show??? That’s called lazy writing/animation.
Ugh, sorry abt that rant, but the character designs genuinely piss me off. It’s bullshit.
I digress.
I’ll be releasing the main 4 kids’ redesigns probably on the 15th!!
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xhanisai · 1 year
marinette please put your chaton out of his misery and smooch him silly
Pairing - All sides of the square
Prompt - ‘Gradual Reveal’
Summary -
"No, no. In fact, I just came out of the building now. Maman and Papa have made our favourites for lunch, even their special salmon and spinach quiche that you love! With extra salmon! I hope you're excited~" She continued to act oblivious, secretly relishing the way his eye momentarily twitched and the way he tried so hard not to vibrate on the spot with a little frustration. He was so Chat Noir right now that she wanted to shake her past self up for not realising it sooner!
"Homemade cooking from a fellow Lady's parents? And made especially for a stray like me? How marvellous~!" His sharp nose was grazing hers now, an unbreakable habit of his when he was internally daring her to do something as their masked personas.
And right now, he was daring her to keep up with her pretences, probably more than aware that she has caught on to his identity for a little while now (perhaps even knowing before he declared his own knowledge of her civilian identity).
"Can you really call yourself a stray if you're with me?" She dared back, challenging him to show himself with one of her brows raised attractively and a smirk playing on her pretty pink mouth.
"That depends if I'm yours or not, Marinette,"
~(x)~ . . . "Noooooo...you promised!" Chat Noir wailed childishly, arms scrambling around his Lady's waist to prevent her from leaping away from the rooftops and leaving him for the night after their long patrol. His beloved heroine simply rolled her eyes at him, albeit fondly and patted his fluffy head almost mockingly. He was such a cat at times. "My Lady???" "Yeah, I promised to stay for ten minutes longer. Not over three hours, mon Chaton," Her partner only tightened his hold on her with another silly whine, burying his face into her stomach whilst still on his knees. "But time flies so fast when we cuddle! It felt like two seconds!" "That's on you for falling asleep on me." "But you were so warm and comfy and smelled so good, my Lady! You're a walking, talking sleeping spell!" This time she couldn't help but giggle out loud at her partner's dramatics, seating herself back down and letting him hold onto her tighter, his body stubbornly wrapping itself around her tiny frame as if he were a blanket. "We have school, silly Chaton," She tapped his nose with her pointer finger only for him to defiantly shove his face in her neck, her body shaking from the tickling sensation. "Chat Noir..." "Just...ten more minutes? Please?" He then faced her with a cheeky grin that spelt nothing but trouble for her. "Unless you want to come home with me and cuddle~? That way you get your precious sleep and I get all your warmth~?" He expected a scoff. A light reprimanding about their secret identities. . He didn't expect the way she watched him with wonder and the way her expression smoothed into a sweet, sweet smile. "Maybe next time," Her heart swelled from the way elation and adoration were quick to make way on his adorable face, his feline greens glittering with joy and his faux tail waggling behind him excitedly. "Okay?" "R-Really? You mean it!?" His face was a mere breath away from hers, their noses barely grazing. Though they've breached personal boundaries and spaces numerous times, it never failed to take her breath away. And right now was definitely no exception. "Yes. Yes, I do." This time, he was the one observing her thoughtfully, one of his hands cradling her cheek and a clawed thumb rubbing the ridge below her eye. Ladybug felt like she was put under a spell by his captivating eyes and loving touches, her heart pounding inside her chest even harder and her complexion so red, it could have blended in with her mask and suit. It took her everything to not flicker her eyes to his peach-pink, soft lips because he would surely catch her in the act and would probably take the initiative and- "What if...what if I already know who you are? What if I've worked it out a long time ago but kept it a secret, My Lady?" She would've been a little more surprised had he told her this months ago. However, she's now more than aware of how perceptive and smart and cunning her partner is, far from shocked about his revelations. It's as if she knew deep down inside that he would find her in due time and had faith in his skills from the start. "Then, it would only be fair for me to find you too in our other lives, right?" Her answer was met with a huge beam from Chat Noir and then he suddenly tackled her down on the rooftop within his embrace, earning a quiet yelp from the impact. "Please, please, ple-eeeease, find me quick, Marinette. I won't be able to hold back now knowing that you want to see me too," His fluffy head was met with a tender, soft kiss. ~(x)~ She figured him out. Sure, she too has been harbouring her suspicions for a little while, especially since he's opened himself up more in class and how she's peeked over her anxious feelings to finally, finally just see how much he adores her to bits (how much he genuinely loves and adores her and how he's always looking for reasons to stay around her for longer or looking for opportunities to get closer). But those suspicions have turned into concrete knowledge. And right now? She's been testing his buttons just for fun because nothing is more hilarious than seeing her silly Chaton come up with all sorts of hijinks and shenanigans, especially when it comes to matters relating to her and her heart. . "Hey, salut Marinette!" A beaming Adrien enveloped her unsuspecting frame in a huge hug and then pressed a huge kiss on her cheek as a greeting, his own rosy with both love and joy. "Did I make you wait too long?" He leaned into her face, both his hands holding hers against his chest just above his adorably pounding heart and watching with a pleading expression. She could practically hear his thoughts. 'It's me, My Lady! I'm right here! Your Chaton is right here! Miau!' Instead of falling for his pleading looks and actions, however, Marinette only smiled gently, plastering a faux innocent look and fluttering her dark lashes at her partner in terrible disguise. "No, no. In fact, I just came out of the building now. Maman and Papa have made our favourites for lunch, even their special salmon and spinach quiche that you love! With extra salmon! I hope you're excited~" She continued to act oblivious, secretly relishing the way his eye momentarily twitched and the way he tried so hard not to vibrate on the spot with a little frustration. He was so Chat Noir right now that she wanted to shake her past self up for not realising it sooner! "Homemade cooking from a fellow Lady's parents? And made especially for a stray like me? How marvellous~!" His sharp nose was grazing hers now, an unbreakable habit of his when he was internally daring her to do something as their masked personas. And right now, he was daring her to keep up with her pretences, probably more than aware that she has caught on to his identity for a little while now (perhaps even knowing before he declared his own knowledge of her civilian identity). "Can you really call yourself a stray if you're with me?" She dared back, challenging him to show himself with one of her brows raised attractively and a smirk playing on her pretty pink mouth. "That depends if I'm yours or not, Marinette," His emerald eyes were intense and bright, flickering to her baby blues and then shamelessly resting on her lips yearningly. Desperately. Hopefully. Tempting her to give in without any words. Unfortunately for him, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is the definition of competitive. "Of course, you're mine! You're my very good friend, after all, Adrien!" Merrily hooking one of her arms up with his, silently cackling at his extremely baffled appearance, she led him away towards her humble abode. She pretended to ignore his low, scoff-like remark of: "How could you say this to your future husband, My Lady!?" ~(x)~ "Oh, good evening to you too, Chat Noir." Marinette continued to work on her midnight project, rattling away with the sewing machine and a light grin playing on her lips whilst he pitifully glowered from her bed like a kitten who was denied his treats. Like a swift shadow, he swept his way towards her, towering over her frame from behind and emeralds fizzing with slight annoyance. "You totally know who I am," He hissed, hands on his hips and chin now resting on the crown of her head as she continued to work without a beat. "Marine-eeeeette...you're so me-eeean...why are you torturing me?" He growled childishly as she giggled but then he couldn't help himself and wrapped his arms around her neck like a desperate lover, placing his cheek on her head now. His faux tail swished obnoxiously behind him and his feline ears plastered themselves upon his blond dishevelled locks. "I have no idea what you're talking about, mon Minou. I'm simply taking my time being thorough and observant in my mission~ I thought you'd be happy?" She finally faced him, wheeling her chair around, mischievous sky blues shadowed by her long lashes whilst he tenderly rested his forehead on hers. "So you're telling me that you still haven't figured it out? You? The most smartest, amazing, wonderful girl I know?" He brazenly draped himself on her lap without a care in the world, nuzzling his face into her neck like his namesake. "You? Who comes up with all those insane lucky charms and plans?" "Looks like not even Lady Luck can figure out the elusive Chat Noir, hmm?" The bamboozled, annoyed look on his face was more than enough to make her laugh like a drunk hyena, losing all of her composure and holding onto his body to stop herself from falling off her chair. "F-Fine! You may have won the battle but you've yet to win the war! Mark my words, My Lady! I'll prove to you that you already know my identity! And then I'll get all the cuddles I want!" With a harrumph, he was about to make his way to the loft and then out to the balcony, only to pause and for his iconic devilish smirk to plaster itself on his face. His tail fluttered and swayed behind him as she cutely cocked her head to the side, wondering what was going on in that silly head of his. He ventured back towards her, bending down dramatically to meet her level so that their fringes intermingled when he leaned his forehead against hers anew. "Aren't you forgetting something, ma belle~?" He waggled his brows comically, his tail curving up into a prominent heart behind him and his hands clasped behind his back. She raised a brow at him, a smile still on her face. "And what would that be, mon chou chou?" "A. Good. Night. Kiss?" He tapped her lips with every word, emphasising them, a chuckle vibrating through his chest when her cheeks coloured in a beautiful strawberry hue. He totally charmed her~ Though, her flustered face didn't last for very long, her eyes shutting innocently and a sweet smile back on her lips. "Of course~ come," Savouring the victorious giggle from her unsuspecting partner, she brought his face closer by cradling his jaw and then... "PFFFFFFFFTTTTFTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!" "HEY!?" She blew a raspberry into his cheek. Marinette continued to cackle and wheeze like he was the biggest joke of the century, clutching her stomach and rolling on the floor whilst her Chaton remained frozen ridiculously on the spot. One hand on his slobbering cheek and his poor face left extremely agape as if he couldn't comprehend what the fuck has just happened. Every time his faux ears or tail twitched at the slightest, the girl simply guffawed even louder, ramming her fist against the floor as if she's inhaled a lifetime's worth of laughing gas. There were even tears seeping out of her eyes too! Finally, her partner regained back some level of conciseness, kitten ears drooped and a big pout resting on his wobbling lips. "Oh, I see how it is," Without a warning, he leapt to her loft and then to her bed at incredible speeds, grabbing his 'well-deserved consolation' prizes as a determined scowl remained tattooed on his face. "Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing with my pillows and my Monsieur. Cat!?" Marinette barely wobbled back to her legs, rushing to the end of her ladder with the little energy she had. "They're mine now! au re-miau!"  And then without a beat, Chat Noir leapt out through the balcony and darted his way back home, leaving Marinette's pink bed devoid of her beloved pillows and giant cat teddybear. Oh, that stupid cat! ~(x)~ When Adrien finally settled in his bed with a huff, surrounded by the many items he shamelessly stole from Marinette's humble abode, he received a text from said love of his life. Eyes narrowed, even with the curious Plagg on the shoulder, he opened the message. His heart pounded so thoroughly against his chest and his face took on a huge red bloom. Message: From "Ma belle Princesse" Content: Image Description: 'This could've been you tonight, silly Chaton. Have fun sleeping alone with Plagg~' And the image was of her cuddling her homemade Chat Noir stuffed teddybear, a cheeky smirk resting on her kissable lips which were pursed against her beloved creation's head. The boy was filled with understandable envy and jealousy and his tiny little companion did nothing but cackle wildly at his wielder's blatant misery which was quite well deserved. "Nooooooooo! That could have been meeeee!" ~(x)~ A pouting, messy-haired Adrien popped his head out of the blankets with a grimace, his arms around the giant cat teddy bear and his body surrounded by his beloved's abundance of pillows. He merely narrowed his eyes in mock anger as Ladybug remained seated on the open ledge of his window, a charming smile resting on her glistening lips and her baby blues warm with all the love she has for him. "You're not taking these back, you know. Mine. All mine." He cuddled the plush tighter, shoving his face into it childishly and pouting even more as his Lady giggled softly, making her way towards him. She placed a gloved hand on his head, combing her fingers through his soft, silky hair as a betraying purr vibrated within his chest. He faced her once more in defeat, wondering what she was going to do. "So you're saying there's no space for me?" Ladybug kept on her cool, impish smile as he shot up from his position, stray strands of his hair like golden wisps and emeralds glittering wonderfully like his namesake. "Y-Yes! Come! There's so much space- ey, Plagg! Budge up! You don't need all that space!" He continued to squabble with his troublesome kwami, the little God purposely riling him up and then finally taking his own pillow (which was about twenty times his minuscule size) and heading upstairs where they expected Tikki shall join him later. Adrien then turned and eyed his Lady with expectation, hugging her pillow to his chest and raising a brow charmingly. "So~? Does that mean I was right? That you absolutely knew all along and were just totally messing with me? And totally botched up that goodnight kiss I absolutely deserved because you felt like torturing me~?" He leaned in closer when she sat down on the bed, crossing her legs and pressing tiny her shoulders against his. "I have no idea what you're babbling about, civilian. I'm just casually breaking and entering into your home so that I can steal your bed." Her words ended in a whisper when he leaned even closer to her, his minty breath brushing her sensitive, dewy lips. "You're more than welcome to steal my bed if you detransform, Bug," He grazed her collarbone with a searing finger, eyes pleading and his delectable warmth just so inviting. She wanted nothing more than to just dive in. Eyes fluttered closed once more, she released her transformation, adorned in her fluffy pyjamas and then immediately tackled down to the bed by her purring, ecstatic partner. A sweet laugh escaped her when he held her tighter, the dopey smile on his lips tickling her skin and his hair just so, so soft. He opened his eyes, lifting himself by an elbow and lowered his forehead back on hers. His silent, desperate question was more than obvious to the girl. "Alright, you can have your kisses, come." She wrapped her arms around his neck, quietly giggling from the way his purring helplessly increased in volume until she was silenced by his eager, sinful lips. . Teasing him was so worth it~ . . . ~(x)~
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stalkersdiary · 5 months
~ Be Polite Or Leave Me The Fuck Alone ~
This is less of my usual content and more of a vent about the weird fucking people that send me shit in the inbox. Why do people with no tact or age attempt to write me? I'm just a random guy with health conditions. If you make me feel like I have to check to see if you have an age in your bio, I will probably not respond to you. In fact, some of you, I block because I think there's a HIGH possibility you're a minor, even if you DO have an age. You act like a child, type like one, and are as annoying as one. Don't fucking write me if you can't be polite and reasonable. That being said I'm going to give simple brief answers to the messages I got flooded with this last month. 1. I like MLP, Miraculous Ladybug, LoliRock, and Bluey, and while I watch some kid shows, that doesn't mean I want to talk to children. I'm a fucking bitch, I hate kids, and I don't talk to insolent people. I just watch kid shows because it makes me happy sometimes and feels like it repairs part of my childhood. Yes, I know, I need to seek therapy. I HAVE A THERAPIST. They TOLD ME this was a healthy option. 2. I am a boy despite what people think after meeting me in person or seeing me on camera. I'm an intersex man and I was born both male and female. I do however identify as a man and no, my body is none of your business. I don't care that you "Saw my dick and my boobs on Chaturbate." Don't talk about that shit to a stranger because it's creepy and I will crack a bottle over your head if I see you IRL. I'm not afraid of violence, I'm afraid of going to jail. 3. I have been in different media and I have worked for controversial people. NO. I DON'T SHARE THEIR VIEWS. WHY WOULD I? Does every Amazon worker have late night chats with Jeff Bezos about how he should run his company? OF COURSE NOT. Just because I voiced in a commercial for a creepy man once doesn't mean I believe what he does or did is good. I'm just an actor. If I knew he'd be such a HORRIBLE PERSON, I wouldn't have worked for him. Lastly, 4. if my existence is sooooo offensive to you, that you want to cancel me for speaking about health and autonomy, take this shit to your voting booth. I know I'm a pastor. Do you think the people who listen to me care that I want everyone to have equal rights and the freedom to talk about how they feel? Well you're right, they ENCOURAGE me to go to protests and teach the truth behind God's words. God tells you to love. God tells you that EVERYONE has sinned. You aren't better than that random person you screamed F@ggot at. You're just as bad as them. Grow the fuck up. If you expected something else from me, I recommend looking at who you're talking to. Remember to close the Stalker's Diary. Mxster R doesn't want any more visitors tonight.
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wooawi · 1 year
TW: child abuse, trauma
coming back to watch the finale after i’ve been gone for weeks is a shock and a half. like there’s no way what was in the leaks actually got aired. like i rly hope what we r seeing is actually a false plot like what everyone’s saying.
Gabriel Agreste getting his final wish to be seen as a hero and a great dad???? WHAT????
And the fact that this is seen as a good and totally normal thing, because if it wasn’t, Gabriel’s “arc” wouldn’t be done. Someone, probably Marinette, would find out about Adrien’s actual home life and the narrative would be changed to fit that negative tone.
Rather, this is The End of Hawkmoth; Well-Meaning Villain, Loyal Husband and above all: Misguided Father.
This episode needs a trigger warning in my opinion. I should’ve known the leak was being fr and prepared myself before watching it. So, just in case someone who needs this hasn’t watched the episode yet, this is your trigger warning. I’m sorry.
I’m so sick and tired of parents like this never getting their just desserts and being seen as good for “raising” their kid the way they did. The writers and whoever else is in charge of the story creation agree with this point. They agree that as long as you “show remorse” or “try your best” you’re a good parent and deserve to be seen as such.
Gabriel deserved nothing less than a terrible death after being revealed as the shit parent he was. He should’ve been taken away long before by concerned authorities who genuinely cared about Adrien and his well being. His actions should’ve been revealed to at least Marinette so she wouldn’t just go off to Adrien to tell him how his dad was so great and amazing.
Here’s Adrien, after being subject to isolation, lack of freedom and autonomy, physical abuse, manipulation, and the list goes on and on, being told that his father is now a hero because he “sacrificed himself”. No one knows what Gabriel truly did and now everyone in Paris will think he was always a great dad.
Idk man, Adrien being “free” from Gabriel is nothing but a farce. Despite not being physically in that house anymore, stuck dealing with his father, it’s like he’s still there mentally. He can’t really share anything about his home life at the risk of public perception making him out to be a liar. His troubles and problems are basically null and void to others because, according to Ladybug and Gabriel’s last words, he was treated well.
And to the audience, the possible others who have gone through something like this, they are told by the creators of this show that it’s a good thing. That parents like this deserve to be seen as heroes at the detriment to the children they abused.
They don’t.
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theroseempress · 2 years
Greetings, denizens of Tumblr, men, women, and potplants!
I randomly decided this blog needed an introductory post, so here we are.
Any of my writing/art can be found at the #my writing and #my art tags respectively. My current WIP, The Golden City, can be found at #the golden city or #tgc if I'm lazy. I have any number of background projects, which can all be found at #backburner wips.
Random details about me include; I'm a writer/artist in training, self-taught for both, and a professional bullshitter. I also like cats better than dogs, drink a lot of hot cocoa and coffee, and recently discovered I might be intolerant to milk, which I am VERY salty over. I'm also a professional procrastinator, and am actually procrastinating from something by writing this very post.
I come in several different flavours of neurodivergent!
I am also a coloured pencil. No, I will not elaborate.
You can call me any variation of my blog name, R, or Rose, whichever you like. (if you somehow know me IRL and thus know my actual name; no you do not)
I'm chill with basically anyone (whatever your opinions are on anything) as long as you can be respectful about them. While I do have opinions on all controversial topics (being as I am a Human Bean and thus biased) I prefer to stay firmly neutral and out of any Important Debates/politics.
Oh, and I adore tag/ask games, feel free to drop in with anything at any time, but I am erratically efficient with answering so it maay take a while. Sorry.
Anyway! Other me/WIP-related stuff under the cut because this's a 'lil long :D
Media I like includes; Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (I'm planning to watch the 03 one at some point but haven't gotten around to it) Avatar; The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, the Reckoners series, Redwall, The Queen's Thief series, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl comics, the Agents of SHIELD tv show, and pretty much all of the older Barbie movies. (most specifically Princess and the Pauper) I'm also pretty involved in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom, somehow, despite not having watched most of it.
Favorite characters of mine include; Edward Elric, Roy Mustang, Azula, Kuvira, Sokka, Zuko, Fitz, Adrien Agreste, Félix Graham De Vanily, Kagami Tsurugi, Varrick, Zhu Li, Eugenides/Gen, Basil Stag Hare, Gonff, Ling Yao, Preminger, and Azul.
I'm not much of a shipper, but I do have a soft spot for Royai, the Love Square and Feligami from Miraculous Ladybug, and whatever Zhu Li/Varrick is called.
Anyway, here's the plot as of yet of my main WIP in newspaper-headline style because I saw someone else do it and I liked the idea.
Local Thief Gets Arrested And Then Takes Advantage of Loophole; Winds Up Going On Treasure Hunt. (Chaos Ensues)
Here's a runup of the main characters;
Felix Rose- professional bullshitter/actor/ridiculously good at being charming. Very cocky, actually has enough skills to (occasionally) warrant it. Owns four cats. Does not want to go to jail, thank you. Noble who part-times as a thief, as one does.
Shannon Rose- professional Felix's Twin Brother. At first glance seems significantly less mischevious than Felix, but we must remind you that Felix is significantly more anything than anyone. Studying to be a scholar. Would also prefer it if Felix did not got to jail, would like to prevent that.
Valentin Fleet- professional Cinnamon Roll. Wants to do the Right Thing, unsure what that actually means. Is capital-C Conflicted. Somehow managed to go from the resident Tough Person to the resident Cinnamon Roll over the story's creation. The reason Felix is in jail, would prefer it if he stayed there, please.
I also have a website, (carolinaauthor.wordpress.com) where I'll be posting my WIP when it gets to production stage, and an Etsy store (it's called CoffeeCatDesigns, I'll find a link later sorry) where you can buy stuff from me. Oh, and I started writing fanfic recently! I'm The Rose Empress on ao3 if you're interested!
If you want to ask me questions about any of my WIPs or tag me in stuff I will be more than happy to answer :D
Mmmmmmmmkay that's it thank you for reading, I'm gonna go do that thing I was procrastinating from now.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
ladybug sexytimes
Under the cut for nsfw stuff
“And you need to relax,” Ruby said as she gently pushed Blake back onto the bed and smiled at her. “Its your special day today and that means *you* get to relax.” 
Blake scrunched up her nose as Ruby poked it and rolled her eyes. “But what if I dont want to stay home all day? Maybe I want to go out and do something with you.” 
“Are you saying you dont enjoy spending time with me at home?” 
“Then let me show you exactly what I have planned for you.” 
Before Blake could ask, a blush started to creep across her lips as she watched Ruby strip over her. Her eyes looked over her girlfriend’s body and stopped at the scars that lined her sides. “R-Ruby?” 
“I meant it when I said that today is a day for you to relax.” Ruby leaned over Blake and pulled her into a kiss, practically purring into it. As she broke the kiss, she licked her lips and started to help strip Blake. “So I’m going to do whatever I can to please you today and let you relax. And dont worry, we wont be home all day. I made reservations at that restaurant you like over by the docks and may have convinced the library to let us have time to ourselves while looking for books.” 
Blake smiled at her and started to strip and moan as she felt Ruby’s gentle hands caress her body. Her back arched a bit as she felt Ruby run her fingers down her sides and purred at the thought of the plans. “And what did you have to do to pull that off?” 
“Lots of volunteer hours there over the next three months.” 
“And you’re sure you’re okay with that?” 
“For you? Anything is worth it. And dont worry, this wont interfere with our trip. Now, will you please let me show you just how much I love you and want you to relax?” 
Blake nodded and let out a soft, gasping moan as she felt Ruby gently bite her shoulder and then kiss down her body. She slowly adjusted herself to give Ruby room and spread her legs when she felt a tongue start to tease her clit. Another moan escaped her as her girlfriend started to press her tongue deep inside, back arching as pleasure started to ride up her spine. A gentle hand found its way to Ruby’s head to hold her in place a few words tried to make their way out between panted moans. “R-Ruby…” 
Ruby pulled back for a moment to look up and smile at Blake, then went back to work between her lover’s thighs. Every year, Blake’s birthday would pass by as another day, but today she was determined to change it. She savored each moan that left Blake’s lips as she continued to work, moving her tongue in rhythm to the words that were moaned out. One hand moved to Blake’s hips to hold her still while the other reached for a small collar on the bedside table. A blush spread across her cheeks and she pulled back once more to give Blake a little rest and put the collar around her own neck with a bashful smile. 
Blake’s cheeks reddened as she watched Ruby put the collar on and she gently sat up to put a finger through the loop in the front. “Are you sure this is what you want?” 
Ruby nodded. “I want tonight to be perfect for you.” 
Blake smiled and let her finger slip out of the ring on the collar and laid back down for her lover. “Then you may continue with your present, my pet.” 
Ruby blushed hard and started back up again, reinvigorated by the words. “My pet” rolled around through her mind with a sense of joy, making her more determined than ever to please her lover. To give her a birthday they’d always cherish.
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christaline · 2 years
The “x minutes of x being x” or “(jus) x from x for x minutes” type vids r so interesting to me bc I’m certain they are coming from content farms but that would mean that some randos at a content farm are churning out vids abt idk miraculous ladybug or something with no idea what it is or any context about it. And what’s really interesting is that I’ve seen these kinda vids that are obviously made be a real human person (some actual editing and cuts and memes in a relatively niche community that u would have to be a part of to get, that google probably wouldn’t provide insight to) and I guess i kind of get the reason they exists. It’s like a clip show of just the “best stuff”. Condensed soup. But i still find it really weird. Especially the ones clearly made by content farms bc? Huh? Usually these farms make shit based on buzzwords so like I guess shitty 2000’s cartoons are having some sort of resurgence? And like kid’s shows and stuff? And part of me wonders if this is just a consequence of youtube trying to be “kid friendly” and so alot of creators are churning out low effort kid’s content bc it gets the views and is easy to make. Idk. This is all weird to me. I wish i could report these channels for no reason really i just hate seeing them lol
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totebagchiqbarista · 3 years
can we have a chat noir x reader x ladybug where chat and lady are constantly trying to out due in battles each other for the reader’s attention, even in school with adrian and marionette
a loving feeling
Pairing: Adrien/Chat Noir, Marinette/Ladybug x GenderNeutral!Reader
Here's the first request I got! I literally love this idea so much oh my god. I hope you like it :)
“Adrien, dude, go talk to them. Now’s your chance!“ said Nino, reassuringly patting his best friend on the back. Adrien’s palms sweat just because of the thought of talking to them. It had been so long since he felt anything other than platonic love for somebody and was losing his mind. Adrien knew he wasn’t the only one who saw Y/N as potentially someone who was to be more than a friend. How could he be? 
“Go! Now!“ Nino pushed him closer to the infatuating dream of his best friend. Disappearing in a split second he rebounded with his girlfriend. 
Adrien made a few steps. It has seemed the person of his dreams was way too far away from him. Fear grew with each step and his heart was now beating in his throat, unable to catch a breath. Yes! They are so close! He can see them, just a bit more. He is already there, just hanging by the tip of a finger... And suddenly he was in a broom closet. 
“Oh, Plagg I chickened out again“ Adrien cried, clenching his fists against the wall. The kwami flew around his head in an attempt to catch his gaze. 
“Honestly Adrien, you could only talk to them when you were Cat Noir. But when you’re...well you, you lose your mind!“ he spoke “You see, cheese doesn’t do that to a person“
“You’re a kwami“
“My point still stands.“
Adrien banged his hair against the wall. It’s true, he could always talk to them when he was dressed in black. “I'm going to talk to them, today!”
“You go to the same class, you talk to them every day “ Plagg rolled his eyes, getting tired of the same old story his owner has been playing over and over
The blonde boy shook his head trying to talk to Plagg on a serious note “You know what I mean”
Upon entering the class, Marinette stumbled over her thoughts. She had decided she will talk to them today. She had no idea how, but she had put her mind to it. She is doing this.
"Hi, Marinette," said Y/N when they saw the bluenette deep in her thought.
Marinette's eyes widened in surprise, her breath hitching in her throat. She had to process what is happening before she could open her mouth.
"O-oh, hi, Y/N. Are you how? I mean, how you are?" she felt embarrassed by the inability to speak as she tried to collect herself "How are you?"
"I'm good, thanks. Do you want to sit next to me today? Nino and Alya sat together." they questioned, pointing to the couple in love, sat in the second row.
Marinette's face lit up in joy as she shook her head in approval "Yeah, I will". The two sat down in the first row, waiting for the class to start.
"So, Y/N, tell me, um do you- want to-" Blue-haired girl started as the duo collected their bags and headed towards the door. Y/N watched the girl carefully until she was interrupted by a loud cheer behind them.
They turned around, meeting eyes with a pair of green ones that lit under the blonde hair. "Hi, Adrien!" they waved in response.
Marinette's face reddened. It wasn't just because of the Adrien himself who too, made her blush a little. But it was because he could not have found the worse time to come by...
Her fingers twitched as she watched him smile sweetly and sly to the person she was just about to ask out. He had a kind, heart-warming smile on his face, and he was talking so softly to them. His fingers twirled in his blonde hair as he...
Marinette's face widened at the realization. The guy was stealing her date!
"Actually, we were talking you can come back by later" she interrupted blushing Adrien, taking Y/N's hand in hers and walking off. Without thinking, Adrien reached out, grabbing Y/N's hand. His fingers wrapped around their wrist. "Why can't I join you?" he blurted.
"Of course you can!" Y/N exclaimed
"No, you can't. Don't you have a fencing class to attend to?" Marinette fought back, crossing her hands on her chest.
"It got postponed"
"It never does"
"But today it has so I have an hour of free time"
Y/N watched as the two held a strong eye contact filled with rage and jealousy. Their bodies came closer and closer as they fought back and forth for their attention.
Suddenly, the door of the school burst open, shrieks fulfilling the building. A woman dressed in black entered, her ripped dress falling to the floor. Silver hair of hers flowed in the wind as she wrapped her fingers tighter around the machine in her hand. Two rat ears grew on the tip of her head and a tail that followed the theme.
She walked around, shooting every random passenger and turning them into...rats?
"We have to hide!" Y/N exclaimed as they took both of their hands, leading them into a classroom.
Marinette stuttered, ripping their hands apart even though that was the last thing she wanted to do. "I forgot my bag in the other classroom, I have to get that, it's important, you guys go hide now!"
Y/N nodded, running again, leaving Adrien to follow along. "Locker rooms! We can hide there" he said, grabbing them by the hand and running to the secure place in school.
"Chloe! Where are you Chloe!" the rat lady yelled, leading her way through the corridors of the Françoise Dupont High School. "Hide here," he said, showing them a safe place in one of the lockers.
"You too." They said pointing to the one across. Adrien only nodded in response and faking it once they were completely safe. The blonde's legs carried him to the bathroom by the speed of light.
Closing the door he took a moment to take a deep breath and rest his back against the wall. His kwami reappeared in front of his face, waiting for a word. Something. Anything.
"Don't you have a significant other to save, Adrien?"
Adrien got himself on his feet, away from the daydreams. Plagg was right, he did everything better when he was Chat Noir, so saving them should be as easy too. Maybe then he can finally talk to them without interruptions or his own fears.
The blonde nodded. "Plagg claws out!"
Although they knew they could be in danger, Y/N couldn't take being locked up in a locker anymore. She stepped out, only to be met by Adrian's open locker. The rat lady must have got to him.
"Stupid" they hummed to themselves as they looked around, figuring out what to do.
Suddenly, the door to the locker room opened and the infamous black cat costume appeared before them, taking their breath as always. "Well hello I guess we're stuck in danger together," he said flirty "Might as well make the most out of it" he bowed down before them.
"Poor kitty, and where's your lady?" They said, teasingly to the cat boy who so desperately tried to get under their skin.
"Said she will be right back."
And just on queue, the lady in red stormed into the room. Taking a look at Chat Noir once she sighed. "I'm sorry to do this, but it's important. Multimouse, I need you." She handed the already well-known miraculous box to them as they nodded in response.
It was safe to say Chat Noir was losing his mind. His eyes widened at the sudden information, as he stared at them in amazement. "You're Multimouse?!" he squeaked. Thinking back on the previous times Multimouse came to help and he did nothing but flirt with them. There was something that stood out about them and he never knew what. Now, it all made sense.
Then yet again, he wonders how whenever Multimous was around, Ladybug also got way more talkative and goofy and eager for their attention. He remembers all the fights over Multimouse he and the lady had led. It all came together now.
"Of course I am," they said, tying the necklace around their neck and meeting with Mullo, once again.
"I've missed you Y/N," Mullo said, happily flying around.
"I can say the same" they responded, ready to transform "Mullo, get squeaky!"
"Wow," both of the Paris' superheroes were smitten. Stealing a dirty look from each other for one last time they created a plan with Multimouse to defeat Ninkilia. As Ladybug said, she is completely sure the Akuma is in her hand machine.
"That's the plan, just follow my lead" she finished her speech
"As you wish my lady" Multimouse chimed in before Chat Noir could say anything. Ladybug's hot cheeks were prominent through her mask, and the cat looked nothing but jealous.
"R-right, let's go" the girl with spots exclaimed, her cheeks still burning red.
Jumping from the roof, Multimouse teased the villain. "A mouse? No!" Ninkilia yelled. "If you can live in the garbage now, why can't you do it in a form of a true rat itself" she cried as she shot around random people on the street.
"We have to get to her hand machine quickly," Chat Noir said fighting the lady in black. "And maybe then we can go somewhere just the two of us."
He winked at Multimouse who only laughed, and earned a look of pure hatred from Ladybug. Expecting a comment on his own behalf, Chat Noir was surprised by the lady's response. "You don't want to go with him trust me. I know the best ice cream in town."
Multimouse only laughed "Let's get rid of this rat lady first," they said "Multitude!"
"No, not the mice!" Ninkilia desperately tried shooting the little mice around her as they climbed up her legs. Ladybug's yoyo wrapped around her, pinning her to the ground.
"Chat Noir!" Ladybug exclaimed.
The Akuma has been purified and the trio has once more, saved the day. "Pound it!"
"It has been a pleasure working with you" black cat smiled sheepishly, taking the mouse's hand and kissing it softly. "Will I have the pleasure of seeing you again soon?"
"We'll see," they said, signalizing Ladybug it's time to go.
Ladybug pulled them close, taking them by the waist and already feeling her heart beat faster. Multimouse, or precisely, Y/N placed their head in the crook of her neck and sent shivers down her spine. Soon, they were flying through the air, holding just by her yoyo.
"Thank you for choosing me," they said, as they scootched closer to her body, clinging in fear of falling down.
"How could I not?"
Marinette's heartbeat raced faster as they shared a soft smile. If it were up to her, she would like to fight alongside them all the time.
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san-fics · 3 years
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Breaking the rules
Felinette, Felix/Marinette, Felix/Ladybug
Part 1
Mr.X: what was it this time?
MDC: oh, the usual
MDC: i have to sit on the back of the class
MDC: so she could sit on the front row
MDC: cause of the hearing problems she doesn’t have
Mr.X: i really don’t understand this
Mr.X: why do u let people step on u
MDC: i told u why
Mr.X: right, cause yr ‘friend’ thinks it’s the best way
Mr.X: I just don’t get this guy
Mr.X: r u sure he’s yr friend?
Mr.X: it’s like the most stupid thing I’ve ever herd
Mr.X: what does it even mean ‘the higher road’?
Mr.X: the lying shit is just that, and u must act accordantly
MDC: i don’t know
MDC: he want’s the best for everyone
MDC: i guess he believes that people can change
MDC: that she can change
Mr.X: people can, liars don’t
Mr.X: it’s that simple
MDC: r u talking about yrself now?
Mr.X: i don’t conceder myself a total liar
Mr.X: but i get what i want using the methods some people deserve
Mr.X: lying including
MDC: like the pranks u did to yr relative u told me about?
Mr.X: he is dumb
Mr.X: someone needs to teach him people relationships
Mr.X: otherwise someone’s gonna hurt him
MDC: so it’s a type of care
Mr.X: maybe
Mr.X: but i didn’t say it is
MDC: u like to play a bad guy, but i know u well enough to see u care about the ones u love
Mr.X: i never said i loved anyone
MDC: u don’t have to
MDC: i can see by myself
Mr.X: u never met me, how can u know i’m not lying to u
MDC: did u forget what we’ve discussed just now?
MDC: I know liars
MDC: u r not one of them
Mr.X: doubtable
MDC: plus, i have to lie every day as well
MDC: to almost everyone in my life
MDC: sometimes we don’t really have a choice
Mr.X: there is a difference between when u have to do something and u choose to do it
Mr.X: so i’m sure yr lies and the one’s that bitch says are different as well
MDC: definitely
Mr.X: but this ‘friend’ of yrs wouldn’t see the difference
MDC: i hope he would
MDC: but can i blame him for trying to see the best in people?
Mr.X: no, if there is something to see
Mr.X: but from what u told me, she's a total liar
MDC: i feel bad for making u think stuff like that about the person u don’t even know
MDC: cause it’s just my perspective
Mr.X: i trust yr perspective
MDC: well, u never met me either, how can u know i’m right?
Mr.X: listen, we’re talking every day, what, for 3? 4 month now?
Mr.X: we discussed books and art, fashion and news, games and movies
Mr.X: easier to say what we didn’t discuss, ever since we went from that forum to PM, and then to the phone
Mr.X: and yr opinion never failed to coincide with mine
Mr.X: so i might as well suppose i’d have the same opinion on the liar if i’d met her personally
MDC: well, we didn’t agree on everything-everything
Mr.X: right
Mr.X: the only difference between us — u r too soft with people, so they ride u whenever they want
Mr.X: and i’d suggested u fix that
Mr.X: but it’s not my business
Mr.X: so i don’t
MDC: or maybe u r too hard with people, so they run away from u all the time?
Mr.X: whatever
Mr.X: it’s better they see the worst of me at once and run
Mr.X: so i don’t have to waist my time on them
MDC: u know u can’t stay alone all yr life
Mr.X: i’m just fine the way i am
Mr.X: by myself
MDC: what about me then?
Mr.X: what about u?
MDC: u didn’t shoo me away
Mr.X: what makes u think i didn’t?
MDC: well, i’m here, and u r here, right?
Mr.X: that’s just because u r a masochist like that
MDC: haha))
Mr.X: and it’s not like i’m different with u or smth
Mr.X: i’m me
Mr.X: for better or for worse
MDC: i’m not a masochist
MDC: and u r not a bad person that u r trying to show u r
MDC: when everyone turned their back on me, u were here and supported me
Mr.X: i just said what i thought
Mr.X: including that they r idiots
MDC: u don’t even see it
Mr.X: see what?
MDC: that u care
Mr.X: i don’t
MDC: and the thing that u do it without even knowing it makes it special
MDC: and shows yr true self
MDC: which is good
Mr.X: most people would disagree with u
Mr.X: anyway
Mr.X: i have some news
MDC: oh??
Mr.X: when is yr line is coming out?
MDC: r those yr news?))
Mr.X: no, but it’s related
MDC: well, the investor u’ve send to me was really helpful
MDC: they love my designs
MDC: for which i’m still in shock
Mr.X: we’ve been over it
Mr.X: yr designs r good
Mr.X: i wouldn’t advise u otherwise
Mr.X: u must work on yr self-esteem
Mr.X: know your own worth
Mr.X: fashion world will eat u alive otherwise
MDC: r u sure u r my age?
MDC: sometimes u r too wise ;)
Mr.X: whatever
MDC: and u can give compliments, but u can’t take them
Mr.X: those weren’t...
Mr.X: anyway
Mr.X: so?
MDC: so, the line is out in two weeks!!!!
MDC: can u imagine?
MDC: cause i can’t!!!
Mr.X: that’s sounds like a lot of work
MDC: i know
MDC: and with all the other responsibilities i have i don’t really know how i will manage
MDC: but i’ll do my best
MDC: no time like now, right?
Mr.X: what other responsibilities?
“Whoops!” Marinette exclaimed.
“What is it, Marinette?” Tikki responded from the shell.
“I have to lie something fast about Ladybug job.” Marinette sighed. “I hate lying. And this time I put myself in this situation on my own.
“You know you have to keep your identity, Marinette.” Tikki advised. “Is this your friend from the fashion forum again?” Marinette nodded. “I’m glad you have him. You deserve all the support he gives.”
“And you know what, Tikki?” Marinette closed her eyes for a second, thinking. “I can see he was really hurt before. Not the bully level hurt. I think he lost someone important. He is afraid to let people in. And he kind of letting me, so i feel responsible not to brake his trust. But it isn’t heavy. It kind of makes me grow stronger.”
“You are very sensitive, Marinette. I think you can both support each other.”
“That’s the thing, Tikki. He doesn’t even know how much he supports me. He is strait and direct. Even when he does something bad, like lying — about which he says honestly too by the way, but even then it turns out about taking care of someone. And he tells me about low self esteem, but he thinks about himself worse then he really is.”
“It‘s almost like you two can see the best about each other.”
“Maybe we do.” Marinette singhed and took the phone again.
Mr.X: hey
Mr.X: r u still there?
Mr.X: u don’t have to tell me if u don’t wont to
MDC: it’s a social work
MDC: it’s about people safety
Mr.X: can’t u postpone it?
MDC: not really
Mr.X: can’t someone else do it?
MDC: i kind of have a special qualities for the job
Mr.X: i see
Mr.X: well, i’m sure u’ll manage both then
MDC: thanks
Mr.X: for what?
MDC: for believing in me
Mr.X: whatever
MDC: so, what’s yr news?
Mr.X: i’ll be able to come to the fashion show personaly
Mr.X: when u present yr line
Mr.X: i’ll be in Paris in a week
[about this au]
[Part 2]
[more MLB fanfic]
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melloian · 3 years
Me:So Thomas,are you going to let Adrien has flaws and learn from them?
Thomas:What no,Adrien is perfection he has no flaws....instead we are going to creat an imperfect version of him,who he is just like Adrien in appearance but he's eViL
Me:Um....ok what about Chloe,I am sure you guys are working on her redemption arc
Thomas:PFFFTT please she betrayed the heroes in Miracle Queen and is a bully again
Thomas:Yep,in fact we're going to introduce her nice half sister that's never been mentioned at all and she's friend with everyone and she will be the new Queen Bee
Me:Ok I am sure Zoe will help her sister to be a better person and-
Thomas:HAHA you wish
Me:So Chloe will never get redeem
Thomas:Not even a tiny bit of redemption, that's why she's akumatized twice this season
Me:Let me get this straight,you and yours team created Zoe just to replace Chloe as hero and that's it?
Me:Are you....anyway I have heard that Ladybug has a new upgrade and can creat anti akuma charms,I really like this concept a lot
Thomas:Thanks....that's why we broke them in "Dearest Family"
Me:You did WHAT?
Thomas:They're useless now because of MEGA AKUMAS
Me:I-what about Lila,I am sure she has something to do this season,RIGHT?
Thomas:.....Lila who?
Me:.....Why is your show popular again?
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This show lost itself after season 2. Like, they don't even know what they are doing anymore. This show kinda kill itself after season 3 finale.
Instead of saying "I couldn't redeem chloe because we don't know how to execute it or we have many seasons left" instead they just like lol chloe always have been bad. Then gave us her half-assed sister that came out of no one and suddenly she's better then chloe. Not to mention there's no argument between andre and audrey after seeing her. She mary-sue enough to act like she a """better queen bee."""" and the fact they make chloe worst just to make zoe look good. Her backstory is also mary-ish.
Felix....my man done wrong. I still think it was a "fuck you" to the face. I feel like thomas done this shit because people liked felix. Yea, both felix seemed bad however, thomas didn't have to make felix the e v i l version of aDrIen. Its dumb and overused for the longest. Concept felix still best felix.
Thomas needs to know adrien is not s u n s h i n e and r a i n b o w s. The man done too many shit to be some "perfect" nice boy at this point. I don't feel like mentioning any but am just saying. He have flaws, just like everyone else in this show.
Lila was clear that she was going to be upcoming villain. But nope, chloe bad guys come on. We just going toss lila to the depths of hell and never see her again. Why even develop her to be working with gabriel in the first place jfc. Miracle queen would've been better if they just used lila instead.
Magical charms was trash anyways.
To be honest I sometimes question the same thing why this show still popular anymore. They threw away so many good concepts to the point it ain't even funny. I mean we could've have a cool looking hawkmoth man, we're fucking robbed. We could've gotten a good show, if they didn't ruin so many characters or stick with the team without adding more. They could've change out hawkmoth already. But here we are, season 4. Feels like we in a loophole because of bringing back old villains, repeating the love square and etc. Maybe if the creator listen for one second, this show wouldn't feel like its going down hill. -
But welp, there's nothing we can do about this.
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don-quixotine · 3 years
hi i come bearing humanitarian relief from optygami
so like, yikes huh?
I didn't expect all the angst and that last scene absolutely DESTROYED me in the worst possible way. Anywhoo, I was so unwell that I dreamt a follow-up. This is a new level of brainrot. So, without further ado welcoome to another edition of
bullet point fics that i'll probably never write but I need to get out of my system: post-Optygami edition
After Optygami, Chat pretends he's ok but he's actually quite sad that Ladybug didn't need him to defeat the Akuma. Even more so, that instead of going for him, she went for Rena and Carapace.
lol Milk Bar scene 2.0.
He tries to hide it, but unlike other things that make him sad like oh idk, his entire family life, this is new. And he can't hide it because Ladybug was the one person that never failed to make him feel needed and wanted.
So, he's at school and he's looking sad and Marinette notices. She kicks into Supporting Friend Mode the way she's done with Zoé, Juleka etc. and asks him what's wrong. Adrien at first doesn't want to say, but Marinette gives her one of her Motivational Speeches™️ and convinces him.
Adrien says that it's hard to explain, but he feels like someone really loves is pushing him to the side and he feels like he is not needed anywhere.
Marinette will very much Not Have That
So she starts telling him all the good things she sees in him and how everyone, especially her, is lucky to have him around. And girl ain't even blushing or stuttering.
"Adrien you're always so kind and compassionate to everyone, you always make time for us even though your Father is so strict with you. You're always willing to give everyone the benefit of doubt, even when they don't deserve it. You're a great friend"
Adrien high key is tearing up btw
And my boy is so starved for affection that he's just. He falls for her immediately??? He never realized Marinette saw him like that??
He feels so acknowledged???????
also Nino sees and he reassures him as well.
"Whoever this friend is can go take a hike if they don't value you, dude. smh I'll throw hands for you."
appreciate the i r o n y
Alya figures out Adrien is Chat Noir and she has that oh no moment. Without telling Mari why, she is ADAMANT that she tells Chat immediately about everything that has been going on with the guardianship.
"Trust me Marinette. Just trust me. You NEED to tell Chat about these things."
Marinette confesses she had not told him because she knows he's going to be very angry at her that she relied on someone else in her hour of need and she's scared she might lose him because lesser things have made him doubt himself to the point of returning the ring.
"Alya you don't understand," she says crying. "I know him. I know this is is going to hurt him so much."
Alya, out of curiosity, asks why she came to her and not Chat when things got too heavy and Marinette explains the incident in Chat Blanc and how absolutely scared to the bone she is that it might happen again. Not because she wouldn't be able to fix it, but because she couldn't bear seeing Chat being hurt like that again.
Eventually Marinette gathers the courage to tell Chat Noir and of course he's sad, heartbroken, angry and no matter how much Ladybug tries to apologize or reassure him that she trusts him, he simply can't.
Chat says he understands that she needed to lean on someone and it's her right to choose who that is.
"Don't worry m'lady, I understand. But... I need some time off. After all, something tells me you'll make do even if i'm not there."
Marinette is devastated and recognizes her mistake and understands she is in no position to ask Chat to be there but that doesn't help the fact she's absolutely heartbroken.
As a civilian, Adrien notices Marinette is sad and talks to her. Mari cries bc she says she made a terrible mistake and she managed to really hurt one of the friends she loves the most and is scared she lost them for good.
Adrien consoles her and tells her she did the right thing by coming clean to them, and that she should have faith in her friend bc "friends fight sometimes Mari, it's normal, right? They will come around. You were honest with them, and that's what matters. They'll appreciate it eventually."
"Besides, e-even if they don't... I-i'll always be here for you"
"And if they don't, I'll personally go and punch your friend in the face"
aaaahhhh adrinette fluff.
And so, while ladynoir is crumbling to pieces, adrinette is like, VERY close to becoming canon but bc of what happened in ladynoir they refrain from showing their romantic feelings but are like, "No way I'm making the same mistakes again" so they become each other's closest confident (sans the whole Miraculous thing of course)
Adrien starts telling Mari about "this friend" and the problems in his family. Marinette start tellings him about "these responsibilities" and "this friend I have" and they unintentionally coach the other through how to proceed to heal the ladynoir partnership.
Simultaneously, Adrien's help lets Marinette understand how very much she loves Chat and him taking the break from Ladybug's company and replacing it with Marinette, lets him know how head over heels he had been for her all this time = tada! reverse love square.
They become super, super close friends. Like deadass ppl think they're dating (but what else is new smh)
"Ha ha, no. We're Just Very Good Friends™️" *they say as they're literally holding hands or snuggling on a bench*
Eventually Chat Noir comes out of his little break and Ladybug and him meet up to talk and it's like, an ugly crying sobfest ahaha :)
LB apologizes again and begs him to forgive her, she promises she'll do better and she'll show him how much she need him and--
"M'lady, stop. I already forgave you. It's all water under the bridge so--
"No! No it's not, because I can't believe I made you think you're dispensible. Chat Noir you're my partner and you'll always be my partner and I treated you like you weren't but I just... I couldn't tell you, Chaton. I couldn't--"
"But why? What couldn't you tell me, m'lady?"
LB breaks down and explains the Chat Blanc incident to him
"I was so scared. I was so afraid for you and so terrified that I wouldn't be able to bring you back. I'd never be able to forgive myself if one day I cannot bring you back, Chat. I want to know who you are but if knowing puts you at risk, then I won't do it. I love you more than I want to know your identity."
ajgkfahgfak gajfkk UGLY SOBBING.
"Then... that means we cannot be together... ever?" Chat asks and his voice is cracking because he's doing all humanly possible not to cry too.
"Not until Hawkmoth is defeated. I promise minou, as soon as we defeat him, we can be together. In the meantime, we have to keep the secret."
Chat Noir gently wipes off the tears from Ladybug and steps closer to her and goes "Then, m'lady, if you'll allow it, I'd like us to keep one more secret."
He leans down slowly, to give LB a chance to say no if she doesn't want it to happen, but she doesn't stop him. They kiss.
"This one stays between us," Chat mutters and then smirks at her. "See you in the next Akuma, m'lady."
The end.
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themaribatpit · 3 years
Jasonette July Day 4: Game On
Written by: The Maribat Pit  @jasonette-july-event  Prompt: Game On Rated: T (for sexual references, mostly references to things that happened in the comics.  You have been warned.) “I can’t just go spilling my protégé’s secrets. I can barely send her out into the mean streets on her own.” she said with a coy show of innocence that she wasn’t even trying to make believable.
 “I’m not asking for her identity, all that concerns me is why you decided to take her in.” Batman explained.
 “She was in trouble, I was in the neighbourhood and I gave her a helping hand,” she explained. “That special claw of hers comes in handy, and besides we all know how you feel about magic users Bruce.” She wasn’t wrong about that.  Batman could never trust Constantine further than he could throw him. He could only bring himself to turn to Zatanna when he really needed her help.  Shazam was an exception, seeing as the limits of his magic were clear and simple enough to understand.  That didn’t make him any less formidable, but it didn’t make him quite as unpredictable.  He was, at the end of the day, a detective who was trained to think rationally and logically in order to get to the bottom of a situation.  Magic was the ultimate wild card, and the sooner he figured out this girl’s abilities, the better.  “You’ll be pleased to know she’s not a completely hopeless case, she’s been helpful but she doesn’t get quite the same thrill out of thievery.” Catwoman remarked, “but it’s been lovely having her around, and I’m not about to just hand her over to you”.
 “Then what would you have me do?” he asked, “I’m concerned your rivals might be a little less forgiving.”
 “Is that so? You don’t think she’s strong enough to save herself?”  Catwoman smiled, it was nice to know that he cared, just a little. “Besides, she’s already had years of experience under her belt, maybe you’re just jealous you didn’t find her first.” She taunted playfully. Goodness knows he was in no position to talk when it came to taking people under his wing.  “Tell you what, how about we have a friendly little wager?” Bruce saw her eyes light up at the thought, but he was undeniably curious about what she had in mind.
 “What do you propose?” he asked.
 “A fun little game, your boys against my little foundling. If any of them can take her down, then you can welcome her into your family with open arms” she explained.
 “How do I know she won’t just kill them?” Batman asked, it wouldn’t be the first time Bruce had to try and steer someone away from any homicidal tendencies.
 “She’s a lot of things, but let’s just say killing wasn’t really an option for her back in the day.” she explained, “She’ll fall in line with your ‘no killing’ rule quite nicely. Think about it, your sons versus my little girl.”  Her claws skated across Batman’s shoulders as he pondered this.
 “Anything else?” Batman asked, he had to know exactly what they were walking into.
 “Your boys can bring a second to their little duels, but only one.  No need to have the Titans ganging up on her.” she explained.  She left out the part about her protégé having other tricks up her sleeve.  With the power she had, they would be lucky to get a single scratch on her.
 “So be it then.” Bruce said, it would be an opportunity to see how this girl measured up against the boys he had trained. At that moment Catwoman decided it was game on.
 Marinette had just come home from her classes at Gotham University, and she was looking forward to a quiet night working on some designs that were due a few weeks.   A text message from Catwoman brought her plans to a grinding halt:
 “Mari dear, made a little wager with Batman.  You beat his four sons in a fight, and you get to stay with me.  If you lose however, he gets to take you under his wing (in every sense of the word).  They’ll be on the lookout for Lady Noire in the next few days, but I never said anything about only using her to win.”
 Marinette was really starting to regret being saved by Catwoman. That night, she was outnumbered by some muggers who thought she would be an easy target.  She was trying to find an opening, to make a break for it, maybe find somewhere to hide and transform if she really must.  Suddenly she heard a voice grab their attention, “I’ve always loved big strong men who aren’t afraid to show it with someone half their size.” she purred.  While they were distracted, Marinette decided to call on Plagg for some help.   She always loved how the Lady Noire suit made her movements feel lighter, plus the night vision and Cataclysm were useful too. Unfortunately for her, it meant that Catwoman saw her in action and decided to take an interest in her from that day forth.  Sure, she was a cunning thief and there was little that Marinette could do to stop her. At the same time, Marinette was a young woman in a city that was the polar opposite of what she knew in Paris. She couldn’t deny that there was something comforting about having someone in this city looking out for her. Especially since her parents were in Paris, and Master Fu was no longer around to help her.  She took the Miraculous with her to Gotham City, but none of the other wielders came with her.  She was still their guardian after all, but she had to be more careful about using them.  She wasn’t about to single handedly take on superpowered crime lords with their armies of henchmen. She had to be a lot more careful with her powers since other people could get hurt.  Besides, they already had a small group of vigilantes keeping the city safe, they didn’t need her.
 Marinette reread the text message over and over again.  she was about to see what these vigilantes were made of, though it was just as accurate to say it was the other way around.  She opened the box, carefully choosing which ones she could use in a fight.  She usually used Lady Noire when she was with Catwoman, but by the sound of it she was counting on her to use all of her tricks to win.
 Damian never fully understood his father’s attachment to Catwoman, but this was a challenge he could not refuse.  They were told to keep an eye out for this “Lady Noire” character while they were out on patrol.  Oracle had agreed to referee this ordeal, Damian was absolutely certain he was going to be the one to bring her in.  They were allowed to bring a second, but Damian didn’t think it would be necessary. From what they were told she was a smaller Catwoman, though they were told to exercise caution because of her destructive abilities.  The last person Damian had expected to find was a girl in a red and black body suit, who looked nothing like the girl with long hair and green eyes that Batman had described.  Still, there was something odd about the girl and Damian moved in closer to investigate.
 Catwoman had given Marinette a vague rundown of who her opponents were.  There was Nightwing, the eldest of the four boys and a trained acrobat. The second eldest was the infamous Red Hood, Marinette had heard rumours about him and she had no way of knowing if the Kwamis could guard her against someone who uses firearms.  The third was Red Robin, Catwoman advised using clever strategy if she was going to get the upper hand on this one.  Finally, there was the current Robin, the son of Batman and Talia Al Ghul, the youngest of the boys who was trained by assassins before Batman took him in.
 She took the Ladybug earrings with her, seeing as they were more versatile for the occasion.  In addition to the earrings, she wore the Longg’s choker around her neck.  Master Fu had often cautioned against using fusions, considering how draining they were on her body.  Her new mentor advised her to use every tool she could in her arsenal, because they certainly would.  On most nights she noticed a small, hooded figure passing through her neighbourhood from time to time. She decided to see which of these boys would be her first opponent.  
 While she was standing on that rooftop, she heard a few footsteps behind her.  It was raining but through the mist and the rain she could see a small, shadowy figure watching her closely.  It made sense, she was dressed in bright colours and standing on a rooftop in the pouring rain.  She practically had a sign on her head that said “come and get me”, which in some way was part of her plan.  The question was, whether or not her first opponent would take the bait.  “I know you’re there little one, so are you going to stay there or come over and say hello?” she asked, Marinette tried to sound cheerful but she ended up sounding silly instead.  She tried to hide the burning embarrassment she felt at how silly that sounded. The boy could probably sense it too, because she turned around and saw him narrowing his eyes at her suspiciously.
 He leapt from his perch and landed behind her with a thud and splatter of rain water.  He was no taller than Marinette and he wore a red and green outfit, with a black hooded cape and a green domino mask. The red and green outfit had a golden yellow “R” on his chest, and she also noticed a sword that was sheathed at his side.  Marinette had to suspect this boy was the youngest out of the boys, Robin.   The two of them stood in silence for a long moment, she figured that someone who was formerly trained by assassins would be a little more hostile.  Then again, he was probably expecting someone else entirely.  “Aren’t you a little young to be out patrolling by yourself, little one?” she asked, trying to make some kind of conversation with the boy. She wasn’t in any position to say anything about this, considering she had been protecting Paris since she was 13.
 “What’s it to you?” He scoffed, “we’re looking for someone named Lady Noire, and you clearly wanted to attract someone’s attention by standing on a rooftop in that costume”.
 “Robin, can you not be a brat for like, five minutes?” Red Robin groaned into his comm, but Damian didn’t listen.
 “You can either state your business or stop wasting my time” he snapped, as Marinette chuckled.
 “So, you’re planning on challenging Lady Noire.  Tell me, what do you really know about her?” she asked him.
 “Only that father and that woman have taken an interest in her, and I intend to prove to both of them that she is nothing special.” he growled, “so unless you know something about her, stay out of my way”.
 “You seem certain, for someone who has never once faced her” she said with a smile.
 “I was trained by the best, I will not lose to someone who is little more than a foundling.” he was reaching for his sword at that moment.  Red Robin and Nightwing rolled their eyes at that comment as they listened in. They knew they had all bested their youngest brother at some point or other, despite being “foundlings”.
 “It would have been easy too just to hide from you and your brothers, but I’m going to enjoy taking you down a peg.” She braced herself for her first fight of the challenge.   She really could have, but sadly she had very little patience for people who thought they were better than everyone else.
 “I won’t lose to you Lady Noire, or whoever you are”, he growled as he drew his sword and pointed it at her.
 “Tikki, Longg, unify!” she called out, and a flash of red and gold light stunned Robin for a moment. The red and black bodysuit now had gold accents and a symbol on her chest.  The symbol was a lighting bolt, a wave and a gust of wind all swirling together.
 “What did you do?!” Red Robin yelled into his comm, “I swear if she kills us all just because you couldn’t control yourself…”
 Robin looked up to see that she had a yo-yo in one hand and the other reached behind her to draw a sword.  
 “And by the way, it’s Dragon Bug to you”, she swung her yo-yo with one hand and Robin ducked to dodge it. After dodging it, he charged at Dragon Bug, katana in hand.  She blocked his attack with her sword before kicking him back with her foot.  Dragon Bug pulled back her yo-yo and charged at him with her sword, when he blocked her, he spun around and kicked her legs out from under her.  As Dragon Bug fell to the floor, she raised her sword and yelled “Water Dragon!”.  There was more than enough to create a barrier that pushed Robin back before he could strike again.  Robin was knocked back against the wall, and she took out her yo-yo to make an escape to the streets below.
 This Lady Noire, Dragon Bug, whoever she was, had insulted his honor.  To him, that just simply would not stand. His father said that he wanted her alive, but he could barely get a scratch on her.  He got up quickly and used his grappling hook to swing after her. She was waiting for him, with her hair blowing in the wind, and a smile that Damian wanted to wipe off her face. He charged at her once more, this time sliding on the floor at the last moment and hoping to take a swipe at her leg. Once again, she managed to turn and block his katana. The pair of them traded blow after blow after blow, but he could only land a few scratches on her.  Marinette could use Lightning Dragon and shock the boy, to bring this to a swift end.  However, with all the water that was around them, she might end up killing the boy instead. Before she could try anything else with that sword, he blocked it and sent it flying off to the side. Marinette watched as her sword flew out of her hands before clattering on the ground next to them.
 Marinette had to admit that this kid was good and that the fusion was starting to drain her a little. She had to act fast as she dodged another incoming strike. She leapt backwards to dodge it but the boy took out a grappling hook, he gave it a few good spins before flinging it forward and catching her foot.  He pulled the wire taut and sent her crashing to the ground, hard.  “You may have your tricks, Dragon Bug, but I have skill, I have training, and now I have defeated you.” he called out as he tugged at the wire, pulling her towards him.
 “That may be true, but there’s something you should know…” she groaned as she propped herself up on her elbows, he stopped for a moment as he waited for her to tell him exactly what that was. Marinette reached for her yo-yo, she needed to finish this and safe her strength, “…you’re not the only one who’s had training.” she told him. Dragon Bug quickly spun her yo-yo and swung it at Robin, this time wrapping the wire around him and pulling the string tight.  He tried to free himself using his katana, while Dragon Bug unwrapped the wire around her foot.  As she stood up she said, “another one of my ‘magic tricks’” as she ran to retrieve her own sword.  She sheathed the sword and looked back to find a hog-tied Robin, desperately trying to cut the cord and free himself.  She wanted to enjoy this moment for just a little longer, there was always something so satisfying in moments like these.  She took a moment to send a quick message to Catwoman:
 “Dragon Bug: 1, Robin: 0” before sending her a selfie, with Robin tied up in the background.
 She glanced back at Robin who was now just scowling at her.  “You fought valiantly little one, but sadly you are not my only opponent” she told him as she unwound the string around him. When she had her yo-yo back, she flung it towards a street lamp and swung forward, lifting her up off the ground. There was one thing Damian was certain of, there was no way his brothers were going to let him live this down. With a good tug of her yo-yo, freed Damian, spinning him around in the process.
 Meanwhile, Jason and Roy were on a road trip back to Gotham, the two of them had just taken care of a Drug Lord in Starling City.  Jason’s phone buzzed with some news from Dick, something about how they had all been embroiled in a bet to take down Selina’s new protégé.  If any of them win, she has to join the Bat family, and if they all lose then she keeps working with Selina.  He could not bring himself to care, it was 50/50 on whether or not this girl was tolerable or if she was going to annoy him like the rest. Roy glanced over at him before turning his attention back to the road, “you look like you’re desperately searching for a fuck to give” he commented.
 “Just some dumb bet Bruce made,” Jason shut off his phone before reclining back in his chair.
 “That’s not like Bruce, usually making dumb bets was something you guys did” Roy wracked his brain trying to imagine the stoic and serious Batman making a dumb bet.
 “Something about Catwoman and her little sidekick.” he drawled, “If Dick, Me, Replacement or Demon Spawn take her down, she becomes Batman’s little sidekick.  Like he doesn’t have enough of those running around”.
 “Ah, I’m guessing you don’t want to fight her when we make it back to Gotham City?” Roy asked, “wouldn’t it be hilarious if you taught her how to win against your brothers?”
 Jason gave a half-hearted chuckle, moments later his phone buzzed with more messages.  He was really looking forward to this little power nap, but he checked to make sure no one desperately needed his help.
 He sees the picture that she took with Damian tied up in the background.  Babs, Steph and Cass had watched the whole thing, with popcorn. While Tim had made that photo the new wallpaper on the Belfry’s computer.
 “Well, says here she literally wiped the floor with Demon Spawn, before swinging away on a yo-yo.” he said and they both laughed “now I’m just mad I won’t get to buy the girl a few drinks”.
 “I mean either way, I’m sure you’ll get your chance if you’re both in Gotham City.  I’m just sad that I’ll have to be your third wheel.” Roy said wistfully.
 “Roy, I had to listen to you and Kory in the next room,” Jason recalled, “you have no room to complain about third wheeling.”
 “Awh was little Jaybird jealous?” Roy joked.
 “Hey you’re the one who assumed that we banged in the first place,” he said “all I said was I was with her, and you decided to interpret that however you wanted”.
 “Well, it doesn’t matter anyway because she ran off to Miami to work through some things, and we’re just over here thinking about the good old days,” Roy said.  The two of them continued to drive in silence and Jason leaned back, trying to get some sleep before facing whatever chaos was waiting to greet them in Gotham City.
  Tim has researched all he could on this mysterious Lady Noire, yet there are several reported sightings of different vigilantes all with the same height and build. Lady Noire, Ladybug, Dragon bug. Tim compiled all known sightings onto his corkboard to get a clear picture of who this person is.
The fight between Dragon Bug and Damian provided him with crucial information on how he could counter Dragon Bug. Tim then donned his Red Robin costume and began patrol of Gotham City. Gliding across he spotted an usual sight, a costumed person standing on a rooftop. It had to be the one Batman told him about, the person he was to fight because of the bet.
Tim landed on a nearby rooftop to reconfirm the target. "Same height and build, but this costume is different." Tim sighed, he had noticed that each costume had its own power and abilities, and made detailed notes on each. Codename: Polka-dot had the power to summon an unknown household object. Codename: Catwoman II used an indestructible staff and the power of disintegration, Codename: Drake used a sword and came with the power of hydrokinesis.
However, he had no intel regarding this new costume. He decided to press his luck and use stealth to take her down. He leaped off the roof and began gliding towards her with a kick.
To his surprise, his target shrank at the last second, he glided through and smashed into a skylight, landing inside an abandoned building.
Multimouse followed suit and jumped in through the broken skylight. Landing right at the centre of the room, she simply stood there arms akimbo looking at him. Red Robin threw a smoke bomb, grappling to the rafters. Multimouse did not pursue, no sense of panic she simply walked to a wooden crate and sat on it.
Red Robin, took the opportunity to launch himself off and glided towards Multimouse with a kick. He was shocked to see her suddenly turn around as if she knew he was there the entire time, with perfect timing she grabbed and judo flipped Red Robin through the wooden crate. Wiping her hands in a dramatic manner, Multimouse walked to the centre of the room and crossed her arms. Red Robin crushed a smoke bomb with his hand, obscuring the area and diving towards an underground vent.
He began to wonder how she was able to counter him so effectively. "The power of foresight? 360 degrees x-ray vision? No it can't be." Red Robin thought to himself. While crawling in the vents to a position behind Multimouse, he berated himself for pressing his luck without any information on Multimouse. He peeked his head out of the vent, Multimouse had not moved, she continued to stare at Red Robin's previous location. Taking another chance, Red Robin jumped out of the underground vent ready for a takedown.
Again as if she was a clairvoyant she countered him perfectly, spinning on the spot and delivering a crushing kick to Red Robin’s midsection. Sending him flying across the room, he took out his staff and slowly got up, using the staff as if it was a cane. He stood on shaky legs, in disbelief.
He then begins to notice something unusual hanging on the hem of his cape. His eyes widen as he takes a closer look. A miniature clone of Multimouse was hanging on, his eyes snapped up to the rafters and then the vents. There were several miniature clones all over the building, all about the size of a small insect.
Red Robin's jaw dropped as he had this epiphany. Seeing her cue, Multimouse shrank down and spawned a horde of miniature clones. Millions of clones rush towards Red Robin, he begins swinging his staff, stomping on any clones on the ground, flailing his arms like a madman. The horde bellows a collective “Surrender,” Red Robins defiantly continues to fight.
Soon the swarm begins to cover Red Robin all the way up to his neck, his body unable to move. The Multimouse arms pulls off the cowl and begins pulling all of Red Robin’s hair. Red Robin, facing the agony of Multimouse waxing his head. “Ok, ok I give up.” he cried. As he finished his plea, the swarm dissipated and reforms to the singular human sized Multimouse. Red Robin is then left kneeling and staring at the strands of his own hair left on the floor.
Multimouse, seizing the opportunity to obtain a trophy of her efforts, takes a selfie with a poor, disheveled Red Robin in the background.
  Marinette was really starting to feel the effects of using different Miraculous for two nights straight. Dragon Bug was draining enough, but she had to use Multimouse to take on Red Robin.  That left Nightwing and The Red Hood, and she was starting to wonder what was the point of this game.  She felt like she was just fighting to win, fighting so that the person who took care of her when she first arrived in Gotham could prove a point.  If she won, then she would stay under Catwoman’s protection, and the Miraculous would be protected with her.  Though she was lucky that the Miraculous themselves didn’t look valuable enough to pique her interest.  If she lost to one of them, she would be under Batman’s protection instead.  She would become a part of the group of vigilantes who operate in the city, and she didn’t know how she felt about that either. How would she feel about seemingly being the only magic user among them?  How would he feel about her being a magic user?  She hadn’t even met the guy, all she knew was that he took an interest in her dealings with Catwoman.  Maybe she would encounter the Red Hood and he would make the choice for her by putting her out of her misery.  She decided to settle this fight once and for all as Ladybug, maybe then someone would give her some answers.  
 She got a text message from Catwoman, telling her to meet her on a rooftop that had gargoyles glaring down at the streets below.  Maybe she had information on where her next fight would be, she didn’t say.  By the time she got there, she saw two people eating fast food next to the gargoyles.  The first was a redhead in red armor, and the second was…
 “Get your own brooding spot, this one’s taken!” He yelled. Marinette looked up to see the other guy had a red domino mask, and in addition to being dressed in Kevlar and leather, had a red bat symbol on his chest.
 Marinette spun her yo-yo, getting ready for a fight. The redhead continued eating, while his dark-haired companion gave her a swift once over.
 “So, you’re the girl who took down Robin and Red Robin?” he asked, as if struggling to believe it.  
 “And you are?” she asked, when he put on the red helmet that was in his hand, it suddenly became clear.
 “So, looking for me?” he asked, “Or are you on your way to fight the original boy wonder?”
 “Honestly, I’ll take my chances with you.” Marinette said as she launched her yo-yo at his companion and wrapped the cord around him.
 “Wait, wait, wait why me?” the redhead cried,  then she threw him and sent him crashing into the Red Hood.  The pair of them slammed into a nearby wall before she released the redhead.  She unwound the cord and was getting ready to strike again.
 Underneath the sprawled out pile of bodies, Red Hood grunted “Arsenal, get your ass off of my face or else…” Arsenal got up before he could finish his threat and they both stood up.
 “So who checked ‘Fights with Toys’ off their bingo card?” Arsenal joked.
 “Is that the best you can do?” Red Hood taunted. He came at her with a knife in hand, when she leapt in the air and wrapped her yo-yo cord around his arm.  She launched herself at him, landing an aerial kick on his helmet. Red Hood grabbed her by the foot and flipped her over, sending her crashing to the ground.
“If you came here to fight me that’s one thing, not many people get to say they took on someone with a yo-yo and lived, unless you’re Toyman.” he said, as he lifted her up off the ground.  “If you think this is what it takes to face Nightwing, then you have no idea who you’re dealing with.”
 Ladybug took a few steps back after he helped her get to her feet, “so are you going to fight me instead?”
 “Pixie, take it from me, it’s really not all it’s cracked up to be.  As fun as it’s been watching you kick my brother’s asses, they are nothing compared to Nightwing.” he explained as he took off his helmet and set it down next to him.
 “What do you know about Nightwing?” she asked, still understandably guarded about the situation.
 “Oh what don’t I know, he’s basically Batman’s heir.” he told her “I’m just one of the spares, and that’s on a good day when I managed to not die.”
 Dick had made it clear days ago that he wasn’t going to fight her, he already put his foot down at how silly this whole thing was.  Jason, however, decided to have a little fun. “Honestly, you might as well just walk right into the batcave and challenge Batman yourself.” he told her, “I mean you won’t die, that’s kinda his whole deal, but you’ll be eating through a straw for the rest of your life.”
Jason, enjoying the anxiety bubble in the young woman, and he decided to crank it up to eleven.
“Nightwing is equal if not better than Batman in every way, he once took up the mantle of Batman when he was injured. Not only that, he broke Bane’s back.  He lifted a 7ft tall 500lb big guy, snapped his spine over his knee as if it was nothing.”  Jason moves his arms, mimicking the motion of breaking something over his knee. Ladybug began to sweat even more, struggling to imagine the powerhouse of a man to even accomplish such a feat.
Jason’s grin widens, “not only that, he fought a giant mutated bat the size of a man. He wrestled Man-Bat, putting him in a full nelson and smashing its face into solid concrete” Ladybug cringes at the thought of feeling the full force of having your face slammed into concrete. Jason gets ready for the coup de grace. “In fact, when he was 10 years old, he watched his parents get murdered by mobster Tony Zucco in front of his own eyes. After being taken under Batman’s wing, he went out for revenge. He chased after Tony for hours and cornered him in Crime Alley.
Tony died that night when Nightwent went after him, the official cause was a heart attack.”
Jason stops talking to look around him, as if he was paranoid and there were eyes all around him. He walks up to Ladybug and whispers to her ear “but between you and me, it wasn’t.”
 He turns to Roy, “but if she’s gonna try and take him on after all that, then we might as well pull up some chairs and watch.” he said, giving Roy a knowing look.
 “Oh yeah, I mean he’s no match for a cute girl and her yo-yo.” Roy joked.
 “Come on, he’s probably waiting on top of the Iceberg Lounge, and he doesn’t like to be kept waiting” he declared, Ladybug followed as the three of them made their way to the Iceberg Lounge. She felt her legs shaking, but it’s fine, she would at least live to tell the tale...right?
Nightwing stood on the roof of the Iceberg Lounge, carefully watching the whereabouts of the people going in and out of the area.  He heard footsteps and looked up to see three figures landing on the rooftop in front of him. He looked up to see Red Hood, Arsenal and a short girl who looked to be in her late teens, maybe early 20s.  He looked between them, then back at the girl who was spinning a red yo-yo with black polka dots.
Nightwing waved to them, figuring she would be the short girl mentioned in the bet between Batman and Catwoman. As he noticed the three, the short girl visibly frightened as he walked towards them.
 Nightwing sighed “what did you tell her?” he asked, he had better things to than get involved in Batman’s dumb little bet.  The outcome would have been someone joining the Bat family by force, even he had put his foot down by that point.  
 “I mean, nothing that wasn’t true.” Red Hood told him, “she might as well know who she’s dealing with.”
 “Right, and you probably told her you are just a soft teddy bear compared to me.” Nightwing remarked sarcastically, “was it to keep her from beating the stuffing out of you?”. At that point Ladybug was visibly confused, so Nightwing looked over at her “so how did you get dragged into this? Got sick of having to share a litter box?”
 Ladybug eyes Nightwing cautiously, thinking his joking mannerisms are an elaborate ruse to lower her guard. “What, don’t tell my Catwoman’s got your tongue?” Nightwing jokes with a large grin. Ladybug begins to slowly walk back, confused at how expectations did not match reality.
Nightwing points his thumb at Ladybug and talks to Red Hood, “Alright what did you tell her about me?” Red Hood raises his arms innocently “Like I said, nothing that wasn’t true.”
Nightwing raises his eyebrow at Red Hood and crosses his arms. “Alright I told her how you took down Bane and Man-Bat by yourself” Red Hood admits. “And?” Nightwing begins tapping his foot. “I may have, insinuated that you may or may not have had something to do with Tony Zucco's heart attack”
Nightwing facepalms, “well so much for first impressions, let's start over shall we?”
 Nightwing reaches his hand out to Ladybug, “Name’s Richard but everyone calls me Dick”
Marinette tentatively reaches out to shake his hand, “I know you aren’t enthusiastic about this bet, neither am I. I don’t want to knock your spots off, so how about I lie on the ground, you take a picture for Catwoman and you fly off into the sunset”
 “Where would I go?” she asked,
 “She could come with us.” Red Hood suggested, “nothing would annoy Batman more.”
 “Right, and next she’ll start asking me if I actually hypnotize people with my ass.” Nightwing said as he raised an eyebrow at him.  “Think Catwoman would let you take her?”
 “We already asked, someone has to look after this pipsqueak while she’s doing what she does best, alone”, Red Hood explained.
 Ladybug felt herself calming down a lot more at that moment.  She came to this city not really knowing anyone, feeling like there was no one else looking out for her.  Now, for the first time in a long time, she felt like she was going to be in good hands.
 Bonus 1:
Roy: So, should we call ourselves “Red Arse Bug” or “Lady Red Arse”?
Jason: Do you want me to throw you off this roof?
 Bonus 2:
Ladybug: So you all had to wear red, yellow and green?
Red Hood: Yup.
Ladybug: What was it like?
Red Hood: I did my time in the pixie boots, Pixie.  Doesn’t mean I like to talk about it.
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iwasbored777 · 3 years
Are there Adrien Salt takes that you agree with?
Most of Adrien salt I see are usually that he's a r@pist or that he is pathetic for not standing up to his father so of course I don't agree with it.
Now the difference is that I do agree with criticism sometimes, but I also agree with Marinette criticism sometimes or criticism of the show or any of the characters. I myself sometimes criticise something. It's normal. But I don't like salt that is attacking a character and claiming that he is dumb or anything. I myself don't like to salt and salt takes are often too aggressive and salters can be horrible.
I hate the artist who drew Chat Noir punching Ladybug with a piece of wood just as much as I hate Lukanette artists who wrote, under their work, that Adrien should be thrown in the trash cuz no one needs him. That is just horrible. And you know what's worse? Those two artworks got over 2000 notes each that mostly praise them. I have nothing against Lukanette but can you NOT insult a rival love interest? And this violent Ladynoir art is just awful... I wish I remember who these people were to block them.
I don't like toxic Adrien stans but I don't like any toxic stans no matter what character they like. I mean, those who constantly argue and salt on every other character and demonise every other character and try to make their favourite character look pure and all, like Taylor Swift said "you need to calm down". As Marinette stan I myself could salt on Alya or Adrien or the class or anyone who breathes near her to make it look like she's the most perfect character of all, but I'm not that kind of a person and I don't see the need for that.
Remember: If you have to salt on every other character to make your character look better, your character is not that good.
So no, I have never come across Adrien salt take that I actually agree with. Criticism of anything is sometimes welcome, but one time I wrote just a slightly critical post, that wasn't even critical that much, and I immediately got a salty ask about the same thing. So, salt is not welcome on my account unless I salt on the salters, if you know what I mean 😅 and some characters I actually dislike. Especially Adrien and Marinette salt is unacceptable here. On this account I stan both of these traumatised kids.
Thank you for this ask.
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i don’t love you (like i did yesterday)
genre(s): angst. pure angst. lots of hurt but no comfort
fandom: miraculous ladybug
rating: g・t・r
word count: 1.2k
warning(s): none, like one use of fuck i think
things to know: y/n (your name) ⟢ e/c (your eye colour)
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For a while now, you’d noticed him pulling away. 
At the beginning of your relationship it seemed that, when possible, Luka always wanted to be with you. He was by your side when you were walking down the street; holding your hand when you were sitting on the couch watching rom-coms. Of course you hadn’t minded, as you’d wanted to always be with him too. He was charming, thoughtful, kind, gentle: everything you’d ever wanted in a partner.
But as of late– the last couple of months or so– you had noticed him pulling away. 
At first it was little things, like forgetting to send good morning or good night texts, which he’d done every morning and every night since the beginning of your relationship up until a few weeks ago.
Then he’d stopped inviting you to hang out at the ship. He wasn’t sending you songs that reminded you of him, or chords he’d devised just for how you made him feel. Whenever you’d text him, asking him if he wanted to hang out, there was always something else going on.
Your heart was hurting, and you couldn’t stop your brain from thinking that maybe you’d done something to make him not want to be around you anymore. You found yourself digging a hole of doubt, your tendency to overthink coming into play more often than not. 
What was it that you had done? You’d spent days retracing your steps, trying to think back to what you could’ve possibly said or done. The realization didn't hit you until after you had spent countless nights crying yourself to sleep; who said it was anything you’d done? You had run through all the possible scenarios, and none of them led back to you messing up. 
You knew you needed to talk to Luka.
 Because as much as it hurt your heart to say it to yourself, this–  whatever it was– wasn’t a relationship anymore.
That morning, as soon as you’d woken up, you’d texted Luka to meet you outside of the Louvre, making sure to add that it was non-negotiable. You hardly bothered to throw on an outfit, feeling as though your efforts would be wasted. Slipping into your shoes, you took your time going down the stairs of your family’s home. 
Now here you are, wringing your hands in front of the glass pyramid, waiting for your boyfriend to show up.
Your mind is swirling with a plethora of possible ways this could go, most of them terrible. One even includes abduction by aliens.
“‘Luka,’” you mutter to yourself as you begin practicing what you’re going to say. “‘Why have you been acting so weird?’ No, that’s dumb. ‘Is everything okay?’ Dumber. Fuck.”
You whip around to find Luka approaching you. He wears black skinny jeans and his favourite hoodie over a white top. 
He gives you a dampened smile, shoving his hands into the pockets of the faded blue zip up.
The sight of him makes your chest tightened. You kick yourself for still feeling like this, still feeling that same want you felt at the beginning of your relationship. You take a deep breath, the feeling like you're choking on air kicking in, a stone starting to settle in the pit of your stomach. As he walks closer to you with an expectant look in his eyes, you want to shrivel, to disintegrate on spot, your gaze meeting Luka’s cerulean one. 
“So what’s going on, Luka?” you say, finding that you have to bite your tongue from blurting out all your doubts, worries, and frustrations. 
“What do you mean?” he quirks a brow.
You were never planning on being hostile with him when you planned out this conversation. You knew he was a good person and that he would never hurt you, so why did you feel anger rising in your throat like an oily snake? “What do I mean? Come on. Why have you been so distant lately?”
He looks at his feet, nudging at the ground. How could he not see this?
“y/n,” he murmurs. “I just . . . I tried, you know? I tried to keep feeling things for you, because I never wanted to hurt you. You of all people don’t deserve it,” he says. He brings a hand up, gesturing to you. He breathes out a long but measured sigh. “But I don’t– I don’t . . .”
“You don’t . . . what?” you start, but your mouth falls open as you realize what he’s trying to say. 
All of the sudden, a huge lump rises in your throat, like barbed wire threatening to pierce your skin if you speak. What he was saying made sense, was rational even, but that didn't stop the wave of dread crashing over you. 
He was what you wanted, what you had been trying to keep so badly for what seemed like months now, but you knew what was coming. The way he couldn’t quite meet your eyes told you all you needed to know. 
The corners of your eyes sting and you fight the urge to let any tears spill over your cheeks.
“I don’t love you anymore.” he breathes, confirming what you’d just figured out. 
There it is. 
There’s a part of you that wants to scream, and punch and kick something. Another part of you wants to let your knees give out then crumble to the ground in tears. 
But you swallow hard, nodding once. 
“Okay,” you monotone, but you can hear the ever so slight break in your voice and you hope to god Luka doesn’t. 
“Y/n,” he sighs, stepping toward you. you shake your head, taking a quick step back. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“No, I get it. I do,” you laugh sardonically. You’re not mad, you remind yourself. At least you try to convince yourself that you're not. “It's not like I didn't see it coming,” you reason as you wipe your eyes with your forearm. “It just, um,” your voice cracks, fading as your throat tightens, ripping away your ability to speak without crying even more. “It hurts?” you say, almost questioning yourself. 
It was like everything you wanted was standing right in front of you, literally within your grasp, yet there was a glass wall preventing you from reaching out and taking what you so badly wanted to be yours. Like in the movies, things were coming back in bursts, the memories of you and him trying not to get caught kissing when he came to pick you up after ditching school, the dinners with your parents and him, the deafening laughter sounding off the streets when you both got caught in the rain, soaking you to the bone. 
You couldn’t stop him from leaving. You knew that. But that was the worst part, wasn’t it? Knowing what was coming but not being able to keep it from happening? 
Luka takes a step forward with this look in his eyes: looking at you as if you were a kicked puppy or something. He makes a move to hug you, but you take a step back.
“Luka don’t,” you whisper almost inaudibly. “don’t make it any harder than it already is.”
“I’m sorry, y/n.” he says again.
“Yeah I know,” you say. “You already said that.” 
You take a deep breath, gathering your composure. “Luka, you’re a good person. I hope you’re happy, I do,” you say earnestly, trying your best to keep up a smile. “But don’t stand here trying to comfort me. Not like this. Not now.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this, y/n,” he says. “I never thought it would. I uh, I really thought we’d make it.”
“Mhm,” you nodded, your watery smile breaking for a moment. “So did I.”
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