#I mentioned this in the tags on my previous post
thetravelerwrites · 2 days
What is Expected, What is Understood (The Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts) Part 1
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Rating: Explicit Fandoms: Niehime to Kemono no Ou | Sacrificial Princess & the King of Beasts Relationships: Sariphi & Leonhart, Amit & Jormungand Additional Tags: Loss of Virginity, Blood Mention, Discussion of Conception, Discussion of Pregnancy, Discussions of Oral Sex, Detailed Descriptions of Sex, Discussion of Menstruation, Breeding, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Extension of Canon Words: 4929
It's been four years since their wedding and, for one reason or another, Sariphi and Leonhart still have not consummated their union. Under the constant pressure to produce an heir, and after a disastrous first attempt, they realize they are unprepared and decide to hire a midwife.
This one has been up on my Ao3 for a while, but I decided to bring it to tumblr. Please reblog and leave feedback!
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Four years had passed so quickly since the wedding that it felt to Sariphi like it had been no time at all. Even still, she often struggled to believe it was real and not some fanciful fever dream she had conjured up as a coping mechanism as she waited in passive acceptance for the day of sacrifice to arrive. 
Now nineteen, Sariphi was a little less impulsive than she had been when she first came to the kingdom, making a conscious effort to conduct herself with more dignity and grace now that she was queen, but she was no less enthusiastic and eager. Her influence was felt in every corner of the palace, like a breath of fresh air. Staff who had been working in the palace since the time of the previous king could feel a dramatic difference in the atmosphere: the palace had been tense and darkly oppressive during the reign of the former king, while it was silently somber and cold after His Majesty had ascended the throne. Sariphi’s presence had made the palace warmer, lighter, and more brilliantly bright in comparison. 
After many, many intensive lessons, Sariphi had finally taken on some of the administrative work from Anubis within the last few months, with Amit as her assistant. The work was hard but rewarding, and Sariphi was simply happy to be helpful. Even so, it was still two months before Anubis would let her do any of the work on her own without hovering over her shoulder, watching for mistakes.
“Should this document be filed under regional, capitol, or national?” Sariphi asked Amit one afternoon while working. “It’s an assistance request for the outer ring of the capital city, but that falls on the border with the nearby province of Reiza.”
“Hmm,” Amit said, looking over it. “Who sent the request?”
“Both the governor of Reiza and the alderman of that district of the city. It’s a joint request.”
“Ah. Perhaps make copies of it and file it under all three. That way, there would be a record of the request for every category. For reference.” 
“I see.” 
Before being sent as a bridal candidate and eventually becoming Sariphi’s official companion and lady-in-waiting, Amit had been thoroughly educated in administration, so her help was invaluable to Sariphi, who’d had none of that training before ascending the throne. Although it would have been expected of her to take on the administration work immediately after becoming queen if she had been a beast princess, she had been far too busy learning history, etiquette, language, and politics in the first year to even begin administration.
“We’ve been at this for hours,” Amit said, sighing. “Why don’t we take a break? I have tea and snacks I made myself. Everything was checked before I used it.” 
“Who checked it?” Sariphi asked suspiciously. 
“It wasn’t me!” Amit insisted. “The ingredients were tested by the imperial alchemist, I swear!”
“Hmm,” Sariphi said, taking a biscuit. “If you say so.”
Sariphi had nearly fallen victim to a couple of assassination attempts in recent years perpetrated by anti-human militants that had infiltrated the palace staff, those who still resented the king for his lineage and her for her mere existence. As a result, every bit of food and drink that was placed before her for the last year had to be tested and monitored closely from kitchen to table. Amit had tried to appoint herself Sariphi’s poison tester, but Sariphi had quashed that idea immediately. As had Jormungand.
Sariphi yawned as she accepted a cup of tea. 
“Are you tired today?” Amit asked. 
“Yeah,” Sariphi admitted. “I haven’t been sleeping well.” 
“Oh? Why is that?” 
“Well… I heard the maids talking. They seem to feel like an heir should have been conceived by now.” 
“Are you bothered by that?” 
“A little.” 
“You shouldn’t take it to heart, Sari,” Amit said, patting her shoulder. “They’re just worried about you.”
“It’s not just them. The royal council has been putting pressure on His Majesty about it since the wedding. Anubis has been dropping suggestions in that roundabout way he does, too. His Majesty is sick of hearing about it.”
Amit laughed. “You don’t need to worry too much about it,” She said. “You and His Majesty love each other so much that I’m sure you’ll hear good news very soon.” 
Sariphi blushed and looked away. “I don’t think that’s true.” 
“Why not?” 
“Well… we’d have to… He’d need to… we haven’t…” Sariphi stuttered to a stop and hid behind her hair, embarrassed. 
Amit gasped. “You haven’t…” She squeaked and blushed as well. “Consummated your nuptials yet? Anyone against your union could use that as ammunition to force you to annul the marriage if they found out! They could use that to make His Majesty take a concubine! It’s been four years!” 
“I know!” Sariphi exclaimed, and then lowered her voice. She was glad Cy and Clops weren’t there in her office at the time and that Bennu was fast asleep in his gilded cage. “But he’s never touched me and I’ve been too nervous to make a move on him. I know he’s worried about hurting me, but… I’ve also wondered… if he wasn’t interested in me like that.”
“But he loves you!” Amit said.
“I know he loves me, I’ve never doubted that he loves me, but romantic love and sexual love don’t always go hand-in-hand.”
“Have you talked to him about it?” 
“I’ve only brought it up once recently. He told me that I’m still young and we have lots of time and not to worry about it. I’m nervous that if I bring it up too much, he’ll shut me out. He has a bad habit of keeping his worries to himself.”
“He’s not alone in that,” Amit said shrewdly, and then covered her mouth with her hands at her own boldness.
Sariphi sighed. “I know. It’s not just about having heirs. I… I want to be more intimate with him. I want to be his wife in every possible way.”
“Have you told him that?” 
“No. I guess my mistake was assuming he would already know that. I forgot that he can be hesitant when it comes to personal relationships, even when he really cares for someone. After hiding his true self for so long and only existing for the sake of the kingdom, he’s still learning to voice his desires. He doesn’t know how to be selfish or ask for things he wants for himself.”
“You should talk to him again and tell him how you feel. I really envy that you and His Majesty can talk to each other so openly. I hope Captain Jormungand and I can have that kind of relationship once we marry.”
Jormungand and Amit had been engaged for nearly half a year and their wedding was planned for spring. Sariphi was so excited to be the Matron of Honor for her, since none of Amit’s family would be attending to stand with her. Though Jormungand may have the Captain of the Imperial Guard and a talented man with many accomplishments and accolades, the royals of Murga were still affronted by the fact that Amit would be marrying a commoner. According to Amit, being shunned by her family was nothing new, since she had no value to them as the fifth princess, and although she tried to behave unperturbed, Sariphi knew she was sad about it. 
Amit was acutely aware that it was a serious breach of etiquette to even ask the queen to participate in the wedding of a commoner, and though she knew Sariphi would be overjoyed to accept, she couldn’t bring herself to ask. It was Jormungand, not Amit, who asked Sariphi to be Amit’s Matron of Honor in her stead. Jormungand, who had no family, was quite unhappy that Amit’s family had snubbed her due to her marriage to him, though he knew their relationship had always been strained. He decided there was no higher honor, nor greater satisfaction, than having the queen of the realm standing in their place, especially considering the king himself would be standing for Jormungand. Sariphi agreed wholeheartedly and accepted with delight.
“You’re right,” Sariphi said. “I’ll talk to him tonight.” 
Sariphi was nervous all through the dinner banquet and avoided His Majesty’s eye out of embarrassment. She could feel him staring at her, though he said nothing to her and the evening passed without fuss.
That night, after they retired for the evening, had their baths, and returned to their chambers, he caught her by the waist and easily lifted her onto his shoulder, which he was still prone to doing when they were alone. After climbing into the bed, he sat her atop his lap and caged her in his embrace. 
“Out with it,” He said without preamble. “Why have you been avoiding my gaze all evening?” 
“Why do you have to be so inconveniently perceptive?” Sariphi sighed exasperatedly.
“Anyone with eyes could have observed your odd behavior,” He retorted. “My queen is many things, but subtle she is not.” 
“Something Anubis will probably scold me for later, I’m sure,” Sariphi agreed. “As he always says, ‘Tact and decorum is the benchmark of every great queen’.”
“Do not change the subject,” Leonhart said, squishing her face in his claws. “What troubles you?”
Sariphi sighed. “I was thinking about the heirs thing again.” 
Leonhart sighed in turn. “We have discussed this. There is an abundance of time to worry about that. It is not something that requires your concern at present.” 
“When should I be concerned?”
“Never. It is not worth your energy.”
“Amit said that if anyone finds out that we haven’t consummated our marriage, they could lawfully force you to take a concubine or make us get an annulment.” 
“Which is why it shall not be discovered.” 
“Leo… It’s not just that,” Sariphi replied. “Talking to Amit today made me realize… the reason why it bothers me isn’t just the need for an heir.” 
“What is the reason, then?” 
Sariphi flushed and picked at a single strand of his mane rather than looking him in the face. 
“I… We… We’ve been married for four years now… and we haven’t… been intimate… and I wondered if you weren’t interested in such things.”
Leonhart was silent and Sariphi, feeling anxious, began rambling very fast.
“I know we had discussed having kids before and I know you don’t want to hurt me, but you had mentioned that you wanted to have at least two, but we need to be intimate for that to happen, but you’ve never made a move, so I thought you didn’t want to, but I–” 
“Sariphi, stop,” Leonhart said, taking her chin and making her look at him. “You do not need to explain yourself, I understand what you are saying. To tell the truth… you are correct. I have been hesitant to attempt intimacy with you because I do not wish to hurt you. The difference in our size obviously means that the act would cause you immense discomfort. You did not seem to show much interest in it, either, so I assumed until now that you were satisfied to wait.” 
“So… you do want to? Be intimate with me, I mean?” 
“I do wish for that, yes,” Leonhart said. “Of course I do. Truthfully… I have thought of it quite often as of late, especially now that you have grown taller and gained weight. It is hard not to notice how… lovely you look, and your warm body lying next to me every night is often difficult to ignore. But as I said… I worry about hurting you.” 
“Perhaps it won’t hurt,” Sariphi said optimistically. “We’ll never know until we try, right?”
“I suppose you have a point,” Leonhart agreed, though he looked skeptical. “You also truly wish to be intimate with me?”
“Yes, I do,” She said earnestly. “I’m your wife and I love you. I want to do all the things husbands and wives do.” 
“I see,” He said slowly. “Do you… wish to try tonight?” 
Sariphi gulped but nodded. “No time like the present. Honestly, I’ve been ready for a long time, I just didn’t know how to tell you.” 
“I see.” Leonhart took a deep breath. “I fear I have no experience with this. I am unsure how to begin.” 
Sariphi moved off of Leonhart’s lap. Kneeling next to him and plucking up her courage, she carefully drew her nightgown over her head and off of her body, then removed her undergarments, fully exposing herself to him for the very first time. His eyes widened and his breathing sped up slightly. Rolling onto his knees as well, he reached out to touch her but stopped short, seeming unsure, looking at his large claws in dismay.
“It’s okay, Leo,” Sariphi said, moving forward to press her breast to his palm. “You can touch me. You won’t hurt me. It’s okay.”
As much as she tried to reassure him, he was still intensely cognizant that his claws could wrap around her entire body with room to spare, claws that were strong enough to rend solid stone, and his need to be careful was obvious. Instead, he turned his hand and caressed one of her nipples with the back of the claw on his first finger. She inhaled sharply and made a slight sound, biting her lip. She looked anxious, but she gazed at his face with open trust. 
Leonhart leaned forward and pressed his nose to the hollow of her neck, breathing in deeply. She reached up and raked her fingers through the fur of his neck. His arms encircled her, and he pulled her bare body against his own clothed chest. He felt himself stir below, and shrugged his arms out of their sleeves. He pulled her toward him and lay her down on the bed under him, stripping off the drape around his waist and letting it fall heavily to the floor. Her beautiful body lay open to him, her silver-white hair spread out around her head like a glowing halo, and she reached for him.
Carefully lowering his body over hers, he kissed her. She moaned softly and moved underneath him, stroking his chest. He pressed his hardness to her entrance, pausing for a moment to observe her face before attempting to enter her slowly. She seemed fine at first, but as he pushed harder, her brow furrowed and her breath stuttered. 
“Are you alright?” He asked. 
She didn’t speak, but nodded. He continued, but stopped when she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, holding her breath. 
“Are you sure I should carry on?” 
“Yes,” She said, her voice strained. “It’s okay.” 
He had barely moved an inch when he noticed tears gathering in her eyes, and the moment he caught the scent of blood, he removed himself and climbed off of her. Sure enough, there was blood on the sheets under her. It wasn’t a lot, but it was more than enough to ruin his mood.
“Why did you stop?” Sariphi asked, wiping her eyes. 
“I have hurt you, just as I feared I would,” He said, putting his clothing back on and stooping to gather up her clothes as well. 
“I’ve heard it’s normal to bleed the first time,” She insisted. “Many women do.” 
“It is not just that,” He said. “I could see on your face that you were in pain.” 
“It wasn’t that bad, I swear!” She said, holding her nightgown to her chest. “I can do it! Even if it’s painful, I can handle it! I still have to bear your successor regardless! Everyone expects it of us!”
“As loath as I am to hurt you for my own satisfaction, I am even less inclined to do so to suit the wishes of others,” Leonhart said. “We will try again another day, when you have healed. I refuse to injure you further.”
“No,” He said, his voice leaving no room for argument. “Not tonight. It is not as though I am suggesting we never consummate, but it seems we are not ready for this yet.”
“Leo, it’s been four years.”
“I am well aware of that, Sariphi. Neither of us know much about this subject. We need… help. Advice.”
“Advice from whom?” 
“I am unsure,” Leonhart admitted.
"Are there books we could read?"
"Oh, I am certain there are, but I do not even know where to begin looking, nor do I wish to ask. All I am certain of is that I do not wish to cause you further pain. There must be something we can do to make this… process… easier.” He took her nightgown out of her hands and pulled it back over her head. “I’m far more concerned with the well-being of the woman I love than I am for any amorphous children who are yet to exist. Whatever our responsibilities may be, you are my wife before you are the queen.”
“Shouldn’t it be the other way ‘round?” Sariphi asked, reluctantly pulling on her undergarments. “The queen exists for the country, so her discomfort is not important if it’s for the good of the people, right?”
“Perhaps,” He said. “But I care not. If it would cause you harm, it is not worth doing.” 
“Do you not want to be intimate anymore?” 
“No, I still wish for that,” He replied. “But only if it is good for us to do so. For both of us.” He pulled her back into his lap and embraced her once more. “Do not misunderstand, Sariphi. I love and desire you. That has not changed, nor will it ever. Be assured of that fact and do not fret.” 
“Okay,” She said, cuddling into his chest. Though he was not one for words, he seemed to always know what she needed to hear. They lay down together and tried to sleep, but neither found much rest that night.
The next morning, His Majesty insisted that Sariphi stay in their chambers and rest for the day, calling Amit to keep her company. Sariphi had to admit, she was a little bit sore, and gratefully accepted. 
“How did it go?” Amit asked once they were alone. “I heard the maids say there was blood on the sheets.”
Sariphi shook her head. “We tried, but he stopped almost immediately when I started bleeding. He says he won’t try again until we get some sort of help.” 
“What sort of help?” 
“I don’t know,” Sariphi admitted. “I don’t know who we could possibly ask about this.”
Amit sat quietly in deep thought. “What about a midwife?” 
“Certainly,” Amit said. “A midwife could solve this problem, wouldn’t you think? Conception, pregnancy, and childbirth are the sole scope of their expertise, is it not?” 
“Well, sure,” Sariphi agreed. “But is there one in the palace?” 
“Oh,” Amit said contemplatively. “I’m not sure. Anubis would know. Hiring staff who work directly with the royal family is one of his many duties.” 
Sariphi blushed. “I couldn’t possibly ask Anubis about this.” 
“Then mention it to His Majesty and have him pass on the message to Anubis. If the palace doesn’t have a midwife, then they can find one.”
The next day, after Sariphi told His Majesty about it the night before, His Majesty sat in his office, pouring over paperwork, when he finally broached the subject with Anubis. 
Anubis looked up from his own work. “Yes, Sire?”
“Does the palace have an imperial midwife at present?”
“A midwife?” Anubis echoed in surprise. “Could Her Majesty be…?”
“No,” His Majesty replied, looking into the far distance out of the closest window in an effort to appear magnanimous rather than embarrassed. “Not as of yet. It is for that reason we require such a person to seek their advice on the matter. It seems Her Majesty has been quite worried about the constant prattling on the subject of an heir, despite the fact that the queen is still quite young and we have only been married a short time.”
“Four years is plenty of time to conceive an heir, Sire,” Anubis pointed out.
His Majesty glared at him.
“I-I see,” Anubis replied hastily. “The palace has not had an imperial midwife since the passing of the previous queen. By rights, a new imperial midwife should have been appointed upon the queen’s ascension, but in the aftermath of the attempted insurrection prior to the sovereign marriage rites, and then the peace talks with Yoana directly after, it appears that the appointment was overlooked.” 
“Very well. Hire one immediately.” 
“Of course, sire,” Anubis said, but he paused. “Although… I am concerned that there may not be any midwife in Ozmargo willing to take the position.” 
“Because the queen is human?” 
“Well, yes,” Anubis said delicately. 
His Majesty sighed. “I had believed this sort of discrimination would have been much reduced by now, though I suppose it is to be expected.” 
“I didn’t mean necessarily in terms of discrimination. More to the point, I doubt that there are any of beastkind in the kingdom who would know how to treat a human.” 
“Ah,” His Majesty said. Anubis was correct, of course. “Could we not call one from Yoana?” 
“I suppose we could,” Anubis said. “But what woman in her right mind would make that journey? The way between the kingdoms is still treacherous and full of peril. Even with guaranteed security, there may not be any who would agree to such a dangerous undertaking.” 
“Post a job notice regardless, in both Ozmargo and Yoana. If even one person were to answer, that would be enough to begin moving forward.” 
“As you wish, Sire,” Anubis said. He bowed and excused himself.
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It took more than two months to finally get a response to the job posting. An old, bent woman of the pangolin tribe, leaning on a walking stick, ambled up to the palace after sending a notice that she would take on the position. The scales of her tail rasped across the marble floor as she walked, making something like a soft rattlesnake sound. Her eyes were bleary and brown in color with blue along the edges of the iris. She looked around the palace as if unimpressed. 
Anubis, having been notified of her arrival, met her at the large double doors of the throne room. 
“I understand you are the one who responded to the request for an imperial midwife?” Anubis asked without pleasantries. 
“Yessir,” The old woman said, her voice cracking with age. 
“Your name, so I may announce you to His Majesty?” 
“Coral will do.” 
“I see. Follow me.” 
Anubis turned at the guardsmen manning the doors and nodded. The doors swung open, and sitting there were both His and Her Majesties. His Majesty’s throne sat center stage on the raised dais with Her Majesty’s smaller throne to his immediate right, turned slightly to face him. Sariphi wasn’t used to receiving guests while sitting on her throne yet, so she often stayed silent unless directly spoken to. His Majesty had told her she didn’t need to receive the guests if she didn’t want to, but Sariphi had insisted she wanted to take her role as queen seriously, and that included being a welcoming host.
“Your Majesties,” Anubis said, coming up and bowing. “I present Coral, the woman who has answered the request for an imperial midwife.” 
“Very well,” His Majesty said, waving his hand. Anubis bowed again and stepped to the side, allowing the old woman to stagger toward the dais. “We welcome you, Coral. Before your official appointment, you must prove yourself capable of the duties you will be assigned. We have the documentation and testimonials you sent us beforehand, but that will be useless to us if you are deemed unfit for the position.” 
“Seems fine,” Coral said amiably. “Although it seems like you’ve not got much choice, elseways, as I'm the only one who showed up.” 
“Mind your tongue!” Anubis hissed. “You are in the presence of Their Majesties, if you’ve forgotten! Be respectful!” 
“Hush up, pup,” She said, flapping her hand at him dismissively. Anubis seethed, but His Majesty waved him down “I’m as old as dirt and twice as bitter, so I ain’t all that keen on niceties. If you want to get all bent out of shape ‘cause I’m not standin’ on ceremony, you go right ahead, but I reckon I was called here for a reason, and that ain’t it.”
Sariphi hid a giggle. Coral reminded her of Bennu and she instantly felt affection for the old woman.
“Indeed,” His Majesty said, nonplussed. “Are you confident you can treat a human?” 
“Sure, sure,” Coral said with a shrug. “I’ve been a midwife for nearly a century now, and I’ve helped all manner of child into the world. Humans are mammals, as I understand, and the basics of mammals are reasonably similar; the bits are usually in the same place and work just the same. Usually. Shouldn’t be a problem.”
“We understand,” His Majesty said, standing. “What do you need to begin?” 
“Well, to start, I need to examine the girlie here,” Coral said, nodding at Sariphi.  “She’s the one I’ll be lookin’ after, I figure.” 
His Majesty glanced at Sariphi, who nodded and stood up. 
“You are permitted to conduct an examination,” He said. “Though you will not do so alone. Princess Amit will be present for the examination, and Captain Lantevelt will stand guard outside of the door.” 
His Majesty motioned for the edge of the dais, where Amit and Jormungand stood. Amit stepped forward while Jormungand stepped back. He also motioned near the other side of the dais, where Lantevelt was standing. He joined Amit and waited for Sariphi to step down. 
“There is a dedicated room for you in which you may work,” Anubis told Coral. “And your sleeping accommodations are also located there. Princess Amit knows where it is and will lead you there. If you pass the trial period and are hired, you will report directly to Their Majesties or to myself. Do you understand?”
“Yes, yes, you’re very important, I get it.”
Anubis growled in agitation. 
“You will relay your findings to us when you have finished,” His Majesty said. “Afterward, we wish to speak to you privately.”
“You got it, boss,” Coral said, not waiting to be dismissed and waving her stick at Amit. “Lead on, missy.”
“Yes,” Amit said, bowing. “Follow me, please.” 
Sariphi patted His Majesty’s hand briefly before following Amit, Lantevelt, and Coral. His Majesty watched the group walk out of the throne room and sat back on his throne. 
“You seem worried, Sire,” Jormungand told him. “Her Majesty is well, I trust?”
“She is as robust as she has ever been, yes,” His Majesty replied. “It is not out of fear for her health that I do this.”
“I do not presume to know what troubles you, Sire,” Jormungand said. “But as a soon-to-be husband myself, I can imagine I may face similar tribulations in the future. You have my sympathies.” 
“Hmm,” His Majesty said, standing. “Your concern is appreciated, Captain.”
Anubis sniffed in discomfort. “As I have nothing to contribute to this conversation, I will carry on with my duties. If you will excuse me.” He bowed and left. 
Jormungand laughed. “As cold as ever, Abi.” He turned back to His Majesty. “I shall also take my leave, Sire.” 
“You may do so,” His Majesty said. As Jormungand bowed and made to depart, His Majesty called suddenly. “Jormungand.”
Jormungand halted and turned on his heel. “Yes, Sire?”
“We must imagine Anubis would find discussing domestic troubles quite… distasteful,” He began slowly. “Would we be correct in assuming you would be… more receptive to such things?” 
Jormungand tilted his head. “That may be. Certainly more so than Abi.” 
“In the future…” His Majesty said, but then stopped himself. 
Jormungand realized what His Majesty was trying to ask and chuckled. 
“If ever you need an ear, Your Majesty, I’m more than willing to lend you both of mine. Feel free to call me Jor when we are alone. If it suits you, of course.” 
His Majesty showed a hint of a smile, since no one else besides himself and Jormungand was there to see it. “We are… I am grateful. Jor. Thank you.” 
Jormungand gave him a good-natured laugh.
“What are friends for, Your Majesty?”
With that, Jormungand bowed again and excused himself.
Friends. For many years, His Majesty had debated whether it was appropriate or even possible for a king to have friends. His father… well, his uncle, the previous king, certainly had no one that could be considered a friend. The closest would have been the previous Anubis, the current Anubis’s father, though the previous king barely batted an eyelash when his most loyal vassal had died right in front of him. 
When he first became king, His Majesty had emulated the previous king in behavior, since he had no other example to follow. Now, after having met Sariphi, he had come to realize that the previous king’s life was rather… empty. Hollow. As such, His Majesty decided that he didn’t wish to live the same way. Granted, having friends would require him to be more open, which he still found difficult, but he believed it would be worth it in the end. 
He’d had only one friend since he was a boy. Now... he had two. His Majesty smiled to himself and went back to his office.
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The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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nerdnag · 10 months
Just in case there are people here who haven't actually heard the 4 chord song
0 notes
cherrirui-official · 6 months
@ohposhers I blame you for this
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J*hn D*ry do NOT interact 😤✋
516 notes · View notes
turtleblogatlast · 3 months
[ cw: trauma / ptsd / violence / brainwashing / ]
I’m not done talking about Raph and Leo yet because you know what kills me? How the beginning of the movie with Raph very angry at Leo to the point of lashing out at him is paralleled with how the end of the movie has the Krang very, very angry at Leo and beating him horrifically.
Both Raph and the Krang are so much bigger than Leo, both have been very angry with him, and both deem him responsible for ruining their respective missions.
To make matters worse, Raph’s body was used to hurt Leo. So it’d make sense for Leo to just…flinch, sometimes. To have his body reflectively brace for a blow that will not come because Raph would see this and just be horrified. Their fights, their roughhousing, their existing together all have a newfound and unwanted extra layer to them.
And Raph? Raph is traumatized enough having been brainwashed the way he was, turned into a monster in a way he always dreads in general. To be made into the antithesis of a hero and instead be a villain’s pawn, made to hurt his own family…poor kid, to say the least.
Can’t imagine what it must feel like, the first time post invasion that Raph gets mad at Leo and they fall into their old dynamic only for Leo to see the Krang and for Raph to feel like he is the Krang.
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iphigeniacomplex · 10 months
My name is Camille. I am a born transgendered woman. When I was a child I said that I was a girl but the world called me a "faggot." Under the sky of pain called psychiatry I was locked away for many years and had the requisite tortures: the terror of electroshock, my bones broken, my body drugged and raped. I was not raised as a gender but as a bug of a child to be smashed. I am nobody's victim. My body belongs to me & so does my holy brain. I am the ghost of the untapped conscience of shrinks, a lurking justice, a part of the gathering truth that is rising with a common voice out of the wake of their evil blue fire. Transsexuals are born into the book of labels. We may be genetic but we are not genetically defective sub-human creatures. By the very nature of our difference, the independence of our alien spirituality, and the passion of the power of our will, we are a threat to the ruling delusions of the mental death profession. No one has our permission to debate the validity of our existence, to define our reality, to dismiss our pain, and to name us. We name ourselves. If you could look into the collective genetic memory of your humanity you would find us in the rivers of your dreams, for we were always here, we were here when Earth was a green spirit. We were a natural occurrence in a singing world. In times of absolute horror and destruction I wish for you all the transformational creativity of an utterly beautiful madness, and I offer you the blessing of a holy human freak.
"Why A Transgendered Woman Calls for Psychiatry's Destruction" by Camille Moran, published in the Fall 1993 issue of Dendron.
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rolandkaros · 18 hours
i remember that mana shim said that part of the reason why she didnt want to speak out originally about her abuse was because there was so much concern about the nwsl folding like how the wusa and wps did. that there was this feeling like 'i dont want to be the one to ruin it' because so many of these women had fought so hard to get a professional women's league started in america. these players had a minimum salary of <$7,000 and were expected to try and play full time professional football on that salary. non-national team players had a salary maximum of $31,500. many of them worked multiple jobs to fund their careers.
i can never really take arguments about the quality of women's sports seriously.
women's football was banned completely for 50 years in england. 50 years, the men got to play and learn and improve and adapt. 50 years, the men's game evolved. and 50 years, the women were banned. are you don't think that might have an effect on the sport as a whole? many other women's sports had similar bans at one point or another.
the men can do virtually whatever they like and get paid hundreds of thousands – millions, even.
did you know the manchester united women's team got a brand new, team specific building last season? and in june it was announced that the men's indoor facility would be needing to go under construction so it could be "revamped"? and that the women's facility was handed over to the men for training? and that the women will now train in portable buildings?
but yes, of course. talk to me about the product. talk to me about quality. because we must be objective, we must look at the numbers. its so obvious, of course, the men are simply outperforming the women! the men must be better. there is no other explanation.
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motherforthefamicom · 9 months
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uhh heres some oc art 👍
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kitsure · 2 years
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You’ve opened this can of worms, now you have to lie in it.
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wonder-worker · 3 months
"And where it hath pleased [God] to take out this transitory life the most victorious Christian prince of famous memory King Edward the iiijth our king, loving lord, and father, whose soul God of his infinite mercy pardon. The lamentable and most sorrowful tidings thereof was shown unto [us] the xiiijth day of this present month. [...] We intend...to be at our city of London in all convenient haste to be crowned at Westminster."
-Letter by EDWARD V from Ludlow to the burgesses of King's Lynn upon the news of his father Edward IV's death (16th April 1483)
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so if dark matter is close to being the physical form of the void essence what are the crystals from crystalized then are they the physical form what ever [redacted] is or are they just crystalized dark matter since they function identically or are they just blue crystals infused with the void essence or [redacted] or are they a completely separate thing
They start as Blue Crystals infused with the Void Essence...and then become their own separate [REDACTED] thing ;)
See, the Overlord does indeed attempt to use the Crystals in the same way that he used Dark Matter in the past, except he's trying to find a stronger/more reliable method (leading to all the Crystalized zombies + powered up Crystal Council that don't completely lose their minds unless they start to not willingly comply—) Anyway, him infusing Crystals with his Essence is him trying to perfect what Dark Matter was capable of...and he may or may not have created something entirely different (but definitely more potent) in the process.
The thing that bridges this all together actually initially occurs in Season 3, but we can't talk about that yet! *finger guns*
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seaofreverie · 3 months
New (new for me) Sparks album time, Interior Design. I really like it!!! I'm now at this point in my catching up adventure where most of the albums I have left are mostly the more divisive or just less talked about ones, but even among those I found that I'll generally land on the "it's underrated" rather than "it's worse" opinion, or even "it's super underrated" in the case of Introducing and Balls.
So yeah, I agree that this album's underrated. I do also agree though that you could consider it not exceptionally innovative or anything like that. And well, that's fine by me. All I can say is that it's a pleasant listen start to end. Maybe I just like this particular style, even if it's very clearly indicative of that time and that could make it dated I suppose. Still though, something about the, let's call it, "aggresively 80s" Sparks albums makes them very charming to me.
My favourite song is definitely Love-O-Rama, but Stop Me If You've Heard This Before is a close runner up. (I also really like Let's Make Love, it feels like a very unique song to me in a way that I can't really explain, I mostly love the vocal delivery on that one part, you know, the "feelin in my HEART! feelin in my SOUL!" part. And You Got a Hold of My Heart instantly reminded me of like, Gamecube music. I don't knowwww, but I like it)
Also I like coming up with place or setting associations for albums. So here my brain immediately pictured driving around a big city on a rainy summer day. I think it fits so I'm sticking with that image.
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featheryminx · 4 months
"bummy" nice homophobia dude, let's just call them faggots next, just cut straight to the chase. you get how awful it sounds to describe a gay relationship as 'bummy' right? like you hear yourselves? do you know anything about queer history or queer slurs? or are you so caught up in 'shipping wars' you forgot actual gay men exist and mocked in this exact same way? i mean you guys are basically calling these gay characters "bum boys" while in the same sentence talking about how important gay rep is.
mmm a yummy hate anon ask. like please stop trying to ascribe homophobia to me when i just don’t like the fucking ship lmfao. there are better things to hate me for
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mishy-mashy · 4 months
Hi! I noticed you bring up fanfiction every once in a while, so do you have an ao3?
But the stuff I post here isn't actually written out and posted anywhere else, and my ao3 (posted stories) is pretty bare. Like, I only touch it to read other people's stuff at this point
Everything I do write is OC stuff though, and that's not everyone's jam
The stuff I do post here all comes from my notes for said fic ideas. They're all fleshed out enough that I can write them into proper stories. Like, the whole plot is figured out, I know where to end, character perspectives, all that jazz. I just don't write them out, since I don't have that motivation, and the stories would end up huge
I don't like posting the actual stories either. People have asked for updates on the new chapters I just put down, and I've run into a lot of copy-pasters. Even the few things I have on ao3 is having a mimic somewhere. So I otherwise keep everything to myself, or post little things here
I've been going through my past stuff lately to reorganize. It's fun. Even if they're old (some are over 5 years old), I find little gems that surprise me like these
(Unordinary; Re:Zero; BNHA)
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Like- they aren't that bad. That's surprising. How old are these things???
#/THE FIRST ASK ABOUT MY FIC STUFF?!/#anon take this crown and commemorative sash this is monumental#ask#fic#my drafts are HUGE so writing them into actual proper fanfics would be. very big#the average is 150k words the low-end is 40k and a lot of them have too many words that google docs glitches#and ive had to make multiple drafts to hold everything#i tried writing one out once and ended up stopping because the glitching from all the words was making it impossible to continue#capped out at *checks notes* 103k words#the word count mentioned in the previous tags are talking about the word count for NOTES. i think an actual story would become abysmal#i like planning stuff. a lot#the biggest one is for a bnha resistance fic at *checks calculator* 260k words#but its really unmotivating to know people just want content and to take my words for their own#REPEATEDLY. even the small stuff is being yoinked#im serious. Actually everything ive posted as an actual story has been copied by someone else and advertised as their own. im tired of that#but i like writing so i do it in private. mainly away from the eyes of the internet#excerpt from an old unordinary fic#and a rezero fic where groovy gets hugged and is screaming like hes watching his firstborn be slaughtered before his eyes#my drafts surprise me sometimes because huh. this is not that bad for 6 years ago#an unordinary (webtoon) excerpt cuz i was organizing my stuff and ran into an old draft of it. now its trying to weedle its way to the ligh#thank u for the ask anon#if someone asked for more about the small things i /do/ show id probably panic cuz. no one ever asks. what do i say??? oh no im CRINGE#/lh#a lot of nonrom actually. most of it is. including that 3rd excerpt#all the excerpts actually#oc#out of context excerpts
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catinasink · 7 months
got he/him in my bio but blood staining my clothes......... sigh
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medicinemane · 7 months
You know... watching a tv show via a streaming service really kinda... makes you realize how much the art of it is constrained by the medium; specifically ad breaks
Like, they actively disrupt the flow of things because they need a chance to insert commercials, and even if you're not watching it with commercials, there's something forever built in to the timing of the show that's specifically for those commercials
The entire pacing of the show is forced to be warped around it and it's not like that can every be changed cause... show's been shot
Just kinda sucks you know? That cause of toyota or pepsi or all the other pricks who gotta run the ads, a whole lot of shows (good and bad) have ended up having to build in this concession
No grand narrative here, it's just a little bit ass
#I know I sometimes talk about this thing that I've picked up with writing which I refuse to infect anyone else with#this secret aesthetic rule that ever since I noticed I can't unnotice it and it's just a pain in the ass extra layer to think about#well I'll say that this post has very nicely conformed to what I'm looking for#I'm over all quite pleased... my one complaint is if only I could find a way to make that last sentance end around 'have'#that's the length I'd want it; but getting the words across always has to come first#...but this is why I don't share what's going on in my head here#cause I don't want anyone else to be sitting their writing and thinking#can I shorten 'There's no grand narrative I have here; I just think it's kinda ass'#down to that first 'have' while still keeping the meaning similar?#cause I'm about to give it a thought because that would make this post so much better...#hmm... yes; I did it and I think I managed to keep a similar meaning and now it's much better... though...#maybe if I lengthen the previous paragraph just a little that would be a smidge better#looks very nice now; what a huge waste of time; this is why I don't tell you what I'm trying to do#once I saw it as important I couldn't unsee it; a post mentioned it#you probably wouldn't get as focused on it; but like... let's just not contaminate you#and it's not like some fun conspiracy forbidden knowledge#it's just a dumb aesthetic choice I've started caring about#mm tag so i can find things later
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regallibellbright · 11 months
For the record I was absolutely aware of how comically unhinged I was getting with those tags on the last poll, but like, I genuinely enjoy cracking myself up about something ridiculous like that and will periodically go back to read my old stuff and then laugh again. And I REALLY needed the laugh and the mental focus on something utterly trivial today.
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