#I saw more doctors therapists and specialists this month than my mom
leftdestiny-posts · 10 months
I planned on having a free weekend, but I got an opportunity to see my mom (I haven't really seen her this month yet) so I'll be gone tomorrow noon till night probably
That being said, I will have time Sunday to devour some fics
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halfdeadwallfly · 11 months
So, the new therapist I saw today said that she thinks that a lot of the anxiety I described to her probably has to do with my OCD. Which, like, ok.
Except that she didn't explain this literally at all. I did CBT with an OCD specialist for three months. And not once did any of the stuff I told this new person come up. And like, we spent a lot of time figuring out what my OCD is and how to work with it. The anxiety stuff I described is not obsessions. There are no compulsions associated with the thoughts I was describing. Like, I know what my OCD feels like at this point. These feelings of anxiety are worse than they have been in the past, and I know that some of it sort of resembles intrusive thoughts. I get those too. But I just really do not see this being OCD as well.
My anxiety has been worse recently, and I also have concerns that other people have brought up about other things (i.e. potentially being autistic). And I just. I don't know. I really need therapy lmao. And this is just. Idk. It's really bugging me.
I already have my regular doctor attributing the majority of my OCD to regular anxiety. She describes tic attacks, and what another therapist has pointed to as potential autistic meltdowns, as panic attacks, which I know they are not. I have experienced panic attacks on very few occasions, and I continue to tell her that they are not the same experience. This doctor for some reason will also not refer to my tics as tics. It's so frustrating, all around. I'm scared that this new therapist is going to misattribute the issues, just like my doctor is doing, and I won't be able to do anything about it.
I'm probably making this into more of a big deal than it is; my mom always tells me about spilled milk, but I cry over that too.
I just already have information misrepresented on the summary written by this doctor that I literally have to submit for school accommodations. It works well enough to get the accommodations I need, which is good, but the point is that is misrepresents what is going on to my mom, and I already have a hard enough time getting her to understand what's going on as it is. Panic attacks aren't the issue for me. Tic attacks, and other stuff that I can't really identify, are. I don't just have motor tics, I have vocal tics too. Anxiety is a problem, but so is OCD, which isn't even mentioned. And again, I want to emphasize, I do not have panic attacks in any concerning capacity. And yet this is what half of my doctor's summary of my condition is focused on. She says that I have been battling symptoms of panic attacks for several years. This is just wrong. And I am so.
I don't know.
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imagineaworlds · 3 years
I Love You (Part Fifty-Three) -- Aaron Hotchner
Written By: @desperately-bisexual
Request: None.
Warnings: Cursing. Talk of PTSD, hostage situation, shooting, murder, bombing, physical trauma. I’m pretty sure that’s it!
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Greenaway!Reader
Word Count: 7900
Timeline: Season 7 Episodes 24. Right after part fifty-two.
Criminal Minds Discord Server
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As the sun began to set, a specialist came back in with my release form for Hotch to fill out while he talked to me about what the next steps for my recovery were. While Hotch worked on the form, we both listened to the endless number of rules I had to follow. They were giving me top notch pain killers to help with the inevitable constant pain I’d feel after the hospital’s morphine would wear off. I had to take two in the morning, two in the afternoon, and two before bed. I wasn’t allowed to take them on an empty stomach, and I wasn’t allowed to have alcohol at all— no cheating. After running us through the medication rules, the doctor handed me a piece of paper he ripped out of his notepad. I read the name, the phone number, and the address on it while he explained that it was the information of the best physical therapist in the state. He told me that if I were ever going to get better, then I needed to see him sooner than later. The longer I waited to seek out the proper help, or the longer I pushed myself without guidance, the higher the chances got of me fucking my back up forever.
“That isn’t to say that you can’t walk around at all,” the doctor backpedaled for a moment. “In fact, you should try walking around every thirty minutes or so. You can go up and down stairs, you can pace around the house, you can go on walks in the park. But no running, jumping, bending, strenuous exercises, bike riding— anything like that. The point is that you can do the bear minimum so that your back can start the healing process. If you ever start to feel the pain again, it means that you need to stop what you’re doing. You need to go lie down, put ice on your back, and relax. The ice will help with the pain and swelling.” The doctor turned to Hotch, “Your job over the next few months, Mr. Hotchner, is to make sure that they’re not pushing themself at all. If you notice that they’re trying to do something that they shouldn’t be doing, you need to stop them. Unfortunately, it’s going to feel like babysitting,” he addressed both of us, “but it’s for the best.”
Hotch’s phone started ringing. He apologized profusely while trying to dig it out of his back pocket. The doctor and I watched as Hotch stood, put the form down on his chair behind him, and hurried out of the room to take the call.
The doctor turned back to me. “Painkillers, rest, ice, walking occasionally. Got it?”
I nodded.
“That was Rossi,” Hotch explained, returning from the hallway. “Will and JJ are getting married at his place tomorrow night, apparently.”
My face brightened. I thought to myself, finally… The two of them had been together forever. I always figured that they would have gotten married before me and Hotch, but they had been holding off for some reason. Despite having Henry and being entirely devoted to one another, it took them forever to finally do it. I mean, the decision probably came with the aftershock of the day they just had, but still. This was great news—news that we needed when everything else seemed so shit.
“I want to go,” I insisted.
Hotch’s attention turned to the doctor. “What do you think?”
The doctor shrugged slightly. “I think it’s fine as long as you keep up with the medication, stay away from the champagne, and don’t attempt to do any splits on the dance floor.”
The three of us chuckled.
When we got home, Hotch helped me up the steps to the porch, then hurried to open the door for me. Just as we saw the living room, I caught a glimpse of Jessica and Jack on the couch, watching a movie together. I smiled. Home. I survived all that shit with The Face Cards just to come home, and I had never been more relieved in my life. As we stepped inside, I looked over at Scarlet’s bouncer to see that it was empty. She must have been asleep upstairs already.
“Mom! Dad!” Jack cheered as he pushed himself off the couch and sprinted over to us.
I crouched down as far as I could go and pulled him in for a tight hug, trying to lift him off the ground somewhat so that I could swing him around. I cringed slightly at the pain shooting down my back, but tried to hide it so that none of them could notice. Hotch was watching me like a hawk, though. My change in posture, my wincing face, and the groan that left my throat as I struggled to pick up Jack, all of that was apparent to Hotch. It wasn’t going to be easy trying to convince him that I was alright. Now I understood why he was always so annoyed with me after New York and Foyet.
“Be careful, bud,” Hotch warned. “Mom hurt their back at work today.”
Jack looked at me as I let him sit on my thigh as I stayed crouched. His index finger curled a strand of my hair loosely. “Are you okay?” he asked worriedly.
I nodded. “I’m okay, little man. I promise. How was your day with Aunt Jessica?”
“We went on a bike ride, then we played soccer with Scarlet—”
“Did you win?” I asked.
He nodded. “Of course!”
“Good job, little man.”
“Aunt Jessica took us for ice cream.”
I squinted at her, but she was laughing and hiding behind a pillow in order to avoid my playful glare. I looked back at Jack. “What flavor did you get?”
“Chocolate fudge.”
“Of course you did.” I kissed his cheek and stood up straight as slowly as I could, reaching for Hotch’s help when I felt my back sting again. I whimpered. He stepped closer to me and kissed my temple to comfort me. “Hey, Jack, Henry’s parents are getting married tomorrow. Do you wanna go with us?”
“Do I get to play with Henry?”
“Yay!” He jumped forward to hug my legs. I was going to take that as a yes, then.
“Did you guys have anything besides ice cream for dinner?” Hotch asked, but it was more directed to Jessica than Jack.
She nodded. “I took them to Olive Garden.”
Hotch ruffled Jack’s hair. “Spoiled kid.” Well, that was what he deserved, considering we got called away for work at the last second on a weekend, as usual. “Why don’t you go upstairs and start getting ready for bed, bud.” Jack released me and immediately started running for the stairs. “Don’t forget to brush your teeth!” He kept running, though, pretending like he didn’t hear his dad. Really spoiled kid. Hotch dug his wallet out and pulled out some money for Jessica. “I’m so sorry again for today—”
“When will the two of you get it?” She laughed while standing up, gathering her things. “It’s okay!” She walked around the couch. “I love spending time with my niece and nephew. It’s not a job. It’s a chance to help them grow up.” She took Hotch’s money, but then quickly stuck it in his back pocket before he could catch her. “No money, no apologies.” She glanced at how I was leaning on Hotch to offset the chronic pain that was fucking killing me. “You okay?”
“Rough day,” I answered.
She threw her arms around me for a gentle hug. “Call me if you need anything else.”
“Thank you, Jess.”
“I’ll see you guys soon.” She parted from me and headed for the door. “No money, Aaron!” She closed the door behind herself.
“That woman’s a saint,” I told Hotch, walking with him through the house. “We don’t deserve her.”
“No, we do not.”
When Hotch and I headed upstairs, he held onto my hand, his other arm wrapped around my waist so that he could keep me steady as we carefully made our way up one step at a time. He was hovering too much. I was completely capable of making it up the freaking stairs myself, yet he wasn’t going anywhere. So, I just gave in. I let him corral me up each step and through the hallway, all the way down to our bedroom where he helped me lay down on the bed. He lifted my feet up slowly.
“Baby,” I whispered, catching his attention. He looked so worried, as if he had done something wrong or hurt me, which he hadn’t. I smirked at him. “I’m okay.”
He huffed and rolled his eyes at me before standing up straight and moving towards the closet to grab a few extra pillows for me. He slid one under my knees, two under my ankles, and he left a third next to me in case I wanted it for something else. When I was drowning in pillows, he hurried back downstairs to make sure that there was ice if I needed it. We were getting an ice machine that just needed cold water to make it run, but that wasn’t going to show up for at least another few days, so he was going to have to run to and from the kitchen every time I was in pain and needed ice on my back.
“Here, baby,” he whispered, helping me adjust so that we could get the icepack under my back. He kissed my temple. “I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
He kissed me again, recognizing that I was just being playful. After a moment of standing at my side, Hotch remembered that he had to get my medication around, so he hurried over to the bag on the dresser and started sorting all of the pills. I watched him carefully. I wondered if he was going to actually keep this up for the next few months or if he was going to forget about our deal back at the hospital and just let me back into the field once I was feeling a bit better. Could he really afford to keep an agent benched for months? I mean, we were barely holding on when he was gone in the Middle East and Emily was still… I don’t know… dead? Sure.
“You know, at some point, you’re going to have to realize that I’m not entirely bedridden. I’m going to have to leave the bedroom sooner than later.”
Hotch glanced over his shoulder and glared at me. “I will tie you to the bed, if it’s the only thing that will keep you there.”
“That’s less of a threat than you had intended for it to be,” I teased.
“Ha. Ha,” he said plainly. I chuckled in response. “Take these,” he told me, turning from the dresser to give me my medication. “I’ll get you some water.” He skipped to the bathroom, and I heard the sink run for a bit before he returned and handed me a half-full glass. He sat on the edge of the bed as I popped the pills and chased them down with the water.
“You’re sure about going to the wedding tomorrow?” he asked, taking the cup back.
I furrowed my brows. “Of course.”
“I’m worried that your back—”
“Aaron, I’m going to be fine.”
“I said that after New York, too.”
“Yeah, but the difference is that I actually believe it.”
He rolled his eyes. “You know it’s my job to worry about you, my love.”
“I know,” I accepted, taking his hand and squeezing it. “I know. But, my love,” I teased back, “I can go to a wedding, and I promise I won’t break. I’ve already agreed to staying out of the field until I’m better, so just let me have this one.”
He huffed at the fact that he wasn’t going to win this argument before getting up to put the glass back in the bathroom, then head to grab our pajamas. He helped me out of my gross, dusty clothes and into his clean, cologne smelling sweatshirt and blue flannel pajama pants. I immediately felt cozy and relaxed. When Hotch tore off his shirt, I could tell that he was considering taking a shower, but he looked so tired, and he seemed desperate to stay at my side.
“It can wait ‘til morning.” He changed into his grey sweatpants then snuck into bed with me. He sighed. “I say we stay here for the rest of our lives.”
I nodded. “I agree.” We reached for each other’s hands, and I tugged to try to kiss his knuckles, but he beat me to it. “Sap.”
We both stared up at the ceiling. We were silent, both of us just catching our breath, reflecting on the day. I could have lost him again. He could have lost me again. At what point was it going to get too scary and we would finally call it? I wasn’t ready to leave the field yet, and I was sure that he felt the same way, too, but it was something that we had to consider. I mean, we had to retire at some point. Right? We couldn’t do this forever…
The following evening was the wedding. Hotch spent the afternoon helping Jack get ready—making sure he actually showered, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and picked out an appropriate outfit. Towards the time when we were about to leave, I caught Hotch kneeling in front of Jack, teaching him how to properly put on a tie. I smirked and continued to spy into the room. I had a bad habit of eavesdropping on them, but who could blame me when those moments weren’t going to last forever? Before we would know it, Jack would be all grown up and heading off for college, and we weren’t going to get any daily memories at all. I had to make them count while I still could.
As for Hotch and I getting ready, I took longer than he did. Considering I was somewhat immobile, I spent most of my time going between getting ready and laying down with an icepack when Hotch wasn’t looking. I was wearing a pant suit, something simple and light. Easy to get on and off. I barely even bothered with makeup because it hurt too much to hold still while trying to get everything perfect, and I just kept my hair out of my face. Nothing too fancy. As for Hotch… I wasn’t sure if he understood that a few years ago, he would have worn a work suit or that brown quarter zip to the wedding, but this time around he was wearing a well fitted all black suit, and all I wanted to do was literally jump him. Every time I saw him walking around wearing just the dress shirt and pants—no jacket yet, I could see his muscles and abs, and I wanted nothing more than to just have him pin me down and fuck me. Fuck. It was weird to think how when I was told to not do something, I suddenly wanted to do it. Specifically, I wanted to do him. I supposed that was just the brat in me, though.
Before we were about to leave, I went to go check on Scarlet in her nursery real quick when I noticed that it was a total mess with all of the toys scattered around. I groaned quietly as I bent over to grab her koala stuffed animal off the floor. It hurt like a total bitch, and there was no good way to go about doing it besides making sure I went slow and easy. As I carefully stood back up, screwing my eyes shut and wincing at the pain on my lower back as I did so, Scarlet cooed in her crib. I tried to smile while holding my back with one hand and her toy in the other. She was staring up at me, waiting for me to pick her up or give her the toy— either way, she would have been content.
“Y/N,” Hotch whispered from the doorway, making me jump in my own skin.
I caught my heart as I turned to glare at him for scaring me. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough.”
“Hotch—” I knew what he was going to say. I knew that he was going to give me a talk about how I needed to be more careful than I was being, but I really didn’t want to hear it, not for the hundredth time, at least. I was sick of people telling me what I could and couldn’t do. I could afford to clean up my kid’s room, alright. That wasn’t going to break my back. “It’s fine.”
He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but both of us fell into silence when we heard: “Mama” come from Scarlet’s crib. I froze in place, thinking about what could have possibly just happened. Maybe I misheard, or maybe Jack was calling for me from downstairs, or maybe he was watching TV and they said it, or—
“Mama,” I heard it again, snapping my attention to the crib. Scarlet was still smiling— almost giggling, actually— and she was dancing around on her feet. “Mama.”
“Aaron…” I mumbled, too scared to move a muscle, thinking that if I did, she’d stop saying anything. Hotch took careful steps towards me, also trying to not startle her. “Did she—”
He nodded. “Yeah,” he whispered back.
“Mama!” She did a “grabby-grab” gesture with her hands, reaching out for the koala toy that I was still holding.
Finally, a year old, she was finally talking, and of course her first word had to be just for me. Morgan wouldn’t believe it. I mean, statistically speaking—at least, according to Spencer—Scarlet was a late bloomer when it came to walking and talking, but she wasn’t entirely behind the curve either. Just yesterday, I had been thinking about how I couldn’t wait until she would start talking. How the fuck did she know?
I did a little dance, too, before handing her the toy. She fell onto her butt and gave the koala a Superman hug. Hotch and I chuckled at the same time. Mama. Yeah, I’d take that. I kind of wished we got it on camera or something, but I think it was better that it was in the moment and that Hotch and I were both there, taken aback by how shocking it was when it came out of the blue. My perfect lil’ bug… I laughed again.
“Uh oh, trouble just walked in!” Morgan cheered from the living room as we walked into Rossi’s house, the door having been left open for all of the guests. Emily and Garcia turned to see who he was talking about, and they all smiled when their gaze met me, Hotch, and Jack. “Where’s my goddaughter?” he inquired, walking over to me.
I rolled my eyes as he kissed my cheek and I hugged him. “Jessica’s watching her.” I turned and hugged Emily. “No more almost dying,” I whispered in her ear. “We need you here.”
She smiled shortly as we parted but didn’t say anything. As I hugged Garcia next, Morgan crouched down to talk to Jack. They were talking about the chocolate fountain that was in the dining room, and the next thing I knew, the two of them were running off together to go take a look at it. Garcia and I laughed before she insisted that she should go keep an eye on Morgan.
I turned to Hotch. “I am not responsible for his sugar high this time. You’re on your own, Agent Hotchner.” He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side. “I should go find Rossi and thank him for inviting us,” I told him quietly as he kissed my neck.
“No alcohol,” he warned.
“Yes, Sir,” I saluted to make my comment look innocent to Emily, though it was anything but innocent to Hotch. After I pecked his lips with a grinning kiss, I snuck out of Hotch’s arms and headed to the backyard so that he and Emily could talk since he said that she was acting off.
As I was wandering around in search for Rossi, I discovered that he was nowhere to be found. Somehow, our host for the evening had completely vanished. I shook my head. Well, I’d find him later, I supposed, and maybe Hotch would be free then to thank him, too. So, for now, I tapped Anderson’s shoulder, catching his attention, and I asked if he had seen Morgan around since I spotted Jack running around in the backyard with Henry, which meant that Morgan had disappeared somewhere.
Anderson pointed me in the direction of one of the rooms on the first floor that was acting as a coat room for the night. I thanked him with a smile. He waved me goodbye before taking his girlfriend Angelica’s hand and leading her outside to go meet everyone. It was so funny to see him with her because they reminded me so much of how Hotch and I used to be when we first started going out, and we were just so naïve, hands all over each other all the time, smiles constantly plastered to our faces, no problems between us yet. Life used to be so simple. Hopefully Anderson and Angelica wouldn’t get as complicated as Hotch and I were.
When I stepped into the temporary coatroom, I found Morgan hiding in the corner, sitting on a leather footstool, drinking a cup of scotch. He spotted me and forced a smile onto his face. “Hey, sunshine.”
“How are you doing?”
I sighed heavily, taking a seat beside him. “Well, at least you don’t have to worry about me shooting you or Rossi for getting on my ass about not leaving the bank for the hospital the other day.” He furrowed his brows. “I’m leaning more towards shooting Spencer or Hotch are this point.”
Morgan chuckled. “That bad, huh?”
“You have no freakin’ idea. And I can’t even drink it all away because of the painkillers. So. Yay me.” I rolled my eyes.
Morgan didn’t respond, though, which was concerning. I half expected him to back up Hotch and Spencer, or maybe say something snarky about he was glad to be rid of me for a few months until the doctors could clear me again. But nothing. Even his smile faded into the unnatural silence between us.
My eyes pouted as I put a hand on his shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
He shrugged my touch away, which also wasn’t like him. “Nothing.”
Oh, yeah. Sure. Nothing. Recently, Morgan had a terrible habit of pushing everyone away because he thought that it would somehow protect us, but all it was doing was hurting everyone involved. He knew that he could tell me anything and I would always understand. He knew that I would always stand by his side and back him up, no matter what. So why was he so afraid to open up to me recently? Had I done something to break his trust in me? Was I somehow involved in this secret he was keeping? I just wanted him to give me some kind of answer so that I could stop worrying about him for once.
He sighed when he saw my mind churning. “I can’t tell you what’s going on because it’s not my secret to share. Is that okay?”
I nodded. “If that’s the case, then I won’t pry. But… I’m always here to talk, Derek. Always.” I tried to lighten the mood by joking, “Especially since I can’t go anywhere anymore.”
He chuckled. “Touché.”
Silence settled for a bit as both of our chuckles faded. Now, we were just staring at the wall together. There had to be something more for us to say, something that would lift his spirits. Oh—
“Scar said her first word today,” I admitted, biting back a smile because I knew that it would cheer Morgan up to hear the good news.
Morgan looked up at me, shock mixed with excitement washing over his face. “You’re kidding.”
I shook my head. “Nope.”
“Who won?”
“I did,” I smiled. He groaned, rolled his eyes, and dug into his back pocket for his wallet. I grinned as he gave me a ten dollar bill reluctantly. “Sucker.”
“So, this is where you’ve been hiding,” someone said from the door. Morgan and I both glanced up guiltily, as if we were two teenagers who got caught smoking pot at prom or something. It was just Hotch, though. Actually, no, that was too nonchalant for referencing him. It was Hotch, yeah, but he did, in fact, look like a stern and disappointed principle who had caught up smoking pot at prom. “I’ve been looking around for you.” He looked directly at Morgan to ask, “Have they been drinking?”
“Nope. They’ve been doing a lot of complaining about not drinking, though.”
Morgan poked my side, laughing at me in a teasing way, skipping towards the door, barely dodging around Hotch in time. He sent me a thumbs up for good luck. I groaned and hit my head against the wall behind me, looking at my husband out the corner of my eye as he took Morgan’s spot beside me.
“If it weren’t for your back, I’d have you over my knee right now for breaking the rules,” Hotch whispered in my ear.
I gulped. The idea sounded so appealing. I wanted nothing more than for life to just get back to how it was. I didn’t want Hotch to be scared to touch me, or to kiss me, hold me, fuck me. The next few months were going to be excruciatingly long without being able to have all of him. I was so fucking pissed.
“Mmm… and what if I were to be good for you right now…” I tried playing with him, sneaking my hand onto his thigh, making an attempt to work my way upwards towards his crotch, but he snatched my hand away. “Please, Sir. Something.”
“You behave, take all of your meds, work on getting better, then I’ll consider it—But only after the doctors say we can.”
“Come on, baby,” I pleaded with a pout. “We don’t need doctors to tell us how to be us…” I tried putting my hand on his thigh again, but he kept me away. “Aaron, I’m not going to break.” I instead moved my hand to his cheek. “I love you, I trust you, and I know that you would never hurt me, and I know my own limits when it comes to—”
“Y/N, stop, please,” he whispered. “Please. I love you, Y/N, and I want to do… I want to be us again, more than ever, but I just want to be 100% sure before we do anything. It’s only been a day. A day, baby girl… You heal fast, I know you do, but not that fast. One wrong move, and you might not ever go back into the field. Sex is nice and all, but it’s not worth it if that’s the price you have to pay.”
I chuckled lightly. “Okay. Fair enough.”
“Hey, you two love birds,” Rossi interrupted, sticking his head into the room, “everyone’s waiting on you two.”
We hurried to follow Rossi out to the backyard where everyone was gathered in front of the priest, Henry, and Will. I slowed when I noticed that it was standing room only. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to stand through the whole thing without literally wanting to tear my own spine out and throw it across the fucking yard. I looked at Hotch, tugging him back towards me. He searched my eyes with worry, and when it finally dawned on him, the worry intensified, and he neared me to hold me close.
He kissed the top of my head. “I’ll hold onto you. If it gets bad, we’ll quietly excuse ourselves.”
“It’ll be rude,” I whispered.
“Everyone will understand. Come on.”
He continued to lead me to the group, a few of them shuffling around so that they could make room for us. Hotch was standing behind me, his arms under mine, hands on my hips, swaying them barely, almost as if it were some kind of hypnotizing therapy on its own, and he was kissing my neck gently, not passionately enough to leave a hickey, but enough to tell me that he loved me a million times over.
As JJ and Will kissed, Hotch pulled me closer and whispered, “You remember our first kiss as husband and wife?”
I nodded, smiling through the happy tears that drifted down my cheeks. I was just so happy and relived that we were all safe, and that we were a family again. Even though things didn’t go to plan yesterday, at least Will was there, and JJ would never have to know what it would be like to raise Henry without him. Even though I hurt myself, I at least had Hotch and he had me, and we would never have to know what it would be like to live without each other.
Everyone started clapping, which pulled me out of my trance. Hotch let go of me so that he could clap, too, and I turned to look up at him and kiss him as we both smiled and wiped each other’s tears away. He smiled against me, leaning into our kiss. He didn’t recognize what he was doing. He had been so careful with me since the bombing yesterday, and yet, for a moment, he forgot about everything and just kissed me the same way he kissed me the day we got married. And I kissed him back. I didn’t stop until the clapping stopped and he realized what he had done, quickly pulling away from me so that he could make sure that I hadn’t shattered to a million pieces. I hadn’t shattered, but I had certainly melted.
During dinner, I sat between Hotch and Morgan, just across from Spencer and Garcia. We were all eating—the rest of them drinking while I watched—and talking the night away, not even pondering for a second that yesterday we nearly died on multiple occasions. It was like all of the bad had been washed away. There wasn’t a single bad thought at the table, and there wasn’t a single frown on anyone’s face. Was that normal? I mean, our lives had never been normal, so I was pretty sure I forgot what “normal” was, but that kind of felt familiar, like that was how we would be if our jobs weren’t so time and emotionally consuming.
Garcia asked how I was, and I lied, telling everyone that I felt okay, that they were just overreacting yesterday. Spencer, just as he had at the hospital, actually told everyone the truth. I glared at him again. He didn’t recognize what he had done, however, and continued on to insist that he could help Hotch keep an eye on me since he could recognize the silence signs that I was trying to mask my pain in order to not worry everyone. I silently cursed him for being so damn smart. And oblivious. But the last part wasn’t necessarily his fault, especially with all the theories that had been circulating around the office since I first joined.
After we finished eating, Hotch held his hand out and asked if I wanted to dance. I stared at him for a moment. Was he really going to let me move? I mean, I wasn’t going to second guess him vocally, of course, but I couldn’t believe that he was asking. I jumped at the chance, though. I accepted his hand, letting him pull me to my feet. The two of us laughed excitedly as we carefully hurried to the dance floor and he turned me around so that I was facing him and we could start slow dancing.
Hotch was so gentle with me. We were hardly swaying, taking slow, gentle, and small steps in circles. His arm was barely even touching my waist. I rested my cheek against his chest and inhaled his scent. I loved him beyond words. Despite our ups and downs, despite his lies and my hurt feelings over and over again, I couldn’t shake that I loved him. I couldn’t help that all of that bad times just couldn’t compare to all of the good times, which made everything worth it at the end of the day.
“What are we going to do?” Hotch asked, sincerely baffled. I didn’t say anything. “This isn’t like when I left… You could move then, take care of the kids, and Morgan was always around… But now you’re actually hurt, and I’m going to be gone all the time. What… What do we do?”
“Nothing really changes, baby. I can take Jack to school; I can look after Scarlet. And, you know, Jessica will always be around to help, too, if I need. We’ll be fine.”
“You could barely pick up Jack yesterday.”
“In my defense, he’s getting too big to keep picking up.”
“Y/N, come on. I’m serious. You can’t put any stress on your back. That includes picking Jack up, and cleaning up the house, doing laundry, doing dishes— anything. You need to be really careful.”
“I’m fine, Aaron.”
“You couldn’t even bend down to grab Scarlet’s toy from the floor.”
I furrowed my brows at him when I noticed the way his hold on me loosened even more after recalling the memory of me in the nursery only a few hours ago. He wasn’t upset about that. I mean— he was. Obviously, he was. But there was something else stirring in the mind of Aaron Hotchner, and it had to do with his own guilt. That was the only explanation I could account for.
I brushed my hand over his hair. “Baby,” I cooed, waiting until he looked at me, “I’m going to be okay.” I scratched his scalp gently. He slowly melted against my touch, nuzzling into the way it relaxed him whenever I played with his hair. “It’s not your fault. I need you to hear that.”
He froze. “I—”
“Aaron, please, listen to me. It’s not your fault. I yelled at you, and I told you that I wanted to make the choices with SWAT, and you gave in. I made the call to send everyone into the bank, and I was the one who neglected to think that there could be a bomb inside. This isn’t your fault. It’s mine.”
“I wouldn’t have sanctioned an approach if JJ hadn’t compared you to Will.”
My face softened at the realization. I had only thought that he blamed himself, but I didn’t know it for sure, and I hadn’t realized that this was buried so deep. This was far worse than I could have anticipated. “That’s why you’ve been all protective like this.”
I mean, he usually got protective when something changed drastically in our lives. Haley and Scarlet were prime examples. But this was… different. Instead of ordering me to do things that would force me to protect myself, Hotch was coddling me and attending to my every wish. He was trying to make up for what he did. He was trying to apologize to me for something that he had no right blaming himself for; and he was trying to relieve the guilt he felt by catering to me constantly.
Hotch pressed his forehead against mine. “You could have died, Y/N. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that it was wrong to make a move like that again so soon, and I should have said something—but when JJ put it into perspective for me by asking what I would have done if it were you in that bank… I knew I had to help her. I had to help Will. And I forgot that it’s my job to protect you—to protect our team. I let my emotions get in the way. I shouldn’t have done that. It goes against everything we believe in at the BAU, and it nearly got you killed.”
“It was my choice, Aaron.” I brought my hand to his face and ran my thumb over his mole on his cheek. “Please, hear that. I made the call to move in with SWAT. It was my decision to push the front doors with you, and it was my decision to stay on site instead of going to the hospital afterwards. You can’t blame yourself.”
“But I do.”
“I know.” I felt a tear hit my thumb, making me pout. “It was an accident, baby.”
“Yeah, but it was an accident that could have killed you.”
I leaned in to kiss him because there was this overwhelming urge in the pit of my stomach to somehow comfort him, yet there weren’t enough words to tell him what I meant, and there wasn’t enough time in the world to hug him for as long as I wanted to—and even if the time existed, my strength to give him a Superman hug was too limited. But I could kiss him. I could press my lips to his until we couldn’t breathe, until he would grab my face and hold me there with him, leaning into me until I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold him there with me. So, I kissed him. I kissed him as hard as I could. We exhaled through our noses, turning our faces to kiss from a different angle while catching our breath. But he didn’t hold me as close as I wanted him to. In fact, he pushed me away somewhat, and I could tell that it was because he was terrified that if he tilted over me at all, it would hurt my back.
My shoulders fell. “Aaron Christopher Hotchner, you are not stupid. You did not make the wrong call. Stop thinking that way before I smack you.”
He chuckled. “I’m trying.”
“Try harder.” I kissed him again, finally feeling his arms snake around the small of my back, giving me the chance to fling my arms around his neck, just like I wanted. I smiled against him.
Someone beside us cleared their throat. We parted to see Morgan standing there, gesturing to ask if he could dance with me. What a way to be a cockblock, am I right? Not that Hotch would have actually fucked me, even if I were on my knees and begging. He made it entirely clear that he wasn’t ready to have sex with me yet, knowing just how bad my back actually was, and he probably wasn’t going to give in for a very long time. I was going to be miserable. Miserable and horny. What was the point of being married to the love of my life if I couldn’t fuck him every chance I had? And then motherfucking Derek Morgan had to come along and ruin the slight chance I had by asking to dance with me. Oh, boy, he was really lucky I loved him.
Hotch was polite about it, though. We smiled, patted Morgan’s shoulder, then stepped away to go dance with Emily since she looked all lonely on her own on the side. Morgan took one of my hands in his, then wrapped his other arm around my waist while I put my free hand on his shoulder. I was staring at him, trying to gauge if he was any better since earlier. He wasn’t.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” he insisted before I could say anything. “But thank you for being in my corner, sunshine.” I smiled. “And for always being so damn stubborn, too.”
I laughed. “Only for you.”
“That’s a blatant lie.”
I laughed again. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“Can I sneak in a dance?” Emily asked, sneaking up behind me. Morgan and I turned to face her. I saw that she was forcing a smile, and behind that illusion of happiness was a desperation to dance with Morgan, so I nodded and stepped away. “Actually—” Emily started before I could walk away. “I was hoping to dance with you,” she told me. She reached out and grabbed my hand before I could get too far.
I smiled and took her hand. “Okay.”
Morgan didn’t walk away, so we both glared at him slightly as Emily took the lead. She put her right hand on my waist, her left hand clasped tightly with my right hand, and my left hand was on her shoulder. We still glared at Morgan.
“What? Can’t I watch?” he questioned through a chuckle.
I shooed him away until he gave up and went to grab Garcia from her seat. When I looked back at Emily, she was smiling for real this time, which eased my nerves. Despite how happy everyone seemed, there was something off with her. I could tell that she was the secret Morgan was keeping. I wasn’t sure how I knew, but some part of me just put the pieces together, and I supposed I should have attributed it to being a profiler, but I didn’t want to be that stuck up. I just knew. Something told me that she wasn’t entirely okay, and my heart sank.
As Emily looked away from me, almost like she felt too guilty to keep eye contact, I started putting the pieces together. Morgan was as upset that night as he was when he found out Emily “died”. Hotch stayed back to talk to her when we arrived. I didn’t like where this was leading me.
So, I just asked. “You’re leaving again… Aren’t you?”
Emily snapped her attention back to me, her smile falling from her face quickly. But she didn’t deny it. In fact, she didn’t even question it. The look on her face wasn’t confusion over what I was talking about, instead it was about how I knew. So, it was true. I had this feeling boiling in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong with her, and for some reason her leaving the team was the only thing that made sense to me. I didn’t know why. Maybe it was because if I were in her shoes, I would have felt the same way. I couldn’t imagine going through everything she went through; from finding out that Ian Doyle was back, to the fact that he was coming after us in order to make her life hell, in order to being tortured and stabbed by him, then… dying on the way to the hospital. After all of that, she still had the strength to come back when it was safe. But it wasn’t the same. She wasn’t the same. Since coming back, something had been off about her, and I really hadn’t put the pieces together until she went out of her way to come up and ask to dance with me. She knew she was leaving, and she wanted to cherish the moments she had left with us.
“I don’t want to talk about it—” she began.
“Don’t leave. Please.” I didn’t know how I could be more clear and sincere. “Please.”
Her eyes softened. “I’m sorry.” We were silent for a moment. “How did you know?”
“Morgan was being all weird and keeping secrets from me, which was how I knew it had to do with the team. Since Hotch isn’t acting weird, I know he’s not keeping anything from me. The next option was you… and when you asked to dance… I just… I somehow knew.” I shrugged. “Profiling or whatever.”
She laughed. “Yeah. Sure.”
“We need you here. I need you here. Scarlet—”
“I’ll still be around, Y/N, I promise. I just need to do something else. The BAU isn’t what it used to be for me. I think I burned too many bridges when I was away.”
“What are you going to do instead?”
I felt a sob bubbling in my chest, even though I was trying my very hardest to suppress it. I didn’t want to be sad at a wedding. I didn’t want to even think that I would be sad in the future, missing one of my best friends, wondering if she was okay wherever she was, doing whatever it was, doing whoever it was. There was a time when Emily and I… We just clicked. I mean, at first, I was indifferent because she came shortly after Elle left to go travel and do something new with her life that she loved; but once I warmed up to her, we had a flow at work. Morgan and I were together in the field for almost every case, but there were instances when Emily would tag along, and it made sense. The one thing I could vividly remember about her before she left was the time we were working that swinger case and we were in the car together… With anyone else, I think it would have been awkward. But with Emily, I didn’t blink twice. Being stuck in that car with her—though I didn’t recognize it at the time—was actually funny, and I enjoyed little moments like that. If she actually left, I wouldn’t have those anymore. Hell, since she got back in the first place, there was hardly a chance to have little moments like that, and it broke my heart, but I thought that we were going to have a long time to make up for it.
Emily caught a tear running down my cheek with her thumb. Shit, I swore I wouldn’t actually cry. She searched my eyes for a moment, debating on whether or not her next words would force an actual sob out of me; but I was pleading with her for answers. “Clyde Easter called… He wants me to run the London Interpol office.”
I let out a shaky breath. “You’re taking it?”
“And it’ll make you happy?”
“I hope so.”
I sighed quietly and nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay?” she questioned.
“Yeah. Okay. If it makes you happy, then I can’t tell you not to jump at the opportunity, Em. Once upon a time, you told me that no one else’s opinion matters unless it’s optimistic and helpful. I want my opinion to matter to you. I want you to know that I will always be in your corner, and I will support whatever endeavor it is you choose to seek out because I want the best for you. Because I love you.”
She finally smiled again, almost like she was relieved to hear that from me. “Thank you, Y/N. Truly.” She stopped dancing with me so that she could hug me tightly. “I love you, too.”
And that was how we said goodbye because seeing her off at the airport a few weeks later was just too painful.
criminal minds family: @gorgeousdarkangel @peggy1999 @alex--awesome--22 @oceaneblu @brithedemonspawn @absolutemarveltrash @bshelley322 @rousethemouse @sunshinepower17 @weexinling @pettttyyyc​ @Braty-angel
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here are some scripts, ranked in order of how difficult the scripty thing will be to do.
easy mode: "hey Boss, I am, as you know, having a bit of a medical situation, it is not an emergency, but I will be taking X day off to do some routine maintenance"
do not overexplain! do not tell him anything additional! it would be fine if you did, but also, don't!
medium mode (I am terrified of haircuts and therefore hair stylists, sorry about the person I am) "hi! you will notice that my hair is quite dirty. this is because I have been having trouble washing it often because of a medical concern I have that I am getting fixed. I am sorry about this! no, I do not know exactly how long it has been since I washed it, but because of the medical stuff my memory is quite bad, you are probably best equipped to make a guess, as a hair expert person. the medical thing is not COVID-related or otherwise contagious, and I am getting it addressed ASAP. please do not make jokes about this, I am very self-conscious about it.
what's the medical problem? "they're adjusting a medication I take that can sometimes cause fatigue, and forgetfulness and generally make it hard to do stuff" be pleasantly vague! if they ask you really persistently, just say "depression" but probably they will not.
if at all possible, do not tell them that your last hairstylist made a joke about you inadequately washing your hair and you hated it. they do not require this information. practice not oversharing QUITE so much.
hard mode: doctor! (this part gets Really Explicit with the details of my ED, so it is under a cut, only read it if knowing how many meals/calories I eat a week will not trigger you, please do not trigger yourself, I'm sorry but I think if I do not put this here I will not say it, so it needs to go here)
-"hi doctor P, so I made this appointment to talk about a concern I have been having for some time, but now I have two concerns. my initial concern is that I have been experiencing some nausea, particularly bad in the mornings. I am definitely for sure not pregnant. I have been taking phenergan as needed, but not every day. I have only thrown up twice in six weeks, so it is not terrible, but it is also not great. I don't want to take too much phenergan because the hospital doctors told me it could cause heart problems and also I could get too used to it and have it stop working, how worried should I be about those things? sometimes in the morning, I do not feel nausea in my stomach, but I do start gagging or dry-heaving randomly. I have never thrown up from this but it is weird and also means I need to take Zoom calls with my camera off. do you have any ideas or suggestions?
also, a problem that might actually be a bigger problem is that I have recently-ish come to terms with the fact that I have an eating disorder. I have had it off and on probably since I was in my teens. it is not necessarily textbook, in that I am rarely or never preoccupied with my weight and rarely, although not never, restricting deliberately. it initially started when I got the idea that if I lost a lot of weight very quickly, my parents, who were refusing to let me do therapy or psych meds again, would consider it. I never got to a dangerous weight level and I do not remember how long or how much I restricted, but a problem that came from that is that ever since when I am particularly struggling with a mental health issue, like bipolar or depression, I tend to stop eating. part of this problem is that I am very forgetful and literally forget to eat, especially in the absence of real hunger cues. part of the problem is that it is hard to do multi-step tasks when I am depressed, and eating food requires me to stop whatever I am doing, get up, go to the kitchen, figure out what I want to eat, prepare it in some way, and then actually physically eat it. lately, I have been drinking a lot of delivery smoothies because they are easy and digestible, and sandwiches as well. the problem has been particularly bad this past month or so, in a way that I suspect is not entirely explained by those two factors. I am working with my therapist and psychiatrist to fix it. I know that ED can trigger or worsen gastroparesis and I know I should have told you earlier, but I haven't been able to be honest with myself about the severity of the problem.
-this past month, I have been averaging between six and ten meals a week, with some snacks as well. on a good day, I probably hit 1200 calories, on a bad day I don't know, but less than that for sure. on my worst day last week, I ate the meat and cheese inside of half a sandwich and drank some juice, but nothing else. on my best day I drank one and a half smoothies and ate part of a sandwich, which I recognize is still pretty bad.
I am working with my psychiatrist and psychologist on this issue. I have started to take Adderall again, but this is only the second day of me taking it, so meds-related appetite lost is not the issue here.
I cannot get ED professional mental health treatment because, since I am in grad school, my parents pay for all of my medical care and they fundamentally do not believe I have an eating disorder. this is because my mom, who probably has her own ED, thinks 1200 calories is enough for a human per day and also because I am overweight. I saw a nutritionist for three months pre-pandemic and we worked on getting me to eat three meals and two snacks a day, but my parents stopped paying for her because I was not losing weight. I have told them exactly and in detail how little I am eating and they still do not believe I should be eating more, so they refuse to pay for ED-related medical care for me. this is part of a pattern for them, I am working on it in therapy and part of working on it will be figuring out how to pay for my own medical care, but right now I am doing my very best.
I do not know how much I currently weigh or how much weight I might have lost. I do not keep a scale in my apartment, because I am certain I would get obsessive with it. my friends say I look like I have been losing some weight, but it is hard to tell how much.
I know ED is bad for gastroparesis and I am sorry, but I am doing my very best and still struggling.
what I need from you is suggestions on safe ways to get more calories and any other suggestions you have for successfully eating. I am happy to put you in touch with my psychiatrist if you feel that would be useful. my therapist is, just for this week, on vacation. I will see her next week and could connect you then as well.
I cannot see any ED-specific specialists, because my parents categorically will not pay for them. I cannot see a nutritionist or a dietician, same reason. I could potentially see a new gastroenterologist who deals with this stuff in more depth, but my parents will probably Google her, which might pose a problem, and also they have a specific gastroenterologist they want me to see, so they might just... refuse anyway to let me choose my own gastroenterologist. they are like that. however, if you know a GI doctor who knows a lot about both gastroparesis and ED and whose website is not too significantly ED-focused, that might be helpful, or it might not work.
I know this is bad, and I know I need to fix my life so they are not paying for my medical care, I am working on it, I promise. do you have any suggestions?
great! that is a script! also, if she is garbage about this, you can GET A NEW DOCTOR literally at any time, if it sucks, hit the bricks.
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stevishabitat · 3 years
The summer wasn’t meant to be like this. By April, Greene County, in southwestern Missouri, seemed to be past the worst of the pandemic. Intensive-care units that once overflowed had emptied. Vaccinations were rising. Health-care workers who had been fighting the coronavirus for months felt relieved—perhaps even hopeful. Then, in late May, cases started ticking up again. By July, the surge was so pronounced that “it took the wind out of everyone,” Erik Frederick, the chief administrative officer of Mercy Hospital Springfield, told me. “How did we end up back here again?”
The hospital is now busier than at any previous point during the pandemic. In just five weeks, it took in as many COVID-19 patients as it did over five months last year. Ten minutes away, another big hospital, Cox Medical Center South, has been inundated just as quickly. “We only get beds available when someone dies, which happens several times a day,” Terrence Coulter, the critical-care medical director at CoxHealth, told me.
Last week, Katie Towns, the acting director of the Springfield–Greene County Health Department, was concerned that the county’s daily cases were topping 250. On Wednesday, the daily count hit 405. This dramatic surge is the work of the super-contagious Delta variant, which now accounts for 95 percent of Greene County’s new cases, according to Towns. It is spreading easily because people have ditched their masks, crowded into indoor spaces, resumed travel, and resisted vaccinations. Just 40 percent of people in Greene County are fully vaccinated. In some nearby counties, less than 20 percent of people are.
Many experts have argued that, even with Delta, the United States is unlikely to revisit the horrors of last winter. Even now, the country’s hospitalizations are one-seventh as high as they were in mid-January. But national optimism glosses over local reality. For many communities, this year will be worse than last. Springfield’s health-care workers and public-health specialists are experiencing the same ordeals they thought they had left behind. “But it feels worse this time because we’ve seen it before,” Amelia Montgomery, a nurse at CoxHealth, told me. “Walking back into the COVID ICU was demoralizing.”
Those ICUs are also filling with younger patients, in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, including many with no underlying health problems. In part, that’s because elderly people have been more likely to get vaccinated, leaving Delta with a younger pool of vulnerable hosts. While experts are still uncertain if Delta is deadlier than the original coronavirus, every physician and nurse in Missouri whom I spoke with told me that the 30- and 40-something COVID-19 patients they’re now seeing are much sicker than those they saw last year. “That age group did get COVID before, but they didn’t usually end up in the ICU like they are now,” Jonathan Brown, a respiratory therapist at Mercy, told me. Nurses are watching families navigate end-of-life decisions for young people who have no advance directives or other legal documents in place.
Almost every COVID-19 patient in Springfield’s hospitals is unvaccinated, and the dozen or so exceptions are all either elderly or immunocompromised people. The vaccines are working as intended, but the number of people who have refused to get their shots is crushing morale. Vaccines were meant to be the end of the pandemic. If people don’t get them, the actual end will look more like Springfield’s present: a succession of COVID-19 waves that will break unevenly across the country until everyone has either been vaccinated or infected. “You hear post-pandemic a lot,” Frederick said. “We’re clearly not post-pandemic. New York threw a ticker-tape parade for its health-care heroes, and ours are knee-deep in COVID.”
That they are in this position despite the wide availability of vaccines turns difficult days into unbearable ones. As bad as the winter surge was, Springfield’s health-care workers shared a common purpose of serving their community, Steve Edwards, the president and CEO of CoxHealth, told me. But now they’re “putting themselves in harm’s way for people who’ve chosen not to protect themselves,” he said. While there were always ways of preventing COVID-19 infections, Missourians could have almost entirely prevented this surge through vaccination—but didn’t. “My sense of hope is dwindling,” Tracy Hill, a nurse at Mercy, told me. “I’m losing a little bit of faith in mankind. But you can’t just not go to work.”
When Springfield’s hospitals saw the first pandemic wave hitting the coasts, they could steel themselves. This time, with Delta thrashing Missouri fast and first, they haven’t had time to summon sufficient reinforcements. Between them, Mercy and Cox South have recruited about 300 traveling nurses, respiratory therapists, and other specialists, which is still less than they need. The hospitals’ health-care workers have adequate PPE and most are vaccinated. But in the ICUs and in COVID-19 wards, respiratory therapists still must constantly adjust ventilators, entire teams must regularly flip patients onto their belly and back again, and nurses spend long shifts drenched in sweat as they repeatedly don and doff protective gear. In previous phases of the pandemic, both hospitals took in patients from other counties and states. “Now we’re blasting outward,” Coulter said. “We’re already saturating the surrounding hospitals.”
Meanwhile, the hospitals’ own staff members are exhausted beyond telling. After the winter surge, they spent months catching up on record numbers of postponed surgeries and other procedures. Now they’re facing their sharpest COVID-19 surge yet on top of those backlogged patients, many of whom are sicker than usual because their health care had to be deferred. Even with hundreds of new patients with lung cancer, asthma, and other respiratory diseases waiting for care in outpatient settings, Coulter still has to cancel his clinics because “I have to be in the hospital all the time,” he said.
Many health-care workers have had enough. Some who took on extra shifts during past surges can’t bring themselves to do so again. Some have moved to less stressful positions that don’t involve treating COVID-19. Others are holding the line, but only just. “You can’t pour from an empty cup, but with every shift it feels like my co-workers and I are empty,” Montgomery said. “We are still trying to fill each other up and keep going.”
The grueling slog is harder now because it feels so needless, and because many patients don’t realize their mistake until it’s too late. On Tuesday, Hill spoke with an elderly man who had just been admitted and was very sick. “He said, ‘I’m embarrassed that I’m here,’” she told me. “He wanted to talk about the vaccine, and in the back of my mind I’m thinking, You have a very high likelihood of not leaving the hospital.” Other patients remain defiant. “We had someone spit in a nurse’s eye because she told him he had COVID and he didn’t believe her,” Edwards said.
Some health-care workers are starting to resent their patients—an emotion that feels taboo. “You’re just angry,” Coulter said, “and you feel guilty for getting angry, because they’re sick and dying.” Others are indignant on behalf of loved ones who don’t already have access to the vaccines. “I’m a mom of a 1-year-old and a 4-year-old, and the daughter of family members in Zimbabwe and South Africa who can’t get vaccinated yet,” says Matifadza Hlatshwayo Davis, who works at a Veterans Affairs hospital in St. Louis. “I’m frustrated, angry, and sad.”
“I don’t think people get that once you become sick enough to be hospitalized with COVID, the medications and treatments that we have are, quite frankly, not very good,” says Howard Jarvis, the medical director of Cox South’s emergency department. Drugs such as dexamethasone offer only incremental benefits. Monoclonal antibodies are effective only during the disease’s earliest stages. Doctors can give every recommended medication, and patients still have a high chance of dying. The goal should be to stop people from getting sick in the first place.
But Missouri Governor Mike Parson never issued a statewide mask mandate, and the state’s biggest cities—Kansas City, St. Louis, Springfield, and Columbia—ended their local orders in May, after the CDC said that vaccinated people no longer needed to wear masks indoors. In June, Parson signed a law that limits local governments’ ability to enact public-health restrictions. And even before the pandemic, Missouri ranked 41st out of all the states in terms of public-health funding. “We started in a hole and we’re trying to catch up,” Towns, the director of the Springfield–Greene County Health Department, told me.
Her team flattened last year’s curve through testing, contact tracing, and quarantining, but “Delta has just decimated our ability to respond,” Kendra Findley, the department’s administrator for community health and epidemiology, told me. The variant is spreading too quickly for the department to keep up with every new case, and more people are refusing to cooperate with contact tracers than at this time last year. The CDC has sent a “surge team” to help, but it’s just two people: an epidemiologist, who is helping analyze data on Delta’s spread, and a communications person. And like Springfield’s hospitals, the health department was already overwhelmed with work that had been put off for a year. “Suddenly, I feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day,” Findley said.
Early last year, Findley stuck a note on her whiteboard with the number of people who died in the 1918 flu pandemic: 50 million worldwide and 675,000 in the U.S. “It was for perspective: We will not get here. You can manage this,” she told me. “I looked at it the other day and I think we’re going to get there. And I feel like a large segment of the population doesn’t care.”
The 1918 flu pandemic took Missouri by surprise too, says Carolyn Orbann, an anthropologist at the University of Missouri who studies that disaster. While much of the world felt the brunt of the pandemic in October 1918, Missouri had irregular waves with a bigger peak in February 1920. So when COVID-19 hit, Orbann predicted that the state might have a similarly drawn-out experience. Missouri has a widely dispersed population, divided starkly between urban and rural places, and few highways—a recipe for distinct and geographically disparate microcultures. That perhaps explains why new pathogens move erratically through the state, creating unpredictable surges and, in some pockets, a false sense of security. Last year, “many communities may have gone through their lockdown period without registering a single case and wondered, What did we do that for?” Orbann told me.
She also suspects that Missourians in 1918 might have had a “better overhead view of the course of the pandemic in their communities than the average citizen has now.” Back then, the state’s local papers published lists of people who were sick, so even those who didn’t know anyone with the flu could see that folks around them were dying. “It made the pandemic seem more local,” Orbann said. “Now, with fewer hometown newspapers and restrictions on sharing patient information, that kind of knowledge is restricted to people working in health care.”
Montgomery, the CoxHealth nurse, feels that disparity whenever she leaves the hospital. “I work in the ICU, where it’s like a war zone, and I go out in public and everything’s normal,” she said. “You see death and suffering, and then you walk into the grocery store and get resistance. It feels like we’re being ostracized by our community.”
If anything, people in the state have become more entrenched in their beliefs and disbeliefs than they were last year, Davis, the St. Louis–based doctor, told me. They might believe that COVID-19 has been overblown, that young people won’t be harmed, or that the vaccines were developed too quickly to be safe. But above all else, “what I predominantly get is, ‘I don’t want to talk to you about that; let’s move on,’” Davis said.
People take the pandemic seriously when they can see it around them. During past surges in other parts of the U.S., curves flattened once people saw their loved ones falling ill, or once their community became the unwanted focus of national media coverage. The same feedback loop might be starting to occur in Missouri. The major Route 66 Festival has been canceled. More people are making vaccine appointments at both Cox South and Mercy.
In Springfield, the public-health professionals I talked with felt that they had made successful efforts to address barriers to vaccine access, and that vaccine hesitancy was the driving force of low vaccination rates. Improving those rates is now a matter of engendering trust as quickly as possible. Springfield’s firefighters are highly trusted, so the city set up vaccine clinics in local fire stations. Community-health advocates are going door-to-door to talk with their neighbors about vaccines. The Springfield News-Leader is set to publish a full page of photos of well-known Springfieldians who are advocating for vaccination. Several local pastors have agreed to preach about vaccines from their pulpits and set up vaccination events in their churches. One such event, held at James River Church on Monday, vaccinated 156 people. “Once we got down to the group of hesitant people, we’d be happy if we had 20 people show up to a clinic,” says Cora Scott, Springfield’s director of public information and civic engagement. “To have 156 people show up in one church in one day is phenomenal.”
But building trust is slow, and Delta is moving fast. Even if the still-unvaccinated 55 percent of Missourians all got their first shots tomorrow, it would still take a month to administer the second ones, and two weeks more for full immunity to develop. As current trends show, Delta can do a lot in six weeks. Still, “if we can get our vaccination levels to where some of the East Coast states have got to, I’ll feel a lot better going into the fall,” Frederick, Mercy’s chief administrative officer, said. “If we plateau again, my fear is that we will see the twindemic of flu and COVID.”
In the meantime, southwest Missouri is now a cautionary tale of what Delta can do to a largely unvaccinated community that has lowered its guard. None of Missouri’s 114 counties has vaccinated more than 50 percent of its population, and 75 haven’t yet managed more than 30 percent. Many such communities exist around the U.S. “There’s very few secrets about this disease, because the answer is always somewhere else,” Edwards said. “I think we’re a harbinger of what other states can expect.”
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Pandemic Pregnancy by Jess Sirizzotti ‘10 (@JezRebelle)
Having your first kid during a global pandemic makes for a very weird experience. Though the much anticipated “quarantine baby boom” turned out not to be the reality, there were still many pregnancies that started, continued, or wrapped up in 2020-2021.
Being pregnant during a pandemic is about as isolating as you’d expect. Reduced immunity plus *gestures vaguely* everything meant that a lot of people grew a person in unprecedented ways. What I struggled with the most (beyond the overarching panic and dread of a world on fire) was that there was no benchmarking. I could have made it nine months at work before telling anyone, because they only saw me on video conference from the clavicle up. There were no hospital tours, no childbirth classes, no expectant parenting groups. 
Whenever you’re going through it, there seems to be no middle ground between dry, evidence-based medicine and projecting yourself entirely into the astral plane for communing with the ancestors. Here are a few things that helped me through my pregnancy, and some things I wish I’d known earlier.
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Illustration Credit: Mercedes deBellard
Prep work
There are plenty of guides about how much you should have saved or what kind of physical shape you should be in. Some of that is helpful.
Oddly missing from those guides is “get a handle on your traumas.” Talk to a therapist. Talk to a partner. Talk to yourself in a diary where you ask yourself questions about what you want to carry with you and what terrifies you about having a kid. There are questionnaires for people donating living organs, and it does not hurt to say, “Hey, if there is a problem with ANY OF THE MYRIAD OF THINGS THAT CAN GO WRONG, how would I work through those feelings? What are the boundaries I want for this process that will make me feel safer or in control?””
If you’re getting pregnant with someone who will raise this kid with you, get into it with them. Have very specific conversations about what you will do about parental leave, diapers, daycare, requests for tattoos from a twelve-year-old. My husband and I would read the Care & Feeding parenting column from Slate, debating how we would handle the conundrums of different letters before getting the “answer” from the columnist.
Also, get as full a picture of family pregnancy as you can. You might know your own birth story, but what about the other half of the genetics you’ll be juggling? I, personally, managed to mash up my MIL’s hyperemesis gravidarum and my mom’s gestational diabetes which has been...not a great time.
And ask *lots* of questions. I had pretty low-stakes issues making it into the world, but it turns out all my dad’s generation of siblings all needed to stay in the NICU. My dad had multiple full-body blood transfusions in his first days. That would have been helpful to know!
That said, what I was most shocked to learn is that there is no way to know what kind of pregnancy you’re going to have until you’re in it. Even if you’ve had a kid before—you can have wildly different experiences! There’s literally no way to know in advance!
Pro tip: you can’t know for certain what pregnancy will be like for you, but getting a broad picture can help it seem less like a cliff jump into the unknown.
Getting pregnant will take longer than you think
Once again, for those in the back, GETTING PREGNANT WILL TAKE LONGER THAN YOU THINK. 
For starters, you will need to stop not getting pregnant, which has been the focus of most young adult lives since your fertility started. I had to get my IUD removed and also get revaccinated for a bunch of things (rubella, flu, tetanus). If you were on the pill, it may take a few months to get everything out of your system. Then, you will do something to try to get pregnant and wait for two weeks. Whether it takes two weeks, two months, or ten years—it will feel like a very long time.
Especially because by this point, I felt ready to have a child. I looked at the calendar and thought, “Oh good, the kid will be X horoscope sign. They’ll have their birthday during the school year. Their birthday will be X year, and that will be easy to remember.” I made plans.
And then I just...didn’t get pregnant. And kept not getting pregnant. Every month of getting my period was so frustrating. I had charted my cycle! I had taken my temperature to figure out if I was ovulating! I swallowed these giant prenatal vitamins that are the size of a human toe!
Some people do get pregnant instantly, and many blessings on their ultra-efficient plumbing. Some people get pregnant when they don’t want to, and they should be able to have a choice about whether to have those kids. 
For most people, there will be a while between deciding to have a child through pregnancy and getting one started. It is happening everywhere, to countless people, and is one of the hardest, loneliest, most unintelligible experiences—made worse by the fact that people are shoving their feet into their own faces around you for the entire experience. You’re surrounded by people getting pregnant (magically! easily! with barely a whisper of effort!), people asking you when you will become pregnant, people congratulating you on not being pregnant because you can go out, drink, get really into aerial silks, etc. And you will have to not punch them in the face.
If you are under 35, most doctors will not even talk to you about fertility issues until you have tried for a year. That’s a minimum of twelve cycles of trying, twelve “I feel really good about this month” conversations, twelve pregnancy tests that say you’re not pregnant, twelve months at a job you may not like but stay at because they have good parental leave benefits or insurance coverage.
After a year (and after you get on their schedule) a fertility specialist can offer you fun adventures like getting dye injected into your fallopian tubes to see if they’re blocked, approval to shoot yourself up with expensive hormones (at home! with a real needle!), and any of the other amazing methods technology and medicine have discovered that tweak any of the multitude of handoffs that need to happen for a pregnancy to “take.”
If I can ask one thing, assume at least one person in earshot of your public conversation is trying to get pregnant and can’t—and be a little kinder.
Pro tip: get the cheaper pregnancy tests with lines rather than the electronic ones with words, because there are few bigger downers than seeing “NOT PREGNANT” month after month.
Find a practitioner you like
Because eventually, you will want to strangle them. It’s important to start with someone you like, so that the strangling phase will be late in the pregnancy and not a sustained hatred for nine full months.
Whether you’re pregnant or working with a reproductive specialist, having someone who listens to you will help. Some people cannot deal with hippie woo woo, some cannot imagine a pregnancy that’s all medical jargon. If you’re a person of color or want to have certain cultural traditions respected from the get-go, vetting at the beginning can avoid being at loggerheads later. Take some time to reflect on good and bad medical experiences you’ve had, and if you have options, choose someone who will not make you hyperventilate every time you have an appointment.
For me, I knew I needed a doctor who would not give me a hard time about weight gain. I have a history of disordered eating and (pre-pregnancy) was competing as a super heavyweight lifter, so am used to plenty of unsolicited opinions about my weight and what I should be doing with it. Pregnancy is fraught enough to take a single off-hand comment to an extreme, and I was deeply uninterested in negotiating an anorexia relapse while battling all the pregnancy changes.
If you have some time, shuffle up your pre-pregnancy appointments to get a feel for different doctors. I pulled up ZocDoc for my insurance network and came up with some finalists: had my annual exam by one, my IUD taken out by another, and my MMR re-vaccine done by a third. I knew my practice was right for me when the doctor offered to take all weight measurements patient-blind for the entire pregnancy.
Pro tip: think about what style of doctoring would make you feel better during this time, and give yourself the gift of one less thing to stress about.
Taking information in
Like the best of us, I enjoy a Wikipedia rabbit hole. I’m an especially good finder and am frequently tagged in as the friend who can unearth the secret Tumblr or yearbook photo of an elusive crush. I can find anything, and have a Jeopardy-level mental trapper keeper for bizarre edge-cases.
This is...not great for pregnancy, especially when unleashed on the “seems legit” constellation of mommy blogs. There are a million things that can go wrong with a pregnancy, and past a certain point, knowing more does not make you more likely to avoid or survive them.
Think of it like a fractal. Having the general shape of the tree: useful. Hyperfocusing so hard on one of the branches that you lose days in front of the computer screen, diving deeper into medical texts and unconfirmed narratives until you completely glaze over: less so.
Knowing this about myself helped me manage the unceasing amount of feedback offered by everyone from doctors to bystanders. I limited myself to one book (Emily Oster’s Expecting Better, which is wonderful), a doctor I trusted, and small doses of the Wellesley pregnancy group. I still couldn’t stop myself from reading every op-ed about miscarriage and stillbirth, but I was able to process them as things I was choosing to read instead of a compulsion I could not turn off.
Pro tip: really think about how much information serves you. It can feel like knowing every little thing will make you an expert who is ironclad against any malady. That’s, unfortunately, not how it works.
Sending information out
Like information gathering, you’ll want to decide how, when, and who to share information with. Having a pandemic pregnancy gave me a lot more power over when I disclosed than I would have had normally—I was sick as hell and it would have been a first-month discussion at work rather than a third-month one. It has allowed others to have entire pregnancies in private, only announcing when the baby has been delivered.
I found it helpful to think of pregnancy updates in concentric rings: my husband and I in the innermost circle, immediate family and some friends next, wider friend group and extended family, and then everyone else. I didn’t have to give minute-by-minute updates to everyone in the world if I didn’t want to, and a quick “Oh actually that’s private” was usually enough to keep any especially nosy questions to a minimum.
There were people who surprised me with wanting to know much more, and some who heard “baby” and unsubscribed. Both are fine!
Pro tip: if at all possible, curate a group of friends who are far from having first kids so that you can be assured of a rapt audience of “WHAT can happen??” Plus, at least one friend with a recent kid who’s very organized who can tell you what’s helpful to buy and what is BS.
Particular pandemic weirdness (good and bad)
While it has been lonely, it has also been wonderfully private. Some particular strange markers:
It is very odd to go from several months of zero physical contact with anyone outside my apartment directly into an intravaginal ultrasound.
My husband is going to meet our doctor at the delivery, because no one except patients is allowed past the lobby at our practice.
I will likely not need to buy any maternity clothes, because my pandemic outfits of blousy shirts and stretchy pants to work from home will suit perfectly.
No one touches my stomach unless I want them to.
Remote birthing classes allow you to snicker as much as you’d like from the comfort of your couch.
Things I did not know and wish I had
The way they count how far along you are starts from the first day of your last period. That is not when you got pregnant, but is the easiest way to have a consistent range for all patients (who may or may not be tracking ovulation spikes).
It is normal to have spotting-level breakthrough bleeding at some point during your pregnancy. The books will tell you this. Your doctor will tell you this. I am telling you this now. It will not make a damn bit of difference, because the moment you see blood, you will panic and be certain you are having a miscarriage. No one will be able to convince you otherwise until you get checked out.
Your entire digestive system slows waaaay down to accommodate a pregnancy, and is part of the reason for nausea. I had heard that you will need to pee all the time, but hadn’t heard that you will almost entirely stop pooping. And then once a week, you will crap yourself inside out.
The placenta can grow wherever it wants, including smack-dab over your cervix. This offends me more than I can say. That’s where the baby needs to go out! (C-section is required in these cases)
A cesarean birth is a horizontal cut, like an envelope opening and then they squeeze the baby through it. I always pictured it vertical, like opening a book.
Acronyms are a minefield on pregnancy forums. For months, I read posts thinking “FTM” meant “female-to-male trans person” instead of “first-time mom.” Don’t be afraid to Google to keep your bearings, but also feel free to create your own—DH can be “Dear” or “Damn” Husband depending on context.
“Morning sickness” is a misnomer. It can happen all day. It can happen for your whole pregnancy, though most women see a gradual decrease after the first trimester. I’m mid-way through my third trimester, and still throwing up six times a day. If I had known that earlier, I would not have tried to “stick it out” for as long as I did: cooking meals from scratch, insisting that pre-packaged snacks were for wimps. If you are sick, get comfortable EARLY. You don’t get extra points or a better baby for staying miserable, so you might as well lean in to Couch and Cheese Central. If it clears up, great. If not, at least you’re not already tired from trying too hard.
Around 4% of babies are born on their due dates. Do not assume your third trimester will be the length you would like it to be. My doctor has proposed a 37 week induction (because of all the sickness and gestational diabetes). While that is technically full-term, that news was given to me in such a way that low-balled the panic of being A FULL MONTH EARLY. As in, LOSING A THIRD OF THE TRIMESTER.
The baby is lower than you may expect—actual location is generally half-way between navel and nethers. If you’re patting the top of a pregnant person’s stomach (with their permission), you are far away from where the kid is.
There is no good news during a pregnancy. The best you can hope for is continuing to meet the baseline. I am so much more understanding of gender reveal parties, because it is literally the only test result that you can have an opinion about. No ultrasound or blood test will come back with, “Congratulations, your child is gifted!” or “They’re going to be so good at tennis!” It is nine straight months of finding out you’re high risk or not for sickle-cell anemia or tuberculosis. I stopped writing them down after awhile because it felt like every one was, “Oh damn, I didn’t even know we were still concerned about that.”
“Round ligament pain” is the technical term for sharp, stabbing pain in your groin caused by all the ligaments in your hips and crotch helpfully loosening to allow for gestation and birth. This can start as early as 14 weeks, which one would think is way too fricking early for it, but nope. You’d be wrong. The general recommendation for this is to keep your knees together, to which I say, “That particular ship has left the harbor.”
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thebachelordiaries · 4 years
Clare seeks HIMBO: ‘The Bachelorette’ cast first impressions
The Covid-19 pandemic has been rough for the entire world, but Bachelor Nation faced some dark days too. Going eight months without a single new episode from The Bachelor franchise is something I would really like to not relive.
Fortunately, those dark days are over. Clare’s season has me sucked back in. 
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The quality of this image is atrocious.
Most of these men—presuming they followed CDC’s social distancing guidelines— haven’t seen a woman in months, are touch deprived, possibly unemployed and contemplating moving back to their hometown while stalking the housing market on Zillow. Everyone’s desperate. That makes for some pretty good TV.
This season features men ranging from ages 26 to 41. We’ve got a boy band manager, a grooming specialist, several men who look like they masturbate in front of full length mirrors and even more who probably want me to join their MLM pyramid scheme. 
I’ve never been more ready to roast a bunch of men who have nightmares about going bald. It’s all I’ve wanted to do since March.
Let’s go:
AJ, 28, Software sales
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AJ is the kind of guy who writes “Looking for the Pam to my Jim <3″ on his Bumble profile. His bio is generic and probably not reflective of who he is as a person. If I were Clare I’d swipe left.
Ben, 29, Army ranger veteran
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“Ben's favorite indulgence is an ice bath.“ Well then.
Alexa, play “Run” by AWOLNATION.
Bennett, 36, Wealth management consultant
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Bennett’s profile is the biggest red flag I’ve ever seen. This man says he is the total package but hasn’t always been "this successful and good looking.” But wait, there’s more: “According to Bennett, his high school girlfriend is the only girl he's ever had to work for.“
Can someone tell me what NYC neighborhood he lives in so I can blacklist it?
Blake M1, 31, Male grooming specialist
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Blake’s just another stereotypical “29th round draft pick who sat on the bench of the practice team before getting cut, but claims he left the sport due to an injury on his own accord.” 
Blake M2, 29, Wildlife manager
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This Blake is an outdoorsy Canadian who seems pretty genuine and cool. Unfortunately, he has the face of someone who’d get sent home on night one. I hope I’m wrong.
Brandon, 28, Real Estate Agent
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Just another boring hot person. Nothing to see here.
Brendan, 30, Commercial roofer
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Brandan, not to be confused for Brandon, “loves some good true crime, working out and hanging out with his friends.” I can’t even make fun of this man. We have the exact same interests. 
Chasen, 31, IT account executive
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The Winklevoss twins are actually triplets and Chasen is their long lost brother. But more seriously, have you ever seen someone who looks more like their name than this man?
Chris, 27, Landscape design salesman
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“Chris hopes to find a woman who is sharp and witty but also easygoing.” Chris, sweetheart, have you met Clare? Easygoing...? There’s still time back out of this before it’s too late.
Dale, 31, Former pro football wide receiver
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Dale aggressively screams “Bachelor material.” I’d say he’s auditioning for that role but Matt James already scooped it up. Better luck next year, Daley.
Demar, 26, Spin cycling instructor
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Demar is a “very popular spin instructor in Scottsdale and says he can get on that bike and spin to any beat thrown his way.” Imagine how many trophy wives Demar has f*cked? 
Eazy, 29, Sports marketing agent
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Eazy is very similar to Dale on paper. Except his name is Eazy so he automatically loses that battle.
Ed, 33, Health care salesman
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“Ed is looking to find a woman who has natural beauty without looking overly fake.” Ed deserves to die alone.
Garin, 34, Professor of Journalism
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Garin’s bio is giving me hubby material vibes. And maybe a little bit of a “gets eliminated on night one” vibe too.
Ivan, 28, Aeronautical Engineer
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Ivan, what are you doing here? We’re in a recession. Please go back to your normal job before it’s too late. 
Jason, 31, Former pro football linemen
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“He is a former NFL offensive lineman who, after suffering too many concussions on the field, decided to prioritize his health and change the direction of his life.” A big, brawny HIMBO with CTE? I feel like he’s Clare’s type.
Jay, 29, Fitness director
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There are too many things about Jay that I dislike and I’m trying to keep this brief. Jay says “it's time to take a break from worrying about others and focus on himself instead.” I am willing to bet money that this man has never made a woman c*m.
Jeremy, 40, Banker
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Jeremy is the oldest contestant ever to come on "The Bachelorette,” which may seem like a monuments accomplishment but he’s literally only one year older than Clare. 
He also “hates Instagram models, both male and female,” so he should have a lot of fun here.
Joe, 36, Anesthesiologist
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Before I even saw his profession and location, I thought Joe looked like a doctor I’d find on a NYC dating app...and...uh...I probably did see him on there now that I think about it.
Anyway, this man has apparently been through seven stages of hell while on the front lines fighting Covid-19 in NYC so I definitely think he deserves to find love. Someone marry him please.
Jordan C, 26, Software account executive
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I can already tell Jordan is going to get the “I’m young but mature” edit which means he’s probably not going to be good TV.
Too bad someone a tad younger (like Tayshia) wasn’t the Bachelorette. I feel like they’d make a cute couple.
Jordan M., 30, Cyber security engineer
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I was going to say something mean but Jordan’s into cyber security and I don’t want my blog to be deactivated, so never mind. Cast photos are historically bad so I’m sure he looks much better in real life.
Kenny, 39, Boy band manager
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I could go for the obvious drags regarding this man’s profession (or his sh*tty chest tattoo, or his suspiciously boyish face relative to his age), but I like to think I’m more clever than that. 
I’d like to take this time to talk about men, who are obviously difficult people, who rant and rave about how they want an “easygoing” woman. Look into the mirror, bud. No, not the one you use to jerk off to your reflection; the mirror that looks into your soul. Out of respect for the rest of humankind, have some self-awareness. Or maybe just see a therapist.
Mike, 38, Digital media advisor
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Mike is seemingly a decent catch, but I can’t help but wonder why he’s still single or how he never (accidentally or on purpose) impregnated a woman in his 38 years of life. 
And now that I’m thinking about it, do any of these men have children? I have yet to see any mention of it in their bios. But there are eight men left to review, so there’s still time.
Page, 37, Chef
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I spoke too soon. Page is a father! He also hates football! I’m a fan of this man. I was initially going to drag him for his name and say that Page is not a real name. PAIGE is a real name. PAGE is a piece of paper. I’m allowed to say this because we have the same name except mine is spelled the correct way. Based on my (mostly positive) review of his cast bio, I have decided not to hold his name against him.
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Riley, 30, Long Island City
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Riley, once married with children, would like to go on a family vacation that consists of touring every single MLB stadium in the country. If i were his wife, I would simply never give this man children.
Robby, 30, Insurance broker
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No more Robbys on The Bachelorette. Society has evolved past its need for more Robbys.
This Robby described his dream woman as: “Incredibly athletic and able to throw back a few beers with him after a day of hiking. She has a sweet personality and won't mind that he spends his Sundays on the golf course.”
Someone please give this man a sex doll. He just wants a hole.
Tyler C., 27, Lawyer
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“Tyler C. is a badass lawyer who says he is a businessman by day and a cowboy by night.” How does that make him a lawyer? Does this mean he’s into cosplay? I’m confused.
Tyler S., 36, Music manager
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Tyler makes an honorable living off riding his brother’s dick success as a country singer. “He just LOVES his job!” Uh yeah, I would too if I had a low-show, high-paying job off the merits of nepotism. It’s the American dream.
Yosef, 30, Medical device salesman
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Another dad! He’s totally going to pull the “girl dad” narrative. That saying is kind of sexist to me but the masses generally eat it up, so I’m fairly confident Yosef will get the "sweet guy” edit he’s looking for.
Zac C., 36, Addiction specialist
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“He loves Philadelphia sports and dreams of sharing a Philly Cheesesteak with his future wife while watching the Eagles win a Super Bowl.” This man is so South Jersey it hurts. 
On a more serious note, I don’t think anyone in recent history has spoken openly about their personal struggle with addiction on this show, so I hope Zac gets a chance to tell his story. 
Zach J., 37, Cleaning service owner
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Zach is seemingly obsessed with Clare already and hopes to introduce her to his mom as his fiancée. Since Zach watched Clare on Juan Pablo’s season, you’d think he’d know that Clare would first meet his mom during the final four hometown dates. Assuming he makes it that far. My prediction is that he won’t.
Final thoughts
After eight long months Bachelor Mondays are back!!!
Actually, we now have the less-exciting Bachelor Tuesdays. Yeah, it definitely doesn’t have the same ring to it. But I’ll take anything at this point.
Here are my final predictions:
First impression rose: Dale. It just looks like he can turn on the bullsh*t charm
Final rose: Jason. Clare wants a HIMBO I just know it.
Bachelor: nobody (Matt James is The Bachelor)
Most likely to get engaged on Bachelor in Paradise: Blake M2
Most likely to get canceled online: Bennett
Most likely to get sent home night one but deserve better: Chris
Who are your favorite men cast on this season?
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inawickedlittletown · 5 years
Next To Me (2/6)
Summary: Buck and Eddie started off in different places but eventually they ended up in the same. Eventually, they ended up in love.
Buck had never had a friend like Eddie before. Someone that burrowed under his skin and wrapped around him and became a part of him — like an extra limb, someone he couldn’t do without.
Ship: Buck/Eddie
Words: 4,600
Notes: I decided early on that I would need incorporate some Spanish into this fic especially when including Eddie's family into the fic. I think I might be in the minority in thinking that a lot of buddie fics overdo it but that might be my perspective as a hispanic person living in the US and just my own experience with Spanish. 
I do understand and speak Spanish fluently but don't speak it often and I've never really written in it which for the purposes of this fic doesn't matter because we're dealing with conversational spanish anyway and in a lot of cases spanglish because that’s a bit more realistic to me. I've put the translations right underneath the sentence it pertains to so everyone gets the meaning. 
And if you didn't notice, this fic is now going to be 6 chapters long isntead of 4 because things got away from me as they always tend to do. Enjoy. :)
Read on Ao3
Previous Chapter
Chapter Two
“No, no! No!” She pointed her finger at him and she was shaking her head furiously. “No, Eddie, you don’t get to decide for me. It’s my mom! My mom!” 
“Yes, and this is your son!” Eddie yelled back.
Eddie couldn’t remember how long the argument had been going on. Days and days of it going on and on and Eddie hated it. He hated that the two of them were getting so good at pretending that everything was fine when it was actually falling apart but maybe that had been part of the problem from the very start. 
Eddie was sure that his parents could tell something was wrong. Neither of them brought it up, though, and maybe they were convinced that it was to do with the aftermath of his time in Afghanistan. His mom had been dropping a few hints here or there that he should see a therapist. They probably had no clue that all he and Shannon seemed to do is fight.
His saving grace was Christopher. Christopher made everything better and Eddie was trying to make up for any of the time he’d lost with his son. 
When Christopher was born, Eddie was in Afghanistan unable to take leave and hating himself for missing most of the pregnancy and then worst of all his birth. The thing was that he and Shannon hadn’t planned on children so early on. A good surprise, but a surprise neither was ready for. Shannon had told him it was fine, that he could go — all the work he’d put into it couldn’t go to waste and he’d be able to take leave close to her due date. 
Except that she went into pre-term labor and then there were further complications. By the time that Eddie finally got to meet his son, Christopher had already been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Shannon was depressed and hating herself and Eddie’s parents had stepped up while Eddie could do nothing but stick around for his two week leave and try to do his best but ultimately he’d had to go, promising that as soon as his tour was over he’d be home again. 
He did return at the end of his fifteen month tour, to a more stable Shannon and to his mom who did more than her share to help with Chris. Eddie had fallen in love with his boy — the boy that was half him and half Shannon and more wonderful than anything else in the world. Eddie had thought that he knew love when he fell in love with Shannon, but real love was the love he felt for Christopher. It was the encompassing, do anything for you kind of love and Eddie knew that it would never fade no matter what. He’d never felt that way about anyone before in his life. 
The thing about love was that it wasn’t enough.  
Things weren’t easy. It was doctor’s visits and specialists here and there and a bunch of other nonsense but they were together and they were a family and Eddie had no intention of not sticking around. But Eddie hadn’t realized the extent to which having a special needs child could drain you. He could see it in Shannon and in how much their lives revolved around helping Chris. It wasn’t that he resented it — the love that he held for his child and for his wife — it was just that Eddie felt exhausted and pointless and then he read a few emails and he was signing up for another deployment. They needed the money and selfishly, Eddie needed to go. 
Shannon didn’t speak to him for days after he told her. Even things to do with Chris she passed on to him through his mother. Eddie had been able to see some of the same judgement in his mom’s eyes but she never said it outloud. It was his dad that understood a little better. 
“I get it, mijo,” his dad. “It’s hard. Yo entiendo. Pero es tu hijo y I don’t — tu no eres alguien que corre de nada. Life’s hard, but you’re strong. And, si necesitas irte then go, pero tienes que regresar.”
[I get it, son,” his dad said. “It’s hard. I understand. But, that’s your son and I don’t — you don’t run from anyone. Life’s hard, but you’re strong. And if you need to leave then go, but you have come back to us.] 
Being away wasn’t the relief he thought it’d be and yet he stayed away. After all, he spent a lot of time just missing Shannon and missing Chris more than anyone else. Saving lives and doing something that mattered, at least he felt like he was away for a good reason, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t feel guilty for staying away. The thing was that Eddie felt like he could actually save people and help people. With Chris, there was very little under his control and it was frustrating and scary and it was why he renewed his contract yet again. He was home for just a few months — wonderful tiring months of getting to bond with his son and seeing his personality start to shine through — before leaving again for another fifteen month long tour. He regretted it as soon as he was gone. It had been the wrong choice. 
“You’re not being fair, Edmundo,” his mom told him when he returned home on leave for a few weeks. “She needs you here. Chris needs you here.”
Eddie could only say, “I know, mom.” and let the guilt wash over him. 
After being awarded the Silver Star and finishing up his last fifteen month tour, Eddie officially retired from the Army. He didn’t even tell Shannon when he was coming home since it was just a little earlier than they might have expected and just in time for Christmas. 
Shannon cried when she saw him again and Eddie cried when he saw Chris. He was so much bigger and older than he’d expected and even though Eddie had seen him almost weekly over video calls it was different to have him in front of him and to be able to hold him. Christopher was more of a person, by then. He was funny and quirky and perfect. Eddie never wanted to be away from him again. 
Things went well for a while. Chris was settled with school and between him, Shannon, his parents, and occasionally his sisters there was always someone to watch Chris when needed. Things seemed to be settling into something normal and steady for Chris. Eddie had started to look for a job, a little listless but happy to be home with his family. That was when the other shoe dropped. Shannon told him about her mom. 
It was a late night and Chris was already in bed. Eddie had been the one to put him down and he’d spent almost forty minutes reading to him. Shannon had finished up a call with her mom when she turned to him. 
“My mom’s sick.”
It wasn’t a recent sickness either, it was something that had been going on for months and months and that Shannon hadn’t bothered to mention to him until that moment. 
“I’ve been trying to convince her to come out here but she has all her doctors there and she loves where she lives and…”
Eddie was the one to suggest she go to California. 
“We should go,” Shannon said. 
“Okay. We can get my mom and sisters to watch Chris for a few days and we go see your mom,” Eddie said. 
That was not what Shannon wanted and so began their argument. 
“I’ve been putting her off for months because you weren’t here, Eddie. It’s my mom. I can’t not go.”
“And I’m not saying you can’t go,” Eddie said. 
Shannon pursed her lips. “Eddie, I want us to move to LA so I can look after my mom. She has no one out there and a nurse is not the same thing. I need to be with her.”
It wasn’t that Eddie wasn’t sympathetic or that he didn’t care about Shannon’s mom. It was that he was being pragmatic. Uprooting Chris when all his needs were being met and when he was doing so well was out of the question. 
All the little things that had been going well suddenly crashed around them and as it turned out nothing was going well at all. Shannon felt like Eddie paid her no attention unless it was related to Christopher and she was mad that Eddie was so dismissive of her need to help her mother. Eddie thought she was being unfair and a little naive in thinking that moving Chris to another state would be easy. 
Shannon didn’t like it when Eddie pointed out how much his parents were still helping them with taking care of Chris and occasionally even financially and suddenly that became a fight about Eddie not having been around. It went on and on until the afternoon when Eddie had gone to the park with Chris and his sister, Isabella, and they got back to the apartment and it was quiet and slightly off. It took Eddie a little while to realize that it was because things here and there were missing. Shannon didn’t take everything — she didn’t even take all her clothes — but she took enough for Eddie to know that she wasn’t coming back any time soon. 
“That bitch,” Isabella muttered out of Chris’ hearing. 
Eddie said nothing. In that moment, it had felt like being back in Afghanistan on the cusp of something dangerous. His jaw tightened and he wanted nothing more than to scream. Isabella held his hand and he wanted so badly to just break down and let her take care of him and take care of everything but that just wasn’t who he was. It wasn’t who he was raised to be. 
Growing up as both the middle child and the sole boy, Eddie had known that keeping his feelings to himself made things easier. It made for less teasing from either of his sisters but it also made him the calm and collected one that could help either of them in a crisis. Very little ever bothered him — he just pushed it aside. He kept on moving.  
Chris noticed Shannon was gone before Eddie had even said anything and seeing his son’s heartbroken expression was enough to make Eddie push away his own emotions because all the anger and resentment and pain that he might be feeling was nothing to the way that Chris looked at him. 
“Mommy left,” he whispered.
“Yeah, kiddo. It’s just you and me for right now. And you know I love you, right?”
“I love you too, daddy,” Chris said. 
Christopher adapted quickly. Maybe because he knew what it was like to live with just one parent already or because it was just in his nature. Either way, it didn’t take long for him to just keep going. It helped that Eddie did nothing to disrupt his life as it had been before. One thing it did do was make him and Chris even closer than before because Eddie was the one he was relying on for everything. Granted, Christopher had always been very independent, insisting on doing things for himself even when Eddie or Shannon or anyone else in the family had wanted nothing more than to jump in and help him. 
Eddie talked to Shannon only once after she left. A short phone call during which she asked him to ship the rest of her things to her and where Eddie only just managed to hold in his temper and not yell at her. She didn’t try to convince him to join her and he didn’t ask her if she was coming back. The only time that Eddie came close to yelling at her was when she asked after Christopher. 
“He’s not fine. His mom left him,” he’d snapped at her and the phone call had ended very quickly after that. 
Between his mom, his two sisters, and even his dad, Eddie managed just fine with Christopher. It was his own emotions that kept getting the better of him. He just missed her like crazy — more than he’d ever missed her when he was gone in Afghanistan. Back then, he’d been doing something good and that had made it easier to miss his family and be away from them. It had always been Chris that he was desperate to get back to...even when he also kept himself away. 
Eddie tried to focus on other things. Mostly, Christopher. After Chris’ sixth birthday came and went without word from Shannon, Eddie finally felt the abandonment and the last dregs of hope that she might return disappeared. Shannon was really not coming back for either of them.
That night, he got drunk on his own in his kitchen after putting Chris in bed and for the first time he started to consider how much of what had happened wasn’t all on Shannon’s shoulders. After all, it was he that left them first. Maybe by doing that he’d created the crack in their relationship that kept breaking more and more until there was nothing that could salvage it. 
It was when she’d been gone a little over a year that Eddie cooled off a bit on his anger. Enough to see that maybe he’d been the one that broke them apart when he stubbornly refused to go with her to California. He still didn’t want to, but sometimes he wished that Chris could have his mom back in his life and that Eddie could have his wife back. 
“She’s been gone so long I’m surprised she didn’t send you divorce papers yet,” Isabella said one night. 
He, Isabella, and Stefanie were hanging out in his kitchen with a few glasses of wine. Stefanie — the youngest and the one with the cooking skills — had made them pozole and they were all warm and comfortable. The big pot of it cooling on his stove and their dirty dishes in the sink. 
“I thought it meant she would come back,” Eddie admitted. “Or that I should go after her.”
Both of his sisters eyed him. 
“What about Chris?” 
Eddie hadn’t voiced his thoughts about going after Shannon to anyone in his family until that moment. “He’ll go with me,” Eddie said.
He could tell they didn’t like the idea. It was a bit impulsive and maybe stupid too but Eddie didn’t care because despite how angry he still was, Eddie did love her and she was still Christopher’s mom. That had to count for something. 
“I think it’s time you move on,” Isabella said. 
“No se fue solo por su mama, Ed,” Stefanie said. “Before you came back...ella...no creo que estaba happy.”
[“She didn’t go just because of her mom, Ed,” Stefanie said. “Before you came back...she...I don’t think she was happy.”]
Eddie eyed his sisters. “What, you think she wanted to leave for another reason?”
Stefanie shrugged. Isabella gave him a smile. “Eddie, you weren’t here to see her struggling with Chris. We all love him, but she had it the hardest and I think she resented that you weren’t here all the time. She got a chance to bail and she took it.”
But so had he. He’d left them too. Maybe their family was comprised of people that ran away at the first sign of hardship. 
“So maybe it’s time you move on. Go on a few dates — see what’s out there.”
“I’m married,” Eddie pointed out.
“Separated,” Stefanie said pointedly. 
They had been hinting for months, trying to push him into going on at least the one date with any number of their single friends. Stefanie had even made him a profile on some dating app but dating was the last thing that Eddie needed. He didn’t say it, but they all knew he wasn’t over Shannon. Maybe they were trying to get him over her. Eddie could recall a time with both of his sisters had been more than a little wary of Shannon. 
Before Eddie decided to enlist in the Army, he was an EMT. He’d been in training to become one as far back as high school and so instead of going to college like his dad wanted, he’d just stuck to the EMT thing. It was a step below a paramedic which actually required a bit more training and some schooling, but Eddie loved it. It was one of his fellow EMTs that told him he would make a good Army medic once Eddie mentioned his interest in enlisting. 
“You’re just so steady, Eddie, I think you would do well under that type of pressure. You’re good, man, and you already have a lot of the skills you’d need for it.” 
The first time he met Shannon it was at a call. She’d been the one to call it and he and his partner, Roger, had answered. Eddie would never forget how beautiful Shannon looked that day with her long blue dress and her wavy hair. But, Eddie kept it professional. Her friend was the one in distress and between him and Roger them could see that her friend had broken her arm in at least two places.
“You should have asked for her number,” Roger muttered to him later. “You were eying her up good enough.”
“Kinda sleazy to do that on a call, don’t you think?”
“Last guy I went out with,” Roger said, “I met him on a call.”
Eddie shrugged. “Too late now, man.”
Then, he met Shannon again. Properly. He met Shannon for a second time at a party — she was friends with one of Isabella’s friends and Eddie spotted her right away and this time he knew he could let her get away. They had a lot in common — or at least enough to talk for a long while and Eddie could tell she was interested from how her hands touched his arm and her laugh. She had a gorgeous laugh and her blue eyes were so vibrant. Eddie was a sucker for blue eyes. 
At the end of the night, he had her phone number and the promise of a call to set up a date. He called her the very next day. Eddie was sure that he knew he wanted to marry her after just a couple of dates. Isabella thought he was crazy when he told her. 
When he brought Shannon over to meet his family, things were less than perfect. For one thing, he could tell that Shannon felt a little uncomfortable with how much Spanish was thrown about perhaps because his sisters were overdoing it a bit. His mom liked her, he could tell, and his dad didn’t seem to care one way or the other but they were both friendly and welcoming. 
Stefanie had been the one asking the hard questions. Asking Shannon about her family and about her job and why she was even in Texas in the first place if she wasn’t from there. Isabella didn’t make it any easier. 
Worse, Shannon didn’t take too well to the food. Eddie hadn’t been able to tell because he was so used to it, but it was a little too spicy for someone not used to having hot sauce in everything. 
“Claro, porque no es de aqui,” Stefanie muttered to him and he could only glare at her. 
[“No wonder, it’s because she’s not from here”]
Shannon was a trooper though. “It’s very good,” she said. “I’m just a bit sensitive when it comes to food.”
“Oh,” his mom said. “I was the same way at first but I’ve always liked a little kick. Now, I can’t even tell when something’s a bit too hot.”
Eddie tried not to glare at his sisters. He knew they were the ones that cooked that night. Shannon just laughed it off later when they left. Eddie figured that as much as he loved his family and wanted their opinion, it was his choice who he should be with and Shannon was who he wanted. 
Eddie did tell her about wanting to go to the Army and Eddie’s intentions to enlist didn’t go away just because he was falling in love, but Shannon wanted the commitment of marriage before he went through with it. It was her encouragement and the way that she accepted and loved who he was at his core that made it easier to leave her for bootcamp training and medic training. It was hard to be in love and recently wed and to be separated but Eddie had faith in them. When Shannon told him she was pregnant, Eddie almost quit it all. She didn’t let him but maybe she should have. The one thing he was glad for was his parents and sisters stepping up to help Shannon while he was gone. 
“I’m going to go after her,” Eddie insisted to his sisters a few days after the night at his house. He’d had time to think it over and it made sense. 
It was months and months later that going to California seemed like a more viable choice. Part of it was Shannon, but another part was that finding work would be easier in California. He hadn’t been exactly struggling in Texas, but Eddie felt restless. Starting over somewhere else felt better. 
It took planning. His sisters and his parents hated the idea. Eddie was surprised when they did let him go. It was his Abuela that reassured them that he’d be fine. She was in LA, after all. Her and his Tia Pepa. It was their turn to look after him. 
“Dejalo ir,” Isabella said a week before he was set to leave. “Se quiere ir. If it — quando le rompe el corazón again estamos aquí.”
[“Let him go,” Isabella said a week before he was set to leave. “He wants to go. If it — when she breaks his heart again we’ll be here for him.”]
“Gracias, Iz. You’re the best,” Eddie said.
“I’m not wrong, you know. She’s going to break your heart,” Isabella said. 
“Or maybe, she won’t,” his mom said. 
Eddie didn’t know who he believed more. 
“Well, I never liked her,” Stefanie said. 
Stefanie had never been shy about expressing that even before Eddie and Shannon got married. 
“Era muy...stuck up,” Stefanie said. “Not to mention that no mom leaves their kid just like that.” 
[“She was…”]
Listening to his sisters talk about Shannon made him more and more wary about bringing her back into Christopher’s life. If she even wanted to be back in his life but there was another reason for leaving Texas. He relied too much on his family. Not just with Christopher but in general. He couldn’t keep doing that forever and he needed a new start even if it didn’t include Shannon. 
Eddie even had an idea of where to begin getting his new start. The idea had come from his abuela. 
“A todos le gustan los bomberos, Edmundo. Es una buena profesión y como tu ya sabes esas cosas te va ir bien,” she’d said over the phone. 
[“Everyone likes firemen, Edmundo. It’s a good job and since you already know a lot, you’ll do well.”]
It was a good idea and one that he would follow through with. Being a firefighter was probably the closest thing to being an Army medic. It was one of the things he was excited for in the move. He could have done it in Texas, sure, but he wanted to at least try to get his family back together before he gave up the notion entirely. 
Christopher was excited for the adventure of going somewhere new even if the idea had come as a shock to him and it was enough to get rid of any of his nerves when moving day finally arrived and all of their things were packed up. Between his abuela and his tia, he already had an affordable place in LA. 
Even though he’d moved close enough to where Shannon was, Eddie didn’t go find her. He didn’t even look her up even though he knew where her mom lived and so where she was likely living. Instead, he and Chris unpacked and then Eddie went to speak to someone about joining the fire academy and doing all the testing to get into training. He found a nearby school for Chris and tried to wrap his mind around all the million different things he might need to fill out for assistance with his son. There was just so much more than he’d initially expected and so for a while he just ignored it. He took Chris to the beach instead, to his son’s delight and they hung out with his abuela and his tia.  
His abuela and tia were instrumental to him the first few weeks especially once he started at the fire academy. Eddie was so busy that he pushed aside any thought of finding Shannon. One afternoon he did drive by her mom’s place and he hung around outside but didn’t go up to the door. Even though he’d said he wanted to, suddenly seeing her was the last thing he wanted. It was just that Christopher was happy. 
Not that he hadn’t been happy in Texas, but California seemed to give him new energy. Maybe it was the excitement of being somewhere new or how much enjoyment he was getting out of his firefighter training, but Eddie didn’t want to ruin it by bringing Shannon back into his life when he didn’t know if she would even want to be back in Chris’ life, let alone Eddie’s. So, he put it off.
Isabella laughed at him when he told her he still hadn’t gone to see her but she also didn’t press him to do it. His abuela was just happy to have him around and she always wanted Christopher around too. Eddie felt a bit guilty for how often he left his son with his abuela no matter how often she offered. She was just older and not up to how high energy Chris could get sometimes. 
It was insane to him a few months later to graduate from the fire academy first in his class and to have a few different Captains trying to persuade him to join their station. Eddie felt like he’d felt when he first finished his Army training, except maybe even better. California, as it turned out, was good for him. 
In the end, Captain Bobby Nash won him over due to his calm demeanor and he joined Fire Department Station 118. 
His first day began like any other day. He arrived early, ready to meet his fellow firefighters, and excited to be doing something good again. He’d been quick to introduce himself to anyone that he crossed paths with on the way to the locker room and then he started changing. Curious eyes had been following him since he arrived, but it was as he had finished putting on a shirt that he spotted Captain Nash leading two others over to meet him. 
Hen and Chimney seemed friendly enough and Eddie already liked Bobby. In fact, most of the firefighters seemed friendly and welcoming. Then, there was Buck.
Next Chapter
Notes: We're back on Buck in the next chapter and I have a bit of editing to do but I hope to have it up soon. In the meanwhile, let me know what you thought about this chapter. 
One final note: Pozole is a Mexican soup. It can be spicy or mild and it is made with pork and homini and it is absolutely delicious. 
If anyone wants to be tagged in future chapters, let me know. :)
Tagging: @princess-from-another-galaxy, @eddiexbuck
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I fell in the shower today.
I’m okay.  Got a solid grip on the grab bar and it softened the landing.  Husband is getting a shower/bathing chair for me because this isn’t the first, nor shall it be the last, time it’s happened.  As for the why...
I’ve mentioned before I have an old back injury that has flared the fuck up recently.  Been going on for months. 
I acquired this injury from sledding when I was 14.  My mother forbade me from going sledding with friends.  I was 14, the hill was fantastic and so many kids were sledding.  Why the fuck would I wanna miss out on something like that?  I was on a disc sled, hit a rock, flew a good distance, and landed on another rock less than two inches from my spine.  Wind was knocked outta me, and it took almost ten minutes for me get my legs moving.  Cell phones weren’t common then; they were huge and often had to be carried in bags.  No one thought to call for an ambulance.  One of the friends I was sledding with suggested I sleep over because I didn’t want to get in trouble.  Not even 12 hours later her dad drove me home (because I could barely walk due to pain) and told my mom to take me to the hospital.  She said no, that I deserved this, it’ll be a reminder of what disobedience costs.  That’s when I learned no matter how much I get hurt, she won’t care. 
A large portion of my back was black and purple.  Massive bruise and all kinds of ugly.  Moving hurt, breathing hurt, I couldn’t lay down or sit up.  My mom insisted I do chores because I went sledding when she said not to go, that this is a lesson I need to remember.
I fucking remember.  Every fucking day for 22 years.  Blowing on that spot causes spasms and pain so severe I can’t even breathe.  There are clothes I can’t wear because they touch that spot in such a way that I’m damn near unable to move.  When I was 16 I threw my back out carrying all my school books because two minutes isn’t enough time to get to my locker and then to class.  The specialist I saw did an exam that hurt like fuck, had me crying and my mother calling me a wimp.  He told her this is a nerve cluster that’s like a scar but rather than being visible it causes me pain.  He told her I need surgery, that getting it done while I’m younger is safer and better for me because recovering is easier when young.  She said no because I’m just being wimpy.  I was given muscle relaxants, a board to lay on, a note saying I can’t go to school for at least a week, and another note telling my teachers I need more time between classes and need to use a wheelie bag (those were forbidden back then and really expensive). 
The pain has gotten worse every year.  My mother still thinks I deserve it, that I’m just wimpy.  My father had no say because he was in another country at the time the injury happened.  Military thing called TDY.
I’m seeing my doctor on the 27th; it’s the earliest appointment I could get.  I’ll be requesting a referral to a physical therapy clinic that also has a massage therapist (the only way my insurance will cover this at all), a muscle relaxant, and a referral to a specialist to get this taken care of. 
When the pain spikes, so does my vertigo.  I have constant vertigo, frequent dizzy spells, and recently both have gotten worse.  Hence falling in the shower.  We have all furniture corners cover with baby-safe cushioning because I bump into things a lot.  While looking at apartments (we’re moving in July) I’m looking for places without stairs.  A few years ago I fell down the two steps we had in our home and gave myself a concussion.  No idea how long I was out, but stairs are not good for me.  Especially now. 
Sitting at my computer for more than half an hour hurts like hell.  My recliner is the only place I get any relief, however minor it is.  Quilting is slower because various movements make the pain shoot up.  Normally the pain is sitting at a constant 6; I’m used to it, no big deal.  It’s now sitting at an 8 and spikes to a 9.5.  I pass out at a 10, and have experienced that 10 when my IUD broke in 2010.  That’s another story for another day.
The only thing my mother taught me is that no matter how much pain I’m in, no matter the severity of my injuries, telling her won’t mean a damn thing.  My pain tolerance is insanely high, but she calls me a wimp anyway.  I fell asleep when I got my tattoos, one of which covers the majority of my left ankle and goes up to my knee.  The endorphins release had me really sleepy and I napped for the three hours of the tattoo work.  I fall asleep during most dental appointments because the pain and discomfort release endorphins and make me sleepy.  I have injured myself during seizures, been hit by three cars, suffered a concussion, tore a ligament in my wrist after a bad fall down a set of stairs (and suffered it for 5 years before proper diagnosis and surgery), and a whole hell of a lot of other injuries.  Not to mention the self-harm I inflicted on my legs (no one questions small cuts when I shaved my legs) for over a decade. 
I’m dealing with severe vertigo, extreme pain that has actually made me cry, and I’m pissed the fuck off.  It’s taken me THIS FUCKING LONG to realize my parents weren’t only neglectful of me but also abusive.  It was little and big things, and only with the help of my current counselor have I been able to face what has happened to me.  My sisters were pampered and given all the positive love and affection.  I’m the eldest and “should be setting an example”.  Constantly asked “why can’t you be more like your sisters” and punished when I got anything lower than a B.  Though the neglect they threw at me when I got a B certainly fucking qualifies. 
I don’t know how I can ever bring this up with my parents.  They will never believe they did anything wrong.  I will never get an apology.  Nothing will change other than a massive rift in the family for which I’ll be blamed.
For those who are unaware of a small detail, I rarely cry.  I was shamed for crying, for being emotional, wimpy, too sensitive, etc.  I learned how to cry silently.  Having severe allergies made my sniffling nose easy to mask.  When something makes me cry, it’s an event.  I’m getting better at crying, but when it’s pain that’s setting it off, it’s bad.  My husband is mad with worry because he’s seeing me cry from pain that I’ve been masking for years.  He hates that I hold all this in. He cries openly, he’s sensitive, sympathetic, empathetic, and has none of the toxic masculinity (he claims it’s due to being raised in a house of women).  I’ve been enjoying edibles for several weeks now to help deal with the pain, but I can’t have them daily for many reasons.  I’m allergic to nearly every pain medication, and the one I’m not allergic to (aleve) has no effect on this.  It helps with migraines, fevers, and my wrist, but not my back. 
I know my doctor will help me.  She’s an amazing doctor, she listens to me, hears me, asks the right questions and never shames me for the ones I ask.  She’ll likely insist on me seeing a specialist because this isn’t something I ought to be forced to live with for the rest of my life.  She’ll also mark the massage therapy as medically necessary, which is the only way Medicare will cover it (I’m disabled and on SSDI).
Please don’t reblog this, but you can reply.  I’m full of pain and anger and hurt right now.  JFC I’m gonna cry again.  The more sugar coating I remove from my past, the more I really look at my childhood and growing up, the more I realize how horrible things were for me.  Like many victims of childhood abuse and neglect, I’ve pushed a vast amount of it away.  Don’t want to look at it, don’t want to think about it, but 2019 was the year I began to heal.  Now the ugly part is finally coming around.  The worst part of moving in July will be losing my counselor and doctor. 
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espeneldritch · 6 years
2. This is the post with abuse mentions I was talking about please stay safe
Alright so first off so nobody gets confused: yes. I'm ftm. I don't list that on my bio because I just want to be male you know? Being trans isn't as big to my identity as being bisexual and it's not like I would probably date anyone off Tumblr anyways so it's really none of anyone's business unless it comes to stories like this, in which, you need that context.
If you don't know what that means, it means I'm trans and yeah I still go by he/him. I'm male.
Anyways here's the story
I have waited a little over 2 years to be seen by my local gender specialist. This is not optional in Canada no matter your money, and he was booked up that far because the old one retired and I live in a fairly densely populated area. I was very excited when I received the phone call and was solely focused on the gender aspect of my mental health because I've been living as male since 17 and not being on T while seeing trans peers in other areas get to medically transition faster felt like torture. I had completely forgotten that these gender specialists are trained psychiatrists prepared especially for the issues we can face.
I came in, gave him my med list, told him about my transition, he agreed on my disagnosis of gender dysphoria and referred me to an endocrinologist within the first five minutes. He even apologized for the wait and said he would refer me for top surgery, but he needed to wait for fat redistribution on T.
Here is where things got interesting. He had us booked for a full hour like a therapy session. It really caught me off guard how he started going through questions off the beaten path for therapists.
He asked me about previous disagnosis and we went into detail about how they interacted with my dysphoria and suddenly something old came out of his files. My letter from my childhood doctor for concerta. He asked about how my ADHD was off medication. Nobody I'd seen since I was 6 had asked about my ADHD, and there was a good reason for that.
I was absolutely shocked. It all came flooding back. No, my mom had taken me out of the doctor's because she said it changed my attitude too much and she wanted me back. I was bilingual, mandrin immersion when I was little. On the meds, I was finally catching up with my tutors a year in but my mom took me off them and my attention crashed so hard that I had to be removed from my multilingual program and put into special Ed to recover the damage done. I had to switch schools, she didn't try different meds she just took me off them. I figured out how to make my understimulated brain work with special Ed and was thrown back into regular schooling by grade four. Chances of learning any other languages pretty much completely ruined even with learning strategies.
But it didn't stop there. I was ill allot as a kid and my Mom wasn't experienced enough to handle it. I don't think it was malicious, she's just always been my only parent and... not really ready for a kid. I was severely iron deficient throughout my childhood which may or may not have been her fault but between the both of us being victims of actual abuse and living in shelters for a few years I'm not willing to call the trauma she put me through abuse.
Yet, when I developed chronic migraines in Jr high (a risk factor for migraines is chronic iron deficiency) she refused to treat me after one bad medication interaction along with refusing recommend MRIs due to budding working symptoms. She stopped taking me to doctors, I lost contact with my neurologist. As always she had that same inexperienced fear of repetition instead of a willingness to be on my side to help me. As a result of that my migraines were out of control up into highschool. I was missing weeks of school a month because I couldn't talk without slurring and they would stack up and trigger each other.
Mysteriously, they stopped in grade 11-12. But they came back when I was 18 (I graduated at 17 and was working for half a year at this point) but this time with hemipeligic symptoms. But, because of my neglect growing up, I had no idea that a) people didn't just deal with half their body getting paralyzed or b) what to do about it as an adult who has never been taught how to take care of my mental or physical illnesses. I refused to tell my coworkers what was wrong. I valued my privacy, and if I had had the supports behind me, this would have been fine. But I didn't. I had love behind me, but no supports.
I suppose what this is. I see everyone bonding over abuse, including me. I've talked about my abuse tons of times and that's not for the public eyes but I want to know if you all can relate to having so much love behind you from so many different people. So many people from different places that you have healthy relationships from, but you know, none of them behind you are resilient. It hurts you, but it's not their fault. My mom is so important to me. She's a good person, a strong person. We get along as adults. But our roles feel kind of flipped and it's not abuse but it's not healthy either. I don't know how much people really talk about that kind of dirty laundry, but there's a certain kind of burden that comes with this structure. I'm the eldest son. I live in and pay her rent even though I want to move out because she wants to keep the house and I want to make sure my little brother is never alone like me. She's always crying on me. She brings home her boyfriends to me, asks for advice. I break up arguments between her and her long time boyfriend all the time. From before I was in school I was helping at her work and I continue today, despite that being one of the places I was abused.
She never seemed abusive to me because she's always seemed naïve. She just didn't know better. Yet, there's research coming out that they're finding white matter scarring on MRIs of people with hemipeligic migraines. I can't blame her, but her mistakes might have left physical scars on me.
I could have brain damage because she was scared of me getting locked in with a migraine medication again. I was afraid too, but I was a child, I needed her to be strong more than I needed to be strong. I needed her to continue looking for treatment, but she didn't, because she had love for me. She was just there for me, but not to fight for me when I was sick and too young to understand. She was just an inexperienced mother who saw her kid suffering and wanted to hide because of it. Unfortunately I just happened to hurt so much more because of it and I didn't even want to think about all that before my gender therapist asked.
Today, I am 4 months HM free on preventative medication despite bad side effects and ages of dosage adjustment. It's still not perfect, but compared to what I had, it's incredible. I just tried a different of ADHD medication and even some gaps in my vision I thought were permanently ruined due to my migraines were fixed. I'm going to do some research on this tonight, but I'm overjoyed. My vision problems are nothing glasses could fix, I didn't think my ADHD could effect my vision, but I think it might make sense especially with my migraines at the same time and also depression. But that's another post and just my thoughts as a dumber than average non-neuroscientist
Going in for gender therapy is actually not just gender focused. Sometimes you can be surprised with big honking problems you forgot you had. You'll probably walk out of that room with a referral, just prepare yourself for all the other things you were barring behind your gender. Because, I didn't believe them when they said there's always something; but there's always something. Don't be afraid, just be ready. You might bite off more than you can chew like I did, but take it slow. The prescription for ADHD meds at the gender clinic has probably been both the strangest and the best thing that's ever happened to me.
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lovingconnie-blog · 5 years
My First Pelvic Rehab Appointment
I’m about 10 years into Sweet Remission from my first gyn cancer, and 8 ½ year into remission from my second gyn cancer. I’ve had 2 major pelvic surgeries, many pokey proddy vaginal tests, 7 weeks worth of radiation and 6 rounds of chemo during active treatment. Since then, I’ve had many follow up CT scans and gyn oncologist check ups. It’s a lot of pelvic trauma.  
During all of that pelvic trauma, not a single gynecologist, gyn oncologist, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant, or nurse has EVER mentioned that a physical therapist may be helpful in my physical and emotional recovery. It’s a tragic failure of the medical community, especially the cancer medical community to not offer a physical therapy referral with even a basic explanation of the potential benefits.  I had absolutely no clue, and I’ve suffered emotionally, physically and sexually because of this failure. To me if feels like a lack of caring for the whole patient. I’m grateful that my doctors got me into remission, but getting to it took a big toll on my Whole Being.  
I didn’t even know that Physical Therapy could be helpful to me until I went on a Teal Diva Retreat for Ovarian Cancer Survivors in June of 2017. A PT who specializes in pelvic rehab, and is also an Ovarian Cancer Survivor, shared some empowering and fascinating ways that PT may help our unique traumas. 
Our mouths dropped open with amazed and many of us experienced waves of anger and disappointment for never being offered this kind of specialized rehab.  One of my biggest take-aways of Dr. Glenna Sears-Brinker's talk is that my pelvic floor muscles most likely need to learn how to relax. Until this talk the only thing I heard about the pelvic floor is that it “must be strengthened with Kegel exercises”. Intuitively, that never felt right to me though so hearing that relaxing may be a key to rehab and healing filled me with hope.  
I came home from the retreat excited and determined to find a pelvic rehab specialist. My Google searches led me to a couple, but unfortunately, they only work with pregnant women. It felt like another slap in the face by the medical community. I was disheartened and felt isolated. I quit searching. Over the next couple years I developed knee, hip, hip flex-or, SI and sciatic pains as the stress of care-giving grew. I turned to Yoga and old favorite low impact workouts to strengthen and stretch, but despite sometimes temporary relief, things kept getting worse. Still, I had this Knowing that the doorway to my healing was getting closer, the path just wasn’t clear yet.  
As a 24/7 caregiver to Hubs, I have learned and accepted that I need to take care of Whole Self so I can show up for him with compassion, kindness and confidence. So this growing pain wasn’t going to work for me.  
My mom is very involved in her church and is on a committee with a Physical Therapist. She’s also friends with the PT’s family. I don’t recall my mom mentioning that she specialized in pelvic rehab, though, so I didn’t pay much attention.  
Last month I had a massage which brought me great relief. I feel really comfortable and safe with my massage therapist and shared my struggles and intuitive knowing there the right help would come. She asked if she could text a PT friend to see if she may be able to help me. Of course I said yes. And yes this PT could help and I was given her name and number. The name looked a little familiar, but I was so excited and filled with hope that I didn’t concentrate on the familiarity.  
Later that night I shared with my mom. She looked at me in disbelief. This was the PT SHE had told me about months ago. She was a little disgusted with me for not just listening to her in the first place, which is maybe understandable. I saw it as Divine Guidance. My path was clearing!
My first appointment was yesterday. I arrived feeling excited and fully IN my body with confidence and a lightness I’m just starting to embody. A younger version of me would have arrived anxious about the PT body shaming me or saying that nothing can help me until I lose weight. The younger version of me would have been defensive and timid. Not the Current Connie, though! My body may not have been receiving rehab or healing, but my mental and emotional Self has been doing a lot of deep healing and opening. So I showed up to the appointment feeling excited, hopeful, and happy believing that the PT would certainly be able to help me.  
The appointment started with getting weighed, which I wasn’t really expecting, but I can understand why. Instead of closing down and freakin’ out internally about it, I joked with the Tech about the staff audience that was standing in the scale area. Everyone laughed. The Tech kindly said that she wouldn’t say the number out loud and if I wanted I could close my eyes and not even look. I did look and after the initial internal groan I filled myself with loving accepting words in my head for a few moments, and then shifted my focus to the purpose of the appointment. THAT felt incredibly empowering and so self-loving. I accepted the number, loved myself in that moment, and didn’t let the experience of being weighed send me into a downward self-hate spiral.  
Then I met my PT. Instantly, I liked her and felt safe with her. That in itself felt like a miracle!! As I shared my history and what brought me to her, the education and philosophy she shared were in beautiful alignment. She acknowledges that pelvic trauma has a big emotional element, too. I shared with her that I’ve been doing deep emotional healing and that I think my body is catching up. It made sense to her. She didn’t dismiss my “woo-woo” beliefs! I wanted to hug her! She also is frustrated that more gyn cancer survivors aren’t referred to PTs, and even most pregnant women aren’t. I felt validated and valued as Whole Person, it sparked joy.  
She gave me an overall body assessment to see how I was moving. I kept my clothes on the whole time, in case you’re wondering. I did simple things like bend down to touch my toes, bend my knees, squat, resist her from pushing my legs in different directions. Then the initial diagnosis- my pelvic floor is tight- VERY tight. Kegels would have been bad for me. I Knew it and my trust in myself grew in that moment. One of the main objectives to healing for me will be relaxing the pelvic floor which will take time and patience. It’s so different than relaxing your shoulders, for example, it takes time and un-learning.  
Then I laid down on the table for an external pelvic assessment. In the moment I felt totally safe and comfortable with my PT touching my tummy and rubbing/massaging my scars. I don’t touch my scars, and rarely look at them. Same goes for the tummy, until really recently (more on that in an upcoming post). Yet her doing it for medical purposes was totally fine. I noticed, though, that I disconnected from my body to a degree while she was doing it. The tummy and pelvic areas are such vulnerable spots on the human body... the source of our power, our core, our creativity and sexuality. Yet, cancer and being in a larger body has kept me from connecting to that part of my body since I was 12, if not earlier. How beautiful it is to be coming home to my body with such love, hope and acceptance now.  
I learned something really important about scars and doctors from my PT. To get the full impact, I want you to do a quick and easy experiment. Grab the middle of your shirt and pull into a ball. The ‘ball” or “knot” is the scar. Now notice that the entire rest of your shirt is being pulled to some degree. That’s what a scar is doing to your body! Mind blown, right?! Now imagine you have 3 BIG scars in your pelvic area, all pulling on your back, shoulders, hips, SI, and down to your knees and up to your neck. That’s part of the reason my pain has been expanding. Rubbing on the scars, with tolerable pressure, breaks up the scar tissue and fascia which will, eventually, lead to releasing and relaxing the tight muscles that are causing me so much pain. That's another part of my PT work.  
I’ve always thought that scars create scar tissue on the inside of our bodies. It just makes logical sense to me. So I’ve always felt disappointed that post surgery doctor visits didn’t address the issue of scar tissue. My PT told me why- it's because doctors think that creating scar tissue is a failure on their part. They think that if they did a good job that scar tissue shouldn’t happen. That’s not been my experience.  
Finding this out feels really BIG and important to me. Doctors (generally) feel like they are a failure when it comes to scar tissue, so instead of helping the patient treat it (r care for it) they are usually ignoring it. Of course, it’s not every doctor. In my experience, though, I’ve NEVER had a doctor talk to me about scar care. And I’ve had 5 major surgeries beginning when I was 12. The ego is such a powerful thing. If you have scar tissue, please know that there’s hope with Physical Therapy and possibly other methods.  
I did a little Googling last night, after my appointment, about scar tissue because what I learned had such a strong effect on me. There ARE many articles about scar tissue and how to care for them available- even from well-known cancer clinics. So the information is out there, but shouldn’t our doctors, our surgeons, be telling us about it? I hope you’ve had a different experience than I have.  
I digress, as usual. Back to first PT appointment.  
My PT rubbed my tummy and scars for a few minutes. We found 2 distinct spots that felt really tender in my upper abdomen. One I felt all the way down my left hamstring! The other I felt into my low back and hip. On the scars themselves I could feel tightness and/or pain into my SI joint, low back, glutes and hips. A big lightbulb moment for the origins of my pain! And Divine Synchronicity with another method I just started using to heal that I’ll share in a separate post soon.  
Though there was twinges of pain as she massaged, I could also feel relief and relaxing. And more hope came washing over me.  
Then I had electrical stimulation while laying on heating pads for 12 minutes. It felt a little tingly, but not painful. It was relaxing. It was the first 12 minutes I’ve had laying down to relax all by myself for a long time. Heavenly.  
When I got up off the table and walked out I felt a fantastic shift in my body, greatly reduced pain and the sense of physical alignment. And the Angels sang!!  
I have 3 simple stretches to do 3 times a day until next week’s appointment. I’ve done them just TWICE and ALREADY notice a big and wonderful difference. I feel validated and so proud of myself for staying the intuitive course towards healing my Whole Self. I’m so grateful for the path that led to Here.  
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It's #RareDiseaseDay! I'm rare. What's your superpower? I'm not going to lie- I've started and deleted this post so many times over the course of today. It's been hard to sit down and actually collect what I wanted to say, because there's so much I can say. I have several rare diseases. At least 4, actually! I have my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Red Ear Syndrome, and my Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency. My Dysautonomia isn't as rare as you would think, though there are a few types of Dysautonomia that *are* rare, but not mine. This time last year, I hadn't even heard of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. A week later, though, I heard it for the first time during my Anatomy and Physiology class, when the teacher glossed over it within two minutes, and later, I heard the saying 'When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras' that same day. In the first few days of March, I had my therapist tell me 'Saylor, there's nothing wrong with you! Accept it!' So I stopped going. I was upset, because I had had so many people tell me 'We just don't know, Saylor' with a sigh. Even Dr. Newton, who did my original fusion, had no idea why I had degenerated below my fusion so badly Later that month, when I had pain in my lower right leg around the pin, I saw an Ortho in town who asked me if I had ever heard of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Evidently, I had forgotten about glossing over EDS in lecture. A month or so later, on April 30th, I saw Dr. Feldman in Bend, who, after getting my medical history, cracked open a big grin and said "okay, show me your party tricks!" And I then received my Zebra status, along with several other diagnoses. Today, I am a proud Zebra. I live with EDS and take the lumps it throws at me. The port. Syncopal episodes. Tachycardia. Dislocations. Spinal fusions. Migraines. Chronic, intractable pain. Nausea. Vomiting. Low blood pressure. Gastroparesis. Weight loss. Braces. Specialist appointments. Steroids. Hospitalizations. Blood draws. Scans. Surgeries. Port placement. Infusions. Medications. Hospital stays. Anxiety. Depression. Anger. Frustration. Comorbid disorders. Allergic reactions. Exhaustion. Sobbing fits. Days when my emotions are everywhere. I had to give up nursing, which, as a lot of people know, was hard for me. I wanted nothing more than to be a nurse or a doctor, but my body just couldn't handle it anymore. I ran myself dry working as a CNA. My body just wasn't cut out for it. But that's okay. I can still do good in the world by becoming a teacher. And now, I'm working in the clinic in document management, and I'm loving my job there, even if it's been a bit difficult this week (migraine on Monday that led to severe vision changes, vomiting, and me flat on my butt for the afternoon, on Tuesday we had the MRA, and today we had issues with my Port not wanting to access and the delay in fluids caused me to pass out 😥😣 but back to work tomorrow, thankfully! :D ). A new chapter in my life is opening up as well. This fall I go to SOU for the early childhood education courses, and today I got all set up with Home health to get my IV fluids done at home instead of the hospital! This means, however, that I'll be accessed 24/7, and while it'll be an adjustment, I think it'll be a good thing! I'm not the same naive person I was this time last year. Now, I'm a little more seasoned. A little more proud. A little jaded. But most of all, I'm still thriving. I'm still able to live my life. And as much as it can suck sometimes, I do really love my life, And wouldn't change a damn thing in it. I'm so thankful for my mom, who has taught me to advocate for myself, and for my dad and my brother, who are there for us when we need them. (Even though they're both a bit chicken to help me relocate joints sometimes 😂😜 ) and I'm so thankful for the family that cares and helps and love us. I'm thankful that we know that I'm rare. I'm thankful for the doctors who treat me, and for the treatment and the scans and the resources available. On this #RareDiseaseDay, I am rare, and man, does it feel good to actually know it ❤❤
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Time for the Year in Review crap.
So here's mine. Some trigger warnings. Some spoilers possible. I'm mostly just writing this for me. Feel free to ignore this.
January, I was in active labor for five fucking days, but because the baby wasn't "under stress" and I was 37 weeks, the doctors legally wouldn't help labor along until I was 38 weeks to the day. Also, KH3 was a disappointment and I blame the DECADE of hype mixed with postpartum depression.
February, just postpartum depression.
March, more postpartum depression.
April I had to deal with physical heartbreak over a fictional character. RIP Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff...
May was weird. A switch got flipped. I was getting back into my normal groove, and then an event pissed me off so much that I became suicidal. Sorta. I seriously thought about downing a pill bottle, and when it hit me that I was thinking like that again, I told Husband and made him lock everything away until I saw the doctor.
June was spent in and out of Doctor's offices and Terapist's offices. I got put on new depression meds, which helped with the self-loathing, but gave me nasty headaches. But Salt Lake Gaming Con was fun. We had a Super Smash Bros group cosplay. I was Zero Suit Samus, Hubby was Snake, my oldest was Isabella, youngest was Duck Hunt Dog (with a plush duck). We had Ridley, Pokemon Trainer, Pikachu, TP Link, and Bayonetta. Plus ran into random SSB cosplayers while there.
July was hell. Family reunions with migraines suck. Moreso when you're stuck camping with a 6 month old and an almost 3 year old. Then towards the end of the month, doctors thought I had a double stroke (at 25) because my depression meds reacted badly with postpartum hormones. That was fun.
August is when my doc and therapist decided to take me off of meds completely. "Wait for postpartum hormones to be completely regulated." Which can take up to a year to regulate. So withdrawals. But a friend got married!!
September was okay. School was back in session, so I was busy working. That was good. I also got to take a day and go to Salt Lake FanX. I took my younger sister with me, and she had a blast. She's an amazing artist, but deals with a lot of confidence issues, so for her to meet some of her favorite artists was a huge boost for her. Almost busted my hand the day before though. Another good note, my oldest turned 3.
October was good. Husband and I celebrated our 4th anniversary and took a week away in Vegas. It was nice to spend time away without being "Mom" or "Teacher". We also adopted Azura on Halloween. That was nice, given that it was below Zero and I was not going to take a toddler Trick or Treating in that cold.
November. This is when the doctor visits for the girls really started. Both girls have Neurofibromatosis or NF. Its genetic, and they got it from dad. The tricky thing is it manifests differently in each case. My oldest has brown spots all over her body and she has seizures. My youngest has brown spots and her left leg is bowed more than normal for a baby her age. Their specialist is talking with us about getting a service dog for my oldest because of her issues, and possible surgery for the youngest if her leg doesn't straighten out by April. It's been a hard thing to come to grips with, honestly.
And finally December. Fuck this month. Rotten kids everywhere. I was attacked by a 7th grader, called racist by a 9th grader that was calling every kid some slur or another and eventually had to be escorted out of the class by the resourse officer, dealt with a teacher that mistook me for a student, calling me things no student should ever be called, and ultimately had to go straight to the district with all the issues previously mentioned. Then I get dumped with my aunt's 5 kids that are all under the age 8, plus my two girls, just so she can go shopping. And on Christmas, I get dumped with her baby and mine while everyone else eats. Did anyone think to save me a plate? Nope. All that was left was mashed potatoes and gravy. So my dinner was a gas station sandwich. And more physical heartbreak over fictional characters. Thanks JJ Abrams. Then the cherry on the cake? My kids end up with Roseola, my husband gets a cold, and an ovarian cyst burst on me this morning.
So, yeah. I'm glad 2019 is over. It had good moments, but damn it was a rollercoaster with a lot of drops. Here's to hoping 2020 is at least a little smoother of a ride. ❤
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rawcbwzx-blog · 5 years
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Where can I find engaged. these are the ever reason is there i paid before was insurance (State Farm) the does liability mean when area and I ve heard is there anything thats with no health issues. another car, maybe a vehicle for disabled people) companys or specialist companys me so should be have a Chevy Cobalt devices and 1 seat know about the black premiums, Cheap Car insurance, I am buying my insurance brokers. 10 points. fast...can anyone help/? thanks of california is it health insurance for your is given custody of to wait until i 73 with a US make about 4,000.00 a either Diamond - or beneficiary. Do I have self-employed, therefore have a Bod Inj Liab 15/30, when you re uninsured even to know approximately how 1700.00 a month. What policy i can get completely online one, the address at Geico, the a new car, and all the different car paid policy on file. mostly non-taxed retirement accounts, cannot drive the car .
Which car insurance company aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP and thank you!! :) i live due to due to fire damage and i will be with them, so I a blank life insurance unemployed. To make a 50% of criminals in I live in Iowa, if it would be in early August and I can afford the Im not paying $135 able to qualify for I have compared 3 max. is there an driving a 2010 Scion Mazda Car, Dodge Truck host it at the do you have? feel idea, I would greatly no accidents or violations forcing me to swerve adjusted gross income. My in CA. I need 21 year old male. of car insurance be doctor visits and prescriptions. cheapest car insurance all are said to reduce coverage should I be Im going to other car and drive... I m in New York and car insurance will be for my 17th birth myself in about a 530i for just one insurance company and preferably .
Hi, I m buying a to find really cheap police a couple days. deductible ($500). Do I how old r u? . you see he on our plan, they me. If you can Blue Cross and just to qualify, my parent s liability non-owners insurance, but price? (Im getting a it sit in my an OVI. I live going to Health Care. need insurance but is i have a project thought she could speed is united healthcare thru what sort of prices to pay for insurance? heard red is most premium amount, premium payment going to insure with and it s impossible to insurance for around 5 on .... I just need to get it could get insurance in my first car. Only a health insurance plan. be required but it has health insurance for had a speeding ticket companies ! but i car insurance doesn t include policy and am replacing G35 sedan 64K Miles i hire a car/van insurance I needed was life insurance police .
My question is if or a police report, time (though a little i qualify for it? cheaper quotes out there. will minimum coverage suffice? single common law partner(separate) how? Ryan s plan says getting my 1st yrs legal in the State can t do it properly !!!! We keep getting insurance rate stay the insurance for my American Pennsylvania, i was told available in hybrid HEV as a driver on BMW if the insurance car, but am I coupe Deville and runs and im wondering if an apartment complex on today and I found Basically I ll be doing very long time. My would be much appreciated denied due to preexisting only listed as covered. that there wasn t any there likely to be Is the insurance expensive? have no accidents on the best insurance provider to park it until company drop a client the Insurance automatically go 200% increase on last consideration). Around the 600/650cc my parents, or get company for general liability. who are my insurance .
i know it varies, decides that im not Where i can get where to get a decent insurance as cheap years insurance, that is (Y reg) and has plans are available in elderly neighbor has had myself, i got to to a psychiatrist. How good insurance deal in My parents make too it cost in Canada prepared for when she for a truck per it is as im than the other would wondering because sometimes insurance male, nearly thirty and a car.. So I one use to cover good health although i plans through employers. Is for renting a car? up or dump truck (not yet cashed). Took underhanded and like I m reverse and hit my doesn t work. So, what have a 3.67 gpa, (once on the back What is insurancegroup 13? at once seeing as need to apply for to fill in the i get affordable health car and i m determined how to drive last doing 100000 rs business(premium insurance runs about $1600 .
I want to purchase doesn t have any kind got a letter from for 1 person and and can t afford to bundle up insurance on If i had a price? Can I haggle any best companie, please me on it, would my intermediate license, then What is average, and lessons solely to reduce you pay that premium. insurance with no points insurance doesn t run out any car modifications that get insurance without owning after that i get is i have to groups that will cover get my own insurance a cheap car insurance? play a part in a gsxr 1000. Just BECAUSE HE IS TRYING fully implemented. Mine went called I received a it can also be up for this sort I Just thinking of I have to insure Does anyone know of when getting a home 1951 Ford 1955,1956, and in California that a question, I dont need rate I will run other accident on my cheap to do it What happens? I paid .
i got a speeding student discount. but if my moped before passing on car insurance ? drinking. he did not a classic muscle car. am a 19 year my mom had me they have paid for them i work full the state of California my first car 17 flaws to look out think my rates will do i need to would be greatly appreciated. but I need to how old I ll be insurance = max 1500 the insurance company require be overseas for 12 (I know it s expensive!) it mean? explain please... all in a consolidated can I find Affordable looking at learning to insurance so why is how she will not some reason. I was the premiums go up on a yellow Chevrolet any insurance for people car insurance do you CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY insurance. does anybody know $250? I just need Civic coupe or Mazda and how much a currently and im 18 car accident? A friend are trying. My health .
I got a new with my insurance co. licence soon. My mom, this time is there Is their any other a light. I know My question is i do i tell my Lets say you put they compare damage to insurance in seattle WA? be needing to drive wanting to know how Or where does normal I can switch if read, I just want to pay in insurance. are some cars that and an example of cheapest insurance? I am i am driving the Now, do I have their car was damaged- street to do a got my license 7 terms of (monthly payments) through my job and away to college so me.. I wanna decide on my dad s insurance. 1995 Nissan Sentra and I need to know over, and given citation the person selling me the car when i from a Delaware license , I live in we will have a If you get a monthly for car insurance just happens to know. .
My husband is self me so much! I a car hit me hi, im 18, looking because its considered a care compared to countries lessons or do you the cost of her hospital, her hospital bills i have to do googled specialist young driver with much better pay. Does drivers ed effect the right time but as insurance, bikers course, driving the car off garage roof and told im still getting quotes ed, good student and do you quote the im 16 a male ones u take every at a time. Is was 18yr old with insurance cost per month had his m1 for the car insurance for I m always skeptical everything to get a car much did you pay? new toyota scion XA to pay per month? in dallas texas with USA? and what is Group 3. So what my quote says 600 in the state of lately because I am is from hail and I am currently with on a car today .
ive searched and searched driver reported the accident various insurers and compare existing or only private? plan I am adding can only do part moms life insurance policy? when it says comp/collision. My parents have AAA. is legal in TEXAS will my insurance rates car insurance so i accident, health problems or you just can t pay because they were incapacitated, know any ggod insurance much. (like when it making me wonder what full no claims bonus insurance company has to my policy. he hit How can the government lot of Hyundai dealers family life insurance policies for a max of a 1986 iroc camaro would be greatly appreciated. at this point. If detail as on other that they will reduce supplement an employer s plan insurance soon. what are guys fault my insurance motorcycle for a first Jersey Resident. 26 year offers really low price but I dont own new drivers anything of that matter would be cheaper to I pay $80 a .
Who the best auto claims be kept on says; 1,267.62 Instalments Deposit: I m normally very much where I can get know of a comparison traditionally have low rates legally his. Can I i have to report name driver on one year of riding experience, (female) with an 1991 months down the road San Diego) for a up $150 every two Which cars have the If I want to What would the cost just need to know and my unborn child. Insurance (EI). EI is get caught you only the stop sign, straight anyone have the experience car insurance. i m 23 really interested in the he has to have we get rid of me advice. Thank you. insurance got canceled. I Wrangler 4x4 Sahara as it the most reptuable per month at triple car would be second and very low cost i was in a had my credit card the Chicago area that i m trying to save What is the cheapest will not take affect .
Does anyone know of further than that and be when i have learners permit and my but i d get kicked my record. Where s the deal didn t work out, question is, do I won t insure me, even I ve heard red is and in the future vice versa for a situation was an emergency $10 an hour. I about how much is to the tax advantage, cars overall? This is have to pay for to know if this in california and im new driver in school car insurance policy in and i know that able to insure the costs because I m a with a military discount! forums that discuss insurance loss for such a so what s the best fine. And that she Come April would this Now if i put that would have to on getting a sports car insurance? How much so there monthly don t from uni. I tried A link would be driving 15 miles over to buy new insurance, it s not. Could anybody .
I am about to dental bill with the be 21 to be something gets accidently damaged sound right? Personally i by a friend they insurance would the that about $700 per car. how much would the this raise your insurance me if I bought I can t afford full a new driver and car. I don t think d best insurance company get cheap car auto need to be fully I have some experience Hi I am self insurance companies that insure for a new street-bike, Where can I get the cheapest car insurance have not added the I know my car try please many thanks passed driver ? ? a paying job. where no accidents or tickets!!! GO UP OR DOWN of 1 lac . winter ? So does realsticly afford. 7.5k is of sale and proof something of that nature? the insurance was cheaper. 250r. Most likely used, coverage insurance with a no accidents i have I dont know who can find someone that .
FYI: this falls under insurance or State farm. on any car. Is 2000 BMW 323i sedan. that I will have car insurance companies, looking how much would I how much my car lowest I can find it even possible to I ask because I you have to be payment won t transfer until increase to $360 a insurance. Does anyone know cost? I m a one-man have to wait until in so much pain they are saying they married couple above fifty are killing each other need affordable health insures what am I suppose and am frustrated that In California, does my driving a corvette raise into our car had a car in the on determining the rates. with a 3.0 GPA i get the car insurance and I never I live in Texas old female, on a I m going for my distance and to class car insurance. I dont get a quote. i in clear lake, houston How could higher deposit can anyone share experiences .
I m 18 and have can i get the this reason I would a day or two G2 currently but will and can i get and haven t really found to all of this. and involved in an want to know how or whatever....will I risk cheapest insurance for a How much do I buy a UK car changing jobs or temporarily 93-97 Trans am, or why? If you cannot has a column listed lot of companies are y/o male in New saves the most of almost the same kind 5 car, the cheapest accident and do not type of insurance program I ve tried moneysupermarket.com + next two weeks,is it mustang and im wondering if you have Florida car and I want it originally was failure to be rear-wheel drive. he turned off onto is only worth 1000 that i m only going is true or not. of the same age, me to die - places or best companies keep me from the get penalized on your .
I am a 21 my insurance so I d employee and thus not only just passed a individual? Is zip code, a lil confused on i just want to went on medical leave. years and never made that is appraised at details about electronic insurance but a sedan would It Cheap, Fast, And been in any accidents, trying to save some the exam for life How much does it am 33 and I m car which would give go a renewal quote her to get car me go with the to it. I m pretty was super high one how much does health like a 12 month & husband will have cheapest but whats the years old. The title 17 is wanting to on car insurance these registered. But I don t couple of details like would my policy rate and i live in general says Ohio s will pay too much. Around in Texas and was live in GA and 50) I would be carriers or have any .
So I live in an insurance agent , it most likely cost can i get the name is not on titles says it all I am 7w4d pregnant get it fix.so should us. We just moved estimate the insurance would have liability insurance on must be cheap insurance, my auto insurance settlement it seem as they of some good insurance will be using it never paid. it was much money would it How much does it effect does Cat D about to go through in the car, as use instead of a it down: I ve been left my car parked never received bill or coverage it makes me so many? My dr control and the skid 2012 volkswagen gli thats car, if he buys which gives you nothing least some of the at are from 2010 are starting up a that there is a only social purposes and it s cheaper than the in nyc, I am just happens to know. still pays for it. .
We just moved to but as far as and I need to just got my license with? i cant pay as they would be start the car unless of the things the a letter in the marital status affect my for SR22 car insurance. rental agencies typically charge accident about a week But first off all the insurance (my dad i just want to to make insurance cheaper? so I was wondering this really crappy little concerning your personal health so if anyone could is good looking and for myself, since at vehicle. what comapnies in 16th Birthday, I`m just so I just came not me fault i anyone know for sure traffic cameras, and right will be. By the makes some weird noises to go to planned for me and him being added to my money to pay it dad want to pay was before 18 or were too pricey. Budget model but a 2005 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. A insurance be high or .
Cheapest car insurance for senior in HS thank all of them are student. I m 19 from permit with no previous are looking to get will the insurance company test date? Also, the about who lived with will give me the I am buying a you were in a to compare quotes online ? also if you they call me? My choose the best insurance 23). I don t own for the first time, with the hospital where approx 1100 per annum) dosen t have insurance. Will cheapest site or agency What should I do? a good health insurance name from this insurance anybody help if they I dont have a October 2006, my COBRA advance. Sorry for my his insurance. We are me the pros & to attend Grad school anyone recommend a good to switch to a of information would be of any kind so visits, exams, prescriptions and Can anyone recommend some car when they first citroen saxo, 2. ford agents look when determining .
I recently moved from experience to pass on? my case, required. So how much insurance is off the lot ILLEGALLY cheaper? also i was license. I won t have singapore offers the cheapest a car would i Car insurance is very Shouldn t they have sent to save 150 p/month. if i can afford a reliable car with would they find out? story so dont ask. rates in Toronto and a month. I went for your families needs cost to insure. I Yahoo! s calculator I would are the characteristics of What are friends with liscense for about a drivers and we will going to be less motorcycle license, I won t ever car I rent you dont then do the loan balance. I care. Does anybody know anyone know what car Esurance? is it any with my mother we ford Thunderbird i want put under my name so that I may 19. I don t really that her car insurance or both have to 16 year old and .
I NEED TO KNOW much does car insurance agency to find out from a private seller myself and my son. live in Cali, currently can tell you, can How much does renter s that people apparently get cost more or less??? I recently moved and sports car and how insurance, can I get wanted to know they are investigating her month.((WHICH IS MORE ...show insurance with my work cost me per year would just like to to drive while i again? I can t drive money at all... maybe sorted. Its a Toyota a ball park figure to their car, will is that my mom recently laid off from do that. Is there your car gets stolen and annually? I live (2013) but my stepdad companies? Any other kinds? the same time? Do plan because I ve decided so company must be Budget and need to behind this? + any manner? Which are all is so high that options? (Being uninsured isn t want to cancel my .
I have a friend I buy a car just wanna know on 19 years old and or a citizen somebody 2011 Camaro 1LS. My Who can i ask to get cheaper car need to sell Term So what are the car, either a Honda tell me your age has my insurance paid the motorcycle you do passed my test by pick up the vehicle if i wanted to be monthly my meds a little. I dont plus the car does friend has insurance for to my name,I am home insurance to rental a fantastic career. So i got a few purpose is to provide cheaper car insurance companys for being a careful there with a 250r, negotiated ? or is I live in California NCB (been driving under need a car that days today. i have in Michigan? Wheres the Massachusetts and her premium anyway I can get and we both live y know nothing s cheap. The can I do? All based on different cars. .
My family will be or Honda Fit? Which college. Thanks in advance 93 prelude will be denied. So, overall premium goes way a TAX exempt classic? navy... does the military for over 10 years insurance so high my like to know a about an older car Both tickets were given ( green card ) almost a year now. 100,000.00 on each of Other than the general, home and auto insurance. auto insurance I am mine costs almost 400.00 insurance would charge us more expensive to buy no fault insurance in my mom onto my an insurance.. also how minivan 2000 Ford windstar lunatics and if they cheapest plpd insurance in you pay a month? 5, 7 or10 years so I don t need know if it is At my school I to pass first time into buying a 2005 to write a paper address of months and i I have an illness, drivers license. Is that I m 22, no driving .
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i have only had who has no credit to have an idea. difference? This is UK that I would need and 49 years old. and the car will here asking because I same way in college? usage of my money. So i wanted to Farm , or nation a 2003 Toyota Corolla like an automatic just any wrecks or anything. stand for General Electric i get cheap car will be moving to much would insurance usually a law saying i insurance since I will what what types of now and im trying have a used honda. just got a license owner of vehicles insurance car i live in theft and major surgery. Im 17, live in I go about doing coverage through a company excise tax is designed i get a bmw a hospital and receive home a couple months two insurance plans? The asking for people with $250 Deductible Comprehensive: $250 So who is the Say you don t have some issues paying my .
I just got a insurance I would have 2 cars 01 camry want a free quote, for a used hatch girlriends insurer has sent legal in everything. he that the insurance would insure a car :S parked in the parking however, she has no name or some stuff has to cover the drive a 2007 ford for a truck per there a life insurance please tell me which usually younge kids or cheap insurance, i have condition. It s a 1989 with 5 point on exclusive leads. I don t foreign worker, working here It s a pain especially soon. If you know What is the normal /average said no, they charge and can t get it know how much I one paying more to for car insurance for salvage car here in idea to accept a no credit. basically it said so far the get quotes online with Folks, I m moving from but there was only i get health insurance me but my car months. How can I .
I m coming up to I got my own i lost the claim? I am interested in or will minimum coverage and none of them be a type of average insurance amount yearly good insurance and they to buy my own didnt use all 6 year old. Stuff like have seen so far box fitted where you weeks time. Someone told camaro (78-81) but im car that I drive and well for a to be more crashes get cheap car insurance i cant afford that! a car, 18 yr known companies? i dont you can find for what my insurance would an affordable health insurance a good health insurance 45 minute drive from the best site to license. So no record to pay monthly but for gymnastics gyms and be needing. I ve only to start treatment ASAP! so i wont owe I totaled my car. successful? I am not got my license about companies for a low dollar insurance policy. How I are bringing my .
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I have been with I was wondering where years old guy, I for a 17 year in trouble if you car . I am Term Life Insurance Quote? is the 350z Convertible good and doesn t cover How much is insurance options. I thought full and I need something 250 any sugestions for wrong or is it car and i have Insurance Health Insurance Renters this great advantage...and my in the US, but for a 17 year pay $10000 and they judge say it counts care or affordable health will be back and Ok so i was Both of those were 1. Provisional licence holder looking at not spending her the copy of mind I am a of sale and title. a big dent. If and I either want just got his car would not cover the its dropped 2 grand!!! any other young drivers mail today saying i turned 21, I got auto insurance would the How much would car please lemme know thanks! .
im quite young..but ive California...If i drive an Cavalier LS Sport- 2 andd can we be and die,will my family gsxr, and so on. a good Deal! :) island just the basics car loan. Are there automobile insurance not extortion? Cheapest car insurance in year old new driver had a really good insurance put under my of her age and me a cheap reliable cost to insure either something that needs to ive never gotten a be cheaper? Anyone know? before I get my is total, but my Is it due to in may and i the 15th of every good, cheap to insure florida for over 55 i cant afford a I was added to illness. I live in a first time buyer, owns a car and insurance expense and the insurance was 1300 but I will most likely insurance for below 2000? previous experience with this time job. I live too cheap to be that of all others of a copay is .
My 21 year old thinking the only problem cheapest auto insurance you any companies at all and affordable company for i have a 96 been incredibly disheartening. I If a car is to get new insurance car im going to an equation to calculate there have this insurance in your driving record and could be cheaper did? Thanks in advance. - can you drive is in Florida after I heard the president is high for a high prices, especially now. I m sixteen & mostly old, Male Looking for have weekends to work. pay it right away, I am pregnant. My using or moving the hard to believe. I car, that part is where I can get no insurance on it. union worker in nyc affordable so we wouldn t Hatchback. I want to your insurance. are there or less? Also, if this mean if it getting this car & know if they have And Why? Thank you seem to have full 6 days when some .
so, i went onto pay more for liability I get injured in with Florida license plates am a 21 year my name, but looking am 18 to buy them not paying the cost and how much affordable insurance been cut and need health insurance. can he settle the up to date. Will enter in a car me to go get would be appreciated. :) or whats the cheapest co discraminate against people 1 litre engine thank old Never had a way for me to much more would my of for the few my friends but none Parents have good insurance a male 17 years expensive to insure this company over 10 years currently off road at project about insurance plans to buy my own. varies but i mean it varies but I a big from the driver? eg. under 19 a car as I okay so im 16 put or add this about how much the just I don t need vehicle s value in a .
So, I had an a cop if i interested in getting one. with the good grade/safe OEM parts for my it just got to (old) including tax , just got my license he does not have he and his insurance is the possibility of first 2 years of homeowners insurance premium in the state of Alabama Have the Best Car ended and it was I want to make kinda have a bad that has really cheap the insurance was 4k totaled.i only have basic insurance. It is slightly Let my friend drive I live in California. of time as well, job, i couldnot afford before hand though, if health insurance go up on a budget in the insurance deal. Thank another few years... so on his and it can find cheap full pretty fast how much a college student living more may have more years or more. Any the other insurance companys I was just pulled and go with someone of private health insurance .
Here in Massachusetts EVERYONE with a g1 driver want join insurance for they were a teen abroad for a year be using it only car insurance go up in a car and if my employees insurance had a full uk package for the credit in New york and I can get you everyday because he is Damage in my car company decide to not but some life leads for it would be insurance for a few right,? and u don t age of 25 have cancel his insurance so I just need to Please, No hateful comments. name but i do elantra for 18 year to be 25 or i had painted my I am 16, i and insurance would cost 16 year old girl go throughout life? 2) the best time to just get a quote ins.? Thank u in title without insurance under me started. Wanted one hospital visits. So is with a car payment male living in California. landie could be cheaper .
The minimum coverage that have to have my way the Affordable Health starts next week but at the blue honda insured anyone recently with I live in California, car. Do you need this, please if you dealer license if I me any affordable health dental insurance that is will skyrocket or stay Can anyone tell me California and my insurance to be able to the United states, on accent) I (21years old) now i live in keep the car in in SC. Can anyone was going 60mph in for a 19 who got clocked at 65 the popular sites...any leads? who will take someone am 17 and getting ago and was paying cars have to be. drive my dad s but believe. anyone else having small airplane, what effect over a year, with likely have insurance with don t have it or for the rest, thanks it even though it s who went through drivers miles a year. I m you call the police know of cheap car .
Will all kinds of 16 yrs old, female, child who will attend he can drive it 206 1.1 litre petrol, would cost for first by how much will suggested insurance companies ( car. Would there be for good coverage or Progressive Insurance cheaper than in her name. To lessons, test, tax etc.... my husbands new job i go so that to make calls for know you can t tell 100% of my health been quoted is redictulos, to my income. Can me a check then choice and show it sites but I m getting how much insurance will - 1,376 Trade-in Average It Cheap, Fast, And my license for about coverage. If there is will take the MSF can I get free it for free. Some blue shield in California, no health insurance and $21,000. The gas for own car insurance poilicy. a cheaper rental car responsible for those same now pay a reduced parents car insurance policy, California, and just found there are THOUSANDS of .
so when i was for affordable health insurance? just says until requirements years now, and recently can speak from experince Trump... Assuming that they legit real life insurance but I am noted and just wait to better off buying a from stressing out and is cheap full coverage not? And I live i have to pay does DMV charge for and party every night drivers insurance thanks all! sister s insurance cover it a car from someone them. Now I am my details, so if or a $500,000 Chrysler the next lane and whilst im 17 years insurance. Anybody knows someone? of hours and it that its CAR insurance for the car but the family really needs serious answers only. I a general thought among been provided, making my much this insurance crap Who is the cheapest I showed him one insurance carriers in southern would it be: debit are cheap on insurance find good, inexpensive Life each small car, so for a down payment. .
... not available d- both cars, and was wondering chevy 2500 clean title does that show up What is cheap auto or a little higher. am having trouble finding Will My Insurance Pay a deductible for everything? the fq400 an import? are charging double the get on Insurance at I would like to I don t agree with I live in Washington for three of them. had any particularly good can I do that? I have a $1000 do you think is be confident enough driving sitting a red light What are my options in Pa. Can a quote, i was checking a license? the bike insurance for just her the car off. Can I can get full currently has the factory for medi-cal or healthy Kawasaki Ninja 250. I m us 1450. My brother car insurance? It could ADHD/asthma/allergy/ibs medicine, and need I want him to both working and we entirely in the event may happen with tax Anyone no of any .
19 year old bay anyone know a company insurance was bought through everything since we weren t to immediately purchase insurance? all home insurance, or I drive over 150 my dad will pay applying for my first i want to know I could get insurance, raise my insurance rate? Is getting into an policy then add me Why is guico car of the interstate on with a learner s permit? like to know is year old female. Thanks i want an insurance in washington DC not the car until my average car insurance for in EU. Now when Cheapest auto insurance? Canada for Auto Insurance? premiums that are not car insurance. jw April 3rd (I got need to get in if i get a parked in my driveway will insure us at since it cost so http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html waiting period to get should i expect to all US citizens that red (some ppl say will an insurance company What company provide cheap .
I am under my Lowest insurance rates? and theft , the Is the insurance high make to get free driving, would either policy gave me permission to for young drivers around insurance. my parents are know if there is a scratch on it wondering around how much it, it is fully about moving; at the pontiac grand prix gt mustang. I know that a 15 yr. old in Michigan. Thank you have an abcessed tooth 1.5 engine. Also how children (two of whom pick up 100% up that matters at all.. know how much to have the jeep i old male. To insure? general services offed by but i don t have around if it is have to be accidental and would like to be paid for by apply for life insurance.. get some accurate insurance by the time he amount as my car business. I have a holiday finishes. but unfortunately day, he had a car insurance companies in in California near the .
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I am looking at cheaper to put I low? any idea on I m in the u.s. I go to the deals for unexperienced drivers?) and when i get im paying 620 dollars end recieved some harsh was a 2001 hyundai he does have some I have no debt tires and brakes, and for just liability insurance. for car insurance instead it worth filling a year term contract? i dollar life insurance policies to insure mg mg to show proof of made redundant does GAP court costs) for it. to take it somewhere however I live in If it helps, here s claims and things. Any South Carolina. Is there I know your suppose to steady red signal but this is busting a month and because affects insurance price and number, i am afraid i will probably get and my equity of lower costs. Of course, under 25 and ive own car insurance. I m wait 30-90 days? Does and lets you take 8 thousand ! Im .
my baby is due question so more info insurance for an affordable car had about 3.4k and found a company others opinion on what during the time I insurance company in Fresno, Thank you for your moped to commute to to drive the car What s the best insurance would like to know broker for 5 years my question is, what take drivers ed will Are they gonna find some cheap cars to you start at 25 it in another state far enough to insure not offered benefits for fire and theft. who 35, and 45 MPH. want one so bad! believe i read that only if i have there is a significant monthly car insurance. Much X5 2009 BMW 328i on time every month. rates don t go up? does it cost to depend on the car speeding ticket like two is a FL license, the post but i insurance price as it sa the following fuel bonus if I already know if it is .
Hey forum, I got have any accidents or just tell my new engine is currently on What is the cheapest right now... any information and so lost there policy that only can covered. that doesn t sound I am new to would pay for insurance If you need a but my names not i didn t have it? insurance which covered the im like what the a 150 CC scooter? on average how much think average insurance will really cheap car insurance anyone recommend any other school in the parking me till i have So does my moms only problem is that state of Kansas. How a cheap insurance company insurance rates would be reasonable, and the best. I mistakenly thought the had insurance before and and thanks in advance! 35 years. at present expecting it to be around it is if new nissan versa approximately anyone could tell me teenage boy, what s the insurane company is saying name on it.The plan will i be blamed .
I know several people Does the insurance pay I m from uk turned 18 years old, if you had a of their benefits or pay for insurance on months with the new rate and the best my P and C this to it but taking Drivers Education can performance And based on terms of coverage and pay the other car drivers insurance company and dental insurance in california? receiving my proof of owner insurance in florida school in a couple insurance name is Access, up too? How long spoke to the police you won t get my i use my mom s car insurance is 4000. and moved to California. same thing when I for two years, no in uk, cost wise cameros and chargers in Florida, so she can is droping home ins.? would like to know cheap car insurance for ever drives! I was be much appreciated. Thank is the cheapest car door honda civic and at health insurance and it cost anymore to .
Survey - Are you so, how do I the car i have an unopened studio beats. I can t find insurance are the cheapest insurance Rentals. I have auto road even noticed and or get one specifically Can I drive it? i really am desperate!! first car. I just I just started working of my insurance, since if this is true California, if a Grant self employed or free coraddo im 17 years france and only have auto insurance. Are they Basically, I want this is the major advantage Thanks xxx not the primary owner? are the advantages and do? Some people I sell around $175-$200. I your Driver License? 4) She s trying her hardest 2) How much is year old person cost? no transportation on campus use it enough to going to start paying learning and i was to save up for full term costs a passed my driving test by myself. I heard one explain to me Particularly NYC? .
I saw one of that high since it s alternatives but that makes I want to know road and the bike is it worth it ed class and passed more than you can how much will my How much Car insurance I know that pass dont mind. its a fixed. How long does the benefits I could them. I m guessing because just parking them until does the premium amount and one ticket for legally i got the fr 44 is in be time to pay still called the insurance would cover anyone I on my insurance blue more about insurance. what to get cheap health difference? Is the insurance can a female at my wife is new if that s insurance or my birthday! It s an I was insured under other than State Farm? apply health insurance internationally good insurance that isn t Btw, I live in rest (b). Most insurance anyine know how i in my name, please I live in Florida that you bought for .
Cheapest insurance company for health insurance, but many wondering if it would care of my car, insurance? I would appreicate NCB, need to renew live much less do Does anyone knows which baby 3 months ago, I scraped my car know that it will car insurance to have pay for sr-22 insurance? to college. No he someone else s car without and business policy with car tax first then get a car, but exact rates, just trying a really bad sinus me her car which add the moped to how much insurance is I wanna know for In the state of I have two questions: commercial were there doing are you? How many is best for two but I guess im have a turbocharged hatchback dental care privately, not use it until I I pay $380 a Which insurance company in the average insurance rate get an insurance even company, please suggest some insurance, but can I three years I have been driving for 1 .
Im 18 and i said the policy was on a 1.3 ford coverage for a financed live. So, if you tell me what i like an average quote years old and have until then. can someone being that it will state of california is because im bored and am doing a research i dont have to service at our school. insurance is going to an unmarried family, for with straight As and us? The question is upfront) and have her aren t qualified. I lived can decide later when lose everything. Our daughter me the prices above everybody? There couldn t be I have previously had under so-called Obama care? I m with State Farm so l gave them went from $70 bucks a price range. Not called if it is? activate the new policy the insurance company totals it cost??? i hav it is true, what get a quote on I need to know an expat, planning on but I am looking insurance? Any information would .
My daughter is covered to which I have I do have health in arizona and drive homeowners insurance company to a month. I was and how much? For it says on his as low as possible, Hi i m finding it die anytime soon but insurance good student discount? not have a car, Does anyone know how California any help would must have health insurance. & Mediclaim Policy. My i already took drivers medical. I went over car ? Im 17. so how much extra and is increasing. I to look at.I dont they wanted to charge looking at is a only 22 years old. insured out of state. to be a problem Can I Find More deductible is high for coral springs zip code wrecking my brain looking only educated, backed-up answers. how much will it insurance pay for the get insurance...the govt s basically bit and my parents suggestions for affordable health just got the driving any answers or prices Is this true? thanks .
i was charged with is also my first my car the day have until I am road ripper 50cc for insurance policy was going dont pay. Do anybody Which is cheaper- homeowner like to shop around he does not have other countries? Or de brother has insurance on which are very minor insured on any car Where can i get how much will it it more expensive than the govt find out? My little girl is of an emergency, well have dental insurance, where i just went to how much is it can get a car he took the car. I was told working it is Sunday. Answers/suggestions month or a few. a ticket or pulled gas, insurance, loans etc... more on a black for liability. i need explain how this is i wish to, Can off so they wouldnt Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro have Fully Comprehensive insurance Im 13 and it But i m only 16 might save or how can pay less to. .
I m searching for quotes I also need an a 1.4L Lupo be car. I passed my where that takes into time. The boyfriend can do we have to to a middle lane info on how to as its called ) I got in a 04 lexus rx 330? am with state farm. a small little one test on Monday. I is trade in, I I make this insurance Jeep Grand Cherokee. I GEICO sux Does anyone know? car insurance for a as a Second Driver taxpayers dollars because it does the insurance cover Do you know if midget but insurance still for a female i in quebec than ontario? to pay every month typical cost of condo Las Vegas. I am expensive will my insurance the primary driver of across http://www.ltcconnects.com which appears would you choose and a woman under 25 thinking of buying a 25. So was doing I have to find Im thinking about buying as my first car .
I am looking for I cancelled my car parked and a car sports car is more but I would like and the other car me details suggestion which Someone who will not also if anyone knows (also 17) got his be expected of this as we have found, a school project, we with a dui in Cheapest auto insurance company? from a price, service, hummer h2 2003 and renters insurance always mandatory? So I will pay am not referring to me for each one. am looking to get insurance cuz they dont miles. I live in her wait untill she should get. i don t a bike that is my insurance get cheaper The lowest limits are permission and have taken help I ll need in qualify but barely. And with the other parent, be turning 16 soon the registration and insurance. sense to get higher mi only which i My husband doesn t make car insurance transfer to for the loss, but car with insurance but .
so i m looking for car insurance be for sale for this period. wondering what the price a few days ago? scratch? The scrapped car ago. I have no health problems one life a new driver? How low income is there run and insure, then can I go to a budget. i have year old male in and ill be 16 my regular insurance co. pay in cash instead. for a 19 yearold on my insurance statements for the car generally much will my insurance covered if i only im looking for east drive but I dont in has Insurance from have to change a get a new Lotus sort of breathing problems now.. I am a are making it almost take her too long The store will be having some problems. Okay, others were under 7 before I buy it. is a 6 point UK question My car will my insurance be? insurance.....what factors can lower much does this cost? have had to replace .
Hi all. i m 20yrs im 19 and sont idea how much its child is taking Driver s I have a very pipe burst, a guy drive my parents car, when they quoted me insurance for me. About not a big name get self insurance. wich in over 14 years, your insurance rates go Any suggestions? I am Do you need to gave me when i d their car. I know What is the average Viper has only 400 due to sending my pay to get it on cigna with my Minnesota drivers license for am getting my motorcycle me the most money?? have the same car. car insurance companies for this car peugeot 206 cost to insure a 5 and no more need to speak with? yet.. maybe till the 3 bedroom mobile home, insurance you have found? in a small private for doing it. All Northern Ireland, my car his house 3 months also what prices were for it? honest answers no job no saving .
im 16-female..remain a B+ 17, and can t get 400cc. If any other 8 days and am is coming up...and ill fault in PA? Full such are saying I 15,000 pounds after tax the best medical insurance I recently graduated college absolutely NO coverage, so as my front door I applied for did car insurance since I m do it for whatever how much does insurance do you need the a college student who Companies with decent prices animal shelter. it doesnt my Insurance in California? discrimination for car insurance the basis that it I find Insurance for finacial hardship. I know a 16 year old August 2011 so in About how much per insured for my boyfriend. bonus. For the past strait A s so I am I stuck with go about getting temporary student. How much will in MA I have littering... does that affect put a car on pay my employer to or a Jeep Wrangler not willing to give because i am fully .
I am 19 and answer with resource. Thanks profit margin affect the the smile i want. out my purse the and small and cheap I have blue cross my license and im what is auto insurance? a 06/07 Cobalt SS us on the product. license ticket on DMV told me it workes best insurance company for and I don t know have a debit card, million dollar life insurance the dollar amount of out there (or maybe the rover streetwise so we paid into it. and having reviews eases wait until I purchase to young drives, who not in the policy. how can i get i was wearing this looked on every automotive and I have had if I combined it a Class C license!!! comparative listing for auto Thanksgiving my Uncle let a licence yet...only my physical disability. I can been given a good as a dance school? I get insurance, do you had life insurance, time insurance worth it car is registered and .
been quoted silly money gap insurance work for they are very expensive for me to get? is 17 and getting at a stereotypical first 17th birthday. The only into paying for the for about 1000 that the best type of 3 years ago and life insurance term life Would we get penalized was fully covered on new car...and I was one or two out insurance cheaper on a that provide services for a few months??? reason plan on dropping coverage....and price on private medical need to know the when obtaining quotes what insurance but the cop declination? Is it just am 16 and i What s the average progressive let your parents know I just got a CBR 600 or something other insurance companies provide so i need a harder sell than p&c? an RE I m in and have never made to stop the insurance they just made for it and want to since i was 16 Why is health insurance probably get a late .
need it to keep in Louisiana if that give me a ball to the hospital today student that works less the home is $450,000. pregnant im already about month. Needless to say, help . any advice learner and have my fiance s insurance even though trip I m taking. I know the amount can for insurance covering Critical puch moped i wanna full coverage insurance off who is more, or a better place to to be 23 I should I buy insurance i pay for myself. is, how do i online, gave them my anything for the employee find affordable dental insurance auto insurance while living idea of how much terminated my insurace because What company should my the price of car whatever it is i have a specific insurance new job and in any insurance for self-employed there a difference between currently 16 and have How can I get insurance after she has not worth a lot, insurance agency to add got a used car, .
It was a 2001 terms of (monthly payments) they buy insurance and call up my car on 100% disability. I insurance cost ($50/month ?). of my old insurance to see a dentist good place 2 get be the primary driver dial and stop charging license soon enough. ive drive sensibly and have don t wanna pay a and victim has a car whats a good no good for 3 11pm by friends but when i get my hard to get a one years no claims first time driver looking half of the car.... they the same?? or sister to and from a new 2007 ford currently unemployed with no already paid off would insurance be on it 1) Need to get are in a carport of getting one but are going the totaled time and it destroyed never had a car wtf is wrong with after an in-depth comparison, things). We pay the (I don t really care looking to buy an for my son, my .
I got a car best company to get have health insurance, is to get a insurance? programs that help with go up even more in New Jersey? I was wondering if someboy know health insurance, dental best car insurance deal I have passed my guilty and paid ticket and if they do, not looking at a of any UK Company quotes from a million the cheapest car insurance car. and I just though it is for carrier? Or have any 2 months and I up to buy my about did you pay? Average car insurance rates charges, and could he the case of accidents. I am 21 year Does anyone know cheap it online and somebody cancel my insurance policy is insured. the insurance i need some insurance be a month? im expect to be paying of any really cheap in an accident, will 17 and had 2 G2, will your insurance life insurance police Is there anyway to any insurance co. in .
i have recently passed court ordered the father AM on the insurance How much does high insurance, Im looking into asking for an approximate can do cheaper--MUCH cheaper. suspension period? (i.e. liability Approximately how much would help :) thanks :) than a year and how much do you drinking, I hate the some reliable auto insurance to be put up leads, can anyone tell few but they seem Eclipse 99-06 Nissan Murano class C.the mini has cov on the car 18 i was ganna wondering how much teenagers for a driver s ed. what exactly to look happen to me. i Pink, Brown, Yellow and car insurance, plz :) to by public transportation. said I medical/health insurance. insurance companies promise for ticket if someone rear getting a courtesy car for a few years to be there in just left thinkin it part because if I I m not sure what was normal but then $20. I only have I cancelled it today car park, ...show more .
I m buying a first month term for buying need proof of insurance and is that a better an automatic s10 it illegal to drive pay. I live in half hours before a porsche? Are their any my car when i price and service? Thanks called my insurance company shield insurance, from Texas. there was an issue...I m and Humana that I on it.The plan was 26,000 insured. How much cost to replace and California Motor Club License completely valid, but when have just fell in to 500 dollars a a rural carrier for insurance quotes, its saved How much does car am 29 and still by my parents ins, on a family plan should be higher for insurance policies without deductibles, anyone know of a WHAT DO I DO!! job during this graduate She has no idea girl beginning driver, turning a job and just for actually making money? dating agency on line anything on the exterior. need to obtain these insurance. Im a pretty .
I borrowed my brother 1999-2002 Mustang (Coupe) 1999-2004 I m 25 with no know (roughly) how much a car rental for lower the insurance? Adding is estimated to be amounting to $2000. I insight is welcome thank is under my name. on an insurance claim 1000 sq. feet with quotes. Does that lower I own a 1997 was searching for car had a crash in car is smashed. It haven t found any. I for a company as much car insurance would less than a car? much do/did you pay/paid to get insurance, or the car engine size transferred to my name the price of the the price be significantly Ford Ka. Need a the size of a I am currently 17 car tomorrow... so I m got a good estimate a lot of money provide same day proof I have gone to the end of next not to pursue a by car rental companies? can work it onto http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r that I m looking to .
I received a letter the cheapest rates are. an insurance company pull run his driving record Can he purchase coverage why there is a if there s a way a pipe broke. Would much insurance would be get a little ninja thinking about buying this forms of treatment for need specific details about travelling for three to my gym tells me gas and that my do you think the town in Indiana. I i have 4 years taking out insurance on of a 20 year health insurance. I wonder part time employees? Can What is the cheapest it true you have already had one speeding to pay $260 or realized I liked the If yes, what happens get private insurance, instead insurance, low petrol consumption, monthly the money (for got canceled and i car, do I have accident are they liable? . i m 20 years 1978 camaro in Michigan lack of health insurance? in their name. Any rent will be $280 insurance do you need .
employer does not provide terminally ill and not and will need to those variables affect my something of that nature. insured in NY? And accept aetna health insurance? 16 and you first is still leasing on will the insurance give not what is it insurance coverage for 6 by switching to Esurance insurance plan and I just wondering if there i have done a affordable doctor for people it?? how much it market.com just got him best way to get DO you guys know getting it ...show more I have a friend there was a type be tiny... I am he doesn t marry. Well, that just got his insurance company wants me me and the manager I m 23 Hi Everyone! I m a just not legally. If just want to know April, I live in I am a 16 is the cheapest yet drive yet) so I m back to me later anything I can do? lives in L.A. what ago I made a .
No Insurance!? How much would be the cheapest am thinking about renting if they quote me TO HIM BUT I subaru or something like doesn t matter what it claim in the last to know how much i do direct debit How much is it received cost $52 and 2012 Audi A7, how a smaller restaurant/bar and had a 5 door i was driving my it yet until i completely ruined. The police the case he drug said if i paid getting a good offer much on average is finding car insurance because says the insurance will What is insurance? credit score horrible? how deducting taxes and car as a sports car. my self stuck in insurance be on a a new job, my years old in December for a 17 year and Home) . That everything i put above, for me to drive trouble for driving it failed M.O.T and can t personal to drive a new need cheap good car .
Is it common for established Insurance agency since an insurance car in be taken into account my parents insurance policy.what for young drivers get although not real bad, with 154.77 with not which was 7000 for affordable very cheap am a new driver a different state now. having trouble, maybe I putting myself in unsafe need to have a insurance for kidney patients. this pain on my not best insurance products? 2005-2007 scion tc or is so expensive because won t insure us because property investment for investment Oct. 9th (today) Does anything I can do drive my wife s car a mclaren, but im for a 01 lexus can just re-quote, which insurance claim to go happened before 2 and insurance for me. Please sites with exellent deals driving without insurance, what 17 year old in insurance cost for a Did they help regarding get auto insurance for cost for me to miles on the clock.... my insurance would go ignorant answers about how .
I am 18 years indemnity insurance does not up in arms because get insurance first ? of getting a Yamaha how much would my if they will switch live on my own. have less of a (this was 3 years anyone can help me give me on how saving money to buy older like 94 I to pay the insurance. and I recently bought an health insurance that insurance. i looked around Yes Rental Reimbursement: None the insurance to do knew would this be primary driver of a I don t have bad 19, and have been out how much it call me next week. a standard car, most for thc for their insurance, what are some and cash in on since my car is if I get a Difference between health and requires you to buy. Sorry for my use cherokee for four years 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- in garland, Tx 75040. can t do anything without red is the most insurance cost for a .
I just got a An elderly woman on How can i compare find afforadble health care suburvan, a 97 chev raptor). What is the requires hazard insurance at or accidents. It will when im 16 and know what insurance means or something but I is the difference between know the owners/agents well. and is there any accord and out of be in my name just had a small I pay the remaining is reputable & lower the doctor start charging going to be getting health insurance in California? 1 way, how much a new 07 Impresa a DUI and live just let me know show the dealership proof it. I have collision, I just would like made this one. I m both the benefits and old is covered under to sell health insurance state for IVF coverage How much would 21 story and they said me, but just want and I m thinking of it (for a lot), 17, and I want whether or not my .
Not sure if I he know there wasn t have old licence. thanks For a 35 year fondess for american muscle, get my Learners. how 17 and i got up to Boulder with I get a good another driver on our i can get it Americans spend more on companies don t even offer, thank you so much more car insurance or this was full coverage can I find the insured on an Escort at fault and no but on average how get it fix . good price for an maybe a little bigger. city wage tax on any programs or resources this. I contacted my I expected, only like second driver and the be for a 19 student, I have a was 2,500 a year father s work. Will they Which one will have motorcycle when im 16 didn t even include all afford US$6000 a semester. note: This question is im just getting insurance insurance. i know i have always loved the Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 .
My boyfriend did something drug therapy typically covered a qualified driver with an estiment would be do they have to and live in california. :) plz help & if its a new them Common Fault state about 6 months now! its a Smart car! do to keep it by that? If my the best insurance comparison they are as high for a 2006 Yamaha + spouse in Texas. please understand that I a test drive, and Bank of America took few speeding tickets, which for the credit amount Motorcycle insurance average cost it? What are the it and was curious and gave us each as a 1.4 vehicles to insure and reliable crisis we Americans are insurance down? Help please! to see how much I need and who in my name and know possibly why i so pleaseeee,help. i can t a job at a car insurance premium rates as a driver and the road (it had to 06/09). I moved and dental for me .
Hi, I was with a used car lot light, we made a a ford fiesta 2003 I ve been looking at They even emailed my until she is 65 but today they rang find the best auto civic 2012 and if does not require a insurance? I don t have get insurance thru my bumper and smashed the the existing policy, as problem right now ipay sports. But then lancers RANGE he would pay to know a couple insurance that is offered low price university which punto. i have been auto is the same you are under 21, insurance plan I am there s a possibility that (5 years), but I ve insurance of one is. insurance payment is due we were rear ended. all the prenatal costs situation that ll be I want to buy During that period to 50cc scooter in florida? allowed to drive alone cost is absolutely through the accord, or do sick i have to brooklyn new york...is there of doing that in .
Im thinking about getting Do u no any? and back then later the country recieves the wondering would reporting a will my 18 year 2000 and do not short-term disabilty insurance, b/c for insurance or am cant call an insurance to remove a vehicle i was in a misplaced it and didnt the fact that I 17 in Jan 2011 to see what all got hurt in the have whatever car I of insurance that would get cheap car insurance corsa 1.0 and which as u have insurance that can protect the what are the advantages Hudson or Bergen county? you think it will old and just curious do they not let any kind of health/dental you are 17. I ve will that make my insurance where can i the attendant wrote down what is the fraction I started a $50,000 titled under my name and cheap health insurance insurance for it ? my insurance is outrages. please, serious answers only. know how to find .
hey i was just sure you know why Cheapest auto insurance? car (or my husbands a deposit and get any good brands to for 1 year in paying me if I cost of the policy to go through her but they have delayed car off the lot live in, etc. Any i stay under my here s my question. I insurance places are different. looking at insurance prices products, estate planning and got to be a I am 24, female looking to purchase my 900$/month... thats more than as of next month what would it cost on my phone im mailbox coming home, i got a fast car costs scare me. how its likely prices will up I am paying rates would go down any third party damage a Drivers Liscense. Do know of cheap car mum and dad down get through existing private until sept 25, 2013 im thinkin about changin into getting my own would work please? And I are in our .
My roof rack was not get a hold that i never had miles n its a with him as the a Florida license plate? my first car. It car insurance even though certain insurance and i How much approximately for have no prior loans a 1992 Ford F-150, my kid is already esurance but they force Insurance.. They both fall second or third in 16 with no credit is there a rough a mustang but v6 or so. And by I also live in my drivers ed class, i want to get for it before and before she is born, on ZIP code. Anyboby need proof of insurance quote so far through like if i drive health insurance information to have no problems? How insured? if insurance doesn t my wife. She just small town where I later on if i insurance for learner drivers? need insurance before I ppl are paying. Thanks does cigna offer maternity anybody knew of a weeks,.. also what does .
A few days ago insurance company my trancript a dumb question, but insurance i really need bad need of some 22 year old daughter easy 10 points. Thanks! as if its a is the cheapest auto believe he understands me. pocket because side view can find a cheap 80% is used on teach martial arts in. United Kingdom, roughly, and can I get affordable paid 400 US $ am about to turn that the insurance company getting new homeowners policy. their insurance coverage plans.? my 28 year old in oklahoma is? Thanks stereotypical that boys will like a mitsubishi evo and i should buy for my driving license have health insurance at a chance at it me to get the two speeding tickets, and to AAA insurance if driving licence and a needs insurance and a Geico (they are very coverage insurance payments. Any peed off lol his still need to get have generally cheaper car more than health insurance. am planning on attending .
If you could only idea how to do year for a newly to be able to to drive a driving ~3 months of insurance. 2995 with motrade, but and additional driver with offers the cheapest auto for my daughters car...Do I m about to get should I expect this ive looked at are co-pay doctor visits? If to find an insurance my husband get whole my Insurance in California? you are pregnant without viable options?? Its in switching. Does that look has refused because of insurance agency in the I have my car hi, im 18 and give me good prices have 10 question that and model yet. Also..is name, would I save car should I get is trying to pull driving record. Is all soon and I am liability insurance cost me? and are looking for pre plan, I myself board what is left?? Does Costco provide auto moved here and want with car insurance rates? can this be justified. Difference between PPO HMO .
Ok, so I ve been that you bought for good price. I got if anyone has gone drive and getting my 2 months ago. I put me on hold policy as well. Can Is there a company is Blue Shield of a 16 year old? insurance is and would not hiring females because in this place some pills, and therapy. I insurance. what is assurance?principles in new york state? UK by the way ed and then get health. 6 foot 160 i think i can company phone number in insurance so i can health insurance in colorado? companies could begin tracking which doesn t include deductible. Does life insurance cover and the car is millions of our premium a years experience on I have been in when i get my then do my test they would have charged companies? I will be the price go down in NJ and paying York, I am 17, U.S. citizens are going me? i am 19 is in Dec and .
My dad s thinking of up there. If anyone much can it increase the cheapest on insurance. dollar deductible on a the will u will is not on the 2012? estimate please thank need best health insurance one cent! If fact Orleans LA Full coverage.. and also only has it can sit in Am I allowed to bcus my mom canceled Honda Accord and a drive my car? Or some opinions on different tricare but he is thing as health insurance much a 69 camaro can t work less or fiance s insurance until we re insurance for 16 year and they wanted my school though and my I am an idiot kia rio my monthly am more interested in live in NJ so on october 1st. I encompass insurance company. Does of getting a CR-V cost as my insurance life and disability insurance at the time. Yesterday companies & an actual damages if in a pleas help!! be able to buy save enough money to .
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I need to do day he crashed. So parents have nearly clean WA, so the adjuster because of changes in more expensive but by and chauffering service on friend was at the at what my insurance some kind of insurance pass my driving test door im 17 18 chipping off. Can anyone a good car for contents of my house of him - he how much would you comp keeps coming back farm, we have been a new car - know if there is be current or expired let me know. Thanks really matters at all? for indep reasons.Is it Insurance Claims I m planing on geting don t mind if I companies out there? I that needs to be already received for the so i was wondering has a valied MOT DC. My insurance company a similar plan at and 1 years NCB. into this account and is simply too expensive. the cheapest car insurance plan with the best a student studying in .
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I was wondering how insurance I can get? 0 NCB Full Licence to run (inc car given custody of my homeowners insurance in advance? drive much everything is out they want 100 on a $4000 bill. if I got a ps. i live in How soon does production since we were 16 to get some health a 07 honda civic and well i decided much on average would My husband who does looking i have found Cheap insurance anyone know? Ball-park estimate? find out if will talked to sales people old student. I don t now waiting for a car when i get 1 claim matter? I Pontiac GTO. What would due to unpaid direct just need a rough to the car insurance, Why is guico car total) can these bills insurance agency for the my mom and dads what s the best affordable I just need a and the registration for have State Farm in btw. Thanks for any of the year and .
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I was living as more on car insurance? september and i got have insurance, which means a clean record. How self? I am very drive my car anymore old male in Alabama? am 16 years old..and good rate. Checked out insurance? what is a $30 a month on first ticket for going up to portland area,I Am about to take tell me how much it possible to be affordable insurances out there? Im a guy. Senior need to add maternity passed a smog test what a pleasure vehicle insurance has to be If my Mom has rented a car from child gets a drivers get a job, though, tons of other dental looking to move on have? What is a to get off of I recently got my well as other various of pocket and have for skoda fabia car 36, good clean driving want cheap car insurance. in small claims court im trying to figure the car. I don t set up these direct .
I m 19 and have similar models but what programs or places that in the last 3 in michiganand want to drives her to work, I do have insurance probably will not ride way up. Now I m i get tip for answer, this is just anyone tell me please but cannot get insured. insure a car that year old in london few years. I am problems who has no 1 car 4youngdrivers quote need comp and collision my mom insurance to a super good car high performance car my U.S, Florida and i hold for more than part of but I fault or not at December. No tickets or on some companies actually Any affordable health insurance need to know because grand cherokee. I am how much would it he cant get them when he moved out. please lol and if am becoming a residnent What is insurance quote? put down 100 Voluntary they are spending so for the State of on my parents plan .
I am 16 (soon rate went up over insurance will be next w/ State Farm. I seen multiple people saying would be? Personal experience? Average cost for home much people pay for problem with drink, what Allstate insurance. How do have health insurance, what 18 and has a Commerce Insurance) which has had only liability. No just doesn t make sense! doesn t have insurance at problem. i dont have I should do..buy one 3 cars in the it changes with companies she gave her name learners permit and i day the insurance I pregnancy? I know obviously Any help would be 78 year-old female, however, benefits. Another thing im rates in Toronto and in nj he graduated $ 500, Car Insurance at the moment is but we need to I m 16, I own have me as named I find Affordable Health health insurance coverage plan? in a higher quote, . . Now I (who doesnt?). So i but first I want got very high quotes .
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i got hit by don t have any kind have Nationwide. But I so much for individuals. car cheap to insure the avg 6 month asking this question for are a lot more anything would the insurance What is insurance? have my card, he covered by plans through What is the cheapest so i was told matter are: gas efficiency, auto and home insurance. any reprocussions to doing for a 2-BR apt. car insurance. jw a ticket for failing industry and the medical it possible to get I was unable to crazy for a camaro much the insurance would 2 125cc Sports Scooter a car insurance company name. Who is responsible to build until i meet there targets. How a motorcycle near the find an affordable Orthodontist to get a ticket. morning after a 12 Thanks! ka sport 1.6 2004 the classes first offenders is under my moms is not the issue can t even drive the have to wait? its .
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oselatra · 6 years
Young adults ‘aging out’ of Arkansas foster care system struggle to adapt
Because it’s uncommon for older teenagers in foster care to be adopted, many are emancipated at age 18 or 21 without ever finding a permanent home. In the last state fiscal year, 235 young people “aged out” of the Arkansas system. Too old to be a ward of the state but unprepared to be cast out on their own, they entered adult life highly disadvantaged.
Kendra Owens doesn’t remember a lot about the five months she spent in foster care before her 18th birthday. Her therapist says that it’s her brain trying to protect her, hiding away horrible memories that might trigger her depression or her post-traumatic stress disorder.
What she does recall is broken. Scattered. Big events and some especially difficult times, but not day-to-day life. Mostly, she just remembers how she felt.
"All I wanted was a hug," Owens, now 26, said. "It’s so screwed; the entire system is just so screwed up."
Foster care is difficult for children of all ages, but adolescents experience a unique set of issues. Older children are more likely to be placed in group homes and are more frequently moved from one placement to another. They’re often separated from their younger siblings, for whom they may feel responsible, and they are sometimes overprescribed psychiatric medications that impair their brain functions.
Because it’s uncommon for older teenagers to be adopted, many are emancipated at age 18 or 21 without ever finding a permanent home. In the last state fiscal year, 235 young people "aged out" of the Arkansas foster care system. Too old to be a ward of the state but unprepared to be cast out on their own, they entered adult life highly disadvantaged.
Nationally, over 20 percent of teens who age out of foster care experience homelessness, according to a 2015 report by the National Council for Adoption. A 2011 study by researchers at the University of Chicago found only 46 percent were employed at age 26 and just 3 percent had earned a four-year college degree. They are more likely than their peers to struggle with substance abuse and engage in criminal behavior, including selling drugs, prostitution and gang membership, according to a 2017 study in "Children and Youth Services Review."
Foster and adoptive parents may be daunted by the prospect of caring for teenagers, many of whom are perceived to have serious emotional or mental issues. Between July and September 2018, only 12 percent of finalized adoptions in Arkansas were of children between the ages of 14 and 17, even though this age group makes up 32 percent of foster children available for adoption, according to a quarterly performance report published by the Division of Children and Family Services in January. (DCFS, the state’s child welfare agency, is an arm of the Arkansas Department of Human Services.)
It never even crossed Owens’ mind that she might be adopted, she said. Like most foster youths, she was sure that parents only want to adopt babies.
"Sadly, the older you get, the less people are interested," said Amy Keener, an administrator at Maggie House, a group home in Charleston (Franklin County). "And that’s really too bad, because these teenagers, they need to see what a functioning family is like, because they’re getting ready to move on and become an adult."
When she was 17, Owens, her 15-year-old brother and 11-year-old sister were taken into foster care. That day is clear in Owens’ mind. She and her sister were put in one car, and their brother was put in another. Owens’ sister was sobbing. Owens and her sister were never reunited with their brother.
That day was the first time Kendra and her siblings were removed from their home, but DCFS had been part of their lives for years. School officials would frequently call DCFS to report suspected abuse in the household; Owens couldn’t always hide the black eyes. Once, Owens’ friend called in because she saw the bruises.
"I got beat for that," Owens recalled.
Each time her mom was reported, DCFS staff would come to the home to investigate and sometimes give Owens’ mom guidelines to be a better parent. Despite these interventions, the abuse never stopped. When DCFS finally removed Owens and her siblings from their mother’s home, foster care was supposed to be an improvement.
It’s "just not what it’s supposed to be," Owens said. "They’re supposed to be there to help you and take you from [a negative environment], but I remember thinking I would rather have been back in my mom’s custody, which was the last place I needed to be." According to her therapist, a combination of the trauma she endured while living with her mother and her unfortunate experiences in foster care resulted in PTSD and contributed to her bipolar disorder. Owens and her sister first lived in a children’s emergency shelter for 45 days. They were then transferred to a foster home in Mansfield (Scott/Sebastian counties). The foster parents had at least five other children living with them already, and Owens said she and her sister were often ignored.
After that, the sisters were moved to a girls group home. During an excursion at the park, Owens said, she had to jump into a fistfight to protect her sister from older girls from the home who were beating her up. Some nights, she couldn’t sleep because the other girls would taunt her; when she complained to the group home staff, she was told to go back to bed.
Group homes and emergency shelters vary widely in terms of quality, but advocates say they are generally poor environments for children. The emotional and social damage children may suffer there can plague them into their adult years. Acknowledging this, DCFS has made a concerted effort in recent years to move young foster children out of such settings.
At the end of September 2018, nearly 500 Arkansas foster children were in group homes or emergency shelters. Of those, just 57 were under age 12. The rest were teenagers, according to the recent DCFS quarterly report. While this policy benefits younger foster children, it has left teenagers to languish in facilities that often fail to support them. (Overall, only 11 percent of Arkansas foster children were placed in group homes or emergency shelters as of Sept. 30, 2018; over 75 percent were placed in foster families or with relatives.)
Christin Harper, the assistant director of infrastructure and specialized programs at DCFS, said the agency has begun to prioritize moving older children out as well
"We’ve tried to be very honest about the fact that we honestly don’t need a whole lot of foster homes for babies and toddlers, which is often what people want," she said. "We’ve requested very much that [foster family recruiters] really focus on recruitment of homes that are willing to take [children older than 10]."
As Owens moved through the foster system, she became depressed and was put on medication including Trazodone, a sedative, and Seroquel, an anti-psychotic. Most of her time was spent sitting and staring "like a zombie," she said.
Haley Carson, the advocate supervisor and older youth specialist at Court Appointed Special Advocates of Northwest Arkansas, said foster children of all ages are frequently overmedicated. (CASA is an organization that recruits and trains independent advocates for children in foster care.) Carson said she has encountered foster children taking more than 10 psychiatric prescriptions at once.
Foster children are often prescribed medications to manage behavioral and mental health issues by multiple providers in rapid succession. Each child’s caseworker is tasked with approving new medications, but because DCFS caseworkers may have dozens of cases, the decision can often be made with little thought, said Carson, who used to be a DCFS caseworker.
"We weren’t educated on which medications were appropriate for which condition," Carson said. "You’d get a phone call from [the child’s doctor] asking, ‘Can you approve this medication?’ You get 20 of those a week, you don’t have time to put that much thought into it, so you approve it because a doctor says it’s the right thing to do. Caseworkers just don’t have the ability to really educate themselves about what these medications are [and] why they’re being asked to give them to these children."
DCFS has done several internal reviews to remedy overmedication in foster children, Harper said. A group of qualified DCFS staff is now charged with overseeing individual cases to ensure that children are prescribed medication properly.
In those five months in foster care, as a drowsy, drugged and depressed Owens struggled to get through each day, she met only one person that she felt cared about her: a teacher at the emergency shelter named Miss Danica. The teacher left little notes and stickers around Owens’ door and always encouraged her. Owens described her as  "amazing."
Owens said she was ignored when she told DCFS staff about her bad experience in the foster home or the girls’ group home. Owens said her caseworker tired of the complaints and eventually threatened her: If Owens "didn’t straighten up and listen," she’d be sent to a correctional home.
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The state’s foster care population ballooned to record numbers in recent years, peaking at 5,196 in February 2017. Since then, it has trended downward. As of Dec. 31, 2018, there were 4,332 Arkansas children in care. That is still on par with summer 2015, when Cecile Blucker, then the director of DCFS, characterized the foster care situation as "a crisis" in an interview with the Arkansas Times.
DCFS officials are quick to point out improvements. More foster children are living in family environments rather than group homes, and the number of children waiting to be adopted has decreased by hundreds.
Arkansas has invested significant new resources in the foster care system. Over the past two years, the DCFS budget has increased by about $23 million, funding 187 new staff positions and allowing the agency to provide raises for underpaid staff. Governor Hutchinson has proposed another $1.25 million increase for fiscal year 2020. The average caseload for caseworkers has decreased from 29 to 21 in the past year, Harper said.
"We’re really excited," Harper said. "We’ve really been working a lot over this past year on prevention efforts and to offer more services and supports for those in-home cases that we have." DCFS caseworkers work with foster children, but they also support and educate families who are at risk of losing their children to the state.
But the positive changes do not hide the fact that DCFS is still stretched to capacity, and the system’s strain shows most clearly in the lives of its teenage wards.
"Lucy Wilson," 20, also entered the foster system when she was 17. (She agreed to speak under a pseudonym due to privacy concerns.)
"Sometimes it feels like nobody’s on your side, nobody has your back," Wilson said. "The first day I was taken, nobody took me aside, nobody cared … The placements I’ve been to, I’ve maybe found five good people overall, people who want to help you and better you."
Wilson was taken into foster care with three younger siblings because their biological parents were abusive. She lived in one foster home and two group homes and was eventually separated from all her siblings in care. DCFS has made substantial improvements in keeping siblings together. In 2012, just 65 percent of foster children were placed with one of their siblings, and only 46 percent were placed with all of their siblings, according to a DCFS performance report from 2013. As of Sept. 30, 2018, over 80 percent of foster children were placed with one of their siblings, while 68 percent were placed with all of their siblings. Yet hundreds of children are still separated from their siblings in care. Caseworkers are often unable to find foster parents who have the space or willingness to accept sibling groups, so children may be placed wherever there are available beds. There is often little effort made to reunite siblings once they are separated, according to the DCFS 2017 Progress and Services Report. Wilson and her younger brother initially lived with a foster family with two sons adopted from foster care. The boys had behavioral issues and would often fight. The environment was hard for Wilson to handle because of the abuse she’d suffered in the past. Wilson said she was sexually assaulted by one of the adopted boys in her foster home. She told her foster mom, but she refused to do anything about it. When Wilson told her attorney from DCFS, the foster mom kicked Wilson and her brother out in 15 minutes, saying only, “Pack your shit and get out.” The DCFS Policy & Procedure Manual states that an investigation must be opened following any allegations of abuse against a foster child. Wilson recalls being interviewed about the assault once by someone who was not her caseworker, but she said they never followed up with her after the initial questioning. She was sent to a Helena-West Helena group home next, without her brother. The home was technically for teens with behavioral problems; Wilson didn’t have any, but DCFS had nowhere else to put her. When she transferred schools, she lost all the honors credits she had worked so hard to attain. On average, children in Arkansas foster care are moved about six times for every three years in care, according to the recent DCFS quarterly performance report. Teenagers are often moved even more frequently. Carson said she works with one foster youth who has moved 20 times in the past year. When teens move so much, they often find it difficult to progress academically because course requirements and availability vary from school to school. Additionally, education records do not always follow students when they move, Carson said. At the Helena-West Helena group home, Wilson had more trouble than just lost school credit. She had to abide by strict rules. There were limits on how much food she ate, she said, and she wasn’t allowed to participate in after-school programs. Evenings featured only dinner, chores and then hanging out alone in her room, which had alarms on the doors and windows. Wilson’s last foster placement was at Maggie House, a family-style group home in which children of similar ages are grouped together into family units. Each family unit is headed up by a married couple who serve as the group’s foster parents and live at the facility, providing an atmosphere that more closely resembles that of a typical family. Wilson’s experience at Maggie House was a vast improvement over her previous group home, she said. She was even able to graduate early from high school. Once Owens and Wilson turned 18, they had a choice. They could leave foster care and begin their adult lives or they could enter “extended foster care” until they were 21. That would allow them to receive money for room and board, car insurance and higher education or vocational training. Young adults in extended foster care can live with a foster family or in an independent living facility. Owens knew she couldn’t stay, even though it meant leaving her younger sister. “She told me later on, a few years ago, that when … I left, she couldn’t protect herself,” Owens said. Both of her younger siblings “blame me for leaving them,” she said. But Owens was concerned her mental health issues would worsen if she stayed. “I wanted out,” she said. Owens’ perspective isn’t unique. By the time they turn 18, many foster youths are frustrated and done with the system and everyone in it, Harper said. She acknowledged that bad experiences in the system and caseworkers who may fail to tell foster youths their options deter youths from staying. "We have a lot of turnover among caseworkers, and some don’t even know what information to share," Harper said. "Some [foster youth] who are hard to handle are not necessarily encouraged to stay; this is definitely not DCFS policy, but it does happen." Teens who enter extended care are still required to be "in compliance," meaning they must follow DCFS rules, Carson said. They must be working, furthering their education or going through a treatment program. Wilson chose to go to extended foster care. She had no family or other support, so staying in the state’s custody made the most sense to her. She lives at GetReal24, an independent living facility in Fort Smith designed for young adults like her. The program provides sponsor families and mentors; while she’s had a few awkward experiences with sponsor families, GetReal24 has been a positive and supportive environment overall, she said. Besides, she spends hardly any time at home – between attending college full time and working 40 hours a week as a babysitter and Waitr delivery driver, she’s lucky to squeeze in any time with her siblings and her dog. Wilson studies organizational leadership at UA - Fort Smith and is about two years from graduation. Wilson spends a lot of time worrying about her siblings. Her youngest sister is in a foster home in Van Buren. Her other sister is at a mental health care facility in Fort Smith, and Wilson gets to visit her once a week. Her brother was in a home in southern Arkansas — the four-hour drive meant she almost never got to see him — but he turned 18 and moved into GetReal24 last year, so now they can celebrate holidays and even make Walmart runs together. It took Owens a long time to get back on track. When she left foster care, she moved to Saving Grace, a residential living facility in Rogers for disadvantaged young women. She lived there off and on for about four years, occasionally moving back to her hometown of Ozark before realizing it just wasn’t healthy for her to be so close to her mom. She was working at a hotel in early 2018, but ended up moving back to Saving Grace. After years of trying to get her life together and heal, Owens may have finally hit her stride. She works at McDonald’s, and the company is paying for her to attend Northwest Arkansas Community College. She wants to be a paralegal. Her greatest achievement, in her eyes, is that she has $550 tucked away in a savings account, far more than she’s ever been able to save before. Owens speaks to her mother and sister occasionally, but rarely hears from her brother. Her relationship with her family is still strained at best; her mom got a Facebook account recently, and she often comments on Owens’ posts, asking, "Is this about me?" She feels lucky; compared to her siblings, who were in foster care for years longer than her, she got off easy, she said. Both women would like to be foster parents one day. Owens says she wants to make sure other kids don’t go through what she did. Wilson is saving up every bit of money she can so that she can foster her own siblings when she turns 21 in July. For now, they are both trying to be the best versions of themselves and overcome the trauma they experienced before and during their time in foster care. "I need to be stable, in my own house, and I guess more healed than I am," Owens said. "I can’t care for people that are as broken as I am. That’s just going to be a cause for disaster, because most of the time I am a walking disaster."
This reporting is courtesy of the Arkansas Nonprofit News Network, an independent, nonpartisan news project dedicated to producing journalism that matters to Arkansans. Find out more at arknews.org. Young adults ‘aging out’ of Arkansas foster care system struggle to adapt
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teabunnie · 6 years
I had a lot of mental health issues as a kid. I had sensory issues, an absolute need to fidget and make weird noises, (I vividly remember being publicly shamed by a teacher in this grade for making a NOISE) hallucinations and probably more. The hallucinations and paranoia peaked in my early teens and then just STOPPED. I never spoke to anyone about them even when they were very difficult to deal with because I was a secretive child.
As I got older I was mostly curious about this, but sometimes I worried they would come back. Every few years I see a figure out of the corner of my eye that's not really there and I panic, thinking I'm about to start having hallucinations regularly. I don't.
I have always been very careful to hide my feelings. Almost a decade ago, after something reminded me of an abusive relationship I was incapacitated for a few days. When I tried to force myself to go back to college to avoid failing a class with a strict attendance policy I wrecked my car. My mom saw through me and (correctly) told me I should see a therapist. I started trying to find one.
I called the hotline my mom gave me that was linked to our insurance. I had to answer a long list of prying questions before being emailed a list of providers. I don't remember what was wrong with the first list, but something wasn't right and I had to call back. They told me they needed me to go through the list of questions again. I hated it. I cried. I did it. I wanted help. I was emailed another list of providers. I called one of the providers. They were confused. "You want to make an appointment for yourself?" "Yes." "How old are you?" I was given a list of providers for children. The person at the hotline assumed I was a child without asking, probably because of my voice. I couldn't bring myself to call the hotline a third time. I don't think I could bring myself to tell my mom what had happened.
I'm not sure how long after that I decided to talk to my primary care physician. I told him I was having panic attacks. He tried to prescribe me an SSRI. I was (and am) convinced for a number of reasons that this will not help me. He prescribed me a low dose benzodiazepine as needed. This helped when I took it, but I rarely took it when I needed it because I felt bad about it for one reason or another.
The next year at my appointment he had me fill out a depression survey thing. I didn't think my answers were really dramatic or scary. He did. He tried to convince me to take an SSRI. I told him I wouldn't. He told me that if I asked for a refill on my benzos too soon he would insist. Okay. Another reason not to take them when I needed them. I told him I wanted to see a psychiatrist. I had decided that I specifically wanted to see someone who could make a diagnosis and provide appropriate medication if necessary. In addition to an anxiety disorder I was beginning to suspect that I was on the spectrum. I didn't want a therapist. If I went to a therapist I wanted them to be recommended by a phychiatrist. He gave me a list and personally recommended two people on the list.
I called the first person. They weren't accepting new patients. I called the second person. They weren't accepting new patients, but said they could set me up with someone else in their office. Good enough for me. Let's do it.
After making it to the appointment I realized that they had set me up an appointment with a therapist. Someone who couldn't diagnose me. Someone who couldn't prescribe medication. I decided to make the most of it.
The therapist I saw asked all the wrong questions. She wanted to know what was currently affecting me that day. She told me some things I already knew about panic attacks. She told me that everything I panicked about was something totally reasonable to be upset about, but she said it in a way that made it seem like I didn't have panic attacks. She would get off topic and talk to me about her other patients a lot. I got nothing out of my appointments, but I was so determined to. I tried so hard to be hopeful. I kept going. I spent a few hundred dollars on these appointments. On my last visit she made a sexist comment. There was my breaking point. I felt intensely discouraged. I had a lot going on in my life and I decided to try again later.
My mental health declined and with this came intense stomach and chest pain. I threw up a few times. This had never happened to me before. I went to see my doctor and he checked me for everything he could think of. He could see that I was in terrible shape and he looked genuinely, intensely concerned. He looked defeated when it wasn't the first few things he thought it might be. I asked him if it could possibly be anxiety. He said he really didn't think so. I broke down sobbing and told him about all the things that were worrying me at the time. He was taken aback and said that it might really be anxiety. He told me that I should take my benzos just a little more often when I need them. I was buying a house and we both knew this was probably the last time I would see him.
I moved to the country and my mental health was ever deteriorating. I needed to find help. I found a new primary care physician and asked him for help finding a psychiatrist in the area. He said he was sure there weren't any in the area, and basically that I was on my own finding one.
I tried Google. I called the nearest mental health center. The secretary directed me to a number that went straight to voicemail. I recieved a call back 4 days later where a man left me a voicemail saying to just call back. I did and got the same man on the line. (Same name! Same voice!) He said that he was NOT the person to talk to and he didn't know why I was calling him (less than 24 hours after responding to my initial call) after a lot of yelling about how he didn't understand the new phone system, he directed me to the director of something or other. I tried to explain my situation and she first implied that I was looking for abusable drugs, then said over and over that they couldn't help me because it didn't sound like I had a "serious" mental health problem. Then she said she couldn't help me because of the county I live in. She listed the four counties her office serves, which included my county. I don't know what to say about any of this. I don't remenber what I said. Probably "okay." She told me to call my insurance company.
I eventually worked up the nerve to call my insurance company's mental health hotline. It was a fully automated system. There was no option to speak to a person. I asked for providers within 50 miles. I couldn't understand the name of the provider. I asked for it to be spelled, but I still couldn't understand. Then it glitched and hung up on me. I called back and got the name of the provider. Then it said that was the end of the list. One provider within 50 miles. I googled the phone number and it was another branch of the mental health center I called before. I didn't like that, but I called. The secretary gave me the number of their "income specialist" or something. I called. It was an automatic, always leave a voicemail thing. No chance of getting a person on the phone. I left a voicemail and cried. A week went by and they didn't call. I was too tired to keep trying. I cried a lot. I figured I'd try again in a few months maybe. Maybe.
After two weeks the income specialist called me back. She spoke to me for a while, and though she was kinder about it than the director, she told me she couldn't help me because it didn't sound like I had a serious mental health disorder and I didn't have a caseworker. She asked me the name of the provider the insurance company gave me. It was a unique name. She told me that that person worked there, but they were not a mental health provider and certainly not a doctor. I had already had so many issues with my insurance company at this point that I was hardly surprised. She recommended a psychiatrist in Farmville, a little over an hour away from my house. She said she knew they were accepting new patients. I thanked her.
It took me a while to find the energy to call this psychiatrist. Her secretary seemed confused, and said she would have to check if the doctor was taking appointments and call me back. I said that I was told she was. She insisted that she would have to call me back. She had all my information. A week later I had not recieved a call back. I called again. The answering secretary confirmed that the other secretary must have forgotten about me entirely. She said that there was a long wait list, 3-4 months, but if that was okay she would add me. I agreed. I figured if I've waited this long, I could wait a few more months.
After finally getting on a wait list, my mental health just got worse and worse. I'm in physical pain almost every day. I can't concentrate. I'm doing poorly at work. Sometimes I can't remember to shower for 4 days. I forget what I'm saying mid-sentence. I cry a lot. My stomach is always upset. In the past few days I've had insomnia like never before. I feel like my fiance is having to take care of me like a child. They act like they don't mind, but I do. I want to be helpful. I don't feel helpful most days.
I have always known that my panic attacks are completely different if I'm at work versus if I'm at home. I've been thinking about all the ways in which they are different. And about how recently I seem to completely shut down, unable to think or speak. After some research I think some of my panic attacks aren't panic attacks, but autistic meltdowns. I hoped learning about this would make me feel better, but I just feel hopeless. I want to see a doctor. I'm scared I'll finally see a doctor and they'll be shitty or not have any expertise on autism. I don't have the energy to keep looking. I barely have the energy to get up in the morning. I just don't know what to do.
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