#I salute this insane man
blood-orange-juice · 1 year
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This didn't fit into a comment so I had to write a post.
They do have similar vibes but hear me out!
In "classic" heroic myths hero is usually special in some way. By descent, circumstances of birth or whatever. Modern stories recreate it more often than not, very few actually try to subvert it.
Being Parsifal's descendant would be exactly that, making our boy a classic Hero With A Calling. And one important thing about Childe is that he's hero-shaped (if you squint) but not a hero.
Genshin has a different cool thing though!
Stories are important in some way, they tend to repeat themselves in each world cycle, with completely unrelated people playing the same roles. Sometimes with different outcomes but the core story is still recognisable.
This it what Nahida calls samsara. Not the real world Buddhism samsara, just this tendency of stories to be reenacted. Somehow they are the core of Teyvat.
And I believe that is exactly what's happening to Childe. He's not some important person's descendant or reincarnation, he's just another one in the line of idealistic boys obsessed with knightly tales, who had the misfortune to be fitting enough for a particular story.
Like Enkanomiyan Ajax and Old Monstadtian Parsifal and probably many others.
There's always a whale-dragon beast, there's always lost hope, there's always a treasure which brings misfortune. There's always a beautiful woman with whom he's separated when they are betrayed by others.
(Tsaritsa spoilers?)
They always succumb to illusions. There's always something... questionable about them.
So he's just that. A random guy who randomly fell off the edge of the map and by sheer strength of belief, wanderlust and stubborness summoned an eldritch god, linking himself to it and to a type of story.
He's still nothing special (not like he cares).
It still doesn't bode well for him.
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etcnnante · 2 years
i see polnareff and i'm like why u got such a small ass waist for? for other men to hold it?
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hotniatheron · 1 year
louis in those bright suits like i’m a killer, i’m the killer, i destroy people, i’m a danger, i’m full of blood, DANGER: THIS BLOOD IS POISONOUS, i want to suck your cock bleh!
but lestat only heard the last part before he bit him
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sanchoyo · 1 year
i promise i will read the manga!! but um. well. now i’m just so curious i gotta know. just how blorbo can cara go. i wanna take a graceful step backwards and head-first into the rabbit hole. please i gotta know
- saguaro anon pt 2
(i promise it’s me again i swearzit. not that it isn’t easy to lie of course i just think that’d be the funniest thing in the world. there can only be ONE saguaro liker everyone pass the original anon message around the circle if you’d like a turn with the saguaro anon.)
(speaking of i’m chewing on the art of them. i love them so bad they make me wanna draw swords. obsessed also with the dichotomy of physical/spiritual prowess that contradicts a more common “pacifist priest” archetype through swords. still a very graceful way to slay but between that strength/faith dichotomy and their dichotomy with the queen’s science... it’s so evocative of a righteous paladin. but they are also so eepy.)
not u sending this right after I sent a friend a 10000+ word essay to a friend on discord abt cara. pls. the timing is incredible im bouncing cara around in my brain…
SAGUARO ANON!!! HI!!! (wait thats cute. naming urself as an enjoyer of them. my heart will explode fr thank u sm for enjoying my ocs ;_; u are the champion liker of them….this is ur burden to bear)
I mean, don't feel obligated to read the manga/watch the show(s)(either of them! still so happy we got a reboot 20 years after the original…) its just. would fill on context for Some Things (also is a gateway into magical girls if ur not already into them) and I always take a chance to rec it. but..I do try to make things understandable w/out it? I hope?
Cara…im trying to think of what I can say publicly abt her without spoiling her whole story. (I plan to probably make it a novel-sized fanfic and...with 2-3 illus per chapter…it works better as a comic, but the energy to do it + how little reception I got when I tried it…TwT </3) this got. erm. long. so under the cut? I dont THINK anything is TOO spoilery, but if anyone wants to wait until the story is actually being written, maybe skip this one :3c
ok so. my sweet caroline (ba ba ba) 'cara' testout-seebauer, (god what a good name)...… she's like. my wildcard character. full of surprises. full of anxiety. as someone who is also full of anxiety I can say sometimes getting too anxious makes people lash out, seem irritable. get this girl some noise-cancelling headphones tbh. she's also quiet, which, people around her misinterpret as 'oh shes brooding and mysterious' but she's 15. she's the Most 15 Year Old, and all that entails.
She, uh…let me just say she is about as aware as magical girl tropes as Mira is. she makes a point to declare herself as the 'dark magical girl rival' to Mira's heroine persona. which is totally a Normal Thing for anyone with Normal Motivations to say, obviously. (mira aggressively turns a blind eye to how absolutely weird that is because it fits with what she also wants, but other characters are even like, hey thats..questionable? why is a human working with the Aliens Who Want All Humans Dead?? you might ASSUME tragic backstory, but I Love Subverting Expectations. she has a pretty good family life!) she's not as much as an edgelord as this type of character should be in theory, but she IS dramatic 🤔
she's actually somewhat naive and makes the worlds most questionable judgement calls and has the worst sense of who to trust. she's a nerd. she speaks like 4 languages because she was moved around a lot up until she was about 13 and has lived in a handful of countries (if you ask her, she'd say shes american bc thats where shes lived the longest, but her dad is half british half japanese raised in japan and left when he was 18 for america, and her mother is afro-latina american. she strongly takes after her mom in looks but got her dads hair texture :> )
it's a running gag that she knows how to do an improbable amount of things and she always brushes this off her parents were very indulgent and she had a hard time sticking to anything. why does she know origami and karate and how to make balloon animals and ballet and sword fighting and art?? oh but she can only do the very basics of any of the various things, she's not like, outstanding at very many things admittedly and cannot commit to anything. she has...approximate knowledge of many things...It must be said, for the majority of the alien ocs I have...shes the first human theyve met. so u can imagine this gives them very skewed idea of how many things humans can do...
a lot of the characters n plots in tm2 are things I think were tragically underused and under-explored in tmm. in particular the things about her that I draw from are largely things from tokyo mew mew a la mode. (which as of now is free to read on archive.org and is only two volumes!! its the sequel to tmm ^_^...) anyway regarding that...there's a hint in her full name no one as picked up on yet and I shant say more on that. (...do people not pick up on certain naming schemes in tmm aside from the girls having food names? I dont know. this is one of those 'would only pick up on it if ur familiar w tmm things but! I dont even think ppl who HAVE read it have noticed yet.. tbf I only revealed her full name last year I think!)
all of the girls have symbolism with the animal dna they're infused with. cara's a snake. which is such a double sided thing. a lot of people are scared of snakes, lots of imagery of being two-faced or deceitful BUT also, like, 'transformations/rebirth' (shedding of the snake skin) and the caduceus!!! (hermes association, loosely :)) fun. her weapon being a shield + gramophone combo thing now reflects a lot about her too :)
shes SHORT. shes freckled. she cuts her own hair. shes objectively just really funny in a messed up way because everything is extreme when ur 15, its seriously so. just. shes so so so dramatic and gay, my god. its painful to watch. its painful to WRITE. rancid at just COMMUNICATING. she doesnt necessarily even want to be a magical girl its rotten work but my god she'll do it she DOES like the genre but she is so so scared and would probably rather NOT be doing more than like, cosplay. fighting things or people = scary. anxiety is real. but here she is! for some ungodly reason! eeey exposure therapy amiright fellow anxiety sufferers. queen put her and sapote together because sapote was the only alien whod volunteer to get infused and become a mew mew lol sapote is outgoing and queen figured this would offset cara's...*vaguely gestures* everything pretty well. and that sapote would be able to sus out anything cara might be hiding. queen knows sapote's smarter than expected and trusts her a lot cara and sapote are SUCH a funny duo 😭
cara is like. she has problems. and instead of solving them in any rational way she ends up creating 15 more severe problems about it. pitiful little meow meow mew mew
also I'm glad u enjoyed the lil doodle of them, had to toss them in after ur nice message :) (+I will take any excuse to draw or talk abt my ocs r u kidding. i love them)
replying to the very last bit of ur message abt our friend saguaro: WAAAA THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT THEY MAKE U WANNA DRAW SWORDS!! (do it. swords are fun to draw) u hit the nail on the head with: 'the dichotomy of physical/spiritual prowess that contradicts a more common “pacifist priest” archetype through swords. still a very graceful way to slay but between that strength/faith dichotomy and their dichotomy with the queen’s science… it’s so evocative of a righteous paladin.' the. understanding. the analysis. u are so correct. holding ur hand about this. thank u. thank u.
since u arent a tmm watcher/reader. I have to tell you. deep blue, their god? is the main final bad guy in tmm. we have SO SO SO little info about him. I had to make up so many stupid little headcanons surrounding him + the religion and what would possibly happen post-canon. which is only vaguely tangentially related but I have Many Thoughts. he uses a sword, so of course saguaro would Want To as well! and as far as 'gods' go, deep blue is. hm. a violent one. saguaro is incredibly nice! but is still a devout cult member follower of a violent god who they WILL spill blood in the name of. they WILL tell queen to her face that no, she should NOT be the leader, that should be someone who follows deep blue-sama! and they are only following her for a good view from the top to spot carry out his will, because surely deep blue guided them to be so skillful for a REASON, they MUST be useful to him when he finally reappears! and there is NO room for doubt in their mind he WILL. (jaws theme ominously plays in the distance)
queen and saguaro are both ppl who pride themselves on being civil and well-mannered, so you can imagine the sheer passive-aggressiveness in their convos. they're useful, they're probably the BEST swordsmaster, and they've proven to be very diplomatic and can bridge the gap queen sorely needs to with the other straggling deep blue followers, and queen isn't one to throw away a pawn, so she ultimately sees it as putting up with an annoyance for the greater good. (its not like deep blue could possibly return or anything! jaws theme sounds louder and closer)
everyone else in queens little upper posse thinks theyre super weird. …except cara! (we've come full circle!) because shes human! and! has no frame of reference! for deep blue related things! (well…at least, not in the way everyone else would've) shes dealt with like, mormons or thse door to door religious ppl, to her its like. whatever. same difference. saguaro isnt mean to her solely because shes a human like SOME people in queen's upper circle are. in fact, they're really actually very nice to her! and hey, she likes swords! and they have a calming presence, which is GREAT when u are a little shaky chihuahua abt everything.
I have this scene planned out where cara wakes up from a nightmare SCREAMING, sapote's room is right beside her and hey thats her little buddy so ofc she runs in. but cara wont talk to her, and sapote is like. kid I Am Not Leaving You Alone rn I Am Vaguely Worried and you need someone Adult Shaped to talk to. so caras like. whatever get saguaro then. and sapote is BAFFLED, but it makes perfect sense. because unlike sapote, they won't badger her or try and get her to spill anything, they won't try forcing her into a hug, if she asks them to just talk and distract, they're happy to. they aren't going to go spill her secrets and they CERTAINLY wont rat her out for saying anything untowardly about queen.
sapote accuses them of trying to yank cara into their little cult over this of course. kadskj
oops. thats a very long ramble about nothing very clear. I'm trying to be GOOD about not spoiling my own darn story, but the temptation to talk about it is so strong. I'm always super happy to share stuff on it and when ppl show interest it makes my heart explode. thank uuuu so much again TwT
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bitchimasnake-sss · 28 days
Can you PLEAAAAASEEE make reader with breeding kink? Like, how would Sanji, Luff and ussop react to their partner asking for being filled/breed?
Btw, tell me I'm cool for asking without anon or I'll cry.
UR THE COOOOLEST FOR ASKING WITHOUT ANON GIRLY!! i salute your confidence, also ur veryyyy pretty (i stalk you through your window) and also here's the filth you want mwuahh 😚😚
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𐙚thinkin' about: the monster trio, ace 'n law! vs breeding kink!
NOT PROOFREAD. JUST PURE HORNY. cw: they all kinda wanna be dads. im sorry. i just wrote it. they wanna be dads now. its cannon. pussydrunk!men. nsfw includes: praise, a lot of overstimulation and talks of "being a dad" and "getting a mini-me", penetration, cunnilingus, loads of creampie [obviously.] and smex. lots of smex. m.list
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🍒monkey d. luffy: going insane at the mere idea.
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❤️"ngh~ hah again." from the way luffy said it, you're not quite sure whether he was asking or telling. but you weren't sure of a lot of things like where he ended and you began, which round were you on, yada yada. eitherways, you shouldn't worry that pretty little head of yours, not when you're the reason the captain of your ship was panting like this against you. hot huffs clashing against your skin with every strained movement of his hips. all because you had had the audacity to come up to the captain of the ship, pull him by his shirt to your room, strip and tell him to "fill you up." like are you insane?! did you want to kill him?! ❤️you're lucky that your captain has a strong heart, and an even stronger will... because now his hips were bucking into you wildly, hot stings against your thighs where he collided over and over and over again. whispering like a man gone mad, "fill you up, p-please. you wanted th-that right? you want me to fuck you like this? over 'n over 'gain?" and you must have been on a mission from the marines cause you just caught your trembling, bottom lips and hiccupped out a soft, "y-yes, please, cap'n." oh that wretched nick-name, goddamit. ❤️and now he's rutting into you harder, his tongue pushing against yours in such a lewd display of love. when he parted from from you, strings of glistening saliva connected you both. before they dropped downwards, stagnating against his bottom lips. "gonna have a little me runnin' around, i promise." monkey d luffy grinned, so pussy-drunk from the way you were clenching and gnawing at his aching dick. you wanted it just as much as he did, huh? with short, persistent thrusts into your gummy walls, he's cumming inside you once again, "one more time, p-pretty. promise this'll be the last. hah gotta make sure i get it right, y-yeah?" liar. he said that the last three times too.
🍀roronoa zoro: daddy or father? you choose. ps: both.
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💚whatever you expected, this was not it. when you had waltzed into zoro's room while he was napping, closed the lock behind you, straddled his hips and huskily beg for him to fill you up, you didn't expect this. you didn't expect the man who was reluctant to even think about a family to prep you for his cock like he wanted a kid right fucking now. 💚you didn't expect the goddamn demon of the sea, former marine-hunter and the current first mate of your crew to caress your cheek so softly, to look you in your eyes with nothing but devotion as he thrusted his fingers into you so mean. "you're serious?" he mumbled against your skin and you nodded, half-delirious from the unfaltering pumps and your crescendo into another orgasm, "ye-yeah, i am, zoro." the swordman grinned, chasing his action with a mean slap to your aching cunt. fuck. and for a moment you saw something inherently holy in his action, "you want me to fill you up? you wanna make me a dad, angel?" "ngh ohmygod—" your eyes rolled back as his nimble fingers messily circle your clit before pinching the nub slowly. his voice husked, "my girl wants me to fuck her till i get a mini-me around?" 💚of course you cannot now blame roronoa zoro for the way he was fucking you without any breaks. not when you were the one who had nodded and assured him that a little him would be soo cute. "me? a dad?" zoro mumbled again. and for someone who only talked in grunt and groans and huffs when he was fucking you like he was going to ruin you, he sure was talking a lot. he repeated, "shit, my girl's gonna make me a dad?" "zoro, no-no more, please—" you pawed at his biceps, trying to pry him off of you. you could practically feel yourself filled to the brim, the milky white pouring out of your so obscenely and collecting at the base of his pretty cock with every little thrust into you. "no, no. no." he almost sounded cocky when he pulled his dick back and used his fingers to stuff them back in, "come on, now. don't waste any." he grinned, feral, "'m gonna be a fucking dad." jesus christ, what kind of demon did you let out tonight?
🫐vinsmoke sanji: living out his dreams (while buried in you).
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💙honestly, you must have had courage pouring through you veins to ask sanji to fill you up. him and fatherhood were no joke. vinsmoke sanji had seen you for exactly 1.52 seconds when he realized he would have a family with you immediately, or get rejected over and over till he gets you and then have a family with you. 💙"and th-then i'd get her whatever she wants." sanji rambled on, hips stuck in a periodic rhythm as his tip caught against your g-spot again and again. "s-sanji." you stuttered, trying to throw your head over your shoulders to meet his flushed face. he had held your back flush against his chest, face reddened and lips trembling as he kissed your neck. your heart fluttered at his reaction, "there's- we d-don't have a kid yet... y'know that, right?" because from the way he was planning, it sure seemed like the kid was alive and well in his mind. the blonde nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, his finger slowly thumbing your clit, using your wetness to his leverage to bring yourself to destruction once more, "so, what, love? i'll fuck you till i get it, right?" 💙and who were you to deny him of that when his fingers glided through your folds easily and he rocked his hips gently, trying to coax another orgasm out of your tired bones. his breath was hot against your shoulder, "we're gonna have such a cute kid, r-right, love?" "mhm, w-we will." you nodded, the pit in your stomach tightening cruelly at his candied words. and he smiled against your shoulder, words slurring at the thoughts, "god, she'd be so cute." "sanji," you whined, your voice shaking as he finally pulled himself out. the warm fluid cascaded down your folds and sanji tsked in mock distress, "shh, looks like i gotta do it all over again." don't complain. you're the one who made him this way.
🦋portgas d. ace: don't ask for what you can't handle.
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🧡"a-ace." your voice waivered pathetically as his hot breath played against your trembling pussy. his grin was cocky, eyes hidden by his hat as he husked against your wetness, "what?" "s-stop teasing." you tried, only for him to laugh at your pathetic efforts to sound stern. he tipped his face back, eyes glinting with something malignant, "you started it, baby." "i wasn't teasing." 🧡oh so you weren't teasing when you walked into his room, interrupted his paperwork and asked him so, so nicely to fill you up tonight? ace's eyebrows quirked up in part-surprise, part-delight as he slowly kissed your inner thigh. eyes never leaving yours. he smiled all over again, "you want me knock you up? give you my kid? awh, want me to fuck you till i get it right?" oh and the way you averted your eyes, looking oh-so-shy at his question, it had ace wanting to ruin you all over again. 🧡you were spread so deliciously on his bed, your glistening cunt on display just for him to edge you and watch you drip over and over again. the sheets underneath were soiled from your juices, he was sure his crew-mates would tease him to no extent with the way you were screaming his name but none of that mattered. when you writhed against him, your aching hands pushing his pretty face away and pulling him back into you all over again, ace hummed, "what? too much already? but we haven't even started." not when he took his hat off and gave you bestial grin. untamed, animalistic, primal. portgas d ace just made a promise, "when i finally give you what you want, don't you dare run away. or i think we both know how it'll end." it'll end with you stuffed full of him. it'll end with his finger past your pretty lips, with you choking on your own moans and his thick digits as he pumped you full. it'll end with him humming, "running away? no. don't you dare." after all, portgas d. ace never broke a promise.
🪻trafalgar d. water law: doc please don't knock her up.
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💜your boyfriend was a doctor. surely, you must have more common sense than to bother him while he was already drowning under paperwork with the ideas of a little you and him running around. surely. "'s a terrible id-idea," he stuttered uncharacteristically as you has fiddled with his shirt, giving him such a sickly sweet smile, "why? you don't wanna?" "no—" his voice faltered as you slowly perched upon his lap and undid his button one by one. "'s just a kid is a huge responsibility, and we're not r-ready," his breath hitched when you kissed his neck. your words stilled against the column of his throat, "pretty please, doc?" it's like you lived to raise his blood pressure. 💜so, now back was was pressed into the cold wood of his table, your knees pulled apart on his broad chest. his dick slipped in and out of you as his tattooed fingers pinched your clit. "l-law, please." your eyes were brimming with tears. aching, fat droplets that fell down as he continued to fuck you on that creaking wooden desk. you babbled as he rut into you harder, flushed tip bumping against your abused g-spot, "'m done, i-i'm sorry ngh, c'mon." "you're hah— crying?" don't let anyone know but maybe law was a bit of a sadist with the way he grinned, "i thought you wanted this?" 💜good point. you were the one who wanted to be pinned down onto that wretched desk and fucked into till you lost the feeling in your legs and your body trembled with every shallow way he drilled into you. so, take it. any faltering whines and moans were pointless. his actions were unhurried, pace rhythmic even as you spasmed around him due to the overstimulation. as your velvety holes gnawed at him, the doctor found himself spilling into you with little to no sanity left in him. "hah fuck—" law breathed heavily, eyes going wide as he pulled out and saw his milky essence dripping out of you so obscenely. his gaze fell upon your flushed face. your eyes were clenched shut, mouth parted in utter bliss. all reason and rhyme left the man as he found himself nudging his tip back into your trembling cunt, "shit. come on, baby. you wanted this." he isn't lying. you did want it.
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a/n: first time writing law, lowkey nervous teehee 🤭🤗. i come out of the writers block on and off so im sorry im shit at posting. also i know i wrote ace n law longer okay I KNOW DONT TELL ME SHHH. i just got carried away 👉🏻👈🏻. couldn't write ussop for the life of my but i hope you like it anyways @shinysp4rk mwuah <3 m.list
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Someone New 4
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include angst, pining, romcom tropes, and some darker elements later in the series. Some triggers may not be specifically tagged. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This fic will contain explicit content. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You’ve had a crush on your best friend for years, but you’re slapped in the face with reality when he takes things to the next level with his girlfriend.
Characters: Steve Rogers, Thor
Note: I got like insanely sick suddenly and I still feel off.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“Sam, that paradise punch was a bad idea,” you groan as you struggle to get your bag out of the trunk of the taxi. 
“Whatever,” Sam slurs as he comes around, “I tipped the driver extra. Bud, you think you can get this out for the lady?” 
The driver is all to helpful as he comes around you take the handle from you and swiftly plants the bag on its wheels. It’s everything you have that isn’t bundled up into storage or sacrificed to the dumpster. You thank the man and swallow a belch. 
“Have a safe trip, miss,” the driver nods and turns to slap Sam’s arm, “and you, sir.” 
Sam salutes the man and pushes away from the cab, your carry-on slung from his shoulder. The two of you clumsily lift the bag over the curb. You look up at the airport as the roar of jet engines cuts through the dusky air. 
“I feel like I’m drunker,” Sam snickers. 
“Uh huh, me too,” you murmur. Two hours on his couch was barely enough. If anything, it’s just set your vision askew. “They’re not gonna let me board if – hiccup—I'm blasted.” 
“Don’t worry, we can get water,” he blathers and yanks your bag onto its wheels, “off to the land of vikings! Skol!” 
“Skol?” You follow him in a clamour. 
“It’s what they say, isn’t it?” He chuckles, “I saw it on a show or whatever.” 
“I... yeah, usually while they drink, not stumbling drunk,” you rebuff. 
“Sound pretty sober to me with all that whining,” he rebukes. 
“Whatever,” you roll your eyes and follow him through the automatic doors. 
He veers off and you follow him in confusion, glancing back at the check-in counter. He stops before a bright vending machine and feels around in his pocket. He taps his card and focuses intently on pressing the button. 
“Waterrrrr,” he drones and leans on the machine to reach through the slot. 
He hands it over and you unscrew the cap. You chug half the bottle and let out an obnoxious belch. You cover your mouth in embarrassment and offer him the rest. He finishes it off and you linger by the machine as you let the cool flow settle in. 
“Feel any better?” He asks. 
“A little. I’ll have a coffee on the plane.” 
“Nah, you should sleep.” 
“Maybe,” you take out your phone and tap the side button. Nothing. 
“Anything from Mr. Carter?” Sam asks. 
“No,” you black the screen and shrug. “Come on, I gotta check my bag.” 
“You should check that boy,” he blathers as he stands straight and once more yanks the bag after you, “tell him what’s what.” 
“Sam, he’s busy--” 
“He’s your best friend! At least, he likes to say so then do nothing.” 
“Quit,” you beg him, “this is hard enough.” 
“This is what you need--” 
“I know!” You throw your hands up and face him as you come up before the counter. “I know. Okay. I’m stupid and---” you shake your head and let the truth sink back into the depths of your soul. You face the clerk and sigh, “I’m sorry, I’m here to check my bag.” 
You pull out your wallet and slide your passport across the counter. You show your boarding pass and pay for the extra weight. Your bid a safe journey and carry on with only the smaller bag still on Sam’s shoulder. 
Wordlessly, you sit in a row of seats. You look up at the clock. You’ll have to go to the boarding area sooner than later. He won’t be able to come with you. 
“Sam, I’m sorry. I just... is it that obvious?” You croak. 
He puts his hand on your back and rubs it gently. It’s soothing. The tension trickles down your sides and seeps out. It feels good to admit it aloud yet mortifying just the same. 
“No, I just sense these things. I know Steve, I know you, and I know he doesn’t deserve you. Even as just friends.” 
“Ugh,” you put your head in your hands, “I am so stupid.” 
“No, you’re not. You’re human. It stinks. Our brains, our hearts, they aren’t logical, as much as we like to pretend,” he huffs, “trust me. We’ve all been there and if we haven’t, we’ll get our turn.” 
“Yeah, I guess,” you sit up as your eyes glisten, “I just... he said he’d be here. I thought I’d at least get that--” 
Your name echoes through the airy space and you wince. Right on cue, just before you can collapse completely. You turn as Steve rushes toward you. He wears jeans and grey sweatshirt. He remembered! 
You stand as Sam sighs. You smile, only halfway before you see the figure trailing behind him. Peggy looks less than excited to be there. Her sleepy lashes flutter as her wave hair is pinned back in a messy chignon, still elegant despite the carelessness. She wears a dark green trench over a silver satin nightie. She must’ve rushed out with him. 
“Hey,” Steve nears, “sorry I couldn’t make it for drinks, but I couldn’t miss take-off.” 
“Mmm, they don’t have any afternoon flights,” Peggy mutters. 
“They do but landing doesn’t line up with the train,” you shrug and glance at her briefly. Her glare darts back at you. You wonder if that work dinner was so impromptu after all. 
“Are you excited?” Steve drops into the seat next to you. 
“Uh, yeah, nervous,” you smile as the weight lightens from your chest. He came. Maybe Sam is wrong. Maybe friends isn’t that bad. 
“It’s going to be great. You have to send me updates, oh, and I’ll be sure to send you all the wedding news!” He grins, “I still can’t believe you’re going to be so far away.” 
“It’s a good opportunity,” Peggy intones as she sits on his other side, resting her hand on his forearm, “in her line of work, I’m sure they don’t come often.” 
You press your lips tight and look down, “yeah, not really.” 
“She can get out. Make new friends. Some girl friends, maybe,” Peggy remarks. 
“I’m sure she’ll make all the friends,” Sam interjects, “I hear there isn’t much sunlight over there, she’ll be a breath of fresh air for those grumpy vikings.” 
“Mm, yes,” Peggy grumbles as she trails her hand down to Steve’s. “Too bad you won’t make the engagement party.” 
“Or the wedding,” Steve adds. 
“Well, we’ve a full wedding party as it is,” she shrugs. “There’ll be lots of pictures.” 
“Right, yeah, I’m sorry to miss it all,” you frown. “I...” you sit back and nearly choke, “I’m gonna hit the bathroom.” 
You stand as Sam puffs out heavily and to your surprise, Peggy swiftly gets to her feet, suddenly very awake. Your soberness is setting in along with a pulsing headache. You really don’t want to deal with her. If you knew he’d bring her, you’d have told Steve to stay home. 
“I’ll come with you. I’m splitting at the seams,” she trills. 
“Alright,” you agree with a tint of uncertainty. 
She twirls and you walk parallel to her towards the bathroom signs. You chalk it up to the feminine habit. It isn’t unusual to visit the toilets in pairs, even without much kinship between you. It does however spoil your attempt at respite. You less so want to empty your bladder than clear your mind. 
You don’t say a word as you enter the bathroom. You go into a stall and she does the same. Your mind clogs your biology and you have to sit and focus before you can get a flow going. By the time you’re trickling into the bowl, she’s done. A toilet flushes and you hear her unlatch the door and approach the sinks. 
She’s in heels, even at this hour. The sink sprays out water and you listen to her hum as she washes her hands. You finish up and flush, coming out meekly to use the sink next to her. You focus on the simple task as she watches you in the mirror. 
Sensing her gaze, you look up and pull your hands out from under the censor-activated faucet. You meet her eyes and nearly wince at the steely intensity. You stand straight and move past her to retrieve some paper towel. 
“This is a wise decision,” she says, “well-needed.” 
You look at her again as you dry your hands, “thanks.” 
“Oh, I’m not congratulating you. About time you got some sense,” she sneers. 
You wince and crumple up the towel. You drop it in the bin and cross your arms, “okay, well...” 
“It’s better you’re not here for any of it. He doesn’t need the distraction.” 
You chew the inside of your lip as venom drips from her voice. You’re still slightly tipsy and too tired to process this. You have no response. 
“The distance will help you get over it. Finally,” she snips, “you know, I thought it was almost endearing at first then it just became pathetic.” 
You swallow. You’re humiliated that even she could see right through you. You can hardly blame her for her spite. After all, she’s his fiancée, not you. 
“He thinks it’s silly. He laughs.” 
You flinch then. Hard. Your chest rents and your stomach boils. 
“He knows. It’s obvious. I mean, it’s convenient, isn’t it? You’ll do anything for him and really it was rather helpful. Took a lot off my plate and his but it’s time for all of us to grow up. I will be his wife and he doesn’t need some girl to measure out his laundry detergent or remind him to eat.” 
You blink and look away. You cross your arms and push your shoulders up, “got it.” 
“So why don’t you go ahead and just put him on mute now?” 
“Peggy,” you whisper. 
“We’re getting married. You know you can’t stop it, that’s why you’re running away. So end it.” 
“You don’t have to be cruel,” you mutter. 
“I could be horrid. I could have been for all these years. I believe I’ve had remarkable restraint with you,” she points a manicured nail at you, “you should be thanking me for having the grace to do this in private.” 
Your lip trembles and your cheeks tug painfully. You nod and turn away, “don’t worry, Peg, you won’t hear from me. He won’t either.” You make your way to the door, “I wish you both the best.” 
“Mm, I pray you find some clarity and perhaps some maturity along the way,” she retorts as she follows you, heels clicking loudly across the tile, “perhaps you might find someone too. Someone you deserve.” 
Her last words sting. The derision is pungent enough to make your nose crinkle. Someone you deserve... because you could never ever be good enough for Steve Rogers. 
You don’t look back as you go through the gate. You can’t. It’s too painful. The tears have receded but the pain is only deeper. Peggy’s words reverberate in your head, nipping at your ears as your nape burns hotter and hotter. 
She’s right. Sam too. This is overdue. It’s exactly what you need to do. You know it. It’s the reason you chose this. That moment when you were faced with being the eternal wobbly third wheel, you made up your mind. It’s over. That part of your life is behind you, but you don’t know that you’ll ever stop feeling this way. 
It’s hard to settle in your seat, even knowing you have ten hours of flying ahead of you. Disembarking alone will be another hour at least, then finding the train station, another few hours... It’s a lot of time to think and you just can’t stop. 
You don’t take the book out of your bag or touch the screen in front of you. Instead, you sit, slumped down in your seat, eyes drifting back and forth, as you wallow in your self-pity. You stay like that through the flight. You decline the mid-flight meal and the snack cart. You don’t even get up to use the bathroom. 
You close your eyes and float away into memory. You can feel the scene around you. You can smell the stale air freshener forgotten on the shelf above the desk and hear the muffled thrum of music through the walls. You sit on the bed, your textbook open in your lap and your laptop open by your leg. Steve’s on the other end, phone in hand, texting as his golden hair flops forward over his head. 
He’s younger. That rosiness still kisses his cheeks as subtle freckles speckle his pale skin. Yet he’s just a well-built as ever. Broad shoulders, chiseled jaw, long legs. He’s the very picture that should appear next to ‘hunk’ in the dictionary. Every girl’s dream. Your dream. 
“Huh,” he chuckles and drops his phone, “this girl in my history class wants to meet up.” 
Your heart plucks and you force a smile, “a girl? Meet up?” 
“Oh, yeah, she lets me copy off her pop quiz every lecture. Guess I kinda owe her.” 
“Wow,” you utter, the only noise you can eke out. Owes her? Funny, you did his laundry last week and helped him print out his term paper... what do you get? 
“Yeah, so uh, do you think you could send me a copy of your notes?” He pushes himself to the edge of the bed. “I probably won’t be back tonight.” 
“Right,” you nod and hide your embarrassment at the insinuation. 
“You can crash here if you wanna. Long way across campus at night,” he shrugs casually as he grabs his varsity jacket. 
“No, I’ll... I’ll just go now,” you get off the bed and close up your books. 
“Probably a good idea. Just in case she wants to come back here,” he chuckles, “see ya in poli sci?” 
“Sure,” you keep your chin down. “See ya.” 
Your eyelids lift as you come out of the dazed memory.  
New York is gone. Steve is gone. You’re all alone. You’ve left it all behind but that home was never a home. It was all a farce you built on a childish hope. You’re done lying to yourself. It was never going to be. You didn’t miss any chance at all. You just wasted your own time. 
You just languish there in the airplane seat. It’s still hard to believe it’s all real. It isn’t until the wheels bounce and hit the tarmac that it fully sinks in. 
You’re not doing that again. You’re better off alone. You have to be, right? You don’t really know. You don’t even know yourself. You just know the girl who only wanted to be what he needed. 
But what do you need? What do you want? Can you figure it out? Is there anything in this land for you that you couldn’t find in New York? 
At least you’ll have lots of time to figure that out. Intimate hours with yourself to dwell and cringe and regret. Time to think, time to move on, time to cut him out. 
As you join the line to have your Visa stamped, you pull out your phone and turn off airplane mode. You swipe through to Steve’s last message. It was weeks ago. That makes it easier to hit that button; ‘mute’. It’s a start. Maybe in a few weeks, you’ll be ready to hit ‘block’. 
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ahockeywrites · 7 months
quick - nico hischier
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pairing: fem!reader x nico hischier word count: 1.4k warnings: unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), no foreplay apologies, this is a quickie. thanks to the anon who requested this
You rounded the corner, the skirt of your sundress riding dangerously high on your thigh. Your arms were covered with a black blazer and around your neck hung your credentials. Social Media Manager for the New Jersey Devils. 
You had started the job following your graduation from Rutgers and loved every minute of it. From taking photos of the players during warm ups, to subjecting them to silly TikTok videos. It was something you could never take for granted.
It was game day and you were running around making sure that all the right information was with the right people. You had become friends with some of the broadcasters and knew who to give little bits of random information to, so they could drop things in during the show. 
You continued walking down the corridor to your office, heels clicking against the floor making your presence known. Everyone who worked for the Devils was incredibly nice and you were so thankful because when you did a Summer Placement, it was anything but.
The door to your office opened with a groan, reminding you that you needed to grease up the hinges soon because it would drive you insane if you didn’t. You sat down in your chair, logging into your computer so you could quickly tweet out some pre game graphics and interact with the fans.
A knock on the door of your office took your attention away from the tweet you were composing, one about the NJ Devil running around Prudential Center with a drum, terrorising different members of the team.
“Come in,” you called out and Nico Hischier entered your office. You didn’t usually do the walk in videos so seeing him in a suit was a completely different side of him that you hadn’t seen before. His hair was well styled and his suit fit around his muscles perfectly, accentuating them in the best way.
“How can I help,” you asked, undoing the button of your jacket and taking it off. Nico’s gaze remained on your face, no matter how much he wanted to look down. The captain had a crush on you from the first time you walked in the door. At first he thought it was just a harmless crush, one that would go away after a few nights between the sheets with someone. 
It didn’t. It made him want to spend more time with you. So every time you needed someone to take part in a TikTok challenge, or an interview for the YouTube channel, he’d volunteer. It didn’t stop the other players on the team teasing him. They all knew that he had a crush on you and it was something they wanted to try and facilitate. 
Then there was the night out. The one time you had gone out with the team after a game, rather than with your friends as usual. He watched as you took shots with Jack and downed a beer faster than he had ever seen. The way you looked into his eyes as you drank your pornstar Martini, licking your lips after each sip. Nico’s cock hardened just thinking about it.
“Just wondering if you’d be sitting on the bench during warm ups,” he asked innocently, batting his eyelashes. You refrained from rolling your eyes because he already knew the answer.
“Yes cap,” you saluted him in response. “I will be there, as I always am.” You pushed your chair behind yourself,  stood up and walked around to the front of your desk to stand face to face with the Swiss man. Even in your heels, Nico was still taller than you. 
“Anything else?” You asked as you cocked your head to the side. There must be another reason for him stopping by. He wouldn’t just stop by your office for no reason. Would he?
“You look really good today,” he complimented as he looked you up and down, taking in the flowery dress you had chosen to wear for the matinee game. “You always look good.”
“Thank you,” you replied not really knowing what else to say. 
“Ever since you walked into the press room the first time, I’ve thought you were beautiful. This dress really brings out your eyes,” Nico continued. “And your lips.”
He inched closer to you, not wanting to encroach on your space too quickly, giving you the opportunity to turn him down. 
“And then that night at the bar, your cheetah print skirt,” he wrapped his hand around the back of your neck as he spoke. “You looked so happy.”
You craned your neck up to look Nico in the eyes. “I was happy,” you told him. “Because you were there.”
“Fuck,” he cursed. “You don’t know how you make me feel princess.”
“I think I can see,” your gaze dropped to his pants and the bulge that you could see.
“We have 20 minutes until I need to be downstairs getting ready,” he told you as the hand that was around your neck made its way down your back to rest on the curve of your ass.
“I need to be down in 10,” you replied, leaning in so your lips were millimetres apart. All it would take is one move, from either of you, and you would be kissing.
Nico took the initiative and pressed his lips to yours, starting with a few gentle kisses that turned passionate quickly. His hands didn’t know where to go, all he wanted to do was touch you, feel you.
“Wait,” you pulled away. Nico pouted, lips red from your lipstick. “Let me lock the door.” 
Ah, Nico thought, that made sense. Neither of you would want someone walking in on what was about to happen. 
As soon as you locked the door and turned back around, his lips were back on yours, tongue poking past your lips and into your mouth. Your hands found his hair, tugging, wanting more.
Nico pushed you against the wall, starting a trail of kisses down your neck to the tops of your breasts. “Been thinking about these for months,” he admitted.
“Fuck, we have to make this quick,” Nico groaned as he yanked down his slacks and boxers in one go, the red tip of his cock leaking pre-cum. Your lips attacked his neck with kisses, you couldn’t leave a mark on him, someone would notice.
“I got tested last week, all negative, have the coil,” you got out between kisses.
“Mine was two days ago, all negative too,” he replied. “You want this?” You nodded faster than you ever had in your life.
“Jump princess,” he whispered into your ear and you obeyed. Your legs wrapped around him and with a little shuffling, he sunk himself inside you fully. Your lips found his once more. 
His hands settled on your hips and he slowly started to thrust up into you, keeping you pinned in place. You kicked off your shoes which allowed you to dig your heels into Nico’s firm ass. 
One of his large hands found their way under the skirt of your dress, in search of your clit. He found it faster than anyone else other than yourself had and Nico almost came when he heard your sweet moans of please as he rubbed the bud. 
“C’mon baby,” he continued the strategic rubbing of your clit with the pounding of your pussy and your mind started to become fuzzy as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your release.
“Fuck, I’m gonna,” you gasped as Nico started sinking his teeth into your neck, not even thinking about the marks he was making. 
“Come for me princess,” he groaned, holding back his release that was imminent.
You listened and your head threw itself back whilst your eyes rolled back. Stars filled your vision as you reached your climax, hands pulling at Nico’s hair which was certain to be a mess.
You could feel your heart beating hard but it was nothing compared to the force of Nico’s final few thrusts and the feeling of his release coating your walls. Sweat graced both of your foreheads but that didn’t stop you leaning in and pressing some more kisses to his lips.
“Fuck princess,” he moaned, voice low and deep. “Let me clean you up.” He pulled himself out of you, still holding you up against the wall with his arms, and you whined at the loss of him.
He carried you over and placed you on your desk before grabbing some tissues that were in a box on the wooden surface. Nico quickly wiped between your legs before pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Sweets, you need to head downstairs,” he informed you. All you could do is shake your head.
“I can barely walk, I’ll be Bambi in my shoes,” you groaned.
“Should have thought about that before you let me fuck you silly.”
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mrrharper · 2 months
Another Cop For The Collection
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Brady groaned as he saw a police cruiser flashing lights behind him. He pulled over on the side of the road and waited for the cop to come to him. Why was he stopped at all? He was barely doing 10 miles above the speed limit. Hopefully, this wouldn't be one of these officers that follow absolutely every law completely to the letter.
He opened the window next to him and immediately knew this situation would turn in his favor. The cop was absolutely jacked. Bulky, tatted arms straining his uniform, a bulging chest and clearly defined legs. This was a true specimen of American Law Enforcement LLC.
"Licence and proof of insurance" the police officer barked at Brady, who reluctantly began searching for his documents.
"Did I do anything wrong, officer?" He responded playfully.
"You were driving at 64 mph on a 50 mph road. Licence and proof of insurance. Now." Brady rolled his eyes and gave the cop what he wanted. While the other man was checking his documents he took his phone, changed a few parameters and turned on the transmitter, then put it on his lap.
"Is everything alright, officer?" Brady asked innocently.
"Your documents seem okay. I have to check them in my vehicle. Stay here." The cop was about to leave when Brady looked at him and said.
"No. You will go to your cruiser and write me a simple warning. Then you will get into my car and sit in the passenger seat" he said authoritatively. The cop furrowed his brow, but didn't say anything and after a long moment his eyes unfocused and he quietly turned around and walked up to his car.
Brady waited, anticipation building inside him. This was going to be so much fun.
The officer came back.
"I will give you a warning, sir. Be more careful next time you drive here" Brady nodded quickly and watched as the cop walked around the car and without a word opened the door on the other side of his car and got in. He looked straight ahead.
"What is your name, officer?" He asked and the other man turned his head to look at him, his face blank.
"My name is officer Matthew Riley"
"Sir" Brady grinned
"My name is officer Matthew Riley, sir" the cop quickly picked up on what Brady wanted to hear.
"Good, Riley. Now salute me, as I am your superior". The officer's hand quickly sprung up and became fixed in the salute position. Brady leaned in and touched his flexed biceps. The hard muscles he felt under his hand felt insane. He put his head closer and sniffed Riley's armpit and arm. The masculine send filled his nostrils.
"Flex both arms, officer" Brady barked and the cop immediately obliged, his arms now in a double biceps pose.
He was getting high on all this power. Brady continued exploring Officer Riley's muscular body, his uniform shirt unbuttoned, revealing a pair of meaty pecs covered by a white tank top. Brady's hand quickly found his way on top of them and began grabbing them. Feeling all that brawn completely under his control made Brady get more and more brave with the officer.
"Kiss me, officer" the cop didn't wait a moment before leaning in to execute the order. He kissed passionately and aggressively, exactly like Brady wanted. He responded eagerly while also groping Riley's arms at the same time. He then felt the other man's thick cock.
"Get hard" he whispered into Riley's ear and his cock responded quickly, a big bulge forming in his pants. Brady began stroking it through the fabric.
He was going to have so much fun.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
eddie x reader
wayne & her r gonna meet but they already know each other so they prank eddie that he doesn’t like her
You've got your game face on, Eddie just misunderstands why. He thinks you've squared your shoulders and furrowed your brow to remind yourself that you're tough, that you're awesome, and that it doesn't matter what his uncle thinks of you (even though he knows he'll love you). Really, it's because you're about to rage against the man currently opening the door.
"Wayne," Eddie grins, holding up your joined hands, "This is-"
"You," Wayne seethes, glare sharp enough to fool his nephew, "What the hell are you doing bringin' 'round a criminal, son?"
"A- A what?"
"Oh, not you," You scoff, dropping Eddie's hand to cross your arms over your chest, "Eddie, you didn't tell me your uncle was a psychopath."
"Psycho- What? You're the one that keyed my car!"
"You hit me with it," You seethe, spitting mad, "And then you just drove away! You laughed, you're fucking insane!"
"You- you what? Wayne!" Eddie looks aghast at his uncle, "The first time I get a girlfriend you run her over?"
"She was in my way," The old man gripes, "Tell her to stop jaywalking."
"Jaywalking? And- and baby," He turns to you, eyes wide and afraid, "You slashed his tires? I- I mean, that's fucked up that he did that but- but did you really do that?"
"She called me a coot, too," Wayne insists, but after punctuating his sentence, his frown falters, and his jaw nearly snaps from how hard he's clenching it, trying to keep his laughter in."
"You are a coot," You huff, but his concealed laughter only makes your own bubble up, "And- and another thing, old man..."
"Yeah? Gimme a reason," Wayne raises a fist, all bark and no bite, "Just- just gimme a reason to, and I'll- I'm sorry, I can't."
His chest puffs with laughter, and the way Eddie's standing fear-stricken makes you dissolve as well. He's perhaps more afraid of the two of you when you break down laughing together, leaning on the doorframe or folded over at the waist. He almost wishes you'd start shouting again.
"Okay, guys," He calls warily, "What's going on?"
"She works at the gas station I stop by for cigarettes." Wayne waves a hand at Eddie, "I knew you two were together when I saw that ring on her hand." He points to a particularly gaudy one of Eddie's that he'd given you as a token of his admiration."
"Sorry, Eddie," Your sentence begins with a giggle and ends with a sigh as you butt your head against his chest, "We just wanted to freak you out."
"You did," He shakes his head, eyes closed, "i thought you were gonna knock her lights out, Wayne. And- wait! You said you quit smoking!"
This time it's Eddie with fire in his eyes, and you give Wayne a teasingly panicked look from over Eddie's shoulder.
"Yeah, I told you that 'cause I wanted you to think it," Wayne drawls, "I buy a pack after work every week."
"You're not allowed to sell him any more," Eddie whirls on you, and you drop the face, "Understand?"
"Yes, sir." You fake-salute, "Now can we get inside? I want to hang out with your uncle."
"I've been meanin' t'ask you," Wayne welcomes you into the trailer with an arm out that wraps around your shoulders as you cross the threshold, leaving Eddie alone on the front steps, "Did you ever get that car radio of yours workin' again? 'Cause a buddy of mine just totaled his car, the stereo's workin' fine. I figured I could swap it out for you."
As you get into a discussion of car radios and junkyard ethics, Eddie stands with furrowed brows in the doorway. He's watching his girlfriend and his uncle chat like college friends, and he can barely shake off the bewilderment enough to step inside his own home.
"You two are crazy," He cuts you off, frowning at the both of you, "I- God, I need a beer."
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alexfromjersey · 1 year
𝓓𝓸𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓥𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓼 & 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓬 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼
jenna x g!poc
summary: jenna and jah going to the obstetrician. jah asking stupid questions.
warnings: jah being a comedian, mature language, partial smut
a/n: tumblr didn’t save the first draft 😭…anyway enjoy the chapter and a Jenna edit 🤭. also I’m not a medical professional. I tried to look up the actual terminology and stuff to be semi-accurate but I started to lose interest 😂 - 4.3k words
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MAY 2023
You and Jenna were currently on FaceTime, she was in her last fitting for her Met Gala outfit. She was bored waiting for the designer to come and make potential adjustments. So she called you to entertain her someway. She regrets calling you now.
You were doing your due diligence as a baby mama and friend to watch Jenna’s work. You started with The Babysitter: Killer Queen. It was alright in your opinion, you gave it a 7/10. Next, you watched The Fallout. It made you tear up and you applauded Jenna on her work. You considered it her best character.
Then, you watched both Scream movies and now you’re watching X. She tried to get you to not watch the movie by not even telling you about it. You had to look up her filmography to find out about it.
“You’re so lucky I have my headphones in” Jenna rolled her eyes.
“Nah you ain’t tell me this movie like that. I was jumpscared with so much ass and titties and now I gotta see you have sex with Mr. Day N’ Nite. Insane” You stated.
“I told you not to watch it. Actually I specifically remember withholding the information” Jenna said.
“Hm. They did you dirty by pairing you with that white man though” You shrugged and ate a fistful of popcorn.
“Shut up” Jenna mumbled.
Your eyes slowly drifted away from the movie to the phone screen. Jenna was preoccupied fixing the nail polish on her nails. She was doing something so simple yet captivating. You couldn’t take your eyes off her. The feelings you felt for her was starting to scare you.
“So, Nancy helped me book an appointment with the obstetrician not far from you” Jenna spoke bringing you out your thoughts.
“You did it for here? Why not back in your hometown, you know to be closer with your family” You questioned.
“It was the best one and…I always wanted to live in New York. I also want to be far away as possible from my mother when I tell her that I’m pregnant” Jenna smiled.
You laughed taking in the information, “When’s the appointment?”
“Tomorrow morning, 9am” Jenna replied.
“I’ll be there” You playfully salute to her. You turn your attention back to the movie. It was now on the part where the white man get killed by the old lady brutally.
“Speaking of families, how exactly are you going to tell yours?” Jenna asked.
“I’ll just call my brother and tell him. Now, for my mom, I’m gonna need a police riot shield” You huffed.
"You and I are in the same boat. I'm praying for you more though" Jenna said.
Your head snapped toward her, "Nah, don't say that."
Jenna chuckled at the expression on your face. The door behind her opened and the designer walks in. "I have to go. I'll call you later" Jenna said.
"Okay...wait you don't get your back broken like a glow stick anymore in this movie right?" You jokingly asked.
Instead of a verbal response, you got the sound of the FaceTime call ending. You laughed out loud and placed your phone on the charger and turned back to the movie.
Meanwhile with Jenna, she rolled her eyes secretly amused as she hung up on you. It was starting to get hard for her to ignore the growing feelings she had for you. She stalked your Instagram, staring at each photo for at least 10 minutes. She stayed up late last night and watch all your YouTube videos.
“Okay, since you’re not showing yet. The dress still fits perfectly but we will loosen it up around the waist just touch” Thom complimented.
Jenna looked at herself in the mirror, “I feel good in it. It feels good, I’m really happy with it” Jenna smiled.
Thom and Jenna continued discussing the dress some more before Thom had to leave to another client. He bid Jenna a bye and congratulations and left the building. Now, it was just Enrique, Nancy, Hudson, and Big L in the room.
A phone alert has Jenna snapping her head to her phone but unfortunately it was not her phone that made the sound. Enrique snorts at Jenna’s actions. An embarrassed blushed appears on her face.
“Shut up Enrique” Jenna mumbled.
“I’ve never seen like this before. It’s adorable” Enrique chuckled.
“It’s just hormones” Jenna lied.
“Yeah no it’s not. You know it’s okay to like her right. I mean the both of you kinda skipped a couple of steps but it’s good to backtrack” Enrique joked.
Jenna playfully punched his shoulder which made him laugh. Nancy let out a little giggle at the home. Hudson just grumbled something incoherent to himself.
“What does she look like anyway? I wanna see if your baby is going to be ugly or not” Enrique said.
Jenna rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone. She went to Instagram and went to your profile.
“This is the most recent photo” Jenna said.
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liked by jennaortega, davis, and 12,683 people
bronxshiesty no bite marks no scratches and no hickeys
“Oh my….she got a brother?” Enrique asked.
Jenna laughed, “She does actually but he lives in Barbados.”
“I always wanted to go to Barbados. When’s my vacation?” He joked.
Jenna just shook her head while laughing. She carefully took off the dress and Enrique hung it up on the mannequin.
“You know it still hasn’t fully hit me that you’re about to become an actual mother. Shit is wild” Enrique commented.
“You and me both. I downloaded this pregnancy app and currently my baby is the size of a large strawberry” Jenna smiled and placed her hand on her stomach.
“Ain’t all strawberries large though?” Nancy questioned.
“I guess not” Jenna shrugged and sat down in a chair. Her stomach growled loudly.
“Get used to that. You’re gonna wanna eat twice more than usual.” Nancy said.
A text message alert can heard throughout the room. Jenna picked up her phone.
NYC 🩵: yo u got anything else to do today?
Hollywood 🤰🏻: no I’m free for the rest of the day
Hollywood 🤰🏻: why?
NYC 🩵: I want to see you
Jenna’s heart fluttered at the message. She bit her lip and smirked.
Hollywood 🤰🏻: what are we gonna do?
Jenna watched as the text bubbles appear and then disappeared. It happened a few more times before the text bubbles stayed.
NYC 🩵: i mean…whatever you wanna do shawty. I’m down with whatever 😁
“Let me guess, it’s her” Enrique smirked and tried to peek at Jenna’s phone she turned away. “Ohh not y’all sending spicy messages”.
“We’re not sending spicy messages. She just said she wants to see me” Jenna smiled.
“See you as in watching movies or see you as in Neighbors know my name?” Enrique joked.
Suddenly, a loud slam can be heard throughout the room. Everyone looked confused at the sudden sound and disappearance of Hudson. But shrugged it off.
Hollywood 🤰🏻: I’m hungry
NYC 🩵: what u want
Hollywood 🤰🏻: seafood
NYC 🩵: u like seafood boils? I know a banging spot that I can get
Hollywood 🤰🏻: absolutely
NYC 🩵: bet 🫡
“You’re all finished for the day Jenna. Go spend it with your baby momma” Nancy said.
“Thanks guys” Jenna said and grabbed her things. She hugged Enrique and Nancy before walking to the door.
“Don’t get pregnant…oh wait” Enrique joked.
Jenna stuck up her middle finger and Enrique and Nancy’s laugh can be heard as she left the room.
45 minutes later, Jenna finally arrived at your apartment. She texted you that you were here. A couple of minutes later, you came down in a gray tank top, gray shorts, and your slides.
“Yo Hollywood” You greeted and helped her out of the SUV. Jenna smiled and wrapped her arms around your waist. It was unexpected but you wrapped your free arm around her back and hugged her tight.
Jenna looked up you with a certain spark in her eyes. You noticed but decided to look away from her.
“Big L, I got you a boil too. You ain’t allergic to seafood right?” You asked.
“Nah I’m not. Appreciate it though” Big L said appreciative and took the bag of food. You nodded in response.
The two of you then head into the apartment complex. You lived on the 6th floor of the building, the nicest floor out the entire building. When you applied for the place, the landlord tried to stick you in a moldy and roaches infested apartment but one of the neighbors put you on game and helped you get this one.
“Welcome to mi casa” You said as you walked into your apartment. It was two bedroom and one bathroom. Their was music softly playing throughout the apartment from your speaker on the counter.
Jenna looked around the thankfully, clean apartment.
“Not bad” Jenna playfully shrugged.
“Yeah it’s not the high rise, plants in the windows, Hollywood type of apartment but it’s something” You chuckled.
Jenna giggled and sat down at the dining table with the food.
“I didn’t get yours with sauce on it. I got it on the side, it’s a Cajun style sauce and it’s a little spicy. I looked up if pregnant woman can eat spicy stuff, they said it was safe but might cause heartburn or indigestion so I also got a lemon garlic sauce too just in case.” You ranted.
Jenna looked at you with admiration in her eyes, “Thank you. I like spicy stuff so it shouldn’t be a problem.”
You smiled and the two of you engaged in a light conversation as you ate. You took the sausages from her bag and you gave her your corn. You also helped her with cracking the crab legs open and showing her how to get the meat in one piece.
You and Jenna finish your food and clean up before sitting on the couch. You sat in the middle while she sat at the end with her back against the armrest and her feet in your lap.
“Are you wishing for a boy or girl?” Jenna asked.
“I’m wishing for a healthy baby. I genuinely don’t care if it’s a boy or girl” You shrugged.
“Good answer. I want a girl though” Jenna said.
“That’s surprising. Most mothers want boys” You said.
“Girls are more fun in my opinion. But either way I’m going to love our child regardless of gender” Jenna stated.
She then sat up, scooted closer, and looked at the number tattoo on your wrist. “What’s this mean?”
“It’s my angel number. 555. It’s means change. Changes are coming and that I shouldn’t be worry or scared just have trust in the process” You explained.
“What about this one?” Jenna said as she pointed to another tattoo. This one was a small writing.
“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. It was my second ever tattoo. Believe it or not I was a shy kid before my junior year. I used to let people walk over me and bully me and take me for advantage. That was until the last day of sophomore year, I was on the yearbook committee and I had a really good idea but I was too scared and one of the other students stole it and took credit for it. My yearbook teacher pulled me aside one day and told me she knew I was the one that came with the idea. She told me, “you’re never going to get what you want if you never speak up. Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes because you never know who could be listening”. It’s a quote that stuck with me ever since” You explained.
“You had a great teacher” Jenna commented.
“Yeah, she reached out to me a couple of months ago and told me she loved my videos. It was wholesome” You smiled. Your hand start to rub her thigh unconsciously. “What about you? You got any ink?” You asked.
“Nope. I want one though. Maybe for my first one I’ll get our baby’s name behind my ear” Jenna answered. You nodded in response and continued rubbing her thigh. Your eyes kept looking down to her soft lips.
You wanted to feel them on yours, it’s been a minute since you felt any intimacy. You were longing for her soft touch.
Jenna’s eyes traveled down to your hand. She was starting to grow hot. Her hormones making it very difficult to keep in check.
“Jah?” Jenna called out.
“Hmm?” You hummed in response.
“Kiss me” Jenna demanded softly.
You leaned in and connected your lips to hers. Jenna immediately deepened the kiss as soon as she could. She climbed into your lap and her hands were placed on your cheeks. You placed your hands on hips. The kiss was starting to get sloppy and eager.
Jenna pulled away and took off her top leaving her in her navy blue bra. Her lips then latched onto your neck.
“You know…we should…talk about our relationship” You struggled to get out due to the pleasure.
Jenna placed butterfly kisses on your neck until her lips found your pulse. She then began to suck on the area. Your hands gripped her waist tighter and a small hiss escaped your lips. She smirked against you, happy that she found your sweet spot. She continued sucking until she felt satisfied with the hickey she left on your skin.
Your lips connect once more, your tongues clash and you slide your right hand up her back. Your fingers find her bra strap and with one hand you undo it. You help her pull it off your body. This time your lips leaves hers and attach them to her sweet spot. A sigh of pleasure leaves her lips and her hand gets tangled in your hair.
Your left hand grabs onto her slightly larger breast and begins to massage them.
Thank god for this pregnancy.
Your fingers rolling and pleasurably tugging at her hardened nub. The hand in your hair start to scratch at your scalp which felt really good. You take your attention away from her hickey littered neck.
Yikes, her make up person is going to have a field day with that.
Your lips clamp around her nub. Your tongue swipe over it a few times before sucking on it.
“Oh my god” Jenna moaned softly.
You let your teeth graze over it just a tad bit before switching your attention to the other breast. While you were giving her breasts attention, Jenna slipped down a little to sit on your knees before her hand found it’s way into your sweatpants. Her warm hand quickly found their prize. The long and girthy beast that was growing in your pants.
You pull away from her breasts and look into her lust filled eyes. You lifted your hips and pushed your sweatpants along with your underwear off your hips. Jenna got up from your legs and pushed the rest of it off your legs. She got on her knees in front of you.
Her small hand wrapped around your third leg. It jerked in her hand at her touch which she smirked at. She placed small kisses up and down your shaft until she got to the tip. Her tongue circled around it, her eyes never leaving yours. You lick your lips as she takes you into her mouth.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Your head fell back against the cushions and your right hand tangle themselves in her hair.
One hand at the base of your shaft and the other rested on your thigh. Jenna started to bob her head up and down. Her muffled moans sending vibrations against your member which made you hiss.
“Damn girl” You hissed and licked your lips. You pushed her head down farther. You were deep in her throat, tears were pooling in her eyes. Jenna then took you fully in her mouth, her nose was touching your pelvic area. Your eyes slightly widened, you can feel her uvula grazing across you. She stayed there for a second, flexing her throat until it got hard to breathe and she pulled you out of her mouth. Her hand continuing to pump your length.
Once she got her breath back, she swallowed you while again. You grabbed a fistful of her hair and helped her bob her head up and down at a fast pace.
You were close, the knot in your stomach started to tighten.
“Fuck Jenna” You moaned.
Her nails dug into your thigh, enjoying the way your tip abused the back of her throat. You start to pant as you got closer and closer. Before you knew it, you halted her head before you felt your length twitch as it emptied into her mouth.
You relaxed into the couch, sweat glistening on your face. Jenna milked you for every last drop before she pulled you out of her mouth. She showed you the thick substance in her mouth before closing it and swallowing.
“Me gusta esa mierda extraña (I like that freaky shit)” You spoke.
“You know even though it’s sexy. It’s not fair when you speak Spanish knowing I have no clue what you’re saying” Jenna pouted.
“Chupa para chuparte fraude (Sucks to suck you fraud)” You shrugged with a chuckle.
Jenna sucks her teeth before standing up. She goes to walk away but you grab her hand.
“I’m joking. I’ll teach you Spanish if you want me too” You said. She stood in front of you. You pulled her down and interlocked your lips again. This kiss you guys took it slow, building the mood again, even though it technically never left. You pulled her pants down her legs until she kicked them off somewhere.
You stood up and hoisted Jenna up. She wrapped her legs around your waist. You walked until her back made contact with the wall in your bedroom. Your fingers pulled her underwear to the side and you ran your middle finger through her folds.
Damn, she was mad wet. She got that WAP.
Your middle finger massaged her clit. A whine left her lips as you flicked her clit and her hand gripped the back of your neck.
“Jah…” She moaned.
Unbeknownst to you, she was close to the edge. Usually, she lasts a lot longer than this. You barely touched her and she was already close to the edge. This pregnancy was making everything heightened.
You pull her from the wall and lay her on the bed. You were on your knees to the side of you, you took her underwear off before you slipped your middle and ring finger inside her.
“Fuck!” Jenna gasped.
Your long fingers worked their magic, quickly finding the rough spongy spot inside her. A loud moan ripped through her as she arched her back. Her hands gripping the bed sheets tightly.
“I’m…about to cu-” Jenna choked on her words as a powerful orgasm ripped through her. She stilled with her back arched to sky and eyes squeezed shut. There was a pool under her and your hand was soaked to the max.
You were slightly surprised at how fast she came. You didn’t complain though.
“Holy shit, that was intense” Jenna swallowed harshly. She relaxed her body on your bed, her chest was still rising and falling rapidly.
“I’m good at what I do” You smirked.
Exhaustion creeped in and Jenna struggled to keep her eyes open.
“No way I just fingered you to sleep” You laughed.
“Shut up” Jenna mumbled sleepily.
You chuckled as you grabbed some boxers from your drawer and pulled them on. You grab an old T-shirt from your drawer.
“Here put this on” You said and handed her the T-shirt. Jenna lazily put it on while you changed the blanket on your bed. Jenna crawled into your soft queen sized bed and curled up in your blanket.
You locked up your place and put the blanket and her clothes in the wash. Before going back to your room to see Jenna fast asleep. You climbed in the bed and stared up at the ceiling. As soon as you closed your eyes, you felt Jenna scoot closer to you. You turned your head towards her to see her grabbing your hand. You placed your hand in hers and she placed it on her stomach. You turned your body to her, spooning her. She relaxed into your hold and fell back asleep. You soon followed with a big smile on your face.
It was the next morning, you and Jenna were currently at the obstetrician's office waiting for the doctor to return to do the physical exam. The two of you got to know Dr. Nightngale better and vice versa. Her daughter was a fan of Jenna's which didn't bother or surprise the girl.
When it came down to asking questions about the other parent, Dr. Nightingale was stunned to learn that you were. Questions were thrown at you, which didn't bother you. You were used to people asking questions about being intersex. You were asked questions about it from the minute you could speak full sentences.
When you were younger, you used to go into full details but they got boring real quick. So you opted to tell people a quick summary. Which was 'I was an experiment from Area 51. My father was a spy that fell in love with an alien'. Most people didn't find it funny.
“What to expect when expecting?” You read aloud. It was a pamphlet that you picked up from the front desk. All morning you were reading up on anything related to pregnancy. You wanted to at least have a little bit of knowledge of what’s happening. Plus, it was kinda interesting learning about everything.
“Holy shit” You gasped as you were instantly hit with the sight of a stretched-out vagina…not the kind of stretched you want.
You look at the pamphlet with a disgusted look and then over to Jenna. The girl looking at you with an amused expression.
“I’m so sorry” You apologize to the girl.
A knock on the door was heard and Dr. Nightingale came in.
“Alright, Ms. Ortega and Ms. Jimenez are you guys ready to see your little bundle of joy," Dr. Nightingale asked.
Jenna was laid back in the exam chair with a sheet covering her breasts. Her slightly protruding belly was out in the open. You got up to stand next Jenna and also see the screen. You felt a shaking hand grab yours.
"You okay?" You asked the shaking girl.
"I'm nervous. I'm finally realizing how real this is" Jenna gulped.
"It's normal to be nervous. But I'm right here." You reassured the girl. She gave you a smile and a quick squeeze of your hand. Dr. Nightingale smiled at the interaction between the two of you. She put the gel on the medical instrument.
"Okay, this is going to be cold." Dr. Nightingale warned. She put the instrument on Jenna's belly, who flinched slightly at the sudden coldness of the gel. She moved the instrument around a little before a little body appears on the screen. The room was then filled with a rhythmic thumping.
"Oh my god" Jenna gasped at the screen. Her eyes started to fill up with tears at the sight. You, on the other hand, couldn't stop looking at the screen. You had a huge smile on your face.
"Your baby has a strong heartbeat. You are about 11 weeks pregnant. 2 months almost 3 if you like to go by months. Judging by the date of conception, you are due to give birth on November 28. But there's also a possibility that you could give birth in December" Dr. Nightingale said. She starts to take pictures of the baby.
“A Sagittarius baby…oh lord” Jenna joked.
“Better than a Scorpio” You shrugged.
Dr. Nightingale continued the exam. Everything coming up clear for both the baby and Jenna which you were happy about.
“When are we able to know the gender?” Jenna asked.
“By 14 weeks but I like to do it around 19-20 week mark so it can be accurate” Dr. Nightingale asked.
“What about sex?” You impulsively asked.
“Jah” Jenna sighed and rolled her eyes.
“What? It’s a smart question to ask” You defended.
Dr. Nightingale laughed, “One of the most common questions we get. Sex is completely fine to continue doing. It’s actually beneficial, it can ease discomfort or pain, great for physical health, and a good partner bonding experience. But I would highly recommend still using condoms because STI/STDs are still a thing.”
You smirked and nodded at the response. Jenna just smack your arm as she rolled her eyes.
“Any more questions?” Dr. Nightingale asked.
The both of you shook your heads no.
“Okay, well that is it for today. I’ll see you guys next month. Congratulations to you both” The older woman smiled and left the room. You helped Jenna wipe the gel off her stomach and she puts her shirt back on.
“You know…last night I said something to you. We were kind of busy so I don’t know if you heard me” You said.
“What did you say?” Jenna asked.
“I said we should talk about this. You know…us” You gestured to the two of you.
“What’s there to talk about? We’re just two people who had sex and are now having a baby together.” Jenna shrugged.
You furrowed your face, “Is that how you see us? Just two people having a baby?”
“Not just two complete strangers. Like friends” Jenna said. She watched you as you stared at her with no emotion on your face.
“Friends” You muttered and nodded.
Not gonna lie, the statement hurt you. You didn’t want to be just friends with her. You wanted to be more. You liked her and you thought she liked you too but you guess wrong. You respected her decision though despite the mental pain it brought you.
Just friends…
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @raven-ss @fanboy7794 @morganismspam23 @cinffy23 @darklron @cheesybacon1 @octavias-next-meat-bite @playboysaleen @niqmandu
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ghysry · 1 month
Don't feel compelled to write this if you don't want to!, but I think it would be pretty cool to see TUA siblings interacting with reader in the six years without powers they can be with them since the first apocalypse and they become like family, reader can be one of the other 43 children with powers! Doesn't have to be with any specific character but I will admit Five is my favorite and they did my boy wrong in season 4
*Does a soldier salute pose* Five is my favorite too. I get you, Anon.
Oneshot! Tags: Reader x Five, Reader x Five Hargreeves, Comfort/..., I'm feeling evil today...
"I think this is better."
There's a reason why humans are off balance when one of their senses suddenly stops working - like the blind, or the deaf. Imagine living in a world where you can't see after years of being used to it, or living in a world where all you can do is read lips instead of hearing the sound of music. We hold our senses very close to us like organs ; because they are.
Which is why it took you an embarrassingly long time to get used to the fact that you no longer had the ability to control the state of matter. You know - the basics. Gas to liquid, liquid to solid, solid to gas, human to vapor, atom to extremely dense gas. It served you the most purpose, you were deemed the most powerful out of all the siblings, well, that is to account for the fact that you were never adopted by Reginald Hargreeves.
Ah..hm, let's take a detour down memory lane for how this happened.
"Fascinating..truly fascinating. How much would you like for them?" Reginald Hargreeves peered down onto the basket containing a blanket wrapped neatly around the quiet infant, their eyes closed and their small chest rising and falling with each breath. "I'm not going to sell my child to you, you creep!" Your mother, a fighter during her first weeks with her only child, kicks Reginald Hargreeves right in his no-longer-child-giving nuts, which causes him to double down and cough much later than a normal person usually would.
Alright, now that you know how you weren't adopted, back to the present!
Nowadays you work alongside your life time partner, or should you say, husband. Both in the CIA, both crowned as the youngest officers of peace within this barely secret government. Which leads you to here - you, in your usual spot on the couch, laying down with a groan as your back hurts, and then groaning even more when this man child--your man child--flops onto you with a groan coming out of his mouth himself.
"Augh you're going to crush me!" You tilt your head back, trying to get into a comfortable position as this big cat can't help but cling tightly onto you, even going as far as grumbling out nonsense on how he's not that heavy, and you're just too weak to stand his superiority, to which you rub at his nape and feel his throat rumble with a purr.
"You are so lucky I love you. Or else I'd tease you about the whole purring thing," Though you belittle him about his weird capabilities, you keep on scratching at his nape, then behind his ear, feeling the vibration on your chest. "Shut up.." he finally answers, leaning his head into your hand, a look of satisfaction crossing his eyes when you massage his back. He's way too old for this job, and so are you.
Five wraps his arms around you, tired eyes looking into yours, and before you could laugh at his face he's already digging it into your chest, inhaling your scent and complaining about his boss (which was also your boss) being stupid because he wanted Five to work on something more significant, rather than analyzing a group of insane geeks sitting around in a cult-support system whatever the matter.
To be fair, a lot of them have a point.
Five gulps when he lifts his head back up and stares at you, into your eyes, deeper into your soul. Years and years of fighting, bickering, war, the feeling of dying and being remade, the feeling of having to fight for your life against yourself, seeing your siblings, your only family, die right in front of your eyes without being able to do anything about it..he finally achieved peace. Peace with you.
"I love-"
"Five?" Your hand comes to ruffle his hair, eyes staring at the ceiling, feeling grateful for your sentient weighted blanket. "..hm?" He responds, arms tightening around your waist to the point where you feel like you can't breathe. Chuckling at this, you close your eyes, plunging the world into a deep darkness you've seen thousands, maybe even millions of times.
it's time to wake up.
Five shoots out of his bed, cold sweat beading down his face, his head hurting like someone had narrowly missed burrowing a bullet into it, one hand clutching the blanket he lulls himself to sleep into, the other trying to clench around a hand he knows isn't there.
"Fuck." He falls back down into his bed, which spells an awful lot like marigold, hands coming up to rub at his face and wake him. The familiar venomous feeling in his chest seems to encapsulate him when he blinks, your face is there every time he moves, his heart beats of you, yet the universe doesn't even know who you are.
Oh yes. You were never supposed to be here, were you?
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marrkopolo · 4 months
A Wise Man Once Said
Precious lost its ring in the scrap yard with no metal detector the lavender pussywillows hide the trolls
Hong Kong wheel of fate UW spinned it first Knights of Templar slaughtered at a mass concert of bloody crimson tide
Tithe on a full moon for 2x the glee The crash of waves against the rocks, like bodies slapping against each other during sex blood shooting through veins Hot heat, sticky, in Iceland together I too, know of these lands
Tax season says the King! blue knots on a tent red food buckets hung like death #four crosses in a foreign land alone is no place to exist
An underwater welder lying on the blue tarp, is like a union of troops led by a zebra.
Flying flags at Disney welcome to the world of water failed regret, emptiness and betrayal tattered flags get left to rot sew it in with the others together and the quilt becomes strong and scintillating
Crush you with your own history headless horseman and halo hair dark horse donuts This is as good as it gets!
Red-lipped lipstick cracked porcelain face You can't hold a candle to this
King of the Hill My pool stick is clean now true Kings swim in the swimming pool together King of the Hill Jack of Spades went with the stolen crown and robots learn to volunteer.
Pledge to a sanitizer salute to a gong beat your chest it's loud and strong Love at first sight or sounds like a good idea Wisdom of the crowd or individual motivation?
A rabbi with the yachts Fortified lamps sees all UFOs, telekinesis and even explosive lingerie. One denarius for a days work Why they get more? Stand while another sits. Then switch roles and you'll see why.
What sees with three eyes? The melatonin-like parental bond, third eye awoken, Moksha.
Insane Luke has a scar red dots that kill. Baldie takes biosphere crown the bald animal is cutting loose again Is doraphilia still fun to you?
I attempt to transform but the tea is too strong my hands have small heart Lying down a tiny raindrop falls into my ear swirling into the cochlea My whole world has changed!
Eczema stealing make-up twice North Face go north Racks of weapons are not enough this time
My mask is old but gold bars had paved my fortunate path …a fortunate path(whispering)
Tik Tok vault one exit is enough The eagle has docked into spray-painted madness. Not to fret I hear a falcon cry Jump when the law is bent it will help you fly
Six shooter Six pack 3 sewers 3 fires Twin-spirit 1 spacesuit
Mountain top king of the hill climb Nepal Hajj pilgrimage princess climbs like a pirate piggyback down the wedding aisle
Opposites attract
One fell to its doom down the abyssal void towards the bottom and a ghost ship lost in the Bermuda Triangle with Pandoras Box Lazarus
Gunpowder in shoes Footprints in the sand Jesus did not tap
Short and tall fat and thin Lookalikes Soundalikes Smellalikes the hunt of touch and taste What double currencies create the ultimate Yin Yang effect? AI said to cure pride and competition, exchange abacus rubik-cubed calculators instead of cash.
Echoes and reverberation voices become lightning WATTS= AMPS X VOLTS
Float your payloads into the troposphere with skinny vertical structures of contained saltwater Heat a planet with a satellite asteroid belt
A call for help QR codes morse code gun flare smoke signal what are your coordinates? R-E-B-O-R-N
Some ancients say gunpowder only made flee then gun made to kill Oil spills from bronze age to silicon chips flood the market cut the mall castle cake in half Zangief on a segway You win.Perfect.
Lawrence Groves copyright©2024
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yoitsjay · 2 months
Tumblr media
Pairings: Commander Wolffe x Gn! Reader
Summary: you had been knighted, and then confessed love to the man who helped you get there. And then everything fell apart... you were just so... angry..
Warnings: canon violence, torture, order 66, inquisitors, inquisitor torture. Insanity.
Word count: 2,284
“Congratulations Y/n L/n on passing your knight trials.You have earned the right to call yourself a Jedi Knight, and a General of the republic.”
Plo Koon spoke to you as you knelt down in front of him. He ignited his saber, moving it close to your neck as he cut the padawan braid which fell into your hands. You stared at it for a moment, tears welling in your eyes as you rose to your feet before pulling your master into a tight hug.
“Thank you Master.” You whispered, pulling away as your hand went to where the braid used to be, feeling the singed hair which would grow out with time and join the rest of your hair.
The Jedi in the council room all clapped for you, and you bowed gratefully as Plo-Koon took his seat with the council. You turned to Master Yoda, who was smiling. “A promising future, you have ahead. Grow stronger with the force, you will.” He said, and you bowed once more.
“Keep up the good work, and you might become a Master in the future.” Mace Windu stated, and a small chuckle left your lips. “I can hardly wait, thank you masters.” You stated, before leaving the audience room.
Waiting outside was your Commander, and his wolf pack, their helmets off as they turned to you, grinning. “Awoo! look at you go girl! Congratulations General.” Boost spoke up with a grin as he patted your shoulder. You laughed, pulling the whole squad in, including Wolffe, hugging them all.
“I wouldn’t have been here without any of you. Thank you.” You stated, pulling back as you turned to look at Wolffe, who had saluted to you, the rest of his men following suit. “You’ll be commanding your own squad soon, General. We’re proud of you.” He said, and you placed your hand on his shoulder.
“You’ll always be in my heart Commander, you and the wolfpack.” You started, pulling back with a smile. “Time for a wardrobe change i think.” You joked, waving goodbye as you walked off.
You smiled at the fond memory. It had only been a few months since you were knighted, and you jumped from battalion to battalion before you were told your permanent home would be with your original unit. Plo Koon already knew, but he wanted it to be a surprise for the Wolfpack, especially his commander.
You and Plo Koon were talking at the ship docking bay, watching as clone troopers walked by, waving or smiling as they passed. You had just arrived on your fighter ship, and now you and Plo were making your way up to the bridge.
The doors slid open with a hiss, and as you entered you noticed Boost, Comet and Sinker arguing about something stupid while Wolffe watched with his arms crossed. He was facing away from you, so Sinker and Boost were the first to see you. However you quickly placed a finger to your lips and they kept quiet.
You were now behind Wolffe, smiling brightly before you spoke up.
“I would think in my absence you’d have slapped these boys into shape. Goes to show I can't leave you boys alone.” You spoke up, folding your hands behind your back as your grin settled back on your face.
Wolffe spun around immediately, practically ripping off his helmet as he stared at you. You wiggled your eyebrows at him before pulling him into a hug, since you knew he wouldn’t innitate it. However he happily reciprocated.
“I thought you’d be getting your own squad? What are you doing here, General?” He asked, pulling away after a few moments. You chuckled. “The council requested a new battalion be created, but The republic denied it, so I hopped from Battalion to battalion until they decided I'd go back to my original squad.” You explained.
You then playfully punched his shoulder. “Why, wanna get rid of me already?” You teased me. “No!” Wolffe exclaimed suddenly, clearing his throat as he fixed his sentence. “No General, I am glad you're back.” He stated.
You grinned, patting his shoulder as you went on to greet the rest of the wolfpack.
It had only been a few months but Wolffe could pick out what changed in your appearance. Your hair was shorter and your skin was more tanned, from being out in the sun probably. You had a new outfit, something very different from what you wore as a padawan. There was so much more he could think of but the list would go on forever.
After all the hellos, Wolffe offered to take you back to your quarters which had changed since you were last here but you didn’t mind.
Because as soon as you and him were alone in your room he had you pressed up against the wall, gripping your hips in his hands, his lips against yours as he kissed you furiously.
You were in your early 20’s as a padawan so when you had met Wolffe you and him had a bit of a fling. And you had missed this terribly.
“Wolffe-” You whined, breaking the kiss as you panted for air, hooking a leg on his hip as you stared into his eyes. “I love you.” You whispered, watching as his eyes widened. “I- what?” He asked, breathlessly.
You grinned, sliding your hands from his chest upwards to his cheeks, dragging your thumb along the scar of his right eye as you hooked your leg on his hip. “I said I love you, Wolffe.” You repeated, feeling his hand slide under your thigh to help support you against the wall. You heard a noise from him, resembling a whimper almost.
“I love you too, Sarad.” He whispered, pressing his face into your beck as he inhaled your scent. “I want to take us slow, take you on dates…” He trailed off, picking you up in his arms as he brought you over to your bunk. But he wasn’t rushing, the mood had changed from needing, to all that love and softness that he held for you.
Wolffe removed his armor until he was just in his blacks, now holding you in his arms as he laid next to you. You rested your head on his chest, your hand splayed out against his torso as you sighed.
You talked with Wolffe for what felt like hours, about plans for the future and so much more. Eventually you got up, needing to use the fresher. You were humming to yourself, enjoying a short shower before drying yourself off and getting redressed. You were now drying your hair when you heard some voices from the other side.
You just figured it was Wolffe talking with his brothers over the commlink, or with Master Plo himself. But once you were finished when you opened the door you could immediately tell something was wrong with the way he was sitting, almost with a look of disbelief. He looked up at you, hate and sadness strewn across his face.
“You’re a traitor.” He hissed, and your eyes went wide. “Wolffe what? what are you talking about?” You asked, taking a step towards him, only to stop when he aimed his blaster towards you. You raised your hands in defense, feeling your heart break as he looked at you with such hate.
“The Jedi are being arrested for treason.” He sneered, and you just shook your head in disbelief as he walked towards you. However as he aimed for your head you shot your hand up, throwing the blaster out of his grip.
You grasped his arm and twisted it, kicking him in the torso before slamming his head against your desk, successfully knocking him out. You let out a sob, quieting your voice as you grabbed your lightsaber, hooking it onto your belt, taking Wolffe’s blasters, tucking them into your robes.
You then grabbed your commlink, calling Master Plo who answered with what you could assume to be a chipper attitude. “Wolffe just tried to kill me, Master plo! said that the Jedi were being arrested for Treason! you need to find a way off this ship.” You hissed, putting Wolffe back into his armor before flinging him over your shoulder. “I have a shuttle near the back of the docking bay, wait for me there and hide Master Plo.” You said over the coms before going radio silent.
It was a lie of course, Plo knew you didn't have a shuttle there but if the clones were now hunting Jedi, then he knew to head to the opposite end of where you just told him to go.
You heard voices outside your room, running past it. You waited for a few moments until you heard no voices and sensed no life forms. You opened the door and ran from one end of the hallway to the next, hiding yourself when you needed to. Your main goal was to get to the shuttle, but before you could get up and run again, you heard a stun shot, feeling it hit your back.
You grunted, turning to find Boost and Sinker. “You are being apprehended, on Order of the Chancellor.” They started before stunning you again.
Everything went black.
Your wrists were bound, all you could feel was the harsh cold of metal against your barely clothed back. You were wearing tight blacks from what you could see, and the room you were in was dark, minus the red lights in the walls.
You heard a shift coming from the door before it opened, and your eyes widened as you saw two men enter, along with a probe droid and other tools. You tensed against your bonds, trying to slip out of them… until you felt the force envelope you, squeezing you.
“I saw you in my vision, young one.” A voice, the one whom this force signature belonged to, rang out through the room, sending shivers down your spine. “You will break, and become a lethal user of the dark side, leader of the inquisitorius…” The man trailed off, the force squeezing you tighter, growing painful.
You let out a choked cry, clenching your hands into fists. “Wh- Where… is Com- Commander- Wolffe.” You choked out, a pained yelp leaving your lips as you felt something being injected into your neck. “Your beloved Commander… you may have him, as soon as you break.” The man hissed, before leaving the room. The second man stayed, and you stared as whispers flooded your mind, hallucinations of all your friends, clones, beside him, screaming things at you.
They said you were worthless, that you would never have made a good Jedi knight.
this wasn't real. it wasn't- it can't be real.
It took a month.
Exactly one month until you got that vision of Wolffe, he was hurting you, bruising your flesh as he pushed you around. Anger swarmed your vision as it went red, your blood boiling with that raw emotion.
The man who was always interrogating you witnessed firsthand as a burst of electrical force energy broke the equipment around you. You killed that man with your bare hands. He was just an inquisitor to replace.
All you could see was red as you slaughtered your way through the fortress. You heard a voice, a real voice, not the ones in your mind. It was that man, that sick man who had brought you here in the first place.
You spun around, eyes golden with that rage as the man grinned at you. “Yes… yes! you are perfect.” He stated, coming to a stop in front of you as you heaved with anger. “Use that anger, child. Harness your new power. The Jedi are traitors, your old Master couldn’t even save you.” The man hissed.
You clenched your fists.
yes… the jedi made Wolffe hurt you. The Jedi started the war… this wasn’t your fault. No, the Jedi ruined everything.
you would make them pay.
Weeks later you stood tall, overseeing the turn of many Jedi to inquisitors. You were a hunter, and a damn good one, and the inquisitorius was growing stronger.
You were currently on a different planet, rumored to be harboring Jedi. But you had requested additional backup… a specific man who you hadn’t seen since the jedi tried to make him kill you.
You heard a ship land behind you, and you turned around as Wolffe and his new squad walked down the ramp. You were wearing a white mask, made of bone so he didn't notice you.
“Grand Inquisitor.” The man greeted you. “Remove your helmet, Commander.” You ordered, your voice crackling with the modifier of your mask. However as he removed his helmet, You lowered your hood, and then removed your mask, clipping it to the magnet on your belt.
Wolffe inhaled sharply as he saw you, his lover, the one he once thought a traitor. Now standing in front of him with yellow glowing eyes, bloodshot, an almost insane aura to you. You stepped towards him, grabbing his jaw as you gave him a wolfish grin. “You are my personal commander. Wolffe, my guard, my trooper.” You ordered, releasing his jaw as you instead traced your finger over his scar.
“No!” You shouted, grabbing his jaw again. “You lost the right to call me that name.” You hissed, taking a step back as you sucked in a breath to calm yourself. “You may call me Grand Inquisitor until I have deemed you worthy to call me that name.” You stated, placing your mask back over your face.
Wolffe stared at you with concern.
what had he done…
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f1amboyant · 2 months
tp!carlos is esp insane bc like u said oscar is The Only One thats allowed to be nice/mean to him!!! i see them building a professional relationship and nothing more, but like..when oscar wins his first championship after a long and challenging season, he sniffles in the radio and thanks carlos specifically…gets out of the car and does a salute/bow celebration to carlos’ (who is already wearing the OP1 cap!!) direction
Yes! Absolutely! Oscar is the only one who's allowed to be nice/mean to Carlos (and it works the other way around too).
Carlos would wear the OP1 cap if Oscar wins a race. If he wins the championship though? That man would be jumping all around, running, shouting, crying. No one can put a cap or a shirt on him. He'd jump from his seat on the pitwall to be the first there when Oscar parks his car. To have Oscar jump into his arms as he jumps from the car.
(Okay, maybe he wouldn't and I exaggerated a little. But did I? 🤭)
Also, are they really only professionals? These two would bicker like an old married couple on live TV on the radio, from day one. And journalists would ask if there's any trouble with his TP and Oscar would just say "nah, classic Carlos," and move on.
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Why Joe and Nicky deserve to win the sun and moon showdown, and if they don't I'll end up in the INTERPOL Most Wanted list
A not at all dramatic essay
(Plain text version here)
1. Not only do they canonically use moon imagery to refer to each other, but their context adds new symbolism to that metaphor that other duos don't have
If you haven't seen TOG and aren't familiar with the van speech, well, I recommend that you do, but I'll transcribe it for your convenience:
"He's not my 'boyfriend'. This man is more to me than you can dream. He's the moon when I'm lost in darkness and warmth when I shiver in cold. And his kiss still thrills me even after a millennium. His heart overflows with the kindness of which this world is not worthy of. I love this man beyond measure and reason, he's not my 'boyfriend'. He's all and he's more"
Yeah, pretty long way of saying "actually we're husbands", but let's focus on the "he's the moon when I'm lost in darkness" bit. That bit alone is already insanely romantic and enough to make us fans go rabid with this tournament, but there is an extra layer of romanticism to it, because Mr Yusuf al-Kaysani (aka Joe) is Muslim, and in Islam, the moon represents the guidance of Allah through life, the calendar is based on the moon cycles, and the brightness of the moon is compared to both the face of the Prophet Muhammad and the first batch of souls to enter Paradise. Therefore, the moon, in Joe's culture, is intrinsecally linked with the divine, guidance, holiness, and time
So, when Joe compares Nicky to the moon, he's not only saying that he brings light into a dark world; he is saying that he is the very guiding light that leads him to a blessed life, that he is the foundation through which the world and time can be understood, and that his beauty and holiness is comparable to that of the souls of Heaven themselves
Which is all already enough for me to bite through wood, but the specific relationship between the moon and the understanding of time in Joe's culture is also particularly meaningful for Joe and Nicky, because Joe and Nicky are two of the 5 people who are immortal in the entire world. And one of the core themes of the movie is how that sense of timelessness leads them to isolation, and a constant state of loss. There is a deep melancholy that permeates their entire existence due to the fact that time as we know it no longer makes sense to them, and they live outside of it, skirting around eras and history. So, by comparing Nicky to the very body that marked the passage of time for Joe, he is saying that Nicky is what helps him make sense of the impossible, that he is the constant in Joe's eternity, that he brings meaning to their confusing and sometimes alienating existence
But wait! There's more!
Because Joe and Nicky met in al-Quds (also known as Jerusalem) in the year 493 AH (also known as 1099 CE in the Gregorian Calendar) and had to travel together across the desert for a long time, which means that, for the first few years of their life together, they were in fact relying on the moon to guide them in their path. So they both have a deep intrinsic understanding of how the moon is a compass, the most reliable thing in uncertainty. And the moon has been guiding their steps, their relationship, since their paths were first joined. And they weren't separated since
Like. Listen, I'm sure Star Trek is great and its fans are lovely, and I salute the Star Trek fandom for everything it did for fandom history in general, but you cannot tell me that Spirk has this much baggage associated with the sunmoon symbolism. It just doesn't. If this were a hand touching tournament, no one would have as much symbolism linked to it than y'all, but when it comes to being the sun and moon, no one is doing it like Joe and Nicky
2. The most appealing aspect of the SunMoon dynamic is how they need to defeat all odds to be with each other, and Joe and Nicky have that in spades
"Oh I don't think that's the most ap-" IRRELEVANT. I'll talk about the other ones too. Just keep reading, okay? /joking
As you might know, Joe and Nicky met on opposite sides of a battlefield. They killed each other. (Many times). And what happened then?
They ressurrected and became immortal. That alone is already impossible, but it gets better - even for the rules of immortality in their universe, Joe and Nicky are still an impossibility that has never happened before or since
Because in The Old Guard, immortality is extremely rare. There have only ever been 7 immortals in the entire history of humanity. There are usually several millennia between the appearance of one immortal and the next one. Other than them, the shortest time gap between one immortal appearing and the next was 800 years. But Joe and Nicky became immortal at the same time, on the same day. Their very existence bends the rules of an universe that already bends the rules of the universe they lived in beforehand anyway. Joe and Nicky being together defies the very fabric of time, and if that isn't some sun and moon shit, I don't know what is
But it's not just some destiny shit either. Joe and Nicky were also not supposed to be together by other standards. For starters, they were on opposite sides of a war. Nicky was a fucking priest, and he joined the goddamn actual honest to god crusades. He was hateful and ignorant and awful, and when he chose Joe, he left behind everything he knew before him. All his certainties, his beliefs, his faith, his family, everything he had ever been taught. I'm also gonna go ahead and say that that ties into the whole "the sun is what makes the moon shine" metaphor - because everything that defines Nicky as he is now is the direct result of how meeting Joe changed him
And listen, listen to me. I'm not saying that he stopped being a bigot for Joe, because if he did, I doubt Joe would want him. He did it because it was the right thing to do, and he was wrong and ignorant and indoctrinated by the church. But he still had to make the choice to turn his back to all that, and that plain and simply would not have happened if he hadn't met Joe. It was Nicky's own effort, but meeting Joe was the catalyst
Joe, similarly, had to overcome a lifetime's worth of (well earned) resentment and hatred for what Nicky did. Joe forgiving Nicky at all is already nearly an impossibility (and he would be well within his right to never do that), but he didn't just forgive Nicky, he fell in love with him. And he chose him, well aware of how bloody and terrible his past was, and despite the fact that there is no way he wasn't deeply conflicted about what he felt for Nicky after everything the Christians put him through. I cannot even begin to imagine how hard this process must have been for Joe, and it was one he didn't have to go through at all - which means that he chose to
And that's not even taking into account the very personal resentments between the two of them, because they weren't just on opposing armies, they literally and personally killed each other. Several times over. And yet, impossibly, against all logic, against everything they had ever felt and believed in prior to each other, against possibly their own desires, they fell in love. They fell in love and have been hopelessly devoted to each other every since
And THEN, on top of all that at the beginning of their relationship, they lived as an interracial, interfaith*, gay couple, through what were undoubtedly the worst times in humanity's history to be either of those things. For 900 years, they had to love each other in secret and with varying degrees of risk associated with ever being found out as a couple, or even with being associated with each other at all to begin with
(*It is debatable what their current relationship with their respective original faiths is, since it isn't mentioned in the movie. But even if both of them had turned their back on their religions, they are still culturally Christian and culturally Muslim, and that makes a difference. Personally, though, I don't think either of them turned their backs on their religions, although I do believe Nicky turned his back to the Catholic Church as an institution for obvious reasons)
That's not even counting all the incredibly traumatic shit that they went through ever since (which I won't mention in detail because it's spoilers and also this is long enough already) and that would definitely break a couple with a less unbreakable bond. Through centuries and centuries of pain and regret, they have chosen nothing and no one but each other, first and foremost, no matter what that meant.
Nicky even brings it up in the comics:
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[ID: Joe and Nicky touching foreheads with their eyes closed. Nicky is holding Joe's chin and he says, "why is it so difficult, Joe? We've been afforded more time than any lovers I can name. And still, every moment we scrape together feels precious. Something always happens-" End ID]
(From the Tales Through Time one-shot series. I generally think the comics are meh and the movie is where it's at, but I do recommend reading this one. It is set before the movie happens so there are no spoilers)
There has never been a time where being together was easy, and yet, Joe and Nicky chose each other no matter what. They chose each other even when it meant being separated and getting only scraps of time together in secret. If that isn't some sun and moon shit, I don't know what is
3. They complement each other
And not in the dumb stereotypical "the sunshine one and the grumpy one" way either. For starters, Joe isn't bubbly, and Nicky isn't grumpy. No, they have two characteristics that I think represent the sun and moon way better than that anyway - Joe is an extremely intense person, and Nicky, an extremely cool headed one
Joe doesn't feel anything by halves, and despite the fact that he has lived through several lifetimes, it still seems as if everything he goes through is happening for the first time. Every time Nicky or another one of the family dies, Joe looks just as desperate as he would a millennium ago, despite the fact that he's had centuries to get used to the fact that they die and then come back to life. He's the only one who's that affected by it (obviously none of them enjoy seeing each other die, but the rest seem to have accepted to some degree that it's a part of their lives, or at least gotten used to it). He has experienced so many horrible things, yet he is still as affected and disgusted by it every time, going as far as lashing out sometimes. When he's angry, no one is able to hold him back from yelling at the person he's angry at (not even Nicky). Similarly, not even an actual van full of armed homophobic guards is able to stop him from simply dropping a passionate speech about how important Nicky is to him, complete with getting misty-eyed and kissing him at the end (and I'm not even bringing up the fact that both of them have their hands and their feet tied)
To me, that is the most sun-coded possible trait, because the sun is intense, hard to ignore, and quite literally burning. The intensity with which Joe feels also feels like it could burn, but it's also what makes him so warm and loving
Nicky is also a pretty intense person, but, unlike Joe, he is super cool headed about it. For starters, Nicky is a sniper; he is capable of staying still for hours at a time, observing, figuring out the best time to strike. That demands an amount of control over himself, his feelings, even his instincts, that is admirable. But he's not just like that on a mission; Nicky is very careful with what he says, when he speaks, what he lets other people see of him. His expressions are all subtle, contained, and even when he is in a state of murderous rage, he doesn't lash out. He doesn't lose control. The same way that the moon and the sun share their brightness, Joe and Nicky share their intensity, but Nicky is able to subdue it while Joe burns with it and lets that be his strength
Where Joe is expansive and wears his heart on his sleeve, Nicky is cautious and guarded. Where Joe gets lost in his own feelings and loses sight of what they need to do, Nicky keeps their heads straight and reminds him of what they need to do. Like the moon that guides one through the desert
They're different and complementary, but also intrinsecally tied to each other. They have the same spark where it matters, but present it in different, complementary ways. They are a part of each other, but they're also themselves first and foremost. That's what the sun and moon are all about
Sun and moon imagery has been the staple of the Joenicky fandom since day fucking 1, and for good reasons
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freesia-writes · 1 year
For the 500 followers prompts: #3 switching dates on a double date…with an at first standoffish but then slowly warming up Crosshair. And congratulations on 500 followers! So glad you’re in this community 🙏🏻❤️
So grateful for you and your sweet spirit! We decided to tweak this one slightly, after some discussion, so instead of a double-blind date, You and Crosshair are each on a blind date, in the same restaurant. And this is kind of an AU… just so Cross can be in his sexy clothes. ;)
Crosshair x GN(I think?) or Fem Reader Word Count: 2k Content Warnings: PG-13, suggestive, making out, Crosshair being an ass as usual. ;) Dividers by @djarrex
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“All alone?” a silken voice came from beside you, startling you out of your reverie. You’d been absently twirling your straw in your fingers, and dropped it in surprise. Jerking your head up, you took in the newcomer: a tall, slender, sharp-looking man with silvery gray hair, peppered with black. He had the most intense eyes you’d ever seen, further accentuated by the tattoo of a target around his right eye. His presence was somehow chilling and thrilling at the same time, and you were spinning your wheels trying to find your words. 
“I’m meeting someone, actually,” you answered, finding your courage again. “I just came early to… prepare…” Your eyes dropped to your drink, a strong concoction that you’d nursed almost to the bottom. 
“Hmm,” the stranger huffed, an odd mix of smugness and disbelief. “Sounds like you’re really looking forward to it.” 
“Well what are you doing here?” you asked, turning to face him more fully. Perched on your stool, you were almost the same height as he leaned on the bar counter with both elbows. “Having a night out to lurk and criticize?” There it was… the snark you were so well-known for… that often kept people at an arm’s length. But he didn’t seem to be put off by it, instead rising to his full height to face you head on as well. He was wearing a dark gray turtleneck and a long, dark coat over some black pants that made him look both smooth and sharp. Either your drink was hitting you early, or his presence had a dizzying effect. Whatever it was, it sent a jolt of electricity down your spine. 
“I’m actually on a blind date,” he crooned, smiling in a way that didn’t reach his eyes. “But I have a feeling I’ll be leaving with you.” 
You laughed in his face, struck by his deadpan delivery of such an assumption. “Oh really?” you challenged, tilting your head. Damn, maybe your friend was right, and your type really was just a-holes in general. “That seems like quite a leap.”
“Maybe,” he murmured, lifting a hand to touch the bottom of your chin, which you slapped away despite the insane heat blossoming through your body in response. He smiled, a little half-smile that made you want to punch him or kiss him, you weren’t sure which, and then he sauntered away, giving you a little salute as he headed for a table in the corner. 
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“Hmm,” you responded automatically as the engineer in front of you continued prattling on about chargers or combustors or capacitors or something. He was the latest blind date your friend had insisted you go on, and no matter how many times you told her that you clearly had different tastes, each time she demanded that you at least give it a try, that this one was different. You weren’t sure what her type was, but you were slowly checking off every possibility of what yours was NOT. You felt bad -- the guy in front of you meant well enough… probably… but he had yet to ask you anything about yourself, instead opting to try to impress you with his decadent knowledge of starship engines. Or weapons. Or something. 
You hadn’t been able to focus, instead magnetized by the simmering presence of Mr. Assumption in the corner. Your table had [un]fortunately been situated so that you were facing him the whole time, seeing him over the shoulder of the date in front of you. You watched as he reclined, stretching a long arm across the back of the booth, having occasional conversation with the woman before him. From what you’d been able to tell, not that you’d been paying attention, she seemed very bubbly. Her movements were incredibly animated, and the deeply plunging neckline above her ample bosom left little to the imagination. She alternated between trying to be seductive and acting playful and cute, and you could almost feel the repulsion radiating from the stranger. 
A smirk found its way across your face. You knew his type, or so you thought. Hell, you kind of were his type… aloof, introspective, keeping your cards close to the chest. Life hadn’t been kind to you, and the shell you’d built up around yourself was firmly in place to guard against all the hurts that lurked around every corner. A few people were let in, however, and you were fiercely loyal and devotedly loving to them. So much so that they were often shocked to hear what others perceived you as. 
“Oh, you like that?” the soft, round-faced man at your table said, bringing you back to the present. The bewilderment flashed across your face for only a split second before you realized he had taken your smirk to be a response to whatever he’d been sharing. You sighed, wondering if you should just put him out of his misery right now and save him the trouble of eighteen more ion engine explanations. But the stranger in the corner booth suddenly looked at you, sending another spark through your chest, and you didn’t even realize you’d been staring at him. He grinned smugly, winking almost imperceptibly in your direction, before turning back to his drink. 
You were infuriated. You knew it was petty, but you’d always been accused of being stubborn, and so be it. You decided to have the best date of your life. This guy didn’t know what he was in for. Brightening up considerably, you leaned forward, as though you were hanging on every word, and eagerly encouraged your date to share more about his incredibly fascinating and mind-blowingly unique insight about starship parts. 
The facade was exhausting. It had been an hour, punctuated only by bites of the mediocre food in front of you, and you were about ready to throw something. Why you got yourself into these situations, you didn’t know, but you could almost feel the haughty eyes of Mr. Assumption on you as you laughed loudly, playfully swatting the hand of the man across from you. 
“This has been so great!” he exclaimed, ruddy cheeks aglow with delight. “Want to go back to my place?” You cringed inwardly at the straightforward progression. Dinner, conversation… annnnd sex. If the dinner and conversation was any hint, the sex would be wildly disappointing as well. But you weren’t about to let that cocky corner-dweller come out on top. 
“Let’s go,” you answered, rising to your feet and taking his arm. You sent a proud glance over your shoulder, purposefully catching Mr. Assumption’s eye, and blew him a tiny kiss goodbye as you headed for the door. His eyes darkened for a moment, but it was gone just as quickly, and you disappeared around the corner. 
The night air was cool, and your date was back to talking. He realized he hadn’t asked you about yourself, finally, and was peppering you with some of the most random, confusing questions you’d ever received. You were trying to keep up, thoughts clearly elsewhere, when you reached the stairs to his apartment building. 
“Here we are!” he announced triumphantly, gesturing grandly to the dingy high-rise. “I hope you’re ready for the best night of your life.” 
“Ugh,” you groaned, unable to keep it up any longer. “I’m so sorry. I think I’m going to be sick. Thanks for dinner!” you spluttered, turning to head back to the train station without another word despite his confused questions behind you. He didn’t follow, though, and you were intensely grateful, feeling a lightness on your shoulders as you rounded the corner. The streets were fairly quiet in this part of town, and you’d opted for a later dinner than usual, so the serenity was welcome after hours of being fakely interested. 
You scanned the sidewalk ahead, heart skipping a beat as you saw a tall figure in a long jacket, leaning against the light post up ahead. It couldn’t be… But as you drew nearer, indeed it was… Mr. Assumption from the restaurant, notably alone, almost waiting for you to reach him. You thought about turning around, or heading down a side alley, but at this point it was fairly late, and you just needed to get home. As you walked up slowly, he tilted his head, illuminating the side of his face with the glow of the various lights and signs around. He had a toothpick in his mouth now, and was emanating smugness as you stopped in front of him. 
“Are you done wasting time?” he purred, and without your permission, a flush blossomed across your cheeks. You didn’t get it. He was an ass. A cocky, overbearing ass. And yet he seemed to have the depth of an ocean in those pale brown eyes…. And you wanted to dive in. 
“Do you like the way it makes you feel? Being all secretive and suggestive, thinking you can just wrap anyone around your finger with some mysterious words and sultry glances?” you accused, lifting your chin defiantly. “Does it make you feel powerful? You like that?” 
His eyebrows twitched, expression unreadable. Little did you know just how much he did like that, and the desire he felt was brimming to the surface. He was so tired of people, with all their niceties and nuance, and perceiving a kindred spirit was both refreshing and intoxicating to him. You weren’t like the others, who were either repulsed by him or simpered over every word he said. You could hold your own, but there was more to you than met the eye, he was sure.
“Sultry glances?” he answered, ignoring the rest. “My dear, I think you’re misreading things.” 
“Oh, so I’m going home with you, but you don’t show any interest in me? That makes sense,” you said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Do you want me to just be putty in your hands?” Your teasing was enticing, and as you regarded him evenly, daring him to make the next move, he let out a breathy chuckle at your accusation. 
“Wouldn’t you like that?” 
Holy kriff. How was he able to do that to you? Yes, you would like that. Very much. Because unlike the round-faced date from earlier, you had a feeling that he would know exactly what to do. He could tell you were thrown off balance, the smugness returning, as well as a flash of warmth that you hadn’t seen before. 
“The name’s Crosshair,” he continued, saving you from your frantic scramble for a snarky retort as he flicked his toothpick away and reached out a slender hand. Breathing your own name, you took it, trying to return the firm (and somehow suggestive?) handshake he gave you. “And I didn’t say you were going home with me, I just said you were leaving with me. But if the shoe fits…” 
You laughed, feeling your guard let down even more. “Well I guess you were wrong then…” you pointed out, savoring the semblance of victory. It was short-lived, however, as he slowly sidled toward you, pushing you back toward the art gallery behind you. The windows were dark, surrounded by cold brick that you suddenly found your back pressed against as he leaned over you, lazily resting on one elbow above your head, the other hand playing with your waist. 
“I guess I was,” he admitted, face hovering inches from yours. You felt electrified, frozen in place, and lifted a hand to his chest without thinking. It was hard, and warm, leading you to wonder what other parts of him felt like. His admission was more meaningful than you’d expected, and you reached the other hand up to his neck, pulling him down to kiss him with all you had. It seemed as though he couldn’t be surprised by anything, as he fitted his form against you, wedging a thigh between your legs and digging his fingers into your hair. Your mouths met again and again, soft and tender at first, then more intent and suggestive, your tongue sliding along his and your teeth pulling gently on his lower lip. He trailed kisses down your neck, each one blazing fire through your body, and when he left a mark on your collarbone, you bit your lip, pulling his head back up to face you, eyes ablaze with passion. 
“Not so bad, being wrong, is it?” you teased, and he growled his amusement as he leaned back in.
(Looking for a smutty continuation that’s turning into a full story? Look no further…)
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