#I must have at least a few followers that like steve/bucky
'Til The End of The Line pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Mentions of hospitals
Summary: You get injured in a mission, and Bucky cannot bear to see you in such state.
Author's Note: Please do not copy or translate my work. English is not my first language, so please understand grammar or spelling mistakes.
Thank you for those who enjoyed the first part, and thank you again for waiting.
Part 2 is now yours.
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The world around Bucky seemed to blur as he followed the medical team through the corridor. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing in his ears like a drum. The sight of you lying so still, bloodied and broken, was something he never thought he’d see—not like this, not when he hadn’t even told you how much he loved you that morning.
As Dr. Cho and her team wheeled you into the surgical room, Bucky’s steps faltered. He felt like he was wading through quicksand, every movement heavy and slow. He wanted to be with you, to hold your hand, to tell you that everything would be okay. But he was kept out of the room, forced to watch through the glass as the doors closed behind you.
Tony, standing beside him, placed a firm hand on his shoulder. “She’s strong, Bucky. She’ll pull through.”
But Tony’s words felt hollow to Bucky. He had seen too much death, too much loss. The fear of losing you was like a knife twisting in his gut. He couldn’t lose you—not when you were his reason to keep fighting, his anchor in the storm.
His mind raced back to the last few months—the mornings spent in quiet domesticity, the late-night talks about the future, the way you laughed at his terrible jokes. How could it all be ripped away in a single moment?
Bucky pressed his hand against the glass, his breath fogging up the cold surface. His other hand clenched into a fist, the tension coiled tight in his chest. The image of you, fragile and bleeding, burned into his mind.
Minutes passed, or maybe it was hours—he couldn’t tell. Time had no meaning as he stood there, waiting, praying, hoping for a miracle.
Tony stayed by his side, silent. Steve joined them, his face drawn and pale. The guilt weighed heavily on Steve’s shoulders, and Bucky could see it. But Bucky had no room for blame—only a desperate need for you to come back to him.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Dr. Cho emerged from the operating room. Her face was tired, but there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes. “She’s stable, but it was touch and go for a while.”
Bucky’s knees almost buckled with relief, but he held himself upright by sheer will. “Can I see her?”
Dr. Cho nodded. “She’s still unconscious, but you can sit with her. It’s important she has someone she loves nearby when she wakes up.”
Bucky didn’t wait for further permission. He pushed past the others and entered the room where you lay. The sight of you hooked up to monitors, IVs, and machines tore at his heart, but at least you were alive. Your chest rose and fell steadily, and the color was slowly returning to your cheeks.
He pulled up a chair beside your bed, taking your hand in his. The warmth of your skin, even faint, was enough to give him hope. He brushed a stray lock of hair from your forehead, his thumb tracing the lines of your face as if memorizing every detail.
“I’m here, doll,” he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion. “I’m right here. Please, come back to me.”
The room was quiet, save for the beeping of the machines that tracked your vital signs. Bucky stayed by your side, his grip on your hand firm but gentle. He didn’t sleep, didn’t eat—he just watched you, waiting for any sign that you were waking up.
Hours passed, and the rest of the team came and went, offering support, but Bucky barely registered them. His world had narrowed down to just you, lying so still in that hospital bed.
At some point, he must have dozed off because he was startled awake by a faint pressure on his hand. His eyes flew open, and he looked down to see your fingers twitching slightly in his grasp.
“Y/N?” His voice was barely a whisper as he leaned closer, his heart pounding in his chest.
You stirred, your eyelids fluttering weakly. It took you a moment to orient yourself, but when your eyes finally opened, they were full of confusion and pain. “B-Buck?” Your voice was hoarse, barely audible.
“I’m here, doll, I’m right here.” Bucky’s relief was palpable as he squeezed your hand gently, his eyes misting over. “You’re okay. You made it.”
A weak smile tugged at your lips, though the effort seemed to exhaust you. “I… I thought… I wasn’t going to make it.”
“You did, though,” Bucky whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “You’re safe now. We’re together.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him, your hand trembling slightly in his grasp. “I… I heard you… on the comms. I was so scared… that I’d never see you again.”
“It’s quite a miracle that she woke up. But we still must keep an eye out for any damage to her brain,” the doctor said.
“I’ll call Dr. Cho for further checkups. My job’s done for now.” The doctor left, and Bucky’s gaze returned to you.
Bucky sat back down beside you, his eyes brimming with unshed tears as he clutched your hand like it was the only thing anchoring him to reality. He couldn't believe you were awake, breathing, speaking to him. The terror of almost losing you hadn’t yet faded from his mind.
You looked at him, your voice barely a whisper but full of the love you had for him. “Hey, I told you I’m not going anywhere, didn’t I?”
Bucky let out a shaky laugh, a mix of relief and disbelief. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to yours, feeling the warmth of your skin that he thought he’d never feel again. “You scared the hell out of me, doll. I thought—”
His voice cracked, and he couldn’t finish the sentence.
“I know, I know,” you whispered, your free hand weakly brushing the tears from his cheeks. “But I’m here. I’m not going anywhere, Buck.”
He pulled back to look at you, his blue eyes swimming with emotion. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he admitted, his voice barely holding together.
“I can’t lose you. I won’t.”
“You won’t,” you reassured him, squeezing his hand with as much strength as you could muster. “We’re going to get through this. Together.”
For a long moment, Bucky just stared at you, memorizing every line of your face as if afraid it might vanish if he looked away. The weight of everything he had almost lost hung heavily in the air between you, but so did the promise of the future you still had together.
“I love you,” he whispered, his voice trembling with the intensity of the words.
“More than anything in this world.”
“I love you too, Buck,” you replied softly, your eyes shining with the same intensity. “And I’m sorry for putting you through this. For making you worry so much.”
“Don’t,” he said, shaking his head. “Don’t apologize. None of this is your fault. You’re the strongest person I know, and you’re going to get better. We’re going to get through this, and then we’ll live that life we talked about.”
A small, hopeful smile tugged at your lips. “Yeah, with the house, the backyard, and maybe… maybe even those babies.”
Bucky’s heart swelled with emotion at the thought. The future seemed so far away, but with you here, with your hand in his, it felt possible again. “Yeah,” he agreed, his voice choked with emotion. “We’ll have that. I promise you, we’ll have that.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, exhaustion weighing heavily on you, but you fought to stay awake, to stay with him. “I’m going to hold you to that, Barnes.”
He chuckled softly, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “You better. I’m not going anywhere either, doll. You’re stuck with me.”
“Good,” you whispered, finally allowing yourself to drift off to sleep, knowing that Bucky would be right there when you woke up again.
As you slept, Bucky stayed by your side, his hand still holding yours tightly. He didn’t move, didn’t even blink, afraid that if he did, this fragile moment of peace would shatter. But as he watched the steady rise and fall of your chest, he let himself believe that everything was going to be okay. That the darkness had passed, and the light of a new day would bring the life you both deserved.
And for the first time in what felt like forever, Bucky allowed himself to hope.
Tag list @baw1066 @hzdhrtss @mrsnikstan
Thank you for reading and enjoy your weekend :)
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
Mirror, Mirror | Six: Epilogue
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Please do not copy, repost, or translate my work anywhere else.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: You never really thought about Wanda other than the fact that she's your best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. It just wasn't in the realm of possibilites, so you never let yourself develop feelings. At least until someone points out that you have a very specific type when it comes to dating, so maybe it is all subconscious? Reader's POV
Warnings: best friends to lovers. shenanigans. jealousy, jealousy. sexual tension. pining. yearning. sexual thoughts. spicy (tumblr's version). stupid steve. neurotic nat. brat & stinky. bug as in shutterbug.
*explicit version will only be available on Ao3 & will be posted there after series is completed*
Note: Mini Series is completed! Thank you so much for tagging along with me <3 Explicit version available in a week.
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Series Masterlist || Library Blog || AO3
Count: ~3.1k
You rarely think about sentences that could change your life.
There are too many instances that could change your life; therefore, it would be moot to think about.
You have a terminal illness. 
You've won 69 million dollars.
Someone you love has horrifically died—no, there were no remains.
It's all too overwhelming to think about; therefore, you don't. Yet, somehow, if you ever did think about life-changing sentences, you didn't think it could ever be, "Hey, have you noticed how you seem to exclusively date girls who look like Wanda?"
And it was like the ground crumbled underneath you. It was such a sickening realization—not that Wanda was in any way sickening—it was the fact that you might just be subconsciously a pervert. 
The more you thought about the words, the more horrifying it became. Every one-night stand, every situationship, every girlfriend—god, they all looked like Wanda. 
You're too scared to think about it deeper in fear of what it would reveal subconsciously every time you kissed or fucked a girl. Were you thinking of Wanda? God, you just couldn't think about it.
This was all Bucky's fault. You wished you had never gone out onto that balcony that night. 
3 months prior to that night at the bar with Wanda & Steve
The cool air felt better, and the breeze settled on the back of your neck. There was definitely too much wine going around, and you only managed to escape as Tony brought out the hard liquor. 
The crowd dispersed after several shots you didn't partake in. You stared into the distance, thinking idly how Tony had way too much money. Old money was ridiculous. Why does someone need a garden fountain as big as a pool?
Movement caught the corner of your eye, and you saw Wanda and Vision walking through the dimly lit garden. You smiled fondly at your best friend as she laughed at whatever charming thing Vision had managed to say. 
Vision was...just okay, in your opinion. You thought he was too nonchalant about Wanda, and that was why they were so on and off rather than consistently being together. Wanda deserved someone who loved her fiercely, and you couldn't imagine Vision always putting Wanda first. 
You watched with slight melancholy when Wanda linked her arms through his as they sat on the ledge of the garden fountain. You wished you had also brought someone along for this party. 
"Hey, thought I saw you sneak out here."
You turned around and saw Bucky holding a glass of beer. You smirked at him with mirth. "You know what I must do when Tony starts bringing out the grey goose."
Bucky shuddered, clearly having been roped into a few shots. He came and stood next to you, catching the scene you were staring at. "Guess they're back on then?"
You shrugged. "Guess so. We'll see how long it lasts. I'm betting 3 months."
"Be realistic. It'll be 2 and a half months," Bucky snorted. 
"Ye of little faith," you teased and then sighed. "I wish I also brought someone along. I should've brought that girl I met at my photoshoot."
"The brunette with green eyes?" Bucky asked, and you nod. "You know what I've noticed?"
"Hm?" you hummed in response to Bucky's casual tone. 
"You seem to have a very specific type when it comes to dating," Bucky mused. "They're always brunette—save those two girls from university—and they always have green eyes." 
You furrow your brows in serious thought. "I suppose so."
"Yeah," Bucky nodded, his tone still casual. "They always remind me of Wanda, especially from the back. I always have to make sure I'm careful not to mix up your date with Wanda." 
Bucky ended it with a chuckle, stating he was getting cold before he left without another world, leaving you alone outside.
The connect dots snapped into place almost instantly, horrifying you as you continued to stare at Wanda from above. 
Oh, fuck. 
Maybe it was a good thing you didn't bring anyone tonight. You're not sure how you'd be able to take someone home into your bed with the daunting realization you go after girls who look like your best friend...because you actually want your best friend. 
The three months since that discovery had nearly driven you to insanity. Since you refused to talk to anyone about it, most of your thought process was, " Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no."
But in the end, you resolved that it couldn't happen. Wanda would never reciprocate your feelings in a million years, especially since she had Vision. Wanda occasionally even talked about the possibility of marrying him down the road. 
It wasn't happening. It was never going to happen. 
Wanda was more important to you than anyone in the whole entire world. You would never allow anything to risk the friendship—even your feelings. 
You felt like a sick sexual deviant. 
Despite your resolve to bury your feelings and continue on as normal, it was getting increasingly weird to continue to see girls who looked like Wanda. Yet, you couldn't stop. It wasn't doing it for you otherwise. 
But now, every time you kissed a girl, all you could see was Wanda in her. Sex was beginning to become a guilty pleasure for all the wrong reasons. 
When you met Raye, it felt like another sinful thing to lust after, knowing how much she physically reminded you of Wanda. But you could see a big personality difference in the short time you spent chatting with Raye. 
Wanda was the type you spoiled, indulging in her strange, wacky ideas. She could be very emotional, swinging from one side of the spectrum to another. She had such a big heart, willing to love, but also held grudges and was wicked if crossed. Wanda was a brat in all the loving ways you could mean. 
Raye could be best described as emotionally consistent. On the surface, she portrayed a wicked sense of humor and was fun to be around, but she was much more guarded than Wanda. She was very independent, not liking anything that might even intrude on her freedom. Raye kept her true feelings close to herself and seemed to be teasing you to come find out. 
It was different. You didn't mind, maybe liking it even (purely in the sense it was the opposite of Wanda, and you couldn't afford to keep lusting after your best friend in all possible ways).
Even so, your mind was distracted on the first date.
"Have you ever done a boudoir photoshoot?" Raye asks, her tone low and seductive.
"Can't say that I have," you smile, trying to remind yourself to be present during the date. It's been long since you've properly wined and dined someone, and Wanda kept entering your thoughts. 
"Well, there's a first for everything and you might even have a willing model," Raye bit her bottom lip suggestively, her index finger stroking the back of your hand. 
And while the southern twang does stir something in you, and you feel your stomach tingling, you're very aware that it's because Raye physically reminds you of Wanda. So, your mind traitorously imagines Wanda biting her lip and saying seductive things to you. 
You whip your head around, swearing you heard Wanda. When there was no sign of her, you furrowed your brows in confusion, turning back to Raye.
Was this a sign of insanity?
You resolve right then and there to focus on the lovely brunette before you and enjoy the date. It was easy enough if you relaxed and earnestly asked Raye questions about herself. 
It was easy enough to hold Raye's hand and swing it back and forth if you just thought about how warm they were. 
It was enough to giggle when Raye leaned in closer to whisper something silly or naughty in your ear if you just thought about how her breath felt on the shell of your ear.
Suddenly, the car next to you went off, the alarm beeping loudly enough to make you and Raye jump in surprise. You turned around and noticed the couple behind you were gone. You thought they looked slightly familiar, but it was too difficult to determine when they were so far away in the dark under passing streetlights. 
Ultimately, you walk Raye up her steps, unsure what you want your next move to be. Everything feels strange since the revelation. You feel guilty for your lust, but specifically what causes it. 
But when Raye pulled you in for a hot, searing kiss, you decided to just go with the flow...which also ended up being nothing as she got a call from her sister while clothes were discarded. 
The call was only bordering on 40 seconds, but you decided your momentum was lost, and you needed that momentum to have sex with someone else while you tried (unsuccessfully) to not think about Wanda. 
Fuck. Darcy.
Those were the only words that could come to your mind after Wanda texted her vague answer about whether or not she was returning home tonight. 
You sighed as you scrolled through the videos and photos, trying to get a headstart on putting together the video for Tony and Pepper. As you began opening up files, many were corrupted by the inability to open or glitchy images. 
With another sigh, your chair scraped against the floor as you shifted back, pulling out your phone and shooting a quick text to the videographer asking if you could meet up tomorrow to get the SD card for the originals. You got a prompt reply with a thumbs-up emoji with a time and place. 
You thought you might've just heard something shuffle in your room, but you forget about it when it's quiet again.
In the end, you spent another 45 minutes scrolling through some other photos that weren't corrupted, catching Wanda in the background and staring with a lingering thought about how absolutely pretty she was.
A part of you was in disbelief that Wanda was interested in women. You had so many questions that still lingered, but you didn't want to push Wanda or make it seem like you were interrogating her, and she needed to prove it.  
Still, you wondered what exactly made Wanda come to terms with the fact that she liked women.
Specifically, why couldn't you be the reason she was interested in women? You shoved those forbidden feelings down, beating them back into its box to put away. 
It didn't matter. 
It shouldn't matter.
You're with Raye, and Wanda may be with Darcy. Or some other girl, or maybe even with a guy again.
It's just not going to be you. 
And that's okay, you tell yourself. You can love someone without having to pursue anything. You just want to be there for Wanda. 
Of course, all of this changed the moment you watched a slanted confession video from an unaware Wanda while your roommate was out for lunch with a client.
Shock is the only thing that registers upon the video finishing. Were you hallucinating again? Was this like the first date with Raye where you kept thinking you could hear or see glimpses of Wanda?
But you played the video over and over, blinking every time it was finished.
Then a burst of strange laughter bubbled from your mouth, and then horror dawned on you that, 'oh, fuck. She actually feels the same way.'
It was unclear whether or not Wanda was trying to let her feelings be known or if she was also facing the same issue as you, where she was suppressing them. Either way, Wanda would unlikely be brave enough to say anything soon. 
You spent the week humming and hawing about what pursuing a relationship with your best friend would mean. What would the consequences be if things didn't work out? What would the consequences be if you declined to pursue anything more despite if Wanda confessed? What would the consequences be to watch Wanda move on and love someone else?
Your stomach dropped. 
You needed to break up with Raye. 
Your stomach dropped. 
You wait 3 more days before confronting Wanda since she's clearly a chicken.
"You knew you had feelings for me for at least 3 months?" Wanda screeches. "And you said nothing?!"
"Okay, relax, you banshee," you wince at the sound. "How is that the only thing you hung onto out of everything I just told you?"
"But...but!" Wanda narrows her eyes on you. "It was getting serious with Raye!"
"Serious?" you raise your brow at Wanda. "What gave you the idea it was getting serious? We were dating but I saw her maybe a few days out of a month with how much she flies out for work."
"So, it wasn't getting serious at all?" Wanda frowns.
"Well," you purse your lips. "Maybe for Raye. She was considering transferring to another department so she wouldn't have to fly out anymore."
Wanda's mouth hangs open, her face pale with the worst thoughts of what might've been if they never confessed their feelings.
"Which," you cut in like you're able to read her mind, "obviously, I told her to not do as I wanted to end things with her."
"How did she take it?" Wanda asks curiously.
You look uncomfortable as you shift in bed, but Wanda waits patiently. "I think she just emotionally shut down. There were no tears, no screaming, or any accusations about why I was ending things. She just looked impassive as she accepted it and asked me to leave."
"Oh," Wanda bit her bottom lip. She feels bad in a way, but not bad enough to regret making you hers. "I'm sorry, bug."
You sigh as you reach over and pull Wanda close, pressing a kiss to her bare shoulder. The blanket shifts down, exposing Wanda's neck and collarbone where you had unabashedly marked up.
"Now, are you done with the questions, or can we resume where we left off?" You ask mischievously, pressing languid kisses against the side of her neck. 
Wanda closes her eyes with a soft hum, pressing her body closer to yours until you shift and move over Wanda. 
"I notice that you didn't mention anything about Darcy."
"Mention what exactly?" You say between kisses, stroking Wanda's hip. "That I was insanely jealous and wished her ill? Although, now that I know it was a fake date and neither of you had interest in each other, she seems nice."
Wanda laughs. "Even after she hacked your laptop?"
"With your help, might I remind you," you pull up and pointedly look at her. "But if she never corrupted those wedding files, I would've never got the original SD card and found out about your feelings."
"Very true," Wanda muses as she throws her head around your neck and pulls you close. She pecks your lips charmingly. "We should get her a nice bottle of wine."
"What about Steve and Bucky."
Wanda scoffs. "They're meddling little school girls who are probably kicking their feet and giggling."
You can't help but laugh before you dive in for another kiss, eager but slow. Oh, man. You were going to love Wanda for the rest of your life.
After a moment, Wanda sighs. "Okay, fine. We can give our McDonald's coupons to Steve and Bucky."
You laugh again. "Alright, brat."
"Okay, stinky."
"Here we go again with that," Wanda rolls her eyes with a smile. "I'll have you know that if I were a witch, I'd be the most powerful and best witch ever."
"I bet you would," you agree very readily. "Instead of cursing people to death, you'd be saving their lives...or causing mass chaos. Huh, I guess that's not so different from now." 
Wanda scoffs indignantly before she starts tickling you. You laugh, trying to jerk away, but Wanda is persistent in keeping you in place. 
"Mercy!" You laugh as you roll to the side. 
"Take that back! I do not cause chaos!"
"I take it back! You're clearly an A-List superhero!"
Wanda continues to tickle you anyway. "Say you love me!"
"I love you!"
Only then does Wanda stop, grinning wickedly as she presses a chaste kiss to your lips, and you're breathing heavily.
You want to call her a menace, but you're afraid that will only result in another tickle fight. 
Wanda smiles warmly.
"I love you, too."
"See, I told you Wanda would be the one to confess!" Steve smirks.
"That's because you're a little cheater who went and nudged Wanda along," Bucky rolls his eyes with a smile.
"Oh, yeah, like you're the perfect picture of fair," Steve narrows his eyes. "Don't think I don't know that you went to Bug first. I had to step in and nudge Wanda to make the odds even."
"Was it really Wanda who confessed when it was Bug who technically discovered her secret."
Steve seems to think about it before he slumps into the sofa, "I feel like that's a gray area." Then, Steve frowns. "Ugh, but then that means neither of us wins the bet."
"We can just call it even," Bucky shrugs, laying his head on Steve's shoulder.
"Oh, no," Steve shakes his head. "I won't let you wriggle out of our bet. We will watch all the Lord of the Rings movies if you lose."
Bucky groans loudly. "But there's so many and they're so long."
"You really think I want to watch the Star Wars movies?" Steve rolls his eyes.
"They're a classic!" Bucky argues.
"So is Lord of the Rings."
Bucky huffs but concedes. "Fine," he wrinkles his nose. "Should we bet on something else?"
"No, I like the thrill of two people getting together, even if it takes time. Besides, we have the time since we have to finish a whole bunch of shows," Steve says.
"Hm, which ones of our friends are due to get together?" Bucky muses.
"We could try Nat and Maria," Steve suggests.
"No, too hard since Maria doesn't live here," Bucky shakes his head and then offers, "Yelena and Kate?"
"I think they're actually already together," Steve furrows his brows. "But if they're not, I'm too scared of Yelena to get involved in her affairs."
"I think that's all our friends who are technically single with a viable date option," Bucky sighs.
Silence falls between them before Steve suggests, "Want to bet when Tony and Pepper will announce they're pregnant?"
They stare at each other for a moment before they yell out their guess at the same time. 
"6 months!"
"6 months!"
The silliness of it all leaves Steve and Bucky giggling. 
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missvelvetsstuff · 3 months
The Situation Room
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: After a mission almost gone wrong, Tony brings back Bucky's former assistant, who is also Bucky's ex. Can they work together without hurting each other? Will the whole truth about their break up finally come out?
Avengers AU where Thanos never happened.
Chapter 4
Warnings: swearing, angst
The day after the party Radar woke up because of the sunlight in her face and groaned. She couldn't remember ever sleeping so hard with no dreams to remember. She couldn't remember much of the party either, at least not after Loki arrived. Even the attack and working with Bucky to take the invaders down was spotty.
She rolled over, away from the sun when she realized how late it must be considering that her room didn't get any direct sun in the morning. She sat up quickly and felt dizzy but no pain like an alcohol hangover so grabbed her phone to leave herself a note to ask Loki about that plant. Maybe she could grow her own to keep it on hand.
She frowned when she remembered Bucky getting high with them, she'd have to ask him how he slept. If the ambrosia helped him sleep she'd have to talk to Steve or Sam about it before she left, maybe have them keep some around for him. She shrugged, something for her brain to deal with when she was awake and sober.
Radar stood slowly and did some stretches before taking a hot shower. Her stomach growled and she chuckled at herself, she had passed out before the munchies could kick in last night. She hurried to finish her shower, dried off, styled her hair, threw on some leggings and an oversized shirt with slippers and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.
Half of the team was up, Sam at the stove making omelettes and hash browns while Wanda was juicing oranges. Steve, Bucky and Loki were at the table, too busy shoveling food into their mouths to notice her entrance.
When Loki sat back to drink some juice, he looked up, saw Radar, waved, set his juice down and offered a greeting "Good morning, pet. You look well rested. Dare I say hungry as well." He patted the seat next to him, opposite from Bucky.
"Mornin Lokes, I slept like a damn rock. No dreams, no tossing because my back hurts, nothin. Just sleep but I am hungry. I think I passed out before the munchies could set in."
Sam walked over from the stove with a plate for Radar, bowed and offered it to her "Milady"
Radar took the plate and looked at her omelette "Bacon, tomatoes, avocado and cheese? Sammy, you remembered my favorites. Thank you!" She kissed his cheek and dug into her food. It was half gone when she had to stop for a drink of the o.j. that Wanda brought to her.
"Ohmygawd, Sammy, this is so good. Will you marry me? I need me a man who can cook." and dove back into her food, oblivious of the reactions to her off handed comment. Sam and Loki laughed, Wanda chuckled, Steve almost choked on his food and Bucky clenched his jaw and fists, prosthetic whirring while he glared at Sam, then Radar.
After breakfast, well more like lunch, Radar headed to her office to finish some paperwork and Bucky followed her. She sat and didn't notice he was there until the door clicked shut and she looked up in surprise.
"Can I help you, Barnes?"
Bucky wanted to talk about the message he left for her and was surprised that she hadn't brought it up yet. "uh, yeah I was uh wondering how you're feeling today. You were pretty baked last nite"
Radar looked at him with her brow furrowed, wondering why he was talking to her so casually, as though they were friends "Well, yeah. I told you that's why I prefer weed, no hangover. Didn't you take a few hits? Loki said it was a lot stronger than Midgardian weed so you must have felt it. If you're lucky it kept the nightmares away like it did for me."
He shrugged "Yeah, I slept pretty hard." He didn't want to ask directly about the message and make her think he was desperate but had to know. "That attack was crazy, right? Trying to take over the compound on Steve's birthday. I wonder what they were after. You know, Steve said we still work pretty well together and wondered if you'll be able to find anyone that works with me as well as you do."
Radar smirked "Obviously no one will be as perfect as I am but I'll find you the next best thing."
Bucky started to leave before turning back to her "I can't believe you're not going to say anything about the message."
She looked at him confused "What message? Shit did I miss something important? Fuck, I'm sorry Barnes, I-" she shuffled through the papers on her desk frantically.
He raised his voice a little "Seriously, Y/N? The fucking voice message I left for you last night?"
She stared blankly "I didn't get any messages last night. I haven't gotten any new messages in a week."
Bucky bristled "Are you kidding me? That's the lamest blow off, not to mention being almost as old as I am. You don't even have the decency to acknowledge it. From last night "I'm not just saying this because I'm high....."
Radar just stared at him. "Seriously Barnes. I don't know about any message" she pulled her phone out of her pocket and looked at incoming calls "I see where you called here" she pointed at the screen and showed him before checking her voicemail "There's no messages at all. Sorry but what was it about? You're not just saying what because you were high?"
Bucky pulled back and shook his head "Oh, I uh don't remember, being high and all. Must not have been important, nevermind." He tried to leave but she grabbed his arm.
"If it wasn't important or you don't remember then why ask about it? Why were you getting so worked up? Just tell me!"
"Just forget about it, doesn't matter" he pulled away from her mumbling that he had to go do a thing and practically ran down the hall.
Two days after the party, the entire team and their Angels were called into a meeting. Nick Fury swept in and gave them the details of the upcoming mission to figure out what Hydra was up to with that raid and introduced them to the field agents that were joining them.
Bucky stood up to greet one of the extra agents. He shook hands and turned to introduce him.
Radar saw who Bucky was talking to and felt like she was going to be sick as he introduced John Walker, who he had personally invited to take part in this mission. Bucky looked at Radar with one eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face. She kept her face impassive, she knew he was doing this to fuck with her and refused to let him see her get upset.
When the meeting was ended, Radar left as quickly as she could manage but Bucky had to stop her. "I thought you'd like seeing your old pal John again, he said it's been awhile, years." He chuckled as she turned away from him.
"I hope it wasn't anything I said."
Radar hurried to the closest bathroom, hoping she could keep from puking all over Tony's fancy rugs.
Wanda was pissed and pulled Bucky aside. "I know you think you're clever, Barnes but you're not, you are being a prick. You think we can't see how you're trying to punish her, with all the different women that you could have met in the lobby but had to parade them in front of her and now this, bringing that piece of shit here, but we can see it and you're dead wrong about what you think happened. Bringing Walker into this mission is just cruel and I'm surprised because I didn't think you could sink that low."
Bucky shrugged "I don't know what you're talking about Wanda. Walker is an asset, he can...." He trailed off.
Wanda scoffed "That's what I thought. Just remember, karma might be a bitch but I'm a witch, so you better watch your ass."
The mission involved multiple teams infiltrating multiple facilities simultaneously so they couldn't warn each other.
Since John Walker wasn't an Avenger he didn't have his own Angel so Radar was working with him and Bucky. She was displeased, to say the least. Being stuck listening to them argue like 6 yr olds while they trained together in Tony's simulation was her worst nightmare. They seemed to get along but Radar could hear the sarcasm and disdain in Bucky's voice every time he spoke to John. Somehow John didn't pick up on it and acted as though they were old war buddies.
After 3 days of training as a team, Radar was ready to make both men disappear and grateful that they were leaving early the next morning which meant they were getting closer to when the mission would be completed and she wouldn't have to deal with John.
On departure day Radar woke early to load up Bucky and John's gear in the jet they were assigned to with Sam and Steve. Sam's Angel, Katie and Steve's Angel Sophia went to breakfast with Radar.
When they returned to the compound they all set up in the Situation Room for over 30 minutes when Friday notified them that the jet was landing. Steve called Sophia when they were ready to leave the jet. The Angels logged in and walked their charges through the building.
It took over an hour for the soldiers to clear the building and set charges to bring it down.
As they walked away from the building John started talking "You know Barnes I just want to say I appreciate that we can all be adults about that incident and still work together." He chuckled nervously
"I was really expecting you to take a shot at me after what I did so I'm glad that we can leave the past where it is."
Bucky stopped and turned to look at John "What the fuck are you talking about?"
John froze "Well, you know. That prank with Y/N. I know you were together but Sharon wanted me to keep Y/N busy so she could take her shot with you."
Bucky stood for a moment, processing what John just said and then pushing John up the ramp and into the jet
"Prank? What prank? Sharon put you up to that?" He shook his head "No, something is not right about this. What else happened? Beginning to end."
Radar heard John mention that night and tried to interrupt them but neither responded, she figured they must have muted her since they were heading home. She was afraid of what they were going to say but couldn't bring herself to shut her laptop off so listened carefully.
John cleared his throat "You know, we were at the bar in town......
The team was at the bar up the road from the compound. Steve, Sam, Bucky and Nat were taking turns playing pool. Radar was sitting with Wanda, Vision and Maria, drinking and talking. Scott, Hope and Luis were waiting for their turns at karaoke.
Sharon, John and Lamar were doing shots.
Radar took some shots over for Sam, Steve and Bucky, letting Bucky do a body shot off of her before he kissed her hard. "You shouldn't tease me like that doll, I might have to ruin you when we get home."
Radar nipped his lower lip "Don't you threaten me with a good time, Sarge. I gotta go, be right back." She headed to the bathroom as he returned to his game, after watching her walk away.
She ran into Nat, Sharon, Maria and Wanda in the restroom. They told her they were leaving and offered a ride back but she told them she'd stay with Bucky.
As she checked her hair in the mirror the door opened and she saw John Walker behind her holding out a water bottle. "Bucky told me to give this to you, so you don't get a hangover"
Radar looked at him confused "Why didn't he bring it?"
John chuckled "He was in the middle of a game with Sam and didn't want to risk Sam cheating if he left."
Radar shrugged, seemed odd but it's just a bottle of water and Bucky was always reminding her to drink plenty of water when she had alcohol. She drank down half of it in one go, noticing it tasted weird but it was a generic brand so wrote it off as low budget.
She set the water down and was already feeling dizzy and her vision was getting blurry. She tried to speak up but her words slurred "W wha what was in that wahturr? Whad'you d.....?" and slumped into his arms.
John cursed as he half carried her out the back door and into a room he had already reserved at the motel across the street.
When Radar woke she was alone in a motel room and couldn't remember the night before, at first.
As she looked around, bits and pieces came back to her. Her stomach dropped as she remembered John helping her walk to the motel room, taking her clothes off, hovering over her, touching her. She ran to the bathroom and threw up until nothing was left.
Radar hurried to get dressed and when she found her phone she tried to call Bucky but it just went to voicemail. Once dressed she practically ran the whole way back to the compound and hurried to her and Bucky's shared room. She stopped at the door for a moment trying to catch her breath before opening the door, only to see Sharon sitting next to Bucky showing him some pictures.
Radar stopped in her tracks "Bucky, I-"
Bucky cut her off "You what? What excuse do you think you can come up with that will make this any better?" He tossed the pictures on the coffee table.
Radar looked at the pics of her hanging on John outside of the bar, going into a motel room, her practically naked with John shirtless on top of her.
She shook her head "Nononono, that's not-"
Bucky cut her off coldly "Not what? You fucking your ex last night?"
Radar felt her eyes filling up "I didn't, Bucky baby I would never. Let me explain, I-"
He cut her off again "There's nothing to explain, obviously what we had didn't mean anything to you."
Radar begged "Please, Baby, I-"
He spat "I'm not your baby. You need to go. I'm leaving in a couple of hours and you can come get your shit then. I'll have Friday notify you but right now I want you out of my sight. You make me sick."
"No, Bucky, please" she cried as he pushed her out of their room and slammed the door in her face, Sharon smiling behind him.
As he finished telling the story, John laughed nervously "I mean, Sharon said it was just a prank. I never slept with Radar or anything. We took her clothes off and posed for intimate looking pics. I did touch her a little but I swear, that's all."
Bucky felt hot and dizzy as he reconsidered what John was saying. He wanted to tear the man into tiny pieces and realized he deserved the same because he never gave Radar a chance to say anything. He fell to his knees when it hit him, he had pushed away the woman he loved and wasted 2 years of their lives when she hadn't done anything wrong.
As he sat on his knees he felt his temper rising, almost like the soldier was trying to come out. Like he wanted to kill John and Bucky for hurting his girl. With tears streaming down his face he stood and hit John once, he heard his nose crack. It felt so good he hit him again, in the gut, forcing John to grunt and double over. After that he lost control and kept hitting John until Steve pulled him off. John was bloody and barely conscious.
Steve went into Captain mode "What the hell are you doing, Buck? You can't just go off on another agent, no matter how horrible he is. How am I supposed to explain this to Fury?"
Bucky was breathing heavy, sweat and tears running down his face. "But he, he, you don't know what he did. Stevie, you don't know what he did to me and Y/N"
Steve shook his head "I do know, he slept with Radar and you broke up with her. You were totally justified dumping her, she cheated and I know John is trash b-"
Bucky grabbed him and shouted "NO! You don't get it. John and Sharon set us up, he drugged Y/N and took pictures that looked like they were having sex but they didn't. He said it was a prank. I ruined everything and it was a set up so that I would turn to Sharon. And I fell for it, just proof that I never did deserve her."
He sat down with his head in his hands
"I still love her, how do I fix this? I don't even know where to start or if it can be fixed but I gotta try."
Back at the compound Radar was curled up in the corner of the situation room, rocking herself and crying, trapped in a flashback of that morning, unable to bring herself out of it.
After she left their room in tears, Radar went to medical and told Helen Cho what she remembered and had her do a complete rape exam. She was relieved to hear there were no signs of recent penetration but that also meant no DNA. Helen took some blood so they could test for rohypnol or any other drugs used to roofie women.
Radar had moved out of the compound before Helen received the results so they were put away in Radar's file.
No one could get through to Radar until Wanda returned and went into her mind to push that memory aside, making Radar fall asleep. Vision carried her back to her room where Wanda took off her shoes and tucked her friend into bed.
Wanda asked Friday to let her know when Radar woke and left her sleeping to wait for Bucky to get home.
@unaxv @calwitch @buckitostan @cjand10
Chapter 5
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~2.7k
Summary: Family vacation
A/N: This came to mind when watching Evil Dead Rise, but don't let that fool you.
Warnings: Mostly fluff
You smile widely as you get out of the car with your dog right behind you. You’re a little late but you’ve brought something that will hopefully make up for this. Leaving work had taken longer than you thought, and just looking at the other cars here, you realize that your wife, brother-in-law and at least Nat is here. You are looking forward to the two weeks of relaxation that you will have with your entire family.
You take a moment to stop in your tracks, not paying any attention to Boone who’s running on ahead, as you take a deep breath. You look up at the clear blue sky and smell the fresh air that you’ve been looking froward to for weeks.
You’d practically begged Wanda to take this time off because you were both being overworked and you deserved a break. You’d convinced her to take the short trip to your lake house a few hours away from home. It was the closest of your vacation homes and you knew this made it more likely that Wanda would agree to go away with you. It had been her idea to invite family, and you were thrilled to have them along for the ride. You were also more than grateful for the fact that the house was plenty big enough for you and your wife to still have privacy.
“Y/n! Hurry up!”
You hear your brother-in-law call you from a distance, and you realize that Boone must have arrived to the lake and given you away. You walk around the house, seeing that it’s mostly empty and you quickly spot everyone sitting on the sand or standing on the dock waiting for you. Your dog has already run up to Fanny and followed her into the water, and you are grateful that you didn’t bother putting on his harness when you left.
“Hey everyone. Sorry for the delay.”
You place the brown bag full of booze that you’d brought before catching the tennis ball that Yelena throws at you. You smile as you look to your dog who is already swimming away, but he watches you carefully once he sees what you’re holding. You throw the ball a little past him before hugging both Yelena and Pietro with a smile. You tell Yelena that you brought her favorite booze and weed and she hugs you again before returning her attention to her barking dog. You leave her to throw the frisbee while you hop off the dock to greet your wife.
She’s lounging with Nat in chairs that give you a great view of your wife’s new swim suit. You’d asked her earlier this week if she’d packed yet, and she’d mentioned having a surprise for you. You’re not sure if this is it, but you’ll happily accept the gift that is getting to see Wanda in a bright red, almost too small bikini.
“Hey detka.”
“Hi there, kiddo. Get lost?”
You roll your eyes at Nat’s remark as you lean over to kiss your wife in greeting. You kneel down beside her, not caring about the sand as you kiss her again and roll your eyes. You hear a car door slam and figure that Bucky and Steve are here, but you’ll say hi to them later. For now you need to set the record straight.
“Good to see you too. No Nat. I just took a little longer to get here because I was getting someone’s favorite booze. If you don’t want it though, I’m sure Yelena will drink it.”
Nat’s eyes widen slightly as she looks to the dock where you’d left the bag of groceries you’d brought. Yelena was looking through it already and Nat jumps to her feet to make sure she doesn’t try to steal your gift. She mutters a thanks under her breath as she kisses your cheek before she’s gone and you smile widely as you settle down in the sand next to Wanda.
“Sorry I’m late. I hope I didn’t miss too much?”
Wanda smiles as she shakes her head and looks out to the lake that she hasn’t gotten in yet. Her plans had been to just sit in the sun, maybe take a nap until you got here and then to see how you felt about going for a swim. She was sure you and Yelena, and maybe Pietro would get into some sort of trouble sooner rather than later, so she’d like to spend some time with you beforehand.
“Not really. Nat had to help me with my sunscreen though since you weren’t here.”
You frown at the idea of missing out on getting to do this. It was only one of your favorite things about going to the beach with your wife. Other than seeing her like this of course, it was a perfectly convenient and innocent way to have your hands all over her without it being too much PDA.
“That’s too bad. I’ll just have to help you with it later after we swim.”
Wanda smiles at this as she puts her sunglasses back on because squinting at you is becoming tiresome. She watches as you move over to steal Nat’s seat just so you can take off your shirt and shorts that you wore over your suit for the ride here.
“Unless you need to finish up here.”
You shoot your wife a curious look and she just sighs contently before promising that she’ll be there soon. She just got comfortable and she knew that once she got in the water she’d smell like lake and she wanted to hold off for just a bit longer.
“I’ll be there soon. Just a few more minutes.”
You smile before folding your clothes and standing up with a stretch. You’re looking out at the water where your dog is paddling around, so you miss Wanda look you up and down appreciatively. If it was anyone other than family here, Wanda wouldn’t want you to show off the tanned and toned body that’s only for her to admire. She watches your muscles flex as you stretch out your back with a groan. She doesn’t get more than a second or two to think about feeling them beneath her before you speak up.
“Okay, Wands. I’m going to look for turtles then.”
Wanda laughs but just watches with a smile as you head for the dock. You may only work with cats and dogs, but one of your favorite animals are turtles. Any kind of turtle you loved and although sea turtles were your absolute favorite, that didn’t stop you from trying to spot another kind here. She watches as Bucky and Steve walk down from the house with a large cooler and yet another dog.
This one was a rescue that Bucky had found and adopted recently. He was a shepherd mix who had been abused by his previous owners who eventually put him out on the streets. You’d met him almost immediately after Bucky brought him home and you’d done your best to make him feel comfortable. Bucky had told you that Kit, he was named after the county he’d been found in, was only a foster, but he was going to try to adopt him. He was very skittish and reluctant to trust, but he’d bonded with Bucky quickly and has since made a lot of progress adjusting to his new life.
Boone sees him immediately and swims towards the dock so he can greet him. He and Kit hadn’t been fast friends. The two shepherds hadn’t fought, but they’d been wary when in each other’s company and never wanted to be too close. They’d never been left alone because neither you nor Bucky wanted to take the chance of something happening, but maybe this weekend you both would get the chance to try and improve their relationship. Not to mention Fanny’s presence always helped because everyone loved Fanny.
“Hey guys. Good to see you.”
You hug the duo that are dressed in swim trunks with t-shirts slung over their shoulders. They were obviously ready to swim, and it didn’t take them long at all to get wet. Everyone on the dock for that matter. Only Yelena and Pietro noticed as Boone jumped up from the water and shook himself out. You yelped and Nat narrowly escaped with her booze without getting drenched by a wet dog. You turned to him with a scowl, but the sight of your happy wet dog made you smile quickly. You didn’t pet him though because he was a little gross, and you just watched as he looked to Kit who was already starting to freeze.
“Boone be nice. Go see your mom.”
Your dog comes up to you with a whine but you shake your head before pointing to Wanda. She realizes too late what you’re doing and she’s ambushed by a wet dog licking her face. She shrieks and tries to get away, and you cringe as she falls out of her chair. You start to move so you’re hiding behind Steve, but Pietro’s laughing luckily takes the attention off of you for the moment. You watch as your wife stands up angrily and throws her sunglasses down on her chair. She ignores Boone as she glares at you in a way that makes you realize you’re definitely in trouble. You laugh nervously before muttering something that Wanda doesn’t hear, but certainly it doesn’t matter at the moment.
“I’ll be back. I’m just going to look for some turtles.”
You run off to the edge of the dock before diving in the lake and Boone barks as he follows you in from the shore. You swim out and just tread water as you wait to see what your wife does in response to your poorly thought-out decision.
“I should have gotten that one on tape.”
Wanda just glares at her brother as she steps onto the dock in search of alcohol. She’s going to need it if she’s going to relax on this trip. She had only been looking forward to this for months, and it was a quick decision to invite her friends and brother along. She tried to keep it a secret from Pietro for only a week before he found out. She’d told him that this was an important vacation for her and that if he was coming, he couldn’t be a pain in her ass.
So far, so good.
She nearly spits out the sip she’d just taken when she feels an arm wrap around her and pull her back. She sputters and curses before she begrudgingly accepts the side hug from the taller Maximoff.
“Alright, I know what you’re thinking. I’ll be good. Thanks for letting me crash your vacation.”
Wanda just mumbles something at him before nodding in thought. She takes another sip of her drink before she looks out toward the water where you’re swimming around seemingly aimlessly. Boone and Fanny are nearby but since you’re not doing anything interesting, they’re mostly keeping to themselves. She wonders how you’re feeling after this week. You’ve only been talking about being overwhelmed nearly every day. She hopes that this vacation will be relaxing for you.
“Sure thing, Piet. Just remember, three strikes and you’re confined to the basement.”
This wasn’t as harsh as it sounded because the basement of the lake house was equipped with everything that Pietro would need to get through these two weeks. There were a few bedrooms, two baths, a game room, and a full kitchen down there. He was actually going to fight Steve and Bucky to stay down there, but he would worry about that later.
He nods with a small smile before messing up his sister’s hair and stealing her booze. She shoots him a glare that he just waves off as he eyes you where you’ve already started your search for your favorite reptile.
“Duly noted. Now go join your wife, sestra.”
Wanda only considers doing something else just to spite him for a few seconds, but then you glance over to her with a smile and she’s already walking toward the end of the dock. She knows that this vacation probably would have been more relaxing without her family here, but she knew she’d still enjoy it. They deserved time off too and it was always nice to see you enjoying your time with family. That said, she decides that she’s going to spend some time alone with you for a bit. Even if she has to help you look for turtles.
She jumps off the dock and swims toward you with quickly. She’s intercepted by a dog and she just scratches Boone’s wet head before turning her attention back to you. You’re only a few feet away, and you’ve started swimming toward her once you realized she was in the water.
“Any luck yet?”
You shake your head before reaching out as you get closer to Wanda. She meets you half way and grabs your hand as you lead her further from the shore. You briefly look to your friends who are chatting and drinking, and you’re glad that they’ve joined you for your much-needed vacation. The house was large enough that everyone could get their own room, two honestly, so there would be plenty of privacy. You could go days just lying in bed and no one but maybe Wanda would force you to get up, but you are just excited to be away from work for a bit.
“Nah, they’re all doing their own thing, but that’s fine. I was just going to swim around a bit."
Wanda smiles at you and watches for a few seconds as you float on your back with a relaxed look on your face. She’s glad to see you so at peace after how busy things have been for you, and she sneaks up on you and reaches out to help you float. She kisses your cheek and her smile widens as you open your eyes and shoot her a knowing look.
“Having fun?”
You nod in agreement, ignoring the water that sloshes around your face as you continue to float. You feel Wanda’s hands on your back and you take a deep breath as you look back up at your wife. You reach out for her and bring her closer so you can kiss her again. You’re grateful to her for making this happen, and you’re very much looking forward to spending time with her during this vacation. Your family too, but your wife especially.
“The best. I’m glad to be here with you, Wands.”
You and Wanda float together for a bit before you decide to go searching for animals again. Wanda humors you for a bit before she decides to head back toward the shore. She’s getting hungry and the smell of the boys cooking draws her back to the group. The dogs are already there begging for food, and when you emerge from under the water again Wanda decides to see if she can tempt you away from the turtles for a bit.
“What do you say we get something to eat?”
Your eyes light up at the mention of food, and you only hesitate for a second before you nod in agreement. You reach out for your wife’s hand and she grabs yours with a smile. Yours grows as you pull Wanda toward you before shooting her a challenging look.
“I’ll race you. Loser has to babysit your brother.”
You don’t wait for a response before you duck underwater and are on your way to the food. Wanda catches up to you quickly, but she falls just short of beating you. You help her onto the dock before you consider pushing her back in just to tick her off. She must see the intent on your face because she grips your wrist tightly as she shoots you a warning look.
“Don’t you dare.”
Instead of shoving Wanda back into the water, you kiss her cheek and lead her to where your friends are grilling. Boone comes to greet you, but then he immediately runs back to Steve’s side to try and get some scraps. You can easily see that he’s already set aside a sizeable pile of pre-cut meat for the dogs as a present. You smile at this and have no complaints as you follow your wife’s lead toward the house.
This was going to be a great vacation.
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writing-house-of-m · 1 year
Welcome to the Team
Wanda Maximoff x Reader x Jeff the landshark
Summary: Jeff meets the team
A/N: Here is part 2 of my Jeff AU. In celebration of today being a year since I first posted a fic there will be a double bill of Jeff! The final 1 year celebration request includes Jeff too so you can expect that later on. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this part, it's practically a crack!fic 😂
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It is unusual for everyone to be sitting in the lounge area on a random Friday afternoon. But you have put it off for long enough so it is time to finally rip off the band-aid.
You are standing facing the group of heroes who are all looking at you expectedly with Wanda standing right behind you. You look over your shoulder and see her give you an encouraging smile, waiting for you to start talking.
Taking a breath, you begin. "Okay. I know you're all wondering why we've asked you here today." And before you can get anywhere the Avengers must think this is the cue to start a guessing game.
"Wanda's pregnant!" Tony exclaims.
Some of the quicker thinkers widen their eyes and reflexively look at you.
You point at him to quickly shut down the thought, "No."
"Really? There have been some weird noises coming from your room lately," Sam thinks aloud.
Once again you are stopped before you can comment.
"You're moving out together?" Bucky asks.
You're about to decline the accusation but then they all come flooding in.
"You finally proposed?" Natasha questions.
"Wanda proposed?" Steve opposes.
"Oh wow, I really thought it would be you to pop the question, Y/n. What a twist," Carol, who you don't even know why she is here, says.
"You got a dog?" Peter speaks with a hopeful look in his eye.
"A cat maybe?" Bucky decides to add his own input. Along with Bruce who follows with, "Perhaps a rabbit?"
You turn to see Wanda amused by the whole thing. Turning back around, you have to raise your voice to be heard, "QUIET!" This manages to restore some order to the meeting you called.
"Thank you," you relax. "None of you are right. Actually I guess Peter, Bucky and Bruce were close."
You see Peter raise his hand for a fist bump but Bruce mistakes it for a high five so it turns into an awkward closed hand around a fist situation. Bucky is too far from either of them to celebrate the small victory.
"There is a new addition to the compound, his name is Jeff," you announce.
"Who names a hamster 'Jeff'?" Peter asks.
"No way, it's going to be a parrot. Or some kind of bird right?" Clint 'The Hawkeye' Barton guesses.
Once again this starts off a new guessing game - What animal could it be?
"Monkey," "Raccoon," "Fox," "Guinea pig," "Chameleon," "Duck!"
You begin to question your life choices, how did you ever end up in this situation? Maybe you should have set this gathering up like a game show at least then it might have been fun for you too.
Instead of stopping them this time you take a seat until they hopefully tire themselves out.
"No, no. From the noises I heard it's definitely a goat," Sam remarks.
You decide it's hopeless when the discussion doesn't look like it will cease. Giving up the waiting game you nod your head to Wanda rolling your eyes, you can tell she is holding in her laughter for your sake.
She leaves the area and after a few moments she returns with Jeff. It is only when the pitter patter sound of footsteps close in do they realise you are no longer standing directly in front of them. Instead you are next to Wanda with a new being between you.
You could hear a pin drop now that everyone's gazes are fixed to the little guy.
"Everybody, this is Jeff," you introduce your new roommate.
The attention seems to make Jeff nervous, you don't know if he has ever had this many eyes on him. Possibly when he was captive in the lab. You realise this could be traumatic for him so you guide him to step behind you.
His two front feet grip your leg as he peers round to see everyone still looking at him.
Wanda sits on the floor close to him with a hand resting on the fin on his back. "It's okay Jeff, they're all friendly," she reassures him.
"Is that a fish with legs?" Clint asks, "Oh man, I was way off."
"He's a shark," you say matter-of-factly. When you see everyone's expression change to a worried or frightened one you clarify further in hopes to calm their nerves. "A landshark!"
It doesn't work.
"Y/n, what the hell is a landshark? You better start explaining and fast," Natasha all but threatens you. You can see one of her hands has disappeared behind her back meaning she is defensively readying a knife behind her.
"He's not harmful, he's really friendly," you say. Then you remember some things you have read about sharks so are quick to add, "Also sharks are misconstrued as being vicious when they're actually not. They get a bad rep even though they're basically puppies of the ocean. Did you know, more people are killed each year by coconu-"
"Y/n!" Natasha interrupts.
"Right," you say, gathering your thoughts and glancing down at him. "He's nice and friendly and really playful. A bit of a clutz too. We've had him hidden in our room for about two weeks now."
This seems to bring Tony's attention away from the shark to you, "Oh really? And you didn't think to mention this to the person who pays for everything around here?"
"We were going to tell you after the first night he stayed but didn't bother because we didn't think he would be here for this long. Dr Cho was trying to get a specialist in to take a look at him but there were delays," Wanda momentarily takes over for you.
"Oh, so Cho knows. That's great," Tony comments sarcastically, "as well as the specialist, right?"
"Yes. Plus two others who work with the specialist," you add much to Tony's dismay.
Jeff seems to be a bit more comfortable because he has come out from behind you. He tugs on your pant leg wanting to be picked up by you so you oblige and feedback to the group what you have found out so far.
"They finally looked him over a couple of days ago. No one knows where he has come from or why he looks the way he does. The working theory is that he was experimented on which fits with what Wanda saw in a flash the first time she came in contact with him."
Jeff starts squirming in your arms so you nod to Wanda to continue while you try to settle Jeff by whispering words of affirmation to him. Telling him none of these people will hurt him as you rub up and down his back.
"From the tests and interacting with him so far he seems to be able to understand us and in addition to being able to breathe air he can breathe underwater too. The more time we spend with him the easier it has been to communicate," Wanda finishes, while she scratches under Jeff's chin which helps calm his nerves.
Everyone looks on in silence as Jeff pulls away from you slightly. You speak in a low tone asking if he wants to say hi to the team. Which, reluctantly, he agrees to.
There is a strong bond between you, even if it hasn't been too long since you found him, so he knows he can trust anyone you want to introduce him to.
You go to place him on the ground but he whines a little while clutching your shirt. Instead, you stand back up and he turns in your arms facing the expecting crowd.
He raises his little hand in a wave speaking in a small voice, "Mrr."
In a second everybody's eyes soften and you hear a collective 'aww' sound out.
Maybe you should have started with this.
They are all about to rush over but you stop them from doing so with a hand out in front of you while taking a step back. Wanda moves swiftly standing between the incoming horde and Jeff.
"One at a time," she requests.
Peter makes his way over first and greets Jeff introducing himself.
It definitely must be a sight, all of this.
A young couple holding a shark as if he is a baby. It is only inevitable that someone asks, "So, is Jeff like your child then?"
And of course that person has to be Natasha.
The Jeff you are looking at now is unrecognisable to the Jeff from half an hour ago. He has lossened right up.
After everyone introduced themselves Peter decided to show Jeff his web slingers and, against yours and Wanda's wishes, hung Jeff upside down from the ceiling. The excited noise and wide smile was enough to make you step back. But not too far back just enough, in case you needed to catch him.
After that he spent some time with Carol who showed him a glowing fist. Natasha smirked at Wanda and you as she twirled a knife around her fingers, Bucky doing the same which turned into a contest.
When they weren't looking you picked him up and moved him away from the crazy movements.
As the only member with kids Clint simply spoke to him like he was a baby, Steve said he didn't have any tricks for him but maybe one day he would show Jeff his shield. Sam asked Jeff if he wanted to pet Redwing which he happily did.
Even now Tony has been playing tricks with him, making a coin disappear then reappear from behind Jeff's ear. He had to borrow a coin from someone first, it would have been more surprising if Tony had any small change on his person to begin with.
Next is Bruce who tells Jeff there is someone else he should meet then transforms into the Hulk. Jeff looks at the green giant in wonder then puts his arms up to be picked up so he can be the tallest in the room. When Hulk sees Jeff he crouches down so he is eye level with Jeff, sniffing and surveying him. He chuckles, calls Jeff 'a puny baby' then picks him up and places the landshark on his head.
Shortly after everyone takes their leave. Clint is on his way home to his family, Natasha goes to train with Bucky following behind her. A Hulk-less Bruce returns to the lab with Tony. Steve, Sam and Carol are discussing a mission they are assigned to lead and Peter says he has some homework he needs to finish.
"What a day huh Jeff?" You breathe out, exhausted. Jeff looks at you like a small child while trotting around, jumping on the couches and back onto the floor excited about all the new friends he has made.
"I think Jeff is going to be just fine here," Wanda says to you as you both watch him, side by side.
"Hello good people of Earth!" You hear a familiar loud voice sound from the entrance disturbing your peace. And when he makes it in front of you, he is his usual happy self.
"Hi Thor... What are you doing here?" You ask, confused.
"I'm here for the meeting, of course," Thor says in his cheery voice.
"I didn't know you were on the mailing list," you say a little tiredly trying to think back to the email you sent out.
"I didn't know he knew how to check his email," you hear Wanda's side comment next to you.
"Well, I am the strongest Avenger after all," Thor boasts, "I should be here for all the little talks and what nots."
"Right," you say a little unsurely. "Err, the meeting is over now but it was to introduce a new resident to the compound."
You see him spot Jeff who peeks his head over the backrest between you and Wanda. He is looking at Thor in awe with his mouth agape much like he did when he saw Hulk.
As he climbs over the back rest you stand and Jeff stands next to you in front of Thor his head tilting back as he trails his eyes upwards from the hammer Thor is holding to his face.
"This is Jeff," Wanda says.
"Jeff the landshark," you add.
Thor has seen plenty of creatures in his lifetime so it's no surprise he doesn't react in a negative way. "Oh, how wonderful! Welcome to the team, little landshark!" Thor's voice booms excitedly.
You don't get a chance to tell Thor that Jeff is not a part of the team, only that he is staying with you in the compound because, before you know it, he lifts Jeff onto his shoulder and walks away with him.
Sighing heavily you place your hands on your hips when you hear Thor talking about a battle, going into excruciating details about how he killed a group of enemies. You are a little wary of how Jeff is going to respond to the gory details of war.
Wanda stands and moves behind you. She wraps her arms around your waist, kissing your shoulder. "He-" Wanda was about to say something but is cut off short when you both hear an excited squeal from Jeff in the distance so she rests her chin and giggles against you instead.
"I was going to say he's going to love whatever story Thor brings up, but that's kind of obvious now," she says, smiling into your shoulder.
You sigh again, "I know. But now he's going to want us to talk about all the fights we've endured and I don't think it's good for him."
Next, you hear some scuffling making you cringe because it sounds as though some equipment has fallen and crashed to the ground. Not long later you hear the sound of fast little footsteps making their way in your direction.
Then you hear Thor shout, "JEFF! GIVE THAT BACK."
Well this can't be good.
Before you can move from your spot Jeff runs past you with Mjolnir clutched in his mouth. Wanda has stepped beside you and when you glance at each other you see she holds the same shocked expression as you.
You both then turn to see Jeff's figure running out of the entrance doors. Wanda is clearly amused but you speak aloud the question on your mind, "How is he worthy and I'm not?" You ask, insulted.
Wanda wraps her arms around your neck, her fingers playing with your hair, "It's okay honey, you don't need a hammer telling you anything I don't already know."
She is leaning in to kiss you but a new voice enters your ears.
"Sestra! Come look! There's a dog in a shark costume out here!" Pietro exclaims, "And he's holding a fake hammer too!"
It is official.
Jeff has met the whole team.
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winters8child · 4 months
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 25
First thing in the morning, I walked over to the Shield headquarters, determined to get some answers. Outside, children played in the heatwave, laughing and splashing through sprinklers to cool off. I had thought London was famous for its rainy weather, but this summer was proving brutal. A little girl with pigtails saw me watching and offered a toothy grin. The sight stirred something deep inside me—a pang of loss for a child I never knew I wanted.
Maybe it was just my emotions clouding my judgment, but she resembled Bucky in a way—the same brown hair and strikingly blue eyes. I waved at her as her parents guided her into the ice cream parlor beside the road. I stood there, frozen in my thoughts, until a boy on a bike rang his bell and jolted me back to reality. I couldn’t afford to be distracted. I needed to stay focused for what lay ahead.
I stepped into the lobby of Shield headquarters and approached the receptionist. “I need to see Peggy Carter,” I said, hoping she was aware of my situation. The receptionist nodded and led me to Peggy’s desk, where I took a seat. She would be back shortly, I was told. I sat in the same chair where I had broken down weeks earlier, though it felt like a lifetime ago.
A few minutes later, Peggy arrived with a warm smile that quickly faltered when she saw me. “Did you know? About my pregnancy?” I asked bluntly. Her face told me everything I needed to know.
“I found out just three days before you did,” she said, her voice sincere. “I would have told you if I’d known before the serum.” Her apology seemed genuine, but I was still seething. “You mean before Shield took away my baby?” I snapped.
Peggy took the seat next to me, her expression softening. “I’m deeply sorry you had that choice taken from you. I can’t imagine what you’re going through.” Her sympathy was real, and for a moment, I felt understood.
“If you need someone to talk to, I’m here,” she offered gently. “I know you have the commandos, but sometimes men can be... well, a bit dense.” She gave a weak smile. I nodded, though I wasn’t here for a therapy session. “There’s something else,” I began. “Since I got the serum, I’ve been experiencing this condition where I fall into a kind of frenzy when someone I care about is in danger. It’s like I’m driven to protect them, no matter how extreme or unreasonable the measures might be. Has Dr. Erskine mentioned anything about this?”
Peggy took a moment to consider her response. “Dr. Erskine’s theory was that the serum amplifies what’s already inside us. Take Steve, for example—he’s a good man, and the serum made him even greater. Schmidt, on the other hand... well, you see where I’m going with this?” I was confused for a moment. Was I so inherently flawed that the serum brought out buried emotions?
“From what Steve and the others have told me, you seem to be a fiercely loyal person,” Peggy continued. “Perhaps the serum is amplifying your innate desire to protect those you love, no matter what it takes.” Her explanation made sense but also complicated things. I had to find a way to control these outbursts if I wanted to be a reliable member of the team.
I thanked Peggy and was about to leave when she called out to me. She looked hesitant, as if she wanted to ask something but wasn’t sure how. “It wasn’t Steve’s child, was it?” she asked softly, a hint of worry in her eyes. I understood why she was asking; she had seen the way Steve and I were together. She must have noticed the stolen glances, the way he held my hand, the closeness we shared. But she didn’t know about the lies, the betrayal, or how it all fell apart. I looked down, feeling ashamed and mourning what could have been. “No, it wasn’t his,” I said, and walked out without looking back.
The following weeks were spent mostly alone in my hotel room. The commandos were out on missions, taking down Hydra bases, and I felt useless. At least they let me tend to their wounds when they returned. As always, I anxiously awaited their arrival, and when I heard the familiar commotion downstairs, I rushed out of the makeshift infirmary I had set up. I went through the faces of the commandos, making sure everyone was accounted for before allowing myself to breathe a sigh of relief.
Falsworth was the first to spot me at the top of the stairs. “Good to see you, love. I think I’ve broken a few ribs that need the attention of the best nurse in town,” he said with a grin. Dum Dum Dougan laughed. “I think it’s just your bruised ego because I saved your ass.”
I ignored their banter and walked over to Steve and Bucky, who seemed to be in the middle of a heated argument. “You either let her join us on the next mission, or I’m not coming,” Bucky said, his anger palpable. Steve looked exhausted, a clear sign that Bucky had been pushing him for weeks. I touched Bucky’s arm gently. “It’s okay, Buck. Let it go,” I said, glancing at Steve, who looked pained. I noticed a large scratch on his chest. “You’re hurt, Steve. Let me take care of that.” I took his arm and guided him to the infirmary.
Steve hesitated. “It’s fine. It’ll heal on its own.”
“That could take hours. Don’t be ridiculous,” Bucky interjected.
Steve followed me reluctantly and sat on the cot in the center of the small room. I had everything I needed for first aid: two cots, a privacy screen, and a few supplies. He had already removed his suit and wore a cream-colored shirt, now stained with blood. “Can you take the shirt off?” I asked quietly. He complied without meeting my eyes.
I took a cotton pad soaked in disinfectant and began to clean his wound. His breath brushed against my face, and I focused on my task, trying not to look up. I almost missed the whisper, “I miss you.” My heart ached as I looked into his eyes, seeing the heartbreak there. He took my hand and pressed it to his lips, kissing it gently.
“I missed you too,” I murmured, our faces so close that our breaths mingled. The moment seemed to stretch on endlessly. I didn’t want to hurt him again, but my body ached for him. Steve closed the distance between us and kissed me, pulling me close by the hips. It was a slow, tender kiss full of hope. I lost myself in it until I noticed the pain on his face. I realized that we were so close together that I had pressed against his injury, and his blood stained my shirt.
He pulled back, apologizing. “I’m sorry... for the blood. I got carried away.”
“It’s alright. Let me finish treating you,” I said softly, and I completed the bandaging in silence.
When I was done, Steve looked at me with a searching gaze, but found nothing. I stared at my shoes, feeling vulnerable and conflicted. I didn’t want to toy with his emotions or give him false hope. Steve leaned in and kissed my forehead before heading to the door. He turned around one last time. “I’m not sorry for kissing you,” he said, and then he left.
Next Chapter
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emberedroses · 3 months
Hands that Heal [Bucky x Reader]: Chapter 2
Masterlist | Prologue | Chapter 1
Summary: You're the Avengers newest all-star Medic. Your life changes when you meet the infamous Bucky Barnes, who is unlike any veteran you've met before in your career.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Doctor!Reader
Word Count: 8.7K
!! Warning 18+; Minors DNI !!
Chapter Warning: Mentions of anxiety.
The Doctor is In
Bucky could have turned either right or left and avoided the office at the end of the hall entirely.
He could have pretended he was lost or on the wrong floor and turned back around to avoid the doors that separated the office from the rest of the rooms on the level.
He could have easily avoided seeing a doctor.
Bucky could have gotten out of this situation and gone about his day as if nothing had happened.
Yet, he didn't. He couldn't bring himself to go through with his escape tactics.
Bucky knew he needed help. Whether he liked it or not, visiting 'Dr. Delmar' was the only way to get rid of the pain plaguing his back.
'It's just a check-up,' Bucky reassured himself. He stood in front of the glass sliding door, his finger hovering above a security keypad. 'You've faced worse. Like Steve said, it's just a check-up. It's not the end of the world.'
He couldn't lie to himself. This big jump out of the realm of his usual routine was the end of the world. Or at least it felt like it. The only reason Bucky found himself walking down the third-floor hall was to prove he wasn't the weakling coward he feared he had become.
The keypad lightly beeped with every number he inputted. A small green light flashed in the corner of the keypad, and the glass door quietly slid open.
'Breathe.' Bucky took a quick breath and stepped inside. 'It's not the end of the world.'
He took a few more steps inside the office. It was far enough that the door slid shut behind him. He knew now there was a point of no return.
'This office is huge,' Bucky almost whispered. 'It's more of a clinic if anything.'
He couldn't help but admire the details of the clinic. If Bucky could spare one compliment to Steve's snarky billionaire husband, it would be that he spares no expense when it comes to interior designs.
The same teal that was seen contrasting the white and grey marble tiles was the exact same shade of teal that formed a line toward the end of the office contrasting the rest of the off-white wall. The doors leading into the consult rooms were grey with a white letter in the middle.
Even the air smelled like a walk on a beach. The scent was stronger once he stepped through the foggy transparent door, though, the cold ventilation was a big contrast to the nostalgic warm summer rays and reminded him that he was still in a doctor's office.
But the color scheme or the aroma wasn't the best part about the clinic. No, the highlight of the entire space was the water wall near the desk.
It took its name literally, as it was an entire wall of falling water. There was no glass casing over it, but the stream was thin enough to give the illusion that it was part of the dark blue backdrop. The bed of white rocks lined on the floor caught all of the water as it fell. The gentle pitter-patter of droplets made the entire place feel less intimidating.
'This place is beautiful,' No, 'beautiful' isn't what he would describe this place. It was calming. He forgot that places are capable of making one feel at peace. 'It's definitely calmer than most medic wards in the tower.'
His eyes lingered on the man at the desk a little longer than he wanted. It was hard not to when he seemed so hyper-focused on the screen in front of him that he hadn't noticed someone walk into the room.
'I haven't seen him before. Must be new.'
"Woah, I'm so sorry about that. Welcome in," Bucky nearly jumped from the sudden greeting. He hoped the man didn't catch on to his staring earlier. "Are you seeking treatment?"
"Um, yes, my back hurts?" 
Bucky walked closer to the desk. The man's hazel eyes followed him as he approached, and his pearly white teeth shone as bright as his smile. Getting a better look at the man, Bucky could confirm that he'd never seen him anywhere around the tower before.
 The man's face was youthful and clean-shaven, and his curlish brown locks were gelled back. The navy scrubs complimented his olive skin tone, and he could see the outline of defined muscles underneath the grey compression sleeves he wore on each arm. 
'Tony really hired an entirely new staff for this place. This doctor must really be something.'
"Did you sustain an injury?"
"I'm very sorry about that. Good thing you came to the right place,"
The man's words bleed with perkiness despite his deep voice. Part of him envies how happy he is, to have such joy that it seeps into your tone and diction.
'What is it like to have a fraction of that?'
"Have you been here before?"
"No," Bucky shook his head. "This is the first time I've heard about this place."
"That's okay; my name is Cristóbal or Cris, and I'm an RN here," Cristóbal pointed to his shirt pocket, which had his name embroidered in white cursive text with a white heart next to it. "I'll be checking you in and taking your vitals once we get you set up in a room. Could you give me your name and date of birth so I can pull you up in the system?"
"It's James Barnes. Birthdate is March third, 1917."
"Ah, you look good for your age."
Bucky tried to match Cristóbal's smile. It was a light-hearted joke, but there was this pain that lingered inside his chest. He badly wanted to respond: "I wish I didn't have to be this way," but he knew better than to go around making bad impressions on the new staff.
Cristóbal focused his attention back on his keyboard. He typed something into the computer before looking back up at Bucky.
"Alright, got your chart going," Cristóbal reached underneath his desk, pulled out a tablet, and slid it toward Bucky. What appeared to be a sign-in form was on the bright white screen. "Please fill this out so we can check you into the system. Once you're done, we can bring you back," As Bucky grabbed the tablet off the desk, Cristóbal pointed towards the water wall. "You can sit over there. It's more comfortable than standing here."
"Oh, okay."
Bucky was a bit embarrassed that he had been so engulfed in taking in the scenery that he hadn't noticed the line of chairs in front of the wall.
"Just bring it over when you're done."
Bucky nodded and made his way over. The moment he hit the chair, another wave of pain shot up his back. He huffed as he adjusted his back to gain some relief, but still, there wasn't any.
'If this works, I won't have to be dealing with this any longer.'
Most of the questions on the screen were auto-filled with his information. Bucky scrolled down, checking to see if there were any mistakes or blank answers.
"Everything seems to be in order," Bucky mumbled to himself. "Is there something I'm missing?"
From across the room, he heard the sound of a door clicking open, followed by the soft mummers of a woman's voice. Bucky looked up briefly, but no one other than Cristóbal was near the desk.
'Why did he hand this to me if everything was answered for me?'
His eyes focus back on the screen and he scrolled further down on the page. A blank table finally came up. He sighed as he read the question at the top.
'Place an "X" in the column that describes your level of pain?'
He read through all fifteen works that ranged from 'throbbing' to 'cruel-punishing'. He feared putting an 'X' next to any of them.
'I have to put something...' Bucky stared at the words. He felt his face grow hot as he read them. The thought of him being in this position in the first place filled him with shame. 'It's definitely not 'cruel-punishing'. I'm not supposed to feel that helpless.'
Bucky placed an 'X' next to the words 'sharp', 'aching', and 'tender'. It seemed less embarrassing than the other thirteen descriptors.
Below the chart was an outlined diagram of a man's body with one facing frontways and the other facing backward.
'Mark the area where your pain is the most persistent.'
Bucky gently pressed his finger to the area between his neck and shoulder and zig-zagged the jagged line near his lower back. When he moved his hand away from the screen, nearly half of the diagram was covered in red lines.
'That's a good way of describing it.'
He scrolled further down away from the diagram only to see two questions in bold lettering, along with a little box big enough to type in a number or two inside.
'On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?' Bucky clicked his tongue while thinking. 'An easy five, maybe?'
'How long have you had this injury?'
Bucky re-read the question a couple of times. He didn't know why. He had come to terms with what he had for a while, but seeing it on paper felt different. He forgot that underneath the bouts of serums and enhancements, he was still human.
He forgot the curse that comes with being one.
'Five days. I've been injured for five days.'
Bucky scrolled down, hoping to see more. At the end of the page was a green 'submit' button.
'Thank fuck that's all,' Bucky thought, pressing the button at the bottom of the chart. A green check mark took up the page. A sigh left his lips at the sight of it. 'Halfway through this.'
Bucky got up and saw Pietro coming out from one of the rooms and standing in front of the desk. Bucky tried to be quiet as he lined up behind him.
'I wonder what happened to him?'
"It's good to see you better," Cristóbal's overly cheery voice echoed through the clinic. "We don't have a follow-up scheduled for you, but do come back if you have any complications."
"Sounds like a plan. I'll catch you later."
Pietro turned around, and his face lit up with a smile. Bucky could only awkwardly move aside so the speedster could get through.
"Hey, what happened to you?"
"Hey, bad back," Bucky pursed his lips in a slight smile. What brought you here?"
"I got an arrow stuck in my shoulder. The emergency medics were able to take it out, but it caused a bit of nerve damage. But that's what I get for making bets with Sam."
"Well, be more careful, I guess?"
"No promises!" Pietro laughed, patting Bucky lightly on the arm. "Hope you feel better!"
Bucky waved the silver-haired man away as he turned to leave. He was painfully aware he sucked at small talk. As much as Steve assures him that the others on the team like and respect him, he doubts it with the way he awkwardly makes conversations with the rest of them.
"Thank you for waiting. I appreciate you filling this out," Bucky nodded at Cristóbal and placed the tablet on the desk. The preppy nurse moved it to the side. He typed something on his computer before standing up. "Let's get you to a room, James."
"You can call me Bucky. Everyone does."
Cristóbal turns his head, stopping them from stepping into the empty consult room. His smile had dropped slightly by this point. An almost invisible gleam cast over his eyes, making them glossy. 
'What the...?'
Bucky squinted, unsure if he had really seen what he thought he saw. 
"Is that your preference?"
He felt something pang in his chest like nothing he'd ever felt. It might have been how the nurse was staring at him so intensely that made him so uneasy.
"Okay, Bucky, right this way, please!"
Cristóbal blinked; the glossiness was gone, and his smile returned. 
'Are you going crazy already?'
Bucky exhaled lightly through his nose, trying to ignore his voice of woe as he walked into the empty room. 
'This is different.'
His eyes wandered around for a little too long. He couldn't help it. The room is unlike anything he had ever seen before. It had the same setup as most intake rooms in the emergency and non-emergency wards. Everything from the bed, the sink, the cabinets, and the chairs were identical other than color. All the furniture matched the color scheme of the office to a T. 
The only distinct difference was a multi-layered fountain built into the corner of the wall. It almost blended into it if it weren't for the teal-jade accents of the fountain blurring through the crystal-clear water.
'This place loves its fountains.'
"Have a seat for me right here, please," Cristóbal's voice interrupted his thoughts. The nurse held his hand out toward the chair next to the sink. "I need to check your vitals before the doctor can attend to you."
Bucky didn't hesitate to nod and shit down. His eyes locked on the nurse, but he refused to look into his eyes again after what he had seen moments before. There was a bit of silence lingering in the room. Bucky wanted to ask Cristóbal about the fountain, but before he could, the nurse was already scurrying around to the other side of the room toward a white cart carrying some machinery. Bucky watched intently as he plugged and unplugged some cords and pulled out a thick white cuff. He gulped as he knew what came next. "Do you mind rolling this sleeve up for me?"
Cristóbal pointed at his left arm. His body twitched uncomfortably. The words were stuck in his throat. Bucky contemplated showing him what lays beneath the black fabric of his loose-fitting shirt. He hoped the silent gesture would tell the nurse to use his other arm.
But Bucky didn't want a pitied look from the man. He didn't want to have to make up a fake explanation as to why he had such an advanced prosthetic or explain what the red star stands for.
"Oh, um, use this arm," He stammered. Bucky's eyes twitched a bit. He wasn't made to stammer. " It'll be easier."
Cristóbal smiled and undid the cuff. The sound of the velcro ripping apart made him a bit uneasy.
"Whatever you are comfortable with, just roll it on up for me."
"Right, sorry."
Bucky tried to be neat about it. But Cristóbal's eyes seemed to burn into him, and he ended up messily driving the end hem up to his shoulder. He looked back at Cristóbal and the nurse smiled and started lining the cuff up with his arm.
His skin grew with goosebumps from the feeling of the cool cuff mixed with the warmth of Cristóbal's fingers brushing against his skin.
"You're going to feel a tight squeeze," The nurse whispered to him as the cuff began to tighten around his arm. Bucky learned to plant his feet when he was nervous. It was safe to say the soldier was a few seconds away from trembling from the tension between his legs and the floor. "just try and relax for me."
'Easier said than done, pal, easier said than done.'
Though Bucky's eyes were locked on one of the tiles of the floor a few feet away from him, he could hear Cristóbal shuffling around and hitting things against the metal of the cart. He then felt something light clasp over his right index finger.
"It's just to check your O2 levels. Look up for me, will you?" Bucky did what Cristóbal asked and his eyes met the ceiling. The light void gave him some comfort until he felt something glide against his forehead and rest below his chin. "And we're done!"
'Oh, thank goodness.'
The cuff released its tight grasp and Bucky nearly sighed in relief when Cristóbal began to remove the cuff and finger clasp from his body. He watched as Cristóbal load everything back onto the cart and push it away until it softly hit a wall.
"Good news, everything came back normal, so have some piece of mind about that. The doctor is currently finishing up with another patient, but they'll be within to meet you shortly, okay?"
"Sounds good, thanks."
"See you outside."
The door clicked when Cristóbal left the room. Bucky was alone for the first time since he entered the office. The first thing he did was let out an exhale he didn't realize he was holding in.
'It's almost over,' Bucky nearly whispered. He rolled his sleeve back down to his elbow, trying to make the wrinkled fabric seem neat. 'It's just a doctor. He's not gonna hurt you.'
There was a soft knock at the door. Bucky stared over at it before it opened, and a woman that he didn't recognize walked in.
"Good morning," You said, smiling through your teeth. "Am I speaking to Mr. James Barnes?"
"Great," The door clicked behind you, and you tucked a strand of (h/c) hair behind your ear. You picked up a tablet that was on the sink counter. Bucky watched you scroll through it for a moment in silence. You finally looked up at Bucky and he straightened his posture up to try and match yours. "How are you today, Mr. Barnes?"
"I'm doing okay."
"That's amazing to hear!"
You went back to looking over the tablet, leaving Bucky to just continue to stare at you. He couldn't stop himself.
"Let us see here..." 
As your voice trailed off into the silence of the room, Bucky's eyes trailed over your body. He noticed right away your outfit differed from Cristóbal's. While he wore a full set of scrubs with his name on full display, you were wearing a thin, black fleece jacket with a pair of navy blue scrub bottoms. Your name was nowhere in sight. 
'Is she a nurse too?'
"I have noted here you've been having back pain? How long has that been going on for?"
'More questions?'
"Oh, um, I've already had my intake."
You laughed a little bit to yourself. Bucky could only stare at you in confusion.
"Yes, I know, Mr. Barnes. I'm sorry for the confusion, I should have introduced myself first," You stood up and walked toward him with your hand out for him to shake. He stared down at it for a moment before you interrupted his gaze with your voice. "My name is Dr. Delmar, I'll be treating your injury today."
'Oh shit.'
Bucky's face flushed with embarrassment. Immediately, he took your hand and gave it a firm shake, and he grabbed your wrist with his other hand, caressing it slightly.
"I'm so sorry, I did not mean to be rude by any means."
"You're alright, don't worry about it."
Something about your words calmed him. It might have been your sweet and quiet tone or the way your eyes softened whenever it met his. It could have been anything, really. What he was sure about was that it felt nice to be talked to in a way none of the other nurses and doctors talked to him in the other medical wards.
"So, you've been having pain in your back leaning to the left?"
"Yes, I fell from a rooftop right on my back five or so days ago."
"Oof, yep, that'll do it to you," Bucky nodded politely. You finally set the tablet down again and clapped your hands together, getting his attention again. "Now, do you mind removing your shirt so I can get a look?"
"No problem."
The cold air painfully hit his body upon taking off his long sleeve. Bucky sheepishly crumbled it up in his hand and lazily set it over his knee. He could see the outlines of wrinkles already forming in the black fabric. And he would have cared more if not for how nervous he was being shirtless and alone with a woman he barely knew.
"Alright, I'm going to feel around. I apologize if my hands are a little cold."
Bucky had to physically stop himself from jolting away from your touch. He must have been so wrapped up in his own head a second ago he didn't even notice how freezing you were. And it only seemed to get worse the more you pressed around on his skin.
"I'm feeling some inflammation around this area. You may have a muscle tear or a damaged nerve. But nothing that can't be fixed here!" You moved away from his back and came back around to stand in front of him. "But I need to know something first."
"Is your prosthetic removable?"
"Not particularly?"
He heard you hum an 'okay' as you nodded your head slightly.
"I assume you shower with if that's the case?" You questioned again. "Does that mean you can get it wet?"
"Yes, my treatment program requires that I get your back wet."
'This wasn't what Steve and Tony told me at all.'
If he could be honest with himself. He didn't know what exactly to expect. But getting questioned by a doctor about whether or not he can get his metal arm wet while shirtless wasn't something he was prepared to have happened during his session with the famed 'Dr. Delmar'.
"Um, yeah, it should be fine."
"Okay, Mr. Barnes, I need you to lie down on your stomach for me, alright?" You went over to the other side of the bed and lifted up a padded head cradle. You then walked over to the cabinet pulled out a few small white towels and laid them around the padding, careful not to cover the hole in the cradle. "I'm going to perform a water scan on your back to get to the root of the problem. Then we can discuss treatment and a possible follow-up."
"Water scan? What do you mean?"
"I should really invest in infographics," He heard you whisper. You looked back at him and moved your chair out from behind you. "I'm not sure if Mr. Stark mentioned it, but I have the ability to heal people using water. Give me a moment so I can bring in my demonstration."
Bucky watched you leave the room quickly, only hearing you say something along the lines of, "Cris, come here."
You went over to the fountain in the corner of the room and dropped something from the bottle into the water. Bucky's eyes widened when he saw the clear water sparkle. You placed the dropper into your pocket and placed both palms underneath the stream. When you pulled them out, a small orb of water floated over your hands.
'This seems...different.' Bucky's left leg swayed while he waited. He was almost relieved when he heard footsteeps approaching the door.
"Nurse Cris will be my demonstration," Cristóbal looked unamused as you brought him into the room by his arm. He awkwardly waved at Bucky before you let him go. "You're arm?" He pursed his lips as he looked over at you. You smiled at him and pulled a bottled dropper out of your pocket. "Give me one second."
'This is VERY different.'
You moved your hands around, and the water manipulated itself between your palms. Bucky couldn't take his eyes off the way it danced around so effortlessly.
"Impressive, isn't it?" Cristóbal laughed out. "You would think you'd see it all as an Avenger."
"I don't mean to seem so surprised. I've never seen anything like this."
You smiled and stretched out the water as you made your way back to Cristóbal.
"Come here for a second, Mr. Barnes," Bucky quickly got up, still staring intently at the water flowing between your hands. He watched you place the stretched out water on Cristóbal's arm. "What I'm doing is taking this water and aligning it above his skin," Bucky nodded. He saw as the water showed faint outlines of nerves, arteries, and muscle. It was like the water made the top layers of skin and fat invisible. "You see that blue mark? That was from him pressing on it earlier. Everything else looks healthy and he is in no need of healing or care. What I did to him is what I will do to your back. Do you have any more questions?"
Even if he had questions, he would be too afraid to ask what he had just seen. He thought he would be used to all the magic and unusualness that surrounds him, but someone always comes along with some new ability he has to pretend to understand.
"Great. Thank you, Cris."
"It's always a pleasure, Doctor."
Cristóbal waved again and left the room in silence. Bucky made his way back to the bed. As he sat, he processed everything that he had just seen.
'No wonder Steve was so serious. Was he this surprised, too?
"So, um," Bucky weakly muttered out. "Do I lie down now?"
"Yes, sorry about that. Go on and get comfortable. We can get start as soon as you tell me you're ready."
Bucky aligned himself up with the bed and he was soon faced with nothing but the room's marble floor.
'Nothing to worry about.'
There was a silence interpreted by his own exhale. He checked his body to release any tension he thought he was holding. As his shoulders relaxed, he muttered softly, "I, I think I'm ready."
"Perfect," Your sweet voice followed his own hushed one. He exhaled again, doing his best to try and lean into your words. "Now, I'm going to be transparent. This may tickle. Can you promise me to be as still as you possibly can?"
"Sure I can do that."
"Thank you. Let's get started then!"
Bucky felt something cold tingle its way all around his back. He did what he was told and stayed as still as possible. Not one muscle in his frame moved. He heard you mumble a list of 'okays' and 'alright' to yourself. He imagined your eyes scanning over his open body. The image of his own veins and organs made his stomach churn, but he knew he had to contain himself.
'I don't want to be known as the patient who threw up all over the floor on his first check-up.'
"Just as I thought," You hummed. "Torn muscle."
'Steve was right after all.'
"This is an easy fix, Mr. Barnes, I understand this is your first treatment with me. What you are about to feel may be painful or even unnatural. But for your safety, I need you to do your best to hold still for me, okay?"
"O-okay," Bucky felt himself tense up a little. It was his nerves taking over. He let out a shaky exhale to try and ease his body back to being relaxed. "Sorry."
You light out a little giggle. It was a sound that made something in his chest flutter.
"There is no need to apologize, Mr. Barnes. I'm here to help you in the way that's most comfortable for you. If the healing session becomes too intense, please, just say so."
"Oh," Was all his brain could respond with. Bucky's eyes wanted to gloss over, but he knew better than to let a stranger see him cry, much less a kind stranger who happened to be his doctor. "Thank you."
"No need, Mr. Barnes. I want you to understand that this is a judgment-free area. And I am here for you."
'I am here for you.' He repeated. 'She is here for me?'
There was a moment where Bucky had to stop himself from getting up and engulfing you in the biggest hug of either of your lives.
'She's so...' His anxious mind, once racing with thoughts, could only settle on one word: 'Kind.'
"I'm going to begin now. Remember what I said, okay?"
"Yes. I'm ready."
Bucky wasn't prepared for the immense pain of the healing process. The entire left side of his body burned with an ache he had never felt before in his entire life. He never knew there were more levels of pain until this moment.
"Mphf!" Bucky muffled his own sound of pain by sucking in his lower lip. To distract himself, he tried his best not to bite into it, but the pain was so intense he was willing to risk scarring himself if it meant at least a bit of comfort. "Mphf...mphf..."
'Holy hell, how long is this going to take?'
"I'm almost done, Mr. Barnes. You're doing amazing. Thank you for holding still."
"Mhm." That was all he could say to you.
'What the...' The pain lasted only a few more seconds. Soon, the cool water was all he could feel on his back. No more burning pain or numbness. 'Is this real?'
"All done, Mr. Barnes," He felt the water lift off of himself, but he still felt damp skin. "Let me dry you off first, and then you get up."
The towel was warm against his skin. He shivered a bit but soon softened at the feeling of relaxation it brought.
"There we go."
Bucky lifted himself up and hopped off of the table. He adjusted his muscles, smiling at the feeling of his body being 'normal' again.
'Whatever 'normal' is for me anyway.'
"Would you like a warm robe?"
"No thank you," Bucky paused to slip his shirt back on. He used his hand to try and iron out the wrinkles but gave up halfway through, knowing that he would never get it crisp again without a real iron. "I have a mission brief after this."
"Understandable," Bucky caught a glimpse of your glistening pearly teeth as you talked. He couldn't help but smile at the sound of your voice. "How do you feel now?"
That is what Bucky wanted to say, but there was no way he was going to blurt that out to her.
"It doesn't hurt anymore."
"That's what I like to hear!" You exclaimed. Bucky watched as you washed your hands and dried them with a towel. He heard you mumble to yourself again before turning to look at him. "So, may return to regular activities, but I do want to schedule a follow-up if you plan on embarking on any combat missions in the next week."
"I have one scheduled in two days."
"I suppose I'll be seeing you tomorrow then, Mr. Barnes. Just following precaution."
"I know," He nodded. "Thank you, by the way."
"Of course. Thank you for trusting me enough to do this for you, Mr. Barnes."
"Careful what you say. You might be the only doctor I come to see from now on."
You laughed and bowed your head slightly.
"Well, I'd be my honor. Here, let me walk you out," You rushed to the door, holding it open for Bucky. He slightly thanked you and waited for you to close it back up so he could stay at your side. He followed silently as you strode your way to the front desk, where Cris was typing something into the computer. "Cris here will give you your discharge slip and schedule your next appointment."
"Thank you, Doctor."
"No problem. Take care, Mr. Barnes,"
You flashed him a last smile. Bucky felt so at ease looking at your face. He'd never known such kindness before. He's been to the medics on base, and they are respectful, but none of them were as nurturing as how you treated him.
It was different. The type of different he wouldn't mind getting used to.
'I can't get that ahead of myself.'
"Cris, I need to get something from behind the desk, so try not to kick me."
"Go for it," Cris didn't move his eyes away from his monitor as he picked up his keyboard and scooted his wheeled chair to the left. He finally looked up at Bucky and smiled. "Good to see that you're better, Bucky,"
Cris clicked his mouse a couple of times before grabbing an energy drink with various cherries decorated on the can. "I see the doctor has you scheduled for a follow-up tomorrow. What time works best for you?"
"I can make it around this time."
"Let's see here; I think we have that opening available," More clicks filled Bucky's ears. He noticed you pulling some items out from beneath the desk and platting them onto the desk. Several bottles of unlabeled drop bottles and boxes of gloves began to clutter the free space of the desk. Though Cris was concentrating on his screen, he kept looking to the side to ensure nothing would slide onto the keyboard. "So, I have you down for eight-thirty tomorrow morning. Does that sound alright with you?"
"Sounds perfect."
"Okay, let me get your discharge paperwork in order, and you'll be on your way," Cris clicked his mouse a few times before looking to his left. "Careful, Nene. I'm going to head to the back for a second. We're out of ink and paper at the desk printer, I'll get more after my break."
"Alright," Cris got up from his chair and nearly jogged back toward the other end of the clinic. You must not have noticed he was gone because Bucky could still hear you whispering about what you were missing. "Hey, Cris? Do you happen to know where the spare to-"
"Lady Delmar! Lady Delmar, are you in here?"
"Thor-? Fuck!" You cut your own voice off with a yelp. Then you got up and rubbed the top of your head with a face stung with annoyance. "I shouldn't have gotten up so fast," You hummed to yourself. You must have forgotten Bucky was there because the moment his eyes met yours, he could see your face flush with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Barnes, I didn't realize you were there."
"Are you okay?"
Bucky reached out toward you, and in your dazed state, you took a step back. He immediately felt his face fall. Had he already overstepped with you?
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. Is your head okay?"
"No need to apologize. I'm okay," He watched as you moved the stuff on the desk to the side. You dusted your pants off before striding out from behind the desk. You reached out your hand, and he nearly flinched when he watched your fingers lightly grace his left upper forearm. "Thank you for worrying. I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Barnes. Please excuse me."
As you walked off, taking your hand off his body, he had to stop himself from snapping his head back to watch you walk off.
'Did that really happen?'
He knew it was just a touch, but he couldn't stop replaying it in his head. You knew he couldn't exactly 'feel' the way your fingers felt on his arm, but you knew what arm you were touching, and you did it anyway- no apprehension, no judgment. It was hard for him to comprehend how someone could treat him with such normalcy.
"Thor," Your sweet voice rang through the clinic. "My favorite God of Thunder."
"Lady Delmar, fair as ever. I always had a suspicion I was your favorite."
"By default, as you are the only God of Thunder I know," You retorted sarcastically. "How is your arm doing?"
"Amazing! See, good as new."
From the corner of his eye, he could see Thor flexing his arm- presumably the one that had been injured before. Bucky self-consciously touched his right arm. It may be unfair of him to compare himself to a literal God, but he had more muscle than the average man.
'That has to count as impressive, right?'
"That is always good to hear. Do you have an appointment? I didn't see your name down in my books."
"No, thankfully, I am in excellent health. I mean, look at me, perfect as ever, no flaws. Would you not agree?"
'He may be a God, but he isn't indestructible. I've seen him banged up before and it's never pretty,' Bucky felt a little invasive for eavesdropping. But his only other option is to stare at a wall until Cris returns. It didn't help that Thor's voice was loud enough to be heard from several rooms over. Bucky was inclined to say the lack of secrecy was a flaw of God. 'And I would count arrogance as a flaw too. No one is THAT perfect.'
"As your doctor, I am happy you aren't in pain. What really brings you in here?"
"I have a patient for you."
"Really? Whose is this 'oh-so-mysterious' patient?"
"One moment, he has escaped from me."
Thor's loud footsteps could be heard leaving the room.
"Hello there."
'I forget he is able to do that.'
"Loki, is everything alright? Your brother seems to be worried."
A muffled sentence could be heard from the other side of the sliding door. Bucky nearly broke and turned his head. He worried you would judge him if he found out he was listening to the conversation and he was already struggling with trying to make a good first impression.
"He burned his hand on the stove!"
"She didn't need to know that, you goof!"
"Why not? It is normal and important information. How embarrassing said information can be is not for anyone to judge."
"My apologies to him. He insisted I come to undergo your treatment once again."
"He's just looking out for his little brother. It's very sweet of him."
"I have been told I am very kind. Thank you for noticing."
"Let me see your hand," There was a pause in the conversation. Bucky couldn't help but roll his eyes at Thor's incessant flirtatious remarks. He couldn't judge him too harshly. He couldn't count how many times he would shamelessly hang around the health wards during his time in the Army, hoping to woo the women there. "Hm, that looks like a second-degree burn, but it isn't anything I can't treat. Come on back, I'll have you out as quickly as you came in."
"Can I come back too?"
"The person being treated has to make the decision. Loki?"
"I suppose."
"Alright, come on, you two."
"Thank you for being so patient!" Bucky's eyes jolted toward Cris. He was so focused on the conversation behind him that he had forgotten why he was waiting there for him in the first place. "I apologize for the wait. Here you are!" He took the slip of paper in his hands and stared at it. It smelled like a gas station receipt with how pungent the ink stunk in his nose. A code with a website link underneath it was printed in navy blue lettering. Right at the bottom was tomorrow's date and the time of his appointment. "Just follow that site, which will give you access to the client portal. Other than that, I'll be seeing you tomorrow!"
"Thank you, I'll be seeing you."
Bucky awkwardly walked out of the office. The way he darted toward the elevator felt like deja vu. A part of him was scared Cris would clear his throat and call him back.
'I got to get out of here.'
He pressed the elevator and smiled softly when it dinged. The smile was nearly wiped off his face when he saw Sam standing there.
'Of course, it had to be him of all people.'
"Isn't someone a little late to the meeting?"
"Aren't you late too?"
"I'm always late. I thought you were better than this, Barnes."
Bucky chose to stay silent. Sam chuckled and shoved at his arm playfully. He only stared bullets into Sam rather than saying anything.
Another thing that came with reconnecting with Steve was getting along with his friend.
A friend he hated.
Hate was a strong word to Bucky. He doesn't hate anyone. Not even Tony, who, despite finding him annoying beyond belief, he can't find it in him to hate. He can never do that to the man who changed Steve's life. It would be disrespectful.
Sam wasn't Tony. He'd prefer to deal with another Tony than Sam. Tony respected him in some regard despite their strained relationship. Sam, on the other hand, never liked him and never tried to hide that fact.
Bucky would want to say his transparency was admirable, but he'd instead jump off two more buildings than dish Sam a compliment.
"Lighten up, man, it's called a joke. They didn't have that in the forties or something?"
'They did. They were a hell of a lot funnier than you.'
That is what he wanted to say. Instead, he held back a glare and nodded while forcing a smile.
"No, I got it."
"We're set on a mission together in two days," The elevator dinged. Bucky didn't get a chance to move before Sam shoved past him to get in front of the doors. "Try not to get in the way this time."
Bucky huffed as Sam walked off. He locked his jaw trying not to let Sam's childish words get to him.
'"That's just his sense of humor,"' He could already hear Steve telling him. '"If he jokes around with you, that means he likes you.""
'If he was so dang funny why haven't I ever laughed at a single one of his lousy jokes?'
Bucky couldn't help but let out one last huff as he made his way down the blue-lit hallway. The door automatically slid open as he approached. He could hear Steve, Tony, and Bruce talking amongst themselves. 
'This better be quick.'
"Buck, you're alright?"
Steve got up from the briefing table with a grin on his face. Bucky's cheeks tinted. Steve had the habit of sounding like his mother when it came to his woes and it turned him back into a blushing little kid.
'Now I know how Peter feels.'
"Yep, better than ever," Bucky retorted. "About the mission..."
"We just about wrapped up. I sent notes through the portal."
"I'll go over them later then."
"Well, it's still good to see you not squirming anymore.” Steve said, patting his shoulder. “How was meeting Dr. Delmar?”
Those eight syllables pulled the entire room toward him. Loud conversations died down into hushed whispers and the sound of swivel chairs adjusting could only mean one thing: 'They're watching you.'
"So you did take our advice?" Tony cooed. "Truly, I'm touched, Tinman."
Bucky stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the snide comment. Steve didn’t even bother giving his husband the ‘look’ anymore like he used to whenever he poked fun at him. 
"Me? I'm fine," Bucky waved off. As soon as those words left his mouth he saw everyone's eyes were off of him faster than they were ever on him. "Where did you find someone like her anyway?"
"What do you mean?"
Bucky looked away from Steve for a second. His heart beat like a drum against his chest.
‘Why did you say that out loud?’
"I mean, she was talking to Thor and Loki like old pals, I assumed she must be important."
"Sounds like someone's jealous they could talk to people."
"To answer your question, not particularly. She spent years working down at the Veterans Center in Brooklyn before Tony recruited her."
"I’ve heard of that place before. They said it was underfunded as hell, but they’re medical wing was the best in New York."
"(Y/n)'s only accolade before was being a star student. She graduated high school at fifteen, became a licensed physical therapist at nineteen, and became a Doctor by twenty-four."
"Tony, do you mean to tell me you hired teenage protege (y/n) Delmar?" 
"You were in the room when I was researching, how did you only now notice?"
"Still! You should have told me; I would love to meet her!"
In all the time Bucky has conversed with the seven-time doctorate scientist, rarely has he ever seen him this bashful. According to Nat, he’s easily impressed with anyone in the STEM or medical field. 
‘But he’s heard about Delmar before. She isn’t just something, she’s a real hotshot if people like Tony and Bruce are fanatics.’
"I asked you, and you said, to quote, 'I don't have time to meet every new hire.'"
"I was probably brain-dead then because I would never turn down a meeting with THE (Y/N) DELMAR!" Bruce chuckled at himself before using his cupped hand to cover a sigh. "I am a big fan. Did you know her thesis on the benefits of water therapy is the inspiration behind the spa pools I installed in the lounge?” 
"That was the best idea you've ever had by the way,” Tony interjected. “I mean, it’s only logical. Humans used nature to heal centuries ago, why is it such a surprise now that we should incorporate them more in the healing process?”
“It’s incredible stuff! Remember when I read it to you, Nat?”
“Oh, I remember. That was the longest coffee date you’ve taken me on.”
“I heard government agencies were trying to recruit her. I would say it’s a shame she turned them down, but if she didn’t she wouldn’t be working here with us,” Bruce's laugh echoed through the lab. Tony nodded in agreement with his words. Steve and Natasha were side by side and could only pretend to understand what they were conversing about. “I can’t wait to show the lounge to her, I know she’ll be impressed. Right, Nat?”
“Yes, I’m sure she will.”
“So what I’m hearing is she’s too smart for me?”
“On a technical level, yes, I would say she is too intelligent for you.”
Bucky tried to stifle his laugh, but he couldn’t help himself to at least smile at the comment.
"Smarts rarely get you anywhere. You gotta win her with charm, Wilson."
Steve gave Nat a look, but he rolled his eyes in response. 
"What? Look, if you aren't smart enough for a woman you gotta be funny or charming. You gotta have at least ONE."
"Hey, I'm funny!"
"I'd beg to differ." Bucky interjected quickly.
“I don’t recall asking you, Barnes, but noted.”
"Before you go harassing my new hire, keep in mind that Dr. Delmar is a resource for post-mission injuries and inquires only. Don't pester her with needless flirting.”
"She might not want to stick around when she meets you."
"Ha, you're one to talk, Barnes,” An annoying laugh echoed from the walls. Bucky hoped his frown was visible. “When was your last date? 1939?"
"It was actually 1943. You should ask your grandmother how it went."
"Oh yeah?"
"What do you plan to do about it, Wilson?"
A silence lingered amongst the team. Bucky watched Sam approach him from the other side of the room.
‘What do you plan to do?’
"Are you two done?” Tony’s voice boomed through the office. It did little to break the eye contact between him and Sam. “Unless you're in here for a mission, get out!"
"Yeah, Barnes,"
Sam got close to his face. 
Too close. 
The only time somelike like Sam should be this close is if he’s looking for a fight.
‘Don’t try me, Wilson. You won’t like where this will get you.’
Bucky’s chest puffed out from the instinct of the fighting thrill. Bucky wasn’t one to start fights, but he was more than willing to put an end to one.
‘Now he’s asking for it.’
“That’s enough, you two, not even my own son acts this immature! ” Steve managed to separate both of them before either one of them could get a word, much less a punch, in. “Bucky, Sam, I sent you both the briefing notes for Thursday’s mission. Go over them and report to me if there’s an issue. Don’t make me regret choosing you two for this.”
Bucky turned and left the room without another word. He heard Steve say something to him, but he couldn’t stand to look at Sam’s face any longer.
‘I don’t even know what his problem is. Tony doesn’t treat me this badly!’
He dragged himself back into the elevator and practically smashed the ‘close door’ button. He didn’t want to risk anyone from that room joining him. 
Bucky was angry. He practically fummed as he folded his arms.
‘I gotta get some air.’
Bucky pushed the button for the ground floor and sighed as the shaft descended.
"It’s been a hell of a long day," He muttered to himself. "I can’t wait for it to be over."
The elevator lifted slightly and his eyebrows rose at the floor he was stopping at.
'Third floor. Could it be…'
His heart skipped a beat as the door opened. To his dismay, it wasn’t you, but another one of his teammates.
"What up, Barnes?"
His cheery voice entered the elevator shaft before he did. Bucky forced a slight smile and stepped to the side to let Clint inside.
 "Hey, Barton," He responded half-heartedly. "Did you also get an arrow in your shoulder?"
"I saw Pietro earlier, he said he got an arrow stuck in his shoulder?"
"Oh, no nothing like that!" He laughed. "Just came down to greet the new doctor. She’s real a real sweet girl. Have you got a chance to say hi yet?"
"Y-yeah, she treated an injury I had. She’s nice."
"Oh shit, you alright?"
"I fell off a building a couple days back and Steve needs me on a mission with him and Sam in two days."
"Oh shit. How bad was it?"
"Torn muscle, but I'm good as new."
"Glad you’re alright, man, you should have said something before. Remember, we look out for each other, no matter what."
Clint smiled and faced back towards the door. Bucky held back a sigh. There was something strange about the entire thing. How someone can work with someone else for so long, know everything from their fighting style, their flaws, and fears, yet not know their favorite color is?
Steve would always tell them they’re a big family. They might be HIS family, but who knows what the rest really think about him.
'What’s wrong with you?'
Clint turned toward him and waved as the door split open.
"Take care, man. No more injuries, alright?"
"Bye," Bucky said so quietly he wasn’t sure Clint heard him. The door opened right then and Clint sped off into the cold and gray parking garage. "Good talking to you."
Bucky stood back and watched him for a second before also stepping off away from the elevator. He didn’t bother going further than a few steps before plopping himself on a blue steel bench. 
‘Even if I wanted to go anywhere, I didn’t bring my damn keys.’
Bucky didn’t want to head back to the Tower anytime soon. But he also didn’t want to ride his bike when he was still hot from his conversation with Sam. 
"I just need a few seconds…" He mumbled. "Sam’s just being a dumbass."
He cringed slightly when he heard the small echoes of his muffled words pang through the garage. He didn’t want to know what would happen if someone heard him.
'When did my life become some mellow-dramatic mess?'
A sigh so loud drew out from his lips that it vibrated throughout his body. He could feel every muscle twitch with the force of his own anguish. He rolled back his shoulders and relaxed them. For the first time he noticed how painless he physically felt. 
'It worked,' He exhaled a breathy laugh and ran a hand through his brown locks. 'She really is the best of the best.'
You were not someone he expected to feel fondness for so early. He feared doctors with a passion, but he feared talking to others outside of Steve and Natasha more. It could have been anything really. Your kindness and understanding. The way the water carried his pain away. Or even the way your hands melted onto his warm skin.
'It could have been anything, really.'
He sighed, even louder than before this time.
His life really was a mellow-dramatic mess.
'I have to see her tomorrow too.'
Something about the sentence made his face grow hot. Not with embarrassment, or anger, or anxiety. There wasn’t an ounce of negativity in his face. He was excited, no, ecstatic, at the thought of you, of getting the chance to see you again. 
'What the hell is this feeling?'
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ljones41 · 4 months
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During the height of my high regard for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), among the movies of which I had been a major fan were the Captain America releases. At least two of them. The third film in this mini franchise - 2016's "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR" proved to be a major disappointment for me. However, when I heard that Disney and Marvel Films had plans to air a miniseries about the characters Sam Wilson aka the Falcon and James "Bucky" Barnes aka the Winter Soldier, I must admit that I felt a renewed interest in the franchise again.
When I said a renewal of the MCU franchise, I meant it. Aside from a few movies like "ANT-MAN", "BLACK PANTHER", "CAPTAIN MARVEL" and "ETERNALS"; the MCU had become a major disappointment for me ever since the release of 2015's "THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON". One might ask . . . what about the MCU television productions that aired on the Disney Plus streaming channel? Aside from one production that I somewhat liked and one that I loved, most of them have been disappointing to me. Unfortunately, I have to include this follow-up to the Captain America movies, "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER".
Set six months after 2019's "THE AVENGERS: ENDGAME", "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" followed former war veteran/Avenger Sam Wilson, who has resumed working the for the U.S. government, while using his role as the Falcon. When the government recruits Sam to track down and deal with a group of enhanced anarchists known as "the Flag Smashers", former World War II veteran/HYDRA tool/Avenger James "Bucky" Buchannan aka the Winter Soldier decides to join Sam in his mission, due to his lingering guilt as a former HYDRA assassin and their shared experiences as Steve Rogers' close friends and battling Thanos and his army.
Since "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" had aired on the DisneyPlus channel in six episodes, I had seriously considered ranking the episodes. But like Season three of the Marvel Netflix series, "DAREDEVIL", the more I watched "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLIDER", the more it disappointed me. Aside from complaints about its pacing, the limited series had received a great deal of praise from critics and fans alike. Because of this, I believe it was one of the most overrated productions in the MCU history. People had seemed so focused on little moments and scenes that very few had noticed how the series' narrative seemed to be all over the map. For example:
Sam Wilson This limited series is supposed to be a follow up to the events of "ENDGAME" in which Sam had received the Captain America shield from an aging Steve Rogers, a sign for him to take up the latter's costumed role. Was this an attempt by Marvel Films/Disney to make Sam a more relevant character? If so, why? Why did a MCU character have to replace Steve as the new Captain America to be more relevant? Why not allow Sam to continue as the Falcon, only push his role to the forefront as one of the franchise's new leading characters? Some might accuse me of not wanting a black man as Captain America, a topic that was brought up in the series. Frankly, I never wanted another character - regardless of race, gender or ethnicity - to become the new Captain America. That includes Bucky Barnes. Allow Steve Rogers to fade into the background and let Sam (as the Falcon) shine as one of the franchise's new leads. However, the die has been cast. One can only sit back and see if moviegoers are willing to accept Sam as the new Captain America.
Perhaps the MCU had to make Sam the new Captain America in order to make him more relevant. Why would I say that? The showrunner for "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER", Malcolm Spellman, came dangerously close to shoving Sam into the role of the second lead or worst, a role he has been since his debut in 2014's "CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER" - a supporting character. During the series' first three or four episodes, someone other than Sam (either Bucky Barnes or Helmut Zemo - two white men) made decisions that allowed the plot to move forward, not Sam. He was simply regulated to being an observer or reactor. The series even managed to undermine Sam's decision not to support the Sokovia Accords in "CIVIL WAR". In thee 2016, Sam became the first Avenger to speak out against the Accords and declare his intentions not to sign it. Yet, according to Bucky in this series, Sam had merely followed Steve's example in rejecting the Accords. And Spellman did nothing to allow Sam to correct this misconception.
James "Bucky" Barnes One of the few aspects of "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR" I found enjoyable proved to be the interactions between Sam Wilson and Bucky Buchannan. Despite their lingering jealousy and competition over the role as "Steve Rogers' best friend", the pair's interactions proved to be very entertaining, thanks to the screen chemistry between Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. Unfortunately, Mackie and Stan could not save "CIVIL WAR" for me. Nor could they save "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER", due to its problematic writing. A good deal of that writing surrounded Bucky's character. I have so many questions about his role in this series. For example:
*Why would any official of the Joint Counter Terrorist Center allow Bucky to visit and question Helmut Zemo, the man responsible for the U.N. conference bombing in Vienna, in "CIVIL WAR"? That made very little sense to me. Surely the JCTC authorities remembered how Zemo managed to brainwash Bucky into making his own prison break in "CIVIL WAR"? Also, Bucky was on parole for his activities as a brainwashed HYDRA assassin. Yet, the JCTC had allowed him to visit Zemo? Surely, the showrunner could have allowed Sam, who was serving the U.S. government again, to be the one to visit and question Zemo?
*How on earth did Bucky managed to evade being arrested and charged for helping Zemo escape from the JCTC? The U.S. and other governments should have been suspicious of Bucky after learning about his visit to Zemo.
*Bucky came off as an arrogant school jock, who thought he was entitled to get his way - especially in his interactions with Sam. I found it hilarious that many fans had criticized John Walker aka Captain America aka U.S. Agent for such toxic behavior. Yet, they had turned a blind eye to Bucky's own behavior. And so did the series - up until the last two episodes. Why did the showrunner allow Bucky to get away with this behavior toward Sam for so long without any complaints from the latter?
*I did not care how Bucky had bullied his way into Sam's mission without the latter's consent. What I found even more annoying was the U.S. government's decision to allow Bucky to join Sam's mission after that ludicrous "therapy session" they were forced to attend together.
Racism A good number of MCU fans had complained about the inclusion of racism in "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER". I had no problems with this direction, considering the story was about Sam, an African-American man, becoming the new Captain America. However, I had a good deal of problems with how the production explored the topic of racism.
The story of Isaiah Bradley, Marvel's second Captain America, had originated in the comics. In the MCU, he was a Korea War veteran whom the United States Army used as one of several unwilling African-American test subjects for their version of the Super Soldier serum. I realize that both Marvel Comics and the MCU had attempted to use Bradley's experience as a metaphor for the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. The problem is that I cannot see the U.S. government and the Army - both racist organizations in the early 1950s - be willing to risk the possibility of creating a non-white super soldier. Despite the recent desegregation of the Armed Forces in the late 1940s. And both the government and the Army had been more than willing to use white soldiers in other experiments.
After saving a group of black American super soldiers from a prison camp, Bradly was imprisoned by the U.S. government for thirty years. I saw nothing wrong with this twist in the character's narrative, until I remembered two things - Bradley had been able to free his fellow soldiers without anyone's help; and nearly sixty years later, Steve Rogers managed to break into the Raft and free those Avengers who had refused to sign the Sokovia Accord. Why was Bradley unable to free himself from prison? This is the man who had defeated the Winter Soldier by breaking the latter's metal arm. And he was not powerful enough to make a prison break, let alone evade capture?
I had assumed Sam's difficulty in becoming the new Captain America would stem from the government's reluctance to recruit a black man for the position. That would explain their decision to recruit the blond-haired John Walker instead. But the series never really made it clear whether political racism had played a role in Walker's recruitment. The series also had James "Rhodey" Rhodes had paid Sam a visit, emphasizing the importance of the new Captain America being black. As it turned out, Sam's own insecurities about becoming Captain America had more to do with him not initially assuming the role. There was also that interesting scene outside Bradley's Baltimore home where the police arrested Sam during verbal argument with Bucky. Although the cops backed away when they recognized Sam as an Avenger, they ended up arresting the parolee Bucky for missing his required therapy appointment. This scene was supposed to be a case of racial profiling. But . . . we might as well be honest. In the real world, the police would not have backed down from hassling Sam. What I found more disturbing was the production's handling of Bucky's arrest. Once the police discovers that Sam was an Avenger; they turned to arrest Bucky for failing to show up for his missing his therapy session. Not only did the police arrest Bucky with a more gentle behavior, they did so, accompanied by Henry Jackman's mournful score, something that did not accompany the moment of Sam being arrested. Were the audiences expected to notice the hypocrisy and racism in the police's handling of the two men? Expected to feel sympathy for Bucky? Or both?
The last episode featured a scene of two black kids playing with toy Captain America shields. Someone had commented that the shields (especially in the hands of non-white children) represented hope to the future of race relations in the United States. Why? How? This country had a biracial president for EIGHT YEARS. Yet, U.S. racial policies have remained problematic even to this day. I can say the same for other countries. The so-called symbolism of this scene only reminded me of how human beings put so much faith in imagery and symbolism. And this strikes me as a FALSE FAITH. Why was taking up the mantle of a costumed hero that had been previously occupied by a white man, the only way for Sam Wilson to become relevant within the MCU franchise? What was wrong with him being "the Falcon"? Sam becoming the next Captain America was not going to save the U.S. in regard to race relations - not in real life and not in the fictional world of the MCU. Looking back on the series, the series' only scenario that seemed to expose racism in a realistic manner, proved to be Sam's failure to acquire a bank loan for his family's fishing boat in Louisiana.
Sharon Carter I am certain many MCU fans are aware of this. One of Marvel Comics' most iconic couples happened to be Steve Rogers aka Captain America and Sharon Carter aka Agent 13. She also happened to be the great-niece of Peggy Carter, Steve's love interest during World War II. Portrayed by Emily VanCamp, Sharon was first introduced as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in "CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER" as a potential love interest for Steve. Despite Sharon's appearance in the following Captain America movie, "CIVIL WAR", their romance never really developed. Many blamed the lack of chemistry between VanCamp and Chris Evans. I never had a problem with their screen chemistry. I had a problem with the lack of relationship development between Sharon and Steve. And I blame Kevin Feige's decision to transform the third Captain America film into a third (and badly written) pseudo Avengers movie. The change in the film's narrative, along with Sharon's failure to appear in "THE AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR" and "ENDGAME", left no opportunity for Sharon and Steve to become the romantic pair they had been in the comics. Instead, Sharon became a fugitive from the U.S. government after helping Steve and Sam hunt down Bucky, moved to Madripoor, a city-state with no U.S. extradition and became an embittered criminal known as "the Power Broker".
After "CIVIL WAR", nearly five years had passed before Sharon appeared in another MCU production - namely this series. And what happened? The franchise, with Spellman, ended up completely destroying her character by transforming her into the villain known as Power Broker, the criminal leader of an Indonesian city-state called Madripoor. After helping Steve and Sam acquire their suits and equipment in order to go after Bucky in "CIVIL WAR", Sharon lost her job with the C.I.A. and became a fugitive. She eventually moved to Madripoor, a city-state with no U.S. extradition, to evade capture, survived Thanos' Snap and became an embittered criminal nicknamed "the Power Broker" in order to survive the new world.
What really pissed me off about Sharon's arc between "CIVIL WAR" and "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" is that her development into a major villain all happened OFF SCREEN. Off screen. Apparently, screenwriters for "INFINITY WAR" had written a draft that included Sharon in the movie. But according to Christopher Markus, he and Stephen McFeeley could not imagine scenes featuring Steve and Sharon trying to make it work in an apartment, because the 2018 movie did not have time to focus on their personal life. Why did Marvel simply fail to allow Sharon to be part of Steve's vigilante team - like Sam and Natasha Romanoff? I mean . . . good fucking grief! And why did Malcolm Spellman believe the only way Sharon could be interesting was to become a villain in "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER"? This was his idea of improving Sharon's character?
Helmut Zemo aka Baron Zemo Why did Malcolm Spellman, Kevin Feige and the MCU thought it necessary to bring back Helmut Zemo, the Sokovian-born villain from "CIVIL WAR"? What role did he play in "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER"? I realize that Bucky, of all people, visited the incarcerated Zemo to acquire information on who had created the super-soldier serum that empowered the Flag Smashers. But why did he believe Zemo could provide the answer? Because he thought HYDRA was involved? Bucky or Sam could have searched for information from sources other than Zemo, who had been incarcerated for . . . what? Eight years? Eight years. Zemo managed to become something of a crowd-pleaser, thanks to Daniel Brühl's performance. Otherwise, I found his presence in this series unnecessary.
The Big Bad Why on earth did it take this series so long to finally reveal the main villain's identity? At first, the series hinted the Flag Smashers, led by Karli Morgenthau. However, the series tossed other potential candidates for the Big Bad before viewers - John Walker, Helmut Zemo and yes, Sharon Carter. But in the end, Morgenthau and her group proved to be the main villains.
The Flag Smashers were a group of empowered people who believed the world was a better place between Thanos' Snap and the Blip (resurrection of those who had died during the Snap), when Humans around the world managed to unite and form a borderless society, one in which people helped others without any thought to nationalism and bias. Thanks to the Avengers, the world resumed its conflicts between nationalities and other groups. In other words, the borders returned.
Frankly, I have nothing against this ideal. Only Ms. Morgenthau and her followers resorted to violence and terrorism to achieve their goals. Does this sound familiar? It should. The Flag Smashers proved to be another example of characters with a progressive goal, resorting to extremism and becoming villains. This seemed to be a growing trend within the franchise, which I believe began with Erik "Killmonger" Stevens aka Prince N'Jadaka in 2018's "BLACK PANTHER". Since then, the MCU has not looked back at its growing roster of progressive villains. Perhaps I should not have been surprised. The franchise's ambiguous portrayal of an unconstitutional document like the Sokovia Accords, should have been the wake-up call. It seemed as if Kevin Feige, Marvel Films and Disney Studios had finally exposed themselves for the faux progressives they pretend to be. Frankly, this form of villainy has become tiresome to me.
After writing this article, I had considered ranking the six episodes featured in "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" anyway. But I decided against it. My dislike of the series made it impossible for me to even bother. Being a fan of the first two Captain America movies, I had truly hoped this series would redeem the franchise. Unfortunately, it proved to be just as disappointing as "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR". Pity. Perhaps the fourth film, "CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD" will do the trick. I hope so.
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
For @winterironmonth!
SFW Saturday: Trope/AU, Word
I’ve been kind of a downer the last few days huh 🤔 Time for some humor. Star Trek AU: Tony is descended from aliens who have made a home on Earth who get along with humans but have their own strong culture. Which is to say: Tony is a cat. Anyway look out for under the cut!
It always amazed Bucky, how Tony could fall asleep anywhere. As anxious as he was, if he had something to use as a pillow, he could be out like a light in seconds. He chalked it up to his abysmal sleeping habits in favor of getting to spend his time engineering or working in the labs. He’d been trying to sleep more regular hours since they’d gotten together, but even kisses and cuddling couldn’t defeat the siren song of working out the kinks in a revolutionary piece of equipment.
He was asleep now, though. He looked beautiful, curled up under the blankets, one arm tucked under a pillow. The starlight from the window illuminated him in a way that made him look… almost ethereal. Glowing, if Bucky was in the right position. He took a moment to admire him and lament that he had to wake him up. They were going to be late for their morning shift, and Steve would glower at them and follow Bucky around the deck being annoying because ‘you harassed me when I was mooning over Peggy so it’s my turn to be absolutely insufferable.’ They hadn’t even gotten to do anything, so it would sting that much extra.
“Tony,” Bucky said, gently shaking Tony’s shoulder. “It’s time to get up.”
Tony snorted awake instantly, eyes darting around the room to gauge for danger, before he realized he was safe. Then his sharp eyes went bleary, and he blinked at Bucky slowly, smacking his lips together. “Hmm?”
“What the fuck,” Bucky muttered, because he’d heard that Tony’s race had evolved from cats, but it was only times like this that he really believed it.
“Is it morning? Coffee. Oh wait!” Tony exclaimed, sitting up straight so fast that Bucky had to dodge backward or have their skulls collide.
He turned toward his bedside table, where there was a cobbled-together machine that Bucky had noticed but had had the sense not to touch until he learned what it was for. He slapped something on top that could be generously described as a button. The machine whirred and sputtered, a few lights on the side blinking. There was a loud squeak, which made Tony scowl, and Bucky suspected that he’d be fine-tuning whatever it was over the next few days.
Then there was a familiar sound, and a bowl appeared on the machine’s shelf. A bowl of oatmeal, topped with peaches, slivered almonds, and a drizzle of molasses. Bucky’s favorite breakfast.
“Did you make a miniature replicator for our room?” Bucky asked, aghast, as Tony proudly handed the bowl over to him. It was the perfect temperature against his flesh palm. He took the spoon Tony handed him and gave it a stir—perfect consistency. He took a bite. Perfect flavors. Even the peaches were at the perfect ripeness. “Holy shit. Tony, this is delicious.”
“I wanted us to be able to have breakfast in bed,” Tony said proudly. “The rest of the crew always talks to us. I understand that I must be friendly to them,” he added, taking a moment to sulk before he happily continued, “But! Sometimes I want to just have a meal with the two of us.”
“We can always order a special meal from the dining hall and an ensign will deliver it,” Bucky replied slowly.
“Then everyone gossips about our romantic date,” Tony complained, slapping the replicator again. It began replicating a plate of chicken and waffles. “Sometimes I like to have sex without everyone knowing about it.”
Bucky looked down at his bowl, then sighed, circling the bed so he could sit down. At least this way they wouldn’t have to scramble for food before their shift. “We don’t have time for sex before work today. I let you sleep as long as I could.”
“We don’t have to have sex every time we use the replicator for breakfast in bed or a romantic dinner,” Tony said, brows furrowing together in confusion. “In fact, it’s better we don’t, otherwise I’m gonna get horny every time I hear food being replicated.”
It would be funny, Bucky thought, but wasn’t stupid enough to say so out loud. It would also be incredibly inconvenient, because he knew he didn’t have the self-control to not respond in kind. They had work to do, and as much as he’d like to get handsy during work outs, Tony’s work had the tendency to explode if not tended to with his full attention, and as Steve’s second-in-command, he was also constantly in physical danger. Mostly because Steve had stopped pulling his punches when they were fifteen but also because he had dirt on Natasha somehow and she was willing to stab him, and Tony always got fussy when he was injured, so.
“I have a feeling you’re going to abuse the coffee function liberally,” Bucky said, instead of telling him any of that. He sometimes misunderstood ribbing for bullying and got aggressive. “You barely get enough sleep already.”
“I’m a paragon of perfect health,” Tony began, sharp teeth crunching through chicken bone.
Bucky stared at him, frowning. “You know, suddenly I don’t know how I feel about breakfast in bed. I didn’t think about the bone crunching.”
Tony blinked at him, then looked down at his plate, then at the blankets, which now had a fine sprinkling of chicken breading, waffle crumbs, and even a few bone fragments. “…Hmm, maybe,” he agreed after a moment, looking very put out that his plan had not been executed perfectly on the first try. He looked down at his plate, narrowing his eyes. “I’m still finishing my food though because it’s here and I don’t believe in waste.”
“I know,” Bucky sighed, shaking his head fondly. “Thank you for breakfast in bed, Tony. I do appreciate it, even if we have to wash our sheets ahead of schedule.”
“Ugh,” Tony bellowed, scowling, and nearly made Bucky pitch his bowl across the bed. “People are going to assume we had sex when I order clean sheets anyway! So annoying. Are you sure there’s no time for a quickie?”
Bucky ran a hand down his face, laughing. “I hate that you learned that word.”
“It’s one of the best Terran words!” Tony exclaimed, turning his scowl on him. “It can mean having sex quickly and savory custard!”
Bucky paused around another spoonful of oatmeal, narrowing his eyes at Tony as he obliviously continued chowing down on his waffles. He pulled the spoon from his lips slowly, chewing through a peach as he considered what exactly the fuck he might mean. Then it struck him, and he almost spit his food right back out. “Tony, who told you that’s how ‘quiche’ was pronounced?!”
Tony blinked up at him, raising an eyebrow. “Steve and Natasha.”
“Oh, I bet they did,” Bucky growled, and was thankful that Tony had said it to him and not some important alien dignitary. He told himself he wasn’t actually upset about it, though. Tony had little shame and would have laughed off the foible easily. Then he would have made sure all the furniture in their rooms was moved one inch to the left, even the stuff that was bolted down. He turned to look at Tony again. “They were trying to embarrass you, Tony.”
Tony wrinkled his nose, brows furrowing with confusion. “Oh? Well, that’s foolish. I don’t get embarrassed.”
“I know,” Bucky said, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. “I like that about you.”
Tony took another bite of his waffle. “And now I’m gonna move everything in their rooms an inch to the left, just so they know not to cross me.”
Bucky set his bowl on his lap. “God, I love you,” he said, reaching out to cradle Tony’s head in his hands and pull him in for a kiss.
“Why,” Tony mumbled against his lips, then dropped his plate so he could focus on kissing him back, not caring that the food spread over the blanket across his lap. It was going to be washed anyway.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 13
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Warnings: None (anyone can read this story)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. I do not condone any copying of this.
"𝓨𝓞𝓤 do not understand, my cat is in there." Bucky snapped at the lady at the front desk.
"Our." Tony said, crossing his arms.
The lady didn't even bat an eyelash, "And as I've repeatedly told you several times, there is no cat undergoing experiment here at SHIELD. Director Fury would have alerted me to at least your presence if there was."
Bucky loudly cursed Fury out.
Steve put a hand on Bucky's shoulder, mentally cursing Fury out with Christian language. He was pissed that Fury had taken Blizzard away from them. How did he think he had the right to do that?
"Then let us talk to Director Fury." Tony said promptly. "I've got a few choice words I need to say to him anyways."
"Director Fury isn't here right now." The lady continued calmly. "Nor has he been here for the past two weeks. I assure you, there is no cat here and if there ever is, you'll be the first to know, now have a nice day."
Steve steered Bucky away from the desk. Tony glared at the woman for an extra second before turning sharply on his heel, following after the two super soldiers.
"She's lying." Bucky spat vehemently. "Natasha was literally here at headquarters last week with Fury."
"I know. She knows. She knows that we know." Steve sighed, running a hand through his hair. "The problem is actually finding Blizzard. Tony, I don't suppose you could figure out where they're keeping Blizzard?"
"It's been days!" Bucky spat before Tony could answer. "Who knows what they're doing to her! Didn't you hear her when he shoved her in that carrier? She was terrified and scared and in pain! God only knows what she was thinking when Fury took her away. She must hate us! I should've ripped that carrier out of Fury's grasp and punched him in his good eye!"
"The tests had to be run one way or another." Tony said fretfully. "But Bruce and I would have taken extra care with her. God I hope they aren't hurting her."
"What about F.R.I.D.A.Y?" Steve asked again, hoping that Tony hadn't completely lost his head over you and that he would start figuring out where you were being kept.
"Huh? What about F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" Tony asked, snapping out of his daze. All he could imagine was you tied down helplessly to a sterile hospital bed, having several needles stabbed into you not so gently and being tortured.
"Could she possibly find where the labs are in this building and maybe we can go in and find Blizzard ourselves?" Steve asked.
"Right away." Tony said, lifting the sleeve of his shirt above his elbow so that he could start playing with the watch on his wrist. He pushed a comm into his ear and said, "Follow me."
He led the other two down the SHIELD headquarters front before turning down the alleyway- which really wasn't much of an alleyway- and then came across a set of stairs. The handrail painted SHIELD blue to match the outside of the building.
"Don't." Tony said sharply as Bucky made to walk down the stairs. "Let me disable the cameras first. . . there we go."
Tony headed down the stairs first, closely followed by the two super soldiers. Once they reached the door, he waited another moment, before there was a whirring sound inside and he opened up the door.
"Okay, animal experimentation is this way." Tony muttered.
"Animal experimentation?" Bucky asked in disgust. "That's like something HYDRA would do."
"It was something that HYDRA would do." Steve answered. "This wasn't Fury's idea for a branch. It was Alexander Pierce's idea."
"Then would Fury even keep Blizzard down here?" Bucky asked as they walked past several empty cells.
They were all empty.
"I'm guessing not." Steve replied.
"Hmm, I suppose we could go back this way." Tony muttered and they headed back the way they came.
Upon entering the human experimentation, they found that most of the cells were empty as well.
"This all seems rather abandoned." Steve commented as they passed the last cell before a set of stairs that led upwards.
"Wait." Bucky said quickly. "Look!"
They turned to see which room he was looking into.
It was a pure white room- like all of the others- except for three items inside: two silver metal bowls- one filled with milk, the other with small chicken bits- and a small cat bed.
"Is she even in there?" Steve asked, trying to pin down Blizzard's white fur in the room.
"No." Tony said, scanning the room. "They must be experimenting on her right now."
"Let's go rip their heads off." Bucky growled.
Suddenly, there were footsteps thundering down the stairs.
"We need to hide." Steve said quickly.
Tony quickly darted towards the room across from Blizzards'. "In here. I disabled the cameras."
They slipped into the room, closing the door behind them. All three of them stayed pressed up against the wall behind the door so that they could not be seen through the two-way mirror. That would probably be detrimental.
"Sorry about the pain today little kitten." They heard a soft male voice say. "You won't have to go through this much longer. Please drink your milk or eat your chicken. It wouldn't be smart to starve yourself."
They exchanged a look. Bucky looked like he might just kill someone after the man mentioned you had been in pain.
"Why is she starving herself?" Steve asked softly. "Can cats commit suicide? Or is she just not wanting to eat it because it's not the right food?"
"I know that some animals can stop eating if they are stressed or in grief," Tony said, "But I don't think that she is willingly committing suicide. Most likely, being put in the carrier brought back bad memories from when Peters tried to kill her. She must've thought something similar was going to happen."
"Does that mean she might think we let her go?" Bucky asked, looking extremely upset.
"Of course not." Steve said quickly.
"There's a high probability of that happening." Tony admitted.
Steve glared at him.
The man's footsteps echoed upstairs and they quickly left the room, eager to hold you in their arms again.
𝓜𝓨 body hurt so badly I couldn't even move after the young man whose name was apparently Henry had put me there on the floor.
I was weak too. I hadn't eaten or drunk anything when I realized that Tony, Steve, and Bucky weren't coming for me. I was alone. Perhaps I was alone for forever. So what was the point of staying alive?
It was a subconscious thought. In reality, I was mostly feeling to tired to even climb to my paws and try to put something into my body. To tired to do anything but lay there and eventually close my eyes, hoping that I didn't wake up again.
I hated the tests. The intelligence tests had been a one and done. But these tests that they called 'physical' tests were terrible. They never seemed to end. They went on for hours at a time, and they hurt.
I wondered if my front paw was broken from where the older woman had thrown a baseball at it. They had upgraded from the strange rubbery ball to a baseball after I finally turned the bouncy ball to dust.
It had taken a lot of energy.
I was fairly certain that today would be my last day. It was almost like I could feel it. Like the heavens were welcoming me into its arms.
But I had thought that last night and also the night before.
I wondered if humans had these thoughts. If humans ever thought that there was no reason to live. I wondered if humans ever stopped eating of their own free will, or if they thought of ways that perhaps they wouldn't wake up tomorrow either.
But maybe it was just me. Maybe no one else would ever feel this way.
I let my eyelids fall close.
Yes, it was tonight. I could just feel it through my fur.
The door opened again.
I didn't look up. I was to tired. I was to sad. I was in pain.
"Blizzard!" The voice barely registered beyond familiar, though I knew it was supposed to be more friendly than that.
Two hands scooped me up and I realized that one was much colder than the other. I blinked my eyes open, finding myself face to face with a concerned Bucky.
"We finally found you." Bucky said softly.
They had been looking for me?
"Come on Blizzard, we need you to drink something." Tony begged, putting the bowls in front of me. I tentatively lapped at the milk, before spitting it out. There was something wrong with it.
"What's wrong?" Bucky panicked.
"It's cow milk." Tony scoffed. "Idiots. You either have to get kitten formula or goat milk. You can't give a cat cow milk."
Steve dumped the milk out into a corner of the floor, wiping it out with his shirt, before pouring a bottle of water into it. "Here Blizz."
I lapped up the water, relishing the cool taste against my tongue.
This was really happening.
They were here to rescue me.
They were here to find me.
I was going home.
Bucky and Tony took turns hand feeding me the chicken, which I ate greedily. My stomach rumbled and growled after they had given me everything and they looked at each other nervously.
"We need to get her out of here." Tony declared.
Bucky nodded, scooping me up into his safe arms, striding for the door.
"Wait!" I mewled, turning in his arms, trying to leap out of them.
"Wait you idiot!" Tony shouted but it was to late.
The first thing that happened was that both Bucky and I were flung backwards from the door, pain radiating through both of our bodies. Steve was by our side in an instant, putting a hand on Bucky's forehead and on my back, making sure we were okay.
The second thing that happened was a nasally blaring noise was sounding through the room, and red lights were flashing like crazy everywhere.
"Time to go." Tony demanded and the nearly invisible lines in front of the door dropped completely.
Steve helped Bucky to his feet while Tony scooped me up into his arms. Steve helped Bucky along for the most part while Tony unlocked doors and made sure that they were getting out of there.
"Stop!" The female scientist yelled after them before they darted down a side corridor.
I clung to Tony tightly with my claws. I hoped he wouldn't be to mad about the holes that would be left in them.
But then I remembered Pepper and her dress and now I was here. I let go of his shirt, nearly falling out of his arms. Tony was quick in pressing me close against his chest. "Hold tight to me Blizz." He demanded.
I hesitated before deciding to bite his shirt instead. Tony leaped over a banister and then they were running up and into the sunlight.
I yowled, closing my eyes and trying to bury my head into Tony's armpit. I hadn't seen the sun in so long.
"Poor baby." Tony murmured, scratching my head in a way that I had missed. "We're gonna keep you safe, I promise. You can see the sun every day when we get you home."
I hoped that he kept true to that promise.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y., get the car unlocked and started so that we can get out of here immediately." Tony shouted.
I could hear an unevenness to his breathing and the sound of the arc reactor clicking a bit more intensely. I batted at it, trying to get it to stop clicking, but then stopped, because I knew it was important and I didn't want to cause any more damage.
Tony climbed into the back seat of the car, letting Bucky drive and Steve threw himself into the passenger seat. Tires squealed as they made their way out of the city.
I curled up in Tony's lap, waiting for his breathing to return normal, but it never did. Instead, it steadily got worse, before he slumped over in his seat.
"Tony!" I meowed in panic, pawing at him. "Tony! Please wake up! Wake up!"
Steve turned around to see what was wrong and in a tense voice he said, "Bucky. Drive faster."
Bucky stepped on the gas pedal.
I curled up on Tony's chest, licking his cheek, hoping he would wake up.
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writeturnlove · 1 year
Good Evening fanfic friends,
I'm sorry this update took so long, but I wanted to post it as soon as I finished writing it. This chapter contains some intense sexual scenes, so I'm asking that readers be at least 18 years old to read it. I'm going to put a brief excerpt below, however the rest can be read by following the link above.
The Mate Chapter 5
By V.C. Turner (@writeturnlove)
To say that I’m nervous would be an understatement. I’m terrified. In less than 24 hours, I will be bonded to two men and ascend to a leadership role over a group of people I didn’t know existed a few months ago. We’re just minutes away from another pack meeting; this one called by the Elders, who plan to introduce us as The Alpha Triad. The Fates decided that I am the one true mate of the Alpha and Beta wolves of the North Pointe Pack. Once the Elders verify the mating, no one dares question their judgment.
I’m standing between my mates – Steve on my left and Bucky on my right. I’m shaking. Steve notices and places a reassuring hand on the center of my lower back. Bucky slips his hand into mine and squeezes. Today is the first time I’ve seen them since their mothers took me away from the Alpha house before we could break a fundamental rule: No sex before the Bonding Ceremony.
The ritual is set to take place tomorrow night beneath the full moon and in front of the entire pack.
But tonight, we must stand before them and assert our positions.
My breath is coming out in short bursts. Steve turns to me, lifts my chin, and places a chaste kiss to my lips. He whispers in my ear.
“It will be fine, Sweetheart,” he says.
My body instantly settles, and I can think clearly again. Steve calms me when I need it. I love that about him. I stop shaking and focus on Sasha Barnes as she calls the meeting to order.
“North Pointe brothers and sisters, it is a proud day for our pack. As predicted by Elder Evelyn and I, we have confirmed The Alpha Triad,” she announces.
A hush falls over the large room. Several tense moments pass before measured chaos begins. I can’t tell what they are saying because I’m too far away. What I can hear are the sounds of shock coming from the crowd, and I brace myself for what comes next.
From our place backstage, we see Evelyn Rogers step forward. She holds her hand up and the room immediately quiets, yielding to her authority.
“Family, as the prophecy had dictated, our Luna has been chosen. Tomorrow night she will be bonded to the Alpha and Beta of our pack. I now ask The Alpha Triad to step forward to stand before the pack, for tomorrow the three of you shall be joined for life.”
Steve leads the three of us onto the center of the stage and the sound of whispers starts up again. The moment hangs over my head like a heavy cloud, threatening to soak me with the weight of this new responsibility.
Bucky squeezes my hand again, then leans down to me.
“Stand tall and look each one of them in the eye. They need to see strength to respect you and your position,” he advises.
I straighten my posture and gaze into the crowd. There are expressions of shock, caution, and a few looks of disgust. Fuck them. I’m Luna. They will just have to deal with it.
“As you know,” Sasha begins, “While this is a happy occasion because our pack leaders have found true love, it is also a time of concern. The prophecy regarding the Alpha Triad states that there will be an upcoming war with a vampire clan. The conflict between our species has raged for millennia, however we’ve enjoyed several decades of peace due to a treaty signed by our ancestors. Unfortunately, this peace is about to end. Since we do not know when our enemies will attack, we must begin preparations immediately. My son James, as Beta, will help organize the tactical preparations, while Alpha Steve Rogers will divide the pack into specific groups who will ensure that each pack member and their families have the resources to deal with this threat. Now, I will turn the meeting over to our Alpha.”
The room falls silent as Steve steps forward, bringing Bucky and I with him.
“North Pointe Family, I know that much of what you heard comes as a shock. My primary concern is to ensure the safety of this pack, so we will begin organizing and training starting next week. I will delegate some of my usual duties to other pack leaders as I will be sequestered for the next two weeks as part of the bonding ritual. Speaking of my personal life: The fact that my new mate is also the mate of my Beta came as a shock to me, too. While a part of me knew, deep down, that she was the one for both of us, it was only just confirmed. This joining, this Alpha Triad is unfamiliar territory for all of us, however this is how things were meant to be. Y/N is a part of this family, and she will always be our Luna,” Steve declares.
My breathing picks up as all eyes focus on me. I don’t want to talk tonight. I have way too much on my mind to form a cohesive thought. Judging from the looks on their faces, I worry anything I say will make me an even bigger target than I already am.
Tagging the following accounts:
@diehardlover-blog; @parker-barnes-aff
@angryschnauzer  @feelmyroarrrr
@storibambino ; @crushed-pink-petals
@loveupeople  ; @winterwolf57
@harrisbn @titty-teetee @jetaimeamore-blog @nys30 @yeskekeh1996 @crimsonash330
@therealhousewivesofidris @yknott81
@loricameback @loricamebackyetagain
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maple-the-awesome · 2 years
We'll Meet Again...I Know When || Chapter 17
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN Reader
Words: 2,593
Overview: Given your old-fashioned personality and obsession with all things 1940s to 1980s, it’s no wonder that most people refer to you as an ‘old soul’ who would’ve rather lived back then than in the modern era. Little do they know, you already did, but with your previous life as Hollie Stark cut short, you’ve been left with some…unfinished business, to say the least. Top of your list? Finally getting to marry your thought-to-be-lost fiancé.
Series Masterlist 🤎 Marvel Masterlist 🤎 Fandom Masterlist
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At first, you had stood a few feet behind Steve, having followed him into the room intending to be an active part of whatever conversation would transpire there, however you've since given up on that plan.
You counted three glances from Bucky. The first was almost immediate when you approached, long and trapped on your figure as he groggily groaned your name. You're not too sure how much he remembers about the last few hours, but it didn't seem to take him long to at least realize his current situation.
After that, his glances were mere blinks that happened to pass over you before darting away to literally anywhere else be it the floor or roof, even down his shirt if it avoided your gaze. His words would fall silent then, his words escaping him with a stumble. That's when you decided it best to leave the room.
Even in absences, you don't go too far, in fact you only move out of sight, leaned against the wall outside where you can still listen somewhat, although Bucky's voice is so scratchy and quiet, it makes his sentences difficult to hear properly. Thankfully, Steve speaks much louder; purposefully, it seems, given how he also tends to rephrase whatever Bucky had said first before giving his own reply. He must be trying to make it easier for you to hear what's going on and stay in the loop despite your distance. Bless him.
A lot's said between the trio, some of which you've already known. You didn't need any refresher on what Bucky remembers about Steve or even the existence of certain words that can set off the Winter Soldier; he's confided in you all of that. What Bucky hadn't ever told you about was the apparent existence of other super soldiers under HYDRA.
It felt like cold water dumped over your body to hear him admit it. Yes, you've never exactly asked whether HYDRA made more super soldier copies, however with something that big - that dangerous - you'd think Bucky would've mentioned it beforehand. Did he not trust you with this information? Did he not think it was important, merely something that would fade away with time? Well, it's important now. According to him, that man who set off the Winter Soldier was asking about the location where the others should be kept; enough to form an army or make an empire fall, as Steve put it.
Fiddling with your fingers, you wait not so patiently on your own, trying to distract yourself from all your burning thoughts by studying details of this broken down warehouse until you hear footsteps to your right. Glancing up, you meet Steve's eyes. He says nothing, but nods; wordlessly permission, as you take it.
From there, you're free to enter the room by yourself. You move slowly, keeping a watchful eye for any reaction on Bucky's part, although he remains hunched over, running his flesh hand through his hair. As for his metal arm, it's no longer entrapped in the press like it had been originally, meaning he must be in a good enough mental state to not run, at least per Steve's judgment anyways (not that you'd argue).
"Bucky...? Are you okay...?"
He doesn't look at you, "...What did I do?"
You're tempted to play dumb and act like you don't understand his question, but that won't help anyone here, will it? So, you move even closer instead, cautiously kneeling in front of him which allows you to be at eye level since he refuses to give you the attention you're searching for otherwise.
"Well, a lot of those government agents are going to be sore for the next few days, let's put it that way. I guess you tried to make a run for it afterwards - according to Steve anyways -"
"- You don't know? I thought you were there -..." He finally looks at you, but when he does, his surprised words die in his throat with a whimper. Initially, you assume it must be out of irritation - a growing annoyance with the situation that he doesn't want to risk taking out on you, thus he shuts his mouth, however there's a different look in his eyes that tells you a different answer; a horrified look.
This overflow of emotion behind his light eyes confuses you until his metal hand slowly inches towards you then suddenly freezes in place with a quiver. Although it doesn't reach its destination and it takes you a moment to realize where said destination would've been, you're upset to have that information click in your head.
He breaths your name with a broken voice, " I...I hurt you-"
"-Oh, don't you dare," you cut him off sternly, sitting up slightly to cup his cheeks in your hands. He flinches against this touch which would normally be your cue to release him and apologize, but right now you're going to choose to be a little selfish.
Your hands remain firm yet soft against his cheeks, your thumb ever so delicately brushing against his cheekbone as you take your time examining his features. Then, you smile dreamily,"...I'm so glad you're safe, Bucky. Do you know how worried I was when you ran off - and I'm not just talking about back at the apartment, I mean at the government facility, too."
"I had you worried...?" He asks in disbelief. Any other day, he might've scoffed at such a ridiculous idea, however he just sounds like a shaken child with a hint of wonder and curiosity behind his words.
"Uh-huh. I thought you were going to disappear somewhere I couldn't find you, that or you were going to get caught by the man and put through another cycle of abuse like in HYDRA..."
Over the stubble around his chin and the smudges of dirt on his skin, your eyes eventually reach his, studying the complex color that often tends to change in the light as you've noticed. Right now, they're dark, nearly appearing green yet when he turns his head ever so slightly to lean into your touch at last, they capture a glimmer of sun that proves their icy shade.
You sigh heavily, unable to rip your gaze away from him as if stuck in a trance, "...I can't lose you, James."
'Twenty six', you remind yourself sadly. Twenty six now, twenty six then...How terrible would it be to keep losing Bucky at this age? You definitely don't want to make that a pattern. For some crazy reason, you've been able to remember him into a new life, allowing you this special chance to protect him and keep him safe; you gotta make the most of it...
A bit too quickly per his own judgment, Bucky's flesh hand rests over yours. He surprises himself by this action, freezing immediately in waiting for you to react negatively. Against his expectations, you don't shove him away or give him even the slightest sign of anger. You remain where you are, that small tug against your lips telling him it's okay to gently take hold of your hand and give it a squeeze.
"...I could've killed you," he wanted to say something else in the moment and maybe you know that deep down, but whatever those words could've been, they go unspoken, buried in thought alone when he chases another excuse he already knows will be hopeless against your stubbornness.
"Don't you go feeling guilty over something that was out of your control, Barnes. What happened back there was the Winter Soldier. Whatever HYDRA put inside your head, it takes you over completely and gives you no freewill. It's not you.
"We've lived together for the last two years and you've never done a single thing to harm me - and you never did a single thing to harm me before that either. You're a good person, James. You spent every Monday morning helping Rosetta take her groceries up to her apartment, you helped that kid get his cat out of a tree last month - Oh, and you sat through the entire extended cuts of Lord of the Rings with me yesterday! Not a single complaint!"
Bashfully, he turns his head, "...Anyone could do those things..."
"But they don't! Do you know how many times I begged Steve to watch just the theatrical cuts with me? Absolute refusal! I mean, seriously, is he that old that he can't sit through a mere nine hours of film? It's not that bad! It wasn't that bad, was it? Eleven hours plus? You looked like you loved them!"
Bucky chuckles, a sound that goes straight to your heart and is shown through your beaming expression.
Although more serious, your voice is still soft, "...If I thought you were at fault for what happened, I wouldn't be here now, James. I would want to be as far from you as possible, not wanting to risk my record let alone life, but I don't think you're at fault.
"I know you, better than anyone else, if I may be as bold. I knew how scared you were going to be when you came back to, so I refused to leave your side even with Steve glaring daggers at me. I wanted to be here to tell you this: that you're just as much a victim in what's going on and that I want to help in whatever way I can. I want to make whoever that guy was pay for ruining what you've worked so hard to build in these last few years and I want to make sure there's zero chance of anyone harming you through blackmail or the Winter Soldier again...Do you understand me?"
After a moment, Bucky relaxes and leans further into your touch with closed eyes. Once he opens them again, his flesh hand trails up and ever so softly grazes the dark bruises against your throat, ones that took no time at all forming. They're mostly red with a little purple outlining the shape of fingers stretching on each side; nothing that won't heal for you, although Bucky might see them for much longer.
"Bucky," you practically sing his name for his attention yet it takes a few seconds to have an effect.
"...I can't lose you either..."
Your heart skips a beat, your smile faltering for a moment in surprise. Moving your hand around in his, you make it to where you can bring both of them in between yours, holding them gently over your heart.
"And you won't,"...you never have... "I think you'll find I'm a lot harder to get rid of than expected, Barnes. We're tied together, you and I, so better get used to it!"
You soak in the look of his smile and the ever so quiet blow of air through his mouth. You could stay here like this all day if someone lets you, keeping him happy and safe in your company where you feel he's always belonged. It's moments like this that you feel so sure - so sure that this is exactly why you were reborn with your memories: to be here for Bucky; to be here with Bucky.
When you stand to leave, he doesn't follow with, letting his hand fall out of yours as he hesitates in place. Sensing his remaining doubts, you quietly tell him to take his time gathering his likely jumbled thoughts while you go check on the others.
You nearly jump out of your skin when walking around the corner to find Steve standing there, leaning against the same spot you had once been earlier. He kicks his foot against the ground, giving a half nod towards the other side of the warehouse, "Sam's doing a perimeter check. We're gonna try to sneak out of here once the coast is clear."
"Nice," Stuffing your hands into your pockets, you awkwardly rock on your heels, "Good, good..."
Steve himself is equally as awkward, looking around at no place in particular before his eyes return to you, "...How are you holding up?"
There was uncertainty in his voice. He doesn’t seem confident in the exact wording of that question and you don't truly know how to answer aside from, "Fine. You?"
Silence. God. Awful. Silence.
"...And how did you feel talking to Bucky? Isn't that...weird for you?" Where does he even take this conversation? How the hell do you talk to the reincarnation of your best friend's fiancée?
You shrug, walking towards the other side of the warehouse with Steve following your trail closely, "Of course it's weird. I'm just kinda used to it at this point...Well, for the most part anyways…I mean, yeah, it hurts biting my tongue and not being able to tell him how I feel or mention anything about our past together, but what can I really do?"
"You could tell him-"
"- Which is easier said than done,” you sigh, not wanting to have this conversation with another person. Natasha already gives you enough crap as it is, “Steve, he didn't get to end things with Hollie the way you did. The Winter Soldier killed me back then and he almost did it again! You were eavesdropping on us, weren't you? So you heard what Bucky had to say? He could barely even look at me and I know damn well he's still in there blaming himself right now despite everything I tried to say! How do you think he'll act if he realizes I’m Hollie too?! If his guilt is bad now, I don’t want to see what’ll be like if I were someone he actually loves!”
After taking a deep breath, you pinch the bridge of your nose, "I’m sorry. I don’t mean to yell, I just...I refuse to tell him yet. I need to find a way to break the news where it's not only believable, but also doesn't make him walk away feeling like total shit. Ultimately, he should start getting his own life and mental health on track before Hollie enters the picture…”
"So until then, you'll keep being (Y/n) to him?"
Steve frowns, "...But who are you going to be around me?"
"...Well, that depends. Who do you want me to be?" You hug yourself nervously, your thumbs rubbing against the fabric of your shirt as you consider the question no one’s really asked you before. No one else knows aside from Natasha who, by default, calls you (Y/n); the only version of you she’s known.
Steve hums, "I'll be honest, this is all...difficult to process. I can't really say I look at you and see Hollie…- but I do believe you, don't get me wrong there! I suppose it's just something I'm going to have to get used to, isn’t it?”
“Feel free to take your time.”
“Stranger things have happened. If aliens and androids can exist, then I guess it shouldn't be so crazy to think my friend has been reborn with all their memories intact."
"Ooh, Natasha mentioned the whole android thing. Must've been interesting."
"Yeah, you'll have to ask your nephew about it," Steve rolls his eyes, annoyed by the memory, however playful towards you. Dwelling over his thoughts a bit longer, he quietly comes to a conclusion, "...I just want you to be yourself. No more trying to accommodate me. If you want to say something, it shouldn't matter who you're saying it as. Yeah, it's going to take some time to get comfortable with, but...I'm just happy to have you around again - as Hollie and (Y/n). You've both been gone for a while."
You blink a few times then tilt your head backwards to stare at the holed roof of the warehouse, "Be myself, huh? I, uh…I actually like that thought."
'Just be myself. No dancing around lies or cover stories. Wow...I haven't done that since...a long while!'
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See QueenOfALotOfDifferentWorlds’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Tumblr: queenofalotofdifferentworlds Discord: queenofworlds
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: I love kidnappings and coffee shop AUs. I love most AU's tbh, like mystical creatures or without powers. Whatever I write gets a little angsty and I love to write crack treated seriously. I also do love the Avengers as a family - found family is my fav. trope.
Will not create works that contain: I do not write explicit sexual content, gore, more violence than used in canon and abuse. I also don't write dark!characters and bashing.
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1010
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark - MCU Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU Steve Rogers & Tony Stark - MCU Peter Parker & Tony Stark - MCU Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - MCU Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark - MCU
Work Description: I will write at least 4000 words for you, although depending on your prompt, it can get a lot more than 4000 words - I'm not good in keeping my Fic's short... I love to work as much with you as you want to, to make the Fic to your taste - even if my style is non-negotiable, so please read a few of my Fics to know if that's something you're interested in! My focus is always on character development and the characters emotions and plot comes second. The tags below don't have to be included but are favorites of mine.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 2009
Will create works for the following relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark - MCU Tony Stark & Avengers Team - MCU Tony Stark-centric - MCU Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - MCU Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark - MCU
Work Description: I will write at least 4000 words for you but it will probably be more than that. I love writing Avengers 2012 Fics. The tags below are stuff I love to write, but are not a must.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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marvelsuperfangirl · 2 years
Part 2
The party was still going smoothly inside, people dancing, drinking and disgustingly making out…
“Oh for fuck’s sake” you groaned
Even all the holy water in the world couldn’t clean your eyes from the sight of Bucky, sucking the soul out of a random girl, who seemed to appreciate it, the way she hugged him, while letting his devilish tongue slide down her throat.
You swallowed back your incoming need to throw up and carried on walking around in search for a friendly face. As you were about to round the corner to the kitchen, someone passed an arm around your shoulders, yanking you against their body.
“Hey Girl! “
Natasha was grinning at you, in a way that betrayed her tipsy state. Right behind her you noticed Steve, who despite in a passionate conversation with Sam waved at you.
As if understanding your distress, she walked the two of you into the kitchen, followed bu the guys.
“So… We’ve seen you coming back from the garden, where there’s apparently currently no one”
She let go of you to hop on the counter, moving as dramatically a she managed while being drunk out of her ass, giving what seems to be a teasing look.
“Who’s the lucky guy?”
Even Steve and Sam, which latter rarely shut up after a few drinks, fell silent.
You gave your friend your best resting bitch face.
“Wanda” you let out, arching yyour eyebrows to show how much of a stupid question that was.
“Aw!! You’d look so good together” she cooed I would’ve never bet you had a crush on her, but I’m cheering for you two!”
Your face fell at the slurs she just uttered before turning to the guys.
“Is she serious?”
“Well, in her defense, she was really hyped up at the idea of you kissing the hell out of someone in the garden…Almost like a matchmaker, making her only money on you” Sam laughed.
Steve joined in, clearly not knowing where to find his place in this whole nonsense.
As you turned back to Nat, you tapped her shoulder, gently.
“Sorry to disappoint, but I wasn’t kissing any guy…or Wanda…”
A scoff broke the silence, at least as silent as a kitchen during a party can be, announcing the arrival of your most dreadful omen.
“Guys already didn’t want to approach you now even girls. What is left for you except animals? Or inanimate things?
His tone slashed through the room, plunging everyone into a sphere of awkwardness.
“Bucky be nice, please”  
He broke into a grin, turning to his best friend.
“I am being nice. I’ve said far worse”
Steve stood between the two of you, raising an eyebrow at what he was implying, while carrying on glaring at him.
“Don’t worry Steve, your friend must have skipped the numerous evolution stage leading to politeness, it’s incurable”
“Says the one who’s still at the level of beauty of a cavewoman”
“Okay! Both of you, time out! We’re here to have fun, not have a 5 years old-like banter contest” Sam interrupted.
You leaned back against the counter, next to Nat, who leaned against you while blindly wrapping her arms around your neck, almost hitting you square in the face. But you were grateful for the gesture of comfort.
“Don’t listen to him, you know you’re adorable”
You simply hummed, glancing at Bucky who was eyeing you with an annoyingly mocking face”
But you eye contact was quick to be broken. He looked down, a few before you felt your phone vibrate in your back pocket.
And as eager as you were to avoid any kind of interaction with him, you pulled the device out, lifting it enough to be able to read the notification above Nat’s arms.
“Mom added you to a chatroom”
With furrowed eyebrows, you tapped on the notification, which opened onto a chatroom, where already a few messages has been sent.
“Welcome to the Barnes / Y/L/N conjoint holiday chat. Y/N and Bucky, since you’re both coming home, we thought it was the perfect occasion for a reunion. We booked a chalet up in the mountain where we’ll all spend Christmas and New Year. See you in two weeks.”
As you read over the text, you felt your blood run cold upon realizing what it was implying.
You lowered your phone, discovering Bucky, face distorted by anger, which was currently directed at you.
From then on, you could say that’s how Bucky Barnes ruined your holidays.
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navegandoaciegas · 3 years
1-2-3 Way
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader x Steve Rogers
Warnings: smut, bed sharing, there was only one bed???, loss of virginity, dom/sub undertones, dom!Steve, sub!reader, switch!Bucky, unprotected sex, praise, slight degradation, overstimulation, face fucking, fingering, slight spanking, edging, doggy style, aftercare.
Summary: There’s only one bed and you have to share it with your childhood friends Steve and Bucky.
A/N: Listen… there was only one bed is my favorite cheesy trope, I’m sorry. Thank you for the commission, @maryfloat , I hope you like this!!
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It’s so clichè, the way that the receptionist offers you a tight lipped smile and an apology. There must have been an error with the reservation, maybe the server crashed or something, she says, you’ve booked one room, and that room has one bed only. Coincidentally, everyone’s in town at the same time as you, and the only hotel in the area is fully booked.
How unfortunate.
She hands you the keys whilst Bucky hauls your suitcase and his up the stairs, and Steve follows behind him. She eyes them warily and whispers to you, asks if you’re safe and comfortable, and apologises again for the inconvenience.
When Steve, ever the gentleman, proposes they sleep on the floor, you’re almost tempted to accept and thank him. They’re big and strong, and one night on the cold, hard floor won’t kill them.
You hate sharing beds anyways. It gets too warm with more than one body rolling around, and then someone hogs all the blankets, or kicks you in the shins, or elbows you in the ribs, and you can’t catch a break.
Instead you scoff and wave him dismissively. ‘I trust you guys more than I trust myself.’
And you do, really. You’ve known them since those awkward middle school days, where Bucky was chubby and covered in painful acne, and Steve was dangerously skinny and a foot shorter than you. You’ve fallen asleep on their shoulders on long road trips, occasionally napped on their legs in their dorm rooms, fallen asleep on Steve’s hospital bed when he was a frail kid and you and Bucky took turns visiting him.
You trust them, you really do, but still, sharing a tiny bed with them seems more intimate, definitely more wrong, than anything you’ve ever done.
It sends a weird signal down your stomach that your brain can’t quite interpret. You’re not anxious, but as you sit sandwiched between them, you can’t say you’re relaxed either.
Bucky sits to your right, computer perched on his lap, open on the Netflix account he pays for and Steve and you leech off of. He makes the most money with his waitressing job, the old ladies love tipping him for his flirty remarks and bright smiles, so it’s only fair.
Steve munches on a chalky protein bar to your right, a frown on his forehead as he chews with his mouth open and judges Bucky’s recommended section.
“You’re not making me watch another sci-fi, Barnes.”
“And you’re not forcing me through another Studio Ghibli movie, Rogers.”
“C’mon, at least those are relaxing-,”, “and cute,” you quip, intercepting Steve’s snack and taking a bite out of it just to spite him. He side eyes you, pinching your side as hard as he can.
“Oh? I forgot you were the ones paying for the account.”
“This is literal blackmail, holding the damn Netflix over our heads like that.”
“Not sure that blackmail is the word you’re looking for, but go off, bud.”
“Don’t smartmouth me.”
“Or what?”
They bicker like they’ve always done, and you’ve been friends with them long enough to have learnt how to drown out their voices when they fight.
Sometimes your friendship feels like it’s always been, playful, sibling like. They roughhouse you, you make fun of them. It’s familiar, warm, comforting.
No matter how bad school gets, no matter how uncertain your future seems, no matter how many times you get your heart broken, you know that Bucky, Steve and you will always be there to pick yourselves back up.
Some other times the lines get blurred, and it’s scary. But the scarier it gets, the more rewarding it becomes to look for signs, finding them in the smallest of things, like how Steve gets all sulky when you go out on dates, or how Bucky constantly seeks your approval for whatever he does.
You space out as they pick a movie, your mind eerily quiet, your body weirdly warm.
There’s a pit in your stomach that you can’t understand fully. It’s been there a while, ever since your friendship has started to shift, and your stares have been lingering as much as their affectionate touch.
Your eyes travel from Bucky’s black t-shirt to his side profile, tracing the gentle slope of his nose and his pouty lips. Lately, you’ve been looking at him a lot more, catching yourself in the act and shaking yourself out of your thoughts.
What thoughts, you don’t know. Your mind is blank more often than not when you’re set on him. When you’re with them.
You’re doing it again, unconsciously, until Steve elbows you in the side, and you’re rudely snapped out of your reverie.
“You’re too quiet,” he mumbles, eyeing you suspiciously.
“Which is weird since you never shut the fuck up,” quips Bucky, hitting you with his shoulder, effectively bringing you back to reality.
You resist laughing because you’ll never give him the satisfaction, and just swing back at him.
“I’m just tired, ‘s all. My neck hurts a lot, guess we’re getting old, huh.”
Bucky just shrugs and presses play on the movie they’ve chosen. You smile at Steve as convincingly as you can to get him off your case.
He nods at you, not quite sold, but leaves it at that, knowing better than to prod you.
“Want me to give you a massage?” he asks, wiggling his fingers in front of your face.
“Please?” you pout, turning your back to him.
Your thought process was that you can never refuse Steve’s healing hands. You didn’t think it through so much, clearly, as he kneads the knots in your neck and you feel your lower body coming alive, a warmth pooling awkwardly in your belly.
Bucky gives you the most offended, betrayed look you’ve ever seen, frowning and pouting like a petulant child.
“S’ not fair. I want a massage too,” he whines, shimmying his shoulders in your direction, offering you the best puppy eyes he can muster.
Cute, you think. “Gross,” you say, “I’ll give you one if you stop with the face.”
He just sticks his tongue out, wiggling between your legs.
The movie plays in the background, your mind too focused on Steve’s warm hands on your bare skin and Bucky’s back muscles flexing under your touch.
The hot feeling in your chest is back when his eyes move from the screen to yours, a goofy smile on his lips, features relaxed.
You bury your hands in his silky hair, scratching his scalp. He almost moans, butting your palm like a kitten.
He’s so effortlessly sweet that it hurts.
It’s silent in a comfortable way, with the sound effect of the movie lulling you all, except your traitorous brain, in a serene state.
It’s a kids movie, and you’re just giving yourselves a massage like you’ve done hundreds of times before, but something feels different about it, in the way that Steve’s warm breath tickles your neck, or the way that Bucky turns around every few minutes just to smile at you.
At some point your hands stop moving, and your back is flush to Steve’s front as he holds you in his arms, Bucky’s head on your lap as he hugs your thighs to his body, fingers absentmindedly caressing your skin, hiking up your legs, higher and higher-, goosebumps erupting all over you. He stops just before the hem of your shorts, making his way down to your knee, just to do it all over again.
You can no longer deny the fluttering in your core, nor the slick gathering in your panties at the thought of what would happen if he just crept higher.
By the time that the end credits roll around, you're cocooned in their warmth, Bucky asleep on your stomach, your own eyes droopy. You’re drowsy, pliant in Steve’s hold as he adjusts you both comfortably on the pillows.
The last thing you feel, as darkness envelops the room, is his lips on your forehead as he whispers to you good night.
You hate sharing beds, but when you wake up in the middle of the night between them, you think you may not hate it as much as you thought.
Bucky is a messy sleeper, arm swung over your hips, legs sprawled over half the mattress, face buried in the pillow next to yours, back gently rising with every breath he takes.
Steve is more put together. He sleeps on his side, lips parted, one arm under the pillow, the other close to your side, his fingers intertwined with yours.
You don’t know how long you spend staring at the ceiling, heart hammering in your chest, wondering if this shift in your friendship will bring you closer or break you apart in the long run. You don’t want to entertain the chances of them breaking your heart, or you breaking theirs.
Even the possibility of having to choose between one of the two seems absurd to you.
The bed creaks under Bucky’s weight as he turns to you, tightening his hold on your hips. You’re paralized as he nuzzles his nose in the crook of your neck, a breathy whine escaping his lips. All your blood travels to your face when you feel his hard on rub against your legs, his hips uncounsciously rutting on you.
“So soft,” he mumbles, eyes fluttering open.
You’re staring at each other, almost in a daze, and maybe it’s because it’s pitch black outside and you’re in your own little dimension, or maybe it’s the adoration in his bleary eyes, but you don’t turn away when he closes the distance between you.
The kiss you share is soft, lazy, tentative.
You prod his mouth open with yours, tongues swirling together with no rush and no shame. You’d imagined kissing your best friend would feel more awkward than this, and instead his warmth, his taste, his hungry kisses, everything about it seems natural to you, like it’s what you’re supposed to have been doing all this time, a chance you were too scared to take.
You’re so lost in the moment that you barely register the lips on your neck and another set of hands making its way under your t-shirt, settling on your stomach, fingers barely grazing the underside of your boobs.
As soon as his mouth detaches from your own, Steve is pouncing on you, his kiss more rough and demanding than Bucky’s, tongue less hesitant as it explores you, wiping any remnant of sleep out of your mind.
You’re breathless as he invades all your senses, barely wrapping your head around the fact that your shy friend is eating you whole and the flirty, outgoing one is just looking with hunger and rubbing himself on your leg.
Steve breaks away from you, a string of drool connecting you, his eyes dark with desire. He pecks your lips again, smirking at you as he lowers his face, leaving a trail of kisses on your jaw, to the column of your neck, down your collarbones, settling between your tits.
“So pretty,” he murmurs, grasping the hem of your t-shirt, “Can I touch you? I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
You nod fervently, growing needy with each passing second, “Please Steve, just touch me.”
Bucky gets bolder, kissing you with more conviction this time. Your clothes are shedded, his bare skin heated against yours, your hands in his hair.
Steve takes his sweet time making his way downwards, leaving a trail of bruises on your chest, stomach, hips, kneading your ass. He settles between your legs, looking up at you as he closes his mouth on your clothed pussy, sucking through your panties and leaving a wet mark on them.
You’re embarrassingly horny, arousal dripping out of you, nipples stiff as Bucky plays with them. You want him to rip your panties to shreds and take you right there and then, but Steve has other plans, enjoying the way you’re so pliant underneath him.
He grabs you by the hips, turning you around with your face down and your ass up in the air. The string of your underwear is almost swallowed between your puffy folds, stained with your slick.
Steve takes a deep breath before tugging the string up, teasing your swollen clit with the material, raptured by the way you’re so open and ready for them, glistening with desire.
Bucky sits back on the headboard, eyes half lidded, legs spread before your face. You trace the outline of his hard cock through his boxers, mouth watering at the idea of him inside you, filling you up.
Steve doesn’t give you the time to touch him before he’s tugging you upwards by the hair, flush to his chest. His breath tickles your neck as he teases you through your panties.
“Are you gonna be good for me? For us?”
You don’t have to think about it, strings of ‘yes’, ‘please, ‘touch me’, leaving your lips as if having a mind of their own. It would be embarrassing to be this wanton with anyone else, but with them, everything is like it’s meant to be.
“Then be a good girl, okay? Show Bucky how good you can be with that pretty mouth of yours,” he grunts in your ear, pressing his hard on against your ass cheeks, “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?”
You nod, grind yourself on his cock, so pent up and desperate for release that you rub your legs together just to feel the string of your panties digging in your folds, hoping it would help soothe the ache in your cunt.
“Of course you have, you little slut,” he grunts, pushing your head down on the mattress as Bucky tugs his underwear down.
Yours is ripped by Steve, thrown somewhere in the room, exposing your quivering hole to the cold air. Arching your back, you silently beg for something, anything, which comes in the form of a sting and a loud smack reverberating in the stuffy room.
Steve smacks your pussy again, and again, and again, until the sharp pain in your clit becomes so pleasant that you could come just from that. Bucky wastes no time yanking your head towards his crotch, slapping his heavy cock on your cheek, until your face burns with humiliation and need.
Your hands tremble as you reach for him, hesitating before licking a stripe from the base to the tip, savoring his musky pre cum. You swirl your tongue around the head, teasing his sensitive slit with kitten licks, hands fondling with his balls.
Steve’s thick finger prodding at your entrance makes you gasp, giving Bucky the perfect opportunity to shove your face down his cock until you’re coughing, lungs burning, clawing at his things as he holds you down.
“Calm down, Bucky. Stop bein’ so desperate,” Steve’s voice is muffled in your ears as you struggle for air, feeling light headed.
He plunges a finger inside your pussy, then another, eased by the embarrassing amount of wetness dripping out of you.
Bucky whines something in return, yanking you up. Tears blur your vision as you heave, barely getting enough air in your lungs before he pushes you down again, using your head as a flashlight.
He keeps you still, nose buried in the dark hair of his pelvis, as he stands on his haunches. Grabbing your face with both hands, he starts relentlessly pummelling inside you, fucking your mouth with abandon.
With a broken moan he thrusts all the way down, his balls slapping your chin, fingers clamping around your nose when you start gagging.
“Oh, she likes that. She’s squeezing my fingers,” Steve says, scissoring his fingers between your gummy walls, “Do it again.”
Bucky pinches your nose one more time, depriving you of all air. Dark spots start appearing at the sides of your vision, mind hazy. He lets up before you faint, barely giving you time before he’s stuffing your mouth with his cock once more.
Steve lays down between your legs, face up. From his perspective he can see your glistening pussy, your tits bouncing with the force of Bucky’s thrusts, and his cock disappear between your abused lips. You’re being so good to them that he feels like rewarding you.
His hands guide you to sit down on his face, your moans muffled as he latches onto your swollen clit. He sucks on it until you’re on the edge of your orgasm, walls quivering with the need to release.
He stops just before you can reach your peak, and spanks your clit again.
“You’re not coming on my mouth now.”
Your throat vibrates around Bucky’s cock with moans of pleasure, spurring him on to hold you down longer, chasing his own orgasm with a string of curses.
“She’s gonna faint, idiot,” Steve scolds him, tearing you away from Bucky’s cock, drool dripping down your sore jaw.
“She can handle it,” rasps Bucky, rolling his eyes.
“Stop talking about me like I’m not here,” you frown, slapping Bucky’s hands away when he reaches for you.
“Brats, both of you,” Steve sighs condescendingly, “Be more gentle. And you,” he warns, pinching your inner thigh, “don’t talk unless it’s to beg for more, ‘kay?”
There’s a pause, an awkward moment when you don’t know where to look, what to do with your hands, waiting for Steve to take control again, like he always does.
“So-” Bucky starts, looking up at Steve for guidance, “What now?”
“You’re both- y’know, it’s your first time actually doing it, right?” he asks after pondering for a second, eyes darting between the two of you.
“Yes,” you both respond, and he hums.
“Then you two should go first, be each other’s first times. It makes more sense. I got her ready, so it shouldn’t hurt.”
The idea of Bucky’s cock inside you makes you a bit anxious, considering how much you struggled taking him in your mouth, jaw still sore from his abuse, but it also fills you with warmth.
You trust them blindly, and you want this, you want him to be the first one inside you for whatever reason.
There’s no need for words between you, a tiny nod and a reassuring smile all you need to settle on the pillows, spreading your legs for Bucky to settle in between.
He’s always so sure of himself, but in the moment he looks like a lost puppy. He pumps himself a few times, and braces his weight on one arm as he lines his cock with your entrance.
He gives you one more kiss, tasting himself on your lips, before pushing past your entrance. The tip is barely in by the time that you screech, the pain sharper than you imagined, and Bucky halts immediately despite looking like he’s about to bust on the spot.
Your pussy feels like it’s burning, and no amount of fingers inside you could have prepared you for the stretch of your walls.
“It’s okay,” Steve whispers in your ear, a hand rubbing your shoulder to comfort you, “You’re doing so good, being such a good girl, you’re so perfect. It will go away before you realize, promise.”
“Okay, okay, I can do this,” you pant, digging your nails in Bucky’s back.
“Let’s switch, it will hurt less if you’re on top,” Steve suggests, and you and Bucky comply.
He lays down on the pillows as you straddle his hips, propping yourself up on his toned abs. Steve kneels at your side, holding you up as you hover over him.
Your heart’s beating out of your chest as you grasp Bucky’s cock, taking a deep breath to steel yourself before inching down on him, whimpering with every centimeter that gets swallowed by your gummy walls.
The stretch feels like it’s splitting you open, and if it weren’t for Steve’s strong arms, you’d collapse and cry on Bucky’s chest.
Steve whispers praises and reassuring words in your ear and kisses your tears away, swirling his fingers around your clit to help you out, and Bucky caresses the sides of your waist, mumbling broken apologies to you, kissing your neck.
Once you finally bottom out, you still and slump on Bucky’s shoulder, burying your nose in his hair, inhaling the familiar, comforting scent.
The pain is throbbing, burning, but it becomes more subtle and bearable the longer Bucky stays inside you.
“Okay, it’s getting better” you wheeze in an attempt to encourage yourself, “But I can’t feel my legs now.”
They break in a fit of laughter, easing the tension in the room.
“Let’s switch again,” Bucky proposes, slightly out of breath with the way that your pussy is squeezing him in a vice, “I can move.”
You nod, clinging to his neck as he lifts you up, careful not to let his cock slip out of you.
“I want to feel you close,” Steve says, slightly out of breath, “Lay her on me.”
They help you lay on his chest, Bucky’s cock still buried inside you, the pain fading away in a dull sting.
You’re sandwiched between their bodies, enveloped by their warmth and affection, coated in your slick and their sweat, and despite the discomfort, you’ve never felt as full of love as now.
Bucky seeks permission with his eyes, then reassurance from Steve, and starts rocking his hips tentatively, biting hard on his lips to keep himself from cumming embarrassingly fast.
His cock drags against your walls, a ring of white cream slowly accumulating around the base.
It’s not painful anymore, slightly uncomfortable at times when he’s accidentally too rough, but the burn is now a simmering heat that grows in your core with every thrust.
Steve sings praises in your ear, “Look how good you’re doin’, taking Bucky’s cock so well, you’re such a good girl,” whilst Bucky rutts needily on you.
He’s sloppy in his movements, and his hips don’t have a rhythm to them. He takes you high, close to a release, just to fuck it up again when he stutters, involountarily edging you over and over again.
“I’m close, I’m so close, I’m gonna cum inside you,” he moans.
In a blur you’re on your stomach. Bucky positions you on your knees and pummels inside you again, thrusting more forcefully as he loses himself in the pleasure.
You whimper between Steve’s tender kisses before Bucky tears you away from him, yanking you flush against his chest.
“I love you, I love you, love you so much, love you,” he keeps mumbling, tightly clutching his arms around your stomach and tits, slamming you hard on him.
At that angle Bucky’s cock pushes against a sensitive spot inside you that makes the coils in your stomach tighter, your clit throbbing and your walls clamping down on him.
Steve, never one to be outdone, sits back on his haunches and manhandles your head down again until you’re faced with his hard, leaking cock.
He’s trimmed more neatly than Bucky, but he’s just as big and intimidating.
He slaps his cock on your lips, smearing his precum on you. You’re a moaning mess, automatically taking him in your mouth, savoring his musk on your tongue.
Your jaw is still sore but you do your best to accommodate Steve, eager to please. You relax your muscles and let Bucky’s thrusts do the work for you, already lightheaded with the lack of air.
They keep stuffing you with their cocks, bouncing you between each other, the lewd sounds of your squelching pussy and the bed creaking filling the room.
Bucky’s fingers teasing your clit, your lungs burning, your vision going spotty, it’s all too much for you.
Just as you think you’re about to reach your peak, you feel Bucky pause and stutter, a choked moan escaping his throat as he comes, stuffing you full of his warm cum. Steve comes at the same time, and you almost choke on his release as he spills his load down your throat.
It feels good, you’re fuller than you’ve ever been, but it’s still not enough to push you over the edge.
You both collapse on Steve, exhausted, cum pouring out of your hole and onto the sheets. You expect him to take you immediately after, instead he snakes a hand between your bodies, finding your sensitive clit, overstimulated with all the touching.
“You did so well, baby, you were so good for Bucky. Now cum on my fingers, cum for us,” he moans, twirling your bud between his fingers.
Pent up as you are, it doesn’t take long for you to finally come, almost blacking out with the intensity of your orgasm, your limbs shaking and quivering between theirs.
When you come down from your high, you’re tired out, your whole body is sore, your hips and legs hurt, and the cum seeping out of your entrance reminds you of the burning pain there, now back with a vengeance.
When morning comes, you’ll have to remind Steve to buy you Plan B.
The exhaustion catches up to you as soon as your head hits the pillow, a loud ring in your ears as you barely register your surroundings, Bucky already asleep by your side in true Bucky fashion while Steve takes care of you both, cleaning you up and tucking you in bed.
He whispers ‘I love you’ and kisses the tip of your nose.
Maybe one day you’ll say it back.
For now, you let yourself rest in their embrace, always the three of you like it’s meant to be.
Damn, 4k words of porn. This felt like giving birth or something sksjshj
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
It’s All in the Perspective
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 4491
Warnings: !FATWS SPOILERS!, Cursing, Gun Violence, Minor Character Injury, A Peek at Angry Bucky, Explosions (if that’s a warning), Mentions of Stevie (I really miss him, guys)
A/N: So! Here it is! Part 4.3! After long hours of laboring and slaving away - kidding, kidding. I had a bit of trouble with this part, not gonna lie, because there’s a lot of feelings I wanted to try explaining. To do that, there’s a little sort of twist at the end that, once I decided to put in, made the chapter much smoother to write. I wasn’t happy with it at first, but now I’m satisfied.
There’s a lot of things happening in this one; it’s longer than I had anticipated because of the little snippet at the end I added. It’s got a few scene-for-scene things, but I kinda blew past it just to get to the characters’ emotions and stuff. Plus writing action like the shipping yard scene is hard when you’re not focusing entirely on that scene, which I wasn’t.
You’ll notice that the last little bit with Ayo (the Wakandan) isn’t in this. That’s because I couldn’t really find a way to fit it in and I’m assuming it will fit in better with next week’s episode.
Not beta’d, so please excuse any mistakes! Thank you wonderful people for reading and commenting! I enjoy hearing your opinions and what you like about the show and the series! Enjoy the final Part for Episode 3 and stay tuned for an announcement tomorrow about the One Shots I’ll be doing in relation to this series!
cjsinkythoughts MASTERLIST
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You and Bucky kept sneaking glances at each other as you walked through the dock, weaving between the different colored shipping containers with Sharon leading the way. Every time you caught his eye, his ears turned red and he looked away, scanning your surroundings. Not that you were any better, immediately turning away when he turned your way.
You almost kissed him. Fuck. You couldn’t let that happen. He was your friend. Your teammate. He was the best friend to the man you fell in love with, who just so happened to be your best friend. Your best friend who left you. Your best friend who you promised you would watch out for Bucky. 
Bucky…who you also fell in love with. Whether or not it was because of Steve, the fact of the matter was: you loved him. You loved both of them. And you’d never loved anyone like that before. And one left. And the other was trying to navigate through his shitty life. And you weren’t any better. Which is why, you decided in that moment, that no matter how much you wanted to - and holy shit did you want to - you wouldn’t pursue. 
Yet. Maybe. Ugh! When did feelings become so complicated?!
When you started having them.
You silently grumbled to yourself, shaking your head clear. You had to focus and be in the moment. Now was not the time to sort out what to do about the suddenly rising emotions towards the cerulean eyed brunette currently burning with you with a gaze you refused to return.
“Alright.” Sharon stopped, making the group stop as well. “He’s in there. Container 4261. I’ll keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry; we’re on borrowed time.”
You each grabbed one of the earpieces she held in her palm, slipping it comfortably in your ear. “I’ll stay back with you.” Sharon went to talk, but you cut her off. “I’d feel better knowing it’s not just you out here.”
She pursed her lips, before nodding. “Alright. If that’s what you want.”
“I’ll be fine, Buck.” You insisted, checking your gun to make sure it was loaded. Bucky stayed quiet, nodding in begrudging acceptance.
You and Sharon headed off as the boys went towards the storage unit. “Just like old times, huh?” Sharon raised an eyebrow at you.
You grinned, shoving your gun in the thigh holster she let you borrow. “Let the good times roll, babe.”
“Absolutely.” Sharon winked, before you two split up to cover more ground. It wasn’t long before Sharon announced company and you took off sprinting in her direction.
You got to her just as more thugs approached her from behind, immediately lunging into action.
“Hey, so, we never finished that conversation!”
You grunted as you roundhouse kicked a guy, hooking your knee over his shoulder and pulling him to the ground by the neck “Really?! You wanna do that now?!”
“Sure! I’m not too busy!”
You rolled your eyes at her reply, seeing her knock a guy unconscious before she turned around to knee another one in the face. “What were we talking about?”
“Why’re you holding back?”
“It’s complicated!” You elbowed a guy in the ribs, flipping him over your shoulder and twisting his arm till a sickening crack sounded.
“Because of Steve?!”
“Yes - no! Kind of!” 
Sharon was on the floor choking a guy out as you slammed a guy’s head into a shipping container, pushing him at another guy. “You loved him didn’t you?! And I mean, like in love with him!”
“Who?!” You laced your fingers around the back of his head and brought his face down onto his knee.
“Director Fury!” You gave her a look which she snorted at. “Steve, you dumbass! Who else?!”
“Yeah! No shit I was in love with him!” You ran up the side of a storage unit to do a backflip and land on some guy’s shoulders, choking him out. Before he fell, you rolled off, tripping a guy in the process and elbowing his throat.
“Well at least you’re admitting it now!”
You were hit in the back of the head, thrown into a wrestle with another guy on the ground. You bit his hand, making him cry out, before you headbutted him. 
“You couldn’t even hear his name without having to remind people you were ‘just friends’!”
“We were just friends, Share! You know that!”
You heard her shoot of a gun a few times as you smacked someone in the back of the head with the butt of your gun, trying to save ammo. “You really never did anything about it?!”
She glanced at you incredulously from across the way, bodies now littering the ground. “And you don’t regret that?”
“No.” You sighed at her look, relenting. “Yes. Kind of. I dunno. I mean…he’s happy with his decision, and for me that’s enough.”
“But doesn’t it hurt?”
“Of course it hurts. It hurts like hell. But-”
“But you still have him so it’s all good.”
You bit your lip, shrugging. “Something like that.”
Sharon tilted her head, confused. “So why don’t you tell him?”
“I dunno. I don’t think either of us is ready.”
“C’mon. I saw you two earlier. You should’ve just kissed him.”
Rolling your eyes, you frowned when you noticed something missing. “Ah shit. My ear piece. It must’ve fallen out earlier.” You looked around, but Sharon stopped you, nodding her head between a couple shipping containers. 
“Don’t worry about it. Mine broke a little while ago, too. Let’s go get the guys. Tell them we need to leave.”
You nodded and started running with her to the unit Nagel’s lab was in. You followed her around the corner, only to widen your eyes and shove her out of the way. Two gunshots rang out, Sharon catching the guy right between the eyes, while the man’s bullet grazed your shoulder.
“Ow, fuck.” You hissed, hand immediately going up to clamp your wound.
“Dammit! You shouldn’t have done that, you idiot!”
You gave her a look. “You’re welcome.”
Rolling her eyes, she quickly tore off part of your shirt. “Hey!”
“First off, this is my shirt. Second, I’m just making it more of a crop top. Third, it’s your own fault, so quit your whining.”
“Touchy touchy.” You grumbled, wincing when she tied it around your arm.
“Just come on. And hey,” she turned to you as she sprinted with your wrist in her hold. “My advice? Don’t wait. Seriously. I know it must be weird, the whole he’s his best friend, he was your best friend, now he’s your best friend, thing you’ve got going on, but there’s nothing else stopping you. Steve made his choice. And he’d be fine with whatever you choose as long as you’re happy.”
You shook your head. “But Bucky’s still healing-”
“So? He’s already been on dates. I think you’re just using that as an excuse to protect your heart from hurting again. Trust me; Barnes isn’t going anywhere.”
Not able to respond since you were making your way to the guys in Nagel’s lab, you bit your lip, hating that she got the last say in the conversation. She definitely planned it so she would. “We’re outta time, fellas.”
As if things couldn’t get worse Zemo - that fucking snake, you knew he was gonna do something stupid - took out a gun he got from who knows where. You sure as hell didn’t let him have a gun. Before you could stop him, he shot Nagel, your best, your only, lead.
“Goddammit!” You growled as Sam and Sharon restrained him. “You fucking-”
The explosion came next, again happening faster than you could react. Bucky grabbed you and pulled you underneath him, covering you with his body as glass and metal flew around you. With ringing ears, you groaned, squinting your eyes open.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
You were vaguely aware of the alarms going off, a red light blinking behind Bucky’s head. You nodded, his worried eyes softening just slightly at your response. “We gotta get out-”
“I know, I know. C’mon.” He helped you up, eyes catching sight of the makeshift bandage on your arm. “Dammit, what did you do?”
“I’m fine.” You pushed his hands off. “Go help Sharon. We’ve gotta move. Now.” He huffed, but nodded and moved over to get Sharon. You tried to see where Zemo went through the smoke, but he was already gone.
You four made it just before the whole thing combusted due to the chemicals in the lab. So much for any evidence or leads.
The moment you got out, you were thrust into a gunfight, rolling your eyes as Bucky and Sam, once again, did their own thing.
“Are they always like this?”
“Usually it’s worse. Wait until they start arguing about who was right.” Sharon gave you an unamused look to which you nodded at, ducking when a bullet whizzed by you. “I know. It’s so annoying.”
Sure enough, when Bucky ran out of bullets, the bickering commenced, making you huff and Sharon shout at them. “Are they serious?”
You shot a few more bullets before your gun started clicking. “Dammit. Unfortunately.”
“I’m out!”
“Me too!”
Another explosion and a person you couldn’t see clearly through the haze caused a distraction for you guys to get away, Sam practically shoving you and Sharon into an open shipping container as Bucky took care of a couple more bounty hunters.
“What happened? Both of your comms went out.” Bucky growled once he came in behind you, grabbing your forearm to study your wound.
“It’s just a graze. Chill your ass down. I lost my earpiece and Sharon’s broke.”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed, his voice low with warning. “What. Happened.”
“We rounded a corner, the guy was there. I shoved Sharon, he shot, she shot, I got hit, he’s now dead. Happy?”
“You promised.” He snapped, finger tightening on your arm. “You said you’d save yourself first.”
“Buck, let go.” Grabbing his wrist, you tugged a bit, wincing slightly. “Seriously. Stop. That hurts.”
He blinked, his features slacking and his fingers immediately dropping your arm. “Doll, I-I…fuck.” He turned to go punch through the back wall to get out of the unit you were in.
Before you could respond and tell him it was fine, the Baron himself drove up in a slick blue convertible. You groaned at Bucky’s response to Zemo. “We need him.” God, you were getting tired of hearing that.
“You’re lucky I don’t bash your head in.” You growled at him. 
“If you try that shit again-”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Sam raised an eyebrow when Bucky got into the passenger’s seat with no hesitation, looking at you. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but you shrugged and slipped into the back with Sam. Bucky and you always took the back seat. You had ever since the dumb little blue car Steve got.
You hugged Sharon in parting, knowing she couldn’t come with. “Hey.” She looked at you sternly. “Take a leap.”
“We’ll see.” You told her, sitting down and buckling.
“Do better than that, Y/L/N. And get me that pardon you promised me.” She told Sam, pointing at him..
“Thanks for everything.” She nodded, before jogging off in the opposite direction you’d be heading. Sam turned back to the front, an annoyed expression crossing his face. “You’re not gonna move your seat up, are you?”
You snickered as Sam shot you a glare, Zemo starting to drive the car out of the shipping yard, away from the chaos.
You collapsed onto the seat in front of Bucky, leaning onto the knee he had propped up against the back. He glanced up at you, face blank, before looking back down at his metal hand he was cleaning.
“Here. Let me see-”
“I got it.” He grumbled, shifting away from where your hands reached for his.
Your eyes widened, stunned at his reaction. “Bucky, just let me-”
“I said no, Y/N.” Your name. Again. You can’t remember him calling you ‘doll’ since before the shipping yard explosion.
“Are you okay?” He merely grunted. You straightened off his leg, swatting his knees with the back of your hand. “Hey.”
He shifted again, planting his feet on the floor. “Stop.”
He shot you a warning glare. “Y/N-”
“Stop calling me that.”
“It’s your name, isn’t it?”
“What is wrong with you?” You scrunched up your features in confusion and concern. “Is this about my arm? I told you it’s fine.” You got no response except his eye flickering to your now properly bandaged shoulder. “Why are you acting so weird?”
He shrugged. “I’m not.”
You scoffed in disbelief, jaw dropping. “You’re not.”
“Fine.” You stood up, brushing your legs off, the bare skin having splotches and smears of dirt and dust. “If you wanna be like that, go ahead. Brood. Be a child. When you’re ready to talk to me about whatever the hell is bothering you, like an adult, I’ll be in the back room.”
You only took two steps before he called out for you. “Doll.” You turned around, an expectant look on your features as you crossed your arms, shifting your weight to one foot. He looked up at you nervously, before looking down and picking at the metal plates of his hand. “I got scared.”
Your features softened, your head tilting gently. “Scared?”
“When you stopped talking. You and Sharon…you were talking. But both of your comms went down around the same time and I…it scared me. I-I don’t get scared anymore. Not the way I did when your voice stopped. I didn’t mean to hurt you…” His voice got quieter at the last sentence, his eyes looking to the purple handprint on your forearm.
“It was an accident, Buck.” You reassured him, settling back down in front of him. “It’s fine. You were still reeling it in from the bar. I know it’s hard for you to judge your strength like that. Steve had problems like that too.” You looked down at the rag he was holding, putting your hand out.
He licked his lips, before handing you the rag. You got off the couch to shift so you were sitting between his legs, his chest to your back. Holding his metallic hand between both of yours, you set to work, gingerly wiping away the grime, picking at the filth that wedged itself between the plates.
“He,” you chuckled, shaking your head at the moment you were remembering. “He accidentally gave me a concussion once when we were sparring. At first it was awesome; he got me my favorite take out and took me to the movies and all that. But then he just started getting annoying. Wouldn’t even let me reach for the TV remote on the coffee table a yard away.”
“Can I ask you something?” You hummed, tilting your head slightly when you felt his chin hooking on your shoulder, giving him more room. “How long did you love him?”
Freezing, you raised an eyebrow and turned to face him. “What?”
“You and Sharon. When you were talking…your comms were on.”
“How-” You swallowed thickly, a lump suddenly forming in the back of your throat. “How much did you hear?”
“Yours went out right after you admitted you were in love with him. Hers went out after you said you were just friends.”
Holding in a sigh of relief, you went back to cleaning his hand. “I don’t really know exactly when it happened. After the Battle of New York, maybe. So 2012, I guess? I dunno. I was getting up from falling for him, though. A few years later.”
“I - yeah. I kind of…fell again.”
He hummed, leaning back, taking his chin off your shoulder and unwinding his arm from your waist. “He’s an easy person to fall for. Hell, I’m pretty sure I had a crush on him once upon a time.”
You chuckled at that, raising an eyebrow over your shoulder at him. “I never said I fell for him again. But, yeah. You’re right.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “You like someone else?”
“Oh…” He cleared his throat as you went back to his hand. “Uh…so you don’t still love him? Steve, I mean?”
“He was the first person I really loved, Bucky. A part of me will always love him.”
Bucky fingers twitched in your hold, the fingers on his other hand tapping against his thigh. “You know…he loved you too.”
You sighed, closing your eyes. “Don’t do that.”
“It’s true-”
“He left, James. If he loved me, why would he leave?”
You could feel his hesitation as his next words left his lips. “I-I dunno.” That was a lie. You could hear it in his voice. If there was one person Steve trusted more than you, it was Bucky. Of course he knew.
“Listen, I really don’t want to talk about this-”
“It’s in the notebook.” You bit your lip as Bucky shifted, pulling out the little notebook from his pocket. “He made lists - he liked lists. He made lists of things you said that made him laugh. Songs that reminded him of you. Little quirks you do that he noticed over the years. He missed you every time you went on a mission and prayed you’d get back safely.”
“James, please-”
“He didn’t want me to let you know. But I had to tell you. You have to know. He loved you.”
You let out a shaky breath as he placed the book on your thigh. You stared at it for a moment, before grabbing it and placing it in his left hand, closing his fingers around it and standing up. “I think…I’m gonna go rest for a bit in the back room. Holler if you need me.”
You didn’t wait for a response, moving quickly to the small back room of the plane which you got dressed in only a couple days ago. It only had one arm chair and instead of a door there was a curtain, but you were fine with that, plopping down in the chair and reclining.
Why? Why would he bring that up? Did he hear more than he said? Was he trying to let you down easy before you could even tell him how you felt? Did he get spooked after dancing? After the almost-kiss?
You never thought of Steve in the wrong. After all he’d done for the world in his life, he deserved to be selfish - to be happy. And Peggy gave him that. But why? Why would he leave if he loved you so dearly? If he really did what Bucky said? He wouldn’t. He’s not cruel. He wouldn’t up and leave, without even saying goodbye, knowing how deeply you loved him and feeling the same about you. This was Steven Grant Rogers for crying out loud! He wouldn’t…right?
But Bucky…he wouldn’t lie to you. He wouldn’t tell you that, especially knowing how much you missed the lovable blonde. And you knew his words held at least some truth. Actions spoke louder than words, and as something Bucky said repeated itself in your mind, you started slipping into a memory, your eyes shutting and your breaths evening out.
“He missed you every time you went on a mission and prayed you’d get back safely.”
The incessant knocking made you groan, shouting that you were coming and mumbling curses. You barely threw open the door before his worried voice hit your ears. “Are you okay? Were you hurt?”
“Stevie.” You sighed, rubbing your eyes and looking over at the clock on the wall. “Bubs…it’s two in the morning. I just got back, like, an hour ago.”
He shuffled, pink lips in a pout, eyes round and distressed. “I know, honey. I know. I’m sorry. But I heard you got hurt-”
You shook your head, a small giggle of amusement leaving your lips and you lifted your right hand, letting him see the black split holding your ring and pinky fingers. “I jammed my fingers in a door. The doc said I’ll be fully healed in a month at most.”
His eyes darted across your face and down your body, scanning for any more injuries. After glancing at your hands again, they finally landed on your eyes once more. Next thing you knew, you were being held against his chest, his face in the crook of your neck. You hummed softly, running your fingers down his spine, moving the two of you deeper into your apartment so you could shut the door.
“Don’t ever do that again. I gotta have faith in something and if you come home hurt, it’ll be crushed.”
Your eyebrows knit together. At his strange wording. “What’s that mean?”
“It means you have to promise me you’ll stay safe, honey.” He pulled back and held your face between his hands. “Please.”
“I can promise I’ll try my best.” You teased lightly, smiling at him and booping his nose, making him grin, although it was strained. “Why don’t you stay here tonight? We’ll turn on some TV in my room and you can keep me safe while I get much needed sleep.”
That made his grin relax into a real one, his head nodding in agreement. “Sounds perfect.”
“C’mon, bubs.” You took his hand, leading him to your room. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and you’ll catch some zzzz’s too.”
“What the hell was that?”
Bucky turned to Sam, who was gaping at him in utter disbelief, looking from the assassin to the doorway Y/N just walked through. “She needed to know.”
“Buck, she’s been dealing with some shit. And we both know something’s going on that she isn’t telling us. Her “zoning out” isn’t just zoning out, and we know that. She doesn’t need you confusing her even more.”
“Confusing her?”
Sam blinked, his troubled expression falling into a deadpan. “Are you fucking with me? No. There’s no way you’re that naive. Seriously?! Man, c’mon!”
Bucky scrunched up his face. “What?”
“She likes you, man! Everyone knows it!”
The brunette shook his head, forehead creased. “No. No, you heard her, Sam. She’s in love with Steve.”
“Was in love. As in past tense.”
“But-but she said- she likes someone else-”
“Barnes!” Sam threw his hands up, exasperated. “You are someone else!”
“I thought you two were already-”
Bucky pointed warningly at Zemo. “Watch it. Wait, wait-” He turned back to Sam. “But I heard her-”
“Bucky…man…” Sam sighed, shaking his head. “Listen, I can’t tell you everything. I’m not about to break my girl’s trust like that. But you gotta hear me when I tell you she likes you. What do you think almost happened at the party?”
“She - I - it was…an accident?”
Sam spluttered, eyes wide. “An accident? You two grinding and nearly making out was an accident?!”
“Woah! We were not…grinding-”
Zemo hummed. “Hmm…you kind of were.”
Bucky glared at him. “Thin. Fucking. Ice.” He whipped back to Sam. “I just remind her of him.”
“What?! That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! You remind her of Steve? Yes, granted your both dumbasses, but she knows both of you enough to know there’s quite a few big differences.”
Sam held up his hand, shutting Bucky up. “You like her. Yes or no.”
Bucky huffed, looking down at the hand she was holding only minutes ago. “Yes.” He finally relented. “Since the first couple months in Wakanda.”
“Steve liked her. Yes or no.”
He ran a hand through his hair, nodding his head. “Yes. Yes he liked her. I wasn’t lying about that.”
“So explain something to me.” Sam crossed his arms. “Why is it that Steve isn’t here, and you are?”
Bucky crossed his arms, brooding - although he’d never admit it - while staring out the window. “Steve…knew. I liked her. And, yes, he loved her, but he also loved Peggy. So he…”
“He told you to take your chance with Y/N, and he went back to be with his first love.”
HYDRA’s former fist nodded with a sigh. “Something like that.”
“You need to tell her.”
“I can’t.”
Sam groaned. “Why not?!”
“Because!” Bucky took a breath, trying not to shout and alert the sleeping girl in the room over, his ears tuning into her slowed heartbeat to make sure she was okay. “Because Steve has her heart, Sam. The whole thing just…I’m jealous of him. Because he got her first. And then I get mad because he didn’t do shit about it. And then I feel guilty because all the shit he put up with for me and here I am complaining…and then I just get…depressed because he’s not here. I used to be the one who fixed his problems. But after I got out…he’s been the one fixing mine. And I just…I don’t know what to do.”
Sam shook his head, rolling his eyes. “I get it. That’s valid. But stop whining and moping around about it. It happened. And you need to get your shit together. If not for your sake, for hers. Because she lost him too. And she’s probably feeling those exact same feelings.”
“But…she’s his girl-”
“No. She’s not. He made his choice.” Sam nodded towards Bucky. “Now you gotta make yours,  Buckaroo.”
He shot him a glare. “You can’t call me that.”
“Why not? Y/N calls you that.”
“Y/N has a plan.”
“We both know that’s not true, Buckaroo. Hey! That one rhymed!”
Bucky shook his head with a scowl. “I will beat your ass, Wilson.”
Sam scoffed, shoving Bucky’s head playfully. “Stop being a dumbass and tell her. Buckaroo.”
“That’s it!”
Bucky tackled Sam to the ground, Zemo giving them an amused expression before leaving to talk to Oeznik. They were so wrapped up in their wrestling session, they didn’t notice the woman leaning against the wall, tired eyes barely opened as her eyebrows raised, unimpressed.
“Are you fellas done?’
They both stopped, shooting up when they noticed her. “Doll, I-”
She shook her head. “Don’t, Buck. Not right now. I’m just really tired.”
“Did we wake you?” Sam winced.
She shook her head again, yawning. “No. I just needed to use the restroom.”
Bucky couldn’t help the small smile as she rubbed her eyes, stretching her arms overhead, making that ripped crop top ride higher up. She was too cute. And she didn’t even realize it.
“Sleep well, doll. We’ll try to keep it down.”
She nodded, turning and waving over her shoulder. “You two try getting sleep, too, alright? Goodnight, Sammy.”
“Night, cher.”
“Sweetheart?” She peeked through the curtain, tilting her head slightly. “You know I love you, right?”
A small smile quirked up her lips, but it was sadder than the ones his question usually elicited. “As long as you know I love you.”
He nodded, returning the half-smile. “G’night, doll.”
“Goodnight, Buckaroo.”
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