#I shall do some VOD digging
royalarchivist · 4 months
Etoiles: Hello Pac, hello Pac!
Pac: Hello Etoiles! Hello hello hello!
Etoiles: How are you, bro?
Pac: I'm doing good, how are you, bro? [Accidentally steps onto the elevator and immediately falls off the platform] Oh– AAAAAAAAAA!!!! OH MY GOD—
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 5 months
IMPORTANT: please suggest quotes for those I don't have an idea for! It'd be very helpful, especially because I don't have all the VODs! I need quotes for: Rae, Caspian, Momboo, Jamie, Easton, Centross, Ven, Athena, Wolf, Arisanna, Haley, and Icarus. Open for suggestions on Ocie, Ulysses, and Aax!
I think when Fable ends I'm going to work on a series of pieces- love letters to the entire story and how much it's impacted me. I've got a few planned but I need Fable to end before I start it, because whatever happens from now to the finale- including the finale itself, is going to be so important in relation to these! A few of the already like- dead dead characters I can work with though
I want to include text within them, so;
Rae - Rae's is going to be one of the most fun. There is so much I can do- so many directions. The finale will probably solidify which I do! A few things are for certain though; 1) aspects of the skulk. Most likely will be vines crawling up the background! 2) Aspects of the three shards- Alerion, Enderian, and Perix. Probably will be conveyed through color! Enderian will have a more specific nod as she's more present within Rae himself! Some sort of crown would sort of be my idea. 3) Stars. Of some sort, I want there to be stars. 4) A crown. Will probably be end-esque but we shall see!
Aax -There are a few things I know I want for Aax as well! 1) Four. Such an iconic thing for Aax- it's gotta be there. 2) Glowberries (because why not) 3) A trident and an axe. Aax's words will probably be something like "by design", or something about protecting Rae and Caspian!
(more below cut. It's a lot of words-)
Caspian - The problem with Caspian is I don't know an absolute ton about him! I do know a decent bit though, I'd say. A few things I want to include: 1) a quill. what's a writer without his tools? 2) A nod to momboo in some way. I'll figure that out. 3) Redstone/gadgetry of some kind. 4) something Atlas related, if not Atlas herself.
Momboo - I want a lot of nature themed elements, of course, but also a splash of color. The glitching. May do a half and half but probably not- it'll probably be worked in there somehow tho! I want nods to Jamie and Easton as well. Not sure on the quote yet!
Jamie - I hold Jamie in my little hands. I want nods to Athena, Momboo, and Easton in there, as well as Eeji, whatever the sheep is named, the camel and Solaris! I might have them as tiny creatures within the art piece itself! There will be an increase of nature themed elements as well, a nod to how they inherited that from Momboo! (no quote so far)
Easton: I don't know too much about Easton as well, sadly! I want to include lightning, skulk, nods to their mother and sibling, and the border will probably be a heart monitor type line (well within the border), a nod to how they see the world! (no quote so far)
Athena: I of course want Nether elements, but also a nod to Jamie, nature/flowers, and Cheshire! Cheshire might be included, possibly at the bottom or draped across Athena's neck. Whatever I can get to work! I kind of want to draw her in his fancy nether outfit, because I feel like it fits? (no quote so far)
Ven: The little traitor man! (/aff) I want nods to Fengari and some sort of writing detail! I don't know a ton about Ven, but I may include some nods to Fable (twisting yellow claws, etc!) (no quote so far!)
Ocie: I have the most idea for Ocie- she's the one that started my brain a'going. One of the strongest themes in Ocie's character is grief. It's lost so many people- and now another one, Len. Features I want to include are: 1) a nod to Momboo, 2) Oscar, 3) I kind of want her eyes to glow, 4) a heart of the sea, 5) tears. The words on her piece will probably be "Another empty grave." (or "I don't want to dig another grave.", or "It takes every piece away"!)
Centross: Wouldn't be a Centross piece without a nod to the end! A note that this piece will be of Violet! I want to display each character sort of in their "final form", whatever that may be. I want stars, the reaver, and a nod to the farming. His quote will probably be something cryptic about keeping the balance!
Wolf/Fenris: Fenris's is another that is going to be really fun! I may add a phantom mask over his face, as well as the moon above or behind his head. I want him in a fancy outfit- probably the one Malitae gave him, or the Festival of light one. There will be stars for Rae, and maybe wheat for Centross? Not sure of a quote yet!
Arisanna: Gotta have allays. But also pillager references! The border will probs have arrows within it! She'll also have some sort of book reference, whether that be the background or her holding one!
Icarus: Wings and potions and wack. Icarus's will be colorful, feathery, and otherwise I'm not entirely sure! I want a crown, so icarus's matches the rest of prince trio's. I also want to highlight their eyes! Otherwise, I think help from y'all and also the finale will help. Quote might be "Oh, we're doing this again?" but I am very very very open to suggestions
Haley: Haley's is going to be eerie- probably a reference to how she died, but also I want something puppet-y about her! not sure what else, and for the quote all i got is "this wasn't how it was supposed to go"
Ulysses: formerly evil fish man WOOO! Gotta have references to medical stuff, possibly have Victor in there, telchin stuff, and alcohol. Ulysses is trying to make amends, to fix the wrongs, to improve. I don't know how I can convey the layers of that well, like I can with Ocie's grief. Honestly, the quote might be the best way to do that! ("I'm sorry", or "I didn't mean for this to happen", maybe?)
I won't be doing one for Galahad, Will, or Chaos! Galahad and Will because I don't know their characters that well, and I feel like it'd be out of place now. Chaos for infer-able reasons.
Addie may be added if I have time, motivation, and if we see addie again before the end!
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my-lunaberg · 2 years
OKAYYYYYYYY okay, Im about to watch Tommys The Last Stream vod after I go for another quick walk, after that its just Tubbos stream which is probably just the same thing but from a different pov anyway, then its just the Syndicate End vod and then its just a two minute video of Ranboos end and then Im finally free. I really wish I could do this properly on my blog instead of having to do this in my notes app but I simply cannot wait another day. Im so hopped up on adrenaline rn i dont think I can sleep tonight, especially if I dont finally finish this. Also I have therapy tomorrow when Im writing this and I need to calm tf down before I show up at the therapists office all shaky n shit because of some minecraft roleplay. Its almost 6 pm rn and I shall be free of this nightmare before the clock strikes midnight. Amen.
Tubbitch boi
I dont even have anything to say man
This is so upsetting dude
I made it through these first 15 minutes with basically no pausing and I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate that bc I just know the second that joker starts talking to Dream I'll be pausing every 5 seconds
Why the fuck does the prison look like it was under water for like a decade and now theres just barnacles n shit growing on everythinh
Alright I took two minutes to mentally prepare myself now Im ready for this
Wait why the fuck was he just hangin out in the main cell if he wasnt even expecting Tommy. weirdo behaviour
*long uncomfortable pause*
"Uhm... okay"
It looks like Tommy is doing a good job stalling them so far so Im very curious how it goes from this to the stuff Ive read spoilers about
Ouhhhhhh I wonder how hes gonna react to that dig at Spirittttttt.........
Okay, no like verbal ouward reaction but that is what got him to start attacking Tommy
I dont think Punz will care that Tommy tried to kill himself bc of Dream, I think hed find that kinda hot
"The world doesnt fucking revolve around you"??? Bro Punz Boomer arc??? "Those darn zoomers wanting compassion and kindness after almost killing themselves
"Youre insane to think everything revolves around you" hello?? says the guy who fancies himself a god and also thinks everyone but him and his boytoy deserve to die because theyre "simple-minded"
OH NO i completely forgot, the nuke is not gonna hit them. this is allpretty much pointless
Okay listen, Im a huge c!Dream sympathetizer and I know this is gonna end with him being presented in a sympathetic and pitiable light and Im gonna fall for it no matter what because of course I am but like, he has been so comically awful throughout this entire finale I am not expecting this to end in an actually satisfying way at all
Oh that sly dog got him monologuing
Girl help I dont remember pre-rp dsmp well enough to tell if Dream is embellishing shit and victimizing himself or not
OKAY dream smp from Dreams pov lets gooooooo
??? what.
Bro Dream is not in his right mind hes so far away from his right mind he might as well be chillin in lmoonberg that guy is so mentally ill (source: I have like atleast 90% of his mentall illnesses for sure)
what do you MEAN "know more"???
Maybe Im just a simple minded nihilist but why does that matter man. Why die so you can "know more" when you can live and have like, a party with your buddies
Honestly, I feel like Dreams motivations are so stupid at this point, like literally just make him someone who worships XD and is favoured by him or whatever and then also have him have this morbid curiosity about the stuff beyond the server and have him try and become god while appeasing his actual god in the hopes that he'll reveal his otherworldly knowledge to him or whatever idk man
Hows Dream gonna grow old with the people he loves when he doesnt have fucking friends HAH got im
No offense but why has most of this finale been Tommy philosophically waxing about how you should accept death even though all thats waiting for you on the other side is eternal torment with Dream responding by being like "but why though?? :(" when that has like, literally nothing to do with any of the Dream SMPs themes? Like, okay, theres been a ton of storylines obviously but the two main ones are definitely Tommy vs Dream (its essentially the throughline to all this bullshit) and Wilbur, Lmanberg and every single attempt at a country after that. Because of this I would say that the dsmps themes are Cycles of Violence and Legacy and when they intersect you occasionally get glimmers of this idea of History Repeating Itself.
The Legacy theme is insanely well executed, no notes, Im in love
The Cycles of Violence theme.... less so. I'll probably make a more detailed post about this in the future since I dont wanna waste too much time with this liveblog. But I personally think that if they wanted to pull this theme off while also making Dream sympathetic, he absolutely needed to be affected by the violence he inadvertently caused and the audience needs to actually see it in atleast one (1) scene that would be impossible to twist into something unsympathetic unless you were looking at it in bad faith. Dream being thrown in jail and subsequently physically tortured wouldve been a great opportunity for this kind of stuff like, I remember lurking in the fandom around this time, this was the point where plenty of people were starting to sympathize simply because of how inhumane the prison was. Like, if they werent gonna show him break a little in front of others for their perspectives, the least they couldve done was make like, a few short videos of Dream being alone, doing whatever, you wouldnt even need dialogue and then pepper those throughout the post-prison arcs. You could have one like two or three minute video right after Tommys visit where he maybe tries writing those stupid essays out of boredom before burning them and then some potatoes plop into the pool and you really get a sense for the emptyness and isolation of it. Another good one would be one showing how Quackity tortures him, or maybe one taking place right after one of the torture seassions with him starving and shaking and maybe trying to write a log or something but failing because everything hurts. Him being in the prison after hes escaped and made it his base again, watching it slowly decay and fall apart with him in it. They really dont have to be long, again, two or three minute videos wouldve done a lot of good here imo. And then you could also sprinkle in some monologues because as much as I like to make fun of the snake monologue in my head, it did give some much needed insight into Dreams perspective on all of this while making him a bit more sympathetic.
Honestly, Dream is making some pretty reasonable points here (if you completely disregard all the context of the entire dsmp but still) but like dude, you cannot go around calling your teenage nemesis a pest that such obvious villain behaviour dude
Im not gonna lie, i thought the very last final scene between Dream and Tommy would take place in a more, idk, intimate? place. Thats not the right word but whatever I cant think of anything else that fits. But like, they absolutely do not have a reason to leave so I guess this is just gonna continue with Tommy and Dream talking in this fucked up room of this fucked up prison while Punz is also right there
Okay, I just got to the bit where Tommy says 'Im sorry' to Dream and I know a lot of people were upset by that bc they took it as him apologizing to his abusers for being 'abuse-worthy' if you wanna phrase it like that and thats not what I got from that at all. Like, its technically part of a very earnest emotional statement so his tone was kinda soft and apologetic but it really came across as an 'Im sorry you feel that way' kind of apology to me
What the fuck is happening now
Is this hell.
Oh my god please tell me this wont go on for much longer I already watched like 30 hours of these boring ass guys dicking around back in late 2020 i cannot take a second more
Bro why did they pick the part of the stream thats just Dream trying to figure out his fucking minecraft settings for this this isnt doing anything
Please bring me back I dont wanna watch this boring shit
What is ahppening
Okay they revived him, are they gonna explain why his afterlife hell is just him watching the most boring minecraft streams on planet earth
"It doesnt matter if I get horrifically traumatized because I'll just live forever :)"
Okay I think Im starting to understand Dreams motivations here a bit more and they make more sense but its like, if you care so much about eliminating suffering why did you go out of your way to torment Tommy like that in exile. Like, i know its because you did want him to be your friend at some point and maybe you still do but you didnt like how he would never listen to you so you figured itd be better to just break him down mentally but like, I dont think that would be necessary for the long term goal of eliminating all death and suffering at all so, what
Dude, he was not happy he was adjusting his minecraft settings
What if he just started sobbed. Hes all smug like "well, im happy now :)" and then the dam jist breaks. wouldnt that be grand
Hes fucking psychoanalyzing the green bitch this rules
Im sorry man I was not envisioning this emotional final scene to be accompanied by Punz occasionally saying some bullshit in the background
"George and Sapnap are still here" uh no, George literally isnt and last time we saw Sapnap he was making a deal with God to sacrifice his own life and afterlife to ensure that Dream would die and stay dead forever
Oughhhhhhh this is great I can practically smell the insecurity coming off of him rn
Oh god why is Tommy being like "you just wanted things to be simple [like they were in the past]" giving me a more complete understanding of myself as well this sucks I dont wanna be a c!Dream kinnie anymore >:(
I dont think Tommy is wrong about what hes saying abt Dream at all here and I think this is a smart angle to focus on for making Dream seem more sympathetic but right now I definitely feel like its missing the crucial element of "yes, Dream just wants friends, friends who will do what he wants with minimal resistance because hes a control freak" yknow? Like, his need for absolute control all the time is one of his most prominent traits and him wanting to gain some understanding and control of death and other things beyond his comprehension actually lines up quite nicely with that, its just kinda getting muddled with Dreams statements about wanting to make everything better. Granted, he probably wouldnt want to admit that his version of "making everything better" is just making everyone listen to him bc hes god basically but still, I think his control freakiness needs to get addressed more explicitly and maybe it will be, weve still hot a few minutes but ehhhhh. I doubt it
Honestly, ive grown to like Punz quite a bit eventhough he really hasnt done much but like, why the fuck is he here
I realize that the dialogue in dsmp is always overwhelmingly improv but its just so odd and kinda bad in this conversation. I think its because out of context, the way both Dream and Tommy are phrasing things makes it seem like they were on more equal footing and both suffered equally during their conflict when thats just not the case and Im not a fan
I think Ill tentatively take back all the stuff I said about how Dream shouldve been a worshipper of XD but i still think its a neat concept so I'll probably do something with that later
Oh god why did they do that crown, Dreams skin already looks bad and silly enough. Oh well I take solace in knowing that all the fanart of this scene probably slaps
Punz is still there is he gonna say anything about the nuke thats about to hit
Lookat these guys, never heard a nuke about to hit before
Ohhhhhhh I thought that previous 'sorry' was the one Ive seen people upset about, but Im pretty sure its actually this one
Honestly, I still dont see why you would be upset about it outside of the fact that it is an abuse victim apologizing to his abuser but its like, idk man. I dont think a piece of media featuring a scene where that happens within a very specific context is doing abuse apologism, although I guess a lot of people would argue that the fact that Tommy is even reaching out to Dream after everything he did is abuse apologism and. Im not even gonna try to argue with them. I'll just say that I disagree and try to explain my perspective in some amount of detail, this will get pretty personal though, so watch out:
I was recently semi-diagnosed with a personality disorder and i probably have a bunch of other bullshit going on as well and not to armchair diagnose a fictional character but c!Dream definitely has that personality disorder and whatever other shit thats hiding inside my weird brain. His irrational, defensive thought processes, his contradictionary wants, his persistent need for control, his detached nature, his manipulation, the way he uses actual emotional pain as a tool for manipulation while keeping that pain at an arms length, even his weird monotone way of speaking, I relate to all of it. I have seen and related to a lot of mentally ill and neurodivergent and neurodivergent-coded characters and I have never felt as seen as now. He embodies my worst qualities turned up a few notches to make them even worse and then he has a weird god complex on top of all of that and yet, he still ends up being given sympathy, someone tries to understand him and offers him help. And idk, that just means a lot to me so I look at this whole thing a bit differently.
Also, while I get why some people are upset and I get peoples desire to critize this from a Doylist perspective because real people came up with this story in real life and that still has implications, even when the line between fiction and reality is thick enough to be considered a wall, from a Watsonian in-universe perspective its like, Dream is not a bad person for accepting help (or trying to accept help) when its being freely offered to him
Okay wait but if the nuke still hit the prison and blew everything to shit what the hell did Jack do when he rewired the redstone at the launch thingy. Is the prison that close to the main smp I dont remember
Oh man this is gonna take a hot second huh
Okay we're back in Minecraft, Tommys punching a tree
I hate the fact that Tommy doesnt atleast punch the entire tree down before making a crafting table
I was gonna finish the whole series today but its almost 11pm and I a sleepy gal so i'll watch Tubbos pov tomorrow and the Syndicate vod and all that and also I'll probably give my thoughts on the ending in more detail after that. Right now I dont think I cant bare to write any more man, I just wrote like three or four decently detailed (for me) analyses about fucking bullshit basically in a row, my head literally hurts
So yeah, goodnight I'll be hopefully posting all of these posts tomorrow and I'll hopefully be peoperly liveblogging everything again
0 notes
Crash Course: The History of Dream SMP Season One
You want to get into the Dream SMP, but oh no! There’s eight months of extensive and event-filled history to catch up on, and dozens of highlight videos to watch that don’t always include everything, and pages upon pages of detailed Wiki articles...where do you start!?
Well, I’ve created this to summarize the events of Dream SMP Season One into a single post as a sort of “narrative timeline.”
I’ve also included the dates of the events to the best of my ability, so that everything is in (mostly) chronological order.
I’d highly recommend also checking out the Wiki for more detailed descriptions of the big events if you’re interested. 
Happy one-month anniversary of the Grand Finale!
Note: Some dates, but not all, are taken from VOD upload dates, and Tommy’s VODs are usually uploaded a day later than initial broadcast, so they may be slightly inaccurate. Dates marked with * are the dates the VOD was uploaded, in cases where I am unsure of the original broadcast date.
The Early Days
April 25th: 
The SMP started out as an ordinary survival server, and was often referred to as “the survival world” on early Dream Team streams. The first eight members to join the SMP were: Dream, George, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Ponk, Alyssa, Callahan and Sam, though Sam took a hiatus until the events of the Election Arc. The Community House was the first thing to be built in the center of a lake. 
It was in this period that Beckerson and Mars were named from donos (the various named knicknacks in the Community House are also from donos), Dream tamed a white horse named Spirit, and Sam tamed Fran. There were also several other various pets like dogs and foxes that were tamed by the members.
Some notable events from this period include: the construction of the Court House (and subsequently Sapnap and George’s murder trials there), Dream building the wooden path, George texting Dream’s mother, Sapnap’s Famous Storytime Stream (in which Spirit died due to mobs), and the burning of Ponk’s first Lemon Tree due to a conflict with George.
There was also a running joke that Callahan and Alyssa were dating (they aren’t)
Tommy’s Arrival
Tommy joins July 4th. Tubbo arrives shortly after, with Fundy a day after Tubbo.
The day of Tommy’s arrival:
Tommy joins the SMP. His first day, George and Dream get him to stand on a crafting table and he subsequently murders George and takes from the Community House chests. Dream and George put Tommy on trial in the Court House. After a brief manhunt, Tommy is banished 2,500 blocks away (the first of three exiles) in the snow and is ordered to stay there. He fails to comply and is briefly banned before Dream lets him back on. He chooses to settle on a hill next to Ponk’s Lemon Tree.
The Disc War: Start of the Disc Saga
Taking place from July 9th* - July 11th*, though there were various events/conflicts relating to the discs that happened before and after this time.
After listening to two discs, Cat and Mellohi, with Tubbo on a bench while watching the sunset (VOD: July 8th*), Tommy considers the two discs to be his most prized possessions. 
This event is considered the first major war of the server, and the Disc Saga would continue to have developments throughout the rest of Season One.
The events of the first Disc War began due to another conflict between Sapnap, Ponk and Alyssa. Punz and Tubbo were also involved. Tommy ended up siding with Sapnap, and much vandalism and fighting happened before Dream logged on with the intention to stop it. 
Tommy and Sapnap murder Dream, and Dream steals Tommy’s discs in return, threatening to burn them unless Tommy returns his gear. Tommy, Tubbo and Sapnap end up combining forces to murder Dream and take back the discs, which Tommy hides under his base. Dream spends time off stream digging up the entirety of Tommy’s land in search of them. 
The rest of the Disc War proceeds with Tommy and Tubbo working repeatedly to take back the discs from Dream. It only ends when Tommy crafts an Ender Chest to put the discs in.
This was also around the time that Fundy’s Socializing Club was built, which later led to a brief conflict taking place there. 
(It was also during this time in the middle of the Disc War that Wilbur joined a call with Tommy and asked Dream out on a date to Pizza Hut, with Tommy speaking in game chat as Wilbur’s wingman. Dream says yes, George gets jealous on Twitter, and the infamous Vlog plot starts. It would go on from July to October.)
Schlatt and Wilbur
July 12th: During a short conflict between Tommy and Tubbo over the death of Tubbo’s pet bee, Tommy burns down Tubbo’s house. Wilbur logs onto the server to act as Tommy’s lawyer. 
On July 17th, Schlatt gets whitelisted on the server without Dream’s knowledge and Tommy spends a day with his idol. The SMPLive Cuck Shed is recreated in Dream SMP, and Tommy listens to the disc Blocks with Schlatt. People trend #kickschlatt on Twitter. Both Wilbur and Schlatt log off the server “permanently,” Wilbur by choice and Schlatt by banning (as Dream didn’t know who he was). Tommy gains ownership of Wilbur’s ball house.
Also worth mentioning is Eret joining July 19th.
The L’manburg War for Independence (aka “Revolution”)
This was a relatively short but very consequential arc, taking place from July 24th to August 2nd, a little over a week in total. It is the second major war of the server, and the first to be faction-based.
July 24th: Wilbur joins the server again.
He decides to start an empire with Tommy. He builds the Camarvan (aka “hto dog van”) in a remote part of the woods and recruits Tommy to help create artificial scarcity in the server’s drug market by stealing everyone’s blaze rods. This isn’t taken too kindly by other members, especially Sapnap. One thing leads to another and they decide to mark out a tiny square in the woods to declare as an independent country. Tubbo joins them, and he and Tommy sing “Hallelujah” to a tilled patch of dirt (this melody would later become the L’manburg National Anthem). They also recruit Eret to help build. They decide on a name: L’manburg, and also don revolutionary skins.
Dream comes over, displeased by this, and declares war. His side consists of Dream, George, Sapnap and Punz, though the L’manburgians attempted to convince George to their side due to his Britishness. 
Eret builds the walls, Fundy joins the revolution after logging in within the walls and being very confused, Wilbur claims Fundy as his son. Tommy constructs a fight club beneath his house and, after poorly speaking Dutch to Fundy, goes down the path placing signs in various languages saying “the green bastard shall die!” as propaganda to Dream’s viewers of various nationalities.
July 31st: 
Dream and Sapnap log on during one of Dream’s streams, inspect the area, and go through a multi-step plan to demoralize the L’manburgians: they burn down all the trees around their land, lavacast a huge cobblestone wall just outside, construct obsidian TNT cannons around the walls, and fire several TNT blasts into the country, destroying part of the hotdog van’s roof. George joins the call, gets filled in on what’s been happening, and assists in the chaos. Eret, the only L’manburgian online, is helpless and can only meekly protest in game chat. As a final message, Dream and Sapnap set fire to Tubbo’s house (the second time) and Dream gives his famous “white flags” ultimatum. 
August 1st:
The ultimatum’s war date was pushed back a day due to Twitter drama. The final evening before war, Dream, after doing his serious stream, logs onto the server and blows up Tommy’s land with TNT, exploding part of the beloved Cuck Shed. Wilbur, in VC, tells Tommy to return the favor to Dream, but instead, Tommy chooses not to fight fire with fire. Impressed, Wilbur makes Tommy his right hand man. Eret joins Dream’s side around this time.
August 2nd:
The day of war comes. Dream’s side goes to Tubbo’s jungle base to kill Tubbo repeatedly. There’s a brief conflict at the Power Tower. Wilbur logs on - the L’manburg side is grossly underprepared. They meet at the Embassy and exchange fire with the Dream SMP members. After Dream seems to retreat, Eret suggests they return to L’manburg, saying he has a “secret weapon:” Eret has been grinding for items.
He leads them down a long tunnel into a blackstone “Final Control Room.” The chests are empty, and Tommy pushes a button in the middle of the room, wondering what its function is. The redstone doors slide open and Dream’s men ambush and kill all of them, leaving them with nothing.
After speaking with Wilbur, who refuses surrender, Dream returns to L’manburg and lights a piece of TNT at the entrance, triggering tons of TNT that had been laid beneath the ground beforehand to ignite. Tommy leads everyone into a final bunker. As one last chance at independence, Tommy challenges Dream to a bow duel for Mellohi. George and Wilbur have a short exchange in which they reflect on their Pizza Hut Date, wondering how they could end up like this, with their men fighting each other on opposite sides. Wilbur tells George he should have been on their side as a British person. Eret too.
Tommy and Dream take ten paces and fire at each other on the Prime Path.
Tommy loses the duel.
Instead of giving up just Mellohi, though, Tommy asks Dream if he could give up Cat as well in return for “technical independence.” Dream agrees. Wilbur declares independence again, putting himself as President, Tommy as Vice President, and Tubbo as Secretary of State. Eret, meanwhile, is declared king of the Dream SMP. 
YOOOOOOOOOOOO...you know the rest.
Jack Manifold is whitelisted. It’s a silver-lining ending.
Post-War Period General Events
August 3rd (?), VOD uploaded August 6th*:
On Jack’s first day, Dream attempts to bribe Jack onto his side with riches, real money, and books containing secret codes. Jack decides to act as a double agent.
VOD uploaded August 7th*:
Fundy and Eret continue their pranks. Eret builds his two towers to watch over L’manburg - Fundy completely destroyed the first of them, which is why Eret’s towers are now reinforced with obsidian. That same stream where Fundy “shrank” the tower was where Tommy and Jack first heard the tale of Fundy’s heritage. Fundy explained that his mother was a salmon (they came up with the name “Sally”) and that she was an accountant who raised him the best she could. Tommy and Jack are understandably weirded out by this.
August 6th:
Niki is also whitelisted and joins the server. The original Camarvan is torn down, and Wilbur introduces the first version of the L’manburg National Anthem.
The Drug Park Trivia Contest
August 9th:
Due to L’manburg needing more funds, Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo get together and create a drug park business to attract drug dealers and women. They see four chickens hanging out near some gravel and name them Clementine, Clementine, Clementine and Clementine, deciding that gravel must attract women. PPA (Ponk-Purpled-Alyssa) signs a trade agreement with L’manburg.
The drug park attracts a confused Dream, who wanders around through the alleyways. Dream gets scammed and then scams them back, so Wilbur challenges Dream to a trivia contest.
August 10th:
Fundy takes off his revolutionary outfit and he and Wilbur get into a brief argument over it. Eret continues to build his second tower. Wilbur asked Tommy and Tubbo to prepare the trivia questions together, but while Tubbo had researched real trivia, Tommy put in bullshit questions that were later removed from the point score.
Dream loses the trivia contest and jumps off a cliff.
The Disc Saga: Showbiz Business
 August 13th*:
After Tommy, Tubbo, Thunder, Skeppy and Fundy give a performance of Hamilton and Macbeth to Dream, gaining Dream’s favor, Skeppy tells Tommy he has Spirit’s leather. Tommy, seeing an opportunity to use Dream’s sentimental attachment to get Dream on his good side, asks Skeppy for the leather. Instead, Skeppy trades the leather back to Dream in return for one of the discs. Tommy gets Quackity in a VC to try and intimidate Skeppy (Quackity fails), then asks for Quackity to be whitelisted. Dream whitelists Quackity.
This was also around the time that Fundy kidnapped Punz’s bee, Beenis, and was put on trial, resulting in the birth of Tubbo’s alter ego: Big Law. This would come into play during the Pet War.
The Cartel
August 17th: 
Quackity joins the server.
He is initially not allowed to join L’manburg. 
He and Tommy start the Cartel together, going on a heist and cracking jokes about John Lennon. This is an overarching scheme over the course of several streams. Tommy ends up building a summer house for himself in the hills, and constructs a drug lab in its basement which he uses with Quackity to attempt a drug scheme.
August 28th*:
Later, after Tommy finishes his summer home and names the several cows who live there, Quackity kidnaps the one named Henry and threatens his life, as he feels that Tommy has become too attached to Henry and is no longer dedicated to the Cartel. Quackity forces Tommy to play a sick trivia game show where if he gets an answer wrong, a cow dies. Tommy asks Tubbo for help, but Tubbo sides with Quackity for the drama. The conflict ends in violence, but Henry is still alive.
Tommy and Wilbur Revive the Server
August 19th*:
Tommy, concerned that the SMP is dying due to Tubbo not being online, calls in Wilbur and Quackity for a chill stream. He and Wilbur rebuild the Camarvan very, very poorly, turning it into a monstrosity of a dirt-bug held together by cobblestone. This wasn’t very consequential, I just included it to explain how the Camarvan ended up looking like That.
The Disc Saga: Railway Skirmish
August 23rd*:
One day, Tommy was hanging around at his summer home. He hops in a minecart and accidentally runs Dream over. Dream uses the /kill command as a funny way to mess with Tommy (and the audience), causing him to die and lose all his stuff. Dream hadn’t been expecting Tommy to take advantage of it. Unbeknownst to Tommy, Tubbo runs in and snatches Dream’s prized sword, hiding it underground.
Tommy and Tubbo realize that with all of Dream’s gear in their possession, they finally have the high ground, and try and use that high ground to trade Dream for the disc. Wilbur joins and questions Tommy about why they’re trying to cause conflict, as L’manburg can’t afford to fight another war so soon. Wilbur orders them to return Dream’s things and apologize. Dream doesn’t give Tommy the disc, but does trade Tommy for Spirit’s leather in return for his stuff back. Tommy tries and fails to trade Skeppy the leather for the disc. He and Sapnap also then team up to kill Dream, but Sapnap betrays Tommy after being threatened and Tommy never succeeds in getting a disc back.
Tubbo reveals to Tommy afterwards that he’d hidden Dream’s sword, and they’d successfully kept it: they now have leverage.
Church Prime
August 24th:
Tommy and Dream put their differences aside for one day and start a religion together after plugging Twitch Prime for twenty minutes straight, to Tubbo’s disapproval. Quackity assists as well. The Vape Tower and Holy Land are created. Dream levitates into the air and /kill’s himself, then gets resurrected. One of the funniest streams the SMP’s ever had.
Church Prime has been born!
The Disc Saga: Spirit Scam / Start of the Pet War
August 27th*:
Tommy is enraged by Sapnap killing one of his beloved cows, Harold. He griefs Sapnap’s house and also informs Niki that her pet, a little fox named Fungi, was also killed by Sapnap. Niki is furious. She, Tommy and Tubbo kidnap Mars and Beckerson with the intentions of holding them for ransom as revenge. Dream, concerned about this, tries to reason with them. He can’t let Mars and Beckerson die at any cost. 
While the sides make their threats, Dream locks up the jukebox room in Tommy’s house with obsidian and starts playing the real Mellohi to taunt them out of cockiness. Tubbo and Tommy manage to snatch Mellohi and put it in an ender chest. Dream, realizing he’d screwed up, names a fake Mellohi disc “Tommy’s Disc” and tries to convince them that that was the real one. 
After plenty of scamming involving Dream’s sword, Spirit, Mellohi, the fish, and a confusing switcheroo, Tommy ends up with the real Mellohi and the real Spirit, while Dream keeps Beckerson and Mars in his possession. Niki just wanted an apology.
The Pet War
August 29th*:
After taking a brief recess from the SMP, Fundy logs on and starts to catch up on what he’s missed. He’s confused by Church Prime, but is more concerned with chat spamming “RIP Fungi.” He doesn’t believe it at first, but sees Fungi’s grave in L’manburg and calls Niki, who tells him what happened. Furious, he says that Sapnap must pay.
He asks Dream for Mars, but Dream is unwilling to give her to him. Instead, Dream leads Fundy and Niki to the dog house and show them the pets. He tells them that Skechers is Sapnap’s fox, but they didn’t hear it from him. As he is unable to kill one of his own kind, Fundy asks Niki to murder it with a pickaxe.
After a scavenger hunt stream with George, Dream tells Sapnap what happened. Sapnap, enraged, kills Niki’s animals and Fundy’s enderman pet. The Dream Team hide their remaining animals off screen.
August 31st*:
Fundy gets Beenis and a beehive at Tubbo’s base and offers to play a cruel game with Punz in which Punz chooses to spare one of the beenests while the other is thrown into fire. Punz decides that choosing is better than leaving Beenis in an enderchest and chooses. They place down the spared beenest but no bee comes out. Tommy and Tubbo arrive in full armor, looking ominously at Punz. Fundy explains the situation to them, favoring his side of the story, and Tommy and Tubbo defend him as one of their own. Fundy has started a war.
September 1st:
Fundy and Niki get a pet bee named Beelloon. They hide it in an obsidian box to keep it safe. They also locate Sapnap’s pets based on small details in the background of George’s stream.
Sapnap and Punz arrive one day after a Twitch Rivals tournament and force Fundy to watch as they explode Fungi’s grave with TNT. Fundy says they should end the fighting for good with a duel: one vs. one, Sapnap and Fundy.
September 10th:
Fundy builds a scaled-down version of Technoblade and Dream’s arena just behind his base. Tubbo referees the duel between Fundy and Sapnap. Fundy loses. Sapnap takes Niki’s fish and starts to play the same game with Fundy, but stops at the last second - it’s not worth stoking up the fires of war again. He congratulates Fundy on being a worthy competitor and leaves after returning the fish to Fundy. The Pet War ends there.
The Election
September 3rd*:
Tubbo and Fundy get into an argument that threatens to tear L’manburg apart in Civil War. Tommy, while Wilbur isn’t online, is the one left in charge of diffusing the conflict, which he does successfully. The next day (September 4th*), Wilbur logs back on and Tommy fills him in on what he’s missed. They decide that they need to consolidate power, and choose to hold a rigged election where they’re the only party that can be voted for. Quackity, after learning this, states that he’ll be running as well to prevent their dictatorship, declaring his campaign “SWAG2020.” This throws a wrench in Wilbur and Tommy’s plans. Wilbur and Tommy’s party is renamed “POG2020.”
September 9th*:
The Presidential debate is held in Tubbo’s King’s Court. Quackity reveals that Georgenotfound is his running mate. Tommy attempts a smear campaign against him, then later accepts bribery from Karl, who was overseeing the debate. Tubbo takes Karl’s spot to be less biased. Fundy states that he wants to run for president as well. September 15th, Tommy gains Sapnap’s vote by publicly denouncing Fundy, telling him that if Wilbur weren’t Fundy’s father, Fundy would be kicked out of L’manburg. The following days, they hold a few more rallies, sing a duet of Let it Go, and Wilbur, Tommy and Quackity construct the White House while speaking Spanish. This is also the birth of “Tubbox.”
September 20th:
They hold one last rally where the parties show off their endorsements. POG2020 is endorsed by Vikkstar. Georgenotfound is a no-show. Everyone wonders where he is, with one of the running theories being that he’s off editing the Vlog. Fundy and Niki announce their campaign: COCONUT2020. 
Tommy and Wilbur have one last endorsement up their sleeve: Schlatt logs onto the server. He’s been unbanned. Instead of endorsing POG2020, however, he accidentally endorses COCONUT2020 and then decides to run his own candidacy, SCHLATT2020. Violence breaks out, Tommy, Wilbur and Quackity all escape underground. Wilbur and Tommy offer to combine votes with Quackity, but Quackity refuses after they reveal the offer is conditional on their own defeat. Instead, Quackity decides to partner with Schlatt.
Also worth mentioning is the fact that Wilbur asked for Tommy’s Mellohi disc, the real one, to keep until they’d won the election. Tommy gives it to him.
Schlatt’s Inauguration
September 21st:
HBomb is added to the server. Wilbur gets on the podium and states the election results: POG2020 won the popular vote by 45%, but was beaten out by the combined vote total of SCHLATT2020 and SWAG2020 of 46%, making Schlatt the President and Quackity the Vice President. Schlatt designates Tubbo as his right-hand man, still Secretary of State.
Schlatt’s decrees are as follows, given throughout the rest of the stream: Tommy and Wilbur’s citizenship is revoked, the walls are torn down, L’manburg is renamed to Manberg.
Tommy and Wilbur escape into the woods (Tommy’s second exile) and Technoblade offers them assistance. Technoblade logs onto the server and they find a ravine to make a barracks in: Pogtopia.
Tommy and Wilbur then go to negotiate with Schlatt for a one-day visa to L’manburg for Ninja’s visit. Schlatt agrees to it.
Ninja’s Visit
September 25th*:
Ninja visits and streams with Tommy for a day. He ends up getting married to Georgenotfound and using their marriage to get the Pogtopians an extended visa without Schlatt’s knowledge.
Pet War II: Battle of the Lake
Sapnap and Karl, who were engaged to marry with a wooden Eiffel Tower as their honeymoon spot, attempt to kidnap Henry. Instead, Sapnap accidentally kills Henry with fall damage.
October 5th:
Tommy is beyond enraged at the death of Henry, and goes to grief Skeppy’s property with Niki while he’s grieving. Dream joins and helps Tommy lavacast the Eiffel Tower. They attempt to frame Badboyhalo for this, which starts a new conflict and a battle between Skeppy and Bad against Dream and Tommy. 
Sapnap logs on, Tommy confronts him, and Sapnap eats Henry’s corpse. Antfrost also joins in on Bad and Skeppy’s side. The fight continues, and Dream and Tommy escape into the wilderness together and a chase ensues. Niki is taken hostage.
Dream decides to entrust Tommy with one of the most valuable pets on the server: Mars. Tommy must never, under any circumstances, harm her. Tommy tells Sapnap he has Mars, but Sapnap doesn’t believe Dream would trust Tommy with such a thing at first.
Everyone heads to Pogtopia. Tommy gives his famous “I have the Blade” line and Technoblade logs on. Dream also joins Techno and Tommy’s side. They declare it the Battle of the Lake after a tiny pond next to Tommy’s Intimidation Tower. Punz swaps sides mid battle, and Dream, Tommy and Techno overpower the opposing side, claiming victory.
Dreamon Hunters
October 7th:
Tubbo and Fundy want to create some chaos, but their targets keep logging off and foiling their plans. Eventually, Dream logs on, and that’s when they get the idea to perform an exorcism on Dream. They get Dream to Skeppy’s Mansion and perform a complicated ritual, ending with them logging out and then back in again, and Dream exploding TNT, killing himself and also Tubbo in the blast. After this exorcism, Dream seems...different. He says he wants to be a builder, he wants to hug Technoblade, and his IQ is...75! 
Tubbo and Fundy think at first that they’ve successfully removed the Dreamon, but after performing a test with an iron door, everything goes sour. In a last effort to get Dream back to normal, Fundy recreates his marriage proposal scene with Dream. Dream ascends into the air, explodes, and all seems to go back to normal...until DreamXD logs on.
October 15th:
In a second stream, Tubbo and Fundy get their proper Dreamon Hunter outfits, set up a base of operations on the beach near the Mansion, and recruit Sapnap to assist them.
The Festival
VOD uploaded October 10th*:
Tommy has an idea to connect the Prime Path from Pogtopia all the way to Dream SMP, but accidentally reveals Tubbo’s tunnel to Quackity in the process. This leads to a split between Tommy and Wilbur, in which Wilbur snaps and tells Tommy that this is why he isn’t the President and never will be.
Schlatt comes on. He ignores the tunnels, but announces something new: The official Manberg Festival, a celebration of democracy and freedom. With this announcement, Wilbur starts to have doubts about his intentions. Why should he want to go against someone who was democratically elected, hosting fun events for the citizens? Wilbur has a realization: he’s the villain. A few minutes pass, and he’s completely gone, slipping into paranoia about everyone’s loyalties as he starts to distrust that even Tubbo is on his side. He has a plan to blow the entire place up with TNT, and asks Dream to help.
At the end of the day, Tubbo and Tommy have a moment by the bench. Tubbo reveals to Tommy that he’d been given a Mellohi disc by Wilbur, who had also given a copy to Tommy as well. They question why Wilbur would give them both copies of Mellohi, and try to hide the truth about the disc. Tubbo says he probably has the real one.
In the coming days, Tubbo and Fundy help create the decorations. Fundy, meanwhile, has been questioning his loyalties. He wonders what Tommy and Wilbur ever really did for the country in their administration.
October 16th:
The day of the Festival arrives. Everyone, including Technoblade, has been invited except for Wilbur and Tommy. Techno joins in with the party activities, and it’s a joyous day. Tommy and Wilbur wait on the roof, and have a brief conversation with Tubbo before the moment arrives. Wilbur accuses Tubbo of being a yes-man, explains that there’s a key phrase in the speech to activate the TNT. There are twenty pieces of TNT beneath Schlatt’s chair alone.
He puts Tubbo in charge of making the final decision of whether Manberg stays or falls. It’s up to Tubbo to say the line. As the party settles, Tubbo goes up to give his speech. He says it, Schlatt prompts him for more, and Tubbo says the line. Wilbur and Tommy hop down to press the button, but Schlatt gives a little chuckle. He and Quackity start trapping Tubbo in concrete, keeping him in Schlatt’s chair while everyone looks on in confusion. Wilbur and Tommy pause – they can’t detonate the TNT with Tubbo in the blast radius. Schlatt reveals that he’d known about Tubbo’s spying all along, and calls up Technoblade for a favor.
Schlatt orders Technoblade to execute Tubbo. A few shots from Techno’s rocket launcher, and the deed is done. Techno then turns and massacres the crowd as Tommy pearls onto the podium and Wilbur searches around for the button, which he’d lost. Wilbur confronts Schlatt in order to defend Niki, but Schlatt orders Niki’s death and everyone runs back to Pogtopia.
Tommy is fuming at Technoblade, and the two have a short fist fight in a combat pit to settle their differences. Tommy loses, but his rage still remains. Techno tells him that the only universal language is violence, and now that they’ve settled that issue, it’s time to move on.
October 19th:
A few days after the festival, Tommy comes online and overhears an argument between Quackity and Schlatt over the destruction of the White House. Quackity snaps at Schlatt, shoots him, and runs off into the forest while Schlatt tears the building down. Tommy meets with him, and Quackity is recruited into the rebellion. Wilbur comes on and gets filled in. Wilbur also reveals that he’d found the button room off stream, and shows it to Tommy and Quackity. He only needed two witnesses. Tommy and Quackity trap Wilbur into the corner before he can press it, though, and talk him down into taking another approach for now. 
The Meeting
November 2nd:
It’s Niki’s birthday party. A fun-filled gathering hosted by Karl at his new Haunted Mansion, featuring several members of the SMP. Wilbur and Quackity are both there, and hang around after the party to sing love-hate songs to one another while playing the guitar. After Quackity sings one last song to Wilbur, though, things turn south. Wilbur tells Quackity that he’s going to blow up Manberg, and Quackity is going to watch. Everyone runs to Manberg in a panic as Wilbur starts playing the chords to Hallelujah. He begins to sing the L’manburg National Anthem in preparation, but Quackity manages to convince him not to do it. Wilbur gives Quackity an ultimatum: set up a meeting with Schlatt by the coming Friday, or Manberg gets blown to smithereens.
November 6th:
Friday comes. Quackity and Schlatt have a meeting in which Quackity attempts to trick Schlatt into signing away his presidency. Schlatt doesn’t fall for it. He, Quackity and Tommy wander through the woods while Wilbur makes his way to the button. But Schlatt reveals that he’d found out about the Button Room, and he’d disconnected the button’s redstone and moved the TNT somewhere else.
Coincidentally, Fundy had just done a massive prank marathon the day before, and one of his many pranks was to fill Pogtopia to the brim with buttons…loads, and loads, of buttons.
Everyone meets in Pogtopia. Badboyhalo arrives as well, and Fundy comes to reveal his Spy’s Diary, a book of information he’d collected on Schlatt throughout the entire administration with details on Schlatt’s deteriorating health. Wilbur starts to realize that instead of no one being on their side, everyone was on their side. Just as he comes to that idea, though, Dream joins the call and there’s another reveal: a traitor in their midst. Wilbur and Dream agree to end things for good on November 16th: the final war for L’manburg’s fate.
Pet War III: The Panda Skirmish
November 5th:
While in the jungle, Punz finds a panda and Sapnap helps retrieve it, saying that if anyone touches the panda, who they named Dumptruck, it would be a battle.
Once they get back, though, Antfrost, with assistance from Badboyhalo, attempts to steal the panda for the animal sanctuary. During the movement of the panda around from place to place as Punz and Sapnap attempt to get it back, the panda dies due to Punz’ armor enchantments. They blame the Badlands for the panda’s death, as if they hadn’t tried to steal it, the panda would still be alive.
As things break out into all-out war, Sam joins the fray to help the Badlands. Sapnap threatens Fran, saying Fran would not be able to come back if the dog died.
The battle ends in the victory of the Dream SMP members, and the defeat of the Badlands.
Pet War IV: The Final Pet War
November 15th:
The night before the final war, Tommy and Sapnap finally have their confrontation about Sapnap stealing Tommy’s horse, Juorse, not too long before. 
Tommy and Techno meet with Sapnap. Sapnap, surprisingly, advocates for talking out the conflict instead of immediately breaking out into fighting. All he wanted was Mars back.
They meet at the Community House and negotiate. While Sapnap returned Juorse to Tommy, however, Tommy refused to give up Mars. Sapnap killed Juorse in retaliation, angering Tommy. Tommy runs away, while Dream and George join the server with the intention to kill Sapnap for an unexplained reason.
 After a chase, Tommy is led to Sapnap’s secret base and shown his remaining pets. Sapnap tells Tommy to kill them. Tommy, refusing to stoop to Sapnap’s pet-killing level, says no. To settle the conflict, Sapnap and Tommy agree to a duel at Eret’s museum. Sapnap wins very quickly. While Tommy is being made fun of by the others, though, Sapnap is gracious and does not. He respects Tommy as an opponent, and the two go off on their own to talk.
Tommy tells Sapnap that all the Pet Wars have to end, for good this time. He says Sapnap has to let go of Mars. If he truly loves Mars, and doesn’t want to see her passed around as a bargaining chip forever, she should be freed.
Sapnap, though saddened, agrees, and they set Mars free at the shore, watching her swim out to sea. 
Free at last.
The Manberg-Pogtopia War: Finale of Season One
November 16th:
It’s war day. All hell is about to break loose. Dawn of the finale.
Tubbo logs on to prepare, and ends up getting stalked and killed by Dream. Dream allows him to retrieve his items, though – it was just a show of strength.
Quackity and Tubbo share a few moments of reflection together. They discuss who could possibly be the traitor. They both suspect Tommy.
On top of Ponk’s tower, they make a promise to each other. At the count of ten, they would stand opposite each other with the Eye blocking their view, and would, at the same time, take a step to one side. Towards the city if they would stay and fight, and towards the forest if they would run. The count reaches zero: they both step to the side to fight. 
Tubbo starts to question if this is all just history repeating itself, if every war since the Disc War is just bound to end in defeat.
Karl attempts to bribe pretty much everyone on the Pogtopia side to join Manberg, with little success. 
Eret is confronted by Dream, who asks him where his power comes from. Eret says respect, but Dream says the only reason Eret is king is because of an axe and a shield: the people who fight in his name. Dream warns Eret to stay neutral, sit on his throne and look pretty. Eret decides to betray, and Dream revokes his kingship. In Eret’s place he puts George, fulfilling his promise from the first L’manburg war. George is pleased, and then goes off to continue building a little mushroom house for himself, which would of course go on to become a vital plot point of Season Two.
Eret joins the Pogtopians (minus Tommy and Wilbur) at Manberg. They head to a little spot by the sea and set up a board to discuss who is on their side, and who is not. Meanwhile, Tommy and Wilbur log on together. Tommy protects the L’mantree in a wall of obsidian, and beneath the Power Tower, Tommy plays the disc Mellohi and Wilbur rants, threatening to blow up the country. 
Everyone meets in Pogtopia. Wilbur has also started to give out blue dye, which he calls “blue.” Techno leads them all to his secret base and the vault beneath, revealing all the items he’d grinded for. Everyone stocks up on supplies, but they didn’t realize that the Netherite armor was full of useless enchantments that Techno had put on it to disguise the truth: that he was planning on fighting them all along.
Everyone then charges across Tommy’s bridge to Manberg and ascends Eret’s second tower to shoot down on the Manbergians. The fight continues on the ground, ending with Dream asking Wilbur to talk. It was time to negotiate for Manberg’s surrender.
He leads everyone to Schlatt, who was hiding out in the Camarvan completely drunk. Everyone gathers around Schlatt as he gives his last words, last rants, and then abruptly dies of a heart attack or stroke. Everyone is surprised, but uneasily happy.
Wilbur makes Tommy the President. Tommy goes up on the podium to give a speech, but says he can’t be the President right now: he still has a Disc War with Dream to fight. Instead, he makes Wilbur the President.
Wilbur gives a speech, but says he can’t be President as well. Instead, he gives the Presidency to Tubbo. (This is the point where, on Philza’s Hardcore stream, he tunes in to hear Tubbo’s speech)
Tubbo gives a speech and actually accepts the Presidency. Wilbur says he’ll be right back and heads off, causing Phil some concern. Wilbur heads to the button room, Phil realizes what’s going on, and Phil scrambles to get on the server, desperate to stop his son.
During Tubbo’s speech, Dream messages Techno, pointing out that Techno is anti-government. Techno doesn’t like how this is going, and decides to assassinate Tubbo with his rocket launcher, causing panic. A fight breaks out.
Tommy and the others are told by Dream that there is a traitor: the traitor is Wilbur. Everyone realizes in horror that Wilbur is nowhere to be seen.
Wilbur is confronted in the button room by Phil. He gives a short speech before giving his final line: “It was never meant to be,” and presses the button. Manberg goes up in a blast. Afterwards, as Tommy and the others watch, Wilbur begs Phil to kill him, and Phil does. 
Techno tells Tommy the tale of Theseus and spawns two withers. 
“Do you want to be a hero, Tommy? Then die like one!”
Wilbur respawns, wanders around the SMP, has a short moment at Eret’s museum and then returns to Manberg, at which point he gets attacked by a wither. He decides to end stream, and declares Tubbo the President of a crater.
In the aftermath of the final battle, everyone surveys the damage. Tubbo creates his new cabinet, Techno and Phil speak with one another as well. 
Tommy, Tubbo and Dream all agree to a moment of truce as they listen to a disc at the bench together, sitting side by side.
With that, Season One draws to a close.
It’s not the end.
Just a new beginning.
...And that’s about it for now! 
Season One of the Dream SMP was a half-year-long wild ride to experience, full of countless fond memories and all-around good times.
Here’s to what comes next!
I hope you enjoyed!
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wild-karrde · 3 years
The Quarry - Part 27
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Author's Note: mention of some pretty gnarly injuries and death in this chapter.
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“You never knew?” Din muttered, frozen in place.
“That seems like a detail I probably would have mentioned, don’t you think?” Versa hissed. “I’ve never seen him wear that armor. I had no kriffing idea.”
“Why don’t you come out here where we can chat?” Farr called.
The men behind them pushed them forward at blaster point. One of them shoved Versa in the back.
“Touch her again and I will kill you where you stand,” Din growled.
“Now, now, there’s no need for that. We can all still be civil here,” Farr drawled.
Din and Versa shuffled to the end of the hallway, entering the main room. Versa chuckled. “The sewers. Fitting.”
“Shut up, Vers,” Din whispered, giving her waist a squeeze.
“No, no, Miss Horne is quite correct. We’ve been forced into hiding, all thanks to her. We were once an organization to be feared, much like the Mandalorians, and now, also like the Mandalorians, we are forced to hide, a shadow of what we once were thanks to her betrayal.”
Din’s spine straightened. “You are nothing like true Mandalorians.”
“Am I not? I am upholding the warrior’s way of life, like Death Watch wished to do, like your friend Bo-Katan dreamed. I may not observe the Creed in the same way as the Children of the Watch, but I do honor our culture, Din. The weak perish and we true warriors will endure.”
An idea twitched in the back of Din’s mind. It was a long shot, but it was worth a try. “Can you stand on your own?” he whispered to Versa.
She looked at him hopefully. “Let’s find out.” Gingerly, she pushed herself upright, digging her teeth into her lip as her abdomen screamed in protest. Din slowly released her, stepping towards Farr.
“You adhere to the Resol’nare then?”
Farr turned, gesturing around him. “In every way that I can. Look around you. I wear my armor when necessary, I defend my family. I have no children to call my own, but if I did, they would be raised as Mandalorians. This is my clan, Din. I do what I can to protect them.”
An insulting manipulation to the Creed, Din thought, but he knew better than to say so. “And your allegiance to the Mand’alor?”
Farr laughed. “There is no Mand’alor. I’m sure Bo-Katan Kryze thought herself fitting, but since the Darksaber was taken from her, there is no ruler, no one deserving of my allegiance.”
Versa’s eyes widened in understanding as Din reached under his cloak, pulling the Darksaber from its place at his back. He ignited it, holding it out to his side. “I am your Mand’alor, vod. If you adhere to the Six Actions, then you must rally to my cause, the restoration of Mandalore. I demand your loyalty.” His voice carried more authority than he felt as he silently prayed that this would work, even with Farr’s gross misinterpretation of the Creed.
He watched as Farr’s head tilted in his helmet, seeming to examine the Darksaber and its current owner as he circled Din and Versa slowly, blaster hanging at his side.
“So, it’s you then. You are the one who claimed it.”
“I am.”
“And you intend to rebuild Mandalore to its former glory?”
“The old ways have failed time and again. I intend to rebuild Mandalore as it should be.”
Farr scoffed. “You know nothing of the old ways, foundling,” he spat.
The venom in his voice made Din’s heart sink. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy.
Farr continued. “You are unfit to wield that weapon and unfit to claim the title of Mand’alor.” He waved at one of his hunters, a Gamorean, who stepped forward, handing him the beskar spear. “Not to worry though, I shall relieve you of it.” His voice held an eager edge. “And once I have claimed the Darksaber, I will take up the mantle and lead us out of the shadows.”
Dank Farrik. “You don’t strike me as someone looking to lead an entire planet,” Din stated, keeping his eye on Farr as the hunter experimentally twirled the spear.
Farr laughed. “I never could have imagined such an opportunity would present itself to me, but now I see the way forward.”
Versa scoffed. “You see power. That’s all you care about,” she spat. Before Din could move to stop him, Farr swung the butt of the spear, the beskar connecting with Versa’s ribs, and she crumpled to the ground gasping. Din dropped to her side, but she pushed him away. Her eyes found his behind the helmet. “On your…toes…off your…heels,” she gasped. He gave a nod, squeezing her hand before rising again.
“You’ll pay for that.”
Farr chuckled again, lowering his stance. “I doubt that.” His hunters all seemed to take their cue, backing away to clear space as the two Mandalorians began circling each other.
“What if I refuse to fight you because I find you an unworthy challenger?” Din was grasping at straws, and he knew it.
Farr gave a nod to one of his men, who leapt from the shadows, grabbing Versa by her hair just as Farr charged forward, stabbing at Din with the spear. Din parried the blow, whirling to reach for Versa, but the hunter had her head pulled back, a vibroblade pressed to her throat.
“You will fight me, or you will walk away with nothing,” Farr laughed, regaining his balance. “I will have her throat cut here, and you can watch as she bleeds to death right in front of you. Your choice, Djarin.”
Versa stared at him, and he read her lips as she mouthed words at him. Kill him. Din nodded, slowly turning back to face his opponent, lowering his stance in a defensive position, both hands grasping the saber’s hilt. He squared his toes, tipping his weight forward onto the balls of his feet, just like Versa had told him. He took a deep breath, trying to center himself. For Versa and Jon.
Farr circled Din, lazily twirling the spear in his hand as he studied his opponent. “You seem uncomfortable with a saber. Did they not train you in swordsmanship in the corps?”
Din lunged forward, following one of the combos Versa had taught him on Naboo, his footwork carrying him across the dusty floor. The saber sang against the beskar spear, but Farr easily blocked all of his attacks, flinging him backwards. “Your skill is elementary at best.”
“You talk too much,” Din grunted.
Farr chuckled before swinging the butt of the spear at Din. Din sidestepped the first blow, but was unprepared for Farr to spin, stabbing with the spear’s tip. He winced as he felt the beskar bite into his unprotected side, slicing into his skin. He dropped to one knee, his hand clasping at the wound in his side as Farr advanced. Din held the saber in his right hand, blocking the blow as he took a deep breath, trying to recover. Get up. You have to get up. As the spear launched at his neck, he swung the Darksaber across his body as hard as he could, sending Farr off balance. Using the momentary reprieve, Din pushed himself back to his feet, bringing his blood-covered glove back to the hilt of the saber, gasping as the pain from the slash in his side set his ribs ablaze.
Farr was on him again in an instant, sensing his weakness. The spear flashed around him, and it felt like it was all Din could to do deflect the blows as Farr whirled around him. He felt sweat trickle down his temple, his shirt sticking to his back and chest. I can’t lose this. If I lose, Versa dies. He panted hard, trying to gain his breath and ignore the pain radiating across his abdomen. Farr lunged again, connecting the butt of the spear with side of Din’s left knee. He cursed as the joint collapsed on him and the spear tip whirled downwards toward his throat once more. Din brought the Darksaber up, and the spear clashed against it. He could feel the heat of the saber at his throat as the beskar of the spear heated, glowing red.
“Yield, Din Djarin. You cannot win this.”
Din swore under his breath, as he pressed himself back up, rising on shaking legs, driving Farr back a little. He stumbled a bit, his head swimming from the pain.
“UP ON YOUR TOES AND KICK HIS ASS, DIN!” Versa yelled. He turned to face her as the hunter holding her yanked her hair, drawing a yelp and a curse from her. She found his eyes under the helmet. He hadn’t missed her enunciation, and he gave a subtle nod.
Farr had righted himself and was stalking around Din once more, a predator playing with his perceived prey. Din tested the knee that had been hit, transferring a little more weight onto it. It protested, but he could still use it. Patience. Wait for it. He’ll make a mistake. Farr was chuckling softly again. “She has quite the mouth on her, doesn’t she? Never could keep it shut when it mattered.” He motioned at the hunter holding Versa, and he powered on the vibroblade, dragging it across the flesh of her cheek. Versa screamed, and Din’s stomach jolted. He turned to look at her, but she yelled back at him. “EYES ON HIM!”
The spear sliced into his left arm just below his pauldron. Searing pain shot through his arm and Din gasped. Farr was behind him, trying to whip the spear’s length under Din’s throat, pressing it against his windpipe. Din struggled against the pressure.
He heard Farr’s voice in his ear and he tried to kick backwards, but Farr brought his boot down on Din’s injured knee, and the leg gave. Din roared as the beskar pressed further against his neck. His vision grew blurry as he fought to breathe.
“Yield and maybe I’ll let her live.”
His eyes locked with Versa’s again. She was drenched in sweat, a thin curtain of blood pouring from her cheek where the blade had sliced her, but her eyes were still defiant. The hunter behind her still had her hair wrenched backwards, her neck bent at an odd angle, and he could see her hands trembling against her captor as she tried to maintain some footing. She mouthed a single word at him.
Something about the demand coming from the woman he’d burn the galaxy to the ground for ignited a reserve within him. The Darksaber was still clutched in his right hand, and he flipped the hilt so the blade was facing backwards and swung it back at where he hoped Farr was exposed. He was met with a satisfying sizzle and the smell of burning flesh as Farr yelled a string of curses, shoving Din away from him.
Din flipped the saber back to a forward-handed grip, dropping into a defensive crouch again, leaning his weight forward on his toes. Farr was seething, holding the place on his side where the Darksaber had cut into his abdomen. Din felt a minor tug of satisfaction at the corner of his lips. Good. Farr’s shoulders were tense, and Din could see the anger within him had changed his posture. Gone was the calm cool predator from moments ago, replaced with a raging monster, one that would hopefully become sloppy in this fight.
His bad knee was shaking slightly underneath him, but Din held his position, not daring to move a muscle as Farr stalked towards him. This is it. Farr roared in anger as he reared the spear backwards, preparing to strike. Din felt everything in that moment, the single drop of sweat hanging off the end of his nose inside the helmet, the fibers of his shirt rubbing against the wound in his side, the slight cooling breeze across the back of his wrist where his skin was exposed. He took a deep breath, rolling away as Farr went for a lethal blow to his lower abdomen. As Din spun, he reached with his left hand, grasping the spear and yanking forwards as he swung his right leg around as hard as he could, kicking out as Versa had in the forest on Naboo, and landing a crushing blow to the place in Farr’s side where the Darksaber had cut into him.
Farr didn’t expect it, blinded by his rage, and he toppled left as Din’s leg connected, the spear slipping from his grasp and skidding across the floor with a resounding clang. Farr hit the ground with a thud, trying to roll away from his advancing opponent. He reached for his boot where he’d drawn his knife from on their first encounter, but before he could withdraw his wrist, Din swung the saber downwards, striking just underneath Farr’s helmet where his neck and shoulder were exposed. The Darksaber sliced through flesh and bone as though it was mist, and Farr didn’t have the chance to make a sound before his body slumped forward, cleaved almost in two.
Din stood panting over his enemy’s body before he crouched down. He wasn’t sure if Farr was still breathing, but he wouldn’t be for long. Placing his helmet near Farr’s he heard a few wheezing gasps.
“That was for Versa and Jon.”
He stood, turning to face the hunters crowded behind him as the last remnants of Farr’s life leaked from him. None of the hunters made a move or uttered a sound. Din stalked forward, and several of them cowered in fear, but most of them raised their blasters. Versa’s eyes were burning into him, a defiant smirk pulled across her face despite the blade still pressed to her throat. Din fixated on her captor, a Twi’lek who was clearly struggling with what to do now that his boss was lying dead on the floor. Versa noted his hesitation and the droop of the blade, swinging her elbow back into his ribs as hard as she could and dropping to her knees before he could recover, sweeping his legs out from under him and wrenching the blaster loose from his hip holster.
Din stepped next to her, pulling her to her feet. She kept the blaster aimed at the Twi’lek, as he crawled backwards away from her. Din stooped, scooping up the spear and placing it on his back. His adrenaline was racing, and he barely felt the pain from his wounds any longer as he felt Versa’s fingers squeeze his arm.
“We’re leaving,” he said. “If any of you try to follow us, I will kill you.”
“Traitorous whore,” spat one of the hunters. Din pushed Versa behind him, backing her towards the main tunnel that led to the lift. The hunters appeared to become emboldened by the loud one in back, and murmurs of agreement echoed throughout their ranks. Versa leaned heavily against Din’s spine as he backpedaled, her blaster arm resting on his uninjured shoulder, aimed at the crowd before them.
“Don’t suppose this will be easy,” she muttered.
“Is it ever?” he sighed.
She handed him the blaster she had in her hand over his shoulder, bending to grab one off of Farr’s body as they moved past it. A blast ricocheted past her as her fingers locked onto the weapon, and she whipped back to a standing position, hissing through gritted teeth as the pain in her abdomen reignited.
Din shot the offending hunter, hitting him in the shoulder, and he crumpled. The mob began to move forward, their muttered curses growing louder.
“How many you guess?” Din asked.
“A dozen here. Who knows how many around.”
“At least one more at the door, but he won’t be an issue,” he replied.
“What’s your plan?”
“Get to the lift before them.”
“Not a great plan.”
“What’s your idea then?”
“Good point.”
“Stay behind me.”
A blast bounced off his chestplate, and Versa fired two shots into the crowd, hitting a human in the leg and a Rodian in the face.
“Walk faster,” Din encouraged.
“You walk faster,” she muttered.
“I’m trying, Vers,” he snapped, bumping against her. She fired another few rounds over his shoulder as several more blasts whizzed past them, two of them bouncing off his pauldron. One singed his clothing, and he cursed.
“You good?” she asked.
“I’d be better if I wasn’t acting as a human shield for you right now.”
“Yeah, yeah ok.” She dug her fingers into his belt and started limping faster, setting the pace so he had to keep up. They both kept blasting at the crowd as salvo after salvo whizzed around them. Suddenly, one of the hunters lunged forward from the pack, tossing several blinking orbs towards them.
“DETONATORS!” Din yelled. “VERS, MOVE!”
He felt her fingers latch into his cloak, yanking him backwards. “GET TO THE LIFT!” she yelled, racing forward to kick one of the detonators back at their assailants. He watched as it flew through the air, curving towards the wall. It dawned on him what she’d done, and he grabbed her arm, pulling her with him as he broke into a sprint. The blast shook the floor around them as the tunnel wall exploded, cracks shooting up the side of the concrete and branching out. Chunks of the ceiling started falling as the other detonators exploded, accelerating the collapse. Din’s fingers were locked around Versa’s arm as the ground beneath them shuddered again and debris started raining down. A large piece of the ceiling smacked into his helmet, but he kept going, pulling Versa closer to him so that he could shield her as much as possible. When they were a few meters from the lift entrance, they dove, slamming into the metal wall at the back of the lift. Din crawled forward, slapping the lift buttons, and the doors slid shut as a cloud of dust raced down the tunnel towards them. The last thing they heard before the doors sealed was a loud rumble and the screams of the men as they were buried.
Din sat back against the wall, facing Versa, who was braced against the opposite one, panting heavily. They were both covered in dust that stuck to their sweaty skin and clothing. Blood was still trickling from her cheek, but she tipped her head back and laughed loudly.
“What’s funny?” he asked, his mood lifting slightly at the sound he thought he would never get to hear again.
“The guy that tossed the detonators was an absolute kriffing idiot. I took his money in sabacc all the time because he never thought things through. Seems the trend continued.”
Din chuckled softly, tilting his head back so that the helmet clanged softly against the metal wall. “That’s rich coming from the person that just ran forward to punt an active thermal detonator.”
“Whatever works,” she giggled, heaving a deep sigh. They felt the lift shudder again as it came to a stop.
“Time to go,” he groaned, pushing himself back to a standing position before he reached down to help Versa up.
“You said one more?”
“Just shoot him when you see him.”
The doors opened and Garn was standing right outside them, a confused look on his face. Versa’s eyes widened, and she immediately fired a shot in between Garn’s eyes. The Devronian stared at her stupidly before collapsing to the ground.
“That’s for the credits you owed me, Garn,” she muttered. “He never did pay up after losing at sabacc.”
Din gave her a light squeeze. “Let’s get out of here.”
Back on the ship, Din gingerly set Versa down on the makeshift bed before stumbling to the cockpit and laying in the coordinates to return to Aq Vetina. Once he engaged the autopilot, he limped back towards her, dropping the spear and his armor pieces as he walked. She was leaning up against the hull, a medkit open at her side and her shirt pulled up as she gingerly pressed bacta to the hash marks carved into her skin, cursing softly under her breath.
He knelt down next to her, taking his helmet and gloves off. “Let me see,” he whispered.
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” she said, chuckling dryly.
She relented, surrendering the medical supplies to his more steady hands. He noticed she was trembling, and he looked up at her face. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she shuddered, and Din’s brows furrowed with concern.
“Where does it hurt, Vers? Where’s the worst?”
“It…it’s not that,” she whispered.
He cupped her face, encouraging her to meet his eyes. “What is it then?”
“I…I wasn’t sure you’d come. I thought…when you thought I’d left…that you’d give up…and I thought…I was going to die in that carbonite with you thinking I’d lied. That I didn’t love you.” Her sentences were broken as her breath came in short gasps between sobs.
“Versa, look at me,” he said quietly.
Finally, her irises met his, and a warmth he’d been afraid to lose flooded him. “Even if you’d lied and you’d left, even if that were all true, nothing in this galaxy would have kept me from coming after you.”
Her breath shuddered as she allowed another sob to wrack her body, and he wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her hair. “When you asked me about forever, I meant it. I would have chased you to the edge of the universe if that’s what I had to do.”
“I love you,” she whispered.
“I know,” he said. “I love you too.”
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Dream SMP Recap (July 10/2021) - The Beets Episode
Tubbo, Sam and Foolish create a definitely-not-a-cult based around beets for the good of vegans, turning the newly cleared-out area by the Prime Path into one giant stretch of farmland. 
Captain Puffy
- While wandering around the server, Tubbo notices that he’s having trouble finding food and decides to create a farm
- He asks Sam for help, and Sam points out the cow farms. Tubbo tells him to think of the vegans. Tubbo suggests beetroots instead
- Foolish arrives, dressed as Mario, and they declare him “Beets Man”
- They turn Hutt’s Pizza into Hutt’s Beetza
- Tubbo reads Connor’s diary
- Tubbo wants to create an empire of beets all the way to the Community House. They shall be the Beets Trio, and after they create the beet farm, they will destroy every other source of food
- Sam learns that Fran has been stolen. Time to blow things up
- They go to Puffy’s temple and blow up her pictures. They debate killing one of the parrots, but instead return to beet farming
- Fundy logs on and they make him a Beets Brother. If he doesn’t join their initiative, it means he hates vegans. Fundy hesitantly agrees to join since he does not hate vegans
- Fundy arrives and is shocked by the amount of beets. He also notices they got rid of the Socializing Club, to which they respond that it is all for the beets
- If someone says they do not like beets, they will cut off their balls. “Anti-Beeters Lose a Ball.” How else will they supply for the war if they don’t have enough beets?
- Some people do hate vegans, so they will be going to war against them. There is already conflict between Toby Carvery and Vegan Pizza
- Fundy starts crying while planting beets
- Sam points out that beets are a very inefficient food source
Tubbo: “Sam, do you want kids when you’re older or am I gonna have to step in here? Like, you know imagine it, you’re in your what -- your fuckin’ thirties and you’re settling down, Sam, and you wanna have kids but then you’re like ‘oh wait! I forgot! I don’t like beetroot so I don’t have any balls!’ So, you know. ‘Cause I will step in. With force.”
Sam: “You’ll step in? With force? Would you say that you mean business almost?”
Tubbo: “No, I don’t mean business. I mean beets.”
- Their political party will be “the Beeties”
- Fundy is horrified to see that he has accidentally harvested a beet that was not ready to be harvested. He continues crying as he plants. If they take breaks, the vegans suffer. As they farm, Sam and Fundy whisper to each other:
Sam: let’s run away
Fundy: but I like vegans
Sam: so do I. They will understand.
Fundy: they want me to harvest the beets. I want them to like me. I like vegans they must like me back. I shall continue
Sam: I shall free you from this one day.
Fundy: plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat..
Sam: I will take you to a better place.
- Tubbo’s hoe breaks and they mark the block where it happened to remember the history. They decide to halt, finishing Stage 1. Fundy is the Chosen One and will play a key role in Stage 26
- Sam whispers to Fundy that it is time and leads Tubbo and Foolish to the other side of the hill. They admire their work and destroy Tommy’s fence, as it intrudes on the beets
- Tommy logs on. Tubbo tells Sam that Tommy stole his dog
- Sam whispers to Fundy that it’s time and they run. As Tommy comes over, Fundy and Sam run by and hand him steak. Fundy makes it away for now. Sam tells him to be free as he returns to the beet farm
- Tommy sees the beets. He isn’t pleased, and Fundy falls to his death
Tubbo: “Clearly you hate the vegans.”
Tommy: “Of course I hate vegans!”
- Tubbo draws his axe. As Tommy backs away, Tubbo shoots and kills him. Sam immediately starts running to the prison to get the revive book from Dream (but Tommy has already respawned)
- Tubbo tells Tommy that in time, he too will be a fan of the beets
- Fundy returns and they watch as he jumps into one of the beets watering hole before returning to work
- Tommy tells the beets men to get off his land and rebuilds the fence. Fundy comes up to them having stopped working. Sam says Fundy should quit. Fundy starts walking around, planting beets wherever he goes
- Sam wants to go find Fran and no longer wishes to continue with this. Tubbo protests
- They point out that even the bats are harvesting beets. Seeing this, Fundy realizes that if bats harvest beets, then Fundy does not have to harvest beets
- He jumps from the path and dies
- Tommy has decided he wants to let go of the war items he no longer needs, since the server is peaceful now
- Tubbo tries to convince Sam to stay, offering every belonging he owns
- Sam turns and walks away, leaving Tubbo in anguish
- The rain goes away and Tubbo decides he actually can do it without Sam
- Tommy makes it to Pogtopia and visits the storage vault
- Tubbo and Foolish ponder what to do if not planting beets on the other side of the path...Pumpkins. They decide on pumpkins. Foolish becomes Yoshi
- Tommy reaches Logsted. He wants people in iron armor, not Netherite. He digs a hole with a chest and stores the gear, ending with the Axe of Peace
- Tommy has decided he doesn’t want to keep a stretch of the railway that’s connected to his house, as it reminds him of losing Henry. He gets rid of part of the railway
- Tubbo and Foolish decide to do beets again instead
- Tommy destroys his gravestone in Puffy’s graveyard
- Tommy does some cleaning up of the land
- Meanwhile, Sam successfully finds Fran and goes mining in the Nether
- Tommy goes back to Tubbo and tells him he has learned what a ‘cuck’ is at last. Tommy has also brought seeds and asks for a large portion of the farm to be dedicated to wheat. Tubbo doesn’t approve. They don’t want business, just beets
- Tommy starts running. They try to get Tommy to eat one beet, explaining that they can bypass pregnancy with beets
- Tommy pretends to eat one. He gates off his property and tells them they are now on gated territory
- He notices them return to his property after a bit, chasing a pig named Wiggles. Tommy decides to indoctrinate Wiggles
- Tubbo and Foolish bridge over above the roof of Tommy’s house, outside of the chunk
- Tommy’s landlord is Jesus Christ
- Tommy gets a saddle and puts it on Wiggles. He gets on the pig and logs out. Foolish and Tubbo find out that Wiggles has disappeared
- Sam goes to the prison. He shows a glimpse of the courtyard
- Tubbo and Foolish ask Sam if he ever found Fran. Sam says yes, and Tubbo explains about Tommy taking Wiggles
- Foolish suggests they get Tommy’s family and hold them hostage
- Sam says Tubbo’s dog needs to be put down. They start bickering until the dog gets pushed off the Power Tower and falls to his death
- Tubbo demands Sam be put in the prison. They go to the prison and Tubbo asks to be let in. Sam says Tubbo can only visit the entrance. He tries to bribe Sam and Sam says he’d be willing to do a tour for a shulker box
- Tubbo begs and begs until eventually Sam gives in. Tubbo immediately activates Sam’s stasis chambers and Sam says he’ll kill him...as soon as he mines through the glass with Mining Fatigue. After a minute of mining, Tubbo places concrete as soon as Sam finally breaks one block
- Sam finally gets out and Tubbo reluctantly leaves...and immediately breaks the portal mechanics by spawning a new portal in the entryway
- Tubbo actually leaves, with Sam now having to mine more obsidian
- Puffy is not happy about the new beet farm. Puffy replaces the beets with potatoes and talks with Foolish, who insists on the beets
- Foolish replaces the potatoes with beets, which Puffy destroys and tries to replace with potatoes, and this goes on for a while. Puffy complains that they could have had room for so many cool buildings, but Foolish doesn’t see why one would build instead of having beets
- Puffy tells Foolish he has a choice to make and watches as he eats a steak. She declares it “potato time”
- They wonder about which side Dream would be one. Puffy says that he would likely be more of a potato guy
- Puffy keeps planting potatoes, and Michael logs on as well. Puffy asks him which he prefers, potatoes or beets, and Michael says potatoes
- Michael sees the farm and Puffy explains what happened with L’Targay and the beets farm
- The three of them chat. Dream was sentenced to prison for being a silly goose
- They also talk about shirt-wearing koalas, maid outfits and plenty more and continue to chat for a while
Upcoming events remain the same.
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