#I might wanna write that stuff down so I have it somewhere
Submas/PLA Fic Chapter 3: Dealing with their Devils
Previous Chapter (2) - Current Chapter - Next Chapter (4)
The next chapter of Electric Trains are the Future is live on AO3! I’m working through on getting more chapters ready ahead of time, and come next Tuesday, I’ll be shifting to weekly updates, as I’ll be heading back to work.
Chapter Summary: Two much needed conversations are had. Ingo learns about who he is, and Akari comes up with a better plan. Chapter Word Count: 4632 Warning: There is a short panic attack that is purposely glossed over and quickly addressed, and an emotional break at the end of the chapter. Neither are in great detail.
Read the chapter below the cut, or read it on AO3! I’ll be cross-posting the rest of the fic, with additional notes on AO3′s side. Reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
Ingo was right, Akari wasn’t going home. She had turned from the bridge in the direction of her little house, but once out of sight began jogging down the rest of the street towards the pastures. The sun was down entirely, and though Marie was much more acclimated to having Pokemon around her, she still didn’t like being there in the dark and had gone home for the day. It was easy for Akari to jump over the gate leading to the first area of the pastures, though he goal was a little further in.
She had made it to the first hill before taking the two Pokeballs she had with her, and letting Palkia and Dialga out. “Thank you two for the help today,” she says quietly as she hugs them each on the leg. “We messed up, but I think that we still did a good thing.”
Dialga makes a non-committal grinding sound, presumably from his teeth, then starts plodding away to find some food before Akari can interrogate it. She instead turns to Palkia, who meets her gaze for several moments. And then promptly does the same as its sibling, albeit in the opposite direction, gurgling uncomfortably.
Great. Her pet gods didn’t think it was a good thing. She’ll prove otherwise!
She starts over the hill, her destination being a cave in the mountains on the edge of the pasture, overlooking Flaoro Gardens in the Fieldlands. By the time she got there, all the way at the edge of the land that Jubilife had claimed, any last remnants of the sun were long gone and the moon hung high in the air, stars twinkling around it. Akari stood in front of the cave for a few moments before speaking up.
“Hey, Giratina? Do you wanna come out and talk? It’s a nice night out, the stars are visible.” She knew Giratina liked keeping their privacy from the other Pokemon, after being isolated from this entire Reality for centuries, if not millenia. But she also knew that they enjoyed her company, because she could hear its heavy little stomps (she likes to call them little cause it makes Giratina flustered) as it exits the cave, looking up into the sky.
“Yes, the stars do look beautiful today, my friend.” Their voice seems to reverberate around the area, even though she knows Giratina is speaking directly into her mind. They bask quietly in the starlight for a moment before their voice comes into her mind again. “I felt the fabric of reality tear earlier. What did you do?”
Oh dear Arceus, she’s gonna be scolded again isn’t she?
“I, uh, may have had Dialga and Palkia help me try and get Ingo’s brother here,” Akari says, trying to sound confident but definitely looking away from the big dragon that still hadn’t looked at her. “It worked out kinda well, we got a friend of his instead!” Hopefully news of some success would help dampen the blow of the news.
For a moment there was silence. Then Giratina reared their head back and let out a loud roar, giving Akari just enough time to cover her ears. It didn’t sound angry, maybe a little frustrated, almost… A warning. And sure enough, Akari saw several small flocks of Starly fly off around them, having settled in around the dragon’s cave.
With an audible huff, Giratina turns to look at Akari. “And why did you think that was a good idea?” The disappointment in their telepathic voice hit Akari like a bucket of water. Yeah, she was going to get scolded again.
Akari sighed and plopped down onto the ground, not caring that the grass was already a little wet with dew. Giratina stepped up next to her and closed their eyes for a moment, before shrinking itself down to the size of a Luxio to sit next to her. Akari remembered that Pokemon could change their size, but she’d honestly forgotten that since Laventon first told her because she only saw Pokemon do it as they faint. Giratina was actually kinda cute at this size.
“I wanted to make Ingo happy, and if we could bring someone here, we could send them back…” Akari sighs and draws her knees up. “I figured since Dialga and Palkia were the source of the distortions and the Rift anyway, they could do it in tandem when they’re able to focus, right?” She reaches out and gently strokes Giratina’s head, causing them to hum softly.
Giratina let the sensation relax them for a moment before speaking back up. “They also created the rift because of the stress I put onto them,” they say softly. “And I facilitated the distortions by linking each to the Distortion World to allow a hopefully smoother travel for the creatures coming through. I was angry with Father, not with others.” There is a small pause before they lean into Akari’s side. “But you know that…”
“I do, Gira,” she says softly, leaning back into them. “I do.”
Ingo places the bowl of rice and fried Cheri berry before Elesa. “Here you go, Miss Elesa,” he says respectfully before sitting across from her. “I’m sorry if the berries are a little burned, Cheri are a little quick to fry.” He picks up his chopsticks and starts eating quietly, keeping his eyes on the table. He could hear Elesa pick her chopsticks up and eat, albeit a little slower than him.
After a few moments of silence other than their soft chewing, Ingo puts his chopsticks down and politely clears his throat. “When I awoke, I had no memories. My cab had been cleared of all contents, with only vague recollections of a Man in White, with a smile on his face, who loved victory more than anything else.” Elesa continues to eat, slower as she listens to him. “Is that Emmet? Is that the man who walks in the station of my memories?”
Elesa softly scoffs at the victory comment at first. “He knows if he says that he loves victory most around me, he’s gonna be in the Herdier house for a few nights.” Ingo finds himself laughing at that, before pausing and wondering what a Herdier was. Were they like Growlithe? “But yes, Ingo. Emmet is your brother.”
Brother? No, Emmet is his twin! The second cab in their two car train! It hit Ingo in the chest, and he involuntarily let the air out of his lungs before Elesa could say anything else. He’s 3 hours younger than me, he has an (---), and he is a Subway Boss. He realizes that he hasn’t taken a breath back in, and does so before looking up at Elesa, who was waiting with a somewhat worried look. “No, no, continue. I apologize for the delay.”
Elesa slowly nods before continuing to speak. “You both ran the Unovan Transportation Authority, and you focused on the Unova Rail Transit System, which mostly consisted of handling the Subway.” Rail. Subway. “You both have always been obsessed with trains, and you kept them running better than any of the previous Heads of Transit had, and you made sure they covered routes the buses couldn’t and kept them competitive with planes.” Trains. Trains trains trains. He had heard the word a few times, mostly in the context of battling when talking with Laventon. To think it had multiple meanings in Galarian! Now, what was it in Kantonian… 列車(1), yes.
“You ok there, Ingo?” 
“I primarily rode on the Battle A Division, the Singles Line. We had 260 R62s left on the line, with most of the R62As either relegated to Multi or decommissioned in preparations for the new trains coming from Silph Railway, the R262s I believe.” Ingo wasn’t sure where these words or the information were coming from, but they would not stop coming. “The main train of the fleet is the R188, which are far newer than the 62s and also made by Silph. Silph actually made the R62s, but the R62As, despite the similar designations, are actually made by Bombirdier Transportation.”
Ingo’s mind was racing, and for the first time since he arrived in Hisui, he was properly, truly, excited. He had a fascination for transportation, as shown by the time Miss Akari had set him off by having him ride on an Alpha Steelix she caught, which led to some panic from Irida when she found him conducting on its head. Since then, Miss Akari has been careful to set off his mysterious obsession.
But it wasn’t mysterious now! “My favorites are the R36s, which still have a few dozen in service on the fleet,” Ingo continues, not noticing his voice rising in volume, but definitely noticing that Elesa was giving him a soft smile. “They’re also called Redbirds, though some foreigners call them Fletchlings since they sometimes are painted the same shades. What was done to dispose of them was actually quite ingenious, as they had stripped the harmful components from them and dropped them off the coast of the region and let them become artificial reefs!” 
It was good for the Pokemon, which Pokemon were it good for? As Ingo thought, his hand balled into a fist and he began gently shaking it, then brought it up to tap against his upper lip to help him focus. Yes! ”They were great for making homes for Corsola and Alomomola! The populations of both had been at risk for several decades, and started making quite the comeback! To whoever thought of it, bravo!”
Ingo continued to remember and regurgitate facts about trains and the subway for quite awhile, while Elesa just quietly eats and listens, smiling.
“So, obviously the way that Volo had brought about the rifts was wrong,” Akari says. She and Giratina had now laid down, Giratina tucking their legs under their body and Akari laying on her back, resting her head on their back, both looking up at the sky. “He just tore them open without care.”
“That he did,” Giratina responds, grumbling deep in their chest. “Like myself, Volo was lost in anger, though he did much better to focus that anger and mask it. There was a reason we decided to work together, after all.” They shiver briefly, and nudge Akari with a wing, getting her to lift her head up so they could fold it under her. Giratina’s wings were ethereal; they weren’t hurt by pressure, and were quite cushioned, so they made great pillows.
Akari snuggles slightly into the wing as she thinks. This might be a bad thing to ask, but she felt it was needed. “Do you think that it would be ok to continue making rifts? If we are careful with it? Just to-”
It happened fast, but Giratina moved their way out from under her head, causing Akari to fall back as they flashed with an amber light. In front of Akari now was Giratina, at their full size and in their Origin Forme.
“Did I just hear you correctly, Akari?!” they shouted into her head, anger not just lacing the words, but backing them full force. “You fought against me, to free this land of the rifts that I had instigated, and now you wish to bring more into existence?!”
Akari froze up for a second. She thinks Giratina won’t hurt her, but the last time she’d seen them this angry was when she first fought them after Volo. She tried to breathe, to regain control, and it seemed Giratina noticed because they seemed to sigh, then slowly shrink down to look Akari in the face.
“I apologize, my friend. I will try to not scare you like that again.” Their voice was controlled now, but Akari could still hear their disappointment and anger underneath. But that gave her the opportunity to relax. She breathes in deeply, then breathes out slowly, repeating the action a few times before giving Giratina a small smile and nod.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up. It was a bad idea.” Akari looks away from Giratina, her voice quiet. She lets out a sigh, and hears Giratina move, though she wasn’t expecting the Legendary to set their head on hers.
“I see why you asked. There is no need to beat yourself up.” They put their weight against Akari’s back, pushing her over a bit. “If Volo and I hadn’t used them to cause harm, then my reaction may have been different.” Now the Legendary decided to dead weight, gently sliding off of her back. Akari swore that the Creation Trio were just teenagers with too much power.
Akari lets out an exaggerated groan as she leans over, letting Giratina flop onto her stomach with a soft whumph. “I know, I just… Feel bad for pulling her here without meaning to…”
“I know how you feel. I truly do.”
“And I just remembered why the Redbirds were my favorite!” Ingo shouts, taking Elesa’s bowl and thus shouting directly into her ear, causing her to flinch and playfully swat at him. “I would take the train every few weekends to go visit…” He gets to the counter before pausing. “To go visit… Home?” He puts both bowls onto the counter before turning to Elesa. “Where was home? Nimbasa, right?”
“For me, yeah,” Elesa says, pulling out a Pokeball. “I grew up in Nimbasa, born and raised. You and Emmet moved from Anville Town when we were young, though your parents moved back after you started working at the Subway with Emmet. Also, do you mind if I let Skitters out?”
Ingo shakes his head, quietly thinking. Elesa clicks the button on the ball (ah, that looks very different from our current balls), and out pops a small Pokemon, similar to a Pachirisu, only with black fur and flaps of skin connecting its arms and legs. It looks around at the new surroundings before getting on all fours and spinning in place.
Anville, Rolling Out on the Steel Rails. A sleepy little town with two rail lines, and a railyard that held a lot of decommissioned trains, which were displayed one per day. Some weekends, (---)n railfans would gather to share stories, items, and occasionally battles. There was another part of the town, called “The Village” by locals, that mostly consisted of a small market and some houses, with several small farms. The second rail line ended there, and it connects to the mainline and runs on an alternating schedule with the main Anville stop.
Ingo is pulled from his thoughts as Skitters suddenly lands on his shoulder, nuzzling up to his face and knocking his hat askew. “Young lady, you know to watch for your safety checks!” Lady? Brushing the thought aside, he still indulges the little thing with some scratches between its ears, causing it to squeak in glee.
“You know she won’t learn if you reward her after scolding her,” Elesa says with a smile.
“But she’s a sweetheart of a passenger, and deserves to be rewarded.” Elesa shakes her head, and Ingo assumes she’s heard that argument from him before.
“So, it sounds like you remember the Subway pretty well,” Elesa says, leaning against the counter next to Ingo and gently scritching the back of Skitters’ head, causing the Pokemon to wiggle and gently stomp on Ingo’s shoulder. “Do you remember what you two did?”
Ingo looks up at the ceiling for a moment, the hand coming from Skitters (who he doesn’t notice reaching for it to come back before pouting) and gripping the brim of his hat. “You said that we ran the Authority. I believe we had focused mostly on the Subway, though we still had to work on the bus routes, the ferries from… Somewhere, and the on-the-ground freight lines, yes?” He lowers his gaze now, pulling the hat over his eyes. “We battled on the Subways as well. Mondays and Wednesdays we come in early to work on paper work, then run battle lines concurrent with the civilian lines.”
“That’s the gist of it,” Elesa says, turning to put her back against the counter and look up at the ceiling herself. “Emmy likes to talk about it after work some days. He’ll go on and on about the minutiae of the rail lines, or complain about a bus breaking down and people needing to be shuttled to another bus line or wait for a bus.”
“Ah, sounds like you two were very close.” Ingo says it calmly, not with any intent behind it. But after a moment of silence, he looks over at Elesa. “Miss Elesa, why do you look like that?”
Elesa in fact looked like she was about to break down again. She took a deep breath before looking at the opposite wall. “Do you remember me at all? What we were before you came here?” The question sent a shiver through Ingo’s body, like he had been dumped into an ice bath.
“We were close friends. Since childhood, yes?” The memories hadn’t really come back yet, but he could infer the connection. The deep breath and sharp exhale meant that he was wrong though.
“Well, since I apparently have a dumb type,” Elesa starts, waving her right arm while she wraps her left arm around herself, “I fell for a few people. I ended up with Skyla first, because that girl is a Voltorbshell, if you could remember her.” The name did strike true somewhere, but nothing would stick. Maybe in a bit it could worm its way into permanence. “So even after I married her, I couldn’t stop teasing you and Emmy, so… When you left, you were still my boyfriend, you Beldum-my.” She breathes in deep, her exhale a little ragged as she fights back a bit of tears.
Oh. That explains the slow speed on her tracks.
Akari wasn’t sure how it started, but right now she and Giratina were tossing (or in Giratina’s case, batting) the dragon’s Pokeball back and forth as they talked.
“So, what are you planning, my friend?” The pair had spent some time chatting about the stars, about the winter they had just gone through, anything to help calm Akari down after the scare Giratina had given her. “I can tell you’re thinking.” Their back left tendril comes up and swats their Pokeball back towards Akari.
Akari catches it on the side of her foot, bouncing it up and catching it before tossing it back. “Is it even worth it to bring Emmet here, or should we just focus on sending Elesa back?” She catches the Pokeball as Giratina accidentally throws it a little far, and tosses it as she’s landing. “Should Ingo go with her, cause I don’t know if his memories are back yet. It’d be kinda mean to split the two now.”
“I agree, it would be quite cruel to split them if she was so happy to see him,” Giratina says as they bounce the Pokeball between its tendrils, then whips one out to launch it back to Akari. ”I would not recommend bringing someone else here, lest Kamado believe you were actually connected to the Rift.” 
Akari flinches a bit as she tosses the Pokeball, causing Giratina to shoot a tendril to its max to catch the wide throw. “Sorry, Gira! Maybe we should stop playing around if we’re gonna talk about this…” Giratina seems to huff before tossing the ball back to Akari. Pocketing it, she breathes deep and lets it out slowly. “Sorry, I’m not able to focus as well on the game as you can while we talk.”
“I suppose that is true.” It seems Giratina caught the true reason why Akari flinched, and decided to not push it.
“So, I don’t think we should send them home until Ingo remembers everything,” Akari says, and sees Giratina nod in agreement. “Just… When we do it, should I have you do it?”
“Only if you want me to trap them in the Distortion World,” Giratina asks sarcastically. “Remember that I have no control over time, Akari.”
“Right.” Akari hadn’t thought about that when she asked, but it was obvious now. Giratina had told her earlier that it simply used the Distortion as a bridge between Space and Time rather than do the work themselves. “So, if you worked alongside Palkia and Dialga, then you could do it easier, right?”
Giratina looks at her impassively for a moment before responding. “Yes, it would work better than just the two of them alone. But even with me, my siblings will not be the most accurate in moving them.” The pair hear a crack of thunder, and turn towards the Fieldlands, where a Space-Time Distortion tears into existence off in the distance. “And the more that we rip open rifts, the longer it takes the fabric of reality to heal.”
“That’s fair,” Akari says, squatting down to rest, her knees up to her chest. “As much as you won’t like it…”
“You may want to ask Father, yes. Have you completed his task?”
Akari reaches into her satchel and pulls out the Pokedex. Arceus, times like this she really wishes she still had her old Pokedex from Rowan, cause this book was tiring to use. “No, I still have some Pokemon to get. I haven’t been able to find a Munchlax, a Cherrim, and I need to evolve my Magnemite twice. Plus, I couldn’t catch a Magby the last time I went to Firespit Island, because an Alpha showed up and managed to chase the family of Magmar off.” Her shoulders sag, looking at the 4 empty spots between Froslass and Swinub. “I also have to guess that these are the fossil Pokemon. I found their fossils in the Highlands, but I’m sure that they’re all going to be in Distortions.”
“Yes, I would believe so,” Giratina muses, coiling down into a comfortable position. “They are ancient Pokemon, from when my siblings and I could be considered young.”
“Yeesh, that’s old.” Akari ignores the tired look Giratina gives her as she puts the Pokedex back in her satchel. “Then I guess I’ll focus on finishing the Pokedex, and go talk to Arceus. See if He can get everyone home.”
Elesa didn’t cry for long, especially since Ingo took the hint and gave her a hug, which she returned. Once she was done, she sits down at the table again while Ingo sets up the spare futon for her. After a few moments, she finds her voice. “So, any questions, Ingy?”
Ingo makes sure the three mattresses for the futon are properly stacked before asking his first question. “What year is it at home? How far have these tracks taken me?” 
Elesa flicks her braid a few times as Skitters begins to climb up her arm. “You disappeared in 2019,” she says softly. “It’s been 3 years, so it's 2022 now. And from what Akari was saying, this is around 1870. We’ve gone back about 150 years.”
Ingo flinches hearing that. He thought it would be about 10, maybe 15 years of difference. But ten times that? No, that was not at all a thought that had crossed his mind.
“It’s ok, Bounsweet-ie,” Elesa says. “Even though it’s been longer for you, me and Emmet would still be so happy to have you back.”
“It’s only been three years.”
That seemed to shake Elesa, who quickly gets out of her seat and puts both hands on Ingo’s cheeks to turn his head towards her so she can inspect his face. “Ingo, you have wrinkles and your hair is going white at your temples. You’re gonna look like Drayden in a few years. Are you sure you’re only 35?”
Ingo swats at her hand and pulls back, forcing his frown deeper. “If you say I’m 35, then yes, I am sure!” This seemed to throw Elesa for a loop, because she also leans back before laughing out loud. “My memory departed from the station, of course I wouldn’t know my age!” That just caused her to start laughing harder.
After a moment she calmed down though, and wiped some of the tears away from her eyes. “I’m sorry, that was too much. I know it makes sense, but oh my Goodra, Ingo, that’s just so funny.”
Ingo huffs, wishing he could blow smoke like a steam engine in moments like this. “I have another question.” Elesa snaps to attention, giving him a fake salute that almost makes him laugh. Taking a second to collect himself, “I remember a Pokemon that wielded flames with mastery. When Akari evolved her Typhlosion, its purple flames reminded me of something I was missing. Was that one of my partners? Back at our home?”
Elesa takes a moment to answer, seeming to decide what she needs to say. “That is Chandelure. She… She took your disappearance hard.” Hearing that makes Ingo’s stomach fall. “She used to look through the subway tunnels looking for you, and it wasn’t until this last year that Emmet managed to get her to act anything close to normal. He apparently has her help in Gear Station to look out for lost kids. She wears a Depot hat, it’s actually really cute. You’d love it.”
Ingo wasn’t hearing much of the last part, though. His disappearance hurt his partner heavily. If it hurt her like that, what about… “And Emmet?” His voice cracked more than he expected, but he continued. “What about Emmet? Was he ok?”
Elesa pauses before answering. “Emmet didn’t take it well, either.” Ingo feels cold. “You two had always been inseparable, you even bought a small house on the outskirts of Nimbasa together so that you could keep each other on track for work. Big enough for privacy, but small enough for you both to always feel like the other was right in reach.”
‘Until you left’ was unsaid.
“He got really depressed for a while, and he’s in therapy, so don’t worry.” He’s in therapy because Ingo sent him there. “We learned you were likely here, because we had books that referenced you, and images. He accepted it, he realized that holding onto it was going to be worse in the long run. So he-” She pauses, seeing Ingo’s face as she looks back towards him. But he knew what she was about to say. ‘So he mourned for you.’
Ingo could feel the tears on his face, and he reached his arms out and grabbed Elesa, pulling her into a hug as he began to cry. It was soft, quiet, unlike how Ingo usually was. But Elesa knew that he needed comfort, and held him tight. She let him cry, like he had let her cry earlier. This was still her Ingo after all.
After a few minutes, Ingo pulls back, no longer sobbing, but his face is still streaked with tears. “I think we are both falling behind schedule for sleep,” he says in a cracked voice. He stands up, and walks past the table towards his bed. “I will see you in the morning.”
“See you in the morning, Ingo,” Elesa replies softly as Ingo draws the slats over to block his room off.
Ingo wasn’t a believer in the Pearl Clan’s belief of Sinnoh, even after Akari caught the God and proved that there was indeed an Almighty Sinnoh. But tonight, Ingo felt a spark of faith in his heart. Before laying down for bed, Ingo hung his cape and coat up, and knelt before his bed, head hung low.
“Nispa-Kamuy Sinnoh, akor ak-Emmet kamuy-nomi, ak-Emmet wano arka atusare, wa uni kunne hom horari.(2)” He kept the prayer short, and hopefully simple. With a deep breath, he lays down and prepares for a rough night of sleep.
Translation Note: (1) Train (Ressha) (2) Almighty Sinnoh, I pray for my younger brother Emmet, for Emmet to be healed from his pain, and to live together as a knot in the wood.
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meowjuyo · 11 days
anton as your affectionate bf: headcanons
this is so long help + it’s organized in sections 😁😁
💭 anton x fem!reader
💭 texts in pink: oc, texts in blue: anton
💭 fluff fluff fluff (and crack)
physical touch
- anton might be the humanized version of ‘physical touch.’
- hand always on ur back or around ur hips
- top of the head kisses
- fixing ur necklace or hair while you’re talking
- as long as you’re in the same room, anton can’t last a minute without physical contact.
- anton’s hand will always be on ur hip or around ur waist.
- he’s backhugging u like 30% of the day
- morning kisses. barely awake kisses.
- tracing anton’s nose while he’s sleeping (he’s actually awake so he’s giggling w his eyes closed)
- “TON I LOVE U BUT IT’S SO HOT. STOP HUGGING ME” “are we breaking up”
- waking up w his leg on you, his face nuzzled on ur neck, and his hand placed light on ur head — it’s a heavy morning.
- “can i bite you?” */stares at anton for 5mins* “is that a yes”
- imagine being against pda while dating a guy who'd tear up if you sit on the other side of the table at dinner? yea, anton.
- fav kissing spot: anton’s nose
- his fav kissing spot: */his nose bled while trying to answer the question
- you guys would last for 5hrs on the couch in silence as long as anton’s wrapped around you
down bad anton
- when he’s talking about his day but you’re rlly focused on what he’s saying so he got flustered all of a sudden “stop staring at me, you’re making me nervous” — “YOU’RE telling a story, where else am i supposed to look at?”
- suddenly smiling from ear to ear during breakfast because “1 year ago, i just thought you’re really nice to me and now i’m eating breakfast with you in our shared apartment” */insert anton giggles (and grumpy you ‘coz u js woke up & he’s talking non sense)
- smiling from ear to ear whenever he hears ur name in his group of friends. (would result to 1hr of anton yapping about how cute you were yesterday and the day before that, and two weeks ago)
- anton buying matching EVERYTHING. and giving them to you with a shy smile.
- matching rings, matching trinkets, matching bracelets, matching phone cases— told u, everything.
- “why are you hugging me all of a sudden?” “you’re the cutest i adore you so much” (you’re just eating bread)
- “hi, can we date with the intention of marrying you & having pets as many as you want”, “anton, we’ve been together for almost two years”, “oh, i thought i was being delusional”
- even on casual days, anton would send his newly made playlists for you.
- "i'm gonna take a nap" "okay, me too" "are you sleepy?" "no" "then why..?" "i wanna take a nap with you"
- anton taking care of you when you're sick. and you always feel bad. "baby, sleep somewhere elsee. you'll catch my fever" "i can't sleep without you next to me"
- "have i told you that i love you?" - anton says while eating dinner.
- anton having five story highlights with just you
- anton using a photo of the two of you as his profile photo in every social media platform.
- has two pouches of things that you MIGHT need in his everyday bag (thats why his bags r always gigantic)
- anton's really expressive. he's expressive but would get shy right after saying that he loves you.
cute stuff
- "they're cute, they're just like us" - anton w every single couple in a romance movie
- anton learning how to cook your favorite foods & baking ur fav pastries at home
- would always be on a facetime w u even in social events (he can’t function w/o seeing u)
- anton massaging u after a long week !!!
- handwritten notes :(
- anton writing post-its and sticking it on ur forehead while you’re sleeping whenever he has to leave early in the morning
- anton writing DETAILED handwritten letters for you every monthsary to tell u his favorite moments w u that month, to tell u that he’s proud of u for every single thing that u’ve done that month. he’s such a words of affirmation guy.
- anton not ordering a lot because he knows that u get full easily so he’ll get to eat ur leftovers anyway
- but anton would always make sure that you’ll eat A LOT. that’s why he’ll research a lot about the restaurant menus that you’ll eat in.
- anton brushing your hair every night
- anton letting you style his hair (once went to work w pigtails)
- reading together (and anton falling asleep on ur shoulder right after one chapter)
- SUNDAY RESET IS ANTON’S FAVORITE DAY !!! the everything shower, doing each other’s nails, cooking together, eating a homemade fancy dinner with candles, talking about your week, and ending the day with wearing couple face masks while watching a 2000s romcom movie.
- anton going with you to ur nail appointment and him sitting next to you for 2 hours.
- anton’s closet is basicslly your closet, and your closet is basically anton’s.
- you wearing anton’s clothes & anton wearing your watches and accessories in a daily basis
- gazing at each other in the midst of the crowd, exchanging warmest smiles
- anton running to you to carry you in a hug
- you mentioning that you like this specific cake ONCE in a casual conversation and anton buying it for you every night.
- “did you hear something?” “BABY STOP SCARING ME”
- when you wanna wear something revealing but you asked anton first so now he doesn’t know if he’ll be mesmerized with you or he’ll be offended that you think he won’t let you wear that
- anton waiting for you to come home til midnight because he wants to have dinner with you (it’s 12am)
- anton carrying your handbag / shoulder bag as if it’s his bag.
soft spots
- arguments w antons barely happen but when it does, it often ends almost immediately.
- anton’s always the one to apologize first. even though you’re at fault, anton makes sure to talk to you without making you feel invalidated.
- anton’s definitely a date to marry guy. which is why during deep talks, he’s always talking about the future with you.
- anton finding you crying. he won’t ask why, he’ll just hug you warmly til you feel better. once you’re feeling better, he’ll buy u guys pints of ice cream and watch your comfort movie in silence and in each other’s arms.
- imagine anton’s soft voice welcoming you home after a tiring day. "how was your day, my love?" anton asks, carrying your bag, gently pulling you to the couch so he can massage your shoulders while you spend 2 hours talking about your day.
- mornings with anton are always so warm. you're cooking your breakfast while anton's just hugging you from the back. his face buried at the side of your neck, while talking casually about your plans for that day.
419 notes · View notes
bones4thecats · 7 months
Hey there Bones! Is it okay to request Tokyo Revengers Draken, Taiju, Hakkai and Hanma with a short and shy Reader that worry about them whenever they get hurt and the Reader patches them up. At one point Reader ends up crying because they're worried their boyfriend might die.
If this is too much you don't have to do it.
Shy! S/O Crying In Fear Of Their Life
Type of Writing: Request Character: Draken Ryuguji, Taiju Shiba, Hakkai Shiba, and Shuji Hanma Name: Shy! S/O Crying In Fear of Their Life Requester: @koushiro23
A/N: This nearly made me tear up. This is why I don't have a boyfriend myself U-U
Spoilers for: Tenjiku Arc
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🐲 Draken knew how upset you would get whenever he would come over with injuries all bandaged up
🐲 He understood that you cared for his being like how one would care for their spouse, and he couldn't blame you, he couldn't fathom the thought of you being injured in a similar fashion
🐲 But, during a recent fight, he had quiet a few injuries and your home was nearby. So, he called you up and told you he was coming over and you might wanna ready some bandages
" Why? Oh god, did you get into another fight?! Are you alright, Draken?! " " Yeah, just bleedin' a little. I'll be by in a couple, okay? Don't worry. " " Yeah, okay... see you. "
🐲 Rushing around your home, you were glad your family wasn't home at the moment, since seeing their child's boyfriend come in with injuries would make them go on-edge
🐲 Once you heard your front door open and your boyfriend call out your name with obvious strain in his voice, you came out with a pillow and blanket
🐲 Draken sat down on your couch as you wrapped the blanket around his legs, making sure he was warm and you ran in and out of the room carrying bandages and whatnot
🐲 As you continued to cover his minor injuries, he noticed that you would stiffen and sniffle every time you saw a new cut
" You okay, love? " " Oh lord... Draken- why on Earth do you do this shit? You know how much I fear losing you! Why do you keep doing this?! I just- I can't even bear the thought of you getting hurt and then, you not... you not coming back to my embrace... "
🐲 Tears swelled up in your eyes as his widened in shock before looking down in shame. Why did he do this? For Mikey? He guesses, he also just wants to keep you safe, and establishing his dominance helped
🐲 He sighed and wrapped his arms around your midsection, pulling you onto his lap as he kissed your forehead, making a silent promise for only you to hear
" I'll try to be more careful, okay? " " Okay... " " I love you, Y/N L/N. " " And I you, Ken Ryuguji. "
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🔥 He was beyond upset right now, punching holes into the walls in rage as he heard his followers yelling in the other room
🔥 Why did that damn fight go so wrongly?!
" Taiju- " " WHAT?! "
🔥 He froze in place as he saw your smaller form flinch at his loudness, oh god, why did he just yell at you?! He guesses he was madder than he even realized
" I brought some stuff to fix you up... I figured you still had some sort of injury on yourself... " " Uh... yeah. Sorry for yelling at you, I just- " " I understand. You're under some stress. "
🔥 Taiju smiled lightly at your words as he chuckled, you always had the ability to calm him down from his highs of blood-lust and anger, haven't you?
🔥 Allowing him to find somewhere comfortable to sit so you could come up and bandage his hands up from the multiple holes in the walls, he gritted his teeth as you dragged a rag with alcohol on it across said injuries
🔥 Once you had begun to wrap the final bandages around his knuckles, he looked up at your face, noticing how your eyes were starting to fog over with tears
🔥 You were starting to cry? For what reason?
" Y/N? Are you okay? " " Hm? Oh- yeah. Perfectly splendid. " " Horse shit. I know when my dear S/O is feeling down better than anyone else. What's wrong? "
🔥 Sighing in sadness, you began to rant about how scared you were for him. Some of the hits that their rival gang was throwing at them were scaring you, he could've been killed when that guy pushed a knife through his hand!
🔥 Like, what if he hit an artery? What if that injury got infected and somehow killed him slowly?
🔥 He just sat there holding you in his lap, allowing you to cry into his chest, his Black Dragon's uniform pushed away to the side as he pet your head
🔥 You really were a worry-wart for him, huh?
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☄️ You're boyfriend was not answering any of your calls, and that was starting to scare you deeply. Hakkai always answered you
" C'mon hon, answer me... "
☄️ Nothing.
☄️ It was at that moment where you heard your front door being knocked on. And, grabbing your bat for protection just in case, you looked through the peephole, only to be met with the sight of your boyfriend's short blue hairdo
☄️ Laying the weapon aside, you unlocked the door, opening it so you could take in his beautiful form
" Hey there... " " Oh my god! Hakkai, what happened to you?! " " Just a little scuffle a few blocks down, that's all. "
☄️ Grabbing his arm, you pulled him inside, throwing him onto the couch, you ran into the bathroom. grabbing everything you knew would help him out with his injuries
☄️ Hakkai watched as you sat down on the table in front of him, coating his cuts with alcohol and other stuff to help it get clean and heal before wrapping decently sized bandages around said cuts
☄️ You eventually stopped moving and stared at one cut that was still bleeding, it was a very light amount, but it still scared you
" Hakkai... why do you do this? " " Do what? " " Fight so much? Do you know what could've happened to you?! You could've been killed! I know that may be an over-exaggeration, but, come on! I just- I can't bear the fact that just because of some over-grown bastard I may not see you again... "
☄️ He stared at you and looked into your eyes, now allowing tears to cascade down your cheeks, you were in so much pain
☄️ Hakkai, much like the previous two, grabbed you and pulled you into his lap. And he just brushed his fingers through your hair, shushing you and reassuring you that he was safe
☄️ He wasn't planning on leaving you alone in this world any time soon
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☠️ You and him have had this talk multiple times
☠️ You understood that fighting was a major part of Hanma's life, but why was it nearly every single night now he was coming home with injuries all over himself?!
☠️ Hanma had walked through your door while holding his arm, trying to keep something from you, no doubt
☠️ That was when you pulled him onto the couch and ordered him to stay put
" Ooh~ the midget is getting bossy. I like it~ "
☠️ You glared at your boyfriend over your shoulder and you walked into the bathroom and carried a box of medical supplies outside, making Hanma freeze and sigh
" Baby, I'm perfectly fine. " " I can see the cuts and blood on your head, Hanma. I'm not stupid. "
☠️ Turning on the TV, you turned around and began to make good work of his cuts and bruises, covering those you deemed most possible for infections
☠️ He sighed as s familiar name came on, Kisaki Tetta. He had been hit by a truck and killed while fleeing away from Takemichi and Draken apparently
☠️ This did not shock you, the guy was a lunatic. But then again, you were dating a just-as-bad lunatic
☠️ Like, Hanma nearly killed someone because they tried laying a hand on you while he was standing right there
☠️ But, listening to him rant about his fight with Draken and how Kisaki shot two members of Tenjiku made you grit your teeth and start tearing up
" Woah- uh- babe? You're kinda tearin' up there. " " I know... " " Why are ya' tearing up, if I can ask. " " Why? Because Shuji, what if you had gotten killed like Kisaki?! I don't know what I would be able to do without you here to make me feel safe, to protect me from all those nasty people out there! It's like- if you guys had switched places... I don't know what I'd end up doing... "
☠️ Hanma looked at his covered hand and sighed before standing up and picking you up, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist
" I do not plan on going anywhere like that soon. And while I may not have the plan fully worked out, believe me babe, I'll always come back to ya'. "
☠️ You smiled and hugged him tightly, making your boyfriend laugh and kiss your neck before blowing raspberries into the flesh
" Now... how about we have some fun, bossy pants? "
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suosgirl · 3 months
i can't stop thinking about your recent story 😩 it's so fluffy 💗 what if suo saves reader from thugs one day, as a gentleman as he is, suo accompanies her until she can finally go home safely. oh! then! they meet again unexpectedly in kotoha's cafe since the reader's classmate wants to buy a coffee. reader gave suo a chinese novel as a way of thanks since she notice that he likes chinese stuff due to his outfit then it made suo curious about her which led him to pinning at her but she's kinda dense HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
A Gentleman (& His Rambler) | Hayato Suo x Reader
Word Count: 4501
୨ৎ Read me before interacting!
୨ৎ Pairing: Hayato Suo x Reader feat. brief (very brief) mentions of Haruka Sakura and Akihiko Nirei
୨ৎ Song Inspiration: Talk Too Much - Reneé Rapp
୨ৎ Warnings: mdni, fluff, f!reader, ooc (definitely ooc sorry ah), angst (?), harassment, insecurities, swearing, kissing, 1 oblivious idiot and 1 lovesick idiot – if I’ve missed one, I apologize + please let me know!
୨ৎ Note: Oh my goodness this was such a fluffy and cute idea ahhh!!! Thank you for the request (and so sorry that it took so long ahh)!! Definitely took a lot of liberties with this (f!reader is written as a college student) but I hope you enjoy the story (and I hope it was somewhere in the ballpark of what you were thinking of hehe)!!!! Additional notes: I wasn’t too comfortable with just writing down any old novel, so I did a bit of research on my end and wrote it in a way that made sense to me as well as Suo’s character! So sorry if this wasn’t really what you had in mind, but I think it flows fairly well with the story so I hope that it makes sense for you as well! ♡
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In your defense, at least you talked about things that were interesting. At least, you had thought so, but the puzzled looks on your assailant's faces beg to differ. It’s funny, when Suo comes across the men harassing you, he knows that you’re in trouble – but instead of taking the time to maybe scream for help or yell at them to go away, you’re instead in the middle of explaining differential equations to them.
You hated this. You weren’t even supposed to be walking home alone.
But, when duty calls (the duty being your friend having to beg their professor for a grading curve), well – you make do with what you’ve got. 
You could’ve stayed, and right now, you think that you should’ve stayed, but you were never a patient person – so, determined and tenacious, you start your short journey back home. 
You’re counting on making quick work of the stroll, maybe stopping by the corner store to pick up some snacks and a well-deserved coffee, before finally bunkering down to start the copious amount of research that you’ve been putting off.
What you aren’t counting on, though, is for a group of guys to start following you just a little after you leave campus.
You don’t count on them running after you once you speed your walk up to a run.
And, you don’t count on them to corner you in an alley when you ignore their pleas of “slow down” and “we just wanna talk”.
They drive you into a corner, and you shrink under their outraged eyes and towering frames.
You’re absolutely fucked, and you know it.
Your mind short circuits, and you freeze – one hand on the strap of your bag, and the other clamped around your phone.
You know what you should do. You should threaten to call the authorities, you should start crying for help, you should try to make a dash past all of them to freedom.
But, you’re you, so…
Like any sane person – you start talking.
Despite the tears that are threatening to fall from your eyes and the wobble in your knees, you start telling these harassers about how your classes went, the textbooks you purchased (at an outrageous price, might you add), the quiz that you failed, and the project that you have due in a couple of days.
And – you can’t help it. It’s not like they knew what they were signing up for when they chased you, but you’re sure that if they did, then the thought wouldn’t have even crossed their minds.
On all accounts, you didn’t think your rambling was even that bad, and honestly, you rarely ever did it.
(This is all pure speculation on your end, by the way.)
But you know how some people are just gifted? How some things just come naturally to them? 
…Yeah. That was you. Would some say that you simply don’t have a filter? Maybe. Would others say that you talk at the speed of light? Perhaps.
In your defense, at least you talked about things that were interesting. At least, you had thought so, but the puzzled looks on your assailants faces beg to differ.
It’s funny, when Suo comes across the men harassing you, he knows that you’re in trouble – but instead of taking the time to maybe scream for help or yell at them to go away, you’re instead in the middle of explaining differential equations to them. 
And what’s silly is that it works – you’ve got them standing there scratching their heads as they try to just keep up with you, and you …
Well, Suo drinks in the sight of you. 
It’d be hard not to – not with the way that you’re moving your hands in earnest with your words or the way your brows are scrunching up in agitation.
Wisps of your hair have escaped the haphazard bun you’d done earlier that day, and your face has a glowing, rosy flush to it.
And your lips – 
Well, Suo’s never had the urge to kiss a stranger, but… 
With the way that they part pretty with every word, and the occasional peek of the tip of your tongue as you lick them, Suo can’t say that he would say no if you so chose to reward him for his hard work with a press of your lips to his.
And, from what he can gather, you really hate differential equations.
It’s captivating, really.
Besides… Suo’s always been fairly weak to charming little things like you.
ִׄ˚ • 𖥔 ࣪˖ ⭑ ₊ ⭒ *ೃ༄
You’re not sure how or even when (as your body is still in fight or flight mode and your mouth is still going) but eventually, there’s only one person standing in front of you – and it’s a stranger.
A kind, attractive stranger who’s just saved you.
And now, he’s comforting you, voice soft and smile gentle as he tells you that everything's okay now.
But you… well, you’re inconsolable. 
Not because you’ve just experienced a traumatic incident, no.
It’s because, well, you’ve just yapped like your life depended on it, in front of a man who had not only saved you, but also witnessed said incessant talking.
Embarrassed doesn’t even begin to explain the way that you feel right now.
You do your best to thank him in a polite and brief manner before going on your merry way, but he can see the way you’re gripping your bag and walking with a slight sway to your step.
And it would be rude, right? To let you walk home all alone? After experiencing something like this?
At least, that's what Suo tells himself before he sends Sakura and Nirei a quick message that he’ll be running late to meet with them.
Always the gentleman, Suo catches up with you and offers to walk you home.
The request catches you off guard more than you’d like to admit, so much so that all you can do is shyly nod with wide eyes when he asks if you’d like him to hold your school bag as well.
There’s a slight brush of your fingertips as you hand the bag to him, and you feel it coming.
You know what’s about to happen, but there’s no way in hell that you can stop what’s already begun.
And you, always the rambler, start talking about everything and anything that you can think of just to fill the silence between you.
He had chalked down your reaction earlier to being in a heightened state of panic, but, as he escorts you home, he realizes that – no, this is just how you are.
And it’d be a lie if he didn’t find it endearing.
When you’re delivered safe and sound, you promise to get him a gift to show your gratitude but he waves it off, saying that you don’t have to go out of your way to do so.
(He doesn’t tell you that he’d much rather just be in your company to see what else will spill from your pretty lips.)
ִׄ˚ • 𖥔 ࣪˖ ⭑ ₊ ⭒ *ೃ༄
You, however, weren’t one to let something like that go — especially for the person who’d saved you. You don’t catch his name (which is shocking because how did you forget to ask him such an important question amongst everything else), but that doesn’t discourage you – If there’s one thing that you are, it’s stubborn.
And also talkative.
You begin asking around, from your friends to your neighbors to even store employees, trying to get as much information about him as you can. 
You learn his name, that he’s a part of Bofurin (figures), that he enjoys drinking tea, and that he has an affinity for Chinese-styled clothing. But beyond that, the trail goes cold. It seems that he’s someone who keeps his tastes close to heart, so you’ve got no other choice but to work with what little you’ve learned.
Almost immediately, you tick off any tea related gifts in your mind. You ran exclusively on iced coffee and pure adrenaline, so – yeah. You definitely did not have the necessary judge of character needed to distinguish tea blends.
But! You don’t let that little roadblock deter you. Stubbornness can work wonders.
You rack your brain for what feels like ages on what gift could suit a man as mysterious as him, but a girl can only muse for so long – and you weren’t happy with any of your ideas thus far.
You could get him clothes, but you don’t know his size. You could treat him to a meal, but your sources tell you that he’s rarely ever seen eating. You could get him jewelry cleaner for his earrings, but you’re not quite sure of the materials that are in them.
It isn’t until you’re stuck in the campus library during one fateful cram session that it hits you – literature.
It suited him! It was the best of both worlds, you thought. It was heartfelt, and also of substance for a man of his caliber. And – it made sense!
(This also could’ve been an act of procrastination on your part, but you feign ignorance.)
You spend about half of an hour speaking to the librarian about what Chinese books get borrowed the most, and the other half scouring over the internet for recommendations and book reviews.
What you land on, after extensive research that really should’ve been spent on school (but whatever), is a book called “The Book of Songs: The Ancient Chinese Classic of Poetry”.
According to the librarian, this book is loaned at least once to twice a month, which is surprising considering that it’s not a required text for any of your school’s courses. What you take away from this, though, is that it’s popular. 
And when you see the 4.6 out of 5 rating, well – 
The people don’t lie. At least, you assume so. The librarian had also said that this was a classic for anyone interested in Chinese literature, and who were you to deny the suggestions of a clear expert in the matter?
And, when you slip in a handwritten note of yet another “thanks” with your number and name in the cover of the book, well, who could blame you?
You just wanted to know his thoughts on the book – that’s all.
But the thing is that you haven’t got the slightest clue on how to give it to him.
He wasn’t at Furin High anymore, so that wasn’t a solution. And – you weren’t so desperate to ask around for his address, so you find yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place.
So what do you do?
Like any sane person – you keep it in your book bag.
Eventually, right? Eventually, you’ll see him again, and you can just drop it in his hands before scurrying away like the little shy bumblebee you are. And if he doesn’t message you back? Hey – no worries! You’ll just do everything in your power to erase the interaction from your mind until your inevitable passing of old age!
Good god, you were starting to ramble in your head now.
‘Eventually’ becomes a safety word for you of sorts. It means the inevitable future, that’ll come sooner or later.
You just didn’t know that it would be today.
ִׄ˚ • 𖥔 ࣪˖ ⭑ ₊ ⭒ *ೃ༄
When your friend asks you to meet at Café Pothos after class so that you can get coffee, you answer with an immediate and desperate yes. 
But – 
Whether it was due to the all nighter you had pulled the night before, or the overwhelming workload you had been saddled with over the course of the past couple days – you’re not sure, but you swear that your eyes are playing tricks on you.
Because, lo and behold, sitting at the counter with the afternoon glow illuminating his side profile perfectly, is Suo.
And you feel all the air escape your lungs.
Your friend calls your name from a table just a little further into the café, but you can’t move – not with his gift weighing so heavy in your bag.
It isn’t until one of Suo’s friends, one with black and white hair, is nudging Suo with his shoulder and tilting his chin in the direction of you.
“Ya got someone staring – do you know ‘em?”
When Suo turns to you, eye wide with surprise and his mouth just slightly parted, you can’t help but feel like a moron because – you’d forgotten just how handsome he really is.
And when he gets up from his chair to meet you in the café’s doorway, you try to bite back the words that are already forming at the tip of your tongue. 
“Oh, it’s you! It’s been a while since I last saw you – Sorry, I didn’t get your name last time. What was it?”
You take a deep breath in, willing the monstrosity that’s your mouth to calm down just the slightest. 
Just one question. He just asked one question. Even a grade school child could answer this without getting distracted. You could absolutely do this.
You, with all the willpower that you can muster, let your name flow out before immediately clamping down on your tongue.
But then, Suo tilts his head in a playful manner as he lets your name roll off his tongue, as if practicing it for future use, and at that point, even cement would serve powerless against the impulse of your mouth.
And you break.
“Ah! By the way – remember when I said I would get you a gift? You know, for saving me last time? That was so scary, haha, and I just wanted to thank you again for helping me out that day. I got you this poetry book, I hope you like it! I wasn’t sure what you’d like, and I didn’t know what else I could get you, but this has really good reviews! I even spoke to my school librarian about it! 4.6 out of 5, can you believe that? So, I hope it lives up to the praise, haha, but let me know if it doesn’t! If it doesn’t, well, I’m sure I can find something else for you… by the way, I –”
Okay, so you couldn’t do it.
You’re interrupted by the low whistling of one of Suo’s friends, and you blink rapidly before throwing your hand over your mouth.
But Suo, well – 
He’s looking down at you with a hint of fondness in his eye, but you wouldn’t know that, not with the way that your gaze is glued to the floor.
You did it again, and this time, with an audience. 
Briefly, you wonder if it’s too late for you to ask for the book back so that you can pathetically stuff your note into your pocket – and then burn it later.
But the book’s already in his hands, and the words have already left your mouth.
“... I think I talk too much,” you mumble as you tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, suddenly very well aware that Suo’s barely said less than 30 words compared to your whopping 124.
This wasn’t what you had wanted, but you just couldn’t help it.
He laughs, though, and goes to gently pat your head.
“Maybe so…”
He pats twice, before trailing the tips of his fingers gently down the side of your face.
“... but I’m a good listener.”
He ends his words with a playful tap of his finger to the tip of your nose, but all you can do is gape in response.
God, he really was just way too nice.
(He was not, in fact, just being nice – but you’d find this out much, much later.)
ִׄ˚ • 𖥔 ࣪˖ ⭑ ₊ ⭒ *ೃ༄
To your surprise, Suo actually likes hanging out with you. Or at least, that’s what he says, but you’re not so sure. Not when you’re doing most of the talking, and he’s leaning his chin on his hand as he listens. 
Sometimes, and you hate when you do this, but you wonder if he’s just taking pity on you.
You don’t like to think about it too much, don’t like to feed the insecurity that dwells deep in your heart, but sometimes, you can’t help it.
And it’s not like you’ve never heard it before – the comments of “you’re so loud” or “do you ever breathe?” or, and this is your personal favorite, “you talk too much.”
Because yeah – you know, you’re aware.
It’s easy to laugh it off, and you do every time, but when you’re alone at night, with just you and your thoughts, you can’t help but create a daily habit – 
One where you replay everything that you’ve said that day, and you try to critique yourself.
Oh, I spoke too much during that – I’ve got to tone it down. 
Yikes, I got a little loud there – I need to speak softer.
Oops, I went on a tangent – I need to cut myself off.
And honestly? This habit becomes your bread and butter, despite how detrimental you know it is. Because the reality is, you’d much rather hear it from yourself than others.
But, being with Suo – 
Well, he doesn’t let you. 
Doesn’t let you tone it down, or speak softer, or cut yourself off.
Because he’s just as invested in what you’re saying as you are – and the feeling of that is …
“Tell me more – I’m listening.”
“I can’t hear you love, can you speak up?”
“Why’d you stop? It was just getting interesting.”
Well, it’s indescribable to you.
And, he does this soft little hum as he listens to you, and everytime, everytime it has you stumbling over your words just the slightest.
(You don’t catch the way that the corners of his lips perk up at the sound.)
And suddenly – you don’t have to bite back your tongue around him anymore. 
You can just be you, with no restrictions, no second guessing, no worries.
“I don’t get it,” you admitted once during one of your walks around your neighborhood (you’d needed a break from studying, and luckily, he just happened to be in the area for patrol), “I’m only like this when I’m around you.”
Suo laughs, and you feel your chest tighten just a bit at the sound, because his laugh was, well – 
The only word you can use to describe it is addictive.
And it always, always left you with butterflies in your stomach.
“That’s okay – I’d prefer it, actually.”
Your steps falter at his words, and he continues.
“I’d prefer if you’re only like this around me.”
That night, you’re left at your doorstep with rosy cheeks – and you’re 100% sure that it’s not due to the humid summer weather.
But you had to give it to him – he really was a good listener.
And, he had great memory.
Most of the time, you’d only really understand and process half the words that fly out of  your mouth, but Suo was able to process all of it.
If you absentmindedly mentioned that you’d really liked the coffee at this one café in Makochi, he’s asking if you’re free the coming weekend so that he can try their assortment of tea.
And when the cashier asks if you both are together, you innocently answer with a cheerful yes and fall into a tangent about how you’d loved their drinks so much that he’d wanted to try them too and now you’re both here to hang out and try more of their menu!
Suo doesn’t find it necessary to clarify what the cashier actually meant – not with the way that your answer sounds so right to him. 
Because yes, you were together, even if you yourself weren’t aware of it yet.
(A hangout in your eyes. A date in his.)
If you had an upcoming deadline, Suo was always diligently checking in with you. He’d send a text every couple of days, asking how it’s going and the efforts that you’ve made towards it – and you have to admit that while it was helpful, it was also extremely unnecessary.
Unnecessary only because you enjoyed procrastinating, but with a man like this, you simply couldn’t.
Okay, fine – so maybe you don’t have as many sleepless nights because you’re well ahead of your projected timeline. So maybe you spend less time cramming for tests because you’ve already reviewed the practice exam like three times. So maybe you’re able to lower your overall stress levels by actually adhering to the plans that you’ve set up for yourself.
So what?
It’s… it’s not like that was a problem before, right?
It absolutely was – but again, you’re stubborn, remember?
(Nagging in your eyes. Thoughtfulness in his.)
And, it’s during one of your “hangouts”, that Suo presses his luck.
He should’ve known, really, that it’d go through one ear and out the other, but he blames it on his unrivaled, optimistic spirit – and maybe just a smidge of wishful thinking.
Because introducing you as his special girl should’ve raised some flags in your mind, right?
It should’ve made you wonder – hm, why am I Suo’s special girl?
He swears he can see the gears turning in your head. 
But you’re you, so you take whatever it is that you thought it meant and you run with it.
And now, you’re introducing yourself to all of the past Bofurin members as his best friend, which – 
Not completely off base, but not at all what he was expecting from the situation.
And, when a couple of them send eyes of sympathy in his direction, all he can do is force a strained smile as he guides you, with his hand on your waist, to yet another group of people who will undoubtedly follow suit.
(Kindness in your eyes. Affection in his.)
At this point, you’re sure that he could read you like an open book – and he can.
He can read you so well, in fact, that he knows that you’re as dense as they come.
Because for months, Suo’s been playing the long game.
He’s been taking you out on dates, showering you with affection, and basically professing his devotion – all to show you what a great partner he could be for you.
But you – adorable, clueless, dense you. You just couldn’t quite get the hint, could you?
So, when Suo has to pull out the big guns to really get it through your thick skull (he thinks this in an affectionate way, he swears) – well, you only have yourself to blame.
Because how could someone so perfect be so damn oblivious?
ִׄ˚ • 𖥔 ࣪˖ ⭑ ₊ ⭒ *ೃ༄
“You’re aware that I have feelings for you, right?”
You’d been stargazing for the past 10 minutes, fingers just barely touching as you’re both splayed out on the blanket laid out below you.
It was supposed to be a fun little hangout as you celebrate the end of the quarter, but now, you’re starting to realize that maybe, just maybe – 
You blink, before sitting up.
He repeats his words, slower now, while rising up with you.
You blink again, slower now, as your brain processes what he’s just said.
It takes all of about 5 seconds before you open your mouth, ready to default back to your factory settings of rambling but –
Nothing comes out.
Suo had managed to stun you into silence for the first time in your life with less than 10 words.
And, judging by the pleased smile on his lips and the glint in his eye – he knows this.
This was a golden opportunity, after all. So, Suo takes advantage of it while he can.
Whether this is revenge for the past couple of months though, he’s not sure – but, he always was fairly petty.
“You’re so silly, you know that love?”
Your mouth, still open, can only close in response.
He presses on.
“You are, and this isn’t a compliment, the most oblivious person I’ve ever fallen for.”
Your breath hitches at his words.
“You never once left my mind after our first meeting – and when I saw you again at the café, well, I thought it was fate. It had to be – because how was I lucky enough to get to meet you again?”
You bite your tongue, this time not to hold back your words, but instead, to try and get your mouth to start working again.
“And it’s funny – because I managed to fall for someone who can capture the attention of strangers with just mere words, but somehow can’t see that I’ve been following them around like a lost, lovesick puppy since the day we crossed paths.”
You’re at a loss for why your mouth still won’t move.
“So if this still isn’t enough for you to finally see how deeply I feel for you, then I’m not sure what else I can do that’s still within the bounds of being a gentleman because –”
And finally, finally you’re able to cut him off – with a soft press of your lips to his cheek.
“... I‘m sorry Suo … but I think ... you talk too much.”
What can you say? You were never a patient person – and right now, with his feelings finally so clear to you, well… 
You were an idiot. To think, you could’ve done that so much earlier.
It takes him a second to process your words, cheek still reminiscing the brief contact of your lips on his skin, but – 
He gazes down at you, with a coy smile on his face and mirth in his eyes – and you can see it so clearly on his face, that feeling of triumph.
Because although he’d spent the past couple of months yearning for your affection, he wasn’t prepared for how rewarding it would be when you finally reciprocated.
“I suppose you’re rubbing off on me.”
Then, as an afterthought, he adds –
“I’m suddenly feeling very talkative. Will you, by any chance, be using that method to silence me right here?”
And when he taps on his lips with his finger, well – 
You weren’t dense enough to not understand what he was asking for.
And this time, when your lips meet his, he’s ready.
He snakes one arm around your waist to pull you onto his lap, with the other cupping the side of your face, and you melt.
It’s soft and drawn out and perfect, with both your lips parted just so – and there’s only one word that runs through both of your minds when you kiss.
And, when your lips part, your bodies don’t. Instead, Suo presses his forehead against yours, and you feel your eyes flutter at the gesture.
God, you really were an idiot.
“By the way – that book you gave me, I realize now that I never got to let you know how much I liked it.”
You blink at his words, still in a daze from his lips on yours.
“How did you know that was my favorite book?”
You furrow your brows at his words, because you did not know that.
And Suo knows that you didn’t – but he continues.
Because, well, what can he say? You really were rubbing off on him.
“I loan it every month through one of my friends in Bofurin. Although, it’s nice to have my own copy now – especially since it’s from you.”
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minniesmutt · 5 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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     There were signs. There were always signs but the rose-colored glasses hid them far too well. Y/n should have listened to her friends. She should have listened to her family but there was no way someone as nice and sweet as Jeongin would hurt her. Right?
     “Y/n, he’s not protective. Jeongin is obsessed with you,” Changbin told her. He’d been her best friend since they were kids. They grew up together, he was like a brother to her.
     “Everyone keeps saying that!” Y/n exclaimed as she put her head in her hands. “I think you guys all don’t like that I’m happy with him!”
     “I think he is manipulating you. He didn’t let you go out with Hyunjin last week for his birthday.”
     “And thankfully I listened because now he, Chan, and Felix are in a coma, Changbin.”
     “And I don’t think he got hit by a drunk driver in that Uber.”
     “Are you trying to blame Innie for it? He was with me all night!”
     “Y/n, he told you six months into dating him to stop talking to your parents,” Changbin reminded her
     “So? They weren’t giving me support. Why would I wanna have people in my life that don’t support my decisions!”
     “Because they can see how crazy he is!”
     “Whatever,” Y/n rolled her eyes and gathered her things, “Thanks for the coffee Changbin.”
     “Y/n…” Changbin sighed as she walked out of the café
     Y/n walked over to her car and got inside. Taking a deep breath before her phone rang.
     Innie 🩷
     Y/n answered her phone as she started her car. “Hey,” She sighed
     “Hey, baby. You okay? You sound tired,” Jeongin asked
     “Yeah. Just met with Changbin for coffee. About to head home. How was work?”
     “Alright. Same old same old. What’d you guys talk about?”
     “I don’t wanna talk about it. Tired of talking about the same shit with everyone.” 
     “I’m sorry baby. Do you want to come over then? Get your mind off whatever it is?”
     “Can I?”
     “Of course. I just got back but I’m gonna hop in the shower. You know where the key is?”
     “Yeah. I’ll be there soon. I love you.” 
     “I love you too.”
     Y/n hung up the phone and put on her seatbelt, pulling off and heading to her boyfriend’s, listening to the playlist that they had made together. She was replaying the conversation she’d had with Changbin in her head.
     She had pulled up to his building and walked up to his unit. Grabbing the key he had hidden for her she walked in. Announcing her presence just in case he had gotten out of the shower. She could still hear the shower running as she set her stuff down and slipped her shoes off. It shut off not long after she hung up her bag and she walked into his kitchen and grabbed some water. She sat on his couch and waited for her boyfriend to join her.
     After a few minutes, Jeongin walked out from down the hall and pecked her forehead before sitting down next to her, “Hi baby.”
     “Hi innie,” Y/n said as she wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into him
     “Sure you don’t wanna talk about it? You seem upset about it,” Jeongin pointed out, wrapping his arm around her.
     “It’s all the same shit. Not worth talking about it again and again.” 
     “I’m sorry, baby.”
     “Sometimes I wish it was just us. No one else to give their opinion or tell me to leave you.”
     “We could always run away,” Jeongin suggested
     “That’d be nice. Start a new life.” Y/n giggled, thinking her boyfriend was joking, that he was playing into her little fantasy.
     Jeongin just kissed her head before turning on the TV. Turning their current show on. Waiting. All he needed was an opportunity. Just one, and he would take it.
     Jeongin loved his girlfriend, like no one else in her life. Her parents did not like him, he knew that. He’d overheard her dad telling her “there’s something off about” him. That she should “be careful”— she should have. She’d come to him a bit upset and he proudly had convinced her to cut them off. 
     “You’re an adult, you can make your own decisions. And you know what’s best for you, you don’t need people telling you what to do.”
     Hyunjin and Chan also had too many unsolicited opinions for Jeongin’s taste. But he couldn’t do anything without raising suspicions of her other friends. It wasn’t hard for him to do the dirty work for him. Though he was a bit upset they only ended up in a coma. Felix getting put in one too wasn’t the plan but it was one less person
     Changbin had been an issue since they met. The fact he was still around pissed him off. He needed to know what was said in that conversation. He could tell he still had his hold on Y/n at the very least.
     He’d played off his idea as a spontaneous trip. A quiet weekend, just the two of them. He’d even packed for her, not making her worry about a thing. The place was fully remote, with not much of a signal, and miles from the city. A remote cabin he paid cash for. Owned under a fake name that he’d been working months on to make perfect. She wanted a new life, he’d give her one.
     “This is so cute, In!” Y/n gasped as she walked into the cabin
     “I’m glad you like it,” Jeongin smiled as he kissed her cheek, bringing thrift suitcases inside the room as she unpacked the kitchen. Getting all their supplies into the fridge for the weekend. Humming to the last song that had played in the car as she did so.
     Jeongin had finished bringing everything in and locked the front door before joining his girlfriend in the kitchen. Wrapping his arm around her as she finished packing the fridge. “We should break the place in,” Jeongin suggested. His voice was low in her ear.
     “Mm, I like that idea.” Y/n smiled
     Jeongin kissed her neck before pulling her into the bedroom. Y/n smiled, even over a year into their relationship, he still gave her butterflies. He pushed her onto the bed, wrapping her legs around his waist as he leaned down and pushed his lips onto hers. Y/n moaned into his mouth as her lips moved in sync with his. She wrapped her arms around him, playing with the collar of his shirt. “My pretty girl,” Jeonging groaned as he rolled his hips against her. 
     “All yours,” Y/n moaned
     “Know who you belong to,” He smiled as he sat up, pulled his shirt off, and chucked it onto the ground before pushing her shirt up over her chest. 
     Y/n sat up a bit to help him before laying back down. Jeongin positioned her up on the pillows of the bed. Y/n smiled— thinking he was trying to make her comfy— and wrapped herself around him again. His lips attached to her neck, sucking and biting the skin like his life depended on it. Grinding into her as his hands wandered her body. His hands wandered down to her bottoms, pulling the fabric down her legs as quickly as he could. 
     “Did you bring condoms, In?” Y/n asked as he sucked on her skin
     “No. I’ll pull out.” He had no intention of doing so
     “M’kay,” Y/n moaned as he lightly bit the skin
     Jeongin sat up and tossed the fabric of her pants onto the ground and pulled off her undergarments, leaving her bare under him. He laid down between her legs, tongue licking up from her entrance to her clit. Y/n let out a small moan as the rough muscle slid across her clit before his lips wrapped around the small bud.
     “In,” Y/n moaned, gently lacing her fingers into his hair.
     Jeongin sucked on the bud as he pushed her legs open. Spreading her open for him to taste. His lips sucking on her clit as two fingers slipped into her. Hearing her gasp from the intrusion and tightened her grip on his hair. His fingers pumped in and out of her as his tongue and lips both took care of her clit. Her moans were music to his ears. The music he was going to hear forever.
     Y/n moaned as he inserted a third finger into her, stretching her further. His fingers reached deep inside of her, curling his fingers up into her. Sucking harder on her clit while her back slightly arched from the mattress. Looking and admiring the top of his head as he ate her out. His eyes met hers. Something different in them. 
     The tips of his fingers rubbing against her g-spot had her forgetting her current train of thought. Head tilted back into the pillow below as he tipped her over the edge. Continually stimulating her clit and her g-spot till she was coming down from her high. 
     He pulled away from her and sat up on his knees. Pulling his pants off along with his boxers. He grabbed both her hands and pinned them above her head while she was still in the post-orgasm haze. He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a pair of handcuffs. Cuffing her wrists to the metal frame of the bed and smiling. 
     Y/n looked at her boyfriend. His smile was different as he leaned down and kissed her chest. Mumbling something she couldn’t hear but her gut said something was off. 
     “In,” Y/n said, pulling at the restraints. 
     “You're safe, babe. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, would I?” He asked as he sat up on his knees. Lining his tip up at her entrance. 
     Slowly he pushed into her. Reveling in her warm walls wrapped around him. Y/n shrunk into herself as he pushed in further and Jeongin noticed. He stopped for a moment, expression dropping as he looked at her. Then quickly bottoming out inside her.
     Y/n gasped as he was fully sheathed inside her. Jeongin grabbed her jaw as he leaned down to her face 
     “You love me, right?” Jeongin asked 
     Y/n looked at him, wondering what was going on. “Right?!” He snapped 
     “Yes!” Y/n replied, tears starting to form. this wasn’t her Jeongin. 
     “Say it.”
     “I love you…” Y/n watched him sit back on his knees, letting go of her face. 
     “I love you.” Y/n moaned as he pulled out and then pounded back into her 
     Jeongin had her chanting the phrase as he pounded into her. A wicked smile appeared on his face. One of his hands snaked to her throat, fingers wrapping around and shutting her up. Y/n looked up at her boyfriend, tears streaming down her cheeks. Pleading with her boyfriend to let go of her neck, tell her this was a weird wet dream.
     But the tighter his hand got on her neck— the less oxygen she got— the more she realized this was real. Her friends and family were right. She tried bringing her legs together, to push him away but it only resulted in him slapping her across the face before he grabbed her face and made her look at him, stopping his thrusts, “What do you think you’re doing?”
     “‘M sorry…” Y/n cried
     “Keep your legs open or I’ll tie them up too.” 
     Y/n nodded as he let go of her face and started thrusting into her again. The hand that was on her neck had moved down to her clit. Y/n bit her bottom lip, trying to hide the moan that threatened to come out of her throat as he rubbed her clit. Watching her squirm under him.
     “Come on baby, you know I’m the only one that makes you feel good,” Jeongin teased as he leaned down and kissed her neck, “I’m the only person who gets to see you like this. Not even Seungmin.”
     The mention of her ex threw her off. Seungmin had dumped her a few months before she met Jeongin but he’d disappeared not long after they broke up. Everyone assumed he had just gone out of town. It wasn’t out of character for him to just do something without telling anyone so everyone let it go. He’d show back up eventually. But now Y/n wasn’t so sure…
     Jeongin sucked on her skin, leaving what were once pretty bruises in his wake. Pressing harder on her clit and finally getting the moans to fall out of her throat. “Only I get to feel you cum on my dick. No one else and no one else cums in this pussy.”
     “No one.” He cut her off as he felt her clench around him.
     Y/n tried getting her words out but her orgasm was building too quickly. He knew all the right buttons to push. All her butterflies had turned into anxiety.
     One particular thrust from him to her g-spot had tipped her over the edge. She moaned and pulled on the cuffs around her wrists.
     “That’s my girl,” Jeongin smiled as he pistoned his cock into her. Working his own high while she rode out hers.
     Y/n was barely out of her high when she felt him twitch inside of her. “In, pull out,” Y/n begged
     “You don’t get to tell me what to do Y/n,” He bit back
     “Please In! Pull out,” She tried again
     “You’re the one always begging me to fill you up when I fuck you. Here’s your wish,” Jeongin groaned as he buried himself into her. Y/n cried as she could fill his warm cum flooding her insides. Sticking to her walls before he pulled out of her, staring down at her used hole, pushing his cum back into her, listening to her whine.
     Y/n sniffled as he reached up and took her cuffs off. Pulling her to sit on his lap. Y/n looked at her boyfriend like he just switched back to the Jeongin she fell in love with. She watched as he kissed her wrist and then her cheek. “I love you,” he whispered against her cheek
     Something in the back of her mind told her she should run but it wasn’t even possible. So she chose to play along, then maybe she could get out of this alive. “I love you too.”
     Their vacation was three days. For three days she was isolated alone with him. Three days— and she had told Changbin they’d be gone for three days. But as day one turned to day two, three, four, Y/n could tell it wasn’t going to be three days. 
     Jeongin did not let her leave his site. Not once. Everything she did, he watched— even when she went to the bathroom. They had no service— not that she had any chance to reach out to her friends. Hell, she could barely use her phone.
     “Innie,” Y/n asked as she was making them lunch, Jeongin sat at the bar of the kitchen
     “Yes, baby?” He asked
     “Can I ask you about something you said the other night?”
     “Of course.”
     “What did you mean when you said ‘not even Seungmin’?” She asked
     “Don’t say his name.” Y/n heard his tone change and turned to look at him. He was staring at her, face void of emotion
     “I’m sorry, it’s just no one has brought him up since he left so it just threw me off…”
     “Don’t be sad baby,” Jeongin sighed, getting up and walking over to her. Cupping her face in his hands, “You don’t need to think about him anyways. You have me, just me now.”
     Y/n nodded as he leaned in and kissed her lips. Play along, she told herself. Lips moved with him as he pinned her against the counter. Y/n moaned into his mouth, from the countertop hitting her back uncomfortably. His hands had moved from her face to her hips.
     She shouldn’t have let him back her suitcase either. All he had packed for her was lingerie. That’s all she wore since day two there. She’d practically been his little doll the last three days, dressing her up and fucking her as he pleased then returning to the sweet boyfriend she met. Everything left her so confused as to what was going on.
     Jeongin gripped the silky fabric of the flowy lingerie he had put her in, pressing her firmly against him. She could feel his hard-on against her stomach. He’d been fucking her like a dog in heat for four days now, she was sure he was trying to get her pregnant, a way to keep her tied to him. 
     Jeongin moved his hands up, pulling the fabric with him and spreading her legs open with his knee. Y/n groaned into his mouth while he moved one hand to the front of his sweatpants. Pulling his hard cock from the material and quickly pushing into her sensitive cunt. Y/n whined as she grabbed his arms, trying to ground herself a bit as he wrapped her legs around his waist and started thrusting up into her. 
     His lips detached from hers and attached to her neck. Biting and sucking on the skin as his free hand traveled to the back of her head. Holding her still. Y/n closed her eyes as a couple of tears slipped down her cheeks and bit her lip. Play along, play along, don’t make him mad, don’t make him mad.
     “Love you so much,” Jeongin moaned into her neck and pulled back on her hair
     “Love you too,” Y/n replied
     “Gonna fill up this pretty pussy again,” he groaned, starting to roll her sensitive clit with his thumb.
     “Innie,” Y/n moaned
     “That’s right baby. Only Innie gets you off like this,”  He smiled and Y/n could feel his teeth on her skin.
      By the end of day two, Y/n had started mentally checking out and faking her moans. He knew what buttons to push for her orgasms but she still tried to fake it. But Jeongin caught on way too quickly. Fucking her the rest of the night, not letting her sleep. Even if she tried it ended with a hand on her neck or him slapping her to wake her up. She wouldn’t try that again. But she could fake her moans, she knew what she sounded like so it was easy to convince him she was still his.
     His. It didn’t sound right anymore. Back when she was heartbroken over Seungmin, being called Jeongin’s was the best thing she could think of. Now, she wanted to go back in time and wished she walked away when he said hi at that club with Felix, Hyunjin, and Minho.
     Felix. Hyunjin. They were still in a coma when she left. So was Chan. She hadn’t even gone to see them in the hospital because Jeongin didn’t want her to. 
     Minho had just stopped talking to her months ago when he realized she wasn’t going to listen to him. She wished she did. 
     She wondered where Seungmin was. Was he safe? Did Jeongin have something to do with him disappearing?
     How was Jisung— whom she texted every day? Was he worried sick about her? Begging the others to go to the police? Getting on Changbin’s ass for not getting through to her
     Changbin. She wished she listened to him. Wishing he was seeing through Jeongin the way he always had and was on his way to her.
     A hard thrust threw her out of her thoughts. Her high washing over out of nowhere— she knew it was building but tried forgetting it. Jeongin wasn’t far behind her. Pushing himself deep into her as he filled her up again.
    “That’s my girl,” he moaned into her neck.
    “What happened to him?” Y/n asked, hoping to get an answer from him while he was still hazy from his orgasm
     “Don’t worry baby. He’s locked away, can’t hurt you.” He kissed her cheek and pulled out of her, “Finish lunch then you can clean up.”     Jeongin tucked himself back into his sweats. Y/n whipped the tears from her face and fixed her dress, already feeling his cum run down her legs. She finished making lunch and then went to the bathroom— the door open for him to keep an eye on her. Then sat down and ate with him.
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mattypattypinky · 3 months
Hii! Oh my gosh, I loved your Anxiety head cannons, they were so cute!! Could you maybe make some hcs for Anxiety with a super affectionate reader, like they use a lotta pet names and are really touchy and stuff? If you’re not comfortable with this request, or just don’t wanna write it, just feel free to ignore it! Have a nice day <33
Anxiety with a very affectionate reader <3
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Anxiety is big on physical touch herself, but as I've stated before, usually she initiates the contact. Although when you initiate it, I feel like she'd be very happy by it, especially if you two are in a relationship.
Any pet names you call her will go a long way. Simple ones, like Sweetheart, darling, or even babe just make her heart melt, and it reminds her that she's in a relationship. I feel like, sometimes she can't believe it herself.
I think it would take her a while to grasp the fact that you are actually serious... Even far into the relationship, I think she would be nervous that the relationship will fall apart because of her anxiousness, or that you don't actually love her as much as you say you do. You would have lots of reassurance you'd need to do.
No one said she would be a straight and narrow, simple road to follow. She's a bumpy road, with ups and downs. Some days, she's completely love struck and happy to have you all over her with flattery, advice, encouragement... Cuddles, pet names, etc - Just make her heart melt.
I feel like she'd try to come up with corny, or fitting pet names to call you back. She'd be anxious, and take her time picking some, so I think she'd only use a few...
And she probably learned some Pet-names from Ennui, so occasionally she would call you something really fancy, and cute.
On other days, she'd be self conscious, and scared that you're leading her on, or lying to her about how much you love her. She'd worry that all the affection isn't real, and she'd be genuinely terrified of the idea of losing it - losing you.
She's genuinely afraid of every possible negative outcome, so I feel she would be scared of her not being enough, what if you cheat? What if you fall out of love with her, and just stay with her for pity? What if you're using her for something? No, you wouldn't do that...But she can't help but overthink it.
...On days like this, she might reject physical affection, or seem a little off. With little... Nervous, soft laughs under her breath, or averting her eyes. She would feel guilty for not being as overjoyed as she usually is, but after a while of being in a relationship with her, you'd be able to identify just when she's having an off day. You might even be able to tell what she's exactly worried about.
Imagine her seeming off one day, and you can tell exactly what she's thinking, so you cup her hands in yours, take her somewhere quiet, and just hold her close, whispering hushed sweet words to her, about how she's not going to lose you, and how much you love her. But, eventually, with your sweet words and comfort, it would always reassure and bring her back to her happiness with you.
If you were a super affectionate partner, and wanted to go on dates, or do big grand gestures to show you loved her, she would get slightly overwhelmed by big grand gestures, sadly. But, she wouldn't be opposed to them.
If for some reason, however it may be - You took her on a date outside of HQ, she would be very anxious the entire time. She'd be frightened by public spaces, and crowds, so she would much prefer having an at-home date with you in HQ... Regardless, she would appreciate the gesture, but depending on the circumstances she would be very stressed as well. Social gatherings are a big issue, - Yes, she is social, but I feel like a large crowded area would stress or overwhelm her, and a party in her name would make her panic.
She'd reciprocate your cuddles, when initiated. If you hugged her in HQ, she would hug you back, albeit nervously. If you wanted to sit with her on her massage chair, she'd make nice room for you, cuddle and bundle up to you with a nice weighted blanket and some warm drink beside the two of you. She might fall asleep in your arms, or your side. Her soft breathing against you as the chair lightly buzzes and relaxed every nerve in each of your bodies.
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love-me-satoru · 6 months
Could you write a story about DP with Sanemi and Giyuu? Preferably with anal and vaginally penetration.
Maybe Giyuu is readers boyfriend and Sanemi is readers roommate? Please & thanks!!
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Something New
a/n:Okay this is my first request ever. And i got it like 5 months ago and i had the hardest time writing this. But im super proud of this. Please if you notice any mistake dont hesitate to tell me i would like to know. But thank you for reading if you do! 🖤 my inbox is always open to requests!
parings: bf giyuu x bratty! reader x roomate sanemi
warnings: use of y/n. masterbation Double penetration. anal, sanemi being a perv reader being a perv. yummy stuff
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So you knew your roomate had a little thing for you. You never really payed any mind to it . What you didn’t know was that your roomate had a thing for your pretty little boyfriend.
You were talking to Giyuu. You two have a very active sex life. Always trying new things but the conversation of a threesome was brought up. When you asked him if he wanted to, who would he want to do it with. When he said your roommates name you were all too excited to ask. So later that day after talking it out with Giyuu. You decided to ask Sanemi.
“Hey Sanemi”
“What up y/n?”
“i gotta question for you.”
“Wanna fuck me?”
Sanemi just stared at you. you shoot him a loving smile while his cheeks are burning red. you’re silently giggling on the inside.
“i’m sorry..?”
“I asked if you wanted to fuck me. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. But Giyuu and I have been talking about something that might benefit you. Since i know you listen in to us fucking”
if his face could get any redder it would. He didn’t think he was that sloppy to get caught. He looked away so you walked up to him just to run your hands up his scarred chest to make him look back at you.
“just let me know if you wanna, you know where i stay”
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Sanemi was stunned. He stood there in shock he already felt his pants get tight. he rushed back into his room thinking to himself.
“should i really do this.”
“god. i’ve been wanting this. why am i second guessing myself.”
he lays on his bed discarding his shorts and boxers somewhere on the floor his fucking tip is beet red.
“god the shit she does to me.”
He wraps his hand around his leaking cock slowly pumping his fist. All he can think of is you wrapped around his cock. Your pretty plump lips wrapped around his swollen head. He was losing his mind.
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“Hey, how’d he take it?” Giyuu said with a soft smile on his face. “i’m pretty sure he’s fucking his fist right now.” you said with a soft giggle. Giyuu let out a soft laugh and smiled. You walked over to him and staddled him. You can’t blame yourself. the thought of Sanemi fucking himself over the small interaction you two just had made you a little horny. Giyuu’s hands instant went to your soft plush ass and squeezed firmly.
“doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun huh baby?”you giggled slowly moving your face to the crook of his neck leaving soft kisses along it until he makes you kiss him. pulling you by your neck to make you kiss him correctly. you moaned against his lips slowly start to grind on his lap. feeling his cock press against your core.
“Want more.. Please.” you moaned against him.
“what do you want baby?”
“Want you giyuu..”
as you’re pushing harder into his clothed cock. You hear a knock at the door. you smile at giyuu.
��come in!”
as he walks in his head is down. about to speak when he looks up and directly at you. you saw his face turn bright red trying to excuse himself but when you end up in front of him he couldn’t help but shut up.
“did you come in here to tell me you wanted us or.. are you going to go back to your room and fuck your fist?”
he’s silent but when your hands slowly start roaming up his chest
“Yes what sanemi?”
“I want you. I want you both”
As he looks at Giyuu as well. slight blush in his face. With that you grab his neck pulling him down to your height and places your lips on his. You get lost against him. Forcing your tongue into his mouth trying to fight for dominance. Giyuu is just watching all of this unfold. He felt his cock get harder in his boxers. softly palming himself you heard giyuus groans. still a little lost in Sanemi’s lips. When you grabbed sanemis wrist pulling him to your bed. You pushed him so he would fall on top of it straddling his waist you started to attack his neck with your lips. Sucking hard to leave dark marks along his neck. Pulling groans from Sanemi’s throat. You felt his hands roam to your ass giving it a tight squeeze. Giyuu is loving the sight in front of him. Now his fully hard cock out of his shorts slowly teasing his own tip when you looked up at him. “come here baby” he stands up behind you grabbing your neck so your back is flushed against his chest kissing you hard.
“God yall are so hot”
Giyuu slowly pulls off your shirt and your tits fall out. Sanemi’s grow wide from the sight Sanemi’s hands run up your body to firmly grab your tits pulling a moan from you. You can feel yourself dripping all over sanemi. you know he doesn’t mind but you couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. You really didn’t feel like you’d get this worked up over it. Giyuu wraps his hand around your throat.
“You love this don’t you baby?” he whispers into your ear and all you can do is whimper.
Lost in the feeling of the two men under and above you. feeling sanemi’s hard on pressing firmly against your core. Giyuu’s large hand wrapped around your throat. You’re lost in pleasure.
“Come on baby.. let’s get you both out of your clothes.”
As giyuu’s grip loosens you get off of sanemi pulling your shorts off with giyuu and sanemi both watching you with eager eyes. You knew you were wet. But didn’t really expect to be as wet as you were. You dropped to your knees to slowly pulled off Sanemi’s shorts his hard cock hitting his lower stomach. You were practically drooling. He wasn’t as long as Giyuu, but his girth was something else.
“oh my god..” Sanemi smirked.
He knew you were a bit shocked that gave him some confidence again. Giyuu locked eyes with Sanemi while smirking at each other. Giyuu grabbed a fist full of your hair pulling a disgruntled moan from you.
“Giyuu what the— “ his grip gets tighter.
“you might wanna stop baby, Before i show Sanemi how mean i can really get”
that silenced you.
“good girl..” Pulling soft chuckles from both of the men above you. You hated when Giyuu puts you in your place but with his punishments you wanted to be good.
You’re eyes roamed back to sanemi’s leaking tip. you looked up to giyuu with big puppy dog eyes.
“is there something you want baby?” you nodded your head.
his grip gets tighter “Speak”
“wanna suck his cock sir..”
“and what do you do if you want something baby?”
you looked up at Sanemi with pleading eyes.
“can i please suck your cock”
“thought you’d never ask baby.”
With permission you basically pounced on sanemi. Grabbing him at his base just to lick a full stripe up his cock from his balls all the way to the tip. Sucking on his weeping head.
“holy fuck..”
You just looked up at Sanemi watching him wither away from your eyes. When giyuu caught on sitting next to Sanemi slowly pulling his face back towards you.
“Watch pretty boy. she’s so good with her mouth.”
slowly taking him down your throat with your nose hitting his base. moaning against his cock has him twitching all so slightly. He’s about to lose it. when you pulled off of him taking only his head into your mouth sucking him off harshly.
“oh fuck!” from that sudden move he cums all in your mouth.
Pulling loud moans from his throat. “Don’t swallow.” You looked towards giyuu slight pout in your face. When he ends up face to face with you grabbing your throat to pull you into a heated kiss. Pushing his tongue into your mouth moaning against you from sanemi’s taste on your lips. sanemi was lost for words. dick painfully hard again. Sanemi sits up watching you two making out. when Giyuu pulls away.
“She looks so pretty right Sanemi?” he just chuckles lust deep behind his eyes when they locked with yours.
“Please what baby?”
“Please fuck me.”
With that Giyuu helps you up to your feet pulling you towards sanemi. You pushed Sanemi back down so he’s laying down when you straddled him again.
“Come on babyboy fuck me like you’ve been wanting to”
One of Sanemi’s hands ran down to his cock to line it up to your core. his tip teasing your leaking hole. You start whining when giyuu captures your lips with his. With Sanemi’s free hand gripping your hip he pulls you down filling you up with his cock. Moans spilling from your mouth against Giyuu’s lips.
“feel good baby?”
“oh.. fuck yes..”
“God. You’re so fucking tight.” Sanemi moaned out.
When you finally get accustomed to Sanemi’s girth you slowly start bouncing him. soft grunts coming from sanemi. Giyuu’s hands are roaming your body. from your tits down to your swollen bud.
“Oh fuck.. Giyuu..”
Sanemi’s getting impatient with your speed when he starts fucking up into at a rougher pace. Causing you to moan out loud with Giyuu’s rough hand toying with your clit.
“I’m gonna.. Cum! Please!”
“Cum for us baby.”
Your cunt squeezing around Sanemi’s cock you lost it. Moaning loudly cumming all over sanemi. Falling on him.
It took you a minute to come down from your orgasm to notice that Giyuu wasn’t next to you two anymore. When you felt a rough crack against your ass causing you to yelp.
“You know baby we’re not done yet. We haven’t cum yet.”
Still a little out of it. You felt something cold run down to your puckered hole. It wasn’t the first time you and giyuu have done anal but with the thought of sanemi still rock hard inside of you. Made you a little wary.
“you ready baby?”
you nod your head looking back at him.
“Words baby.”
“m’ ready.”
With that Giyuu slowly eases one of his fingers into your ass causing your to clinch around Sanemi again.
“Oh fuck..”
Giyuu just smirks sliding in another finger slowly stretching you out. You’re softly grinding on sanemi pulling soft moans from him when giyuu adds a third finger which causes you to clinch around Sanemi again.
“Fuck.. Giyuu i don’t know if i can handle it if she does that again.”
“almost done.”
Giyuu slowly pulled his fingers out of you and tapped your ass with his cock.
“Ready baby?”
“Soo.. ready” you slurred out.
Giyuu slowly eases his cock inside of your tight little ass. causing him to grunt and grab your hips to ground himself. And causing you to yelp again
“God you feel so fucking good baby.”
You’re in pure bliss right now. Two big cocks deep inside of you. You felt you mind go blank. You felt Sanemi’s hands roam your body again mostly to ground you back.
“Look at me.” Sanemi said.
as you slowly raise your head Sanemi’s lips crashed into yours. moaning into the kiss. Giyuu started moving slowly. With sanemi still inside you and feeling the tightness of your cunt he was slowly losing his composure. Sanemi started fucking up into again with you slightly distracted. Giyuu’s grip on your hips got tighter. his pace got faster Sanemi matching his speed. You’re on the verge of screaming Forcing your face into sanemi’s chest when giyuu’s hand found his way into your hair pulling your head up
“Don’t hide your voice baby.”
Giyuu starts ramming into you forcing his cock somehow deeper inside of you causing you to scream out clenching around both of them.
“Gonna cum!!”
“Fuck.. Me too”
Giyuu and Sanemi fuck into you sloppily. Both chasing their highs when you convulse in between both of them squirting all over Sanemi.
“Holy shit.”
That doesn’t stop them They continue with their bullying moans falling from both of their mouths as they fill you to the brim with their cum. Which causes you to cum again.
“Holy fuck!”
As they slow down soft cocks pulling out of you. Giyuu just watches your holes ooze out their cum.
“My god baby.. This is so fucking hot.” as he slaps your ass moving next to you and Sanemi. Kissing you hard. Then pulls away to kiss sanemi harder.
“Rest up you two. We got a long night ahead of us.” as Giyuu walks out of the room.
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sulumuns-dootah · 1 month
Taking the WHB demons thrifting
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
Characters: Paimon, Bimet, Eligos, Barbatos, Beelzebub, Amon, Morax, Ronove, Andrealphus, Vassago
A/N: First time writing for Vassago so let's hope I can nail his personality down since we didn't really get much of him the Beleth/Bephie event.
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The best one to go with, honestly
You could be looking through a rack for hours and yet, they manage to find something cute and in your size in the same rack
Will hype you up to buy something a bit out of your comfort zone
A thrifting trip can't be complete without a lunch before and a slushie or a visit to a café afterwards
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"Tell me why we're buying rags after some hobos instead of buying something nice and unworn, again?"
You've made a mistake, I'm afraid
Even designer outlets aren't good enough for Bimet
Your explanations about how more fun and good for the planet it is fall on deaf ears
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Another amazing patootie to choose to go with
It's harder for him to find something he likes, but once he sees the stuff you like, he's hoarding that shi at your feet
Snacks, snacks, snacks!
Honestly tho, Eli and Pai is the best fashion duo ever
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For someone who is naked most of the time, Barbs enjoys shopping for clothes a lot
He's especially interested in eye-catching prints
Doesn't really care about what you like, but what he would like on you (again, he literally wants you to be naked all the time, so what's the point of picking out clothes for you?)
Withe very item he wants to get the criteria are: how easy is it to remove? and will it make Barbatos look too good, making Leviathan hang him out of envy?
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This fucker tagged along only bc you promised to take him to some restaurant he hasn't tried before after you're done
*sigh* I hate to say it, but he would try to smell the articles of clothing for any remaining scent of the previous owner
You better hold him by the scruff of his neck so he doesn't do anything
"I like this top, I'm gonna buy it." "Oh? Lemme see *sniff sniff* Ooh, this belonged to someone who liked italian food and mostly matched it with (some other article of clothing)!"
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Amon, doesn't really have much of an input
Most likely he'll just stay parked somewhere, leaning against a wall and sleepily watch you browse the racks
When you ask for his opinion, you always get the same answer: "Looks good on you, love"
If you find something he might like, he'll have more to say, but is mostly happy that you want to get him something
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Aw, this cutie only went with you because you mentioned you wanna go to a cat café afterwards
Ironically, Morax ends up getting more things than you
The amount of fluffy and comfy sweaters that he can wear at home is enough to fill two bags
Visit to the cat café goes even better
You barely couldn't even leave bc the cats kept surrounding Morax
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As soon as you enter the store, he's immediately making his way to the lingerie section
"Hey, how about this? You'd look good in this and wouldn't have to be mad at me for ripping it apart."
To be fair, his style is on point and you end up buying the things he found for you
But to disappoint him, you also don't want him to rip thise things too, especially since they're unique and not from some store where you can buy more
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Oh no, this poor baby is trying to help you find nice things, but he can only pick them out by touch :(
He always brings you the ugliest things and it hurts you to tell him that they might feel nice, but look horrible
You end up buying some of the stuff anyway, so you can at least wear them at home while spending time with Andre
On the other hand, you find some nice suits for him, but he hates the texture of them
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Somehow, going thrifting with Vassago, you come out with outfits that would make a profesional stylist jealous
This man can take anything and make it look fancy af
Hell, you could give him a tablecloth and he'll make you look like a greek statue
In the end you both end up having a full bag of things
You have a bag of stuff for yourself and Vassago has a bag full of stuff for Agares
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ariseur · 3 months
OKAY SO I SAW YOURE ALSO A LATINA AND , WANT REQUESTS; IVE ALWAYS HAD THIS THOUGT, what if Satoru and Suguru were BOTH dating a foreign reader (Mexican if you wanna be specific) idk I just though it’d be kinda funny when they remember the reader has an entirely culture than them!!
((btw that “BOTH” was about a poly relationship with satosugu, which you obv don’t have to do!!))
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ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ notes - decided to change up my formatting a little bit, just experimenting lol. but!! unfortunately i don’t write for suguru ( yet, i’m still trying to get a better sense on his personality n his character since i’m almost done w/ s2!! ) and i dont write polyamorous pieces!! so i just decided to write about gojo for now 🫶
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ warnings - intended lowercase, mentions of japanese culture that i’m not educated on so lmk if there’s more common stuff i could mention instead, lmk if i missed any warnings!!
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✧˖° SATORU GOJO dating a foreign reader would actually be a pretty cool dynamic to experience — anon i like your way of thinking about how gojo ( and geto ) would sometimes forget how their foreigner significant reader has an entirely culture from them because .. they probably would lol
✧˖° if you’re not that well versed in japanese / asian culture and traditions, i feel like he would just like casually bring up certain things or events that go on in japan like obon or setsubun or maybe you’re unsure of certain common etiquette, so he’s confused when you’re like “???”
✧˖° but!! if you’re interested in learning stuff about japanese culture then he’ll be like “you’ve come to the right person” and i can just imagine GOJO making that one tiktok emoji face— like the [proud] one lol. he’d love to tell you all about it though, he thinks you wanting to learn more about his culture is just another sign that you love him, and he wants to know more about you too!! he’s willing to sit with you for hours on end and ask you questions about what you do for your culture.
✧˖° if you’re new to japan and you’re unfamiliar with certain places around town and stuff, i think one of the best things that GOJO likes to show you is the food around town. i dunno about you guys but i literally love takoyaki and yakitori and that’s not even relevant to the headcanon i just felt like sharing that for no reason it’s so good to me. but of courseeee!! we can’t forget about kikufuku, a small daifuku with mochi and we all know how SATORU recommends the edamame or cream flavor, so lord forbid you don’t like it — he’ll be so dramatic 😭
✧˖° howeveerrrrr—!! since anon mentioned about shedding light on reader possibly being a latina or mexican, let’s talk about a hispanic!reader with GOJO, yeah??
✧˖° i love the idea that he can’t handle spice, and i dont even know where it came from and i feel like he probably could handle somewhat spicy foods? but i just love envisioning GOJO freaking out over like a tiny lil poblano chilé or something like that. i’m sure he’d love the food but i feel like he’d be so confused watching you make foods from your culture. like, tres leches??? why are you just soaking cake in milk???
✧˖° i’d say SATORU is a somewhat good dancer .. when it comes to certain songs 😭.. he’s not the worst when there’s some spanish music in the back but he will def try to improvise and will make both of you trip. i think he’d like dancing norteñas but i can just see him doing all these unnecessary dips in the middle of the song because he’s just seen it somewhere. he might even give you a kiss when he dips down a little lower, usually towards the end of the song. and when you call him out on it, he’s just like, “what? i can’t give my baby a kiss?” like the bastard he is ugh i need him rn
✧˖° don’t even get me started on him speaking spanish. he swears he’s suddenly this suavé latin genius once he surprises you with a few words. i think he’d be like that with any language though honestly except i’m pretty sure he knows a little bit of english since someone said he traveled abroad?? but with certain languages, he’ll definitely butcher them a lot lol. in the end, you praise him for trying and that alone results in him giving himself a pat on the back.
✧˖° i dunno about you guys in hispanic households, but growing up the way to shush someone or like a baby or something would be like “ya”. it could also be used in like “ya callaté” which is like “shut up already,”? i’m not sure if there’s a direct translation in english but i think like the closest thing to it in english is kinda like, “enough”, in that context?? so im just imagining you saying it to a dog barking or a baby crying and he’s just confused all “wdym ya ya, are they a horse??”
✧˖° i think you and him would really bond when learning about each other’s cultures, though. it’s a learning experience for the both of you and you unlock a new topic in which you guys can both learn about. you can count on your tour guide, SATORU GOJO—!
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𐙚 requests are open — june thirteenth, 2024
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dangopango00 · 7 months
Abyss Razor x gn reader
Pt 1 | Pt 2
A/N: I was gonna do loser so hcs but i keep getting annoyed bc i wanna improve my writing but dk what to do bye ANYWAY I JUST CAUGHT UP WITH THE ANIME AND OUEUEU 😭😭😭😭 Im down bad even more they animated the scenes so well hes so kewt
Mostly not established relationship outside of the “as you get closer” sorry im a sucker for the slowburn also oh my god i have to make this two parts why is it so long ill write part two laterrer
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GIVING From best to worst (more utc)
1. Acts of Service:
This is his specialty for sure; he just feels as if he has to be useful to you and if he isn’t then you won’t want him anymore. Acts of service are the only thing he can do without stammering or messing up in some way and it’s the only one he’s confident with too. It comes naturally to him tbh he:
- Reminds you of things you need to do even if you only mentioned it to him once in passing
- Brings extra materials or snacks with him if you often forget to bring those things
- Organizes your stuff if he notices your bag and/or your room is messy
- ALWAYS asks if you need help with anything and will do that even if u just tell him to relax he’d instead start trying to help YOU relax
Even as he gets more comfortable with you, excessively partaking in acts of service is something he just can’t shake which isn’t a bad thing! Its his love language afterall, but you just wish he’d stop worrying about if he’s being useful enough and just do what comes naturally. With more reassurance and time he will eventually start to slow down more though.
2. Gift Giving:
I think his gift giving usually comes with his acts of service like bringing snacks. He also just gives you a lot of small gifts because he wants you to know how much you mean to him but he really can’t put it into his words and even if he could theres no way he could articulate it out loud. Some things he gives you includes:
- Origami— I feel like origami is sth he does when he’s bored but even so, he puts the utmost love and care into each of his creations so giving them as gifts is sth reserved for the people closest to him
- Snacks— This one is simple he just cares about u and gets concerned if it seems like u aren’t eating enough or if ur hungry but without food
- A Deck of Cards— ODDLY SPECIFIC but I feel like he’d want you to have one so you and him can play cards even if he forgets his. I think even though he usually plays for Abel he does really enjoy physical games like cards and dominoes etc. like playing cards is how he bonds with people
- Accessories— Now this is RARE bc to him this is reallll bold but under the right circumstances he will give you things like earrings if your ears are pierced or a bracelet or charm (MOST likely the far latter). He sees a lot of accessories that remind him of you and its a little ridiculous, he’ll buy them but because it’s very bold he either won’t give it to you and wait for the “right moment”, give it to someone else to give to you or just leave it somewhere in your room when he’s there
As you grow closer Abyss will get more comfortable with giving you bigger things and will lean more into the accessories when gift giving. He might even feel bold enough to give you the plush he won while koala snotting with Mash.
3. Quality Time:
I was gonna put this one at #2 but I had an epiphany. I fear in the beginning stages Abyss would definitely try to keep you at arms length because of his eye. Oh especially if you met him while he was wearing an eyepatch and didn’t know about his eye; in fact, he feels guilty because he feels like he’s tricking you by being around you at all. Not only this but he has to split his time between you and Lord Abel as well so. However he does feel a little selfish with you and he really does like you so he spends time with you when:
- In the Forest— Just being alone with you in the forest takes the weight of social pressure off of him. It’s almost like the forest is keeping a secret between you and him. He doesn’t have to worry about whether or not people would avoid you seeing you with him nor does he even have to think about his eye or if you’d accept it, he can just live in the moment and enjoy reading with u
- In Classes no one else he knows attends— Similar to the forest it’s like keeping a secret but this time it’s specifically because none of his friends are here to see him acting so selfishly.
- He’s Jealous— Now he wont say anything buttt when he’s jealous Abyss will stick to you like a bad habit although still keeping you at a short distance. He just feels like he needs to be with you atm don’t mind him.
- You Reassure Him— Similarly, when you assure him that you don’t mind his reputation or eye (if you know) it makes him want to be around you more and all of that day he’ll be around you more than usual. He’s so grateful just to have met you and for you to say all that? He’s over the moon; he almost feels like he can finally breathe freely
As time goes on he definitely gets insanely good at this considering he loves being around you and the only thing holding him back is his insecurity. I def think that once you’ve been dating a long time or married he clings to you like crazy and even in the beginning stages once he’s gotten comfortable with you he’d follow you like a lost puppy even though his behavior is more catlike lol
4. Physical Touch:
He’s not very good at touch I’m ngl he can barely form words around you let alone touch you 😭. BUT. He does sometimes put the moves on you without noticing and he does try his best. This would include:
- Playing with ur hair when you’re alone or fixing it if he notices it got a bit messed up
- Fixing/Tidying up ur clothes between classes if he notices sth wrong like you tying your tie wrong or if the way you tied your bow was a little crooked (idk why I just think he’d be insanely good at tying bows/ties I bet he ties Abel’s for him too that boy can NOT tie a tie without it looking a little goofy)
- Resting his hands on your back or shoulders when you hug him. Now this seems like normal behavior but its A LOT for him ok his heart is pounding but he really does enjoy being in your arms
- Patting your head awkwardly or holding your face (if he’s feeling bold) when you’re upset bc he doesn’t know what to do but all he knows is he wants you to feel better and that he misses your smile
As time goes on he slowly gets better with physical touch but honestly he gets better VERY slowly like even if he can handle your advances I’m not sure he’ll be able to initiate things like kissing until marriage LOL ok well thats a bit much but you’ll have to have been in a relationship for a while
(Also a silly little tidbit when he initiates physical touch he gets it from you. For example he holds your face because you’ve held his face before and he never felt more at peace so he wanted to give you that same feeling)
5. Words of Affirmation:
Well. Speaking words isn’t one of his strong suits especially to someone he’s infatuated with. HOWEVER his sincerity is unmatched when he does manage to say something. Usually when he speaks words of affirmation they aren’t direct words of love like “I love you” or anything like that but it is always very sweet. He says things like:
- “Thank you.” — He never stops thanking you and apologizing 😭😭 He just needs you to know that he knows he’s so lucky to have you and that he would never EVER take you for granted
- “It’s an honor” — He says this OFTEN everything he gets to do with you is an honor because he feels as though he doesn’t deserve you; he can’t give you all that you deserve yet you stick by his side with no hesitation? He feels blessed; even wonders if The Lord (tm) Abel has something to do with this. He’s just so happy and most of all, grateful
- “I’m so glad to have met you” — This is one that he often mumbles under his breath when you’re being sweet to him; his feelings just swell in his heart at that moment and he lets it slip from his mouth
- “I need you” — He only said this like one (1) ☝️ time but im running out of words ok ANYWAY he’d say this to you only in critical moments like in the heat of the moment if you had been badly injured and you’re just barely hanging on. Besides this under normal circumstances, he’d say this while asking for your forgiveness after he had been avoiding you for a long time out of insecurity and you’re mad at him
As time goes on he gets MUCH better with words of affirmation and has been consciously making an effort to say more because he doesn’t want you to ever think that he doesn’t love you or isn’t proud of you. It’s so often in your beginning dating stage that he’ll stutter something incomprehensible and then give up and try again later going, “A-about earlier…(incomprehensible stuttering)” (he’s trying to say I love you or I’m proud of you or something similar but he couldn’t quite find the words)
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joels-shitty-puns · 5 months
Kings & Queens
Pairing: Post-Outbreak!Joel Miller x Reader
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Summary: I saw a list of reverse writing tropes, one of which was "too many beds" which I thought was hilarious until my brain went crazy. So here's where my mind went when there are oddly... too many beds.
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: None! This could even be read as platonic.
Other stuff: No descriptors. It can be romantic or friendly. Choose your adventure.
To those of you who are reading this: Thank you! I know I haven't written in months. I have barely even been on here. I want that again, but mentally I just haven't been feeling like much of anything lately. That being said, I saw the trope and I had an idea and quickly scribbled this down. It is short, not my best work, and doesn't have much emotion, but I did it :) To those of you who might also be struggling, I see you! You'll get through this. I hope all my tumblr buddies are doing well. I miss you guys.
It had been nearly a year of patrols with Joel. A year of nasty buildings and hard rocky floors to take shelter for the night, a year of either taking turns on watch, or being stuck sharing the same sleeping bag. Or the same mattress. Your only reprieve was your nice bed in Jackson, which you knew was safe, and warm, and most importantly… yours.
Joel was… alright. You two were friendly at best. But for the most part, it was all business. He didn't like to talk much, and you became tired of receiving looks or grunts when asking about Ellie, or Tommy, or his former life. But you worked well together, you made a good team, and you trusted each other to stay safe. You had run into trouble before, and you always had each other's backs. Words were often left unsaid, but you both knew what you meant to the other.
So when you stumbled upon an abandoned shopping mall while scoping potential areas of left-behind goods, it was a breath of fresh air. Malls could be dangerous with so much ground to cover, and so many potential hiding places and dark corners for the cordyceps to fester.
But the mall could also be a light at the end of the tunnel. A plethora of abandoned items to loot and sell or keep for yourself.
After hours of digging through every nook and cranny, you managed to fill a couple of bags full of items, and planned to make it a regular stop on your raids. But as the time grew later, the long-broken clock didn't tick on, and the windows grew dim, you knew it would be an overnight stay. However, choosing a sleeping spot was becoming exhausting with Joel around.
“I saw a sporting goods store. They probably have some sleeping bags, or maybe even a tent,” you provided.
“Nah, we're indoors. I wanna sleep like I'm indoors,” gruffed Joel.
“Oookay. How about that old food place? I think I saw a conveyer belt in the kitchen, next to the oven! It looks like it was used to make pizza,” you chirped excitedly. “I bet we could set up some blankets and make it like a bed.”
“Look, I know that machinery and oven have been dead for years, but on the off chance there's some malfunction, that just seems like a Final Destination event waitin’ to happen,” Joel shook his head.
“Wow you're difficult..” you huffed. “What if we go into the old children's photography studio and make a fort! The walls are even painted to look like a sky,” you offered with doe-eyes.
Joel just looked at you before grumbling back a “no. My back would kill me. There's gotta be a bed in here somewhere.”
Upon finding an old, faded mall map, Joel studied it before picking up the pace with a clear destination in mind.
He came to a stop in front of “Royal Mattressty.”
You raised a brow before saying “royal… mattress-tea?? What?”
“It's a play on words. Royal majesty.” 
“That's the stupidest thing I ever heard,” you rolled your eyes.
“No, no, it's because mattresses come in Kings, Queens, and-” he broke off at your grimace.
“You're such a dad!” 
The two of you made your way inside, only to find nearly 100 beds. Memory foam, spring, water, reclining… the possibilities were endless.
“WOW!” You squealed, running from bed to bed. “There's too many beds. I can't choose!”
Joel stretched, moving to a bed near the back corner. “I'm gonna set up here for the night. Sleep where y’want,” he gestured.
Sitting on a few different beds, you finally settled on one. A perfect, firm yet soft bed at the far end of the store. It was against a wall, allowing you to still see the door and keep your back safe. Perfect.
But as the night ticked on, you tossed and turned. You weren't at your home in Jackson. This bed was nice… but it wasn't your safe, cozy cabin.
When you aren't home, you're with Joel. All this time you've been wanting space at night, but now you feel scared and alone. Even a bit cold. But Joel was over on his own bed, probably sound asleep. You wouldn't dare take that away from him.
Until what felt like an hour passed.
And then another hour…
Finally, it had been about an hour and a half when you gave in. You wouldn't be getting any sleep at this rate. Fatigue is a dangerous fate when you need to be alert in this world. So you swallowed your pride and walked over to Joel's bed in the far end of the store.
But he wasn't there…
You wandered back, a bit nervous, until you spotted him. Curled up on a mattress only a row away from yours, you saw him blink in the night.
“You moved beds?” you whispered.
“Yeah, there was a draft over there…”
“A draft? In a mall with no electricity and no windows in this store?” You asked skeptically.
“Mmhm…” he grunted, sleepily.
“Sure. Well… turns out there was a draft over in my corner too. Move over,” you nudged.
“Draft, huh?” He wiggled over, letting you in the bed.
“Mmhm…” you mimicked his earlier grunt, settling in next to him.
“Good night Joel,” you whispered.
“G’night,” he replied, pressing his body closer to yours in the king sized bed.
Maybe there is such a thing as too many beds after all.
Thanks for reading!!! Let me know what you think, and be sure to check out my masterlist for more. Reblogs are appreciated! Xoxo
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ivysangel · 9 months
in an alternate universe partition was written about dick grayson because it's so him i just KNOWWW he'd do that shit!! with his cocky smile and everything 🤭
NONNIE NONNIE NONNIE !!!!!!! saw this ask half asleep while checking my notifs and had to force myself to get some rest instead of answering it bc i got SO excited even in my delirious half asleep state. obviously i'm listening to it rn while writing this, like NONNIE ??? i'm smiling, literally not joking i'm cheesin like a fucking loser. quick ro lore before we get into the GOOD stuff: massive beyoncé stan, MASSIVE partition stan !!!! massive music lover and pop culture fiend too like this might just be my favorite ask ever. anyway.
who said in an alternate universe bc it's definitely this one. i literally ghostwrote the song with dick grayson in mind err? like i do just wanna be the girl he likes (everybody point and laugh). like the song, aside from being about super hot sex, is about being so into your partner that you'll give everything to them, do anything for them, put all this effort into catching their eye as if you don't already have it. 'take all of me i just wanna be the girl you like' (cassie in euphoria s2 is that u?) IS SOOOOOOOOOOO REAL TO ME !!!!! like i would do anything for him. (side note, why am i listening to partition and hearing jay on the bg vocals? like am i going insane orrr)
(everything under the cut is just smut)
'he popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse/he monica lewinski'd all on my gown' and 'took forty-five minute to get all dressed up and we ain't even gon' make it to this club' ??? oh exactly. you put all this effort into looking good for him, and unlke CASSIE in eufuckingphoria season 2, it works out for you oh my god it does. 'driver roll up the partition please/i don't need you seein' yoncé on her knees' bc...car sex. but you're not going to a club, no it's a wayne enterprises gala and you don't even get there until hours later because you're almost fully naked in the back seat getting dicked down by dick grayson !!
'handprints and footprints on my glass, handprints and good grips all on my ass' ugh real music literally real fucking music. you're straddling him as he manspreads, cock buried in you, and your fingernails are digging into the black leather seats. his ties been loosened, shirt opened, and there's red smudged on top of blooming hickeys. the glass is foggy, the only semi clear parts being your handprints from when the pleasure got overwhelming. 'now my mascara runnin', red lipstick smudged/oh, he so horny yeah, he want to fuck' like it's dick grayson, he'd fuck you into next week on a normal day so ofc he'd do it when you get all dolled up. ofc everyone's wondering when pretty boy grayson's gonna make an appearence in front of the flashing cameras. 'over there i swear, i saw them cameras flash' rolls down the partition just a smidge, to tell the driver to park somewhere private so you're not caught in an extremely compromising position. not that he really cares, everyone already knows he gets play anyways, it's more about your comfortability. tits out and pussy facing the world, on the cover of tmz and shit bc he got just a bit too cocky. no never that.
'cheauffer eavesdroppin' tryin' not to crash' you and the driver both end up getting a tip that night. he's sorry, he really is. but he just couldn't resist you, not when you were dressed like that. your intention was to have amazing mind blowing sex with dick that night but not in the back of a moving car. 'driver roll up the partition, please/i don't need you seein' yoncé on her knees' bc it was just supposed to be some quick head and now his pants are ruined, your dress is torn, hair messed up on both ends, and the amount of hickeys between the both of you is concerning.
you'd do it all again tho, and he knows you would. shit, he would too !!! and that's so evident in the way he teases you for the next few weeks about it. asking if he should take the dress to the dry cleaners knowing it looks like you'd been in a fight, suggesting you wear the lipstick shade from that night, asking if you need a cheauffer anytime you have to go anywhere, and giving you knowing looks everytime someone asks why you guys showed up at the gala over an hour late. "wardrobe malfunction and car trouble." he says with a smile. it looks normal to whoever you're talking to but you know it holds a level of cockiness that is so completely unfathomable, a level of cockiness he only gets when he fucks you.
(got a little carried away nonnie my b. ughh how i love a good lyrical breakdown, even out of order lol. seriously, this made my day. literally woke up and got straight to it. did not proofread this bc i...just woke up lmao)
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lowkeyremi · 10 months
Hello Maya! Before I start my request, I just wanna say, I love your writing!!! I've been reading your things for a few weeks now (I'm new to tumbler) and I'm hooked!!
Anywho- I was listening to "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift and it gave me the idea of fem!reader meeting Satoru at some big event for sorcerers and falling hopelessly in love with him
heyyyyyy thank you for reading my stuff and i'm really happy you made a request, i've been hoping someone would bc i want to write ideas other than my own. i'm not huge on taylor swift so i had to listen to this song lol its pretty good :) you ask and i shall provide!! also i'm sorry if this isn't what you had in mind :')
Enchanted S. Gojo x fem!reader
wc: 1.1k
content: fluff, meeting and getting together
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The night hadn't been going so well. You spilled some of your drink on your dress. That was borrowed from your friend might you add. Three guys that showed any potential interest were already with someone and their dates angrily pulled them away from you.
There are whispers about the oh so famous Satoru Gojo, and how he's finally made an appearance with his long time friend Nanami.
You've heard plenty about him, he's the famous sorcerer from Jujutsu High that has six eyes. He can solve any problem and he's said to be very hot. Honestly you're kind of a hater, you think people are gassing him up for no reason.
You've never personally met him but his description makes it hard to miss him if you see him; white hair blue eyes, but he'll likely be wearing an eye mask.
A sigh escapes your lips as you walk toward the bar for another drink, you would have invited your best friend but she's not a sorcerer and would not get it at all. "Hi, sorry for being back so soon, but could I get a strawberry margarita?" The woman behind the bar nods.
Before she can walk off though, a silky, carefree voice makes a request with your order, "Me too! Never tried strawberry margarita. Sounds pretty fruity." This day is already bad so you turn your head to see who just made it even worse-
A pretty white haired man stands by your side, piercing blue eyes peaking through sunglasses that look down right ridiculous at such a formal event. "Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors??" Is the first thing you ask, no 'Hi how are you?' or 'why are you ordering drinks on my tab?'
"Cuz I could make everyone faint with my pretty blue eyes." He smirks, confidence evident in every word.
You look confused and he finds it cute. A foreign feeling stirs in your stomach. "Just kidding. I'd waste my power if my glasses were off. Actually, I was advised not to wear them, but I didn't wanna wear my mask for this event. I have it in my pocket just in case though." He's so light and bubbly you almost forget what you were fuming about.
"You're Gojo right?" He smiles and gives a quick nod.
"And you must be 'girl with a stain on her dress', huh?" You fight the urge to roll your eyes.
"Woo that was a good one, almost made my stomach hurt from laughter." You counter sarcastically; the moodiness coming back to you.
"Haha, my bad. Anyway when we get drinks I'll find us somewhere to sit and I'll make you laugh for real." That confidence is still there. You love funny people, they're exciting to be around.
"I'm holding you to that. I need a good laugh." His smile consists of all his pearly whites and is enough to make you, or anyone around you melt.
He goes to pay for your drink, and even hands it to you. "I have to say you are way less selfish than people make you out to be."
The man in question shrugs and smirks at you, "I am very selfish about certain things, childish even. It's only the first date though so pretend you don't know about that." He waves his hand dismissively. You couldn't even care about the fact he admitted to selfishness, you're stuck up on the part where he said this is a date.
"Who said this is a date?" He notices you're trying to play it cool, but he can see right through you.
"I did. I mean if you want, we can think of it more as a blind date since it wasn't planned." Something about him doesn't rub you the wrong way or make you angry at all. He's definitely an odd ball, but he's able to make you feel something in your gut that you haven't felt in a very long time, maybe not ever, actually.
"I- what- you can't just-" You cut yourself off, lost for words, trying to comprehend what he'd just said.
He intertwines his fingers with yours. They're cold to the touch, long and slender. He does that thing where you rub your thumb across all the other fingers. On top of that he gives you that love struck gaze. You're all kinds of confused because why is someone like him trying to flirt with you??? He could literally have any other pretty sorcerer but he's walking you over to a fancy table to sit and talk.
"Ugh, you're supposed to have warm hands to contrast my cold ones." He complains, and if you weren't already stunned then you definitely were now. He's swinging his arm back in forth, with you mirroring it because he's holding your hand.
"I can't help my hands being cold, maybe you should be the one with the warm hands." He shrugs at your response. The swinging stops when you two reach a table big enough for four and pulls out your chair for you.
"I normally don't do this but you're definitely worth it." a lopsided grin covers his face.
As nice as all of this is you look around for cameras. Your mind is telling you he means no harm, but you can never be too sure.
"Okay, is this some kind of joke or show?? Where are the cameras because this can't be real." The white haired six foot something giant's face contorts into something very (ugly) funny. His face scrunches up at your words.
"I can't believe you'd suggest something like that! I'm serious, I just want to be a normal guy and have a normal encounter with someone. So, can you just pretend I'm a normal date and not Gojo Satoru?" He's telling the truth and for the first time tonight you fully relax.
"Okay, hi normal guy. What do you like to do?" You ask playfully feeling enchanted by his charismatic presence. He makes you feel a sense of freedom like you never have before.
The rest of the night the two of you goof off and talk about all kinds of things. Eventually he's being dragged out by Nanami because of how drunk he is. He'd given you his number, "Call me!!!" He whines loudly while being led to the car he arrived in.
"Okay! When I do, don't forget everything from tonight." You yell back to him.
"Like hell I will!" And he was telling the truth because about two hours later when you were winding down for bed you get a call from an unknown number. Usually you wouldn't pick up but you have a feeling that the person on the other side was none other than Gojo normal guy.
"Hello?" You don't get a response for a few seconds, your stomach drops thinking you had miscalculated...
"I miss you already, when can I see you again?" He asks sleepily.
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banquetwriter · 1 month
I NEED vampire Jonnie Guilbert idc if it’s smut or fluffy I just need a vampire Jonnie however you wanna write it and whenever you have the chance too take your time and thanks in advance if you do this!!!!
୨୧ bleeders part 1 ୨୧
pairing: Johnnie Guilbert ♡︎ Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。 NOT PROOF READ, general vampire stuff so talk of blood and death,
summary: ʚ after roaming your family’s old property you discover that a shadowy figure and you might have a long history ʚ
Words: idk :p
An: let’s pretend this isn’t almost 6 months old. also ik that johnnie is way more emo but he does enjoy a few classic goth things so in my head he is like a goth in the 80’s before he died lol
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The rain was only picking up as the night went on. You were packing your bag up. Putting on extra layers of clothes is anything you could possibly need for a midnight stroll.
It was bad.
You knew it was bad, you just couldn't help yourself. Ever since you had started to explore your family's grounds you had a new purpose it seems. Studying during the light hours but as soon as the night came you were bundling up to go exploring.
You hadn't always lived in this house. But when you were 18 your parents tragically passed away and left you this house in your name. You weren't sure why at all. You hadn't even known it was here.
It was sorta like the house wanted to be forgotten. You weren't the type to believe in all that “spooky” stuff but you could not deny the creepy vibes of the property.
The previous caretaker was nice enough and said while the house and surrounding land were beautiful they definitely had some repairing needed. He told you that in order for the house to be livable it would need work and lots of it. He also quickly told you not to go too far at night, there were lots of creatures at night and he didn't want you to get hurt at all.
And with that, he left. You were a photographer which meant you got to work on your own time. You documented all the work you had done on the house and had skyrocketed your success online and financially. Three years later, a few days after your 21st birthday, you were finally officially done with renovating the house.
You kept the historic feel and haunted “vampire vibe”. But your curious and creative heart was bored by the house, so you took to the outside. Going out at night and choosing to shoot your pictures there.
You planned on slowly transforming the grounds too but that was going to take some time. You placed your camera in your bag and set out, locking your house. You flipped your hood up and started down the path you usually take.
Last time you had discovered what looked like a tombstone about a mile from your house. You took a deep breath in as the rain made your bones cold. You made it out to the tombstone once again. You looked down at it. You couldn't make out the name but it looked old. Like really really old. You stepped back taking a few pictures of it.
Suddenly you heard a tree branch snap from somewhere beside you. You whipped your head around frantically. The images of all the different types of creatures out here flashed through your mind. Luckily it was just a deer. How odd. You had never seen a deer out here before. But maybe whatever creature lives out here kills them before you can see them.
You pull your camera out and line up the shot. The animal slowly nibbled on some grass under a tree. You snap the photo and look down at your camera looking at the photo, and suddenly another tree branch snaps. You start spinning around further rain hitting your face.
And between the rain, fog, and trees, you could make out a figure. You freeze in place, “Is someone on out there?” you call out, your voice shaking. The shadow doesn't move at all.
You point your camera trying to see if you can catch any sort of proof. You snap a picture in the direction of the figure. Once the picture is taken you look away from the camera looking back to see that the figure is no longer there. You huff out checking your camera to see if you caught the picture.
It wasn't there… Suddenly another twig snapped. This was your cue to bolt. You pushed your camera into the bag and ran for it. Attempting not to trip and fall on every piece of shrubbery.
You finally manage to stumble into your backyard. You fumble for your keys and it drops on the ground in front of your back door. You have looking behind you not seeing anything but the pictures of horrifying creatures flash through your mind. You scramble to pick up
Your keys and unlock the door.
You slam the door shut breathing heavily. “Fuck.” you mutter clambering all your stuff onto the counter. The rest of the night you are restless. Unable to sleep, picturing the figure staining your memory.
The next morning you gingerly come downstairs staring at your camera bag. You roll your eyes choosing to make yourself some tea. However, sipping your tea made you hyperfocus on the bag. You internally groaned before checking the picture from last night.
Nothing. No figure at all. Odd. Creepy and odd. But apparently not creepy enough to scare you away. So here you were back next to the tombstone like last night. You moved further to what looked like a graveyard. Around 12 or so graves littered a small patch of very overgrown shrubs.
They were split down the middle, the right side set of graves being more dilapidated. Checking the left side there were several graves with your last name. Which would make sense but it still freaks you out. You shook your head turning the batch of graves on the right.
All the graves had different last names and dramatically different years of death. One caught your interest. It seemed to be the youngest out of the group. “Here lies Johnnie Guilbert, in sin, Born: August 28, 1960, Died: October 31, 1986.”
He was only 26. You wondered what “in sin” meant but probably nothing good. You didn't like the thought of the graves being abandoned like this, you plucked a few flowers from the surrounding areas and lined them on the graves. Adding a few more to Johnnie’s. You sighed walking back to your house.
Once it was late at night again you decided to travel back to the graves seeing if you could catch the figure again. This time you came more prepared with a flashlight.
You crouched down in the misty leaves, waiting to see it again. And sure enough, you heard a small crunching of leaves. It wasn't as loud this time but you heard it. Your eyes follow the sound and see the figure once again.
“Show yourself, please,” you shouted. The figure seems to sway for a second before standing almost still. “I-I won't hurt you. Who are you?” you called out. The figure stayed where it was. Fine then. You pointed the flashlight at it.
You did not see what you thought you would. A pale-looking guy with a gothic-looking vibe stood before you. His hair was teased, and he had makeup dripping down his face. He was in a white button-up and black pants.
“Woah,” I said breathlessly. He just sorta stood there with his hands shoved in his pockets. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Um, I don't know,” he answered honestly.
There was something off about him. You weren't sure why but you found yourself asking one simple question. “What are you?” you asked. He sighed not knowing how to answer. “Um.” he quietly spoke. Before hesitantly lifting his finger to his mouth before pulling his lips open.
Revealing pearly white fangs. You gasp, stepping back. The bag you are holding slips and within a flash the guy is standing next to you holding your bag up for you to grab. “Oh my god,” you murmur.
“I'm a v-” he stops himself, looking over and avoiding eye contact. “Vampire. I'm a vampire,” he whispers. And you weren't sure why but you believed him. He had a trusting aura. You slowly grabbed your bag from him.
“You probably don't believe me,” he whispered looking at you. “I do,” you whispered. He looked back at you. “Here follow me,” he said, taking your hand. He wrapped his, freezing, hand around your wrists pulling you to a grave.
It was Johnnie. “Fuck.” you mutter. “I saw you putting flowers on my grave. It's what made me actually talk to you,” he said timidly. His chest rose and fell rapidly seemingly waiting for my reaction.
I had a lot of feelings. Shock. Being the first but lots of curiosity. You wanted to ask how he died, and did he drink human blood.
Suddenly the very real danger of being next to him kicked in. “Wait-” you said, stepping away from him. His eyes changed. A sad film bloomed over his eyes. “Do you-” you stopped yourself. You didn't want to be insensitive to his “kind” that drinking human blood was probably a gross exaggeration.
Even if he did drink human blood he was hot enough to get away with it.
He looked at you waiting for you to finish your sentence. You shook your head instead of finishing your probably offensive words. “Never mind,” you said, waving away the thought.
The rain continued to pour down onto the forest overhead. The water drops slipping down and hitting your head. The cold finally got to it and you let out an involuntary shiver.
“Here, let's go back to my house. It's not too far up this trail.” I said pointing towards my house. “Are you sure you want to let me in?” he asks surprised with my invite. I turn to him, and for what seems to be the thousandth time this night I feel a sense of trust wash over my body.
“Yes,” I say confidently. He nods his head waiting for me to lead the way. As we walk I hear more of a story I almost wish I didn't know. “Why is there a grave in my backyard? And why are you buried there?” I ask stepping over a log.
He takes a deep sigh. “Your family. This area… your bloodline has been here for longer than most of those graves. There isn't an easy way to put this. But your family were vampire hunters.” he said and you stopped dead in your tracks.
His eyes caught yours. This was a lot of information to take in. “Continue.” you simply said starting to walk again. “There was a group of vampires that roamed this area and finally your family and a few others decided it was time to do something about it. All those graves back there are for vampires. Stakes in the heart.” he explained.
You took a deep breath wrapping around this idea for a while. “Then why are you like walking around?” you asked timidly. Johnnie takes a deep sigh. “Well it's complicated but by the time I was turned into a vampire only your family still hunted them and I wasn't turned because I wanted to… I did some bad stuff and as a result, I had a lot of bad stuff happen,” he said vaguely.
You nodded. “Did my family take pity on you?” you asked as you saw your house on the horizon. “Basically. Your grandfather wanted me dead but your dad didn't so that's why there is a grave but I'm not dead. Again I guess.” he said.
“Is that partially my graveyard too? I saw names that have my last name.” I explained stepping onto the porch. “Yes it is,” he said slowly climbing up them.
I unlock the door and wait for him to enter, but he doesn't. The door stands open but he just sits there. “Why are you standing out there?” you asked. “A-a vampire can't just go into a house we need to be invited in by the owner,” he says before staring at the top of the door.
“Please, enter my home,” you said. He stepped in and took in the house. He had seen the outside so many times but never seen the inside. You rushed around the house stripping the wet jacket off and setting your camera down.
You looked over to see Johnnie staring into a mirror, you came back behind him to see only yourself in the mirror. He couldn't see his reflection. As you walked up behind him you saw his eyes brimmed with tears. It must be hard not to be able to look at yourself.
“L-looks like your house still has mirrors with silver in them,” he murmured. “Is that why you can't see yourself?” you ask, turning to face him. “Sorta. Any mirror with silver and I can't see myself. But there are a lot of mirrors made without that now. Right after I turned I could see my reflection in stuff but as I “age” in defiance of nature but soul continues to leave, so it's harder to see myself in lakes and stuff” he said, recalling what seemed to be a distant memory.
“Well I can see you and you look great. Very on brand for a vampire,” you whispered standing closer to him. He couldn't help but let out a weak smile at your words. “Thanks. I dressed like this even before I turned,” he said.
The rest of the night went smoothly. You found out that he had drunk off of people but he really didn't do it much only when he was really weak. While it sorta scared you also intrigued you. You fell fast asleep on the couch wrapped in a blanket. Johnnie, unable to sleep, quietly watched the tv you had put on and looked over at your sleeping form.
This was nice. He can't remember the last time he was in a nice house like this, with someone so nice. But all good things have to come to an end, and the sun will be up in a few hours.
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight. Pt 11.
[Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley]
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Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Title: Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Predominately set between GOF and OOTP (some canon has been altered to fit the story)
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins. How will she decide who to chose in the end? Amortentia might be able to help, or not.
Warnings: Smut, oral sex, p in v sex, established relationships, threesomes, friends to lovers, all the good stuff. NO Twincest. Mentions of illness, Brief mentions of vomiting. Tiny bit of angst, possessiveness, talk of kids. Mentions of dominant behaviour. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Love potions? But none are actually used. Threesomes, MMF Threesome, again No Twincest. Not beta-read nor spell checked, we die like Sirius ❤️
This chapter took on a life of it’s own and I’m not remotely sorry. I need a very cold shower now. 🌹
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You walked out of the coffee shop feeling revitalised and refreshed from seeing your muggle best friend and her dad. You felt like you'd been recharged back in the muggle world and were excited to go back to the wizarding world once again. The small ounce of guilt at still not being able to chose between the twins was still present inside of you, the angst sitting at the base of your stomach never quite extinguishing itself, but for now it was manageable.
You'd been gone quite a while and you knew the twins would be waiting for you somewhere so you scurried out of the cafe and threw your arms around your friend as you both babbled about missing each other and seeing each other soon.
Adam pulled you into a hug as you said goodbye and as you pulled away, you noticed two figures off in the distance, a familiar shade of red flashing in your mind.
You grabbed Val by the hand as you pulled away from Adam and subtly nodded towards where the twins were stood trying to be subtle about watching and waiting for you. She lets out a small gasp and pulls you in for a hug again, whispering in your ear, "that's them?! They're so tall! No wonder you can't chose!"
You laugh and say goodbye again, telling her that you'd write, reminding her once again that your 'boarding school' is Scotland doesn't allow telephones.
You make your way over to the twins who have wide smiles on their faces as you approach.
"Enjoy seeing your friend princess?" Fred asks, as George suspiciously bumps your hand against his, as if he intended to hold it.
"It was great thank you, I'm sorry if I'm late," you apologise, walking instep with them as you head back towards Diagon alley. You reach to take your bag from George's shoulder but he doesn't let you carry it, responding to your protests with an overly innocent smile. You notice they've bought a couple of bits from the joke shop, namely the no heat fireworks.
Upon returning to Diagon alley, you nipped into sugarplum's sweet shop to get a box of chocolates for Molly and Arthur as a little thank you gift for taking you in this week, managing to get a selection box full of Molly's favourites. You only hoped they didn't melt in the heat on the way home.
You found Harry, Ginny and Ron a little while later outside of Wiseacre's and had all set out to meet Molly and Arthur, ready to return home. As you were walking down the street, Fred mumbled something to George and they walked off ahead looking at a boarded up shop at the top of the street, one that you'd never really noticed before, next to the quidditch supply shop and a few shops up from Ollivanders.
Just as you walked around the corner towards the leaky cauldron a few fat drops of rain hit you unexpectedly. Within mere seconds, a loud crack above you rang out and all the heavens opened up, instantly soaking you all. Everyone fled like their life depended on it, desperate to get out of the rain that was bucketing it down.
Ginny squealed as you all ran straight towards the leaky cauldron where you'd planned to meet their parents, narrowly avoiding the dangerous, slippy cobblestones. George grabbed your hand as you ran, ensuring you stayed close by him and not getting caught up or pulled away in the rush of others fleeing.
You finally made it to the leaky cauldron and heaved a breath of relief as you ran under the shelter, each of you soaked to the skin. You began laughing at the sudden turn of events as you looked at your friends, seeing that they all looked like drowned rats.
Ron's hair was stuck flat to his face, Ginny looked horrified as she tried to ring out her hair whilst Harry attempted to de-fog his glasses, shaking his shoulders to try and get off excess water.
Fred and George were vigorously shaking their heads in the corner, like dogs to try and dry their long hair a little, unbothered by who might be on the receiving end of their splattering.
"Are you sure you're not animagi?" You joked as they stopped whipping their hair about.
You pulled the hair bobbles out of your hair and untangled your wet braids, hoping to release a little of the water and checked your clothes, ringing out the bottom of your skirt in a sad attempt to dry off.
Arthur barked out a laugh as you all rounded the corner and saw them sat at one of the large family style tables whilst Molly at least attempted to stifle her laugh. With a flick of her wand, you were all dried immediately, now just looking entirely unkempt as you made your way to the car.
When you arrived back at the Burrow, the rain was still going strong, the blistering sun and heat of the day just a memory now as it tipped it down with no sign of stopping.
Molly had been to the little street vendor just outside Diagon Alley and had collected a selection of vegetables for dinner and immediately set to washing and chopping them up when you returned. You offered to help her but she declined, telling you to go with your friends and have fun. You had flicked the kettle on to make a cup of tea, wanting something warming and soothing after getting wet in the rain and made sure to secretly make her one too, just as a small token of appreciation. You left it next to the chopping board as she nipped into the pantry, just so she'd know it was for her.
When you turned back to the lounge, the twins weren't there and so you made your way up to their bedroom, pausing briefly to knock on the door before you entered.
"What are you two plotting?" You asked, seeing them huddled around on the bed, their purchases from the day laid out in front of them. You closed the door and walked straight to their chest of drawers and pulled out one of their big sweaters that you wanted to wear, the softest one you could find. You peeled off your little summer top and then your bra, wanting to feel comfortable and cozy as the rain carried on and then slipped the soft, green jumper over your body. You couldn't help but lift the sleeve of the jumper up to your nose and try to subtly smell the comforting blend of them both, feeling cosier already.
When you turned slightly, you felt their eyes upon you; they were watching you with rapt attention, clearly not missing you getting undressed or your little weird smell test. You switched out your socks for a pair of big, fluffy ones, wiggling your toes at the overwhelming comfort you felt. You blushed under their gaze and bent down to reach for a big claw clip you kept in your case, clipping back your hair until you showered later. You kept your skirt on from earlier, still wanting to feel a little cute and turned to climb onto the bed with them, sensing that they were watching your every move.
"What?" You asked as you climbed onto the bed, noticing their eyes still trained on you.
"Has she ever looked more beautiful to you?" Fred says to George who shakes his head in reply.
"Didn't think it was possible," he answers, looking utterly smitten. You have to fight the blush that threatens to break out over your face as you tell them to stop.
"Have you two accidentally drank some love potions?" You joke, reaching out to grab the firework they'd procured from the joke shop, looking it over.
"Don't need it princess," Fred says smugly, reaching out for you as he pulls you closer, sliding you across the bed until you nearly end up in his lap. As he drags you, your skirt flips up and exposed your lilac, lace panties which George openly stares at. You rush to cover yourself again as Fred begins kissing your neck, enjoying the sight and feel of you squirming in his lap. You laugh as his kisses turn to blowing raspberries on your neck and manage to break free, sitting down beside him as you lounge on the bed.
"Think your mum would mind if I had a bath later? The rain makes me feel so cozy." You ask, stretching out your legs as he lean back against Fred's pillows.
"Sure she wouldn't mind angel," George says, as Fred simply shrugs, focusing back on the fireworks in front of them. You pull out your book from off the bedside table and begin reading, knowing that they didn't need your help right now.
"George focus," Fred says sharply after a minute or two as they tinker about. You look over to the squabbling siblings and see George rapidly blinking, as if he's trying to focus himself. His hips move subtly in a way you know exactly what it means as you notice the way he's slightly hunched over, making a little grin appear on your face as you think of the ways you could mess with him.
"Georgie, everything alright?" You put on your most innocent look at you s glance at him with doe eyes, biting your lip for effect as your voice drips smoothly like caramel. You don't miss the slight widening of his eyes at your voice and of your words as he fumbles for a reply. His hips shift again and you move your sock covered foot and smooth leg to rub against his clothed thigh, opening your legs with the movement and 'accidentally' flashing the crotch of your panties to him.
"Merlin," he mutters as he catches sight of your light purple panties underneath your skirt and you knew right then that you'd got him. He adjusts himself in his trousers, wiggling his hips once again, still trying to hide the fact that he's hard.
"Oi, what's up with you?" Fred says, completely oblivious, briefly looking up towards his brothers face before going back to his project.
George's gaze suddenly slips to your face and catches your smug little smirk, realising then that you'd been playing him all along. Without a moments hesitation, he lunges for you and reaches out to grab your ankles, pulling you closer to him and exposing your panties once again as your skirt rides up with the movement.
"Little minx trying to rile me up, think you could get away with it that easily?" He asks darkly as his long, deft fingers begin to stroke your exposed thighs, the sensation alone making your nipples harden under their sweater. Dominant George was not something you often encountered but by god it was arousing when it came out. "It is just a game for you, trying to get me hard and aching in my trousers?"
"No, no Georgie," you say weakly, though he can see straight through it.
"Tell me right now why I shouldn't bend you over my knee and spank you, right here in front of Fred," he says, gripping onto your thighs. You gasp, mind going blank at the very thought as your arousal pools, starting to seep into your panties.
Suddenly he smirks and looks down at you with a dark grin. "Seems to me that's exactly what you want, so why should I make it easy for you?"
He suddenly throws your legs off of him, pulling away and leaving you aroused and exposed on the bed. You have to fight back a whine at the sudden loss of contact but you just about manage to stay silent as you look up at him with wide, pleading eyes.
"Be good for us and you'll get what you need later."
Just like that, the moment is over and you're reeling, wondering how exactly you teasing George had turned into you dripping wet and without any satisfaction, the lingering feeling of his hands on your thighs only worsening your problem. You turn your head to see George has left the room and you're alone with Fred on the bed.
"Don't look at me for help princess, you started it teasing Georgie," he says, sensing your gaze at him. You huff and roll over onto your front, not even bothering to flip your skirt back down. George comes back in a few minutes later and you hardly acknowledge each other, a strange tension passing between you both as neither of you know how to communicate after your little interaction.
A little while later, Fred curses as one of the fireworks slips out of his hands and immediately ignites on the floor, sparking it and omitting a loud whine as it crackles. George immediately pulls you closer to him, straight onto his lap, trying to shield you from the incoming explosion as Fred dives out of the way.
The room is immediately filled with noise and pyrotechnics, prisms of colour and shapes sparking and exploding midair as it flies around the room at high velocity, bouncing off the walls and nearly knocking down the books on the top bookshelf in the corner. Eventually it begins to slow, the noise fading to a quiet whine as it begins to crackle and splinter until it erupts into a loud bang, the last remaining gunpowder detonating into a resounding bang as coloured powder explodes from within it. The powder magically fades and settles into the air, leaving a smog in the small room that lingers for minutes after.
You immediately hear Molly yelling as she climbs the stairs, her voice getting louder and louder with her approach as she begins calling the twins names with vengeance.
She slams open the door, already fired up and yelling at the boys, pausing only briefly when she sees you in George's lap, clearly him protecting you from the firework, shock evident on both of your faces. You fight to climb off of him, having to act neutral and you immediately apologise to her, telling her it was an accident.
She softens a little, seeing your remorse the slight fear in your eyes from the surprise of the firework before turning to the boys who now stand together, pointing and wagging her finger at them, berating them for setting off the firework inside.
"Sorry mum," they mumble in unison, looking down at the floor in remorse which you doubted was real, until Molly walked out of the door, telling you that tea was almost ready.
"Well at least we know not to drop them," Fred chuckles, moving the other fireworks to the desk, handling them a little more carefully now.
George moves to stand behind you, slipping his hand down to your bum underneath your skirt, giving you a little fright at the unexpected contact.
"Don't think I've forgotten earlier Angel," he whispers in your ear, patting your bum gently, making you immediately want to squeeze your thighs together for a hint of relief.
Molly calls you all for tea and you sit beside the twins as you eat the delicious chicken and vegetable stew she'd made from the fresh veg she'd bought earlier. The main chatter is about the torrential rain that had still not stopped nor slowed all evening, a stark contrast to the hot summer day you'd expected. As the meal comes to an end, you ask Molly if she'd mind you having a bath rather than a shower and she of course agrees, even going as far as to tell you where her best bath salts and oils were if you wanted to use them.
After dinner you walked into the twin's room to gather some bits for your bath, fresh pyjamas, panties and your hairbrush when George walked in without Fred, giving you a smug little look.
"I want you to do something for me, Angel," he says, grabbing something off the desk before walking up to you and linking your free hand with his.
"Anything Georgie."
He leans down and whispers in your ear, dangerously close and low in tone, "don't touch yourself in the bath... I'll know."
He then parts your hands and walks back out of the door, shooting you a little wink as he exits, "enjoy your bath."
You take a deep breath once George had left, steadying yourself from the overwhelming arousal coursing through your body. You'd been a little on edge since your altercation earlier and you felt like you were on a hair trigger now.
You huffed out a breath and set off towards the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind you as you began to run the bath, adding a few bath oils that Molly had told you to use earlier. You kept the claw clip in your hair and stripped down, placing your fresh clothes on the little, wooden chair whilst your old ones were strewn carelessly on the floor, everything except the twins' jumper, that was hung against the back of the chair. When the bath was the perfect temperature, you stepped in and felt yourself relax almost instantly.
The hot water, soothing oils and the sound of the heavy rain falling against the roof was enough to make you feel cozy and relaxed, your naked body shifting down in the water until only the tops of your breasts were visible. You laid there and thought back to the day you'd had, smiling as you thought of Val and finally seeing her again. But then you remembered the little tally and the questions of trying to chose and your face fell again, reminding you of the inevitable expiry date on one, if not both, of your relationships.
You tried to think of something else to push down these negative thoughts and immediately thought of George earlier and the promise you'd made. Truthfully, you'd had no intention of touching yourself whilst you were in the bath but it seemed that his words, the low whisper into your ear and the dominant actions earlier had all fuelled a fire within you so that now it was the only thing you could think about.
Your nipples began to harden in the water, just poking out from the layer of bubbles on the surface as you thought of George and by extension, Fred. You were suddenly overwhelmingly aware that you were completely naked, aroused and completely bare and there truly was nothing to stop you from slipping your hand down between your legs if you wanted to, but you couldn't.
You wanted your boyfriends desperately, needing a resolve to your erotic torment and the slight risk that you wouldn't get what you needed was enough to stop your hand from wandering, instead choosing to push those aroused thoughts from your mind and focus on the pitter patter of the rain. It didn't work and suddenly your nice and relaxing bath turned to be a mere obstacle to the pleasure you craved.
You quickly pulled the plug out of the bath allowing the water to drain as you stepped out and into a big fluffy towel. You shot a look at your clothes on the chair and thought twice, gathering them in your arms rather than putting them on, seeing them as only one more barrier.
You crept down to the twins room, opening and closing the door behind you as they looked at you in surprise at your lack of clothes, though the towel covered everything.
"Did you enjoy your bath princess?" Fred asks innocently, though his tone conveying the same thing. He looks like he can barely contain a knowing smirk, much like his very smug looking brother.
"It was lovely thank you," you said, not biting. You walked over to the hamper and threw your dirty clothes in, including their jumper from today and instead of dressing, you bent down to reach for something in your case, absently searching as your mind considered all the possibilities on how you were going to seduce them.
You'd first go for the easy, straight shot. You knew they were watching you, you could feel the heat of their gazes upon your skin and so you bit back a smirk, reached up to pull the clip out of your hair, loosened your towel just slightly at the top and moved to stand up. Of course, your loosely wrapped towel couldn't withstand the movement and as you stood up straight, the towel fell completely off, landing in a heap at your feet. You let out a well timed gasp as if you were reacting and pretended to scramble for the towel one again.
"Merlin," both boys cursed as they watched your towel fall, seeing you deliciously nude before them.
"Angel, come here," George said in a clipped tone, not leaving any metaphorical room for you to protest. As you tired to pick up the towel, he added, "you don't need that."
You made your way over to George and felt a strange nervousness in the act, never having been so fully bare in front of both twins before, your body on display and your relationship with both completely bare for either to see. You'd teased each other and kissed, cuddled and so on with the other twin there but you'd never taken the next step in front of the other so this was all new.
"Look at you," George muses as you move to stand behind the bed where he's sitting on the edge, his hands immediately running over your hips as his eyes struggle to focus on just one part of your nude body, eventually focusing on your breasts that are perked up in front of his face. "So beautiful," he adds, one hand coming up to entwine with yours before he drags you onto the bed, keeping your hands together at all times.
You lie beneath the brothers who both look like they could eat you for supper, their greeny brown eyes darkening and dangerously arousing looks washing over their faces.
"We've been talking, princess," Fred says, leaning closer to you in the bed, his hand coming up to brush your hair back from your face. "You left Georgie all riled up and it was a little unfair wasn't it." His hand slowly creeps down onto your shoulder and across your chest, stroking little patterns into your skin. "And me, well I felt a little left out princess. So we decided that if you want us, both, with you right now," he teases, soft fingers slipping down to the curve of your breast, "you can have all of us together."
"So no one is left out," George adds softly, his other hand that isn't entwined with yours begins to tease your other breast, fingers circling but never directly touching your pebbled nipple.
Their words cause a wave of fresh arousal to wash over you and you can't help but squirm just a little at the overwhelming sensation, your dripping pussy desperate for relief.
"What do you think Georgie, do your think she wants it?" Fred teases, seeing your hips squirming at their words.
"I'd say so Freddie," George adds, the same teasing tone to his voice, "look at her little nipples, already so hard for us." George drags his middle finger over your nipple and you can't hide the gasp that slips out at the delicious contact.
"Need you to say it princess," Fred says, his own fingers reaching down to playfully pluck at your other nipple, "do you want us both?"
"Yes, godric, yes," you moan, no longer denying yourself, writhing in anticipation. George squeezes your hand lightly in acknowledgement before both brothers look at each other and let out a perfectly synchronised chuckle.
They immediately both latch onto your breasts and begin their attack, Fred sucking hard on your left nipple whilst George kisses around your right, his tongue lapping over the nipple every couple of seconds. Your hips surge again and you try to rub your thighs together for relief.
"Ah ah ah," Fred teases, slipping his right hand down to your thighs, pulling them apart and exposing your wet pussy to the room as he holds your thigh in place, "be patient sweetheart, we've got you." You can't help the little whine that escapes you, his words and their joint actions eliciting a desperate noise to fall from your mouth.
"Think she's good and wet for us Fred?" George asks, his hand squeezing your breast as he begins to suck at your sensitive nipple.
You feel Fred's hand creep up your thigh until he touches your unobstructed slit, instantly feeling the wetness there, so much that it's clinging to the inside of your thighs and pooling on the bedsheets below.
"Merlin princess," Fred curses, feeling just how aroused you are. "I think she likes this Georgie."
"She's not the only one," he mumbles into your breast, reaching down to openly adjust himself in his trousers.
"What do you need baby? Want Fred to put his fingers in you?" George whispers, eliciting another whimper from you as you nod, your hand free reaching out to touch Fred's chest, as if trying to summon him closer. Fred chuckles at your reaction as his fingers begin to run through your soaked pussy folds, dragging the wetness around until he slowly sinks one of his long, perfect fingers into your heat. George captures your lips just in time to stop you from moaning too loudly as Fred's fingers begin slowly pumping inside of you, first one and then a second one just a few moments later. George kisses you with such passion that your knees fall completely open, resting against the legs of each boy as Fred's fingers bring you higher and higher. His thumb makes contact with your sensitive nub and you keen into George's mouth.
You break your hand away from George's and begin running each hand over their chests and down their torsos, desperate to feel them. Your hips surge again as you reach out and feel both of their cocks bulging in their trousers, just as Fred's fingers hook up inside you and touch the magical spot that makes your eyes roll back. You begin to paw at their trouser fixings, well past being able to undo their buttons and the boys instantly take notice and fumble to pull off their clothes. George was already shirtless so that was one obstacle out of the way and Fred slings his T-shirt away with the rest of his clothes as you all lie naked on the bed, completely bare for each other.
Fred's fingers immediately find their way back to your waiting pussy and your hands reach down to grab hold of their cocks, feeling the delicious weight of them in your palms. They moan in unison as you slowly begin pumping them, your pleasure only increasing with their own. George kisses you again as his hands wander on your body, never moving far from your breasts as Fred begins to suck at your neck, breathing heavily and mumbling broken curses into your skin as you continue to pump them, gaining a little speed just how you knew they liked.
"I need to taste you," George moans into your mouth as you run your thumb over their sensitive tips as you stroke, smirking as you feel the beads of precum leaking from both of them.
Fred hears his brother's words and slips his fingers out of you, beginning to manoeuvre you so that you were on your hands and knees. He lies beneath you, his beautifully hard cock straining against his belly as George slips behind you, lying between Fred's shins so that you could put your wet heat directly over his face. He grabs you by the hips once he's in position and immediately latches onto your pussy, moaning at the taste of your evident arousal. His tongue laps at all your little folds, sucking each labia into his mouth as he teases you before kissing your little hole. He then runs his tongue up your slit and latches onto your clit, giving it little teasing sucks as his tongue swirls around it, making you want to scream. Fred pulls forward, anticipating it and captures your lips just in time, swallowing your moan as your eyes close in sheer bliss.
George is like a man addicted, leaving no part of your pussy unattended as he licks, kisses and sucks with perfect precision. He begins lazily tasting you, teasing you as he feels you beginning to climax, wanting to hold off on your orgasm for a little while longer.
You push Fred back down onto the bed by his chest and eagerly look at his abandoned cock, seeing the deep pink tone, the rigid hardness and the bulging vein underneath and you can't help but reach out at grab him at the base. You slowly shift your body down so that George could still feast on you whilst you aligned yourself with Fred's cock.
You tentatively stretched out your tongue and licked away the little dribble of precum from his tip as he groaned loudly. Swirling your tongue around his tip, you looked up at him and saw that his eyes were squeezed shut, head thrown back as he enjoyed your movements. You gently squeezed his cock, forcing him to look up at you as you held eye contact with him and slowly sunk down on his length, taking him as far as you could as you sucked. He let out another moan and squeezed his eyes shut as you began sucking up and down his length on a rhythm you know he loved. You couldn't take you're eyes off of him, fixated on his pleasure filled face and heaving chest as your left hand moved to grab his hand, entwining your fingers. Resting on your elbow, you were able to pump the base of him with your hand, working in sync with your mouth to leave no single spot of his cock untouched. You flattened your tongue and ran a stripe down his length and towards his balls, sucking each one delicately into your mouth as your hand reached up to pump him again, focusing on his tip and just under his ridge. His chest was heaving, face flushed red as he bit down on his lip hard to stop from shouting, his gaze alternating between looking at you with wide, adoring eyes and squeezing tightly shut to avoid cumming too soon.
George's slow licking and sucking fixed on your clit again and you couldn't help but slowly begin to roll your hips in time with your sucking, rocking your hips over George's face as he moaned. His hands were gripping your bum hard, spreading your cheeks and massaging the skin. His hand lifted off of you for a brief second before coming down hard and sparking your right cheek, eliciting a gasp and a moan from you, all of which vibrated into Fred's cock, causing him to moan.
You pulled off of Fred just briefly to cry out, "please, want you inside, need it." You had no idea who you were asking, not caring enough to decide right now as you fought off your climax. George immediately pulled away from you and switched places with his twin, sliding in in front of you whilst Fred knelt on the bed behind you.
George kissed you passionately and you could taste your own arousal on his tongue, making you involuntarily clench. You reached your hand down and began stroking him, leaning over to spit onto his cock to lubricate it, his head falling back onto his shoulders at the sexy action. You couldn't help but pump his perfect cock, paying close attention to the delicious little upward curve he had, swiping his precum with your thumb before bringing it to your lips for a taste, watching as his mouth opened and his eyes looked at you in adoration, glassy with arousal.
"You ready for me princess?" You heard Fred say from behind you as he lined himself up, stroking his cock through your wet folds as you moaned out. It dragged across your clit perfectly and you couldn't help but roll your hips trying to make more and more contact. He suddenly slipped into you and pulled your hips back all the way so that he was buried deep within you, your head tossing back in pleasure at the sensation of finally feeling full.
Fred's hips rolled at he plunged himself into you with an eye rolling intensity, both of you already so worked up from your foreplay. You could help but moan as his cock hit all the right spots inside you, stretching you out and making your knees shake. George saw how close you were to crying out and immediately pressed his thumb to your lips for you to suck on. You continued pumping him again as you looked straight into his eyes, both of you wordlessly  conversing as you looked at eachother, silently showing the other everything you felt, even as you were getting railed by his twin.
You felt Fred shift behind you, kneeling forward as his hand snaked around your hip to bring his long fingers to pluck at your sensitive, swollen nub. You sucked hard on George's thumb to stop your moans from spilling out as you stoked him quickly, paying perfect attention to his sensitive tip. His other hand groped and massaged your swaying tits, pinching and toying with your hard nipples as you keened, hips rolling against Fred as you fucked your self on his cock.
You could feel your climax building as Fred railed into you, hips stuttering as he reached his own end, curses and moans growled into the air as his fingers expertly circled your clit. Your walls clenched hard on him as your orgasm overtook you, clamping down around his twitching cock as he slammed your hips into his one last time. He held you tightly to him as his length twitched inside of you, spouting ropes of hot cum deep within you, your clenching walls milking every drop as he groaned your name.
Instantly needing more, you shifted your hips so that you were lying almost flat on the bed, Fred's cock still buried inside you as you took George's waiting length into your mouth, moaning around him at the taste. He cursed and instantly reached up to grab your hair, keeping it out of your face as he watched his cock disappearing between your lips.
Fred had begun slowly rocking into you again, your over sensitive pussy and his cock twitching at the overstimulated that drove you both crazy before he slowly pulled out, falling limply onto the bed. You could feel his cum begin to drip out, knowing what that did to him and it only fuelled your passion for the brothers even more.
George suddenly pulled you off his cock and threw you onto the bed so that you were lying down as he towered above you, cock hard and leaking as he shifted your legs onto his shoulders.
He plunged into you without warning and you cried out before clamping down on your bottom lip to stifle the cries. In this position the slight curve of his cock hit just the right spot, dragging along the spongy part inside you that had you seeing stars as he thrust deeper and deeper inside of you until you were sure he was in your tummy. His hands reached up to cup your bouncing breasts at your hands grabbed and scratched at his shoulders, overwhelmed by the insane pleasure. His hair fell in front of his face as he thrusted and you tried to keep it out of his face as he leaned down to kiss you, all sloppy tongues and teeth, desperately taking what he could from you.
You couldn't help but feel the pleasure building again, only fuelled more as he pulled back and Fred's hand ghosted across your tummy and down to your clit as he rubbed in short, sharp circles. Your walls began clenching again and George cried out a mixture of curses and 'angel's' as his own climax crested. You came suddenly, the white hot heat taking over your body as his hips dove into you with an astounding force, your body folded up like a pretzel as he came with a silent roar, never once stopping his brutal thrusting.
Fred's hand pulled away from your overstimulated clit as soon as he knew you'd ridden out your pleasure and when George pulled out and slipped your legs down, you fell limply back onto the bed in a pile of mush.
You could feel George's cum mix with Fred's as it leaked out of you, onto your ass and then onto the already slick bedsheets as you fought to catch your breath. George fell onto the bed on your other side, leaving you sandwiched once again between the twins, each of you naked, flushed and more satisfied than you'd ever felt.
George's softening cock was pressed to your thigh, smearing the last remnants of his cum and tour arousal onto your skin as Fred reached up to turn your head towards him. He gave you a sensual kiss, hand grabbed around the curve of your jaw as he kissed you passionately, linking your right hand with his. George also linked your other hand with his own and turned you to him to capture your lips once you'd broken away from Fred.
You had no sense of time or space anymore, the only sign that it was late were the dark, rainy skies outside the window. The rain had never stopped and had only served as background white noise to your activities, the constant falling drops the only noise you could hear right now as you all recovered from your activities.
"Can we do that everyday?" You said dreamily, breaking the comfortable silence. You felt George chuckle against you, his body pressed more tightly to your side than Fred who was lounging on his back, one hand still entwined with yourself whilst his other arm covered his eyes.
"Happily," Fred mumbles, turning and pressing himself closer to you. "I don't think I've ever cum that hard and that's saying something with you princess." If you were more aware of things you'd probably blush at his praise but you were still off in dreamland after being fucked silly.
"Agreed," George adds, "bloody hell." He rubs his hands over his face, the ghost of his blissful smile still etched upon his features.
The back of your mind tells you to get up, clean yourself and get dressed but you're frozen in the moment, mind vacant and calm as you snuggle into your boyfriends sides.
Time passes and you all eventually moved to het cleaned off and dressed into your nightwear as you lounge around the room, chatting and reading well into the night until you all climb into bed to sleep. The twins had changed the sheets whilst you went and cleaned up and Fred had thought to spill a little pumpkin juice on the sheets so that it wouldn't seem suspicious that the sheets were needing to be washed again.
Later that night after goodnight kisses, you were cuddled into Fred's chest with George's body pressed tightly against your back, his arm slung around you as you laid awake, listening to their steady breathing and little soft snores, mostly from George behind you. You felt completely at peace, with both of them surrounding you and the rain pouring down outside the window. The three of you completely in sync with no battle in your heart between the both, loved equal in every sense.
You wished it could be like this all the time, just three souls linked together in harmony. It was always best when the three of you were together; Fred and George were the other half of each other, complimenting and completing each other, always in sync and you fit in with them perfectly. The threesome you'd just had was a perfect example of that. Would you be happier if you didn't have to chose?
You didn't know how it would even work but it was a much better thought then having to choose between the two boys you loved.
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uhohwhathaveidone · 2 years
hii I honestly really love your works and i really wanna read my imagination on a fanfic. So what if the reader just sleeps on sebastians bed, like they just returned after a long adventure then they had to research some of the stuff they found yada yada then the reader (fem if possible) just lays on his bed for a break but ends up sleeping there, next day she walks around hogwarts with sebastians smell and everyone just assumed they did the :)))) mc being flustered mess and tries to deny every accusations but sebastian just stands there smirking watching everything unfold.
dont ask why mc didn't shower (for story purposes pls)
Your wish is my command!
Not Helping (S.S)
I'm glad you enjoy! I might be posting the next fic a little late tomorrow, just so we know! Also, I put the reader into Slytherin, so she didn't have to sneak in, and also because Imelda needed a reason to embarrass the reader. Remember when Ominis spoke about having a toad? He's in here, like a little alarm clock <3 He's also tired of Sebastian, like always. Spot the fourth wall break too, here's a hint, it's not someone speaking, technically. I made a joke at myself lmao. Anyway, enjoy <3 (i listened to H.I.M the whole time i was writing)
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      You waved your hand, gesturing Sebastian to follow you as you crouched behind a table. He quickly tiptoed over to you, handing you the book he had snatched from one of the library’s shelves, smiling as you put it into your bag. You looked around as you searched for the door, motioning Sebastian to follow you as you hid behind a shelf. “So far, so good.” Sebastian whispered, smiling. You smiled back as you shook your head. “Don’t jinx it!” He shrugged as he continued to follow you through the maze of tables and shelves of books, checking behind him every now and then to make sure no one spotted the two of you from behind. You stopped, holding your arm out as Sebastian hit it, stopping as you pressed a finger to your lips. He nodded as he ducked lower, following your finger as you pointed to Peeves. The poltergeist floated down a row of shelves across from you, humming to himself. You waited until he had moved somewhere else, tugging on Sebastian’s sleeve as you began your escape again.
      You breathed a sigh of relief as you quietly closed the door behind you, letting a yawn escape you. Sebastian smiled behind you, checking down the hall to see if there was anyone around. “Seems like we’re in the clear, let’s head back to the common room.” He whispered, walking down the hall. You nodded as you followed, reaching into your bag to take a look at the book you had taken. “What are your plans for this one?” You asked, studying the cover. It was about advanced potions, far more advanced than what you were studying now. He shrugged as he slowed down, walking beside you as he looked at the book in your hands. “Might be something of use in there, I didn’t exactly read it before snatching it, you know.” You shook your head as you placed the book back into your bag, yawning again as you turned down to another hall, the Slytherin common room at its end. “What time is it?” You asked, peeking out a window that you walked past. The stars hung in the dark sky, their bright glow unable to light the ground below them as the moon had disappeared, leaving the grounds of the castle invisible. Sebastian shrugged. “I didn’t take a look at the clock either, if that’s what you were hoping for.” You yawned again, watching Sebastian smile at you from the corner of your eye.
      “Let’s not have late-night heists in the future, yeah?” You said, walking into the common room. Sebastian scoffed as he followed behind you, stretching his arms. “It can’t be that late. Perhaps you should get more sleep.” You shook your head as you walked over to the clock. “I would, if you stopped dragging me along to do Merlin knows.” You squinted at the clock, the room was dark, only a single fire in a hearth emitting light. You sighed as you brought your wand out, casting Lumos as you went back to studying the clock. “Sebastian!” You hissed, narrowing your eyes at him as he raised his hands in defense. “It’s past midnight! We have class in the morning, as we had Ominis promise to wait for us so he could find out what was in the book!” Sebastian walked over, grabbing your shoulder as he inspected the clock himself. “That can’t be right, we didn’t spend that much time there, did we?” You shook your head, sighing as you moved to make your way to Ominis’ and Sebastian’s dorm. “It doesn’t matter anymore, let’s brief Ominis and get to bed.” “Yes Ma’am.”
      Ominis let out a frustrated sigh as the two of you walked into the room, arms crossed as he sat on his bed. “Took you two long enough, I figured you had gotten caught with how long you were gone.” He said, turning to the door. “Apologies, Ominis. Sebastian couldn’t figure out which book to pick.” You said, dropping your bag as you flopped onto Sebastian’s bed. Sebastian scoffed, reaching into your bag and pulling out the potions book, sitting down next to you as he flipped through the pages. “If you hadn’t been so scared of being caught, we would have been out earlier.” You shook your head as you rubbed your eyes. “Whatever you say, Sallow.”  Ominis let out another frustrated sigh as he threw a pillow, missing Sebastian as it hit you in the face. “Ominis! What was that for?” You said, picking up the pillow as you frowned. Ominis let a small smile grace his lips as he bowed his head slightly. “My apologies, I meant to hit Sebastian.” Sebastian, who had been quietly chuckling, quickly dropped his smile. “Hey! What did I do?” Ominis shrugged, accepting the pillow back from you as you walked back to Sebastian’s bed. “Just read something from the book, I want to go to bed soon.” You nodded in agreement, moving to the head of the bed and hiding under the covers as Sebastian flipped through the pages.
      “It says here, one of the most effective anti-venoms is the Draught of Living Death Antidote. This potion is particularly useful in countering the effects of the Draught of Living Death, a powerful sleeping potion that can render a person unconscious for days or even weeks.” Sebastian read, skimming down the page. You huffed in amusement, closing your eyes as you pulled the covers closer. “I could use one of those.” “The antidote or the potion itself?” “Both.” Ominis chuckled as he shook his head, hearing the slightly groggy tone in your voice as you tried to hide another yawn. Sebastian sighed, flipping through the pages. “Polyjuice potion, Wolfsbane, we’re not Werewolves, so we don’t need that.” You sighed as he continued to talk, shutting your eyes as the warm blankets beckoned you to sleep. “Ah, here’s one.” Sebastian said, reading from another page. “The Draught of Peace, a powerful calming potion that can ease anxiety and stress.” Ominis sighed, laying his head against his pillow. “Could use that during O.W.Ls, if you needed it.” Sebastian nodded, reading further. “Except there’s a problem.” “What’s that?” “The potion requires a careful balance of ingredients, including powdered moonstone, syrup of hellebore, and a measure of powdered unicorn horn. What even is a hellebore?” Ominis shrugged, covering his mouth as a yawn escaped him. “Y/n, would you be able to ask Poppy what that is?” Sebastian asked, turning to you.
      Soft snores escaped you as you laid in the bed, asleep. Sebastian frowned as he moved to look at your face, scrunching his nose in confusion. “How can you be asleep during this? This is good information!” You still didn’t respond, instead turning over in your sleep as you tried to get comfortable. “Ominis, she’s asleep! I haven’t even gotten far in the book yet.” Sebastian complained, watching Ominis as he too slipped under the covers. “I’m glad one of us is asleep. Perhaps we should pick this up later?” Sebastian scoffed, frowning as Ominis turned away from him. Sighing, he put the book back into your bag and looked over to you, unsure what to do. He couldn’t just kick you out of his bed and send you off to your own; not when you were already asleep. He bit the inside of his cheek as he furrowed his brows, slowly reaching his hand out to shake you awake.
      You glared at him through heavy eyes, sniffling as you tried to bury your face into the blankets. Sebastian smiled softly as he leaned over to whisper to you. “I won’t make you leave, but could you perhaps move over? This is still my bed, you know.” You stared at him, pondering his request. You shivered slightly as you shrugged, scooting over for Sebastian as he slipped under the covers. You closed your eyes again as you shivered, biting the inside of your cheeks as you quickly moved closer to Sebastian, burying your face into his shoulder as you tried to get warm. “You can’t be that cold.” He whispered, smirking at you. You huffed in response, beginning to move away from him before he rolled over, wrapping his arms around you. “Don’t need you freezing.” You hummed quietly, nuzzling your face into his chest as you fell back asleep; warm and comfortable.
      Sebastian slowly opened his eyes as sunlight poured through a window, yawning as he tried to blink away the sleep from his eyes. The room was quiet, save for the small snores escaping you and Ominis. Sebastian burrowed his face into your hair, finding you turned over with your back against him. He looked over at a nearby clock, squinting as he tried to read the time. You had about an hour until classes started. He pulled you closer as he stretched, squeezing you in an attempt to wake you. You groaned as you straightened your arms, a small yawn escaping you as you tried to go back to sleep. “It’s time to get up, we have classes soon.” He whispered, poking you in the cheek with his free hand. You shook your head, another yawn leaving you. “Not right now, perhaps a few more minutes.” You sighed, rolling over and burying your face into Sebastian again, hiding away from the light. Sebastian shook his head, looking over to where Ominis slept, light snores emerging from the bundle of blankets. “Fine, since we’re all still in bed, a few more minutes.” He sighed, closing his eyes as he tightened his arms around you.
      Ominis shook Sebastian awake as he tried to fix his tie, waking both of you up as he shouted. “Get up! I can’t believe you, keeping us up so late and not even having the courtesy to wake us up on time!” You sniffled, sitting up as you rubbed your eyes. “Ominis? What time is it?” Ominis sighed as he reached for his bag. “Late! We’d be lucky if we made it to class!” You looked over at the clock, quickly jumping out of bed and searching for your shoes and bag. Sebastian sat there, confused. “How do you know what time it is?” Ominis glared in his direction, scoffing. “In case you hadn’t noticed, my toad likes to have his own schedule. He’s been croaking for food for maybe ten minutes, and I always feed him right before we leave.” You smiled as you hopped around, trying to get your other shoe on. “I don’t have time for anything! No shower, no breakfast! Sebastian! Get up!” You shouted, almost falling over. He nodded quickly, slipping out of bed, and looking around. “I slept in my robes? I suppose I don’t have to worry about that then.” He said to himself, shrugging as he went for his shoes. You quickly slipped your bag over your shoulder, tapping your foot as you and Ominis waited at the door. “I’m coming, hold on!” Sebastian sighed, rubbing his eyes as he picked up his own bag, walking over to you.
      You quickly walked down the halls as you made your way to charms, following Ominis as he muttered to himself about Sebastian and his need to do things at such late hours. He quickly slipped into the classroom ahead, and you looked over to Sebastian as he yawned again. “Wait!” You whispered, grabbing his sleeve as you pulled him away from the door. “Can’t it wait? We’re right there.” He sighed, watching as you set your bag down. “Your tie! It’s a mess!” You said, quickly fixing it as you bit the inside of your cheek. Sebastian stiffened up, eyes wide as he watched you smooth out his robes and tie before nodding and pulling him into the classroom. You quickly took your seat next to Natty, smiling as she greeted you. Professor Ronen appeared just moments later, signaling the start of class.
      You sighed as you rested your head in your palm, holding back a yawn as you ate. Sebastian sat beside you, picking at his food as he glanced over at you, smirking as you shivered. “Getting a cold?” He asked, causing you to furrow your brows as you looked over at him. “Beg your pardon?” He chuckled as he poked your side. “You were awfully cuddly last night, shivering and all that. I’m not a doctor, but if you got me sick, I would make sure you suffered with me.” You shook your head, grabbing your drink and taking a sip. “So that’s where you were last night!” A voice sounded behind you, causing you to choke on your drink in surprise. Coughing, you turned around, frowning. “Imelda? What are you talking about?” Imelda looked between you and Sebastian, smirking. “When you passed by on your way to one of your classes, you smelled an awful lot like your friend here.” She said, gesturing to Sebastian. “Sebastian here has a distinct smell, like some sort of potion that he bathes in. Stinks up the whole common room, he does.” Sebastian frowned as he turned to Imelda. “I do not stink! I just naturally smell this nice.” Imelda shook her head, turning to you as she poked you in the chest. “You smell just like him, you know. Didn’t smell like that yesterday.” You felt your cheeks heat up as you glanced around, your fellow housemates nodding in agreement with Imelda. “I still don’t understand, Imelda.” You said, shaking your head as you looked up at her. Imelda held her smile as she leaned closer to you. “You didn’t come back to the dorm last night; your bed was still empty this morning.” You heated up more as your eyes widened. You hadn’t thought about what Imelda and your other dormmates would think if you didn’t show up in your bed, and now it was coming back to bite you.
      “What are you implying, then?” You asked, narrowing your eyes. Imelda shrugged nonchalantly, smirking down at you as she gestured to Sebastian. “What else is there to imply? Such a scandalous girl, you are. You’re not good at hiding it either.” Your eyes widened as your breath got caught in your chest, cheeks turning a bright red. “Imelda! That’s absolutely not what happened!” You shouted, shaking your head frantically. “Oh yeah? Then what else could it be? Because people don’t just smell like other people for no reason you know. Nor do they cuddle at night.” You stuttered as you tried to explain, looking over at Sebastian as he smirked into his drink. “We did not- why would you even suggest that? I only fell asleep while hanging out! It was nothing like that!” You smacked Sebastian’s shoulder, motioning for him to explain. He only shrugged, smirking. “You snore a lot, you know.” “That’s not helping, Sebastian!” Imelda smirked as you continued to stutter, crossing her arms as she nodded toward Sebastian. “Someone’s not denying it, so what’s your next excuse?” You frowned at Imelda, heart racing as you tried to clear up the misunderstanding. “Ominis was there! He was hanging out with us!” You said, pointing over to Ominis.
      Ominis nodded as he chewed his food. “She’s right. We were looking at a book, Sebastian decided that he wanted to stay up late. She fell asleep first.” Imelda quirked an eyebrow, smirking at you. “Couldn’t do it with your friend around? Sorry Ominis, but there’s no other explanation. Perhaps you were fast asleep?” Ominis scoffed as he shook his head. “As if. Sebastian fell asleep before I did. You think something like that would happen right next to me? I’d hex both of them.” You nodded your head as you shared an awkward smile. “See? Nothing happened! Mind out of the gutter, Imelda!” She shook her head as she patted your shoulder. She leaned down and whispered into your ear, poking your side. “You’ll need a better excuse next time. I expect you back tonight to tell us all about it.” She walked away, leaving you with your mouth open as you tried to comprehend what had just happened.
      “Sebastian! Look what you’ve done!” You whispered, swatting at his shoulder as he went for another bite of his lunch. He shrugged as he looked over at you. “I didn’t do anything.” “Exactly!” Ominis shook his head as he took a sip of his drink. “I mean it, you two.” Sebastian frowned, furrowing his eyebrows as he turned to Ominis. “Mean what, exactly?” “That I’ll hex you both if you tried something like that near me. My toad could use some friends.” “That’s not going to happen, Ominis!” “Not yet.” “Shut! Up! Sebastian!”
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