#I saw this ask pop up in my inbox and I was like who's sending asks at 6am on a sunday???
barricade day fic!!!!!!?? ?? tell us moooore
😭😭😭 The fact that this appeared in my inbox less than a minute after I reblogged that is greatly amusing to me.
So, the basic plot of the fic is Les Amis die at the barricade, then wake up in modern times. I'm not sure whether to call it time travel or reincarnation, so I've just been referring to it as a bit of both. Because they definitely died, that's very much a thing that happened, but they're also waking up in in the 21st century as adults, full memory of what happened at the barricade and before, and they have never seen a lot of the 21st century stuff. (I am having So. Much. Fun. with this plot point and I've barely even written anything in the 21st century 😭I need to finish the 19th first aaaaaahhhhhh)
The first nine chapters are each from the POV of one of the boys covering the events of the barricade, from them heading down the street after the funeral (Or, in JBR's case, Preliminary Gaieties), to their deaths, and then a short snippet from when they first wake up in the 21st century.
In the 21st century they're also split up into different cities, I have them two to a city at first, aside from Feuilly Yes, I know I am slightly evil who's alone. Of course, they may not be close to each other in the city, but the pairs will run into each other by chance, aside from ExR, who are much closer than the others (They died holding hands, so I factored that into the time travel logistics)
I haven't decided on the places they'll be quite yet, but I do have my pairs mapped out. :D
Bahorel and Prouvaire are together, as are Courfeyrac and Bossuet, and Combeferre and Joly.
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This is so far what I have, (Yes, this is how I realized that Courfeyrac dies 5th out of 9th of the Amis). The Chapters for Bahorel, Prouvaire, and Combeferre are finished, and Enjolras needs one more scene that I have to choose. (I have too many options and not enough room)
And the word count is only counting the words in the actual chapters, with the scenes for later chapter's I have written, I'd say I'm about 11,000 words so far. They're all contained in the 'snippets' section of the document though because I'm trying to finish these nine before adding more.
But alas, Combeferre accidentally terrorizing people by being WAY too excited about their digital camera is much too funny not to write now. (In context he is also still very much in the clothes he wore at the barricade at that point, and they are none too pretty... 😭)
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anothermansjeans · 5 months
a.h x f!reader
cw: some slight angst (blink and you miss it)
wc: 1k
a/n: hiiiii!!! this is based on this request! sorry for taking a bit, i've been swamped with homework. i have one more in my inbox but im still taking requests! you can uses any of the prompt lists linked or just send me any request you have!
Hotch had a problem. He didn't necessarily want this problem, but he also didn't want to fight it. He had started to develop feelings for his coworker– who is also his subordinate– Y/N.
It started pretty recently. The team got back from a case and he told Jessica he would need her to watch Jack for a couple more hours. Unfortunately, that couldn't work for her, so he asked if she could talk to the babysitting agency and get someone in before she left. All was well when he last heard from her, and he was told that if they can't get someone out, they'll call him.
That’s why when his personal phone rang, he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering “this is the one time I’m wishing they’re calling about my car’s extended warranty.” Alas, he picked up the phone and saw it was the agency he used, and they couldn't get anyone out this late in his area. He was so frustrated, he wanted to cry, which was more common than not recently.
After hanging up, he was so lost in his head, preparing to head out and take his work home with him (he never liked doing this, too scared Jack may see something he shouldn't). He didn't realize his door was opened the entire time, and he certainly didn't realize that Y/N had popped her head in with a mildly concerned look on her face.
“Hey, I was just heading out… are you okay?”
He jumped the tiniest bit, and looked up at her. “Uh, yeah. I’m actually leaving too.” He stood up and grabbed the pile of files in his desk, preparing to shove them in his briefcase, when he looked up for a millisecond to see the confused look on her face. “Jessica can't watch Jack for the rest of the night and there are no babysitters available this late of notice. I have to bring work home.”
Hotch didn't know what to expect from his oversharing, but it definitely wasn't the next words out of Y/N’s mouth. “I can watch him!” He looked at her. She looked at him. Y/N suddenly laughed to herself and shook her head. “Sorry, I meant to say if you need me to, since I’m already heading out, I can watch him until you're finished up here. I know how you feel about bringing those files home.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that–”
“You're not asking!” She promptly cut him off. “Trust me, Hotch, I want to do this for you. The sooner you say okay, the sooner I can go relieve Jessica.”
He numbly nodded, putting his briefcase on his desk. “Yes, thank you. I owe you for this. I’ll let Jessica know and I promise I won't be too long so that you can enjoy the rest of your night.”
And it was that simple of a solution. He did his work, you watched Jack, and when he got home, he was able to witness you putting his kid to bed. It was sweet (beyond sweet, really), and since then, whenever the team got back from a case and he needed extra help with Jack, Y/N would volunteer without being prompted. He loved seeing the little moments Y/N had with Jack, so much so that he would sometimes come home a little early (he could survive the extra work on a night Jessica was babysitting) and offer to have Y/N stay for dinner, which turned into bedtime for Jack, and then a little wine after he was asleep.
He didn't know when the feelings began to develop exactly, but once he noticed the excitement of going home to not only Jack but also Y/N, well he wanted to put a little bit of space between them. He wishes it was a gradual thing– really, he does– but he kind of just started declining her offers, making sure to book a babysitter hours (sometimes days) prior so that there were no issues with someone watching Jack. He hadn't taken into account what Y/N would be feeling about this shift, and he wasn't sure why he was so surprised when she marched into his office after a case; a time where they would normally arrange for her to watch Jack.
“Did I do something? Did I hurt Jack, or offend you, or literally anything wrong?”
“Excuse me?” His head whipped up from the papers under him.
“We had a routine. Something happened to disrupt the routine. I just need to know what I did wrong.” She looked sad. That was something Hotch didn't see on her often.
“You didn't do anything wrong.” He placed his pen down and stood up, closing his office door and standing in front of Y/N. “I have this problem.” He didn't know how else to state it, but he had to say something now or she’d think that his problems are her fault (and he would say a hundred times over that this was never her fault). “I don’t want to feel things for you but at the same I have this need to be near you 24/7.”
Eyes wide and deep breaths, the only thing Y/N could utter out was “what?”
Hesitating, Hotch stepped a little closer. “After seeing you with Jack and spending more time with you I…” he scoffed and shook his head “this is so juvenile.”
“Keep going, please.” Her response was quick. She needed him to finish.
“I want to be near you all of the time and I got scared of that– we work together, I’m your unit chief, I shouldn't be feeling things the way I do so I just… I pulled away.”
The silence was suffocating for the minute Y/N took to digest all that was said, but after what felt like years to Hotch, he felt her hand tentatively touch his, gently raking her nails down his palm before interlocking their fingers. “You don't have to… pull away.” The shy look was turning into one of awe. “We can… be around each other more often. See what happens. If you want.”
Maybe Hotch didn't have a problem. He felt a warmth spread through his body at the mere thought of being closer to Y/N, to seeing what happens with them, to a future. He definitely didn't have a problem.
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jamneuromain · 7 months
😍🕯🎉 with lloyd hansen 🫣
happy 500 followers, jammy! (it's me, petalj, from my main blog hehe) you deserve each one and more 🥰
Hi bestie<3 (yes I followed you right after I saw this request but it still took me forever to write....
okay so for 🕯 I present to you this small drabble:
Take Care
Lloyd Hansen x You
Warning: None?
Summary: He's going to take care of you.
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You look like as if you were about to faint any second now.
Which, to Lloyd's surprise, stirs the few drops of sympathy - if he still has it - at the bottom of his long-forgotten conscience.
He doesn't blame you, of course, since this funeral is lasting way too long for his liking as the priest drones on about good people going to heaven and blah blah blah. As you wipe your tears away with a handkerchief.
It's your grandfather's funeral, after all.
Lloyd bounces his foot on the marble floor.
He is not sitting among the common folks. Hell no.
He reserved himself a seat on the second floor, a perfect spot to place a sniper rifle - which he did, by the way, in case anyone dares to disturb the peace of this boring-ass funeral, but also to watch and observe.
If it weren't for this old man saving his ass a couple of years back in Nigeria, he wouldn't even bother.
Yet, he's here anyway. Fulfilling his promise to "take care" of your grandfather's family after his death.
Lloyd pops a bubble gum into his mouth, blowing a pink bubble when the priest asks you on stage, to deliver a few words before the casket is buried.
This is going to be fun. Lloyd thinks to himself, snapping a picture of you with his phone, and sending it to his investigator.
Now, should he tie you up with a red ribbon or a black one?
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You murmur "thanks" to the last guest at the door. It's been a long day and you should probably head to your family house for the small gathering and receive another round of "I'm sorry for your loss".
But you want to spend some time alone, with your grandfather's body. For this could very well be the last time you could see his face.
As you close the door with a heavy thud, someone clears his throat behind your back.
It seems you have one last guest left.
"Thank you for attending the funeral, the gathering is at our family house on Blackcast Road in about half an hour." You manage a small smile, "Mister...?"
"Hansen." The moustache man in a black turtleneck replies, "Your granps is a nice guy."
"Thank you, Mr. Hansen." You shake his hand. Boy, he has a strong grip.
"No need." The smile on his face seems inappropriate for a funeral - or someone who has come to say goodbye. Lloyd widens his grin, "I'll see ya' later, sweet cheeks."
Red ribbons would look amazing on you.
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Find Jammy's 500 Follower's Celebration here 👈
Questions? Comments? Requests? 👉Send them to my inbox 👂
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respectthepetty · 10 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 4
Because I have asks in my inbox about the color coding in Pit Babe even though I don't want to watch it, I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are. I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, I'm going to take off the captions.
I ship it. The reds are bad, but I don't trust a single blue except Alan. Kim is a honest red. I appreciate that in a show FULL OF LIARS!
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Yes, Barbara! Be upset with this fake blue boy. Are you telling him how you saw him with Jeffery?!
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I know Babe and Charlie are end game, but without subtitles, my hate for Charles grows each episode. The visuals are telling me he is a liar who does not respect boundaries. Charles should be with Waymond the way they both are LIARS!
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And this is why I trust Alan, and only Alan. Drinking that color-coded product placement like his life depended on it.
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Waymond, I trusted you. Then you turned red last episode, and now I'm noticing how you don't. wear. blue.
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Y'all just talking freely in front of THE SPY NAMED JEFFREY!
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Every episode, I feel worse for Barbara. Someone get him out of here (not Waymond or Charles, but a secret third option).
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GOD DAMN IT! Not him! Why is everyone so handsy in this show?!
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Something is happening! I'm so tempted to turn on the subtitles. Something is going on. What is Waymond telling Barbara?! Because something is clicking for Barbara. This is good acting because Barbara's posture changed. WHAT IS BEING SAID?!
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Before he was a Slut for Christ, Barbara had a steering wheel necklace.
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Waymond, what did you do because you are in love with our Barbie? Did you make a deal with the devil aka Big Red?
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Babe's posture changed. What is Way telling him?! What is happening?! This is strange. I don't like it.
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Wait, did we know Jeff and Charlie were roommates? Was Babe just jealous of them being roommates? Did I think they were lying when Babe is just being jealous?
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What is happening?! See, nah. Even if Babe knew they were roommates, I still don't trust Charlie because this incident is too convenient. Babe gets attacked and Charlie just happens to be around. And he isn't even fighting back. This is the fight with Kim all over again. Something is off.
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I do not like it here. These two pop up every time there is trouble, and Jeffery keeps staring at everyone all sus like, and BABE RUN AWAY RIGHT NOW! Big Red is there. GET OUT!
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There are no colors to guide me here, but I trust Kim, so . . . did Winner send people to hurt Babe and Kim is upset about it? Nah. I don't trust Charles soooooo much, that I'm still betting that he set that up.
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I know you and Kim will be a thing, Kenta, and I've thought you were good since the first episode, but I need you to pick a color that ain't black. I trust your future boyfriend, so I'm extending you some grace as you stand next to the devil.
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Barbara, why is this man in your house? Did you invite him over or did he not respect another boundary? You probably told him to come over because *love* or whatever. Disgusting. I'm as annoyed as you, Barbara.
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He had an entire sling on just hours ago making sandwiches, and now he is slicing and dicing. Don't tell me they have special healing powers. I don't want to know. Babe looks unwell, and Charlie is being creepy, and I'm in my feelings about it.
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Jeffrey isn't bothered by touch anymore? Are they already sleeping together then. Babe needs to quit arguing with Jeffrey because the trailer had a car on fire, and I KNOW Jeffrey will be behind it.
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Normally, I'd be thrilled for colorful characters, but I 👏🏾 Don't 👏🏾 Trust 👏🏾 Them 👏🏾
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Y'all, does Babe know they are roommates, and is just jealous?! I still don't trust Charles or Jeffrey, but now I'm thinking I'm judging them too harshly if Babe is being irrationally jealous instead of being lied to.
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So either Jeffrey is coming up with the plan to sabotage the car or he is seeing the future (where he sabotages the car).
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I don't care if Babe knew Charles and Jeffrey are roommates and is just being jealous. Charles has no respect for boundaries and is a color faker; therefore, I hate him.
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WHY ARE YOU WEARING BLUE AND RED, PETER?! You're wearing more blue though. Why was Kenta watching you? Why did he call Big Red? Why will you end up with Way? CAN I TRUST YOU, KATNISS?!
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Babe is at his darkest watching his stalker lurk around his house.
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Barbara shook Kimberly's hand, and that's all I need to support my Kim-is-a-good-red theory. But then Charles is watching this game with Sus Bros & Co, so I'm mad all over again.
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JEFFREY, I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DID THIS, I HOPE ALAN CHOKES YOU TO DEATH! And if it was Winner, who was SMILING, I hope Kim chokes you to death.
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Alan, don't trust either of their asses. Do you hear me?! Go save our Barbie from the clutches of Charles before it's too late.
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Afterthoughts: I really think watching this show without subs was the dumbest idea I've had because now I think I got some of the plot wrong and Babe is just super jealous instead of being lied too, and I'm wrongfully trusting Kim, but I'm committed to the bit. It's too late to turn them on now, and I refuse to go back and watch these episodes with subs since I'm so mad at Charles, Jeffrey, and Waymond who is doing some strange stuff to Barbara.
I only trust Babe, Alan, Kim, and Pete (because he is pretty).
Everyone else is a liar, liar, pants on fire.
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One of the Best Dads ~Marc Spector and Steven Grant Imagine~
Requested by anonymous:
Hi! I saw you were taking requests for Marc Spector/Steven Grant. And I was wondering if you could write a oneshot with them and a F!Reader, where they’re married and just had a newborn baby. Just a simple slice of life type ordeal (with a sprinkle of angst, where Marc worries he’ll be a bad father, and Steven and the reader reassure him that he won’t be).
Summary: Now that your son is here, Steven is thrilled but Marc has an insecurity that can be reassured.
Author’s Note: Kinda still on baby fever because of my boyfriend who helped me take care of my niece and nephew during a family outing. I'm pretty sure many people thought they were ours because we were having a "race" to the restaurant my family was at.
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: just insecurities from Marc, there's a baby in this fic in case people who don't like kid fics, mentions of childbirth, Layla doesn't exist in this fic sadly
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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The moment you gave birth to your son, there was one thing on your mind. Sleep. You had endured about thirty hours of labor before finally popping out your little one. So when you finally got home, you slept like you were dead.
"He's so tiny," Steven said as he held onto his son. He smiled down at his son as he slept soundly in his arms. "Marc, you wanna hold him?"
"I'm good buddy," Marc told him through the mirror. "You enjoy this."
Though it took a while to understand Marc and Steven. But once you understood how it worked and how you are able to love them both equally, you were glad to be with the two. After you had gotten married to them, you had brought up the idea of having a child. While Steven was thrilled to have one, Marc had his doubts.
It wasn't the fact of having a child that scared Marc. It was the fact of him being a father and whether or not he would be a good dad was what scared him.
It didn't take a lot for you to notice that Marc hadn't held your son since you had given birth. When your son was sleeping, you decided to corner Marc.
You spotted your husband sitting on the couch, sitting as he watched something on the television.
"Marc?" You asked.
"Can I talk to you?" You asked.
"Of course. Is there anything wrong?" Marc asked you.
"Kinda. Why haven't you held our son?" You asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, why haven't you held our son? You always have Steven hold him but never you. What's wrong?" You asked.
"It's nothing," Marc tells you.
"It's not nothing. You should be able to hold our son. What's wrong?" You asked again.
"I said it's nothing, Y/n. Please, just drop it," Marc said before getting up and walking out.
Marc headed into the bathroom before locking the door behind him.
"Why won't you hold him?" Steven asked Marc through the mirror. Marc stared at his reflection with an upset look.
"It's not what you both think," Marc said.
"Y/n loves us all. She just wants to see us happy but she wants to see you holding our son for once. Why can't you hold him?" Steven asked.
"Because I'm scared. After what I've been through, I'm afraid of hurting him," Marc said.
"You don't think I was scared at first either? I was worried I was going to drop him but I didn't. It's scary at first but once you hold him, you realize that you'll do anything for him," Steven assures Marc.
"I can't. Not right now at least," Marc said before leaving the bathroom.
Your body was still tired which didn't surprise Marc when he saw you knocked out in bed. Steven felt tired too so he couldn't switch with him even if he wanted to.
He heard your son start to cry out, making Marc look over. He knew that you shouldn't get up, knowing that your body was still tired. Marc got up quickly to calm the baby down.
"Hey, buddy. Please don't cry. You're going to wake your mom up," Marc tells him.
He watched as his son continued to cry a little more. Marc let out a sigh before picking him up. Marc had watched you and Steven many times hold and calm you son down.
"Hey. It's okay. You're okay," Marc tells you.
Your son eventually calmed down when he felt Marc holding him. Marc stared down at his son before breaking into tears. He sat on the bed as he held onto him.
"I'm sorry, buddy. I didn't mean to refuse to hold you. I just... I was afraid of hurting you," Marc said. "I love you so much and I promise I'll always keep you safe."
Marc turned around to look at you. You sat up from bed, looking over at him and your son. Your eyes were droopy from your tired state.
"Go back to sleep. I got this," Marc assures you. You smiled tiredly before lying back down.
"Told you, you got nothing to worry about," you tell him.
"I know you did. Both of you," Marc smiled at you.
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months
Hey Cas, I’m a bit confused around the operation of Tumblr and genuinely don’t know who else to ask, so here we go. Feel free not to answer though if you don’t want to.
I’ve been using Tumblr for a few months now and get very, very little interaction with anything I post. I’m in the marauders fandom and I occasionally post microfics, as well as other skits etc. And they get zero interaction. Literally zero. I know it’s content people would give notes on because when wolfstar microfic etc. reblog my posts (after being tagged), it will get 20-40 notes, but it just doesn’t seem to ever get interacted with otherwise?
I was just wondering if there was a button I had accidentally pressed, or if it is just that no-one wants to interact with the content I’m posting, what could I do to improve it?
Anyway sorry for the long ask. And otherwise, Thank you so much for the content you post - it really brightens my day reading your microfics and other things :)
I TOTALLY understand how you're feeling, I had the same confusion when I first started on here. I DO have to say that...if you're like looking to build a huge fanbase of millions or become an influencer or something, this might not be the place. This is more the place to find a group of a bunch of people to hyperfixate together :D But it's a WONDERFUL place to find the BEST people 😍 Honestly, I see Tumblr as much more of a community than other places, because people don't just post content- they shitpost, and post their feelings, and they're much more real, overall. But that's why I like it!
Here's a couple pointers to start building community, though:
Tag EVERYTHING. With a lot of tags. Things pop up on peoples' "for you" and "your tags" feeds this way. The more tags you put, the more likely you are to get interaction and to find people who like the same things you do.
Follow people! Tumblr doesn't have the same weird, unspoken rules about 'follower ratio' or anything like that as other sites. Follow people, they'll follow you back, they'll be more likely to see your stuff, and you'll see some cool stuff too!
Reblog other people's work. If you see something awesome, reblog it! It'll help YOU because people will see that you reblogged it. It'll help THEM because their posts will be pushed more, too.
Message people! Send them inboxes! People here are nice! Reach out and make friends!
Keep in mind that Tumblr isn't the same as ao3 or tiktok. It's not a content machine, and it's not JUST content. It's fun and funny and it has so many different sides. But you're going to meet some amazing people.
While I'm here, a point for everyone:
if you DO want to support content: Reblog, don't just like! Reblogging pushes posts to other people. It keeps posts alive and it's encouraging to people who make posts! It's like saying, "Hey! Look at this cool post I saw!" PLEASE reblog things!
Hope that helps, and good luck!
<3 <3 <3
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metaphoricgibberish · 3 months
idk why u act liek ur one of the top writers in this fandom when urr not
this message has been sitting in my inbox for a week and i wrestled with the idea of simply deleting and ignoring it, but i think we should use this as a teaching moment-- so as anon has so graciously pointed out, since i am not-- nor have i ever insinuated being-- a "top writer" in this fandom (whatever the fuck that means) i'll be tagging this ask.
i'm not sure what incites people to send such garbage to strangers on the internet that they do not know, but i'm assuming it has something to do with either having a raging narcissistic personality disorder, or having the exact opposite, either way, i do recommend therapy.
i'm 30, i've been on the internet, in fandom spaces, writing fic for a really fucking long time, so while shit like this does shake me from time to time, i'm used to it. other people are not, and i will not stand for this kind of vitriolic filth to discourage and harm other writers in this fandom, or any other fandom for that matter.
people share their stories for fun, for connection, to build a community around a shared interest, and that community cannot have a stable foundation when shit like this is being spewed. if you don't like someone, don't like their fics, don't enjoy their commentary-- just fucking block them, mute them, be a fucking normal person and excuse yourself from the discourse without sending insensitive and unnecessary anonymous bullshit.
i can guarantee that if anyone who sends hurtful messages without a face on this godforsaken website actually saw that person on the street, they wouldn't utter a fucking word. so unless you can send me this exact message as a video of you personally speaking from your instagram or facebook or whatever the fuck, don't send it.
it boggles my mind that a fandom built around someone who is so kind, so respectful and caring can be as toxic as this one is. i hope you know that if Pedro were to meet you, i can promise that he would not fucking like you.
just be nice, for fuck's sake. unless someone like this pops up in your asks, then rip them a new one, on me.
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fatuismooches · 9 months
Hello smooches, its 🥝 anon. I'm sorry for not popping up on ur inbox for a very long time again (health issues, again.) i hope that you are doing well! I see so many Dotty's rambling when i scroll down a bit and honestly i can't wait to read all of it 🙏🛐 (and also hoping to see just a bit of Capitano content from u-)
So.. Remember when i said last time that i have a brainrot about Capitano's Childhood Crush with fragile!reader? In ur Capitano Childhood Crush fic, reader always sends a lot of letters to him but he never recieved them, right? (It was disheartening, just like what u said on the fic..) And, Well..
Imagine that all of the letters are about reader telling him about their conditions, their illness getting worse and worse, until the last one about reader wanting to see him again for last time..
When Capitano wanted to see them again, he sends some of his Fatui agents to search for reader whereabouts (since it would be too dangerous for reader's safety if he is the one who come to them, also he never see them among the crowds for a very long time whenever he and his troops came back, reader always come to see him..).
Now, imagine his reaction when his agents told him that reader is already dead a long time ago or when he finally found all of reader's letters 😔
I'm trying to make my ask not too long, æügh 😩😭 i'm sorry if its messy- 😭 anyways, sending virtual hugs for u smooches for still feeding us Harbinger content for more than a year now 🤗💞🛐 as always, bless u and ur big brain writings
-a rotten 🥝 anon
(Also recently, i saw an "early" story leak about the next region on twt that we will have Dottore boss fight in Natlan instead of Capitano. Idk if its true or not, but if its true.. then, i guess you guys Dottore lovers better prepare for him now 👀 i want to see some C6R5 Dotty mains here)
HI 🥝 ANON!! I MISSED YOU! And don't worry about popping in! I want you to take care of yourself first above all! I hope you enjoy the plentiful Dottore brainrots though :3 (and i promise to post some Capitano brainrots. Just for you.) BUT AHHH THIS BRAINROT... WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME SAD. (Yes, I remember when I put that in my fic! I can't believe it was so long ago though- you made me go back and reread it 😭)
Imagine if you live in a secluded part of Snezhnaya. It's quiet and pretty with only the servants in the house to keep you company. Capitano let you stay here instead of the mansion because staying in that big house without him would probably make you sadder. Though you are already sad without him, it's a bit better. But you spend a lot of time writing him letters. It was a habit of yours, telling him what you've done all this time even though he's not here. Some letters get sent, some don't. But you always put the happier stuff in the letters that get sent to him. He's out doing a lot of hard work, you don't want to bother him with your illness! Though anyone could see the lingering sadness in your letters. However, the battlefield is a tough place and the long distance doesn't help your case. Things are bound to get lost and go missing. So you're left waiting, and waiting, and waiting for your husband's replies that never come... Eventually, you stop sending them, instead keeping them in a box.
Although Capitano is busy with his mission, he wonders why you haven't reached out to him. Amidst the war and battle, he does look forward to your sweet letters, perhaps your handwriting may not be the best, but he loves to see how his darling is doing. He of course focuses on his duties, but he always thinks of you. So it wouldn't hurt to send an agent to report on you, since clearly communication isn't the best right now. When the soldier arrives and hears of your demise, he isn't sure how to break the news to his Harbinger. All he can do is hope that the letter makes it to him after the battle is over, so morale isn't too down. And it does. The Fatui win this battle, and the letter comes just in time. Ah, finally he can see how you're doing, Capitano thinks. But when he reads the first sentence, he's... well, I can't explain his emotions very well. Empty would be a good word. Why? Why didn't he know? Couldn't something have been done? You were find before he left, how did your condition worsen that quickly?
He won't know, because he won't ever hear your voice again.
AND YEAHHH i saw that leak too but. To be honest i don't really believe it, a bunch of story leaks have turned out to be trolls so tbh i don't really pay attention to them anymore, especially when they're so far into the future 😅 But my c6r1 Arlie savings are going strong right now! (400 wishes >:)
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 months
Laurie!! 💛 (sorry, I just live in your inbox now 💖)
I'm back on duty and I'm here to tickle the collective fandom brain.
With Presumed Innocent coming out soon (aaaah), I would just like to hear all your thoughts on Rusty. 
Is he guilty? If so, would we still do unholy things with him (duh, obviously)? Or is he just an innocent little guy and only guilty of cheating and murdering pussy? He obviously likes being choked and I'm not complaining. What else might he like? Is he a pancakes or bacon/scrambled egg breakfast kinda guy? He does need his protein tho, for several reasons... 👀
Please let me/us know all your thoughts and hopes for the new show and the character we're blessed with this summer, thank youuuu.
Paying my Rusty tax for inspiration ✨ (again)
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hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! 💖 it's so good to see you in my asks again, daphne! thank you for the rusty tax (and the painful reminder that i wish this was ME) and the great questions! i've thought about that man A LOT but the majority of those thoughts are just about how badly i need him so... they're not too constructive... let's see what my -1 brain cell comes up with pretty much on the spot! 🤭
i don't think he's guilty. since the first teaser, i just had the feeling that he's innocent and his wife killed carolyn. clearly he has a talent for lying and manipulating facts (isn't it essentially his job?), he even lied to his therapist in one of the recent clips i saw! trying to lie to the human equivalent of a lie detector is both bold and dumb. he's clearly not completely innocent. cheating on your wife is bad but when your wife is ruth negga it's DOUBLE bad! i watched a quick interview of the woman who plays carolyn and oof. renate has something special. so i kind of get it <3 but i am better than a man and i would not ruin my marriage! the text messages and calls he's sending her are also very bold and dumb. he should know better than anyone how to avoid looking guilty. the dna, the messages, the stalking, the affair that was not so hidden since they were going out together and everything, this is just so stupid! he'd probably be so mad if he defended a client who basically did everything he shouldn't do and now tries to plead for innocence. i'm interested to see if we get an insight on how an attorney of his prestige and of his rank can turn into the most stupid person you've ever met. i mean, we know how, he's desperate to get his dick wet. but still, maybe there's more to it. maybe carolyn isn't that sweet, smart, picture perfect girl either. i'm giving her the side eye too.
i'm soooo excited for the show!!! my only point of reference is defending jacob so i like to compare both series. defending jacob had some really good twists so i expect the same from presumed innocent. in my opinion, one of the most powerful plot twists in defending jacob included the mother, laurie (i can still hear chris evans saying i love you laurie it was an amazing moment <3). so maybe that's why i focused on barbara sabich right away. i don't know, i'm so curious to see. i want to watch the original movie after the series, just to compare as well. i might never do it but at least i'm planning on it! anyway. can we just take a moment to appreciate how crazy it is to have this kind of show as your first television project? jake really popped off with this and his acting is absolutely insane in what we've seen so far! everyone in the cast seems solid. i'm guessing they showed most of the freaky sexy scenes in the trailers already to tease the audience, but i'm curious to know if there is more of that good stuff that they're hiding! i'm also looking forward to watch jake and peter saarsgard on screen again! and the glasses. i can't word vomit all of this and not bring up the glasses. now that we know jake is practically legally blind, i proclaim myself the protector of his corneas and i demand that he wears glasses more often. my motivation is purely selfless and it's not because i fold like a folding chair at the sight of jake with glasses (vision pun intended).
i saved the best stuff for last apparently! but mmm. what is that man into? i can't cook to save my life so he's eating cereals for breakfast. i'm kidding! (well not really but still). we know he's into choking, finger sucking, doggy style, public sex/sneaking away in a public setting, he loves the thrill of forbidden things and we see how touchy he is with carolyn so i'm guessing he's into marking because it's like a proof of something that is happening in secret of others? idk, just thinking. i don't know if his stalking habits fall into kinky or just regular obsession over the one thing he can't have under his total control, but i'd lowkey like it if he extended his stalking with some spicy elements. the way he holds on to carolyn, touches her everywhere, it's giving possessive and i love it. the ring though. oh the ring. why doesn't he take it off? does carolyn like it, does she get off knowing she has a taken man under her spell, that this greek god of a man prefers her to his wife? does rusty like the reminder of his cheating? does he like the self-inflicted guilt and pain of being reminded of his horrible and immoral actions? i think there's definitely some masochist tendencies in him. he's so quick to apologize for everything like oh no i might have killed a woman but i'm sorry tho </3 he might loooove the fake pity and fake apologies. whether he uses this tactic or if it's used on him does not really matter. to put it briefly: rusty is a FREAK and i want to be the somebody who matches his freak!
thank you for doing this, daphne! it was so fun to ramble pure nonsense fuelled by the sad 2 hours of sleep i've gotten last night 😭 i can't wait to read this tomorrow and be weirded out by how little sense it makes. i especially can't wait to read this after watching the entire series and seeing how wrongggg i was. it will be just as much fun as writing all of this! mwah mwah ily! 💖💖💖
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thecomfywriter · 27 days
Hey, I saw that gross anon message you got about somehow 'only supporting certain writblrs' by sending asks to people, and I just wanna say, fuck that guy. You do a huge amount to support the people on here, from this, to running a writer discord, so making up tag games. Just because you can't conceivably send asks to every writblr on here doesn't erase that support. You're doing wonderful work <3
hey jaan! thank you for the kindness :)
honestly, i do understand the point of view of the anon. i think it was a message sent out of frustration, which i get. ultimately, the point of my blog has always been to try to help other writers, whether it’s through #thecomfywriter toolbox posts, answering asks, creating interactions posts, or just interacting with the community and doing writeblr features— at the end of the day, that was my original brand.
recently, with the release of my book, i have drifted away from the original advice and toolkit posts i usually deliver. HOWEVER, that’s not to say i don’t pop into random writeblr ask boxes or read their entire blogs. i want to know a person’s wip before i ask them a question, which is why if you’re a stranger to me and i’ve only come across your blog through my explore feed or interacting with that one post, im going to need to research your work a bit before i send an ask, so i can give you a proper question to réspond to. i’ve been asking gaffier questions to my mutuals because i already know their stuff LOL
regardless, all of that is to say, i do understand the frustration of feeling been promised something and then not receiving it. and yes, while i do acknowledge @illarian-rambling’s point of technically i didn’t promise to respond to everyone’s post with an ask, i do still recognize i had prompted that excitement from people. i feel like our inboxes arent used enough (i don’t get many asks either LOL) so the post was also another way to prompt other users to do the same— something that DID happen with @leahnardo-da-veggie ‘s response to the post.
ANYWAYS, thank you illarian for the love. i am very happy to be friends with you, and i’m glad the tag games and discord is of use to and the writing community! for anyone who wants to join the writers discord, shoot me a PM since the link is buggy at times.
happy writing! <3
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ngl its weird when i see 30 yr olds into jfashion, it gives me major creep vibes.
I don't know why your using my inbox like a vent space. But because your venting here's mine: You know what's weird to me? When I was a minor / young adult I looked up to adults who wore lolita or other j-fashions. (even cosplay) Like I remember seeing lolita in shojo beat (2000's) with obvious adult models showing the fashion/styles off. I remember looking in anime magazine and seeing anime con pictures that would show lolita's meeting up and be like 'omg that dress is pretty'. I remember seeing ads for "Baby, the Stars Shine Bright" & being in utter love with the dresses. I remember saving images of lolita on photo bucket, hoping some day I could *wear* lolita. & you know the biggest thing/thought I had when I saw fully grown adults in lolita? Let me tell you: "Whoa" "Wait you can wear stuff like that?" "omg!! cute" I was in utter amazement and excitement. It made me look forward to being an adult, and being able to still wear things because I grew up watching "what not to wear" which made it seem like once you become an adult, its blouses and business clothes (pencil skirts for example.) & very much the mind set of "should've wore fun things when you were a kid/teen. But the clock struck 12 and you now in your late 20s/early 30s. So... here's your birthday gift, a karen hair cut, and boring clothes, happy birthday ma'am. Pissy hour starts whenever. Your old now." The thought to see someone in their 30's and be like 'omg creep, someone likes j-fashion' to me is strange. Like it just feels like you're looking for things to criticize and be annoyed by. It seems like a waste of energy. To me it seems pretty insecure to just sit around and criticize people. What another adult does with their money shouldn't affect you deeply & their interest in j-fashion shouldn't bug you either. & I do think if it does bug you so keenly you gotta send anon messages about it, block the 30 year olds you see pop up, and move on. Sending anon asks doesn't solve your problem.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 month
What kind of Anons do you hate the most?
people who ask me for my own posts to win an argument
people who treat me like a google search
people who regurgitate some bullshit they saw on twitter and ask me to argue against it because they want to argue with the person who said it
people who send me multiple asks at a time because they just want attention from me, not because they actually have anything they want to talk about
people who ask me questions they already know the answer to ("should i block this youtuber i don't like and whose takes keep popping up on my twitter?" anon comes to mind)
people who ask me to explain what someone else meant, as though i can read their mind
people who get uncomfortable when topics here get too serious and they start spamming my inbox with jokes, primarily about leon's balls, because they desperately want to change the subject and don't realize that they can just go do something fucking else for a while
people who treat me like a content creator who's doing this for money and therefore has some sort of responsibility to my audience
people who get themselves in bad fucking situations on the internet because they can't mind their own fucking business and don't listen to me when i say "stop arguing with aeons" and then they cry to me and blame everyone but themselves
unfortunately, this has become like 90% of my anons since the content drought really started to take hold. i have so much shit just sitting in my inbox, ignored.
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Hi Kylie, this is for your sleep over, a prompt for after a fight/argument between sunshine and Bradley
A text:
I know you said you need space, but please come home it's getting late
ky's 1.5k follower celebration!
i know i said this when you sent this to me but I literally screeched when I saw this in my inbox. i could kiss you MWAH
warnings: arguing, future Bradley and Sunshine, insecurity, crying, toxic parents
At this point, you're not really sure what had been said during the argument.
All you really know is that in this latest round of long-distance between you and Bradley, the self-doubt had settled over you like a weighted blanket, suppressing you and keeping you down.
The newness of the relationship had worn off, and the excitement of getting to learn each other on a deeper level had disappeared.
As your relationship became somewhat stagnant, you knew that the two of you needed to move forward with the next step in your relationship: moving in together.
And you would drop everything to move to San Diego for Bradley, if only he would ask you to.
But the longer he went without asking, the more you wondered if you were who he really wanted.
Maybe he wanted someone who could always be there, who didn't have a whole life on the opposite coast.
Maybe he wanted someone better than you.
So all it'd taken was a drink too many and a girl who didn't know her place and Bradley's carefree, nonchalant way of turning her down that had set you off.
You didn't get jealous, not like Bradley did.
But insecure? Insecure you did get.
And instead of closing in on yourself like you normally would've, you picked a fight despite everything in you screaming not to.
You just wanted him to want you.
Could anyone blame you?
You blink, realizing your phone is lighting up with texts. You're sat in some park miles from Bradley's house, with the only light coming form the orange glow of the lamps lining the rec center a distance away. The night is cooler than most, and you sniff as you wipe the condensation off of the hand that had been resting on the bench.
Bradley 💛
You swallow a rapidly forming lump in your throat at the text. You almost wonder if he's about to take the coward's way out, dump you over text and tell you that it's not you, it's him. That it's just getting to be too much and that the two of you are better off as friends.
Wouldn't be the first time it had happened to you.
You rub your eyes tiredly as the grey bubble pops up again.
I know you said you needed space.
Please come home.
It's getting late.
It feels like your throat is closing in on itself as you recognize how he said home.
The bubble pops up and disappears a few more times before he sends one final text.
I'm just worried about you and want to know you're safe. I love you. Come home when you're ready.
You lean back against the bench, your shoulders shaking with a new wave of tears.
He loves you so much.
And here you are, picking a fight with him so he'll break up with you and you can get some bitter satisfaction out of knowing you'd been right all along.
You wonder if your Mom had been right all those times she said you were too much for anybody to handle, that you were the reason Noah had treated you so poorly, that a girl like you could never find someone to love them.
He loves you so much.
So why won't you just let him?
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Ok I know your inbox must be super full! But I never have sent you anything before and I found the wotc series… it was a really great read and loved the fictional world of this monarchy. I also loved seeing Leo in a different setting, very creative. And I also just am a big fan of your page, it’s hard to find people with the same interest in historical royal figures. 🫶🫶🥹but anyway I saw the recent picts of Leo with Felipe at the military base, and I had a thought. What if Alix surprised Leo by keeping her visit hush hush. Like they are busy at this point, doing their own things for their respective governments that it’s just long night phone calls and letters (yes letters because I feel like Alix would love to write handwritten letter) Sofia in the back just like, “you know you can send that letter in a matter of seconds but if you want to wait one to two business days to hear from Leo that’s fine with me” 🤣
Alix probably has some meeting she’s going to in France with her father, and Spain borders France, so I just imagine her working with St. John and Leonor’s secretary to just pop in announced for a quick lunch with her girl. Alix would arrive that the base and St. John and the others would have to be very careful to not ruin the plan. Because St. John is a very recognizable fellow. And Leonor probably would have noticed him from a distance. Luckily upon arrival Alix just hides out with Leonor’s secretary. They talk about everything till lunch time comes around. Alix is equally as nervous because she’s never surprised Leonor like this.
Alix walks into the canteen, spotting Leonor at the table, back to her chatting with her friends. She’s kind and sweet and a little red around the cheek due to her maneuver. Alix sighs, looks at St. John who just smiles and wishes her well. Holding a tray of food in one hand she makes her way to the table. The other cadets all stop, their eyes wide as they watch the princess of Volograd walk to their table.
Leonor picks up on their faces, mouth still moving as she pops a fruit in her mouth, blond eyebrows raising. “What is it?”. But right as she’s asking Another voice speaks.
“Excuse me your royal highness but is this seat taken? You see I just landed here a few hours ago and I need a guide”
Of course Leo knows who it is. She’s overjoyed to see Alix, she immediately drops her tray and pulls Alix in for a hug, she has half a mind to kiss her but then she remembers she’s with her friends and fellow cadets and she’d rather not. So she just settles for hand holding, a lot of it. Alix talks and makes jokes with her friends. They think Alix’s accent is really cool, foreign.
It’s only for an hour and once Alix has to leave Leo doesn’t want to let her go. But she does and she’s glad she’s got to Alix for a tiny bit. “Your sister has been texting me nonstop” Alix comments, “I better call her and let her know how it went”. As Alix is walking away leo can her talk to Sofia, no doubt somewhere in wales with a book in her hand and the phone in the other.
“It went surprisingly well”
“What do you mean did she cry?? Is that a bad thing she didn’t? “
She can imagine Sofia’s laughter.
This was longer than I intended. 😭 🫶
OMG Hi! I’m so glad you are a fan of my blog and what you said means a lot to me, really!
This ask is literally everything like— Alix planning away with St. John (an iconic duo in and of itself) and then Leo’s sweet reunion with her and I can just imagine the fluff AAH SO AWESOME! And Sofia being Sofia kills me, I wonder if she is like this in real life too? Wow this was everything and 1000000% happened in the series.
I’m sure I can speak for 🇪🇸 too but I love all of the WOTC fans so much for submitting little bits of fluffy details for this amazing universe and encourage you to flood my inbox with all of this awesomeness! Thank you so much for asking and sorry this took a LONG time to answer! 🤍
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hi, it's two part again. I'm glad you are doing great.
I just wanna drop by and send a hi to you. I'll spam your inbox soon, but for now I need to catch up with some stuffs. I'd love it if you write my ideas, since I'm not that great with romantic stuffs. Thanks for being supportive about my writing, though. I'm actually begin a long story for my OCs in One Piece world on Ao3 because you inspire me ehehe. (Also remember the devil fruit request of a dragon gal? That was me :> well actually not, I asked my friend to send it on my behalf)
I've also just read the One Last Dance. I shouldn't say it. I don't want to beg you or anything, but I need a sequel so badly. Lol. It was sooooo great, I love it so muchhhhh! Thank you for writing it. I know you are not writing request anymore so I'll have to imagine it myself ;v; I regret requesting a heartbreak so much cause now I just want Ace and Reader to be together *sobs*
I watched the stream on One Piece day and I can't stop thinking about the awakening of the devil fruits. Hmm if you don't mind chatting, what form do you think Ace and Sabo would have if the Mera Mera no Mi also has an awakened form? Like, I imagine Ace would kinda have an image that is devil-ish (cause he is "the child of the devil") while Sabo is more of a dragon image? Idk, it just pops in my head.
Aight, see you.
Two part anon! So you're exempt from my 'closed inbox' because I love you and you're amazing. (I have a handful of people who are always exempt from my closed inbox) I loved this idea, so I absolutely HAD to write it! I'll get to the devil fruit thing a little later once I manage to work my way through a few more other requests. I hope you enjoy this. It does have a little heartbreak, but I promise it's worth it.
Part 1: Just One More Dance
Warnings: some angst, fluff,
Word Count: 1780
     Things had become complicated since the day that he’d disappeared. You’d looked into the history of the necklace like he’d suggested… he’d been right, it was heartbreaking. A princess, beautiful and loving, she sought the same love that she gave. To all her people, she was kind and giving, none went hungry or cold, even the poorest of citizens had a home within her kingdom. Not even bandits or those from other kingdoms had been turned away. Though all those within the kingdom’s borders worked their hardest, it was only for the love of their princess and the love and kindness she showed for them. Thus a great search began to find a prince worthy of their princess. One kind and loving as she, one who would be best suited to her. Though long and arduous, their search yielded results and a kind prince was found. A meeting between the two, an arrangement merely for introduction. Indeed, they seemed a match well made. In an instant, she found herself falling for him, her people cheered and rejoiced, their princess would finally be given the love she deserved. But it was not to be, for the prince did not feel for her as she felt for him. Still, she strove to endure, perhaps he would love her in time. So they met again and again, the princess praying that he would love her. But her heart was shattered upon learning the news. An engagement of her prince to the cold princess to the north. She’d had many encounters with the princess of the north. A selfish girl, her subjects suffered simply so that she might live in luxury. Cruel and deaf to the pleas of her people. Yet the prince only had eyes for her. The princess’s heart bled as she attempted to endure for her people. A necklace, her most prized possession, a gift from her late father, said to contain within it, all the love held within the hearts of all of those who had worn it before. Magic held within the large heart shaped ruby set in the center. If she were to crush the stone, her wish would be granted and her love would be returned. Yet as she stood before the priceless gem, hammer raised to strike, she saw his smile reflected on its surface. She couldn't bring herself to shatter her most prized possession. Not simply because it was a gift from her father, but because she could not bring herself to force him to love her. But neither could she live with the pain of her heartbreak. She held the ruby to her heart and poured herself into it, all the love she’d felt for every person she’d felt for. The ruby’s color deepened, shining a brighter and brighter red. Only when she collapsed did she stop, one hand still laid upon the necklace, with no love left in her heart and only the pain of grief from the loss of the one she cared for most, her heart stuttered weakly once more before being found the following morning, her skin like ice and a brilliant ruby clutched tightly to her chest. 
     Once you’d finished reading the history of the necklace, your heart ached as you sobbed. You’d started turning your boyfriend away as you took several days off of work. The aching in your chest was unbearable and agonizing, leaving you confused and frustrated. When had your feelings turned into affection? Now, sitting once more at the table, you looked at the letter on your laptop. Did it sound alright? Could it be misconstrued? Would anyone else understand and show up by accident instead? You had to try though. Biting your lip, you pressed send. It would be published in the paper tomorrow, hopefully he would see it. 
     Leaning against the counter, Ace read through the paper. He missed his frequent chases with you, missed his banter with you. Granted, as a thief, he was different than as a barista, he’d taken a page from his brother’s book and dressed in nice clothes and a mask, acted as if he were some sort of sophisticated rich guy. No one would suspect the guy in nice clothes would be the barista in a stained apron. Pausing, his eyes caught the top of the next article, ‘To my Dance Partner’. It couldn’t be, could it? His eyes darted over the words, his heart pounding and aching at the same time. You wanted to meet with him. Was it a trick? A way for you to get him behind bars? Or did you really want to meet with him? He had to at least try, right? 
     Standing on a far building, he glanced over. You weren’t dressed in your usual police uniform. In fact, you were in a rather nice, full length dress, heels, gloves and a necklace. He even recognized the necklace. It was an imitation of the one he’d stolen. If it was a trap, you must have been pretty confident that it would work to wear such an outfit. Still, he’d be cautious. 
     Standing on the roof nervously, you watched as he jumped down from another building, onto the same roof where you stood. 
     “So you got my letter.” you said with a small smile before looking away.
     “I just hope this isn’t the trap that it looks like.” he said, slowly walking up to you.
     “No, no trap. I think you know I don’t work like that. Not when it comes to thieves.” You said, trying not to fidget.
     “Yeah, yeah I do. I hate to say that I know you better than you realize.” Ace said, his white gloved hands in his pockets as he stood in front of you. The two of you were so close.
     “One day, I’d like to know how you know me so well.” you said with a small laugh, making Ace chuckle.
     “Maybe one day I’ll tell you. So… why’d you want to meet if this isn’t a trap?” he asked, unsure of how to proceed.
     “One more dance. You said that last time would be our final dance, but what if this were a new party? Could we dance?” you asked, holding out a gloved hand. Ace smiled as he took your hand, pulling you close. Thankfully, he knew how to dance.
     You smiled as the two of you danced on the rooftop. Having only ever chased him around, you were, admittedly surprised, at how good of a dancer he was. As soon as your dance was finished, he pulled away.
     “I’m afraid this night must come to an end. I look forward to our next dance.” he said softly before walking backwards towards the edge and jumping off. He seemed to enjoy doing that. That was okay though. You’d had your dance and he’d said he looked forward to the next, you would meet again.
     The two of you would send letters again and again. Encrypted, through the newspaper, meeting on rooftops and dancing. A single dance before he would disappear once more. His thieving days were over, but he still met you as his persona, not wanting to reveal himself quite yet. You’d started going back to work once more, visiting Ace’s coffee shop in the mornings, but you’d stopped bringing your boyfriend. Though perhaps boyfriend wasn’t quite right anymore as you’d broken up with him. How could you continue dating him when your heart belonged to your dance partner? Now, you stood on yet another rooftop, holding his hand as he attempted to leave.
     “I… please don’t go this time.” you said softly, eyes pleading with him. How could he say no to those eyes.
     “I need to, Y/n, it’s the end of the night and we’ve shared our dance.” he said softly, his other hand coming up to caress your cheek. You just shook your head.
     “It’s only 11 pm, the clock hasn’t struck midnight, Cinderella. And… I have something for you.” you said, your look turning slightly desperate. Ace nodded, staying where he was as you tentatively let go of his hand before hurrying over to the small bag you always brought with you. You quickly pulled something out before hurrying back. In one hand was… a hammer? He looked at you in confusion.
     “I… I’ve been saving up for quite a while, was planning on using it for something else, but I… I wanted to spend it on this instead.” you said, opening your other hand. It was a ruby heart. Not as large as the one set into the necklace in the museum, but a ruby heart nonetheless, “Said to contain all the love held within all the hearts of those who had worn it before. If she crushed the stone, her love would be returned. It’s… it’s not the ruby from the story, but maybe… maybe we could destroy this one together?” you offered, holding out the hammer. He smiled as he moved to stand behind you, his hand wrapping around yours. The both of you stood near the ledge, the gem sitting on the raised wall before you.
     “I’m glad I don’t have to die of heartbreak, my princess.” he whispered, pulling you in for a kiss as the two of you crushed the ruby. Pulling away, you gasped in shock. He’d pulled away his mask, revealing an all too familiar face.
     “Please don’t turn me in. Even now that you know who I am.” he pleaded. You smiled and shook your head. 
     “We just broke a very expensive rock. Why on earth would I turn you in after that?” you asked with a small giggle. Ace chuckled as he pulled you into another kiss.
     “Good, if you turned me in, I couldn’t dance with you anymore.” he said, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
     “Thinking of, where did you learn to dance that well?” you asked, running your fingers through his hair.
     “From the same person I got the idea for these stupid clothes, my brother. Figured, no one would suspect the thief dressed in a tux was the barista that spent his free time jogging or at the beach.” he said, making you laugh. 
     “I suppose you have a point.” you said with a smile. You gave him one more kiss, the two of you in a passionate lip lock. The news the next day would show a baffling headline that the priceless princess heart ruby had suddenly cracked down the center in the middle of the night, and while nobody would notice, too caught up in the damage to the gemstone, the brilliant red that shone had dulled, as if the magic from inside had disappeared. 
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cinnaminsvga · 5 months
omg so i saw your account pop up on that bit at the side with accounts to follow and stuff and immediately was thrown back
i don't know how long ago it was actually but based on the fact I've recently revived my own writing account after like 3 years away and forgetting tumblr even exists, but it's been at least that long since I last saw your account but immediate like nostalgia
this sounds terrible but i genuinely can't remember what exactly I read of yours (other than probably most of it back in the day) but I just remember you were one of my fave writers, i don't really read bts anymore because i'm up seventeen's ass these days but ima have to go through your masterlist and reread stuff for the memories now
im pretty sure that there was one specific fic series you wrote that you made group chats for on kakao maybe, i was there for it i just have terrible memory. now watch it turn out it wasn't even you that did that 🥴
i actually meant to send an ask last night when I saw your account and followed you (i think i used to follow you from my personal but idk) but it was late so I thought "hey let's wait until tomorrow when you can string together more cohesive sentences, yeah?" and then this shit show happened. but at least im not actually screaming at you in this ask like i probably would've last night
anyway, just wanted to just idek just sort of reminisce a lil and tell you that it made me really happy to see your account after these years even if you're not always active, it's nice to see that you still pop back now and then 💖
(I apologise for the mess of this. i'd say im usually more eloquent but that's a fucking lie, im a complete mess all the damn time <3)
WOAGH this was an unexpected letter in my inbox i'll tell you what (a pleasant surprise!) but hello hello welcome back and thanks for taking the time to send a message after all these years :D the tumblr algorithm, in all its mystery and dysfunctionality, sometimes makes little fun things happen like this lol
judging by your description, that fic series you're talking about is very likely "the lonely hearts club", which i suppose is an smau rather than a fic but yenno... it was something alright... if you were there during the peak of it, when i had kakao group chats for it... then it must have been 6 years since youve been around these parts (i posted that in 2018!! aint that a strange thing!!)
also, i appreciate all and every screaming ask sent my way HAHA this was actually very fun to read because like you said, i'm not very active on this blog, but getting messages once in a while is still a sweet treat!! nice to know that strangers on the internet just feel... compelled to talk to me, yenno?? especially you, who had somehow stumbled onto my patch of land by some algorithmic miracle :D it's nice reminiscing with ya!! if you really were here back in 2018, then you've known me a long time (even if you forgot most of it HAHA but i dont blame ya... my memory is pretty foggy even on a good day) so thanks for making a short stop my way <3
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