#I swear I’ll draw more eventually finals are just coming up so
mono-chrono · 2 years
I am
About the Noragami AU again
Because I am stumped on the Shinki of Sun and Moon
Like, some characters are easy, like Freddy or PeePaw (if I ever add them. Idk, the idea of this buildup of this huge underground god and it’s just fuckin peepaw is funny to me) those ones are easy, they have humans around them
Monty I have an idea for
But the rest? I dunno! I guess I’m gonna have to make some OCs for it
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unreliablesnake · 9 months
Thunderstorm (Simon Riley x f!reader)
Summary: Simon spoils his daughter and he’s always there when she needs him–even if it’s because of a little thunderstorm.
Note: MW3 is coming, I’ll be back on my bullshit. / If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics.
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“Daddy, please.”
That was it. Simon was usually defeated by these two words that his four-year-old used every time she wanted something. After all, he was his little princess, the sweet child who often fell asleep on the couch next to him in the evening, the one who held tea parties for her toys and him every now and then.
Since he wasn’t home that much, and since he never knew when his luck would run out on the field, he treated every second with her as if it was the last time he saw her. You knew perfectly well that’s why he always spoiled her, why she quickly became daddy’s little girl, so you never said anything to stop him. They needed to bond so she would have good memories of him, and you didn’t want to take it away from them.
“One day you’ll have to stop letting her get away with everything, you know,” you told him one evening after he came back from his daughter’s room following a fight about bedtime that was over an hour ago. “We need to set certain rules.”
“I know, I know.” Simon took his place in bed next to you, an arm wrapping around your shoulder to pull you closer. “It’s just so hard to say no. I swear I’m trying.”
You looked up at him and before you knew it, his lips captured yours in a sensual kiss that aimed to make you forget about what he had just done. But you knew better than to fall into his trap, so you pulled away with a delicate smile and gave him an understanding look.
“I know that, Simon, but we need to be partners in this. It must be nice to be the good cop, but she’ll become a little monster if we let her do anything she wants.”
After taking a deep breath, Simon nodded. “You’re right. It’s just so tough to be strict when I’m away this much,” he admitted before placing a soft kiss on your temple. “By the way, did you hear that?” You gave him a confused look so he went on almost immediately. “A thunderstorm. It’s coming this way.”
Finally it made sense to you because you let out a sigh and said, “She’ll run in crying anyway. Go get her.”
He got out of bed, but instead of leaving the room, he just put his hands on his hips and asked, “You sure? I will be the good cop again.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
His daughter was terrified of thunderstorms. She had been like that since the beginning, always crying when lightning struck nearby, instinctively calling for her mommy and daddy when she was scared, or running into their bedroom right after the sound reached her. He knew she would grow out of this eventually, but until then he wouldn’t want her to stay in her room alone.
Those nights when she slept in their bed between them were his favorites. Sure, he loved to be alone with you too; to explore your body over and over again, drawing out those sweet moans and whines from you, and seeing you fall apart for him. But being together as a family, having his favorite girls so close to him was still better.
Simon liked to think of himself as a good father and husband. He broke the cycle, he became a better man than his father had ever been, and every day he spent home with you two was filled with actions that spoke louder than words. He wanted the both of you to know, to feel that he loved you more than anything in this world.
When he reached his daughter’s room and peeked inside, he noticed that she was sleeping peacefully under the warm blanket. For a moment he wondered if he should just leave her be for now, but then he heard the storm outside and realized you had been right and this was for the best. So he picked her up carefully and walked back to the master bedroom, laying the little girl on the middle of the bed next to you.
“Thank you,” you told him quietly.
Shaking his head, Simon leaned over to give you a quick kiss. “Anytime, love.”
You flashed a wide smile at him, but before you could say anything, your daughter turned on her side and cuddled up to you with her small arm wrapped around your waist. Simon was a little jealous, but he kept this to himself for now. Sooner or later she would wake up and cuddle up to him instead as she usually did.
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alonetimelover · 1 year
My love, we were in Paris
pairing: Harry Styles x tennis player!reader (fem, she/her)
summary: After winning her third French Open title, YN was excited to call Harry, not knowing he had rather big surprise already waiting for her.
warnings: a few swear words and just fluff!
word count: ~1,7k + a few social media posts!
more of a tennis player!reader here: masterlist ask, come say hi, request!
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She won. 
For the third time in her life she won the French Open. 
After the second set and the first half of the third one, when she was ready to give up. It was all foreshadowing her eventual loss. At least she felt like it. Her serve somehow lost its force, the precision she always praised herself to have got forgotten in the middle of the match. For the audience it must have looked like she was done with it, unbeatable YN YSN finally defeated on her favourite court. 
Well, it was all wrong. Not knowing how, the precision she craved, came back. Her serve felt like it doubled in force and the confidence sprung like flowers in the spring. When she defeated the break-point going for 3-5 in games for her opponent, she said to herself ‘you got it’. 
And she won. 
Now, squatting down on the ground, crying tears of joy she couldn’t believe it. Third time champion in Paris sounded proud and surprisingly good.
Her mind, though, was just made of two things right now: ‘you won’ and ‘call Harry’. 
After receiving congratulations from her opponent and speaking to her briefly about the match, she stood in the centre of the court clapping for the crowd. The squeals and whistles were overwhelming, but being there in the middle, acknowledging all of it was the first move to thank all of the people for their support. 
Moving swiftly to her bag, she unlocked her phone and chose ‘Harry💜' from her favourite contacts. It was so loud, she knew she wouldn't be able to hear half of the things he was going to say. But she called anyway. She promised him last night, when they were speaking through FaceTime.
“Call me right after the match,” he said, yawning. 
“Goodnight, sleepyhead. Right after? So from the court?”
“If you’re allowed to then why not? I want to hear it from you, whatever it’s going to be.”
Harry knew she would win. And at the same time he knew that saying ‘I want to hear it from you “I’m the champion.”’ would put too much pressure on her shoulders. She was stressed enough and what he could provide was his lifelong support. 
“I’ll call you. I promise.”
After four long signals, the smile on her face was slowly but gradually diminishing. She quickly remembered that the eyes of all people interested in tennis were on her, and put that smile back on.
In a few hours Harry was playing one of the biggest shows in his life, a concert for 80 000 people to be exact. She shouldn’t be mad and wouldn’t be. Maybe sad, but she would allow it after getting back to her hotel room. 
Tossing her phone back to the bag, she ran towards the box where her coach and loved ones were sitting. Getting closer and closer to the stands she finally looked up as to plan her way to her family. 
She stopped in her tracks. Right next to her parents was one and only person she was thinking about for the last hours. Person, she was unwillingly (deep down) mad at not picking up her call just a minute ago. 
He was here. Harry was here. His beaming smile, brightening her mood in seconds. He was clapping his hands then whistling on his fingers, and repeating the process. The white hat matching hers, and a simple black t-shirt so as to not draw attention towards himself. But she would recognise him anywhere, in the dark, in the place full of people, at the end of it all. She would know him because nobody had his divine smile and kind-hearted eyes.
Eventually, she sprung to jog up the stairs and around a few corners. In what felt like seconds she was at the stands. People were reaching for her, saying and shouting ‘bravo, YN’, ‘you did a good job!’ and all the congratulations. But she couldn’t bring herself to care right this moment. There was only one person’s opinion she cared about. 
When only a few steps were between them she jumped into his arms, embracing him, wanting to never pull back. 
“What are you doing here?” She whispered into his ear. 
“What d’you mean?” Teasing smile was growing on his face. “I came here to watch my girlfriend win her third title in Paris. You know when she’s startin’?” 
She pulled back a little to swat his shoulder playfully, “stop it!”
He just smiled, looking at her lovingly. Pride and happiness just swelled in his chest, making him all warm and fulfilled. 
“Hi.” She laughed at the absurdity of the situation. In her wildest dreams she wouldn’t have thought about Harry coming to her match just hours before the concert he was playing in another country. “What are you doing here, really? You play in, what, six or seven hours?”
Harry brushed one unruly strand of YN’s hair behind her ear, caressing her cheek. 
“You really thought I would miss this match?”
“Yeah. You said it yourself, didn’t you?”
“Well, if I didn't, you wouldn’t be this surprised. Also if you knew I was here, you would think about it too much.”
“Because you’re such a distraction?”
“You said it,” he teased her back.
YN was looking up at him, still trying to comprehend that it was, indeed her Harry embracing her and caressing her cheek and waist. It wasn’t a dream or a fantasy. He actually flew over to Paris to support her.
How could she not love him?
“Thank you,” she said, tears in her eyes, daring to fall down her face. 
“Nothing to thank me for.” 
They kissed softly. Knowing, in the back of their heads it would draw so much attention, but they couldn’t not do it. It had been a week without seeing each other. They missed it. 
“I am so proud of you, lovie. So fucking proud. You’re unmistakingly the best player out there. And don’t argue with me. Take it in. I’m so proud. I love you,” Harry whispered into her ear, squeezing her even closer to him. “Now, go. You have a trophy to accept and a speech to make. Go be the best out there.”
After stealing one more little kiss from Harry and saying ‘I love you’ back, YN hugged every member of her team and her parents. Then she ran back on the court where the podium was placed.
She was going to accept the cup for the third time in her life. 
“Woah, thank you so much and sorry for breaking the cup,” She started her speech with a laugh. “Ah, there are so many people that I’d like to thank. My team - my coach, my psychologist, my physiotherapist - without you guys my body wouldn’t be able to pull any championship. To my family, my boyfriend tha-” she needed to stop because of the cheers erupting around her. Yes, people loved Harry everywhere. “Thank you all for believing in me, bringing me joy and so much support, I’ll never be able to pay you back. Thank you! And thank you to all of you here, the fans. For your support and kind words. Thank you! Je t’aime Paris!” 
It took them two hours to finally get to the hotel. Harry closed the door behind them, placing a card on the table in the corridor. 
“When do you have a plane back?” YN asked, while looking for some clean clothes to wear after the shower that was calling her name. 
“In about two hours.”
“Fuck, give me 5 minutes to shower and I’ll ride with you to the airport, okay?” She said in a rush to get ready as quickly as possible. 
On the way to the bathroom Harry stopped her, gently catching her by hand. “Wait. What if you pack a small bag and come with me?”
“Come where?” YN asked with a laugh. 
“Dublin. And then Slane for the concert.” 
“Wha- but, well. I have a media day tomorrow from 11 a.m. And a dinner tonight with the sponsors. Harry, I can’t miss it,” YN answered with a frown on her face. 
Harry smiled mischievously, “what if I told you I already talked to your coach and team? And they said it was okay for you to go with me as long as you come back for tomorrow's photoshoot?”
“No way.” She shook her head in disbelief.
Harry nodded his head, taking YN’s clothes in his hands and throwing them on the bed. 
“Yes way. I’m very convincing when I want to be.”
“Oh, are you really?” YN mirrored Harry’s smirk, placing her hands around his neck. 
“Oh really. You are coming with me.” 
He pecked her lips. 
“I am coming with you to Slane. And then what?”
“Then I’m playing the concert in front of 80 000 people. But-”
“But, what?”
“I think I’m gonna care about only one person there.”
YN shook her head with a smile. She knew him for more than three years now, but he still could make her blush. He was still so smooth with all the flirty comments and compliments. She was sure, she wouldn’t be able to find any other person who was as appreciative and thankful as Harry. Not like she wanted to. 
“You wanna know the plan for the next few days?”
“Tell me all about it,” she encouraged him, pulling her hand through his curls. 
“Mhmm, we’re flying back here in the morning. You have a photoshoot and a media day. And then in the evening I’m taking you to my favourite restaurant here to celebrate our achievements so far this year. Aaand the day after that we’re going by train to London.”
YN’s eyes lit up at the mention of the train ride. “Did you buy tickets for the train already?”
“Yes, I did. I know how much you wanted to try that route.”
“Do you know you’re the best boyfriend I could ever ask the universe for?”
“You can remind me of that from time to time. Feed my ego,’ he laughed, hugging YN. 
“Thank you. I love you, Harry.”
“Nothing to thank me for.” He tightened the embrace. “I love you and I am so proud of what you did today and the days before.”
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liked by harryfan11, harrysfan202 and 810 others
harryismyfriend I saw Harry in Paris this morning!!!!!
view all 1 021 comments
harryparis I've met his as well and he asked not to upload any pictures! please take it down!
harryupdates he's there to surprise yn, please take this down
hArrysbtch dont spoil the surprise!!!!!
ynupdates delete this, please
harryismyfriend im so sorry, im deleting it right now!
this post has been deleted
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liked by ynupdates, harrystyles and 2 201 830 others
tennisworld You hear it first here! TREBLE French Open Champion - YN YSN! Congratulations!
view all 92 201 comments
ynupdates THEE champion!!!!
harryupdates the best player out there!
ynshands i love this woman
ynsmybestie god is a woman after all
hArrysbtch i don't know her personally but im so proud of her, i wish i could hug her
harrysmoustache did you guys see harry cheering????
⤷ hArrysbtch oh god, yes! he was so cute
⤷ ynsmybestie that man clapped and whistled more than me during his concert
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liked by ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 58 301 others
harryupdates YN AND HARRY AFTER SHE WON THE THIRD FRENCH OPEN IN HER CAREER!!! It seemed like Harry's presence was a surprise for YN!
view all 9 201 comments
ynupdates i love them
ynupdates and im so proud of yn. she overcame so many obstacles during today's match
ynshands 😭i😭love😭them😭so much😭
hArrysbtch this man is playing the biggest concert in his lifetime in 4 hours and he's not even in the same country right now
⤷ hArrysbtch and before all of you start hating on me: i love that he found time to support yn during one of her most important matches this season
harryandynforever im gonna sleep on a highway tonight
tennisyn THEE couple, ladies and gentlemen
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmybestie and 23 301 others
harrynews Harry and YN landed in Dublin just two hours before the start of the show in Slane. The ride from Dublin to Slane takes about 40 to 60 minutes. I hope they'll be there on time!
view all 3 201 comments
ynupdates she went with him to Ireland?????
ynsmybestie they are so supportive of each other, I can't
harryupdates this man loves living on the edge
harrysmoustache outfit repeater!!!!!
ynsfan101 so she won't have a media day today? i hoped to meet her 😞
⤷ ynsmybestie i think she'll be back tomorrow. she needs to do a photoshoot in front of the eiffel tower
⤷ ynsfan101 oh, that's reassuring! i hope to get an autograph or even a photo!
liked by harryupdates, ynsmybestie and 93 301 others
view all 18 301 comments
harryupdates i-
harryupdates wow, just wow
ynshands if that was my man, i would post it too 'see, world? and that's all mine!'
ynsmybestie girl..... don't throw it in our faces like that, we know
hArrysbtch 🫠
hArrysbtch what do you mean it's the same harry scared of performing life just few years ago????
harrysmoustache unhinged, both of them
harrysfan82 why is he so hot and cute at the same time
ynupdates can we take a moment to appreciate their support for each other? harry went to Paris event hough he had a show tonight. and yn went to Slane even though she has a busy day tomorrow in Paris. amazing, just amazing how they can cooperate and work with their busy schedules
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift, annetwist, ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 4 392 027 others
yourinstagram 🎶my love, we were in Paris🎶 ... and then in Slane and in Paris again. And then no one needs to know where 🗺
view all 72 302 comments
harrystyles we were somewhere else
⤷ yourinstagram 💜
⤷ hArrysbtch not you singing Taylor, Harry!
⤷ ynsmybestie yn turned you to the bright side, i see
⤷ ynshands and he finishes what she sings???? 😭
⤷ harrysmoustache harry is a swiftie, confirmed!!!!
taylorswift Congratulations on your third French Open title, YN! I hope to see you on one of the concerts!
⤷ yourinstagram i'll be there, wherever and whenever it is, i'll be there
⤷ ynupdates talk about being a committed swiftie
ynupdates posting a pic from Harry's concert before hers with a trophy??? medal for the best girlfriend goes to yn
harryupdates enjoy your free time!
wimbledon See you soon, yn!
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itsnotgray · 3 months
should’ve seen it coming | cole caufield
what if grumpy x sunshine didn’t work out?
never saw myself writing for cole, but i asked @fantillisdaylight for a few players and i liked this …thing? more than i thought i would. so yeah, hope you guys enjoy!
what if sweet, ball of sunshine cole started going out with this grumpy, not so easily impressed girl.
and for a while, it’s perfect, just like all the movies- but then reality sets in.
their differences that they thought they could move past, were too big for the couple to overcome.
cole, who feels like he can’t be anything but sunshine. with her hardened demeanor, he’s terrified that if he gives in to how he really feels, she may not be able to console him.
and she, who feels so intimidated at the thought of letting cole into her head. she’s the complete opposite of sunshine- and the idea of letting cole into the storm cloud she calls her brain is frightening.
eventually, it all comes to a head after a bad game. he comes over to her apartment, hoping her presence can work its magic like usual. but it can’t. cole’s upset, he’s been upset, and he can’t be bothered to hide it anymore.
“cole i’m here to help you-“ she starts, before she’s cut off.
“are you really though? because you don’t seem like it. most people that want to console someone don’t stand there with that blank fucking look on their face,” he bites back, frustration bubbling off of him like steam off a boiling pot of tea.
and she recoils, because there it is. it always happens eventually. she can’t be as expressive as her partner wants her to, and they leave, frustrated that something as simple as a smile or enthusiasm is so hard to draw out from her.
“i’m trying cole, i swear i am. i want to help you, i mean it. let me be there for you,” she begs, trying to stop the outcome she can sense is looming on the horizon.
but he can’t. he’s frustrated, he wants to advertise his fears, his struggles, but that fear of his emotions being too much for her to cope with creeps up again. and so he shuts down, putting up walls he didn’t know he had.
“just- forget it. we’re done here,” he frustratedly lets out.
“what do you mean we’re done here cole? you’re clearly upset- let me be there for you,” she exasperatedly states, tears of frustration building at being stone walled by her normally joyful boyfriend.
“not just here. we’re done, period. i can’t do this anymore,” he says, headed to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water, hoping that’ll cool the accumulated rage that’s been simmering inside of him for so long, silenced by his need to keep up happy-go-lucky appearances.
his hand grips the cup tightly, as he quietly mutters “i’ll sleep on the couch and be gone by the morning.”
“cole, i- why the hell are you- forget it. clearly i never meant jack shit to you if it’s that easy to call it quits,” she says, mostly to herself, storming off to her bedroom, only letting her tears fall once her back is turned to the boy, who’s walls are now crumbling as he sobs quietly in the kitchen.
but his walls, defense mechanisms he’s never really engaged before, make one final move at protecting his heart.
“fucking avoid it like you usually do. real fucking nice that our relationship is crumbling before our eyes and you can’t utter one fucking word that makes it seem like you’ve ever given a shit,” he practically yells into the darkness of her house, but despite the darkness, the words reach her ears.
there it is. the final nail in the coffin. at his rage-filled words, her back hits the door, hand coming up to muffle the cries building in her throat, emotions begging to come out and scream “i’m here, i promise! she may hide me, but im here!”
her hand is practiced in the action though, and her cries of despair never reach the air.
two lovers that in any perfect world could worked.
two lovers torn apart by a beast that king eurythesus should’ve forced hercules to face in his labors, for then the hero surely wouldn’t have been successful.
a beast by the name of miscommunication.
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sinfullyrosey · 1 year
Feral Follies - Part 1
Floyd Leech X GN!Honey Badger!Reader
Warnings: Biting, Violence, Enemies to Lovers (who are still enemies), Hate Fucking, Rough Sex, Dom!Floyd (he tops), Dom!Reader, Eel Slime as Lube (sorry not sorry)
No smut in this part, but will in the next. I haven’t really been posting any big fics as of lately due to school, so wanted to get something out there, even if it’s not any actual smut.
Also, it’s a chance for me to try something different by asking ya’ll whether or not I should give Reader male or female genitalia for part 2 of this fic. Originally, I was just going to have the scene play out and not specify anything, but I got stuck writing it and now am considering giving ‘em female bits just to make things easier on me. Or should I stick to my original plan and leave it up in the air? I’ll be able to be more descriptive with an actual set of naughty bits.
I’ll try not to use any pronouns regardless of the final outcome though.
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Your relationship with the infamous Floyd Leech is rather… complicated to say the least. The two of you didn’t have the best foot forward when meeting and this had undoubtedly caused a sort of heated rivalry between you and the Leech brother.
It had been during lunch, while you were walking over to your dormmates’ table, food in hand, when you noticed a tall, Octavinelle student looming over your friend. Said friend was cowering from the looming figure, while a few of your dormmates bristled and snarled at the stranger but didn’t move to defend the quivering beastman.
This didn’t sit well with you, so you hurried over to the table and put your tray down, before climbing onto the table to gain some leverage. This got the attention of everyone at the table, including your friend and the stranger, and before the tall asshole could say anything, you promptly bit into his shoulder without any warning, just like how you were taught back home.
All hell broke loose after that, students were panicking and hollering as the scene unfolded before them. The student, who you currently were latched onto, didn’t take too kindly to your actions and retaliated in turn. He growled and grabbed at you, attempting to pry you off, swearing at you as he did so.
You responded by biting down harder, drawing a few more droplets of blood.
The next of what happened was a bit of a blur as you had been rather blinded by your initial fury during the whole ordeal. You remember the student trying to bite you back but being unable to reach your shoulder or neck properly. He settled for simply clawing and punching at you, and at some point, began wrestling your still latched on form to the ground.
He was on top of you, trying to smother you under his weight by the time faculty arrived. A few other students also from his dorm arrived, attempting to break you two apart without getting caught in the crossfire themselves. There was even one of them who looked oddly like the jerk you were mentally maiming, though he kept his distance and tried to defuse the situation with words aimed at his lookalike.
Eventually staff was able to pull you off him and separate the two of you before matters really got out of hand. It was a wonder how neither of you got expelled, but from the looks the headmaster gave, it appeared this wasn’t the first time this sort of occurrence happened involving the said Octavinelle student.
Crowley left you off with a warning and said that since it was only you and the other who got injured and there was no property damage, you only had to help clean the cafeteria for two weeks.
Whatever, at least that jerkwad got what was coming to him, so it was worth the punishment.
Since that day, the student you now knew as Floyd, had taken to referring to you as “Barracuda” in reference to your feisty nature and stubborn, yet powerful bite. You didn’t much care for such nickname, especially after learning that the name was slightly derogatory on his part, a way to belittle and distant you from him.
No matter, you took to referring to him as “Kinyesi” in return, an obviously derogatory term of your own. He didn’t catch on until much later when one of Savanaclaw’s students told him what the term directly translated to.
Though your relationship didn’t stop at just name calling, oh no no, it spread into verbal and physical confrontations as well. That first fight in the cafeteria certainly wasn’t your last. You and Floyd had gotten into plenty of other fights over the past few months, usually taking place outside of class, away from the other students and staff. Rarely did you two ever get in a brawl where you could get caught and sent to the headmaster again.
And yet, the bruises and scars still painted a very vivid picture to anyone who saw them to what has been occurring between the two of you since that first fight. Your arms, face, and torso were littered with healed scratch marks and bitemarks. The same was for Floyd, accept he was the only one with a deep bitemark scar on his shoulder. The mereel still hadn’t managed to pay you back for that one.
That is, until today.
Floyd managed to get the upper hand by ambushing you while you were alone in one of the infrequently used hallways on campus. He snuck up behind you and unsuspectingly picked up your smaller frame by your underarms and slammed your back against the wall.
Your bag clattered to the floor in the process and your head spun from the impact. Once you gathered your bearings, you glared up at that stupidly, toothy grin of his.
“Hehe, hi little Barracuda.~”
You huffed, baring your fangs, ears flattened backwards in a warning to back off. Floyd was unfazed by the threat, more so amused.
“Fuck off, Kinyesi.”
His grin faltered at that, but as quickly as it fell, it curled back up, wider, and more sinister. Before you could even think to react, the eel sprung forward and clamped his jaw right into your shoulder, sinking his sharp teeth into your flesh.
Your eyes widened and a sharp hiss fell past your lips. On instinct you struggled in his grip, but was unable to free yourself, let alone gain proper leverage given your dangling position. He managed to draw some blood, much like how your own bite did to him.
Your kicking and clawing did nothing to remove the eel’s maw from your shoulder, so you were left with raging insults thrown his way as you cursed him out. The bastard was unfazed by your violent attempts and only responded by gnawing at the injury, causing more jolts of pain to shoot out along your shoulder and neck area.
But as quickly as he sunk his teeth into you, Floyd soon released himself from you and pulled away to now face you once more. He had that same annoying grin on his face, this time painted in the scarlet red of your own blood.
He licked his lips.
“Now we’re even!”
He said it so nonchalantly, like a child who just hit the kid who hit them first in retaliation. He was trivializing such a brutal display like it was nothing. You couldn’t help but growl up at him, even after he placed you back down on the ground, still grinning down at you.
Your hand raised to inspect the damage. You winced at the sharp sting and hot feeling of the small amount of blood now clotting on your shoulder. Surprisingly, it wasn’t too bad, nothing compared to the nasty bite you initially gave him, anyways.
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously. Why didn’t he cause more damage? Try to maul you or rip a chunk of your flesh out? He had the perfect opportunity and just, squandered it?!
“The fuck you mean, “We’re even?” You just bit my shoulder, unprompted, asshole!”
He merely shrugged as if it was obvious.
“You bit me unprompted and left a mark, so it’s only fair I do the same to you little Baracuda!~”
Your tail swayed in irritation at his response. He wasn’t entirely wrong in what he said, but you technically attacked him to defend your friend. He attacked you because he’s a psychotic, violent jerk! Yours wasn’t unprompted, but his sure as hell was!
“And now we match!”
Ears perked at the statement, and you could only look at him in complete bewilderment at what he just said. His sadistic grin had turned to one of playfulness and contentment, almost sounding, friendly in a way. Not a hint of mockery or threat could be heard in his tone. He sounded genuinely happy at what he had just proclaimed to you, as if he hadn’t just bit into your flesh like a predator starved.
“You are some next level batshit, Kinyesi.”
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Weeks had gone by since that day, with little change between you and Floyd Leech. Well, on your part at least. You still hated the twin, and the two of you still had your weekly brawls that usually ended in either a draw or you, somehow, coming out on top. You still hated his guts and he still found joy in annoying you.
But recently the fights had somehow… shifted.
They were still violent and full of loathing, but it felt as if the atmosphere surrounding you two had a new air to it. Like the heat was no longer just about the animosity shared between you and him. As if something else, something new and unknown, was present whenever either of you landed a particularly harsh bite to the other.
The bites had become less painful, less about causing damage and more aimed towards a direction you couldn’t quite pinpoint. It was a foreign and strange feeling that built up in the pit of your stomach and festered there, growing hotter and hotter the more you fought.
The foundation of your and Floyd’s relationship had changed at some point and neither have properly acted on it, let alone, realized the shift.
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You and the Leech brother found yourselves once again duking it out in an isolated spot on campus, away from the prying eyes of the other students and staff. Floyd had provoked you like he always did and before thinking things through, you had already tackled him to the ground, growling and spitting insults with every attack you threw his way.
In turn, he threw some of his own punches right back at you and had even managed to get you in a choke hold twice before you clawed your way back out again. Both of you were already gaining some new claw marks and bruises. Floyd was loving every second of it and acting as if you were merely play-wrestling, despite your expression saying otherwise.
He had managed to pin you to the ground once more, putting all his weight on you and holding your hands down so you couldn’t use them. You were spitting and hissing at him, trying to wiggle your hands free and bucking your hips to try and push him off of you, but to no avail.
Floyd was unfazed by your efforts and was sending a slew of mocking taunts and insults right back. His red-stained, pearly whites flashing in warning, possibly about to sink into your skin for the hundredth time. You growled, baring yours right back as if to say, “Try me, bitch.”
Your efforts to remove him caused you to feel something you hadn’t felt before. Something that was not just his flat pelvic area… Something sharper… pointier…
You suddenly froze, body on high alert and aware of something hard poking at your lower region. You sniffed at the air, picking up a distinct scent. You slowly, forcefully pulled your gaze away from his face and down towards his lower half to spot a noticeable tent peeking out from his pants. Your eyes widened and breath hitched.
“Is… is that..?”
Oh Great Sevens, he was popping a boner in the middle of your fight.
A heated flush took over your face, removing the redness from your anger and replacing it with embarrassment. Your eyes widened up at him in disbelief and disgust. His eccentric expression hadn’t changed, lips curling up wider in excitement.
“Oh, my fucking-ARE YOU TURNED ON BY THIS?!?!”
The mereel let out an uncharacteristic trill sound you hadn’t heard before and got closer to your face.
Maybe your ass. His dick was harder than those weak attempt at cookies Kalim made for that one celebration a few weeks back. You huffed hot air into his sleazy face and hissed.
“Neee, I’m bored of our usual game, Barracuda, let’s play something more fun!~”
He proceeded to emphasize his point with a quick thrust of his clothed dick against your crotch. The contact sent a sharp jolt of heat to your lower stomach, and you bit your lip to keep any sound down.
“What are you-” You were interrupted when you took a sharp inhale at the pleasant feeling building in your nether regions.
“I’ve noticed a change in our little game, Barracuda. I’ve notices that you smell different whenever we wrestle, different than your usual smell. Your scent is more… inviting.~”
A blush rose to your cheeks. So, it wasn’t just you who’s noticed, huh? Something was different that even the eel jerk had taken notice and decided to act upon it by grinding his hips down onto you. And you’d be lying if you said this shift wasn’t in the least bit welcomed. You were still trying to wrap your mind around these newfound feelings, but his blunt advances in the matter were aiding to convince you easier.
But did you really want this, truly? With him of all people? The big bad eel of Octavinelle Dorm? The giant thorn in your side for the past month or so? The guy who got your heart racing and blood boiling in a mix of frustration and odd attraction. The one who currently was on top of you, still pinning your smaller body to the ground and grinning down at you in that charmingly condescending way.
The guy you so desperately wanted to kiss and let rail you right about now.
. . .
Ah, fuck it.
You threw all doubt to the wind and proceeded to aggressively mash your mouth against his, teeth clattering together and lips sloppily molding together in a mess of heated aggression and hormones. The eel was taken aback at first, but slowly grinned into the kiss before returning it with just as much vigor.
You moaned into the kiss, pushing your hips up to meet his own grinding thrusts. Heat started to pool inside you and spread throughout your body as Floyd let go of your hands to instead roam free and grope around your sides and butt. With your own free hands, you quickly wrapped them around his head and neck to pull him closer, deepening the kiss.
When he tried to pull away from your kiss, possibly to say something stupid or make some quip at how desperate you were being, you growled lowly before harshly biting his bottom lip. The sharp nip drew blood and got a disgruntled groan out of the taller male. His bicolored eyes leered down at you, taking it as a challenge and trying to bite into your tongue, albeit unsuccessfully. Instead, you bit his tongue, much gentler in comparison to the one you did on his lip.
His attempts made you pull away, a string of reddish-pink saliva connecting you two before breaking off. You licked the copper liquid from your lips, grinning up at him while he snarled down at you in return.
“What’s wrong, Floydy-boy, badger got your tongue?” You teased, tail wagging beneath you.
The eel huffed, but matched your smirk, lips pulling back to reveal more and more of his razor-sharp teeth in a show of challenge. A challenge you were willing to accept with just as much vigor, if not more so.
“No, but you’re about to have an eel have yours, Barracuda.”
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luvhaos · 1 year
skate and slip | kmg
pairing: kim mingyu x gn! reader genre: non-idol! au, established relationship, fluff, humor word count: 683 summary: in hindsight, maybe you and mingyu, the two clumsiest people in existence, shouldn’t have accepted the invitation to an ice skating outing.
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You swear that you weren’t this clumsy before you started dating Mingyu. You’re pretty sure it just rubbed off on you. You also swear that you never used to be this bad at ice skating but you guess it has been over a decade since your parents last took you to a rink.
Mingyu has your hand in a death grip as you two shuffle awkwardly along the edge of the rink, Mingyu shouting, “Show offs!” as Minghao and Joshua whiz by the two of you. It makes you personally feel a little better when you see Seungkwan trip and fall at the other end of the ice rink, earning laughs from you and Mingyu, but that satisfaction doesn’t last long.
Mingyu stumbles himself and, because of his vice hold on your hand, drags you down with him. “Ouch!” you yelp as you land on him and you huff playfully, “Jeez, Gyu, take us all down, why don’t you?”
Mingyu scoffs, “Oh, please, you would have fallen eventually.”
“Would not.”
“Would so.”
“Would not.”
“Would so!”
“You’re both equally bad,” Wonwoo says, skating over to you.
Mingyu glares at his best friend as you grip the wall of the rink, pulling yourself up. Wonwoo, despite his taunting, helps you haul Mingyu up as well. You hold onto the wall and Mingyu leans against it. You watch as Wonwoo skates away, studying the motion of his legs and his stance. You push yourself off the wall and tentatively move away, gliding at a snail’s pace but at least you’re not actively falling down.
As you move farther away, Mingyu whines, “Where are you going? Don’t leave me here!”
“I think I’m getting the hang of it, babe,” you say and you move a few more inches forward.
“Woohoo!” Seokmin cheers as he slides past you, just a tad faster than you. “Go, Y/n!”
“I thought we were a team!” Mingyu calls from behind you.
You sigh in faux sadness and glance over your shoulder. “Sometimes, we need to leave people behind to move forward.”
You laugh at your boyfriend’s overdramatic cry and Vernon shouts, “Cold, Y/n, cold!”
You nearly tumble down again but you catch the wall in time, keeping yourself upright as you watch Mingyu gradually move himself off it. “Watch out,” he warns you, “I’m coming to get you!”
Wonwoo, who had taken two laps around the rink, settles beside you and mutters, “I highly doubt that.”
Mingyu skates a mere four inches before falling again. You and Wonwoo exchange glances and you say, “I don’t know if I’ll make it back to him without falling and I kind of like my high ground right now.”
Wonwoo rolls his eyes good-naturedly and makes his way over to Mingyu on his own, once again helping him up. Mingyu pouts at you and you hold your arms out. “Come on, babe! You’ve got it!”
Mingyu clings to the wall as he shuffles towards you, one painstaking foot in front of the other. You’re barely managing to balance yourself waiting for him and as he draws closer to you, he makes a final push and flies towards you, crashing into you and sending you both down.
When the initial ache fades, you two stare at each before bursting into loud laughs. Mingyu leans down and kisses you, earning whoops and retching from your friends and you swear that Jihoon yells, “Get a room!”
The two of you struggle to your feet and you say, “I, sadly, don’t think we have careers in figure skating, Gyu.”
Mingyu hums in agreement, wrapping an arm around your waist and resting his head on top of yours. “I like where we’re at right now.”
“Wow,” Seungcheol says as he passes you two. “Way to make the rest of us feel single.”
“That’s right,” Mingyu says, puffing his chest out. “Be jealous of our love.” He pecks your temple and then your cheek and soon, he’s pressing sweet kisses all over your face, earning another round of cheering and gagging.
“I second Jihoon.” Chan says, “Get a room!”
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pixie-bby-airia · 2 years
Early Morning Moments
Summary ~ A little snapshot into the life of Eddie and his dealing on a lovely Saturday morning.
Warnings ~ mentions of Eddie smoking / hickies etc
She mumbled something in her sleep, shifting herself slightly under the covers of Eddies bedding. Eddie himself couldn’t help but smile at the angel currently laying in his bed.
‘My bed’ he thought to himself - barely believing what it was that he was seeing before him. She was one of the most prettiest girls in Hawkins - he could swear that on his life. And she was here sleeping so peacefully in her bed.
He forced himself to drag his eyes away from her, instead peering outside his bedroom window - blowing smoke from his cigarette outside, he didn’t wanna wake her with the smell of nicotine - even though she’d end up smelling / tasting on his death eventually.
A bit more shifting could be heard behind him and he moved his eyes to look over her again. This time she was facing him, eyes open slightly and a cheeky smile on her face. “Morning Eds” she practically whispered - voice soft but slightly scratchy from her slumber.
“Morning sunshine” he put out his cigarette and moved over to her sleepy body. “Feeling okay?” He always checked on her in the mornings - especially the ‘mornings after’. He didn’t fail to miss the several bruises forming along her neck - a few trailing down her collarbones, hidden by the large shirt of his that she was wearing for bed.
She nodded, “a little sore but happy none the less” she giggled, moving herself closer to Eddie as he sat on the edge of his mattress - she played with his hair for a moment before pressing a couple of kisses to his cheek. “What are we gonna do today?” Eddie shrugged in response, closing his eyes, revelling in the feeling of her hands in his curls.
“We should go have a picnic somewhere in the woods” her eyes widened in excitement at her idea. He nodded absentmindedly - truth be told he wasn’t paying attention to words at that moment, more focused on her massage.
“Whatever you want angelface” His blissed out smirk fell though and he opened his eyes as he no longer felt her presence on him. “Hey! Come back I was enjoying that!” He groaned, flopping down onto his mattress dramatically.
She giggled at his dramatics - “I’ll pamper you in a little bit okay? I just gotta get pretty for you first” she busied herself in the bathroom, cleaning her face with one of her many products she’d ended up stocking at his house. Even Wayne would be surprised by how full up the cabinets in the bathroom were - all with girly stuff - him and Eddie had a small corner of stuff, mostly consisting of a bit of body spray - a 3 in 1 body wash / hair wash and a few other odd bits and pieces, and don’t even get him started on eddies practically taken over closet / draws space.
“You always look pretty for me” he mumbled, smiling in her direction. He did a final stretch and yawned - looks like he had a picnic to get ready for.
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queerdiazs · 10 months
teaser tuesday <3
hiii i was tagged by @wikiangela, @giddyupbuck, and @jesuisici33 💖
once again please enjoy this little bit of eddie vs the hoa <3 i think i'll have chapter one of five-ish finished by tomorrow and britt's salivating in my messages over it, teehee
(it's not polished or anything and this isn't FINAL so just keep that in mind + eddie's so goddamn oblivious in this it's genuinely. hilarious.)
“Buck—” “You’re already seeing somebody else?”  “No, Buck. And I’m not in a hurry to, either.” He smiles and stands so they’re level with each other. Buck’s face is still pink, borderline red, and it makes his eyes impossibly more blue. “But I would like to, one of these days. I like being a boyfriend.” He draws in a deep breath and nudges Buck’s shoulder with his own. “So, eventually, I’d like to try again with somebody. Long term.”  Buck blinks. “Eventually.”  “Yeah, man. Eventually.” He grips Buck’s shoulder with his hand, ducking low so he can meet Buck’s eyes. “You okay?”  Because Buck gets like this sometimes, you know. Stuck in his side like there’s a storm raging behind his eyes, a hurricane or tornado or monsoon or all of it, all at once, and there’s nowhere for him to go for shelter. So he’s just there, rooted in his mind, and left to weather all of it by himself.  Well, fuck that. Buck’s got Eddie now and he doesn’t have to deal with that shit all alone anymore. Buck’s bullshit is Eddie’s bullshit, too, and he’s going to endure that storm with Buck right by his side because Buck would never, ever leave him out in the night by himself and Buck deserves that same devotion, as well.  Buck heaves a great, dramatic sigh and smiles crookedly. “Absolutely peachy,” he swears, tilting further into Eddie’s touch like a lumpy moon being pulled in too close to its planet, and then sways away just as messy and quick. “You, uh, better go before you’re late to meet with the realtor.”  “Shit.” Eddie looks at his watch again. “Shit.” He sighs, scrubbing a hand down his face. “Come over for dinner tonight? I’ll make tater tot casserole and we can have chocolate malts for dessert.” 
tagging @honestlydarkprincess, @housewifebuck, mi media naranja @eddiediaztho, @wildlife4life, @watchyourbuck, @diazblunt, @disasterbuckdiaz, @thewolvesof1998, @alyxmastershipper, @jeeyuns, @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy, and everybody else pls i wanna see everything when i wake up from my lil nap
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YES HELLO INFODUMP PLS AND THANK U I wish to know about reader design, and designs in general, and also all the other characters (very curious about u mentioning Gregory - how is the chaos gremlin gonna show up, I need to know)
Info dump pt.1
So I did mention that Gregory would be introduced and we do in fact have an early concept of him when the prologue and other chapters were fleshed out (by the way art isn’t mine!! It’s my co-writers !!)
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Here are two drawings of him! The one of the left is one “before he was trapped on island” and “After a while he was on the island” 2 years before reader to be exact which doesn’t really show much other than he’s a sneaky little bugger when reader encounters him. And oh boy is he a nuisance! Before the main plot begins Gregory was stranded after Eclipse attacked the ship he was on that he sneaked on to get away from the orphanage he lived in and pretty much was caught in the unfortunate event of Eclipse taking notice.
You could say Gregory was in a similar boat to the reader (I’m funny I swear-) and was saved somehow he survived drowning. Gregory eventually comes across Freddy and long story short he gets adopted by the giant grizzly (I’ll show size comparison soon !!) and becomes the local menace. Like, bro literally now thinks he’s invincible with Freddy by his side!? Mess with Monty and enter his territory? Freddy is there to quickly deescalate the territorial croc and remove Gregory as soon as he gets word, Greg is given a stern talking to for the nth time now. Oh what’s that? Gregory is provoking Roxy and Chica again? DAMMIT GREGORY WE DONT NEED MORE FIGHTS (context: Roxy and Chica aren’t on good terms early on due to competing for the same territory for the open plains)
All in all I think you can guess a few ways Gregory might make a first impression on the reader >:3
Okay moving onto Freddy!! The father bear himself! So I don’t remember all heights of the characters off by heart and the part where I discussed them is waaaaaayyyyyy back in a chat so until I get it I’m gonna try and estimate on what faint memory I have! Freddy is based of a brown grizzly and has a human like figure but mixed in with bear with lots of fur! His lightning marks and stripes have been turned into scars from an old conflict, of what? We don’t know since not even Gregory can pry it out from him….maybe it’s reluctance??
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Here is some of the concepts! I’ll show the size difference below separately!! But yeah I hope this helps get an idea of what he’s supposed to look like!! Freddy is also known to keep the peace’s between everyone (and to keep Gregory in check-). He’s a friendly fellow but…he wasn’t always so tame before…never mind!
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Freddy is basically the best to give out cuddles and a great napping partner, rivaled by DJ Music man though!
NOW I’m just gonna quickly move onto the MC themselves, Y/n!! OMG I AM SO EXCITED!! as you have probably seen in the prologue of EOTE (eyes of the eclipse. Shorter title) then you know that reader is German in WWII but!! They aren’t exactly one to see eye to eye with the views on Jews and so they vowed to help any Jew they could escape the county and basically be a human smuggler for Jews! The design I showed where reader is in a trench coat actually is what they use to get around, find sources of where Jews are being transported etc. basically just a disguise out of their Dad’s cloths. Reader also worked in a factory like some people did wearing overalls since both men and woman wore them during the mid 1930’s! (Same can also be said for Gregory’s clothes but for the early 30’s)
Headcannon: since Y/n and Gregory are both from Germany and speak both English and German, they like to confuse the others on the island on purpose by suddenly switching languages mid conversation! They also say curses in German either as a reflex or accident if it makes sense
I just find my own little HC funny hehe.
Next up we have Roxy!!! She actually is one character I remember the height for exactly and the reason I can remember Eclipse’s as well lol. She’s actually an astounding 7’3 when on her hind legs. The reason for her very tall height is because she is based off one of these:
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RED MAINED WOLVES BABY!!! this also makes sense as to why she’s alone and doesn’t want to have a pack as well as wanting to have the plains for herself as she feels more in her element in taller grass! He legs and paws also have that same gradient of black fur going on as well as her having a puffy mane and fur. I also may or may not have said she is able to run top speed when she runs on all fours thus being a good way to scare reader :p
Like I mentioned she is able to walk and run on all 4’s just like she can on two legs but she prefers going on all 4’s though. Makes her hunts more easier and keep that pesky bird out her DAMMN Territory!! >:/
Only have 1 rough sketch of her so far since reader is yet to encounter Roxy or anyone else haha but here take in the tall maned beauty in all her glory! :D
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Her more early concepts. Might have more added to her soon though 👀 (shhh!)
She isn’t one for being all that social and is Gregory’s #2 target whenever he feels like causing issues and risking his life. She also sometimes accidentally stumbles across Chico’s territory a few times which leads to a few scuffles and chase outs between the two so no one’s really surprised, Freddy manages to stop them before things get rough tho!!
Okay I have some juice left to dump about 1 more character before I pass out! ITS DJMM!!!! AHHHH so, so…He is a HUGE Drider that lives in a cave deep in the forest of the island. I have a few sketches but I can’t find them at the moment but in my next info dump I’ll be sure to get them! So basically he gives the vibe a jumping spider would: Harmless and sweet! Which is true when he’s Docile and unthreatened but when that changes he can show off his huge venomous fangs that can paralyze and even be lethal depending on dosage. Did I mention he also has soft fuzz on his boddy but not entirely covering his carapace? No? Oh well yeah he does but that also plays part in his threatening stance! He has the ability to shoot out barbed hairs out just like a tarantula (I physically shivered when I typed that, ugh!) but also be wary for his webs! Not only are his fangs and fluff a problem but also his webs! They have the consistency of a Golden ord weaver: strong and resilient but also soft and silky so if you’re caught, you’re trapped there for good!
Another small detail I wanna mention is the mini Music man’s in the SB game that chase you through the vents have basically become a cluster of mini driders (perhaps some young MM adopted ??) and so he is basically a protective father over all of them so anything coming their way is a threat on sight! You enter the cave without him knowing and your done for pal, game over!! >•<. Also, Also MM doesn’t speak verbally but he does communicate through chirps and other vocal sounds he’s able to make like clicks as well!! (He’s so sweet!!)
Okay that’s part 1 of this info dump done but I got more coming this way!! I got Monty, Chica, Sun, Moon and Eclipse to do next!!
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vampsquerade · 2 years
Could you bless me with a fluffy fic where Doc has to comfort the reader because they have a strong dislike for needles?
When I read your fics, my skin clears up and my vision improves. I swear.
YES U CAN ANON OMG!! i used to have a fear of needles but eventually got over this once i got tattoos and overcame my fear of them, so i would love to write something like this!! thank you so much for your request and patience ^-^ (also can you tell i frequently had to have blood drawn bc i always had problems in my system that doctors couldn’t really explain at some point, sorry for getting graphic)
Doc x GN!Reader: Quick Pinch
Trigger Warnings: Trypanophobia (intense fear of needles), mentions of past physical violence, graphic descriptions of blood withdrawal (in a medical sense), comfort/hurt, monthly check ups
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Walking into the infirmary for your monthly check up with Gustave, you begin to feel a bit nervous. You never did well during these whenever Olivier would be the one doing this, having to actually be held down once it came to the blood tests that were required, because you had a deep disdain for needles. As a child, all you would do was scream and cry the second your doctors would tell you it was time for a blood test. But as an adult? Well…let’s just say you were black listed from a few clinics because of the use of your hands in a not so nice manner the moment you saw a needle. Even when you enlisted and had to do your check ups on base, you became so physical you were held down.
Your response to your trypanophobia was a hell of a thing.
Looking around, you don’t see Gustave anywhere, and get yourself ready to high tail it out of there. You turn around and begin to walk back towards the door as quickly as possible, but to your dismay, you wouldn’t get away so easily. “Ah, Y/N, you’ve finally arrived. Come with me, s’il te plait.” he said. Your body froze, blood running cold as you hesitated to turn around and look at him. “I promise we’ll get through the blood draw as quickly as possible and finish up so you can continue going about your day,” he said in a gentle tone. You sigh shakily, turning to face him now. There was a sweet, warm smile on his face, and you began to feel a little relaxed.
Feeling your limbs starting to unfreeze themselves, you begin walking towards Gustave slowly. You felt like a terrified animal, eyes fixated on him as you slowly stalked towards him. His soft expression remained unchanged, patiently waiting for you to come closer so the check up could begin. And once you were close enough to Gustave, he carefully extended a hand to you and waited for you to grab it. And you do, allowing him to lead you to the area you usually went to to change into the gown necessary to perform the check up. “I know Olivier usually tends to do the blood draw somewhere in between the check up, but I’ll be sure to do it right at the end just for you. Go ahead and change, I’ll give you a moment to prepare.” Gustave said before walking away.
You nod and begin to undress yourself, leaving yourself in only your underwear underneath the gown. “Alright Gustave, I’m ready…” you say. Gustave then steps back to you before leading you into a more secluded room that was just behind you, one you assumed he normally took everyone else to do their check ups. It was a well decorated room, and the atmosphere helped you feel much calmer than you were earlier. Gustave had you sit up on the table that was there and proceeded to do the standard check of your heartbeat, blood pressure. You knew a breast and pelvic examination was supposed to be up next, but Gustave seemingly stopped and looked at you with a serious expression. “What is it?” you ask a bit nervously. “Do I have your consent to conduct the next portion of the check up? It’s my job as a professional to ask you about it.” he said.
You fluster, looking away from him before giving him a nod. “Do what you gotta do.” you say. “Merci. I promise I’ll be quick. Lift your left arm above your head for me.” he said. You did as you were told, keeping your eyes away from him as he conducted both examinations as quickly as possible. You knew Gustave was just trying to get it over with so he didn’t make you nervous again. He then measured your weight and height before leaving the room. You sit back up and sigh, hands gripping the edge of the examination table. It was time for the blood draw so he could test it, and you could feel your anxiety beginning to spike through the roof. “I’ll never understand why I’ve always been so afraid of those stupid things…the moment I’m in my death bed, I refuse to have anything piercing my skin. If I’m dying, just let me die.” you say to yourself, scowling.
After a bit, Gustave came inside with your clothes, “Go ahead and get dressed now, I need to make sure everything I need is sterile. I’ll be sure to help keep you calm in any way I can that, hopefully, doesn’t resort to anything physical.” he said. You nod and shakily take your clothes from Gustave and he exits the room. You get dressed, feeling that aggression combined with your anxiety getting worse and worse as you pace the room, waiting for him to come back and take you to your doom. Soon enough, he came back inside, “Follow me Y/N.” Gustave said, holding the door open for you so you could walk out. Stepping out of the room, Gustave then turns off the light before taking you towards the area where blood is drawn and tested. “Take a seat for me. I’ll sit right next to you so you could squeeze my hand as I perform the draw.” he said, gesturing towards the chair.
You stare at him for a moment, before suddenly, your dominant arm moves on its own and your fist makes its way right towards his face at a rapid speed. Gustave’s reflexes were surprisingly fast however, and he quickly grabbed your fist and stopped it before it could come into contact with his nose. Your eyes widen and you quickly pull your hand away, turning around and refusing to look at him. “I…I’m so sorry…it’s just-” you begin, only to be cut off by Gustave, turning you around by gripping both your shoulders. “There’s no need to apologize. I’m well aware of your Trypanophobia and how you respond to it even at the thought of a needle. I promise you it’ll be a quick pinch, but you need to promise me that you’ll keep yourself as still as possible. I don’t want to hurt you, or hold you down the way Olivier and several other nurses and operators have to.” he said reassuringly.
Scanning his expression to find any sign of a lie, albeit a bit stupid to consider Gustave would even lie to you in the first place, you can see he’s telling the truth. Gustave’s a humanitarian through and through; in both the field, and with his colleagues. You feel tears welling up in your eyes, and Gustave simply brings you in for a warm embrace. He was gentle and patient as always, waiting for you to let it all out before he began. The tears welling in your eyes finally spill out, and you’re letting out soft sobs as you shake like a leaf in your arms. Gustave gently rubbed your back, softly reassuring you that he’ll be as quick as possible and that he won’t hurt you.
A good 10 minutes pass, and you’ve eventually stopped crying. You pull away from Gustave, wiping your eyes with your hand and sniffling constantly. “Would you like for me to get you some tissues before we continue?” he asked. “Please…” you mumble, still wiping your eyes. Gustave nods, walking towards the counter and grabbing tissues from a tissue box before handing them over to you. You take them from him and wipe your nose, tossing the tissues into a nearby waste bin. Gustave leads you to a nearby sink and washes your hands, drying them off with a towel before taking off his gloves and washing his own now. He was meticulous and passionate about his work, you could tell just by the way he was cleansing and replacing his gloves simply for having washed your hands.
It was admirable, and you found Gustave to be a good and well-respectable friend. “Thank you for understanding, Gustave…” you say softly. “It’s no problem, mon ami. Do you promise to be as still as possible?” Gustave asked. “Yeah, I promise…” you say. You then take your seat, resting your arm on the sterile cushion. He then rolls up your sleeve, tying the surgical rubber band around the top of your arm tightly. You shut your eyes tightly once you feel Gustave disinfecting the bend of your elbow so he could insert the needle. He taps around the area before finding the right spot, “Ball your fist tightly and don’t move after.” he commands.
Doing as you’re told, you also turn your head to the side to avoid possibly seeing the needle if you decided to open your eyes. The cold steel of the needle enters you and you stiffen, breathing heavily. Gustave then carefully reached down for your other hand and held it, with you squeezing tightly. Once he saw that the little bottle was filled, Gustave quickly took the needle out of you and applied a dry cotton swab, lifting your arm before taking off the rubber band so he could stop the bleeding. “Keep your arm like that before I get a bandage roll.” he commanded quickly. You keep your arm in the position it’s in, and see that he took the needle and threw it away. The vial of blood was also gone, and you sighed softly knowing you didn’t have to see either of the two.
Gustave soon came back with a white bandage roll, tying it around your needle prick before having you relax your arm. “You did amazing right there. I’m so very proud of you for managing to remain calm throughout that.” he praised. Smiling sheepishly at him, you simply sigh deeply and relax your shoulders. “Utterly fucking terrifying. Thank you for your patience with me, Gustave.” you praise. “Anything to help a colleague,” he said, giving you a warm smile. You shake his hand firmly, and Gustave pulls you into another embrace. He kisses both your cheeks before letting you go, “I’ll give you a call to my office if there’s anything amiss in your blood so we can examine it. À bientôt, Y/N.” he said. “See you next time, Gustave.” you say, gently caressing his face before walking out of the infirmary.
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teapartycannon · 2 years
Aoi is my favorite Survive character and the Wrathful Route broke my heart, so naturally I had to cope with an AU. Spoilers below:
“What if Aoi survived to see the Wrathful epilogue?”
In a hypothetical “Aoi Lives” AU, probably her only chance would be not encountering Piedmon in the first place, since Plutomon proved to be pretty irredeemable in the sense that she couldn’t be swayed from her path. But the Wrathful epilogue wouldn’t exist without Plutomon’s actions, so let’s assume she somehow didn’t die following the final battle. Some headcanons:
Post-Wrathful Aoi is still in her biomerged state. After the final battle in Wrathful, Aoi returns to human form, but Labramon doesn’t reappear, and when she dies, she disappears into light just like the Kemonogami do. Her human form is a low-power state, akin to a rookie stage, but strong enough emotions can release her powers or even cause her to take Plutomon’s form again.
Aoi is plagued by guilt for her actions as Plutomon, recognizing that she would have killed everyone in her madness. But she also remembers how self-assured and powerful she felt as Plutomon, and a not-small part of her misses that. She doesn’t think she can ever tell Takuma and the others this, however; it would break their hearts.
All of the surviving kids are happy that Aoi is alive, but their interactions with her are more mixed. Miu and Minoru would rather forget about all the nasty stuff with Plutomon and just hang out as friends. Takuma wants that as well, but also feels the weight of trying to be a leader as society falls into chaos from the worlds merging. He encourages Aoi to help in their Kemonogami-related activism, perhaps more than is good for her mental health. Kaito is the most outwardly strained with her, feeling guilty for being the first to jump to mercy killing as a solution. He becomes overprotective, and would rather her stay out of their Kemonogami vigilantism and focus on healing instead.
Without a partner of her own, Aoi mostly helps out the survivors by doing housework, running logistics, and taking care of the kids that the others bring into their hideout. As things get worse, her lack of a partner also lets her go out in public without drawing ire from people who recognize her. She takes on more work than is healthy out of a misguided need to make up for causing the world to become like this in the first place.
Aoi’s soul remains fused with Labramon, the Master, and all the souls he absorbed. Sometimes she can still sense them, most often in her dreams. Most Kemonogami also sense this and run away in fear, instinctively seeing it as unnatural, and even the partner Kemonogami are nervous at first. The only exceptions are ghost Kemonogami, who recognize her as Plutomon and call her their King (thanks to thaisibir for this headcanon!)
At some point, a Ghostmon takes a liking to Aoi and follows her everywhere, staying invisible most of the time. Aoi knows she’s there and finds it creepy, but allows it because Ghostmon is otherwise timid and harmless. She gets very upset when people mistake Ghostmon for her partner Kemonogami, however.
Aoi’s house eventually becomes a hangout spot for Ghostmon and her Bakemon friends. Her father finds this funny. Her mother does not.
Ghostmon sometimes encourages Aoi to use her power for the good of the Kemonogami suffering at the hands of humans. While resistant at first, her feelings grow more conflicted as the tensions between the two races worsen.
Aoi still thinks about Saki a lot. She sees her in her dreams and sometimes hears her voice encouraging her; she’s not sure whether that’s actually Saki or just her subconscious mimicking her. But at her lowest moments, she thinks maybe she survived as punishment for failing to keep Saki safe.
…I swear there’s a happy ending here, but I’m also writing a fic to explore the idea further. Maybe I’ll post more of these as they come to me.
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Kanghyun (Onewe) | Sharing a blanket fluff | 0.5k
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The first time you noticed, you didn’t pay it much mind. The second time, you brushed it off. Honestly, it must’ve happened more times than you noticed, but you were too absorbed in your novel to care about something as insignificant as a blanket. Or at least it seemed insignificant, until you’ve begun to feel how chilly the room was without anything covering your almost bare legs. Absent-mindedly, you tugged at the fabric to cover yourself but without any success.
“Babe, stop hogging the blanket,” you whined, a little annoyed that you had to stop reading, but you weren’t focused on the story anyway since the cold was distracting.
“I’m not, what do you mean?” Kanghyun objected without taking his eyes off his own book. You looked at him and found that he was right - you just shifted too far away from him and the blanket was too short to cover you. It was a little strange, you’d swear you haven’t moved an inch since sitting down, but whatever, you just scooted closer to your boyfriend and continued reading in peace, finally warm.
However, some time has passed and you felt the cool air on your skin again. You looked down from your book only to find that the blanket has once again left you exposed. Now, you were sure you haven’t moved in the slightest, especially as you still sat quite close to Kanghyun. Something suspicious was going on, but you weren’t sure what so you decided to act like you’re still reading and monitor the situation.
What you eventually saw almost made you burst into laughter. The blanket was slowly but surely crawling away from you as your boyfriend sneakily kept pulling it off you and stuffing it between himself and the armrest of the couch. Guessing his intentions, you wordlessly, but with a bright smile, snuggled close to him and under the blanket. That seemed to do the trick as you didn’t have any more trouble staying covered after that.
Eventually, it began getting late so you decided to end your reading session. You always looked forward to it if you were honest, since you always discussed what each of you read and your theories and impressions. Today’s discussion, too, was productive and left you in an amazing mood.
“Oh, and one more thing,” you spoke up after a beat of silence, drawing Kanghyun’s attention back to you, “You’re very cute.” You leaned forward and kissed his cheek, nuzzling against his skin.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said nonchalantly, although the tips of his ears turned just a little pinkish.
“Oh really? Strange, next time I’ll have to just bring my own blanket then,” you wondered aloud, chuckling at the offended look he gave you. Hugging his waist, you rested your chin on his shoulder. “You can just tell me to come closer, you know? Or cuddle up to me yourself.”
“But I like it more when you do it,” he murmured back, making you giggle.
“Or maybe you’re just too used to Yonghoon clinging to you?” you teased, earning a scoff and a light smack to your knee.
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insanit3a · 2 years
unlicensed demolition
i swear i have other ocs i just really like writing these two 😭
Pov: your tiny friend is trying to ignore you, so you find another way to get her attention :D
it was supposed to be 300 smth but it's actually 747 oopsie poopsie
Concentrating had always come easy to her—she needed a good amount of focus to capture every detail of an object or to ensure her landscape drawings were accurate. It would be much easier to concentrate, though, if the giant outside her window left her alone.
“Kai, I already promised to go get them with you, and the sale ends hours from now. Could you please do something else and let me read in peace?”
She didn’t need to see him to know he was pouting.
“But Bijouuu~!” the cat-shifter whined, “I get oh so lonely without you. Besides, I haven’t seen you all day! How am I to know if you’re okay or not?”
Bijou huffed. He tended to get like this after they were separated for too long on his free days. It was a stark contrast to Polaris, who popped in every once in a while to see if she needed anything before returning to work.
“Stop being so dramatic. I’m talking to you, aren’t I?” She sighed, walking over to the window and opening it to look up at him. “I’ll fry you some fish later!”
The artist watched Kuiper’s icy-blue hues widen for a moment, then glance off to the side as he tilted his head.
“A tempting offer, really. But I’d give up all the fish in the world to spend time with you~! Maybe.”
“Look. I’d love to go right now, but I’d also love to finish this chapter. Just let me read, and I’ll let you know when I’m done.”
She closed the window before he got the chance to answer. Bijou ignored the tapping on the glass and the muffled sounds of Kuiper calling her name, trying to drown herself in her book. He’d leave once he realized she wasn’t coming back out. She was sure of it.
Eventually, the noises stopped. It was eerily peaceful for someone so playful and energetic, but Bijou tried to dismiss the bad feeling in her stomach as something she ate.
As she finally started to unwind and get back into the story, a sudden rumbling came from outside. Living with giants, she’d gotten used to random tremors in the ground, though it still made her uneasy.
The shaking continued to worsen—loud and distracting to the point where focusing on the pages became impossible. Things began falling off her dresser and onto the floor; she could tell it was coming from somewhere above her, but couldn’t pinpoint what it was. She knew it had to be Kuiper, though. Despite being the same size, Polaris moved quickly and quietly.
Bijou noticed the room getting brighter. It was pouring in from above, but she didn’t have a skylight, so what else could it have possibly been..?
She looked up, anxiously dreading what she would see, and let out a startled gasp.
“I keep forgetting how tiny and adorable you are~! I should do this more often~”
There was a huge hole in the ceiling. The face of her equally huge friend replaced where the roof was supposed to be. She kept silent, glaring up at him with anger and bewilderment in her eyes. Just what was he?
It didn’t make sense. He could be super scary one second, then super sweet the next. Kuiper was a good person, she knew, but there was always a sense of doubt in the back of her head. With the sheer difference in height between them, anything could happen. Besides, one day his joking may not be a joke anymore.
“Aww… What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”
At that moment, Bijou felt all her pent-up feelings explode out of her mouth.
“Why are you always like this? I don’t wanna be afraid of you, but how can I not be?!”
She looked down at her feet, muttering a few more words under her breath.
“You really are a monster, aren’t you?”
Soft giggles came from the giant. Shifting her gaze to him and seeing the disheartened smile on his face made her realize the weight of what she said.
“I suppose I am.”
His face disappeared; Bijou heard a thud, followed by the ground quaking.
“Kai? Kuiper, wait!”
The artist rushed out of her room and nearly tripped down the stairs as she tried to catch him. She threw the front door open, though was only met with disappointment.
All that was left of him was a white tail, going around the corner and then out of sight.
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natsfirecat · 3 years
Bring You Back
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem reader
summary: r and nat have happily been together for over a year, until everything comes crashing down. now, nat and the avengers will stop at nothing to get back the r they know
genre: angst w happy ending
word count: 10k
warnings: swearing, cheating, mind control/brainwashing, setting things on fire, Supergirl references, two sentences that could potentially be interpreted as implied smut but that wasn’t my intention, lmk if i need to add any more
A/N: this is set in the same universe as Operation Fire Widow but you don’t need to read that to understand this!
also this is kinda proofread, and by that i mean it’s 2am and i read over it but i’m tired and not thinking straight so the proofread doesn’t really count
”I swear, if you two don’t get married then I won’t believe in love anymore,” Carol said as she sat down on the chair across from you and Natasha.
You smiled as you felt your girlfriend’s arms around you tighten.
Carol couldn’t help but smile proudly at the two of you. 
You had been together for a little over a year, but you had been crushing on her for months beforehand. Carol, being one of your best friends, had been part of the big plan created to get the two of you together. Things didn’t end up going as planned, but of course it all worked out in the end. 
“Does anyone want a blanket before it starts?” Wanda asked as she entered the living room.
Carol and Peter both nodded at her, but Natasha simply shook her head.
“I have my blanket right here,” she whispered into your ear.
You grinned, then closed your eyes. You purposely used your pyrokinesis to heat yourself up to just the right temperature so your girlfriend could be warm. 
She leaned forward, planting a gentle kiss on your neck, causing you to giggle. 
In the past year that you were together, Natasha evidently found out about your love for Supergirl.
It took some convincing, but eventually you were able to get her to binge watch the show with you so she could catch up to the live episodes.
“Y’know, you’re kinda like Kara if you think about it,” Natasha had told you. “You’re a happy little ray of sunshine, but you can also be a powerful badass when you want to,”
You smiled at her, giving her a quick kiss.
“I think you’re like Lena,” you replied, smiling at her. “You don’t have powers, but you’re still a badass and the team would basically be lost without you. You’re also super smart, and not to mention the fact that you both have gorgeous green eyes. Plus, you and Lena both act like you’re all dark and scary, but deep down you’re a softie,”
She rolled her eyes at the last sentence, prompting you to giggle before kissing her once again.
“So if I’m Kara and you’re Lena, then that means that you have reason to ship Supercorp now!”
“I already ship them, detka.” She told you, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Lena clearly makes her smile a lot more than Mon-El ever did. I wish he never came back in the first place, but Lena did right by making the device that required him to leave Earth,”
“I’m so proud of you.”
Now, Natasha had caught up so she could watch the episodes live with you Carol, Wanda, and Peter. 
The current season wasn’t great, but you had been watching it since the pilot of the show first aired and you certainly weren’t going to stop now.
“Damn it,” you heard Natasha whisper as William appeared on the screen. “I don’t want to see him,”
You smiled, then placed your hands over hers, which were currently resting on your lower stomach. 
“He’s just taking up screen-time that should be going to Nia, or Alex or Kelly,” she said to you.
You nodded in agreement, softly rubbing your thumb over her knuckles.
You leaned back father into her, allowing her to place a few kisses on your head. 
“I love you, Natty,” you said softly, looking up at her. 
“I love you too,” she whispered back, unable to stop the smile on her face.
“Hey, lovebirds!” Carol said, pausing the show. “Do your little sappy couple stuff later, we’re about to get a Supercorp moment,”
You breathed out a chuckle, then turned your attention back to the screen.
After the episode ended, Natasha insisted on carrying you back to your shared bedroom because of how tired you were.
You nodded, allowing her to effortlessly pick you up and take you upstairs to bed. 
Luckily, you had decided to wear your pajamas before going down for Supergirl, so you didn’t have to change now that you were as tired as you were.
She gently set you down on the bed, climbing next to you as soon as she changed into her own pajamas.
Her arms had become your home at this point. You scooted yourself closer to her, placing your head underneath her chin as you wrapped your arms around her. 
A yawn escaped your mouth as you began to entangle your legs with hers.
“Natty?” You asked her, not quite ready to fall asleep yet. She nodded for you to continue. “When do you think Bucky’s gonna ask Steve out? I can tell he likes him. Maybe we should do something for him like my friends did with me last year,”
Her breath had hitched the moment you mentioned Bucky’s name.
“What?” You asked her, eyes opening wider now. 
“I don’t think Bucky likes Steve,” she said. Not in her soft voice she normally used with you. But with her voice she used with everyone else.
“What makes you say that?” You asked, your smile faltering a bit. 
“He just doesn’t,”
“And how would you know that?”
“Don’t worry about it, let’s just go to sleep.”
You backed away from her, raising yourself up so you were on your elbows now.
“Why are you being so defensive?”
“I’m not!”
“You are,”
“Y/N I told you, don’t worry about it!”
Her eyes had widened, and she almost looked afraid. And that made you afraid.
“Natty, what’s going on?”
She said nothing, but broke her eye contact.
“Natasha,” you said, your own tone changing a bit too. It wasn’t your happy, cheerful tone you had most of the time. It was the tone you used while on the battlefield, or during interrogations. “Tell me what’s going on right now.”
“I can’t,” she said at almost a whisper. Tears formed in her eyes, threatening to fall down.
“Tell me, or I’ll ask Bucky myself,”
“No, don’t!” She begged. “Please don’t! It didn’t mean anything! You’re the one I love!”
Your heart fell, as she practically confirmed your fear.
You were wide awake now. 
“No,” you got out. “No it’s not true,”
You pulled yourself out of her grasp and got out of the bed. You sped-walked down to the end of the hall, Natasha following after you.
Your fists were balled so tightly, you were sure your nails would leave a mark; they were almost drawing blood.
You had to take a deep breath before knocking on his door, you didn’t want to set it on fire.
“Yeah?” He asked, opening it. His smile fell as soon as he saw Natasha’s tear-struck face.
“What did you guys do?” You asked shakily, looking between them.
“You told her?!” Bucky said angrily. 
“No, no, no, no, no,” you said softly, your stomach already twisting. “It’s true?”
“I promise it didn’t mean anything,” Natasha cried desperately. She pulled your arm back, flinching at the heat radiating off of it, but she didn’t let go. “It was only once, we just had a bit too much to drink, and-”
You pulled your arm out of her grasp, already feeling the tears falling down your cheeks.
“Two weeks ago,” Bucky answered, earning a glare from Natasha.
“Y/N, baby, please,” she said as she reached out for you again. “I love you, and I want you,”
You couldn’t even look at her.
Without another word, you made your way back to your bedroom. Not the one you shared with Natasha, but the one you had before you and her got together. 
At this point you began to hyperventilate. You could hear the banging coming from the other side of your door, but you weren’t going to open it. 
You lay facing down on your bed, letting the sobs escape as your breathing only got faster.
Before you knew it, the pillow you were clinging onto had completely caught on fire. 
“Shit,” you said, shaking it to try to get rid of it. 
Unfortunately, your grip on it only made it worse. So you tossed it onto the bed.
Bad idea.
Now the entire bed was on fire. 
“Oh, fuck it!” 
Luckily, Tony had used his nanotech to upgrade all of your suits. So with a tap to your watch, your fireproof superhero suit began to appear. 
If you could smother the flames with something that wouldn’t catch on fire, maybe it could work.
It did not.
The fire alarm was now going off. 
“Fuck, shit, fuck,” you muttered.
You closed your eyes, holding your hand out to attempt to use your powers to put the flames out, but it didn’t work. You could still hardly breathe, and your vision was still blurry with tears.
Finally, you fell to your knees, letting out a scream that carried so many emotions. 
When you opened your eyes, the flames were gone. Your hands were shaking, your chest was burning, and the fire alarm was still going off, but the flames were gone. 
You let out a shaky sigh.
You stood up, ready to open the door, but you stopped yourself right before you grabbed the handle.
You couldn’t be here anymore. You wouldn’t. Not after what she did to you. 
You figured you’d call one of your childhood friends, and stay with her for a bit. You two had always had one another’s backs, so you didn’t doubt that she’d help you.
You made your way back to the door, silently praying that no one would still be waiting. 
You wish had half-come true. Natasha wasn’t right outside your door anymore, but she was down the hall heading toward you. It looked like she was carrying something to open your door, since she wouldn’t have been able to do it herself with the material it was.
You quickly broke eye contact with her, then dashed down the other end of the hall. You heard her footsteps, but you didn’t stop running. 
“Y/N, please!” She called, finally catching up to you as you stood outside yours and her bedroom door.
“Get away from me,” you choked out. 
You just needed to grab your phone so you could call your friend. You needed your phone so you could get away from the person who had caused you all the pain you were feeling.
You opened the door, wasting no time in finding your phone right where you left it on the nightstand. 
Unfortunately, your eyes met hers as you turned back around.
“Please, let’s just talk about this! Y/N, I love you!”
“I wish I believed that.”
You brushed past her, leaving her stunned. 
You couldn’t face anyone right now. Once you got to your friend’s place, you’d text your other friends and let them know that you were safe. 
But for now, you exited the building without another word. 
You were thankful for your fire powers at this moment. You could see your breath in front of you, so you knew it had to be cold for anyone without pyrokinesis.
Once you got far enough away from the compound (you knew you were far enough when you could no longer hear the fire truck that had automatically been sent over by F.R.I.D.A.Y.) you pulled your phone out, and scrolled through your contacts until you found your friend.
You clicked the call button, holding the phone up to your ear.
“Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up...”
The phone rang a few more times as you waited for her, but you never found out if she actually picked up or not; as you suddenly lost consciousness at the feeling of a blow to your head. 
Part of you tried to fight whatever was happening to you, hearing the voices as your body was dragged around. But the other part of you thought about what Natasha had done to you. That part didn’t fight.
And that part won.
6 months later
”We have intel on a HYDRA base formed near here, responsible for multiple civilian casualties and experimentation,” Steve told everyone. 
Natasha had been staring at the empty seat at the table, once filled with your presence. 
“Nat,” Steve said to her, sighing.
“What?” She asked, being brought back to reality.
“Look, Nat,” he said softly. “We need you for this. We need the whole team.”
She said nothing, but nodded at him. 
She had to restrain herself from shifting her gaze back to your empty chair. She also had to restrain herself from looking at anyone but Steve to avoid everyone else’s lingering glares.
Most missions didn’t need the whole team, but because no one had been to this base before, they didn’t know what to expect. Because of that, it was better to be prepared and have the whole team rather than risking a few people for what could be too much for them.
The base was only about 30 minutes on the Quinjet, so definitely within somewhat close proximity. 
Steve sent Wanda and Natasha down first. 
Neither of them said anything to each other. Wanda had hardly said two words to her at all since you left. She missed you, and she blamed her for your leaving. 
Tony and Carol followed close behind. 
Natasha held her gun at her side, holding it up at every corner they passed. 
Of course, she wasn’t really thinking about this mission, or about HYDRA.
She was thinking about you.
She was thinking about how you would go out of your way to hold her hand while she was nervous on missions. She didn’t get nervous until you.
Before you, she never really felt that she had a reason to be nervous.
But once she was with you, she would always get scared that she wouldn’t make it back to you, or you wouldn’t make it back to her. 
Even after you left, her nerves didn’t go away. 
With her powers, Wanda could sense Natasha’s anxiety. She was pretty good at hiding it, but her thoughts were loud enough for Wanda to tell otherwise. 
They rounded the next corner, making their way into a room filled with computers. 
“We’re in,” Wanda said through her earpiece. 
Natasha made her way to one of the computers, and began to type away to get what they needed.
If she hadn’t been the cause for you leaving, Wanda, along with the team in general, would actually feel bad for the assassin. She hardly went on missions anymore, unless they absolutely needed her. 
She could hide her emotions when people looked her straight in the face, but they all knew that she had been miserable since you had left.
Before you, she didn’t smile very often. When she did, it was usually just a small grin. But once she was with you, she couldn’t help but smile almost all the time around you. She wouldn’t hesitate to fully smile with you, especially when you were always smiling at her.
“Oh my god, Natasha,” Wanda said, letting out a long, frustrated sigh. “For just one second, could you stop thinking about…”
Natasha perked up when she noticed that Wanda didn’t finish her sentence.
She turned around to see what she was looking at, causing her jaw to drop instantly.
“Let go of me!”
“No! I don’t belong here!”
“What did you do to me? Why can’t I use my powers?”
“Get away from me!”
Your cries echoed through everyone’s ears as you were restrained in a small cell.
Your plan was to burn the two redheads before they could get HYDRA’s important files, but they had failed to inform you that one of them had powers too. Except her powers allowed her to constrict you in mid-air as you fought against her. 
She eventually put you into some sort of trance, so you wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone. 
You weren’t sure why everyone was looking at you the way they did, but you figured it had something to do with them being Avengers.
In your months as a HYDRA agent, they always warned you of the Avengers. They said they couldn’t let you get anywhere near them. 
You weren’t sure why, I mean, you could literally control fire with your mind. Had you been paired against anyone other than the redheaded witch, you would’ve easily won. 
“Y/N,” came the voice of Captain America.
“That’s not my name. I don’t know who Y/N is,” you replied, sending him a harsh glare.
“Y/N, we know this isn’t you. We’re going to do everything in our power to get you back,”
You scoffed,
“This is who I am. Why don’t you just kill me and get it over with? Especially since you haven’t even given me the liberty to be able to defend myself, by taking my powers,”
He sighed,
“We’re not going to kill you. Tony designed this cell to counteract abilities like yours. It’s not doing any damage to you, but you won’t be able to use them. We can’t allow you to have your powers while you’re like this,”
“Then just fucking kill me!”
He sighed again. 
“I’m going to leave you in here for the night, but we’ll be back tomorrow,”
He waved goodbye, and even gave you a small smile.
You weren’t sure why he did it, but you only glared back.
“I can’t do it, Clint,” Natasha said, pacing around in circles.
Clint was the only one who didn’t completely shun her and shut her out after finding out what happened. Part of him wanted to, but he knew she needed somebody. Even if it was just one person. And if that one person had to be him, then so be it.
“You don’t have to do it now, especially since she’s not… the Y/N we know. But you can’t avoid her forever.”
“She left me. For all we knew, she could’ve been dead. She made no contact, she clearly didn’t want us to find her. I thought…. I thought she was gone forever. But now HYDRA has her, and it’s my fault.”
“Nat, you can’t blame yourself for this. Her abilities are unique, so it’s not surprising that they would target her like this,”
“It is my fault. If I hadn’t… done what I did, if I hadn’t been so fucking stupid, she wouldn’t have ran off like that. She wouldn’t have been taken.”
“You’re right, you were fucking stupid. But you didn’t cause HYDRA to take her and mess with her mind. That’s on them, not you,”
She shifted her gaze to the floor as tears began to form in her eyes.
“I’ve missed her so much, Clint,” she said, her voice breaking. “I wish I could take it all back. I wish it never happened. I wish I could just hold her in my arms and never let go,”
He took a step closer to her, then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close as she began to sob. 
Just then, Steve began to make his way back, passing the kitchen.
“Anything?” Clint asked as he walked by, still holding Natasha close as she continued to cry.
Steve gave a solemn look, then shook his head no.
When he saw the way Natasha was crying, he felt a pang of sympathy for her. Yes, she had broken the heart of one of the nicest, and overall universally liked person, but he couldn’t help but want to comfort her in this moment. She was once his friend too.
Instead, he continued to the meeting room to consult the rest of the team and inform them of your state.
Steve kept his promise about returning. He was only there for a few minutes before Tony Stark stood in front of your cell. 
He looked like he was about to throw up.
“So,” he began, stepping forward. “Do you know why you’re here, any of this look familiar to you?”
“God, for someone who’s supposed to be a genius, you’re really fucking stupid,”
“Look, whatever HYDRA’s told you isn’t true. They’re filling your head with lies. Both literally and figuratively.”
“Sure they are,”
“Well then why don’t you tell me what all you remember of your life before HYDRA?”
“Nothing,” you said with a shrug. “But that doesn’t mean they’re lying to me. They’re the ones who gave me my pyrokinesis, which you took from me, but the memory loss was a side effect.”
“They didn’t give you your powers, Y/N, you got them when you were a sophomore in college. Freak accident with something that wasn’t supposed to be in your chemistry class, but it ended up working out for you. You became an Avenger two years ago,”
“Don’t call me that. Don’t call me Y/N.”
“Fine then. What would you like me to call you? What name did HYDRA give you?”
“I don’t have a name. I have an identity.”
“Alright then, what’s your identity?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Cute. Alright, that’s enough for now,”
He left you. It seemed you had annoyed him enough.
No one came by for the rest of the day.
Well, that’s not entirely true. One person, who looked like he was just a kid, stopped by to slip food through the tray.
“Here you go, Miss.” 
He didn’t call you the same thing Tony and Steve did. You were grateful for it.
But as soon as his eyes met yours, they instantly filled with tears and he ran out.
You had always been well-liked among all the Avengers, but Tony began to have a soft spot for you when you became friends with Peter. You were a bit older than him, but you always acted like a big sister to him, and thought of him as your little brother. Soon enough, Tony began viewing you as a daughter figure.
He didn’t like the idea of Peter going in there with you, but he was outvoted when the kid volunteered to bring your food.
He knew he was right when he saw him running back, rubbing his shirt against his eyes to wipe away the tears.
For the next week, it became a routine. Steve and Tony would come by, and try to get you to talk, but ended up just going in circles. You were beginning to wish they actually had killed you.
But after the first week, something changed. Two women walked in. 
You recognized one of them as the redhead who used her powers on you, and the other was a taller blonde who looked vaguely familiar.
“What now?” You asked, sitting against the wall. 
Neither of them made clear eye contact. 
“You’re the one who suspended me in the air while your teammates fucking captured me,” you said, pointing at Wanda. 
“We didn’t capture you, HYDRA did,” she told you.
“That seems to be a common theme going around, and it’s getting tiring. But you know what? Go ahead, tell me more about how they’re lying to me when they’re the ones who made me into what I am today,”
“We’re not here to talk about HYDRA,” Carol said, looking up. 
“Oh? Well then by all means, do continue,”
She took a deep breath in,
“You were more than our teammate, you were our friend. So if you’re tired of us telling you that your life is a lie, we’ll tell you about your life here,”
You shrugged. You were bored. If what they said would keep you entertained, then you didn’t have a problem with it.
“I was the one who trained you with your powers. When we found you, you could hardly control them at all. You had run away from everything and everyone, trying to isolate yourself so you wouldn’t hurt anyone. The instant we saw you, we knew you were a good person. You had this look in your eyes-”
“Oh really?” You asked. “Where’s this look now?”
“Gone. Buried somewhere in your mind, along with the rest of your memories,”
You between both of them,
“Tell me why you’re really here,”
The truth was that Wanda believed she could somehow try to use her powers to get your memories back by searching through your head. She stood there, staring at you, trying to find anything that would show your old memories, but there was nothing. 
If that wouldn’t work then it couldn’t hurt if they at least attempted to tell you a little bit more about your life here.
“I was there when you controlled fire for the first time, completely on your own. You were in control. You couldn’t believe it, but all I remember is feeling so incredibly proud of you. We kept working together, and soon, I was able to call you one of my best friends.”
You could see her crying, and you began to feel for her. You weren’t sure why; she was an Avenger. An Avenger who betrayed HYDRA nonetheless, but part of you wanted to comfort her. 
“I’m sorry,” you said. You instantly regretted it. You couldn’t let them manipulate you like this.
“When I joined the team, you were the most welcoming person here. You had joined just a few weeks before me, but I could tell that everyone already loved you. It didn’t take long for me to love you too.” Carol said, her eyes filling with tears too.
They had to be lying, but you weren’t sure why part of you felt such a pull toward them. It had to be part of Wanda’s mental manipulation. That was the only explanation you could think of.
“The boy,” you began. “If what you’re saying is true, I-” you stopped yourself. “Y/N, was also close with him, right?”
“Yeah,” Wanda told you. “You and Peter become close fast. You originally bonded over TV shows you both liked, which turned into a thing for the four, and eventually five, of us to watch together,”
You still didn’t fully believe them, but if hearing about your supposed life would entertain you, then you’d keep listening.
This pattern also lasted a week. They would come in for about an hour per day, and tell you stories about your life here. 
They told you about the time Wanda decided to teach you guys how to bake. You decided that waiting for it to heat up took too much time, so you held the pan in your hands and heated it up with your powers. They ended up burning to a crisp.
They told you about the time all of Peter’s friends ended up being out of town for his school dance, so you agreed to go with him. Wanda and Carol had managed to sneak in as well, to check on the two of you but everything ended up being fine.
They told you about the time you tried to high-five Tony after a mission, and his suit registered you as a threat at first because of how you jumped up to meet him, so it ended up blasting you 20 feet. 
They told you about how you once calmed down the Hulk and turned him back into Bruce simply by smiling and waving at him. 
They told you about the time where Steve made a political comment, and you slammed your hand on the table and spent the next two hours educating him on important political topics. They said you had practically radicalized the man from the 40’s.
One day, neither of them came in. It was surprising, as you had actually begun to slightly enjoy their company. Slightly.
Instead, Peter came in. He looked a little less nervous than the first time, but he managed to look you in the eye.
“Y/N…” he said. 
Your stomach turned as an idea popped into your head. It was a terrible idea, and would most definitely hurt him. But it would get you out of here. It would allow you to get out, and get back to HYDRA.
“Peter!” You said, perking up in a high-pitched voice.
“Y/N?” He was confused now.
“Peter, Peter, Peter! I remember now! It’s all coming back to me! We were friends! Close friends, you were practically my brother! I remember it all!”
You strained yourself to keep your face smiling and optimistic.
He turned his head to the side, thinking about it.
It had to work. He had to believe you so he would let you out.
“Peter, I remember going with you to your dance! Your friends weren’t there, so I went with you. We ended up having a great time, especially when Wanda and Carol made an appearance too!”
He reached forward, about to open the cell when he stopped himself. 
He wanted to believe you so bad. He wanted his sister back.
“Tell me about the little boxes,” 
This had to be a code of some sort. Shit.
The Y/N they were describing seemed to be a bit clumsy, losing control of her powers and getting blasted by Tony while trying to high five him. You could picture Peter being similar to that too.
“I tripped over a bunch of tiny boxes, and then you fell right after me. We ended up laughing about it for hours,”
He sighed, looking away from you.
The truth was that little boxes were a Supergirl reference. You and Peter were both generally optimistic people, so you had confessed to each other that there was a lot of pressure with that to keep up the team’s spirits. So when you both saw Lena talk about how she uses the little boxes as her coping mechanism, you both knew it was unhealthy. 
Luckily, you came up with a healthy version. You both could keep up your optimism with the team, but you had a free pass with each other. Undoing the little boxes, if you will. 
He couldn’t bring himself to look back at you. He couldn’t believe he almost let you trick him like that. 
So he walked out without another word. 
Tony was waiting for him, and immediately pulled him in for a hug when he saw his face.
“I thought she was back for a moment,” he said. “I thought we got her back,”
Tony let out a long sigh. No one could get through to you, not even your best friends.
They only had one option left now; Natasha.
“You can do this, Nat,” Clint told her. 
It had been four weeks since you’d been in your cell. Over a week since anyone from the team tried talking to you. She was the only option left.
She didn’t want to do it at first, she still didn’t. 
But Clint eventually convinced her. He told her that she owed it to you to at least try. Whether it be out of her love for you, or because she hurt you, she owed it to you. 
He walked with her until they reached the door. From there, she had to go on her own.
She walked down the hall, holding her arms around herself.
She took a deep breath, then finally stepped in front of your viewpoint.
You sat with your back against the wall, eating the last bit of your lunch.
“Hey,” you said, giving a simple wave.
She tried to steady her breaths before looking directly at you.
“You were there when they took me back here,” you told her. “I remember. You were at one of the computers, and I was about to attack you and Wanda before she suspended me in the air and you guys brought me here,”
“Remember anything else?”
“No. Were you someone important? I thought they were done sending in all of Y/N’s friends,”
“We weren’t friends,”
“I loved you. Part of me always will,”
“You mean to tell me that I pulled the Black Widow? Okay, now I know you guys are lying to me,”
“Peter, Wanda, and Carol were the ones who devised the big plan to get us together. They wanted to figure out a way for me to need your warmth, so you could be my personal heater. It didn’t go like that, and you accidentally burned me while we were dancing. Then I found out you liked me, and the rest is history.”
“You got with Y/N after she burned you?”
“First of all, I know you didn’t actually mean to burn me. Second of all, I had liked you for some time too. When we first met, I instantly felt this pull toward you. Your smile made me feel things I never thought I could feel. You always went out of your way to make me smile. I thought it was because you were like that with everyone; but as soon as I learned about your feelings for me, I couldn’t believe it. I called you down the next day to ask you out, and that’s when we had our first kiss,”
“Sounds great,” you said nonchalantly, knowing it hurt her. “But if you claimed to love me so much, why didn’t you look for me?”
Her breath hitched.
“Oooh, I hit a nerve there,” you said with a chuckle. “What? Did it happen in the middle of a fight or something?”
That’s when the reality of the situation hit her. Yes, she would do everything in her power to get you back, but would you still want her even when she did get you back? You were right, you had left because Natasha had broken your heart. How would she face you again once you remembered it all, once you remembered what she did to you?
So she changed the subject.
“Did the others tell you about your favorite shows?”
“They told me that we would all watch shows together, but didn’t give specifics,”
“Your favorite was Supergirl. I always thought you were a lot like the main character, Kara. You just had this sunshine in your eyes, just like her.”
“And now?”
“Well, I guess you’ll see once you get to the sixteenth episode of season one.”
“When I get to that episode? So you’re resorting to TV shows for my memory?” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, which brought her even more pain.
“I thought you wouldn’t mind the idea, I imagine it gets boring for you in here,”
“No, no, you’re right, it does. Look, if you want me to watch it, I’ll watch it, but…” you burst into laughter again. 
It was pathetic how the Black Widow was so determined to get her sweet little Y/N back. 
But, you were willing to let her try. You couldn’t wait to see it crash and burn.
“You really think I’m like Kara?” You asked her the next day as she came to see you. “I’m five episodes in, and she’s the most annoying character ever.”
Natasha sighed. She’d get you back eventually. 
“Look, I’m just saying that they could’ve made her more interesting. Like, she has the potential to do so much more but instead all she does is be giddy and fake quirky.”
The truth was, part of the reason you had loved Kara so much originally was because you were able to relate to her in a way because of your powers. She suppressed them for years, just as you had tried to, but eventually embraced them and became Supergirl. Even if it was fictional, it’s a big part of the reason you found the courage to learn how to use your powers and become an Avenger. And of course, you did happen to have a personality just like hers. 
Now, all you could do was roll your eyes at the character. 
A few days later, Wanda eventually came back. She had a few brownies with her. 
“What’s this for?” You asked her.
“You wanted to surprise Natasha with something sweet after she came back from a mission, but you couldn’t do it on your own. You had already made three failed batches, so you knocked on my door at 2:00 in the morning asking for help. I wanted to say no, because I was asleep and didn’t want to get up. But I saw the look on your face, and I just couldn’t say no to you. So I got up and helped you make them. They ended up turning out, and Natasha loved them.”
“And you’re giving me this because you think it’ll jog my memory?”
“Partially, but it’s also because I still care about you, Y/N. Even while you’re like this, I know my best friend is in there somewhere. I made them, and it didn’t feel right not to try at least,”
You shrugged as she slipped them through the opening to give them to you. 
You took a bite, and instantly closed your eyes at the taste.
“Oh my god, Wands, this is amazing,” you told her as soon as you swallowed.
She had the biggest smile on her face. Not because you liked the brownies, but because you called her Wands. 
You were coming back. 
Two weeks later, Natasha was making her daily trip to you. You smiled at her, happy almost happy to see her.
“God, Lena’s so pretty,” you said to her. “Her eyes are just perfection,”
Natasha let out a chuckle,
“Glad to see you still have an appreciation for green eyes,”
“How could I not? I really hope Kara gets with her,”
She laughed again,
“Come on, I have a surprise for you,”
She smiled, then unlocked your cell door. You turned your head, giving her a confused look.
She stepped into your cell, holding a bracelet of some sort.
“As much as I’d like to fully trust you to take you outside of your cell, I can’t. So this replicates the energy in this room, keeping you from using your powers,”
You shrugged, then held out your arm for her to put it on. 
Once it was secure, she motioned for you to follow her. 
She led you through the compound, resisting the urge to grab your hand and interlace your fingers with hers. She knew you would come back eventually, and all she wanted to do was hold you in her arms when you did. 
“Anything look familiar?” She asked with a hopeful tone. 
You felt a pit in your stomach as you shook your head no. You gave an apologetic look, then continued following her. 
She said nothing, continuing to lead you through the compound until she opened a door, leading up to the roof. 
She gave you a smile, then turned her head toward a blanket and pillows with a basket full of food.
“What’s this for?” You asked as you sat down across from her.
“I dunno, I wanted to do something for you. You’ve been confined to that cell for so long, I figured it’d be nice to bring you up here,”
She reached into the basket, then handed you a peanut butter sandwich. 
Her smile widened as you took a bite out of it, and you couldn’t help but return her smile. 
She reached across, and placed her hand on yours. 
“I’m sorry,” she said immediately, starting to pull it back. You gripped it tighter so she wouldn’t pull back.
“It’s okay,”
You didn’t have your memories, but you knew that you and Natasha were a thing. It amazed you how the woman with a deadly reputation gave you such a soft smile. 
Holding her hand felt familiar. It felt like home. 
And you loved hated it.
“Why are you doing this, Natasha?” You asked her, rubbing small circles on the back of her hand. “Don’t tell me it’s just another effort to jog my memory,”
She looked down at your intertwined hands for a moment before meeting your eyes again.
“Because I love you,” she said honestly. “You were my everything, Y/N,”
You smiled at her again, feeling fluttery nerves build up in your stomach.
So you muttered something in Kryptonian.
“What was that?”
She pulled away, staring at you wide-eyed.
“What?” You asked, disappointed she pulled her hand away.
“You didn’t learn that from HYDRA,”
“What are you talking about?”
“What you just said to me, it’s a made up language,”
“All languages are made up,”
“No,” she rolled her eyes. “It’s Kryptonian, from Supergirl. You and Peter taught yourselves the language from online websites. You always called me that after you learned it. You’re remembering,”
She grabbed your hand once again, then leaned in closer. You reached out and grabbed her other hand, so you had both of your hands connected to hers between the two of you. 
“My beautiful sunset,” you said in English this time. 
She leaned forward even closer, inches away from closing the gap between yourselves. 
“Wait,” you told her, pulling back. “I don’t have all my memories, but I know that we were together.” She nodded for you to continue. “I also know that there was some sort of fight before HYDRA. I need to know what happened, Natasha,”
Her breath became shaky as she disconnected your hands,
“Not now,”
“No, I want to know. I need to know. Because as much as I hate it, I’m feeling something for you. But I don’t want to, especially if I don’t know what happened. So tell me,”
She took a deep breath in, then stood up.
“I think we’ve spent enough time here, let’s take you back,”
“No! Just tell me what happened!” 
“Don’t worry about it, let’s just go back.”
“Why are you being so defensive?”
“I’m not!”
“You are,”
“Y/N I told you, don’t worry about it!”
“Natasha,” you challenged. “Tell me what’s going on right now.”
“I can’t.” 
That was three days ago, and Natasha hadn’t come to see you since. You missed her. 
You had continued to binge your way through Supergirl, almost finishing the fifth season.
“I killed my brother for you! For our friends, don’t you understand what you’ve done?” You quoted perfectly. It didn’t surprise you at this point. You had those memories, and they would show up. But you couldn’t think about any past memories, sometimes they just showed up; like this scene and like the Kryptonian.
Your thoughts were interrupted as you looked up to see a man you hadn’t talked to before,
“Ah, the Winter Snowman,”
“Winter what now?”
You laughed, turning your body to fully face him.
“I know who you are. HYDRA’s beloved Winter Soldier. I just think Winter Snowman is funnier. So, what brings you here?”
“I haven’t talked to you yet,”
“Why’s that? Did we not like each other or something?”
“We were friends,” he told you, looking at the floor. “Once, I was up in the middle of the night because of nightmares, and you happened to be up too for whatever reason. You saw me, and made me hot chocolate. When you saw that I wasn’t exactly okay, you hugged me until my breathing evened out and I was okay. After that, it became a routine for you to make hot chocolate every time I wasn’t doing so great. Sometimes we’d sit in silence, and sometimes I’d talk to you. But you were always there. I could always trust you.”
You smiled, realizing that you really were an incredibly nice person before HYDRA. 
“So why haven’t you come to see me yet? Natasha’s been the most, except for the last few days. What’s been stopping you?”
He took a deep breath in,
“I came to apologize.”
“Apologize? What for?”
“I’m part of the reason this happened to you. I’m part of the reason you left.”
“Really? I thought that was Natasha. All I know is that something happened between her and me and she won’t tell me,”
“She did hurt you, through me if you think about it. I still hate myself for it. I’m so, so, sorry, Y/N. I don’t know what came over me, but all I know is that I would take it back if I could.”
“No. Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“I’m so sorry.”
He left as all the pain and emotion came to your chest. You could see your vision blurring as tears started to form. 
“No,” you said softly, falling to your knees. 
Your breathing got heavier as you practically crawled to the glass.
“Get me Natasha!” You cried, banging your fists against the wall. “I want Natasha here!”
Tears began to stream down your face as you continued banging. You weren’t sure how long it was like that, but she eventually came running. 
F.R.I.D.A.Y. had alerted her that you were in distress and calling for you. She assumed you had somehow gotten hurt, especially since you were huddled on the floor.
She opened the door without hesitation and sat down next to you.
“I’m here,” she said gently.
“Tell me it’s not true,” you said, your voice breaking.
Her heart dropped.
“Tell me you didn’t make me think what we had was real, just for you to cheat on me with Bucky. Tell me you didn’t make me fall in love with you for it to be fake.”
“It wasn’t fake, Y/N. I did love you! I still do.”
You scooted away from her.
“Stop lying. Just tell me the truth; did you or did you not cheat on me with Bucky?”
She let out a few shaky breaths, feeling her own tears form.
“I did.” You let out a sob at her words. “I did and I regret it more than anything. I don’t know what came over me. All I know is that I want you and I wish I never did it,”
You let out a few more sobs as you cried harder. 
Out of instinct, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around you as you sobbed into her chest.
“No.” You told her. “Get away from me. I don’t want comfort from the person who’s the reason for my pain.”
She nodded, wiping her own tears away.
“Y/N, it was the biggest mistake of my life. I’ll never forgive myself for it, but I still love you so much. You’re everything to me,”
You stood up, your harsh glare meeting her once again.
“You were right, Natasha,” you said to her. “I am like Kara. Because just like her, I gave my heart to a lying jackass. Get out and get away from me.”
You weren’t sure why it hurt so bad. You hardly had any of your memories together. But part of you knew that you loved her. Part of your mind never stopped loving her, even while you couldn’t remember her. 
Sobs escaped your body as you held your knees to your chest. Natasha hated seeing you like this. She hated it even more so because she was the reason for it. 
She wanted nothing more than to comfort you and hold you until you felt better. But she knew she couldn’t.
As she took a step toward the door, she glanced at you one last time, wondering if she truly lost you forever.
Carol came by to see you after she saw both Natasha and Bucky sulking. 
Like Natasha, she had no problem entering the cell and sitting by you. Steve had advised everyone to keep a safe distance from you as your memories were still primarily HYDRA. He wanted you to fully come back just as much as everyone else did, but he couldn’t risk the safety of the team. 
But as soon as she saw your red eyes and tear-struck cheeks, she could give two shits about Steve’s warning.
She sat down next to you on the bed, gently putting a hand on your back to let you know that she was there.
You practically jumped into her arms, allowing yourself to cry once more as you clung onto her. 
You sobbed into her chest for a few minutes as she slowly stroked your back. 
“Sorry,” you muttered, pulling away from her. “I think I might’ve ruined your shirt,”
She gave a soft laugh, then wrapped an arm around you. 
“Don’t worry about it,”
“Why’d she put so much effort into getting my memories back if she knew I would find out and get hurt all over again?” 
Carol sighed, gently squeezing your shoulder. 
“I think part of her hoped, and is still hoping, that you’d forgive her,”
You scoffed,
“Once a cheater, always a cheater. Even if I remember everything, I’m not getting back with her. God, no wonder I left in the first place,”
“We were all worried about you, y’know. You left without a word. Tony tracked your phone, and found it shattered on the street a few blocks from here. We thought it meant you didn’t want to be found.” She told you. “If we knew you had been taken by HYDRA, we never would’ve stopped looking,”
“What happened while I was gone?”
“We all knew it had something to do with Natasha. She always acted like she was fine, but her eyes were constantly red and puffy. We also heard crying from her bedroom. A week or so later, she blew up at Bucky in front of everyone, so we all found out,”
“What happened then?”
“We hated them for it. We wanted nothing to do with them. I glared at Natasha any chance I got. How could she do that to you? I lost my best friend because of her,”
You let out a sniffle, then looked up at her to see that she had started crying too.
“I’m sorry for leaving you,” you said, hugging her once again. “I don’t clearly remember it, I have bits and pieces. But I should’ve at least talked to you guys instead of leaving like that,”
“It’s okay. You’re here now, and I’m not giving up on you.”
A week later, to your own surprise, you had called for Natasha again. 
Both Wanda and Peter had made individual visits to you. You were grateful for them as they hugged you tight. 
Wanda had suggested that you talk to her one last time to get some closure. She also said that it could help with your memory.
You were reluctant to the idea at first, but eventually agreed as you realized that the memory process was getting you nowhere at this point.
So you stood by the glass, waiting. 
When she arrived, she almost couldn’t believe that you wanted her there. She thought that maybe you just wanted to scream at her, but then she saw your calm and collected face.
“I only called you here ‘cause Wanda thinks getting some closure could help with the memories,” you explained right away. You didn’t want her thinking that you had forgiven her.
She nodded, biting her tongue to prevent herself from crying. 
You pointed to the door, indicating that you wanted her to come in. 
She nodded again, opening it and standing a few feet away from you, arms crossed. 
“I just need some answers,”
You inhaled deeply, closing your eyes. You balled your fists, feeling your nails against your palms.
“Why did you do it?”
“I wish I knew.”
“Oh come on, you have to at least give me more than that,”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but I genuinely don’t know why I did it.”
“Then tell me how it happened,”
“Are you sure? You said that this could be helpful for your memories, but I don’t want this to cause you any more pain than you already have,”
“I’m sure. Just tell me,”
“Alright,” she let out a slow breath. “You were on your way back from a mission. I had been missing you, so I was staying up late so I could see you as soon as you landed.” Her voice began to shake, but you motioned for her to continue. “While I was waiting, I assumed I was the only one up. So I decided to pour myself a drink, since there was still about an hour and a half before you’d get back. Bucky ended up coming down a few minutes later, so I poured him a drink too.”
“Really? You’re using the drinking excuse?”
She didn’t reply to you, but continued anyway.
“Something didn’t feel right, physically. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I ignored it and instead focused on how I would be seeing you soon. After around 30 minutes, something really felt off. I was about to get up and try to do something about it, but he got up at the same time. One minute we were just standing there, the next we were kissing. I wasn’t sure what had come over me. I didn’t know why I was doing it, but I didn’t stop. After it happened, I felt sick about it; literally. My eyes had turned red, and I just felt so nauseous-”
“I remember that,” you interrupted her. “I remember you had red eyes and weren’t feeling good. I thought you had gotten a cold, so I took time off training to stay with you. Of course, it was just you feeling guilty about being a cheater,”
“I couldn’t face what I had done-”
You interrupted her again,
“Wait a minute, you said you had red eyes and something felt wrong while you were with Bucky, right?” You said, she nodded in response. “Did the drink taste normal?”
She shook her head no,
“It didn’t, but I didn’t really focus on that. I was busy thinking about seeing you again,”
“Who all has access to the drinks?” You asked, your heart rate quickening.
“What are you talking about?”
“Just, take me to the security room and let’s look at the tapes for around that time, but a bit before,”
She wasn’t sure where you were going with this, but she opened the door anyway.
“You’re not gonna restrain my powers?” You asked as you had made it around halfway down the hall.
She shrugged,
“I don’t think you’re gonna hurt me or anyone here,”
You returned her shrug, then walked ahead of her until you reached the security room.
Once you arrived, you smiled, realizing that you had made it there on your own from your memories of this place. 
You sat down in front of a computer, and began typing away at the security tapes. 
“There’s a missing one, a few hours before,”
She turned her head in confusion.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.” she said, “Do everything you can to retrieve this file,”
“Right away, Miss Romanoff,”
“If I’m right then…” you began, but didn’t finish. You didn’t want to get your hopes up. 
A few minutes later, F.R.I.D.A.Y. found the deleted file.
You pressed play, showing what had happened that day.
The HYDRA agent had memorized everyone’s schedule. The majority of the most powerful Avengers were currently on a mission, and the others were training; so this was the window.
He had hotwired a car Tony had left at a bar parking lot, when he was too drunk to drive and had to be taken home by a taxi, and then forgetting about the car altogether.
The agent used this to pull in without security questioning it. 
He made his way to the back of the building, then spotted a slightly cracked window. He used that as his opportunity, reaching his hands under to fully open it up. 
Once he climbed in, he then went to the kitchen. 
Due to training schedules and timing, it was likely that no one would be drinking tonight except for the target. 
So he took the bottle, opened it, then sprinkled a powder into it. 
He then closed it, and put it back where he left it before leaving the room and coming to erase his tracks.
“HYDRA’s told us about that powder before and the effects of it, it makes you susceptible to suggestion. They’ve modified it so they can give specific commands just from taking it.”
“So what does that mean,”
“They knew we were together, they knew I had powers. They knew I’d be devastated if you cheated, and hoped that maybe I’d leave.” You started, staring at her with a mixed expression. “It’s starting to come back to me, the fire alarms had gone off that night. That was their signal that it had worked, and I was hurt. They took that to their advantage, and found me in my devastated state and took me.”
“What are you saying, Y/N?”
You smiled. It was the same smile you used to give her before everything happened. You took a step toward her and cupped her cheeks.
“You didn’t cheat.”
Your moment was short lived as you instantly fell to your knees, hands around your head.
Everything was coming back to you now.
“It’s pathetic, and never gonna happen!” 
“Oh come on, you guys aren’t gonna actually freeze the room, right?”
“Oh my gosh, um- it’s not what it sounds like! I promise, it’s-”
“You should watch Supergirl with me,”
“Can you not go easy on your girlfriend during training?”
“Of course I’ll be your personal heater,”
“Natasha… I love you. I really do. It’s okay if you don’t wanna say it back, but I thought you should know.”
“My beautiful sunset,”
“You’re my home,”
“Natty,” it was the first time using that nickname since you’d been back here. “Natty, I remember everything now,”
She bent down to you, running a hand through your hair.
To say she was relieved was an understatement; she had just found out that the biggest mistake of her life wasn’t even her fault, that she didn’t betray you like she thought she had. And, the love of her life had finally completely come back to her.
You instantly began crying, leaning your forehead against hers, wrapping your arms around her neck.
Without thinking, you crashed your lips onto hers. It wasn’t a pretty kiss by any means; it was desperate, and wet with tears. But neither of you seemed to care.
“I love you so much,” you said between kisses. “I’m so sorry for everything I said to you.”
“It’s okay, you didn’t know, no one did,” she wrapped her arms even tighter. “I love you too.”
If either of you had been thinking straight, you would have alerted the team that you had gotten your memories back and didn’t need to be locked up anymore. 
But you weren’t. All that was on either of your minds was making up for lost time. 
She picked you up effortlessly, holding you tight. You wrapped your legs around her waist, keeping your lips on her skin. 
She carried you all the way back to her (and now yours once again) room. 
Once she set you on the bed, she reconnected your lips in a messy but meaningful kiss. 
She crawled on top of you, planting kisses everywhere. 
“I love you,” you told her again.
“And I love you,”
And those were all the words either of you needed right now as you continued showing each other just how much you loved and missed one another.
Hours later, you lay on the bed completely wrapped around her. Your face was buried in her neck as your limbs tangled with each other.
You both shot straight up at a knock to her door. 
“Natasha,” came the voice of Steve. “Y/N’s missing.”
“About that…” she said. “There’s a lot I need to tell you guys.”
She hopped off the bed, keeping her hand connected with yours. 
You met Steve’s worried eyes when she opened the door, tightening your grip on Natasha. 
The conversation with the team ended up going well. Everyone apologized for how they had been toward Natasha and Bucky after learning that it wasn’t their fault. 
And of course, they were ecstatic that you were back.
Carol, Wanda and Peter, ran toward you and all tried to hug you at once, resulting in a dog pile. Eventually, everyone else joined too, only making the pile bigger. 
You met Bucky’s eyes, and gave him a smile. He seemed relieved, then smiled back at you. 
The rest of the day, everyone continued making sure you were okay, and Tony had already started a plan for finding that HYDRA agent. 
Bruce wanted to do a checkup, which you agreed to. Natasha held your hand the entire time, which made it a lot harder for him to do what he needed to. Despite this, he couldn’t bring himself to tell her to stop. You had both suffered so much these past few months, so if you wanted to hold hands right now, then so be it.
“Y’know,” Natasha began, pulling you into her lap. “We haven’t had a proper date in so long. Obviously it’s too late to go anywhere, but we can have a night in and watch last week's episode of Supergirl if you’d like. I haven’t watched it since the last time, and I really have missed my favorite blanket. So, what do you think?”
You turned around, kissing her instantly. It was a long, deep, needed kiss. You couldn’t get enough of each other now that you were back.
Once you pulled apart for air, she smirked at you.
“So I’ll take that as a yes, then?”
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usedpidemo · 3 years
Lost Tape.mix one. (Delete this interlude)
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It’s close to midnight. Explosions, gunfire, and screams of troops fill the room. An abundant assault of profanities resound all over your ears. Fingers that have seemingly been trained for years repeatedly mash on the controller’s buttons. Block out swears and trash talk. Focusing on winning the match is what’s on your mind. There’s no such thing as team chemistry—especially when paired up with guys who have stats over wins implanted into their brain, or players who run around with no knowledge of the game they're playing. No friends tonight; they’re all busy despite the weekend looming close by.
The routine numbs you to the feeling of defeat. Get shot in the back. Rinse and repeat. These ranked opponents have some sort of telepathic connection with one another. It’s just not your night. Five straight losses with a group you discovered on the Internet.
But you soldier on. Perhaps you can develop synergy with your newly found ‘friends’ and start winning. Reality hits you hard in the face almost immediately, evident with your now eight game losing streak. It’s like the game is telling you to put it down, but you’re too immersed to quit. Sooner or later it’ll be five in the morning of the next day and you have to prepare for the 8:00 a.m. work schedule.
A ringing noise throws you off on your ninth match. Ignore it. Maybe it’s just the wireless network promoting their new plan that you could care less about. You get a few kills. Your phone rings again. It won’t quit. Finally, as the contest draws to a close, you grab your phone. Nine missed calls. Who could be calling at this time of night?
It’s a number you can’t recognize. Can’t be a friend; one of them said he’s out of town and told you not to call. Regardless, you’re curious. Dial them back. A few seconds before the caller answers.
To your surprise, it’s him. Then you remember that he’s left for a week and won’t be taking any calls. What changed?
“Uh, hey. I thought you were on vacation or something. Also, you got a new number?” you ask.
“I need you to come over.” He ignores your questions and goes straight to the point.
“Wait, what happened? Something up?”
“Please, I need you. So bad.”
His phrasing suddenly throws you off. You’ve never heard him say anything like that until now. “Ah, dude. Is everything all right? You’re speaking in such a weird way, brother.”
“I miss you so much. Come over.”
Even more baffling and questionable choice of words. For a second, you almost believe he’s kidnapped and being held hostage. “You good? If this is a prank, I’m not falling for this shit.”
“Hurry. I can’t do this without you. Fuck.”
Sigh. Can’t leave a brother hanging. “Okay, where are you now?”
“I’ll send you the address. Just come over and fuck—”
Beep. The call cuts off right before he finishes. Try calling again, no more response. An address is sent to you via text though. You tell your friends you’re going offline before shutting the console down. After putting on a gray hoodie and some joggers, you take the car and drive to the destination on nearly empty roads.
It takes merely 20 minutes before you arrive. Knock knock. This is a house you’ve never seen before. There’s no answer. Do it again. Eventually, the door opens up, and you’re greeted by a familiar face.
“Hyewon?” You gasp. The shock forming in your features says it all.
She acknowledges you with a friendly grin. “Hey. You received my calls after all.”
“Calls? But that was my—”
She giggles cutely. “Oh, that wasn’t actually him. It’s voice recordings I manipulated. You think I don’t know he left the other day?”
Take a step back in disbelief. How’d she get his voice to sound like that on call without making it obvious? Your naivety is showing. There’s no chance he’d ever say words like ‘miss you’ and ‘so bad’ to a friend.
“Come in.” Hyewon gestures with her hand as she walks away, snapping you from your dumbfoundment. You comply and follow her once you regain composure.
Close the door behind you after stepping inside. You keep a comfortable distance from Hyewon. Her place is decent; the lights on the dining room are lit with a bright orange glow. She leads you to a room where her computer’s on and a camera is above the large monitor.
“So, why’d you decide to call me at this time of night?” you ask, wary about her intentions.
She turns around and suddenly grabs your shoulders. Her gaze is directed right at your eyes, intense and full of lust. A devilish smirk forms on her features. Your body gently squirms under her grip, showing how uncomfortable you are.
“Because,” she licks her lips subtly. “I’ve got no one around and I want to fuck someone. Why not my boyfriend’s best friend?”
“Wait.” Withdraw yourself from her, pulling away slightly that her hold loosens. “This is wrong. I can’t do that!”
“Why not?” she asks playfully.
“Can’t you see?” As useless of a question this is, it leaves your mouth vacantly. “He’s my best friend! What if he finds out about this?”
“He won’t.” she approaches you again, pecking you in the cheek lightly. “I’ve been doing this for a long time anyway. Did he not tell you about my occupation?”
Shake your head, both in disgust and curiosity. Even though he told you about his relationship with Hyewon, you genuinely have no idea what her job is. He may have told you but you paid no attention. Nevertheless, your heart pounds rapidly at your friend’s girlfriend throwing herself onto you.
“I really don’t want to do this. I’m leaving.” you try turning around but she cups your balls. A gasp naturally escapes your breath.
“Mm, so full. I know you wanna fuck me too. Just give in.” Her seductive tone is doing you no favors. You try moving, but your legs refuse. They’re frozen in place like they’ve been tied up with secure ropes. Hyewon seizes your shoulders again, this time from behind. Her tongue gently brushes around the right side of your face, leaving small trails of saliva on your cheek and ear.
“Don’t. Please, I don’t wanna ruin what my friend and I have.” You plead desperately, but it’s too late. She’s won.
“He’ll never find out,” she whispers in your ear. Chills flow down your spine. “Trust me.”
She twirls you around to face her. As soon as your eyes meet again, she pulls you for a deep, passionate kiss on the lips. Her tongue slides inside your mouth, relishing in your taste. It didn’t matter that you were on a few rounds of Doritos and Mountain Dew; her fresh scented lipstick is enough to keep you magnetized. Slowly but surely Hyewon is breaking your morals piece by piece.
Your body stands in place, neither resisting nor submitting to her wiles. As she continues making out with you, fearful thoughts flash inside your head. What if he comes back in the middle of the night and catches you? She explicitly tells you to confide with her, but as unpredictable as her call was, the possibility of a sooner return sets your brain to overdrive.
But such hypotheses break in an instant when she tugs you closer to hers, feeling her heat. You’re unwillingly entrapped in her vice grip that you now just realize your hands rubbing against the fabric of her sweater, identically colored with yours.
As surprised as you are with how submissive your body is towards her, you’re powerless and wordless to refuse those advances. Her movements are deliberate and erotic, meticulously planned to lure you into assent. By the way your eyes follow her steady swaying, it’s being executed to perfection. Her figure is making better calls than your teammates all night.
Hyewon breaks the kiss then draws herself away, again gesturing with her index finger to follow her. Like a dog you comply, trailing her to her bed. She lays back on the mattress with her arms stretched wide. A barely audible giggle follows the slight creak of the frame.
“I thought you said you were gonna leave,” she says sarcastically while kicking the sandals off her feet. Such an insult should aggravate you, instead it does little to affect you as you already are.
Your morals are at a crossroads. You know you’re being forced into having sex with your friend’s partner, but at the same time, the opportunity to fuck a woman of her allure is incredibly rare. With a reluctant heart but eager body, you inch closer to her bed. Try not to think hard about what happens next.
Clothes begin flying all over the place. Your sweater and shirt are dropped close by. Then you join her in bed, your body hovering over Hyewon’s. As you try to pull hers, she motions her hands to drag it off herself. A black bra restrains her cleavage as her top joins your garments on the floor. It’s nearly impossible not to look anywhere else but her shapely chest.
He’s one lucky son of a bitch, you think.
“Like these tits?” she asks, as if she read your mind. A nod is all you need to confirm your answer.
Her hands weave behind her back, unclasping the bra before they, too, join your discarded clothes in the pile. Exposed nipples that are tempting to touch and squeeze. Again, your mind immediately calls back to your friend. He gets to tap this every night? You’ve never been more jealous until now. But this is your one chance while he’s nowhere to be found.
“Go ahead, play with them.”
You’re not one to deny such a command. Immediately your hands grasp her taut nipples, giving each side a harsh squeeze. Hyewon gasps at the sudden jolt of her seized tits. Even more aroused, her body writhes while you press against them with your palms. Handfuls of her boobs in your control, you push them toward each other without neglecting to knead them in a circular pattern. She whines at your continued grasp, but it’s more fuel added to the fire.
“Such nice tits,” you blurt out unwittingly. Lean forward to give them a nibble each. She mewls and her eyes are rolled back in exhilaration. Soon your whole face wants in on the action. Without asking you dive head first into her chest, consuming her breasts entirely with your tongue and visage. Such delectable mounds make you forget that this is your friend’s lover, but since he’s not here, they’re free for the taking. Even if it’s only tonight.
“Fuck, I knew I made the right choice in calling you.” She drawls out, each word airy and staggered. Your only response is muffled mumbles from suffocation between her breasts. Each second your conscience fades into afterthought. The euphoric sensation of Hyewon’s body urges you to use her more and her words tear through your morality piece by piece.
It’s enough to consume and relish her chest. A harsh pull of your hair stops your continuous momentum, much to your disappointment. Glance and Hyewon’s eyes are barely making direct contact with yours.
“Let me see that dick of yours. You can’t be the only one having fun.”
As quick as she drops the command, so do your sweatpants. Zip. Your erect cock comes into her line of sight.
“Fuck, that’s even larger than my man.” You’re unsure whether you should be hurt or not, since she compared your dick to your own best friend. At least you got one up against him the next time you meet. “Bring that close to me.”
Your hovering figure shifts forward that your hard shaft is inches away from contact with her face. “Too close. You know where you want them.” She complains, but your shaft clearly wants to paint her features with your color. The spurt of precum landing on her chin attests to its desired location.
Panic strikes you immediately. “Oh shit, I didn’t mean to—”
Her finger reaches for the wet sample then directs it to her mouth. A lick of her lips for good measure. “Tasty. You’ll get the chance later. But for now, my tits, please.”
Internally breathe a sigh of relief. Still noble at heart, thinking of your pal who’s innocently away, unaware that his own closest friend would be sharing a bed with his girlfriend. But you’ve gone too far into the depths of your shared iniquity. There’s no turning back.
A throaty groan vacates your breath after you line your cock between her breasts. Then your body does the rest of the work. Your penis disappears and reappears through the voluptuous tunnel that is Hyewon’s chest. Her warmth sends overwhelming waves of pleasure coursing throughout your veins. Each thrust is an inch of yourself melting into hers.
“That feels so damn good. Faster! Faster!”
A switch flips inside your head. Before you know it, you’re slipping between her flesh to the point of losing control. She grips her own chest to steady her mounds, which rock as hard as your shaft. Her body steadily sways too, adding more tension to the noisy bed.
At this point, you’re engrossed in pleasure that almost feels dreamlike. Close your eyes and maybe when they reopen you find yourself asleep on your couch. The only thing you perceive is Hyewon’s soft flesh coiling your erection and the occasional moans and ‘fuck’ from your voices.
If he suddenly finds you together, it is what it is. What matters to you most is relishing Hyewon and nothing else.
It comes as a surprise when you orgasm. A deep groan precedes your climax. Suddenly you feel a wet, but warm sensation in your groin area. White, thick flecks of cum spray all over her neck, shoulders, and of course, her boobs. Your cock refuses to stop, continuously pumping between her flesh until the last of your seed is spewed out. Hyewon coats both her index fingers with your semen then takes it to her mouth for more.
“Fuck, that felt so good. You’re so huge, Hyewon,” you say, pointing out the obvious.
“And I could say the same to you.” She gathers up the rest of your seed to eat as a midnight snack.
After a certain time has passed, Hyewon pushes her body upward, kicking you away from her. She steps off the bed and gathers up your clothes. “Okay, you need to go now.”
Your eyes widen. “Wait, but what about your—”
“Oh? I thought you said you didn’t want to fuck? You want this pussy too?” she asks teasingly, using your tainted integrity against you.
“No, no, no, that’s not what I—”
“Well too bad. This pussy is for my man only. Sorry!” She smirks wickedly then throws your clothing back, which you slowly put on. “Come on, hurry up and leave.”
This takes you by surprise like what she did to you earlier. Now she wants you to get out already after what just transpired?
She sarcastically looks at her wristwatch to provoke you into dressing up quicker. As soon as you wear your joggers again, she shoves you from the bedroom to the front door. You didn’t have any resistance.
“Okay goodnight and have a safe drive!” She yells then slams the door in your face. Those last few minutes seem so abrupt in tone compared to the first forty-five. You can’t even contemplate how your friend might feel if he finds out.
You dread about the next time you see him on the drive home. The only hope you have is that Hyewon doesn’t tell. Was that worth your upright character?
(A/N: Vol seven is coming some time this month.)
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And to complete the trio, Marcy Wu: Webcomic Artist.
Until the series finale of the owl house imma hold off on too many Marcy and Luz friendship headcanons here and come back to it later but other than that, here’s a few off the top of my head:
Marcy got the trio into Centaurworld and they cried multiple times throughout the series. Even 10 years later they all know the songs. Marcy even convinced Sasha and Anne to cosplay as Rider a few times at cons.
Her blood went back to red eventually but she swears she sees green sometimes.
While she majored in art, she got a minor in theoretical physics. Mostly to appease her parents but also to help her story ideas. After Anne introduced Marcy to Terri (at Terri and Dr. Jan’s wedding) they became instant friends and everyone else believes they’re talking in a different language when they talk science.
Marcy eventually moved back to California because she got a job working as a storyboard artist and concept artist for an animation studio. Anne and Sasha knowing how expensive and annoying house hunting is offered her to live with one of them but eventually they decided to just live together (which was Marcy’s plan to begin with, hehehe)
She often streams her drawing the next page of her webcomic, commissions and playing games. Her fans are jealous that she has two girlfriends (later wives) but they also tip a lot so she can take them out on dates.
Marcy and her parents are doing better than Sasha and hers but not as good as Anne and hers. Her parents aren’t happy that she’s an artist but as long as she can make money, they won’t bother her about it.
Sometimes she hears voices that she recognizes from the Core and believes that a few might’ve gotten stuck with her when Sasha disconnected Darcy. So far they haven’t been malicious and only speak up when she’s thinking really hard in a problem.
She knows that exercise is a good thing for an artist but hates to do so. As such Sasha offered to join her and dragged Anne in too, Marcy now enjoys her exercise time with her buff gf and slightly buff other gf (but Anne still complains).
Marcy absolutely adores Domino 4 and it’ll often choose her when the trio are on the couch or in bed (Anne calls Domino 4 a traitor when this happens). The cat interrupts the streams and besides Marcy’s gfs/wives, Domino 4 is the next most popular thing the chat loves to see.
She still plays the drums and even joined band at her new school. She would’ve joined marching band but Andrias’ sword ruined that.
She still has nightmares about her dying and the Core, luckily Sasha is able to help her with a few breathing exercises and both of her gfs are able to make her feel safe while she falls back to sleep.
Marcy has a friendly rivalry with a friend of hers she met when she moved who also became a webcomic artist/ writer. They usually go to cons together and will do Q&A panels and meet n greets. The fans argue over who’s comic is better, Luzura or Marzipan. (They both think the other ones is better)
After seeing Sasha’s tattoos, Marcy decided to get a few. Just her calamity gem, Joe sparrow, Olivia & Yunnan and a few other tributes to Amphibia along with other nerdy references. She and Sasha are trying to get Anne to get some.
Marcy designed their wedding rings. (Which I’ll draw later)
Her and Mr Boonchuy play MMOs together and stayed in touch through gaming.
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That caps off the Calamity Trio. I might have more later (definitely after Marcy’s journal is released) but for now, Who’s next?
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