#I need help...
jazzyblusnowflake · 6 months
Posted this at a bad time where most people are asleep so here it is again-
thankyouuuuu, love yall lots (*o▽<)/★*☆♪♡~<3
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ourlittleuluru · 4 months
_(:з)∠)_ It's a holiday today and even when I'm out for errands, Xavier still worms his way into my brain...
Ramblings about Xavier and his red collar ahead~ (story spoilers, be warned) Apologies first. I'm not the best with words or saying things out from my brain... so It might be a bit jumbled, or I might've missed some things <( _ _ )>
I'm not going to be talking about anything new. Theories and such be everywhere already, all that's been speculated is all out there ><;;;
It's just my brain, earlier in the day, decided to re-frame my thinking about the collar a bit and just letting all these thoughts out somewhere that isn't inside my brain... moving on ➡➡➡
So... what we DO know about the collar is that it's something restricting Xavier in some way. It's just not clear HOW it's restricting him.
Collar is also something of the Ever Company's property, most likely. Since there's an icon on the collar that belongs to Ever Company. At most, I would think it's from the Ever Company that is from the time during Anecdote 3. (What if... Xavier is the son of the Ever Company president in Anec3... 🤔 I mean he's got men in suits tailing him all over... but that's a thought for another day)
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Up to today, my guess is that the collar restricts his use of his Evol, on top of other things. Restricting his Evol, in a way, makes him "weaker". Xavier is very good (I would guess) at using his Evol and it's powerful enough to cause huge light explosions too. So he's dangerous (to the people that wants to control him) and restricting him in that manner helps to keep Xav in check.
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Unsure if the Evol Resonance here being strong is due to Xavier's Evol itself already being very strong... OR... that the two share a deep bond since times of yore and she was just able to resonate much easier and stronger with him.
Okay. Main thoughts and speculations down below 😂 I dragged this long enough, and I'm rambling on a bit much...
The collar, restricts Xavier's Evol and...
Xavier, always overdoes it and uses his Evol past the allowed limit.
It hurts him in return, but he usually doesn't care any ways. If it's to save people and MC especially, he WILL do it
He can choose to ignore the limiter, but it will only cause him to use even more of his Evol just to overcome the limiter AND do what he needed to do
So to explain, an example in terms of MP from RPG games: His Light Explosion usually costs 50MP. The Collar restricts his MP to be only 40MP. Now, for Xavier to use his Light Explosion skill again, he needs 60MP instead of the usual 50MP the reason for my above thought is simply because BOTH his Hunter's Watch AND Collar were warning him in his Myth
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This makes him even more spent, makes him use 2 syringes to recover... and potentially speeds up whatever process is causing the BackTrackers on Earth to turn into Wanderers (???)
If he were to resonate with MC however, maybe he can bypass the limiter, me thinks. But obviously he is very aware that he can't abuse this.
There's a possibility that he will still get the side effects after that, maybe in a smaller amount... and it's also to protect MC herself
Uh... I feel like I had more thoughts to blurb out... but after this many hours I think I might've forgotten them... 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
And... this is how many times (that I managed to catch, that is) his collar has flared up: 6 times
(it'll be 7 if one assumes that when we meet Xavier, and he's sleeping... during that time he has already overused his Evol which caused the Metaflux explosion and was sleeping to "recharge", that his collar definitely flared red at that time)
Who knows how many more times before the Main story at this point in time (22 May 2024. Dating this just in case lol. Tumblr doesn't really show timestamps on the dash) that he's used his Evol til the collar turned red... and how many more times he is allowed to keep using it like that...
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This feels to me like an unbreakable cycle at this point for Xavier... T-T
Both him and MC being each other's greatest strength and their greatest weakness 😩🥺👌
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Ughhhh I feel the MASSIVE AMOUNT OF FEELS AND ANGST COMING WITH THIS MAN 😭😭😭😭 Please let this bebe live!
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sketchbaroness · 27 days
I need to draw more Stardew Valley Stuff
Soooo if you have any requests... 👀
Any character especially Shane hehe, any idea, any situation... Have fun with the requests ! ヽ⁠(⁠・⁠ˇ⁠∀⁠ˇ⁠・⁠ゞ⁠)
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as4hii · 1 year
Imagine what it would be like to stop existing for a bit....
Wait won't you need someone to bring you back to existence?...damn that's gonna take a while... Someone has to imagine you if you don't exist.
Being in the void for so long can be a pain... Don't worry! You won't be there for long...-ish
I might turn this into an exploration of the void realm :)
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theomisu · 2 months
Hi Theo, I didn't think you were the author of Rhapsody of Broken Dreams, it's a real surprise. Since Calamity Control is on the backburner, can I ask the questions about ROs in Calamity Control?
Hehe, I seem to start a bunch of IFs... And yeah, you can ask stuff, but I honestly haven't thought about CC in a long while 🙈If it's super long answers, I might not get to them, sorry 💀 But also feel free to ask spoilers as well, since who knows when I'll be updating this one 😵‍💫🥴
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maxcodez · 2 months
The thing is... it's spreading more... I don't know what to do... someone knows what this is?..
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u-friend-or-ufo · 2 months
I want Eric Faulkner to bite me...
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zantedeschia-praesul · 2 months
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futurecatlady321 · 11 months
Just me who stays up half the night on my phone and rereading solitaire and then complain I'm tired the next day? 🙃😴
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teningosui · 6 months
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keiji flirting with me.png
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rise-uncalledfour · 1 year
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well now you have :)
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gggoldfinch · 1 year
the moment a fic uses “my pet” or anything along those lines I start foaming at the mouth and bouncing off the walls
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nativestarwrites · 2 years
I’m doing a teeny tiny Nanowrimo inspired challenge where I’m trying to write 200 words a day on a WIP.  The 200 words only counts on WIPs that existed prior to 1st November since the point of this is to finish fics.   I may have started a new WIP this month anyway, I can’t stop myself.  It was going well until a few days ago and I’m about 300 words behind so I need to get back on track. So for a bit of fun and motivation, send me a title from the list below and I’ll post a snippet and/or tell you something about the WIP.
Written Between the Lines
The Magical Place
Living Death
Waiting on that Morning Sun
Running Out of Air
“I’ve got a Pulse.”
Desperate Measures
Bedside Vigil
Ever Since You’ve Been Gone
As always if anyone else wants to join in or do something similar, feel free to post your own WIP titles!
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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kochei0 · 7 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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badolmen · 9 months
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