#I swear to you all I do not seek this shit out lol
thisdarkenedsea · 10 months
me: *watching video of Sebastian's quests on Youtube* no one: person in the comments: *writes entire essay* "I understand [Fenris' and Anders'] trauma and what they need to heal. I just want to wrap them all up in therapy blankets and give them hot cocoa. But Sebastian... Sebastian I want to bloody drop kick into the abyss." me: benaffleckmeme.jpg oh and the closing statement of "And you know how we should probably know the writers ALSO hate Sebastian??? Varric doesn't like him in DAI!" is not the epic dunk you think it is lmao
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Heyy hope you’re doing well!
Can I request a fem reader with Bi-Han and Kuai Liang? Reader is a highkey mischievous little shit and her favorite pastime is annoying the hell outta Bi-Han (Kuai Liang probably has to stop his brother from crucifying her lol)
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Ngl this is extremely rubbish as idk where else to go with this in all honesty. 🦦
Regardless of how you had inserted yourself into the lives of brothers, Bi-Han and Kuai Liang, but one thing was definitive; you enjoyed being the thorn in Bi-Han’s side. From the deep furrow in his brow, the appearance of frown lines and the look of pure annoyance within his dark eyes that were usually in a perpetual state of fatigue in due to his duties of being Grandmaster, those were the highlight of your day. What wasn’t a highlight however was the aftermath where Bi-Han would chase after you throughout the Lin Kuei with an ice dagger.
Much like he was doing right now;
‘Y/n! When I find you, I swear I’ll make an example out of you for disrespecting the Grandmaster!’ Bi-Han shouted, running towards Kuai Liang, ice dagger in hand. ‘What have they done now brother?’ Kuai Liang asked even though he didn’t need to, his eyes drift to the top of his brothers’ head, where sat two pigtails tied with what looked like vibrant pink hello kitty hair ties. Kuai Liang had to try and stop himself from bursting out laughing at the ridiculous sight.
Bi-Han looked at his brother, unamused and annoyed that his hunt was interrupted. You couldn’t have gone far, that he knew for certain, but if there was one thing that Bi-Han has come to know about you was the fact that after pulling your pranks, you’d often seek out his brother for protection against his wrath. It had been your primary escape route in the past, so it made general sense to Bi-Han that you would try and utilise your only way to evade facing the consequences of your actions. ‘From your poor attempt of hiding your snickers, brother. I’m going to assume that you got a right good look what they did to me.’ Bi-Han grunted. ‘Now, where are they?’
Kuai Liang shrugged. ‘Haven’t seen them.’
‘Nows not the time for lies, Kuai Liang.’ Bi-Han warned.
‘I’m being serious Bi-Han, I haven’t seen them. But I’ve heard from some others that they’re with Tomas at the training grounds.’ Kuai Liang said and a brief moment of silence befell the brothers as they stared the other down. ‘You better hope that they’re with Tomas.’ Was all Bi-Han said before he ventured down the hallway, leaving Kuai Liang alone…or not because a voice from behind the younger brother spoke.
‘Is he gone?’
Kuai Liang sighed as he peered over his shoulder to look at you. ‘Yes he’s gone but reallly? Putting his hair into pigtails and hello kitty hair ties?’
‘Not my best work, I know, but I was bored and was running out of ideas and so I thought that the hair ties would be a nice touch.’ You shrugged as you stepped out from behind him, and breathing out a sigh of relief when you couldn’t see the cryomancer anywhere. ‘You can’t always keep doing this, I won’t always be here to shield you and if you’re not carful one day he’ll catch you in the act.’ Kuai Liang warned you, crossing his arms over his chest. He felt as though he’s had this conversation with you multiple times but it doesn’t seems as though his words have stuck with you; for it seemed that recently you were pranking Bi-Han just to tempt fate.
So needless to say that Kuai Liang couldn’t wait for the day where he’d get to say I told you so, would be a severe understatement. For as much as he loved you, it was only a matter of time before Bi-Han inevitably started taking methods in catching you faster.
‘Do you take me for a fool, Kuai Liang? There’s no way that Bi-Han could ever catch me in the act.’ You boasted with a smirk, having grown confident that whilst Bi-Han knew it was you, he had yet to actually catch you. ‘I’m far too slippery for him to catch! I’m gone before he even knows what hit him, and I mean that in both the literal and figurative sense.’
Kuai Liang raised his brows. ‘Oh really?’
‘Really.’ You stated confidently, your smile practically beaming.
‘Then who’s that behind you?’ Kuai Liang asked and immediately the air started to go cold and your smile dropped as slowly but surly you looked over your shoulder to see a murderous Bi-Han stood there, ice dagger still grasped tightly within his hand. ‘Hey Bi-Han.’ You swallowed thickly. ‘Did you do something different with your hair today? It looks nice, suits you even.’ You chuckled nervously as your hands began to sweat upon hearing Bi-Han growl out a single warning from behind his mask.
‘Good idea.’ You replied swiftly before running off to find some place to hide as Bi-Han followed soon after. Kuai Liang gave it a couple of moments before then deciding to run after the pair of you to mediate the situation like he always did.
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starkeygirlposts · 3 months
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Goosebumps in my Sleeve CH. 2
Welcome back for part 2! I hope you enjoy! Please read the excerpt at the end!
Summary: You've been dating Rafe Cameron for 3 years, and one day Ward and your mom tell you they're getting married.
*In this story, Rafe kills Peterkin after accidentally shooting Sarah. Also, just to note, Renfeild did not die (this will make sense in the next chapter)
Pairings: Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
Trigger warnings: stepcest, drugs, pregnancy, noncon, swearing, pregnancy, p in v sex, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, domestic violence, sex, idk what else lol
*Even Cowboys Cry by Dasha
Beautiful Things by Benson Boone
Atlantis by Seafret
Braided by Emily Rowed
18+ mdni
Your hands are trembling as you quietly tell him “I don’t trust you, Rafe."
You can’t meet his eyes, so the two of you are silent for a while, until you feel his footsteps approach you before seeing his feet before you. You feel his fingertips graze your chin as he grips it between his thumb and tilts your head up.
His brow is furrowed, his head cocked to the side with one eye squinting in confusion when he repeats what you’d just told him. “You don’t trust me?” You wonder how it’s so hard for him to believe.
You laugh humorless, “Why would I trust you?! What have you shown to me in the last year that warrants my trust? You can hurt me, shun me, but you will not do the same to a baby.” You’re seething, eyes burning holes into his now, fire deep in your belly at the thought of him abandoning his child like he did you. A child who you knew would seek his approval their entire life, just like Rafe does with Ward. The idea makes you sick.
You’ve let him do as he pleased for a year. Allowed your “relationship” or lack there of to abide by his rules, allowed him into your bed and your heart without any recourse. You were done now. This changed everything.
Before he could open his mouth to speak, you sneer, “Big, bad Rafe Cameron who’s so afraid of his daddy, he lets his words scare him into ghosting his girlfriend. Why the fuck should I trust you? I don’t believe that ‘you’ll make this okay’, when you left me to pick up the pieces that night without even bothering to try and fight for us.” The corners of your mouth are upturned in what you can only describe as disgust as you finally look at him, embarrassment and shame at the forefront of your mind as you imagine yourself on all the nights you’ve laid on your bed and allowed him to use your body to the point that his seed stuck inside of you to create another human being. Another Rafe. You’re shaking now, teeth bared and eyes glossy, anger bubbling from your middle up to your mouth. You take his silence as encouragement to continue.
“You’re a coward.” You finally tell him, jerking your chin out of his grasp before slapping his hand away, all the while holding his line of sight. “You’re weak and pathetic. You’re a poor excuse for a man and if you think I’d trust you after all of this, you’re mistaken.” You finally say, stepping around him and heading toward the door to hold it open so he can kindly get the fuck out.
But just as you get a foot in front of him, you feel his hand on the back of your neck, hurling you back around to face him as he tilts your head up to hover his lips mere inches from yours.
He finally opens his mouth against yours to murmur. “You done?” Your hand comes up to shove at his chest, but he doesn’t budge, his chest poking into yours, not letting up on his grip on you. His eyes bore into yours and you swear you see a smirk across his mouth. “I’m looking past this little tantrum you’re having right now because I’m still not even sure I’m not hallucinating right now, but don’t think I won’t remember this shit.” He tells you and now you know you see a smirk on his face. His eyes soften cunningly when he says “You don’t think I’m weak when I’m balls deep inside your cunt, or down your throat.” His finger traces down your chin down to the hollow of your throat before you swat it away.
"Was I not enough? Only now that I’ve got this…thing growing inside of me, you suddenly care? Now you’re going to be big brother of the year, huh? Now you’re gonna step it up and make it all okay!” You snort, "You get high instead of dealing with your problems…is standing up to daddy too scary? Afraid he’ll cut you off? Was that so much worse than losing me?” You’re spitting your words, the back of your neck still in a vice grip as he runs his nose down your cheek, inhaling as his skin sweeps over yours. It’s intimate, more intimate than he is with you when he slides inside you. You think he’s trying to break you, intimidate you even. You feel his hot breath next to your ear as he takes the lobe into his mouth, gently sucking before whispering,
"It’s not my fault your mom’s a whore who couldn’t stand on her own two feet for more than five minutes.” He slurs at you and you almost laugh at his poor attempt at hurting you with words.
You shove your entire body against him and this time he does stumble back. You watch him as his hair flops in his eyes, glazed from the drugs and alcohol as he wipes the corner of his mouth with his thumb and smiles at you like he’s amused. “Screw you. You think I don’t hate my fucking mother for this? Maybe I should ask you to kill her for me just like you killed someone for him. I wonder if I’m important enough, though.” You scoff and mutter under your breath, “And I’m supposed to "trust" you to take care of me when it’s only going against what daddy wants?” You look up and meet his gaze, him watching you and you wonder if that did it.
It’s you not believing in him to protect you that sets him off.
"Would you rather have been shipped off to California? I made a choice, baby. Fucking in secret wasn’t as bad as not fucking at all.” Your nose wrinkles at his grotesque depiction of your union. He’s approaching you now, and you allow his hand to come up and cup the side of your face. You can’t help but soften when he touches you this way. He looks into your eyes and even though his pupils are blown black, you still see the lonely boy you love there. “You really think no one knows? When you’re moaning my name and my hand is between your legs instead over your mouth, you really think no one hears you? Wake up silly girl,” he taps your temple with two fingers before you wince at his insensitive words. "They know, sweetheart. They just don’t care enough about you to let it change anything.”
You're silent, teeth gnawing at the inside of your cheeks as you process what he says. Your eyes well up with tears as you stare back at him wordlessly. You have nothing left to say. What do you say to that? You’ve fought your fight here. But as always, he knows just how to plunge the knife where it hurts deepest. He watches you almost in wonder, waiting for your rebuttal before you blink and the tears drip down your cheeks in streams. Your lids stay closed and you can’t help the sobs that escape your mouth as you start to cry.
It wasn’t always this way, or so you think. You think your mom must have put your wants and needs, even your happiness above hers at one point. But after your dad, did it all change then? Or was it really always this way and you were you too blind to see it? Too good of a daughter to think the person you loved most in this world didn’t love you just as much in return. His words have you shuffling through your memories like a file cabinet to wonder and question everything in your life.
“No no no no no no,” He starts stuttering, blubbering even before pulling you to his chest, the back of your head cradled in his palm as the monster who maims you also reels you in for consolation. You can’t help the crying mess you’ve become now, and maybe hormones are to blame but it isn’t where your mind is going right now. “Shit, shiiiiit, I - fuck - it was too far. I know it was too far. But you know I’m the one who cares about you here baby. You know that don’t you?" He rambles, arm wrapping around your middle and rocking you back and forth. “Come on, don’t cry. I’m - I’m sorry, okay? Just don’t cry. Shit, I’m fucking sorry baby I didn’t mean - ” He’s begging but he doesn’t take back his words - how could he when everything he said is nothing but true? You cut him off by whispering to him to "please shut up".
You sniffle, using his sleeve to stop your nose from dripping, breathing in the scent of his deodorant and laundry detergent. Your hand comes up to cup over his bicep, and you mumble against his sleeve, “Show me you’re the one who cares.” So he pulls his head to you from the side of your temple, craning his neck to look down at you, your eyes blinking softly and he’s so fucking sorry for making you cry, especially now that you’ve got his kid inside you, so he loosens and kisses away the tears on cheeks before kissing your lips and telling you again that he’s going to make it okay.
His hands come up to cradle the crook of where your jaw meets your ears, his thumbs pressing massagingly there, causing your knees to buckle but he keeps you upright, one hand snaking down to sneak under your shirt and upwards until the flat of his palm rests over your warm tit, your skin on fire while his thumb and side of his pointer finger grips your nipple just tight enough to make you whimper and you’re sure you’re going to cry again, but not because you feel sad. No, right now you feel electrified, on fire with desire for the only person who truly knows you inside and out.
“Please touch me, Rafe.” You mewl and he breaks his lips from yours to chuckle, telling you “I’am touching you, pretty girl.” As his entire hand cups your boob, pulling you closer to him. His mouth resumes against yours, his tongue slotting in between your lips to caress yours, swallowing all of your whines and humming against you.
Your hands come to rest on his forearms, squeezing enough so you hope he understands that you need more.
“Touch me.” You mumble again, grabbing his hand from under your shirt. He groans into your mouth, pulling away and looking down to watch you as you guide his hand lower, past your belly button and down to the elastic band of your night shorts. His thumb teases against the fabric as he looks back up to your eyes, and he looks like a child who’s just been given the toy that's been on his wish list. His feet shuffle him closer to you as he grinds his hips against you, and you can feel the hardness of him against your belly, his eyes never leaving yours.
“You’re such a slut for my cock aren’t you baby? Should’ve known you couldn’t stay away from me. They’re so fucking stupid.” He chuckles to himself and you roll your eyes, bucking your hips up and into him, hoping he’ll take the bait. He does, his hand slipping into your shorts and panties, his index finger sweeping through your folds and you shudder. Goosebumps prick at your skin, your eyes closing and you whimper his name. The cold metal of his ring kisses your clit and you cry out, your hands fisting into his shirt and clutching him closer to you. You tilt your head up to his, his eyes scanning your face hoping to memorize you like this.
He can’t help the swell in his chest as he looks at you in adoration. The way your brows furrow in frustration at not being able to cry out louder at the pleasure he’s bringing you. The way your mouth hangs open to let quiet whines and mewls escape, chasing your release. The way you stare back at him with a glaze over your pupils, so cock hungry and needy. How is it possible that he’s procreated with someone so fucking perfect?
“Hope our baby looks just like you. Can’t be hard to share the love I have for you with a kid who looks just like their momma.” Your eyes open and look into his, your mouth parting in a moan when you weakly tell him to stop it.
“Why? S’true. Kid’ll be cursed if it comes out looking like me.” He mumbles. You keep watching his eyes as he uses his pointer and ring finger to spread you and slide his middle finger into your heat. You can’t help the gasp and whine that exits your mouth and you bite your lip to stifle your sigh.
“Mmm, Rafe…baby would be so lucky to look like you. Stop punishing y - your - self.” He’s stealing breath from you as he picks up the pace, adding his pointer finger now and circling your clit with his thumb. His pressure is firm as he coaxes your orgasm from you and your mouth hangs open with his name and cry spilling from you as he watches with his own mouth hung open as if he’s coaxing the sounds you're making before he brings his lips back to yours to swallow your voice.
You tremble in his arms as he picks you up easily, palms cupping both ass cheeks as he walks you to the bed and rests you down, using his knees to straddle over you. He mumbles against your lips something about why your clothes are still on and you don’t bother responding, your hands clumsily helping his to tug your shorts and panties down your legs and off your feet, his hands pushing your top up all the way over your chest and tugs it off your head and throws it to the mounting pile on the floor. His hands find their way to the backs of your thighs, spreading you out before him, knees bent back to the sides of your chest as he licks a stripe down between the valley of your breasts, over your belly button and down between your folds where he sucks your clit into his mouth and you see stars. Your vision is suddenly glittery and you grip his wrist, sitting up on both elbows as you look down at him. Your other hand comes to grip a handful of hair at the top of his head, your nails tracing his bangs back before gripping tightly. He groans in pain but sucks you anyway and the sensation is too much. You start whining, louder than you mean to and he taps your thigh to get you to snap back, to which you do and you mumble a ‘sorry’. Your clit pops from his mouth as he draws his face back before sliding 2 fingers back inside you, his eyes flicking to yours briefly before putting his mouth back on you. His tongue ravishes your cunt, flicking and nibbling and sucking and before you know what’s happening you feel like you’re peeing and his mouth is off of you, your head snapping back up to look down at him and he’s just watching you spray him with cum. He slowly drags his eyes over you and up to yours before sliding his fingers out of you and tearing his pants open and pulling his cock out. He’s inside you before you even know what’s happening, his hands on the backs of your knees and he’s telling you how good of a girl you are.
“Holy fuck, baby, just fucking squirted for me…you have any idea how lucky I am? My girl made a mess all over me. So fucking hot baby.” He’s rambling while dragging his cock in and out of you, the squelching sound of your pussy making you wince in embarrassment. He lowers his face down to yours and asks you if you can hear how well you’re taking him.
“Hear yourself baby? Pussy’s taking me so well. Making such pretty noises f’me.” His lips are hovering over yours, brows furrowed in determination as he fucks you ruthlessly. You can feel the tip of his cock kissing your cervix over and over and it’s entirely too much and you tell him he’s too deep.
“Y’too deep, Rafe. Feel you in my belly.” You whine and he chuckles, without humor, lowering his lips to yours. His breath is hot on your mouth and you open your eyes to find him watching you.
“You feel me in there sweet girl?” His hand comes over to put pressure on the exact spot the tip of his cock keeps touching and you swear you’re going to pass out.
“Oh my godddd” You whisper, voice pitched high and quiet, gritting through your teeth.
His other hand leaves your knee to grip your jaw in his hand, your lips puckering like a fish. His eyes bore holes into yours when he says "If I didn’t already know you were cookin’ a baby in here, I’d fuck you until you were pregnant.”
You grit your teeth tighter, clenching your molars as he fucks you fast and deep, the wet sounds of his balls slapping your ass becoming more and more frequent before he tells you “I fucking love you baby, making me a daddy. So fucking proud of you.” You whimper in reply as you gush around him, fluid spilling from you and coating his dick before he stills buried all the way inside you, slotted against that high spot of your cervix and his cum shoots hot spurts inside your walls.
“Think s’a good thing you’re already knocked up.” He says against your lips, cupping your cheek and then resting his temple against yours, peppering your neck with sloppy kisses.
The next morning you wake up, Rafe is still next to you. You feel his arm around you, tracing gentle circles between your shoulder blades as you let your eyes adjust to the daylight. You don’t immediately react, but as you come to, your eyes widen and you withdraw from him and out of bed. He’s awake, looking at you and you stare at him incredulously.
“What the fuck Rafe? What if someone came in here?” You whisper yell, scouring the ground for your clothes.
He stays quiet, all the while watching you move around your room nervously until you still your movements, still naked and you look back at him. He’s naked too, which he wasn’t fully when you were fucking, so you know he must have stayed awake longer than you last night and knowingly shed himself of clothing before climbing into bed with you to stay.
“What are you still doing here?” You ask, picking up your pajamas from the floor and putting them back on.
“You’re really fucking pregnant.” He says and you can't help but snort, irritated at his presence if you're honest and even more irritated with his idiocy.
“Did you think I was kidding? Do you even remember last night?” You ask, huffing as you pull your shirt over your head. Only then does he sit up and pull the covers off to sit on the edge of the bed. “C’mere.” He says, holding his arms out for you. You roll your eyes and begrudgingly obey, standing between his spread legs. You’re thankful his boxers are still on. The chivalry.
His hands wrap around the backs of your thighs, squeezing gently before allowing them to wrap around the front of your legs and skate up to your middle. He drags the satin of your pajama shirt up with his hands as they rake up your stomach and when it’s fully exposed, he just watches you. His eyes are trained on your flat stomach and you teeter on the balls of your feet, huffing in annoyance as his eyes flash to yours quickly before returning to your belly. He leans forward, turning his head to press his cheek to your skin as his hands wrap around your back to drag you closer to him. He hugs you like this, face pressed to your stomach and you can’t help but sigh and bring your own hands up to cradle his head to you. You stay like that for what feels like eternity before you feel his breath on your skin.
“Nothing I can say is going to change any of this. You were right I was afraid of my dad. I probably always will be afraid of him. But I’m more afraid of becoming him. I am weak, I am a coward…but I want to be better. I’m so sorry for ever letting you go.” His voice is quiet, but you can hear him perfectly and when you hear the wet sniffle, your hands clutch his head tighter, fingers running soothingly through his hair. “Promise I’m gonna be a good dad.” Your hands drag his head to tilt up and look at you so you can tell him “I know.” leaning down to kiss the top of his head.
“Swear baby, I’m gonna find a way for us to get out of here. Gonna make you my wife. Gonna buy you a house, gonna be better.” He sniffles and you smile and nod, knowing hoping he would make good on his word this time.
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You hear thumping coming from underneath your feet as you sip on the tea you just brewed. All is quiet tonight, Ward and your mom having gone to bed an hour ago and Wheezie in her room probably drawing x’s and o’s all over her J-14 magazines. You’d also tucked in for the night but when the turning in your stomach started to bubble into acid reflux, you knew that the ginger tea your doctor had recommended would help.
“Not letting you out until you calm down, okay?” He says calmly but loud enough for you to hear, and your feet follow his voice to the spiral staircase that leads down to the wine cellar. You hesitate there before hearing Sarah's voice, muffled but shout “Screw you!” Your feet carry you down the first few steps, trying to be quiet and not spill your overflowing cup of tea. The back of his head is what you see first, his north face jacket hugging his torso as he says “I’m trying to be civil here, and you’re freaking out right now - “ His head whips around to you just as your feet touch the bottom, and your eyes are blown wide as you search his for an explanation.
“Who - who’s in there?” You timidly say, setting the cup of tea down on the closest end table. You already know the answer to your question, but you want him to answer anyway. “It’s Sarah” he tells you, stepping closer to you before you blink wildly “Sarah - why is Sarah in there? Is she locked in there? Why is she locked in there?” You stutter, trying to step around him but his hands come up to grip your upper arms, chasing your face with his until you meet his eyes. “Hey, hey, hey baby she’s locked in there because sometimes you have to make the hard choice. I got the cross. I got it for us and - and s - sh - she knows.” He finally tells you all of it and you get it. “You got it?” You whisper, dismayed. You’re not sure if you’re elated, mortified, or both. You go with the latter. You know how volatile Rafe is when he wants something. You start to wonder how he acquired it after all of this time and back and forth, and you are absolutely terrified of the answer.
CHAPTER 2 DOWN! Have half of chapter 3 written. Thinking this will be longer than I originally thought! Not complaining! Please interact! I will NOT add you to the tag list if you are only commenting to add to the list.
Please repost, and leave a comment so I know you like the story!
Is everyone happy with the direction this story is heading in? My request box is open! I am willing to put anything into the story!
See y’all soon!
@kiiyomei @carrerascameron @mariaenchanted @slumnit @lillell467 @ijustwanttoreadlols @droppedyourhnd @maybankslover @a-library-ofmy-own @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @namelesslosers @ILOVETOSLAYSLAYSLAY
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daichislover · 5 months
same time next week? (Law college au)
summary: feeling more anxious than ever, you find yourself seeking help from Luffy’s med student friend, someone you've never had the chance to meet before
warnings: fluff, swear words, slight mention of prescriptions, mentions of smoking weed/vaping/CBD, slight mention of drinking (be responsible y’all!), law keeps his place TIDYYY you can’t tell me otherwise, implied plug!law lol
word count: 1337
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You don’t want to do this.
You stand at this random person’s door, double-checking your phone to ensure you’re at the right apartment number that Luffy gave you. Nervousness tightens your chest. What's the worst that could happen? A simple 'no'? But then again, you've never met this man; anything could happen. Taking a deep breath, you muster the courage to knock but are interrupted by a text.
From: Luffy 
“He’s not that bad, I swear! You’ll get along just fine.”
Easy for him to say, you think, shutting off your phone with a sigh. He could befriend a wall if he tried. After shutting off your phone, you turn to the door. As you finally go to knock, the door swings open abruptly, revealing a man in a penguin hat holding a trash bag. 
Not noticing your presence, the strange man collides into you. You stumble back as he falls, the bag ripping open, trash spilling all over. Groaning, he sits up, then realizes what - or who - he just ran into. “Oh shit… ARE YOU OKAY?” he exclaims, scrambling to his feet.
Stepping back from the spilled trash, you reply, “I’m fine. I’m sorry I didn’t move out of your way.” You then offered to help clean up, but he shakes his head at you and waves off your apology. “Why were you standing outside our door anyways? You lost or somethin’?”
Before you could respond, another figure steps out from the apartment - a tall, tattooed man in a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants. Your eyes widen at the sight of him. This man is very, very attractive and catches you off-guard, fueling your anxiety. You start to blush.
He sighs at the scene before him. “You had one job,” he mutters to the first man, who can only laugh. After bickering back and forth about the mess in the hallway, the trash-covered man turns to you with a smile.
“Whatcha need, sweetheart? My name's Penguin” With a shaky smile, you introduce yourself and add, “I’m looking for a Trafalgar Law? My friend Luffy mentioned-" 
“That’s me. Call me Law.” The gorgeous man interrupts. His smirk doesn’t help your pounding heart as he invites you inside, telling his roommate to clean up the mess.
Walking into the apartment was like walking into a magazine. The place is unexpectedly pristine, a stark contrast to the chaos outside. ���Woah…” You say to yourself while looking around. The living room is spacious, featuring a sleek black leather couch and a TV mounted above a fireplace. How can a couple of college kids afford this place?
Another guy emerges from the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel. “I know right? Law’s basically an interior designer. If becoming a doctor doesn’t work out, you’ll definitely see him on HGTV or whatever that home design channel is.” You laugh, feeling your nerves slightly disappear. Law dismisses the comment with a glare and leads you to his room. "Don't mind Shachi, he loves to be an ass."
You follow him down a hallway, and he opens a door on the left, ushering you inside his room. You murmur a soft "thank you" as you step inside, taking in the neatly arranged space. Aside from a desk cluttered with medical books and papers, everything is meticulously tidy. You slowly scan the room, absorbing the details, while he settles into a chair at his desk. As you admire a collection on his shelf, you notice something familiar.
“Is that the ‘Sora, Warrior of the Sea’ collection?” You look closer to double check, and smile when you realize that you’re right. He doesn’t say anything for a while, but then clears his throat. “Yeah, been collecting them for a while. You read?” You mention how you and your brother, Sanji, grew up reading them together. He nods, not saying anything further.
After a few beats of silence, you realize that you forgot why you were there in the first place. Panicking, you start to stutter. “I- uh. Um..” He cocks his head at you, waiting to hear what you were trying to say. You feel yourself getting flustered again and widen your eyes. “Uh-”
“Luffy mentioned something about you needing my help? What can I do for you?” His expression was unreadable, yet he seemed to be listening intently.
You inhale deeply, gathering your thoughts before you start speaking. "Since starting college, my anxiety has worsened, and it’s hard to afford prescribed medication with my tight budget," you explain. "I mentioned exploring alternatives like weed to Luffy, and he suggested that I talk to you. Is there any way you can help me?" You stand there, gripping at your purse. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea; your nerves kick in again and you feel like running away from embarrassment.
Law nods and turns to his desk, pulling open a drawer to retrieve a vape pen, which he extends towards you. You take it, examining the unfamiliar device with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Seeing your puzzled expression, Law asks, "Have you ever smoked or vaped before?" You shake your head. "No, I only drink when I go out."
He hums thoughtfully and gestures for you to hand it back. "Let me show you how it works, then." He carefully demonstrates how to use the vape pen, explaining each step as he goes, before handing it back to you. "Ready to give it a try?" Despite your hesitation, you nod. Law's demeanor instills a sense of trust, but the nerves are still there—after all, this is your first time smoking.
“You’ll probably cough quite a bit on your first try, but don’t worry, you’ll be okay. I’ve got some water ready if you need it,” he reassures you. You nod, feeling your palms begin to sweat.
You bring the pen up to your mouth, and inhale. The feeling was weird and very foreign, but not so bad. Immediately after, you feel a horrible burning sensation in your lungs and throat and start coughing. 
God, how embarrassing. Law quickly grabs his glass of water and hands it to you and you drink it immediately, thankful for his preparedness. After a couple of minutes, and a refill of water later, you finally start to calm down. You look over at Law and see him smirking. “So, how was your first hit?” he asks.
“What do you think?” you retort, half-embarrassed, half-amused. He smiles, turning back to his desk. “See how the pen works for you from now on, then we can discuss other options. That’s yours to keep, no charge. Consider it a first-timer’s discount.” Smiling, you whisper a quick “thank you” and take another hit.
After a few hours filled with small talk, you find yourself surprisingly at ease with Law. As the evening unfolds, you not only learn more about him but also share aspects of yourself that you usually keep reserved during a first meeting. His company is surprisingly delightful, and you make a mental note to thank Luffy later.
Stretching your arms, you suddenly realize how late it has become. "Oh my god, I didn't realize the time—I have a paper due tomorrow!" you exclaim, hastily grabbing your purse as Law rises and stretches alongside you. Catching a glimpse of his tattooed abdomen, you feel a flush of warmth. Can he get any hotter? You quickly avert your gaze before he notices you staring.
He leads you to the door, passing his roommates who are deeply engrossed in a video game, oblivious to your departure. At the front door, you pause and turn to face him. Law doesn’t seem like the type of person who gives goodbye hugs, which is really more like your style, so you simply smile at him instead.
"Thanks again for everything," you say, gratitude coloring your voice. "When should I come back?" He returns your smile, his eyes slightly lighting up. "Same time next week?"
Your cheeks warm at his smile, and you find yourself nodding eagerly. "Yeah, that sounds perfect."
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a/n: idk why, but college law just seems like the type of guy to be a plug LOL hope y'all enjoy
'til next time!
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bi-ss · 9 months
~ Ties that bind ~
Bucky x reader- arranged marriage.
Summary: You agreed to arrange marriage when you were little, after seeing who you are to marry. You wish you could go back.
WARNINGS: mentions of boobs lol, James trying to flirt if you squint, Sharon being a bitch, swearing..
(Spelling may be bad as I'm very dyslexic sorry in advance)
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2:15. That's the time James said he'll pick you up, and he asked you to be ready. It's 2:53, and you've decided to go for a shower instead.
Slipping your hand into the shower you turn it on trying not to get wet, which you succeed in doing, you lay the shower mat on the floor and look at your self in the mirror before undressing, you step into the now steamy hot shower wetting your hair completely before grabbing your shampoo and washing the roots of your hair. You like shampooing twice before leaving in your conditioner just a smudge so your hair soft, you take a comb but just as you about to start you hear voices come from your room, which is strange as noone really comes in bar you so you were a little confused until you hear them, a deep scruffy voice then you think you hear your bed moving, Is someone laying on it? You thought, you were slowly combing the conditioner in the ends of your hair when you hear a grunt but a deep grunt, you wondered who could be bothering you as it hit you, James motherfucking Barnes. It's been a couple of days since the meeting, and you don't have a James number, but you do have natashas. You were aware that James, Sam and Steve, who ever they may be were talking about all this as Nat over heard but all she said was he were tied, you didn't really care but you do know they Sharon has moved into a spare room on almost the opposite side from the master bedroom, and that one of James few rules were that we were to sleep in the same bed ect ect...
You finish your shower, putting your hair up in a towel, drying yourself and putting on a silk robe, you smirk to yourself as you remembered the last time you saw James were when he ran in to sign a couple papers at the front door and you heard shanon call you a attention seeking where and a man stealing slut, but now here's her man on your bed, without her knowledge, you giggle and unlock the door, breathing quickly and walking out calmly.
You glance over at James and around your room, you see his black blazer hanger on your beauty chair, him laying on your bed, shoes thrown next to it, in an look black shirt and trousers look, shirt slightly unbuttoned, with a shit eating grin on his face. While you, on the other hand, were in a short red silk robe and damp hair wrapped in a black towel, you pull the towel from your head, letting your damp hair, which is slowly shrinking flow free.
James grin slowly falters as his eyes seductively graze across your wet freshly waxed legs and the little bit of cleavage showing, once back to your face he study it like a text book, "if I'd had known you were showering, I would have ran here myself" he speaking proudly like he won a race, a race he ran by himself.
You giggle, slowly making your way to one of the bed posts making sure to sway your hips a little, leaning on the post you pout slowly, "if you were here faster I wouldn't have showered here, maybe at yours but as your late" you check the clock and see its 3:35 "I had to shower here" you continue pout but you weren't sad or annoyed he was late, or he was on your bed, you were more annoyed that hw aas flirting with you becuase he has a girlfriend, you disliked Sharon but no woman should have to know her boyfriend is flirting with another girl, and that he will marry her, no no no no.
Smirking at James as you yourself off the post and walk round the bed next to James, pushing the double doors to enter your closet humming as the smell of diffrent fabrics and soft smells enter your nose, you jump slightly as you feel you large hand on your hip, looking up to see James with a shocked expression on his face. You get an idea in your head, slowly turning to the broad man behind you, grabbing his chin gently with one hand, pulling him down to look at you.
"Go on, mister you get free range" you laugh to yourself as you walk back into your main bed room almost to your bed when you look behind you, still walking, to see James even more confused still standing in the door way, getting to the side of your bed you quickly start explaining before you lose confidence. "You said you wanted to atleast look like a happy couple, so I want you to go mad and dress me" you smile happily as you slowly start sliding down on your side, praying your still atleast a little covered but it didn't take James long to smile like a teenage boy looking at boobs for the first time and disappear into your walk in closet.
Once he's gone, you breathe and wonder where your confidence came from, then you feel bad for Sharon bit then remember she called you a whole and slut multiple times so feel less bad. You grab your phone and see nat texted you 3 times, and the one you can see from your unlocked screen says 'don't feel bad' so when you unlock and see that rest you feel less bad for Sharon as her messages are about how they were fighting because bucky admitted that he'd seen you years earlier at one of your fundraising events but at that time you were dating John so he didn't introduce himself and how he knew for ages she was using him for money but she was shit at hiding it and some other stuff, you replied saying you guessed so and how it was pretty obvious.
Nat: ngl you should probably start making him fall for you
You: why?
He knows she's using him
Nat: yeah but this has happened before, she'll say sorry and how she's change she'll change for a month then slowly change back.
You: oml why don't they don't break up
Like srsly it's kinda embarrassing
Nat: I've been by his side for almost 20 years, they have been together for 3 and at first she was a darling but money changes people
Also, he really loved the person she was and still thinks she's in there
Love does weird shit to us, man
You: fairs, he's picking out an outfit for me rn so I'll see 😛
What do I do just kiss him or something? I've never had to really try it. It's easy when they are already swooning
Nat: I guess, make him feel love for the rest of his life. I doubt he'll let you go
And I'll make sure of it x
You: sound
OK Nat, we met a couple of days ago, lol
Nat did send you another text, but you were by James calling your name while smiling proudly again, throwing your phone on the bed, getting up to see what he's layed out for you, walking past him you see a all black suit with some heels you turn to him nodding with a pleased expression "you did good James, but now I will be changing and you haven't gotten to the stage yet" you wink as you closed the doors but you still see the annoyed just playful gace he pulled, you turn to the suit and pick it up, seeing one of your favourite black lace lingerie sets underneath, you should be upset that he went to fair but you just giggle and started getting dressed and doing very light makeup. Once mascara, lip liner, and lip gloss were applied, you reopened the doors to see his amused, then blank expression, you walk out with your jacket folded over your arm and your shirt undone all the way to expose your bra which for being lingerie with quite covering for the most part, you smile, picking up the bag you had earlier and open your doors making your way to the front hall to where your stuff is to see all of it was gone and with James closely behind you, walking outside to the now only blacked out car there, which wasn't your fathers.
James rushed ahead to open the door for you, climbing in and you watched him walk round and open his door, your bag at your feet with your door closed and seat belt on you were ready, you knew you'd come back home sooner then later so if wasn't emotional.
"James stop staring at my boobs and driving" rolling you eyes as he starts the door and slowly pulling out, you hope it's an short ride that's not to awkward, so you look out the window as the trees go by.
TAGS: @learis @unaxv @cjand10 @pattiemac1 @coffee-winter-and-silence @scott-loki-barnes
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dellalyra · 1 year
Family Formation Part Four
Summary: A special moment follows you and Satoru going full protective parents on the kids Principal.
CW: mentions of fighting, misogyny (not from anyone we like lol) swearing
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A/N: ngl actually proud of this one. i really wanna make the reader like endlessly warm and loving, but also badass and powerful because women are amazing - and show how much the reader and gojo love each other after all they're only early twenties and still completely lovesick
Recommended listening:
Vigilante Shit - Taylor Swift
Paris, Texas - Lana Del Rey ft. SYML (for the ending)
Requests open <; 3
Series Masterlist
"Good afternoon, am I speaking to Ms. Y/L?" Echoes through your phone as you step out of the meeting Satoru and you were having with the higher-ups, who were busy telling you how to teach and do your jobs.
"Hi, yeah, that's me. How can I help?" You reply.
"This is Principal Ito, I'm afraid there's been some... trouble with Megumi at school today. Would you be able to come to the school to collect him and have a discussion?"
"Is he alright? What happened?" Panic rose in your chest. Was he sick? He was fine this morning, ate his porridge and drank his juice and flipped Satoru off when he tried to kiss his chubby cheeks and squish his face - so absolutely average Megumi behaviour.
"He is perfectly fine, we'll discuss more in detail when you arrive."
"Okay, his dad and I will be there in 15 minutes." You had recently taken to just saying you were his parents because explained that you had taken in the children and were hoping to formally adopt the children of the man who killed your boyfriend and your boyfriend then actually killed came back to life, after the father and sold his son to the family he excommunicated himself from.
You stroll back into the meeting, bending to tell Satoru the situation who immediately stood up.
"We're leaving - parenting shit to do, bye-bye wrinklies." He said, taking your hand and waving to the higher-ups as he lead you outside. Teleporting you both to the school gates so you didn't just appear out of thin air in a middle school.
Greeting the school secretary, she leads you to the principal's office - where you find a sullen, scowling Megumi looking defiant with his 9-year-old legs swinging from the middle of the three chairs facing the desk. He doesn't even look up when you and Satoru walk-in, staring straight at the principal.
Principal Ito, a greying, pot-bellied man sits behind his desk.
"Ah, Megumi's guardians, yes?" He asks shaking Satoru's hand first, then yours.
"In the process of legal adoption, but yes we're his guardians. What's going on? You okay, 'Gumi?" You sit beside the boy on one side as Satoru sits on the other side, taking a lollipop from his pocket and popping it into his mouth, and handing one to you and the kid between you.
Megumi shrugs in response to your question.
"Mr. Gojo, Ms. L/N, I'm afraid Megumi here is in some serious trouble. At lunch break today, he started a fight and participated which resulted in 4 other boys being brought to the nurse for injuries, extensive injuries." Your jaw dropped, your Megumi? Sure, he had attitude, and was Toji's son being raised by Satoru Gojo (you'll ignore any part regarding your temper's influence), but he was a quiet, introverted boy, taking comfort in books and animals, traits he was learning and inheriting from seeing you seek comfort in the same things.
"Is this true, Megumi?" and "Wait, you beat up for other kids and haven't a scratch. Well done kid! Proud of you lil' man, fist bump!" Coming from you and Satoru, respectively. The principal looks completely shocked, but for once, Megumi actually does a fist bump Satoru, showing no remorse for his actions. You rolled your eyes at the two boys fist-bumping, both with their candy hanging from their mouths, your fiancé was mentally 9. Unwrapping your own lollipop, you turned back to Ito.
"Megumi will be suspended for two we-" The principal began but you stopped him.
"Excuse me, shouldn't we hear Megumi's side of the story before any choices are made without us here?" You interject, as the principal waves his hand toward Megumi, signalling him to speak.
"I'm not gonna say sorry. They were pulling on a girl's hair and calling her names and saying mean stuff about her so I stopped them, but then they started doing the same to me so I hit them." The boy shrugs the words out, quiet yet wholly confident in his actions.
"Ah! See, completely valid - good job bud, let's get your sister and head for lunch together. C'mon babygirl, let's have a fun family afternoon with the kids!" Satoru says as he ruffles the child's hair and moves to stand.
"Mr. Gojo, this behavior is totally unacceptable, and your lack of condemning it and disciple is wholly reprehensible. Megumi will be suspended for two weeks while the board makes the decision whether or not expulsion will be the route we proceed with." Ito declares .
Now, after hearing, and trusting the word of your child - you turn to the principal.
"I'm sorry, am I misunderstanding the situation? A child was being bullied, physically and emotionally in the schoolyard - with no teacher intervening with a total obvious lack of monitoring, so my son stood up to the bullies, who then turned on him and began to physically assault him and he defended himself - yet he is being punished? What of the other boys? I assume immediate expulsion - no deliberation needed?" You lean forward toward the desk, passing your lollipop to a smirking Satoru, who knew that edge in your voice never ended well for the recipient. After all, he'd heard the same measured, cold, clipped, and endlessly terrifying tone when the higher-ups had told you to revise your curriculum on differentiating curses this morning (if he remembered, the exact words were: "I appreciate that you have a clearcut, if antiquated, unrealistic and frankly idiotic vision for how you expect these topics to be taught, however, as a special grade sorcerer I feel I am wholly equipped and far more prepared to decide how I teach my students that the majority of this board who have been solely directing from this room for the entire duration of their exceptionally long tenure." God you were especially sexy when you diss the higher-ups).
"The boys are quite seriously injured Ms. L/N, which we feel is punishment enough - and it is Megumi's word against the four other boys and I'm afraid we must listen to the majority." The principal eyed your flaring nostrils and smirking fiance.
"You've gotta be kidding me! The kid did the right thing, if anything give him an award, school hero!" Satoru interjected.
"I am absolutely floored by the words I'm hearing, Principal Ito, I'm afraid it's all difficult to swallow." You respond.
"I'm sure it is, but perhaps this will teach Megumi a lesson in behaviour and I suggest stronger discipline at home - I know you are not his parents and it must be challenging figuring out what to do."
"First of all, what I'm shocked by Principal, isn't Megumi's behavior - but your sheer ignorance and lack of accountability for the obvious failings of your faculty. I cannot believe a school would allow such behavior to continue, especially since both Megumi and his sister have mentioned four boys who are notorious bullies on previous occasions so rather than dealing with the root problem, you choose a scapegoat to shoulder the blame. Second, how dare you insinuate we are not fit to raise a child, we may be young, hell were 22, but these two children are our son and daughter, we are their parents. We raise these children to be brave, stand up for others and know right from wrong and protect those who cannot protect themselves." You take a breather, and the principal turns to Satoru.
"Mr. Gojo, perhaps you would care to calm your partner down, before things escalate." Ito directs at Satoru, who only smirks and says to Megumi "He's done it now. Watch this."
"How DARE you tell him to calm me down! Why don't you just say 'get your woman under control' and be done with it? Christ, I thought the board of the school we teach was misogynist, avoidant, antiquarian, hostile, and cowardly but you, sir, 'toru baby cover Megumi's ears, take the fucking cake. I'll save you the paperwork, I'm withdrawing my kids from this damn school, no kids of mine will go to a school led by a like you an absolute prick like you. Boys, we're leaving, and we'll be taking Tsumiki." You stand, pushing the chair back as Satoru cackles laughing at the indignation on the man's face. Megumi grabs his backpack and your hand, and you both walk out of the room.
Before he leaves, Satoru turns to the man, "Isn't my girl awesome? She's the best mom! No wonder I wanna marry her!" He throws a lollipop on the desk, and saunters out winking at the stuttering man.
The three of you grab Tsumiki from her class and walk toward the exit when she turns and asks what's going on.
"Why are we leaving, it's only 1pm? Did something happen, Satoru why are you smiling that that? Wait, Megumi, why are you smiling?" She spews looking between you all.
"I got into a fight and they tried to blame it and Ito told Dad to calm mama down on me so mama got mad at Ito and called him a prick." Megumi said to his sister as you and Satoru froze.
He called you mom, he called him dad.
Satoru and you just stared at each other, your eyes welling up with tears and pride. You guys had spoken about if the moment happened. Tsumiki had asked one night when Megumi was sleeping if she could call you guys mom and dad, you both said of course, you'd be privileged (Satoru cried, a lot), she then said she would wait for Megumi so as not to make him feel out of place or uncomfortable, ever the sweet, kind girl. You warned Satoru sternly to not make a big deal of it when he did, as you'd never spoken to the little boy about it, not wanting to push him and telling Satoru to not follow through by planning a 'mom and dad' party, knowing it would only mortify Megumi and make him uncomfortable, he had reluctantly agreed with you.
Knowing this came from you both standing up for him and speaking up for him, you mouthed 'I love you' to him and he responded 'I love you too' over the heads of the chattering kids.
"What? Are you hurt? Dad what did you say? Mom did you really call him a prick?" Tsumiki added.
"Your mama's a badass, kids!" Gojo added.
"We take no shit from men, Tsumiki, remember. Plus, he was being an ass to your brother so it was me doing that or your dad hollow purpled him for disrespecting me and you two." You grab Megumi's hand, rubbing circles into it as he looks up at you.
As Gojo recounted the events to Tsumiki, Megumi turned his little head to you.
"Thank you, mama." He said quietly, shy as ever, into your side.
Willing yourself not to cry, you kiss his forehead.
"Always, darling boy."
Taglist: @madam-ri @vesta-ro
@lilithlunas @sassy-cat-in-town
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herarcadewasteland · 11 months
Spin, Dare, Hide.
A/N: The full first chapter of SDH! I'm back to being motivated so you get the full chapter after so long lmao
-18+, slight violence, swearing, jisung is a little shit, ateez kinda yandere towards the end
-ateez x reader, mentions of skz because Han Jisung is your bff
1 of 2 (We'll see how much more I write from today onwards)
this is TWELVE of 14 pages i have written lol... not edited or re-read
Spin the bottle, hide and seek and truth or dare. Three separate games Jisung had decided to combine for a game he called SDH. Spin, dare, hide. The way it worked was a little too complicated for your liking, your head going blank as you listened to him explain it eight times over. You spin the bottle, the person it landed on is the seeker. You must do a dare they ask you and then you hide. You get a minute to hide. After that minute is done, your seeker has a time limit of 3 minutes to find you. If they find you, they do what they want with you. If you aren’t found, your past seeker spins the bottle and whoever it lands on swaps out and becomes the seeker. The game continues like this until either one person has not been found by anyone or the hider is found and “dealt with”, as Jisung phrased it. The only limit to the game was the extent of pain you could put a person through with your dare. You couldn’t ask your daree to hurt themselves or anyone else in an extreme fashion. The most you could ask would be a spank or a small slap on the face, even a slap on the wrist, forehead flicks included. That limit extended to the “do whatever you want to them” prize for finding the hider. The only pain you could inflict was determined before the actions were taken and done safely with consent. 
It was something you had played with Jisung, Chan and Hyunjin before, but sitting on the floor, listening to Jisung explain it all to Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho, you wanted to be anywhere else but there. The confusion on their faces was visible, Jisung cackling as he explained the pain limits set in place. Feeling a gaze on you that you knew wasn’t Jisungs, as he was busy staring down Yeosang who had a small blush covering his face, you turned to look around. Looking past them all, you landed on Wooyoung. His gaze was… intense. He was always the flirty one but the look in his eyes was determined. Almost like he was taking the challenge of the game personally. When you met his eyes though, they cleared and he smiled at you brightly, a small one tugging at your lips in response until Jisung smacked you on the shoulder.
He was still rambling about the game and you vaguely heard a question directed at you, just nodding along as you got lost in your thoughts. It wasn’t until you heard someone choking on their drink and Jisung shouting at you in pride that you snapped back into reality and looked around the group in confusion. The reactions were different, but each man now had a darker look behind their kind eyes. Mingi had been the one to choke, his face beet red as he smacked his chest. Wooyoung sported a massive smirk, looking eerily close to the joker smile. Hongjoong was watching you look at them with curiosity and the others were all just slightly red in the face. San was the only one you could really tell what he was thinking. His lips parted as his breathing picked up, his legs crossed and he stared at you with darkened, hooded eyes. It was clear he was imagining what he could do to you if he found you but a sharp nudge from Seonghwa on his side made him sit up, his previous state gone entirely as you watched him with wide eyes. 
Jisung caught your attention again, his eyes as wide as yours as you looked at him with so much visible confusion. 
“Did you even hear me?”
“Oh.. no… Was I supposed to? You were explaining the game. I know how it works.”, you raised an eyebrow at Jisung.
He only answered with a laugh, his arms wrapping around your shoulders as he continued to explain the little details of the game he created. He gave you no indication of just what you had agreed to when you were zoned out, his attitude more cocky than usual as he held you to him tightly. You huffed in annoyance and confusion as you sat, waiting for the explanation to be over. It took Jisung about three more minutes to finish explaining everything, questions answered and players ready. 
“Okay, someone grab a bottle! It’s time to play~”, Jisung cackled and rocked with you in his hold, your eyes rolling at his maniac-esk tendencies. 
“What did I agree to? I think it’s against the rules for me not to know.”
“Wrong! I made the rules, so for you, sweetpea, it’s not gonna harm you.”, Jisung planted a loud kiss on your cheek and you grunted, shoving him away to sit on the floor in front of him.
Yunho came back into the room with a bright smile and a half empty bottle of vodka in hand, followed by Yeosang who carried a bowl of snacks to the couch to share around. You accepted gratefully, munching on a small handful as everyone got settled in a circle, Jisung excluded. You called him a traitor as the last two settled down fully, the back of your head being smacked.
“Okay, now. Let’s start with a simple round of Truth or Drink. Don’t answer the truth and someone knows you’re lying, you drink. You get away with a lie and that’s that. Got it? Good. Jongho!”, Jisung pointed at Jongho as he shouted his name, the change in volume making you jump slightly against his legs, to which he laughed.
A simple hum answered him, Jongho leaning forward in his seat as Jisung copied him. His eyes darted down to you briefly before Jisung hummed obnoxiously loud, his eyes trailing back up to meet Jisung’s.
“Do you know who has the biggest dick?”
“Yeah.”, Jongho scoffed and turned his gaze to Seonghwa, “Hyung, did you eat my lunch yesterday?”
Seonghwa had the decency to look ashamed, his ears flushing red as he covered his mouth with his hand. He simply nodded and sat up straighter, staring daggers at Wooyoung who cowered away slightly. 
“Did you take my Star Wars Lego and re-gift it to me during the holidays?”
Wooyoung choked on air, his eyes widening in fear as Seonghwa stood from his spot, rage seeping from him as he made his way to the frantically mumbling Wooyoung. Hongjoong stopped them quickly but when Wooyoung muttered a small ‘yes’ before he booked it outside, Hongjoong had no hope against the force of angry Seonghwa as he barrelled after the culprit.
You sat in your spot, lips pressed together to stop the laughter from spilling through as Jisung cackled at your back, San looked unbothered, almost like he knew about the occurrences. The others looked slightly concerned for Wooyoung as scared screams from Wooyoung echoed as Seonghwa shouted profanities at him. Snacks were passed around as the chase continued outside and was soon forgotten as you ate, conversation flowing naturally until Seonghwa burst through the door with Wooyoung, a harsh grip on his ear as he dropped him where he was sitting previously. He retook his own seat, San patting his thigh comfortingly as Seonghwa huffed in anger. You let out a small giggle, the despair in his actions pulling it from you before you could stop it. The glare was turned to you quickly and you muttered apologies and bowed your head to him repeatedly, his glare leaving his eyes soon after as he calmed down fully.
“Oh Jisung~”, Wooyoung called out to your friend, “Have you kissed Y/n?”
Gasps filled the room and your jaw dropped, staring at the cocky look on Wooyoung’s face as he sipped his drink. Jisung hummed and ran his hand over your hair, your head shaking in response to the question before he grabbed the sides of it to stop you.
“No, but I can.”, he emphasized his point by planting a kiss on the top of your head, your jaw snapping shut as you punched Jisungs legs where you could reach.
“OK, since I asked someone already, San. Would you kiss one of the people beside you?”
You watched as his head turned to either side, glancing over his friends before he nodded, “Yeah. Probably would.”
A few cries of shock followed his answer, the two to his sides blushing red as they stared at the carpet below them. You smacked Jisung’s leg again, hand reaching for the snacks as the questions were passed between the rest of the boys. Soon enough, after a few angry chases through the backyard and a few insults here and there, your name was being called by Yeosang. You met his eyes easily, head tilted in question as you swallowed the mouthful of Doritos you had been crunching. 
“Would you make out with anyone in the room…minus Jisung?”, his eyes were curious as he held your gaze but you could feel the weight of the others’ darkened eyes on your frame as you thought for a moment.
With your eyes steadily on Yeosang, you licked your lips slowly, still thinking before you no longer had to, Yeosangs answering lip lick solidifying what you were, in all honesty, pretending to think about.
“Yes. In a heartbeat.”, your face lit up with a blush as they groaned, some shifting in their spots as others hid behind their hands to save face in front of you. 
“So why don’t you?”
“What?”, your head snapped to Jisung, a smirk playing at his lips as he watched the panic course through you. 
“Make out with one of them. I dare you.”
“This isn’t the game, Jisung.”
“Good thing a preliminary game of spin the bottle is next then huh?”
You groaned and smacked him, running your clammy hands over your face as you huffed out a breath of pure tension, “I think we get that you smashed together some games and forced us to play it for your pleasure.”
A few laughs greeted your ears, Jisung’s angry huff reaching you between the laughs before you had a smack landed on the top of your head. You groaned a little and rubbed your head, glaring up at Jisung from your spot. 
“Shut up. Fine, we’ll just start the game. Since our dear Y/n decided to ruin our pre-game, she’ll spin first!~”, Jisung pushed you forwards slightly, your hands catching you as you fell forward. 
You sat upright with a huff and shook your head, reaching for the bottle that Yunho still held. The level of vodka in it had dropped and you raised an eyebrow, his sheepish smile answering all your questions. You let it go and set the bottle in the middle of your circle, sitting on your knees at arm’s length away from it, you grasped the body and spun it. Watching it spin, your heart rate picked up, the bottle slowly coming to a stop as you stared at it. You didn’t want to look away from it, if it had landed on him, you knew you would be found and there was no telling just what would happen. 
You felt all their gazes on you as you stared holes into the bottle, the neck pointing somewhere to your front right. A throat clearing made your shoulders jump, your eyes flicking away from the bottle in the general direction of Jisung behind you with a glare. You took a deep breath, staring at the bottle still. Exhaling sharply as you glanced up to meet your seeker’s eyes, you froze. You were fearing being seeked out by Wooyoung but seeing Hongjoong staring you down, head tilted down slightly and to the side as he smirked, his tongue peeking out between his teeth as he watched you, you knew you had been afraid of the wrong person. 
Red rushed over your face, a sympathizing chuckle coming from someone to your left and as you glanced over quickly, you were surprised to see Yeosang smirking at you in a similar way. The blush heated your face quicker, your cheeks burning as you glanced back at Hongjoong, who had shifted to kneel in his spot between Mingi and Jongho. You met his dark eyes, his head tilting further in silence as he picked up on your spike of fear.
“The captain first. How fitting! Now, you have to give her a dare! She can’t say no.”, Jisung interrupted your staring contest, your fear dying in your chest slowly as the look faded from Hongjoong’s face. 
A bright smile pulled at the captain's lips as he watched you closely, his hands clasping together on his thighs as everyone sat in nervous silence. 
“I dare you…”, Hongjoong met your apprehensive gaze as his darkened once more, Jisung at your back oblivious to the look as he flirted with San, “I dare you to go the rest of the night without your shirt on.”
Cat calls echoed around your head, your eyes widening as you held his gaze once more, his smile dropping into a smirk in a split second as you shook your head. 
“That’s unreasonable. I’m not-”, your denial was cut off by the sound of fabric ripping, your eyes darting down at the sudden chill on your torso only to see your shirt in two halves hanging around your hips. 
You gasped in shock, one of your favourite shirts ripped so easily but as you looked to the side to see Jongho and Yeosang with similarly hovering hands, you saw red.
“What the fuck?! I get this is a game to you all but I take destroying my possessions very seriously! So if one of you wants to stop and fucking think about how much I enjoy my possessions, that would be great!”
You were fuming. Your fists clenching as your chest heaved, eyes squeezed shut in anger while you tried to keep the tears away. Silence followed your outburst, gazes set on your form as Jisung rubbed your bare shoulders. 
“Well? Is anyone gonna say something? Anything to let me know that you aren’t complete assholes?!”
The continued silence made you huff, your eyes snapping open only to make eye contact with Seonghwa who was now kneeling in front of you, eyes darker than the night sky and swirling with an emotion you couldn’t quite place as his hand shot out to grip your chin between two long fingers. 
“I’d watch how you talk to us if you want to make it out later.”, his voice was deeper than you had ever heard it, rivaling Mingi’s as he leaned forward to whisper darkly in your ear, “You won’t be walking out of this house normally anyways, don’t make it worse for yourself, pet.”
He pulled away abruptly, his harsh grip leaving your face as it heated rapidly, his eyes brightening as he took his previous spot. All eyes were on you as you inhaled shakily, your eyes clearing of the anger that was previously swirling in them and instead fogging over in a headspace you never thought Park Seonghwa would be able to induce, even if just slightly as he promised you your demise. 
Jisung cleared his throat sharply, smacking his hands down on your shoulders. You jumped in your spot at the touch, your mind miles away from the current situation until that moment as Jisung began rambling off the rules again. 
“One minute to hide, as soon as you leave the room, Y/N, it’ll start. Hongjoong you have three to find her. You fail, you spin and swap out. Then it starts over until we either run out of men or our dear hider is found.”, Jisung made eye contact with everyone in the room, making sure they nodded before he slapped you over the head, “Get a move on! We only have so much time.”
You nodded slowly, avoiding the eyes of everyone as you stepped to the edge of the living room, your legs hesitating mid-step as you glanced back at Jisung for reassurance. Seeing his answering nod at your gaze, you sighed lowly and booked it from the room, your steps echoing as you clambered away from the heavy energy. Jisung’s shout for the timer starting had your heart quickening as you looked into every room you could, eyes searching for that perfect spot you knew no one would look in.
You even considered the trash can in the kitchen before you heard low laughs coming from the room across from it, looking up to see San watching you. The darkness in his eyes had you sprinting from any room even remotely close to the living room, your hands shaking as you considered just jumping in the shower or the linen closet and praying that whatever Hongjoong had planned for you was innocent and painless. 
You figured that closets, under beds, in the shower or behind curtains would be searched first, followed by behind chairs in corners or large piles of blankets or clothes, your mind racing with thoughts on how you could possibly hide in a way that would ensure you would be free to win the game and have the boys fight it out as they hid amongst themselves. Jisung shouted ‘20 seconds’ into the house, the slight murmur from the group dying down slightly as you froze, head turning around the room frantically.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Hide goddamnit!”, you scolded yourself, scanning every last corner of the room before you came up with a plan. 
Grabbing pants from the closet, you stuffed them haphazardly with pillows, standing them on shoes behind the curtains before closing them to create a space of darkness, Jisung starting a countdown from 15 seconds as you frantically stuffed another pair of pants to hold with you for your plan. 
Your hands shook as you closed the door to the room, body pressed against the wall as tightly as possible to minimize the obvious gap when it opened.
You held the pants and shoes in one arm, tucked against your chest as you covered your mouth with the waistband. 
You heard shuffling from downstairs, your eyes closing as you tried to control your breathing. 
“Ready or not, here I come~”, Hongjoong’s voice carried up the stairs as he climbed them steadily, “I’ll find you sooner or later, bunny. You can hide, but you can’t run.”
The sharp edge to his words made you clam up, your hands slipping slightly and causing your elbow to knock against the door lightly. You gasped as quietly as you could, free hand clamping down harshly on your mouth as a shadow filled the doorway, the hallway light only silhouetting his figure as he opened the door. He swung it open slowly, his hand splayed on the wood as you waited for it to collide with your body. The hit was far from obvious as he left it to rest just centimeters from your body, his eyes narrowed and predatory as you shook slightly.
The curtain rings did you a favor, sliding slightly to adjust to the positioning and drawing his attention from the other side of the room. His smirk grew noticeably in the darkness of the room, the hallway lights seeming to glint off his canine as he stalked towards the curtains, his eyes trained down on the set of shoes just barely peeking from behind them. 
“Oh little bunny. You could’ve at least tried to get away~”, his smug look was wiped from his face as he violently pulled open the curtains, the noise allowing you to slip out of the room as Jisung shouted ‘2 minutes left’. 
The door creaked slightly as you snuck out of your spot, Hongjoong freezing as you booked it. A cruel laugh filled the air moments later as the sound of a door slamming shut took over the house. Shivers went down everyone's spines at the following laughter, his words making you stumble as you ran into the library room that was really just a desk and a few bookshelves. 
“If I find you, little bunny, you’ll wish you never ran. I’ll make sure of it. You’ll make such a pretty bunny for us, covered in our marks and drenched in our cum.”
He made no indication that he heard the door to the room squeaking but as you slid between the shelves on the wall of the door, your stuffed pants casting a shadow under the desk for him to see as he swung the door open fully, a mocking click of his tongue following, you knew he had heard it. 
“Oh bunny. You should’ve been quieter. Maybe then you would have had it easier.”, he stood still in front of the desk, his shoulders lifting with his heavy breaths as he stared down the top of it, “But poor bunny thinks we’re dumb-”
“Hey Captain! 10 seconds!”, Jisung shouted up the stairs.
“Your tricks may have worked, but whoever is next will not be as accepting of your tricks.”
“Game!”, Jisungs shout startled you slightly, Hongjoong leaving the room before he paused.
“Your little games will get you hurt, bunny. I’d be careful.”, he growled his words at you, fingers tapping against the bookshelf you were squished between as he left the room. 
You sighed in relief, slipping from your spot to breathe properly for a minute as you gathered your decoy, going back to gather your other one as Jisung shouted up to you that you have some extra time as the bottle spun. Your hands steadied quite quickly with the news, your hands working double time to stuff some more pillows into pants, placing one behind the curtains again, another in the shower, replacing the one under the desk and shoving one under a bed. All that was left was you, Jisung’s call of your official time starting putting the shake back in your hands.
You had one minute to hide again, your decoys calming your mind slightly until you ended up in front of the locked door at the very end of the hall. The red light that was usually on in the room was absent for now as you stared at it, a call of 30 seconds shaking your mind as you turned away from it, stumbling into the closest room you could reach. 
You looked around frantically, eyes finding the doors that led to a small balcony quickly. You huffed but gave in, opening the doors with a huff. You could hide behind chairs, the giant potted plant or you could stand on the edge and pray no one walked out. SIghing heavily, you pressed yourself against the wall beside a large plant right by the doors. A faint shout of Jisung’s voice told you that the new seeker was out and searching for you. Opening doors slowly sounded less muffled as he approached the room you were in, his voice muffled while he searched for you. The door to the room opened slower than the rest of the doors, the slow squeak of the hinges making you cringe as you pressed yourself against the cold wall. 
“I see you know what you’re doing. I don’t appreciate these little games you think you can get away with, doll. When we find you, you will regret it. Mark my words. If I don’t ensure it, then I know for a fact that the others will when they find out your little mind games. Jisung forbade us from telling the others what happens on our hunts…”, a door slammed open, “So you’re safe with your little decoys until someone doesn’t fall for them.”
The growl his voice took on was bone-chilling, the anger and anticipation behind it making you shiver more violently than the cold breeze had been, your entire body tensing as the patio doors opened one by one. 
“You’re lucky my time just ended, doll. A shame we don’t get to play just yet… I’ll have my chance with you and by god will you regret everything.”, his head poked through the doors, making eye contact with you immediately and you whimpered.
The smirk on his face was nothing less than cruel as he watched you shiver, your eyes wide as he watched you until you gasped, fully registering your situation. You shook your head, hands waving in front you as you stepped back slightly. 
“J-Jongho no, t-the time ended!”, your voice trembled as he watched you panic, an easy smile replacing his smirk.
“I’m aware, doll. It’s best you come inside for now if you keep planning to hide out here. You’ll get sick.”, he tugged you inside, his large hand warm against your smaller one as the warm air of the house washed over you.
“Thank you…”, you murmured as Jisung shouted for Jongho again, his heat disappearing back downstairs to spin the bottle as you warmed up slowly.
The minute it took for the bottle to land and Jisung to shout up to you felt like ages, your last decoy being replaced under blankets on a bed. Your brain was short-circuiting. You had no idea who was next, it could be Wooyoung, it could be Seonghwa or it could be Yeosang. Either way, you were terrified of those three for the moment as you slotted yourself under the bed the decoy was on. It was a dumb spot and you would be lying your ass off if you said you couldn’t hear past your own heartbeat for a few seconds as footsteps trailed up the stairs, oddly heavy for any of the boys. 
The sound of two doors swinging open at once sent alarm bells off in your head again as you picked up on two separate footstep patterns entering rooms opposite your hiding place. You had closed the door to be extra safe, leaving the door to the room of your last hiding place open just to throw them off. Regret filled your panicked being as you watched four shadows extend from under the door to the room you were in.
Of course they sent up two and of course Jisung allowed it. Why wouldn’t he? He was always rooting for your failure in a best friend way, just as he was always trying to get you laid. Maybe that was his plan with this godforsaken game, you thought. The door opened slowly with an extended creek sending shivers down your spine as you indirectly met Wooyoung's dark gaze from under the bed, San’s sharp eyes scanning the room slowly, gaze just as filled with a promise of danger.
Watching San’s arm lift to point subtly at the decoy on the bed, you let out the smallest whimper you could, hands clasped over your mouth and nose to hide your heavy breathing as they approached opposite sides of the beds. 
“Oh princess. You could have hid so much better!”, San’s voice was overly cheerful as you watched his foot tap in eight counts.
“Unless our little baby just couldn’t wait to be found~”, Wooyoung's voice matched San’s cheerful tone as he added to the teasing.
The swoosh of blankets covered the noises of shock they no doubt made, the muted thump made your heart race, knowing they wouldn’t leave the blankets on the floor to sweep up the dust of the day. The veined hands gripping the pile confirmed your thoughts, a slight peek of hair nearly exposing your spot as they bent to pull the covers over the decoy. They whispered to each other, the annoyance hidden in their tones now present as they scanned the room once more before they left with heavy steps.
Their posture screamed disappointment but being under the bed stopped you from seeing the small smirk shared between them as Jisung called time moments after your door closed. The silence and heat building in the room suffocated you slowly, your hands fumbling with the door until you were able to breathe in different air, your mind racing at the possibilities of them sending up another group of two, maybe even a group of three if Jisung was feeling like causing more chaos. 
The troublemakers next call of your time had you rushing into the bathroom, hands fumbling with the decoy to chuck it outside, no longer caring if it led whoever was next straight to you. You were flustered, scared and becoming increasingly panicked at what the others were planning as they sent away each seeker. A heavy set of footsteps trailed slowly up the stairs, your mind jumping Yunho as the stairs creaked under the weight of whoever was ascending. They had to be larger than Hongjoong or Yeosang, their stature a little too small for you to believe it was one of them making their way up
. Your thoughts came to a sudden stop as you heard a mumble, his deep voice chilling you to the bone as you realized it was probably Mingi who was now searching for you. You weren’t afraid of Mingi for the game, but he was observant when he needed to be and he needed to be, so you were concerned. Your hands trembled as you flattened yourself against the bottom of the tub, the showerhead staring you down threateningly as the sound of his footsteps got closer. 
The panic clouding your brain hid the change in heaviness of the steps, the lighter tone of the voice responding to someone you could only pray was downstairs, but hearing no shout from Jisung at that moment, you just knew they had sent up an overly coordinated pair. That, or they walked so slowly up the stairs trying to match their steps that they lost all of their time, Jisung’s voice shouting ‘5 seconds’ confirming your running thoughts as 3 separate voices began complaining. You could recognize the tones of Mingi, Yunho and Yeosang. A shiver traversed your spine as you realized that Yeosang could have found you in that moment, their overly careful planning to walk up the stairs saving you for one last round. Saving you for Seonghwa. 
Sitting up in the tub, you couldn’t help but think that maybe leaving you to Seonghwa last was on purpose. The feeling he gave you before, surrounded by the other boys in the circle only spelled danger and dominance. You were terrified of it. The sharp change in the way he acted towards you to how he acted on the regular like a Care Bear murdering a child. Unexpected and completely out of the usual character you were used to. Your mind raced at the hiding spots you could get away with, mentally checking off places you hid decoys or hid for the others until you reached the small office room in your pacing, Jisung’s delayed call of your start time only fueling your fear knowing that Seonghwa had probably asked for his call for your time to start later. Letting you sit in your panic, letting it build slowly for him to make it burst when he began his hunt.
HIs confidence was overwhelming from that one non-verbal cue to you and you knew he would find you, probably paid off Jisung to let the guys tell him where you were so he could narrow down your location. He was already in your head and Jisung had just called your start time, your hands shaking as you closed the office door slowly so the hinges wouldn’t creek as they did when Hongjoong had followed you into the room previously. 
Your decoy sat under the desk still and you sighed, deciding to hide between the shelves on the far right side of the room, the desk nearly perfectly parallel to your small hiding spot. Hongjoong’s mocking call of ‘ready or not, here he comes’ did nothing to help your nerves, your hands sweating against the dark wood of the bookshelf in front of you, your ears straining for any sound of Seonghwa that you couldn’t find.
He was deadly silent climbing the stairs, no doors squeaked as they opened (if he opened them) and you were trembling as the door to the office slowly swung open. The large, veined hand on the wood was the only thing giving away his presence until he stepped into the room, eyes fixed on the desk with an intensity you never saw in his eyes. His lips curled at the shadow under the desk, his head tilting as his tongue poked out to run over his plush bottom lip.
“I appreciate your commitment to the decoy under the desk, pet. It’s clever. For dumb little girls who don’t know when to give themselves up.”
His voice was deep again, eyes never leaving the desk as he approached it, hands slamming down the surface. He hung his head slightly, his fluffy hair dropping to hide his eyes from your  fearful gaze. 
“I’ll give you a choice, pet. You come out of your own free will, walk downstairs with me in that pretty little bra and we go easy on you.”, he scoffed out a small laugh, his hands drawing your attention as he reached into his pocket, a small pocket knife glinting in his pretty hands, “Or~ You don’t. I pull you from that pathetic little hiding spot and drag you down those stairs where you get used by us until you can’t even lift a finger. Jisung was a good little boy…”
The silence made him hum, his hand flipping the knife open and closed over and over with a steady click. He laughed mockingly as the silence carried, your stubbornness amusing him as he tilted his head.
“He was too easy for San to seduce. All it took was a few touches on his thigh, some compliments and he was caving, telling us all your dirty little kinks. Yeah he gave us everything we needed to know. And then he left!”
His cruel laugh made you tear up. Of course Jisung caved to San’s false advances. The fucker probably took the car too, not even leaving you a text to explain how he fed you to the wolves. You were drawn from your angry thoughts towards Jisung by the rough scrape of the blade on the wooden surface of the desk. 
“I’ll give you… one minute. You had a minute to hide for us. You get a minute to decide how good you want to be for us.”, He was standing up straight again, his fingers drumming the desk as he put the knife away. 
The silence was only broken by his drumming and a slow, mocking countdown to your inevitable demise, his voice deep but airy as he counted to your end. Your heartbeat was rapid in your chest and you could swear if Seonghwa was silent for even a second, he’d hear it pounding against the wood of the bookshelf. Your thoughts overwhelmed your awareness of your actions, your breathing getting a little out of hand with your increasing heart rate as the countdown dropped to ‘5~’ and suddenly stopped.
By the time your mind caught up with the lack of counting and the heat of the darkened eyes suddenly on you, a harsh grip was on your hair, pulling you from your spot roughly. You hadn’t even seen him move, your legs buckling at the sudden motion, causing you to stumble into Seonghwa’s chest, his eyes beating down on the top of your head as you pushed away from him slightly to get some space for your racing thoughts to calm. You had no time to begin to calm yourself as his soft lips brushed your ear teasingly, his voice nothing but a growl as he whispered to you. 
“Run for me now, pet. Let’s have some fun~”
Your mind ran blank as he nudged you towards the door, your feet carrying you faster out of the room, your panic leading you to the bathroom once more, closing the door with much more force than necessary. The coldness of the tub stole your breath as you laid down again, the reflection of the showerhead letting you see the door open slowly just as every other door had. The image was too distorted for closer objects, a slight blur showing you Seonghwa’s figure walking further into the room but not allowing you further sight on him. You closed your eyes, trying to calm your breathing and your heart to listen to his movements.
Hearing none, just a slight shuffle you were sure you made, you opened your eyes just in time to see his large hand twisting the cold water tap for the shower. You gasped at his hand, his dark eyes peeking around the curtain just as ice cold water poured down onto you from above, your eyes closing as you shrieked at the cold, hands raising to try and block some of the stream. They were soon tugged down though, a new face hovering above yours as you thrashed about in the tub, heart racing as you glanced up.
part 2
there’s just something about cruel seonghwa that gets me going istg
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nyxfleuret · 7 months
Ross Humboldt x F!Reader
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Author's Note: I really got inspired on this one, I put so much effort...I hope you all like it! I had to change some things but it is actually the movie's plot. (Patrick Wilson is so hot on that movie, not only in that movie lol.)
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: smut with plot, breeding kink, gore, violence, swearing, voyeurism? (Idk rlly), deaths, movie spoilers, oral receiving (female and male), giant rock lol, reader has stretch marks.
"Shit." It was the only word that managed to come out of your mouth as you supported yourself on your slightly bent knees, trying to catch your breath.
You didn't know how long you had been in that place...In that damn field of tall grass.
You only knew that when you entered, it was still morning and that the reason for all this was because you had heard a boy named Tobin screaming for help, claiming that he was lost in the field.
"Okay, now me, this Tobin and God knows who else, we're trapped in this field." You comment to yourself, placing both hands on your waist, staring at the floor as you tried to think, but no ideas came to mind. "We're all screwed..."
You return to walking, looking at the sky that was now night and cloudy, threatening to dump heavy rain on the area as you adjust your tank top and pants.
"Great, and now it's about to rain...Can it get any worse?" Well, it seems like you asked this question at the wrong time.
You hear someone moving in the grass behind you and reluctantly, you look back, trying to see what or who it was.
"Look, I really don't have time to play hide and seek, there's something really wrong here so...Just show up." You sigh, breathing heavily, having no weapon to defend yourself.
Ross's figure appears, brushing away the grass with his hands as he smiles slightly at you, sweat covering his face and chest, which could be seen as the top of his pink shirt was unbuttoned.
"Hi...I heard your voice and managed to track you." Ross looks at you, breathing heavily as he places his hands on his waist.
"W-Who are you?" You move away from him, taking a few steps back.
"My name is Ross, I'm looking for my wife Natalie and my son Tobin, they are also lost in this field." Ross sighs, looking around. "I don't even know how long I've been here... If that dog hadn't come in...
"The dog?" You thought and looked at the floor. A few minutes ago, you had seen the body of a dog in an advanced state of decomposition, indicating that a lot of time had passed. "So you're Tobin's father..."
"Have you seen my son?" He raises an eyebrow, looking at you waiting for a positive response.
"No...But I heard his cries for help. The moment I entered in this field, I didn't hear him anymore." You sigh, scratching the back of your neck as you look away from him.
Ross looks down for a moment and then looks back at you.
"We can get together and try to find my family, then we get out of here, what do you think? Ross smiles at you, trying to cheer you up.
You nod, still reluctant but to tell the truth, you had no alternative but to unite with the only person you met in this place.
Ross leads the way, pushing aside the plantation with his strong hands, clearing the path for the two of you.
"Fuck..." You curse as you realize you've sunk your sneakers into the mud, earning a small laugh from Ross. " That's not funny!" You scoff, pulling your dirty shoes out of the mud.
"Somebody help me, please!" Tobin's voice echoes through the leaves, the same voice that is the reason you are here.
"Tobin!" Ross starts running, leaving you behind, trying to follow his son's voice.
You try to follow him but it was too late, the field had already changed your position.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" You stamp your foot on the floor, clenching your hands as you try to control the anger inside you. "When this kid and I get out of here, I'm going to beat the shit out of him...With all due respect, of course."
The rain starts to fall, increasing in intensity as you walk through the grass, trying to find Ross and Tobin.
"If I hadn't taken a vacation, everything would be fine..." You mutter, trying to look up, but the rain only made it difficult for you to see.
You decide to sit on the wet grass, hiding your head between your legs, hugging them in an attempt to keep warm and protect yourself from the rain.
Falling asleep without realizing it, you look up at the sky, noticing the rain had stopped and it was dawning.
"And here we go." You get up with a slight pain in your back, stretching yourself trying to alleviate it. "Besides feeling alone, I feel like an old woman..."
Starting to walk again, you look around, hoping to find something or someone to help you.
Your vision is tired of seeing only grass and daylight, the scorching sun slowly burning your skin, sweat sliding down your forehead and neck, your body warning you of dehydration.
Suddenly, you hear Tobin's voice and two other people, a man and a woman, who you hadn't heard before.
"Hey, can someone help me? I'm lost here!" You look up, your ears focusing on the screams of others.
"That's nothing new since we're all stuck here!" Cal sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Guys, my dog ​​is dead..." Tobin says in a crying voice, not knowing what to do.
"I have an idea! Tobin, keep talking loud so we can all reach you!" You start running in the direction of Tobin's voice, everyone running in the same direction.
You meet Tobin, who was looking at his dead dog in a state of decomposition, Cal and Becky, who appeared to be brothers and who were also lost there and then another man appears, Travis.
"Thank God." Becky smiles, feeling relieved in a way, as she looks at the rest of the group.
"Who are you?" You raise an eyebrow, breathing heavily as you recover from the run you had just done.
"I'm Becky, this is my brother Cal." The woman points to her brother, who was looking at you with a suspicious look. "And this one is Travis...my...ex."
You noticed the change in tone in her voice as you discreetly looked at her pregnant belly, the pieces of the puzzle quickly falling into place inside your mind.
"And you?" Becky looks at the blonde boy while rubbing her belly.
"I'm Tobin..." The boy looks at Becky, Cal and Travis, then turns to you. "I heard your voice, you were with my father, weren't you?
You nod, looking at him. "I thought your father found you." Frowning, you cross your arms.
"I had heard his voice approaching me but suddenly, he disappeared and I remained alone." The boy's loneliness was like a stab in your heart, no one deserves to be alone, especially at his age.
"I'm very sorry." You sigh, lowering yourself to his level as you rub his shoulders in a comforting, almost maternal way. "We're going to find him and when we do, we'll all get out of here."
The tension in the young boy's muscles eases as you comfort him. "Thanks." He waves and smiles.
"Okay, which way?" Cal looks around, looking for a way out.
"I have an idea...Tobin, get on my shoulders." Travis bends down, giving Tobin access to his shoulders. The boy sits on them and slowly, Travis stands up. "Okay, now...Do you see anything?"
Tobin looks in all directions until his gaze finds the church which was on the other side of the road, in front of the field.
"The church! I see it!" Tobin points in its direction and Travis starts walking, followed by the others. "Don't separate from us, not even for a minute."
You nod and the others do the same, following Travis and Tobin as they think about why this strange field exists.
Your mind browsed through your memories, more precisely in the brief moments you had shared with Ross.
Damn, the man was married and already had a son, but oh...He was so handsome. It was as if he were a Greek God...That shirt he was wearing, open on the upper part of his chest, giving access to his curious gazes, those lips that were just the right amount of flesh and his penetrating blue gaze, which seemed to drown out all your thoughts everytime you looked at him. (Aquaman reference, got it? Because Patrick Wilson is Orm and...Yeah, you got it AHEM.)
Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud thump behind you, making you jump and quickly turn around to see what had happened.
Becky had passed out, being surrounded by the group while Cal tried to save her, pressing both hands together on her chest repeatedly.
"What happened?" You ask, not moving closer to give her brother and ex space as they both tried to save her.
"She just fainted, fell..." Travis' chest was breathing heavily as he felt sick.
You looked at her belly, worried about the safety of the baby and the mother.
Suddenly, Ross appears in the tall grass, bending down and trying to save her, successfully.
Becky takes a deep breath and coughs, sitting up and looking at the man in surprise.
"Dad!" Tobin runs into Ross' open arms, who catches him and holds him in a tight hug.
"My son...Are you okay?" Ross looks at the smiling boy, stroking his blonde hair.
The boy nods and looks at the others. "They helped me."
Ross smiles and looks at everyone, his gaze meeting yours, a moment that seemed to pass much slower than usual. "You...Thank you for taking care of my son."
Nodding, you look away as a blush takes over your cheeks. CONCENTRATE!
"I ended up getting to the road but I wasn't going to leave my wife and son here." Ross smiles, hugging Tobin.
"How?" Travis raises an eyebrow, sighing.
"I can only say that it's not a straight line. Where were you all going?" Ross looks at the group, directing his gaze once again to you.
"In the direction of the building." You smile at Tobin's father earning a smile in return.
"We were close..." Cal helps Becky to her feet, looking around.
"Come up again, Tobin." Travis kneels, allowing the blonde to sit on his shoulders again.
He rotates 360°, unable to find the building.
"It disappeared." Tobin continues searching, without success.
"That's how it works around here, but I have a lucky ticket for anyone who wants it." Ross opens his arms, smiling widely at the others.
"You had the chance to get out of here, why didn't you do it?" Travis narrows his eyes, crossing his arms.
"I wasn't going to leave my wife and son here, considering that now, I have you all to save too." He laughs lightly, shaking his head. "Come on, I'll show you the way..."
Ross begins to lead the way, being followed by the others.
Something didn't feel right...The fact that Ross knew how to get out of that place was very strange, but there was nothing you could do but to follow him.
You continued to follow Ross, watching the sky darken quickly, the orange color of the afternoon turning into the dark blue of the night.
Humboldt began to sing, his voice resembling the song of sirens, drawing you more and more with a dangerous melody.
"You have a beautiful voice." You look at Ross, who turns to you, nodding.
"Thanks, I used to be in a band when I was young." Ross smiles and returns to lead the way.
Suddenly, you come across a large black rock in the center of the field, with several drawings contained on it, as if they were describing a ritual.
"We're here." Ross smiles, but this time differently...A mischievous smile.
"What is that?" You ask, pointing to the rock.
"This...It's the stone of redemption...Touch it and you will know everything." Ross moves closer to you, his breath hitting against your cheek. "Touch it."
You swallow hard, approaching the stone, reaching out your hand until...
"STOP!!! DON'T TOUCH THE ROCK!" Natalie shouts, appearing in the center of the field.
"Mom!" Tobin runs towards her, hugging her.
"I don't know what he told you, but it's a lie!" The mother looks at Ross, narrowing her eyes.
"Honey? What happened?" Humboldt tries to get closer.
"DON'T COME CLOSER!" Natalie places Tobin behind her, taking steps back as her gaze shifts to Becky. "You..."
Becky raises her eyebrows in surprise, not recognizing Natalie.
"I saw...I saw...She was...She was..." She breathes heavily, holding back the tears that were about to fall from her eyes.
"She was...She was what? Just say it." Ross's smile gets wider and wider as he looks at his wife.
"She wasn't alive." Natalie turns away, hiding her face with her right hand. "And you were going to hurt me..."
"Hurt you?" Ross frowns. "How can you think something like that? I would never do that, we're together...We're a family, aren't we Travis?" Ross opens his arms and turns to the man.
Becky suddenly begins to feel severe pains in her stomach, squirming as Cal and Travis rub her back.
An image comes to her mind, Ross was in the middle of the grass, his eyes were completely white as if there was no soul there, as if he was being controlled by the field, a wide smile spread across his face as he lowered his head.
Becky comes back to reality, looking at Ross.
"Let's go." Her gaze becomes serious, taking steps back. "Now."
You frown, looking at everyone there. Certainly, something wasn't right there and the only thing you wanted at that moment was to get out of there.
"Want to come with us?" Travis looks at Natalie and Tobin, who nod but don't move when they see Ross has positioned himself in front of them.
"No...You don't understand...You have to touch the stone!" Ross smiles, trying to mislead them. "But I just don't understand one thing...How did you find us? Why are you here?" Ross narrows his eyes, frowning as he points at Natalie. "The field wouldn't let you find us...Unless..." The pieces fit together in Ross's mind. "This isn't about you..." He opens his eyes wide in realization. "It's about me."
He turns to the stone, his breathing increasing more and more.
"You want the hard sell? Sure, that's fine with me." He shrugs and is then surprised by Travis, who jumps on him, punching him in the face.
"Run!!!" Travis screams as he continues to punch him.
Tobin runs ahead of Natalie, managing to get away from his father, but it was too late for his mother.
Ross elbows Travis in the face, making him fall and then grabs Natalie, who screams as she tries to escape her husband's hands.
"MOM!!!" Tobin tries to go back to her, but is held back by Becky.
You stand there, motionless next to Cal, looking at Ross in shock.
Ross begins squeezing both sides of Natalie's head, causing her to bleed as she looks at her son.
"No...Son, don't worry...It's just grass and all flesh is grass." Ross increases the strength in his hands, crushing Natalie's head, causing blood to spray everywhere.
Ross's face was covered in blood, as were his clothes, mixing with the mud and sweat present on his body.
"RUN!" Travis manages to get up and starts running, Becky; Cal and Tobin leading the way.
You look at Ross, your gaze focused on the blood present on his face. Humboldt noticed your gaze and smiled at you, licking his lips, savoring the taste of iron and then, winking at you.
"Let's go!" Travis pulls your arm, making you follow him as you all ran away from Ross, not knowing where to go.
"You have nowhere to run!" Ross shouts, still standing in the center of the field, not even bothering to follow you all.
You find an abandoned store and decide to enter it, trying to hide from Ross, but deep down you knew there was no way out.
Tobin hugs Becky, looking at the ground. "He's right, we're all grass."
You look at the boy, thinking about what you could do to help them.
"If we stay here, he'll find us and it'll be worse." Travis sighs, placing his hands on his waist.
"And what do we do?" Becky looks at her ex, waiting for an answer.
Freddy, Tobin's dog, passes through an isolated patch of tall grass, then disappears.
"What? Where did he go?" Cal asks, still looking out the window.
Seconds later, Freddy appears on the road, heading towards the church.
"There's a gap there, like a wormhole. That's where we have to go, let's go!" Travis smiles, feeling a twinge of hope in his chest.
You had stopped paying attention to others a long time ago, as your mind was focused on something else: Ross.
That moment when he licked his lips and winked at you flirtatiously kept replaying in your head. The way he breathed, the way he spoke, the way he smiled... Oh, how extremely delicious he was.
And the blood giving a final touch to that man's personality, an aggressive but erotic touch at the same time, how could that be possible? You thought.
Is this unhealthy? You questioned yourself. The fact that you were attracted to a person who had just killed their partner in front of you and everyone but who smiled and winked at you, especially you...Was it a bad thing?
You stopped and thought, wondering if it was the field that was making you think these things.
You snapped out of your trance when you noticed everyone leaving the store, heading towards the "gap."
"Hey, wait for m-" You froze as you felt a strong hand grab your shoulder, forcing you to turn around.
"Do you know what your mistake is?" Ross looks at you with a calculating look, his breath hitting your lips. "It's the simple fact that you all think that one day you will leave this place." He smiles menacingly, stroking your cheek.
You start to run as fast as you can, pushing through the tall grass with your hands, reluctantly looking back and realizing that this time, Ross was running after you.
You try to speed up your steps, running tirelessly, the dose of adrenaline increasing within your blood.
You look back again, Ross was no longer there. When you turn around, you are surprised by him, who jumps on top of you, pinning you to the ground with his weight while holding both your hands together above your head.
You squirm, not noticing that your movements caused Ross's erection to grow inside his brown pants.
"I'm impressed." Ross smiles widely, referring to the race. The moonlight hitting your skin, highlighting every detail of your bodies.
You can't focus on anything other than Ross's bloodied face, which was very close to yours.
"I noticed the way you look at me, you're attracted to me, aren't you sweetie?" Ross kisses your neck, making you sigh and close your eyes for a brief second.
"The grass knows everything, and it told me that you want to feel me inside you." He licks a stripe that starts on your neck and ends on your cheek, leaving a trail of saliva mixed with blood. "You want to be mine, don't you?"
You swallow hard, your chest going down and up repeatedly in a short period of time.
Ross's gaze goes lower and lower, stopping at your breasts, noticing your hard nipples from the contact between your two bodies.
Ross continues to trap your hands with his left hand and with his right, he lifts your tank top, causing your breasts to pop out.
"Round and perfect." He caresses your belly, his hand exploring the small stretch marks on your waist, then going higher, caressing your breasts and feeling the stretch marks also present there and squeezing your nipples, playing with them, making you moan and arch your back.
Your mind becomes empty, being once again filled entirely by him.
Humboldt lowers his face, licking the place under your belly button, moving up while his tongue tastes your soft skin until he reaches your breasts, taking one nipple in his mouth, caressing the other with his free hand.
You moan louder, arching your back and grinding against him, yearning for more.
He separates his face from your breasts, looking back at you.
"So beautiful." He kisses you fervently, as if he’s needy.
Your tongues mingle, a strange feeling in your stomach area taking over you as you feel his erection get bigger and harder.
He kisses your neck again, giving small bites there, intensifying the pleasure.
You could swear he would make you come right there, without even penetrating you.
He kneels down next to you, stopping his grip on your hands to see if you would react, but you didn't.
You did absolutely nothing, just stood there...Waiting for him to continue.
Ross seeing this, took off your pants, looking at your panties, completely wet. He smiled and positioned himself in front of her face, unbuttoning his pants, releasing his cock wet with pre-cum.
"Be a good girl and help me with this." Ross began to masturbate in front of her face, placing the tip of his cock between your lips.
You took his cock in your hands and started licking the tip, eliciting a loud moan from Ross, who looked at you while stroking your hair.
Your tongue began to work at the base, sucking the man's balls and caressing the hair on top, tracing a path over the veins that ran from the beginning to the end of his dick.
Oh, and his dick was huge. It was full of veins, with some hair at its base, it was...perfect.
Your mouth opened and you sheltered him in your heat and wetness, the sensation sending shivers down Ross's spine as yet another moan escaped the man's lips.
You knelt as you worked on his pleasure, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat, making tears run down your cheeks as you tried not to choke.
Ross wiped one of her tears with his thumb, taking it to his mouth and sucking it, feeling the salty taste.
"Mmhm, keep going baby...I'm about to come." He throws his head back, his hips start to move at the same time as he fucks your throat.
You stay like that for a few more seconds until he comes and spills his hot seed inside your mouth.
Before you could do anything, he lifts your chin with his fingers and smiles.
“Swallow~” He licks his lips, waiting for you to do as he asked.
You swallow, closing your eyes and opening your mouth, sticking your tongue out, showing that you've swallowed.
"Good girl." He kisses your cheek, feeling proud.
He pushes you to the ground again, your back meeting the muddy grass as he takes off your panties and drops his mouth onto your wet pussy.
You moan at the contact of his tongue with your clit, sinking your hand into the mud that surrounded you.
"Mmhm, how delicious." Ross opens your pussy with his index and middle fingers making a "V" shape, penetrating you with his tongue.
Your back arches unconsciously as your loud moans echo over the plantation.
You hear the strong wind blow over the tall grass, which was moving calmly, hearing voices that seem to whisper in your ear phrases like:
"You belong here."
"You are his now and his alone."
"You are grass, all flesh is grass."
Ross lifts your legs, making your lower back rise as well, giving access to your ass.
He licks and bites one of your cheeks before sinking his lips to your other hole, his eyes focused on your face.
You close your hand in the man's brown hair, moaning and moving your hips to match Humboldt's actions.
After a few minutes, you end up squirting into his mouth, making him laugh lightly and swallow your juices.
He pulls away from you, breathing heavily.
"This way, you'll finish me off." He smiles and gets up, putting his dick inside his pants then picking you up in his arms and carrying you to the rock.
You rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes as you try to recover.
"I'm not done yet, honey." He kisses your cheek as he continues to carry you.
You return to the center of the field, the grass stops moving.
He gently puts you on your feet and holds your hands, bringing you to the stone.
"Touch her, baby." He whispers in your ear. "And we will be one, forever." He nibbles on your earlobe, playing with it with his teeth.
You move closer to the stone, extending your hands until they meet the cold surface of the rock.
The sky turns crimson, as if there were an eclipse, you feel the grass embrace your arms, slowly consuming you.
Ross hugs you from behind, one hand goes down, passing over your breasts, feeling your belly and reaching your pussy.
You moan again, rubbing your bare ass against his clothed cock.
Ross's skilled fingers begin to work on your intimacy, providing you pleasure at the same time that your hands remain connected to the stone. After a few seconds, he takes his dick out of his pants, pulling them down.
He turns you around, lifting your legs, resting them on his forearms while his hands find the stone behind you, each on the side of your shoulders, making your pussy exposed as your back meets the surface. ice cold from the stone.
He gives you a long kiss, your tongues battling for territory, mixing blood and saliva as he begins to penetrate you with strong thrusts.
The sudden entrance made you scream and close your eyes tightly, resting your hands on his shoulders, the sky was completely red and the grass was laughing, witnessing the intimate moment shared between you.
He continues to give strong thrusts inside your pussy, your ass slapping against his hips, making wet and erotic sounds, feeling you close around him while your moans mix in the air.
"I will fill you with my semen, you will have my child and we will be a happy family." He whispers in your ear as he continues to penetrate you.
You caress both of his cheeks as you nod, closing your eyes as you both reach your peak.
"Oh my..." You roll your eyes back, feeling his warm seed fill your insides, the promise of a new life being made.
He takes a deep breath, resting his forehead against yours as he smiles.
"My dear..." He kisses your forehead, leaving another trail of blood on your face.
"Now you are mine."
Thanks for reading!
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 1 month
hi i would like to make a request (headcanons or one shot, what do you like more) with baji x fem reader (where he is 14 years old), she is his girlfriend, and also she lives with a neglectful father and has to raise her younger siblings on her own. (maybe if you watched "shameless" you can make the father look like Frank, and the reader like Fiona, if you don't know it's okey but I will make a note that even though Frank was a bad father, Fiona was still his favorite daughter) and how Baji would treat her in this situation, maybe help her with siblings or chores, also please make it so that they know each other since childhood
Hello! Yet another request that I'm doing way too late lol. Thank you so much for requesting tho! And no I haven't watched Shameless but I've seen enough Tiktok of it to get the idea.
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You and Baji have known each other since childhood and your families are very close. It wasn't much of a surprise for your family when you two started dating, considering how much time you two have spent together.
Though, starting a relationship was extremely big choice for you and you've been very hesitant in that because of your family's situation. And Baji has been nothing but understanding towards your situation.
He's very aware of what kind of family you have and he's genuinely very understanding and comforting to you because of that.
I feel like he'd take you to amusement parks and etc a lot because he wants you to enjoy your childhood. Since amusement parks are kids' favourite and you just...didn't get to enjoy any of it before.
Yes he'd come over a lot, especially when you need help, and would help you out even if it's with chores.
His home's door is ALWAYS open for you. If you just don't want to stay at your house and need a break from all of it, you're more than welcome to stay at his place.
Genuinely gets so angry when your family, especially your parents, don't appreciate you and your efforts. Yea he wouldn't get too involved since at the end of the day, it's still family business. But he'd say things like "Don't you think you're just being selfish? I mean, if I had a sister who would give up her entire childhood just to raise me well, I'd go as far to kill for her and die for her." or "You're asking her to support you when you have never in your life supported her?" to your siblings after they'd complain about absolutely stupid shit that you didn't do for them.
When you seek any kind of comfort, he'd gladly comfort you. For example cuddle with you and calm you down when you're crying, telling you how he's proud of you and etc.
But seriously, there has been times when he just snapped and told you to pack your things up and live with him because he can't stand to see you suffering.
Just say what you need and he'll do it. He'll help you. Your siblings are being piece of shits? He'll talk sense to them. Your father is drunk asf and starts a fight? He'll take you away to a date or to his place. You need a shoulder to cry on? He's right here, pretty. You need financial support? He'll help you out. You need help with housechores because there's sm to do and you need s hand with it? He's coming over rn to help you out!
He purposely doesn't beat tf outta of your father or siblings because he knows it'll upset you and he doesn't want that. But, trust me, all he wants is to bash your family's heads on the wall and take you far away from those monsters and make you happy.
If your father or any of ur family member gets physical, he'll absolutely lose it. I swear he'll make them regret that forever.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
Hi! If you could do anything with Lee Genya, that would be fantastic. If not it’s ok, but like there are not a lot that I can find lol. Like 4 max maybe.
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Oo, I'm loving me some Genya and Tanjiro! Especially after this most recent arc in Demon Slayer! I've gotcha covered, anons!
CW: Angst, hurt/comfort, some swearing. Food mention
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @wolfyeatstacos @gladdygirl18 @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @backy-san @t-wordiiish @sarahmaystock5578 @rachi-roo @mystwrites @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @giggly-toybox
“I’m here to help.” Genya called out upon arriving, only to find Tanjiro in the room. “And I’m late.”
“Huh? Oh! Genya!” The brunette smiled at him over his shoulder, an empty pot and several dirty plates around him. “Sorry- the guys couldn’t wait to eat. I saved you some- we made rice porridge.”
“Huh- oh no, I’m not..” Genya paused, weakened by Tanjiro’s bright expression. Then his stomach growled, making him flush from root to collar. “Okay fine.”
“Yay! I think you’ll like it.” A bowl was passed to trembling hands, the brunette nodding before standing up and gathering the dishes. “You don’t eat much. At first I thought it was to do with the-” He trailed off, realizing how it sounded. “Sorry..”
“You’re fine.” Genya told him around a mouthful. He finished off his porridge as he seeked for the words. “I…guess I’m not much of an eater. Never have been.”
He couldn’t bring himself to say more, but Tanjiro seemed to understand.
“You remind me of Nezuko.” He laughed, voice soft. “Even before she became a demon; she ate fairly little. I was always telling her to have more, but she wouldn’t take anything until all our siblings had food.” His smile was sad with memory. Genya felt his heart pinch. “I hope- when she’s human again- she eats more. I want to have her try all kinds of food. Like Miss Kanroji’s pancakes, and Udon! I…Genya?”
He hadn’t realized he was crying until tears dripped onto his hands. “Oh-oh shit..” He tried to wipe them away, but they just kept falling- like raindrops against a rooftop. “S-Sorry, I don’t- I don’t know why I’m-”
Arms were around him, the smell of charcoal and sweat and…Tanjiro. His hair tickled Genya’s nose, shocking him briefly out of his tears.
“You smell so sad…” Tanjiro spoke into his shoulder, his grip tight and comforting and warm. It was enough to make him cry more. Before long, Genya was sobbing into his neck, clinging to him just as tight. Despite his own grief, he could feet Tanjiro shaking in his arms. He was crying too.
He didn’t know how much time passed, or if anyone passed by. All he knew was eventually his sobs lessened into exhausted sniffles, and his chest hurt from all the crying. He was sure his face was a mess, and he knew if he talked, he’d sound stuffy and gross.
“Sorry.” Was all he got out.
“Why are you apologizing?” Tanjiro wiped at his cheeks, sheepish at his own weeping. “I should be the one to do so- I didn’t mean to bring up something painful.”
“What- no, don’t apologize either.” Genya cringed, not at all liking where this was going. Why was talking so difficult? “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m..I’m sorry about your sister. And your family.”
Tanjiro nodded slowly, letting their shared grief settle. Then he smiled, reaching out and patting Genya’s shoulder.
“Come on- let’s finish cleaning up.” He stood, bringing Genya with him as they went to work.
“Hm hm hm hm hmmm~” Tanjiro hummed happily as he put away the last of the bowls, stretching his arms out overhead. “And done! Thanks for your help, Genya!”
“Hm.” The other boy was outside, sitting on the porch just a foot away from the open door. Tanjiro hesitated, but then decided to come out and sit with him.
“Are you feeling better?” He asked, watching his face carefully. Genya didn’t respond immediately, but then he nodded slowly.
“Yeah…god- is it weird I feel embarrassed?” He looked at his legs, cheeks suddenly hot. “I know I shouldn’t, but I feel so…”
“Vulnerable?” Tanjiro offered, wincing some when Genya glared. “Sorry.”
“No- no, don’t-ugh. I’m bad at this.” The taller boy stammered, bowing his head in defeat. “I don’t- I don’t know how to talk to people. Sorry if it doesn’t always come out right.”
Tanjiro nodded, leaning on his knees. Now that he knew his brother- this wasn’t news.
Something in his chest twinged though- seeing Genya so sad. He didn’t smell nearly as devastated as before, but it didn’t mean Tanjiro was satisfied.
He took a risk, reaching out and jabbing his side.
“Gah!” Genya yelped at the touch, leaning away with wide eyes. Tanjiro blinked.
Then he was smiling, poking him again.
“T-Tanjihihiro! Knoohohock it oohohohohff!” Genya giggled out, one arm swatting at him while the other one tried to block Tanjiro’s finger. “Dohoohhn’t dohoho thahahaht!”
“Why not? You’ve been frowning all evening. I want to see you smile!” The brunette laughed as he got on his knees, bringing both hands in as he carried on tickling. “Tickle tickle tickle, Genya!”
“Aheahahhhha! Gheahhhaa- dohohohohn’t yohhohohu sthahahahrt wihiihihth thahahahat! Ghehahahahah!” He tried his best, but Tanjiro was a force to be reckoned with. Genya soon found himself lying on his back, kicking his feet and squeaking as his ribs were thoroughly pinched and prodded. “Coohoohhome ohohoohh, hahahahve sohohoome mehhehhercy!”
“Hmm..I’ll think about it.” Tanjiro winked, moving his hands up to Genya’s armpits before drilling into them- making the taller boy screech. “Tell you what- I’ll show mercy when you’re no longer sad. Sounds fair?”
“Uhuhuhunfahhahahir! Uuhuhuhnfahhhahahahair! Aheahhahha stahhahahap!” Genya kicked and squealed beneath him, fighting for his life as his worst spots were attacked. Despite his pleas, Tanjiro didn’t get a whiff of discomfort. If anything, Genya smelled like he was having fun.
It brought him a deep sense of joy. He was glad to know his friend was feeling good.
“Ahehahahahahahha Taahhahanjihihihihrohohohohoo!” With a sudden burst of strength, Genya managed to flip them over, pinning Tanjiro to the ground as he gasped for air. “Thehehere…nhhoohohow stahhap it!” He nodded, looking down at Tanjiro with a glare.
The brunette smiled up at him happily, unfazed at his look. “Okay! Feeling better?”
“Feeling-” Genya blinked, unsure on how to respond. Then he sighed, falling into Tanjro with a low groan. “Yes…yes, I feel better.”
“Good!” Tanjiro believed him, reaching up to pat his head. “Anytime you need help, I’m here for you.”
“In that case, help me out with something…” Tanjiro blinked, interested. When Genya sat up, there was something rather dangerous in his gaze. He already knew what was coming.
“Hehe, I’m in danger, aren’t I?” He asked, already giggling.
“You’re about to be- COME HERE!” Genya was quick to attack, going for his ribs and sending Tanjiro into loud happy fits of mirth. Soon the night sky was filled with laughter once more, the two carrying on their tickle fight and chasing away the pain. Eventually, Gyomei would find them and remind them to get some rest- putting an end to their tickle fight before they could wake all the trainees.
The entire time, Tanjiro didn’t get a single whiff of sadness from his friend.
Mission accomplished.
Thanks for reading!
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katyspersonal · 3 months
I played more SOTE today!! I have mixed feelings because today just happened to be pure RAGE because of my awful skill issue.. but at the same time I feel so ALIVE xD (two parter)
1) So first of all, I got back to Specimen Storehouse to finish whatever was that business with Ansbach and Freyja! She gave an interesting dialogue about how yeah honor and shit but what Radahn would actually like is to live so he could wage war forever 💀 Definitely the character of all time gghguj
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2) So I decided to explore a little more of that Church District below before I continue to seek my way to upper area! Turned out that Tree Spirit did NOT die due to a bug..... but it did now. XD
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And dropped edgy (literally) sorcery lol
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Yeah, I've been noticing that this area has Fire Knights with another variant of the head piece! I even had an idea to grind these guys for it, but I just felt as thought it'd be pointless. And I was right! This mask dropped from non-respawning enemy! So yeah, the fire zombies raising in this area were given lore, I was pleased by such amount to detail yet again 🤔
4) So I kept looking for the way back in the Storehouse, but took the turn I did NOT try to take, and ended up in that weird golden-black area on the map that has been making me curious for a while!
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5) ....ъ_ъ So, I was running around, surprised by how empty it was, and even questioned whether it was pointless sort of? So I decided to just check the giant flower and.. ..... oh my fuuUCKING God.
6) So it was another time where I kept howling about how awful/unfair/hard/etc this battle was and wanted to quit except I didn't! You see, at first I was playing as usual, and the stage 2 was a surprise. But the LEVEL of my skill issue started to show up at its finest here, because I absolutely could not dodge its briars attacks and I barely managed to heal in time!
I had to die MANY times, learning from my mistakes and just trials what to do and slowly adapting.. You see, it SHOULD have been obvious that hitting the "face" was the most effective, but nope! I only figured many attempts later! Just as how """pointless""" critical hit before phase transition was not pointless at all! At least I learned to 1) block strike attack and roll magic attack 2) that I can't use magic so it'd be better to place all 14 flasks at Crimson 3) figured to summon mimic in a creative way; since it gets summoned in the equipment I had at THE moment of summon but AI can't be trusted with blocking normally, I summoned it while two-handing the weapon so it hits stronger and then got my shield back XD
7) .........
I swear, sometimes I regret not being able to stream, because y'all should have seen my reaction when it turned out that this enemy had THREE stages, not two...... :')
8) I actually died just just JUST the very last moment ;-; I screenshotted it, it is on PS for now, it was SOOO infuriating. I can't even explain how I resisted the urge to scream and throw my controller because that required inhumane willpower. But hell if I didn't feel ALIVE at that moment xD
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^ Got genuinely surprised by this drop!
10) I came back at Storehouse, FINALLY, and THIS TRAITOR @val-of-the-north IS NO LONGER MY FRIEND!!!!1
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I asked him about this symbol being here since as I said earlier, I assumed that the reoccurring symbol with a fire and a circle on flags and such found here and there represented Messmer and Rellana; an impression I've got because I first saw it in her castle!
....but then Val, this RAT, casually said that it is actually likely another symbol of Messmer: snakes rather than fire. And of course. God of course it makes much more sense. It is all over this Storehouse. Yes we found a shield Rellana used for the ritual to prove loyalty to the Erdtree once here, but the overlapping circles straight up coil like snakes. And yet you TRAITOR never corrected me when I wrongly assumed that the symbol of fire + two circles overlapping meant Messmer and Rellana being allies. Goddamit STOP LETTING ME LOOK STUPID ON PUBLIC *bonks you with the newspaper*
11) So after some running and collecting (got a golden spell that some Fire Knights use), I've found my way out and first ran into some really strong knight that used GRAVITY MAGIC! I attempted to fight him but like, no. Nope. So I left him for later, and Val recommended me to use 'O, Mother' gesture to finally open the secret passage to where I was actually looking.
12) And hoooo boy... I already suspected where this was going because even on the map there were depictions of Golden leaves (on the Finger Ruins) part.
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It was THE spoilered area itself!
13) What instantly struck me was that I could SWEAR it had to be the exact same flowers as on the painting of 'healthy' Midra Manse. I did not have a good image as I hit it early by a mistake, so I asked Val to fetch me the image, annnnd....
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Look, sure, it could simply be blue curtains and obviously just a 'normal' flora of this realm, so of course it still exists in THE one place Messmer didn't burn, but dead everywhere else. (Here because of Frenzy + no sunlight). But also Hornsent Inquisitors did bully Midra and his followers (which did lead to Frenzied Flame business), and Ymir mentioned something about Marika's roots being placed in madness? Who the hell knows anymore...
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15) Definitely visiting this place by myself felt more impactful than simply reading/watching this part of the lore..
16) I got SO angry at the Tree Sentinel though that for the first time EVER I decided to try and fight while on Torrent! And it was so effective that it gave me an idea to not follow further today but go and get that boss' ass from earlier like this! Which was the start of a big waste of time, but perhaps I am getting ahead of myself.. -_-
(Will share in the next post because Tumblr doesn't respect the way I choose to share screenshots for the girls ( @heraldofcrow ))
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gurlbesimpin · 1 year
ppl stop writing for Heisenberg... how about our magnetto man with a punk/alternative SO??
OUHHHH yessssss!
pairing: Karl Heisenberg x GN!reader
{{note: I generally write REVillage fics Post-canon/alternate universe, assuming Ethan and rose, Mia etc. never existed sry XD}}
Warnings: swearing, brief mention of gore, very mild sexual themes
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Ohoho where do I begin?
Karl when he first spots you is... intrigued to say the least.
You weren't like the others, you dressed differently, acted differently, and most importantly... you weren't like the other villagers, blindly following and worshipping Miranda!
Now, Karl being Karl... he thought about pulling his usual BS about "I'm a metal lord, fear me!" but quickly decided against it; not wanting to scare you off or anything. Especially since you didn't seem local, therefore not knowing who the fuck he is.
{and pshhh don't tell anyone i told you this, but despite his huge ego... he might not actually want you to know who he really is at first. So he'll try his best to act "normal" and as human as possible}
After he finally approached you and engaged in a regular conversation, he quickly finds himself craving more.
Long story short, he seeks you out in the village again the next day, inviting you over to his factory because... he didn't really have a house. Anyway, he wouldn't show you what he actually does in there... you two will be in his office on the first floor, he ain't taking you down into the actual factory until he is sure you won't freak out.
This "friend meeting" (totally not a date ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) goes smoothly surprisingly. He'll ask you about your tattoos and/or piercings, scars etc. {if you have any}.
After a long-ass conversation about all kinds of shit, he'll just ask the question we've all been waiting for.
"So buttercup, you... eh... one of those emos?"
Time for the explanation between emo, goth, punk, rock. Two minutes into this, Karl stops listening... he got his answer.
You listen to heavy music.
And so does he.
Start talking about Metallica, Slipknot, I prevail, Rob Zombie, ACDC, black sabbath, Iron Maiden, Avenged Sevenfold, hell.... even SOME my chemical romance and Seether- and i promise, you'll get his attention piqued!
Especially if we're talking german bands such as "Rammstein" or "Die Toten Hosen" and he'll just... scream internally?
Like first of all... there's someone who also hates mother miranda besides him, they are funny, hot AND love german bands?!
Needless to say, you two started a relationship quickly.
Despite needing to make his huge ass metal army, he takes a day off to make a bigass stereo...
{and then later that day Lady Dimitrescu complains about the loud ass music coming from his factory that even SHE and her three girls can hear from her castle. lol. Heisenberg tells her to shut the fuck up}
His huge goal is obviously to kill miranda... and then after escaping this shit village together with you. When the day comes, you two will celebrate with flipping off Lady supersized bitch and rolling off to a concert
{which likely isn't a good idea... imagine Karl wanting the microphone from the singer or something. You be chillin and there's just... a floating microphone... you be like... "Karl? what are YOU DOING?!" meanwhile Karl just has a shit eating grin as the crowd screams}
But let's not jump to far into the future...
Right now, you two are stuck under Miranda's disgusting-ass thumb.
Dark times man. It's shit, but whenever you waddle into his office whilst he's working... just y'know... get your phone out and play one of his favorite songs!
This man will {depending on his mood} shoo you away, or most-likely drop what he's doing and just... *grab* you and start juming around the room like monkies in a moshpit.
Once the song finishes, his hand will move from cupping your cheek, to cupping CHEEKS. Just him seeing you rock out to his favorite songs... is enough for Karl to get all hot 'n bothered. So expect some bending over the Work-bench and nice grindin' whilst 'Closer' by nine inch nails plays ;)
if you like steampunk
Scramble to collect little gears and screws... making little earrings, rings, necklaces etc.
stud bracelets.
and if you like wearing chokers
be careful
that awakens a beast within him
"oh ho ho buttercup! What do we have here? Want me to attach a leash and make you *my pet*?
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ailendolin · 26 days
Live Reaction to TRoP 2x02
Spoilers for 2x02 under the cut
oh we're off to a good start with evil spreading through the lands of Middle-Earth straight to Khazad-Dûm
I'm still so in love with the mirrors. Using them to light up the realm always reminds me of The Mummy
my favourite power couple is back and I love them so much
Disa sensing the rockfall is so cool
fuck the light is gone. Moria is darkening. Fuck no
oh shit, is this the scene from the trailer where Celebrimbor gets impaled against a tree by roots?
damn he's becoming one of the tree memorials and the symbolism of that, I can't. This is not good
oh more handsome elves. Commander of the East and West my beloveds. And Commander of the South, you look fierce and I love you already
"Celebrimbor and the secrets of his craft are safe." The fuck they are, Gil-galad. Those words will come to bite you in the arse and Celebrimbor will suffer for it
also Galadriel being cryptic again and not speaking plainly, I swear she does not learn
where is Elrond for I much desire to see him
"... waters running dry." That's the rivers you just mentioned shielding Eregion, Gil-galad. Wake up and get Celebrimbor out of there for fuck's sake
also gentle reminder, Halbrand has also gained Celebrimbor's trust in case we've all forgotten that. He's even more susceptible because no one bothers to tell him anything and he has no idea what's going on. Let's stop worrying about Galadriel and start worrying about our favourite smith, okay?
lol the way Galadriel still calls him Halbrand and Gil-galad will have none of it. Glad he's got some common sense left
"Supposing I was not alone." Don't you dare drag Elrond into this, babygirl, don't you fucking dare
Celebrimbor denying Sauron entry - yesssss!
but it's not because of the message of warning, but because he promised Galadriel. This is not good. This is very not good
"Messengers from Lindon shall arrive with news any day." No they won't. Dammit
epic riding scene is epic
I see Ciaran Hinds has exchanged the terrors of the Arctic for the deserts of Rhun (seriously though, I have loved him since HBO's Rome and am always happy to see him - now I also need Tobias Menzies to be cast)
loving the moth magic
I'm taking it back. It's that crazy magic lady from s1 (though I do love that her cloak looks like moth wings from behind)
what was that growling noise?
no no no, we're not slaughtering any halflings here, I forbid it
"No one can give you a name." That's a very powerful message
I love the harfoots' ability to hide in a matter of second and I'm glad we're seeing more of it
oh no, I've just realised Moria darkening means the tree in Durin and Disa's home will probably be dying. Nooooo
yes, Disa, you tell them not to trash talk your husband and adopted son
oh no the stone singing is no longer working wtf
this is what's going to make them susceptible to Sauron, right? Their desperation to save their realm. Fuck
Disa being the voice of reason. I love her. I met Sophia last year (and Owain as well) and she shines just as beautifully as her character does
oh I feel those blisters, Durin. I got one on my thumb on a dig in Poland once and made the mistake of washing my hands after it had opened. I think I jumped three feet into the air in pain (and then proceeded to shower with my hand held above my head for a week afterwards because fuck those things hurt)
"Climb off your high peak" - I love that! Very fitting for the dwarves
and yep, here's Galadriel dragging Elrond into her mess. I knew it
not Elrond thinking he's no better than a dog - worse yet because he has his own mind and doesn't follow orders blindly. My boy has been disappointed by everyone around him and is seeking solace in shipcraft and I am not okay
"And why would he think that?" Oooooh I love salty Elrond
"And now he's done the same to Gil-galad and every elf in Lindon." I feel like this is poignant and deliberate because Elrond is not an elf. He's a half-elf and this line clearly shows how apart he feels from his people
Elrond holding onto his beliefs even though everyone is against him - someone hug him, please
no Galadriel, don't you guilt-trip him into this. Thank Eru Elrond sees it for what it is.
oh Elrond is not okay. Look at the pain on his face when Galadriel has left. My heart
okay, I see where Cirdan is coming from but why can't even one person tell Elrond that he is right to worry? He does not just fear the power of the rings. He fears Sauron's influence on them, and on Galadriel who bears one of them. What the fuck is he supposed to do if Galadriel goes full on dark queen like Sauron wants her to? He does not have a ring to counter her power, and we have already seen that his words mean nothing to any of the ring bearers.
have I mentioned that I love Poppy? Because I do. She's the best and not happy at all about dragging her tall friend through the desert
oh shit that bell ringing is not good
yep that did not take long
lol not me waiting for Imhotep's face to appear in the sandstorm
that new staff did not last long, did it?
no no no, Nori and Poppy can't be blown away wtf
ooooooh Ithildin?
YES ITHILDIN! Are we going to see the creation of the Doors of Moria?
the way Celebrimbor can't stop thinking about Halbrand. Just like Galadriel. Ugh this is so painful to watch
and of course Sauron exploits every weakness of Celebrimbor's because he knows him and knows exactly what chains to yank
Charles Edwards the actor you are. Celebrimbor's emotional reaction is everything
lol Celebrimbor going straight to the (First Age) bottle to celebrate
there will be fics about this, won't there?
no, Celebrimbor, you are not his friend, do you hear me? You are not
aaaaah and here the idea of the Nine gets planted
oh fuck, the silence in the dark tower is scary
I know everyone was making fun of him having the same face as Halbrand but given how he reveals himself to Celebrimbor it makes so much sense and i love it
"I am your partner." Annatar beginning to seduce his next future ex
but oh how it pains me to hear the "sharer of gift" line
oh Elrond's new tunic is gorgeous
Elrond leading the company? Fuck yes. And of course Galadriel is not happy about it because it always has to be her way or no way
no no no not the dwarves going to Eregion
but also yes because that means Elrond und Durin (and hopefully Disa as well) will reunite and I need that to happen
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artemfication · 2 years
“MC goes Buzzfeed Unsolved with the demon brothers while fucking with the entire human realm internet!”
CW: swearing. Lots of swearing, mentions of death/murder, all the typical stuff related to summoning entities, haunted places, live streaming, not proof read.
Part 3
MC goes ghost hunting in the human realm
“I don’t think I can do this guys…” MC has locked themselves in an old cabinet in a random classroom, shaking and trying to control their breathing.
The moment they heard a deep and booming voice, they bolted the shit out of the ritual room and fled into a random corridor, losing Solomon in the process of their escape.
“Oh my dear MC…where have you gone, little lamb~?” The heavy footsteps come to a halt in front of the classroom and MC covers their mouth, waiting for the demon to walk away.
The chat is freaking out, offering to call the emergency line, or call out to other ghost hunters and exorcists. However, MC is simply shaking their head, quietly waiting for a sign that it’s safe.
The footsteps never started again, could the demon have vanished?
They don’t sense a presence near…it’s deadly quiet.
“Do you think he left…?” They whisper, both to themselves and the chat.
They open the door of the cabinet for a tiny bit and squint their eyes to find any movement. It remains silent and they wait for a few minutes more, just to be sure, before crawling out of the cabinet.
“What in the fucking Outlast is this? Do you all know who the fuck we just summoned?!” They hiss, crawling towards the door.
“I have no idea what type of summoning spell Solomon’s been chanting, but it is hella fuckin’ terrifying…”
“MC love, please present yourself at the front desk...”
The speaker has turned on out of nowhere and MC almost jumped out of their skin at the booming voice through the speaker.
“I have a surprise for you.”
That does not sound like a very happy sunshine and rainbows with flying unicorns type of surprise. And worse of all, the front desk is their basecamp.
“I still have enough battery…I can hold out a little longer…there’s no way I’m going there. I have to find a way to banish the demon back to hell…but I need Solomon for that. Fuck…I have no idea where he is….no, no, no, no, I can’t call him, I’ll give away his hiding spot, I’m sure he is still alive…” MC ponders for a while, reading the chat to see if there is anyone with a solution.
“Just climb out of the window.”
“Go to the roof.”
“Summon one of the demons you made a pact with.”
“Call authorities.”
“Seduce him.”
“Make a pact with the demon.”
MC is shaking their head and they sit down to lean against the door.
“You guys…we’re up against one of the highest ranking demons…you think me acting like a hoe is gonna do the trick?!” They whisper in disbelief.
“Lmao you’re a hoe for Satan and that worked.”
“Solomon is that you?! Where are you?”
“The Devildom.”
“Don’t fuck with me you little bitch, I swear to god when this is over I’m going to feed your ass to Ceberus.”
“Lol try me hoe.”
MC is about to throw another comment when the speaker crackles, before the heavy voice speaks again, addressing them by their name.
“Let’s play a game of hide and seek then. I will leave you alone if I can’t find you in thirty minutes, but if I win…well…your soul is mine.” A maniacal laughter erupts right after the demon spoke and MC feels chills running down their spine.
A game of hide and seek with your life on the line. Thirty minutes to stay out of the demon’s claws. Thirty minutes to survive.
At this point MC is praying to the angels to come and save them. They have met and seen many types of demons, nice ones, mean ones, some evil, some neutral, most of them just existing for the sake of it. And demons are not all that scary when they take a more humane form, but their true forms can be more intimidating, especially the higher ranking demons. They can shift back and forth and they have seen the seven brothers in their demon forms, but the more a demon gives in their nature, the less they look like a normal human. And at this point, MC does not know if the demon is in his actual form or his humane form. Just the thought and feeling of being hunted is terrifying enough for them.
“If I want to survive…I need to find Solomon first…”
@percypup @reshi-galaxy @shmaider @seerachii-art @brushtailedhusband @darkflowerav @frozengoldie @p-ersus @lostsomewhereinthegarden @zenbutnotreally @crazypriestess @blubearxy @magimagi17 @thesimpiestsimp @cptg00s3 @xdendenx @wecky @liminalimmortal @ineedsomeconfidence @hana-chie @whatamidoing89 @jayleeen-s @shizunxie @moondreamss666 @a-random-bored-person @jmgrule @nishayuro
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sunshinevanfleet · 1 year
oh, what a sin [iii]
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iii. betrayals
pairing: danny x reader, sam x reader
a/n: ummmm ok this shit is an emotional rollercoaster. if u are sensitive like me i recommend lots of tissues ok i'm rlly good at making myself cry. i feel so bad for sammy lol. and it's all my fault!!! anyways, i am sorry this took so long i have been busy with work lately so it's taking me some time. also this is completely unedited so forgive me if there are any typos/mistakes. i hope you all enjoy. love ya <3
genre: angst!!! not full out smut but a lil bit.
word count: 4k
summary: the reader and danny have a heated moment. she admits their betrayal to sam.
warnings: angst, infidelity, sexual situations, swearing, etc.
A quiet breeze whispered through the open bathroom window as you relaxed in the bathtub; your feet hung over the edge, cooled by the late-afternoon air as you floated in the soapy water. Something about it was cathartic, your hair sprawled in tendrils around your face as you all but submerged yourself in the water. The sensory deprivation was exactly what you needed at a time like this, the water dulling all noise and your closed eyes blocking out most of the light spilling in through the open window. All that was left was the feeling of cool air caressing your skin, feather light. You were allowing yourself a few minutes to think about absolutely nothing. 
Home alone again, you had quickly busied yourself earlier in the day with all of the household chores. You washed Sam’s ever-growing mass of laundry piled beside the hamper, took Rosie for an afternoon walk, polished the silverware, and when you couldn’t imagine another thing to possibly do, you dusted the entire house. Lately, you did everything you could just to distract yourself from the worsening situation of your love life. Tension seemed to bloom in your relationship. Sam was his usual sugar sweet self, but… it felt all wrong. Although you had done nothing wrong, your emotions were traitorous. You felt like a liar, a cheater. You felt tainted by the very situation fate dragged you into all those years ago.
Hooking your fingers over the side of the tub, you emerged from your little empty paradise. You leaned over the edge, resting your chin on your arms as you met the curious gaze of Rosie curled up in a patch of golden sunlight. She blinked at you, her tail wagging lazily as she waited for you to acknowledge her. The corners of your mouth curled into a lethargic smile. There was a dull plinking as a few drops of water trickled off of your arm and hit the gilded foot of the tub. Your eyes followed the drops, tracing their trail down the metal to the tiny pool of water gathering on the tile. Watching the drops, you suddenly felt so small, so insignificant. In the grand scheme of things, what were you but a drop of water gathering in the greater pool of life? It made you feel a little better. Made your situation feel less cumbersome. 
You breathed a deep sigh, closing your eyes and resting your forehead against your forearms. “What am I supposed to do, Rosie girl?” you asked, voice echoing through the big empty bathroom.
It was quiet, save for the rhythmic thumping of her tail on the tile floor. You laughed softly at the ridiculousness of it all. What kind of advice were you seeking in the curious gaze of a dog? You shifted, planning on dunking yourself in the now-cold water once more before getting out, but a thump from down the hall disturbed you.
Rosie jumped to her feet, paws padding over to the closed door of the bathroom, blocking you both from the noise. 
“Think dad’s home early?” you pondered, forcing your stiff muscles to lift you out of the tub. Your gaze skirted over the shower, mind briefly flashing back to the last time you’d been in there with Sam, wrapped in his embrace without a care in the world. You wished with everything in you that you could go back to that moment in time. Before you were driving yourself crazy with a million questions and possibilities. 
Rosie whined as she waited for you to wrap a towel around yourself. Water trickled down your bare legs and left footprints on the floor behind you as you left the bathroom. A yawn left your lips as you languidly slipped down the hallway. There were a couple more thumps from Sam’s study, the door opened a sliver. As you approached, the sound of shuffling papers and movement became more apparent.
“Sammy, you’re home early,” you said, prodding the study door open with one toe as you peeked into the room. Your heart dropped into your stomach. It wasn’t Sam at all.
“What are you doing here?” you said, voice accusatory as you glared at the familiar face. It was Danny, looking disheveled as he dug through the mess on Sam’s desk. He glanced up at you, scoffing.
“Sam sent me,” he said, his voice cold. “Forgot his notebook.” He suddenly found what he was looking for, holding up the leather book. His large hands dwarfed the book, and you swallowed hard. Your mind painted a very good image of his hands dwarfing other things, things that you shouldn’t be thinking whilst standing before your boyfriend’s best friend in nothing but a towel. 
A frown played on your lips as you wrenched your gaze away from him. “Why’d he send you?” 
“He thought you’d be happy to see me,” said Danny, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
You huffed. This new version of him was not very likable; always angry, his tone and words constantly edged with venom since your encounter back in the guest room at the twins’ house. He was angry with you, but what did he expect you to do when he came in there to interrogate you? He took it as a personal offense that you somehow, miraculously had fallen in love with Sam, as if you had known all the while that they were friends and that you had done it on purpose. 
“Aren’t you ever going to forgive me?” you asked indignantly. You tried to steady your shaking hands by gripping the towel tighter around yourself, trying to shield yourself from his sharp eyes.
“For what, Y/N?” He looked at you, his features expectant.
“For falling in love with him!” 
For a second, he looked taken aback, blinking at you as if you had sprouted a second head. Anyone looking in on the two of you might think you were in some kind of peculiar staring competition, the both of you watching each other expectantly. You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, your half-clothed state suddenly very apparent to you. On your shoulder, there was still the ghost of the bite mark Sammy left on you the week before. You watched Danny’s eyes trail over the mark after a moment, and saw his jaw tighten. His expression flashed dark with emotion, but he masked it quickly.
“How am I supposed to?” His words were barely audible, coming from between clenched teeth. Though the tension wasn’t visible in his face, his knuckles were ashen from holding the notebook so tightly. His posture stiffened.
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” you said, trying to sound stronger than you felt. 
He nodded, finally breaking the intense eye contact. “I know that, don’t you think I know that?” He sighed heavily, clearly frustrated with you. You swallowed. What were you supposed to do, read his mind?
One of your hands twisted in the fabric of the towel. You tightened it around your fingers so hard that it hurt, anything to distract you from the feeling that your ribs were compressing your lungs. Closer and closer. Harder and harder to breathe. 
“It’s the whole problem… How can I hate my best friend for having everything I want?” His anger and frustration finally began to color his tone. He wouldn’t look at you, but you could see his features pulled into an awful grimace. You hated seeing him like this. The compression in your chest grew worse by the second. 
You didn’t speak. You had no clue what to say.
“How—how am I supposed to sit there and watch you two? See the way he makes you laugh, see him kissing you like it’s the easiest thing in the world?” He met your eyes again, and you saw the pain behind his dark gaze. Even through the jealousy, through the anger, there was the cloudy tinge of heartbreak lurking in his irises. He dropped the notebook on the desk, crossing the room to close the space between you. It took everything in you not to flinch back, afraid of what would happen if your skin dared touch. 
His voice dropped to an almost imperceptible volume, one finger lifted to trace the crescent shaped bruise stained on your skin. “How am I supposed to see this, and act like I don’t care?” 
You took a shaky breath. His touch sent tingles over your skin, sent goosebumps erupting all over your body. He was so close, you could feel the heat radiating off of him, permeating the space air between you. Everything about him was so familiar, those thoughtful eyes, the curls framing his chiseled face, the shape of his mouth. Even his scent was driving you insane, almost intoxicating you. The very air around you seemed to vibrate from the magnetism between you. Every fiber of your being was screaming at you to lean into him, touch him, kiss him. Squeezing your hands into tight fists, you shook your head. 
“You want this as badly as I do, and we both know it…”
The finger tracing the bite mark on your shoulder trailed down, lower and lower… His touch left a burning trail in its wake, your body igniting as he approached the towel clutched between your trembling fingers. 
“You want me to stop?” His voice was a dark whisper, emotions tearing through his silken tone. You felt his hand trembling, too.
“Danny, I–”
“Tell me to stop,” you tasted his breath as it fanned over your lips. He was so close, so awfully, deliciously close to you. There was a second of hesitation, and then his lips were on you. One of his hands gripped you around the waist, bunching the towel up in a vice-like grip. His other hand threaded into the damp tresses of your hair, twisting the strands around his fingers.
You sighed with something like relief, the tension hanging in the air finally melting away and leaving you breathless. Your head spun, a thousand thoughts screaming nothing other than his name over and over again. Your brain wanted you to pull away, but your heart was pushing you closer to him, slotting your bodies together as if you were made for one another.
One of your hands grasped his arm to steady you, and your nails dug into the skin. He winced slightly, but you took no notice as he pushed you back against the door frame. The wood bit into the skin of your back, stinging. You grunted into his mouth, struggling against his grasp.
“Y/N, if you want me to stop–”
“Don’t fucking stop,” you muttered, intoxicated by his touch. You gripped the fabric of his t-shirt as if it were the only thing tethering you to the ground, trying to drag him closer. “Want this off,” you mumbled against his mouth.
He broke the kiss long enough to remove his shirt, before pressing himself back into you. His tongue pushed into your mouth carefully, slowly exploring, taking his time. You wrapped both hands around him, feeling the flex of his back muscles as he kept you pinned between him and the wall. You arched against him, hooking one leg up around his waist and rolling your hips against him. The drag of his jeans against your bare center sent a jolt of pleasure up your spine.
He was still kissing you, slowly as you grew more desperate for him. You needed him, now, before you had enough time to think about what you were doing. Before the guilt had time to settle in and make you stop. You had to know if it was the same as all those years before. If he was still the one to drive you mad.
As if reading your mind, his large hands found purchase on your thighs, pulling them up to wrap around your waist. He carried you easily to the couch against the far wall, letting you fall gently onto the leather. The towel shielding your body from view peeled open, exposing your bare flesh to him. His eyes dragged over your figure, drinking you in like a man stranded in the desert. His gaze flashed dark with lust, and his tongue darted out to wet his lips.
He dragged a finger over the curve of your cheek, over your swollen lips, down your clavicle, ghosted over one hardened nipple. He looked at you as if you were an art piece, your form masterfully sculpted and put on display for only him to see. He was memorizing every curve, every dip and hollow in your form. The look of tenderness in his eyes surprised you; the fear had been there all along that this was more than just lust, that the two of you shared more than just a physical connection. You had fooled yourself into thinking you only wanted him corporeally, when you knew he had you wrapped around his finger, body and soul.
There was the sudden feeling again that you were going to be sick, but his scorching touch distracted you from that quickly. His lips found purchase on your neck, placing sloppy kisses on the skin. You squirmed beneath him, heat having bloomed between your legs and quickly spreading up your spine. There was no way you could continue this at his pace; at this rate, he was going to be touching and teasing your body for hours. 
“Danny, hurry,” you muttered, nearly breathless as one of his hands slipped between your legs. A gasp broke from your lips, your back arching off of the couch as he touched you as if he had practiced for this very moment for years. You melted under his touch, one hand lazily hooked around the back of his neck as he took care of you.
“Wanna take my time,” he said, words muffled against your skin. 
“You–you can’t… What if S–”
“Sam…” He cut you off, his entire body stiffening as he pulled away from you. He leaned back on his haunches, wiping your arousal on the fabric of his jeans as he ran the other hand through his disheveled hair. “Fuck, Y/N, what are we doing?”
You gulped, abruptly aware of the situation you were currently in. The buzz from Danny’s touch had withered away immediately at the sound of Sam’s name. Shame bloomed over your features, and your face burned red hot as you struggled to cover yourself with the towel.
“I don’t know,” you said, voice high-pitched and nearly hysterical as the tears began to flow. He was right. What were the two of you doing? You curled into yourself, eyeing him carefully as he retrieved his shirt from the floor. You had just jeopardized all the good in your life for one encounter with Danny. Oh, how the past was coming back to haunt you. 
“What do we do?” He asked you, sighing heavily. 
You refused to look at him, staring at the bookshelves beside you. The tears burned your skin, flowing hot and landing heavily in your lap. You shook your head, your voice shaking as you replied, “I–I want you to go…”
His voice was hurt, but understanding. “You always do.”
Then, he was gone. You sulked off to bed after crying your eyes out. You hoped to fall asleep and wake up from this absolute nightmare. 
The following weeks weren’t much better. With the guys all home from the tour, you were spending more and more time trying to avoid Danny. He seemed to gravitate towards your house, spending hours lounging around with Sam. You hid away in the bedroom, or the study when you weren’t at work, listening to them brainstorm ideas for the next album, or laughing over their dumb inside jokes. It was unbearable. You wondered how Danny could keep his composure in the house; something was mind blowing about how he was able to mask his emotions, putting on a perfectly happy facade as if he weren’t eyeballing you behind Sam’s back.
Contrarily, you were doing an awful job of hiding your internal conflict.
“Maybe you should talk to someone, sweets,” Sam said one night, after a particularly grueling night having dinner with a few friends, including Danny. You shook all night long, stuck in Sam’s side like a thorn that was just out of reach. He hadn’t uttered a single word of complaint, holding your hand tightly as if he were your anchor. He made sure you ate, even just a few bites, included you in conversations, and didn’t get annoyed at all when you asked if you could wait for him in the car. 
Now, the two of you were finally home, curled up on the couch. You were half-dressed, his shirt and his shoes discarded by the door, while you wore only your slouchy denim shirt that you threw on for dinner. You curled your toes under his leg, warming them as you wrapped your arms around your legs and rested your chin on your knees. He watched you with a warm expression, too much tenderness saved for the likes of you.
“I don’t wanna talk to anyone,” you muttered, half hearted.
He looked at you with those puppy dog eyes, all soft and sweet. A slight frown played on his lips. “Not even me?” He raised an eyebrow.
You sighed heavily, turning your head so your cheek rested on your knee instead. You felt very suddenly like bursting into tears, but you held back. “Of course I want to talk to you, but…” A sharp breath fell from your lips, and you closed your eyes. You couldn’t bear to look at him.
“But what?” There it was again, that soft and gentle tone that you adored so much. That voice that made you feel like anything you ever did wrong would be forgiven. That tone, full of nothing but complete and unconditional love. You were hating yourself even more by the second. 
“I’m scared… I’m scared it’s going to hurt you. I’m scared it’s going to hurt you, and you won’t love me anymore.”
He shifted, wrapping his arms around your curled up frame. You felt his lips press against your temple, warm and comforting. Then, his voice was quiet, “There is very little you could do to make me stop loving you, Y/N.”
A single tear slipped down your cheek, but he was already there, brushing it away. Your stomach fluttered at the touch; you reached up and grasped his hand, pulling it to your heart and cradling it there as if it were the only thing holding you together.
“What happened, sweets? Tell me so I can make it better, please,” his voice was pleading. “I hate seeing you like this… I want my girl back, my smiling girl…”
A weak sob wracked your frame, but his presence was grounding you. He was everything you needed. You were about to destroy that. 
“Sam, I–” you choked on your own tears, trying so hard not to break down in front of him. “I don’t even know how to say this– I– I know it’s going to tear you apart…”
You forced your eyes open, meeting the worry in his gaze. You made yourself look at him; you deserved this, after what you had done to him. You should have to face the consequences of your actions. 
“Y/N, please,” his voice was pleading, almost desperate.
“I–I kissed Danny,” you blurted, voice shaking so much that you could barely understand the words coming out of your mouth. “We had sex, years ago, before you and I met and– and I’ve had dreams about him for years, and I just… Well, I saw him at the party and it ignited all of these old feelings… Then he came over the other day to get your notebook and—” Your rambling was quickly drowned out by the sound of your own sobbing, your body shaking uncontrollably. You felt him pull away, saw the light in his eyes fade as you admitted to him your wrongdoing.
The look on his face was unlike anything you’d seen before; those tender eyes turned contemptuous, hurt staining them black. 
“Tell me you didn’t sleep with him.”
You shook your head, practically hyperventilating. “No, no, not again…” Your voice was high, hysterical. “No, we–we stopped, before…”
“But you were going to.”
“Yes, I mean–No… I don’t know!” You buried your face in his shoulder, clawing at him, wanting him to just wrap his arms around you and hold you together before you fell to pieces. But his hands stayed limp at his sides, his breathing shallow. 
“Sammy, I’m begging you to forgive me,” you sobbed. Your tears were rolling down his bare chest, soaking his skin. He was still silent. You cried against him for a moment, then pulled away to look at him.
You were torturing yourself; seeing that look on his face was tearing you apart. His eyes brimmed with tears, and he shook his head slowly. He still hadn’t budged from his seated position, and he refused to meet your gaze. 
“You understand that you’re the person I love the most in the world, don’t you?” He cut you off, finally looking at you. His tears began to fall, and his voice shook. You reached up with a shaking hand to brush the moisture off of his face. 
“Yes–yes, I do,” you nodded desperately. You were all but sitting on his lap now, doing anything to be close to him. Your world was falling apart before your eyes; you never imagined you would see your Sammy like this, so distant and hurt. A black feeling settled in your stomach, making you sick. 
“Then–” his voice cracked “--how could you do this to me?”
You crumbled beneath the look that he gave you. His eyes were red-rimmed, pouring tears, his nostrils flaring as he struggled to breathe. His jaw was clenched to the point that it looked painful. You reached for him, wanting to touch him, to soothe him, and he flinched away. A pang shot through your entire body at that. You felt as if you were being swallowed into a dark abyss. You would never know happiness again, not after this. 
“Baby, please,” you breathed, your voice thick with tears. “You–you said nothing would ever make you stop loving me… Please, tell me it’s still true…” You were begging him, desperate for any inkling of reassurance.
He shook his head, swallowing hard. “How can you ask me that right now?” He huffed, wiping his tears with the palms of his hands. “I love you so much I can’t fucking stand it, Y/N… I’m not gonna lie to try and hurt you, even if you’re tearing me to pieces right now… I could never do that to you.” He said it with so much sincerity, so much love still in his tone that it made you speechless. You pressed a hand over your face, silently sobbing harder. You felt like you would never catch your breath, your chest tightening as you squeezed your eyes shut. You didn’t deserve him, you had never deserved him, and you were realizing that more by the second. 
The two of you sat there, for what felt like hours. Turmoil bloomed in Sam’s face. You wanted to know what was going on in his head, but didn’t think you would be able to handle knowing. You didn’t dare reach for him again, afraid you would have to watch him wince away again. You couldn’t bear the thought of it.
“Do you want me to leave?” you asked after a while, your voice hoarse from crying.
He shook his head, barely looking at you.
“No, sweets. Just go to bed.” He nodded in the direction of the hallway. Your throat tightened at the sound of the pet name. You knew you wouldn’t get a wink of sleep, not without him beside you, but you did as he said. You would do anything he asked, if it meant he might forgive your transgressions.
taglist: @dannythedog @demolitionndann @malany-gvf @poeta-nascitur @myleftsock @spark-my-nature
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The Umbrella Academy season 2 episode 2
Oh I KNEW I hadn't seen the last of her
I don't trust death or seemingly fatal injuries on this show to mean I stop seeing a character. I mean, look at Ben. Dude died forever ago and he's still around
Oh hey! It's the fish dude! Doesn't Five murder this Goldfish?
A fish smoking. I- sure, why not
Nah, Herb, that was a good one, you should laugh!
"I took a bullet in the head for this company!" "And we thank you for your service" this is real and hitting me in ways I can't fully articulate.
This lady is just trying to be nice! She was the same with Five, and both he and the Handler are so mean to her!
Luther DOES have a point, Five IS always saying that
Five is saying that HE needs you, you dumb ass
Is that Carl? Thank you subtitles
"Dad should've left him on the moon" LOL
Nah, the sentiment is there even if the words themselves are morbid
Wait I just realized something. In the newspaper article, Diego has s1 length hair. And he said he was in there for 75 days. His hair? Should not be this long
"You know the other window was open, right?" Says the man that jumped through a window instead of just checking to see if the door was locked (it wasnt)
He doesn't know she doesn't have her memories
Does her husband know about her rumor ability?
The fuck is that shit? Cause it's not milk. Is it giving them some weird ability or something? Does it keep them alive?
"Imagine batman, then aim lower" this season keeps making me laugh in delight so far, five is so funny
Five has just decided to trust this guy, seeing him as harmless. I haven't gotten any inclination from him that he's not what he appears, but he could still have a role in the apocalypse because he's not what he was supposed to be in the original time line
I mean, his father is dead. But, yeah, he has issues, no doubt
"Because he's an idiot" "who the hell are you" "Hi, I'm his loving brother" Five is a delight this season so far
Im hitting all these racist fucks with cars in my mind
So many of the sibilings are just soooo close to meeting but they arenttttt
Klaus meeting her husband! I really like Ray so far he seems like a really great guy
Oh Klaus, back them up, fight for them, discover your sister, comeon my guy
Lila fucking painting Elliots toenails while he's bound and gagged, oh my god
Luther, I swear to fucking god if you fuck this up
Luther let's his fucking fear control him and I'm beating him with hammers and frying pans
You are right! She shouldn't be the one to apologize! She was manipulated and hurting and she doesn't know who she is and she's your SISTER, who you obviously do still love you fuck, so don't fucking do this
Im confused now. Cause the things he's saying? Good! Excellent! Yes! BUT HE HAS THE GUN AT A MOMENTS NOTICE
...okay imma rewatch this scene now while not thinking the worst of him
...alright so I may have over reacted a bit and I now feel bad about that. In my defense, he had his hand on a cocked gun ready to be fired at her for the majority of that touching little speech, and considering the last time he said gentle things like that to her he choked her out and threw her in a cage, I feel justified in being suspicious as hell
Well these guys are massive freaks
So I had a thought last night: How did Hazel know about the world ending in 10 days? He claimed the agency was gone but clearly it ISNT so what's the truth?
Leave Vanya alone you fucks (them going after her is going to re reawaken her powers isn't it)
Okay, so no, her husband doesn't know
Careful Diego
Okay but is this their shitstain of a father or is it older Five? Alright well that instantly got answered
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
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