#I think I lost the 50/50 on venti at first and got qiqi but he came home anyway
ipcearn · 2 years
Started wishing on Cyno today
At first I didn't want to, but then I did his test play and holy shit, he is so much fun??? I love him so much already
Sunk my 50 saved wishes into him, which did get me all the three boosted 4 stars, which coincidentally were all characters I was missing so far - now I am only missing Beidou and Gorou when it comes to the 4s (and now with Sayu home I have all Anemo characters released so far)
But no Cyno so far
I have the vague hope of maybe winning the 50/50 for once, but that seems unlikely
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latinokaeya-moving · 3 years
gonna finally get around to levelling up my xiao on my main i think. xiao venti albedo zhongli for ultimate anemo geo resonance team :3
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kohiwrites · 3 years
ada members playing genshin impact (°▽°)
- f2p not by choice
- lost the 50/50 to jean the first time he pulled on a limited banner and has mained her ever since (tbf he didn’t even realize he lost the 50/50)
- likes that jean can fight and help others at the same time
- always says thank you in coop even if his teammates were not that good
- enjoys the story and music of genshin the most
- gets advice on building characters from tanizaki
- was really into meta for like a majority of his time playing the game but now that he’s ar 58 he’s just doing whatever at this point
- by whatever he’s building healers as dps for fun
- hutao enjoyer and main usually
- cooped a lot with chuuya when they started out the game around the same time but now not as much (aside from the occasional stealing of ascension mats)
- not so fond of exploring and mostly likes doing battle events and spiral abyss
- casual player yknow yknow work first play later </3
- zhongli appreciator and a big fan of liyue lore because he thinks it’s interesting
- doesn’t spend on the game usually but i feel like sometimes when he’s stressed he’ll buy genesis crystals and do a few pulls
- plays only every so often but when he does he explores and does puzzles a lot for his inner completionist
- doesn’t coop with others
- somehow outsmarts the gacha system and has almost all five stars
- only problem is he’s terrible at building them and doesn’t farm anything at all
- tanizaki pilots his account out of pity
- ranpo just likes to have the characters and he’ll usually only do story quests or events on his own
- coops with yosano often for the company
- refuses to play any of the male characters aside from xingqiu and bennett
- lost the 50/50 for raiden shogun to diluc and almost lost it (got raiden on the last day of her banner though)
- likes collecting namecards
- ar 53 just because she doesn’t grind everyday but she still does her dailies in her free time
- has been playing the game since launch
- barely gets any sleep because he plays genshin? or plays genshin because he barely gets any sleep? either way he’s on the game all the time
- same ar as dazai but his showcase is just his lvl90 kazuha and albedo
- meta slave but he tries not to let it show (it slipped out once when ranpo asked how strong his characters are—his lvl40 xiao and electro goblet venti had tanizaki’s eye twitching)
- very kind and likes helping out his friends finish quests or get achievements
- f2p at first but once he spent a little bit for albedo there was no going back
- kunikida wants to scold tanizaki for playing at the office but honestly he gets his work done so he can’t really complain
- ar56 but very chill about it
- tanizaki would talk about the game a lot before she started playing so she ended up being pretty good at it when she started
- godly artifact luck sometimes it makes tanizaki cry
- mains ganyu and eula because they’re pretty
- when tanizaki sees her online at 2 in the morning he spams the qiqi emote until she logs off
hope this was an okay read cuz i had fun writing it! i may write a port mafia version depending on how this one does ٩( ᐛ )و feel free to request other headcanons or anything relating to bsd, genshin, etc.
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bluexiao · 3 years
uh for reference….
i got raiden around 15 wishes into her banner (won the 50/50).
i tried to clutch her C1 at the last few days of her banner, but that was when i lost the 50/50 and got qiqi for the first time.
i randomly did a 10 pull in kokomi’s banner for xingqiu, but ended up getting kokomi….and no xingqiu in sight. mind you, i had *3 pity* at the time. (i love her now and built a full tenacity and clam set for her)
i skipped every banner until albedo’s rerun. i was scared because i only saved up 50 wishes, and i didn’t think i was gonna clutch him. first 10 pull gave me a keqing…. and then my fear only escalated. another 10 pull and guaranteed albedo arrived!
you know the disaster i had in the zhongli banner so we’ll skip that (lost my 50/50 to C1 qiqi….) 😃
now i’m saving for kazuha! i have around 8k primos saved up, a guaranteed (45 pity), all of his ascension materials, his 4 pc viridescent set, and basically almost everything he needs. you can tell i really really want him…. and also, i’m inhaling some copium because now that venti is in the upcoming inazuma festival, people are now hoping for a venti rerun. and as someone who wants to have both kazuha and venti, let’s just say…. i’m conflicted 😔
you’re so lucky tho !?!?? like damn in 20 pulls you got 2 5-stars ksksks
aaa goodluck saving for kazuha!! i could totally remember the time i prefarmed for him as well before !! good thing you’re guaranteed tho because my kazuha pulls back then were also a total disaster 😩😩
hope you’ll get kazuha with soft pity!!
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myuni-moon · 3 years
People seem to be talking about their experiences on the Childe banner so I thought I'd share mine. I already had childe from his first re-run but I decided to pull more on his banner in an attempt at 3 things. Childe c1, c2 chongyun (had him at c1 and plan on building him for cryo support at some point), and yanfei cons (she's arguably my main dps, and I only had her at c1). Unfortunately though I only got exactly 1 of those things. Thus far I've gotten only yanfei cons as far as 4 star characters. No other 4 star characters, just weapons and 5 yanfei cons. I'm not really complaining, I mean she's c6 now and hits even harder than before plus I've always had a soft spot for yanfei character wise too as she seems like someone I'd really get along with, but like, just 1 Chongyun pls? Just one. And Childe didn't come home either. Instead I got Qiqi. I'm not mad about getting Qiqi really, I didn't have her before and I absolutely adore her, she's my daughter, but now I have guaranteed and 35 pity. This admittedly doesn't sound bad but I've pretty much decided to give up on Childe's banner because I want to get Thoma next banner. Problem is, I really really really don't want Hu Tao. Don't get me wrong, character wise I love Hu Tao to bits, I feel like we'd get along super well, but I really dislike her playstyle and would most likely never use her. So now I need to hope my traditionally bad luck with pulling 5 stars early (I've never pulled one before soft pity) continues to hold and that Thoma cooperates. Also fun fact, I actually also lost the 50/50 on childe's re-run banner too at first (to Keqing that time), thankfully I had enough primo left to get him cause I had like 65 pity going in, but it's funny because childe happens to be the only character whose banner I've lost the 50/50 on (I've also pulled on Venti, Zhongli, and Kazuha's banners and won] and I've lost it on him twice. SMH, the other characters are really trying to keep the dangerous fatui man away huh.
Also to the other nonnie that forgot their original genshin account password, so long as you remember the email you used I'm pretty sure there's a way to reset it by going to mihoyo's website. I don't think I can post the actual link to where you need to go because the asks tend not to send if there are links in them, but if you Google how to reset genshin password there's a reddit thread with a link in it that will take you where you need to go.
Anyway, glad to have you back Myuni!
also very happy that you got who you wanted, nonnie! as for thoma, i suggest just waiting until he gets added on standard banner. he’s a 4*, and it’s better to get him on standard or an even banner whose 5* you want than risk getting a character you don’t like all that much.
pls someone bless me with their 50/50 luck bc i’m legit going to make comfort fics for a week if itto doesn’t come home on 50/50
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timebranded · 2 years
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The first character I first fell in love with: Zhongli!! Watching his trailer was what finally convinced me to pick up the game. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Venti and Ganyu. Both are triple crowned and I put so much work into them. Also, Itto and Ayato both caught me off-guard and I love both of them for that. The character everyone else loves that I don't: I don't think there's a single character that I outright hate? But I'm gonna say Qiqi just because she's the only standard 5* I have no build for, and yet I have lost the 50/50 to her several times- The character I love that everyone else hates: Eula! I remember seeing a lot of hate for Eula when she first got released- The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Childe. I don't hate him, but he's definitely lost his spot as my main Hydro unit since I got Ayato and his sword. 🤷‍♀️ The character I would totally smooch:  Ganyu. Like a platonic smooch on the forehead. She deserves the world. The character I’d want to be like:  Venti! Not the alcoholic part, the carefree musician with a side of menace. The character I’d slap:  Kaeya. No particular reason, I just remember the time he tricked us in that one mission. A pairing that I love: I like a lot of pairings, but I've been reading a lot of cute Venti/Lumine fics so I'll go with that. A pairing that I despise: KaeyaxDiluc. I just. No.
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otomelavenderhaze · 4 years
Heyy Fa! I feel like we're friends too, just didn't know if you would consider it that way. Okay, I'll talk you whenever then :D it's really nice chatting with you btw! I always learn a new thing with every ask, and I don't know much about the game yet, so we can't really discuss things deeply, but I thought it'd be nice to just talk and share our thoughts!
Yeah the big majority of us has no luck whatsoever, sure I don't know for sure what's my case, since I have done about 1 pulls overall, 'cause it's better if I grind primogems first, but it probably will be the case too lol
Your sister has such good ones tho! I didn't realize it had been this long; it was released on September 28th, so it's been 2 months. Thinking about it, it is a lot of time to grind primos, but haven't you been playing just as long as her?
I got here late so I didn't know that! Good thing they had a bit of compassion. Can you imagine if Beemoov was a gambling company? The hell we would go through...
It's good that we can keep the four-stars, but it's better to get them now when their rates (is this how it's called?) are up; Zhongli, as always, is a disappointment. It's too bad Fischl is not so good and you didn't get a better dps, sadly, the bigger the range of characters, the smaller our chance of getting the character we want... That is, if they don't separate them in different banners in the future since there will be so many... It is unlikely, but a girl can dream.
I will go do my reading then, so I can fully understand the aspects of the banners... I never learned probability properly in school, but I guess they were training me for this day.
What event are you talking about? I only have Zhongli's story quest, the daily prizes, the permanent ones, the test runs and the Lisa and Kaeya note... Anyway I guess I can't play it yet. I have seen some strange spark that started a course, but I thought that was permanent random thing lol
I'm trying to be slow and enjoy the story, or else I would already be in Liyue I guess! I leaned that playing Horizon: Zero Down; the console was a friend's so I had to speed up and finish fast. What happened? I had to play a chapter meant to be played in level 34 while I was in level 24... Ha I got really mad at my devastating defeat, but I managed, not without dying dozens of times of couse.
That way of thinking about spears is so smart, it is kinda like that, I played Xiangling's side quest yesterday and I can see your point, it was so cool, they are something else indeed.
Mihoyo seems to be a nice company, and i think they are going to make good decisions in the future too!
I can see this exchange as some sort of friendship because I do like talking with you as well!! I’m glad that you’re learning something, you have been putting me to thinking about things a lot too. 
Ah, you will get there to do your pulls, you’re so right in saving them. I did paid for the boost of daily primal gems, so I’m not so free to play as I claim to be, I paid like... 2 months. My sister too. 
I and she agreed that it worthed (at the time we brought the first one, it was hella less expensive, now it’s almost the double of the price, but well, I needed it for Zhongli, it was better than spend crazy amounts). I don’t regret it, it’s less expensive than actually buying at once the amount for 10 pulls. So yeah, it’s better for you to save up your primals!! 
Unless you get to see a 4 star that you really like, then you should try go for it a little, I tried getting Diona from the last banner, that’s why I also didn’t have enough to try 2 times for Zhongli. Which is a downside, xD then maybe you should really just save it all you can. 
In a sense I was so lucky in getting Fischl, she was my first 4 star pulled from a special banner and since then she never left my party (I don’t regret having her as dps, even if she don’t cause a crazy amount of damage like Childe do per example). 
We haven’t been playing since the first day actually, I think went to play weeks after the launch... she got luck for sure. Besides that thing I told you in the last ask, there’s a super rare rate between 47-50 pulls that you can get a 5 star and she got Keqin in the normal banner like this too. So she has Keqin, Qiqi and Childe as 5 stars, because she hit that rate. 
While the 90 pulls guarantee a 5 star, the 47-50 is for when you do single pulls and pure luck. She hit it without even counting. 
But yeah, she got Razor at the same time I got my Fischl actually, but she got him from the standard banner, meanwhile I got Fischl from Venti’s banner (actually, I think she has a Fischl too), but the fact is that she does have more characters than me cuz she don’t hold her pulls, she is always using them as soon she get the primals. 
Besides, my sister is the type of player that got all the chests of the game, that finished all the quests early on, never lost any event and grind super hard, I slacked a little bit when we started playing, some days I didn’t even logged in. I started playing seriously after 1 week I guess, and even so she is hardcore in getting things in the game that I normally don’t even bother :’) 
It is better to pull on the special banners, but kkkkk well, it’s a matter of luck, because while I was doing single pulls on the normal banner, I got a Razor from there too lately instead of getting him in the special banner kkkkkkk you get what I mean? You just can get luck and, in a sense, yes, they will keep adding characters and make it harder on us to get constellations, but this is how the game is supposed to be. There’s nothing we can do about it. 
4 stars are more reliable than the limited time 5 stars in the special banner, meanwhile, the 5 stars in the normal banner are, indeed, in long term, equally more reliable and a better investment. Because in theory, you have the chance of keeping pulling them until the end of the game. The bad thing is that their abilities are outdated compared with characters like Childe and Zhongli =/ 
I think the flying event is only for players over level 20... I think you kinda should hurry up for it a little bit kkkkkk they’re giving us 60 primal gems in every course when we finish the little mini-game. And of course, you will have to unlock Liyue’s map =/ so the event will only show up to you after you do all of that. When you get in Liyue you can slow everything down tho, the story at least. 
Ah!! I brought Horizon Dawn those days!! I’m searching for better ways to play it properly because I found it very complicated to understand, so I’m playing The Last Guardian before going to HD. If you have tips, please feel free to tell me!!
Did you enjoy playing with Zhongli? Like his physical sequence of hits? I found him so fun to play with!! He’s so fast. He’s faster than Xiangling for sure!!
I was testing Keqin today too and she’s super fast for a single hand sword user, she’s faster than the Traveler for sure too. Or at least, that was the feeling I had. 
I think Mihojo is... well, not exactly bad but not the nicer, they’re lacking in many things about the game. The issue with bugs, the lack of security in accounts, the system of resin and such, but compared to EA, Beemoov or Nintendo, Mihojo surely isn’t the worst. 
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