#i think she could’ve done more for Azula and she definitely failed her
turnedinto-themoon · 1 year
thinking about Ursa tonight :/
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passable-talent · 4 years
hi!! for roe, can i request a part two to the commander reader one?? maybe written with the events that happen when zuko asks if he can join the group (and when katara splashes him with her water bending, the reader deflects it)? the rest is up to you. thanks!! 🥺♥️
i love when yall request part 2s deadass
part 1
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Being in the Fire Nation again made your skin crawl. It really was awful. You kept thinking that every voice behind every mask of every soldier was going to be an old friend from the academy. It kept you paranoid, and distracted, which was really the worst thing you could be on the Day of Black Sun. 
Sadly, even a military strategist like you couldn’t have predicted what happened that day. You didn’t really want to make Sokka feel worse, so you couldn’t say much about it, but you were angry you’d wasted the day, the eclipse. 
And running into Azula had made your skin crawl. 
She greeted you like an old friend- you were. And in her discussion of how she’d known of the invasion, she let slip that one little detail, the one that had made your heart stop cold. 
She said that Zuko was ‘gone’. 
You knew that Azula lies, its all she’d ever done. And yet, you couldn’t help but wonder- he was a banished prince, one who’d let you get away even though you were in league with the avatar. He, as Katara had put it a month earlier, could’ve pieced it together than Aang was alive. You knew how deeply punishment ran in the Fire Nation, you’d seen it first hand. 
Zuko had failed to kill the Avatar in Ba Sing Se. Could his father have killed him for it?
You loved him deeply, even to this day. He’d never hurt you, so though you listened and understood when Aang and Katara and Sokka talked horribly of him, you’d never agree. You saw a glimmer of hope in him, when he let you go in the earth kingdom, and for just one moment in Ba Sing Se. You’d always harbored hope that he would one day return to your side, and help the avatar, but-
He couldn’t do that if his father had killed him. 
She was done speaking to you by the time the fighting started, and although you protected your friends, your mind wasn’t up to the task of focusing enough to win the battle. You cursed yourself for it- you were Fire Nation too, you knew what she was doing, damn it. You knew that she was a liar by nature, but you couldn’t help but worry, be terrified. 
The eclipse ended. The day ended. You had to go, and leave so many of your fellow soldiers behind. You wished you could save them all- but you knew what had to be done. 
You were the only firebender Aang knew. You had to train him. The problem was- you never learned much more firebending than the basics that Iroh had taught Zuko in the winter. Sure, you knew them by heart, and they served you well, and sure you’d figured out some moves of your own in facing down firebenders all spring and summer, but you couldn’t help but feel inadequate for training the avatar.
You gave him what you could. You hoped it was enough. 
You didn’t quite grieve for Zuko, because you told yourself that Azula must have been lying, just like she was about Suki. She had to be. Zuko wouldn’t go down that easily, even to his father. Iroh wouldn’t have let it happen. You had to believe that Azula was saying it just to get in your head. 
She’d succeeded in distracting you during that one battle, on that one day. You wouldn’t let her do it again. 
Lucky for you, it wasn’t long before she was proven wrong. 
Sometimes, thoughts come at you all at once. You have a thousand different reactions and in the moment, you have to chose one. Sometimes, though, your reaction is instant, but follows down a train of thought that happens in hardly the blink of an eye, when you think so fast that it transcends words.
This was what happened when you saw Zuko. You were filled with relief, and you wanted to hug him, your old friend, who you were so sure was dead, even though you tried to convince yourself otherwise. You were about to take a step forward when you realized it would make you look like a traitor to your friends, and so from behind Katara you said “forgive me” before rushing forward, and hugging him, exactly like you’d wanted, with a breath of his name. 
But the euphoria of seeing him alive faded while you remembered what he was likely here for. He was the enemy of Aang. So you let go, and walked backwards to your friends again, standing at Aang’s side, where you knew you’d make your allegiance clear. You hoped that they would understand why you’d needed to hug him. 
“I heard you guys flying around down there, so I just thought I’d. Wait for you. Here.” Zuko was as awkward as you’d ever seen him in your life, back when he was a bumbling preteen. It almost made you smile, but you couldn’t, quite. Appa’s roar had always made you flinch, but as much as you expected to see the prince eaten then and there, Appa instead licked him, and you caught the way that it affected Aang. Why did the bison trust him?
“I know you must be surprised to see me here,” Zuko said, and you narrowed your eyes, as surprised as he expected. Sure, he was alive, and you were happy about that. But why now? He hadn’t been chasing the avatar for months, even before Ba Sing Se. Why did he come now?
“Not really, since you’ve followed us all over the world,” Sokka said, and you could feel the combat rising in your friends beside you. They didn’t get it. Zuko wasn’t the most strategic person in the world, but he was smart. If he was here to fight them, he wouldn’t have come alone. He wouldn’t have come without armor on. 
“Right, well, uhh...” He was so awkward, it was almost painful. How was this the same prince that you’d known just a few months ago? “Anyway, what I wanted to tell you about is that I’ve changed. And I, uh, I’m good now. And, well, I think I should join your group. Oh, and I can help teach firebending, since I know Y/N doesn’t know some of the higher stuff. See, I, uh-” You shared a glance with Aang, briefly. You were surprised by practically everything he was saying- he’d had a change of heart? He wanted to help the avatar?
He remembered that much about you?
“You want to what now?” Toph said, being cutoff only a moment later by Katara. 
“You can’t possibly think that any of us would trust you, can you? I mean, how stupid do you think we are?”
“Well, you trust Y/N, and they’re from the Fire Nation, like me, so-” Zuko’s words almost insulted you. You cared for Zuko, but you and he were not the same. 
“Y/N helped us from the first moment we met,” Sokka said, coming to your aid, and you looked at him briefly, almost touched he’d had such a quick response. “All you’ve ever done is try to hunt us down and capture Aang.” 
“I’ve done some good things!” Zuko responded, taking a small step forward. “I let you go in that storm! I let Y/N go when I was supposed to take them prisoner! I mean, I could’ve stolen your bison in Ba Sing Se, but I set him free! That’s something.” Appa seemed to try to prove his words with another lick.
“Appa does seem to like him,” Toph conceeded. It put just the flicker of doubt in your chest, that he might be telling the truth. You hoped he was- he hadn’t lied about any of the other examples. 
“He probably just covered himself in honey or something so Appa would lick him,” Sokka said, and you glanced down at yourself.
“I didn’t feel any honey when I hugged him,” you said, which earned you a quick glare from Katara, and you decided to shut your mouth. 
“Still,” Sokka said, waving a hand in front of him, “I’m not buying it.” 
“I can understand why you wouldn’t trust me,” Zuko said, lowering his head, “and I know I’ve made some mistakes in the past.” For a moment, you wondered if you were gullible, or perhaps naïve, to almost believe him. 
“Like when you attacked our village?” 
“Or when you stole my mother’s necklace and used it to track us down and capture us?”
Yeah, maybe you were. 
“Look, I admit I’ve done some awful things. I was wrong to try to capture you, and I’m sorry I attacked the water tribe. And I never should’ve sent that Fire Nation assassin after you. I’m gonna try to stop him-”
“Wait, you sent Combustion Man after us?” 
You were definitely naive. He sent an assassin after you- you couldn’t let yourself trust him again. 
“Well, that’s not his name, but-” Oh, Zuko, why would you doom yourself like that?
“Oh, sorry,” Sokka said, boomerang held with blade toward Zuko, “I didn’t mean to insult your friend.”
“He’s not my friend!”
“That guy locked me and Katara in jail and tried to blow us all up!” Zuko took the blows and lowered his head, but then slid his gaze to Aang. 
“Why aren’t you saying anything?” He asked, his voice calmer now, “You once said you thought we could be friends. You know I have good in me.” After Aang didn’t respond, he looked to you. 
“Y/N? Please.” For a moment, you met his eye, but after a slow heartbeat you looked away, condemning him to whatever decision Aang would reach. 
“There’s no way we can trust you after all you’ve done,” Aang said, his voice strong, with no hint of hesitation, “we’ll never let you join us.” 
“You need to get out of here,” Katara ordered him, “now.” 
“I’m trying to explain that I’m not that person anymore!” he shouted, and you brought up your fists, as his body language clearly said otherwise. 
“Either you leave, or we attack,” Sokka threatened, stopping Zuko in his tracks. His gaze fell to the ground.
“If you won’t accept me as a friend,” he said, lowering himself to his knees, “then maybe you’ll take me as a prisoner.” 
“No, we won’t!” Katara snarled, stepping forward and throwing him back with a powerful wave. You knew that she wouldn’t throw him over the edge, but your heart pounded in worry all the same. “You need to get out of here, and don’t come back. And if we ever see you again- well, we’d better not see you again!” You looked away, as he stood, and walked away. You couldn’t bear to look at him. 
The boy you saw in front of you, the boy that left the Western Air Temple- he was everything that you’d always wanted to see in Zuko. He was the best parts of the boy you’d once known. He was trying to make things right, and accepting the consequences of his actions. You were proud of him. And it took every ounce of your strength not to go to him, and tell him so. 
You held back your voice as Katara and Sokka raged against him. You knew that their trust in you was strong, but you were Fire Nation to them, even after all this time. You knew that the foundation of your friendship was strong, but to try to convince them of the good in Zuko would be battering rams taken to load-bearing pillars. You were a strategist- you knew to hold your tongue. 
Toph, on the other hand, had no such qualms. She stormed out, and you avoided the wrath of the water tribe siblings. 
But Zuko proved his allegiance, first by helping take down Combustion Man, then by reasoning with Aang using more gentleness than you’d ever seen him use, at least at one time. And once again, you kept quiet, knowing that you shouldn’t actively speak out in favor for the prince. Even when Aang asked for your permission, you skirted over your opinion. 
“You’ve been hurt by him far more than I. If you’re okay, then I’m okay.” 
But after he’d been accepted, after he’d been given his own room, after he and everyone else had settled in, you couldn’t stop yourself, couldn’t keep quiet anymore. You snuck through the hallways and into the room he’d been given, and knocked on the wall beside the archway of his door. Hopefully it would get his attention before alerting the others. 
He looked up from his bags to you, and for once in his life had foresight enough to keep his voice down. 
“Y/N?” He said, and you rushed through the door to hug him once again. 
“Zuko,” you answered, laying your face in the crook of his neck. “I’m so happy to see you.” He hugged back, shocked by the gesture as he was. 
“It’s good to see you too,” he answered, but yielded the conversation to you. 
“I always knew you’d join us eventually. I knew it.” He didn’t answer, beyond resting his forehead down onto you. 
He didn’t question how you knew more about his heart than he did. 
He knew the answer. 
tag list: @lammello @kittyddandnyla @qquell @caitiff @coldlilheart @sleeping-with-the-fishes @duh-dobrik @dxcter 
-🦌 Roe
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aerixlee · 3 years
Hi, I love After Sunset and have reread it multiple times lol. I wanted to ask if you had any particular method to writing Azula for the fic? I usually don't like the more off the rails depictions of her in fiction but something about the way you write her is viscerally enjoyable to me.
*shows up 3 months later with no hesitation bc getting this ask made me vibrate out of existence with excitement* hello :)
the timing for this ask couldn't have been any better - it genuinely made me so unbelievably happy to read? this exact topic is one of the main things i was (am?) worried about in after sunset, specifically that i wasn't doing it right. i've been nervous since the very beginning that i was writing azula in ways that was difficult to read but fuck this is such a fantastic question and i'm so excited to answer it - this is going to be.... a really really long answer. i definitely got a little (a lot) carried away. sorry in advance lmao
(also it never fails to make me emotional when i hear that people are still rereading) (i might've cried a lil) (just a bit) (i can't believe people haven't forgotten about this fic) (to everyone who has stuck around: i love you more than anything)
for context, i put like..... a lot of thought into how i was going to go about writing azula. like i have pages and pages of notes analyzing her so i could write her character properly and do her justice - i still think i could've done a better job, but it was important to me that i at least do my best. my main thing when i was writing azula was keeping in mind that she is a 14 year old, a child, one who has been the victim of an extreme amount of abuse and emotional manipulation. i posted a response to a comment under chapter 15 back in january that asked for writing advice regarding azula that i think sums up my thoughts fairly well if you want to take a look at it. azula is a traumatized teenager first and foremost; she's not going to accept help easily or trust anyone easily, and i planned her arc out in a way that has multiple ups and downs. it really does get worse before it gets better, and if i end up writing more for this fic, i can promise that the worst has yet to come. we're nowhere near the height of azula's arc yet, and i don't even mean that in a dramatic breakdown sort of way. this has been part 234978 of me wishing that i could skip ahead in my own fic so i could post the scenes that were written months before we even reached the search......... kill me
and i said this in my comment: progress isn't possible unless the person who needs to heal is willing to heal. force doesn't work, coercion doesn't work - it has to be a decision that the person in question makes in order for them to actually take steps forward. healing isn't linear. neither is progress. that's the most important thing to keep in mind.
azula's breakdowns were definitely the most emotionally taxing parts about writing her. i personally tend to avoid reading fics that show azula's breakdowns to the extent that i wrote them for some reason? and i was very hesitant to write it myself, so i was really really careful in how i approached it. i didn't want to take things too far, but i also knew that i had to push the boundaries of what i tackled a lot more than i already was. i needed to show how bad she was getting, not just tell it, and i needed to justify the reason behind each moment of her behavior. not sure if i did it right, but i tried.
(as a side note, i wrote a lot of this fic during a time in which things were uhhhh not so great mentally for me, so azula and zuko are written in a way that is very very close to my heart. that could also have something to do with the way scenes are written, so i thought it was worth mentioning.)
azula is an incredibly calculated individual. her breakdowns, by contrast, show her doing things out of pure instinct, doing what she "wants" to do rather than what she's put a lot of thought into doing. and that fascinated me to no end when i was reading the comics; i thought the authors' approach was really interesting despite some of the less favorable aspects of her portrayal. in other words: catharsis!!!!! i wrote those scenes to be cathartic to azula specifically!!!!! not for the reader, not for me as the writer: for azula, the character, and what that meant for her in the scene and the moment - especially within a larger context. and it was so so so fucking emotionally draining to write, but that's what it was. i did my best to ramp up the emotional intensity to the max, and i also tried to make sure that every single thing that azula said or did had that element of reasoning behind it. because yeah, she's not thinking everything through like she would if she wasn't in full breakdown mode, but she's still azula. and azula doesn't do anything without reason, even if those reasons are superficial and weird and vaguely questionable. i tried to make sure that nothing azula did or said was without motive, and i'm not quite sure if i managed to pull it off, but hey, that was my goal.
hopefully all of that makes sense? i'm not quite sure if it does or not but i could genuinely talk about this fic for hours. i might be writing other things now, and i might be mortified by the absolutely horrible writing of the earlier chapters, but i will still talk forever about literally anything with this fic. that's a threat and a promise.
i reread some comments and looked through my inbox bc of this ask and now i'm emotional lmao wow i miss this fic and you all sm. also specifically to anon: i hope this answered your question! and if you wanted clarification on anything, feel free to shoot me another ask - i know a few things here are probably a little confusing lmao i was rambling a lot out of excitement. and thank you again for the ask!!
anyways. love yall <3
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lvi-o-sa · 4 years
Week 3: Day 5
Oops! The multiverse opened up!
I’ve always been a fan of Avatar : The Last Airbender before I’d stumble in the world of Yugioh Zexal & srlsly, sometimes I find so many similarities between these two that a crossover au is rlly possible. The characters for instance bears striking similarities. So here it is:
What could’ve been if Yugioh Zexal characters got transported/reincarnated into the ATLA universe.
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𝙰𝚣𝚞𝚕𝚊 ↷ 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚜
Starting off with these two extremely sassy and savage teens. Both share the same sadist, cruel, psychopaths who deeply yearns for their father’s approval & love. Only, Azula led onto her despair whereas Thomas was redeemed & was able to got what he wanted.
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𝙼𝚊𝚒 ↷ 𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚗
Both were the eldest amongst their siblings & both always shared this stoic, steely look onto their eyes not to mention they’ve both come from very influential families & liked to act cold but is deep down caring & protective onto their loved ones.
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𝚃𝚢 𝙻𝚎𝚎 ↷ 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕
In contrast to Mai & Quinton, Ty Lee & Trey were both the youngest on their siblings. Both were cheerful but hides deep sadness from within. Both were also similar into achieving their goals to make a difference for their family. Ty Lee wants to make her own mark as she grew up looking exactly the same as her sisters & her talent in circus were her only chance of shining on her own while Trey duels Yuma even if it cost him his crest to prove that he can bring his family back. Both were successful in achieving their own aspirations though.
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𝙾𝚣𝚊𝚒 ↷ 𝚅𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚡
Now with the fathers on both sides. Ozai is known to be the “worst father in the history of fathers” as said by his son, Zuko as Ozai were a cold, sadist, power seeking & manipulative father onto his sons, heck, he even banished her wife & his son when he gets in his way. This didn’t really were the same with Vetrix. Vetrix, although manipulative & sometimes tends to be sadistic, had a perfect reason to be in this way, he is vengeful because his family is torn apart & although he used his sons as pawns, he did regretted it & seek redemption. If there’s a huge similarity between the two, it’s their antagonistic acts but what sets them apart is how they viewed their families. Vetrix got redeemed & lived a happy life with his sons while Ozai, like his daughter Azula were thrown in jail for their sins.
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𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚐 ↷ 𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚢
These two, although supporting characters, almost have no difference apart. Meng loved Aang the way Cathy loved Yuma. Both were always supportive of their lovers even if it’s unrequited type of love.
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𝚂𝚘𝚔𝚔𝚊 ↷ 𝙵𝚕𝚒𝚙
These two shitheads characteristics almost falls in the exact way. Sokka, in his younger years yearned to be one of the greatest warriors in their tribe, Flip on the other side, yearned to make friends by dueling. Both failed miserably by then but as time passes by, these weaknesses both made them reach their truest friends that will stick to them till the end. Not to mention both shares the same attitude of being the comic relief of their own respective bands. Both also shares this whimsical witty attitude that often led them to trouble.
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𝚉𝚞𝚔𝚘 ↷ 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚔
If Zuko were a firebender, Shark was on the opposite using his water deck. However both of these two shared the same trait of being “I’m never happy” with a plastered frown or sneer onto their face. Like others, family were the ones who fuel their goals. Zuko yearned for his redemption as the banished prince while Shark wants to avenge her sister making them act like b**tch boss to everyone but deep down their kind, shy beings who get all dorky around their friends. Just like Zuko with the gaang & Shark with Yuma & company.
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𝙺𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚊 ↷ 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚒
The main character’s emotional support person, the titular “mom friend”, the fierce female in the group of her boy friends, the primary friend of the MC; I could go on and on for the list but the main point is that both served & acts as the one female who encompass everyone while going onto their journey. Not to mention both Katara & Kotori shares being the focal love interest of both MC as it has been canon that Aang loved Katara by those kisses although it was much subtle with Tori & Yuma as friends but come on, it was evident in the way they blushes everytime.
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𝙰𝚊𝚗𝚐 ↷ 𝚈𝚞𝚖𝚊
The main characters for both series. These two shares almost all the same characteristics that a protagonist should have. Even their goal lies the same. To bring peace and friendship in their own ways. What’s more, both goes onto many duels/encounters & made new friends along the way that only strengthens their beliefs into achieving their utmost goal to which both did at the end. Now intriguing enough, it is funny to think that both of these shows ended with a shared stark resemblance: Aang shared the last moments of the series while standing in a balcony enjoying the view with all of his friends while the sun sets whereas it was canonically parallel with Yuma flying with all his friends enjoying theirselves also, while the sun sets onto Heartland as the series finale.
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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚜 ↷ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚛𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜
As if all those canon parallel isn’t enough, these three ladies & gentlemen poses the same way from the youngest to the oldest. Also I’d like to point out that I could definitely see the Arclights reborn genderbent now, being these ladies above. As their characteristics is just too perfect with each other. With all that power & sass together combined make them so a deadly, fearsome group.
Now, what I’ve done above is basically a canon crossover parallel 😅 to each respective characters of both shows; that perfectly resembles & act the same way. I also lowkey hoped 🤞🏻that if you haven’t watched ATLA still, I suggest you better do cause it’s a great show just like Zexal 🥰
Note: I didn’t paid much attention to the elements that they’ll have/part of but more of their humane characteristics. I believe the idea of to which element they’ll lie was free as the imagination of the readers (on how they’ll perceive them) but for me their traits was much more important as it defines who they were.
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my-nickname-atrocy · 4 years
no one asked for this so here it is ✨ranking major avatar/lok villains, minor ones coming later
admiral zhao season 1 atla good antagonist for the bigger person and replaced zuko as he should've, he failed tho, final verdict 5/10 wasn't hot or cool so no extra points there.
zuko, kinda all seasons? atla im not a fan of this man, wasn't good at being an antagonist and is kinda overrated. never went on that life changing trip with toph, final verdict 6/10 could've done more tbh, be more chaotic, like azula.
azula seasons 2-3 atla cool, hot, rude though, mean to her friends, could lightning bend, sad end to her reign though, going mad with power and all and in the comics believing her mom and the gaang conspired against her. final verdict? 9/10
sozin prior to the shows timeline, he was hot let's get that off the bat right away, definitely powerful and got a comet named after him, he betrayed roku though, like a loser, final verdict 7/10
ozai, seasons 1-3 he was also hot but thats not important, gave zuko personality by taking away his honor and scarring his face, good plan, well coordanted, definitely aimed too high, should've just focused on assuring control over the nations. gave aang his avatar state back, final verdict, 10/10 was consistent and had no redemption which was good
now legend of korra
amon and tarlok, really just amon, season one of lok, cool blood bending definitely one of the reasons waterbending is my favorite, bad dad though, they had badad syndrome, really didn't do much all amon could do was take away bending but that's not that speacial compared to taking over the world, final verdict, 7/10 i don't see where it would've gone past no one having bending.
unalaq, season 2 lok, big spiritual man, another water bender villain, became a dark avatar which is like last season of the show type villiany. took away korras attachment to prior avatars which is another post. final verdict 8/10 pretty snazzy
team anti avatar (the red lotus) season 3 of lok my favorite season. love these guys, the water bender especially (maybe a little biased) zaheer i think had a good enough motive to want to kill korra, he didn't want power ge wanted the natural order of anarchy, ended the dirtbag that is the earth queen, hate her, was what the white lotus was supposed to be and frankly that was powerful, also zaheer could fly??? aang could never. the lava bender was also cool, and tbh the way p'li died was iconic. final verdict 11/10 for each member
kuvera season 4 of lok, holy heck dude, she did a better ozai and she only had the earth kingdom. got a redemption but was still upset, she made a mecha giant like holy heck 10/10 just for that, cool earth bender and metal bender, wrecked korra but tbh who didn't. was mean to the spirits though. and betrayed her fiancé, but she was orderly about it and kept her composure unlike azula, accepted what she did was wrong and accepted punishment. final verdict 10/10, idk she was cool and i liked her
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cha-lii · 6 years
Okay, Zuko is undeniably the most developed and in depth character in Avatar but honestly I fucking love Sokka's character development just as much if not more.
Sokka started out a sexist, cocky, weak, immature character--he constantly mocked Katara, wouldn't accept the fact that the Kyoshi warriors were women far stronger than him, was constantly skeptical and pessimistic, couldn't hold his own in a fight for a lot of the first season... He was honestly just quite a weak person.
But even as early as the Kyoshi episodes you begin to see how he's not afraid to learn and change his perspective on things. Suki shows him that he's not superior just because he's male, and he comes to understand and accept that. He constantly praises and admires Toph, and never once calls her weak. He learns to stop being so protective over Suki, because he knows that she can take care of herself. He doesn't once underestimate Azula, even though she's a girl who's two years younger than him.
He learns patience and strategy. His invasion plan was genius, his inventions are genius, he was able to tell when Azula was messing with him, Aang and Toph to buy time. He managed to orchestrate the first ever jail break out of the highest security prison in the fire nation. He's really, really intelligent, and we got to see him learn to let go of his cockiness and ego so that he could utilise his intelligence and develop it.
And then there's the fact that he's just so caring underneath all the sarcasm and pessimism. He cared deeply for Yue, even though he only knew her for a matter of days, and her death haunted him to the point where he's constantly afraid of losing the other people he loves- you can see the terror and guilt he feels when he finds out Azula captured Suki, and that he failed yet another woman he loves. He's so kind and supportive to Aang, reassuring him when he begins to lose confidence and telling him how strong he is. And he's so tender with Toph as well. Like when he was talking about Katara and his mother, and he was so open and honest and unashamed in telling Toph such personal truths. And in the entire finale you can see his protectiveness over her (still while not treating her as if she's weak, just knowing he needs to look out for her because she's at a disadvantage on the airships) when he's constantly shielding her and catching her and holding her hand to make sure she doesn't wander off. Also, there're so many scenes throughout the show with him leading Toph and letting her hold onto him and I love these wee details so much. Also, one thing that stuck out to me in a recent rewatch was when he and Katara find out about their father's location, and he immediately volunteers to stay behind and allow Katara to go find him instead. Even though he's desperately missed his father, and everything that he's done since they last saw each other was arguably to become strong enough to make his father proud - this just shows how selfless Sokka can actually be when it comes down to serious situations.
He was so quick to accommodate Zuko, and accept him into the group, maybe because he understands that people can change, and can become better. I wish we could've gotten more scenes with the two of them because their friendship is bloody great.
Sokka's training with Master Piandao is one of my favourite episodes, because we see how Sokka has learned to balance his goofiness with his intelligence, we see how he's learned to discipline himself, and how he really does want to become stronger. He takes this seriously, even if it doesn't always seem like it.
Honestly I think Sokka is one of the most powerful members of the group, and he and Zuko are definitely the most developed characters in the show. Azula has always been one of my favourites because of how her character turned out, but most of her development happened within the last 7 episodes, unlike Sokka and Zuko who have been changing and growing since episode 1.
Zuko is great, but so is Sokka.
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seyaryminamoto · 5 years
What are the reasons that made Maizula your secret ship? What was special or compelling about their dynamics?
... My what, now?
I have certainly said in the past that the only femslash ship I COULD, presumably, support for Azula is Maizula, but from that to making it my secret ship... uh, no. That’s a fairly big leap.
It’s entirely possible that there could be other female characters in future comics who could have interesting dynamics with Azula, but out of the available female characters on the show, if I had to choose, I’d pick Mai. Again, I’m not saying I genuinely ship it on any capacity: I don’t look for fics of it, I don’t look for art of it, I don’t sigh over it or cry myself to sleep about it (n-not that I do that last thing with stuff I do ship, haha, what do you take me for...). I’ve been a multishipper with other characters in the past, and I have zero issues with people who are multishippers, but I personally don’t find any other potential ships to be as compelling for either Azula or Sokka as Sokkla, which results in me just... not shipping them with anyone else, altogether.
That being said... the dynamics between Azula and Mai do lend themselves for a relationship of substance, because Azula’s friendship with Mai is different from her friendship with Ty Lee. Azula has always seemed to hold more respect for Mai, if you ask me, visible by comparing her interactions with both girls in generally similar circumstances:
Recruitment: Ty Lee is recruited against her will. Azula very strongly implies she gives a grand total of zero shits about what makes Ty Lee happy (for that’s literally the argument Ty Lee gives her about why she wants to stay in the circus) and threatens her into joining her in her chase for Zuko and Iroh. Mai? Mai isn’t only willing to go with Azula, she’s EAGER to do so. Mai doesn’t want to be where she is at all, and her needs align with Azula’s mission flawlessly. Therefore, Azula has no need to go to the extremes she does with Ty Lee to convince Mai to come with her. That, at the very least, marks a different starting point for what we’re seeing of their friendships: Ty Lee is coerced, Mai is willing.
Relationships: Ty Lee has no serious romantic relationships through the show, only flirting with guys but it doesn’t really go anywhere. Azula is jealous of Ty Lee’s ability to catch their eye, but she doesn’t support Ty Lee in her flirting sprees in the least, even calling her “easy” to her face. Meanwhile, Azula canonically is the one who sets up Zuko and Mai, offering them a chance to bond in Ba Sing Se that they take, albeit in a different way than Azula anticipated they would. As much as Azula sends Mai away in The Headband, effectively ruining her date with Zuko, she doesn’t do it by undermining their relationship or making fun of Mai for dating Zuko or insulting her in any capacity. Azula respects Mai’s love life, she absolutely doesn’t respect Ty Lee’s despite she envies how likeable she is.
Fear of repercusions: when faced with the possibility of Azula being angry at them if they don’t do everything in their power to capture Sokka and Katara in The Drill, Ty Lee says they HAVE to jump into the slurry. Mai basically says “fuck that noise” and refuses to do it, even if she thinks Azula will go berserk at them for failing (which she didn’t do so fuck off with your Azula-hater logic, Mai). Mai is willing to defy Azula to protect her dignity, Ty Lee would sooner grovel if it means Azula won’t be angry at her.
The Beach’s bonfire: the scene where the four Fire Nation teens open up to each other is always very important to me, and I find it essential to understand further why I consider Mai and Ty Lee have different kinds of friendships with Azula. When Zuko calls Ty Lee a circus freak? Azula LAUGHS. She huffs afterwards and turns up her nose when Ty Lee is angry about it, but Azula’s instinctive reaction is to LAUGH. Shamelessly. Doesn’t give a crap about how this could hurt Ty Lee and if anything seems annoyed that Ty Lee took it to heart afterwards. On top of that, when Ty Lee begins explaining her family situation, Azula outright says “Here we go again”, in the most dismissive tone possible. Basically, again, she gives zero shits. But when it’s Mai’s turn? Azula tries to reason with her. Azula actually recites why Mai is the way she is, and as much as Mai didn’t appreciate that, Azula wasn’t making fun of her, let alone was her comment on the same level of mockery she showed towards Ty Lee moments earlier. It came off as Azula seriously trying to understand Mai better, whereas with Ty Lee she was just here for a good laugh.
Betrayals: Mai’s betrayal is the breaking point for Azula in the Boiling Rock. But you know what Azula does when this happens? She asks Mai WHY. She’s so confused, so hurt, so utterly blown away by why one of her best friends would turn against her... and she wants to know what brought Mai to make such a controversial decision. Mai then outright says the most offensive thing she could’ve told Azula, Azula reacts, then Ty Lee chi-blocks her... and this time Azula doesn’t ask. This time Azula is just ANGRY. Yes, she was angry at Mai already, but right now she doesn’t care for whatever Ty Lee might say to explain herself. She’s not more offended by Ty Lee’s betrayal, she’s not more surprised, she’s just angrier and she doesn’t care to hear why Ty Lee is choosing Mai over her, just as Mai chose Zuko over her. With Ty Lee, reasons don’t seem to matter.
Now, though, along with all of this, there’s no doubt Mai was dishonest towards Azula in the past and she definitely lied to her face several times (such as in the aforementioned The Headband, where she gives Azula the most ominous side-eye of the entire show). But Azula seems to respect Mai when she doesn’t punish her for her failures, when she wants to understand her, when she even asks for her reasons upon that betrayal. Does this mean theirs was a less toxic friendship altogether than Azula and Ty Lee’s? I’d say yes, even if that doesn’t mean it wasn’t toxic altogether. But I genuinely think Azula had more respect for Mai than she displays for Ty Lee.
That respect is why I find worth in Maizula despite not shipping it. Mai’s cut-and-dry wit plays off well against Azula’s sass, and they definitely could have interesting dynamics if just by factoring in their personalities and character traits. They’re both pretty cold-blooded too, so they have a few similarities that could bring them closer together... I’ve always felt they had very similar understandings of the world around them, after being raised by a royal family and a high-ranked noble family respectively (which is why Azula could see through Mai so well in that scene in The Beach). 
Therefore... there’s potential to it, yes. Do I support it, though? As it was in canon...? Honestly, no. I have said it in previous asks, but it bears repeating: I can’t see canon Azula bouncing back from most her betrayals and old relationships easily, if at all. The way Mai has treated her in canon, both in the show and comics, implies that Mai basically joined Azula because it suited her interests in ATLA and once she was with Zuko she didn’t particularly give a crap about spending time with her friends anymore. There’s very little indication of Mai genuinely respecting Azula back, if anything the comics suggest Mai outright hates her. So, canon-wise, their potential reconciliation wouldn’t be just about Azula redeeming herself and changing her ways... it’s on great measure about Mai forgiving Azula too and deciding Azula is worth her time. And, sad as it makes me, I find it very unlikely for Mai to reach that conclusion about Azula.
Mai and Ty Lee are both guilty of having lied to Azula in the show, of being dishonest with her. Her family is already a toxic mess, and her friends aren’t genuinely her friends in the end. That particular problem, the dishonesty, that they’re capable of lying to Azula’s face and getting away with it, makes me recoil from wanting either of them in Azula’s life anytime soon. I’d honestly only let them return to her life long after Azula has found some semblance of balance and peace, probably with new friends and new purpose in life. Even then, I’m not sure Mai, in particular, would care to rekindle her friendship with Azula at all.
So, ultimately... if it’s an AU, it probably could be done. If you pull off something like I did with them in Gladiator, where a lot of things are given a clean slate (Azula, Mai and Ty Lee’s friendship is far more genuine than it was in the show, as they’re older and have helped each other overcome pretty tough situations), then I could see a relationship between Azula and Mai working. But in canon settings? I think you’d need ten times the story length and efforts needed to redeem Azula to convince Mai that Azula isn’t completely deplorable. It’s sad, yes, because they could have awesome dynamics and that won’t ever be denied... but the way canon established it, I can’t see it happening anytime soon. Personally, I’d sooner root for a non-canon ship that hits all my requirements for Azula than one that only hits about half of them.
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