#I need more of my fave brotp
fumifooms · 8 months
Hi hi! I'm sure you have loads of asks to get through. But if you may, we talk a lot about Chilchuck and Marcille (as we should 'cause they're great!), but since you've mentioned that Laios is your fave char, I would love to hear if you have any takes on Laios and Izutsumi's dynamic. I feel sometimes like she doesn't really like him...? It's funny but I also feel bad for him sometimes. ^^;;
You can’t ask me this and expect me to not drop everything else I’m doing. Little did you know they are my brotp. They are so special. Izutsumi gets along more with literally everyone in the party, but their relationship was so narratively important. They’re a really underrated and overlooked dynamic! I’ve had them as a topic at the back of my mind for a while, seeing someone else interested was all the push I needed gdbdg. This isn’t super long though, their issues with each other and lil arc is surprisingly brief and easy to summarize.
Laios & Izutsumi : what’s their deal with each other
For me one foundational train of thought for Izutsumi & Laios is, well. I read this awesome smart post deconstructing how Izutsumi’s beef with Laios is because she only just broke free and wants freedom without having someone ordering her around, and that’s sort of her whole character arc, isn’t it?
Isn’t Izutsumi’s picky eating a reflection of just that? In a life where she was a slave, she could at least control what she chose to eat and not eat. But then you might wonder, why did the narrative want her to grow out of that? Simply put, Izutsumi has a contrarian streak, one that is often extremely counterproductive. We saw that especially near the beginning, with how hard it was to make her work with them as a team. The issue is that now that she is free, she needs to not block out others by habit, to not lash out and refuse the healthy things in life, the people who want good for her. And that’s something that’s addressed in the succubus chapter as well as the fight against the ice golem, that she shouldn’t insist that she can do everything alone and fight against any team effort.
I love how onesided the Laios izutsumi dynamic is. He stays away from her generally, like doesn’t interact much, but he wants the cat pats… Which Izu made clear she did NOT want. And Chil is the only one in the party to not really see her as a cat for most of the story really, as shown in the relationship chart. He’s well meaning and wants the best for her, but he crowds her and doesn’t understand her at all. But he reallyyy wants to get along with her.
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On the other hand, Izutsumi’s very existence and identity gave Laios an immense amount of hope that Falin could be brought back and still be herself and live well, even if she still had part of a dragon’s soul in her. I think that’s a lovely way to contrast the way that Izutsumi hates herself as a beastkin and her body, while Laios is like "Thank you, your existence as you are is the answer to all my worries" AND he super likes monster bodies and beastkins so it’s like. I think part of her hostility to him, besides feeling like he doesn’t understand her perspective and is maybe dismissive of what his party members want (which would remind her of Maizuru to some degree probably), is that he says all these good things about her being a beastkin, and it’s so jarring with her own version of herself that it raises her hackles and she reacts negatively, especially with how flippant and eager he is about it. But yes like, this is their first meeting!! Beyond his interest in her as a beastkin because of his monster hobby, Laios is just so very grateful for her and chooses to put his trust in her.
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That’s interesting too, how one of the first things she asks about upon meeting them is why the hell they would want to rescue Falin even if she were to stay as a chimera-beastkin and still have the dragon soul in her. It’s her asking "Who would want to stick with a beastkin?" thinking that there’s something fundamentally wrong with having two souls and it making you unlovable. And their differing views on monsters do make them clash
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But ultimately he chills out about her, which ironically enough shows in the way that they don’t interact much- He gives her space, and accepts that the beastkin may not like him. BUT at the end of the day they have an incredible bond of trust- Laios asks Izutsumi to kill him if something goes wrong with the Winged Lion. Not only is that sort of an intimate request and act, but that means that he leaves it up to Izutsumi’s judgement as well to know if it went wrong and when to act. He doesn’t only trust her skills but also her decision making, despite how tough they’ve been on each other in the past. He’s giving her the ultimate role, the go ahead to make or break their plan and be the difference between saving or destroying the world. And the last tidbit of info we get on their relationship in canon is when she hides behind him because she’s shy- Certified having befriended the cat moment. She trusts him and sees him as a safe person! And by saying that she’s shy, he’s showing that he did end up understanding her and how she is.
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No matter the rocky parts of their relationship, they still have a strong foundation to it and were great allies and road companions, one of the few persons that had each other’s back when it mattered the most, both for the world and for their personal arcs. And post-canon, well…
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He’s accepted that she needs space and whatnot, and meanwhile she’s accepted his interest in monsters and taken it in stride 😌 They end up having this familiarity with each other and even if there’s still a bunch of emotional distance imo and they never really got into the nitty gritty with each other not like her with Chilchuck or even Marcille, they see each other. They nod in greeting and respect each other from afar……. But also still tease and chat familiarly up close and if she offers him the opportunity for cuddles he will take it. You know, if it’s not her just falling onto him because she’s sleeping she has no respect.
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Siblings behavior… If you know my take on the general party dynamics, I love thinking of Laios & Izu’s dynamic as him being an older brother figure where they have a love-hate relationship. Siblings rivalry. I have a bunch of funny little doodles I’ve wanted to make with them for months, the prompts for which are in the screenshot put below. But yeah like you know, they’re protective of each other but in that very critical way as well, truly forged by being stuck with each other for a while and having to come to understand and accept how the other is. Strife with conflict, but ultimately sticking with each other through thick and thin… Siblings siblings SIBLINGS SIBLINGS SIBLINGS. Sigh I just want them to cuddle on a couch and she purrs while simultaneously being snide and mean to him, they are so… Izutsumi is the character ever
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Oh, which! While I’m here, I always recommend this fanfic about the two of them interacting and Laios treating her like a cat, it’s just fun and lighthearted. They’re suuuuch an underrated duo
If I find more Laios & Izu moments I think are worth sharing I’ll just add it onto this I think. We shouldn’t be too hard on him he was raised by dogs so cats are a whole other language to him but also, so wild to me that he never tried to engage with her on a cat level properly like where is the hissing at the catgirl and the cat taming moments, he sucks at socializing with cats smh smh.
I want to do an analysis of queerness in Dungeon Meshi with relationships and social norms and stuff and Izutsumi’s arc is gonna be central to that too. Her relationship with EVERYONE is SOOO GOOD AND IMPORTANT AND COMPELLING. But I guess this is where I leave it off for now, I hope I’m not forgetting any point I wanted to make hmmm
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spicy-apple-pie · 8 months
Damian Wayne for the ask thing
sexuality headcanon- Gay and cis, although I think that he likes to experiment with his gender expression a little with nail polish and makeup.
OTP- you know it's Damijon, such a great dynamic and how they mirror each other.
BROTP- Maps. We need more of them together. In fact, I think there should be a new team thingy with Damian, Jon, Maps, Maya, and Nika. Or just a friend group where they have sleepovers and gossip to each other.
NOTP- Him and Nika. Honestly, I would love for them to have a kissing scene like Artemis and Jason, but when they pull away, Damian goes. "No offence, but I'm now certain I'm homosexual." and Nika goes "None taken, because literally same." is it cringe? Yes. Do I care? No.
first headcanon that pops into my head- Dude is short. Like he never out grows any of his brothers. Not even Tim. No, I'm not projecting, why do you ask?
Favourite line from this character (this question is the bane of my existence lol)- "I'm a Wayne... and I'm an Al Ghul. But by being both, I can't be either..."- yes you can my sweet boy. (he's so child of divorce coded)
one way in which I relate to this character- art and animals. I love my cat so much, I would die for him. I'm also the type to ask my dad if we can keep any animal we come across as a half joke.
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character- Ian Wayne (iykyk)
cinnamon roll or problematic fave- Problematic fave, but also cinnamon roll. Yes, he's done some fucked up shit, but also consider that he's only 14 rn (I think) which is still very much a child.
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cursedvibes · 6 months
kenjaku :-) or tengen/uraume if they've been done
Thank you for the ask! I'm just gonna do all three :D
Sexuality Headcanon:
I think Kenjaku generally doesn't care about a person's gender in regards to attraction. It's far more important that the people are interesting, able to hold their attention for a long time and if they are actually looking for a relationship of whatever kind, they must feel like they are equal to each other. Also, I think as far as purely physical or aesthetic attraction goes or when it's about casual sex they prefer men.
Gender Headcanon:
Kenjaku got all the genders and goes by any pronouns or none at all. They might have some preferences for what sex their body has, but that changes over time and sometimes it aligns with their current vessel and sometimes it doesn't. Generally, in canon the characters who actually know Kenjaku don't refer to them in gendered terms, but I don't think they'd have a problem with being referred to with she/her while in Geto or Noritoshi's body or with he/him when in Kaori's. I also think this was always the case with them, it didn't just come through their CT or with age. Their CT just helped realize the fluidity of their gender more.
A ship I have with said character:
I have a whole bunch of them, but at the moment my fave is definitely TenKen. Got a great toxic mix of longing, obsession, lost friendship and vore. And it is especially interesting to get into because Tengen is so important for Kenjaku's character overall. She is their primary motivation for this whole insane plan they got, getting close to her is what drove them forward for centuries and she is likely the cause or one of the factors that drove Kenjaku to get more and more lost in their need for entertainment because they lost the connection to her.
A BROTP I have with said character:
Uraume. I just love their dynamic so much, both as a BROTP and as a sort of hatesex ship. I really miss their bickering and casual insults. Kenjaku is so gleeful about driving Uraume up the wall it's great. But also how they reluctantly help each other out and do such wild shit like going on an international tour to rile up an invasion of Japan. Or Kenjaku having to hold Uraume back like a rabid dog from killing everyone in sight because it would be Not A Good Look. True trans solidarity.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Hmm, I think it's GoKen (sorry, I know you love them). I'm just not interested in Gojo in a shipping sense, I don't really see anything interesting in their dynamic beyond the meeting in Shibuya and even that has gotten a bit old for me because everyone is talking about it constantly. I also don't like how it is often/most of the time so focused on stsg because in canon that's the only reason Gojo has any interest in Kenjaku. Without Geto he wouldn't give a shit. So from what I've seen of it, most of it is just repackaged stsg angst (especially in fanfic) and I don't care for that.
A random headcanon:
Tengen used to be something of a teacher for them, maybe they were somehow involved with the cult that formed around her, and then they slowly became more of a friend or partner for her. They developed the concept for jujutsu society together, but disagreed on the details and how far it should be taken, how curses should be handled etc.
General Opinion over said character:
*gestures at my blog and AO3 account* idk I guess I like them
Sexuality Headcanon:
They give me a bit of an ace vibe. I think they generally don't engage much with sex or have much interest in it, but on the odd chance that they do, they prefer men (probably also who they are most aesthetically attracted to).
Gender Headcanon:
No. If we use a label, agender would come the closest, but they just don't have any gender and live completely outside of it. They don't really care if people make assumptions about them because they see these people below them anyway, so what do their opinions matter. They wouldn't really get mad about it unless they are being pestered about it or they feel like the person is stepping out of line. But if that happens, they can just kill them. Easy. Same as with Kenjaku, I think they always felt this way about their gender, it's not that they stopped caring about it with age.
A ship I have with said character:
Mainly SukUme because Sukuna is really the only person Uraume has much interest in and I like how chill Sukuna is around them. Love the scene of them laughing at Yuuji together and joking around. You can tell they have been close for a long time. I also like that Uraume shows Sukuna respect, but isn't his doormat and gets away with far more than anyone else. Unfortunately we haven't seen it yet, but Uraume cooking human meat for Sukuna Hannibal-style is also the main thing that pulls me towards them. Cannibal couple.
A BROTP I have with said character:
Kenjaku, like above. Although, their dynamic with Hakari is also becoming really interesting and I wish we saw more of them. They actually seem to vibe very well and respect or even like each other, which is quite rare with Uraume. So far they seem the most normal around him. Probably because they might see something of young!Sukuna in him and he isn't as annoying as Kenjaku.
A NOTP I have with said character:
idk...there aren't that many ships with them. I can't think of any I've seen that I didn't like. Have to say though, that I don't like when people treat Uraume in SukUme as a self-insert and you can clearly tell that the person who wrote/drew it just wants to get railed by Sukuna and doesn't actually care about Uraume.
A random headcanon:
They were eating and cooking human flesh even before Sukuna came around. They saw Sukuna tear the raw flesh from people's bodies and eat it and were like "this is so uncultured, I gotta help this guy. where's my cauldron"
General Opinion over said character:
Love them! One of my top 10 favourite jjk characters. Gege please show me more of them, especially their current fight. I also really want to know more about their philosophy, view of humanity and how it differs from Sukuna's, how they first came to meet Sukuna and who they were before that.
Sexuality Headcanon:
Pretty firmly aroace. I don't think they ever had much interest in romance, long-term relationships or sex. She might have experimented a bit when they were younger or maybe she used to be married because of societal conventions, but as she got older she just stopped engaging with it altogether and her philosophy and buddhist beliefs only emphasized what was already there.
Gender Headcanon:
Pretty much what she already told us. She feels more drawn to the identity of woman, but it was never that rigid for her and as she got older and especially when her body started to change, she cared less and less about it. However, she still cares about gender in the sense that she doesn't see herself as a man and prefers to not be addressed as such, especially in a private setting. Like, she doesn't care what the higher-ups think, them thinking she's a man is even beneficial to her, but if someone she knows well or cares about addresses her that way directly, she will correct them. She likes masculine clothing though and playing around with assumptions and societal conventions for gender presentation in general. If I were to summarize her gender in one brief label it would be something like: woman* (star even fits with her theme)
A ship I have with said character:
TenKen (obviously). Most of the action in that ship naturally comes from Kenjaku, but I find it fascinating how despite all the shit Kenjaku has done over the centuries, she still gives them the cover of anonymity and even protects them to a degree. Heavily side-eyeing Kenjaku surviving a fight against the Heian six eyes user twice. The fight wasn't even close from what we know and yet Kenjaku somehow managed to slip away and recuperate. I also find it fascinating how in the end, she almost gives in to Kenjaku's demands or lets herself be swept away by them. She doesn't try to merge anymore and she puts up the bare minimum of a fight. Like, she knows Kenjaku is a threat, but she still cares about them in some way and sees them as just an attention seeking child (true). Also kind of funny how she says she has no idea what motivates Kenjaku because she can't see into the human heart and yet when we've seen that Kenjaku isn't at all shy to talk about why they are doing all this. Especially with her around they are basically screaming their motivation and she's there like "hmm, big mystery why they are doing this. feelings are so hard to understand." no wonder Kenjaku went insane lol She's always trying to keep that emotional distance somehow, even when her actions speak against it. It also makes it very tragic from Kenjaku's perspective. They swallowed her and still can't reach her (anymore). Also, they see their relationship as equal, while Tengen still places herself above them in terms of skill and maturity. Argh, I need their backstory.
A BROTP I have with said character:
There aren't really that many people she has a closer connection with and a friendly one at that...guess Sukuna? Her turning his corpse into a mummy is really interesting and also their similarity when she started evolving. The mummy stuff is very similar to the urban legend of Ryomen Sukuna, so I wonder what exactly her and Kenjaku did with Sukuna before and after his death and if they might've been involved with him becoming more powerful. I also like her and Yuki together. They aren't exactly friendly, not from Yuki's side at least, but the "forced to hang out with my bigoted grandma" aspect of their relationship is funny.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Her and Sukuna. I just don't see anything there except shared fascination for jujutsu and what I said above about their past. Definitely nothing that comes even close to romantic or sexual feelings on either side.
A random headcanon:
She's not from Japan or she had a long period where she toured around ancient China, India, Korea and the like. She only really started drawing attention when she was at least 200 years old, so there is a lot of time we don't really know anything about.
General Opinion over said character:
Manipulative, conservative Grandma who ruined everyone's lives with the system she created and couldn't be bothered to change things for the better. And I love her for that. Top 3 jjk character for me <3
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t4tgempearl · 1 month
The one and only, Miss Holloway! :D [ask game]
favorite thing about them: I love how mysterious she is. As much as I'd love getting more lore about her, I enjoy the fact the fandom can theorize and think about what happened in her past :3
least favorite thing about them: I think how she treats Duke sometimes, leading him on. It's a fun trait for a character, making her a bit flawed, but I also feel bad for Duke :[
favorite line: "Duke, relax... I'm trying to say goodbye. Can I?"
brOTP: Her and Wilbur :] I think they hate each other and I love that for them <3 (I don't mind them as a ship but it's not my personal fave)
OTP: Wine and dine!! those fucked up evil sapphics sure know how to kill and make out- I mean, maim /silly They're one of my favorite ships atm, so ty @tedfagoffski for continuing to be insane with me about them <3 And honorable mention to Holloweane <3 I've loved them there since the start and I think they deserve to be happy, even if it means they don't end up together.
nOTP: I don't really have one, especially since Holloway doesn't really have that many ships in general?
random headcanon: Miss Holloway knows how to roller skate, and has tried to teach Duke before but he just kept flailing like a baby buffalo trying to walk for the first time :]
unpopular opinion: Idk if I really have an unpopular opinion about her ;-;
song i associate with them: Flight Of The Crows!!! You can't tell me it isn't LITERALLY about her: "Well, I think that I've gotta go and I don't know why But I need you to promise that you won't cry 'Cause you'll be fine, and so will I So, just let the thought of me die"
favorite picture of them:
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raayllum · 4 months
i’m sorry but how is the mystery of aaravos not about aaravos. :)
+ the dragon prince arc centered around zym so so fully he had so much screen time in every season even just as an egg. like that’s just not a fair comparison…
plus, zym Is a main character, (the five of us) the only thing making him not as key is that he is basically a dog. aaravos is definitely key too, and he has so much impact in the mystery of aaravos and he hasn’t even had his theatric entrance yet. how can you say he’s not a main character?
aaron even said in the Reel James interview that in s4 we could have gotten more aaravos content without it interfering with anything ToT like even just a small cut to whatever he’s doing in prison. It’s not asking for much at all. rayllum fans get SO much and always ask for more content and tie things back to rayllum all the time but get mad and salty when we do the same with aaravos? like ok. make it make sense.
rebuttal to the first half here (zym and aaravos are not main characters, they are currently by and large macguffins, it is a very very common story convention; arc 1 is about other characters trying to return/protect zym or stop him from going home; he is a motivation, that's not the same as him being a Main Character).
it also may surprise you but i've been in other fandoms before where my favourite characters were #1. completely side lined by their rightful narrative as a core co-protagonist (hi Finn from star wars), #2. minor side characters who didn't need to be more in the story more (hi Kai and Jinora from the legend of korra), #3. killed off or taken out of the show for seasons or both (hi Shiro from voltron) and I only bitched about 1 and 3 for 6ish months each at all because it overlapped with racist and ableist storytelling.
Wanting more of your fave character is understandable, but people don't complain or get up in arms that Gren isn't in every episode, meanwhile I've seen people routinely whine about how the Mystery of Aaravos doesn't have enough Aaravos in it because they ignored the Mystery part of the title. The post in particular, which I think was pretty clear, was about being annoyed that people thought Aaravos himself as a personality/character would be a central focus in s4/s5 and complaining that he isn't, when it's pretty clear in early S4 that well - it's going to be a Mystery, and we're mostly seeing how characters react to the missions or fears he (or others have) given them.
All fans ask for more stuff of their favourite characters (whenever there's a cast and crew Q&A, I always ask about Ezran) no matter how much canon material they already have — that's kind of the nature of fandom, even if people move from wanting more in fanon rather than from canon material cause sometimes things need to / should end.
The reason that so much gets tied back to Rayllum is because they are main characters, the show's main ship (and fandoms already tend to be more ship > solo or brotp heavy, though I'd appreciate more balance on the latter), and because they are thematically and literally connected to the entire cast of the show at least adjacently (largely through Callum as Amaya + Janai get looped in as his aunts) with a lot of parallels.
TDP is the first fandom I have ever been in, in 14+ years in fandom, where my favourite ship was the biggest in a fandom (or in the source material). I've been in your position 99/100, I have sympathy for it. I've just never shown my ass about it
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moondal514 · 10 months
Been a while since I made an AFTG fic rec list so here’s a fic rec list of some of my fave extremely underrated AFTG gen fics
an interlude by clytemnestras
smoking kills
Short but fantastic ficlet that’s a picture-perfect illustration of Renee & Andrew’s brotp
A Brief History of Exy According to Philomena Cunk by nebulousviolet
Breakout documentary* star Philomena Cunk takes on the violent world of exy for the sport's thirtieth anniversary, featuring exclusive interviews from Kevin Day, David Wymack, Dan Wilds, and MORE!
(*Outcome of court case still pending.)
Hilarious crossover with the iconic Philomena Cunk
Salvation by OneSweetMelody
Stephanie Walker did not save her.
Fantastic Renee character study about her crafting her new identity with religion
collateral/roadkill by animediac/ @jaywalkers
“You can’t be Nathaniel anymore,” his mother had said. “Abram, listen. You can’t be Nathaniel.”
When Nathaniel is ten, his mother tells him he’s not allowed to be, anymore.
A Nathaniel (not Neil, Nathaniel) character study that gave me actual goosebumps from how well it’s written
monster mash, more like monster bash by adverbialstarlight/ @adverbialstarlight
The Monsters are vampires about to get a new housemate, the newly turned Robin Cross. Good thing the Council Halloween party is coming so they can show her the ropes.
aka a What We Do In The Shadows AU with no prior knowledge needed
Hysterically funny and comedy gold
the places we've been, the people we've become by pneumatics
He’s twenty years old and he’s thrown himself into a family where he’s as lost as they are unforgiving.
Beautiful but sad short piece about when Nicky 1st starts living with the twinyards
Maria by Ateiluj/ @awildtei
Maria Hemmick, over the years.
Explores and adds dimension to Maria Hemmick and is legit one of the best fics I’ve read in this fandom
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beevean · 18 days
I'm curious: what is your most favourite Sonic ship? And which friendship? ^-^
I'm actually not super into any Sonic ship lol. I like a few of them! But for reasons they all belong in the "👍" category
Sonamy has been my main ship since I was little, as I imagine was the case for many kids lol. I am very aware of how big and... passionate the fandom is lol, which gives the ship a bad name, and I sadly struggle to find content that appeals to me, because most people slot them in a classic romantic dynamic. I mentioned it in another post, but my favorite idea for Sonamy is them growing as very close friends, no longer fangirl and object of admiration but true equals, trusting each other and supporting each other. Sonic is more of an introvert who lets his guard down only when necessary, Amy is a bubbly and cheerful extrovert who wishes to make everyone happy, and together they can work and fight and travel together :)
Recently I've also warmed up to Sonelise! My criticism against Sonic's story in '06 prevents me from fully loving them, but the concept is very neat, and this is pretty much the fanon Sonamy most love. Elise is the prime example of someone shy and troubled to which Sonic taught the joy of life, and Sonic does enjoy Elise's presence, perhaps calms him. they cute :>
Knuxamy too! Now this is one hell of a rarepair lol. Of all things, the best Knuxamy content you can find in the wild is Sonic Universe #87-#90! I think they have potential! Again, like Sonamy, it doesn't have to be romantic with kissies and huggies lol, I just think they'd interact well! They seem to be very different, with Knuckles being stubborn and solitary and Amy being all bright and friendly, but both of them are also strong and passionate and reliable in times of need. I like the scenario where she keeps him company on Angel Island :3
Sonknux is my fave rival ship with Sonic lol, and it's not that deep. They have a fun "vitriolic best buds" thing going on. Sonic and Knuckles' interactions are by far my favorite part of Frontiers' story lmao. They butt heads but they respect each other and might even consider each other friends on a good day! Can't go wrong with that.
and special shoutout to sonegg, which i've secretly enjoyed since 2009. let me tell you how happy i was when lost world's plot rotated all around them interacting :p again, to be perfectly clear, it's not a "oh they secretly care about each other" ship, it's a "they want each other dead and yet they have known each other before anyone else, they are more similar than they'd like to admit, they have shaped each other until they have become inseparable, sonic loves the thrill eggman gives him and eggman is motivated by the desire to surpass sonic" ship. hot take but if eggman was an anthro they'd be all about their hot steamy rivalry :p
And when it comes to friendships you cannot go wrong with the classics Sonic and Tails, Amy and Cream, and Shadow and Rouge! All different kinds of unbreakable bonds :> Sonic and Tails are peak brOTP, they are just so 💖
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allyougottado · 19 days
HI Doodle! How have you been? I've been kinda meh bc of college but thats beside the point. About your reblog of sending you a character (or in this case, coach haha) I wanna see your list on either Maybel or Joshua or Lumen Brooks(I'm indecisive about those 3, they've been filling my mind lately aaaaaaa), even tho they dont have much lore, I love read others HC, so I'm eager to read yours^^(sorry if they wont fill all the list thingy:()
i’ll try to do all 3 cuz i rly like these coaches as well 😎 (i'm skipping fave line and song i associate them with because... ppl dont speak in just dance and i'm not creative enough to associate coaches with any song other than their own map LOL)
fave thing about them: her design is so cute!!!! i love yellow and her dress looks inspired by poodle skirts with the little line (phone cord?) spiraling down the skirt lol it’s so adorable. i especially love the alt. design cuz purple sleeveless jacket is CUTESY (also she looks like she’s matching with joshua with the sleeveless jacket hehe 🤭 very CUTE💯💯💯)
least fave thing about them: nothing to hate abt her 😍
brOTP: love you like a love song (this headcanon was subconciously created by looking at ur art btw LOL)
nOTP: i’m ngl i have never seen any other ship with maybel in it LOL
random headcanon: she’s a softie but the one thing she’s loud abt is her #LOVE!!!! i probz got this from the straightforward and aggressively-lovey vibe from call me maybe (and the dance too), but also a description from the JD twitter lol (they describe her as the sweet one hehe)
unpopular opinion: idk i’ve never seen too much opinions that i disagree with abt her
fave picture of them: it’s scrapped but this is kick ass maybel from puppet master lmao
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fave thing about them: the fake personality i made for him in my head 😼 and also his yellow glove probably
least fave thing about them: i'm gonna be really honest this part will probably be empty for almost everyone i’m not a person who hates easily 😭
brOTP: i always thought that #thatpower extreme and sorry looked similar to him (i think everyone else did too LOL) so YEAH they’re totally bros to me. i also group epsilon with those 3 but if i explain it will totally derail :P
OTP: maybel 💛🩷
nOTP: haven't seen anything too hateable yet lol
random headcanon: kuudere lolz. basically the exact same thing i said for maybel but instead of sweet and soft (🥺) he's like cold and serious on the outside but super hype and chill when he's dancing or talking to ppl he likes
also he’s probz the most normal compared to #thatpower extreme and sorry lol
unpopular opinion: once again, i haven't seen too much opinions i can disagree with lol
fave picture of them: this screenshot i took from youtube lmao
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lumen brooks!!!!!🎸
fave thing about them: ur gonna be so shocked when you hear this but i love his yellow raincoat i want it for myself. also he has TEAL HAIR! TEN MILLION CHARACTER DESIGN POINTS TO YOU UBISOFT (blue hair=looks like miku=good)
also i like rock so his map is so cool. i like how they went with a quirky weird rock map instead of a depressing dark one like the two they added in 2023 like yeahhhhh lets switch it up a little (no hate tho i fucking love evanescence BTW)
least fave thing about them: WOAH it’s a bit too soon to hate lolz
brOTP: probz p1 and p3, zephyr reef and crimson riff. i know they’re most likely not even real but i’d like to think he treats them as if they were his bros. also it would be rlly funny if he just has crazy flow powers and can make stuff he draws real harold and the purple crayon style
OTP: nothing rn
nOTP: also nothing rn… that game needs to come out so i have more brainpower to think of cool stuff to say 😾
random headcanon: when u think punk he doesn’t really look like one compared to crimson riff but he probz acts like one lol. would probably hate ppl like night swan and nithe long. and probably kids in america too (she’s falling for the propaganda… 😔 lol) also he’s loud. idk why i think that it just fits to me lol. also everyone probably thinks he’s #CRAYZAY 🤪 but don’t worry bro. i understand you 🤝
unpopular opinion: idk at first i thought he would be chill with scotty but i somehow changed my mind like scotty’s too much of a sweetie pie and lumen is too feisty (to me hehe) i still like fanworks with both of them in it tho they’re funny. like clashing personality stuff is still very entertaining to me
fave picture of them: idk he’s only existed for a couple of months so there’s not much pics of him… probz the little cartoony promo art from twitter cuz i like how huge they drew his rainboots here LOL
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(also hiii mey i’m meh as well LOL when i typed the first half of this post i was out at the mall and i feel like i embarrassed myself so hard there 😭 embarrassment still lingers and it sucks cuz i love the mall but whatever… I’M SENDING MY ENERGY TO YOU SO COLLEGE CAN GET A LITTLE LESS SUCKY 🫶💓)
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karliahs · 1 month
Aizawa, Present Mic, and All Might for the character ask!!
thank you anon!! here we go:
favorite thing about them
god i was hoping someone would ask aizawa for this but also. picking one fave thing is so so hard
this is kind of cheating but my fave thing might be...contrasts. like how in so much of his screentime he's lazing around, so languid and barely present, and then when needed he explodes into motion with this insane fighting style that's clearly the product of years and years of hard work. and how he has his whole strict teacher thing where he is harsh and scares kids on purpose, but is also capable of this incredible gentleness - the overhaul arc alone has so many examples, him with ochako & mirio & izuku...argh. his flat neutral monotone that then makes it so impactful when it breaks, like when he finds out about shirakumo/kurogiri and there's this incredible rage. i love that he's easy to interpret as kind of a hypocrite! it's extremely fun to play with in fic. i love that iconic all might line in the ep where aizawa's introduced - in your own strange way you're a very kind man, aizawa - and like that's...that's the thing. the kind and the strange. you've gotta have both for it to feel like aizawa
god this is already so long. please know that i could continue for like 19 more things and am actively restraining myself from doing so. thank you.
least favorite thing about them
hmmm i was gonna say the fact that he is a relatively minor character in this anime, but i wonder if he'd have quite the same impact for me if there wasn't that space to kind of read around the canon moments?
so i guess maybe the ways he falls victim to other flaws in the logic of the show, its biases and faults...mineta is a big one. i actually kind of hate the scenes where aizawa kind of offhand scolds/warns mineta for stuff bc it's so...inadequate. and kind of more damning than if he was never shown responding to it at all. but as with everything else concerning mineta i find it's best to just ignore it entirely
favorite line
"There's a difference between sacrifice for others and throwing your life away." and the parts that follow (approximate bc this was me scribbling down quotes while i watched): "When these naive kids get the two mixed up, I can expel them, give them a little death so they'll learn. That way they know what's at stake and they'll strive to reach even higher."
i just adore this encapsulation of the strange kindness embedded in his weird teaching philosophy. and maybe my favourite thing in this show is how it grapples over and over again with the intersection of self-sacrifice and self-destruction (even if for me it's maybe better at asking these questions than answering them).
it's also just very satisfying to have been writing aizawa having this exact perspective for years and then seeing it laid out so simply. there is a difference. and he's dedicating his life to trying to teach it to these kids.
okay it's weird to use the word bro about a mentor-student relationship, but if we're taking this one to mean any platonic dynamic then...gestures to the number of midoriya & aizawa fics i've written. i just think they're neat...and i love aizawa's perspective on self-sacrifice playing off the way my boy mido is just...Like That
but also eri!! and shinsou. and i've been enjoying the hints of midnight-aizawa friendship in vigilantes especially
erasermic...honestly i find their dynamic equally interesting whether it's platonic or romantic but still. way back in 2018 when i first wrote bnha fic, i was very erasermic-focused. i enjoy the flavour that's v common in fic where they just in the background are secretly married, it's very cute. but in my heart of hearts i have a particular attachment to the erasermic variety where they have not at all figured their shit out by the time canon starts, bc i think it's so juicy and excellent if there's been some level of longing there for fifteen years, but they're still for one reason or another holding each other at arms length
i don't really care for eraserjoke. i'm only just about capable of enjoying the joke of their interactions anyway, but if you put genuine romantic intent there then...bleh
random headcanon
torn between doing a sad one or a funny one. uhhh (spins mental wheel) i think he had a terrible energy drink phase in his early 20s in which he was like it's fine it's fine i can utilise caffeine to stay awake longer when required. it's logical. it's fine. and then it very much wasn't fine and since then he cannot even look at one without feeling a little bit sick
also sneaky second one: like many characters in this show, i do think he has some level of chronic pain. bc holy shit those usj injuries.
unpopular opinion
uhhhhhh. i don't know how many of my aizawa opinions are truly unpopular. i guess...i often see in fics him referring to his kids as stuff like hellions/hell class to their face. which i get bc i think it probs started out in more lighthearted crack fics etc and then spread through fanon. but I was surprised in rewatch by how formal and at times polite he is to the kids, like he's blunt but I think his variation of strictness precludes that kind of thing. behind their backs...possibly
song i associate with them
oh man I actually…don't have any aizawa songs. which is wild given how much real estate he occupies in my brain. if other people have aizawa songs, please tell me them
favorite picture of them
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best hairstyle best look...i could and do stare at the gif version all day
i can't believe how long this has gotten....others below the cut
favorite thing about them
performance!!! how the idea of performing yourself is so baked into the whole character! the levels where like...it seems like an intentional joyful performance, but can also have sad flavours of hiding behind a mask to stay safe. and it's also very fun to bounce him off aizawa, who I think also performs himself if in a different way
i accidentally scrolled really far back in my notes app the other day and found a bunch of notes-form fic from 2018ish, one of which included a note at the end reading "loving present mic is lgbt culture bc complicated relationship with self-performance and artifice and also have you seen the way he dresses" and honestly. i stand by it
least favorite thing about them
once again i was briefly tempted to say the fact that he is such a minor character, but also i do enjoy that space to expand on stuff myself
okay this feels mean but...when i switched from subs to dubs i liked all the new voices pretty much immediately...except mic's. it's a reasonable choice to dial into the goofiness like that but...it took some getting used to for me for sure
favorite line
"Some people have arbor ardor but I'm more of a city kitty, ya dig?"
this. is the perfect line of dialogue actually. no notes. i think about it and the textpost referring to it as "the most delightfully gay thing" said tumblr user had ever heard...all the time.
the wordplay. having fun with language. the phrase city kitty in itself. we don't deserve present mic.
shirakumo...it's interesting to me that the vibe i got from vigilantes is the strongest friendships in the trio aren't between mic & aizawa? like they are friends for sure but I got the vibe both of them were closer with shirakumo than they were with each other. that shirakumo mic friendship ahhh...
and I'm forever thinking about that panel of aizawa climbing the rope, mic left on the ground. aizawa coping in a very specific way that kind of…leaves mic behind. mic's grief. the feeling that he's lost both his closest friends all at once. ahhh.
hey look it's erasermic again
i don't really have one! i don't often see him shipped with people other than aizawa honestly
random headcanon
i sprinkled a bunch of mic headcanons into the last chapter of swim or drown that i still like a lot...one is a little mention of him cooking. i like the idea of him being one of those people who doesn't like to make a recipe the same way twice, measuring with his heart and playing around a lot with big flavours...everything he makes either slaps or is inedible
unpopular opinion
hmmmm i think a lot of the time he gets kind of morphed into this profoundly well-adjusted dude to play off aizawa, and i don't necessarily object to that! i've arguably done it myself. and it's part of the comedy of taking these two weirdos and deciding they have a profoundly functional domestic relationship off-screen.
but i find it interesting to consider the inverse too - with his rage, especially. one of his earliest scenes is him suggesting using his quirk on a bunch of random journalists (maybe as a joke but...hm). and there's a line about what he's gonna do to the people responsible for making nomu that made me go "MIC. BUD" out loud to my screen. i think it's entirely possible he has dealt emotionally with...nothing, ever.
song i associate with them
i hadn't consciously connected this before, but thinking about it i think dirty imbecile by the happy fits could be a mic song
favorite picture of them
if i can cheat and use a gif then it's this:
i just love his wind-ups to gestures so much. he's so extra and it rules
all might:
favorite thing about them
how hard he tries. all that work for all those years because he cares about people and wants them to be safe. i love that little shot of young toshinori running towards the future like...even with all that insane power, it's about the work of it. the long, hard graft of trying to make the world safer
least favorite thing about them
i.......sometimes find the america gimmick distractingly silly
favorite line
gah i think it's the line after kamino to midoriya when he says "I will dedicate myself to raising you." like......them......and i also really love the whole speech where he talks about deciding he's going to live. idk it really moves me to see him discovering new purpose after he'd accepted that he was going to basically destroy himself for the world. picking yourself back up after that...finding new things to keep you going...
midoriya!!! the mutual admiration, the devotion, all might bringing izuku into this world he's longed for for so long, izuku making all might remember the hope and idealism that almost burned out of him after all those lonely years. i'm nuts about it
i kind of like aroace all might honestly!! erasermight is cute though...
don't really have one
random headcanon
hmmm i imagine him being kind of relieved when the dorm system was implemented and all the teachers start living on campus too. i imagine his living spaces at least for the last few years or so have always been...large, objectively comfortable, but very empty and lonely
unpopular opinion
aha this one might be very unpopular, but of all the stuff all might gets criticised for from the early eps, i actually get him telling mido he can't be a hero the most...it's definitely still bad! but i can really see it from his POV...like he's basically been fighting a war for decades. and for like 5 years he's been doing it basically alone, the people in his life unwilling to watch him do this to himself anymore. and it feels so necessary and vital and also he can feel his ability to do it draining more and more everyday, this awareness that any day now he might fall and leave a space for all that darkness to sweep back in...i feel like if any teenager, any child, looked at you and asked if they could head out onto that battlefield too, without even the weapon you've relied so heavily on...no is a really understandable answer! not a good answer, but very explicable in character terms at least
song i associate with them
the whole beat the champ album by the mountain goats is about wrestling, which i really like as a bnha heroes analogue because it's about fighting but also artifice, deliberate creation of identity, so a lot of beat the champ songs ping me when i think about bnha heroes and all might especially...there's a part in the legend of chavo guerrero that always makes me think about all might and midoriya: "and I need justice in my life, here it comes"
favorite picture of them
okay i love the whole scene in the forest where they're bathed in this golden light but also. maybe instead it's this:
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gemharvest · 1 month
boyfriend from fnf for the ask thing!! :)
favorite thing about them: I reaaaaalllly love his whole beeping thing idk. IDK !!! Maybe it's a neurodivergence thing but I really connect with characters who are depicted in communicating in ways outside the norm. Also there's something very funny to me abt how he beeps absolute gibberish but people understand him anyways. Like just as a comedic bit, not reading it any deeper, that shit's gold to me.
least favorite thing about them: Ok this is a take from my artist brain but fuuuuuuuck his hat fr that shit is way harder to make look right than you'd think. That or I just have a weird perfectionism issue. Which is also a likely contender.
favorite line: the best part of Friday Night Funkin' was when Boyfriend said "Beep bo bop" and funked all over those guys /j /ref
brOTP: I think you could get a really funny dynamic out of Boyf and Darnell. I need to get more confident in my read of Darnell b4 I do anything with that thought but it's There.
OTP: RGB polycule ftw you couldn't even claw these fuckers from my cold, dead hands. You know the ship is good when it's got me making friends through it. /silly
nOTP: I don't knowwww. Like there are ships I can think of for this where I'd never engage with them but I don't feel strongly enough about it to call any of them a nOTP. SORRY LMAO.
random headcanon: This guy would fw chewable stim toys but he'd have to get really tough ones. Guy who would shred a kong if you gave it to him without monitoring him.
unpopular opinion: What evennnnnnnn are the popular opinions in this fandom I barely go to wider fandom here. Unpopular opinion I wish more people depicted his beeping ??? Maybe ?? But that's a tentative one since I know for more serious works it's kinda. Hard to run with that. In my writing I have my workaround of "all his dialogue is in quotes cuz he's beeping so what's written is actually a translation" but liiike I still haven't figured out a pleasing way to do it in art. Like the best I got is speech bubble with beeps and translation underneath but it feels like. A Lot. So like, all of that to say I wish the beeps were worked with more but I can see where people come from just writing plain English for him. And maybe it is worked with more in wider fandom idk.
song i associate with them: OUHHHHHH HUMOR ME. I'm posting two. CW for suggestive themes in both (lyrics/ samples).
eyestrain/ flash warning on this next vid
favorite picture of them: IT'S SO HARD FOR ME TO PICK JUST ONE THERE'S SO MANY OFFICIAL THINGS WITH HIM THAT I FW. Here's the ones I rotate a lot in my head:
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^ I think I've made it obvious my proper fave would be the beach poster art that shit's just Peak to me rn but I am always incapable of picking just one favorite.
[character ask prompt]
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mymanyfandomramblings · 4 months
Character headcanons game: Dipper and Mabel
1: sexuality headcanon: I think he's probably primarily heterosexual, but I can imagine him being somewhere on the ace spectrum
2: otp: I don't have a huge OTP, but I am a Dipcifica fan 
3: brotp: With Soos, of course. And Wendy
4: notp: Any of the cursed ships. You know the cursed ships.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He's autistic and will also need glasses one day. He also is a conspiracy theorist, but doesn't believe any of the usual conspiracy theories. 
6: one way in which I relate to this character: I, too, am awkward and have very loud siblings
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Let's be honest, his awkwardness is both lovable and embarrassing
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll
Now Mabel:
1: sexuality headcanon: I don't think Mabel does labels to be honest. I think she just loves people and falls dramatically in love every now and again.
2: otp: I don't have one tbh, although I have become attached to my version of Mabel and Kevin Corduroy 
3: brotp: With Candy, Grenda, Pacifica and Wendy
4: notp: Once more, the cursed ships.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: AuDHD Mabel is the true Mabel in my mind. I also think Mabel would like Glee because that amount of drama, romance and random singing would delight her
6: one way in which I relate to this character: I'm loud, and get too attached and excited, and I was the oft-forgotten Loud Nerdy Weird Kid at school, and she is the representation I need
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Occasionally, some of her utter randomness does cross the line from endearing to kind of 'cringey and annoying' for me--which probably means it was right on point
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll ofc
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spicy-apple-pie · 8 months
Dick Grayson? Maybe Cass as well
Ooh, double whammy
Dick Grayson
Sexuality Headcanon- Bi and cis.
OTP- BirdFlash or DickKori, I can't decide.
BROTP- him and his Uncle Clark. Co-Founders of the Bruce Wayne Support Group.
NOTP- DickBabs, I like them better as friends
first headcanon that pops into my head- He quits the police force and becomes a gymnastics teacher full time. He's great at it and will show off old tapings of the Flying Graysons to his students. Until they start asking if he's 70 because of how old the tapes look and they have no concept of time yet.
favourite line from this character- I think this works best as just the picture of the panel
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7. One way in which I relate to this character- we're both eldest children.
8. thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character- how much he's sexualized. I like it when he knows he's got some junk in the trunk and can work it, but lets not reduce him down to his ass please.
9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave?- cinnamon roll.
Cassandra Cain
Sexuality Headcanon- Cis Lesbian
OTP- Stephcass. I would be lying if I said it wasn't just a little bit because I think it would be funny for Steph to hold it against Bruce that she's dated both his son and daughter.
BROTP- I feel like her and Duke need more time together. I think they would take absolutely nothing seriously. They would wordless come up with a bit and commit to it with straight faces.
NOTP- Idk, her x batfam because it's an easy out lol
First Headcanon that pops into my head- Cass craves so much physical contact, but she has to initiate it. If you startle her with a touch (very hard to do, but it has happened) she'll be a little shaken.
favourite line from this character- she doesn't talk much, but this is her most iconic panel ever
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7. One way in which I relate to this character- I relate that sometimes she doesn't want to talk or be apart of the conversation, just wants to observe sometimes. It takes a fair amount of mental energy to have a conversation with someone.
8. thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character- when she speaks in broken english like a baby. Or really ackward one word sentences. Like if someone asks if she's okay after a bomb or something and she responds with "Alright." instead of "I'm alright".
9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave- cinnamon roll, but I want her to have more mistakes and stop being so perfect yk?
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azurelyy · 2 years
If it's not a bother can we have the best bros Kankuro and Gaara for the ask game? And thank you.
Definitely not a bother at all, thank you for the ask!
1: sexuality headcanon
He sounds so fucking hot when he comes. He just makes this low, low groan that rumbles his entire chest. It's addictive. Not to mention the fact that this means he's going to hold you in his muscular arms so tightly, cradling you to him like a prized possession, as he chants "IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou."
2: otp
I am going to get so much shit for this and everyone is going to scream at me about how this is a crack ship but I don't care. One day, when I write this stupid fic idea I've had of them and finally just put it into the world, maybe you'll come around. You will understand just how PURE AND GREAT these two are... SaiKank. Watch out for them, they're coming! Haha.
3: brotp
I don't really have one...sdkfhnsdkjfn. I'm sorry lol.
4: notp
I guess Hinata? I don't see that working out well for them lol.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Kankuro is the type to go on a date with someone and literally zone out as they talk because he's too busy thinking about how cute they are. And then he gets embarrassed when he has to admit it to them...
"Uh... What? I'm really sorry, I wasn't listening because I was looking at your lips. You have a really cute smile."
6: favorite line from this character
I have no idea. I'm sorry lol.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
He's funny and I like to think I am also funny.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The puppets. Need I say more?
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
I don't think he's really either? I guess he is sort of problematic because he was kind of a douche during the chunin exams, so I'll go with that.
1: sexuality headcanon
Submissive. He is the sub and there's no arguing with me. He can take control if needed but that is definitely not his preference. He will let you do ~whatever~ you want to him, and he is very good about repaying the favor back to you ;)
2: otp
GaaLee <3. My little babies.
3: brotp
Naruto! I love how inspired by Naruto Gaara is. I think it's adorable. And then all Gaara wants is to make Naruto happy... I am MELTING AHHHHH.
4: notp
Naruto. I do think Gaara has a crush on him, but I don't ship it. Naruto was never going to reciprocate (sorry!) and so Gaara should move on to someone better... Like Lee <3.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
He's a snuggler. He does not want space between him and his partner in bed. If there is even a slight gap, he will assume they're upset with him.
6: favorite line from this character
“I think of you as a friend. I used to think “friend” was just another word… Nothing more, nothing less. But when I met you, I realized what was important was the word’s meaning.” 
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I swear I don't mean to keep making these so sad but like, I GET his loneliness. Not so much anymore, but back in the day... Yeah.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
This picture:
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9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon rollllllll~ He is a rare character that went from problematic to cinnamon roll and honestly, we LOVE the development!
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cursedvibes · 4 months
Because I'm terribly predictable: Yuuji and Kenjaku for the character ask/meme thing 👀
well, I'm the one with the predictable faves xD and I'll take any excuse to talk about them hehe
favourite thing about them
His whole character and character arc, honestly, particularly how he slowly becomes disillusioned over the course of the series and qualities that were there in the beginning like his latent suicidality and disregard for his body become more and more extreme the longer he works as a sorcerer. But if we're talking about something specific, I like how at first glance he seems like the typical happy-go-lucky shonen protagonist, but how this is often an act or a way to distract himself from pain. In reality he's quite the loner and tends to isolate himself from people. He'll easily make friends with other or get along with strangers, but he rarely lets people in and see his vulnerable side or opens up about his problems to them.
least favourite thing about them
Nothing really. Although I don't like how distanced he is from the whole Kenjaku being his mother thing. It makes sense for him to act this way, it's a defence mechanism and he's like this with all his extended family, but I wish he was challenged on this more. Or at all.
favourite line
"So long as I can kill him, I'll eat anything."
"I'm you. I wanted to reject you. Convince myself that you were wrong. But that doesn't matter now. I'm going to kill you. Even if you come back as another curse I'll kill you. Change your name. Change your form, I'll kill you again. I don't need to find meaning or a reason. [...] In the grand scheme of things I'm nothing but a cog. But I keep killing curses for as long as I can. That's my role in all this."
Mostly Nobara, but I've also been really enjoying seeing him fight next to Maki and I like how their skills compliment each other. They're the only one besides Angel who can seriously hurt Sukuna. I also really like his relationship with Higuruma, the guilt they are struggling with and how they are both supporting each other in their death wish, despite not actually wanting the other to die. Although I don't know if I'd call that a "brOTP".
Once again, I don't really ship Yuuji with anyone, much less have a ship I'm really invested in (in contrast to you haha). I like him and Junpei when their taste in horror and being kind of outsiders is highlighted and I also like him and Todo in the sense of "bros who sometimes give each other a handjob to let off steam".
Mainly GoYuu and SukuIta.
random headcanon
Not really a hc, but I think he started joining sociable clubs and trying to find friends in highschool because he knew his grandpa would die soon and he realized he needed people around him when that happens.
unpopular opinion
He's not a soft, whiny sunshine boy. He's nice, he loves his friends, he believes that almost everyone deserves being saved, but people sometimes tend to really infantilize him, especially in fanfics, so that he's barely recognizable. He already had a death stare in middle school and was notorious for beating up people/bullies. He's not gonna break down and cry because someone is being mean to him.
song i associate with them
Hirasawa Susumu - Royal Road Paradise. It's about a king overlooking his fallen country and wondering why the people around him are burning and suffering. He can't remember anymore what started all this. Especially after the recent chapter it seems very fitting and captures for me the spirit of jjk as a whole.
favourite picture of them
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favourite thing about them
Boy...where to begin. I love that they are a mad scientist, but they don't take themselves too seriously and don't fall into the common trap of being unaware of their own weaknesses. I like that they are at the core actually pretty chill. It's why they were able to stay unnoticed for such a long time (besides the body-hopping of course). Like they don't stand out like someone like Sukuna, Mahito or even Uraume if they don't want to because they just don't make that kind of ruckus. That leads to them being often overlooked or not taken as seriously, even by the protagonists. They also have pretty normal hobbies if we ignore the whole cursed energy manipualtion, merging of people etc. That's what's so great about it. They'll do the most abhorrent shit, but also do such basic things as watching stand-up comedy or reading manga. They have a fucking favourite comedian! And are apparently deep in the manzai lore. It's so ridiculous, I love it. Kenjaku is what keeps this series fresh and unpredictable, they sow chaos wherever they go. Miss them.
least favourite thing about them
Died too early and more importantly didn't get to meet Yuuji again. Don't think there's anything else I don't like...maybe that they died in Geto's body. I would've liked to see them change bodies at least once. Otherwise what's the point of having a bodysnatcher character if they're 99% of the time in the same body (in the story, obviously Kenjaku has swapped bodies many times before, but we barely see any of it).
favourite line
"Tengen, I'm not the same as you. I have *lived* through this thousand year tug-of-war between feuding giant! The capricious alliances of this world of curses!" (line is even better in Japanese, the English doesn't do it justice)
"Even if you have no hope for the present or the future, you can always choose to die whenever you want. You have to take a step forward first. One step closer to your ideal. I loathe people who die without even trying to take that step. Yes, I'm talking to you, Tengen."
Uraume. I just love their dynamic so much. They manage to bring the most annoying side out of Kenjaku and Kenjaku is a master at making them lose their cool (literally lol). The bickering is fantastic, I wish we would've gotten more of it. Maybe in the Heian flashback. I like how they like to complain, but then more or less reluctantly help each other out. Like Kenjaku bothering to take Uraume to Sukuna in their fishmobile while still being beaten up from the fight against Yuki.
Tengen/Kenjaku (my absolute fave at the moment), Takaba/Kenjaku (most wholesome Kenjaku ship honestly) and the recent reveal has renewed my passion for Jin/Kenjaku. Need to know more about the cursed married couple. Mahito/Kenjaku is also great for the cannibalism and vore.
SukuKen and GoKen
random headcanon
Not so random, but I think Kenjaku has gotten pregnant before, (almost) every time with not very satisfactory results. That's part of why they decided to take a step back for the Death Painting experiment.
unpopular opinion
Kenjaku isn't cis. Kenjaku isn't drooling over Sukuna's dick or being jealous because he "rejected" them or something. The backshots meme are such a beaten horse that it has gone beyond death and come back to life only to die a miserable death again and again.
song i associate with them
Róisin Murphy - Ramalama (Bang Bang) I think it captures Kenjaku's whimsical spirit fantastic, which contrasts with the kind of disturbing lyrics. I took the fanfic title Stitches Across The Eye from this song.
Miyamura Yuko's cover of Hirasawa Susumu's MOTHER Think the title makes the connection obvious. Could refer both to Kenjaku as a mother and their general perception of motherhood. The incorporation of dreams, connecting to the universe and passage of time make it especially fitting. The "oh mother" chorus is also especially haunting in this version.
favourite picture of them
Because I like seeing Kenjaku happy and the way this matches their expression when talking about the merger curse:
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Love the way Kenjaku looks at Takaba even when they are losing their head and the shock and wonder when they realize they let themselves get to close
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Gossipy sister-in-law
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The way half-naked Kenjaku looks at sweating Tengen here...always makes my mind go places lol one of their best interactions
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Could list a million more, Kenjaku's expressions are always gold, but I'll hold myself back
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schizononagesimus · 5 months
character: camilla hect
AAAAA MY GWORL okay okay im normal
fave thing abt her: WHERE DO I FUCKING BEGIN. she thinks she could fight a herald. she already knows about pal's nurse kink and thinks he needs better taste. she's a mad dog. she's a pill. she doesn't let go. she has about sixty weird little secret things she's developed with pal and she keeps them TIGHT secrets. she takes notes on nona kissing herself in a mirror (VERY interesting imagine seeing harrowhark nonagesimus kissing herself in the mirror HELP fjdkslfjdk). she can do a handspring down stairs. her autistic ass posture. im gonna stop talking now
least fave thing: she is clearly a lil jealous of pal's obsession w dulcie and i really just think they should all kiss 😔
brotp: CAM & GIDEON OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!! cam sees thru gideon's bullshit! she also has a weird codependent situationship! they fight like hell! she gets the banter! and has more social skills than gideon to be like "honey no that is not what's happening at ALL"
notp: cam/nona i just think she'd be so weirded out by nona being in harrow's body 😭😭
random headcanon: now i think some of this can be inferred from the text but i think cam is like. horrendously suicidal. probably always has been. probably the only reason she's alive is because of pal both by him just existing and needing her And he's probably.. stopped an attempt at some point. and i just want to hold her abt it
unpopular opinion: i think gideon could beat her in a fight but not because she's more skilled than cam but because gideon's more likely to do something fucking stupid that actually works
fave pic: this fanart because WOW her hips like. muir always says she dropped down to her haunches so LORD SHE PROBABLY GOT HIPS FOR DAAAAYYYYYS HELP
HEHE thank you for asking i had fun
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okmcintyre · 7 months
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: her rebellious, fighting spirit is absolutely what drew me in (I feel like that was the case with so many of us!) I loved that she was very clearly the delinquents' WILD CHILD!
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least favorite thing about them: I hated how she treated her brother sometimes. Obviously after Lincoln's death is the most glaring example, but it's not the only one. It's a shame we weren't given more opportunities to see the two addressing & healing from that toxic pattern they had going (because the Blake Siblings really were super important to each other!)
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favorite line: THE LETTER!! ⬇️
"Bell, I hope against hope that this letter reaches you. I need you to know that you were right. There was a darkness in me, but Diyoza helped me past that darkness. That’s behind me now. I need you to know that I finally understand all you did to protect me, watch over me, love me. I wish I could see your face and hug you and tell you that I get it now. I wish I could thank you. By the time you get this — if you get this — I’ll probably be an old lady or dead. I want you to know I was happy. I have Hope. Diyoza’s a pain in the ass, but I love her, like I love you. Please don’t worry about me. You deserve to be happy, Big Brother. Always yours, Octavia"
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brOTP: I love she & Clarke, and she & Echo? And the dynamic between O and Indra is really special too (*obviously Bellamy is my fave brotp for her, but since they're related it seemed too obvious to choose him 😅)
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OTP: Lincoln all day! And Gabriel I thought had outstanding chemistry/story potential for her. AND I wouldn't have been mad at Octavia/Niylah either 🔥🔥🔥
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nOTP: Ugh, Illian. He drove me nuts!
I also have mixed feelings about Levitt, I LOVE him... but I feel like her story was short-changed to allow for that particular (wonderful!) bit of fan service lol
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random headcanon: she and Bellamy had time to heal and grow living on Sanctum, and eventually became closer than ever again. They have coffee together every morning, now ☕☺️
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unpopular opinion: SHE WAS SO MUCH FUN AS BLODRENIA (despite being completely bonkers & outta control)
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song i associate with them: POKERFACE BY LADY GAGA and I'm not sure why?
favorite picture of them: here's a gif!
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