#I need to talk about him
soullessjack · 1 month
i know we’re balls deep in destiel again But since revival talk is upon us again can i possibly pitch to anyone my jack guesses . Pretty please
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hextv · 1 month
me again
Have you ever thought about how Dream copes with the issue of hygiene in prison and subsequently from prison? Think about him sweating profusely because of the lava that covers the cell, the heat is infernal to sickening points, his body can barely bear it, he sweats too much and dehydrates easily, he feels sticky and extremely dirty.
He also (as far as I know) does not have the ability to brush his teeth, although I think that would not affect much considering that he has almost no food so he cannot get his teeth dirty. How's hos hair? Sloppy due to the inability to bathe, full of dandruff and greasy, it is so uncomfortable.
And let's not talk about how his body will feel, dirty and uncomfortable, the itching is unbearable and the open wounds, many of them must have become infected.
And then when he return to all this care, you think about feeling strange the sensation of a toothbrush, to the point that it is uncomfortable and hurts, or how when he trying to comb his hair after months large layers of hair fall to the floor, or how when washing his hair traces of dried blood stain the water (and also think about the emotional implications, the poor thing feels so dirty and uncomfortable)
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misoleado · 10 months
Do you need a space to talk about your spidersona? Share headcanons, talk, etc. Me and my spidersona Sole are here.
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ohworm-writes · 8 months
Drafting out a full fic right now for Fireman!Schlatt and new recruit reader because I love the idea so much of Schlatt just being fully against anyone new who comes into the firehouse, like- just being so passive aggressive and snarky and cold and just mean to them because he's extremely critical about anyone who joins.
Because, like, duh, of course he would. He's worked this job and at this house since he graduated high school. He's seen so many people go in and out of this job, he can't even count it on both of his hands twice over. And he fuckin' knows how all of the new people who are joining are doing it to boost their own egos and feel important and have people swoon over them.
Because who wouldn't want that, right?
And he's seen this exact same pattern over and over and over and over again and he's so fucking sick of it that he's just a dick to anyone new who joins. Not enough for it to get him in trouble or be considered a problem, but enough that it gets his point across that he does not like you and is completely comfortable and open with that fact.
And then boom. New recruit reader joining being so fucking excited because they've been trying for years to get into the profession. Whether it be they weren't in the best physical shape, or they didn't pass their test, or they didn't have the right qualifications or what, even if it was none of that. Becoming a firefighter is hard because the competition is so high- especially if you're in New York.
And so, after so many hard years of trying and studying and working out and doing everything under the sun to get in and they finally- finally get that badge? God they are so fucking happy and so fucking ready to put all of their training and all of the things they've learned to use and they're so eager to learn more.
And then joining Ladder 131.
And fuck.
Enter Fireman!Schlatt who decided that he fucking hates his life and that he should have chosen a different career the second he hears the reader talking with the Fire Chief at 6:30 in the morning, introducing themself to him and listening as he talks about the station and their duties and how he'll have them get toured around by someone and-
Oh, hey, Schlatt! Come here for a second!
He hasn't even had a cup of coffee yet and he's already so willing to bash his skull repetitively into the fire pole until his head concaves around it. He would rather spend the rest of his life living in Manhattan than be at the house right now. He would rather cheer for the Mets than have to pretend to be all nice with the new recruit because he fucking knows he won't be able to last a few seconds before saying something that's just plain rude.
AND JUST- THE READER NOT BEING A PROBLEM AT ALL. Like genuinely? If Schlatt had met them outside of work? He probably would have clicked with them without any issue. Hell! They probably could become friends or more if he had met them outside of work!
But noooooo! They just had to be the new recruit, didn't they? They just had to come in with the most insufferable, annoying, irritating attitude (read: they literally just said 'hello!' and introduced themself professionally and were actually really kind and straightforward) and fuck up his entire life because now he has to tour them around the station and have them follow after him like a lost puppy.
(He knows it's wrong and a fucked way of thinking, but he considers pushing them down the fire pole without warning at least four times during that single interaction.)
And, okay, instead of the reader being all sunshine and rainbows and naive and whatnot, I present to you this idea: a reader who has just as much if not more attitude than Schlatt, who takes no shit from anyone. Like- they know Schlatt has a problem with them the second he introduces himself with the response of "Jay Schlatt. Pleasure." through gritted teeth and the coldest glare that he isn't even trying to hide.
Like- as he's touring them around, being all pissy and snarky and rude, them just going "You know, you could just, I don't know... act like an adult maybe and show me around and pretend to like me instead of being such a brat? Maybe? Light suggestion?" and keeping a neutral expression as they walk behind him casually, still taking in all of the information he's spilled and storing it in their mind.
Fireman!Schlatt, who swears on his fucking life he has never once in his life almost swung at a co-worker before, nor has the thought ever crossed his mind, but boy oh boy, did he almost just do it. And he's walking around silently fuming now, not even saying a word to the reader, like- he just passes a co-worker, gives them this look, points at you, and leaves.
Cause he will not be able to control himself if he's around you for another second, and this is now somebody else's job because he will, without a shadow of doubt, lose his if he stays with you.
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toxifoxx · 1 month
ask me about william...
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aroacerick · 4 months
Listen to me. he is perfect dad material do you understand. he has the looks he has the attitude he could be a father he could so do it. why arent there more father house md things around here
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newmsies · 9 months
oscar delancey
real, honestly
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terendelev · 10 months
so from what I have seen -and what Karlach told me- Enver Gortash is definitely worse than I thought, he is nasty and looks like unpleasant to be around but I still want him so there is that...
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stayatsam · 11 months
is there a fallout new vegas courier ask list i wanna talk about lao
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dolokhoded · 1 year
philippe de chagny.....................................................
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All the best bitches love Eric Millegan
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wixterirox · 2 years
I’m so tired
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someone let me ramble about cove holden to them plz
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bornintheskies · 3 months
PLS SOMEONE LET ME TALK ABOUT MY TRAUMATIZED BOY (he’s 26 and could probably kick my ass)
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tarantucutie · 9 months
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🕸 // god i love this dumb little bastard; i know that grusha thread isn't for isola, but every time something goes wrong and mimi goes on a tirade, it adds 2 years to my life.
i guess treat this post as an AMA because i want to answer questions about him. (or have him answer questions about himself.) i just want to make more mimi content. my askbox is open, or feel free to reply to this post!
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egophiliac · 2 months
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IT WAS ERIC AFTER ALL!!!! I'm so glad we got to meet him (before Vil snaps him away with those Infinity Gauntlets) (can't wait to see what happens when we get the matching Infinity Tiara to go with them, there will be no survivors)
(sorry to be so slow/rough lately, just got a lot of stuff on the ol' brain at the moment! alas, if only I could spend all my time drawing incredibly stupid characters I mean I do but)
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