#I think all of them are capable of murder (because lots of people are technically capable of murder just most are incredibly unlikely to do
kittykatninja321 · 5 months
my theory is that outside of the already established killers, Babs is the only non-lethal bat who could kill somebody and sleep soundly the same night
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theology101 · 5 months
Galicaea murdered Cassandra and Sol murdered Ankarna - which is why Kipperlilly Did That
We learned in Revelations and Revivifications (Episode 11 of Season 2) that it was her Clerics from Fallinel who murdered Cassandra. That's just straight up a fact. Now, we don't know exactly what her role in this is but, "As Above, So Below." If Galicaea's top priests are making this move, then Galicaea was down with it.
I've heard a lot of people refer to the wolf aspect as if it was some 'real' version of the faith that's been corrupted. It isn't, it's an Older aspect and its one that Tracker and Co. love a lot more but both of them are a result of worship.
We learned about this 'Last Great Sylvan War' around 900 years ago about the proper way to worship Cassandra. While the High Elves who settled it went with "Erase the goddess - to understand mystery is a heresy," I'm guessing they also heavily influenced the Wood Elf/Non-High Elf variant of Galicaea into being more in line with their version. Obviously a remnant survived in folk religion like with Tracker and other Werewolf communities, her revival reveals that prior to her, there hasn't been any serious challange to Falinel statement.
I think that then Sol started marching North. Gallicaea had claimed Night as hers and hers alone, by deceiving their shy and naive sister and then went to finish the job with Ankarna. But her? No way they could convince Ankarna to kill herself, especially now that her sister was 'dead' (Cassandra technically managed to live via the Quasi-Reality inside of Sylvaire, Kristen more redefined her and allowed her to be alive outside of the Nightmare Forest).
So I think that the Human Priests of Highcourt and the Elves of Fallinel agreed to wipe them out. Sol's paladins burnt their way up the coast and conquered it - we know that the land of Elmville is native Halfling territory, but right next to it is the Mountains of Chaos which was, in my opinion, their true target. Sol wanted the aspects like Conviction, Fire, Rage, Etc. while he gave Helio Summer.
Meanwhile, Ankarna? Her turning Infernal wasn't something done to her, it was something she/her priests did. Why would they do that? Because they're being invaded. The Giants probably took on a more leadership based roll compared to the far less capable to defend themselves Halflings, Goblins, Aaracockra, arguably even Orcs. Turning more and more evil, brutal, and extreme is a result of her being back further and further into a corner. It was a defense of the other races and for her own life.
I think that, while adventuring in the Mountains of Chaos for Spring Break, the Rat Grinders found out about Ankarna's priests and believers being wiped out, maybe one of her ancinet and long forgotten temples. That was it and it would have been it, if Kipperlilly didn't learn about Cassandra. I think her sheer, burning jealousy made her want, above anything else, to bring back a Goddess herself.
And her solution was going to be Lucy Frostblade. And for about two weeks, Ankarna was brought back with Lucy being her sole worshipper. And this is what I think happened next: sweet, kind, Lucy Frostblade's Ankarna wouldn't be the warlike aspect. She'd be like how she was before the Humans and Elves attacked, a kind and loving goddess.
Except there's a problem. There's another worshipper - just one.
Jace Stardiamond, draining power from the corpse of the long dead war goddess.
So, he and Kipperlilly somehow get in contact (my money is through Oisin secretly being a sorceror the whole time and just Acing wizard classes with 0 effort) and together they agree there's only one solution - kill Lucy Frostblade so their version of Ankarna can remain. The High Five Heroes kill Lucy and all begin worhsipping Ankarna (all under the influence of Devil's Honey.) Kipperlilly, Oisin and Mary Anne are all in on it (symbolized by their Blue backgrounds) but Ivy and Rueben refuse to go along with the murder but, since they're not in the way, they're able to be devil's honeyed into not knowing (Symbolized by their red background).
Ivy's weird reaction to Fig? She always 'knew' that Lucy was alive - she's not important to the plan anyways, so she doesn't need to be included. Some random lie is fed to Ivy to explain why Lucy isn't recognized as 'dead.' Reuben though? Kipperlilly can still use Reuben - use him to proselytize and spread the word of Ankarna - so not only does he need to be aware of the details around Lucy's death and all the Ankarna stuff, he also can't know the Ratgrinders killed her. He clearly still thinks highly of her - I think that vomitting the 'blood' in his dream was Fig breaking the Devil's Honey barrier in his mind.
Which is why, as Gertie told us, Kipperlilly ordered two bottles RIGHT after break. They need to keep him in line with the plan.
Jace changed the records in the school so that Yolanda never realized that she switched gods from Ruvina, and used his own spells to fuck with the name and hidden it (clearly there's a difference between the rune on the paper, which no one could read, and the translated version in Fallinel which has been sat for a thousand plus years), and did the same to the body. Yolanda, trusting him as Vice Principal, tells him about her fears, he goes with her into the woods and then instantly kills her in the clearing.
The plan is to take Ankarna from the Dead/Undead form (but now conscious thanks to their efforts) back to being actually alive via a Cleric believing in her.
Of course, in the mean time they need a Cleric. Make him expendable, but still useful. Make the cleric be a Priest of Helio or Sol so that they can kill him, immediately planeshift into Heaven behind him, eliminate his soul and then Oisin and Kipperlilly sneak into the office and bring back the Goddess. In fact, I bet they're gonna fling Buddy Dawn's soul into the void and using the death of a cleric of Helio, Ankarna will return. Killing Buddy was the act of Conquest they needed.
Rueben is obviously in doubt, trying to get help from his Uncle (skipping Forest Animal Murdering and asking for a ride home?), but I think Oisin is in it for the power. Mary Anne is a Kobold, and I think Oisin's Grandma is the dragon her tribe is sworn to so she just follows him around.
I don't think any part of Jace Stardiamond's section of the plan, the bit about the return of Ankarna, has anything to do with Kipperlilly running for preisdent or their quest against the bad kids. Killing Buddy in the Last Stand was just a conveint series of events but as Brennan said in the adventuring party - it looked like killing Buddy was already on the table. That wasn't a freak out move, it was on the agenda, she just wasn't there yet.
For the Presidency, unlike the Ankarna plot where only Oisin and Stardiamond are conspirators, all the Rat Grinders are in on it because they all seem to have personal beef. Except for Oisin and Mary Anne, who seem to be fine with the Bad Kids as a whole, just still on Kipperlilly's team for the race.
For that, Kipperlilly frames the Loams for embezzling, pocketing the money, and then using Ankarna's nightmare king form to kill the Loams when it looked like she was being to thoroughly looked at. Now she has money for both Schemes and the Campaign. Stardiamond tells Reuben to move Frostfaire to the Thistlepsing Tree (just to fuck with the ground and, if I had to guess, be the reason why Gorgug has been getting angrier and angrier as the season's gone on. Specifically, he seemed to really 'Get Mad!' when fighting Grix).
Kipperlilly knows about Buddy's grandpa so after Yolanda gets killed by Jace, Kipperlilly tells Buddy to ask his grandpa to apply while Jace puts the question to Mazey (a decision he should've made himself, to be honest). Bobby's here just to get Kristen expelled, and when they they decided to take the last stand, she grabbed a Rage Shard, strapped it on an arrow, and aimed it at the proctor.
I think that, as the ultimate 'fuck the bad kids' move, the Proctor would go angry and huge and the party would be forced to kill him. Not only does he die, but they were the ones who killed him which would MURDER their grade. I would guess.
But Kristen saw her, and could prove that another student directly interfered with the test (via undergoing a zone of truth). So instead, Kipperlilly indirectly interferes and puts the 'lets kill Buddy' part of the Main Plan into effect. Probably would have happened anyways (they're in a pocket dimension alone, great time to kill a man tbh)
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bi-hop · 4 months
coming back to the kabru is like jesus if he was judas comparison. I think it's interesting that kabru always knew that he couldn't be the one to conquer the dungeon so he wanted to find people who could and support them, because he knows he's an excellent judge of character.
but the thing is, he still wants to be the hero. he still has a saviour complex. he's still envious that laios of all people is the one who has the potential to beat the mage. i think he wanted to be the one™ in some way . he *needed* to be needed by laios, he wanted to be like hermes, a psychopomp, or maybe charon, the ferryman that guides laios. so when laios /ignored/ him (not laios' fault truly he just . bad timing. sorry kabru) he felt resentful and yet even more determined to get in laios' orbit, to be the light. to be important in his eyes, like, judas when he said to the woman who used expensive oil to clean jesus ' feet. he said "why not just give it to the poor?" because he wanted praise. he wanted his teacher to look at him and go "look, i listened to you! i know what you teach!"
thats why laios rubbed off on him and he used a nutrition metaphor even because hes like. he wants to be jesus (the one to sacrifice himself and save the world from the dungeons to prevent another utaya) but hes judas (the adversary. the supporter from the shadows. the one who shows the soldiers (canaries) who jesus is. the one who " reported " him in the first place)
anyway yeah I think he has. a Jesus complex and when he met Laios he got mad with envy because he realized he was Judas help me
this is so good, turning it over in my head.
an element of kabru's character that grabbed me early on and is reinforced as he begins to bet on laios is his preoccupation with morality. people complain about the murder (bc people are lame BUT I DIGRESS!) but don't typically focus on the justifications he gives. even without knowing about the demon's nature, he is able to understand that greed and violence will only beget more of the same as those who can adapt will turn worse and those who cannot will be exploited or flee. for him, it's like ripping out weeds from a garden to protect what he cherishes.
I agree that he feels very self-critical when he finally admits that he can't be the knight in shining armor that he wants to be, due to his inability to survive as long as he wants in the dungeon. even without the motivation of going back to save falin, laios and his party had already went further on a regular basis than he has.
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(shake me if I'm remembering wrong, but when we first meet kabru's party, isn't it one of their first times ever successfully making it to the third floor? lmao.)
and so the point to me was always that, yes, kabru wants to be the guy and yes, his party supports him as the guy, but realistically? he'd need someone else to at the very least support him. but he's very practical so it made immediate sense to me that he'd start looking for someone who he can either trust to take on the role or who is capable enough to get to a point where kabru could then take over. (again, all pre-finding out what being a dungeon lord truly means)
despite the latter being an option though, kabru's preoccupation with morality still stands. if he was truly the cold rational being some people seem to see him as, it would have been simple to simply throw his lot in with the first strong yet horrible person he observed. but he's picky selective. even with laios as his choice, he's CONSTANTLY fighting The Demons about it. his nightmare alone makes it clear that he has extremely well-rooted doubts and fears about what laios might do.
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^ funniest page ever to me btw
but despite that, he still continually does the work of supporting him, albeit with a lot of setbacks and complications OADSJDODSOJD
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i don't necessarily think the lens that we're currently taking is what ryoko intended but to conclude it is funny the themes of betrayal because technically kabru does betray laios' trust once lycion's like "ayo, he hates monster food btw, he's a SNAKE" and then he fumbles his way into... sort of regaining it? kinda? of course, by post-canon, he has it fully back, but speaking exclusively of the main story here.
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squadrah · 4 months
La Squadra in detective fiction
Giving a variety of flavors for each, I've been absorbing Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie stuff like a sponge lately.
As a detective: One of those grimy hard-boiled types who has to get his hands dirty in more ways than one to get his evidence, though when it comes to obtaining information, his intimidating stature and demeanor get results very quickly. When he makes his interest in the case known, only the most hardened culprits stand a chance of not keeling over from heartburn on the spot, leading to fast results.
As a mere suspect: Interrogating him is like trying to squeeze blood from a stone. He's not very observant or judgmental in general, so unless he had a grudge, it's difficult to get his opinion on anything or anyone, and his taciturn nature compels him to stay quiet if he thinks that what he knows can't possibly have any bearing on the case. He's mostly right there because he spends too much time in his own head.
As the culprit: Too obvious, say the sleuths, especially if the murder was violent, so he's often taken up and dismissed with the feeling that his being the solution sounds too easy. It would take spending time with him to realize that he has a very smooth touch and doesn't need his brutal strength to get the job done, though that depends on the victim. Would only do premeditated murder born out of a grudge.
As a detective: He's one of those street-smart freelancers around town who can't resist a fun challenge when they have nothing else to do, especially if there is some tangible incentive (money or sex will get him every time). He knows a lot of ruffians about who may help him in the investigation as a favor, and gets a kick out of bullying the culprits while he figures out what authority to pawn them off on.
As a mere suspect: Unless he really liked the victim, he will not take the case seriously and may end up throwing unnecessary suspicion on himself by making tasteless jokes and sounding rather careless about it all. When his past comes under scrutiny, he will either come up perfectly harmless or having engaged in something petty that complicates the case, but had nothing to do with the actual murder.
As the culprit: He can live down a lot of things, so only monetary gain could truly induce him to take a life. He's quick and dexterous (think him tossing that tiny car into his victim's drink in the anime) and would probably add poison to the victim's drink, reasoning rightly that nobody would ever profile him as a poisoner without tangible evidence and the less he interacted with the victim, the better.
As a detective: He's the classic type who needs to be propositioned and well compensated throughout, and in return he always gets clean-cut results. He'll consider the clues and employ his powers of deduction for the most part, but at critical junctures, he will expose himself to danger in the knowledge that he's perfectly capable of wrecking his opponents until they are only too glad to be arrested.
As a mere suspect: Probably the most reliable witness on the premises because he'll stick to the point and doesn't care to embellish the details, so he can come across as rather crude. He's just uncanny enough to arouse some doubt initially, but the more other people are interviewed, the more his honesty shines through. He will resent being pestered beyond the first interview, though.
As the culprit: Let's face it, he would murder for any number of reasons, personal or otherwise, and he would keep it very simple with a shot to the head. Being so thorough and technical, he could probably make even a spur of the moment crime seem premeditated, and if he were to commit a premeditated crime, chances are he would never be found out because he knows when to leave it alone.
As a detective: I could picture him as a low-rank police officer who goes to process the crime scene, spots something small or out of place that puzzles him but has been overlooked by others as seemingly irrelevant, and keeps dwelling on that one point until he gets the wind up the investigators and they check on his line, only to solve the case and take the credit because Pesci's too shy to step up.
As a mere suspect: One of the worst mumblers you've ever met, and the more he's questioned, the more flustered he gets until he starts misremembering details. You would have to calm him down and reassure him continuously to get the full story, but it's worth it because he's an excellent observer and tends to eschew speculation or personal opinion in favor of what he's absolutely certain of.
As the culprit: There are two ways he would commit murder - it would either have to be in the heat of the moment, half passion and half accident, or because he had been pushed beyond his limit and something finally snapped inside. He would either panic afterwards and make mistakes, or cover it up with a lot of cold common sense; whichever way it happened, he would only confess if broken down.
As a detective: Every episode would center around his compiling a conspiracy board and ranting to himself like he's Charlie raving to Mac about Pepe Silvia. As he rants and storms we would get brief flashbacks or enactments of whatever event or connection he's dwelling on until the board was complete and the mystery solved; last scene he's beating the shit out of the perp in a parking lot.
As a mere suspect: He's incredibly high-strung and way too loud, and he goes off on such violent tangents that it's hard to keep him to the point, and even then he's too opinionated to be of any real use. He teeters between focused and accurate (if he was invested in some particular detail at the time) and completely unreliable (mostly blinded by anger or overwhelmed just trying to manage himself).
As the culprit: No premeditation about this one; it would honestly stress him too much to plan out anything. If he killed, he would lash out and keep going until he spent his wrath, and then dispose of the body as quickly as possible. He's small and vocal enough that he would probably get overlooked as someone incapable of this much brutality, surely, but his temper would eventually give him away.
As a detective: He's like if Jane Marple was a transmasc scene girl; he'll get involved in a murder and next thing you know he's getting his hair dyed at the local salon and getting every bit of gossip out of the suspects' weed smoking girlfriends, and then typing it all up at a café until he's satisfied in his mind about who did it and how. Will then drop some hints to whoever's in charge and go on his merry way.
As a mere suspect: He cannot stop going on tangents but in quite a different way from Ghiaccio: he usually has some interesting trivia or specialized knowledge to share, and gives the investigators plenty of food for thought. Loves to talk and can be consulted over and over, but he will get more and more abstract as time goes on and share his own theories based on blood type and horoscope, so be careful.
As the culprit: Being an invalid, he would often be treated as frail and incapable, but he has a very calculating mind and decent mobility, so if he decided to murder, he would probably stage a convincing accident to happen somewhere away from him. In a pinch he might resort to weaponizing his medication as poison, hoping that suspicion would fall on someone else with knowledge and access.
As a detective: I could see him as an accidental detective/informant - he's nosy and loves to dig up dirt on people, but sometimes this leads to his uncovering something that should have been left well alone, and then he has no choice but to quickly pass all his material over to some competent authority before anyone might come after his snooping ass. Justice is honestly an afterthought for him.
As a mere suspect: He's always pegged as a shady character and rightfully so, but he is surprised and offended every single time it happens. He's somewhat defensive, especially when he gets nervous, but where he feels safe, he will unload a lot of sordid details about the victim and everyone else involved, and insinuates as much as he can. Will then make the investigators swear they didn't hear it from him.
As the culprit: He would prefer to premeditate, not only to indulge in the fantasy of retribution and his own cleverness, but also because it seems safer to have a plan of action. He might stage an accident on the spot and then give a sob story when interrogated, or go with a good old fashioned overdose of whatever, but if he were cornered, he would strike impulsively out of fear, not caring what method he used.
As a detective: This one is a slow and quiet thinker. He will take a gander at the crime scene and address questions to those involved, but seems to involve himself as little as possible on the whole, and thus ends up surprising everyone when he finally divulges his plausible theories and more than plausible solutions, mostly based on first impression, psychology, and focusing on the money motive.
As a mere suspect: He's balefully apathetic and uncooperative, always asking if he could go now, and often insists of having seen and head nothing. Underneath it all, he's either neutral or contemptuous of those involved, or deeply attached to the culprit and boldly, if placidly, covering for them every step of the way. Has very little regard for human life and infinite regard for an inheritance.
As the culprit: One of the few who would have no qualms about choking their victim with their bare hands, and it's always about money one way or another. He would make a very thorough clean-up and face the interrogation in his usual manner, possibly laying the apathy on even thicker than usual. You could only get him with damning evidence, and even then he would never own to it.
As a detective: He would be such a jolly fella, just a funny little guy grinning widely and asking the most uncanny questions, and tapping you on the arm as he made a joke about hanging you based on what you had just told him about your relationship to the victim. Will casually hound the suspect all friendly like, and then cook their goose at the public barbecue for the entire world to marvel at the roast.
As a mere suspect: His degree of familiarity with the authorities would be quite jarring, and he would keep asking questions instead of answering them, not even for the sake of evasion but because he's excited about the crime and wants to hear what the sleuths think. He will appear to know too much without actually knowing anything, and let's face it, he'd probably be the second person to die because of it.
As the culprit: He will do nothing by halves, and if he wants to commit murder, then by damn it will be a freak show with weird props and arson and plenty of red herrings scattered about to keep the investigators on their toes. He would never get away with it simply because everyone's testimonies would line up about what a lethal trickster he is, but he would go down as a sensation and love it.
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Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 4 Poll 1
They're inseparable they hate each other they would die for each other they actively enjoy killing each other ect ect ect
Look they're immortal and stuck in a spaceship you don't think they've hit all possible combinations over the years and settled into a weird comfortable vibe you can only get if youve murdered, been murdered, and had sex with every one (maybe minus nastya) of your friends?
immortal space pirats.... cuddle piles, romantic... not romanticm... poly mechs <3
(Points to every album) there thats my propaganda. But in all seriousness they are a group of immortals with nothing to do but sing and love each other in their own fucked up ways <3 
Chaotic little guys on a ship for a long time, the relationship web they got going on could rival the coven web
you cant tell me you would live with people for millions of years without it getting even a little gay.
when you spend millennia doing music and violence and shenanigans with the same 8 other people on a ship (and when the ship is technically another person), there's bound to be some group canoodling
i care them
they're everything to each other!!!
i refuse to pick
it’s polymechs!! what isn’t to love
Look at them.
how could you pick individual ships when they are so good together!! with the exception of nastya + jonny cos they are siblings your honour.
a lot of people have polymechs with her and aurora being monogamous but she canonically has queer orgies. on mechs tumblr account she describes herself as "The only one seemingly capable of a committed, responsible and fair relationship" so polymechs with all of relationships besides nastyaurora being on and off and everchanging is both the best polymechs and the most canon compliant polymechs to me
The idea that they're crewmates. You ask one of them what their relationship is with another and they say, "That's my crewmate". And then, maybe one of them meets someone on another ship, and they mention they don't have strong feelings about someone because, "they're only my crewmate" And they just cannot comprehend the idea of being crewmates with someone and not having strong feelings about them. They're immortal and half of them hate life, but even if that wasn't true, they'd die for any of the others a million times over. They've murdered billions of people on a whim, but even if that wasn't true, they'd murder anyone if it made one of their crewmate's lives a bit better. Remember how Tim blew up a moon for Bertie? He had only known Bertie for about 10 years. What would he do for people he had known for about 10 millennia? What would Ashes do for the people who would never betray them? What would Nastya do for the people who would always spend time with her and never die? What would Brian do for the people who would always forgive him for following his beliefs? What would Raphaella do for the people who are always willing to help her with her experiments? What would Ivy do for the people who'd always stay and tell their stories? What would the Toy Soldier do for the people who only ordered it to do what it wants to do and always lets it be involved? What would Jonny do for the people he could never permanently hurt? What would Marius do for his family? They all love each other more than anything, even if they don't have the words for it. (via @mchasmfiend)
https://youtu.be/TdKCUmOa5Jw?si=Y3owraM96zp4kdrs and https://youtu.be/nxVjWJJmt9Q?si=76dQ6LBg00eldlUY
anti ship lesbians/sappics
Transgender lesbian anarchists.
Round-up for the round here :)
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slavghoul · 2 years
Interview from Classic Rock Magazine #309
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What stands out in your memories of 2022?
TF: Going back to touring was a fantastic feeling! In the beginning it felt almost unreal; still with a bit of restriction, which was kind of unintuitive, but the last tour we did, in August/September, was as good as normal. We released the record when we said we would, we managed to back it up with seventy shows. We cancelled one show in total. That's a good result.
Impera has dark, historically rooted themes, but it's also music that makes the listener feel so many things - joy, aggression, excitement, sorrow... After such a turbulent couple of years there's something cathartic about that.
I am very happy about how the record came out, and that it seems to be well-received among our fans. That's a tremendous feeling. I feel like I managed to do a lot of things I set out to do. We're gonna continue next year, we still have a lot of things to do. But right now we're just recharging a little.
Kaisarion has been a hit live. For a song about the brutal murder of a female Roman philosopher, it really gets the party going.
Yeah, I'm still surprised that with a song that does what it does - and was so well received and opened up the shows - there's never been talk about turning it into a single. Which I don't understand. But at the end of the day it's a label decision, and people around that decide which ones will, quote-unquote, 'work best'. And I've realised that I'm not really capable of choosing. I remember Mary On A Cross was a B-side.
It's weird how that happens with some songs.
Yeah, I must say I feel very optimistic with regards to how that song is taking a life on its own. Even though it was technically a B-side on a fun additional thing [2019's Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic] - it was not our main single from a new album we have always played it ever since it came out, on every show. Maybe a few exceptions, but I've always pushed that song as something that I felt very good about.
On that subject, you're viral on TikTok now. What is it about that platform that appeals?
I hardly knew what it was until two months ago! I have two almost fourteen-year-old kids, so of course I'd heard the phenomenon mentioned. It's an insanely big thing among kids and teenagers. What happens is they create these short snippets, funny, sad or emotional clips, to which they often tag some sort of music or sound. And if you are a creator of sound or music, you might be tagged on to a clip that might go 'viral'. That way you hit a lot more people that you might never entertain, you know, aiming your guns at. So it's a bit of a crap-shoot as well. We are not a big mainstream act, so obviously there's going to be a mixed bag of reactions. Because people in general are kind of strange to a lot of these aesthetics of rock, and especially the darker aspects of it.
It has brought the band more attention.
But if all that attention is a good or a bad thing, we do not know yet. There have been people who might have come on to the track, and as soon as they see what the band is about - or what they perceive the band to be about - there's backlash, because it's like: "Oh my, God fearing hater!" "I don't like it!" "This is communist bullshit!" So there are two sides of the coin. But it's a great bonus if we can get new people, especially kids, into liking rock music or other things, or if it makes them feel in any way better-informed, if you will.
Do you think TikTok will be a bigger deal for musicians in the future?
I don't know. I think when you're a musician, and you're making records, you need to have a certain strategic mind. But your job at the end of the day is making records and playing live. That is the heart of the matter. If you sit around waiting for a viral thing to happen, you can wait a long fucking time.
Back in May, the identities of the Nameless Ghouls were confirmed on social media. How do you feel about them not being strictly nameless any more?
Well, they haven't really been for quite some time. So for me it was not an overnight sensation. As long as it doesn't in any way interfere with what we are doing, there's no desire that I have for people not to feel proud or happy about what they're doing.
You've lamented not being able to play more guitar. If you could be the guitarist for a day in any band, which would it be?
Good question. There's several bands. I would have loved to be what Mick Taylor was in 1969, coming into the Rolling Stones at their best era - but I would have stayed around! That would have been a great experience. Very fun music to play. Definitely within the limits of what I can play really well. I spent a lot of time as a kid learning how to play guitar. Otherwise I would love to play in the Red Hot Chilli Peppers; I love what John Frusciante does. Def Leppard might be a good fit too. Joe Elliott spoke very highly of Impera when it came out. That would have also been really cool. Also a fantastic band. In an alternative reality, in an alternative life, I would have wanted to do a lot of other things. But I did hear that [Joe said those things], and it was very heartwarming, of course. A very big honour.
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chevelleneech · 3 months
Gonna die on the hill that people are against the possibility of Qimir being an honest bad guy, because he’s not white.
Why? Because Kylo Ren was instantly accepted as misunderstood and secretly caring for Rey, despite there being no brewing romance in their first interactions, and him being a visible dictator and killer. Meanwhile, Qimir hasn’t been confirmed in canon as lying about much of anything.
He didn’t tell Mae who he was, but that doesn't mean he is lying to Osha. He’s seemingly omitting just as much truth from her as Sol is, but more to my overall point, there is no unbreakable law in storytelling that says all antagonists must be liars and abusers
Qimir being honest about what he wants from Osha may be a form of manipulation, but it’s not on the same level as mind control or abuse. He’s telling her what it is or at the very least what he believes it to be, and it’s up to her to decide if she believes him.
As well, his potential attraction to her is being undermined, because again, people can’t seem to believe that a villain feels desire. Despite him saying it is one of many emotions which allows people to use the Force without being Jedi. So given Osha is beautiful, and has a strong power she knows not yet how to use that is clearly enticing to him… why can’t he be attracted to her?
Yes, it’s reasonable to assume he’s done evil before and killed people in the past, but we do not actually know that. And if he were white, I sincerely think more people would be willing to take that into consideration. Yes, Manny is gorgeous and that fact is helping drown out a lot of negative-for-negative-sake complaints, but if Kylo’s behavior can be overlooked so he can continue to be thirsted after and sympathized with, why is no one pointing out the canon evidence that Qimir is being viewed as a villain, yet hasn’t done very many villainous things?
The extent of his crimes, factually, are: impersonation and murder (of one person). Every other murder was a result of what he said in ep6, which is that he did it out of self-defense. And there has yet to be any proof that he forced Mae to kill Indara or Torbin. He pretended to be concerned for her life if she didn’t do it, but only because The Master would drop her as an apprentice. I don’t recall them saying he’d kill her if she failed. At least not until she said she was turning on him.
So all I’m saying is, while Qimir might be framed as the villain due to his preference of using the Dark Side to tap into the Force, that doesn’t mean he is a remorseless character only capable of lying and abusive-leaning manipulation. He might very well just want a pupil, and is hoping to find one in Osha, whom he may also be attracted to.
And disclaimer: I’m not saying people can’t like Kylo or ship Reylo. I’m just saying, he was much more of an evil person, established almost immediately, and still people ship them and feel sympathy for him. Much like they do with almost any white male villain on screen. So Qimir technically not yet being half as bad, should allow him much more grace within fandom, but it’s not. And that reason usually stems from racism.
And I guess I’m pointing this out now, because if my theories are correct and he isn’t the ultimate big bad who wants to cause Osha harm, I already know how that’s going to go down. It feels obvious to me that he isn’t, even though I’ll gladly be wrong because I’m enjoying the show either way. But I know that won’t be the case for most people who’ve already decided they hate the show. They’ll take it as a cop-out to instead focus on an “unnecessary” romantic arc, but again… thus far it’s not a far fetched theory to me. I think Qimir is an antagonist, but not the villain. Which doesn’t make him a good guy, but it also doesn’t make him abusive and irredeemable.
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bibibbon · 16 days
I feel like Fuyumi should've saved Natuso, instead of Endeavor and the trio. But, like, in the worst way possible.
Ending and Natuso are actually in a even fight. Endeavor, the trio, and Fuyumi arrived from the commotion. Natuso gets distracted, Ending lands a heavy hit, and Fuyumi panics. Fuyumi goes for a "full power, no control" move (basically Snowgrave) and Ending is frozen in a block of ice with lethal hypothermia-level temperatures.
The Todoroki children have minimal screentime so I wanted to establish a few things. First, their quirk capabilities, so it seems like less of an as**pull later. Second, the more unhealthy side of Fuyumi wanting to keep her family together and safe.
And third, if possible, more of an explanation regarding civilian quirk control. Like, more Endeavor going "we need to keep Ending alive because my daughter will be arrested for murder by a non-hero," less "we need to keep Ending alive because I'm such a good guy and it's technically ok if we fail."
Actually I really like this idea and rewrite.
The todoroki kids specifically natosu and fuyumi lack screentime therefore they lack development but they, unlike rei still feel like actual characters with real flaws and realistic reactions.
The series clearly establishes both natosu and fuyumi's feelings and dynamic to their dysfunctional family.
Natosu is the rightfully angry one who tries to continually distance himself from enji and rightfully both despise him and blames him for everything like touya's death (which happend due to his neglect)
Fuyumi is the one who wants to ignore all of it so she just tries to pretend that it's not true and that she does have a happy perfect family. Fuyumi tries to live up to the image that the public expects of a hero family but she also deeply cares for her family and a part of her deeply longs to make those thoughts a reality.
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It is exactly that reason that we see fuyumi trying her best to connect everyone and keep a brilliant image when todoroki invites izuku and bakugo over.
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However, reality hits fuyumi hard and there are a lot of things she feels when she isn't pretending to uphold the image of a perfect daughter of a perfect family. One of the feelings being an attachment and close relationship with natsou. heck if we are being realistic I think that their relationship could be explored in an unhealthy way for example the series could show us that fuyumi and natsou are so close that it may effect their relationship with other people and its something that they slowly learn to develop out of as they trust and meet more people.
Every time we see natsou on screen fuyumi will be mentioned or be present and the same applies for fuyumi. The narrative introduces them as an inspereable pair even from early on in childhood where we see fuyumi covering natsou's ears to both of then visiting their mother and more.
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Having fuyumi be the one to save natsou establish and help emphasise a lot of thing within the narrative like:
Fuyumi's strong desire to keep her family together and uphold the image of a perfect family
The ice powers that the himura's have
More world building within quirk use and heroes wanting to keep their reputation spotless at all cost
This also helps shine the dangers of being a heroes child or family member and how it can put them in danger
Also if the aftermath of the fuyumi vs ending fight is dealt correctly it can show the more corruption side of heroes specifically enji
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thefandomenchantress · 7 months
I think... I think if Ace doesn't die soon, he won't die at all. I can only see him as a victim because he's too dumb to be a third chapter/fourth chapter (let alone fifth chapter) killer. He might be a victim, though...
Yeah, I agree! I’ve actually thought for a while that if Ace isn’t the chapter 2 killer, he won’t die at all.
Let me explain that. While victim-Ace is possible, I feel like seeing him be killed might be a bit undercut by the fact that we’ve seen someone attempt to murder him before. Usually, seeing a character you like all bloodied is a new thing that will make you feel sad and distraught, since you’ve never seen them like that before. But with Ace it may feel like we’re just rehashing old events so that he can actually die this time, if that makes sense. It doesn’t hit as hard to have him be a victim if he was already almost a victim once. If it happens in chapter three, it might feel like that first time didn’t effect his character enough to actually justify his almost-death, it makes it feel like he was just a plot device to get Nico’s arc to be fully realized before Ace could finally actually die.
Onto the question of Ace being a killer or not, chapter 3, 4, and 5 killers often have more complex murder schemes, and you’re right, Ace doesn’t seem like the type of character to be smart enough to make up a murder scheme better than someone like Min would, even if Min’s attempt was done on the fly.
He’s so dumb that the only way I could see him being a killer…Is if that was the point.
Chapter two is all about subverting expectations about people’s true nature. Hence the title connecting to the saying “not all that glitters is gold”. David actually has an incredibly depressing and pessimistic outlook on the world, Nico is capable of doing evil things, etc.
So having the culprit subvert expectations would make sense, too. That’s one reason I like the Eden culprit theory (I DON’T THINK SHE’S SECRETLY EVIL, JUST THAT SHE MAY BE THE CULPRIT). The nicest person in class committed murder, gasp!
If Ace were the killer, the twist would be that their quote on quote ‘dumbest’ classmate managed to almost fool them all into voting for the wrong person, and would’ve if it hadn’t been for Teruko, and overall created an extremely clever murder scheme that almost let them get away with it, something that they never would’ve expected Ace to be capable of.
And since Ace almost got murdered right before this trial, his motive could be that since he just almost died, he thought he’d definitely die for real if he didn’t murder someone soon. His emotional instability is probably at an all-time high right now, after all.
Still, Ace being the culprit this chapter doesn’t seem to really feel like it should happen? His secret shed a lot more light on his character, sure, but it didn’t feel like the final puzzle piece we were missing before we can fully understand his character. It feels like his character has a lot more it should do before he dies.
One could argue that we’ll figure out the rest of his backstory and all that in a bonus episode, but there’s a reason those episodes are called bonus episodes and not epilogues. They shouldn’t be required viewing in order for you to understand a character, they should be there to help you further get to know a character you already understand.
There’s also the tape. I know everyone who’s seen the Eden culprit theories knows all about the titular disappearing tape, since that’s what a lot of the theory is based on. And I still stand by it not being a technical error until proven otherwise. I hate assuming the creator of anything I watch/play made a mistake or a retcon before we get the whole picture, just because it doesn’t fit with my current view of the story they’re making. But to get back on track, if we go under the assumption that the tape disappeared on purpose, which makes sense since it literally is said to have disappeared by the time Teruko and Rose get to the gym the next morning, that leaves us with three potential suspects: Eden, Ace, and Teruko. Only they could’ve taken the tape.
I don’t think anyone will disagree with me dismissing Teruko as the culprit immediately. It just doesn’t fit with her character motivations, especially since she literally told everyone she’s not going to commit a murder and she wants to live in the killing game building, because free food and no rent and such.
And Ace…Well, he could’ve taken it, but it still just doesn’t seem right. While you can argue he decided to commit a murder because of the Nico incident, there’s no way he could’ve thought ahead about needing the tape for that when, as stated by Ace, his only goal at the time was to kill Nico right then and there. He had no complex murder scheme thought up yet, so he couldn’t have known he’d need the tape. You could argue he lied about wanting to kill Nico right then and there and that he actually secretly had thought up a murder plan, I guess, or that he somehow thought he could use the tape as a weapon to kill Nico, but still. It feels like a little bit of a stretch, especially since Ace both just woke up and was bleeding heavily, not leaving much of a possibility for him to have believably been able to think of a complex murder method on the spot and know he should steal the tape. And if he wanted to use it as a weapon, why would he hide that from Teruko when he was perfectly fine telling her he was going to kill Nico? Overall it doesn’t seem as likely as Eden stealing it when she fell, leaving her as my prime suspect for being the killer.
Also, having Ace be like “I’m gonna die” and Teruko be like “someone like you isn’t going to last long here” at the beginning of the second chapter and then actually just having him die in the second chapter feels a little unsatisfying, because you were waiting for the narrative to prove them wrong. Then again, we’re on chapter two, the doom and gloom chapter, so maybe this is the part where Teruko’s beliefs are proven right (for now) and Ace does die.
So, to summarize: If Ace is going to be a culprit, the second chapter is the only spot where that kinda makes sense for me. I don’t think it’s too likely he will be a victim, especially in chapter three. And all in all I think he has a real shot at surviving the killing game!
Anyways, thanks for the ask! It let me ramble about my convoluted thoughts about when I think Ace will die, which was very fun!
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So, I Have been thinking. . .
Spoilers below
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about this dude right here.
and why did he actually acted the way he did.
at first you would think this Miles is all evil cause of how cold he acts toward Miles's needing of help like he didn't 'care' but what if there was more behind his action? and even if he was evil as it seems what would be his motive, like what would he really benfit?
So, as it hinted in the first spider-verse movie, the comics that flips it pages actually shows you hints of how things would play out in the scenes.
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The first page isn't clear who is speaking, it could be earth 42' Miles to Miles or Uncle Aaron, but the next one shows it our Miles answering to whatever Uncle Aron told him.
Am guessing it has to do something with killing a guy? But why is that you ask?
Simple, revenge. He still didn't kill the guy who killedchis brother. that's why he responded to Miles being meaning he was NOT a good person because his wound for his brother was still fresh and all he wanted was to HURT (or how it seemed for me) and as we see here,
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it is now clear that 42' Miles is the one saying this to Miles, "you and I are going to take care of a bad guy. a real bad guy"
He wants his help, that's why he didn't want to let go off him just yet, with his abilities as 'spider-man' he would do them a lot of help much faster. if I am right, he wants Miles to help him take down his father's killer, by killing him, himself.
and of course, Miles would refuse for two reasons. one, our Miles's father's issue still unsolved and he would fear to be too late to save his father and two, he wouldn't let his other self do that. it was just wrong.
Which brings us to what these two would be disccusing in the next movie. Miles here asking genuinely what happened to this Miles to make him the way he is.
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And am sure that will bring up a backstory of why he was doing this in first place. which will make Miles show his Empathy toward him saying he went through the same grief when he lost his uncle in his universe.
am guessing here 42' Miles would be curious of what did this Miles did when he knew and saw the murderer of his uncle to which Miles responded. (As i guess) that he ran away. (Which technically happened) as 42' Miles would respond with.
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I am not sure if the one who killed Uncle Aaron would be the same person who murdered 42' Miles father but if that was the case, sheesh.
That would explain why this panel is here BEFORE the "you ran away?!" One
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It could be the flashback of 1610' Miles.
42'Miles and uncle Aaron would possibly be confused of why didn't this Miles just kill the man since he had the chance since he was more powerful with his spider powers. to which again, Miles would probably responded with something along those lines, that real good people don't do that, it was wrong and he was just a kid.
How could he be able to murder somone that easily? he was sure the other Miles wouldn't be capable of such thing as well. (Maybe) he still had a caring heart and he wasn't completely evil.
(Which encourages the '42 Miles being Vigilante' theory)
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If you look closely, there is an apparent saddnes in his eyes. a boy who lost alot of things. it might have been subtle but 42's Miles was actually relieved when he knew his father was alive somewhere.
But so why would he coldly dismiss Miles's help like that?
" If I don't get out, our dad is going to die—"
" your dad. "
he is actually distancing himself from hope. that out there somewhere, his father is safe and well. He doesn't want to feel this 'hope' even when he was relieved of that fact. He still wanted to keep those anguish feeling inside, to push him forward toward his revenge.
If 42' Miles let himself relax he might let his focus and motive slip out of his main target and he didn't want that.
My theory here, is they might get their epic fight but in some point they could reach to an understanding and help eachother in the end.
Again, if that the murderer who kill 42' Miles father, there could be a chance that they would find another collider in this universe, who knows?
Also, I have a feeling this 42's Earth doesn't have a spider-man but am going to get to that in the next post.
Also! Other panels that i am not sure where they actually are connected: (one of them could be Uncle Aaron speaking with 42's Miles thougj)
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roseaesynstylae · 8 months
I'm doing a followup to this post. The idea of the Opress brothers time-traveling back to the High Republic has gotten stuck in my head.
How do they get back in time? My idea is Sith-artifact-ex-machina, sending them hurtling back a hundred years or so. Of course, there's a lot of the Dark Side being used in the process, and the effect on Savage and Maul is not good. They come out of it stronger but crazier. Maul reverts to the rambling lunatic he was when Savage found him. Savage becomes even more animalistic and violent. And Feral, being less involved in the Dark Side, ends up severely ill and is out of commission for awhile. This is not a good combination. This is arguably the worst combination. Savage is the only one really capable of doing anything for at least a few days, Maul (the one who knows anything about the galaxy at large) is lost in his insanity, and Feral (the moral compass and voice of sanity) is unconscious, sick, and likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future. When Maul gets back to himself and Feral is no longer delirious, there have probably been a few dozen fatalities already.
Maul wants revenge on both the Sith and the Jedi, and he's just found the perfect opportunity. He's a dramatic bitch, a lunatic with a pitch-perfect sense of theatrics. So, of course, the revelation of the Sith to the Jedi (technically the second time) has to be ideal. There will be nothing out of place. Nothing.
The Sith of the time are, of course, furious and upset. They try to have him killed and discredited as merely a crazy Darksider, but Maul knows how they work.
The Jedi don't have any context for these three, because no one takes time-traveling, vengeful, and wholly unpredictable Zabrak into consideration. For once, they're in the same boat as the Sith, who are starting to think that Maul was somehow raised on Korriban as a top-secret assassin and then rebelled. A lot of completely-reasonable-given-the-information-at-hand-conclusions are drawn, and none of the three people who actually know the truth are going to admit it.
I want to get something straight: If the Sith somehow turn out to be the architects of the Nihil's actions in canon, I'm going to be very disappointed. The thing that makes the Nihil so interesting as antagonists, and makes them differ from basically every other antagonist in the current Star Wars canon, is that they aren't in some way being controlled by a Sith Lord. However, this is not canon, this is a fanfic. So, Maul walking into the Nihil's headquarters and making them his subordinates is a fascinating idea. You know he'd do it. He's hijack them the second that he realizes they have similar goals to him.
A lot of the disasters that happen in canon will still go down with Maul at the helm. He likes their plan. Up to a point, anyway.
Feral's watching this all go down with a churning stomach. He doesn't want to be party to this, but he doesn't want to leave his brothers. They are, after all, the only things he has left. He's trying to keep Jedi away from them so they don't end up dead.
Savage is alternating between murderous rage and surprising calm.
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sleepy-seal · 8 months
{hi gale!! this'll be coming in waves so I don't flood your inbox too hard lmao. anyways part 1}
What was the inspiration for his blue arc?
How was it putting ocean through every trial imaginable lmao
Not exactly LOREgale but why was Swap!Gale's hell Walmart. secondary why was shell in hell in the first place
At what point did the car dealership/rental service/whatever in Nebraska realize that something was Certainly And Extremely Wrong with Gale
Is he ever able to get therapy
Do you think when it was all calm he got some shitty storemade cake to celebrate
Did you ever want them to Go Insane?
Gale and Acher. can I ask about ocean's thoughts on the strange tiny murderous robot turned silly not-so-murderous robot throughout the arcs
Did anyone from Gale's old town wonder where they went?
Does he ever casually turn into a cat and then both people for a day
Has Gale ever gone to the ocean. because I think shell might like that. what was it like for them during Ocean Trip TM
- the inspiration was partly inspired by, well, the pawn promotion. by becoming a queen lore gale became much more powerful than acher, and therefore much more dangerous. blue was kind of an improvised decision, as one of the main articles of clothing gale was wearing was . well, blue. so i kind of leaned into that a bit. the other part was well. the magnus archives. i made lore gale's character way more jarchivist coded than i intended so i leaned into it a bit, especially with gale progressively Losing their sense of humanity and their struggle trying to accept it.
- it was very fun lmao. they are my webkinz doll i am soaking with milk and throwing against the wall.
more answers under the cut because this is Long and i have a lot of things to say
- swap!gale's hell is walmart because 1) my partner moth goes there frequently and laments about how much of a labyrinth it is and 2) have you Seen walmart?? also the reason why sale is in hell is. um. fraud?? and also being a willing accomplice in and also enabling some of moth's war crimes.
- probably the moment gale walked into the dealership. they were glowing and sweaty and looked like they just got out of a fight (which they did) and immediately asked for a rental which. uh. definitely set people off. also their fingers were blue.
- maybe! once they are financially capable of it at least.
- probably! it would probably be a time when gale isn't in Stress Baking Mode but also too fatigued to make anything so they just buy a single cake slice and eat that. it tastes terrible but it's probably the most comforting thing they've had in a while
- yes. absolutely. 100%
- okay so i will try to simplify it enough in a way that Makes sense but also gives some insight to their thought process.
> gale under the belief that acher Really Is Moth or close to it and treats them as such, upset that "moth" is not really moth. they are also afraid of her
> they abandon "moth" and cut them off for a brief while, sabotaging its plan
> pure fear. they don't want to die to "moth". they briefly consider murder but quickly write it off
> truce. a calm period where gale thinks there may be a chance of redemption and rekindling
> moth comes back. he takes his eyes off acher and focuses more on shell's friend
> neutral, almost unfamiliar. acher asserts that they don't Actually care about anyone and gale believes them. since the real moth came back they can focus on them instead of the doppelgänger of the friend.
> rocky. they are on uneven ground and since the truce is technically off, it doesn't take much for acher to get on their bad side. this is probably the stage where gale is at their most unstable and willing to hurt back.
> truce, but better. gale hasn't quite forgiven acher yet. they can't. but at the very least they trust him enough to try again.
> trust. acher is a friend. they put their full faith in acher on improving and growing, even if forgiveness is not in sight yet.
- sorta? there were people gale knew before they ran away that considered gale a friend, but not the other way around. some of them think that they probably died, and some of them think they ran away because life was just too hard. their family misses them technically, but they also blame ocean for being so selfish.
- YES. 100%. turns out there are multiple benefits to being a cat. 1. is nobody will question you when you are annoying, because that's Just Cat Things.
- THEY HAVE! gale visited gem's cousin jeremy once or twice. he lives in california with his boyfriend, and they occasionally come by for family reuinions. mostly to see gale. but gale LOVES the ocean. they didn't get to see it much but it's always so big and they don't stop talking about the phenomenon that occurs in the sea.
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river-of-wine · 11 months
Totally agree with your posts. I like Alcina, but people make her out to be this wonderful person who Ethan cruelly murdered when…she’s killing / torturing / eating / maiming her maids. Whether she’s a good mom or not, her “daughters” are girls she presumably kidnapped, experimented on, killed and then kept prisoner once they mutated ( even if they’re weak to the cold and it’s to protect them.) They might have imprinted on her but they have no identity outside of Alcina ( she literally branded them with tattoos! ) and I can’t imagine she’s ever told them who they were before, as they seem to have no memory of it. Whether she genuinely loves them or not is up for debate but I think she definitely sees them as property. She is basically Miranda 2.0 and seems to want to imitate Miranda, but only one of them gets lots of hate. I think she’s fascinating and I like her, but fandom has absolutely declawed her.
Donna too, just because she’s mentally ill ( which is never specified in Miranda’s notes which could be anything, and god knows what Miranda considers mentally ill ) gets so infantilized as if she isn’t a grown woman who knows what she’s doing. The gardener’s death could be accidental, sure, but she knew what she was doing and a lot of the imagery, especially all the pier piper paintings in her house, suggests she’s been killing children ( purposely or not ) - there’s no children in the village and no one ever mentions any outside of Eva or Rose!
Villains are wonderful and interesting, and each lord is fascinating but it’s so weird to me people say they like these characters and then seem to change or ignore anything about them in canon.
I agree! I love Alcina as well, I think she’s an excellent first boss to illustrate the departure from RE7 and it’s realism, because she’s as over the top as it gets with the four lords. She’s 9”6, has daughters made of flies, lives in a huge castle and turns into a dragon when she gets stabbed by a poisoned knife. She’s fun, and part of what adds to her over the top nature as a villain is the sheer amount of violence and destruction that comes along with her.
I would say that technically it was Mother Miranda who kidnapped the girls, or at least stole their corpses, since Alcina recounts Mother Miranda bringing her the girls. Regardless of this, Alcina was still complicit in this experimentation and just kept the results of it. To me, Alcina’s value of the daughters has always seemed to be placed on the fact that Mother Miranda gave them to her. She does not treat the girls like children she cares about, she just orders them to do her dirty work for her regardless of the danger it presents for them, while Alcina - who is almost endlessly durable and much more capable of killing Ethan - just roams around the castle. You are absolutely right in saying that Alcina is close to being a second Mother Miranda. She is the only person who’s opinion Alcina really seems to value, and in terms of their actions and the amount of people they have each killed or in some other way harmed, Alcina comes the closest.
I hadn’t actually considered the imagery in Donna’s house, but that’s a very good point! The one I always remember is the painting of a pregnant woman that falls when you pass it, which is a nice addition to the theme of the house with its warped imagery and recounting of Mia’s pregnancy and Rose, so environmental design in House Beneviento is very intentional especially in that regard. Donna’s method is so interesting, and the potential of her victims being children - which would explain why there are no children in the village and why there are so many dolls hanging around her property, perhaps to lure them in - is something I really would like to see more people discuss rather than absolving her of all wrongdoing because of this supposed incapability she has to understand her very calculated actions and what she shows Ethan. I love both of these evil women! Let them be evil! They’re more interesting that way!
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ecargmura · 1 year
Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective Episode 2 Review - The Impregnable Piggy Bank
Fun but useless trivia of the day: the word Kamonohashi is the Japanese word for ‘platypus’, which is why Kanetamaru Kamoo (Ron’s disguise) has a platypus mascot on his hat. I hope this helps? Anyways, I actually feel more invested in this episode’s mystery than the previous one because this one made me think a bit more than before.
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The mystery for this episode is about the case of missing money from a piggy bank that was never broken into. Two sisters reside in the house where the piggy bank was. The younger sister thinks it’s weird how there was less coins but the piggy bank wasn’t destroyed. If it was theft, why not settle for the dangling jewelry in the corner of the living room? Fortunately, what seemed to be a small, unimportant case for the police department ended up being connected to the bigger murder case Amamiya was chasing as the murder victim was the older sister’s stalker and she killed him with a piggy bank that was identical to the one the younger sister had. She bought the same piggy bank and tampered with the crime scene to avoid her guilt. Though, she could’ve just called the police and pleaded for her actions to be seen as self-defense.
Remember how reluctant Ron was when it came to solving cases last episodes? He comes into this episode like a kid asking for more candy after getting addicted to it. Or for a more ‘mature’ comparison, solving the previous episode’s case got Ron addicted like a drug addict and now he’s asking drug dealer Toto for more cases. It’s a complete 180 from last episode. He even has the magic power to change his clothes in a blink of an eye. Despite this, Ron is actually not supposed to be solving cases as he was expelled from a detective school and never got his license. He’s technically an illegal detective and it makes sense why the other title of this show is called “Forbidden Deductions” because Ron is solving mysteries with Toto illegally.
I do like how detectives work a bit different in this world than usual. In this universe, there’s a school called BLUE that trains aspiring detectives to be the absolute best and certifies them after they graduate. Ron was the best in his class and in the whole school during his time, but due to an incident, he was barred from getting his license and expelled from school. I think this makes this world a lot more interesting because there are higher stakes when it comes to solving cases here. It gives off the suspenseful feeling of “Will Ron get caught or not?” What would happen if Ron gets caught? Can he even be caught? I really like the pulling feel of this question. I really do wonder if solving cases with Ron will give the respect Toto deserves from his superiors.
I do wonder why Ron has those Geass-like mind control eyes. Is it something BLUE implanted onto him? Is it something that all detectives from there have? Is it due to him having a special blood lineage? It’s so mysterious. I think the biggest mystery is that those eyes are like arbiters in a way. They mind control people against Ron and the culprits’ wills. I’m most interested about their true purpose. Fortunately, Toto is there to save culprits from actually dying, which is a good thing.
I dislike the fact that Toto gets little respect from his boss Amamiya. Well, this is the beginning so I hope Toto gets the respect he deserves one day; I just hope Amamiya can give him that and not be a one-note sadist boss. I know that being a detective means being tough and strong-willed, which is why I can’t truly hate Amamiya for doing her job, but from her proper introduction in this episode alone, she didn’t really do anything to show that she’s a capable detective, given that she failed to connect the two cases together and overlooked the piggy bank case as something menial and unimportant to the point of handing it over to a subordinate she looks down on. I hope that she grows from this because it’d be a tiresome gag if she keeps looking down on Toto. I do think her simping for Ron was hilarious since no one would expect a hobo disbarred sleuth would be attractive enough for a femme fatale like her to fall for; though, contextually, it would make sense because it would be weird if Amamiya’s character to fall for someone like Totomaru. Sorry, Toto; I just cannot picture that. The unfortunate thing about Amamiya’s newfound crush on Ron is that a relationship between them won’t ever form because Ron is shaping himself to be either Totosexual or just case-sexual in the distant future; he's definitely leaning towards the latter more.
Now, I’m a bit worried now that BLUE is taking action. They give off an evil organization feel and one of their minions is now on the move. Will it happen next episode or will it drag on for a while? Given the episodic pacing for this show, I wouldn’t be surprised if this Tracking Instructor dude with the blue hair shows up next episode. The question is: what will he bring to the table for our duo?
I really like both opening and ending songs! The opening is peppy and jazzy while the ending song is soft and bright, making a good end for an intense mystery. Regarding the opening, I do love that we see Ron in different disguises like how he disguised himself in this episode. I do wonder who the girl with the pink hair is. She’s cute.
I was a bit on the edge of my seat with this episode’s mystery being a bit non-conventional. I like it! I can’t wait for more! Also, let me ask the important question: Ron Kamonohashi or Kanetamaru Kamoo? Who do you like more? (They’re the same person).
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
The Nurse Shark || Beth Riley
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One common one is despite the fact that she'd rather chew broken glass than say the L word to someone, that she doesn't want to hear it said by the right person. She might believe that hearing it starts some cosmic timer that means the person saying it will find a way to leave her afterwards, but she is a soft soul who wants to mean something to someone. A lot of people think that Beth has brown eyes, and that's not wholly true. They are technically considered hetero-chromatic, being that they are actually mostly green with splotches of amber brown to them.
AN IMPORTANT HEADCANON Beth does NOT have a speech impediment as such. She is capable of speaking "Perfect" {American} English, but to do so requires her to deliberately slow down, consider each and every syllable, and she finds it stressful. She finds it easier to lean on pidgin, to varying degrees of 'thickness' depending on her emotions. Beth's problem with audio-processing disorder has been mistaken for her being partially deaf all of her life. Some words are difficult especially when they contain th digraphs. She is bedevilled by homophones. Sometimes, when it seems she isn't paying attention, it's legitimately that she didn't hear something or is trying to work out what parts of speech she did hear.
That Beth really wants to be as snarky as her brother, possibly even worse. But before she can get the words out, she realises it's unkind and hurtful and therefore not pono.
Beth cannot stand to even be in the same room with peanut butter, and the smell alone is enough to make her sick to her stomach. Talking about shark-fining, or constantly making them the subject of horror stories/monster movies or written works is enough to send her on a rant if not provoking her to actual violence.
Treating children, animals, the elderly or the homeless with any kind of abuse will provoke her to actual violence, as well.
~*~ The only serious issue I have is CSA and physical abuse. I won't write it with any of my characters. I won't entertain it as a plot point without it being shown to be the most terrible sort of crime, and without the perpetrator coming to a justly deserved end.
I absolutely love the true innocence and joy Beth harbours in her soul, the fact that she is capable of holding onto so much hope despite some of the really terrible things she experiences in various stories/verses/threads. But also, she's an extremely silly goose sometimes. I think Habitual Linecrosser said it best when he said "how can you be sooooo gullible and yet sooooo dangerous?!"
Yes, Beth can be your biggest cheerleader, she will love and support you even if you're literally a monster, a murderer, a deeply imbalanced person or creature. She is a bit of a doormat more often than not, but that doesn't mean she and I will allow anyone to treat her like a joke. If you're only going to write with us because you want one of my other muses, or when you have no one else to write with, then...jog on, this blog isn't for you.
tagged: @kit-just-kit {{Mahalo Darling!}}
tagging: everyone! {{I wanna know!}}
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Runoff Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 4.5
Two polls came to a tie this round, or within five votes of one! To be fair to all competing ships, I've decided to throw them all in this runoff. The top two ships will continue in the tournament, to face off against the clear winners of the other polls this round: the trio from HNOC and Polymechs and Lyf. Make your choice carefully.
Propaganda under cut
They're inseparable they hate each other they would die for each other they actively enjoy killing each other ect ect ect
Look they're immortal and stuck in a spaceship you don't think they've hit all possible combinations over the years and settled into a weird comfortable vibe you can only get if youve murdered, been murdered, and had sex with every one (maybe minus nastya) of your friends?
immortal space pirats.... cuddle piles, romantic... not romanticm... poly mechs <3
(Points to every album) there thats my propaganda. But in all seriousness they are a group of immortals with nothing to do but sing and love each other in their own fucked up ways <3 
Chaotic little guys on a ship for a long time, the relationship web they got going on could rival the coven web
you cant tell me you would live with people for millions of years without it getting even a little gay.
when you spend millennia doing music and violence and shenanigans with the same 8 other people on a ship (and when the ship is technically another person), there's bound to be some group canoodling
i care them
they're everything to each other!!!
i refuse to pick
it’s polymechs!! what isn’t to love
Look at them.
how could you pick individual ships when they are so good together!! with the exception of nastya + jonny cos they are siblings your honour.
a lot of people have polymechs with her and aurora being monogamous but she canonically has queer orgies. on mechs tumblr account she describes herself as "The only one seemingly capable of a committed, responsible and fair relationship" so polymechs with all of relationships besides nastyaurora being on and off and everchanging is both the best polymechs and the most canon compliant polymechs to me
The idea that they're crewmates. You ask one of them what their relationship is with another and they say, "That's my crewmate". And then, maybe one of them meets someone on another ship, and they mention they don't have strong feelings about someone because, "they're only my crewmate" And they just cannot comprehend the idea of being crewmates with someone and not having strong feelings about them. They're immortal and half of them hate life, but even if that wasn't true, they'd die for any of the others a million times over. They've murdered billions of people on a whim, but even if that wasn't true, they'd murder anyone if it made one of their crewmate's lives a bit better. Remember how Tim blew up a moon for Bertie? He had only known Bertie for about 10 years. What would he do for people he had known for about 10 millennia? What would Ashes do for the people who would never betray them? What would Nastya do for the people who would always spend time with her and never die? What would Brian do for the people who would always forgive him for following his beliefs? What would Raphaella do for the people who are always willing to help her with her experiments? What would Ivy do for the people who'd always stay and tell their stories? What would the Toy Soldier do for the people who only ordered it to do what it wants to do and always lets it be involved? What would Jonny do for the people he could never permanently hurt? What would Marius do for his family? They all love each other more than anything, even if they don't have the words for it. (via @mchasmfiend)
https://youtu.be/TdKCUmOa5Jw?si=Y3owraM96zp4kdrs and https://youtu.be/nxVjWJJmt9Q?si=76dQ6LBg00eldlUY
anti ship lesbians/sappics
Transgender lesbian anarchists.
gay people
#they played tsuru+spouse and hatter+hare (tags via @majorshatterandhare)
Gay homosexual gay Tim and Brian gay
(Posh tim voice) "Hello!"
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