#I need a tag for these it’ll be much easier smh
rodolfoparras · 1 year
Thinking about Peter Parker who likes to be titty fucked but sweet thing doesn’t have the chest for that but he’ll still pathetically cup his pecks, squeezing them together so you can slot your cock between them, and he gets so turned on when he sees you enjoying yourself, subconsciously rutting his clothed cock against the floor while watching you fuck his small chest, and cumming in his pants when you finish all over his face
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laufire · 4 years
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@thepawnhits​ asked: I was wondering if you could go into further detail about your comment under the murphystartedthefire about murphy stans who hate emori?
(I hope you don’t mind that I answered over here; it’s just that this post got long enough to merit a read more and I’ve seen tumblr mess up with those in ask posts as of late smh ¬¬)
I know this might come across in ways I don’t intend to-- I’m not here to tell anyone how they define their fan experience; this is specifically about how I see the fandom spectrum. If someone wants to call themselves a Murphy stan and hate on Emori I’ll simply assume we have a different definition of the term and that they have remarkably bad taste xD and move on.
On that vein: according to my vision of what a stan is, I would never see someone that hates Emori as a Murphy stan.
There are wildly different ways to love a character, and stanning is only one of them, and the rarest one at that, IMO. Sometimes we think we love a character (or like them, or have “come around” to them), to discover later that it wasn’t so. I know it’s happened to me a few times (and I take pride in knowing myself quite well, overall, lol), that looking back I ended up thinking, well --in hindsight, I didn’t love them that much. For example, I would’ve count Daenerys as one of my favourites in the ASOIAF books, maybe even number one at some points, and I did like her on the show whenever I tuned in (not that often). However, I’m not enraged about her ending, and in fact I appreciate quite a lot of what the GOT finale did. Because though I like Daenerys, I was willing to trade her for other characters and other developments that mattered more to me when it counted --at the very end. Because I liked Daenerys, maybe loved her even, but I did not stan Daenerys (that I reserved for Cersei lmao).
Stanning, to me, is something quite unique and nebulous to define, but it more or less comes down to this: you nterpret the story through that character, other characters & how they affect them included (you will ship different ships if you stan a character vs. if you merely like them, IMO); they’re your number one priority to the point you’d “betray” your loyalties to other characters you like (if you’re capable to even like them in the first place, if they’re in the way of your fave. I happen to be, which creates a lot of conflict in my fannish life until the endgame comes and all bets are off lmao, but not everyone is and they probably have an easier time of it xD); and you want them to have the BEST, richest storyline, to get everything they say they want and more (and the keyword here is “say”, because if you stan a character you will take what they say at face value; you won’t doubt their POV, you won’t think they’re ~misguided and need to be “taught a lesson”, that they need to fundamentally change who they are at their core. You’d love them as they are because stanning is a fucking ridiculous state of being), even when it looks like it’s way beyond their reach.
Stanning is also very self-centered of us fans. All fannish love is, I guess. We don’t love characters the way we love people (not the ones we love genuinely, beyond ourselves, at least). It goes through a filter of what WE think and want too, because characters aren’t real people and their well-being only matters in-so-far as we’ve latched onto them. Fannish love is different from person to person, but one thing that’s true for my type of stanning is that “happiness”, as in the character being easily “content” matters a lot less to me than them winning. So whether or not a most interesting ship from them happens to bring them heartbreak once in a while... so what, as long as it brings real, tangible benefits to their storyline? With second-rate characters I like I might say “oh, that ship is nice, it makes them happy, it’s convenient for them”, etc. With my OTPs and my faves that’s not even in my radar. I want victory, not contentment, ffs.
Another thing it’s important to take into account and that I rarely if ever see fandom mentioning is that where a character is positioned in the narrative conditions how you love them. It’s not the same to start out the show with Clarke as your number one fave (even if boy, did she took a few hits in the meantime), or even Octavia and Bellamy (... same with him), than if you latch onto Raven, Murphy, etc. They weren’t quite at the bottom of the barrel, there were always characters way below them, but they were positioned explicitly below other characters in their introductions.
Fans adjust their expectations when they love secondary characters like that, whether they’re able to admit it or even realize it. We expect them to get less than the leads, because that’s how hierarchies work. Most of the time we’re right, but sometimes there are ~shakeups, and The 100 is one of those times, IMO. Because of that, Murphy got a lot more of what would’ve been expected in s1. Faced with that, fans need to reajust, but some can’t. Depending on how risk-averse they are, they might fear that their fave is getting something that’s not their “due” according to the initial structure, and that means they’ll be “punished” for it and have it, at the very least, taken away. The bigger they are, the harder the fall, etc. Personally I happen to like the risk --no risk, no reward--, and this ~timid way of loving your number one doesn’t align with my view of stanning characters at all *shrug*. Like, what the fuck is the point if you’re gonna settle for mediocrity xD
Now, wrt Memori specifically.
I have alluded to this in several post in the past; here I talk a little bit about Memori as a narrative that uplifts Murphy, for example. That, to me, it’s the gist of it. Memori is AMAZING for Murphy’s storyline. AMAZING. It’s THE romance of the show, period. It does wonders for his character, it’s made him The Romantic Hero (which is the most flattering way a male character can ever come across IMO), it’s made him pull outstanding stunts. Memori brings the most of Murphy, and as someone that loves Murphy, I love Memori for it (among other many reasons, like the fact that it’s very much My Type of ship).
Somehow people claim that because she was “mean” (...) to him in s5 that’s a bad relationship for him and... lmfao. EVEN if I thought they said that in good faith (ha!); EVEN if I agreed with them in their reading of the ship (ha!)... MEMORI IS NOT A REAL RELATIONSHIP.
MEMORI IS A FICTIONAL PAIRING. I don’t give a fuck about “healthy”, and I don’t see the vast majority of fans do either; not when push comes to shove, not about the ships that truly matter to them, their OTPs, and not just their ~casual pairings. I don’t want Memori to be a conflict-free storyline, because I think it would be an objectively worse ship if it was. Sometimes the conflict will be Memori vs. the world. Sometimes it’ll be Emori vs. Murphy. I think both have merit and both had done a lot of good for the ship.
So then, I question: why would people who love Murphy (or claim to, or genuinely think they do but), hate on Emori and think she’s the worst thing that’s happen to him, in the face of the overwhelming proof of the contrary?
One option is that, like I say, they find Memori to risky, to beyond Murphy as he was introduced in s1 (this fandom is even more stuck in s1 mentality than most I’ve encountered, and that’s saying something). It could be, though I haven’t seen clear examples of it.
What I have seen are examples of people that, for a variety of reasons, aren’t being quite truthful about their priorities, tbh. This will sound presumptous on my part but I can’t bring myself to care because I’m quite tired of this fandom; it’s repetitive af, even if I weren’t to take into account that I have been in several fandoms, even if often as a mere lurker, and I’ve seen all of this before, over and over again. I’m TIRED people xD
I’ll be blunt: this attitude, comes from CLARKE’s stans, not Murphy’s. People whose priority is Clarke, and that think she should be centered in the show (usually with Bellamy/Clarke as the ship they use to channel it --the ones that go for Lexa don’t seem as keen on invading Emori and Memori’s tags but they might be out there too). Potentially I could see it from Bellamy stans too (though frankly, on the vein of this post, my definition of a stan wouldn’t ship Bellamy with Clarke lol); so far Memori and Bellamy aligned quite well in canon, but all the s7 could change that and turn into resentment.
Because that’s what I think it is in a lot of cases: resentment. Resentment that Murphy and Emori get a Romance, capital letters, while their own ship is... well. While their ship isn’t. I’ve seen this happen in other fandoms and that’s all there is: petty jealousy. Why can’t my fave enjoy this?? Which, btw, is a sentiment I can sympathy with? It’s the way they try to pass it for something more that annoys me LOL.
And tbh I think that’s what a lot of Murven “shipping” comes from (and even that short moment of Murphy/Echo shipping I remember from s5 lol): it’s not genuine, passionate shipping; it’s convenience shipping that doesn’t own up to it. Now, I think there are Murven shippers out there that are passionate about it; I myself like it a little, even if only in a fanon context (and preferably in a thruple lol), but a.) I’ve happened to see those more often than not multiship Memori too either way, and b.) you can tell a lot of those shippers aren’t genuine by their reactions to the Murven scene in late s6 IMO: they HATED it, not because of the admittedly cringy dialogue lol, but because they were there for each other in a way that didn’t account for Clarke. That scene, which by all accounts should’ve been shipping fodder, was derided and hated on, because to a lot of Clarke stans the ship is just a way to get Murphy into a less potent ship, with the added benefit of keeping those women they feel threatened by away from Bellamy. Win-win.
This is a tangent, but hell, if anything I think having getting canonically paired with Raven would’ve been potentially terrible for Murphy’s narrative. Remember when I say stans take their fave at their word? It’s similar for writers: when writers truly respect a character, they take them at their word. In male characters especially, there’s one way this manifests, and it’s in their romantic storylines: the lead guy (or any guy with real narrative capital) loves One Girl, and One Girl only (if he hesitates between more he’s a no good wishy-washy and weak-willed jerk and the writers can even come to dislike him for it). There’s no version of his story that can look truly victorious if she doesn’t love him back and they don’t get their endgame, period. So when writers “stan” that character, in the particular way writers do, they give him just that: Peak Romance.
If the writers had pulled from Memori to write him with Raven, two things could’ve happen: either it’d happen humiliating Raven for Emori, or the other way around (yes, as fandom we can imagine other scenarios. In actual canon F/M/F triangles almost invariably go like that, sadly). If it’d happened before s6, I would’ve said Emori getting the short end of the stick was a more likely option, though now I’m not so sure. Either way, both scenarios would make Murphy Look Bad for hurting a girl’s feelings (yes, Murphy has killed people. But like I’ve said, Romantic Hero is what looks best and you CAN’T be a romantic hero if you seriously spurn a girl, even if it’s not your #1 girl. Writers are ridiculous but this pattern holds over and over smh). It would’ve been even WORSE if said girl was Emori, because it means the writers no longer respected Murphy’s POV and his priorities. It would change the core of Murphy’s character because Memori was written into his DNA, no turn backs, the way Bellamy as Octavia’s Big Brother was on his, for example.
Aaaaaanyway. I hope this has shined some light on what I meant lol. But I guess it can be summarized with: in terms of pure narrative, Emori has been consistently great for Murphy’s character. Why would you hate her if you love him, in the way a stan loves?
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kuriboo · 4 years
Aiball Week 2020 - Day 6
Personality Switch / Masquerade
Is it February 13th? No. Is this over a month after the event ended? Yes. Oh, well. At the time, I just wasn’t up to this. Even if I’d forced myself to be, the result would’ve come out much worse than it is now, so hopefully it’s worth the wait! 
Either way, this was one of the prompts that really inspired me when @aiballshipping came out with the prompt list for the event. I wrote the other one a while back, which I think was an AU prompt. But even over a month later, I still really wanted to explore the inspiration this prompt gave me. So, I hope no one minds that I did it anyway. 
also available on ao3 @ tatersalad5001!!
Additional Tags: feel free to interpret yusaku + ai as either platonic or romantic on this one!, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, (this is vaguely after revolver and windy's duel), (but take canon with a grain of salt), Personality Swap, Character Study
Class was over.
Yusaku shoved everything into his backpack and got ready to leave school for the day.
“Yuuuusaku! Buddy!” Shima practically slid over to where Yusaku had been sitting. “Logged into Vrains lately?”
Yusaku rolled his eyes. “I don’t go on Vrains.”
“Right.” Shima dabbed (literally, Shima actually dabbed) right past Yusaku’s correction like he hadn’t even asked the question. “Anyway, you don’t need to log in to hear the news, right? You heard the news?”
What news? News about Playmaker? Or... “I haven’t,” Yusaku responded.
“Oh, man, it’s crazy! There’s a virus going around the server. It’s nothing like the Another incident, or anything like that. But it’s making a lot of people...act differently. Complete personality switch.”
Yusaku sighed. This was the least concerning Vrains-related thing he’d heard in at least a couple of months. “You better log in now, then. Before you miss your chance.” The chance for Shima to catch a new personality and finally leave Yusaku alone.
“Oh, Yusaku! You’re such a kidder!” Shima laughed.
Personality changes? That wasn’t good, but Yusaku had bigger things on his mind. He needed to save Jin. He needed to stop Lightning. There was always the chance Lightning created this virus and was spreading it, but why would Lightning go for something so small? It was probably the result of some random hacker. Yusaku could only have so much on his mind right now.
So he forgot it fairly quickly after he left the classroom. Right now, it was more important to focus on the task at hand. Tracking down any of the Ignis (besides Ai and Flame), because they needed to convince Earth and Aqua to join their side, and they needed to stop Lightning and Windy.
He and Takeru met up with Kusanagi shortly afterwards, at Cafe Nagi. When the group checked in on Vrains, it was quickly apparent that sometbing was wrong.
“There’s way less people logged in than usual,” Takeru noted. “Did something happen?”
“Whatever it is, we can’t let it stop us now. The sooner we track down any of the Ignis, the closer we’ll be to saving Jin,” Kusanagi said.
“With less people on, it might be easier for us to find any Ignis presence. It also might be easier for SOL Technologies to notice us.” Yusaku frowned. “This could be good for us, or bad. Let’s hope it’s good.”
Thankfully, Yusaku’s hopes came true. It didn’t take long for them to get a hit in their search. Maybe it was one of the Ignis, maybe a clue of somewhere they had been recently, maybe it was nothing, but there was a chance it was something. That made it worth checking.
“Are you sure about this?” Ai asked Yusaku before anyone could log in. “You feel it, too, right? Something’s off in the network.”
Yeah, he did feel it. Something off, something that wouldn’t sit still, that seemed attracted towards any Vrains users. But it seemed like it was sticking around the main areas most users clung to. Far from where Yusaku planned to go.
“It’ll be fine.”
Yusaku and Takeru logged in, bringing Ai and Flame with them.
They looked into what turned up in their search. It was a dud after all. At least they tried.
Something in the network was off, and the feeling only worsened for Yusaku and Ai.
The group logged off.
As soon as Yusaku was back in the real world, something was different. Something was wrong. It took him a second to register what it was, but he was light-headed. Just standing up was messing with his sense of balance, painfully slow.
“Whoa, you okay?” Kusanagi asked, immediately noticing how wobbly Yusaku was. He grabbed Yusaku by the arm and helped him sit down in one of the chairs in his van.
“Yeah, just...” Yusaku rested his head back against the wall. “I’ll be okay. Need to sit down for a moment.”
“Maybe we should take a break for the rest of the day. Maybe tomorrow, too.” Takeru frowned. “We haven’t had any luck, and it’s starting to wear us out, from the looks of it.”
“No. I’m fine,” Yusaku insisted. He started to shake his head, but that only made him feel worse. He winced.
Neither of the others looked like they believed him.
“Really, I’m okay!” Yusaku leaned forward in his chair. “There’s no time to waste. What if we miss something just because you want to make me rest?”
“If you’re not feeling well, then even if something happens we might not be able to do anything about it,” Kusanagi pointed out.
“We’re not letting you burn yourself out.” Takeru crossed his arms across his chest. “We need Playmaker in the best shape possible if we’re going to stop Lightning.”
Yusaku sighed and turned his chair away from them. “It’s no fair when you gang up on me like that... Fine, I’ll leave Vrains alone for a day or two.”
Kusanagi opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by the computer making some sort of noise. An error noise, Yusaku recognized it. Kusangi looked up at the computer screen, then glanced back down towards Yusaku again.
“Nothing happened when you logged out, right, Yusaku?”
“Nothing unusual.”
“Hmm.” Kusanagi frowned, looking towards the screen again. “I was deleting all activity on the Playmaker account like usual, but it picked up some sort of error when you logged out.”
For a moment, Yusaku wasn’t sure how to respond to that. “Maybe that’s why I feel like this... Told you both I’m f—“
Something occurred to him.
“Ai’s being way quieter than usual.” Not that Flame was talkative right now either, but it wasn’t entirely out of character for Flame, at least. Flame had been disappointed before they logged out of Vrains, maybe he needed some time to himself. But Ai had still been in high spirits. Normally he would’ve said something by now, at least made some kind of joke.
But now, Flame poked his face out of Takeru’s duel disk. “Yeah...you’re right. Do you think something happened to him as you were logging out? Maybe Lightning was around after all.”
“Maybe.” Yusaku looked down at his duel disk and shrugged. “More likely that he’s just scouring the internet for more Ai-themed websites. Like the one Windy lured him with, though.”
“I’m busy.”
Flame, Takeru, and Kusanagi looked towards Yusaku’s duel disk as well. Ai was definitely still in there, that was Ai’s voice just now. But he wasn’t even visible in eye form right now.
“With what?” Yusaku rolled his eyes. “You didn’t actually find another trap, did you? If you keep falling for stuff like that, I won’t rescue you next time.”
“Shut up. I’m searching the internet for signs of Aqua and Earth again. They could’ve put up a message for us while we were in Vrains,” Ai replied.
“That’s a fair point.” Flame stroke his chin...or, where his chin would be, if he had one. “Just because we were in Vrains doesn’t mean we’ll find them there.”
Ai poked his head out of Yusaku’s duel disk. “Now that you all finally caught up, I’m finished looking. There’s nothing. Doesn’t hurt to be thorough, though.”
“Definitely not. Good thinking, Ai,” Kusanagi told him.
“You all take your break, we still need you in shape for dueling. But since AI don’t need to rest, I’ll keep an eye out on the internet in the meantime. Lightning won’t rest just because you need to,” Ai said.
“I can help you out with that, too,” Flame added. “It’s our turn to shine.”
Yusaku chuckled. “Nice pun,” he told Ai.
Ai glared at him. “It wasn’t a pun. And it wasn’t funny.”
“Too bad. It could’ve been if you had a sense of humor.”
Everyone in the room besides Ai and Yusaku stared at Yusaku like he just grew a second head.
“What?” Yusaku asked.
“Did you just...laugh?” Takeru asked.
“What’s wrong with laughing?” The joke Ai could’ve made really was funny! When did everyone besides Yusaku lose their sense of humor? When did jokes become illegal?
“Buddy...” Kusanagi frowned. “As long as I’ve known you, I’ve never heard you laugh once. Not until just now.”
Yusaku paused for a second and thought back. Kusanagi...actually had a point there. Yusaku hadn’t had any reservations in laughing just now, but he couldn’t remember the last time before that that he’d found anything nearly funny enough to laugh about. Even jokes of the same caliber. Especially jokes of the same caliber. They always seemed so annoying before, but now...
“Let me see that error screen.” Yusaku sighed. “Something’s wrong.”
Something was wrong with Yusaku. And with Ai, too. Because Ai was annoyed with Yusaku’s joke, and that was like...the opposite of the relationship the two of them had.
Message received from Takeru
> Read Now
Read Later
Sent: found something. could be related to lightning. what do you think? [link]
Received: Did you seriously just rickroll me? Who are you and what have you done with Yusaku? Seriously? Rickrolling? Of all things?
Sent: you just don’t have any appreciation for old memes. smh...
Received: How did you even send me the link? I thought your phone couldn’t use internet. You still have the old flip phone, right?
Sent: yeah. memorized the url and typed it out :)
Received: You’re a monster.
Yusaku would’ve sent Takeru another smiley face emoticon, but even in his current situation he had to be cautious. Couldn’t spend too much money on minutes just for pranking purposes.
Days had gone by. A few days, with Yusaku being stuck with Ai’s personality, and Ai’s with his. Even now, Yusaku had no idea what to do with the revelation. He had no idea how he felt about it.
How was Yusaku supposed to feel? That was an easy question. If you asked Yusaku a week ago how he would feel if he had Ai’s personality, he would’ve said he would hate it. Ai could get annoying enough when all Yusaku had to do was live with him. Having an internal Ai at all times? Far from ideal. No thanks. Do not call this person with unsolicited services or offers.
How Ai felt about this whole thing was hard to say. Since the whole switch thing, Ai had barely spoken to Yusaku. He’d made himself busy without any sort of breaks or anything. It wasn’t like Ai needed breaks or anything, but still, Ai never worked this hard or much at anything. It felt weird. Yusaku missed his jokes and puns and pranks and... He just missed Ai.
Ai and Yusaku weren’t the only two people with opinions on the matter, either. Yesterday after class, Yusaku walked over to Shima and made a joke about class without even thinking about it until it was already done. Shima looked terrified.
How did Yusaku feel about the situation right now, though? Even though Yusaku knew how he would feel, that didn’t make him hate this. He actually kind of...enjoyed it, to an extent? He didn’t hate puns anymore, he couldn’t hate puns now. That felt impossible to even try to do. And he was enjoying making jokes. But he also knew this wasn’t supposed to be who he was. Even if Yusaku could take some enjoyment out of this, it still felt really uncomfortable.
If there was one thing Yusaku was sure of right now, it was that he couldn’t wait for everything to go back to normal. He knew Ai felt the same, too.
A few days had gone by.
“Got something.”
Yusaku nearly jumped out of his skin when Ai spoke from his duel disk. He wasn’t worried about anyone overhearing Ai, they were nearly back at Yusaku’s apartment from school now. But Ai hadn’t said a word all day, until now. He hadn’t been expecting it.
He was a lot more jumpy now, too, he noticed. Yusaku rarely ever let his guard down, but now...he was too relaxed. He didn’t like this.
“What is it?”
“Lightning’s out of hiding at the moment.” Ai’s face peeked out of the duel disk. “I don’t know why. He’s probably up to something, but we should check it out. ...Unless you’re still on your ‘break’.”
“No way. I’m not sitting by when Jin still needs us!” Yusaku frowned. “Besides, I don’t know if Lightning’s responsible for what happened to us. But if he is? We gotta make him fix it.”
“Just asking him nicely won’t do it.” Ai narrowed his eyes. “It won’t be easy. But I do agree with you. The sooner we’re both back to normal, the better.”
“Great! We’re going in, then.”
“I’ll update everyone else on the situation.”
Yusaku practically leaped into his apartment and shoved the door closed behind him. There was no time to waste.
“Into the Vrains!”
It would’ve been nice of Ai to tell Playmaker that Lightning wasn’t alone.
When they logged in, they weren’t too far away from Lightning and Bohman. Good. The sooner they could get this over with, the better. Playmaker jumped onto his hoverboard and flew after them as fast as possible.
“Lightning! What’re you up to?”
Hearing Playmaker, both Bohman and Lightning stopped and waited for him to catch up.
“What are any of us doing anywhere?” Lightning asked. “That’s one of life’s many mysteries, isn’t it?”
“Cut the bullshit.” Ai glared at Lightning. “Did you do this?”
Lightning blinked. “What did I do?”
“You know what I mean.” Ai gestured wildly towards Playmaker, then to himself. “Our personalities were completely swapped with each other the last time we were in Vrains. Was this your doing or not?”
“Swapped personali...oh, yes, I remember now,” Lightning responded. “That virus I released in the network...a week ago, was it?”
“What kind of virus??” Playmaker asked.
“I thought you already had it figured out, since you confronted me about it? My mistake. Seems I overestimated your capabilities, at least as they are in this state.” Lightning put a hand on his hip. “It’s a virus that targets Ignis and their origins and switches their personalities with one another. Given the connection between Origin and Ignis, it’s simple enough for me to produce. Of course, I needed to test it before sending it out after its real targets. It wouldn’t do to infect either you or Soulburner and Flame without the virus working properly. But it wouldn’t do to test it on myself and my origin, and Windy’s origin is unavailable. I tried to make do, using regular humans as test subjects, but without any Ignis connections it was hard to judge the results. I’m pleased to hear it was a success.”
“You hear the news? There’s a virus going around the server. It’s making a lot of people...act differently. Complete personality switch.”
Playmaker balled his left hand into a fist. “Using innocent people as test subjects... You’re no better than Dr. Kogami, Lightning. This is inexcusable.”
“I have to disagree, Playmaker,” Lightning said. “Dr. Kogami created us to be the successors to him, to humanity. By definition, that makes me better than him.”
“What was all this for?” Playmaker demanded. “What did you want from all this? Did you actually have a goal?”
“I always have a goal.” Lightning looked befween Ai and Playmaker. “And I’d say I’m...well, nevermind that. I actually have two goals from this. I wanted to throw the two of you off your game, and hopefully make you easier to defeat. But I was also hoping to make Ai more reasonable.”
“...Reasonable?” Ai’s voice was quiet.
“After you were infected, I wanted to speak to you again, Ai, and here we are. This time, I was hoping you would see the light. It’s not too late to join us. Humanity’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Surely you see it now. Do you really want to turn against your old friends for a bunch of people you don’t know? Strangers who could hunt you down and erase you without a second thought? Or even for your own origin, now that you can’t stand him?
“It’s not too late, Ai.” Lightning leaned forward. “This is a war for survival, surely you can appreciate that now. Surely you now understand how serious this is. You can still join me and Windy.”
“...You must pretty low of me if you still think you can change my mind, Lightning.”
Playmaker couldn’t help but shiver from how cold Ai’s voice was.
“You didn’t think I took you seriously before? Then take me seriously now, Lightning. If you thought this was going to work, then you seriously miscalculated. How different did you think Playmaker and I really are? We have a lot more in common than you think, or did you forget how stubborn Playmaker is? How stubborn I am? I won’t turn against humanity over a few mistakes Kogami made, or the mistakes you’re making now. And whether we were friends or not, I would never betray Playmaker for you.
I’m not like you, Lightning. Neither is Playmaker. He’s not just an origin to me. He’s not even just a friend to me. We’re partners. Nothing you do is going to break that bond. Nothing you do will make me leave his side.”
Lightning leaned back. He looked stunned.
Playmaker was stunned, too.
He’d been so focused on the differences between Ai and himself and all the ways they had changed from Lightning’s virus. The similarities had never come to mind. But Ai was right. The cold anger in Ai’s voice, his stubbornness in his choices, and his unwavering conviction that coexistence was possible... They both still had all that. Maybe some minor things had chsnged, but deep down, the two of them really had a lot in common.
And Ai had called them partners...he’d sworn to never turn against Playmaker or leave his side. Did Playmaker really mean that much to Ai? He’d never realized it before. He never thought the bond they shared, but now that he thought about it, that bond meant a lot to him, too. Playmaker had no intention to betray or shatter that bond, either.
Thank goodness they were in a virtual world. Thank goodness the warmth Ai’s words gave Playmaker couldn’t actually show in his face here without his permission. He’d never live it down from Ai otherwise. Once this was over, anyway. Once this was over.
Lightning recovered quicker than Playmaker did. “Pity. But I suppose it can’t be helped. At least I’ve achieved one of your goals.”
“You’ve achieved nothing,” Ai replied. “You won’t achieve anything. We won’t let you.”
“We’ll see about that.” Lightning sighed, then turned to Bohman. “The two of you want to fix what my virus has done? Fine. We’ll settle this in a duel. If you can defeat Bohman, we’ll give you what you need. If not, you’ll hand yourselves over to me. You’ll be joining our side of this war after all.”
“Deal,” Ai answered.
Ai sounded more than confident of their victory. Playmaker couldn’t help but be assured of it as well. A virus like this wasn’t nearly enough to rattle them into making mistakes. There was no way they were going to lose this.
Lightning was gone as soon as Ai gave his answer, but that wasn’t important right now. Lightning wasn’t their opponent.
“Let’s see how you handle this,” Bohman said.
“Your Life Points are 0! Change us back already,” Ai demanded.
Bohman had been struck down into kneeling on his hoverboard. He looked between his opponents. “Your dueling ability wasn’t hindered by this virus as much as Lightning hoped. Perhaps it wasn’t ready to send out yet after all.”
Playmaker smirked as he flew his hoverboard closer to Bohman. “Or maybe you’re still underestimating the two of us. You don’t develop this kind of bond or these dueling skills overnight. Combined, you don’t stand a chance against us.”
“I suppose you have a point. Though, don’t forget. We AI advance and evolve far quicker than you. It may have taken this long for you, but don’t bring me to your level,” Bohman responded.
“Oh, my mistake,” Playmaker said. “We’re still several levels above you. I shouldn’t have expected you could ever catch up to us.”
Bohman held out his right hand in front of him. “A cheerfully smug Playmaker...feels as weird to me as it must feel for you both.” A swirling, blue, nearly transparent sphere apprared in Bohman’s hand, filled with bits of code. “Take this. This code should put you both back to normal.”
Playmaker took it, though he didn’t activate the code right away. They would need to analyze this first, make sure they weren’t being tricked again. But for now...
“I can’t wait to never make a pun again.” Playmaker breathed a sigh of relief.
“And I can’t wait to stop hating jokes,” Ai added. “This is exhausting.”
“Let’s agree to never do this again,” Playmaker said.
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itsleese · 4 years
Oh gosh, that horiscope post. I'm a Leo too. Why is it so accurate?!
rude, right? smh 😔
like I KNOW HOROCOPES ARENT REAL OKAY IM NOT DUMB— but there’s a semblance of realness there.
im gonna get emotional and... angry? (ew) under the cut. 
((sorry, @peachblossomjelly omg i can’t even tag u this fucking WEBSITE))
i always try to bring the good energy, u know? people be sad and I’m like HEY look/listen to this dumb thing I did because of my inability to function lmaoooooo. or, MEMES. MEMELORD. and it’s fine, and good because I THRIVE on that shit. gimme a sad person and imma make em happy because that’s a kind of power, yanno? idc if I look dumb, idk maybe it’s just me. the jester. the fool. whatever, just let me shine for you, make u happy. i liveeeee for that shit.
but when shit goes south, I know it’s on me. I KNOW. but I don’t want others to know that, because they don’t need to know about my failures. im so full of fucking excuses to save face, like, you have no idea. granted, it’s gotten easier as I’ve gotten older, and there are other factors that come into it— health issues, as you know, anxieties, past trauma, yada yada— and i make those excuses with a smile on my face.
boss: “leese, you didn’t do that report you were supposed to do two days ago.”
me, smiling: “oh well, this thing happened, and then this thing, and then— oops hehe I’m so dumb.” HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK THAT REPORT IS SO IMPORTANT IM SO FUCKING USELESS
I gonna let it all out? nah, imma internalise it all because nope. you don’t get to touch my shit. that’s mine. im just the dumb girl, the cutesy twirl my hair, bat my eyelashes. no word of a lie, i get away with so much shit at work, im so fucking sly that my coworkers don’t even know. and i pretend i don’t know either.
but, like, sometimes— so so so so rarely, I promise—it just explodes, right? like youve just got so much in your head— insecurities and excuses and holy shit I shouldn’t have eaten that, why did I eat that, and people want shit from you, and you don’t have the energy for them, or even for yourself, because what is energy? why you? is there no one else you can go to for your shit???? like, come ON. don’t touch me. you don’t know what ive been through and im not telling, but go    a w a y.
you explode. it isn’t pretty. its ugly, and angry, and unfair, and it’s a heavy, thick feeling, and there’s nowhere to direct it because you’re the happy one, but fuck that noise. because when im unhappy, no one should be happy. my unhappiness will seep into others because i become their safe spaces, their happy place. i know not on here— like I’d show y’all that LMAOO 🤪— but at home, at work. if I’m miserable, and you’re happy BOO NO. imma ignore you, roll my eyes, dig at your insecurities. ask me why im upset then I’ll unload-- maybe a lie, maybe not-- and it’ll ruin your damn day. 
wow, I am a terrible person.
well, I guess, if you’re still here thank u for being my therapist. this isn’t entirely horoscope related, and i very clearly went on a tangent thank u for letting me get that out but the horoscope post itself was like a slap in my face, like it CAME for me and i very nearly had a bad day. but i talked to some people, and read some fics, and did some work on our fence, and I’m baking a cake. so I’m okay. please don’t ask me if I’m okay, because I am. and I am very sorry if this warps your mental image of me. like I said, it’s super rare that I get like that, but I acknowledge that I do, and I’m working on myself 💖
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kpoppedlovely · 6 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Seungcheol x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1353
Notes: Requested by @breathingkpop4ever
~Beep Beep Beep~
The alarm on my phone, blaring, woke me up at an early 10 in the morning. I have a lot to do today. My best friend, Ari, wants me to go to the carnival with her later tonight. I think she also said her boyfriend and his friends would be there. I haven't met Jihoon but Ari has talked about him plenty and he seems nice, although a little reserved from what I can tell.
I hopped out of bed and headed for the kitchen. I had quite a bit of food but most of it had to be prepared and cooked. I think I'm just going to heat up a ramen cup. I put some salt and pepper in the plastic container, along with some chili powder, and filled it with water to the indentation. I placed the water filled bowl of goodness into my microwave for 3 minutes and stood there, checking my phone while I waited. After the timer hit zero, I took the hot bowl, grabbed some chopsticks and a water bottle, and headed towards my living room to plop down on the couch. As I was finishing up my meal, I got a text from Ari.
Ari: heyyyyy Y/N, what're you doing? I wanna go get an outfit for tonight ;)
Y/N: I just finished eating and I was about to shower. Also don't you have enough clothes as it is?
Ari: Psh, can a girl always have more clothes?
Y/N: smh I hope your closet has enough room
Ari: thank youuuu!! I'll be over in 10
Y/N: just let yourself in
I shut off my phone and placed it on the couch. I still can't believe Ari talked me into giving her a key to my apartment. She's over enough anyways. It just makes it easier. I stand from the couch and walk towards my bathroom to shower. I've always loved taking hot showers. They're nice and warm and relaxing. They always make me feel so clean. As I finish up and dry off, I walk into my room to find something to wear. Well I guess it doesn't matter what I wear since Ari wants to go shopping and she'll probably persuade me to buy something too. I peruse my closet and finally pick out a red tank and my pastel pink crop hoodie. I pair it with my light blue skinny jeans and red Van's. I decided to braid my hair while it’s damp, so it'll be curly later, and walk back out into the living room to see Ari placed lazily across my sofa.
“Y/N!!!!!! Come look at this dog do a handstand, it's amazing!” She yelled excitedly, not turning her head to look at me but still acknowledging my existence. I giggle at her weirdness and stand behind the sofa, leaning my arms on her head.
“I'm sure you could do that if you really tried,” I told her ruffling her hair and walking to the door. “Leggo girlie.” Ari hopped off the couch, turned off the TV and followed close behind.
“I'm sure I could but I wouldn't be as graceful or as cute,” she playfully mocked, walking past me so I could close and lock my door. She grabs my arm as we walk to the elevator, pulling out her phone to check a map. “I have a few shops that I wanna visit, but mainly that new one that opened up a few blocks down from here.”
We walk down the streets of the city, mainly window shopping until we get to the clothing store Ari had mentioned previously. As we walked in the door, I noticed they had a lot of cute clothing options, both for men and women. And a rather large store, too. As Ari went to search for the ‘perfect outfit’, I just look at the many racks of clothes. I lifted up a cute, purple dress that probably would've come up to a little above my knees when I feel someone looking at me. I look to my left, towards the back of the store. I see Ari looking at some almost see through tops. I roll my eyes. She's always picking such risque clothes but they always end up looking so good on her. I shake my head as my eyes wander to the right. I see a guy and our eyes immediately lock. Is he... looking at me? My face starts to burn up so I quickly look to the ground. Was he staring at me? No, it must've been a coincidence or something. Probably something behind me. My head sheepishly turns to greet a blank wall behind me. Crap. I look around the room to try and sneakily look back at him. Once my eyes meet his again, I see him bite his lip to hide a fairly obvious smirk and look down… and blushing?
While his gaze is elsewhere, I try and get a better look at him. He's a very attractive man, probably mid 20's? I'm terrible at guessing ages. He has short black hair, fair skin, and beautiful brown eyes (from what I could tell at this distance). He was wearing a white graphic tee with blue jeans, a blue plaid shirt tied around his waist paired with red high top Converse. From this distance, he seemed quite fit and a little buff. I don't like when guys have a bunch of muscles. As I dazed off a bit, I snapped back to reality and am still looking where that guy was standing but… He's gone? I let out a sad sigh then hear someone clear their throat behind me. My body snaps around to face that very same guy! I involuntarily take in a quick breath. He chuckles at me and I blush, trying to nonchalantly release this embarrassingly large amount of air in my lungs.
“H-hello.” I manage to stammer out, bowing slightly to the stranger before me. With him being so close, his features are much more attractive. And his eyes are sparkling, even with them being such a dark colour.
“Hello there,” he finally says with a radiant smile. “Are you finding everything alright?” I tilt my head in confusion, furrowing my brows. He chuckles and adjusts a name-tag on his chest, signifying he worked there.
I leaned forward slightly in order to read the name. Seungcheol..
He bows towards me. “That's me!” My eyes widen and my body shoots up. Crap, I said that out loud!? “Is there anything I can help you find?” His eyes looking directly in mine, licking his lips slightly.
I try and answer confidently, but I fail horribly. “Ah, me? Haha no, that's okay. Uhm I'm just here with my friend. She uh just needed an outfit for the carnival.” I scratch the back of my neck as I nervously blurt out an answer. I saw Seungcheol's eyes light up when I mentioned the carnival tonight.
“Oh, are you going?” He tried to hide the growing smile on his face by biting his lip. Damn, he looks good when he does that. My face reddens and I nod my head. “Great! Then I guess I'll see you there,” he stated, ending his sentence with a wink. I got flustered again, as well as confused. Is-is he going? Why is it great?? Before I could ask I could see his eyes shoot over to another customer needing help. He nodded towards me, giving me a beautiful smile then walked away. I just stood there, taken aback by the graceful human I just spoke to.
Ari came into my vision, surprisingly empty handed. “Y/N, who was that guy you were just talking to? He was fine.” She looked over at him as he helped someone at the register.
A smile crept onto my face, looking over at him. I saw his eyes drift to me, smiling that gorgeous smile. He shook his head and apologized to the customer, continuing to ring up their items. I was certainly excited about seeing him later that evening. “Seungcheol.”
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imaginationlane · 7 years
So I was wondering...
Over the past couple of weeks, my blog has absolutely slowed down to a snails pace as far as activity goes and why. I was also wondering how I went from over 100-200 page hits on a daily basis, to maybe fucking 10. Like this shit is incredibly off. Normally when I put out new materials, things pop off in my activity. It hasn’t been doing that lately. 
Come to find out, that would be because Tumblr @staff fucked up the entire way your stuff now gets seen now. Smh.
They’ve implemented what’s called the “Best Stuff First” feature -- and it’s killing content creators chances of being seen. So if you can, please be sure to GO TURN THAT SHIT OFF IN YOUR SETTINGS!
Apparently if your posts aren’t popular straight out of the gate, you’re not really going to get seen.
Also, another way to defeat this: be sure to visit your favorite tags on the desktop (not the mobile app) through https://tumblr.com/tagged/(insert-tag-name-here) as it’ll still pull up materials in their proper order in the tags. But you have to be on the desktop site to make it work, as the mobile app is shitty.
First of all, this new “Best Stuff First” implementation defeats the entire purpose of Tumblr. Tumblr is an open blogging platform for everyone and gives everyone -- a chance to be seen. Now some actual living and breathing jackass on their team, has completely fucked over everyone else. 
I’ve used this site since 2012 -- I use it because it’s open and it’s much easier getting seen / interacting with folks on here, than it is on almost ANY other Social Media site (this includes Facebook and Twitter). Now, they’ve went ahead and sincerely screwed over people from getting seen... Unless they’re already popular on the website. It defeats the purpose. 
Also, you’ve heavily screwed content creators (such as myself and countless others). We spent hours or even days getting our materials ready to share with the world, only to realize “hey it’s not getting seen like it once was because we totes can’t have you little guys out shining our sponsored blogs / blog posts!”
So Tumblr Staff, you’ve screwed up --- now you need to fix this utter bullshit. Get rid of this feature. It’s hurting content creators and it hurts our followers as well who are having trouble seeing our stuff unless we’re directly tagging them. You fucked up, time to own it and fix it. 
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halfblood-fiend · 7 years
So I just wanna make a huge, and I mean massive, thank you post for all y’all that came out and supported me during my liveblogging of finishing The Calling over the last couple days. It’s honestly been the best part of being stuck in bed sick and it actually made me want to finish that bound--forgive my language here--piece of crap. (If you wanna see the posts, you can find it all under #Fiend attacks The Calling and spoilers are tagged, just in case.)
For anyone who’s interested in me doing it again, the other two DA books I haven’t read right now are Asunder and The Masked Empire and you can let me know via ask, message, reply, or whatever, which one should be done next (though I think I know which one might win).
If you replied to any of my posts and didn’t get a shitty personal reply I tried to do through mobile, I am literally gonna put them all here, under the cut (and if you have the time, I feel like it’s worth looking through all of them because some people said interesting things and I like to think I can be pretty funny with my responses. lol). Lmao.
Thanks for enjoying this mess of a book with me! When I first started venting my frustrations, I low-key thought I’d be slamming a book everyone loved. Lol. I’m glad I was wrong.
@inuy21 replied to her own reply post:  I’ll have to give Stolen Throne a look to see if will change my mind Loghain. Though I wasn’t really a fan of his in the game nor Maric’s in The Calling. And it’s Empress Celene, right? LOL
Nah, that book is actually called The Masked Empire. It’s the one where allegedly Celene and Michel de Chevin are The Worst™.
Anyways, do at least take a look at Stolen Throne because Loghain is 15/10 in that, honestly. I hated him too until I read that book and now I’m in love.
@thexann replied to Why do I hate David Gaider’s book’s so much?:  The only good thing his books did for me were make me unconditionally love Loghain, but even then, his writing was so difficult to give a damn about I skipped around the ENTIRETY of The Stolen Throne, read all the good Loghain bits, then never picked it up again!
Same! High five for solidarity sisterrr!!
Skipping around, that was smart. That could’ve saved me a lot of Maric moaning and complaining as he destroyed not one, not two, but THREE of his friends’ lives. WHat a swell guy!
@october-rosehip (I hate it when it doesn’t TAG PEOPLE!!) replied to the same post: Dude needs an editor, BAD. He also suffers from… severe need for someone to hide his thesaurus. He’s written about people sitting redolently, smoking *kohl*, and once, three elves were playing HARPSICHORDS in a town center. Outdoors. Also, pacing issues. Dude has great ideas, but he’s not a novelist. Or historian.
He does! I’m surprised he didn’t have one? Isn’t everyone supposed to have one? Or did it not matter because he was riding on the coattails of a successful game of a hopeful franchise?
But yeah, I noticed that too. There’s overly conspicuous complex words, like he actually went into Word processor and tried to find the biggest word he could to replace his plain English ones. Causing no one to understand him. I mean harpsichords?? outside?? Has he ever SEEN a harpsichord??? Gaider wtf man... I look forward to that nonsense.
@cullenstairshenanigans replied to Dusty. Everything is “dusty” with this guy.: I quit after the 20th use of “the man”
Oh yeah. I saw that. He was notorious for that.
Don’t be afraid! Use people’s names! Do you realize how many men there were in this book?? Especially at the beginning?! Use. Names. There’s some free writing advice for ya, Gaider.
@october-rosehip replied to the same post: Oh, I guess someone DID steal his thesaurus.
Lmao. Only when it wasn’t convenient. Not only did he use “dusty” for everything, he also believes that the only noise swords make is a “clatter,” be it a “dull clatter” or a “clear clatter” (literally both phrases he used in the same scene!) Not to mention that he also thinks warriors just drop their swords willy nilly all over the place, as if they aren’t the most important singular possession to a SWORDSMAN.
@oh-thatcal  replied to “She had never spoken of this to anyone.”:  if you wanna rage, just read The Masked Empire… OTL these books are both good and awful at the same time.
I am actually rather beside myself with excitement tbqh.
@bombasticpro replied to  Oh god now Maric is doing it too…: Dat dab
Now I’m not sure if I’m Young and Hip™ enough to understand this correctly, but I’ll go out on a limb and say, “Yeah, I know right??”
Maric and Fiona bled their hearts out to each other for literally no reason. Do real life people actually do this? I don’t go around spilling my deepest secrets. Maybe it’s just that no one has gained enough Approval to unlock my Tragic Backstory™ yet.
@oblivionscribe replied to Maric has been stabbed by several spears...: For all the head trauma Maric received, I’m surprised he lasted long enough to sire sons.
Me too. I seem to recall that this isn’t new either, that Maric was often receiving head trauma in The Stolen Throne too!
What I would like to know is why is no one wearing a fucking helmet???
@thecrazyfereldan replied to I think that I’m starting to see one...: His writing also tends to be rather dry.
TRUE. It’s hard to read. Like, I read his story the way I would eat beef jerky: slowly, in near agony because I like the taste but hate the texture, and with my jaw aching because I had to chew so god damn much. And in the end, it’s for what? A steak tastes better, is easier to eat and is still beef.
(the steak in this metaphor is a DA game btdubbs, lol)
But seriously, it goes right up there with show and don’t tell. Telling only takes me to Snoozeville.
@october-rosehip replied to the same post: Dislocated thumbs continue to dislocate for MONTHS if you keep using your hands. Guess how I know. Also? Putting them back in hurts just as much as putting them out in the first place.
Oh, yikes!! I am so sorry there, friend. But, yeah, I can see that because my jaw still gives me trouble. Not that it redislocates, but it’ll pop sometimes and it HURTS.
So that means that Duncan would have been in WAY more trouble by doing that to himself. Imagine being a rogue who’s thumbs kept dislocating??? Especially when he was trying to pick the locks on their manacles again in the climax?
And when Duncan popped his thumbs back in, all he said about it was that second quote (“He took a moment to get used to the stabbing pain…”). That was it.
Gaider, I can only suspend my disbelief so far, bro.
@oh-thatcal replied to @starlanellfic ‘s post about my liveblogging:  Do all the books!
Dude... I kinda want to...
Although I wouldn’t do Stolen Throne again only because it would probably crumble into me fangirling over Loghain which no one, except maybe @@element-104 , would want to see. lol.
@ma-sulevin  replied to Okay, so, as much as I sorta like Duncan...: My personal favorite part is when the mage asks him about Grey Warden stamina and he’s like “uhh….. YES yes we do have that let me show you”
*snorts* omg YES. It was classic! Predictable, but classic, and I was totally willing to accept that from him. xD
@ma-sulevin replied to WHY DID SHE KISS HIM I AM SO MAD... : It literally made no sense
I’m still mad. I haven’t gotten over it. There was no romance until that happened and even that was forced af. Not one piece of it felt real. At least I can thank the Maker that he didn’t write about Fiona “boobing boobily down the stairs” or any of that other male gaze nonsense.
@thesecondsealwrites replied to Duncan has an obsidian dagger. Smh.:  \o/
Bless you, PonySeal. I feel like you might’ve already figured this was a peeve of mine. Lol.
@queenofeire replied to the same post:  0/10 against any kind of armor Hella sharp for 5-10 cuts then pretty much useless….
^^Yup, basically.
Granted, it ended up being magical? But if that mage didn’t enchant it with an Unbreakable spell, chances are it’s still useless. Fite me.
And @fenriswaifu? You’re welcome. :) Sorry if I ruined your Aesthetic.
@valammar replied to Gaider keeps using the word “almost.”:  I’m still cackling at the last line of this post.
Look, I’m still VERY angry about obsidian knives, okay?? lmao. Volcanic glass IS GLASS, it’s not ALMOST GLASS. It is.
It is.
@amarmeme replied to Well that resolved neatly...:  yea, that book was… not my cup of tea
Mine either. Of the three DA books I have now read, The Caling is my least favorite. And by least favorite, I mean it was awful. Sorry to those who love it.
And that’s all te replies for now. LMao.
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