#I think it was 14 nails across 4 cars.
koravelliumavast · 2 years
Tire shops in bigger cities: oh sorry this tire is unfixable. It’s been patched up too many times. (It had been patched up twice)
Tire shops in small towns: 7 nails in one tire? That’s a new record for you guys. I’ll patch that up for you. This is the third time this week you’ve brought a car in here, did they grade the road recently?
32 notes · View notes
atmilliways · 1 year
Dreams In Which I’m Dying (6-7)
parts 6 & 7 of 16 | 98 & 981 words | Teen +
Donnie Darko AU | parts 1 & 2 | part 3 | parts 4 & 5 | part 8 | part 9 | parts 10 & 11 | parts 12 & 13 | part 14 | parts 15 & 16 (complete)
Steve takes one last crack with his bat full of nails at the eyeless, slimy-looking quadruped. He's stunned the thing, giving them the chance to scramble out of the empty public pool and into the cover of the changing rooms, slamming and barricading the door behind them.
6 - Watch goes off again
Eddie Munson’s watch goes off again while they’re exploring the Creel House—BEEEEP, BEEEEP, BEEEEP! . . . BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! No one else seems to notice, though, because the attic light bulb all their flashlights are going crazy. When they leave the house, Eddie spots a shifting huddle of shadow on the play structure in the park across the street. It’s that thing he saw in the school parking lot, he knows it is.
He can’t for the life of him figure out how he set an alarm on this goddamn watch. He didn’t even know it could do alarms.
7 - In another dimension
Eddie Munson is in another fucking dimension, trying to hack water out of his lungs, and he’s not happy about it. 
“Run!” Dustin shrieks. “Steve, come on!!”
Steve takes one last crack with his bat full of nails at the eyeless, slimy-looking quadruped. He's stunned the thing, giving them the chance to scramble out of the empty public pool and into the cover of the changing rooms, slamming and barricading the door behind them.
“Always the goddamn babysitter—Why the hell did you two follow me?” Steve snaps, hustling them through the locker room to the exit. Because, according to Dustin, there's a goddamn hive mind connecting everything here and they need to split before more of those things show up.
“Not my idea, trust me,” Eddie mutters, sidestepping sentient vines that are also part of the hive mind, fuck. He’s trying to wring water out of his hair without dripping on any of them, and it’s taking almost all his concentration.
“The cops showed up,” Dustin hisses back. “Max and Lucas sounded the alarm, we jumped in because we can’t afford to let too many people get detained for trespassing on a crime scene!”
Steve glares at Eddie over Dustin’s head. 
“Little shit panicked and pushed me in,” he explains with a heavy sigh. “Which got the cops’ attention for sure. Lucas and Max are probably being asked some interesting questions right about now, considering they were in your car with you nowhere in sight.”
“Great,” Steve growls, and switches his focus back to Dustin. “You know that we’re still down just as many people, right? Because now, instead of me stuck down here and you four with the cops, it’s three of us stuck down here and the other two getting interrogated. I thought you're supposed to be good at math.”
“I am good at math,” Dustin retorts, and Steve and Eddie share a look that says, this fucking kid. “And either way, we’re all better off if you don’t get stuck here alone and wind up killed! Look, it stands to reason that, since we found a mini gate where Patrick died, there should be another one at Benny’s. All we have to do is get there.”
“How?” Eddie asks. “Because I can’t run for shit.” Now they’re giving him a look, and he shrugs in irritation. “Why do you think I’ve failed Gym twice in a row?”
“Because you refuse to wear gym shorts,” Dustin replies, like he already had that one locked and ready to go. At the same time, Steve hazards the guess of, “Smoker’s lungs?”
It’s not like they’re wrong, but Eddie is sopping wet and cranky and freaking out on the inside, so he refuses to dignify either with a response. 
They get out, down the street, and into the nearest house without incident, where Dustin has the brilliant idea of checking the garage for bikes. There’s only one, so they take it with them on their way to the next house, rinse, and repeat. Everything is too quiet, silence split by distant howls from the direction of the pool, no visible movement save their own.
Eddie keeps seeing that thing from the high school parking lot. He’d forgotten about it, actually, but now he can’t help but notice its striking resemblance to the other monster he’s seen down here so far, and . . . it can’t be good that he first saw it before all this crazy shit started.
His currently very necessary higher functions start to shut down if he so much as thinks about it, so mentioning it to anyone is out of the question. He hopes he’s imagining it.
“How’re you holding up?” Steve asks while Eddie rigs him a nailbat holster out of a guitar strap. They've finally sourced a third bike, and Dustin is off scavenging for anything else that might be useful.
Eddie shoots him an exasperated look. “You’ve got to stop asking me that. How do you think, man?”
Their shoulders bump, and all Eddie can think about is how close they are and how he can smell hints of Steve’s shampoo amidst the chlorine and alternate dimension rot. Jesus H. Christ, he can feel his face heating up—
“Kinda nice to have backup,” Steve is saying, oblivious. “Usually when I get stuck babysitting it’s just me, you know? And you’ve seen how these little assholes gang up on me. And then on top of that, I have to keep them alive.”
Eddie frowns. “When you say backup. . . .”
Steve shrugs, bumping against Eddie again with the motion. “If anything happens to me, you can keep them safe.”
“Dude, morbid.” He hesitates, then adds, “I gotta say, though, I’m flattered you trust me and my smoker’s lungs to do that.”
It gets a chuckle out of Steve, which is what Eddie had been going for—even though it isn’t helping his blush situation for shit. (Neither had finding out that Steve actually is as badass as Dustin keeps saying. Swinging at that Demodog earlier, seeing his muscles flexing in tandem as his bare chest glistened with pool water? If Eddie survives this, he'll have so much new daydream material.)
“Hey, are you cold?” Eddie asks. 
Steve shrugs. “I’m fine. All the clothes here are kind of. . . .”
Eddie is already shrugging out of his outer layer, slipping leather-clad arms out from the denim. “Here, take this.”
“I’m fine—”
“It’s for your modesty, dude.” Eddie tosses it at his face so he can’t see what his own face is doing at the prospect of seeing Steve shirtless and putting on his battle vest. Definitely did not think this through.
And then Dustin is back, and they’re on the move. It’s not a long ride to Benny’s, fifteen minutes or so . . . but the roads don’t have a lot of cover, and they hadn’t anticipated needing to watch the sky for an incoming attack. 
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corpse-husband-simp · 4 years
Fic recs masterlist
Masterlist part 2
❤️ =means smut :). 🧡 = social media au. 💛 = headcanon 💙 = blurb/drabble (short Fic). 💜 = oneshot (Long Fic). This means deleted.
Last updated 17/11/20 (Im taking a break) <3
none of these belong to me, full credit goes to the writer
If you know any fics that are not on here please let me know :)
Let me know if any links are broken :)
If you are the owner of any of these fics and dont want it to be on here, Please tell me an they Will be removed from the list :)
I Can only add a hundred links to one post so to Read the fics listed tap “Read here” :)
@fairysimp. Read here. The prettiest flower 17/10/20. 💙 If you’re a fairy, so am i 18/10/20. 💙 Corpse classic 19/10/20. 💙 You’re on! 20/10/20.💙 Sucks to suck 23/10/20. 💙 What are you afraid of 24/10/20.💙 Cupcakes, sugar and sundresses 24/10/20. 💙 I told the stars about you 24/10/20 💙 Feather light 27/10/20 💙 Soft vibes 27/10/20💙 Danny devito 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ewritesthangs. Read here. Blurb 17/10/20.💙 Q and a time 18/10/20. 💜 Oneshot 22/10/20.💜 Blurb 23/10/20. 💙 Oneshot 25/10/20. 💜 Cake tasting 26/01/20 💙 The Big day 31/10/20 💜 Losing a pet 03/11/20 💙. Extrovert reader 15/11/20 💛~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@marvelandsuchstuff. Read here. Sleepness nights and Golden sunlight 17/10/20💜 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@corpsehusband-simp. Read here. Lazy day 15/10/20. 💙 Opposites attract 16/10/20.💙 Oops 1 20/10/20. 💙 Oops 2 26/10/20💜 Insecure 08/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@laysfics. Read here. Spell 16/10/20. 💜 Spell 2 18/10/20. 💜 Spell 3 19/10/20. 💜 Dinner 20/10/20 💙 Happily ever after 23/10/20💙 Bad days 01/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@bastillewolf. Read here. Shinigami eyes 1 13/10/20.💜 Shinigami eyes 2 16/10/20 💜 Panic attack 28/19/20💙 Kinda sketchy 29/10/20💜 #corpsebride 09/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@sttalkr Read here. Your voice 15/10/20.💙❤️ My little pet 19/10/20 💙❤️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@artist-bby. Read here. Deadass 1 12/10/20.💜 Prepare for trouble... Make it double 2 14/10/20.💜 A tired man needs his Well deserved cuddles 25/10/20 💙 Belly rubs 27/10/20💙 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@fandomlit. Read here. Voice impressions 13/10/20. 💙 Destracted 13/10/20. 💙 Mad 13/10/20.💙 Fangirling 13/10/20.💙 Daddy (deleted). 💙 Flustered 25/10/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@skyeet-the-writer. Read here. Id never snitch on daddy 9/10/20. 💜 My mind is restles with the toughts of u 13/10/2 💜. You have my heart 26/10/20 💜 This is a shoutout to my ex 26/10/20 💜 And if you wanna stay, Please stay 07/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ghostgamer. Read here. Comforting you 8/10/20. 💙 Calm nights 11/10/20. 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@iamsuchasimp. Read here. Simp 12/10/20. 💙 Simply simping 15/10/20. 💙🧡 Extra 16/10/20.💙🧡 Making amends 16/10/20.💙 Headcanons 1 17/10/20.💛 Headcanons 2 18/10/20.💛 Miss you 19/10/20.💙 Meant to be? 19/10/20.💙 Alibi 20/10/20.💙 Trending 22/10/20.💙 Ship 25/10/20 💙 Headcanon 27/10/20💛 Popular 29/10/20 💙 Bodyguard 08/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@introverted-mushroom-san. Read here. Just a human (series) 16/10/20 💜 Confession 07/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@harleysarchive. Read here. Among you and me 13/10/20. Among you and me 2 19/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@storiesforallfandoms. Read here. Propostion 19/10/20 Caught feelings 04/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@star-gaz3rs. Read here. Unspoken words and read messages 19/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@locallolli. Read here. Corpse head canon 19/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@corpsedaydream. Read here. #concepts. Neon banter 19/10/20. Sore loser 20/10/20. Cold hands, warm neck 21/10/20. It’s fine 21/10/20. Beach baby 22/10/20. Im okay 25/10/20. Wine night 001 25/10/20. Flappy bird 26/10/20. Yeah baby thats Nice 26/10/20 Monthly 27/10/20 Painted nails 27/10/20 Pet names 26/10/20 A Long week 27/10/20 Crash 01/11/20 Wet hair and warm cuddles 04/11/20 Chaotic s/o 05/11/20 Car 05/11/20 Spooning 05/11/20 Carry on 05/11/20. Corpse does Your makeup 06/11/20. Healing kisses 06/11/20. Fruit salad 06/11/20. Stress and refresh 06/11/20. Pre/post streaming 07/11/20 A fright 10/11/20. Paint wars 11/11/20. See you in the morning 11/11/20 Golden hour 12/11/20 Swing 13/11/20 Carrots 17/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@randomafwritings Read here. It’s 2 am dude... 19/10/20. Missing prank 28/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@corpseglider Read here. Soft!boy hours 20/10/20. Mute Your mic 20/10/20. Attention seeker 21/10/20. Want some company? 22/10/20. You’re sus 23/10/20. Flower fingers 24/10/20. Jealous tendencies 25/10/20. Mirror 26/10/20 You’re beautiful 27/10/20 Flower fingers 2 29/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@moonjelly-princesa Read here. Simp 12/10/20 Next time 20/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@bakubabes-hatake Read here. Muted infatuation 20/10/20. Sweater weather 24/10/20 Sleepy sessions 31/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@divinecorpse Read here. Date and snowman’s 20/10/20. Podcasts and announcements 22/10/20. You are in love 25/10/20 It’s never not for you 31/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@foxypuppy Read here. Secret snuggles 20/10/20. Back to you 21/10/20. Sweet Cakes and first dates 25/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@breathygasps Read here. A scarier possibility 1 21/10/20. A scarier possibility 2 23/10/20. Sick day 24/10/20 A scarier possibility 3 29/10/20 A muffin run gone wrong 30/10/20 Odd hours 12/11/20 A scarier possibility 4 14/11/20 French tongue 16/11/20 💙. Dog days 16/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@xoxoyourdad Read here. Blurb* 22/10/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@bitch-im-your-biggest-nightmare Read here. It doesnt matter What they say 23/10/20. Stars 1 23/10/20. Stars 2 23/10/20. Welp, i guess the cat is out of the bag 23/10/20. Stars 3 24/10/20. Stars 4 24/10/20. Stars 5 25/10/20. Sick boi hours are over 25/10/20. Disaster 25/10/20. Allergies are not fun 25/10/20. Tears falling down at the party 25/10/20. Stars 6 (finale) 26/10/20 Panic attacks suck man 26/10/20 Goddamit kid now they know Im a single father 27/10/20 Parents fucking suck bro 27/10/20 No! This isnt how you’re supposed to play the game 28/19/20 The blood on our hands is a Bond 31/10/20 Happily ever after 01/11/20 Parenting 101 03/11/20 Parenting 200 05/11/20. Summertime Sadness 07/11/20. Panick attack in gorcery store 07/11/10 Headcanon 10/11/20 Riddle me this 15/11/20 💙 Sorry 15/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@flowersforcorpse Read here. Under the bus 22/10/20. To distraction 24/10/20 The cat Got out 27/10/20 Marination 30/10/20 Limbo 08/11/20 Zoned out 10/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@apricauts Read here. A sleeping corpse 23/10/20. A lovely day 24/10/20. Nsfw headcanons* 24/10/20. Nsfw headcanons 2* 25/10/20. Nsfw headcanons 3* 26/10/20. The lion sleeps tonight 26/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@crystalg6m Read here. Trust 23/10/20. Secret player 04/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@monsterenergysimp Read here. Permanance 24/10/20. Reckless endangerment 25/10/20 Oh my god, they were roommates 27/10/10 Feel better 27/10/20 Forget today 28/10/29 Interruptions 28/10/20 Father of the year 29/10/20 Lock screen 30/10/20 Building Snowmen 31/10/20 This is halloween (father of the year 2) 01/11/20 Closer 02/11/20 Unravel 02/11/20 Snap, crackle, pop 03/11/20 Fluffy concept 04/11/20 Sleepy 05/11/20. Mute 07/11/20. His anxiety 07/11/20 Forgetful 13/11/20 Permanance 2 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@myherotrashbin Read here. Soft smiles and warm hugs 24/10/20. Just let it out 25/10/20. First kiss 25/10/20. Cuddles are needed 25/10/20. Well this happened 26/10/20. Just a little love 04/11/20 I just wanna hold you damn hand 04/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@mmonamona Read here. Beautiful 23/10/20. Petty fights and lonely nights 20/10/20 I Think Im in love with you and Im terrified 26/10/20 Halloween 28/10/20 Alls hair in love and war 02/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@uhithinkthefucknot Read here. Respectful simp 25/10/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@letsloveimagines Read here. Crush 25/10/20. Forever 26/10/10 Crush 2 05/11/20 A friend that is a Girl 09/11/20 Murderer 12/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@flowersbby Read here. Drawn to you 25/10/20. Hard day? 26/10/20 Dont overwork yourself 27/10/20 Star struck 31/10/20 Nobody compares 03/11/20 I need you 11/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@kakyoinsimp Read here. Anything for you 26/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@thefanficmonster Read here. Falling faceless 25/10/20. Unlucky 25/10/20. You Call it a mess, we Call it baking 26/10/20 Switch blade 28/10/20 Caring 29/10/20 Lucky me (Unlucky 2) 01/11/20 Power couple 02/11/20 Love for the faceless 02/11/20 Inky memories 05/11/20 Just two sad roommates 08/11/20 Whats it to you 15/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@sloppythots-com Read here. Reaction 24/10/20 Nails and reassurance 24/10/20. Hugs 27/10/20. Sweetie 29/10/20 Innocent 01/11/20 Believe 01/11/20. Eyeliner 06/11/20. One time 06/11/20 Favorite Girl 12/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@flowersandcorpse Read here. Shes optimistic (not me) 1 22/10/20 Shes optimistic (not me) 2 27/10/20. Marinanation 30/10/20 💙 Clasped hands 16/11/20 💙. Marinanation 2 16/11/20💙 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@readerwriterandteadrinker Read here. Pillow talk 27/10/20. The ten hour stream 1 27/10/20 The ten hour stream 2 28/19/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@euphoniumpets Read here. Agoraphobic 27/10/20. Haunted 27/10/20 Cuddle buddy 01/11/20 It’s snack time 03/11/20 Cuddles and thunder 05/11/20. Break my baby 05/11/20. Cooking 06/11/20. Nap time 07/11/20. Oppostite attractions 07/11/20 Baby bump 13/11/20 Flirty interactions 15/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@literatureteachervibes Read here. Opportunity 1 24/10/20. Opportunity 2 28/19/20. Opportunity 3 30/10/20 Where corpse saves her from a creep 03/11/20 Opportunity 4 31/10/20. Opportunity 5 11/11/20 Simp 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@struggling-with-time Read here. Dinner for two (at Home) 28/10/20. Translucent 28/10/20. Cuddle time 28/10/20 Outfit for the day 28/10/20 Movie night (horror movie) 28/10/20 Can i have my sweater back? 28/10/20 Size difference and snuggles 28/10/20 Dont turn green on me now 28/10/20 Sykkunos biggest simp 28/10/20 Rainy days 29/10/20 Dog parks are a good place 29/10/20 Penpals from across the sea 29/10/20 Cloudy afternoons 30/10/20 Stressful streaming 30/10/20 Comfort 30/10/20 YouTube video (ASMR) 31/10/20 Blind date 31/10/20 Halloween party 31/10/20 YouTube singer!reader 01/11/20. Cuddles 01/11/20 Funny S/O 01/11/20 Ocular migraines 01/11/20 Kitten calling 02/11/20 Our cat child, our precious son 02/11/20 Gifted collar 02/11/20 Suprise song 03/11/20 Fun fact 03/11/20. Comedian 03/11/20. Cat Girl 03/11/20 Ruben moves in 03/11/20 Painter 04/11/20. Lost connection 04/11/20 Lost connection 2 06/11/20. Cousin of a cousins wedding 07/11/20. Pokis friend 08/11/20. Pokis friend 2 08/11/20. Bedside confessions 08/11/20. Uncertainties 08/11/20. Working together 08/11/20 Among us promises 08/11/20 Spilled tea 09/11/20 Stuffed animals 10/11/20. Dungeons and dragons 10/11/20 Corpses brother 12/11/20. Off cam kisses 12/11/20. Being corpses sister hc 12/11/20
Mothers arent always the best 12/11/20 Soft voices 13/11/20. Shy reader 13/11/20. Without you Im just a sad song 14/11/20. Actress/actor reader 14/11/20. Faceless YouTuber reader 14/11/20. Reader owning an etsy. 14/11 Simping for 2 16/11/20. 💙 One last time 16/11/20n.💙 Nightmare 16/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@corpserose Read here. Mornings 28/10/20. Paint my nails 31/10/20 Snack time 02/11/20 Home 04/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@shelswrites Read here. The Sound of a voice 28/10/10. 💙 Blurb 28/10/20.💙 Livestreams 28/10/20💙 Q and a 29/10/20 💙 Famous!singer reader 29/10/20 💙 Fight 29/10/20 💙 Tall!reader 30/10/20💙 Hand 30/10/20 💙 Nicknames 30/10/20💙 Roommate 30/10/20 💙 Nicknames 30/10/20 💙 First night at corpses House 31/10/20 💙 Painting nails 31/10/20 💙 The feel of a touch 31/10/20💙 Playing with his hair 01/11/20 💙 Period 01/11/20 💙 24 hour livestream 01/11/20💙 Corpse in maid dress 01/11/20 💙 Knitted blanket 02/11/20💙 Dyeing eachothers hair 02/11/20 💙 Taking Care of his hair 02/11/20 💙 Playing with his hands 03/11/20 💙 Sharing clothes 03/11/20💙 Bisexual 03/11/20 💙 Imposter duo 03/11/20💙 Cat ears for corpsie 04/11/20💙 Holding grugdes 04/11/20 💙 Laying on Your lab 05/11/20💙 Studying 05/11/20💙 Helping him with his anxiety 05/11/20💙
Laying on Your chest 05/11/20 💙 Eyeliner 06/11/20 💙 Plus size s/o 06/11/20💙 Your hands 07/11/20💙 Putting eyeliner on him 07/11/20💙. Corpse failing at cooking 08/11/20.💙 Eyeliner and skirt 08/11/20. 💙 Cooking 09/11/20 💙 Like real people do 09/11/20.💙 Sleepy corpse 09/11/20. 💙 Comforting him 10/11/10.💙 Blushy corpsie 10/11/20💙 Holiday 13/11/20. 💙 Tired corpse laying in Your lap 13/11/20. 💙 Corpse having a bad day 14/11/20 💙. Bf not gf 16/11/20.💙 Long distance 16/11/20. 💙 Making a yt Channel together 16/11/20.💙 Playing and answering questions 16/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@rxvenclawwriting Read here. The aftermath of scary videos 28/10/20. Internet trolls 29/10/20 Sketched conffesions 02/11/20 Tiktok famous 03/11/20 Just a slip of the tongue 04/11/20 The Challenge of Touch 05/11/20 Q and a 14/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@imjustpeachyme Read here. Bumpy roads and broken promises 28/10/20. The mirror always lies 01/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ruby-lavorre Read here. Ramen 29/10/20. Dating corpse HC 30/10/20 Dating corpse HC 2 31/10/20 Holding out 01/11/20 Best friends hc 05/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@rock-c Read here. Kandi 30/10/20. Shortstack 30/10/20 The bassist 30/10/20 Movie marathons 01/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@b-star-wonder Read here Headcanon 30/10/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@moonlightsimp Read here. Cuddles headcanon 01/11/20.💛 Choose me 03/11/20 Simp 05/11/20 Needy 06/11/20 Shower feels 10/11/20 Social media au 13/11/20🧡 Social media au 13/11/20 🧡 Moving in 14/11/29 Pretty baby 16/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@anata-e-no-izon Read here. A Big whoopsie 25/10/20. Rivalry 30/10/20. Ignorant opinions 09/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@antisocial-dumb-ass Read here. Sleepy time phone Call 02/11/20. 💙 The impostor among us 02/11/20. 💙 Cuddle time 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@bibliofilia Read here Ships passing in the night 03/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@reaperxrex Read here. sunkissed 29/10/20. First fights 29/10/20. Sports star 03/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@withcolebrock Read here Full of suprises 05/11/20. Close Your eyes 06/11/20 Distracted 12/11/20 Amazingly beautiful 15/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@souljoon Read here. Sweet 05/11/20. Infatuated 05/11/20 Whats up baby 07/11/20 Roommates 09/11/20 Roommates in among us 10/11/20 Mutual pining roommates 12/11/20 Comfort 15/11/20 💙. Not making fun of you 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@impala-1979 Read here. Dead 05/11/20. Their life had barely begun 08/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@abluecorpserose Read here. Pretty boy 25/10/20. S/o with Anime voice 06/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@the-writings-of-a-simp Read here. Roommate 04/11/20. Corpse in a skirt 05/11/20. Rainy cuddles 06/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@marvelfreakbrynnlee Read here. The elf in the café 07/11/20. The elf in the café 2 10/11/20 The elf in the café 3 15/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@syukkunii Read here. Cuddles hc 09/11/20. Corpse flirting during livestream 11/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@pepinotpepe Read here. Wildflower 08/11/20. Wildflower 2 08/11/20. Wildflower 3 09/11/20. Wildflower 4 11/11/20 Wildflower 5 12/11/20 💙 Wildflower 6 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@auramindedd Read here. Oneshot 08/11/20. 💜 AccidenTell 10/11/20💙 First meet 11/11/10 💜 Under the weather 13/11/20💙 Period pain cuddles 13/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@takenbyheartstrings Read here. Burden 10/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@the-winter-sxldier-posts Read here. Moments 12/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@glxwingbakugo Read here Takeout and horror movies 12/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@softboiicorpse Read here. Always forever 12/11/20. 💜 Grocery shopping 13/11/20 💜 Final goodbyes 13/11/20 💜. Grocery shopping 2 15/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@nekomacam Read here. Not even okay 13/11/20 🧡 Not even okay 2 14/11/20 🧡 Not even okay 3 17/11/20 🧡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@thotasshoebitch Read here. I know you did not just grab my Boob 15/11/20💙 Rain on me 16/11/20💙. My hair 16/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3K notes · View notes
pi-cat000 · 4 years
MSA time travel idea (part 42)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Vivi POV, 8, 9, 10, Lewis POV, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Lance POV 18, 19, Lewis POV 2, 21 , 22, Vivi POV 2, 24, 25  Lewis POV 3,  Mystery POV , Vivi POV 3, 29, Lewis POV 4, 31, ViVi POV 4 , 33, 34, Lewis POV 5, Mystery POV 2, Lewis POV 6, Vivi POV 5, Lewis POV 7 Vivi POV 6 Vivi POV 7
Part 43: here
“Maybe, if you’d been even half of what he was, you wouldn’t have been possessed so damn easily. I mean, this kid put up more of a fight, and he’s pretty much a walking collection of neurosis,” the demon taunts.
“I said shut up!”
The demon, and by default, Arthur, narrows their eyes. Micky’s sudden appearance has thrown a wrench into its plans, drawing its full and undivided attention. Irritation curls around Arthur, replacing the previous sensations of smug satisfaction and amusement. The emotion is unpleasant, making Arthur’s mind crawl but it’s better than the sadistic joy he had been forced to endure as it was stabbing Lewis. For the first time since that disastrous meeting in the hospital’s car-park, Arthur finds himself completely free of surveillance. The demon’s attention is focused solely on Micky and the gun. The shift is so sudden and is Arthur so panicked, that he almost doesn’t recognise the opportunity. 
Luckily-the only luck he’s had in a long while-he does recognise his opening. His one chance to make things right. 
A desperate calm settles over him. Lightning flashes, illuminating the faint blue and purple of Vivi and Lewis’s clothes. Mystery glows ever brighter, casting a red tint on the concrete around him. Everything else is darker shades of grey, fading into black.
In his new state of calm, Arthur can envision how the next few seconds would play out. Micky would shoot. The demon would dodge.  Even now, he can feel how his body is tensing, preparing to duck to the side. The demon is hyper-focus on the gun, watching Micky’s every muscle twitch. To dodge, the demon would have to already be moving even before the gun went off. It would need precise control and a split-second warning just before the shot. After the gun fired, Vivi would run forward to ‘save’ him, putting herself in danger. Then, Mystery would be forced to transform and save her. In the commotion, the demon would make their escape. 
“Did you even go back to bury him, or did you just leave him there? What happened to all the ritual, funeral nonsense to send his soul on its merry way? How disrespectful.” The demon’s voice is full of malice, coloured with amusement, aiming to both harm and insult. 
The gun clicks in Micky’s hand. Already, Arthur can feel himself tensing, preparing to move fast.
“Stop!” Vivi lurches upright and Mystery blocks her from jumping between them. “If you shoot, you’ll kill Arthur!”
 This is okay. Arthur has already accepted that he might never see his friends again. The demon would run, take him away, and they would be safe. Mystery would pass along his apology and it would be fine. The only one to really suffer would be him and he thinks he can live with that. Is that true though? 
“That fucking brat sent us to our deaths. He’s just as guilty.”
It wasn’t just him that would suffer was it? This thing would keep on killing. It would use his body to kill other people and maybe, one day, it would go after Lewis or Vivi again. The creature wanted Arthur specifically and he is aware enough to know that the demon has got some sort of plan involving his messed-up soul. 
The body snatcher sniggers, “I’m sure Dan would be very unimpressed with how you're threatening this poor innocent human. I mean, if he weren’t a shish-kebab at the bottom of a cave.” 
Micky yells, loud, animalistic, full of pain and rage. Arthur feels a pang of empathy for the man who had had the misfortune of running into him and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just like Darrel.
In that fraction of a second before the gun goes off, his body, under the direction of the demon, lunches to the right.  Everything slows, time crawling by. Arthur can already see Mystery leaping, his dog form rapidly expanding. Vivi is also running towards him, face white with fear. 
His way out was suddenly blindingly clear.
With all his remaining will power, throws himself to the left. He slams into the mental barrier separating him from his body. Similar to when he’d first tried this in the van, the demon falters ever so briefly, its attention refocusing onto him and away from Micky. For a fraction of a second, in between heartbeats, the demon’s movements slow. Unlike when he had tried this before, there is no time for the demon to react.
 The shout rings in his ears alongside the loud CRACK of a shotgun discharging. 
A sudden weight smacks him in the chest and he stumbles back. This time, Arthur’s sense of fear is mixed in with his own cold vindication. In a moment of role reversal, it is Arthur feeling spiteful and the demon experiencing surprise. 
“You little shit,” He feels himself spit the words out, angry, even as new wetness clogs his throat and the metallic taste of blood floods his mouth. Time accelerates again. Arthur hits the pavement and doesn’t even care that his head cracks on the hard surface. All bodily sensation is fuzzy now. Any pain one would expect to feel after getting shot is dulled. Surprise quickly turns to anger. The demon is almost brittle with furry, its full attention bearing down on him from all angles, pressing in. Suffocating. 
“Shit. Shit. Shit…Bleeding…that’s a lot of blood. Need to control the bleeding.” Arthur focuses on Vivi’s face which materialises above him. For the first time since his possession, Arthur managers to move of his own violation, taking a hash breath. The process is an immense struggle and he’s not sure if it’s because of the demon or blood loss. 
“Vi…” His tong feels heavy and foreign, the words he tries to say are garbled by the blood coming up through his throat. He doesn’t get more than a syllable out before the control is wrestled away. 
‘You think this is over?’ The voice echoes in his head, low and threatening.
“Shh. Don’t speak. Everything will be okay. I don’t think its hit anything important. Just lie still.” Her expression is a mix of horror and worry. Regret quickly roles over his vindication because the last thing he wants is for Vivi to have to watch her friend bleed out and die.
His vision blurs. A purple outline appears alongside Vivi. It’s Lewis, equally, if not more panic-stricken. He can feel to demon’s attention re-centre, staring Lewis right in the eye. 
 “What’s…up. You…goin…watch him die …with me?” The demon jerks, trying to grab a hold of Lewis’s bear unprotected hands.  
‘You can’t have Lewis.’ 
Arthur slams his full mental weight into malicious presence, pushing it to one side, cutting it off mid-sentence. As his body weakens so does its control. They’re both weak now. 
‘Sharing is caring.’ Is sneered. A wave of malicious intent  chips away at his control, paralysing rational thought with uncontained fear.  Arthur feels his hand lift under the demon’s renewed power, reaching weakly for Lewis, beckoning. 
“Lew…is.” Arthur tries to speak and warn his friend off.  
 ‘Don’t do it.’ He can’t get the words out, his control failing. It is like being back in the cave, unable to stop the unimaginably terrible from happening. His vision distorts, made worse by the night around them. He can barely see the conflict waring across his friend’s face.   His arm is numb. He and Lewis are standing on a ledge overlooking a steep drop…green is pooling at the edges of his vision. It doesn’t matter that they are both weak, the demon’s got him beat in the willpower department. Too many past mistakes occupy his thoughts, distracting him. 
Lewis’s hand hovers then closes around his, drawing his focus. The hand is warm almost comforting.
He claws at the demon, ripping and tearing at anything he can reach, trying to drag it down with him. A patronising laugh bounces around and there is the sensation of something rushing to escape. Arthur scratches and grasps but it is hard to hold onto something that hardly exists. The result is an exercise in futility like he’s trying to dig his nails into loose shale. 
‘Nice try but you’re a few centuries too inexperienced to hold me down.’ The demon slips away, leaving him to sink downwards, alone. ‘Try not to die while I’m out would you. I would hate for all this drama to be for nothing,’ Arthur can still feel the echo of rage and malevolence underlining its final amused jab as it fades from his consciousness. The demon is angry. He knows it is going to do its level best to hurt Lewis. There is nothing he can do to stop it. And, suddenly, Arthur is alone in his own mind.
“Why?” He coughs, wishing he could shake an answer out of Lewis. ‘Why did you do that Lewis?’ The last he sees of Lewis is a green discolouration creeping up the other’s arm. Lewis stumbles away, swallowed by the night. 
Vivi’s shocked face fades to nothing a second later. Then there is only darkness. No demon, just himself and all his mistakes.  No snarky running commentary on how screwed up and pathetic he was. No weird dissonance as he experienced two sets of emotional responses. He is just Arthur existing alone. He should feel relieved. This should be a triumph. 
It's not...
It’s dark and he’s falling, slamming into a stone spike. Two sets of memories blur together, becoming one extended nightmare. Two failed timelines are laid before him in a spread of damning evidence against his very existence.
Lewis is dead…then alive, grinning, eyes flashing bright green as he looks down on him, “Once in a millennia chance and you managed to screw it up.” There is fire rising around him, growing increasingly not, framing Lewis’s human visage. “This is your fault.”
 He coughs, gripping the spike piercing up through his chest. 
“How many can say they’ve had a second chance? None. That’s how many?” Lewis growls and the flames become unbearably hot till even the air itself hurts. “Face it. I just wasn’t that important to you.” Arthur should just stop trying to fight and let the fire burn away all that was left of him. 
It’s what he deserves. 
“So that’s it.”  The female voice cuts through the crackle of the fire, “You’re just going to give up?" 
The stone around him shifts, colours mutating from purple and green to a gleaming, blue-tinted ice. Gone is the stone spike, the cliff, and the cave, to be replaced by an empty snow-filled field. He is no longer in pain. He is kneeling, half-buried in snow, surrounded be an empty silver-grey landscape. 
“What about your promise to answer my questions. You’re going to leave everyone behind wondering what the heck happened?” Lewis and his fire disappear, replaced with cold air and a familiar voice. He squints up at the blurry Vivi-shaped outline but can’t make out her face. The word around him is too blindingly bright to make out any details.
“I can’t…” he pleads, “I’ve made so many mistakes.”
“So what. That’s never stopped you before.”
He drops his gaze, ignoring the the rustle of fabric as a person knelt in front of him.
“We all make mistakes.”  Her voice is soft.
“I don’t know what to do?”  
If there’s one thing the demon has taught him it was that things could always get worse.
“It’ll be okay Arthur. Just explain what happened. I’ll understand.”
He looks up, desperately searching for the face of a familiar older Vivi. 
“I miss you.”  He doesn’t care that he is angsting over what was probably a figment of his imagination. The shadow of a Vivi he’d left behind in a future that would never happen. 
“Silly, I never left.”
The white space above him splinters, shattering like glass, falling on him like flakes of snow.
His next breath is heavy like he is struggling against some immense weight.  It is nothing like being on the cliff, struggling to breathe against the heat and having it cut with frigid cold, this is real. The sensation of forcing his lungs to expand and take in the dry air is almost too real. A dull ache settles over him and he can’t tell if it is coming from his body or somewhere deep in his chest. Everything feels floaty and unreal and he struggles to pull together a coherent thought. Arthur wills his eyes to open, almost afraid to try and have this illusion of control snatched away. 
Light eclipses the dark. The imprint of spikes, fire and ice, fade into a nightmare. He stares up at a familiar off-white ceiling. A pattern of square panels, broken by two overhead lights, one of which is switched off, meaning the room in only half lit. The faint smell of anaesthetic and bleach lingers in the air. Absently, he recognises the hospital ceiling. The dejavu is painful.  
Slowly, almost too afraid to try, he turns his head, scanning for his arm. There is a needle disappearing into his skin just above his wrist which is connected to a machine beeping a faint rhythmic pattern. It is his flesh and blood arm. This is his original arm, meaning this is the other timeline. The one he had just royally screwed up. His fingers twitch when he wills them to move, jerking inwards to grasp at nothing. This is the timeline where his Uncle is dead, and Lewis is probably off somewhere killing people under the demon’s control. An unbearable sadness descends upon him. He takes solace in the melancholy, welcoming it, wrapping it around himself like a familiar blanket. Maybe, if he waited long enough, the demon would return, and he would be able to save Lewis. Arthur doubts it, he has nothing of value to trade aside from himself and Lewis is ten times more valuable than him. It was pointless. Maybe he hadn’t learnt his lesson about wanting things. Maybe he will just lie here forever, wasting away.
 Maybe that didn’t sound so bad.
“Arthur.” The surprised voice cuts into him, slicing apart his thoughts.
He blinks, twitching to glance to the side, focus shifting  past the empty hospital chair placed next to his bed and towards the doorway. Vivi. She is standing in the entrance. Her clothes are wrinkled, speckled with dirt, and she has smudges across her face that look a bit like wood ash. Her eyes are wild with open surprise. 
Her surprise becomes relief, mixed with conflicting joy and apprehension. 
“You’re awake.” She speaks slowly, voice halting. 
“V…” His throat is far too dry to speak so the word comes out as a wheeze. 
Whatever misgivings had Vivi frozen in the doorway, they don’t hold her for long and she is across the room in a flash of blue. The next thing he knows her weight is resting across his shoulder and chest, gripping onto him. There is a brief flash of purely physical pain as she bumps the wad of bandages he only just notices are covering the upper half of his torso, wrapping his collar bone. Her face is awkwardly pressed against his opposite shoulder.
When his vision blurs, he panics, momentarily thinking he was losing his control. However, he quickly recognises it as a different sort of loss of control. A normal loss of control. There is water pooling in his eyes, running down his face. He’s crying, making breathing hard. 
“You idiot.” Vivi’s voice is unsteady now, full of hurt, “You colossal idiot.”
“I'm…sor…” He swallows, coughing out the apology “…ry”  He doesn’t know what exactly he’s apologising for but he’s made so many mistakes that it’s the only thing he can think to say. 
“I thought you were going to die.”
Sluggishly, Arthur tries to raise a hand, the one without a needle sticking into it, to hold onto the fabric of her jacket. His muscles feel a bit like jelly, spasming occasionally, as his mind re-associates mental commands with movement. He realises with a pang of grief that she is wearing Lewis’s jacket. What happened to Lewis?  He tries to speak, to explain, to ask questions, but his throat is still too dry. After attempting this a few more times he gives up and allows himself the small comfort of being able to hug Vivi again. 
NOTE: Happy Holidays!! Have an update as a gift :) Hope everyone is safe and wish you all good luck transitioning into the new year. Thank you for another years worth of support of this fic, it means a lot. 
Part 43: here
58 notes · View notes
More Hearts Than Mine - Part II
I do not own anything that is familiar to you - songs, characters, etc. This is the next part of the story - you’ll get to meet Jack and the person he’s bringing home with him. Enjoy!
Catch up with Part I Here!
September 20, 2019
“So I have a question for you.” Jack asked, sliding into a chair across from his girlfriend with a grin.
Kat leaned forward, placing a kiss on his lips. “That depends?”
“On what?” Jack raised his eyebrows, giving her a look.
Kat laughed, picking up her pen, quickly jotting down something on the notebook in front of her. “On where you want to bury the body?”
Jack threw his head back and laughed, loudly, catching the attention of several tables surrounding them. “There won’t be a body to bury. I actually wanted to ask you if you wanted to come home with me to meet my momma and my siblings.”
Kat paused in her actions, slowly looking up from the notebook to see her boyfriend grinning at her. “You want me to come home with you to meet the family?”
“I’d love for you but if it’s too soon, I completely understand.” Jack paused. “I am planning on making a trip back in a few weeks and would love for you to come back with me.”
Kat bit her lip, looking at him. “You have six siblings, right? What makes you think they’re not going to tear me apart? You did mention that you’ve never brought anyone home.”
“They will love you, just as I love you.” Jack said, grinning.
Raising an eyebrow, Kat shook her head. “You’re laying it on thick, Kelly. I don’t know . . .”
“Come on, what do you have to lose?” Jack said, lacing his fingers with his, giving them a squeeze.
Sighing, she leaned back in her chair. “When do we leave?”
October 4, 2019
Relaxing against the seat, she watched the scenery pass by as a Gavin DeGraw song came on the random playlist Jack had put on. “So you said that you had something you wanted to tell me on the way.”
Taking his right hand off the steering wheel, Jack reached over and laced his fingers with hers. “You’re the first person I’ve brought home, but I told you that already. Medda adopted me when I was 14 years old. Racer and I were adopted together, we’re brothers by birth. Medda added Albert and Charlie a year later with Smalls two years after that. My siblings can be rough, hellions even, especially when new people are brought around. Just . . . don’t hold anything against them.”
“Did you tell them you were bringing me?” She asked, biting her lip.
It was Jack’s turn to bite his lip. “Not exactly.”
He yelped as her hand hit his shoulder. “Jack! You’re not making it any easier. Don’t you think telling them you’re bringing me home might help the situation a bit?”
“I was just too excited that you actually said yes that I didn’t exactly think things through . . .” Jack admitted with a grin. “They’re going to love you when they meet you.”
She was hesitant, giving Jack’s hand a squeeze. “If you say so.”
“There’s one more thing you should be aware of.” Jack started, squeezing her hand back. “Momma is special. She tends to adopt anyone that walks through the door. Just know that if something happens with us, which I’m not advocating for by the way, she would be even more devastated and feel like one of her children ran away from home.”
She raised an eyebrow, shifting in her seat. “So are you telling me that we can’t break up because it will break your momma’s heart?”
“Uh huh . . . there’s one thing you never wanna do and that’s make Medda angry at you.” Jack shrugged.
“I take it you’re talking from experience?” She quipped, as a grin stretched across her face.
His silence was all the answer she needed from him. “What did you do to piss your momma off?”
“There’s too many times to count.” Jack grinned, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. “I was the problem child, it’s a wonder she continued to adopt after me and Racer.”
She raised an eyebrow, grinning. “That explains so much . . . what kind of problem child? I mean, should I be worried?”
“I may have been caught stealing once and ran with a rough crowd.” Jack shrugged. “It was a rough two years when I was teenager but Medda was firm and loving and managed to turn myself around. Though, there were many times I thought she would kick me to the curb but she never did.”
“So tell me about your siblings.” She shifted in her seat, eyes bright with excitement, despite her nerves at meeting his family.
A smile crossed Jack’s face as he reflected on his mismatched family. “What do you want to know about the hellions?”
“Should I be afraid that you call them hellions? Just whatever you want to share.” She shrugged, knowing they still had a bit of time ahead of them.
The song changed on the playlist she had picked when they first got in the car. Jack grinned listening to “The Last Song” by All American Rejects.
“Nah, we’re all a mismatch group - we’re all misfits that create a pretty amazing family. Anthony is 17 and my half brother. We call him Race or Racer but he’s the sweetest kid, even though he can be a pain in the ass at any moment. Kid’s got a mouth on him that Momma and I have been trying to curtail but it’s not taking much. He’s dating Sean, better known as Spot. They’ve been together for the last two years but have been friends for as long as I can remember. Charlie and Albert were the next two that Medda adopted - Charlie is a sweetheart with an evil streak. He’s our practical joker so be on the lookout, though Momma probably gave them the ‘don’t do anything stupid’ talk already. And Albert, he’s super smart but doesn’t really apply himself, rather just cruise through school. Albert is a wicked good soccer player and it’s pretty cool to watch him out on the field. His boyfriend, Finch is the goalie and the two of them are pretty incredible - they’re already talking scholarships for college.” Jack paused, shaking his head at the older of his younger siblings.
“They all sound pretty remarkable.” She murmured.
Nodding, Jack grinned. “They all are. Now for the younger three. Smalls is our only girl in the family but don’t let that fool you. She’s tough as nails, despite being a natural girly girl. She plays lacrosse and is damn good at it. She’s ruthless at it and it’s pretty cool watching her fight on the field. She’s a sweetheart and mostly always gets her way due to being the only girl. Romeo is our flirt but he’s harmless. He’s charismatic and energetic and really good at school, despite him being bored most of the time. He’s in a gift program at school and he’s a wicked good artist - he puts me to shame sometimes. And then there’s Henry, our newest brother. He’s four and has the biggest heart - he’s a cuddler, so beware. All of us are huggers, it’s just when you’ve been denied it for so long, you naturally drift to that - Henry never had that trepidation and just loves whoever he comes into contact with - there’s no malice or resentment yet.”
Reaching over, she grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze with a sad smile. “Thanks for telling me. I’m excited to meet them all. Do you have any pets?”
“Albert has Fluffy, Race has Iggy the iguana, and from what I’ve heard, Smalls has been trying to convince momma to get a dog. The house is already a three ring circle yet momma is considering adding a dog to the mix.” Jack shook his head chuckling at his family.
She raised an eyebrow. “So you mentioned that a couple of your siblings were pranksters - anything I should be cautious of?”
“Momma probably had the talk about treating you like she treated all of them when she adopted us so they should be on their best behavior.” Jack grinned. “You’re tough and you grew up with brothers so I’m sure you’ll be just fine.”
“I just want this weekend to go well and for them to like me.” She whispered, giving him a look.
Squeezing her hand, Jack smiled. “A little advice for this crew?”
“What’s that?” Katherine asked, raising an eyebrow at her boyfriend.
“Don’t let the little things bother you; laugh, a lot, and just talk with my siblings - that’ll go a long way in their book.” Jack smiled, pulling into the driveway of a gorgeous house.
A gasp escaped Katherine’s mouth. “This is your house?”
“Yeah . . . momma was married and divorced ten year ago and from the divorce bought this house and filled it with kids that her ex-husband denied her.” Jack turned off the car with a shrug. “Come on . . . the longer we sit here, the more time they’ve got to plan.”
Getting out of the car, she let her eyes scan the front of the tall dark grey exterior with white shutters. A basketball hoop sat in the driveway along with several scooters and bikes. Hearing the car door shut, she felt Jack’s presence behind her with their bags. “Take a deep breath, there’s nothing to be nervous about.”
“You aren’t about to meet your boyfriend’s family.” She gently teased.
He laughed. “No but I had to sit through dinner with your family and I guarantee this will be much less organized than that was. There may even be a small food fight.”
“Something to look forward to then.” She grinned, lacing her fingers with his with a squeeze before they made their way up the steps just as the front door flew open.
“Momma, Jackie brought a pretty girl home.” Henry, she was impressed that she remembered his name, yelled into the house.
In the next moment, her hand was dropped as Jack was engulfed with hugs from his siblings. Their bags were dropped by the door as he swung a couple of them into his arms. She grinned watching him completely relax in the mayhem as an older woman, she presumed it was his momma, came closer to her. “I apologize for my children, it’s not often they’re away from their brother for this long. I’m Medda, Jack’s mom.”
“It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Katherine.” She grinned as Medda engulfed her in a hug. Looking over her shoulder, Katherine caught Jack’s eye as a giant smile crossed his face.
Jack clapped his hands, as the two women broke apart, both with grins on their faces. “Momma, gang, this is Katherine, my girlfriend. Katherine, this is the crew.”
A light blush crossed her face as she looked at the eight faces that surrounded her. “It’s nice to meet all of you.”
“Wait . . how do you know us?” Smalls piped up, looking between her brother and mom.
Katherine smiled. “Your brother told me all about you . . .”
“Glad you know about us but we don’t know about you.” Race’s sarcasm came out as he looked between the girl and his oldest brother. “Thought we didn’t keep secrets, Jackie.”
And with that, he left the room, pounding up the stairs. A few seconds later, a door slammed. A sigh came over her shoulder as a shorter boy smacked Jack’s back a couple of times before shaking his head. “You knew he was going to bring out the dramatics, Jack. Want me to go talk to him?”
“Nah, I’ll do it, Spot.” Jack walked over to Katherine’s side. Lacing her fingers in with his, she gave it a quick squeeze, as he looked down at her. “Let me introduce Katherine to you all then get her settled and I’ll talk to him.”
The next few minutes were filled with introductions as Kat made small talk with all of them. She found out she had a lot in common with Albert, Charlie, and Spot. She cracked a couple of jokes that caught the attention of Smalls and Romeo. As promised, Henry slipped his hand into Kat’s and hadn’t let go the entire time she talked with Finch and Spot.
“I’m going to show her to her room then we’ll be down, okay?” Jack clapped his hands as she finished talking about her journalism major with Charlie.
Jack grabbed their bags before ascending the stairs. Along the way, he pointed out the kid’s bedrooms before leading her to the guest room, which was adjacent to his own room. “This is your room.”
Pushing open the door, she smiled at the brightly painted buttery yellow room. A bed sat in the middle with a small bedside table and an adjacent bathroom. “You get the best room in the house - you don’t have to fight for the bathroom.”
Putting her bag down beside the desk, she gave the room one more lookover before gasping. In the middle of her bed was a snake, basking in the sunshine. Taking a step forward, she carefully picked up the snake, running a finger, gently over its back. “And who might this be?”
Jack chuckled, surprised by his girlfriend’s gentle nature to the snake. “That’s Fluffy, Albert’s pet snake. You never told me you were comfortable around snakes.”
“It’s a ball python, Jack. They’re harmless.” She grinned, eyes floating over to the doorway where Albert and Charlie stood. “Let me guess, her cage accidentally got left open?”
The two at least had the decency to look guilty as they stepped into the room. “Yeah, sorry about that Katherine. We’ll just go put her back in her cage.”
“She’s sweet.” Kat called after them as Jack pulled her into his arms with a laugh.
He leaned down and kissed her quickly before pulling back. “You just won a buttload of brownie points with them. How about you freshen up while I go talk to Racer? I’m sorry about him, Kat.”
“Don’t be . . . I told you that you should’ve warned them you were bringing me home.” She gave him a look, before pushing to her tiptoes and brushing a kiss to his lips. “Love you regardless.”
“Love you too.” WIth a final kiss, he left the room as she took a seat on the bed and tried to calm her racing heart. Twenty minutes down, the entire weekend in front of her.
She quickly ran a brush through her hair before using the restroom before walking down the hallway trying to find out where Jack went. She heard his voice and followed the direction. Stopping in front of Jack’s room, she smiled seeing Race and Jack sitting on the bed beside one another. “Why didn’t you tell us you were bringing her home?”
“I was nervous . . . I’ve never brought someone home and I didn’t want to hype it up anymore than it needed to be.” Jack admitted. “But I realized it backfired. I’m sorry, Racer. Do you forgive me?”
A quick nod of the head, Race grinned, throwing an arm around Jack’s shoulder. “You mentioned she picked up Fluffy?”
“Without an ounce of hesitation, as if she’s held one her whole life.” Jack said, with a shake of his own head.
“I had a ball python growing up. Her name was Izzy.” Kat took that moment to interrupt the two by leaning against the door. “Hi Race, I’m Katherine. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too.” He held out his hand for her to shake. She did with a grin. “I’m sorry about earlier . . . it just took me off guard.”
“No worries . . . I did tell your brother he should have told you all but he never listens.” She grinned.
Race’s eyes went wide at her comment. “He never listens . . . it’s one of his most annoying traits.”
“Oh, no. I’m going to regret introducing you two, aren’t I?” Jack said, looking between his brother and girlfriend.
Kat laughed. “I think Race and I are going to get along just fine.”
“Kids, dinner.” Medda yelled up the stairs as a stampede of feet hitting the stairs was heard.
Jack and Race’s eyes went wide as they made their way to the hallway. “First rule of the household, Kat, dinner waits for no one.”
She watched Race run down the stairs as her and Jack took their time. Lacing fingers with Jack, they made their way into the dining room. All Kat could think was it was organized chaos, with all the kids trying to find a spot around the table. Two chairs were left open on Medda’s left, as Jack dragged her in that direction. “We have assigned seats around the table to stop anything from even starting.”
“Quit making us sound like heathens, Jack.” Race called from across Kat with a wicked grin. “You make us sound like we can’t control ourselves.”
Jack raised an eyebrow in Race’s direction. “Need I remind you about the great spaghetti disaster of 2015?”
Various shouts of disdain came from around the table as Kat’s head went from Race’s outrageous face to Medda putting her face in her hands with a groan. “I thought we promised to never talk about that, ever again.”
Jack put his hands up innocently at Medda’s exclamation. “Sorry momma . . . hence why we have assigned seating around this table.”
And with that, spaghetti was scooped onto plates and conversation hushed as everyone began eating. Katherine ate with gusto while listening to everyone talk about their day. Henry ran an animated discussion about preschool dramatics while Smalls just shook her head at her brother. “Thought you were allowed to be around Avery after you put paint in her hair?”
Henry at least has the decency to look guilty. “Well . . . that was last week. Monday was a new week.”
“Wait . . .” Jack held up a hand, looking around the dining room table. “Henry James, you put paint in Avery’s hair?”
Henry grinned brightly at his older brother. “Well . . . she started it by putting playdough in my milk cup. I had to get her back somehow.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Kat watched Jack bite his lip to hold back the laughter that wanted to escape. “Well that wasn’t very nice.”
“Try having a conversation with his teacher about it.” Medda piped up, giving her youngest a look, while shooting a warning look to her oldest. “So how’s school going Jack?”
Taking a drink of water, Jack shrugged. “It’s going good. Finally got into the groove of classes and homework and balancing everything. I really like my art history class, the professor is really cool.”
“Sounds like a snoozer.” Albert piped up, giving his older brother a look.
“Of course you’d say that . . .” Romeo rolled his eyes at his older brother, before turning his attention to Jack. “Are you studying Monet or Rembrandt yet?”
Jack chuckled at Romeo’s dig at Albert before shaking his head. “Nah, we’re starting with Da Vinci but we’re going to be studying both of them.”
“Ugh . . . Da Vinci.” Romeo made a gagging noise which caused Kat to giggle at him. “Now talk to me when you’re studying Monet.”
“Alright nerds . . . moving on.” Race gave his brothers a look. “What is the plan for the weekend?”
Six eyes looked between Jack and Medda as Kat did the same. She was just along for the ride for the weekend. “Albert’s got a game tomorrow morning that I figured you’d want to go to Jack but other than that, there’s nothing planned.”
“I want to show Kat around a bit at some point but we can play that by ear.” Jack shrugged, looking at his girlfriend. “We can go to Al’s game . . . you know, Kat played soccer in high school.”
Albert’s eyes lit up at that. “What position did you play?”
“Center Midfielder.” She grinned. “My team went to state and lost in the final game in overtime, penalty kicks.”
Albert whistled slowly, shaking his head. “Tough break. I usually go outside after dinner to kick around in the backyard, if you want to join me.”
“I’d love to. Your brother doesn’t know how to kick a soccer ball properly.” She gave Jack a wicked grin before looking across the table at Albert. “He has absolutely no ball control.”
“You’re preaching to the choir.” Race pipped in, looking at Katherine. “There may have been several windows broken because someone has a left foot.”
Jack held up his hands in defense. “I didn’t realize the ball would go towards the house. I was aiming towards the field.”
“What are you even saying?” Kat gave him a look, shaking her head. “I don’t even know the words that are coming out of your mouth.”
Albert, Finch, Spot, Race, and Charlie all busted out laughing at Katherine’s bluntness. “Oh you’ve met your match, Jackie.”
Dinner quickly finished up, and before long the table was cleared before the family headed outside to enjoy the last few hours of the day. All the kids ran out into the big backyard while Jack and Medda hung out on the deck. “I’m so glad you’re home, Jack.”
“It’s good to be home momma. How have you been?” Jack looked over at the woman who had saved his life more times than he could count.
Medda reached out and patted his shoulder. “I’ve been good, busy with the kids, making sure they are all happy and have everything you need. It’s been an adjustment since you went back to school but it seems like we’ve got it all figured out now. But I won’t say that I haven’t missed you.”
“I have missed you too, momma.” Jack smiled. “And funny enough, I’ve even missed the zoo and the antics of everyone.”
She gave him a look. “Only you could call this place a zoo and live to tell the tale.”
“Oh momma, you love me so much more than the others. I’m your first born.” Jack grinned, knowing though Medda would deny it, it was true.
Medda watched Kat and Albert pass the ball back and forth between them. “Jack …. you know I love you all equally but I will say the house hasn’t been the same since you went back to college.”
“Is that a good thing or bad?” Jack asked, not really wanting to know the answer either way.
Medda chuckled. “I’ll let you figure that one out.”
Leaning back in the lounge chair, Jack watched his siblings and friends run around the yard. A game of chase had begun while Kat and Albert continued to kick the ball back and forth, dodging hitting anyone in the process. It was good to be home.
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chilly-me-softly · 3 years
Every Little Thing’s Gonna Be Alright • Chapter 19
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Evelyn goes to open the door paying little attention to it sure it's one between her brother or Deb, going back to focus on her suitcase before she forgets anything. When she hears no comment she turns around, finding Jack leaning against the doorframe with a grin on his face.
"What are you doing here?"
"Did you really think I was going to let you just walk away?"
"But I left you a note"
"It wasn't enough" he murmured moving closer, wrapping his hands around her waist and leaving a tender kiss on her lips.
She had woken up happy that morning despite the few hours of sleep, but she was used to that. Jack was still asleep and she had spent a few minutes watching him in adoration. Then she had glanced at the clock and carefully untangled herself from his grasp to get up. She'd taken the first piece of paper she'd found around and a pen and written him a little note. She knew that if she woke him up, the chances of getting out of that room would be nil.
She gathered her things and gently closed the door behind her. No feeling of panic on the horizon, just an overwhelming desire to get back inside. And she'd prayed not to meet anyone on the way to her room, where she'd taken a shower and hidden Jack's clothes in the bottom of her suitcase.
It had turned out that she had lost track of time in the shower, they had a set time for leaving but if she had to be honest she imagined them still in bed not knowing what time they had returned the night before and not hearing from either of them until then.
"Perfect, now I don't want to leave" she moaned into his lips as he left a kiss on her cheek.
"Come on, Ben's waiting for you"
"For all I know he could still be sleeping" she giggles heading towards the bathroom to grab the last of the things left there.
"Nah we just had a really interesting conversation a few moments ago" Jack states sitting down on the bed and Evelyn is quick to turn back.
"Sorry what?"
"But Deb's the one struggling to get up if you really want to know"
"Oh no don't change the subject now. What did you guys talk about?"
"You know..." he vaguely says playing with the zip of her suitcase as she runs a hand through her hair.
"Tell me you didn't. You didn't tell him did you?" he smiles guiltily and she groans then.
"Why?" she murmurs with her face hidden in his chest when he then reaches out and hugs her.
"I wanted to be clear. I don't want to hide that we know each other or that we talk every day, not anymore"
"Still too soon" she murmurs making him smile.
"I want to be free to shower you with kisses always no matter where we are" he states before actually starting to do it, kissing her on the cheeks, on the lips as she wiggles around laughing.
"What did he say? Did he say something right?" she then asks apprehensively and Jack doesn't lose his smile.
"I won't tell you what we said. But I'm in one piece, aren't I?!"
"You are stupid, do you have any idea what the journey home will be like?" she complains again hitting him lightly on the chest as he laughs it off.
"It was the right thing to do"
There is silence in the car, the two siblings' eyes have met a couple of times but Evelyn has always deflected it knowing that he knows now.
"Are you going to start talking or should I ask the questions?" asks Ben after yet another smile at the phone. Parting with Jack had been hard but they were exchanging plenty of messages since she left, having arrived with one of his teammates the boy had both hands free to do so.
"Ben, I was going to tell you. Just not now" she sighs, he doesn't seem angry or anything. His eyes are fixed on the road as they should be and from the outside he just looks like he wants to chat. Deb on the other side just seems to be so excited not to have to hide that whole situation anymore, so genuinely happy for Evelyn.
"This is already hard enough for me, I just wanted to make sure of everything"
"I admit I was quite surprised when Jack asked me to talk. I could never have imagined that"
"I didn't know it. That he'd talk to you" she admits truthfully, their gazes meeting again in the rear view mirror only breaking contact as Ben returns his focus to the road.
"Anyway if you wanted to tell me what you two talked about..." she blurts it out looking at her nails pretending she doesn't care that much.
"Everyone has their secret" he states chuckling hearing a choked sound coming from the back.
"You're my brother, you're supposed to be on my side!"
"He's my friend, don't put me in the middle of this" he retorts quickly firmly as Evelyn puffs up her cheeks letting the air out little by little.
"Would you tell me if I was jumping into something bigger than myself?"
"What exactly are you worried about?"
"Lots of things" she laughs nervously running a hand through her hair, "At first I wondered if I hadn't mistaken a few polite gestures for something more. I wondered if I wasn't misinterpreting my feelings because I'd just ended things with Lucas or if I was so desperate for a father for my little girl to throw myself at the first guy who came along. And being hormonal certainly didn't help me think more clearly"
"Lyn, Jack practically met you when you were already pregnant. If he hadn't wanted to, he wouldn't have gone near you" her brother tries to reason with her, there are so many 'what ifs' in the world and we have to be good at stopping in time before our heads fill up with questions and doubts. And unfortunately her sister has yet to master this technique.
"I know, it's just... ugh I don't know. I can't be completely at peace that's all"
"Life's a gamble Eve, you bet on one person and hope they're the right choice"
"Oh is that what you did with me then?!" Ben turns his head towards his girlfriend for a moment smiling brightly at her.
"Actually if you recall I was aiming for someone else, but you turned out pretty good Chilwell" Deb reaches out from her seat to leave a quick kiss on Ben's cheek before returning to the conversation.
"Why don't you try to I don't know live it up and let each day surprise you with what it wants to give you"
"You're funny. Ben your girlfriend's funny"
"I know" he comments sticking his tongue out at her and she pretends to be disappointed, turning on the radio and crossing her arms over her chest making the two siblings laugh.  
"Just one last thing" Evelyn leans out from the back lightly touching the girl's shoulder, "I just want to thank you both for what you've done for me over the last period. I don't think I have done it yet but I am eternally grateful. For listening to me with my endless paranoia and for the support"
"You don't have to. You know we're always here if you need us" Ben commented after exchanging a quick glance and smile with his girlfriend.
"But no sex talk. Or I'll block you" and the rest of the car ride passes quickly between more chatting, laughing and embarrassing each other. They stop briefly along the way for a break and before she knows it Evelyn has her little girl in her arms.
It had only been a day but she had missed her so much, she even seemed bigger than when she had left. She'd showered her with kisses and apart from the brief moment she'd been in her uncle Ben's arms, she hadn't left her for a moment. Sitting on the couch with her snuggled against her chest, she'd watched her fall asleep and smile and unconsciously clench her little fist around her shirt. She had changed her and fed her, and the smile had never left her face. She'd missed her routine, if she'd had Cece with her in that room too she could swear she'd never come home.
"You are mummy's little cutie. Yes you are" she cooed cuddling the little one filling her ears and heart with the little sounds she makes.
"What?" she asks looking at her brother seeing him with a strange expression on his face intent on watching her.
"Nothing, it's just that sometimes I can't believe my little sister has a baby girl"
"I actually grew her inside me and it seems unbelievable sometimes" she states dreamily before sighing.
"So you don't think I should have let more time pass?"
"Stop. Overthinking" Ben flicks a finger on her forehead, "Seriously, or I'll tell mom"
"No you won't!"
"Guys how come you two always have to bicker?" their mother commented heading to the kitchen passing by just then making them giggle.
"He started it" Evelyn sticks her tongue out at Ben just before her phone starts vibrating not far from them. She then looks up at him smiling innocently and he rolls his eyes stretching and smiling cheekly before running his finger across the screen.
"Stop bothering my sister dude, there's a reason I'm not answering you" Jack's laugh comes soon after.
"Sorry mate, I'm just desperate to see you" he replies as Ben shakes his head turning the camera around framing Evelyn looking for attention waving by moving Cece's arm. And he sees his friend's gaze change slightly as a sweet smile makes its way across his face.
He leaves them alone giving the phone to the girl heading into the kitchen keeping an eye on them from afar and seeing his sister laughing at something his friend is saying to her.
"Do you know someone named Lucas?" his mother distracts him as he tries not to give away information with his body stealing something to eat from the bowl nearby.
"Lucas? You'd have to give me more information to get an answer"
"Fine" the woman plays along stopping what she's doing looking at her son, "Lucas, your niece's father. Who came here yesterday asking to see her"
"He did what? Okay mum don't get mad..."
"Why would I? You just keep hiding things from me" she retorts sarcastically tapping her hands on her thighs and Ben wraps his arms around her body leaving a kiss on her temple.
"Don't try to flatter me now mister" she chastises him failing however to hide the smile that arises on her lips.
"It's just a tricky matter. Lyn just wants to see if he's serious before doing anything, she knows it won't be easy"
"What do you think of him?"
"Lyn kept me away too, I only saw him when he showed up here a couple of weeks ago. I don't think I can say anything"
"They're young, caught up in something bigger than themselves. Don't hold it against him, especially if he's decided to step up now"
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because you're my son and I know you, and I know how you think. Life is not all black and white, draws are also in the mix"
"I'm sorry, is that a football analogy I just heard?!"
"Watch your mouth. I can still put you in your place" the woman says, trying to pull away from her son as Ben begins to shower her with kisses.
"Am I interrupting something?" with hilarity in her voice, Evelyn steps inside the kitchen and Ben loosens his grip on his mother allowing her to pull away.
"No. Come, there's something we need to talk about" he really wants her to enjoy that moment, but she cannot not know. What he hopes at this point is that nothing else will add to the situation, because he doesn't know how long his sister can take it before she bursts dangerously.
Tag: @alexajanecollins @emwritesfootball @rosie7703
Chapter 20
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agustdomain · 4 years
October Ink | #4
TW: Blood, Violence, Murder
Taehyung made a promise to you, one you were terrified he’d keep. After all, love was the most dangerous monster of all.
“WIll that be all?” Your smile grew wider as you pocketed your notepad, your favorite customer waving his hands.
“As much as I’d love to eat another slice of pie, I better exercise some self control,” Hoseok’s beauty was in his kindness, in the way he made sure to acknowledge he knew you were waitress who tried to get the whipped cream on his pie right. If it weren’t for your guarded heart, you were sure you would’ve fallen for him now. 
“Don’t tell my boss,” You leaned closer, “But I’ll pack you a slice. On the house.”
“You’re the sweetest, Sweet Pea,” You laughed at the realization dawning on his face. Heading back to the kitchen, you could say that today, although uneventful, was a successful day. 
The bell ringing at the door made you look out from the back. You waved at Yeji, thankful she was able to pull through tonight. Curse your cheap ass used car. Broken down for the third time in two months.
You had not envisioned this kind of life for yourself. You from two years ago might have a meltdown if she could see you, now. Well, present you would tell her to screw herself. 
You were living and you were surviving. 
“You’re good to go, Sweet Pea,” Your manager patted your shoulder as she swept past, her words making you beam. There was nothing like getting to leave early on Friday night shifts. This little diner thrived the most on late night pit stops. 
After putting away your apron, grabbing your belongings, and clocking out, you headed out through the front. Smiling at people as you walked past, you made sure to nod at Hoseok as you slipped the container onto his table. His smile was small this time, his eyes elsewhere as he watched you go. 
“I’m so ready to pass out,” You groaned, stretching as you stepped out onto the pavement. The sun had just begun to set, and you cursed at the chilly air nipping at your skin. That was one thing you hadn’t grown accustomed to yet- you were a dry heat kind of person, through and through. 
Yeji didn’t say much, even when you asked about her day. She was usually chatty, but you guessed you could say you didn’t know everything about her. She had only recently moved in next door, and after she saw you this morning cursing at your car, she had offered to give you a lift home. Any other person, you would’ve refused. With your options limited, you had accepted without a second though. 
“Hey, Y/N,” You hadn’t noticed her saying your name; everyone that knew you around these parts called you by your nickname, Sweet Pea. It was a safety measure, just in case your past were to come back and haunt you. Only your manager and Yeji knew your real name. That was your first mistake. 
She drummed her fingers on the wheel, eyes flashing over to you. “You got any plans for the night?”
You tilted your head back and forth, before you ended with a shaking of your head. “Nah. Probably order takeout. Watch Friends or something. Go to bed. Why?”
“Just… just wondering. You know, I never see anyone around your place,” Seeing you stiffen, she rushed out, “I’m just… I don’t know. You seem so friendly. I’m just surprised you’re not seeing anyone or have any friends dropping by.”
The words, as innocent as they may have been, twisted up your insides with thorns. As much as you tried to avoid thinking about it, your past had no way of being pushed back down. Your lips twitched at the memories of your little siblings’ squeals, your mother’s cooking, your dad’s shows blasting from the living room. Heart plummeting at the thought of him. 
I’ll always find you. His promise, one that haunted you around every corner.
Without realizing, you two had pulled into the complex. Gathering your purse, you got out of the car, more eager than you were before to just crawl into bed and block out the world. As the two of you walked toward the steps, Yeji reached out and grabbed your arm. 
Alarm bells rang in your head as you tightened up, eyes shooting over to her. 
She let go- a little too slowly- and stepped back. “I just wanted to say sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”
“It’s fine,” Your words sounded breathless, uneven. She was weirding you out, now. You’d only known her for a couple weeks. Why was she butting in all of a sudden?  
Clutching your coat tighter, you bounded up the steps and toward your apartment. Maybe you were being a little too rough on her. She was only being friendly after all. As much as you wanted to avoid the thoughts, you knew who really had you spooked. 
You weren’t sure if escaping him had been luck or something far more complex, but you had taken the chance and ran. Putting your family in danger was out of the question, and the alternative was just as miserable. So over a year ago, you had packed a small suitcase and with little money you had, hit the road. 
The feeling of his lips on your skin stretched throughout your body, goosebumps breaking out as you shakily put your keys into the lock. 
Fangs, grazing your neck. 
Shoving the door open, you locked it tight, including the chain. Resting your head against the cool wood, you breathed in deeply. You forced yourself to push those thoughts away, his smile creeping into your memories, stamping out the bottomless eyes and elongated claws. His laugh blossomed in your ears, blocking out your cries and shrieks of terror at the sound of a body thumping to the ground. 
“I would never-”
“Get away from me.” 
His face changing, his own fangs nicking his lip. The love toward you, gone. 
Your ears strained then, picking up on something long before your mind registered. The sound of a door from down the hall, slowly creaking open. Your blood went cold, body freezing as you listened. Reaching into your purse, you fumbled for your keys as your other hand reached to undo the deadbolts. 
A scream broke from your lips as rapid knocks shook the wood in front of you. After checking the peephole, you blew out a breath before pulling the door open. Yeji stood there in the dim light, face unreadable. 
Glancing over your shoulder, you started to explain, “Someone’s in my-” before something struck you in the side of your head, sending you crashing into the apartment. Blinking away the spots in your vision, you peered up at Yeji with a frown as she stepped into the apartment with the clunk of her boots. Slamming the door shut behind her, she crossed her arms as her face slipped into a mask of rage. 
It dawned on you, then, that everything before this had been the mask. This was really her. 
“Now I know why you don’t have any friends. You’re a bitch.”
“What-What?” You tried to shake off your grogginess, but she had gotten you good. Getting to your feet seemed to be impossible, so you tried pushing away from her, further into the darkness of your living room. She flicked the lights on, pulling off her long coat as if she were making herself at home. Horror crept up on you, knowing already what kind of monsters existed in the world. Was she… one of them? Was she... like him?
“I was just trying to be friendly. Maybe get a feel of who would miss you when you’re gone. Really, I was just trying to be careful. Just in case anyone wanted to show up tonight uninvited. But I’ve been watching you for a while now. Pathetic. No one’s coming, and no one’s going to care when you’re dead.”
She stepped toward you, your hand fumbling for your purse. “You’re… wrong.”
Tilting her head, she stopped. “Am I, Sweet Pea?”
“Yes,” Your tongue was heavy, your body the weight of a ton. Still, you fought it. “You’ll… regret this.”
It was a bluff, you knew. In fact, you knew this was it. But it felt good to see her wonder for a moment, wonder what you meant. It all disappeared in one blink, the same bottomless eyes you’d seen on the man you love bloom in her irises. Her nails bled as they elongated, turning as black as her gaze. Teeth sharpening, fangs jutting out as she stepped closer.
“Maybe I would’ve gone easier on you if you’d just been nice,” She paused before a chilling laugh broke past her lips, “Who am I kidding? I never do.”
The floor creaked from the hallway, her eyes bouncing toward the direction of the sound. Turning back to you, she hissed, “Who’s here?”
Your body knew before you did. Goosebumps broke out across your skin, your breath catching right before he stepped out of the shadows. He was just as you remembered him, long dark hair curling around his ears, magnetic eyes pulling your gaze toward him. 
Him and that blue trench coat he never took off. You didn’t know what was worse: that Taehyung looked as you’d always known him, or that lurking just beneath the surface, the same monster in Yeji was here in this room, too.
It happened so fast, you stumbled as he pulled you up and behind him. 
You breathed in sharply, one hand slowly moving to your bag, hand searching for your pocket knife as you heard his voice for the first time in 14 months. 
“If you want to live,” He tilted his head, “There’s the door.”
Peeking around Taehyung, you saw the shift in her face, the one he had, too.  Human to Monster. “I’ve been craving her for a long time, asshole. She’s mine.”
He hummed, and your heart sighed at the familiar groove in his shoulders, the scent of his perfume lingering to your nose- no. You knew the truth, now. Snapping out of it, you heard him say, “Delusional isn’t a pretty trait, darling.”
Fury twisted her face, her fangs breaking through her mouth as she shrieked, “I’m going to kill you!”
Lunging for him, he ducked out of her reach as his hand went for her neck, slamming her into the coffee table. You heard a crack, heard her wheeze as she reached out and clawed at his face. The hit sent his head twisting in your direction. You swayed at the sight of the gashes on his face, blood dripping from the wounds. Your stomach dropped as his eyes transformed, his head turning back to her.
 “You’re going to regret that.”
You stumbled back in horror, watching as his mouth flashed toward her neck. When he pulled back, her ripped out throat went with it, body stilling on the table. You stumbled backward, knowing what was coming as your hands grazed the bookshelf pressing into your back. Everything you’d done, all of it, was for nothing. He found you. He was going to kill you, then probably kill your family for running from him. 
You broke past the fear just as he finally turned toward you, blood painting the bottom half of his face. Even as a nightmare, he was beautiful. 
Fumbling through your purse, you could cry with relief when your hands gripped the cool silver. Letting your purse sink to the floor, you unbent your pocket knife behind your back. Bracing yourself, you waited just as he stopped in front of you before you plunged the knife into his side, his eyes widening in shock. 
You wondered how you looked, if he still saw the buried love you had for him. Even you saw it sometimes in the mirror. All you could see was the betrayal blooming in his face as his hand shot out, boxing you in as he pulled the knife out with his other hand. Your lunch threatened to rise in your stomach as you spotted the dark liquid on your knife, his hand letting it clink to the ground. 
“Whoever told you silver works on us...lied,” He grimaced, “Though it does hurt like a bitch.”
“Tae… please…” You closed your eyes, flinched at his damp hand grazing your cheek. You were shaking, breathing hard. This was it.
“I missed you.”
“What?” Your breath caught, horrified that he could still cause that reaction. 
He studied your face, and it scared you that all you recognized was the same adoration he always had for you. Even after knowing the truth, why did he still look the same?
Nodding once, he skimmed his thumb across your cheek. “I did. I do love you. That will never change.”
“Don’t. Please,” Your tongue felt heavy, refusing to believe that after all you’d done, he’d still found you. “How did you…?”
Leaning forward, his lips brushed your jaw, your skin lighting up. He hummed when he could hear your heart rate picking up, his lips finding your ear as he whispered, “I said I’d always find you.”
“I… I…” You searched for the words, wondering if there was any way to stop this. “I love you, Taehyung.” It wasn’t a lie. It was the other truth you had run from. You were running from a monster, and you were running from a monster whom you loved. 
“I know you do, sweet pea,” You closed your eyes at that, “Pretty clever to go by the nickname you swore you hate.”
“How did you find me?”
You let him kiss your cheek again, hating yourself for savoring the feeling. It wasn’t easy to just turn off the love you had for the man you’d thought you would marry. Even when you knew he wasn’t exactly a man. 
“At first I thought you’d go far, anywhere to get me away from your family. I knew you were smart, so I followed your trail hundreds of miles out. That’s why it took me a while to realize how deep your love for your family goes. Maybe you did go far at first, but your bond with them is so engraved in you, I knew you’d get nostalgic. I thought of the places you adored, and one struck me in particular. A little run down town you and your family visited once when you were a child. One you dreamt of visiting again, if ever given the chance.”
How? How could he have possibly remembered that?
“And I have a friend. Hoseok. Had him keep an eye on you. Everything was fine until he saw this one,” He tilted his head toward Yeji, “hanging around too close. That’s when I knew I had to make my move.”
“You… left me alone?” You were confused. The betrayal licked at your throat, tears flooding your eyes as you pictured Hoseok’s warming presence. He was Taehyung’s friend? And if he had known you were here all this time, why hadn’t he just killed you then?
He stepped back, eyed his blood-coated fingers. Frowning, he said, “I know you’re terrified of me. But I would never hurt you.”
You shook your head, all the memories flooding back. Sensing something was off with him. Following him, even though you knew it was wrong. Watching as he sank his fangs into someone’s neck, draining them of their blood and their lives. Saw the horror when he spotted you, how it transformed into anger. “You were mad. You wanted to kill me.”
“No. I was mad because you thought so low of me. If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn’t have dated you in the first place.”
“How sweet,” You spit, noticing how he genuinely looked upset. What did this even mean?
He shook his head, gritting his teeth in frustration. “You never even gave me a chance.”
“You’re a killer, Tae. A monster. And because I found out, I was next.”
“Never.”  His word sent a tremor through your body. “I would never kill you. You are the love of my life. But… I am who I am. I planned to tell you, someday, but you found out on your own. There was no coming back from that, and you ran. Ran without a second to spare.”
You collapsed on the couch, cradling your head in your hands. Was he lying, trying to make you put your guard down? Either way, you were screwed. He wasn’t going to kill you… but that didn’t make it right. 
He kneeled in front of you, your heart softening as you drank him in. His face was as soft and loving as it had always been. His hands tentatively touched your knees, and when you didn’t move away, they rested on your thighs. The fear in your heart was sitting comfortable with the all-consuming love you had for him. 
“Tae,” You whispered, and like he knew what you were thinking, he leaned in and brushed his lips on yours, pulling back and waiting for you. Everything came crashing down as you fell into his kiss, his lips moving and molding yours. He was built for you, the one you feared and loved. 
Picking you up, he held you in his arms as he pushed you back into the bookshelf, groaning at the feeling of you. “I love you,” He whispered, said it again and again like it was your name. 
He showed you how much he loved you that night in the darkness of your little apartment, with every kiss erasing your fear little by little. You didn’t understand him, didn’t know what this meant or how you were going to handle this. 
You didn’t even know if you could trust him. 
What did you know? 
Monster or not, the love you had for him had never left. 
“Take me home, Tae,” You whispered as the sun slowly broke the horizon. He could probably sense your distance, your heartache. He didn’t say a word, only pressed a kiss to your temple. 
A promise, you knew. 
No matter what you decided, he meant it. He would never do to you what had scared you off.
Just like that, your deepest fear unravelled, your love for him overtaking you like it did when you first found him. 
You were in a different type of danger now, one in which you were familiar. 
Love was the most dangerous monster of all.
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7-wonders · 5 years
Season of the Witch
Summary: While you’re attempting to survive being kidnapped by a coven of vengeful witches, Michael is not taking your disappearance well. Like, at all.
Word Count: 3082
A/N: Welcome to the trash heap (aka another chapter of Mad Love). Hope everybody is safe and relatively happy right now in the midst of these turbulent times. If you ever just need someone to chat with, I’m always willing to lend an ear.
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
Much like the first time you were taken against your will, you wake up feeling like you’ve just taken a long nap instead of regaining consciousness after being knocked out. Lights shine harshly on your face, forcing you to squint your eyes while you take in your surroundings. The room is small, with no windows to be seen. You think you might be in a basement of some kind, especially with the pipes running along the ceiling. There’s not much for furnishings, just a couple of chairs at one end of the room and the threadbare mattress that you’re settled on. When you try to stand to further examine the room, a heaviness on your left ankle makes you look down and realize that you’re shackled to the floor. At least the Satanists had the decency not to chain you up when they kidnapped you.
“Hello?” you shout, walking as far as the chain will allow you to go towards the door. “Is anybody out there?”
It’s difficult to fully remember what happened before you ended up here. You’re only able to see flashes of scenes; a deer, slamming on brakes, crawling on the damp ground, and four women. You’re supposed to have a sizable cut on your forehead, but prodding the skin reveals no blemish of any kind. Did you just imagine the crash and your injury, or have you been out for longer than you thought?
You’re startled when two of the women you had seen in the woods appear in the room without the door opening. The blonde with kind eyes and the redhead who’s dressed like your elderly grandmother’s floor lamp stand across from you, both staring as they attempt to learn what your move will be.
“Who are you people? Where did you take me?” Your voice comes out harsher than you meant, but you really can’t be blamed.
“Why don’t you have a seat (Y/N)? We can further discuss what’s going on, and talk about getting you unchained.” You narrow your eyes, but sit on the mattress since you’re not exactly in a position to be arguing. “My name is Cordelia Goode, does that sound familiar to you?”
“No, should it?”
Cordelia pulls a chair closer to you before sitting down, but the other woman remains standing. “I was just trying to gather the extent of your knowledge on the situation. What do you remember before ending up here?”
“I was,” you pause, the argument that you and Michael had making you huff angrily, “there was a deer that ran out in front of me when I was driving, and I lost control of my car and crashed.”
“I do apologize for that. We weren’t aware of how much it had rained, or else I would have never conjured that illusion. The crash was not something we were planning on.”
“Wait, you made me crash my car?” It only takes a second for you to connect the dots. “Holy shit, you’re witches!”
You don’t know if this is good or bad. The witches are Michael’s enemies, which means they took you for a reason. However, you didn’t need rescuing from Michael; it had been almost a year since your arrangement had begun, and you were far from his captive. Although Michael had never outright told you how Ms. Mead came to be an AI, you had snooped in his office one day and found files related to her creation. A descriptive summary of the background told you everything you needed to know about the capture and execution of Michael’s mother figure, with the goal being to weaken Michael’s resolve to carry out his father’s mission. 
Seeing the panic on your face, Cordelia offers you a reassuring smile. “There’s nothing to worry about, you’re safe.”
“Safe? How the hell am I safe? You kidnapped me!”
“You’re not dead, though, which is ‘safe’ in my book.” The other blonde appears now, obviously not pleased at having to be here.
“But you’re planning on killing me.” They glance at each other awkwardly, not sure how to explain their plan. “Oh, don’t act coy now. I know what you did with Ms. Mead. It was only a matter of time before I was next.”
“As of right now, you’re just...a bargaining tool. You’re what will bring Michael to his knees. It’s obvious that our original plan failed, which is why we’re trying a new tactic,” Cordelia says.
“You couldn’t have just sent him an email?” you ask dryly.
“This was more likely to get his attention.”
“Michael’s going to come for me, you know,” you fold your arms across your chest haughtily, “and when he does, he’s gonna be pissed.”
The other blonde smirks as she bends down in front of you, and you hiss when her manicured nails dig into the skin of your cheeks. “Mm, bold of you to assume that he’s going to show up at all.”
“Madison,” Cordelia chastises, yanking the younger woman up.
“Look, I don’t feel the same, but Michael loves me. And though I don’t know a lot about whatever’s going on between you, I do know that Michael hates all of you.”
“But you told him not to contact you for a few days.” Your spine stiffens when you hear a voice that’s all-too familiar, with Mallory completing the quartet that had found you in the woods.
“Mallory,” you whisper in disbelief. “How do…?”
“You got into a fight with Michael and you told him that calling and texting would do no good because you needed to be alone for a couple of days.” 
“You were in on this? You’re a witch?”
Mallory gives a pained nod, filling you with sick pleasure at the knowledge that she’s not enjoying this. “I wasn’t able to--”
“What the fuck, Mallory!” You lunge for her, determined to get your hands on her and show her just how hurt you are, but the chain around your ankle jerks you painfully to the ground. Mallory opens her mouth to speak, but Cordelia’s hand on her shoulder stops the words before they can form.
“Why don’t you leave for a little bit?” You glare at the women, scoffing darkly.
“Yep, run away Mallory, go ahead and do whatever Cordelia tells you to do!” Mallory’s cheeks flush pink, but, just as expected, she teleports out of the room with the other blonde like the woman (her mom? her boss?) asks her.
“(Y/N),” Cordelia turns back to you, “we’re on the same side here. We both want to see Michael fall.”
“What makes you think I want to see Michael fall?”
“Did he not force you to be his wife?” The redhead finally speaks, her eyes looking owlishly large behind her glasses. “You continue to remain married to him under threats, yes?”
“Michael’s my friend,” you insist, “and you’re going to try and kill him. Regardless of how we came to know each other, I care about him. You don’t sit by and watch your friends fall into a trap that’s going to end with them dead.”
Cordelia’s lips tighten to a thin line as she attempts to hold in her anger. “You’ll come around. Come along, Myrtle.”
The remaining witches disappear right as you tug your shoe off, the footwear being flung at nothing but a wall before you let out a yell of frustration.
Days pass without any sign of Michael, a fact that’s not too surprising considering what you told him before you walked out. Still, you enjoy making the witches’ lives a living hell, so when you’re not flinging profanities at them when they bring you food or unchain you so you can use the restroom, you’re reminding them that Michael’s going to come for them. If you’re being honest, you start to say it more to convince yourself than the witches. It’s been five days since you’ve been kidnapped; surely Michael would have tried to contact you now and realized that something’s wrong?
After seven days of being mostly confined to your small room, you start to lose hope. What if Michael just doesn’t come? He could easily decide that you’re not worth the trouble that you bring and leave your fate in the hands of these witches. For all you know, his father could have picked a perfect Satanic bride for him and he could already be creating heirs with wife number two. It’s a dangerous thought spiral, but what else is there to do when you’re trapped in a windowless cell with minimal human contact for days on end?
As day seven draws to a close (you can tell the days have changed by who comes into your cell: Madison Montgomery in the morning with breakfast, Myrtle Snow brings you lunch, and Cordelia Goode tries to glean more information from you over dinner), you lay facing the back wall on your mattress. You’re trying to figure out if screaming in your mind would reach Michael when you hear somebody say your name from behind you. Turning around, you roll your eyes when you see Mallory standing nervously in the center of the room. She hasn’t shown her face since the day you were thrown in here, which means Cordelia must be trying a new tactic.
You roll back over to face the wall, a silent cue that she’s not welcome here. Instead of leaving, which is what you had hoped for, she sighs and sits down on the chair. “You have every right to be mad at me,” Mallory says.
Mallory’s expecting you to yell at her or throw her a sarcastic insult, which is why you choose to remain silent. She’s obviously not expecting that, and you can hear her shifting her weight as she waits in the hopes that you’ll crack before she does.
“If I were in your position, I’d be mad too.” You admire her tenacity at attempting to get you to speak. “I want you to know that I’m sorry for my involvement in this. I don’t regret protecting my sisters, though; Michael is a threat to our coven, and I will do anything to protect my home. But I’m sorry for lying to you, and for spying on you. When I was given this mission, we were all under the impression that you were going to be this devoted Satanist of a wife.
“Instead, I found out that we were completely wrong. You didn’t even want to be married, let alone married to the Antichrist! You stand up to him in a way that I don’t think he’s ever experienced from anybody, and you treat him like he’s a normal person. You’re...so fucking funny, (Y/N), and you’re caring and kind and always willing to do anything for anybody. You’re my friend, and I’m sorry that I abused that trust to continue with this stupid mission when it obviously wasn’t yielding any answers.”
As you continue your silent streak, you have to bite your lip to keep from laughing when Mallory huffs loudly. The legs of the chair squeak harshly against the ground as she abruptly stands, her patience obviously reaching its end.
“Can you at least say something? Anything? Seriously, anything! Yell, scream, curse, whatever! I don’t care what it is, I just want you to say something.”
While you could, quite literally, say ‘something,’ you decide to indulge her. “I think I got over being mad a couple of days ago.”
“You did?” Mallory asks, voice full of hope.
You turn to lay on your back, still refusing to actually look at Mallory. “A couple of weeks after the Satanists kidnapped me and forced me to marry Michael, I came to the realization that it doesn’t do anyone any good to always be angry. Being constantly bitter and resentful comes at a mental and emotional cost, and that’s not the type of person that I am. I can feel other emotions about a person or event without being angry.”
“Let me guess: you’re not mad, just disappointed?” You chuckle before you can stop yourself, shaking your head.
“No. Mainly, I just feel betrayed.” Heartbreak colors her face, but you continue to talk. “It’s like Michael stabbed me in the back, and then you took the knife out before stabbing me in a different spot.”
“I wish I could change this. I never meant for any of this to happen. You shouldn’t be here right now, and Cordelia should never have kidnapped you.”
“You can change it, Mallory. Get me out of here.” She’s visibly torn, and you sigh. “Right, you can’t. Duty to your sisters, and all that.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Just because you keep saying it, doesn’t mean that I forgive you.” You close your eyes. “Can you leave? I want to be alone right now, and I can’t exactly leave in order to be alone.”
Although the last thing Mallory wants is for the conversation to end like this, she’s trying to win back your favor, so she obliges and leaves. You bury your face into the mattress, refusing to let the tears streaming from your eyes see the light of day. 
The first couple of days after you had stormed out of the manor, Michael had respected your wish to not be contacted. It had taken every ounce of willpower he possessed, but the memory of unbridled hurt on your face when the pieces of this puzzle came together was enough to have him setting his phone back down. He would give you your space, even though it pained him immensely.
As the fourth day without any word from you came and went, Michael began to get concerned. While he had been worried about you before, this was different. You’re the type of person who always keeps to their word, and he knows that you should have--would have contacted him by now. Even if it was just a single sentence saying that you needed more time, he would have received a text from you by now.
Thus began a search that Michael was desperately hoping would not be a search. Sure that he was just overreacting, he attempted divination to figure out where you had gone after you left. Although he could just use his powers to find your current location, he knew that would be a breach of your privacy that would only add to the amount of trouble that he’s in with you. Using a stray hair tie that you had left in his office, Michael then watched in horror as the scene of you crashing into a ditch and being stolen away by witches played out like a movie in front of his eyes.
He had found your car, still sitting wrecked in the same spot where it had come to rest after you hydroplaned across the road. Much to his dismay, there were dark splatters on the ground that he just knew were made by your blood. Even worse was the fact that the witches must have put some sort of magical veil over you, as Michael couldn’t find any trace of you after the crash.
The house became a series of war rooms as Satanists streamed in and out of Michael’s office, each leaving more terrified than they could have ever imagined. He’s heard the whispers from his followers that he’s become fully unhinged, and he can’t say he disagrees. It’s been ten days since you disappeared, and Michael can’t recall actually sleeping once in those ten days. There have been occurrences where he’s passed out from exhaustion on top of his desk, but those moments are few and far between.
The only reason he’s not wearing the same clothes from nearly two weeks ago is because of Ms. Mead’s motherly presence refusing to let him waste away to nothing. She sticks annoyingly to a routine, making sure that Michael eats at least three times a day and takes care of himself. It’s hard to do anything, however, when it feels like a piece of himself is missing. It takes him nearly a week to decipher this new emotion, but when he does, he comes to a startling realization.
Michael misses you. He’s never missed anyone before, but the rawness of a gaping hole in his chest where his heart has been figuratively ripped out can only be described as longing. If he wasn’t suffering from sleep deprivation, he would be able to compose poems about all of the things that he misses about you. Mostly, he just misses your constant presence. He’s not only in love with you; you’re his best friend, and having that companionship taken away so swiftly is something that he’s not dealing with well. 
It’s midnight when he’s stirred out of scrolling through pictures you’ve taken of both of you on his phone, a loud knock on the front door echoing through the house. It couldn’t be a Satanist, since they’ve all gone home until tomorrow, and Michael doesn’t know who else knows where he lives. Getting up to answer the door, he’s half-hoping that it will be you knocking. Instead, it’s someone he never would have expected to see.
“You’re (Y/N)’s friend, right? Mallory?” He’s doing a terrible job at pretending like he’s not shocked to see the small brunette standing at the front door, but attempts some form of nonchalance anyways. “Uh, (Y/N)’s actually not here right now. We got into a fight, and now I don’t--”
“I know,” she cuts Michael off, cringing at the surprise on his face. “Look, before you kill me, you need to hear me out.”
“Kill you? Why would I kill you?”
Mallory takes a deep breath in preparation of her potential impending death. “I’m actually a witch, and a member of Cordelia Goode’s coven. I know where (Y/N) is, and I want to help you get her back.”
Michael stares at her, his face refusing to betray how he feels. His hand flexes at his side as Mallory clenches her eyes shut, having heard stories of how the young Antichrist was able to obliterate his victims’ souls with a single glance.
“You had better explain this situation to the letter, as I’m really not in the mood for games lately.” He spins on his heel and walks into the manor, leaving a stunned Mallory standing behind him before she realizes that she should follow, for better or for worse.
Tag List: @ccodyfern​ @trelaney​ @sammythankyou​ @girlycakepops​ @ultragibbycentralworld​ @xavierplympton​ @ajokeformur-ray​ @nana15774​ @queencocoakimmie​ @lichellaw​ @grim-adventures58​ @dandycandy75​ @trimbooohgodplsnoooo​ @everything-is-awesomesauce​ @jimmlangdon​ @omgsuperstarg​ @queenie435​ @dextergirl12345​ @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26​ @hplotrfan​ @1-800-bitchcraft​ @coloursunlimited​ @kahhlo​ @storminmytwistedmind​ @langdonslove​ @cuddletothecake​ @nsainmoonchild​ @born-on-stgeorges-day​ @tcc-gizmachine​ @90sroger​ @gold-dragon-slayer​ @atombombastic​ @lvngdvns​ @blakewaterxx​ @yoheyyosup​ @forever1313​ @ladyrindt​ @kaetastic​ @hecohansen31​ @loilko​ @riotsouls666 @lustminaj​ @accio-rogers​ @holylangdon​ @sojournmichael​ @lenas-wild-imagination @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night​ @diaryofalandlockedmermaid​ @dark-mei-rose​
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joon-ipersgirl · 4 years
O5 - “the coveted client”
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genre: mafia!au, angst, fluff, slow burn, mystery-thriller
pairing: namjoon x reader (f)
word count: 4.6k
warnings: cursing
summary: charismatic. beautiful. fearless without question. the ambitious team of seven young men in charge of spiral, downtown district's hottest new club, go above and beyond to provide 100% satisfaction to their clients.
after an eventful night out, you have no choice but to join the team for property damages greater than your intern salary. challenging a series of events that can no longer be left to coincidence, secrets threaten to burst at the seams as your professional and private life collide, and another - more sinister - debt is added to your total.
how far are you willing to go to pay back your pound of flesh? remember nothing is ever as it seems...
a/n: hello friends. here is part 5. leave a comment on how you're feeling about this story. i'm debating on discontinuing it from tumblr. thank you vi for reading as always. enjoy everyone :)
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full masterlist // series masterlist // previous // next
Training tonight @ 6pm. Don’t be late. You read the incoming text with a grin. Even in text, Suga is straight to the point. Shoving your phone back into your pants pocket, you leave the small kitchenette and head back to your small desk with a fresh cup of coffee in hand. You can still remember the looks of horror on the boys’ faces after Suga announced your immediate hire and it’s been two weeks since then. Was it wrong to take pleasure in their discomfort? Probably. Would you stop? Never.
“Is that a smile I spy on Miss Y/N Y/L/N’s face? The Devil must be here to collect his wife,” Paul exclaims as you sit back down. You laugh and prop your chin on your hand as you stare at him over your desktop screen.
“Can a woman not just be happy, Paul? Why does it have to come at the expense of a man?” you ask, a fake feign of hurt in your voice.
“Of course women can. Just not you,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders. You shake your head, your smile still present on your face. Paul would not ruin your good mood.
“Ouch. That one might have hurt if I actually gave a fuck about your opinion of me,” you say while reorganizing the folders Manager Kim had dropped onto your desk from the day before.
“Y/N! Language!” Laura chides as she walks into your cramped office space. You roll your eyes and flip through the countless papers on your desk to order them in order of priority.
It’s honestly a miracle that none of you manage to murder each other while you work though it’s crossed your mind several times. JM Events and Affairs is a lucrative event planning company, but apparently could not afford to at least place its clerks in a room larger than 500 sq ft. Being entry level is a struggle most days, but eventually it would all pay off and you would become a successful event planning guru. For now though, you’re stuck here with the imbeciles you had to call co-workers.
“Manager Kim wants to see us in her office,” James says as he pokes his head around the wall of the cubicle, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. “Now,” he emphasised. He doesn’t wait for you to follow.
Paul shoots you and Laura a raised brow of confusion as you grab your notepads and file down the long corridor to Manager Kim’s well decorated office. She’s an older woman who’s been in the business longer than you’ve been alive. She credits her success to always staying ahead of the trend even if she didn’t create it, though most times she did. Her style is impeccable and she is meticulous as she is jovial. She’s, quite simply, a genius.
James has already taken a seat in one of the two plush grey chairs in front of her large, industrial sized desk. Rows of colorful binders are organized on her desk - no doubt detailing the new events the company is planning on hosting. Manager Kim enjoys the arts and it’s evident from the variety of paintings that hang on the wall. Today, she’s dressed in a powder blue knit sweater that matches whatever shade of nail polish she wears tucked into a pair of belted, high waisted wide leg pants. Her matching steel toe boots peek from underneath.
“Ah, good. You’re all here,” she begins as she sits behind her desk. You gesture for Laura to take the other available seat as you stand behind James and Paul stands next to you.
“We have a new client considering the company for an event. He’s very important for future networking opportunities so I expect the very best work from you.” Manger Kim usually wasted no time getting straight to the point and today is no different. “In fact, I’ve been monitoring your work very closely because I knew a client like this would be coming very soon,” she stands from her desk, navy blue binder in hand.
“What kind of event is he planning on having?” James inquires, his pen ready to take notes.
“He didn’t give specific details, but I’m sure if we can book him for this minor event, he’ll give us the main one. I’m quite sure of it.” Manager Kim snaps the binder shut and smiles at you all. Her white blonde bob is immaculate, not a single strand out of place.
“Should we start drafting ideas now?” Laura asks.
“Yes, I need several drafts from each of you by 4pm this afternoon. Please have them -”
“Are we just supposed to forget about the other events we have coming up? This guy didn’t even give us any major details for effective planning!” Paul interrupts. Manager Kim turns to look at him.
“Well Paul, if this client is of no importance to you -” Paul tries to backtrack, but to no avail as Manager Kim continues on “- I will not need your drafts or your portfolio.” She beams at him and Paul blanches. You grimace.
“As I was saying. Please have your portfolios and 4 drafts submitted to me by 4pm today. They should be in priority order and include everything from food to colors, entertainment and venues. Remember, the customers knows best -”
“- but finesse, finesse, finesse,” you, Paul, James, and Laura finish. Manager Kim should have that framed and put on her wall.
“Lovely. Goodbye,” she waves no longer looking at you, already lost in her grueling event editing process. You knew better than to loiter and the four of you head back to your small workspace.
“You really fucked up there Paul,” you say as you sit down at your desk.
“Thanks, Y/N,” Paul deadpans. He drops his head quite heavily on his desk. Laura winces.
“It’s okay, Paul. Maybe you can still show her something and -” she starts.
“You know Manager Kim isn’t the forgiving kind,” James interrupts. “There’s nothing more he can do,” he finishes nonchalantly.
“I hate to agree -” you begin.
“No you don’t,” Paul cuts in.
“- but James is right. Manager Kim is all about quick thinking and Paul failed that test. He’ll have another time to redeem himself, but he has to sit this one out. You should be happy, Laura. Less competition,” you say with a shrug and flip open your notepad to start drafting.
“Do you even have an empathetic bone in your body, Y/N?!” Laura hisses as she walks over to rest a hand on Paul’s shoulder.
“Sometimes,” you reply. “But everyone has to eat and I refuse to go to sleep on an empty stomach.”
Laura looks disgusted at your answer and she goes back to consoling Paul. James had left the conversation a long time ago and you admired his ability to ignore almost everyone around him. His coldness and detachment made him ruthless in an unsuspecting way and you’d learned the hard way not to underestimate him. Laura would learn eventually that while people thought it was the strong who survived, it was really those who were able to adapt to any environment that really thrived.
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It’s after lunch that you receive an email from Manager Kim requesting for you to meet her in the lobby in fifteen minutes without any further explanation. You ask no questions and sit in the lobby, counting the people that come out of the elevator that were not Manager Kim. It’s already 1:24 pm and you’ve just started your third draft. Creating on a time crunch with no real guidance is no walk in the park and you try to keep your frustrations under control as you run through possible color combinations for the event.
“Y/N! There you are! Let’s go,” Manager Kim calls as she exits the building without checking to see if you follow.
You scramble to grab your purse and notepad, scurrying across the lobby in the high heels she insists you wear. Manager Kim is already seated in a company car as you yank the passenger side door open and fall into the seat.
“Very good,” she says and wastes no time pulling into traffic. You awkwardly try to secure your seatbelt as she zips through the small spaces between cars. Gods protect you from this woman and her hazardous driving.
“Where are we going?” you ask after you manage to situate your purse, coat, and notepad in your lap comfortably.
“Downtown. We’re meeting with the client.”
“We?!” you repeat, surprised.
“That’s what I said isn’t it? We’re also late,” she says as she makes a sharp right turn onto Matthews St. You barely miss hitting a cyclist and you send up another small prayer for you to make it to your destination safely.
“What about the drafts and portfolios? Aren’t you going to review -”
“Did I say I wasn’t?” She glances over at you from the corner of her eye and you close your mouth. You would not fail this test.
Manager Kim pulls over into an impossibly tight space in front of a large corporate building that reads Hastings and Lewis. A well established law firm if you remember correctly. It has to be at least 14 stories high and exudes the architect’s vision of simple modern design with large windows and exposed steel structural support. You both exit the car and you align your steps with hers, your heels clicking in time against the marble flooring as you enter the building. You say good afternoon to the doorman who simply nods at you in greeting.
“Hello. How can I help you?” the receptionist asks behind the raised desk, her head barely visible.
“Yes, hello. My name is Madeline Kim. I have an appointment to speak with Mr. Cavallero at 2:15pm.” You glance at the clock behind the receptionist. 1:53pm. You bite your lip to hold your outburst. To be early is to be on time, you could hear her say.
The receptionist smiles and nods as she searches her computer for the appointment. “Yes, here it is. Please have a seat. Someone will come and get you shortly.”
Manager Kim nods and perches in one of the available seats. You shake your head as you take a seat next to her, ignoring the itching in your palm to pull out your notepad and finish your drafts. You can tell by the way Manager Kim is sitting, not scrolling through her various binders or the calendar on her phone, this is a formal interview and you would not be the one to fuck it up. There would be time to finish the drafts. You would make sure of it.
“Ms. Kim?” A young man in a sharp, black suit stands in the center of the room smiling at you. 2:05pm. Right on time. “If you could follow me this way, please.” He turns towards the golden elevators and you follow behind him. “My name is Lewis Carlisle and I am the assistant to Mr. Cavallero,” he tells you as he pushes the button for the 10th floor. He sticks his hand out for each of you to shake.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Carlisle. Thank you for having us. This is my assistant, Ms. Amani Jung.” A lie, but you go with it.
“A pleasure to meet you,” you say with a bright smile and a firm handshake. He returns a smile of his own.
The elevator doors open and you follow Mr. Carlisle through the open workspace plan. This is the kind of place that promoted collaboration and teamwork. How could it not when the light airy feeling made you want to turn to your neighbor and ask them what they thought about a particular problem? JM Events and Affairs should have hired their interior designer. Maybe some of their employees wouldn’t struggle as much to meet their deadlines.
“Mr. Cavellero unfortunately will not be able to meet with you in person today -” Manager Kim’s smile tightens at his words “- but he did relay all of his expectations for the company brunch,” Lewis says as he holds open the door to a small meeting room. It’s in the center of the floor and the walls are made of pure plexiglass. It screamed expensive.
“How wonderful,” Manager Kim comments as she sits down and sets her purse down on the ground.
“Would either of you like something to drink? Water? A Coke?”
“ A water with light ice will do, thank you,” she says.
“I’ll take a bottle of water, please,” you reply and sit down beside Madeline. You discreetly pull out your design notepad along with your actual note-taking pad. Lewis nods and promises to return quickly with your drinks as well as the file containing the event details.
“You seem upset,” you comment while scribbling down the words brunch and law firm onto a new blank sheet for your fourth and final draft, your brain already conjuring up ideas.
“What makes you think that?” she asks, turning to you slightly as she too sets up her own note-taking station.
“Your smile failed to meet your eyes,” you say nonchalantly. From the corner of your eye, you see her break into a grin as Lewis enters the room, a cup of water in one hand, a bottle in the other, and a slim manilla folder tucked underneath his arm.
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“Thank you again, Mr. Carlisle,” Manager Kim says with another bright smile, her hand in his as they shake hands again.
“You’re very welcome. I’m sure Mr. Cavallero will love what you put together for brunch,” he replies.
The meeting seems to be a success and you’d gained some much needed insight for your fourth draft while being Madeline’s “assistant”. You’re no longer paying attention as you exit the meeting room and head back towards the main elevator, Madeline and Lewis making polite conversation. You run over all of your drafts as you check the time discreetly. It’s 3:20pm. You would still have enough time to review your plans and work on the others files Manager Kim had assigned. You grin in victory.
“Mr. Cavallero!” Lewis exclaims as the elevator doors open.
The man is an older gentleman with neatly groomed hair and warm brown eyes. His coal grey suit is neatly pressed, a sharp crease present in the center of his pant leg. Definitely high quality and only dry-cleaned. His smile displays a set of perfect of white teeth. As he steps out of the elevator, holding it open so it wouldn’t close, the Armani Exchange watch glitters under the artificial lights.
“Mr. Carlisle. I assume this must be our event coordinators. I’m sorry I couldn’t meet with you. An emergency meeting was called for a major case,” he apologizes.
“I understand, Mr. Cavallero. Things are sometimes out of our control. No need to explain,” Madeline says with a smile as she enters the elevator. You follow behind her. “Mr. Carlisle was quite capable. I will have Miss Y/L/N send over the final details for the event by Friday for your approval.”
Mr. Cavallero’s eyes shift over to you and he smiles. “I look forward to it. Enjoy the rest of your day, ladies.” He let the doors go as Lewis tells you goodbye, the doors closing off the last of his words.
Manager Kim’s shoulders visibly relax as you descend to the lobby, but you make no comment. Though their conversation was brief, something had clearly transpired between them. Madeline seems to have noticed you watching her as she inhales and fixes her posture. She was back to business.
“I assume I don’t have to tell you not to say anything about this meeting?” she asks as she nods her thanks to the doorman, your steps once more in sync as you exit the high rise building.
“What meeting?” You say with a grin as you wait for her to unlock the company car.
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The heat of the staircase in Spiral welcomes you again like a familiar friend after not seeing them for a long time. There is still the hustle and bustle of vendors dropping off boxes as the final details of the new designs are being put into place. People couldn’t wait to see how Spiral had fared after the robbery - which you still didn’t believe was actually what happened - and it seems like Friday’s opening night couldn’t come soon enough. Even Paul and Laura were considering stopping by after all of the shit they talked before.
You enter the main space and glance around, looking for one of the boys. Your purse bag is heavy from the event files and you head over to set it on top of the bar while resting your aching feet. Paul, Laura, and James could not believe you’d managed to turn in your drafts and portfolio at exactly 3:57pm after being gone so long; they would eventually learn to not underestimate you. You glance around again and notice a group of people sitting in one of the newly upholstered booths quietly chatting to one another across the way. Were these the new employees?
“Already lounging on the first day of the job, Y/L/N?”
You look to your left as you shrug off your heavy overcoat and see Honcho coming around the bar, a pile of clothes in his hands.
“Of course not. I just wasn’t sure who to report to,” you say with a shrug.
“Well, you’re looking at him,” he replies with a grin. You have to stop your mouth from falling open. Of all people, it had to be him? “What? Are you disappointed?” he asks as he continues across the room to the small group. You grab your stuff and walk over after him.
“No, I just thought -”
“Thought it would be Suga? As much as you like to charge in and demand shit sweetheart, Suga is a very busy man and doesn’t have the time to appease you all the time. Sit,” he commands with a jerk of his head. You narrow your eyes at him, but obey. It’s only then that you notice the other five persons staring at you in confusion as you bickered. You swallow the urge to huff in annoyance as Honcho begins speaking.
“Thank you all for being on time. Congratulations on being hired. I’m Honcho and I’ll be your manager at Spiral. You’ll meet the rest of the guys later. These are your uniforms. We have a strict adherence uniform policy, so please do your best to be dressed in your proper attire. If you have long hair, it will be tied up or back in a bun or ponytail. Ladies, we ask that you wear red lipstick to match our colors. We’ve also given you options for bottoms: a skirt or pants.” Honcho holds up a pair of each for demonstration. “Whatever you decide to wear is up to you. We only ask that all your shoes are closed toed and we would prefer no sneakers; we’re trying to sell a vibe here. Any questions?” He doesn’t wait for anyone to speak up. “No? Great. If you could introduce yourselves to each other, that’d be fantastic.” He looks over to the boy on the other side of the booth.
“Uh, hi. My name is Micah. I’m 21 and recently graduated from college.” He tosses up a small wave before pushing his glasses further up his nose. He’s narrow shouldered and naturally blonde. Cute, if you will. They would chew him up and eat him alive if he continued to be so timid.
“Hey, I’m Luca. I’m 23 and a graduate student at Oberman.” Luca definitely fit the vibe Spiral os going for with his dark hair and dark eyes. He would have no problem wooing the numerous women who would walk through the door. A great business move in your opinion.
“Hey y’all, Savannah here. I’m 22 and working part time while in school.” Another blonde hair, blue-eyed coworker. How fun. The bubbles in champagne had nothing on her as she beams at the rest of you around the table.
“I’m Jack. I’m 24 and I guess I’m here to save up for a new car? Need some extra cash,” he finishes with a bashful grin. The girl next to you snorts. Jack is a big man with broad shoulders and you would assume he was hired as additional security based on his size. Imagine a man as big as him bringing over your strawberry mojito? Exactly.
“Giselle. 21. Law student. Loans have to pay themself off somehow right?” Luca laughs and Giselle smiles. Yuck. If you weren’t already sick of the office romance - if you could call it that - between Laura and Paul at JM, you were going to have to endure another one here? Gods be with you.
“Y/N Y/L/N. I’m 22 and an event planner,” you say nonchalantly and turn to Honcho, waiting for his next instructions.
“Not going to tell us the reason you’re here?” he smirks and you roll your eyes.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
“I’d like a lot of things, Y/L/N. In fact, I can think of a few -”
“Gross,” you say, interrupting him, your face turned down in disgust. He laughs.
“Always think someone wants something from you, huh?” He shakes his head, still chuckling. “Everyone, go get changed and I’ll explain your duties to you once you get back.”
The six of you ease out of the booth, grabbing your uniforms as you head to the restrooms to get changed. As you follow Savannah and Giselle, you can’t help but scan the hallway for anything you could have missed as the memory of your second night here flashed across your mind. There had to be something that you were missing.
“I hope these uniforms are cute,” Giselle grumbles as she steps into an empty stall.
“I’m sure it’ll look great,” Savannah chirps.
You step into your own individual stall and drop your stuff on the floor. Slipping out of your heels, you step out of your slacks and tug off your blouse. You hold up the uniform shirt. It’s a plain black t-shirt with the letters in red spelling out Spiral in a spiral formation. The pants are made of a faux leather shiny material. They look tight and the sides have cut outs with strings laced in them from hip to ankle. The skirt is exactly the same. You sigh. This was really the vibe?
You dress quickly and tug on your Doc Martens. Honcho would have to wait for the lipstick. Exiting the stall, you see Savannah trying to adjust the strings on her pants while chewing her lip.
“Is it supposed to be this exposed?” she asks, checking herself out in the mirror.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure,” Giselle says exiting the stall and tugging down the hem of her skirt.
“So much for equality in the workplace huh?” you say. The two of them laugh.
The three of you return to the main space, Micah, Luca, and Jack already back at the booth with Honcho. Their eyes widen when they see you.
“Looking good ladies,” Honcho calls with his traditional large grin. Of course he would comment.
“Yeah, yeah. What’s next?” Giselle asks as she wiggles her way back into the booth, trying to cover her modesty.
“We’re going to take a tour of the facilities, get you acquainted with the space, and fill out the last pieces of paperwork. We’ll also have you help with some of the decorations; don’t worry, you’re going to get paid for this session. Then, we’ll see you on Friday for your shifts,” he replies. “Alright, let’s go.”
Again, he doesn’t wait for you to follow. As you’re setting your belongings down to catch up with the rest of the group, you spot Jin heading towards the bar. Just the man who you needed to see.
“Are you coming Y/N?” Savannah calls to you as the group heads up to the second level.
“Yeah, I’ll be right there!” you lie, knowing damn well you’re going to ambush Jin. You pretend to search for something in your purse as you double-check the group is far enough on the second level to not notice you not following before you head over to Jin.
“Well hello Jin,” you say as you wiggle your way onto a bar stool.
“Y/N,” he says with a chuckle. “What can I do for you?”
“Just answer a few simple questions.” you smile as you rest your chin on your palm.
“Alright,” he replied skeptically.
“Where’d you move the body?” The bottle of Aperol nearly slips out of his grip as he turns to look at you.
“Excuse me?” There’s no laughter in his voice.
“The body of the man in the bathroom,” you clarify. “How’d you get it to disappear like that?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he replies, busying himself with stocking up the bottles of alcohol under the shelf. He won’t meet your eyes. You know he’s lying; his body language says it all.
“Oh come on, Jin. You can tell me. It’s not like I’m going to go to the cops or anything,” you say nonchalantly. “Clearly they didn’t seem to care since they weren’t that thorough with their questions.”
“Y/N, I really don’t know what you’re talking about. You were concussed remember? Maybe you imagined whoever you’re talking about.” He glances up at you. You roll your eyes.
“Really Jin? You’re going to use the concussion line on me? You knew that I shot him; I told you that. I just want to know where you put him and why there were no reports of a missing man from the incident on the news at all,” you say with a shrug. He finally turns to face you.
“Maybe nobody reported him missing. Maybe he slipped out after you ducked behind the bar. What does it matter? Look, it was a traumatic night. For all of us. I don’t know anything about whatever or whoever you’re talking about. Hell, you probably don’t know either. Please, don’t make this working relationship anymore difficult for yourself than it already is. Just come in, keep your head down, and head out.” His hands are splayed out on the bar and the distance between you has closed significantly from when he’d started talking as he stares you down. “Worry about the things that concern you, like repaying your debt.” His tone is sharp and final. There’s no friendliness in his face either.
“Y/L/N! You’re not getting paid to sit on that pretty little ass of yours. Get up here now!” Honcho yelles down to you over the railing of the second floor balcony.
Ignoring Honcho, you cock your head and look at Jin again, thinking. “Okay Jin. Heard you loud and clear.”
You hop off the bar stool and adjust your skirt. You say nothing further as you head upstairs. It seems as though Jin would be of no help to you, but honestly, it didn’t matter. If it didn’t concern you, why was Jin lying about knowing what man you were talking about? Why had Suga tried to discreetly cover up that paper in his office the other day? What was really going on at Spiral? You’re determined to figure it, even if you have to work extra hours to do it. What happens in the dark must eventually come to light.
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joon-ipersgirl, 2020
23 notes · View notes
fortheloveoffanfic · 4 years
Keanu Reeves x Reader (A/n- This is the end, though I feel like its not the end that everyone’s been anticipating, but I’ve had it planned for almost two months.) Chapter Summary- Y/n and Daniel make a decision about their marriage and a reunion with Keanu isn’t a easy as anyone thought it would be.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16
Warnings- Some angst
Chapter 17
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Their house sits at the top of a winding, nearly two mile long, cobblestone driveway, manned at the front by an impressive gate. Yet, even from upstairs in their shared bedroom, she can hear the hum of his car after the creek of the wrought iron. 
For a minute, Y/n just sits on the bed, not really affected by his presence, before standing to greet him downstairs. On her way to the grand stairs, she passes another bedroom, the door has been left ajar and inside, a small boy plays with the electric train set that his grandparents brought from their last trip to London, just a month ago. Ryan. He adores it, at least for now, he has so many that his affections towards his toys barely last a week. He isn’t spoiled though, at least his parents don’t think so, but their opinions might be subjective. 
Y/n’s fingers ghost the smooth, varnished wooden railing as she descends to the first floor, journeying towards the foyer. By the time she gets there, Daniel has already shoved off his jacket and is now taking off his shoes. Y/n smiles lightly as he does it; at first, when they’d started living together, it had been hard for her to get used to switching shoes upon entering the house, but Daniel had grown up with the custom, and she’d eventually gotten into it for him.
At the sight of her, he straightens up, barely smiling as he starts towards her, “‘Evening,” Daniel greets quietly, pecking her at the corner of her lips. Not directly on them, he hardly ever kisses her there anymore.
“How was work?” Y/n trails behind him, following her husband to his home office, where he usually drops his stuff off before dinner. When he turns to her, for the first time, Y/n notices the faintest hint of a lipstick stain right under his jaw. It’s funny because that’s not even her preferred color. 
“Good,” he says, leaning on the edge of his desk, folding his arms across his broad chest, “I know what you’re going to say,” his face falls, “And I just want you to know that I’m sorry.”
“Yeah,” Y/n chuckles humorlessly, “I’m sorry too. I’ve been thinking,” she moistens her lips, raising her hand to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. Y/n doesn’t know why she’s so nervous about bringing it up, it’s what’s best for them. Blinking away the stinging in her eyes, “We need to.....” she couldn’t even finish the sentence, her father would be so disappointed if he was still he around, and her mother is going to be pissed when they tell her. 
“Yeah,” Daniel nods slowly, “I’ll call the lawyers tomorrow,” when Y/n bends her head, swiping at her eyes, her agreement unspoken. “I really am sorry,” Daniel says in some kind of throw attempt to make the ruins of their marriage better, “I never meant-”
“Do you love her?” Y/n glances up at him. She loves him, but for some reason, the idea of having a failed marriage at thirty hurts more than losing him. Maybe it’ll be better if she knows that they're leaving so they can find what makes them happy.
Daniel hesitates before smiling, “I think so. Y/n, she’s.....she’s amazing.”
Offering him a watery smile, Y/n nods again, thinking about how she told the only man that she loved that they couldn’t be together, “That’s good, that’s really good.”
“Thanks,” thinking for a minute, he starts speaking again, “Maybe you could call-”
“Mommy!” Y/n jumps at Ryan calling out to her as he runs into the room, obviously intent on finding his mother, though, as he skids into the room, spotting Daniel, his little face lights up as he runs towards his father, “Daddy! You’re home!”
“I am bud,” effortlessly, Daniel lifts Ryan into his arms, “Missed you all day,” he pecks Ryan’s cheek and Y/n smiles, glad that he isn’t old enough to reject his parents affections. At a first glance, they look alike.....in a generic sort of way.
Daniel is a good father.
7Turning to her, Ryan frowns, “Why are you crying mommy?”
Sniffling, Y/n quickly tries to right herself, this isn’t how she wants him to find out, “It’s nothing baby,” Y/n approaches them a the desk, the loose, cuffed sleeves of her cable knit sweater fall over her wrists as she brings her hands to Ryan’s face, placing a kiss on his forehead, “I just love you so, so much that it makes me so happy, I cry.”
“And daddy too?” Ryan looks hopeful, as if telling her that he needs confirmation.
“Yeah baby,” she breaths, her words almost choked, “And daddy too.” It’s not a lie, not really. 
She loves his daddy too.
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He didn’t know why she’d called, but Keanu had gone. He’d always go.
Her office looked different from the last time he saw it, though, Keanu had never spent a lot of time there anyway. There were pictures; a few of her and Daniel and others of a child who seemed strangely familiar. The thought nagged him, but Keanu tried to ignore it. The colors were lighter too, and he could tell that she’d redecorated recently.
When Keanu heard the door open behind him, he stood from the sofa she had tucked away in the corner of the room. She looked different, but still somehow the same. Six years. Six years since she’d chosen Daniel, since she’d told him that she’d always love him, but her responsibilities came first, since Y/n became the one that got away. Keanu had dated since then, but halfheartedly so and nothing seemed to stick. He’d always find himself measuring women to her; they didn’t just look or feel different, but they could never make him feel what Y/n had, not even close.
“Hi,” she smiled, her voice quiet. For a minute, words escaped him. They hadn’t stood face to face like that since she was all decked off in white. Even then with tears in her eyes, she had this young, free look about her. But that day, in her office, Y/n looked the part that she’d assumed; president of a company, wife, mother. 
Keanu swallowed tightly, not knowing if he should keep his distance or reach out to hug her, “Hey.”
Awkwardly, Y/n eventually leaned in, pulling Keanu into a lingering hug, her heels affording her the opportunity to bury her face in his neck, inhaling his scent; cologne, cigarettes and pleasurably familiar. She’d missed him, and there so much she had to say, so much that she’d kept from him. “Thank you for coming,” she breathed standing on her toes so her lips could be close to his ear.
“I was surprised when I got your call,” out of the blue, a couple nights prior when he was just leaving his sister’s place after dinner. Keanu hadn’t told anyone that he was going to see Y/n, hell, he didn’t even know if he was actually going until he parked his bike in the underground parking lot of where she worked.
Instead of saying anything on the matter, Y/n just pecked his cheek as she pulled away, “Can I get you something? Coffee, water, stiff drink?”
“I’m fine thanks,” following Y/n’s lead, they sat on the plush sofa, turned to each other, their knees close, almost touching; her smooth bare one nearly against his jean clad one. 
“Alright,” Y/n wrung her fingers in her lap, her pastel manicured nails standing out against the dark burgundy of her stylish dress, “How have you been?”
“I’m fine,” Keanu observed her, wondering what could make her so nervous and too anxious himself to be coy about it, “What am I doing here Y/n?”
Sighing loudly, Y/n began to speak, though overcome with hesitation, she stood, passing a hand over her chest, down her stomach before dropping it to her side. “Daniel and I are getting divorced,” she finally managed all at once, “He’s in love with this woman.....she’s a engineer at his firm or something,” Y/n waved her hand absently, “I guess it doesn’t really matter.”
Standing abruptly, Keanu met Y/n at the center of the room, gently placing his hands on her shoulders, trying to still her nervous movements, “I’m so sorry,” he frowned, “Are you okay?”
“Actually, I am,” she smiled up at him, but Y/n still seemed unsure. What was she expecting, calling Keanu there? That they’d just go back to the way things were. Life wasn’t that easy. “It’s been coming for a long time, and it’s good that he’s found someone that he really loves, he deserves it.”
Moistening his lips, Keanu’s palms slid down Y/n’s arms, so he could take her fingers in his, finally understanding why she called him there. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that though. Keanu had spent the past six years wishing for one more moment, but now that it was there, he wasn’t sure if it could be chalked up to all he’d made himself believe it to be. There were too many factors involved. “So do you,” he finally offered.
“I know,” Y/n met his gaze through her long lashes, “That’s why I called you.”
Pulling his hands out of hers, Keanu turned to face Y/n’s desk, running a hand through his tousled hair, “So you wouldn’t have to be alone?”
“What?” Y/n scoffed, “No, of course not. Because I should have chosen you at the beginning. Because if i’d married you, stayed with you, fought for us, I wouldn’t be in this mess. Because I’ve thought of you everyday since then, because it took Daniel one mistake and six years in a marriage that wasn’t meant to be to find the woman that he loves, but I’ve known who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with even before I started one with him. I was stupid for letting that happen Keanu, and I’m so, so sorry.”
Sighing heavily, Keanu still stood with his back to her, about to respond when his eyes fell once again on a picture of the little boy. Still, he got the odd, possibly misplaced feeling of familiarity, like Keanu had seen him before, but not really. Looking at the picture, he had this overwhelming, though completely irrational, sense that they knew each other. Shaking his head, Keanu swiped up the picture, forgetting about their conversation, bringing it closer to his face, “This is your son?”
“Yeah,” Y/n breathed, swallowing tightly as she watched Keanu put the pieces together, “He’s six.”
“Six?” Keanu mirrored, raising his brows, “You must have gotten pregnant pretty quickly after the wedding.”
Clearing her throat, Y/n stepped to his side, looking at the picture too. Everyone who’d met them liked to say that Ryan resembled Daniel, but if they’d met Keanu....”It was before, actually. I found out on our honeymoon.”
“Oh,” the little sound left his lips in the form of a quiet mumble. “Is he Daniel’s?” The question was tentative, as if he were afraid to ask it, though Y/n suspected that he already knew the answer.
Overcome with emotion, Y/n’s voice got caught in her throat, “No,” she admitted, for the very first time, out loud. How Y/n had kept him from Keanu for all that time was still a surprise to her. The truth was, that ever since she’d found out, Y/n didn’t believe for one second that the baby was Daniel’s. And when Ryan was born, Daniel knew too, but instead of causing a row, he’d accepted it, pushed past his hurt and raised Ryan as his own. He was a good father. He really was, but in the back of her mind, Y/n always wondered what it would have been like to parent alongside Keanu.
“Does Daniel know?” Keanu’s shoulders slumped and it felt like his life was changing in an instant. One morning spent in her office and suddenly, he was a father. 
“Yes,” placing a hand on his arm, Y/n kept her eyes trained on the picture, “He’s so much like you, intuitive, sensitive, intelligent, strong and his hair is always a mess.”
For the briefest second, Keanu chuckled at the comment. Though, his expression quickly morphed into seriousness once again, “Why didn’t you say something? You could have called.”
By then, Y/n thought it was best to put some space between them, “And say what? ‘Hey Ke, I know I married someone else, but I just found out that I’m pregnant and I think it’s yours’?” Y/n shook her head, “Is that what you wanted?”
Putting the picture back where it belonged, “It would have been better than not knowing at all.” Keanu no longer seemed sympathetic. Instead, he was angry, and worst yet, hurt. “Y/n,” his voice broke, tears in his eyes, “He’s my son.”
“I know,” Y/n put her fingers over her quivering lips, salty tears blurring her vision, “But Daniel is a good father.”
“I could have been a good father!” When Keanu’s voice rose, Y/n jumped.
Clenching and unclenching her jaw. Y/n folded her arms across her chest, “You think I don’t know that?” Her words were strained with emotion and she could feel everything that she’d felt over the past six years, since she’d let Keanu go, coming back to her in a rush, “I know you’d be a good father, a great one! But I had to do what was right; I’d just gotten married, everyone was just looking to us to have a baby and-”
“And what? That was an easy fix? God,” he breathed, ranking his fingers through his hair, Keanu turned to lean on the desk. He didn’t look at her, instead scrubbing his hands over his face before folding his arms and looking towards the door. Y/n understood why he was mad; if someone told her that she had a secret kid somewhere, she would be too. But she just needed him to see that, at that time, she thought it was best. Y/n couldn’t have complicated her brand new marriage by telling everyone that the baby wasn’t Daniel’s, his parents; two people that had accepted her as one of their own, who absolutely adored Y/n, would have been heartbroken.
“No, it wasn’t,” Y/n hastily swiped under her eyes, shifting her weight to her left leg, “But everyone already believed it. I know it was wrong, and I thought about calling you everyday after he was born, but I knew that if you saw him, you’d fall just as deep in love with him as I did,” quietly, she sobbed, “And I wouldn’t have been able to let you go either. I’m so sorry,” her voice broke again, thick with pain, “Keanu, I’m so, so sorry.”
Sighing heavily, he glanced at her for a minute, so much going through his mind. The last time he saw Y/n, she was wearing a wedding dress, but wasn’t getting married to him. If only he’d known then; he’d have begged her to leave Daniel, make her any promise in the world, just to have her leave that reception with him. He’d have gotten on his knees and begged her to marry him. He’d have done anything to be a part of their lives, to make sure that they were a family.
But Keanu had no clue and his ignorance had cost him so much. First cry, first steps, his first word, six birthdays and everything in between. The sheer pain of everything that he didn’t know was crushing him and he had the desperate urge to make up for it, “Can I meet him?”
“Ke,” Y/n swallowed tightly, “He thinks that Daniel is his father, I can’t confuse him like that.”
“I’m not asking you to tell him,” he reasoned, “I just want to meet him, please.”
Mulling on it for a moment, Y/n eventually nodded, “Okay, yeah, you can meet him.”
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After a long conversation about why mommy and daddy could no longer live together, Daniel had packed up most of his stuff and temporarily moved into one of his parents’ ritzy apartments in the city. It had been three months since they filed for divorce and one month since Y/n had told Keanu that Ryan was actually his son. They’d only had brief exchanges since then, most of them awkward and tense.
Initially, things had been hard; figuring out a working schedule that would ensure that Ryan could spend time with both Y/n and Daniel, trying to find steady ground with their own parents and finally, trying to make sure that Ryan was okay in the midst of all of it. Needless to say, Y/n hadn’t had the time to set up a time for Keanu to meet Ryan.
Though, after things had settled, Y/n had finally submitted into organizing an afternoon where Keanu would come over to her place in Beverly Hills, just a few streets over from where Y/n lived when they’d first met. She had discussed Ryan meeting Keanu with Daniel, and while at first, he’d been reluctant to let it happen, he had eventually given in.
When the day came, a warm Saturday in June, Y/n had sat Ryan down in the living room, interrupting his screen time to explain that she was having someone over that she’d like him to meet. Easing the tablet out of his hand, Y/n set it next to her on the plush sofa, drawing his attention, “Ry,” she smiled faintly, “Remember I said I had a friend I wanted you to meet?”
“Yeah,” he nodded vigorously, “You said he was coming over today.”
“That’s right, he’s gonna be here any minute now,” she ruffled his hair, “And if you two get along, he might come around more often. But that doesn’t mean you have to pretend to like him for me.”
“Is he your boyfriend?” Ryan tilted his head, and Y/n chuckled at his question, “Because it’s okay if he is, daddy said it's okay for you two to be happy, even if it's with other people.”
Though the words left his lips with ease, Ryan still seemed a little uneased by the thought of new people in his parents’ lives. She couldn’t blame him, it couldn’t have been easy to come to term with the fact that they weren’t together anymore, especially when he couldn’t really see the reason for their split. The saving grace was that Y/n and Daniel had been civil through it all; no loud fights or vindictive comments. They still spoke highly of each other to their son and when Daniel had let Ryan meet his girlfriend, it had been a quiet affair and he had reminded him that she was in no way meant to replace his mother. 
“He’s not,” Y/n’s smile faltered, reminded of the current tension between her and Keanu, “I know it’s been difficult to adjust, and lots of things are changing, but you know you can always talk to mommy if something’s bothering you, right?”
“Yeah,” he nodded again, and just then, a housekeeper came in, whispering in Y/n’s ear that Keanu was just outside of the room. Mustering up a smile that she hoped didn’t seem nervous, Y/n told her to bring him in. 
Y/n stood as he entered the room, and before they could even greet each other, Keanu’s eyes fell on Ryan, who was still sitting on the couch. “You’re early,” Y/n was the one to speak first,
“I was too anxious to wait,” he smiled sheepishly, “This must be Ryan,” he waved to him, and shy and a little startled without further warning, Ryan slunk behind his mother, fistfuls of her powder blue chiffon  blouse scrunched up his fingers. He’d always been like that around new people; it had taken him nearly a year to warm up to his babysitter and when he started school, it had been the same.
Reaching behind herself, Y/n’s affectionately ruffled his soft, dark hair, chuckling quietly, “Sweetheart, Keanu’s here to meet you, don’t you want to say hello?” He didn’t respond, but Y/n felt him shake his head in a silent ‘no’. Turning back to Keanu, she inhaled quietly, “He’s a little shy, so it might take him a while to warm up.”
“Its fine,” Keanu assured her. Inside though, he was disappointed that his own son seemed afraid of him, but Keanu firmly reminded himself that Ryan still knew Daniel as his father, and that for all intents and purposes, he was just a stranger in the boy’s home. “You know, Ryan,” Keanu spoke even as Ryan continued hiding behind his mother, “You mom mentioned that you like motorcycles, so I brought you something,” Keanu gently shook a blue gift bag with white crepe sticking out decoratively.
“Look baby,” Y/n turned slowly, lowering herself so she and Ryan could be eye to eye, her grip on his fragile feeling shoulders firm but loving, “Keanu brought you something, don’t you want to see what it is? And thank him for bringing you a present?”
“I guess so,” he mumbled, his eyes trained on the carpeted floor.
“Thank you,” Y/n kissed his cheek, rocking back on her heel afterwards to allow him some space to approach Keanu.
Keanu grinned as he handed over the bag, and slowly, Ryan fished out its contents. Finally when he produced a remote controlled motorbike, his features lit up enough to match Keanu’s broad expectant smile, “This is so cool!” Fiddling with for a moment, Ryan deposited it on the coffee table nearby, throwing his arms around Keanu’s neck, “Thank you!” Though shocked at first, Keanu quickly reciprocated, holding Ryan close. 
Y/n was surprised by his excitement and ready display of affection; he’d never been like that with anyone outside of their family. Maybe deep down he knew, the thought was troubling. Still, Y/n, smiled despite herself, and then, more than ever, she longed to know what it would have been like if Keanu were the one raising Ryan with her. 
“Mommy?” He broke her thoughts, looking up at her hopefully, “Can we play with it outside? Please?”
After a moment of hesitation, Y/n submitted, “Why not?” For another minute, she thought of accompanying them, but quickly thought better of the idea. She trusted Keanu, and if she wanted any sort of relationship to be built between him and Ryan organically, she’d have to give them space. And moreover, if she ever wanted Keanu to trust her again, the least she could do was prove that she trusted him, “Why don’t you take Keanu out back, you can show him your playground and you can play with your new toy there, sounds good?” Nodding his agreement, Ryan was already eagerly taking Keanu’s hand, urging him down the hallway, “And stay away from the pool okay?” When Ryan didn’t seem to pay any mind to her, she called out to Keanu instead, “Keep a close eye on him, please?”
“Uh,” Keanu turned back to her, wide, giddy grin painting his face, still walking along with Ryan, “Yeah of course.”
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From her home office upstairs, Y/n watched as Keanu and Ryan played in his fenced off, outdoor play area, sending the toy around the parameter and between the swing set and slides. Ryan seemed to be mostly in control of the toy, though Keanu was kneeling next to him, showing him things on the remote and at times, saying something that would make Ryan laugh. Occasionally, she’d take a lengthy sip from her glass of white wine, the crisp coolness calming her nerves; she knew that Keanu wouldn’t let it slip that he was actually Ryan’s father, but a part of her was still scared that it would somehow get out. 
She really had thought of calling Keanu after Ryan was born, hell, she’d wanted to call the very day that she was sat in the beach house in Fiji, pregnancy test in her shaking hands, two pink lines telling her fate; not just a newly wed, but also a young mother. His words from the night of her rehearsal dinner had been easily recalled in that moment, he’d always be with her. Y/n had chuckled at that, just realizing that he was right, he would always be with her, if not literally, in the life they’d created together. 
Y/n had spectated from the window for most of Keanu and Ryan’s play date, though, after a while, she’d decided to give them some privacy and went on to tend to her paperwork. Slowly, she worked though the pile of her desk, along with responding to some emails awaiting attention on her laptop, punctuating her session with slow sips of wine. 
After a few hours, another housekeeper poked her head into her office, letting Y/n know that dinner was almost ready and that Keanu and Ryan had come in. Excited to hear things from their perspective, Y/n shoved the top of her computer closed and jogged down the stairs, only gaining some composure when she entered the living room, scrubbing her delicate hands on the soft fabric of her cream pants, “So,” she sat on the sofa opposing the one that Keanu and Ryan had stationed themselves on, “Did you guys have fun?” 
“We did!” Ryan was nearly bouncing in his spot, proceeding to ramble on about all the cool tricks that Keanu had taught him with the toy. "And mommy, he has real motorcycles, he says we can come see them, can we mommy?"
"I uhhh….." Y/n glanced at Keanu, looking for confirmation.
For the first time since he'd gotten there, he directed a genuine, though faint smile to her, "I'd love for you two to stop by the shop."
Nodding slowly, Y/n knew that they'd have to spend some more time together before she'd make up her mind and take Ryan to Arch. 
Sitting across from them like that, Y/n could see almost every similarity shared between them. Of course, Ryan had learned mannerisms and traits from Daniel, but still, there were subtle things that transcended physical likenesses, they were they both got animated when they spoke, fidgeted with their fingers in quieter moments and there was even a shared adventurous spirit. 
When Ryan spoke again, his question wasn't directed to her, though she still listened in. He was turned to Keanu, eyes bright and pleading, "My mom's taking me to the zoo next Saturday. Can you come, please," he stressed.
Keanu wanted to say yes, he really did and Y/n could see it written on his face. But he certainly wasn't going to intrude on their time unless she'd permitted it. They were barely speaking after all. "Honey," Y/n gently intervened, "We don't even know if he's busy. I'll talk it over with him and we'll see, okay?" Ryan seemed a little deflated, taking her answer as a no. "Why don't you go wash up for dinner and I'll meet you there?" Nodding and then quickly hugging Keanu as a goodbye, Ryan scurried out of the living room.
As Y/n stood, Keanu did too, "Would you like to join us?" She offered, secretly hoping he'd say yes.
"I shouldn't," stuffing his hands into his pockets, Keanu shuffled his feet, the sound muffled by the carpet, "I have a meeting in the morning and then a couple errands to run. So I guess I should get going."
Y/n's smile faltered and she hugged herself, offering to walk Keanu to the door, "Okay." The silence was tense and the only thing filling it was their shoes softly thudding against the shiny marble floor. Though, when they neared the foyer, Y/n tentatively broke it, "You should come with us, on Saturday, if you have the time. We’re going to see the new Bengal cubs, Ryan’s been wanting to go since they talked about them on T.V,” she chuckled quietly. “I know it probably doesn’t matter, but I’d like for you to come with.”
“It does matter,” Keanu assured as they reached the front door. Y/n made no move to open it and Keanu no longer appeared to be in a hurry. In fact, he seemed to have a change of heart, or at the very least, interested starting the path to amends. Reaching between them, he took a loose hold on her fingers, “I think I’d like to tag along, you can text me the details.”
“Okay, great,” Y/n beamed. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d smiled at a man like that, maybe during her last days with Keanu, years ago. When her smile softened a bit, Y/n looked down at their joined hands. If only he knew how much she’d missed him. As hard as Y/n had tried, she couldn’t love Daniel, at least, not half as much as she still loved Keanu. “I’m sorry,” moisture gathered in her eyes, “About everything, about not trying harder for us, about Ryan.” Even if they’d met, it would never be the same as having Keanu raise him, he might never know the truth. 
“I’ve been thinking a lot,” Keanu cleared his throat, his nerves, fighting to get the better of him. He’d rehearsed the words in his head for an entire week, and had longed for a moment alone with Y/n, though, now that it had arrived, he was scared as hell. “About us,” he eventually clarified, “What happened that night hurt, finding out about Ryan the way I did was even worse, but I’m starting to understand why you did things like that. And I don’t want to be mad at you anymore; miss you Y/n, I have ever since that night.”
“I’ve missed you too,” Y/n managed, and as a tear trickled down her cheek, Keanu raised his hand to brush it away with his thumb, “I still love you Keanu,” her breathy words were music to his ears, he hadn’t expected her to say them, even if his heart knew they were true. 
“I know,” he mumbled, stepping closer. Y/n was propped up against the wall, near the coat rack at the front door, “I still love you too, I never stopped.” Moistening his lips, Keanu took a deep breath, unconsciously leaning into her. One touch, lips on lips, was all it took for the fire to be reignited. Though, maybe it had never been completely doused, and the embers of flames still burning had just found fuel. 
Y/n’s hands found Keanu’s back, her nails sinking into the leather of his jacket, She stood on her toes, longing to get closer, trying to close six years worth of distance and Keanu gathered Y/n in his arms, snaking them around her waist and holding her steady and flush against his body. Their lips moved in unison and he could taste her tears and vaguely hear her sobbed breaths which were muffled by their endearment. His tongue roamed her mouth, recognizing her taste instantly and longing for more. How had he even gone six years without it?
Even when they broke, Y/n and Keanu still stood close, “I brought you something,” his voice was gravely from their lengthy kiss, and his words no louder than a whisper, “Here,” he reached into his pocket, getting out a necklace that Y/n recognized almost instantly, her eyes brightening a a faint smile curving her lips.
“This is…..” She looked down at the pendant in her small palm, silver with detailed workings and meticulously placed pearls. It was the one they had seen in Greece, their very first night together, when they were drunk and stumbling along the mostly empty scenic streets. That must have been what he was trying to give her on the night of her wedding reception, when she’d put an end to things, breaking both their hearts. “You kept it,” she mused sorrowfully.
“I’d keep it forever if it meant I’d someday have a chance of giving it to you,” Keanu pushed Y/n’s fingers closed around the necklace, the precious metal cool in her grip, “I don’t know if you’re ready for what I have to give you yet, but I’m willing to wait because you’re worth it Y/n.”
How could she have ever let him go?
“Thank you,” Y/n leaned up to kiss Keanu again, her free hand tangling in his soft hair, humming at the warmth of his palms on her waist.
“I should get going before Ryan catches me making out with his mom,” Keanu chuckled. Finally, Y/n opened the door, “I’ll see you on Saturday,” he waved, jogging down the front steps, rummaging through his pockets for his keys, his Porsche parked in her driveway.
“Actually,” Y/n came to lean on the door frame, folding her arms, “Daniel has Ryan on Wednesday night, you could see me then.”
Keanu’s lips split into a wide, expectant, grin, “Are you sure?”
“I am,” Y/n giggled, for a minute feeling like the girl she was when she and Keanu first met; giddy, excited and eager to be thrilled by his touch.
“Okay,” Keanu nodded, “I’ll pick you up at eight.”
“Okay, goodnight Keanu,” she waved as he bid her goodnight in return, getting into his car, rounding the circular patch of greenery at the center of her cobblestone driveway, headed towards the gate. Only when Y/n could no longer see his car did she shut the door, finally giving the necklace a scrutinizing glace. It really was the same necklace from Greece, though, when she turned it over, Y/n smiled wistfully at the engraving there, tears clouding her gaze and her heart swelling with love. 
For the girl who has everything, The least I can give you is my heart. It’s yours forever -K
Turning, Y/n leaned against the door, putting on the necklace. She hooked the clasp and the circular pendant fell in the valley of her cleavage, moving to clutch it tightly as Y/n’s head lolled back against the door, still smiling giddily feeling exactly the way she’d felt when they were together before everything became confusing and out of their control. Before she’d made the mistake of marrying the wrong man and before she’d created someone that she loved above everything else in the world. When she was just a girl with her entire life ahead of her and looking for control in places where she had none. When Keanu was her safe place and the love of her life.
He still was, and Y/n was beyond grateful to have a second chance with him. They could make it work that time, it would take time, but if what had just happened was any indication, there was no amount of time that could weather what Y/n and Keanu shared.
It had taken them a lot to get there, but she’d always have his heart, and he’d always have hers.
Tagging- @harrisongslimited​  @paanchu786​  @a-really-bi-girl​  @baphometwolf666 @sdaff2   @green-forest-dreams @weird-civilian @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi​
59 notes · View notes
let-it-raines · 5 years
Catch Me If You Can (37/40)
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298 days. That’s how long Killian Jones was away from a baseball field. It’s less than a year, only part of a season for him, but it might as well have lasted a decade as he alternated between physical therapy and spending an excessive amount of time sitting on his couch.
But then he came back and won the World Series.
It’s something no one saw coming, and it’s certainly not something anyone who knows about his arm would predict. Now it’s a new season with new possibilities, and anything could happen. On-field reporter Emma Swan will be there to cover it all even if she is not his biggest fan right now.
Asking her out live on-air will do that.
Rating: Mature
a/n: A thanks to all of you for genuinely being the most wonderful people who are so kind in however you do or do not interact with me, and a special thanks to @resident-of-storybrooke​ for being my beta and @imagnifika​ for making this cover ❤️
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current
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A car horn blares ten floors down before the sound of two more follow, and Emma groans before twisting her head and burying her face in her pillow, hoping to drown out the noise. It’s the middle of the night, darkness surrounding everyone and everything, and the only sounds Emma should be able to hear are the quick turn of the ceiling fan above Killian’s bed and the steady pace of Killian’s breathing behind her as his hand flexes over her stomach while his breath comes out warmly against the nape of her neck.
Instead of those noises, however, she hears the sound of cars blaring outside, and while this place unfortunately has the moniker of the City That Never Sleeps, Emma certainly wishes to.
Groaning at the reverberation of yet another horn sounding, Emma tucks her face further into the softness of the pillow, hoping that her mind can somehow will the noise to go away, and she puts all of her energy and focus into falling back asleep since there are still hours until the sun will rise high into the sky and her alarm will blare much like the horns outside to tell her that the day ahead of her as finally arrived.
Rough fingers press into the skin of her stomach once more, stretching out before coming back together, and Emma shifts back into Killian’s embrace from where they had separated while sleeping. He twitches slightly, and since she’s not sure if it was unconscious or not, Emma tentatively rolls her hips back into Killian’s so that his hardened length settles between her ass while heat begins to flicker across her body. Killian’s fingers flinch once more, but this time they tug her body back into him while his hot breath once again brushes over her neck to cause her skin to break out in goosebumps.
And then there’s the soft kiss right over her pulse point.
“Bloody car horn,” Killian grumbles into her skin, kissing her again. “What could possibly be that annoying that they have to wake everyone in the building?”
“I wouldn’t know.”
His nails start tracing along her stomach underneath her sweater that she put on before bed to combat the chill that always moves through Killian’s apartment, even more so now that it’s cold outside and there’s no escape from the crisp late October air. The patterns are nonsense, and Emma smiles to herself at the thought of Killian and his usual penchant for writing his love for her into her own skin.
He’s stupid romantic.
“We should go back to bed.”
Emma rolls her hips again, her eyes adjusting to the dimness of the room that is only lit by the moon and the lights of the buildings across from the apartment, and she wakes up that little bit more at the feeling of Killian moving behind her.
“Are you sure about that?” she teases.
“Oh, absolutely,” Killian says even as his hand moves up her stomach to lazily fondle her breast while his scruff scratches across the cords of her neck. “We’ve got a bit of a big day today.”
“And what’s that?”
Emma can practically feel the smile in Killian’s kiss on her shoulder, and she twists the slightest bit so that the back of her head rests against her pillow while Killian adjusts to press his hips further into her. His cheek rests against the palm of his hand that’s propped up by his elbow so that he’s looking down at her, a ghost of light flickering across him so that she can clearly see half of his face and the grin on his lips as his hand still continues to palm her breast.
“Well, you know what it is, my beautiful darling.”
Emma feigns innocence. “Do I?”
“You do.” His head dips down to lazily guide his mouth over hers, and Emma could practically melt and become one with this bed for Killian to keep kissing her like this.
“It’s the beginning of the World Series, I know.”
Killian’s brow arches high on his forehead, those little lines in the middle appearing. “Well, that is true, but it’s not why I think today is a big day.”
“You’re a shitty baseball player then.”
Killian chuckles and pinches her nipple, and heat continues to curl between her thighs so that there’s a growing ache there. “It’s your birthday, my love,” he whispers as he smiles down at her before giving her a tender kiss. “I know you haven’t forgotten about that.”
“I haven’t, no. I’m simply a bit more concerned about the game than me getting older.”
Killian hums before he’s kissing her again, his tongue beyond sinful, and by the time that he pulls back she can scarcely breathe. He’s always been able to have her panting and wanting more within minutes, and suddenly the teasing isn’t enough. Suddenly she needs much more of him, every bit of him, and she needs it soon.
The cars beeping their horns outside don’t seem so bad now.
“Let me make you forget for a little while, yeah?” he whispers as his hand trails down from her breast to beneath the elastic waistband of her pajama pants so that his fingers are running over where she’s slick with want for him. His voice is still gritty and hoarse as it always is when he’s just woken up, and Emma will forever be fond of him in the mornings with his deep voice and sleep-rumpled hair. “Fuck, Emma,” he groans as his fingers continue to move exactly where she wants him. “It’s ridiculous how much the thought of you wanting me still drives me insane.”
Her hand reaches back to cup the back of his head, fingers curling into the soft strands so that she can push his face a little bit closer to hers. “You must be on the verge of going insane then because I always want you.”
The heel of Killian’s hand presses into her bundle of nerves, and Emma lets out a pathetic whine. She doesn’t care though. She’s long stopped caring about any awkward noises or ungraceful movements that come when she’s with Killian. It’s part of life and being human, and there’s no one in the world who she is more comfortable with than Killian.
No one.
And she knows that he enjoys the noises she makes in response to his touch even if it’s a groan from him elbowing her.
“You’re right,” he mumbles, as his fingers continue to work at her, the deftness of them causing a heat more sweltering than the summer to move over her skin in waves as her brain begins to float away with thoughts of anything other than how good Killian makes her feel. “I’m simply mad about you.”
Killian pulls his hand back, and the whine Emma releases is even more pathetic. “What the hell are you doing?”
He shifts behind her as his hands pull down her pajama pants. Emma has to help, tilting her hips up and kicking away the material so that nothing separates her from the blanket resting over her. Soon, though, the heat of Killian’s skin and the trickle of the hair on his legs is pressing into her, and Emma bites her bottom lip as she feels the smooth heat of his cock press into the slickness of her folds.
Killian’s grin is wicked, and Emma’s stomach muscles quiver in anticipation of what’s coming next. She loves him so damn much that it’s ridiculous.
A year ago, he was nothing more than a cocky baseball player inadvertently determined to ruin her life. No part of her could have imagined that this is where they’d be now. She would have laughed and resisted and done everything possible to be as far away from Killian Jones as possible.
Now, though, she wants to be joined with him in every single way so that they are as close as humanly possible.
There’s a roll of his hips behind her, his heavy length teasing her, and her moan is nothing compared to the gruntled groan that Killian lets out behind her. Killian’s hand comes to wrap around her stomach over the metal of her ring once more while the other rests behind her head to bring her more comfort while her back is pressed to Killian’s front, and he nuzzles his cheek into her neck while his lips move just behind the lobe of her ear as she lifts her leg over his hip so that he can slowly push inside of her, settling deep inside of her with a pleasurable stretch that has her heartbeat quickening and her breath catching at how good the drag of him feels.
“Fuck,” she whispers, the sound escaping into the swirl of air from the ceiling fan. “You feel so good.”
“Not as good as you. I can assure you of that.”
“It doesn’t have to be a competition.”
“Oh, darling,” he sighs with a deep chuckle into her ear, “you do know that I like winning.”
And then he’s rocking his hips into her, pressing himself as deep inside of Emma as he possibly can, and Emma’s stomach flips while sweat forms at her temple and emotion lodges itself in her throat.
It’s a funny, over-emotional thing, but nights like this are her favorite. It’s the middle of the night, most of the world asleep despite the people outside who woke them up, and no one exists outside of the two of them. It’s them against the world, two people who are undeniably different and yet certainly well-matched, and as Killian moves within her, Emma wonders if she’s ever felt so entirely whole in her life.
Her blood thrums hotly within her while Killian finds a rhythm that might as well be the most beautiful music ever written, and Emma listens to it as heat and need and that continuing want pools between her thighs and over her entire body. Emma shifts her leg once more, letting Killian thrust deeper inside of her so that he is hitting the spot that would allow her to see stars even in the middle of Manhattan, and she loses any sort of composure that was hanging on by a string.
Killian is going achingly slowly, taking his time as if seconds are truly minutes and minutes are hours, and she’s perfectly fine with that until his tongue starts moving hotly against the crook between her shoulder and neck and she’s desperate for more.
“Beautiful,” he groans into her ear. “You are so beautiful. I could stay joined with you for hours if our bodies would let us.”
A shudder runs through her, and she imagines through Killian as well if the way that his movements falter is any indication, and she’s that much closer to the edge. Then Killian’s hand is moving from where it’s pressed against her stomach and down to where they’re joined, and she loses it, tumbling over the edge with a sigh that Killian captures in a fierce kiss once she’s craned her head to the side.
“I love you,” she gasps out against his breath. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
His movements inside of her still for only for him to start thrusting again with purpose, obviously ready to chase his high as well now that she’s found hers. Nothing truly seems real, everything blurred except for what she feels with him, and there’s another dizzying rush of heat that comes with an overwhelming sense of love as Killian heavily pulses between her thighs while his mouth still against hers.
“I love you more than anyone I’ve ever known.”
The words are spoken into her mouth, but they settle down in her heart. Emma is so incandescently happy in this moment that she cannot help the smile that lazily stretches from one side of her lips to the other. His chest is still pressed into her back, hair coated with sweat that sticks to her skin, and she’s pretty sure that she can feel his heartbeat with the rise and fall of his chest. That may be her own. At this point, she’s not sure where she ends and Killian begins.
“Hi,” she giggles when her eyes flicker open and she’s struck by blue.
“Hello, love,” he sighs in response, holding her close a little longer as she feels him begin to soften within her. “Happy birthday.”
“Hmm, happy World Series day.”
“I see that our priorities are still vastly different.”
“However will we make this thing between us work?”
Killian chuckles before regretfully pulling out of her, and she misses the heat of him immediately before he’s rolling to the side and opening his bedside drawer. Then there’s a cool touch as he cleans her up, and Emma snuggles back into her pillow, sated and happy and not at all caring that she’s wearing a sweater and nothing else.
Emma turns around so that she can tuck her feet between Killian’s calves and wrap her arms around his stomach while his hand curves around her waist to rest on her ass, fingers playfully squeezing like he hasn’t gotten enough of her.
She can understand that.
“I think,” he sighs in response to her question, “that we will figure that out. Remind me to find whoever it was that blared their bloody horn in the middle of the night and thank them for that.”
“It may be a bit difficult to track them down.”
“I am up to the task because I think I may be walking around with a goofy smile all day after that.”
Emma tilts her head up and rests her chin on his chest as she stares up at him, the lights from outside catching the blue in his eyes. That blue will never not be ridiculous.
There is, indeed, the goofiest smile on his face. She imagines it matches the one on hers.
“We should probably go back to sleep.”
His hand moves from her ass up to her back, tracing those patterns again. “I’m not playing today. It’s all on Rob. I can stay awake with you as long as I want. I want to soak in as much time with the darling Emma Swan as I can as she begins her twenty-eighth year.”
She scrunches up her nose. “Please tell me you’re not going to make a big deal out of today. Like, I want as lowkey as possible.”
“Damn. I’ll cancel the one hundred bouquets of roses and the crowd-wide singing to you.”
“Shut up. I’m serious.”
“As am I, love. I know that you don’t want a big deal out of today, so no big deal will be made. However, I do know that Mary Margaret did not get the memo, and she’s arranged for everyone to meet in a suite before the game so that you can have a cake and not be forgotten among the mess of today.”
Emma curls her finger around the hair on Killian’s chest that’s matted together with sweat. “Are you going to be able to be there?”
“Maybe,” he shrugs. “It depends on if Al lets any of us go. He’s a little bit more high strung than usual, and I don’t think even him having a new girlfriend is calming him down.”
“He probably wants to impress her by winning the World Series two years in a row.”
“Well, I can certainly understand that.”
Emma quirks a brow while her finger continues swirling around. “Do you try to impress me, twenty-nine?”
Killian’s smile falters before it’s back, and his hand falls back down to her ass. “Every damn day.”
Emma chuckles as she presses forward to kiss his collarbone before shifting once more to lazily kiss Killian so that she can taste his warmth. “You do a very good job at impressing me even though you definitely don’t have to.”
“It does come rather naturally to me. I’m a pretty impressive guy.”
Emma rolls her eyes and rests her head against her shoulder as sleep starts to catch up with her again, the lids of her eyes clothing. “There’s the Killian I know and love.”
“At your service, milady.”
When she wakes, Emma knows that it’s hours later from the way that sunlight filters through the windows. The shades have been pulled down since the middle of the night, but only halfway as the glow of the late October sun reaches through the room. Emma’s thighs ache, something, she notices immediately, but it’s a pleasant soreness that makes her mind flashback to a few hours ago. Immediately, she turns to seek out Killian in bed, but he’s not there. In his place are simply a card and a small box that has her heart pounding in her chest so loudly that she’s surprised all of Manhattan cannot hear it.
Emma reaches over and grabs the card first, her name written out in Killian’s sprawling script, and she smiles to herself as she reads his message.
Happiest of birthdays, my love.
Leaving you a card and a gift (and it is not your only gift, I promise) on the bed while you sleep does not count as “making a big deal out of things” so you best not complain. It’s been quite the year for you, a rollercoaster without a seatbelt some would say, and the only thing I can wish is that this year is somehow better for you than the last and that a smile continues to grace your lips.
You are the best part of my day every day, even on the ones where we’re arguing, and I cannot thank you enough for loving me even though I am the man who pressed start on last year’s rollercoaster ride.
I am where I am today because of you, Emma Swan. You are everything.
All of my love,
Sweet, stupid, sentimental fool.
Emma sits up in bed and adjusts the plush comforter over her legs. She needs to put pants back on, the chill in the room too much for her, but she’s far too curious as to what’s in this box. Slowly, she opens it, and inside rests a slim silver chain that glistens in the sunlight with a small circular pendant at the bottom that has the number twenty-nine inscribed into it.
“Elsa assured me that it wasn’t an asshole move to give you a pendant with my number on it.” She looks up to where he’s standing in the archway of his bedroom, already dressed in his clothes for practice and holding a mug of coffee in his hand. “I probably asked her at least sixty-seven times. And it’s also, you know, for the ring. The chain you have it on now is a chunky old thing, and you deserve something a little more delicate.”
Her hand drops reaches down into her sweater and pulls out the chain so that it and the ring rests on top of her sweater. “There is nothing wrong with this chain.”
“Yeah,” Killian smiles, “there is. You deserve a nicer one.”
Emma doesn’t know what to say to that, so instead of speaking, she pulls the chain off of her neck and undoes the clasp before hooking the ring onto the new chain so that it falls down next to the pendant. “Can you put it on me?”
Killian nods in affirmation before walking toward her and putting the mug of coffee on the side table before gathering her hair up and moving it to the side so that it’s not covering her neck. He softly smiles at her, obviously nervous over his gift, before his hand brushes over hers to take the chain so that he can wrap it around her neck and clasp it together so that the ring and pendant fall just between her breast. Then there’s a soft, lingering kiss against the nape of her neck, and all Emma can do is smile.
“Thank you, Killian. I love this.”
“Yeah,” she confirms, kissing his cheek. “It’s perfect.”
The smile that stretches across his face warms her heart, and she swears that she sees blush gracing his cheeks. “I didn’t want to wake you since you don’t have to be at the fields until three, but I’ve got to go to practice.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to pay the fine and stay in bed with me? I’m feeling very motivated for a repeat of earlier.”
Killian groans and moves to rest his forehead against her shoulder, his intake of breath audible. “Please don’t tempt me like that. I have paid the fine many a time before for you, but I can’t do it today.”
“I know,” she soothes, squeezing his bicep. “I know. Go to practice. It’s a big day for you and the guys, and I don’t want anything to come between that.”
“I know. I love you, and I’ll text you later, yeah?”
“Absolutely. I love you too.” Killian kisses her shoulder before pulling up and standing from the bed so that he can walk over to his bedroom doorway. “Aren’t you forgetting your coffee?”
“That’s for you, love.”
Emma groans in appreciation. “You are the best man in the world.”
“I can’t wait to tell Dave that he’s lost his title.”
And then he’s gone and she’s left in the glorious softness of this bed with a new chain around her neck and a warm cup of coffee in her hand.
It’s day one of the World Series, and there’s absolutely nothing better than this.
Emma adjusts the faux leather of her skirt as she walks down the hallway to the suite where Mary Margaret’s text instructed her to go. Apparently, she didn’t think through her outfit choice today because no matter how cute she looks in a tight skirt with high suede boots and a black sweater, it’s a little bit difficult to walk at her normal pace. Jeans would have been a better choice, but she was saving that for tomorrow since the temperatures are dipping down a little further despite it being a day game.
ObviouslyObviously, all of the choices she has to make on a daily basis are the most difficult.
Regardless of her limited movement, Emma keeps walking, flashing her ID badge to the guard, and steps inside where she’s immediately bombarded by blue and white balloons as well as two giant gold ones of the numbers “two” and “eight.”
This is exactly what Killian meant when he had no control over whatever it is that Mary Margaret was doing to celebrate today.
“Happy birthday, Emma,” Addison squeals as she runs through the balloons to reach Emma, her arms going around Emma’s waist and squeezing so hard that Emma’s intestines likely shift.
“Thank you, sweetie,” she laughs, hugging Addy back and taking a deep breath when she lets go. “Did you get me all of these balloons?”
“Nope. Mommy and Mriss s. Mary Margaret did.”
“Oh, well, that is certainly nice of them.” Emma awkwardly bends down and picks Addy up even if Addy is getting far too big for her to do that, before walking through the balloons to where everyone Emma knows who doesn’t play baseball is waiting for her with bright smiles on their faces. “Hi, everyone. Thank you for the balloons and the cake that I’m sure is in the fridge and will make it hard for me to stay in this skirt.”
“It’s your birthday,” Mary Margaret sighs as she walks forward to give Emma a hug. “Calories don’t count. You look fantastic, by the way.”
“Thank you, Marg. You’re so sweet.”
Emma has to put Addison down before she makes the rounds to hug everyone in the room. Anna and Elsa squeeze her far too tightly, while Liam and Kris hug her like a normal person. Leo gives her a half-hearted hug, too distracted by watching TV to pay too much attention to her, and David hugs her like he always hugs her with his hand cupping the back of her head as he wishes her a happy birthday and shares just how much he loves her.
She hates that Ruby is downstairs working and that Graham is still at the precinct, but she’ll see both of them later today. She still can’t believe they’re getting married.
“Has Killian given you your present yet, Emma?” Elsa asks her once they’ve all settled down on the couches, plates of cake in all of their laps.
“Yeah, he has.” Emma pulls the chain out from underneath her shirt and shows Elsa. “Did you help him pick it out?”
“No, it was all on him. He asked my advice on it, though, because he wasn’t sure if it was an appropriate gift.”
“I love it. It’s very me, I think.”
“Killian too,” Anna sighs as her hand reaches over to touch the chain. “He’s never been one for big gifts, even for himself. His apartment is the most extravagant thing that he owns. This is so pretty. I think I might have to steal it from you.”
“Over Emma’s dead body,” David laughs. “She misplaced that ring last week, and I have never seen her so frantic. She’s not letting anyone touch it.”
Her cheeks flame up. “It’s not something that can exactly be replaced. Need I remind you of the time we had to do some special plumbing to get your wedding rink back from the sink in the men’s bathroom at the office.”
“You had to do what now?” Mary Margaret asks, a high-pitched squeak to her voice.
“Nothing, honey,” David promises even as he cuts his eyes at Emma. “I’ve still got my ring, and that’s all that matters.”
“If it makes everyone feel better,” Kris adds in, “I’m on what hast has to be my fifth wedding ring. I swear I lose one every Christmas season when I’m working.”
“The guy at the jewelry store has the information on file so that it’s always the same ring.” Anna shrugs her shoulders, like she’s used to it. “I have no idea how he loses them like that because it’s, like, pretty much glued to his fingers.”
“I’m a man of many talents.”
“Losing your ring doesn’t qualify as a talent, Kris.”
“Shut up, Liam.”
“That’s not a nice word,” Lucy yells out, chocolate icing spread across her lips. “You’re not supposed to say that. You’re supposed to ask him to please lower his voice.”
“Yeah, Kris,” Emma teases as she scoops up another bite of cake. “Ask Liam to lower his voice.”
“You get too much joy out of this.”
“I just like that the four-year-old is in charge of you.”
“I have been married to Anna for five years. You have been dating Killian for half a year. And yet you’re the one with the girls wrapped around your finger.”
Emma waggles her fingers in the air and winks over at Kris. “I learned all the best tricks at how to make children like me with Leo.”
“And by that,” David explains, “she means that she gave him candy even when we told her not to.”
“I think it really started when I gave him icing when he was ten months old. Leo’s never looked back. Right, kid?”
“Yep,” he sighs. He’s got icing all over his lips too, and it makes Emma laugh. “And now I get really cool seats at baseball games.”
“Hey,” David scoffs. “I have taken you to baseball games for years.”
“It’s not the same.”
“Ungrateful, I tell you. Completely and totally ungrateful.”
“Last week,” Liam starts, “I braided Addy’s hair, as I do quite frequently so I’m not a novice, and there was a small loop out of place that she went on about until I dropped her at school. I swear, sometimes it’s like life really is paying me back for every dumb thing I’ve done through the kids.”
Emma’s phone beeps, and she looks down at it to see a message from Ruby that she needs to come downstairs and get prepped for the game day introduction. Emma closes down the screen on her phone and takes several quick bites of her cake before standing up from the couch and placing her plate down on the coffee table.
“Thank you guysyou, guys. I love you, but I’ve got to go to work. Do your magic and pull the guys through, okay? If not for our sakes, do it for Killian so we don’t have to deal with him being all moody.”
“Amen,” they all echo from around her.
They all know Killian far too well.
There’s a roar in the stadium, one that Emma doesn’t hear that often, and it sends chills down her spine and over every inch of her skin so that each individual hair is raised on pebbled skin.
That’s the thing about starting the Series with the home field advantage. The entire crowd is around you, cheering on your successes and bemoaning your mistakes, and that momentum doesn’t just stick around for the home game. It stays with the players when they inevitably have to travel to California and have their every movement booed and their every breath criticized. Killian has told her time and time again that when it gets to be too much out there, the lights to bright and the jeers too loud, he closes his eyes and thinks to one of those moments where he was floating on cloud nine lifted by the fans so that he can remember that what’s happening right now isn’t going to be what’s happening every single time.
Each game is different, and sometimes it takes looking back on a good moment to have things be a little less lonesome out there.
For as much as these guys are a part of a team, they’re also standing in solidarity with thousands upon thousands of eyes on them, each person waiting with baited breath.
Emma’s heart has nearly burst from her chest fifteen times tonight alone, and she doesn’t know how she’s going to make it through more games than this.
How is she going to make it through Killian pitching tomorrow when he’s only pitched two games in two months?
This was easier when she was simply a reporter and not a girlfriend.
“You look like you’re about to hyperventilate,” Ruby says through her earpiece.
“Rubes, you have spent this entire game commentating the fact that I look like I’m going to hyperventilate or pass out or do something else equally ridiculous.”
“Some people are entertained by the game. I’m entertained by you.”
Jeff rolls his eyes next to Emma, obviously listening in to Ruby talking too. That poor man did not sign up for the two of them when he applied to be a job as a cameraman. He probably thought he’d just get to film a few baseball games.
“It’s sad how little you can be entertained by.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of this huge ass diamond ring on my finger.”
“Oh my God,” Emma mutters under her breath, and now Jeff is the one who looks like he’s about to hyperventilate. “Are you ever going to stop saying that?”
“Nope,” Ruby sighs. “I’m engaged and in love, and it’s only been three days. I have at least two weeks to be an obnoxious bride-to-be, remember?”
“Okay, but after two weeks, you’re done.”
“Please, in two weeks you and Jones are going to be holed up in his apartment fucking each other’s brains out because neither of you are smothered with work for the first time since you started dating. Baseball mating season in its truest form.”
“Ruby,” Emma shrieks, and some of the other reporters that are sitting next to her back behind the bullpen look over to her. “You can’t say that over the earpiece.”
“I’m sure Jeff doesn’t mind.”
“I mind,” he pipes in. “I definitely mind.”
“Strike three,” the umpire says, flashing the signal as Lorenzo walks off the field and back to the Dodgers’ dugout.
And game one goes to the Yankees.
“Go ahead and get ready to do interviews, you guys,” Ruby instructs them, her voice mellowing out back to the voice she uses when she’s seriously working. “Roseman has done a hell of a job closing out the game, but they want you to interview Scarlet and King.”
“Are you serious?” Emma groans.
“I know, I know. King is an asshole, but he hit the triple that gave us the lead. You’ve just got to do it.”
Emma would release a breath of relief, but she doesn’t even get a chance. She’s too busy trying to navigate the field that’s full of players and coaches and even a few family members that have somehow stuck around. Then it’s a mess of interviews, and thankfully, Will and Arthur do a joint one so that she doesn’t have to interview Arthur alone. Their voices are giddy, Will’s Boston accent far thicker than usual, and it’s infectious seeing the joy in their faces and hearing the cheer of the crowd as Frank Sinatra’s voice plays over the stadium.
They really did just win.
One game down. Hopefully only three more to go.
“Swan,” Killian yells out, and she turns around on the field to see him walking toward her. He’s changed clothes since she last saw him, and she had no idea that he was still even near the field. She kind of figured that he would have gone up to the suite after practice.
The smile on his face is huge, his eyes crinkling, and she fully expects him to pick her up in his hug when he gets to her.
He does.
“We won,” she laughs into his embrace while he slowly spins her around the field.
“YesYes, we fucking did,” Killian chuckles right back as he puts her on the ground and moves his hands to cup her cheeks before fiercely kissing her. She guesses him kissing her during the last game kind of blew their policy on separating work and home in public. “I have no idea how I’m going to go to sleep tonight.”
“Yeah, well, you better. You have to pitch tomorrow. This isn’t over yet.”
“I know, I know, but I can feel it in my bones. We’ve got this.”
“Yeah,” she smiles as hope starts building up in her chest, “we do.”
Or at least she hopes so.
Tag list: @authorarsinoe​ @stunningswan​ @eala-captian @galaxyzxstark @xellewoods @mariakov81 @ultraluckycatnd @royalswan @shey-starsfury​ @superchocovian​ @sals86 @iam2307 @ashley-knightingale @karenfrommisthaven @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @ultimiflos @jamif @idristardis @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @notoriouscs @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog​ @cs-forlife @andiirivera @jonirobinson64 @qualitycoffeethings​ @carpedzem​ @tornadoamy​
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ayatosmlktea · 5 years
𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝑴𝒚 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆
A/N: felt like doing a Supernatural AU but with aot characters 😬
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1
 ♡     ♡     ♡     ♡     ♡
‘This shouldn’t have happened, I’m so stupid. I knew things weren’t right. This is my fault’ Y/N growls in frustration. She stared at the form of her unconscious sister through blurry eyes and and felt bile rising up from her stomach yet again.
They weren’t actually related, anyone could tell just by looking at them. Mikasa had been adopted into their family when she was still quite young but that didn’t matter to Y/N. Blood relatives or not Mikasa was her sister and the fact that she was unconsciously on the verge of death because of her stupid mistake was tearing her apart.
It was supposed to be a simple hunt, exorcise the poltergeist from the house of a terrified white collar upper class family. The same thing they’d done over a hundred times in their years as hunters. She grips her hair in both hands hanging her head as she remembers the events of the last day.
“Another house call?” Mikasa sighs as she leans back into the seat of their car. Y/N tears her tired eyes away from the road for a second to glance at her moody sister.
“I know you don’t like doing these but we could be closer to tracking the thing that kill mom and we might be able to find Eren soon.” She sees Mikasa perk up slightly at the mention of their missing older brother.
The three of them had grown up together and had been quite close but things had changed after their mom had been murdered almost 10 years ago. Eren, being the oldest, had started his training first after the tragedy that had changed your family for the worse. Y/N could tell that he had taken it the hardest, his normal cheerful self had gradually become more aggressive and closed off. He trained his body past his limits, something which concerned her greatly but their father had brushed off.
‘You’re weak, Y/N. Now get up and do it again.” She felt tears building up behind her eyes, refusing to meet her father’s look of disapproval she wipes the blood off her nose on the back of her hand and resumes her stance.
To no one’s surprise but Eren, their dad had abandoned them after leaving for a hunt by himself. Usually he took Eren with him, leaving Y/N to watch Mikasa at whatever motel he’d bought for the night. They’d had no way of contacting him, the only phone number he’d left them was out of service any time they’d tried calling. Eren had only been 20 at the time, y/n 17 and Mikasa 14. It was a lot of responsibility for anyone, having three mouths to feed with little money to scrape by with. She could feel Eren’s anger as he read the note left by their dad, slowly crumpling it in his hands as she saw the look of betrayal flash in his emerald eyes.
It made her angry whenever she thought about that night. Their dad had been gone for three months already. Eren had packed his bag while y/n had taken Mikasa out to buy whatever they could afford for dinner. When they’d come back Eren had met them at the door, his face expressionless as he informed them he’d be going off on his own to look for their dad. Y/N felt panic shooting through her body as she grabbed his arm as he walked past her.
“Eren we’re supposed to stick together! You could get hurt or killed! We can figure out what to do in the morning, please just stay with us.” She could vividly see the look of disgust in his eyes as he shoved her off of him the force strong enough to make her fall.
“You two only slow me down, you’re weak. I can do this by myself, stay out of my way.” The harsh cold tone of his voice broke her heart, the Eren they had grown up with was gone and the young man that stood before them now was an empty shell of his former self. Sometimes she still woke up sweating in the middle of the night, the terrified cries from Mikasa played over in her mind as they huddled together for warmth after being abandoned for the second time.
“Y/N! Slow down!” Mikasa’s harsh tone snapped her out of her reverie. She hadn’t realized how long she had been stuck in her thoughts, her knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel. Releasing a breath she hadn’t even known she was holding, she released some pressure off the gas pedal.
“Sorry, I got distracted” She muttered, sighing heavily. “I know you don’t like these hunts but we need money and the poltergeist might lead us to whatever clues we can get about the thing that killed mom.”
They were never sure about what supernatural entity had killed their mom that night, neither y/n or Mikasa could remember the night very well. All Y/N could remember was the sound of water coming from their parents bathroom.
Their dad had speculated it was a demon once while he was piss drunk one night but they never had any proof and he’d never shared any information with them.
“Pull over, you’re going to crash the damn car at this point. I’ll drive the rest of the way.” Mikasa said once again pulling her from her thoughts. She hadn’t slept in almost two days and at this rate she was going to fall asleep at the wheel. She pulled off the dark empty road and switched seats with Mikasa. Her shoulders sagged as she leaned back into the seat.
“Get some sleep y/n, you’ve been working yourself to the bone lately. You’re starting to scare me a bit, one Eren is enough to handle.” Mikasa shoots her a concerned glance before pulling back onto the road.
“Don’t worry Mika, I’ll be fine.” She yawns as sleep overtakes her exhausted body.
When she opens her eyes again she’s met with the warm orange glow of the late afternoon sunshine. Yawning and stretching her arms above her head she feels slightly better than she had last night. Her senses became alert quickly and the smell of delicious greasy salty food made its way to her nose. She perked up in her seat as she turned her body to see Mikasa smirking holding a bag of burgers and fries in front of her face.
“Thought that would wake you up, you knocked out cold. It’s almost 7pm.” Her eyes widen in shock, normally she never got that much sleep in, managing on 4-5 hours every night. Her stomach grumbles hungrily and Mikasa reaches inside the bag to pull out y/n’s share of the food.
“While you were sleeping I went to speak with the family and scope out the house a bit.” Mikasa says in between bites of food.
“The house seems newly built so I don’t know why a poltergeist is attached to them, I told them to stay at a hotel for the night while we work. I didn’t get any dangerous vibes from the house but I don’t want to take any chances.” She nods and stares off at the setting sun. Poltergeists were a bit harder to exorcise than ghosts, some of them were able to hide their true intentions and come off as weaker or less threatening spirits but it was something they’d both been able to master with practice.
“What’s wrong? You’ve seem really distracted since last night.” The raven hair girl’s brow furrows as she shoves another fry into her mouth.
“It’s nothing, I just have a weird feeling about this job.” She bites her lip nervously, there was something about this house call that was different from these others but she couldn’t place her finger on it.
“Well there’s no point in worrying too much about it now, it’s not like this is our first time.” Mikasa’s words did little to reassure the anxious feeling in her gut but rather than drag the conversation on she just smiles and focuses her attention on her food.
After her stomach had been satisfied, they’d waited until the sun had set before making their way to the house. Packing their duffle bag with their shot guns and knives along with the rock salt bullets they’d learned to make from Mike, another hunter they’d come across during one of their earlier jobs, they walked into the house.
It had started off normally, the activity in the house picked up as the night progressed. Flickering lights had turned into chairs moving across the floor, doors slamming shut and a persistent scratching from the walls. They’d completed the house purification ritual and everything went eerily silent.
“That was easy.” Mikasa huffed, she wiped the sweat off her brow. She’d ran upstairs to place the last bag in the appropriate place. Pulling out their EMF detector, it singled that there was no supernatural entity in the house. For some reason the anxious feeling from before came back stronger now.
“You can go out to the car I’ll just call them and let them know it’s safe to come back.” Mikasa handed over their bags to Y/N and she reluctantly headed back to their car. The moment her feet were over the threshold the door slammed shut and locked. Her eyes widened in horror as she whipped around and rattled the handle. Dread filled her stomach as she heard Mikasa cry out from inside the house.
“Mikasa!” Y/N screamed, her eyes wide with panic. She tried her hardest to get back into the house, her shoulders probably bruised from slamming them into the door. Rushing around to the back of the house she smashed in the window of the basement and jumped down. Her heart nearly stopped in that moment, Mikasa had been thrown down the stairs and was lying unconscious on the floor with a pool of blood seeping out from under her. A red haired man hovered over Mikasa, and his presence was vile enough to make Y/N want to double over and vomit.
“Get the fuck away from her!” She growls out drawing her gun up as she fires a round into his head. He hisses in pain and whips his around to face her. His eyes blacker than the night sky and his lips twisted upwards into a sinister smile.
“How did you stupid hunters manage to find her?” His laugh grates her ears like nails on a chalkboard as he licks the blood off his fingers. What the fuck was he talking about? She didn’t have time to stop and think about it, Mikasa was losing a lot of blood fast.
“He’s going to be so happy with me! I found her! The last Ackerman!” the demon before her giggles maniacally as he raises his arm to deliver a fatal slash to the younger girl’s chest. Y/N fires another round into his shoulder and starts chanting the exorcism as quickly as she possibly could. His angry growl fills her ears as the demon is expelled from the man’s body and he falls to the ground unconscious.
Not wasting any more precious time she gingerly picks the unconscious girl from off the floor and runs back to their car as fast as her legs will allow. She races to the nearest hospital, covered in Mikasa’s blood as she desperately calls for help. After overcoming their initial shock at the sight of two young women covered in blood the nurses had rushed her to the nearest OR and Y/N sat near the nurses station while they waited for the police to arrive.
She’d made up some story about them visiting their aunt when the man in the basement had broken in and attacked Mikasa while she was upstairs. After presenting their fake ID’s and then filling out the paperwork she made her way to the room her sister was staying in.
Unable to hold back her emotions any longer she felt hot tears running down her face as she collapses at her bedside. The doctors weren’t sure if she was going to wake up, she’d suffered severe blood loss and had a few broken ribs as well as a concussion.
“This is all my fault,” she groans against the sleeve of her shirt. “I’m so sorry.”
“I can save her.” A sudden deep voice makes her jerk her head up to see a tall blond man wearing a pristine all-black suit standing at the foot of the bed. She feels the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and she pulls the hand gun out of her waist band and points it at him.
“What the fuck makes you think I want your help, demon?” She growls, his tilts his head to the side as his black eyes flicker back to normal.
“Tsk Tsk Y/N, that’s no way to talk to a friend” He smirks as her eyes narrow dangerously.
“How do you know my name?” She asks her gun still pointed at him.
“Doesn’t matter, but I think we can help each other out. I’ll heal the girl and in exchange you help me find someone.” His blueish grey eyes observing her as she struggled to come up with a solution out of this mess. She didn’t really have a choice, Mikasa needed a miracle to come out of this mess that she’d created. Her shoulders slumped in defeat. She was as weak as Eren had said years ago, she’d failed to protect Mikasa, this was her punishment.
Clenching her hands into fists as she makes up her mind she takes one last glance at her sister before reaching her hand out.
“Fine, you have a deal. But if you try any funny shit I won’t just exorcise your ass back to hell, I’ll kill you myself” her eyes narrow as he laughs.
“That’s not how we make deals around here and you know that love” her stomach churns as she fights the urge to vomit. Making her way over to the blond demon she grimaces as their lips meet. She struggles against his vice like grip but he holds her in place, her head starts to feel dizzy and only then does he pull back.
“Such a delicious soul you have love, I can’t wait to carve it up! See you in a year.” He turns around to leave but her hand reaches out to grab his shoulder.
“Wait! What’s your name and how am I supposed to find you? Who are you looking for?”
“You can call me Zeke, summon me like you would any other demon. And the man I’m looking for goes by the name Levi Ackerman.” With that he vanishes.
Ackerman? Wasn’t that what the other demon had called Mikasa back at the house? Before she had any more time to think it over she hears Mikasa’s heart monitor begin to pick up and sees her eyes opening slowly. Nurses begin to rush in and escort her out of the room. She almost cries out in relief again, it worked! He’d kept his end of the bargain and healed her sister but in exchange she’d sold him her soul and had one year to find who this Levi person was before she was dragged to hell. In that moment she would’ve done anything to save Mikasa, she didn’t regret her choice. Y/N just hoped Mikasa would forgive her with time.
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honestlyhappyharry · 4 years
Girls Night
"Hey, Mila. How do you feel about having a girls night?" You ask the little girl sitting across the kitchen island eating her toast with jam for lunch. It only had strawberry jam, she didn't like it with butter and she could always tell if you or Harry had made it with butter. Mila was the youngest of your 4 children with Harry. First Noah Edward Styles, who was 17 and going out with friends tonight, then Knox George Styles, who was 14 and going to a boy/girl party, and Eloise Esme Styles, who was 10 and was spending the night at her best friends house. Harry and the boys were at a meet and greet in New York and had to leave this morning but he was coming back tomorrow. Your kids ages seemed to confuse some people, the difference between Mila and Noah was 14 years but once you had Eloise you and Harry still wanted another kid but the timing wasn't perfect because the boys were just about to go tour and then when Harry came back everything was a little bit of a mess. Once everything settled down and got back to normal you and Harry had trouble conceiving a baby. After some external help and through IVF you got pregnant with Mila Nancy Styles and she just completed your family.
"Yes, Mumma. I'd like that." She said grinning at you with that signature Styles grin.
~ "Mum, I'm leaving." Noah shouts as you heard the front door opening and then closing, not even giving you to say bye to him. Teenagers.
"Uh, Mum, Milly's here take me to the party." Knox's voice came from the hallway, you get up off the couch to go and see him.
"Milly?" You ask, you had heard him talk about a girl called Milly in his class but you assumed he'd be going to the party with his best friend Jake.
"Yeah, her mum wanted to meet me and we are dating." He tells you, your mouth drops open. Maybe he only told Harry.
"I think you only told your dad, bud." You say. "I would love to met her though." You say.
Almost on instinct the doorbell rings and Knox walks the 3 steps to open in, a girl walks in and hugs Knox. She was a lot shorter than Knox, who was tall for his age seeing as Harry was his father, had blondish hair and brown eyes.
"It's nice to meet you, Mrs Styles, I'm Milly." She says once Knox lets her go.
"It's nice to meet you too, Milly. And you can call me Y/n." You tell her, she smiled. "You two should probably get going then." You say to her and Knox and he agrees, putting on his shoes on before walking out the door.
Just as Knox and Milly walk out the door, Eleanor, Louis wife, and Gigi, Eloise’s best friend and Louis' daughter, walk in. "El! Hi!" You say as she walks in. You and Eleanor had been best friends since you and Harry started dating. She was one of the people you were closest to, which is part of the reason Eloise’s name was so similar to hers. 
"Oh my gosh, I haven't see you in so long. I've missed you so so so much." She rambled, Gigi had taken off her shoes and was going up the stairs to find Eloise when you pulled her in for a hug. "Was that Knox's girlfriend?" She asked once you pulled away.
"Yeah, how'd you know he had one though?" You puzzled.
"Oh, Harry was talking to Louis on the phone about it when we were together." She says and you nod. "Knox, didn't tell you?" She asks.
"Nah, I'm not sure why. Anyway, we should go shopping sometime." You say to her and she nods, excitedly.
"Yes, definitely. Eloise and Gigi need to hurry up though, we have a movie to catch in half an hour." She says and you yell up the stairs for them to come down.
"Mumma, is Aunty El actually here?" Mila screams as she runs down the stairs, she was previously up in her room playing with the dolls. Mila had started to say the word 'actually' in every sentence since she heard you say it and Harry laugh at you.
"Baby La!!" Eleanor said as the small girl jumped into her arms, giving her the biggest hug. "I've missed you so much, we should go out sometime and I can take you shopping." She says.
"Yes!!" Mila screamed again. By now Gigi and Eloise were at the bottom of the stairs, Eloise with her bag in hand. It wasn't uncommon for Eloise and Gigi to go out without Mila, she was 6 years their junior.
"Okay, we should go now. Do you girls have any plans for tonight?" Eleanor said as she gave Gigi the keys to her car so Eloise could put her things in.
"We're just going to have a girls night." You smile as you pick Mila up and hold her close to you. You definitely missed having a little baby even though Mila was quite little for her age.
"Ooo, have fun. We really do need to get going though. I'll see you tomorrow." Eleanor says as she, Gigi and Eloise walk out the door.
"Miss, I'd like a kiss." You say to Eloise and pull her back in to give her a kiss on the forehead. She sighed, wow your little baby was becoming a teenager. "Have fun." You say.
"Mumma, what are we going to do?" Mila said as you held her close to you.
"I was thinking we could paint our nails, do a face mask and get some popcorn and watch a movie." You say to the ever grinning girl in your arms. She was nodding at your plan. "Let's go then." You say and put her down so you could walk up the stairs to your and Harry's master bathroom.
After you painted Mila’s nails, Mila attempted to paint yours, you both put on some of your favourite face mask, you made popcorn, you and Mila were sitting on your bed. Then your phone started to ring. You look down to see it was Harry's number and you look at Mila. "It's daddy, do you wanna say hi. Then I'll go talk to him and you can stay here and watch the movie?" You ask and she nods before you answer the phone.
"Daddy!!" She screamed and you smile at her enthusiasm to talk to Harry. You look over and check the clock to see it read 3:21. Meaning it was nearly 6:30 in New York and Harry was probably about to go out to dinner with the boys.
"Hi baby, how are you?" He asks and she replies with a 'good'. After Mila filled Hary in on everything you two had done, down to when she had gone to the bathroom, you were out in the hallway with the phone to your ear.
"Hi, my love." Harry said, he hadn't really gotten the chance to say a proper hello to you with Mila’s rambling.
"Hi, Haz. How's the meet and greet?" You ask.
"So good, baby, I never get sick of meeting fans. You always meet such amazing new people." You bean at the way Hary talked about his supporters, so much love.
"That's good, how are you?" You ask him.
"I'm good. I miss you though. Do you think Mila would hear some phone sex?" He asked and you roll your eyes but giggle a little at what a pig Harry was.
"Yes. I think she would know. Also I thought you were calling because you wanted to say how you loved me, not how much you wanted to sleep with me." You tease and Harry chuckles.
"I love you." He said sincerely. "I just really wish I had time to put my dick in you this morning." He started laughing about you roll your eyes again although he couldn’t see it.
"You're so funny." You sarcastically speak.
"Hmm. I'm pretty sure you would have loved it." He says and you shamelessly agree. "Hey um, I need to go. The boys are here." He says into the phone.
"Okay. I'll send you a pic of how cute Mila looks." You say to him.
"I love you."
"I love you." The phone then shut off and you walk back into your room to see Mila. "Smile for daddy." You say as you hold out your phone to take a picture of her.
She sticks out her tongue and you send it to Harry with the message: someone taught this little one some sass, must have been Louis.
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A/N: I wrote this for my cousin because the photo looks so much like her and I miss her heaps and today happens to be her birthday 
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I was tagged by the ever lovely @besidemethewholedamntime, thanks lovely! 😘
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
Just plain black. Nothing exciting unfortunately!
2. Name a food you never eat
Mushrooms, and at the moment, cheese. Damned dairy intolerance.
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
Both, but usually cold. My internal heating and cooling system is truly buggered, thanks to the fact that I was a premmie baby. Just one of the many fun side effects.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Fannying about after having a shower. Every single day I do this and I don’t know why.
5. What’s your favorite candy bar?
CURRENTLY, it is the Galaxy Vegan caramelised hazelnut chocolate and oh my god it’s so good. A lot of vegan chocolate is really crumbly and whilst it tastes good, the texture is just off and that kind of ruins it for me. But Galaxy have really nailed the texture, it’s just creamy and good and just tastes and feels like real chocolate and I was honestly so happy the first time I tried it.
6. Have you ever been to professional sports event?
I have! I went to a few Scottish Premier League (football) games when I was younger, with my dad, before realising that I didn’t enjoy it much. I have also been to one singular hockey match, which really tells you everything you need to know about how I found that. Honestly I don’t really go in much for sports. I enjoy watching horse riding, show jumping and the like, and figure skating, and that’s about it.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?
“WHAT ARE YOU EATING?!” To the doggo, who had just got a hold of the leftovers of my dad’s lunch.
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
Ben and Jerry’s do an ice cream that has vanilla on one side, and chocolate on the other, with a full ass BLOCK of caramel in the middle, and it is probably the unhealthiest thing I have ever consumed, but oh my god it’s so good.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Tea! Please assume that I am always drinking tea, it is a fairly accurate assumption.
10. Do you like your wallet?
Eh. It’s okay. It’s getting a bit old but I’ve been putting off getting a new one.
11. What is the last thing you ate?
One of those tiny little packets of haribo that are STILL somehow leftover from Halloween
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
I did! I bought a new top for work, a white jumper bc white goes with everything and I’m a bit lazy.
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched?
On purpose? The 2018 Winter Olympic Ice Dance final when Virtue/Moir FINALLY WON THE GOLD!!! It was on until like 3/4am, and I had 3 back to back lectures the next day, and I was SO TIRED, but oh it was worth it!! I think the mens individual final was on the next night but I FULLY fell asleep halfway through 😬
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
Sweet and salty!
15. Who is the last person you send text message to?
My sister! I was ranting about The Crown and she was just kind of listening haha
16. Ever been camping?
Twice! Both my guide troop. Once just cause, and once bc it was the Centenary of Girl Guiding in the UK and all of the troops in our county pitched up in a giant field for the weekend, which was good fun! Would I do it again? Maybe not. I’m not really that outdoorsy, but I will give anything a go once.
17. Do you take vitamins?
Nope! I probably should, but I swear every time I start taking vitamin C I get a cold. Not sure if this is just my immune system being weird or if I am actually cursed.
18. Do you regularly attend a place of workship?
Nope! I am very much agnostic. I used to live almost right across the road from a church, that was fun on a Sunday morning no need to set an alarm, and I used to walk past, I kid you not four or five on my way to work, which is a lot considering it was ALL ONE ROAD and a fairly short walk.
19. Do you have a tan?
Nope! I’m so pale I reflect the sun back.
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza?
Pizza!!! I miss it!!! Dairy free cheese suuuuuccckkksssss
21 . Do you drink your soda through a straw?
Not really. I didn’t really before but I’m really not a fan of paper straws and them getting all soggy.
22. What color socks you usually wear?
Literally every single colour. A lot of blue and navy but I’m not kidding, it is every colour.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
I can’t drive so I can’t go over the speed limit haha
24. What terrifies you?
Oh well, what a fun question. So much. Ultimately failure. Failure to do anything worthwhile in my life, failure to help people, failure in my personal life. The list goes on. And heights. I am truly truly terrified of heights.
25. Look to your left, what do you see?
The doggo!! 🐶
26. What chore do you hate the most?
Sorting through odd socks. All black socks should be burned imo.
27. What do you think when you hear Australian accent?
Neighbors. My mum loved Neighbors in its hayday, and it is always discussed when Kylie or Jason Donovan is on the telly haha.
28. Whats your favorite soda?
Good old lemonade.
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit drive through?
Can’t drive so go in. My flatmate and I got really bad for ordering in McDonalds last year after it got put on Uber eats. She was a terrible influence on me I swear.
30. What’s your favorite number?
31. Who’s the last person you talked to?
My granny!
32. Favorite meal?
My mum’s leftover chicken risotto with bacony bits
33. Last song you listened to?
According to Spotify, Smoke by Gia Margaret (suprise surprise, its from the Normal People soundtrack)
34. Last book you read?
Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell. Such a beautifully written book. Very casually magical and oh so very sad.
35. Favorite day of the week?
Tuesday, but I couldn’t tell you why.
36. Can you say alphabet backwards?
Absolutely not.
37. How do you like your coffee?
I don’t like coffee. I like the smell but it is far too bitter for me and the caffeine makes me feel truly awful.
38. Favorite pair of shoes?
I have a pair of brown boots that are almost victorian in style, they lace up, and made of the softest leather and I love them to utter pieces.
39. Time you normally get up?
On a normal day, usually any time after 10am. I like my bed and I don’t go to sleep until quite late. When I’m working, it’s usually between half past 6 and 9am.
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunset?
Sunset. I am very much a night owl.
41. How many blankets on your bed?
At the moment I just have my big thick duvet which keeps me very cosy and I never want to get out of my cosy bed, but I FULLY expect that to increase as it gets colder bc I am a cold creature.
42. Describe your kitchen plates
Just plain white, fairly standard.
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment.
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
Oooh, I like a Bacardi and coke or a gin and lemonade (which according to my gin and tonic loving mother is a sacreligous thing to do to gin). I don’t drink a whole lot, but those are my two go tos.
45. Do you play cards?
I can play cards, but I don’t do it on the regular.
46. What color is your car?
Don’t have a car!
47. Can you change a tire?
48. Your favorite state or province?
Don’t really have that here, so I’m gonna be a bit cheeky and say Perthshire 😉. It really is beautiful though!!
49. Favorite job you’ve had?
My current job! It’s just a clothes shop retail job, but the company is so good (which is rare for a big company), the people are so lovely, the hours can suck sometimes, but I enjoy it so much more than waitressing and bar work!
Thanks again so much for the tag! I think just about everyone has been tagged in this, so if you haven’t done this yet, consider yourself tagged now!!
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Lies Untold
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Supernatural, Wolf Au
Pairing: Luhan x Reader
Summary: For generations, your family has been the protectors of mankind. You were considered one of the best and due to that reputation, you were sent on what could be the most important mission for the organization. Going under cover in a college to sniff out a particularly large and threatening wolf pack seemed easy enough. But when you meet one of the members, everything you’ve known since birth will be overturned and your loyalty to your family and heritage will be tested.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I Final
Ice ran through your veins. You could feel his hot breath against your neck. His very proximity was enough to churn your stomach. Your skin was crawling to get away from him. He’d had this effect on you since you were children. There was always something unnerving and unsettling about him.
Out all the people… no. You couldn’t lose your cool. You could still control the situation. You’d conquered your fear of him long ago.
“I don’t know what you’re blabbering about,” you hissed as you stood up from your chair abruptly, causing him to jump back. “I was fixing the files after finding there was a mistake in the information. We can’t exactly operate at an efficient level if we’re strategizing off of inaccurate information.”
Johnny raised an eyebrow, something sparking in his gray eyes. “Inaccurate information, you say?” Out of his pocket, he procured a folded up piece of paper. He held it up between his index and middle finger like it was the winning card of a poker game; his ace in the hole. “If the town was incorrectly named in the files, then why do your GPS coordinates have you going only to the town previously mentioned in the files?”
You always knew that Johnny was twisted. He crossed lines and went around orders. His disciplinary file had an above average amount of papers that had found a home there, but he was never really punished for any of his transgressions. Most of the council actually preferred his methods, even if they went against tradition and honor. And he had mastered hiding the more insatiable parts of himself from the elders. His greatest trick.
This, though… it was like he knew you weren’t going to go through with your mission. Or… he’d been planning something from the beginning….
“What are you getting at, Johnny?” Challenging him in this moment probably wasn’t the best idea, but you needed to keep him talking. Johnny was like the villain in a spy movie. Once he started on his speeches, he gave away everything.
“Entrusting you with this mission was a mistake from the start,” he sneered. “You’re too soft. You’ve never even slain your own wolf.”
“This mission wasn’t about killing,” you snarled back. Whether you were choosing to leave this life or not, being called soft or weak was still an insult. You’d been taught since you were little that being either one of those things would get you killed. “It was getting the book. That’s why you weren’t sent. You’re too reckless. All you think about is the kill. You never look at other perspectives.”
Johnny scoffed. “Other perspectives? You sound a little peace-loving, don’t you?”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
Slowly, a smirk grew across his lips. “Do I?”
Turning into the predator he really was, Johnny began to circle you, his eyes trained on your face. You tried hard to remain collected, to act bored or uninterested in his little game while in reality, panic was beginning to shake the very fibers of your muscles. Fight or flight was kicking in and either one would give you away.
“I don’t think I do know what you mean actually,” he hissed in a very snake-like fashion in your ear. He was directly behind you now and enjoying the game he was masterminding. “You forget, (y/n), I’ve seen you hesitate before..”
You elbowed him hard in the stomach, receiving a satisfying groan in return. “That was years ago, in a simulation. If that’s the best you’ve got, then maybe you should pick a new career.”
Before you could walk away, Johnny grabbed your arm and spun you around. His wide, round face was red from the strain it took to hold himself back. Controlling his temper was always a struggle for him and you might have just pressed the wrong button.
“I was born and bred to someday lead this section of the organization,” he growled, the grip on your arm tightening, forcing a wince out of you. “I am the only one strong enough to lead the next generation. You are weak and sympathetic. It makes me sick.”
“I am not,” you argued back desperately.
“Yes, you are. You don’t have the willpower to do what is necessary. But don’t worry. Because I have the will and the vision it takes to eradicate the world of those creatures. I will make sure that every single mongrel is wiped from the face of this earth and I’ll start with your precious monsters.”
“They’re not monsters!” The words were out from your lips before you could bite them back. By the sickening grin spreading across Johnny’s face, you knew you’d given yourself away.
Slowly, the real monster turned his head and glanced over his shoulder. “Is that proof enough for you?”
Suddenly the monitors on the walls flickered on, revealing the council sitting back at the conference table after you’d been told the meeting was dismissed. You were surrounded on all sides by the people you used to admire and look up to. Every member wore a cold expression, save your father. Disappointment and heartbreak were written all over his face.
“No judgement will be passed as of yet,” your father declared. His voice was much more powerful and indifferent than what his features showed. “We’ll investigate further. Until then, she’ll be held in the cells with the possible charge of treason.”
The monitors went black again, cutting off any possible argument you might have given. Pressed against the delicate skin of your neck was the sharp edge of Johnny’s favorite knife.
“Don’t try to fight,” he laughed. “There are more of us outside this room.”
You didn’t plan on fighting. Not right now. But of course he brought backup. He knew if it was simply one-on-one, you’d win. Johnny couldn’t hold his own in a long running match.
Knowing that you didn’t have any other choice, you let him lead you out of the main hall and across the grounds towards the holding cells while his loyal goons followed closely behind with Tasers crackling in their hands.
You kept your face forward, ignoring the cries of your baby sister as she ran towards you.
“What are you doing with her!” Alli shouted.
Johnny snarled at her. “Mind your own business, child!”
“I’m not a child!” she bit back. Turning to you, her fierce façade melted away to a desperation for answers. “(y/n), what’s going on?”
“Don’t worry about it, Alli. Everything’s going to be fine.” An empty promise. And she knew it. She maybe not have been an adult, but you couldn’t get away with simple generalizations with her like you could a child.
“Don’t lie to me!”
“Your sister is a traitor, how about that?” Johnny shoved Alli away, making you fight against his grip, but the knife was back at your throat and his slid the metal just enough to break skin. “Get out of here. If you want answers, find your father.”
Alli shot you one last pleading look. At your silence, she took off for the main hall. You weren’t sure if your father would actually explain anything to her, but you hoped he would keep her in the dark just a little while longer. For her own sake.
The only light that was given in the small, stable-like prison came from the high windows that would be just out of your reach. Concrete slabs made up the walls, impossible to climb with their smooth surfaces, and old iron bars speckled with red-orange rust created the doors to the five-by-eight rooms. Old, musky straw covered the dirt floors and several of the cells had worn wrist cuffs hanging from a heavy nail hammered into the walls. Thankfully, Johnny didn’t see a need to chain you up as he shoved you into one of the cells near the middle of the single-hallway building after patting you down for weapons. You hadn’t strapped any on you this morning, deeming it unnecessary. That decision still seemed right. If you were able to get out of here, you knew exactly where your weapons were stored, rather than being in the possession of Johnny. Again, that was if you got out of here.
“This is a truly enjoyable sight,” he snickered as he slammed the cell door shut. With a motion of his head, he led his posse outside, leaving you alone.
You slid down to the ground, not caring about the dirt and grime that was getting all over your pants. It wasn’t a surprise that you landed here. As soon as you’d gotten into Innie’s car, you knew there was a high chance that you’d be caught. You’d come to terms with the end and so now all there was left to do was sit and wait for your fate.
Luhan crouched down low in the shrubbery that outlined the compound. Buildings that ranged from large training facilities to personal homes were scattered among the grounds in no specific order. Hunters were wandering around in groups of three or four, the older ones walking stoically with their hands hand their backs while the more youthful hunters were loudly joking and shoving each other.
The sun was still too high in the sky for his liking, so Luhan waited - rather impatiently - for the better cover of night. He had no idea where you were or which house belonged to your family, but that was easily handled. He just needed to find a small hint of your scent. Surely you’d been gone long enough that he wouldn’t pick up old, confusing traces.
As soon as he had the cover of darkness and the compound seemed to have settled for the night, Luhan emerged from the forest and slowly walked along the cemented trails. He stuck to the shadows, but at the same time tried to look like he belonged so no one would question him from a distance. Taking several deep breaths, he tried to concentrate on finding your scent among dozens scattered around the area.
Finally locating it, he followed your trail to the largest building in the center of this place. He knew walking into what was obviously the headquarters for this branch of the organization, but he needed to find you.
And the front door was unlocked.
So, he opened it slowly, stepping inside and carefully, quietly closing it back up again. He scanned the long hallway, careful to look for any signs of movement. After a hundred feet or so, your scent came to a stop at a pair of double doors. There was no light shining out from underneath onto the carpet, indicating that the room wasn’t in use. Was it possible you were still in there?
Luhan decided to take the risk. He placed his palm on the shiny golden handle and pushed.
The room was empty. Great. Now he had to find the trail again.
“Well, isn’t this a lovely surprise?”
Luhan whirled around. Leaning against the opposite wall was a cocky-looking hunter about his size twirling a knife between his hands. Luhan knew his eyes were giving off an amber glow, catching the smallest bit of light to give him better sight. This hunter knew what he was, anyway.
“It’s interesting that you came after her. Very revealing,” the hunter mused, not looking up at Luhan. He instead kept watching the knife as if it held the world’s secrets in its structure. “I thought (y/n) had just gone soft, unable to hurt the poor, unsuspecting wolves. But now that you’re here,” he pointed at Luhan with the knife, finally making eye contact with him, “I suspect that it’s much more than that. Is she, perhaps, your precious, fated mate? That would certainly explain a lot.”
Luhan let out a low, threatening growl. “Where is she?”
“In the same place all traitors go,” he shrugged. “But she won’t be there very long. Especially now that you’re here. Maybe we’ll be nice and kill you both together. Wouldn’t that be sweet? Just like Shakespeare’s stupid play.”
Luhan wanted to pounce. He wanted nothing more than to jump on this sick, sadistic hunter and rip his throat out for even thinking about hurting you. But before his muscles could twitch, the doors at the end of the hallway flew open, revealing a new group of hunters.
The knife the first hunter had been holding was now embedded into the wall near Luhan’s ear.
Well, shit.
Taking off in the opposite direction, Luhan burst through the doors, making it to the outside before the other hunters made it to their leader. Thankful for his supernatural speed, Luhan bobbed and weaved through the buildings. He couldn’t head back to the woods. Even though it was his territory, the place he was most familiar with, it would make getting back here nearly impossible.
From what he heard with his acute ears, the hunters were still a ways behind him. He glanced over his shoulder, but he couldn’t see where they might be looking for him. Up ahead, there looked like what might have been an unused building. The grass around the edge of overgrown and a few of the higher up windows were cracked or missing corner pieces. He ran towards the possible hiding spot.
He didn’t make it.
Strong hands stopped him in his tracks and yanked him off his course. He landed hard on his back against the wall of one of the steel buildings. The jolt sent a shockwave through his system, unnerving him for a few seconds as he shook the stars away.
“If we live through this, I’m going to kill you.”
Luhan blinked, his eyes widening as he made out the silhouettes of some of his pack members. Kris still had a good grip on Luhan’s shirt and his eyes were flickering red as he towered over him.
“Why the hell did you take off on your own?” Tao whispered harshly. Concern was evident all over his face, even in the low light of a crescent moon.
Luhan shoved Kris’ hand away. Guilt bubbled up in his stomach, growing worse when he saw that Minseok was among the tiny rescue party. “You shouldn’t have come for me. The more of us there are, the more easily we could be caught.”
“Well, we’re not going to be caught because we’re getting out of here,” Kris argued.
“No.” Luhan glared up at the alpha. “They have (y/n) locked up and they’re going to kill her. I have to get her out.”
Tao looked back and forth between Kris and Luhan, his uncertainty of who to follow apparent. Minseok, however, had no trouble on deciding.
“I’ll help you get her out.”
Kris’ looked down at the eldest wolf in shock. “You realize she’s the one who shot you, right?”
“Yes, I do,” Minseok nodded. “But at the end of the day, she’s Luhan’s mate. If getting her out means Luhan comes home, too, then I’m going to help.”
Kris tried to hold his ground. They all knew if he really wanted to, he could order them all back home. The only one who wouldn’t be able to obey would be Luhan. Only the mate pull was stronger than a true alpha’s orders. But Kris had always refused to be the person who forced his authority.
He sighed heavily, looking up at the twinkling stars before bringing his face back down. “Fine. We’ll get the hunter out.”
Luhan smiled, but the flickering, hope-filled joy only lasted a second as an ear-splitting scream cut through the air.
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ohblackdiamond · 4 years
little t&a (paul/gene, nc-17) (part 6 of 29)
part 1   part 2   part 3   part 4   part 5   part 6   part 7   part 8   part 9   part 10   part 11   part 12   part 13   part 14   part 15   part 16   part 17   part 18   part 19   part 20   part 21  part 22   part 23   part 24    part 25   part 26   part 27   part 28   part 29   
Four weeks before KISS gets back on tour, Gene discovers that Paul’s been cursed by a groupie. For the sake of KISS’ finances, Paul’s comfort levels, and Gene’s libido, this crisis must be resolved. Sexswap fic. In this chapter: Gene and Paul go to the legendary punk dump CBGB in search of the groupie.
Paul and Gene didn’t talk much for a long time after Peter left. Just sat in the living room half-watching T.V. Gene ordered a pizza about three or four hours later. Paul ate a single piece, drank two Tabs, then tried to head back to his room like a forlorn kid.
           “Hey,” Gene said, taking his arm as he got up to leave.
           “Gene, he didn’t know me. I’ve known him for five years and he didn’t have a clue.”
           “You couldn’t have expected him to.” Gene swallowed. “He was trying to stick up for you.”
           “I didn’t think he cared that much.”
           “Are you serious?”
           “Yeah, I’m serious.”
           “Paul…” Gene stared, shaking his head. “Paul, you two used to talk every damn night. It was obnoxious. You were like teenage girls.”
           Paul snorted.
           “Yeah, and I was the frontman of KISS, too, but look how that turned out.”
           “You’re still the frontman,” Gene rattled out, irritably. “What’s with you? Did you really think Peter didn’t give a shit about you?”
           “Right now, I wish he didn’t. He’s gonna be looking for me all over town.” Paul took a deep breath. “I blew it. I dunno why I even tried to tell him.”
“If we can get this reversed quickly enough, it won’t matter.”
“It will. Peter’ll be all hacked off and telling me about how my girlfriend was cheating, then I’ll have to figure out some lie—blow him off—”
“Don’t worry about that right now.”
“I’m tired of blowing Peter off. I can’t keep this up. If I run into anybody else I know while I’m like this, I’m gonna screw up.”
“I won’t do it on purpose. But I’ll do it. And maybe nobody’ll figure out who I am, but they’ll know something’s wrong. And—”
“We’ll get you fixed before that’s an issue. I’ll—shit, I don’t know. I’ll make up an excuse for Peter.” What he could possibly tell him, well, Gene had no idea. With any luck in the world, Peter would get a few lines in him and forget all about this afternoon. With any luck. Right. “We might as well get ready for the club. You still want to go, right?”
           Despite himself, Gene didn’t think Paul looked like he was in the shape to go. He had that steeled-up look about him that Gene had seen before, after phone conversations with newly-minted exes and conniving execs and, sometimes, after talking to his parents. He’d keep going, after, but it’d be bitterly. And bitterly was not how he wanted Paul approaching the nightclub. Especially not in the form he was in right now.
           “I’ve been like this for six days. I don’t want it to be seven.”
“Paul, are you—”
“I’m sure. I’m positive. Aren’t you?” Paul’s mouth twitched, as though he were about to say something else, then his lips pursed and he turned on his heel. He didn’t slam the door into his bedroom, but Gene could hear the sound of him locking it. It stung.
Gene changed clothes in the guest bedroom. He hadn’t tried too hard at the punk bit himself, and he knew he wasn’t convincing in just a leather jacket and a black tee, and a pair of plaid pants. Nearly half his purchases. Hopefully, the rest wouldn’t see the light of day. Paul’s guest bedroom was furnished with a weird scattering of Paul’s stuff—on the nightstand were a few notepads filled with his standard dick drawings and caricatures, and the mirrored dresser was loaded with tour knickknacks. Gene picked up a small rag doll some fan had made of Paul in full Starchild regalia, finding tubes of mascara and eyeliner underneath where the doll had lain.
           Punk had started from glam, right? Might as well put on the eyeliner, at least. Paul could keep the mascara. Once Gene was satisfied, he stepped out and headed back to the living room, turning on the T.V. again while he waited. Fifteen minutes. Twenty minutes, and then Paul finally came out of the bedroom.
           He’d teased his curls mercilessly, to the point they probably added back some of the height he’d lost, and the stiff smell of Aquanet emanated off of him. Red lipstick, eyeliner, faint patters of blush, just enough to make his high cheekbones stand out. The jean shorts and fishnets showed off his long legs to much greater effect than the dresses from earlier. He was finally wearing a bra, the shirt was tight against his chest, the fabric straining. Shit. Shit. If Paul didn’t still have a bit of that tense look from earlier, Gene would’ve complimented him. Would’ve teased him. Might have even been tempted to say he was beautiful. Instead, he just stared.
           “Are you ready?” Paul asked tersely.
           Once they got in the car, Paul turned on the radio, which surprised Gene. He hoped nothing of theirs would come on. Manfred Mann started up as Paul turned up the volume—that guy was like a groundhog, poking back in with another hit nearly ten years after his last—and Paul was tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. He’d painted his nails, too, Gene noticed, the black lacquer reminding him suddenly of vinyl. Paul was half-humming, half-singing along under his breath, getting half the rhymes wrong. There’d always been a certain unevenness to his voice that hadn’t helped him, especially as the songs he wrote relied more and more heavily on screamingly high notes. But right now, Gene could tell Paul could hit those notes easily, if he’d let himself.
           He wanted to tell him, stupidly, that he could still sing. He could still play guitar. But Gene stopped himself. Telling him that would be crappy. It would be like telling Paul to give up, that it wasn’t worth it to try to find the girl at all. And it would be selfish, too—selfish to Paul, to Peter, to Ace—everybody connected to KISS, even himself. And for what, so he could indulge himself like a teenage boy on a handful of glimpses? Stare at his best friend’s tits? Have a pretty little thing in bed he wasn’t even sleeping with, when he had hundreds of girls willing to give it up for him every night? It was a lousy trade-off. Anyway, he’d never have to consider it again after tonight. Paul would get the curse reversed and it would be done with.
           Gene looked over, and realized Paul had gone quiet again, after the Chopsticks solo. Half the song was still left.
           “Hey, keep going.”
           “What for?”
           “I like hearing you.”
           “C’mon, Gene, you’ve been hearing me for years, you can’t really—it doesn’t even sound right, like this—”
           “You sound just fine.”
           “I’d be better singing along to Olivia Newton-John at this point,” Paul mumbled, turning down the volume. “‘Maybe I hang around here a little more than I should…’ God, could you get any cheesier?”
           “Face of an angel, heart of a degenerate.”
           “Me or her?”
           In response, Gene poked a finger against one of Paul’s fishnet-clad thighs. Paul surprised him by not shifting his leg immediately. Just took his right hand off the steering wheel, letting it rest on Gene’s for a few seconds. Then he reached over to change the radio station and the moment dissolved.
           It wasn’t long before Paul pulled into a dingy lot not far from CBGB. A drizzle was starting up, the rain droplets like fat stars against the windshield. Paul didn’t bother to turn on the wipers.
           “You might wanna park the car somewhere else,” Gene said finally.
           The car’s interior was dim, but he could still catch Paul’s fragile grin.
           “Is a Spanish Harlem schoolteacher telling me I’m in a bad part of town?”
           “I don’t think punks like fancy cars.”
           Paul laughed just a little, tossing Gene his own Aviator sunglasses before turning off the engine and getting out. Gene put them on, grabbing Paul by the arm almost as soon as he’d locked up the car. Paul threw him a questioning look, but didn’t argue.
          They lined up around the block by the entrance, something Gene wasn’t used to doing. The rain was getting worse, Paul’s frothy curls giving way to pure frizz with every minute they stood out there. Gene’s wasn’t looking any better. The streetlamps and passing cars and buildings were all that lit up the line, but they didn’t seem to have been as far off-base with their outfits as Gene had figured. That, or latecomers like them were wannabes.
          “I thought you said this place wasn’t as crowded as Studio 54.”
          “It’s not. But I never had to wait outside to get in before. I just told Hilly and the bouncer I was—” Paul stopped short. The guy behind them was listening with interest. Paul leaned in against Gene’s arm abruptly. “Well, it doesn’t matter.”
          “Wait, she got into Studio 54?” The guy snorted. “Who’d you have to flash your tits to, huh?”
          Paul flinched but didn’t say anything.
          “I think you owe my girlfriend an apology,” Gene snapped. He didn’t even think about it; the words splattered out like all the lousy come-ons he’d ever bothered with, forthright and obvious as ever. Beside him, Paul let out a nervous breath.
          “Gene, c’mon, it’s fine.”
          “It isn’t fine.”
          “You’re not getting into a fight over this—”
          The guy just rolled his eyes and started to laugh. He was around Gene’s height, but not build. More wiry. Probably drunk.
          “You’re right, I’m not,” Gene said, and took off Paul’s sunglasses. The guy was still chuckling for a few seconds, before his eyes widened in hesitant recognition.
          “H…hey, you can’t be… you can’t be that Gene…”
          As a tight, frozen smile spread its way across Paul’s face, he sunk his elbow square into Gene’s ribcage, just as Gene had been about to demonstrate his tongue. The sharp ache radiated through his side, and he barely managed to keep from doubling over, his slightly-strangled hiss of “what the hell was that for” probably going unheard by Paul. The damage had already been done, anyway. The guy backed off—practically shrunk off, honestly, forfeiting his place in line, but not before screaming—
          “It’s Gene Simmons! He’s here!”
          It was like Moses had parted the Red Sea, if the Red Sea were comprised of scrubby-looking punks and hangers-on. Every eye was on them. Gene put the sunglasses on, more for the sake of disappointing anyone with a camera than really trying to slip back into hiding. No point now. The crowd shifted, crowded toward them, everyone forgetting their places in line as they craned and crammed in for a better view, tried to run up to him, the words scattering like glitter.
          “Is it really you?”
          “It’s him, it has to be Gene! Gene, Gene, oh my God, I love you! I love you!”
          “Can I have your autograph? I have a pen! I have a napkin, please, I—”
          The turmoil lasted five minutes or more, easily. People kept trying to push past Paul, who eventually ended up leaning against Gene, with Gene wrapping an arm around his waist, just to keep from getting trampled. The heel of one of Paul’s boots was on top of his own—digging in unnecessarily hard, Gene thought—for the duration of impromptu autographs and stammered-out praise, occasional begs for a kiss. For once, Gene didn’t go for it. Maybe it was just hard to get in the mood to fool around with Paul grinding his heel into his toes. Maybe it just would’ve been lousy publicity, flirting while he already had a girl he’d brought with him. A couple lousy one-armed hugs were all any of the chicks got. He didn’t have time to really think on it for long, as the crowd started to disperse again, like reluctant scattershot, in the face of someone of higher status. At least, to the club patrons. Hilly Kristal, the owner himself, had come out onto the sidewalk to meet them, with an umbrella and two bouncers in tow.
          “I haven’t heard this much noise out here since Paul Simon checked us out.” He stuck out his hand. Gene shook it. Hilly paused for a second, tilting his head, then offered his hand to Paul, too, who took it without a word. “Sorry I didn’t catch you sooner. C’mon back.”
          They followed Hilly and the bodyguards to the front entrance of the club. Paul was still simmering.
           “You asshole! That was so embarrassing!”
           “We skipped the line, didn’t we?”
           “I didn’t care about the line! They’ll be all over you now! How could you do that?”
           “He hurt you. You’ve had enough of that today.” Gene swallowed, realizing suddenly that despite Paul’s complaining, Paul hadn’t dropped his arm from his waist yet. It was a little unwieldy, but Gene appreciated the brief brushes of Paul’s chest against his side as they walked. He wouldn’t be getting that if Paul was just holding his hand. “And your hair was getting destroyed.”
           Paul’s free hand went to his scalp on irritated automatic. Hilly’s umbrella had come too late for him to resemble anything more punk than a waterlogged poodle.
           “You don’t look like a Prell commercial yourself,” he retorted. Gene just laughed. One of the bouncers held the door open, and they walked in, instantly encased in the deafening sound of electric guitars and raspy, screaming vocals. Whoever CBGB had headlining tonight had clearly dragged in more than enough amps. The clubgoers, whose attention had probably turned to the front entrance as soon as Hilly and the bodyguards had first walked out, were staring and talking to each other against the din, not approaching them yet. They would soon. Gene was sure of that. Paul must have sensed it, too, from the way his grip on Gene’s waist tightened. “C’mon, Gene, you only let yourself get recognized ’cause you wanted to get laid, right?”
           Gene didn’t answer. He didn’t know why he didn’t answer, any more than he knew why Paul kept pulling him in closer while yanking him away verbally. Maybe that wasn’t exclusive to Paul, either. Maybe.
           “I don’t think anyone else is going to bother you now,” he sidestepped instead. “Let’s find that groupie.”
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