#I rarely dream of them being idols! like I can only count 1 dream? where they were
dalkyeom · 2 years
!! chia drop the ult dream logs !!! i need to compare notes bc ive only ever dreamt of vernon booing my “lesbians for woozi” signs at concerts T^T or sth similarly stupid
AMG NAURRR NOT VERNON BOOING 😭😭😭 also this is so funny to me bc my carat bestie’s ult is Vernon and is a lesbian then one time while watching some svt stage compilations, it dawned on my twin and I that… his vibes are just very made for lesbians 😂 like the one who would be the go to bias for them (it’s an inside joke so this is all very light hearted. She introduced us to svt so we always associated vernon with her before)
honestly thinking of making it a weekly corner thing if I haven’t set up my writing blog yet. they’re very fic worthy plots that are also very unfinished 😂 I can share a couple aside from my recent Shua dream that I’m unable to move on from. For some reason he’s always my husband/boyfriend in my dreams
[dream log 1] — in one dream, I had to go apartment hunting and asked help from 95z, Seungkwan, DK, and Wonu. somehow Shua and I got into an arranged engagement even though we were kind of like frenemies.
while apartment hunting we found a baby fairy and we somehow had to take care of it together. Shua had to semi-move in until the fairy child matures and we’d sleep in one bed but would sleep back to back only to wake up facing each other 😭 idk dream-self can’t stand his ass! He’d be so sassy while handling the baby. I think we were on our way to becoming friends though bc eventually I started to consider what he would want for breakfast and he would stand up for me when the receptionist at the lobby would be mean to me.
[dream log 2] — In another dream, idk I think I lucked out with both kyeomshua bc I dreamt that svt are a university cover band and we travelled out of town together for this battle of the bands contest. I think I acted as some sort of manager my yachi hitoka role lol so I had to be there as support and make sure they’re on track!
But as night fell, all thoughts of practice flew out the window and the boys started to gossip about the other groups participating (which was funny bc we were set up in cabins and the ones across us housed their rivals) and I would turn to Chan like “can you fling me in there bc I wanna hear the gossip too” so I ended up listening to their juicy gossip while being cuddled by Shua (boyfriend 1) while Seokmin (boyfriend 2) was flashing puppy eyes bc Mingyu was inbetween the 3 of us 😭
It was chaos tho bc eventually the gossip would go outside while they’re playing foot volleyball and I had to retrieve the ball every time. So Seokmin will be trailing behind me every time I had to pick it up near the rival team’s camp bc he’s worried they might scare me.
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junicai · 3 years
누나 너무 예뻐.
| order no. | 1 / 21
| summary | Jisung knows Aria is pretty. However, knowing something, and seeing it, are two very different things. 
| word count | 1.4k
| warnings | none 
| era | circa. August 2019
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Jisung knew that objectively, Aria was vey pretty. Beautiful even. He knew that. Understood the fact that when the makeup noonas got their hands on her, she was downright stunning; dolled up to the nines. 
However, it was hard to remember that fact when he’d seen her at all hours of the night, with sweat matting her hair to her forehead and her eyes sunken in - glaring across the room as if she was going to throttle Renjun if he even dared to try make them run the routine again.
She had attempted the room-length lunge once, but had fallen about a half length short when her knees gave out on her. Renjun’s barely muffled snort put him on the receiving end of her steak-knife glare again, but the effect was muted by the fact that Aria had yet to lift her face from its smushed position on the sprung-wooden floor. 
Even around the dorms, Aria would opt for a more comfortable option of clothing - usually items of loungewear that didn’t belong to her. She’d wander around in Jeno’s too big sweatpants and a filched hoodie from Jaemin’s wardrobe, or in a loose t-shirt stolen from Jisung’s own drawers. 
It was fine - the boys all ended up sharing a lot of their clothes anyway, so when bits and pieces went missing every few days, they’d just have to slip into Aria’s room to collect them. 
Although, he wished she hadn’t taken such a fancy to his new orange sweatshirt. It was fuzzy on the inside and extremely snuggly - which seemed to be the exact reason why after a week of it residing in the back of his wardrobe, it mysteriously went missing. Only to appear a couple of days later on Aria’s person. 
She’d even had the gall to play innocent. 
So, when it came down to it - in black and white - Jisung knew that, yes, Aria could be jaw-dropping when the time called for it.
But that was very different to actually seeing it. 
“Sungie? You okay?” Aria called over from the kitchen, a glass clinking as it hit the counter top.
Jisung had stopped in the middle of a sentence, hands that were idly fiddling with his phone as he mindlessly flicked through Instagram now frozen. He paused for a moment, before rapidly scrolling back up on his feed. 
When Aria received no response, she stuck her head out of the doorway. “Sungie?” She crossed the short distance, peering over his shoulder. “Oh! What’s this?” 
Jisung turned an accusing look on her. “You tell me! You did another interview with VOGUE and didn’t tell us?” He swiped across into the next image on the post, eyes bulging slightly. “VOGUE New York? You went to New York?” 
Aria bit her lip to hold back the smile that she knew was tweaking at the corner of her mouth. “No - we took the photos here, and the company sent it on to the management team over there. The interview was done over the phone, look?” She pointed towards the bottom of the description that accompanied the post, where it stated:
“This interview was conducted over a telecommunications line. Any and all mistakes in the script are due to a bad connection, and are not a representation of the idol or the company.”
Jisung relaxed back into the couch slightly. He wasn’t sure how he could have missed Aria jetting out of the country for a few days, but he’d done it once with Chenle - something which the boy had never let him live down, despite the fact that Jisung had been running a fever and was mildly delirious with the fact that his walls were swimming - and he wouldn’t put it past himself to do it again. 
“Mhm, I think the photos came out pretty nice, but I’m not sure they used many of them. “Aria sounded slightly put out. It was rare that she truly liked her own editorials; she was far too critical of her own appearance in Jisung’s eyes. 
But then again; Jisung was biased. 
He swiped through to the end of the post, seeing no trace of the pictures that she mentioned. 
“Maybe they’re on the official blog?” 
She sighed, patting his head gently. “Nah, I already checked. They used the close up one, but everything else got put in the bin I think. They emailed us back and said the ‘lighting’ was wrong or something, which sounds ridiculous to me, but hey.” She shrugged in fake nonchalance. “It’s VOGUE, who knows.” 
Jisung frowned at her tone. She genuinely sounded upset - and was obviously trying to hide it. 
And failing miserably, if even Jisung was picking up on it. 
“Can I see them?” 
Aria made a sound of confusion in the back of her throat. “See what?”
“The pictures.” 
She hummed in understanding, and then shook her head. “Oh no, Sungie, it’s okay! I’m just blabbering, they’re not anything important don’t worry.” She spun to leave back to the kitchen.
Jisung snagged her wrist and spun her back. “Can I see, noona? Please?” 
Aria squinted at him, eyebrows creasing. “Uh, sure? You don’t have to, I know editorial shoots aren’t your thing.” Despite her words, she was slipping out her phone from her back pocket, unlocking it and scrolling through her gallery to find the pictures. 
Jisung sat slightly impatient, fingers tapping against his knee. She was right - editorial shoots weren’t really his thing. He much preferred the yearbook-style shoots that Dream did; a little more carefree and a little less rigid; but if Aria was bringing this up then obviously there was something to be had. 
She handed over the phone, pointing to the picture on the small digital screen. 
The device was swamped in Jisung’s larger hands, and for the nth time he questioned why she still used an android. 
He cradled it carefully, turning his attention away from the horrific fact that the phone still had a physical home button, and onto the picture displayed above it. 
At first, it was difficult to make out exactly what he was seeing, like his brain was refusing to put the pieces together. There was chiffon, and flowers, and butterflies? And a lot of soft blue colours, but it was like his brain was malfunctioning - a loading circle slowly spinning where basic visual comprehension was meant to happen. 
Had he gone blind? 
Jisung knew he needed to get his eyes checked again, but he didn’t think it was this bad. Maybe it wasn’t blue, maybe that was just the sunlight refracting on the water beneath Aria’s feet - yes that was Aria in the picture, which was good, he recognized her, which meant that no, he wasn’t going blind. 
That’s good. 
“-ungie?” Aria tapped on his shoulder. 
“Noona, when did you get so pretty?” Jisung turned to her, breathing out the words on an exhale with wide eyes. 
Aria retracted slightly and Jisung braced himself for the laugh and accompanying thumb that would have occurred had he said those words to anyone else. 
But this wasn’t anyone else; this was Aria, and Aria was just kind of, standing there? Lips parted slightly in surprise. 
Jisung blinked twice, fumbling with the phone in his haste to give it back to her. He almost dropped it and felt bad for a split second before remembering that it was an android and that was enough for it to deserve to be thrown down the stairs. 
“N-not like you weren’t pretty before it’s just that, in the pictures you - the lighting is good I don’t know what they didn’t like it’s all so blue-”
Aria leant over the back of the couch to ruffle Jisung’s hair with a soft, fond smile. “Thanks, Sungie.”
Jisung leant into the hand. “I mean it, noona. You look great.” 
“I know you do.” She nudged his shoulder with her own, a feat only possible because she was stood up and Jisung was slouching forward on the couch. “But don’t let Jaem hear you say that - he’ll think he’s being replaced as your favourite.” 
“You are my favourite, noona. I don’t know where he keeps getting that.” 
Aria sighed lightly, carding a hand through Jisung’s hair as she shuffled over to pull the much larger boy’s head into her lap. “I know. Neither do I.”
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thatbangtanbloom · 3 years
moonlight | kth [1]
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characters: kim taehyung x reader (mentions of other bts x reader in future)
genre: idol!taehyung, army!reader
categories: fluff, angst, (eventual smut)
word count: 1384
The excitement that was running through her veins was undeniable. The weeks she had spent meticulously trying to write the perfect letter and find the perfect outfit had all come down to this moment: the moment that she would meet her ultimate idol, Kim Taehyung of BTS. To say she was excited was an understatement, for she was elated, nervous, and above all, complete.
YN had loved all seven of the boys deeply, but the sincerity of Taehyung’s words never failed to resonate with her. His endearing way of speaking to ARMY while teasing them to no end became a trademark she never felt wanted to forget until she grew old. She was not delusional enough to think she knew him as a person, but she did feel safe knowing that there was someone in this world who would be patient with her even when she was not patient with herself.
And here he was, sitting in front of her with a sharpie in his hand and a bright grin on his face to greet her. His cheeks turn a bit red in realization, “My english.. not native speaker.” He admits once she passes her album to him for him to sign.
“That’s okay..” she reassured him quickly as she tries to ignore the pain she feels from her knees. She leans her chin on her arms as she watches him sign her album. She had wanted nothing more than to remember every detail about him. The mole on his lip, the one on the top of his nose, how he had a mono lid on one eye and a double eyelid on the other. “I’m YN.”
“YN.. your name is pretty. Where are you from?” He asks while taking the initiative. It is rare for him to feel flushed, but she looked like a sweet dongsaeng. “America?”
“네.. _____ 왔어요.. (Yes, I come from..)” she answers and he only smiles gently at her in response. “I studied Korean so we can speak to one another.”
Taehyung quickly reads her question about ‘Taelephant’ and smiles. He could tell that she was younger than him and he felt a sense of protectiveness. Had she traveled to Korea alone? He hadn’t to seen her talking with many other girls, for it was hard for him to not notice her with her bright smile and slightly high pitched voice. She had caught his gaze, but for the sake of the fan sites that recorded him fan sign after fan sign, he had to hold back. “How long have you liked us?”
“I officially began to follow you guys during Fire.. I started liking during Run.” YN says, already aware of the limited time that the two of them had together. “Taehyung-ssi.. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you and that you got me through a lot while I was in high school. I felt alone and isolated for many times, until I saw how carefree and thoughtful you were in your actions. You became a role model for me.” She’s rambling, but she feels complete with the way that Taehyung nods intently at her words as though he understands; he does. “I’m sorry for talking so fast… I wrote this letter to you too.. I translated it,” She admits with a blush on her cheeks as she passes him the small bag. She had opted for a letter, a plushie of Nick from Zootopia (Taehyung had mentioned his love for Nick in a livestream once), and a tangerine shaped miniature pillow. “I hope you enjoy the gifts.”
Taehyung smiles down at her despite not understanding all of her words. He wants to reassure her that he would always be there to support her, as she was an ARMY and he could never see ARMY doing anything to hurt him. Yet, he is unable to express it so he does the next best thing: his fingers entwine with her own and he strokes the back of her hand. “Thank you… It’s..” He pauses as he tries to think and smiles fondly, “Okay.”
“Okay,” She whispers back as she gets lost in his eyes. Her heart is stopping from how he leans closer to her to tuck the butterfly hair piece into her hair and smiles at the shy reaction. She could already feel her heart thudding in her ears from the close proximity. Did he have to play with her heart so easily?
Taehyung only continues to stare into her eyes without words. He does not mind how the other members will likely tease him for his ‘weird actions’, but if it made her feel a bit more safe, he was willing to do so. For one, Taehyung could not find himself looking away from her big brown eyes. They were warm and inviting despite the first glance being cold and chic. He thinks she is beautiful in the filial way that he had always admired and bites down on his bottom lip. “You’re beautiful.” He whispers quietly.
“Time’s up,” The manager cuts the tension like a knife while fixing her large framed glasses. She knew how the fan service the boys gave was a lot from time to time, but that did not mean that she could not be mindful of the fantasies that ran through the girls’ mind. The seven men were still idols and the girls were still their supporters at the end of the day. That boundary was not to be crossed under any circumstance.
Taehyung only ignores the manager as he rubs the back of her hand affectionately and smiles, “Please enjoy your visit to Korea…” He says, not wanting to leave on a rushed note. He always took precaution to give every ARMY the attention they deserved without reservation. He knew that they were his everything and that no one would make him give them any less than they deserved when he was living his dream with their support.
“I will.. thank you.. I love you, Taehyung,” She whispers with a shy blush to raise from her knees. She could sense the manager sending daggers at her for not following the protocol of the fan sign.
Taehyung watches her go with a smile and lets go, “Saranghaeyo,” He whispers after letting go of her hand.
YN thought that would be the end of their story as she walked back to her seat and sat down beside her best friend, Jamie, who was speaking animatedly about Jimin and the way that his hand fit perfectly in hers. Her heart was still rattling in her ears after hearing her idol tell her that he loved her in his native tongue. It felt like an out of body experience: she knew he did not love her in the way that she loved him. She was a mere fan, but the thought of it conjured butterflies in her stomach for the rest of the day.
She knew that fantasy would never become reality; this much, she was certain of.The rest of her day drifted on like a dream as she remembers his gentle eyes staring back int hers and the light pressure he rubbed onto the back of her palm to ease her nerves. His tone had been light and inviting, just as it always did. It almost felt like a welcome home hug with hot chocolate waiting after a long day at work with a cold commute home. Was this set to be the pinnacle of her fan girl lifestyle?
And for two months, it was. The monotonous days had begun to drag on like a mirage between reading, writing, and studying for her subjects in school to attend a top university. Learning Korean was where the bulk of her time was spent as she spent the remainder of her time in NSLI-Y Korea visiting the places that the flourishing group had made popular and the new friends that accompanied her. She felt as though she were rediscovering new versions of herself before the outset of her second year in university. Yet, the last thing she would have anticipated was a message from him months after the meeting.
+82 ***-****
I read your letter and I wanted to talk more.
And that was how their love story began.
Please let me know what you thought of this! 
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Affair To Remember (1)
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader / Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: Idol! AU
Warning: Just Smut (for now)
Word Count: 2k
"...You may now kiss the bride." The priest smiles. Jackson pulls you into him before dipping you slightly to plant a kiss on your tender, plump lips. A blush spreads across your cheeks as the guests cheer for your love. 
A love you wish you truly had. Not a love that was forced for the cameras.
You and Jackson had initially begun dating for the buzz, so you could get people to talk about you and him, to make sure they were talking about your newest upcoming TV series and his music, and the group he was in, expanding both of your fan bases if you will. 
And that's exactly what it did, but it also went further than that. People fell in love with your love. The way Jackson looked at you was what women and girls yearned for, the way he treated you in public was what they gossiped to their friends about. The way he protected you, always watching to make sure you were safe had all the girls falling all over him, fantasizing about him. 
While you didn't need to do much, you had a solid male fan base but since being with Jackson your female base increased quite a bit, which is what you needed. You needed to be a role model, a positive woman that young girls could look up too. At least that's what your manager and publicist wanted, but not you. You wanted real love. 
You wanted to live your life your way, being happy but then another part of you gets a twisted pleasure from pleasing other people, making everyone around you happy even if you're not. Which is why you sat in the kitchen of your shared home with Jackson, drinking your fifth glass of wine. 
Quite often you avoided going to bed with Jackson. Mainly you just felt overly guilty for staying with him because you weren't in this relationship completely, so you stayed up, avoiding the guilt while you laid beside him, but also, you preferred going to bed in slience, where he enjoyed talking and cuddling, especially after sex, whenever he was in the mood.
It had now been two years of this marriage and you had hoped by now you would be madly in love with him, regretting ever thinking this wouldn't work. But you sat there knowing this would be the greatest regret of your life and you couldn't do anything about it. You couldn't leave him, you'd end up being the most hated woman, the woman who destroyed the perfect marriage, with the perfect man. 
At least from what they saw he was perfect, from what you saw he was far from it. He often took his frustrations out on you, yelling at you until the veins in his neck popped out, and his face became red, pieces of spit flying from his mouth while you sat there with your head down wondering why you put up with this. He never put his hands on you, just yelled, not that it made it much better. You knew he was stressed out, but that's no excuse. 
And then you get that woman, the one who approaches you while you're walking down the street and she tells you how inspirational your relationship is and how she can't wait to find a man just like that. A love just like yours. And you remember, you give hope to these women that a relationship like that is possible but at what cost? You're lying to her, not fully but enough. You're lying to everyone. Marriage, It's not perfect but really what marriage is? 
You were confused. Should you continue to live unhappily for the happiness of thousands, or make thousands sad for your own happiness. There's no way you can win.
“Are you coming to bed?” Jackon asks, peeking around the corner into the kitchen, 
“Yeah” You smile, finishing the rest of your wine before leaving your glass empty on the table, following Jackson to the bedroom. 
“You're so distant lately.” He yawns, crawling into bed with you before pulling you close. 
"A lot on my mind." You whisper, snuggling into him. You cared for Jackson, you did but you didn't love him like you were supposed too and you couldn't force that. However, when it came time to fuck, you were always ready for that, hoping this time would be better than the last, craving that good orgasm. You found Jackson extremely attractive, his face, and his body. He was exactly your type for a fuck buddy, so thats what you referred to him as, in your own mind of course. There was only one problem with the sex you had with Jackson.
He was selfish. 
"I can help with that." He groans, tilting your head up towards his, leaning down to press his lips to yours.
Jackson is quick, usually not wanting to waste time. He continues to deepen the kiss, pulling your body on top of his. He tugs at the bottom of your shirt, telling you to take it off. You break the kiss, sitting up on top of him to tug off your shirt. Your breasts perk up as the cold air hits them, hardening your nipples. Jackson cups your breast leaning forward to bring it to his mouth, wrapping it around your nipple, sucking hard. You throw your head back, grinding yourself on his hardening cock. 
“Please” you cry, rubbing your pussy over him. 
Jackson sits up, turning you over so he's now hovering over you. He hooks his fingers unto your panties, dragging them down your legs, tossing them somewhere in your shared bedroom before taking off his own boxers. 
He maintains eye contact as he lines himself up with your wet, throbbing pussy, sliding his cock inside, stretching you out. He picks up his pace awfully quickly, thrusting in and out of you, needing to find his own release, not worrying about yours. 
You place your fingers between your legs, rubbing your clit, desperately seeking your own high before him but that's never the case. 
"It's a quick one." He grunts, pulling himself out of you, pumping his cock until he cums all over your stomach, sighing in relief while you lay there disappointed, again while he grabs his cum towel to clean you off. 
Jackson gives you a small peck, and a half smile before he rolls over, satisfied enough to go to bed while you lay there still horny. 
 Over the next few weeks Jackson's schedule became increasingly more busy, having more things packed into his day now that a comeback was around the corner, which left you at home, alone far too often. 
The production for your newest show had been put on hold due to your costar becoming sick with something that was putting him out of work for longer than a month, leaving you projectless and acting like a bored housewife. 
Sure, you had friends but most of them were already busy living their own happy lives, either working or being actually happy in their marriages. You haven't told anyone your thoughts before because no one would understand. Everyone would judge you but until they lived in your shoes, they had no idea what it was like to live your life. 
"Are you sure you're okay?" Jackson asks one of the rare nights that he was actually home. "You seem upset." He says. 
You were honestly surprised he even noticed. 
"I guess I'm just bored." You say, shrugging your shoulders. "With 'Affair To Remember' on hold, I don't have anything to do." You sigh. 
"Well this might put you in a happy mood." Jackson smiles, sliding two tickets across the table. 
"Whats this?" you ask, picking it up..
"The annual kpop party." Jackson laughs. Last year you had been unable to go and now you finally had time. "Would you be my date?" He asks. 
"Of course!" You smile, getting up to give him a big hug. 
You couldn't wait. 
This party was the party of the year. All the major kpop groups went and mingled, drank and just all around had an amazing time. Now you finally got to go. 
It was 7pm, the night of the party and you were finishing up a few last minute touches to your look before you and Jackson left. You put on your earring and your necklace before checking yourself out in the mirror. 
You looked amazing. You had on a tight, form fitting black dress with a long slit up your thigh, paired with a bright pair of red pumps, with a smokey eye and red lips. 
You slowly and gracefully made your way down the stairs, being greeted by Jackson who had a large smile on his face. 
"You look beautiful." He smiles, holding out an arm for you. 
You take it, heading out the front door where paparazzi and your car are waiting for you. 
Arriving at the party, Jackson abandons you almost immediately after arriving, telling you he had to go say hello to a few people. You managed to find the bar, ordering yourself a wine, filled to the top while you scanned the room. Most of the attendees you only knew of, there were a few you were friends with. 
Your eyes happened to land on one man in particular.  Byun Baekhyun. The man you'd let do anything to you if you could. The man you dream about when Jackson fucks you. You just know he would fuck you right. 
The rest of Got7 came to you to keep you company for a bit, Bambam hyping you up as usual. 
An hour later, Jinyoung scanned the room only to look at you with a sad face, mouthing an apology. You look over to where he was and you see Jackson with his hand around a girl's waist, leaning in close to her. You acted like it fazed you a bit; but it really didn't. You knew je loved you too much to actually do anything. You continued staring, looking hurt until Jackson noticed you and then it was time for a bit of a show. 
You wipe away a pretend tear, keeping up appearances of a hurt wife, you storm up the stairs, running towards the bathrooms while Jackson chases you, grabbing onto your wrist. 
"We were talking." He growls into your ear. 
"Looked like more than that." You snap, yanking your wrist away. 
"Ayn! Don't make a scene." He snaps. 
"Too late." You cry, running away from him. You were a great actress. Even Jackson believed you were mad.  But in reality, you were playing a part. 
"Quite the show." You hear from behind you as you leave the bathroom. 
"Ah yes, well you know. Marriage." You say, turning around to see Byun Baekhyun of EXO. 
"You mean a fake marriage?" He asks. 
"What?" You ask, shocked. No one had ever figured it out before. 
"The way you were eyeing me up earlier. You looked like you wanted to jump me right there. I can't imagine a real happy marriage would be like that." He says. 
"You saw that?" You ask, horrified. 
Baekhyun walks closer to you. 
"I did. And I liked it." He whispered into your ear, pressing his body against your before walking away. 
Your stomach dropped as your panties soaked, the image of Baekhyun saying that to you running through your head. 
With a smile you walk back downstairs, an apologetic Jackson waiting for you. He asks you to dance, pulling you in closely. You should be into it, you should close your eyes at the feeling of his embrace but instead your eyes are locked with Baekhyun's who bites his lip before looking down. Your eyes follow, stopping at the bulge in his pants as he looks at you again, winking. You should stay away from him, you knew that but suddenly a spark was put back in your life and it wasn't from your husband. 
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euphoricdr3ams · 4 years
1:47 AM
Genre: Angst
Pairing: Jennie x Female Reader
Word Count: 2,472
Part: 1
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Something was off. You couldn’t put your finger on it but something had definitely changed. She no longer responded to your messages within minutes. She’d give excuses when you asked to Facetime. She worked late into the night. Your mind raced, trying not to jump to conclusions. Your mind flashed back to all of her affirmations of love. 
I love you...
I’ll never leave you…
You’re my soulmate...
You held onto those words, praying that the next time you met that she’d have an explanation for her behavior. The history between you two goes way back. You were her first relationship, her first love. You watched her grow into the headstrong idol she is today.
Though she was busy pursuing her dreams, she always made time for you. She’d cancel on her members and stay up late hours on the phone with you. She’d sneak out to just get boba in the middle of the night. The rare moments where you felt broken she was always there. The times where she couldn’t be she sent all of your favourite things: cookies, stuffed animals and the occasional Tiffany bracelet. You hated when she spent all her money on you but she was insistent on spoiling you and treating you like a princess. 
The more you reminisce on the past, the more you realized how beautiful the past three years had been. From what you thought was only going to be one night stand turned into a full three year relationship hidden from the cameras. No one could have predicted you’d both ended up here. When it finally happened, you were both in a state of bliss. A cheesy confession after a passionate session of love making. Could you two get any more stereotypical. You were the first to make the move to something deeper. It took her time but eventually Jennie allowed herself to feel love. After all of the struggle you had been through individually and as a couple, There was nothing that could have broken you apart. 
This made Jennie's recent actions over the past few weeks even more odd.  You laid on your bed confused. Why the sudden change? The one person who you would turn to wasn’t available yet posted about a new endorsement on Instagram. You slammed your Macbook closed in frustration—a gift she gave you. 
“What the fuck?” you screamed as you stared at the ceiling.  
“Hey, Let's talk it out now.” You almost forgot you had your friend listening to you on speaker phone nearby. You were so used to just speaking with no one around. “Have you tried to contact her members? What about Nayeon or Yeri? 
“They all are being just as shady as she is. But can I really be mad at them? Even if she’s cheating, why would they tell me? They’re her friends before they’re mine anyway...” 
You held back tears as you spoke the possibility of your girlfriend cheating into existence. 
“Have you tried reaching out to Kai?” 
Kim Jongin. Kai. The Dance King of one of the most popular kpop groups ever. He had drop dead gorgeous looks and public approval that you couldn’t compete with. You hated the idea when it was first brought up by YG. your mind thought back to that horrible day.
3 Months Ago
Jennie shuffled in the bed, disrupting the peaceful after-sex nap. She wore you out with all the toys, teasing, and overstimulation earlier. 
“Princess,” she purred in your ear. You already knew where this was heading. “I know you’re not sleeping.” 
“Well, I’m not now,” you said in your whiny voice. She always liked it when you whined a little. 
“Good,” she said. “Come look at me. I have to tell you something.” Slick fingers wrapped around your waist as you shifted under the duvet so you looked her in her eyes. You were greeted with a face full of concern. She looked distressed. Jennie bit her lip in nervousness. She knew what she was about to reveal would be a big blow to your relationship and put it to the test. You saw how hard it was for her to speak. 
“It’s okay,” you said, your heart beginning to race. “Take your time.”
“Please don’t freak out.” But it was too late for that; you were already freaking out. “YG thinks it's going to be a good idea for me to get into a scandal.” You continued to listen.”One that allows me to capitalize on internet rumors. They want me to start hanging out with Kai and then it will get revealed that I am dating him around the same time as my solo debut.” 
Your eyes widened. “What? Don’t they look at the internet? Why would YOU of ALL idols need to get into a dating scandal? They already dragged your name through the mud after what happened at the Lotte concert. Why would this be a good idea?” 
“After seeing the response from Hyuna and Dawn, they thought it would be good for me and Blackpink.” She played with the curls in your hair. “Plus, YG is trying to distract the media from something big that has been rumored to be going on with Big Bang and, you know, he always sacrifices us.” 
“Why are you trying to justify this? Jennie, this is a horrible idea. You’re just gonna let him do this to you? What if it backfires? Then what? What about me..?” Your emotions were starting to get the best of you as your voice began to shake. “How am I supposed to feel? You won't even tell your family about us. Now I'm just supposed to be cool while you spend what little free time you have with someone else?” 
You were tearing up. You didn't want to pressure her to come out but remaining in hiding was a huge deal for you. Your family all knew. Your friends knew. You wanted to shout to the world your love for her but you kept it secret, all for her sake. Now she was gonna be photographed and used like a tool to make YG richer. You had to let her know how you felt whether she was ready to hear it or not. 
You saw her face fall in real time. She already knew you were going to respond like this. There was nothing she could do. She was in a legal binding contract with YG Entertainment. Truth be told they decided all of this without her consent and had already finalized all of the non disclosure agreements before they even told her. 
“Y/N, I don't even want to do this at all. I don’t have a choice. I’m just trying to find a silver lining in a dark situation. The “relationship” has an expiration date and, trust me, I won’t leave him for you.” She kissed your forehead and pulled you into her arms. You laid there as she ran her fingers through your hair. You had no choice but to trust her and just pray and hope the situation between you and her would never change. 
You were brought back to reality, after recalling the frustrating memory. “I know the thought of Kai makes you feel a little insecure,” your friend said. 
“Don’t remind me…” 
“Y/N, if you feel this upset you’re going to have to ask her. You know Jennie can't hold up her act in front of you. Knowing is better than sitting around and wondering what’s going on,” she said. “Look I gotta get some sleep. It’s almost two in the morning. I’ll check on you tomorrow...and think about what I said.”
The line went dead and now you were left alone in the dark with your thoughts. You knew that your friend was right but you weren’t sure if you were ready for your questions to be answered. What if she was cheating? What were you going to do about it? How would you handle it? Were you prepared to leave all three years of memories behind?  
[1:47am] Jennie - Are you up right now? Can I come over? 
Seeing your phone light up with a notification from your girlfriend almost made you want to laugh. It was as if she knew that you were thinking of her, as if she had intercepted your negative thoughts of lies and cheating. 
[1:50am] I am. You can come over now if you want. I want to ask you something. 
[1:50 am] Jennie- I’ll be there in 20 mins. 
It was now or never. You got dressed, sporting your favorite pair of sweats and a T-shirt. You washed your face and brushed your teeth, worried about what came next. Anything could happen now. If things went well and everything was a figment of your imagination, it’d be over and the two of you would make love all night into the early hours of the morning. But if things went badly, you’d spend the rest of your night crying until you couldn’t cry anymore and burying yourself in a grave full of regret and doubt. Whatever the outcome, you told yourself, it was better than being stuck in a limbo of uncertainty. 
A sound at the door disrupted your thoughts. Jennie opened the front door, closing it shut behind her. She was wearing comfy clothes, probably coming straight from practice. Her demeanor was off, with a look of dejection plastered across her face. At the sight of her, your heart began pounding in your chest. She didn’t say anything until she put her coat down and grabbed a glass of water. 
The conversation started off with “Hey” and “How was your day?” The next four minutes were filled with small talk, awkward things that you never really talked about before. Her actions were off. She sat, closed off from you. Not once did she try to touch you. Not once did she try to kiss you. Not once did she say she loved you. Your mind already shifted into worst case scenario mode before she even opened her mouth. 
“Y/N, I loved you. I want you to know that.” She took a deep breath. Loved. Past tense. “I think It’s time for us to take a break.” 
“I’ve been going through a lot after all of these scandals and the mounting pressure from YG and I don't want to keep being a bad girlfriend to you. You deserve better.” 
Every word that came from her mouth broke your heart into pieces. How could she suddenly feel this way? Why was there no emotion on her face? Why were there no signs of sadness or regret? What the fuck was the point of the past three years if she was willing to end it all without any sign of remorse. You couldn’t stand the silence and decided to speak, trying to keep your voice down. 
“Three Years. We’ve been together three years and that's all you’re gonna say? Seriously Jennie, be honest for once. I can see right through your bullshit. After all this time, why don’t you tell me the truth? Why have you been acting differently?Why haven’t you been answering my calls and taking your time to respond to texts? You don't stop by anymore and you don’t even want me to stop by the studio to bring you food. Why the sudden change?” 
You were so angry you hadn’t realized that you were screaming. 
Jennie sat there, stone faced and motionless. She knew the answer to all of your questions but couldn’t bring herself to crush you like that. She wanted this to end peacefully, to the point where you could still be friends. But she didn’t know if that was possible. Not after she betrayed you in the worst way. 
Back in Paris, she’d gone out for drinks with Kai. You’d both had too much and he flirted with you and you flirted back. She knew she was playing a dangerous line but the idea of playing with fire made her excited. One thing led to another and she crossed the line. She had sex with him, waking up in the middle of the night with her clothes scattered all over the hotel room. She quietly got dressed and left the room, ashamed of the mess she’d made. 
She cried in her own hotel room for the rest of the day, ignoring her phone and cutting off communication with everyone.  How could she be so selfish? Being drunk was never an excuse. She shouldn't have let herself go like that. She didn't deserve you. You needed someone who was gonna be strong, not a weakling who would betray their lover and jump in bed with the first man that flirted with them. 
Soon, she fell back into destructive habits. Everything was out of her control but the one thing she could control was her weight. She went into the bathroom and puked away all of her guilt. She was hoping that it would make all of the guilt and pain disappear but it didn’t. Kai was gorgeous and even though it would be easier, he wasn’t you. Truth be told, she had been denying the realities of her own sexual identity and that night confirmed it for her. She loved you and only you but she knew that you deserved better. She couldn't bring herself to break your heart. She treated you worse and worse, hoping one day you would get sick of her shit and leave but the day didn’t come. You were as loyal as a dog and would never leave her side. 
Currently, she was faced with the reality of continuing to lie or being honest with you. She chose honesty. “I fucked up. Y/N, I had sex with Kai.” Jennie burst into tears. “I’m so sorry” Jennie cried into her sweater. She couldn't even hold herself together, fearful of the best thing that ever happened to her would be walking out the door in a minute. 
You were motionless.The truth had come to the light and your worst fear was true. She’d lied to you, cheated on you, completely broken your trust… 
“For what it's worth, It was only one time,” Jennie explained, “and I was drunk. It’s not an excuse and I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise to you to be faithful. I know I'm full of shit. I couldn't handle the guilt and thought that if I pushed you away, it would help. But tonight I’m ready to be a woman and own up to my mistakes and let you know that I love you with all of my heart. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I’ll never ever betray you again. I’ll do whatever it takes to prove to you that I love you and that we can get past this. But if you want to call it quits, I understand. Y/N, the decision is all yours now.” 
Hey Y’all, I finally came back to life and decided to give you a little something something while being trapped at home due to Miss Rona. Depending on how you all like this I will write a conclusion to this. Let me know what would you would do XOXO Admin YOLO 
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launenji · 4 years
Center of Your Universe - A KNJ Fanfic | Prologue
Pairing: idol!Kim Namjoon x idol!Reader Status: Ongoing Word Count: 3031 Genre: Rivals2Lovers. Fluff. Eventual implied smut and angst. Slow burn. idol!AU Summary: It’s 2019 and Kim Namjoon is conquering the globe with his Bangtan brothers by his side. However, BTS can’t seem to shake their top girl group rival from chasing their names across music charts and award nominations worldwide. Now, the boys have no problem with that in any way; in fact they’ve come to respect the girls of HELIOS and their never ending climb to fame that seemed to match their own success. The only real “problem” Namjoon sees is that HELIOS’ confident, fearless, and overall badass of a leader seems to absolutely hate him. And as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, it does keep him awake at night. A/N: Hello! After a year of diving into BTS and reading fanfics about the boys, I wanted to write my own with the beloved Rivals2Lovers trope, because who doesn’t love that good shit? So this is my first official fanfiction, this will be ongoing although I’m not sure how many parts I’ll be producing, but I have the entire story line written out! I also am fairly new to how kpop fanfics are generally published on tumblr, but I’ll do my best. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I have creating it! Prologue | Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3
Prologue: Definitely a (fan)Boy with Luv
March 2019 There was an unspoken rule that came about RM of BTS’ personal life, and that was to live as Kim Namjoon as soon as he steps foot in his hometown of Ilsan. RM existed while he was at work in Seoul; busy with performance schedules, writing lyrics, producing beats, recording content, and basically leading the biggest boy band of the generation to great heights of fame and success. That’s who Kim Namjoon is on a near daily basis. So when Namjoon can find the time to take a few days off and head back to his childhood home for some much needed rest, he’s only Namjoon; a regular twenty five year old guy who loves long walks among nature and grabbing drinks with old friends. And right now he was Namjoon; a regular twenty five year old guy at his parent’s home, dressed in a tank top and sweats, head bopping to his latest musical discovery on Spotify as he pours an entire bag of chips in a bowl for a mid afternoon snack in preparation for some much needed catching up on his netflix shows. Pausing the song on his phone and housing his earbuds in their case, he shimmies over to the couch with his bowl of chips in a small celebratory dance for these rare days where he can go home and actually relax. No pressing schedules to attend, no pulling out his hair to create the right lyrics for their next song, no band/roommates screaming and chasing each other around their shared Hannam apartment after yet another failed prank attempt; just him alone in the house ready to kick back and finally relax.
Armed with his snacks, drink, and the tv remote, he makes himself comfortable on the couch and finally finds that one show he’s been dying to catch up on. However, just as he’s about to press play, the front door swings open with a loud bang. “PUT. THE REMOTE. DOWN.” 
A shrill voice echoes through the family apartment as the newcomer rushes in, hastily chucking her bag and keys on the counter before skidding to a stop between Namjoon and his only source of rest and relaxation for the night. Kim Kyungmin, loving younger sister to BTS’ beloved leader, stands before him with arms folded and with an unyielding glare. “Just because you’re home for the weekend doesn’t mean you can hog the tv the whole time you’re here, hand it over.” She extends out her palm, fingers flexing for the remote. Namjoon groans. “Minnie, I was LITERALLY about to watch my show, can’t you just record what you want to watch and watch it later? Y’know, when I’m usually not here?” Namjoon scoots to the other end of the couch in an attempt to continue on with his planned afternoon of relaxation. However Kyungmin manages to lunge for the remote and swipe it away at the last second, holding it above her head much to her older brother’s annoyance. “Not when you’re watching something you can literally watch anywhere else.” She shifts her pointed glare at his phone then at him before plopping down in his original spot on the couch, quickly switching through the channels to find the show she’s desperately looking for. “That doesn’t solve my solution to you recording your show and watching it later.” Namjoon points out, shoving a chip in his mouth as he watches his sister reach her designated channel. It’s a Knowing Bros episode that seemed to have just started. “If I do that then I can’t react to the episode in real time with Miyoung.” Kyungmin states matter of factly, thumbs flying across her phone as she texts her friend in question. Feeling defeated, Namjoon gives up his quest for his solo Netflix and Chill night he originally planned and settles to watch along with his sister. At least it was a show he actually did enjoy, especially when he was able to be on it with his members at one point. He reminisces his time on the show as he watches as the cast banter over some new found popular trend, the guests of the episode haven’t seemed to arrive just yet. “So who’s on the show this time?” In an immediate response to Namjoon’s question, the classroom door on tv whips open revealing four of the most recognizable women in Kpop; Lee Yuna, Chung Sumi, Han Hyojin, and their leader, Y/N L/N “It’s HELIOS!” Kyungmin lets out a high pitched squeal that Namjoon cringes away from. HELIOS. Arguably the most famous idol girl group to come out of Kpop history to date and BTS’ current standing rivals in the game. Namjoon internally scoffs; okay, so maybe the term “rival” seemed a little too harsh for their relationship to the girls. Let it be clear that there was no beef between Kpop’s fastest rising boy and girl groups despite what the media may try to spin about them. Namjoon and the boys actually do respect the ladies of HELIOS to a high regard and honestly believe that they deserve every inch of recognition and success they’ve received over the years. If the boys of BTS can understand anything, it’s the struggle of trying to make it in such a competitive and demanding environment that is the world of Korean entertainment. Much like them, HELIOS came from humble beginnings; hailing from a small entertainment company established by one of the most respected music producers in the industry. Despite debuting a couple years after BTS, HELIOS grew to be a well known name among teens and young adults. Their unique take on the “girl crush” concept and their unconventional practices of flourishing naturally as an idol group captured the hearts of many, and soon became a trending topic alongside BTS. Namjoon saw many similarities between BTS and HELIOS in the way they’ve grown to their current point of success. Much like the boys, HELIOS liked to connect with their fans personally, most of their viewership grew from watching their growth as an idol group on social media. In fact, the girls each had their own social media accounts and were good at posting daily doses of their lives on and off stage whenever they could. Their fans felt like they could really relate to them on a personal level; recognizing that, at times, these four beloved idols were just girls following their dreams. Other times, their fans were often reduced to a squealing-to-near-tears mess, as currently exhibited by Kyungmin. Namjoon was surprised she hadn’t started frothing at the mouth at this point. “Ugh! I just love them sooooo much!” Kyungmin groaned, voicing out her text message before tossing her phone aside and giving her undivided attention to the tv. On screen, HELIOS stood at the doorway as the hosts of Knowing Bros gaped in awe at their presence. The three women stood strategically in formation with you front and center. Namjoon let out a quiet sigh through his nose. Now while BTS and HELIOS had no history of any animosity towards each other (actually the only interactions they’ve really had was congratulating each other on a job well done in between set switches), the only “problem” Namjoon could find was that you, HELIOS’ renowned leader, seem to hate his fucking guts. He has voiced his concerns plenty of times to his members, especially after passing you and the girls by during music shows. You had a tendency to give everyone but him the time of day, and Namjoon didn’t know why. “You’re probably looking too much into it, hyung,” He remembers Jungkook telling him after another failed attempt to talk to the fellow leader. “I mean, you never talk to her, so I don’t think she has a reason to hate you.” “He’s right,” Jimin pipes up from across the dressing room. “It could be the way she is, after all she always looks like she’s got a 1.5 meter pole stuck up her- Ow! What!? I was just kidding!” His remark was short lived with a swift smack to the back of the head and a warning glare from Hoseok. Though it was rude to say, Namjoon couldn’t deny that, to a certain extent, you did look a little uptight most of the time. 
Watching closely on screen, he studied your resting bitch face-like expression. Despite being dressed in a standard school uniform that admittedly made you look cute, you looked like you were ready to take names and kick some ass while poised in your signature power stance. One hand over a hip cocked to the side as your sharp gaze trailed over the Knowing Bros cast before walking in. Even your movements seemed powerful, as if they were carefully calculated with one foot strutting in front of the other in perfect sync with the sway of your hips, not that he was paying attention to that specific detail. His eyes quickly shifted over to your other members as they moved more naturally on to the set and waved their hi’s to the hosts. Everyone gave their applause as the girls took their place at the podium in front of the classroom. “Please introduce yourselves!” Clearing your throat, you throw on a smirk before making a creative introduction. “Hello, we are from the “Top Tier Global Rising Stars” High School.” The other girls share similar smiles as you before dropping into their standard greeting. “2, 3, Shine On! Hello, we are HELIOS!” The studio erupts in applause and awes of amazement welcoming the girls. Namjoon looked over to Kyungmin with her knees drawn to her chest and chin resting on top, staring intently at the tv. “What? No more weird orgasm sounds for your favorite girls?” That earned him a hard smack to the face. “Shh!” Well, this was his day off to relax. So as he slumped lower into the couch, Namjoon carried on watching the show alongside his sister. About 10 minutes into the show’s friendly banter, Namjoon realized that wasn’t much he knew about the ladies that made up HELIOS until now. For instance, he learned that Lee Yuna was actually the eldest of the group, being the same age as Yoongi. Their fans, appropriately named HALOS, dubbed her as one of the most beautiful women in Korea as she joked about her nickname “The Universal Beauty” to rival Seokjin’s title of “Worldwide Handsome.” 
He also learned that the second youngest, Chung Sumi, was actually a naturally talented rapper who freestyled over beats she found on Youtube and posted them on soundcloud during her highschool days, which prompted her to be the first signed trainee at their entertainment company. It reminded him slightly of his underground rapping days leading up to his own path to an idol.
He even learned that Han Hyojin, their own maknae, could basically do anything from singing to rapping to dancing, making her a deadly triple threat for her young age. She could definitely give Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jungkook all a run for their money. But what intrigued him the most was your backstory, something that you never revealed until this point. “So Y/N, you’re not actually from Korea?” Kang Hodong inquires. You shake your head in affirmation. “But you speak Korean so well!” Seo Janghoon chimes in, “Where are you from?” “The States, California specifically.” You respond, prompting a stock sound of amazement over the broadcast. “Another idol from California!” “Speak English for us! Come on!” This causes you to scoff, shaking your head. “What would you want me to say?” “Introduce yourself in English!” Yuna urges you with a bright smile, a round of cheers in the room encourages the idea. Namjoon stared in awe as he watched you introduce yourself in your native tongue to the camera. You seemed more comfortable and natural talking in English and it captivated him in a weird sort of way. Both Kim siblings kept their attention on you as the cast prods on with questions about your personal life and Namjoon can’t help but feel much more admiration for you as an idol and leader who’s made it this far after hearing your story. You share to the cast that you were nothing short of ordinary growing up. You’ve lived a normal life with your hard working parents and siblings. You were an average student with no strong ambitions to pursue for the future. The only passion you did have growing up was dancing, and it brought you as far as signing with your company to become a trainee after graduating high school. Without anything else to lose, you eventually made your way to Korea in hopes to find a suitable career that included dancing, however being an idol was totally out of your range. “So you initially didn’t want to be an idol?” Kim Heechul asks earnestly, you give a small shrug. “I didn’t think I was really cut out for it.” You answer cooly, then turn to your members with a soft expression. “But training with my members made me realize that I could do it and make something out of it.” Your girls return the heartfelt smile, something only Namjoon could completely recognize as a genuine bond between members. It tugged at his heartstring seeing this; despite your cold demeanor, you actually do care immensely for the people around you, which he could heavily relate to. If Kim Namjoon wasn’t impressed by you before, he surely was now. However that still doesn’t change the fact you can’t seem to stand him whenever he’s around you. The show finally cuts to commercial, giving Kyungmin enough time to call her friend and squeal about the events of the show. “And she was a cheerleading captain during high school! Can she BE any cooler!?” Namjoon watched incredulously as his sister took her conversation to her room for a quick break. He remembered teasing her once, when his fame with BTS began to rise exponentially, to never ask him for autographs or connections to any idols she may find herself gushing over in the near future, because he swore he’d never do it. Kyungmin only scoffed at her older brother’s feigning arrogance. “Oh please, you’ll never catch me drooling over any idol group at your expense.” If only she could see herself in a few years giving into the HELIOS craze and buying every single piece of merch she could. The look on Namjoon’s face was unbelievable when he came home one day to find Kyungmin framing a huge poster of your face to put in her bedroom. Her piercing glare stopped her brother from prodding any further with her newest obsession. “Not one word.” And with that, she carried your framed face off to her bedroom where it hangs next to her doorway. Well at least she hasn’t asked for your autograph. Not that he could get it anyway, you would definitely reject him if he even so much as breathed in your general direction. Despite finding out his sister was a die hard HALO, he was proud that she at least had good role models to look up to. However, the idea of her number one bias being the very person that hated him wouldn’t stop bothering Namjoon. Would he ever figure out why you just flat out disliked him? Should he even care at all? Why should he? It’s not like you two were friends. Did he want to be friends with you? Namjoon is pulled out of his inner monologue by his sister walking back into the living room with her hand over her mouth and eyes wide at something currently on her phone. She honestly looked like she was ready to cry. He rolled his eyes at her, now that’s just being a little too dramatic. “Alright, what is it now?” 
Kyungmin wordlessly turned her phone towards her brother, revealing your personal twitter profile and your newest post. It was a new concept photo of you with the silhouettes of the rest of HELIOS behind you. Dressed in shades of burgundy and maroon, you held a finger to your red painted lips. The caption that goes with it is simple and vague, but gets its point across. “HALOS, you ready? One more time~ D-10”
Namjoon counts down the days quickly in his head, leading up to what seems to be your comeback date. Coincidentally, it’s the day after BTS’ planned announcement for their own comeback; Map Of The Soul: Persona. 
He sits back and bites the inside of his cheek, deep in thought. If HELIOS was releasing their new album the same time BTS is, then you will most likely be promoting on music shows within the next coming months too. That meant more chances to pass you by in the studios and more time to figure out what the hell was your problem with him. Was it weird that the thought alone made him a little excited for your comeback more than his? His eyes caught sight of the show that just returned on air, now with you on screen teaching the hosts the moves of your latest single. He felt his cheeks heat up just a bit as he witnessed you sway your hips to the beat of your song before forcibly ripping his gaze away to look out the window instead. Yeah, it was pretty weird, and he really needed to stop dwelling on you so much. But that night, he laid in his bed, unable to get you out of his mind. 
Even though he told himself to not get hung up over you, here he was under his covers at 3 AM scrolling through your Instagram, looking at every single selfie, candid shot, and freestyle dance video you’ve posted since your debut; still thinking about the fact that even though you intrigued him, you still didn’t like him. Eventually he scrolled back to your teaser photo he saw earlier that day, brows furrowing at your post before locking his phone out of frustration. Okay, he had to stop. At this rate he was going to turn into his sister, another  HALO sucked into the HELIOS craze. But was that really a bad thing?
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dearlazerbunny · 5 years
Lie to Me (Ch. 23 of 28)
Pairings: Loki x Reader
Genre/Ratings: M eventually (aiming for a slow burn here); warnings for kidnapping and subsequent anxiety/PTSD (will be marked before every chapter)
Words: 1300
Summary: If you had to guess what the captured, traitor, trickster god Loki Laufeyson wanted or needed at this moment, a babysitter would be far, far down on the list. (Set after the events of Avengers 1.)
SHOUTOUT TO @molmcb and @jessiejunebug, I’m too tired to think of something clever to put here tonight (pt. 2)
Requested Tags: @deraniel, @iamverity,  @yasnooshka24, @wegingerangelica, @themusingsofmany , @dark-night-sky-99, @tarynkauai, @stuffandstuff-stuff, @angelicshinigami, @my-current-fandom-is, @geekysimmerthings,           @lokis-butter-knife, @help-i-need-a-social-life, @vodka-and-some-sass
Loki has stood in Asgard’s grand throne room too many times to count. Some of his earliest memories are of his small self hiding behind his mother’s skirts as he and Thor look on at various proceedings: Odin meting out cruel justice, or citizens presenting complaints, or yearly celebrations they were always turned away from once the hour struck late. This room was an idol to him, once. His endgame. Young hopes and dreams are embedded into every tile that paves the floor. As years passed, the gold that once shined so brightly in his eyes began to dull; warm words crystallized to stone and ice. It became a cancer that consumed his mind and turned his hand to darker thoughts, darker desires- something to conquer and claim rather than bow to and serve. He always knew, truly, that this throne would be his undoing, one way or another, for better or for worse.
And if he is being honest with himself, he always knew it would be for the worst. That nothing would ever end well for Loki Laufeyson.
But even as he is marched to the dias in the center of the room, flanked by thousands of citizens come to see their fallen dark prince meet his fate, his head is held high. The chains wrapping his form do not seem to weigh him down, and his eyes are alert and clever as ever. His armor gleams, his demeanor is calm, and his feet step lightly towards his doom. Because in every other face in the crowd, he sees your own- watching him with soft eyes, giving him courage where his usual boldness has failed him. He walks as you would want him to, as he would want you to see him: proudly, and without shame.
A prince is still a prince, no matter where he comes from. He may not be the prince his father wanted, the prince his mother deserves, or a prince Asgard would accept. But if he is still a prince in your eyes, even after knowing how deep his scars truly cut- then royalty he must be.
And so as he faces his father on his throne, Frigga at his side, and Thor by the other, he does so, for the first time, as their equal.
A hush falls over the crowd as he stops in front of Odin, and his escorts step away. He does not kneel. He does not bow. He simply inclines his head, and in a rare moment of understatement, speaks: “I believe you wished to see me?”
Odin’s gaze is disapproving, of course, but Loki thinks he catches a glint of amusement amongst the sadness mingling in Frigga’s eyes. Thor seems torn- his face is as unreadable as thunderclouds. “My son. It is under grave circumstances that you return to Asgard.”
“Only as grave as you wish it, All-Father. In a word you could transform this funeral into a feast. I am sure your guests would much appreciate the turn in mood.” Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the Warriors Three shift uncomfortably, and trade glances. They stand on Thor’s side, no doubt for his support, but Loki briefly wonders if they will mourn his sentencing. Perhaps not as he stands today, but for the mischievous, innocent boy they knew in their youth.
The rumble from Odin’s annoyance echoes throughout the hall. If the room was silent previously, you can now hear a pin drop. “Loki Odinson. Today you stand before the throne of Asgard for your trespasses against not only our home, but also Midgard, as well as myself and your own brother, Thor. To what do you say to these accusations?”
“I do not deny them. Indeed, I accept these charges as stated.”
The only indication of Odin’s surprise is a slight shift in his posture. “Will you not defend yourself?”
“I see no reason to, as the allegations are not false. I have wronged many and allowed destruction to befall many more. My guilt is clear, and my conscience heavy. As such, I will accept my penalty without complaint.”
“Hm.” His judge’s eyes are piercing, and cold. “It seems you have managed to maintain a mediocrum of dignity during your exploits.” For a moment, a familiar rage flares in Loki’s chest. He swallows it in a breath. “Very well. In consideration of your crimes, you shall be stripped of the immortality Idun has granted you, as well as the magic you so clearly covet. The rest of your days will be spent amongst your peers in the dungeons of Asgard. This is my decree, and this is my judgement.”
Immediately, those in attendance begin to murmur amongst themselves. To rescind one’s eternal youth is a grave penalty, and only used in the most serious of cases. The goddess Idun is the keeper of the apples which give the gift of youth and radiance, and she does not poison her prized fruit readily. Loki grimaces. He and the goddess haven’t been on the best of terms since he had a hand in her kidnapping by a giant, millennia ago. No doubt she will be only too happy to aid in his punishment.
When the double doors to the throne room open again, a breeze smelling of blossoming fruits and lavender floats in, easy and warm as the height of summer. Loki stands aside as a girl- twelve at most, with long hair braided into a crown and gauzy skirts that trail behind her- approaches the royal family and bows low in the old style. In her arms she carries a rough-woven basket filled with softly glowing apples.
Idun turns to Loki and regards him coolly. “Trickster. We meet again.”
He bristles at her use of his nickname. You call him Trickster out of fond exasperation, with a twinkle of a laugh in your voice. Her tone is not so kind. “Indeed we do. Have you been well?”
She doesn’t seem to know what to make of his casual conversation, but her face remains neutral. “My trees bear fruit, and so we live well,” she says simply. “Though it seems you will soon be excluded from such life. Are you prepared for the consequences?”
Reversing immortality is painful at best and lethal at worst. Odin could plan on torturing his son for decades in his dungeons, but there’s no guarantee that he will first survive the poison apple. “He does not have the privilege of choice,” Odin rumbles. “Prepare your spell.”
“Very well.” She inclines her head towards her king, then studies her basket carefully, eventually selecting a fruit that appears slightly plumper and fuller than the rest. Cupping it in her palms, she grazes its divine skin with a thumb, then brings the apple to her lips and begins to chant.
Aesir watch in morbid fascination as the healthy fruit begins to turn sickly and necrotic. Its golden sheen is replaced with a green-gray pallor, and it shrivels as though left in the sun for a thousand years, dripping hazy black smoke and droplets of acid that leave pockmarks on the floor as it leaks from her hands.
Even Idun doesn’t seem to take any pleasure at handing Loki the cursed apple. “May Heimdall smile kindly on your fate,” she whispers, and then retreats, as though she cannot bear to look.
Ash curls around his fingers and fills the air with a dead smell. “Eat,” Odin commands. “Accept your punishment with grace.”
Frigga looks as though she wants to cry, and Thor’s knuckles are clenched so tightly his skin has gone white. Loki looks at neither of them as he takes his first bite.
It tastes of rotted flesh, and acrid juice burns his throat and dribbles down his chin. Immediately, he can feel his stomach churn and his chest tighten as the curse works to undo thousands of years worth of magic. By the time he reaches the core and spits out the seeds into his palm, he feels as though fire is consuming his soul inch by inch.
The king nods in satisfaction. “So it is done. The All-Mother will oversee the revoking of your magic.” This time, Frigga visibly flinches. She cannot blatantly disobey her husband, but to have a hand in robbing her son of his pride and joy, a pride and joy that she herself fostered and nurtured from his infancy- it tears at her heart like nothing else. “Do you have anything to declare before you are taken into custody?”
Despite the agony curling around his person, Loki lifts his chin in quiet defiance. “I do.” He pauses, to make sure every eye is on him. “You call me Loki Odinson. You call me your son. But I believe we both know that I have ever been your son in name only, not in blood, love, or loyalty. I may die tomorrow, but I will die free, because today I declare my independence from the names that have haunted me for millennia. I am not Odinson, nor am I Laufeyson. I am Loki.” Loki’s eyes flare with pride as he fights to keep his voice steady. “I am singularly my own. I claim me for myself and no one else; with no unfulfilled names to carry with me to my grave. When I am stricken from Asgard’s history, remember me well as my own lord, master, and king.”
“GUARDS!” Odin roars, enraged by his words, but Loki simply smiles as his armored escorts drag him from the room by chains and lead him into the depths of Asgard’s castle. Yes, he may die tomorrow. But he will die liberated, with his last words ringing in all of the nine realms’ ears.
Frigga comes to visit him. He isn’t sure if she’s allowed to do this. He should ask, but most of the time he can’t do much more that shiver on the floor of his cell, arms wrapped around himself, jaw clenched to keep his teeth from rattling out of his skull.
At first, he curses Idun, but in his more lucid moments he admits she is only following his father’s orders. So he goes back to cursing Odin in between each painful breath.
Frigga can ease his pain slightly, but healing magic can only go so far when your very DNA is being re-written. She speaks with kindness, with love, and with pride, helping him through the worst nights when his stubbornness threatens to fail him and his resolve wavers as stars do in the sky.
“You spoke bravely, my son,” she whispers, her fingers against the barrier in front of her as though she might reach out and touch Loki’s face. “I have rarely been prouder. You have walked such a long road, and carried mountains on your shoulders that are all but invisible to others. And yet, you still find the courage to face your father as the prince I know you are. You have come so far.” In his chains, Loki clings to her every word. “Your love is looking up at the sky in awe, though she may not know why.”
Y/N. Just thinking your name eases a little of the sting that’s worked his way into his bones. As on Earth, you give him the hope to see another day.
“You shun the name of Odinson, and I cannot blame you for that. But I would be honored if someday, you would consider taking my own, Loki Friggason.”
Y/N Y/L/N. Loki Friggason. Two names to murmur in the dead of night to keep his heart beating until the sun rises once again.
A/N: Update 2 of 2 for tonight, sorry about that! The Idun kidnapping story is a real thing and you should def look it up, it’s a RIDE
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neo-shitty · 4 years
extra elongated tag game!
tagged by: @waithyuck​ hi, thank you for tagging me. i hope you’re safe :))
tagging: @94core​, @legendnct​, @juliennestudies​ (hi, it’s althea. you might want to do this?), @jaesmintea​ (can we be friends dkjsf idk how to make friends here) and whoever wants to play this game. it’s pretty lengthy tho.
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
for seventeen, it was clap. the synchronization, even when they made a mistake, was really impressive to me. i started binge-watching their dance videos and i just remember being at awe at how a lot of people (considering they’re 13) could be in sync like that.
for nct, it was kick it. i used to say i didn’t like the song, but it won’t get out of my head. i’m not sure what keeps me attracted to them as a group. i just am. also, haechan is the love of my life. i’ve never loved an idol the way i loved him.
for ateez, it was wonderland. good lord, i just love that song. the mv, the vibe it gives off, the aesthetics during that era. makes me want to start a revolution.
rule: answer the ten questions given by the previous person and write 10 of your own for the next person!
1. what is your favorite memory from your childhood?
i didn’t have a dull childhood or something. i just don’t have specific memory that i could consider my favorite. but if there was anything i was fond of, as a kid, it was being innocent and not worrying too much about anything. i miss that and i wish i could go back. 
2. if you could travel anywhere in the world with just a snap of your fingers, where would you go and why?
the museum where van gogh’s starry night is stored. i want to visit it in the middle of the night when there’s no one else there. i just want to stare at it and appreciate it.
3. describe your personality in three (3) words.
unbowed. unbent. unbroken. haha, kidding. impulsive, unpredictable, and...confusing i guess?
4. what is your favorite thing that you have ever read? (anything you’ve ever read counts! fanfiction, poems, novels etc.) why?
i don’t really have a favorite :(
5. are you the studying type of person or the type to just ‘wing it’ when you have a big test coming up?
i’m not really the type who studies regularly but i don’t walk into the exam room without reading at all. i read and study a few days before the exam, try to get as much information as possible.
6. between bold colors and pastel colors, which do you prefer?
i’d rather go with pastels in the day and bold neons at night. 
7. do you live life in the moment or do you plan every action you take?
a bit of both depending on the situation. i’m the type who plans ahead on things that i really want to happen but i have my fair share of spontaneous, impulsive decisions that lead up to really fun experiences. but when it comes to life in general? i’m just taking in every day as it comes. 
8. what is your favorite holiday and why? (all holidays count! across all religions and cultures 😄)
christmas. the weather is cool and everyone’s a bit kind during that time of the year. and it leads up to new year.
9. would you rather stay up to stargaze in the middle of the night or wake up early to watch the sunrise?
i can’t see stars even with glasses on because my eyes suck. so i guess, i’d rather watch the sunrise because that obnoxious ball of bright yellow light is so hard to miss. plus i like how the surroundings change colors as the night changes into day.
10. what is your favorite eye color on another person?
blue on a brunette? i know it’s rare but it’s such a beautiful mix.
my ten questions for you:
what’s your favorite season and why?
are you a cat person or a dog person?
what’s your current favorite song and why can’t you stop listening to it?
if you had the ability to do either of the following, would you rather change something in the past or see into the future?
what’s your favorite movie?
what did miss rona ruin for you this 2020?
what’s your favorite album? (you can name one for each genre you like or you can just name one, it’s up to you.)
if you could talk to your past self (person who lived your past life), what would you tell them?
do you have a go-to person? who is it?
if you could tell your younger self something, what would you say?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot.
name: althea
nickname: thea
birthday: april 27
zodiac: taurus
nationality: filipino
languages: filipino, english, learning korean
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5’2”
inspiration for muse: music
meaning behind my url: supposedly neocity but that was taken so :D 
blog established: 2016/2015? but i only became active this 2020
followers: 35 :D hi <3
favorite animal/s: cats :(
favorite book/s: warcross by marie lu
favorite color/s: black and skin-tone shades
favorite fictional characters: i don’t really have favorites, sorry
favorite flower: sunflowers 
favorite scent: vanilla
favorite season: summer and fall or the tropical equivalents of these anw
average hours of sleep: 7-8
cats or dogs: cats
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: iced tea / hot chocolate
current time: 12:50 pm
dream trip: europe trip
dream job: i actually want to be a 5-star michelin
hobbies: writing, listening to music
hogwarts house: slythering
last movie watched: the darkest minds
last song listened to: sweet creature - harry styles
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): i’m in both college and high school atm (august 5, 2020) because i haven’t graduated yet and my college a.y already started
10 songs i can’t stop listening to:
just go - ikon
easy - stray kids
breathe - james arthur
lotto - exo
god’s menu - stray kids
inception - ateez
killing me - ikon
la la lost you - niki
dontmakemefallinlove - cuco
safe inside - james arthur
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icouldntresistit · 5 years
Okay so this is going to be long but if you want to discuss Jimin & JK and the fanservice myth, here ya go. If you for whatever reason hate the idea that they don’t seem to be acting when they get all affectionate, please kindly scroll past
I can’t really subscribe to the ‘Heechul kissed his members in the mouth for fanservice, therefore anything Jikook do is fanservice’ idea and here’s why:
1. For some reason there’s this idea that if idols do something and it qualifies as fanservice, it can’t possibly mean anything besides that it is fanservice. This is illogical. I go to work for a check but that doesn’t mean I don’t also enjoy what I do/I don’t do it for any other reason. I think Jimin lingering onto Jungkook for abnormal periods of time can be both fanservice and have an underllying meaning. Just like when Namjoon shouts out Halsey in an interview--he could be doing it for promo but also because he genuinely likes her. It’s just weird to think of fanservice as an either/or when it comes to things like this but not when it comes to BTS constantly talking about how much they “love” armies or when the members act cutesy or sexual for fans. When those types of fanservice happen, it’s then ‘they genuinely love us so much’ or ‘JK truly is Jungoo deep down’, even when it’s clear that JK hates being babied and BTS has to talk about their fans to keep them engaged. (Note: I’m not saying they don’t love armies just that it’s hypocritical to think that particular type of fanservice is genuine but it isn’t if something intimate/romantic happens between members)
2. Typically fanservice is highly exaggerated to the point of being flat out ridiculous. For example, like with how everything is always about armys 24/7 even when it’s clear it’s not (take any given song that is supposedly ‘for armies’, when it likely is just a regular degular song lmao). I’m not saying that fanservice is only exaggerated or that the fanservice can’t be genuine (see point 1), just that most of the time you can tell that it is fanservice because it’s super extra lol. Actually, you can look no further than No More Dream era when Bang PD would all but have Jimin do live strip teases during performances. That is very blatant fanservice, especially when you compare it to other, milder, things they’ve done as fanservice (such as dedicating awards to people). The reason why it’s blatant is because it’s obvious that the sole purpose of him stripping is to get a reaction out of the fans (hence “fan + service”)
With Jimin and JK’s interactions, there’s often no clear motive for the fans. Like, what exactly are we getting out of you staring longingly into Jimin’s soul when you think no one’s looking? Especially when it makes more sense to act lovey-dovey with Tae, the person you’ve always been ‘shipped’ with and has probably the highest amount of shippers who’ll latch onto many things as ‘proof’? When you combine the fact that most fans would get absolutely nothing out of the type of ‘fanservice’ Jikook engage in, the ‘everything is fanservice’ theory loses its legs a bit
3. Just because Heechul did it, doesn’t mean JK would just do something like that as fanservice. BTS as a whole is very anti- disingenuous overly romantic fanservice. Any challenge where they have to be physically intimate with another member is usually met with visible repulsion. This is very different from some other idol groups (such as SuJu lol) that are known for that brand of fanservice. That’s not to say that BTS doesn’t do romantic fanservice at all, just that it’s pretty rare and not that affectionate just for jokes
4. Pretty sure that spending time together outside of work, with no cameras involved, and no apparent career-related motive doesn’t count as fanservice. This is probably the main thing that makes me the most suspicious about the nature of Jikook’s relationship as the other members seem to pretty much go their separate ways when they’re not working. But Jimin and JK go ice skating together, go out to restaurants and movie theaters together, hang out backstage together, travel together (particularly when they go back home), they also travel together by car, spend time in each other’s rooms when staying at hotels, etc. I just don’t see how any of those things (which, we wouldn’t know about if it weren’t for industry people, sasaengs, and the occasional fan who just so happens to run into them) count as fanservice. If anything, it gives the actual fanservice new light and makes it seem as if there’s more to it
So yeah, tldr: not everything is fanservice; for the stuff that is, it could still be genuine on some level; fanservice tends to be very overt so if you can’t tell whether or not it’s fanservice, it’s probably not
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knadiuniverse · 6 years
The broken heart of an innocent | Part 2
† Pairing: yoongi x female reader
† Au: Idol
† Warnings: a broken heart, the beginning of a depression
† Word count: 1,262
† A/N: I didn’t want to go into the feelings of Y/N in this part, as I wanted to push a story a little bit, to its climax moment. However, next part (and probably part 4) will be from Yoongi’s POV. If you want to read PART 1, please refer to my Masterlist which is linked in the profile's description.
If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you Drive highways and byways to be there with you Over and over the only truth Everything comes back to you – Niall Horan ‘This Town’
You’ve danced hugged into Yoongi in your living room, taking in the moment as it was. Smelling his cologne, the delicate but masculine smell of sandalwood, noticing how his muscles moved across his chest whenever he took a deeper breath in. You wanted to savour this moment forever, you wanted to remember every single fibre of his shirt, every single mark on his skin, every single detail of the person you loved. You could feel his nose nestled in your hair, his breathing in the smell of your shampoo. You could feel his hand caressing your waist, the other one rubbing circles into your hip. Somehow, you knew that this moment won’t last forever, the moment you so wanted to live in, the moment you needed in your life right now, you knew that this is not real.
Suddenly you felt something cold on your arm and after seconds of starring at that cold point, you’ve heard a voice of Jin, waking you up delicately. “Y/N-ah, honey, wake up. I made you breakfast, you have to eat something.”
As you had no will to go against the plea of a friend, you compiled and woke up, as he asked. You could see a smile on his lips, but the worry was all over his eyes. He helped you sit up, as he wouldn’t be sure if you’re able to do it on your own. You wondered if he could sense that there’s no more fight left within you, that the only thing you wanted to do, is to fall asleep. To go back to the land of dreams, where you could dream of the only person that truly made you happy, showed you what happiness is, and how a woman should be treated by her man.
Companion of yours led you to the kitchen, where he sited you by the table on which he put breakfast, he already prepared for you. Egg fried rice with some king prawns, he knew you won’t be able to swallow much so he wanted to fill your stomach with something easy to swallow. You took your chopsticks in hand and after putting a portion of the food in your mouth you started to munch it. You did it while thinking of how you used to have those breakfasts with the love of your life. You always fed each other, as you rarely ate the same food, and you wanted the other one to have a taste of what you’re eating. One of you was almost always on a diet. You were always trying to lose weight, but it never lasted more than few days, as Yoongi made sure to feed you with pizza, claiming that you look perfect in his eyes anyway, and only his opinion should matter to you. His diets, on the other hand, were always the ones where he claimed he wants to start gaining some muscles so the maknae would stop teasing him, for not only being small but weaker than him. He would start going to the gym and you would join, always with the same reason ‘to be his motivation’. One time you’ve decided that you had enough of gym and working out and he went alone. Less than 30 minutes he showed up in your apartment, dragging you to the gym and saying things like ‘I cannot work out without you there.’, ‘We’re a couple, we should work out together.’, ‘I didn’t even touch a machine and some girl was already all over me, with her breasts hanging out of the bra, like that would get me attracted to her.’
That’s when you made a bet that if you’ll make Jungkook stop teasing him, he will not force to go to the gym anymore. Thankfully, a new piece of equipment to the youngest studio was enough to convince him to stop the teasing that always resulted in you being put you through the tortures of working out.
“Y/N-ah. Earth to Y/N” suddenly you saw Jin’s hand waving in front of your eyes, you blinked few times surprised at the sudden gesture. You quickly stopped his movements with your chopsticks hitting his fingers and your lips muttering ‘stop it’.
“Y/N-ah. It’s been a week now, I know this must be hard for you, but you have to start thinking of going back to work. You have to go back to normal life.” You looked at him with total emptiness in your heart, feeling as if every emotion that once was there, evaporated the moment he broke up with you. You wondered whether he was right, or more precisely, whether you’re able to do what he thinks is best.
“I know Jin, I know. But it’s so hard. He used to be my rock, I thought I would never find someone I could share my future with, my dreams.” It took you a second to gather the strength for what you wanted to say next, after all, it already broke one of your relations. You didn’t want to lose one of your dearest friends. “You know, the first two days I thought it’s my fault he broke up with me. But then I remembered, that in order for something to be my fault, I would have to be able to change it. Tell me, Jin. How could I change the fact that I can’t have kids? Even if I’d be able to have them after a transplant, I wouldn’t want to pass my genes onto them. Why do I have to suffer because of it? Why can’t he accept the idea of adopting kids?”
“What are you talking about? You think he broke up with you because of that? Are you crazy?’ He looked at me with total surprise in his eyes, his hands started to grab mine. ‘Y/N-ah, he wanted to adopt kids with you. He always talked about how you two would have three kids, and you wanted no more, no less. He said to us one evening, that he has nothing against you not being able to have kids. He even said it’s better, as pregnancy is a huge burden for a body to go through and can cause a lot of pain in some cases. He didn’t want to see you in such pain, ever in his life.”
“Then why would he break up with me? There’s no other reason to break up with me, but this. I didn’t do anything wrong, he even proposed to me a month before, for fuck’s sake.”
Jin took out his phone and started to write something on it, and you wondered what this all means. Was there another reason for him to break up with him? Maybe his parents disapproved of your marriage? Could this be the reason?
“Get up, Y/N-ah. I’m fed up with all this drama. He didn’t leave his room for a week now, he didn’t even work at his studio. You’re an absolute disaster too. I’m done with this and we’re going to explain this shit hole of a mess you two made.” He went on talking about how he first had to convince him to ask you out, but you stopped listening to him the moment he said you’re going to see him. The question wasn’t if you’re ready to see him, but rather if you wanted to see him. Did you?
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krreader · 6 years
married at first sight | chapter 2
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pairing: min yoongi x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; arranged marriage!au ; from strangers to lovers!au ; language genre: angst ; fluff ; smut previous: 1
summary: taking part in the social experiment with the name of ‘married at first sight’ was only supposed to give you the money you needed to survive. you promised yourself that you were only in it for the cash. no feelings, no emotions, no strings, nothing. that is, until you walked down the aisle and saw min yoongi waiting for you. there, you realized that this thing won’t be as easy as you had hoped for it to be.
a/n: I know, I know, I’ve literally not updated this for two months, but I’ve been so focused on LaB, that I kinda neglected that one. BUT IT’S BACK BITCHES AND THE REAL STORY IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!!!! (also: as you can see, the usual gif is back, even though I put an aesthetic on the previous chapter. Idk, I just want to stick with my format I guess so HAVE THIS BEAUTIFUL GIF OF YOONGI THAT TOOK ME WAY TOO LONG TO MAKE EVEN THOUGH IT’S SO BASIC)
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You didn't really know many friends of Taehyung's, but that's mostly because he was the kind of person that seemed to befriend everyone he passed on the streets and you simply couldn't keep up anymore.
But you did know the important ones.
You obviously knew Jimin, who was also your co-worker in the coffee shop. You knew Namjoon and Jin, but they were rarely ever coming to get-togethers anymore, so you didn’t see them much at this point. You knew Jungkook, who frequently visited your apartment and was your flatmates best friend. Then there was Hoseok, who was under the same agency as Taehyung, but as a dancer. And last but not least, there was Min Yoongi.
You could count the times you had actually seen him on one hand. From what you had heard, he was pretty set on his goals on becoming a producer, which is what he was occupying himself with. Chasing that goal. And you thought that was admirable, but you felt like that guy could use a break every once in a while.
All of this might be reasons for your surprised face when you entered the bar and found him sitting next to Jimin.
“Heeeey, (Y/N),” Jimin got up and hugged you tightly.
“You act like you haven't seen me in forever,” you giggled and kissed his cheek, “We saw each other this morning, remember?”
“Maybe I'm just glad to see a friendly face,” he turned his head to throw a glare at Yoongi who only shrugged in return, but got up anyways to shake your hand.
“Hi,” he said in a monotone voice.
“Hey, Yoongi,” you were a little more friendly, but still distant.
Taehyung greeted the both of them quickly, before all four of you sat down at the table the others had already occupied, you and Tae ordering drinks, before Tae clapped happily once and said: “Hyung! Jimin told me you got into the university you always wanted to study at! I’m so proud of you!”
“Did he?” Yoongi had specifically told Jimin not to say anything, given the fact that unless he scratched up the money, he wouldn't be able to get in.
“I'm so happy that you did. You really deserve it,” Taehyung grinned happily, wrapping his arm around your shoulder a moment later, “(Y/N) is studying too, you know?”
“Ah,” wow. He seemed to be super interested in you. That was always nice to see.
Jimin cleared his throat when the awkward silence set in and leaned forward.
“Yeah.. you two have a lot in common actually.”
“Like what?” you snorted, “Apart from having you morons as our friends?”
Now THAT had even Yoongi chuckle. Tae playfully pushed you, but then quickly wrapped his arm around your shoulder again to pull you towards him.
“No, hyung meant you're in a similar position. You know.. studying but not really having a lot of money.. having issues because of that.. like the universe wanted this to happen.”
“The universe wanted us to be broke?” Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, “Are you high?”
“No! Ugh, Jimin, can you just..-”
Jimin nodded and turned his head from Yoongi to you and then back at Yoongi, “We might have found a solution to fix all your problems. One, that will leave you walking away with a lot of money..”
“Is this like in the movies, where you tell us there is this museum that has this new artifact and we'll have to steal it?”
“No,” Jimin laughed, “No, (Y/N), I was talking about.. something a little more romantic than that.”
“Romantic?” both you and Yoongi said in unison.
“Remember that new show that Namjoon-hyung and Jin-hyung are working on? Married at first sight?”
For a second it was quiet, both Yoongi and you staring at Jimin in disbelief. Because yes, you knew that they worked on that show and you also knew what the show was about. 
And then it suddenly all made sense.
“Oh, fuck no. Absolutely not.”
“What the fuck, Jimin?” Yoongi scrunched up his entire face and leaned back, “I won't do a fucking reality show.”
“But listen to him,” Taehyung said, raising his hands to give the perfect explanation, “It's perfect! We met up with hyungs and they told us they could get you in and partner you up with each other, which, obviously isn't allowed normally, but they want to help you guys out! You'll be part of this show for a little over a month, get married, then file for divorce and you can both walk away with a lot of money! Like, A LOT.”
“Taehyung,” you shook your head and stared at him with disappointment in your eyes, “I can't believe you.. You want me to marry for money? What difference is this to stripping?”
“Because it's Yoongi-hyung!” he pointed at him, “You're both in it on this! That means you'll only have to act for the cameras and as soon as they're off, you can do whatever you want again! And it'll only be a little over a month, then you're free again.”
“It's a good plan you guys! All your problems would disappear,” Jimin nodded with a big smile, “You wouldn't have to worry about money ever again!”
“Maybe marrying someone isn't a big deal for you guys?” you hastily got up and grabbed your bag, “But it is for me,” and with that you left the restaurant.
“(Y/N) wait..-”
“Let me,” Yoongi stood up, “Please?”
Odd? Why would he want to? But Taehyung sat back down and nodded anyways, trusting him enough not to hurt you or anything, “Go ahead..”
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He found you not far from the restaurant, sitting on a park bench with a bottle that looked a lot like something alcoholic was in it.
“Doesn't suit you, you know?”
“What doesn't? And why do you even care? It's not like we know each other.”
His hands were buried in his pockets when he sat down next to you, legs spread so he’d be more comfortable, “You look like you're homeless right now.”
“I will be soon anyways. Might as well practice the look.”
Yoongi hated that he considered it, no, was actually already sure about it. He hated this more than anything, because even if he didn't believe in love, he didn't want to get married for money. But it was either that, or sell drugs. And at least marrying you wouldn't mean he'd end up in jail eventually.
And sure, he didn't really know you, but maybe that's what would make it so much easier.
No feelings, no attachment, just you and him being in it for the money and then parting ways like it never happened.
It was a good deal.
Now he'd only have to convince you that it was. 
“Listen, I don't like this either... but if you think about it, it's not a bad idea.”
“What?! Are you fucking serious right now? In what way is marrying each other even though we don’t even know each other not a bad idea?”
“Hear me out,” he turned his body to face you, pulling out his hands and folding them in his lap, “What's your alternative?”
“Becoming a stripper,” you said with a full on serious voice. Because that was the alternative.
“Okay,” he said, not judgmental at all, because his alternative wouldn't be better either, “Now what's worse? Having old men watch you dance at a pole and make money while doing so, probably beginning to hate yourself one day, or you and me marrying, while I'm never going to touch you or do anything you don't want?”
“Fuck, you're as crazy as they are! I won't marry you for money, Yoongi!”
“It would only be for show!”
“I already told you! Marriage actually means something to me! I don't want my first marriage to be like this, or any marriage while we’re at it. I want to marry someone I care about and love and who loves me just as much in return.”
“This world isn't a fairy tale, (Y/N). Especially not for people like you and me. You know that, don’t you?”
“Oh, so you're trying to guilt trip me into doing this by telling me I don’t actually have another choice?”
“No, I..-” he let out a sigh, “I don't want to force you if you don't want to do this. But I know that, for me at least, it would be better than the alternative. I'd rather marry you for show and the cameras and then act like we don't know each other again after that month, than sell drugs and enjoy the rest of my life in prison.”
You understood where he was coming from, but as he had said, you still had that fairy tale happy ever after dream. In which you would find somebody who loved you with all his heart and then marry you and it would be all romantic and.. well.. like in the movies. But maybe you finally needed a reality check.
And maybe this was it.
You let out a sigh and brushed your hand through your hair.
“These kind of things never go as planned, though. It's going to get messy.”
“See, that's why this is so perfect. We don't even know each other. We do this, we do this quick and clean. No feelings, no sex, no emotions, no strings. We just act and then we part ways and never see each other again. We walk away with a lot of cash and then I can finally finance my university, while you can do whatever the fuck you need the money for.”
One month.. one month of pretending to be in love with somebody and then never having to worry about money again. God, you had been so stressed these past weeks that the more you thought about it, the better it began to sound.
And sure, maybe it wouldn't be the wedding you had always wanted, but Yoongi wasn't unattractive. You could walk down the aisle and see yourself getting married to someone like him, even if it was just for show. And given how extra these shows were, the wedding would probably be glorious as well. 
Maybe you could get your fairty tale wedding.. just a little different than from what you had imagined it to be.
“Fuck,” you laughed out loud, your head falling back and staring into the night sky, “I'm starting to consider it.”
“It's crazy.. and it's probably really stupid too. But I'm desperate enough.”
“Yeah. Same here, unfortunately.” your eyes were scanning the clear sky, trying to find all sorts of stars, “It’s funny, isn’t it?”
“What is?” he looked up as well, already feeling a lot calmer when staring at the stars and the moon like that. The middle of the night always had that effect on him.
“How some people can just do whatever the fuck they want and never have to worry about money.. and then there’s people like us, who consider doing something like marrying each other for money, just so we can survive.”
“That’s the world we live in.. and it’s a fucking mess.”
“Amen to that.”
While you were busy observing the sky, he lowered his head again to watch you. It hit him that he never actually really looked at you.. but now that he did..
..you were really pretty. 
He wouldn’t mind marrying someone like you, even if it was just for show. 
“So..,” he said after having studied your features for a while, “What do you think?”
Your brain was all over the place. That one part, the rational part, was telling you that you should NOT do this and that this was the worst idea you’ve ever had. That you'd find another way to earn more money and that you didn't have to do this in order to survive.
But that other part of your brain, the one that usually won the battle, made you say: 
“Fuck it,” you shrugged and looked back at him with a small smile, “ Let's get married.”
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platinum-happy · 6 years
Announcement Regarding Eve & Graduation Letters for Willow
To all of our supporters, thank you for your ongoing support of Platinum Happy! While we’re hard at work behind the scenes on new releases and hope to have something new for you all to enjoy soon, we must announce with mixed emotions that Generation 1 member, Eve, has graduated from Platinum Happy to focus on her personal life. Eve has been an asset to Platinum Happy and has contributed so much to us since starting off in our first generation, and we would like to express our gratitude to Eve for everything she has done for us and the joy she has brought to the group! Below, you will find letters from current members to Eve, as well as graduation letters for former Generation 2 member, Willow, who graduated from the group in 2018.
Graduation Letters for Eve
Dear Iibu,
The things you create are truly wonderful, thank you for taking some time to create things with us over the years! You’ve introduced me to so many cool idol groups and songs, and our mutual love of rilakkuma and other cute stuff was always fun~
I appreciate your calming presence, and I’m super grateful I got to meet you, Eve!! If there’s ever anything you need me for, never hesitate to message me. I hope your future will be full of excitement and happiness!
I legit cried when I read you were graduating. You’ve been one of my favorite Purappi members from the BEGINNING. From the start, I fangirled over your voice, style and personality. You’re very talented but kind at the same time. An Idol with a heart as gold as your image color.
I know you’re off to bigger and brighter things, but I hope you’ll stop by to chat sometimes. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say Platinum Happy won’t be the same without you! (T_T) Please don’t be a stranger! ♥ ♥
Love, Bea
Dear Eve,
I’m not EVEn sure where to begin here, and I don’t think a letter like this can succinctly describe the way I’m feeling, but the biggest sentiments I want to express to you are THANK YOU and YOU ARE AMAZING!
You’ve always been the kind of person who is quietly talented – rather than flaunting your crazy skills right up front, you’ve been weaving something grand with your talents in your own way until suddenly you’ve burst onto the scene, and everyone’s like, “This is amazing!” And it’s TRUE. Your music, your art, your ideas, and everything that you put your heart into turns out to be a masterpiece. You’ve done so much for Purappi, and I can’t thank you enough for being here with us and sharing your talents with the world alongside everyone here. You’ve been a cherished member and a cherished friend to us, and you’ve truly left a sort of golden touch on the group that we’ll never forget. We owe you so much!
On a personal note, thank you for being there to fangirl with me about CY8ER and alternative and tattooed idols and electronic J-pop and all of these fun things! You’ve always been so sweet and thoughtful – and always were at the ready to share exciting idol news (whether through fangirly messages between us or on PuraRadio)! After your graduation, I hope we continue to talk about these things!
I wish you nothing but the best, and I know your talents will take you so, so far. Good luck Eve, we will miss you so much!
Love, Bonnie
Hey Eve,
Honestly I’m at a loss as to what to write because I’m worried that it will turn into “noooo, please don’t leave.”
When gen one first came together, you were one of the only people I already knew. We kind of paired off because of that and because we have similar tastes in idols and are kind of awkward nerds, and I really do think of you as one of my closest friends. I’m so glad that we got to meet so many times and I really hope you come to Japan again soon because you are so fun to hang out with.
I think that it’s because of you that I was able to really do anything at all in Purappi. Having you around was what encouraged me to break out of my shell with both the other members behind the scenes and be more of the weirdo in front of the camera, too. Because you were there to share ideas with me I was able to come up with my own and try them out. And of course you were always my partner in crime for PuraRadio and PuraStreaming. You’ve always been a huge part of the group to me, and I’m sure that goes for the other members as well.
And you honestly have had such a big impact on us. After all, “Platinum de Somete” is something you gave us! I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you so much for being a part of Platinum Happy with me.
Of course I can still talk to you whenever and I will, don’t you doubt that! Seriously. BFFs. That us.
I love you come to Japan and fight me by which I mean give me a hug and hang out with me,
Hellohellohello Eve, Iibu, Eevee, Eveveveveve,
I know what you might be thinking. I sound like I’m hyper right now. If that’s your train of thought, you might be right. The world will never know. Not really anyway.🤫🤫
I know I’m the somewhat formal type. I’ve rarely ever called anyone by their given nicknames. (If anything, I’ve often given my own nickname for everyone else, haha.) But by the end of this letter that’s gonna change!!!
We’ve been together as gen members for what… FOUR YEARS? Time passes!!! We’ve been in a few subgroup songs together like Love like Candyfloss and Because Happiness which is great but a bit sad that we won’t get a Team Nomimono cover in the future… 🤐 Maybe a reunion could happen in a hopeful future, right コーヒーブ ☺️
But like I’ve said to Willow, it doesn’t mean it’s the end! It doesn’t mean you’re not onto bigger and better things!!!! Flex positivity!!!! I believe in you in all your future endeavors!!!!!!!!! (# P O S I T I V I T Y 2 K 1 9 ! ! ! ! 😤 😤 😤)
We’ll miss you, Iibu. But you know exactly where to find us so don’t forget to send us some life updates!!! 😤😤😤
From the probably-hyper-but-the-world-will-never-know
ジュース 😘
Iibu! When I found out you wanted to graduate, I was devastated. You have this quiet, amazing, yet powerful energy that I LOVE! You’ve graced us with your presence since the beginning of Purappi, and for that, I am very thankful. Between your voice, art, lyrics, videos, and overall creative prowess, you’ve definitely made a large and incomparable positive impact on our little group. One of my favorite things was when you’d quietly sneak into the group chat and drop something amazing at our feet! I’m very sad to see you go, but I know wherever you end up in life, you will flourish. Good luck and full speed ahead!!!
IIBUU, I’m really gonna miss you! Before I joined, you were always one of my favorite members, so I’m glad I got to meet you and talk with you! You are super sweet and the most knowledgeable and passionate person about idols I know! I definitely wouldn’t have learned about Wasuta or Gang Parade if it wasn’t for you. <3
So much of Purappi’s identity is thanks to you, Eve! You’re incredibly talented and I know those talents will take you far! I wish you the best, take care of yourself and check in from time to time. <3
Love, Sadie <33333
Graduation Letters for Willow
Dear Ui,
OH MAN HOW ARE WE GONNA LIVE WITHOUT YOUR GOD-TIER MIXES AND ENERGY AROUND???? Actually at this point, it’s been a while since you’ve graduated and I’m glad that we still chat every now and then! It seems like you’re doing well and working on lots of fun projects! I hope you still think of me as a friend the way I do you. ♡
Dear Willow,
I was so sad to see you graduate! You were such a talented singer (and rapper!) who brought a lot to the Purrapi family. I remember hearing you in Silly Boy and becoming an instant fan! ♥
I’m definitely going to miss having you and your grand knowledge of idols around. I always felt like I learned something new whenever you spoke up. Also, I’ll forever be wishing we had gotten a chance to sing together while you were in the group. Maybe one day our paths will cross and allow it. But for now, keep doing your thing and chasing your dreams! Remember to keep in touch too!
Love, Bea
Dear Willow,
Miss Willow~ while I’m, of course, sad to see you go, I have nothing but positive thoughts for your future! With your talents, abilities, and confidence, you can pretty much take on the world, which I am totally down for!
Thank you for the time you spent with us in Purappi! Your gorgeous voice blended so well with Generation 2 and brought so much depth to our songs. Whenever I was color-coding lyrics and figuring out who should sing a certain line, I always knew I could count on you to absolutely nail whatever I gave you! One of my favorite Willow memories is your rapping in “deal,” because that was INSANELY cool and absolutely made me fangirl you!
I want to wish you the best of luck for your future. Keep in touch with us, okay! We’ll always be wota pals!
Love, Bonnie
Hi Uiui,
Okay, I kind of procrastinate with graduation letters in the first place because I don’t want anyone to graduate but like… I really procrastinated with this one. I was just really shocked when you told us because you were one of the last members I was expecting to announce that. You just are always so in place with us that it feels so weird?
Honestly I’m so blessed to have gotten to meet you and I’m so, so glad that we had this group in common that helped two people born on opposite sides of the planet meet and go to a maid cafe together not once, but like three times. You’re always a blast to hang out with which, of course, you’re just such a chill person who is also just so funny and interesting and please if you come back to Japan while I still haven’t been kicked out, hit me up let’s do karaoke again!!
Good luck with your studies and your future! I know you’re a super hard worker, so you will definitely succeed with anything you put yourself towards. Don’t be a stranger because we love you so much.
To the one and only Willow,
Hello uwu
It’s sad to see your departure from Purappi but that doesn’t mean you aren’t onto bigger and better things, right?!! (#POSITIVITY2K19!!!!! 😤😤) We’re still proud of you!!!!!!!!!
The songs are gonna have one more voice to miss from now on but it won’t be too bad, I’m sure. I think the new generation will do a splendid job in your stead. We’ll miss you, your voice, and your mixing, though. I hope you still get to meet up with our wonderful Calla and the other members every once in a while. Remember to keep in touch!! You know where to find us. 😚
Meep-meep (aka Mepp the Red Leaf uwu)
My precious UiUi!! Since we’ve been knowing each other for such a long time, I was elated when you auditioned for Purappi! It was a no brainer to accept you; someone who has a sweet solid voice, the ability to spit fire raps, a fun loving personality, AND a great mixer?! My dear, you are a catch of an idol! You’ll always be our sexy UiUi here in Purappi Land. I’m sad you’re leaving us, but I know you will do Great Things on your own. I look forward to gushing about Hello!Project idols with you soon! Much love!!
Dear UI! I just want to say it’s been a pleasure being a fellow 2nd gen member with you! I’m always pretty bad at these graduation letters, but I just want you to know I appreciated you and everything you did for our group! Its sad that you’re leaving/left, but I know you’re doing great things in life and so I’m happy I got to meet you! Good luck in your current ventures! I know you’ll become the best sexy UIUI you can be. <3  
I really miss you,
Love, Sadie
P.S., I’m gonna miss sharing lines with you 😮 lol
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masonjar828 · 6 years
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So this is in response to an ask me thing I reblogged. Thanks @kylorenpunk for once again making me do them all 😂 but I ain’t no quitter so let’s begin shall we.
1. Selfie; as seen above
2. What would you name your future kids?; If I could have sole control of naming my kids, I’d go with Zephyr for a girl and Red Nalloh for a boy. I always liked the word zephyr and I like the palindrome name that would come from naming my son that.
3. Do I miss anyone?; I recently moved to the west coast and left a lot of close friends behind so I miss each of them every day.
4. What am I looking forward to?; I recently interviewed for a job I’m pretty excited about so I’m really looking forward to hearing new news from them!
5. Is there anyone who can make me smile?; Legit anyone who ever says or does a kind thing to me I will think about from time to time with a little grin.
6. Is it hard for me to get over someone?; I don’t have too much experience needing to do so but I feel like it takes me a normal amount of time to get back on the level after being with someone 😂😅
7. What was my life like last year?; I was a senior in college man...life was a ball of stress and sleep deprevation for months.
8. Have I ever cried from annoyance?; Not really. It honestly takes a lot to make me cry usually. BUT! Show me something with heartwarming feels and a tear or two will always come.
9. Who did I last see in person?; My aunt while we were watching a movie.
10. Am I good at hiding my feelings?; Maybe? I feel like I am but I also know my poker face is garbage so I could be suckish at hiding my feelings too haha.
11. Am I listening to music right now?; Yes! The new Greatest Showman Reimagined album and it’s utterly amazing!
12. What is something I want right now?; I want more than anything rn to hear back from some job somewhere because I’m so in need of a post-college job 😂😅
13. How to I feel right now?; Bit of a headache and fairly tired but overall pretty happy! Listening to the rain outside helps.
14. When was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged me?; About 20min ago when I said goodnight to my aunt lol.
15. Personality description; I feel the best way to describe my personality is a hyperactive ball of music and useless facts who usually does anything to help my friends, usually at the expense of my sanity at times 😂
16. Have I ever wanted to tell someone something but I didn’t?; There was a time where I desperately wanted to take a risk of telling one of my closest friends just how I truly felt about her but didn’t because I didn’t want to risk ruining the friendship that meant too much to me.
17. Opinion on insecurities; They are a thing everyone experiences and should never be judged on, but I do feel like the only way to truly become better as a person is to actively work to identify and try to work on overcoming or coming to terms with them.
18. Do I miss how things were a year ago?; The constant stress, absolutely not. The friends I got to see daily and never get to see and rarely talk to anymore, all the goddamn time.
19. Have I ever been to New York?; State, yes. City, also yes. Went this past summer to see Hamilton live and my god it was one of the best shows I’ve ever experienced! ☺️
20. Favorite song at the moment?; Hardest question in the world to ask me since I listen to and love so many so songs at once. The one currently stuck in my head is Zac Brown Bands version of From Now On from the Greatest Showman Reimagined soundtrack.
21. Age and birthday; 22 and August 28th
22. Description of crush; No crushes at the current moment but I usually like women a tad shorter than me, with amazing eyes, and a personality that is fun and nerdy so we can make stupid puns and jokes to each other.
23. Fears; Only one real one and it’ll always be snakes. Fuck those venomous and scaly bastards.
24. Height; Like 5’9”-5’10”ish I think?
25. Role model; My dad for sure. He is one of the most loving and caring people I know who can be outright terrifying if he needs to be.
26. Idols; I’m not really the type to idolize anyone tbh 😅 I feel like idolization can be a tad unhealthy.
27. Things I hate; The thing I hate most in the world (apart from snakes, fuck snakes) would have to be the sound of silence (not the song I love the song). Silence weirds me the hell out and I’m not about it.
28. I’ll love you if...; I’ll basically love you if you just show you genuinely care for me and have my best interest at heart. If you do that I’ll basically fight for you til the very end.
29. Favorite films; Star Wars for a series, Airplane! for a individual movie.
30. Favorite tv shows; Brooklynn 99 is my current binge. Others tend to be Star Trek: Next Generation, Cosmos (think this is considered tv), Friends, Avatar, The Last Airbender, etc lol.
31. 3 random facts; About me I’m guessing? I can solve a Rubik’s cube in about 30sec. I can sing the lyrics to literally each and every track from the Hamilton soundtrack. And I can bake recipe for cookies I’ve had friends literally fight over blindfolded if I have the ingredients all lined out first.
32. Are my friends mainly girls or guys?; Girls mostly. Guys tend to annoy the hell out of me most of the time. Even my best friend in the world can annoy the shit out of me fairly easily 😂😅
33. Something I want to learn; How to play literally any instrument. At all. I have wanted to learn for ages but I am just not good with instruments at all.
34. Most embarrassing moment; I tend to repress my embarrassing moments a lot so the first one that comes to mind is when I was talking shit about a professors godawful and stupid teaching method after being given a test he taught us like 30% of and turning around to see him 10ft away and definitely hearing what I said 😐
35. Favorite subject; Any math or chemistry really. #chemicalengineeringlife
36. 3 dreams I want to fulfill; Fairly easy I think. Find success in an area near my family so I can stay close with them after years of being unable to. Find a partner who I can be happy with the rest of my life. And be financially stable to never need to stress about living day to day.
37. Favorite actor/actress; Actor I think Chris Pratt. Actress Anna Kendrick.
38. Favorite comedian; John Mulaney without hesitation.
39. Favorite sport; Tennis. Can’t play it for years and not love it.
40. Favorite memory; Ooh hard one. I think it would have to be the time my family went camping to a place in the middle of Nowhere, Nevada when I was younger and I was able to see each and every star in the sky like I had never been able to before. It made me start to love space and science as a whole looking into that beautiful endless abyss.
41. Favorite book; Hate this because I love reading so so much and it’s like having to choose a favorite child. I think the one I most often reread would have to be The Hobbit though.
42. Favorite song ever; Bohemian Rhapsody I would guess counts the most since it’s the one I will always go back to and enjoy. (Also if you haven’t seen Bohemian Rhapsody the movie yet it’s insanely entertaining and I recommend it hard)
43. Age I get mistaken for; With the beard grown out some age definitely mid-20s, without the beard I’ve been called 18 or younger multiple occasions.
44. How I found out about my idol; See idol question above.
45. What my last text message says; “Goodnight”, sent to a friend I was talking to as they were very close to passing out.
46. Turn ons; If you’re able to engage with me on an intellectual level and be able to just be fun and goofy with me.
47. Turn offs; Trump supporters, Naxi sympathizers, and people who refuse to accept scientific evidence for things like vaccines and climate change.
48. Where I want to be right now; In bed, which luckily I am! 😝
49. Favorite picture of my idol; See idol question above.
50. Starsign; Virgo I believe.
51. Something I’m talented at; Random useless fact storage to be used at bar trivia nights.
52. 5 things that make me happy; Being with family, listening to good music, reading a good book, baking something delicious, and long drives with deep talks with friends.
53. Something worrying me at the moment; Not getting the nice job I interviewed for after the interview going as awesome as it did.
54. Tumblr friends; I have a few friends who have tumblrs like @kylorenpunk, @thepunmaster3000, and @be-inspirational-to-others. Though any mutuals I have I would love to become more friendly with so please feel free to send me a message sometime 😂😋
55. Favorite food; Probably chicken Alfredo I think.
56. Favorite animasl; Dolphins and tortoises 🐬🐢
57. Description of best friend; Tall dude with a short trimmed beard. Musically talented in basically any instrument I can think of. Movie lover to the point of almost insanity. Funny dude who also calls me out on my extremely dumb jokes and puns all the goddamn time.
58. Why I joined tumblr; I was told about it by a friend when I needed to vent a lot and she had me make one. Vented very rarely but enjoyed the weirdness of the site.
59. Ask me anything you want (I’m guessing for who asked me this); @kylorenpunk, why the hell do you make me always do all of these? 😂😅 I don’t mind but lord does it take forever to type all this junk out.
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buckyhoneyno · 7 years
Beautiful Ignorance Pt.7
Steve Rodgers x Stark!Reader 
In which Steve meets a girl that he believes could be the one, only to find out she’s Tony Starks daughter.
Warnings: none 
Word Count: 3223 
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5  Pt.6
Charlie walked to the front door of the tower which was open quickly by Happy who gave her one of his rare smiles. Princess stood patently next to her on her leash.
“Miss Charlotte,” Happy greeted he but was given a swift hug. “Princess,” He said to the dog giving her a soft pat.
“Hi Happy,” she said back with a grin. “You here to take me to my dad?”
“Yes ma’am,” nodding she followed him to the elevator and watched as he swiped his key card before they finally started moving up to one of the upper levels. “Your father is very happy that you’re here, and I think it would be good for him if you decided to say,”
“Did he tell you to say that?” Charlie questioned with a raised brow.
 “…Yes,” Happy said knowing that she would catch him if he chose to lie. “But it doesn’t mean that I don’t agree with it. He worries about you Charlotte,”
“He’s the one flying around in an iron suit fighting bad guys, shouldn’t I be the one worrying,”
“He’s your father it’s his job to worry about you,”
The elevator came to a stop and let the three of them out being greeted by her father who stood in front of it.
“There’s my girl,” Tony said with a grin opening his arms for her to launch herself in them. She did swiftly while he spun her softly. She was a daddy’s girl through and through no matter what. Her mother was absent most her life and only ever used her for money and fame. It put quite the damper on their relationship.
“Hi Daddy,” She said with a big smile.
“And you brought my furry grandchild,” Tony wasn’t partial to pets but the large dog had found a place in his heart. Leaning down he pet the dog behind the ear before looking back up at Charlotte.
“You ready to meet Dr. Banner?”
“Yes! I want to ask him some questions concerning my research on gamma radiation,”
“Well I’m sure he will be more than happy to answer them,” the pair walked into the lab to find Bruce looking over some papers that had started to accumulate on his desk. Looking up he took notice to the girl. He had seen pictures of Tony’s daughter before but they truly did not do her beauty justice. She hadn’t talked yet but he could only assume she would be just like her father.
“Charlotte, Dr. Bruce Banner,” Tony introduced them watching as his daughter looked to be trying to not lose her cool in front of one of her science idols.
“Hi,” she said shyly. “I’m a huge fan of your work Dr. Banner it’s an honor to meet you. I actually wrote my doctoral thesis over your study of gamma radiation when I was at Harvard,”
 “Did the thesis also include the Hulk in it?” Bruce asked curiously.
“Nope, why?” She stated with a tilt of her head.
“Just curious,” he said shrugging before turning to Tony.
“So, what’s on the agenda,” 
“Agenda, psh who said anything about an agenda,” Tony said with a wave of his hand while Charlotte and Bruce shared a look. Tony broke under their gaze. “Fine maybe there is an agenda,” 
“So, what’s up first,”
“First, I will let your geek out in here for a while and then we will be moving to my lab so that you can see all my suits and then at the end I have a surprise for you,”
“oooh a surprise, what kind of surprise,”
“One that you will hopefully like,”
The three continued to discuss every science question that had been burning on Charlottes mind. Bruce was incredible impressed with her vast knowledge and how she easily kept up with both him and Tony.
Charlotte excused herself for a moment to go let princess out, refusing to make anyone else do it. 
“She’s a genius,” Bruce stated when she made it out the door. “Not just in science but even when you started talking engineering or computers she was right there with us,”
“Did you expect less from my child?” Tony said with a cocky tone.
“Well no, but I didn’t expect her to also be so humble. I was honestly expecting well...” 
“Me?” Tony stated earning a sheepish nod from his science bro. “Yes, so do most people but thankfully Charlotte is her own amazing person. Kid spent a year in Africa teaching kids how to read, donates every cent she makes from modeling to help with boys and girls club, god don’t even get me started on her charity work because the list is too long. The crazy thing though is that she doesn’t think she does enough. Always trying to find new ways to help people. She doesn’t realize how amazing she is,”
“And were sure she’s your kid?” Bruce joked earning a laugh from Tony.
“Yep got the paternity test to prove it too,” Bruce raised a brow at that. “Her mother is a gold-digging bitch who convinced me she was on birth control so I could bare back it, three months later I’m hit with the news and I demanded a test to make sure. Obviously came back positive. After that I had a crash course in being a single dad when she ditched out after the birth with a fat check,” Tony said bitterly. 
“And where is she now,”
“Sweden where she is actually from,” Charlotte stated catching the two men off guard. “She still comes around every now and then demanding money for this or that. Give it a few months till she finds out I live here and she will be at the door step demanding child support money,”
“But your 25,” Bruce said confused.
“You’re moving in!” Her father questioned excitedly at the same time.
“Exactly so it’s really pointless to ask for money, and yes, I decided it a couple days ago but I like to keep you on your toes old man,” The smile on Tony’s face was contagious as he wrapped her up in his arms.
“This is perfect, we can hang out in the lab together, fix up my suits…” Tony began to ramble as they walked out of the lab, him leading her by her shoulders. Shooting a quick good bye over her shoulder to Bruce she let her father pull her to his own lab. Princess let out a whine when they passed a random hall way and pulled on her leash trying to go that way.
“Princess no baby,” Charlotte said confused, she never acted like this. Letting out one more whine she let herself be pulled down the hall but still seemed curious about what was actually there. Charlie chose to ignore her odd behavior and chalked it up to being in a new place.
“So, what was that surprise you had for me?” 
“Follow me and you’ll find out,” Tony said with a large grin, excitement spreading through him. Taking a turn past his own lab he got to a door at the very end of the hall.
“Every person on the team gets their own place,”
“I’m not an Avenger,” Charlie stated with a shake of her head.
“No but you are my daughter which makes you part of this team anyways,” Tony said sassily as he opened the door ushering her in.
Charlie froze as she entered the room. It was the lab of her dreams.
The floors and ceiling were all marble, painting covering the walls with beautiful bright colors. Tables for her to work on her designs sat on the side with large boards next to them. A wall of dummies was set aside for her to use to make the uniforms that she designed.
One side of the room was dedicated to weapons testing which was another one of her specialty’s.
A squeal left her lips when she noticed that piece of equipment in the corner.
“Your got me a rocket launcher!” she shouted happily. “Oh my god its pink too!” Jumping up and down she turned to give her father a hug. “Thank you, Daddy! I love it!”
“I’m glad,” Tony had to contain his comments, happy that he got the designs for her lab right. He wanted nothing but the best for his daughter. Seeing as she was going to be heading the new designs for all the avenger’s suits, and weapons. Next week she would be meeting with each of the members to get an idea of what they wanted to happen to their new uniform.
A knock of the door caught both of the Starks attention.
“Come in,” Tony said loudly enough so whoever was outside would hear. A red head walked in catching Charlottes attention.
“ah Charlotte, this is Natasha Romanoff. Also known as the Black Widow,” The two woman stepped forward while Charlotte stuck her hand out, Nat took it and shook it. They kept direct eye contact sizing the other up.
“Heard you can chock a dude out with your thighs,” Charlotte said with a little smirk that made it obvious that she was Tony’s daughter.
“I can,”
“Wicked feminist,” She praised with a little laugh making the normally cold widow give a small smile.
“So, you’ll be doing the designs for our suits, right?” Natasha said as she took a seat on one of the tables while Charlie grabbed one of the white boards that she used to draw out her ideas.
“Yep, want to know yours out now?” The blonde asked while raising brow. “If you’re not busy for the next couple of hours,”
“Sure, I got time,”
“Well I will leave you two alone, have fun princess,” Tony said giving her a kiss on the forehead before leaving the two women alone.
“So, Natasha I think I’ll start with pulling up your current suit and you can tell me what you like and dislike about it. We can then move to what weapons you want integrated in the suit,” 
“I thought you only did suit design,” the spy said with a tilt of her head.
“Mh that would be what my father wants people to believe, I design half the weapons that you all receive from him,” she stated as she pulled up a hologram of the widow suit.
“So, if you make the weapons does that mean you know how to use them,” a small smirk covered Charlies face as she looked back over her shoulder at Natasha.
“I know a bit,” the way the words came out led Nat to believe that she knew a lot more than just a bit. She decided to push that to the back of her mind as the two began to dissect her suit.
A couple hours passed as the finishing touched were added to the new design.
“This is going to be awesome,” Charlie said excitedly as she spun the hologram that was now finished. Natasha stood next to her and nodded. She wouldn’t admit it but she actually had fun with the younger Stark. She was refreshing to be around, she lacked fear and the usual intimidation that most people had around her. She could easily see why Steve was so caught up in the blonde. She was extremely smart but didn’t rub it in your face, she was humble and seemed genuinely kind. To top it off the girl had a sense of humor that could kill. Natasha couldn’t remember the last time she had a girlfriend that she could laugh with. To think of it now she didn’t know if she actually has ever had a girl to be friends with.
Natasha decided that maybe this Stark wasn’t so bad after all for Steve.
“So, when do you think it will be done? A couple months?” Natasha asked as she looked at the now extremely detailed suit. The new weapons on it were some she had never seen before nor imagined.
 Charlotte let out a little giggle as she looked at the red head.
 “More like a couple weeks tops,” she said nonchalantly making Natasha’s eyes widen. “I work quickly when the project is exciting,” was her explanation before she turned towards the door noticing that it was being opened.
“Hello ladies,” Tony said as he entered with Princess in tow. He had come in half way through their section and collected the dog to feed her and let her out. He wouldn’t admit it aloud but he thought of the dog as his furry grandchild. The new indoor play area being an example of how he spoiled the pooch. “how’s it going?”
“Great, we are actually all finished,” Charlie answered as Princess pulled on the leash trying to get out of the room and investigate the smell that she had become familiar with in the last few days. “What is up with her?” Charlotte thought aloud while taking the leash off her father.
“She has been sniffing around the tower the whole time I had her, I think she wants to explore,” Tony stated. “She doesn’t have to be on a leash here Char, she can walk around freely. She’s a good dog,”
“I’ll let her off her leash next time, I kind of want to introduce her to everyone so that she knows that none of them are a danger. She’s a trained attack dog still,”
“Wait she’s an attack dog?” Natasha said finally speaking up.
“Course, though she doesn’t act like it.”
“Someone refuses to walk around with a body guard so I got her Princess,” Tony said giving his daughter a playful glare. Just because he didn’t have a body guard for his daughter didn’t mean that he didn’t keep tabs on her at all times. She was his only family and he'd be damned if he let anything happen to his little girl.
“I’m independent,” Charlotte said with a flip of her hair. “Besides with the amount of weans I keep on me at all times makes me believe that no one’s taking me down without a nasty fight,” she winked as her father who only cringed at the thought of his daughter having to fight anyone. “Plus, I’m a hell of a lot stronger then I look,” the way she said it caught Natasha’s attention.
“what do you mean by that?” the spy questioned making both Starks tense.
“Nothing,” Charlie said with a shrug but seemed to have a staring contest with her father.
“I trust her Charlotte, if you want to tell her you can,” was all Tony said as he got uncharacteristiclly quiet.
The blonde turned and eyed Natasha before making her decision. 
“Only about four people know about this,” Charlotte said slowly. “I kind of got into some chemicals that I shouldn’t have when I was about 18. I wanted to see if mixing them would make a reaction, which it did,” She paused for a moment as she thought of how to explain what she did.
“The chemicals exploded and got all over me, though it didn’t hurt. The lab itself was on fire everywhere but I wasn’t burnt at all. Whatever the chemical turned into was all glowing and seemed radioactive so I had Jarvis run a scan but everything seemed to be safe. After that I didn’t think anything was wrong at the time so I went took a shower and then went to bed.”
“So, the chemicals didn’t cause anything?” Natasha’s said confused.
“Oh no I never said that,” she said with a smirk. “I just said it didn’t hurt. Whatever the mixture was it made me enhanced. I’m stronger and faster then I should be. My hearing and sight is perfect.”
“You are skipping the best part,” Tony interrupted earning him a glare from his daughter.
“I was getting there,” she sassed him back. “The real change is harder to explain so I might as well just show you,”
Natasha’s studied her waiting to see what she would do.
Charlie placed on hand in front of her palm up. In an instant, a small ball of fire danced around her hand.
“Holy shit,” She whispered. “You can create fire?”
“Create it, control it, be completely resist to it,” Charlotte said putting her whole focus in the small ball of fire while tossing it between her hands like a toy.
“That’s amazing. How have you kept this from everyone? I mean it didn’t take long for Tony to come out as Iron Man to everyone,”
“It was for her safety. Just like no one in the world knows that she can make the weapons that she can,” Tony butted in. “If people knew what she could do then she would be in more danger then she already is as my daughter,”
Natasha nodded in understandingly. “But what about now that she is moving into the tower? You don’t think people will be suspicious?” 
“Don’t worry about that, I think it’s about time I stopped trying to hide what I can do. At least around here I can be myself,”
“Well your secret is safe with me,” Natasha’s finally said getting a smile from Charlotte.
“Thanks Nat,”
“No problem,”
Three floors up Steve sat looking at his phone trying to decide if it was ok to text Charlie to see how she was doing or if that was to over bear. He didn’t know how dating worked in this decade.
Deciding that maybe for once he would give Tony a chance and ask him for advice. 
“Jarvis where is Tony?”
“He is currently leaving the labs now, would you like for me to contact him, Captain Rogers?”
“Just ask him if he could meet me in the common room whenever he was free,” 
“Of course, sir,”
Tony walked back to the elevator with Charlotte ready to escort her out of the building when Jarvis caught his attention. 
“Sir, the Captain would like for you to meet him in the common room when you are available,” 
“Did he say what for?” Tony questioned. 
“No sir,” Nodding he walked into the elevator and pressed the lobby button.
“So, did you have fun today?” Tony asked with a grin that Charlotte matched quickly.
“Ya actually I did, the lab is amazing and Natasha is super cool. I think I’m growing on her,” she joked.
“You’re a Stark, of course you are. Besides who could resist you with those big green eyes,” he said fondly kissing her forehead when they stepped out of the elevator.
“How did I get so lucky with a daughter like you,”
“Give yourself some credit Dad, you did raise me,”
“I did, didn’t I,” He said with a smirk. “my best creation,”
Rolling her eyes, she gave him a look before hugging him.
“I’ll see you on Thursday for the party,” She said when she released him. “Love you,” 
“Love you too kiddo,” he said while waving watching as she walked out the doors and down the street.
“Now to see what Rogers wants,” he thought aloud while walking back into the elevator.
Hope yall enjoyed.
let me know what you thought.
also how do you think Tony will react when he finds out Charlie is dating Cap?
Let me know if you want to be tagged too! 
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defineguilty · 6 years
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♛┋FULL NAME: Neal George Caffrey ♛┋NICKNAME(S): Do aliases count as nicknames? ♛┋OCCUPATION: FBI Consultant / Former Con-Artist ♛┋AGE: 32+ depending on verse ♛┋DATE OF BIRTH: March 21st ♛┋GENDER: cis male ♛┋PRONOUNS: he/him ♛┋ORIENTATION: bisexual biromantic ♛┋NATIONALITY: american ♛┋ETHNICITY: white ♛┋RELIGION: catholic, but not really practicing actively 
♛┋FACE CLAIM: Matt Bomer ♛┋EYE COLOUR: blue ♛┋HAIR COLOUR: brown ♛┋DOMINANT HAND: right ♛┋HEIGHT: 5' 11½" // 182cm ♛┋BUILD: athletic ♛┋TATTOOS: none ♛┋SCARS: none to speak of ♛┋PIERCINGS: none ♛┋GLASSES: occasionally when undercover/under an alias, but he has perfect vision ♛┋STYLE: Sophisticated & elegant. He very rarely leaves the house without a suit, often accessorizing with a hat. Usually somewhat vintage, but styled on the modern side. The most casual he usually goes is suit pants with a T-shirt or sweater.
♛┋PARENT #1: James Bennett (father) ♛┋PARENT #2: Angela Caffrey-Bennett (mother) ♛┋SIBLING(S): n/a ♛┋CHILDREN: n/a ♛┋PET(S): n/a ♛┋RELATIONSHIP WITH PARENTS: Non-existent. His father was a corrupt cop who killed a fellow cop and was arrested for it. Until his 18th birthday, Neal was led to believe his dad was a hero who died on the job and knowing the truth about his definitely messed up his entire world view. Add to that the fact that James tried to use Neal to get off after running from authorities for a murder he did commit and Neal certainly has all of the daddy issues. His mother, Neal feels less strong dislike and anger for. She was never a very stable presence in his life and the arrest of his father didn’t exactly help her. Instability and substance abuse made her a rather unfit mother and even though Neal would never say she was bad to him, Ellen was always the only real mother-figure he had. He hasn’t talked to his mother since he was eighteen and she hasn’t reached out either.  ♛┋RELATIONSHIP WITH SIBLING(S): n/a
♛┋HOMETOWN: St. Louis, Missouri ♛┋CURRENT: New York City, New York ♛┋LANGUAGE(S): English, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, French, German, conversational Italian & Swahili ♛┋SOCIAL CLASS: middle class ♛┋DEGREE: three MBAs and two doctorate degrees but... none of them legit. (in reality, Neal never graduated High School) ♛┋RAP SHEET? bond forgery (at least that’s the only thing they caught him on) ♛┋PRISON TIME? 4 years for bond forgery, another 4 years after breaking out of prison just before his sentence was up -- to be served as a consultant for the FBI
♛┋JUNG TYPE: ESTP ♛┋ENNEATYPE: Type 3 -- The Achiever: Focused on the presentation of success, to attain validation & 7w8 ( Type 7 -- The Enthusiast: Pleasure seekers and planners, in search of distraction & Type 8 -- The Challenger: Taking charge, because they don't want to be controlled) ♛┋MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral / Chaotic Good ♛┋TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine ♛┋SCHEMA: Insufficient self-control (very strong). Other contenders include  Unrelenting standards, Emotional inhibation, Abandonment and Entitlement  hahaaa ♛┋INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Linguistic & Visual are at the same score. Interpersonal is second place. ♛┋NEUROTYPE: Neurotypical
♛┋POSITIVE: charming, witty, inventive, creative, intelligent ♛┋NEGATIVE: sly, dishonest, distrusting, guarded, detached ♛┋DREAMS/AMBITIONS: Neal’s main goal is always a sense of fun and adventure. he doesn’t have a set end-goal either way -- not the white picket fence life, but also not the life of the fancy villa in some country that doesn’t extradite as some sort of crime lord. He likes the thrill of a con, so if he can make it happen, keeping that alive is what he cares about most. ♛┋FEARS: Among is main fears is definitely turning out like his father. Having idolized him for so many years before he knew who he really was and then seeing a few similarities between them after all really does scare him. He’s aware he’s far from the most honest person alive, but he likes to believe he would never turn to murder or betraying his own closest family and friends the way his father did.
♛┋RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Verse dependent ♛┋PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: Several ambivalent on-off relationships (see Alex Hunter), plenty of casual affairs and only a few more serious relationships. The first big one being with Kate which, obviously, was something he was incredibly serious and passionate about. Also the only relationship to date he was so open about and had no shame admitting he’s deeply in love and would do anything for her. The only other (canon) relationship, although also without labels attached, was with Sara which remains his most healthy relationship, though it was foiled by circumstance and perhaps, just Neal’s inability of honesty at the time. ♛┋LEVEL OF SEXUAL EXPERIENCE: high ♛┋STORY OF FIRST KISS: Technically, it happened in the third grade after he drew a girl in his class a nice picture and they then proceeded to date for three weeks, which really just consisted of them holding hands twice, Neal drawing more pictures and that one first kiss at recess. Showed Brittney Nicole too -- his tooth gap clearly wasn’t that bad. ♛┋STORY OF FIRST TIME: Neal had just turned 17 and at the time, had his first more serious girlfriend. They’d been dating for a few months at the time and it happened after a night of plenty of shenanigans on a random Saturday. For Neal, sneaking out was never an issue anyway since parental supervision wasn’t exactly a thing, so no sneaking had to take place, and she’d told her parents she was staying at a friend’s place. Originally, they’d planned to just do whatever they felt like, something they both enjoyed very much (usually that meant Neal rigging the games at a local Arcade and winning her a bunch of stuffed animals or them hanging out at his favorite pool hall where he’d regularly earn a little extra by making some older guys who underestimated him play for money) but that night, they decided to up the stakes a little. They stopped by a second-hand store in town, bought complete outfits (suit and a cocktail dress, respectively) and then proceeded to drive to one of the fancier hotels in town. Somehow, they convinced the guy at the reception that they were relatives of the owner and should have been announced. They ended up getting one of the nicer rooms in the hotel for the night (and, for free!) and the exhilaration of the con pulled off well led to both of their first time.
♛┋SMOKES? No (unless it’s part of a cover) ♛┋DRINKS? Yes, but preferably something respectable and only for taste and enjoyment, not specifically to get drunk ♛┋DOES DRUGS? No ♛┋IS VIOLENT? No ♛┋HAS AN ADDICTION? Well, technically he did say that a con is an addiction and that he hasn’t kicked it yet, so. That. ♛┋IS SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? Yes. I think while he comes off very confident and considers himself very confident too, there’s a couple things he just doesn’t believe will happen in his life for him. Among those are stable relationships, so he can sometimes subconsciously be destructive towards those and therefore proof his belief-system. ♛┋HABITS: He likes to have something to do with his hands, especially when he’s nervous. Be it throwing something and catching it again, or just twirling a pen between his fingers. ♛┋HOBBIES: Art, Reading, Cooking, Languages ♛┋OBSESSION(S): Depends on what’s currently important. Kate and the music box definitely developed into a sort of obsession at the time. I think in general, when intense things come up, especially when they threaten his loved ones, Neal has the tendency to get obsessive about them and let those things take over his life (or at least his private life) for the time being.
♛┋HOUSE: Raveclaw, though a serious contestant for Slytherin  ♛┋VICE: Pride ♛┋VIRTUE: Willingness to do almost everything to protect/help those he cares about ♛┋ELEMENT: Air ♛┋MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Siren or Centaur ♛┋ANIMAL: Fox ♛┋WOULD SURVIVE POST-APOC? Probably not. He’s very smart and would probably find a way to survive for a little while by somehow securing food and the like, but he has practically no combat skills and the second he needs to fight for his life, he would die ♛┋SONG TO DESCRIBE THEM?: Alibis by Marianas Trench
♛┋PET PEEVES: All of the pet peeves. For someone with an affinity for the illegal, a lot of little things really annoy him. Some examples: the toilet seat being left up, gum on the sidewalk, people eating very fragrant food in confined spaces just to name a few ♛┋NIGHT OWL OR EARLY BIRD?: Night owl ♛┋LIGHT OR HEAVY SLEEPER?: More on the heavy side ♛┋FAVORITE FOOD?: He couldn’t pick. But he does have a real soft spot for cheese. Also risotto.  ♛┋LEAST FAVORITE FOOD?: Deviled ham ♛┋FAVORITE DRINK?: Red Wine ♛┋FAVORITE BOOK (GENRE)?: Non-fiction for genre. I don’t think he has a single favorite book though. ♛┋FAVORITE MOVIE?: He likes classic Hollywood movies, ngl. Sunset Boulevard is among one of his favorites. Romantic movies, in general. ♛┋LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE?: Anything super action-heavy or overly crude. ♛┋FAVORITE PLACE TO BE?: Not in jail is a great start. France, though, if he could have his choice. ♛┋COFFEE OR TEA?: Coffee. ♛┋FAVORITE COLOR?: Navy blue. ♛┋CUSSER? No. Shit is probably the worst thing he’ll say
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brokemultidotexe · 7 years
Unexpected Pt. 2
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Summary: You never expected your trip to Seoul to end up like it does. You didn’t expect to step off the plane and have coffee pour down your shirt. You also didn’t expect the guy to offer to show you around the city. You notice things about him that don’t quite make sense, like how he shows interest but will only see you when he has the time which is at random hours during the day and night. Who knew your only friend in Seoul would turn out to be an international star and just how difficult things could get.
Word Count: 1.4k
Warning: None
Genre: Romance/Friendship
Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 
You had been following the guy you had met earlier in silence taking a few sips of your coffee. It was getting a little awkward walking in silence, “So do I get to know your name?”
He looked at you and hesitated before answering, “You can call me JK. What about you?”
You smiled, “Y/N.”
He nodded, “I like that. It suits you.”
The both of you stopped at a crosswalk and waited for the light to change allowing them to cross. “So any certain place you’re planning on taking me?”
“We’re walking a little further up, I got us an Uber but trying to get anything around the airport is almost impossible. The place I want to take you would be an hour walk and I don’t know about you but I’m too tired to walk that far.”
You nodded, “Yeah. I’ve been up for twenty-four hours I think and I’m sure the jetlag is going to hit full force tomorrow.”
He nodded, “Traveling to vastly different time zones is hard.”
“Oh, you travel?”
You saw his cheeks rise a little indicating he was probably smiling under the mask, “A little.”
“This is my first time ever leaving the states. It took about a year for me to be able to talk myself into actually doing this. I had wanted to come here for a long time but it always seemed like one of those unattainable things, but everyone said I should do it. I already knew the language so I would find it much more enjoyable now.” You shrugged, “So far I can’t say they were wrong. I don’t have much to compare this too, but Seoul is amazing.”
“I felt that way when I first moved here.” He stopped and pointed to a bench and you both sat down.
“Where are you from?”
“Busan.” He must have noticed your face, “It’s small.”
“So why did you move to Seoul?”
Before he could answer she heard a notification tone go off and he checked his phone, “Uber is here.” He stood and waited for you to do the same. You followed him to the corner and saw a car waiting. He opened the door and you got in sliding behind the driver.
“Can you take us to the Han River?” Once the driver nodded he pulled his phone out and glanced at it before looking at you. “I just need to reply to a few things and then I’ll put it up.”
You waved him off, “It’s okay you can be on your phone, I don’t mind.”
He gave you a quick smile and replied to something on his phone. You took that moment to pull your own out realizing that you should probably send out a mass text letting everyone know that you found a place and you hadn’t died since landing. You typed a quick message to your parents and then started a different group chat with your friends letting them know the same thing. Once done you slipped it back into your pocket just as JK was doing the same.
“So what’s at the Han River?”
“Awesome music and food, plus the view is pretty fantastic.” You nodded and looked out the window watching Seoul pass you by. The view truly was amazing and while some may not appreciate it, she did. You had been dreaming about coming to Seoul since high school and had even debated moving out here, but making that huge leap was terrifying. Instead, you decided that living here for a few months was a great compromise.
It wasn’t too long before you felt the car come to a stop and hand landed softly on your shoulder. You snapped out of your inner thoughts and realized that JK was telling you that you had arrived and you had to get out. You nodded and opened your door and got out. You felt a blush creep onto your face as he rounded the car and came to your side. You looked at him, “How long did I space out for? I’m really sorry.”
He shrugged, “Not that long and there isn’t anything to be sorry for, it’s easy to get sucked into Seoul when you first get here.”
“So it doesn’t have the same effect on you anymore?”
He shrugged, “Occasionally, but it’s rare. I moved here when I was fifteen and I’ve seen a lot of the city” He glanced around, “Are you hungry?”
“A little.” you bit your lip nervously. Why you were nervous you had no clue, but you were so tired that you didn’t feel like trying to analyze it.
“There’s a food truck here that has amazing kimchi fried rice. Come on, my treat.” He tilted his head towards the rivers bank and a cluster of trucks.
“Your debt, that you seem to think you have, was paid with coffee.” You lifted your now empty coffee cup laughing.
“This isn’t debt, this is me showing you Seoul. Food is part of Seoul.” He replied teasingly.
You waved him off, “Yeah yeah.”
He laughed, “Come on.” You both started walking towards the horde of people gathered at picnic tables. “Go ahead and pick a table, I’ll bring it.”
You shook your head with a smile but obliged and found a table tucked off to the side away from everyone. It didn’t take long before you had a styrofoam container filled with the scents of heaven. Your stomach involuntarily growled and you heard him laugh and thought to yourself that his laugh was absolutely adorable. You smiled, “Thanks.” You pulled it closer to you and grabbed the fork and scooped some into a big bite. It was then that you noticed that there was only one plate of food on the table.
“Are you not eating?” feeling a little awkward eating while he just sat there.
He shook his head, “No, I ate earlier. I’m always starving after practice.”
“What are you practicing?” You decided that despite the awkwardness of being the only one eating that you were just too hungry to let it stop you.
Your smile grew, “Oh, so you can dance.”
He laughed, “A little.”
You couldn’t help the smile on your face, “I danced competitively for years, but once I got to college I just couldn’t put the hours in at the studio that I needed to. So I had to make a decision, either to change my major to something less taxing or stop dancing.”
“Do you miss it?”
You nodded, “Terribly so. I used to borrow the empty rooms at my old studio for awhile to dance when I could.”
He nodded, “I do the same thing sometimes. Decompressing and all of that.”
You completely understood, “Exactly. So what’s your style.”
He laughed, “Hip-hop mostly.”
“I always wanted to dive into that a little more, but I was already taking on too much. Maybe I can find a cheap class or studio that teaches it and finally cross it off my bucket list.” You joked.
“You should,” he said seriously and your eyes met.
“I’ll think about it.” you gave him a small smile. You managed to basically inhale the food and you were now full and sleepy.
“Want to take a walk by the water?” He grabbed your empty food container and stood up throwing it away.
“Definitely.” You stood up and followed him through the people until you reached the walkway by the water. “This view is awesome. How would you get sick of this?”
“I don’t. This is my favorite place in Seoul, but I normally come out when its dead so I can enjoy it without a bunch of people walking around. Want to go listen to the live music?”
You nodded and the both of you walked down the walkway and you continued to look over the river. It was incredibly calming. She heard the music before she saw the people who were singing. The song they were singing had an incredible melody and it gave you that warm feeling inside that only good music can give. You find yourself humming the tune even though you don’t know the song, “Do you know this song?” He asked you and you saw his expression had changed from earlier in the night.
“Umm. No? I’ve never really listened to k-pop or anything. I’ve stuck to my American ways in that sense.”
“So you don’t know any bands or anything?” He sounded a little shocked.
“No. Why?”
“Umm…” there was a long pause, “It’s just that almost everyone that visits or lives here knows k-pop or idols of some sort.”
He laughed and for the first time looked extremely carefree from what she could tell. “Nevermind. So is there anything that is at the top of your list that you want to do while you’re in Korea?”
AN: I hope this doesn’t seem rushed, I have a lot of ideas and I’m working on getting to them but have to push past the introduction phase. If this comes off awkward it’s supposed to. JK is battling with wanting to spend time together and needing to be extremely cautious. But I promise in due time you and JK will be having a blast. Not sure when i’ll get the next part out, but thoughts and likes are appreciated. Love you all!
  *requests are OPEN*
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