ourlittleuluru · 4 months
_(:з)∠)_ It's a holiday today and even when I'm out for errands, Xavier still worms his way into my brain...
Ramblings about Xavier and his red collar ahead~ (story spoilers, be warned) Apologies first. I'm not the best with words or saying things out from my brain... so It might be a bit jumbled, or I might've missed some things <( _ _ )>
I'm not going to be talking about anything new. Theories and such be everywhere already, all that's been speculated is all out there ><;;;
It's just my brain, earlier in the day, decided to re-frame my thinking about the collar a bit and just letting all these thoughts out somewhere that isn't inside my brain... moving on ➡➡➡
So... what we DO know about the collar is that it's something restricting Xavier in some way. It's just not clear HOW it's restricting him.
Collar is also something of the Ever Company's property, most likely. Since there's an icon on the collar that belongs to Ever Company. At most, I would think it's from the Ever Company that is from the time during Anecdote 3. (What if... Xavier is the son of the Ever Company president in Anec3... 🤔 I mean he's got men in suits tailing him all over... but that's a thought for another day)
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Up to today, my guess is that the collar restricts his use of his Evol, on top of other things. Restricting his Evol, in a way, makes him "weaker". Xavier is very good (I would guess) at using his Evol and it's powerful enough to cause huge light explosions too. So he's dangerous (to the people that wants to control him) and restricting him in that manner helps to keep Xav in check.
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Unsure if the Evol Resonance here being strong is due to Xavier's Evol itself already being very strong... OR... that the two share a deep bond since times of yore and she was just able to resonate much easier and stronger with him.
Okay. Main thoughts and speculations down below 😂 I dragged this long enough, and I'm rambling on a bit much...
The collar, restricts Xavier's Evol and...
Xavier, always overdoes it and uses his Evol past the allowed limit.
It hurts him in return, but he usually doesn't care any ways. If it's to save people and MC especially, he WILL do it
He can choose to ignore the limiter, but it will only cause him to use even more of his Evol just to overcome the limiter AND do what he needed to do
So to explain, an example in terms of MP from RPG games: His Light Explosion usually costs 50MP. The Collar restricts his MP to be only 40MP. Now, for Xavier to use his Light Explosion skill again, he needs 60MP instead of the usual 50MP the reason for my above thought is simply because BOTH his Hunter's Watch AND Collar were warning him in his Myth
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This makes him even more spent, makes him use 2 syringes to recover... and potentially speeds up whatever process is causing the BackTrackers on Earth to turn into Wanderers (???)
If he were to resonate with MC however, maybe he can bypass the limiter, me thinks. But obviously he is very aware that he can't abuse this.
There's a possibility that he will still get the side effects after that, maybe in a smaller amount... and it's also to protect MC herself
Uh... I feel like I had more thoughts to blurb out... but after this many hours I think I might've forgotten them... 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
And... this is how many times (that I managed to catch, that is) his collar has flared up: 6 times
(it'll be 7 if one assumes that when we meet Xavier, and he's sleeping... during that time he has already overused his Evol which caused the Metaflux explosion and was sleeping to "recharge", that his collar definitely flared red at that time)
Who knows how many more times before the Main story at this point in time (22 May 2024. Dating this just in case lol. Tumblr doesn't really show timestamps on the dash) that he's used his Evol til the collar turned red... and how many more times he is allowed to keep using it like that...
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This feels to me like an unbreakable cycle at this point for Xavier... T-T
Both him and MC being each other's greatest strength and their greatest weakness 😩🥺👌
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Ughhhh I feel the MASSIVE AMOUNT OF FEELS AND ANGST COMING WITH THIS MAN 😭😭😭😭 Please let this bebe live!
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literalite · 6 months
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mouth open, silent and blue and in the heat, it searched for you
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x-i-l-verify · 2 years
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It's time for salvation to finally come I feel this rage, and I'm feelin' it strong This weeping and wailing has gone far too long Nothing left but to yеll! Yeah! Yeah! I know you feel it too so keep on singin' this song Even whеn they abuse us, we'll keep singin' along We'll start another big bang when we all sing as one United, we're fightin', bring 'em down with our song of ruin!
Me, my third eye flying open at 2 AM: c!Dream kins Uta from One Piece Film Red, send tweet.
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geekgirles · 6 months
I'm rewatching the episodes in French and Dathura hasn't made a reappearance has she? She just up and vanished.
Sorry to keep you waiting. First I had to take some screenshots and then my laptop's battery was always on the verge of giving out, so I couldn't just sit down and answer sooner.
But honestly, yeah! I actually wanted to point that out too!
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Compared to the rest of the Brotherhood of the Forgotten, Dathura's disappearance is just plain weird. I watched an interview where Tot revealed that, unlike what the Kickstarter trailer might suggest, the demigods wouldn't really play a major role in season 4. And honestly, that's fair. Given the show is about the Brotherhood or the Tofu and, more importantly, they had just learned their purpose in life ended up being their being manipulated by a megalomaniac with daddy issues, realistically, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with action for a while either.
There's of course the fact that each of them asked to be sent to completely different locations and had very different goals. For example, Coqueline, Kali, and Sipho just wanted to pick up the pieces of what Oropo and especially Echo started and live as a family. And despite both of them ending up in Bonta, Ush wanted nothing to do with Black Bump.
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Which makes Dathura's disappearance from the main plot all that weirder. Because she is about the only demigoddes who has any business participating in the main plot by virtue of her actually being there.
Seriously, once again, the Sadida Kingdom is at the very centre of everything. They're the Nécromes main, or at least first, target. And yet, there is no sign of Dathura helping out as the powerful demigoddess she is despite her accepting Amalia's invitation to live in the kingdom and even going as far as remaining by her side the entirety of the third episode.
She was never even introduced to Armand and Aurora despite both of them being there when Amalia returned with her. Made all the more jarring by the fact that she remained by the princess' side even as she mourned her father's death and the next day (?) she just...vanishes with no explanation?
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Seriously, out of all of the members of the Forgotten, the two with the most reason to have a bigger role in season 4 are Dathura and Ush. The former because she is supposed to be living there at the time of the Nécromes' attack, and the latter because he was the one who informed Joris of what was going on.
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In Ush's case I can understand he decides to stay on the sidelines since he isn't exactly a hero, he mostly just does his own thing. But Dathura's disappearance can be very jarring.
What, did she awkwardly leave Amalia to mourn her father while she went to check in on Ogrest?
Oh, well. The season's been great so far and I don't really have any trouble with this. It's just weird, it's all.
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cocogum · 6 months
what is waven like what happens in it
It took me some time to organize my thoughts which is why I couldn’t answer you sooner Anon but I’m here now ✨
Just before I begin though, I just want to tell you that since Waven still needs to update more (like the fact that it needs to showcase more races cuz we only got five) there will be some specific things that I will have to skip explaining because they’re not fully shown. But don’t worry, I’ll be able to explain to you the general basis of what’s going on. So at least you will know a lot more than nothing.
I started playing the game just a few days ago but I already had the context of what was going to happen way before I began playing.
So here’s how it goes:
After the events of Season 4, some events will happen in “The Great Wave” Wakfu manga (coming out on April 19 on allskreen.com) but after that, 10 years will go by and that’s where a new era called Waven will begin.
We don’t know how but we know it will somehow involve Yugo. Yugo, at some point in time, will be the next danger to the world and will invoke the most gigantic wave ever made. It’s so gigantic in fact that it will swallow multiple kingdoms and many lands. We don’t know why he will do this and we don’t know if he will do it intentionally. We also don’t know when and where he will do this. This is why the next era is called “Waven” because it’s based on the great wave that ravaged so many lands.
His wave would be such a huge disaster to the world that it will be a bigger calamity than the time Ogrest had been crying.
So now that the lands have been completely wiped out, and Yugo’s body count is higher than ever, the World of Twelve will somehow survive this thanks to the remaining lands that survived the disaster. These lands will be turned into islands. The main transportation will be by boat.
Kingdoms and great countries will turn into islands while other places such as Brakmar and Bonta will still be called “nations” despite not looking like one. A lot of people died obviously but they don’t specifically tell you. You can just tell by how it all looks.
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Based on the screenshots I took for you, here are the places that will remain in the world (listed in order by how I placed them) :
Vampyre Boat
Brakmar nation
Tofu island
Amakna nation
Crackler island
Whisperer island
Bwork island
Chafer island
Bonta nation
Gobball island
Albuera nation
Pig island
Taur island
There might come more locations in the future but who knows.
If you’re wondering about the characters then no worries. The main characters are still alive which is a relief at least.
For the Percedal family, Evangelyne, Dally, Elely, Goultard, and Pin are still here. Pin grew up a bit and now looks to be Elely’s age. He can be seen tagging along with his father everywhere he goes.
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We don’t know where Elely is yet but Tot did say that she was going to have her own series during Waven so all is good for her. As for Flopin, he’s alive as well. His progress with Madagaskan will be shown in the future.
For the minor characters, we can actually see that some of them have survived the great wave as well.
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We can see Ogrest lazing around and singing in his garden. Given his peaceful behavior, I’m guessing Otomaï and Dathura are doing okay too.
We can also see Elaine with her father as well as Bordegann and Kabrok with his wife still working in their shop.
We even see Lotie, an osamodas girl that Yugo and Adamai met in Season 1 AND have seen her again in the manga. She can now be seen fully grown and playing with Igor.
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Her father and brother don’t seem to be around the area and her speeches didn’t involve or mention them in any way.
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Goultard is very much alive and well. He teaches you how to defeat the shushus as soon as you wake up and choose a race. He’s kind of like your guide for how the fighting is supposed to work in Waven.
Speaking of which, the main enemies you will have to face off as of now, are shushus.
There are giant floor openings in different locations of the World of Twelve that let out shushus and are quickly spreading around the world. You, as the player, have to get rid of them while also battling some characters that have gotten possessed by them. Also, you can actually get to see some gods (for now you can only see the Cra goddess) from their former selves in need.
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The Cra goddess, for example, can be seen but she seems to have her whole body missing. Her head is the only thing intact and Evangelyne decided to check up on her.
We also get a piece of information from Astrub that helps us understand the world better and how the people reacted to the change:
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“To whoever reads these lines: you are a survivor. You have been chosen to help rebuild the World After. You are one of us, and we welcome you. Welcome to Astrub.
The lands of Before are but a memory.
When the Great Wave crashed down ten years ago, it ravaged everything in its path, leaving behind only ruins and desolation. A few places survived, as did a few lucky survivors. But the World of Twelve, drowned under the seething waters, died.
Heroes are gathering. In the past, they had already proven their courage and bravery in the service of the common good. Once again, they are taking the fate of the world into their hands. They are organizing themselves into four cardinal Clans to help the world rise again. A new era is dawning. Life is asserting itself. Hope for a new future is growing.
Order, Nature, Science and Trade are now working in harmony to maintain the balance in his New World. History is on the march again.”
Other than that, that’s all I have for now.
Like I said before, I’ve been playing the game for over a week now so it’s obvious that I missed a ton more info on the world not to mention that I didn’t even start talking about the remaining lands and what their deals are.
Waven is available on Steam for your PC and on the App Store for your phone if you’re interested in finding more on your own.
I’ll be sure to let the ones who can’t/don’t want to play it be able to know new things I find here cuz A LOT is going on already!
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nonsensical-pixels · 2 years
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1000 followers gift, part 4: morning dove reshade and teeny tots collection part 2! [download - sfs | mf folder]
it's finally here: the final gift for my 1000 followers weekend! and it's a two in one deal!
over the last year i have come to realise that i really like making two things: reshades, and toddler stuff. it's so satisfying watching the environment my sims are in, and the whole mood of the game, change with the click and drag of a few buttons. also, toddlers are really cute and there isn't nearly enough stuff out there for them.
part 4 has two things: my second reshade preset ever, morning dove, as well as my first every clothing conversions--and for toddlers too! i have received many, many questions about what reshade preset i use, so this is it!
update 10-4-23: fixed issue with weird squares/rectangles on ep05 dress holiday and ep05 vest bowtie, please redownload and replace the original meshes!
@kindlespice for the dove 2.0 preset i used as a base for morning dove!
ea/maxis for the original meshes & textures of the toddler formalwear
@skittlessims for helping me with all of the errors and confusion i encountered while converting the clothing, and also for just being an amazing friend and mentor in general. love ya anna 💕
for more info, on both the downloads and the future of this blog, please keep reading 😊
part 4a: morning dove
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previews feature all effects except fog, artistic vignette, & chromatic abberation. these effects however are present in most of my cc posts, so if you look at my previews i believe you can see them 😅
if you've been following my builds/gameplay for awhile, then you probably recognise this preset. i use it in almost every screenshot of mine, and many people have asked for it, so here it finally is! it is based on @kindlespice's dove 2.0 preset but with a lot of tweaking to make it more versatile in ts2. this preset comes with a number of different shortcuts to enable/disable certain effects: Alt + 4 -> mxao Alt + 6 -> adaptive fog + canvas fog Shift + 2 -> ring dof and gdof Alt + 5 -> artistic vignette Alt + 7 -> marty mcfly dof Alt + 8 -> chromatic abberration Alt + 9 -> directional anti-aliasing the basic goal of morning dove is a preset that looks good in any style--maxis match, realistic, or clay!
part 4b: teeny tots part 2
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this particular download just makes me very happy. i love ts2 toddlers, they'll always be the best in the franchise in my eyes, and just look at those happy lil faces! also, milo stylo is being milo stylo and looking so damn cute. there never seems to be enough toddler formalwear (imo) so it just makes me really happy that i was able to make my own.
these are my first ever clothing conversions, i did my best but they're not perfect, so there may be clipping and gaps especially around the shoulders of gp11 dress flower. i apologise for this, i really tried but didn't manage to fix it 😔
EP05 Dress Holiday - PU only, 14 colors, casual & formal, 3.7k polys [swatch] - paired with @skittlessims' base game mary-jane shoes from their lunar dress💕 GP11 Bowtie Shirt - PU only, 10 colors, casual & formal, 3.8k polys [swatch] - paired with base game sneakers taken from @lucilla-sims' ep11 suspenders 💞 GP11 Dress Flower - PU only, 10 colors, casual & formal, 5.3k polys [swatch] - paired with @skittlessims' base game mary-jane shoes from their lunar dress💕 EP05 Vest Bowtie - PU only, 9 colors, casual & formal, 4.0k polys [swatch] - paired with base game sneakers taken from @lucilla-sims' ep11 suspenders 💞
final words
well, i guess that's it then! it's the end of a long gift-filled weekend. and also, the start of a very long break.
my final exams will be starting in about two weeks and ending around november; they are the most important ones i have ever faced and i cannot afford to lose focus. after that will be exam after exam, as i enter tertiary education.
if you still wanna chat with me/hear how i'm doing you could probably join the simscord by @skittlessims, i'm a junior moderator on there now so i will still be semi-active on my break. also, if i do find the time to post cc anymore, it will probably be on there lol.
the sims has always been a sort of escapism for me, a way to pretend that the trials of real life don't exist. but in the last few months i've felt myself drifting farther and farther from it. i need to focus on my studies and stay focused on my life goals.
the future of this blog is still uncertain. i have cc queued up until june--leftovers from my original break, stuff i finished up, requests i got during my holidays--but after that, there probably won't be any more until i come back... which could be anywhere from 9 months to 9 years, tbh, with my current mood. until then, consider this blog on semi-permanent hiatus.
there are so many of you who have supported this blog from day one, who have always stuck with me even when i'm not at my best or when misunderstandings occur. i cannot thank you enough for your continued support and love. the last year has been a difficult time for me: losing pets, friends, and in general, my mental health. this extra-long gift weekend is for you--a thank you for the over 365 days of kindness you have shown me.
i am sorry for this, but for now, i am going to have to leave you again. thank you for the love, and i hope you enjoy the cc while it lasts. until next time,
~ Ky, nonsensical-pixels
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cannibalise · 1 month
emmm i rly. rly rly rly rly rly rlr yly rly rly rly rly rlryu rly like shrike and i talk abt him a lot privately to my friend so i wanted to ummm. make a post i guess? about him.. and similarities to corax and stuff because hes so Strange and fun and i love him
ok well first of all hes in. the rg codex supplement (8th) and ik hes mentioned in the space marine codices but i dont own them and finding pdfs isnt the easiest thing in the world (if anyone has the 5th and 4th ed ones id like to read them ToT or at least just screenshots of the raven pages or smth) the legends: shrike novella, and the short story shadow stalker. hes probably mentioned in some other stuff but as much as i want to hunt it all down because of my issues of the mind, i dont think i will be able to. coz its hard to find this stuff digitally and i dont rly wanna spend the money just to learn that hes mentioned like Once and its something i already know. i also wanna say im not like umm. well i wouldnt call myself new anymore but im definitely not like a 40k veteran. just laser focused on necrons, raven guard, and night lords. so if ive missed stuff or gotten something wrong then, u know. im getting thru stuff. i also thought abt ummm. posting screenshots of book stuff to back myself up but i dont know if thats. uhh. idk. is that too much. i dunno. i HAVE them and can get some other specific ones if anyone wants them. and obviously i can say what book theyre from and get the chapter number (not page number tho i read the chapters as big blocks rather than page by page)
anyway. the thing that sort of captured my attention at first abt him is his self destructive humility. or likeeee. almost what looks like a naked desire to die in battle, but not for personal honour or glory ('honour' as a concept in rg itself is honestly a very interesting topic to me anyway). hes just so driven and committed to the cause that if him dying to accomplish a goal or finish the mission is the easiest and most efficient way of doing that, then he thinks about it and commits to it and noone can talk him down. carefully considered recklessness is what i started calling it. he genuinely thinks about all the pros and cons and then does it anyway because his own life as the price is so easy for him to commit. and i think its super fun that hes aware of this shortcoming and its part of why he wants to find someone more suitable as chapter master (this is mentioned in the codex supplement). but SPECIFICALLY because the old master of shadows, severax, did a suicidal assassination attempt that failed and shrike looked at that and knew he wouldve done the same. because he has. in his novella. THREE times against the SAME ORK. and somehow just keeps Not Dying. silly guy... hes silly... i love him so much ToT i LIKE it about him because it feels so strange considering what hes normally like. hes hotheaded. hes highly motivated and driven and doesnt lose hope (again an interesting topic for rg coz of all the 'hope is pointless' stuff). ud think someone like that would have a rly strong drive to keep living and a survival instinct. and he does to some degree but the selflessness takes over or something. but a selflessness tht prioritises them all as an organisation? i mean this Should be normal for imperium anyway and it might be more common than im thinking, i honestly havent read a alot of imperium stuff coz i dont really care about it ! shrike to me is like 'hatred of the imperium leaving my body when i see a cute emoboy with weird issues in his head'. im a sucker for dudes that are quiet bt have that sort of burning passion inside and the fact that its entirely on the behalf of his brothers is too much. also its not totally related but something abt him in the supplement that i LOVED is an anecdote about imperial fists and iron hands having an argument over a tech relic powering a planets shields and shrike comes in and destroys it without either of them knowing so that theyre forced to stop arguing. its that simple logic. hes the type of guy that sees the shortest path to getting stuff done and just does it, regardless of the fallout. no overthinking or figuring stuff out slowly, u see an opportunity to solve a problem u take it right then and there. cut the bullshit i want you etc etc. i love this too in the novella coz even before hes promoted to captain hes arguing with his superiors about how they should keep going no matter the cost and take the shortest and most dangerous path. and another thing. he refuses every attempt at assigning him some honour or award or whatever and like u just KNOW its coz hes like 'well it wasnt me it was all of us together' or something. kayvaan 'i love my bros so much i could (and will) die' shrike
which i guess leads me to ummm. this part! similarities to corax. im STILL getting through horus heresy stuff but the more i read the more similarities i notice but theyre all like. weird picks. like i get that they probably wanted to make a chapter master that felt like corax, for multiple reasons, but they picked some Weird traits to carry over. like i dont think i would call corax hotheaded at all. hes very restrained and definitely does anger (especially when it involves the lycaeus-born ravens and the raptors) but hes too good at keeping a cap on it. to the point that i think this is ultimately his downfall. tho thats, personally speaking and im not like a Massive corax fan i just know him a little. im not staying over at his house for him. im getting chased out of his sons window in the morning instead. ...anyway. the point is that hes much more reserved and restrained. but because of that he also has the belief that there will come a time when hes able to withdraw and let someone else lead the ravens while he does... whatever he wants i guess? i havent seen it mentioned which is a shame coz it would change things a lot depending on what he intends to do. anyway this is mentioned in a lot of the things ive read with him actually. this is a trait he shares with shrike. but because of the differences in circumstance its connotation feels really different. like corax is a primarch, hes sort of marked out no matter what he does afterwards, and hes not rly like ummm. an arts and humanities guy like some of the others. on top of not even realising that hes reinforcing the tyranny that he fought to destroy on his own world. but thats a different topic entirely lol (one that i LIKE because i love tragic irony and the way he seems oblivious to it coz at the time he was so excited over meeting his new brothers (this is from deliverance lost)). anyway god that was a tangent, the POINT was that shrike also wants to give up his role and let someone else be master of shadows because hes too aware of how his recklessness isnt suitable for a leader at that level and has split the chapter up to hopefully have them all hardened and capable and able to take over for him. and then u just know hes gonna go back to trying to kill himself for the cause all the time until it finally sticks. shrike has that clear goal and hes picking the shortest path to it as usual. whereas corax broods a little more and maybe overthinks things. so its the same self awareness and the same wanting to withdraw from their positions but for totally different reasons, and i rly like the contrast. also its just Comical how corax has to tell his legionaries to simmer down and that "victory is its own revenge" instead of running off to kill some specific guys you hate. and then on the other side u have 'shadow captain maybe this isnt a good idea' 'shadow captain you will die' 'shadow captain ple-' and hes gone. hes already gone. hes jumping into his own death again. and shrike DOES HAVE corax's levelheadedness but theyre used to nefarious ends of him thinking about the stupid thing hes gonna do and then doing it anyway. hes using all of his traits from corax for silly things.
anyway sorry i think im done i might kill myself over the embarrassment of writing this later we'll see please dont laugh at me im a sensitive gay little emoboy and kayvaan shrike is my passion
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Plague Doctor Cindy!
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Hi, I drew this concept art sheet thing shortly after drawing the Butcher!Aurora art and I took a break after that. Sorry I didn't post this one immediately.
Edit: Some close ups and extra commentary have been added
Rambling below (TW: medical subject matter like diseases and surgery, death, delusions, and cannibalism)
Meta wise, she started out as a mad scientist for the sake of being a mad scientist by listening to Novocaine by Cree-P and GHOST, and Black Box Warrior-OKULTRA by Will Wood. I just imagined Cinderella going too hard or harsh on Lady Tremaine, her patient/ser-worker/co-star, with her research, experiments, and surgeries out of frustration, stress, and madness. Hell, I would not be surprised if she tried lobotomy at some point during her side jig/job as a doctor.
But ever since I listened to Butcher Vanity by Vane and Flavour Foley, Cinderella later grew to be more than just a plain old mad doctor as I revisited her Screen Universe para concept and explore what her deal is. From why exactly did she fall into this path, to her relationships with the characters related or relevant to her story. She became another tragic character. This time, someone who developed an obsession with finding a cure for the prions after it "ate up" her once villain co-worker friend with in-character or canon compliant delusions.
Some close ups
The other state was meant to say production as well, but I'm too lazy to fix the typo now
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Cindy with the Bok-su pose is slightly cursed ngl, but it keeps living in my head rent free. The fact that they're both doctors doesn't make it any better ToT
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Eldritch Cinderelly (the note says healthy because their true forms's color and brightness changes if they get certain health conditions. In this one, she should have been a bit dimmer and grayer due to the Discontinuation Rot)
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Herbs and spices stuffed in the beak like a true plague doctor. Though, Cindy does this for different reasons. Instead of the original reasoning where the herbs will ward off the plague, she does this to replace the smell of burning and rotting flesh with as much fragrance as possible. It also puts her at ease
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Stolen Ideas Inspo :>
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How it'd look like under her apron/dress thing
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Goggles stuff for eye protection
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Eyes. Eye eyeballed (eh? eh?) her eye color because I can not find a good proper close up of her face and eyes in the official material and the coloring in the og movie looks a bit inconsistent at times.
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Screen shots from the ID server itself again of course
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OKULTRA cranking up the mad doctor inspiration (ft. Novocaine starting the whole thing prior to listing to OKULTRA)
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I think this one is still pre-butcher vanity arc
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Typical Disney para behaviour
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more Cinderella angst lore because yes
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A shit ton of other paras have not so healthy relationships with their characters at this point. They include, but not limited to some Pokemon characters, and SpongeBob.
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Health anxiety go brrrr
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This is from when Butcher Vanity arc or obsession hit around. It expanded her lore and everything. It was a game changer for this specific para tbh. I think this is about four months after posting the past Cindy rambles shown in the previous screenshots
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Ok, this one is from an ID adjacent server, but I feel like this is still a bit relevant to the whole thing
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(Also from the ID adjacent server) Ok, this one is kinda complicated since I mentioned another para who had something to do with a different Disney centered subplot that somehow affected the plot and lore of the entire paracosm. Basically, Snow White helped one of her ser-workers to found a cult and... everything went downhill and batshit insane from there. Ruined or fucked over the entire government and all... you may either dig through my casual account for the answer or ask through the Screen Universe blog about it.
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Bonus: A joke relevant to the whole Cinderella x Sleeping Beauty ft. prion plague debacle arc/subplot (I found this god damn image from Pinterest and I captioned it as "Cinderella and Aurora")
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TLDR: 1950 Disney princess becomes a mad plague doctor, grows into another tragic para, becomes vegan as a trauma response, loses her villain patient to the plague's delusions, goes off into a deep end after burning said patient, despises cannibals, and turns into their world's equivalent to a veteran in a "has seen the origins of modern day problems and the horrors of war" way but the war is the plague from the distant past.
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ultraviolet-ink · 2 months
1, 8, 10, 13, 21, 22 and 25 >:)
ohohohohohhOHOHOHOHOHOH you came right out the gate, I love it XD 1- the character everyone gets wrong
NGL Kazuma, he's too cool, everyone forgets that this loser is cringe and fail (can't even do a tongue twister, smh). Like not to say he's a total buffoon, but he might think he's cool, he really isn't, and I think that's the charm I enjoy about him! He's a cringefail babygirl loser first and a human being second <3 8- common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about Maya and Phoenix are siblings..... ahhh nuclear family-ification of the found family trope my BELOATHED. ATP, whenever someone says "teh SIBLINGSSSS" they're just trying to say "this isn't a ship!!1", and like, at least say the former with your full chest. If I saw my sister in a maid dress, I would NOT think what Phoenix thought when he saw Maya. (Obligatory, I don't even ship them, I just think it's kinda sexist to say that a man and a woman can't JUST be friends, they have to either be dating or siblings)
13- worst blorboficiation
As much as I love "eheheh BORGOR" like any other dorkass, but Maya really is a lot more than just hehehehe Borgor, omg nick just confess to Edgeworth!! Like, she is in touch with her inner child, which is really impressive considering her whole.... EVERYTHING... and she's very protective of Pearl, in the hopes of giving her the childhood that she, or MIA, didn't really have. I think a lot of the times, Maya gets shafted (and I'm guilty of this too) in favor of NRMT and is nothing more than "haha borger" and a footnote, which sucks because she IS Nick's best friend after all 21- part of canon you think is overhyped
sorry, not sorry, but Kazuma's return at the end of 2-3. I wasn't really all that attached to him by the time he died, and then the way he acted in 2-4/5 made me icy at best towards him. I'm slowly getting to like him because I have friends who really like him, so this is out of diplomacy lol!! But ye, I was just kind of like "huh... nice..... wait WHERE TF DID BAROK GO???"
22- your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
This is something at the end of AJ, so you know it's juicy when even CAPCOM ignores it, but there's this sort of ending scene with Phoenix where he's talking about how Trucy hides how she really feels and he's the only one who can see her vulnerabilities. It really made me think about Maya (and Trucy is in second place for the blorbofication question), and I thought it was a really neat parallel to the OT..... and then Trucy basically became a lamp in the next two cases ToT
25- common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"pEoPLe sEriOuSLy sHiP--" yes, shut up, it's the internet, even if you don't like it someone ships it. grow up. this goes for any fandom btw
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vocaliveparty · 1 year
God-ish - Design, Effects, and Extra Notes.
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Modeled and Designed by Maydayfireball, with some revisions by jjinomu ! (you can actually see the difference in our handwriting in the sketch www) This design went through probably 5 or 6 vastly different redesigns before we settled on this. I still have a few when I was leaning more into the "nun" look rather than the "british choir boy" look.
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(I am aware these look rough as hell, please forgive me)
We ended up going with shorts instead of a dress or long coat, because of the section of the choreography where he gets onto the floor. While it's not impossible, it would simply be easier not to have physics that would interfere with his legs / the floor when he crouches. And if you recognize where the screenshot in the main reference comes from, then.. you're a huge weeb. <3
Also his halo has physics and it bounces a little please perceive that.
Not sure what i want to highlight for this one.. uh..
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All the text are 3D objects I modeled???
Also, the text placement during these sections was pretty intentional. (they are also 3D objects www)
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The part where he's all blurry during the bridge was made using ghost motion and changing it's color to red. Which is a neat thing i didn't know I could do.
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It was going to be ChromaBlur, but everytime I use that effect someone goes "wow mayday isn't beating the Chromablur allegations" SO I DID IT. I BEAT THEM.
Also I intentionally didn't make his eyes be effected by the darkout effect. But he only opens them at the very beginning and the last "Gott ist tot". I wanted it to be a little creepy.
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Extra Notes
I don't have many notes for this one. I just really liked the song, and when a song has such strong theming, it's SUPPOSE to be easy to design for them.. but you can see how that went..
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fan-burns · 9 months
First - where did u find the concept art for Robots ?? Bc i've never seen the concept art of the interaction of Cappy and Rodney together in ur deep dive on Cappy post !! TOT and secondly - I wish they made magnetism as a some kind of uncontrollable power for Rodney especially he's been magnetized by Ratchet when he was kicked out - that part was so funny to me I wished they kept it in for Rodney
There's an art book for Robots! I can't link it, but you can find it on the Internet Archive! A quick search on Pintrest can also show you a lot of the concept art. Plus, there's websites from Michael Knapp and Daniel Munoz with even more art! Finally, all of my screenshots came from here!
As for your second point, it's funny that you mention that because I gave Rodney a power similar to that in my sequel series lol. It would've been interesting to see a slightly longer magnet scene!
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charmspoint · 2 months
The same anon who was obsessing over your writing a few hours ago T^T I really want to exhange discord handles and befriend you but I'm scared ToT I'm a really awkward human being and getting along with me is a cursed thing. But seriously,,,
"You don't mind?"
"How could I mind you looking like you?"
Ughhhhhhhh you have my heart in your palms and at your feet.
"I held you body."
"You're holding it now, too."
Please believe me when I say I actually broke down after reading this. The build up. The subtle 'oh' moment. The delivery. The FEELS. Satoru being "Nothing has changed, I'm here, right beside you, please look at me, I'm here, I haven't gone anywhere, never have, I'm here, I swear, please don't do this-" and being RIGHT while Suguru being "This is not you, you are not here, who are you?, no, no, no-" while also being RIGHT.
It feels like you taught me a whole new set of emotions to feel exclusively for this specific genre of angsty satosugu. My gallery is filled with screenshots of your fic, quotes that I fell in love with because "It was too quiet when Satoru was quiet." like ugh srsly??? Lemme take a break??? Without crying???
I can't believe you answered tho! I have only ever reached to one fanfic writer on tmblr before and I got ignored so bad. You're so nice! Can I really talk to you? You're too nice *sobbing*.
I answer all my asks, as long as they're nice :3 I get what you mean though, it can be really anxiety inducing to reach out to people online, especially if you admire their work. But reaching out and being reached out to has lead to many fun conversations and discussions for me, so I'm always open to it!
I'm really proud of the work I did on emotions for cota. I like grief as a topic a lot and this fic is probably still the best I've managed to pull of the raw feeling of grief. I wanted it to be realistic, I wanted the readers to Feel what the characters were feeling, I wanted it to be messy and hurtful and real. Especially because it was such a specific sort of grief, that it had two sides. That Satoru had died and he hadnt and that Suguru HAD to grieve what was lost, because what was lost WAS significant, but couldnt do so completely without hurting what of Satoru was left. Grief is like that, both necessary and hurtful. Painful but unavoidable part of healing, of one day being happy again.
A lot of my personal expiriences with grief, as well with love and connection, were put in this fic so it itself feels very personal. And each time another person tells me that they cried to it, that it touched them, that it deeply affected them in a way that they will carry for a long time, it warms my heart so much and makes me so happy <3 It makes me feel like a succesful writer :3💗
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cartoonrival · 5 months
Nrto/Brto for 3 10 & 17?
bro literally the wider naruto fandom sucks so bad idek where to begin
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
i dont have a specific example so instead im gonna give a general gripe about a trend that ive seen in many takes over time
the black and white thinking and refusal to think for half a second about characters other than ur faves Reminds Me Of Something!real ones know. the way people talk about any character with any sort of greyness to their morality kinda makes me crazy and i lowkey think ppl bring up kishimoto TOO MUCH in their discussion of the storys themes bc while obviously like its important to talk abt WHY he wrote it the way he did esp wrt nationalism and all, i think also it sort of dulls ur ability to think anything complex about it if u blame everything u dont like or think was "sloppily done" on kishimoto. judging every character based on kishimoto's morals instead of their own if that makes sense? its not like "the wrong way to do things" i just personally find it really boring when thats the only way youll look at a text. like no wonder you guys are constantly making jokes about how naruto sucks and you'd never recommend it, you wont even allow yourselves to think about the story as its own piece of art beyond just "kishimoto wrote it this way because he sucks" like do you ever think maybe youre killing some of the fun of media analysis... i think its why so many people hate sakura or kakashi or itachi or anyone else. and this always comes out in the way ppl characterize bc theyre like Um I've Fixed Them :) and then its the blandest shit ever because you absolutely refuse to work even slightly WITH the story you claim to love, only fighting tooth and nail against it.
some examples of what i mean w this: basically any conversation about itachi that tries to categorize him as either good or bad. basically any conversation about sakura that tries to do literally anything or nothing with her. people making sns blandly romantic as if the insane and inventive ways they talk about their feelings for each other in canon isnt genuinely part of what makes it so maddeningly fascinating and awesome. anyone who thinks kakashi is a bad teacher. its just this refusal to meet the characters where they are and think of anything in terms of the text itself rather than exclusively in a meta way, ie "this is how it would be if it was good." no its not. you just made it how it would be if it was bland and obvious. dont you literally think the fact that the guy writing it was accidentally writing his characters to be struggling against the same shit that he was struggling against irl and struggling to keep Out of his writing is like. wildly fascinating and part of waht makes the story intersting to pick apart. but ok. this also applies to aspects of boruto primarily sasusaku and naruhina marriages. no one gets it like i doooooo
10. worst part of fanon
everybodys always shipping kakashi with someone and its never even guy. if youre gonna ship kakashi it had better fucking be with guy bc theres gen srs no one else he would be caught dead romancing with and i cant even see how you could read any of his other relationships as romantic. he doesnt even HAVE a relationship with iruka. i get that not every ship has to have canon support but its all either 1) literally not even interesting to think about or 2) what they have actually going on is way more interesting but see my response to question 3. its the same with gaara honestly the more i think about it the more annoyed i get about the ignorance surrounding just-short-of-canon aroace gaara ToT like if u didnt know then ok... but you should learn because its awesome. i just thinking the shipping culture in the fandom is annoying like everyone has to be shipped with someone and that seems to come before their genuinely interesting relationships. and those genuinely interesting relationships are sanded down into something normal. idk this is a gripe that goes w Many Many fandoms but i feel like w naruto its particularly bad largely on account of See Previous Answer. ppl are like "its written this way bc kishimoto is homophobic i will fix this" then they make it suck because shockingly ik kishi actually wrote a good as fuck story if deeply flawed
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
ill be fr i dont gen seek out fics or art independently to be 100% sure that stuff i'd be looking for isn't out there somewhere. but i think ppl really really should just. think about sakura more. i literally love her sm but ppl won't think abt her beyond either 1) she sucks and i hate her (but this is because of kishimoto's writing and has nothing to do with me! if i rewrote naruto then she wouldn't be there 😌 this is a kindness to her and not because i cant be assed to think about a woman for 5 seconds) or 2) girlboss!!!! like.... is that scene in the land of iron not BIBLICAL to anyone else....??? is her devotion to someone she's lost faith in out of loyalty to someone she loves and is losing her ability to understand not FASCINATING???? TO ANYONE ELSE???? IS THE WAY SHE PICKS UP THE TRAITS OF HER TEACHER THAT HE SPECIFICALLY IS NOT MEANING TO PASS ON TO HER NOT HEARTWRENCHING???????? you people suck. instead you write ooc sns over and over and draw kakashi without his mask kissing fucking obito
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nogenderbee · 6 months
Ik this is random but when i see your writings it makes me go :DD, and also made me feel comforted<33
But really, im in a bad situation right now, and your fics made me not give up?? Your fics comforted and maybe saved me?? And also made me smile,giggle and even kick my feet🥲, your fics are generally my comfort, cause when i have a bad day i just read your fics it makes me forget all of my struggles yknow? Sometimes, i would screenshot your fics so that i could read them when im offline.. i also love how comforting and supportive you are, i sometimes see anons venting and you would comfort them, it also made me feel comforted even if it isnt a message for me, i will forever worship and defend you til i die<3333
(im just saying this rn cause, rn im having a bad day and your fics made me cheer up)
AWGHFAHDTA STOP I'M CRYING This is honestly the best compliment I've ever got I think ToT I'm so happy my fics can bring you that sort of comfort <3 AND OMG THE SCREENSHOTING I swear I did that too!! Now I have little time to read and look for new fics but I remember doing the same! So I'm really happy to be that someone for you, dear anon <3 And don't worry, if you ever want to vent, all you need to do is text me! I know how hard life can get and sometimes you just need to shout your mind out or hope for advice, even if it's obvious one. So know I don't mind hearing you vent as long as it won't be overally triggering for me as well which happens rarely ^^
You're doing great, remember it! It's important you have something you like so you can brighten your day and I'm definitely not giving up on writing any time soon because it's honestly my passion! I know I'm rambling here kinda but all I want to say is... Please take care of yourself, put yourself on first place and don't force any uncomfortable situations for you UNLESS your therapist says it's good for you (but you're still free to say no obvs) or if you're sure it'll be good for you! Those are the only exceptions!
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Did my ego go high here for a bit-? I think? Oh well, I'm so happy rn I can let myself do so ^^ Thank you again, dear anon <33 You honestly made my day with this!
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i-need-some-advice-on · 4 months
i already sent this to another blog, but didn't really get advice so I'm trying here,
Me and my friend group used to be friends with this person, C, and C was really toxic: like they'd yell and scream at me for having interests (Like once I mentioned I enjoyed Taylor Swift music and got told to kill myself, and another time i was talking about how I enjoy loud events like concerts and they were like "I bet you like pep rallies" [<- me not clocking onto them like making fun of me] and i was like "omg! I do!" because i thought back to the pep rally I had the same day and my school brought in a fire dancer so really C's loss) and they would constantly guilt trip and manipulate us, and there was this one time where C and I got into an argument (For them being a bitch) and an hour later they went into our group's venting chat and was all like "I have these thoughts about killing people in this group chat" how am I meant tot take that?? Cause I took it as "oh shit, this online friend who knows my address and has seen my face wants to kill me." and i freaked out and deactivated my account and deleted the platform cause it just wasn't good for my mental health to be there. I ended up going back because I'm one of the older people in that group chat and I view most of them as my little siblings who I just want to make sure they're all safe and they were all worried for me. I went back and looked at the chats from when I was gone and C was twisting the story to be like "Oh Connie (me) was being really bitchy, and trying to push a narrative that I was manipulative towards them so he's trying to make it seem like I'm in the wrong" which yk i just did not feel safe so sure whatever
Later, me and some friends ended up talking about it, because this friend who is like just barely not a child and younger than C had so much worse experiences with C, this friend (R) is in a really bad place mentally and ended up coming to the group whenever they got into an episode where they would be in danger of harming themselves and what did C do? C started saying stuff like "It'd be cool if we killed ourselves at the same time" ????? what the fuck!?!?!? you don't just say that?????? Especially not to a child who needs to be talked out of killing themselves????? thank fucking god R didn't do anything and another friend was there to call C out because actually if I ever meet C irl I'm going to jail. C also ended up doxxing R and I got all the screenshots of that and we ended up kicking C out.
Now, I WISH that was the end of that, that both us in the group and C moved on, but C keeps on venting about us and twisting the story to make us seem like the bad guys saying stuff like "I still think about that friend group that kicked me out because I have poor memory/for my NPD" when in fact we didn't KNOW that C is a. a system and b. has NPD
But, also if I'm gonna say something, C's DID is really weird, like they ONLY have altars from their weird yaoi anime (that they tried to force me and some people to watch while C talked about their piss kink- it was weird) and all their alters are trans masc, I might just be uneducated so if any systems could like tell me if that's weird or not thanks. They use their disorders against a lot, like saying stuff like they weren't the one "controlling" their body when they said all that stuff and that they can't help but act the way they do because of the NPD, but correct me if I'm being wrong, having NPD doesn't tell your "friends" that you want to kill them? Inside thoughts maybe?
So, C keeps venting and ranting about us and we've told him multiple times that we DONT want them to keep talking about us, especially cause they tag the youngest member of our group(E) who they used to rant and vent and guilt-trip the worst in post that make E feel bad about kicking them out.
They recently vented about us and it was the final straw, I called them out of their shitty behavior in the replies (I didn't want to reblog and not only draw more attention to the post, but also I didn't want that negativity on my page) but one things led to another and my group and I were getting hate asks and anonymous death threats sent to us, I got the worst of it with a bunch of rape and death threats and when I made a post being like "Hey! This isn't cool!" C told the anons in my replies (Not a reblog mind you, a comment.) to dm them instead of telling anon to stop. I'mn a victim on s/a, and so being told by someone that they'd come to my house and s/a me really wasn't good for my mental health and I ended up having a break down and relapsing on my s/h that night
We kept telling C to stop venting about us and just apologize for their shitty behavior and they sounds they wouldn't stop either because they "have a right to post this stuff" and they can't apologize for stuff they don't remember or stuff they don't believe they did wrong, they ended up blocking me and three-four others but left R unblocked because R wasn't in the argument (And we learned later that R had another episode one night and apologized to C, which none of us are mad at R for we were just shocked because R had absolutely nothing to apologize for and C had nothing to forgive R for)
I just want advice on how to get C to stop posting twisted vents about us and/or actually make them see what they did to us really fucked us over and that C isn't the victim. Can we ever do that? I'm tired of C acting like we were so bad to him when C would throw fits if we weren't constantly giving him all of our attention
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bunbeeplays · 7 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 21 - Meeting Gran
Time to get squeaky clean from our adventures yesterday! Couples that clean together, stay together. Libby and Ophelia interpret that differently than Travis and Becca.
Mark showers solo, since Summer just needs five extra minutes of beauty sleep.
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Rainy mornings are great for staying indoors and catching up with your grandma.
Ophelia: Gran, we're here!
Gran: There you are, my girl! Oh, you got that nose piercing you were talking about. I had one of those back in the day but it was a pain adding it to every outfit.
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Ophelia: I think you should bring it back. Assert dominance over the other elders at the community center.
Gran: Oh hush, Fifi. Enough about me. Where's this girlfriend of yours?
Ophelia: Not as stealthy as you were in your secret agent days, huh? She's right behind you.
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Libby: Hello, ma'am. I'm Liberty, pleasure to meet you. Ophelia's told me so many great things. At least what she can tell without having to kill me after.
Gran: Ah, Fifi's a jokester. The secret agent career is hardly a secret. You can call me Eve. Or Gran. I'm not your boss.
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After some chit-chat, Gran wastes no time telling embarrassing stories.
Gran: When her gramps and I took Fifi to the splash pad as a tot for the first time, instead of spinning into her swimsuit, she took all her clothes off and toddled away!
Ophelia: GRAN! Don't tell her that!
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Gran: We did the best we could to give her a happy childhood. Unlike my worthless son and that wife of his-
Ophelia: Gran, we don't need to talk about them. I try not to. Don't let them bring down the mood, okay?
Gran: Whatever you want, dear. I'm just saying, my son sucks shit.
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The three chat the rest of the morning as the rain clears. Evelyn Lemon has a lot of cool stories from her time as a secret agent before quitting to settle down with her family. Hell, her stories AFTER she settled down are cooler. No wonder Ophelia regards her gran so highly.
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Gran's got a scuba diving lesson, time to go.
Gran: Safe travels, Fifi! Now you know no matter what that family tree says, I'll always be your gran, right? I love you, okay, sweet pea?
Ophelia: Yes, Gran. Love you too.
Gran: You take good care of my Fifi, you hear, Libby?
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Ophelia loves seeing her two favorite women get along so well. She hopes Gran lives long enough to maybe someday be a Great Gran.
Well, she's already a great Gran, but like... You know what I mean. Ophelia wants babies someday.
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Sometimes a legacy challenge is spending an hour doing poses for pictures and that's valid. These are just the ones I managed to get screenshots for. Having Becca get a tan in an asymmetrical swimsuit was a mistake but mistakes make for fun memories.
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Becca Clarke in my save file just needs a break I guess. She is always chillin'. I'd need a break too if I was dating Travis. At least Mark is stopping to double check and make sure she's still even alive lmao.
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Time to experience the Sulani nightlife!
The girls talk for hours over drinks. Becca has really warmed up to everyone, no longer just feeling like their friend's girlfriend, but their friend as well.
Travis and Mark bond over foosball like men.
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The six make the most of the rest of their time in Sulani and stay up all night. New friendships have been formed, and old friendships have been strengthened. They'll have to go back to the stressors of the real world tomorrow, but today feels like paradise.
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Speaking of stressors... Ophelia got that urge again. Well, to pee, but also to swipe. What a beautiful piece of Sulani decor! She needed a souvenir to bring home, anyway...
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