#I still hate the whole comics situation and kiyi situation
turnedinto-themoon · 1 year
thinking about Ursa tonight :/
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whattheheehaw · 4 years
Honestly S&S made me hate ma1ko so much 😑 during the series they were more of an Eh, blah, not good, maybe you’ll work things out/break up later. But the comics? The way she used Kei Lo and betrayed Zuko without apology ... *shudder*. I don’t hate Mai but after the comics (it’s on bryke 😑) my opinion of her soured.
Also eeeee we’re mutuals now! 🥰🥰🥰 Vent away, I’m always willing to listen ❤️
YES. EVERYTHING ABOUT WHAT YOU JUST SAID PERFECTLY ARTICULATES MY THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW. I was pretty indifferent towards Ma!ko by the end of the series and by their (3rd?) breakup in The Promise I didn’t really care. But by the time Smoke and Shadow rolled around and reopened old wounds, I couldn’t handle it anymore. (I had to put the rest of this ask under a cut because I ranted for a while whoops 😅)
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You're right. Mai didn't apologize. Zuko did. And to be honest, I don't think he owes her an apology. Like, ok, she wasn't directly involved with the New Ozai Society, but she didn't try to get rid of the society either. So in a way, she was taking part in a plan for Zuko’s deposition and possible death, which is pretty messed up if you think about it.
Also the way she just throws Zuko’s daddy issues right back in his face is such a slap in the face. This is a textbook example of manipulation. Mai knows that Zuko is a very family-oriented guy, so of course he’s going to see her side here and apologize. It bothers me that Zuko is so invested in his family but ends up apologizing to Mai, even though her father and the New Ozai Society tried to murder his mother, Kiyi, and Noren/Ikem a month ago. Like, Mai knew the guy that tried to assassinate Zuko and his family, lied to his face about knowing anything, and yet, he’s going to fall for her “he’s my dad!” excuse????? It’s also important to note that Mai says, “You of all people should understand that!” as if she truly understood what Zuko went through and his current situation with Ozai. Since when did Mai understand Zuko’s relationship with Ozai? Back in season 3 during The Awakening, she wasn’t interested in listening to Zuko and all of his repressed feelings concerning his father and his nation. And then in The Promise, she wouldn’t even let Zuko explain why he felt like he needed to talk to Ozai. She just broke up with him on the spot. And for some unfathomable reason, Bryke expects me—the reader—to come to the conclusion that Mai and Zuko have an understanding because of their shared daddy issues? Come on. Be realistic here.
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The way Mai treats Zuko that whole time they were in the Dragonbone Catacombs gets on my nerves. He’s going out of his way to try to help her find her little brother, and all she’s doing is throwing snide comments at him. And what did Zuko do to deserve this? He’s being nice to her the whole time and he’s happy that she’s found happiness with Kei Lo! Sure, he brings up their past relationship which is a dumb move, but I don’t understand why she’s being so nasty to him in the first place. If their last breakup was caused by him cheating on her or abusing her, I’d say, “yeah go right ahead. That scumbag deserves it.” But Zuko honestly did nothing. Mai just proceeded to act like he hurt her during their relationship, even though she’s the one that hurt him! If Mai had just let Zuko explain why he kept his meetings with Ozai a secret from her, Mai wouldn’t have had her feelings hurt and Zuko wouldn’t have lost a friend while in a terribe mental state.
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To be honest, I don’t really like Kei Lo. However, it’s still terrible that Mai manipulated him for who knows how long to give her intel on the New Ozai Society. And it’s truly awful how Mai just took advantage of Kei Lo’s feelings to make her feel good about herself. 
Really, the only lesson I learned in Smoke and Shadow is that Mai is a terrible person. Which is a shame, because I actually liked her character in the show.
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