#I might like. Mark 1 or 2 days as cosplay days where I start planning it out
insightstaff · 4 months
In a shocking twist of events, my cosplay motivation is back stronger than ever and now I'm in the spot of "just finished the current project and I SHOULD take a long break, but I wanna work on the next one sooooooo bad and I can't" 😔
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spaceslimecosplay · 4 years
How to Sew YOUR size
Being a cosplayer is challenging for many reasons. Expense and flamboyant designs can be tough to deal with, but even if you go to that sketchy costume site to buy your costume there is one more challenge to face...sizing. As a tall and chubby woman, I’ve always found it nearly impossible to find my size. Even sewing patterns seem to have the problem of making “average” size ranges that don’t fit right. Anyway, the point of this tutorial is to teach you guys how to sew basic patterns to fit you!
NOTICE: If you like to buy sewing patterns and just adjust them to your size, that’s fine too!
Step 1: Break it down now, ya’ll!
The first step to any project is breaking down your outfit. I’ll be using my Litwick cosplay for this. I find it easiest to look at (or create) a reference, then draw it piece by piece on a separate paper. “Okay, so how do I know what is and isn’t a whole piece?” You don’t. Unless you find a very detailed character sheet, the number of pieces is completely up to you.
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As you can see, I made views from the front and back. Colors and designs changed while I was sewing this cosplay, but such is art. Also, it really helps to look up similarly shaped clothing online to help you draw a flat of your clothing. Flats are exactly what they sound like, a 2D drawing of clothing. This is where you’ll lay down seams, buttons, and just get a general idea of the shapes you’ll cut out for your outfit.
Step 2: Shapes and Measurements
No matter what size it is, clothing will usually be made up of a few shapes. A size 4 shirt will be made of the exact same shapes as a size 26 shirt of the same type. With this information in mind, break down each article of clothing into basic shapes. The halter top on the top of my dress was made of stretch cotton with 4 shapes: collar, back left, back right, and front. I admit I altered this from a sewing pattern, but we’ll get patterns in a second.
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The vertical lines with horizontal marks are seams. This isn’t necessarily a flat as much as it is a diagram, really.
Also, I live by measuring tape. It allows you to go around round objects (like literally anything on your body) without all the hard math! If you don’t have one, I advise either getting one or magically become capable of math. The rest of this tutorial uses measuring tape.
In the fashion world, there are basic areas for measurement. If you’ve ever gone to a tailor, these are the same areas they’ll measure on you to tailor your clothing. This picture will help you locate those areas.
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Once you know your sizes and the shapes you’ll be making, you’re ready to start!
Step 3: Making your pattern
You have your reference, your flats, and your measurements. Time to mush them together and splatter them on some paper. I use wrapping paper with a grid pattern. Cheap, easy, maintains better than those cheap toilet paper-like sewing patterns from Joanns.
Always make a mock of your clothing with cheap material that’s similar to your costume fabric. Mock garments allow you to save good fabric and make alterations. 
Patterns are actually a lot easier than they seem. If your neckline is supposed to go (comfortably) around your neck, measure your neck, divide by the amount of pieces you have. I had three pieces for the halter top. Because my front and back pieces were symmetrical, I just cut two pieces and split one down the middle. Why does that matter? It matters because it means I divided my neck circumference by two, then split it into three. If you measure the front piece both of the back pieces, it still adds up into the total of inches around your neck. If it doesn’t? Trim it down or re-math and re-cut.
For your bust and waist, take your bust and waist measurements and alter the shape to those measurements. Commit this to memory, you’ll use this technique for ALL of your measurements (or at least until you learn a more formal technique). Using a ruler, draw a vertical line on your paper that matches the length of your garment. Now create horizontal lines (starting from the middle number of your measurement i.e. 5 inches, line the vertical line up with 3) and draw a line matching the HALVED total of your neck. Measure from your neck to the center of your bust. Draw another horizontal line at the end. Next, use a ruler to draw the shape of your garment. I freehand curves and alter them as I go (HENCE THE MOCK MATERIAL). In general, though, it’s a better idea to use a curved ruler. The point is that you’ll want to hit every end point of your horizontal lines. Depending on your measurements and material, you may have a few curves in your originally straight, blocky, shape. That’s natural.
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Now, the bust/waist/hip measurements are a bit...exaggerated, but I wanted to show that it’s perfectly fine to start with the small shape on the bottom and come out with a slightly curvy or straighter pattern.
Depending on your material and pattern, you might need to add darts to make a tighter fit. Darts are triangles or diamond shapes made on a pattern, that act as folds to make a garment more form fitting. You’ll want to test placement of your darts through your mock up. There’s a few places to place darts, but the places I’ve used them are: bust to armpit, stomach, and back.
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Step 4: Sew and alter
If you’ve decided to make a mock first (as I so wisely advised) your next step is to sew your pieces together and alter them to fit better. Alterations could include: Adding or subtracting the size of your patterns, adding or releasing darts, planning for zippers/buttons/closures, etc. Once you’re happy with your mock garment, seam rip the pieces apart again and use them to alter your original pattern.
NEVER CHEAT YOURSELF QUALITY TO MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME. If you mess up and you have 3 days left until that convention just go without a costume! I know going to a con without a costume when you’ve worked so hard sounds heinous, but trust me, it’s better to make up for your mistake for a future con than to sew over it and pump something you’re not happy with out.
Ta-da! You have your own pattern to fit your body! Now you can sew up the real thing.
DIsclaimer: I am but a humble space slime. I cannot do more than simple math. I also admit that I have no formal training. This tutorial is how I taught myself to sew my own costumes. It took me years to perfect this technique. It’s a little long winded (probably a lot more steps and alterations than a pro would have), but I decided to put this out there for anyone who wanted to try their hand at sewing. Good luck you guys!
 Pro tip:
The amount of pieces for the garment decide the size of which you cut them. If you have two pieces, a front and a back, divide your measurements by 2. If 4 pieces, divide by 4. ALWAYS ADD IN YOUR SEAM ALLOWANCE (.25 inches)
Pro tips:
If there’s belts and buttons galore on your costume (and you aren’t a COMPLETE perfectionist), just sew them down. Not every belt or button has to be functional.
More or less pieces depend on the effect you’re going for. If you have a few layers of shirts or jackets, it will save time (and you from heatstroke) if you just create the illusion that you’re wearing more than one piece of clothing. You could also create each piece and have that volume of multiple articles of clothing under that jacket. Your choice!
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 13 pt 1: Mokuba Finally Gets Stockholm Syndrome
So, I have today off work so lunchtime on a Thursday feels like a better time than ever to chime in on a 20 year old anime and say, uh this episode is nuts?
Like this whole arc has been somewhat tame compared to a lot of the stuff we’ve been dealing with in regards to Yugioh. Yeah, Tristan died, but like...Marik hasn’t murdered a hundred people lately so it’s been a pretty pleasant ride. And this was alllll part of Yugioh’s greater plan, Yugioh likes to do this, where it’s been overall a monster of the week Sat Morning cartoon type of affair, giving you a false sense of “I think I know what’s going on. I think I understand the logic of this show” before they start ripping the rugs out from under your feet with no other reason than to utterly confuse you.
And it’s like you just...you don’t expect this from a kid’s show.
And like don’t tell me you predicted this episode, guys, because it makes no freakin sense. I had to binge to the next episode just because I was like holding up all my paperwork of Seto Kaiba’s timeline and motioning at my brother “SHOW ME THE RECEIPTS!!” Because y’all this did not...
This just did not.
And like I’m very calm as I write these posts, but as I was watching this episode, I kept pausing it, turning to Steve-O and saying “NO.” Of course all of that drama goes on in the second part of this episode. The first half is still that somewhat tame area where it’s definitely very weird but it’s not...it’s not unpredictably weird yet, youknow?
So, to start out, Noah has given up on trying to persuade any of the Kaibas to change. It is not a thing Kaibas do.
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He decides to show off his skills as a master manipulator, by manipulating one of the most manipulated boys on this entire show. The only person more manipulated is Yugi, who is has an actual brain parasite (and people might like the brain parasite more than him even so it’s like...it’s a situation up there).
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Everything from here on concerning Mokuba is bizarre and kind of frustrating. Starting with the clone entering in from the black void.
(read more under the cut)
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I like that we know this is Seto because of the 6 inch hip spike on his jacket. Yo if they ever did a Netflix Live Action Yugioh first off of all, they cannot do half of the hair on this show, second of all, this jacket. It can’t be possible. And like I’ve seen some pretty good high effort Seto Cosplay but the jacket spikes are like...that’s pretty rough youknow? First off, this custom jacket would take you like 8 months to sew, it’d be insanely expensive with the custom lining and the poofy everything, and then those spikes? Like what do you even do? I can’t even imagine.
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One off screen slap by the clone, and then Mokuba decided his brother is now Darth Vader. Can’t believe it was that easy.
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And then, to top off my frustration with how quickly Mokuba’s Stockholm Syndrome set in--Noah could do this the entire time.
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Y’all I was so mad. It’s Episode 13 and he pulls this out now, are you kidding me? The entire time. The entire freakin time. This is like “and Bakura can just shoot lasers whenever but won’t be bothered.”
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I still love this storyboarder but maybe they just don’t like drawing hugs? I mean, it’s supposed to be a spooky hug, but like...it’s more like a wrestling move that Mokuba has just decided to give up and lean into.
And you know what? I get it. Drawing affection freakin sucks. Hard to explain why but trust me--it’s freakin cursed. It’s worse than drawing cars. I’d rather draw like 3 cars. (And exactly 3 because it would take a hell of a lot of money to ever make me draw 4.)
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Seto decides to run ahead although, and I just want to point this out--this bridge joins in the next scene so they can all reunite and there is a car right behind him.
There is a car and he uses his damn legs.
Smartest boy in Domino.
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And off he goes, his wedding dress coat elegantly flapping in the wind as he...
...down a tunnel that is clearly marked with lane lines for cars.
Because Noah gave them a car.
Meanwhile, back at the car, Joey is Done and has found a great way to win the Battle City Tournament.
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They did not. It was so weird. They took out most of the the slaps, but left in this monkey burrowing into Serenity’s chest for like 20 weird seconds. It made squeaky noises.
Serenity doesn’t seem to care by the way, it’s very, very 90′s.
Anyway, Tea’s decided she’s now done hanging out with these guys and the pervert monkey, so off these two go. Off to follow the plot. On foot.
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The tunnel vanishes, and these four are left outside to continue...just doing nothing guess. Duke always ends up on the lowest effort team, youknow? I dump on Duke a lot but I’ve been kinda feeling bad for him.
Anyway, inside this tunnel, Noah is catfishing Seto as Mokuba and I gotta say, it’s way better than the shorts. Just put Noah in this outfit all the time.
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And our heroes have decided to save the day by going the wrong way at the fork and completely missing Seto Kaiba’s loud booming voice. How do they get lost when Kaiba is being exploded just off camera?
Like it says a lot about these kids that they got lost down a tunnel with only 1 fork.
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I had to look this up, and unfortunately this is not the same house as Kaiba’s Season Zero house. Would have been a neat touch but nah, it’s just a generic university style house that no one would ever want to actually live in.
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ENTER MARIK. Thank all those gods, including himself, he’s finally here. To...not do anything. Especially since this is a 2-parter. He’ll do a little more next update. Still not much, but oh man, am I glad to see Marik. Am I glad to see that third eye is absolutely still glowing on his forehead. Can’t imagine how hard it is to sleep with that thing buzzing all day.
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Back in VR land, I have been hit in the face with Seto’s design and it’s like the first time I’ve ever seen it.
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Every single season of Yugioh spices up the character designs a tad and it takes a little while to get used to. I think Seto may have been slightly exaggerated in this scene but...he still seems way taller now. Like he’s basically Yugioh Pumpkin King at this point. Peak 00′s.
Anyway, was this why Noah said “Look down” ? Because like...that’s not really a hint if you throw him down a hole.
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Seto’s reaction to this was “I’m just really tired of everything that’s happened today and I’m going home.” and he grabbed Mokuba by the hand to leave but, apparently Mokuba is too slippery to be abducted twice?
Weird that the only person who physically cannot abduct Mokuba is Seto Kaiba. The only person.
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And just like that, Mokuba is now on team Noah and Seto is just...standing there. Noah is sort of a god person in this universe since he can code whatever he wants around him but like...
...still feels a little weird to see Seto go from “I’ll punch whatever I need to get Moki back” in S1 to “I guess Moki hates me so I’ll let him stay here now” when Mokuba is clearly possessed.
Anyways, this all gets much weirder next episode, but it was very, very long so I split it in two. Like I dunno how many of you want to read tumblr posts that rival Livejournal posts in length so...we’ll save that for next time. (in fact I was just telling bro that if Tumblr does go down, I don’t even know if there’s long-form blogging platforms left other than like webcomic sites and fanfic sites. We’ll cross our fingers that I never have to move this blog over to like...Tapas ((I would never do that ps, Tapas is a nightmare to upload to even if you just want to do comics and that is a whole story in and of itself)))
But ya. Noah could just mind control whoever.
Like whoever.
Y’all the past 12 episodes were kind of like Bakura level of “I could do something, if I felt like it, and it would take like 2 seconds max and nobody would stop me, but then I’d have to get off my ass, and I’m too busy watching the world burn to bother.”
Which is very much every villain in Yugioh, being real.
If you just found my blog, here’s a place to find all the episodes in chrono order from S1 Ep1, I apologize now that I never separated them into seasons, turns out a Yugioh season is just unapologetically long oops my bad.
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codetrainwreck · 6 years
Code Geass Season 1 Interview Collection
All of these interviews were translated/summarized by Celiss @ GameFAQs
CLAMP Summary of the Newtype Ookawa Nanase x Taniguchi Gorou interview. Note that the early designs on that page are by Ookawa Nanase, but the finalized CLAMP original art (not to be confused with the finalized KimuTaka character designs) were done by Mokona, a different CLAMP member. All info listed are from Ookawa and Taniguchi themselves; dialogue in ""s means those are the parts I didn't rephrase at all. - Suzaku originally had a "sharper" look to him. Ookawa -- "Originally I imagined him as having Chinese-like, sharp, single-eyelid eyes." Taniguchi -- "In order to have Lelouch stand out more, I had this design changed to a softer, rounder image." - On the early design for Lelouch (white hair) Ookawa -- "I imagined Lelouch as someone everyone will find to be "cool"; a beauty, to put it simply." Taniguchi -- "We talked about Tackey & Tsubasa as well as early Kinki Kids." (Popular Johnny's idols in Japan) - Ookawa attended the Episode 1 sneak preview / test screening; according to her a large number of reporters and other mass media-related personnel showed up as well because of the pre-show hype. When the 1st episode ended, the room went dead silent. With the fast-moving plot and the episode ending with Lelouch going "Die, all of you" as he Geasses the soldiers into killing themselves, everyone was left speechless. However, the momentary silence was later broken by tremendous applause. Taniguchi himself wasn't at the screening, but he heard about what happened as well. - How did CLAMP come to be part of the Code Geass project? Producer Kawaguchi was the one who wrote to them first. That was the first time CLAMP heard from him, and also the first time they received a request to design characters for an anime. The members only met the director more than a year later; they were already on board the project when the characters and world view were nothing more than a vague concept. CLAMP offered some "interesting ideas" and these helped shape the world of Code Geass. - The character illustrations shown on the page are preliminary designs; when these were first drawn Code Geass wasn't about a war with an Empire but something different. Taniguchi said "We're making a hit show", and wanted to create a show which appealed to everyone. They ended up using the Johnny's artistes (Tackey & Tsubasa; early Kinki Kids) as a sort of model for the characters (probably Lelouch; those Johnny's artistes are usually thought of as "Prince" types, especially early Domoto Kouichi of Kinki Kids) - The character "Zero" was decided from early on, and is one of the characters left unchanged even when they adjusted the story. CLAMP members call Zero's mask "Tulip" (because of it's appearance) They wanted to create a mask never seen before in previous Sunrise shows. They were told to create a mask showing only one eye, and there were two possibilities for that, the other being the masks used in palaces (...which kind of palace? Asian or Western?) Taniguchi -- "When I saw Zero's mask, my thought processes all came to a halt (laugh) It was extremely simple yet had impact." The biggest merit of having CLAMP do the designs is that, according to Taniguchi, they can come up with things normal animator-turned-designers can't. The clothes, for example, may seem impossible (*coughZeroandC.C.'scostumescough*), but CLAMP still went ahead with them anyway with the simple reasoning that "These are better!" - How did the designing process work? CLAMP members drew a certain number of illustrations, handed them to Taniguchi and Taniguchi would later return it to them with his own comments. The designs would be changed according to his wishes and the cycle repeated. The comments ranged from "I want you to redraw just this part" to "I want you to add this part of the character with this part of that character and come up with a new character." Taniguchi pretty much gave CLAMP free reign over the designs, telling them not to worry about what the CG world was like, and because of that they came up with all kinds of variations, from SF to Classical, for things like the military uniforms. There were altogether some 40 ~ 50 designs; C.C. also had traditional Japanese clothes as well as Western Barbie-style clothes. (Now we know why C.C. cosplays so much. Taniguchi probably included them because he thought it would be a waste not to...) - Ookawa -- "Taniguchi doesn't like girls with big breasts." (This is true; Taniguchi is famous for being anti-fanservice. He supposedly hates "jiggling chests" the most, but it seems that since GunxSword he's had to compromise on this area because frankly, sex sells) Ookawa - "Even though I drew all kinds of female figures and body shapes, only the flat-chested designs were returned." (The unreturned designs = No Good) Taniguchi: "It's not that those aren't allowed (laugh) It's just that when you transfer them on to the screen it usually ends up even more exaggerated, so I wanted to keep the original designs under control, at least." - Taniguchi also likes having characters who have something different on one side of their bodies (the "unbalanced" balance) Lelouch has one red eye, for example; Villetta's and Jeremiah's hairstyles also fall under this category. Taniguchi -- "I like it. It's sexy, don't you think?" Ookawa -- "You like characters with sex appeal, huh." Taniguchi -- "Sex appeal is important. CLAMP's characters are all sexy. That's another reason why we decided to request designs from you." - Before doing the character designs, KimuTaka spent every day copying CLAMP's art from their artbooks and manga. After analyzing CLAMP's art to his best ability, he then started on the character designs. He did his best to design them in a way so that the other animators would be able to draw them without deviating from CLAMP's original artstyle. - According to Ookawa, Schneizel was designed with "Lelouch's arch nemesis" in mind. The most time was spent on his design. Taniguchi wanted someone who could appear either good or bad and had a large sense of scale (2 meters... okay so he probably wasn't referring to height, but still) - Lloyd is the professor-type CLAMP is good at (Ookawa's own confession), but originally he wasn't supposed to be that much of a mad scientist. It happened mostly because of Shiratori Tetsu's acting (In the audio commentary for episode 1 Taniguchi mentions that he gave Shiratori free reign over Lloyd's character) Ookawa was surprised when Lloyd turned out the way he did. - Which characters do the CLAMP members like? Mokona (she did the final character original art) liked Clovis, so when she saw that he was offed after only 2 episodes she was really depressed. According to Ookawa, Clovis was killed off a lot earlier than originally planned. Taniguchi apologizes for this, and then remarks that Jeremiah, on the other hand, has survived longer than originally planned. (The power of 2ch, indeed) - Taniguchi: "If you rewatch the first half of the show after watching episode 23, you might discover new things you didn't see before." He refuses to say what these things are, saying that this is an enjoyment exclusive to viewers who noticed themselves. - Okouchi was the one who insisted that a mask was necessary in order for it to be a Sunrise anime. - Ookawa -- "Director Taniguchi is someone who makes it clear what his likes and dislikes are, and this really helped our work. I like Cornelia, and I hope she can be happy." (I'm sure she'll get along well with Fu-kuyama, that crazy Cornelia fan) - Ookawa seems to be a Lelouch fan. She says that she worries whenever Lelouch does something stupid or uses the Geass in a wasteful manner. - CLAMP will still be doing the designs for the sequel, or perhaps have already done them. --- Animedia Q. Is it true that the Emperor is invading countries because he is looking for (Geass) "ruins"? A. In episode 19, General Bartley said "The Emperor decides which country to invade going by the location of the ruins" (I'm not sure how gg translated this). It is unclear whether this is truly the motive behind the invasions, but as the General has been investigating this for a long time, his statement that there are other such ruins, at least, must be true. Since a gigantic Geass mark surfaced on the Kaminejima ruins, it appears that it is somehow connected with the Geass. (Well duh) Q. What exactly is the "Mental Elevator" (Intellevator) the Emperor mentioned? A. This is still very much a mystery. However, because this is something coming from the Emperor, it may have to do with the mystery of the ruins he is said to be searching for. (...Double duh) Q. What is the 2nd Imperial Prince Schneizel looking for? A. Bartley and co. are picking up where Clovis left off with his investigations, which is why they went to Kaminejima. It seems that they have a vague suspicion on what the Emperor's objectives are, and intend to get a jump on him. At this stage this is all we are able to infer. It is probable that there is a certain something the Britannian royalty all wish to obtain. (...? Immortality? Pizza? And Schneizel vs Emperor, go! If Schneizel isn't a bad guy, or had nothing to do with Marianne's assassination, Lelouch should just team up with him already >__> With Suzaku, the Emperor would be dead in a day) Q. After episode 23, what will become of Britannia's "Area 11"? A. As we have just reached the part where the next step of the battle would be to destroy the Britannian government office (the palace-like building with flags), the answer to this question will have to depend on the outcome. Should the Black Knights triumph, Japan may have its rights restored while the Britannians may be forced into a vulnerable position this time around. (Take away all their cellphones! That'll teach 'em!) However, both the Chinese Federation and the EU, names which have repeatedly come up in the show, are both keeping an eye on the situation. How these two forces will act is something to look out for in the future. Q. What happened to "Good Morning'd" Orange? A. I too am surprised. Even though it's amazing that he's made a reappearance in the show, it's "Good Morning'd" after all. (Meaning the line destroyed the serious, cool mood of the scene XD) It seems that after the Narita battle, he was picked up (in the same sense you pick up rubbish / abandoned animals), turned into a subject for experiments and then modified. I'm sure many viewers have already realized what happened because his silhouette is in the OP. The resurrected Orange can't be beat! (Literal translation = "is the strongest") Q. What happened to Shirley's "memories" erased by the Geass? A. Basically, those memories will not return. The Geass works only once. Having seen the memo with her own handwriting, Shirley made her own inferences and somehow managed to grasp the truth of the situation. Although there was a subtle scene in episode 23 where she reacted to the name "Lulu", with the situation becoming increasingly hectic, her chances of meeting Lelouch again will diminish. (What does this mean? She's not going to get her chance to confront Lelouch about the truth after running away from it in episode 22?) Q. Will Kallen's real identity never be revealed to her friends in school? A. Although Suzaku already knows about it, he didn't say a thing about it in school, so as long as Suzaku and Kallen herself keep quiet no one will know. However, in episodes 24 and 25 Kallen, along with Zero, may storm the government office. What will become of the school when the settlement becomes a battlefield...!? (Are they hinting that the school will be in danger --> Black Knights come to the rescue --> Kallen's identity is finally revealed?) *The caption for Nunnally's picture: Sayoko's position itself has become somewhat ambiguous. There isn't a single person left who is protecting her... (I noted this because this sounds bad. Protect her, Arthur!) *The caption for Milly's picture: Having given up on Lelouch, she plunged headlong into the engagement with Lloyd. However... (However...? JUST JOIN THE BLACK KNIGHTS ALREADY!) Q. If the settlement is attacked, what will become of Nunnally and Arthur? A. In episode 23, it appears that the school is still somewhat safe and peaceful. Although Nunnally was frightened, she still has "the mysterious" Sayoko-san with her. Sayoko was told by Diethard to "Stay as you are and wait for further orders." (Episode 21) Things should be alright. Is Arthur with them!? (No, he's obviously outside taking down mechs left and right) However, should Japan achieve independence, Britannian schools would be in danger. *The text below (not in the blue boxes) written by the magazine writers (not the CG staff) says that if Lelouch doesn't go back to Ashford, Nunnally's safety will be "a candle in the wind". However, since this is his beloved sister we're talking about, it makes sense to think that he will definitely return in episodes 24 and 25...!? (...did they really need to end the sentence with an interrobang?) Q. Will "Chigusa"-san join the Black Knights? A. Chigusa-san = Villetta. She's currently cohabiting with Ougi and living a life reminiscent of the Showa period (...loving couple, wife waiting at home etc?) The octopus wieners she made for Ougi's bentou truly had a lot of impact. However, because her memories disappeared not because of the Geass, they will return someday. With that the two of them will become mutual enemies, which will make things difficult. *The lower text says "There is no way a Britannian female Knight will pass all her days living a lovey-dovey life in secret. But don't cry, Ougi!!" (I... want to see him cry >__>) Q. When will C.C. give the OK to Lelouch the Geass user? (This is the literal translation of the question; it seems that what the question is trying to ask is: Exactly what does Lelouch need to do in order to fulfil the terms of the contract?) A. This is far from clear. It seems that C.C. sealed the contract with Lelouch with a certain objective in mind. This contract is valid until that goal is reached. (Does this mean that once her wish is fulfilled, she can / will take Lelouch's Geass away from him?) For Lelouch, his goals are to defeat Britannia and the Emperor and also to create a happy world for Nunnally... However, what C.C. stands to gain from these goals of his remains a mystery. Q. Is Wall h4x Suzaku's (okay, so it actually says wall-runner Suzaku) physical prowess that of a normal human being's? A. Yes, he's a normal human being. It's just that he possesses extraodinary physical capabilites. It seems that his excellent Knightmare piloting skills has to do with him being unexpectedly compatible with Lancelot, and nothing more than that. Lloyd of the Special Dispatch was quick to notice this. (...? What about Fake Okouchi and Real Okouchi's previous hints about there being a secret behind his abnormal physical strength? Unless this answer is supposed to be a red herring?) Q. With Euphie dead, is Suzaku's mental state alright? A. He can't be alright, can he? That's not the usual him. If you listen carefully he said "Ore" (? He was still Boku-Suzaku during the phone conversation though, but I might have missed him saying "Ore" in episode 23), even though he had been using "boku". However, it seems that that is Suzaku's original personality. Up till now he's been faking his personality because of what happened with his father. He can no longer continue his facade now that he's snapped. Rather than saying that he will be somewhat like a beast from here on, it would be more appropriate to say we will be able to see Suzaku's real personality. Q. Why is it that up until the very end, Suzaku still doesn't have a "cellphone"? A. It's because there is a clear rule regarding this; Elevens and Honorary Britannians are not allowed to have one. It's a Britannian rule. This was probably decided in order to nip any possible insurrection in the bud. Also explains why Cecile-san had to personally come and get Suzaku (in episode 17) Q. After episode 23, what will Suzaku's next move be? A. To take revenge? For Euphie. Against Zero! Perhaps he isn't thinking about the future at all. Although he's fighting as a Honorary Britannian, it seems that he's just rushing headlong into the battle with personal grudges to settle. However, he pretty much cannot die due to the "Live!" Geass on him. A rather painful future may be awaiting him. Q. Who is more amazing? Suzaku vs Lelouch 10-point showdown! 1. Knightmare piloting skills: Suzaku 2. Hunting ability: Suzaku 3. Game skills: Lelouch 4. How they treat Nunnally: Lelouch 5. Popularity with the girls: Tie 6. Popularity with the guys: Suzaku 7. Studies (Science/Maths): Lelouch 8. Studies (Humanities/Arts): Lelouch 9. Independence (Cooking): Suzaku 10. Independence (Money concept): Lelouch (Lelouch wins 5-4. Lelouch is actually pretty good at cooking (It's part of his official character profile, IIRC; Sayoko also mentions this in her Diary section for DVD vol 2's booklet) Some of the reasonings behind the Lelouch vs Suzaku results are pretty nonsensical, actually. For example: 9. Independence (Cooking skill): Suzaku Lulu has been feeding Nunnally ever since their childhood days. His cooking skills are absolutely perfect. Suzaku received a strange Onigiri (Cecile's) Therefore... ...What does that have to do with cooking skills? >__> If anything that only proves Suzaku isn't human. As for Popularity with Girls, it's a tie because while Lelouch may have a hidden fanclub at school (I forgot who said this... FO?), Suzaku is popular with older women. This is also part of his official character profile; Suzaku admits it himself in the booklet for DVD vol. 03. However, he denies being attracted to them, but considering his first love (a house maid) happened when he was 3 years old... >__> Suzaku wins in the Popularity with Guys section because Lelouch doesn't really mix around with other students, only with his fellow Student Council members. This isn't really fair considering Suzaku probably has a hard time getting along with other classmates as well, but I guess that all changed after Euphemia knighted him. Though I think if it had been Zero vs Suzaku Zero would have won hands down. Zero has Diethard (Obsessed stalker), Tamaki (Tsundere) and Orange (also a stalker when you think about it >__>) --- Taniguchi Some interesting stuff from the Taniguchi interview: - Taniguchi appears to be hinting that Suzaku will have more scenes in the 2nd season. He mentioned that for viewers who want to watch this show thinking of Lelouch and Suzaku as double protagonists (Like Kazuma and Ryuhou in S.cry.ed; however, officially, Lelouch is the only protagonist in this show; everyone else is a supporting character), this motif will come up from here on. (He probably means that the difference between Suzaku and Lelouch will be made even more obvious in the future) - We'll be seeing more of Lelouch romantic relationships (probably in the 2nd season) According to him they decided not to put too much focus on those in the first 23 episodes because it would only complicate matters. It was necessary to show what Lelouch's primary focus is (Destroy Britannia; happy world for Nunnally) - V.V. will be a key person in the 2nd season; same goes for the mysterious long-haired Chinese guy (? Girl?) shown in episode 23. - By episode 26 (Taniguchi probably means 1st episode of the 2nd season; it seems that he's thinking of Code Geass as one whole continuous season) viewers will be able to see what Lelouch currently has in mind and what he intends to do next. - In case the sequel wasn't greenlighted (they already received the OK for it back in December last year, at least), they had an alternative route prepared for the story to take, one which would have ended the story in episode 23. It would have been a non-conclusive ending though; according to Taniguchi it was more of a "psychological" ending for Lelouch (think EVA ending) - By Taniguchi's own admission, the real story has only just begun. --- Kawaguchi The Kawaguchi interview itself is quite strange. It feels as though Director Taniguchi, Scriptwriter Okouchi and Producer Kawaguchi all have different interpretations regarding the show. On the subject of the phone conversation at the end of episode 23, Kawaguchi says that Okouchi originally wrote the scene intending to dramatize the mistaken nature of Lelouch and Suzaku's friendship (lit. trans: how it continually "passes each other by"), but Taniguchi said "If you need to confirm it, then you're not really friends" (The "After all, we're friends, aren't we?" line) and had the meaning of the scene changed. So... are they truly friends or not? I suppose they're "friends" in the sense that they truly care about each other, yet at the same time they can't be "true friends" because they're still hiding all sorts of secrets from each other. Kawaguchi, at least, is adamant that Lelouch and Suzaku cannot be considered friends. I'd like to see an Okouchi-only interview next to hear what he has to say on this matter XD Also, Kawaguchi referred to Lelouch as "Lulu" twice in the interview. Kawaguchi is a big fan of Lulu Quality, indeed. --- The infamous phone call in 23. Producer Kawaguchi actually offered an explanation in his interview on why Lelouch has Euphie's number. We know that he definitely has her number saved because "Euphemia" showed up on his cellphone; we also know that calls from unknown people show up on his phone as "No Number" (episode 13 -- assumed to be a call from Ougi and episode 15 -- Mao) Basically the (lame) explanation is: "They must have exchanged numbers on the deserted island (laugh)" I wonder what name Euphemia saved Lelouch's number under though. She can't possibly have saved it under "Lelouch"... she's not that much of an airhead... right? >__> Though "Zero" is a lot worse, but not as much as "My First Love, Eheh <3" --- Fake Okouchi questions from 2chan 1. (Did Suzaku know that Zero = Lelouch at the end of episode 23? If so, did Lelouch realize it as well?) No comment. 2. (When exactly will episodes 24 and 25 be aired during the summer? Will they not be aired first via Biglobe's internet streaming?) I don't think so . We weren't able to secure the slots in time. It's a little thick-skinned of me to say this, but to make up for it the animation and the directing etc. will be impressive. 3. (It seems to me that Suzaku is more important to Lelouch than Lelouch is to Suzaku. What exactly does Suzaku think of LuluNana?) To Suzaku, Lelouch is more of an old friend. As for Nunnally, rather than her being just the sister of a friend, it appears that he thinks of her as an important person. 4. (Will Lulu and C.C.'s line "Bestow upon me the mark of destruction! Consecrate it!" used in the pre-airing CMs appear in the show? A word about this line please.) I don't think the line will appear in the show. The lines said in the CMs are more like "catch copies" <"catch phrases" in English> 5. (Did Suzaku see V.V. or C.C. in episode 22? What was the reason behind it?) <-- The light silhouette in front of the Gawain It was C.C. It's somewhat like the mirage(?) of C.C. only Lelouch could see in episode 1. He saw it because he has the Geass potential. 6. (C.C. talked to Marianne in episode 23. Is Marianne in the World of C?) No comment. 7. (How does C.C. go about choosing Geass users? As long as they have potential everything's fine? For what reason did she choose Mao and Lelouch?) It's a secret, but the main criteria involved in the choosing is related to the bloodline as well as where and how the person grew up. 8. (In episode 7, C.C. said "The blood does not rebel" (Children take after their parents) Whose blood was she referring to? The Emperor's or Marianne's?) Both, I suppose. C.C. was teased *by Marianne* a lot, so I think she just wanted to get her back for it *by claiming that Lelouch takes after her?* 9. (Who's stronger: V.V. or C.C.?) It depends on what you mean by "strong", but if you were to make them fight each other mano-a-mano I think C.C. would be declared the victor. 10. (Will the "Lelouch being good at household chores" character setting be used in the future? Is it true that he made Zero's costume himself? Will such hidden character settings appear in the drama CDs etc?) I think the scenes that were cut from the show *such as the kiss with Kallen?* as well as the character settings that have yet to be shown will be included in the drama CDs and such. *He didn't actually state a specific media* 11. (What's the meaning behind the OP shot in which Lelouch rides a horse? What about the mugshots? Whose hand is it in the scene showing someone trying to grab hold of the person floating with the Geass mark?) Horse-riding is a sort of reference to piloting a Knightmare *they're "mares", after all* It implies that his (Lelouch's) main role isn't to pilot a Knightmare *he's more of a commander*, unlike Suzaku. Also, his elegant way of spurring a horse onward shows his prince-like quality / nature. This is further supported by the background, which was drawn with the Britannia homeland in mind. As for the mugshots, I think that those show the key characters whose actions help move the story forward, but I fear that only the director knows the truth of it. As for the hand, I think it's probably Nunnally's. (Actually I don't know either, but the skin-tone is the same as Nunnally's) 12. (What is the debt from 7 years ago? Will it be revealed in the 1st season?) The "Debt" doesn't only refer to one specific thing. One of it has to do with the Kururugi family forcing LuluNana into confinement *in a storage shed, no less* 13. (Will the Emperor's past cronies and Knight appear in the show?) That would depend on the 2nd season. 14. (Why is it that even though Nunnally calls Marianne "Okaa-sama" (polite), Lulu calls her "Kaa-san" (informal)? It's rather strange for royalty to do that.) I think perhaps it's a sort of code showing how he respected, trusted and in a way depended on his mother. The same goes for Suzaku calling himself "Ore". *Meaning it's a sort of clue about what goes on in their heads* 15. (How much time has passed in the show between episodes 1 ~ 25?) The actual length of time is made ambiguous, but I suppose it's quite close to the broadcast length in real life. *About 6 months?* 16. (The difference between a Knight and an Elected Knight (Suzaku, Guilford) please.) Originally, the term "Knight" is a general one referring to all Knightmare pilots. Elected Knights such as Guilford and Suzaku are those chosen by the royalty as personal protectors. It's just that for the convenience of the conversation there are times where the term "Knight" actually refers to "Elected Knight". 17. (A hidden character setting, please. Anything is fine.) In the early planning stages, Rivalz was named Radner *? Katakana = "radona"; I have no idea whether this is a name or whether he's referring to another famous person or what* and had a much bigger role. In a way, he had an evil side to him, more so than Lelouch, and was truly "bad company". However, if he was to be made into someone who had too much in common with Lelouch, Suzaku's existence would have less of an impact and thus changes were made. 18. (Will the period in which LuluNana lived by themselves be shown in the show? Or will these be covered by the Picture Dramas and Drama CDs?) Unknown. 19. (Was the Marianne shown in episode 22 part of C.C.'s memories? Why did Suzaku faint?) Rather than say that was C.C.'s memories, it would be more appropriate to say that was a scene showing her "vision". *That's exactly what he says in katakana* Suzaku collapsed because of C.C.'s shock attack. 20. (Villetta once said "Britannia is scary" when she was still Chigusa. Were those her real feelings?) That was her reacting to having been seriously wounded and having lost her memories. Besides that, she felt peaceful during her time with Ougi and was also influenced by his way of thinking. 21. (What are the requirements for the reactivation of Suzaku's "Live!" Geass? How will it affect him, exactly? Make him go berserk?) He will return to his original way of living and become more and more honest. *His "boku" personality is a false one used to protect himself* 22. (Are there plans to use the cut Zero / Kallen kiss scene (Source: Megami Magazine) in the future?) It is true that that scene was cut. A lot of adjustments were made around episode 20. The kiss event was to give Kallen courage after she lost her nerve to continue to act as a member of the Black Knights. Originally there was supposed to be a sequence of scenes showing her remembering the kiss, shaking off her hesitations and fighting whenever she was about to be discouraged. 23. (A word about the Emperor and Marianne, please.) No comment. 24. (What is the relation between V.V., Suzaku and Nunnally?) For Suzaku and Nunnally, it's just as I said in the answer for the 3rd question. As for V.V. and Suzaku, no comment. At the moment V.V. and Nunnally are not connected. 25. (A word about the future of the Ashford Academy Student Council members.) The school will become a part of the battlefield due to various calculations *? from which side? Nina...?* 26. (A hint about love relationships. Also, a word on why Euphie fell in love with Suzaku. Is Suzaku no longer a virgin?) No comment. *Yeah, 2chers like asking which characters are virgins. See: Virginity Theory* 27. (Kaguya called herself The Goddess of Victory. Did something happen before this to support her claim?) Unknown. --- Ura de Net Geass! Participants: Tanaka Kazunari (Tamaki VA) Yoshino Hiroyuki (Secondary scriptwriter / series composition) Kawaguchi Yoshitaka (Producer) Morotomi Youshi (Producer, MBS TV station side) - An 8 hour meeting was held to determine C.C.'s name and real identity. Supposedly none of the participants ate or drank throughout the whole thing (Okouchi: "Give me something to eat!") According to Yoshino, whenever he thought the meeting was about to come to an end, someone would start up again and the meeting would continue with no end in sight. XD - The title "Code Geass" was a fairly last-minute decision (the tentative title was "Lelouch of the Rebellion") The production team were in a panic over the lack of a proper title; "We need a title to design the title logo!" etc. - Yoshino: "A strange scriptwriter joined around episode 12." (referring to himself) According to him, for episodes 1 ~ 11 all he did was comment on Okouchi's scripts: "Oh, I like this. I don't like this. This is cool." etc. Okouchi got annoyed and told him "Why don't you write the scripts then?" (Yoshino wrote the scripts for episodes 12, 13 and 19) Dark Okouchi >__> - Mao's repetitive clapping didn't exist in the scripting stages; Taniguchi was the one who later added it to make him "more annoying". Also, according to the producers, the Mao arc had the highest ratings o__O - Originally, Toudou was supposed to join Lelouch's side much earlier. They talk about the Diethard and Toudou shot in the ED. All are baffled by it; conclusion: "Only Taniguchi knows." - Okouchi wrote the script for episode 18; according to Yoshino, Okouchi told him: "Isn't it exciting, leaving viewers wondering whether Lelouch Geass'd Suzaku?" Yoshino: "So how are you going to wrap this up?" Dark Okouchi: "I'll think about it later!" XD Each time Yoshino asked him if he's thought of it yet, Okouchi would reply: "Not yet." Seems like Okouchi is a fairly laidback character XD - Yoshino ended up writing the script for episode 19; supposedly he requested to do it, saying "Oh well, if (Okouchi) wants me to write a script, I might as well do the island arc." (he's more or less the fanservice supervisor for this show) According to him (and the Newtype Taniguchi + Fu-kuyama interview), this was how Lelouch's trap was supposed to work: Lelouch successfully digs a proper hole --> However, a boar appears behind him --> Lelouch tries to Geass it: "Lelouch Vi Britannia orders you to SIT!" --> Geass doesn't work on animals --> Lulu Quality Tragedy (Wait, isn't this just like that one fancomic? o__O) However, Taniguchi changed it all, telling Yoshino: "Well, in the first place, Lelouch isn't capable of digging such a hole..." - The reason why the writers made Kallen stand on Gawain's shoulder instead of getting into the two-seater cockpit with Lelouch in episode 19: "There's no way Kallen will hand over the 2nd-pilot position to anyone else once she's in there." Good point. - Will we see Gawain engaging in electronic warfare? Maybe, maybe not. However, officially Gawain is equipped for it (Druid System) The producers and Tanaka all agree that Gawain is pretty much a h4x mecha in this show. - According to Tanaka, right after the airing of episode 22, 3 of his friends rang him up asking "What the hell was that? I need to know what happens next!" etc. According to Kawaguchi, "some of the viewers may have been satisfied with the handshake in episode 22, but actually, a lot more people would have been upset..." - After episode 23, the production team received letters from fans saying "Okouchi is so evil", "Dark Okouchi" etc. According to the 4 of them, Okouchi doesn't like that. Realizing Okouchi may be listening to this, they start sucking up to him, saying things like "Okouchi is a wonderful person!" "He's an... *long pause* honest person!" Tanaka: "I love Okouchi!... okay, moving on..." XD XD XD - Tanaka says he isn't allowed to talk about episode 24, but he dropped some hints, like: "I had no idea that part in episode 23 was a foreshadowing" and "So that was what that person was doing". Okay...
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minigenos · 6 years
Holidays, Part 2
Part 1 ― Part 2 (you are here)
Genos plans a romantic holiday evening for Saitama. However, as this is the One Punch Man universe, things quickly start going to shit when monsters attack.
The atmosphere at the banquet hall was relaxed and friendly, though one wouldn't think so based on Genos's expression. While Saitama was nearly halfway done with his food, the cyborg hadn't touched anything in his bowl. He was just... staring at it.
Oh god, not again, the hero thought to himself as he looked over to his date. He's over-anaylizing something again, isn't he?
Saitama knew the only way to snap Genos out of his current mood was to get him to say what was on his mind, much to the older hero's chagrin.
He really hoped it wouldn't be another ten-minute long essay this time.
“Uh, Genos? You haven't touched any of your food yet. It's going to get cold...”
“Oh?” Now that Genos had been brought back to reality, the only thing left to do was brace for whatever he had to say next.
“Sorry sensei, I was just thinking. I should have been able to detect those two monsters you defeated well before we actually saw them. Now I'm beginning to wonder if my sensors are faulty or monsters have developed some way of hiding from them...”
Saitama looked over at Genos. Or, more specifically, the crack in his head from when the hero mistakenly hit it like an alarm clock.
That might be the reason why his system wasn't working properly.
But it was Christmas, and Genos shouldn't have to worry about something like that. If anything came along Saitama could handle it. Now all he had to do was convince the cyborg of such and get him to drop the subject.
“Ah, yeah, well don't worry about it. They're gone and if anything else shows up I can deal with it, no problem.” Saitama managed a smile to make what he said more genuine, which Genos seemed to begrudgingly buy.
“You're right,” he finally admitted. “I'll just have to make sure Doctor Kuseno checks it the next time I go in for repairs.”
For a brief moment Saitama was exceedingly glad the doctor didn't have any means to contact him – he probably would have gotten an earful from him over damaging Genos in such a stupid way.
With Genos's mind put at ease for now the pair could finally relax and enjoy their dinner in peace.
Except not really.
With Genos's sensors out of commission, everyone was taken completely by surprise when part of the roof and wall caved in and the shadows of a dozen monsters materialized in the swirling dust and snow.
Every single one of the workers fucked right out of the room at the very first sight of the monsters. They definitely weren't getting paid enough to deal with that kind of crap.
“Hm, hm! Well, isn't this a surprise,” one of the monsters said. “Someone who didn't run away for once. Are you too scared to move, or too stupid to know when to get out of the way?”
At the direction of the monster closest to the heroes, the entire group began to move forward well before the dust and snow had settled.
“Well, since you gave us such a warm welcome,” the same monster as before said, “please allow us to introduce ourselves.” Standing before them was what seemed to be an animated tree with two sets of stubby, gnarled legs and one pair of over-sized arms that ended hands with varying numbers of sharp claws. On what could be considered its torso was a giant number “1” while where its head would have most likely been was a circular robotic structure that held a bird within it. One of the bird's eyes and part of its head were robotic while a monocle was somehow held up against its other eye.
With a couple egotistical chuckles the bird spoke again. “We are The-”
“Hey look Genos, it's a cute little pigeon!” Saitama said, completely cutting off the monster. “Do you think they have any bread in the kitchen we can feed it? I wanna go check.”
“Sensei...” the cyborg whispered in what could be considered a pleading voice for him. He tried to grab onto his mentor to stop him, but the man was already out of his normal reach.
“Would you stop that!” the bird monster shouted, causing Saitama to freeze in his tracks. The tree it was positioned on top of lurched a huge step forward in response.
“Oh hey it talks!” Saitama smiled over his delayed realization. “Neat, a talking pigeon”
Now that Saitama's focus was solely on their newest adversaries, the hero finally took the time to look over each monster in the group. Thankfully for him, all but one were number-coded for easy identification.
1 – The talking pigeon (“I'M A PARTRIDGE YOU TWAT!!”) and animated tree.
2 – A bipedal, mostly white, turtle with unusually large claws. Saitama could see bursts of pink flames erupt from the limbs every so often. Its number was sewn onto a silver arm band.
3 – One of the most human-looking of the group, this monster had long, flowing silver hair and held a long cigarette marked with a “3” in a gloved hand. Her white boa provided a sharp contrast to her floor-length black dress.
“Oh hey, you look really nice!” Saitama couldn't help but compliment the monster.
“Oh? Tu es un charmeur,” she replied in a somehow italicized French accent.
4 – While the head of this monster was identical to that of a common sparrow, just enlarged to fit the rest of the body, everything from the neck down looked almost boringly human, even down to the black suit and polished shoes. A small “4” was monogrammed onto its pocket square. It might seem rather uninteresting, but this was definitely a high-class monster.
5 – A solid gold-colored, cartoonishly haute humanoid. He probably wasn't real gold; maybe 10k at max. He seemed to use psychic powers to continuously levitate and spin five circular gold blades at speeds fast enough to rip through flesh. Instead of telling time, his watch showed only the number 5 – honestly, there were some days where Saitama could get behind that sentiment.
6 – The only un-numbered one of the bunch, it was literally just a giant goose. Likely it had ripped its marker off.
7 – This monster seemed to have the head and upper body of a black-colored swan wearing a long, iridescent black feathered dress that trailed on the floor. Saitama couldn't tell if it had normal human legs, really long bird legs, or if it was just two swans standing on top of each other. He figured it would be too rude to ask. A black corset with a silver “7” jutting from it indicated where her place was in the group.
8 – This monster seemed... suspiciously human. A burly woman in a red and white maid's outfit, combat boots, and spiked punching gloves marked with one bright red “8” on each one seemed like something one would see at a cosplay convention than with a group of blatantly obvious monsters.
At this point Saitama wished there were fewer monsters because the descriptions of each individual one was becoming extremely tedious.
9 – Saitama had to admit, this monster looked surprisingly interesting. It was a ballet dancer made up of possibly millions of shards of crystal that seemed able to shift and reform its body at will, though most of the time was contorting its body in the approximate shape of the number 9.
10 – This monster seemed like it would again be more at home at a cosplay convention, or even a Renaissance festival. They looked like a ridiculously over-sized elf, aside from the mask over its eyes which turned them into a pair of glowing white dots. A belt held together with a “10” buckle stored numerous smithing tools and picks while the monster held a heavy mallet in each hand.
11 – A massive, completely mechanized hedgehog with a thick black sack for a belly and musical pipes as opposed to quills. Its number was engraved into large gears placed at the monster's hips.
12 – The final monster of the batch, and one of the few that looked like a monster to boot; a large demon drum with rows of spikes along both sides of its body. Based on how easily rubble was crushed into dust under its feet, it was safe to say this monster was notably heavier than it looked.
With each monster finally registered, Saitama had only one thing to say.
“You guys seriously take orders from a pigeon?”
“OH MY FUCKING GOD I AM NOT A PIDGEON!” the bird shouted as his wings slapped down onto the rim of his mechanical nest.
“He's an angry pigeon,” Saitama teased, which resulted in even Genos rolling his eyes. “Oh! Wait, I get it now! It's like the song! How's it go?”
“W...what?” the bird muttered in a perplexed voice.
“FIVE GOLDEN HENS!!” the hero bellowed at the top of his lungs, startling both Genos and the group of monsters. His student was the quickest to recover and pointed out his mentor's mistake.
“No, no, sensei. It's five golden rings. The hens are day three.”
“Are you sure? I thought they were golden hens...”
The pair spent an obscenely long time debating among themselves what item corresponded to each day and wildly failing, while the group of monsters that were very blatantly based off of the song stood. Directly. Across. From. Them.
“What shall we do?” the monster marked with a 3 asked.
“This is getting ridiculous,” the feathered ringleader of the group replied. Together they were no less than a Dragon-level threat, possibly bordering on that of God.
And they were being ignored by an over-literal cyborg and hoodie-wearing humanoid egg.
“Just kill them already!” the bird ordered with a wave of his wing, which triggered the monsters into launching forward – fangs, claws, fire, or tools bared – and bear down on the two heroes.
The sudden commotion was finally enough to break the pair from their discussion. Genos dropped down while his robotic body flared to life, while Saitama merely just turned his head.
“Don't you know it's rude,” he started while balling his left hand into a fist, “to interrupt other people's conversations?” He swung his fist in an arch, which made direct contact with the “1” on the sentient tree, causing the monster to disintegrate instantly. The shock wave from Saitama's punch completely destroyed the other monsters, causing their bodies to be torn to shreds and splatter in a wide arch around where they died. Only two monsters managed to survive the carnage by getting blown back and managing to avoid a fatal amount of damage.
“Get up Golde. We need to get out of here.”
“W... what happened?” The gold-colored monster rose shakily to an approximate sitting position and looked at the other monster. Hen looked pretty roughed up, to say the least. Her dress  and boa had seen better days, and the cigarette she had gotten from Par as a gift for joining the Knights was long gone.
The pair had been knocked notably far away from their original spot and landed in a poorly-lit area far enough away from the heroes to escape their notice. A true lucky blessing for them if ever there was one.
“I don't know how, but we survived.” The made a long, pained sigh. “I think we're the only ones who did.”
“But- but you've got to be joking! We're notably weaker than some of those monsters! Heck, we're not even full-fledged monsters like they are-”
“...were... but you're saying we are the only ones that made it out alive?”
Golde let out a dejected sigh and held his head in his hands. His partner stretched out her hand as a silent reminder for him that they needed to get up and get the heck out of there before reinforcements arrived. Or, even worse, those two heroes found them.
“How the hell did it end up like this,” he muttered to nobody in particular.
Neither Golde or Hen, his female co-patriot, were full-fledged monsters just yet, but were welcomed into the Demon Knights because they fit the rolls so well. Originally they had planned to just wait it out under the other monsters' protection until they had completely turned themselves, but now those plans had been completely shot to hell.
“Well, what now?” Golde asked as he wrapped one of Hen's arms around his shoulders.
“I have some items left in storage,” Hen replied. “If my contacts are still around I might be able to sell them and make enough money to open a store somewhere.”
“Hm? What kind of store?”
“I was thinking... a café or bistro maybe? I always enjoyed visiting those places as a child...”
“Ooh! Can I help?” Golde seemed to perk up at Hen's words, causing the woman to get knocked off-balance. “I've always had an eye for interior design and art.”
“Oui. But first,” Hen said as she readjusted herself, “let's focus on getting out of here.”
Golde had no choice but to nod dejectedly at the suggestion. Heartbroken over their loss but determined to make it out of the shitty situation they now found themselves in, the pair walked off into the night to piece their lives back together again.
On a positive note, the Demon Knights had been swiftly vanquished by Saitama. On a less positive note, about a third of the banquet hall had been demolished. That was a small problem for the heroes. The hall's owner probably wasn't going to be very thrilled over what they did.
As Genos called the owner and tried his best to explain what had happened over the other person's loud swearing, Saitama checked out what was salvageable from the food tables. It seemed only the fruit, vegetable, and one try of miniature cakes were, as those three were the only ones to still have a covering on them. Still, it was better than nothing. The hero picked up the three trays and walked over to a mildly frustrated Genos.
“I called the owner and they will be here shortly,” the cyborg said as he pulled out a Hero Association contact card and sandwiched it between a piece of rubble and one of the remaining tables. “I'll leave a card just in case he couldn't hear me over his own swearing.”
“Good thinking Genos,” Saitama commended his partner. He would have given a thumbs up, but his hands were full from the salvaged food. Genos turned around to thank his mentor for the compliment, but froze when he saw what the hero was carrying around.
“Sensei... why...”
“What? I don't wanna waste food if it's still good. This stuff's still covered so it's fine.”
“Yes, but...” Genos quickly realized any argument against taking the food would be futile, and let out a defeated sigh. “Fine,” he acquiesced, “but what now?”
“Hey, are you two OK?!” a familiar voice shouted from outside the newly “renovated” hall. The pair turned to find Mumen Rider in full uniform with a bag of groceries hanging from a handle bar.
“Oh, hey Mumen,” Saitama said before walking over to the other hero.
“I heard a loud explosion while I was out getting groceries, so I checked out and came as fast as I could. Looks like you took care of... everything... though,” he finished while looking around at the destruction.
“Yeah things got kinda messy,” Saitama nodded. “But, uh, we still managed to salvage some of the food, so that's good.” He hoisted up the trays in his arms to show off to the hero.
“Hmmm,” Mumen mused for a few seconds. “Hey, I have an idea!” He held up his pointer finger to emphasize the fact that he had an idea. “Why don't we stop off at the store so I can pick up a little more meat, and we can use it and those vegetables in a hot pot? I haven't had a chance to make that in ages!”
Saitama was on board almost immediately.
“Heck yeah!” the hero beamed. “That sounds great! You wanna do it, Genos?”
Even though the cyborg wasn't particularly thrilled about how the night had gone, he couldn't overlook the fact that Saitama seemed exceptionally happy over the suggestion.
“That's great,” Mumen smiled. “The store's right on the way home, so it won't take long at all to go in there, get what we need, and head back out.”
The group of three left the hall's parking lot with some light-hearted discussion, and completely ignored the owner of the establishment, who had just shown up. It was probably for the best that nobody was around him in the end; the string of expletives that spewed forth from his mouth could have made even Tiger-level monsters shrink back in horror.
“Alright, took a minute to put together, but here we are!” Mumen smiled as he set the hot pot assembly on the middle of the table. Finely-sliced pieces of beef along with vegetables had been carefully arranged in the bowl which was just now starting to heat up. It would be a little while before everything was ready, but even now the aroma was enough to make Saitama's mouth water.
“Hey, thanks for this,” Saitama said as they continued to sit around and wait for their food to be ready.
“It's no problem! Honestly, I was surprised to see you two out tonight of all nights.”
“Yeah,” the hero replied. “Funny enough, I almost overslept and forgot about it! Ha ha!”
Saitama's last sentence was enough to cause Genos to turn around and give him a mildly stone-faced look. The crack on his head was still very much visible, thank you very much.
In the end Genos couldn't deny that laughing off the incident was probably the best idea, despite the fact that it 100% was Saitama's fault in the first place. Tonight had turned out alright in light of their earlier setbacks, and nobody wanted to ruin it now. Genos merely waited silently for the hot pot to finish cooking as the other two heroes talked about everything and nothing at all.
“Is it done yet?” Saitama eventually asked, prompting Genos to pick up a pair of chopsticks and poke at the food.
“Seems so,” the cyborg replied.
“Aw sweet!” Saitama eagerly picked up his bowl and chopsticks, then pulled out a little bit of every item from the hot pot that was within his reach. Mumen and Genos quickly followed suit.
The pair didn't leave until nearly midnight, and to Mumen's delight cleaned out the hot pot bowl and all the dishes they had used. As the lone hero turned off the lights to his kitchen and living room, he couldn't help but let out a contented sigh. He had only planned on having dinner on his own tonight, but sheer chance had led to Saitama and Genos joining him for the evening. It wasn't anything fancy or extravagant, but he had a great time and hoped the two other heroes did as well.
Saitama woke up with a start the next morning.
They had left all of their food at Mumen's house!
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sarsaparillaswords · 7 years
Winter Soldier Arm Made From Paper
I did a Bucharest Bucky cosplay last Halloween and I’m pretty proud of it. Here’s a close-up:
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People have been asking me how I made it and it’s much easier to explain with pictures so I promised them a long tumblr how-to and here it finally is. This is just a forearm, meant to be worn with a henley to cover the upper arm and a glove over the hand. If you want to do a full arm and shoulder then I won’t be able to help you. I mentioned to my husband that I was considering making a full arm for next year and he gave me a look of panic, which is kind of funny because I was the one with glue all over my fingers. The house didn’t even get that messy but whatever. Husbands are still worth it and so is this arm. Here’s another close-up to show off my fake muscles:
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Why paper? When I first decided I wanted to do a Bucky costume, I looked at some other examples online. By far the most popular method was thin craft foam manipulated with a heat gun, but the noise and smell would probably have disturbed my child, and I didn’t want to invest in a piece of hardware that would be used once and then contribute to my household clutter forevermore. Finally, although supposedly craft-foam technique is not that difficult, I found it a little bit intimidating whereas I built this forearm with a technique from kindergarten, when we all made papier-mâché* balls by pasting newspaper strips onto balloons. 
* I went to the trouble of googling the spelling for papier-mâché and it’s full of accent marks, so I’m going to cut-and-paste it into this whole post, even though it makes me look like a huge nerd. Which I am.
To make this fine, if somewhat time-consuming, specimen of cosplay craftsmanship, you will need a bunch of trash you already have and a couple inexpensive things:
1) some newspaper (a couple issues of one of those free monthly papers is probably enough, since nobody except my in-laws subscribes to the paper anymore)
2) some lightweight material for padding (more newspaper or old plastic bags)
3) an old pair of pantyhose, old t-shirt, or stretchy scrap fabric
4) tape (I used masking tape but duct tape would probably be better)
5) plastic wrap
6) a small (8 oz) jar of mod-podge ($4-$7, matte, satin, or gloss is fine)
7) a small (3 oz) can of chrome paint ($3-$6)
8) a short length of elastic or very stretchy fabric and some thread (~$2)
9) a small, cheap paintbrush. The cheapest you can find (<$1)
The complete how-I-made-it story is below the cut, plus more terrible cell phone photos and unnecessary brilliant commentary.
I spent about a month planning this thing and only 4 days making it. The whole time, I was screaming internally because although I had the whole thing planned out, I didn’t actually know for sure if it would work until I did it. But it did. Here’s how:
Step 1: make an arm-shaped form to build the papier-mâché over.
Back in my misspent youth, I successfully drafted a homemade dress pattern by having a friend duct-tape me into a T-shirt. This works on the same principle. You need some kind of flexible stuff (stretchy fabric is best) to make the base layer and keep the tape from sticking to you. I cut a leg off an old pair of panty hose and slid it over my arm. Honestly a plastic bag would have probably worked just as well. A piece of thin knit fabric (like a piece cut from an old T-shirt) would be even better. Just make sure you don’t have any exposed skin where the tape will go. Then wrap tape around your arm until the whole thing is covered in a shell like this:
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You may notice that I used masking tape. I had this idea that I could capture some muscle definition by using a thinner, narrower tape. This was a mistake. Even while flexing to get the most out of my wimpy muscles, it didn’t really work. Also the panty hose wanted to contract and the tape wasn’t sturdy enough to counter that until I put a whole bunch of layers on. So save yourself a headache and use duct tape (tried and true). Your arm is widest while bent, so do most of the work in that position, but straighten it and move it around a bit to be sure that you will have room to move your arm when the thing is done.
Cut a slit in your crazy tape-sleeve to get it off and tape it back together, then stuff it with old plastic bags or newspaper so it will hold its shape. 
(At this point in my project, I looked at my sad  tape arm and decided by golly, it would have muscles if I had to make them up. So I taped two long pieces of crumpled newspaper where the most prominent muscles of the outer forearm would be. I don’t have a photo of this step, but I do have a nice forearm drawing tuturial and a muscle diagram in my art advice tag. Maybe those will help. Or you could be smart, unlike me, and skip the muscles.)
Step 2: use your arm form as a base to build a layer of papier-mâché
I covered the base with plastic wrap to make sure that my papier-mâché wouldn’t stick to it. Then I used Mod-Podge to paste overlapping newspaper strips over that base. If you aren’t familiar with Mod-Podge, it looks and smells just like white glue. There are probably a lot of different kinds of paste that would work here, but Mod-Podge is inexpensive and readily available. (Also, the hippy aesthetic really goes with my hairstyle.) I quickly discovered that it worked best if I applied the glue to the arm itself with a brush, then laid the newspaper strip over it and smoothed it down with my fingers. It took me a few tries to figure out the best way to lay the strips. As a result, that all-important valley between the “muscles” got papered over and I had to resort to cutting a slit in the paper and pushing it in a bit. It worked--just barely--but it was a real headache. 
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Look! Muscles!
So what is the best way to lay the strips? Definitely not like the picture above! In my opinion, a diagonal spiral around the arm works best, allowing you to lay the strip evenly and also keep track of how much you’ve covered in that layer, like this: 
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Start your strip near the wrist and let it lay the way it wants to go to stay smooth. This might result in a small gap or overlap with the strip next to it--don’t try to force them to line up exactly. 
Let dry 30 minutes between layers. I did about 3 layers, or roughly the thickness of a sheet of notepaper. I figured that my arm would provide a lot of structure, and I wanted to be sure I could cut it with ordinary scissors later!
Step 3: repeat the process to build a second papier-mâché layer
Once I figured it was thick enough, I let it dry overnight, then wrapped it in another layer of plastic wrap (IMPORTANT!) and started pasting again. About 5 layers this time, or about the thickness of a notecard. I wanted this layer to be very smooth. If I’d had the time, I might have tried to do a “build-up finish” as described on the Mod-Podge jar, but it was only 2 days before Halloween so I just didn’t have time. Instead, I made sure that all my paper strips were torn rather than cut, which made a much less visible edge. Also I finally figured out the diagonal thing. 
Then I coated it in a thick layer of Mod-Podge and let it dry for an hour or so.
Step 4: Draw lines for Winter Soldier Arm plates
The reference images I had were...not great...so eventually I had to shrug and make up something that made sense to me, for a very loose definition of “make sense.”
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Was Zola high when he designed this?
You can kind of see the diagonal paper strips under the lines here.
I did this with different colored Sharpie pens. The purple lines are for cutting. Some of the red lines are guide lines, some are where the thinner grooves in the plates go.
I had planned to make those grooves by pressing hard with an old ball-point pen. However, I found it hard to get a good grip on this rounded thing so the line came out shakier than I liked. I panicked and decided not to do the rest, hoping no one would notice, which was a shame because the groove actually looked awesome once the paint was on. 
Step 5: Cut up the outer shell
Let me pause here for a moment.
If you are reading this, then you may be thinking “this sounds like a lot of work!” Which it was! But the worst part was I didn’t know if it was even going to work at all. I didn’t have those completed photos to reassure me. I had a backup plan which was “wrap aluminum foil around my arm and call it good enough” As I built up the structure, it was starting to look like the principle was sound, but I had a lot of work ahead of me and I could still screw it up.
It was late at night on October 29th and I had to make a cut. After that, there would be no going back.
I needed to cut the tube open so that I could get my hand through it. My plan was to cut just to the right of the row of narrow plates on the inner arm. So I did.
The cut itself was fine! I pulled out the stuffing and nothing exploded or stuck to itself. The problem was that it was way too big, probably because of that muscle padding I added way back in step 1. Near my elbow especially, it was maybe an inch too wide. This might not seem like a lot, but when you are trying to hide the edge under a pushed-back henley cuff, it’s frigging huge. 
Step 5a: PANIC
After I was done panicking, I had a pretty cool idea so I ended up doing this:
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It’s weird now that I’m thinking about it, but I had no difficulty closing up that gap. Maybe I squeezed it a bit to train it but nothing fancy. It really wanted to curl up on itself already.
Step 5b: Cut up outer layer
This is a little tricky because I had to cut just to one side of the thick sharpie line, then just to the other side, which in practice means cutting a thin strip off the edge of every piece, to make the little gaps between the plates that give the arm its characteristic look.
I used ordinary scissors from an office supply store for most of this, new-ish but nothing fancy. For some of the fine details I turned to a pair of embroidery scissors that I had lying around and wasn’t too attached to (because this kind of thing is bad for embroidery scissors) Imagine my feeling of inverse accomplishment at achieving this:
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Like a beautiful flower made of cosplay despair.
While I was doing that I was also waiting for the paint on the under-layer to dry as described in...
Step 6: Prep the under-layer
I needed some elastic to hold the join snug closed over my arm, but I had a bit of metallic stretch velour fabric left over from my kid’s R2-D2 costume, which I had saved every scrap from because it was so expensive. I figured it was stretchy enough to use in place of elastic so I did some estimating and hand-sewed in a panel and...I’m not going to go into depth here. It worked fine but honestly it was so not worth it. In the end, that overlap from step 5a hid most of the join, so I could have just stapled in some elastic and a little flap of cheap silver lamé or something. Then I painted it. I had to mask it so the fabric wouldn’t get paint on it which goes to show how poorly I was thinking things through by this point because it would have been so much easier to paint it first and then add the elastic/stretch fabric/whatever.
The paint I used was Testors 1290 Chrome Spray Enamel from a local store that specialized in model train supplies. I ran down there the morning of October 30, because of course I was doing everything last minute and panicked as is my way. Nor had I taken the time to check any reviews of paint brands. So it was that I found myself standing in the store holding a can of 1290 Chrome in one hand and a of 1246 Metallic Silver in the other. “Chrome.” I murmured to myself. “Metallic Silver. Chrome. Metallic Silver.” I eventually bought the Chrome paint because it “sounded shinier” and because I could use it to make Mad Max jokes.
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Chrome was probably the right choice, as this review demonstrates, but on the other hand I might have gotten an even better finish with a different brand, but maybe not in that convenient 3-oz size.
Remember how one of the reasons I chose papier-mâché over heat-treated craft foam was to avoid bad smells? Well, this stuff reeks like you wouldn’t believe. And, forgive me for being such a hippy, but this kind of paint is very high in harmful VOCs, so if you want to use this stuff, if at all possible, do your painting outdoors to minimize health risks. It’s not like you’ll die from painting one arm, but the more often you use this stuff, the more careful you should be.
Getting back to my Epic Forearm Story, I was concerned that some of the paint would have difficulty reaching the under-layer through the gaps between the plates so I gave the under-layer a single coat of paint to avoid any weird paint shadows. It was good practice getting a smooth coat and I was feeling pretty confident about my painting skill. Too confident.
Step 7: Glue cut-up pieces of outer layer onto under-layer
At this point, it was starting to look like my mad project would work, but only if I could finish it on time. This wasn’t reducing my stress levels any, because now I had sunk hours into this project and I had something to lose. I was also concerned that the mod-podge might have difficulty sticking to the chrome paint finish. I lined up the first piece and patiently held it in place until it had dried enough to hold its position after I put it down. Then I waited another half hour or so for it to cure. The resulting join was quite strong, but it was taking flipping forever.
Then I remembered that I didn’t hate life or myself and also that I owned a bottle of super glue. The rest of the pieces went on lickety-split.
(Super glue is not durable enough for extended wear, so if you want to wear this for more than a single Halloween, use the mod-podge)
At this point I had meant to apply another thick coat of mod-podge to seal the edges and make the foundation as smooth as possible but I completely forgot, and maybe just as well because I was rapidly running out of time. Instead I went on to...
Step 8: Apply Chrome Paint finish
The first coat went on beautifully. I was really getting the hang of this, I thought. I put the last coat on just before bed, but this one spot needed a touch more paint, I hesitated just moment too long and...bam. Saggy, bubbly finish. It was so bad it looked like it might actually start to drip, so I grabbed a piece of newspaper and kind of wiped/scraped off some of the excess paint were it was collecting at the points, hoping all the while that I wasn’t marring the finish even further. I was practically in tears but even if I’d had the time, it’s not like I was going to start over so I went to bed and hoped for the best.
In the morning it didn’t look so bad, but I was worried about the edge digging into my arm so I tried to put a strip of that silver fabric over the edge to cushion it a bit, except that fabric is really hard to glue and it only just barely dried enough to wear in time for the trick-or-treating event that afternoon.
Step 9: Wear to widespread acclaim
Or not. Most people didn’t notice that I was wearing a costume at all, which is what happens when you are out on a busy sidewalk with an adorable 3-year-old child. Or people noticed, but didn’t remember Bucky well enough to recognize it. I got a complement on my “nice bracelet” so I guess the metal effect wasn’t too bad. But then I insisted on going to my Friendly Local Comic Book Store to enter the costume contest, and even though it was out of our way and I didn’t win, it was worth it to see the look on the face of the woman working there, just one look of admiration from a fellow nerd and I was over the moon. Hours of work, justified.
In conclusion, this construction method looks great but is somewhat uncomfortable to wear. It would have been better if I had lined it with felt or something. Also this was probably way more difficult than craft foam in the long run. Still, it is very light-weight, relatively cheap to make and allows for muscle contours if you are into that kind of thing. It might have been the best Bucky forearm ever but I flubbed the finish. If anybody decides to make one like it, please show me a picture or something, and learn from my mistakes. Finally, don’t get in any fights with spider-lings.
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cupkayke · 8 years
Cupkayke Rewatches/Liveblogs Boueibu!
Season 1, Episode 5
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Hokay! Moving right along- and surprisingly I actually have a lot to dissect in this episode! (Well, mostly about a couple of key conversations). This ep is where we get introduced to the Press Society fuckers and the boys start to pick up on a base level that their monster fighting might have a bigger purpose- although most of that is glossed over in favor of focusing on the lack of privacy. 
Thanks again to those who keep commenting on/reblogging my liveblogs! I come to love this community more and more each day, it seems like. You all rock <3
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And from his first moment on screen I remember thinking he was going to be significant
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And they aren’t concerned about the censoring?
Like that isn’t normal in real life, dude.
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Ominous scene is ominous - I have more on this later~
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Animation callout here- I could even notice Atsushi’s eyes scanning the pages here. A+ detail.
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I agree En- I hate the rain with a burning passion. Makes me just want to nap. (Again- I have a strong feeling that En is my spirit animal)
Again noticing the color-coordinated cups lol- @nardaviel 8D
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ATSUSHI WITH THE SASS AGAIN- similarly to Arima, why did I not notice how much fucking shade Atsushi throws (mostly towards En) the first time I watched this series? He has the best lines lol.
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Not quite compliments there- but what does En say?
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Like... is there any doubt that they’re boyfriends at this point? Or at least getting there? Lol
Side note I just noticed that while En never wears his tie he keeps it in his jacket pocket at all times... c’mon En if you make it a point to have it on you why not just wear it?
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I apologize in advance that I am basically screencapping this entire conversation but I am going to over-analyze it to death because A) My graduate degree is in English and B) Linguistics is fascinating. SO BUCKLE UP KIDS.
On this note- at first, I agreed with Io wholeheartedly that ‘naive’ and ‘sensitive’ are not considered compliments in English-speaking cultures and was a bit confused as to how they could be in Japanese.
However... then I thought about it again, and taking ‘naive’ as its definition of ‘innocent’ and ‘sensitive’ as its definition of ‘sympathetic/empathetic’, then the former can be seen as neutral, rather than an insult, and the latter can be seen as a compliment. So... culture differences are fascinating.
But definitely gut reaction is that you do not want to be called naive or sensitive in English so...
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The way Ryuu says this makes me think he’s heard that phrase directed at himself on more than one occasion lol- which is probably why he brings it up.
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Atsushi’s definition, however, is not one I commonly would think of when confronted with ‘naive’. It more to me means ‘childlike’ or ‘ignorant’, because ‘careless’ is a deliberate action, whereas ‘ignorant’ is simply passive. 
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I have no reason for this screencap other than that I melted at Io’s English. Adorable- and I get the feeling from his pronunciation that he’s definitely got top marks in English.
Though it makes sense that he’d be pretty fluent in English due to his business transactions.
Then the fact that he pointedly directs this at Ryuu is hysterical for other reasons.
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Well, Ryuu, you kind of had it written all over your face when you brought it up that you were thinking of a phrase that had been directed at you~
Love Io’s sutble teasing here, too haha. Look at his face.
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Ryuu is so earnest in his defense of himself lol
But the word he chooses here- ‘guileless’- is interesting because when I went to the dictionary page for ‘naive’, ‘guileless’ is one of the synonyms
So they’re all basically meaning the same thing here, however- ‘guileless’ has a more direct definition of ‘honest, sincere, & straightforward’, which does describe Ryuu pretty well.
His demeanor in this entire scene as an example, and the phone call with a potential girlfriend we hear later (which is hilarious for other reasons) definitely contains that tone.
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And Io continues with his gentle ribbing lol
The camera cuts away before we see Ryuu’s reaction but I would imagine he pouted at Io after that
In general, aside from the language discussion this scene just shows how the boys interact with one another beautifully and asdfgjlskjf;lkj they’re all so cute
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En you just keep setting yourself up for Atsushi’s shade lol
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Ummm Yumoto you okay?
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That is not convincing me that you are okay at ALL
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Smol fluffy child stop being creepy you are molesting an innocent creature
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Like seriously I don’t care how cute you and Wombat look here it’s UNSETTLING
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Yumoto says ‘feel so fine’ in English- but this one I’m stumped. I haven’t heard that used as a phrase, before. I mean, I get his meaning... does he perhaps mean to say “that feel good feeling?” Idk... I guess it can be said multiple ways but that particular phrasing seems weird to me
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Uhhhh I don’t think it works that way, Wombat
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Psssssh En just gave Wombat the ultimate diss- you almost feel sorry for the poor pink creature
Side note- Press kids are creepy as hell
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And then they don’t give a shit when Wombat falls THREE STORIES- or is it 5 stories?
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Io how do you have such a calm face saying that- Atsushi looks like he’s about to shit himself with panic
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No explanation other than their expressions are hilarious- NOW Io looks panicked
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From their first like 3 seconds onscreen I immediately hated these assholes. Well, I suppose the smol asshole. The other one is just... there.
Also, how the fuck did they get up to the club room so fast from taking pictures down below just moments before???
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Binan’s website is sophisticated as all get out like whoah
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From this monologue, I get a couple of things;
1) Kinosaki’s hair is stupid
2) I feel like his true calling was drama club but he got stuck with newspaper/website instead
3) He just REALLY rubs you the wrong way with how he talks out of his ass like that- it makes me wonder exactly how much they know ahead of time about the DC
Like, if I remember right, it’s revealed later that they knew about them (because the fucking fish- Hireashi- is apparently their club mascot???)
But it isn’t clear at this point if they actually know their identities, or if Hireashi just told them about CIDE2 but didn’t tell them right away about the DC’s identities and Kinosaki just kind of deduced on his own that they should probably investigate the club that does nothing because they’re kind of suspicious now that this cosplay group thing has shown up
...but I suppose it makes more sense in hindsight that they’re in on the entire thing and they’re just trying to see how the DC react- their real purpose here instead of getting a story is getting better ratings for CIDE2
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I agree, Yumoto
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En once again picking on Yumoto.
Sometimes I get the impression En’s just doing it in a teasing, good-natured way and then at the same time I get the impression that En just barely tolerates Yumoto in the earlier episodes.
Hm. I can’t tell.
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I wonder if this line is just more bullshitting on Kinosaki’s part or if he’s actually hinting at something here.
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And now I can’t tell if Kinosaki just simply DOESN’T NOTICE Tawarayama is technically DEAD or he KNOWS because of the stupid fish and is blatantly ignoring it just to see how far the DC will go to get him the fuck out of there lol
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Either way, he’s succeeding in freaking them out
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Evil reporter is evil (THOSE EYEEEEEES)
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I love their expressions here- and then the way they all look at one another, expecting someone to come up with a plan to get the annoyances out of there
Like idk it’s super cute how Ryuu and Io look at one another and then En and Atsushi look between each other and Yumoto and Yumoto just looks up at his senpais like “ummm”
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And it definitely WOULD be Io who’s the one to come up with some loopholes or a ‘logical’ point about press responsibility in an effort to scare Kinosaki off
I have a feeling he’s well versed in these things because business
I sometimes have a hard time remembering he’s like 16/17- he acts MUCH older than all of the others.
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Not quite sure what he’s implying here- though it’s definitely an interesting line if you take into account that he likely knows all about the DC and their true identities as the Battle Lovers
Perhaps he’s alluding to the fact that they should use their interviews with him to make themselves look better to CIDE2′s audience, which would be really interesting because potentially he’s operating under the assumption that the DC know they’re being filmed. Which is plausible because Hireashi could have told them anything.
Or on a more local level, it could be him wanting the DC to take him up on his offer to improve their position in the school (although I get the impression that some of them are already pretty popular as is? Ryuu definitely but potentially En as well)
Maybe he has heard rumblings of the conflict between Atsushi and Kinshirou and knows that the DC is on thin ice with their status as a club so he’s offering them a favor to make Kinshirou hate them less?
Oooh looking at him from these angles he’s a bit more likeable as a character
But this is all still speculation so I most probably am wrong.
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En goes from adorable to annnoyed in .2 seconds flat lol
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Snerk- he points out so easily that En an Atsushi are always together.
Everyone knows they’re boyfriendssssss
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This conversation is a bit telling- definitely a lot more so than when I first watched it.
En doesn’t like talking about himself. He says as much in his next line, although it’s a bit sutble;
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Give me some questions that are easier to answer.
I can read this scene as En nearly admitting that he doesn’t find himself remarkable- or he’d have to think about it a little harder if Kinosaki wanted a better answer. 
Talking about himself doesn’t come naturally- he doesn’t think of himself as anything special, or he has a hard time thinking about what does make him special.
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Talk about a pointed question
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Io just ignores him lol
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Though that’s a bit on the nose. Io definitely finds the whole Battle Lover thing bothersome
Although that contradicts my headcanon that Io is secretly super into it even though he isn’t at first lolol
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Money is SRZBZ
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Though there is his self-described ‘guilelessness’ lol
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Guys... stahp
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I’m sorry I can’t picture anything else that he could possibly be talking about. Nope. Can’t do it. My mind is trash.
Though I have to say this is probably some of the worst foreshadowing. It was like the writers were like ‘shit we’re halfway through the episode and we haven’t foreshadowed what the monster is going to be here let’s let Ryuu talk about it suggestively’
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Upset Pink isn’t getting laid tonight
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Meanwhile Atsushi is still trying to rival Arima to be the Sass Master
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I can’t with Tarawayama and Wombat it’s so silly
And all the kids have just ACCEPTED that their teacher now carries around a pink plush wombat that sort of seems alive all the time
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Yumoto bby that’s not how you get to college...
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That was the quickest exposition for a loveless character
Like seriously, 2 lines, a Zundar Needle and a sassy line from the CC
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At least they all realize it’s just Kurosaki who is annoying. Tazawa just snaps pics in the background.
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Wombat has spent too much time on Tumblr. I’m sorry I had to
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Wombat’s Kansai accent cracks me up
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So basically you’re admitting that Tawarayama is dead-dead and your ‘technology’ isn’t doing much?
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WOMBAT! Is that anything to say to the character who’s mother is mysteriously absent? <.<
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Nice callbacks!
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Tho why the fuck does he have a camera in the onsen?? INVASION OF PRIVACY MUCH?
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Wombat’s pissed and firing back the nonverbal sass at Atsushi
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Another line supporting the “Press society knows too much” idea- it’s as if he was clued in on what to listen for~
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Wombat’s little anxious dance is like wtf
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I like how imaginary Yumoto is covering his shorts all ashamed lol
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Is this Yandare simulator?
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No srz tho Yumoto is savage af and everybody’s like “WTF”
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Self aware “we are in an anime” joke featuring genre/time period awareness
I think someone on staff just really wanted to draw Ryuu like that lol
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About here is where I realized I really liked Tazawa’s design- his ponytail is super cute
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Yumoto is a very convincing actor in a pinch
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Attempt at badass poses isn’t very effective when you all are naked
Side note I just realized they all tie their towels in the same manner- is that a cultural thing or are they all simply right or left handed???
Or is it just a lazy animation thing? hahaha
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I swear Tazawa only has like 3 lines but he’s adorable AF
Also... he’s got a point
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Ryuu does have a point
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Because how else will we know that we’re true magical boys???
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Okay, so I’m not a huge fan of the ‘remote control monster’. But I suppose its symbolism is twofold;
1) It directly represents the micro-conflict of the episode, the DC having their image controlled by the Press Society
2) It leads the way for the DC to put two and two together and realize that the monsters are being controlled by someone (although I feel like that’s obvious because they’ve been... y’know... members of their school spontaneously turned into monsters? Like that doesn’t just happen)
Idk tho I wish we’d gotten a smidgen more about this student; but I suppose the actual conflict is the one going on with the DC
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This line made me giggle hysterically but I just realized how big of a culture gap there is because I have never even SEEN a bidet toilet. The quick google search I ran indicates they’re fairly common in Europe/Asia? Like WTF America you’d think we’d be more hygienic.
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I love when they use physical violence lol it makes it more serious
It also serves a dual purpose in knocking annoying monsters down a couple pegs
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Srz though Yumoto that was epic
Though there definitely wasn’t much of a point for the others to be there which I know is a stab at the typical magical girl genre trope of the main character being OP’d but on the other hand that’s so frustrating that this happens ALL THE TIME
Like once is funny, the entire series playing it as a running gag is old
Though I wonder if we timed all of the monster encounters in this show if this one would be one of the shortest lol
But seriously though... this show HINTS at being a much deeper magical boy show and then it just subverts everything by having Yumoto be OP and they talk their way out of ridiculous, potentially DANGEROUS situations
Like exhibit A)
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Like this COULD BE REALLY SCARY. Cliche remote control monster with the ability to control real people!
He could have ALL the battle lovers fight one another! Or like what’s hinted at happening- have Yumoto do the love attack on his friends!
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Like it’s not outside the realm of possibility for Yumoto to fire a shot at the others. They could have dodged, and having him resist the control is a great tension device, but then-
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Like... so disappointing. Boueibu your narrative needs to go up a notch.
And this is where my crunchyroll app fucked up and couldn’t buffer anything over 240p long enough to take screencaps, so I’ll just summarize the last couple of points;
The monster before it turns back into the student is self-aware enough to exclaim that he was being controlled by someone else’s will- which is enough for the DC to pick up on the fact that the monsters are being controlled. I mentioned it earlier but I suppose it bears repeating that these poor boys aren’t necessarily too bright lol- or they just aren’t thinking too hard about the surreal monster thing.
The scene back at the onsen doesn’t have much- I just thought it was funny that Kinosaki was scared of Gora with his giant axe.
Kinshirou’s typical arrogance was typical; a bit more of his irritation towards anything having to do with Atsushi’s new crew but nothing major here with their characters.
And then the last scene- Kinosaki’s line about ‘our initial report went well, huh?’ and then the shot of Hireashi is an example of foreshadowing DONE WELL and not played for laughs. That definitely confirms that those two are in on the whole CIDE2 thing and are acting as agents for the TV network. Makes me wonder how THAT conversation happened- like those two probably would have been WTFing over a TALKING FISH.
But anyway! Another episode that’s a bit deeper with character development than at first meets the eye, and disappointing shades of what could have been a magical boy show that played at the tropes but ultimately subverted them. Sigh. I suppose this is what fanfic is for... and thusly I continue my research gathering!
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azuregold · 8 years
(struggling to figure out how to ask all of them... also obv no spoilers ;u;) okay for character specific questions: 13 I don't think I've questioned any character's actions so ┐( シ)┌ 14 I guess Zoro?? maybe Travis 21 tell me about the human experiences of Luffy! 22 Zoro 30 eh just ramble about the Straw Hats living human lives? 42, 43, 49 & 50 all of the crew when they were in Earthverse !
These were fun! Well, most of them. For questions 21, 30, 42, 43, 49, and 50…they aren't things I've thought too much about before. I'm not in the right frame of mind to try at the moment and I didn't want to let the ask sit there unanswered until I did manage to think of something, so I'm just going to go ahead and skip them for now, sorry! ^^;
1: what inspires you?
Having a good idea I can be excited about? IDK. X'D
2: one of your favorite comments/reviews on this chapter/verse?
I love all my comments. ;u; I love the comments that go into detail about what they thought, the comments that are just a mess of flailing, the comments that tell me they stayed up all night reading, the comments that are just a line or two to say they liked it, and everything in between. Even if I could decide on one to use as an example, I wouldn't want to make anyone feel like I didn't appreciate their comment because it didn't look like that one.
3: what motivates you?
Being excited about an idea, getting to write a part I've been looking forward to, getting a nice comment on a fic, having the house to myself.
4: what time of the day/night do you like to write?
Either afternoon or at night once my mom's gone to bed.
5: do you write scenes in a linear fashion or do you write future scenes/dialogues sometimes?
I'll write snippets of future scenes if I think of something I don't want to lose, but otherwise I write pretty much linearly (aside from going back to rewrite previous scenes/chapters).
6: hardest/easiest character to write for?
I don't know if any of them are easy, exactly. It also depends on the scene and what they're going to be doing. Sometimes I know exactly how they'll behave, and sometimes I just can't picture how a character would react to a particular event or line of dialogue.
But generally Zoro isn't too bad. (Also Travis, because he's my character, though that still doesn't mean I know how he'll respond to things all the time, unfortunately.) Hardest is probably Flirty!Sanji and Franky. I've never tried writing from Franky's point of view, but he's hard enough from someone else's that I'm not eager to try. Chopper and Robin aren't too bad from someone else's POV, but I think I might have trouble writing from theirs. And Luffy can be difficult occasionally, depending on the situation. (Also Sven is hard, even though he’s my character.)
7: hardest/easiest verse to write for?
Well, I only have one at the moment, so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Though once I actually start writing some of my other ideas, I have a feeling Mistyverse will still be the easiest, just because I've been working in it for so long.
8: (if you have either or both) how do you manage time with writing, work, school etc.?
Very badly. ^^;; I'm terrible at time management.
9: what tv shows, books, or movies inspire for this verse, if any?
Story-wise, I can't think of anything specific (there may have been and I've just forgotten, but). Character-wise, Archer from Fate/Stay Night and Furuya Rei/Amuro Tōru/Bourbon from Detective Conan were a big influence when I was developing Travis.
10: any writing advice?
I don't feel confident enough to give advice to other people, haha.
11: (if you use) what do you like about archiveofourown?
The tag system. It can be very helpful in finding a certain subject or giving me a better idea of what the fic is about. Also the "mark for later" option. And the ability to have a series. It makes it much easier not to miss things when there are multiple fics in a story. And I like that the author isn't sent a notice when someone subscribes/can’t see the names of people who have subscribed. I feel much less awkward about subscribing to fics that are years old or about a very guilty pleasure. :P
12: anything you would do to make archiveofourown different/change it?
I…kind of have a list…
– Add a way to sort subscriptions by fandom! Sometimes I want to reread fic for a particular series and if I don't remember the title(s), going through multiple pages of fics and opening them one by one is such a pain.
– Give us a way to mark main vs. minor characters and relationships in fics. It's really annoying searching for fics about a certain character or pairing and getting dozens of fics that focus on someone/thing else entirely, with whatever you were looking for getting maybe a couple of scenes in the background. I've seen authors try to tag things to indicate this themselves, but most (including me ^^; ) don't do it, and in any case, I'd like an actual option I can mark in a search.
– It'd be cool to be able to put spoiler warnings on tags. Click to view, highlight, something.
– Filter IDs are very helpful, but it would be so much easier if we could just click a button to exclude things like explicit fics, “multi” fics (I’m so tired of being overrun with smutty “multi” fics when I search for “gen” without a filter), NOTPs, fandoms I don’t like…and so on.
– Being able to choose whether or not crossovers are included in the search results. I like a good crossover, but sometimes I just want fics for the one series.
– Don’t have author replies count under total number of comments. Also a PM system would be nice.
(If any of this is possible and it’s just that I don’t know about it, someone please tell me. X’D)
14: what is the arc for this character (redemption, etc.)?
I find it hard to put things like this into words (and I don't want to give spoilers), so…I'm going to pass on this as well. ^^;
15: ask me any spoilers you’re curious about for a verse, and i’ll post the answer in the tags
I'm glad you didn't ask for any because usually I love giving spoilers but we're far enough into the story now that most things I could say are Big Spoilers for the climax/ending that I really don't want to give away ahead of time. So thanks for not tempting me. XD
16: do you ever hand write? why or why not?
Once in a long while, if I think of a line I don't want to forget after I've turned my computer off, I'll jot it down on a notepad so I'll remember it the next day. Otherwise, no. My handwriting is slow as molasses and makes my hand tired. ^^;
17: do you listen to music while you write?
Almost always. 8D Just instrumentals, though.
18: any fanmixes you’ve made for this fic/verse?
Not really, no. I have a playlist I use when I'm writing scenes with Travis, and I'm working on one for fight scenes in general, but that's the closest I've got.
19: any edits or art you’ve made for this fic/verse/any edits readers have made? if not, what visuals would you use for one?
All the art I've posted for Mistyverse is here (If I get any fanart in the future, that's where it will be, too). I have quite a bit of art I haven't posted, mostly of Travis or unfinished attempts to draw specific scenes (I have an attempted map of the island in OtMS that I'm too embarrassed to look at again X'D).
20: what songs were you listening to during this scene/chapter?Mostly I just shuffle my giant instrumental playlist. Or if I'm in the mood for something new, I go looking on YouTube or similar places for writing playlists. As far as music for specific scenes/chapters, I think I pretty much covered that in question 13 here.
22: favorite line/quote/inner monologue from this character?
Zoro… At the moment, probably:
Zoro's heart had nearly stopped when he'd seen those hands. Or it would have, if he'd still had one.
Damn it, when did I start stealing Brook's lines?
23: feelings on epistolary fic?
It can be interesting. c: I like it best when letters/diary entries/whatever are mixed with more traditional narrative, but they can make for a fun story.
24: do you outline?
Yep! Not super-detailed outlines, usually, but I prefer having some sense of where things are going.
25: if you outline, do you edit it frequently?
Not that often, no. I don't think I've even looked at the outline for FMaA in a while, actually, because things got very vague toward the end, outside of a few specifics, and I have most of the necessary info in my head at this point.
26: anything you’re planning to write in your fic that you’re worried readers might like?
I think this is supposed to be "that you're worried readers might not like". Because otherwise…why would someone liking my stuff make me worried? Barring creepy stalkers and the like. Assuming it's "not"…
Ohhh yeah. I might hide under the covers for about a week when I post those parts… X’D
27: when you read fic, how often do you comment?
Not…very often. ;;OTL I know how much comments mean to writers, especially now that I've had firsthand experience, but I still find it a difficult thing to do. And lately, when I do comment, more often than not I do it anonymously, even if all I have to say is praise. It's just more comfortable for me that way. If I leave a signed in comment, it usually means I really liked the fic.
28: any scene/line you wrote that you didn’t expect to write/that surprised you once it was written?
Uhh…first thing that comes to mind is when they were at the museum and got roped into playing themselves. I had planned for their disguises to be seen through and for it to be assumed that they were cosplaying, but the rest of it just sort of happened. Including Maya; I knew she was going to be in the story, but I didn’t know she was going to be on that island or working at the museum until she showed up in the fruit room. X’D I don’t even remember how I was originally going to introduce her, except that it was going to be a lot closer to the end.
29: do you eat or drink anything while you write?
Not while I'm writing, but I like to have a drink and sometimes a snack before I start. Most often chai. It helps me get in the mood.
32: what are your stats for this story/verse?
Is…this supposed to mean, like…number of kudos/comments/hits. etc? If it means something else, someone tell me and I'll adjust my answer. :P
Just doing the two main fics (and on FFN the shorts are part of OtMS anyway, so):
On the Misty Shore
AO3 – Kudos: 75, Comments: 11, Bookmarks: 10, Hits: 1350
FFN – Reviews: 86, Favorites: 165, Followers: 63, Communities: 1, Views: 21,005
From Mist and Ashes
AO3 – Kudos: 117, Comments: 37, Bookmarks: 17, Hits: 1739
FFN – Reviews: 94, Favorites: 101, Followers: 129, Views: 11.433
33: favorite one-shot you’ve written?
Ah…hmm. I haven't actually written any one-shots as in "self-contained, stand-alone story" yet (I have plans!). Out of the one-shot extras that I wrote for Mistyverse…maybe Proof? It was the most self-indulgent of the three and the most fun to write.
34: a scene/paragraph you wrote that you’re proud of
I'm pretty happy with most of the stuff in chapters 18 and 19…and the scene in 16 where Zoro reveals himself…and Zoro and Travis’s fight in the museum in 15…and probably more that I’m not thinking of, but I’m not going to reread the whole thing again right now. :P
35: any foreshadowing/symbolism you wrote that you hope readers didn’t miss?
Yes, but at the same time I hope most people don't put the pieces together until things get revealed later.
36: any scenes you wrote that parallel the canon verse?
I guess maybe the stuff with Zoro and Chidori in 17? Kind of?
37: do you use quotes in the beginning notes/intro to your chapters? if so, what are some of your favorites/what are their significance?
Nope, I don't.
38: do you title your chapters? what’s your favorite chapter title? what’s its significance/why did you choose it?
Yes, I love titling chapters. Even when I can't think of anything good. Favorite chapter title is definitely Law and Order. Because it has a double meaning/pun (the structure and rules of Whitestone + Law showing up at the end).
39: any alternate fic titles you were considering for this verse?
I had a couple others I was playing with, at least for FMaA, but who knows what they were? Not me. XD
40: chapter you’re most proud of in this verse?
At the moment, I'd say it's a tossup between 15, 16, 18, and 19.
41: chapter that was the most fun to write in this verse?
Hmm. 12 was the easiest, and it's always fun when I'm not struggling with a chapter. The whole arc on Crinia (chapters 13 – 15) was pretty fun, even when it got difficult. 18 – 19, too. And I felt like chapter 20 was crap while I was writing it, but it was silly fun, and it doesn't seem as terrible when I reread it now.
44: have you shared your outline with anyone? if so, what did they think of it?
The outline itself, no. Parts of it are pretty different from what I actually ended up writing; it might be fun to share some of it sometime. c:
45: anyone you share excerpts with?
*pokes you​* And I've posted a few here before, too. They're usually pretty short, though. Just a line or two.
46: story with the most kudos (AO3)?
From Mist and Ashes.
47: story with the most comments?
From Mist and Ashes again. :P
48: a happy future moment you’ve written/have planned for this ship? (will post under read more for spoilers)
*ignores the "ship" part* Hmm…I have no idea if I'll ever actually write it, but in my list of ideas for FMaA bonus scenes I have one where Zoro cooks for everyone (just because he can't eat anymore doesn't mean he can't cook—he lived on that island by himself for a long time before he died, after all). Also (for the benefit of anyone else reading this), sircerenade and I have discussed Brook and Zoro bonding over stuff before (being "grandpa figures", sharing skull/ghost jokes, etc.). Some of it may be more bittersweet than happy, but it’s a cute bittersweet, so.
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heavenslastcrush · 6 years
CONVENTION SURVIVAL GUIDE: Prepping for PAX East, Twitch Con, and beyond!!
It’s the end of March, and convention season is upon us! But, before the madness and non-stop hustle begins, I wanted to make sure that all convention goers were equipped with some key tips and tricks of the trade so that you can get the most our of your convention experience.
This article will focus specifically on PAX East, but the tips can universally be applied to any convention. Additionally, all of these tips come with the assumption that you’ve already purchased your convention tickets and booked travel and lodging in advance.
Here we go!
Conventions are a whirlwind, and you want to be armed with as much information as you can from the onset to ensure that you complete and accomplish everything that you want to at the event. The great news is, there are tons of helpful resources out there to help you get connected and keep you as up-to-date and informed as possible!
Download PAX App
The PAX App really is your one-stop shop for all things PAX-related. It includes a schedule of events as well as a list of exhibitors, and allows you to mark which ones you are interested in to create your very own schedule and to-do list directly within the app. There are also maps of the convention center, information about shuttle routes and times, and other useful information on safety and security at the event. I HIGHLY recommend downloading this and utilizing it before and during the event.
Follow Relevant PAX Accounts on Twitter
The PAX App is awesome in terms of a 1000ft overview of all things PAX-related. But, Twitter will be your best friend when it comes to minute-by-minute updates, and surrounding happenings not directly connected to the convention itself. If there are any studios, vendors, developers, streamers, etc. that you are hoping to run into at PAX, be sure that you are following them on Twitter. Here are a few accounts that I recommend (linked for your convenience):
Check Forums
Another great source of information are PAX, gaming, & industry-related forums, or Discords. Smaller communities, independent studios, and even larger studios that didn’t necessarily want to pony-up cash for a more organized event may still have meet-ups or parties happening in the evening. Spend some time trolling around on these forums and in your favorite Discord community groups to see what’s happening.
Connect with Streamers, Friends, & Anyone Else You are Hoping to Meet
CONVENTIONS ARE CRAZY. CONVENTIONS ARE CRAZY. CONVENTIONS ARE CRAZY. If there is a streamer you want to meet, a friend that you know is going, or an industry representative you want to introduce yourself to, BE SURE you are connecting with them prior to the event and creating a plan for 1) where to meet them, and 2) how to get in touch. Even with these great intentions, the plans still might not work out, because again — conventions are crazy — but, reaching out before the event will drastically increase your chances of making a meetup happen.
Packing for a convention can be a bit tricky. Most people are gone from their hotels/AirBnb/wherever they are sleeping for 12-16 hours at a time, and there can be wild temperature changes between the overall weather, and what it feels like in the convention center hall. I’ll be breaking this packing section down into 5 parts — Health, Convenience/Entertainment, Clothing, Business, & General Necessities/Other
This isn’t a category, but this should be the FIRST thing you pack! Trust me, the last thing you want to do is deal with the headache and hassle of having to get a replacement badge the day-of, and for some conventions, obtaining a replacement may not even be an option. Whatever you do, DON’T FORGET YOUR BADGES.
Health may seem like a weird category to be classifying as part of an overall packing list, but it’s arguably one of the most important. Remember, you’re at these conventions for 8-12 hours per day, sometimes for up to 4 days. During that time, you are literally coming in contact with thousands of people, and touching electronics that are being handled by tens-of-thousands of people. That’s a breeding ground for germs. The PAX-flu, and the TwitchCon-flu? Those are real things, and there’s a reason — because people don’t prepare in advance and take care of their health during these events.
1. Hand Sanitizer
Keep this with you at all times. Use it after shaking hands, or handling any electronics, merch, or cash.
2. Vitamin C
There are a lot of skeptics out there about the benefits of Vitamin C, but this is something I swear by. Convention or not, anytime I’m traveling, I begin loading up on the Vitamin C about 2 days before I leave for my trip, take it throughout the duration of my trip, and continue taking it for about 2 days after I return home. The extra boost to my immune system prevents me from getting sick.
3. Refillable Water Bottle & Snacks
As mentioned, these conventions are a complete whirlwind. When I was at TwitchCon in October 2018, I remember going a straight 30 hours without eating anything because I was hopping from one forum, panel, meeting, or demo to the next. The air in the convention center is super dry, and its easy to wear yourself out bouncing from event to event. Hydration and adequate nutrition are going to be key for keeping your energy levels up. You can definitely purchase beverages and snacks at the convention if you don’t want to worry about packing more than you absolutely need to. However, you’re going to be hard pressed to find healthy food options at any convention center. So, if eating healthy is important to you, or you’re not into a potato-chips, hotdogs, chicken tenders, and burgers-only kind of diet, be sure to bring fruit, nuts, or other small bites with you.
This section will detail things that will make your life easier/happier if you pack these things. But won’t be the end of the world if you don’t.
1. Cash
In today’s world of technology, MOST places will accept credit cards. However, you’ll make your life a lot easier if you have a little bit of cash on hand incase you run into the odd vendor that doesn’t accept card, if you’re looking to breeze your way through a line (it’s typically a lot easier to get through check-out if you are paying in cash), or to make splitting a bill easier (for those strange friends that still haven’t downloaded Venmo).
2. External Battery Charger/Power Bank
There are outlets scattered throughout the convention center, typically near the restrooms, however, you probably don’t want to spend your time being tethered to a wall, and you definitely don’t want to be caught with a dead camera if you spot your favorite streamer or an amazing cosplay. Having an external power bank will keep your electronics with all the juice you need throughout the day.
3. WiFi hotspot
I’m just going to say it — cell service is virtually non-existent at these convention centers. And, while there is often free wifi, it tends to be pretty spotty and molasses-level slow since thousands of people are all trying to use it at once. If connectivity is important to you, consider bringing your own WiFi hotspot.
4. Any Electronics you want, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE CORDS/CABLES!!
Cell Phone
Nintendo Switch
Many gamers elect to bring a portable gaming device (separate from their cell phones) because there is often downtime at these events when you are waiting for a panel to start, or when you are waiting in line to test a game (or get into the convention center). Having a switch with you might make these annoying lines and wait times a bit more bearable.
In terms of clothing, COMFORT IS KEY!! You’re going to be on your feet all day, in an extremely crowded space. You don’t want your feet to give out on you, be super sweaty or freezing cold, or be fussing with your clothes instead of enjoying the event. I recommend checking the weather forecast before you head to the event to make sure you prepare as best as possible.
1. Comfortable Footwear
At TwitchCon there was a day where I wore 6-inch wedges for 12 hours. By the end of the night, I couldn’t feel my feet, bend them back into a flattened state, or sleep because they were throbbing so much. Never again. Be smarter than me. Wear comfortable shoes.
2. Comfortable LAYERS of Clothes
These layers are totally going to depend on the outside temperature of the city of your convention. For PAX East 2019, it’s going to be COLD outside. However, inside the convention center there might be sections where it is absurdly hot, and others where its a bit chilly. Plan to layer t-shirts, jackets, and heavier coats as needed based on temperature.
SPECIFIC TO PAX EAST: There is usually a coat-check at the convention center, but if you want to deal with one less line you can opt to not wear a heavier coat, and just stick with a hoodie/sweatshirt over normal clothes. If you go this route, I would recommend 1) taking an Uber/shuttle that will bring you door to door from your lodging to the event, and 2) arriving at a non-peak time to avoid entry lines. If you don’t do these two things, you will freeze. You have been warned.
3. Evening Attire
If after-parties are your thing at these conventions, you may want to consider bringing a separate outfit or two for these specific events. There may be themed-parties (so check the forums!) that you have to bring certain clothes for. Or, you may just want to look a little nicer after-hours.
Ladies, a LBD (little black dress); or a nice pair of jeans and a cute blouse will usually suffice.
Gentlemen, consider bringing a button down and a pair of shoes that aren’t sneakers or sandals (some bars/clubs won’t let you in with this time of footwear).
4. All the bits and bobs…
This includes all of the other things that you may want to have with you, that may not apply to everyone, but are commonly overlooked items:
Gym Clothes
Cosplay Outfits
If you’re a streamer, content creator, developer, or any industry-related person at PAX (or want to be!) then this section applies to you. If you are just there to chill, have fun, and play awesome games, you can probably skip this one. ;-)
1. Business Cards
BRING ‘EM. USE ‘EM. They are a powerful networking tool. Just make sure you make a genuine connection with a person before handing them your card.
2. Giveaways
Slightly more specific to streamers/content creators: You may elect to bring giveaways for people that you meet from your community. Common items include personalized buttons or stickers, or merch.
General Necessities/Other
This is literally anything else that you may want to have on hand with you. It will be totally specific to your individual needs.
Please, for the love of all that is good, BRING AND WEAR DEODORANT. Your fellow gamers and the entire world will thank you. (And if you’ve never been to a convention before/don’t understand what this means, trust me, your nose will very soon.)
2. Toiletries
This can include shampoo, conditioner, face wash, moisturizer, lotion, etc. Some of these may be provided as amenities, but if you want your own, or if you are staying at an AirBnB, you will want to pack your own.
3. Curling Iron/Straightener
4. Medications/Other Vitamins/Supplements
5. Make-up/Make-Up Removing Wipes
Create a schedule of where you want to be/who you want to meet with
A lot will likely happen throughout the course of the convention that will throw this plan off, but its better to go in prepared. These conventions are big, crazy, and messy. So, if you don’t have a plan, there’s a chance that you end up bouncing around for 2-4 days and don’t get anything accomplished that you wanted to.
SCHEDULE BREAKS. You are human (I think). You need to eat, drink, use the bathroom, rest your feet. You don’t want to be so fatigued you can’t get out of bed the second day, so schedule breaks as you are creating your perfect plan.
Decide what’s in your day-bag
Your day-bag is going to be different than everything that was on the prior packing list. These are the essentials that you want to have on hand with you during the event. Make a list with the intent that it should prevent you from having to go back to the hotel mid-event. These day-bags are going to be super specific to you. (Ex. If you are cosplaying, you may want to bring a change of clothes to have on hand. If you’re streaming, you might need your entire IRL backpack in addition to your normal day-bag.)
Here is what I keep in my day-bag:
Hand Sanitizer
Travel Charger & Cord
Camera & Backup Battery
Business Cards
I take notes on my phone, but still keep a pen on hand incase I need to sign a credit card receipt, want to sign up for a giveaway, or want to make a note on a flyer I’ve collected.
Chapstick or Lip Gloss
Wallet (Cash, Credit Cards, ID)
Congratulations! You’ve made it to the convention! Now what??
Follow Your Plan, but Be FLEXIBLE.
Getting connected in advance and creating the plan is incredibly important in helping to ensure you maximize your experience and do everything you want. However, a ton of things are going to happen that are going to impede your ability to stick to this schedule 100%. Lines may take forever. Panels may get cancelled or start late. Friends may cancel on you. You might make new friends and create plans with them, causing you to cancel on a prior commitment.
Anything that happens is A-OK!! Use your plan more as a guideline, and remain as patient and flexible as you can!
Take Notes During Forums and Chats
You are going to be meeting so many people and trying so many things over the course of the convention, it will fly by. Within this whirlwind of craziness, be sure you are taking notes during panel discussions, or as you are experiencing fun things/meeting great people. Is there an indie game you loved playing the demo for? Write it down. Are you a streamer that met another streamer and you want to collab with them in the future? Make a note of who they were, what you discussed, and a reminder to follow up with them and get a stream planned after the event.
Even if you are 100% in the moment when you are having these conversations, you’ll want to reference these notes later. Especially if you want to tell someone else about them (like your best friend that couldn’t make it to PAX last minute, or your community if you are a streamer!).
Take Care of Yourself
Seriously. You have to take care of yourself during this event. It’s exhausting, and there are a lot of people.
1. Consider Bringing Snacks & a Water Bottle in your Day Bag
This will help you manage your energy levels and prevent you from getting hangry.
If you haven’t completely ignored my advice up until now, breaks should be a part of your schedule. But, if you didn’t, or if you realize you’ve been going 8 hours and haven’t taken a sip of water… maybe do that before you pass out. Breaks are important. Take them.
3. Use the Buddy System
If you are traveling with friends, make sure you know where your friends are and vice versa.
If you happen to be traveling alone (which is totally fine, it’s my personal favorite way to travel!) be sure that someone (a parent, friend, spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, manager… someone) knows where you will be, where you’ll be staying, and when you plan to check in with them throughout the event.
Check in with your buddy when you are supposed to.
4. Meet People Openly, but Exercise Caution
I want to believe that everyone in the world is 100% good and that we could all just drink butterfly tea, sit around a campfire and sing kum-ba-ya. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, and even someone that you may “know” may not always have the best intentions.
If you make plans to meet with somebody outside of the convention, meet them in a public location. Be cautious sharing your lodging details with strangers. And, don’t feel pressured to accept anything (drinks, food, gifts, etc) from anybody.
5. Monitor Your Intake of Indulgences
I’m not here to tell you how to live your life or spend your extracurricular time. That being said, if you are opting to indulge in alcohol or any other type of substance, be very careful not to over-indulge. You don’t want to feel like the walking dead at the convention the next morning, or have to stay in bed because you overdid it the night before.
If you are drinking, monitor your drinks. Never leave your drink unattended, and be cautious accepting drinks from strangers.
Remember that there are a lot of people at these conventions so if you are there for business to any extent, be mindful that someone that you may be looking to do business with could see you. Impressions are everything, even after hours.
Be Kind and Courteous to Everyone you Meet
Something that always amazes me at these conventions is how kind everyone is. If you accidentally bump into someone, they will most likely apologize to you. It’s almost as if being at the convention magically transports everyone to Canada and we just don’t know it.
That being said, not every single part of these conventions is going to be fun and there are a lot of potential triggers for grouchy behavior: from long lines, people cancelling plans, no toilet paper in the bathroom, no cell phone service, losing your friend for the 85th time in an hour, getting hangry because you skipped breakfast and lunch.
If you’ve followed the rest of this guide, you’ll probably mitigate most of these. However, even if you are the teensiest-tiniest bit grouchy, still remember to be kind and courteous. You never know who you are going to meet, so always put your best face forward. And, everyone is really just there to have a good time, so if you put out positive, high-frequency energy (even if you’re not 100% feeling it), it’ll likely bounce back to you and get you to the place where you DO 100% feel it.
If You’re a Streamer/Content Creator/There on Business — Save All of your Receipts
You can deduct the full cost of any travel and lodging (planes, trains, ubers, buses, taxis, etc) and 50% of the cost of meals if you are attending the convention for business
Have Fun!! Try New Things!! Meet New People!! GO CRUSH IT!!
‘nuff said.
“OMG! OMG! OMG! That was awesome! What a great experience! Can’t wait to do it again next year!” Slow down there, cowboy… before we start planning the next convention, be sure to round out and FULLY maximize this years experience.
Relish in the Moment
You just had an amazing experience that thousands of other people would have dreamed of. What a blessing! Be mindful of everything you just did (and potentially accomplished). Journal about it. Tell your communities about it. Tell your family about it.
Going back to school/work/whatever you were doing before might feel like a bit of a let-down after the high of these conventions, so by being really mindful of the experience, you can transport yourself back to this feeling incase the Monday-morning blues start to hit afterwards.
Follow-Up with People
If you were there at all for business, or even if you were just there to enjoy the event, you probably made a dozen or more really great contacts (industry-wise, friend-wise or both). Send a note to all of them. Thank them for meeting them. Get a follow-up connect on the calendar if it makes sense. Foster and maintain these relationships.
Consider not reaching out to business contacts THE VERY NEXT DAY you get back from the convention. Particularly for developers, social media managers, marketing/sponsorship managers, etc. they are going to have a massive inbox to cleanout due to being away from the event. If you give them a few days to a week, then when you do send the email, it is more likely to be at the top of their inbox, rather than a massive pile right after.
Connection makes the world go round. So follow-up.
Make Some More Plans
What are you going to do with this amazing experience now that it has concluded? Make a plan.
What people do you need to continue to follow up with intermittently? Make a schedule.
What games were you excited to play? When do they launch? When will you start playing them?
When is the next gathering/industry event/convention that you want to attend? Do you need to book your tickets?
If you’re a content creator: Are you planning to share this experience with your community? How?
If you’ve stuck around this long to make it all the way through this guide, you deserve some sort of medal…. or honor… or “Achievement Unlocked!” pop-up notification.
But with all that being said, the #1 tip or piece of advice that I can give to you guys, is to just make this experience entirely your OWN. Take the tips from this guide that you want to and feel suit you, and disregard whatever doesn’t make sense.
Do what works best for, YOU, you good-lookin’ superstar.
Good luck, and go crush it!
0 notes
zachwritesstuff · 6 years
Awesome Trevor: The Long and Winding Road
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I’m very used to writing things about other people, products and properties. So this one is going to be a slightly weird one for me. It’s a story of hopeful imagination, and disappointment; Of long hours working to make things perfect, and never finding it; And going through version, formats, people, places and ideas just to keep an idea afloat. But, most importantly, it’s the story of Awesome Trevor, an idea that is eight years in the making, yet so far has not given any worthwhile fruit, no matter how hard we tried. In writing this out, I’m hoping to both show the trials and tribulation of taking an idea from concept to fruition, and how impossible it might seem sometimes. Idealism and inspiration can be a hell of a stimulant, while stalling and depression can be a hell of a… depressant. So maybe someone can get something interesting out of it, or at least find the whole saga entertaining, I don’t know. I should probably quit stalling and actually get to the point… It all started...
Part 1: The Movie
The year is 2010. Just barely out of high school, I was now in Community College, and not working, which was a dumb idea for many reasons. I had worked on independent, or more accurately, amateur, film projects a dozen times, both for class and simply because I wanted to. None of them were good. Despite the fact that I was an adult, I still was not a competent film maker (And some might say that I still am not). But I was young, and still had the delusions of being a big shot director someday. All I needed, I reasoned, was a big project to really pick things up and get a bit of a spotlight. I could continue making simple YouTube videos, but if I actually wanted to get anywhere, I needed to make something bigger.
So I had to make a feature film.
I talked to my regular cohort, Evan Greenhoe. I had known him for a few years at this point, having met when I was still in high school, and we had the same thirst for creating. While he was more of the on camera type, acting and performing music (he still is, but he was then too), I always felt more comfortable behind the scenes, writing and directing. We had talked over projects before, as we always loved making ideas and fleshing them out, and when I told him my desire to make a feature film, he almost instantly handed me the idea of Awesome Trevor.
He had come up with the idea with his girlfriend, Sarah, and had held onto the idea for a little while, never fully formed, but when we started talking about making bigger things, he figured it would be a fit. He had never really formed the idea too terribly deeply, beyond making it a video game inspired piece of a regular joe becoming a hero and saving the princess. We talked out the idea over several days, and eventually we had a strong base to work off of.
Now before I go any further, there is one important note I must add. Around this time, Scott Pilgrim vs The World had just come out. This is important because, in the beginning, Awesome Trevor was a rip off of that. In later years, we would change the story around to make it it’s own thing, but to start with, it was a story of a kind of loser dude going on a quest to save his ex girlfriend from a bunch of people from her past, one of which is even a weird ninja girl. It was a copy.
Now that we had our base, the next step was to write out this masterpiece of original fiction. This was no problem, as I had already written out a few feature length scripts before (all of them going unused, of course). While writing, though, I decided to change up the flow a bit: Instead of one movie, I would make it a six part series, and after all parts were released, I would edit them together as a movie! My genius knew no bounds…
So I got to writing this newly formatted script. I filled it with video game references, witty dialogue, and set it in local areas, so that it would be simpler to film. I introduced the amnesiac main character, Trevor; His tired roommate, Mark; The mysteriously vanished girlfriend, Mary; and the 4 mysterious bosses, Kevin Kurochi, Peyote Jones, Stephanie Connor and Samuel Tanner. The story was of Trevor, who woke up after a heavy night of drinking, to find his memories of a former girlfriend gone, and going on an adventure to get them back with the help of his quip filled roommate.
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My wit, it burns....
    The scripts, well… They weren’t great. They weren’t bad for an untrained 20 year old, but I would like to think I’ve come a long way from when I wrote them. But the most important thing was, we had our scripts. Now started the pre-production.
We pretty much had our cast right off, as they were mostly friends of ours. I was going to play Samuel, who was a bouncer at a club with super strength; Evan was to play Mark, the plucky costar; Kevin (a samurai), Peyote (a drugged out metal guitarist) and Stephanie (a cloaked ninja) were going to be played by our friends Ken, Adolf and Amber respectively; And Mary, who appeared as herself in only one scene, was planned to be played by a woman named Amanda Alch. who I was going to school with at the time and was already an established actress (Bad Kids Go To Hell and Claws). It’s likely she doesn’t even remember agreeing to appear in it, which is probably for the best.
Our starring role went to a good friend of mine from high school named Kyle Mason. Then, he was a kid in his late teens with an interest in cosplay and video production. Nowadays, he is a professional cosplayer and video producer, so he’s not doing too shabby. It didn’t take much convincing to have him play the lead role, and we were off to the races!
A Readthrough of the script, which of course didn’t go through any editing
I had even asked a dude I had met in college named James to be our Director of Photography, as he had had more experience working on original projects and camera work. Our hearts were working faster than our minds, and we skipped over dozens of important steps (setting proper schedules, storyboarding, finding proper funding, etc) in our pursuit, instead focusing on marketing, finding places to film, and practicing our parts. We even had popular content producers Video Games Awesome plug our project on their show, despite the fact that there was not any actual substance behind anything we were doing.
Timestamp is at 9:24. A preview of what never comes...
The best way to sum this up is that is was an embarrassment to filmmaking. Had we actually started production as planned, everyone involved would probably hate each other, and the entire thing would be scrapped after about two episodes. I was saved by James cancelling his involvement, probably rightly sensing that this all was half assed, causing the production to fall behind and ultimately being cancelled due to people no longer being available.
And so the first part of this story ends with but a wisp of smoke that was our hope for a movie. Though we possibly dodged a bullet, I was still frustrated and disappointed by all of it, so I put the idea on hiatus and started working on other things. It would lay there for 3 years before it appeared again…
Part 2: The First Cartoon
2013. I was out of community college, and at the University of Texas. I didn’t fit in very well, and being farther away from home and friends made me a bit of a sad, lonely hermit. I knew several people at school, and though I would consider many of them friends now, back then, they were just classmates.
To occupy my time, I was doing side work for Frederator Studios, makers of such fine cartoons as Adventure Time, Fairly Odd Parents, and Chalkzone. I had become friendly with Fred Seibert, the founder of Frederator, after interviewing him a couple years prior, and he had let me make some videos for their YouTube Channel. While I was doing work there, they started up their Cartoon Hangover project, where people could pitch their own cartoons with relative ease, and if Frederator liked it, they would produce a full cartoon short.
This seemed like an amazing opportunity for both myself and Evan, who had experience with animation. I talked to him about it, and he was on board before I even finished explaining the whole thing to him. Like we always do, we started discussing ideas, and after long deliberations, we narrowed it down to three: Captain Amazo, the idiotic superhero; Metal Mania, which was about a metal bad traveling through space to be the biggest band in the galaxy; And, of course, Awesome Trevor, back from the dead.
Well, back from the dead is a slight misnomer. We had discussed the idea once more in between, thinking of bringing it back as a comic. We got far in our discussions, but never made any physical items to go with it, and soon it went back into its slumber.
Editing note: After reviewing the article, Evan has told me that he actually made a comic cover that he never showed me. The cover, unfortunately, has been lost to time.
Both of us were still feeling the sting from the failed mini-series/movie, and as we were now a little bit older, we decided to be a bit wiser as well. Not wise enough to not choose Awesome Trevor, mind you, but also hedging our bets by pitching two shows, the other being Captain Amazo. (Note: we did plan to pitch Metal Mania as well, but we never got around to finishing it).
So this process was pretty much a rinse and repeat. I went home and made a script, and from there, we began working on a pitch. This new script, while not a ton better than the originals, was still an improvement, and since we weren’t having to go through pre-production and big planning meetings, we were able to take stuff in stride. We kept the same general story, but decided to make stuff bigger and flashier, as we weren’t limited by the shackles of real life. We also changed around some of the character designs, as we wanted to have new actors play the characters.
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I’m sure I thought of the shirt designs. I’m a comedy genius.
We kept the base designs of Mark and Trevor, but Samuel the Bouncer was changed to match the person we really wanted to play him, Seanbaby. Once Satisfied, we storyboarded everything out  and sent them in to Frederator, eagerly awaiting the approval so we can start again on our dream project.
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I wrote in the dialogue myself, despite my awful handwriting.
As these are the first you are ever seeing of the characters or story, it’s needless to say that we were denied. The problem with it was that, whoops, we had sent a full storyboard, when in fact they wanted a beat board (like a storyboard, but using thumbnails instead of large images). He also noted that the end of this pitch was left as a “To Be Continued”, and that they were looking for standalone ideas instead of pitches for full series.
Part 3: The Second Cartoon
While again disappointed, this wasn’t a denial based on content, instead just the way it was presented. So we went back to the literal drawing board and reworked the idea into a standalone. It was at this point, in the first time since the idea was formed, that we decided to change the story up. While we kept the saving the girl idea (as to us, it felt like a very video-game thing), we made him more of a player-character like character, almost like an avatar battling in a game.
Looking back through the beat boards we made, they were lame. While I had grown as a writer, I focused way too much on trying to make something someone else would like, and wrote in a very cliched way. Instead of trying to introduce or establish characters, I made Mark and Trevor generic, and didn’t even give defined forms to the people they were fighting. The jokes were bad, the characters were one note, and for some reason I felt the need to physically write out the dialogue on the sheet, despite the fact that I have terrible handwriting.
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Seriously, why did I feel the need to write in the dialogue?!
Evan tried his best to work with what he was given, but I feel that I dropped the ball on this one. And of course it showed when I sent it in and got a response from Eric Homan, who runs all the creative development at Frederator.
“Thanks, Zach, for the work and continued interest.
Unfortunately, "Awesome Trevor" is very far away from what we're looking for in our Cartoon Hangover shorts, in everything from character to story to tone.
I may have recommended this before, but I really suggest you take a look at our shorts as we begin to release them in a few weeks. I think they'll give a better indication of the types of cartoons for which we're looking.
Thanks, again.
-- Eric”
In everything from character to story to tone. That said what needed to be said. Even though I was sour at the time, with five years of hindsight, I realized that Eric was, as he often is, completely right about it, in more way than I could have thought. It was a slapdash job on an idea that was already starting to become kind of stale. We tried to change it up, but in trying to rush this idea to get it made (I checked, there was literally one month between the denial of the first pitch and sending in the second pitch), I did a poor job and let both of us down.
I of course blamed people like Eric, who was just telling me the truth, and situations like my school life, which was causing me anxiety and depression, but deep down I knew that I had done poorly. I had taken this idea, that wasn’t even mine originally, and basically ruined it to the point where we felt like we couldn’t do anything more with it. So at this point, I want to make two apologies. One to Eric, who was simply trying to help and harboured resentment towards for years, and one to Evan, who I kind put a lot of pressure on while we were working on these, and probably wasn’t the best person to work with. Um… My bad.
Part 4: The Past and Future
That last one was probably the last major wave we had in trying to produce Awesome Trevor. It pops up in conversations of ideas a lot, but nothing ever comes to fruition. The closest that ever came after the second cartoon debacle was another video game video series related idea I had. The idea was of an NPC in an open world game who breaks programming and tries to fight back against the player character, who repeatedly kills people for no reason. After discussing that idea for a while, we thought of attaching the Awesome Trevor name to it, as they were both vaguely video game related, and even started jotting down some story ideas. But, like many plans, this one faded away, and was soon in the vault, like the thousand other things we come up with…
And, well, that’s kind of the end. There might have been an expectation of some kind of twist or surprise announcement, but that’s not always how things go. At this point, Awesome Trevor is just an old idea, one that had stewed in our minds for years now. It comes up in conversations every few months, maybe trying out a cartoon pitch again, or doing it as a podcast series, but so far, nothing is set in stone. Hell, it’s possible that after this, a new vigor of interests might pop up inside of us, and the world is finally introduced to this plan that is now 8+ years in the making. You never really can tell.
The main reason I wanted to write this was to just put this all out there, and finally view something of it. Maybe I wanted people to finally see this thing that has been on my mind for a portion of my life. Maybe it’s a cautionary tale of not stepping back and taking the necessary steps to make something come to life properly. Or maybe it’s simply my plea of vanity, begging someone to tell me what I made was good. At this point, I can’t really tell. I just hope someone enjoyed it enough to get to the end.
And man, did it get kind of depressing at the end. Well, for those who made it here, here is your secret easter egg ending. Presented in full is the original draft to the Awesome Trevor Theme Song, produced by the extremely talented Evan Greenhoe. Thank you for reading!
0 notes
hannibaltabu · 7 years
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"Amazing. Everything you said in that sentence was wrong."
I just got done listening to the Mr. MoKelly spoiler-filled Nerdcast on Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
I was supposed to be on the podcast (and I was counted near the end), but I had to appear on a special edition of the Hall H Show podcast to promote the brand new Black Com!x Day in San Diego, February 17, 2018. I love Mo and Tawala, I love Star Wars and I love Nerdcast but this was about promoting independent Black comics, a financial benefit for me, so I had to make a call. Plus, my wife is in Cuba and couldn't pick up my youngest from Shakespeare rehearsal on this side of town, since the Nerdcast is in Burbank.
Regardless, I liked The Last Jedi even more after seeing it twice, and the following -- like the Nerdcast itself -- will be chock full of spoilers. If you have not seen the movie, you might wanna move on. Unlike their show, mine will have no profanity. Most of what I have to say will be a rebuttal, so I'll start with a declarative statement:
I can admit it's not an amazing movie, but I really thought it was a fantastic Star Wars movie. I liked.
... and then ...
Still amazing after the second screening. I'm in Normas Lee happy with this film.
iOS dictation made that weirder than I intended, but whatever. That was supposed to be "enormously happy."
Okay, here we go ...
Mo said there was nothing quotable about The Last Jedi. Ignoring the title of this post there was ...
"This isn't gonna go the way you think!" (used a lot with my kids already)
"The greatest teacher, failure is."
"He's a troublemaker. I like him."
"Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you can see it ..." "... you'll never make it through the night."
"I'd like to put my fist through this whole awful, beautiful city." (may have missed a word on this one)
"Permission to jump in an X-Wing and go blow something up?"
"I really don't want to do this right now."
"... I'll hold."
I was cracking up too hard to get the "Have you seen some weakness in my apprentice?" speech.
Mo said, "We know nothing about Rey."
Kylo made her admit the truth: her parents were not some cosmic royalty. They were not high ranking Jedis. They were civilians, normal jerks. The darkness rose, so the Force -- always making Force sensitive children -- dumped a bungload of midi-chlorians (or whatever) into Rey and made her powerful. The stable hand boy with Rose's ring on the casino world could be next, as he already has control over some of his telekinesis.
This fits Disney's mold incredibly well, making Rey a new everywoman heroine. Anyone can be this powerful. It could be you. That is gonna sell a bungload full of merch.
Mo said: "We learned nothing about this principle cast."
Finn has been hugged twice in his life now and kissed once, leading him to do all kinds of crazy and sometimes stupid things. About 2/3 of the way in, he grew up a little, and beating Phasma freed him from a lot
Poe Dameron was not a believer, he was a gun set in one direction. In a different world, he could have been the most dangerous pilot in the First Order's apparatus. It took a lot for him to start to mature so he could lead instead of just fighting, which he did mostly because of his parents (as seen in the Marvel comic).
Leia wants to pass the mantle of leadership on to Poe, her new "son," into whom she has poured all her lost hopes from Ben Solo. That tragic tale led her to do all kinds of interesting things, from demoting him to stunning him.
We got a LOT from Rose, who grew up poor, lost everything to the First Order, lost her sister fighting back, was inspired by Finn, who she had a crush on and then had to deal with the real guy, then saw that she still was attracted to him once he tried to not be the idiot he's been for so long. She was likened to Knives Chau from Scott Pilgrim, which I thought was a spot on analysis by Thomas Cunningham the 4th (we're rarely on the same side, so this was weird).
Ben Solo never had a chance. He had too many expectations heaped on his shoulders, was too powerful and had a master who knew too little. He got the Obi-Wan treatment and it ended essentially the same way, with him under the sway of a powerful, organized Dark Side user.
Luke was broken by every failure in his life. He accomplished exactly two things in his whole life -- the first Death Star at Yavin and "allegedly" turning Vader (which no one can prove, honestly). He failed his sister, he failed his friend, he failed his nephew -- all at the same time -- and wasn't man enough to do anything about it, instead pointing to his organization's history as a precedent for him to give up. Sadly, that fits whiny farm boys from Tattooine (who either failed into the Dark Side or this) and Mark Hamill acted his butt off in this role.
Leia had become everybody's favorite auntie, as quoted and shown in the reverence she's showed by everyone on screen. She played the role well, from "I changed my hair" to shooting Poe to revealing Holdo's plan.
The casino sequence got Finn to his resolution with Phasma and swings the camera to the new Force sensitive kid. That doesn't happen without the casino scene. Saying it was a dumb sidequest ignores the plot's development.
Tawala is mad at the X-Wing working so well on the dreadnaught, ignoring the fact that the large scale, shock and awe philosophy of the Empire (sampled enthusiastically by the Cosplay Empire, also known as the First Order, but never really played originally by the latter) has a well documented weakness against snub fighters. The First Order are so hell bent on recreating the Empire that they didn't learn anything, which makes the Yoda quote even more interesting. The Jedi failed. The Republic failed twice. The Sith failed. The Empire failed. The First Order ain't doing so well. What is the galaxy trying to teach its inhabitants that they're not hearing? That's the question that most haunts me from this film.
Likewise, Tawala asked why not send in a fleet of X-Wings. The Resistance was on the ropes. They lost ALL their bombers in one run on a single dreadnaught, which wasn't even the biggest thing the Kuat Shipyards ever built (the Eclipse was much longer, dunno if bigger). The Dreadnaught was a fleet killer -- and against capital ships, that's likely true. They could barely field the fighters they had.
Mo said, "There's no gravity in space." There is gravity in the bombers. Momentum would carry the bombs through the vacuum. I was more mad that the bombers were so slow.
Tawala is mad about Rey's dream sequence from The Force Awakens not matching the recollections of two people who were actually there. That's illogical. The dream sequence was an interpretation of the facts, not a retelling of it. Many on the podcast kept trying to say The Force Awakens is a factual recollection of events. That's clearly -- based on this -- not true. Despite the fact that it doesn't matter, based on new canon from the Darth Vader Marvel comic, lightsabers turn red when they are bloodied in anger.
The emperor's "As I have foreseen" was not prescience it was psychology. The Dark Side cannot be reliably used for information. Tawala and Mo misunderstand how the Emperor worked. His myth was way bigger than his actual ability. All of the movies have proven that Dark Side users are limited in their ability to gain knowledge and prescience from the Force.
Mo judging Snoke by the Emperor's yard stick is not judging this movie on its own terms. Snoke was what he needed to be. Historically, I want to know where he was around Endor and what he was doing, but I can move on now without questioning it, despite his vast power.
I can also tell my Star Wars Ring Theory link didn't get absorbed by the class here ... if you love Star Wars you should check it out, it messes with your understanding of a lot, especially the prequels.
It takes maybe 60 seconds for a non-powered person to die in vacuum. For the daughter of Vader to telekinetically figure how to save herself in that amount of time is not implausible. Leia's force abilities already shown? Communication across distances, sensing the safety of her brother from a distance. This isn't that big a leap for someone of her heritage given how far Rey got without training.
Someone wondered why Yoda's Force ghost wasn't fighting the First Order. Yoda is free from the cycle of life's struggles. He needed to teach one last lesson to his final student. To say he should fight the First Order after he already died is illogical, even if there was a powerful enough Force user in the Resistance who could reach him. You also forget the Bindu, which was a largely spiritual creature, could use lightning as a weapon too.
"Face" /= kill. Tawala forgot that in ROTJ Yoda told Luke he must "face" Vader before he could become a Jedi. Luke (like Tawala) misunderstood and said, "I can't kill my father" or something. You forget that Jedi lie and misdirect a lot. Spirit, come on, guys, this is stuff in movies we've seen a million times.
Mo thinks that he was cheated because he didn't know why everyone was after Luke as a non-factor. If Malcolm X or Marcus Garvey magically appeared today and went to the middle of Times Square to start speaking through my mobile 15" speaker, it would galvanize a freaking nation and terrify the power structure. Luke the Jedi wasn't the threat and even Luke said that. Luke the Legend was what Snoke had to stop, what Kylo had to exceed, what Leia wanted to manipulate. The Legend could inspire, could sway worlds and systems to resist. Luke the Jedi was just moderately successful. He was nobody's #1 seed. He was a Cinderella story wild card winner.
I will admit to wondering why no star destroyers went to lightspeed away and then jumped back in front of the Rebels until I remembered that Hux is literally bad at everything he does.
"Two hours in the middle" doesn't give credit to the entertaining dialogue, doesn't give credit to the time for character development for Poe under Holdo's stoicism, doesn't count Leia's "you made me get out of this bed" and shooting her favorite boy ... tripping, Tawala.
Tawala asked about arms purchasing but doesn't know that the Empire worked with the Mining Guild and the Banking Clans even after the New Order was established. Likewise, comics canon show that the Empire subcontracted a lot of weapons development, as does the Tie Defender program on Lothal.
Rick asked how Benicio del Toro (or as Mo called him, "Benicio del Lando," which was fair) knew about the small ships. While Poe was trying to mutiny, he told Finn about them while Benicio was hacking the door. Rick apparently missed that.
My final ranking of all the Star Wars films based on my tastes.
Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode 6: Return of the Jedi
Episode 8: The Last Jedi
Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
Episode 4: A New Hope
Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith
Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Rogue One
Episode 7: The Force Awakens, or whatever
Ideologically, the BBC's Will Gompertz wrote a review I pretty much agreed with that summed up my thoughts.
These are my opinions. In the immortal words of the philosopher Robert Ginyard, "you don't like it, so what? I don't care."
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erikaalamode · 7 years
And we’re back with Padmé’s Lake Dress: Episode II, The Dress Strikes Back!
The basic construction was actually pretty simple, which you can read about here if you missed Part 1 (https://erikaalamode.wordpress.com/2017/11/10/padme-amidalas-lake-dress-part-1/).
The sewing was a breeze. If I hadn’t gotten a little scissor-happy with trimming the cape, it would have been a pretty seamless process… It was the dyeing, and dyeing, and dyeing over and over and by then I was dying… (Sorry, I had to).
So with the trim in place, I pinned the dress on and we re-pinned the chiffon in place to mark where the color gradients would change between yellow to pink and then pink to purple. Some of the Padawan’s Guide notes used more colors, including orange and blue. I didn’t really see any orange that wouldn’t occur from grading yellow to pink, but I did buy a bottle of blue dye to mix into the violet to get a more indigo purple.
The dyed dress colors
We marked the gradient lines on the under dress first by placing a safety pin in one of the side seams where the yellow would fade into pink and then pink into purple. We marked everything with safety pins, as we weren’t sure if chalk might disturb the dye in some way.
At this point, I gathered the front of the chiffon hem into that odd tail thing that hangs in the front of the dress. I don’t know what it’s called (and my super awesome “dingle” is definitely not it).
Anyway, I gathered it with a rubber band to mark where I’ll dye the purple for the tail and pink above it. I added safety pins to the satin ribbon where the pink would become yellow, and then we moved around to the back. We marked the satin edge where I wanted the pink and purple to stem out from the center back.
And then it was time to die dye. I tried this four times, and really the only thing that stayed the same was the order of colors: I moved from lightest to darkest in dyes because watercolor logic?
Round one:
I tried to follow the Padawan’s Guide suggestion in Christine’s tutorial, mixing the dye and then putting in spray bottles.
I tried the iDye Poly Dye, in golden yellow, pink, and violet. They are powder dyes designed to work on synthetic fabrics, so of course, I thought, oh wow, perfect, maybe I didn’t shoot myself in the foot with the polyester thing, right? Wrong. The dye didn’t dissolve well and that caused all sorts of problems that I’ll get to in just a minute.
My mom and I dip dyed the dress in each color, starting from yellow, then pink, then purple, trying to only get the portions of the dress I wanted in the pot at a time. We funneled each dye into a spray bottle one at a time for the cape. Once we were done with the dress, we hung it on a line in the yard to dry.
We hung the chiffon, on the line as well. It was folded in half so both sides would be symmetrical. Using the dye in the spray bottles, we sprayed the yellow onto the marked areas, then the pink, then the purple.
We dumped out the dye, congratulated ourselves on a job well done and went inside to let it sit for a while to dry. We dyed the fabric, we were moving forward smoothly, everything was totally fine… until we brought the fabric in to take a look at it.
Remember how I said the dye didn’t dissolve well? Well, it was chunky and messy and splotchy and it looked like I had thrown salt on a watercolor. The dye had run in streaks down the fabric, making everything look like a sad, melting art project. The colors were also weak on the dress, and it barely showed through on the chiffon.
I still liked it though. It was pretty and it was another step towards visualizing the end goal, so we draped it on over my super fashionable post-gym ensemble and I posed next to the serious-looking portrait of my brother that we casually keep in the entryway. Once I could see the dress on, I knew it wasn’t Padmé-worthy, and it wasn’t what I wanted. We figured we would do better next time, so we bleached it out.
Round two:
We tried again with the spray bottles and the iDye, thinking the problem must have been our technique. We boiled the dye for longer periods of time, hoping to dissolve the dye more, and we didn’t dip anything until the dye looked clear.
We dip dyed the dress and laid it out on the lawn so the dye wouldn’t run downward and look streaky. Then, we laid the chiffon out on the lawn as well, folded in half for symmetry, and we sprayed everything again. It all looked good, so we left it out to dry with hope in our hearts and a twinkle in our eyes…
Only for our hopes to be dashed against the raging sea of anguish and disappointment that was making this dress!!!
The fabric didn’t run. Nope, this time, it puddled in various areas across the fabric, creating giant splotches. It also took on a print that looked suspiciously like grass. And, turns out, the chunks were only a bit our fault. Boiling it longer helped to smooth everything out, but as the fabric dried, it looked grainy and chunky in certain areas. Also, the chemicals in the dye must have upset the safety pins, because they rusted and left stain marks in the fabric. Underwhelming.
I felt bad for myself, I rolled around in self-pity, and then we bleached it out and it was time for…
Round three:
My grandma jumped in on the craziness this time. She and my grandpa drove down with their happy fluff ball dog, who ran around with my fuzz puff baby and everything was looking good, we were feeling hopeful, and so we tried again.
We ditched the iDye and ordered Rit Dye in golden yellow, fuschia, purple, and royal blue. We did not use Rit DyeMore, the line designed for synthetics, because a lot of reviews made it sound somewhat iffy and we just wanted it to work out at this point.
We also changed tactics: instead of spray bottles, we switched to a tie-dye/dip dye method that has worked on previous projects.
Instead of marking each color transition line with safety pins, we gathered the dress and the cape at each line with a rubber band, sort of like tie-dye without the twisting and stuff. Then we dip dyed each color, starting with yellow, then fuchsia, and then purple with a splash of blue dye (the Rit purple is a little reddish, and I wanted more of an indigo purple).
Me, Grandma, & my fashionable post-gym aesthetic
Color testing!
We set it out until it stopped dripping, and then we hung the cape on the line to dry and stuck a long dowel through the dress to hang it sideways and let the dye drip off without the colors running into each other.
We were SO CLOSE!! The colors were bright and happy looking, everything looked right, except the tie-dye technique. You know how when you tie-dye and you get those fun white lines that make your design seem more interesting and cool-looking? Well, turns out, they do not look as good on Padmé’s lake dress, and they were everywhere, like a retro 70’s explosion. To top it off, the random dowel I pilfered from my dad’s miscellaneous collection had tree sap on it that I did not clean off and it got on the dress, creating a blotchy stain.
Regret, pity, sadness, rolling. Sass from my grandma, the queen of all sass…
Round four:
I know, I know. Three strikes and you’re out. But I really wanted this dress, and we got so close the last time.
We washed the fabric and bleached it again, which got most of the dye out, but not the sap. No matter what we tried, we couldn’t get the sap off the dress, and the sap seemed to absorb the dye more than the rest of the fabric, so it was blotchy and dark in some areas, but at this point, I just really wanted it done. I had lost so much time and energy and tears on this ridiculous process, and I lost patience with it.
My mom and I repeated the process from round three, but after we dip dyed each color segment, we immediately cut off the rubber bands and tried to work the dye into the fabric for an even distribution. Everything was hung to dry on the line, and we unfolded the chiffon so it wouldn’t cling to itself and create lines in the dye.
  After it was dry, we rinsed everything in a vinegar-water solution. Some dye ran off the cape, but not too much, so we hung that back out to dry.
The dress bled more color, so we took three bins and created separate vinegar baths for each color. I left the dress out in the yard on a hot June day in California, so it baked in the sun for a while, and I tried to move the dress regularly so it wouldn’t create lines in the dye. Letting the dress bake helped to soften the gradient between each color, and the vinegar bath helped to set the dye in the polyester.
  I rinsed it out until the water ran clear and hung it all to dry on the dowel and the line in the yard. It was finally done, and it was so pretty. It still had those sap flaws, and a bit of marbling from the tie-dye effects, so I wasn’t really ecstatic about it, but I hoped those would be hidden under the cape when everything was draped together.
I also just had no interest whatsoever in doing the entire dye process a fifth time. I was verging on emotional breakdown with this dress, and I knew there was no way I’d finish it in time for SDCC at the quality that I wanted. This dream dress had really killed my love for it with the nightmare dyeing process, and I was just about ready to give up on it entirely.
My mom convinced me to put it aside and do a different cosplay for SDCC and we would come back to it at another time.   So we hung it away in the sewing room and threw together a quick closet cosplay of Mal Reynolds for SDCC, which involved next to no sewing.
I planned to finish the dress eventually, but after SDCC, work and travel and school all got in the way and some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend, legend became myth, and for two and a half thousand years, the dress passed out of all knowledge, until, when chance came, it ensnared a new event: the D23 Expo…
      Padmé Amidala’s Lake Dress, Part 2 And we’re back with Padmé’s Lake Dress: Episode II, The Dress Strikes Back! The basic construction was actually pretty simple, which you can read about here if you missed Part 1 (
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