#I think it's the same hahahaha
mugentakeda · 6 months
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lorena12me · 9 months
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Tim was born to be the big spoon, no matter what anyone says.
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choco-mooooose · 5 months
Spy x Family Chapter 92 manga analysis/speculation- SPOILERS!!
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Ok after reading this chapter, do I think the Authens have something more to them? Yes. Do I think they have bad intentions? Absolutely not!!!
Every single person in the family in spy family has their own hidden identity, even the dog and uncles. It would make sense if even the grandparents (the grandfather, at least) have their own hidden side. Except, in this case, it’s a case of forgotten identity, rather than hidden identity. The fact that a point was made to bring up that he worked in neurology and he was away from home for a while seems pretty specific of a detail to include. I don’t think Sigmund was one of the researchers who experimented on Anya, though. If anything, he may have been a branch head of some sort and greenlighted the project, without knowing/being told the extent of the experiment’s goals.
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If he does find out she was one of the victims of this project, it could lead to a really profound scene with the absentminded, somewhat silly man earnestly apologizing to her for the trauma she’s endured.
I don’t think Twilight needs to be suspicious of them, but I do think there’s more to them than what’s on the surface. Besides, it feels pretty intentional that the Anya backstory special artwork and short chapter was released pretty recently.
And with them being the “Authens” (authentic), it’s an interesting parallel between the Forgers and their secrets (and repressed love!) vs the Authens, who may also have secrets, but also have very real love between them. They are what the Forgers could and can be.
Anyways… those are my thoughts on the chapter. I really loved it!!! It’s nice seeing an abundance of Anya after not seeing her during the mole arc at all. Makes me remember why I love her so much!!!! I seriously hope it’s not a fake out and she actually does really well on the test. I loved seeing Sigmund’s method work for her and seeing her be really dedicated to not failing, lol. The beard was great, we love you Anya.
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loveandthings11 · 2 months
He is so funny and real and sweet and still true to himself 🩷
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qhostnq · 1 year
"You Were Already Dead When I Shot You Through Your Heart" 🎃 x 💘
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meowmeowmessi · 1 year
pep really tried his hardest to make messi's life both on and off the pitch as easy as possible at barça so he could just play football happily with no worries or stress..
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lindonwald · 1 year
hi i just saw ur req thingie AND YOU DON'T GOTTA DRAW ANYTHING BC I LOVE YOUR ART ANYWAYS but . . switzerland .. he is so beautiful (<-great. grabdma was swiss)
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hopp schwiiz!
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13eyond13 · 2 months
one of the lesser talked about fun things about intentionally reading more books is finding new stuff to be a bit of a hater about tbh
#and i know sometimes im probably just not properly picking up whatever the writer is putting down but whatever it's still fun#to actually know what you think about stuff like the highly regarded classics and extremely popular hyped up things#here are a few writers im a bit of a hater about w my opinions now btw#neil gaiman: does not do it for me at alllll#have read the graveyard book and american gods and hated almost every minute of both#in american gods i just found the aesthetic ideas and characters completely unappealing and in the graveyard book#i thought it was dreary and not well described enough... kept feeling like it was too bare bones in some way to picture things properly#i was like 'hmm i wish this was one of his graphic novels instead bc i'd like to be able to see what's going on here a bit better...'#also his humour just never lands for me and i do not often get his references either#ray bradbury annoys me in a similar way to neil gaiman but also somewhat oppositely like where#the way they write characters and plots and ideas and the stuff they care about gets on my nerves in an almost identical way#that i don't know how to define except to say i had a bit of a 'same energy' experience reading Something Wicked This Way Comes#and some of neil gaiman's stuff#but unlike neil gaiman i think that ray bradbury attempts to describe things unusually so much and TOO much#to the point that it takes me out of the story in a different yet similar way#to how the lack of description in neil gaiman's stuff does#what else have i become a bit of a hater about or did not get the appeal of lately? hmmm#oh hp lovecraft hahahaha#least scary stories ever god everything he's scared of is so dumb#like even aside from his extremely racist takes and fear of the 'exotic other' his fears about being cosmically insignificant are just like#yeah and? whats so scary about that hahaha i literally just dont get it#also the amount he writes dialogue in heavy accents annoys the shit out of me#p
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earthlightsong · 2 years
as a tragedy enjoyer and a series 4-ending enjoyer, i'm not interested in watching ten get a second chance. no one gets a second chance! you live and you die. you can't choose when it happens. the doctor died scared and alone and it was inevitable and he didn't want it but it came anyway. it was horrible but inescapable. not every story has to end happily or even contentedly.
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mintjeru · 5 months
in honor of us being blessed w/ more gaming leaks today: i've been contemplating his favorite dim sum dish for a while and finally decided on one >:D
cw for mentions of game leaks and food under the cut!
there are so many dim sum dishes to choose from so i basically had to hone in on one by ruling out categories
also i'm assigning him a fav dim sum dessert bc i feel like desserts deserve their own category ><
first of all, i intentionally did not consider larger dishes, such as salted fish fried rice, crispy soy sauce fried noodles, etc., bc technically you can get those at any chinese restaurant, not just a dim sum one
second, i'm excluding expensive dishes you'd typically only see at banquets, such as crab, lobster, etc., bc i'm trying to hc a dish he'd be able to order often when he goes out in a party of 4
third, since canto food is generally light and mild, i think he'd prefer this type of cuisine over food w/ strong spices or flavors. that isn't to say he can't handle or doesn't enjoy stronger tasting food, but i think milder dishes are what he'd go for if he wanted comfort food
now. since he has to stay in shape for his guard duty and performances, i don't think he'd like having fried food often. i think he'd prefer smth lighter so he wouldn't feel sluggish. this would exclude fried calamari, xo sauce stir fried cheung fun, fried pumpkin w/ salted egg yolk, etc.
i'm gonna rule out vegetable dishes too (sorry vegetables!!) bc even though they're good, they're typically not the highlight of dim sum
moving on to other dishes, i'm ruling out har gow and siu mai (don't come at me for this) bc of the fact that they're standard dim sum dishes. yes, they're yummy and are telling of the quality of the dim sum restaurant, but i don't think he'd say they're his Favorite dish out of all the options. i have nothing against har gow and siu mai ok, it's just that i don't think he'd pick one of those as his top favorite bc it's standard to order them every time you get dim sum anyway.
even after ruling all these dishes out, there are still a lot left at this point. so, to make my life easier and bc i felt like it, i decided to hc that gaming likes sweet food. you may ask why and my answer is 1. bc i can, 2. bc it would be gap moe of him to have an energetic, fiery personality while preferring gentle sweets, and 3. bc i can. again bc it's canto cuisine, it's mild sweetness he's looking for.
after deciding on this, the two dishes that came to mind were char siu bao and phoenix claws. it's really funny that i thought of char siu bao bc judging by the look of gaming's recently leaked specialty dish, it's steamed char siu bao.
additional hc: i think he really likes char siu bao, and if he had to pick he'd go for the steamed kind rather than the baked kind bc it's soft and fluffy. interestingly enough, i decided on this prior to the leaks about his specialty dish, the description of which says it's steamed. mhy and i are on the same wavelength fr.
that being said. i'm gonna rule out char siu bao specifically because it's food you can eat on the go. because the story blurb in gaming's drip marketing says he spends his leisure time at the dim sum restaurant, i think he'd want to order smth he doesn't usually get to eat and smth he can take his time enjoying.
in conclusion, i think his favorite dim sum dish would be phoenix claws, which fits those two criteria. it's sweet, a dish that you can only get at dim sum restaurants, and he can take his time savoring it.
as for his favorite dim sum dessert, i had an easier time deciding bc i decided on the steamed char siu bao preference hc beforehand. i'm gonna go with the steamed custard buns bc they have a gentle sweetness and are also soft and fluffy. do you see my vision here? it's all coming together.
thank you for coming to my ted talk, i love him a lot as you can see
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rafent · 4 months
To say Griss was bad at gift-giving would be an understatement (unless, of course, the gift involved pain. For him. And then he was half decent at it on a good day). He'd never put any value on doing things like that for other people, and the thought of giving up something that belonged to him - or going out of his way to get something - out of the goodness of his heart made his skin crawl. That wasn't to say that he didn't know how receiving a gift felt, but everything had a string attached, so he'd grown up snatching things so fast the strings snapped. Gratitude was foreign to him, too.
But Lord Rafal was no ordinary person, and Griss had decided the moment he opened the little bag the dragon had given to him months ago that he'd pay him back somehow. He'd learned the date of his birth only recently, surprised as he often was whenever Zephia spoke of age by the fact that he even had one, which left him little time to prepare. Not that Griss ever prepared for anything, but he knew Lord Rafal would be able to tell if he half-assed it, and he took some degree of care to not insult a fell dragon.
The blade of the carving knife slid across the callouses of his left palm, not quite kissing softer skin, still indecisive about whether to cut. Griss straddled a bench in the long-emptied dining hall under the flicker of candlelight, bent over and studying the lines in his hand. Beside him, the table boasted numerous cuts fanned out in some erratic pattern where he'd spent the majority of his jittery energy stabbing the knife between his fingers. He wasn't nervous. He didn't know he was, anyway.
The creaking door echoed through the hall and his head snapped up, grinning mask falling right into place. His guest had arrived, and he stood to meet him with knife still in hand.
"You made it." A hint of doubt, just barely. The dragon probably had better things to do. Griss offered his hand, the edge of the knife pressed into skin.
"So you got options today. First one's blood." And this was the one Griss was clearly most excited for. Brows raised when he bumped his hand a little closer. "We'd give our blood to Lord Sombron on-- well, every day, but especially on holidays. And I'm pretty sure your birthday would've been a holiday if you'd lived in my world. Couldn't get ya any royal blood without getting kicked outta the monastery, but it's not gonna hurt my feelings if my blood's not good enough. 'cause I also got this--" He turned halfway toward the table and the knife became a glint of light as he swung it to underscore the spread he'd procured.
"I didn't know which one you liked best, so I got the chef to cook up all the desserts on the menu. Took a lotta persuasion, but I knew she had sense. Hehehe." Everything from cakes, to pies, to cookies and macarons, to chocolate-covered fruit decorated the table, not laid out in any particularly pleasing way, but they all certainly looked fresh regardless. The knife point stopped at a corked bottle sitting at the end, and Griss led Lord Rafal over to it with more enthusiasm than his presentation of the desserts.
"Or this." He set the knife down to lift the dark bottle with both hands, clearly proud of it. "Got this as a thank-you for a job a while ago. Fancy stuff. I've been savin' it, but it's all yours now. So--" He looked up expectantly. "What'd'you think? An offering worthy of a fell dragon? You can carve me up with that knife if it's not. I made sure it was nice 'n sharp."
[// lord above sorry for the length]
It was not often, or really at all, that others summoned him to a location mysteriously preordained, unmarked by specifics and clear reasons. For such a lure to find its source in Griss of all people, Rafal's ignorance of the sights entered into was ergo wholly sincere. A room wadded full with the smell of mouthwatering sweets, lit by candlelight and replete with preparations in its illuminated shadows. He pretended especially that these implications did not thrill him. That disappoint the other man certainly did not.
". . .Punishments and blood holidays will be rejected." Immediate rejection, naturally, once recovered from wide, traveling eyes with nose wrinkled for further solidity of askance and brutal honesty. Those ideas were more to Griss' favor and even to Father's. Tonight was his eve of celebration and his flourish of hand pointed out the largesse that spelled his preference. "—but these are more acceptable. These are worthy offerings, enough to earn a place among the altars of Gradlon's finest temples."
A lengthier process of thought collapsed next, unfurling on a look almost distracted. Mumbled, worked, and smoothed past its invisible kinks. "Food and libation, a follower, only the setting leaves something to be desired. A temple this place is not, but with enough imagination. . ."
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Words tapered off from a thought that would never finish; that would remain privy and consigned to the buried place it came from. Immersion was the true gift, wasn't it? To Rafal it surely was; one who had not been fashioned subject to ostentatious worship during his time. While Fell Dragons were showered with reverence only the true ones enjoyed lavish offerings - not failures with human forms alone that other children of god disdained. That truer humans took notice of, too.
Demeanor brightened, realizing the giddy makings of a destiny that could be worn for one night. He settled himself onto the bench in what could only be determined favorable reception, one leg crossed over the other. With that a lordly air; with that, not all masks worn with intent to deceive. Not all games of pretend condemned as harmful delusion. "Your provision of worship is most satisfactory to me, Griss. You may rejoice. I will accept it; all of it, and all of you."
But worship wasn't perfectly fulfilled in the absence of fawning eyes, mouths, and ovations. Without an audience readied to awe and vaunt at a dragon's every action. "Pour me a drink. I would be pleased further to celebrate me—" he gestured, commanded, and this time finished for that thought even if silently. Hopefully. Together, with the depletion of a sumptuous bottle to mark their time.
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briefmusicbouquet · 2 years
consider: dabihawks exes-to-lovers au where they dated briefly before either of them were established heroes/villains
a calm, average length, abonormally normal relationship that ended mutually with the two of them being like "i have to focus on my goals (being a hero/ruining endeavor)"
a few years pass by and then idk, some heroes are trying to arrest the league, hawks as part of the hero team, and he and dabi make eye contact and have the mutual realization;
oh fuck that's my ex
and then cause neither of them can process emotions and can't say shit to their coworkers about who exactly their ex is or how they ran itno them: they pull a bunch of hyper-specific-tailored-for-each-other pranks while the league/top 10 are wondering why they care this much about fucking with their ex and neither of them can explain it without sounding like they're still hung up over their ex because they can't say outright, "he's one of the heroes we're already trying to destroy" or "he's one of the country's most notorious villains lol"
and it escalates from there
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 6 months
hit 40k overall in sunless ground which is....... WILDDDD!!!! that took me 3 months for seventh virtue and it's now taken me just under two!!!
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sakuratruther · 1 year
it’s so sad that sakura and sasuke relationship is so overlooked by the fandom. i’m not talking specifically about romantic relationship, before everything they were friends; sasuke thinks of both her & naruto when he thinks of bonds, but for some antis (that are mostly sns shippers, sorry to say) it’s canon that sasuke doesn’t give a shit about sakura when?? it’s not true?? and because of association problems of The Brain i can’t stand sns anymore. i think both sns and ss incapsulate naruto’s themes. and even though i love sasusaku so much i think that they all should be together, in a weird toxic polyclue because they are each other’s family. and y’all leaving sakura out of it makes me wonder if you even read the thing throughly
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ya-what--ya-erster · 2 months
it makes me happy when boys paint their nails
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artificial-condition · 4 months
My best friend in high school had the most beautiful eyes. They were an understated blue; not a blue that you immediately notice, a dark blue that faded into the black limbal ring around the iris. If you’re not paying much attention, you’d assume they were a dark brown. The only blue eyes I’d experienced before meeting her were the kind that looked like glass or the kind that looked like creek water, with reflections of green and brown (my own eyes). Hers were the color of the sky at the last moment before dark, a blue so deep you had to look hard to make sure it wasn’t black.
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