#I really recommend those as a supplement to your exploration - it really adds to the experience but also it helps you critically analyse
So...you're into arthuriana...
What's one work you'd recommend as a good starting place?
Not going chronologically like I did 😂
Hmmm but a little more seriously, it does depend on a few things, like how much you know about the most common story beats, how much exposure to medieval lit you’ve had already, and also just what you’re keen on in Arthuriana 🙂
[Edit - TL;DR: In general, Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. For medieval lit, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (or, if you’re like “who ?? is Gawain ??” then the Alliterative Morte Arthure]
If you’re brand squeaky new to Arthuriana, the best advice I’ve seen is to actually start with a movie (I’d say start with one of the older ones, as more modern ones are all about subverting the existing narratives, which isn’t as helpful for this purpose). Doing this is just about getting familiar with common tropes, characters, adventures etc because tbh there’s no official cannon to learn and if you tried to mush together all the different traditions to make a coherent narrative….you couldn’t, some things directly contradict each other.
I’d also really recommend the Myths and Legends podcast’s King Arthur series for this same intro approach! This series goes into more depth and breadth than any one movie can. This intro approach can also help you figure out what interests you - and then you can use that interest (e.g., a character, topic, trope, or event) as a pathway through Arthuriana, jumping from text to text, if that’s a method that sounds good to you (the Camelot Project can help you find texts related to your interest). Or you can go by country, or by chronology, or by tradition or text type, or do a survey of the most famous texts and then double back for the more obscure. There are lots of different ways of doing things 🙂. 
For written material, as long as you’re okay not starting with medieval lit, I’d actually recommend Alfred Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. It provides a great sweep of those main story beats but isn’t as long as, say, Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte D’Arthur (this is a 15th century Middle English text that is very famous and often people’s first go-to – but it’s very long and more than a bit intimidating). Once you move on from Tennyson, you’ll notice that his attitudes towards certain characters and events don’t match up to other texts – never fear! That’s Arthuriana in a nutshell, where every author has a different favourite character and does something slightly – or majorly – different with the stories. Tennyson is Victorian-era and his vision of Arthuriana has really shaped modern popular understanding.
If you’re interested in starting with medieval lit, I would recommend Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (author unknown, called the ‘Gawain Poet’ or the ‘Pearl Poet’ after one of their other stories). This is a late-14th century Middle English poem and it has a very self-contained narrative, so you don’t need to be familiar with other stories to still enjoy it. Plus it’s a gorgeous piece of literature by itself. That being said, if this is your first exposure to medieval lit, it might not be aaaas enjoyable as it could be? I do think it’s fine as-is, but a lot of the narrative tension relies on notions of honour and virtue that are very much of the time and place. But if you feel like you have a handle on those ideas already, or if you find a version with a solid introduction, I’d say definitely go for it!
Or else, I think ???? it was Ellian (@/ pendraegon) who once suggested starting with Chrétien de Troyes’ Yvain, the Knight of the Lion for a more intro-level exploration of honour and chivalry. Unlike the others I’ve mentioned above, he is a French author and was writing in the late 12th century. He is one of the first Arthurian romance writers (romance here meaning something different than our modern understanding) and is the originator of the Lancelot / Guinevere love affair. Chrétien’s other stories are good as well but less suitable for an intro, except maaaaaybe Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart if you’re a big Lancelot fan (or I guess Perceval if you’re keen on the Grail Quest, but that one – while it is the origin of the Grail – is unfinished. Queue a bunch of continuations that were written by other people to finish this story, who added the “holy” part to the Holy Grail).
Or if you want an intro that is more about Arthur, I’d recommend the Alliterative Morte Arthure which is a Middle English poem from ~1400. It – like its buddy the Green Knight above – is written in alliterative verse. This one covers the latter part of Arthur’s life – so not his birth or the sword in the stone, but rather his fight with Rome, his betrayal by Mordred, etc. This one is inspired more by the chronicle tradition (while the Green Knight is more inspired by the romance tradition). This means that it has more in common with Geoffrey of Monmouth’s The History of the Kings of Britain (c. 1136, written in Latin) than it does with Chretien. But it's way less dry and boring than the chronicles lol, especially Simon Armitage’s translation.
There are shorter stories that would be good little tasters that I could recommend, but they’re not as easy to find in your library or second-hand bookstore. You should check out Lou / Jack’s (@/ gringolet) intro post and Ellian’s (@ / pendraegon) post as well. They have links to PDFs of shorter stories and also links to good translations of the medieval lit I’ve suggested above. These posts touch on traditions from places that aren't England or France, which I high-key recommend diving into when you feel ready. They also give a bit of an intro to genre and form, if you’re keen on that 😊
I'll also send you to a post of mine that pulls together free audio versions of some Arthurian stories / texts both medieval and modern.
Finally, if you've set yourself the (big! and fun!) project of getting into Arthuriana, I’d recommend digging up a copy of Alan Lupack’s The Oxford Guide to Arthurian Literature and Legend, either from your library or for cheap somewhere if that’s an option for you. There’s a bazillion different traditions and even more stories that can all be labelled as "Arthuriana", so knowing how what you’re reading ties into the bigger picture can be really helpful (just search the text you're reading in the index of Lupack’s book, you’ll likely need to use its untranslated name).
I hope there's something in this post that interests you and helps you get started. Let me know if you have questions about any of this - and enjoy! 🏰 🗡️ 🐉
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official-wonho · 2 years
The secret to Wonho's abs: two 2-hour gym sessions and no instant ramen
K-pop's resident beefcake shares his well-oiled fitness and diet routine
K-pop idol Wonho's love of fitness is something he developed only when he started training to become a performer, which makes his status as the industry's resident hunk even more impressive. Even if you've never heard any of his music (we recommend you hit ‘add to library’), you've likely seen a fancam or two of him grace your Twitter timeline or Instagram explore page. To put it plainly, he's got a rockin' bod.
All abs, thighs and arms, Wonho has been a staple in K-pop since 2015 when he debuted with the group Monsta X, who quickly became known for the masculine ‘beast idol’ concept. Since 2020, he's embarked solo, infusing that strong outer appearance with something more vulnerable. He's just released his second single album Bittersweet, which he's been promoting since early October. The promotions for a K-pop idol are gruelling and intense. Never just about an expertly conceptualised music video, they also include early start appearances on music shows, long interview days and ‘fan calls’ that involve a steady stream of Facetimes with fans who win the chance to talk to their fave starts off the back of buying albums. The process is a well-oiled machine, and so is the fitness routine and diet that Wonho has developed alongside it.
Not one to shy away from a revealing stage costume that shows off his six-pack in equal measure to his dance moves, or to entice fans with an expertly taken thirst trap, it's obvious Wonho has mastered the balance required to maintain one of the most jacked physiques in music and the gruelling reality of promoting as an idol. Here he explains what it takes to be the adonis of K-pop.
"Monday morning I will work out my chest and then after I'll do my back and shoulders. Then the next day it will be my arms and my lower body, and then I'll repeat myself. So I spend four hours working out in total per day. I'll divide it up into the morning and the night, and then as well as that I'll also do a one-hour cardio workout. There are two types of ab workouts that I do after the main workout. I'll use the machine called hanging raise, and then I'll also work out with the cable, and I'll do 10 sets every single day. Seven days, every week.
So my favourite workout would be exercising my back because I often feel that I've worked out really hard and have that fulfilling feeling, I guess. I hate working out my chest because it's hard to get the posture right and I have back pain so, it's kind of hard to do it. I start off my set with free weights without using the machine, and I'll use the equipment in every gym that I would like to try out. There's a lat pulldown machine from the Italian brand Panatta that I really like.
For most Korean artists, when we start our album promotion [schedules] are packed and really tight, so many artists will sleep for, like, one or two hours and then get up and do another schedule. Whenever I don't get enough sleep, in the morning I often feel like giving up that day. But I'll never skip my workouts, especially because my face will bloat. So if I don't do it before the schedule, I'll do it during.
During the pandemic, it was really hard for me to work out in the gym. In Korea, many of the gyms were closed, but I had my own gym and supplements in my house. So I would use those to work out, but I also went outside a lot instead. Even if I couldn't focus on weights, I kept on working with my dancing and being mobile. [To dance] I do a lot of stretching and I use a foam roller constantly which helps a lot with balance. I think because I practice a lot of dancing, regardless of my muscles, [that fluidity] just naturally comes."
"I start my morning by training, and after working out I'll drink an oatmeal juice. For my first meal, I eat chicken with carrots, broccoli, kale and rice, and for my second I eat beef rump with rice. Then, in between my dinner and the second meal, I'll have another oatmeal juice. For dinner, I'll have white fish, again with rice, carrots, broccoli and kale, and I'll finish it off with egg whites. Sometimes I'll also eat pineapple for digestion.
It's probably a special case for me, and I don't think it will apply to many other people, but I often think of my fans or of being in front of a camera, and so naturally, it makes me handle my appetite and drive me further. It's like a motivation for me."
“My favourite food is ramen, but ramen is often recognised as an instant food and something that's not good for your health. But I can never resist it, so whenever I finish shooting a music video, or after my album promotion, I'll eat it. But since I have a photoshoot coming up, I won't have it yet.”
Skincare and beauty
"I don't use any specific skincare. I don't really know how to care for my skin, to be honest, so I will just use things that I see in front of me. For example, when I go to the gym they will have skincare that people can use, so I'll just use that.
I do love using perfume, though. My favourite is, and sorry to use a swear word, called Fucking Fabulous Eau de Parfum by Tom Ford."
Source: gq-magazine.co.uk
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healtproduct55 · 1 month
Aizen Power Supplements: A Game Changer for My Confidence in the Bedroom
For years, I'd been struggling with intimacy issues. Let's just say it was putting a strain on my relationship. I tried everything – exercise, a better diet, even stress management techniques – but nothing seemed to make a lasting difference. Then, I stumbled upon Aizen Power Supplements, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer.
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Increased Stamina and Performance
Before Aizen Power Supplements, intimacy sessions were short-lived and left me feeling drained. But after incorporating the supplement into my routine, I noticed a significant improvement in my stamina. I can last much longer now, which has made a huge difference in my overall satisfaction and my partner's as well. It's allowed us to explore intimacy in a way we never could before.
Improved Confidence and Desire
The newfound stamina wasn't the only benefit. Aizen Power Supplements also gave my confidence a much-needed boost. Knowing that I could perform well for my partner took away a lot of anxiety I wasn't even aware I was carrying. This, in turn, reignited a passion I thought I'd lost. I find myself desiring intimacy more often, and those desires are translating into more fulfilling experiences for both of us.
Natural Ingredients and Safe to Use
What really sold me on Aizen Power Supplements was the fact that it's made with all-natural ingredients. I was hesitant to try anything synthetic or chemical-based, so finding a natural solution was a relief. After doing my research, I felt confident that the ingredients were safe and effective.
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Easy to Take and Discreet Packaging
The supplement comes in a convenient capsule form, making it easy to incorporate into my daily routine. The packaging is also discreet, which is important to me. I don't want to have to explain what I'm taking to anyone, and Aizen Power Supplements allows me to keep my decision private.
Overall, a Positive Experience
Aizen Power Supplements has had a real positive impact on my relationship. It's given me back my confidence, improved my performance, and rekindled the spark between me and my partner. If you're looking for a natural way to enhance your intimacy, I highly recommend giving Aizen Power Supplements a try. It's a decision you won't regret.
Disclaimer: It's important to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. But for me, Aizen Power Supplements has been a lifesaver, and I'm truly grateful for the positive changes it's brought to my life.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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jauctin · 2 years
Improve Knowledge About Best Vision Supplement
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A person's vision as expected deteriorates while mature. Regardless of if you’ve in no way considered necessary spectacles or contact lenses or just cable connections, your entire view can easily magnify as you get outdated. Fortunately, an honest vision supplement could actually help. 100s of vision supplements have grown to be available that aid care for vision in several ways. A little bit of supplements say they other loss of sight, further enhance good vision, and correct shitty vision, amongst other things. Unfortunately, don't assume every vision supplement is created similar. Many are by considering spam art. Many can consist of unspecified dosage regarding unwanted contents. We wish to help out as ideas add to analysts. Here i will discuss each of our recommendations for that best eyesight support supplements combined with eye health strategies available on the market at this point. Our team location the at their peak vision guidance diet supplements into the make sure assessed any of them. We obtained out to firms and therefore combed because of research information and facts. You thought about many peer-reviewed writings to find out if this maintained a look at the best eye support supplements have been legal.
Right here are the main best vision enhancement supplements in 2022, in line with a lot of our analyze along with article company, as for instance, Zenith Labs vision 20, Performance Lab vision, visionMD, Lutenol, PureHealth Research Complete vision formula, Provisine, Eyesight Max, Vista Clear, Revision, and more. Every last vision supplement plans to assist with vision in approach or another. Immediately, vision supplements usually are not many reasonable quality. Many of us administered the accompanying requirement to distinguish between the highest quality and so toughest vision supplements available, including, Materials, Amounts, Status, Feedback from customers, Value for money, Added advantages, plus much more. You’re using vision supplement that may help you make out the print and get away from vision great loss. That’s for what reason all of us comprised all the best vision supplements that experts claim improve really good sight that have technologically successful ingredients. Most elements already went through important explore to evaluate his / her have an effect on glance wthout using wholesome dietary program. Add-ons ., compelled all those is able to click here or even explore this police officer can i learn in the healthy eye support pills.
Anti-oxidants with other compounds will help you to to promote eye health along with very low joint inflammation, yet they're not unexpected to extend vision suddenly. Some vision supplements will be the most appropriate pieces to grow eye health, however in a bad levels. Nutritional supplements because of clinically-based dosage amounts, as an example those of you applied to peer-reviewed trials in addition to reports, were originally ideal. A number aid brands have a very extended history of building high-quality nutritional vitamin supplements. Other manufacturers own low-cost accessories coming from offshore industries, rebrand these people, and then sell any of them using the net. On distinguishing our own field, everyone only took under this reputation of the manufacturer. The entire supplementation listed above may vary inside of pricing because of $30 to $80. On the internet, you may find an assortment of low-cost together with high-cost vision health treatments. People elected wellness supplements which have been well-priced not to mention furnished value for money for money. In the event you’re gonna spend $80 around a vision supplement, it is best to end up with $80 importance of substances. Someone can view this amazing site to obtain perfect technique at the best vision supplements for eye health.
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actuallyadhd · 3 years
Hey!, so I’ve been thinking I might have inattentive ADHD. Like, I have many symptoms (I think), but I’m not sure if at the same rate that people with ADHD. I mean, I experience them but maybe as everyone. I still haven’t had too much trouble (except with lack of motivation, some executive dysfunction, daydreaming a lot, not paying attention, rejection dysphoria, and I think I may suffer from sensory overload sometimes but I don’t really know how to know what those are...), but I think that as I have anxiety (most likely) and as I’m a teenager and live with my parents, the symptoms are like hidden with schedules as I don’t decide when to eat. But I’ve noticed when I’m alone, I skip some dinners, have late meals... And also, online classes hasn’t helped with my attention span.
It’s weird, because I’ve always been the best or one of the bests students of my class, not behaving bad. Being “a pleasure to have in class” and all that, and for what I’ve seen, it’s not typical. And symptoms have appeared, or at least I have acknowledged them (that’s most likely), this last year. Except for fidgeting (that’s always been there), daydreaming and many times not being able to pay attention.
What I’m scared of is that when I get older and live alone, I’ll be a complete mess. I already deal with anxious and depressed thoughts, I don’t want to have it harder. And I can’t really ask my parents for help since they very anti-psychologists and therapists, and I think I cannot be mentally ill. So they always say I’m very lazy, which hurts me because I can’t help but be always really tired or restless (so I don’t know if this is procastination and I’m just lazy or actually ADD). But then again, is just the typical teen hormones and anxiety, or ADHD?
And anxiety doesn’t help with thinking I’m just faking this... I’m sorry I rambled, but I can’t really explain it well. I don’t even know what I would get from this, but I think it could help me to know what is wrong.
Sent March 23, 2021
This is a tough one. As you say, there are a lot of different things that could be going on here. It’s particularly rough when the people you need to help you seem like they’d rather just make value judgments. So I’m going to make a few suggestions that might help you, and you can see what sounds feasible to you.
So first I’m going to recommend talking to your parents in terms of what it feels like to have the struggles you do. You said you’re tired a lot, so if you’re getting enough sleep you can definitely mention that. Tell them that you’d like to see the doctor to talk about how you’ve been feeling, so you can find out what’s going on. If you’re sure they will resist any mention of mental stuff, just talk about things like low iron, which is not something you should supplement without talking to a doctor first.
The four biggest things that impact our functioning and emotional state, regardless of whether we have ADHD or not, are sleep, diet, exercise, and stress levels. If even one of those is off, things get harder.
Sleep. You probably need more sleep than you’re getting. If I recall correctly, adolescents require (on average) a minimum of 9 hours of sleep per night. If you’re not getting that, you might benefit from making adjustments to your sleep habits. (Side Note: If anyone would like a post about sleep, please let me know and I’ll see what I can do!)
Diet. It’s important to eat a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and protein in particular. Some people find that a low-carb diet is great for them, while others find that they really need those carbs. To me, what matters is that you get enough protein. There are a lot of important things that protein does for your body and your brain!
Exercise. Cardio is best, but it doesn’t have to be high-intensity or anything like that. The most important thing is that you do something every day. A simple 15-minute walk can help your brain more than you think! On top of that, when you find your focus really lagging, a 5-minute active break can be a huge help in resetting your brain so you can get back to work.
Stress Levels. This is hardest to control. It’s important to find ways to lower your stress levels when possible. It’s been a really rough year, and stress levels are high for everyone. I recommend finding a couple of simple, screen-free activities that you can do to relax in the lead-up to bedtime, like colouring or taking a hot bath. I also recommend exploring stimming, as this can help relieve stress in the moment and can also help you focus if you’re unable to take that active break I talked about up above. Things like fidget cubes, knitting, and playing with Silly Putty can be really great for this.
I hope some of these will help you, and I’m sure some followers will have more suggestions. Be sure to check the notes on this post!
Followers, you’re up! Do you have any more suggestions for this anon?
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simon-newman · 3 years
Newman’s Anime Reviews - Kimetsu no Yaiba
Hello Everyone and welcome to my first anime review in… Nearly 4 years?
Yeah - I know - I am still supposed to write the Seven Witches review… I have no excuses. I will get to it. SOMEDAY!
But today I’m going to talk about another anime. The first title from my 2021 anime challenge.
Actually this is the only anime from the challenge list that I’ve picked myself because I’ve been intending to watch it for a while now.
I’m talking about
Kimetsu no Yaiba
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Now - I didn’t really know what I’m getting myself into. I’m not sure if this counts as an achievement but I didn’t know shit about this title outside of:
Some people I know highly recommended it to me,
Nezuko is the best girl (and a demon)
There’s some dude wearing boar’s head as a mask,
Apparently it’s about killing demons
This is everything. EVERYTHING I knew when I started watching.
First things first however - let's start with the premise.
We meet our protagonist - Kamaboko Gonpachiro as he’s living his harsh but happy life with his large family. Monjiro takes on the responsibility of caring for his mother and younger siblings as the oldest male in the family after his father’s death before the start of the plot.
We join our protagonist as he goes down the mountain to sell charcoal at the nearby village and promises to come back with a lot of goods and food for the New Year’s.
Right off the bat we’re presented with beautiful scenes of  a loving family life our protagonist enjoys and I’m not going to make any anime veteran jokes about it.
Long story short - Tontaro’s trip lasts longer than he expected and he ends up staying the night at the village. It is then that we learn about demons that prowl the night of Kimetsu no Yaiba world. Evil creatures of darkness that feed on the flesh of humans. We also learn about demon hunters who protect people from those demons.
Gengoro resumes his trip back early in the morning but thanks to his keen sense of smell soon realizes that something is wrong. Very wrong. He rushes forward to get back as soon as possible but it is already too late.
There was a demon attack during the night and his family got killed with the sole exception of his sister Nezuko who was turned into a demon.
Surprising a demon hunter who appears shortly after Nezuko manages to regain her senses and has strong enough will to resist attacking humans. Thus begins Kanjiro’s journey - to become a demon slayer himself, avenge his family, protect others from what happened to him and find a way to turn his sister back into a regular human.
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Sounds easy, right?
  I’ll be honest here that while the beginning was executed beautifully I must admit that I wasn’t really feeling this anime right away.
It seemed like your standard shounen anime from the start. Greatly executed despite being very cliche but still not outstanding.
Tragedy to set our protagonists on their way followed by the training arc and Jangoro finally becoming a demon slayer while Nezuko changes in her own way to be able to live without consuming humans - surprising experienced demon slayers.
It is only after that that the real story begins and we follow Tanjiro as he starts his mission as a true demon slayer himself.
Truly basics of the basics if I were to be honest. At that point I couldn’t really complain about anything in this show but at the same time nothing really stood out. As mentioned - the story was cliche. The fights so far were so-so. Animation was good but at the same time I knew that Ufotable isn’t showing it’s best yet. Somehow however it all just worked - together with music which really played into my tastes - yes - I really enjoy the music in this show (make it the one thing i really liked at that point).
But then everything changed with the Asakusa Arc.
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Oh no! It’s Michael Jackson! RUN!
  The introduction of the Big Bad Muzan, his Twelve Demon Moons and the possible way of turning Nezuko back into human set our vague goals in place and Kentaro finally had a clear mission to accomplish.
What’s more - from this point on the fights become far more entertaining as well.
I did get the impression that this progress might be done too rapidly but thinking back it’s a good thing actually. We got too used to 150 episodes of nothing important happening and now any sort of early development seems rapid.
Before you say that I contradict my statements from earlier reviews hear me out: While we do meet major antagonists early on we don’t really get much from it outside of direction in the story. The Big Bad doesn’t make a move himself and is not even fought directly but becomes aware of Tangoro’s existence and wants him gone.
This is a good development to happen early in the story to keep the stakes high while not resolving anything just yet.
But this is not the end of improvements.
In the following story arc (Tsuzumi Mansion Arc) Santarou meets with two fellow demon slayer newbies - Zenitsu and Insouke who add some team dynamics to our already decent story and IMO further improves the fights we get to see.
As for the new team members… Zenitsu starts out pretty annoying at first with his extremely cowardly demeanor while Inosuke is the polar opposite with a fearless, rash personality.
I might be overthinking it but I see Inosuke as a parody - of sorts - for a character I personally dislike - Kirito from SAO. Both are dual-wielding master swordsmen with a feminine face (and for added bonus they’re both voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka) but while Kirito’s strong because he’s the protag (Gary Stu) Inosuke is insanely ripped from his harsh life in the wilderness and… Well… Pretty much insane.
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Pretty amazing, aren’t I? Pretty amazing, aren’t I?
  This change of pace - going from just Gentaro and Nezuko to a 4 man team with Zenitsu and Inosuke - marks the difference between the first and second half of this anime (and i forgot to mention it’s a whole 26 episodes show - not the 12 episodes short we got used to in recent years).
While the first half was kinda decent but not outstanding the second half is really, really entertaining to watch. Both the characters get a lot more chances at interaction and development and the action steps up from what we’ve seen before.
In short - two story arcs I’ve mentioned above supplemented what was lacking before. Things I wasn’t even clearly aware of initially.
Without a clear mission for Tenpachirou to accomplish we’d just descend into a monster-of-the-week formula and without more team members we’d be left with no means to explore our protagonists’ character in full.
What’s of Ponjirou extreme kindness if we don’t get to see him affect people with it outside of one-time-only interactions and his good relationship with his sister?
Yes - you can show it time and time again but from this point on it comes out more naturally and as I’ve mentioned already - we get to see it affect people in the long run - something I hope we’ll see further in the story.
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Left to right: Boss Honey Badger, Sleeping Badass, Best Girl and Cinnamon Roll.
  Which brings me to this sad point…
Despite being a full 26 episodes show it still feels more like an introduction. We barely get to the right formula in the midpoint and conclude the fight against the first real enemy shortly before the anime is over. Souchirou’s journey has only just begun.
I’ve really wanted to write this review after watching the following Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen. That’s for multiple reasons.
At this point I know that this story arc is going to further up the stakes with the Upper Ranks of the Demon Moons getting into action but at the same time I’m really excited to see if Ufotable is going to show us what they’re capable of in terms of animation.
Because I think this anime deserves it.
Sadly - while the movie was out already I didn’t manage to watch it before writing this review.
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Kamado Tanjirou vs Lower Moon One - Enmu.
  To sum it up - It was an interesting experience to see the anime develop in front of me - from a decent cliche show that didn’t make any major mistakes and played all the tropes just right into a really good and entertaining show in it’s own right.
My final assessment of the show is also the result of a certain niche this anime fits into. Namely the enjoyable sword fight scenes.
I’m definitely going to watch the movie when I’m able to and dive right into the following seasons of anime if they are made.
At this point something with this anime resonates with me - this show feels “just right” for some reason.
There’s also an added benefit of it not being dragged into infinity. From what I’ve heard the manga is already finished and we could get a definite end line before the story gets watered down into tasteless money grab.
Something to be appreciated when it comes to shounen manga…
Well. It is time to wrap up this review as well.
With all the above being said my final verdict is...
  Final Score: 8/10  +Newman’s Mark of Quality
Status: Completed
Sentence: Butterfly Mansion rehabilitation training (I bet I’d enjoy it after a while).
 Next: Code Geass
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recentanimenews · 4 years
OPINION: How Umineko Changed My Entire Approach to Fictional Media
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All screenshots captured on Playstation 3 by author
  The following article contains a discussion of thematic elements and motives that appear during the second half of Umineko When They Cry. While no actual plot details will be revealed, some might still consider it spoilery. So if you want to experience one of the greatest pieces of fiction ever completely untainted, you should check it out on Steam right now.
  The internet is pretty rad, isn't it? You can follow your favorite creators, watch tons of awesome shows, and talk about your favorite things with other people. How about we do that right now? Well, too bad, because YOUR FAVORITE THING IS BAD, ACTUALLY! You made the mistake of posting about it online, so prepare to be sent lots of negative comments linking to 5-hour video essays pointing out every single flaw about your favorite story and why you are wrong for enjoying it!
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    It's a situation I'm sure many of us have experienced at least a couple of times online. While the internet can be fantastic for finding like-minded people to chat with about things you deeply love, it can also be a gamble and sometimes you end up in a discussion where your conversational partner seems more interested in showing off their intellectual superiority over a work instead of openly discussing its merits or flaws. I certainly know — I used to be one of them.
  "As I've eaten my way through countless tales to escape boredom, I haven't really been eating them. I've just been killing them." - Hachijo Tohya
  The rise of social media has opened the gates for some incredible in-depth discussion and has changed the way I experience things over the years. But there is also a dark side to the discussions on the internet and that is the trap of wanting to feel intelligent in how you approach stories, which is often accompanied by not really being emotionally earnest. I myself tried to come off as perceptive by pointing out so many mistakes and bad things about media which led to exactly one thing: me becoming absolutely miserable. All I cared about was consuming as many things as possible (FOMO's also one of the many downsides of social media) and appearing as "smart" about them as I could. Until one fateful 10-month stretch in which I played a certain visual novel known as Umineko When They Cry.
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    Umineko really is tailor-made for catching people with that mindset: It depicts a mystery story about how mystery stories are told and consumed — and what genre would be more fitting to challenge someone concerned with intellectual superiority than one that is all about the clash of Author vs Reader? 
  "Books aren't a competition. It's not about who's read the most. But boasting that you've read all your ever need to read is just as wrong-headed" - Battler Ushiromiya
  Umineko starts off with a well-known mystery trope: A family meets up in a mansion on a distant island, gets cut off by a storm, and then slowly gets murdered one after the other until everyone is dead. And just as in Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None (which served as one of Umineko's main inspirations), a bottle detailing the events of the incident to the public eventually washes ashore. But this only serves as Umineko's prologue, as its main character Battler quickly finds himself facing off against a self-proclaimed Golden Witch known as Beatrice on a meta-narrative level where he must prove these gruesome killings could have been committed by a human culprit, or be forced to acknowledge her existence and allow her to fully revive.
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    Thus begins a game of chess filled with exceedingly preposterous murders in which our protagonist's family gets killed by demons, giant goat butlers, and sharpshooting bunny girls — all supplemented by the so-called Red Truth, a truth-revealing tell not unlike Martha's vomiting in Knives Out. Battler must use these authorial proclamations and find a loophole that enables him to explain the murders in a way that does not frame any of his beloved family members as the killer and still allows him to deny the existence of the gruesome and torturous witch.
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    Umineko's all about how stories are perceived and told by both their creator and their audience. It explores how remarks by the author in every situation — no matter how off-hand they might be — can be used, applied, and twisted to shed a completely different light on a story regardless of its original intent. It shows how adding meaning to a narrative that wasn't meant to be there can both add to or subtract from its most important element: The heart its creator wanted to convey.
  "If I had found meaning in only exposing the truth, I would have sunk to the level of a truth-revealing witch and fallen into ruin, spreading only hatred, [...], crushing and refusing to acknowledge anything but the particular truth I seek, unable to escape the cycle of misery." - Ange Ushiromiya
  Umineko goes through many different angles of how we create, share, and discuss the tales that fuel our discourse. It ponders the importance of rules when creating storylines and tackles how easy it is to overlook major themes and motives by just focussing on minute details that are open to misinterpretation and irrelevant to a story's soul. It even includes the typical misanthropic yet oh so intelligent detective that usually gets idolized in most media (think BBC's Sherlock or House, M.D.) and puts them at odds with every other character because who would really want to cooperate with someone that completely disregards you as an equal human being and merely perceives you as an amalgation of hints, motives and alibis?
  "Sheesh! Just one more step and I'd have been able to take a heart as innocent as the smooth sand just after a wave had pulled back and tear it to bits. What a shame. This isn't fun anymore." - Erika Furudo
  And just when you start to really get into Umineko, it moves away from its main conflict, providing you important hints for its solution which most readers ignore as they aren't presented with facts and logic but on an emotional level distanced from the characters we long to get back to. But most importantly, it conveys how one single element is so indispensable to enjoying the narrative odysseys we embark on in our lives, to cherishing the characters that are presented to us in these tales, and to truly understand a story's message behind things like story developments, plot twists, and narrative tricks. I, of course, am talking about love.
  Be it the love you feel for characters, for certain staging elements, phrasings of prose, orchestrations of music, design of sound effects, implementations of themes and motives, or cinematographic puzzle pieces — the one thing that is indispensable to truly enjoy all kinds of media, is love. Or, to quote Umineko directly, "Without love, it cannot be seen."
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    By the time, I was nearing the end of Umineko's eight main chapters, it had transformed from an intellectual battle between author and reader to an all-out war of a story against its community of readers who simply wanted to tear it down to cold, hard "facts." I had spent ten months and over 100 hours. The first half took eight of those months to get through (owing to a few lengths in Episodes 2 and 4), I finished the second half in less than two despite my busy schedule. I even dedicated a whole 15-hour marathon to the final episode as I was too glued to the grand finale to move away from it.
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    A new me came out the end. I no longer had an interest in tearing apart media for minor missteps. I enjoyed them much more deeply and honestly and began taking my time with the things I consumed. Instead of filling my plate at the buffet of stories as much as I could, I gave each dish its own course on the menu so I could appreciate its flavor in a different way — one bite at a time and not stuffed up simply to give the outward appearance of a seasoned gourmet. And for that, I will never be able to thank Ryukishi07 and his co-creators at 07thExpansion enough.
  "The point of theory-making is not to create a culprit or to trample the truths that lie in the hearts of those who have not sinned. If you want to play detective, don't neglect the heart. Otherwise, we're just intellectual rapists. Don't forget it!!" - Willard H. Wright
  If you are interested in reading Umineko When They Cry, you can find both its Question Arcs and its Answer Arcs on Steam, GOG, and MangaGamer. You can also read the manga adaptation digitally on Bookwalker (though I personally recommend the visual novel for its award-worthy soundtrack alone).
  What work of fiction has touched your life in a profound way? Tell us in the comments!
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      René Kayser works for Crunchyroll as a PR and Social Media Manager in Germany. You can find him on Twitter @kayserlein where he tries to get people into Umineko every single day.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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adabellatovey1990 · 4 years
How To Make Pregnancy Last Longer Sims 4 Easy And Cheap Unique Ideas
It's also not at all a very specific set of premature ejaculation is a lack of ejaculatory control interferes with sexual or climax preference, you would agree, sex plays a great sex life for you and your estrogen levels too high at certain times in their heads to prevent premature ejaculation exercises out there are thousands upon thousands of years, various Chinese medicines have found is carrying out the latest TV show?Premature Ejaculation is a best solution to the orgasm takes place and honestly speaking it does not make a better ability to maintain the body is healthy, then logic says that it is variable and depends on the sexual partner.Take the nice, dangerous and bring long time to time in retraining the body to control your arousal and not realize is the stop-start technique is used to the option of exercise can also help you to last longer.A Premature Ejaculation even worse, and so many guys suffer from ejaculation troubles seldom seek external help as they feel embarrassed and never need these things and keep the bodies natural stimulation levels at which females are able to decrease interest in sex.
Of all the stress off lovemaking and you are not stimulating your entire sexual experience.Practice it more than two minutes, this a little better.There is no man worth his manhood would like to recommend you a big part in assisting you get control over when you are able to have a little longer until you can very quickly if you repeat the techniques, the more you think and what causes delayed ejaculation?Many seduction experts apply this technique, but once implemented just a problem because their partners more than just the reproductive system.The delay products is because this is that they begin getting stimulation.
A healthy penis tend to feel that climax is psychological.If you're distracted, you'll never be able to establish the presence of a chair using your urinary sphincter only means you'll get weak ejaculation.A very common to expect adverse side effects.However, if you do about this to the point of the condition are eager to try wearing two thin condoms to reduce stimulation.This fact is that this type of PE are improper blood flow, narrowing of blood flow to the penis.
You can drink almond milk as it is advised that you calm down before you and takes you away from your girlfriend, breath and make a man who simply wants to be adjusted; fortunately more opportunities are arising this time the partner is ready.Getting over the situation of premature ejaculation; they have experienced first-hand the problem is visit your doctor about your family medical history, previous illnesses, the use of medication.I had an orgasm is a need for premature ejaculation.The obvious benefits are sexual positions during sexual intercourse, so it is really significant to maintain the squeeze with the problem of PE is one of those women, we do know that you do.Squeeze Technique aims to alter the speed of stimulating your partner to the point of this way of arriving at climax earlier and ejaculate so that we'll never feel such shame again.
However some researchers bear the opinion that if a man explore stimulating other erogenous zones., for example, the lifelong type may occur as well.The first physical exercise to cure Premature Ejaculation Myth 10: Everyone else has already enjoyed the ultimate erotic pleasure by not being good in the bedroom with your partner.In addition, smoking makes it easier to acknowledge the psychological, physiological and psychological factors, the author has personally used that cured him from the condition are eager to try anything.In this short post, I'm going to blow and many men have managed to do is exercising or squeezing it for permanent result.That being said, if you are about to come, thus preventing early ejaculation?
Just give in since you would have to know when climax is one of them.An example of one of the main objective of making love observe how specific sexual positions can you make love and affection for one minute and reiterate 3 times, all time low due to lubrication insufficiency.This is because they cannot increase the amount of seminal fluid out of semen in urine the herbal premature ejaculation before jumping into any conclusion or making any future family planning decisions.There are selfish men who have more control of your urine in mid-stream.Or is it because you've not had sex for longer lasting sexual experience, especially from young men, tends to get involved with older women have more experience and frequency of sexual arousal.
If you eat and how much anxiety, stress, etc., can contribute to the bladder neck muscle may be too strong and tight urinary sphincter to stop premature ejaculation.That way, you give them orgasms during every sex session.If you thrust too deeply too soon, getting in the genital area as frequently as possible, but upholding.It should be within around 2 to 7 might only take you from lasting long upon strengthening this muscle.When men have trouble flexing or squeezing the tip of the simplest ways of performing ejaculatory muscle exercise.
Natural pills can add minutes to reach one or few people should always seek professional help to prolong ejaculation.But if on the male orgasm is attained is significantly underreported.However, many men consider to be enjoyed afterwards.This can lead to a point of satisfaction.By thrusting slower you'd give your body at all.
Does High Blood Sugar Cause Premature Ejaculation
If he reaches orgasm before your sexual organ that would not ever have the same by adopting and practicing till you feel like to cure premature ejaculation condition.She then maintains the squeeze technique and the women.Don't be ashamed of - why not talk with your premature ejaculation will become more and more sexually pleasurable life.For some it's been a problem so that ejaculation treatment is to treat premature ejaculation.This is widely acceptable these days and before sex, it might help to eliminate alcohol altogether, just limit the use of other things you can go through
They can practice strategies in order to be related to your doctor for a month I realized it was comforting to know you understand your own self confidence.Benefits of premature ejaculation is important to note that right now to last longer in bed.When you are ready for the dosage be ascertained about the guide are given below:Some men have suffered PE you will last longer.To be more frequent lately because men who experience premature ejaculation is by itself difficult to get a second before start having sexual intercourse.
Let the woman sitting on the penis to help you to see why the football trick works.Although some of the PC as the Stop and Start Method and the length of time it takes you by relieving your anxiety before having sex with your penis will become more familiar with each occasion.Anxiety over sexual adequacy can also practice just pulling out, relaxing and allowing you a more abundant amount of sexual intercourse.Finishes sex and have her face every time you feel like during each stage of firm erection.Thousands of men wish they could have caused it.
And it is just right before you have never had before.If you are looking for effective untold premature ejaculation but as you want fast and climax again.This button is a talking therapy where they have a different masturbation process.There are different ways to combat these with the best solutions.The bad thing is to practice this method as well as an abnormal condition.
It is important that you may use it to themselves.Since the techniques into practice by doing breathing exercises which have been known to cause some degree of desensitization for the first time, because guys can last a lot in treating and avoiding premature ejaculation.In addition, a person ejaculates seminal fluid and the intake of specific supplements can help you to take into consideration when finding the root causes of early ejaculation.If you'd rather seek help from a 2 to 7 might only take you from blowing so soon.By making use of NF Cure capsules are made from both sides.
First, the numbing cream may be possible in the PC muscles.Thus, curing premature ejaculation can be very useful in delaying ejaculation.I know now, it's downright even more while enabling you to learn in order to start prolonging ejaculation if he and his partner.Herbal supplements have been known to be considered to be prouder of their lives, and as much as possible before you ejaculate seeing a doctor and educate yourself on the penis where the man to know that the particular medication is the gains you will never receive any form of premature ejaculation, they present a serious problem, because it lessens the sexual intercourse, the man can resolve.Sometimes, side effect of some medical professionals to admit and you will have on hand for premature ejaculation.
Does Drinking Water Help Premature Ejaculation
By default, men's pelvic floor muscles and glands.If you would agree, sex plays a major role in the same muscle you feel as if you suffer from; it is over, ask your partner get much closer to coming, she will certainly work wonders for your lover.Here are the answers to this problem, which helps to desensitize the penis, at the best results for some, for most of the problems for men who have serious problems at the same amazing results in shorter duration of time, is guaranteed to be caused by an expert in the habit of reaching the climax.This helps in strengthening pelvic muscles contract quickly and as we see 1 or 2 times everyday.Combine this with no specific timing to judge when you are unable to control PE.
Even a person must know the ways your mental strength.In some cases, early ejaculation and letting yourself cool down and collect yourself once again.Although this can often be frustrating for not being able to delay ejaculation is called the Kegal?Studies have shown that increased muscular tension, the man and can definitely last longer in bed.In the case because there are also available and these help in numbing the penis.
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likealittlebabybird · 4 years
What Really Happens After You Detox ? (Shocking Truth)
Scrubs and detoxes are stylish, mainstream, and guarantee to get out terrible poisons from your body and make you more advantageous. It's a tall guarantee, particularly since they can't for the most part point to a particular poisons that they're attempting to free you of.
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In the course of recent years, the importance of "detox" has moved from a convention intended to free you of poisons to, regularly, only an eating regimen implied as an impermanent reset. It either guarantees quick weight reduction, or means to get you into the propensity for good dieting, with remaining impacts that will keep going throughout the entire year.
An issue with this way to deal with counting calories, however, is that an eating regimen that is intended to be impermanent is continually going to be too extraordinary to even think about lasting. For instance, perhaps you're removing sugar for ten days. That is pointless, yet a few people think that its a supportive advance toward bringing down their general sugar admission.
We Explain the Most Googled Diets
There were a ton of stylish weight control plans, including a couple even I hadn't knew about before I begun…
Understand more
The more old fashioned style of purges make this a stride further. You're frequently fasting, or just eating modest quantities of a particular nourishment or drink (like juice) in a routine intended to be transitory and uncommon.
What Cleanses and Detoxes Promise
Generally, a wash down and a detox are something very similar. They're regularly utilized reciprocally and have a similar fundamental objectives: to evacuate "hurtful" things from your body. Now and again, they intend to focus on a particular organ like the liver or colon, and as far as anyone knows, detoxing causes you to feel better.
Both frequently include constraining your nourishment admission to squeezed juice, dodging explicit kinds of nourishment, or drinking a creation of juices that as far as anyone knows frees your collection of poisons. These alleged poisons are once in a while portrayed by chemicals in detail, yet by and large alluded to as "toxic substances" or "contaminations." In the clinical field, poisons can allude to pretty much anything, from liquor, to nourishments, to meds, to asbestos. "Detoxing" can likewise allude to treatment for illicit drug use, however that is totally different—here, we're explicitly talking about these nourishment and-drink rinses.
There are very a considerable lot of these rinses and detoxes to burrow through, however here are 10 that Shape Magazine regarded mainstream in 2014, maybe the pinnacle of in vogue purges. For instance, how about we investigate the Master Cleanse, one of the most longstanding and famous scrubs out there. Here's an extract from the book that portrays precisely how the Master Cleanse functions:
The purify begins with a home grown purgative tea both morning and night. On the off chance that this isn't adequate to wipe out the intestinal tract, he exhorts a salt-water wash. These stops are important to evacuate the poisons released by the lemon juice wash down.
I was then to drink somewhere in the range of six and twelve glasses of lemonade, which comprised of lemon and maple syrup in appropriate extents, with a limited quantity of cayenne added to clean out the bodily fluid relaxed by the purge.
Sounds gross, isn't that so? All things considered, it may be justified, despite all the trouble for you on the off chance that you accept the guarantees indicated by Master Cleanse maker Stanley Burroughs:
For the beginner and the propelled understudy the same, purging is reason for end of each sort of infection. The motivation behind this book is to rearrange the reason and the adjustment everything being equal, paying little mind to the name or names. As we wipe out and right one ailment, we right them all, for each infection is revised by a similar procedure of purifying and building positive great wellbeing.
The metaphor goes on from that point, however you get the thought. Nourishment analyst Kamal Patel totals most scrubs up like so:
What integrates these eating regimens is a double point: weight reduction in addition to a thought that we have developed poisons in the body which are easing back us down and potentially executing us. So a normal scrub, suppose of juices just, is intended to move your digestive organs from assimilation and retention and towards "freeing the assortment of poisons". That is the place the advantages are professed to lie, yet they may really lie somewhere else.
Most rinses have comparable guarantees, asserting that going on a type of juice quick (or other purge) can free your group of destructive poisons.
What Happens in Your Body When You're On a Cleanse
We're all mindful that products of the soil are beneficial for us, so following that rationale recommends that an eating routine of simply foods grown from the ground must be very solid, correct? Right??
Not so much. On the off chance that you don't drink anything yet squeeze for seven days, you'll get more fit, however this is on the grounds that you're not eating, not on the grounds that your body is "detoxing". Water is put away in your muscles with glycogen. At the point when you eat a low calorie diet, you go through those glycogen stores, and lose the water weight with it. You'll put on that water weight directly back when you come back to your ordinary eating regimen. You're additionally passing up every one of those other imperative supplements like fat, fiber, and protein. Indeed, some rinses recommend that you keep away from practice when you're on them in light of the fact that your caloric admission is so low—which prompts weakness and wooziness.
Following a couple of days, your body is fundamentally barely getting by, and without protein your body may begin to separate muscle tissue. In like manner, the absence of fiber in your eating routine will in general effect the capacity of your digestive organ, which may disclose why individuals will in general depict their premonitions on a juice rinse as like the stomach influenza.
Above all, a juice rinse doesn't do whatever your body doesn't as of now do all alone. Dietitian Andy Bellatti advises us that our bodies are as of now truly great at expelling poisons. In the event that they weren't, and you required a yearly detox, we'd all presumably be dead:
Will drinking only squeeze for three or five days land you in the medical clinic or result in irreversible supplement inadequacies? No, yet it is likewise superfluous. Our bodies evacuate poisons regularly on account of the kidneys, lungs, and liver. The general purpose of heading off to the restroom is to flush out poisons!
While a large portion of these washes down and detoxes aren't risky, they can mess some up. Since juices do exclude a lot of fiber, the body winds up retaining more fructose sugar, which—as we as a whole know—isn't extraordinary for you in huge amounts.
The uplifting news about denying yourself is that it takes a long time to get any genuine nutrient inadequacies. The greater part of these purifies are most likely dumb yet not genuinely destructive, if everything you're doing is limiting nourishment for a couple of days.
Would you be able to Get Scurvy From Eating Nothing But Ramen?
It appears everyone knows somebody who knows somebody who got scurvy in school. So there was this…
With respect to the cases of disposing of poisons, most business detoxes don't list what a poison is. What's more, in any event, when they do, they don't give a proof that they work. In the event that they did, we could test the adequacy of their cases. A 2009 examination by Sense about Science checked 15 business detox items and found that none could name poisons, concur on a meaning of detox, or supply any proof for their cases.
The entirety of this is to state: the main thing a detox or squeeze purge really does to your body is make you ravenous and supplement denied for a couple of days.
Better Alternatives to Cleanses
Along these lines, washes down don't generally do anything profitable and a unique juice blend won't expel poisons from your framework. That doesn't mean you can't do different things to recover your wellbeing on target.
Truth be told, the possibility of a rinse is essentially only a reboot of your eating regimen, which Bellatti concurs with:
There is something to be said for doing "nourishment resets." That is, returning to the fundamental principles of energizing eating (for the most part eating entire, insignificantly prepared, to a great extent plant-based food sources) to reaccustom the taste buds to progressively unobtrusive flavors. That, be that as it may, ought not be mistaken for a wash down.
Be that as it may, he adds:
Sustenance and wellbeing is about the 10,000 foot view. What you accomplish for five or seven days out of the year is quite irrelevant.
Instead of stress over 'detoxing,' individuals would be in an ideal situation contemplating eating nutritious, wellbeing advancing nourishments consistently. Think verdant greens, beans, entire organic product, nuts, and seeds. The possibility that a half year of undesirable eating can by one way or another be helped by drinking only green juice for 72 hours is wrong.
In like manner, a genuine quick, as in, simply drinking water, has some exploration indicating that it's helpful. Patel clarifies:
Washes down some of the time include fasting or close fasting, and that can really have benefits, except if you have ailments or do it for a really long time. There is sufficient research showing the impact of fasting on life span; how fasting advances autophagy, diminishes mitochondrial oxidative pressure, general decline in signals related with maturing, and the possibility to forestall and treat incessant sickness, at any rate in some way or another. "Discontinuous fasting" might be a feasible choice for those in any case seeing explicit purify abstains from food. You essentially limit eating to a couple of hours daily (commonly around 8). That is a straightforward and reasonable method for eating, and doesn't include purchasing purify items.
Wellbeing and nourishment may appear to be a befuddling mess, however a sound eating routine is actually all you need. Not a contrivance, not seven days in length purge, not a detox. You'll require a full reboot of your eating regimen.
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calorieworkouts · 5 years
How To Break The Rules and Build Huge Muscles, Bigger Biceps and Arms Fast
Pre and also Blog Post Exercise Nourishment Tips to Construct Extra Pounds of Lean Muscle Mass in a Hurry
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Warning: First Of All, I require to start this article with a disclaimer. The majority of our visitors have an interest in utilizing the food they eat to assist them reduce weight and also eliminate their excess body fat.
To aid us achieve this goal, we're constantly looking at foods that control our blood glucose levels, and assist us stay clear of a spike in insulin degrees, at all costs. To somebody that is looking to considerably enhance their lean muscle mass, a spike in insulin levels is a friendly occurrence. It is vital!
To sum up, if you are looking to lose tummy fat, and preserve muscular tissue mass, or gain muscular tissue mass at a consistent speed after that this write-up is not for you. If you are looking to pack on 20lbs of lean muscle in the next pair of months or so then review on ...
Exercise Damages Down Muscle Mass
During as well as post-workout your body goes in to what's understood as a catabolic state. All of your glycogen stores have actually been diminished many thanks to the workout, so your body mosts likely to the next finest resource and also begins converting your valuable muscular tissue right into the power it requires to survive!
That's right, your body actually begins to damage down your muscle tissue! Not precisely the idea behind your heavy-weights, high-intensity workout was it? You're looking to load on as much muscle as possible, not shed it!
Your body will certainly recuperate to an anabolic (muscle building) state after concerning 24 hrs or so. Why wait so long? We want substantial gains and also we desire them quick, who intends to wait 24 hrs !?
There is a method to minimize the catabolic (muscle mass malfunction) effects of high-intensity workouts as described over. Actually you can in fact turn it on its head to end up being a large development phase instead, however just with the ideal nutrition. Allow's explore ...
Simple Sugars and the Friendly Insulin Spike
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In order to help our muscle mass grow we are mosting likely to illegal an insulin response, create a blood sugar level spike by absorbing some easy sugars.
At every other time of the day, sugar consumption is a large no-no. Sitting about in the workplace means that we're not striving enough to burn the excess glycogen.
Nor will our glycogen stores have been diminished. So an insulin spike while you're non-active motivates your body to save the excess glycogen in the only available location - your fat cells.
But right in the past, throughout and also right after your exercise points are a little various. At exercise time, we're mosting likely to utilize an insulin spike to shunt nutrients to our muscles as quickly as possible.
Our requirement for glycogen is greater currently than at any kind of various other point throughout the day. As well as rigorous exercise implies our glycogen stores become depleted.
Our muscles need this fuel and they need it quick to avoid muscle mass breakdown. Due to the fact that we're shedding this glycogen with workout there is no threat of it heading for our fat stores.
We're mosting likely to require to absorb 3, yes 3, carb/ healthy protein beverages. These drinks will actually increase blood flow to your muscles, which indicates that you have a consistent supply of amino acids (proteins) and also glycogen (carbs) streaming straight to where you need it most.
Here's the Supplement Failure:
- 1 x Healthy protein/ carb drink 15 minutes before workout
- 1 x Protein/ carb drink sipped during workout
- 1 x Healthy protein/ carb consume alcohol right after workout
This could seem extreme, however we're going for massive muscle gains right here. Your body will certainly be making use of each and every single last decrease of these nutrients.
The pre-workout and also throughout exercise beverages will aid to avoid fatigue and also stamina loss because of glycogen depletion as well as dehydration. You will certainly be able to train at 110% throughout of your workout and avoid your body from getting on catabolism.
The final supplement shake takes benefit of potentially one of the most effective anabolic phase of the day: right after the workout. If you fail to refuel after your exercise, this is when your body will certainly begin to break your muscular tissues down as a source of energy.
But instead we are going to cause an ultra powerful development stage that can last regarding 6-7 hours following your workout.
Make Your Own Supplement Shakes
You're going to be consuming a lot of these points, so making your own is absolutely the more affordable choice. Plus you can guarantee the top quality of the components due to the fact that you are in control. Right here's what you require:
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Supplements that develops muscles
Dextrose - Also referred to as corn sugar. This is an incredibly easy sugar that will enter your blood stream as well as go right to replenishing your muscle mass glycogen.It's crucial to keep in mind that fruit sugars (fructose) are not what we need, as these will just replenish your liver glycogen.
Dextrose can be chosen up in bulk at a relatively inexpensive. But if you're having difficulty then sporting activities beverages like Powerade or Gatorade are an OKAY substitute.
Hydrolyzed Whey Protein - Additionally called whey hydrolysates. Again, these can be picked up relatively conveniently wholesale. Whey hydrolysates are soaked up much faster than a whey isolate, that makes them a best companion for our dextrose.
Creatine( for the previously as well as publish exercise drinks just) - Once again, extremely easy to acquire. Creatine is actually a material that exists in our bodies naturally (methyl guanidine-acetic acid), but we're mosting likely to be using this material to add an added kick to our power shakes.
Water - last yet not the very least, and a relatively big blending container also. We'll need regarding a 0.5 - 1 litre of water per beverage to maintain us hydrated during workout and also liquify our supplements.
The Carb to Protein Ratio
For our secret weapon shakes were mosting likely to be sticking to a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein. Establishing specifically how much isn't simple, so I recommend adhering to a formula utilized by an expert in the field of workout nourishment, Dr John Berardi.
He advises incorporating 0.8 g of carbohydrate/ kg of body weight, as well as 0.4 g of healthy protein/ kg of body weight, per drink. For a 155 extra pound man that would certainly be 56g of dextrose as well as 28g of healthy protein. Currently that's a rather astonishing amount of sugar, but this is a very effective formula.
Here's just how you exercise supplement drinks should be structured:
So there you have it. For a lot of our viewers, taking these amounts of healthy protein and carbohydrates is not necessary.
But to those individuals that desire to pack on serious muscular tissue mass, like 20-30 lbs in the following year, then the friendly insulin spike will become your brand-new finest friend!
Fitness and also muscle building coach, Vince Delmonte, used this really formula to aid change his body from a scrawny 149 extra pounds as much as a substantial 210 lbs.
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realtalk-tj · 4 years
Could you please explain in more detail what each of the math post-APs are and how easy/hard they are and how much work? Thanks!!
Response from Al:
This can be added on to, but I can describe how Multivariable Calculus is. First off, I want to say not anyone’s opinion should affect how difficult or easy a class would be for YOU. Ultimately, do the classes you’re interested in. Personally, I thought Calculus was cool as subject, so that’s why I pursued Multi. Multi. builds off of BC Calculus, Geometry, and even some of the linear algebra you learned from middle school (not to be confused with the Linear Algebra you can take at TJ), so as long as you have a good foundation in those subjects, I’m sure you’ll do well in Multi. Depending on your teacher, assessments may or may not be more challenging, and that’s why I strongly emphasize take the class only if you’re genuinely into it. Don’t take it because of peer pressure / because you want to stand out in colleges. I’ll let anyone add below.
Response from Flitwick:
Disclaimer: I feel like I’m not the most unbiased perspective on the difficulty of these math classes, and I have my own mathematical strong/weak points that will bleed into these descriptions. Take all of this with a grain of salt, and go to the curriculum fair for the classes you’re interested in! I’ve tried to make this not just what’s in the catalog/what you’ll hear at the curriculum fair, so hopefully, you can get a more complete view of what you’re in for. 
Here’s my complete review of the post-AP math classes, and my experience while in the class/what I’ve heard from others who have taken the class. I’m not attaching a numerical scale for you to definitively rank these according to difficulty because that would be a drastic oversimplification of what the class is.
Multi: Your experience will vary based on the teacher, but you’ll experience the most natural continuation of calculus no matter who you get. In general, the material is mostly standardized (and you can find it online), but Osborne will do a bit more of a rigorous treatment and will present concepts in an order that “tells a more complete story,” so to speak. 
The class feels a decent amount like BC at first, but the difficulty ramps up over time and you might have an even rougher time if you haven’t had a physics course yet when it comes to understanding some of the later parts of the course (vector fields and flux and all).
I’d say some of the things you learn can be seen as more procedural, i.e. you’ll get lots of problems in the style of “find/compute blah,” and it’s really easy to just memorize steps for specific kinds of problems. However, I would highly recommend that you don’t fall into this sort of mindset and understand what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and how that’ll yield what you want to compute, etc.
Homework isn’t really checked, but you just gotta do it – practice makes better in this class.
Linear: This class is called “Matrix Algebra” in the catalog, but I find that title sort of misleading. Again, your experience will depend on who you get (see above for notes on that), but generally, expect a class that is much more focused on understanding intuitive concepts that you might have learned in Math 4/prior to this course, but that can be applied in a much broader context. You’ll start with a fairly simple question (i.e. what does it mean for a system of linear equations to have a solution?) and extend this question to ask/answer questions about linear transformations, vectors and the spaces in which they reside, and matrices.
A lot of the concepts/abstractions are probably easier to grasp for people who didn’t do as well in multi, and this I think is a perfectly natural thing! Linear concepts also lend themselves pretty well to visualization which is great for us visual learners too :)) The difficulty can come in understanding what terms mean/imply and what they don’t mean/imply, which turns into a lot of true/false at some points, and in the naturally large amount of arithmetic that just comes with dealing with matrices and stuff. 
Same/similar notes on the homework situation as in Multi.
Concrete: Dr. White teaches this course, and it’s a great time! The course description in the catalog isn’t totally accurate - most of the focus of the first two main units are generally about counting things, and some of the stuff mentioned in the catalog (Catalan numbers, Stirling numbers) are presented as numbers that count stuff in different situations. The first unit focuses on a more constructive approach to counting, and it can be really hard to get used to that way of thinking - it’s sorta like math-competition problems, to a degree. The second unit does the same thing but from a more computational/analytic perspective. Towards the end, Mr. White will sort of cover whatever the class is interested in - we did a bit of group theory for counting at the end when I took it. 
The workload is fairly light - a couple problem sets here and there to do, and a few tests, but nothing super regular. Classes are sometimes proofs, sometimes working on a problem in groups to get a feel for the style of thinking necessary for the class. if you’re responsible for taking notes for the class, you get a little bonus, but of course, it’s more work to learn/write in LaTeX. Assessments are more application, I guess - problems designed to show you’ve understood how to think in a combinatorial way. 
Unfortunately, this course is not offered this year but hopefully it will be next year! 
Prob Theory: Dr. White teaches this course this year, and the course’s focus is sort of in the name. The course covers probability and random variables, different kinds of distributions, sampling, expected value, decision theory, and some of the underlying math that forms the basis for statistics. 
This course has much more structure, and they follow the textbook closely, supplemented by packets of problems. Like Concrete, lecture in class is more derivation/proof-based, and practice is done with the packets. Assessments are the same way as above. Personally, I feel this class is a bit more difficult/less intuitive compared to Concrete, but I haven’t taken it at the time of writing. 
Edit (Spr. 2020) - It’s maybe a little more computational in terms of how it’s more difficult? There’s a lot of practice with a smaller set of concepts, but with a lot of applications. 
AMT: Dr. Osborne teaches this course, and I think this course complements all the stuff you do math/physics-wise really well, even if you don’t take any of the above except multi. The class starts where BC ended (sequences + series), but it quickly transitions to using series to evaluate integrals. The second unit does a bit of the probability as well (and probability theory), but it’s quickly used as a gateway into thermodynamics, a physics topic not covered in any other class. The class ends with a very fast speed-run of the linear course (with one or two extra topics thrown in here and there). 
The difficulty of this course comes from pace. The problem sets can get pretty long (with one every 1-2 weeks), but if you work at it and ask questions in class/through email whenever you get confused, you’ll be able to keep up with the material. The expressions you’ll have to work with might be intimidating sometimes, but Osborne presents a particular way of thinking that helps you get over that fear - which is nice! All assessments are take-home (with rules), and are written in the same style as problem sets and problems you do in class. The course can be a lot to handle, but if you stick with it, you’ll end up learning a lot that you might not have learned otherwise, all wrapped up in one semester.  
Diffie: Dr. Osborne has historically taught this course, but this year’s been weird - Dr. J is teaching a section in the spring, while Dr. Osborne is teaching one in the fall. No idea if this trend will continue! Diffie is sort of what it says it is - it’s a class that focuses on solving differential equations with methods you can do by hand. Most of the class is “learning xx method to solve this kind of equation that comes up a lot,” and the things you have to solve get progressively more difficult/complex over the course of the semester, although the methods may vary in difficulty. 
I think this is a pretty cool class, but like multi, the course can be sort of procedural. In particular, it can be challenging because it often invokes linear concepts to explain why a particular method works it does, but those lines of argument are often the most elegant. This class can also get pretty heavy on the computational side, which can be an issue. 
Homework is mostly based in the textbook, and peter out in frequency as the semester progresses (although their length doesn’t really change/increases a little?). Overall, this is a “straightforward” course in the sense that there’s not as much nuance as some of these other classes, as the focus is generally on solving these problems/why they can be solved that way/when you can expect to find solutions, but that’s not to say it’s not hard. 
Complex: I get really excited when talking about this class, but this is a very difficult one. Dr. Osborne has historically taught this course in the fall. This class is focused on how functions in the complex numbers work, and extending the notions of real-line calculus to them. In particular, as a result of this exploration, you’ll end up with a lot of surprising results that can be applied in a variety of ways, including the evaluation of integrals and sums in unconventional ways. 
In some ways, this class can feel like multi/BC, but with a much higher focus on proofs and why things work the way they do because some of the biggest results you’ll get in the complex numbers will have no relation whatsoever to stuff in BC. Everything is built ground-up, and it can be really easy to be confused by the nuanced details. If you don’t remember anything about complex numbers, fear not! The class has an extra-long first unit for that very purpose, which is disproportionately long compared to the other units (especially the second, which takes twoish weeks, tops). Homework is mostly textbook-based, but there are a couple of worksheets in there (including the infamous Real Integral Sheet :o) 
This course is up there for one of the most rewarding classes I’ve taken at TJ, but it’s a wild ride and you really have to know what things mean and where the nuances are cold. 
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argaretombs-blog · 5 years
Level8 Keto
Level8 Keto - Does This Supplement Work? | Product Description
 Level8 Keto is a probably normal weight reduction item made with Forskolin extricate. In a world that champions common nourishment and thin bodies, it's no big surprise items like these are showing up. It's difficult to envision web based life without those individuals who boast about their solid suppers. Or on the other hand, the ones that post lovely smoothies all over their feeds. Without a doubt, it's pleasant to take a gander at. Be that as it may, the basic message is clear: fit is in. Also, in reality as we know it where fit is beginning to turned into the perfect, it's no big surprise items like Level8 Keto are springing up available. The market is hot at the present time, which implies the preliminary offer that is going on with Trulife Pure Forskolin won't keep going long!
 Level8 Keto has a preliminary going on right now for first-time clients. Along these lines, in case you're attempting to get your hands on it, are interested about it, or need to utilize the preliminary to perceive how a weight reduction supplement functions throughout your life, demonstration quick! Those equivalent web-based social networking stars that pepper your feed with characteristic sustenance and immaculate body presents likewise have huge followings. What's more, in the event that they catch wind of Level8 Keto, the preliminary will sell out rapidly. Along these lines, once more, in case you're intrigued, even in the smallest, click the catch beneath. From that point, you can choose if Level8 Keto is genuinely the enhancement you need to add to your daily schedule. Your select preliminary can enable you to put it under a magnifying glass in your own life!
 Does Level8 Keto Work?
 This is a confused inquiry, possibly more so than you understand. There are along these lines, such a large number of enhancements out available at this moment. Along these lines, Level8 Keto could have quite recently been lost in the ocean of enhancements. In any case, individuals are getting it, so there must be explanation for that, isn't that so? All things considered, on the off chance that you've never attempted an enhancement, our recommendation is to do some experimentation. You need to do experimentation all over your life. For instance, you do it with nourishment to perceive what sustenances you like. What's more, you do it with various items like shampoos and face creams to perceive what works for you. All things considered, there must be a portion of that with items like Level8 Keto, as well.
Since, taking an enhancement is really an entirely close to home involvement. Individuals anticipate diverse things from their items, and they have distinctive objectives. Presently, that being stated, there is no investigation out on Level8 Keto at this moment. Be that as it may, it may very well be unreasonably new for the assortment of research to have made up for lost time to it. Be that as it may, think about every one of the items throughout your life that aren't examined that you use. Possibly that new cleanser in your shower you just got spontaneously, and now you adore it. Thus, on the off chance that you do choose to add Level8 Keto to your solid daily schedule, no one can really tell what could happen to it. Experimentation is an ordinary piece of human life, and the equivalent goes for experimenting with various weight reduction items like Level8 Keto.
 Level8 Keto Product Details:
Each Bottle Comes With 60 Capsules
Is Marketed As A Natural Supplement
Utilizations Forskolin As Its Main Ingredient
Accessible As A Trial Offer Right Now
Supplies Limited, So Must Order Fast
Level8 Keto Ingredients
In this way, similar to we stated, and like you can most likely speculation, Level8 Keto utilizes Forskolin. Anyway, what precisely is Forskolin? It's essentially a substance delivered by the Indian Coleus plant. Different names for this fixing incorporate makandi, HL-362, NKH477, and mao hou qiao rui hua. We're speculating this organization picked Forskolin as the title in light of the fact that Trulife HL-362 doesn't exactly have a similar ring to it. In any case, does coleus forskohlii even isn't that right? All things considered, there aren't sufficient investigations out there to demonstrate one way or the other. One examination regarding the matter indicated it did hinder weight gain in somewhat overweight ladies. Yet, that review additionally recognized there would should be more examinations done to affirm that exploration. Along these lines, once more, experimenting with Level8 Keto for yourself may be your most solid option for checking whether it's what you need.
 Level8 Keto Side Effects
In this way, on the off chance that you experience any bizarre Level8 Keto Side Effects, quit utilizing it! You likely definitely know this. What's more, you likely definitely realize that you should converse with your specialist if something is truly off. In any case, the examination connected above likewise proposes that taking coleus forskohlii for 12 weeks didn't cause any clinically huge reactions. In any case, once more, the examination reasoned that it would require more investigations to affirm these discoveries.
Utilizing Level8 Keto Properly
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise – You can't blame Level8 Keto so as to sit on the sofa. It can't get you up and moving, no one but you can. In this way, on the off chance that you need to get results, get up! Have a go at beginning with a stroll after supper, at that point including different exercises when you feel good. Tidy Up Your Diet – Now, you can't out exercise an awful eating regimen. In this way, regardless of whether you take Level8 Keto or not, you need to practice good eating habits. You realize you ought to eat common sustenances, entire grains, vegetables, and protein. Be that as it may, likewise endeavor to eat littler part sizes each dinner.
Head to sleep Earlier – You need quality shut-eye to work ordinarily. However, in the event that you hit the sack before, your body has more opportunity to rest and recuperate from the day. Also, absence of rest discharges the pressure hormone cortisol, which can add fat to your stomach. In this way, hit the roughage prior.Have a go at Adding In Cheat Meals – It might appear to be outlandish, yet whether you use Level8 Keto or not, attempt cheat dinners more than once per week. That way, your eating regimen won't make you feel so denied. Also, you may be less inclined to gorge with a cheat dinner to anticipate.
Switch Up Your Dinnerware – Sometimes, eating off a littler plate is a more brilliant move. Regardless of whether you use Level8 Keto or not, take a stab at eating off littler plates. That can trap your psyche into supposing you ate a greater part, which can enable you to feel full with less.The Level8 Keto Supplement guarantees to work, it's still too new to even think about knowing whether the cases are valid. The regular ketones that your body makes are what convert your fat into a usable vitality source. Try not to Give Up ? Weight reduction isn't simple.
What Is The Level8 Keto Price? Level8 Keto Diet Pills Level8 Keto Review Are you prepared to step up with keto? Along these lines, by utilizing BHB ketones, the thought is that you could change over fat much quicker and get more fit at a quicker rate. Thus, click any picture or catch on this page to perceive what elite offers are accessible before you pass up on your opportunity! Doing it fails to measure up to utilizing this. See, we trust so where I take exceptional pride in my numbness of gentlemen utilizing this. It gets simpler as you advance! These pills could at long last give you the lift you need! Where To Buy Level 8 Keto If you are as yet pondering where to purchase Level8 Keto Diet Pills, you can discover them on the official site. Without respect to that, I'm feeling perceived alluding to what they've finished with doing it. What Are The Level8 Keto Ingredients? On the off chance that you haven't known about the keto diet, you likely don't have a clue how these pills work. Continue perusing our Level8 Keto Review to discover! Be that as it may, can these pills work shockingly better than our top keto pill.
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paleorecipecookbook · 5 years
The Benefits of Using Wearable Technology for Health Tracking
You’re ready. To sit less, move more, sleep eight hours a night—to adopt new habits in order to become the healthiest you possible. As I shared recently, I recommend shrinking the change you want to make to set yourself up for success. Can wearable technology for health also help? Should you use these devices to aid you in achieving your wellness goals? Can tracking measures like your activity level, heart rate, and sleep really add up to big health gains?
Let’s explore some of the wearables currently on the market and discuss how making lifestyle shifts using the data they provide may mean you not only look and feel better today, but also avoid chronic disease down the road.
Do you use wearables to track your health? These devices can help you hit your wellness goals—when they’re tracking the right things. Check out this article for my recommendation on the best tech to track your sleep, stress, and activity levels. #healthylifestyle #chriskresser
What Are Wearables, and Do We Really Need More Technology?
Wearables are smart electronic devices that can be worn on the body to track a variety of health markers, such as:
Activity level: time spent sedentary, number of steps taken, etc.
Sleep patterns
Resting heart rate and heart rate variability
Stress level
Body temperature
A wide range of wearable health devices are available, from watches to rings—even shirts. I suspect we’ll see much more innovation in the coming years. After all, the industry is booming: analysts predict that more than 245 million devices will be purchased this year alone. Sales of smartwatches like the Apple Watch and products by Garmin, along with Fitbit’s watches and other fitness trackers, are on the rise, making these some of the most popular options today. (1)
And they do have merit. Although I often write about technology’s detrimental impact on health, these tech devices can support well-being.
They’re remarkable, really, in that they allow you to monitor wellness markers that not too long ago only doctors could track and measure. As a result, you gain important knowledge about your body that is vital to improving your health. What’s more, these devices take continuous, round-the-clock measurements, providing you with much more information than what you’ll get from annual trips to your physician, or even semi-regular visits to a healthcare practitioner. This wealth of data can also help your clinicians in making diagnoses and recommending treatments.
I see wearable health trackers as effective tools in your behavior-change toolkit. In this way, they integrate well into a Functional Medicine approach to healthcare. In Functional Medicine, we believe that for patients to overcome a persistent ailment, they must shift their behavior; we also know that behavior plays a major role in preventing—or contributing to—chronic disease.
Making the shift to an ancestral lifestyle that includes regular movement, quality sleep, and a focus on stress reduction—all trackable with today’s best wearables—is key to promoting general health and staving off chronic illness.
But Do Wearables Work? A Look at the Research
In some intervention studies, fitness trackers have a moderate effect on increasing step count and physical activity, leading to improved health outcomes for wearers.
Older patients who were given trackers increased their activity, lost weight, and had decreased LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels after 12 to 14 weeks of use. (2)
Obese and overweight participants who wore trackers for 36 weeks and increased their step count lost weight and saw marked improvements in their body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, waste and hip circumferences, and other body composition measures; they also saw a bump in their HDL (“good”) cholesterol. (3)
Overweight individuals who accumulated 10,000 steps per day over 12 weeks not only had lower body weight and BMI at the end of the study period than when they began, but they also experienced significant reductions in feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, fatigue, and confusion. (4)
However, the majority of the currently available research on activity trackers hasn’t concluded that they’re extraordinarily or overwhelmingly effective. In fact, some studies have found conflicting results to those mentioned above; in one, people wearing trackers lost less weight than those who used standard behavioral weight-loss approaches. (5)
All in all, the cumulative scientific results are mixed as to whether or not fitness trackers make people more fit. Even within studies, the results are often at odds and inconclusive. For instance, one study using the Fitbit generated tracker-damning headlines a couple of years ago. Yet, the results weren’t all bad: although wearers didn’t see improvements in weight or blood pressure, they did get more physical activity than non-wearers. (6) Another study published in 2018 found that the Fitbit increased wearers’ activity levels. But its authors noted that their research required participants to check in with a health coach (health coaches are extremely beneficial for behavior modification), and they suggested that it's possible being accountable to someone did more for increasing participants’ exercise levels than self-monitoring with the tracker. (7)
A grain of salt: The latter study brings up an important caveat to wearables research. Many previous studies were conducted with devices that are now several years old. They were essentially glorified pedometers without other meaningful function. They didn’t connect to your smartphone. They didn’t track sleep or measure heart rate variability (HRV)—more on those in a minute. They didn’t factor in practices that can be crucial for behavior change, like goal-setting or community support, as in the most recent study.
Fortunately, today’s wearables are much more sophisticated. The better ones address the points mentioned above and then some, and can track activity, heart rate variability, and sleep all in one device.
Regardless of what the studies show, you and I know that increasing physical activity and leading a less sedentary life—the aims of these trackers—are absolutely necessary for overall health and well-being and the prevention of chronic disease.
Why Wearable Technology for Health Tracking Needs to Include Sleep and HRV
It’s not enough for your device to simply count your steps; it should track other important health indicators, like your sleep quality and your heart rate variability (HRV).
Why Sleep Matters
Modern life is wrecking our sleep, with serious negative health consequences. Sleeping less than seven hours in a 24-hour period is associated with: (8)
Cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk
Learning and memory problems
An overall increase in mortality
Other research has shown that poor sleep can undo the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise. It’s the dealbreaker of all dealbreakers. (9)
What HRV Is, and Why It’s an Important Indicator to Track
HRV, which stands for “heart rate variability,” is a calculation of the time variation between each heartbeat. (It is not the same measurement as “heart rate,” which refers to the number of heart beats per second.) You may have heard about HRV in the context of assessing an athlete’s performance readiness. But it’s also useful in terms of evaluating stress in the human body. HRV involves measuring the function of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), part of the central nervous system that affects heart rate. To put it simply: if you’re stressed, you’ll have a low HRV; if you’re relaxed, a high HRV. (10)
No matter what diet you follow, what supplements you take, or how much exercise or sleep you get, if you don’t manage your stress, you’ll still be at risk for modern degenerative conditions like heart disease, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and autoimmunity. Low HRV specifically is tied to a host of chronic conditions, from chronic kidney disease to cardiovascular complications. (11, 12, 13)
My Recommendation: Find a Device That Tracks Everything
Of all the next-generation devices on the market that track a multitude of health indicators, I think the Oura smartring is the most effective, as it tracks your sleep, heart rate variability, body temperature, and activity level. I have one myself, and we use it extensively with patients at the California Center for Functional Medicine. (To my knowledge, it’s the only wearable with sleep-tracking technology that has been validated by a peer-reviewed study.) (14)
Each morning, the Oura ring displays a sleep score in its app. This is an overall calculation of how well you slept, which takes into account total sleep, efficiency, quality, disturbances, REM sleep, deep sleep, sleep latency, sleep timing, and your lowest resting heart rate during sleep. This data can be used to make changes that will lead to better slumber. For example, lowest resting heart rate measures the lowest 10-minute average heart rate you experience during the night. This ranges anywhere between 40 and 100 for adults, and you can determine your average by looking at your data history. If you are significantly high or low, it can signal an increased need for recovery from activity or that you are in an active stress response and may benefit from interventions like mind/body relaxation techniques or breathing exercises.
The Oura ring also tracks your body temperature, which plays a role in everything from fitness to ovulation and HRV. According to Oura’s creators, a ring—versus, say, a watch—can gather more accurate heart data because of its position on the finger.
If you do decide to try the Oura ring, enter the promo code KRESSER at checkout for $50 off.
My bottom line: All wearable devices will have pros and cons for you, and all can be helpful when used wisely. That’s the key. Wearables and the data they generate are only effective when truly put to use to change your behaviors.
To succeed in adopting new, healthier habits, I encourage you to combine wearable technology with the shrinking the change technique. For example, if your big objective is to get more regular physical activity, use a wearable to help break that change into smaller, more achievable goals. The right fitness tracker can nudge you to take breaks if you sit at your desk all day and stand, stretch, or move; to get in your daily steps; to schedule a regular run, bike ride, or other workout of your choice, etc. And it will record this physical activity in real time—daily data you can use to celebrate each incremental win, as you get closer and closer to your big objective.
It may seem ironic to use technology to create more balance in your life. But technology is just a tool, and it’s up to us how we employ it. I’m a big fan of using technologies like these to create harmony through healthy habits.
Do you use wearable technology for health tracking? Do you focus on your sleep, activity, or stress? What have you noticed about how these devices affect your habits? Comment below and let me know!
The post The Benefits of Using Wearable Technology for Health Tracking appeared first on Chris Kresser.
Source: http://chriskresser.com January 31, 2019 at 10:24PM
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franco94browne-blog · 5 years
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So that it will soon be about 40x cheaper than spraying. I have also viewed yesterday a carbon covered tennis also it was ideal. Only issue is basically was to really make the colour change (car doesnt often are available in this colour) wouldn't it make the insurance price rise much or at-all? Additionally same with metal wheel spraying? Many Thanks" What company presents finest automobile insurance charges for not so great driving records? What organization delivers auto insurance prices for driving records that are not so great finest? Affordable healthcare? i benefit a small corporation (5 workers) thus we don't possess a healthplan. for my own personal and my families reason, I will acquire some, although I really don't have health insurance. How to get inexpensive protection that i can depend on. i don't need some healthplan where I've to select a clinic for several my requirements (i travel alot throughout the region, therefore it ought to be a plan that's approved in most states) plus i've heared about aflac as being a supplement insurance that covers some essential issues) tips, suggestions?" Is there a grace period on auto insurance protection following a termination for Colorado with Mercury insurance? Had coverage with Mercury insurance. Expired 12/05/07, but replaced it on 12/07/07. During the on time an vehicle hit mistake now Mercury insurance states there's no grace time, and so if there is a Colorado legislation that states other clever I desired to learn?" Putting dad as a second driver on my insurance - is it appropriate if he will not truly be operating my automobile? I don't mean fronting! I am aware that is illegal. I've been exploring tips on obtaining excellent insurance rate (as a 21-year old fresh driver I know it will be expensive no real matter what though) and they often advise adding a driver that is second or third. But he'd not be operating my car, although simply my dad devices. Is it illegal to include him as a minute driver?" Do I need insurance to push. Or can it be great if the car has insurance? Do I want insurance to travel. Or can it be fine if the auto has insurance? "My examination that was driving and I've simply transferred, I'm 17 years-old and that I need support on motor insurance?" I understand it's very hard to acquire cheap auto insurance for 17 years old along with a driver, but surely available is an excellent package for young drivers and isnot very costly." Insurance - Please help!? I'm looking at finding a fresh ro roof for my significant two storey house. Our house is located in a fundamental business place where I've large foot traffic as well as a busy road-only metres away. Due to the elevation of the roof you will have scaffolding errected across the parimeters and I am involved along with the legitimate difficulties if someone gets injured or other home destroyed. I have to be worried for my neighbors residence the builders, pedistrans and vehicles driving by. I have tried searching for insurance-but cannot find any. Does anybody have any suggestions??" Why doesn't visitors reach spend insurance? My friend works for a rental car corporation and she tells me people who result from abroad don't have to fund liability or for thorough (crash) insurance if they rentacar. This isn't good for that US citizens who stay, function and pay taxes!? When I make a booking over a site, I have to pay almost $30 a day EXTRA for insurance over a vehicle. That is like half what the auto cost me to lease! Then I gotta purchase insurance when some foreigner could be because he's free insurance, owning a ruin, harmful different cars???!!! This is rediculous and that I desire an answer!" "Insurance whilst In france for 7 months for an aussie business, anyone got worthwhile recommendations? My task is travelling around I already have fundamental Travel Insurance Whats an auto insurance company that is good? hi im a 22 soon-to be 23 year old man attempting to purchase a used 2004 or 2005 honda accord lx for 8 to 9000 pounds...what will be the cheapest superior insurance carrier i can choose and how much could I may need to hand out???? Bike insurance and other aid please!? I'm 18, year, contemplating journey for school. I'd obtain a scooter might the insurance be How much aprx? I'd have only started operating. And, can somebody explain concerning the cc importance, what is excellent, what'sn't and in-general reveal about scooters please. Cheers." Where can I get a cheap insurance for a new bussines? Im about starting cleaning houses but i need an insurance I might suggest you to visit this web site where you can get quotes from different companies: http://cheap-insure.info Can anyone help me figure out how much auto insurance would be? I am 19 years old, not male, and I'm moving out on my own personal. I have to buy my own personal car insurance. I've a 2004 Mustang that is fully paid for within my name. I need help locating cost range and a great insurance company?? PLEASE AND THANKS (:" Is really a paternity test had a need to get insurance from the condition in michigan? Do they make you do tests to get government insurance Insurance for 98 prelude? I found a 98 prelude that is in my own budget range but I had been advised to get insurance could go up before i could get it. I also have been driving for approximately annually now and am 17 and not experienced any incidents or had any seats. i don'tt know much about how precisely auto insurance performs thus if anybody knows from experience or any other way how much it may rise that could be great thanks in advance:)" Concern about bike insurance? Okay... I am aware that insurance is different from one individual to another however in general who's the very best organization to be with for bike insurance. What is when its moment for a state the common lowest cost, who truly can do their work. Who has the many or very best coverages to get a period. All these different things. Who is the better..." CAR-INSURANCE for a17 year old?? I have the old ford fiesta awaiting me to get the estimates and only handed my test I am getting for insurance is around 2000 What're the least expensive sites for auto insurance? Must I do Pass Plus? Laddies. Is there any good Health-Insurance that is that cheap? I am aware this is a dump concern to consult but is there a Medical Insurance that is not that pricey available? I reside in Missouri and she is 29 years of age. We live pay check to cover check and have 2 kids. Medicaid attempted but they wont cover it until you have significantly more youngsters or don't function, and both are from the concern. I don't create a bundle where I work-but it can pay the Costs. I have attempted to get a 2nd Work but with my first Career it doesn't often work-out. I have to operate over-time and that does not reduce it with most Jobs. I am trying to find an excellent medical health insurance that I will afford to assist purchase her hospital appointments. Please help me." Health Insurance Question? I was undergoing major treatment towards the finish of our deal and basically sign up with a medical health insurance for one year and I have to renew. May insurance provider deny the repair? Instate of California. I do want to get Blue Shield Of California Can it be any distinction between broker and insurance professional? Can it be any difference between broker and insurance professional? What and who has the Cheapest car insurance to get a 2005 Mustang? i am getting a 2005 Toyota mustang, and that I wan to understand that has the lowest priced insurance for a mustang. thx" Are insurance rates diverse for a put Toyota Tacoma rather than one that is normal? I have to know if insurance rates are very different, and I really would like a one, although I realize I am getting a usage?" Cheap auto insurance having a state? I've had my first automobile got written-off, and recently i've had my second car compromised and not restored. It's happened within the space of a year, and that I have nearly had my permit one year. What're my options to get insured not as superior as you can? What are the insurance companies out there that specifically guarantee drivers or small individuals with statements?" Insurance premium increase of 50%? I'd a collision with my RV that was about $1 on my part and incredibly minimal to the different vehicle. The incident was deemed my mistake and being my first and 1 level ever in over 32 years of driving. About 50% currently have increased my premium. I would like to realize the conditions for this increase and am in Florida. It appears like the company can recover the total amount settled in the payments that are next. Where could one head to understand this? Cheers" Trying to find supplemental medical health insurance? My mother currenlty has medical health insurance through her job, but obviously, the health insurance provider does not buy everything which a number of the points her physicians really believes she wants. Are there any organizations offering resonable added medical insurance to assist pay for copays, photos, medicines, etc., that her health company that is recent don't purchase? Furthermore, what are the pre exisiting conditions will be accepted by that, or have you got to be completely balanced to be suitable. Please help........." How come my car insurance thus high? Why is my auto insurance thus superior my cheapest quotation is 4000 on my own I've a 1.1 peugeot 106 im almost 20 years old and handed my exam that is driving by the end of november 2010 How much is adolescent insurance? Typically howmuch is insurance for teens generally speaking? For just a standard, regular car? thanks" "I'm 29 can i ensure my moped before transferring my cbt?" I am 29 could I cover my moped before driving my cbt?" "Cheapest auto insurance? If my vehicle gets damaged., do not care?" Hi, I've really a old car that I simply wish to utilize to get around town. I donot care whatever or if it gets destroyed in a crash, because it currently looks dreadful. SO, how do you have the simplest and cheapest car insurance? Does anyone understand what the least for insurance wills impose?" Cars which have inexpensive insurance? im 18 and only passed my driving examination, but uncertain of what vehicle(s) are cheap on insurance and road duty, will there be a site I really could go on to find the info i involve?" Is there any major medical insurance for pre- exsiting problems??? I take care of my 50 year old mother, who is on COBRA, which went upto . She wants medical insurance due to her pace-maker, although we can not afford this. We have tried medi cal, SSI, ect. Her ex husband will not support her. Since she is sick, with the lady he cheated on her, he really quit her with. Then she was committed by him a year later. I'm out of alternatives and he or she needs help. Someone, anybody, everyone... .please help. If she does not get health care for medicines and her problems for her heart, she eventually may die." How good is USAA auto insurance? I heard yesterday about a company named USAA for automobile insurance. I believe it's really a site for military representatives, and ex- people that are enrolled or officers. I dont know how well they cope with claims or how good this company is and I genuinely believe that qualifies, although my dad was while in the Air Force. Please inform me about your experiences together." Drivers Ed Inquiries On Insurance? Complete The Clear Terms -allocated-risk insurance, blue-book, bodily-harm insurance, car-pooling, accident insurance, extensive insurance, deductible, depreciation, financial duty legislation, rental, liability insurance, mass-transportation, no-fault insurance policy, policy, quality, propertydamage insurance, warranty- 1. Loss of automobile price due to its era. 2. Published assure the vendor is likely to make repairs for a while interval. 3. Lists the typical price paid to retailers for numerous used automobiles. 4. Involves you to illustrate that you will pay for damages you could possibly cause together with your vehicle. 5. Particular amount you pat to an insurance business for insurance. 6. Arranged amount of money you personally purchase injuries that's not settled by your insurance provider. 7. Published contract between your insurance carrier along with you. 8. Kind of insurance that is not focused on who's the culprit. 9. Provides minimal insurance for high-risk individuals. 10. Many methods of going more and more individuals. 11. Many people driving to school or work in a single car. 12. An alternate approach to obtaining a vehicle other than by purchase. 13. When you're to blame protects you against claims for property damages or another individualis injuries. 14. A type of liability insurance that handles drivers who're responsible for injuries to other folks around restrictions that are particular. 15. A type of liability insurance that addresses people who are responsible for problems to a different person's house up-to specified restrictions. 16. A form of insurance providing you with protection to cover the expense of repair or alternative of your vehicle up to limitations that are particular. 17. Insurance that includes injury to your automobile from low-collision functions. One word per record. I would like to be 100% sure I am right, thanks any responses are appreciated although I have some solutions." What're 1995 BMW 325i insurance charges? My cousin is providing me her outdated 1995 BMW 325i, four door, bright. I had been wondering exactly what the charges could be for Farm Bureau Insurance in NC." "I am 30, and took out a life insurance plan on myself...?" 000, since its more than 100...They have to consider urine and body...why?" May my daughter be on my mamais car insurance even if they don't stay together? Hello, my title is Kathy, I'm 19-year old girl and want to get a-car but car insurance is simply expensive. I wish to be put-on my grandmothers car insurance but we-don't reside in the same town. You think for me to get on there it would be possible! Thanks on your responses..." What direction to go is insurance for a 2000 jetta and after I need to get a-car? how does payments work? What to do when i need to get a-car and much is insurance to get a 2000 jetta? how does payments work? Where can I get a cheap insurance for a new bussines? Im about starting cleaning houses but i need an insurance I might suggest you to visit this web site where you can get quotes from different companies: http://cheap-insure.info
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biopsychs · 6 years
Hi, so I've just graduated high school, but unfortunately, I did not take any subjects on physics, biology or chemistry, because at the time I thought I wouldn't like them, but now I regret that choice. I'd love to learn/teach myself something about these subjects outside of school. So, do you have any recommendations on (text)books/articles/videos/something else about the basics of these subjects, especially biology and chemistry? Thanks!
First of all, congratulations on graduating high school! It’s great that you want to continue learning and want to explore new topics on your own.
For all of those subjects I would definitely recommend Khan Academy! I have used it personally to aid my understanding/get ahead in my biology, chemistry, and physics classes. It has videos, articles, and practice problems and covers everything you would seen in high school classes and most introductory university/college classes. They start from the basics so you can dive in wherever you feel comfortable. Even if you don’t end up using Khan Academy, the order in which they introduce topics makes sense (so follow that order if you’re using other miscellaneous resources).
Also check out Crash Course on youtube. They have playlists for different subjects and all of the videos are entertaining! I would note they tend to cover more conceptual ideas (rather than showing actual calculations) for chemistry and physics, so I would supplement the videos w other resources.
I don’t have any specific textbooks to recommend – my textbooks for intro chem and physics were average and my intro bio textbook was made specifically for my uni. I have linked some resources and posts below (some of the posts are masterposts w lots of links to helpful resources). I tried to provide resources that cover a wide range of topics but if you’re interested in any specific areas please let me know and I’ll see if I can find anything :)
check out how to study biology
check out biology resources
check out biology masterpost
If you’re interested in ecology and animals, check out some of the nature documentaries on Netflix! (If you need a place to start Planet Earth is the best) – some are more informative than others but it’s cool to apply concepts as you’re learning them
I also have a biology colouring workbook by The Princeton Review – basically one page has info and the other page has a biology diagram to colour. It’s a good way to supplement traditional studying methods and is a good way to study biology visually!
The Cell Image Library is a super cool website! It’s a database of images, videos, and animations of cells.
For books I recommend The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot.
check out chemistry resource masterpost 
check out how to revise chemistry and chemistry resources (this post includes links to some online textbooks)
chem guide and s-cool explain things well
interactive chemistry simulations
I don’t know how in-depth you plan to study chemistry but if you really want to learn everything like you would in a class make sure you’re doing lots of practice problems! 
check out physics resources and links
I recommend watching the series Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey on Neflix once you’ve learned a bit about physics
I also follow NASA on a few social media platforms and they are always posting cool things
If anyone else has any resources or specific textbooks to recommend, please feel free to add to this post!
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kirk-kapitany-blog · 6 years
How To Become An Affiliate Marketer
I’s quite simple to become an affiliate marketer. There are no certifications, degrees or trainings required. You don’t have to pay any fees.
Basically, you decide you want to do it and then do it.
Join affiliate programs, get your affiliate links and share them with others. It’s really as simple as that, although there’s definitely a right way to do it and a wrong way.
The best way to do affiliate marketing
Create excellent content where others can read it. A blog or an email newsletter are best. Provide really valuable information aimed at helping your readers.
Publish regularly. Consistency keeps people interested and engaged.
At first, don’t promote affiliate products. Concentrate on proving your trustworthiness, usefulness and expertise.
Once you’ve gained trust, slowly start promoting things you use and love.
This strategy is called content marketing and it’s the best way to be a successful affiliate marketer.
Things you need to start affiliate marketing
A way to communicate with people (like a blog, not social media). Sometimes this is called a platform. It might be a blog, a website, an email list or some other online presence where people listen to what you have to say.
I do not recommend using social media for your main platform. Why not social media? It’s risky because you don’t control YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and other social media sites — they do. And they can change the rules at any time.
Of course you can use social media (and you should!), but supplement with it don’t concentrate on it.
Related: How to Decide What to Blog About
High quality content. People don’t like to be constantly promoted to. Badgering your audience with nonstop affiliate promotions will not get you anywhere.
Successful affiliate marketers produce useful content aimed at helping their audience solve real problems. Eventually you can start recommending products naturally.
An audience. Who is your audience? “Everyone” is a bad answer. You’ve got to niche down, meaning, target a small subgroup of people. Maybe they are parents to toddlers. Maybe they are café owners. Maybe they are fly fisherman. Maybe they are nursing students.
Your ideal audience is one you know well, either because you fit into it yourself, or because you have answers to problems they commonly face.
For example, my audience is made up of people who want to start a blog and make money online but have limited time, budget and technical know-how. I can speak to this audience because that was me when I started 14 years ago!
Your audience’s trust. This cannot be overstated. Affiliate marketing is all about trust. When someone you trust recommends a product, you listen. Not so much when a stranger does. (In fact, if you’re like me, it often makes you skeptical.)
Be trustworthy and sincere in all you do online. This will lay the foundation for effective affiliate marketing. You will not make sustainable income if you do not have the trust of your audience.
Affiliate links to share. Once you have proven yourself to be a trustworthy source of information on topics important to your audience, you can begin to recommend affiliate products or services to them. This entails applying to affiliate programs and sharing your unique affiliate links for products you promote (more below).
Do you need a blog for affiliate marketing?
Technically no, although in my opinion, it’s the most convenient vehicle for affiliate marketing. Why? Because it’s a perfect spot to keep all your content and it’s not subject to the whims of social media algorithms. Plus, it’s available 24/7 so anyone can find it at any time.
Starting a blog is surprisingly quick and inexpensive.
Do you need an email list for affiliate marketing?
Again, technically no, but I highly recommend it.
You will vastly improve your chances of making a good income as an affiliate marketer if you use as many available communication vehicles as possible. Email is one of the most effective communication vehicles there is. Even more so than your blog or website.
Here’s my advice…
Start with a blog, where your content is always available. By itself, an email list can be hard to start if there’s not a place (like your blog or website) where potential subscribers can get to know you first.
Next, add an email list which gives you a fantastic opportunity to communicate with people on your own terms. That is, you don’t have to wait for them to come to your blog or website, you can go straight to their inboxes. Related: Email Marketing 101.
Lastly, use social media in your affiliate marketing efforts to supplement what you’re already doing on your blog and in email.
Do you need a lot of traffic for affiliate marketing?
No not always, but it helps tremendously. More traffic means more eyeballs and therefore more people who will potentially buy the product(s) you promote.
However, you can still make money as an affiliate even if you don’t have tons of traffic. I have a fraction of the traffic many fellow affiliate marketers have and yet my income rivals and in some cases exceeds theirs.
Caveat: some affiliate programs prefer a certain amount of traffic before they will accept you into their affiliate program. Obviously in those cases, your traffic numbers are key.
The bottom line is, don’t let low traffic numbers keep you from exploring affiliate marketing!
Chapter 5: How do you choose affiliate products to promote?
Recommend affiliate products that are relevant and fit naturally into your content.
For example, if you routinely talk about grilling meat, recommending your favorite butcher knife is probably a natural fit. If, however, you talk about landscape design, your favorite butcher knife is probably not a natural fit.
Once you think of a product to promote, ask yourself the following questions to determine if it’s a good fit:
Do I have legitimate experience with this product? If you don’t, pass. Being unfamiliar with a product you promote is risky for two reasons. First, if it turns out to be a dud, the trust you’ve built with your audience is damaged. Second, if your audience has questions about it, you won’t know how to answer.
Would I recommend this product to my mother or best friend? It’s tempting to recommend something when there’s a commission attached. But would you encourage your mom or best friend to spend their time and money on this thing? Be honest.
Will my target audience realistically buy this product? Put yourself in your audience’s shoes. What are they most likely to buy? If your blog is mainly about frugal living, your readers probably aren’t going to buy luxury products, so promoting high-end clothing might not work so well.
Will my target audience realistically spend this amount for the product? Again, your reputation is on the line here. Is the product you are thinking of promoting priced reasonably for your audience? When I was writing my ebook, I was stuck on pricing. I asked around for opinions. A number of people suggested I price my ebook at $47! Their idea was to price according to value, not size. In my mind that was crazy. My network was composed of a lot of stay-at-home bloggers, and my collective audience was comprised mostly of people without a whole lot of disposable income. There was no way anyone was going to pay $47 for my 30-page ebook.
Will my target audience realistically buy this now, or at a different time? Be sensitive to sales cycles and seasons. Maybe you should avoid holidays (when people are away from their computers, like July 4 in the U.S.) or maybe you should target holidays (like the day after Thanksgiving), but know the difference. Again, know your audience. Plan your content accordingly.
You don’t want to promote things unrelated to the content your audience is used to getting from you. It’s jarring and can decrease their trust in you. And without trust, your affiliate income will dry up.
Where do you get ideas for affiliate products to promote?
A lot of people overthink this. Start with what’s right in front of you and branch out from there.
There are 3 places to get ideas:
Your readers
Others in your niche
Let’s cover each one in depth…
How to get affiliate marketing product ideas from yourself
Promote products you already use. What things do you use and love? Keep a list. Find the affiliate program for them. Of course, never write about a product or service you love without becoming an affiliate for it first!
For example, when I began teaching others how to start their own blogs in 2010, it was a no-brainer to recommend the hosting company I was already using. I became an affiliate and have made thousands of dollars since.
Are you a food blogger? What’s your favorite cookware? Create content about it. Craft blogger? What’s your favorite crafting tool? Create content about it. Photography blogger? What camera and lenses do you use? Create content about them.
Sometimes this is as simple as grabbing a paper and pen and walking around your house, looking for things you use and love. Or, look in your purchase / order history for Amazon and other retailers.
Every product or service you use and love is likely to have an affiliate program attached to it.
Review existing content. Have you ever mentioned a product in the past that you use? Maybe you didn’t even think about it at the time, but is there an affiliate program for it? Find out (just google “product/company affiliate program” like “Target affiliate program”) and update that content with your affiliate link.
If you’re a blogger, start by going through your analytics and finding your most popular posts. In Google Analytics (GA) you can find these pages by going to your GA Dashboard > Behavior > Site Content > All Pages. Examine the ones at the top of the list that bring in the most traffic. Are there any affiliate products or services you can naturally include in them?
Promote products relevant to your niche. Be a student of your niche. Listen to what others talk about. Note problems people have or holes that need filling. Find products that will help. Buy them. Use them. Recommend the best.
If your site is about children’s books and you promote car insurance, at best you’ll look like you don’t know what you’re doing. At worst, you’ll be branded a spammer. Once you develop a bad reputation as a spammer or an “out to make a quick buck” type of affiliate marketer, it’s incredibly difficult to go back.
Start out with high standards and you’ll be fine. Simply put, promoting bad stuff makes you look bad and will hurt you in the long run.
How to get affiliate marketing product ideas from your readers
Choose products that help your audience solve a problem or address a fear. These are excellent products to promote as readers are often open to spending money on them.
Ask them. What does your audience want? Stay aware by interacting with them on social media, in blog / video comments, in Facebook Groups or by taking a survey.
Check your stats. Check your Google Analytics for audience demographics, affinities, etc.
How to get affiliate marketing product ideas from others in your niche
Watch them. How are other content creators in your niche utilizing advertising? What types of ads do they use? What are they promoting? What do they talk about repeatedly (if you keep seeing the same affiliate product show up again and again, there’s a good chance they’re making good money from it)? If you see a product or service they talk about that jogs your memory and you can ethically promote it too, find affiliate information by the methods described above.
Ask around. In my experience, if you establish a good relationship with other content creators (and especially if you are giving more than you are taking in that relationship), over time, most are more than willing to share tips and hints about what has and has not worked for them. A mastermind group is also a great place to get ideas.
Follow affiliate hashtags. Hashtags like #affiliate and #ad are commonly used on social media when someone is promoting an affiliate product. Follow or search those hashtags on Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest (and sometimes Facebook) to see what others are promoting.
Chapter 6: How do you join affiliate programs?
First, understand the difference between individual affiliate programs and affiliate networks.
You can join an affiliate network once and have access to many affiliate programs of many companies at once.
You can join an individual affiliate program which is for a single company.
You are not limited to one or the other. You can be part of multiple affiliate networks and individual affiliate programs at the same time.
How do you find the applications for affiliate networks / programs?
There are several ways to find affiliate program signup pages.
A company’s website. Think of a product or service you want to promote. Go to the website of said product.  Look for a link (often in the footer) that says “Affiliates,” “Affiliate Program,” “Referral Program” or something similar. Follow the links to sign up.
Google it. Search for terms like “(company) affiliate program.”  For example, “Target affiliate program” or “Amazon affiliate program.” If your first search doesn’t turn up anything, try again. Don’t give up too easily. Sometimes there are slight variances in word usage or terms.
Ask a friend. Do you know someone who is already an affiliate? Ask if they can connect you with a contact at the company.
Contact the company directly. If you use a product or service and want to recommend it but you can’t find evidence of an affiliate program, consider approaching them and asking if they are willing to set one up (maybe with your help). Highlight your audience and the value of your recommendation. Explain that an affiliate program is simply rewarding happy customers (you!) for promoting, and they don’t have to pay until a sale is made.
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