#I need to see them again it’s been years oh my g
galaxiasgreen · 3 days
✨Flowery Language
Shenanigans with minor Garreth/ Reader
"Are you aware of the language of flowers, Mr Weasley?" "I'm fluent in honking daffodil, yeah. HOOOOONK. See?"
Garreth gets you flowers, and things go terribly wrong.
G-rated || no content warnings || 2k words || companion to Stay With Me, but can be read separately || feat. Prim as the Reader, and my other MCs Gibby and Missy
[read on AO3, read on Wattpad]
Garreth Weasley swaggers down the hallway with a very important bouquet of flowers.
Today, after all, is a special anniversary: precisely three months and nine days since you started dating. And with O.W.L.s starting soon and the fifth-years hunkering down for the exam period, you've been very keen to frolic the Highlands to escape the stress... just kidding, you hole up in some dark corner of the library and cry about how you don't know anything. Close enough. He's just been making sure you're fed and watered and occasionally getting social contact in the form of a cuddle. Later he'll celebrate with you properly, but for now – what girl doesn't like flowers?
With Professor Garlick's permission he raided the greenhouses for some blossoms, mostly for ones with funny names like cyclamen and rhododendron, and a ton of primroses too, a nice little nod to your nickname, and clumped them together with twine. The end result is a colourful ensemble that will look great in a vase and, not to brag (yes to brag), this might be his best work ever – and he's a potion's genius, so he frequently creates his best work ever on a regular basis.
In the hallway during lunch, he finds you with your nose in a textbook on your way to the library. Piqued by his voice, you turn towards him, summoning a broad smile, and he sidles up to you with the bouquet hiding behind his back.
"Guess what day it is today?"
You blink owlishly. "Thirty-two days, twenty-one hours and forty-seven minutes until exams?"
"... Well yes, but actually no. Try again?"
You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, frowning. "I'm sorry, I've been so stressed. It's the fifth of May? A Thursday? Oh no, have I forgotten something important?"
"It's our sixty-ninth day together! Isn't that great?" He brandishes the bouquet. "And I brought you—"
"AAAAAH!" you shriek suddenly, flinching backwards and warding him away with the book. "No no no!"
"What the—? What's the matter—?"
"Get it away from me!"
You run away – full on, around the corner, dust swirling in your wake – leaving him standing there with his bouquet like an utter plonker. It takes him a few seconds to process what happened. Did he have bad breath? Did you not want to celebrate? Was it the flowers? He glances down at the bouquet, befuddled. You only reacted when he pulled them out – there must be something wrong with them.
He needs help, and he decides to seek it from the wisest person he knows.
"Mr Weasley, I am a door knocker," says the eagle on the Ravenclaw common room door. "I am not a relationship counsellor."
"I'm not here for counselling!" Garreth says, flinging out his arms. "Prim and I are fine, except for this one thing. It's these flowers. She screamed at them! Like, shrilly! Come ooooon, you love giving me your honest, brutal and often very rude opinion. Is it ugly? Does it smell bad?"
He shoves the bouquet to its beak, and it splutters, "I can make judgement perfectly well from a safe distance, thank you! To answer your question, it is neither ugly nor foul-smelling – by some miracle you have indeed managed to pull that off. No, I suspect the young lady takes a different issue. Are you aware of the language of flowers, Mr Weasley?"
"I'm fluent in honking daffodil, yeah. HOOOOONK. See?"
"That's not what I meant." It sighs. "The language of flowers is a Muggle method of subtly communicating emotions or thoughts through floristry. You know a red rose means passionate romantic love, for example? All flowers have a similar connotation, ranging from friendship to jealousy to life. When gifting flowers, one may create a dialogue of meaning through them."
"And you reckon Prim knows about flowery language?"
"She is a Ravenclaw," it says haughtily.
Garreth glances down at his bouquet. Honestly, he chose most of them because they looked pretty. He's simple like that.
"Okay, so... what do these mean?"
"I'm afraid that's as much knowledge as I possess."
He lets out a laugh. "You don't know something? You? The Ravenclaw door knocker?"
"If you don't want the whole school to know about when you were gyrating to Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in only a bath towel, I suggest you keep quiet."
"... How the heck do you know about that? I was alone!"
"The dorm mirrors talk, Mr Weasley. Very loudly."
Bloody mirrors... "Fine. Where do I go? Who do I ask?"
"Someone fluent in the language of flowers might be good start. Perhaps a Muggle-born?"
"Gibby." She would know way more about this stuff. He heads down the stairs. "Thanks for the help. You're my favourite door knocker!"
"May my title be swiftly usurped."
Surprisingly, he finds Gibby outside the greenhouses. On her knees in the grass, she seems to be deep in concentration when he lumbers over, her brow scrunched behind her glasses. Strangely enough, Professor Black's house-elf Scrope is also at her side.
"Gibs! I need your Muggle expertise!"
She takes one look at the bouquet before screaming.
"Lord Almighty! Those better not be for me!"
Uh oh. "No! This— I made this for Prim. She ran away when I gave them to her and the door knocker said it might be because of some flower language thingy. Why? What's wrong with it?"
She gets to her feet, wiping grass off her knees. "Okay, my flower language is a bit rusty, but I believe this is what you've told her." She clears her throat. "Beware! I hate you. This is goodbye, you poor, jealous virgin... yay!"
It's like the earth swallows him whole. He said all those horrible things, all in some stupid flowers? No wonder you ran!
"Tell me how to fix it," he says desperately. "Please, I can't have her believing any of that's true!"
"I'd help you, but I'm kind of sort of... doing a punishment right now."
"... What for?"
Scrope finally pipes up. "The young lady thought it appropriate to bake Master Black a cake."
"He's so moody all the time! I figured it would cheer him up."
"She fell as she presented it. A direct hit on Master's face."
"But it tasted great!"
"As punishment, the young lady has been made to count blades of grass for three hours."
"I'm at eight thousand! ... Or was it seven? You sort of lose track after the first. Can I take a quick break, Mr Scrope?"
"Ten minutes," says Scrope. "Only because Master forbade Scrope from laughing when it was very funny."
It's apparently all she needs, when she drags Garreth to the greenhouses and starts plucking flowers furiously.
"You're going to have to scrap the whole bouquet," she says. "I mean, all the flowers you picked were horrible. Just really bad. Awful. It might've been kinder to tell Prim you hate her."
"Really not helping."
"The primroses can stay though. That's the yay one."
"Primroses mean yay?"
"Well, no. It sort of means youth and optimism, which I interpret as yay!"
Of all the flowers he picked, at least this one isn't bad. Gibby runs around taking her favourites.
"Okay, so, we have this one, pink heather, which means admiration. You want to show how much you admire her, right? Yes. More of it. We need amaryllis, for pride, because you're proud of her. Crocus – that means cheer. Oh! Honeysuckle. They grow in Feldcroft, they're lovely. Jasmine for elegance, red tulips for passion, pink roses for happiness.... are you getting all of this?"
"Yeah," he says, absolutely not getting all of this.
"We should add myrtle, for good luck, since she's taking her O.W.L.s soon. And purple hyacinth for sorrow, because you are very apologetic for that last bouquet. Oh, oh! And some daisies!"
"Aren't daisies weeds?"
She gasps. "No! How dare you! They represent first love! It's perfect."
He sticks them in the bouquet. By the time her ten minutes are up, Garreth has a ginormous bunch of flowers almost as large as his chest. He can barely hold it with one hand.
"Thanks for your help, really."
"Just guarantee me a front-row seat at the wedding. Now, if you'll excuse me..." She drops back to the lawn with Scrope. "Eight-thousand-and-fifty-one, eight-thousand-and-fifty-two..."
Garreth's on the way to find you in the library when he bumps into his friend Missy. She's not wearing her Slytherin robes today, instead an eclectic blouse and skirt, and her hair is dark blue, curling down almost to her waist.
"Good grief, what is that?"
"The bouquet I made for Prim. Isn't it glorious?"
"No, it's terrible. Do you plan to bludgeon her in the head with it?"
Garreth groans. "What do you mean? What's wrong now?"
"Look at the composition! It's much too heavy." She takes it from his hand, shooing him away to inspect. "The silhouette is too imposing... the flora to foliage ratio is unbalanced... the dimensions are far too biased on this side..."
"Can you please talk in wizard's English?"
"Bouquet ugly. Me fix."
"Fine." He gestures. "Have at it."
She starts tossing the flowers she deems extraneous, ruthlessly paring down the bouquet with pursed lips and callous eyes. "I assume you asked Gibby for help?"
"Yeah, why?"
She stifles a snort. "She knows her language of flowers, but her arranging skills leave much to be desired. Frankly I'm insulted you didn't come to me first."
"Sorry I didn't know you were an expert flower arrangerer."
"I only took floristry lessons for eight years. I'm sure that means nothing."
He rolls his eyes. Merlin, what a rich girl past-time. Once she's satisfied skinning the bouquet, lightening it physically and visually, she starts trimming some of the stems.
"No!" he yelps, just as she makes to remove the primroses. "No, keep those."
"It symbolises new beginnings," she says, raising an eyebrow. "However, you seem to have it in abundance. You don't think it's too much?"
"Keep it all," he says again. "It's the only flower I got right the first time."
And he's quite attached to the little primroses now. Name aside, they remind him of you: small and unassuming, but very cute. Missy shrugs in a suit yourself sort of way, and adjusts the stem heights instead. She changes the placement of the flowers so there is greenery between, and makes the foliage fan out prettily over the sides. By the time she's done, she holds an appealing, moderately sized bouquet with a variety of pink, purple and white flowers perfectly balanced with green.
"This will suffice," she says at last, handing it back to him. "Good luck."
"Or you could say myrtle, am I right?"
"Mmm, no." She pats him twice on the shoulder before spinning him around. "On your way, lover boy."
The library is fairly abandoned by the time Garreth arrives with his sensible bouquet. He has to do some real sneak-thievery crab-walking to get inside without Madam Scribner noticing, but when she gets distracted by another student chucking an inkwell over the bannister, Garreth makes his way to the back aisles.
Like he expected, you're there, textbooks and quills abound, ink staining your hands and face. He checks his breath, just in case (it's good), before he walks around the shelf.
"Don't panic, Prim—"
You spot the bouquet immediately and scramble to your feet, slapping a hand over your nose. "No, no—"
"Prim! Merlin's saggy danglers—" He snatches your arm before you can run away. "What? What is it?"
Your eyes squeeze shut, and tears form at the seal. "No, let me go! Please!"
"I'm really sorry if I offended you with my last bouquet! I swear I didn't mean to call you a poor, jealous virgin—"
"No, Garreth— ACHOO!" You flinch through a whole-body sneeze. "I'm allergic to primroses!"
As you fling yourself away, aggressively sneezing, Garreth's hand goes limp.
"I've been calling you Prim for the whole year and you're allergic to primroses?"
Rhododendron – beware Orange lily – hatred Cyclamen – goodbye Clematis – poverty Yellow rose – jealousy White lily – virginity Pink heather – admiration Amaryllis – pride Crocus – cheer Honeysuckle – bonds of love Jasmine – elegance Red tulip – passion Pink rose – happiness Myrtle – good luck Purple hyacinth – apology Daisy – first love Primrose – new beginnings
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cawtie · 2 years
I genuinely can’t wait for Party Down’s third season. I missed Kyle Bradway and Roman Debeers a super unhealthy amount
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cutecatlov3r · 10 months
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oh to be ran through by denki, sero, katsuki, and kirishima…
what would it be like? college au
a/n: bro I haven’t posted in forever ! but maybe I’m back for awhile ? you should check out my c.ai bots :3 dekusquad ver here .
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it’ll start off with the five of you chilling in sero’s college dorm. you five all just playing games and chatting. until denki realizes there is literally a girl in the room with the four of them. the reality of the situation, you’ve been their friend for a few years... why the hell hasn’t he thought of this sooner?! he’s seen too much porn to know what could go down.
so when you go to the bathroom he talks to the boys about the situation he’s playing in his head.
“well we could always try to convince her, I mean she’s been our friend for years and I’d be so down to fuck her,” he spoke unashamed.
next thing you know, you’re fully convinced on letting it happen, the boys basically begging you to let them inside of you .
Bakugou obviously going first. he has to be the number one in everything. so when you allow him to fuck you, he’s the one to take off your clothes, being rough. he’ll rip them up, not caring. when he whips out his cock it’s long and thick, slapping against his abdomen as it is released.
“g’na fuck you nice and good, you slut”
and he does, he wastes no time plunging into you deeply. of course you didn’t really need foreplay due to the fact it turned you on to see them all begging for you to fuck them. as he fucks you in a mating press he will pull your hair. it’s a little off because he’s making out with you so sensually and sweet but his cock is ramming into you, only caring for it’s own pleasure.
“fuck… fuck you’re so tight, stop squeezin’ around me like that, dumbass…” he pants, voice a little raspy.
the boys watching, the heat inside them unbearable. just looking at your whiny face as bakugou fucks deep in you makes them so needy and heated.
he keeps going hard, his tip occasionally grazing against your cervix.
in the end, bakugou will gladly cum deep inside you, filling you up. pulling out he’ll watch it seep out, using his fingers to fuck it back into your hole.
Sero is next, looking down at you as you whine due to bakugou’s cum spilling on to your thighs. it was an uncomfortable feeling but you sort of liked it.
“don’t worry sweetheart… i will be nice and slow” he hums, kissing your neck, groping your ass.
he takes off his pants as he’s kissing you, placing you on his lap. his cock was long, not as girthy as bakugou’s cock but it looked a bit longer. he groans as he slips inside your wet and sloppy cunt. he rolls your hips, his cock rubbing against your g-spot as he rolls them.
he leans his back on the ledge of the couch, getting a good view of your sticky pussy moving up and down his cock. he loved the squelching noises it made. it was so erotic… the boys watching also loved it, they fucking needed you.
towards his climax he grabs you close, pressing your chest against his as he pistons his cock inside you, chasing his high.
“s-shit! fuck- ah- im gonna fucking cum… yeah, yeah, right in your slutty pussy”
you were moaning and creaming around his dick. the rutting hitting your g-spot over and over again. you were out of breath and he just kept going, holding you tightly so you couldn’t use your arms to get away from his body.
eventually he came inside you. his cum mixing around with bakugou’s. both of their bodily fluids leaking out of your slutty hole.
Denki happily offers to go next, it was his idea after all. look, he’s a pervert whose down for anything, he doesn’t even want his dick inside your messy cunt that was still leaking of sero and bakugou’s cum, instead he honestly wanted to give you a facial. so when you looked at him with your dazed eyes, he grabbed your chin, nodding his head to the floor.
“come on baby, on your knees for me” he smiled happily with a small chuckle.
you got on to your knees, looking up at denki. he held your cheek as he took out his hardened cock. it slapped against your face… your eyes glued to the pink tip that leaked of precum. he was pretty long, you’ll give him that.
without warning though, he shoved his dick right in between your cute soft lips, letting out a little whine. one hand gripped your hair, the other holding his shirt up so he can see as your tongue glided against him.
“s…so warm…” he moaned, eyes shutting slightly. though he did reach down to squeeze your breast, pinching your hard nipple.
your head bobbed on his cock, his grip on your hair tightening slightly. with your hand you fondled with his balls which caused an audible groan as he thrusted into your mouth more.
spit was rolling down your chin. your eyes fluttering as you looked up at denki who now has his shirt in his mouth. he gripped it with his teeth, his free hand grabbing some more of your hair and he thrusted his hips more.
after hitting the back of your throat, it caused him to go a bit crazy, moving faster, balls slapping against your chin. he was whining and moaning, feeling like he was gonna explode. he pulled out just in time, you stuck out your tongue as he painted your face white.
“that’s it babygirl… all over your face…” he panted, slapping his tip against your tongue.
Kirishima was last, he frowned looking at you, you were so messy.
“let me clean you up” he said softly, taking off his shirt to clean off your cute little face. he brought his shirt down to your cunt, cleaning it off, along with your thighs. there was still sero and bakugou’s cum inside you but he wasn’t gonna worry about cleaning that up. afterwards he sighed happily. he brought you to his lips, placing soft kisses against yours.
“It’s okay… you did so good for us today, y/n. thank you for letting me have the opportunity to please you” he smiled, laying her on the couch gently.
he took the hair out of your face, smiling down at you so sweetly. he started to remove his pants and my god… his cock was huge. it was so fat that it hung low even though he was hard as hell. you were in for it.
“not gonna hurt you, okay? if you need me to stop, I will. i will stop immediately,” he said, softly to which you nodded, propping yourself on your elbows to watch him sink into you. he went slow and steady, one of his hands by your head to balance himself. he was stretching your hole out, you felt so full.
he let out a soft moan as he kept trying to push himself deeper in you.
“g-gonna move now, okay?” he panted, his hips making a bit of movement. his thumb played with your sensitive clit as he made the small fulfilling movements. he rubbed you gently, the rubbing causing you to moan and his cock making you see stars.
a white ring was around his cock, your juices and the other boys around him as he made his small movements.
he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. this thumb rolling around the nub, he knew how to please a woman.
and out of everyone, he made you cum. you squeezed around his dick as you came, causing him to moan. he went down to your chest, sucking your nipples as you felt your bliss. he made sure you came before him, his hips now picking up the pace, your pussy tight around him, your walls clenching in overstimulation.
he went at a moderate pace not to hurt you, pulling out to cum on your stomach, he gave you a sweet kiss, wiping off the cum with his shirt that was on the floor.
“you did so good today, we are so proud of you, y/n”
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kooeater · 7 months
creamy pie (m) | JJK
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Jungkook x reader
smut | fluff
warnings: huge mentions of creampies (duh), unprotected sex, degration, age gap (jk is 35, reader is 21), dilf!jk, older!jk, doggy style, missionary, slight slapping, boob lover jk!, dirty talk, slight daddy kink, just sex.
Hm what were you up to? Oh, nothing much, just the usual. Begging for your 35-year-old boyfriend to fuck you right when he got home from work. Being a university student on break was exhausting, just homework and the urge to get cream-pied every second of the day. Luckily for you, you have just what you need to enjoy your break.
"Fuck me already please, been waiting for you all day." you whine out like a horny slut (you were one of course) for your boyfriend, wanting nothing but his cock inside your guts. "Need your dilf dick in me." your words went straight to his cock.
"So needy for me hm? Good little whore, always so ready to take my cock. Anything for you pretty baby" Jungkook quickly slaps your cunt with his heavy tip, testing the waters that were extremely wet of course.
"condom?" it came out as a tease. He knew damn well you were a full raw girly when it came to his cock, he didn't even had a condom on him he just wanted to tease you. He knows the rules already
No cream-pie? No sex!
"Put it in more or else I-" you were cut off by the feeling of your cunt being stretched and filled by some good ole dilf dick. The familiar feeling making your thighs slightly shake and little whimpers come out of your mouth. "s' fuckin tight!" his moans were enough to get you halfway to your orgasm.
It wasn't long until Jungkook started to fuck into you, your big boobs jumping up and down making him want to start sucking on them like a baby. He loves your boobs so much. Yes, he loves ass too, he loves all of you. however, your boobs were just so soft and squishy. big and plumped, he just wants to sleep on them for all eternity. Something about how they complement your body is just so motherly. He just loves your boobs.
Your back was arching on the mattress, your legs hooked on both of his shoulders as he rams in and out of you in an unforgiving speed.
His tip kept abusing your g-spot making you see stars, you weren't one to cum so easily but thinking about him fucking you all day while he was at work and now finally having him in you, you were about to cream on his cock. "Don't fuckin do that fuck, don't clench I'll cum." he groans out loud as he feels your gummy like walls clench around him.
He was used to you clenching around him, but not so early during sex. Either way is fine to him, he just doesn't want to be a loser a cum before you, nah. He has to give his baby her cream-pie!
"Fuck turn around."
Jungkook pulled out and you went on all fours, your ass in the air, cunt out ready to be filled back up again. His large hand goes to slap your ass cheek as you were wigging your hips, eager to have him back inside you. His member quickly gets shoved back inside you making you let out little whines again, his hips snapping forward, creating a smacking sound against your ass.
"Take this dick deep in your guts baby, I know you like it. So dirty and nasty, you like dick from older men, don't you? Such a filthy slut."
his words went straight to your clit, making the little nub twitch. Your hand tried to sneak in between your legs to take care of the clit problem but your hand was quickly smacked away.
"Let daddy do the touching baby. You just stay here and let me fuck you."
"Yes daddy, only you c-can touch me." you were submitting to his every word like the good girl you were.
His hands grip onto your hips real nice; he's now pounding into you like he's never done before. One thing about older men, they know how to fuck. You love it. Just as his pace gets a bit sloppy, his dick starts to twitch, you know he's close.
"Cum in me, f-fill this pussy up with your cum please! It's all for you, please need it inside me!" you were a fucking mess, looking over your shoulder, seeing his eyes closed and his face slightly scrunching. Fucking hell, he was so hot. His abs, his tattoos, his dick, everything you were seeing plus the way he was fucking you was enough to make you cum right there and then.
"Take my cum baby, fuck take it deep inside your cunt yeah that's it." his head falls back, your legs slightly shaking and your vocal cords going insane by the way you're moaning as you feel his warm white goo paint your walls white, you swear you can even feel a bit entering your womb.
He slips out slowly, making sure that him cum isn't dripping out of you much. He lets out a low moan as he sees your pretty cunt, a bit of cum dripping out but not as much. He spreads your chubby cute pussy lips and sees your hole filled with his cream.
"Fuck, look baby." he whispers to your fuck out state. He points at the mirror that was facing the direction of the back of you. You look over your shoulder and gasp in awe at the sight.
"Love when you cream inside me. Gave me the perfect cream-pie!" you giggle, locking your lips with his. You know you two were just going to end up fucking again but for now, a nice nap with arms wrapped around you and his cum still inside you, don't sound like a bad idea.
hiiii guys!! so this wasn't even planned but I posted this little kind of like smut short thingy idek what to call it but it was this and I got like 5 anon asks telling me to turn it into a fic, so i did but it's mostly just smut hehe. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this!! Like and follow if you feel like it yk make me famous, help ya girl out my dorm rent is due. ⋆⭒˚。 ⋆⭒˚。⋆ ⭒˚。⋆
- belle 🥧
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mattitties · 6 months
morning shower // bf!matt
smutty af. NSFW, read or don’t!
matt sturniolo x fem. reader
first time writing smut so apologies if it’s ass did the best i could 😗😗
saturday morning. the one day of the week when i can actually sleep in, and there’s no better way to wake up than in the arms of matt. we’ve been together almost 2 years now and the triplets very kindly let me move into their house so i didn’t have to worry about affording my own apartment.
his face is squished into the pillow, mouth open slightly. i truly could look at him forever, but i need to get up and start my day. i slowly and quietly make my way out from under his arm and start to head to the bathroom to take a shower. i’m almost at the door before i hear a mumbled, “baby?” from a half asleep matt.
“yeah?” i say quietly.
“where are you going?”
“just to take a shower baby, i’ll be right back,” i tell him, smiling at him once more and leaving the room.
i’m about 5 minutes into my shower before i see the door open and matt walking in with no shirt and his plaid pajama pants on.
“can i join you?” he asks, shutting the door behind him.
i respond by sliding open the shower door and stepping aside so he can get in. i watch as he pulls his pants down, revealing him half hard, and i feel myself grow wet at the sight.
“eyes up here princess,” he teases. i roll my lips into my mouth and look back at his face.
“come on, i don’t have all day here,” i say as he gets in the shower. he immediately wraps his arms around my waist and presses a soft kiss to my lips. i moan softly, feeling him get harder between us. he pushes himself into me a bit, and the kiss gets deeper.
it’s a soft kiss, but our tongues are sliding against each other as we both are silently telling the other that we need more.
his hand makes his way down my body and he softly touches me.
“so wet already baby, i’ve barely even done anything,” he whispers into my mouth.
“can’t help it,” i mumble, moving my hips slightly and giving his hand more access. he begins to run his fingers softly over my clit, earning a soft whine from me. i feel his dick, now fully hard, poking my lower stomach, and i begin to play with his tip with the lightest touch.
he groans into my neck as i work him more, his fingers still absentmindedly circling my clit.
“good?” i ask.
“mhm. so good, princess,” he says, picking his head up and sticking a finger inside me. “ohhhh i know baby girl,” he opens his mouth with mine as i let my head fall back and let out a soft moan. his finger curls and finds my g spot in seconds, and pleasure fills my whole body as he begins to pump his finger in and out of me.
i’m still playing with his tip, although all i need right now is for him to fill me up. “baby,” i plead. “more. please more.”
“shhh, i got you baby,” he says quietly as he takes his finger out, takes his dick in his hand, and taps the inside of my thighs with it as if to say open your legs.
i open them slightly and he runs his slick tip over my folds, paying extra attention to my clit. we breath moans into each other’s mouths as he pushes in slowly and begins to thrust at a steady pace.
he’s not going fast, but he’s hitting all the right spots and going incredibly deep.
“fuck,” i moan. “ohhh god, matt.”
“mmmm, you’re doing so good princess. taking me so well right?”
“uh huh.” i already feel the coil tightening in my stomach, and it gets more intense when he reaches his hand down and begins to circle my clit again.
i let out a whine and grip his arm. “yes, oh fuck, don’t stop.”
“i’m not stopping. i got you.” he goes a little faster with his thrusts and his fingers, and i feel my orgasm building up rapidly.
“matt,” i moan out. “i’m gonna cum, fuck.”
“uh huh,” he acknowledges me with his own quiet groans. i feel him begin to twitch inside me as his hips move even faster. “cum with me princess, you got it.”
i’m washed with a wave of pleasure, and i clench tightly around him, earning a long string of curses and moans from matt as he releases into me. his hips slow down as he relaxes, and he stays still inside me for a moment as he presses soft kisses against my lips and cheeks.
he pulls out of me, and i wince at the loss of the feeling.
“did so fucking good for me baby girl,” he praises me, washing away our cum that’s dripping down my thighs.
“always do so fucking good for me.”
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abbyromanoff · 11 months
Hello, Abby
I would like to request for a story about R and G!pWanda have financial problems, then they decide to be p*rn creators because they think it's the best way to earn money so fast. One day they set up the challage for their fans: who donate the most will be able to meet them and have dinner, which G!pNat happens to be the lucky one. Things are getting intense and Nat finally get to f*ck R while Wanda watching, dirty talking, and jerking herself off. Or they both f*ck R in both holes.
Thank you! I love all of your works❤️❤️❤️
The Lucky Winner
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader, Wanda Maximoff x reader, WandaNat x reader
Word count: 3,148
Warnings: smut, threesome, public sex, punishment, jerking off, masturbation, cunnilingus, R and Wanda are porn stars, Wanda and Nat both have dicks, degrading, pet names, praising, jealousy, mentions of bisexual!R, slightly manipulative!Wanda, financial struggles, breeding, no protection, thinks that’s it!
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
“Look, it’s all we can do right now! We can barely afford to eat, Y/N, would you rather fucking starve?” Wanda yelled, now standing from the table you sat at. The loud sounds of the pipes creaking and neighbors next door who were, once again, partying like college students.
“That’s not what I’m saying-”
“Then what? Why can’t we just do this, for us?” She spoke, a little softer this time.
“I want this money, Wanda, I do. I want to be able to go on dates or go out with friends or be able to have more than a meal a day, I do. But there are so many downsides too. I mean- what if one of our friends see it? Or better yet, our bosses! And how am I supposed to deal with the fact that I’m not the only one seeing your sexy body.” She stifled a laugh as you came to a close, a small pout forming on your lips. She grabbed both of your hands in hers, kissing the backs of them and kneeling in front of where you sat.
“Oh, baby, don’t cry.” She wiped the tears on your cheeks, you never liked arguing with her. “I know it won’t be easy, but just like you said, imagine all the dates we could go on. We’d get to live, not just survive. It will be weird at first, especially when we’re showing our bodies off to a bunch of horny dudes to jerk off to, but you just need to think of the outcome, love. I want to spoil you, but I can’t do that if we don’t do this.” She had always been so convincing and deceiving, some would call it manipulation, but you called it love. She loved you enough to worry about you and to want to get you both out of this mess. It was all for the money, you’d have to tell yourself, but you knew it would all be okay if you just had Wanda by your side through it all.
And that ended up being true. It had been almost a year since you two had started, and while she was telling the truth when saying it would be weird at first, you both eased into it over time. It had made you beyond the amount you could ever imagine from your old job, that you both decided to quit. You wanted more free time together, less stress. And with this job, you didn’t need to worry about your bank accounts any longer. You two had enough to get by and treat yourself a little bit at the end of each week.
In celebration of the near one-year mark of your shared account, you two had decided on what to do for your lovely fans. You thought of making a longer video, but realized that would’ve gotten boring for the audience. Then you thought about a live stream where your viewers could comment in the moment, telling you both what to do. Only to then realize some would be busy at work or in a different timezone, they wouldn’t be able to join.
Then it came to you, a competition. If you had multiple people bidding on one thing, it would bring in more money and would make it all the more thrilling and exciting for your fans. You brought the idea up to Wanda, hoping she’d agree, but she wasn’t always the best at doing so.
“Are you kidding me? You really think I’m gonna let you go on a date with some pervy old man who just wants to fuck you?”
“Wanda, we’d both be there. And it wouldn’t just be me getting fucked, it would be like a threesome, you’d be there too.” She looked at you dumbfounded, like you just told her you sold her house and kidnapped her dog.
“You really think some gross man would want to fuck me? I have a dick, Y/N, you should know that better than anyone else.” Your cheeks tinted the tiniest bit at her remark. But it was true, before you she was a virgin, as were you. And she hasn’t been with another person ever since she asked you out that one night, she’d be an idiot to do so.
“You never know, maybe it won’t be a man.” She sighed, massaging her temples as if she was handling toddlers.
“Okay, you’re really cute, Y/N, you are, but you don’t need to be a dumbass. 97% of our fans are males, and you think we’d somehow get that 3% of luck? Not to mention that it won’t be all of our fans so that percentage lowers. And not to mention they’re probably all broke, the highest bid will be a man, darling.”
“Ah, you said ‘will’! So, what do you say? We can get it over with and we’ll set some boundaries of what they can and can’t do, just to make sure we’re both more comfortable with the thought.” You gave her your best puppy-dog eyes in hopes she’d say yes, and while she did an amazing job at disagreeing with you, she was horrible at denying you.
“Fine. But, most of that money is going towards that new car I wanted, deal?” You nodded your head quickly, scaring her with your willingness to do such a thing. Creating the account was her idea at first, but you mostly ran the show now with your eagerness. It worried her sometimes, but it was so cute getting to fuck you in front of a camera with hundreds of thousands watching, knowing they’ll never get to touch. But now someone will, and she didn’t like that. But just like she had said at the beginning, it was all for the money. Oh, how she was starting to regret that statement.
“You ready, babe?” You were both standing outside of the restaurant, preparing yourself for a long night. You wore a red dress with a small slit at the end, your shoulders being on display with the loose spaghetti straps adorning them. Wanda wore black dress pants with a dark blue button-up, the top being unbuttoned just enough to barely get a glimpse of her bra.
“Of course, I am, darling.” She smiled, hoping it would convince you enough. It did, and you gracefully opened the glass doors, letting Wanda walk in a moment before you and then following.
“This guy better at least be cute if he’s fucking you. Wait- no, if he’s cute, I’ll kill him.” You chuckled at her possessiveness, rubbing her arm gently while you stood in line to ease her nerves.
“You know the only dick I want is yours, baby.” She grinned to herself, trying to hide her emotions as a worker came up to her, guiding her to where she would be sat.
You both sat there patiently as you waited for your third party to arrive, looking through the wine menu. The best part was that you didn’t need to look at the costs once, already having the whole thing covered by your generous tippers.
“Is this guy really standing us up?”
“Hey, if so, it sucks to be him.” The two of you were interrupted by a woman, who you at first thought must’ve been your waitress.
“Y/N and Wanda?”
“Uh, yes?” You both looked more than confused on how she knew your name, until it clicked in your brain on why you were even here in the first place.
“Perfect. I was your winner.” She sat down across from the two of you, who both had mouths parted slightly. She chuckled at your reaction before grabbing the menu, speaking in a calm yet unbelievably attractive tone. Wanda thought the same.
“I know, I bet you two were expecting a man.” You looked to Wanda to see her nodding, her eyes landing on the woman’s lipstick-covered lips.
“Well, I hope I didn’t disappoint.”
“No, not at all!” You spoke, a little too loud and causing an older lady from the other table to glance at you. You shyly looked down, rubbing the back of your neck and focusing your attention once again on the paper in front of you, even though you already knew what you were going to get.
“Awh, don’t get all shy on us now, baby,” Nat remarked, not seeming to care the way Wanda tensed up at her words. Her high heel grazed against your leg under the table, and the thoughts running through your mind were less than holy.
“So, Wanda, since this one is clearly a bit nervous right now, how did you two meet?” The conversation between them both went on for a few minutes until your waiter arrived, writing down everything you three asked of him, it was clear that he was new.
“Y/N? Why don’t you speak when you’re spoken to, alright?” Wanda said to you, muttering the words in your ear just loud enough for Nat to hear. She smirked, noticing the way goosebumps adorned your arms the more she spoke. You must not have heard what the two had said to you before, your thoughts being even louder than them.
“I’m sorry about them, they get a little shy sometimes.” You rested your hands in your lap, playing with your fingertips as the two spoke of you as if you weren’t even there.
“Oh, don’t worry, I think they’re just the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen.” She stared you down, biting her lip as she pictured how shy you’d be when she was in between your legs.
“You see, Y/N, I and your girlfriend aren’t so different after all.” That got both of your attention, watching with curiosity as she leaned back, and took a sip of her wine before speaking.
“In your…videos, you seem to just be a little cock-whore for Wanda. You’d do anything to get your mouth on her, you’re like an addict.” She started, humming to herself at the memories of the videos she had pleasured herself to many times, just wishing it was her fucking you instead. You were grateful for the loud tables near you, that way no one could hear the filth pouring out of her mouth.
“I wonder how addicted I can get you to mine in just one night.” Your eyebrows rose just enough for her to notice, a small laugh pooling from her mouth at you and Wanda’s shared reaction. She grabbed her purse from the table, standing up and giving you both her hand for you to follow. Wanda placed a hundred-dollar bill on the table and the three of you walked out. You guided her to the car that Wanda had been driving, letting her push you against the side as her lips connected with yours. Wanda watched, licking her lips and groaning when seeing her tongue slip into your mouth. You moaned, gripping the older woman’s arms as she held them by your head, refusing to let you go.
“Oh, Wanda, don’t be such a perv. If you’re going to watch at least help me a bit over here.” She kissed down your neck and to your exposed chest, smiling as it rose and fell rapidly. Wanda did as told, her hands running across your body like she’d never seen it before, but you all knew that couldn’t be further from the truth.
“That’s it? I’ve seen your videos, I know what you can do.” She looked around and Nat picked up on her worries.
“Really? You’re scared of people seeing you? Maybe you shouldn’t be posting your partner getting fucked by your cock every day then.” She gulped nervously, letting her fears slip away as she focused on you and your pleasure.
“Fuck, baby, I’ve been wanting to touch you since the day I saw you. Once I saw that offer, I knew I had to win. Then, I flew my private jet all the way over here, just so I could fuck you.” She pulled the small straps to your dress down your body, slowly letting the dress fall down your body as you were left bare in the warm night air. She dropped to her knees, grasping your thighs in her hands and pulling your hips forward.
“Ride my face, sweetheart.” You looked at Wanda for approval, only to see her palming herself through her pants. You looked back down at Nat, her hazy eyes staring into your own as you started a small, slow movement.
“I know you can do better than that, Y/N.” She mumbled against you, sticking her tongue out and letting you set your pace. You let out a deep breath, examining the parking lot that was completely empty besides for a few cars and the three of you. Your hips moved on their own as moans left you, your hands traveling to your breasts to tease them.
“Oh- yes! Fuck me, Natty, ruin me!” Wanda could feel a small pang of jealousy in her heart, but she couldn’t deny the act was so pleasurable.
“You like this, Wands?” You asked the woman, cupping her crotch and feeling the hardness through her slacks. “You like watching me getting fucked by someone else?” Your breath was ragged, and Wanda couldn’t stop herself from thrusting into your palm. She watched your hips rut against Nat’s face and whimpered, kissing you with full force to regain some sort of dominance. Nat moaned against you, and the vibrations are what tipped you over the edge. You shook in her hold, your hand clutching Wanda’s shoulder as you tried to get a hold of something.
“That’s it, such a good girl for me, love,” Natasha muttered against your skin, slowly standing up with your juices coating her tongue. She watched you depart from Wanda, a line of spit following after. Her fingers went to your chin, bringing you forward as you could taste yourself on her. Once she let you go, she did the same to your girlfriend, making out with her sloppily as she moaned at your taste.
“You’re such a slut, Wands, letting me fuck your girlfriend like that, don’t you have any dignity?” She stared into her eyes as she grasped your waist, pulling you close to her as you felt her bulge press against you.
“How pathetic do you have to be to get off to a stranger fucking your sweet little thing.” Wanda looked down in shame, but her hard-on proved otherwise. Nat laughed when noticing it, resting her hand on the bulge gently. For a moment, Wanda thought she would go easy on her, until Nat pulled her hands back to slap her covered cock. She mewled, thrusting into the pleasurable pain that Nat gave her.
“Look at this. Look at your pathetic girlfriend, Y/N, can’t believe you settled down for something like that.” You wanted to speak, you really did, but it was nearly impossible to do so. Nat unbuckled her pants, gripping your hand in her own and guiding it to the waistline of her boxers. You shuddered as you felt her, she had to have at least a few inches on Wanda. In a moment of confidence, you grasped her cock in your hands softly, letting it free from its confinements. You stroked her length, watching as her mouth twitched open and her eyes shut. You turned to Wanda, doing the same and relishing in the way they both chased after your hand. You ran your thumb over their tip ever so slightly whenever you got the chance, watching as they mumbled incoherently and panted against you.
“Mm, look who’s putty in my hands now.” You stated, licking your lips as pre-cum drooled out of both of their lengths. You wanted to taste them, but you wanted them inside of you at the same time.
“You act so tough, Natty, but in reality, you’re just a slut desperate for anyone’s touch.” You fired back, teasing her for all the degrading words she used earlier on. She whimpered, cupping your dripping wet cunt, teasing her fingers through your folds and teasing your clit.
“You get yourself off every day to two people fucking, just wishing someone would touch you the way I do. So instead, you waste thousands of dollars just to get your hands on someone, talk about pathetic.” Your lips quirked up, thinking you had her completely under your control. Oh, how wrong that was. She gripped your wrist harshly, slamming your front against the side of the car, your body being on display for the both of them. Natasha pressed her head against yours, her mouth next to your ear as she whispered,
“I guess being a nasty slut really is all you can fucking do.” Wanda stood next to her, her tip teasing your entrance before she slipped in with ease. You sighed contently when the head of her cock entered you, only to throw your head back when the rest of her joined. She shivered at your warmth, creating a slow pace of dragging herself in and out of you.
“You’re still mine, baby. You’re still my fucking bitch.” Wanda whispered against you, her head in the nape of your neck as Nat watched with her cock in her hand.
“Oh, God-”
“Yeah, I’m your God, baby.” Her teeth ran across your neck before pressing down, a whimper escaping your lips as you felt her tongue soothing the pain.
“Good girl, Wands, you’re fucking our girl so well.” She clenched her teeth at the word ‘our’, her jealousy overruling the coil in her stomach that had been building up.
“You gonna cum, Wanda? Hm? You gonna get our slut pregnant?” She nodded, unable to speak as she chased her high. You had already been on birth control ever since high school, so you didn’t need to worry about pregnancy, but it had always been a deep desire of Wanda’s. The fascination grew on you, and soon enough, you were begging her to cum inside of you every night.
“Oh- fuck! I-I’m-” She was cut off by her orgasm, her juices painting your walls white as your bit your lip to stop yourself from screaming.
You didn’t get to experience your high as, once Wanda had released, she was already starting to pull out.
“Ah, ah, bad girls don’t get to cum, Y/N.” You were suddenly turned around, your body weak as your breath was too. You noticed a small gathering near the end of the street, they wouldn’t be able to see you from here but if they got any closer you would’ve been caught. The two of them seemed to notice this too and opened the door to the back seat for you.
“Now, put on your dress and get in the car. Me and Wanda want to fuck you properly this time.”
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Finally finished the first part of gai’s 8 gates coma and how kakashi dealt with it rewrite people have been requesting. [tw blood, injury, coma, death discussions, grief]
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Kurenai: Kakashi Kks: Ah. Kurenai and...baby, what’s up? Kurenai: You mind if I come in a moment? Kks: Uhhhhh I-
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Kks: So what did you need to speak about? Did something happen? K: No, Nothing’s happened. You haven’t gotten to properly see and bond with her yet. Here Kks: You know I’m not fond of kids. K: That’s why I didn’t ask. Hold your arms out. Ok, now, don’t look absolutely petrified.
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Kks: She’s ok, I guess [YELP] Oi! Don’t pinch me while I’m holding your baby! K: You wouldn’t drop her. Asuma would haunt you forever! Kks: Terrifying thought, Mirai.... How are you feeling? K: Exhausted. Do you really want to hear how horrifying having a baby is? Kks: No, please don’t tell me.
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K: I came over to check on you as well. Any news? Kks: No. He’s still the same. K: Is that why it looks like this in here? Kks: ...Yeah. Doctor said he may never wake up. Since we’re eachother’s medical contacts, Tsunade told me I had to prepare to make hard decisions should it come to that.
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Kks: With the council breathing down my neck over a job I don’t want, I had... A bit of an outburst. K: I don’t even blame you. That’s... That they expect you to carry on like normal. Still grieving. The person you love most is gone. But you’re still here. Don’t let them just dust you off and move on again. I’ll always have your back. Kks: You and Asuma always did. Even when I wasn’t grateful for it.
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Kks: I can’t tell if they just don’t care or didn’t realize, Gai’s the one who held me together all these years. Only reason I’m still here at all is because of him. I don’t think tenzou, the elders, or the village are prepared for what’ll become of me if I lose him. So, I don’t care anymore. Let them be mad. I won’t give up on him. K: You should talk to him. Kks: huh K: Talk about anything! I’m sure the sound of your voice will help him find his way back. Especially if you sound sad, Kks: uuh
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K: I can hear it now, “My eternal rival is sad? Not on my watch!“ Kks: Pretty accurate impression. K: There’s been lots of source material! Kks: Maaa, Your mom’s a huge dork K: Oi! [kakashi chuckles]
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K: He’ll be so upset he missed her birth Kks: Oh, devastated. I can’t wait to see the look on Gai’s face, Mirai, when I tell him /I/ held you first! When he wakes up
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Kks: Hey, Gai. Kurenai said i should talk to you.
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Kks: Feels weird. Most of the people I’m used to talking to like this are all... Dead.
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It’s so eerie how silent you’ve been for so long. you’re not even this quiet when you sleep. Your kids come everyday to see you. Naruto and sakura when they can. Lots of others. I’ve been telling them embarrassing  stories from when we were kids since you keep making them wait. Do you remember when I came over while you and Dai were making supper
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Dai: Kakashi! Good to see you, my boy! Kks: Id Gai home? Dai: He’s helping with supper! Go on, inside, you’re always welcome! Kks: Ok Dai: Atta boy Kks: Hey, G- !? ummm? Gai: OH!! Rival!! Kks:  Is that a lid?! Gai: Correct!! It stops me from crying while cutting onions! A win for me!!
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Kks: Against.... the onions? Gai: Yep! KKs:[snicker] Gai: Laugh all you want! Not everyone can comprehend innovation. Kks: Whatever. You forgot this at the training grounds. I know it’s yours there’s a turtle on it. Gai: See! You’re already tearing up! Kks: Am not Gai: Also, thankyou so much! Kks: Bye, I’m leaving. Gai: Could it be? You’re scared I can cut much faster than you! Kks: I am not scared. Gai: Good, I think we have another lid! Kks: YOU-!
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Dai: Great to see growing boys with such a hunger! I’ll never have to prep onions again! Kks: I think about that everytime I chop onions now. You’ve altered my brain with all the ridiculous things you’ve done. Can’t even look at the toys you’ve gotten the dogs without getting emotional
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Kks: Just knowing you’re here still, I can barely function. It’s pretty pathetic... Your hair’s getting long. Turning into your dad.
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[gai’s heartbeat] Kks: Gai
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[gais heartbeat continues]
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[gai’s heartbeat continues] Kks: If anything should happen to me, you’ll rush over, right? Gai: Damn right, I will. Dont you worry about that.
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[Gai’s heartbeat]
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Kks: I miss you
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vrisrezis · 1 year
need a part 2 for the atsv love triangle where the reader is actually in love with them and after they get together they tell them about their alter ego 😩
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Your wish is my command y’all!
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Gwen is was carrying you, bridal style, swinging away with you in her arms. Not that you knew it was gwen anyway. Spiderwoman, upon meeting you, often decided to take you home as a means of protection, because for some reason you decided walking home in the middle of the night was a swell idea. She offered to swing you home as a result. If you didn’t know any better though, you’d say it was because she loved flirting with you so much. She never denied it when you brought it up. Honestly, she’s just not used to such a flustered look on your face, she can’t help herself. Though she does secretly envy how the real her can’t manage you make you all shy and embarrassed like that.
Today though, you seemed rather… off. Something was bothering you, and she could tell. Nothing seemed off at school, so she figured something had to have happened. “What’s got you so upset?” she questions before dropping down on top the roof of a building. “Somebody I gotta knock some sense into?” she asks, putting you down to stand next to her, looking at the scenery before you, it was nice out today. You smile, but even that feels forced. She can’t help but frown under the mask and the worry she carries is radiating off of her. You shake your head, “it’s nothing to worry about” you say before shrugging, “just normal highschool stuff.”
“What does that mean?” she inquired, and you sigh, albeit rather dramatically.” “It’s so stupid.” You admit, but before you can assure you it probably isn’t, you continue “there’s just this girl I really like. More than like. I think I love her.”
As soon as those words come out of your mouth, she feels her heart drop. Girl? Was it her? Spiderwoman? Or some other girl at school? You didn’t talk to many people aside from her, who could it possibly be?
“O-oh..” she says, looking down for a moment. She hopes you don’t hear the crack in her voice. She can’t help her curiosity, she needs to know. “Well.. who is it?” she says, trying to recover as quickly as possible. She nudges you with her elbow, “need to know if they’re good enough for you or just some tool.”
You laugh, and give her a smile. “Her names… gwen..”
“G-gwen?!” she shrieks out, her body stiffening. You don’t seem to notice.
“Yeah.. gwen… gwen stacy…”
She doesn’t say anything for a moment, but she eventually grabs onto your shoulder.
“Yeah?” you ask, confused for a moment, before you see her pull at her mask. Your eyes widen, and you suddenly feel a wash of shame upon seeing who’s under the mask.
However, she gives you a smile.
“I… love you too… by the way..”
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Miles had a very simple plan, no big deal at all. All he had to do was confess he was in love with you and then eventually down the line if it works out in his favor, confess to being spiderman. No big deal…..
Or should he do it in the opposite order?
And should he still confess to being spiderman if you two end up staying friends when you reject him?
He has a lot of questions racking his brain, and to be fair he doesn’t think it’s completely unreasonable. Maybe he should’ve told you from the start. Would you even be accepting? Supportive? He’s been lying to you for a whole ass year now, you were kind, but were you that kind? He feels like there’s just no way, right? Then again, you never failed to surprise him.
He doesn’t have time to think about these questions any longer though, as he hears chaos going on outside. Not the normal kind of chaos, this was his cue.
His confession would have to wait a little longer.
He’s quick to his feet. Not that spiderman didn’t give it his all when it came to saving civilians, but he saw you in the fray. He bounces from building to building, webbing civilians to safety along the way, he sees you fall and he’s never jumped so fast in his life.
He reaches his hand out to yours, and finally you’re able to grab on and he’s able to pull you into his arms, picking you up bridal style all while in the air.
“We’ve really gotta stop meeting like this..” miles mutters to you, and you chuckle lightly. “Yeah well..” she look off to the side, before looking back at him. “You could always take me on a date, miles.”
as soon as he lands, you manage to escape his grip. Maybe it was because he was so caught off guard, since normally escaping his grasp was near impossible.
“We’ll talk later!”
You were going to be the death of him.
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Hobie had enough.
If you weren’t going to figure this out on your own, he was gonna have to tell you.
I mean seriously, he loves you but you are so clueless sometimes and he genuinely wonders if you admire spiderpunk so much that you don’t want to consider he could be your best friend. He wonders if he’s being selfish and if this ruins the imagination for you but at this point he’s too pent up to even care, something he isn’t used to being. He’s typically so honest about the way he feels, never holding anything back. This should be no different.
He leaves his bag zipper carelessly open, in hopes you find it. And you do. He’s busy cleaning up his guitar, but he sees you look at him, then look back at the spider suit in the corner of his eye.
But you say nothing.
You go on about your day like you didn’t just see that.
Is he the one being played?
He eventually decides he needs to simply confront you. There’s no way around it. So he does.
It’s one of those many nights where you two are hanging out, as friends do. You’re both lying on his bed, side to side, he’s writing a song, you’re reading a comic book. He turns over on his right side to look at you, and you do the same on your left side. “Hey.” he whispers, “hey yourself.” you whisper back with a smile. He rolls his eyes.
Just be cool, man. He tells himself.
“You know..” he starts slowly, a bit unsure of the next words that will come out of his mouth, “you know I’m spiderman, right?”
He doesn’t have time to dwell on just how casual that was, to drop some information like that so simply. Then again, he did that constantly. This felt so different though.
“Yeah..” you let out a sigh, and hobie realizes that you really were playing with him the whole time. But before he can rely, you say “you know I’m in love with you, any version of you, right?”
He feels his heart stop for a moment, but he gives no indication that he’s flustered by your words.
“About damn time you said somethin, darlin”
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Pavitr thinks about it, over and over and over and over and ov-
He just doesn’t know how to tell you he’s spiderman. He’s been so buys living the life as spiderman, it felt so simple, so easy. Go to school, beat up some bad guys, take some breaks to see you and his auntie, go back to fighting, come home. It was the same everytime and he didn’t seem bored of it, yet.
He hadn’t really gotten to see the consequences of being spiderman.
And then he did, when he nearly lost you. He was only able to save you because miles, gwen, and hobie were there to help him.
And from then on he knew he couldn’t lie to you anymore.
Things have been.. weird lately, to say the least. Some weird ass dark black abyss in the middle of mumbattan left many civilians curious, including yourself.
Though Pavitr felt like he could explain those bits later, he knew he just needed to tell you what was on his mind.
Because he and you both knew, he had something to say.
Spending time in your room wasn’t a rare occurrence but Pavitr found himself doing it a lot more lately, which in your opinion was good given how busy he’s been lately. You figured he must’ve been freaked out by mumbattan nearly falling apart at the seams, and you tried to be there for him. He made it clear he was there for you, too.
“Y/n I have to tell you something.” he says, turning to look at you.
You look back at him, knowing this would be a serious conversation. He never called you by your actual name, usual nicknames. You nod and place your hand on top of his, and you give him one of your warm smiles. He feels heat rush to his cheeks, but for once he doesn’t let his nerves stop him. He moves his hand to intertwine your fingers together, “I’m…” there’s a pause, and you figure you have to assure him you know.
“You’re spiderman?” you ask, and there’s a moment he looks at you, shocked. His mouth is agape, and you can’t help but smirk. “You know?!” you scoff, “yeah of course I know pav I’m not an idiot!” you say with a laugh, and a lot of his tension dissipates before he remembers what he wants to tell you.
“Well.. while that is true, that isn’t what I was gonna tell you.”
Now it’s your turn to be surprised, you raise a brow. “Yeah?”
He takes a moment, before blurting it out.
“I’minlovewithyou!” the words all come out jumbled at once and he almost considered repeating himself before you give him a kiss on the cheek. “In love with you too, pav. But I also knew that already.” you say cheekily, “what?! How?!” “You’re not exactly subtle” you shrug.
“Can I have any victory today? Can we start over and you just pretend you didn’t know?”
you smile and shake your head, and he groans.
But honestly, the only reason he’s being so silly right now is so he doesn’t absolutely melt into your hands like putty over the fact you kissed him on the cheek.
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rainybubbles · 1 year
How do you meet COD men after your break-up with them ?
Price, Ghost, König, Soap, Alejandro, Gaz, Alex
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written or if they're OOC. )
P R I C E :
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-In a waiting room at the hospital with him baring his ass and you in your white coat, that's how you meet after your break-up.
-"I can't believe we're both at the hospital," John sighs in pain.
-"Yeah, I thought this was the trendy coffee shop. Turns out, my navigation skills are terrible," you joke.
-He lets out a small laugh.
-"So how did you end up with your ass burnt, John ? Did you try some sexy wax ?"you ask while you begin to examine him.
-"Do you really need to ask why something is burn ?"
-"Soap ?" you guess.
-Price nods.
-"Shit, I think you have some third degree burns on the right side."
-"Soap wanted to make a firework on the base, to light up the mood of everyone on the base. He tried to test the fireworks before, and I was there at the wrong moment."Price explains while you help him walk towards the surgery room.
-"It must have hurt like hell. Lay down here on your stomach, I'll call my colleague. His specialty is the burns, so you'll be in good hands. Normally your ass will only have scars on the right side."
-"Guess I have the other half to seduce people then." he jokes.
-You smile.
-"You know you have a great ass, John. Don't worry about that."
-"I know, love."
-You both stare at each other when he said the nickname. It has been eight months since you broke up. It was on mutual agreement, because you had a promotion on your job that didn't let you time for a relationship.
-You gulp and nod.
-You leave the room and ask the help of your colleague and continued your job.
-You tried to ignore the tension you had with John when you were talking. You tried to ignore the image of him smiling.
-Hours later when you have finished your duty, you were walking out of the hospital when you noticed John.
-"Someone of the team picks you up ?" you ask.
-"Yes, but they're late."
-You hesitate to wait with him, after all you had nothing to do. But your mind reminds you it would be a bad idea.
-"How's your job ?" Price asks.
-"I...Fine. In fact I was transferred to another service two months ago. So it's calmer and I don't have many 24h shifts now. And you ?"
-"Still busy."
-You nod.
-"I quit smoking." Price says suddenly.
-You raised your eyebrows. Cigars were like Price's identity. Like Spiderman has his mask, Price has his cigars and hats.
-"Why ?" you ask.
-"I know you hate the smell."
-"I think we made a mistake back then, I wanted to text you but..." Jon starts.
-"But you get your ass burnt and me seeing your naked ass before you could do it."
-He laughed.
-"So you think we should give us another chance ?"
-"I'm sure. I mean we always managed to find time for us with my busy schedule, so why would it be a bother if you have one too ? Plus you said you were transferred so I guess your schedule is back to normal ?"
-"Yes,"you say.
-"Do you want this, sweetheart ?" Price asks looking at you in the eyes
-"You ?"
-"I missed you," you admit.
-"Me too."
-"And shit, I didn't know what to do when I saw you again, but I'm sure I don't want to give up when eight months later you still make me flustered by just a look."
-John smiles.
-"Then we have another chance."
-You nodded.
-"Yes we have."
-I guess Soap burnt some ass, but also help to light the fire of love.
G H O S T :
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-The rain was falling.
-Soldiers were wearing their uniforms, and the silence was omnipresent.
-Nobody dared to move, to speak. Only the sobbings of a widow were heard.
-It was Thomas' funeral.
-Thomas was one of Ghost's men, but also someone you knew as a friend.
-So when you arrived at the funeral, you saw Simon.
-It has been two years since you saw him. After your break-up it was as if you had imagined Ghost.
-There were no traces of him, not even in your shared flat, or in your phone.
-You didn't know what to do now he was here in front of you, so you stayed back.
-You ignored the pain of loss and bitter you were feeling about him and the situation.
-But then he was next to you. Like a shadow who didn't dare to approach you, too scared to burn himself with your lighting presence.
-"Simon," you decided to whisper.
-"Y/n," he answered.
-It was awkward. You didn't know what to do. You were with him during four years, but it was like you were strangers again.
-"I...Had Thomas said something before he died ?" you asked.
-You knew Ghost was the one who found Thomas' corpse on the mission.
-"He talked about his wife. And ask to protect the kid."
-"...I see,"you whispered.
-He didn't add anything else, so you sighed.
-"And you ?"
-"me ?" Ghost asked.
-"Simon, he was one of your men. You have known Thomas for three years, even though you didn't have a bond with him like Soap, I know you're feeling guilty now."
-"I'm guilty."
-You wanted to slap him.
-"Guilty of what, Simon ? You can't save everyone. You can't just sacrifice yourself to save the ones you love. It doesn't work like this."
-"It worked for you."
-"Are you really bringing this up ?"you whispered angrily.
-"You're happier now."
-"No I'm not. I just have tried to live again without you. Shit, you left without any warnings, without...without telling me. I had to guess you were breaking up with me."
-He stayed silent.
-"Simon, say something."
-"Why did you keep pursuing me ?"
-"Why did you let me to ?"you asked.
-"...I couldn't lose you."
-"But you did."
-"I know. But I had told you not to choose me."
-"But I did."
-He stayed silent.
-"And I will always choose you." you added.
-Simon raised his eyebrows.
-"...I screwed up." Simon whispered.
-"You did."
-"It's too late, now," Simon said.
-"It's never too late to make up for it, Simon."
-"It's been two years," Simon added.
-"But I'm here."
-"You deserve better," Simon said.
-"My tastes are shitty, what can I say ?"
-He smiled under his mask.
-"I don't ask a new romantic relationship with you, Simon. I just want to be in your life. I don't care if it's platonic, romantic or something else. Just, let me be here for you."
-"Even though we end up strangers again ?"
-"You're stubborn."
-"I learned that from my ex," you joked.
-He smiled.
-"Okay," he whispered
-"Okay," you answered.
The next day he texted you.
K Ö N I G :
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(/!/TW, Implied panic attack, it's not said clearly but it's clearly implied.)
-You were visiting your grandma when you saw König in the building.
-It was awkward, you both pretended to not have recognized each other but now you were both in the lift.
-Well stuck in the lift.
-Because a lift is not supposed to tremble and let out a ringing.
-"I...I think we can stop pretending we don't know each other since we're stuck for at least two hours now," you said while you sat on the floor.
-"I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry," König whispered quickly.
-"Me too, and when you didn't say anything, I thought it was better to stay silent too."
-He nodded.
-"So...you're here for your grandma ?" he asked.
-"Does she still have chemo or ?"
-"No she's in remission. You remembered that ?" you asked surprised
-"Yes, you talked a lot about it."
-You stayed quiet. One of the reasons for the break-up was your feeling of being alone in this relationship. König was always gone and at home it seems like he didn't listen to you, or avoided you a lot.
-You only talked once about your grandma and it was two years ago.
-"I see" you said
-The silence was awkward. But then you heard König's breath rushed.
-You noticed how his eyes were widen and how hard he gripped his own clothes.
-You know what was coming, so you held his hands like you were used to.
-"König, focus on me."
-"I'm sorry."
-"Don't apologize, focus on me and my voice. Everything is okay."
-"We're stuck in an lift. It's not okay. Scheisse."
-"yes it is, I mean it's kinda cozy ?" you tried to joke.
-He snorts.
-"Okay it smells like piss and it's small, but we're alive and breathing." you said.
-"I'm sorry," König said.
-"Don't apologize for being anxious, König. Just focus and breathe slowly."
-You inhale with him slowly.
-He calmed down a bit.
-"I'm sorry," he continued.
-"You don't have to apologize, I told you. It's not your fault the lift is-"
-"Not about this, about us." König said anxiously.
-"Us ?"
-"Yes, I...I was so worried you would leave me if I made a mistake that I ended up to avoid you and, and I couldn't stop and..."
-"And I broke up with you."
-"Yes if had communicated better with you, none of us would be hurt. I'm so sorry." König said, crying.
-"Shh, don't cry. Just focus on my voice and breathe," yousay "Can I ask you a question ?" you asked.
-He nodded.
-" Why are you saying this, now ? It's been three months since we broke up."
-"Because it felt like my last chance. I...I don't believe in fate but being stuck in an lift with you feels like a big coincidence."
-You nodded.
-"yes. I'm sorry too, König. I should have talked before making suppositions. I know you have anxiety, and I didn't consider it."
-"you couldn't have guessed."
-"yes, but I could have waited for you to explain."
-König nodded.
-"Do you feel better ?" you asked.
-"yes, but don't let go my hand, please."
-You nod. You know physical touch helped him a lot.
-"I still have one of your mask at home." you said.
-"I'm sorry I could take it back and-"
-"And my dog refused to let it go. I hide it, but it seems like my dog always finds your mask and sleeps with it like it's a plush."
-König's heart melted. Your dog was a puppy when you started dating him, he helped you with it for two years so of course your dog still feels attached to him.
-"it's cute."
-"I wanted to send you a picture of it, but it didn't feel right. Because I used to do that when we were together. So I didn't know if it was appropriate."
-"It is appropriate." König said, quickly, "I mean, send them please, I miss your dog."
-"okay, I will," you smiled.
-One hour later the lift was fixed, when you came back home you send him a photo of your dog
-One year later, König was on the photo too. Guess your dog and a lift were just what you needed to have another chance.
S O A P :
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-Half-naked in a chair.
-That's how you met Soap after your break-up.
-Both of you stared at each other, surprised.
-"I-" you tried to start.
-"I-" he also said.
-"Maybe you can...put your shirt back on ?" you tried.
-"Oh shit, aye. 'm sorry yer colleague says to get ready and..."
-"It's not a striptease club, Soap. She was only talking about your references," you chuckled.
-He smiled.
-You sat on the chair in front of him.
-"Do you still want to do it, even though you know it's me ? I can call a colleague if you prefer."
-"I always have trusted yer art skills. I want ye," He said without hesitation.
-It was true. Back then Soap always supported you when you confessed you wanted to become a tattoo artist.
-"I guess you didn't know who I was. Or perhaps you enjoy being shirtless at your ex's workplace ?" you joked.
-He smiled.
-"Naw, I didnae ken. Plus there's nae picture o' your face on yer Insta. I liked yer work, so I just booked an appointment, I didn't know yer artist name was that," Soap says.
-"yeah" you said. "so, you're here for a cover. I bet you and Gaz made a bet, you were drunk and a creepy tattoo artist accepted to tattoo you ?"
-"Youknow me, well." Soap smiled.
-"How ugly it is ?"
-"I have a portrait of Price on my chest, but it looks like Michael Jackson and under there is written"no pen, no gain.""
-You tried to not laugh.
-"Price ?"
-"It was to show my respect."
-"You can respect someone without having their face tattooed." You laugh.
-"I know, I was drunk and...I regret it. Dae ye think you can do something ?"
-"Well now, I need to look at it."
-"Ye said it was not a striptease club."
-"Guess I was wrong."
-He laughed and put off his shirt.
-You looked at the horrible piece on his right pectorals.
-"Shit, his teeth are stuck to his noses and one eye is like twice the size of the other,"you noticed.
-"I know."
-"But you're lucky."
-"Why ?"
-"Your terrible tattoo artist use light inks, it's easier to cover than a black and white piece. The more the piece is darker, the more it's difficult to cover it."
-"Okay, so ye can do it ?"
-"I can erase Price and no pen, no gain. Yes. Do you have any ideas about your cover ?"
-"You." Soap said.
-You blinked.
-"smooth, Mac Tavish, really smooth."
-"So it's a yes ?"
-"It's a no for me being the tattoo."
-"But ?" Soap smirked.
-"But yes for a coffee."
-He smiled.
-"but before let's erase Price from your body, I don't want to wake up at your side and see him staring at me."
-Soap laughs.
A L E J A N D R O :
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(TW /!/, there's some reference about something put in some food)
-You met him in the street at 1 A.M.
-Alejandro had drinks with Los Vaqueros at a bar to celebrate a successful mission. He was going back to his car when he noticed someone who limped.
-He approached this person, maybe they were hurt and...
-You looked up.
-"I can explain," you said.
-"Explain why you're limping in a Patrick from Sponge bob in heels ?"
-"...yes ?"
-"Why does it sound like a question ?"
-"Because I don't know, I- It was a friend's birthday and they love Sponge Bob and I saw that on Tik tok. It was fun but..."
-"You sprained your ankle with your heels."
-"yes, but I came on foot."
-Alejandro looked at you.
-"I can drive you."
-"Alejandro, you don't need to. I mean it's already enough awkward and-"
-"I don't want you to hurt yourself, plus it's dangerous for everyone to walk on streets at 1 AM, hurt."
-You knew how Alejandro was serious and stubborn.
-"okay." you said, but Alejandro started to kneel down.
-"Wow, what are you doing ?"
-"Taking off your heels, your ankle is swollen it musts hurt like this."
-You let him do it.
-"I feel like Cinderella," you said.
-"Except you're in Patrick's costume and near to some piss in a street."
-You laughed.
-"I guess you were celebrating." you said pointing at the bar behind you.
-"yes, we finished the mission." he said and quickly looked away.
-This mission.
-The one which made you leave him.
-Alejandro was too absent.
-You tried to accept this, he warned you before you dated but after four years, you couldn't bear it anymore.
-"I see."
-He put your shoes in his backpack and looked at you.
-"I will carry you."
-"You don't need it, Alejandro I can walk." you said while you tried but you only hissed at pain.
-"No, you can't."
-"You can't give me a piggyback ride. You have a backpack and..."
-"Bridal style, it's only the time we reach my car."
-You looked at him hesitant and nodded. Then he carried you. This man didn't have muscles for nothing and you knew it but you were still self-conscious.
-Once you reached his car, he drove to your flat. But when you were supposed to enter to your building, you stayed in the car.
-"Thanks for tonight, I know for you it's normal, but not a lot of people would have helped their ex like this."
-"Not a lot of people have amazing exes."
-"You're a smooth talker."
-"I am." He smirked.
-"How's Rudy ?" you asked out of nowhere.
-Alejandro was surprised.
-"Fine, but why do you ask ?"
-"I don't want to go back to my flat."
-"I...I don't know if it's because I'm tired, but shit, I want to cry. Because you met me again like this. But also because I thought I could....I could forget you, but I can't because I know we broke up because of an impulsion. I was upset, yes. Yes you ignored me when I was telling you about your absence. But I never tried to think with you of solutions, I only shouted and I felt bad about it," you said tears in your eyes.
-And Alejandro noticed how your body language was unusual.
-"Did you drink, Y/N ?"
-"No, but I think there was something in the food at the birthday's party," you said.
-"okay, then I'm staying with you to be sure you're okay."
-"thanks. And sorry I shouldn't have vent like this."
-"you're not yourself, it's okay, mi cielo." He said while he carried you at your flat's door then opened it.
-"I missed this," you whispered.
-"Miss what ?"
-"you speaking Spanish. Did you know I subscribe to Duolingo after our first date ?" you said.
-"You never told me that."
-"I wanted to impress you."
-"But you have never spoken Spanish to me."
-"Because I never went more further than unit one on duolingo, I'm shitty at this."
-(sorry if you're fluent or good in Spanish ;)
-He laughed.
-"I could have taught you Spanish." Alejandro smiles while he helped you to remove the pink paint on your face.
-"I never think about it."
-"Because you always want to carry everything." Alejandro whispers.
-"I have to."
-"But if I don't, who will ? Nobody will carry me." you answered.
-"I will, I wanted to."
-You stayed quiet.
-"I let the trainings of cadets to Rudy one month ago, I also started some cooperation with another squad so I would have more time."
-"But I broke up with you." you realized.
-"It's okay, you didn't know. I...I wanted to surprise you, but I forgot how much I let you carry for me, how much I relied on you without helping you back."
-Tears were rolling on your cheeks. Alejandro wiped them with his thumbs.
-"I'm sorry, corazon," Alejandro said.
-"Me too."
-"We both need to talk next morning, okay ?"
-"okay" you whispered.
-Then he helped you to go to bed. The next morning he was on your sofa.
-And you talked.
-Maybe some things were unfinished between you.
G A Z :
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-You met because Soap is a fanboy.
-Let me explain.
-You and Gaz were high school sweethearts. But after his enlistment you both decided it was better to break up, because with you beginning university and him being in the military you wouldn't have had time for each other.
-And you didn't meet again.
-But years later, Soap invited Gaz and Ghost to a concert.
-Soap had been talking for months about this band he loved.
-He even played the music during missions or on the base.
-He played it to wake everyone up, at one point where Price had banned this music of the base.
-So as a result Gaz and Ghost knew the lyrics and could accompany him to the concert.
-Gaz said 'why not ?' he liked the music.
-But when the concert started, he realized you were the bassist for this band.
-His heart beat faster; the nostalgia was here.
-He knew you played bass, hell he couldn't count how many time he let his head on your lap while you played with a smile.
-"You look like you have seen a ghost." Soap said.
-Ghost snorted. (he only came because he liked the music and because the band's logo was a skull.)
-Gaz gave them a look.
-"You're not funny, but yeah I..I know the bassist."
-Oh boy !
-Gaz should never have told that to Soap.
-Johnny had sparkles in his eyes and was jumping for joy. He begged Gaz to talk to the bodyguards, so they could go to the dressing room and get autographs.
-Gaz tried to explain, but he could barely open his mouth before he found himself standing in front of the guard.
-So when they were in front of the dressing room after the concert, Gaz was sweating. How would you react? It had been years since he saw you. Even though it was on good terms, you both had broken up, he didn't know if you want to meet him again.
-The door opened and...
-"Kyle ?" you asked with a smile.
-Gaz fainted.
-Ghost caught him, and you immediately helped them seat Gaz in a chair in the dressing room.
-"Is he okay ?" you asked Soap.
-"I don't know, it's the first time I've seen him like that. I mean we have seen worst than someone smiling ?" Soap said lost.
-"I'm sorry, it's the stress." Gaz said, "I'm happy to meet you again, Y/N."
-"Yeah, the bodyguard told me you wanted to talk. I was so happy. I mean it's been a while," you smiled.
-"yeah." Gaz answered.
-A silence fell.
-Ghost sighed.
-"Are you both going to let the sexual tension in the room continue or can we know how you both know each other ?" Ghost asked
-You cleared up your throat at the comment.
-"You were high school sweethearts. Our relationship lasted like 2 or 3 years ? But we broke up when Kyle enlisted."
-Soap had a big smirk on his face.
-"Really, high school sweetheart ?" Soap asked
-He was going to tease Gaz on the base about this.
-"Yeah, but it's been awhile. Well, we won't bother you anymore. You played great, and we were just here to congratulate you." Gaz said flustered, he hated to be exposed like this.
-"and to ask if you were free, I mean we love your music and want to know more now we know about your past with Gaz" Soap asked.
-You raised your eyebrows and laughed.
-"Sure, I'm free. I guess you have a lot of embarrassing stories about Gaz."
-"I like you already." Soap smiled.
-Gaz never survived the meeting between you and Soap.
-It was one of his top ten embarrassing moments, after calling Price 'dad' in a meeting with Sheperd.
-But at least he had your number now, years later who knows what could happen.
A L E X :
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-You met him at a wedding to arrest him.
-"When we were called for a fight at a wedding, I didn't expect you, Alex. What happened ?" you said while you helped him with his bleeding nose.
-"The bride thought her fiancé who's my friend, was cheating on her with me." Alex said while he furrowed his brows
-"And ?"
-"I wasn't. Leo had coffee on his suit, so I brought him a new one and when she walked on us, she saw him half-naked, and I red-faced because I had run from the shop to the wedding."
-You laughed.
-"She had quite a punch," you said while you looked at his broken nose.
-"Yes, she could compete with Price honestly." Alex sighed.
-You didn't say anything else while your colleagues calmed the bride.
-"I guess you're no longer invited to this wedding anymore," you joked.
-"I guess there won't be a wedding anymore either." he added while he laughed.
-"Do you want to see a doctor, or are you okay ?"
-"I'm okay, it's just nosebleed, nothing I haven't dealt with before."
-"Well I should go now that the situation is fixed."
-You began to leave, when he called out your name.
-"Yes ?" you answered.
-"It was...nice to see you again."
-"I'll text you once I'm home."
-You left.
-Alex hurried home as quickly as he could to his home as fast as he can.
-Maybe some things were unfinished, like this wedding.
If you want more COD : COD masterlist
And if you want more of my works in other fandoms : my masterlist
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imtryingbuck · 7 months
Oh, He Cheated
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~ gif not mine credit goes to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Reader walks in on her boyfriend cheating then confessions are made
Word count: 919
Warnings: angst? fluff? ima say both, idk. stds are mentioned, swearing, somebody gets punched, and I think that’s it – oh a protective bucky
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Walking into your apartment, you come to a halt. You hear noises of pleasure. Looking into your bedroom you see your boyfriend of 3 years having sex with your best friend. You should be devastated of the betrayal, but you simply can’t however you do have to stifle that booming laughter from clawing its way out. You just walk back out the door quietly shutting the door and head back to the tower. 
You work for Tony as an “assistant” more like you get paid a ridiculous amount of money just to make sure Tony eats and drinks and not sleep in his lab. Curtsy of Pepper. Both look at you as their daughter which is great as you don’t have a good relationship with your parents. You absolutely adore them and the team. They are your family. 
Speaking of family, they’re all sat in the common room talking about something you can’t quite hear. Sam’s the first one to see you, smiling wildly he then looks confused. “What you doing here sugar mama”.
“Yeah thought you headed home”. Comes the voice of your red headed friend Natasha.
“Oh yeah um I walked in on Joe fucking Stacey in my bed so thought I’d come back here, didn’t want to disturb their romp”. You say it like it’s nothing, and if you’re completely honest it’s true. It doesn’t bother you that your boyfriend is sleeping with your best friend.
It’s not the first time he cheated, it happened once and he told you afterwards apparently the guilt got to him. That was a lie, the other woman found out about you so she blackmailed him to tell you. Ever the fool you forgave him he promised not to do it again. You found out about him and Stacey two months ago when Stacey gave you her phone to look through a photo of you two and that’s when you found the videos of them going at it. Then that night whilst he was passed out next to you, you went through his phone to look at his messages between them, they’d been sleeping together for 3 months, he needed his needs to be met and ever the desperate mess she is she let herself be the other woman. You had been busy everyday with the team rebuilding the tower after the latest attack so naturally sex was the last thing on your mind. At first it hurt because she’s been your friend since you were little and you were very much in love with him but now you find it funny. Funny because she told you three months ago she had STDs. He obviously doesn’t know. And that’s why it’s hilarious.
You tell your family this, they’re angry. But you told them you didn’t care anymore the only reason why you was still with him was because of the lease of your apartment. You told them that every time you saw him you wanted to laugh. And that it didn’t matter anyway as you was in love with someone else.
Tony being Tony had already got in touch with your apartment manager to get you off the lease then an hour later you’re back at your apartment with your family behind you. Walking in you see Stacey still there, she smiles at you but you don’t give the gesture back. “Hey boo I just got here wanted to see if you wanted to g-“ her sentence is cut off by Natasha slamming her into the wall. Nats never been a fan. Joe stands frozen looking confused as everyone starts packing your stuff for you, he pathetically attempts to talk to you but gets cut off by Buckys metal fist to his mouth. The team don’t even bat an eye to it but you’re slightly taken back by the punch.
“You ever go near her again or even look at her I will kill you. Try and talk to her I will kill you. Do you understand?” Bucky growls “do you understand”. He shakes Joe by his shirt.
“Yes yes I understand!” He then looks at you “baby what’s this about” he spits the blood out of his mouth.
You look around checking your stuff is gone before you step over to him and Bucky. “If I was you I’d get yourself checked, she’s riddled with stds” Nudging you head in the direction of your now ex best friend. “Oh also the moans she was letting out an hour ago was fake. Your little pecker isn’t great. Ok bye bye” You laugh as you hook your arm with Bucks left one and all of you take your leave. 
Later that night you’re on the rooftop admiring the view when you hear someone clearing their throat behind you. 
“Hey I didn’t mean to startle you” 
“You didn’t Buck” 
“So I um who’s the person you’re in love with?” 
“You” Why did you just admit that god damn it now he’s goin-
He kisses you. The kind of kiss that’s full of love and passion the kind that takes the wind out of you. “I’m in love with you too”. His voice is raspy before you can speak he’s talking again “will you go on a date with me?” You can’t vocalise your reply so you nod enthusiastically.
Tony finds you both the next morning curled up asleep on the couch, covering the two of you with a blanket he had in his hand he can’t help the smile on his face. 
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~ banners credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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reilicaria · 1 year
so lovely, it feels so right
First time actually publishing something I write. NSFW, fem na’vi reader, needy and dumb reader, some daddy kink, some degradation and Jake being a soft dom. English is not my first language, so I’m happy to take notes. Enjoy and if you liked it, you can send me some requests!<3 
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“Oh baby, you're getting so... loose. ‘Can barely feel you around my cock” he says, voice dripping with amusement, masked as disappointment.
Of course, he's just making fun of you, but you can't help but to cry a little for the embarrassment of what he just said. A new shed of tears gathered in your waterline, ready to burst. He has manoeuvred you into a spoon fucking position after having fucked an orgasm out of you in all fours. His arm is keeping your leg folded over his hip, your pussy stretched in the open air.
“S-Sorry, I'm sorry- I'm so sorry” you cry out, fat tears streaming down your cheeks, the burn of his words settling in your lower stomach and chest. “I- It's just- I can't help it. Feels so g-good...”
You couldn't help but to relax into his pleasure, to cream all over his cock, ring of white arousal gathering at the base of his girth. After all, it was your body's natural reaction to open up to him.
He kisses your temple before chuckling. Nevertheless, he doesn't stop his thrusts, punching the air out of your lungs with each tight snap of hips against your ass.
“I know baby, I know” he caresses your cheek sweetly before taking a hold of your jaw, your head tilting to the side, forcing you to look into his pupil-dilated eyes. “Fucked your cunt loose over the years. Am I right? Keeping this cunt filled-”
“I-I'm sorry. My mouth- It's better. I'll suck you off, please-” voice trembling, your following sighs are wet and shaky. Jake can see the desperation in your glossy eyes.
He moans, deep and long, the tip of his cock bumping inside the swell inside your gummy walls. It makes your cunt flutter, you see how his eyes roll to the back of his head, yours subtly mimicking his but keeping them shut afterwards.
“Yeah? You ‘gonna let me fuck your mouth? ‘Gonna let daddy cum in your mouth? Leave your greedy cunt empty?” His hand releases your face, the feeling of his fingers against your jaw still pulsing in your hot skin.
“Y-Yes, daddy! Whatever you want, I'll do anything for you.” You babble, mind foggy and already dumb on pleasure, the feeling of your belly getting tighter.
He can't help but to feel his chest tighten. You're so sweet, he knows you'd do it. You'd do anything to keep him satisfied, even if it meant not getting what you so desperately need.
“Lucky for you, I know just how to- ah yes, baby, keep those pretty eyes on me.” he gets distracted from what he was about to do when you look up to him again. Brows furrowed, all flushed in places he’s been touching. He chews his bottom lip before leaning in to kiss your cheek. When he pulls back, Jake can see how your eyes are filled with new tears, ready to be spilled. “Oh, sweet thing, don’t cry. Daddy’s ‘gonna make you all tight again. How does that sound?”
You can only nod, your head heavy over your shoulders, eager to do whatever he wants to make him feel as good as you’re feeling right now. It makes him chuckle behind you before he’s pulling out slowly. The cold wind of the forest hitting his drenched cock, making him whimper softly. You’re so empty all of a sudden, it makes you want to climb him to keep him inside of you forever. 
“’Wanna kiss” you say before you can process it.
“Alright sweetheart, I’ll give you a kiss in a second.” his hands grab your hips to manhandle you, back flushed against the soft grass, him above you. He’s leaning to meet your gabby hands, intertwining them over his thick neck.
When your lips meet, he moans against them sweetly, your tongue is quick and eager to search his, whimpering coming from the depths of your throat when he finally lets his to come out and play with yours. 
“Inside, c’mon daddy, inside. ‘Want you inside again.” 
“I was already on it, baby. You’re such a greedy little bitch, am I right?” you can help but nod shamelessly, the tip of his swollen cock now pressing at your clit it's all you can think about. You grow desperate at his soft attention; at the soft circles his head is drawing in your sweet nerves. 
“Please, oh p-please!” your hips are rising with each of his slow movements, trying to follow the way he keeps his pace unhurried, teasing. It’s making you crazy. Your chest is moving up and down, unnaturally so, and you feel like you could sob any minute now with how needy and stupid you’re feeling. 
“What? What do you want now? ‘You want me inside or just want to cum like this?” his voice hardens, his movements against your clit grow faster, and once again your jaw is getting gripped with controlled force. “Answer.”
“I don’t know! I-I-I want you!” you can feel the way your tail is swinging back and forth under you, deciding as if it had a life of its own, to wrap around his toned tight. Your head is screaming; you only want more. 
More, more of him, closer, deeper, harder. Then, your hand behind his neck is wrapping his kuru, pulling it softly. He lets out a short laugh, the assault on your clit stops, making you whine and visibly relax. 
“You’re that fucked out, right? It’s alright baby, you’re the prettiest when you’re dumb.”
He obliges you, taking a hold of your kuru to pull it over your shoulder as you do the same. Soft strands of bare nerves glow dimly between the two of you, and when you connect them, everything stops. Your breath is caught in your throat, a new wave of heat and sensibility is taking over your body, now you can barely feel your toes; you feel lightheaded. 
He isn’t much better. The need you feel for him is overpowering, his desire for teasing you no longer a priority. He just wants to make you cum, keep you satisfied until you’re no longer able to remember your own name.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” is the only think he can mutter, head empty and ready to fuck you senseless. The head of his cock is quickly prodding your entrance and making a swift way inside your awaiting cunt effortlessly, making you arch against his chest in a silent moan. “Fuck, baby so good. So soft and w-warm. Fuck- Im’gonna make you cum so hard.”
Jake can no longer afford to be eloquent, deciding instead to focus on your neglected clit, his own release so near is making him whimper loudly with each trust into your cunt. Hand pressing on your lower stomach, thumb reaching to rub your sensitive nerves in the way he knows will have you tightening and cumming in no longer than five minutes. 
“Jake! Ah, d-daddy. Feels so good- you’re, you’re... ah!” you trail off, unable to keep up with your words because of how hard he’s now fucking you, deep and so fucking dirty.
You can barely keep your eyes open, they feel heavy, and you can’t see much anyways, blurry behind your lids. 
“I’m ‘gonna make you cum? I know baby, I know you. I know this sweet cunt can’t cum without having your pretty clit touched. So greedy, it’s never enough.” he regains composure, each of his words making you feel closer to your orgasm. His thumb draws unrelentless shapes over and over again over your clit. 
“I’m- am I making you feel good too, d-daddy?” you ask, as sweetly as possible. 
You can’t help but to search for reassurance, especially after remembering how his earlier words made you feel. You know you are, your brain is literally connected with his. Still, you need verbal confirmation, his words never failing to make you feel warm and comforted.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” he’s babbling and moaning, almost pussy drunk. He doesn’t miss the way your cunt is fluttering at his sounds, so he never actually tries to keep them down. “So good, sweetheart, you’re making me cum.”
You inevitably whimper at what he says, feeling the wet pulse in between your legs almost unbearable. Your back is sliding against the grass as he fucks you faster. Desperate, deep sounds coming from his open mouth.
“Ki-” you begin to say.
He’s already all over you, leaning forward, his forearm pressing right next to your head, noses bumping together and lips clasping wetly. Jake consumes almost all of your whiny and high-pitched noises, but his throat keeps groaning in low tones, unable to control himself no longer. When you open your eyes again, you can see how his temple expresses a deep frown. The idea is mild and subtle at the back of your brain, but you know he’s about to cum. 
“C’mon baby, I can feel you want to cum so bad... let go for me. Give it to me, now.”
His thumb over your clit is doubling its efforts, tight circles with just the right amount of pressure has you arching your back and raising your hips into the air, before closing your eyes and gushing all over his cock. You see pure white bliss while you’re moaning so breathy and so high pitched, your legs are trembling so hard, but he doesn’t stop. He’s making your clit go almost numb from oversensitivity.
When your orgasm feels endless and unnaturally long, you know it’s because Jake has cummed alongside you, the bond between your bodies masking it as one. 
“That’s right, sweet baby. So full of my cum, so mine...” his eyes are glued to your pulsing cunt, but he doesn’t seem to acknowledge the way you look at him, so focused on the way his softening dick is still pumping his cum inside you. “So pretty...”
When he’s finally pulling out, he moans softly, but you’re shuddering at the feeling of emptiness. You’re limp and exhausted, the both of you breathless. 
“How are you feeling, syulang?” he’s smiling widely now, eyes transfixed in your expression. With flushed cheeks, tired eyes and sweaty form, you try and sit up “Satisfied enough?”
He’s mocking you again, but this time it makes you laugh when you lean to kiss him.
“Well, yes. For now.” you begin, looking up to him through your lashes. “I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of you and your...” you trail off, a bit embarrassed.
“Oh no, you can’t possibly be getting all shy now, aren’t you, baby?” he’s petting the crown of your head, rolling your bodies to lay in the cool grass. “I just hope to put another baby in you.”
His affirmation leaves you feeling hot and bothered again, but you limit yourself to only nodding and smiling at him while Jake softly pets the connection between your kurus with tenderness. 
“Wanna go again?” you suggest, the bond making you feel hungry and revitalized, as if you haven’t had your brains fucked for the last hour. “Just to make sure.”
“Almost as if you read my mind.” he says amused, leaning over you once again.
Likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated :p kdk if the end feels kinda rushed, i’m sorry!
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byyourside28 · 2 months
Hit Me
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Boxer!Matty x Reader
WC: 13.7k
Warnings: Matty is annoying/confusing asf, Toxic, Smut (m receiving oral, fingering, choking? Degrading, unprotected sex, begging, one or two smacks, very much dom Matty) Extremely long for no reason
Summary: The one person who you hate most on this fucking planet agrees to teach you boxing/self-defense.
A/n: I’m only reuploading fics I wanna do part 2 of <333 Maybe more idk
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“Why don’t you just let Matty train you?” George voices just as Matty strides back into the living room, nursing a cold beer. His jaw is clenched, and his expression is one of pure annoyance I’ve ever seen him wear. Charli looks more hesitant than ever, George’s face is impassive as ever.
“G…” I trail off, stepping forward in front of him, “I can’t even be in the same room with him without wanting to gouge my eyes out, why would I subject myself to that torture voluntarily?” I cross my arms and glare at Matty, who seems unfazed by my hostility.
I’ve been wanting to get into boxing for a while now, not just to get in shape, but also to channel my anger and frustration into something productive. You know, to release the pent-up emotions that have been eating away at me for years. Instead of getting shit faced at the pub or smashing my fist into a wall, I figured learning to box might be a healthier outlet.
But Matty being the one to teach me? I rather eat glass.
The asshat and I always had a tumultuous history, to say the least. From childhood squabbles to teenage rivalries. We were always competing, whether it was for grades, attention, or even breathing the same air as each other. We just don’t click and never will.
“And I resist the urge to puke every time I see your face.” Matty answers instead, his gaze flicking briefly to mine before looking back to George. “What’re you on about?”
“Oh please, you're one to talk with that train wreck of a face. I'd rather stare down the barrel of a loaded gun,” I shoot back, my words dripping with sarcasm.
“Fine, but can I at least hold the gun?” Matty retorts, rolling his eyes. “Leave the clever comebacks to the adults.”
With furrowed brows, I look away from the stormy eyes to George, “Still think it’s a good idea?" He isn’t answering me though. His eyes are downcast, completely ignoring anything I’m saying. “George, are you even listening to me?" I snap, frustration simmering beneath my words.
“Stop with the screeching,” Matty answers for him again. “You're clearly giving him a headache.” He takes a sip of his beer, seemingly unbothered by the tension brewing in the room.
I huff in exasperation, my arms dropping to my sides. “This is ridiculous. I don't need him to train me. I can find someone else who won't make me want to tear my hair out.”
George finally looks up from his thoughts, his gaze shifting between me and Matty. “Both of you, stop it,” he says firmly. “He literally owns his own gym and has been training fighters for years. Who’s better to teach you?”
Charli clears her throat and speaks up for the first time since Matty re-entered the room. “Babe, he has a point.”
My frustration boils over as I throw my hands up in the air. “I don't care if he's trained the entire world, Charli! There has to be someone else out there who can teach me without making me want to strangle myself!”
“Feelings mutual, sweetheart.” Matty smirks, taking another leisurely sip of his beer. “And don't worry, I'm an expert at pulling sticks out of asses. And judging by how jittery you are, you could use some of my expertise.”
“I’m not jittery.” I argue, and Matty smirks slightly before dropping his gaze down to my body. My own eyes follow, huffing out with annoyance. Just like he had said—I’m fidgeting. Balling my hands into fists repeatedly, so tightly that my nails are definitely going to leave crescent moons into my palms, only to release them for a second before digging them back together.
“Whatev—shut up. I’m fine. I wouldn’t be all ‘jittery’ if you weren’t here, constantly pushing my buttons,” I retort, my voice dripping with irritation.
A silent question etched on his face as Matty's eyebrow arched upwards as he raked a hand through his gelled hair, “Oh, is that what this is about? Little ol' me driving you crazy? Well, I must say, it's quite entertaining.”
He sinks into the cushions of the oversized armchair next to mine, spreading his legs wide and settling into a comfortable position. His cold beer sits on his lower thigh, condensation dripping down the bottle and creating a small puddle on his black jeans.
Matty sighs like I’m genuinely an inconvenience, “Just let me train yo–”
“Shut up!” I cut him off, crossing my arms over my chest. “You know what? Fine. If that’s what it takes to shut you up, then you can train me. But just know, I’m doing this purely out of spite and not because I actually want to learn from you.”
I can tell he’s trying to control himself, which to be honest I’m actually surprised to see. I had expected him to lash out or at least tell me to watch how I spoke to him, but he didn’t. He just clenched his jaw and closed his eyes briefly, nodding after standing completely still for two heartbeats. “Thank you.”
I swear to god you could’ve heard a pin drop. “Wha...?” Charli and George’s expression matches mine: wide eyes, furrowed brows, lips slightly parted. “Did you just—could you repeat that? Let me record it.”
“Piss off,” Matty rolls his eyes, but I can’t help notice how his lips are threatening to turn up in the slightest at the corners of his mouth before he’s rolling his tongue inside his cheek to suppress it.
“Right, okay...” I nod, clearing my throat. “So when do you wanna do this?”
“What about tomorrow morning?” Charli suggests, leaning back into George, crossing her ankles.
"So soon?”
I watch as Matty’s adam’s apple bobs up and down as he swallows roughly, the line between his brows deepening with each inhale. “ Fuck ,” he hisses, finally opening his eyes to find mine, “okay, okay. But I swear to God. You better liste—”
“I’ll listen,” I reiterate, rolling my eyes.
“Tomorrow.” Matty says lowly, and I open my mouth to argue again but per usual, he’s cutting me off, “Tomorrow you meet me at the gym. We will go over everything; the basics, the techniques, and most importantly, your attitude. And trust me, princess,” He says with a smirk, “your attitude is going to need a lot of work.”
It’s my turn to close my eyes. It had to be tomorrow? The first day at my new job? Seriously? “Is that a problem, princess? ‘Cause if it is, don’t think I’m agreeing to this a second time.”
“No, no. It’s fine.” I rush out, leaning from the arm chair I’m sitting in. The second my hand is reaching for his bicep, his eyes glancing down, I’m dropping it back to my side. No touching , okay. “I... I’ll figure it out. I’ll call my boss tomorrow morning, and just tell him I have a family emergency—”
And like a rubber band being snapped back, George is jumping from the couch and rushing towards me. “Boss? No fuckin’ way! You got the job?” A wide smile graces his face, completely ignoring Matty next to me me as he knocks his long legs into Matty’s knees and wraps his arms around my neck in a tight hug. “Why didn’t you tell us? Oh my god, we have to celebrate!”
“George…” Matty drones, rolling his eyes as George ignores him and only squeezes me tighter. “George. There is more important shit to party over. Celebrate later, yeah?”
I pat George’s back, giving him one last squeeze before pulling away. “He’s right for once. The job is just a shit position as a therapist’s receptionist anyways.”
“Shut the hell up,” George frowns, “that’s a step in the door. Any success is one to celebrate! I’m going to get you so fuckin’ wasted...” The mischdvious glint in his eye and the smirk on his lips nearly has me grateful when Matty shoves him away, muttering something under his breath but I can’t catch it.
It almost doesn’t sound like English.
“Come on,” Matty juts his chin towards the front door as he sets his beer on the sidetable and stands up, “say your goodbyes. I’ll drive you back to your place since it’s on the way to mine.”
He doesn’t wait for any argument as he pushes past George, his footsteps fading until I hear the door open and then close. I huff out a breath, standing and turning to my friends with a slight frown, “So much for a fun night, huh? Pray we crash and the car hits his side.”
“There’s always next weekend,” Charli hums, wrapping her arms around my neck to pull me into a hug that’s tighter than I thought physically possible from her. She is obviously fit, but there’s definitely some muscle hiding in there. “Don’t let him ruin your mood,” she offered as a way to lift the frown on my lips, “knock him in the balls or somethin’. That always works.”
George hisses, sitting back down onto the couch and I peek over her shoulder, holding back a laugh when he subconsciously lowers his hand to cover his crotch. “Definitely works.” He mutters, shuddering his shoulders like he’s remembering the exact thing happening to him.
“Hasn’t said that kind of thing since,” Charli purrs into my ear, giggling as she pulls back and skips away from me and to George. “Oh stop whining, I barely tapped you then.” She chastises with a playful smile, sinking down onto his lap to wrap an arm around his shoulders.
I can hear George mumbling that ‘ it didn’t feel like that ’ as I shake my head and make my way back into the foyer.
“Haven't got all night, princess.” I hear Matty complain, opening the front door to pop his head through. “Let’s fucking go—I’ve got shit to do.”
If my eyes could roll all of the way back into my skull, they would have.
His hand is gripping my wrist and pulling me away from the house. He only smiles when I huff out in annoyance, rolling my eyes. The wind nipped at my skin as we stepped out onto the porch and down the small set of stairs onto the sidewalk.
As soon as my feet touch the solid ground, Matty’s hand is snatched away like I had burned him and he’s stalking off towards the blacked out SUV. Chrome letters spell out ‘Range Rover’ and I can’t stop the incredulous scoff that falls from my lips. Just another thing to add to the list of why he’s arrogant in my mind. Who needs such a flashy car? Only people who need to prove somethin-
“Are you comin’ or just going to stand there like an idiot all night?” Matty barks the question, snapping me out of the trance I was in. He plops down into the driver's seat as I follow suit and hop into the passenger side.
The car hums to life as he turns the switch, bright headlights illuminating the street in front of us as he speeds down the asphalt in silence. I take the opportunity to peek over at him as the darkness of the night envelopes us, He’s angry or worried about something though, that's obvious.
Not that it’s surprising, he seldom doesn’t look like this; his jaw is always tense, knuckles flexed as he grips tightly onto whatever he’s holding- this time being the steering wheel as he rounds the corner of a street.
“Stop staring at me,” he rasps, his voice gravel through the silence. His accent is thicker than I’ve heard before, and it sends a shiver down my spine. I make a pretend effort to look away, but can’t help sneaking a glance back at him.
I subconsciously wonder if he tries to hide it when he’s around others. As he pulls to a stop light, his eyes find mine, lips pressed tightly together with a brow raised in my direction. “What is it? Do I have somethin’ on me?”
My cheeks tint, and I shake my head, quickly looking forward. His gaze stays trained on me, even if I couldn’t see him out of my peripheral, I could feel it. Tidal waves crashing over me causing goosebumps to rise on every inch of exposed skin. Or maybe I’m just delusional and it’s the air nipping at me from the window that Matty has almost completely rolled down.
“Quit staring at me ,” I shoot back, wrapping my arms around myself, “and could you roll the damn window up? It’s freezing.”
With the switch of the red light to green, Matty is taking back off and turning to face the road. The entire ride that’s left is spent in silence, save for the rumble of tires and Matty’s sliver rings that he subconsciously knocks against the hard leather of the steering wheel every other minute or so.
He never rolled the window up, either.
I had never been more relieved pulling into my place. As soon as the car was shoved into park, I was jumping from the passenger seat and racing towards the front door as I fumbled in my purse for my set of keys. I didn’t even know I was being followed until Matty’s low, raspy chuckle catches my attention. He is leant against one of the railings, his elbow propped onto the metal as he hides his smile with the knuckles of his fist.
“God, what are you doing? I’m more than capable of getting into my own apartment. Just fucking leave already.”
“You sure,” he taunts, eyes dropping down to where I’m still digging for my keys, “seems like you’re having some trouble.”
“Alright,” I huff, finally pulling them out and shoving them into the deadbolt before pushing the door open, “there. I’m in-”
My words are cut off as he hurries past me as if he owns the fucking place. “What,” I stutter, looking out to the empty street back into my living room. “Matty, what the hell are you doing?”
He doesn’t answer me, just continues looking around the room a bit crazed. “Matty.” I say again, my voice finding more confidence rather than the anxiety I usually feel around him.
“Where is the bathroom? I’ve got to fuckin’ piss.” Matty groans, not even waiting for me to answer before walking down my hall and making his way right to my bedroom. I rush behind him, stuttering to a stop when he pushes the door open and freezes himself.
I hadn’t been expecting anyone, and the place definitely looked like it. Clothes strewn across the floor, a few dirty mugs with half-drank tea on my nightstand, my vinyls stacked next to my record player unsteadily. “I, uh...”
He trails into the room, going directly to the vinyls that are staggering a bit with his heavy footsteps. For some strange reason, my heart sputters as his finger traces over the letters of the top of my Eagles vinyl. It was a cheap one, the cover and slip fucked up to the point it was barely eligible, but the actual vinyl worked perfectly. He turns the knob on the record player, the music casting over the silence in the room.
With each beat of the drum and strum of the guitar, my heartbeat increases. Music is how I hide, it’s the only thing that’s ever truly been mine . My father, mother... they never understood my attachment to it. They never understood I used it as a gateway into another life. One where their judgment wasn’t thrown in my face 24/7.
Music is my escape... and it just makes my skin itch to have someone else listening to it. Judging it.
‘Raven hair and ruby lips ,’ Don Henley’s voice rips right through my body, and it’s like it does Matty’s too. He turns to face me, his hand lingering on the knob with an unreadable expression on his face. ‘Sparks fly from her fingertips, echoed voices in the night, she’s a restless spirit on an endless flight. ’
Just as the band's voice melts into one another, breaking into the bridge before the chorus, the knob is twisted back and the record player clicks off. “That’s nothing-”
“It’s a great song.” He whispers, his brows furrowing like he’s confused about everything happening. “The uh- the bathroom?”
“It’s across the hall.” I rush out, moving aside as he shoves past me and disappears into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
As soon as the door closes behind him, I’m rushing out just as quickly as he did. My hands are shaking again. With the silence around me, my thoughts have ample opportunity to start screaming inside my mind. Preparing me for whatever insults Matty will throw my way when he steps back out.
“Whatever he says doesn’t matter. He’s a fucking idiot.” I whisper to myself, rushing to grab a mug from the cabinet above my sink and the container of tea bags that sit perfectly beside them. “He’s an asshole.”
Just as my tea kettle starts to whistle, I hear the sink in the bathroom turn on. Fuck, fuck .
With shaking hands, I pour the boiling water into my mug, looking over my shoulder as Matty makes his way back into the kitchen. His footing is slower, more hesitant than when he first arrived and shoved inside like it was his home. Brown eyes meet mine, and it makes me shiver. It’s like he’s looking right through me, like he can see everything I’m thinking- feeling.
I blame him for the curse that falls from my lips in a hiss, turning back to the counter as I over pour the water in my mug. “ Fuck , shit-“ I mutter, dropping the kettle back into my sink and turning the cool water on with my other hand.
“Christ, Y/n.” Matty huffs, quickly making his way behind me. Chest to back, my shaking only increases as he leans over my shoulder to inspect the red area.
“I leave you alone for five fuckin’ minutes. Let me see it,” in a blink he’s stepping out from behind me and flanking my side, pulling my hand out from under the water. He turns my hand palm up a few times underneath my stove's overhead light before humming out a teasing, “you’ll live. Sadly .”
Matty looks up through his lashes, holding my gaze for a few heartbeats before I’m able to gather myself and step away. He clears his throat, letting our hands fall back to our sides, “tell me you’re smart enough to have a simple first aid kit.”
“Under the bathroom sink.” I answer, cursing how fazed my voice sounds from his touch and gaze. Hopefully he won’t question it, chalk it up to getting hurt instead.
He disappears again, letting me catch my first breath since he walked out of the bathroom. What is with this man? I can’t stand him- that’s it. That’s why my breath hitches when he’s around, that’s why my heart beats quicker when he nears me. It’s all out of anger. Definitely.
Chills run down my spine as I put my hand back under the water, trying my best to ignore the want to turn around and watch for him to come back. I don’t really have a chance to think anything through before he’s emerging from my hallway with the plastic container in his hands. He glances over to me, holding the gaze a second longer than needed before opening the container and digging through the various medical supplies inside.
Needles, alcohol, bandages, thread for the needles in case someone needed impromptu stitches, a multitude of different kinds of antibiotic and numbing ointments, medical tape, a small ace bandage rolled up... it had it all. Maybe I lied when I said it was small. But who knows when something might happen? At least I’m prepared.
Matty cocks his head to the side, furrowing his brows when he looks back to me. “Plannin’ for a fuckin’ war or something?”
“You never know.” I mutter, turning away from his gaze to turn the water off, rolling my eyes at myself for being embarrassed. “I’m fine, Matty. Go home or wherever you go whenever I don’t see you. I’m good.”
“Don’t be stupid,” he scoffs, tapping the island to get my attention, “Come on. Hop up here.”
I close my eyes, inhaling deeply through my nose. Control your tongue, Y/n. 
There’s no need to start something else.
Pressing my lips tightly together, I turn back to face him after patting my hands dry with a dish towel and ignore his gaze as I make my way to him. He steps back to give me room as I hop onto the counter, making sure to leave my burnt hand out in front of me. I didn’t think I was going to make it at first, but Matty was sure to catch my outstretched wrist, helping me up with ease without actually touching where it was stinging.
“Thanks.” I mutter, swallowing down the nervous lump in my throat.
“S’nothin’,” he shrugs, stepping closer to reach the contents he’s laid out beside my right thigh. “How did you even manage this? It’s fuckin’ tea, for fucks sake.”
He chuckles, shaking his head as he unscrews the lid to my bottle of aloe vera. Matty squeezes some of the ointment onto his finger, gently running it over my palm and around the curve of my thumb. With a hiss, I jerk back, but he’s quick to hold me still by stepping between my legs and holding my hip with his free hand. “Stop bein’ a baby.”
“Stop being an ass.” I shoot back, quickly looking down as he starts massaging it into my skin a bit more. My hand is the least of my worries right now; the way my hip is burning where he’s gripping it, my body suddenly hyper aware of my calves clinging to the outside of his thighs subconsciously.
“How does that feel?” He says in almost a whisper, looking up to me through his lashes, ceasing any movement of his fingertips and I’m confused when I wish he hadn’t stopped.
What the actual hell am I thinking?
“It’s good–feels good. Better.” I say after a moment of silence, holding his eyes.
As I looked into his eyes, a wave of surprise washed over me. His irises weren't just the ordinary shitty brown I had always thought them to be. Instead, a ring of dark, rich brown surrounded his pupils like a halo, fading into a warm sunset hue around his pupils. It was as if I was gazing into pools of liquid caramel.
They’re actually really beautif—
“Good,” he breaks my daze with a slight nod, “hand me the wrap.”
With the hand not held in his, I reach for one of the rolled gauzes, sucking in a breath when my shirt rides up a bit and his fingertip touches my bare skin. “No, not that one.” He huffs as I hold out a pink one to him. “Not unless you want the shit to stick to the ointment and have to rip it off later.” Instead of removing the hand from my hip, he jerks his chin, “that one–the white one, yeah.”
Whether it’s intentional or not, his thumb rubs against my bare skin one last time before he pulls it away completely. “There’s no blisters or anythin’,” he mumbles quietly, turning my hand to inspect it thoroughly, “should heal just fine. Still feel okay? Not burning more than it was?” He looks up for an answer, but there’s no way I can verbally respond.
Not with how close he is, the way his cologne is overtaking any reminisce of my candle I had burned all day, how his eyes seem to bore directly into me. I shook my head no, and I was waiting for him to complain but he didn't. He nods back at me wordlessly as well and starts to unroll the gauze, only stopping once there’s plenty to start wrapping my hand.
Another chill runs down my spine as he takes my hand in his silently, starting at my wrist as he slowly starts to close the white wrap down my hand. He’s focused; head bent down closer to make sure he’s doing it well enough, not muttering a word. I can’t even be fucked about the burn or worry about how it’s going to feel in the morning. All I can focus on is how close he’s gotten, somehow closer than before and our bodies nearly touching now.
With a final turn of the wrap, he straightens his back. Only an inch or so away, I can feel his breath feather against my cheek. His eyes flit between mine, not dropping my hand or stepping away. “Does that feel good? Is it too tight?”
“No.” I whisper, too afraid to raise my voice and break whatever the fuck is going on between us right now.
And for whatever reason, I lean closer into him. My calves tighten on his thighs, one of his hands comes back to rest on my hip. My mouth is slightly parted, taking shallow breaths as his eyes search every inch of my face and dropping to my lips every other second. “Matty…” I can’t help but whisper, a bit confused and too wound up to hold it in.
He watches the way my lips and tongue move to say his name, fluttering his eyes closed briefly before nodding softly at me like he is just as torn and confused as I am. He doesn’t say anything, but tightens the grasp he has on me.
My free hand comes up to the back of his neck, the tips of my fingers brushing through the hair at the nape of his neck before tangling my fingers into it. His head tilts as I pull on the hair, the stubble of his jaw grazing against mine as our lips just brush against one anothers.
And then my phone rings.
It’s a familiar ringtone, one I had set for Charli. “Shit, shit, shit...” I curse, dropping my hand and hopping down from the counter as Matty quickly steps away from me. “God, what the hell does she want? I was just there.”
I rush over to my couch, digging through my purse to find the phone and stop the incessant ringing. Finally, after what feels like a lifetime, my fingers grasp around the cell and I pull it out. “Not right now,” I mutter to myself, hitting the decline button to effectively hang up on her and stop the annoying ass tone I had set.
“Sorry,” I huff, turning back to face Matty but I’m met with his back. He doesn’t give me another look or a word before he’s rushing out of my apartment and slamming the door closed and I’m left standing utterly fucking confused as ever.
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Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
Time is a disconcerting thing. To me, at least. Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours and all you can do is watch the time pass. Or distract yourself with mundane tasks, maybe sleep it away. I can’t ever sleep though. I don’t have that luxury.
I tried distracting myself, but there wasn’t anything to do. I had nothing to clean after tidying up my room, there were no stupid reality tv shows to get sucked into. So, I watched the clock hands tick by and felt my chest grow heavier with each passing second.
My mind wandered to Matty more than I care to admit. How he sounded, the way his eyes naturally caught the lights that he passed, every curve and sharp jut of his body. How his fingers felt on me. How I wished I had felt his lips, to know if they were as soft as they looked.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Madness.
I’m gonna go crazy and I’m not being cheeky or dramatic. I truly think if I don’t sleep, if I can’t get him out of my fucking head, I’m gonna start hallucinating.
The only good thing about staying up all night and well into the morning is getting ahead of things. My boss didn’t question me further when I lied and said it was a family emergency and why I couldn’t make my shift. He actually seemed concerned and it made my stomach sick with guilt... but it had to be done.
I had downed about three cups of coffee and threw a fit like a five year old when I realized I’d have to go grocery shopping soon because I was out of creamer. Black it was.
Definitely woke me up, though.
Remembering the brighter sides of things. A lot easier said than done, but I was trying.
Charli and George had both texted me last night to question me on why I never answered. I don’t know if Matty had gone back to George and Charli’s place or if he had said anything, but they seemed worried regardless. I was so confused when Matty left like he had, I had forgotten to answer them until this morning around six or seven.
I was in the shower, washing the suds out of my hair when my phone rang. It wasn’t any of the ringtones I had set, just one of the preprogrammed ones that come with the phone. Making sure to wash the soap from the crown of my head so it doesn’t travel down into my eyes, I step out of my shower and rush to my phone that’s facedown on my sink countertop.
“Hello?” I breathe out, the steam and air around me making it a bit hard to take a proper breath.
“Y/n,” his voice breaks through the water still pouring from my shower head, making my heart stutter even more than it already was, “what’re you doin’ in there? Let me in.”
My brows furrow, about to ask what he’s talking about until I hear the resounding echo of a knock on my front door. “Matty, tell me you aren’t at my house at eight in the morning. You said to meet you there!”
“Sorry, princess.” He replies cooly. I don’t have to be looking at him to know he’s smirking. “Now open up before I break this stupid fuckin’ door down.”
Another knock, harder this time, has me wrapping a towel around my body and racing out of the bathroom. My neighbors already give me a hard time and have complained to the landlord whenever I’d accidentally play my music too loud. I cannot get another complaint about some belligerent man on my door stepping yelling at eight in the morning.
Slipping on the hardwood as I round the couch, I nearly slam into the door as I reach to unlock it. “Just stop, Jesus, I’m opening it,” I hiss through the door. All I get back is a chuckle from the other side.
Arrogant asshole.
When I peel the door open, his fist is hung between us, like he was going to deliberately knock on it again. “What is wrong with you?” I huff, moving to the side to wave him in.
“Me?” He scoffs, sliding past me casually. “Who the fuck spends thirty minutes in a shower?” I roll my eyes, locking the deadbolt before turning back to face him.
I’m suddenly aware that I’m nude save the towel that’s tied around my chest and falling down to the middle of my thighs, “what were you doin’ in there, princess?” Brown eyes trace down my body, sending shivers down my spine and goosebumps on my legs.
Why the fuck does that keep happening?!
I probably look like a fish as my mouth opens and closes repeatedly, failing to voice any of the words my brain is throwing at me. “I’m not even going to entertain that question,” I quip, tightening my hold on the towel as I walk away from his wandering eyes, the soap threatening to spill into my eyes as it stops it’s trail at my eyebrows, “give me ten minutes and I’ll be back out.”
Pausing by the encasing of the hallway, I glance over my shoulder with one of my more serious expressions, “Do not touch anything. Just sit there and be quiet.”
Matty holds up his hands in a gesture of surrender, plopping down on the couch I had spent all night rolling around on with a cheeky grin.
Not giving him another glance, I hurry to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. The room is hazy, the steam covering every inch of the surface and clouding the mirror. So much for preserving water.
I wash the soap and conditioner from my hair quicker than I ever have, coating my skin in my body wash and washing it off just as rapidly and before I know it I’m stepping out of the shower stall again. This time, the towel goes on my hair and the clothes I had laid out on my sink counter are pulled over my body.
The fabric stretches across my damp skin, and if I had been alone I would’ve air-dried. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than clothes clinging to your body when they aren’t meant to.
Inching to the end of the hall, stepping on the tips of my toes to try and be as quiet as possible, I strain my eyes to find Matty. The couch is empty, the room dead silent.
Oh shit, don’t tell me the hallucinating started from my lack of sleep?
“No, no, no...” I mutter, walking deeper into the living room. There’s nothing to even hint he had been here; no lingering scent of his cologne, no footprints in my area rug from his shoes. “No. It’s not possible.” I shake my head, racing to the door before peeling it open in one swift movement. “He was here.”
But the street outside of my flat is empty. There’s no SUV, he isn’t standing outside by the railing like I had thought. Hoped.
My hands are shaking when I close the door back, and I rest my forehead on it for a few seconds to stabilize my heaving chest. “I swear you were here.”
“I’m right here.”
I whip around, a hand to my chest as the voice looms through the air. There, standing in front of me is Matty, a furrow on his brows as he watches me. “Why are you talking to yourself? You look like you saw a ghost-”
For whatever reason, my feet are racing forward and I’m throwing my arms around his shoulders. He stands completely still, arms at his sides, but it doesn’t stop me from squeezing even tighter.
It takes a full moment of me standing there, molding our bodies to one another before he clears his throat and I pull back just as quickly as I had gone in. “Oh my god.” I breathe, taking another step back. “Sorry, um—my mind is just playing tricks. M’just tired.”
“I was just checking out your vinyl collection...” he mumbles off, swallowing down roughly. “I didn’t leave.”
“No, no.” I shake my head, pulling the towel from my hair and rubbing my fingers through it. “Just drop it, okay? Don’t bring it up.”
He looks torn, like he can’t decide to drop the entire thing or question me fully, but after a couple of heartbeats, he’s nodding at me. “Yeah, let’s go. You ready?”
I don’t miss the way his eyes rake up and down my body.
“Just have to grab some sneakers,” I mutter, not meeting his eyes as he continues staring directly at me. Into me. “I’ll be right back.”
Matty stays silent as he nods me on, shoving his hands deep into his pockets and for some reason, it makes my stomach fall. I shouldn’t have touched him.
Last night was a moment of weakness. One that will not happen again.
I take a moment to myself when I step into my room, breathing deeply and evenly. I can’t stand how Matty makes me feel. Confused, angry and pent up all at once.
The thought of him just standing there waiting on me makes me hurry though, one last breath before pulling the closest pair of black sneakers on as I hop back out into the hallway on one foot, effectively pulling the other on as I do.
His eyes meet mine as soon as I’m on level ground, an expression I can’t quite read. “I’m ready.” I break the silence, his body barely tensing further at the sound of my voice. Matty clears his throat and gestures with a flick of his chin for me to follow him as he steps towards my front door, hands still in his pockets.
I remain silent as I grab my purse, slinging it over my shoulder and locking the door to my place behind us. I remain silent as I climb into the passenger seat of a car I hadn’t seen before, one more sleek and obscure than his Range Rover. It’s why I hadn’t realized he was actually here when I checked. I didn’t bother asking if it was his.
I couldn’t articulate a single word, let alone an entire sentence.
Matty didn’t try to speak to me either. I think he was just as confused as I was at my actions. Why I thought it was okay to touch him, to hug him?
Or he just didn’t care. I don’t know. 
The only reason I could breathe properly, calming my heaving chest, was the driver's side window he had down again to smoke a cigarette. The air outside was warm, and comforting. I wasn’t going to ask him to roll it up this time- even though he’d most likely ignore me again if I did.
We had been driving for almost twenty minutes when I finally picked my head up from its gaze on my lap and took in our surroundings. We were at his gym already. The gravel crunches under his tires as he throws the car in park and that’s when I finally turn my head with furrowed brows as I realized the parking lot is completely empty.
“Why is no one he—”
“Get out.” He grunts in response, killing the engine and not waiting for me before peeling himself from the driver's side.
My curiosity is what has me moving, following suit and half jogging to match his long strides. He made sure not to hold the door open for me as he walked through the lobby, walking behind the front desk to flick multiple light switches on. My eyes squint as the bright lights blinded me.
As he rounded the front desk, Matty glanced quickly over his shoulder at me to make sure I was paying attention enough to follow him. I was though—that’s for certain. Any and every previous thought was buried deep into my subconscious, now solely focused on the man in front of me.
My mind is only filled with him, how great he looked in blue track pants and the black tank top that was almost like a second skin clinging to his chest. His shoulder blades flexed with each slight movement he made, his inked biceps on complete display.
He had my utmost attention whether he knew it or not.
I nearly ran into the back of him when he came to an abrupt halt, too busy picturing what he looked like out of the shirt rather than really paying attention to where we were going.
A door, grey metal door, stood in front of us.
“Watch where you’re goin’,” he mutters roughly, pushing the door open and ushering me to step in first. His body stays planted where he stands though, so I bend slightly and walk underneath his arm, “lights on the left.”
Blindly reaching for the switch, my hand travels up exposed brick until finally finding it, flicking it up so the room is cast in a soft glow. The floors are concrete, save for a few mats on the far wall that look like yoga mats to a point. It’s a fairly small room, especially with the huge boxing ring in the middle.
“So…” I trail off, flicking my eyes on everything around me, “How is this gonna go?”
The door shuts behind me, all of the light cut off casting from outside the door and making this room even dimmer than before. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” I don’t turn when I feel his chest press lightly against my back, my body still standing in the doorway and leaving little to no space for him to maneuver around me. “You’ll see soon enough.”
His breath fans across my neck, and I’m shot back to last night. How close we were, the same ragged breath on my skin. This time though, before anything transpires, he’s pulling away and clearing his throat. “Let’s just focus on getting this day done and over with, yeah?” He croaks, turning his back to me as he walks further into the room.
“Sound good to you?” he huffs, finally turning around to face me completely.
I’m nodding before my mind can contemplate what he’s even saying, “okay.”
Matty stares at me for a beat, like he’s trying to decide if I’m bullshitting him or not, before finally dropping his head in relief and nodding more to himself than me. “Alright,” he mumbles, my skin tingling as he looks back up to me, “come over here.”
My feet are moving forward, the gentle demand sending my body into autopilot, but Matty is quick to shake his head and I stop mid-step. “No. Try again. Hold your head up, don’t look so... frail.”
“M’ not fucking frail.” I mouth, my voice coming out more harsh than intended.
I hadn’t even taken a full step when he’s holding up a hand to stop me again, “Do better. Again.”
Matty looked me up and down, a brow slightly arched and his lips curving up into a smirk that I recently wanted to smack off of his face. It was the same expression he'd given me every time he made me stop and retry.
“I’m not doing it again for the 50th fucking time,” I huffed, slightly surprised that I was winded from just walking , “The fuck does walking have to do with anything?”
“That was it.” Matty cuts me off, crossing his arms over his chest. “That’s how you show your power. Like you own the fucking place. Like everyone, there should be worshipping at your feet.” My breath catches as he steps forward, dropping his lips down to the curve of my ear, “Understand, princess?”
My heartbeat was suddenly beating erratically for an entire reason rather than the exertion.
“I guess?” I whisper, freezing as he reaches up to my neck, pushing the hair over my shoulder. Closing my eyes, my head is tilting on its own accord towards the ceiling, waiting for the feeling of his lips pressing against my pulse point.
It doesn’t come, though.
He steps away just as I feel the scruff of his cheek brush against mine, the same sly smirk on his lips. “Now that we know you can walk ,” he taunts, “can you fight? At all? Defend yourself in the slightest?”
“I don’t know,” I hum, fighting back the slightest curve of my lips, “let’s test it out to see. Are we getting in the ring or what?” I ask, motioning to the huge boxing ring a few feet behind him.
“No,” he answers immediately, eyeing the ring before turning back to me and letting his arms uncross, “Need to loosen you up first. Go pick a mat and let me change real quick.”
My eyes follow him as he trails off from the middle of the room, heading towards a door I hadn’t even noticed to my left. It must be a small bathroom or a locker room of sorts. I caught the sight of a single shower stall when the door opened before it closed behind him. I stood there, just staring at the chipped paint of the door for a full minute before having to mentally kick myself to get moving. There’s no telling what Matty would say or do if he walked back out and I was just staring at him like a creep.
Pulling the hair tie from around my wrist, I pull my hair into a pony and walk towards the mats that are placed directly in front of the mirrors. One looks used more than the other, the vinyl almost ripped and faded from the amount of wear. Choosing the one beside it on the off chance that the worn one was Matty’s choice, I settled down and faced the mirror.
Looking at my reflection, making sure the outfit I rushed to put on looked decent. A pair of black athletic leggings and a simple t-shirt overtop one of my sports bras. As I straighten my legs out in front of me, rubbing the muscles in my thighs, the door where Matty had disappeared behind opens, and he walks out with his eyes instantly finding mine in the mirror.
He’s not wearing the tanktop anymore, his bare tattooed chest is on display now and the blue track pants were replaced with a pair of black athletic shorts. As I drag my eyes back up to his face in the mirror, he has stopped a few feet behind me, a single brow raised at me in question.
Without a word, he starts forward again, only looking away from my reflection when he sits down on the mat across from me. “Look at me.” He says hoarsely, and I find myself spinning in his direction in a split second. “Your legs sore?”
“A bit.” The word came out low, ashamed from being tight from just walking, but to my surprise, Matty just nodded and sat up on his knees, a look of focus on his face as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.
“Lay back.” He instructs, scooting around my body until he’s at my side and looking down at me. “Being sore isn’t bad, just lets us know what we’ve got to work on, yeah? It’s my fault. I should’ve made you stretch before working out. But let's be fair, I didn’t think walking would wind ya so much.”
I roll my eyes and start to sit up, “If you’re just going to insult me then I’m leaving.”
“No,” he shuts me down, pushing down onto my shoulder and making me lay back flat onto my back, “You aren’t.”
“I’m starting to think you know fuck all.” I trail off, and Matty finds my eyes once more but doesn’t retort with anything witty or sharp. He just keeps his mouth closed and shakes his head tightly, angling his head away from me. Which might be worse than anything else. “Okay,” I swallow down any of the insults threatening to tumble past my lips, “what’s next?”
Brown eyes look at me again, and I have to remind myself how to breathe. His hand reaches down to my shin, just hovering over the exposed skin where the leggings end before glancing back to mine, “Can I touch you here?”
That’s what my mind was dying for my mouth to echo, but instead, I nod once at him. He sits in the same position, holding my gaze until I realize what he wants. “Yes. You can touch me.”
Matty braces one hand on my shin, causing electricity to spark throughout my body while the other comes to my thigh, right above my knee. “You’ve got to stretch these muscles, so they don’t get all coiled and you end up limping tomorrow from the pain.” His words are quiet as he guides my leg up towards my chest, keeping my knee bent while he does. “It helps strengthen the muscles here. Got it?”
I nod at his question and the hand above my knee only moves once my knee touches my stomach, opting to reach across my waist and hold my left leg that tries to raise with the other. “Is that too much?” he asks, eyes glancing over to me to gauge my reaction.
“No.” I huff out, not from the actual stretch, but from how his hands felt on me. “It’s fine, I’m good.”
“Breathe.” He comments, and with the realization that I had been holding my breath, I let out a prolonged exhale slowly. “That’s it. Feel the burn still, is it easing any?” He releases the hold on my shin, straightening my leg and subconsciously squeezing my thigh as he runs it up the curve of my leg.
I have to look away from his face to steady my breathing, closing my eyes briefly. “It’s better, yeah.”
He moved to my other side then, doing the same stretch on my left leg, but making sure to watch my breathing and if I was tensing at all. I wasn’t going to tell him I was flexible enough for this. It was selfish, but I didn’t want to lose the feeling of sparks his hands erupted on me.
Too soon, he moves away and sits back down on the mat across from me, facing me. For another twenty minutes, he walks me through various stretches. Ones that I knew, and some that I didn’t. My arms, shoulders, legs, my core... they felt free and tight all at once. I don’t know if that’s from what Matty had me doing, or if it was just Matty in general.
He rose to his feet after he seemed satisfied that I was loose enough, and I followed suit.
I stood next to the ring as he jogged off to the side, swiping a bottle of water from a case that was tossed carelessly against one of the walls. He brings it to his lips, swallowing nearly all of it in a few big gulps and letting out a huff when he catches me watching.
“Thirsty?” He asks, extending the bottle towards me. I nod my head, waiting for him to bend down and grab my own, but he just walks towards me and places the bottle he had just drank from in my hands. “What? Water is good for you–don’t tell me you’re one of those people who never drinks it. For fucks sake... we should’ve started with that-”
“Shut up.” I groan, putting the lip of the bottle to my mouth and swallowing down the last few drinks of the warm water. I would’ve much rather have had a cold bottle, but I wasn’t going to complain in front of him and have him chastise me like a fucking child again. “Better?” I ground out when it’s empty, holding it back out to him.
I also wasn’t going to aid in his ego and tell him how great the water felt on my utterly dry throat.
“Have you ever been taught defense?” He asks again, his earlier question still mulling around in my mind. I could lie to him, act as frail as he thinks I am, or I could be straight up with him and tell him that I knew a little.
I opted with the element of surprise for him, “No.”
He nodded at me and flung the empty water bottle behind him, “That’s okay. We’ve got time to teach you properly.” Time. a finicky little thing, isn't it? “We can start with the basics, how does that sound?”
“Easy enough.” I conclude, but dropping any hint of confidence when he fucking smirks at me as we step into the ring and he places gloves on my hands before doing the same.
He begins circling me, a shark to its prey, looking for where to strike. My breath catches when he stops behind me, and if it wasn’t for the mirror on the wall showing me what he was doing, I may have been the one caught off guard. The second he started towards me, I ducked to the side and avoided his arms that were coming out to wrap around my body.
Matty lets out a breathy laugh, one that sounds more mocking than genuine. “You won’t have a reflection in the real world, Y/n. Don’t use that fuckin’ mirror. Use what’s inside your head. I need you to think, understand? I know you’re smart-ish use that to your advantage.”
The small smile I was wearing is swiped from my lips at being caught and I nod, “Whatever, Matthew. Give me your best.”
“You wouldn’t last a second with my best, princess.” He taunts, sizing me up once again as he stalks towards me. “If it were just you and me, an alleyway or a hallway, one that’s dark and you couldn’t see, what would you do?”
I glance around me, about to turn away and sprint away from him but he is shaking his head. “High chances they will chase you. What do you do?”
“I fight back.” I answer, and he nods again, stopping when he’s a foot in front of me. “But they’re bigger than me.”
“But you’re smarter ,” he counters, his gloved hand coming out to poke me in the chin, “and you’ve got a mouth on you, yeah? One that never shuts the fuck up? Use that if you have to. They won’t want a scene, so give them one. Scream, yell. Get someone’s attention if that’s what it takes.”
His glove lingers on my chin, “Use my mouth. I’ve got it.” The words are low, the familiar electricity crackling around us with him this close to me.
In the blink of an eye, his hand is off my chin and wrapping an arm around my shoulder to spin me, the bend of his arm pressing against my windpipe. “Rule number one of defense,” he murmurs against the shell of my ear, “don’t panic.” Matty’s arm tightens a fraction, “Am I hurting you?”
“No,” I manage to croak out, attempting to shake my head before remembering I’m quite literally being held stationary. He wasn’t, not to the point of hurting me, just a slight discomfort that I haven’t felt in a while.
A feeling that had my heart racing with adrenaline.
With my left hand, I reach up to his forearm, already anticipating the soft shake of his head at that being the wrong thing to do. Before the words can leave his mouth though, I throw my right elbow back into the exposed area of his side and twist out of his grasp.
“Surprise,” I hum with a smirk, eyes glinting as Matty instantly reaches to the area I know has to be stinging.
His lips curve up, a soft scoff followed by a breathy chuckle leaving them, “Okay... so you know some defense, hmm? Why didn’t you just fucking say that?”
“This was more fun,” I tease, shaking out my hands. “Did it hurt?”
“Like a bitch,” he praises, twisting his hips to alleviate some of the pain, “You’ve got boney ass elbows– christ .” The smirk I’m still wearing is falling as he suddenly hardens, the playfulness gone from his expression and eyes almost instantly. “Hit me. C'mon.”
I take a half step back hesitantly as he stalks towards me, “What–hit you? Like... really hit you?”
“Did I fuckin’ stutter?” Matty questions, an innocent tilt to his head. “Hit me–unless you’re too worried about ruining your–”
You don’t have to tell me twice.
His words were knocked from his mouth. Literally .
A sinister grin spreads across my face as I watch the crimson liquid gush from his mouth. Fuck that felt good. Matty never knows when to stop running his mouth, constantly spewing nonsense and infuriating everyone around him. His once smug expression is now one of shock and disbelief as he jerks his head, trying to snap out of whatever thoughts are racing through his mind.
“Is that all you got, princess?” With a forceful spit, he releases the bloody mess onto the pristine white mat beneath him. “Again.”
“Again?” I choke out, rushing to stand in front of him at the sight of the shit ton of blood he spat out, abandoning the gloves. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do it that hard. Fuck, oh hell... does it hurt? Of fucking course it hurts.”
Matty also abandons his gloves and then rubs at his cheek, chuckling a bit when his head comes up and his eyes meet mine. Void is the serene brown that’s normally glaring at me, replaced with blown pupils that look lethal. “Matty… I’m sorry.”
“Shut up.” He barks at me, suddenly standing tall and towering over me. Our movements are synced, him stepping forward, me back. And that continues until my back the ropes, ending any chance of distance I have to put between us.
The dark eyes glance down at my extended palms, the ones inches away from touching his abdomen, “What? Think I’m going to hit you?”
“I don’t know...” I trail off, my heart lurching against my rib cage as he steps further, my hands flat against his stomach now, “you look like you’re considering it.”
The lips I’ve been trying my best to avoid staring at lift, “This isn’t me angry, princess.” He hums, pressing forward so our chests are touching. “I’d be a hell of a lot less composed. I’m... surprised, impressed even. Didn’t think these arms had any hope.”
I fucking hate how my mouth parts and eyes close as his knuckle runs up the expanse of my arm. “I guess you don’t know me as well as you thought.” I manage to whisper, choking on my breath as the tips of his fingers brush the hair of my ponytail from my shoulder.
“Hmm?” He questions, the scruff of his jaw following the curve of my neck as he leans in, his whisper fanning over the heated skin, “Maybe I don’t. What else are you hiding, Y/n?”
“It wouldn’t be a secret then, would it?” I breathe out, my fingertips grazing his abs. I can feel the smirk as he glides his lips from the bottom of my jaw, only pausing when he reaches the corner of my mouth.
I angle my head up as he does, heavy breaths shared between the two of us. “I guess you’re right,” he whispers, his lips peppering onto my mouth teasingly with each syllable. “It’s more fun to find out this way anyways, yeah?”
“Yes.” God, yes. “Matty—”
“Hmm?” He questions, his hands finding this resting spot on either side of my head. “What is it? What do you want, baby ? Use your mouth, remember? Words.”
My eyes open as he fully encases me in, eyes blown and wild. Adrenaline. “Kiss me.”
That was all it took. The two simple words fell from my lips for Matty to let out a low huff of breath, his left hand pushing off the ropes to cup around my cheek. He angles my head up, holding my gaze as his thumb runs across the curve of my jaw.
All breath is expelled from my lungs, happily swallowed by Matty who is inching closer with each breath.
My name drips from his tongue like honey, smooth and thick with his accent. I don’t think I’ve ever liked my name as much as I have when it’s coming from him. “Say it again.”
“Kiss me.”
His hips twitch forward the moment the words leave my mouth, his lips crash onto mine. It's both a gentle and a demanding kiss, like he's trying to taste every inch of me and reestablish his dominance at the same time. One hand still cradles my cheek, and the other wraps around the back of my neck, holding me in place as we breathe each other in.
His taste is addictive.
My mind couldn’t keep up. The way he was pulling my hair, the beautiful soft moans leaving his lips, the way he was consuming every inch of me. I was going feral and the adrenaline coursing through my veins was fighting for dominance over my want to be closer to him.
To feel him.
Matty’s fingers tighten around my throat as I let out a prolonged moan, my own noise sending chills throughout my whole body. It was a battle of who could get who undressed quicker, our hands fumbling around blindly trying to free one another of the material separating us.
“I’m gonna fuck you.” He begs breathless as my lips attach to his neck and a whimper fights its way past my lips. Matty’s hands cup under my ass, lifting me into the air as I wrap my legs around his waist.
Both of our chests heaving, hardly able to breathe, I feel the cool floor of the boxing ring beneath my back as Matty pins me down with his body weight. His lips find mine again, consuming my every thought. I let out a hiss when his hand bites into my hip, only to be followed by a pleasured whine as Matty runs his thumb over the sensitive area as his lips leave mine once again.
Every inch of me is on fire.
“Be a good girl for me,” He whispers against my ear, “Can you fuckin' do that for me? For fuckin’ once?” I can’t help but tighten my grip on him, and without really thinking about it, my legs come around his waist, inviting him in, letting his hands explore the curves of my body.
My body responds instinctively as his lips begin to wander across my skin, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses in their wake. Every inch of me tingles with anticipation as he travels from my throat to my jaw, his touch sending shivers down my spine. Matty's kisses turn rough as he bites down on the sensitive skin of my neck, igniting a mixture of pleasure and pain that I can't resist.
“Fuck.” I groan as my back arches and his chest presses against mine, “we shouldn’t be doin’ this.”
There are a hundred reasons as to why we shouldn’t. The most obvious being that Matty is a dick and we hate each other. I know I shouldn’t be wanting him this way and let’s not forget this is crossing a line that I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to come back from. Expect I’m not stopping, and he isn’t pushing me away either.
“You’re right.” Matty does, however, manage to say in no more than a whisper. “We shouldn’t. It doesn’t make sense, you and I.”
I can barely focus on what he’s saying considering how he’s rolling his hips into me. The bulge in his boxers is evident and a low growl escapes my lips as I buck my hips back towards him, needing more contact. “This is stupid, and you hate me-”
The second those words leave my mouth, Matty is hovering over me, both hands on either side of my head. My body is suddenly cold without him pressed against me. “What did you just say?” Those milky brown eyes are forced onto mine when he holds my jaw firmly, fire burning the skin where he’s holding me.
“It’s dangerous?” I question in between breaths, and Matty instantly shakes his head. My brows furrow, seemingly genuinely confused, until my eyes widen in the slightest and I can feel the fire spreading across my cheeks. “I didn’t mean... it’s just—look, you hate me and I hate you. We both know it. Jesus, everyone can see that.”
“Y/n.” Matty voices coldly and it has me almost flinching away from him. But I don’t pull out of his grasp though, just close my eyes, waiting for him to agree. “Believe me when I say that I don’t hate you. Not in the slightest. You just get under my skin and piss me off.” A devilish smirk pulls at his lips when I open my eyes, “Don’t try and pretend that you don’t do it on purpose either, my little minx.”
His eyes dart to my mouth when I run my tongue along my bottom lip. The pulse in my neck is beating roughly as his lips attach to me once more, and just like that I’m melting into his hands.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I moan out, my hand coming to the nape of his neck and pulling on his hair. “I just say what I’m thinking, and you can’t stand it.” Another moan, breathless. “That’s not my problem.”
The hand Matty had on my hip dances to the top of my thigh, and he lets it rest there for a moment before squeezing a bit roughly.
“I can make it your problem.” He rumbles against my collarbone. “Is that what you want, sweet girl? Want me to show you how pissed off you make me? Treat you like the fuckin’ brat that you are ?”
My legs tighten again, hips rolling against his with a desperate urgency. Every fiber of my being craves friction, any kind of sensation to alleviate the intense desire building inside me. I can feel the heat and hardness of him pressed against my cloth-covered, soaked core. I mutter a whiny, “Please.”
In the passing of a heart beat, Matty rips my underwear from my body—literally tears through the flimsy material. The sound of the ripping fabric fills the air, and my body flinches in anticipation as he pulls away from my neck. I'm left gasping for air, my heart thumping erratically against my rib cage.
Matty's eyes trail from my now exposed soppy cunt to my parted lips, his pupils blown as if he's seeing me for the first time.
“Need to see these fucking tits.” He groans out, roughly yanking the sports bra to my collarbones. My nipples pebble at the cool air of the room causing me to let out a whimper.
The moment Matty's rough hands cup my breasts, my eyes roll back into my head. He groans and licks his lips, and my hips jerk up as he pinches both my nipples and I can't help but moan loudly. “Oh fuck,” I whisper, feeling so turned on by the roughness.
“I’ve barely even touched you. Fuckin’ pathetic.” Matty huffs before swiftly smacking my breast with a hard swipe, my eyes fly open and I gasp, my heart pounding in my chest.
“Fuckin’ moaning and groaning, and I haven’t even put my cock in you yet,” He growls, leaning down to connect his lips to my nipple, his stubble scraping against my delicate skin, leaving me gasping.
“I could just keep going, play with your tits, suck on your nipples til they're so sore that tears fill those pretty eyes, and it would all be so easy. But that wouldn’t be fair to you, would it?” Matt’s chuckles against my skin. “I’d be teasing you, and you’d be begging for me to either stop or fuck you already.”
My gaze locks with his as he bites down on my nipple, causing a sharp pain that blends with pleasure. I groan loudly, feeling the pleasure and pain coalesce into a heady sensation that has my toes curling. “Matty...” I whimper his name like a prayer, arching my back, and pushing my chest further into his lips.
His tongue flicks over the sensitive nub, sending shockwaves of excitement throughout my entire body. The wet sounds of his mouth are making the already-charged atmosphere even more intense, the taste of him on my skin driving me wild.
“That's it,” he mumbles against my skin, his teeth grazing softly before his mouth suctions around my nipple, tugging gently. I let out a strangled cry, feeling the sting and the arousal simultaneously. My hands grab onto his hair roughly before falling to his neck and tugging him closer still. The sound of our harsh breaths fills the small space around us, punctuated by Matty's lips smacking against my breastbone as he moves lower.
He growls against me, clearly enjoying the power he holds at this moment. “You're so fuckin’ responsive,” he murmurs, his rough hands skating down my stomach and between my legs.
“Matty, please!” I plead out, my hands fisting against the cool mat.
“But I love hearing you beg for me like the needy little whore you are.” His fingers find my soppy folds, slowly lapping them around me at a tortuous speed. My head falls against the mat, my lewd moans echo around us. He teasingly circles his middle finger around my opening and I can’t help but rotate my hips against it.
His finger dips inside me like he’s searching for something and I cry out again at the touch. Matty plunges two fingers deep inside me, stretching me further than I ever thought possible with one swift thrust. “Oh,” he drags out hoarsely against my pulse point, his hips rolling against my thigh. “So fuckin’ tight. I can see why you’re a raging bitch, no one has properly fucked you, have they?” Matty teases, curling his fingers up, hitting the spongy spot hidden inside me.
“Please,” I beg again, needing him to stop teasing and just fuck me already. He groans once more, a mix of pleasure and roughness that has me on edge even more. Matty's teeth graze my neck, making me shiver as I feel his fingers slide deeper into me, stretching me to accommodate him more. The slick heat of his fingers fills me up, and I arch into him, begging him to continue.
He growls lowly against my skin, knowing exactly what he's doing to me. He presses in deeper, finding my G-spot once more as he thrusts his fingers in and out. “Fuck,” I moan, unable to control the word that slips past my lips. “Don't stop.”
His thumb finds my clit and starts circling it, sending shockwaves of pleasure through my entire body. I buck my hips towards him, needing more friction but he suddenly withdraws his fingers from my pussy with a wet pop.
I whimper in protest, my eyes fluttering open to find him still smirking at me, but this time sitting up on his knees, pulling his boxers down. Matty’s cock loudly smacks against his lower stomach and the red tip glistening with precum has my mouth watering.
I knew I shouldn't have said it, but the sight of him there, fully hard and ready for me, was just too much temptation. With a voice that was barely audible, I whispered, “Please... please just fuck me.”
“Not yet, babes,” he warns, just barely holding himself back as he lifts off his knees to completely rid himself of the boxers. “Wanna feel that mouth on my cock.”
And just like that Matty's thick, pale muscular thighs are straddling my head. “You’re gonna be a good little slut and open your fuckin’ mouth.” He demands, reaching back down to wrap my ponytail around his fist, pulling my head forward.
He shoves his cock into my mouth roughly. My fingernails latch onto his bare thighs as I gag around him, Matty’s head falling back in pleasure at the sound.
“Fuck yeah... that’s it...” He moans out as my cheeks hollow around him, sucking around his cock like a greedy slut. Which I am, especially with the way he looks down at me.
His hair started to curl from the sweat earlier but now it’s matted and tousled sticking to his forehead in sticky tendrils, his lids are heavy and half closed and to top it off his lips are cherry red and saliva-coated. “You wanna choke on this cock, princess?”
Humming in response, the vibration against his cock sends a visible chill down his spine. “God fuckin’ damnit,” Matty groans, tightening my hair around his fist. “You deserve to be fucked until you can’t walk, don’t you baby?”
My moan of agreement is cut off as he shoves his cock back into my mouth roughly, my throat constricting around him as I gag. Matty relentlessly thrust into my mouth, moaning as the head of his dick slides down my throat. My fingers tighten around his thighs, looking up at Matty through my lashes as a few tears roll down my cheeks.
“You’re taking me so well, baby.” Matty praises, slowing his hips to wipe the tears off of my face. I can’t stop but smile with his cock still in my mouth before using my grasp on his thighs to guide Matty’s cock back down my throat. “So fuckin’ good,” He moans as my nose meets his pelvis, gagging around him once more.
“Yeah, fuckin' gag on my cock you stupid little slut." Matty grunts as he slams his cock back into my throat. Tears now streaming down my face as I struggle to breathe around him.
Matty’s heavy thighs press against my head and the grip in my hair holds me to him like his personal plaything.
“Oh yeah, that's good girl.” Matty's gruff voice fills the air, thrusting deep into the back of my throat making me gag and cough, but that just makes Matty tighten his grip on my hair.
He's using my mouth, treating it like a cunt. My throat and mouth are being used to get him off. This thought alone makes my cunt clench around nothing. I can feel my pussy start to drip down on the mat and my clit is throbbing painfully just begging to be touched again. My hand slid between his parted thighs, down my trembling stomach, and finally to my drenched core in a desperate attempt to alleviate some of the pain. I let out a moan as I touched the swollen bundle of nerves.
“Did I fuckin’ say you could touch your pathetic little pussy?” Matty snarls from above as he pulls away abruptly and slaps my cheek. The blow stings and leaves my cheek reddened. A whimper falls from my lips at his words.
“Don't think I don't notice what you're doing.” His growl rumbles, resonating in the chilled air. His fingers clench, gathering a fistful of my hair, yanking my head, forcing me to meet his gaze.
“You do not get to touch, Understand me?” Matty hisses. Nodding dumbly, tears still streaming down my face. “That's my good girl.” His fist is still wrapped in my hair, and his other hand slowly travels down my torso, pinching my nipples before teasingly circling my clit with two fingers. My entire body shudders from the sensation.
“Do you want this?” He whispers, his breath hot and close to my ear.
“Please,” I murmur before moaning loudly as Matty's finger slips inside my dripping hole roughly. “Yes!” His finger starts thrusting hard and fast. Matty laughs at my answer as he withdraws slightly, only long enough for me to suck in a lungful of air, then he plunges back in, hitting the spot where I hopelessly crave.
“Desperate whore.” Matty taunts as he continues pumping his finger in and out, over and over again. “So fuckin’ needy. Like your fuckin’ pussy was made for me alone. God, you are so wet. Fuck, so pretty.” He praises.
Not even a second later, Matty is hovering over me again, slowly pumping his fingers and his thumb circles my clit. “Should I give you what you want?” He purrs as he leans in, breathing deeply in the shell of my ear, his warm breath fanning the skin. “Hmm, give you my cock?”
My eyes shoot open, wide and curious, as I stare up at him. The weight of his cock presses firmly against my thigh, sending a jolt of electricity through my body. My mind is completely transfixed on him—his chiseled jawline, his piercing gaze, the way his tousled hair falls across his forehead. In this moment, I cannot form a single coherent thought in my head.
“Yeah, you look like you need it.” Matty growls before sinking back into my cunt. A soft whimper escapes, “Such a slut,” he whispers into my ear, moving between my parted thighs. His free hand grips one side of my hips as he starts to violently shoves his cock into me, “Such a fuckin’ whore.”
There's no way I can hide my body's response to his words. Every word he says makes my heart race, my stomach flutter, and my clit throb even more. I'm helpless under him, taking everything he gives me. My body betraying me, almost as if it's addicted to the pleasure I find in this misery. His cock filling me up, stretching me open so perfectly.
Matty continues to thrust into me, his fingertips digging into my hips hard enough to leave bruises that will linger for weeks but also holding on as if he never wants to let go of this possession he has over me in this moment.
Then both of his hands are on my chest, holding my breasts as they jiggle with each rough movement. He growls and grunts with each powerful thrust, pumping himself deep inside of me until my walls begin to clench around him.
“Are you fuckin’ gonna cum already?” Matty moves his lips down to the side of my neck. “You let me treat you like shit for years and here you are about to cum around my cock.”
I shudder, feeling my orgasm build up, my walls clamping down on his cock, my pussy greedily drinking him deep. “Mmnnngh,” I moan, nodding frantically. My eyes roll back in bliss as he thrusts harder and faster, my hips bucking up to meet him. The burn in my chest as he paws at my breasts sends a wave of pleasure through me, “I’m gonna cum, Matt—fuck!” I cry out, my nails gripping his forearm as he presses his mouth harder against the curve of my neck.
“Tell me how good it feels, Y/n.” Matty orders, my legs trembling around his waist. “Wanna see you fall apart for me.”
“Matty— fuck ! I can’t, I’m cumming,” I moan, my body falling limp against the floor. He released my neck, his hands gripping onto my hips that were for sure going to marks left from how hard Matty was digging his fingers into my skin but the moans of pleasure I gave him seemed to only egged him on.
“Who knew you'd be such a perfect fuck, princess?” Matty grunts, his voice hoarse as he thrusts harder, deeper. “I knew you'd be good, but fuck, you're killing me.”
He slams into me one more time, and I let out a cry, my body trembling as a wave of pleasure washes over me. Matty's eyes hold a mix of lust and admiration as I ride my orgasm. His thumb rubs against my clit, and another wave crashes over me, leaving me breathless and weak. “You better remember, princess” Matty growls, his voice ragged. “I'm the reason you just cummed so hard.”
I wanna roll my eyes at his stupid statement but this is beyond anything I've ever experienced before, but even with a gun to my head would I ever admit it.
“Shit. Oh god, ” Matty moans, his hips bucking into me at an uneven pace now. He lowers over top of me, lips pressed in between my shoulder blades as Matty empties his cock into my pussy and fills me to the brim with his sticky, hot cum.
“Jesus... goddamn.” Matty mutters, collapsing entirely on top of me. Neither of us moves or says anything, the only sound being our labored breaths and thumping heartbeats. Matty's cock, now soft, still buried deep inside me, his hot cum seeping out between my legs and dripping down onto the mat.
The fog starts to finally clear from my brain and I realize what just happened. My body is slick with sweat and my chest heaves with each ragged breath. I can't believe I just let him do that to me.
Fucking hell, if the guys and Charli find out about this, I'll never live it down. I wonder if it’s possible to wipe away the trace of his cum from my cunt and keep this a secret for the rest of my life.
Take this shit to my grave if I have to.
Pushing up on his shoulders, “Get out of me.” Matty's breath hitches as he slowly lifts himself from me, his heavy body disappearing from atop me. He rolls off to the side, still panting heavily. His eyes dart around the room as if trying to make sense of what just happened.
"What the fuck was that?" He asks, raking his fingers through his hair and angling his head towards me. And of course, that stupid fucking smug ass smirk is on his lips.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about. Nothing happened.”
"Nothing happened?" Matty scoffs, "Then why is my cum leaking out of you, huh?” He smirks, leaning in closer as if trying to read my thoughts.
I glare at him, my hand pushing his sweaty face from me. “Can’t believe I called out of work for this and you didn’t even train me.”
“Train you?” Matty chuckles, reaching out to grab hold of my hips, pulling me close again. "Are you kidding me, princess? I just gave you the best orgasm of your fucking life and you wanna bitch about training?” He reaches down and flicks his finger against my clit, making me gasp and arch my back. “So, you're telling me that you've never felt this good before? Never had an orgasm like that?”
I forcefully push away his hand, my expression twisted into a scowl. “Whatever, Matty. M’not fucking you again.”
He smirks, his grip still firm on my hips. “Oh, but you will,” he declares confidently, his intense gaze locked onto mine. “And next time, I'll make sure to properly train you.”
“I highly doubt it.”
“Care to bet on that?” His words are barely a whisper as he leans in for a kiss, but I quickly dodge his lips. In response, his hand swiftly wraps around my throat, tightening its hold as he presses closer.
“We'll see, princess,” he growls, his warm breath tickling my ear. “We will see.”
“I fucking hate you.” I blurt out angrily, meeting his challenging gaze.
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purpleberiii · 4 months
"You belong to me"
☆Prompt: Shalom and Reader has been friends since childhood and Reader has always been in love with Shalom until one day, Reader had to move away and she never saw Shalom again. Shalom hadn't figured out her feelings for Reader but one thing she knows for sure is that Reader belongs to her.
☆Warnings: Possessive Shalom, G!P Reader, nothing too intense, quite an innocent reader, Slight Anne x reader, beef between two of my wives (Anne and Shalom)
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Growing up in Syndicate, it was not a good life. You got bullied and beaten every day, made fun of because of the way you looked. When you moved to the East Side, under the care of the Nineth Agency, life became immediately better, and it became the best point in your life when you met Shalom. Together you and Shalom battled the world and every danger it threw at you. One thing you knew for sure was that you were in love with her and when you told her, she replied with this, "Oh? You like me? That's quite unexpected. But I can't give you an answer now. I don't understand how my heart works."
The next day, Shalom disappeared. You knew she wasn't dead, but she just randomly disappeared. You grew up years later, still stuck on that beauty. Even after being appointed Chief, and hundreds of women threw themselves at you, you rejected them, your heart and love was for Shalom. But with recent events, you ended up back in Syndicate, and you met a wonderful doctor, Anne. She was gentle and soft spoken, reminding you of Shalom and slowly your feelings dissolved for Shalom and re-grew for Anne. The two of you started hanging out, it wasn't nothing to serious but you saw potential.
You were peacefully in your office when you got a call from the arrest captain that an unknown Sinner was there. She was accompanied by some members of FAC, meaning that she was VIP. She even requested to meet you specifically and when you entered the room, your heart left your body. "Shalom?" You whispered softly.
Shalom had that gentle smile, one you had grown to love and cherish. "Why isn't it the Chief of MBCC? How have you been, old friend?" She smiled, her smile carrying a familiar warmth in it.
"Cut the crap! Where have you been?! Why did you suddenly disappear like that?!" You approached Shalom and pulled her into a hug. Shalom didn't hug back for a few seconds.
"I've been quite alright. How are you? Did you meet anyone interesting these days?" She smiled, a knowing smile.
Now that you met her again, feelings that you've buried deep down resurfaced back again and you suddenly felt it difficult to speak. "I-uh...I no...yeah...."
"Yes? No? Which one is it? Don't be shy tell me." She chuckled slightly.
"...I can't tell you where I was. But all that matters is that I'm back and yes... I've missed you as well." Shalom returned the hug, and buried her face in your neck, inhaling the scent of your body which made goosebumps arise.
"I've heard what happened these past few months. I didn't know my y/n had the courage to stop two black rings," she sat on the chair as you did on the opposite one.
"It was my duty to interfere."
"Hmm? You've gone cold y/n. Did my absence affect you that much?"
"You-" you gritted your teeth before sighing.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you. Shalom I-"
"Shh~ no need to tell me more. I can clearly see how you feel."
"...what do you mean?" You hadn't realised you were crying until you felt a tear rush down your eyes. Quickly, you wiped it away before returning your gaze to a smiling Shalom.
"Why are you here?"
"I've been sent by the FAC to assist the MBCC on their tasks for the next few months."
"I don't need your help. The MBCC is capable enough to handle our own problems."
"Well... don't tell me... tell the FAC."
Facing the FAC was a big no for you. You already have problems with the Nineth Agency so you don't wanna get under the radar of the even higher ups.
You stood up and motioned for Shalom to follow you. The two of you walked through the MBCC building, showing Shalom around. When you arrived at the nurse's quarters, you were immediately greeted by Anne, who had a bright smile on her face. "Ah Chief, I've wanted to see you," she peeked behind you to see Shalom standing behind you with an expression you couldn't read.
"Who is that?"
"This is Shalom, she'll be assisting us for the next few months. Shalom, this is Anne my um... Nurse."
"Nurse? It's a pleasure to meet you Anne," Shalom smiled bitterly. Anne returned the smile.
"Likewise Shalom." Although no words were spoken after that, you could tell that a battle had started between the two. Anne didn't sense any good vibes from Shalom and Shalom didn't like the fact that Anne was close to you.
"Well uh-we-we-i have to keep showing Shalom around. I'll see you later, babe-um I mean Anne."
Anne looked at you with a raised eyebrow. Why did you change your nickname from babe to Anne. "Are we still on for tonight, Chief? I've bought a beautiful red dress that I'd love to try on for you!"
"Ah, yes yes I-we're still on." You nodded before hurriedly pushing Shalom out. The two of you headed back to your office where you immediately collapsed onto the couch.
"Anne huh? More like babe," she chuckled darkly. You didn't understand why she suddenly changed behaviour but all you understood was that Shalom was jealous and it was radiating off of her like perfume. "Do you think that the higher ups will let this slide, Chief?"
"T-they don't know."
"How long do you think this secret will be hidden? Eventually, they will find out. I advice you to quit your relationship with that nurse of yours." Something in her tone suggested that she was pissed.
"Okay? And why do you care all of a sudden about who I date huh?" Shalom chuckled as she straddled your lap, cupping your face while stroking your cheek.
"Because my dear Chief, you belong to me."
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aziraphales-library · 6 months
The requests for Christmas fics have started to come in... far, far too late. Remember folks, it takes us months to answer asks and then they're in the queue for a while before publishing.
Luckily this blog is a resource, not simply an ask blog. We already have a #christmas tag you can check for fics we've recommended before!
As a little bonus, here are a few new fics from this year...
City Of Blinding Lights by ShadesOfDeviant (G)
“Well, I sometimes—that is to say—I often considered an early evening walk round the area to see the lights quite the romantic endeavour. Arm in arm under the glow of the fairy lights, I even have a route planned out for should I ever get the chance to go.” “Should you ever get the chance?” Crowley snorts in a way that would be unattractive to almost anyone other than Aziraphale before he folds his newspaper in half and then half again, and casually tosses it onto the coffee table beside him. “You need to be a bit more subtle when you’re aiming for a temptation angel.” He adds with a quick wink before he rolls up onto his feet. AKA: Aziraphale has always wanted to go on a romantic evening walk round London to see all the Christmas lights. Now free of Heaven & Hell and able to openly express his feelings for Crowley, Aziraphale can't think of a better time to implement a plan nearly 40 years in the making.
A Dream Is A Soft Place To Land (may we all be so lucky) by randomramblingsofme (T)
Crowley feels as if the universe won't let him get his feet back under him. He has no plan, is juggling two jobs, coping with chronic pain from an old injury, expertly (so he thinks) hiding a raging crush on the bookseller across the street, and he is currently covered in tree sap. But things could be worse. For example, he could forget all about the Whickber Street Christmas party being hosted by said crush until five minutes beforehand. Oh shit. --- Modern AU, Barista Crowley/Bookseller Aziraphale
Eggnog and Effervescence by RepQueen15 (T)
Crowley turned so as to be able to watch the rest of the movie, and his ear pressed against Aziraphale’s thigh. He felt the angel tremble a little, as though this weren’t just some small service to him either, though that was nothing short of ridicule. Or perhaps…? No. This was just Aziraphale being his perfect, soft self. Though maybe, just maybe, Crowley wasn’t the only one who needed a little more physical contact in his life. *** Crowley and Aziraphale spend a quiet Christmas Eve putting up fairy lights, getting tipsy on eggnog, watching ridiculous Christmas movies and... cuddling.
Here’s a Hand (My Dearest Friend) by perilit (T)
Wherein Crowley allows himself to be comforted in the days leading up to the Christmas holiday, and repays with some comforting of his own.
I’m Dreaming of a Light (and Dark) Christmas by cheeseplants (T)
Aziraphale had begun plotting his revenge a few days after the encounter with the man he had begun to refer to as the demon in his head. Not that he was a vengeful person. He was a good and righteous person who believed it was important to bring light into people's lives. Lights, in fact. Several of them. _______ Two shopkeepers with very different ideas about Christmas battle it out on Whickber Street to create the most extravagant Christmas lights in London. But when the lights go out, they start to find they may have more in common than they first thought. An enemies to lovers human-AU Christmas decorations feud!
If the Fates Allow by catherineland (T)
Crowley makes a shocking discovery: Aziraphale claims to hate Christmas. Crowley’s new mission is to show his angel what he’s been missing.
- Mod D
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swimmingismywholelife · 11 months
Cuffing Season
Summary: You love hitting on Christian whenever you get the chance.
Warnings: suggestive comments, really bad pick up lines
A/N: This is literally inspired by the Tennessee pick up line and bc Christian plays as the Number 10 I was like this is so fucking funny I need to turn this into an smau. Also KEPA AND ANDREA GOT MARRIED HELP THEY DESERVE ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD WHEN IS IT MY TURN-
yourusername & cmpulisic
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Liked by cmpulisic, kaihavertz29 and 9,724 others
yourusername: Are you from Tennessee? Bc you're the only 10 I see baby 🥵
cmpulisic: oh GOD not this again babe
yourusername: you know you love it when I hit on you with my pick up lines
chelsbells: I can't decide if I wanna laugh or cringe ngl
captnchristian: honestly I'm doing both 💀
yourusername & cmpulisic
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Liked by cmpulisic, west.mckennie and 8,852 others
yourusername: hey baby did you just break wind? Bc you're blowing me away 🥰
cmpulisic: why are you doing this to me
yourusername: you're the one who's blowing ME away if anything YOU need to stop
mur1ca: these are such dad pick up lines I'm dead
west.mckennie: is this how you won him over?
yourusername: ofc ofc. It wasn't my unwavering support and loyalty, it was bc he secretly LOVES my pick up lines
cmpulisic: .....yeah that's the exact OPPOSITE of how you won me over but okay 🙄
yourusername: it's okay you can admit it Christian there's no need to hide
yourusername & cmpulisic
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Liked by cmpulisic, masonmount and 9,751 others
yourusername: the years aren't the only thing that don't stop coming when I'm with you ��
cmpulisic: these are just getting progressively worse aren't they?
yourusername: you mean progressively BETTER
yourusername: hush Giovanni get off your phone it's past your bedtime
cmpulisic: don't you think I've been trying???
christ10ian: lowkey this is kind of endearing why doesn't my bf do this for me wtf
cmpulisic & yourusername
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Liked by yourusername, usmnt and 17,938 others
cmpulisic: I might have won the competition tonight, but the most valuable trophy I've ever won is you
cmpulisic: I love you even with all your terrible pick up lines 🙄
benchilwell: we lost him boys
yourusername: don't be jealous Benjamin I'll start using them on you too
cmpulisic: nope get your own girl to hit on you this one is all mine
Taglist: @neverinadream @pulisicsgirl @masonsrem @masonspulisic @bracedes @lizzypotter14 @notsoattractivearenti @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @mortirolo @chelseagirl98
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rxmqnova · 5 months
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Y/N: 3 years old Scarlett: mommy Lizzie: mama ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV "Mommy" Y/N sobs, pushing her head into Scarlett's neck, holding her mommy's shirt for her dear life that her small knuckles turn white from the strong grip.
"Honey, it's so early. What's wrong?" Scarlett rasps out, switching on the lamp that's on the nightstand and sitting up, looking at her little 3-year-old confused.
"Mommy, Y/N no good" The tiny girl whines, pushing her head into Scarlett's chest and crying loudly.
Scarlett's eyebrows furrow in confusion, wondering what could bother her little one. Her eyes widen when she presses her lips to her daughter's head, touching her tiny one's forehead and finding it to be way warmer than it should be.
"What's wrong?" Lizzie rasps out, Y/N's cries waking her up from her sleep.
"Mama" Y/N cries loudly, looking at her other mother with red tired puffy eyes, making Lizzie pout.
"Oh no, what's wrong, my baby?" She asks softly, stroking her daughter's cheek with her finger, but Y/N doesn't respond though, only turning her head back into Scarlett's chest and crying even more.
"She's really warm. I think she has a fever" Scarlett explains, rubbing her crying daughter's back and giving her a kiss to the top of her head.
"Oh no" Lizzie sighs, rubbing Y/N's back as an attempt to calm her daughter down.
But suddenly Y/N turns her head to the side, holding her tummy as the content of her small tummy gets all over the floor.
"Mommy!" Y/N lets out a loud cry, absolutely terrified of what has just happened.
"Oh, honey… That's okay, sweetheart. That's okay" Scarlett immediately stands up, carrying her daughter into the bathroom in case she needed to throw up again and also to get her out of the dirty pajamas and give her a quick shower.
"Mommy, I don't like it" Y/N sobs, holding her tummy with her hands once again which Scarlett understands and immediately holds her daughter in front of the toilet.
As expected, the poor little girl throws up again, crying after doing so. Y/N hasn't been sick for quite a while and she absolutely hates this… who wouldn't?
"I know, sweetheart, I know" Scarlett sighs, helping Y/N to rinse her mouth with water before showering her real quick and getting her dressed into a pair of clean pajamas.
Y/N barely keeps her eyes opened by now, so Scarlett carries her back to the bedroom that is all cleaned now thanks to Lizzie who walks into the room as well with some medicine for her little girl, only to find out the tiny one is already fast asleep.
Two hours have passed since Y/N fell asleep, though now all three are in the bathroom once again, giving Y/N another quick shower, because the little one's tummy just doesn't want to hold any food or drink.
"Would you like to watch a cartoon or anything, sweetheart?" Lizzie questions, carrying her daughter back to bed, Scarlett following behind them.
Y/N only weakly nods, making both mothers sigh, absolutely hating to see their child in pain.
Lizzie carefully places Y/N on the bed before getting in next to her, the little one immediately laying her entire body on her mama and reaching her hand to hold Scarlett's hand.
When Y/N's satisfied and holding her mommy's hand, Scarlett switches on her daughter's favorite cartoon. Though noticing how tired Y/N still is, she knows Y/N will be out like a light in a few minutes.
"Are you comfy there?" Lizzie asks, pressing kisses to Y/N's head and pulling the covers up to cover them both.
"Mhm" The tiny one nods weekly, not really paying attention to what's her mother saying as she's glued to her cartoon by now.
Just like Scarlett expected, Y/N struggles with keeping her eyes opened, Lizzie's hands that are rubbing her back aren't helping it at all and soon Y/N loses the fight, closing her eyes and falling into a deep slumber.
Scarlett and Lizzie let out a sigh, knowing today and the next few days will surely be hard for all. Though Y/N is their baby and they are willing to do anything to make their little girl feel better.
ScarLizzie masterlist
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