#I only interacted with NApoleon in isaacs route
gunraekae · 8 months
a day in the mansion for you
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Santa Rosalia by Roberto Ferri
>ikemen vampire
>mansion residents x reader
>a/n: for context, i'm the sort who enjoys seeing the casual interactions between the residents and the mc, so these are some hcs on what I imagine a day looks like for you. i sorta placed this as being in the first week mc arrives, before anything too serious happens, but you can interpret this whichever way you choose!
also apologies, i wasn't able to write for every single suitor as i haven't played most of their routes yet! I'll do a follow-up post when i finally finish them :))
Restrains Jean when he attacks you in the middle of the night
Comte enlists him to guard you and show you around Paris with Vincent, being the one that you trust the most in the beginning
Accompanies you and Isaac to the école, to help you be more at ease in the town
Part of your morning rounds: you wake him up
Part of your evening rounds: you talk about each other’s days, has dinner with you if you haven’t
After asking Sebastian to fetch him Rouge, he prevents you from escaping (sorta does a reverse psychology thing)
Rightfully blaming himself for your dislike, he charms you with his intelligence through the lounge games; he wins a conversation with you and apologises on your date
When you encounter him on your town visit, the two of you are caught with a mysterious case that employs the two of you in your mystery solving adventures. 
Part of coffee addicts: your best customer, kisses you for every cup of coffee you bless him with
Part of breakfast gang: either there because he didn’t sleep or there because he slept too early
Spooked by the first night in the mansion, you lock yourself in your room until lunch, only to realize that Leonardo had stood guard outside your door the whole night
Remains quite protective, he calls himself your companion; finds you cooped up in the library and takes you with him on town visits
Part of coffee addicts: will come later, but will always be there
Part of your afternoon rounds: he magically finds you when you’re sad and will find some random event to cheer you up with
Starving and not in control, he unknowingly attacks you on your first night and incites you to escape
Overwhelmed, self-conscious, and wary, you spend much of the first week’s evenings in the library. To your shock, Jean is also there, learning how to write. Believing that it may be best for the two of you to reconcile, you teach him how to write. 
Helps you as much as possible with your chores, especially if it’s reaching high places or something that requires strength. 
Joins the residents in meals because of you
Listens to Mozart’s pieces with you
Part of your morning rounds: you have to remind him to eat
Sympathetic to your predicament, he comforts you and shows you around Paris with Napoleon, being one of the few that you feel safe around
Invites you to a picnic with Theo
Enjoys your singing in the gardens while he paints and will frequent the outside the more you do it
Part of coffee addicts: might experiment with different roasts and enjoys it, but will like his coffee as black as possible
Part of breakfast gang: really only there to join Theo in the morning
Like a good sugar daddy, he takes you shopping and constantly spoils you. On the second day, he takes you to the town
Will ask for tea on the daily and constantly checks in on you; a most protective father figure, he keeps the residents in check
You’re his automatic partner any time he has to attend a social event (and of course he takes you shopping before). You’re his rumoured partner, and Comte does not quell those rumours he keeps them up. 
Part of your afternoon rounds: you have tea with him
After cooping yourself up in your room, Dazai is the second you confide your troubles to. He’s always attuned to your emotions and understands your mental health struggles; always ready to lend an ear (because he’d rather everyone be happy before himself ahh) He’s almost invasive with how aware he is of you
Another frequent player in the lounge games, he doesn’t play seriously and is only really there to bring everyone’s mood up; don’t include gambling though, because he gets sorta crazy
Part of breakfast gang: horrible sleep schedule has him join the morning
Part of your afternoon rounds: any time you have errands in the garden, he’ll join you 
Partly due to his brother, and partly out of his own heart, he enlists you as an apprentice and they get to know the town
To bridge the gap between you and Arthur, he invites you to the lounge after dinner to play games
Teaches you the ropes of living in Paris: warns you, keeps you aware of current events, probably even helps you with your finances
Part of coffee addicts: likes your experimental sweet lattes
Part of breakfast gang: always present in the morning because he has to
Cooped up in his room as well, Sebastian asks you to deliver his food to his room, believing him the most harmless. Isaac awkwardly welcomes you in his own way, accompanying you and Napoleon to their école
Also a frequenter of the lounge games, he attempts to impress you and win a date against Arthur
Part of breakfast gang: has to be there for his job, but enjoys whatever you make
Part of your evening rounds: sometimes he’ll be outside with his telescope, observing the stars. Once you felt comfortable, he asked you to join him
Most intimidated by him, Sebastian forces you to deliver lunch to him. He’s cold, fussy, but would rather spend time with you than anyone else. Whenever he needs feedback or an audience for a piece, he’ll ask you first along with Jean. 
You’re his automatic partner any time he has a performance, partly because you comfort him in carriage rides, partly because he just wants you around
Part of coffee addicts: crawls to get coffee from you
Part of your evening rounds: you have to remind him to sleep
Part of your breakfast gang: organized routine but also terrible sleep schedule
You met him after he gave you and Vincent tickets for one of his upcoming plays. When he approached the two of you, he gave such good banter and was so amicable, you swear it almost sounded practiced (haha)
He’ll sometimes join the residents for dinner. He’s begun to join a lot more often because having you around made Arthur and Theo much less hostile. After dinner, he makes a practice of talking to you in private, endlessly charming, but oddly invasive—like he’s studying you
Any time he has a new play, you're the first to get invited to watch it. Sometimes, if he's particularly frustrated or uninspired, he'll ask you to come to rehearsals with him.
You and Vincent sometimes visit him in his villa to make sure he's not writing himself to death.
A sweet florist you met in town while you were miserable in the first week. He gave you a flower to cheer you up and was the epitome of charming, so charming in fact, that you accidentally revealed you lived in the mansion. Once you’ve revealed that fact, he began seeing you every time you were alone in town (for no ulterior motive at all)
General HCs for All!
Writes you letters daily/weekly; a habit picked up after the first night and seeing how spooked you were
Help you and Sebastian as much as they can; they can obviously clean up for themselves and even cook when they feel inclined
More residents have meals together than ever before; your presence sort of unites them and they’re super grateful for that
You’ve achieved the point where every resident is together during dinner
Birthdays, special occasions, and achievements are celebrated because you organize them for everyone
Since Halloween is your favourite holiday, the residents make an effort to dress up for it
Valentine’s Day is a bit of a mess, with you making a gift for every resident
White Day was used by the residents to give you their gifts, and it’s overwhelming, to say the least
They’re huge gossips, so any and every update on you is spread like wildfire to everyone. Good luck having an off-day
Dazai is the first to notice, being the most emotionally intelligent
Leonardo is the quickest one to take action, quite literally scooping you from whatever you’re doing to cheer you up
Napoleon is also another quick one to constantly check in on you and look for you if you come home too late
Sebastian usually keeps track of who you’re with or where you are if you guys are separated
Buys you random presents, usually connected to something between the two of you, but also sometimes follows current trends
Isaac buys you a hairclip he thinks looks darling on you
Dazai buys you a notebook to use as a diary, especially after noticing your journal’s almost full (and no he totally doesn’t peek in your writing)
Jean will always find something in town to bring to you in your night lessons
Comte… do I even need to say anything
Supports you in anything you pursue (I believe the canon says that you’re starting out as a writer, so I’mma use that)
You keep notes of your every day in your diary, sort of like a vlog and a lot of the snoopy residents read it. Eventually they suggest that you publish some of it
Being a huge fan of literature, the authors organize a writer’s night where you come up with a prompt and they share how they’d write it
If you ever end up writing something, they’re the first to hear and are your biggest fans
You’re a frequent guest teacher in Napoleon’s and Isaac’s école
You always thought you weren’t good with kids, but seeing how much the children like you reassured you
Napoleon teases you on how much you say you dislike children but secretly enjoys the time with them
Isaac is extremely grateful for how much you like organizing his lesson plans
if you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading! i hope you have a wonderful day and leave a like/reblog <3
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krys-loves-otome · 3 months
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OC Brain Rot Post #1: Thea and Abby and the Rivals Fight at the Mansion
OC Brain Rot (originally based on this post) is where I basically ramble some about my OCs and what they're up to currently outside of my writings and arts. Basically, these posts are, in essence, brain dumps. Sometimes there might only be a couple sentences and half-formed ideas, others might go into meta involving my ocs and whichever game universe they are apart of.
Most post will be based around my otome OCs but some original ones might slip in once in a while! You just never know where my brain might take me.
I'll also make a big, huge note here that these posts won't be spoiler-free! At the beginning of each post, I'll try and make note of which game and OCs I'll be talking about. Spoiler parts will be under the cut.
For this post, there will be Spoilers below about the Interlude route of Ikemen Vampire, right around Chapters 10 and 11.
Thea and Abby will feature in this rot. Normally, they are two characters that have their own universes. However, I also fall inevitably into joining their universes together just so I can have them both interacting with the boys and being friends (Thea is quite protective of the shy and timid Abby), so I'll also include some thoughts about both of them together in this part of the Interlude route.
Here we go, onto the brain rotting!
For Context: The Interlude Route in Ikemen Vampire is a transition arc between the first and second acts, right before the act 2 for the suitors are released and two new characters are introduced. MC is stuck in the past because Comte's magical time door is broke and going home is likely an impossibility at this point, unless you want to be lost in the time soup for all eternity. So now, MC is trying to make the best of the change in her plans.
Vlad, still bent on not letting the vision he saw in the future come to pass, revives the rivals to our suitors and they have been terrorizing everyone the past few chapters. Where I'm at currently, Vlad has met with Comte and Leonardo and they tried to talk things out, purebloods to pureblood, but Vlad still refuses to stop his mission and the three part ways.
He then sends the ones he's revived to the mansion in an all out attack. Napoleon and Jean take the most brunt in fighting Wellington and Gilles with Leonardo and Comte assisting them. Dazai and Sebastian were guarding the door while the other non-fighters (Mozart and Isaac) were in the piano room. Theo had gone on his own to face off against Gauguin to get revenge with Arthur following him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid, such as going through with the revenge quest he was on.
This is initially where the girls start off in. Vincent is also in the piano room but soon goes out on his own because he also figures that Theo was about to do something stupid and while I initially thought it was dumb of him because he left the non-fighters defenseless (his little info blerb he's the strongest of the non-purebloods and I had many instances of 'why you do that, something bad gonna happen to the non-fighters! Vincent, my love!') but he didn't want for Theo to do his stupid thing, so he goes to Theo and it's sweet (me still thinking it was dumb but whatever, narrative gonna do what it wants).
For Thea, she goes with Vincent after Theo. No risking yourself for your brother nonsense! She cares too much about Theo too, she's gonna stop him. And she knows a little bit about fighting (as stated in this power-scaling reblog I did), so she'll be mostly okay. Theo pulls her to him as he flips the pool table in the game room and all four of them are dodging bullets, currently.
For Abby, she stays with Mozart and Isaac in the piano room, scared as this is some terrifying shit going on! When Vincent said he was leaving for Theo, Abby was very, very scared, numerous things running through her head, all of them not good. Worried for everyone outside fighting currently, for Sebastian and Dazai guarding the door, for Theo and Arthur out on their own, and now Vincent going on his own to find Theo. She wishes she could curl up in a corner somewhere, close her eyes and cover her ears until all of this was over, but she can't, not when all of her friends are fighting right now.
Before Vincent leaves, she does tug on his sleeve, wanting to ask him to stay. She knows how strong he is and wants him to stay with them, but seeing his eyes, how worried yet determined how he is. He was set on finding Theo.
So, in the face of that, all she could do was let go of his sleeve and say "Be careful."
Vincent smiles and gently pats her shoulder, promising to come back soon, with Theo in tow.
Once he's gone, however, Salieri comes after Mozart with a knife and we're back in terror time again. Isaac stays the closest to her, they're both terrified! Mozart shielding both of them. He manages to break the mind control over him with standing in front of the piano, reminding him that he had admired his music in their first lives, what has happened to you to attack another music lover? Things seem to simmer down in the music room because of that.
In the combined universe of both girls, it's relatively the same, Vincent still goes off to find Theo, but Thea goes with him, determined to find Theo and to help him or stop him from doing the stupid thing. Abby still tugs on Vincent's sleeve, still sacred but ultimately lets him and Thea go. They both cared a lot about the younger van Gogh, so who was she to stop them just because she's scared?
And... this is as far as I've gotten with this brain rot. Just a fun little brain exercise to put the girls in the goings on with what I'm playing currently. Hope to be able to share some more brain rots with you guys soon!
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Ikevamp Act 2.5
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Chapter 16 Dramatic Route
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That night, in a mansion built deep in the forest, all the vampires are gathered.
When the three appear with Comte, the residents of the mansion raise their eyebrows.
Shakespeare: "Lord Vlad. And even Faust and Charles."
Vlad: "It's been a long time, Will."
Napoleon: "Vlad. I never thought I'd meet the culprits responsible for attacking us this way."
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Isaac: "You're the pureblood that brought Hooke back to life..."
Jean: "Even if you have a good reason, don't think I'll easily forgive you for manipulating Gilles and kidnapping Mitsuki."
Vlad: "I'm not going to defend myself for what I put you guys through. If it makes you feel better, you can put your sword through this chest."
Vlad: "I'm not going to die, though."
Napoleon: ".............."
Vlad's words exude no mockery but rather all the resolve he carries with him.
Napoleon sensed this as he stared at the man in front of him.
Comte: "I'm sorry. I know you guys have your own opinions. But right now, I need you to listen to me."
Mozart: "I guess they're not here to fight. Tell us what happened."
Charles: "We were at the Expo with Mitsuki. And then..."
The bombing occurred at the venue, and Mitsuki tried to save a foreign kid and got separated from them during the explosion.
The residents of the mansion were then informed that they hadn't been able to find her anywhere since then.
Theo: "On top of that, there's a kidnapping. It's getting a little creepy."
Vincent: "Does this mean Mitsuki is involved in this kidnapping? We have to go help her as soon as possible."
Vlad: "We'll definitely save Mitsuki. Along with the kid she saved and his clan, too."
Arthur and Dazai's eyes widened in surprise.
Dazai: "Heh. It looks like you're very fond of Toshiko-san."
Arthur: "I didn't expect a pureblood like you to care about the minority when it comes to saving the world."
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Arthur: "You want to save the kid and his clan, even if it means going alone. Why is that?"
Everyone turned their gazes at him...
Vlad: "I guess it's because that kid is a descendant of a Dhampir."
Vincent: "Dhampir?"
Vlad uttered an unfamiliar word, and everyone tilted their heads.
Comte: "A Dhampir is a hybrid between a pureblood vampire and a human."
Pureblooded vampires differ from one family to another in the way they relate to humans.
Some clans consider humans only as their prey and do not interact with them at all. Others hide their true identities and blend in with human society, but some reveal their true identities to humans and seek coexistence with them.
Comte: "Because of the difference in species, it's difficult for humans and purebloods to have children, which is why it's rare."
Leonardo: "But that bambino carried a faint hint of a vampire in him."
Leonardo: "Dhampirs born by near-miraculous odds grow up and procreate with humans."
Leonardo: "I guess the result of that cycle is that bambino."
Vlad: "Nowadays, though, their blood has faded, and they're almost the same as humans."
Faust: "Their ancestral stories were passed down only as folklore, and their true nature as vampires disappeared."
Vlad: "Still, we can say Dhampirs are the result of the coexistence of vampires and humans."
Comte: "Coexistence..."
Arthur: "You can't abandon them because they have the same blood running in their veins��is that what you're saying?"
Vlad: "Maybe..."
Vlad: "This is all my personal decision, including wanting to help Mitsuki. In the end, this is just about my ego."
With a smile, Vlad casts his eyes down in self-mockery for the first time.
Isaac: "So you're telling me that a clan with vampire blood was on display at the Expo?"
Faust: "Yes, to make the lore even more interesting."
Theo: "They spotted a family with unusual lore and brought them to the Expo to make a spectacle of them."
Theo: "It's a world-class event, this kind of thing showmen like to do to get attention."
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Vincent: "I wouldn't want that to happen to my family either."
Sebastian: "Furthermore, they displayed them in an exhibit to make them a target for kidnapping."
Vlad: "Not only that but if word spread that they have vampire blood in their veins and the vampire's existence was made known..."
Vlad: "The worst could happen.”
Isaac: "What's the worst that could happen?"
Vlad: "Vampire hunting."
Everyone shut their mouths at the mention of the disturbing words.
Isaac: "B-But I don't think they will believe that vampires exist that easily."
Isaac: "Except maybe if they bite them in front of a bunch of people and sip their blood."
Faust: "But once they see them as heretics, there is a possibility that they will be persecuted."
Jean: "As a heretic, huh? If that happens, their clan will have a miserable end."
Mozart: "I'm sure those of us who are also vampires are no strangers to this."
Vlad: "Fear can spread through the world in the blink of an eye."
Vlad: "I just want to stop it before it happens."
People fear those who are different from themselves. And once fear is ignited, they will be thoroughly eliminated with weapons.
Vlad has seen this side of humanity many times.
Vlad: "Even among humans, the slightest difference is enough to cause hatred and strife."
Vlad: "No one should ever have to experience that kind of sorrow again."
Vlad: "I don't want humans to make such mistakes or commit such sins. That's all there is to it."
Charles: "Vovoide."
Vlad gripped his shirt tightly, looking like he was in pain.
Shakespeare: "My lord, your love for mankind is so sad."
Although he parted ways with Comte due to his ambition to control human thought, what he revealed was his purest wish.
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Arthur: "Frankly, I think your love of humanity is twisted."
Vlad: "Conan Doyle."
Arthur: "It's a bit arrogant of you to keep people under control because you don't want them to make mistakes."
Arthur: "But regardless of all this talk, it seems our intentions are mutual."
Theo: "All we have to do is rescue hondje."
Theo: "And together, we will rescue the kid and his clan. Regardless if they are human or Dhampir."
Arthur: "Well, there you have it. If all of us put our heads together, I think we can make it work."
Charles: "Yeah, you're right. I mean, we all have these great people here."
Dazai: "The king over there wanted to see if we are good enough to lead the people, huh?"
Dazai: "This is a chance for us to show what we're really made of."
Shakespeare: "Dazai, you work too."
Vlad: "You guys..."
Napoleon, who had been watching the discussion, looked at Vlad and took a step forward.
Napoleon: "Vlad."
Napoleon: "I'm not going to go too deep into the past to see how much you have despaired."
Napoleon: "I'm not even going to try to tell you if your plans are right or wrong here."
Napoleon: "We are former humans. To you, it may look stupid for humans to fight endlessly, but with both stupidity and sorrow etched in our hearts, we have risked our lives for the sake of peace and for those we should protect."
Napoleon: "But isn't that the same for you?"
Vlad: "That's very Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte to say."
Napoleon: "I'm not an emperor anymore, though."
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Napoleon: "Now, as a man, I have no reason to hesitate if there is something I can protect with my own hands."
Leonardo: "So, that's it. You guys have no objection to that, right?"
Faust: "Yes. For once, let's fight together."
Faust: "In the first place, you will do whatever it takes to save Mitsuki. Isn't that right, Lord Vlad?"
He asked for his confirmation, and Vlad nodded as if it were a matter of course.
Dazai: "It's a strange fate, isn't it? Toshiko-san gave herself up to protect the child of a human and a vampire."
Isaac: "The odds may be astronomical. But for Mitsuki, I'm sure she just acted the way she always does."
Vincent: "Yeah, and I'm sure she's going to say something like this."
Vincent: "You don't need a reason to help someone."
Theo: "Yeah, I can picture hondje smiling like that."
Everyone pictured Mitsuki's smiling face in their minds.
Charles: "I totally get you. I mean, Mitsuki came to our castle herself."
Faust: "I know she's a simpleton, but that's why she's able to go head-to-head with His Excellency Vlad and us."
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Mozart: "From what I've heard, it sounds like Mitsuki's meddling was no different for you guys."
Sebastian: "She is also more adaptable than others."
Each time Mitsuki was mentioned, the expression on everyone's face softened.
All of them had only one thing on their minds: unwavering determination.
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Late at night, Comte and Vlad were standing shoulder to shoulder on the balcony.
Comte: "I never thought there was a Dhampir bloodline among humans."
Vlad: "Yeah. It's as miraculous as finding a newly formed star out of this starry sky."
Comte: "A star, huh? It's like hope. But..."
Comte: "That's what we've been hoping for all along, for vampires and humans to coexist. Vlad."
Vlad: "Yeah. That's the only thing that hasn't changed since we were kids."
The two of them remembered the lonely but beautiful scenes of their childhood.
Comte: "Hey Vlad, are humans and vampires really that different?"
Comte: "I love humans so much, so why can't I just stay with them?"
Vlad: "Don't cry. I'm sure one day humans and vampires will be able to live together forever."
Vlad: "In this beautiful world, humans, vampires, and other living creatures live hand in hand."
Vlad: "I wish for a future like that to last forever. Let's keep wishing for it together."
~~~~~~~Flashback Ends~~~~~~~
On this night, their hearts came together for the first time in hundreds of years, just like when they had shared the same wish and exchanged tears and smiles.
Vlad: "I thought helping only those you can reach won't change this cruel world."
Vlad: "But Mitsuki tried to help that boy."
Vlad: "She put her heart into those who were being showcased."
Comte: ".............."
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Vlad: "What Mitsuki says is always beautiful. Still, seeing her never give up makes me want to be close to her."
His crimson eyes reflected the stars as he looked up at the night sky.
Comte also looked up at the starry sky and smiled.
Comte: "It's strange. I never thought I'd see the day we'd join hands again in this way."
Comte: "Mitsuki really connected us."
Mitsuki tried her best to listen and understand both sides between Comte and Vlad as they kept confronting each other.
Comte: "Hey, Vlad. Is Mitsuki your own hope?"
Vlad: "Yeah."
Vlad: "She's the hope that kept me alive."
Comte: "I see. But why her?"
Vlad: "Ahaha. I think I'll keep that a secret."
Vlad: "But this time, I'm going to find her myself."
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My consciousness gradually rises from sleep as the cold hard floor touches my cheek.
Mitsuki: "Mm...Huh? Where am I...?"
Boy: "Sis, are you awake?"
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yanderepuck · 4 years
The mansion in the 21st century
For the sake of our sanity we are going assume they are all still alive in the 21st century since we don't know when everyone was turned (just that Will was first)
We're also gonna pretend that Sebas is still around(I don't think he'd accept being a vampire???? But for the sake of this he's gonna be here)
Arthur is his full whore self and is with guys and gals. He put the bi in bitch
Leonardo is also bi(historically there's no record of him ever being with a woman)
Imagine the shit posts on social media
Arthur has an Instagram and he posts about everyone's life, even using their names, but no one takes it series
A few times a week Arthur does something called "where is Leonardo sleeping today?"
Vincent uses tiktok for art
Theo has been able to get in contact with more artists all over and be able to sell their art. It's made it a lot easier for him and even though it's a lot more work he enjoys it
Dazai is also a shit poster, only he asks weird things that keep you up at night
But Dazai also publishes short stories. Probs has a blog.
I could also see Dazai basically running an animal shelter in the back yard. He gives off Disney princess vibes. Only it's like ducks, a bunch of birds. A horse or two and some sheep.
Will has probably moved back into the mansion since everything he has done has been forgotten by society.
He finds it odd how kids in schools study is plays and have to analyze it. He's just like "everyone's gay and every other line is a dick joke???" But he still doesn't speak normal.
Leonardo and Vinc would both have a tik tok and Instagram to show off their work and their hella popular
Isaac wanted to keep a low profile, but since the internet isn't face to face with people, he's able to publish his findings without having to actually deal with society. He's just social awkward okay
Sebastian also has a blog. He calls everyone his roommates and he's like "you'll never guess what my roommate did today"
Arthur collects mugs.
During that Italian hand meme, everyone paid more attention to Leonardo to see how often he does it
He does it too often and he doesn’t realize it
At some point Dazai HAS yelled “DO IT FOR THE VINE”
He was probably yelling at Theo
Want to know whats really dangerous?
Shakespeare learning modern slang
No one in the mansion knows what he’s talking about in the first place.  Then suddenly he goes “For never was a story of more woe.  O bard Alexa, play us  Despacito”(I will not take credit for that.  I remember reading that phrase LONG ago)
Isaac says “Me” “Same” and “Mood” a lot
He sees garbage on the ground and goes “It’s me”
Dazai is into anime don’t @ me
Also. Napoleon is also bi as all hell
Drunk or not him and Sebas have made lip contact at least once
Imagine what Mozart could do with music now.
He still loves his piano.  Nothing is better than physically playing an instrument
He probs went viral for a hot minute when Arthur posted a video of him playing piano
Comte is even more of a tired mom.
You know how people make board for their friends?
He does that with everyone in the mansion
I honestly know nothing about Jean and Napoleon.  I’m sorry for their lack of content. Plz add things for them.
Imagine everyone playing Mario Kart
Not every week because they all have lives outside the mansion.  But at least once a month they have a game night
None of them are really TV people.  They’ll watch movies but that’s about it
They’d all watch documentaries on themselves, and point out everything that is wrong, and even be like “where the fuck did they get that from?”
Because I have watched documentaries on him.  Often a Da Vinci documentary will mention was arrest with sleeping with another guy.  The rest of the guys are waiting for him to call that  bullshit and he’s just sitting there eating popcorn.
Meanwhile Will is in the back like “Eyy! Me too!”
“Did that really happen?”
“What?  Me getting arrested?  Yeah”
“No, well yes, but did you sleep with another guy?”
“Was he worth it?”
“I don’t know which one their talking about”
Chaotic bisexuals everywhere
Arthur however has watched the BBC Sherlock series. 
Arthur and Dazai would probs watch the most tv out of all of them.
I say this cause Dazai would be into anime and Arthur got hooked on NCIS
Arthur write quite a bit of short stories that he’s gotten published
Will would love that goddamn Leonardo DiCaprio version of Romeo and Juliet.  I hate that movie with a passion
Also, I can’t imagine how many jokes they’ve managed to come up with about Leonardo DiCaprio to Leonardo.
If Arthur and Mozart can stay up for days with coffee, imagine what an energy drink would do to them
All of them in modern fashion???? HOT DAMN
Will likes the Titanic 
I see Theo being the one that’s into MARVEL and DC movies
Imagine showing Vinc Bob Ross
Leonardo and Isaac are Tony Stark(Ironman) and Bruce Banner(Hulk)
Everyone in the mansion is into conspiracy theories .
Comte himself is a conspiracy theory 
One night Napoleon is like “Guys.  Look.  Aliens” and they all watch conspiracy theory videos.
It’s the one thing they can all agree on that they have in common
Vinc and Leonardo also enjoy pinterest  because of all the art/crafting/diy things they find.
Arthur 100% listens to ebooks
THE MANSION IS A POKEMON GO GYM.  But they aren’t all on the same team so battling can get serious some days
They all still have pets
Honestly.  At any point in time, not just modern.  They made fun of each others accents.
Lets be real.  Will would end up liking anime too
SNapchat filters on the guys??  The dog filter on Theo??? Flower crown on Vinc???  Face swapping everyone with everyone???
One of them is bound to have a candle obsession and I want to say its Comte.  Only he buys them and doesn’t burn them.  Sebas ends up slowly taking candles from the stash and burning them in a few rooms.
The music room smells like chocolate but Mozart can’t find the candle.
Leonardo's room is even more cluttered.  He has too many hobbies.
Vinc making his own paint???  I’d love.
Theo and Arthur cried a little when their favorite bar shut down.
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hey so I’m not trying to be gross but this genuinely something that I wonder about like how does mc survive on her period in a mansion full of vampires? Especially with a pure blood like Comte or Leonardo like can’t they sense it? sorry if this is weird I’m just genuinely interested In like pure blood and vampire lore and like what they pick up on especially comte as he’s a fave. I’d love to hear your thoughts as always I love your posts and I hope you’re doing well and staying safe and healthy 💛☺️
Haha, please don’t worry! 😂😂😂 I’ve often wondered about the very same thing, and while I don’t have any canon answers, I can offer the most likely scenario from my understanding of the game. Hope you’re doing well too, lovely, thank you! Stay safe out there~💛💛💛
Given what I know, and the fact that blood is only a small component of the discharge that comes with one’s period, I’d wager it poses a low risk generally speaking. I think the plan would be to make sure everyone’s on guard and has been keeping up with their usual doses of Blanc/Rouge (no waiting until you starve, Jeanne, yes that is a threat) but otherwise everyone proceeds as they normally would. I think it would be hardest on the vamps who are most sensitive to the presence of blood/have a harder time controlling their thirst, like Isaac and Arthur. 
Purebloods have been canonically established as having a much lower tendency to bloodlust by comparison to lesser/turned vampires, so I very much doubt Comte or Leonardo would react much. A blip on the screen for them, nothing more. (I often categorize Jeanne as the closest to pureblood level reactivity because his ability to control the thirst is exceptional; the only time he has ever come close to attacking MC was when he was at a point of intense starvation.) I think the only time her period could potentially become risky is if one of them was starving (and therefore reacting on the level of base instinct) or grievously injured. If they have feelings for her or she’s in a relationship with one of them, it may make them want to bite her more, but I don’t think they’d necessarily act on it. I’d assume most of them would be reluctant because MC is already losing blood as it is? Better to be safe than sorry, and all that.
As for whether or not they can anticipate it, I’m really not sure? It’s possible they might sense hormonal changes, but given I haven’t seen them react to anything so slight I can’t be sure. Purebloods I’d say it’s a coin toss; it’s very possible they can sense it before it comes--but I just have no way of knowing for sure. Lesser vampires, I very much doubt it. 
That being said, you bring up a very timely contention (for me) as of late. Which is to say: what are purebloods capable of sensing? I’ll be elaborating on a recent JPN collection story event that included Comte, as it had a very interesting tidbit that I’d like to share with y’all. It isn’t a huge spoiler as I’ll be focusing on the pureblood lore that was included, but for those who don’t want to see it I’ll be placing it under a cut. (Also some slight spoilers for Comte and Leo’s main story rt).
Mandatory spoiler warning:
So this last event featured MC and her suitor taking care of a child for a few days, in which they act like a pair of surrogate parents. Naturally, being a feral Comte stan, I got his story. In it, both he and MC are taking care of a young girl named Emma--the daughter of a fellow aristocrat (a friend of his). At some point during the story, MC accidentally loses sight of Emma while hanging up the laundry. MC searches the entire mansion but can’t find her anywhere, and she begins to panic when Comte encounters her. Alarmed, he gently asks her what’s wrong and she explains what happened. There’s a brief pause [”...”] and then he says “It’s okay, MC. Emma is–”. Comte then leads her to the gazebo where the little tyke is fast asleep, taking a midday nap in the shade. Naturally MC is relieved to see her safe, but also a little baffled as Comte led her directly to Emma. 
MC: “I’m so glad she’s okay. But…how did you know she’d be here?”
Comte: “Purebloods are good at sensing/detecting nearby human beings.”
And I ????? Granted it’s possible it got translated incorrectly but...I really don’t understand how else he would have known exactly where she was? If MC asked around and searched the entire place and still couldn’t find any trace of her, how would Comte have just known in an instant? Additionally, if he spotted her before he found MC panicking, then I doubt he would have just left her there without an adult/guardian nearby--he would have either stayed there or taken her with him. 
So this makes it plenty plausible that he really did just sense her presence in the vicinity. But........like..........howmst in the fuck. Is that even possible. I have no idea, but I find it a little shocking that I’ve only discovered this now? I mean maybe I missed it somewhere else where this tidbit of lore came up, but as far as I know they don’t discuss it much? The most I remember is Comte giving very clear indications that purebloods were able to sense each other, but I assumed that was restricted to purebloods only...
That being said I’ve been thinking about it and, well, there are at least three pretty strong instances in the game that could affirm his claim in this story. Namely: the beginning of the story itself (Comte’s POV of the prologue), the kidnapping incident in Comte’s main story, and the beginning of Leonardo’s main story.
I remember @a-maidens-dream asking about something very interesting in Comte’s POV story, and at the time I was a little unsure what to do with the information--it wasn’t aligning in a way that made sense. But I think this might help that tidbit fall into place? I think that Comte really hadn’t realized she followed him into the door until she was already in the mansion, and as such this ability to sense humans would explain why he knew she was there before Napoleon even told him anything. If purebloods can sense human people, then he would know a human being entered the house because of the species signature; the only human person living there otherwise was Sebastian. I’m not sure if the sixth sense is acute enough for him to be able to differentiate between human people. (My guess is that it’s not that specific, or if it is, the pureblood has to know the person very well to be sure.)
Building on that, this is a subtle distinction, but it still stood out for me. In his main story route, both MC and a fellow aristocrat (a woman she was friends with) are taken to these small cabin things in the middle of the woods. All Comte, Napoleon, and Jeanne have to go on is the general location of these hideouts. They decide to split up; Comte goes one way, Napoleon and Jeanne go another. I find this instance particularly interesting because Comte’s POV indicates a kind of loss of rational thought--he is 100% in a panic state, just moving to satisfy one objective: save MC before time runs out. This suggests that Comte very much could have been relying on that sense to pinpoint her and her assailants. We have no evidence to believe he was ever a soldier or somebody with extensive experience in tracking--or that knew the landscape well. But he only trusts she’s alive and unharmed for sure when he has her in his arms again, suggesting either that this sixth sense has its limits (in regards to specificity of the person being detected) or that his judgement in that moment was too compromised for it to be clear.
The last one, and perhaps the funniest possibility of the three, lies in the beginning of Leonardo’s main story route. Iirc, Leonardo spends much of that time hauling MC around the mansion to interact and properly situate herself in the mansion’s social dynamic. While this may just be a coincidence, MC notes that she actively tried to hide from him and make herself scarce, but whenever she tried no amount of stealth worked. One can certainly argue he just paid attention or asked other residents about where she was, but I do think it’s worth considering? I need to re-look at the chapters, but I seem to recall her trying to hide in a garden shed and he still found her immediately and just picked her up and walked right back out. 
Tl;dr: So does this mean Comte/Leo can sense when MC is on her period? I have no idea, but at this point I really can’t be sure what abilities they do and don’t have!
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Sisyphean Stories, Summarized (reformatted)
An idea for an Ikemen Vampire AU, based off of Cybird’s , where Comte’s door is much more problematic than previously thought, and after each suitor’s epilogue scene, MC suddenly finds themself back in the prologue, at the moment just before they enter the mansion.
This MC is gender neutral (please let me know if I make any mistakes :) and starts out the relatively kind, polite, well mannered MC we all know and love. I may or may not call MC ‘Mickey/Mic’ since it feels pretty gender neutral.
I really did look at the letters ‘M’ and ‘C’ together and read ‘Mick’. Sorrynotsorry
Note 1: Not sure if I’ll write out individual fics for every suitor, but I’ll try to give some sort of a time line to order them according to where they fall within MC’s perception of time.
Def. will write a denouement piece (I suggest as I haven’t written a single substantive story) where after going through goodness knows how many replays of the same general plot, MC is a little broken, a lot insane, and a heck-ton nihilistic. MC doesn’t turn evil, but does grow rather jaded and numb. Presumably, MC will have experienced all possible timelines/suitor routes.
Note 2: MC remembers previous encounters as well as any average human would, so not a photographic memory, more of a ‘I spark noted this route but I do indeed have a few episodic memories of the more moving events’.  
A you can expect, no matter what MC does during their ‘slice of timeslip’, everything is reset when MC is pulled (?yeeted?) back to that dreaded corridor. They could pull a Napoleon 2.0 world domination card in their route, but eventually they’ll open their eyes in the same corridor, their previous actions having absolutely no consequence significance purpose value effect in the grand scheme of things
it’s pretty clear how MC comes to believe that literally nothing matters
…because in this story, nothing matters
~that being said, my dear reader, YOU matter. On a painfully real note, it can be pretty easy to start drowning in feelings of despair and emptiness, and sometimes you don’t even realize that depression has begun to sneak in until it’s already begun to color your vision, whispering the cruelest things in order to break you.
~but at the end of the day, no matter what happens, you do matter. The way you interact with others, how you make them smile, how you care about the well being of others, well, no one else is quite like you.
~on the days when you feel replaceable, unlovable, stagnant, alone, when those emotions overwhelm you, never forget that there are so many people in the world who see how delightfully wonderful you are. You are so very loved, by your friends, your family, random strangers on the internet.
~Your value is inherent in your person-hood, and even people who have never met you wish you happiness and solace.
~everybody is important, not due to their relation to others, or their life story, but due to the sheer magnificence that is their own existence. Living in a world that is demanding and restricting is a feat, and it’s okay to feel burdened.
~please remember that you deserve to be happy.
The only constant in all of these (besides the fact that they’re literally reliving the same sliver of time without end) is that MC is a huge reader.
Which is great, because MC probably would have lost their mind a lot sooner had it not been for the limitless library at their disposal. MC’s escape from their never-ending rerun is the worlds contained within the pages of their Comte’s precious books.
MC may as well claim them, bc Comte probably couldn’t even tell you the content of half of the books in his library. He just likes the aesthetic
side note: Knowing that he’d be housing certified geniuses, he expanded his already impressive library in order to accommodate their varied interests
something something Tyrion Lannister quote ‘a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone’
don’t get me wrong, Comte def. is well read, he just has matters to attend to, unlike Leo, who has no tangible responsibilities and is free to read to his heart’s content
It comes to a point where, after so many ‘resets’ MC could rival the entire mansion combined in terms of literary prowess~
Disclaimer 1: I don’t own these characters, they’re all Cybird’s. 
Disclaimer 2: Have only completed Leonardo, Isaac, and Arthur’s routes, so I’m a bit weak in terms of accurately portraying the vamps. Please be merciful, but critical.
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crimson-snowfall · 4 years
Ikemen Vampire: Language of Flowers - Isaac
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Flower: Crimson Polyanthus
Meaning/Symbolism: The heart’s mystery
Word Count: 1576 (mildly NSFW)
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In the world of Isaac Newton, if something cannot be explained by logic, then perhaps it best to steer clear of it. The universe holds a never-ending amount of secrets that’s just waiting to be unraveled, and through mankind’s conglomeration of knowledge, Isaac believes that in due time, humanity will arrive on a logical explanation to even the most perplexing things on the contemporary.
Thus, Isaac has made it his purpose in life to discover and understand as many as possible of the universe’s unknowns, and consequently, he would rather not dwell on things where logic seems to be rather inapplicable or inconsistent most of the time… such as human interactions and emotions.
However, when all is said and done, no matter how Isaac may try to close off himself from his others and his emotions, the saying that “no man is an island” remains applicable to him, and no amount of suppression can ever deny that the emotion called “love” are among the many emotions that exist within him.
Delving deeper onto the topic of love… just like all other emotions, Isaac used to think of it as a product of biochemical reactions, and trying to go further than that just makes everything complicated. He specializes in physics for a good reason, so he thought the topic of love and other emotions are best left at the hands of experts who are actually interested. Frankly speaking, Isaac just can’t imagine himself being ever involved with another being so much to the point that the he’ll ever be interested with the mystery of love and other emotions.
And for the entirety of his human life and a good few years of his life as a vampire, that had been the case– until you came along.
Now everything is a mess, and destiny is having Isaac experience first hand this emotion that baffles him so much, which he considers the most illogical and subjective emotion there is. It’s not one of those things where he can just go like, “maybe if I ignore it, it will eventually go away.”
No. Just no. And it drives him nuts.
Isaac realized that until he has this emotion called “love” figured out at least, then he can’t go on normally with his academic pursuits, because nowadays can’t think of anything else but you, you, you. Your smile, the sound of your laughter, and even the scent of your hair haunts him even in his dreams. He was also dead wrong in thinking that perhaps confessing his love and entering an established relationship with you would wash away a little the sense of novelty that has him so excitable over every single thing you do, because if anything, things just took a turn for the worse and you always leave him acting like a love-struck, hormonal teenager.
You found Isaac sulking on the library, obviously frustrated over the complicated set of theorems he’s been working on for months now. He may not have realized it himself, but your lover has been eating a little less lately, so you brought him something to snack on.
“Isaac, I brought you something to eat.” You set down the plate over the closest spot on the table that wasn’t covered with reference materials. Isaac was caught a little off guard by your sudden appearance that he jolted a little from his seat. Perhaps giving him a tender smile after witnessing that wasn’t the best idea after all, because now he looks like he’s about to have a heart attack, his emotions rapidly shifting from that of surprise to love.
“I’m sorry Isaac, I didn’t mean to surprise you,” and with that, the blush on his face is probably now from embarrassment over you apologizing for something like that.
What a ride, Isaac thought. Can he even go a single interaction with you without having to ride this roller coaster of emotions? He couldn’t form any coherent thoughts in the interval it took him to calm down his emotions, and by the time he had composed himself, you figured that it’s best if you leave him be for now, since the teasing can always be saved for the night.
But just as soon as you had declared your intention to leave, a hand firmly held yours, halting you in your tracks. “N-no. Stay here… don’t go.”
“Are you sure, Isaac? Wouldn’t my presence here be too distracting for you?” Isaac looked away, cursing his inability to hide how much of a mess his emotions are when it comes to you. You felt yourself being tugged down, and the next thing you know, you were sitting on Isaac’s lap, his arms around your waist, his face buried on your chest.
“I don’t mind… no, I don’t even care anymore about what I was doing… j-just…” he trailed off, mumbling incoherently as he pressed his face harder on the comforting softness of your chest.
“Isaac? I’m afraid I can’t understand what you’re trying to say. Or are you trying to emphasize that you love my breasts that much?” Isaac abruptly brought up his head, but when he saw that smile on your face, he thought he might as well just go with the flow. He rested his chin back on top of your breasts but kept his gaze averted.
“That’s not what I was trying to say... but y-yes, I do l-love your b-breasts.”
“Oh, is that so?” The teasing smile that graced your lips is one of Isaac’s guilty pleasures. Under normal circumstances, being teased irritates him to no end, and such is the case with Arthur and Dazai. So just what the hell is it about your smile? Not only does it dispel his aversion towards being teased… but it does a terribly good job at making him aroused.
Isaac finally met your gaze, but only for a short while, before you’re consumed in a flurry of kisses that started with your lips, and ended with buttons flying off your blouse as Isaac ravaged your soft breasts. You did well stifling your moans, but the great physicist doesn’t like that. Isaac may be an introvert, but he sure likes it loud and lively when it comes to you– and he will stop at nothing just to get you chant his name like a passionate prayer for salvation.
“You shouldn’t have bothered with the snacks if you were coming here yourself,” was all he said before leading you off to the most secluded part of the library. You knew that Isaac had a lifetime’s worth of unattended sexual desires, but you weren’t expecting having sex with him outside a bedroom this early into your relationship, and in the library no less. Still, it was a pleasant surprise, so you didn’t mind at all as he pinned you against a sturdy bookshelf.
“You know, I’ve thought about it over and over,” his words were hushed as he spoke in between the downpour of kisses and bites he’s raining down your neck and shoulders, “but darling…” a finger help up your chin so that his unwavering and lust-filled gaze locked with yours, “just why do I love you so?”
Without waiting for your answer, he sealed your lips with his as he made quick work of hoisting up and spreading your legs, before he finally allowed his body to do the talking. Isaac has yet to learn everything about being gentle, and before long his name filled the room in lustful moans that were just as erratic and needy as his thrusts… just the way he likes it.
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Isaac apologized over and over again as you helped him return the books he had borrowed to the shelves. For starters, your blouse was missing a couple of buttons, and while it wasn’t so obvious, anyone with an observant eye would notice that there’s something quite off about the way you walk.
“Come on, stop apologizing Isaac. We had a great time, didn’t we?” You pulled him in a hug as you finished shelving the last book. He sighed in exasperation.
“Great? What’s so great about walking weird?” Isaac returned your embrace as he regarded you with concern.
“Hmmm… maybe you can think of it as proof that you’ve loved me oh-so-passionately today?”
Your retort earned you a perplexed look, but as much as you take pleasure in teasing your lover, you can tell from the moment you walked in the library that he’s suffering again with his thoughts. So you wracked your mind and came up with some words of comfort, something that would at least take him off his worries.
“Isaac, I know you would probably disagree but, I think not all mysteries are meant to be understood. Some mysteries obtain their charm by remaining a mystery, and when faced with a mystery like that… well, you just have to enjoy it. I’m not an expert on love myself, but I believe that’s just the kind of mystery love is.”
Isaac looked as though something had dawned on him, before his expression returned to that of concern. He took your hand and kissed the puncture wounds he had left, before conceding, at least for that day. “Well, if you say so. I’m still not fully convinced, but I guess…” he looked away as though finding the right words, then looked back at you with a genuine smile,
“I guess I’ll take you up on enjoying this warm, happy feeling.”
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Whew the bias really shows, and yeah this is definitely going to be longest one in this fic series. Isaac is my best boy and I’m so looking forward to his route release on the EN server . Oh and btw, Happy Valentines everyone! Hope you’re all having a great day~
More on this series:  [[Napoleon]] [[Mozart]] [[Leonardo]] [[Arthur]] [[Vincent]]  [[Theodorus]] [[Dazai]] [[Jean]] [[William]] [[Comte de Saint Germain]] [[Sebastian]] [[Vlad]]
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incorrectmidc · 6 years
Can you explain the personalities of the guys from Ikèmen Vampire? I really want to start playing sjsjsjsjsks
Dear Anon, what to say to you? Well, the guys are hot. What I wouldn’t give to be with Arthur. Nyehehe~ Anyway,  I’ll answer your query with what I’ve observed while playing the game.
     • NAPOLEON BONAPARTE – The Knight in Shining Armour type. He’s quite protective of MC, at first because he was tasked to protect her. He can be possessive, too. He likes kids and even teaches them self-defense in his spare time. He likes sweets and can be extremely sappy. Believe me, the corny lines he’d told MC was too much for me. XD And oh, he’s not a morning person.     • WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART – A tsundere. Lmao. He’s rude but pure. A clean freak. There was this one story event, a butler game, where he didn’t want to participate but Sebastian bribed him with a new version of the cleaning brush he really wanted so he said yes. Hahaha. And he’s hilarious, too. MC asked him why he doesn’t go to town that often and he said it’s because of the unpredictable things that always happens. He cited that one time he went looking for a piano. While he was browsing for one, a piano beside him suddenly played by itself. Mozart was outraged. Hahahahaha
     • LEONARDO DA VINCI – I haven’t played his main route yet but what I got from a story event was that he’s flirty and daddy material. Nyahaha! He likes to tease MC in the way Shingen Takeda of IkeSen does. He’s also protective of MC.
     • ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE – This guy I love. HOT AF. Intelligent and rational. He’s also a tease. He told MC one time, “Did you know that after getting bitten by a vampire, you’ll feel pain then extreme pleasure? Hey, do you wanna try?” And like, he bit MC early in his route. I’m still in the middle of his route so this is all I can tell you. And oh, he also likes teasing Isaac and Mozart, calling them Ai-chan and Mo-kun, respectively.
The following are the guys whose route haven’t been released yet:
     • VINCENT VAN GOGH – I think his route’s already released but I’m currently on hiatus playing otome games since I’m busy with work so I haven’t checked it yet. Vincent was described as an angel. He’s polite and mild-mannered in his interactions with MC though he can also be a bit scary as seen in that story event where he and his brother Teo exchanged personalities.          • THEODORUS VAN GOGH – He’s described as the devil and he looks grumpy at first glance though he can be gentle, too. That’s the extent of my knowledge about Teo.
     • SEBASTIAN – The butler who’s also from the same timeline as the MC. He’s blunt. He would rebuke and scold if he has to. He’s done it so many times to the MC to help her. He’s also reliable and responsible.     • COUNT OF SAINT-GERMAIN – Now this guy is smooth, suave, mysterious, and sexy as hell. He was the one who created them all, the only pureblood in the group. 
     • OSAMU DAZAI – He’s also a tease like Arthur and along with him, would bully Isaac. XD He’ll also flirt a little with the MC.     • JEANNE D’ ARC – Probably the most beautiful of the group (well, Vincent is beautiful, too). He’ll appear cold at first but he’s kind and wouldn’t hesitate to help the MC, just like what he did in Napoleon’s route. Has a bit of difficulty controlling his urge to drink blood when hungry though.     • ISAAC NEWTON – He’s like the baby of the group. The boyish charm still never left him and he’s easily bullied. Lol. Even the kids he’s teaching also bullies him at times.      • WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE – A yandere. A mysterious man just like the Count. His five-star CGs talks about shackling the MC to prevent her from escaping him and his affections.
These are my opinions on them based on our interactions in the game. I’ll reblog something later about Ikemen Vampire for additional info.Enjoy the game, Anon! :)
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hey! I saw your MBTI for Sengoku so I was wondering if you could also do one for ikemen Vampire?
Hi love, thanks so much for the request! So I only did it for a few of the vampy boys! Let me know if you want me to do it for the rest hehe I find I don’t know these cuties as well as the ikesen boys (˶◕‿◕˶✿)! Side note this is all my opinion so if you disagree with my evaluation of their personalities theeeeeeen idk (◕__◕✿) Also for those who dont know their personality type or who want to see where i got my info here is tha link https://www.16personalities.com/
Anyways thanx for the request and i hope you enjoy!
Ikevamp MBTI feat Vincent, Comte, Arthur, Isaac and Napoleon
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Vincent- Infp, the mediator
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“Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Mediators’ friends and loved ones will come to admire and depend on them for their optimism. Their unshaken belief that all people are inherently good, perhaps simply misunderstood, lends itself to an incredibly resilient attitude in the face of hardship. Mediators combine their visionary nature with their open-mindedness to allow them to see things from unconventional perspectives. Being able to connect many far-flung dots into a single theme, it’s no wonder that many Mediators are celebrated, poets, painters and authors.”
I think this cute ray of sunshine is 100% INFP. This cinnamon roll is always looking on the bright side of things, he is the angel to Theo’s devil, and he brings joy and light to the lives of all those living in the mansion. Of course, Vincent believe people are inherently good, I mean he is friends with Shakespear for crying out loud, and he is able to look past Shakespears mischief causing ways and is able to see the best in him, if that ain’t Cinnabon behaviour I don’t know what is ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿
So, here are his ideal compatible matches:
Enfj, Entj and Entp
Leonardo-  ISTP Virtuoso
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"Virtuosos love to explore with their hands and their eyes, touching and examining the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. People with this personality type are natural Makers, moving from project to project, building the useful and the superfluous for the fun of it, and learning from their environment as they go. Virtuosos enjoy lending a hand and sharing their experience, especially with the people they care about, Friendly but very private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on formal studies, Virtuoso personalities can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones. Cheerful and good-natured, people with the Virtuoso personality type (especially Assertive ones) rarely get stressed out, preferring to go with the flow."
I legit think Leo is a Virtuoso, he is forever fixing thing for all the people in town and in the mansion. He loves helping people, leading a friendly hand to all who is in need of help. He is also incredibly private about his personal life as seen in his route where it took MC basically the whole route just to get to know this cute Italian boy. I.e. he only allowed her to ask him one question a day, which half the time he wouldn’t even freaken answer properly. This boy is definitely super chilled and go with the flow, taking naps on the library floor or spontaneously picking you up to take you on fun new adventures. To me, this Jack of all trades screams virtuoso (◕▿◕✿)
So, here are his ideal compatible matches:
Comte- ENFJ Protagonist
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"Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. They are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community. People are drawn to strong personalities, and Protagonists radiate authenticity, concern and altruism, unafraid to stand up and speak when they feel something needs to be said. They find it natural and easy to communicate with others, especially in person Protagonists are genuine, caring people who talk the talk and walk the walk, and nothing makes them happier than leading the charge, uniting and motivating their team with infectious enthusiasm. Charm and popularity are qualities Protagonists have in spades. They instinctively know how to capture an audience, and pick up on mood and motivation in ways that allow them to communicate with reason, emotion, passion, restraint – whatever the situation calls for. Talented imitators, Protagonists are able to shift their tone and manner to reflect the needs of the audience, while still maintaining their own voice."
So this boy I struggled with but eventually settled on Protagonist. This boy definitely is a charmer, I mean just look at his face. I definitely see him as the dad of the mansion, helping and guiding all his lil vampire children. Comte definitely has charm for daaays, which was hinted in the prologue where the fist convo mc had with this beautiful man was basically her falling victim to his gentlemanly charm. He genuinely cares for all the residents of him mansion and would bend over backwards to make sure they are all happy! (◕‿◕✿)
So, here are his ideal compatible matches:
Isaac- INTJ Architect
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"With a natural thirst for knowledge that shows itself early in life, other kids at school often call Architects “bookworms.” While their peers may intend to insult them, those with this personality type likely identify with the label. Throughout their lives, they’re proud of how much they know, and Architects enjoy sharing the knowledge they gain. They’re confident in the mastery of their chosen subjects. They are serious and prefer to design and carry out effective plans rather than waste their time with foolish distractions like gossip. Architects are confident in the subjects they take the time to understand, but, unfortunately, they are reluctant to bother with topics that involve social skills. White lies and small talk, even when useful, are hard for a personality type that needs truth and depth. Architects may even see many social practices as downright stupid. Ironically, it is often best for Architects to remain where they’re comfortable – out of the spotlight. They have natural confidence there. If they stay within their element and do what they do best, they are likely to draw people to them, professionally, socially, and even romantically. They are fine on their own, and reaching out is often optional."
Cute shy, hedgehog boy is definitely an architect in my eyes. He is in the library 24/7 learning new things and reading new books. He has definitely achieved mastery in his particular field of study, I mean this clever boy has discovered the theory of gravity for crying out loud. It’s clear he likes sharing his knowledge with others as he helps our best boi Napoleon with teaching the cute lil street kids and in the first few chapters of his route *spoiler alert* he teaches some snotnose students about the book he freaken wrote. Hehe I also think apple boy relates to the part about social interactions as he is just a cute precious shy boy that doesn’t have the best communication skills (˶◕‿◕˶✿)
So, here are his ideal compatible matches:
Arthur- ENTP Debater
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"No one loves the process of mental sparring more than the Debater personality type, as it gives them a chance to exercise their effortlessly quick wit, broad accumulated knowledge base, and capacity for connecting disparate ideas to prove their points. Debaters are the ultimate devil’s advocate, thriving on the process of shredding arguments and beliefs and letting the ribbons drift in the wind for all to see People with the Debater personality type have a way with words and wit that others find intriguing. Their confidence, quick thought and ability to connect disparate ideas in novel ways create a style of communication that is charming, even entertaining, and informative at the same time."
This boy has the banter, I just had to make him a Debater as he, in my opinion, has wit for days. He is definitely a cleaver cookie that will trash anyone who dares challenge him to any game. TBH I think he could definitely give Mitsuhide a run for his money on the witty remarks front. I really do find his style of communicating charming, entertaining and informative. So I would definitely vote sherlock boy as devil’s advocate (◕ω◕✿)
So, here are his ideal compatible matches:
❤🌼Hope ya enjoyed and I hope you have a good day! 🌻
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