#my drafts are HUGE so writing them into actual proper fanfics would be. very big
mishy-mashy · 4 months
Hi! I noticed you bring up fanfiction every once in a while, so do you have an ao3?
But the stuff I post here isn't actually written out and posted anywhere else, and my ao3 (posted stories) is pretty bare. Like, I only touch it to read other people's stuff at this point
Everything I do write is OC stuff though, and that's not everyone's jam
The stuff I do post here all comes from my notes for said fic ideas. They're all fleshed out enough that I can write them into proper stories. Like, the whole plot is figured out, I know where to end, character perspectives, all that jazz. I just don't write them out, since I don't have that motivation, and the stories would end up huge
I don't like posting the actual stories either. People have asked for updates on the new chapters I just put down, and I've run into a lot of copy-pasters. Even the few things I have on ao3 is having a mimic somewhere. So I otherwise keep everything to myself, or post little things here
I've been going through my past stuff lately to reorganize. It's fun. Even if they're old (some are over 5 years old), I find little gems that surprise me like these
(Unordinary; Re:Zero; BNHA)
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Like- they aren't that bad. That's surprising. How old are these things???
#/THE FIRST ASK ABOUT MY FIC STUFF?!/#anon take this crown and commemorative sash this is monumental#ask#fic#my drafts are HUGE so writing them into actual proper fanfics would be. very big#the average is 150k words the low-end is 40k and a lot of them have too many words that google docs glitches#and ive had to make multiple drafts to hold everything#i tried writing one out once and ended up stopping because the glitching from all the words was making it impossible to continue#capped out at *checks notes* 103k words#the word count mentioned in the previous tags are talking about the word count for NOTES. i think an actual story would become abysmal#i like planning stuff. a lot#the biggest one is for a bnha resistance fic at *checks calculator* 260k words#but its really unmotivating to know people just want content and to take my words for their own#REPEATEDLY. even the small stuff is being yoinked#im serious. Actually everything ive posted as an actual story has been copied by someone else and advertised as their own. im tired of that#but i like writing so i do it in private. mainly away from the eyes of the internet#excerpt from an old unordinary fic#and a rezero fic where groovy gets hugged and is screaming like hes watching his firstborn be slaughtered before his eyes#my drafts surprise me sometimes because huh. this is not that bad for 6 years ago#an unordinary (webtoon) excerpt cuz i was organizing my stuff and ran into an old draft of it. now its trying to weedle its way to the ligh#thank u for the ask anon#if someone asked for more about the small things i /do/ show id probably panic cuz. no one ever asks. what do i say??? oh no im CRINGE#/lh#a lot of nonrom actually. most of it is. including that 3rd excerpt#all the excerpts actually#oc#out of context excerpts
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thegeminisage · 3 years
🎈 ✨ for the meme!
🎈 - what’s a fic that you daydream about writing but haven’t?
ok anon, i have a lot actually so i'm gonna give you a top 5 list:
biggest one is a rewrite of the first fanfic i ever wrote, which was a HUGE 150k novelization of ocarina of time. actually, it was more of a bastardization (we called these adapts/adaptations on FFN at the time, to distinguish them from novelizations which stuck extremely closely to the source material). i had OCs, i killed off canon characters, i brought people back that should have stayed dead, it was a 14yo girl's first fic and a Whole mess...but it was the fic that got me into fic writing and i'll always love it. many years ago i tried to start a rewrite with my current adult-writer skills, but every time i've tried to get into doing that something has come up that meant it got put on hold. maybe one day...
i've had about 5 gazillion dragon age fic ideas but for some reason i only ever wound up posting little kmeme fills that have now been lost to the sands of time. so no PARTICULAR idea for this one, but one day i would be really happy to write and publish a proper dragon age fic, even if i would get crucified for whatever i write bc the dragon age fandom is just like that. idk, i just feel like it's one of the things i was MOST obsessed with that never wrung a proper fic out of me, so it leaves me with a weird unfinished feeling when i think about it that i'd really like to rectify someday.
(vague killjoys s5 spoilers for this one) ok so johnny from killjoys probably isn't actually aro but what if he really was aro. his whole thing in season 5 with the brainwashing and dutch made me NUTS. like does he love her or does he love her, you know? and i feel like if you're aro and you're literally incapable of that particular kind of love then being brainwashed into feeling that kind of love, along with blurring a really weird line to the person you're closest to, would be an extra level of mindfuckery on top of all of the rest of it. idk, i always really liked dutch and johnny's relationship bc it feels like one of the only examples of qpps i've ever seen outside a fanfic, so i'd really really like to just...write fanfic about it. lol
this is a weird one but i think it would be so fun to novelize dishonored. partially because the way they did daud drives me nuts and i feel like i could fix it and partially because i really like corvo. i wrote a little dishonored ficlet once and really enjoyed it, and realized that it'd probably fun to do like 80k in that pov. unfortunately the two big problems are 1. corvo spends a lot of time alone, so it's a lot of really big dialogue-less sections and 2. most of the supporting cast members are not nearly as fun/memorable as emily corvo and jessamine, so i feel like i'd struggle to make their parts interesting at all, let alone exciting. so it'll likely never happen. but i do daydream! tbh, i'd like to do more game novelizations/"""adaptations""" in general...that's sort of what i was "raised on" fanfic-wise and they were really popular when i first got an internet connection, and i started a lot of them when i was younger, so it'd be really cool to just...go back to doing that!
i had such HUGE problems with alec shadowhunters's characterization and his and magnus's relationship at the end of s2 especially re: one of them being immortal, so before s3 aired and made me hate the entire thing i really had dead ass drafted this ENTIRE fixit where alec gets cursed to age very rapidly, exploiting all his worries about a mortal lifespan beside magnus's immortal one and all his fears of looking old next a lover that will be young forever, and in order to break the curse he has to do some soul-searching about the fact that he was selfish at a few key points in season 2. which isn't a bad thing for character development lol but then they like. never address it! made me nuts! it would have alec-centric which is weird because my favorite characters are actually raphael and magnus, but there you go. highly doubt i'll ever give this one a go since i'm Over shadowhunters but it occupied a significant portion of my waking hours for a long time so i'll always be very sad it never happened.
✨ - what is your newest shiny fic idea?
probably triptych #3, actually (the one that goes in a set after to an angel, love and worship are the same thing & broken road). it's an older idea because i had it last year, but it's the first thing i'm gonna work on after envesseled is all squared away. i haven't forgotten about it! i know a lot of new people followed me for deancas content and were probably really excited about it, but envesseled has been waiting since 2012 and we've been writing it since 2013 so that has to come first. i wrote a little about it here (huge major giant spoiler warning for broken road, i highly rec reading that first lol) but one thing i haven't said about it yet is that even though michael isn't in it at all, the fic will talk about him a lot. i wish i could say more, because i know anyone who was waiting on it has had to be VERY patient, but i don't wanna give it all away before it's even started :(
[ask meme]
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audriel · 7 years
Audriel’s FF Ouvre
As this tumblr is intended to be focused on writing, I think it’ll be fitting to list my favorites of all I’ve written so far and the reasons why they are my favorites.
Title: Ayame (FFnet) Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Gen, OCs feat. Uchiha Itachi Summary:  Ayame, a beautiful flower that means happiness for those who believe. Hikari Ayame was supposed to be an ordinary girl until a fateful event took her to Konoha where her fate entwined with unexpected people that will affect the future of Konoha.   Thoughts: My first published fanfic. Like every first in our lives, they have a special place in our hearts. When I published this fic, I’ve just truly started writing fanfic for a year or so, the kind of fic that is not just bits of pieces of dialogues or descriptions. Naruto was the most popular fandom back then, at least for anime/manga (was it Harry Potter? I feel old...) with a huge cast that is not dissimilar of Haikyuu!! so naturally it’s a perfect place to stretch writing muscles. Even back then I was content in exploring in the current universe/world, picking at the blanks and filling them up with my own ideas without straying far from canon, and those ideas are often my own characters.
Hikari Ayame is my OC, who was the daughter of the Yondaime (who was still a mystery back then) and teammate of Uchiha Itachi. Through Ayame I explored the world of Naruto, from its jutsu to its history. Looking back, I’m pretty surprised that I hit the nail in the head on Itachi being the good guy all along. It doesn’t have many reviews, but I had a blast writing it. Unfortunately, I didn’t end up completing the fic. By then I’ve figured out I’m muse-based writer, if my muse is shot, then there’s nothing, which holds true until now. Plus I was rather (if not very) faithful to canon, so once my ideas didn’t fit, I didn’t force them to fit, or take AU route.
Title: Promises (FFnet) Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Pairing: Cloud x Tifa, CloTi Summary:  Tifa's thoughts about a certain man... a certain ring... and a certain promise.... [Advent Children Spoilers] Thoughts: I wrote this after watching FFVII: Advent Children. Without prior knowledge of the games (I am and was not a gamer), I was intrigued by the ambiguous relationship between Cloud and Tifa. I remember pretty obsessed with the Advent Children, scouring the internet for screencaps, and backstory, then ofc, fanfics. Tifa’s ring was one of the things that caught my interest, particularly how it bore resemblance to Fenrir, Cloud’s Fenrir. So there went my muse and the result was my first one-shot and my first experience in having more than five reviews for my story. I remember how happy I was when I had such positive feedback, and back then FFnet did not have reply feature, so I just basked in them (or I PMed them? I’m not sure, but I did remember always trying to respond to the kind words).
Title: What Are We? (FFnet) Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Sasuke x Hinata, SasuHina Summary:  What happens when two of the most unlikely people are united in the holy matrimony? Especially when there is no love between them to start with. [Sasuke x Hinata] Thoughts: My most popular fanfic in FFnet with 13 chapters, 465 reviews, 323 favorites and 278 followers. I’m pretty sure it’s my highest achievement in terms of popularity. Even back in my Naruto days, I have strong preference towards rare pairings, and SasuHina was the rarepair, back then, not unlike KuroDai, the writers and the readers are often the same people and formed a close and tight-knit community. However, if I am to compare it with current pairing, SasuHina is more like OiKuro, neither have truly interacted in canon, but their personalities made them an interesting match to explore. (I like OiKuro, btw) And as I was wont to do, I have fun in exploring their potential. I used the common trope of arranged marriage because considering their families, it had the highest possibility for them and I was inspired by another SasuHina fic and author who used the same premise. I wanted to do my own spin on it, even though my only experience in relationships is through books and literature XDD
This story suffers the same fate with Ayame. The muse is shot, thanks to canon. Sasuke gets on my nerves. Until the very end, (honesty I cannot believe I managed to get myself finish Naruto, I gave up on Bleach at the same time) he is insufferable. He’s not worthy of Hinata. And don’t start me on Hinata and her characterization. Kishimoto sucks at making strong female characters. Hinata and Sakura are reduced to a love interest and damsel in distress, despite their potential. I was and am still mad at the injustice that I don’t even bother correcting them in fanfic. So unfortunately, this fic is discontinued. I’m not even sure whether I want to continue even if I still remember what I intend to do with the story. There’s still a possibility, if only to give the story a proper ending. Who knows?
Title: Shades of Grey (FFnet) Fandom: Vampire Knight Pairing: Zero x OC Summary:  A series of what ifs leads to a series of questions. This is the story that explores the question: What would be left for Zero if he let Yuuki go? A character study of Zero and an exploration of Vampire Knight world. Thoughts: My longest running fanfiction, with 20 chapters and 159K words and my first M-rated fic. The least popular of my fics but my personal favorite. I consider this story my pride and joy, because this story showcases my strength and growth best as a writer. By now I’m more flexible with canon, willing to play with canon divergence and alternate universe. So when I’m dissatisfied with canon/current storyline, I goes to fanfic to correct it. I really, really hate love triangle problems in shoujo/romance stories, because it often feels like it’s just thrown in there just to make relationship problems between main pairing and the third person usually ends up underdeveloped as a character, and there are times when the main character has more chemistry/potential with the third person than the person he/she’s meant to be with, which is what happens in Vampire Knight. Yuuki is meant to be with Kaname, but I just cannot like Kaname, or see him with Yuuki. And poor Zero gets the short end of the stick. It doesn’t help that Yuuki keeps him hanging. So frustrated I was that I stopped reading the manga and threw myself into writing my own version and gives Zero a love interest.
So it can be said that this is the most selfish work of mine. What I like most from OCs is that through them I can push the boundaries of canon without stepping outside of them. I use the opportunity to develop Zero as a character alongside with mine and explore the world of VK, which is not delved deeply in canon. While VK seems to take place in a distant world unlike ours, I make it as though it is our world’s alternate universe where we have vampires in our midst. So compared to my previous works, with the exception of Ayame, this story requires and demands the most research for the world building, which naturally pushes me out of my comfort zone of thinking and writing only of the characters and their relationships. I also delve into darker and more mature themes whereas before I did more gen or PG pieces. It ends up pretty angsty, it looks like I like to have my characters suffer ^^; Poor Zero and Misaki (my OC).
The story is currently on hiatus, due to writer’s block. Unlike Ayame and What Are We?, I actually have a rough draft of the whole story and even have the ending written. It’s only the problem of getting there.
Title: The Gentle Princess (AO3) Fandom: Princess (manhwa) Pairing: Yapha of Skarde x Theodora of Anatoria Summary:  What if Theodora was married sooner to Yapha and became his third wife, right after Haisha? How would this change the fate of the three kingdoms of ASR? Thoughts: This is my first taste of joining a Big Bang Challenge, to be precise Het Big/Little Challenge 2011 by het_bigbang in LJ (ooh, the LJ days, I’m lookin’ pretty ancient, aren’t I?). Wait, wasn’t it stated 2012 in AO3? Well, I didn’t manage to meet the deadline, so I submitted the completed work for next year’s challenge. This story has the most impressive word count (71,126 words), and I am damned proud of it, especially because it’s completed. OMG, it makes me really happy that I have completed multi-chapter work.
The only downside is the fanfic from a relatively unknown fandom and characters, which leaves not many readers and reviewers, but I’m still happy and proud of this work of mine, because now I can read this and pretend that this is how it goes in canon for this favorite, but minor pairing in Princess. (I’m pretty sure my fanfic is the only one in the fandom in AO3 XDD) Princess is a Korean manga, known as manhwa, which story revolves around the princesses of three kingdoms (and three generations, I think) of ASR. So it’s a epic story, which naturally makes the fic, an epic fanfic. However, unlike VK I have easier time in worldbuilding since the manhwa is quite thorough, the problem is in the political undertones and intrigue throughout the story. I am guilty of using the non con sex and unexpected pregnancy as plot device again in this story as in Shades of Grey. While I like how it affects the plot and development, I hope I do not offend or worse trigger anyone :( Otherwise, I love the development in Yapha and Theodora, and between them as they grow from strangers to friends and to potential lovers.
Title: Perspective (AO3) Fandom: Daiya no Ace, Diamond no Ace Pairing: Gen, Kuramochi Youichi, Shirasu Kenjirou, Miyuki Kazuya Summary: An unfortunate circumstance puts things into perspective. Alternatively, Kuramochi and Miyuki from Shirasu's perspective. Thoughts: My return to fanfiction scene after a year without publishing anything that is not a incoherent mess of ideas, of disjointed dialogues and descriptions. As I look back, I’ve come to realize that my muse works best when I start with a premise, then build on it. The premise is simple: what if Kuramochi gets sick? Injury does have the most potential, but I've got enough of that in Act I and now we have another in Act II, sighs. Then I explored the 5W+1H based on what I know (and hope) about Kuramochi and the others around him. And voila, 16K fic! Shirasu provides an interesting perspective, he does not have the all-knowing eyes like we did as readers, but I feel like he knows more than most of Seidou (esp he gets help from Miyuki-specialist, Kuramochi). The fic ends up into a pretty interesting character study, and most importantly relationship study between Kuramochi and Miyuki.
I was afraid that I was getting rusty but the response is surprisingly positive with 7 comments and 33 kudos, considering it is a rare gen fic among mostly slash fics in the fandom. Admittedly it can be considered as pre-slash, with my KuraMiyu goggles, they look like one :D I hope I’ll come around to write a proper KuraMiyu one day. Regardless I’m very happy and satisfied with this piece, because not only it’s completed, but it also achieved what I want to achieve, a further look into KuraMiyu and Kuramochi being treated as precious friend/teammate/brother as he should be.
Title: Until Next Time (AO3) Fandom: Haikyuu!! Pairing: Kuroo x Daichi, KuroDai Summary: Kurodai Week 2017 Day 1: First Meeting / Next Time Pacific Rim AU. Thoughts: Not exactly my first dip into Haikyuu, but it’s my first non-gen fic after my long break from writing and my first try in portraying my fave pair (and rarepair), Kurodai. I have a lot of reservation in writing in Haikyuu fandom. Despite having followed the anime and manga closely, I am not certain in my grasp of the wonderful characters, more so in my favorite characters and pairing. However, I’ve read the whole fics with Kurodai tag, to the front and back, and front and back again. Then, thanks to @spring-emerald who reblogged kurodaiweek, putting the prompts front and center in my dashboard, I was stoked to join, especially when I was sort-of successful with hqbrofest (though satisfied it’s another matter, neither fics from the challenge are listed).
It is also a mean to challenge myself, because for once, the theme is already decided and it’s up to me to make something out of it. Somehow it’s gotten to my head that I want all the fics for the kurodaiweek to be AUs. I have no idea why I wanted to do that, when my grasp on the characters were weak and tenuous at best, and now I had to put them in different situation/universe while keeping them in character. WTF BRAIN?????? 
My initial take of the theme/prompt is hello and goodbye and my mind goes to dark and depressing Hunger Games AU where KuroDai are from different districts who both in their own ways try to defy the Capitol and end up teaming up together to protect Hinata, the youngest and most innocent tribute. Despite death looming over them, they build a pocket of peace and happiness between the three of them where they become a makeshift family and KuroDai quietly falls for one another even they know it is not meant to be, but it strengthens their resolve to get Hinata home, and they do. In their final moments, they promise to meet each other in the next life and build a life together that they are robbed of in this life. 
asd;akjfadkjfslkldkjdfladksl, I’m only writing the idea and I’m crying. Not a very good way to start Kurodai Week isn’t it? So I scrapped the idea and look for other possible AU I can do (I have a list of AUs, believe it or not), and I end up choosing Pacific Rim AU. Unlike the HG AU, I have no clear idea in mind, except using the iconic Kurodai phrase of until next time. I spent half of the time researching and fitting all the characters into PacRim universe, and before I knew it, I’ve got 10K story. While I feel like the story is solid, I have my doubts whether it’s good enough, and it seems so with how few and sparse the hits and comments at the beginning, but then slowly it gains readers and reviews...and up until now I’m still flabbergasted at the reception. Right now it’s my highest rated and reviewed fic in AO3. I’m just glad that I finally write my own KuroDai, my first and hopefully not my last. Cheers!
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