#I really like the company I work at fyi
mothman-etd · 5 months
Just a PSA that "anonymous" and "confidential" employer surveys are not anonymous or confidential.
I just got a reminder that I have not filled out my survey, and there were 12 other employees CCed on that email. How did they know we specifically have not done the survey yet? Also now I know who has not done the survey, not exactly taking this confidential information all that seriously are we.
I am sure there is some HR/legal reason for making this claim but honestly I would have done the survey if it was not for the straight up lie that my name would not be tied to my answers.
2K notes · View notes
mydollsaregay · 2 years
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picked up this lot from someone on Facebook marketplace today and i cried real tears of joy going through it which was. an experience. i’ll post some highlights in a min.
46 notes · View notes
animeomegas · 4 months
The Quest for a Second Life - Part 7 - 50 Shades of Audacity (3)
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Summary: The Autumn Company Party. It had been the centre of the storyline for reasons unknown, and now it was upon you. Whatever happened though, this was sure to be your last night in Kakashi's pocket universe, and a difficult decision was right around the corner. At least you had one final attempt to get your dick wet. GN!Dom!Alpha!Reader x Multiple
Word count: 10k
Warnings: N-sfw content, talks of collaring, alcohol consumption, Kakashi's abandonment issues. All alpha have dicks, fyi.
A/N: The final major part is done!!! Gosh, it's been such a journey and it's bittersweet to see it coming to an end. Happy holidays to everyone and I hope you enjoy this final part. @omeganronpa has a tough choice for the epilogue, which will be released on Christmas day :D Direct all arguments, begging and bribery here! May the best omega win! <3
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Epilogue
Despite your best attempts, you never did get an explanation of Kakashi’s strange behaviour during that phone call. Kakashi had remained tight-lipped in the face of every strategy you used to weasel the information out of him. You fully believed that, if you had been given the appropriate amount of time, you would have eventually extracted the information, but unfortunately, time had been something of a rarity over the last few weeks.
The Autumn Company Party had approached like a speeding train, and you had been forced against your will to do your job and aid in the planning. You had lost track of how many times the importance of the event had been explained to you at this point, mainly to justify your massive and ever-growing workload.
“Every important investor and stakeholder will be in attendance!” You didn’t care.
“The board of directors will be there!” You really didn’t care.
“This will be your debut as the CEO’s secretary, if you don’t make a good impression, you could be fired and blacklisted!” You especially didn’t care about that one. Don’t threaten people with a good time.
No, the part itself wasn’t something you particularly cared about. It was going to be a boring work party, like every other one you’d attended in your life, that would be partially saved by the fact that you got to be the one to design the menu with the catering company.
No, you cared about whatever the other ‘thing’ at the party would be. This was the climax of the story, and that was putting you on edge. Even James didn’t know what would happen, but she seemed completely convinced that something would.
And so, it was with a weird combination of foreboding, fatigue, and excitement that you were putting together the finishing touches of your outfit, ten minutes before Kakashi was scheduled to pick you up and take you to the party.
It felt weird, standing in a still unfamiliar flat, looking in an unfamiliar mirror, to see a done-up version of yourself that you didn’t recognise. Because really, that had been the only thing you had carried with you from your real life. You had always been you, in body and mind, even as reality melted and reformed around you.
And you still were you, of course, just a version of you that was wearing more expensive clothes, had styled hair, and donned with more jewellery than you normally would. It just made you feel strange.
You straightened, brushing down imaginary creases in your outfit, and pointed at your own reflection accusatorily. “Get over yourself. You’re wearing nice clothes, stop being dramatic.”
There, that should fix it. You were just nervous about the unknown ‘thing’ that would be happening tonight, and it was bleeding into everything else.
Your phone buzzed on your desk, almost certainly a text from Kakashi telling you that he was outside. With one final glance in the mirror, you left the flat, wondering vaguely if you’d be back to see it before the demo ended. If this party was indeed the climax of this story, then you might never return.
You gave the flat a little goodbye wave, just in case.
As you exited the building, the chill of the Autumn wind caught you off guard. You wrapped your arms around yourself, already regretting the decision not to bring a coat, and hurried towards the sleek, black car that was waiting for you.
Kakashi stepped out of the car as you approached and held open the door for you.
You grinned, “What a gentleman, thank you.”
“Of course.” He followed you back into the car and shut the door behind him, leaving you enclosed in the glorious warmth of Kakashi’s heated car and its heated seats. “You look beautiful.”
You knew it was a standard thing to say in a situation like this, but Kakashi just had a way of making compliments sound so genuine. Maybe because he wasn’t the type to keep his negative opinions to himself. Either way, you were flattered.
“Thanks, Kakashi, I appreciate that. And you paying for the outfit, of course.” You took a moment to study him, in turn. He was wearing a well tailored suit like he always was, but to match the celebratory feel, he’d gone for a dark green colour scheme as opposed to his usual monochrome. Although the lighting inside the car was dim, it was easy to see how well the colour suited him. “You’re looking incredibly handsome, yourself. What a pair we make.”
“A very attractive pair indeed,” Kakashi agreed, taking one of your hands in his. He gave it a squeeze, so you gave one back.
Silence fell, and for a moment, you focused on the way Kakashi’s thumb was rubbing on the back of your hand. This was the first time you’d been properly alone for a while now, and you found your mind drifting back to that weird phone call. You decided to ask him about it again now, seeing as he had nowhere to run.
You had both started to speak at once.
“Sorry, I didn’t—” You started to apologise.
“No, I’m sorry, what were you going to say?”
“Oh, it was nothing, you go first.”
Kakashi looked like he was going to argue, but he clearly decided against it and said what was on his mind.
“At the party, we can’t behave as we’d normally do at the office,” he said. “Our relationship isn’t compatible with our jobs, and while the people in my office are friendly and mostly discreet, stakeholders and board members have a track record for being less so.”
Kakashi looked guilty, so you gave his hand another squeeze to show that you didn’t hold this against him. It made sense that an important work party wasn’t the right place for making out, but you wondered if he thought that you thought he was ashamed of your relationship or something.
“I understand. Old, rich people are terrible at keeping their noses out of other people’s business.”
“That’s certainly putting it lightly,” Kakashi muttered. He seemed more frustrated that you’d expected for what was objectively a minor issue.
Granted, you had kind of been expecting some kind of action at this party, this being the climax of a porn universe narrative, but you’d live if it turned out that the ‘thing’ was something non-horny. Honestly, you’d be happy if you got through the night without any more spontaneous stripping.
“Hey, it’s only one night, right? We can manage.” Kakashi looked at you consideringly, before a small smile bloomed on his face.
“One night,” he repeated, voice soft. “I can do that.”
“We’re five minutes away, sir.”
You took a deep breath. No matter what this party threw at you, you could handle it!
Apparently, what this party was throwing at you was extreme boredom.
Admittedly, it wasn’t an entirely lost cause. The venue was dazzling and incredibly fancy, and you knew you’d never stepped foot in a hotel so expensive before. Walking through the front doors with Kakashi, dressed to perfection… well, it had felt a little like you were royalty. It was incredibly good for the old self-esteem.
Once you had actually entered the party though, it was a whole different story.
While your coworkers were quick to compliment you, which was lovely, it was clear that they were too on edge to be having fun. The music was quiet, which was better for talking and networking, but didn’t exactly encourage dancing. And whenever you did try to speak to new people, they wanted to ask about your professional qualifications and experiences working under Kakashi. The cherry on top of this awful cake was that the only alcohol offered was champagne, which wasn’t your favourite, nor did it numb the boredom of the party very well.  
You had barely even seen Kakashi, bar a few quick flashes in passing as he schmoozed his way through the hall like a pro. His serious warning about not behaving like a couple seemed a bit dramatic now, seeing as you hadn’t even had the chance to make eye contact.
‘Are you sure it was just a warning, human?’
You jumped at James’ sudden interjection. You furtively glanced around you to make sure that none of your coworkers had noticed your seemingly out of place reaction. Thankfully, people seemed too busy to care.
‘What do you mean? What else could it have been?’
‘Perhaps it was an explanation, human.’
‘An explanation? An explanation for what? Surely that means the same thing as a warning in this context.’
James didn’t respond. How bizarre. You didn’t much care for having a riddle added on top of your evening. Honestly, if it were just a boring party, you would have found someway to have fun, but you knew that some kind of event would be unfolding here, which was putting you on edge. Every second that ticked by completely normally felt like it was building to something big. And James’ riddles weren’t helping assuage the anxiety that sensation was creating.
Between the stress, the lack of alcohol, and the enforced networking, it was an exceptionally mid party, even if it was pretty.
The only saving grace was the buffet table, that you were slowly weaving your way back towards for probably the tenth time that night. This time, you decided to just remain lingering by the food in the hopes that it would stop people from asking questions about a degree you didn’t actually do.
You loaded up your plate was as much as you could and then found an empty section of wall to lean on. You popped one of the mac and cheese balls in your mouth and almost moaned at the flavour sensation that followed. They were heavenly, salty and creamy, and the breadcrumbs around the outside had just the right amount of crispiness. Like everything else on the buffet, it had an impressive depth of flavour. You weren’t ashamed to admit that having access to this catering company was on the pros column for staying in this world.
Consumed in your world of cheesy goodness, you almost didn’t notice when what you thought was a member of waitstaff leant against the wall next to you. He was carrying a tray of hors d’oeuvres, and you wondered if he was just taking a break or if you were somehow in his way.
“How are you holding up?” Hearing a familiar voice come from what you thought was a stranger had you doing a double take. You were met with Iruka’s charming grin. He was dressed in a standard black suit that obviously wasn’t tailored the way Kakashi’s were, but somehow, he pulled off the ‘slightly too big’ look with a level of a scampish charm.
What you had originally thought was a tray of hors d’oeuvres was in fact a plate that Iruka had stacked full of shot glasses, each one filled with a mini ramen. As he waited for your response, he grabbed one of the glasses and poured the ramen into his mouth with a satisfied hum.
Ah, you thought, amused, he’d wasted no time finding them.
“As well as can be,” you said, answering his original question. “How about you? Enjoying the food?”
Iruka, who was in the middle of eating a second ramen shot, paused for a second, his ears going slightly red. You snorted, averting your eyes for a second to allow him to finish the ramen shot in peace.
“Thanks,” he muttered, referring to your insistence that the catering team create a ramen hors d’oeuvre. “Makes this ridiculous party worth it.”
“No, thank you,” you countered, referring to his substantial help with the planning and paperwork for this event when your duties got a bit overwhelming. “I couldn’t have got everything finished without your help.”
“Too busy running around with Kakashi?” When you didn’t defend yourself, he rolled his eyes fondly. “You two are menaces. Actually, speaking of Kakashi, shouldn’t you be getting ready with him to go on stage about now?”
“What?” That was the first you’d heard about any obligation to go on stage. If this turned into a cheesy scene where you had to do something ridiculous like sing a duet with Kakashi, you were going to riot, possible retaliations from porn logic be damned. You did not sign up for High School Musical shenanigans. “Why would I have to go on stage?”
“Oh, you don’t know? Sorry, I thought Kakashi would have explained it to you.”
“Okay, fine, but he obviously didn’t, so could you please tell me why I have to go on stage?” Was this what James meant by the big ‘thing’ that would be happening at the Autumn Company Party?
“Of course.” Despite his positive response, Iruka then proceeded to eat another one of his ramen shots, and only after he was done, did he continue with the explanation. “Every year, Kakashi gives a speech around halfway through the party. Normal stuff, just summarising the last year, talking about new projects, thanking all the generation donators and stakeholders. The CIO of the company, Tsunade, stands by him for the speech, and for the first few years, his personal assistant stood behind him too. He hasn’t had one for a while, but now you’re here, you’ll need to stand behind him with Tsunade.”
You squinted your eyes suspiciously. “And I won’t have to speak?”
“Nope,” Iruka said, brightly. “You just have to stand there.”
Huh, that wasn’t so bad. It was slightly annoying that you were being taken away from the buffet table, but you would live.
‘You are being very brave, human.’
‘Thanks, James.’ Again, you had no idea if she didn’t know what the concept of sarcasm was, or she deployed it with skill on a never-before-seen scale. It was definitely either or, but which one, you would never know.
“Wait,” you said, suddenly remembering what Kakashi had told you about your interview with him. “Kakashi used to have a personal assistant? He said he didn’t want one because he worked better alone.”
Iruka hesitated. He looked left, then right, and when he saw that you were as alone as you could be, he leant in close and whispered.
“His old personal assistant is why he didn’t want a new one,” he explained. “At first, it didn’t seem like anything was wrong with him, but it turned out he had been placed there by the board to spy on Kakashi and relay information back. Kakashi fired him as soon as he found out, but he never accepted a personal assistant again, until the board forced him to hold interviews, and he hired you.”
“Seriously?” Iruka nodded, lips tight. “That’s crazy.” You wondered briefly how many of the people you were sitting with in the waiting room were plants from the board.
“We don’t talk about it, but everyone who was working there at the time this went down knows about it. That’s one of the reasons we were so surprised, not only when you were hired, but when you and Kakashi seemed to be having a personal relationship outside of work. I’m surprised he trusted you at all.”
Goodness. You leant against the wall as you considered what Iruka was saying. It was wild to think about how much resistance and betrayal Kakashi had faced from within his own company. You’d bet that they hadn’t been too happy when Kakashi turned 18 and decided he wanted to lead his company, and when they couldn’t take it from him, they kept tabs and put pressure on him as much as possible.
This information also contextualised your interview differently. Kakashi had claimed that he hired you because you were funny. You had theorised that you had awoken his submissive side, this being an erotica and all. And maybe both of those were true to some extent, but you now believed that it was far more likely that Kakashi had decided you were too rowdy, rude, and unprofessional to have been a plant from the board of directors.
It clicked his initial suspicions about your motivations into place, too. He hadn’t trusted your reasons for asking him to dinner, not at first. When you had demanded to spend time with him, you’d bet he was wandering if you were there to spy on him.
“Poor Kakashi…”
Iruka nodded solemnly, and then downed another ramen shot. You scanned the room while he did, hoping to catch Kakashi’s eye, wherever he was. It took you a moment, but then you found him, standing at the base of the stage, standing next to Tsunade. Ah fuck.
“I think I have to go, thanks for keeping me company, Iruka.”
Iruka waved his hand, “Good luck. I can look after your plate for you if you want—”
“No need.” You shoved the last handful of mac and cheese balls into your mouth, dumped the plate on the table, and then chewed furiously as you worked your way to the stage.
“There you are,” Tsunade said, two glasses of champagne in hand. She quickly downed them both and then shoved them into the hands of a poor waiter as he passed by. “Let’s get this over with.”
You tried to catch Kakashi’s eye, but he was too focused on walking to the stage. You and Tsunade followed after him, and you resolved to talk to him after the speech was finished.
Kakashi went up to the mic and you and Tsunade stood at his side, a few paces back. You spotted a few board members in the crowd, and you felt the urge to stick your tongue out at them. You just about managed to resist.
Kakashi used the knife against the champagne glass he was holding, and a sharp ting echoed through the microphone and around the room. The spotlight on the stage turned on, and suddenly you were bathed in a bright, white light. Everyone quieted and turned to face the stage.
The lights were hurting your eyes and making your skin feel hot, but at least your only job was to stand there and look pretty. You were good at that.
“Good evening, everyone,” Kakashi said, sounding effortlessly comfortable speaking in front of so many people. “Thank you all for coming tonight, and I hope you’ve been enjoying yourselves thus far.”
It was weird to hear him speak like this; he sounded very different when you two were alone. That was to be expected, you supposed, but it didn’t make it feel any less jarring.
“I won’t keep you long, but I thought it prudent to take a moment to thank everyone who has made this last year as successful as it was. To our staff, to our stake holders, and to our board members, I say thank you.” He raised his glass in a toast. “We would not have a company without you.”
This was an incredibly boring and generic speech. You had been sure that the ‘thing’ that was supposed to happen would happen now, but all that was happening was you struggling not to fall asleep in front of everyone.
“The past year has been a year of perfecting, of tweaking that which was already in place to make it perfect. Among other things, the building work on the new cafeteria was completed this year, and the debut of our first international branch went smoothly and successfully.”
Ugh, as Kakashi’s personal assistant, you knew all this stuff already. You just wanted to go back to the buffet, was that too much to ask?
“However, following the stage of perfection will always be a stage of change. We must now introduce new projects that will grow and be perfected over time, like the projects that came before them. And there is one major change that will take effect going forward.”
Confused whispers spread across the hall. You noticed a few members of the board looking specifically irritated, and you’d bet that Kakashi had not informed anyone in advance of whatever this big change was.
Even Tsunade was watching him warily from the corner of her eye.
“I’m resigning,” Kakashi announced, paired with his signature eye smile.
The room was silent enough that you could have heard a pin drop.
Chaos erupted. People were shouting questions, making exclamations of disbelief, and loudly assuming this was a prank that wasn’t very funny.
Kakashi ignored the noise and leant back into the mic. “I nominate Tsunade as my successor.”
Tsunade sputtered, “Eh?! Like hell you are, brat!”
He had resigned. Kakashi had resigned as CEO of the company he had been a part of his entire life. James had said that whatever happened at the party would be a direct consequence of how you had acted in this demo. So, presumably, this was your fault, but how?
Our relationship isn’t compatible with our jobs, that’s what he’d said to you in the car. You had thought he was warning you to tone things down for the evening, but James had suggested that it wasn’t a warning, but an explanation. You hadn’t understood what she’d meant, but now you did. He was explaining to you, in his own way, why he was about to resign.
The strange phone call fit, too. He had mentioned thinking about the Autumn Company Party, and whatever was on his mind had made him seek your number for comfort, but he refused to tell what he was thinking about. He was likely thinking about whether he should resign.
While you put the pieces together, the room around you was still very much in a state of chaos. Kakashi, however looked completely calm. He put the microphone back in the stand, handed his champagne and knife to a raging Tsunade, and then turned to you.
You watched as he approached you. You could feel how wide your eyes were. You thought he was going to say something, but he got closer and closer until he was right in your personal space, where he looped an arm around your waist, pulled you tight against him, and kissed you.
He was kissing you. Kakashi was kissing you in front of his whole company. You had kissed Kakashi before, many times, but there was something about this kiss that overshadowed all the others. It took a moment for your brain to catch up to what was happening and remember to how to kiss, but you eventually found your footing.
Your lips and tongues danced together serenely, driving out the chaos of the background noise until you two were the only people that mattered. You could feel and taste the longing pouring out of Kakashi, begging you to understand him and stay by his side. You wound your hands around his neck to reassure him, and in return, he squeezed your waist affectionately.
You were quickly running out of air, but you didn’t want this moment to end.
Regardless of your wishes, however, the kiss did end. As Kakashi pulled away slowly, the bubble burst and the noise from the party came rushing back in. Questions were still being shouted, and while some people were displeased by Kakashi’s display, others cheered.
You felt like you were trapped in a daze. You half expected to topple over when Kakashi let go of you to lean back to the microphone.
“We have paid for the venue until 1am, so please enjoy the rest of the party. Goodnight!”
And with that, he grabbed you by the hand and pulled you through a stage door and out of the party. You let him, still completely stunned at what had just happened.
You walked out of the venue in silence, through a back exit for somewhat obvious reasons, and Kakashi’s car was already waiting for you both. You both slid into the warmth of the car, and the second the seatbelts were on, the car pulled away from the hotel and into the city. The bright lights filtered into the car as you drove, but the outside world had never felt so far away.
“Are you… okay?” Kakashi asked, voice nervous.
You wanted to answer him properly, really you did, but your mouth and brain weren’t quite in agreement yet, so the only thing that came out was, “I was going to fill the Tupperware in my bag with more mac and cheese bites.”
Kakashi blinked at you for a moment, before he sent you nervous smile. “I’ll order you some more, as many as you want, I promise.”
Through your embarrassment at you lacking filter, you nodded, and silence fell in the car again. Unlike the normal, comfortable silence that you shared with Kakashi, the awkwardness was palpable. You wanted to break it, but you didn’t quite know how, after everything that had just happened. When your phone buzzed, you grabbed for it desperately as an escape from the weird silence. It was a text from Kurenai.
‘Sorry for not warning you in advance what Kakashi was planning. I feel pretty guilty now, Asuma too. He says the apology is from him too.’
Right, so some people did know in advance. Honestly, you were a bit annoyed that no one had warned you. You were halfway through writing a slightly snarky text back, when she sent another message.
‘We were planning on telling you, but we had to focus on convincing Kakashi out of his idea to propose to you this evening.’
You immediately forgave them both, deleted the previous message, and instead thanked them profusely for saving you from a very awkward conversation. Oh, Kakashi.
Speaking of Kakashi, he was sitting awkwardly in his seat, staring out the window. His shoulders were incredibly tense. You couldn’t just leave him sitting there.
“So, are you really resigning?”
Kakashi swallowed heavily, “Yes… I was thinking about what you said, about having my own dreams, and I still don’t know what those dreams are yet, but I know they aren’t in that company, not anymore.”
You nodded slowly. Kakashi was watching your reaction like a hawk.
“I’m not going to leave completely, I don’t think I could,” he hastened to add. “I can’t abandon my father’s company completely, but… I need time.”
“I understand, Kakashi, it’s okay.”
“You do?” He sounded so vulnerable and lost. You undid your seatbelt and slid into the middle seat instead, before clicking the belt back on. From there, you were able to wrap your arms around Kakashi.
It was slightly awkward in the car, but you didn’t let that stop you. Kakashi fell into your arms gratefully and braced his head against your shoulder.
“I do, darling. You’ve been working your entire life at that company, Kakashi, you deserve a break. I’m already tired of working, so I can’t imagine how you feel. I’ll support whatever pathway you choose to take.”
Kakashi sagged onto you, breathing harshly and clinging onto you with desperate hands. You shushed him, and gently ran your fingers through his hair.
Poor Kakashi, you thought, holding him tightly. You could tell that he was so incredibly burnt out, but he hadn’t even noticed until someone had forced him to see that other choices existed. And once you had pulled the curtain back and showed him reality, he couldn’t bare to continue the way he had been for even a second longer.
Now that the shock had subsided, you were filled with pride for him. It wasn’t easy to leave something life-defining behind, even if you wanted to. But he had done it, and now you were going to be here to make sure he could handle the emotional backlash.
You pressed a kiss to Kakashi’s gravity-defying hair and gave him an affectionate nuzzle. If you chose this world, and your fictional family became real, you were dragging Kakashi into it.
“I want to do up my childhood home properly,” he said, pulling away and rubbing at his eyes. “I want to modernise it again, fill it with new photos and unrestrained laughter. I want to walk my dogs; I don’t want to hire a dog walker anymore. And…”
“And?” you pressed your forehead against his.
“And I hope you’ll be there with me. Because that’s one thing I do know. I love you, and I want you with me wherever I go.”
“Oh, Kakashi,” you cooed softly, pecking him on the lips. “I love you too, and I’ll follow you wherever you go, my darling.”
He sighed, relieved, “And you aren’t angry at me for not telling you that I was resigning?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that. I would have appreciated a heads up, I won’t lie.”
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly. He dropped his head onto your shoulder. “Maybe… maybe you should punish me…”
It took a moment for his unexpected words to sink in, but when they did, heat rushed downwards.
You had expected to end up at Kakashi’s penthouse, but his chauffeur had pulled up in front of your flat instead. It had given more credence to your theory that Kakashi preferred your flat to his. You didn’t mind, so you didn’t comment on it.
You could have done without the flat look Kakashi’s chauffeur had given you both when he said that he wouldn’t be needing a lift home until tomorrow though.
The warmth of your flat was a welcome change from the Autumn chill, but it was the hot, electric tension fizzling through air that really captured your attention. You both kicked off your shoes and put down your bags, but the second you were done, the tension snapped, and you slammed Kakashi against the door with your body, pressing your lips against his in an aggressive kiss.
Kakashi met your sudden kiss with no hesitation and just as much aggression. You could feel the clack of your teeth knocking together, but you couldn’t hear it over the door shaking in the frame. You sent a half-hearted apology to your neighbours for the kind of noises they were about to hear.
You kissed with urgency. Kakashi moaned into your mouth and his hands pawed at your waist. There weren’t any undertones of dominance or submissive yet, only passion. Your lips tangled with his as you pushed through the burning need for oxygen.
When you could hold out no longer, you pulled away and instead took the opportunity to nuzzle at Kakashi’s neck, inhaling his heady scent, and undo the buttons on Kakashi’s shirt.
“Your shirts still have too many buttons,” you panted against Kakashi’s skin. “I think we should burn them all.”
“If you want me naked, you just have to ask,” he said, chest heaving.
“Maybe I will.” You finished the last button, leaving Kakashi’s shirt to hang open. He was still wearing his tie and suit jacket, which framed the newly revealed sliver of skin. “Now that you’re not a big, fancy CEO, I can keep you as my naked butler.”
Kakashi snorted. “Of course, you’re into that.”
You pulled away from his neck and grinned, “How do you feel about cat ears?”
Kakashi didn’t seem to find your idea as amusing as you did. “You wish.”
You hummed in amusement, loosening his tie and throwing it behind you somewhere. His jacket quickly followed, crumpling on the ground at the base of the front door, leaving Kakashi in only his open shirt and trousers.
Kakashi, sensing the unfair differences in dress, attempted to liberate you from your shirt, but you caught both of his wrists in your hands and pinned them against the door.
“I can’t touch you? That’s hardly fair,” he pouted, playfully tugging at your restraint.
You slipped a knee in between his legs and ground it up against his crotch. Kakashi gave a hoarse gasp and folded forward slightly. “This isn’t supposed to be fair, Kakashi. Was it fair that you didn’t tell me of your resignation in advance? This is a punishment, darling.”
Kakashi growled lightly. You knew how much he loved to touch you, which is exactly why you denied him the honour. You growled back at him and to your delight, he immediately submitted, baring his neck. You nipped at the newly presented flesh, trying to keep yourself from getting too close to mating mark territory.
Maybe one day he would wear your mating mark, but today was not that day.
“Come on,” you said, pulling him forward by the belt. “I think it’s time we move to the bedroom before someone complains about the banging on the front door.”
“Do you have to tug me by my trousers?” Kakashi asked, although he didn’t do anything to stop you.
“Hmm, you’re right, this would be much easier with a lead, and a collar, of course.” You grinned at him with heavily lidded eyed. “Would you like me to get you your very own collar, ‘kashi?”
You were just testing the waters with that particular kink. It would be easy for him to write it off as a joke, like the cat ears, but if he liked it…
Kakashi’s pale skin lit up in a brilliant pink. Well, that answered that question.  
“Figures. You’d look hot in a collar, puppy.”
“Shut up,” Kakashi mumbled weakly, still following you obediently.
On the way to the bedroom, Kakashi lost his shirt, his trousers, and his underwear, creating a trail of clothes to the bedroom like a strange R-rated version of Hansel and Gretel.
You entered your bedroom and flicked on the lights. Kakashi went to stand by the bed, seemingly waiting for your next instruction. Having a naked omega in your bedroom really was the best way to end a night.
Honestly, it was a shame you couldn’t have a naked Kakashi and naked Itachi here with you. That impossibility was far more tragic than your own untimely death.
“Now, what should I do for your punishment, Kakashi, hm?” you asked, tilting your head consideringly. “Should I replicate Makoto’s punishment? You seemed to enjoy that.”
You delicately rested your hands on his throat, teasing him with featherlight touches. Kakashi shuddered, and his eyes fluttered closed. You used both hands to complete the full collar effect around his neck, just as had been described in the Icha Icha book.
“It makes sense that you like collars, considering the amount of time you spend reading about Makoto wearing one. Is that why you like Icha Icha, Kakashi?”
“I told you, I read it for the story. It’s a masterpiece of—"
You gently applied a little more pressure to the sides of his neck and his weak argument went silent. You felt powerful watching him fold at your feet.
As much as asking him for his opinion on his punishment was a method of teasing him, you really did have to figure out what his punishment was going to be.
You hadn’t had much time to plan, and your flat was tragically empty of things like toys or bondage. You resolved to fix that if you ended up in this world, but that didn’t help you right now.
For anyone else, you might have considered just denying him pleasure while he pleasured you, but Kakashi was a service sub through and through. No, he wasn’t going to be allowed to touch you, but you weren’t going to touch him either. He needed to focus on his own pleasure, and just like that, the perfect idea sprang to mind.
“Get on the bed and present to me; I want to see that sopping hole of yours.”
You watched with rapt attention as Kakashi climbed onto your bed on all fours. He let his shoulders fall to the blanket and then, resting his weight on his shoulders, he reached behind him.
“That’s it,” you mumbled, almost drooling. “Show alpha that needy hole.”
Kakashi used his hands to bare his hole for you, holding it open for your scrutiny. And what pretty picture he made, just for you.
His hole was indeed sopping wet, glistening in the warm lighting as his fingers struggled to retain a grip on the slippery skin. His dick swung proudly downwards, framed by the A-line shape Kakashi had created with his thighs. It dribbled a few clear beads of precum onto your sheets, but the idea of having to grab a towel for your activities was quickly dismissed when you realised you couldn’t bare to take your eyes off your omega for even a second.
Kakashi’s muscles strained as he kept up the presenting position for you. Confidence practically oozed from every pore in his body, exemplified no better in the challenging grin he had on his face. Kakashi knew he was sexy, and he was willing to weaponize that against you as much as possible.
Once again, you were struck by how different he was from Itachi. Sex didn’t make Kakashi bashful, emotions did. Sex didn’t make him feel like a different person, it amplified his traits. Itachi had been the opposite in both.
Honestly, if an outsider had seen your two dimension choices, you wouldn’t have blamed them for assuming that two different people had been involved.
You sat on the edge of the bed and leant forward so that you face was eye height with his hole. It twitched under your scrutiny, and you couldn’t help but coo.
“What a pretty hole you have, omega.” You blew some cold air on it to watch it flinch. As it clenched, a drop of slick began to run down to his thighs. It was practically drooling for you, begging you to fill it with something.
Although the rest of Kakashi was very pretty indeed, his hole had to be one of his best features. Tragically, you hadn’t had much time to spend with it recently, with all the work you’d had to do. It was probably lonely without you, and that wouldn’t do.
Except… you studied it closely, noting the slight gape and softness that you didn’t expect. Maybe his hole hadn’t been as lonely as you’d thought, because he was far too stretched considering it had been more than a week.
Oh, you realised, smirking, big, bad, genius Kakashi had been touching himself. He had been lonely and horny as work kept you both apart, and he had decided to take matters into his own hands. You imagined him for a moment, splayed on the massive bed in his penthouse, one hand fucking himself and the other pressed over his mouth to keep himself from waking his dogs.
“Have you been lonely, Kakashi?” you asked, deciding to call him out on it.
“No?” You could hear the question in his voice; he didn’t know where you were going with this, and that made it sweeter.
“I only asked because, well,” -you paused for effect- “your hole is looking very ready right now. I wonder if perhaps you’ve been touching yourself without my permission.”
The pink flush crept down Kakashi’s back, and he turned to hide his face in your duvet; you’d caught him red handed.
“Ah, what a slutty puppy I have, hm?” Kakashi whined, and some more beads of pre cum splashed against the blanket. “Tell me, did you use a toy, or did you use your fingers?”
“Is that any of your business?”
“Kakashi…” you said, warning clear.
“…Fingers,” Kakashi said reluctantly, his voice muffled by your blanket. “I used my fingers.”
Perfect. “Show me.”
“Show me how you fingered yourself, Kakashi. What position did you use? Show your alpha how you placated that slutty hole of yours.”
Hesitantly, Kakashi turned over so that he was laying on his back, legs splayed wide for your viewing pleasure. He then grabbed one of the decorative cushions and slotted it under his hips so that his hole was easier to reach. Kakashi held his lips between his teeth and brought a hand down so that his fingertips were resting on his hole.
“I did it like this…”
“I see,” you said, tilting your head at him. “And how many fingers did you use?”
“I started with one.”
You waved your hand at him to go ahead. “Show me how you did it.”
Kakashi slowly sunk his middle finger in, making an obscene squelching noise as he did. Clear fluid dripped out around his finger, and you were once again incredibly grateful for the immaculate horny imagery that the porn logic provided for you.
Idly, you wondered if he really had started with his middle finger, or if it was some kind of subtle ‘fuck you’. With Kakashi, you could never bee 100% sure.
He pumped the finger in a few times, obviously finding no resistance. His angry cock stood proudly, but Kakashi ignored it for the time being.
“But one finger didn’t satisfy you, did it? Your greedy hole needed more.”
Kakashi rolled his eyes but nodded, “I used two fingers next.” He didn’t need to be asked to show you this time, and his pointer finger soon joined his middle one.
Now he had two fingers, Kakashi picked up the pace and began periodically curling his fingers in search of that wonderful bundle of nerves. The wet noises increased, but Kakashi didn’t seem to be having much luck.
You watched as he got progressively more frustrated at his inability to find his prostate. He tried to hike his legs up further to get a better angle, but no luck. He tried switching hands, but it didn’t help at all. He even tried holding his breath at one point, just in case it had some kind of effect, but nothing.
His face scrunched up and he bared his teeth, but it wasn’t like his own body was going to somehow be intimidated into giving him what he wanted, so that didn’t work either.
You watched, baffled and slightly amused, as the wet patch underneath his hips grew larger and larger, completely soaking your decorative pillow, and yet Kakashi still couldn’t seem to get close to his orgasm.
For a moment, you wondered if something was wrong, before you realised what forces controlled the universe you were currently in. This was a punishment because Kakashi took an action without you. It only made narrative sense that he couldn’t find his own prostate and needed you to do it for him.
The lecherous grin that blossomed on your face would have likely scared more delicate omegas away.
You let him finger himself for almost ten minutes, at which point you could tell his hands were starting to cramp, and his face was bright red from exertion. His thighs were trembling, and he was sweating, but his release had escaped him the entire time.
You figured fifteen minutes of frustrating edging was enough punishment for now. You gently rested your hand on top on his, ceasing his frantic fingering. Carefully, you extracted his fingers with a wet plop. Kakashi whined, but you shushed him, putting his hand down on his stomach.
“It’s not going to happen on your own, darling, don’t you understand?” Kakashi peered up at you, panting. His eyes made it clear that he didn’t understand. “You need me to do it for you. I can make you feel so very good, but you need to learn to trust me. I know what you need, I can deliver what you need. You just” -you slipped two of your own fingers inside him- “need” -you pumped them slowly- “to trust” -you curled your fingers, immediately finding his swollen prostate with the power of porn logic- “me.” You pressed down on the bundle of nerves as hard as you could.
Kakashi gasped, his entire body lifting off the bed as he finally got a taste of the pleasure he had been desperately chasing. His cock was weeping, and you rolled his balls in your free hand, but stopped moving your fingers.
“Right there,” he panted, sounding close to tears. “Hit there again.”
You stared him down, pointedly not moving your fingers. “Why are you being punished, Kakashi?”
“Why are you being punished?” He glared at you, but you only raised an eyebrow at him, the same way he did to you so often when you first met.
“You’re playing this game now?” You refused to budge, and quickly, his desperation outweighed his pride. “Because I didn’t warn you that I was going to resign.”
“And why is that bad?”
Kakashi growled, “Because it concerned you and you deserved to know.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, voice desperate. He rocked his hips down on your fingers, muscles shaking. “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, just please, get me off!”
It was hardly the most articulate or heartfelt of apologies, but you were happy to let it slide this time. You pumped your fingers in and out a few times and Kakashi relaxed. Now, you just had to curl your fingers just right, and— There!
You grinded your fingers into his prostate mercilessly. Kakashi’s eyes rolled backwards and the noise that escaped him was one of pure, toe curling, ecstasy.
“This feels better, doesn’t it, ‘kashi.” You didn’t phrase it as a question because you knew you were right. “That’s because I’m doing it. You’re so used to being the one in control, the one everyone comes to when they need help or advice, but deep down, you just want someone else to deal with everything, don’t you?”
Kakashi whined as you picked up the pace with your fingers. His prostate was so swollen that you caught it every time. When you used your other hand on his cock, his whine transitioned into an open-mouthed moan as Kakashi writhed on your bed.
You set a fast pace, but when you saw his balls tighten, you withdrew your hands completely. Kakashi thrashed in frustration, his swollen cock bobbing in the open air.
“Why’d you stop?” he asked, panting. His tongue was lolling out ever so slightly.
“Because you’re loose enough to take me now, Kakashi, why would I continue?” You maintained an innocent façade that Kakashi could obviously see through but couldn’t question. “Your punishment may be over, but my pleasure still outranks yours.”
Kakashi scoffed, but he was too far gone to successfully pretend that he was aching for your cock, so he remained quiet.
You decided it was time to strip. Your clothes were feeling a little tight in some key areas, and while the contrast between yours and Kakashi’s states of dress was sexy, you had had enough of wearing them.
Kakashi’s stare was red hot as it lingered on every piece of newly revealed skin, as your outfit was slowly shed. It was flattering how much pleasure he seemed to gain just from seeing you strip, and you couldn’t resist blowing him a little kiss as the final article of clothing fell to the floor. Like the utter dork he was, he mimed catching the kiss and then held that fist to his chest.
You crawled over him, giggling at his antics, as you settled in between his still splayed legs. You hummed, running your hands up and down his chest, your fingers catching on his pebbled nipples. “While this view is delectable, I was thinking about a slightly different position for the grand finale.”
“And what position would that be?”
With some difficultly, you pulled Kakashi up and slid yourself into his previous position, kicking the soaking cushion off the bed as you did. When you were finished, Kakashi was now the one hovering over you. You took advantage of your new position and stole a quick kiss from him.
“I think that it’s your turn to make me feel good,” you said, grabbing a hold of your cock and pumping it slowly. “How do you feel about riding me?”
You had a front row seat to the way Kakashi’s eyes dilated at your suggestion. He drew back, and his eyes flickered down to your dick. With obvious physical agreement, Kakashi straddled you, one knee either side of your hips, and replaced your hand with his own on your dick.
He sent you a sultry look, and then dragged the head of your dick back and forth against him, until the head caught of his loosened hole. Kakashi hovered there for a moment, until a drop of his slick ran down your dick.
“Tease me and I’ll edge you until you cry, Kakashi.”
He considered your challenge with a head tilt and eye smile. “If you say so.”
He slammed his hips down all at once, skin hitting skin with a wet slap. You choked at the sudden onslaught of sensations as his wet heat wrapped around you.
“Fuck, you are such a brat, you know that?”
“Me?” He put a hand against his chest in mock offence. “Never.” To emphasise his point, he drew his hips up until you almost slipped out, only to then drop his hips down all at once, again. 
“Just get to it, pretty, before I go soft from boredom.” That was entirely a bluff, of course; you were incredibly hard and that wasn’t changing any time soon.
Kakashi did as you’d asked. At first, the pace of his hips was fast, but not particularly rhythmic. His thighs were incredibly muscular and had no trouble holding his weight as he bounced up and down, but you could tell that he had never done this before, so you settled your hands on his hips to help him.
“You don’t have to go all the way off every time,” you explained, holding him still. “Here, try moving your hips backwards and forwards for a bit, like you’re grinding.”
Kakashi tried what you were explaining, and you could tell immediately that it felt better for him, because his face screwed up in pleasure as his slid backwards and forwards on your hips, painting them with his slick.
From that point onwards, he alternated between powerful up and down riding, and sensual rocking. He seemed to delight in avoiding a noticeable pattern, so you could never quite predict when he was going to switch between them.
His gooey insides were your favourite place to be regardless, so you let him play how he wanted to. To retain some of your power, you took to plucking at his nipples whenever his pace flagged. While it was probably incredibly rude to compare two omegas’ nipples, you couldn’t help it. Itachi did have cuter nipples, it had to be said, but Kakashi had better pecs, so it evened out.
Again, you desperately wished James would tell you who created these drop dead gorgeous omegas, but extracting information from her was worse than pulling teeth.
As Kakashi continued to ride you, the squelching was so loud that you were certain that at least one of your neighbours was cursing you right now. Or maybe they were into it; it was a porn world.
The rhythmic slapping felt like a countdown to your impending orgasm, as something burning bubbled underneath your skin. You loved being more sensitive in porn worlds, but it did make it harder to last.
Kakashi was getting more desperate, too. Although his thighs were starting to slow from exertion, he was relentless in his riding. He moaned unabashedly as your knot started to inflate and catch on his rim.
Your instincts screamed at you to knot him. You felt delirious with pleasure, and you needed this pretty omega to take your seed. You needed to mark him, so that no one else, no clients, no colleagues, and no board members, would ever even consider touching him again.
You looked up at Kakashi as he hovered above you. His skin shined in the light, although it had nothing on the way his slick shined against your skin. “Good boy, you’re such a good boy, Kakashi, my good boy.”
Kakashi seized, and with a cry, he shot white ropes of cum all over your stomach and chest, while clear liquid forced its way past your dick and out into the open air. With each shot, Kakashi’s insides tensed and pulsed, and you couldn’t hold on any longer.
You came too, knot locking into place inside him, as you painted his insides white. You came so hard that you almost blacked out. You were more used to the increased number of cum shots now, but it still felt insanely good to ride the high of a good 50 seconds of orgasm.
Kakashi slowly fell forward, breathing harshly, until his face was resting beside yours. He was making a valiant effort to keep the majority of his weight off you, but that wasn’t what you wanted.
“Come here,” you said, tugging him down until his entire weight was resting on you. “That’s it, I’ve got you, you don’t need to worry about stuff like that, remember?”
Kakashi chuckled tiredly, “If you insist.”
You pressed a loving kiss to the side of his head, basking in the after glow as you both waited for your knot to deflate.
“Thank you,” Kakashi muttered, pressing a kiss against your shoulder.
“For what?”
“For staying with me.”
Guilt spiked inside your chest as you remembered the choice you were to have to make.
And of course, right at that moment, your vision faded out from the edges, dousing your vision in black. When light bled back in, Kakashi was nowhere to be seen. James was there instead, and you were back to standing in the middle of the library. You swallowed heavily as your final moments with Kakashi swelled up inside you as grief and longing.
You felt pretty rough.
“Welcome back, human,” James said, sounding quieter than normal. Her voice wasn’t really soft, but it was what you imagined she believed that soft was.
“Thanks, James.” Wow, even your voice sounded rough.
Like last time, James reached out to tap you on the head, but unlike the relief that had followed when your emotions were supressed, this time only made you feel worse as all the emotions from Itachi’s pocket dimension came flooding back in too. It made you feel like you were wearing a head several sizes too small.
You took a deep breath and tried to compartmentalise as much of what you were feeling as you could.
“I know you must be feeling overwhelmed, human alpha, but I must remind you that you will kill us both, along with many others, if you do not make a fast decision on which pocket dimension you wish to use the rest of your life energy in.” She straightened out both books in front of you on the library table. ‘Potions and Magic and Sex, Oh My!’ was on your right, while ’50 Shades of Audacity’ sat on your left.
“Fuck, James, how am I supposed to choose?” You slumped into one of the library chairs and put your head in your hands.
“I know this must be a difficult choice human. You performed remarkably in both worlds, and I am certain that both omegas love you dearly.” Ugh, that did not make you feel any better. “However, one of them will feel right in a way that the other doesn’t. Use your instincts, human, I trust that they will not steer you wrong.”
Your instincts? It felt like they were in a mess. You felt conflicting messages flood through you as your instincts screamed at you for even considering leaving either omega. But you had to leave one of them.
You closed your eyes and allowed your instinctual reaction to guide you. It was a mess in your head, but you didn’t have time to untangle anything.
“When you’re ready, put your hand on the book that you wish to enter.”
“James?” You opened your eyes and stared down at the weird Curator that had been guiding you all this time.
“Yes, human alpha?”
“Thank you for everything,” you said earnestly, sending her a smile. “I’m going to miss you.”
James seemed taken aback, but she eventually returned your smile. “I will miss you too, human. I will request to be the Curator to meet you here after your life energy is gone, so that I may escort you onwards.”
“Thanks James.” You kind of felt like crying, but you couldn’t delay this anymore. “I think I’m ready.”
Quickly, so that you couldn’t agonise over changing your mind, you slapped your hand down on world that you wanted, and everything went dark.
Next chapter
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fuck-customers · 9 days
My store has a VERY lenient return policy.
(Personally, I think it's TOO lenient.)
The policy is:
•return WITH receipt= full refund, refund goes back on original form of payment, except for debit. Returns that were paid debit get cash refunds.
•return WITHOUT receipt= lowest price of item in last 90 days, store credit
•opened packages are returnable
•used products are returnable (this one has some restrictions, but not really. Cashiers are only "supposed" to accept returns if the item is still sellable, but most cashiers don't inspect the items and if a cashier deems the product unsellable, the customer bitches to the manager who licks their entire ass and does a full refund for them)
•seasonal products are returnable even after season has ended (Christmas items can be returned all year, same with Easter, Halloween, etc)
•there is seemingly no restrictions on how soon a customer has to return an item. Just 2 weeks ago (March 2024) I had a customer bring in products and a receipt from 2019 and the system accepted it. It had been so long that we literally got a whole new register system in between the original purchase and the return and it STILL went through.
What the store DOESN'T accept for returns:
• Products from other companies?? Hello??
This woman brought in a bag from a completely different company (the logos aren't similar and the colors are completely different. Red and blue compared to green and white) And at first, I thought she just recycled the bag, but she pulled out a receipt from the red and blue store and an item that I'm 100% positive was never sold at my company and wouldn't listen when I repeatedly explained that I COULD NOT refund an item we have never sold. I scanned the item on the register and showed her the error message that said "item not in inventory" I showed her that the item was in fact on her receipt from Red And Blue Store and showed her the big ass Red And Blue Store label on the receipt. I fucking called a manager over because she insisted and was adamant that she bought the item here. The MANAGER said the same fucking thing about the receipt and item being from a completely different company. 20 minutes later, she finally fucking gave up and accepted that she couldn't scam us today.
Which. It's SO easy to scam this store. Just steal an item. We do not have security. We have security cameras, but I suspect they don't work, since no one has been banned for shoplifting or anything and I KNOW people shoplift. (I support it and look the other way) We do not have enough staff to patrol the store, so the only staff members are 1 cashier and 1 department monitor and as long as you don't blatantly steal in front of the cashier, you're good. We do not have sensors on the door. 90% of the products are not locked up. Basically just don't steal spray paint, because that's the one thing that's locked up. And if you DO steal, just be cool about it and don't draw attention to yourself. We do not check bags or pockets or anything like that. And if you panic and run, just don't stop running until you're outside of the building. We are not allowed to chase you outside of the building.
And if you manage to get through these unbelievably easy obstacles and steal some items, you can just fucking bring them back and say you lost your receipt but want to return them and you will literally get free money. Sure, it's a gift card, but if the return is under $5, you get cash. Green Crafts and Fabric Store fyi for anyone who wants some free shit.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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weirdmorefics · 8 days
benedict with a younger sister who he catches at one of the parties he goes to talking to a man who has less than innocent intentions with her and she’s oblivious and just thought it would be a fun place to drink bcs that’s what she’d heard when was out at the park earlier that day
A/N- Sorry for it taking a while I really am starting to believe in the fanfiction curse. I also made up the seedy guy who had unhonorable intentions in this story just an FYI.
Readers Pronouns- She/Her
TW- Sexism
Word Count- 1,653
Summary- Benedict goes to a local gathering of artists and happens to find his darling younger sister enjoying the company of some of Benedict's unsavory friends.
Unhonorable Intentions
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I am a rake. I take no shame in this fact. I am allowed to be a free spirit it is my birthright as the second-born son. No obligations no responsibility. I would loathe to be in Anthony's shoes. Though Y/n seems to have made it her mission for me to walk in his shoes tonight. What is she even doing in a place like this? Last I knew she preferred literature over the arts. Yet she hangs on a man's arm as he explains his next work. in progress that he is sure will be his Magnus opus. I glare at them hopefully sister notices my gaze burning into her side so I can continue my night as if nothing happened. However, when I glare at them I realize who the man she is talking to is and now I know there is no way I can continue my night. Unfortunately said man felt my gaze instead of Y/n and smiled and pulled her forcefully along with him.
"Bridgerton! It's grand to see you! We've missed you at the club!" Alexander shakes my hand roughly and I return it with an insincere smile. "Saw you eyeing my new muse, I regret to inform you I don't share." God, I want to gag as I know what he does with his so-called muses. Y/n smiles at being called his muse she does love it when I draw her but this man does not have honorable intentions. He and I have very different definitions of what a muse is. My idea of a muse is someone who inspires you to create, Alexander's idea of a muse is a woman to sleep with and then abandon.
I straighten back to assert my taller posture over the man, "And I regret to inform you your so-called muse is my darling baby sister." I look down at her with demanding eyes, "I do say it is time we get back to Mother. Isn't Y/n?"
She looks taken aback by my tone, "What do you mean? I just got here."
Alexanders' grin increases tenfold, "A Bridgeton! Benedict I had no idea you were hiding such a beauty to yourself! If I was her brother I'd never let her out of the house either." This man is truly revolting the artist community here is unfortunately very small and I have to find a way to remain civil.
Y/n smiles, "So you know Alexander? That's too bad really I was hoping to learn some different art techniques from him to impart to you! I had no idea you knew such a famous artist!"
I grit my teeth, "Famous now Alexander are we?"
This flusters him for a moment but he recovers quickly, "Aren't all artists famous in a different sort of way?"
I want to laugh at such an absurd response… sadly Y/n is far too naive for her own good.
"I agree wholeheartedly! Benedict is the most famous artist in our family! I'm quite jealous of his talent I must admit! It makes sense he would be at such a regal event filled with so much talent. To be truthful I overheard this soiree would have fabulous drinks on this morning's promenade and couldn't resist," she gushes over my talents and breaks my heart for not being more present in my siblings' lives.
Anthony just seemed to have it all handled, Daphne was married off, Eloise could certainly hold her own ground, Francessa was so busy with her studies, and Mother had Gregory and Hycanith under control. Even though Y/n is Eloise's twin she couldn't be any more different she believes the best in everyone and is too quick to forgive in my opinion and Alexander is taking advantage of that and I will not let that stand.
I smile down at Y/n, "Y/n you downplay your own talents no need to associate with a man whose talents consist of preying on women through false pretenses."
Her eyes widen to the size of quarters, "Benedict you can not make such outrageous claims!"
I pretend to not know exactly what she is talking about, "You mean your talents? Your poetry talent is outrageous and that's not a claim it's just a fact."
She blushes at the compliment but for some asinine reason still wants to defend Alexander. Though it seemed her brain could not keep up with the unusual compliment from me and the unflattering words I spoke about Alexander she just stuttered unintelligible anger, shock, and joy all marking her face. Alexander on the other hand was just fuming red.
"First you insult me Bridgerton then you demean poetry as a genre by encouraging a woman to write it." he snarls.
I have never seen Y/n turn so quickly and before anyone in the room knows what's happening a resounding slap is heard over all the chatter and everyone turns to the noise. Alexander's eye is twitching and a red welt in the shape of my sister's hand is forming on his face. He glares at her with murderous eyes but she holds her head high I have never seen her this determined and it makes me wonder what else I missed while she was growing up and I was galavanting around with men like Alexander.
She points an angry finger at him like Mother would when she would scold us, "Gentleman like yourself actually I wouldn't even call men like you gentleman but that's beside the point. Men like you say women are too emotional to do anything but care for the home. Poetry is all about emotion it's supposed to make you feel something like the art you make, or apparently don't make from what I just learned from Benedict's side comment. I would also like to remind you who is in charge of our country or rather what sex they are?"
All eyes are on us and Alexander looks like he might strangle Y/n with his two hands if the vein bulging out of his forehead is any indicator.
"Oh and by the way when I complimented your line work on your latest piece I was lying it was shit but you know how men can be so emotional I didn't want to hurt your feelings," she fake pouted. This is definitely not the young sister I once knew she may still be naive but she has now learned to use her talent with words as a knife.
Alexander's arm shoots to roughly grab her but I am quick to block, "I'm Alexander but we must be going. It was so nice talking to you as always. I would definitely take my dear sister's words under advisement to spend more time working on your line art." I then pull him very closely into my body and if anyone hadn't seen the previous incident they would have thought it was just two chaps hugging. I whisper, "Less time with lines of ladies and coke you might find yourself able to make straight lines. And if I ever hear you laid a hand on my sister I will kill you myself." I roughly release him and he scrambles backwards ungracefully as all eyes on him.
I link arms with Y/n, "Come on we must really be going now."
Once we make it outside away from prying eyes she quickly bursts into sobs, "Gods what have I done! I was just so angry he'd judge me just based on my sex. God, what if Lady Whistledown writes about me!" She starts pacing with her hands on her forehead and this is the Y/n I am all too familiar with, " Oh God what if Mama reads it! What if I ruin the Bridgerton name? Anthony will never forgive me!"
I clap and quickly gain her attention back, "You certainly won't be the first Bridgerton featured in Lady Whistledown and I am certain you will not be the last."
"Not helping!' She shouts back.
"No one will be mad you stood your ground… in fact, I am quite proud of you."
Her eyes study me, "Are you serious? I just slapped your friend in a soiree full of your peers."
"Anthony was more of an acquaintance," I add.
She rolls her eyes, "That is not the point!"
I sigh, "Yes, I am proud. You defended your honor and didn't need my help to do so. Though I am sure any of your brothers would be there in a heartbeat to defend it including me."
She smiles, "You're proud of me."
"I am not saying it again," I state.
she starts to repeat you're proud of me in a sing-songy voice.
"My pride in you is diminishing and my worry is growing. I think I will be around more often seems like Anthony isn't keeping a watchful enough eye on you if he let you go to a seedy event like this."
She tilts her head, "But you were at the event?"
"Exactly I only attend seedy events, though it appears now I must reform. Think of me has your second Anthony," maybe having responsibilities won't be so bad if I get to see Y/n chew out more men like Alexander.
She groans, "I don't want another Anthony how will I ever do anything fun."
"That's the point Y/n," I smile.
She groans, "I hope Lady Whistledown writes you into the story and makes you sound dreadful."
"As long as she writes how daring and smart my younger sister is we will be on good terms," I smile as she groans again at her failed attempt to get under my skin.
"Thank you, I guess," she responds.
I may be late in helping my siblings but at least they all still have some more growing to do and I plan to be there for all of it.
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bbcreative-0 · 4 months
Misplaced AU Leo with Usagi’s friends!!
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So when Leo arrives at Neo Edo he becomes friends with all of Usagi’s friends. Here’s his relationship with each of them:
Gen and Leo (Top Left Corner): Leo actually really likes Gen. He loves his company probably because Gen reminds Leo of Raph. Gen also likes Leo too. He likes how he can actually plan things and LOVES the fact that Leo is a medic. Gen will go to Leo to check for his medical needs and Leo will check for him while teasing him a little.
Leo and Kitsune (Bottom Left Corner): When they first meet Kitsune actually didn’t like Leo. Thought he was a goodie-two-shoes, then she actually spoke to him and realize how wrong she was. The two love hanging out and causing some chaos, Leo does make sure they don’t do too much damage but they have fun nonetheless. Kitsune reminds Leo of Mikey a lot so he really enjoys her company a lot. FYI Kitsune LOVES the fact that Leo can glow and Leo will have his stripe glow just for her.
Leo and Chizu (Top and Bottom Right Corners): So the Top Corner is when they first meet, they didn’t like each other at all. Leo had a vibe about Chizu that he wasn’t sure. He could tell there was something wrong with her but also felt the need to help her for some reason. Meanwhile Chizu kept insisting to everyone that they shouldn’t trust Leo because he was a ninja and he was going to betray them (Oof HEAVY projecting there)
However after some time passes the two of them do become friends. They actually really enjoy each other’s company a lot. Leo helps Chizu loosen up a lot and lets her have more fun and Leo learns to balance when he needs to be more serious. Then we get to Chizu’s betrayal…I won’t spoil that sorry folks
Update on the fic, I was working on the first chapter, hated it and restarting it again so that’s fun. Anways, it will come out eventually, I just need to actually get the actual episodes. Anyways love you all and stay creative!!
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cartierdreamx · 1 year
𝕯𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖉 𝕿𝖔 𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑 *1*
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OMG HI MY SWEET LOVES <3, I hope you’re doing well, and your week was great! I am so so so excited to share with you the first chapter of my new Mafia AU series, and I am even more excited to write it (the love you showed to FAD and my drabbles warm my heart so so much), I don’t want to reveal but because I want you to read that, but I will say both you and Jenna are 25 in this story, something about 25 just seems like the right age for this. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and if you do, please consider reblogging, following and commenting! Thank you all for your constant love and support! J <33 
If you would like to be apart of a taglist so you know when the next chapter comes out, comment down below or let me know thru asks!! 
Pairings: jenna ortega x fem! Reader 
Warnings: slight angst, slight dark themes, swearing, mentions of weapons and violence. 
This fic is STRICTLY 18+, as it involves adult themes, minors DNI, you are responsible for your own social media intake, which includes reading entertainment which this fic falls under, so one last warning- this fic is 18+. Thank you!
Words flow through you with ease, you inhaled words the same way oxygen seeps into your body, and like carbon dioxide leaving, what left instead, was art. Your art. So, journalism was destined for you, it was your calling, you would have gone into publishing but there was something about people that drew you in, and there was the fact that you lived in the Bay area, your home, well developed into your home, you moved a few years back because something in you sparked and said to move, you knew the opportunities would be great, and you proved yourself right. You found yourself working for an independent, yet big journalism company right in the heart of Silicon Valley, the tech city, right where the hearts of Google and Apple reside. They pay good money, having saved enough to rent out a loft close to work and have your own car, a black Toyota 86 with a custom spoiler and a lip kit wrapped around the body and the colour so deep and rich, Batman would be jealous. But there was one thing that was missing, rumination would fill your mind, if journalism was destined for you, why couldn’t the heart of someone be too. Love. You were missing love, what’s yours will come to you and everything happens for a reason would be a constant mantra of yours, but patience was a draining one, and love is a losing game. Not to worry, your words would keep you company and that would be enough, right?
“Y/N!” Solana calls out for you, your boss, manager, bff, mother, every occupation under the blazing sun, she’s that to you.
The corner of your mouth connects to your ears and your eyes widens as the auditory sounds hit your ear drums. You loved her with your whole heart,
“How’s my sweet girl doing?” She rushes towards you with such sass, it makes you giggle.
“Better now that you’re here.”
“Awww, I love youuuu.”
“Huh?” You giggle, extending your hand out to grab the drink she clearly bought for you, then giving her a mocking wink.
“Oh, you dickhead.” Solana exclaims as she realises your sweet confession was directed towards the ice latte.
A soft tsk leaves her mouth as she rolls her eyes at you, as she leans over your shoulders, she reads over what you’re writing. You were a talented writer, everyone wanted you and not just journalism, anything that included writing, they wanted you. But for some reason Solana’s company ‘Bayseyes’ reeled you in, it felt like second nature to you, it felt like home, electricity rooted in your fingers when your touch met with the keyboard during your trial shifts when you were a rookie, no other branch made you feel this way. And plus, you really loved how ‘Bayseyes’ wasn’t toxic, the information was fished out and you and your colleagues had high rating articles, but no negative connotation was linked to you guys unlike other journalism and tabloid companies.
“This is good y/n.”
“Aw, thank you.”
“If you worked at TMZ.”
“OKAY OUCH, if you hated it just say that smh.”
“Y/N, it’s good, but I know you to be amazing, scrap this and write a new one.”
“Okay, be honest, are you trying to murder me? I feel like a 10-inch knife has just been plunged deep into my heart, I’ll write a new one but you’re giving this story to a rookie, this is too beautiful to be deleted off this sweet universe of ours.”
“You are so dramatic you know that? Fine.” She was right, you are dramatic, but in a fun, ironic way, it’s what made people laugh and what this world needed was more laughter, as sad as it sounds, you used that same dramatics and turned it into a play when foster parents would meet you, whilst at the same time, flaunting that big heart of yours. However, fostering is easier said than done, every change of parents and every house you had to learn the layout of, was never your fault, you were so loved, but you can’t help but blame the change on you each time, if you were so loved, why didn’t you have a home. You were close once, almost about to have your forever home but problems with the system always won. Almost is never enough.
A bright, mocking smile paints you face as Solana scoffs at you, she always gave into your needs and want, but you always provided her with what she needed, in every form, so she can’t help but have a soft spot for you, giving in to your commands.
“So, what is my little rising star going to write about?”
“Hmmm royal family? The coronation, OH! There’s talk that there was a paparazzi high speed chase with Meghan and Harry.”
“Like every other journalism branch? We’re not TMZ babes, we’re better.”
Folding your arms and leaning back into your chair, suffocating Solana’s fingers, you scoff out of disappointment. Feeling Solana’s fingers squirm out from the space between your back and your chair, you swivel around to face her.
“Well, I don’t know what you want, everything has been milked.” As the words leave your tongue, you see her mouth form a smirk paired with a smug look. “Sol, what did you do?”
“Yes, everything has been milked, but not this.” You see an emerald, green paper with hints of gold flash into your eyes, the glossy material reflecting off the lights. Your lips purse inwards and your eyebrows scrunch down, if confusion ever knew your name, now was when it screamed it.
“What is that?”
“Well Ms. L/N, this, this is rarer than any diamond, pearl or ruby out there, you’ve been invited to Jenna Ortega’s annual masquerade ball.” Her smirk now turning into a cheese, a cheese so wide it was starting to creep you out.
“As in, mafia leader Jenna Ortega?”
“Yup!” She says ever so positively.
“As in, most feared women in San Francisco, HELL, maybe in America?”
“Oh well, that’s subjective.”
“NOOO, it’s fact.” An obvious annoyance paints your face as you bite the right side of your lip, knowing there was no fighting this, as much as you didn’t want to attend, you couldn’t say no to her, and plus, this invitation is so exclusive, more exclusive than the MET, which you, not to sound snobby, you’ve been to, not as a guest though, but obviously as a journalist.
“You’re going Y/N, that’s final, I’m speaking as your boss, we need this, YOU need this. No one has ever been close enough to her to get an exclusive, it’s always been assistants on top of assistants on top of body guards, I need you to work your charm.”
A big sigh escapes your mouth, your sign of submission and defeat, looks like you’re going to attend. You can’t help but feel a small strike of lightning hit your aortas though, but your pride was too big for you to ever admit that to Sol, to be fair, you can’t remember the last time you went out and enjoyed yourself, though you can’t promise you’d enjoy this ball, you can’t remember the last time you got dressed up, baddie up, just in general felt pretty about yourself. So that, and only that had you excited, oh and maybe the little fact this story could make you, Sol, and anyone under the name of the company MILLIONS.
“Okay fine, but only for work.”
“Oh sweetie, I want you to get laid too.” The same cheesey smile back plastered on her face as wide as the curve of a banana was really starting to get to you now.
“If I say fine, will you stop leering at me with that monstrous smile of yours.”
“Okay my smile is back to normal now, but I’m serious, thought I want you to write a global hit, I also want you to have fun, you’re 25, Jenna is 25, I want some grandbabies.”
“WOAHHHH SLOW YOUR ROLL, first of all you’re 33, no grandbabies, second of all, no! I’m not hooking up with the head of the Ortega mafia family, and definitely not getting pregnant.”
“But she’s hot.”
You throw your hands up in the air and swiftly placed your face in them once you brought your arms down.
“Just because she’s hot does not mean I’m getting pregnant.”
“AH HAH, so you agree she’s hot!”
“Okay that’s it.” You stand up and start grabbing your things, trying to shake off what Sol just insisted.
“Waitttt, where are you going?”
“Lunch, away from you.”
“NOOOO, I was kidding, okay fine, at least have lunch with me, you can try on your dress.”
“You have my dress already? Wait- when is it?” Sounding hesitant, thinking you had more time until the ball.
“Heh, tonight.”
You freeze and stop in your tracks, a million thoughts illuminating your mind, what’re you going to wear, make up, shoes, hair, hookups??? And maybe the fact that you’re going to be in a room highlighted with the word danger. Not saying that weapons would be blazing all over the room, but you felt a sense of caution attending, Jenna had enemies, it’s the mafia, without enemies are you really in the mafia. Her main enemy though was the other mafia family, the hierarchy goes Ortega and then Marcello, they were also feared but Ortega was more liked. You never liked that life, the whole mafia thing, sure it was family oriented, and they never killed anyone who didn’t deserve it, no women, no children, well Ortega anyways, Marcello ran on different values, they were ruthless, but they knew better than to cross Ortega’s lines, it was the one thing they feared, and they could never find a way to make Jenna vulnerable, Jenna would loves herself and the family too much to let herself be vulnerable. She is Bay city’s most feared and most eligible bachelorette.
Sol cups your face and blows on you “there is plenty of time, you’re leaving early, we’re going to get lunch, then you’re going to try on your dress, you get ready, and I will do your hair and makeup, make Jenna fiend for you.”
“You have got to calm it with Jenna.”
“Yeah, whatever come on.”
Back at your green infested loft, adorned with all the books, warmth, and plant babies you could ever imagine, you get Sol to place a blindfold on you so the first time you’d see the dress is when she takes off your blindfold in front of your mirror.
“Are you ready?”
As she takes off the blindfold, your eyes take a second to focus on your figure in the mirror, a floor length, ruby red dress drapes and cherishes every beautiful curve of yours, the high slit showcasing your leg accentuates your ass, every cinch of the corset top pushing up your ample bosom, with just enough fabric draping over your shoulders, but not enough to call them sleeves.
“Wow.” Was all you could muster up to say, shocked at how glistening your beauty was, you can’t remember the last time you felt this way about yourself.
“Wow, indeed, but honestly, you deserve more than a wow, you’ll capture everyone’s eyes, and especially Jenna’s eyes.”
You let out a soft giggle, opening your arms and taking her in, “thank you so much for this.” She was taller than you so one hand rests on your head and the other around your back and waist whilst your arms bear hugged her entire waist.
“You deserve it, love, now come on, we have to do your hair and makeup.”
Stepping into Ortega towers was every bit of excitement and nervousness all at once, like you were going to throw up but instead of germs and digested food, it’d be confetti. A red carpet was rolled out for guests and paparazzi hugged both sides of walk behind golden ropes, you were a nobody, so you wanted to swift your way into the building. You couldn’t help but take in the city views even if you were at ground level, and the towering building in front of you captured every breath in your lungs, it was an architectural dream, heights reaching mountains but curves and twists and openings everywhere you looked. There were two main towers, the roots of the building curving towards each other and then straightening up with a long adjoining room, connecting one tower to the next, assuming that is where the ball is being held. And as if that wasn’t enough to impress you, there was one more adjoining room at the very top, like a princess keep at a castle, but instead of being the size of a small bathroom, it was the width of both towers and the gaps in between, you could only assume that is Jenna’s penthouse. Sources online stated that the towers was home to the Ortega family, where Jenna spent the most time, where missions and meetings were officialised, an office space for hundreds of workers, and a tactical space for hundreds more body guards and loyal subjects, and a small rumour suggests that there is an unground vault filled all the riches you could imagine, and of-course, every weapon they needed.
The blinding lights stung your eyes, but luckily it took a matter of seconds for you to get in. Though your gold mask with intricate designs hugging your face didn’t help as the lights just reflected gold flashes into your eyes, part of that mask covered the top left side of your face and your entire forehead, leaving the right side naked but the mask hid your identity enough. You were met with security looking at every guest’s invitation, handing them yours, you were given the okay, batches of people swarm the elevators trying to get to the ball. Luckily you didn’t have to try that hard as, despite the hundreds of guests attending, everyone was calm, collected and all listening to security, though it might’ve been the fear that coerced them to submit to their instructions.
Once the elevator doors open the lively music entered your ears which made you laugh a bit, despite this ‘party’ being a masquerade ball, there was youth in the air, no boring classical music, but you were sure that they’d be some of that later in the night. Your first instinct was to dash for the bar, free drinks, free food, and you planned to make Jenna’s pockets hurt even just the tiniest bit, but then that motivation was short lived when your slow ass finally realised that this ball would have thousands of sponsors and donations.
“Hey! What can I get you?” A bartender greets you with a warm smile.
“Pornstar martini, please.” Keeping it on the sweet side, and plus you didn’t want to make a face every time you took a sip out of your drink because the alcohol taste was too strong.
“I like your style, ma’am, coming right up.”
You take mental notes of your surroundings and what your vision is telling you, you would’ve brought along a small note pad or pulled out your phone, but now was not the time, and you’d be caught dead before someone thought of you as that cliché quirky girl trying to be different so you could catch someone’s attention. Noting your surroundings, you see a bunch of masks, no shit, but you realise all the workers and body guards had matching suits, uniforms and masks, workers and body guards having different looks but under those subcategories, they were all matching, it was cute but a bit cliché you admit. Not wanting to expose yourself as a journalist straight away, you make small talk with the bartender, asking questions that wouldn’t compromise you.
“Soooo, I’m kinda new to this scene, who do you think is worth my time?”
“Well ma’am, look around and try to scan people’s faces and mannerisms, I’m sure you’ll be able to spot out some celebrities, find the ones you love and charm them, they’ll make great company for tonight.”
“And the host?”
“Heh, Ms. Ortega likes to keep it on the downlow, if you catch her attention, she’ll come to you, but her groupies always get to her first, and because their hearts are filled with greed and lust, they’ll never give her back to the party.”
“Lust rearranged is slut, KIDDING, KIDDING, I’m sure they have their reasons of wanting her.”
“No, you’re right, cus all they want is money, never genuine, always just sex.”
“But Ms. Ortega is a playgirl, she enjoys it too much to let them go?”
“Right on the nose ma’am.”
You give gratitude to the bartender for keeping you company and allowing yourself to get comfortable and adapt to the scene, but you had to let them go and do their job or I’m sure someone would’ve complained or worse, someone might’ve thought you were hitting on them or vice versa. Making small talk with strangers always pained you but you were good at it, one of the many perks about journalism, the information you want, you’d get it one way or another. But alas the open bar finally catches up to you when a tall, with a heavy dusk scent interrupts a rather pleasant conversation with the superiors of a pharmaceutical company.
“Heyyy, baby.” He slurs, trying to inch closer to you grabbing your waist but you wiggle out of his grasp, standing your ground behind your company.
“Sir, you have no business disturbing this young woman.”
“Well, you have no business disturbing the party in my pants, this young woman was going to attend.”
His comments made you sick, your shoulders tense up as you try to shake the feeling of his touch away. You had the tendency to shut down during situations like these, you want to scream, want to stand your ground, but your body wouldn’t let you, instead you hold your fort and protect yourself, shielding your cage from any comments that came towards you.
“Aw, now you’re silent, come here and I could have you screaming all night.” He reaches out for your wrist but luckily security got to him first, and they were anything but gentle, you were glad though, he got what was coming to him. It did surprise you that security apologised for his behaviour, giving you a gentle smile all at the same time inducing a fear into the man who disturbed your evening.
“Oh my, Ms, are you okay?” A man from your company asks you, sounding genuinely concerned.
“Yes, thank you, I’m okay, I’ve been through worse.”
“We’re glad to hear that you’re okay, would you like anything? Water?”
“Nooo, thank you for the offer though, but I’m really fine, thanks for calling security though.”
A look of confusion clicks on their face, almost simultaneously too.
“Uh, as much as we wanted to, we didn’t call them, we couldn’t find one in time.”
“Oh, weird, but luckily they saw, anyways, it was really lovely chatting to you guys, but I’m going to head out for some fresh air.”
“No worries at all Ms. L/N, you were a pleasure, please, you’re more than welcome to come up and chat again when you come back.”
Their comments warmed your heart, you shook all their hands, giving them a smile and moved towards the nearest door to a balcony. Once you stepped outside the cold yet refreshing breeze wrapped around your skin, making you shiver a little, but your body warmth and adrenaline was enough to calm the goosebumps down. To keep time going, you admire the city lights, you were so in love with San Francisco, and you were convinced it was in love with you too the way it welcomed you into its economic heart. Out in the distance you could see the iconic Golden Gate Bridge, blinkering and flaunting its lights to the entire city whilst providing guidance to the cars and vehicles passing through. You were in a trance, but there were no complaints coming out of you, just serenity. Too hyper focused on the view you didn’t hear the door open behind you and you certainly did not feel the presence of another body walking towards you.
“Enjoying the view?” Anonymous asks, after the whole fiasco with that grotty man, you were sure to be careful of random people coming up to you but something in you told you not to worry, the city spoke to you, and you listened.
“Very much, I’m so in love.” To your obliviousness, you don’t realise the other body with you is her. Jenna Ortega. The head and heir to the Ortega mafia family.
“Any right-minded person would be jealous of the love you have for the city.”
You giggle, and realise you feel your blood raise to your skin and your heart rhythm picks up a pace but wanting to keep their anonymity and for your own mysterious fun, you don’t turn around.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means any person would be jealous a city is getting your love rather than them.”
“Who says my love is worthy?”
“A beautiful woman like you? I can only imagine a small amount of the love you hold.”
“Beautiful? You don’t know what I look like.”
“Oh, please Ms L/N, you’ve been grabbing my attention all night, everywhere I looked, there you were, the light reflecting your beauty. But then an ugly man stood in your way, so I had to send security to escort him out, well throw him out, as you saw.”
Your heart fastens, you were sure it was going to jump out in a second, oh how badly you want to look, but you can’t. This was too much fun. However, this was the way to grab your attention, definitely not like how that man was doing earlier.
“You know how to charm a lady.”
“I try, might I ask, what do you think about the host.”
You let out a small huff of air, ironically this was your line, but now you’re the one being asked, you were at a standstill.
“Jenna? I don’t know, she’s a hard book to read.”
“And you’re good at reading people?”
“The best, but I don’t know, people are scared of her, the most feared women in America.”
Jenna giggles.
“You’re not scared?”
“Hmm, no, mind over matter always, she can have all these weapons and power, but I don’t know her mind, her true mind, so I have nothing to fear.” There was a slight bluff in that line, of-course you were slightly scared of her, who wouldn’t be? But that fear was surface level, just guns and weapons and power.
Though you couldn’t see who you were talking to, you could feel a smile form on their lips, but more of a proud smirk.
“Do you think she’s hot though?”
Okay, now that, that definitely grounded you to reality, that question hit you like a brick, it was so out of place, so unexpected, curious as ever, you finally turn around to greet the other soul aligning with yours.
Jenna. Fuck, y/n you’re so stupid, should’ve turned around earlier, just stay calm.
“Cats got your tongue? Or were you lying about not being scared?”
She’s wearing an emerald green suit that hugged her curves and angles, leaving the top few buttons undone, with an undone bow tie around her neck.
“No,” letting it out accompanied by a breath out, “I’m just surprised that you would come up to me.”
“There’s a pretty lady at my party, I want to talk to her, I go talk to her.”
“There are other pretty ladies here, and you can’t see half my face, I can’t say the same for you though, the host of a masquerade doesn’t wear a mask? That’s a Pandora’s box.”
Her eyebrows raise, a slight smirk forms before her mouth forms an O, clearly showcasing her tongue poking the side of her cheek.
“A mask means I have secrets, and I, have no secrets, an open book.”
“That’s ironic” you mumble.
“What’s that?”
“You say you have no secrets, but it’s a mission and a half to get an exclusive with you.”
“Rising star journalist.” Her eyes squint at your attempt to boost your ego.
“I could give you an exclusive upstairs.” You may be oblivious but you’re not naïve, you play along though, you were exclusive hungry, but you definitely weren’t going to open your legs for her.
“Lead the way.” She offers her hand, and you accept, now with each other’s arms linked, she leads you to an elevator, only accessible by her and her most trusted companions.
“Holy shit that’s Steph and Ayesha Curry!”
“Oh, hahaha yes, they’re close friends of mine, now do you want the Curry’s or the exclusive?”
“Don’t be greedy.”
“You’re the one whisking me away, so you can have me all to yourself.”
“Maybe, but you were the one who asked for something.”
Though there were two of you, the negative space in the elevator was filled with tension, making sure not to make eye contact with the mafia leader.
“You never answered the question, do you think Jenna is hot?”
You lean in, making sure to work her up in all the right places, even placing your hand on her waist.
“Hmm, nope. Desperate? Maybe. But hot? That’s a different story.”
“You’re playing hard to get.”
“Awe, poor baby, it’s tough not getting everything you want.” You flaunt a comedic pout at her but all she does is rolls her eyes.
As the elevators open, your mouth drops in sync with the slides, her penthouse was breath taking, though it was night time, the city lights lit up the room giving it a dark, twilight feel.
“It’s okay.” She shakes it off.
“Way to be humble.”
“I am rich, sexy, kind, loving and humble.”
You scoff and roll your eyes, your subconscious taking a hold of you as it drags your physical body in.
Jenna starts pouring two glasses of Dom Pérignon for you two to enjoy. Making you laugh because no one had access to this downstairs, yes, downstairs had top shelf drinks, but not Dom, they didn’t have Dom.
A simultaneous “cheers” escapes your mouths as your glasses clink in unison.
“Before I start rambling on about me, tell me about yourself, I want to know you, the true you.”
“That seems fair, well since you already know my name, let’s skip that.” Jenna winks at you. “I never knew what a home was growing up, I was in foster care my entire childhood and teenage years, in many houses, but never homes only leaving the system because I turned 18, I never knew who my birth parents were, nor do I care, I’ve made it through life without them, made something out of myself, made my own name, and that’s when I learnt I could build a home for myself. And I did, I moved here, landed an amazing job at Bayseyes, and the CEO of the company? She’s my lifeline, my saving grace, she is my home. Oh, and uh, my favourite colour is red, evidently.” You smile, looking down at your dress. Making Jenna smile too as she analyses each body part of yours and skin that shows.
“You are one interesting book Ms. L/N.” Jenna darts her eyes to yours, soul to soul, down at your lips and back to your eyes, you know what she wants, she wants you. But doubts ran your mind asking if you want her.
You gasp and take a step back.
“Do you hate me?”
“You have a chance with America’s most lusted woman, and you’re turning me down.”
“Okay first of all, that ego of yours, too big, second of all, who says I want this.”
“Who doesn’t?”
“Watch it.”
“Watch yourself, like you said everyone fears me, don’t forget how powerful I am.” Her tone sounds awry, evidently you pissed her off, but maybe she deserved it.
No words could leave your mouth after that, maybe then you truly knew her mind, her true mind, and that made answering no to her earlier question even easier, no, you didn’t find her hot, you found her revolting. You mouth a wowww, your eyes widening and your lips purse in, and you swear for a slight second you see Jenna vulnerable; you see her weak.  
“I should go, thanks for the drinks though.”
As you turn to leave the elevator doors open, a woman dressed, definitely not for the ball struts in, her scent reeking of desperation.
“Jenna, sugar bear, where have you been. I miss you! What, who’s this slut?”
As if you thought your eyes couldn’t widen anymore, you were wrong. As if Jenna couldn’t get more pissed, you were wrong, the fury in her pupils, your rejection already knocked her off course, she didn’t need a groupie barging in without announcement.
“This slut is about to leave.”
“Good.” Both exclaim.
But before you could turn and leave the doors open again, this time, a very aesthetically pretty lady, 5’5, brunette hair, adorned with layers and tan skin rushes in.
“JENNA, oh my, I’m so sorry, I tried to stop her.”
“No, it’s fine, Viv, she can stay, she, however, was just leaving, please show her the way out.”
She nods and you follow, but before turning your head, you see Jenna land a kiss on the other girl’s cheek, whispering in her ear, you guess it was something along the lines of meeting her in the bedroom, since the pattering legs ran to the bedroom. You don’t care though, it made you sick, that’s all you know.
Before the doors close, Jenna tries one more time, determined not to give up, rejection was something she never knew.
“Leave me with a kiss?”
You let out a slight laugh, almost mocking her, she was everything you were against, how could you open your soul to someone like her.
“Not when you’re everything I’m against.”
“How so?”
“Well, there’s a glock attached to your lumbar underneath your blazer.”
You smile.
“Goodbye, Ms. Ortega.”
Viv was there to witness every interaction she could have seen, and wow, she was shocked, she had never seen someone with such fire blow off Jenna like that, she liked you.
“I’m Viv, by the way.” She smiles, offering to shake your hand, you accept.
“Oh, how pretty, I’m-.”
“Y/N, uh yes, sorry ahah, I know, you’re the talk of the towers.”
“Just the staff and guards and the subjects, so uh, maybe the whole Ortega family.”
“No, no, we all like you, we find you interesting, we’ve never seen Jenna fiend for someone like that, it was refreshing, but you know, she’s not always like that, the way you saw her, in her penthouse.”
“Forgive me if I find that hard to believe. So, are you like her right-hand man? Woman?”
“Yeah, something like that, I handle mainly the business side, but I could whoop ass if I wanted to, her other right-hand man, the physical, more mafia side is Bruce, he was the guard that threw the guy out, the one who was harassing you.”
“OH! He was sweet, he smiled at me.”
“Lucky you, that means he likes you.”
As you step out the elevators into the main lobby, you can’t help but feel a sense of the unknown, there was lingering fire in you that you couldn’t pinpoint the origin, was it desire? Hatred? Lust? Regret? Hell, maybe even hunger.
“Thank you, Viv.”
“It’s no problem, Y/N, it was very nice to meet you, I hope our paths cross again!”
You hug her and she reciprocates it, just before hopping into your uber to take you home.
As you got home, you had a sense of urgency to write, that electricity was back, you didn’t care about changing or freshening up, the words were flowing out of you and you needed to let it out, you are so sure this is your best work, you want this article published tonight so you type away. You have no control over your fingers, they were doing all the work, you just had to trust them.
… whether it be by her heart, her touch, or her gun, anyone that knows the elusive Ms. Ortega is destined to fall.
Thank you for your support <3 I hope you enjoyed! 🦦
305 notes · View notes
kookslastbutton · 11 months
Fine Print ༓ jjk, kth (m) || ch. I
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✑ Summary: Your boss needs you to strike a deal with one of South Korea's biggest business tycoon, Kim Taehyung. What he didn't tell you though, was that Jeon Jungkook, his negligent heir, would be accompanying you the whole time. Isn't this just peachy?
Pairing: company heir!jungkook x fem!reader x ceo!taehyung (not poly)
AU/genre: angst, humor, fluff, smut, stuck together, office au, coworkers2lovers, lo-love triangle (do I dare? yes, yes I do), mini-series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 4.1k+
Now playing: Softcore, Do I Wanna Know?, Blank Space...
Warnings: Not too many this chapter but main ones are swearing, bickering, jk is kind of a kluts so he ain't exactly prince charming right now, reader is ticked obvs, accidental t*tty flash, oh and reader has a cat!
@coralmusicblaze @seokjins-luigi @oopscoop @chanjwl @taebangtanbabe @j3oooonsnsns
A/N: Here it is! Late again, I know, so thank you to anyone who's been waiting. I'm super excited about this mini-series! FYI I've decided not to make chapters too long so I'm more likely to update faster. Enjoy and lmk what you think. My asks are open 💞
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It's been three hours on the phone with your sister.
'Have you eaten anything yet? Oh dear, why not? Go eat right now!'
'You better not be pregnant __. I'm not ready to be an aunt yet!'
"There are more important things than work you know. I know it's hard to admit but, distance is good so you don't become dull and boring. Get away for a while. You can come up to my place for a few if you need.'
Although Y/S/N is only four years older, she's always had the compulsion to act like your mother. Constantly checking up on you, giving unsolicited advice, and spewing opinions were her specialty.
It's not that you mind hours of conversations over the phone and it's not entirely dreadful. But your energy is surely spent after. Guess that's family for you.
"Really, I'm fine," you answer back. "Don't worry about me so much. And yes I ate, no I'm not pregnant, and I can't afford a break from work right now but I'll see you as soon as I can."
Once the phone slips from your ear, you release a soft huff. Finally. You allow your mind to go blank before something long and sleek brushes against your calf. You can't help but break into a smile and crouch down on the floor to confront the source.
"Did you miss me baby?"
"I missed you too." You pick up Kumo, your 3-year-old Siamese. Kumo lived at a local rescue league for a year before you adopted him. You weren't sure you'd be able to take care of a cat when a friend suggested it. But once you saw Kumo's shimmering blue eyes, you knew you weren't walking out empty-handed.
Kumo kneads your sleeve, ears relaxing as you stroke his back. Each gentle purr reminds you why you consider him your best form of therapy. "Good boy Kumo. I wish I could take you to work with me...silly company policy."
A few strokes later and Kumo starts wiggling in your arms. Claws prick your skin, telling you he's had enough lovey-dovey for now. You suppose it's nearly time for his late night snack.
"Alright I gotcha," you say, setting him near his food dish. Kumo gladly jumps out of your arms to attack the last remaining pebbles in his bowl. "Mom should get something to eat too shouldn't she?"
Truth be told you actually hadn't eaten all day. And though you never meant for it to happen, it's a regular occurrence. Your sister would go absolutely off if she found out which is why you sorta...don't tell her?
Feeling your body aching, you pop a few pieces of fruit in your mouth before deciding to hit the shower. Not the most substantial option but you're ready to crash and crash hard. You'll eat in the morning, for sure. You plug your cell in by the nightstand but before you turn to leave, a notification drops on the screen.
CEO Jeon: __, sorry to be reaching out this late. I need you to come by my office around 2:30 tomorrow if you can. There's something urgent I need to discuss with you. [sent at 9:03pm]
You re-read the message twice before typing out a reply. What could be this urgent? Are you being let go? Dammit, don't think like that. Surely he wouldn't.
__: Of course Saengnim. I'll be there at 2:30pm. Is everything alright? [sent at 9:07pm]
CEO Jeon: Thank you __. Everything's fine, only a slight change of plans. Have a good night. [sent at 9:08pm]
Still unsettled, you're tempted to press further. But being your boss, you let it go. The risk of grilling him for answers wasn't something you were willing to take.
Probably has to do with a new product launch or something, you think. The company's always pumping out new tech. Nothing's been as successful as those smart lights though. They were the true turning point for the company.
With a long exasperated sigh, you grab a towel from the bathroom closet and turn on the shower knob. Whatever it is, you'll find out tomorrow.
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"Get your feet off my desk Jungkook."
He looks at you with his notorious bambi eyes, hands laced behind his neck. He's got a stripped dress shirt on, untucked, over a pair of light-washed jeans. Who let the kid in your office?
"I did." He says. "And you're not allowed to call me kid when I'm only three years younger than you."
So you said that kid thing out loud—classic.
"You can't be in here without permission Jungkook." You ignore his comment and hang your jacket on the hook behind the door.
Jungkook eyes you from the other other side of the desk. He takes in your perfectly fitted white blouse, sleek black slacks, and shiny heels. Always so put together, he thinks. A little too posh for his taste personally.
"You know my daddy owns this office." He clicks his tongue. "So technically, I kinda already got permission and all."
You hate when he uses that card. Like being the boss's son suddenly alleviates him from standard office protocol. You promise, the day this irritable little prick takes over the company will be the day you quit. Good thing that won't be for a long time though. Jungkook is far from ready to run a multibillion-dollar company.
You place a hand on your hip. "Is there something I can do for you? Because I have a very generous to-do list and babysitting you isn't on there."
Jungkook sweeps his feet off the mahogany surface. His posture straightens as he strolls his chair, or rather your chair, closer to the desk. "I'm glad you asked." He clutches his hands together, as if serious. "I need a partner."
You hold back a snort. This better not be what it sounds like. "Nice try but I'm not going out with you Jungkook."
"Oh gosh no, that's not what I meant." He shakes his head. "Pretty sure we'd both get in trouble then, given our relationship. Plus…you're not really my type."
"Okay, so there's something we can agree on." Jungkook openly admitting he isn't attracted to you is the least of your concerns. You aren't necessarily fond of him either. "What do you need me to do then? Set you up with someone? Get to the point please."
"I'm not talking about that type of partner __. I mean a work partner."
You feel the hand on your hip slowly glide down your figure. Work partner? Jungkook notices the blood immediately rush from your face. "I'm listening," you mumble.
"Yeah so uh, my dad wants me to get more exposure to the company because I'll be running it one day or whatever. Apparently, there's some business trip coming up that's a really big deal and I'm supposed to go. I was told you have the reigns on it. So I'm gonna need to be like your partner or something. I guess it's already decided actually, sorry.”
The words hardly register in your brain. He couldn't be talking about the business trip. The one that's been rattling in your brain, keeping you up day and night. Your boss assigned it to you months in advance, saying you'd be able to network with the company's potential client best.
You were confident in taking on such a task until you learned it wasn't just any client. It was Kim Taehyung, CEO of the biggest and most luxurious hotel chain in South Korea; White Lotus. Hearing his name alone made your toes curl. Nevertheless, you've been doing all you can to prepare for the official meeting. Having Jungkook there to breathe unnecessary stress down your neck wasn't part of the plan. And oh my god...it's in two days!
"Uh, well um, okay" is all you can reply amongst your jumbled-up thoughts.
Jungkook, completely opposite expression, breaks out into a big wide grin. "Okay, it's settled then! Who we meeting? Kim Taeyang or something?"
"Really Jungkook? Kim Taeyang?" You circle your temple knowing full well what your future was about to behold. This must be what your boss wanted to meet about. The fact that he said this was merely a "slight change of plans" is alarmingly irksome. Oh, you're definitely getting that drink after work. "It's Taehyung," you correct. "Wait...what time is it?"
Jungkook checks his phone. "Uhm..about 2:20."
Dammit. Pressed for time, you stride around your desk and pick up a folder from a stack of documents. "Sorry to cut this short but you're going to have to leave now. I have a meeting in ten minutes and you can't be here."
With furrowed brows, Jungkook lets out a small grunt. It doesn't seem to be from a place of anger but rather, disappointment. "What about the business trip with Taehyang? You still have to get me up to speed and stuff!"
"For the last time, it's Kim Taehyung. Taehyung." You stress every syllable of his name before rubbing your forehead. "You might wanna get his name right before you shake his hand in two days!"
"Well, what am I supposed to do? I'm here all day! I kinda need you."
Anxiously, you flip the folder open and scan through each page. "I don't know, do some research about Kim and his hotel chain. If you're coming on the trip you need to know a thing or two."
"Off you go," you say, smacking him with the folder in hand. "Beat it."
"That's no way to treat your work partner or better yet, future ceo __."
"Out Jungkook. I'll talk you to later."
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Your boss rounds the corner of his desk, a glass of scotch in hand. He invites you to take a seat before getting down to the heart of it. "Now that Jungkook's 25 he needs to start preparing for his future," he says. "I'm well aware that he's not yet ready to take over as CEO, which is why I've decided that he go with you on this very critical business trip. You've been a loyal part of my team these past five years and I trust you to help guide Jungkook into the next stage of his life."
"Sir, I am pleased that you'd think of me in this way, however, the meeting is in two days. Kim Taehyung is someone who we both know expects perfection. I'm well prepared to have this discussion with him regarding our transaction but I'm concerned that Jungkook won't have enough time to."
"I understand your concern. But not to worry, Ms. __. Jungkook is merely there to observe so you shouldn't need to worry about him saying something he shan't. You'll still be taking the lead on everything."
"Sir I–"
"__. I know its very last minute. And my son has his challenges but I'm afraid this isn't a choice for you. But I tell you what. If you do this for me and you manage to seal the deal with Kim, I guarantee you'll be very well compensated."
The replay of your earlier meeting with your boss brews in the back of your mind. You nearly forget where you are until your friend pipes up from across the table.
“You’re kidding," the younger woman says, nearly spitting out her drink.
“I wish I was.” The dryness in your tone is unmistakable. "My boss said he insists that his son, who by the way has barely stepped foot in the company, be involved in one of the biggest business transactions in years. How am I supposed to sell smart tech to Kim Taehyung with that kid fiddling with god knows what beside me?"
The woman, Eun-ji, flashes you her famous side-eye. “Oh stop complaining __, it'll cause wrinkles. Besides that kid is basically the same age as you. But more importantly, he's hot.” She gives you a light shove. “Don’t pretend you don't know it.”
You shake your head and take a sip of your cocktail. Eun-ji may be one of your closest friends but damn was that girl relentless. Constantly giggling over you and Jungkook going away for a few days is just another one of her matchmaking attempts. Yesterday it was the overly friendly man at the bakery, today it’s your boss’s nuisance of a son.
A blaring light suddenly gets shoved in front of you mid-thought, causing your face to jolt back. Your eyes struggle to adjust to the blinding brightness of the phone screen. “What the hell Eun-ji? Get Jungkook out of my face.”
Eun-ji swipes left, revealing another ridiculous photo of Jungkook posing as the next prodigy of business. “The one to watch” or some shit. “Look at that face __, and those muscles. You can’t hate him forever.”
You scrunch your face. “I never said I hated him Eun-ji. I’m a grown woman for god sak–okay that's enough!” You push the phone abruptly back. “I don’t want to see my boss’s son in Calvin Klien's underwear, please.”
Eun-ji chuckles and sets her phone down. “Sorry, accident.” She casually folds her arms on the wood surface and leans forward. “But seriously, three days alone with Jungkook in the most glamorous hotel in Seoul and you don’t think anything of it?”
“I’m not having sex with Jungkook if that's what you're getting at. And yes, we’ll be in a fancy-ass hotel with joint rooms,” you say emphasizing the joint part. “But it’s not a leisure trip. I’m going there to form some sort of partnership or deal with Kim and Jungkook happens to be carry-on luggage. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“Fine. Have it your way.” Slowly, Eun-ji falls back in her chair. Her eyes flicker to a far corner of the restaurant before the same sly expression returns. “So how do you feel about meeting Kim Taehyung, the beast of business and hospitality himself?”
“Still a little shaken up but I've had several variations of these meetings before. Kim Taehyung is just a man and I can handle him.”
“Come on __, extend me a branch," Eun-ji say with a slight whine. "Maybe Jungkook gets by but not Kim Taheyung. We both know you've been head over heels for him in Lalaland ever since he made front and center with the press."
Tugging your bottom lip you desperately try suppressing a grin. "That's such an exaggeration. I'm not–"
"I've known you for ten years __. You're always, and I mean always weak for an intelligent, sexy, business-savvy brain. Kim far surpasses the bill."
"Alright fine, fine fine fine," you chant, giving up. "You're right. I'm still nervous as hell about meeting Taehyung and hope to death I don't fumble. Happy?"
Pleased, Eun-ji lets out a wide grin that tells you she's now concocting a soap opera with you and Taehyung as the main leads. "That's all I wanted to hear," she coos.
"Promise me you'll take good care of Komu? We leave Friday morning."
"Of course, I will," she says, leaning forward to gently grip your shoulder. "Kumo and I are going to have three full days of watching reruns of Love Island. Kai Fagan and Sanam Harrinanan are his favorites."
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Friday - 8:04 a.m.
"If you don't get here in the next fifteen minutes I'm leaving with or without you Jungkook." You stroll your suitcase into the boarding line outside your gate. You and Jungkook's flight to Seoul was scheduled to take off in twenty minutes but your partner, get this, woke up late and is now running ridiculously behind.
"Yeah, try explaining why you ditched me at the airport to my dad __." Was it just you or was Jungkook's voice even more annoying over the phone than in person? God you could strangle him right now. You suggested carpooling over well ahead of time to make it easy but no, his highness didn't want to.
"Listen __,"Jungkook continues. "I'm at security right now and I'm rushing as fast as I can. The line isn't too bad now so I'll be there in ten. I'm sure."
"Okay, but don't muck around too much. And make sure to take off your belt before you go through security."
"Yes mom."
"Don't ever call me that," you grit.
On the other end, Jungkook chuckles, relishing in your distaste. "What if I put a couple letters on the end though? You seem the type to be into momm—"
"Just get here!" You hang up instantly. What the hell was he on?
Twelve minutes pass and you're again checking your phone feverishly. Jungkook was supposed to be here by now but there hasn't been any sight of him. You're about to ring him up for the third time today when you feel a body brush against your arm.
"Sorry!" Jungkook leans on the handle of his suitcase, taking deep breaths. "There was...someone had a pocket knife in front of me and it held us up."
"Well if you had–" You pause realizing you really are starting to sound like a mom. So much so that you're making your own skin crawl. You recall Eun-ji's wise words a couple days ago. 'Stop complaining __, it'll cause wrinkles.'
'"It's alright," you mutter. "At least you're here."
"Really? That's it? Thought you were gonna scold me again. 'Jungkook you friggin' embarrassment, I told you to leave early so we'd be here on time. You're lucky I don't send you back to your dad and doom your future right now'."
Oh fuck no. He did not just try imitating you and in such a horrid voice too.
"That's not how I sound and you know it."
Jungkook snorts at your sour face. He isn't trying to be a thorn in the side but he's also not about to let you keep your stiff exterior. Being a CEO's son showed him the true price of being an uptight businessman and it isn't in his interest to let another person, especially his age, live life not knowing how to relax and what was that phrase...smell the roses?
"C'mon sunshine, I'm just kidding around," he says. "Also, glass half full, I did make it here before the plane took off. First day on the job and I'm already killing it."
"How about I make you my assistant instead of a partner," you bite. "And you only talk when spoken to?"
"You wouldn't."
Line finally starting to move you tighten the grip on your luggage and move with the crowd. You tilt your head to the side and flash Jungkook a tight lipped smile that said, 'try it bitch'.
"You're cruel you know that?" Jungkook grabs his own luggage and follows your lead.
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Stunning. Immaculate. Expensive.
The list goes on as you and Jungkook walk through the golden doors of White Lotus. Everywhere you look, masterpieces from the great masters hang from the walls and cover the ceiling. You notice the same gold on the door is used as trim for the ceiling as decorative accents mount its corners. Dangling above is a giant glass chandelier, while below you are beige marble floors.
Taehyung certainly doesn't skimp, does he...
"Welcome to White Lotus," the receptionist says. "Do you have a reservation?"
Blinking yourself out of your daze, you walk up to the receptionist's desk. "Yes, we're here under the name Jeon." You usher Jungkook over who takes his ID out of his wallet. The receptionist scans both yours and his before sliding them back.
"Saengnim has been expecting you Ms. __," the woman says. "He's absolutely delighted you're here. Your rooms will be on the 29th floor, breakfast is 7am-10am, and wifi is inside." You're handed two key cards with a warm smile.
"Thank you, Hana," you say, reading the woman's name tag. "We're privileged to be in such a beautiful place."
"Isn't it?" Hana sweeps her eyes around the room with wonder. "Saengnim chooses each and every part of this hotel with immense detail. He wants every guest to be met with the best service and completely dazzled."
"It would seem so," you reply, following her trail. "This is by far, the most extravagant hotel I've ever stayed in. It's clear how it has earned an unbelievably positive reputation. Its creator loves it, cherishes it as his own."
Meeting your eyes again, Hana retains her warm smile. "I'm glad you see it too. It's true Saengnim has poured his heart and soul into White Lotus. Guests from all over the world have come just to see what Saengnim designed. And sometimes, they even get to meet him." Hana suddenly pauses, a hint of shyness creeping up on her cheeks. "Forgive me, I don't mean to keep you. I should let you both rest."
"No, please don't apologize," you urge. "It's great to see such admiration." Evidently, Kim Taheyung isn't the only one who has been dedicated to White Lotus. You and Jungkook bid Hana good night for the evening then follow the bellhop to the elevator.
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"So tomorrow, remember, let me handle Kim."
"Okay yeah, I gotcha." Jungkook grazes the blackout curtains with the tips of his fingers. He peaks out the window next, taking in the breathtaking view of Seoul at night.
"Are you even listening to me?"
The man turns around, flinging his arms in the air. "Honestly, not really. Look at this room __. It's fucking huge!"
"I know, it's so ethereal. But I need you to concentrate for a second. Our meeting starts tomorrow and I need us to be on the same page. Technically, we'll be touring the hotel with Kim and whatnot so nothing's getting signed, but still. We can't be underprepared."
"I will talk as little as possible. I give you my word."
"Good." You give a slight nod and hoist your suitcase on the bed. "By the way, did you find out anything about Kim's background?"
"Uh shit–knew I forgot something. I'm going to read up about him right now!" In a mad hurry, Jungkook heads for his room.
"Wait, before you go–"
Dammit. You'll just text him.
__: Don't forget we meet Kim at 9 a.m. [sent at 9:56pm]
Jungkook: I'll be up at 6 a.m. Gotta scope out Kim's gym while I'm here. Bet it's loaded with the best equipment. You should join me! [sent at 9:58pm]
__: Mm, thanks but no thanks. [sent at 10:00pm]
Jungkook: Suit yourself. See ya in the morning!! [sent at 10:03pm]
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Alright __, you've showered, gone over your notes, hell you even practiced a few lines in front of the bathroom mirror. It's time to sleep. Lazily, you flop yourself on the bed, starfish and all. You feel your eyelids closing, pulling you into dreamland until a cool breeze tickles your bare thighs.
"Ugh", you groan.
You forgot you were still in your robe. Would it be horrible to just sleep naked tonight? Sitting upright you fiddle with the knot of the silk material. Not a bad idea, __. You start loosening the knot before shaking the robe off your shoulders. You let out a–
"__!" Without warning the joint door between you and Jungkook thrusts open. Your partner bursts through your room, eyes shifting into a bugged-out expression when he sees your nearly bare state.
"Oh my god, Jungkook! You can't just come in like that, fuck!" Panicked, you wrap the material back around your chest, clinging it tight against your breasts. "Go back, go back until I say come in!"
Stunned look on his face, Jungkook retreats to his room. He ends up bumping into the doorframe clumsily before slamming the door shut. "I'm so sorry __! Shit, I didn't mean to walk in on you or anything. It's...I came in because something happened. Fuck, I swear I didn't see anything. It was like a blur."
You quickly retie the straps of your robe, mentally calming yourself. "Jungkook if you have any respect for me, please forget this. And for the love of might, don't tell anyone!"
"No, of course not! I-I've forgotten already." On the other side of the door, Jungkook curses himself. 'Are you a fucking idiot or something? Just walking into her room like that this late at night.' He paces in a small circle, fists clenched. "Okay, breathe. It's just tits. Tits Jungkook, you've seen–fuck!'
Why? Why did he have to be here?! From Jungkook almost missing this morning's flight to being overwhelmingly underprepared for tomorrow's meeting and now walking in on you, tits out and all, Jungkook is easily the worst partner you've had! No wonder you prefer working alone.
"Uhm, something..." You clear your throat. "Something happened you said?" You brace yourself for whatever chaos Jungkook's brought this time.
Jungkook is slow to form a reply but in a near whisper, he says, "I think I just met Taehyung. Actually, I know I met him. Yeah 'cause, I shook his hand...right before I spilled ice over his perfectly shined loafers. Gucci. Please don't send me back to my dad!"
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A/N: Thanks for stopping by! As always, lmk your thoughts. See ya! 💞
© kookslastbutton
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Potential Ango backstory. Because I like to make connections that don't exist.
I received a tag under my last post about Ango...
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I have been enabled.
What I said in that last post was that due to the disconnect between Ango's values and the values of the Special Division - in particular, their views on necessary sacrifice and the greater good - I found it odd for this to be Ango's career choice. So, I have this theory... it's really more headcanon than anything but basically, I wonder if Ango didn't choose to work there, but rather had no choice.
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First off, Ango being a government agent before he joined the Mafia means that he was already one under the age of 19... which is. Well, far from uncommon in the BSD universe but... does the government itself really not have age restrictions on potential members? Ango would've been younger than 19 when he started working for the Special Division. He was 22 ish in Dark Era, first met Oda and Dazai two years earlier, and joined the Mafia one year before that. I know we like to joke that the preferred hiring age in BSD is like... 14-15, but for the Mafia, this makes sense - there's no hiring age there; most of them are or were kids with nowhere else to go. Fukuzawa hires minors who typically also have nowhere to go. Ango was really young when he joined the Special Division. Since they would, at least, have to follow some laws (I believe anyways), the circumstances of Ango's joining were probably not the usual.
Here's another weird bit: the government sent a 19 year old spy to infiltrate the Mafia, one who was too low-ranked to have any say in decisions (he had no say in their sending in of Shibusawa, for instance). That's... weird, on it's own. He had no influence but they felt certain the man wouldn't betray them or get caught? That's a lot of faith to place in him. Now, granted, he's a very reliable person and his ability is absolutely the reason he was selected - but it's still strange.
You might be thinking, okay, but what about his replacement? Tachihara was sent in after Ango so the government could keep monitoring the mafia's activities, and he was a young, new recruit. Yes, that's true but see, here's the thing: Tachihara's nature as a Hunting Dog means the government has a guaranteed hold on him - Teruko mentions that the Hunting Dogs need to undergo monthly surgeries to maintain their bodies after their enhancements. I see no reason Tachihara wouldn't have had to do the same. So, in my mind, that goes to show that they needed some kind of hold on Ango too, right? Wouldn't you want some kind of insurance on someone so presumably new?
I'm going to cut away from this for a moment so I can point out a passage from Dark Era where Oda finds how Ango (allegedly) joined the Mafia:
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The gist of it was: Ango was a hacker -> he helped a gang steal money -> the money was stolen from a Mafia front company -> Ango was on the run for several months before the Mafia caught him -> Ango's manipulation of the trackers' information was so impressive to Mori that he invited Ango to join the Mafia
Obviously, this is a cover story. But at the surface it kind of has to be true, otherwise the Mafia would know. So, it was set up for Ango to help steal that money by the government. Why this particular story though? Well, they say the best lies are often rooted in truth. Before he joined the Division, I suggest that Ango really was a hacker and seller of information. (Just fyi, his real life author inspiration was a bit of a delinquent so... make of that what you will.)
Now this next part is a mess because we still don't know how all the pieces fit together.
Remember that the Special Division, and by extension the government, are considered so incredibly powerful that they could destroy the Mafia. From Dark Era:
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That legal document appears to be the only thing that keeps ability users reasonably safe. Atsushi was being tracked as the "rampaging tiger" and had nowhere else to go. What about people like Yosano or Chuuya, associated with military research? Even Kenji - he was hired after he moved a mountain out of grief. It appears that the permit is a necessary protection to those ability users who reveal they are ability users publicly.
In Gaiden, Tsujimura explains that the Division also continuously monitors the activities of ability users. Essentially, in addition to the legal protection the permits provide, they also seem to make the Division's job of keeping track of all ability users, what they're using their abilities for, and how dangerous the abilities are, much easier. We also know that if an ability user proves too great of a threat to the general public, the Special Division can and will eliminate targets unless the target proves especially useful (ex. Ayatsuji).
Ok why am I going over all this? I'm just trying to make it clear how incredibly powerful the Division is. But what I also want to denote is that they are focused primarily on the greater good and will justify sacrifice of individuals (which contradicts Ango's beliefs directly), and they also take orders still from higher ups in the government (and the government in bsd is... a bit shifty if you ask me).
And about Ango: his values lie in life and an appreciation for it. He prioritizes memory and records, especially of those who have passed. He has many regrets and is, at heart, a kind person. However, he also has the capacity to do what "needs to be done", seems particularly vengeful and angry with Sigma for Taneda's stabbing, and was ready to shoot Atsushi when he collapsed after the Sky Casino arc. He also went from making deliberate stubborn efforts to create records of the dead, to being part of the cover up for a group of disgraced soldiers and one of his closest friends. He does things because he thinks no one else can do them - so this means it is his obligation.
So, finally, here's my deranged conspiracy: I think Ango was a hacker in his teenage years, and I think he always had the intention of preserving life in some way. Perhaps he attempted to make information about the war, or something to do with ability users, public. Whatever he found, he got in serious trouble, whether with a criminal organization, or with the government itself, I'm not clear on. Ango needed to join the Division for protection, and perhaps it was Taneda's idea to invite him, seeing that his ability would be very useful - that would explain the loyalty. It's also possible that Ango's actions resulted in a loss of life, and so he no longer trusts himself, which is why he is constantly torn between opposing values. I wonder if it was explained to Ango by the people in charge why certain information had to be withheld from the public, in such a way that he felt guilty for what he'd done - maybe that's why he's so diligent. It would be tragic if guilt turned out to have always been the motivator for his character and if he stands with the Division despite his offset values because he really does think they know how to better help people than his instinctive response ever could. While I'm sure the Division was confident in Ango's loyalty (one of his dislikes is written as betrayal for goodness sake), they also had a hold on him due to the nature of his ability. He is a walking store of classified information, which we are told repeatedly in Dark Era makes him a prime target. This means that nowhere is safe for him unless he stays with the Division. There is no guarantee that the government itself wouldn't also consider him a liability if he were to suddenly quit. In summary, Ango's joining of the Division was not a free choice, and while he likely feels grateful to people like Taneda for that chance - he also cannot leave.
Regardless of whether or not you all think I am wholly deranged now, there is definitely something to Ango we're not privy to yet. Here's some extra stuff on Ango to chew on:
He had the experience once of taking in so much information he passed out while his brain tried to process it (much like Atsushi did after Sigma transfers the information to him about the Page)
He had some run-in with Chuuya which apparently led to Chuuya owing him for something?
He seems to have been more comfortable defying expectations in the Mafia than he ever was in the Division
Thus concludes my Ango theory.
Source? Just trust me bro.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Pairing- Jungkook x Named Reader
Word count- 6.8k
Includes- First meeting, wall sex, pussy eating, blow job, deepthroating, cum eating, table sex, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine
@yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana
@tannie13 @itstyraaxx @borntowalkaway
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Jungkook POV
I make my way towards Jin, who's sitting by himself listening to the music
I've mingled with the other idols at Hobi's listening party as well as hang with Jimin and Tae
I know Jin is uncomfortable not really knowing anyone but us, Bang and P Dogg.
He was anxious before the party, worrying about talking to people he doesn't know
We assured him he doesn't have to mingle and he's been sitting alone for awhile
I decided to keep him company for a little
"Hey", I say sitting next to him
"Hey", he answers
"What are you drinking?"
I roll my eyes, "No shit. What kind?"
"Beer", he answers, handing me his cup
I take a sip
Not bad
Handing it back to him, I look for Hobi
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And proceed to choke on air
There's a girl, hugging Hobi and she's drop dead gorgeous
And the clothes she's wearing, holy shit
So hot
"Who's that?", I breathe
"Who?", Jin asks, looking in the direction I am, "Oh. That's Jo"
Hold up
"Jo? As in his best friend?"
"I thought Jo was a boy"
Jin shrugs, "No she's a girl. I remember him telling us."
Yeah but her name is a guy's name
Hobi's only ever called his best friend from home Jo
"Her name is Jo"
"Short for Joanne. You don't pay attention when we talk"
Ok fine, I'll give him that
I don't listen for the most part so Hobi could have said something about Jo being a girl
Obviously he did if Jin knows her full name
"Like what you see?", Jin smirks
I give him the side eye, "Are you blind? She's hot"
"No I'm not blind", he snorts, "Yes she's very hot. But I'm noticing your reaction to her"
"Just her looks", I answer, "I don't know her"
"Maybe you should. Maybe you can finally date someone instead of fucking anything that walks"
"Hey!", I argue, "I don't do that"
He raises his eyebrow
"Fine. But it's not anything. I don't fuck all the time and it's not just anyone"
I mean it's people I know like girl staff members
I've had a few one night stands but he's making it sound like it's every night
It's not
"And FYI I don't need a girlfriend"
"Yeah but I don't think you should just fuck Hobi's best friend. I think he'll take issue with that"
"She's her own person", I say defensively, "If she wants to fuck then I'm not gonna say no"
He sighs, "Can you try to get to know her? She's important to Hobi and you can't just smash and drop her"
I roll my eyes
I should be able to fuck her if I want to but I also get Jin's perspective
She's Hobi's friend, she's going to be around
I may have to see her if she comes to something else for Hobi
"I can get to know her", I give in
"Great", he nods approvingly
"Do you think I should go over there?"
Jin shakes his head, "Hobi's introducing her to people. She already met Jimin and Namjoon. He'll make his way here"
He's right
I don't wanna seem desperate
Staying in my spot, I watch Hobi introduce her to Tae, hoping he gets to us soon
"Hi I'm Tae", Taehyung says, smiling and shaking my hand
"Hhh...hi", I manage to get out
"Nice to meet you", he says
"Yes very nice", I say, like an idiot
I can't believe I'm meeting BTS members
I had no idea that I would be invited to Hobi's listening party when I called him to congratulate him on his solo album
But he did invite me and here I am
Meeting my idols
"So Yoongi isn't here", Hobi says, as Tae goes back to talking to Jimin, "He's sick"
"Oh that sucks. I hope he'll be ok"
"He will", Hobi assures me
I'm so proud of Hobi
He's worked so hard for years, for BTS and I'm proud he's the first one to release an album
He's so talented and he deserves all this and more
I told him so on the phone and as soon as I got here
I missed my best friend but I understood when he left Gwangju for Seoul
He was following his dream
I'm just glad he never forgot me
Still kept in touch, still called me and now that I moved to Seoul, making time to see me, inviting me to his party
He's so famous and popular but he's the same Hobi I knew from childhood
"But he's here", Hobi says, wiggling his eyebrows
"Stop", I playfully scold, then ask, "Really?"
"Yeah, he's over there with Jin"
I casually glance over and catch an eyeful of Jungkook
Who's looking at me
I immediately turn away, my face so hot
Hobi is laughing and I glare at him
"Don't be scared Jo. He's just like any guy"
I raise my eyebrow, "You're kidding right? He's not just any guy. No one here is just any guy or girl. Except me"
Hobi shakes his head, "He's just a person like everyone else. And a huge pain in the ass. And a dork"
I giggle, "Yeah but all of you are dorks"
He puts his hand to his chest, giving me an exaggerated shocked face, "Excuse me"
I roll my eyes, "Oh please Hobi. You know you're a dork"
He smiles, "Yeah but I learned from you"
"Fair", I answer, smiling
"So you wanna meet him?", Hobi asks
I do
I really do
But I know I'm gonna be an awkward idiot
Jungkook is someone I've had a huge crush on for so long
Well as much as one can have a crush on a celebrity
And Hobi loves to make fun of me for it
"I uhh...I"
"You'll be fine. C'mon", he says, putting his arm around my shoulders and steering me in Jungkook's and Jin's direction
"He's already looking at you", Hobi says quietly, "The way he's looking means he wants to fuck you. Whether you do it or not is up to you"
"Uh what?", I gape
"You heard me. And you're a big girl, you can decide what to do on your own"
"You don't care if I chose to...you know?"
He shakes his head, "Nope. Have at it. Or not. Just don't get upset if he doesn't want anything more. He's kinda a man whore. So fair warning"
I mean why wouldn't he be a man whore?
He's fucking hot, the golden maknae of course girls are going to throw themselves at him
Of course he wouldn't see me any differently no matter who I'm friends with
It's slightly disappointing but I can't do anything about it
And I don't have to sleep with him
We can just be friends
All too soon we are standing in front of Jungkook and Jin and my legs are slightly shaking
"Kookie, Jinnie this is my best friend Joanne. Or Jo if she says you can call her that", Hobi says looking at me
I nod
"Jo it is", he amends
"Hhh..hi", I stammer like a complete moron
"Hi", Jin says standing up, "Nice to meet you"
"Yes. It's amazing to meet you", I say like a total fangirl
Jungkook stands up and I look up at him
"Hey", he smiles, "Nice to meet you too"
My whole face is on fire but I manage to smile, "Great to meet you too"
"So that's all the members that are here. You can meet Yoongi a different time now that you live in Seoul"
He better not be about to leave me alone with them
I just met them
I thought he'd stay with me awhile
He looks at me, "I'm gonna mingle some more"
Oh god
He's ditching me
I glare hard at him, "Hobi"
"Don't worry Jungkook and Jin don't bite"
I gape at him
I'm so gonna kill him
He's dead
"Actually I need the bathroom", Jin says, then excuses himself and leaves
No, I can't stay here with Jungkook alone
Where is Jimin?
Jimin is always attached to Jungkook in the behind the scenes videos they take
Or Tae?
Where are they?
"Alright well Jungkook will hang out with you", Hobi says
"Yeah, cool", Jungkook answers
"I uh-", I start
"Great. I'll see you later", Hobi interrupts
He kisses my cheek, then leaves before I could say anything
Oh god
I turn back to Jungkook, so fucking nervous
We just stand there for a few seconds then I say, "Uh actually I need the bathroom too"
He nods, pointing the way, "It's over there. I'll wait for you there"
He nods towards a table
He's gonna wait for me?
That's so strange
"Uh yeah ok", I answer, then turn and head straight to the bathroom so I can get a fucking grip and talk to him like a normal person
Jungkook POV
I sit at the table with my wine as I watch her practically run to the bathroom
She's nervous
I get it, I'm nervous when I meet celebrities too
I almost shit my pants when I met Charlie Puth
I saw Hobi talking to her, maybe warning her about me
I hope he didn't
She's so much more beautiful than I thought so that helps me want to get to know her
It's shallow I know but it is what it is
She walks back into the room and I call her name, waving her over
She comes, a wary look on her face
"Sit", I say, gesturing to the seat next to me
If I'm gonna get to know her, I should be able to hear her
"So, how long have you known Hobi?"
"Pictures Jungkook", Namjoon says as he walks by us
"Yeah in a minute", I answer
I'm too engrossed in her story of how she won the tug of war for a PS5
She grabbed it first but someone tried to take it from her
"The guy was strong but I wasn't letting go. It was mine. He knew it was mine. He keeps saying that I'm a girl so I don't need it"
I hate when guys think girls aren't gamers
I know lots of girls, online of course, who play games better than guys
And I discovered she is one
I discovered a lot of things about her while we talked
Her friendship with Hobi, her job as a video game designer, her likes, dislikes, favorite things
I already know her favorite video games are the assassin Creed series
I know she loves old games like Mario
I know she loves Pokemon and her favorite is Charmander
Her favorite color is black, she likes makeup, she loves chocolate especially Reese's, she lives in PJs, she's a black belt in taekwondo, she lives in a small studio apartment, she moved here from the U.S., her parents are both Norwegian, she has no siblings and she has a boy German shepherd named Rexy
She's so cool and for once I'm glad I listened to Jin
"Did you curse him out?", I ask
"Yes. He hit my hand to make me let go and I punched him in the face. That made him let go of the PS5"
"You punched....no way!"
She nods, "He hit me first. There were witnesses. One guy said he was going to deck him if I already hadn't. That's how I got my PS5."
"You are amazing", I gape, "Seriously so bad ass"
She smiles shyly, blushing, "Thanks"
I nod just as Namjoon screams my name
I snap my gaze to him, "I'm coming!"
"I'll go with you", she says, "If you want"
I nod, "I want"
Standing, I take her hand, tugging her along with me
As I pose for pictures, I see her taking some too
When we're done, I go back to her
"Lemme see", I ask, gesturing to her phone
She blushes but shows me the pictures she took
A lot is just of me
One where I'm doing Tae's peace sign, one doing the rock sign
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As I scroll I find a picture of me sitting at the table waiting for her when she went to the bathroom
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I show her the picture, my eyebrows raised
"You looked cute", she shrugs helplessly
I smile, seeing how cute she is
"It's a nice picture", I say, handing her the phone back
Standing in a minute of silence, I ask, "Dance?"
"Uh. I don't really-"
She hesitates then nods
Taking her near the guys, I face her, starting to move little steps
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She just stands there, her face on fire
"C'mon Jo. You can move. Just go side to side"
I show her, doing an exaggerated dance, making her crack a smile
She starts to move with me and I nod encouragingly
We keep dancing and she starts moving her feet too
As I watch her, I notice she can dance, I just think she's too self conscious
I can fix that
I offer her some of my wine and she shakes her head
"It's just a little", I encourage
She bites her lip then reaches for my glass
She sips some, smiling at me
I'm surprised that I'm having a lot of fun with her
I still want to fuck her, no doubt about that but I am having fun
After a few more drinks, we're both loosened up
Not drunk but loose
"Kookie", she giggles as I do exaggerated faces and silly moves, twisting my body around
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"Like my moves?", I ask, wiggling my eyebrows
"They're very nice", she snorts
"I don't think you can look away", I tease her
"Yeah, it's like a train wreck. I can't look away"
I pout as the song ends
"Fine", I sigh dramatically, grabbing my drink, "No more dancing"
Instead I lay down on the small stage, on my back, my knees up, holding my glass
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"Jungkook get up", she laughs
I giggle shaking my head
"C'mon", she says, coming over and taking my hand, pulling me towards her
Instead, I pull her to me and she tumbles on top of me
"Oof", she says, her upper body on my chest, "I'm sorry. Did I hurt you"
"Pft no, you're not heavy", I answer, moving on my elbow
"Yeah well I'm sorry anyway", she says, her face so close to mine
"It's fine", I say, my eyes moving to her lips
So pretty, so pink
I wonder if they're as smooth as they look
Without thinking, I close the distance between us, pressing my lips against hers
As soon as I do it's like everything in my world changes, everything flips
Holy shit
She kisses me back, her arms moving around my neck
"Guys", Hobi interrupts
We pull away as I look up at him
"Take this in the back room where there's no cameras", he says, warning in his voice
Right, shit
I so don't need this leaked anywhere
Hobi helps her up as I get up
"Don't be so stupid", he growls in my ear before walking away
"Come with me", I say, taking her hand
She nods and I lead her to the dressing room we all got ready in
Closing the door behind us, I face her moving closer
The second my lips touch hers, heat runs though my body
Jesus, her kiss is amazing
I kiss her harder, sliding my tongue in her mouth
She responds, her arms going around my neck, pulling me against her
Kissing her wildly, I roll my hips into her, my hard cock moving against her
Her hand fists my hair in the back of my head, pushing her hips into me too
As we hump each other, I slide my hands under her shirt, feeling her soft skin
She moans softly, pressing her body harder against mine
"We don't have to", I say, kissing her neck
I can't believe I'm saying this
I can't believe I'm not trying to take her clothes off yet
I want to fuck her but I'm not going to force her
I want her to want me too
"I...I want to", she says, breathlessly
"Are you sure?", I ask, still checking
"Yes, fuck yes"
"Good", I answer, finally moving my hands down, opening her pants as she kicks her boots off
I pull them and panties down while her hands shoves my Tshirt off
"Jesus", she breathes, looking at me
She bites her lower lip as she runs her hands gently on my chest, shoulders and stomach
My body trembles against her touch especially when she starts peppering kisses all over me
It feels so good
I start kissing her neck, pulling her shirt up and touching her body, her skin is so smooth and soft
And warm under my hands
I move my hands up more and more, pulling her shirt off
She immediately unbuckles my belt, pulling down my pants and boxers
I kick my shoes and clothes off, then undo her bra, pushing her against the wall
I lift her leg around me, kissing her as I touch her cunt
"Fuck you're dripping. Want me this much huh?"
She nods, whimpering softly
"You'll get me baby. I'm gonna fuck you so good"
I push my head into her and start to slip inside her slowly, inch by inch
"Fuck", she moans, grabbing my arms tightly
"Oh my God", I whimper, as I bottom out, her incredibly tight pussy spasming around my cock, "You feel so fucking good"
She feels amazing
I've never been with anyone as tight as she is, who I fit into as well as I fit in her
I start moving, in and out, feeling her tiny cunt open for me over and over, pleasure instantly running through me
I fucking love how she feels
And I love how she's clinging to me, her body right against mine
"Jungkook", she moans
I never knew I'd love hearing my name be called so much
"God Joanne, you're fucking perfect for me", I praise her, "Such a tight, wet, warm cunt for me. Perfect fit"
She really is
"Fuck Kookie, you're ppppp.....pppp....perfect for me too", she stammers, "you feel so..so....fuck"
God, I like that I'm giving her so much pleasure that she can't talk
I grab her ass, holding her as close to me as I can, slamming hard in her
"Oh god Kookie, fuck harder!", she yells
Yes, fuck yes
Grabbing her other leg, I hold her against the wall, going harder and faster, plunging my cock deep inside her cunt
"Jungkook, oh shit, Jungkook", she shouts, "I'm gonna cum!"
Fucking pure pleasure runs through me as she tightens on my cock, coming as soon as she finishes speaking, shaking and gripping my body so tightly
"Holy shit Joanne!", I yell, "Oh my God it feels so good. It feels so good"
Having a girl cum on me has never felt so amazing
Never been this good
And all I know is I want to feel it again
I keep slamming inside her over and over, listening to her shouts
"Jungkook, oh god Jungkook. You fuck.... your cock, you ..you're amazing!" she shouts
"Yeah baby? You like it?", I smirk
She nods, holding tightly onto me
I slam inside and I hit her spot that makes her scream and shake in my arms
"Oh fuck Jungkook", she screams, "Yes, yes, YES!"
Fuck, I never had any girl react like this to me
Just the way she's screaming and clinging on me is everything
"There baby?", I smirk again, "You like it there?"
I slam against her spot again, hard
"YES!", she shouts
I keep moving, making sure I get that spot every single time
"C'mon, be a good girl and cum", I urge her
She's right there and I just want to feel it again
"Oh god, oh god, Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook!", she screams, exploding on me
Jesus, she feels so good and the pleasure is so intense, I'm struggling to keep standing
I adjust my hands, lifting her higher, slamming her against the wall
Shit, I didn't mean to do that
"More Kookie, I want more of you", she whines
"You can have me whenever you want baby", I groan, starting to thrust in her again
"Fuck Jungkook!"
God I love her screaming my name
"Scream louder baby. I want to hear you"
"Jungkook!", she screams louder, listening to me, "Harder Jungkook, harder! Fuck me harder! Ruin me on your cock"
Oh I will
I pound in her more forcefully, feeling her cunt clench me over and over, her slippery grip on my cock so tight
"Oh shit, you feel so good Kookie", she moans, putting her face in my neck
Her hands move to my upper arms and she grips me so fucking hard
But it feels so good at the same time so it doesn't hurt
I feel her pussy starts to throb uncontrollably and I'm so excited for her orgasm
"Yeah baby, you gonna cum baby girl?", I moan, "I feel you want to"
"Yes I want to Kookie. Fuck, make me. Please", she pleads, "I want to cum on you"
Fucking hell, she's making it hard for me to not cum
"Fuck Jo, I want you to cum on me too baby. You feel so fucking incredibly good when you do"
"Yeah? You like it baby?", she asks
"I love it. I had it twice and I already want it so much more. All the time", I murmur, "So give me baby"
Thrusting into her spot, she screams my name, her body shuddering against me and her hands squeezing my arms so damn hard
"Oh fuck baby", I yell, feeling the mind blowing pleasure
She rides out her orgasm on my cock and I pull out when she's done, setting her down
"But...but-", she babbles
Moving my mouth to her ear, I tell her, "I'm gonna eat your pussy"
"I...uh...what?", she asks, her confusion so cute
"I'm gonna eat your pussy", I repeat, "See I've been imagining what you taste like since you walked into the fucking party"
I move my hands down to her cunt, running my fingers on her
Fuck she's so wet
"And I want my mouth here", I tell her, "I want to see if you're as good as I think you are"
"Fff..fuck", she whimpers
"So I guess the question you have to answer is are you gonna let me eat this cunt?"
"Yes, fuck Jungkook, yes"
"Good girl", I praise her, then kiss her cheek before dropping to my knees
Excitedly, I open her legs, her cunt so cute, so pink and so wet
I run my tongue along her pussy once, making her moan
I never wanted to eat a girl out more than I want to eat her out
I start to lick her pussy quickly, sliding up and down, tasting her juice
"Fuck you taste so fucking good", I tell her, swallowing her juice while I feel it run down my neck
"Jungkook", she yells, her hand going in my hair, pulling
I'm so surprised at how good it feels and that I'm letting her as I don't like people touching my hair
But with her I'm more than ok with it
Swirling my tongue around her, her legs start shaking and she starts to fall down
"Stay up baby", I say
"I can't. I can't", she moans, "It feels too good Kookie. Your tongue feels so good. I can't"
I really like that
I like that my tongue makes her feel so much pleasure that she can't stand up
I pull away, standing up and she whines so loudly
Then I grab her and pick her up
He picks me up, carrying me to the table in here and lays me on it on my back
I watch him pull a chair to me, sitting down, immediately spreading my legs open wide, putting his hands on my inner thighs and holding my legs open
I feel his tongue slide up my pussy again, slowly
Pleasure hits me fast, making me shake
I still can't believe this is happening
I had sex with Jungkook
Jungkook from BTS
And he was fucking amazing
Not that I thought he wouldn't be
And now he's actually eating me out
And his tongue, fuck, he knows how to use it
My mind is blown
I can't believe he wants me like this
A nobody
"Fuck, baby you feel good against my tongue", he groans, "So wet, I love it"
Jesus Christ
He loves it?
I can't...this is insane
He licks my clit and I can't help but whimper, my hand burying in his hair
"Hmm my girl likes it there?", he teases
I nod, "Yeah"
He keeps licking my clit over and over, the tip of his tongue rubbing the same spot
"Kookie, fuck", I moan
God it feels so good, his tongue working me so well, pressing hard so I can feel everything
"Gonna cum baby?", he asks
I can't talk
The pleasure is turning my mind off
He puts his mouth around my clit and sucks
"FUCK!", I scream, my body arching from the table on it's own
"Good girl", he praises, then goes back to sucking
The pleasure is so intense, I can only feel
"Cum for me baby. I want to taste you", he pleads, "Please"
Is he really begging for my cum?
Goddamn that turns me on so much
"Give me", he begs
His next suck on my clit causes so much pleasure and I can't handle it
My body shakes hard and I cum so fucking hard, pulling his hair and screaming his name
I love screaming his name
"Jungkook!", I scream, "Oh god Jungkook"
He lets go of my clit, his tongue sliding down my pussy, while I cum
"Oh my God", he moans, licking over and over, "So fucking good baby girl"
"Www...what?", I breathe hard
Did he really just say what I think he said?
"Your cum tastes so fucking good", he repeats
Oh my god, he did say that
Holy mother of God
"Fuck baby can I have more?", he asks
"Yyyy...you....www....want...", I stammer
"More. Yeah baby", he says, sucking on my clit again, "Please?"
"Yyy...you can have anything you want"
He starts sucking my clit hard and fast, making me squirm under him from the pleasure
He switches to licking me, his tongue gliding all over me
"Oh Kookie, baby", I whimper
He slides his tongue inside my pussy, making my hips snap up into his face
"Oh shit", I yell
No one has ever done that to me before
I can't even describe how good it feels
"Baby likes my tongue in her pussy?", he teases
"Yes fuck, yes", I shout
"You want me to do it again?"
I feel his tongue slide back in and I fucking love it
He licks out and up my pussy then back down, going back in
I feel myself getting closer and closer with every lick
"Jungkook..fuck...I'm..I'm..", I whimper
"Cum baby", he says, then slides his tongue back in
I clench as hard on as much of his tongue that's in, coming all over it
He makes moaning noises while he licks and it's getting me so horny
I don't know how
I've never came this much and I've never just wanted more of someone
Only him
I just want to feel him inside, feel him move, feel his kisses, his hands grabbing me tightly, his skin on mine
I just want him
"Baby girl is so good", he moans, pulling away, "So fucking sweet"
"Yeah Kookie?"
He comes on on top of me, kissing me everywhere
"Yeah baby. I'm going to be thinking about how you taste all the time now", he murmurs
Oh damn
He pulls me up, helping me to stand
"I tasted you, it's only fair you taste me", he says, kissing my cheek
I mean it is fair
And I do wanna suck his cock
"Ok", I answer, dropping to my knees, licking his length automatically
"Fuck, baby", he moans
God his cock is so big, so thick and so hard, pretty veins along it
Moving my mouth around his head, I suck on it, keeping my tongue on the underside, licking as I go
His hand slips in my hair, gripping loosely, his head tilted back, eyes closed, moaning
God he's ethereal
And he looks like that because of me
God it's such a power trip
Breathing in through my nose, I push further on his cock, feeling the thickness open my mouth more
Jesus fuck, this thing fit inside me how?
And he bottomed out every time too
Sliding up and down his cock, suck too, loving how he feels in my mouth
Loving how he tastes, how every so often his cock throbs, loving the pretty sounds he's making
Every bob of my head, I take him a little more in
His head presses against the beginning of my throat and I choke
He immediately pulls back, concern on his face, "Are you ok?"
I nod, "Fine"
Taking him back in my mouth, I want to get him all in
I want to feel his huge cock in my throat
I've deepthroated before but none have been as big as him
I move him in to where his head is back at the beginning of my throat
I take a breath and push further, getting him in
I gag, with him telling me, "You don't have to baby. Don't hurt yourself"
Ignoring him, I keep taking him in, until I get him all in my throat
I suck on him softly, getting used to his size in my throat
It's not too bad once he's all in
"Baby, fuck. You're mouth is amazing"
If I could smile, I would
Moving my head, I start bobbing back and forth on his cock, fucking his cock into my throat
He yells in pleasure, my name coming from his mouth over and over, his fingers tightening in my hair
I continue pleasuring him, loving how his cock throbs in my throat
Why I love it, I can't tell you
I just do
"Baby, I can't. Fuck it feels so good, fuck"
I feel him move out of my mouth, his thighs shaking
"Open your mouth", he gasps
I do, sitting back on my legs
"Tongue out"
As soon as I do, he rubs the underside of his cock on my tongue over and over
"I'm gonna cum. Do you want to taste it or do you want me to cum down your throat?"
I want to taste it
Hands down
I need to know what he tastes like
"Taste", I manage to get out
"Fuck, good girl. When I cum, suck on my cock ok?"
I nod
I can do that
"Fuck, Joanne, fuck", he cries
I feel hot thick cum on my tongue and I immediately close my mouth around his length that's in my mouth, sucking hard
His taste hits me hard and oh my god, it's so good
Fuck, how does cum taste this good?
I don't know but I want fucking all of it
Sucking desperately, I swallow over and over, sucking everything out of his cock
"Mmmm", I moan
"Fuck you like it baby?"
I nod, still going at it hard
After a minute, he whimpers, "Stop"
I don't want to but I don't want to hurt him
Pulling off him, I'm shocked to see his cock hard
"You're sucking baby. Got me hard again"
Oh damn
He helps me up and suddenly he shoves me on the table, climbing on top of me, kissing me deeply
"Can I go back in baby?", he asks
I nod, "I want you"
The smile he gives me takes my breath away as he moves on top of me
I wrap my arms around his back, pulling him against me, feeling his soft skin on mine
He kisses me, his lips so soft against mine, his tongue so good against mine, his lip ring cool against my lip
He runs his fingers up and down my body, heating every nerve
I move my hands along his back feeling his muscles through his skin
Jungkook has a reputation for being very strong and that reputation is true
I can feel the strength in him and it's fucking sexy
He wraps my legs around his waist, still kissing me as he pushes in
God, he feels so good
We both moan and my body lifts off the table, pressing into his
My body just wants to feel his and he grabs onto me, keeping me against him
He starts moving slowly, in and out, waves of pleasure rolling over me over and over
"Joanne, baby you feel so good. How do you feel so good?", he murmurs against my shoulder
"I.. I don't know Jungkook. But you feel incredible. No one has ever felt like you", I whimper
That's a fact
It's just too bad this is a one night stand and that's all he does
He moves faster and harder, making everything feel so much better
"No baby, no one has ever made me feel as good as you do", he groans, kissing me, "No one compares to you baby. No one"
It makes me feel good to hear that although I know he's just saying it in the moment
He thrust harder, slamming into me, making me scream
"Yeah baby girl. I love hearing you scream"
Pleasure crashes over me with every thrust
I start moving my hips up, meeting his thrusts and he goes in so much deeper
"Holy fuck!", he yells
I grab onto his arms again, squeezing tightly, the pleasure intense
One of his hands is gripping my thigh so hard as I tighten on his cock and he shouts in pleasure
"Oh my god baby. Don't let go. Please don't let go", he begs
I love that he's getting so much pleasure from being with me
His next slam makes me snap and I scream, coming on him again
"Good girl. Again baby girl", he urges
Jesus Christ he feels so good moving inside me
I don't want him to ever leave
"Please baby, I need it", he moans, pounding right into my spot again
"Jungkook! Oh god!"
He starts moving so fast, smashing into my spot over and over, while I move my hips up, making the slams even harder
"Jungkook!" I scream again, my orgasm exploding all over me
My body shakes hard against him and I can't stop it
Oh god it feels so good
"Baby!", he yells, "I....I can't baby. I want to cum baby. I want to cum inside you"
Fuck me I want that so much too
"Yes Jungkook, fill me up "
He shouts loudly as he cums hard, his body trembling on mine
"Joanne oh shit! Baby!"
I wrap my arms around him, holding him while he cums
I don't know how I can feel it, but I feel him coming and holy hell it feels good too
Everything he does feels good
When he finishes he collapses on top of me
I just hold him to me, kissing his neck and shoulder, running my fingers up and down his back
We lay there for a few minutes, until he stirs, lifting himself off me
"I'm sorry", he says, "I didn't mean to squish you"
"You didn't", I assure him
"Oh", he says, then holds his hands out to me
I give him mine and he pulls me to a sitting position
He looks at me with an unreadable expression before he looks away, turning to get his clothes, I guess
Tightening on his hand, I pull him back, making him face me
Pulling him closer, I run my fingers in his hair once then kiss him
It's not a hard, wild kiss
It's a soft gentle kiss, one I just want to feel before I never see him again
Pulling away, I avert my eyes, scooting over to the side and getting off the table
Heading to my clothes, I dress quickly and when I turn back to him, I see him pulling on his shirt, the last of his clothes to go on
Getting my phone out, I look at the time
Jungkook POV
"Holy crap", she squeaks
"What?", I ask, startled
I don't know what I'm feeling right now
It's not something I feel after having sex
I want to hold her, fall asleep with her
I was almost out when I realized I was still on top of her
I've never fallen asleep with a girl I had sex with
This is the very first time I ever had a feeling that I want to
And that last kiss that just happened?
Totally blew my mind
I haven't been kissed softly or gently
It's always hard and rough because that's how the sex is
She just threw me for a huge loop
"It's 2am. Shit, I have to go. I have work tomorrow"
I just nod, ready not wanting her to leave
"I gotta find Hobi", she says
"Ok. Let's go", I answer
Getting back to the party, she beelines straight for Hobi
I watch her talk to him, smiling and giving him a big hug
I see her say 'I love you' to him and I instantly get jealous although I know it's friend love
I need to calm down
She kisses Hobi's cheek, then turns walking back to me
"So I'm gonna go", she says, "Thanks for hanging with me. And uh....um...you know. I had fun"
"Yeah me too"
"I guess I'll see you around"
"Yeah I'll see you", I say, feeling hesitant
She starts to turn around and I just speak, "So uh, can I have your number?"
She turns back to me, tilting her head, "Huh?"
"You're number", I repeat
She looks at me warily , "Oh uh look Jungkook, I'm not really a friends with benefits type of girl. I know we just....but I don't normally do that, so if that's what you're looking for, I'm sorry but it can't be with me"
I nod, understanding completely
"Well it's a good thing I don't want a friends with benefits thing with you", I answer, "I want to date you"
Her eyes pop open in shock, "You want...really?"
I nod
Yeah I like her
A lot
I got to know her a little like Jin asked me too and all that did was make me want to know more about her
Makes me want to try and see if we'll work
"Yeah. I wanna go out with you. Take you on a date", I say, "And we don't have to have sex again until you're ready to. I can wait"
She just stares at me and I think that she may not want to date me
Maybe I just assumed
"If uh, you know that's what you want?"
"Of course that's what I want", she blurts, then slaps her hand over her mouth, her face so red
But honestly I'm just smiling at her reaction
"It is?", I ask shyly
"Yeah Kookie. I.... I always liked you. As a fan. You're my bias. Meeting you was like a dream come true. And everything else that happened....I never expected it. Not in a million years", she says softly, "And I guess...I'm hesitating because I can't believe that you'd want to date me. A nobody"
"You're not a nobody Jo", I tell her, "I'm not going to lie ok, when I first saw you all I wanted was to fuck you. But Jin suggested I get to know you because you're not just any girl. You're Hobi's best friend. And I never listen to any of the guys but you have no idea how happy I am that I listened this time. I got to know you a little and all I want is to know more about you. I really really like you and I want to see where this with us can go"
She smiles and it really is beautiful
"Yeah Jungkook, I'd like that too"
I smile at her too, in relief and excitedness
We exchange phone numbers and say bye for now
I lean in, pressing a soft kiss to her lips
"I'll call you", I promise her
She nods, smiling, "Ok"
She kisses my cheek, then walks to the exit
I watch her and I know I have the goofiest smile on my face
I'm gonna call her tomorrow
I can't wait to take her out and spend more time with her
I think I may have just found the girl for me
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Comfort in a Family Dinner
Summary - Part 58 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends), Garth x Bess, Sam x Eileen
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N: Sorry about the extended break, I ended up needing the week to recover from the trip and meeting J2 (the best weekend of my life FYI). If you ever get lucky enough to get the opportunity to go to a SPN convention, it’s definitely worth it. I loved every minute! But anyway, back to the story at hand…In my mind, the last chapter was gonna be the last one and then this week would be the epilogue. However, I love a good cliffhanger so I couldn’t resist. Looks like we get one more chapter with this lovely couple that I love so much.
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While Dean finishes delivering the food to the table you go downstairs with Destiny to get the door. You discreetly check through the peephole in the door before nodding to your little girl and letting her twist the handle. You step back as she pulls the door open. 
“Hi, Uncle Sammy!” She says as she runs over to hug his leg.
He kneels down to her height and pulls her into a tight hug. “Hey Kiddo. You gonna give me a tour of your new home?”
Despite having seen the house when he helped move a few of your larger furnishings over, he hasn’t seen the full house in all its glory. Destiny nods enthusiastically and pulls away, but not before grabbing his hand to lead him upstairs. Sam smiles at you and nods in greeting as he’s pulled past you. You smile back as they disappear up the stairs before turning and locking the door.
Once you get back upstairs, Destiny is showing Sam her room, so you go out to the patio where Dean’s leaning on the railing looking out over the dark forest. You quietly sneak up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist. He stiffens for a brief second before placing his hands over yours on his stomach. 
“Hey, Sweetheart.”
“You feel tense, what’s on your mind?”
Dean spins around in your arms so he can wrap his arms around you and look you in the eyes. “Just a lot of changes at once.”
“You regret it?”
He shakes his head and kisses you softly. “Just adjusting. I am gonna miss the adrenaline of a good hunt. But, I’m where I want to be.”
“Once Sam and Eileen get their operation on its feet you’ll get to help them out. And it’s not like you’ll never hunt again. I’m sure the monsters won’t leave us alone forever. I just need you to come home safe. No more dying and being resurrected all the time. This family needs you. So, we just won’t seek it out. Plus, I’m sure we can find other ways for you to burn off your energy and get an adrenaline rush.”
“Yeah? Like?” Dean raises an eyebrow at you as he lets one of his hands wander over your ass cheek and squeezes lightly.
“Hey! You have company! We eating or what?” You hear Sam tease from the doorway.
“We were just waiting for you slowpoke,” Dean jeers back. He kisses you quickly before leading you over to the table and pulling out a chair for you. You smile at him gratefully as you sit down. He takes a seat beside you as Sam and Destiny sit on the opposite side of the table. 
“Nice place you guys got here. I’m really happy for you. You both deserve to get out and get a taste of normal,” Sam says as he fills his plate.
“Thanks, Sam. We’re still raising a little wolf, so I don’t know how normal it is,” you say as you smile at Destiny as she bites into her rare steak. “But we’re happy and it’s progress. We wish you all the best for you and Eileen’s venture too. We’re here, whatever you need.”
“Thanks. We’re still working out all the details. That’s actually why she couldn’t come tonight, she’s meeting with some other hunters with Bobby. We want to make the Men of Letters Bunker back into what it once was; a hub of activity and a safe home base for others who grew up like us.”
“You’re gonna be a great leader, Sammy. If you ever need a soldier…” Dean adds with his mouthful, “But you have to promise that none of you hunter buddies, or hunters in training will know about or come after our little monster here. Whatever happens, we will handle it ourselves, as a family.” Dean gives you a stern look to make sure you understand his threat and agree.
You nod before giving Destiny a reassuring smile. Sam nods too. “If you’re still planning to go ahead with that appointment in a few weeks, then I guess this is the only niece I’m gonna get. So, I won’t let anything bad happen to her. You have my word. Family comes first, you taught me that. And family don’t end in blood.”
A comfortable quiet falls over the table as you all eat in peace, having got the few concerns out in the open.
Once you’re all finished eating, Sam helps Dean in the kitchen so they can talk alone while you get Destiny washed up and tucked into bed. Despite her desperate pleas to stay up with you guys, you stay firm by bedtime. Werewolf or not, she’s a child and you plan to raise her as such. You kiss her forehead and switch on the nightlight by her bed before switching off the overhead light and closing the door. 
Back in the living room, Sam and Dean finish up cleaning the kitchen just as you come back to join them. Dean pulls you into his embrace the second you're close enough and kisses the top of your head. “She go down easy?”
“Nope, definitely tried her best debate skills. But it’s been a big day and she’s tired, it won’t take long.”
“Well, I’ll let you guys relax from your big day. Thanks for dinner,” Sam says.
“Anytime,” you say.
“Call first,” Dean adds as a warning.
“Of course. Have a good night guys, we’ll be in touch I’m sure.”
“You too, Sam. Try not to get too lonely in that big Bunker alone,” you say.
“I’ll be okay. Thanks.”
You and Dean walk him to the door and wait until his car disappears into the darkness before retreating back inside and locking the door behind you.
“Come on, let’s go to bed,” Dean says with his arm wrapped around your waist as he leads you back upstairs.
“Let’s take a bath first,” you counter.
Dean raises his eyebrow, “Or…We could try out the hot tub?”
“Sounds good to me.” You lean up to peck his cheek.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
A/N: Another shorter one to end us off. Let me know if you want an epilogue next week. I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. 
Tag list: (Leave a like or comment on this post or let me know below if you want to be added to the tag list for this series)
@bitchwitch1981, @muhahaha303, @justrealizedimmascifygurl, @mcdowell-123, @leigh70, @marvelsmarauder, @losa12308, @tapedeck-hearts, @luvjaida, @peachtxa, @ambearsstuff, @shadow-of-a-cloud, @slut-for-buck, @iprobablyshipit91, @sassy-pelican, @fallenlilangel99, @heavenlyhopeful0, @nelachu2423, @ladysparkles78, @canyouimaginethatstory, @mrlonelycat, @roseblue373, @staley83
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notcaycepollard · 7 months
I just saw your Barbie jacket and fell in love, such beautiful work!
I want to get into sewing but have no idea where to start, do you have any tips?
Yes! FYI, I had the privilege of learning to sew at a really young age, around 10-12, thanks to 1) learning the basics from my mum 2) having a second-hand sewing machine I could futz around on as I pleased. But I truly think anyone can learn to sew, it does not have to be a childhood skill.
If you want to try it out before committing to buying anything except fabric, there are almost always community or adult education classes or courses that can teach you basics on their machines. Depends where you live but you might find them through your local community college or high school night class, library, YMCA/community centre, or even by asking at a fabric/craft store.
I highly recommend taking a couple of classes if you're a complete beginner - they can teach things like laying out and cutting patterns, threading a machine, the basic stitch and finishing options, etc. Often they can also teach you how to use your own machine, if you've bought one but you're a beginner.
If you want to try at home, at minimum you will need:
A basic sewing machine - you can very often find good second-hand machines online (ebay, craigslist, local buy/sell Facebook pages). Mine is a Janome and I've had it for almost 20 years, but the old 70s steel Singer machines are fantastic in terms of longevity.
A pair of reasonably sharp fabric scissors. You do not need to pay a million dollars for the best scissors, but going up a level from basic craft scissors, and keeping them only for cutting fabric (no paper) will make your cutting-out experience a lot easier.
A packet of sewing pins. For pinning down patterns and seams. I like the glass-head pins since they don't melt if you iron over them.
A tape measure for measuring yourself and checking your seam width, hems, etc.
An iron and ironing board (or table with a thick towel laid down, if space is a real problem).
A flat surface to lay out and cut your fabric - dining table or floor both work fine.
A needle for hand-sewing - to sew on things like buttons.
A box of empty bobbins to wind your bobbin thread onto.
In terms of patterns - there are a huge range of indie pattern companies online now (meaning they're not the big commercial patternmakers like Butterick). Most often, you can buy their patterns as a PDF and print it out on your home computer. In all honesty I much prefer indie patterns to commercial - they're often a lot more up to date with style, and usually not as expensive - but they can also be limited in terms of sizing, the range of style options, and some people really like a printed paper pattern instead of having to print your own. I recommend Papercut Patterns as an indie option that's great for beginners.
Indie instructions can also sometimes be a bit confusing (I find Etsy patterns the worst for this) although often you can email them and ask - or Google "[name of pattern] sew along" for a video tutorial. You can also find step by step video or blog post tutorials for pretty much every sewing technique, including things like putting in a zip, sewing buttonholes, etc.
Once you've picked your pattern, you'll obviously need fabric. There are a million people online who espouse the virtue of sewing with old bedsheets from thrift stores; in all honesty I don't love doing this because 1) I get a huge amount of joy from beautiful fabrics 2) if you want to make things that look 'professional'/store-bought, bedsheet cotton is not always your best friend. BUT it is probably the cheapest option for fabric, and a very good way to start or to test that a pattern fits and you know how to make it before you cut it out in the nice linen that cost $30 a yard. Using thrifted fabric is also obviously really eco-conscious, although a lot of fabric stores (especially independent ones vs chain stores like Spotlight or Joann) make a point of selling 'deadstock' fabric - fabric leftover from a clothing designer's run.
That's probably enough to start, honestly just fuck around and have fun with it, screw up a few times, lean into the imperfection. I still regularly scrap projects that aren't working for me, no shame in doing so as long as you're enjoying yourself!
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((I’ve officially been sucked into ‘The Stanley Parable’ fndm. I watched Markiplier play the first game years ago and was actually uninterested in it. What pulled me back in and got me to like it were the vids made by the incredibly talented @blackkatdraws! After watching them I gave the game a second chance and watched Mark and Jack play it. SAD-ist’s vids sealed the deal!
I’ve decided to make my own version of the Narrator. As for Stanley, after looking at the different versions of him I decided to go a different route. Since I’ve hardly seen any gender bends of him (and female characters in general in the TSP fndm) I chose that. So, instead of Stanley I’m going with Starlla. Both start with Sta and her theme is going to be pink shooting star.
As a way of introducing Starlla and my version of the Narrator, named Nathan for the sake of convince, I decided to include Blackkat’s version of the Narrator and Stanley. I thought it would be fitting since they inspired me to give the game another chance. Plus, I really enjoy their versions of those two and I’m still exploring other versions of them.
Just FYI, things are subject to change since this my first time introducing Starlla and Nathan. So, hopefully I nail this and get Blackkat’s versions of those two men right.))
“This is a story about a woman named Starlla.”
A woman dressed in a pink shirt with a white shooting star on it, dark blue jeans, and black shoes sat at a desk in an inclosed office. The computer that sat in front of her was turned off. Her waist length copper hair was tied back and her green hazel eyes stared down at her lap. A silver chain with a cross, a small pink heart shaped diamond in the center of it, hung around her neck. A black smart watch was strapped to her left arm.
“Starlla worked for a company in a big building where she was employee #427. Employee #427’s job was very important. She sat at her desk in room 427 and checked security codes and firewalls for other companies. Orders for projects came to her on her monitor on her desk telling her what to work on next. This is what employee 427 did everyday, every month, of every year and although others might of considered it soul rending, Starlla relished every moment a new project came to her as though she had been made exactly for this job and Starlla was happy.”
Starlla said nothing as that rich voice filled her enclosed office. Truth be told, she wasn't happy. Not today. She honestly didn't want to do this today. But, she knew how much the Narrator loved playing this game with her. So, she’d suck it up and let him have his fun. This is what made him happy, after all.
“And then one day something very peculiar happened. Something that would forever change Starlla. Something she would never quite forget. She had been at her desk for nearly an hour when she realized that not one single project had been sent for her to work on. No one had shown up to give her a project, call a meeting, or even say hi. Never in all her years at the company had this happened. This complete isolation. Something was very clearly wrong. Shocked, frozen solid, Starlla found herself unable to move for the longest time. But, as she came to her wits and regained her senses, she got up from her desk and stepped out of her office.”
With a sigh, Starlla stood up and walked out of the room. She glanced at the other desks in the area. All untouched and clean. Nobody has used them in a long time. Probably never will.
“All of her co-workers were gone. What could it mean? Starlla decided to go to the meeting room. Perhaps she had simply missed a memo.”
Not wanting to put up a fight today, she did what the Narrator said. She trotted down the hallway and came to the room with the two doors. 
“When Starlla came to a set of two opened doors, she entered the door on her left.”
Okay, this time she didn't want to listen to him. She wanted to try to get herself more in the mood to play this game. Maybe taking a detour would help her mood? Only one way to find out. She took the right door instead.
“This was not the correct way to the meeting room and Starlla knew it perfectly well. Perhaps she wanted to stop by the employee lounge, just to admire it.”
This was doing nothing to get her into the game. Dang it. It seemed she needed to try harder. While she didn’t want to do anything stupid and dangerous, there had to be a way to lift her mood.
When she walked into the blue themed room she expected the Narrator to say his usual lines of annoyance. But, instead she was greeted to the sight of the man himself. He was tall with short gray hair with gold highlights. Rectangular glasses sat in front of his beautiful gold eyes. A black three piece suit and dress shoes with a gold colored tie is what he chose to wear today. A gold pocket watch chain could be seen on his suit jacket connecting to his pocket. 
Even though she felt depressed today, she still blushed at the sight of the older man. A look of concern painted his face. “Is everything alright, my dear? You aren’t very active today.”
The woman lightly sighed. “Sorry Nathan, I’m really trying. I’m just…..not very chipper today. You don’t have to worry about me, though. We can still-”
She was cut off when Nathan walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. “Of course I’ll worry about you. I love you so much, my darling. You don’t have to play today if you don’t want to. Is something bothering you? Do you want to talk about it?”
She returned the embrace and buried her face in his chest. “I don't feel good today, that’s all. It has nothing to do with you, work, or anything.”
“Do you want to cuddle while I read to you?”
Starlla could’ve cried at the sweet gesture. She didn’t deserve him. He was too good for her. “…..Yes, please.”
With that said Nathan led her to the couch and sat her down. Before she could get comfortable he bent down and began unlacing her shoes. This took her by surprise. “Um, Nathan? What are you doing?”
“Making you more comfortable, my dear. I thought it would help you relax if your shoes were off.”
He did have a point. Taking off her shoes was a good idea. “Thank you.”
“You’re quite welcome.” 
After he took off her shoes he sat down next to her and took his off too. “Let’s both get comfortable. Forget about our little game today. Let’s relax and enjoy each other’s company.”
He placed his shoes next to hers and laid down on the sofa. Starlla had to scoot over a bit to make room for his legs. Before she could say anything she found herself being levitated off of the couch. Instead of saying anything she stayed silent since she knew this was Nathan’s doing. 
She was gently placed on top of him and he stroked her hair as she laid her head on his chest. In a brief flash of glittery, golden, light a yellow and pink quilt was draped over both of them.
Nathen wrapped his arms around his girlfriend. “Comfortable, sweetheart?” She nodded. “Good. What story would you like to hear today?”
She thought for a moment. “Something relaxing. A fairytale?”
“Sounds good. Do you want to hear that spin-off novel from Frozen?”
“Yes, please.”
He kissed her on the head. “Of course.” 
With that said he summoned the book and kept it floating in the air. Now he could read to her and not let go of her. He made sure she was comfortable before starting the story.
In the offices, a door that was usually kept locked turned red and opened. Two femininely dressed men stepped into the room. 
The older one had short gray hair and golden eyes. Yellow earrings hung from his ears. He wore a white shirt, yellow tie, black trench coat that was yellow on the inside, black slacks that went up to his abdomen, and black high-heeled boots. He tightened the slights tightly around his middle to make his hips look wider. Makeup was applied to his face and black lipstick. His nails were painted black as well. His name was Black.
The other man was shorter and looked a bit younger than his companion. His short brown hair was styled back. Yellow arrow earrings decorated his ears and a black choker with yellow lace was tied around his neck. He wore a strapless black dress, black gloves that went past his elbows, and a white feather boa. His shoes of choice were black high heels with yellow on the bottom of them. His brown eyes glanced around the room. His name is Stanley.
“I’m so excited!” Exclaimed Stanley. “I’ve been waiting for this all week! I hope-”
Black held up a hand. “Hold up, sweetheart. Something doesn't feel right.”
He gave his partner a puzzled look. “What do you mean? Is something wrong?”
Black was silent for a moment. “More like different. I don't think we’re in the right place.”
“Really? That's unusual. Maybe we can still make it before the fun starts.”
Just as Stanley turned around Black spoke up. “Hold on. Let's explore. I would like to meet this place’s Narrator and Stanley. I don't think we’ve met them before. This place is very different.”
Stanley blinked before answering. “Okay. Maybe they’ll want to join us. The more the merrier.”
The two of them walked through the offices and came to the set of two opened doors. Stanley spoke first. “Which way should we go first? The left one?”
Black hummed in thought. “I haven’t heard this one's Narrator just yet. Let’s take the right one. Maybe this Stanley is exploring and went off the path.”
Back in the employee lounge Starlla was fully relaxed on Nathan, listening to him read and his heartbeat. Just as he was turning the page he froze. Something was incredibly wrong. He felt two unknown presence’s in his domain.
Starlla felt him stiffen and looked at him. “Honey? Is everything okay?”
“.....I feel two intruders in my domain.”
She sat up. “What? How did they get in here?”
Nathan could hear the sounds of heels clicking down the hallway already. He gently pushed Starlla off of him and slipped on his shoes. The laces began tying themselves as he grabbed the quilt. “Hide under here. I don't want to take a chance. If these people are aggressive then things will get ugly fast. This is my domain. Leave everything to me.”
She nodded. “Right.”
Nathan draped the quilt on the corner of the couch, making a pocket for Stella to hide under, and motioned her to crawl inside. As she did that he took her shoes and hid them on the side of the sofa. 
He turned to the open doorway as Black and Stanley stepped inside. Nathan crossed his arms and glared at the unexpected guests. While he wanted to immediately toss these people out, he’ll restrain himself. He didn't want to get violent with Starlla in the room. “Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?”
Black spoke first. He put on a friendly face. “Hello. I’m Black and this is my partner Stanley. We were going to visit some friends to have some fun, but it seems we ended up in your place instead. Sorry about that. We were hoping to meet you and your Stanley.”
When Black spoke Nathan was shocked to hear his voice come from this man. What the hell?! Why did this man have his voice?! Not to mention why did he kinda look like him?
Shaking those thoughts from his mind Nathan spoke firmly. “Instead of turning back and leaving you both decided to roam around my domain without my permission? You’re trespassing on my property. Leave. Now.”
Stanley spoke up. “We don’t mean any harm. We merely want to meet you and your Stanley.”
Nathan wasn’t having any of this. He could feel his anger levels rising by the second and his self restraint was becoming more challenging to hold onto. He uncrossed his arms and tightened his hands into fists. “I don’t know anyone named Stanley! Even if I did I wouldn’t introduce him to people who trespass on other people's private property! If you two don’t leave right now I’ll throw you out myself!”
Things were getting heated quickly. Black tried to think of a way to get this man to calm down. But, he did have a point. They were walking around in his game without his permission. He has the right to be angry. The best thing to do was to respect his wishes and leave.
Black took a breath. “We’re sorry for trespassing. We really don’t mean any harm. We’ll leave.”
Under the quilt Starlla listened to the entire conversation. One of the men sounded exactly like Nathan! How was that possible?! Was it just a coincidence or something? Deciding to push her luck, she bent down and peeked outside.
As Stanley was about to turn around to leave he happened to glance at the quilt draped on the couch. He caught movement underneath it and saw someone peek out. He smiled and gave a small wave. “Oh. Well, hello there.”
Black and Nathan both looked at him. He pointed to the quilt. “I take it your Stanley, or whatever his name is, is under there?”
Nathan growled and his eyes briefly glowed. “Leave now!”
Seeing as she has given herself away, Stella crawled out of the quilt and stood up. Both Black and Stanley were taken back at the sight of her. This version of Stanley was a woman?!
Starlla gave an awkward wave. “Um. Hello.”
Black recovered from his shock and smiled brightly at her. “Hello, darling. I’m Black and this is Stanley. It’s nice to meet both of you. We apologize for coming uninvited.”
She lightly smiled back. “Thank you for apologizing. I’m Starlla and this is Nathan.”
“Starlla.” Said Nathan stiffly. “Don’t encourage them to stay longer. They need to leave. They shouldn’t have been able to get in here in the first place.”
Stanley smiled sheepishly. “I guess it was dumb luck?”
“I think we’ll listen to your Narrator and take our leave.” Said Black. “With your permission, may we come back and reintroduce ourselves properly?”
Nathan was silent for a moment. He wanted to say no, but he saw Starlla giving him puppy dog eyes. Dang it. He hated it when she did that. Obviously she wanted to get to know these two men more. He couldn’t say no when she was giving him that look.
He sighed. “Very well. You two may come back.”
“Wonderful!” Exclaimed Black happily. “I’m already looking forward to it! Have a wonderful day you two.”
Stanley waved. “I’m looking forward to our next meeting as well. Take care!”
Starlla waved bye at the two men and looked at Nathan. “Glad they were friendly. They seem very nice.”
He hummed, feeling himself simmer down now that they were gone. “Perhaps. I’m glad they didn’t destroy anything and hurt you.”
She giggled and kissed his cheek. “You’re so overprotective. But, I appreciate it. Want to continue where we left off?”
With a smile, Nathan kissed her forehead. “Of course, sweetheart. Let’s get comfortable again.”
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96 Thoughts while rewatching the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Pilot.
1. Midge graduated college early, got married and had her first kid in like a year and a half holy shit girl.
2. That fat joke not great. But ASP is ASP.
3. monogrammed butter pads. Like Disney World!
4. lol the bleaching.
5. Why did the man have to be Joel?
6. Midge why was Joel a gift from god? He was not. He was not a gift from god, the best thing he did for you was help you recognize Lenny when you eventually got thrown in the same cop cruiser.
7. The airplane gluuuueeeeee lol
8. The suit they put Luke in is too big on purpose, to try and make him look older and less attractive and it uh...doesn’t work.
9. Against a tree. Ugh. Not comfortable.
10. “we’re very happy” I love Abe so much.
11. So many angry Jews about shrimp.
13. I wish I lived where there was a dedicated butcher.
14. Poor Midge has no idea that she and Joel are skint because he hasn’t told her shit. God dammit.
15. Spending hours on that brisket. Hours to get it perfect.
16. He hates you, Joel, because you’re a terrible comedian and you don’t deserve a better time.
17. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You’re gonna find out, asshole.
18. Penny Pann cannot use an electric pencil sharpener. She is so fucking dumb. How did she figure out sex if she couldn’t figure out- you know never mind.
19. The music slaps.
20. Remember that no matter how in love Joel is acting in this moment, he’s been fucking Penny for months.
22. He winds up so angry about Midge handling everything for him, but he let her. He enjoyed it. He barely had to lift a finger.
23. Oh Susie.
24. Oh Midge.
25. I owe my soul to the company stooooooore
26. “I should be kissing the brisket!” Fuck you.
27. Jackieeeeeeeeeeeee
28. Blugh.
29. Blugh Joel.
30. Susie knows what’s up.
31. “I was great.” Holy fuck.
32. One standing ovation everyone goes home pregnant. lol
33. We’ve never met Aunt Bertha. I want to. I deserve Aunt Bertha.
34. Fuck, Midge’s routine is so brutal. Paranoidly staying awake until Joel drops off, and then doing her entire routine and sneaking back into bed. Getting up before the sun is up to redo her whole look and then pretending to be asleep. Jesus, not thank you.
36. She really thought this was supposed to be her life forever. That this was it.
37. Morning Ethan. Ethan. Ethan. Ethan. E-
38. Rose and the forehead. Ugh. Just the - the physical expectations...so much yikes.
39. lol schnorror
40. Oh Imogene.
41. Again. The every day physical demands are insane. And Midge puts this on herself for the most part, but I do get the feeling that Joel...didn’t help.
42. “I made curry but I also ordered Chinese.” BITCH NO! NO! YOU MAKE DINNER HE EATS WHAT YOU COOKED WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT AND IF IT IS TRULY UNPALATABLE YOU ORDER OUT TOGETHER. God damn, the shit this woman would go through just to make this horrible man happy. Fuck’s sake.
43. Poor Midge, realizing that Joel is stealing material. Thinking at first that someone stole his stuff.
44. THERE IS AN ENTIRE ENORMOUS BOWL OF LEMONS ON THE TABLE! Are they wax? Jesus that’s so many.
45. “It’s fine, everybody does it.” Feh.
46. “When I found out June Friedman stole my meatloaf recipe I almost stabbed her in the eye with a fork.” Big Lorelai vibes.
47. “You’ll learn.” Fuck you, Joel.
48. Midge made another brisket when Baz asked for latkes....
49. Midge is never on time. Just FYI.
50. Joel not getting his way gets shitty. We start to see how terrible he is here. The cracks of her being berated for things she can’t control. Like ted the moth.
51. He’s not a comedian, Midge.
53. The jerkoff motion lol. Love it.
54. Who here likes Hillbilly polka?! Me! I do!
56. Watching Joel bomb is rough. I absolutely hate this scene. If there’s one thing this show does well, it’s showing people bomb. And how bad it can be. It really is like chewing tin foil. Like nails on a chalkboard.
57. No one cares about your holey sweater, asshole. You cannot tell a joke.
58. It is so hard to watch. It is so hard to watch. Holy shit. Holy shit just stop stop Joel stop no no no no no no no no no.
59. And of course he blames Midge for his bad performance. Everything is her fault. He cannot take responsibility for his lack of talent. It has to be her fault.
60. And she’s trying to be supportive. She’s trying to be kind about this. And he’s just...awful.
61. Like i get that this was a bad night for him, but his lack of ability to deal with his life is atrocious.
62. And he’s leaving her because suddenly this isn’t what he wants, even though he’s been relying on her for their whole marriage. He loves it when things go right. He cannot deal when things don’t go his way.
63. “Nobody’s happy, it’s Yom Kippur.”
64. “he was in Buchenwald, throw him a bone!” lol I love this line. It’s a particular bit of very Jewish gallows humor that’s hard to come by in pop culture, and it’s what sold me on the show when I watched it for the first time.
65. She had no idea this was actually his dream. He never told her. They never talked about his dreams, or her wants. They don’t talk to each other.
67. “Do you know what a dream is?” What a terrible - god dammit.
69. You cannot expect your partner to know everything without telling them. That’s just moving the goal posts around day after day. Jesus.
70. “I will be better. I will do better.” Poor Midge. god dammit.
71. He is so awful. I cannot believe I sit through scenes of this terrible man. He is the fucking worst. And he has been from fucking jump, and he’s only gotten marginally better.
73. Joel Maisel is the WoooOOOOooOOOOOOooorst!
74. “I’m sorry.” You’re not sorry at all.
75. Though I think that was the only time he ever really said it.
76. I love how much Abe loves television.
77. “What did you do?” Ugh. Ugh.
78. “That was about deli, too.” lol
79. omg Rose. Her character development is amazing.
80. “You cannot survive this.” Yeah she can.
81. Girl I’d get drunk too.
82. favorite gif:
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83. It’s a Pyrex. My Pyrex.
84. Joel did not want to be challenged. He wanted to be coddled.
85. Midge her shirt was on inside out because she put it back on after fucking your husband girl.
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88. For how much of an unforgiving hardass Susie can be, she also is very sympathetic to Midge when she’s falling apart
89. One standing ovation, everyone goes home pregnant.
90. lol eating chips on Yom Kippur mood.
91. 10 in the morning?!
92. You’re not my wife.
93. Their chemistry from jump was just amazing. He was only supposed to be a bit part and...yeah. They just...the way they look at each other, even from the beginning.
94. And she just waits patiently for him to finish his schtick. She knows he’s just gotta work through his little song and dance to get to her answer. They have a rhythm from the beginning.
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96. Yeah. He loves it.
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gvftea · 1 year
I was at Marcus & Briley's wedding. I've wanted to share my experience but I'm an active member of the gvf fandom & I am terrified of the backlash.
My moots know who I am & have heard all this but I guess I just wanted to share it with the rest of you guys anonymously. Just an FYI first though, I don't know Marcus & Briley well. They allocated around 50 "plus one" spots to their closest friends. I was a "plus one" for my cousin. Who has worked with Briley for years. She knew gvf were invited & very kindly took me with her. Ok, so here it is.
1. I was sat on the table next to gvf. There was Josh, Micah, Sam, Hannah, Jita, Jake & the Ida Mae couple on their table along with Danny who moved to sit at the edge of our table throughout the night.
2. Yes, I spoke to all the boys during the course of the evening but I didn't ask for a selfie as honestly it didn't feel right at any point in the conversation. I didnt really want them to know how big a fan I am. I spoke to Danny first we talked about how beautiful Briley looked. Then later on when every1 got up to dance I was pulled up by a guy on my table that was goofing off with Josh. Josh gave me a glo stick and said something along the lines of "we need more of these." I didn't speak to Sam until I got chatting to Hannah first who was so sweet. She complimented my shoes & I said I wish i could go barefeet like Sam and he heard me and told me to just go for it. I didnt because i hate dirty floors 🤣. Finally Jake, probably the best one. He didn't get up to dance but Jita did. And she tried to get him up bless her. Anyway when we were all stood at the side of the dancefloor around our tables i took my chance. I said to him "aww why dont you get up and dance" he laughed and said "its ok im not much of a dancer" lol.
3. Josh & Micah are not a couple. Aside from giving off brother vibes when you see them in person, whilst I was chatting to Hannah she casually dropped it in that Micah was also one of the "plus one" attendees because Josh is a single pringle. (Her exact words)
4. Jake & Jita are very touchy feely. They always had either a hand on each other or would touch each other in their expressions. Jita is very "motherly" in her mannerisms. If that makes sense? I got the impression she does alot for Jake in terms of their everyday life. I spoke to her once and she called Jake her partner.
5. Their sister Ronnie lives in Nashville.
6. Danny was the biggest social butterfly. He moved from their table the most and seemed to know the most people there. He didnt stay in one group too long but always went back to his table after venturing out.
7. Josh can hold his drink. Like...that boy can driiiinkkkk. He was wasted by the end of the night (we all were) but i would say he appeared merry until the last hour. He danced the most.
8. Sam cant dance. Like at all. Like not even a little bit. He tried. But it was just so...nope. But he looked like he was having so much fun he didnt care.
9. Sam & Hannah arent as affectionate as a couple as jake & jita are.
10. I got talking to Chris the guy from Ida Mae and he told me Jake has been in the studio with them recently.
I could go on but thats the stuff i have been gatekeeping. It was a blissful night really the room was full of love. Marcus & Briley looked perfect for each other. I wish them all the best and will never forget my night in their company.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
The First Eighty-Three Hours (4)
CEO!Steve Rogers x CEO!reader
Dinner (see previous or series)
Summary: The most nerve-racking part of your official first day isn't what you expect.
Warnings for frustrating gossip and misogynist behavior, as well as light and suggestive language. This one is a bit of a rollercoaster, FYI. WC 3.5k
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You never believed it more than today: Mondays are the fucking worst.
It started normally. You woke, dressed, and came to work early. You exchanged a few texts with Steve, all sweet but about real business, and you looked forward to ticking off lots of things on the to-do list, especially since as co-CEOs, you both can split up the top-level tasks.
It goes to shit almost immediately.
Security hasn’t updated your badge clearance for the building but has managed to delete your old security details in preparation for the change in title. You know a few of the front desk guards, but not all of them, not the ones working this morning, and since the building houses multiple company corporate offices, they see a lot of people come and go. Topaz has to come down and escort you up as if you are her visitor.
You can’t get mad—though you are fuming—because it’s a simple tech error that one call can correct. It’s about the most pleasant call of your whole day.
Each of the other companies you call has been in contract with American Capsules for at least a year. Some CEOs, some COOs, one CFO, you know every man (and they are all men) you speak to, and at a point in every single call, a variation of “are you sure? Put Rogers on” gets thrown in.
You have a headache from rolling your eyes so hard. You come up with highly creative ways to say that you have been on the line for most, if not all, of their previous discussions with Mr. Rogers, and that he, in fact, asked you for final assurance that his information was correct during most, if not all, of those calls. To some extent, you know this company better than Steve Rogers.
No one seems to fucking care. It’s a Monday. You’re a woman. You were just an assistant.
“I’d feel better if I hear that from him.”
That’s the kicker.
God forbid you get emotional, but baby-boy over here really needs to feel reassured. At least that man did not refer to you as some sort of dessert.
My name is not ‘sugar,’ it is not ‘cupcake,’ and it is not ‘gumdrop,’ you old farts. However, the nicknames come from men aged 31 to 63, so…woohoo, consistency.
The fun doesn’t end there. Your only in-person meeting decides to regale you with a story of how he’s more qualified than you.
“It’s a shame I never got to apply,” he scoffs in what he probably thinks is a casual way but it’s just derogatory. “Guess you had the inside track, huh? You and Rogers spend so much time together…”
Do not scream ‘fuck off.’ Don’t do it.
“Steve saw my dedication to this company, yes.” You fake-laugh to the door to get him to leave. “You’d hate the hours anyway, Paul. I know how much you love those Napa Valley vacations, and I’m afraid that just wouldn’t work here.”
You managed to not make the door hit him on the way out. Now you kinda want a cupcake.
At lunch—which you eat at nearly three in the afternoon—Topaz tosses out a comment about how you must be excited to spend some of that raise money, freshen up your wardrobe, maybe buy a new car or upgrade your apartment. You do not have fucking time for her shit.
Steve comes in to check a few things with you, dedicated to his professional persona, which is great because you need to feel like work is work and home is home right now.  The lines cannot be blurred when everyone around you thinks they already are.
Plus, you’d likely bite his head clean off if he dared say the word ‘precious’ after the morning you’ve had.
Keeping to work only is not that difficult because you’ve been ignoring how delicious Mr. Rogers looks in a suit for years, except there may be a few random phrases he accidentally says that make your thighs clench. Most of them are mild threats to the men who’d behaved badly towards you, but Steve doesn’t seem to know what they did. He’s simply annoyed that they insisted on speaking to him instead of confirming details with you.
The most peaceful part of the whole day is about seven minutes between two calls. You drink a whole glass of water with the door shut and get to stare out the window. The cityscape should remind you of sex. Good sex. Great sex. But no, all you really think about is chatting with Steve whilst having that morning coffee. You hated to replace the scent of his soap with your body wash after going home, and you washed your hair thinking of how to describe the ritual to him.
Other than that seven minutes in heaven, you never calm down. You end up still at the office until 6:20. There’s no chance to run home and change. You’ll have to go to dinner with Pepper and Tony in what you’re wearing.
Steve holds your coat up in the hall. He jokes that the perk of having a driver is that you can both leave your workbags in the car. He doesn’t sense anything is really wrong, and he says it again.
“You were amazing today.”
You don’t fucking feel like it.
During the ride to the restaurant, you are on the verge of rage tears. If tomorrow goes just as badly, you may break your desk phone. Employees knowing about (or acknowledging) your heightened status is hit-and-miss. Some offered congratulations while a fair few—shockingly all men—still rampantly demeaned you in hopes of getting a second with ‘your boss.’ It felt like high school all over again to hear girls whispering about ‘sleeping her way to the top’ in the bathroom. Bitter is not a heavy enough sentiment for how you feel in this stupid fucking car going to a stupid fucking meal while you still have a stupid fucking amount of—
“We’re here,” Steve says softly, a hand grasping your thigh briefly, telling you to wait while he gets your door.
You’re distracted on the walk inside, automatically letting him take your coat and check them in the lobby. Your mind is elsewhere when you step up to the hostess desk.
“It’s…I’m sorry, I don’t know who the reservation is under, but party of four—“
Damn. You think of something you need to tell Topaz and an amendment for a contract stipulation tomorrow.
As you scurry to pull out your phone, the maitre d’ clears his throat.
“Ma’am, this establishment has a dress code.”
It hardly registers. You have on a blouse and trousers with broken-in heels that don’t blister your feet. Your tits and ass aren’t hanging out. Mission accomplished. Let’s get on with it.
“I’m covered,” you mutter, texting Topaz.
“I’m afraid I can’t allow you to dine with us in that.”
You finally look up and see the clear disdain on the man’s angular face. Even the host is in a full tuxedo.
Tony yells from the doorway of a private room far beyond the main dining room and bar. He’s oblivious to disturbing anyone else’s meal, but it’s possible half of these people eat here explicitly to see Tony Stark and say they eat where he does.
Steve returns to your side, and while The Tony Stark and The Steve Rogers exchange a brief hug, you stare right into the maître d’s eyes and purse your lips.
“M’Lady,” Tony coos, leaning forward to kiss your cheek, “or should I say ‘my hero?’” He smiles and turns excitedly. “Hope you brought your appetites. I ordered one of everything. This way—“
“One moment,” you halt, lifting a finger, looking the angular man square in the face with your head held high. “Do we have a problem?”
Sheet-white, the host has a new pallor. Good.
“What’s this,” Steve asks quietly.
“No, ma’am,” the maitre d’ gulps, pure terror flashing in his brown eyes.
Your own eyes drop to his name tag. “Thank you, Lyle.” Smiling as you slowly rotate to your date, you let out a tense breath.
“After you,” Steve offers, smiling too.
You don’t want to start the night off on the wrong foot by explaining that exchange, but your hands smooth any piece of fabric they can get to nervously.
Tech guys in Silicon Valley go everywhere in ratty tees and cargo pants, and they’re probably openly welcomed into the nicest places. Steve’s in a perfectly nice suit, but nothing fancy. Hell, Tony wears a Black Sabbath shirt under a blazer. Why just you?
Your clothes are fine, not haute couture, but you have no desire to maintain a wardrobe that requires more time and effort than your day job. You know what Steve spends on dry cleaning and tailoring. When would you find the time? Plus, there’s a thin line between fashionable, functional, and cumbersome—
Whatever. Pepper will understand if it’s brought up…except she’s in a gorgeous sheath dress and Louboutins. Pep’s always been like that though, impeccable taste, and she’s the reason you found that gala gown from a store you wouldn’t have set foot in otherwise.
Dinner does start out well. Tony is beyond appreciative (about the weekend), and Pep is gracious and sympathetic (about your long day, no details). There’s a bit of discussion about the differences between Tony/Pepper’s setup and yours/Steve’s.
Pepper is the CEO and the only CEO of Stark Industries because Tony’s the innovator. Steve, who has always been the actual and active leader of his company, now shares those responsibilities with you. He makes an off-hand remark about still being crazy busy today, and your hands tremble faintly. You move them to your lap, trying to calm down. You’re finding it hard to jump into conversation—since you’ve spent years as a silent observer to Steve’s meetings—and transitioning to full participant isn’t natural yet.
Tony wasn’t joking about the food. Five appetizers show up and litter the table. Everyone tries everything they fancy and nothing they don’t. The not-empty plates are replaced by eight entrees laid in their wake.
This is weird. Delicious, yes, but wasteful and formal, and you’ve hit your limit. You open your mouth to excuse yourself for the ladies’ room, but the double door opens again. The chef has arrived with an off-menu addition. Tony is thrilled.
The plate, however, is placed directly in front of you.
“Something special,” the chef beams, “for you, Señorita Cappy.”
You recognize the dish and the man suddenly.
“Oh gosh, Maximus!” You take his outstretched hand, and he kisses the back of it. “I had no idea you—it’s been so long. You’re here now?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he says in a thick accent, “thanks to yourself.”
“Consider me put in my place,” Tony grumbles playfully while Pepper and Steve look at you with curiosity.
“Ah,” you flounder to take the lead in speaking, “well, for one of the first catered events after I started at AmCap, Chef Maximus was part of the staff—but not a cook! I remember—a tragedy really, because he wanted so badly to debut this—“ you showcase the plate before you with a flick of your hand “—traditional meal from his hometown. I put him in touch with a client—Bonterouss, if you remember him,” you toss to Steve. “He’s an entrepreneur that had mentioned cuisine as a passion, and…”
You shrug the rest off.
Maximus is effusive beyond reason, and after quite a few “you’re welcome”s and “you earned it”s in hopes that he knows you’re very happy for him (but need this to be done), he wishes the group a fantastic meal, excusing himself.
It’s nice to see him, of course, and it’s so wonderful he’s doing well.
Tony grabs a fork and reaches to try the new addition on the table.
Steve and Pepper say some nice things about how nice you are and how wonderful you’ve done since they all met you. Nice and wonderful. You feel anything but nice and wonderful.
Your façade crumbles. The rollercoaster of the day has wrung you dry and now it wrings actual tears from you.
Tony doesn’t skip a beat and says to let it out or drink up. Steve rubs across your shoulders and tries to tell you again how amazing you are, but that brings on a few sobs. Pepper, bless her, helps you both to the restroom like you wanted to do before the dam broke.
In addition to pauper’s clothing—apparently—you have no makeup left after as quick of a recap and cry as you can manage in the loo.
“Sweetheart, you’ve done exceptional work, and you’ll continue to do so.” Pepper trashes the last of the cloth-like paper towels in the bathroom lit by two chandeliers.
One last sniffle. You’re allotted only one more sniffle, you tell yourself.
“And what about the rest?”
Her smile is sweet. “If you want, you know I’m always willing to go shopping with you, but if you don’t care, then fuck them.”
You quickly consider what Pep might spend on hair and makeup and clothing and cleaning that clothing…since you know what half that costs for Steve. You can’t decide if your stomach wants to wretch or to binge the feelings away.
“As for…men?” Pepper braces herself on the marble vanity and meets your eye in the mirror. “It takes a lot of time. Too much time. It’s a complete waste of time, and some of the jerks never learn. You will put in far more effort than Rogers needs to, and frankly, he may never understand.” She turns to you and questioningly reaches for the exit’s handle. “He’s a good guy though. He may be one of the few who listens at very least.”
That’s an exhausting thought in and of itself, but you nod.
Back at the table, Steve immediately asks if you’d prefer to leave. It’s too dismissive to answer that it was only ‘women’s issues’ because the cause was men. You struggled to do your job today because men seemingly could not accomplish their own jobs with a woman anywhere in the mix, even one they’ve all dealt with before.
But she’s got authority now? Inconceivable. They need to speak to Rogers.
That is horrifyingly inefficient. Also, of course, it’s not all men. Some will be perfectly professional around you while wondering if you’ll blow them for some more authority. Others will use any excuse to claim your accomplishments just aren’t the same as theirs. The exact same men who will say you fucked for your job will bemoan that you don’t try a little harder with your appearance, which is just—just—
You have to arrest that train of thought.
“No, I’m fine. Just tired,” you assure Steve.
Tired of everyone’s shit.
Breathe. Calm. Sip your wine. Don’t kill Stark when he asks what the hot gossip is from the toilet. First-day jitters stories are exchanged around the table. It’s supportive but unhelpful.
You weren’t nervous. You were sabotaged.
That isn’t what you want to talk about though, and you frown at Steve hoping he takes the hint.
He slyly puts his hand on your knee and squeezes gently. In his deep, commanding voice, Steve deliberately cuts into a moment of side bickering between the other couple.
Everyone straightens in their chair a little. There’s that press of your thighs again. How very Captain-ly of him, you think.
“Right,” Tony blurts, “now it’s my turn to be sad-sack.” He fishes around for another bite of something. “Who wants to hear about Galmira?”
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The irony is that you did a lot better at dinner once the discussion became work related but not related to your experience of work. You catch Steve eyeing you once or twice, he half-heartedly mentions that they could talk about something else, but you lean to whisper “whatever gets me through this, ok” in his ear as a plea for the night to end without you looking like the awkward duckling.
There were four desserts and another special thing sent out from Maximus. Tony, of course, paid.
Steve is quiet during the car ride to drop you off at your apartment. He fidgets with his phone and seems to be checking and rechecking for emails that aren’t arriving.
“May I come up so we can talk,” he mumbles, setting the phone screen down in his lap.
You take a big breath and scratch at your eyebrow. “Steve, my place is not like yours.” The day is getting to you, and all you want is to wash it away or drown out how you felt like you weren’t good enough even though nothing really changed. You don’t think you can handle commentary about your actual home. “I don’t have a doorman that will bring me a swag bag or whatever. I don’t have two bathrooms…or bedrooms, for that matter, or a massive kitchen or giant windows.”
Steve picks at a bit of lint on his pant leg.
“Do you want those things?”
At first, you think it’s some sort of bizarre proposal, not completely out of the question for a man who told you he’s in love with you before your first date. Still, you peer at him with harsh condemnation.
“Because if you don’t want those things, then why would I care if you have them? Aside from being a biohazard or full of rats, I don’t see any reason that I’d be bothered.” Steve pockets his phone. “There are no rats, right?”
Those rage tears are starting a slow surge forward. “I mean it. I don’t live like you.”
“Precious, for most of my life, I didn’t live like I do now.” He turns to face you as best he can on the back seat. “Ma and I had just this side of nothing after my dad passed. She still lives more like you than me—or, I’m assuming closer—but I know she likes it that way. She’s comfortable. I’m comfortable. Are you?”
That all sounds sweet, but you don’t trust it. Everything feels precariously balanced on keeping any semblance of Steve’s respect since you felt an overall backslide at the office today. Work is work and home is home. What you need is home to still be the place you believe Steve Rogers wants you, a place where you are precious not indigent.
The car pulls up before you can truly respond.
“At least let me walk you to your door?” He makes no move to touch you, respectfully.
While you gather your briefcase and purse, you make a decision.
“No, you can come up.”
It sounds less than sure, but that’s just it. Of all the things in life that you are not sure about right now, Steve Rogers is the one thing you are sure of.
Steve isn’t asking to come up with any expectations (other than to ascend a staircase and have a door unlocked). He simply asks to let you know you have options to choose from to feel better: alone or company.
He’s also—in his own hyper-efficient, maddeningly puppy-dog way—telling you that you deserve to feel better, to feel confident, to feel comfortable.
He confirms morning pick-up for the two of you with his driver. He politely follows you to your door, three steps behind. He says exactly zero words in response to laying eyes on your living space. He takes your coat again to hang his and yours by your door.
For some reason, it strikes you that they look good together, your coats, right there in your apartment, and you release an enormous sigh as you plop your bags down at the dinette.
“Don’t fret,” he soothes, finally closing the distance between you to cup your face and kiss your forehead, “I’ll be honored to smell like you tomorrow.”
Your thighs clench and you swallow loudly.
Steve backs up, beet red at the collar of his shirt. “Soap,” he yells. “I meant your—“ He pinches the bridge of his nose and squeezes his eyes shut, muttering, “real question is whether I need another drink or if that means I’ve had too many…”
He rubs the nape of his neck, jutting a thick, veiny forearm close to your face, and it wafts that damn air of comfort right at you. A lock of hair dislodges and tickles his forehead. He bites at his pink bottom lip. He’s magically confident and shy, thorough but clueless, too grand and too adorable all in one ripped, muscular package dropped off neatly in your living room where it visibly does not belong.
Today was hard, but this guy makes the night look easy.
So you just fling yourself on him, cheap-but-not-cheap clothing and all.
Fuck it. Earn that cupcake.
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Oooooo, big shock, I couldn't keep it to the estimated number of chapters...again. There will be at least one more. Fairly certain it will just be the one if my outline holds (she says with absolutely zero confidence while thinking of three other side-plots) and will probably have a bit of smut. Who knows. I sure as shit don't. These two just lead me around blindly...
I see what I did there, whoops. Makes sense now.
[Last Part]
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @fallinallinmendes @deandreamernp @rach2602 @patzammit
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