#I really wanted to add an exclamation mark to the end of that
glitchedrabbit · 10 months
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this was pretty silly to draw, and i can finally give some fun facts about his bunny suit
depending on his emotion his pupils can change shape!: the 3 main ones i have right now are:
normal: neutral and his default expression
exclamation marks: shocked, surprised, an error or scared, this is only if those emotions are really strong and he is really caught off guard.
take the vanny ending for example when she’s about to get her ass disassembled, for Rab his pupils will be that shape because obviously..he’s scared and shocked.
3. Stars: he’s just being his trickster self or he’s just really happy, he’s usually like that when he hangs out with Vanny because hey, why not!
I am planning to add more later on but that’s what i’ve got so far :))
Just like his pupils can change shape they can also change color depending on the emotion, it’s randomized at times, but they consist more of blue’s and purple’s
yes the stars on his cheek are emphasizing him being called superstar in sb, im glad some people were able to catch that it made me really happy :,))
His eyes have thermal heat! but it only works if he’s in a really dark area, sure his eyes glow but they can only do so much…
He can receive calls or have a walkie talkie type system from inside his mask!! just a little tap on the side of his head and he can answer em or give a transmit a message ! (Vanny likes to spoil that use at times though, but he is not allowed to remove that feature from his mask.. (i made a silly doodle comic about it)
It’s common that when Rab’s pupils do change shape depending on his emotion there’s a lot of glitching, why? I kind of don’t know! i just thought it’d be pretty cool to add that as a small idea.
Rab’s bow was given to him by Vanny, he used his hoodie for a while on his first few days wearing the suit, but after a while he realized how dirty it can get when doing his new job, Vanny then gifted him the bow as a gift of close friendship!! (awweeee)
And that’s all i’ve really got for now!! i know i’ve got more somewhere in my brain but it is 12 am for me rn and i’m visión blurring woah hdhshahaha
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prettyoddfever · 6 months
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This off-white t-shirt that was for sale at some shows during the 2008 Honda Civic Tour was really popular and was usually the one you'd see people asking other fans to grab for them in late spring because their show sold out in their size. This is the shirt that was sewn into a vest for Ryan that season btw:
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FBR added this shirt to their webstore in August 2008 and some sizes sold out quickly but then got restocked. I remember some people complaining that FBR's shirt was a slightly different color than the one on tour, but others said it was the same. Idk, it looked like the same general off-white color to me. The band's name was still on the back of the right sleeve:
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I liked this design because it was SO different from most t-shirt designs in this era (like in general, not just PATD) and was way more minimalist. A fan created some pngs that we could print out to iron on our own shirts, so I'll add them here if anyone wants them. They used the "Big Noodle Tilting" font and created their own heart:
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That fall Hot Topic also came out with an off-white tote that had the same large "reinvent love" design on one side. Then the design of the band name (from the t-shirt's sleeve) got a heart added and was enlarged to be the graphic on the other side of the tote. The inside of the bag was a floral pattern that reminded me of the striped hoodie's lining:
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FBR clearly loved how successful this whole design was. The webstore included a bonus sticker in the order packages for P!ATD fans in fall 2008:
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The Rock Band Live Tour shows in fall 2008 used the same type of graphic:
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And the shows on that tour had a black tote & shirt for sale:
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Spencer did an interview with Out.com this season that had this question:
The most popular items at your merch booth seem to be a t-shirt and bag that say “Reinvent Love,” which is such a strong, inclusive message. Tell me about how that became the band slogan. It started out as a lyric in “Mad as Rabbits.” It was the last song we were recording for the album, and as we figured out how to fit it into the end of the song, it took on some more anthem-style cheer. As we went on tour, me and Ryan [Ross, Panic’s guitarist] talked about making a “Reinvent Love” shirt. At first it was just going to be on the Fueled By Ramen web store, just a limited edition thing because it didn’t have our band name on the front, and we didn’t know how many people would want to wear that. It ended up being a lot more popular than we thought it would. We were ending all of the concerts with that song, so that was the last thing that people were hearing. We wouldn’t want to be a part of anything that wasn’t that kind of that message. If there’s going to be some saying associated with our band, that’s a pretty good one. It goes along with everything we want to represent and the way that we feel.
This bracelet was added to FBR's webstore in December 2008 (after the Pretty. Odd. era had basically ended & around the time that Live in Chicago was released):
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By the time this necklace got added to FBR's webstore in January 2009, a lot of fans were tired of this theme:
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The necklace spawned more fan jokes about what was coming next at that point... my favorite was still the musical toaster:
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So in March 2009 FBR just added the black shirt & tote to their webstore (the ones that were sold at shows in fall 2008) and then let the phrase rest so they could soon move onto overusing the return of the exclamation mark. lol jk.
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No shame! here’s proper punctuation with a simple format and the dictionary definitions because i used to be that writer who was where some of you are now. 💖
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1. Full stop
A full stop is the punctuation name for a mark that is used to show the end of a sentence, as shown in this punctuation example:
'Lucy went clothes shopping. She bought a lovely new skirt.'
Full stops are used to indicate that it is the end of a sentence, usually communicating a complete point or thought. It highlights a new sentence is about to begin.
2. Commas
Commas is the punctuation name for a mark that aregreat for breaking down sentences, combining two clauses or showing us when to pause.
'Despite the fact I hate maths, I quite like learning about fractions.'
This shows how commas can add emphasis and tell the reader when to pause. Sometimes, commas can be misplaced. This is called a comma splice, where two independent clauses are connected by a comma, when they should really be separated with a full stop or semi colon or connected with a connective.
3. Question marks
Question marks simply indicate that the speaker is asking a question. They're used at the end of question (or interrogative) sentences.
'Do you still want to keep your teddy bear?'
4. Exclamation marks
Exclamation marks is the punctuation name for a mark that can change the meaning and tone of a sentence. They still end a sentence, but they can add emotion - whether that's excitement, anger or nervousness!
'Look, it's a cat!'
'I'm so nervous about my SATs exams!'
'I can't believe you just said that!'
All three of these sentences convey very different emotions using an exclamation mark, so it can be confusing. Yet imagine if they used a full stop instead - these emotions would be much harder to read and understand.
A sentence which needs an exclamation mark is called an exclamatory sentence.
5. Colons
A colon is the punctuation name for a mark that is used to connect two clauses.
'Never go out in the sun without sunscreen: you#ll damage your skin.'
They're also great for introducing a list of three or more things.
'I'm visiting four cities this summer: Rome, Florence, Paris, and Seville.'
6. Semicolons
Semicolons get a bad reputation for being difficult, but in truth, they're super handy!
You can use a semicolon to join 2 main (or independent clauses) which have equal importance. For example,
'Katie was hungry; she hadn't eaten all day.'
Semicolons show a closer relationship between the clauses than a full stop would show.
7. Apostrophes
Apostrophe is a punctuation mark that can be quite confusing for many children, but it's really important that children learn how to use it properly.
Apostrophes are used to identify something that belongs to someone or to show a letter or multiple letters are missing from a word. Yet as simple as this sounds, many children and adults often misplace or forget apostrophes, even putting them somewhere they shouldn't be altogether. The following sentence shows how to use an apostrophe for contractions, where letters are missing from "were not", "of the clock" and "cannot".
"We weren't meant to leave before 4 O'clock, so we can't go yet."
Apostrophes can also be used to show the possessive form of a singular noun.
"The student's job was to make sure no one touched the pet rabbit's breakfast."
With plural nouns where the word already has an 's' at the end, an apostrophe just gets added at the end.
"The girls' toy truck had broken."
If the word is plural and doesn't have an 's' at the end, again one can be added.
"The women's business meeting had been delayed."
One of the most common misuses of apostrophes is putting them in words which are just plural and don't show possession or contraction. For example, words such as pencils, ghosts, houses, or guests never need an apostrophe.
8. Dash
A dash is the punctuation name for a mark that used to separate words into statements. There are two common types of dashes: en dash and em dash which vary in length. The en dash is twice as long as a hyphen and is most commonly used to signify a range between two words or numbers, for example the date range:
Meanwhile,the em dash can be used in place of a comma, parenthesis, or colon to enhance readability or emphasize the conclusion of a sentence. For example:
She gave him her answer—No!
8. Hyphen
This list of punctuation marks isn't exhaustive, but it does contain the most commonly used punctuation marks with names. For example:
Sarah had a part-time job that she worked on a Saturday
9. Parentheses
A parenthesis is a word, phrase, or sentence that is inserted into writing as extra information using brackets, commas or dashes. For example:
'James (who was terrified of heights) was going to ride the biggest rollercoaster in the theme park
When a whole sentence is written inside a parenthesis then the full stop will be included inside the parenthesis, for example - Please read this story. (You'll be amazed.). However, if the majority of a sentence is written outside the parentheses, then the full stop should also be used on the outside, for example, You are late (aren't you?).
10. Brackets
Brackets is the punctuation name for a mark that is a curved symbol that looks like () and they are used to separate non-essential or additional information from a sentence. For example:
She finally answered (after taking five minutes to think) that she didn’t understand the question.
11. Quotation marks
Quotation marks is the punctuation name for a mark that is the primary type of punctuation used in quotes. These are inverted commas that are used as either single (‘ ’) or double (“ ”) sets. They are used either to mark the beginning and end of a title or quoted passage. For example:
Walking across the beach Mary said, "the weather is very sunny today".
12. Ellipsis
An ellipsis(plural ellipses) is a punctuation mark made up of 3 dots. Ellipses are commonly used to indicate the omission of words, lines or paragraphs from a quoted passage. For example:
'Today...we are proud to announce our new product.'
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Dictionary version [better version In my opinion]
What is a typographical symbol?
The term typographical symbol, or any other number of phrases, refers to a character or symbol that isn’t considered to be a punctuation mark but may still be used in writing for various purposes. Typographical symbols are generally avoided in formal writing under most circumstances. However, you may see typographic symbols used quite a bit in informal writing.
Typographical symbol examples
The following examples show some ways that a writer might use typographical symbols. Keep in mind that some of these sentences may not be considered appropriate in formal writing.
The frustrated actor said she was tired of her co-star’s “annoying bull****.”
For questions, email us at [email protected]!
The band had five #1 singles on the American music charts during the 1990s.
My internet provider is AT&T.
Period (.)
A period is used to end a declarative sentence. A period indicates that a sentence is finished.
Today is Friday.
Unique to them, periods are also often used in abbreviations.
Prof. Dumbledore once again awarded a ludicrous amount of points to Gryffindor.
Question mark (?)
The question mark is used to end a question, also known as an interrogative sentence.
Do you feel lucky?
Exclamation point (!)
The exclamation point is used at the end of exclamations and interjections.
Our house is haunted!
Comma, colon, and semicolon
Commas, colons, and semicolons can all be used to connect sentences together.
Comma (,)
The comma is often the punctuation mark that gives writers the most problems. It has many different uses and often requires good knowledge of grammar to avoid making mistakes when using it. Some common uses of the comma include:
Joining clauses: Mario loves Peach, and she loves him.
Nonrestrictive elements: My favorite team, the Fighting Mongooses, won the championship this year.
Lists: The flag was red, white, and blue.
Coordinate adjectives: The cute, happy puppy licked my hand.
Try out this quiz on the Oxford comma!
Colon (:)
The colon is typically used to introduce additional information.
The detective had three suspects: the salesman, the gardener, and the lawyer.
Like commas, colons can also connect clauses together.
We forgot to ask the most important question: who was buying lunch?
Colons have a few other uses, too.
The meeting starts at 8:15 p.m.
The priest started reading from Mark 3:6.
Semicolon (;)
Like the comma and the colon, the semicolon is used to connect sentences together. The semicolon typically indicates that the second sentence is closely related to the one before it.
I can’t eat peanuts; I am highly allergic to them.
Lucy loves to eat all kinds of sweets;lollipops are her favorite.
Hyphen and dashes (en dash and em dash)
All three of these punctuation marks are often referred to as “dashes.” However, they are all used for entirely different reasons.
Hyphen (-)
The hyphen is used to form compound words.
I went to lunch with my father-in-law.
She was playing with a jack-in-the-box.
He was accused of having pro-Britishsympathies.
En dash (–)
The en dash is used to express ranges or is sometimes used in more complex compound words.
The homework exercises are on pages 20–27.
The songwriter had worked on many Tony Award–winning productions.
Em dash (—)
The em dash is used to indicate a pause or interrupted speech.
The thief was someone nobody expected—me!
“Those kids will—” was all he managed to say before he was hit by a water balloon.
Test your knowledge on the different dashes here.
Parentheses, brackets, and braces
These pairs of punctuation marks look similar, but they all have different uses. In general, the parentheses are much more commonly used than the others.
Parentheses ()
Typically, parentheses are used to add additional information.
I thought (for a very long time) if I should actually give an honest answer.
Tomorrow is Christmas (my favorite holiday)!
Parentheses have a variety of other uses, too.
Pollution increased significantly. (See Chart 14B)
He was at an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting.
Richard I of England (1157–1199) had the heart of a lion.
Square brackets []
Typically, square brackets are used to clarify or add information to quotations.
According to an eyewitness, the chimpanzees “climbed on the roof and juggled [bananas].”
The judge said that “the defense attorney [Mr. Wright] had made it clear that the case was far from closed.”
Curly brackets {}
Curly brackets, also known as braces, are rarely used punctuation marks that are used to group a set.
I was impressed by the many different colors {red, green, yellow, blue, purple, black, white} they selected for the flag’s design.
Angle brackets <>
Angle brackets have no usage in formal writing and are rarely ever used even in informal writing. These characters have more uses in other fields, such as math or computing.
Quotation marks and apostrophe
You’ll find these punctuation marks hanging out at the top of a line of text.
Quotation marks (“”)
The most common use of quotation marks is to contain quotations.
She said, “Don’t let the dog out of the house.”
Bob Ross liked to put “happy little trees” in many of his paintings.
Apostrophe (‘)
The apostrophe is most often used to form possessives and contractions.
The house’s back door is open.
My cousin’s birthday is next week.
It isn’t ready yet.
We should’ve stayed outside.
Slash and ellipses
These are two punctuation marks you may not see too often, but they are still useful.
Slash (/)
The slash has several different uses. Here are some examples:
Relationships: The existence of boxer briefs somehow hasn’t ended the boxers/briefs debate.
Alternatives: They accept cash and/or credit.
Fractions: After an hour, 2/3 of the audience had already left.
Ellipses (…)
In formal writing, ellipses are used to indicate that words were removed from a quote.
The mayor said, “The damages will be …paid for by the city … as soon as possible.”
In informal writing, ellipses are often used to indicate pauses or speech that trails off.
He nervously stammered and said, “Look, I … You see … I wasn’t … Forget it, okay.”
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I don’t do not own any information listed above. This can all be found on google/chrome/safari
Divider credits go to @cafekitsune
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frozenjokes · 6 months
hOtgUy drops by to pick up his visor, and Cub viscerally regrets not googling his name before then (2/2)
“He’s coming! Oh, he's coming! See, he just texted me, he said he’ll be here at 2:00! Look! Oh, what should I say? Something short, maybe a little heart at the end- emoji, or the little arrow and the three? No, no heart, that’s too much. Maybe he’d like a longer message, something poetic! Oh, but I’m no good with words, not like that anyway. What do you think? What should I say?”
The waitress looked a bit startled when Scar shoved his phone in her face, though anyone would be surprised if a celebrity like HotGuy turned around and asked their opinion on something so important!
“Well..” she deliberated for a moment, lips pursed (thinking hard, of course!), “I would probably say ‘Okay.’ Maybe add an exclamation mark?”
“Hmm..” Scar sat back in his chair, doing a very good job of pretending like that idea didn’t totally suck, “That’s a good start. I’m thinking I need a little more, though.”
The waitress shifted her weight, avoiding eye contact, “Did you want some more water then? While you wait?”
“Oh no, no I’ll be fine. Don’t you worry about me. Oh, this is going to be so great. Life changing. Let it be known, the world will never be the same after this fateful meeting. You’ll understand. You’ll know when you see him. No feathers or tails or scales or anything. Nothing against tails or scales. You, miss, are looking positively stunning today.”
“Ah-” The waitress looked a tad flustered, her reptilian tail curling inwards, “Well, I hope your date- uh- goes well. I’m.. cheering for you?”
“Oop! Not a date, not a date, no, however, just between you and me, I’m also cheering for me. Here’s hoping!” Scar rested his chin on his hands, sighing, but by the time he opened his eyes again, the waitress was gone. Where did she- oh! The text! Scar turned back to his phone, deliberating for at least ten more minutes before deciding on ‘Perfect! I can’t wait :D!’
Scar returned his head to his hands, more than happy to daydream for the next fifty minutes. Cub’s soft hands, fidgeting nervously in his lap, nervous, obviously, because he was sitting right across from HotGuy, his favorite superhero! Scar would tell him there was no reason to be nervous, not around him, and Cub would relax, saying something like ‘Thank you, HotGuy,’ and Scar would say ‘No, not HotGuy, Scar, remember? Please, call me Scar.’ And Cub would look into his eyes and Scar would look into his, and they would just stare at each other for a moment before Cub would say, ‘I bet you tell every guy you meet on the street your name,’ and Scar would say, ‘Are you kidding? That’s not my real name.’ And they would laugh and laugh and Cub would still be laughing while Scar would manage to compose himself, lowering his voice to something husky and romantic.
‘But no, I don’t tell just any guy my name.’
And Cub would laugh, but soon he’d realize Scar wasn’t joking, and stop, staring with wide eyes, ‘What do you mean? Surely that’s not true, we’re practically strangers.’
Actually no, he wouldn’t say that.
He’d blush a little bit, and he’d say ‘Really? Why me, then?’
And Scar would say something, he wasn’t sure yet, but it would be very romantic and Cub would fall in love with him and maybe just maybe they’d get to hold hands under the table and it would be fucking awesome-
“Uh, hello?”
Scar jumped up, blinking rapidly. He looked at his watch. Ah. “Hello there!” he said, not a delayed reaction at all, “Sit, sit- oh! What’s that?”
Cub was standing a bit stiffly, but he did sit down, holding a little box in his hands. “Oh, this is the visor. Things got a bit.. distracting. I think. We forgot. I wanted to drop it off so you didn’t have to come back.”
“A gift!”
“It’s not a gift, you still have to pay for it.”
“I’m thrilled!” Scar happily ignored that last bit, fully intending on paying later, but a gift was simply much more exciting, and it was all wrapped up in a cute little box, too, how sweet! He took the box from Cub’s hands and set it beside himself, pleased. “I can not wait to get home and take care of that. I’ve adjusted to seeing around the cracks, but it’s still pinching between my eyes, which, I don’t think I have to tell you is unpleasant. Though, aesthetically, I don’t really mind it. Gives me a bit of a rugged look, don’t you think?”
“Uh, yeah, man,” Cub squirmed a bit in his seat, and Scar’s smile faltered momentarily. Was he uncomfortable? Did he not like the restaurant Scar had picked?
“Something on your mind? Good or bad, I’d like to know.”
Cub blinked a few times, like he was surprised Scar noticed, then sat up a bit, looking around a tad self-consciously, “I guess I just don’t know why I’m here. Pretty confused, honestly. Do you pick people off the street and get lunch with them often? Is it like a marketing thing or some sort of interactivity that keeps people engaged in you as a superhero or something? I don’t get it.”
Scar startled, “No, no, I don’t do this very often at all! Though, maybe I should!” He thought for a moment, cheek resting on his fist, “I mean, maybe not full sit-down meals like this, but just hang out, you know? I love meeting new people. But no, this definitely isn’t a common occurrence. I guess you’re here because I think you’re special!”
Scar wasn’t sure what he was expecting (floating cartoon hearts, confetti, instant mutual infatuation), but it definitely wasn’t the somewhat incredulous look that crossed Cub’s face. “Special?” he said, distrustful, then started looking around, like there might be a camera crew just around the corner.
“I- I mean,” Scar stuttered, struggling to save this, “You’re human. There’s hardly any humans living in the city anymore, and I guess I just think you’re.. I think it’s pretty cool. It’s a little worrying to see you walking around by yourself at night and blasting music, but that’s also kinda cool? The confidence, you know? I don’t know if I would have that if I was still- I mean- it’s not that I’m not human anymore..”
“I don’t think prosthetic legs make you any less human, no matter how high-tech they are.”
“Ah! Not that! Well, a little bit that actually- my body is like 50% robot at this point, but I was more talking about all the experimental procedures my parents put me through to try and save my life after I blew up.”
“After-” Cub spluttered for a moment, “You blew up?” Ah. Right.
Scar nodded sagely, making a little explosion gesture with his hands, “Bad day! Well, if I remembered anything it would be pretty bad, but it was at least two weeks before I started to be a person again at all. Yup. Not good! Legs were super messed up, and my back was like, super broken- I was in pretty awful shape for many many years. Most of which I don’t remember, which, tangent, is so weird? It was like I just woke up one day and I was 23 and everything before then was just.. this hole. Thought it would get less weird the more time passed, but nope, turns out five years is a long time to just.. not really remember.”
“You- this happened when you were 18?”
“Yup. I had just started college in this city. Bomb was an attack on the campus, and I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Well. I guess I could have been in a wronger place and died instantly. I wished I had for a while. But given where I ended up, I’m real glad I stuck it out, I mean- I’m a fucking superhero. That’s awesome. And these kids- these little disabled kids, they come up to me and they see me and they have a little hope, you know? That everything is going to be okay.” Scar sighed, fighting the knot still tied sharp in his chest. The pain, the loneliness, the aching boredom. The ever presenting looming fear that something in his body could just malfunction and kill him instantly, the pain, fuck, the pain. Genetically and physically modified to absolute hell and back for the sole purpose of easing his suffering, and still he just couldn’t escape. “It’s worth it.” Scar wondered if he really believed that. When he told the world he’d endure it all again knowing this would be the outcome; is that really what he’d choose?
Cub gave him an odd look, then glanced to the side, then again, then again and-
“Are.. You two ready to order?” the waitress asked, and Scar felt his face heat up at his own obliviousness. Goodness, how long had she been standing there? Scar composed himself regardless and ordered; he had known what he was getting for a while now, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a wry smile on Cub’s face, which only served to embarrass him further.
Scar watched as the waitress walked away, if for no other reason than to avoid Cub’s eye, who was still looking way more amused than what had to be warranted here. “Do I even want to ask how long she was standing there.”
“About five minutes. I said your name a couple times, but you were like, really zoned out. Like when someone in a movie starts having a flashback, except no one could see it and it was really awkward for everyone else.” Scar let his head thunk against the table, and Cub laughed, he laughed, and god damn it was the prettiest sound Scar had heard in a long while, and suddenly the social agony was entirely worth it.
“Careful, HotGuy, you might crack your visor.”
“Ha. Ha. But please, Scar is fine. Just not too loud, I’d rather keep it to a small circle, you know how it is.”
“Oh shit, well my manager saw your note.”
“One person is fine.”
“The waitress definitely heard me call you Scar as well.”
“I- it’s not that big of a deal, Scar isn’t my real name,” Scar sat up, struggling between amusement and disappointment due to deviating so far off his imaginary script, but Cub didn’t look too surprised anyway. The expression turned more thoughtful after a moment, not a massive change, but just a slight crease at the edges of his lips, and Scar felt heat rise in his face as Cub looked at him, really looked at him, finally in what felt like the first time Cub had properly checked him out. Please notice I’m attractive. Please let me call this a date. Please ask to hold my hand.
“Do you ever get worried someone is gonna take one of those knives off the back of your chair and stab you with it? Like, a supervillain or someone. You’ve got quite a few enemies, don’t you? Surely there are normal people that just don’t like you as well. Is your costume, like, knife proof?”
“It’s- it’s uh- cut resistant-” Scar didn’t know exactly what to do with that question, but it certainly wasn’t on the list he had hoped Cub would ask. Actually, it wasn’t on any sort of list at all. “The knives are there so people don’t touch my chair. I’ve got a big red sign on the back that says ‘DO NOT TOUCH,’ but that wasn’t quite doing the trick, and the police and government and everyone said I was not allowed to point my bow at people who ignored the sign, then they said I’m not allowed to verbally threaten them either, so I just started taping knives to the handles. An extremely effective solution, and one I’m quite attached to. It’s intimidating enough when I’m stationary like this, but when I’m going down the street they bounce around and it’s really scary, it’s pretty awesome. So honestly, I really hope no one decides to try and stab me with my chair knives, because 1) I’d be getting stabbed, which is never ideal, and 2) they’d be touching my chair, which is fucking rude. So.” Scar chuckled a bit to himself, pleased to see Cub looking amused as well. He was starting to be able to differentiate a bit between Cub’s base neutral expressions, and Scar was pretty sure there was a ghost of a smile there now. “You don’t want to stab me, do you Cub?
“I don’t want to, but I thought about it.” Cub answered that question frighteningly quickly and Scar just had to gape for a moment in his shock, “Again, I do not want to stab you.”
“But you thought about it?”
“You’ve got knives taped to the back of your chair. I’m sure I am one out of hundreds of people who had a thought about how easy it would be to stab you.”
“No one has ever said that to me before!”
“Of course not. They’d sound crazy.”
“You said it!”
“I thought you should know,” Cub said simply, not looking the least bit bothered, “And I thought maybe you’d tell me why you’ve got knives taped to the handles of your chair.” Cub paused again, a hint of that sly look returning to his eyes, “And I thought it would be funny.” Pause. “It was.”
Scar scoffed but was ultimately unable to hide his smile, “Well if I ever get stabbed, you’ll be the first to know. For now though, I think I-” Scar jumped as Cub’s phone rang, though Cub didn’t look all that surprised, picking it up without looking at Scar.
“Hey man, can’t really talk right now, but I’m okay. Hey, actually, could we FaceTime for a minute? I want to show you something before I go.”
The person on the other line was pretty loud, and Scar could still hear him despite Cub’s phone not being on speaker, “Oh- sure. Sorry I didn’t see your message earlier, I would have called- texted- whatever sooner. One minute.” There was a short silence as they switched from voice to video, Cub’s neutral frown shifting once more to that little smirk.
“You can see me, Grian?”
“Yeah, what’s up? Where are you?”
“Oh, just out to lunch with a friend.” Cub turned his phone around, and Scar was too busy reeling from being called a friend to react, staring dumbly at the camera for a second before perking back up, People Meeting Mode back up and running.
Scar waved, a somewhat strained smile across his face which he hoped didn’t look nervous, “Hello, Grian!” ‘Grian’ gaped, saying nothing for such a long time, Scar was starting to feel a little bit awkward, “It’s nice to meet you! I- uh- well, you’re one of Cub’s friends I’m guessing- just friends, right, are you just friends. Not dating? Just curious. Well, if you don’t know me, I’m Hawkeye, though, everyone calls me HotGuy. Just a nickname that caught on.” Scar laughed a tad awkwardly, but Grian suddenly jumped, looking- why did he look so afraid?
“CUB!” he shrieked, and Scar startled, though Cub only looked amused, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE Y-” and Cub hung up, snickering.
“My roommate,” Cub said, like this answered all of Scar’s questions, “He should believe me now. He really doesn’t like you. It’s fine though, he’s just a little dramatic.” Cub’s phone rang again, and he declined the call. The third time it rang, he turned his ringer off.
“Ah.” Scar ran a hand through his hair, suddenly a bit more nervous. Cub knew basically nothing about him, but had a roommate who hated him.. that couldn’t be good. How many bad things had Cub heard about him? Did he even want to be here, or was Cub just humoring him? The whole reason he was trying this as HotGuy was because everyone loved HotGuy! Everyone! HotGuy was so cool- did Cub not think he was cool? “Do you like me?”
Cub blinked, surprised, maybe, Scar couldn’t really tell. “Oh, I don’t know. You’re pretty alright I think.”
“You- you don’t know?” Scar was trying very hard not to sound like his heart had just been ripped into a thousand pieces, but he was pretty sure he was not doing a great job.
“I mean, I don’t really know you, but you seem like an okay guy.”
“Yeah,” Cub didn’t sound too concerned- if anything, he looked a little bit annoyed, which only made Scar’s heart sink further, “If you didn’t want me to tell you, why did you ask? What were you expecting? If I asked you a loaded question like ‘Do you like me?’ what would you say?”
“I would say yes. I do like you.”
“What do you mean, why?”
“Why do you like me? What do you like about me? How can you be so sure? You don’t know anything about me, and I don’t really know anything about you, either. It’s not insulting, it’s just true. If you think I’m an asshole for this, then maybe you should reconsider ‘liking’ me. I don’t like when people ask questions and expect me not to answer honestly. I’m not out here trying to preserve anyone’s feelings, especially not superheroes.” Cub paused for a moment, cringing back just slightly, “That came out a little harsh. I just don’t respect people unconditionally, and you guys can be asshole customers. Nothing against you specifically, but I don’t think you’re any better than me because you’re famous. I don’t like how people treat celebrities like they’re made of glass. And I really don’t like not actually knowing how people think of me, so I’d prefer that you just told me the truth. I don’t want to guess. It stresses me out.”
“Oh, I mean..” Scar trailed off, a little bit unsure what to do with himself. But that made sense? Usually Scar found it pretty easy to tell whether or not people liked him, since the people that liked him either asked for pictures, autographs, or kinda just ignored him, and the people that didn’t like him threw bottles at his head, so, all in all, pretty black and white. Maybe it was a little harder when he was Just Scar, and people hardly batted an eye, but regardless, he kind of just assumed people liked him anyway. He got plenty of attention, that was for sure. People liked confidence, toned muscles, and men who dressed like whores, boxes which Scar ticked most days of the week.
But it was weird sometimes, being Just Scar. Scar couldn’t be disabled. Scar couldn’t be in pain, he couldn’t show much of his back lest people look too hard and notice it wasn’t all flesh. Scar had to worry about his legs, about looking human enough, about keeping to dimly lit areas when he felt like showing a lot of skin. Scar couldn’t go home with anyone else without being afraid of what they’d see, he had to take control if he wanted to have any fun, and that wasn’t always bad, but Scar couldn’t ever relax. Sometimes Just Scar felt less like Scar than HotGuy did. Most of the time Scar wasn’t really sure who he was at all.
Scar liked HotGuy. Most people liked HotGuy, especially in this godforsaken city. And if they didn’t like him, they probably hated him, in which case, whatever! Scar had given up trying to change minds a long time ago. He just wasn’t quite sure what to do with someone who didn’t know. Who didn’t have an opinion yet. But.. maybe he could work with this. Cub didn’t have to like him yet (if Scar repeated this enough times he would eventually believe it, right?), but maybe if Scar could prove that he liked Cub, and then Cub would know for sure that Scar wasn’t trying to lie. ‘What do you like about me?’ Well..
“I like your voice. And I really like it when you smile- your laugh, too, which I only heard today for the first time, but it’s just as nice as the rest of you.”
Cub jumped, and Scar realized with a jolt that their food was here- goodness, he really needed to stop zoning out like this! “What- What are you talking about-?”
“You asked what I liked about you.”
“That was like ten minutes ago!” Cub's voice lilted in his distress, and Scar put his head in his hands.
“I’m sorry. I have a lot on my mind. But I do have more to say if you still don’t believe me- I mean- I wasn’t thinking about you that whole time, just about what you said, but I guess maybe that is thinking about you technically, though I was more thinking about myself. I think. But I do like you, I promise.”
Cub looked briefly like a frightened animal, glancing around as if looking for an escape. “I believe you, Scar, it’s fine.” But Scar wasn’t entirely convinced, and if he wanted to be able to go out with Cub again, he was going to have to make sure that Cub knew!
“I like that you’re human. Maybe that sounds arbitrary to you, but it really means a lot to me, that humans are still living here. I want humans to feel safe, not trapped just because they can’t fly or run very fast or jump really high, you know? Humans, too- have you noticed how sharp everyone else is? They’ve all got claws and spikes and sharp teeth and sometimes I just wish I wouldn’t feel a little bit afraid every time someone else touches me or kisses me or-”
“Scar, it’s fine. It’s fine.” Cub’s voice was a tad strangled, but Scar was hardly looking at him- he wasn’t done yet!
“And the first time I saw you, you were with this stray cat- it was a couple weeks ago, do you remember? And a couple of us were fighting a couple blocks down, but The Goat- do you know The Goat? He said to me ‘Hey! You better not get any closer because this thing will snap you in half,’ and he started explaining this machine he had set up in the middle of the square and I was like ‘You definitely do not have a permit for this and I told you last week you need to stop testing your contraptions in public places,’ and I start going over to check this thing out and he says ‘If this doesn’t kill you I don’t know what will,’ and honestly that still bothers me. He said it like he wasn’t even trying to kill me, but he also didn’t care if I died! Like! Rude? Anyway, I told him ‘If you have a death machine in the middle of the square then-’ and suddenly I was launched like three blocks down and I don’t even KNOW what happened and-”
“Did that guy ever get arrested?”
“Oh yeah, but he got out the next day, it’s kind of his thing. He likes to go willingly and pretend- it doesn’t matter. So like, all my bones are broken and I’m barely conscious, but I remember seeing your face and your eyes; you kinda just looked at me for a second and I’m looking at you and you’ve got that cat.. It was friendly and trying to get you to pet it, and you had that sandwich and were trying to lead it away from the fighting and god. I just kept thinking about you and that cat. It was like the hottest thing I’ve even seen in my life.”
“I- okay?”
“I want to be the kind of person that stray cats like, but I have loud boots, and they always run away from me. I want to hold a stray cat. I want to be held like a stray cat sometimes.”
“I think our food is going to get cold- wait, did you actually break all of your bones? You’re exaggerating, right? I have to ask because it kind of did look like you broke all of your bones. And the cat thing- you know if you just shake a bag of treats most of them will come running, right?”
“Oh, I probably did. My body can take a lot of punishment. Still gotta put me back together at the end of the day, but you can do just about anything to me and I will not die- I might not even feel it. My nerves are like. Insanely not functional. You’d think that would be great but it’s not.”
“Huh. Do you ever get experimented on because of that?”
“You could say my existence is one huge incredibly unethical experiment, but if you mean recently, then no. There’s no point, the results wouldn’t be applicable to anyone else because of how uniquely messed up my entire,” Scar gestured vaguely to himself, “me, is.”
“I’d argue there’s value just in knowing,” Cub paused, looking at Scar for, quite frankly, an unnervingly long amount of time, “Hypothetically.”
“Am I about to be kidnapped?”
“Do you think I could kidnap you?”
“Not a chance.”
“Then no.”
“I’m having trouble telling the difference between joking Cub and Cub that wants to kidnap and study me /serious style.”
“I don’t want to kidnap you.” Cub stared. Scar stared back. Cub smirked, then began to eat. Well. Guess their food was getting cold, wasn’t it. But Cub wasn’t done, apparently, looking back up after finishing his first bite. “Do you still like me, Scar, or would you rather get to know me better before you decide?”
Scar blinked, looking up from his own food. “If you’re trying to make some sort of point here, I’m not getting it, but if it makes you feel any better, I’d probably think twice before accepting any drinks from you.”
“Would you still drink it, though? If I asked?”
Cub laughed, and seemed to notice when Scar perked up, the smile lasting a little bit longer before fading back into that little not-quite-smile, “I’m joking, Scar.”
“I thought so.”
“Did you?”
“I had no idea.”
Cub laughed again, and Scar preened, so very pleased with himself. It really felt like an achievement to make Cub laugh; to see the bouncing of his shoulders and the crinkling around his eyes. It felt so good. Scar never wanted to stop.
“Have I put you off, yet?” Cub asked, catching Scar’s attention just before he zoned out once more.
“Not at all!” Scar sat up as he spoke, hoping Cub would appreciate his smile as much as Scar enjoyed Cub’s, “Do you like me yet?”
Cub huffed through his nose, but Scar was pretty sure it was an amused sound, Cub resting his cheek on his fist.
“A little bit.”
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thebusylilbee · 1 year
Hii I have a question! Is there any expression in french to say something like "do not try me" or "do not provoke me", something like that? google is not really helping me much :')
yes, you can say :
"(ne) me cherche pas /(ne) commence pas à me chercher" (literally "don't look for me/don't start looking for me"),
"(ne) commence pas" (literally "don't start"),
or simply "ne me provoque pas" ("don't provoke me") but that's less familiar than the previous two.
I put the "ne" between parenthesis because if you want to be more familiar/agressive you'll need to remove it and add an exclamation mark at the end
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imaginidol · 2 years
Jake: Soundcheck
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[JAKE: hey! U still coming to soundcheck with me?]
Your phone buzzes with the notification from your close friend Jake’s text. You smile upon reading his question, quickly responding back as you picked up the pace jogging towards the stadium.
[YOU: yes I am! :) I’ll be there in 5 mins]
After about thirty seconds from the moment you hit send, your phone already buzzes with his reply.
[JAKE: meet me at the left side of the pit]
The stadium is enormous once you walk through the northwest entrance, leading almost directly to the stage itself. It takes you a second to spot Jake, who was adjusting his in-ears and pacing back and forth onstage. He tapped the mic a few times with his fingers and started humming the tune of what sounded like a song by Exo.
[YOU: is that exo??]
Jake, from the stage, pulls his mic slightly away from his lips as he grabs his buzzing phone from a back pocket. Upon reading your text, he smiles, his head looking up and in all directions in search of you. You wave towards him, and he almost immediately catches sight of you, happily waving back.
“How did you know?” He speaks into the mic, the sound of his voice booming in all directions around you. “Sing it with me, then,” he smiles.
You both start singing the familiar chorus of Exo’s ‘Baby You Are’ in unison.
“Baby you are, [the only one I’ve been looking for is you], yeah you are, [all day long you think I’m going crazy], baby you are!”
He lets out a small laugh and gives you a thumbs-up, reaching down to text you something on his phone.
[JAKE: I’ll be down in 5 mins]
Don’t rush, you think to yourself. Enhypen was, in fact, at the last show of their most recent tour, and you didn’t want to take any time away from him for the last of these few special moments. You look back up and smile at him, giving him your most supportive thumbs-up and finger hearts.
About eleven minutes later, after much of Jake humming and singing different songs into the mic — this time actual Enhypen songs — he ends his soundcheck and starts making his way to where you were admiring from below.
“That wasn’t five minutes, sorry,” he smiles, but you wave him off.
“It’s your last show of the tour, so it’s okay! Are you excited?”
“I kind of am, but I’m a bit… nervous?” He laughs, his Aussie accent thickening at the ends of his sentences. Usually his accent was more noticeable when he was overly excited or anxious about something.
“You’re gonna do great, I know you always do!” You say, wanting to lighten his spirits. “Plus, you’ve done this thousands of times. And this time you’re gonna have the most fun, since it’ll be the end of another successful tour!”
Jake nods, a toothy grin escaping his shy expression.
“I hope so,” he hums as he looks up towards the rest of the members onstage, “I really appreciate you coming along to a few of my shows this whole tour. It’s come a long way, we’ve come a long way.”
You nod and assure him well that it was all worth it.
“You know that I like making time to support you, Jake. You’re doing amazing, and I hope you and the other members know that every single day.”
“Thank you, you know your encouragement always means a lot,” he grins.
He reaches a hand to rub the back of his neck, his eyes searching the floor and your shoes before whispering something towards you.
“I, uh, can we talk in private after the show tonight?”
You’re taken aback, hoping you weren’t about to get in trouble for anything. He must’ve noticed your giant floating question marks and exclamation points because he then adds, “No, you didn’t do anything wrong! I just… we just haven’t gotten to catch up this whole week.”
You nod. “Yeah, we can definitely talk. I’ll be watching from the pit close to backstage somewhere, so I can find you after—”
“I’ll come find you,” he interrupts, his hand reaching towards your arm.
You feel your cheeks turn hot at the feel of his hand against your skin, and desperately try to bite your lip to make the terribly obvious blushing go away.
“Oh, okay,” you try to smile. But at this point, you swear you can almost see a faint blush across his face, too.
“Jake, we’re gonna practice the choreo for the title track,” a booming voice from multiple speakers interrupts you both from the stage. It’s Sunghoon, but once he catches a glimpse of you with Jake he immediately waves hello. You wave back, followed by a wave at Sunoo, then Jay, then Niki, then Jungwon, and finally Heeseung.
“See you tonight, then?” Jake gives you one last, hopeful grin before sprinting back up the stairs and towards the stage.
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Enhypen have said their final good-byes to all the Engene present at their last show of the touring season, the curtains closing in behind them and the sounds of their hidden laughter and joy still ringing about the stadium speakers.
You wait in a VIP lounge backstage with a few of the familiar staff you’ve grown to befriend throughout the tour.
I haven’t stopped thinking about Jake this whole show, you thought to yourself. When he put his hand on me, he just felt so… different.
A good different.
You’re too lost in your own thought to notice Jake has snuck up behind you and tackles you into a very annoyingly sweaty hug.
“END OF THE TOUR!!!” He chants with the rest of his members. Eventually you manage you (grossly) push him away and wipe off his sweat with a napkin from a coffee table.
Once the members have changed and are about to head towards their hotels for the night, Jake pulls you aside at one point once the staff wraps up the last of their cleaning.
“Come, I want to show you something,” he whispered. He turned a hand towards you, palm-up, and you gently place your hand in his, following him to your destination.
He’s brought you back into the now empty, peaceful venue. You stand with him on stage, looking out towards the thousands of seats that were completely filled only about an hour ago. There’s remnants of confetti, stage gifts, and the shadows of a crowd well-loved who once cheered for their favorite group, Enhypen.
“Your last show? It was beautiful, Jake,” you awe towards the vastness of the venue.
“It was,” he says, and you notice that he still hasn’t let go of your hand. You try not to make it known, in hopes that maybe he’ll keep holding onto you.
“But,” he whispers, his gaze dropping towards the floor.
“But…?” You try to meet your eyes with his. “Is something wrong?”
“Uh,” he stutters, trying to put his thoughts and words together as he had rehearsed in front of multiple bathroom mirrors. “I wanted to say…”
You both stay silent for a moment, until he turns his body towards you and places his left hand into your right. Now, both your hands are in his, his gaze nearly melting yours in place.
“I wouldn’t know a better time to tell you this except here, in front of this venue,” he whispers.
“I want you to know that, firstly, thank you from the bottom of my heart for having come to many of our shows throughout this tour. I know it’s an effort from you physically just as much as it is emotionally.”
“Jake, you know I wouldn’t mind any of that as long as it means getting to see you do what you love.” You offer him your most genuine smile.
“Yeah, I know that. But you know, you coming along to our shows has also caused you and I to get to know each other… much… closer? Like, you were my good friend before, but now I feel that you mean more to me than you might think.”
You smile. “I feel that, too.”
“Uhm,” he turns towards the venue, then looks back towards you. “The whole time we’ve been touring, I couldn’t help but realize that… you stood out to me.”
“I’m sorry, I did what?”
“You… you stand out to me. We’ve gone to many countries, many places, many venues, and there will be many more. But… you are still the one person I look forward to being around most.”
Now you’re really blushing.
“Your support and encouragement, I love the most. Your compassion and patience, I love most. Your face in a crowd of hundreds, I love most. You…”
You feel burning tears creep their way up to your eyes, blurring your vision of the precious boy standing before you.
“You, I love most.”
Ah, damn, he actually said it. He actually said it!
“Jake,” you whisper, “do you remember that one song we were singing earlier at soundcheck?”
“The one by Exo?” He wipes a tear off your cheek with one hand. With his other, he reassuringly rubs his thumb across yours.
“Mmhm,” you nod. “If you want me to be honest, the first line of that song is the way I felt about you when I first met you. It’s a feeling that kind of… hasn’t really gone away.”
You can tell the moment that he, for a couple seconds, disassociates in trying to recall the first line to ‘Baby You Are,’ followed by a ridiculous smile once he realized what it was.
“Okay,” he whispers, the grin taking over ear-to-ear now. “That leaves me with only one more thing to ask.”
“Go ahead,” you reassure him.
“Will you let me be your boyfriend?”
You haven’t even finished saying yes! when he gently but excitedly pulls you in for a kiss, his lips parting to meet yours with gratitude and happiness and all the lovely little moments that came in between.
It might be the end of a tour, he thinks to himself, but it’s a sign towards a new beginning with you.
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isara0408 · 8 months
Just wanted to make this Yaku x Horo one short 👀 I'm starting to like this ship. I don't know why. They make an interesting couple.
I might do a +18 one short for them- Idk
"Ugh..."A hangover Horo groaned in pain, having his head laying down on the long kitchen island while sitting on an adjustable height chair. It was Saturday, and it was almost 2 in the afternoon. Horo barely woke up from his slumber. "Here."Kaga spoke, placing a cup of water and a painkiller in front of Horo for him to take for the pounding headache,"This will make you feel better. I'll tell Yaku to make you some food once he returns from grocery shopping."
Horo slowly lifted his head and grabbed the pill. He put it on the back of his tongue before swallowing it with the water. He placed the empty glass cup down,"Thanks..."He mumbled out and leaned against the kitchen island,"What happened last night? I remember we went to the club to drink and relax, but after a few cups, everything became blurry, and I don't remember what happened after."He explained.
"Yeah. We did. You drank too much, though."Kaga grabbed the glass cup and placed it in the sink,"Homu, Yaku, and I had to almost drag you to the car when it was time to go back home."
"Everything was normal. You kept dancing with the women you called 'Hot babes' in the club."Homu responded as she was sitting down on the couch and scrolling through her tablet while Meka was watching a new episode of her mega anime that came out this morning,"Yeah. Oh, and you kissed Yaku."
Horo's body froze at what Meka said and slowly looked back at her,"I did what?"
"You kissed Yaku. I even took a video of it."Meka said and reached out for her phone next to her. She unlocked it and scrolled through her gallery. She lifted her arm to show Horo her phone screen. Horo immediately stood up from his chair and went to Meka's phone. He snatched it and watched the played video.
Meka was right.
In the video, Horo was kissing Yaku rather passionately while Yaku was standing with shock. Yaku's visor had exclamation marks. After a few seconds, Yaku seemed to be kissing him back!
Horo stared at the phone with a blank expression, but deep inside, he was horrified. The video ended, not showing what happened next. Meka snatched her phone back from Horo,"I'm saving this for blackmail."She slid her phone in her pocket to prevent Horo from grabbing it and deleting the video.
"You were really into it."Homu said, having her eyes glued onto her tablet screen,"I was predicting that you two were going to sleep together, but that didn't happen. Either way, you two seemed to enjoy it very much."
"I didn't think you would be attracted to men, Horo."Kaga smiled mischievously on the new information he got of his roommate.
"I'm not."Horo protested, shooting a glare at Kaga.
"Well, that video says the opposite. You two kissed for a good 2 minutes."Kaga smirked widely. Horo groaned in annoyance,"I don't like men. I like women. Tits, virgina, and ass, okay?"
"Now you can add penis on that list too."Meka teased him, having her eyes on the TV screen. "At least you had your first kiss with the person you trust the most."Homu reassured him. Horo covered his face with his hands, being irritated on the situation,"I can't believe this happened. Now, I can't do anything about it."He muttered.
The door opened to reveal Yaku carrying bags full of foods that they needed. Yaku closed the door with his foot and made his way to the kitchen counter. He placed the bags down with a soft smile on his face. He glanced over to spot Horo,"You're awake. I was going to make you food, but it would have been cold by the time you woke up. I'll make you some food real quick -"Yaku stopped himself from continuing once Horo's eyes stared Yaku down,"What?"He asked with question marks on his visor.
"Meka told me what happened between us. She has a video of it."
Yaku continued to stare at him before realizing what he was talking about,"Oh! The kiss. Oh yeah, that happened. For someone who hasn't gotten his first kiss, you're a good kisser!"
"Was that the reason you kissed him back?"Kaga questioned, looking over at Yaku while putting away the groceries. Yaku nodded,"Yup! Also, I was a bit tipsy myself, so my mind wasn't fully there. It was a good experience!" Horo stared at Yaku in disbelief before making his way towards him. His hand immediately met the back of Yaku's head smacking him.
"Hey!"Yaku yelped.
Horo crossed his arms, feeling irritated, but kept a blank expression on his face. Yaku rubbed the back of his head and looked at Horo,"It was a good experience,"He leaned closer to Horo with a smirk on his face,"I didn't know you were so passionate."
Horo grabbed Yaku's face and pushed him away from him. Yaku stumbled back, but balanced himself,"Hey!"
"I'm not drinking again."
"You will. You're just too shy to accept that you love me."Yaku smiled and wrapped his arms around his best friend happily. Horo blankly stared down at Yaku,"I will smack you again."He threatened.
"You can smack my ass if you want."Yaku teased, having a mischievous smile on his face. In response, Horo smacked his head again, earning a yelp from his best friend.
"I was just joking!"Yaku cried out with a soft pout and rubbed his head again.
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findusinaweek · 10 months
Every few years, Alexios makes a pilgrimage.  He kneels in the dust, traces the familiar lines in the dust. He is no artist, but he has made these same marks again and again in the flickering light of a campfire when he rests at night, in the mud beside the streams where he bathes, and here, in the dusty roads of Lakonia. He has kept the fabric of his mantle up, he pulls it up like a traveler’s hood. It is best for everyone if he is not known, even if it has been more than a decade, two. He traces the shapes carefully, wishes he had skill to know how to add highlights and shadows. Alexios had thought to commision a statue, something to forever recognize Brasidas’ figure, but he had been too haunted by his death at the time to request a faithful likeness. He had worried that his dreams of Brasidas, the nightmares where the spear never leaves his body, would taint the product. That the artist’s hands would make them how they thought Brasidas was, not his true self. In the end, Alexios thought Brasidas would not have thought well of his face carved into marble or wood. His own grief must give way. Now he dawdles, ignoring the shuffling feet that pass in the marketplace. He does not want to be recognized, but he hopes the other man would be. He hopes Brasidas’ visage has not left the collective memory of Spartans. There are many brave men, many good soldiers. “My son”, he hears a voice murmur. It is shocked, yes, it is tight with emotion and weary with age. The sound almost brushes against something familiar, but he worries his memory is grasping, reaching. He is imagining things that are not there or he is not allowing himself to recognize strands, threads of that beloved voice. The words make it obvious, but he does not need to look up to confirm this is Brasidas’ mother. They are both silent, Argileonis shuffling. The sounds of fabric rustling, her body bends. He sees this in the way her shadow blocks out the light, overpasses the top of her son’s head he has traced into the dirt. “Is it a good likeness”? He knows there is a hint of desperation in his voice. He does not trust himself anymore. He would go anywhere to be sure, even to the depths of the underworld, but he knows there is no way to reach Brasidas. “Yes. Did you fight alongside my son?”. She is as direct as her son had been. “Yes. In Pylos. And, later-” he pauses, swallows back emotion. “And in Amphipolis”. She stays quiet. This interaction is lasting longer than he could have dared to hope. He always wishes to speak to someone else, someone who knew Brasidas on a deeper level. Who else could have spoken of the way Brasidas looked so peaceful when he slept, how that little slick of hair stuck up on mornings if he did not tamp it down. Who else alive knew the fully joyful laugh of the man he had loved? He is thrown back into the present when Argileonis speaks again. 
“Did you see him? In the end?” He doesn’t know how she keeps her voice under control. He wonders if he had been raised here, fully, would he have mastered his emotions as well? Alexios can only nod, too choked up to really reply. There is another long silence. He sees Argileonis’ shadow move again, closer. A fragile looking but strong hand tips back the cloth of his mantle. He looks up, eyes meeting hers.
Argileonis seems to recognize him, nods as if she understands now. She gives him an appraising look. If she is shocked he has not aged, she does not show it. If she is shocked that he has returned to Sparta, she does not show it. Her gaze softens, the wrinkles around her eyes crinkle halfway to a smile, only halfway. Alexios can tell she could cry if she let herself. “Ah”. The exclamation is enough, she lets go of the fabric of his mantle and stands back up straighter. “I am glad he had not been alone”, she says before turning, firm, and walking home. 
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thebestofoneshots · 9 months
Hi I would like for you to read some of the stuff to my book to see if you think I should make more and maybe give me some advice, I feel like my writnig is not the best bc English is not my first language.
You were sitting on your sofa in your house looking at some random shit on your phone. "Hi, I'm home!” says Paul as he opens the door to your house. you stand up and walk out to him “hi” He puts his hands on your waist and pulls you in for a kiss. “hi” he smiled down at you “how was the filming?” "awful Tyrese and I couldn't make one of the scenes we kept laughing” you stood on your tip toes and kissed his cheek. “Are you ready for the Italian Grand Prix in a few days?” “mhm, Charles is coming over to get me thursday, tomorrow so I won't be home. Also, do you want to come with me?” you ask him “I would love to come but am Im allowed to be there not many people know our thing.” “you will be if you walk in with me and Frédéric knows..” “Did you tell him?” “no, he saw you called me after a race. He could see your name with a heart on my phone.” “okay.. so I'm flying with you and Charles?” “yeah he will be okay with it, he had his gf with him once” “I will go up and pack then” he smiled at you as he took his shoes off.  He then stood up “did you have a good day?” “yes but it’s much better now that you're here” He chuckles and looks down at you, he then takes you up and puts you over his shoulder ”HEY!”   
I really like it myself but dont know if it is actually good..
Hey babe! I've taken some time to answer this one because I wanted to dedicate the proper time to it. I must say, your story is pretty interesting, and you should definitely write more. In fact, even if some asshole ever told you that you shouldn't, you should continue to write if it's what you enjoy doing.
Now, where I do think I could give you some advice is regarding the formatting. This one is crucial because different languages have different formatting for writing and English has a lot of tricky ones, and it takes a lot of attention to get them right but I think I can sum them up for you.
Now the lack of spacing might be because of the limited amount of space in asks, but just in case it isn't, it's important to remember that you must switch paragraphs every time:
A different character speaks
You change a scene, time or location
You start a new topic
Another interesting one that even I didn't know until way deep into writing fanfiction is the punctuation marks after your characters speak and before you add the quotation marks. Allow me to elaborate.
This is a super detailed article about it, but basically, a dialogue should look something like this.
"If your dialogue follows a dialogue tag, you must use a coma in the end," she said.
She said, "On the other hand, if it's at the beginning, then instead of a coma you would use a dot."
"If it's obvious who the speaker is and you don't want to add a dialogue tag, then you also use a dot."
"And it's the same if you're breaking a paragraph after your dialogue."
"You are also meant to use dots if the dialogue is followed by an action and not a dialogue tag." She moved to the other side of the room to continue explaining.
"And if you have either a question mark or an exclamation one, then you continue your without capitalizing, the same as if it were a coma!" she said.
"If you are breaking paragraph after it, you don't need to add a for though!"
So with proper formatting, the little excerpt you've sent would look somewhat like this:
You were sitting on the sofa in your house looking at some random shit on your phone. "Hi, I'm home!” said Paul as he opened the door to your house. You stood up and walked up to him (tense change) “Hi.” He put his hands on your waist and pulled you in for a kiss, (tense change) “Hi,” he smiled down at you. “How was the filming?” "Awful Tyrese and I couldn't make one of the scenes, we kept laughing.” You stood on your tip toes and kissed his cheek. “Are you ready for the Italian Grand Prix in a few days?” “Mhm, Charles is coming over to get me Thursday, so I won't be home. Want to come with me?” you asked him. “I would love to come but... Am I allowed to be there? Not many people know our thing.” “You will be if you walk in with me and... Frédéric knows–” "You told him?” (sounds a bit more natural) “No, he saw you called me after a race. He saw your name with a heart on my phone.” “Okay.. so I'm flying with you and Charles?” “Yeah he will be okay with it, he had his girlfriend with him once.” “I'll go up and pack then,” (also the contraction makes it a bit more natural) he smiled at you as he took his shoes off,  he then stood up. “Did you have a good day?” “Yes but it’s much better now that you're here.” He chuckled (tense change) and looked down at you, he then grabbed onto your waist and put you over his shoulder. ”HEY!”  you complained. 
Also, I'd also add that you must be careful with your tenses, you start in past and then you switch to present, while this can happen in English when you are in conversation, it's not very common when you're telling a story. If you'll be talking in present, stick to the present (It's not vert common on formal books but I've seen it often in fanfiction), if you'll be talking in past, stick to the past.
I hope you find this useful darling, I tried to be as concise as possible while explaining all these little grammar rules, and I hope I didn't come as harsh. Took me long to figure them out and I suppose someone detailing them to me would have been pretty useful. I think your writing is great and I reiterate the fact that you should definitely continue. Sending all the love in the world!
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Prince Poo? :0
HECK YEAH BABY, let's go! Um, I mean, of course!
This boy got done kind of dirty by both the plot and the fandom. He is severely underutilized in both departments, so I vow to give him the attention he clearly deserved.
First of all, incredibly obvious comparisons to Aang aside, can you imagine the misery of being nothing more than a child once you get to the bottom of it, but being raised for a very intent purpose? He is literally surrounded by teachers constantly and passing NPCs in Dalaam repeatably note how he doesn't seem to have time for anything else.
This is basically all he does. Train. Be trained. And like his caretakers KNOW he has some kind of destiny, they literally tell him this before being sent off to Summers!
What I think is that Poo has little to no free will of his own when you combine that with being a prince, which obviously adds in even more rules in how he's raised. He has to be conditioned from the start to be a prince AND The Chosen One (tm), which is a lot of pressure on a kid that is what? 14? 15? Not to mention the fact that his parents are never seen. Are they even real? Oh well, question for another day.
To me, going off with the rest of the Chosen Four was his first taste of freedom. Basically ever.
He clearly didn't know how to handle it, still being extremely formal upon first meeting Ness. I mean, introducing himself with "I am the servant of Ness. I will obey Ness". Goodness gracious, this is not how you talk to other kids!
And yet, he clearly has a goofy side. It's subtle, but his growth is shown by drifting away from acting like that. It's when at the very end, when all is said and done. He bids farewell like this:
"Our travels together end here. I must return to Dalaam, and use this experience for the good of my country.
Let me demonstrate a strange power before I go. I realized this power as a child. PSI Farewell! Now!
I'll see you again someday!"
(btw i love this dialogue... part of the reason why i just transcribed it)
See, he tells a joke! It's probably just PSI Teleport Beta, but he tells a joke! He's got exclamation marks! He warmed up over time, and I think that's so... cool...
I think what happened over time was this. Ness HATED being seen and referred to as 'master'. Kid lacks a single bone in his body to take advantage of the situation. And he was worried for Poo acting that way. After weeks and weeks of telling him to stop, he gradually does.
And along the way, Poo learns what he wants. Who he is. Not by what was chosen for him, but for who he is inside.
He really couldn't have done it without the other three and the journey along the way. And for them, he'll be eternally grateful going back with a greater sense of identity.
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absentmindedadmirer · 2 years
How the ES!! boys text~ {StarPro Edition}
Eichi most likely speaks in full sentences with proper punctuation. He proofreads all of his texts of course. He would never send out a message with a typo, however he might mess up on grammar occasionally. purposefully messes up his punctuation when around keito and sends him a lot of cat videos
꧁༒☬ 💐𝓘𝓽 𝓲𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂 𝓸𝔀𝓷 ,𝓗𝓲𝓫𝓲𝓴𝓲 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓾~! 💐☬༒꧂
Wataru has his own own intro font everytime he makes an entrance ✨ Very fond of throwing roses and bouquet emojis around as well as the sparkles 🌹 Of course, adds a star after every 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝔃𝓲𝓷𝓰~! ☆ 💐
tori attepmts to make full sentences to sound proper. His messgaes aren't very long. but often makes tpos. Often on larger words. and forgets to capitailse. too eager to go back and profread.
Yuzuru uses proper grammar and sentence structure. He also tends to correct Tori's typos immediately when he sees them and when he catches Eichi slip up on grammar, he will add that as well.
Subaru lets autocorrect capitals every text he makes but he uses basic capitalisation no punctuation ☆ He also likes adding the star symbols to most of his messages ☆ Likes adding ~ to his nicknames such as Gami-San~ or sound effects as well as random comments~ ☆ Likes adding exclamation marks when greeting someone but dislikes using too many because it reminds him of a certain Ryusei red...
Hokuto writes very professionally and forks through each and every message to make sure there are no inaccuracies. Normally, he writes very long sentences to tell his fellow members off, mostly Subaru. However. If he really wanted. To be snarky. His responses. Would be. Very short.
makoto obviously uses gamerspeak Outside of the Trickstar groupchat, he would probably be a lot more formal but not that much. inside the chat he would not bother to capitalise and shortens some words he definitely says gg after every live
Mao uses punctuation but doesn't bother with grammar or periods He is very likely to add !??????! to the end of a sentence when approached with something absurd He does ocassionally keysmash whaskjjdjg Would not use all caps bc he does not want to seem like he is yelling at anyone
Aira types out the sound effects he makes So ravely~ Most of his messages are really short he has a tendecny to freak otu and spam seveeral short messages after someone sends him a fancam Sends out !! first before messages when he either is about to yell at somene or geek out
hiiro doesnt know wht hes doing :D he sends basic texts to his unitmates but has been obssessed with emoticons :0 and kaomoji because oh my god aira look im making a face ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ he will also use these faces whenever meaning that sometimes it definitely isnt appropriate but \(≧▽≦)/
Tatsumi texts in normal sentences without periods Is probably the most composed out of the four Does not tend to use all caps Would use a ~ when greeting everyone with May God Bless Everyone but HiMERU~ or Amen~
Mayoi utilises ,,,, a lot,,, in between his texts,,,,,,,, he also,, uses !?!!?/ a lot but doesnt,, tend to keysmash that frequently A lurker,,,in most text convos , even DMs,,,,
CHIAKI ONLY EVER TALKS IN CAPS IN GCS!! AND ADDS A LOT OF EXCLAMATION MARKS!!! HE HAS A LOT OF EXCITEMENT AND NEEDS TO SHOW IT!!! Private convos might call for normal text but he will not let go of the exclamation marks!!!
tetora does not always talk in all caps like his captain but often uses exclamation marks!! he is a very excited guy!! ossu!!!
kanata never uses capitals ever puka puka~ often writes short messages and will add a ~ to names and the ends of sentences
Midori... is very done... and breaks off his sentences a lot... Also simply responds with "..." at moments... Very quick to mute the gc...
Shinobu often uses two exclamations at the ends of his sentences!! More tends to be added if he's talking about ninjas!!!!!
|| Based off of this post I made on Reddit. Someone made a NEWDI version in the replies and I really encourage you check it out :D!!
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hello again <3
1, 5, 8, 10 + 11 if you do, 14 y 27!
<3 <3 <3 thank you for asking again!!! ily
1) what’s your favorite book you’ve read so far this year? does the answer differ whether it’s your favorite in terms of enjoyment, quality, or message? Vicious by V.E. Schwab! its so fucking good dude it had me HOOKED and im rereading it already. no changes in the answer, it is all around my favorite from this year
5) have you dnf’d any books this year? yes 😭 it was a sports romance that gave me psychic damage and i dnf'd at 51%
8) what’s a book you want to read by the end of the year? a few!!! Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan (tbh i just need to get it out of my backpack and sit down with it for two hours so that should be easy), Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey (i keep renewing my loan on this in Libby and its driving me nuts that i haven't finished it yet), A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers (bc i need a cathartic read to round off the year)
10) do you annotate your books, and if so, do you annotate only specific books or all of them? i'm only just starting to annotate, and only some books!! i've got this thing where i don't want to "ruin" a book but @bi-bats was telling me about how they see annotations and it kinda changed my mind. so far i've only annotated the copy of The Lightning Thief that i used for book club and i'm working on annotating Vicious for @bi-bats (the fact that it's not done yet is stressing me out but it WILL get done)
11) how do you annotate your book? (pencil, pen, tabs, highlighters, etc.; what do you write?) highlighter preferably, with pen underlines! i didn't have highlighters with me when i started annotating Vicious so its got different colored fine tip marker underlines, color coded per person. i mostly just underline things that stand out, and add exclamation marks and things like "he's so unwell" (that one's Vicious specific haha)
14) what’s your favorite adaptation of a book? The Martian (2015) is both one of my favorite movies AND a great adaptation of the book imo!
27) any “unpopular” book opinions? uhhhh suddenly i've forgotten all popular and unpopular book opinions. um, i don't really like a majority of booktok recs?? OH here's one: i think that booktok has done a great deal of damage to book reviews and book review videos specifically. book review videos used to be thought out and give reasons why the reviewer liked or didn't like something, and now the majority of "book review" videos i see are just a list of books with a rating and no explanations and that drives me nuts. i wanna know WHY you liked or didn't like the book, not just a number of stars. especially since everybody's star review criteria is different 😩
ask me different book-related questions!
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penname-artist · 2 years
Made some fun self-observations today. This is a slight spoiler for a piece of writing that I'm currently working on, but it's actually not a fic.
So, inspired by Shu who was inspired by me, I've been reinspired to make a new Superlist of fanfictions from beginning to end. Note, this is stuff about every fic I have ever posted since I began posting fics. And that includes chapter by chapter for my short fic compilation series.
My total right now?
151 fanfictions have been written between 2019 and now.
I still don't have Shu's word count though, they got me there, that man is about to hit one million words in total word count on AO3 and that is not a fucking joke my dude
Anyways I made some realizations of contrast between my original Superlist at the end of Props to the Proppies (2020) and my current day Superlist.
1. I write in a very different "tone". Maybe this is only me or maybe people can also pick up on this but, is it just me realizing I use exclamation marks significantly less than I used to? I used to talk like this! A lot! It was a lot! I kinda hate it now! I'm not sure why I kept doing it for so long! But I really don't use them as much anymore so like, chill, me.
2. I write a significantly larger amount than I used to, also. Except this might have less to do with growth and change and more to do with the fact that I'm in the middle of NaNoWriMo and I am crunching words into this Superlist as much as I can. Believe me, when it drops, that thing is going to be one beefy motherfucker. (Now let's see if I can make a word count that high on other things like real fics, hmm?)
3. I gave up giving a shit about...well, a lot of shit. Like the fact that I write extremely kinky stuff, including more niche categories that may not be as understood or enjoyed by lots of viewers. I've apologized way too much for it in the past and nobody ready cares so like. You see these fucks I give? Yeah, me neither. The fucks sailed away my man. You get no fucks. I produce PWPs and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
4. I have a better memory about what I was feeling and doing around the time of writing a particular fic than the content of the fic itself. I may not remember what happens in this story, but boy do I remember the emotions coursing through my body while I was typing it up. A lot of fics come about through my need to self-express through someone else's mind and body, so that's probably to blame for all the content that comes out.
Even as I bear down hard for NaNoWriMo's brutal marathon of words, I doubt this Superlist is going to be up anytime too terribly soon. It will depend on whether I want to be posting it now or wait until the end of the year where I will have a clear cut time frame to make another Superlist for next year. Assuming I'll have fics to add then. Which, knowing me, I probably will. I mean eventually.
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typesofsentences · 26 days
The Power of Exclamatory Sentences: Elevate Your Writing Now!
Have you ever read a piece of writing that just didn’t capture your attention? Boring! One surefire way to grab your reader's attention is through the use of exclamatory sentences! Exclamatory sentences add excitement, emotion, and emphasis to your writing, making it more engaging and lively. If you’re looking to spice up your content, then understanding and mastering exclamatory sentences is an absolute must!
What Are Exclamatory Sentences?
Exclamatory sentences are sentences that express strong emotion or surprise! They usually end with an exclamation mark (!) and are designed to make the reader feel a particular emotion. Whether it's excitement, anger, joy, or urgency, exclamatory sentences are a fantastic tool to make your writing more dynamic and expressive!
Why Use Exclamatory Sentences?
Using exclamatory sentences can transform your writing from dull to dazzling! They are perfect for conveying passion and enthusiasm, making your content more persuasive and memorable. Imagine reading a headline that says, “This is the Best Day Ever!” compared to “This is the best day.” The first one instantly grabs your attention and pulls you into the story. Isn’t that amazing?
How to Use Exclamatory Sentences Effectively!
To make the most of exclamatory sentences, it's important to use them sparingly and appropriately. Overusing exclamatory sentences can make your writing seem overly dramatic or juvenile. Balance is key! Use them when you really want to emphasize a point or convey a strong feeling. For example, in a blog about travel, you might write, “The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking!” This instantly conveys the awe-inspiring experience to the reader.
Exclamatory Sentences in Everyday Writing!
Exclamatory sentences aren’t just for novels or dramatic speeches—they can be used in everyday writing too! From social media posts to emails, using exclamatory sentences can make your message stand out. “I can’t believe it’s finally happening!” or “What a fantastic idea!” These types of sentences make your communication more vibrant and engaging. They express your enthusiasm clearly and make your writing more relatable.
Tips for Writing Great Exclamatory Sentences!
Keep It Simple! Exclamatory sentences are most effective when they are concise and to the point.
Focus on Emotion! Choose words that convey the emotion you want to express. “Wow!” “Amazing!” “Unbelievable!” These are all powerful words that pack a punch!
Use Exclamatory Sentences to Create Contrast! Use an exclamatory sentence after a series of neutral or declarative sentences to create emphasis. This contrast can make your exclamation stand out even more!
Avoid Overuse! While exclamatory sentences are great for adding emotion, overusing them can reduce their impact. Use them strategically to maintain their effectiveness.
Match the Tone! Make sure your exclamatory sentences match the tone of your writing. A business report, for example, might not be the best place for multiple exclamatory sentences, but they can be perfect for creative writing, blogs, or social media content!
Conclusion: Make Your Writing Shine!
Exclamatory sentences are a powerful tool in your writing arsenal! They add excitement, energy, and emotion to your words, making them more engaging and effective. Whether you’re writing a blog post, an advertisement, or just a simple message, exclamatory sentences can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level. So go ahead and start using exclamatory sentences in your writing today—you’ll be amazed at the difference they make!
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legends-of-time · 3 months
The Strength of a High and Noble Hill (Outlander)
Chapter 48: Putting a Reluctant Ring on it 
A loud noise, as if a hand hitting skin, echoes as they reach the stables and a voice sounding rather like Wylie's yelling, "You bitch!" 
Da barges into the stable. Brian and John arrive just in time to see a manure-covered Wylie being held against the stable wall by Da who's also holding a knife against Wylie’s privates. 
"Jamie, no!" Mama cries. 
"She offered me a drink and almost begged me to take it right away! This woman is a despicable succubus!" Wylie accuses. 
Brian tries to lunge at him but John grasps his shoulder stopping him. 
"How dare ye?" Da sneers furiously. 
"Stop! Are you really going to kill someone at your aunt's wedding? It's not worth it." 
Mama's words cause Da to hesitate. He grasps Wylie by his clothes tightly one more time, leaning in. "If I see ye near my wife again, I will kill ye." Da threatens, with every intention of keeping that vow. "Yer understand?!" 
Wylie doesn't answer, too frozen in fear to speak before eventually nodding. Da pushes him against the wall, releasing him, then throws him his walking stick as a signal to get out. Then, trying to preserve what remains of his dignity, Wylie fixes his wig and saunters out the door, not giving Brian and John a glance, with manure on his back. 
"I'm going to go make sure he doesn't make a further fool of himself and spread lies," John whispers to Brian. 
"Of course, thank you," Brian replies. John nods and follows after Wylie. 
Brian walks further into the stables where Mama is now being held in Da's embrace. "Are you okay?" He asks her. 
Mama gives him a smile, her hand cupping his cheek. "Yes, I am. You don't need to worry about me." 
"I always worry about you." Brian retorts. 
"I can fight my own battles. Wylie wasn't a hard man to fight off." Mama's grin is wider now and Brian lets out a soft laugh at that. 
Brian frowns when he then notices a mark on her neck that he swears he hadn't noticed earlier. "What's that?" He bends over and touches Mama's neck with his hand. Brian brings his hand back and stares at what appears to be... mole? 
Brian lets out an exclamation of disgust and Mama winces in embarrassment. 
Da angrily turns away and takes a hundred steps, trying to calm down before rounding on them. "Wha' in the name of Christ, wha' were ye thinkin', Sassenach? Spendin' time alone wi' a man like 'im? I'll leave you alone for a little while and—" 
"He knows Stephen Bonnet." Mama interrupts him. Silence. 
Brian's mind begins to short-circuit. What, no– she can't— 
"Wha'? He told ye this?" Da questions. 
"Wait, wait. 'Knows,' like present tense? Stephen Bonnet is dead. How can he know him?" Brian frantically asks. 
Da and Mama look at each other, and then Da says, "We didna want ye tell ye until it was absolutely necessary. And it appears it now is." 
"Tell me what? He's dead, right? He blew up in the jail." Brian asks, desperately hoping what they're saying isn't true. That the man who hurt his sister isn't still out there. 
"We dinna ken how, but he survived. He's been livin' in Wilmington this whole time." 
The room starts spinning around Brian and the nausea is building. "What? What do you mean? No. He... he's dead. He couldn't have... he's... he's alive?" 
"He is." Mama answers, griping his hand to comfort or maybe ground him. "We've been trying to find a way to him, which is why I went with Philip Wylie. That smuggler he employs in Wilmington, it's him." 
"How long have you two known this?" 
"John Grey told me at Ellen and Roger's weddin'," Da replies. 
Brian's eyes bug out. "You've known all this time and never said anything? Does Ellen know?" 
"She doesna. We didn't want ye te ken any of this until there was a plan in place te end 'im once and for all." 
"And as much as I detest the idea of being within a mile of that man again, Wylie is our way in," Mama adds, reasoning with him. "He's up to his neck in gambling debt. So I thought I could tempt him with a business deal, then maybe he'd set up a meeting. I had a feeling it was Stephen Bonnet. Turns out, I was right. But now, I've thrown him in horse shit and you've threatened to kill him. How are we supposed to get him back on our side?" 
As much of a horrible shock this is to Brian, he is now determined to do whatever he has to so as to see the death of Stephen Bonnet play out. He watches Da as his brain is wracking for an answer. He caresses the beautiful black stallion, an idea forming in his mind. 
"Ye say the man likes te gamble?" 
"Too much. But he doesn't seem to be very good." Mama replies, slightly confused. 
"I have a plan. There's talk of a whist game takin' place later. I can challenge 'im. If and when I win, he'll give us tha' meetin'." 
That night Brian paces on the porch of River Run. Rubbing his face in frustration as his mind whirls from angry to worried. 
Da's plan was partly the reason for his anger. The plan was to have a high-stakes card game. If Da wins, he gets the stallion and the chance to negotiate but if Wylie wins, then he gets Mama's golden wedding ring she'd received from his other Dad, Frank. Mama had been rightfully outraged at this as Brian had been too. 
His relationship with his other Father wasn't the strongest but he still meant something to Da, same for Mama. She'd taken both rings off and stormed off with Brian close behind. 
He can't believe what Da was thinking about taking the risk and Brian blatantly refused to take part. To take part in allowing that coward to humiliate and hurt his Mother like this and that is how his mind goes from anger to worry as what if Da loses. 
"Ye tryin' te travel te the other side of the world by burrowin' through the ground, diabhal beag?" 
Brian recognises it right away, but he can't believe it is real. He turns to see Murtagh standing in the shadows beside the building with a grin on his face. 
The biggest smile Brian has had on his face in a long time exploded. "Murtagh!" He cries in utter excitement while being as quiet as he can. Brian collides into him in a massive hug. Murtagh grasps him just as tight. "I can't believe it's you." When they separate, Brian hits him on the shoulder, his voice chokes up from happiness, "What are you doing here? How are you here? Tryon is here with his Redcoats." 
"Ye ken I'm no seen when I dinna want te be." Murtagh retorts with a wry grin. 
"Does Da know you're here?" 
"No, and he canna know. It's too dangerous fer him. I just needed te come and see her before she gives herself te another." 
Brian softens. Jocasta. "You came for her?" 
He nods. "I needed te know if... it doesna matter. I canna stand in the way of her happiness. I love her too much te keep her hostage like that." 
"Please stay, Murtagh," Brian begs. "Please, come back with us to Fraser's Ridge. You don't need to be alone. You have us. Please, don't leave again." 
"I wish I could. I would give anythin' fer a life wi' Jamie and all of ye. But I can't. I have my duty te me men. I must see this through. I'm sorry, lad. I must go before I'm found here." He grasps his shoulder with firm but affectionate and smiles at him, the wrinkles around his eyes coming together. "I'll always be with ye. Ye ken diabhal beag?" 
Brian nods tearfully. Then, like he had been a dream, he's gone. 
The next day, Brian is relieved that Mama has not lost either of her rings as Da has won the game, keeping both rings safe and winning Wylie's prized Friesian stallion named Lucas. 
Everyone, at last, gathers for the wedding. Brian can't help the extra ping of sadness he feels watching Jocasta and Duncan exchange their vows after he knows that Murtagh had gone to her. He notices how Jocasta is tearing up during the ceremony. But Brian knows it is for a different reason rather than what everyone else thinks. While the audience coo and awe over how beautiful it is that Jocasta loves him so much she is crying, Brian knows they can't have been farther from the truth and she is crying because she wishes it is another man she is standing in front of saying "I do" to. 
They bid the newly Mr and Mistress Innes goodbye the next morning, and start the journey home. 
A/N: Diabhal beag = little devil
Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
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crashedsea · 4 months
always concerned how they see me read me out of context twist me til I'm missing it I promise you can believe this It's the end of the sentence.
yes, maybe its carefully thought up always with the consideration ill come on too strong too much, too frank, too right, too wrong
aggressive, is that the word you used? or too rude? I don't often think enough even if I think too much sometimes I'm /nice/ enough and every time /nice/ means nothing gets done
Still, I didn't make it up as some sharp send-off only a statement of fact "I don't want to hear any more of that."
sure, I smile at people so they don't think I'm unfriendly even if I am yes! I add exclamation marks just so you know I'm interested even if I'm not I'm trying really fucking hard, ok? I'm tired, it's all I've got. and maybe I'm a little less than ok
maybe I'm painfully earnest maybe I mean it when I say, "I care too much," or maybe I just don't care enough I say I'm trying my hardest I'm not lying even if I never believe it
please don't read me wrong because I used to be a blank slate one you could project any words on now there are things I put effort to make known
now you make an effort to see my side I can't be the only one to apologize I can't be the only one who cares about holding this together
but why would I care, about keeping the peace? so many words all cheap
at some point I’ll tire of it all you won't see my exclamation points anymore all my faked friendly smiles or my carefully crafted words
you won't see me that's how this always goes
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