#I need a vacation to write
pccyouthleader · 1 year
Hedgehog Hodgepodge: A Story of Espionage, Confusion, and an Evil Plan Gone Haywire
Little by little, Aurora packed her things and slowly moved them to the apartment next door to Shadow’s. Sonic had begrudgingly agreed to the arrangement as long as the two promised to behave and stay in their separate “corners.” 
Aurora wanted to leave her room at home in much the same condition, as it was comforting to know that she could come and stay whenever she wanted. She decided to take her solar dancing figurines, bobble head collection, taco-themed joke book, and Kit-Cat clock, but decided to leave her posters. She could swoon over “Bran Baker and the Beefcakes” and “The Phantom of the Rock Opera” whenever she came to visit.
Much to Shadow’s frustration, the evidence trail from the trophy and orb had grown cold. Knuckles and Rouge couldn’t tell him anything more about the orb. And Tails was so preoccupied with prepping his old plane for the antique iron show that he had all but forgotten about the trophy. 
Everyone’s lives had pretty much returned to normal since the disappearance of the two items. However, some of Shadow’s contacts had started receiving strange communication signals. The contacts could neither pinpoint the location of the transmissions nor decipher them. 
Amy was overjoyed at the development of a small baby bump on her abdomen. After finding some cute maternity wear, she enjoyed standing in front of her full-length mirror admiring her new look. She still couldn’t believe she was experiencing the miracle of new life all over again!
The nursery - one side of Amy’s in-home office - was coming along nicely. Aurora had worked closely with her mother to pick the perfect light yellow paint and soft materials to suit a brand new baby hedgehog. Amy’s morning sickness was finally tapering off, and so the mother-daughter duo could often be found going through Amy’s design portfolios looking for ideas.
It wasn’t long before the whole village was abuzz with the news that Sonic and Amy were having a “surprise” bundle of joy. Soon their friends were happily showering them with all sorts of baby-related items.
“I am bushed!” Amy said as she walked in the door one day with a double armload of gift bags.
“Geez, Ames!” Sonic exclaimed, jumping off the sofa. He had been enjoying an afternoon siesta. “Let me get that stuff!” He took the armload of presents and ran them up the stairs. Amy had taken his place on the sofa when he came back down.
“There’re about five more loads where that came from,” she said when Sonic returned.
“From what?!” he asked. Had Amy hijacked a delivery truck?
“My coworkers gave me a surprise baby shower at work today. I forgot just how much stuff you need to take care of a baby.” She propped her aching feet on the coffee table. 
“Be right back,” came Sonic’s reply as he zipped out the door. He returned a few minutes later with a staggering load and a shocked expression on his face. “What are we gonna do with all this stuff?!” he asked when he came back downstairs.
“Worry about it later!” Amy said. She didn’t have the energy to deal with it right now. But she did stand up and move over to place a kiss on Sonic’s cheek. “Thank you for getting everything.”
“No problem, Babe,” he replied, pulling her into a much-needed embrace. Amy relaxed, almost melting into her happy place.
When he released her, Amy grimaced as she remembered an earlier conversation. “If one more person finds out about the baby and asks, ‘You know what causes that, right?’ I just might pound them in the ground with my hammer.”
A devilish grin played across Sonic’s lips. He just had to do it. Placing a hand gently on her ever-growing tummy, he gave her a sly look and said, “Hey Ames, you know what causes this, right?”
But instead of bashing him to bits, Amy got a romantic look in her eyes. She moved a little closer, put her arms around his neck, and raised a brow. “Hmm… actually I do know what causes this. Would you like me to demonstrate?”
“EWWW! MOM! GROSS!!” came a voice from the top of the stairs.
“Crap!” Sonic whispered. “I forgot Tiny was upstairs!” He and Amy dissolved into hushed laughter.
Meanwhile, Aurora had run back into her bedroom with her hands over her ears. Shadow, unbeknownst to the couple downstairs, was sitting in her windowsill, convinced he had just thrown up in his mouth.
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saetoru · 1 year
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al-haitham’s the kind of guy who tilts his head slightly for a kiss before you even lean in to give him one. he just knows it’s coming. expects it. trusts it’ll happen.
he’s yawning when he sits at the table for breakfast, hair slightly disheveled from sleep. he sits down and when you place the mug of coffee in front of him, his head angles a little for that kiss you place on his cheek.
he’s drowned in endless paperwork at the akademiya when you stop by to visit, chuckling when he gives you that look of despair at the all the work he has to do. you don’t even manage to walk up to him fully before he’s leaning in and waiting for the kiss to the top of his head.
he’s shirtless in the bathroom, brushing his teeth at night when you walk in to brush yours too, bumping hips with his as you giggle. you don’t even have to turn before he’s tilting his head so he’s exposed and ready for that gentle peck you leave at his jaw.
“have you ever noticed how demanding you are for these,” you chuckle one day, pressing a kiss to his cheek to prove your point.
he grunts, leaning in and burying his head into your neck as you greet him at the door after a long day. “what makes you say that,” he mumbles.
“you’re ready for one before i’ve even come close,” you grin, “what if one day i don’t kiss you?”
“you’d stop kissing me?” he asks, squeezing your hips as he nuzzles into your neck. something tells you he already knows your answer.
and he’s warm. he’s close. he’s here and he’s everything all at once. he’s all you need and everything you’ve ever wanted. he’s the messy hair of your mornings and the pouty lips of your afternoons and that shirtless back of every night. he meets you halfway—maybe even takes the first step so you don’t have to.
he leans in for that kiss before you do. because he needs you, wants you, loves you—and he never lets you forget it. so you turn your head, press your lips against the side of his head and run your fingers through his hair as he sighs in content.
“no,” you hum, falling in love all over again, “no i’d never stop kissing you.”
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artiststarme · 1 year
After the Upside Down and the hospital stays and the murder allegations, Steve and Eddie bonded. But Steve has an awful gaydar and Eddie has low self-esteem so neither one realizes the other one is interested. They flirt, awkwardly touch each other fleetingly, and neither one can tell if the other is interested!
So Robin and Steve start scheming for ways to make Eddie interested but it only serves to make him more frustrated. In turn, Eddie forces Wayne to help him seduce Steve. He goes to his uncle like, “I’m homo, I’m horny, and I need help!”
They realize they like each other after Robin and Wayne run into each other while spying on a date they helped their dinguses set up with each other.
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celestoria · 1 year
Roiree, listen to me. Arranged. Marriage. With. Ayato. That historical romance rotten brain of yours can go crazy with it. JUST GIVE ME MORE CRUMBS OF MY MAN 😭
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who agreed to be married to you for a year and use each other as a means to get what both of you want before parting your own ways.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who initially saw your relationship as a tool until he realized he fell for you first, harder, and never recovered.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who found himself fidgeting with his wedding ring when he’s busy with work and randomly wonders if you’ve adjusted to your new lifestyle comfortably.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who can’t help but smile whenever you spend time with his sister and give her the fun outdoor experiences she always dreamed of.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who jokingly calls you “my wife” however, it slowly became a habit over time and often refers to you as that whether he is talking to you or someone else.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who never saw spending time with you in public as an obligation he had to fulfill in accordance with your contract but rather always looked forward to when you would sweep him away from his office.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who had to keep reminding himself of the contract but can’t help telling you how much he loves you before fervently kissing your lips.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who never really trusted anyone, leading him to always have his guard up, but found complete solace whenever he is wrapped in your arms.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who does loves spoiling you with the finest trinkets and high-quality silk kimonos because he can’t get over how you took his breath away when you watched the firework show together during the festival.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who pulls you closer to him in the middle of the night and tells you that he’s so lucky to be married to a woman like you.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who turns into a lovesick mess behind closed doors when he realized he has to be away for a week while you stay in the estate and writes you letters whenever he can just to make him feel a little less lonely in your lack of presence.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who asked if you could marry again and rather than being joined by a one-year marital contract, you would be bounded by unconditional and undying love.
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pinkflames · 1 month
Shout out to naruto x hermitcraft crossovers about the hermits just being a buncha freaks, gotta be one of my favourite genres
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lost-in-fandoms · 3 months
Rich business owner Daniel is on vacation, staying in a fancy beach resort, spending a lot of time at the beach bar and at the pool. Resort worker Max who stumbles all over himself to be around him and bring him everything he asks for (and everything he doesn't).
One night after Max has asked for the fifth time if Daniel needs anything else (he doesn't), Daniel tells him listen you're very cute but you're way too young for me and also this is your place of work, you need to lay off a bit. Everything Max hears is "you're very cute" and kind of stops listening after that, but Daniel is right, it is his place of work, so he tries to be a little less obvious.
The thing is, Daniel is on vacation with a couple of friends, but he's still kind of bored? They have a few activities planned, but mostly they just hang around and go for swims (which Max really appreciates) and he's used to be busy all day every day, so this is not exactly his thing.
On day four he ends up asking Max if he knows of anything he could do to entertain himself (Max needs to work very hard to not answer "yes, me") and Max tells him a few things and then very selfishly kindly offers himself as a guide.
Daniel says okay fuck it and they start hanging out a lot, Max driving him around to places, showing him the island and taking him to secret spots, and Daniel forgets he is not only working but also several years younger and just enjoys himself. Max is funny, hot as fuck, laughs at all his jokes and is very clearly into him, so one night they stay out a bit too late at a bar in town and Daniel gets slightly too tipsy (Max is sober since he's driving) and they end up kissing. Max uses literally every last bit of his self control to not give in when Daniel asks him if he wants to go back to his room, because Daniel is drunk and also he had told Max he had to lay off before, but does end up dragging Daniel back and if he leaves a kiss on his forehead when he lays him in bed nobody needs to know.
Daniel has sort of a freak out the day after because he thinks he took advantage of Max's kindness, staying in his room with the excuse of being hungover, but Max knocks on his door that evening bringing him dinner (that Daniel hadn't ordered) because he's a no-bullshit man.
He tells him that it's fine if Daniel doesn't want to do anything, but Max is plenty old enough to know what he wants and to know what he can and cannot do at work, so if Daniel wants to fuck him, Max is free after nine, and then he leaves as Daniel bluescreens.
At 9:30 he calls the front desk to ask about Max.
The next morning they talk about it, Daniel insists Max can't risk his job over this so they need to be discreet, but he does want to keep seeing him. Max tells him he can do whatever he wants, but they find out the secret is actually exciting, and the hidden touches and glances during the day are almost better than being able to kiss by the pool.
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wordsinhaled · 2 years
more domestic vacation 'verse because it's apparently all i can think about now
It has been... good, being here. Quieter. Easier. The clamor of billions of visitors to the Dreaming is muffled, in Hob's flat. The things that dream here are calm things. Thriving things. Old and cherished things.
Loved things.
Here, Morpheus too has felt like something that could perhaps be loved.
In the mornings, after Hob has left for work, Morpheus draws himself soundlessly up from the bed and pads on bare feet to the record rack that stands overfull with vinyls in the corner of Hob's living room. He touches each record there carefully, the faint visions of musicians and composers flitting ephemeral beneath his fingertips. He selects his musical accompaniment for the day by intuition alone.
This morning, he finds a little yellow note stuck to Hob's copy of The Cure's Disintegration:
"You'll like this one. Promise. —H"
Morpheus listens to it five times through in its entirety with a cathartic sort of anguish. Afterwards he perches on the couch wrapped up in the blanket Hob has slept beneath each night these two weeks. The cedar and vanilla notes in Hob's soap still linger in the fabric, like traces of an embrace Hob Gadling has never given him.
He has especially enjoyed sitting on the floor by the window in the warmest patch of sun, holding court with Hob's houseplants. A marble queen pothos hangs there, suspended near the ceiling, its cascading vines of happy heart-shaped leaves long enough to trail down around Morpheus' shoulders. A row of succulents and a purplish-red bromeliad in a brightly enameled pot live lined up on the sill.
Morpheus gathers them all in his awareness, greets their leaves gently with the backs of his knuckles, speaks to them the way he speaks to all growing things. They whisper their daydreams to him in return, telling him tales of jungle and desert, and of the loving voice that sings songs to them each time they are watered.
Morpheus wonders what Hob Gadling sings, what he hums under his breath.
I would be sung to thus, he thinks. But would you sing to me, my friend?
He sits for long hours in the companionable silence. Lulled by the rhythm of verdant stories, he relishes the sun-warmth banking in the soft black cotton of his shirt, and feels some unnamed tension deep within himself begin to unravel.
Morpheus had not expected this from his stay with Hob. This comfort. This easiness between them.
How it has sunk into him and become something he could, in some version of the universe, come to require.
So, when on the eve of his fourteenth day Hob says, "I don't want you to go," Morpheus is surprised to find that the wistful note Hob cannot quite keep out of his voice finds a sympathetic echo in his own thoughts.
"I—" Morpheus begins.
It is rare that he does not find the ending of a sentence already laid out for him. Yet what is its proper conclusion? I also do not wish to go away from you is futile. An impossibility. He has a kingdom. A realm. A responsibility.
"You feel it too," Hob says. "Don't you?"
Morpheus does not need to breathe in the waking world. He does not need a heartbeat. These are paltry mortal necessities; mortal vulnerabilities. And yet he knows, suddenly, the kick of the heart against the ribs and the catch of a gasp in the lungs of his recalcitrant body. It pinions him to the moment.
"Hob," he manages to say. For a brief second, he is unmade and remade again by the hope in Hob Gadling's face.
"Dream. My dearest friend. I've been wrong before." Hob's eyes are wide and earnest. His voice is honey-soft and strong. He is wiser than Morpheus can aspire to be. "If I'm wrong about this, tell me, please."
"You were not wrong before," Morpheus says. "And you are not wrong now."
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Here it is! Payneland summer vacation au - the note Charles wrote. Read my idea for this au here
Edwin was sitting in the backseat of his parents' car, nervously running his hands over the cover of his battered copy of the book he's currently re-reading. He knew that something important was stuck between pages 202 and 203 and that knowledge did nothing to quell his nervous excitement.
As soon as they arrived home, he grabbed two suitcases and walked (he'd rather run if he was completely honest) inside. In his room, he took one last breath before opening his book.
Inside was a small paper, maybe slightly bigger than a postcard when unfolded. Carefully, he opened it.
Hey babes,
You're reading this, so you must've left already.
Everything I wrote here, I wish I had said it to you on our last full day together. Would love to say I wanted to be romantic like that, leaving you with something to remember me by, something you can read whenever you might need a pick-me-up. You're so dear to me, Edwin, and every minute with you was absolutely brills.
Never forget that you're brills too, yeah? For me?
I'm rambling, sorry. So yes, all of this could've been my reasoning for slipping you this note, but honestly I was just totally tongue-tied. Which doesn't make sense, does it? Because talking to you must be the easiest thing I've ever done.
My point. I'm so gone on you, it might be embarrassing if it wasn't us, weren't you. I hope you feel a little bit like that about me.
Five weeks was all it took for me. Maybe just a minute, though. Maybe seeing you that first evening was enough.
Five weeks wasn't nearly enough, though, I think an eternity might be too little. But I'd love to try, I hope we'll see each other soon. I hope you'll call me when you've read this, I already miss us talking.
I'll take that job I told you about, yeah? And I'll save up and take you on a date, or twenty, or a thousand, every single one's gonna be special. If you'll let me. I hope you will.
I'm running out of space, so I'll leave you (for now) with my number and a secret (I hope it's not a secret, I hope you knew this already):
Sweetheart, I think about you all the time.
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tervaneula · 4 months
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Guess who has yet another new WIP!!!!!! Yes it me. Anyway. Communication my beloved<3
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starpil0tblue · 3 months
as much as i like clowning on Kabru for being Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss but spectacularly fails when it comes to Laios, he makes me SO ILL because as pleasant as he acts, so many subtleties around his character paint him as someone who clearly still suffers from massive trauma in regards to his childhood and personal loss, causing him to be self-sacrificial to the point he clearly neglects his own needs. whenever i think of the quote "eating is a privilege of the living" in regards to Kabru, his nigh aversion to food might stem from the fact he still harbors immense survivor's guilt and constantly feels the need to justify his survival by giving and giving and giving until there is nothing left of him.
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lucysgraybird · 20 days
thinking about alex nilsen x reader after a night out...
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
you must've mumbled your love to alex at least a dozen times this evening - at some point, he started teasing about it ("nothing's changed in the last five minutes?") and you've had just enough of remaining wherewithal to nuzzle into his shoulder with embarrassed giggles. you're not gone, so to speak, but you're one or two or three drinks past tipsy. after prising one more kiss from him (it's not hard) on the steps of the house party you've been at for far too long, alex eventually convinces you to let him start to walk you home. he's not sober, either, but he handles it better than you, so with one arm looped around your waist, he guides you back to your apartment. your immediate goal when you arrive is to tug him into cuddles in the full bed wedged in the corner of your too-small room, but he holds you up and back with a gentle hand on your shoulder as he digs through your nightstand.
"you'll wake up with glitter in your eyes," he admonishes, a feeble attempt at something stern before finding the makeup wipes he was looking for and beginning to swipe at the sparkles smudged on your eyelids. you interrupt his efforts with absent kisses to the inside of his wrist, goading the uneven swell of his lips to quirk up in a little smile. when he's satisfied with the state of your face, there's another shot on your part to tug him into your sheets, but he resists again.
"water first," and then he disappears to your kitchen only to return with two glasses of water. once you've both had a satisfactory amount to drink (to his standards), he finally, finally, acquiesces to snuggling you against his chest, one big hand splayed under your shirt and over your tummy.
"i love you," you murmur, one last time as sleep drags you under.
alex huffs a laugh against your hair, nestling a kiss into the strands. "i love you too."
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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artsywitchling · 9 months
I wish I could feel the magic of living again. I just feel so ordinary these days and I don't know if it's just simply my fault for allowing myself to fall into this dark pit of living in my comfort bubble. The problem is, I want to feel something again, that I miss. So I try to recreate the moment I felt it, and it never works, because moments never hit as hard as the first time you experience them. I guess I need to go out of my shell and allow myself to experience new moments. Which is scary. It opens up the possibility to get hurt. To feel worse than before. And I really don't know how to overcome that fear inside of me.
But I'm desperate to feel the magic again.
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16sydd16 · 3 months
OH MY GOSH, WE DID IT!!😭 We've survived Cadina Week!! Thank you so much to everyone who participated!!
Linked above is my Day 7. Hope you enjoy!
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khryptid · 4 months
The thing about time travel fics for Star Wars is that if you want to redeem Anakin Skywalker, you can’t throw whichever character of your choosing back to just before Order 66, or even in the middle of the war.
If you want any chance of redemption for Anakin’s character, you have to prevent the Tusken massacre. Say what you want about how they tortured and killed his mother, and even if you can justify the adult m*rder, I draw the line at child m*rder. All these time travel fics sending him to therapy and nothing else; actions have consequences and he should see them.
Also, it’s incredibly fucked up that he admitted all this to Padme and SHE STILL MARRIED THE GUY!
Like I don’t know about y’all, but I would find that horrifying and highly concerning especially in relation to my own safety, which I guess in the end actually comes to pass.
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mullty · 2 years
I’d like to bring up Alejandro’s and Soap’s relationship if I may .
“You know Spanish?” “No.” “You will.”
These missions must’ve been days to weeks apart. Intel and planning take time. And throughout the games we see Soap speaking Spanish to Alejandro.
“Hermano, qué pasa?” “Revise mi bolsillo.” “Hasta la muerte.” (Alejandros favorite)
He really only refers to Alejandro as Hermano. Brother. In the game, he needs translation less and less. He picks up words and responds. I also think Soap is a go with the flow kind of guy. He returns the energy you give. And when Alejandro was just so open and ready to share his home and culture with Soap, it just like,,, made their connection so easy. Alejandro was so trusting and soap was supposed to what,, not reciprocate? They’re brothers now. Alejandro said so. Alejandro manda. lol. Also at the end when he says 
“Keep fighting the good fight, Hermano.” (Pelea la buena batalla is what Alejandro taught him.)
This is not a head canon. This is canon.
Alejandro and Rodolfo both taught Soap Spanish. I think in the whole 141 task force he was the least versed in Spanish. He was eager to learn and practiced a lot. He’s not a shy man so he wasn’t afraid to mess up. Sure, he sounded silly but it would make Rodolfo laugh the loudest- surprisingly- so he didn’t mind. 
“It usually annoys him when guero’s try to imitate us or poorly learn our language. He’s been mocked before.”
“I’m not doing too badly, am I?”
Alejandro just grinned.
“He likes your accent.”
Also,,, He calls Rodoldo “Rudy”. Rodolfo isn’t as picky as Soap with ppl calling him Johnny. But, everyone knows that you can’t just call him Rudy. It’s like a promise. Rudy is what his olders brothers and cousins called him. Rudy is reserved for family and people you wouldn’t hesitate for. 
“Call me Rudy.” He said suddenly after drills one day. Ordering him in a way. You’ll be loyal.  
“Okay.” Was all Soap responded. He understood and Alejandro just let out a laugh.
The same courtesy was offered to Ghost. But because he’s emotionally stunted, he’s not gonna. He appreciates it though. 
I do think Ghost had like beginner level understanding of spanish
“No te pierdas, Carnal!” “A Huevo!”
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